.jfi^-YORK TRiBUNK. -«rr MEW-rOEK DAILY TJUBDNE 18 rüBU«BE* £VtBT MOK.ÎÏ1NG. SUNDAY EXCErTEO, i Ld 5«*»«« streets, opposite the City Hall, i stíívared cltT 6ai>«crlbeTi for Nu»» Ce»Ti per i**¿S Wi «fren iney orefer,thej can pay la adrase« si | haPeal for MX BCWM » IWf *t '.be BBJM CBtfL S'.v Xcopies Two Cxwrs. saw sobscdbaws fire Uollart L, icioc, lo advance, is-í ios paper to no cm; coa- I E^J beyond ib* uae for ^bir h lili paid. 8u!«£ri3- ujo» ¡atea '.vr six moatha. Toree Dolías* ío adranes ^-nlrédln ail exchange« with Country Newtpapca. peil psp«r» recelT».d ai tht» office wlxrtc lerma art g£»tr iban tboie of Tue Tauest, »renot sUi/wad srj ritMi or AHTcxTifina. rf»eU«*"> O'¡**«.1r*l tosetttoa.Î* CSStl. , »i " «ach »ui>*"*T.ienl Insertion.:-i .' tf-tfiatheiB»!de " " " .20 " .et five Lines- Ptrtt tarwttne...t <ktm a Hie. ü-f tJ,*"<¡ue2t ¡r,«rnlon. wr.:--:, m>!j . jftfj day .er once, i .vir» or nir«?« Anas a 7 r«m a Da«. «art.aiihe opilan jf Ihe MivnrJjei. S Mide Advertlaeuieui»- -ITlve ccr..i a ¡<ne fir Ibe f b~«t twrllot), and Kour r«rW foremch »at/kr',-"21 '*'"3- Ifltfus. W»sat»(.r.i, ViakkAt. Iloricts üe »oí «»ctado-.f ¿s> ««. .! cool». 0T Ail Ad»ortumraent«lE»eTled 'u IS?» paper appear l>9ia ü ne M :>. nie»: and Um >W ¦-'..-e cllücrn. .1KW.VORK WKKKI.V TKiKLMv. i VERY LARUE PAPKR FOR TUE COUNTRY. JlSubltabM »virjr Satcsimv SfOSHIHO, at ih» low prie- of J2 per imnu., izi adyaoee. i0 eopl-j for tsli, ori.'copi-a KfW VUK HJKMI-WEJKKI,Y TKIUIJ»X. j, sii.Ht¡-<: erery Wtu.iaij»» aed S«ToatiAT aornls.ît "rite ©J per anouej. Two coplea 'or ¿O. The tribune. I -:i:i'- Tocicir. Wcfarjci«*! our knowledge of de magi goes iUtextensive, reaching even toth< sorriest spe< aeas of the class, fut a carefol parus« i <>f rjie .%!..¦- «ce of the new minority Governor of Connecticut gonnacesosthatwe have hitherto» p ¦¦ ¦'¦ in a »tato ofbliKÍ'J ignorance on the «abject Connecticut wt* never befon disgrai d with a Chief UAgistratc mliimrfnllj jrrt no rhnmrffiriniiralljf chosen Ho iectD9 to realise 'liai the elements which combined UDtUa Governor o! bim were of extraordinary jujcDCH'. und be labors to befit their coalition. No hooest m»n ever opposed a Registry Law try such »rgoruetits L>- ases He >wit,w-*tli;it 1 il«-a;a.t Votes arsnot and i-Huno1, be freqtaent when all qn< rffpectin.- ibf Higlit to Voleare coolly settled \n fi/rehaii'J. leaving nothing but the <k> à polling '<l prsvioaaiy scratinized votes to the day ol Election. If my name i-liMI bo improperly registered, the who!« Town or Ward bas amolé opportunity to <!(.. laot and counteract the fraud or blander at lciaure, tudno barm hi done l<ut, in the absence ol u Reg¬ istry, otily the lew iicrcorii immediately present when n frainiuNut \ut<: in oflerod bave any chance torli«£juto it ¡and even then, ii the offerer i* drunk toout^ii or ilaring cDODgli to swear through, bis volo ou»! be tak« n. The Gov« mor" argument tbroagh- <«t would beiiain- as forcible against recording titles to Real Estate again^t Rcgisu Hn.; the names of Votern. To wjü u man electod to a mont respousiblo nation by Ram.by the Influeneoof Itqaoc ladled out in pails-fu 11 tu Ü10 worHt ;inil üiont <li«ai¡iati :l of all ties.liiimy of whose Bupitortcrs went reeling Loin".- IruHi (Uc Election, and have kept drunk nearly evi r lince inhonor of the triumph.to inor guch o man iloabtiug the constitutionality of the Excise Daw, DJcking Haws In ils details, asserting that it cxprc<ii ly liiictiotiH the iiuiu nafli., and again thai ii indis ai.iuatel} dcnoonces ii un a crime- but. above all loseohini canting ami snaSling over its prospei tivi influence on the cauro of Morals! and oxprcming hin painful fears that it will arrest iIm> man h ofT< m peranee.and to find bim tapering off with a sneak- iagrocumnifrnlation of some law in.-nitif<t 'theact ofaiililiir; Intoxicating drink« to hnbituH! Inebrl- &t»i. thoact of keeping n dtmrdrrly In nine or «hop, tliu waortoftbi: vlclou» for the purpose of exeesaiva Indui- reoce.tlio act of keeplngaatore or shop in which the Imuniperale.or mlnori. or Hppreutin ¦ um supplied with the lulnxicvllun draught, ui.tl Othei acts ol like charnv. lar," would bo ludicrous were it not ho fraught with calamity. How far tho Governor and those ho tenus 'ítbe vicious" would oi^rcc us to wiiat may fairly be deemod " exoessivo indulgence" wecauiK.t say, but We think they would dwell in unity brethren should. To permita freo traffic ¡n Intox- icitiiii; Liijuors. yet attempt to prevent the (»ale of any to " the intemperate, or minors, or up prentice.-»" ii a moat hypocritical futility. It the rum-seller to duct from each customer who lays down his six penco a certificate ilmt he is not a minor tier an* h[>- preaticc ? How can he know/ To allow him to goon making drunkard«, yet not to give the poor victims h drop after tiny have acquired the Gerce traviiij; for ln|»iii tin-, the extremo cruelty . We contend that ii any body to he allowed to drink rum. those who are beyond much (anbei deg radati(M) by it, and whoso appotitcs ;u<- insatiable ought to have the preference. It won!.I bo wanton cruelty, when a man has been allowed t>> acquire id. irresistible craving for liquor, to cut bim oft" just »»lie biw become unable to do without and almost beyond farther injury from it On the subject of the Tariff, Mr Toncey appears to hare no principles nor clear views whatever. so be jumps from one side to the other with monkey ajüiiy and utter contempt even of appearances. 6aya he "It ii In valu to suppose that the people "( this coun¬ try will not discern uud bullave tht»i a Ttn.'.t of duties buta lilt ol tax.-», much to as it they were paid ton ¡«««letScer at tho tieel of a Ux-warrant; or that the policy of Idfch taxes can never be m tavmiie oi poputsi policy with the. greitt body ol iho people." Thiawc can understand. It means that Trotee lion is a humbug.au uupostore; and that, though high duties which shut out loro't;^ products have in »thousand instances undeniably led to the produc¬ tion of a rival fabric at home considerably cheaper than wo ever imported such. Still the duty is just to much lax on the consumer. For example: We were importing all our Tins, free of duty, and pay tug a dollar a pound for them. We levy a duty of fcrty cents a pound on Tins, under w hieb that man¬ ufacture is gradually introduced and perfected among us: Yaukee inventions reduce the cost ol Flu-making uniil we make at home as good Pins for To ceins a pound as we over imported lor $1, or »i could now be regularly imported for r?0 cents, il we were still depending on Europe tor our supply. "Now it ¡a vain to suppose," says the Connecticut luminary, thai our duty on Pins is any tiling but a Its, or that such taxes cau ever be popular with his sTOggcry-hauuiing! supporters, whom he esteems the g real body of the People.' Very well: we eta understand this. But when he come« round ihe <Aber tack, and talks of levying the duties so as to ftiaoall the revenue we need on such articles as ^aicin competition .with Home products, what are to make of him 8 ll" his other assumption is jíat ihe Julie-* ought to be levied on such articles ttdo»k>i come in competition with Horno Products -Tea, Coffee, Spices, Cocoa, Ac. \c.so thatihe r^dceeds should ..¦,.' (is his owu language: ¦ go into 's« Public Treasury, and not tuto tho pockets of a 'Ptnjcular class, lor iho purpose of sustaining the '»oameas ol that class." If his anii-Proteeiire t&ik * lay just foundation, he ought to insist on taking Panties off of Woolens. Iron, Ac and patting .tt on those article» which are not produced or riT*ied here at all, and lima avoid plundering the **°pie for the benefit of Manufacturers. If this is ."t way Protection works, wc object to twenty-five rwcent of it as much as he can to seventy five, "e object also to such twaddle as this, irwn o^e *w virtually pronounces Protection robbery. If it . », it cannot bo abolished too soon or too thor- .sghly: ""I bar« too groat confidence in iho wisdom and justice tírfíTe** to beilete, that «oy crest change tn the rate* bn* *" *!îecllnl? 1*rie Invesonentt of capital induced jJwetxUangUw, will bohaauiy made. Without tiring trJfi w*JOn*blo opportunity to capiial aud lubor. by a £¦*"! oporatlvn, to adjust themselves quietly to tho j Z¿**»< oi ttunta. Thu would bolh hasard ihe per- JJJ2 «ucceaa o! the meaiure, and ne exceeutngiy un- tov, ^ grost national intercala, which ougb.1 not °**ubjec;c<l to chalices great and audden, wiiheut acceaiüy." -**>.Toncey is wordily 2ealous in his champion I 7? of the Sub Treasury fur the Federal Revenue*, has n't ¦ word to throw- to a doç in favor of v tlwuld noi Conneoûcut'e Kevcnue be o.'l Jf^* .,*^ *ept i" épecio us well as lhal of ihe -Bftu! Why should her Legislature troublo iisolf BY GREJELEY & McELRATH vor., vi. rvn. .il. With tho :.--.;..-- ol Col , '.i.'J utter :.. .' sown? Why should uot their harity bave irdtoHome, If it cannot begin there?. Ï ic Govi rnor pues .:;¦ the agony' .:. iavor cf coí- the Fcdei '¦¦¦-¦ B ¦. e every wor ittera is ja*t as applicable to the Finance« State to ibxMe oftbe Nation, be is very careful ndl to ntw r ;: word on thai subject ' A stringent lew,' to protect citizen« from undue i'o.'iikii! influence on the part of their employer! is urgently rt'jronicnded. Yet the most extensile and powerful employer in the whole State or rcuu- try is tbe Federal < overnment, which ''pv'y and constantly docs tbe very thing which this Governor condemn*, but be asks no luw which wiiil pier« Ot tiiiM ! He ssy s that the citizen« of Connecticut »ii exert ibis undue influence in Election«, do so in the heat ol an excited canvass, and are probably Forry for it directly after. Hut the Federal Executive does it ail the time, and nnv^T repents at ail. Why does be not begin with the hardened big sii'n«-: and taper off on tbe penitent little ones' Wh« tiu-ht ¡:as James K. Polk to remove one t,i the Peu- pie s Postmasters on acrount of Politic« morf than npioyer ha« to discharge one of his workmen fjr the same reason ? If there he any différai ce, - it not in favor of the nifin who niant1.?«.-« his own business miner than of him who is tbe trustee for the whole People .' Tbe Governor modestly déclin« s to expatiate on ail the advantaged of acquiring Texas, winch at this pe¬ culiar juncture is very <\>nsidera-.e. Oregon up tn we moat have without abatexnent,bul above that pir allel we may aive way. for the sake of peace. Vet in the same breath he tells us thut our tide to the whole is 'the bunt (meaning the better,' and that we ma«t 'submit to nothing that in clearly wrong.' Then why give up any thing below ¡4 40 ? The finger of scorn will be pointed nt hi.. man who will not support the Government, which dan gone to the utmost limit« of concession, and ' ought now to be sustained, and J trust will be sustained, by whatever there is of patriotism in 'thecountry." Sustained in what ? How much does Mr, Polk now insist on ? Up to 43° only, r to ; i"'7 Is Mr. T< «coy so much wiser than all Congress that ht- ¦¦p.n u II where the President now stands'' II be can, why not give the world the benefit of his knowledge ? If be cannot, bow does he know that we oogbt all to sustain pretensions w hi« h '.one of us know the extent of I .The People of C mnecticot proved themselves tolerably acquainted ssiih this Mr. Toucey in run¬ ning him the lowest of five or six candidates on the fjiate Ticket, though the Governor usually runs highest. We predict that the Statu will not hold rum enough to elect him airain. fiioßrnpliiral (Sketch of Gen. Tnylor. Por ihc following sketch of the military services of Gen. Taylor, we are indebted to tbo Nashville Orthopolltan. (îen. Tnjlor is a Kcntuckian by b.rlh and is said to have been born in 1790, which would make him do years of age. According to the Orthopotitan. he entered the army in 1800, im- mediately after the nttiick on the Chesapeake, and bus been in the service of his country from that time to tho present. Having entered the army as a Lieutenant of Infantry, be had risori to the command of a company, at the beginning of the l.tiat II''car. Por his gallant defence ol Fùrt Harrison on the lib Sopteniber, 1812, President Madison conferred upon him tbo brevet rank of M8Jor,(and bo is now ibe'oläett /'in,: in tiio army. In 1833 he became tbo Colonel of the Gib Infantry with this regiment he went to Florida in 1836, where ho was always foremost in danger. i m theSSth December, 133C, Col. Taylor, at the1 head of a detachment of about r>0 men, composed of jiarts of the 1st, 4th and <>ih regiments of U.S. Infantry and some Missouri volunteers, met about 700 Indian*, under Alligator, Sam .Iones, and' Coa coo ehe, on the banks of the G-ke-cho-bcc. This bailie wn" sought by the Indians, for the day before the engagement Col. Taylor received a chal¬ lenge from Alligator, telling him where to lind him. and bantering bun tocomi on. Col. Taylordeslrinx nothing belter, immediately pushed on ai a rapid march to tbe expected battle-ground,fearful that the wily Indian might change hia purpose. The Indians bad a strong position lu a thick swamp, covered in front by a small stream, whose quicksands rendered it ahiioí-t impassable but Col. Taylor pushed through the nukksands und swamps in the face of a deadly tir.- (roma concealed foc, driving the Indians before him. Tho action was long ami severe. Tho Indians yielding the ground inch by inch, ami then only atibe point ol the bayonet After three hours ol bloody con¬ test, tbo Indians were routed and pursued with great slaughter, until night. This was the last »land the Indians over made, in a large body, hud the only in stance in which they v oluntarlly gave bailie. Though CoL Taylor won the day, ii vsas at the expense ol 139 killed and wounded.more «hau one fourth ol bis whole force. Two colonels [Colonel Thompson ol the .ih Infantry, and Colonel Gentry of the Mis souri Volunteers.) fell ui. ihe head of the troops.. Capt. Vanswcaringen and Lieut*. Brooko and Car- 1er also fell in the engagement. During the « bole of ihe engagement, Col. Taylor remained on horseback, passing from point to point. cheering bis mm to the conflict,and exposed tbe Indian rille si every moment For this battle Sir Pomsett. Secretary of War. rendered merited praise to all engaged, in his com mumcaiion to Congress. Tbe brtvct of Brigadier General was conferred on CoL Taylor, aud lie was given the chief command in Florida, which he re- tigued iu 1.-40. aller lour or five veins arduous and Indefatigable service in the swamps and hammocks v( Florida. After bio retirement from Florida hewas assigned tie command ot the 1st Department of the Army. int udiog the States of Louisiana, Misaiasippi, Ate-, with bis head quarters at Fort Jessuy Louisiana. Bis position gave bun tbe command.ol the "Ar my of Occupation," but the u*age of the service \\"<uld bave justified the Government in assigning to that command cliberofthe six general officers of the Regular Army, whose rank is higher than his. Hut it may Ik> fairly presumed that the high cha- ranter, gallant services aud great experienceol Gen T as de from hi- geographical position, pointed him out as the appropriate commander of au army, which was to plant our flag upon the bank of tbo Rio del Norte. Gen. Taylor is about 56 years of ago is aman of much cenoral information and an excellent and tried soldier; a prudent and skiil'u! commander whose trails of character are. a wise précaution in providing tor the hour ol trial, and a fearieas, reck- tesa courage in battle. War Motemexts..CoL Hankhead, the Military Commander at New-York, has received orders to concentrate and increase his forcea at Fort Haavd- ton. liis recruiting otheers are receiving asen lor ihe regular period of enlistment. DemiKRaok..Iu consequence of the volunteers r.et having been ready to suit en Tuesday, o a board the ètoanùthip Galveswn. w&ich bu been chartered to convey them to Fotat l»ab~!. »be receives demurrage at the rale ol $-VH.' per d«v from l~uc»day eren-t-e U»t." 1N.U. DiUa.7th. f^p3 This looks very ¡ike a second edition of the Florida War. Five hundred dollars a day for a steamboat! Well it is an ill wind that blows no- body any good. The People pay KiMoR :»" Privatkkss..We heard lost even um that *n Kilidavi; had been tm.de before Judge McCa- leh ol the U. ¿ DlSUiet Court, to the e-e« tiiat v^asels m this pert were about preparing to sail as privateers ssainit American commerce. This rumor may be true or not, but r. certainly become* the oScers ot oar cus¬ toms to be on the alert. IN. O. Ptc. ï. r-j¡f judge ItoBKKT Stanard of Va. died sud- denly 3t K;chmonJ on the night the l.sth on. ofparaiv. sJa, Ho was oac .>t" the ttrst amoas the wise and ttstuv tiuguisned of Virgiuia's sons. tF" Mr. H. H Dexter has arrived in tbe city, and prowoic* to refute tho charge preferred against hitn la the uvwspvcrs respecllns the bill of esccaoge so.d to Gilbert .\ ^oas ... _ Yesterday Mr. Dexter arrsoeed matters wuh the ßasx. It is understood that, he mmde no lalse sutement when he cave his ch«ck on the Hamilton Bank in payment I jr tho «Irais on London. I Boston Post. Affairs at Washington, i-roin our Regular Correspoedent Wxsaawrns M-<y :"<ib. 1546.3 ¡. y There are rumors La the city about sac of : e Mexican Provinces having declared in favor of the sited states. 1 soe not how the news could come, a.id therefore fee! inclined to doubt any ir.d i these reports and rumors which we have now.. Ihcy are all itema of " Camp .\ci». I regret to learn t-.at Dr. W ¦. ten lent of the ] Worcester, Mass, to whom I re: -:. last n ght u the President of the Convention held heredar the present week, has been qui e unwell yester an-i to day. He is a little be twil :. tk that the . u bulyrichin editorials for a day or two. P. that we go to *ar wiih Mexico because she has n : paid us certain sums of money, and we make attack on Gen.Taylor's camp the pretena for the war .iast look lit the editorials on this f^j-'-t and yOQ wii! see lhataccording to the ' mon we are kt war wnb Mexico for an invasion of our evil becau-t «be 1ms not paid kjcjc sums of mOIH.;. The proceedingsoi >t:i Houses are rather dull to-day. Amt gcrsinibeSei _. not CoL ¦.:!... & nal r Allks is iu lo« conversation with Mr. SawreR of Ohio ably consult >... about the mon approved Kin 1 of Provisions f>r tiie Army .-r Invasion, in Mexico. ': 'i p;t lib« d '.'.rr.c days s;nce an account of an elopement Washington square, Pbiktdelpbia The parties were C. 8. Thai khurto! and Miss Ward of I. -ijisville. She was taken from the side oftbe lady with whom she was at school while walking in the Square It was the m ad proved successful. I rocar/o ù'i-^j.'; ¦¦. I.r. to »ay lb illhe happy couple arrived bere this morniog from Baltimore and are sin; _. at Colcman'a. They appear just as happy a* if Pa¬ pa had given consent. Love will overleap diiii ini¬ ties.old folks to ihe contrary notwilhstan In the .'Senate, after somo unimportant business, a long discussion arose upon a motion mi'ie by Mr. Ar« iikk for a reconsideration ofthe vote by which the Senate concurred in the Report of the Comm ..- tee on Military Affairs, r commending that the S rí¬ ate should not agree to the n:>< Dd mentoi the House of Representatives to the bill for nosing a Regiment of Mounted Riflemen i.>r ibe Oregon service, which amendment provides that tbe officers of said Regi¬ ment be taken from the line of the regular Army Messrs. Archer, Berrien, Dix, Bocsi ¦¦¦ others took part hi the discussion The yeas and na\i wer.( called upon the motion. There were ..".. votes for tbc motion, all Wbhjsbut Mr Westcott, and ..'¦-. against it, all Locoa The Vlce-Pn 'ident very promptly voted with the pany. There are still a number of Senators absent The Indian Appropriation Bill was then taken up, and discussed and ordered to a third reading, at:-.:r whicli the Senate adjourned till Monday next. The House or Representatives basbeen'en- gaged all day with private atl'-iirs. There has been very heavy ruin here to day. which continues una- bu:..! ns 1 write. Wo expect later new? from the camp this even¬ ing Richelieu. N>w-VorU I'll y Convention. The Journal of Commerce has been favored with a manuscript copy of the Act recently paased by il e New-York Legislature for the calling of a Conven¬ tion to amend our City Charter. The election of Delegates is to be held on the first day of June, and the Convention is to meet ou the first Monday (6ih] of July. The Revised Charter is to be submitted for the approbation of the people at the next No- vember (¿lection, and afterward to the Legislature for their sanction. The Act has not before been published : A% .1CT to Proriie fur the eaObig of a Convention in Ho lotion to the Charter of the Cite of Hem l'or* The poopttsol tas átate ui New-York, represen ted inSen- ate and Assembly, do enact as follows: .-unos I. An election shall be held in the city oi ¡lew- York ou Ul« first Monday of June ensuing the i>a.-s.i¿o of tb:s Act, for the selection of Delegates '¦<¦. a County Con¬ vention for tormlnj a new or revising and amending the pre« i:t Charter Ol the s.ill city Of Ncw-Yi :k. ¡>E< -.'. Each ..-i ihe Wards ol the said city of New-York shall be entitled to me following representation in said i oitvention, vix : first Ward, uc lelogate.Second Ward, one.Third Ward, one delégalo.Fourth Ward, two deta¬ il lies- i ifth War I, two delegates Sixth Wai I, two dele- gates-Seventh Waid, '..:.....,:.- EighthWard, threi de!< itcs- Ninth Ward, three delegate! tenth Ward, two Iclegatca -Eleventh Ward, threi »tes.Twelfth Ward, one delegate.Thirteenth Ward.two delegates.I eoutta Ward, two delegates.Fifteenth W ..rd. two | delegates.Sixteenth Ward, iwo delegate.Seventeenth \v*i,i, three delegates. Eighteenth Waid, two delegate«. &>:c. .i. Notice of sueli election »hail tie given, and the same »ball bo conducted in the manner now provided by law m regard to «,'hsrt«-r Elections in the city ol New- lurk, and the name ot eaeh dek-fme voted fur Shall be written or printed upou each ballot, and tbe ballot shall be endorsed," Urlegale» to the Convention," and a se- parate box tor the deposit ol »uch butloU shall bo kept by the Inspectora of each Election District lu tho sev¬ eral Wards ofthe ssld City. The result ol such Elec¬ tion shall be ascertained and certified In the manner now provided m the act regulating Charter Elections in »aid Cuy. .-M I. Ail the provision» p| law lor the put it) Of El« C- lions in the City of Mew-York shall apply to the tiuu held under thi» Act. aud ail false »wearing at said I '.¦ cdoa »full be d< emed »nd pumaht-d purjnry. Sax. .>. The delegate» to be chosen under this Set, shall meet in ihr Cuy el New-York, on the rir»t Monday ut July next, at the Chanibei of IDo Board ol Aldermen, aud «hall then, or soon »lier may he practicable organize and adopi rule» 1er their »oversment They ahal] completa their bu»iue«s so that any charter ur amendments adopted by them inay be submitted to the Electors ol the City and County M New-York, in the neM section provided. St.- .'.. The charter amendment! pr,. posed hy the Con¬ venu.,» organised under ih» Act, .«tutU be submitted to the electors Ol «he cuy and County sf New«York, at the tlec- tiou i« Ik- hcid m the said City, on the first Tuesday alter the first Monday ol November, in the year IM6 and u adopted by a majority of the votes casi it the ijuestion, il dir« the Legislature at the aeit seul n thereof for approval, an * if so approved, shall beconu lbs charter or a part ol the charter ol the »aid City of Sew- 1 ork ; and in eass the saldConventios sha:, pre!, -ami.vi- nienu and not a new charter, the said amendments »hail be ml oitted to the Electorsci theCuj andCountyof New- Vork separated In danse* rtUnnc :o the same »ub.iec:. Tlic ballots to be us^d st Ute election to be held '-:. 1er tkj sec- : ,.<:; shan be prepared lu »uch lorm as said Convention may direct, and a separate bo\ ¡or the deposit of such ballot shnii be kept by th.-.- inspectors of each election ¿¡y.:..-. the several Wards of the said Qty, and the result of »u h i lection »hall be ascertatuiV, ant cerUned to in the same manner now provided in the act r«¿Li^.'.i!-¦ aJerHoni fer memben di a^:: ¦¦ j S se. 7. The expenses of the election for delegates to be beM under this act, and v'. expenses attending the Convention, »h-,:; be paid out of the Treasury ot the City ofNew-York. Ine proceedings of the Convention »hall be tiled in the office ol the Clerk of the County, »hen duiT cert ;, 1 to by the presiúini! officer and sse'e- retary or ícereune» of said Cenventlon. îec, s. Dhe members oi mo Convention scab have power to provide for their own p^y, which sha.i Lui e.v- ceed one do..»: »ed fifty cent» per day Cor every c»y actually in seí»hn. STATE OK NEW-YOKE....!> A-irMui t, Msy 3.'s«. This bul havlag been read the '.hud I'm«, and two-thtrcs of si] i-e meuiber» eiecied to I2ï Asiexblv VOttSg la '»»or Ihr.'ïof. Rnoirti, T-ii the »auie do pa»». By order lbs Assembly, A. fi. CHATriELD. Sr-eaXci. Pro lern STATE OF SKW-VOKK....1S SarraTB,May9,»Mo. This bu¡ bavtrii; been read Iba itnrd dssa, and iwo-ihiiil» of ail the member» eiecisd 10 Señale voung m tator thereof. Ketti-.td. Thst the b'.H do pas». Bv order of uV> í . ¦> A. ÙARDEXEK, Fres ident. Approved tLU L'Jiday ci kUy, ;«&. SILA5 WEIGHT. ©¿rural Xoiircs. rç*" Kor IJostoti vin .>or>» ich uni! Worcester. .Tb«' »leai=er CltvpH.-u. Capt. WUBaB», wul :n«r >oii2 t o- of t*;er No. 1 Noria ürver every Mont*-,: c¿»e»da> and Fri jï. at 5 ?. ld_ connecun»; w'.ia Ike cars at Aiiyn» r. at. Imjatfl CALEB PxlATT. Jr. Cez.¿.j.&st. ¡ZT To t.utlle>.-Mi'i>. QOYE coattcce* to etv* id .les aisl d^ecuoos w;Ji respect to the appitcattcn of Water Cure in all diseases o' wca;;^ a^i c^-dres, at aer re»:- decce, -."SI IPÜJ-SL n.j-7 3<n ' C?" Phrenolo«i»ta and PubUshers.-FOWLER ï. w EU.S, lit Massen si New-Yors. myU injo»» licmocals. REMOVAL.l'Un ÁHíd>fr._iL ii. C VY ui removed Ms «ab^ihnjeriif. r the sale of India BjVber ijooda of <>T,iry de*-rptien, to the spa-toits osw stjre No. Ss Ccrl- ,\l¿-*i d d K'» bliest in* tv«*tira Botel. myl Ira V»TKÑX1' dk B,VBC^cS"Sv7rvñTo*««d V) No. Hi lsvJfutt,'Or«t. ravi Si narjttKXNIPS EWSUBUt INK.V^ry generaUy JT esteoineO th? best b tue. wtU be cocaianiry kept for «a,e bj J It 1 CÜ0D1NCTON. "ajJlnt'' 333 Hiison-st conter Sprtn^. OFFICE TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. W.YORK. vio.VDAT, 7IAY IS, IS4I A pperotsten» by the Oo-rrnor. »*«< »J Ike Sc-.cle. ¦-..>" - .-.Cor=3H tlca-rr U. ¦>. Mv-crv«. -- -. - '. : .¦- '-'¦ ':%r g William* Jodge. vice Chester H»v- - i -. V ¡mam 1- Wairsdt, Masterts Chancery. --' red ; Jases X Elwood. Staat« la Caw »Wfel C Binerait. r-~ -- rafr Loams, rvaoot ¡ r-.--.:' : :»¦. s-.r .i'-- Me- Call, tern -, -. oapsoo. Exwamjer is Chai . se Eiset ft-R» . rtsaxi Brigg» ".'.. Taoraa*. -... r-. Franklin Ortdléy as : J V. - <. ..:-..-. N Ell -esr *: p->\z:x:;z:t. Fiar» .:. .-,-.---. Beef and Po-r. ,.- iSrWe sorfSbe foaSamord '-«¦¦¦> A--:»1»-'.! B. Pettla and Sylvester .«expired f .-" t, Notary Pab¬ la* Tnm-r. r-v ¿rt.i : Usvid ti äcci. !-.» - e Leather, James H-?nry, renn ntire-j. T: i :; taej Pablb n ". John S. WUu y .-. Por» M* apsoisuteil. Jj»is_ M". , ..-- ta --..-. -.- -?r-. Peter S WandaUof CasÚetoo, Richmond F, »pedal Port Warden of the port of New-York to -. | ... j .: ,H '¦;.- «n and Add ¡son M Bun. Corn¬ ai cera of DeedayrieeWtl am S-MeCean and William i! I anson. resigned: Stephen Canmitíeog, William H í-!t- -i ...:.. ta« and Philo T ELagg -i M ist-r ;.- Chancery, reappaáBOneniaj I»«a» V. K"».-r. Master in Chancery B s usia F. Sherman, lern ex- p --' >"a:r-«i- lel Jarrii Con a isakjoer rj. S. Moneys, re- appotii'.meoi: Crar H S-Jolis. C.mm:i»;it-r û( 0---« Vu Drei Usées*« Ai .¦. ¦ Fall m.Mutary Po»he.riee S*asa< Cockroft, resigned ; James D M rgai .'. ai-. Public, vice AhCBbaa O. Uiiraa.-t. resino--: Joba r. .; .. ', ....-..¦¦ . Kr.~l . .-*,.-. '. . CfaaOCefiOr of li- F "-1 <' ,. .... ¦¦ next, vice William T. Me- -.-- age lied by aw day: Aaiboay U Robertson. AssUtant Vie« C a. Lila !.t I ..- ,.¦.¦.-:..-:.'¦.::¦ . : the ' Vies ChseceH ." Hewlett, Notary p. Public, reí ipp :. U':.. in, IN J -.». '. .- n Sa SU 'r,finpremaCourtCommUfloo- - le et 1 api tiv.^,- a, ". -. ¦ :. tra-M no.Ko -- i'- Be -. -. r of S Le ul er, :e Jaeoh irahalí, .. B u T U L N tiry ..-;..: , - .':¦¦>¦ Mauer In Chancen :. >- >...-.-. - Inspector of Sole .Leather, sent .- ; ¦ '.V ¦¦ - - -i..-: -: I i-ml^ '..'.. -. Osweco.D* 1*1 IVerdweU, > ?r-me Court Commis- . ream ntment Stephen Power», Examiner :- C^ascory. vice . i .- --.i i". C'iy ! v^miner in Chancery. tin«, dec ned to accept the commtaaioa Wáshis s arlea Hti|she*. Maaierm Chancery, vice . Ciara, ti Lather Wait, Saprame Court i raatde at Kmcabury, vice James McCaJj; > .: T jSaprei -r nrtCommi** mer," _. ... - n In I %! . ii .. n ck, Notary Tublic, reäp- . !mv.: R Van Arnsxa..Sarrojale, vie '. , Der»! te from c - iiy, 1 . ..-.-¦. '¦¦';¦-, v.r-i r<ter G. iler- ¦v, \ ¡ :..¦:.¦_ . R iwtey, :.-.t J Ige, -.-;<-" Abraham Etoct ¦'¦ T ib -i» Ta er. Ja Ige, : i -: .' ¦- T .-¦-:: Bel ico. . r |, p Corne - in'- ï. Neiary ru>::c î. S .o- :. rt » >: -\\ hi am il. A lame first Juíce. »ice Oliver H. .'¦- -'.-' \ ai i .. M. K':ap?, Judg vice Ueo. VV Scott, lerm *x| Irn* tb iç-nst u-.x_ ii :. t B. M S ipremo Conrt Commis- si :.- ;c: :«. .1 ¦¦¦:.-. ,ew app*. Ait .>¦. l.i lay, japr-.a:-.- C jtrt Coa¡n:l»- ilooer, i .'.! - M -i'iît- J..> ¡>'--T"s-ll iratloJ «es IdJadge, rie« William Fin- 1er, r--»:.'.-. Bei un i P. Angel Suprême Coort Camrais- lioner. Vice Calvin il. Bryan, resigned. Iluf m R. Spvtlmau inspector of Lamber, vir« At.raliMii U'iu¿. frm expirad. Statc.G jorge W Cíinlun Buttalo.Eria county, At¬ torney of Seneca Indiana, vice C'Oha» R. Inland. Alira- tmiu Bocke-'. [Juillet Cady sad William K. Uavemeyer, . -i- for ili<- erection of . The \V.;--:¡ lío tcofRcfuf rnlledellncnacu," sew appotnltnei ». MiLiTaav..-Ephraim Bar-»-*, Brigadier Msjor and lu- -.¦ ' : - 3d dleision o: artillery,v .- j ,.., Amsdon, removed .. Slate J bn Groeatx « Major Geoeial ol thsSifa Dlvlaion u( Inianby,vice L. U. :- ¦., r. .-..-.. HEaxiMea.Ell T Mur-!, Uaatei lr. Chancery, vice Charles Orar, term expired ai <¡>-c.iii'lí a reSppoiniment. J i»ephN Ivi [ .... .- unieei In i.aaocery vice Cuariea ray, :t"ei i ptred si icltnes i re ipohume St Lawar.scE.Wra I Dart, Master sni Examiner in Chancery, n-.t ipoinimenL Rose a* W. Jndaon, Matter in Chancery, i at- Cj ¦ W. Baldwin, Examiner in I'.'itLcery. v., .. J'-f-p1- R. Kiinl-r«. reai.-ne-J 'ilj->rrb» V. Rukse'il, Supreme C-'UiiCoinn.vs: ii^r, to ie»:it'» at Can« ¦. ipul :iju;. Rùactna W. Judaon, Notary 1'ubilc, r .i ipi launent. \\ A!, tl v-Trumaii B. IJi.-k*. Jml^e, vice John R. Tli'ir- Ban, le :i: evplreil. Alfred C. K*rl:r, Uun-r »l<1 Examln- i>rin Chni'-ery. napp'L Altieu C. Kaum, Supieuie Court Com'r, r»ip¡''.. Saratuiíi .Calleiioa.-3eeili-r, Maater lo Chancery, re- spi''u Tii^inH» G. Young, E umineria Chancery, reapp'L loibuaMandevUle, Judge, vice Seyn,our .Sl John, lern; ripiie^t u's MiKc.Lloyd A Bayward, Supreme Court Commis- ¦ ionrr.to reaideat Perry, vice I pane N S'.o-idnri!, removed from Slate. N. i ,ni-Uu^wcjcJ Wright, Nulary Public, Laving fail¬ ed to i;ua:tfy. KtssstHKK .l»a«<- McConihs, Coma of Deed* for ite clly of Troy, vice Friend S Rniherfi rd, resigned. CLINTON.Thomas B. Wiijjo, Master blj Examiner iu Chancery, rt ipp't Tioca.Samael Banurer, Jadge, re&spp't John J. Tay¬ lor and Charles P. Avery, Mulera a:.: Examinara In Chac- c-iy. n ipp'tt. TOMPKiMa.áte;,hKD Mica. M it'.er in Chancery, vie-) R ibei -1> Miiar. lern -:>: '. Jt:i> ciii'.s-¡.-la.-. \ nu'. .eia. Sup. Com'r. to kkIa »: Sackelta Uarbor,ci w 'ipp i. l.i- ivuiiam A. Cbate, Notary Public, rtápp't Delawase.Albert Edgerton. Examtneir In Chancery :- :;. r-r F. Wb. tpp*!. ? henictaot.Ira Avery, Judge, vice Abraham War- rea. leticD-d. OsECNC.Aloezo Oreen, Evm'rin Chancery, reapp'L i.i MBLA^Wtl Hm A C.trpeLler, Jumce of lie Ju»- licr.- Couit o! lU- C::y ol Mui3»Kn.»-.ce Kdwin A Mtynard. reinjved from Stste. William A 1'rprtiter Justice of in- Pesca for the CUyofH-idaon, ¦¦.- Richard OauL r-*ieLr«i. to iik^-rr-v-i t--. .!" Jj-.- next J-'.-.".h W. Falrchtld, Noia- rv Pu-ilv. r. ©entrai Xûticcs. IV luforiiiitliou \V.inleil..Kur no tecuoiial or »elf. Uli purpote. It '.» very decliabie asce'lair aa to->n pot- tlbie ihe can.e and !'i>'. ofj - of lh«- I'nndmti .>/ all the S'aic JgricuUtmL Societia n tkt i'nion. Thit iclorniailoo ceeded for the ate of the Présidée*, of eue State Society who liesire», ar¿ wbo^at teen rci,i.Lred, tu Luivi ciiuiuhje'.- cation wilt all oilier S.aie assoeisiions. Tue difficulty i* to k:.cw io "»nom be ilmil au-lrrs» iiimsalf. If Editors of ihe paper» at the trat» :' Guvprricie!.: if It» Sialet. and enpe- ciallv EJitors of ail Agricultural Journal», will have ihe Roodcett to^ive Lbit cotice ooce, requesting the uvfjrmaiioo lo be addrewed hy mal..or otherwite, to J S. ïKiNNca.Et'i- TiR oi tut. FaaMaa»' LisaAar,Niw-Yoajt,UwouiJmuch facililate the t:u\!cniect of an ot'iact of cecerai lulere.;: Wmihey i;a.t-it »iL-inett to do to ' Where co Statt S_i- clety eiisit. it w w:-,b-ci io get like information tt to local Socielle», earh » i..'-t. wojld íl¿ ¡: lo their aJvacia^e to have .Lnr ¡uliJrcM liwwa to etch other, and loail US Afin- caitural E'lltor» in the couutry._ myló ty Hnthinc, Huir I)re.«ins, .»hnvlntr. »cd Wig MaAieg I1 aiu No B -.-... i.-. .r. lttd*on** Hotel, so tsformtcg Wem that rach a dealderanua, wte-» aha hair c^iuot, »hsmpoomi ainl LaJtint. caá oe earrirü on in ¦tyle may be found at ¡.j new p.ai.e, Jadson'» Uotei, ui B'niadwa'v. Tae Bain» are unturpassed Ly any la lbs city for com: irt andcooveaience andcanscconnnrsiaie ii« persuc*. ilot, Cold, üJ Sb iwer Bst:.t. tlalr C utisg, with dean bn»1-«« for each peraoc. w.r.¿ oeec a feature :n Us ;>u»:ne«a for ma-iy >-arii. he wvu.i In- or^-. gentlemen '..'-»'. aril ss -»-t itve t^iat t.raccb of lit ^u.-.-e»» bis r- .- ¦.'I »'¦¦- r-_ mjitil tV .Mutual Benefit Lite tti»urnnce lorapney, N.i. 11 W*:i-«i..1. it now a year »'..-re t-i» InstiUtÜoncom- D -LveJ the Lü«r:e»a of Life Issuranes ou tie iiLfral pías rat announced in iu proapaetau. Tluu tan pr:=cipi-A iheretcc.T.ta:'.--! have met with trie apprubatio:: of tboae wbo baveavii-htiii» advaaaae» *?.:<¦. 'ticb an lastbanoo «icrJt tn ma»-'.-.' '.¦.¦.¦.¦.' .- OC a family, =¦.d» - -s.'rr proof una ma >'.*t> ment of lbs fact t£at tlOl ).¦..¦.. ba - been itsued. anil .ait premian:» to -3e amuus: of *:¦;.. ,. ^een re-:-iv*<i danajt UUtpariod. Tn-aatoustof iuad» received :o: premiums has already eitas^Ahrc a \±i¿? c»?-^, » bXM :r:--»t rap:¦:.>. lucreaae ty the pavmeolj of inettcon-i year's prenutun», li-j aicruag i.at.^^\.».. and the arrest r-.-:r.^u C r.-.^w p i ir.ea. The ar- run;-^Uoc ¡rora ue»e »earcea enable» -Jie Director» lo ful- ni ihelr Drccite» to.sy up a reaerve fn-:d iu meet the :n- creaiini at-t tiaured.e^ua: W re-utturtng every life.pay aii flimirit for loase*, and ^ äWJrs .ax^e prohis amocg t£e Gs*" t-prilSlntrnieni.Humai Benefit LL'e!múrice Co -Oda - No. i vs nVaa -Pv jae. J»a-d : To.Merciis:» k Traders.»J To 3e»Ca?-a^i»i.Ma.nnera. i Ma=^'a.-:^rrr».i-; ?*"¦??" - P-actera.... 0 Mecr.»i..A.'* Ip-Keeper«.4 C.-rjvm-c. "! r.ectaeera..j O «.¿tau«.-J! Caacters.4 La'wyon.ol Accountant«. " - C'.eris.;.. St^ :-z-j.a : to eaao '--:.. .,^i Prater»... j[ tsdlasj...as r Hie Officer*-..."| Oentirroen.5 üicer» Navy.5| Servs.r-1. 5 Tjal. -'-- Po.icle* U»u?d ftom i»t May. I: .- '- .-»'. March. 1516, til mo-.ii !. l,s Whole nasmer peMo.* m year.mi j Wboleanocn-.ofrreractaslt.-ttyear.SlMJfcd Î5 Tau Ccsaacv ha* met witn t;: two ioases. amouo tag m swm ^^s^PATTERSON. Presides Bisj. C. liiLt-LX. Secre-ary. Jos. L. Loto. Agent. _ Jas. STtWAXT. M- D. N-> ^' Broadway. =yl if OMP/s real Heal* lbs ^^^^^^ hap- pyía btíag".be firtiia mtreda» ibem hers. Tb-r clsp^y t»e forenead and teop>* » UI b^-'- * P°!a; a »"-¿-c1- kT,z nsver ¡.ei^reaiial-oii. The.- raaecnsaposwj of ver.u.«- L=g or ¡.»*aî^--r srorx. XSejrft H ^e h^sd b) a m-rci^- 'cai -"--rvai^e-^n'ecvoew; ii.ey are pa: oc in aca-aiea- Tb^y'^edLcrlV adapt rJieEserveslo ¿ecaa^ienaace. and at ccce become part and parcel of the avtaS raaa. Copv tbaadorasa, E. PbAi>^N.al Broadway, oppcaiie dmOsSOS H Jt=i. or ander JndsOB * Holet my-t 1m ty The Amazon Wis^ or Gecf.ea:*c'« reai Ha rxlaithom« i-e boestaodgrsaasst ix?r-7ea.en: fa maañ&bcrareofWig* and s"s ?¦; aadmeacasertaerisn t>. From lín.'vf.ton. The steamsbrp Te'eçrspb. «,"ipt. AuW, arrhn an early hoar yesterday morning fron: alve*ten. g left thefts on Sanoay, the 3d hasL The new« ¦..- t we did not leem of su£cieni aper. We Teeret to say that:!--' steamboat Monnoath left Garrèston for Brazas Simiaco with only »;_- tt.!.:: vvj.ai.teer» on board. [Caii you this back:::.: your fit :...- pie w re awaiting farther ïrd rs {rom the Governor before enrolling tbem- - The s:ea-_b<-&t Co). Harney __ii not left «on when the Telegraph sa; ed. Tco Telegraph met the New York within :h) miles f Galvest n í:: !aj afternoon. We look :jr early rerun of the New-York with later news from tbo army. The Telegraph encountered a heavy gaie on her voyage hither, with a heavy sea from ihe eastward. During the h%hi of the storm i fema .. passenger on board gave birth to a ¦',__ boy. ________ ~'V " PÎC-»S__ Triai. of Mr Jo&ssos..Bingka nton, Mr. 12, '»;»..The testimony! r the prose .. n_fo_> tag it-:, and thai forth« refeoce last svening.. Tnc ertdence ^r the lefenes w».- directed principally to «.:..:. Mrs. .: Jt, and to the where a' :. on the days in laes-Ou, when It :< alies.¦.; Mr». Bolt was murdered and ". B r_tek abducted. To-day unset for the leience commence summiog ;ip, lion. I1.?.! rhiswlU pr bably occupy two .' '.-.. Gray his presided w._i marked !ec:si..ñ ai ... .ïs-. I forgot say that the Jar; was made a; on Wednesday evening last, after 77 Jaron ht: been c_tli are very conflicting ss ti the trial to the rrisoner. One thing I think is trial will not enable the public t form »ny n¡. aastotbeuiei is of those mystert- -..- i this section. ; c um. Adv. t_f* The Albany Evening Jo-rnal of ¿aturday Dcestl ... -.ason. fitPXACBivG a Witness..William Foster of wbo w_* doirous of destroying the testimony of 'vV;ik. .;¦ Si at r a.- i wit .--.. Induced ¦ man named Mow; -. ¦¦. : .. letters, wan Ing -. >qa .¦! tarego id,!-. SfMMiccr had attempts b i-n repeat his attacks en a sut night, which was Bam« ¡ht came, and Arc« were .> iwel ; booses and stahtes.. suspicion,.instead of resting upon srencr. :, --..-. wl »after a nipUcated invesügalioa, was com- 01 i a ma -riderai le Theamonnt Involved in the suit In which he r.. tu ¿¦.3.:<jy Spencer-test-nosy, was only (100. [AID. ï'.\y Jour. P_i5F0_ Acctdest..On Saturday morning, the cuver of the mail-coach bet«--.¦:-, this city and Bs a attempting tu ford Mill íesk. above Carthage, drove - rscs .. >n their depth, ai.d ^v ... .d -....- t ach. The ..lie's -va« v-.ry mach swollen at the time, and :'..¦. irreat very r.ii-id. I'nc coach was crowded with paj-sergers, and It Is a miracle that all were not drowsed. lady and gen- '. ii :.- ..:! Pennsylrai :.i named Wise.we regret to learn, lost ttie:r ion, an In« resting little fellow, abont eight years ige. [his ws inlyllfekwu The body of the child was rece« cd ly after the accident. i bi Ige i ¦» the crock at the point ¦¦v era the accident happened. The driver «via can :.,- ,1 it : attempt to cross :it the n-id, but he replied in a perverse mood, that he knew his .«i: business, lie his been arres.ed and committed to jail. The horses swam ashore, bill the -.:-.:»:t_ were ¡est. [Cm. Alia*. FuM-ii. OcccRJiEKCX..On Wednesday nicht last, in COOSeqU) nee ol repeated heavy rains. Mud Creek, a small stream In Ohio Co. la. rote to an estent never beforeJknown. The freshet carried oil a log bous- i c- copied by Mr. Ellas Greathouse, hi« wlf», and thr. o cbildreu. all of whom perished In the flood. [Ciocinnati i',sz. lüth. ÖCl]C0l9. B«) \KIM>t.' S>«'IKM>l,.-lrvtoK Insthute, Tarry- lown, N. Y.-William 1'. _vom. A il. Principal.. Summer se««on con menees first of May. To those who desire to place »ol» at Boarding School, the advantages off.ed at in» losÜUIlion aro be.leved equal if mu superior to any. Ii li_u>e,-r! In luccessf^il oper»;i<>n eight y-nrs.. Tii location, delightful and salubrious, i< convenient of a.- r-.s from ii s r.iy Tbeed ii - Is coin.lodloms and comfort- h'i i.the play-grounds ample, «ml disconnected from ihn village. Tho government eilielenl but mild, reaemti-line the i'.'a well rejuiuied Christian family ¡and do Day-schol¬ ar« are r-.rived to counteract ilia salutary loflasnce of fiim- l.y irainiae. The »yaaa ofrnstructlon Isdeniirnecj not merely to advance and ,ien'e<:t tlw pu;-n in lbs btan__M »ludled.'nu to develop sndiniitruct ihe Judgment to enlighten tho understanding, u lonn th < habit»! and to iive a moral and sseftd direetion to tiie luclt-ailona Further partdrular«, locludln« Catalo_u« of Studenu, terms,-c. will Im found In clreular for tblo year, to be ha ! ou application at tbe. luañtiile, or at Ihe Hook Store» of B»rt!eti ami Welford. Broadway, Crowen'«, b*ia Broad¬ way. Ra>nor»',7» Bowery. Pvel--reuc'¡«, l<y peiu;i»«|jn, to ihe following distinguished gentlemen: Washington Irving, E»1- Hon. Lianlnl Wehsfr, Capuiin Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, Hon. "lu.iau C Vnrpland. Nathaniel B. Holme», E»<j. I T*rr?">'"»- Z-liedee. Cook. Jr. E»q. I Wru. C.il'.-u Bryant, Esq. KraneisHs I, K»(j. I New-York Cuy. George T. Trimble, ( J Utaii Rmseelser, M. l>. j lUrp-r Broih-r». ms.> J»«>1 Corpctiug. OARPETIN-, Ice \\i ÍLI.1A.U J£F£-tG_ -I faipet and Uli Cloth, Papel fian¿ir,<«. I pliontery sad Trauspsreul Win-, dow Shade Warehouse, No. J'J Carmin* st late of M Cv nal-si.W. Jeffrey respectfully Inform» his former pat rons and the public gen-rady lhat h-» hu lasen ihe large and roniinuili.u« »core N'x--C«rrn:ne-«L near Bleerker «L w».;rti h- lia« fitted up wuti especial rcfer-nce to the conven- ience ol purc!ia»«r».an.1 where lie wiU now lw happy 10 >f- fer&nuetcd well «sleeted ansortmeat o( goods In uie «Oove branchas, which, fur price and iiueitiy, will compare layor- ahiy with isiiy _i the city. Bis firalfloorwlll exhibit a choice astortmeot of Paper Ranglán, norfSer», f:re-li,ia/d print», _c in «-real variely o; . lyle ail pilce» ; dama»k», moreen» :ah!e and p'.ano cover». Iilnding», fringe», c .ru«. ta»«el», window ornsmenl« aod other upb" sl-ry go.-t«, live gee»e feather bed», bolster«, pillow», pure curie 1 hair mutrasae», paiileaises .C .C Hi« «ncond dowr is arranged expre«»ly as . Carpel and Uli Cloth Ware-room, whe'e may be found all lb« newett ar;il cliolce»! »:yies of ingrain, »ud plain and IWLled Vene- Ú is Ca:;".-_, cbeoUe, ..ifx- and Bruasel» rag», oil cioih» of v^r: »it width», wbilo, cSeck »nd fancy colored 1-4, " I and .-11'ar.lóU .M'\:..v¿. lr»L»paiet,'. Wir.d ,wîjha.l^<of curowti manufscture, «isir rod», carpel binding», wonted, jute and »heep «kin nun, kc. _c. Hi« Oiird rloor wtll contain the »ery beat ilve gee»e feadi- era. pure curled hair. mo«». _c- .e. at wholesale and reuní N.B..W. J. wlshe« particularly to repreaenl that he neither buy»nor »ell» any Auction (Joods whatever. HI* Carpet», ic. are all received :'re»h from lu*, most celebrated fa : jf'.e«, are warranted perfect m every particular and can- not fall to an»wer the expeclsllous of the tuo»t fa»'.!d!ou_ Kemilier» pur.fied by a patent »fam machine Cpholatery won of all kinds exvt;-_ted to order with dl» patch and on the most libera, terms. ._» 2tw*lM_S* KI'!»»»»..L.?», Thre-Tpñy »cd logram Carpe-ngs.. K. LAWRENCE. 17 Canal-sL »ecoud »lor-j from Broad way. Soutn »lde, odor» for »%'ie on the. very lowest term», a »pleud.d aaso.-xaeot of Bn;»seU.S-Ply and Ingiabi Carpet- tn¿», Venetians, ürug^at», Uli Cloths of every widib, Slal? Rod», Taiile and i'ioi.o Covets, Window Shade« aid pTj« tares, M»:tir..». i.e. T-spobttc.re lnvlted.au ImÜiH' ¡palcm itl-öicines. BSONCHiAI, CONSUMPTION CUBED. THE fol.owmg cure of Broncoial Con»umptlon U pub- :i.ned from among :ne feat numw of cure« marte id . y by me a»« ofSCHENCE S PL'LMUNIC sYUCP. j T-, piibiub aU would occupy Un> much «pa.:-».1 the- Iut^«. .tvtng m- a coneb. pain la my bre«t. and great dlf- f breathitig. I wa« then trm-Hjraiily re.leved, but mv disease was noiersdlcaled. L_sl Kali I again too» coil weichpr-.-ueed a »erf oa.1 and diaueaswg cougn wtlcii w-a* yery tlgnl.n,y Lrea_t3g -a» so __wri-_S that 1 c-J' ¦'. tiOliie djwn» uiy bed. .. -_¡ o . -j^le.-e,-. ap tu o"j- cure re»:.my cough wu »o _oui>le»o_ie ihal 1 waa of_n deprived cf «>e? for a greater part of the c^h-..my »ppet- :te-.ea» searry Mat, bowels .ry coettre, vtoagt hfisrtschf, r .». fever ac-i copi-a« sweats-ay u gestion was greauy bnp__ê_,aad nwa» .ttneorcoihicg ihat ! could take that wj-a..: ,-i5i_a;c upon tay *t Jtuaeh.1 b-scarae very weak «od bsj-Us and vu fa»t 'suing.and I le.i my «iiuation to £<e b->_i cuires»:ng and aangerous.many of my ineads in ml» cuy, «Ljiaw me,ihougt_Iwou.a _oi_v--__.-i> wee*», and ¿18- «.dered Es :ix_raí;;e. J tned a great num'wr of recied.ea vr-,:bju.l receiving acy permaneot oenet.i I wa» as lámale be C::;.- EioaBt.J, »-ere _te Lijclortssid l WaslBCurabsa w._¡ Broó.nta! C-jcsumpnon, and was bo better when 1 .eft tbe-e. I had given up ever get__¿ weil, when I ___-of s- ms cf i_s great cure« t_at hid been effected *.y Scbenck's Pul'posic Syre?, and I cone nded to try U{ and I can eua- r.eo-cusIy say that it-reduced a store sai_t_ry effect than «cv-ec_ed7 I sad ever tried I hai»e used th . F_lmo_ic j,'r.o fix three ^-.osii». and I sow fml _ist I am well >! ;ljl .'j.-_j brea.uog Is free acrf aatural as ever.S17 ijpeuiss JL ¿iod. »ad my bowels are pe*fec_y r-gs.ur, ba-v.s^ t-i«c «o . .re ! u»ed 'J^e Syns, and ! _n »n-ocg and asle to __s_d v> n;y txudae** I am w_laa_»6 -d ;:._ t_S V-..J-X Syrjp is _ebesi remecy for diaeas»-» .Ue :n; e..3d I cheerfudy recu__ne-.d .u .«e _, lb - '- -. ::-!. from th- ii« of lis bavi-g been t_»_Tj_u__al in saving my ñr. , ., .. I reside at Na 44 peirl-it, and wi_ be happy to so; any person that win call spec me. and «is*« them verHally my i_nceTU__r_!-_in I can la narerd to my own csse, or ihe Sta. of th, exceüect n>e____. tte Wadng. ^^ -DaiedMsylJ lM5n Tbe ?-j_d w_i bear in \i.sá thai l never pubiisa a eerU-- cate ^sless aiy Ps.s;on:= svrap na» aci.viy m«¿e ihe rm: tberrfore ai: the ease» lb»' f sab dan are »alctiy one. I _»tb a gr>-...i number of new and iniereatiDg carea, which w_l be iahecm a »her» time, which w_i ffi to prove that ïCHSSCK-S PcLMONlC SVBCP ha» cared more pa- _c_.j ihsa any other siedi-ne ever anowc ofin tin» eoantry. Prepared asd »old. wn._eea_> aitd reta_, at the propr.e- toc's office. Net -I Cor_aad-»i. wtjere per»ocs esn reeelre advice.and taave ti- r m_n e_ac_sed wi_ _n Stethescope by a re^-Ur poy_c"-_s. tree ¿í c__r¿e, __i obu_s pamptnets ;-s:'.s. - -r »s.e s!*o bv II. J v"D«>_, 273 Broad way Kutehinrs, .. B eeckOM»; Por*, i^4 ¿'ocrtn-»i, cod Woosier ; Evarttt, -. H_tss.n-«ii _-. ti_.--s«r,èô JÍJst^ciaery-at. Jersey Cay: Dr Mercer, ÍA 3ro_i-s^ Newark; and fteddisg itCa, 3 a__e-»t, Sostou. ._ | Ws cannon the ?nb_c to bear in ¦siz.i thai P. S. Eee_s__i is so ionçer an agent (er ti» s__ of lbs renui-« Ser__e_'s r_r:jnic syrup. rayU __*4wr> FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. »VIIOI.K WO. I3SS. Patent ÜUöiciius. SANDS'S SABSAPAKILLA, roa IMS aattotAi. »>u mw .»est cess or »it. ,_> «a.-:>>. raost as iwrets state or i-m »i coo ma«it» crrni »vsttn.rit .y^/alutr iin;i Kvu. .VWTUnatir»». *iti»*xc C»£a»«r«j .-' p u,ij ÍN.-.p.« «r P».:v.>i «a lw ."o.e. SíjccAt». .SVcj, i.'krw»tr >'o.-r f'vo. Just; H nu »r Titter. Son«! firad. i."*- «Tfrnwxr tri»J nasJs/ta» Bsiaei .*x.iV<n>fci-0'.raAACra ¿'.'rcrj, :jf4iAnf »y*^ ,>*«... Scuihu »» .' «nSijo. .«<J Puoim *o-«$u,g fr**% ox /«;uil-vw nsr o/" ."Uercsu-y, jLsata «v JJVawgg, ,ljjj-oiT.-f »r .'»»frxJrx.Tr ix i.i/e. Jjj, Okrvsttc t *tf»ufïf*d»«m* ÍHjortérr*. 'I'iir'. \ ALL S o.' tai« preparation Is new widely known, X a-J every day the be d Of It* saenaMSS l* exieudlng. ¡I t* anprov-o and Sights recommended by Physician», and ta admitted uj baths moat powerful and *;arc¡iLig pr«;a-».K u froti the n>>t that has ever b-eo empl >ye*i Va medical prac¬ tice, li not vii ;a u operaeoc. out gec-r»:, extending ihr 'Ugh tie w ho - »jaleas. It BcairaUxes ilví poisoDOO» el¬ ement« in the !v-«»i asd retire« a heaithv lone u> ti» or- cart which generate thai fluid. In icrofiiloo» and ai; ex- ISS»a!disorders» the resalí it a rapid hesd-.ng of the torea *".c pnanúes; ;z rhemnariam and oiaer painful ad'ecltcna ot Ute Btascatsr rSbre, a »peedy removal of the pain, and In ail caserf-a rer-evril cK strength, keeping pace with «be retreat of t. e disease from the system. It is put up la a highly con- ceau-sted form for convenience and portability, and wben IQuted according to the directions, earn bottle will make . jt rime» lbs q'ia:i:i;y ecjial to on* quart,and 1* then sapert- .»ria medicinal value to ibevani'ii» preparation« bearing the uame. Ti» proprietor» are tirmxit daily receiving teatimo- atal* of the SMSt r-speciai>ie character, lesufjmg to Its great valu- an at uve and curative medicine. The fufowing certificatem only another Itak In the great Cham of testimony to it» merits.* Lei :be »rilicled read and be convinced What It has done once u wiltdo again. BsooaxTw.K. Y. Maya. ¡its. A.B. AD. Sand*_Uer.i. 1 .'eel con*traiceo. to uiax* known the medicine which, ht ifce band« o: a merci ui Providence, baa been ihe means of restoring me .o health. I was confined to my bed 'or most of ihe t*iue for eight yes««.darin«; Which period I was under me treatment of »«veral emlneci phyddaas, and u*ed their pietcilpiu na sriüi lui* benefit excepton«,by whom t was tor some time mm relieved He pronounced the dlse«»e to be «rrolu.a. connected wuh carbuncles, an-t the Inflaralastioasnd jis trass which pervaded my «yitem, was Ute a devouring rluae; .11 ti.it »uuation 1 WSS attacked With aieveie cold, and ihe dlsasse »et tnwith redoubled vigor. 1 was advised ,^o .te .i.,,-, Panacea which did me bul lude good, and mj >ier. it bahol iirg uiy dep.orsble eaaditiOB advised me to u»e)eur Sariaparilla. 1 utnalued »ouïe immediately and soon u .'. befiehl Crem II» use, by cau»lc¿ ¡ay painfui and «;¦. p en :....tu be fraught with peaceful »Idinuera When 1 began to laie ¡he SsrsapartlU I felt a coolant ¡Haut tu«.. Ding »;:.: aching Ji«ir-s. throughout iny whc<Ie ayslem, also acouliaaai bnrning between the thouidtrs, u chai ... real« »preadlag .-.-er the whole body pro- ¦¦ .' a «tniriing lathe «kin lite a sea d. I had one tumor and Ihres ulcer» on my right »Lie and another ulcer on tne left, a-i.i e:e tiuaruau «oraness of the ulcera deprived me of all real. My leet »\in veiy painful and lame »o that 1 could not bear S shoe upon Ibem. Such wmm »Itttatlouou com- menang the use of the Saraaparula, and1 bad not tauen it '.ul a »h riunie before uhe ulenrt w»ro all healed, my g*o- era, h-a..h ui'Jcb unproved, 1 could wear my »Doe» and Wrt.a ta the open K'r which I could not do tor more Uian oigbijear». T'ututig thai nil wh.. «<ru arhictod may utelbe j right medicino 1 remain v ur» > m-ere,y. ACHSAB S Klsri.Nn. IPTGom tL We Iwve l>een w unisses in 'lie reinvaable >-ure eöeited bySsnds'sSa «ipc<riU-»inMr« Kitb.and cheerfully bear its- titaooy to ihe lacL EMILY M. TRI BE, Mr» MAR1ANNA KICKER. JANKTTK CHAPMAN KISH. Tlie following Interetttug catei» pie*«cted, at.4 the rvad- ert invited to in car»f*i! perusal ËLIZASKTUrOkT. N. J., April 2J, ISP). Gentlemen>Twelve yen'» »;o I w»s atjicljeo wuha »welliDg atn'ui the aukle vrKt--h gradually extended up- ward,increasing In extent until the le< su entirely en- velop-d tn disease, which proved lo t:« eryalpela* or «ail- rheum. The Itching and burning tt times were almoat in- aapportable. Th-mii cracked snd »-'metluina water dis- .im teJ frilly, ai oiher unie« bloody water sud pua My «afTering* rina:iy Ivcame «o tevetu. and lb 1 in'j to much diterued, that amputation was recocaieuded being tlie only moans Mk»ly to preierve my life A few week» »tnce I hea'ct of »¦ ma remarkable cure« performed by the u»e of your Sartapurlll», and lnunedtat-'y .eii'.'lved on giving It a tr.al, ihe retu.iot which. 1 am happy to »ay,I« a cure of the d - »4e. 1 useii theSartaptnilaIn louuecilou wiih tlie tail- rbeum remedy,and lbs one pnrtfylng tfieiiiooii and-yitem genersliy, while iheolberdestroyed and removed inednease from the »urfnee, performed wtjii 1 liai tough! lor In valu every olber source. My general health Is bettor than it bas been for many years, ami I attribute ir entirely to the u»eof your Sartapanlla. Thl» »latetneiit I* made for the booehi of all a^licted I have beeu. 1 caa iherefora con- ?c-'-i tioosly recommend thl in to do 1 have done, I be¬ lieve your titriapar-lla will nol only rellrve them of their sufliN ig« but euro ihem of ttelr disease. Your*ttnlysndklncerely, ELIZA SMITH. Kor far.lier particular» and conclusive evidence of ils »u- (K-üiir vaiua and efficacy, tee pamphlets, whloi may bo ob¬ tained of Age:;la gran». Prepared and told, wnoleta.« and retail, by A. B. Jt D. SANDS, Wholesale DrugfUl», 100 Fulum «(.comer ol Wll- uam,^7.i Broadway, end 1? Bast Broadway, Now.York. Sold alto by Druggists generally throughout tie Culled Stale«. Price ÍSI per bottle; »lx bottles for SA gy The pubd< are respectfully requested u> remeiiilier that It It Sands/a .-larKipart.laihat has been and con«Uinily whleving «urh remarkable cure« ui the moaldlrbcult claaaol .t-a.c lo whlcb Ihe human frame is «ub)ncl, luerelore a*k for Siiidt't Saraapartlla. asd lake no ulher. N. B..To llej Poor tl is freely given on bringing acnril- ficale ul their need Iroul ibe Minuter, Alderman,or Justice of the Peaco where Uiey reaide. my I Im B. A. FAHNESTÜCK'S VEHMIFaGE. TBS TF.STIMoNV IN IT» I O n OVKaWIIKLMINU. Hpilt; NUMERÓOS CERIXKICATES tu put»e»»lou of X the proprietor» have been voi untakilv given -many parenu have been »o utterly a»toni«bed at the number of worm« discharge,] by their cmidreu, and the immediate Im- provemeni In tuelr health, that they could not be »lltnl, bul wuuld lose no time In maiing inowu the fact to olber«, far snd near, that there rcaJy was a CSXTSIJI cure for tills dan- gerou« dt»ea»e. The reuil pri.-o ¿i ci>T, rn* SOTTLB, wbtcb bring» it wnb-.n ib' means of ait Ctrli/iotle vftM iliyur of the Cilv »f&maoUr. Pa. Lascaste« Ci m, July Jd, li 14. Me«»r«. B. A FaHNBSTocs: v Co, -Gtnilfritwm Seve-alof ihe you:.g'-r bruiiche» of my family laoonug uudnr «ymp- toms indicating worm-, ln'iuce.1 the application of varwu» remedias, and 1 am happy totav that your Vermifuge bad ihe desired sfiectof,lo onelasiaace, lemoving tlie almoat in- eredlcle number of 151 of the large worm« from oue patient, which, io addition lo Its other letted quaitlie« In my family, esiat/util timeilii-acy of your Vermifuge a* ature cure. M. CARPKNTKR, Msyur Lancaater City. There are many olber Vermifugea before tlie public, got up lo similar ttyin with our«, and they are frequently »old lo the uiitutpeciing as being either (As tarn«, or ai gaud as our«. Put uu conlidenee lu «u.:u autujuieuu,. but mire lo get lija Une and genuine B. A. Kabnettock'a Verui.ljg», cone are »u eliicuciou» and «aie thl«. Thl« Vermifuge is equally effectual with adulta, and a »tue reine-lv 'or tape *orm. Kurtii'.e by the proprietor«, U. A. r'AilNhiSIUCK it C'J. Who.esalo DruggUu, ttJoha-st. Also by John Ml.hau, 1<RJ Broadway, J. Il I. Coddlngton, 11-ids,u, corue- Spriug-«U; Joua B Dod.l, Broadway, cor. ofNlntb-aL; Juim Hintuii, lui) 3tb-avanue: March L Vail, corner of Spring «ud Moll tireet» Jame» Weir, lid Grand- il, K. E. Most, Uraud'iL corner of Cauaon-iL, Dr. Th.una» Rllter, 1"! Cherry«!, and by Drusgi«l» generally In New- York, Brooalvo, Jersey City and VVuDamaburgh. mhlS ThkMif WINEH'S CANAJJIAJN 7ERMIE0GE, 18 Daily increasing ¡n popularity, and acknowledged by all who have uted It lo be the le-»i remedy In use for Worm». Alter «/ery mean» have fulled, It has been used with complete »ucee»«, in proof of which we prêtent to the puDilc the following coruscate from ainoug the niaoy In postes»; ju of Ihe proprielori Bkooklv», January 13th, H4»j. Mesar». John Winer tt Co. U Matden-lane, N. Y. Sir-I am happy to have It In my power to bear taatlmoey of the good eC^cta attending the u»e of your Canadian Ver¬ tut/u ge. My child of two year» of age. ha/1 been 111 for tome »even or eight u-oulh*, and had finally become »o -mtciated iftal we despaired of recovery. Supposing iho cau»e of ils n.-«:.ees was Worm», we gave her various medicine» rer.orn- mended In lu.-n cate«, but Uicy produced no beneficial ef- fectt. We had given her up a* past recovery, when we were recommended by a freed, who bad heard of your' medicine, lo give it a triai.wo 'ltd »o without any expecta- Uon of :ié'>e:-:g »erviceable. but lo our great Jay aod»ur- prise, after »he liai tasen »tx dot--«, and ill only, »be began to revive, olid u now in belter bea.:n usa »Le as» been fcr ten nraeúi*. 1 esa now recommend yoar Canadian Vermifuge witb the ¿ ri Hast ¦. inatisnce, »ad a fnerxJ to '.he young p<>rt!on of t.-- I,, u»^ family, wbontder from Worm». 1 am glad to tin ' «We lo give you »ucfl decided confidence tn ihe »ucees« of >u-r med.cne.aijd am wiiimg you »uouid relir lo tee any pet«on« who haoduublou Uií» point. rows iruly, GILES MACOdD, la Tinery-»L The CafSdJan Vermifuge Is on.y ¿i cent« per vial, asd IS ui'jc:; p!easat¡l<:r than any tn u«e. Prepared only by .1. Wi.vca it Co. U Maiden-lane, N. Y. »old by Wynt fc Ketchsin.U! Fulfcjn-tt. ; R. A. Sand«, lía Bowery, cor. of Spring «L. J. I. Coddlngton, 5u3 Hud- ¡ »oo, cor. Sprlng-sUi J. IV. Batseil, »44 Broadway, and 8 DU runoo-st. In Brooklyn, by Mr». Hay», IM Ifttkoo-tt ; J Brice. 27 Jam «a st ; K. T. Qnirk a. Co, comer of Atlantic and Co- lutchta «la Qr. Steaue. and by Druggist« generally thr><agb- ont the City and Cudatry._»3> M^Thlrn- EOB THE FILES. OR. L'PiiAM 4 ELECTUARY.An Internai remedy. Is .cenaj: c\irc .'or the tusa, Interna, or <.xternai,bleedmg Of blind. Sold at lil Falloa-«t. Divisiuc-«!. and by the Pro- prieior, a rejnlarij alacuod Pbyaicutn of twenty years' ex- ter.eir -, coúüned to en otSce practico, where Pile* and all Ci..- i..: diaesse« are «ucceafally treated. Medical Office \jt Bowery. 4 : »ir» «Love 8oeln«'-«i. mblT tatiM W IAtsNETlt TELEUKiyU COJII'A.N Y-Alice rei.-n -»t of maay of ihe Stockholder« of tte Magaec« Teiegrapc Company, aouce bereOy given, tnat a mee'lng ot tne s. ..ca.-.u.de.'i of «aid company wui oe holden at Con- gress Hall, in ¡be City of Pat^detplns, oo Tuesday tee '.in day of May, tnaiast, alo o'cUKk, P. M. for ibe purpose of c3'jo«ing their Directora acd uansactlag olner Imponact suitneaa eunnected witii lbe<r tine of Telegraph. The aitentlua of Stucanu.der» u> pertoa earnestly re- sneatoi. AMOS KENDALL. cjlcJt Prtstdenl Magnetic Telegvapa Co. Î?U03l ate In-itaca State Seoanei, Feb. '^6, Uñ.Our «».'i ¿i«.-r!. Ag-^-ey for the Af.acuc cities is V. B. Pal- Mu'i._myj6 s\ t'Uli »ALE.A bar and counter, a%sbe«, »asn doer«, ¿oura, drawers, «helving. Le. and pat ap at »non notice by [al3 1m) J. LOCKE, üuiid-r. 31 Ann-«L «¿TEA.H POVVEK.steam Power to let in a new O bBttrJJsw, 74 feet front by 40 feet deep, corner of ¿*b-»t, and iOth-avecze. Posset,--, .c given 1st of May. Apply a: the bnucUng or at H. at OUh'UAM at CO. s, No. !¦'.«¦ Norts Moore-at. a31 lm* MiLLVJLLJiJ/ivilMüN.->)wtaNo.iyoondry For sale by JAMES N. OLNEY. ¦¿tatsartf _aw«** tá*^L^ir -»-ass-te» v |tysj»MS, A tfOLNT BUOKü« of every description for sale, at ^fflffg 's^gg^^L.'TT Malden-lar.«, ' ^-v« it uiuiTK fAaTll-K M»>Ar* r^ay «iweya be Q*Zi25S£*** J- i t COÜDINOTO¿ *^T^. íití Had«>o-*t. comer Spring. UTTV »«>_-, s=S FiimilA A>0 KJSKJlL'DA ArTLwrxn.great-y Graä^díTprte, tó¿ag by J. at L CODDWofOM. ajiS" ** Ha.dsoa.ft corner Bprtng. A; W w i«jiSi_i-iT»-8-sss_«»__«»g_»a_as___a__^»j BitaoiiotUs «fee. CDanUè. \V A NT_U_.A tttu-ttvo iodo s^oañT&ouiesTcrk. waah t" »_d iron as-J plain eooklag or take caro of chUdrao, in the city or country, by a Yocng Woman wits c.»l city re- feraces». Apply at lli Grand-«!. neat door to Broadway, ¡ay.» St* w- -i\- HIST.*58 ee Thursday evening, at the Ken, ^.JUpciais, are $5 bills the Providence 8_s_, three $ 0 -. » oo the Farmers' Mecbauica' Bask, Prcvtdeoee. the other NTs osjl remembered. Whoever may hsr« found or stoien tits money wt_ rather ohQge in» S&_-«W t" .i- ..i by reuumng u u S__ on board the »iotsarr O«gsa. ¦ytsî.P S* "il H 11 l-A t'^NTLKJIANoi prac-cai experience ^*/V/W m ec_me_rlng, U dealroos Of associating bim¬ se.; with a gcci.emac of capital for ti-e purpose of ¡nana- bctmrlag agriculture; imp.«menu and ail kinds ot machine¬ ry. Te.t moota s oi t_e htxbeat orier to be exchanged. Addrea» fiacucal _og_w~-, at ihl» elf.ce._my ¡6 i\" Á*> _lsîï -'VANTKU.Twi_í>-Ave bunoreu dol- v*"»,-»f W. lu» apou prodacUTe ssalestate in l_.s ctty, worth more iha3 double the amone. Addreas Box tsTl, Post OrEcss. No cexnnnsaton oi brokerage will be paM. M.ÏSW.ÏvrtiH. W ANT fcO.-Uoo who cancón» .well recomeieo-cd aa u> character, capa-lluy. fcc may S ad a permanent sitaeUoo by applying ai No. I West Four- tesenm-il. corner of ¿ih-arenue. between the hour» of 9 U> !. \ M. sed S to 7 P. M. "" ^¿,ii ¿. ANTKD-Farniilee to supply wUh good dotneaiics. for cuy and c-uniry, well recommended,at iba «Rea, tH Ctrasd-tt near Bosrery, [my 13 fri' 1 t. T, WaTTS. ANTKO-A lew active Young _M 10 go South or West, to act M A¿eois for the sale of new and pupa. lar rubltcauoos.S..a) over and assjve thssr expense» . ul .. i- -:¿red to them m wrtUBg, with an oppwrntally of clear¬ ing ¿l.> 00 per year. Some meo now m our «cupioy will, no doubt, make ovw $!.l»a} per year c.ear of ail expensas Each t»an win bare bis district- li will be necessary far them to -»ve m least fro.i $.> lu SôO to obtain a good Stung oat Apply at FRENCH'S Pabtishtng Hall, _U Srowdway. up stairs, OSco of the F,ag of our ll atoo. All letters must be post paid. mylt lm« sijtll EES VVANTKU I.n.n_UtATKL.V forth» _>UV ïi Regiment 1". S, Dragoons set stag tn Texas. Call at the _ritde»vo_¦ is I \\ ashiagtonsi. A detachment of Krcnuta will be forwarded to Texas m the cour»»« of the ww_mj 13 fW WA N T1i>.Sreond Hand Furniture, Carpeta, tablee' and gen.em«a » Garments, etc sec. for which une beet cash prices will be giver». A Un« _ldres*iod through ife Post Office, will be puacutaliy »ueadeU to by N. I. tltoaer. No ll Mtrton, near 8rooroe-«L my. im* ÂSTKB-At MÏilvtlle. Mass, stw-nty.fiv« men or girls that are «i.-rt-.c.enily ac<|Qalaieil sriih the art of weaving, lhat they s.u readily turu laetr band to weaving r-v.-i.-v c.«aimerea on power ieoms, s.«v twenty jack sptn- j ners : aleo, belp to work la a woolro card room. The above ¦: .-.¦'.. .¦>: help ts wanted luimedtalely, and »uch as are sincl- :y temperate an\l tndattrious wtll find needy employment at uoaral wages by applying to the sul-s«ru>er al MlilvlUsv. it C. I UARD1NO. V 1 '-s ' ¦ eoaruing atût hotels. BOAKli IN A III * AT KÜfAM ÏÏTy -A gentle¬ man od his wUe or two gvnlleinrn can be aceoumio- datrd with a pteasaM b^ck parlor either on the nrtt or se¬ cond door.also a !ar_e attic tooni for oae or two gentle¬ men. Tie house ptea»antly slluaied. In a vrry respevia- .¦.-. qabst neighborhood.the Roadway omnttsassa and the railroad .-»j« ¡a«s within one block ou each side, ll being contiguous 11 Broadway and Urand-sL Please appiv at No. !'* Elm st._ my lb i»- BOA KU. -A few reap^ciaMe Uecileuien or tieuUvmen and tbelr Families can be accoii.iiodaitai with pleasant rooms w iib board, la a rnapeciable pitvate family, abo.11 _e :ii..i' from Biushvlite, on the Uempsiead road, I,. I. and about lit miles from Brooklyn. By addressing a note to Uoo. Lowdon, Jamaica, L. I ihey can obtaiu the terms au- r-.-ferences, if requited, wtlhf-11 particular», my 15 Iweod" ROD >lr* TO LKT-Very pleasant Rvr.ut in the liais« of a pitvate fanitly. near Mr-ad way. la Walkar-aL to a genU.-mau ai.d wife wllh board, or tu singlo gentlou-ou with or without board. Inquire No. M Walker-si. myl6 2t« BOAKO.--A genUemas and bis wUm eau be arcouuno- daied "i.h board la a private fauiliy near sil. Juhn a Psrk.wubln a half block of two stage rsuiea. App>v at No. IS Vestry-sU Keferenre« glveui and required, my teat* RIJO »I S XU LET nsjar Washiugt.m iq.iare, wlln jr wlliiout board, al .'.i- Pourlh-jU luvl.ur BtlAKHlNt; si in Barclaj)-si.-fwo or Uuc» genile- :r,":i can he well accommodated with board and sepᬠrale apartment», If required ; also aparuueals suitable for gei.t emeu and their wives. Most respectable référence« a Ivon and required._my 13 Im* Ó'xSmaV 'À1 COKT_,ANl)-»T.Twourlhico geulleiuen can be well accoutinodkled wuli board, and .«parale aparimuui« If required. Alao. an aparuaent »ulU- bte for a geallemau and his wife. Reference« rsupibed. myll Im_ A(.KVri.i..*t.V.\ sud bis wifo, and two or lore-single geulleiuen ran obtaiu pleasant rooms, with board at No. v Chambera-M, opposite in« Park. mj'J iw" i'AKM'K aud Owl-room, with pantry atlacbed, to lei, uufui iiished. witlioul board, to one or iwo »logte geutie- tieiueu. Tbe apar uueuls are pleasantly Incaled in a modera bullí um ¦.-, in the immediate ueigaborbood of lbs Tarit. Apply al ¿7 City Hall Placo. _als U BÜAU.U1NU..Three or four gentlemen can be accom¬ modated with pieasant rooms, brnakfsst and lea, or full board, SI bi Krankliu-su one door from Broadway, uiylggw _^_ BÙAItUÏNU.À gentleman and hi» wtfe can be ac- i-ii.i.m ...I .a-.) with uoard tor two single gentlemen) at Sa Amu. uear Hold. Keferenca« «Tchanged. »iM lui* :_ u-i. H.HI ______ s l'IANU FOUTES.viILb_KT'8 I' Im,.o Patent Action Boaion Piano Kortes, lalso ibe best of Now-York made lustra- iiiieuu. of price» from s>.'«i to $.-«'0, for sale ii; inauuduTslgued. Persons frein a dlstaoce are assured that.i»,, can tie packed . -einely so as to go In safely to any pan o( iba ceunuy. Pianos tunad, old loauumenls bought, .old or nhauged. Covers and Ulools. Urdurs received al -AXTUN it _lll._«, M> Broadway, CllAllWr.« UUL.T. Jr. lie Pearl-jt. iSrookiyn, between Johnsoa Tlllary. myll Imssod* ""¿»Asia.-« PlANO-lfOtt'-KT^lirBiLK^A v JBgood second-band Plano-Furte, In good or- n 1 IS H ff'l"»v, suilable fur a School or to let out to li UP B Hiearners, for sale. Price Shi. Inquire al i-t Kounh-»u or ÎA Cedar-st. opsialra tnyW UlaJloa* 1ANU KOltrii K_JtOVA_.-_-Oleu_ Co.ttav» removed ilieir Manufactory and Wareroom lo IlH Fulton s>. W»«i of Broadway, nearly opposite SL Psul's Cbuicb, where tlasy wUl sell tbetr I'lanoa low for eaab or approved paper. All 1'laiios sold by iberu are warranted, and Ute best of reference, given. The slock of l'hlfe Son will bn u*s_ in tbu mauufaciurlng of these Pianos, who ara about lelln- quiduog their Cabiuel busloesr. Dealers supplied on in¬ most reasonable, tei ma. m'. L'y IMl'okfÄnT to Purchasers of PtaooPorusa-Th subscribers having purchased of Mr. Juhn acribar loe ex- c.u.ivo light m.;:,! IlUlMl .Stale« to bis patent Harp Krame Iiivruv. inei.t in Piano form, are bow nianufocturlog some vary i;"-u-iil Kosawood and Mahogauy tlaoo-rorles, which are warrauied superior ¡a looe lo any now in use, and lo keep in lune uiucn loogor. Tbe Improvement con¬ sists In a must beautiful Harp Vi »me, peculiar In codsVuc- Uon, taking all lb« strain of the strings from the case also, a general aasoruuent of the most approved modern styles of ninsii.id lusuumeuia. B_NN_TT, KUO_A_ LU, a.» 152 Vuitou-st, Easlsld« of Broadway. tf» I.SÜIKs.' KASUlOMAIII.It PAN.Y fislÇjIISTK.AW HATS, fans suaw ;uiip llaf. of ihe Mr laleanhspe, for tale »I CAitL KINO'S, 17 ÜI- ¦SSsS» vison-st at %l M each. is. ¡. -A general assortmeul of Suaw Hals and .arts HiMion» atibe most reasonairle prie««. «ai li.i-_CàEL KINO. 17 Ulvlaton-st. ail .-sî'frtj Sii KAsslHON.-Mrowu- <Jo. 17S Cbst- ^H haw-«quare, cornar of Mou SL wish lo iufoini lb« public of their recent Uoproveiaent tn the manufac¬ ture and finish of ihelr $U hala.combining ls«hloo, be»my aud du.-ability.three Important «oneldarnilons lo the wearer._myll lm* .jn WATTUlioNT at CO..liai «tore. No. 62 ¦ll si,__.n..i near KulUm-st. New-Yerk. ^^ M. B. WATTstlfONT. WM.H. JAMES, A choice assortment of Hau always on band, of their own manufacture. N. B. .Hau made order. my« lm* H ATrt, 11 AT*-r-agu HoUssXlQ HsnTal «S, e*u»l lo thus« sold by othars u t*t also, elegant dress _.<.» 'at ft 'si and B _>, superior in style and tnlsa totfaoas in many places at $3 ; neat Ha's at t_ CO. Mord) wfll 'w ploosnd to see bu fne.da at tau «etabllshineni. a-l Im-_ggg. r. H. BROWN. ItilCanal-c Ss*____SArS-¡ _H»«IT!"..Pine Ifrench iloois fo r M ;-i tO, cuy made, aad ara eqaal to those sold tn other Jm «tures for i >. Pine French Premium Bm-u for 81 V', _»w^ rqaal to ibn beat sold lb Broad wsy for $8 and 7. A t ... st.. It JON-.-'-, >'reach Imported Bool and Shoe Manufactory, oue of toe must fashionable In this city. Oar _o.il« were judged m the Anuncio Institute and Warn said lo be ihe be»l BooU for the price ever sold in ibis ell/- AH Boot» warranted to give latisfaciion. Patani Shoes, and Oaiiers, and .Sappers, _c OSSMS*lly oo band. Mending, _c. don^ m the »tore, IfOl/NC It JONES, niyi« Im* No.4 Ann-». n«ar Uros 1 way. tSSSSSSSm WSSSSBSfSSBvS't loid by J. it. Benjamin, & Beek_tan>»t is tha "tewt the World affords. Pressure gradaatod from 1 tu M lbs. wll _sit aback pad, which does so ___u Injury to the spinsk Ms. days uial given apd U no perfectly sa_sfacu>ry, mon-y raturced. m. if JIL ^^____^',->' y'fro i ii simrUn OK. HVlA.fi' TKVHiitLti and Abdo- !f _^ ^k-uoai hupporusrs.Ot-ce No. 4 Vesey-sL As- i i_a llur House. ^_rf*T*^«y Many persons bare Quderukeu lo vend Ifcl- ^^¦¦¦r lauocsof Hull's ce-.nn/alod.Truasne, »udtfü.i. sands are Uipoeed upon In cucaequeace. These ImUBpoas cat.Kit be r.. :~l upon ; laey are made by unskillful usechv nie«, and ar* no rmiiar than Out o-Hn_ry Truss.. aninnf .rric.or t»c lliuwii» «*l> thjlisis Camal C-. I New-Yora, Msy 7ib,l»4ti, Í 'IiHE Stockhoiders of ~us Company are hereby _otl_*_ I thai an i_»__moal of Ton Denars per shore on the fie w or »c-ctp «toca has been ordered by ihe Board of Manager«. payable to the Treasurer at ibe Omco of Um Coospaay, Cor¬ ner of Wuiiaa and Pine-su. on Monday, the <Ua day of Jane next, 14AAC N. -EVMOUft, Treasursr. my7 lm_ C'ACTION.-Mrs. BETTS cf rt-la. wou_t cauu.n / pr.ysi__.. a-d i-S pub_e not to purchase any (itorlBo Supporters reprswentea as having been made by her, ex¬ cept from oer solo agent la this citj, Mr. J oon Mlihao, W* Broadway. Mrs. BETTS'S Sapporters having received the univers- approbauun of Uas a.«dtc«i faculty wherever i_oy have been latroduced, tbe inventor deems it proper lo rennes« -tose inurrestec lo apply to bar agent tn order » avow -o- cep_oo*. Cou_vry_.fjrc_a.-_» and drugglsu supplied on reasccanlo terma._ «yH If r io, tiitd.-OurO_iy Agent-Mr. V. MUSK Amor»; c«n Newspaper and Advemsíng A.entJ\o the CUtea of New-Yors. lí-Aíe.pt-», Baltimore and B^n, Is our sal» a_ur_d _go_ lor^eceivuig »n<» torwardjig suoacrlp- ___T__ls_vS_Ä5Sa Pap^a«! for receiving «cd rririelrjuagfor pannncts-- t-«a__-. mylfl-t rTtOlitt-l- <rr,-*i «» -"pruvnd city property, on my_i lir_ _N>>-7Bros--«L ri >QL0m)tt W|tW «a tarss-vad«uy property, oo bond 1 and mortg»««- Apply lo * aStHONY J. BLXZCHLER, ___iio_asr, myl£l»__No. 7 Broad-sc rptUH UtKU _.-_?___-, ruied and p_.ln._i qu_nr I L-.e» to sun purc_aa-rs,_i vary low prxea, by jr___SC_> LOL'TtEL, ftt_aa-srs, myiô lm_77___>«---*- COA_, KOK »AL.lt-A__geq___uyUc-_u-if_a_a pea Coal eneap. s__sbl« lb» «tees» parpoe-«. AtfO^aa sizes ot Peach Orc-ard at these tow prteea -, .>fMf0.**zJVS and svrre *5 So, cut and» tore »5 26, *******>** "«ivere« from my yard. cor. of King and ^""SÄ»"cuNTON- I^WJU-DKI» Í5___2SSÍaí-_-__-_S Li and from lt la. w 5 lo. *»~*~j£ tîo^t '

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1846-05-18. · | XcopieshaPealforMXBCWM»IWf*t'.be BBJMCBtfL S'.v L, TwoCxwrs. sawsobscdbawsfire Uollart icioc, lo advance,is-í ios paper to

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1846-05-18. · | XcopieshaPealforMXBCWM»IWf*t'.be BBJMCBtfL S'.v L, TwoCxwrs. sawsobscdbawsfire Uollart icioc, lo advance,is-í ios paper to



i Ld 5«*»«« streets, opposite the City Hall,

i stíívared *° cltT 6ai>«crlbeTi for Nu»» Ce»Ti peri**¿S Wi «fren iney orefer,thej can pay la adrase« si

| haPeal for MXBCWM » IWf *t '.be BBJM CBtfL S'.v

XcopiesTwo Cxwrs. sawsobscdbawsfire UollartL, icioc, lo advance, is-í ios paper to no cm; coa-

I E^J beyond ib* uae for ^birh lili paid. 8u!«£ri3-ujo» ¡atea '.vr six moatha. Toree Dolías* ío adranes^-nlrédln ail exchange« with Country Newtpapca.peil psp«r» recelT».d ai tht» office wlxrtc lerma art

g£»tr iban tboie of Tue Tauest, »renot sUi/wad srj

ritMi or AHTcxTifina.

rf»eU«*"> O'¡**«.1r*l tosetttoa.Î* CSStl., »i " «ach »ui>*"*T.ienl Insertion.:-i .'

tf-tfiatheiB»!de " "" .20 "

.et five Lines- Ptrtt tarwttne...t <ktm a Hie.ü-f tJ,*"<¡ue2t ¡r,«rnlon. wr.:--:, m>!j r« .

jftfj day .er once, i .vir» or nir«?« Anas a 7 r«m a Da«.«art.aiihe opilan jf Ihe MivnrJjei. SMide Advertlaeuieui»- -ITlve ccr..i a ¡<ne fir Ibe f b~«t

twrllot), and Kour r«rW foremch »at/kr',-"21 '*'"3-

Ifltfus. W»sat»(.r.i, ViakkAt. Iloricts üe »oí «»ctado-.f¿s>««. .! cool».0T Ail Ad»ortumraent«lE»eTled 'u IS?» paper appear l>9ia

ü ne M :>. nie»: and Um >W ¦-'..-e cllücrn.


JlSubltabM »virjr Satcsimv SfOSHIHO, at ih» low prie- ofJ2 per imnu., izi adyaoee. i0 eopl-j for tsli, ori.'copi-aKfWVUK HJKMI-WEJKKI,Y TKIUIJ»X.

j, sii.Ht¡-<: erery Wtu.iaij»» aed S«ToatiAT aornls.ît"rite ©J per anouej. Two coplea 'or ¿O.

The tribune.I -:i:i'- Tocicir.

Wcfarjci«*! our knowledge of demagi goesiUtextensive, reaching even toth< sorriest spe<aeas of the class, fut a carefol parus« i <>f rjie .%!..¦-

«ce of the new minority Governor of Connecticutgonnacesosthatwe have hitherto» p ¦¦ ¦'¦ in a »tato

ofbliKÍ'J ignorance on the «abject Connecticutwt* never befon disgrai d with a Chief UAgistratcmliimrfnllj jrrt no rhnmrffiriniiralljf chosen HoiectD9 to realise 'liai the elements which combinedUDtUa Governor o! bim were of extraordinaryjujcDCH'. und be labors to befit their coalition. Nohooest m»n ever opposed a Registry Law try such

»rgoruetits a« L>- ases He >wit,w-*tli;it 1 il«-a;a.t Votesarsnot and i-Huno1, be freqtaent when all qn<rffpectin.- ibf Higlit to Voleare coolly settled \nfi/rehaii'J. leaving nothing but the <¡ <k> à polling '<l

prsvioaaiy scratinized votes to the day ol Election.If my name i-liMI bo improperly registered, thewho!« Town or Ward bas amolé opportunity to <!(..

laotand counteract the fraud or blander at lciaure,tudno barm hi done l<ut, in the absence ol u Reg¬istry, otily the lew iicrcorii immediately presentwhen n frainiuNut \ut<: in oflerod bave any chancetorli«£juto it ¡and even then, ii the offerer i* drunktoout^ii or ilaring cDODgli to swear through, bis voloou»! be tak« n. The Gov« mor" argument tbroagh-<«t would beiiain- as forcible against recording titlesto Real Estate a« again^t Rcgisu Hn.; the names ofVotern.To wjü u man electod to a mont respousiblo nation

by Ram.by the Influeneoof Itqaoc ladled out in

pails-fu 11 tu Ü10 worHt ;inil üiont <li«ai¡iati :l of allties.liiimy ofwhose Bupitortcrs went reeling Loin".-IruHi (Uc Election, and have kept drunk nearly evi r

lince inhonor of the triumph.to inor guch o man

iloabtiug the constitutionality of the Excise Daw,DJcking Haws In ils details, asserting that it cxprc<iily liiictiotiH the iiuiu nafli., and again thai ii indisai.iuatel} dcnoonces ii un a crime- but. above all

loseohini canting ami snaSling over itsprospei tiviinfluence on the cauro of Morals! and oxprcminghin painful fears that it will arrest iIm> man h ofT< mperanee.and to find bim tapering off with a sneak-iagrocumnifrnlation ofsome law in.-nitif<t'theact ofaiililiir; Intoxicating drink« to hnbituH! Inebrl-&t»i. thoact of keeping n dtmrdrrly In nine or «hop, tliuwaortoftbi: vlclou» for the purpose of exeesaiva Indui-reoce.tlio act of keeplngaatore or shop in which theImuniperale.or mlnori. or Hppreutin ¦ um supplied withthe lulnxicvllun draught, ui.tl Othei acts ol like charnv.lar,"would bo ludicrous were it not ho fraught with

calamity. How far tho Governor and those hotenus 'ítbe vicious" would oi^rcc us to wiiat mayfairly be deemod " exoessivo indulgence" wecauiK.t

say, but We think they would dwell in unity a»

brethren should. To permita freo traffic ¡n Intox-icitiiii; Liijuors. yet attempt to prevent the (»ale of

any to " the intemperate, or minors, or upprentice.-»"ii a moat hypocritical futility. It the rum-seller to

duct from each customer who lays down his six

penco a certificate ilmt he is not a minor tier an* h[>-

preaticc ? How can he know/ To allow him to

goon making drunkard«, yet not to give the poorvictims h drop after tiny have acquired the Gercetraviiij; for ln|»iii tin-, i« the extremo oí cruelty .

We contend that ii any body i« to he allowed to

drink rum. those who are beyond much (anbei degradati(M) by it, and whoso appotitcs ;u<- insatiableought to have the preference. It won!.I bo wanton

cruelty, when a man has been allowed t>> acquireid. irresistible craving for liquor, to cut bim oft" just»»lie biw become unable to do without and almostbeyond farther injury from itOn the subject of the Tariff, Mr Toncey appears

to hare no principles nor clear views whatever. so

be jumps from one side to the other with monkeyajüiiy and utter contempt even of appearances.6aya he"It ii In valu to suppose that the people "( this coun¬

try will not discern uud bullave tht»i a Ttn.'.t of duties i»

buta lilt ol tax.-», n« much to as it they were paid ton

¡«««letScer at tho tieel of a Ux-warrant; or that thepolicy of Idfch taxes can never be m tavmiie oi poputsipolicy with the. greitt body ol iho people."Thiawc can understand. It means that Trotee

lion is a humbug.au uupostore; and that, thoughhigh duties which shut out loro't;^ products have in

»thousand instances undeniably led to the produc¬tion of a rival fabric at home considerably cheaperthan wo ever imported such. Still the duty is justto much lax on the consumer. For example: Wewere importing all our Tins, free of duty, and pay

tug a dollar a pound for them. We levy a duty of

fcrty cents a pound on Tins, under w hieb that man¬

ufacture is gradually introduced and perfectedamong us: Yaukee inventions reduce the cost ol

Flu-making uniil we make at home as good Pinsfor To ceins a pound as we over imported lor $1, or

»i could now be regularly imported for r?0 cents, ilwe were still depending on Europe tor our supply."Now it ¡a vain to suppose," says the Connecticutluminary, thai our duty on Pins is any tiling but a

Its, or that such taxes cau ever be popular with his

sTOggcry-hauuiing! supporters, whom he esteemsthe greal body of the People.' Very well: we

eta understand this. But when he come« round ihe<Aber tack, and talks of levying the duties so as to

ftiaoall the revenue we need on such articles as

^aicin competition .with Home products, what are

*« to make of him 8 ll" his other assumption is

jíat ihe Julie-* ought to be levied on such articles

ttdo»k>i come in competition with Horno Products-Tea, Coffee, Spices, Cocoa, Ac. \c.so thatiher^dceeds should ..¦,.' (is his owu language: ¦ go into's« Public Treasury, and not tuto tho pockets of a

'Ptnjcular class, lor iho purpose of sustaining the'»oameas ol that class." If his anii-Proteeiire t&ik* lay just foundation, he ought to insist on takingPanties off of Woolens. Iron, Ac and patting.tt on those article» which are not produced or

riT*ied here at all, and lima avoid plundering the**°pie for the benefit of Manufacturers. If this is."t way Protection works, wc object to twenty-fiverwcent of it as much as he can to seventy five,"e object also to such twaddle as this, irwn o^e

*w virtually pronounces Protection robbery. If it. », it cannot bo abolished too soon or too thor-.sghly:

""I bar« too groat confidence in iho wisdom and justicetírfíTe** to beilete, that «oy crest change tn the rate*

bn* *" *!îecllnl? 1*rie Invesonentt of capital inducedjJwetxUangUw, will bohaauiy made. Without tiringtrJfi w*JOn*blo opportunity to capiial aud lubor. by a

£¦*"! oporatlvn, to adjust themselves quietly to thoj Z¿**»< oi ttunta. Thu would bolh hasard ihe per-

JJJ2 «ucceaa o! the meaiure, and ne exceeutngiy un-

tov,^ grost national intercala, which ougb.1 not

°**ubjec;c<l to chalices great and audden, wiiheut

^« acceaiüy."-**>.Toncey is wordily 2ealous in his champion

I 7? of the Sub Treasury fur the Federal Revenue*,has n't ¦ word to throw- to a doç in favor of

v tlwuld noi Conneoûcut'e Kevcnue be o.'l

Jf^* .,*^ *ept i" épecio us well as lhal of ihe-Bftu! Why should her Legislature troublo iisolf


vor., vi. rvn. .il.

With tho :.--.;..-- ol Col .¦ , '.i.'J utter :.. .'

sown? Why should uot their harity baveirdtoHome, If it cannot begin there?.

Ï ic Govi rnor pues .:;¦ the agony' .:. iavor cf coí-the Fcdei '¦¦¦-¦

B ¦. e every wor ittera

isja*t as applicable to the Finance« State a§

to ibxMe oftbe Nation, be is very careful ndl to ntw r

;: word on thai subject' A stringent lew,' to protect citizen« from undue

i'o.'iikii! influence on the part of their employer! isurgently rt'jronicnded. Yet the most extensileand powerful employer in the whole State or rcuu-

try is tbe Federal < overnment, which ''pv'y and

constantly docs tbe very thing which this Governorcondemn*, but be asks no luw which wiiil pier« Ot

tiiiM ! He ssy s that the citizen« of Connecticut »iiexert ibis undue influence in Election«, do so in theheat ol an excited canvass, and are probably Forryfor it directly after. Hut the Federal Executivedoes it ail the time, and nnv^T repents at ail. Whydoes be not begin with the hardened big sii'n«-:and taper off on tbe penitent little ones' Wh«tiu-ht ¡:as James K. Polk to remove one t,i the Peu-pie s Postmasters on acrount of Politic« morf than

npioyer ha« to discharge one of his workmenfjr the same reason ? If there he any différai ce, -

it not in favor of the nifin who niant1.?«.-« his own

business miner than of him who is tbe trustee forthe whole People .'Tbe Governor modestly déclin« s to expatiate on ail

the advantaged of acquiring Texas, winch at this pe¬culiar juncture is very <\>nsidera-.e. Oregon up tn

we moat have without abatexnent,bul above that pirallel we may aive way. for the sake of peace. Vetin the same breath he tells us thut our tide to thewhole is 'the bunt (meaning the better,' andthat we ma«t 'submit to nothing that in clearlywrong.' Then why give up any thing below ¡440 ? The finger of scorn will be pointed nt hi..

man who will not support the Government, whichdan gone to the utmost limit« of concession, and' ought now to be sustained, and J trust will besustained, by whatever there is of patriotism in

'thecountry." Sustained in what ? How muchdoes Mr, Polk now insist on ? Up to 43° only, r

to ; i"'7 Is Mr. T< «coy so much wiser than all

Congress that ht- ¦¦p.n u II where the President nowstands'' II be can, why not give the world thebenefit of his knowledge ? If be cannot, bow doeshe know that we oogbt all to sustain pretensionsw hi« h '.one of us know the extent of I.The People of C mnecticot proved themselves

tolerably acquainted ssiih this Mr. Toucey in run¬

ning him the lowest of five or six candidates on thefjiate Ticket, though the Governor usually runs

highest. We predict that the Statu will not holdrum enough to elect him airain.

fiioßrnpliiral (Sketch of Gen. Tnylor.Por ihc following sketch of the military services

of Gen. Taylor, we are indebted to tbo NashvilleOrthopolltan. (îen. Tnjlor is a Kcntuckian byb.rlh and is said to have been born in 1790, whichwould make him do years of age. According tothe Orthopotitan. he entered the army in 1800, im-mediately after the nttiick on the Chesapeake, andbus been in the service of his country from that timeto tho present. Having entered the army as a

Lieutenant of Infantry, be had risori to the commandof a company, at the beginning of the l.tiat II''car.

Por his gallant defence ol Fùrt Harrison on thelib Sopteniber, 1812, President Madison conferredupon him tbo brevet rank of M8Jor,(and bo is now

ibe'oläett /'in,: in tiio army. In 1833 he becametbo Colonel of the Gib Infantry with this regimenthe went to Florida in 1836, where ho was alwaysforemost in danger.

i m theSSth December, 133C, Col. Taylor, at the1head of a detachment of about r>0 men, composedof jiarts of the 1st, 4th and <>ih regiments of U.S.Infantry and some Missouri volunteers, met about700 Indian*, under Alligator, Sam .Iones, and'Coa coo ehe, on the banks of the G-ke-cho-bcc.This bailie wn" sought by the Indians, for the day

before the engagement Col. Taylor received a chal¬lenge from Alligator, telling him where to lind him.and bantering bun tocomi on. Col. Taylordeslrinxnothing belter, immediately pushed on ai a rapidmarch to tbe expected battle-ground,fearful that thewily Indian might change hia purpose. The Indiansbad a strong position lu a thick swamp, covered infront by a small stream, whose quicksands renderedit ahiioí-t impassable but Col. Taylor pushed throughthe nukksands und swamps in the face of a deadlytir.- (roma concealed foc, driving the Indians beforehim.Tho action was long ami severe. Tho Indians

yielding the ground inch by inch, ami then only atibe

point ol the bayonet After three hours ol bloody con¬

test, tbo Indians were routed and pursued with greatslaughter, until night. This was the last »land theIndians over made, in a large body, hud the only instance in which they v oluntarlly gave bailie. ThoughCoL Taylor won the day, ii vsas at the expense ol139 killed and wounded.more «hau one fourth olbis whole force. Two colonels [Colonel Thompsonol the .ih Infantry, and Colonel Gentry of the Missouri Volunteers.) fell ui. ihe head of the troops..Capt. Vanswcaringen and Lieut*. Brooko and Car-1er also fell in the engagement.

During the « bole of ihe engagement, Col. Taylorremained on horseback, passing from point to point.cheering bis mm to the conflict,and exposed tó tbeIndian rille si every momentFor this battle Sir Pomsett. Secretary of War.

rendered merited praise to all engaged, in his commumcaiion to Congress. Tbe brtvct of BrigadierGeneral was conferred on CoL Taylor, aud lie was

given the chief command in Florida, which he re-

tigued iu 1.-40. aller lour or five veins arduous andIndefatigable service in the swamps and hammocksv( Florida.

After bio retirement from Floridahewas assignedtó tie command ot the 1st Department of the Army.int udiog the States of Louisiana, Misaiasippi, Ate-,with bis head quarters at Fort Jessuy Louisiana.

Bis position gave bun tbe command.ol the "Ar

my of Occupation," but the u*age of the service\\"<uld bavejustified the Government in assigning tothat command cliberofthe six general officers ofthe Regular Army, whose rank is higher than his.

Hut it may Ik> fairly presumed that the high cha-ranter, gallant services aud great experienceol GenT as de from hi- geographical position, pointedhim out as the appropriate commander of au army,which was to plant our flag upon the bank of tboRio del Norte.Gen. Taylor is about 56 years of ago is aman of

much cenoral information and an excellent andtried soldier; a prudent and skiil'u! commanderwhose trails of character are. a wise précaution in

providing tor the hour ol trial, and a fearieas, reck-tesa courage in battle.

War Motemexts..CoL Hankhead, the MilitaryCommander at New-York, has received orders to

concentrate and increase his forcea at Fort Haavd-ton. liis recruiting otheers are receiving asen lor

ihe regular period of enlistment.

DemiKRaok..Iu consequence of the volunteersr.et having been ready to suit en Tuesday, o a boardthe ètoanùthip Galveswn. w&ich bu been chartered to

convey them to Fotat l»ab~!. »be receives demurrage at

the rale ol $-VH.' per d«v from l~uc»day eren-t-e U»t."1N.U. DiUa.7th.

f^p3 This looks very ¡ike a second edition of theFlorida War. Five hundred dollars a day for a

steamboat! Well it is an ill wind that blows no-

body any good. The People pay

KiMoR :»" Privatkkss..We heard lost even

um that *n Kilidavi; had been tm.de before Judge McCa-leh ol the U. ¿ DlSUiet Court, to the e-e« tiiat v^asels

m this pert were about preparing to sail as privateersssainit American commerce. This rumor may be true

or not, but r. certainly become* the oScers ot oar cus¬

toms to be on the alert. IN. O. Ptc. ï.

r-j¡f judge ItoBKKT Stanard of Va. died sud-

denly 3t K;chmonJ on the night oí the l.sth on. ofparaiv.sJa, Ho was oac .>t" the ttrst amoas the wise and ttstuv

tiuguisned of Virgiuia's sons.

tF" Mr. H. H Dexter has arrived in tbe city,and prowoic* to refute tho charge preferred against hitnla the uvwspvcrs respecllns the bill of esccaoge so.dto Gilbert .\ ^oas ... _

Yesterday Mr. Dexter arrsoeed matters wuh the ßasx.

It is understood that, he mmde no lalse sutement whenhe cave his ch«ck on the Hamilton Bank in payment Ijr

tho «Irais on London. I Boston Post.

Affairs at Washington,i-roin our Regular Correspoedent

Wxsaawrns M-<y :"<ib. 1546.3 ¡. yThere are rumors La the city about sac of : e

Mexican Provinces having declared in favor of thesited states. 1 soe not how the news could come,

a.id therefore fee! inclined to doubt any ir.d i

these reports and rumors which we have now..Ihcy are all itema of " Camp .\ci».

I regret to learn t-.at Dr.W ¦.

ten lent of the ]Worcester, Mass, to whom I re: -:. last n ght uthe President of the Convention held heredarthe present week, has been qui e unwell yesteran-i to day. He is a little be

twil :. tk that the . u

bulyrichin editorials for a day or two. P.that we go to *ar wiih Mexico because she has n :

paid us certain sums of money, and we makeattack on Gen.Taylor's camp the pretena for thewar .iast look lit the editorials on this f^j-'-t andyOQ wii! see lhataccording to the ' mon we are kt

war wnb Mexico for an invasion ofour evil becau-t«be 1ms not paid kjcjc sums of mOIH.;.The proceedingsoi '¦ >t:i Houses are rather dull

to-day. Amt gcrsinibeSei _.

not CoL ¦.:!... & nal r Allks is iulo« conversation with Mr. SawreR of Ohio

ably consult >... about the mon approved Kin 1 ofProvisions f>r tiie Army .-r Invasion, in Mexico.

': 'i p;t lib« d '.'.rr.c days s;nce an account of an

elopement Washington square, PbiktdelpbiaThe parties were C. 8. Thai khurto! andMiss Ward of I. -ijisville. She was taken fromthe side oftbe lady with whom she was at schoolwhile walking in the Square It was the m

ad proved successful. I rocar/où'i-^j.'; ¦¦. I.r. to »ay lb illhe happy couple arrivedbere this morniog from Baltimore and are sin; _.

at Colcman'a. They appear just as happy a* if Pa¬

pa had given consent. Love will overleap diiii ini¬ties.old folks to ihe contrary notwilhstan

In the .'Senate, after somo unimportant business, a

long discussion arose upon a motion mi'ie by Mr.Ar« iikk for a reconsideration ofthe vote by whichthe Senate concurred in the Report of the Comm ..-

tee on Military Affairs, r commending that the S rí¬

ate should not agree to the n:>< Ddmentoi the Houseof Representatives to the bill for nosing a Regimentof Mounted Riflemen i.>r ibe Oregon service, whichamendment provides that tbe officers ofsaid Regi¬ment be taken from the line of the regular Army

Messrs. Archer, Berrien, Dix, Bocsi ¦¦¦

others took part hi the discussion The yeas andna\i wer.( called upon the motion. There were .."..

votes for tbc motion, all Wbhjsbut Mr Westcott,and ..'¦-. against it, all Locoa The Vlce-Pn 'identvery promptly voted with the pany.There are still a number of Senators absentThe Indian Appropriation Bill was then taken up,

and discussed and ordered to a third reading, at:-.:rwhicli the Senate adjourned till Monday next.

The House or Representatives basbeen'en-gaged all day with private atl'-iirs. There has beenvery heavy ruin here to day. which continues una-

bu:..! ns 1 write.Wo expect later new? from the camp this even¬

ing Richelieu.

N>w-VorU I'lly Convention.The Journal of Commerce has been favored with

a manuscript copy of the Act recently paased by il e

New-York Legislature for the calling of a Conven¬tion to amend our City Charter. The election of

Delegates is to be held on the first day of June, andthe Convention is to meet ou the first Monday (6ih]of July. The Revised Charter is to be submittedfor the approbation of the people at the next No-vember (¿lection, and afterward to the Legislaturefor their sanction. The Act has not before been

published :

A% .1CT to Proriie fur the eaObig of a Convention in Holotion to the Charter of the Cite ofHem l'or*

The poopttsol tas átate ui New-York, representedinSen-ate and Assembly, do enact as follows :

.-unos I. An election shall be held in the city oi ¡lew-York ou Ul« first Monday of June ensuing the i>a.-s.i¿o oftb:s Act, for the selection of Delegates '¦<¦. a County Con¬vention for tormlnj a new or revising and amending the

pre« i:t Charter Ol the s.ill city Of Ncw-Yi :k.¡>E< -.'. Each ..-i ihe Wards ol the said city of New-York

shall be entitled to me following representation in saidi oitvention, vix : first Ward, uc lelogate.Second Ward,one.Third Ward, one delégalo.Fourth Ward, two deta¬il lies- i ifth War I, two delegates Sixth Wai I, two dele-gates-Seventh Waid, t« '..:.....,:.- EighthWard, threide!< itcs- Ninth Ward, three delegate! tenth Ward, two

Iclegatca -Eleventh Ward, threi »tes.TwelfthWard, one delegate.Thirteenth Ward.two delegates.I

eoutta Ward, two delegates.Fifteenth W ..rd. two |delegates.Sixteenth Ward, iwo delegate.Seventeenth\v*i,i, three delegates. Eighteenth Waid, two delegate«.

&>:c. .i. Notice of sueli election »hail tie given, and the

same »ball bo conducted in the manner now providedby law m regard to «,'hsrt«-r Elections in the city ol New-lurk, and the name ot eaeh dek-fme voted fur Shall bewritten or printed upou each ballot, and tbe ballot shallbe endorsed," Urlegale» to the Convention," and a se-

parate box tor the deposit ol »uch butloU shall bo keptby the Inspectora ofeach Election District lu tho sev¬

eral Wards ofthe ssld City. The result ol such Elec¬tion shall be ascertained and certified In the manner nowprovidedm the act regulating Charter Elections in »aidCuy.

.-M I. Ail the provision» p| law lor the put it) Of El« C-lions in the City of Mew-York shall apply to thetiuu held under thi» Act. aud ail false »wearing at saidI '.¦ cdoa »full be d< emed »nd pumaht-d a» purjnry.Sax. .>. The delegate» to be chosen under this Set,

shall meet in ihr Cuy el New-York, on the rir»t Mondayut July next, at the Chanibei of IDo Board ol Aldermen,aud «hall then, or a» soon »lier i» may he practicableorganize and adopi rule» 1er their »oversment Theyahal] completa their bu»iue«s so that any charter ur

amendments adopted by them inay be submitted to theElectors ol the City and County M New-York, a» in theneM section provided.

St.- .'.. The charter amendment! pr,. posed hy the Con¬venu.,» organised under ih» Act, .«tutU be submitted to the

electors Ol «he cuy and County sf New«York, at the tlec-tiou i« Ik- hcid m the said City, on the first Tuesday alter

the first Monday ol November, in the year IM6 and u

adopted by a majority of the votes casi it the ijuestion,il dir« the Legislature at the aeit seul n

thereof for approval, an * if so approved, shall beconu lbscharter or a part ol the charter ol the »aid City of Sew-1 ork ; and in eass the saldConventios sha:, pre!, -ami.vi-nienu and not a new charter, the said amendments »hailbe ml oitted to the Electorsci theCuj andCountyof New-Vork separated In danse* rtUnnc :o the same »ub.iec:. Tlicballots to be us^d st Ute election to be held '-:. 1er tkj sec-: ,.<:; shan be prepared lu »uch lorm as said Conventionmaydirect, and a separate bo\ ¡or the deposit of such ballotshnii be kept by th.-.- inspectors of each election ¿¡y.:..-.the several Wards of the said Qty, and the result of »u hi lection »hall be ascertatuiV, ant cerUned to in the same

manner now provided in the act r«¿Li^.'.i!-¦ aJerHoni fermemben di a^:: ¦¦ jS se. 7. The expenses of the election for delegates to

be beM under this act, and v'. expenses attending theConvention, »h-,:; be paid out of the Treasury ot the

City ofNew-York. Ineproceedings of the Convention»hall be tiled in the office ol the Clerk of the County,»hen duiT cert ;, 1 to by the presiúini! officer and sse'e-retary or ícereune» of said Cenventlon.îec, s. Dhe members oi mo Convention scab have

power to provide for their own p^y, which sha.i Lui e.v-

ceed one do..»: »ed fifty cent» per day Cor every c»yactually in seí»hn.STATE OK NEW-YOKE....!> A-irMui t, Msy 3.'s«.This bul havlag been read the '.hud I'm«, and two-thtrcs

of si] i-e meuiber» eiecied to I2ï Asiexblv VOttSg la '»»orIhr.'ïof.Rnoirti, T-ii the »auie do pa»».

By order oí lbs Assembly,A. fi. CHATriELD. Sr-eaXci. Pro lern

STATE OF SKW-VOKK....1S SarraTB,May9,»Mo.This bu¡ bavtrii; been read Iba itnrd dssa, and iwo-ihiiil»

of ail the member» eiecisd 10 U» Señale voung m tatorthereof.

Ketti-.td. Thst the b'.H do pas».Bv order of uV> í. ¦>

A. ÙARDEXEK, Fres ident.Approved tLU L'Jiday ci kUy, ;«&.


©¿rural Xoiircs.rç*" Kor IJostoti vin .>or>» ich uni! Worcester.

.Tb«' »leai=er CltvpH.-u. Capt. WUBaB», wul :n«r >oii2

t o- of t*;er No. 1 Noria ürver every Mont*-,: I» c¿»e»da> andFri jï. at 5 ?. ld_ connecun»; w'.ia Ike cars at Aiiyn»r. at. Imjatfl CALEB PxlATT. Jr. Cez.¿.j.&st.

¡ZT To t.utlle>.-Mi'i>. QOYE coattcce* to etv* id.les aisl d^ecuoos w;Ji respect to the appitcattcn of WaterCure in all diseases o' wca;;^ a^i c^-dres, at aer re»:-

decce, -."SI IPÜJ-SL n.j-7 3<n '

C?" Phrenolo«i»ta and PubUshers.-FOWLERï. w EU.S, lit Massen si New-Yors. myU injo»»


REMOVAL.l'Un ÁHíd>fr._iL ii. C VY ui removedMs «ab^ihnjeriif. r the sale of India BjVber ijooda of

<>T,iry de*-rptien, to the spa-toits osw stjre No. Ss Ccrl-,\l¿-*i d d K'» bliest in* tv«*tira Botel. myl Ira

V»TKÑX1' dk B,VBC^cS"Sv7rvñTo*««d V) No. HilsvJfutt,'Or«t. ravi Si

narjttKXNIPS EWSUBUt INK.V^ry generaUyJT esteoineO th? best b tue. wtU be cocaianiry kept for «a,e

bj J It 1 CÜ0D1NCTON."ajJlnt'' 333 Hiison-st conter Sprtn^.



Apperotsten» by the Oo-rrnor.»*«< »J Ike Sc-.cle.

¦-..>" - .-.Cor=3H tlca-rr U. ¦>. Mv-crv«.-- -. - '. :

.¦- '-'¦

':%r g William* Jodge. vice Chester H»v-- i -. V ¡mam 1- Wairsdt, Masterts Chancery.

--' red ; Jases X Elwood.Staat« la Caw »Wfel C Binerait. r-~

-- rafr oí Loams, rvaoot ¡r-.--.:' : :»¦. s-.r W» .i'-- Me-Call, tern -, -. oapsoo. Exwamjer is Chai .

se Eiset ft-R» . rtsaxi Brigg» ".'.. Taoraa*.-... r-. Franklin Ortdléy as : J V.

- <. ..:-..-. N Ell -esr *: p->\z:x:;z:t. Fiar» .:..-,-.---. Beef and Po-r.

,.- iSrWe sorfSbe foaSamord '-«¦¦¦>

A--:»1»-'.! B. Pettla and Sylvester.«expired f .-" t, Notary Pab¬

la* Tnm-r. r-v ¿rt.i : Usvid ti äcci. !-.»- e Leather, James H-?nry, renn ntire-j. T:i :; taej Pablb n ". John S. WUu

y .-. Por» M* apsoisuteil. Jj»is_ M"., ..-- ta --..-. -.- -?r-.

Peter S WandaUof CasÚetoo, RichmondF, »pedal Port Warden of the port of New-York to

-. | ...

j .: ,H '¦;.- «n and Add¡son M Bun. Corn¬ai cera of DeedayrieeWtl am S-MeCean and William

i! Ianson. resigned: Stephen Canmitíeog, William H í-!t--i ...:.. ta« and Philo T ELagg -i

M ist-r ;.- Chancery, reappaáBOneniaj I»«a» V. K"».-r.Master in Chancery B s usia F. Sherman, lern ex-

p --' >"a:r-«i- lel Jarrii Con a isakjoer rj. S. Moneys, re-

appotii'.meoi: Crar -» H S-Jolis. C.mm:i»;it-r û( 0---«Vu Drei Usées*« Ai .¦. ¦ Fall m.Mutary

Po»he.riee S*asa< Cockroft, resigned ; James D M rgai.'. ai-. Public, viceAhCBbaa O. Uiiraa.-t. resino--: Joba r.

.; .. ', ....-..¦¦ . Kr.~l .

.-*,.-. '. . CfaaOCefiOr of li- F "-1 <',. .... ¦¦ next, vice William T. Me-

-.-- age lied by aw

day: Aaiboay U Robertson. AssUtant Vie« C a.

Lila !.t I ..- ,.¦.¦.-:..-:.'¦.::¦ . : the' Vies ChseceH

." Hewlett, Notary p.Public, reí ipp :. U':.. in, IN J -.».

'. .-

n Sa SU 'r,finpremaCourtCommUfloo--¦ - le et 1 api tiv.^,- a,

". -. -¡ ¦ :. tra-Mno.Ko -- i'- Be -. -. r of S Le ul er,

:e Jaeoh tí irahalí, .. B u T U L N tiry..-;..:

, - .':¦¦>¦ Mauer In Chancen :. >-

.¦ >...-.-. - Inspector of Sole .Leather,sent

.- ; ¦ '.V ¦¦ - - -i..-: -:

I i-ml^ '..'.. -.

Osweco.D* 1*1 IVerdweU, > ?r-me Court Commis-. ream ntment

Stephen Power», Examiner :- C^ascory. vice.

i .- --.i i". C'iy ! v^miner in Chancery.tin«, dec ned to accept the commtaaioa

Wáshis s arlea Hti|she*. Maaierm Chancery, vice. Ciara, ti Lather Wait, Saprame Court

i raatde at Kmcabury, vice James McCaJj;>

.: T jSaprei -r nrtCommi** mer,";¦ _. ... - n In I

%! . ii .. n ck, Notary Tublic, reäp-.

!mv.: .¦ R Van Arnsxa..Sarrojale, vie'. , Der»! te .¦ from c - iiy,

1 . ..-.-¦. '¦¦';¦-, v.r-i r<ter G. iler-¦v, \ ¡ :..¦:.¦_

. R iwtey, :.-.t J Ige, -.-;<-" AbrahamEtoct ¦'¦ T ib -i» Ta er. Ja Ige,

: i -: .' ¦- T .-¦-:: Bel ico.. r |, p

Corne - in'- ï. Neiary ru>::cî. S .o- :.

rt » >: -\\ hi am il. A lame first Juíce. »ice Oliver H..'¦- -'.-' \ ai i .. M. K':ap?, Judg vice Ueo.VV Scott, lerm *x| Irn* ;¦ tb -î iç-nst u-.x_

ii :. t B. M S ipremo Conrt Commis-si :.- ;c: :«. .1 ¦¦¦:.-. ,ew app*.Ait .>¦. l.i lay, japr-.a:-.- C jtrt Coa¡n:l»-

ilooer, i .'.! - M -i'iît-J..> ¡>'--T"s-ll iratloJ «es IdJadge, rie« William Fin-

1er, r--»:.'.-. Bei un i P.Angel Suprême Coort Camrais-lioner. Vice Calvin il. Bryan, resigned. Iluf m R. Spvtlmauinspector of Lamber, vir« At.raliMii U'iu¿. frm expirad.Statc.GjorgeW Cíinlun o¡ Buttalo.Eria county, At¬

torney of Seneca Indiana, vice C'Oha» R. Inland. Alira-tmiu Bocke-'. [Juillet Cady sad William K. Uavemeyer,

. -i- for ili<- erection of. The \V.;--:¡ lío tcofRcfuf rnlledellncnacu,"sew appotnltnei ».MiLiTaav..-Ephraim Bar-»-*, Brigadier Msjor and lu-

-.¦' : - 3d dleision o: artillery,v .-

j ,.., Amsdon, removed .. Slate J bn Groeatx «

Major Geoeial ol thsSifa Dlvlaion u( Inianby,vice L. U.:- ¦., r. .-..-..

HEaxiMea.Ell T Mur-!, Uaatei lr. Chancery, viceCharles Orar, term expired ai <¡>-c.iii'lí a reSppoiniment.J i»ephN Ivi [ .... .- unieei In i.aaocery vice Cuariea

ray, :t"ei i ptred si icltnes i re ipohumeSt Lawar.scE.Wra I Dart, Master sni Examiner in

Chancery, n-.t ipoinimenL Rose a* W. Jndaon, Matter in

Chancery, i at- Cj ¦ W. Baldwin, Examinerin I'.'itLcery. v., .. J'-f-p1- R. Kiinl-r«. reai.-ne-J 'ilj->rrb»V. Rukse'il, Supreme C-'UiiCoinn.vs: ii^r, to ie»:it'» at Can«

¦. ipul :iju;. Rùactna W. Judaon, Notary 1'ubilc,r .i ipi launent.

\\ A!, tl v-Trumaii B. IJi.-k*. Jml^e, vice John R. Tli'ir-Ban, le :i: evplreil. Alfred C. K*rl:r, Uun-r »l<1 Examln-i>rin Chni'-ery. napp'L Altieu C. Kaum, Supieuie CourtCom'r, r»ip¡''..Saratuiíi .Calleiioa.-3eeili-r, Maater lo Chancery, re-

spi''u Tii^inH» G. Young, E umineria Chancery, reapp'LloibuaMandevUle, Judge, vice Seyn,our .Sl John, lern;

ripiie^tu's MiKc.Lloyd A Bayward, Supreme CourtCommis-

¦ ionrr.to reaideat Perry, vice I pane N S'.o-idnri!, removedfrom Slate.N. i ,ni-Uu^wcjcJ Wright, Nulary Public, Laving fail¬

ed to i;ua:tfy.KtssstHKK .l»a«<- McConihs, Coma of Deed* for ite

clly of Troy, vice Friend S Rniherfi rd, resigned.CLINTON.Thomas B. Wiijjo, Master blj Examiner iu

Chancery, rt ipp'tTioca.Samael Banurer, Jadge, re&spp't John J. Tay¬

lor and Charles P. Avery, Mulera a:.: Examinara In Chac-c-iy. n ipp'tt.TOMPKiMa.áte;,hKD Mica. M it'.er in Chancery, vie-)

R ibei -1> Miiar. lern -:>: '.

Jt:i> ciii'.s-¡.-la.-. \ nu'. .eia. Sup. Com'r. to kkIa »:

Sackelta Uarbor,ci w 'ipp i.l.i- ivuiiam A. Cbate, Notary Public, rtápp'tDelawase.Albert Edgerton. Examtneir In Chancery

:- :;. r-r F. Wb. tpp*!.? henictaot.Ira Avery, Judge, vice Abraham War-

rea. leticD-d.OsECNC.Aloezo Oreen, Evm'rin Chancery, reapp'Li.i MBLA^Wtl Hm A C.trpeLler, Jumce of lie Ju»-

licr.- Couit o! lU- C::y ol Mui3»Kn.»-.ce Kdwin A Mtynard.reinjved from Stste. William A 1'rprtiter Justice of in-

Pesca for the CUyofH-idaon, ¦¦.- Richard OauL r-*ieLr«i.to iik^-rr-v-i t--. .!" Jj-.- next J-'.-.".h W. Falrchtld, Noia-rv Pu-ilv. r.

©entrai Xûticcs.IV luforiiiitliou \V.inleil..Kur no tecuoiial or »elf.

Uli purpote. It '.» very decliabie u» asce'lair aa to->n a» pot-tlbie ihe can.e and !'i>'. ofj - of lh«- I'nndmti .>/ all theS'aic JgricuUtmL Societia n tkt i'nion. Thit iclorniailoo

i» ceeded for the ate of the Présidée*, of eue State Societywho liesire», ar¿ wbo^at teen rci,i.Lred, tu Luivi ciiuiuhje'.-

cation wilt all oilier S.aie assoeisiions. Tue difficulty i* to

k:.cw io "»nom be ilmil au-lrrs» iiimsalf. If Editors of ihepaper» at the trat» :' Guvprricie!.: if It» Sialet. and enpe-ciallv EJitors of ail Agricultural Journal», will have ihe

Roodcett to^ive Lbit cotice ooce, requesting the uvfjrmaiioolo be addrewed hy mal..or otherwite, to J S. ïKiNNca.Et'i-TiR oi tut. FaaMaa»' LisaAar,Niw-Yoajt,UwouiJmuchfacililate the t:u\!cniect of an ot'iact of cecerai lulere.;:Wmihey i;a.t-it >¦ »iL-inett to do to ' Where co Statt S_i-

clety eiisit. it w w:-,b-ci io get like information tt to localSocielle», earh » i..'-t. wojld íl¿ ¡: lo their aJvacia^e to

have .Lnr ¡uliJrcM liwwa to etch other, and loail US Afin-caitural E'lltor» in the couutry._mylóty Hnthinc, Huir I)re.«ins, .»hnvlntr. »cd Wig

MaAieg I1 aiu No B -.-... i.-. .r. lttd*on** Hotel, so

tsformtcg Wem that rach a dealderanua, wte-» ahahair c^iuot, »hsmpoomi ainl LaJtint. caá oe earrirü on in

¦tyle may be found at ¡.j new p.ai.e, Jadson'» Uotei, uiB'niadwa'v.Tae Bain» are unturpassed Ly any la lbs city for com: irt

andcooveaience andcanscconnnrsiaie ii« persuc*. ilot,Cold, üJ Sb iwer Bst:.t.

tlalr C utisg, with dean bn»1-«« for each peraoc. w.r.¿oeec a feature :n Us ;>u»:ne«a for ma-iy >-arii. he wvu.i In-or^-. gentlemen '..'-»'. :« aril ss -»-t itve t^iat t.raccb oflit ^u.-.-e»» bis r- .- ¦.'I »'¦¦- r-_ mjitiltV .Mutual Benefit Lite tti»urnnce lorapney,

N.i. 11 W*:i-«i..1. it now a year »'..-re t-i» InstiUtÜoncom-D -LveJ the Lü«r:e»a of Life Issuranes ou tie iiLfral pías

rat announced in iu proapaetau. Tluu tan pr:=cipi-Aiheretcc.T.ta:'.--! have met with trie apprubatio:: of tboaewbo baveavii-htiii» advaaaae» *?.:<¦. 'ticb an lastbanoo«icrJt tn ma»-'.-.' '.¦.¦.¦.¦.' .- OC a family, =¦.d» - -s.'rr

proof una ma >'.*t> ment of lbs fact t£at tlOl ).¦..¦.. ba -

been itsued. anil .ait premian:» to -3e amuus: of *:¦;..,. ^een re-:-iv*<i danajt UUtpariod.

Tn-aatoustof iuad» received :o: premiums has alreadyeitas^Ahrc a \±i¿? c»?-^, » bXM :r:--»t rap:¦:.>. lucreaae tythe pavmeolj of inettcon-i year's prenutun», li-j aicruagi.at.^^\.».. and the arrest r-.-:r.^u C r.-.^w p i ir.ea. The ar-

run;-^Uoc ¡rora ue»e »earcea enable» -Jie Director» lo ful-ni ihelr Drccite» to.sy up a reaerve fn-:d iu meet the :n-creaiini at-t tiaured.e^ua: W re-utturtng every life.payaii flimirit for loase*, and ^ äWJrs .ax^e prohis amocg t£e

Gs*" t-prilSlntrnieni.Humai Benefit LL'e!múriceCo -Oda - No. i vs nVaa -Pvjae. J»a-d :

To.Merciis:» k Traders.»J To 3e»Ca?-a^i»i.Ma.nnera. iMa=^'a.-:^rrr».i-; ?*"¦??" - P-actera.... 0Mecr.»i..A.'* Ip-Keeper«.4C.-rjvm-c. "! r.ectaeera..jO «.¿tau«.-J! Caacters.4La'wyon.ol Accountant«. "

- C'.eris.;..St^ :-z-j.a

: to eaao

'--:.. .,^i Prater»... j[ tsdlasj...asr Hie Officer*-..."| Oentirroen.5üicer» oí Navy.5| Servs.r-1. 5

Tjal. -'--Po.icle* U»u?d ftom i»t May. I: .- '- .-»'. March. 1516,

til mo-.ii !. l,s

Whole nasmer peMo.*m year.mi jWboleanocn-.ofrreractaslt.-ttyear.SlMJfcd Î5Tau Ccsaacv ha* met witn t;: two ioases. amouo

tag m swm ^^s^PATTERSON. PresidesBisj. C. liiLt-LX. Secre-ary.Jos. L. Loto. Agent. _

Jas. STtWAXT. M- D. N-> ^' Broadway. =yl ifOMP/s real Heal*

lbs^^^^^^ hap-pyía btíag".be firtiia mtreda» ibem hers. Tb-r clsp^yt»e forenead and teop>* » UI b^-'- * P°!a; a »"-¿-c1-kT,z nsver ¡.ei^reaiial-oii. The.- raaecnsaposwj of ver.u.«-

L=g or ¡.»*aî^--r srorx. XSejrft H ^e h^sd b) a m-rci^-

'cai -"--rvai^e-^n'ecvoew; ii.ey are pa: oc in aca-aiea-

Tb^y'^edLcrlV adapt rJieEserveslo ¿ecaa^ienaace.and at ccce become part and parcel of the avtaS raaa.

Copv tbaadorasa, E. PbAi>^N.al Broadway, oppcaiiedmOsSOS H Jt=i. or ander JndsOB * Holet my-t 1m

ty The Amazon Wis^ or Gecf.ea:*c'« reai Harxlaithom« i-e boestaodgrsaasst ix?r-7ea.en: famaañ&bcrareofWig* and s"s ?¦; aadmeacasertaerisn


From lín.'vf.ton.The steamsbrp Te'eçrspb. «,"ipt. AuW, arrhn

an early hoar yesterday morning fron: <îalve*ten.g left theftson Sanoay, the3d hasL The new«

¦..- t we did not leem of su£cieniaper.

WeTeeret to say that:!--' steamboat Monnoathleft Garrèston for Brazas Simiaco with only »;_-

tt.!.:: vvj.ai.teer» on board. [Caii you this back:::.:your fit :...- pie w re awaiting fartherïrd rs {rom the Governor before enrolling tbem-

- The s:ea-_b<-&t Co). Harney __ii not left«on when the Telegraph sa; ed.

Tco Telegraph met the New York within :h)miles f Galvest n í:: !aj afternoon. We look :jr

early rerun of the New-York with later newsfrom tbo army. The Telegraph encountered a

heavy gaie on her voyage hither, with a heavy seafrom ihe eastward. During the h%hi of the stormi fema .. passenger on board gave birth to a ¦',__boy.


~'V " PÎC-»S__Triai. of Mr Jo&ssos..Bingka nton, Mr. 12,

'»;»..The testimony! r the prose .. n_fo_>tag it-:, and thai forth« refeoce last svening..

Tnc ertdence ^r the lefenes w».- directed principally to

«.:..:. Mrs. .: Jt, and to the where a'

:. on the days in laes-Ou, when It :< alies.¦.; Mr».Bolt was murdered and ". B r_tek abducted. To-day

unset for the leience commence summiog ;ip, lion.I1.?.! rhiswlU pr bably occupy two

.' '.-.. Gray his presided w._i marked !ec:si..ñ ai... .ïs-. I forgot t« saythat the Jar;

was made a; on Wednesday evening last, after 77 Jaronht: been c_tli are very conflicting ss ti the

trial to the rrisoner. One thing I think istrial will not enable the public t form

»nyn¡. aastotbeuiei is of those mystert-

-..- i this section. ; c um. Adv.

t_f* The Albany Evening Jo-rnal of ¿aturdayDcestl ... -.ason.

fitPXACBivG a Witness..William Foster ofwbo w_* doirous of destroying the testimony of

'vV;ik. .;¦ Si at r a.- i wit .--.. Induced ¦ man named Mow;-. ¦¦. : .. letters, wan Ing

-. >qa .¦! tarego id,!-. SfMMiccr had attempts b i-n

repeat his attacks en a sutnight, which was Bam« ¡ht came, and Arc« were

-¦ .> iwel ; booses and stahtes..suspicion,.instead of resting upon srencr. :,

--..-. wl »after a nipUcated invesügalioa, was com-01 i a ma -riderai le

Theamonnt Involved in the suit In which her.. tu ¿¦.3.:<jy Spencer-test-nosy, was only (100.

[AID. ï'.\y Jour.P_i5F0_ Acctdest..On Saturday morning, the

cuver of the mail-coach bet«--.¦:-, this city and Bsa attempting tu ford Mill íesk. above Carthage, drove

- rscs .. >n their depth, ai.d ^v ... .d -....- t ach. The..lie's -va« v-.ry mach swollen at the time, and :'..¦. irreatvery r.ii-id. I'nc coach was crowded with paj-sergers, andIt Is a miracle that all were not drowsed. lady and gen-'. ii :.- ..:! Pennsylrai :.i named Wise.we regret to learn,lost ttie:r ion, an In« resting little fellow, abont eight years

ige. [his ws inlyllfekwu The body of the childwas rece« cd ly after the accident.

i bi Ige i ¦» the crock at the point¦¦v era the accident happened. The driver «via can

:.,- ,1 it : attempt to cross :it the n-id, but he replied ina perverse mood, that he knew his .«i: business, lie hisbeen arres.ed and committed to jail. The horses swamashore, bill the -.:-.:»:t_ were ¡est. [Cm. Alia*.

FuM-ii. OcccRJiEKCX..On Wednesday nichtlast, in COOSeqU) nee ol repeated heavy rains. Mud Creek,a small stream In Ohio Co. la. rote to an estent never

beforeJknown. The freshet carried oil a log bous- i c-

copied by Mr. Ellas Greathouse, hi« wlf», and thr. o

cbildreu. all of whom perished In the flood.[Ciocinnati i',sz. lüth.

ÖCl]C0l9.B«) \KIM>t.' S>«'IKM>l,.-lrvtoK Insthute, Tarry-

lown, N. Y.-William 1'. _vom. A il. Principal..Summer se««on con menees first of May. To those whodesire to place »ol» at Boarding School, the advantagesoff.ed at in» losÜUIlion aro be.leved equal if mu superiorto any. Ii li_u>e,-r! In luccessf^il oper»;i<>n eight y-nrs..Tii location, delightful and salubrious, i< convenient of a.-

r-.s from ii s r.iy Tbeed ii - Is coin.lodloms and comfort-h'i i.the play-grounds ample, «ml disconnected from ihnvillage. Tho government I» eilielenl but mild, reaemti-linethe i'.'a well rejuiuied Christian family ¡and do Day-schol¬ar« are r-.rived to counteract ilia salutary loflasnce of fiim-l.y irainiae.The »yaaa ofrnstructlon Isdeniirnecj not merelytoadvance

and ,ien'e<:t tlw pu;-n in lbs btan__M »ludled.'nu to developsndiniitruct ihe Judgment to enlighten tho understanding,u lonn th < habit»! and to iive a moral and sseftd direetionto tiie luclt-ailona

Further partdrular«, locludln« Catalo_u« of Studenu,terms,-c. will Im found In _» clreular for tblo year, to be

ha ! ou application at tbe. luañtiile, or atIhe Hook Store» ofB»rt!eti ami Welford. Broadway, Crowen'«, b*ia Broad¬way. Ra>nor»',7» Bowery.

Pvel--reuc'¡«, l<y peiu;i»«|jn, to ihe following distinguishedgentlemen:

Washington Irving, E»1-Hon. Lianlnl Wehsfr,Capuiin Alexander Slidell Mackenzie,Hon. "lu.iau C Vnrpland.

Nathaniel B. Holme», E»<j. I T*rr?">'"»-Z-liedee. Cook. Jr. E»q. IWru. C.il'.-u Bryant, Esq.KraneisHs I, K»(j. I New-York Cuy.George T. Trimble, (J Utaii Rmseelser, M. l>. jlUrp-r Broih-r». ms.> J»«>1

Corpctiug.OARPETIN-, Ice

\\i ÍLI.1A.U J£F£-tG_ -I faipet and Uli Cloth,Papel fian¿ir,<«. I pliontery sad Trauspsreul Win-,

dow Shade Warehouse, No. J'J Carmin* st late of M Cv

nal-si.W. Jeffrey respectfully Inform» his former patrons and the public gen-rady lhat h-» hu lasen ihe largeand roniinuili.u« »core N'x--C«rrn:ne-«L near Bleerker «L

w».;rti h- lia« fitted up wuti especial rcfer-nce to the conven-ience ol purc!ia»«r».an.1 where lie wiU now lw happy 10 >f-fer&nuetcd well «sleeted ansortmeat o( goods In uie «Oove

branchas, which, fur price and iiueitiy, will compare layor-ahiy with isiiy _i the city.

Bis firalfloorwlll exhibit a choice astortmeot of PaperRanglán, norfSer», f:re-li,ia/d print», _c in «-real variely o;. lyle ail pilce» ; dama»k», moreen» :ah!e and p'.ano cover».Iilnding», fringe», c .ru«. ta»«el», window ornsmenl« aodother upb" sl-ry go.-t«, live gee»e feather bed», bolster«,pillow», pure curie 1 hair mutrasae», paiileaises .C .C

Hi« «ncond dowr is arranged expre«»ly as . Carpel andUli Cloth Ware-room, whe'e may be found all lb« newettar;il cliolce»! »:yies of ingrain, »ud plain and IWLled Vene-Ú is Ca:;".-_, cbeoUe, ..ifx- and Bruasel» rag», oil cioih» ofv^r: »it width», wbilo, cSeck »nd fancy colored 1-4, " I and.-11'ar.lóU .M'\:..v¿. lr»L»paiet,'. Wir.d ,wîjha.l^<of curowtimanufscture, «isir rod», carpel binding», wonted, jute and»heep «kin nun, kc. _c.Hi« Oiird rloor wtll contain the »ery beat ilve gee»e feadi-

era. pure curled hair. mo«». _c- .e. at wholesale and reuníN.B..W. J. wlshe« particularly to repreaenl that he

neither buy»nor »ell» any Auction (Joods whatever. HI*Carpet», ic. are all received :'re»h from lu*, most celebratedfa : jf'.e«, are warranted perfect m every particular and can-

not fall to an»wer the expeclsllous of the tuo»t fa»'.!d!ou_Kemilier» pur.fied by a patent »fam machine Cpholatery

won of all kinds exvt;-_ted to order with dl» patch and on themost libera, terms. ._» 2tw*lM_S*

KI'!»»»»..L.?», Thre-Tpñy »cd logram Carpe-ngs..K.LAWRENCE. 17 Canal-sL »ecoud »lor-j from Broad

way. Soutn »lde, odor» for »%'ie on the. very lowest term», a

»pleud.d aaso.-xaeot of Bn;»seU.S-Ply and Ingiabi Carpet-tn¿», Venetians, ürug^at», Uli Cloths of every widib, Slal?Rod», Taiile and i'ioi.o Covets, Window Shade« aid pTj«tares, M»:tir..». i.e. T-spobttc.re lnvlted.au ImÜiH'

¡palcm itl-öicines.BSONCHiAI, CONSUMPTION CUBED.

THE fol.owmg cure of Broncoial Con»umptlon U pub-:i.ned from among :ne feat numw of cure« marte id

. y by me a»« ofSCHENCE S PL'LMUNIC sYUCP. jT-, piibiub aU would occupy Un> much «pa.:-».1 the-

Iut^«. .tvtng m- a coneb. pain la my bre«t. and great dlf-f breathitig. I wa« then trm-Hjraiily re.leved, but

mv disease was noiersdlcaled. L_sl Kali I again too» coil

weichpr-.-ueed a »erf oa.1 and diaueaswg cougn wtlciiw-a* yery tlgnl.n,y Lrea_t3g -a» so __wri-_S that 1 c-J' ¦'.

tiOliie djwn» uiy bed. .. -_¡ o . -j^le.-e,-. ap tu o"j-

cure re»:.my cough wu »o _oui>le»o_ie ihal 1 waa of_ndeprived cf «>e? for a greater part of the c^h-..my »ppet-:te-.ea» searry Mat, bowels .ry coettre, vtoagt hfisrtschf,r .». fever ac-i copi-a« sweats-ay u gestion was greauybnp__ê_,aad nwa» .ttneorcoihicg ihat ! could take thatwj-a..: ,-i5i_a;c upon tay *t Jtuaeh.1 b-scarae very weak «od

bsj-Us and vu fa»t 'suing.and I le.i my «iiuation to £<e b->_icuires»:ng and aangerous.many of my ineads in ml» cuy,«Ljiaw me,ihougt_Iwou.a _oi_v--__.-i> wee*», and ¿18-

«.dered Es :ix_raí;;e. J tned a great num'wr of recied.eavr-,:bju.l receiving acy permaneot oenet.i I wa» as lámale

be C::;.- EioaBt.J, »-ere _te Lijclortssid l WaslBCurabsaw._¡ Broó.nta! C-jcsumpnon, and was bo better when 1 .efttbe-e. I had given up ever get__¿ weil, when I ___-ofs- ms cf i_s great cure« t_at hid been effected *.y Scbenck'sPul'posic Syre?, and I cone nded to try U{ and I can eua-

r.eo-cusIy say that it-reduced a store sai_t_ry effect than«cv-ec_ed7 I sad ever tried I hai»e used th . F_lmo_icj,'r.o fix three ^-.osii». and I sow fml _ist I am well>! ;ljl .'j.-_j brea.uog Is a» free acrf aatural as

ever.S17 ijpeuiss JL ¿iod. »ad my bowels are pe*fec_yr-gs.ur, ba-v.s^ t-i«c «o . .re ! u»ed 'J^e Syns, and ! _n

»n-ocg and asle to __s_d v> n;y txudae** I am w_laa_»6 -d

;:._ t_S V-..J-X Syrjp is _ebesi remecy for diaeas»-» .Ue

:n; e..3d I cheerfudy recu__ne-.d .u .«e _, lb - '- -. ::-!.from th- ii« of lis bavi-g been t_»_Tj_u__al in saving my

ñr. , .,

.. I reside at Na 44 peirl-it, and wi_ be happy to so; anyperson that win call spec me. and «is*« them verHally myi_nceTU__r_!-_in I can la narerd to my own csse, or iheSta. of th, exceüect n>e____. tte Wadng.^^-DaiedMsylJ lM5nTbe ?-j_d w_i bear in \i.sá thai l never pubiisa a eerU--

cate ^sless aiy Ps.s;on:= svrap na» aci.viy m«¿e iherm:tberrfore ai: the ease» lb»' f sab dan are »alctiy one. I _»tb

a gr>-...i number of new and iniereatiDg carea, which w_l be

iahecm a »her» time, which w_i ffi to prove that

ïCHSSCK-S PcLMONlC SVBCP ha» cared more pa-_c_.j ihsa any other siedi-ne ever anowc ofin tin» eoantry.Prepared asd »old. wn._eea_> aitd reta_, at the propr.e-

toc's office. Net -I Cor_aad-»i. wtjere per»ocs esn reeelreadvice.and taave ti- r m_n e_ac_sed wi_ _n Stethescopeby a re^-Ur poy_c"-_s. tree ¿í c__r¿e, __i obu_s pamptnets;-s:'.s.

- -r »s.e s!*o bv II. J v"D«>_, 273 Broadway Kutehinrs,.. B eeckOM»; Por*, i^4 ¿'ocrtn-»i, cod Woosier ; Evarttt,-. H_tss.n-«ii _-. ti_.--s«r,èô JÍJst^ciaery-at. Jersey Cay:Dr Mercer, ÍA 3ro_i-s^ Newark; and fteddisg itCa, 3a__e-»t, Sostou. ._ |Ws cannon the ?nb_c to bear in ¦siz.i thai P. S. Eee_s__i

is so ionçer an agent (er ti» s__ of lbs renui-« Ser__e_'sr_r:jnic syrup. rayU __*4wr>




roa IMS aattotAi. »>u mw .»est cess or »it.

,_> «a.-:>>. raost as iwrets state or

i-m »i coo o« ma«it» crrni »vsttn.rit

.y^/alutr iin;i Kvu. .VWTUnatir»». *iti»*xc C»£a»«r«j.-' p u,ij ÍN.-.p.« «r P».:v.>i «a lw ."o.e. SíjccAt». .SVcj,i.'krw»tr >'o.-r f'vo. Just; H nu »r Titter. Son«! firad. i."*-«Tfrnwxr tri»J nasJs/ta» Bsiaei .*x.iV<n>fci-0'.raAACra ¿'.'rcrj,:jf4iAnf »y*^ ,>*«... Scuihu »» .' «nSijo. .«<J Puoim*o-«$u,g fr**% ox /«;uil-vw nsr o/" ."Uercsu-y, jLsata «v

JJVawgg, ,ljjj-oiT.-f »r .'»»frxJrx.Tr ix i.i/e. Jjj, Okrvsttct *tf»ufïf*d»«m* ÍHjortérr*.

'I'iir'. \ ALL S o.' tai« preparation Is new widely known,X a-J every day the be d Of It* saenaMSS l* exieudlng. ¡I

t* anprov-o and Sights recommended by Physician», and taadmitted uj baths moat powerful and *;arc¡iLig pr«;a-».K ufroti the n>>t that has ever b-eo empl >ye*i Va medical prac¬tice, li t» not vii ;a u operaeoc. out gec-r»:, extendingihr 'Ugh tie w ho - »jaleas. It BcairaUxes ilví poisoDOO» el¬

ement« in the !v-«»i asd retire« a heaithv lone u> ti» or-

cart which generate thai fluid. In icrofiiloo» and ai; ex-ISS»a!disorders»the resalí it a rapid hesd-.ng of the torea*".c pnanúes; ;z rhemnariam and oiaer painful ad'ecltcna otUte Btascatsr rSbre, a »peedy removal of the pain, and In ailcaserf-a rer-evril cK strength, keeping pace with «be retreat oft. e disease from the system. It is put up la a highly con-

ceau-sted form for convenience and portability, and wbenIQuted according to the directions, earn bottle will make. jt rime» lbs q'ia:i:i;y ecjial to on* quart,and 1* then sapert-.»ria medicinal value to ibevani'ii» preparation« bearing theuame. Ti» proprietor» are tirmxit daily receiving teatimo-atal* of the SMSt r-speciai>ie character, lesufjmg to Its greatvalu- a» an at uve and curative medicine.The fufowing certificatem only anotherItak In the great

Cham of testimony to it» merits.* Lei :be »rilicled read andbe convinced What It has done onceu wiltdo again.

BsooaxTw.K. Y. Maya. ¡its.A.B. AD. Sand*_Uer.i. 1 .'eel con*traiceo. to uiax*

known the medicine which, ht ifce band« o: a merci uiProvidence, baa been ihe means of restoring me .o health.I was confined to my bed 'or most of ihe t*iue for eightyes««.darin«; Which period I was under me treatment of»«veral emlneci phyddaas, and u*ed their pietcilpiu na

sriüi lui* benefit excepton«,by whom t wastor some time

mm relieved He pronounced the dlse«»e to be «rrolu.a.connected wuh carbuncles, an-t the Inflaralastioasnd jis

trass which pervaded my «yitem, was Ute a devouringrluae; .11 ti.it »uuation 1 WSS attacked With aieveie cold,and ihe dlsasse »et tnwith redoubled vigor. 1 was advised

,^o .te s» .i.,,-, Panacea which did me bul lude good, andmj >ier. it bahol iirg uiy dep.orsble eaaditiOB advised meto u»e)eur Sariaparilla. 1 utnalued »ouïe immediately andsoon u .'. befiehl Crem II» use, by cau»lc¿ ¡ay painfui and«;¦. p en :....:» tu be fraught with peaceful »IdinueraWhen 1 began to laie ¡he SsrsapartlU I felt a coolant¡Haut tu«.. Ding »;:.: aching Ji«ir-s. throughout iny whc<Ieayslem, also acouliaaai bnrning between the thouidtrs,u chai ... real« »preadlag .-.-er the whole body pro-

¦¦ .' a «tniriing lathe «kin lite a sea d. I had one tumorand Ihres ulcer» on my right »Lie and another ulcer on tne

left, a-i.i e:e tiuaruau «oraness of the ulcera deprived me ofall real. My leet »\in veiy painfuland lame »o that 1 couldnot bear S shoe upon Ibem. Such wmm »Itttatlouou com-

menang the use of the Saraaparula, and1 bad not tauen it

'.ul a »h riunie before uhe ulenrt w»ro all healed, my g*o-era, h-a..h ui'Jcb unproved, 1 could wear my »Doe» andWrt.a ta the open K'r which I could not do tor more Uianoigbijear». T'ututig thai nil wh.. «<ru arhictod may utelbe jright medicino 1 remain v ur» > m-ere,y.

ACHSAB S Klsri.Nn. IPTGom tL

We Iwve l>een w unisses in 'lie reinvaable >-ure eöeitedbySsnds'sSa «ipc<riU-»inMr« Kitb.and cheerfully bear its-


Tlie following Interetttug catei» pie*«cted, at.4 the rvad-ert invited to in car»f*i! perusal

ËLIZASKTUrOkT. N. J., April 2J, ISP).Gentlemen>Twelve yen'» »;o I w»s atjicljeo wuha

»welliDg atn'ui the aukle vrKt--h gradually extended up-ward,increasing In extent until the le< su entirely en-

velop-d tn disease, which proved lo t:« eryalpela* or «ail-

rheum. The Itching and burning tt times were almoat in-

aapportable. Th-mii cracked snd »-'metluina water dis-.im teJ frilly, ai oiher unie« bloody water sud pua My

«afTering* rina:iy Ivcame «o tevetu. and lb 1 in'j to muchditerued, that amputation was recocaieuded a» being tlie

only moans Mk»ly to preierve my life A few week» »tnceI hea'ct of »¦ ma remarkable cure« performed by the u»e ofyour Sartapurlll», and lnunedtat-'y .eii'.'lved on giving It atr.al, ihe retu.iot which. 1 am happy to »ay,I« a cure of thed - »4e. 1 useii theSartaptnilaIn louuecilou wiih tlie tail-

rbeum remedy,and lbs one pnrtfylng tfieiiiooii and-yitemgenersliy, while iheolberdestroyed andremoved inedneasefrom the »urfnee, performed wtjii 1 liai tough! lor In valu

every olber source. My general health Is bettor than

it bas been for many years, ami I attribute ir entirely to theu»eof your Sartapanlla. Thl» »latetneiit I* made for thebooehi of all a^licted a« I have beeu. 1 caa iherefora con-?c-'-i tioosly recommend thl in to do a» 1 have done, a» I be¬lieve your titriapar-lla will nol only rellrve them of theirsufliN ig« but euro ihem of ttelr disease.

Your*ttnlysndklncerely, ELIZA SMITH.Kor far.lier particular» and conclusive evidence of ils »u-

(K-üiir vaiua and efficacy, tee pamphlets, whloi may bo ob¬tained of Age:;la gran».Prepared and told, wnoleta.« and retail, by A. B. Jt D.

SANDS, Wholesale DrugfUl», 100 Fulum «(.comer ol Wll-uam,^7.i Broadway, end 1? Bast Broadway, Now.York.Sold alto by Druggists generally throughout tie Culled

Stale«. Price ÍSI per bottle; »lx bottles forSAgy The pubd< are respectfully requested u> remeiiilier

that It It Sands/a .-larKipart.laihat has been and I« con«Uinilywhleving «urh remarkable cure« ui the moaldlrbcult claaaol.t-a.c lo whlcb Ihe human frame is «ub)ncl, luerelore a*k

for Siiidt't Saraapartlla. asd lake no ulher.N. B..To llej Poor tl is freely given on bringing acnril-

ficale ul their need Iroul ibe Minuter, Alderman,or Justiceof the Peaco where Uiey reaide. my I Im


Hpilt; NUMERÓOS CERIXKICATES tu put»e»»lou ofX the proprietor» have been voi untakilv given -manyparenu have been »o utterly a»toni«bed at the number ofworm« discharge,] by their cmidreu, and the immediate Im-provemeni In tuelr health, that they could not be »lltnl, bulwuuld lose no time In maiing inowu the fact to olber«, farsnd near, that there rcaJy was a CSXTSIJI cure for tills dan-gerou« dt»ea»e.The reuil pri.-o 1» ¿i ci>T, rn* SOTTLB, wbtcb bring» it

wnb-.n ib' means of aitCtrli/iotle vftM iliyur of the Cilv »f&maoUr. Pa.

Lascaste« Ci m, July Jd, li 14.Me«»r«. B. A FaHNBSTocs: v Co, -Gtnilfritwm Seve-alof

ihe you:.g'-r bruiiche» of my family laoonug uudnr «ymp-toms indicating worm-, ln'iuce.1 the application of varwu»

remedias, and 1 am happy totav that your Vermifuge bad ihedesired sfiectof,lo onelasiaace, lemoving tlie almoat in-

eredlcle number of 151 of the large worm« from oue patient,which, io addition lo Its other letted quaitlie« In my family,esiat/util timeilii-acy of your Vermifuge a* ature cure.

M. CARPKNTKR, Msyur Lancaater City.There are many olber Vermifugea before tlie public, got up

lo similar ttyin with our«, and they are frequently »old lothe uiitutpeciing as being either (As tarn«, or ai gaud as our«.

Put uu conlidenee lu «u.:u autujuieuu,. but b« mire lo get lija

Une and genuine B. A. Kabnettock'a Verui.ljg», a» cone are

»u eliicuciou» and «aie a« thl«.Thl« Vermifuge is equally effectual with adulta, and I« a

»tue reine-lv 'or tape *orm. Kurtii'.e by the proprietor«,U. A. r'AilNhiSIUCK it C'J. Who.esalo DruggUu,ttJoha-st.Alsoby John Ml.hau, 1<RJ Broadway, J. Il I. Coddlngton,

11-ids,u, corue- Spriug-«U; Joua B Dod.l, Broadway, cor.

ofNlntb-aL; Juim Hintuii, lui) 3tb-avanue: March L Vail,corner of Spring «ud Moll tireet» Jame» Weir, lid Grand-il, K. E. Most, Uraud'iL corner of Cauaon-iL, Dr. Th.una»Rllter, 1"! Cherry«!, and by Drusgi«l» generally In New-York, Brooalvo, Jersey City and VVuDamaburgh.mhlS ThkMifWINEH'S CANAJJIAJN 7ERMIE0GE,

18 Daily increasing ¡n popularity, and I« acknowledged byall who have uted It lo be the le-»i remedy In use for

Worm». Alter «/ery mean» have fulled, It has been usedwith complete »ucee»«, in proof of which we prêtent to the

puDilc the following coruscate from ainoug the niaoy In

postes»; ju of Ihe proprieloriBkooklv», January 13th, H4»j.

Mesar». John Winer tt Co. U Matden-lane, N. Y.Sir-I am happy to have It In my power to bear taatlmoey

of the good eC^cta attending the u»e of your Canadian Ver¬tut/u ge.My child of two year» of age. ha/1 been 111 for tome »even

or eight u-oulh*, and had finally become »o -mtciated iftal

we despaired of H« recovery. Supposing iho cau»e of ilsn.-«:.ees was Worm», we gave her various medicine» rer.orn-

mended In lu.-n cate«, but Uicy produced no beneficial ef-fectt. We had given her up a* past recovery, when we

were recommended by a freed, who bad heard of your'medicine, lo give it a triai.wo 'ltd »o without any expecta-Uon of :ié'>e:-:g »erviceable. but lo our great Jay aod»ur-prise, after »he liai tasen »tx dot--«, and ill only, »be beganto revive, olid u now in belter bea.:n usa »Le as» been fcrten nraeúi*.

1 esa now recommend yoar Canadian Vermifuge witb the¿ ri Hast ¦. inatisnce, »ad a« a fnerxJ to '.he young p<>rt!on oft.-- I,, u»^ family, wbontder from Worm». 1 am glad to tin '

«We lo give you »ucfl decided confidence tn ihe »ucees« of

>u-r med.cne.aijd am wiiimg you »uouid relir lo tee anypet«on« who haoduublou Uií» point.

rows iruly, GILES MACOdD, la Tinery-»LThe CafSdJan Vermifuge Is on.y ¿i cent« per vial, asd IS

ui'jc:; p!easat¡l<:r than any tn u«e.

Prepared only by .1. Wi.vca it Co. U Maiden-lane, N.Y. »old by Wynt fc Ketchsin.U! Fulfcjn-tt. ; R. A. Sand«,lía Bowery, cor. of Spring «L. J. I. Coddlngton, 5u3 Hud- ¡»oo, cor. Sprlng-sUi J. IV. Batseil, »44 Broadway, and 8 DUrunoo-st.In Brooklyn, by Mr». Hay», IM Ifttkoo-tt ; J Brice. 27

Jam«a st ; K. T. Qnirk a. Co, comer of Atlantic and Co-lutchta «la Qr. Steaue. and by Druggist« generally thr><agb-ont the City and Cudatry._»3> M^Thlrn-


OR. L'PiiAM 4 ELECTUARY.An Internai remedy. Is.cenaj: c\irc .'or the tusa, Interna, or <.xternai,bleedmg

Of blind. Sold at lil Falloa-«t. Divisiuc-«!. and by the Pro-prieior, a rejnlarij alacuod Pbyaicutn of twenty years' ex-

ter.eir -, coúüned to en otSce practico, where Pile* and allCi..- i..: diaesse« are «ucceafally treated. Medical Office\jt Bowery. 4 : »ir» «Love 8oeln«'-«i. mblT tatiMW«

WIAtsNETlt TELEUKiyU COJII'A.N Y-Alicerei.-n -»t of maay of ihe Stockholder« of tte Magaec«

Teiegrapc Company, aouce t« bereOy given, tnat a mee'lngot tne s. ..ca.-.u.de.'i of «aid company wui oe holden at Con-

gress Hall, in ¡be City of Pat^detplns, oo Tuesday tee '.in

day of May, tnaiast, alo o'cUKk, P. M. for ibe purpose ofc3'jo«ing their Directora acd uansactlag olner Imponactsuitneaa eunnected witii lbe<r tine of Telegraph.The aitentlua of Stucanu.der» u> pertoa 1« earnestly re-

sneatoi. AMOS KENDALL.cjlcJt Prtstdenl Magnetic Telegvapa Co.

Î?U03l ate In-itaca State Seoanei, Feb. '^6, Uñ.Our«».'i ¿i«.-r!. Ag-^-ey for the Af.acuc cities is V. B. Pal-Mu'i._myj6 s\

t'Uli »ALE.A bar and counter, a%sbe«, »asn doer«,¿oura, drawers, «helving. Le. and pat ap at »non notice

by [al3 1m) J. LOCKE, üuiid-r. 31 Ann-«L

«¿TEA.H POVVEK.steam Power to let in a new

O bBttrJJsw, 74 feet front by 40 feet deep, corner of ¿*b-»t,and iOth-avecze. Posset,--, .c given 1st of May. Apply a:

the bnucUng or at H. at OUh'UAM at CO. s, No. !¦'.«¦ NortsMoore-at. a31 lm*

MiLLVJLLJiJ/ivilMüN.->)wtaNo.iyoondryFor sale by JAMES N. OLNEY.¦¿tatsartf _aw«**tá*^L^ir -»-ass-te» v |tysj»MS,

A tfOLNT BUOKü« of every description for sale, at

^fflffg's^gg^^L.'TT Malden-lar.«, '

^-v« it uiuiTK fAaTll-K M»>Ar* r^ay «iweya be

Q*Zi25S£*** J- i t COÜDINOTO¿*^T^. íití Had«>o-*t. comer Spring.UTTV »«>_-,

s=S FiimilA A>0 KJSKJlL'DA ArTLwrxn.great-yGraä^díTprte, tó¿ag by J. at L CODDWofOM.ajiS" ** Ha.dsoa.ft corner Bprtng.




BitaoiiotUs «fee. CDanUè.\V A NT_U_.A tttu-ttvo iodo s^oañT&ouiesTcrk. waaht" »_d iron as-J plain eooklag or take caro of chUdrao, inthe city or country, by a Yocng Woman wits c.»l city re-

feraces». Apply at lli Grand-«!. neat door to Broadway,¡ay.» St*

w- -i\- HIST.*58 ee Thursday evening, at the Ken,^.JUpciais, are $5 bills oí the Providence 8_s_, three$ 0 -. » oo the Farmers' Mecbauica' Bask, Prcvtdeoee.the other NTs osjl remembered. Whoever may hsr« foundor stoien tits money wt_ rather ohQge in» S&_-«Wt" .i- ..i by reuumng uu S__ on board the »iotsarr O«gsa.¦ytsî.P

S* "il H 11 l-A t'^NTLKJIANoi prac-cai experience^*/V/W m ec_me_rlng, U dealroos Of associating bim¬se.; with a gcci.emac of capital for ti-e purpose of ¡nana-

bctmrlag agriculture; imp.«menu and ail kinds ot machine¬ry. Te.t moota s oi t_e htxbeat orier to be exchanged.Addrea» fiacucal _og_w~-, at ihl» elf.ce._my ¡6 i\"

Á*> _lsîï -'VANTKU.Twi_í>-Ave bunoreu dol-v*"»,-»fW. lu» apou prodacUTe ssalestate in l_.s ctty,worth more iha3 double the amone. Addreas Box tsTl,Post OrEcss. No cexnnnsaton oi brokerage will bepaM.

M.ÏSW.ÏvrtiH. WANTfcO.-Uoo who cancón».well recomeieo-cd aa u> character, capa-lluy. fcc may

S ad a permanent sitaeUoo by applying ai No. I West Four-tesenm-il. corner of ¿ih-arenue. between the hour» of 9 U>!. \ M. sed S to 7 P. M.

"" ^¿,ii ¿.ANTKD-Farniilee to supply wUh good dotneaiics.for cuy and c-uniry, well recommended,at iba «Rea,

tH Ctrasd-tt near Bosrery, [my 13 fri' 1 t. T, WaTTS.ANTKO-A lew active Young _M 10 go South or

West, to act M A¿eois for the sale of new and pupa.lar rubltcauoos.S..a) over and assjve thssr expense» . ul.. i- -:¿red to them m wrtUBg, with an oppwrntally of clear¬ing ¿l.> 00 per year. Some meonow m our «cupioy will,nodoubt, make ovw $!.l»a} per year c.ear of ail expensas Eacht»an win bare bis district- li will be necessary far them to

-»ve m least fro.i $.> lu SôO to obtain a good Stung oat

Apply at FRENCH'S Pabtishtng Hall, _U Srowdway. upstairs, OSco of the F,ag of our ll atoo. All letters must be

post paid. mylt lm«

sijtll EES VVANTKU I.n.n_UtATKL.V forth»_>UV ïi Regiment 1". S, Dragoons set stag tn Texas.Call at the _ritde»vo_¦ is I \\ ashiagtonsi.A detachment of Krcnuta will be forwarded to Texas m

the cour»»« of theww_mj 13 fW

WAN T1i>.Sreond Hand Furniture, Carpeta, tablee'and gen.em«a » Garments, etc sec. for which une beet

cash prices will be giver». A Un« _ldres*iod through ifePost Office, will be puacutaliy »ueadeU to by N. I. tltoaer.No ll Mtrton, near 8rooroe-«L my. im*

ÂSTKB-At MÏilvtlle. Mass, stw-nty.fiv« men orgirls that are «i.-rt-.c.enily ac<|Qalaieil sriih the art of

weaving, lhat they s.u readily turu laetr band to weavingr-v.-i.-v c.«aimerea on power ieoms, s.«v twenty jack sptn-

j ners : aleo, belp to work la a woolro card room. The above¦: .-.¦'.. .¦>: help ts wanted luimedtalely, and »uch as are sincl-

:y temperate an\l tndattrious wtll find needy employmentat uoaral wages by applying to the sul-s«ru>er al MlilvlUsv.s»it C. I UARD1NO.

V1 '-s ' ¦

eoaruing atût hotels.BOAKli IN A I» III* ATKÜfAMÏÏTy-A gentle¬

man od his wUe or two gvnlleinrn can be aceoumio-

datrd with a pteasaM b^ck parlor either on the nrtt or se¬cond door.also a !ar_e attic tooni for oae or two gentle¬men. Tie house I» ptea»antly slluaied. In a vrry respevia-.¦.-. qabst neighborhood.theRoadway omnttsassa and therailroad .-»j« ¡a«s within one block ou each side, ll beingcontiguous 11 Broadway and Urand-sL Please appiv at

No. !'* Elm st._ my lb i»-

BOA KU. -A few reap^ciaMe Uecileuien or tieuUvmenand tbelr Families can be accoii.iiodaitai with pleasant

rooms w iib board, la a rnapeciable pitvate family, abo.11 _e

:ii..i' from Biushvlite, on the Uempsiead road, I,. I. andabout lit miles from Brooklyn. By addressing a note to

Uoo. Lowdon, Jamaica, L. I ihey can obtaiu the terms au-

r-.-ferences, if requited, wtlhf-11 particular», my 15 Iweod"

ROD >lr* TO LKT-Very pleasant Rvr.ut in the liais«of a pitvate fanitly. near Mr-ad way. la Walkar-aL to a

genU.-mau ai.d wife wllh board, or tu singlo gentlou-ouwith or without board. Inquire No. M Walker-si. myl6 2t«

BOAKO.--A genUemas and bis wUm eau be arcouuno-daied "i.h board la a private fauiliy near sil. Juhn a

Psrk.wubln a half block of two stage rsuiea. App>v at

No. IS Vestry-sU Keferenre« glveui and required, myteat*

RIJO »I S XU LET nsjar Washiugt.m iq.iare, wlln jr

wlliiout board, al .'.i- Pourlh-jU luvl.ur

BtlAKHlNt; si in Barclaj)-si.-fwo or Uuc» genile-:r,":i can he well accommodated with board and sepá¬

rale apartment», If required ; also aparuueals suitable for

gei.t emeu and their wives. Most respectable référence«a Ivon and required._my 13 Im*

Ó'xSmaV 'À1 COKT_,ANl)-»T.Twourlhicogeulleiuen can be well accoutinodkled wuli board, and

.«parale aparimuui« If required. Alao. an aparuaent »ulU-bte for a geallemau and his wife. Reference« rsupibed.myll Im_

A(.KVri.i..*t.V.\ sud bis wifo, and two or lore-singlegeulleiuen ran obtaiu pleasant rooms, with board at

No. v Chambera-M, opposite in« Park. mj'J iw"

i'AKM'K aud Owl-room, with pantry atlacbed, to lei,uufui iiished. witlioul board, to one or iwo »logte geutie-

tieiueu. Tbe apar uueuls are pleasantly Incaled in a moderabullí um ¦.-, in the immediate ueigaborbood of lbs Tarit.Apply al ¿7 City Hall Placo. _als U

BÜAU.U1NU..Three or four gentlemen can be accom¬

modated with pieasant rooms, brnakfsst and lea, or

full board, SI bi Krankliu-su one door from Broadway,uiylggw _^_

BÙAItUÏNU.À gentleman and hi» wtfe can be ac-i-ii.i.m ...I .a-.) with uoard tor two single gentlemen) at

Sa Amu. uear Hold. Keferenca« «Tchanged. »iM lui*

:_ u-i. H.HI ______ s

l'IANU FOUTES.viILb_KT'8I' Im,.o Patent Action Boaion Piano Kortes,lalso ibe best of Now-York made lustra-iiiieuu. of price» from s>.'«i to $.-«'0, for sale

ii; inauuduTslgued. Persons frein a dlstaoce are assuredthat.i»,, can tie packed . -einely so as to go In safely to anypan o( iba ceunuy. Pianos tunad, old loauumenls bought,.old or nhauged. Covers and Ulools. Urdurs received al-AXTUN it _lll._«, M> Broadway, CllAllWr.« UUL.T.Jr. lie Pearl-jt. iSrookiyn, between Johnsoa Tlllary.myll Imssod*

""¿»Asia.-« PlANO-lfOtt'-KT^lirBiLK^Av JBgood second-band Plano-Furte, In good or-

n 1 IS H ff'l"»v, suilable fur a School or to let out to

li UP B Hiearners, for sale. Price Shi. Inquire ali-t Kounh-»u or ÎA Cedar-st. opsialra tnyW UlaJloa*

1ANU KOltrii K_JtOVA_.-_-Oleu_ Co.ttav»removed ilieir Manufactory and Wareroom lo IlH Fulton

s>. W»«i of Broadway, nearly opposite SL Psul's Cbuicb,where tlasy wUl sell tbetr I'lanoa low for eaab or approvedpaper. All 1'laiios sold by iberu are warranted, and Ute bestof reference, given. The slock of l'hlfe Son will bn u*s_in tbu mauufaciurlng of these Pianos, who ara about lelln-quiduog their Cabiuel busloesr. Dealers supplied on in¬most reasonable, tei ma. m'. L'y

IMl'okfÄnT to Purchasers of PtaooPorusa-Thsubscribers having purchased of Mr. Juhn acribar loe ex-

c.u.ivo light m.;:,! IlUlMl .Stale« to bis patent Harp KrameIiivruv. inei.t in Piano form, are bow nianufocturlog somevary i;"-u-iil Kosawood and Mahogauy tlaoo-rorles,which are warrauied superior ¡a looe lo any now in use,and lo keep in lune uiucn loogor. Tbe Improvement con¬sists In a must beautiful Harp Vi »me, peculiar In codsVuc-Uon, taking all lb« strain of the strings from the case also,a general aasoruuent of the most approved modern styles ofninsii.id lusuumeuia. B_NN_TT, KUO_A_ LU,

a.» 152 Vuitou-st, Easlsld« of Broadway.tf» I.SÜIKs.' KASUlOMAIII.It PAN.YfislÇjIISTK.AW HATS, fans suaw ;uiip llaf. of ihe

Mr laleanhspe, for tale »I CAitL KINO'S, 17 ÜI-¦SSsS» vison-st at %l M each.

is. ¡. -A general assortmeul of Suaw Hals and .artsHiMion» atibe most reasonairle prie««.

«ai li.i-_CàEL KINO. 17 Ulvlaton-st.

ail .-sî'frtj Sii KAsslHON.-Mrowu- <Jo. 17S Cbst-

^H haw-«quare, cornar of Mou SL wish lo iufoini lb«public of their recent Uoproveiaent tn the manufac¬

ture and finish of ihelr $U hala.combining ls«hloo, be»myaud du.-ability.three Important «oneldarnilons lo thewearer._myll lm*

.jn WATTUlioNT at CO..liai «tore. No. 62¦ll si,__.n..i near KulUm-st. New-Yerk.^^ M. B. WATTstlfONT.

WM.H. JAMES,A choice assortment of Hau always on band, of their own

manufacture. N. B. .Hau made I« order. my« lm*

H ATrt, 11 AT*-r-agu HoUssXlQ HsnTal «S, e*u»llo thus« sold by othars u t*t also, elegant dress _.<.»'at ft 'si and B _>, superior in style and tnlsa totfaoas

in many places at $3 ; neat Ha's at t_ CO. Mord) wfll'w ploosnd to see bu fne.da at tau «etabllshineni.a-l Im-_ggg. r. H. BROWN. ItilCanal-c

Ss*____SArS-¡ _H»«IT!"..Pine Ifrench iloois fo r

M ;-i tO, cuy made, aad ara eqaal to those sold tn other

Jm «tures for i >. Pine French Premium Bm-u for 81 V',_»w^ rqaal to ibn beat sold lb Broad wsy for $8 and 7. A t

... st.. It JON-.-'-, >'reach Imported Bool and ShoeManufactory, oue of toe must fashionable In this city. Oar_o.il« were judged m the Anuncio Institute and Warn saidlo be ihe be»l BooU for the price ever sold in ibis ell/- AHBoot» warranted to give latisfaciion. Patani Shoes, andOaiiers, and .Sappers, _c OSSMS*lly oo band. Mending,_c. don^ m the »tore, IfOl/NC It JONES,

niyi« Im* No.4 Ann-». n«ar Uros 1way.

tSSSSSSSm WSSSSBSfSSBvS'tloid by J. it. Benjamin, & Beek_tan>»t is tha

"tewt the World affords. Pressure gradaatodfrom 1 tuM lbs. wll _sit aback pad, which does

so ___u Injury to the spinsk Ms. days uial given apd U noperfectly sa_sfacu>ry, mon-y raturced. m. if



i ii simrUn OK. HVlA.fi' TKVHiitLti and Abdo-!f _^ ^k-uoai hupporusrs.Ot-ce No. 4 Vesey-sL As-i i_a llur House.^_rf*T*^«y Many persons bare Quderukeu lo vend Ifcl-^^¦¦¦r lauocsof Hull's ce-.nn/alod.Truasne, »udtfü.i.

sands are Uipoeed upon In cucaequeace. These ImUBpoascat.Kit be r.. :~l upon ; laey are made by unskillful usechvnie«, and ar* no rmiiar than Out o-Hn_ry Truss.. aninnf

.rric.or t»c lliuwii» «*l> thjlisis Camal C-. INew-Yora, Msy 7ib,l»4ti, Í

'IiHE Stockhoiders of ~us Company are hereby _otl_*_I thai an i_»__moal ofTon Denars per shore on the fiew

or »c-ctp «toca has been ordered by ihe Board of Manager«.payable to the Treasurer at ibe Omco of Um Coospaay, Cor¬ner of Wuiiaa and Pine-su. on Monday, the <Ua day ofJane next, 14AAC N. -EVMOUft, Treasursr.my7 lm_

C'ACTION.-Mrs. BETTS cf rt-la. wou_t cauu.n/ pr.ysi__.. a-d i-S pub_e not to purchase any (itorlBo

Supporters reprswentea as having been made by her, ex¬

cept from oer solo agent la this citj, Mr. J oon Mlihao, W*Broadway.Mrs. BETTS'S Sapporters having received the univers-

approbauun of Uas a.«dtc«i faculty wherever i_oy have

been latroduced, tbe inventor deems it proper lo rennes«-tose inurrestec lo apply to bar agent tn order » avow -o-

cep_oo*. Cou_vry_.fjrc_a.-_» and drugglsu supplied on

reasccanlo terma._ «yH If

r io, tiitd.-OurO_iy Agent-Mr. V. MUSK Amor»;c«n Newspaper and Advemsíng A.entJ\o the CUtea of

New-Yors. lí-Aíe.pt-», Baltimore and B^n, Is our sal»a_ur_d _go_ lor^eceivuig »n<» torwardjig suoacrlp-___T__ls_vS_Ä5Sa Pap^a«! for receiving«cd rririelrjuagfor pannncts-- t-«a__-. mylfl-t

rTtOlitt-l- <rr,-*i «» -"pruvnd city property, on

my_ilir_ _N>>-7Bros--«Lri >QL0m)tt W|tW «a tarss-vad«uy property, oo bond1 and mortg»««- Apply lo* aStHONY J. BLXZCHLER, ___iio_asr,

myl£l»__No. 7 Broad-sc

rptUHUtKU _.-_?___-, ruied and p_.ln._i qu_nrI L-.e» to sun purc_aa-rs,_i vary low prxea, by

jr___SC_> LOL'TtEL, ftt_aa-srs,myiô lm_77___>«---*-COA_, KOK »AL.lt-A__geq___uyUc-_u-if_a_a

pea Coal eneap. s__sbl« lb» «tees» parpoe-«. AtfO^aasizes ot Peach Orc-ard at these tow prteea -, .>fMf0.**zJVSand svrre *5 So, cutand»tore »5 26, *******>** "«ivere«from my yard. cor. of King and ^""SÄ»"cuNTON-I^WJU-DKI» Í5___2SSÍaí-_-__-_SLi and from lt la. w 5 lo.*»~*~j£tîo^t '