SECOND EDITION. NEW YOR ERALD WHOLE NO- 22,415. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1898.-TWENTY FAGWS.-i™*™«"*> «* - *^* o 0 *** «*»«•> PRICE THREE CENTS. NOTICE. 3C fHB DXRJECTORT FOE ADVERTISERS WILL BE POUND TO-DAY ON PACK 11. HERALD BRANCH OFFICES. td@wrtlneinents and sals «f CORNER 5TH AV. AND 23D ST. OPEN (EXCEPT SATUBpA YS) UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK P. M.; SATUnV DAT& »:30 P M. HARLEM OFFICE-NO. WEST 1WTH • * . . TWO DOOBE EAST OF STH AT. OPEN (EX- CEPT SATURDAY SI UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK P. M.; SATURDAYS, ft^0 P. & DOWNTOWN OFFICE-NO. 3 PASK BOW. OPEN DAI AMD NIGHT. PHILADELPHIA. Public Ledger Office, comer Sixth and Chest- nut sts. and all Ledger branch offices In Philadelphia. rBEVOBIAL* _^_^^^^^ ~AlilE$lCAN^«>7he«'ii tew thousand dollars, would Ilk* to niet-t lady between 25 and 40, who has some •JSSSSjjj gggff. matrimony. W. L-. 215 Herald 23d St. A reined, pretty girl (18), plump figure, seeks ac- quaintance wealthy gentleman; matrimony. 0EAC1A. 407 Herald- " DA.VtKL MULLIGAN, or Cornelias larlau. dls- charged from Co. 11. Uth l*. «. Infantry*. March is. 1881. at Jefferson Barracks. Mo.; entitled to prop- erty: liberal reward for proof of death. Address (JKO A. SMYTH R. Counsellor st Law, 110 Ames jpston, Mass. i _ i IS Pi When a v., Brooklyn, desire* address of Mr. B , who occupied room opposite, at Elver Crest Sanitarium. 'n\XPiS3 r ~to so as state*. But If not, do not be disappointed. Happy New Year. T _L ,M -_ M>Y.—Wast me as always: 1 must see yon. Send address that I may write. P. II. HOLMES. -Watch this column. Three. Eighteen—554- H, INFORMATION wanted of Rliea Pyne. married Jobs Burke la North America 5o years; lived last 14S Bewerv st.. New York. TEffll x ^ K. - Powerful man wants party to take him to the Klondike and_work. on suitable chances. GTS zd a v.. Brooklyn. LYS.—Sincere wishes for a nappy New Year. So lonely without you. Always true. Health good. LrnWIO~LAN»SHl^T~wiiriearn of something Si his advantage by calling room 802, 03 Nassau of. LOXi ISLAND.-Waited from 12 until 2 o'clock. Write H. D. L-. Herald Downtown. •Brieii: all right. SCARLAN—Came from Birmingham. Eng- ; entitled to property; liberal reward for ith. Address GEO. A. SMYTHE. Coon- s', 110 Ames Building. Boston Ma>*s. round faced, brown eyed jjirt (10), seeks gentleman's acquaintance; object, matrl- SEf'U'SlO.V. \m Herald. ^__ SIXTH avenue elevated, from 28th to 68th St.. thence running until near West Central Park. Mon- dav, 3d. between 6:30 and 7 P. M. Will lady who noticed irentleman with gold classes write, giving details to avoid mistakes, to FOREIGNER. 435 Herald. " WORKMAN l2«) wishes to meet lady or widow with meast; riew, matrimony. NEEDY. 126 Herald jM St. ____ YOUNG man <26>. in bnsiness. desires to make acooatntajnce of a lady same age. with $2,000 to as- sist htm at a partner, with view to matrimony. Ad- dress E. J.. 124 Herald 23d St. Business Personals. PARIS, CAIRO, % ALGIERS, ROME, , • NAPLES, t VENICE, WlWg.Q3i __ •tri rkOTTNir"*? TBE CONTINENT rLUKHINl/Ei, Read the ATHENS, NEW NICE, YORK MONTE CARLO, HERALD MADRID, (European Edition). LISBON, PAU, CONSTANTINOPLE, TUNIS. igbest award for Artificial Teeth st World' ABSOLUTE DIVORCES F*|f"!wsrtra*ted Dr. HENRY P. DEANE. Dentist. 454 -Lexington at., corner 45th. Expression of mouth restored. Specialty. Artificial Teeth. Crown and Bridge Work. , - lk> days. HOGOATT h CA- RUTHERS, Attorneys, of DJI- kota. and 229 Broadway, In- vestigate our firm. ALL superfluous hair, moles permanently de- atroyed: electric treatment for rounding face. MED- UAL ELECTRICIAN. 34 West 33d. - A PMMC widow. financially distressed, wiahes small loan: security or handsomely furnished room. BELLA, 373 Herald. ""DETECT 1VE—CENTRAL AGENCY. 1.327 BROAD- WAY (HERALD SQUARE*. CONFIDENTIAL; REA- SOXABI.E RATES; ^_ FRECKLES, MOTH PATCHES, Liver Spots, all Skin Blemishes permanently re- rnoved. JOHN-H. WOODBURY. 127 West 42d St.. fie* York, inveojtor of Facial Soap. Send stamp for 1B0 page hook. TrOTfMO=Fi ITfflL! heavily silk line, Sli GfOLDSTEIi Str John. t Evening Dress Suits to measure, throughout snd cord edges. MOK- Importing Tailor, 12 Nassau, tor- GREAT Oriental scientific character life reader predicts business and domestic events accurately KAD1R ):>^'ilm:t»n n Hammond Co.'s Cerebrine, S ARDINE. OVAR-INE. TBSTINE, A c . are made nn- ir Dr. Hammond's supervision; take no other. They have relieved nerve and heart trouble, women's dis- ease* and men's debility, because they nourish the organs where drugs failed. Booklet on Isopathy free. 1IILHAU. 1&3 Broadway. i WANT TO terr A- STAMP COLLECTION AT A PRICE NOT EXCEEDING $50. Address, stating price, number of stamps and age of collection. COLLECTOR, - Box 218 New York Herald. I want a French woman as a companion to teach MS Vreach language. Answer In English and French, giving details. D. 0.. lsl Herald 23d St. LAWYER ROBERT P. NOAH. 330 Broadway — Twnpty years' civil and criminal practice;! divorces •Stained without publicity: advice free; legal corre- spondents everywhere; loans procured on. bond and - r o7tgage. Telephone. I.S36 Franklin. LOST mad West t04th it «Wi°5^r!If m 5? r w % *V*W*ttr, ielm'tarTe* \? e ? K^£?* of Exile;.suitable reward for return. **. J. Kenney. 130th St., Lenox and 7th avs. WT- Diamond Earring. I04th ami 42d st. 'V i t044h*st' Ub *" 11 '* w »'* GRIFFITH, tk *2SEEj2f^3'5'»l5 ,>n tt * B * T -. Ooid Pin. wltn turo^lse and 10 diamonds. Return to BREWSTER, £t-^ w ^li?_*b.!_fE0 reward. ___ in L a>^ r ^ m >* 1 i £"«• f^i^~hetween 20th and 37t¥. given R«ara to 11 West Stth; reward will be t33^SE*HSS' evening. Manhattan av. 119th. :SFSefS isr. w ****• «»***• «*" u - LOST—Rough_coated~Fox Terrier en fcesd: nsais Jaek, STOLEN—Chestnut and white St . black markings suitable reward. 90 Bill sv. Bernard Dog, Monday. December 27. 1807. 431 East <Tth_ st WETTACH. '-g M i l IS iu n' W^{ UUm * '•» '" ~ ~ _XfWBRAL reward return Greyl»onadT"«aswering SfJf^.Oalsy: strsyed away from home January 3. fiflw west 121st. LIBERAL reward for return of Broeeh. diamond and pearls, loat In d t y or on way to Lake wood. 28 r.ast tctn st. •25 reward and no miestions asked for Teturn to room 726. Cable Bnildtng, Houston st. and Broad- way, one aqiiare Sample Bag and one Alligator Bag. containing wearinjfapparel. Ac: taken from New Hav.-n waiting room at 0-10 P. M.. January 8. MARRIED. WAL.KER-JOHN8TON.-On Wednesday, December 22, 18OT, a t Trinity Methodist Church. Toronto, Ont. by the R«v. Pr, Onf- fln, Et.IZABKTH J o tlNHTON. Of TOrOOtO, tO ISAAC WALKER, of New York city. Marriage or death notices will be cabled, without extra charge, for publication also In the Paris edition of the HERALD, if advertisers so request, by writing on their notices, when handing them in, "Cable to the HERALD Euro- pean edition." DIED. Acton. Charles A„ Allen, Catherine C„ Barlow, George, Cohen, Julius, Crouch, Harriet A., Darke, George C, Davenport. May S., Devitt, John J., Dodge. Edward L., Dor. Arthur L-. Du Boia, Elizabeth, Duvall. Sarah J., Einstein, Ellas. Elseffer. William L., Emslle, Flovd L,. Feder, Rachel S.. Feely, Elizabeth, Finn. Dennis. Fraser. John A., Oans, David H.. Gill. James H.. * Godchaud, Samuel, Grimm. Henry, Martense. Adrian N.. Mason. Edwin R.. Mead, N. Emerson, Metzler, Katherine C, Miller. Margaret. Mullen, Bernard F., McKay. Maria, McKlnley. Lita M„ * McKInney. William L. Noonan. Dennis J., O'Donnell. John J.. Oliver. Rachel H.. Pott. Julia M„ Prentiss, Rebecca A., Pulitzer, Ludlle I., Rice. Cecilia, T'l'-hard Miriam B., Robert, Christopher R. Smith, Susan E-, Speyer, Elias, Todd, Jane E., Tourney, John, Van Holland. E., Hamilton. Henry W., Van Vleit. Arthur, Jr, Hanse. Susan Wesslau, Elisabeth, Hartshorne, Sara W., Wilber, Henry H„* Jones, James D., Katen. Garrett, Kaufman; Ignatz. Leo. Patrick. Livingston, C. M., Wlnant, Jacob, Winter, George C, Wood. James, Wdbds, James, Yerks, Lydla, LADIES—After l-olls and receptions hsve costumes refiaiabed. LORD'S Cleaning Establishments. HAS »th av.. near 39th »t and 15th St.. oi>po«ite Ht- faBy^s._EataMlshed 1WK>. . ""PAfE'^TSr-Se.od foFInventors Guide, free. ED- GAB TATE A CO.. Patent Solicitors. 245 Broadway. New York. __ __ _ _ _ _ _________ "pfioTOGRAFHY at your residence! portraiture or % appointment; artistic effects. Address NO O, iwrttersld. feED voune woman wishes «mall loan from isate party. SECCRITY. Herald 23d St. Stahdard Storage Warehouse, Broadway, cor. 83d st. rOstNlTUBE. AC., STORED. PACKED. SHIPPED, M BE_iOVRD. BOUGHT. TWELVE moat ariistic hair and beard trimmers is tae world. ALPISB. 37 West »3d. near Broad- WAWED-WAN of $700; sectirlty in return, ele- rant Parlor, with first ela#« Iward, in private resl- of refined lady. PROMPT. 7tXl Herald. LOST A\D KOIXD. "wbo hare lost their mtToFdogs shoup tely apply in person at the A. 8. P. C. A. for animals, foot of 102d «t and East River. JOHN P. HA1SE>. President- lit! getter, large, very boiaterwon, old collar, kol. Pleas* notify BRrXN. 70 West 82d at. ICOs'Rnnday evening.^ between 11 and 12. while on elevated from Wth st.. down town («tit Park place: Bridge and 5th av. "L" to 25th atj^lhwklyn. plain star set V, carat rent's Diamond Ring: s liberal reward to finder iciven. HANSEN. WsTM av.. Brooklyn. ~UV*T"-Two Elags. on Fall Elver boat Pilgrim, left Fall Ri»er Member SI; one marked A. J D. to N. B. M ." finder will be suitably rewarded. Leave at John McGILVRATE. 107 Summit St, Brooklyn. N Y. , . LOET-On January ». 1888. small white tuowrrel Ettch; short legs. I-JOK body, white with brown spots; aaswees to Fannie- liberal reward if returned to 5 neat 47tb st. Had ctdlar with name a»d address of -A Diamond Earring,, screw setting, on N>w fit tM>tweenG*rsrd House. New York city. Market st. depot,?f renn. R. Ej^Newark, s nl = the «.,.•. • A; suitable reward rk. FISK, room 30, 206 Brosd- ^T^LidTea* gold Wntcft with Chain and Pen- L «Ma«hed: going from Newark •»* £. *•. B. to t_ st Finder kindly dellv*r at No. tie John _and receive saltajdej^ewsj^l^ r:ann . , . _ _ _ _ . , «7 el rated r~ad,. between 8th lSeMr"aT from 12 to «:*>. W«<>k V<*\*X i: 'n^ »'.K p*__j_? ( "^^_ r ._, D , 4, t^ksit return pleaae to 3lJBn*<* w *lJr_fi. , i?! mo i > "- J ^B7i^n~P^ketbook. *^*^ a «, *££ J* "T. on Madls-.n av., Between 2»tb »«d J««Lf*»- _i HA st Finder will be rewarded by returning 5_9»j*_J_: » West 38d St. , , _ l.fill L. "I'I.L.I."3 "a_rt Sth sv. elevated rallrosd -ft.-! MondaV^rnlns 1 nlnllnun. and «MMPoh. in attached: snitaWe reward will be offerea. 0. R H.. S17 Broadwaj^___— ^ night us- \^^^i&\'iiitsjs^^jr^^7i^ mnTfridsv t^fjwward If returned to B. M.jCOl^n^J^SJil^- ~ Sslai TkeaTraTlisT"^^ lases In hag. Return to STRALSS. ztu St.. tar reward. * ACTON.—In Norwalk, Conn., Saturday, January 1, 1898. CHARLES A. Aeroa, in his 6Sth year. Funeral services at his late residence. West av., on Tuesday, January 4, at half- f »ast three P. M. Carriages will meet train eavlng Grand Central Depot at 2 F. M. ALLEN.—At Lakevllle, L. I., on January 2, CATHEBJNB C. ALLEN. Funeral from Zlon Church, Douiclaston, on January 5,. at half- past two P. M. BARLOW.—On Sunday, January 2, 1898. GEORGE BARLOW, In his 66th year. Funeral services at his late residence, 405 Clermont av., Brooklyn, N. Y., at half-past four P. M.» Tuesday. January 4. Interment private. COHEN.—On Sunday, January 2, at his residence, 1.625 Madison av., Jtxirs COHEX, in his 57th year. Relatives and friends and members of Chevera Holche Zadeck, Canaan Lodge. No. 29, I. O. B. B.; Arminla Lodge, No. 146, K. of P.; Ersta Ungarlsche Frauen Vereln ar« hereby notified. DISTRICT GRASP LODGE, N O . 1, LTOEFENDE.YT ORDER RKX.U BBRITH.—Officers and members of thia Grand Lodge are respectfully request- ed to attend funeral of our late Renri tive Brother JtrLrrs COHEX, VV'MneTuol. uary 5, half-past nine A. M., from his late residence, 1.625 Madison av. Adolph Hlrsh, President; S. Hamburger, Secretary. CROUCH.—On Monday evening, January 8, after a lingering Illness, HARRIET ANNE, second daughter of George and the late Har- riet Elisabeth Crouch. Funeral services at her late residence, 110 West 77th at., on Thurs- day afternoon at two o'clock. DARKE.—At Guttenburg. N. J., on Sunday. January 2, 1898, GEORGE C. DARKE, beloved son of William D. and Sarah Darke, in his 32d year. Funeral service will be. held at his late home, Hudson av., near 1st st., Gutten- burg, N. J., on Tuesday evening, January 4, at eight o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Wednesday, at ten o'clock A. M. DAVENPORT.-On January 2, 1898, MAY S.. wife of Albert B. Davenport, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Sellers. Funeral strictly private from her late resi- dence, 687 Decatur St.. Brooklyn, at eleven A. M.. January 4. Connecticut, Philadelphia and Massachusetts papers please copy. DEVITT.—At his late residence, 1,020 Gar- den st., Hoboken, N. J., January 3, 1898, JOHN J. DEVITT. Notice of funeral hereafter. DODGE.—Suddenly, January 3,1898, EDWARD L. DODGE, in the 89th year of his age. Funeral services will be held at his late residence. 577 Classon ay^fBrooklyn, on Wednesday even- ing at eif*ht o'clock. Springfield (Mass.) and SpringfieM (111.) papers please copy. DOR.—On January 1. 1898. ARTHIR L., only son of Helen L. and the late Fernanda Dor, aged 23 years. Relatives and friends are in- vited to attend the furneral services at his late residence, 330 McDonough St., Brooklyn, on Wednesday, January 5, at half-past two P. M. Du BOIS.—At Bayonne, N. J., January 3, ELIZABETH, wife of William B. Du Bois. Fu- neral at Saugertles, N. Y. DUVALL.—On Monday. January 3. 1898. SARAH J., wife of the late Captain Joseph Du- vall aged 78 years. Funeral services will be held at her late residence. 70 Clinton av., Brooklvn. on Wednesday, January 5, at two P. M. EINSTEIN.—On Sunday, January 2. after a short Illness, ELIAS EINSTEIN, in the 68th year of his age. Funeral on Tuesday. Jan* uary 4 at ten A. M.. from his late residence. 77 West 118th s t Relatives and friends and members of Congregation Ahawath Chesed. Standard Lodge, No. 30, L O. F. 8. of L: Montefiore Council. No. 985, A. L. of H.; Irving Council. No. 602, R. A., and Columbia. Lodge. K. of Un, respectfully invited to at- tend. Kindly omit flowers. IRVING COUNCIL, No. 602, R. A,—Members are requested t*> attend the funeral of our late brother, ELIAS EIXSTEIX, at his late residence, 77 West 118th st., this morning, ten o'clock. 8. J. Weiss, regent; A. Steinhardt, secretary. ELSEFFER.—Suddenly, on Sunday, Jan- uary 2, 1898, at his residence. WILLIAM L. ELSEFF-ER. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, to be held at the residence of his cousin. Mrs. Catherine A. Faure 238 West 11th gt., on Tuesday morning, January 4. at half-Dast nine o'clock. EMSLIE— At Liberty Falls, N. Y., Jan- uary 3, 1898, FLOYD L., only son of Cornelia S. and the late James Emslle. Jr., in his 21st year. Notice of funeral hereafter. FEDER.—At her residence, 205 Carroll st, Paterson, N. J., on Monday, January 3. 1888, RM*HEL SBGALL FBBKR. wife of Charles Feder. Notice of funeral hereafter. FEELY.—On Monday, January 3, ELIZA- BETH, beloved wife of Michael Feely. and daughter of the late George and Ann Collins. Funeral from her late residence, 999 2d av., on Wednesday, January 5, 1898, at two P. M. FINN.-On January 2, DKNKIR FINN, be- loved husband of Mary Carroll. Notice of funeral hereafter. FRASER.-On Saturday. January 1, 1888, JOHN A FRASER. aged 59 years. Relatives and friends" are invited to attend the funeral ser- vices at the Church of the Beloved Disciple, 89th it., near Madison ay„ on Tuesday. Janu- ary 4, 1898, at eleven o'clock A. M. Canadian papers pleaae copy. GANZL—At Frankfort-on-Main, Germany, Tanuary 3. after a prolonged tUneaa, DAVID H GAXS. beloved husband of Betty Gans, nee Budge, and) father of Robert Gans. GILL.—JAMES H. GILL. Funeral from his late residence, 310 West UTtl* fit, on Wednes- day January 5. 1898. GODCHAUD.—Suddenly. *t Baltimore, January 3. SAMI EL GODCHACD. Notice of fu- neral hereafter. , GRIMM.-8uddenly, on *>4teL Deeembar 31 1897. KExar GBIMM. Funeral servlcea Tues- day. January 4, 1888. at his late residence, Woodhaven, L. I., at one P. M. Interment at Lutheran Cemetery. a MAMn TON January 1. of pneumonia, H K A ? WTHAMILTOS. aged 28 son of Young Hamilton, Blackrock, county Dublin, Ireland. Dublin (Ireland) papers please copy. j HAN8E.-8CSAX, wife of John B. Hanse, Monday morning, January 3. 1898. Funeral January 4, at two o'clock, from her late resi- dence, 58 Old Locust st.. Flushing, L. J v IE- torment in Flushing Cemetery. HARTSHORNE.-On Saturday morning, January 1. 1898. SARA WRIGHT, wife of Frank M. Hartshorne, and daughter, of the nate Charles I. 'Hills, of Hartford, Conn. Funeral from the residence of her father-in-law, ». O. Hartshorne, 28 West 51st s t , on Tttesday. 4th Inst, at twelve, o'clock. Interaaeuw p Greenwood at convenience of family. JONES.—At Ocean us. L. I., on Monday. J a n u a r y 3, 1898, JAMES DANA JONES, in the 48th year of hla age. Funeral private. Interment at Englewood, N, J. KATEN.-tm, Saturday. January J, GAR- RETT KATES, in the 62d year of his age, Fu- neral from his late residence, Burf av. and 19th St., Coney Island, on Wednesday, Jan- uary 5. at two P. M. Relatives and friends, also members of Fortitude Lodge. No. Is, F. and A. M., are respectfully Invited to attend. Stamford (Conn.) papers please copy. KAUFMAN.—On January 2, In his 49th year. IGXATS. the beloved husband of Delia Kaufman. Funeral from 305 East 118th » t . Tuesday, January 4, ten A. M. Relatives, Friends, Isaiah Lodge. I. O. B. B.; Levy Lodge. I. O. F. S. of I.; Noah Lodge, Lady Rose Society and Lena Invalid Aid Society are invited. Macon (Ga.) papers kindly copy. Members of Lena Invalid Aid Society are kindly requested to attend the funeral of the husband of Delia Kaufman. 305 East 116th St., January 4, ten A. M. By-order of the Presi- dent, Mrs. J. Seelig. Corresponding Secre- tary. Miss L. Herat. SBMIXOLE CLI-B,—The members of the Semi nole Club are requested to attend the- fu- neral of our late; governor and member, Itf- XATZ KAtirMAx. on JTuesday. January 1, at ten A. M., from his late residence. N o . 305 East 116th st. Henry M. Goldfogle, Presi- dent James F. Delaney, Secretary. ) LEO.*-8uddenly, on January 1. PATRICK LEO. Funera* from his late residence, No. 98 Eckford st. Greenpoint. on Tuesday. 4th Inst., at one o'clock. Interment in Calvary. Relatives and friends and members of Stuyve- sant Council. A. L. of H., invited to attend. LIVINGSTON.^On Monday. January 3. CHANNLVG MOORE, only son of Martha and the late Charles M. Livingston. Funeral private. MARTENSE.-On January 3, 1898. ADRIAN N. MARTENSE. Funeral services will be held at the residence of his mother. Eliza A. Mar- tense. 859 Flatbush av.. Brooklyn, on Wednes- day, January 5, at half-past two P. M. MASON.—Sunday, January 2, Enwix RALPH, beloved son of Edwin C. and Harriet E. Mason, in his nineteenth year. Funeral services at his late residence, 157 Hevward St., Brooklyn, Tuesday evening, at half-past seven o'clock. Interment private. MEAD.—January 2, 1898, N. EMERSON MEAD. In his 7?d year. Service at the residence of his son, John P. Balderston. 1,620 Mount Ver- non sit., Philadelnhia. Tuesday, three P. M. Interment at Greenwood, Wednesday, half- past one P. M. | METZLER.—Suddenly. on January 2. KATHERINE CURTIS, wife of Michael Matthew Metzler. Funeral from 312 East 34th St., Jan- uary 5. at two P. M. MILLER.—MARGARET MILLER, in her 80th year. Funeral services-at her late residence, Waldwick. N. J., Tuesdav. at eierhd P. M. Interment Highland Mills Methodist Episco- pal Church. Wednesday, two P. M. MULLEN.—On Saturday. January 1. BER- NARD F.. beloved husband of Mary Mullen, in his 75th year. RelBfives and friends are in- vited to attend the funeral, from his late resi- dence. Ill East 117th at.,' at half-past nine A. M., Tuesdav. January 4: thence to St. Paul's Church. I17th St.. between Lexington and Park avs. Interment in Greenwood. Mf'KAY.—MARIA MVKAY. January 3. wife of the late John McKay. Funeral from late resi- dence, 46 av. D, Wednesday, at two P. M. McKINLEY.—Suddenly, of pneumonia, on Sunday, January 2, LITA M.. wife of B. F. Mc- Klnley. Funpral services at her late resi- dence, 70S L exln «T t On av., Tuesday evening, January 4, at eight o'clock. Interment pri- vate. McKINNEY.-On Monday. January 3, 1898. at his residence, 208 West 17th st., WILLIAM L. MCKIXXEY. Funeral service on Wednes- day. January 5, five o'clock P. M.. at the Church of the Holv Comforter, 343 West Houston st, near West at. NOONAN.r-On Sunday. January 2. DENNIS, J., son of the late Dennis and Mary Noonan. _J aged-18 years, 10 months. Funeral' Wednes-. 1 day, Januarv 5, from his late residence, 1331 Pacific St., Brooklyn, at two P. M. O'DONNELL.-On January 3, 1898. at his residence, 153 East 49th at. < JOHN J. O/Dox- NELL. Funeral private^ Kindly omit flowers. OLIVER.—At Yonkers. on Frldav after- noon. December 31. 1897, RACHEL HENDBRSOX. wife of John W. Oliver, in the 72d year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence. No. 192 Warburton av., Yonkers. on Tuesday afternoon, January 4, ar two o'clock. In- terment in Oakland Cemetery. POTT.—At Summit, N. J., January 1, 1898, JULIA M.. daughter of Julia M. and the late Thomas Pott. Funeral services at her late residence, Tuesday, on arrival of two o'clock P. M. train from Barclay and Christopher sts., N. Y. PRENTISS.—On Monday. REBECCA ALLEN, wife of N. D. Prent!ss. Funeral service at residence, 306 West 29th st., Wednesday, 5th Inst., at one P. M.- PULITZER—At Bar Harbor, Me.. Decem- ber 31. LUCILLE IRMA, daughter of Jospph and Kate Davis Pulitzer, aged 17 years. Funeral services at Bar Harbor? Interment at Wood- lawn. Tuesday, at eleven A. M. RICE.—At her residence, 305 Schermerhorn street, January 2, 1898. CECILIA, widow of James A. Rl^. Funeral services at St. Augustlne"B Church, 6th av. and Sterling place. Wednesday, January 5, at ten A. M. Kindly omit flowers. RICHARD.—On Monday. January 3, 1898, MIRIAM BLATH, beloved wife of Dr. M. R. Richard and daughter of Fanny and the late Henry Blath. Services at her late residence. No. 77 East 116th st., Thursday. January- 6, at half-past nine A. M. Funeral private. ROBERT—Suddenly, January 2. CHRIS- TOPHER RHIXELAXDER ROBERT. Funeral pri- vate. SMITH.—On Sunday, January-2. 1898, SUSAN E., wife of Robert F. Smith. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services at her late residence, 441 East 116th st. on Tuesday, January 4, at eight P. TVi. Interment private. Please omit flowers." SPEYER.—Suddenly, at his residence, 1,286 Lexington av., ELIAS, beloved husband of Elenora Speyer, In his 82d year. Funeral private. TODD.-At Sing Sing, N. Y.. January 2, 1898, JANE E. TODD, daughter of the late Stephen and Eliza A. Todd, in the 69th year of her age. Funeral services on Wednesday, January 5, at two o'clock, from her late residence, No. 1 Dale av.. Sing Sing. TOUMEY.—On Saturday, January 1, JOHN TOCMEY. beloved husband of E. A. Johnston. Funeral Tuesday. January 4, at one o'clock, from his late residence, 1,179 3d av. Friends and relatives are respectfully invited. VAN HOLLAND.—At Richmond Hill. L. I., on Sunday, January 2, 1*98, ELIZABETH, widow of Henry Van Holland, In her 74th year. Funeral services at her late residence. Jeffer- son av.. between Jamaica and Stewart ava., Richmond Hill. L, I., on Wednesday, January 5 1898. at half-past ten A. M. Train leaves 34th st, Long Island Railroad, dt 9:50. Car- riages in waiting on arrival of train at Rich- mond Hill. VAN VLEIT.—At ROckvllle Centre, L. I., on January 2,. ARTHUR VAN VLEIT. Jr., son of Jullaand the late Abraham Van Vleit, in his 19th year. Funeral on Wednesday. January 6, at eleven o'clock A. M. Interment at Bay- side Cemetery. Woodhaven, L. I. Frie.ids .of family are cordially invited to attend. De- troit papers please copy. WESSLAU.—Saturday, January 1, 1898, ten P. M., ELISABETH WESSLAU. widow of Julius WesslatL aged 63 years. Funeral services at the residence of her son. Albert E. Wesslau, 673 E a s t 141at s t , Monday evening, January 8. half-past elaht o'clock. Interment Tues- day, January 4, 1898, ten A M. WILBER.—On Sunday, January 2, at his residence, 78 East 123d, HBXBY H^ son of, Herman and the late Christine wilber, to his 42d year. Funeral servlcea Tuesday, January 4, at eight P. M. Interment at con- venience of family. UNANIMOUS CLUB.—Members are requested to attend the funeral servlcea of our lato brother member, HENBT H. WILBBS, ait 73 E a s t 123d st.. this (Tuesday) evening, at eight o'clock. Thomas Bowe, President; Edwin C. Lewis, Secretary. WOODS.—On Saturday. January 1, at hla residence, 155 President st. after a short Ill- ness, JAMBS WOODS. A solemn mass of re- quiem will be celebrated at S t Stephen's Church, Summit and Hicks sts., Tuesday, January 4, at ten A M.; thence to Calvary. Kindly omit flowers. YERKS.—At UnJonvllle. N. Y., on Mon- day morning, January 3, UK. LTDIA YERBS. aged 75 years. Funeral services on Wednes- day, the 5th inst.. at half-past one o'clock, at the residence of Olden J. Burd, and at two o'clock at kite Dutch Reformed Church. Carriages at station on arrival of train leav- ing Grand Central Station. Harlem division, a t U'.3S A. M., returning train 3:45 P. M. Cemeteries. „A,-THE KENSICO CEMETEEY.-Prlvste station. Harlem Railroad: 48 minutes' ride from Grand Cen- tral Denot. Office 16 East 42d at. ^SPECIAL NOTSCKST. " Importer and Maker of RICH FURS, WILL OFFER THE BALANCE OF HIS STOCK at 23 to 33%% Reduction. 24 EAST 23© ST., Telephone, 656-18th st Madison Sq. South. f 104 West 14th St. COWPERTHWAITS Special Bargains. Mu»ic Cabinets (MAHOGANY FINISH), $7. SO. RELIABLE CARPETS. Long Credit. R. SIMPSON & CO. Have Opened Thseir Branch Loan Office and Safety Vaults, 143 West 42d St., near Broadway. * Loans t o A n y Amount. Bargains in Fine Diamonds. ~~ '•*"• '* FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE. Corner Chairs (MAHOGANY FINISH. IN TAPESTRY), $S.OO. 45 West 23d Street. 3E DRY GOODS, AC. The Great w Clothing Sale SIMPLY OVERWHELMED. Y'esterday's terrific crowds were living, willing witnesses and purohssers. Come to-duy. All the great advertised values are here for you. Extra preparations have been madetto handle to^ day's business. Even- expectation will be realised—every promise fulfilled. THE GRIM FACTS are before you when we offer choice of elegant lines in Man's Nobby SUITS, ac- tuallf worth 812.00, tor.. .$ • • • $0.75 EXPECT TO GET, in this new era of values, $18.00 fme tassor-made OYEBCQA|fc and ULSTERS, pure fancy worsted Uned. down H > > H j £ S7.0V' GENUINE ENGLISH Clay worsted tailor-made Cuta- way Frock COATS and VESTS, from |15 down to S7.SO AND THE NEW impulse liaa demolished the prices of $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00 fine SUITS. OVER- COATS and ULSTERS down to $10.00 SHARING DJ THIS wonderfU decline of prices are choice 1*8.00. $2S.OO and* $30.00 OVERCOATS. SUITS and ULSTERS a t . | . . . $12.SO THE IMPULSE qf giving yoo the best bargains and broadest values «ver known has swept through our elegant Mnes of Oaks and Can's Melton and Kersey OVERCOATS, pure silk and worsted linings, finest tailor made and trimmed gUITS and ULSTERS that tell for $30, $35 and $40, all go at. $15:00 Bier man, HeSdelberg^Co Broadway and Chambers St., SteA-art Building. jpLDKIT^ pJJE jfyiS5Sa!nPOT5E- ' A MARKED-DOWN REVEL. When? Now—such a price- lowering as '98 will not see re- peated. Where? Right here. In What? The remnants of our holiday collection. Chairs that have caught and united the very spirit of past-day pictur- esqueness with prosent-day conn- fort; tables, desks, cabinets—all the delightful stahd-abouts that make a house a home. Why? Room, lots of it, must be made for incoming stock. *> Buy of the Maker," QEO. C. FLINT CO., 43, 4 £ A N D 4 7 WEST 23D ST., NEAR BROADWAY.'" FACTORY:-154 AND 15ft WEST 19TH STBEET. ys^VwwsA^vww^x DRY GOODS, *C. DRY GOODS, AC. Annual Sale of 1MI1. YTYr" vy nderwea Commencing Tuesday, January 4, Night Gowns, Drawers, Chemise and Skirts, 35c, SO, 7 5 , 9 8 c , $1.25, $1.95. Corset Covers and Drawers, 25c, 3 5 c , 6 0 c , 7 5 c , 9 8 c , $1.25. Nainsook Gowns, Lawn or Cambric Skirts,^ $1.50 to $6.75, Value $3.50 to $12.00. Nainsook Drawers & Chemise, 9<Sc, to $3.75, ~, Value $1.50 to $6.50. Outing Flannel Skirts, (with scalloped edge), 25 cts.' 4 Dressing Sacques, (in striped or figured lawn), go cts. der-down Robes, xlVlth satin ribbon—tied with silk girdle), «P4°2J§ O . 1- China Silk Negligee, (colors r^-Plnk. blue, white, lavender and black), Va*ue $16.50. Silk Skirts, (In black, changeable or striped taffeta, full size), Broadway & 20th St. j •:.*-.y.-J;~fe:^;C OF Another Sale of those elegant TRIMMED HATS AND POKES «t $5.00. These are fully as Handsome and stylish as those o/ our last sale. Also a f e w more o f o u r $2.SO Hats' for Misses and Ladies. WINANT.-At Jersey City, on January f, 1898. JACOB WISAJST, In his 78th year. Rela- tives and friends are invited to attend the fu- neral services, at seven o'clock, at his late residence. SB Mercer »t., Jersey City. Inter- ment at woodroe, 8. I. Kindly omit flowers. WINTER.—Suddenly, January %. 1*98. GKOBOH C. WIXTBS, aged 74 years. Funeral services Tuesday. January 4. nt half-past twelve, at his late residence, 587 Rant 84th St. WOOD.-At Mount Vernon, N. Y., January- S, 1898, JAMES Woon, aged 89 years. Funeral services st his late residence, 118 North fth av.. Mount Vernon, on Wednesday. Jan- uary 5, at ten A. M. Corset Covers and Drawers of Miislin or Cambric, 25 cents each. Gowns, Drawers and Corset Covers of Muslin Or Cambric, . . 8 5 cents each. Gowns, Drawers. Chemises and Corset Covers of Muslin or Cam- bric, in various designs, trimmed with Lace or Embroidery, 50 cents each. Gowns, Skirts, Underskirts, Drtiwers, Corset Covers and Chemises, of Muslin,Lawn, Cam- bric and Nainsook, trimmed with Valenciennes, Torchon and Point de Paris Lace or Embroidery,— new models,—fine workmanship, 76 cents ta$i.05» Shirt Waist of Batiste, Lawn, Dimity, Organdie and Percale, 50 cents each. Silk Skirts,—Plain Taffeta o r R o - man Stripe, with wide Corded Ruffle, $5.00 each. **» •;- afiAiES jMLfeEaW t CO., Twenty-third Street. Ml n Yearly Special Sale with Extraordinary Prices for FINE GOOD8. Goods of Merit—Goods of Merit only. I j ,. .No Inferior goods at any price. , , r White and Brown Cotton Sheeting and Muslins. Distributing more Cottons than any other house In the United States, we can and do buy, and can do sell, at lower prices. * HAVE YOU SEEM the grant department where these goods are sold? If so, you know that there is no other that be- fliw to equal it in size. HAVE YOU BOUGHT OF US? if so, you know that statements about quantities, anE about prices, are, to the letter, true. BVEBY YEAR we save a special sale, that sale is now in nrogreta. Choice of Fruit of Loom Rivals Lonsdale Limit 20 yards. Clerks will NOT say "All soW' at 10 A. M. » » » > * * * * * 4% >•••«•.*• 7* BEST SHEETINGS BLEACHED. UNBLEACHED. 2Vi yds .13% .14% 2%yds .13% .12% 2 yds .12% .11% i% y<*« .10% 9% i%yds 0% «% WMncb 8% i%yd« 7% .... 42 inch 6% ... PILLOW CASES—No dressing—torn snd Ironed. Plain. Hemstitched. 42x86 ...» 6 8% *5*36 -. 7 9% 50x36 :. 8 .10% M*M 9 .11% SHEETS—No dressing—torn and ironed. 54x00 .23 72x90 ,3Ji 68x90 ..... ;29 81x90.. 3Q .00x90 .39 Yard wide Bleached Muslins. 3% Bleached Wamsutta Muslin « 7>* "Reliable Mins," unbleached surpasses any quality we ever offered at thia price Clover Leaf Mills "wears like iron" Fine quality, heavy and durable. >••••• •-• 3% 4% 5Vi Ladies'. White Under/wear INFERIOR GOODS ARE DEAR AT ANY PRICE AND WILL NOT BE FOUND IN OUR SEMI-ANNUAL SALE. Against such inferior garments, manufactured for purposes of making low quotations, and against re- jected styles, poor shapes, badly cat or finished goods, called "JOB LOTS," we otter the following, all of which are new, properly made, of standard well known muslins, In approved designs. Clerks will not say "All sold" at 10 A. M. CHEMISES. Full widths No short lengths Square yoke of emb'y, witlr fine edging...~. .23 Square yoke four lnserjftons of emb'y— twenty tucks fine emb'd edge .29 Circular yoke ruffle and insertions of emb'y Open front—~three insertions of emb'y Circular and square—fine lace and ribbon trim m .49 White and Col'd Lawn-Val and Point De Paris lace yoke full trlm'd eklrt Fine cambric lace and emb'y trim..— .69 GOWNS. Full widths. .. No short lengths Empire deep collar and ruffle, of fine emb'y High neck wide insertings of emb'y and tucks V neck-^-Insertlngs of deep ruffle of showy emb'y on neck and sleeves Above styles In Cambric and Muslin. Csmbrlc snd Muslin—handsome styles trimmed with finest emb'y and novelty laces .69 .98 > New York—14th St., near 6th Av. PIANOFORTES. OKGAXs. dtC. Af XGREAT SACRIFICsl-We have a number of -second hand Square Pianos that we will sell this week at exceptionally low prices: we also liave a number of sfightly used « * • & > " » * * £ & • •JjU we .re s.cr&h^; - ^ i be*ntifu. jf ew «$&,»*$ for catalogue and spools! pmNOAND ORGAN CO. Grand.' I sin list. East 14th st. .RTMt?NTOFSTMP*WAY!3ECONDHAND nareand Upright Pin***, seme nearly new; a KSyw5rnrn^r.Kfr-sielien^ sWond i»»nd f i - n o s ir other «mkera. »ncindln« ev^ry fonjln^stnanMlnASS-ricnorfnrope Bewara©riw#7" I. Z. CORSETS, t . THE "INEZ" CORSET of Coutil, with sateen strips, zone belt, white, ecru and black; trimmed with lace and ribbon. Sizes, 18 to SO inches, $1.76; Usual price. 12.25 and $3.00. .* - t i ' JAMES i'EBBEEffiY & CO., Twenty-third Street. EACH competitor hss bis phraseology. We niere- lv quote plsln. unrivalled .ngnresi-SlIk Stockings. 49c Silk Ribbed Under vests. 30,.. Rolled Gold Bracelets. 10c.; Pear'a Soap. 5c.: Libert's Delicious y00 Broadwaw. VlAHOFORTES. OKGAHS. AC, K^leI^T f /B&r i t!u*fS'H ; rf "'steed. Av. vrtflaM&sWc&'tWfis; ......... UPBIOHTS. .at from $1 on. .upward BARGAINS Large assortment.. *,. On monthly payments of from $.V-ut>wsrd Rents. »8. OOEDON. Fifth av.. bet. 20th A 2aa? A Chickerti Bincent U A lady will sell genuine stoofine Uerigbrr sacrifice. Only |10O. msa- utt t ftt r 4 y K C * rTeo ' ***** ln»prove- wtt ii!?*LH?5i*?i , P 0 & •**• P59B?.****** SKIRTS. All Full widths. Good Muslin—Umbrella ruffljj of emb'y.. MM .49 Good Mnslln—deep umbrella ruffle of emb'y— fine and showy patterns 69 Cambrie and Msslln-umbrella and regular fine emb'y Val. Point de Parta and fancy lace trim with and without insertings.* .98 Fine cambrie -ru(Be of handsome emb'y with deep inserting above ^. 1 . 6 9 Best CORSET COVERS. shapes Felled seams Good iterlals Good quality. Cambric of solid emb'y—— - V neck -2 Inches wide Fine Cambric Square, High and V neck fancy trim eight styles... Others-—trim'd with finest lsces I and emb'y unlimited variety. .14 .89 « DRAWERS. Wen made All sixes ..... Best styles Good Muslin—emb'y or lace trim .19 Three inch ruffle of good emb'y—tucks ...... .25 Umbrella and regular—emb'y and lace trim.. .49 Fine Cambric snd Muslin—ruffle of fine emb'y or lace with insertings .... «. .69 EMBROIDERIES Yearly Special Sale. Best and newest designs in unlimited quantities Three special offerings Nslnsook snd Cambric—white and cold % to 2 inches wide—C00 styles... 8 Cambric, Sarins and Nsinsook 9 Special lot-* to 7 inches wide—W0 styles... .1214 Finer, all kinds to $3.00 Including Fine Sets la four different wldtkE ' Hsndsome effects for Infants' Robes and Children's Skirtlsgs. NO r Liquors /Groceries \ Drugs k fEJfSjl BUT { *• IDry Goods ^aaafe^ - * •snsssSHMgssnjj 1 •M Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

NEW YOR ERALD 14/New York NY Herald... · 2011. 7. 21. · second edition. new yor erald whole no- 22,415. new york, tuesday, january 4, 1898.-twenty fagws.-i™*™«"*>price thre

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    N E W YOR E R A L D WHOLE NO- 22,415. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1898.-TWENTY FAGWS.-i™*™«"*> «* - *^* o0*** «*»«•> PRICE THREE CENTS.

    N O T I C E . 3 C


    H E R A L D B R A N C H O F F I C E S .

    td@wrtlneinents and sals «f CORNER 5TH AV. AND 23D ST. OPEN (EXCEPT




    P H I L A D E L P H I A . Public Ledger Office, comer Sixth and Chest-

    nut s t s . and all Ledger branch offices In Philadelphia.

    rBEVOBIAL* _^_^^^^^ ~AlilE$lCAN^«>7he«'ii tew thousand dollars, would Ilk* to niet-t lady between 25 and 40, who has some •JSSSSjjj gggff . matrimony. W. L-. 215 Herald 23d St.

    A reined, pretty girl (18), plump figure, seeks ac-quaintance wealthy gentleman; matrimony. 0EAC1A. 407 Herald-" DA.VtKL MULLIGAN, or Cornelias larlau. dls-charged from Co. 11. Uth l*. «. Infantry*. March is . 1881. at Jefferson Barracks. Mo.; entitled to prop-erty: liberal reward for proof of death. Address (JKO A. SMYTH R. Counsellor s t Law, 110 Ames

    jpston, Mass. i _ i • IS P i When a v., Brooklyn, desire*

    address of Mr. B , who occupied room opposite, at Elver Crest Sanitarium.

    'n\XPiS3r~to so as state*. But If not, do not be disappointed. Happy New Year. T_L ,M-_

    M>Y.—Wast me as always: 1 must see yon. Send address that I may write. P. II.

    HOLMES. - W a t c h this column. Three.


    INFORMATION wanted of Rliea Pyne. married Jobs Burke la North America 5o years; lived last 14S Bewerv st. . New York. TEffll

    x ^

    K. - Powerful man wants party to take him to the Klondike and_work. on suitable chances.

    GTS zd a v.. Brooklyn. LYS.—Sincere wishes for a nappy New Year. So

    lonely without you. Always true. Health good.

    LrnWIO~LAN»SHl^T~wiiriearn of something Si his advantage by calling room 802, 03 Nassau of.

    LOXi ISLAND.-Waited from 12 until 2 o'clock. Write H. D. L-. Herald Downtown.

    •Brieii: all right. SCARLAN— Came from Birmingham. Eng-

    ; entitled to property; liberal reward for ith. Address GEO. A. SMYTHE. Coon-s', 110 Ames Building. Boston Ma>*s. round faced, brown eyed jjirt (10), seeks

    gentleman's acquaintance; object, matrl-SEf'U'SlO.V. \m Herald. ^__

    SIXTH avenue elevated, from 28th to 68th St.. thence running until near West Central Park. Mon-dav, 3d. between 6:30 and 7 P. M. Will lady who noticed irentleman with gold classes write, giving details to avoid mistakes, to FOREIGNER. 435 Herald. " WORKMAN l2«) wishes to meet lady or widow with meast; riew, matrimony. NEEDY. 126 Herald j M St. ____

    YOUNG man . in bnsiness. desires to make acooatntajnce of a lady same age. with $2,000 to as-sist htm at a partner, with view to matrimony. Ad-dress E. J.. 124 Herald 23d St.

    B u s i n e s s P e r s o n a l s .

    P A R I S , C A I R O , % A L G I E R S , R O M E , , • N A P L E S , t V E N I C E , • WlWg.Q3i __ •tri rkOTTNir"*? T B E C O N T I N E N T r L U K H I N l / E i , Read the A T H E N S , N E W N I C E , Y O R K M O N T E C A R L O , H E R A L D M A D R I D , (European Edition). L I S B O N , P A U , C O N S T A N T I N O P L E , T U N I S .

    igbest award for Artificial Teeth s t World'

    A B S O L U T E

    D I V O R C E S

    F*|f"!wsrtra*ted Dr. HENRY P. DEANE. Dentist. 454 -Lexington at . , corner 45th. Expression of mouth restored. Specialty. Artificial Teeth. Crown and Bridge Work. , -

    lk> days. HOGOATT h CA-RUTHERS, Attorneys, of DJI-kota. and 229 Broadway, In-vestigate our firm.

    ALL superfluous hair, moles permanently de-atroyed: electric treatment for rounding face. MED-U A L ELECTRICIAN. 34 West 33d. -

    A PMMC widow. financially distressed, wiahes small loan: security or handsomely furnished room. BELLA, 373 Herald. ""DETECT 1VE—CENTRAL AGENCY. 1.327 BROAD-WAY (HERALD SQUARE*. CONFIDENTIAL; REA-SOXABI.E RATES; ^ _ F R E C K L E S , M O T H P A T C H E S , Liver Spots, all Skin Blemishes permanently re-rnoved. JOHN-H. WOODBURY. 127 West 42d St.. f i e * York, inveojtor of Facial Soap. Send stamp for 1B0 page hook. TrOTfMO=Fi

    ITfflL! heavily silk line, S l i GfOLDSTEIi Str John.

    t Evening Dress Suits to measure, throughout snd cord edges. MOK-

    Importing Tailor, 12 Nassau, tor-

    GREAT Oriental scientific character life reader predicts business and domestic events accurately KAD1R ):>^' i lm:t»n n

    H a m m o n d C o . ' s C e r e b r i n e ,

    SARDINE. OVAR-INE. TBSTINE, A c . are made nn-ir Dr. Hammond's supervision; take no other. They have relieved nerve and heart trouble, women's dis-ease* and men's debility, because they nourish the organs where drugs failed. Booklet on Isopathy free. 1IILHAU. 1&3 Broadway.


    Address, stating price, number of stamps and age of collection.

    • COLLECTOR, - Box 218 New York Herald.

    I want a French woman as a companion to teach MS Vreach language. Answer In English and French, giving details. D. 0 . . l s l Herald 23d St.

    LAWYER ROBERT P. NOAH. 330 Broadway — Twnpty years' civil and criminal practice;! divorces •Stained without publicity: advice free; legal corre-spondents everywhere; loans procured on. bond and -ro7tgage. Telephone. I.S36 Franklin.

    LOST mad West t04th i t

    « W i ° 5 ^ r ! I f m 5 ? r w % * V * W * t t r , i e l m ' t a r T e * \ ? e ? K^£?* of Exile;.suitable reward for return. **. J. Kenney. 130th St., Lenox and 7th avs.

    WT- Diamond Earring. I04th ami 42d st. 'V i t044h*st' U b*" 1 1 ' * w » ' * GRIFFITH, tk

    * 2 S E E j 2 f ^ 3 ' 5 ' » l 5 ,>n tt*B *T-. Ooid Pin. wltn turo^lse and 10 diamonds. Return to BREWSTER, £ t - ^ w ^ l i ? _ * b . ! _ f E 0 reward. _ _ _ inLa>^r^m>*1 i £ " « • f^ i^~hetween 20th and 37t¥. given R«ara to 11 West Stth; reward will be

    t 3 3 ^ S E * H S S ' evening. Manhattan a v . 119th.

    :SFSefS isr.w ****• «»***• «*"u-LOST— Rough_coated~Fox Terrier

    en fcesd: nsais Jaek, STOLEN—Chestnut and white St

    . black markings suitable reward. 90 Bill sv.

    Bernard Dog, Monday. December 27. 1807. 431 East po«ite H t -faBy^s._EataMlshed 1WK>. . ""PAfE'^TSr-Se.od foFInventors Guide, free. ED-GAB TATE A CO.. Patent Solicitors. 245 Broadway. New York. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "pfioTOGRAFHY at your residence! portraiture or

    % appointment; artistic effects. Address NO O, iwrttersld. feED voune woman wishes «mall loan from

    isate party. SECCRITY. Herald 23d St. S t a h d a r d S t o r a g e W a r e h o u s e ,

    B r o a d w a y , c o r . 8 3 d st . rOstNlTUBE. AC., STORED. PACKED. SHIPPED,

    M BE_iOVRD. BOUGHT. T W E L V E moat ariistic hair and beard trimmers i s tae world. ALPISB. 37 West »3d. near Broad-

    W A W E D - W A N of $700; sectirlty in return, ele-rant Parlor, with first ela#« Iward, in private resl-

    of refined lady. PROMPT. 7tXl Herald.

    L O S T A \ D K O I X D . "wbo hare lost their mtToFdogs shoup

    tely apply in person at the A. 8. P. C. A. for animals, foot of 102d «t and East River.

    JOHN P. HA1SE>. President-l i t ! getter, large, very boiaterwon, old collar, kol . Pleas* notify BRrXN. 70 West 82d at.

    ICOs'Rnnday evening.^ between 11 and 12. while on elevated from Wth st. . down town («tit

    „ Park place: Bridge and 5th av. "L" to 25th atj^lhwklyn. • plain star set V, carat rent's Diamond Ring: s liberal reward to finder iciven. HANSEN. WsTM av.. Brooklyn. ~UV*T"-Two Elags. on Fall Elver boat Pilgrim, left Fall Ri»er M e m b e r SI; one marked A. J D. to N. B. M ." finder will be suitably rewarded. Leave at John McGILVRATE. 107 Summit S t , Brooklyn. N Y. , .

    LOET-On January ». 1888. small white tuowrrel Ettch; short legs. I-JOK body, white with brown spots; aaswees to Fannie- liberal reward if returned to 5 neat 47tb st. Had ctdlar with name a»d address of

    -A Diamond Earring,, screw setting, on N>w fit tM>tweenG*rsrd House. New York city. Market st . depot,?f renn. R. Ej^Newark, s nl = the « . , . • . • —

    A ; suitable reward rk.

    FISK, room 30, 206 Brosd-

    ^T^LidTea* gold Wntcft with Chain and Pen-L«Ma«hed: going from Newark •»* £. *•. B. to t_ st Finder kindly dellv*r at No. t i e John _and receive saltajdej^ewsj^l^ r:ann . , . _ _ _ _ . , «7 el rated r~ad,. between 8th

    l S e M r " a T from 12 to « :*> . W«k V