Bxrckapk to Jennt Lind..Laitnlght tho Get* gn licderkranz marched in procosstoo to the ye* York Hotel, where they aang a number of selodie« as a serenade to Jenny Lind. Tlufol (owing wai the order of the Performance«: lit, fWlJcommeit, (welcome,) oompoied by Kumt, and dedicated to the 8wediih songitrois; 2d, Hont rfu To* der deinem Namenfeiertl (Jloar'st thoa jjjo found, that celebrate*, thy Dime,) by K alii wo' 3»; 3d, Potpourri Ohorn», from La FUle du Reg* Hfttf. Tbese piecei were ail admirably performed, ,sd great credit is due to the leader of the oompa- sy, Mr Agriol Pau-. When the Liederhranz. arrived they were invit¬ ed into M'ss Lind'» pari ir. After ths performt :o df the li *t piece. " *V«>loomo,' a coatmuiee oou- lilting of Dr. Ludwig, tho President, r.nd Mr. yVlKDKL'ller, thv- Vi.'c-Piosi leut, were introd a :. to lliis Lind by Mr Eistiold, u^on which D.°. Ludwig addressed her in '.no following manner: u Fraaieio Among :!.e many and splendid pr:ofi tfbomage and admiration which aa everywhere have alio been tendered to you here, the German Liederkranz o! New York appear before you, and bail you wi'b a hearty welcome to our shores. "We are weil aware that compared with what I has been said n'reK'ly in your praise, with tho rifts of Art and Science, of spiritual an^Linateria: happiness, which hav.- been bestowed on you, we are unable to offer to u>u any thing new or va'ua- fcle. Wo are only plain men, who after uninrer ropted, and often hard labo', rn«et oioj i>., the week to rcjoico and olevato oursoivei with Song. But we areaiiured that, what is done withsincerity said comos from the hea.t, will also Und its path to the heart We, therefore, pray you, whom in thii Land, whoro no Uueon is known, wo venerate unanimously as the Uaeen of Song, to accept kindly our welcome in the souudi of music, as wel, is in the writing we hereby offer to you.'' The Vice President then handed to Miss Lind a copy ef the three songs. Miss Lim> listened attentively to the perform¬ ance, and expressed her iincero thanks for the at¬ tention paid to her. She conversed in t friendly manner with the gentlemen, and said, among ttben, " O, Germany, how beautiful, bowcha'-m- Irg it is, but wh-:e its liberty ? Surely, gentle¬ men, you all wiir: to return soon to your sweet fa- iherlacd, the land of musio and poetry?" "No, .stver!" was the unanimms answer; ' here wo feet happy and free, hero we will become good triti- sens" " Without poesy ?" she asked. ' O, Frau- j leir, you wil. ii-.d pneay here also " She flnaliy |tj*pre»s<(l her iloairo to see the "Liederkranz" ; jierforn: r. Chorus in one of her Concarts, ti which the gentlemen readily assented. Mr. BENEDICT laid that he was delighted with tho performance, and would oompote a Souvenir for ;h9 Society. Sbe shook hands with Mr. Paur, tho leader, and Jhinked the society, who then withdrew. BROOKLYN ITEMS. Correction..In our n tioeof the New Map of j JBrooklyn, we should havesnd that It was publishod i>y M. DRii-t's, 103 Fulton-st. New-York. The Map is ono of the plainest and mm1, correct tha* we have overmen. NEWARK ITEMS. Oystir War..We announce) to our readers the renewal of the Ov&ter War. Yesterday Sherill' Jaquine, having receive-! intimation that the Staten Islands* were committing depredations on the oyster beds in Newark Hay. onartered the steam¬ boat James Farlee, (not the Loco candidate for Governor,) and proceeded with a posse of :iu men to the scene of aotion He wan reinforced o.i ilia way by some small craft ahme shore, and arrived on the " battle ground'' at 1 P.M. Th-s Bay was covered With sloops, shin's and other ora't, all raking up tho oysters., who, when they saw tho '. powers of the Jaw" approaching, up onohors and sails and Had. 5Tbe Sheriff, however, and his men wore too fast i«ld too many for them, mid by i.1^ o'clock P M bad saptured lour sloops.tho Guerilla, Tom Thumb, Dead and Sempronia, nod eight skiffs all laden With oysters, and c;ue prisoners, who ware the most act've among x> e invaders, A'! this was not acoompliehed without resistance; knives and hand¬ spikes were freely used, and pin lots wero shown, and blood from noses and bends flowed like water. After all resistance had ceaeed the captured boats Were conveyed up the Back ens ack River above tho drr.w, and men plncod in charge of them- The prisoners were brought be'ore JnaticesVan Winkle and Thomas and put under bonds to appear and answer ibe charge. J l?ra'>y City Teiegraph. Death of Hon. Henrt Nes.We learn from the York (Pa) Republican, that tho Hon. Henry A'es died at bis residence in that Borough nn Tues¬ day evening, a few minutes alter 7 o'clock. His age was about r>0 ypars. It is known that the Dr. has been ill for a long time, so much so as to pre¬ vent bis appearance in his seat in the Hcuse at Washington for the greater part of the present session. GKNEliAlo NOTICES. XF Gentlemen'!* Hnta, Fall Stylo. Bird, corner Fine and Natiau ats .The sly la for the ensuing season will bs ready for inspection and lale this day. Tho auenUonol gentlemen of tasie ami discrimination is Invited to the put. tern al ove announced, nrd«rtbo firm conviction that It will oattafy the moil taaiSdloua admirer ol a handsome Hai- Mi . M. C. Bt. John ha* removed from 11R Broadway to U.o store ol Ibe subscriber, nhoro be will he pleased to sea at/ customers. BIRD, cor. Pino and Nassau its. *.ngum 30, 18S0._ _ »6 5wls I hp" i'-oeMes* ye the Lund!.Mechanics and other Industri' Ui pe sore are Inviiee to atteuo the ninth regalar meeting < f the New Y rk lidus'rla! H ims Association, this (Friday! evening, a: 7J o'clock, at the Bakers' Ho-jso ol Call, 121 Urand-si a hetnhy and valuable town site, wllh'n working .Itsinnce fr, m tbls city, i»11 be purchased, surveyed, street* grade!, and lb--ii olvlCed among the wemhen. Those Joining previous io the draw'ng fir Molcei of Iota, Will have m fqas' chance with ;ji who tav, yet done so. J. STEVENS President t d. Murray. S-»cietary >ij le IV To trip irlerchiini Tallora of New-York.. Gentlemen, jou are r -, .. mqueaied to attend a meet¬ ing of dekgstes from th Journeymen Tailors' Society, to be held at tin-Bbskspe e H on Monday, Bept it] at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of dlirus»lng the merits of the new kin of prices, recent > tio^led by that body. By oider of the Uoinuiiuee, »13 21* BT The OmrJK* ITJotinraln \Vater-Uuii>, at 8 intb Orange, £nex CouoK New Jarsey, one hour's ilde by the M-i rlt and Essex Railroad, from thocliy T.ees- .ab'lihuunt hat private ha ba attached t roost of tiio pa- UeLi'a tot d.s Address Dr. CARL LORENZ whobassnc teeded Dr. Meeker. In the medica' department of the Instl- totlon. The terms average rrorn Jl 11 SI2 per week, paya¬ ble always weekly Persons occupying the whole ->i a double loom will be charged extra. Board of privatesar- Varts St.' 'o per Weeks 3 tf -..RT A ;,|o«'itnn ol the TloamKhH Aaaoclntlon grill be.h-.d1 all, e BhhaM'ore Hotel Ulli (Kildat) a'enlng, r»>pt. 1», BIT. o' lock Punctual a !o..c1h:c-i!-r q jired. Oh" Xi uatcnl (lord..The subscriber wou'd respect- fullv Inform hli friends thv. he has taken up hl residence to ibis (it> at 46Eaii tighteenth-it h-t->i?-n Broadway and the Fourth av, and ihn ho will shortly resume, to a llmlied extent, bis class and private leaching sllStls- vWUAM U B aAD BURY. OT To ilaliere..A ge-ieral meeting of ;h 0 ira- vve Bakers'Union will hs held at be House of Call, in sjiaro-ir on Saturday. Ulli lust when Important business Wll be brought before the n retire Chair taken al So', cl 'ck JohbZ Rknnic Pres't; Ja's R^erlion. Roc Bee. B?,0,n?,f »PI'11'"»' 's f-r ibe office of Keeper of the Home iVfiT ,l;',uld *lve co lr" t0 'boTr istees, as the election w.ll .ben be proceeded wlib. The t J all to let every night, except Ntiurdaya. te-ms moderate. s:s 21« « \ *ixl* WfA A Meeting or thi Democratic W big Commluee of Ibe Sixth Ward of lue C'ly of N^w- Msa.Tii SerheW on Monday Evening, Sep'ember lrJJj JAO at ?j o-ch ck, at il e North Amertian Hole', c irner of B0V.-C- , r,-:d Hayard street, lo make Hrrange nents for the gaction ol a delegate 10 lenresent the Second Asse n .ly Siaeo k « hlg S ate torventlon to beheld at Srra- T«e on the *S;h Instam.. Sep 12. 1830 . u w jb. ROBIN'O.v, Chalrmw. A o AkfrmaN, Secrelsrv. a!3 S-.l«- S'^lfi'.^ KO« XAI.K. of nine hor,8 nearer Tw I00M tXlni-^ ' <^ b?,l6r' «econd J JgJ W^uTrr, SVtl^ .n 'HTT»-:..warT«,sed violent firs, rbeirmallsni i-ou'|i,f'!i,0(i""k' tlc ^^loreat, all aead Neurosis, <-,r the ,'..«., v m,?"?* «*. j Perdor 102 Nsasa-i-si. [1, K J0^o; 83 .gMu tbe city, without c^-ks, s u ~~~-._sl3 If ^VtaÄj.i, " ,"y £ ' w"rd' como »d what iH Nassau-it. one door loutii of ßeokman. \V ANTE!).All active and intelligent yung S'o'ch- * * rtmn 10 go o Mexle 5 and lake charge of n small far n ard garden ?he district heal h r and the encoaragetnesl and rriniirierstlmi gr>od. Nono need apply bat lueh aa can give unexceptionable reference* Address B P. J.box I.SlOSun rflke. Application to be ma-'e before Monday ««t_¦_ «1S If VA ANTED.Situation« by two respectable yourjg »o- ' met.one a* ccok and to ntiUt In the washing and Irontrg ; ihr other to do r.Vamhe'w, rk waihlnc and iron¬ ing, or walling nrd rhamborwork.hi* no nhtntilon to do housework In a small family. Gjod city refer once can bs given Apply 12 Haml.'ior tt sl21t* \\' ANTED.A »ttnatlon by a Hdv Protestant g|.|. t > Jo home or cbamberwork; la a fir*i-i»t(» washer aud IrOner and a good plain cook; would al»o take c*'« of ct.tldien ntd »e.w ). a po.id uialn »ewer and very fond of children; vottld make herself generally useful. Jail at 22J Bowery. »13 It* \V ARirKU.i»Uuat!on« B'e wanted for S tieTmi 4 ' v American, 7Kngiiab and 4 Scotch gir!«. A eo, for about <»n Iriah glrii, mostly Proi-stam«, cooks chamber¬ maid*, waiter* nur»»«, Ja'jrdre*i«», team*Irei»ei, ice All are «man, ildy, and have good character*, at " ELMOREB .eiect ?r,.t<-«tiuit i,mpl"yiT!-:nt A?-ncy,7 Cnr-Eine at. «12 411s« U7ANTJCD..A young man Udeslrois of obtaining a " iltuatlon aa clerk inauora, or tome other light busi- enr Would have no objections to going to aay p;rt of the United State» Good refo.-er.cescan be glvea Anyone wiibisg to enpage the advertiier can bear of blm by acdresslng a note to " Samuel" at tbl* office. »13 It* W ANTED.A situation a* housekeeper bv a reip-eta * ble American woman *be would be wining to asKume the charge of a gentleman's family In the city or a short di»- lfcr.ro ir ;ne country. R*f-rew* given and required Ad- dreia a lire to J R. at lhic off>e, waere a p«'«ona! Inter¬ view may be bad. »13 It* 07 A NTED.A Bitu»t'on to do genera! homework or " rhamberma'd and wtl er, or «"amitre.ii by a re¬ spectable > i'UD? woman wrih excellent reference; live! o jenra with fier la*t employer C»n be i«en for 2 dsye el 2(<is Twenty-fourth it. between Rintb and Ten'b avi- it* ANTED.A man with $3<X) caih to invest in money- v v mBtlr.g bnalness which, wilh proper mana;euieni, a for'une can he realized, can bear of tli6 a'i.ive by calling on C I". FUTYOYE, 2b Whltehall-sl. The bas'neis I* trav¬ eling. »13 2t* VI' ANTED By a reipecUhle young woman, a altaa- tlor to Oo gennia'bouiework a* chambermaid, or to li»ke care of children and a* seams.ret* ei" give g rod re¬ ference Apply at Tt-olh-iv. beiween Sixteenth and Bs- >en eenth *t*. r!3 1t* 1117 ANTED.A smart young colored man to go a «bor' dlatance m the comtry ; one competent to takecharga of Bsmall vegetable gt'd-n and rvho thoTonjiilv ur.lT. Bland* Httendlr'c io a hor«», may apply to CHARLES 11. HERTZF.L, 37 Beaver at. »13 It* w ANTED.By » iteady womit), a iltoat'or. a* cook In u (mall private fatrily, one who understand* making i;-. tad piain paltry atu .-. good washer Bttd ironer.. Has to objection to going a abort dlitance in the country. Call at the basement of 104 Eait Broadway. t>!3 it* i*. ANTED.A situation by a respectable Protestant "v gill chambermaid end «eatmt-et» or wettrr Nrj bjection to do ibe general housework of n 'mall Private family. Has a good lecummandaiion. Call at 72 Watt at. Can be seen for two daj a sl3 It* M7 ANTED.By a young woman a situation as waiter m ana ctam'ienuaid or waiting aione, ha* a thorough rnowlefge of ter ttuatccse, and can give the mis', satllfac- iory refcroncer Call at 213 Eliz&bolh-'i". up stairs, front room. 81311' VA/AN7TKD.By a retpeti.ble »omni, a situation a* *' nurse or i-hartj|ierinnlrl no objection to do wattling and Ironing. Bt>*t reference given from her last place. GhO pi 1 Union-sl South-Brooklyn, near Hamlltou ferry, S1221U* Vi/ANTED .By a pe'.icel girl a Biiutttloc to do cbin> t'trworx and take care of children anC do plain lew'nrz «'»n trivecity reference. Apply at 9 L\:Ve Jonee- *U Can !"j *eec for two days ill It* VfU ANTED.Situation«, by two very conipeteol girls, ** Ir.lrly Iro dttrj frtun Ireland, lodogene-al hoiiSHwork or cbamberwork, and to help at the washing and ironing. Call at 74 S xtb-av in the bookstore. «13 11* W7ANTED.By a young woman, a situation to do vv chBinb'.rwi>r»-1 or a»«i»t In wa*hlng and Ironing o- take care ofchildren. Ca'latU'l Court-«t. Brooklyn Can be s-en ior a few duys »13 li* \\7ANTED-By s young woman aattiatton itiarrl" VT vale family to do general housework or lako care of chlldrc orasiist in washing and ironing, Appli at 32 Wbiteball'St second floor, back room. »13 It' W ANTKD. S »ituillon as chaixbermald or waller by v h respectable AtnericKn ptr! in a pr.vato faml'y B"*t of reference. Apply hi 176 Eeiex-at can be seen for 3 t'.ay»_Sl22tis* WANTED.A German. Welsh, English or American girl, to rook, WB»h and iron for rt email private fami¬ ly. Good city reference required. Apply at 112 Leonard-si. »V ANTED. A good cook to go a short distance In the vv country. Ore that understand* maMmr bread, pastry and puddings. Apply a; 73 East Seventeenth-*! before 12. VA/ANTBD .By a young woman a sltnatlon as coot. vi was'r-ing and ironing. Best city reference* givaa. A pply 132 Sixteenth it Cnti be io«u for 2 day?. *13 It' WANTfCD k cnok. who perfectly understands h'T builioi*, and who will &s*l*t in the washing Apply at 19 East-Fourteenth «t sI2 2ii»' rj^O TAIEOKS,- Wanted a steady young man, Amer* J lean (Jermanor Irish, to go twolve mile* In the coun¬ try to work at the tailoring bu»lnes» Apply alfilGrove- ¦t. from 8 till HAM. and from 1 till 4PM «13 It* WKNtjY WANTED.. Tho advertiser wi u d like 'o n eke arrangmenta wiih some manufacturer who wlHhe* a perton to introduce or sell nny article to the trade In this city He haa had considerable experience in this kind of t äslner*, la favorably known, and hasaetoreina good iocKii' n down io»p. Addreai K Z at tbl* office it* dh WANTHO FOR FIVE VKAR8 ON .|)4U.tMlU BOND AND MORTfl AGE .Forty thou- aand dollar* on improved real esiRlu in Ibe city of Cincin¬ nati, cloar of all ineumhraoee», worth over one hundred thou6&r.d dollar*, tow oc rent of ten tbrusand dollars a year, for which an interest of nine nor centum per annum will be patd seml-annoally In this city. The lawaofOhia authorize ten per cent interest to be contracted for. Th -se deal' ous. of lending on tho t'.ove term* will please c.»ll on W1NSL0W, LANIER i. CO. 52 Wall at. for furtlior !n- formatii n sin l wi* C*T tä>s 1st k WANTED on band ncd mortgage on a tW J.«75"/U;ot worth $2,000 fronting on Mynle-av n»ar the corner . f Jay-*t Brooklyn; title perfect. Apply by DOtetO R PHINCE 8-13 Pearl-«i iNew-York. *13 3t* POCKET BOOK LOST A PORP MONNOIE POCK KT BOOR, containing three xlnotus of 9/l,5( 0 each, sl«r.cd by George Wood, Tree*.; n'Bo, one note sljned by P. P. Brown, for $225, date! ang. 7, 90 days bIbo, due bills 10 the ainoorl of about $700; Biso ab' ut 30 to 850 In Bank bill* h'so. memorar.diiin* Hnd Post-Office stamps. Payment* of satrt notes *nd due bills have been etopp'd. Anype.son who w.ll leave the sail pocket book at 289 Broadway, New-York Bsy Cemetery Office, will be liberally rewarded, and no qae»tlon* asked. .13 St* ctktr Watts, .- i'- ltd lorifi BOAKtil r. BO A KD.A «nlt of room* consisting of a fron' parl.ir a bedroom adjoining and another bedroom with two Inrfe wardrobe», all In the *econd story of a handsome three*toiy and attic house, »upplled with warm and cold j,, j,, eic. can be obtained with board In a p-ivate fsattly or with h private table; tbe lo-a'lon, Tenth-it. near Second- av. Addreis P. Union-square Post-office »13 2t* BOAKDINC3..Ag'nileman nr.J w'fe an.l two single gentlemen c«n be arcommodated with pleasant rooms It, the centra] part of East-Broadway For further pa tica- laisnddrrsia note to '-Pauline," at this ofiica, which will be aiterded to «13 it* l>OAKD WANTED..A famished room for a gent'e- Oman Slid bis wfe, In a private family, or where there »-e bill few hoarders. In the lower par', of tho el'v, on ihe wen'tid- Adilre«« H. N Tribune ollice. sl3 2i« B OA KD.. P'eaaant fr-^nt rooms ard hoard, with use of b»tb. In a house where there are but few boarders. Apply fit 226 Vfcrick st near Ca nilBC. el3Sleod* AYOÜNG GENTliEMAN and his wife occup%lng a pleasaut bouse In Brooklyn about 20 triloule*' w»lk from the Bouth Kerry, wotnd be wlllink o take a* boarder* a young tent i n.au and h:« wile, if the arrangement it mu- tualij »a>itfactory. Respectable refernuce.* required, a* ..-.-'wi leg ven Address N. box 1,753 N. Y. Pjit-oifiee, post paid. slS Iw* WANTED.Full boa'd by a young maa In the upper v v par' i f the city, In n family where there are few or no h r.'d-rs Room ina> be furnished or unfurnished Ad- dreas K M Tribune office, staling locatbrn and lernit, fuel iiH-luded. »13 it* fgr- tferetktrHa&'U :: A^'.i'stti.ynti i'< lid Fact VIVARIO PLOITIYTDEUR. GUNSMITH TU THE KING OK THE BELGIANS. npHK Subirrl'ier, tioie aeent in the Uslted States for fie 1 sale of the celeor. ted Vivarlo Pleumdeut's fire arms,) Ib preps rd to rereive and execute all order* for g.ius, pistols, &C, &C, of all dei-rlpilur:* on in- rno»t favo,-ati!e li-'oii and with dispatch. F >.- patlern« and further p trüc- ultra apply to LOUIS L. EC LUBE, Iis Im* 31 Liberty street JTJDP'S MEDICATED LIOTJXD OTJTIOLi-. rimiS IS AN INVALUABLE ARTICLE for droning JL bnrna,cuts and bruises, scalds, or any kind of f.«Ii wound* So »ay» Dr. Valentine Mot; of ihe N. Y M"-1i-*i University; Dr. Darling of the «sine, Dr* d' ion and Jonsoti bribe Virgms* ModJea] Insututlofl *s , o.ver practtcal Surgron* pvn!*!ELD i CAMP. MidJUwewa.r.o.jr solsnroori. ¦t .-. by ScbieffeUn Bro* t, Co Haviländ. Reese 4 it- Burger ft fx Boyd ftpanl; "''»' dnek, Oorjie* « wi»y auSfl laa't* DOSTON A ND NEW-YORK TELEGRAPH I> COM''ANT.. Hirer. Wallst is-cr. tt iryl.This line, ntln. Hou»«-'« Patent Prl, III Inurnment in operation to NEW-HAVEN, HARTFORD, 8PRINGFIELO, PROVIDENCE, BOSTON T (iipatcte* are prime-' y the Instrument* in Roman Caj Letters. thus avoiding tbf> necessity uf tracaiating or iranicrit-lng, and consequent liability to error iieresst'lly i: 'tdatt up"! all other system* of lelegraphlug Tl e patrons Of tbl* ltne may dopend upon punctual trant- missb n and dollverv of tbe'-r message*, a* no diipalcbe« will be received at their oflices nnlen the wires are ba working order Prk es.For messages of len words, 2ucents; and for tldltionad rord, 2 cents JAMES 8TUIG1S, Preildani Va m Iii- S, CLARK, Cle< k of tbe Corporation Vota, Sept.13,1840 «|S tf dry ^oons^ THE GREAT JENNY LIND CONCERT. IADIE8 AND GENTLEMKN8' fine Paris mide whits Jkld gloves for tba above Concert, can be bid fo- <. 8d and4sa pali, at BURDETrs cheap wboleaala indjretal Dry Goods flora, 136 Walker sl Alao. gentlemen's black kid gloves, stitched backs, only 5s a pair, equal to ;do!Nr gloves. QEO. C BURDETT, 135 Walker-st *76iis* between Broadway and Bowery. RIBBONS SILKS« 3ÄTTNS VELVET^ FLOWERS, FEATHERS, straw coons, ac. 'VOMPOSING a complete assortment of M1LL1NE5Y V/GOODS, received from recent Importations and AUCTION. Milliners sod merchant* are Invited to call and examine them, which will he offered at the lowost pricer for CASH, or approved credit, by .' DOREML'B MILLS, »n23f.wlt' JOJoim-v. New-York. MORRIS E. HALLOWilLC & OO. 113 Market-si Philadelphia. IMPORTERS AfCP ::¦H i ,; DBALRR« fiS S!LC AMD FANCY GOOOS. RIBBONS SLIVC«, LACES. SHAWLS, Ac. FRKHiHT PAIO TO tftW-YORK cn goods porcfcASil frosn and «lilouad by ; rooba. sai 2rnU L>RO«AN ('OTTON*..I vm hates of different qnali.* t t.es an<i widths amorgthern may b-fouod Stars, Wei than) Rocktngham, Hook-ett, Ps o alto, Hope, New Bed- furd and other favorfie lUri'i", for sa'e hy s]3 NESMITH St CO. .50 and 52 Pine-st LKACiTlTl) t OTTON.S.-10C9 3 4, 7 3, i-i 9!, 5-4, iJ -lRnd 12 1, comprising a great variety of styles and qualities, for site by sl3 NESX ITU i. CO. 50 and 5: Pine-sL BLAPKKTS..Negro, macklnaw. fine family, steam- host and coating Bl»nkets. for sale hy sl3 NESMITH h. CO >n and 52 Pine-st l>r\ UA«dt Aafrtuementc tie Hid Päse. (SCHOOLS. ALGER INSTITUTE. BOARDING 8C1IOOI. FOR BOYS at Cornwall, Conn- The winter term of tbls school will commence on the first Tuesday of November and continue five monlh» Tbe course of instruction embraces every branch that emers Into a thorough English c'usilcal and mathematics! educa¬ tion, together with the French, German and Spanish lan¬ guage! Lessons in vocal music and on tbe piano and or¬ gan K,-« given by an accomplished Oeiman professor, when nrslrcd. Expense for hoard Bnd lulilon In ah ilie above namtd hrsLches. except music. i?l Wiper term of five months. TLe following gentlemen constitute ihe Board of Instruct- ors, reside In the family with the scholars, and are exclu¬ sive,y devoted lo thf> Interests of the school: Rev B, TT. ANDREWS, M A Principal JAMES BEDGWICK, M A. Associate Principal. A. FRÖLICH, a A a Graduate of tbe University of France Teacher uf O-rcrmn and French Senor H. Dr. MARTI ..I GuUa, Teacherof Spaillb. R THEI88 ol Germar y, Teacher of Music. Nun.her of scholars limited to «5 Circulars containing lull Information, can be obinh.ed at Mark H.Newman it Co.'s book store, lfrj Broadway, or bj application to the Piluclpal, at Cornwall- Conn. s!J 2w A R01>\V(>RTII "«s" 1' Ki VÄTli- ÖÄ NO IN G . ACAt'KMY, -113 Brcome-st. three doors wist of Hroadvrtiv. win open for the sesson on Tuesday, Oät 7 On Tuerasys aid'ftiturdsye at 3j o'clock for ladlssand children: on Tuesda:' blU Frldsy evenings at 7 for gentle¬ man InaodUKc to all dances of farmer seasons, Mr. D. is hr.pny to Inform his friends and psirons, that he bin in¬ vented sc en'.l.-e new dsnce, .rrhlch he will l:,lrodcc3, cili¬ ce me Bolero, uc it is canned to music similar In character to !he celebrsted Spanlth dance of that name. I also hono met by adopting an Improved system of teaching, Intro- drc"d ihis season for the fi rat nme, to be able to Imp into the pupils bs much lnforma'lon In one quar'.er as heretofore has t.een sccomp Ished In two. Cards of terms and rules can be procured at tho Acade¬ my, where Mr. D. would be hippy to answer all Inquiries, »13 imeod" A YOUNG I,ADV, aged 21, accustomed lo lulilon a* end warmly attached to children, desire* n situation as toscher. In addition to the usuil English branches she will Initiale pupils In music, French and drawing Most satisfactory testimonials given. Teacher 3,12 GrBnd si. alSlw'" I HAH Fs BÜFFIS», of the University of France, Pro¬ s' fessor of tbe KiTcb Language and LUeratnro, respect- felly announces to his friends and patrons that be has re- n ved lo 207 8ixih-&v between Fifteenth and dlxtesnlh sts and Is ready to con mence his French clssses Private lessons g ven p.nfl schools stleuded. sll 3;lsWFJtK* IlllAUTJCAI. convkusatuin In the French language, with Dr. VIONIS, leader of a French and American Socialist School. He keeps from bis puoils the best refe OLces of the city on his ability and morality. 93 Iludson-SL Sl3 1m' BJP' For athrt SrhnM Advertvementt trt Vlth Pm." ^()-P/ürri\K{isjn 'vT nPHU COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be. a tween Jecoh Vandeihllt and Cbas. B. llo iDon, under trehrm of \ axderbht i: Roblson. Is this day dissolved. The said Jacob Vsnderhlll will rccclvo all sums due :ho seid firm, and will also pay all claims and demands on the inme JACOB VANDERB1LT, a!3 2f_ CHA8. B ROB18UN. 'Vi*. tin ami .iT.'pan f»ia nu pa ö tFk fi ftM - A Thu Advertiser m lsho» lo pmchase or become copari cer In ll o above trade He has had great experience, hn^. wooldbeof great servlre to any one In that line of busi¬ ness, Apply at No. 3 Unlou Place South Brooklyn, If fJF* For other Coprirtnershiji Advertisements, 2t-^ I ltd l*atje. coal. 'perior quality, suitable for furnaces, rRnjes, grates, tic Consumers desirous of procuriuj their coal at a very low r.te, wih do well to plvc the subscriber an early call. GEORGE A. SPARKS, el3 2w' 205 and 207 rrankltu-st. lTl> ASlfTTrM,, BY rilE~CAJRGO.From the celebrated SPOHN ami LEWIS «eins, of the Beim nt Colliery, foi sa e onlv l-v sl3 2s.ii F. TYLER \ CO. Philadelphia.': fVO CÖÄI, däai.KRrt-Tbe subscribers havejon 1 hand, and can ship Immediately, the 'res*, quality of White A»h, Not and Stove Coal frosa tbeir wharf a: Rich¬ mond. V. TYLER it CO., 76 Walnut st Phllad. s!2lwls 11 A FORTU1ME FOR EVERY PERSON I ? RAMBLE'S TaTENT PRKM1UM SELF-WEIGH' U leg, moving Index and discharging 8ca e calcnlsted for waitbou.ia mlllais, and all others connected with the wilirblnc ol yralrr or aeeds Patented July lfi, 1850. Ter- rltoty for sale on auch conditions that ail pera,ma purchas¬ ing arc bound to make mocey. This scHie look the silver l, edal st ibe Albany Stal- Fair last week lam r»arfyio eis pose of the following Territory, seventy Counties, In the 8'Rle of New-York, (including Ihe City and County of New- York ;) Maine. New-Hampshire, Vermont, Massachnsetif, Concectlcut. Nciib and South Carolina's, Georgia Alaba¬ ma, Mississippi. Louisiana, Texas and Arsanssf Tne aiiove tenltory whi be sold cheap for cash Tue model of the scale can "be seen at the National Hotel, Cortlandt-st Bnd a! the Pacific Hole!, (ireenwlch-sl where I can always be found fiom HAM until p M OEO. W. HOYT, Ae«QL sl3 2w'_Dr. O. BUSH, Assistant. ri^O JE WJKLKKS For sale, the tools and fixtuTesof f a marofacturltg jeweler. Also, a lot of floncs, lie The above will be sold v iry low and on liberal tc.-uu Tbe 1 ar*. of the shop can bo secured If detslred. Apply 148 8p-lrg-st. or sddress box 607 l'ost-oftice. ill 3t* 1 |O-SÜTT0N^S PRINTING OFFICE 142 J.4 -iKL LTON-8T between Nassau and Broadway.. A.I kinds Of Job Prtutlrg, together wlih every desclp- lion of Card Priiillm; done at the »honest notice and at as lov prWs as the same style of work c-.n be done In New- Yi rs. Particular atientlon paid to oall printing Orna¬ ments for store bills, cards, tic. ail It* THOMAS. E. BUTTON, Printer. RDGGLBS'g PRINTING ENGINE FOR SALE. -Ilsvini; put no aeolber Steam Jobbing Cylinder at tbe Tribune Jo'.i Olhce, u hail neinum Ruggles's Press will be disposed of on reasonable terms ll has been in use bnt three uk nths, anil lo a Job Printer without steam-power, ii has no equal. Also, a Washington Press an-i Inking machine for sale A pply el 7 Siinice si al3 2l« CH48 W1LL5.TS. Sap'l. H I1Y PATRONIZE ANVBOOY who chargei fifty per c.eni n.ore than you gel trie aame article eiss- wberel At the "Excelsior Printing Establishment," 154 Wsle-r si. corner of Maiden iane, they execute evrrrdei. crlpiion of plain an xjiographic priming at extremity low prices. Cards for $1 pertboorand and upward Olher pitntliig remBrkblily low. If jou warn any kind of print ng doLe, drop In al 164 Wgier si. S|3 5r FVJOTICK.All ner»on» indeblexi to ihn estate of in« lata I v JOHN T. BKIGHAM sre rrvinested lo make psymect of tbe same ai the office 7R Brondway. and ah persons b*r- be claim* on said estate wlh pres-enl ihem. L. BRIGHAM, ) 81 ONEY BROOKS,5 Admlsistraiors. Jy*i liawlsif J. W. 0*18 > fXJBVV Veiih LALNDH l-.HSSrRUCE-ST.NEA* 1" NASSAU.-To New g.hlri Dealers, Single. Gontlemcr.. Famlllet. ir .This If one of the mo*l perfect and exten¬ sive esutblnhmeuui of ihe »lud in this or any other country. It baa tr^ec erecned at an expenee of about four rbn-jerfd doliart, and combines th* rollowiDg advantagee !si. Perseus leaving ihe city Ir baste can oars tatir riothe* wasben and iron» i » faparior mannei In froa two to ihre« hours time Sod;.No material uw\i bo the war illsj depsrrmoai hni pnre oilve oi1 soao and fill-red Croior ».'sie- T-i re tioihe: are not destroyed by patent soaps, or one. boa- h"7« so extensively arivertlsw) in the news-isrr"r' jrd .Gentlemen s ahtns ere done up equai to new ahtrU e; genfemen's ooiltrt ironfv-l In TroT S'-5.'. Uifhl eolored vesis and pantelooos eiej»ai t-y ironed '.'.i polisi J 4th .Cioibt-f lost or mlssent (which seldom . ' aappeos) will be promptly p»M >i Jtl .Clothes washpf1' at tola »staninbioeni srear ssucb longer, simply because they art aoi od» hiciiM w'ih greal care, nut no injurious drig eo gen' a! s 'J wisberf.ls permln»! income nes: Iber-- '-.b .Ladie» dresser and eh fines . lei E] T 63 experienced French Lanndress Oioüies tak«.-t- and delis -t-. o extra »- last fpou arid sis'ns eflectun ly removed an o-h«rs left at tha f>?Fce 15 Srjra^r: OT SCSI throagll U "c-sl w'oi receive prompt attention MAD4SJE RAYMOND, Snperintaodeajt. P. K. .Isr^rii'efwJ bar la r-' *RPloy«d ". 'ro, new a. (rii ' in? snibi LpOR SAIiS.A ship's ,-hrL.-jmcter, warrants-J ui bea a fiitt ra'e artlc.h., BiUs i: Crelcbton, mar.nfac.tures. Ap- piv at ihr boot r.r± sh >e osiablishmeol of I.orln Brooks, 188 Fulloo-st >5 lmU , ,FPi< * OF »?-Hsi DiAFH&AGlll F1LTXR * 'removed lo Vf-7 R'o^Irret »y«t6f WAIrTKR H OI18GR. BOOK TRADE. HARPER &B ROTHERS WUi Publish On Krldav, September IS, In One Tolome, 12mo. Muslin. Price it. THE FROGREStS Of ASTRONOMY. Kspecialh In the United States. BY ELIAS LOOMiS, A. M. Professor o' Mathematici and Nauir&l Phlioiopby In the UnlTeralty of the City of New-York, and Aatnor of a Cour e of Matbe-nallei ritHJS VOLUME Is designed to exhibit, la a popular 1 form, the most Important and interesting ast onom cal disco»erl»« of toe past ten years, and to give the remits in langttsge as froe as poisble from teearlcal terms. The wors may be read with profit, therefore, b7 those who hBve rev-r made astrrnorn, a subject of special stndy. That portion of the volume whicb exhibits the progress of Astronomy in the United Stales wtii be found soecialiy in- t-rrsting to An.erlcan readers, a: d w.ll enable thetn to judfe tow far we are deserving of the conpllment re¬ cently bestowed by the Ai't'-rnomer Roya! of Qreat Sri'.iln. "The krr ert-aca of .he United Stales, ailhongn Isle In the field < f astronomical enterprise, Cave now ia«ea up that scierr-e with their rbar->c:-'lsiic energy, and have steady sbowt their ability to instruct ihetr former misters.'' also, on THE sam it DAY, In 2 voiames I2mo Mubmd. Price 61 75. A HTJNTER S LITE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Being Five Years of a Hunter's Life In the Far Interior of Somh Africa. With Notices of the Native Tribes, aid Anecdotes of the Chaee of the Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Rhinoceros, kr. kc. BY a. GOKDOlN CUMMIilC, esq. Wiih illustrations The author of ibis Interesting work Is a fierce, blood¬ thirsty Nlrarod, whose highest tdcai is foatd In trie de- ttruc ion of wi ri beaits, acd whj relates bis adventures with the issne eagerness of passion watch led htm to ex- patrlo'e himself from ibe charms of refined society In th9 tangled dep ha of the African forest. Every page Is redo. 1-nt of gunpowder, aid the grow! of tbevljiim is almost beard a.« he falls before the anerring siiot of this mighty hunter. ALSO, on the same DAV, The Flftn ard Sixth Volumes of GIBBON'S HISTORY OF ROME. With Notes, bt B.EV. H II M ILM An*. Now Complete in Six Volurces, 12mo. Being utiform with Harper s Duodecimo Editions of Hume's and Mscautay's Histories of Enj iE--d. Price, In cloth id cents per volume. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. The English Langu-ige tn Its Elements and Forms.. With a History of its Origin and Development. By Wil¬ liam 0. Fowter, late Professcr of Rhetoric In Atnherst College S»o SSUBlln, el 60 Nr-. VI. of The Plctirin! Field Book of the Revolution j cr, IllGitratiors, by P.n and Pencil, of the History, Scenery, Keücs und Trtdl iortü of the War for IndeDond- ence. By Bertsori J. Lcssir;y. K;q With 608 Engravings on Wood, by Loss ng and Barrit:. chiefly from Original Sketcf.es by the Author To bs comt-loied In about 20 Numl ( rr, 8vo paper, 25 rents each. No. VI. of the History of Poidennlj: his Fortunes and Mls'ortus'.f, his Friend- r»o Is Or-.--,:t.al Enomy. 3y W. M Thackary, Efo, With numerous llluttratlons. To be completed in 7 cumbers 8vn. paner. 25 conta etch. Lauer-Day Pamphlets Edited by Thomas Carlyle.. t g j risti g Too PresentTlme, Mode] Prsons, Downtn* si. The New Downing st d ump Ors'or, Parliaments, Hud- ion's Statue, Jesuitism, 12xo. Musi!:', 55 ccst* Julia Howsrd. s. Romance,, Ii7 Mrs. Mastin Sfll. 8vo. papei, its cents. History of Darius the Great, by Jacob Abbott. With an Illuminated title page and numerous engravings 12mo. muslin, E cents; musllr. gilt edges,75cants. Autobiography of Leig'i Hunt, With Rem.nlscenr.es of Friends and ContttmporaflJi. Portrait. 2 voll. 12 mo. n.uslln,%\ £0 Life and Letters cl Tho.-oss Camp-ioIl, edited 1)7 Win. Beatlie, M D. with an Introductory loiter by Washlugtou Irving. Eiq. Portrait 2 voll. 12mo. mUlllo, $2 50, Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, by the late Rev. Sidney Stntth, A Ii. liruo tnusitu, Si. Harper's Ntw Monthly Ma?a/.lne. No. 4 for Septem- her. EbcIi Number of the Magazine contains 144 pa-res, double columns, of the Choi est reaJ .n f matter of the day. A csrefully prepared Fashion-Plate and (Hier PictoiUI II- lus rations accompany each Number. Sis year, or 25 cent! a Number. _ilSlU. D APPLETOM &, CO PUBLISH THIS WEEK, I. ON MONDAY. /COMPLETE In 1 vol 4lo, containing 40 plate*, price?!, \_. Gothic Archltoclure, applied to Modern Residences, coniprlsfng Design* for ail Important Pari» of Dw'hlos:*, exhibited in Elaborate Perspective Drawing*, with Urge and copious details, ßy D. II Amol, Architect. II. ON TUESDAY. Ellen Parry; or, Trials of tho Heart, by Olivia; one neat vol. 12mo. Price p-,par cover, 3S etui* cl >th 63 et». Till* w ork I* written with much vividly, and delineate* the In¬ fluence of the misfortunes and trials of life to unfold and purify the vlrwes and graces of woman's lovely spirit. Ill ON WEDNESDAY. A Catecblsm of the 8teatu Engine; llluilraU"»« of the Sci¬ entific Principles upon which Us Operation» depend, and the Practical Dnlaili of lt» structure, lit 11* application on Mine*, Mill*, Steam Navig*tiou aid Railway*, with vari- ou«»uggeallou«and iuiuroveuionlj: bv John Bourue, C. B. a new oditlon; 1 vol. l2mo. Price 7-icents. IV. ON THURSDAY. George Cs*trlot, Burnamed Soanderbeg, King of Alba¬ nia: B> Clement C Aloore,L 1,1) I vo,. 12mO Prlceii. ThearhlevementaoflieorgoCBStrl.it are unsurpassed liy even ihe uiarlini renown or ancleul Greece, »o great and widtvsprehd WSI bis military fame, Hud so pure and so adorned with Chrlatlan grace* was bis private character. ** * The narrative is related with an admirable *aipli- clly and purity of st»le. and It* Interest is often a* thrilling as i> romance. V. ON FRIDAY. A Compendium of .tiercant le Law: By the lata John William Smith a new edition, greatly enlarged and re¬ vised throughout, from Ihe laieEnglish edition, by Jame* P. Holconibe and Win. S. Gholson; 1 vol. dio. containing 720 page*. Price $4 50. VI ON SATURDAY No. 17, combining numerous Illustrations. price 24c's. Dictionary of Machluery, Mechanics, K.rigtne Work and Engineering: Deilgned for Practical V-Vorkjcgmen, and those Intended for the Engineering Profession! Edited by Oliver By me to lie completed In w leveral monthly part*. 1' 25 cent* each, Ü A k CO HAVE JUHT PUBLISHED, Barnuin'* PtirntniiiH, being Confidential Dlicloiurea of Ibe Committee on thejann-r Llnd Song 25 cent*. Lives of Library aid Scientific Men ol America: By Jame* Wynne, M,D.; I voi l2mo $1 <;icero's Orations, with notes by Prof. Johnson; 1 vol 12nio fi. Wordsworth.The prelude or growth of ilia Poet'a Mind l2mo $1 Th- Deserted Wlfr.A novei, by E. Da Navltt South- worth. 8vo paper. cenls Downing '. Architecture of Country House*.containing .I'd llllislratlnsa.nvo $i. 19 btle THE SCALPEL FOR AUGUST. rsiHIS BRILLIANT Journal of Medicine and Surgery, J e- lied by Edward H Dixon, M. D is now rasdy, aid for sa'e by BEP.PORD, 2 Asior House. Thd L'iiidon Lancet r, marss In a tetice of five columus " We tnke to ourselves the crealt of originating It; had there been no Lsncet in Europe, thero would hava uten no 8cal pel in America. Go on Scalpel; we hope to iso more from jour pen DISEASES OF THE SEXUAL Si STEM, a popular and professional treatlie, eighth edition, '275 pages by E H. Dixon, M D contains a completadlgeit of all that fi known t n this subject The London, New York acd Boston Jounals remara." Dr. Dlxcn has written so muco and so well on almost every subject of Surgery, that bis book is stsmped with uncommon Interest".ho has fc red " attention to every page, cn art that farv modi- cal w rlteri possess.' " He bis placed the profejst"n under obligations by this ciear and meld treatise snl it may be re¬ ferred to wiili eclire confidence, as one of tho bö»l authori¬ ties on Stridore,'Hydrocela Varlcocela. kc. "The devo¬ tion of Dr. Dixon to the rational principle* of *urgery give his views the gifatesl Importance, while hi* high profes¬ sional standing, acd mat e.xperienco la surgery With the popularity of Dls journal, he will secure them a large extent ofltflaerce. |London Lancet. The worxsare for sale til CHARLES H RING'S, cor¬ ner of Johc-t! tr.d Broadway. All business communica¬ tions for the Scapel rr.ast he addressed to Borf ri. 2 Asior House. Alt literary commuaicatlons to uia Editor, 112 Orand it one do?r wcitof Broadway. s'.l dilieod' I. O O F-J17ST PUBLISHED fJMIE ODD FELLOWS KEEP3AKE-Coataining a X complete hlstorv of Odd Fe'loWiblp froai In origin In the Old Country tili the p-essnl tuna, ambracitg iuany tacts never before pnb'lshed, to which Is added the cum pleie statistics of the order, by O. RepW W Waliace M. D. Price $1, bound In cloth. For sale a: 81 Nassau st 2d Soor. 813 3f EH NICHOLS ON HYDROPATHY. rriBE WATER CURE.A Treatise on the Human Con- A ititmlon, the condition* of beaitb, the causes of d'.setse, Ihe leading systems of medicine, and me principles, prac¬ tice, alaptalions ind resuli* of Hydropstbv. By Tnomas L Nichols MD 1 m*y oa bis c.tntior and the bonenty of p'irpo*e whicb -rutdai him Iii« corxloeions." fKauda VOTture. For sale bv FOWLERS &. WELLS" Clinton HaU; 'RINGER k TOWN8END ut'd-r ihe American «u»<*- CBOWEN,_fi99 Broadway; AXFOKD, 163 Bowery, fson-st TON, 241 Hudson-it Pr'c«- !2* cesU. JUST f UBLISHEE, Y J C HIKER, iiti /ullou-iL.Ritharine Doug.asi; l>or, Principle Developed, by S Selby Coppard. Cloth, imo. 7iteLii. s66iiie"'d J.'iiiiy BORE ONTHE SKIN.Tettsri, Itchtmr, J> ice s, coi sun ptlon, ie. {tc shall be soo-. and radi- v cured, without at y mercury, by a iln/la call to ihe D.- F B VIONl'8. 95 Hudson st. Good refarencee will be given at bis office sl3 lm* CRANE'S PATENTiPREXVIIUIVT SOAP. r| 1U THIS popular and .'. pertor Sua;; war awsrd-jd the 1 ft>at Premium, and a Diploma by ihe New-York Susie fair at Albany :ast wees. Maaufacujred by LORD, LYNCH t Co. 141 Salllvanst. H. Y. County right* for t is Soap for sale In this Suite. »10 I w:s* PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS I ft THE UNITED STATE«* and all oth«r coun- s tries. Every description of docurneaui for Pat«nu and sales of InvantloDS, quickly and correcuy or-jpared, cheap. Information on personal cocsuitalloua, or post-free, grar.*. A»T'' Eciio of Setmce, lneentimt and PiUentt a P ; n' lir-ation, at tl a year, or 12{ ct* per single Edited and published at 235 B'oadwty, N V. itjmeodl«- K1NGSLEY k LONGBOTTOM. BOOK TRADE PUBLISHED THIS MORNlHQ. Fart II of the MYSTERIES OF THE PEOPLE. sty tvar.nt sub ritHE MYSTERIKÄ OP TMK PEOPLKj er the History of s 1 ProleUrUn Farnir.» from th« Earliest Ajss to the I'rwnt T.nw. Translated from the Kreach "f KlnstSU, M-inb« of the La<.,.a- thro Aaaesnbhr oi Kisxc, ThiaTali, which commenced in Jsauarv, contain, one of the most striking pktuie*. of «ernlnm eras ¦¦r'wa M heman band. TI-» truth * f.>v.v sad fe-arleasry 4a4m«wte»J| and ti true friends ol freedom and all resl ph,!.nthropi«U most admiral** wort »od bW it* author, The TWs [new-paper en-lea inj maJünut falsehoods of Uta» daspot bring iourasi. [DisaaU a Pnhllshrdbv |l22tlsl W f BURGESS 2i Am-at. Will BE PUBLISHED OS SATURDAY, SKPTKMBIK 14. THE LITERATI A NEW WORK by, Edgar Allan Poo, m oia volume, r\ IS mo. Price Si 5«. "The Literati: some honest opinions about anthorta! mer- iti ard demert.s, w; h o caslooal words of personality Together w-.-h Ma-finalia, Suggestions and Esssvs. By *Vgar A. Poe. With a Sketch of tbd Author by Rufus Wllroot Ortswold. D. D." . Th is work ercbrscea ntuch of the moi'. delicately «pp-e dst've criticism, a* well sa the m >st csusüc severity, aid it evinces, on almost every page sn extensive acquaint- ance with literature and unsurpassed skill in literary an " al3 fitDHWIs J 8 REDFIELP, Clinton Hal! THE~?LAVES OF ENGLAND vnw READY.Under th» shove litle, Reynolds, we!1 lx known as the author of E !«o Monroe," ' Tn* Re" fumed Highwayman," lc, Is writing a series of g.aphlc stories The fi'st, published this morning, Is called THE SEAMSTRES8. and <1voi an earnest of what tho public will meet with In He i Ibor's fiirieas dissection oi the human istlile* an! fo.jleaofoi presT-t reficea age. Asafitlbful delineation of the v'ctailmdri of 'if*, this b~ok Is w<-l! worth tbe read¬ ing It contains all the elements of a sweet, soul-suo- dulng history, and falls cot to ' point a moral" to an, "owre irue tale" of real life. Price of "The Seimsiresi" rent?. The stories to follow will be published w: hout any dehy. JENNY LIND'S COUNTERPART, or Second 9e|f_;hst Is. her portrait, (as like as two drons of water,) may he had In Roaenoerg's 'Ufa of Jenny L'.nd." a new e,'inon of which is Just published. Il Is tbe only Bcntrnte ard unplagianzed biography extant. 2b cents Charles O'Mallej's Twin Briber.My Peninsular Med¬ al, a mlll'arv aiory of the lirsi cah'-er. cents. STRINGER .V TOWNSEND, al3 II 232 Broadway, corner of Arn street. ARTHUR'S HOIVTE GAZETTE TYjO. 3 .A highly attractive cumber! Personal Recollsc- i^i ilons and Anecdotes of Gen»ral Waihlng'on I'uiiiuittthis day. No 3 of Arthur-» Home Gazette, con¬ taining ihe ccmmencement of Mr SUnabury's Recollections ard Anecdot«a of the Presidents Of tbe United Smtrs. heglnnlDg with Washington Ruling a WKe. bv T 8 Arthur.concluded. A Pet Ileus Night, by 11. II Ueaih. The Yorkee Girl, by Mrs Marivn The Mother's Dream of Heaven, bv T S Arthnr. Hester, bv W B, Chapman.The Tr lof and his Be ^'fac¬ tor.The Bund Parrot.May he s>.Incident* and Anec¬ dotes.Hamburg.Contentment.A Homo for my Mother Gotslp with Corrf sponden.s.Railwev Traveling.De- prave 1 Curiosity.Literary Intelligence- PasbUa..Jenny Und has Arrived.The Mormons-Lives by Mrs. Eliett. Sabbath Iteadtng k i.e. For sae at all the prlcclnal Book-stores and News DftpOts. Single copies. 01 cents. DEXTER St BROTHERS, Agenis sl.'J It* 43 Ann-st. up stairs. THE SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHER DEVOTED TO THE EXPOSITION OF NATURE. PHYSICAL, Aclirn', Spiritual, Celestial, Divine, Ed¬ ited by Dr. Sunderland. For sale by FOWLERS i WELLS, 131 Nassaust. Price six cents. sll 'ills OBSERVATIONS /"kN PRESERVING THE TEETH, by M.LEVETT " "Dei list, 628 Broadway. The author of the above Hula work is deservedly ono of our most celebrated and popu¬ lar demists. He »i as the first, In 1835, to Introduce the principle of etmesph-'tc pressure In dentistry In tho coun¬ try. This Ulli" book la well printed ard handsomely Illus¬ trated with a colored Lithograph..| N Y. Sunday Dispatch. sl3 StFMatW*_ SESSION LAWS FOR 18 0O. THE LAWS of the Stale of New-York, passed at iho last session of the Legislature, for sale i>jr ihesuosorl- bars at iheli Law B ank and Stationery Store, 158 Nassau si. opposite the Cltv Hall. BELL J: GOULD, Stationary Denlera |y]I and Lhw Blank Publishers BARNUM'S PARNASSUS riMIK unprecedented demind having exhauated the first 8 Edition, a Second Edition will ha published on Friday n?xt. APPLETON It CO. 191 Broadway. sl3 TO POBSALllr.A beauttml country residence on the f8J?ij; Connecticut River in the town of Chicopnn, Mats JM~K Rhotii fiv-. mtlee norib of Sprtntffie d, one Bed n. half north of Cat olville, and about iwo miles sotnh of the new viilsge of Holyose el South Badley Falls. Thala-idaof the hi mesleaf (ib -ut 17 acres) are some of the best on tho liver There are also other lighter lands ono mile distant, a phri of which Bre woodlands. There are about 50 trees hearing Bpples r.-oi exceeded In quality or quantliy by any equal number of trees In tho towu Also, a large number ol young per.rh, pear and other trees cow bosrlnir nouio choice varieties of fruit The h.inso Is large und bullt on a plan for ccnvonteLce and comfort of brink, a'.d finished in ihe be»i modern style, of the very heat mute, lal and work- manahlp. Water from a puro upring is c..-nveyrxl to lha premises, and Is capable of being carried to «. hl^btof forty feet at ihe hot-so Th-jrelsa vtuw of Mount Hoiyoke and Mount Tom at the norta, and of Connecticut Rlv.-r for several miles on the west and south, and belüg silueled midway between and near two nourishing ana growing villages, It c -nalcered ono of the moat desirable places of reslc ence in New-England For forth er paruculsri inunlre ofE KETCH UM, Esq. 79 Nassau-st. or of E GAT KS, 114 Nasinn st. sIJ 2l* COUNTRY RBKI OKiNtlE WAN PK D.-A place Ingood ordr-r -villi I or ö acrea ol land, good sized hi'uae and well stocke* wlih fruit and ve^- -ta¬ bles, lor one yrar or more If llk'-d near ihe Sound or a good stream preferred. Address, with as full descripiion as may be convenient, S. box 64 Birmingham, Conn. sl2 iwls* MTO JjfiT.Either ne upper orlower pan of a ibree- . tor- h use locn'.ed notr Uroadway and bolow Canal- St. For pa tlculars address J. A. Tribune office. G lod reference given and required. sl3 It' £&.y» fa.TlALL PAHiTI POli NAIjK.The sah. jSf scrtbei wishes to JlaposB of his farm In 'ha los-m of Ccr.tjnasL Ctjngn Co. N.Y. Il contains Ii «er*« of ten very best land In the State And Is al preae,.:-. Ir oxcei- ler' condition There am %|>ou; six acres of beautiful wood on ihe farm, principally harrl maple, beacK, bicaory, (sC, T.':c farm Is SlUUUvd wluhij six mile* of pori B-rroa on Ute Erie Canal oad within 14 mllea of iho city of* An- bum. On ihe place Is a good coliage-holil bouse lv<* wells ol ricellent wnter, a large bam, and a young orchard oi . rai ed. fruit To those who deslro lo secure « Boms> ju,.' under ihe law passed by our Legislature, Ulla » favorable opporranltv. Apoly. (If by mall, postpaid.) te TliOLiAS N ROOKjoK, Tribune Office, anio Dfcsvisif FOR OA LI FORM A. THROUGH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO, via C1IAGRE8, DIRECT, AND BY THBU 8. Mall Steamers on ihe 'Pacific. TI - splendid si-iamsblp OHEROKEE. HENRY WINDLE, wommauder, svlll leareb-rdoea, Pier No. :. N R. for Chagns, direct, i n Friday, Sept 13, at 3 o'clock The CHEROKEE and PHILADELPHIA ate Iho only steamers running direct lo Chagres In conaeetlon Wllh Ihe l.'nlled ötaloa Pa..Iii,: Meli Steamers from Panama to San Francisco. Pssscoge.a by ibe CHEROKEE will find c< mforui anr" accnminrn «Ilona unsiirpaas»<j i»y any other steamer, and will b' sure lo connect with iho favorite susu-sbtp OREGON al Par.Biua For passageappiy to a9fils ROWLAND i A8PINWALL 64ana55South-sL fjf ynr other California Adtertuementt, tec VHth Pa^t* NE IV-YORK A N13 ERIE 1RAJ LROA D -Ex'euried to Horn- "eiiavl le.Ou and after Monday, SepL 9 h, ihe Passenger tnd Freight Trabs wlU ran through to Horcedavnle, maving New-York from pter foot of Düane- st dally. Sundays excepted, at«l P M. by sleamersTUU'S. POWELu or ERIE. L-ave Horneilsvllle for Nos.-YorX ai A, f «l. Fa-e from New York to Hornellsvllle, $T. s9 I w.i CHAS MINOT. Supl. mit». O'JTIjTAKA'.H PATENT AB DOM- INAL SUPPORTERS; forlhecnra of weat- aes ., or rupture, cannot ba surpassed. Tbey tri ,'ree from steel or brasi spi 'n.-s, and with- lUitack paiis. Allletten(po*t.pald)proBtj tj attendedt L4S Uauul-st, PIANO-FORTES..V. F HARR1- jf>ON, a Canal si tli-irs for salo a;sn'.endld essortme it of rosewood Piano-fortes, of 7 I octaves, with tbe latest Improvements, and at the lcw*si manufacturer's prices Those In want of a superior Instrument rr!i! please call and examine previous- 'o purchasing elsewhere. all Im* FOR BALE CHEAP.A 7-oci Rose RJ|9wood Round Corner Piano-Forte carved jk {lease euihraclui; al, ihe modern:Improve- i Jments. toguther wllh the tn-ia 1c f.-ime, eautlfui tui.u and deilcaie touch, warranted for isr-j j^-ars, r,d tuned one year <rr.t!a Apply ut ibe manufactory.293 lowery |sl3 1'.'| McDONALD. L G. CARRINGTON, Anctionpe.- BY JACOB B. PLATT..-HARDWARE AND Ci TLi.\Y and a tioos of German goods A>so, tbe balance of siock of a hardware housn ddcilnlng nuslnesa. Also, b sei of tre Sheffield pocket and tabio celery, by or¬ der of ar English ageccy, tne various lnv.'.lces amoimlng to serern1 thousand dollars Also, for cash, a .ut Ii 0 casks lieiglan wruUaht nniiS from 1} to 3 In to close a consign s.gni-.ii A so, case assorted Bowie knives, to be sold peremptorily to the Mgh-at bidder In lots to suit ATi-JCg the German ba dware , casea of German box coffee mills, 1 caae tab e knives and furls, dims, I25doi. razors, lit Uer- n~s/ ii »er ladlee, ^i'1 gross girdle and suspender buckles, iidoz first quality Gera-an sil-er spoons, brass and Ger man sliver candlesticks, 50 gross spoors assoned, am cirds scissors, 151 it iss thimbles, 2 esses hair pins, sawing croi- d ai d other need lea. 1 ,ooo gross books and eyes, slide cats- - r.-s an-J vinous other goods. Among the hard wtre Is BtfcUitV'S knob snC cloeei loess; spring snd tombler and < bar deat locks: brass gm^d*: I c^sk brass stove knobs, name plates,dooi rappers bfel platea; 1 cssk kettle ban- i >-s-id ears; copper snd Oermsn sliver p-jwder ds«ks, 'LhBngr.diru'.icks boxwood rules,shoe lhre*d, raeor strops i.; fl f.iks, snd other cutlery. Ate itc. The whole Ott fold without reserve Caialogi-tss tl the aoctlon or sisir Ttm-.su la Philadelphia. Correspondence of the Trtbone. _, ?,l,L»J>eLrHu,t^orsdsy,»opi U The marshes on the Delaware Riv^ below Mt city are now throngnd with jrunnor., wv, .ees. detotrnined to exterminate everything in the Sir* line which can there be fonud. A numbe* of aooi- dtnisbavo happened there during iao pM, rttW dayt, in cousequenco of the careless a«e of Bra. arms. One young man yesterday re-ceiva-i \ charge of shot in his face, which. co-no!oUiiv ^ stroyed his sight. Fur the rest of his life he win be blind. gt ma nignts since, an attempt was mads u rob the house of Richard Peters, Esq. t'io Uriiisb Oou sul for Philadelphia. It was unsuccessful Mr Peters'residence seems to bo a shining mark fo- Imrsiera to aim at. This is tho third or fourth at¬ tempt to plunder his hoose The cotton na-kei Isquiet, hut bolder* *n» firm In coo- eu»-nce of ihe unfavorable acc( unts from the Boms of ths grow lot; c-oo. The receipts ol Fi.oca continue limited. Their. Is, however hui Utile inquiry 'or »xpon and or.7 a few r-.unnrrtl bar'eis fresh ground have been disposed of of at J5 !di'. gm*!! st!es for city o»e $\VH"or common and good brand*, and $5 S7J *5 75 for extra. S. sale of 29S00U barrel. Kyk ri.ouii at §2>l t* bbi. Oo".i» Mbal. is quletj holder*, it $i The demand for Wheat (.oniltre* ilndted A sale of good red at Si '"2 P" busaa! We quote while ai $1 ,«>r<. Rye ;* in good Semiud at 65 cent* ro»n roniineei to come In slowly Further n ei of SOOO baahel* Southern V-. ow at 65 Cl ad rat. Oats.5000bushel* good Sonthern sold at 37«».« en.*/ > ustiel Whisky Is less active, 8s!«s in cols at ,27 cts lihd* are sca'oe. Balks of Btocks,.¦84,000 Ftt'sbnrgh 6j 'fW. tcoupons) 9SJtl4U8 btna.lj; 20F*nn R R 44(; $1.800Slate6s, lulj; $1,001 Schtiy 1 Nav 6s, '68 SS»; 85 in u U S is, tit, 1)6; a i COO City 6», "78,167 :$U 00 State ¦>», t> < t LoutsvtUe Bk, ICt; 50 Union Canal, 111 WO Reading R R 6s 7<» it.SS» Tex** reg fl \r cent bonds, 55 $2,600 Wlioilegton R R as, 02 100 Readl.'g R B, S6J, 6 Macuf n Mech Bank, 28. Second Wvirii.5 Oermanlowp Bank, 55; 5 NetrO-'eans Oa* 114'; 85,000 T"*a» Registered Notes, 35, ai/o* Cao'-den ärd Ambov HR. 6s, "in. «1; Reading RR, "Si j $7,i>00 do,'75J; 5o Union Canat, 11; 7 faunay:- va'olaRR, 44j; 45,'niSch iVav> i, 6: Mi; 5 Penosy.vajla Bank, 1151; .4 Farmers ard Mech Back, 6"!; 3 North American Bank. 138 6 Union Bank. Tertnetsee, 6*{ $: .."« Bitte St, 931; SO Manufacturers and Mech BS, 271; lev U 3 Appointments by the President. By and with the Otteve andemtenf of the Senate J"tn f (lames, of Kentucky, to bo Governor of 11 " itory ol Oregon. , , Bttcktsgbsm Smith, of riorida. to ba Secrets, > of Lega¬ lon t tte Mexican Republic. r. Shewa-d JohBion, to t-e Attorney of the United Btatas or the Dlatrtel of Delaware. !.tn u?l Wilson, to be Rogtster of the I,and Office ai 'ewoansviile Floridr.. Later from Santa Fe From the St I.ouls Republican, Sept 3 iNDEPBNOENCB, Wtdnes.la», Aug 24 "The mail Is just in (rum Santa Fd This is aha rirst return trip of Waldo & Co.'s contract Uudor Ihe charge of far.Spratt, the journey from hare and hack was completed in seven weeks and three days, stopping two or three days in Santa Fo. There was not much news of Importance, other tha;i ihe skirmish between oar troops and tho Apache Indian* near Taf s. (of which I believe y>u are already apprised,) resulting in the death of six or eight Indians and the capture of a large number of stock. On tho 16th insi. OoL Banner arrived at tho crosalnp, and immediately meved th"5 troops that were in waiting higher up tho river to the " Hig Timbers," at whicb point tho selection Is made for the orer.'.Ion o( the lost. A new route from that place has been surv«.yod across to tho old Santa Fe. toad, through the Ci-ua ron country, shortening tho dtatanco aiul avoiding tho "Jornada," so much to he dreaded in time of drought. There was found groat scareiu of water and grass. Between the Oimaron Springs flower and middle) the grass is burnt oil', it no at tite big bend of the Arkanaofl and Hull creek Clinior'a train was mot at St. Miguel; MoOan- iey'e, same p'nee; Davy's and Lciilaad's at. " Log VegBH," Wells and Qutlere's at Upper Oimorou; Aubrey's at Lower Cimaron Springs Dr. Connel¬ ly's at Sand Creek; Waldo A Co.'b atCowOreoa, Hull ..V Co.'s at Diamond Springs, and Olmrley White and U. S. troops at Council Grove. Our place and neighborhood have bocn very healthy this tanimer. The crops aro abundant. An F.ditor Tdrned Inventor..The " N. Y. State Fair Hourly Ilullctin" says 8. H.Mu, BdL tor of tho Schoha'tr Patriot, ha« a largo Plank Road car upon the grounds, with an improvement on tbe ordinary whocl cente", termed the " Osoll- lating Holler Axle." The improvement consists ia the eyo of tho whoel holng removed from the dead center and thrown out towards tho rim or tire, in- creasing tho power by doubling the lever. It is also an anti-friction combination, vary ingeniously devised, Rnd attraoU great attention by its novelty and plausibility Tne car is built for two-horse Ii aught ami ia intended to maintain and carry an iinmeneo load. Success to our young and enter- prizing brother of the craft 13? tir. Miz. was awarded a diploma foi ingenious invention. Railroad Accident..A Mr. Youn» was killed on W ednesday night on tho Troy and Whitehall Hatlroad near Baliston he with two others was on a linr,-l oar, ahead of tho locomotive, hut being unable to keep away from it, his companions jump¬ ed and saved thoniuelves, while he remained on, was run over ai d shockingly mangled. He was in the employ of tho road. [Albany Register. |^ Robert Wv kliffe, .Ir. lato U. 8' Charge d'AHairs to Sardinia, died at his ftthei's reside toe in Lexington, Ky. on Thursday evening, 'J9th ult. after an illness of several woelss, eged about .IS years. FROM WASHINGTON. The Cnllforntn Senators In their HernlM-f;«*, Seward "Stirring up the Animals".The Jlurltlnaf Down of ihe Heroes Agala-Peae* poticment of the (jiood Time Couilnsi.fr«« reeding* of the aJcnate on Tucettuy, Correspondence of Tbe Tribune WAsniHCSON, Tuesday, Sopt. 10, 18*). Tho Bounty Land Bill occupied tho morning, pre¬ vious to tho special order, which was the Abolition of tho Slave Trade in the District of Columbia Bill,.that is a long adjective, but I have English Parliamentary authority for the grammar of it- This lust made the great feature of the day, unless tho appearance of the new California Senators, Mosbts. Fremont and (jwin In the hall, and thasx taking the oath of ollice and selecting their goats he considered as such. The debate on the bill lor tho Abolition of the Slave Trade went along vety coziiy indeed, vario«* trifling amendments being rejected, until the prop¬ osition arrived to report tho bill to tho House, whan Mr Seward arose in his <|uiet, sdlf-possessed man¬ ner, as i' ho were about to do the most iunooisjt thing in the world, and moved to striko out the whole bill, and subatituto a hill which ho sent to the Clerk a desk, and which provod to be a hill for Abolishing Slavery itself injtho District of Colum¬ bia. This was a perfect petard into tho heart of Ihe ansuspcting citadel. It was the.::ap of thaa- der in the clear sky of which we have heard tra ditionally all oar lives. Astonishment, &t iho au- dai it.> of the thing, seemed to be the first sontimeat which pervaded the Senate, and held them in si¬ lence for an indefinite period of time, until they were arous.-d by the c>.ll of thi Chair for the vote up d the proposition. This caction then rapidly melted away, into varying hues, Use. the transmu tations of tbe dy bit.' dolphin, or assumed new shapes like tLe celebrated .. discoloring scenes," or tho phantasmagoria of a sick man's dreams With the Southern rot heads, and indeed with Southern Honorables oi all grades, the sentiment passed rapidly from &itoniihnient st the audacity to indignation at the atrocity of tho act. It had cost a deal of trouble to get every body intoa state of good feeling! sod than, just when of all times In the world,.when that blosaed work had been hap- piry accomplished, when everybody was fraternis- ii g with ever)bedj else, when tho lamb had iJu do« n with the leopard, and when above all saveral big drinks" and general jollifications had jasl been held to celebrate tbe actual advent of " the » ood time coming " to find that the old red dra^oo o! Abolitionism had broke loose again and was thrashing his mighty tail about in the ver) Hall ar d under the benches of the Senate it was not to be encored by human patience. If Southaru Senators were indignant, Northern 8«natO's ware not a little fluttered, and several from whom, per- bans somewhat different things might have been t d .howed the white feather. The first to take the floor was Mr. Baldwin of Conn, who has gen c-rally stood fire pretty well upon all issues of this «er;. He deprecated this movement exceedingly, .cd although the resolutions of the Legislature of his State, which he presented to the Senate oolyr *hort tlu.esii.ou, and which ho adverted to, pro-

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1850-09-13 [p 5]. · Dead and Sempronia, nod eight skiffs all laden With oysters, and c;ue prisoners, whoware the mostact've amongx> e invaders,

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1850-09-13 [p 5]. · Dead and Sempronia, nod eight skiffs all laden With oysters, and c;ue prisoners, whoware the mostact've amongx> e invaders,

Bxrckapk to Jennt Lind..Laitnlght tho Get*

gn licderkranz marched in procosstoo to the

ye* York Hotel, where they aang a number of

selodie« as a serenade to Jenny Lind. Tlufol

(owing wai the order of the Performance«: lit,

fWlJcommeit, (welcome,) oompoied by Kumt, and

dedicated to the 8wediih songitrois; 2d, Hont rfu

To* der deinem Namenfeiertl (Jloar'st thoa

jjjo found, that celebrate*, thy Dime,) by K alii wo'

3»; 3d, Potpourri Ohorn», from La FUle du Reg*Hfttf. Tbese piecei were ail admirably performed,,sd great credit is due to the leader of the oompa-

sy, Mr Agriol Pau-.When the Liederhranz. arrived they were invit¬

ed into M'ss Lind'» pari ir. After ths performt :o

df the li *t piece. " *V«>loomo,' a coatmuiee oou-

lilting of Dr. Ludwig, tho President, r.nd Mr.yVlKDKL'ller, thv- Vi.'c-Piosi leut, were introd a :.

to lliis Lind by Mr Eistiold, u^on which D.°.Ludwig addressed her in '.no following manner:

u Fraaieio Among :!.e many and splendid pr:ofitfbomage and admiration which aa everywherehave alio been tendered to you here, the GermanLiederkranz o! New York appear before you, andbail you wi'b a hearty welcome to our shores."We are weil aware that compared with what

I has been said n'reK'ly in your praise, with thorifts of Art and Science, of spiritual an^Linateria:happiness, which hav.- been bestowed on you, weare unable to offer to u>u any thing new or va'ua-fcle. Wo are only plain men, who after uninrerropted, and often hard labo', rn«et oioj i>., theweek to rcjoico and olevato oursoivei with Song.But we areaiiured that, what is done withsinceritysaid comos from the hea.t, will also Und its path to

the heart We, therefore, pray you, whom in thiiLand, whoro no Uueon is known, wo venerateunanimously as the Uaeen of Song, to acceptkindly our welcome in the souudi of music, as wel,is in the writing we hereby offer to you.'' TheVice President then handed to Miss Lind a copyef the three songs.Miss Lim> listened attentively to the perform¬

ance, and expressed her iincero thanks for the at¬

tention paid to her. She conversed in t friendlymanner with the gentlemen, and said, amongttben, " O, Germany, how beautiful, bowcha'-m-Irg it is, but wh-:e i« its liberty ? Surely, gentle¬men, you all wiir: to return soon to your sweet fa-iherlacd, the land of musio and poetry?" "No,.stver!" was the unanimms answer; ' here wo

feet happy and free, hero we will become good triti-sens" " Without poesy ?" she asked. ' O, Frau-

j leir, you wil. ii-.d pneay here also " She flnaliy|tj*pre»s<(l her iloairo to see the "Liederkranz"; jierforn: r. Chorus in one of her Concarts, ti whichthe gentlemen readily assented. Mr. BENEDICTlaid that he was delighted with tho performance,and would oompote a Souvenir for ;h9 Society.Sbe shook hands with Mr. Paur, tho leader, andJhinked the society, who then withdrew.


Correction..In our n tioeof the New Map of

j JBrooklyn, we should havesnd that It was publishodi>y M. DRii-t's, 103 Fulton-st. New-York. The

Map is ono of the plainest and mm1, correct tha*we have overmen.

NEWARK ITEMS.Oystir War..We announce) to our readers

the renewal of the Ov&ter War. Yesterday Sherill'Jaquine, having receive-! intimation that the StatenIslands* were committing depredations on theoyster beds in Newark Hay. onartered the steam¬boat James Farlee, (not the Loco candidate forGovernor,) and proceeded with a posse of :iu men tothe scene of aotion He wan reinforced o.i ilia wayby some small craft ahme shore, and arrived on the" battle ground'' at 1 P.M. Th-s Bay was coveredWith sloops, shin's and other ora't, all raking up thooysters., who, when they saw tho '. powers of theJaw" approaching, up onohors and sails and Had.5Tbe Sheriff, however, and his men wore too fasti«ld too many for them, mid by i.1^ o'clock P M badsaptured lour sloops.tho Guerilla, Tom Thumb,Dead and Sempronia, nod eight skiffs all ladenWith oysters, and c;ue prisoners, who ware themost act've among x> e invaders, A'! this was not

acoompliehed without resistance; knives and hand¬spikes were freely used, and pin lots wero shown,and blood from noses and bends flowed like water.After all resistance had ceaeed the captured boatsWere conveyed up the Back ens ack River abovetho drr.w, and men plncod in charge of them- Theprisoners were brought be'ore JnaticesVan Winkleand Thomas and put under bonds to appear andanswer ibe charge. J l?ra'>y City Teiegraph.

Death of Hon. Henrt Nes.We learn fromthe York (Pa) Republican, that tho Hon. HenryA'es died at bis residence in that Borough nn Tues¬day evening, a few minutes alter 7 o'clock. Hisage was about r>0 ypars. It is known that the Dr.has been ill for a long time, so much so as to pre¬vent bis appearance in his seat in the Hcuse atWashington for the greater part of the presentsession.

GKNEliAlo NOTICES.XF Gentlemen'!* Hnta, Fall Stylo. Bird, corner

Fine and Natiau ats .The sly la for the ensuing season willbs ready for inspection and lale this day. Tho auenUonol

gentlemen of tasie ami discrimination is Invited to the put.tern al ove announced, nrd«rtbo firm conviction that Itwill oattafy the moil taaiSdloua admirer ol a handsome Hai-Mi . M. C. Bt. John ha* removed from 11R Broadway to

U.o store ol Ibe subscriber, nhoro be will he pleased to sea

at/ customers. BIRD, cor. Pino and Nassau its.

*.ngum 30, 18S0._ _

»6 5wls

I hp" i'-oeMes* ye the Lund!.Mechanics and otherIndustri' Ui pe sore are Inviiee to atteuo the ninth regalarmeeting < f the New Y rk lidus'rla! H ims Association,this (Friday! evening, a: 7J o'clock, at the Bakers' Ho-jsool Call, 121 Urand-si a hetnhy and valuable town site,wllh'n working .Itsinnce fr, m tbls city, i»11 be purchased,surveyed, street* grade!, and lb--ii olvlCed among thewemhen. Those Joining previous io the draw'ng firMolcei of Iota, Will have m fqas' chance with ;ji whotav, yet done so. J. STEVENS Presidentt d. Murray. S-»cietary >ij le

IV To trip irlerchiini Tallora of New-York..Gentlemen, jou are r -, .. mqueaied to attend a meet¬ing of dekgstes from th Journeymen Tailors' Society, tobe held at tin-Bbskspe e H on Monday, Bept it] at 10o'clock, for the purpose of dlirus»lng the merits of the newkin of prices, recent > tio^led by that body.

By oider of the Uoinuiiuee, »13 21*

BT The OmrJK* ITJotinraln \Vater-Uuii>, at8 intb Orange, £nex CouoK New Jarsey, one hour's ildeby the M-i rlt and Essex Railroad, from thocliy T.ees-.ab'lihuunt hat private ha ba attached t roost of tiio pa-UeLi'a tot d.s Address Dr. CARL LORENZ whobassncteeded Dr. Meeker. In the medica' department of the Instl-totlon. The terms average rrorn Jl 11 SI2 per week, paya¬ble always weekly Persons occupying the whole ->i a

double loom will be charged extra. Board of privatesar-Varts St.' 'o per Weeks 3 tf

-..RT A ;,|o«'itnn ol the TloamKhH Aaaoclntlongrill be.h-.d1 all, e BhhaM'ore Hotel Ulli (Kildat) a'enlng,r»>pt. 1», BIT. o' lock Punctual a !o..c1h:c-i!-r q jired.

Oh" Xi uatcnl (lord..The subscriber wou'd respect-fullv Inform hli friends thv. he has taken up hl residenceto ibis (it> at 46Eaii tighteenth-it h-t->i?-n Broadwayand the Fourth av, and ihn ho will shortly resume, to allmlied extent, bis class and private leaching

sllStls- vWUAM U BaADBURY.

OT To ilaliere..A ge-ieral meeting of ;h 0 ira-vve Bakers'Union will hs held at be House of Call, insjiaro-ir on Saturday. Ulli lust when Important businessWll be brought before the n retire Chair taken al So',cl 'ck JohbZ Rknnic Pres't; Ja's R^erlion. Roc Bee.B?,0,n?,f »PI'11'"»' 's f-r ibe office of Keeper of the Home

iVfiT ,l;',uld *lve co lr" t0 'boTr istees, as the electionw.ll .ben be proceeded wlib. The t J all to let every night,except Ntiurdaya. te-ms moderate. s:s 21«

« \ *ixl* WfA A Meeting or thi DemocraticW big Commluee of Ibe Sixth Ward of lue C'ly of N^w-Msa.Tii SerheW on Monday Evening, Sep'ember lrJJjJAO at ?j o-ch ck, at il e North Amertian Hole', c irner ofB0V.-C- , r,-:d Hayard street, lo make Hrrange nents for thegaction ol a delegate 10 lenresent the Second Asse n .lySiaeo k

« hlg S ate torventlon to beheld at Srra-T«e on the *S;h Instam..Sep 12. 1830

. uw jb. ROBIN'O.v, Chalrmw.

A o AkfrmaN, Secrelsrv. a!3 S-.l«-

S'^lfi'.^ KO« XAI.K. of nine hor,8nearer Tw I00M tXlni-^ ' <^ b?,l6r'«econd J JgJW^uTrr,SVtl^.n 'HTT»-:..warT«,sedviolent firs, rbeirmallsni i-ou'|i,f'!i,0(i""k' tlc ^^loreat, allaead Neurosis, <-,r the ,'..«., v m,?"?*«*. jPerdor 102 Nsasa-i-si. [1, K J0^o; 83

.gMu tbe city, withoutc^-ks, s u

~~~-._sl3 If

^VtaÄj.i, " ,"y £ ' w"rd' como »d sä whatiH Nassau-it. one door loutii of ßeokman.

\V ANTE!).All active and intelligent yung S'o'ch-* * rtmn 10 go o Mexle 5 and lake charge of n small far nard garden ?he district 1» heal h r and the encoaragetnesland rriniirierstlmi gr>od. Nono need apply bat lueh aa can

give unexceptionable reference* Address B P. J.boxI.SlOSun rflke. Application to be ma-'e before Monday

««t_¦_ «1S If

VA ANTED.Situation« by two respectable yourjg »o-' met.one a* ccok and to ntiUt In the washing and

Irontrg ; ihr other to do r.Vamhe'w, rk waihlnc and iron¬ing, or walling nrd rhamborwork.hi* no nhtntilon to dohousework In a small family. Gjod city refer once can bsgiven Apply 12 Haml.'ior tt sl21t*

\\' ANTED.A »ttnatlon by a Hdv Protestant g|.|. t > Johome or cbamberwork; la a fir*i-i»t(» washer aud

IrOner and a good plain cook; would al»o take c*'« ofct.tldien ntd »e.w ). a po.id uialn »ewer and very fond ofchildren; vottld make herself generally useful. Jail at22J Bowery.»13 It*

\V ARirKU.i»Uuat!on« B'e wanted for S tieTmi 4' v American, 7Kngiiab and 4 Scotch gir!«. A eo, for

about <»n Iriah glrii, mostly Proi-stam«, cooks chamber¬maid*, waiter* nur»»«, Ja'jrdre*i«», team*Irei»ei, ice Allare «man, ildy, and have good character*, at " ELMOREB.eiect ?r,.t<-«tiuit i,mpl"yiT!-:nt A?-ncy,7 Cnr-Eine at.«12 411s«

U7ANTJCD..A young man Udeslrois of obtaining a" iltuatlon aa clerk inauora, or tome other light busi-enr Would have no objections to going to aay p;rt of

the United State» Good refo.-er.cescan be glvea Anyonewiibisg to enpage the advertiier can bear of blm byacdresslng a note to " Samuel" at tbl* office. »13 It*

W ANTED.A situation a* housekeeper bv a reip-eta* ble American woman *be would be wining to asKume

the charge of a gentleman's family In the city or a short di»-lfcr.ro ir ;ne country. R*f-rew* given and required Ad-dreia a lire to J R. at lhic off>e, waere a p«'«ona! Inter¬view may be bad. »13 It*

07 A NTED.A Bitu»t'on to do genera! homework or"

a» rhamberma'd and wtl er, or «"amitre.ii by a re¬

spectable > i'UD? woman wrih excellent reference; live!t» o jenra with fier la*t employer C»n be i«en for 2 dsyeel 2(<is Twenty-fourth it. between Rintb and Ten'b avi- it*

ANTED.A man with $3<X) caih to invest in money-v v mBtlr.g bnalness which, wilh proper mana;euieni, a

for'une can he realized, can bear of tli6 a'i.ive by calling onC I". FUTYOYE, 2b Whltehall-sl. The bas'neis I* trav¬

eling. »13 2t*

VI' ANTED By a reipecUhle young woman, a altaa-'» tlor to Oo gennia'bouiework a* chambermaid, or to

li»ke care of children and a* seams.ret* ei" give g rod re¬

ference Apply at 9» Tt-olh-iv. beiween Sixteenth and Bs->en eenth *t*. r!3 1t*

1117ANTED.A smart young colored man to go a «bor'dlatance m the comtry ; one competent to takecharga

of Bsmall vegetable gt'd-n and rvho thoTonjiilv ur.lT.Bland* Httendlr'c io a hor«», may apply to CHARLES 11.HERTZF.L, 37 Beaver at. »13 It*

w ANTED.By » iteady womit), a iltoat'or. a* cook Inu (mall private fatrily, one who understand* making

i;-. tad piain paltry atu I« .-. good washer Bttd ironer..Has to objection to going a abort dlitance in the country.Call at the basement of 104 Eait Broadway. t>!3 it*

i*. ANTED.A situation by a respectable Protestant"v gill a» chambermaid end «eatmt-et» or wettrr Nrjbjection to do ibe general housework of n 'mall Private

family. Has a good lecummandaiion. Call at 72 Watt at.Can be seen for two daj a sl3 It*

M7ANTED.By a young woman a situation as waiterm ana ctam'ienuaid or waiting aione, ha* a thoroughrnowlefge of ter ttuatccse, and can give the mis', satllfac-iory refcroncer Call at 213 Eliz&bolh-'i". up stairs, frontroom. 81311'

VA/AN7TKD.By a retpeti.ble »omni, a situation a**' nurse or i-hartj|ierinnlrl no objection to do wattlingand Ironing. Bt>*t reference given from her last place. GhOpi 1 Union-sl South-Brooklyn, near Hamlltou ferry,S1221U*Vi/ANTED.By a pe'.icel girl a Biiutttloc to do cbin>

t'trworx and take care of children anC do plainlew'nrz «'»n trivecity reference. Apply at 9 L\:Ve Jonee-*U Can !"j *eec for two days ill It*

VfUANTED.Situation«, by two very conipeteol girls,** Ir.lrly Iro dttrj frtun Ireland, lodogene-al hoiiSHwork

or cbamberwork, and to help at the washing and ironing.Call at 74 S xtb-av in the bookstore. «13 11*

W7ANTED.By a young woman, a situation to dovv chBinb'.rwi>r»-1 or a»«i»t In wa*hlng and Ironing o-

take care ofchildren. Ca'latU'l Court-«t. Brooklyn Canbe s-en ior a few duys »13 li*

\\7ANTED-By s young woman aattiatton itiarrl"VT vale family to do general housework or lako care of

chlldrc orasiist in washing and ironing, Appli at 32Wbiteball'St second floor, back room. »13 It'

W ANTKD. S »ituillon as chaixbermald or waller byv h respectable AtnericKn ptr! in a pr.vato faml'y B"*t

of reference. Apply hi 176 Eeiex-at can be seen for 3

t'.ay»_Sl22tis*WANTED.A German. Welsh, English or American

girl, to rook, WB»h and iron for rt email private fami¬ly. Good city reference required. Apply at 112 Leonard-si.

»V ANTED.A good cook to go a short distance In thevv country. Ore that understand* maMmr bread, pastryand puddings. Apply a; 73 East Seventeenth-*! before 12.

VA/ANTBD .By a young woman a sltnatlon as coot.vi was'r-ing and ironing. Best city reference* givaa.A pply 132 Sixteenth it Cnti be io«u for 2 day?. *13 It'

WANTfCD k cnok. who perfectly understands h'Tbuilioi*, and who will &s*l*t in the washing Apply

at 19 East-Fourteenth «t sI2 2ii»'

rj^O TAIEOKS,- Wanted a steady young man, Amer*J lean (Jermanor Irish, to go twolve mile* In the coun¬

try to work at the tailoring bu»lnes» Apply alfilGrove-¦t. from 8 till HAM. and from 1 till 4PM«13 It*

WKNtjY WANTED..Tho advertiser wi u d like 'on eke arrangmenta wiih some manufacturer who

wlHhe* a perton to introduce or sell nny article to the tradeIn this city He haa had considerable experience in thiskind of t äslner*, la favorably known, and hasaetoreinagood iocKii' n down io»p. Addreai K Z at tbl* office it*


.|)4U.tMlU BOND AND MORTfl AGE .Forty thou-aand dollar* on improved real esiRlu in Ibe city of Cincin¬nati, cloar of all ineumhraoee», worth over one hundredthou6&r.d dollar*, tow oc rent of ten tbrusand dollars a

year, for which an interest of nine nor centum per annumwill be patd seml-annoally In this city. The lawaofOhiaauthorize ten per cent interest to be contracted for. Th -se

deal' ous. of lending on tho t'.ove term* will please c.»ll onW1NSL0W, LANIER i. CO. 52 Wall at. for furtlior !n-formatii n sin l wi*

C*T tä>s 1st k WANTED on band ncd mortgage on a

tW J.«75"/U;ot worth $2,000 fronting on Mynle-av n»ar

the corner . f Jay-*t Brooklyn; title perfect. Apply byDOtetO R PHINCE 8-13 Pearl-«i iNew-York. *13 3t*

POCKET BOOK LOSTA PORP MONNOIE POCK KT BOOR, containing threexlnotus of 9/l,5( 0 each, sl«r.cd by George Wood, Tree*.;n'Bo, one note sljned by P. P. Brown, for $225, date! ang.7, 90 days bIbo, due bills 10 the ainoorl of about $700;Biso ab' ut 30 to 850 In Bank bill* h'so. memorar.diiin* HndPost-Office stamps. Payment* of satrt notes *nd due billshave been etopp'd. Anype.son who w.ll leave the sailpocket book at 289 Broadway, New-York Bsy CemeteryOffice, will be liberally rewarded, and no qae»tlon* asked.

.13 St*

ctktr Watts, .- i'- ltd lorifi

BOAKtil r.

BO AKD.A «nlt of room* consisting of a fron' parl.ira bedroom adjoining and another bedroom with two

Inrfe wardrobe», all In the *econd story of a handsomethree*toiy and attic house, »upplled with warm and coldj,, j,, eic. can be obtained with board In a p-ivate fsattly or

with h private table; tbe lo-a'lon, Tenth-it. near Second-av. Addreis P. Union-square Post-office »13 2t*

BOAKDINC3..Ag'nileman nr.J w'fe an.l two singlegentlemen c«n be arcommodated with pleasant rooms

It, the centra] part of East-Broadway For further pa tica-laisnddrrsia note to '-Pauline," at this ofiica, which willbe aiterded to «13 it*

l>OAKD WANTED..A famished room for a gent'e-Oman Slid bis wfe, In a private family, or where there»-e bill few hoarders. In the lower par', of tho el'v, on ihewen'tid- Adilre«« H. N Tribune ollice. sl3 2i«

B OA KD.. P'eaaant fr-^nt rooms ard hoard, with use ofb»tb. In a house where there are but few boarders.

Apply fit 226 Vfcrick st near Ca nilBC. el3Sleod*

AYOÜNG GENTliEMAN and his wife occup%lnga pleasaut bouse In Brooklyn about 20 triloule*' w»lk

from the Bouth Kerry, wotnd be wlllink o take a* boarder*a young tent i n.au and h:« wile, if the arrangement it mu-tualij »a>itfactory. Respectable refernuce.* required, a*

..-.-'wi leg ven Address N. box 1,753 N. Y. Pjit-oifiee,post paid. slS Iw*

WANTED.Full boa'd by a young maa In the upperv v par' i f the city, In n family where there are few or no

h r.'d-rs Room ina> be furnished or unfurnished Ad-dreas K M Tribune office, staling locatbrn and lernit, fueliiH-luded. »13 it*

fgr- tferetktrHa&'U :: A^'.i'stti.ynti i'< lid Fact

VIVARIO PLOITIYTDEUR.GUNSMITH TU THE KING OK THE BELGIANS.npHK Subirrl'ier, tioie aeent in the Uslted States for fie1 sale of the celeor. ted Vivarlo Pleumdeut's fire arms,)

Ib preps rd to rereive and execute all order* for g.ius,pistols, &C, &C, of all dei-rlpilur:* on in- rno»t favo,-ati!eli-'oii and with dispatch. F >.- patlern« and further p trüc-ultra apply to LOUIS L. EC LUBE,

Iis Im* 31 Liberty street

JTJDP'S MEDICATED LIOTJXD OTJTIOLi-.rimiS IS AN INVALUABLE ARTICLE for droningJL bnrna,cuts and bruises, scalds, or any kind of f.«Iiwound* So »ay» Dr. Valentine Mot; of ihe N. Y M"-1i-*iUniversity; Dr. Darling of the «sine, Dr* d' ion andJonsoti bribe Virgms* ModJea] Insututlofl *s ,

o.ver practtcal Surgron*pvn!*!ELD i CAMP. MidJUwewa.r.o.jr solsnroori.

¦t .-. by ScbieffeUn Bro* t, Co Haviländ. Reese 4it- Burger ft fx Boyd ftpanl; "''»' dnek, Oorjie*

« wi»y auSfl laa't*

DOSTON AND NEW-YORKTELEGRAPHI> COM''ANT.. Hirer. Wallst is-cr. tt iryl.This line,ntln. Hou»«-'« Patent Prl, III ,¦ Inurnment I« in operation toNEW-HAVEN, HARTFORD, 8PRINGFIELO,

PROVIDENCE, BOSTONT (iipatcte* are prime-' y the Instrument* in Roman

Caj Letters.thus avoiding tbf> necessity uf tracaiatingor iranicrit-lng, and consequent liability to error iieresst'llyi: 'tdatt up"! all other system* of lelegraphlugTl e patrons Of tbl* ltne may dopend upon punctual trant-

missb n and dollverv of tbe'-r message*, a* no diipalcbe«will be received at their oflices nnlen the wires are baworking orderPrk es.For messages of len words, 2ucents; and for

tldltionad rord, 2 centsJAMES 8TUIG1S, Preildani

Va m Iii- S, CLARK, Cle< k of tbe CorporationVota, Sept.13,1840 «|S tf


IADIE8 AND GENTLEMKN8' fine Paris mide whitsJkld gloves for tba above Concert, can be bid fo- <. 8d

and4sa pali, at BURDETrs cheap wboleaala indjretalDry Goods flora, 136 Walker sl Alao. gentlemen's blackkid gloves, stitched backs, only 5s a pair, equal to ;do!Nrgloves. QEO. C BURDETT, 135 Walker-st

*76iis* between Broadway and Bowery.


straw coons, ac.'VOMPOSING a complete assortment of M1LL1NE5YV/GOODS, received from recent Importations and

AUCTION.Milliners sod merchant* are Invited to call and examine

them, which will he offered at the lowost pricer forCASH,

or approved credit, by .' DOREML'B MILLS,»n23f.wlt' JOJoim-v. New-York.

MORRIS E. HALLOWilLC & OO.113 Market-si Philadelphia.



cn goods porcfcASil frosn a» and «lilouad by ; rooba.sai 2rnU

L>RO«AN ('OTTON*..I vm hates of different qnali.*t t.es an<i widths amorgthern may b-fouod Stars, Wei

than) Rocktngham, Hook-ett, Ps o alto, Hope, New Bed-furd and other favorfie lUri'i", for sa'e hy

s]3NESMITH St CO. .50 and 52 Pine-st

LKACiTlTl) t OTTON.S.-10C9 3 4, 7 3, i-i 9!,5-4, iJ -lRnd 12 1, comprising a great variety of styles

and qualities, for site bysl3NESX ITU i. CO. 50 and 5: Pine-sL

BLAPKKTS..Negro, macklnaw. fine family, steam-host and coating Bl»nkets. for sale hy

sl3NESMITH h. CO >n and 52 Pine-st

l>r\ UA«dt Aafrtuementc tie Hid Päse.


BOARDING 8C1IOOI. FOR BOYS at Cornwall, Conn-The winter term of tbls school will commence on the

first Tuesday of November and continue five monlh» Tbecourse of instruction embraces every branch that emersInto a thorough English c'usilcal and mathematics! educa¬tion, together with the French, German and Spanish lan¬guage! Lessons in vocal music and on tbe piano and or¬

gan K,-« given by an accomplished Oeiman professor, whennrslrcd. Expense for hoard Bnd lulilon In ah ilie abovenamtd hrsLches. except music. i?l Wiper term of five months.TLe following gentlemen constitute ihe Board of Instruct-ors, reside In the family with the scholars, and are exclu¬sive,y devoted lo thf> Interests of the school:

Rev B, TT. ANDREWS, M A PrincipalJAMES BEDGWICK, M A. Associate Principal.A. FRÖLICH, a A a Graduate of tbe University of

France Teacher uf O-rcrmn and FrenchSenor H. Dr. MARTI ..I GuUa, Teacherof Spaillb.R THEI88 ol Germar y, Teacher of Music.

Nun.her of scholars limited to «5Circulars containing lull Information, can be obinh.ed at

Mark H.Newman it Co.'s book store, lfrj Broadway, or

bj application to the Piluclpal, at Cornwall- Conn. s!J 2w

A R01>\V(>RTII "«s" 1' KiVÄTli-ÖÄNOING. ACAt'KMY, -113 Brcome-st. three doors wist of

Hroadvrtiv. win open for the sesson on Tuesday, Oät 7On Tuerasys aid'ftiturdsye at 3j o'clock for ladlssandchildren: on Tuesda:' blU Frldsy evenings at 7 for gentle¬man InaodUKc to all dances of farmer seasons, Mr. D.is hr.pny to Inform his friends and psirons, that he bin in¬vented sc en'.l.-e new dsnce, .rrhlch he will l:,lrodcc3, cili¬ce me Bolero, uc it is canned to music similar In characterto !he celebrsted Spanlth dance of that name. I also honomet by adopting an Improved system of teaching, Intro-drc"d ihis season for the fi rat nme, to be able to Imp intothe pupils bs much lnforma'lon In one quar'.er as heretoforehas t.een sccomp Ished In two.Cards of terms and rules can be procured at tho Acade¬

my, where Mr. D. would be hippy to answer all Inquiries,»13 imeod"A YOUNG I,ADV, aged 21, accustomed lo lulilona* end warmly attached to children, desire* n situation as

toscher. In addition to the usuil English branches shewill Initiale pupils In music, French and drawing Mostsatisfactory testimonials given. Teacher 3,12 GrBnd si.alSlw'"

I HAH Fs BÜFFIS», of the University of France, Pro¬s' fessor of tbe KiTcb Language and LUeratnro, respect-felly announces to his friends and patrons that be has re-n ved lo 207 8ixih-&v between Fifteenth and dlxtesnlhsts and Is ready to con mence his French clssses Privatelessons g ven p.nfl schools stleuded. sll 3;lsWFJtK*

IlllAUTJCAI. convkusatuin In the Frenchlanguage, with Dr. VIONIS, leader of a French and

American Socialist School. He keeps from bis puoils thebest refe OLces of the city on his ability and morality. 93Iludson-SL Sl3 1m'

BJP' For athrt SrhnM Advertvementt trt Vlth Pm."

^()-P/ürri\K{isjn 'vTnPHU COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be.a tween Jecoh Vandeihllt and Cbas. B. llo iDon, undertrehrm of \ axderbht i: Roblson. Is this day dissolved.The said Jacob Vsnderhlll will rccclvo all sums due :hoseid firm, and will also pay all claims and demands on theinme JACOB VANDERB1LT,

a!32f_ CHA8. B ROB18UN.'Vi*. tin ami .iT.'pan f»ianupa ötFk fi ftM-A Thu Advertiser m lsho» lo pmchase or become coparicer In ll o above trade He has had great experience, hn^.wooldbeof great servlre to any one In that line of busi¬ness, Apply at No. 3 Unlou Place South Brooklyn, If

fJF* For other Coprirtnershiji Advertisements, 2t-^ I ltd l*atje.

coal.'perior quality, suitable for furnaces, rRnjes, grates, tic

Consumers desirous of procuriuj their coal at a very lowr.te, wih do well to plvc the subscriber an early call.

GEORGE A. SPARKS,el3 2w' 205 and 207 rrankltu-st.

lTl> ASlfTTrM,, BY rilE~CAJRGO.From thecelebrated SPOHN ami LEWIS «eins, of the Beim nt

Colliery, foi sa e onlv l-vsl3 2s.ii F. TYLER \ CO. Philadelphia.':fVO CÖÄI, däai.KRrt-Tbe subscribers havejon1 hand, and can ship Immediately, the 'res*, quality ofWhite A»h, Not and Stove Coal frosa tbeir wharf a: Rich¬mond. V. TYLER it CO., 76 Walnut st Phllad. s!2lwls


A FORTU1ME FOR EVERY PERSONI ? RAMBLE'S TaTENT PRKM1UM SELF-WEIGH'U leg, moving Index and discharging 8ca e calcnlstedfor waitbou.ia mlllais, and all others connected with thewilirblnc ol yralrr or aeeds Patented July lfi, 1850. Ter-rltoty for sale on auch conditions that ail pera,ma purchas¬ing arc bound to make mocey. This scHie look the silverl, edal st ibe Albany Stal- Fair last week lam r»arfyioeis pose of the following Territory, seventy Counties, In the8'Rle of New-York, (including Ihe City and County of New-York ;) Maine. New-Hampshire, Vermont, Massachnsetif,Concectlcut. Nciib and South Carolina's, Georgia Alaba¬ma, Mississippi. Louisiana, Texas and Arsanssf Tneaiiove tenltory whi be sold cheap for cash Tue model ofthe scale can "be seen at the National Hotel, Cortlandt-stBnd a! the Pacific Hole!, (ireenwlch-sl where I can alwaysbe found fiom HAM until p M

OEO. W. HOYT, Ae«QLsl3 2w'_Dr. O. BUSH, Assistant.

ri^O JEWJKLKKS For sale, the tools and fixtuTesoff a marofacturltg jeweler. Also, a lot of floncs, lieThe above will be sold v iry low and on liberal tc.-uu Tbe1 ar*. of the shop can bo secured If detslred. Apply 1488p-lrg-st. or sddress box 607 l'ost-oftice. ill 3t*

1 |O-SÜTT0N^S PRINTING OFFICE 142J.4 -iKL LTON-8T between Nassau and Broadway..A.I kinds Of Job Prtutlrg, together wlih every desclp-lion of Card Priiillm; done at the »honest notice and at as

lov prWs as the same style of work c-.n be done In New-Yi rs. Particular atientlon paid to oall printing Orna¬ments for store bills, cards, tic.

ailIt* THOMAS. E. BUTTON, Printer.

RDGGLBS'g PRINTING ENGINE FOR SALE.-Ilsvini; put no aeolber Steam Jobbing Cylinder at

tbe Tribune Jo'.i Olhce, u hail neinum Ruggles's Press willbe disposed of on reasonable terms ll has been in use

bnt three uk nths, anil lo a Job Printer without steam-power,ii has no equal. Also, a Washington Press an-i Inkingmachine for sale A pply el 7 Siinice sial3 2l« CH48 W1LL5.TS. Sap'l.

H I1Y PATRONIZE ANVBOOY who chargei*» fifty per c.eni n.ore than you gel trie aame article eiss-

wberel At the "Excelsior Printing Establishment," 154Wsle-r si. corner of Maiden iane, they execute evrrrdei.crlpiion of plain an xjiographic priming at extremitylow prices. Cards for $1 pertboorand and upward Olherpitntliig remBrkblily low. If jou warn any kind of print ngdoLe, drop In al 164 Wgier si. S|3 5r

FVJOTICK.All ner»on» indeblexi to ihn estate of in« lataI v JOHN T. BKIGHAM sre rrvinested lo make psymectof tbe same ai the office 7R Brondway. and ah persons b*r-be claim* on said estate wlh pres-enl ihem.

L. BRIGHAM, )81 ONEY BROOKS,5 Admlsistraiors.

Jy*i liawlsif J. W. 0*18 >

fXJBVV Veiih LALNDH l-.HSSrRUCE-ST.NEA*1" NASSAU.-To New g.hlri Dealers, Single. Gontlemcr..Famlllet. ir .This If one of the mo*l perfect and exten¬sive esutblnhmeuui of ihe »lud in this or any other country.It baa tr^ec erecned at an expenee of about four rbn-jerfddoliart, and combines th* rollowiDg advantagee!si. Perseus leaving ihe city Ir baste can oars tatir

riothe* wasben and iron» i » faparior mannei In froatwo to ihre« hours timeSod;.No material I» uw\i bo the war illsj depsrrmoai

hni pnre oilve oi1 soao and fill-red Croior ».'sie- T-i retioihe: are not destroyed by patent soaps, or one. boa-h"7« so extensively arivertlsw) in the news-isrr"r'

jrd .Gentlemen s ahtns ere done up equai to new ahtrUe; genfemen's ooiltrt ironfv-l In TroT S'-5.'. Uifhl

eolored vesis and pantelooos eiej»ai t-y ironed '.'.i polisi J

4th .Cioibt-f lost or mlssent (which seldom . '

aappeos) will be promptly p»M >iJtl .Clothes washpf1' at tola »staninbioeni -» srear

ssucb longer, simply because they art aoi od» hiciiMw'ih greal care, nut no injurious drig eo gen' a! s 'Jwisberf.ls permln»! income nes: Iber--

'-.b .Ladie» dresser and eh fines. lei E] T63 experienced French LanndressOioüies tak«.-t- and delis -t-. o extra »- last

fpou arid sis'ns eflectun ly removedan o-h«rs left at tha f>?Fce 15 Srjra^r: OT SCSI throagll

U "c-sl w'oi receive prompt attentionMAD4SJE RAYMOND, Snperintaodeajt.

P. K. .Isr^rii'efwJ bar la r-' *RPloy«d ". 'ro, new

a. (rii ' in? snibi

LpOR SAIiS.A ship's ,-hrL.-jmcter, warrants-J ui bea

a fiitt ra'e artlc.h., BiUs i: Crelcbton, mar.nfac.tures. Ap-piv at ihr boot r.r± sh >e osiablishmeol of I.orln Brooks,188 Fulloo-st >5 lmU

, ,FPi< * OF »?-Hsi DiAFH&AGlll F1LTXR* 'removed lo Vf-7 R'o^Irret»y«t6f WAIrTKR H OI18GR.


WUi PublishOn Krldav, September IS,

In One Tolome, 12mo. Muslin. Price it.THE FROGREStS Of ASTRONOMY.

Kspecialh In the United States.BY ELIAS LOOMiS, A. M.

Professor o' Mathematici and Nauir&l Phlioiopby In theUnlTeralty of the City of New-York, and Aatnor

of a Cour e of Matbe-nalleiritHJS VOLUME Is designed to exhibit, la a popular1 form, the most Important and interesting ast onom cal

disco»erl»« of toe past ten years, and to give the remits inlangttsge as froe as poisble from teearlcal terms. Thewors may be read with profit, therefore, b7 those whohBve rev-r made astrrnorn, a subject of special stndy.That portion of the volume whicb exhibits the progress ofAstronomy in the United Stales wtii be found soecialiy in-t-rrsting to An.erlcan readers, a: d w.ll enable thetn to

judfe tow far we are deserving of the conpllment re¬

cently bestowed by the Ai't'-rnomer Roya! of Qreat Sri'.iln."The krr ert-aca of .he United Stales, ailhongn Isle In thefield < f astronomical enterprise, Cave now ia«ea up thatscierr-e with their rbar->c:-'lsiic energy, and have steadysbowt their ability to instruct ihetr former misters.''

also, on THE sam it DAY,In 2 voiames I2mo Mubmd. Price 61 75.


Five Years of a Hunter's Life In the Far Interior ofSomh Africa.

With Notices of the Native Tribes, aid Anecdotes of theChaee of the Lion, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Giraffe,

Rhinoceros, kr. kc.BY a. GOKDOlN CUMMIilC, esq.

Wiih illustrationsThe author of ibis Interesting work Is a fierce, blood¬

thirsty Nlrarod, whose highest tdcai is foatd In trie de-ttruc ion of wi ri beaits, acd whj relates bis adventureswith the issne eagerness of passion watch led htm to ex-

patrlo'e himself from ibe charms of refined society In th9tangled dep ha of the African forest. Every page Is redo.1-nt of gunpowder, aid the grow! of tbevljiim is almostbeard a.« he falls before the anerring siiot of this mightyhunter.

ALSO, on the same DAV,The Flftn ard Sixth Volumes of


bt B.EV. H II M ILM An*.Now Complete in Six Volurces, 12mo. Being utiform

with Harper s Duodecimo Editions of Hume's andMscautay's Histories of Enj iE--d. Price, In

cloth id cents per volume.

RECENTLY PUBLISHED.The English Langu-ige tn Its Elements and Forms..

With a History of its Origin and Development. By Wil¬liam 0. Fowter, late Professcr of Rhetoric In AtnherstCollege S»o SSUBlln, el 60

Nr-. VI. of The Plctirin! Field Book of the Revolution jcr, IllGitratiors, by P.n and Pencil, of the History,Scenery, Keücs und Trtdl iortü of the War for IndeDond-ence. By Bertsori J. Lcssir;y. K;q With 608 Engravingson Wood, by Loss ng and Barrit:. chiefly from OriginalSketcf.es by the Author To bs comt-loied In about 20Numl ( rr, 8vo paper, 25 rents each.No. VI. of the History of Poidennlj: his Fortunes and

Mls'ortus'.f, his Friend- r»o Is Or-.--,:t.al Enomy. 3y W.M Thackary, Efo, With numerous llluttratlons. To becompleted in 7 cumbers 8vn. paner. 25 conta etch.Lauer-Day Pamphlets Edited by Thomas Carlyle..

t g j risti g Too PresentTlme, Mode] Prsons, Downtn* si.

The New Downing st d ump Ors'or, Parliaments, Hud-ion's Statue, Jesuitism, 12xo. Musi!:', 55 ccst*

Julia Howsrd. s. Romance,, Ii7 Mrs. Mastin Sfll. 8vo.papei, its cents.History of Darius the Great, by Jacob Abbott. With an

Illuminated title page and numerous engravings 12mo.muslin, E cents; musllr. gilt edges,75cants.Autobiography of Leig'i Hunt, With Rem.nlscenr.es of

Friends and ContttmporaflJi. Portrait. 2 voll. 12 mo.

n.uslln,%\ £0Life and Letters cl Tho.-oss Camp-ioIl, edited 1)7 Win.

Beatlie, M D. with an Introductory loiter by WashlugtouIrving. Eiq. Portrait 2 voll. 12mo. mUlllo, $2 50,Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, by the late

Rev. Sidney Stntth, A Ii. liruo tnusitu, Si.Harper's Ntw Monthly Ma?a/.lne. No. 4 for Septem-

her. EbcIi Number of the Magazine contains 144 pa-res,double columns, of the Choi est reaJ .n f matter of the day.A csrefully prepared Fashion-Plate and (Hier PictoiUI II-lus rations accompany each Number. Sis year, or 25cent! a Number. _ilSlU.D APPLETOM &, CO PUBLISH THIS WEEK,


/COMPLETE In 1 vol 4lo, containing 40 plate*, price?!,\_. Gothic Archltoclure, applied to Modern Residences,coniprlsfng Design* for ail Important Pari» of Dw'hlos:*,exhibited in Elaborate Perspective Drawing*, with Urgeand copious details, ßy D. II Amol, Architect.


Ellen Parry; or, Trials of tho Heart, by Olivia; one neatvol. 12mo. Price p-,par cover, 3S etui* cl >th 63 et». Till*w ork I* written with much vividly, and delineate* the In¬fluence of the misfortunes and trials of life to unfold andpurify the vlrwes and graces of woman's lovely spirit.


A Catecblsm of the 8teatu Engine; llluilraU"»« of the Sci¬entific Principles upon which Us Operation» depend, andthe Practical Dnlaili of lt» structure, lit 11* application on

Mine*, Mill*, Steam Navig*tiou aid Railway*, with vari-ou«»uggeallou«and iuiuroveuionlj: bv John Bourue, C. B.a new oditlon; 1 vol. l2mo. Price 7-icents.


George Cs*trlot, Burnamed Soanderbeg, King of Alba¬nia: B> Clement C Aloore,L 1,1) I vo,. 12mO Prlceii.ThearhlevementaoflieorgoCBStrl.it are unsurpassed liyeven ihe uiarlini renown or ancleul Greece, »o great andwidtvsprehd WSI bis military fame, Hud so pure and so

adorned with Chrlatlan grace* was bis private character.* * * The narrative is related with an admirable *aipli-clly and purity of st»le. and It* Interest is often a* thrillingas i> romance.


A Compendium of .tiercant le Law: By the lata JohnWilliam Smith a new edition, greatly enlarged and re¬

vised throughout, from Ihe laieEnglish edition, by Jame*P. Holconibe and Win. S. Gholson; 1 vol. dio. containing720 page*. Price $4 50.


No. 17, combining numerous Illustrations. price 24c's.Dictionary of Machluery, Mechanics, K.rigtne Work andEngineering: Deilgned for Practical V-Vorkjcgmen, andthose Intended for the Engineering Profession! Edited byOliver By me to lie completed In w leveral monthly part*.1' 25 cent* each,

Ü A k CO HAVE JUHT PUBLISHED,Barnuin'* PtirntniiiH, being Confidential Dlicloiurea of

Ibe Committee on thejann-r Llnd Song 25 cent*.Lives of Library aid Scientific Men ol America: By

Jame* Wynne, M,D.; I voi l2mo $1<;icero's Orations, with notes by Prof. Johnson; 1 vol

12nio fi.Wordsworth.The prelude or growth of ilia Poet'a Mind

l2mo $1Th- Deserted Wlfr.A novei, by E. Da Navltt South-

worth.8vo paper. 3« cenlsDowning '. Architecture of Country House*.containing

.I'd llllislratlnsa.nvo $i.19 btle

THE SCALPEL FOR AUGUST.rsiHIS BRILLIANT Journal of Medicine and Surgery,J e- lied by Edward H Dixon, M. D is now rasdy,aid for sa'e by BEP.PORD, 2 Asior House. ThdL'iiidon Lancet r, marss In a tetice of five columus " Wetnke to ourselves the crealt of originating It; had therebeen no Lsncet in Europe, thero would hava uten no 8calpel in America. Go on Scalpel; we hope to iso more fromjour pen

DISEASES OF THE SEXUAL Si STEM,a popular and professional treatlie, eighth edition, '275pages by E H. Dixon, M D contains a completadlgeit ofall that fi known t n this subject The London, New Yorkacd Boston Jounals remara." Dr. Dlxcn has written somuco and so well on almost every subject of Surgery, thatbis book is stsmped with uncommon Interest".ho hasfc red " attention to every page, cn art that farv modi-cal w rlteri possess.' " He bis placed the profejst"n underobligations by this ciear and meld treatise snl it may be re¬ferred to wiili eclire confidence, as one of tho bö»l authori¬ties on Stridore,'Hydrocela Varlcocela. kc."The devo¬tion of Dr. Dixon to the rational principle* of *urgery givehis views the gifatesl Importance, while hi* high profes¬sional standing, acd mat e.xperienco la surgery With thepopularity of Dls journal, he will secure them a large extentofltflaerce. |London Lancet.The worxsare for sale til CHARLES H RING'S, cor¬

ner of Johc-t! tr.d Broadway. All business communica¬tions for the Scapel rr.ast he addressed to Borf ri. 2 AsiorHouse. Alt literary commuaicatlons to uia Editor, 112Orand it one do?r wcitof Broadway. s'.l dilieod'

I. O O F-J17ST PUBLISHEDfJMIE ODD FELLOWS KEEP3AKE-Coataining aX complete hlstorv of Odd Fe'loWiblp froai In origin Inthe Old Country tili the p-essnl tuna, ambracitg iuanytacts never before pnb'lshed, to which Is added the cumpleie statistics of the order, by O. RepW W Waliace M.D. Price $1, bound In cloth. For sale a: 81 Nassau st 2dSoor. 813 3f

EH NICHOLS ON HYDROPATHY.rriBE WATER CURE.A Treatise on the Human Con-A ititmlon, the condition* of beaitb, the causes of d'.setse,Ihe leading systems of medicine, and me principles, prac¬tice, alaptalions ind resuli* of Hydropstbv. By TnomasL Nichols MD

1 m*y oa bis c.tntior and the bonenty of p'irpo*e whicb -rutdai himIii« corxloeions." fKauda VOTture.For sale bv FOWLERS &. WELLS" Clinton HaU;'RINGER k TOWN8END ut'd-r ihe American «u»<*-

CBOWEN,_fi99 Broadway; AXFOKD, 163 Bowery,fson-stTON, 241 Hudson-it Pr'c«- !2* cesU.

JUST f UBLISHEE,Y J C HIKER, iiti /ullou-iL.Ritharine Doug.asi;

l>or, Principle Developed, by S Selby Coppard. Cloth,imo. 7iteLii. s66iiie"'d

J.'iiiiy BORE ONTHE SKIN.Tettsri, Itchtmr,J> ice s, coi sun ptlon, ie. {tc shall be soo-. and radi-c« v cured, without at y mercury, by a iln/la call to ihe D.-F B VIONl'8. 95 Hudson st. Good refarencee will begiven at bis office sl3 lm*

CRANE'S PATENTiPREXVIIUIVT SOAP.r| 1U THIS popular and .'. pertor Sua;; war awsrd-jd the1 ft>at Premium, and a Diploma by ihe New-York Susiefair at Albany :ast wees. Maaufacujred by LORD,LYNCH t Co. 141 Salllvanst. H. Y. County right* fort is Soap for sale In this Suite. »10 I w:s*

PATENTS FOR INVENTIONSI ft THE UNITED STATE«* and all oth«r coun-s tries. Every description of docurneaui for Pat«nu andsales of InvantloDS, quickly and correcuy or-jpared, cheap.Information on personal cocsuitalloua, or post-free, grar.*.A»T'' Eciio of Setmce, lneentimt and PiUentt i» a

P ; n' lir-ation, at tl a year, or 12{ ct* per singleEdited and published at 235 B'oadwty, N V.



Fart II of the


ritHE MYSTERIKÄ OP TMK PEOPLKj er the History of s

1 ProleUrUn Farnir.» from th« Earliest Ajss to the I'rwnt T.nw.Translated from the Kreach "f KlnstSU, M-inb« of the La<.,.a-thro Aaaesnbhr oi Kisxc, ThiaTali, which commenced in Jsauarv,contain, one of the most striking pktuie*. of «ernlnm eras ¦¦r'wa Mheman band. TI-» truth * f.>v.v sad fe-arleasry 4a4m«wte»J| and ti

true friends ol freedom and all resl ph,!.nthropi«U most admiral**wort »od bW it* author, The TWs [new-paper h« en-lea

inj maJünut falsehoods of Uta» daspot bring iourasi. [DisaaU a

Pnhllshrdbv |l22tlsl W f BURGESS 2i Am-at.


A NEW WORK by, Edgar Allan Poo, m oia volume,r\ IS mo. Price Si 5«."The Literati: some honest opinions about anthorta! mer-

iti ard demert.s, w; h o caslooal words of personalityTogether w-.-h Ma-finalia, Suggestions and Esssvs. By*Vgar A. Poe. With a Sketch of tbd Author by RufusWllroot Ortswold. D. D."

. Th is work ercbrscea ntuch of the moi'. delicately «pp-edst've criticism, a* well sa the m >st csusüc severity, aidit evinces, on almost every page sn extensive acquaint-ance with literature and unsurpassed skill in literary an "

al3 fitDHWIs J 8 REDFIELP, Clinton Hal!

THE~?LAVES OF ENGLANDvnw READY.Under th» shove litle, Reynolds, we!1lx known as the author of E !«o Monroe," ' Tn* Re"fumed Highwayman," lc, Is writing a series of g.aphlcstories The fi'st, published this morning, Is called

THE SEAMSTRES8.and <1voi an earnest of what tho public will meet with InHe i Ibor's fiirieas dissection oi the human istlile* an!fo.jleaofoi presT-t reficea age. Asafitlbful delineationof the v'ctailmdri of 'if*, this b~ok Is w<-l! worth tbe read¬ing It contains all the elements of a sweet, soul-suo-dulng history, and falls cot to ' point a moral" to an, "owreirue tale" of real life. Price of "The Seimsiresi" rent?.The stories to follow will be published w: hout any dehy.

JENNY LIND'S COUNTERPART,or Second 9e|f_;hst Is. her portrait, (as like as two dronsof water,) may he had In Roaenoerg's 'Ufa of Jenny L'.nd."a new e,'inon of which is Just published. Il Is tbe onlyBcntrnte ard unplagianzed biography extant. 2b centsCharles O'Mallej's Twin Briber.My Peninsular Med¬

al, a mlll'arv aiory of the lirsi cah'-er. 2ö cents.STRINGER .V TOWNSEND,

al3II 232 Broadway, corner of Arn street.

ARTHUR'S HOIVTE GAZETTETYjO. 3 .A highly attractive cumber! Personal Recollsc-i^i ilons and Anecdotes of Gen»ral Waihlng'on

I'uiiiuittthis day. No 3 of Arthur-» Home Gazette, con¬taining ihe ccmmencement of Mr SUnabury'sRecollections ard Anecdot«a of the Presidents Of tbe

United Smtrs. heglnnlDg with WashingtonRuling a WKe. bv T 8 Arthur.concluded.A PetIleus Night, by 11. II Ueaih.The Yorkee Girl, by Mrs MarivnThe Mother's Dream of Heaven, bv T S Arthnr.Hester, bv W B, Chapman.The Tr lof and his Be ^'fac¬

tor.The Bund Parrot.May he s>.Incident* and Anec¬dotes.Hamburg.Contentment.A Homo for my MotherGotslp with Corrf sponden.s.Railwev Traveling.De-

prave 1 Curiosity.Literary Intelligence- PasbUa..JennyUnd has Arrived.The Mormons-Lives by Mrs. Eliett.Sabbath Iteadtng k i.e.For sae at all the prlcclnal Book-stores and News

DftpOts.Single copies. 01 cents.

DEXTER St BROTHERS, Agenissl.'J It*43 Ann-st. up stairs.



PHYSICAL, Aclirn', Spiritual, Celestial, Divine, Ed¬ited by Dr. Sunderland. For sale by

FOWLERS i WELLS, 131 Nassaust.Price six cents. sll 'ills

OBSERVATIONS/"kN PRESERVING THE TEETH, by M.LEVETT" "Dei list, 628 Broadway. The author of the above Hulawork is deservedly ono of our most celebrated and popu¬lar demists. He »i as the first, In 1835, to Introduce theprinciple of etmesph-'tc pressure In dentistry In tho coun¬

try. This Ulli" book la well printed ard handsomely Illus¬trated with a colored Lithograph..| N Y. Sunday Dispatch.


THE LAWS of the Stale of New-York, passed at iholast session of the Legislature, for sale i>jr ihesuosorl-

bars at iheli Law B ank and Stationery Store, 158 Nassausi. opposite the Cltv Hall.

BELL J: GOULD, Stationary Denlera|y]I and Lhw Blank Publishers

BARNUM'S PARNASSUSriMIK unprecedented demind having exhauated the first8 Edition, a Second Edition will ha published on Friday

n?xt. APPLETON It CO. 191 Broadway. sl3

TOPOBSALllr.A beauttml country residence on the

f8J?ij; Connecticut River in the town of Chicopnn, MatsJM~K Rhotii fiv-. mtlee norib of Sprtntffie d, one Bed n. halfnorth of Cat olville, and about iwo miles sotnh of the newviilsge of Holyose el South Badley Falls. Thala-idaofthe hi mesleaf (ib -ut 17 acres) are some of the best on tholiver There are also other lighter lands ono mile distant,a phri of which Bre woodlands. There are about 50 treeshearing Bpples r.-oi exceeded In quality or quantliy by anyequal number of trees In tho towu Also, a large numberol young per.rh, pear and other trees cow bosrlnir nouiochoice varieties of fruit The h.inso Is large und bullt on a

plan for ccnvonteLce and comfort of brink, a'.d finished inihe be»i modern style, of the very heat mute, lal and work-manahlp. Water from a puro upring is c..-nveyrxl to lhapremises, and Is capable of being carried to «. hl^btofforty feet at ihe hot-so Th-jrelsa vtuw of Mount Hoiyokeand Mount Tom at the norta, and of Connecticut Rlv.-r forseveral miles on the west and south, and belüg silueledmidway between and near two nourishing ana growingvillages, It I« c -nalcered ono of the moat desirable places ofreslc ence in New-England For forth er paruculsri inunlreofE KETCHUM, Esq. 79 Nassau-st. or of E GAT KS, 114Nasinn st. sIJ 2l*

COUNTRY RBKI OKiNtlE WANPK D.-Aplace Ingood ordr-r -villi I or ö acrea ol land, goodsized hi'uae and well stocke* wlih fruit and ve^- -ta¬

bles, lor one yrar or more If llk'-d near ihe Sound or agood stream preferred. Address, with as full descripiionas may be convenient, S. box 64 Birmingham, Conn.sl2 iwls*

MTO JjfiT.Either ne upper orlower pan of a ibree-. tor- h use locn'.ed notr Uroadway and bolow Canal-St. For pa tlculars address J. A. Tribune office. G lod

reference given and required. sl3 It'

£&.y» fa.TlALL PAHiTI POli NAIjK.The sah.jSf scrtbei wishes to JlaposB of his farm In 'ha los-m of

Ccr.tjnasL Ctjngn Co. N.Y. Il contains Ii «er*« often very best land In the State And Is al preae,.:-. Ir oxcei-ler' condition There am %|>ou; six acres of beautifulwood on ihe farm, principally harrl maple, beacK, bicaory,(sC, T.':c farm Is SlUUUvd wluhij six mile* of pori B-rroaon Ute Erie Canal oad within 14 mllea of iho city of* An-bum. On ihe place Is a good coliage-holil bouse lv<*wells ol ricellent wnter, a large bam, and a young orchardoi . rai ed. fruit To those who deslro lo secure « Boms>ju,.' under ihe law passed by our Legislature, Ulla i» »favorable opporranltv. Apoly. (If by mall, postpaid.) teTliOLiAS N ROOKjoK, Tribune Office, anio Dfcsvisif



'Pacific. TI - splendid si-iamsblpOHEROKEE.

HENRY WINDLE, wommauder, svlll leareb-rdoea, PierNo. :. N R. for Chagns, direct, i n Friday, Sept 13, at 3o'clock The CHEROKEE and PHILADELPHIA ateIho only steamers running direct lo Chagres In conaeetlonWllh Ihe l.'nlled ötaloa Pa..Iii,: Meli Steamers from Panamato San Francisco. Pssscoge.a by ibe CHEROKEE willfind c< mforui anr" accnminrn «Ilona unsiirpaas»<j i»y anyother steamer, and will b' sure lo connect with iho favoritesusu-sbtp OREGON al Par.Biua For passageappiy toa9fils ROWLAND i A8PINWALL 64ana55South-sLfjf ynr other California Adtertuementt, tec VHth Pa^t*

NE IV-YORK A N13 ERIE1RAJ LROA D -Ex'euried to Horn-"eiiavl le.Ou and after Monday, SepL

9 h, ihe Passenger tnd Freight Trabs wlU ran through toHorcedavnle, maving New-York from pter foot of Düane-st dally. Sundays excepted, at«l P M. by sleamersTUU'S.POWELu or ERIE. L-ave Horneilsvllle for Nos.-YorXai A, f «l. Fa-e from New York to Hornellsvllle, $T.

s9 I w.i CHAS MINOT. Supl.mit». O'JTIjTAKA'.H PATENT AB DOM-INAL SUPPORTERS; forlhecnra of weat-aes ., or rupture, cannot ba surpassed. Tbeytri ,'ree from steel or brasi spi 'n.-s, and with-lUitack paiis. Allletten(po*t.pald)proBtj tjattendedt L4S Uauul-st,

PIANO-FORTES..V. F HARR1-jf>ON, a Canal si tli-irs for salo a;sn'.endldessortme it of rosewood Piano-fortes, of 7

I octaves, with tbe latest Improvements, andat the lcw*si manufacturer's prices Those In want of a

superior Instrument rr!i! please call and examine previous-'o purchasing elsewhere. all Im*

FOR BALE CHEAP.A 7-oci RoseRJ|9wood Round Corner Piano-Forte carvedjk {lease euihraclui; al, ihe modern:Improve-i Jments. toguther wllh the tn-ia 1c f.-ime,

eautlfui tui.u and deilcaie touch, warranted for isr-j j^-ars,r,d tuned one year <rr.t!a Apply ut ibe manufactory.293lowery |sl3 1'.'| McDONALD.

L G. CARRINGTON, Anctionpe.-

BY JACOB B. PLATT..-HARDWARE ANDCi TLi.\Y and a tioos of German goods A>so, tbe

balance of siock of a hardware housn ddcilnlng nuslnesa.Also, b sei of tre Sheffield pocket and tabio celery, by or¬der of ar English ageccy, tne various lnv.'.lces amoimlngto serern1 thousand dollars Also, for cash, a .ut Ii 0 caskslieiglan wruUaht nniiS from 1} to 3 In to close a consigns.gni-.ii A so, case assorted Bowie knives, to be soldperemptorily to the Mgh-at bidder In lots to suit ATi-JCgthe German ba dware , casea of German box coffee mills,1 caae tab e knives and furls, dims, I25doi. razors, lit Uer-n~s/ ii »er ladlee, ^i'1 gross girdle and suspender buckles,iidoz first quality Gera-an sil-er spoons, brass and German sliver candlesticks, 50 gross spoors assoned, am cirdsscissors, 151 it iss thimbles, 2 esses hair pins, sawing croi-d ai d other need lea. 1 ,ooo gross books and eyes, slide cats-

- r.-s an-J vinous other goods. Among the hard wtre IsBtfcUitV'S knob snC cloeei loess; spring snd tombler and< bar deat locks: brass gm^d*: I c^sk brass stove knobs,name plates,dooi rappers bfel platea; 1 cssk kettle ban-i >-s-id ears; copper snd Oermsn sliver p-jwder ds«ks,'LhBngr.diru'.icks boxwood rules,shoe lhre*d, raeor strops

i.; fl f.iks, snd other cutlery. Ate itc. The whole I»Ott fold without reserve Caialogi-tss tl the aoctlonor sisir

Ttm-.su la Philadelphia.Correspondence of the Trtbone._, ?,l,L»J>eLrHu,t^orsdsy,»opi UThe marshes on the Delaware Riv^ below Mt

city are now throngnd with jrunnor., wv, .ees.detotrnined to exterminate everything in the Sir*line which can there be fonud. A numbe* of aooi-dtnisbavo happened there during iao pM, rttWdayt, in cousequenco of the careless a«e of Bra.arms. One young man yesterday re-ceiva-i \charge of shot in his face, which. co-no!oUiiv ^stroyed his sight. Fur the rest of his life he win beblind.

gt ma nignts since, an attempt was mads u robthe house of Richard Peters, Esq. t'io Uriiisb Oousul for Philadelphia. It was unsuccessful MrPeters'residence seems to bo a shining mark fo-Imrsiera to aim at. This is tho third or fourth at¬

tempt to plunder his hooseThe cotton na-kei Isquiet, hut bolder* *n» firm In coo-

eu»-nce of ihe unfavorable acc( unts from the Boms of thsgrow lot; c-oo. The receipts ol Fi.oca continue limited.Their. Is, however hui Utile inquiry 'or »xpon and or.7 a

few r-.unnrrtl bar'eis fresh ground have been disposed ofof at J5 !di'. gm*!! st!es for city o»e $\VH"orcommon and good brand*, and $5 S7J *5 75 for extra. S.sale of 29S00U barrel. Kyk ri.ouii at §2>l t* bbi. Oo".i»Mbal. is quletj holder*, it $i The demand for Wheat(.oniltre* ilndted A sale of good red at Si '"2 P" busaa!We quote while ai $1 ,«>r<. Rye ;* in good Semiud at65 cent* ro»n roniineei to come In slowly Furthern ei of SOOO baahel* Southern V-. ow at 65 Cl ad rat.Oats.5000bushel* good Sonthern sold at 37«».« en.*/> ustiel Whisky Is less active, 8s!«s in cols at ,27 ctslihd* are sca'oe.Balks of Btocks,.¦84,000 Ftt'sbnrgh 6j 'fW. tcoupons)

9SJtl4U8 btna.lj; 20F*nn R R 44(; $1.800Slate6s,lulj; $1,001 Schtiy 1 Nav 6s, '68 SS»; 85 in u U S is, tit, 1)6;a i COO City 6», "78,167 :$U 00 State ¦>», t> < t LoutsvtUe Bk,ICt; 50 Union Canal, 111 WO Reading R R 6s 7<» it.SS»Tex** reg fl \r cent bonds, 55 $2,600 Wlioilegton R R as,02 100 Readl.'g R B, S6J, 6 Macuf n Mech Bank, 28.Second Wvirii.5 Oermanlowp Bank, 55; 5 NetrO-'eans

Oa* 114'; 85,000 T"*a» Registered Notes, 35, ai/o*Cao'-den ärd Ambov HR. 6s, "in. «1; Reading RR,6» "Si j $7,i>00 do,'75J; 5o Union Canat, 11; 7 faunay:-va'olaRR, 44j; 45,'niSch iVav> i, 6: Mi; 5 Penosy.vajlaBank, 1151; .4 Farmers ard Mech Back, 6"!; 3 NorthAmerican Bank. 138 6 Union Bank. Tertnetsee, 6*{ $: .."«Bitte St, 931; SO Manufacturers and Mech BS, 271; lev U 3

Appointments by the President.By and with the Otteve andemtenf of the Senate

J"tn f (lames, of Kentucky, to bo Governor of 11 "

itory ol Oregon. , ,

Bttcktsgbsm Smith, of riorida. to ba Secrets, > of Lega¬lon t tte Mexican Republic.r. Shewa-d JohBion, to t-e Attorney of the United Btatas

or the Dlatrtel of Delaware.!.tn u?l Wilson, to be Rogtster of the I,and Office ai

'ewoansviile Floridr..

Later from Santa FeFrom the St I.ouls Republican, Sept 3

iNDEPBNOENCB, Wtdnes.la», Aug 24"The mail Is just in (rum Santa Fd This is aha

rirst return trip of Waldo & Co.'s contract UudorIhe charge of far.Spratt, the journey from hare andhack was completed in seven weeks and threedays, stoppingtwo or three days in Santa Fo.There was not much news of Importance, other

tha;i ihe skirmish between oar troops and thoApache Indian* near Taf s. (of which I believe y>uare already apprised,) resulting in the death of sixor eight Indians and the capture of a large numberof stock. On tho 16th insi. OoL Banner arrived attho crosalnp, and immediately meved th"5 troopsthat were in waiting higher up tho river to the" Hig Timbers," at whicb point tho selection Ismade for the orer.'.Ion o( the lost.A new route from that place has been surv«.yod

across to tho old Santa Fe. toad, through the Ci-uaron country, shortening tho dtatanco aiul avoidingtho "Jornada," so much to he dreaded in time ofdrought. There was found groat scareiu of waterand grass. Between the Oimaron Springs flowerand middle) the grass is burnt oil', it no at tite bigbend of the Arkanaofl and Hull creek

Clinior'a train was mot at St. Miguel; MoOan-iey'e, same p'nee; Davy's and Lciilaad's at. " LogVegBH," Wells and Qutlere's at Upper Oimorou;Aubrey's at Lower Cimaron Springs Dr. Connel¬ly's at Sand Creek; Waldo A Co.'b atCowOreoa,Hull ..V Co.'s at Diamond Springs, and OlmrleyWhite and U. S. troops at Council Grove.Our place and neighborhood have bocn very

healthy this tanimer. The crops aro abundant.

An F.ditor Tdrned Inventor..The " N. Y.State Fair Hourly Ilullctin" says 8. H.Mu, BdLtor of tho Schoha'tr Patriot, ha« a largo PlankRoad car upon the grounds, with an improvementon tbe ordinary whocl cente", termed the " Osoll-lating Holler Axle." The improvement consists iathe eyo of tho whoel holng removed from the deadcenter and thrown out towards tho rim or tire, in-creasing tho power by doubling the lever. It isalso an anti-friction combination, vary ingeniouslydevised, Rnd attraoU great attention by its noveltyand plausibility Tne car is built for two-horseIi aught ami ia intended to maintain and carry aniinmeneo load. Success to our young and enter-prizing brother of the craft13? tir. Miz. was awarded a diploma foi

ingenious invention.

Railroad Accident..A Mr. Youn» was killedon W ednesday night on tho Troy and WhitehallHatlroad near Baliston he with two others wason a linr,-l oar, ahead of tho locomotive, hut beingunable to keep away from it, his companions jump¬ed and saved thoniuelves, while he remained on,was run over ai d shockingly mangled. He was inthe employ of tho road. [Albany Register.|^ Robert Wv kliffe, .Ir. lato U. 8' Charge

d'AHairs to Sardinia, died at his ftthei's reside toein Lexington, Ky. on Thursday evening, 'J9th ult.after an illness of several woelss, eged about .ISyears.

FROM WASHINGTON.The Cnllforntn Senators In their HernlM-f;«*,

Seward "Stirring up the Animals".TheJlurltlnaf Down of ihe Heroes Agala-Peae*poticment of the (jiood Time Couilnsi.fr««reeding* of the aJcnate on Tucettuy,

Correspondence of Tbe TribuneWAsniHCSON, Tuesday, Sopt. 10, 18*).

Tho Bounty Land Bill occupied tho morning, pre¬vious to tho special order, which was the Abolitionof tho Slave Trade in the District of ColumbiaBill,.that is a long adjective, but I have EnglishParliamentary authority for the grammar of it-This lust made the great feature of the day, unlesstho appearance of the new California Senators,Mosbts. Fremont and (jwin In the hall, and thasxtaking the oath of ollice and selecting their goatshe considered as such.The debate on the bill lor tho Abolition of the

Slave Trade went along vety coziiy indeed, vario«*trifling amendments being rejected, until the prop¬osition arrived to report tho bill to tho House, whanMr Seward arose in his <|uiet, sdlf-possessed man¬ner, as i' ho were about to do the most iunooisjtthing in the world, and moved to striko out thewhole bill, and subatituto a hill which ho sent tothe Clerk a desk, and which provod to be a hill forAbolishing Slavery itself injtho District of Colum¬bia. This was a perfect petard into tho heart ofIhe ansuspcting citadel. It was the.::ap of thaa-der in the clear sky of which we have heard traditionally all oar lives. Astonishment, &t iho au-dai it.> of the thing, seemed to be the first sontimeatwhich pervaded the Senate, and held them in si¬lence for an indefinite period of time, until theywere arous.-d by the c>.ll of thi Chair for the voteup d the proposition. This caction then rapidlymelted away, into varying hues, Use. the transmutations of tbe dy bit.' dolphin, or assumed new shapeslike tLe celebrated .. discoloring scenes," or thophantasmagoria of a sick man's dreamsWith the Southern rot heads, and indeed with

Southern Honorables oi all grades, the sentimentpassed rapidly from &itoniihnient st the audacityto indignation at the atrocity of tho act. It hadcost a deal of trouble to get every body intoa stateof good feeling! sod than, just when of all times Inthe world,.when that blosaed work had been hap-piry accomplished, when everybody was fraternis-ii g with ever)bedj else, when tho lamb had iJudo« n with the leopard, and when above all saveral

big drinks" and general jollifications had jaslbeen held to celebrate tbe actual advent of " the» ood time coming " to find that the old red dra^ooo! Abolitionism had broke loose again and was

thrashing his mighty tail about in the ver) Hallar d under the benches of the Senate it was not

to be encored by human patience. If SoutharuSenators were indignant, Northern 8«natO's ware

not a little fluttered, and several from whom, per-bans somewhat different things might have been

t d .howed the white feather. The first to takethe floor was Mr. Baldwin of Conn, who has genc-rally stood fire pretty well upon all issues of this«er;. He deprecated this movement exceedingly,.cd although the resolutions of the Legislature ofhis State, which he presented to the Senate oolyr*hort tlu.esii.ou, and which ho adverted to, pro-