New Teacher Induction No Teacher Left BehindSandra Duncan Cabell County Board of education

New Teacher Induction No Teacher Left Behind … Sandra Duncan Cabell County Board of education

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New Teacher Induction

New Teacher Induction

No Teacher Left Behind

Sandra DuncanCabell County Board of education1Cabell County Schools New Teacher Induction Program No TEACHER left behind.A third of beginning teachers quit within their first three years on the job. We dont stand for this kind of dropout rate among students, and we can no longer afford it in our teaching ranks. But what does it take to adequately support novice teachers? What lifelines can we offer so they will remain in the profession and develop into highly effective classroom educators?

(Stansbury/Zimmerman http://www.wested.org/online_pubs/tchrbrief.pdf)

New Teacher Induction Programs are proliferating , not just nationally, but internationally. Why, you may ask? You will find the answer in this quote .

2The way it has been

3The culture that has developed in schools seems to be based on a Blame Game mentality, which has developed out of the frustration of educators who see the problems, but feel powerless to implement solutions.

There is no accountability!The standards keep changing.Inclusion? Isnt that dumbing down the curriculum??Its the Parents fault!County (state, feds) cant get it together.Its the Middle Schools (Elementarys) faultThey cant read.The test must have been flawed.If they only knew their math facts.I taught it. If they dont get it, its their problem!FINGER POINTING

4While there is some basis in fact for each of these statements, educators must realize that we must not use them as excuses, but rather find ways to effectively work around them. This is daunting to an experienced teacher, so it can seem overwhelming to a new teacher.Educations ConcernsPermanent certificates to mediocre teachers.Test scores flat.Teachers working solo behind closed doors. Very little sharing and collaboration.Teacher rather than student focusresistance to changeNEW TEACHERS JUMPING SHIPEvery teacher that leaves a district after one year costs the district approx. $50,000

5As you read these items, , take particular note of the last italicized statementthis is a statistic cited in Harry Wongs book, New Teacher Induction Programs. This statistic is based on direct costs in salaries, staff development costs, and recruitment. The indirect costs in extra work for existing employees, reduced teacher effectiveness, and lost student productivity are incalculable.

The stage set for change

Innovation ZonePart of IZ grant dedicated to New Teacher Induction

6Fortunately for us in Cabell County, we have new teacher induction included in our Innovation Zone. New Teacher Induction ProgramProposal identified reasons new teachers were ineffective, or left the county

New teachers feel overwhelmed by the expectations and scope of the job

New teachers feel isolated and unsupported in their classrooms

New teachers are unclear about expectations

New teachers' own expectations don't match the actual job

7A nationwide study identified the main reasons that new teachers were leaving the professionMISSION OF INDUCTION PROGRAMTo provide access to support from Central Office personnel for help with unit planning, access to resources and classroom management strategies.

To provide ongoing Professional Development that builds upon itself, and provides a toolbox of strategies as support for beginning teachers.

To provide dedicated time for teachers to collaborate both within their own content area, as well as across the Disciplines.

To provide teachers access to School Administration for encouragement, accountability and validation.

8The mission of Cabell Countys New teacher Induction Program is to support new teachers in such a way that the will feel supported by Central Office, Principals, and Colleagues.COMPONENTS OF CABELL COUNTYS TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM

There are three major components which define our countys New Teacher Induction Program9includes emphasis on: Unit/Lesson Planning, employing ICLE supported Quadrant D concepts, particularly Project Based Learning

Learning Focused Strategies as a planning framework for new inductees

Differentiated Instruction as a philosophy on which to base NCLB requirements, and to satisfy WVDE Policy 5310Teacher Responsibilities

Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum as a support for Literacy in each content area.

The Classroom Instruction Piece

The First Component is the Classroom Instruction Piece. This includes training in Unit and Lesson planning, using various Best Practice Strategies. There is also emphasis on Differentiated Instruction, which by now should be a part of the classroom culture in all schools. Special emphasis is placed on Vocabulary strategies as part of content area literacy.10emphasizes

Policy/Procedure (school, county, and state)

Pacing (an issue for which many new teachers have requested help)

Relationship Building

Student Engagement.

The Classroom Management Piece

11The second component in the TIP program is the Classroom Management piece. It almost goes without saying that Time, Material, and Resource management must be learned quickly by the new teacher, and that strategies for encouraging student engagement go a long way toward avoiding discipline problems. IncludesThree two-day pullout sessions for intensive instruction on Best Practice Strategies:

Learning Focused StrategiesCommon Core Teaching and LearningQuad D Lesson/Unit PlanningClassroom Management/Student EngagementDifferentiated InstructionAcademic Vocabulary Project Based Learning

These sessions are placed at intervals throughout the school year, giving teachers time to use the strategies in their classes.The Professional Development Piece

12The third component of the TIP program is the Professional Development piece. This is where new teachers get a steady diet of instruction in Best Practice strategies. Listed are some of the strategies in which our new teachers have been trained.After training on a particular strategy, new teachers have a designated period of time to incorporate the strategy into their classroom instruction. TIP facilitators then go into new teachers classrooms for the purpose of: Feedback and Reflection on implementationCollaborationSupportAccountability

TIP teachers keep a portfolio of lessons & studentwork to share at an end-of-year reflection meeting. (Portfolio will serve as start towards Natl Boards, as well)Follow-up Reflection/Feedback

13There is an accountability factor built into the program in the form of follow-up reflection/feedback sessions that are done periodically to view the ways that new teachers incorporate the Best Practice Strategies into their lessons, or to give them assistance if they are have difficulty.AFTER OBSERVATIONS, DEBRIEFING SESSIONS WITH THE ADMINISTRATOR(S) ARE SCHEDULED

These are NOT report out meetings, but they ARE:

A general overview of use of Best Practices by the TIP teacher

Opportunities to relay info & clarify expectations

Opportunities to celebrate successes


14Input and support from Administration is crucial to the success of the TIP programWhat we have seenSense of collaboration and collegiality, a sort of self-perpetuating PLCFormer TIP teachers mentoring new hiresSense of efficacy: new teachers have support system, which eases feeling of inadequacy held by many beginning teachersHigh expectations with accountabilitySchool district becomes aware of best and brightest among new teachersSense of loyalty among new teachers

Upon successful completion of the Teacher Induction Program, new teachers are asked to complete an exit survey. In addition to the survey, our comments and observations have led us to see a greater sense of collaboration and and empowerment among our beginning teachers.15An Ongoing Process Research has proven time and again that it is the teacher who makes the difference in the classroom; just as it is the pilot who makes the difference on the airplane; just as it is the surgeon who makes the difference in the operating room. The better trained the pilot, the better the chances of arriving safely at your destination. The better trained the surgeon, the better the chances of successful patient recovery. Likewise, the better trained the teacher, the better the student achievement in the classroom .

"An induction process is the best way to send a message to your teachers that you value them and want them to succeed and stay, Harry Wong & Annette L. Breaux (2009)

Cabell County Schools New Teacher Induction Program is a three-year program, with intensive training the first year of a teachers service, further mentorship and support the second year, and in the year of tenure, refining of teaching skills to the point that 3rd year teachers can participate in the training and mentorship of new inductees.16OVERVIEW OF COUNTY-WIDE NEW TEACHER INDUCTION PROGRAM

The following slides detail how the Teacher Induction Program will look for our Elementary, Middle and High Schools.17





For further information on Cabell Countys New Teacher Induction Program contact:

Sandra Duncan, Program [email protected]

Gerry Sawrey, Asst. [email protected] Richardson, [email protected] you have any other questions about Cabell Countys New Teacher Induction Program, feel free to contact the Cabell County Board of Education22