n^'**lr.fvTBl '2 »ct. ¦ u.<) ;hr mod um higa ¦ if^tEL^o.Ät 5s . -.M...0 story H >uae. bvi.lt bJ Z^tTmUUi"."»». bou«. Siabls ate It .....dft iii««» .»*»«- -*- - "Vj. SCTTce »f .1 wbieh etf. di 6ae taiillll ans fukiag TM £aeas««U steeled w,tb the beet 5 Ew« «od or»»-.»^ fZZgm A large portion of tbo purchase mm« f"»Bjeweia iTh^d andaeoeigBg* Irxioire of ROBERT P TITUS, ¦oVEDchollo.o. 8 BOW.NE. Wo. 133 MadaBBB Toil. F FARM..For Sale or to Let. the well- kMti Farm aad Homeetead of '.ho late Cormolioi PolotaII. Eeq «T.ua'ed othe towaof flew Dorhara.N.1-. inuMi from tbo Hn*xi«n Iram.eaaaaaT^o* fmmftm tfllablo sad sneedow laae. io tbo b gheet eta*e of citye- fctoa, wwa barms ud oeher oot tr.uaee complete, fkmmm for a Farm ot tu chata/tar Po«ees»on a m mtjmmjß» first day of Aim ueit. bf ¦apBtl 1»' aeaav For farther ^ä^jy^VAN WAON«,fctTfa1INi OR SALE.A Lot on the west side of Laiiesrt . betweea J7th and M h-ett Auw. a Lotiaieta et m feet tr< m <*hbt teward theltnh bt , UIH » bkcl of « farst-cless heuioi. Apply oa tba 3Saa\ ¦ Maa at or Wo 3? CAifT at IS* laa*_ FOR 8ALE.A detirable COUNTRY BE81DENCE la tba borough of Soetaport, Coaa. It Ib wiihia 2 ho on ride by the New York aad New Haeea Railroad, aad witbia I u.,i, t»i walk of tba depot. Thie place ii eaa of tba awwt detirable placet oa the roote to New- Harra It rooiie'i of two acres o( land well stocked with a la/fs rariety ml fruit aad erbaioeatai treee. aad the grouade beaotifal iy laid out Or will he eaehaaged fur caw propertay. Inqaue at No. lit McDeogal-et New. veea_m ;w PRIVATE SALE..A Farm of 40 aciee of dee Laad, with apple aad peach orckarda, a large doable DwelliBg Heise, baraa aad ouibaildiagt, all la bos feet order, masted three milee froai Newark aad one wile froai Elizabetha-we, oa the o'd read laadiae from Newark A a.., f the pronen.yaod other particalai at A. j BLEF.CK EE'S Auctioneer, No. 7 Broad-at. ltf lw PAIM8 for SALE in New-Jerser, aad Honaei aad i. . hn »«u «* ok« ia KUdiaiia« lor Praperly la this city or Brook ,ya Keati collected ia New- York or Breoklya and guaranteed it lud'icement is <dfered. Leaded Estates are tahea to aall. Inleeeet ooUected. Small Packages aad Letters teat to 8aa Jaaa, Central Arnenca, «ad snaasr ether places m that > m'rj. Good referance as aap m Ike ritt men HEN BY STEVENSON. Orr Oods eteie, No 62 6th st . N Y_ltf «w* FORMALE.A FARM of 94 acres, U mils* east of Sire Sang Budding's fence. Frait, aet seaO For ».- . nquir* .... Kmix KNOWLTON. near the preavaei. ort o WM. Ma'ORD, Ho. MlBaJtrrwa at._ltftat* FOB SALE.Within H milee of Depot at Stag Biag,7 acres of LAND good Hones, Bare, aowardaaoe of frert.good warn, Ac , all ia goxd oroer. AppiTie Wat. M. eokD. N<- Hl S .lliTaa at. lkflm* FOR SALE..A commodious Dwellini Hoaaa. with a B'<«e attached, aad twe acres of Laad, «tuatedlalbeT .are <f Hani mi ton. Suffolk Coaatr, L L Apply to 8 W a B A.OAINES, taftw* No 79Na*aai-at N.t. FOR 8ALE or U> LET.StanwTz Hall, Rarati'e« S r.nn. IV Y This largs aad comwodioos Hotel, I'efiabi'ciie heated oa the wast side at Broad war. awe Boor eeeth of Ubhtb He.! aad in the immediate eatiaitg of Csagrsas Bagaaf, will be let for a terra of years, fro¦ tba let day of Btayaett The H-Ael to eatirelr aew, and the eetebbehaaeat is ia comp ete order. The rooms are lares aad arraag.d with eioreae reference to the aocom- BiodaUaa of fanuliee No better hotel establishment, for wnatee as well as aaaaaaea buaiasss. caa be foaad at Sara¬ toga For ranker j.an en an. iB^ainaa mar be male of LBBTEB A BABTLETT Eeqra . of this Tillage, er of the ouuefriewr ua the preaiiaea. The property is also for sale aa rwaaoaable taaaaa JOHN H WHITE awratoga Bprakga. Fee) M, tail Mf Upli FOR8ALE.A Tiiuablf tract of Lacka- waaaaa CoaJ Land sstwaie aear the Soanekiag town el Pittatee, aad one an e fram the North Branch Canal, ia La«wse Cowaee. Vm The PeaawTiTaiiia Oual Coeipaar'i Xsauruejd pasani throne», the trar t. whict. will make it a de- atralale leoaana f<a aain r.r ihe Coal, and a Railroad Depot, euuaaibtag 113 acrea. two-tbrrds of wasch w cleared aad ia a gaed seats »f raitrratMaj The boiidiars thereea are aB aww A good Utlt will l*ri»en Iaqnire of iaT lw*_61«ON RAW. BethJsheat.Pa FOR SALE..A .mail new cheap Cot- tage, with 1 terrae iiatnapTored land, for f.3M, $ « dowa. twe baianoe f i< laantalg. A u> 2* aad 40 acre Legs adisaaiag without cottaiae at ttt ;<mt acre aa favorable teraaa T*aeaw laaus are aituaue aaar the Long Ialand kad- .o»a ag aeura ride from the Cit« of Br «.?.:. t. The Hal n g<asi fur farauag m rardeaiae . .. *es .(easy tdlags. F.ne crviie were nri^ucad oa the laadtthe laat aeaaoe. Also this ecal fa well adapted far fruit. Ora)«a ia part*--dar. Me- rhaaiflS and atbers wwawur a c ¦lafortatde bom* for them- sal res aauJ families ia as oieasaat and healthy a place aa Hiera » aa the State, aad for ibe earn »aucb'rea would as»e to pay fur twe or ih'ee years' rest ia the r ty eail oa thessabacriosi svad go ant eiamii>e for rouraeltee ,ti I**_A. MeCOf TEB. No iMFallaia-Bt^ FÖ» 8ALE .A FARM of forty-twa acres mtuaied a a at miaatea' walk of I.eng aaaaadBswi.il aaC ,o mtaalas of Fortrbester Railroad De.^'a, »ew.jora.iw tba ttyiaaa K>n oa ibe Farm are ai ¦Siilaaaga.asid a aeeal »anei» af Frial Trees. It wse foresails kaawy, aa Ca^t. Pewock's place, aod bas always Bwea a fa Tun ye riurr --.d-i. r of New-York familjea oa aoreuat W the healthfu ae»s id the locality Adjoia- tau the Farm a new village is form-ng. renderinc the posi- tioaacwuOoae ;..r iSTeetn-eni, as the wbole maybe Bold Bar a.idiae laU. Title clear. Half the purchase money may remain oa 1 >i,d aad u.oitgaa-e Apply oa the Farm, er UH WIEOMAN. No 171 Yariek-at.. ooraai Charl- taw.araw^Tert. ,_jidSMawuf FOR SALE..The two-#tory and attic brvk dwelbnr; bouaea aad lots jfaa 29 and 31 Beak at. near Uh-et..Ual* 23 by liai.bouees 23 by 44 feel, bare all mo- dera tapruTeeaeBis and aie in eicel.eat order. Aim, the lAiee-siory buck dwellu.« )...>*» aad lots ia rear of the ahoTs, fronting oa Tr y at alte ia eicellent cob.IRiob. Alee the twe-atory brick dweilmfa and lotsNot. 3< and )t An -a at Lots 22 by 100 houses 22 by 42, Tory desirable dweiliags aad tine yards, gas ia the street Alse, the ret/ PPagtBI ballt foar ttory dwell nc house aad lot of »round, a "l , tT*"1 ¦.*.**., dslightfnllv situated opoosits the f aik / the 1 .. jtiral Seminary, haTinr, all modern im- ( tuvetranta and conveaietcea Also, the Tory desirable k t aad boildinta Noa 113 East Bioedwar Lot 13 by at. Anssrelsaat sltualioa for iiapntTsmeat For terene. Bva , aayjay at _ William Haksell. No .mi cim st. MMWAatf fJfOTEL tor 8 U.E..»Törder of the ¦ A Piobats Coort lag Marlboruuiri rtistrict, that aew aadtpaeioosHotel,kaowu asths vermont HOUSE, in the can er of the beautiful eiliare ol Brattleboro, Vt., Is aow itfered for aa'e Tbas lotel waa thoroughly built by the late proprietor, Thoa C. Lord.ia lbs aumiasr of lfoo, and is ia complete leoair It frosts oa Mann 104 feet ; three stories lush, aad coatams 16 parlors, 38 slseo- tag roeaas, 2 dibiag roonn. one ai « le. U is U laet by to, amokiai and readme r «ai hasesneal and cellars uader the whole hoase. bot all lu'n'ice.dai etat hsM attsnked to the house. (3 feet by 3o wita twodieasiaa rooaaa ; t ice¬ houses, bates sheds Bed cnrriate houae, all apacioaa »nd eoBTeBieali ia fact, erary reqatSSte oea easary fur . oeaJis house Also, all the FURNITURE ol iaid»> a»*, most of which was new in I1C0. No Hotel la New- En«nnd e»-;,ufT«,r g,s»ter iadaoemeate totheputchasarthaatUi'-n has had aad always anliharsaprsai run af cts-.a (U well kept) ItiaaDBt te.in-diatai' ,..«,,. theVeniiont Attlom for the Insane and ibe ,, ,,, ^ \\y,^ festHtdiahmsat. and therw- e .i,Tri,i,.nt for iboae at., aity have fusatla at e ther .''".oe The aboTe o (y ib bow i^lered tor sa'e t HtiAer with all the oersonal proiwety ol the lit e T C Lerd. aad if Bot disposed ol before the 17th day of March a*xt the props ta will be sold at Public Aactioa. on W EHNES DAT. the 17lh da> af hlatob sett of personal pn>- petty to Otinimsnce «' ti o'clock, A M Tbs House will be sold at I ociock, f M . aad the Furmturs eitei ike sale ... the Real Estate. CALVIN TOWN8LEY. i ... . CHAS. CHAPIV. ..{Adaaisjetratora. Brattteboro. Vt Jan. to. 1131 N B. A part of the purchnae maaey for the Real Estats Will be tequired at the time of sa'e. and ths balance remaia eecured by morgige Mare peiticular terms oa day of wato._j31 tawttTsThAS 2H>1 SALE.A valuable Farm of 100 F arise of drat rate land with water-power, in Oreaa- wick Fan be d Couuu Couaevticnt Oa the piem'ies are a large Maaaioa House, van the punted stile of aicaitee- ture.iwRh marble maatels. bathmg ro«m, kitchen range, aad all the aaodera naypaweaaaaatei c >. h house aad a a- blee.eattla sheds, aad eTeryibinc c mp'ete for a gsaile- waaeceawtiy eeat-aituaied oa ths Byraui River, in Iba Tillase ol OlaaTille. >«e of the m -el beautiful and rornaa- tic aitaatiaas an Iba liae e4 the New-Havea Railroad. Aleooa Ibe place, a tine wateifall eg v. feet, wch atone building by 40 feet, 24 stories, with two saU of rnllsrs, for maauiai 'ui'M shest lead faraarea fur rad lead and tithaigs, grast aad od mil , four sin a I dwelUag bouses; bleckaatuih ah»p, thrre water wheats, tiae etoae daaa : siiusouct. aad aaachiaery all aa peifcet orvlar, well suited fet any waaaiactarine hasineas. Ji miles from tksde^öt of the New Haeaa Railroad. «i Portchasler. tt mi so from Nsw York Oa the premisoe are tsm many flue buildisg aitee, kesiag aaiew of the S.aini1 and ae «a>orib« oaat'T, and at ihe airiaity «. e^d u tioois aad eherchee rhu prorwttr will he add i.«eUsi or teparate. Pwesseioa may be had oa or Beaten tie 1st at A ere! Fortsrmiaad Dart«-atays aaiply to P. C. CORNELL, No. 241 Water et., New York. 121 tw* CM)TTA G K fM PURNITUR1 in BROOKLYN FORSaI.E aad rxwaeeatoB (irea at abort aistice, uluated No 213 Jay st hetweea Myrtle ay and Johasoa at lea miuatee walk from vba FaBaa Fertf' aad wilaia atghtr yaids of aa tmiaibas r.me Let 13 by ICiTt; two-atory frame b' uae tiled ia with buck, 20 hi en, wuh ptaiia 1». at aad leai. maibls oaaateas throaetioui' well built ia srery way, in a.alera style, ia toadoroai aad at piaeeat eaxapied by the sebec.iber Puce $3sot. tt.5ea) can remain on moiiisee at 7 per cent CaaWaeea ea*r, day from IS to! Apply to UEOBiiE B ORAN- N18i, No 9C Maiden lane Hf lw* HOUSES FOR SALE-In Hrookiyn, Ne 34 Btate-et., hetweea Hicks A Heorr.three wuaatee waJB tlusa .«..als Ferry . lot 13ilM. houses Ui> . tares steytea, basemeat aad aader cellar; kitcbea raage, Curaace, gaa, bath room, Ac all u (o.al order. Alee, a. I7t Adams st , eicht nunutea walk fiom Fulton Ferry ; K 8Halt3. hoase tttiav. ihr.» ..or aad basement; marbls maatsls fara ace. wclueed plasia, fruit ia the yard Ac. PraTW low.aad teiuas eas* Apply to 8. K. THAYEK. No. I Beekmaa-at , N Y. lit Ht*_or No 34 ftats at . Brooklya FOR SALE-Two three-atirv Brick Nowses. located ra a reepecfeMe aeighborh.k^l near Bt Mark's 4 hareh For terms aad special ;wraiiaai,iB io eiaanaae Us premises apply to MARTIN E THOMPSON. Ma MB Biuadwsy ICf lw* |?OR SALE.Tho elenat briok House, replete with eewry eoLTeaieaee '^eanaee^aa. ravage. Ae.. et> Carro.l ,.l»,-e ord Brooklra. Will be sold os stay a oa atongagt ip Oiffwa. A II dmin istrator's s a leL.TWf- for l-f.i,» hrtiM, et>Ue«^gjeata^ae._*'fW 0U8E..For sale cheap, one new four- mmmm brsrk buildings floated oa West list it fisnya.d J,üT i^,. eel sr Id e.gbl room« oa etch (1 tor. Cr..«.* . at, ,1'T W 'lSit *7*m MM Pnc. >.9 abiot SS rem»!« <>» b~»d *»d moctasre Isyjire of äff jT*^ ft FOUNTAIN. Bajider.No. IwV^BtttA et. Forsale: For sale cheapi- A Houas sad L<* of 5 oereisttuat. ta EssexCo /.«l.i.ell Township, N. J- ou« mt!e fr"W W«it B NMNt, Ä7o/i»l'»^ . Boarding «cho .1w,ll ,a So dfo, |1 000 C«t» 11.40" J»0»rB f-JC0 ThilBBdli Wtll iut ed torardeaiBg bo'.h fruit ud safeta'de. Mot Und may 1* bad adjacent if dewrable. cheap. hflBrfMO. P MARTIN. Bear tb« premisee, or to A L\ML*BENA, jVtwuk. south-east corner of Market aad Broad, or ad¬ dress the rabaeriber. at BotiatoB, N J Bo-mioa. N J , f-ob. U, .JAM._[llfltr*] W. W MARTIN A~~T PRIVATE 8ALE.The three- atory bnck House and Lot. No. 113 Ooertek-e«. wuh a th/** f. ry buidiog aa the rear of the lot, ea the wetter- It tide, aad the first boaee north of Ptantoa at the lot it tl froat aad rear, aad 10« feet dee; JT« MtMMtam a - ply to ANTHONY J BLEECKER, Iii iw A act oaeer, No. 7 Broacl-et CCountry seat for sale cheap. ^.AD aecessary Buildiage w th abjal fear acres of Lead p enH af Frmit, situaud.-n C^per BedH k*. Du ca- eaa Ct/uaiy. H. Y App'y No 119 Bowery. »1 IW FTaRMS for sale or exchange «o« Improved Citr Property-Two Fanna in tus town of N «I Caatle. Weatrheeter Couaty, N^ Y_. situated See nil« i from the Kensxo Depot, on the Harle« Ba lroad one eontautuor about 110 acres, the ether about ,3 acres, both beiat improved, with rood dwelling heueee. barns, atab eo Itc. For terms and partir alar« apply to tlflw* JOHN TO WN SEND Jr.. No. 7t Wall at. S~^EBY EXECUTORS of VALU¬ ABLE PROPERTY, beloagtag to tha Estate of Curtis Peek deceased .Will be sold at Public Aiotioa, oa THVB8DAY. Fab M. 1W2. at llo'clock. M .at the H .tal of Hesrv S Hover, ia the Tillage of Flushing, bv CHA8 P.LOWERRC, Auctioneer, the following Real Estate ta said vi'lage, nt 1 The Manaioti Hoase. Ore*n H oise. Bam an I 'vtuer u4t r.'..,.iiott. n m.» lot No 1, upua the map Said lit it If- faet3 inrhat ia width ta fr-nt oa Broadway. 121 feat i inrhea in width m tha rear, 4SI feet 6 inches ia depth oa one ode aad 167 feet yaacBee ta depth oa the ether aide^ Tint lo.oie it geaersJy ksown as tbs formsr rssdsace of Dr. B^oodrood, deceased. There is upon tbie lot valuabla ahrut t.ert.fr.jit and ornamental trees, and the (round is tasteful!)' arranged The house wet put ia thorough re¬ pair the i*tst i ear by the lato Curtis Ptck is lo-ge aad pos^eseet every convenience for a luvte and genteel family It at a must desirable country reitaeaee From tha h'luso and gro.nd above mentioned are bea itiful sad extensive ttewa «rFluahinc Bay, the Tillage and sarroanding eoun- Ul Also, vacant lot No. I, as per map, being ItO feat ia wid h in front on Broadway. 141 feet front on Bowne-ar., by IW fee: deep on olo stde by Iii feet 9lacnes oa the ether. 1 Also, lot adruning No. I, being 151 fett In front ia Bowae as., 133 feet 9 inches in the rear, by KM feet ia depth 4 Lot No. 4, adiOiB'ux Na. 3, laying Iii feat front oa Bowne BT., Iii feet 9 laches rear, by ltd feet deep, lu froLt of satd lot stand the celebrated Fos Oaka 5. Lot No i tituate on Uaion-at., being 1«1 feat 7 inches front, \6h feet 6 inches rear, by lit feet deep. Upon this lot art th e- dwelling Hoasos, ia good repur. I. Lot Nu. t, adjotnar No 5, being 161 feet 7 inches front an I'aioa St.. use hundred and aiity feet six laobee m tns rear, by one m red and fifty feet in depth. 7 L- t No. 7 adjoining lot No. 6, ob tue corner of Broad¬ way and Cuon St., 130 ftet front oa Bioadway, lnl faat 7 inches froai on Union at., by 160 feat 6 laches depth. The proximity of theae lota to the Ciiy of New York, aa areil aa ibeir location in the villaga of Flushing, reader them desiralde tituati. ns for Otuntrr Residences Title unexceptionable Maps of the Drnperty can he had ta New- York CtU at tbe store of THOMPSON. PECK It NIXON, corner of Broadway and Daane at. alan, at the residence of C. P LOWERRE Auctioneer, in the vtllags of Flush- lag Terms made known on the day of sale.Flushing, Feb 16. Ifcil. WM H PECK. * r.aeetor. 17/ tti_CURTIS PECK, Jr., i KlB<!*lu" _ FOR SALE.The Property on the N. E. oomar af Murray and Church-sts belaaging to tbs Fourth Unttanaa Church. The Lot it tt feel endo oa Mur ay-at. bv 73 feet deep. For terms aoply to Ilf lw» MARTIN E THOMPSON, Ne. 237 Broadway. FOR SALE.The neat two-story House and Lot No 103 Allen-at near Houston. Terms easy. IagaireofR E ST1LWELL.U 8. Circuit Clork"a Office, New cr.y Ha'.l, Park. lift/ FACTORY for SALE or to RENT. Situated ia the eastern part of Conaeetlaat, in a pleasant villaga, easy af access, with 30 to 40-horse water; power. Connected with tha Factory are threw Teae- Bieata, four large Oat-buildiaga, and twelve act es 4 good Laad. Landings new aad ia cood ordor. Tna above prop- any will be Bold very cheap, on long erodit. if daatrod ; or rented for a term of veara. For particulars, address R L. P .BprtBgtiaid, Maas. 14/DtfkltW WHO WANTS A HOM11.For mia lt| acres of good land, with cultivated fields, wood, rontie fruit trees, a chestnut grove and a house and barn of small valoa thereoa, leas than a raila from the vtilaae of M -svia. Cayurs Co , 18 miles south of A lburn. Price, IK*, one-half dowa. Apply (poa-paid) to JOHN E WIL I.U .MS Aurora. Cayaga Co . N. Y. Also, for sale aa above. II acraa of Chestnut timbered land lor |M<, 12 milet south of Sianeaie.es, aad 111 acree ft t No M, So.on fat |6O0. SOf It* PUBLIC SALE..the property now .wned and occurud by P. H AC Tau>maa. at Pier- B* nt.wU be ae'd at public aale on fUE«DA Y. March 2, at 10 A M.. on the premises Ths huidtagp oa said place ate a two-story brics dweilirs hoase M by 211 feet, wtstt a wlrgof two tt-net 19 by 28 feet, aad kitchen adjoining, with out-liuiJdiBgt. ferces and liter irnprovementt in ei- cellent ssd subetanlial order. Connected with tha above- nieut oaed huildiaga ia one of frame, Ailed in with bnok, 26 by 48 feet, which it bow. and baa f ir many years bees ooca- pitd as a country store, anil is ons of the oldest and rnott elixible business Btaaan in the lowu. The whole premises at furnished with every convenience far s comfortable and pleasant letidence aleo, admiral.I« adapted, ia point of lo¬ cation and otherwiie, for aa estena.ve store busiaesa. 8aid propaity it in the upper pait of tbe village, the lot JJ9 feel front oa the high road ; a otig and across the rear of the lot, passes the New York and Erie Railroad. For further particulars, apply to the owners, oa the premises . Pior- moitt.N Y Jenuaiy. IUI. P H. TAULMAN. Iff taUtl*_C TAULMAN. FOR SALE.Stamford, Conn..That late resident'*- of Heary J. 8sjifiiri1, Ksq , ia the Tillage of |tamtMrd.Cuaa..al a diatanoo of oue aad a haM bour'a tide from this city This place, having been filled up by Mr. lanford for bis owa residence, without regard to troabla or expense, it all that can be desired as a geatoel home for tuy gentleman whe withes his fsraily to SBjoy tbs advan- lagcsol tha rt.untrv, while ka attaudt dailv to his buainsss ia ths city. The Dwelliag-Hoass is enol and airy ia turn msr, with beautiful shade, and well inclosed aad warm ia v. inter, with eveiy cttaveaiaaea, as faraace, hot and ouid watai, baih-roim, kc There are alao suitsbm Stables, Coach House, Ico-Hou>e, Oardea with flowers ... r;, .!.».. .> la short, as a residence, this place cm h as* all the advantages of tha country.its health, its pleataies, its twunties.with the n. .at -u -lern coaveni- <. a city home. Couimutatiua to Stamford, oa tha * York and New-Haven Railroad, by all trains, |M a year For drawing* and a more particular dascriptioa, apply toJ 6M1TH DODUK, No 17 Boad st .N.Y. jll tf IsjVfR sA LE.To close an estate, a Farm at New field, fear miles from lbs Railrasd Depot, F.amford. Cobs , where the New-Havea Rallioad traia passes su times a dav. Tha Farm coalaiaa 1(>7 aorat.ll of which are Woodland, tba balance Plow, Meadow aad Patiuie lead, two Orchards, House, Barn, Carnage aad Oata House, twoexeellent wai sof water fce , free from in- 'irrh-ai atd will be ao'd at a bargaia. Apply to in |w* DANIEL H. CCBU8, No. 31 Liberty st cmrm for SALE.Of 150 and more ¦ acres, la ths Iowa of New Wiuds>r. O aags County, New-Yoik, wi'hin five milea of Newourgh aad one of YailaOata Depot (Kna Railroad) This Fsrm. which t, lined b par of the homestead of the late 8amuel Town- sent, has for a number of years heea subjected to tbe most carvlul, Ihoreush an.' well c ntida'sd ullage There ara 13 acres U" exceDeat woodland Tbe leads are ia per- feet roaditioa for graaa or white crops and ths beiM -gs sad i. neos ara ia complete order. Poasesston mar he had on the 1st April For tetmt and paritealart apply io CHA8. MAOITHE. No 168 Froat at. 9f Iw* F^ARM for sale on LONG ishnd, centaining about tkirty tiveae.-aa, about 14 mi'os froat the city, and ten minutes wsik from a Railroad depAi ia a healthy and pleasant neighboibo.ai. ib the vioia.ty of boto- ial tine priests residences Will be »ol l na ress.iosSIs teymo For particulars inquire of JACOB S ABB.\>IS, No 44) Bioadway. 18f Im* \ RAR« CHANCE..For aale, a new t W COTTAOE HOI BE aad B ARN, with eight letaaf t o .i d atiactied. aii .atod ia tne tl.. tri.tr, ut y.llags of >ar«.ii.gda!e. with a two minutes walk of ths L>Bg la'and Ka Itoad . cars pass six times a day The prope.-y. . ,. c vrn. Hat e ode-, and will be told very low to s cath caa-um«r F,.r lurthar parucalart apply to JOS R. PRICsf c >a De» er. corner Aveaua A sad 13ih at. t < 'im* HOUSES.. For sale, in Jersey City, abt at fivs ntaatea walk from tha ferry, "twa head¬ set and wall fimaied thiee-slury and basaiueat brick House. Pnc, $j lot, pot of wh.ek atat rrtt a .. h.nd aid mortgs«. laq.troof EfAlt JONES, Praeuoct place r-rntr l Bar:. » .t M . POB SALE OR TO LE T-\ deairahle a Ktsid. i ce in Mas Stag, oae ini'e l amlhedBxt .-Jt-' f.a'isg oi It acres id iaad .a which is a new aud'.at.ta ti.l t ui t h. u.e. c stsaBisg taaro -m. Parlors have mar- ** V,# 1 ¦ d-og d ors There is a ... aa etce lent well.f wa'ar on the alecs Pncs |1.3oe. part of wh.,ca may retna a BB) hood sad m.trfgage. For lar.Btr ptraca- U ». li.in t »01 Iw* 8 J M AR5T IN, Ns. lot Ban..ar.a^ POR SALE -The twu-M.uv Wok from i" M^Li*Za','1\>}luUmiSm4 kal ** STo.adiBf.a.Nr YJsia^rSi^ .the 1 rck,ni?:dut.T,,a 7^7jir-4jk'tH- ble aad a la... poitioa .f g M 1 **-""' an baaal a»d b,,^«,». V"riStmS La. T»'T r*°'*''r THOMAS LAWRENCE. E^ N . ^.kiV.' i? t°f W STARR. Na 111 W.Uiaaait , ar li R.ick *Tei J* Frsaklia House. Yonkwrs ' IM rjOUNTRY RESll)EN(:h3c^8^t^ral dalightfnl Coaatry Remdaaces iiLst at nleaetui village ia Caaaartirat. oa the line of New-Tork uj \t. Haven Railroad. Pnoo at rant fmm |tt to $ttt par aav B5 Ü ! .¦f ?l»*s*J- for .ale wem aPJianalmiV^ D«nai»e af I WHITINO. tfg FOR SALE LOW.A ffoeed Farm of 130 acres M Ble»s»bugh New- Jersey, aeau Pruaeatmm, Nsw-hruasaick mud 8 -merrille. las Creatysea* of Booa- eraet Cutty. TV.* had, «iei.pt tee soree / - nd.it «11 under r.,k>»»u..b end m »-«1 fence. The d "»LI ag house n of wood filled in w,th brüskof two etonee kick. »«d e wieg mm either side Tee farm hoeae. ea/Tia*. n usa. b.ras «ad other oat boiling, are lere» aad'.acejd re¬ ih» t»iibD.nM e.ties. m»mw*m ,*^wai «w^**»" V-RS MiilBtoae.N J or JOHN J DR^MWONI) Wo SSt^KS T. llf.kD.WBAM.UiW' FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for PROPERTY in THIS CITY, a haadjorno Co retry Reeteeace. eoaaislmg of a modern weU-baBt t*o^,ry ¦' -u.» boose witk hard fiBiiBed wal.a. siid-ag doore, hall 9 feet wide. Attached if b good two-story tirehea aad wood houee and alao a F*<d ban aad carnage b aiae. stable aad »arten, with about tWB arras of I aad.Bit oat >-d la the village of Woodbndge, N J , tJ miles from PJew- York aad 2 milea from the Railroad Depot, aad It mil et from ' Steamboat leading, and 4 milea weet of Raa way cimmcBicatei with thie nty by Railroad aad Sleamh .atl aaTeial times a day the Churches. Schools and Post-Orfive. an w;thia , of a mile. Apply LEOOCX A P ARDEi- 819 No' M Me.--.len laae. or ta SIMEON W. PHIL¬ LIPS, oa the piemueo_jM TaThAft/ I^OR 8ALE..A Country Place, con- ataliag of a Hoaaa lately built aad half aa acre of g-outs', w«U filled with fruit trees, Mtoa:ed la Geenwieh, Conn tkiity milea lr.>m New-York. Above place finely at 'Bted sear Lon» Itland So nd. aad lets tb»a tea mm- ..teswal* from the railroad depot, aad a detrrable reai- deeee for oae doiar bititesa in ths rity. Apply to 121 MTuThAS* ED w IN P. WEED, No 7i Wi bam-et. COUNTRY RESIDENT E for SALE" .For sale, the Reaidenre of the subscriber, beiag a lane Gothic Budd'ne of 1(0 feet front by 40 deep commo- dioualy arraared for a large fatally, with greea-aoase. ire- host* carnage houre aad cahlee. aa abundaaee of .nade¬ ln eee aad ebi nbbery. To be told with from oae and a hakf to about t e acrea of lead interspersed with oratim ratal and fro t treee. Situated ia Ike boroag/b of SiatnfiM. Coma . within DTe minutes'walk of the N V aad N H Railroad Depot Iiqaire of J SMITH DODGE. No. 27 Bond rt COGSWELL. CRANE a CO . No. 1U Froat-et or ofthe iabtCTi)«r on the prem sea. Of StTuThkS' GEORGE K. WARINO__ FOR SALE.The Loaac uf Huuee no. J70 Brnaf;way Apply ob the premnoa. or at No.?4 Kassaa-st W. F. BROwNH office. IMitTnTbES* (COUNTRY SEAT for S\LE.In the J pleasant ti1U»o of Greenwich. Cone., a bsw aad commodious dwelling houss, with stables, he. galten aa! aboet three acrea of laad. It ia Bear the Oengreeiiione). Episcopal aad Methr*jiat Cherrbea. and also to »ood schools.and baa a tine view of the Sound The psrfsct healthiness of the eitua ion, and the faerity of t> ce.s by the New-Harea Railroad, reader this a eery ietlrabls rendence (or a trentleman doing business in Inn ity Ap- pl.to JoNaTHAS l) STIELE No. 49 Wdsam st. I7f 2wTuThaS'_ FOR SALE.One of the finest Country Feats ia the viciaity of New-Tork. mtuaud ib the Town of Eaatrheater, about fifteeB miles fron the City Hall, and about eae mile from the Depots of the New. Haven and Harlem Railroad*. The Houte. Bara» aad ('amass Houss bis all ia complete order, aai a Farm ef sboiit eighty acres of land attnehsd, in the hghssl stats of rultiration,abundance of Frou of erery dstcriptioa oa the prsmisee. possetsios (irea en or befort the let of April nsit For farther particulars, isuuiree 14 f twTuThA8« K.J. BROWN. N^a. o7 TtUiaavet. 1~7URM for SALE..A small Farm of tea Amu of choice Land at Rahway Put, one mile from the N. J Railroad Depot at Rahway. New-Jersey The buildlrgi consist oi a laris DwsIIiuk loan, Bara, Camaee House, with other ne.essaryout niildinga alto a set of coal or hay Scales, all initeod .»'der au.l iepair. Ttis property is plsaeantly located on the tahwar R.rsr, aad has a good dock connection with and l.ilougiug to the premises, which makes it a desinibls plaie for a I .al or lumber dealer, and with litt'e eipeuse oesfid be made a pleasant and convenient re»idaace fat a gtiitlemaB doing business in the City of New-York, there lala» eoinm.nl- cation to and fro by railroad seeen times »ach way daily On the place is a young orchard of a good 'aria'y isf fruit. Pr.ce, thirty three baadred dollars, pat of wuich > aa remain en bond and rnurtgaee if re.iuir.d For further paricu'arsinij iire «f F J OGDEN, No,74 Piue st .or of A. H DOLBEEB, oa the promisee._fl WAS tf BOARDING-HOUSE .For 8ale or to to Let, the large B .aiding House at Rys, ocrn; ,e by 8 SB St. Joha, one mile from the 'tailroad Dep.tat Rye. Weitcheeter Co., State of New-Yirk, and oae mils fiomthe DOpot at Port Chester. heto'IfoUr situated sn the Sound. Also for Sale or to Let a large old fashioned H use Stable aad seeen lota o' Grouad, with gripe naes and fr.nl trees. Inquire tf the owner, Froit-»t yVlliamsburgh, L I tOf ft* JOHW H MINUSE /^.OUNTIY RESI I)ENCE.--The adver- . titey desires to ptirchaae frem 5 to 10 acrea of goof Land, loeated in a healthy sp.t u;k.b wtich there is a a<ib- ttabUal House with smtable out-houiea. and good supply of fruit, acceaa.ble lnese hour's ndeby Railnad.and wuhit ten mibatea walk of the Do,.".'. Holders of property ef Ihe above deacriplien may find a cash purchaser, by mi jieaamg M. H. W Tribune Olflce, giring full diacriptiora 80f tl* _ FOR S ÄLE in WI LLI A mS h T RGII -\ neat Cottage Hi.nse.rery pleatantly situated, at No. 8 Sooth 6'h-tt , witbin obe bl ek of the Peck slip Ferry. It is two stcrie*. with basement and attic, and hat a two-s!ery tea-room attached It ia well arranged, and yeryconre- n.eut contaiaa II rooms. Lot 2l)i>l00 feet Pnca, $3 j*0. Andy on the premises, or at No 2<)3 Pearl at New-y»rk. 2lt'lw« CHA8 F TUTTi-K FOR SALE.Two new four-story orick BCILDING8. aituated oa list st.-8 nami ou each door, aad are so coastTocted at to be let in tenement. They will be sold at a pnes. and on tonne that will mala it a profitable investment. Apply to A. M> COTTER. No. t$ Falton-st. ill la A^'ARM for SALE, at White Plaint, one mile from the D.cnataiaing fifty f nr acres ot good kind Tillable Land, a comfortable two »>. ,r Dwsluog, Carrisgs House end Bara. with a good m- ...r n eat ef Frnit. Iaquirs of JOHN H FBKRlS. N. 372 Greenwich st . aad JOHN F UNDERHILL. m its pnmises. W if L^OK SALE.A fiye-tt/iry brick Hou»a, I with basement, ia 4ih-st., north side, lot feet west if ihe Bowery built ib the moot substantial manner, with tte m. dern uiiprevenients Terms reasonable. Ino/nrs of * HOLLEY, No IOWaJl-tt. tf lm* TITLET or FOR SALE.Eight~iw*- ttoty and basement Cottages, cewly rintshed.at Wnabinglon Hights. oa l5"h at., and near Triarty Cernetwy aBd High Bridge, being one of the moet heal-.hfil aad t*autifBi locations to be foubd. ( ommunieatioo wr.hUe city eveiy bom by ttaxea The depot of the Hadsan Riser Railroad ai d the hi ding place of steamer Jeeny L'kj which will run legulsrlv to the phre tbro'tghoot the s«a- toa) are but a few momenta walk from the premiam. There are four left to each Uouae, giviag ample ipace fjr gaidrna They will he let to good tenants or sold on raa- sobablelermt, and a 'arge part of the purchase moaeycao rea.am oa bond and mortgage. Alao two stores,each suita¬ ble for a tailor or ihoemaker, with nine rooms attache!. Rei.tt?So Inquire of Capt HAKKII.a' Pa<seagir Honte. f.h.tof 138th st., or of E, SMITH, corner same etieetaad lO h-av._ llf lmTiThiS BROADWAYTE^E^Fors^f-. the ui.egplre.1 te'm of the eligible store No Iii Broad¬ way. Poisesaiun may be had on the 1st of May. Applrto OEO. P. PUTNAM. on the premises 16f ßouofs to let. [ f OTEL to LET..Trie iTnexpired ¦ -aV Lease, having lour yean to run from the 1st ef May it xt aLd the Fuin!iurs f-w sale The Hotel is atapae oas one well heated f.,r husiaets, and ia the itimediatc «ic uitr <f two Railroad Depots atd twoStsambeat Laad- T»» Furniture will be s. Id at a fair valuation. The avove II. to. is ae v apd in good iroer, aad prasenis a de- tirab e opportuau, fir tay oea wnamg to ; . latothe Hjtel 'oikiBess Address, for partirnlnrs. m*Ulm*_P. C. BPBNETT, Hiidaoa. M T. TO LET.Possession immediately, a four-story aad hasemeat House on Uh av.. with ha h, hot aad cold water to 3d :1 aar, i«.1|e. Ac a' n read orlsr. Rent mi derate to 1st of Mav. and can be bad I »r neityear. Ajp'yto E B KINSHIMER, N* s i, ,tn sv iron 2 to 7 P. M. and t to 9 A. M. M.'It* IX) LET.To a select farailv, one-half of a DwetkBg H-uae. The fttn.ly BRBtt he smiU. R. eience gum snd rt.;uired. Ad.Irets SELECT FAM¬ ILY, Branch Post-Orfice. Chathata-sqaare. N. B .Staies ru,y near by. _ aaj J(. nno lieiTImlTkE EKPR"S~ andiTES- B. 1 Al'RATECRg .To Let er Lease the upper part of at spaeiou. build, gkaajwa CBOluN HALL.oath* mal ottha Bowery and Diaiaioa tt It w adaairn'.la rtta- kf*a' tain be sees a', as builCingCaLy from I. ka y V M or it.uu.iie. m.r he made at the Mechanic' lestitais ia Ail 'w* 'r Pl>',M*,"B °* B»«»mmedis^ely TO LET.A Store and \Dtrtm-nts a'» f ror . , R ..... ,r . of'A 4 wnro Flcay aad Fswl Store. Waaauig,^^^ WO LET-A Farm of m acre-^Te^ a wflS?1 T*V "liable land in lie Tow. f tWZ fa Mt Co L I good .arm b -use. banTile AI mL.t m1^^: rTaniWÄ^S H'LIdVoV7 Sa/Ä H(pR^fvSJ°fcRE^^^^ OTHER .1 .ear., and the rents guaranteed ZZ? hr It,,m ibdocemeiu ars L.ff.red Lalded .JT1*"! takea ia c.atodv as Ag.a' or A ui^er Ra.Ta& .**'*. aidecaat,,. (the growing W. *cf .1^ntu^ r'v, and et. hancd Money Mess ed ia sEueT i'l*"- f J g ad City aVasM 5 Mong.ew a/,eii ^ '".tf^L?* proatpt returns ia all rmmmt, wo>^,»«.^tf,r^,1*rt*i Ofice No. Ti Wad at tn m 1 to 2 P ME \ *Xu u* loa at,, mm 1 tot A M.at It and fr^i S,"- RiriBa.v, Will.ua Co, No li,3Pe«,?L' ? lw a Co. No (M South st Wrn H Rm^ih t* leoodaae Maids. <eae LAV Eieby. No ,i clim^mt « gTEe. Na .4 Wall r, Harper^BAarV^'tT -.- ._J AI tf HOI SE to LET, and FUR\n'lJRE , »ad ERABD PIANOt for SALE -The a , sad Da.it! r «« Funiiture 'he H .7,1 N^,B;,Jrom hia ei . Brook ly a AUo tk, mo,. mtem , * ' -»« C dam- Paao.v.r .miairt^l. aarasW y nev. ^ InÄ"? **** .»ed. a I of wh ch w, ! be a.l/ ,t k«: caa remaia .>« ai.rage tie- of charge u», i £'?,7 , IL*SI:- r%* ¦sawVe ka.i f. r a ti m ./ VaS a ( M*7 chacncey babnabd. Ne. ll &'ml^nVrli* TO LET.A thoroughly furnished }4 tkree quartan ef a mUe froae Leeoi ia Ber*- MutMhOMUi For perucsJas laqaire ef H D. Si i lCK?»o I Wall-et oTcHaRLE* 8IOQWICK. Lbbax. _ '__1w19 T~ 0 RENT.Two Stores on Broadway, Mtf nd aad «Kh-fta: reat, $2t* to $3ec Also, that cio.ee Grocery. north -west ceraer »f 7 h ev aadiv.e- .'. AU«, Floors and Apar'ments u steal1 iiafaaBBaa. fanui-es AI»«. $5« Out to Iosb oa boad and m-irtcage aToiy to * G FIERCE. U Wall at., or 14 Waat Mta^ju, »>sbj ila av at sveniag._17f2w*^ TO LET .The three-story House No. 1?4 Seventh st .bet weeb Avenue B aad C. Rent $Vx>. Inquire ef B. GLENN,No 194 Paltoa at._13f m STORES and DWELLINGS to LET. Separata of together, oa Fourth-ev. The dwelline can'. *f 1 <rtonee ihuve the stores, banaf t lanes Urion, kitcaaa wit* raaee, (»ath-r.wTi, and t or roorne, Tl a good order. Taeee are auiuMa f*r «e«V«au^kr ¦ rase or pnvate familiee. Apply to E. B. KINSHi Vt a.R, No 319 tta ar., 2 to 7 P. M._* »«** O^sET.At Hoboken, soTeral three- stoTT aad basemeBt bnek dwelliag boo see, in or ef which ars ia the most eligible sttee tn the rvr niiy of New- Yoik, and fiaished ia the handsomest stvls H-* »ad ceid water ia kitchens, batk-rooms. Ac. Iaquire at the He- *U*S>* 0<>r" °f W W. SHTPPaUf, Afeat. \V H A R F L 0 T S at ATLANTIC f V DOCK to LEASE..Ths Atlaatic Dick Com mm arfll lease for a term of reara, at lew ran-* lots fr mttag th'ir basia witim a fcw feet of ths water, for the pe-posee ei amber, lime, or beick-verd*. foundries packing-eetab- lishments or aa? bamaees requiriag room ronveaieut to naT^atioa. Apply at their office. Ho 71 Broadway. 13f Im TO LET.Several genteel 3-story and basement Houses, oa Mta-st , Kth ft., Lenngton-er. and <ta-ae _. Also oas or two Cottaree oa JSth-st near Ith ar. Also Starres and Dwelling*, saturate et together «I im» E. B. KINSHlMER.No 4th-av . 2to7 P.M. TO LEASE.Twelve to twentv LOTS cf GROUND, t5 by 1st), for a term ofyears.in Cherry- it., betweea Corleara aad East River-its. Is i rc at Ful- j i Foaadry Office, No. 27 Corleara, corner of Cherry et, ja« eale, ie sei ad hsn.l Rollers. 17f tw PEASE A MURPHY. I«7LOURING MILL t<> LET..The eel- ebrated Wstsri >o Mill is offered lor Sale or to Let. This Mill has recenliy beea overhauled and furnished with aew bolts and put in complete repair. It tt situated ou ths Canal at Waterloo, in the midst of a fertile wheat growing country, in a convsnient paastaaa for receiviag wheat either fr-.n.Jtii- Seneca and Caynga Lakes, or the Wettern Lakes bv tbs Canals. Inquire olB SEAATS, Attorney-at Law, Waterloo. j»6wTbA8 TO LET..The basement, fjround-rtoor and aitte ef a ciBveaieat two itory ho ne, the sec md- rtoty I which it occupied try twe iiagle geatleniea. It is an agreeable and genteel residsace fie a small family. Inquire of Mr DANA, at this office. 17f3tTuTh*8 HMO LET.For one or more years, the J two larire three-story Houses, Nos. II aad 13 Car¬ roll place, now occupied by Professor Tsppan for Boarding and Day School. Applyte JNO L MASON, Cf UtTuThaS^_No. IQNaaeaa et. »1 O LET .Convenient, well-hirhted I ROOMS in ths Oeeaa Bank building, eerner of F«l- lot md Greenwieh-tts., saitable for Artists. Lawyers, Da- Kiieireotypiats, Ac Apply to JOHN HOPPER, ow the premiaee. _lit WTaThAS* LET.A fine larire Store and sev- -I eial well lighted Lofta ia the new five story first- clats brown stoaa store, No. 311 Greeawch-tt, near Dusne, and in the immediate vicinity of the New-York and Ene, and Hudeon River Railroad depots, where busi¬ ness Is rapidly conceatratmr. The first and second stones hard fiaished in gooil sty le. French plate g ass in doors aad windows. Ac. Apply to A F LAGRAVES. No 2tf Greenwirh-st., or E S. MORRISON. No lie West 23d- tt N B..Posseeeiea of 1st, Id aad 3d stoiies <iaa be hail immediately. IM lmTuTtiAS* nno LET.The Store and Dwelling No. M- liO Chsmbera st 8mre No. U Canal-tt , east of nroadwsy; DweliiBf House No. 49 Charlton si the 2d. 4tiiaiid5ih story lofta H4 Chambers st and a latgsV.h storv room No. 413 Broadway Apply to P DICKIE, So 144 Chambere-st._14f 6t TatMUf ri^O LET.No. 5H East- JTth-st., near Uh- J at, $600; No. 49 Moaroe-st.. IttO. No 1ST Easa- lith-st $750. No. 99 Arcane B, $500. No. 267 5th tl , «,5« No. V7 tth-st.. $1.200. Apply to E H. BBOWN. 71 Wall-it , from lte 2 P M., or morainr and eveaing. stJ9vf Houstoa-at. ttfl.* OFFICES to LET-^tvthe buildin? No. 252 Broadway, suitable for lawyers, architects, art ittt, Be. Apply, on tao premises, to C. 8 t'RANCIS a CO 14fotraTh*9 O LET IN EAST HROOKLYN.In a pleasant and healthy let ation. near a stage route, en DeKalb av., between Bedford and Tempkina-av , part of a aew house, coasisMsg of tws psrlois and bedroom oa second stoiy, two rooms m atttr, back baeemeat aad tub- oetlar. Toe small family the above will be let at aa an¬ nual rent of $100 Poaaeaaton given on or betöre the 1st sf May. Apply oa the premises to 2lr 3i» JOHN J. ANDERSON. T T T 0 LET in BROOKLYN . To a small genteei family, several elegant ROOMS, con siatarg of Parlors. Bedaooms. Clessts. ate , In ths second stvr> of tbs masalon, late residence of Mr. Wycltolf. at the head of Wyckoff at., m Court. Apply at toe mansion. flfSt*_M D MOO El. TO LET.The Upper Part of the House No. 174 Eldndge-sl., eoniiittng of trie entire second story and one half of the third, together with ths btca batemeat. It has the convenience of a bath reom, range. Ac also a good yard, aad ¦ finiahed ia good order with marhls mantles throughout. The remainiag portion is to be occupied by a gentlemaa and hit wife, with hat oae ohild Beat, toasmaU fannly, $250. Apply on the premises from 11 to 3 o'clock, or by note to Box 5tt I' -at- Office._tlf at* T'~() LET with BOARD.A large unfur- Liabed front Parlor, (2d-story with pastr es and bed- roen a adiotniag, if dssired, suitable for two gentlemen or a Itn'lemnn and wife. If partiet would advunce the money required the idvertirer would fu'risb. The family will not move ob lit May. Addrett ADVERTISER, Broadway Pott-Office. Jlfll* O LET..A three-story House with all the ip dern impiovemeBts.No 116 Barrow-st Ia- oatre l f AUSTIN REQUA, No. 221 Canal at or No 111 Variek-it._Mf lw* rT^O LET.Three 1-story brown stone M fioat Iltoitet and Lots ea the south tide of 13J at , be¬ tween 5th and nit, an Also. tbsHnuseandLot No. lit Weit 23d St., wita a Sta¬ ble n the rear. Also, the House and Lot No 214 Watt 14th it. Also, the Honte aid Lot No )8i 7th-av. Alto, the House aad Lot No. I85 7th-av. Fer terms, Jtc ap. la to ANTHONY. J. BLEECKER. Aucti meer, 2.lw No. 7 Broad st. ROOMS with STEAM-POWER TO LEI' -One Boom, 44 by feet, lighted on aU ndei, with lire to eight horse power, to rent in Newburgh, oppo- sita T. Powell A Co.'t freighting ei-abltshment For par¬ ties an. laqaira of GRANT E EDGAR, )23 lm* No. 17 Waterat., Hswbargh. 1^0 LET tv FOR 8ALB--Oa Stltre rtytjle, Eaat Breoklya, a near, flrat-class Hoase and I Lota. Hocse 25x40, 14 looms mar lie mantlet, luptdied with watet tbrooghoat, with every coaventea^e. $t.0ae can remaia on mortgage at t per rent Aprdr at the Land Agency, Myitle-av., aear Franklin. E K. VAN BEU¬ REN. 19l H' LET.The Store, Uasement with M. Sub Cellar, and aevertl Rooms, ia the rise story Brick bailding No. 29 Sprace it., Bear William. Also.ths rear bailding, suitable for light mauofsctaring parposes Api>'» to COBTBLYOU A GIF FING, ltd It*_No. «1 Aaa-et, WO LET.Part of a three-story House. I in ~a.it repair, havinx the nsua' conveaieaces, ia a quiet location, aid easy of acresi For farther partici- lsrs, inquire of J. H.P No 259Greene st. near Cliatoa- piace, betweoB 3| aad 5L P. M 13 3t* 1'0 LET.The three stor^ anT attic ¦ kyirk Hcnre.No 3^3 East Broadway, fronting on the sq> sre et the uu -i D ot Grand st. Three lia-t of ttages pass the door Rent $'11. To be Dainted aad pv in good r»;..ir. In^uiis uf s. D\YTON, No Jl ^'arkst- luftf LOFTS ia BaU)ADWAT..TImi vtatf Light aaa spacious Lofts over oar store. No «41 Broadway oetweea Howard ai..: Graad sts., will be let ea a lease if desired. Tke first loft is aboat 1*0 feet deep, the ether three ar< aboc Cv feet at* tf ALFRED MONROE A co.. No. 441 Broadway. rpO LET.A House uptown, and Furni- M. tars fer sale, which ia aearly new The aouie will sic yeB.odatea large or wna'i family The lady keepang the bouie bas no famdy ef her own ib this c.ty. lias seven or eit>t tint class breakfast and Us boarders, who will re¬ main in the house, if s*r»e.b»r The Farsilore will be a d hek w the ccatt, aa ilia lady is obliged to resadl in another rity Beferinces sir henged Andrste a n sal o CAROLINE. Uanm-squareP. O. t7f «t» HOTEL to LET.Tne furnished Ho¬ wl at Ticoode'ega Poiat, ae ths itaatioa of Lake Oa MB aad Lake Chtmp'aia. wiU be let or lttaed loa good tetsBt ob accommodatiag is. ras Address 10' ».!»*_JAMES 1 PELL. No. IBB Peai!-st. TO LET.On fa»orab!e terms, the sec- end floor (aa slegait show room of feet front oa l. ataaaa-rt .) w-.ti, a wals and easy entrance, wnb «he M aad 4'h atoriei cf ite same dimenaioaa of ths large badi- mg. crier of aid Chtthtm-it., Chatham to rare Ties is a n oat dsairable locajtioa for a wh.rlsesas and rs- taitBiaiutactaritg bis.aeas. Ac^ly to *u *4 Wt* llta « ftoco 8 to ,1 A. MT aniRfro«>lii *-o 5F M_M if TO LCT-WeU-li^hted ROOMS, witb or wurto.it siesia Power, uf any aixs la.nr. mf IM tf C. M. SIMOnIoN^ No Aww!.t 0 LET-StYerai new CotUget, four lif lm 8 P TOWNSEKD, No M Nttsia ,t. ryo MECHANICS and MyNItTcT , TCRERS -To lsaae. two La's «f Grmiad aw Oran.l st. near the Bowtry. o. which bui ii,u., anlllmTSSil by .k. owner to ta.t the buwne« of ta,'\e»yn, *c *d ttea need apply »ko are Bot prepared tn furnish ti. Basti refereicessstor»sp.iaiob,lity ar Addreae Wat* C. F. k O. L. Os'sORN. No. i47^alr>erry-st. T 'O LET.A large Haaemant oa Br ii war, eortw «f atpsTSay-**-. «Ader Us CoJ -.. «/ af THE MELODEON.in Hartford, Conn., m hebe/stand meat popular Hall for Lector'* u4 Co-aeens ta Urge, wem is. >. sad very pleamva'. well -.ted ti lichte«] with (vi It will es*' sheet 1.4 .> pe . sows. Ad ireee bv writ tag. or telegraph, or la*,sirs »"'. soatoAASONCLAPP Qonscs iTJantcb. 11 (»USF..A Family <>f ihrer ;.-rsons, 1 tired of boarding, is desirous of ta.iag s House far- iiiihrd with ths fejia_y and a few mure as boarders or any testt»rr,»B «Ith rhi-diea wi huut a molbar. wtaaiag to re- t h> ¦laekeoorst. the writer would lake tas house, bjard ihsfam ly. sas charge of the eh.ldraa. aad. Dr.tasing a .ew mere'«'arders. w.mld endeavor to sire satu/sction to all Address Mrs. S I*. P , throagh this office sutuur pa'. tioilars aad whea sad where to hare aa intemew Refe- reacos erchsstsd._______ ROOMS..Wanted, two or three Room*, either bow or aa the 1st May. tnrUbls for s Phjsi- r.ao's . ffico, la tka vicinity of Union place. AddresDJ> TdR. at ibis office_ PART of ¦ HOUSE..Wanted by a Gamlen: an aid Wife, part 0/ a modera-baili H >ase p essaatlr located or ther «o«ld take Bad divide a houee .ac.BnecOoa wiiAaamall taauly. Addraaa a ns to L. M. a L., this office. _ltf iwTai^aaa PART of a HOUSE.War ted f>r a small family, ut some pleasant Iocs',on A Second Flo< rand ans Baaemsat room would bo required Rent not <o aicaad SI".. Addrsaa, with particula's. Bf. M L», at this KSca. JUt.tTuT_aSs H01J81 WAN TEa^iTB ro A private family 11 detiring to rent a two or three- stsry House on lease, for three to fire years from the 1st of May. The House must be modern-built, aad ia a r»»l ne eh! orhood, near the 8outh Kerry, or Brooklyn Hub.:». Ths reat. if reo ured. will pa paid aa adraace Apply f > Bei No. HI Poat-OrBce, New-Vorh. aad sttta terms sad location. Bat fa* HOUSE.Wanted, from neat May, on Cumberland Adalphl. or Otford i i Brooklru.. Rest Bot to etctad JttO. Addiess F U. Dot KU Nsw V erk Post Office^_*sf H~ÖTTSE.Wanted, a respectable House fa apleaeaat, healthy locatioa, where the Reat may t* paid in Board, and where a few other hoarders caa I* accommodated Address MANSION, Tribaae Office, w hash will be promptly alteaded to. 191 3t* PART of a HOUSE.Wanted, from Mar I. part of a Hoaaa, (the lowar part preferred.' in the lower part cf tba Vllth er Xth Wards, for a Gsntle- maa and Wile, for wbieb a fair real will bs gives. Addrsaa B , Tribune Office,_l»f »* HOUSE.. Wanted to Hire, from 1st of May nait, a two-atcry and attic, or ihree-etor- House, in **nc pleaaaat location MBTB Bleeckor-st Rant about $130. A prompt and carefdl teaaat may be ob¬ tained Addrait JOHANNES, at this affics. sta'ia« sisrt once and loeaiioe.wilh real name aad address. t»f tt»_ HOUSES WANTED..Sie or eitrht Hoaaes. eitnated ia tba 7th, lath. Ilth, i»th an. 17th Wards tie waatad, la bo let to respectable Tenaats, from the let of May, 1811. leu. lire of H S GILBERT. Ne 143 Cherry st. _gl I"* .tttacfyintrj}, JC'c. I^OR SALE.Four new FLUE BOIL- fcR8, with 2 latsl of 13 horie power each, with I safe- ty-s-dlret, < it asm stops, I r ass {lobe salves. 1 cast uoa steam pi; et. cast-iroa feed pipes, I caat iren fronta, e -tu- plete 4 cast-iron stehet, copper pipes, etc. Also, the fal¬ lowing second hand Boibtit F»e Floe Boilers, of 20 borss power each, a.-, -ad-baud. Two Low-rares-ure Boilers, 300 horss power each do. Two Propeller Enrmat, SOu horse power each, do. Thite new Locomotive Boilers, 7. ü and It horte power. PEASB a MURPHY 17f ClTuThfcS No.27 Cor'.aars-st. corner Clieiiy. FOR SALE.One secondhand five boras powsr »lamu stsam sogine of oar owa make in ctmpleU order. Also one secosd-htnd old patent Adams power press, ia good ordtr, at a low pneo. llftf R HOhf A CO., Nee. 29 aad 21 U.'.d at. TO "PRINTERS..For Sale, cheap, an AaetiB Adams DoublsMsdium Power Prase.HUttsa 14 by 38 bed 28 by 40 ; is aow ruuaiBg caa be dchreied by 1st April Applyto WELL1* * W EBB, IM 7tTuThB8 Mo. II Dutch-at. T~M) FÖUNDRYMEN..IRON RAIL- INC. .Letters Patent bars, ist bean issusd to ths sndersigBed lor sa improvement in Cast Iron Railings. Hs is rf »red to eoR pateot rights for said improvement for Statoa citiss. Ac. Address S. SHIMER, asiigass of Oco. Haaa, Ess,., Merchants' Hotel. Coartlaudt -at.. N. Y. Mint«_ F^ÖR SALE CHEAP.Two upri.rtt Tabalar Boilers, each capable of aapplyiar a in- horse engine Also, s doubls Engine 2s-horse power, witbstaaia aad water pipes to coanect. Also, s lot of Pouadry Tools and8tock. Applyto H. HICBY. Bridgeport. Ct. 16f 3w« CntUrr}, l^arbtoarc, &t. XjV)R^AlaT subscriber n. eoutUuee to kaapnp bis well selected assortment ef Miners' sail Oold Pickt, Pickatss, Shovels, Suadss, Hoes. Axes, Hatchets. Hunters'Knives, Ouns, Pistols, Ho- volvrrs, Mortars and Pasties, Ingots, Meltisg Ladles, Re¬ torts, Sand Crucihlss, Oold Scales, snd etbar articles, comprising a geanral aasorrment of Hardware, and Edga Tools for ship sad house carpenters, coopers, blacksmiths, Ac. particularly adopted to the California market, ami for traders «a the Pacific Coast. C. S LI I' I LK dlt ImThSATn Nos. SI and 34 FaJtoa-at. LD COLONY CUT NXlLS^-For O talejiy E AJ. BUSSINO A CO.. Ifo MClifTst.. Ill ttn» _Agsats Old Colony Wail Oa. Dl iREMUS «%' NIXON..SIbvm llat destructuia of oar Warehoasa by fire, wt are at No. 113 Wnliam-street We thall, witbia ten days, rarnove to the spscions store No. 21 Park place, running through to Murray st In the meantime we ara supplying ourselves w. h a Crash atock of Crouds. We have already opened several casss, inch at plain.aad tigortd Plush, Bra-atello, Worated Damasks, Linsn Shsetingt, Dimaik Diapers, Blaskets, (Ju its, Ac, Ac , so that wa can supply h ilsls, steansrs, and hocteksapara. We trust uar friends will not pass us by. DOREMU9 a NIXON. N B. PatsaBgara for California euppliea wita Blaa- hata._lUf Ub WET SHE^tTnG and SHIRTING MUSLINS, from tba aehooaar Raeds Island, ara for sale at the stores of WM. MATHEWS k CO.. Hf If_ Nos 31 and SO Catharinau WILLIAM MATHEW8 .% CO., har- ing told off their Burnt Goods, are now prepared ta offer for tale Lew and desiiahlogoadsofreceatiiurcbass and at eiceedinf low prices Also, wsl Linons, Dispers'Ts hie eli.tha, Haadkercfaier*. Pill >w case Lineas, limthams Cloths, Rc. Noa. 38 and 60 Catharine si t)f .;. WET GOODS! WET GOODS7' WET GOODS! -Ths subscriber will open t> ia morning 23 caaea and bales of Wet Oaods, consisting od V yards wide Unen sheeting worth Sa for 3a , 8 4 whua iineu daaask, worth 7s., 3s. 6d.. 8-4 browa do , worth fa., for 2s 6d , :.ne damaik oapkuta worth 2*. for la.; swoarhae de.wortkls <ji for Is 64 ; rise huckaback aad French toweling-. Is.; lutaa do., 6d worth la ; saperdne Haaa shirting,ta ,2a Sd ,3a ,4s and .a., worth djuolo r+ie at >ney tire shirtiag. yard w ds, 6d superdae da. 8d.; S-4 Sbeetias lOd enpeifiae browa aheeting 6d ; 3 cisos a int«, fast colors. 6d worth la. 110 pieces De I-unss. Is w n' a*.; fine French pattern! do., la Sd ; s<iual to any at 3s The above goods are damaged br water on'v. and wi'J l>a sold at greater bargains than ever before offered m this city An sarly call wiU prjvo to your advaatage _, AO. COLHY Vi: it* No. I3 3d-av. between 9<h and tuth its. tjute. Caps, &c. CURING fa8hion..JuBtllniaheif, the most splendid article ever offered, slersat FRRVl'H BILK HATS, at the losrnricc of |3. u-ual y sold at |4. A so an artiefe at $2 30 Neat Hats at |2 BROWN. N > I anal -at. one door from Salti'aa !7f lm* Ictoclrrj, Ut.. Manufactory of silver WARE FOR THE TRADE -Aitacfee of every daocr pttoa manu/si tuied f r the Trads with pro aptness and dispatch St. rekeaye-v out of ths city, ars mntod to caU and siam- lns sp^c meas. which, I r «orkmauship aa.1 duality >f au vor, will coir para favorably with any other «.?. .1. .,b*ai Tea »et.; Urns. PilcherB.Cups. TiojnpeU. kc also !4u -ooar ..... t ks oi a variety of patterns ,«. S T_Wa..U J* * C0- «¦ ,15 ImTuThaS« Piano-!fortc3. I &. c. PlftCBfiR*JtoNmjmMTmf -T-k l,Hl* ! ".»«-'»«'ory and Wararoom No. 170 Grooa- »tch-st o .raorof D-y st. PIANO FORTES warraaurf BhaaaaV1 fmm tnamS- «*- ~__iJltm fHURCH ORGANS for sale. kV,8* FM"Ce « Cathedral argaa; it bat three sets A ^JsmMt_featkM Chareh.aaartha Opart Houae, Au Engnab -rgaa. WBtttWs as s af keys and ^lV*. Jiv. urgaaa. w,ta .ght atone aad pedals Thita oitaas, wita five atopo, t.thie cases Two oigans. with f .nr ttops Oracian caaat Two orgaas, with three slope ufÄia?? 0'iaasar.a four lllllhaBM HlSWkS3f HENRY ERBEN. No ITICantraat. HROi HER iMtaiHtfr ksiU warr-a_l,. .7ü^ "/iu* l>nc«s All .as..a Pll^r1^8. Hew.' celebrate. Alao a_La7_Tl_!_l_A*'"t- »BTsr-oasa. No. UJ Broadw».. .NSwusj aaaortmeat 04 itoadoir Pianoa. af lm'a BOSTON PLAN08..8AFF0RD I BBOTH KB Nu tat Broadway, nj t v « salierarrag well 1m*i Baewe Pisa.-g.r.e XmmttTilT meats t;i Hai .e i B. Allea, 'norawn to Brows k LB kett. Weodwa/d * Br»wa A W Leaks W p V"?**" bob Pnees from f ttf to e5«e Piaaos u mi tsjui If laa*e (i *H. BARMOKE otfer at lieu Mi*. V" J */j?l*rT eat* War»room. No Ml Bleerker r' .. Bar of ( ha: ¦'. <t t»».- meat J,*; rOB-r». with the iivetaJl.r frame aad rvv^ L^L* all other mowers laprovetaeeta an VF. HÄR^irf his ranioTe« hit a ti ,r u'a, t. ry aad wararooms frota No 21 Canal.- to No V Msroer-et.. betweea Breoae sad tiraad .1* where but be foxad a splsadai aae-.;-.aaatt ,f **"-¦ ill uaV _ ßcljoole. I^EIKCH, .WiraoiTT 8PELLI\<; j\. !¦* j'^PCT BOQlX-aal OBO BtrCHt- LOB hat fouaded hit entirely aew svstem « Ph « wra- thy. spphed la tta correct and speedy swuuireateat .f I Nach ptiaaaaciatioa. Tha laaaoaa will gradeallr Mi at the pupil frian a perfect alphabet to tha p-eeent aars*s*> mm oaa Each lesson will bo e.aied fr.ua tha b t'kaaerA thr only book Bead for Machin«. A class la rtpaaad iiau W .-dneediy aad Friday evesiscs. at kit elaaa roeins Na l| Dot Broaioa-at nan to Caaal betweea Htvte u lad ires*, wich-et s .) wbera ha may bo >eea at a 1 tiaaaa. A eeaaaav. atratioa will taka plac» aa FRIf VY IV CMIN«; | 0 r! rk. to which the public are reepec .felly lav.ted. iw n*_ E^XCELSIOR..PArents wialiiiig U iM al aa Iaititatiaa ta wkx-h good .>rdei a resiatt.ned >. real kmdaoaa aad rapid ia.proa, n,tut. aaca<ed by ikereufk iBatr uctioo. will be piaased and sei real at the Caaaaattaaal and Classical gcWl. Na 71 Hta-y at |(rf tf_BOLOMON JENNBB.PrtaeiaaX NO. 8h PRINCE ST., two Uoort fro* Broadway -FBENCH aad GERM AN afiertkeOI. lendortnaa u ucb itnoioTe.l n.er, l.y K rCLLERINO Kt ferenda/). Irina Part«. Prosoectua «ratua »1/ lasTaThAS*_ \\ ARS H 8 C0UK8Eof B<M»K-K KKP. irat ING . The advaaiegee oi this aaw Wore wOl teg once pernaiaed ba Teachett of Acadeaaiea aad ana teachara. They are three It leraiakei a com; e.eaatg mercantile aoconata, buaiaeti traaaacUoaa, f.tau au eaV euia'.iont (SDiropnaieb printed ia c aleta it staeitem boeaaoa, lOt pacaaof faanliar eiplaaatioaa. da'ed to aeaa 1 to all Ii.e ealnee ia the a<cent rx«o«a , the wtaaa arraaiied to farm a moat benarical course af aaeuai for ihe stadent to pass through, tta po .price tl 15 htaf. a>>mely Ixiuad For amis at ths Aulhor'a Couatiag Boaaa for tke Practice of Biaik Keepius;,No Kt ll-nadaay |aaaa work kB tlpao.an psasa ,J«lwD*lt»4* WILTON INSTITl'TE..This IWrd. a e iag School bayiac been ia to< ceaafal operathai fay fire years, otfera induce*.en's tlie moat satiaf.ctory char, actar, to thoae wishiaa to place their chi drea where .key w.iI receive a careful aad roaneleat manwemeat ia teatr education Call tor circtil.irs at No Toa Obalkam-it, H. Y , or address the Piacipal. ABEL WHITLOCK WILTON, jtl MB* " aamijal fONES'S IXITIATORYCOUNftSQ a. BOOMS-Mr JONE8'9MBdeatsarsreapaxaNUy as. tilied that his arraaeementsare «J to re<ume liuiaess .a Friday neat. Mu last. I nt has rooms are repaired. .,, will occupy aaother part of the same buildiag. which tke dre of Saturday last ouiy paruaily ui ured No. W Bread, way, Fsb 18. I8JI. _INst* FRENCH LANGUAGE..Prof. D\ LAGBOIX will form a new c'aaa for becinntraai TT ESO AY EVENING as It, si 7 o'clock Tsrrut.lt pse month. With Mr. L every lesson is a methideal correlation Scholtra somewhat advanced will tad classes suited to their vario .s degrees of kaowlsdgs A,' ply at No tt» Br< adway, rooaaa 15 and IS. before la ,v, ^ A M., or on Mendsy, W'rdaeedny a.ud Fridsy sasaiars. Ill 3t» S CHOOL for ENGINEERS, N.. |fi| H. ustoo st.. N. Y-Mr VirTOB BEttr.MO.NT, Civil KiiKiueer, grsduate from " L Ecole Centrale dee Aits et afaaolscturea," of Par's, will r.mtici oa ths 1st of Fsbraa>y neat a new ijnarter in tin- course of issirutit a) aivea at his School, in ail 'be h'tuchrg, thsorsilcal sad practasal, couaeeted with Civil Easiaeerui(. For detuls and refereacee aj>ply at the School jtttfeod P"ENMANSPIP.-()LIVKR l\ COLD. SMITH'S Wntiat Kit No M Broadway, (MB corner above tke Irving House.) New York I i, vi Rini'can no. HALF, tti: f t 5o far ten latest! of oae hour each. Stationery, >oc.. or, twenty letsent lor |i, including Stationary. Pnva'e ins'iructien reduced Iroa |l) to tin for the course. Terms. navaMe ia advance Mot BS OF ATTKNPSN' K Ladlts' Claaset Bill A.M. and 4 o'olock. P M Gentleman's 'laste» at A. M tai 3. 7 ami I o'clock, P. M daily, szceptiuf Satardaya. ltf lm*_ MISS DWIGHT'S SCHOOL of l)& SIGN, No. 569 Broadway, where 'he host isstrai- tum will Iis giaea m the arts of drawing and tan u Class price, $5 a term, including twenty leaseas. Piymsst la adraace. laf lm* MODERN LANGUAGE8.Pro/. A. BASSET still i^ontinaea to giro lessees is Frsack and Spanish at hia rssidsncs No 3S4 Broadwar,corner at Frank-lta-et. He haa new Classes tust lormed, tattabls fm th.ee that wiah to omn nra tka French study aad ties for those that ars mors advanced. N B . Private laradlta puactaally atteaded to lit ha I_JRIVATE INSTRUCTION -ArithI Do-to Algebra, Gaametry, with applicaiioas ts D «»- it g, Surveying. Erucineering and Me. Iiaa c Artt, r>y a ()sa> tlenian of eipenei.ee Addrees TRIiiO.N'OMETKY.TnB- aaaOtBoe._laf Ba*_ PRIVATE TUITION iTSPANlSH - C. GOBBIN continues to givs loasoBs ia taa peie Castilian language, eitker at bia resideace or thai of at> Sals Apply at Na 41 54a-st near td-av llf la* PFRENCH LANGDAGE.ORALfTI* TEM..Ia addition to ths permaasnt Frsnck Schenl, eonnei tad with the Classirsl and MatheinalicaJ (us'iN- tioa.Ns tl 6th av , nsar Washington equais. Classat fw ladies aad gentleaiea receive instruetioa every seealar easuing under tbs direction of prof VILLEPLAIT. 7f lm* Diincing öcl)ool3. 1) ANCING A< A DEM Y, No. IloOraDd. si , fourth door from Broadway .P. SABA < >. Profaasor, Inventor and sole Teacher kaewa ia Amertoa <>f the to * aad fashiatiabie I>a»< at. havtag sipsUed frnai hit hoeae tome oi bw lamatet who bars aot psrfo'tisd their duties, has tka honor to apprise ths fashioaahls v lie that keiicefoiih all lessons will be atteaded to by ksa at any hour of tke day aad evening And Ladies and ?¦at- t'etnea who will favot him wi h their patronage, may rest assured that with a few lessons tbsy will be ps fs. tlf as fait, of the daaeet of the saloon Consequently a l»»ea shall be gives out of his houae. aad ao ¦eoteiaas shall kt fuiBishad for Soirees or Bslis. 17f ImrulhaJ* HENRY WELLS snd hia SISTERl (Madame F. Oavellil ACADEMY for DANITS9 and Graceful Deportmsnt, at the Stuyvesant las tuts, Ma 659 Broaawsy. Nsw Tsrm c immsncmg Classes at Adults on Mondays Bad Thursdays, moruingsml eaeaaag, cltsset for Masters and Miasee, oa Wednesda/t aaj Batuidayt. at 1 P M. H >art devoted' .pe«alclsasMaa1 pnaate mm us Tf IB iUnoical. MUSIC .A Lady is desirous to obuiot few more papils for the Piaao-FarM aad Siartag. Wonld give Isstons at their resident e, if prafenea1 Tema reaaoaable. Address MIM'' TBaCHEB. No. » fraU- Ua-st. iiltw* . Professional Notices. US. PASSPORTS for all part* of tiM e world.aa ladispeuaalde proter'ios te uataert agaiast foieiga aggreteioa-itaeerl hy J B NONE4 Us¬ ury Public aad Cooimiaaioaer, Na. It Broadway, tf LAM) WAKkANTS »OIIGHT aai SOLD..All soldiers »r others aariag ,o|.i»sg«a»t the Caited Stares for tarvicee perforated ia trie Wait at lSU.oi Flonda aaO Meneo. raa have theut ollarjted st reseoaabla terms aad all laformatioa rsls'ive to ws/rattt given by J T Or Kill I.ffr. 9f im* Eirhange Broker Nu 15 Wall st TOOTHACHE INSTANTLY LIEVED.By HG LCTHER. Denust. B*. J Pnnce at c..ri,»r Me rer »i N. II Haveraei 9f^Sr at terms that eaaaot tail to be «ai afaetory iMka»» Coal. p.t4'i |i I y al their oBtee rao »' COAL . i am now di.chargiM^tg esraoes of tbe betrt quslitvof R'd a * umirmt whxhlwi! leliuidealsrt aad others jfrm tard. veseel, sad » 11 «!e.i«»r lr .m te.i-i,^^(iiesaa»*aBiaBt Uecrek tad RivuigtoB t s_- -".: TV,j Cabii*! x*m& |^OAL-A turned I««¦ "J ^ PMIriJhj \J fee finniy ate. ia qusantjet iu''^ t, .ore raegm ee-reatO.. " ' ', ,( *\> fith-st.sB. Tit »-.Hl« fnrÄL.- . IW .u^nfiljauaU%^ Aj eaii raoii.- Aoinrax . aLd » '8"t t HailasaBa -tXl^'V;' '.': ' - '! :,-aao S-Ukg Kit ak CaLi.el.Lirer^e.M)'W'^ atwhirs is -4-ob» »*.?.T,% >""-aT Sth. haU .area ar 1 f r . ^^^ t »«Sn? No 24 Broadway aad « »» |^ tpOAL-tO 50 Ebk S^>?JS 1 i Ash, «' N" 12" IB* *. i% H. Dh»«* owiaa te« alte-atio. of said lot. [ill « J - 3 .icKAWANNAfMIALB^8"^ 1^ -Th. DKLAWARE, *«h.^»^,rgra-e»jS 15 If

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-02-21 …...New York. 121 tw* CM)TTAG K fM PURNITUR1 in BROOKLYN FORSaI.E aadrxwaeeatoB (irea at abort aistice, uluated No 213 Jay st hetweea

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-02-21 …...New York. 121 tw* CM)TTAG K fM PURNITUR1 in BROOKLYN FORSaI.E aadrxwaeeatoB (irea at abort aistice, uluated No 213 Jay st hetweea

n^'**lr.fvTBl '2 »ct. ¦ u.<) ;hr modum higa ¦

if^tEL^o.Ät 5s . -.M...0 story H >uae. bvi.lt bJZ^tTmUUi"."»». bou«. Siabls ate It.....dft iii««» .»*»«- -*- - "Vj.SCTTce »f .1 wbieh etf. di 6ae taiillll ans fukiag TM£aeas««U steeled w,tb the beet 5 Ew« «od or»»-.»^fZZgm A large portion of tbo purchase mm« f"»BjeweiaiTh^d andaeoeigBg* Irxioire of ROBERT P TITUS,¦oVEDchollo.o. 8 BOW.NE. Wo. 133 MadaBBBToil.


FARM..For Sale or to Let. the well-kMti Farm aad Homeetead of '.ho late Cormolioi

PolotaII. Eeq «T.ua'ed othe towaof flew Dorhara.N.1-.inuMi from tbo Hn*xi«n Iram.eaaaaaT^o* fmmftmtfllablo sad sneedow laae. io tbo b gheet eta*e of citye-fctoa, wwa barms ud oeher oot tr.uaee complete,fkmmmfor a Farm ot tu chata/tar Po«ees»on a m mtjmmjß»first day of Aim ueit. bf ¦apBtl 1»' aeaav For farther

^ä^jy^VAN WAON«,fctTfa1INiOR SALE.A Lot on the west side ofLaiiesrt . .» betweea J7th and M h-ett Auw. a

Lotiaieta et m feet tr< m <*hbt teward theltnh bt ,

UIH » bkcl of « farst-cless heuioi. Apply oa tba

3Saa\ ¦ Maa at or Wo 3? CAifT at IS* laa*_

FOR 8ALE.A detirable COUNTRYBE81DENCE la tba borough of Soetaport, Coaa. It

Ib wiihia 2 hoon ride by the New York aad New HaeeaRailroad, aad witbia I u.,i, t»i walk of tba depot. Thieplace ii eaa of tba awwt detirable placet oa the roote to

New- Harra It rooiie'i of two acres o( land well stockedwith a la/fs rariety ml fruit aad erbaioeatai treee. aad thegrouade beaotifal iy laid out Or will he eaehaaged furcaw propertay. Inqaue at No. lit McDeogal-et New.

veea_m ;w

PRIVATE SALE..A Farm of 40aciee of dee Laad, with apple aad peach orckarda, a

large doable DwelliBg Heise, baraa aad ouibaildiagt, allla bos feet order, masted three milee froai Newark aad one

wile froai Elizabetha-we, oa the o'd read laadiae fromNewark A a.., f the pronen.yaod other particalai at

A. j BLEF.CK EE'S Auctioneer, No. 7 Broad-at. ltf lw

PAIM8 for SALE in New-Jerser, aadHonaei aad i. . hn »«u «* ok« ia KUdiaiia« lor

Praperly la this city or Brook ,ya Keati collected ia New-York or Breoklya and guaranteed it lud'icement is <dfered.Leaded Estates are tahea to aall. Inleeeet ooUected. SmallPackages aad Letters teat to 8aa Jaaa, Central Arnenca,«ad snaasr ether places m that > m'rj. Good referanceas aap m Ike ritt men HEN BY STEVENSON. OrrOods eteie, No 62 6th st . N Y_ltf «w*

FORMALE.A FARM of 94 acres, Umils* east of Sire Sang Budding's fence. Frait,

aet seaO For ».- . nquir* .... KmixKNOWLTON. near the preavaei. ort o WM. Ma'ORD,Ho. MlBaJtrrwa at._ltftat*FOB SALE.Within H milee of Depot

at Stag Biag,7 acres of LAND good Hones, Bare,aowardaaoe of frert.good warn, Ac , all ia goxd oroer.AppiTie Wat. M. eokD. N<- Hl S .lliTaa at. lkflm*

FOR SALE..A commodious DwelliniHoaaa. with a B'<«e attached, aad twe acres of Laad,

«tuatedlalbeT .are <f Hani mi ton. Suffolk Coaatr, L LApply to 8 W a B A.OAINES,

taftw*No 79Na*aai-at N.t.

FOR 8ALE or U> LET.StanwTz Hall,Rarati'e« S r.nn. IV Y This largs aad comwodioos

Hotel, I'efiabi'ciie heated oa the wast side at Broad war.awe Boor eeeth of Ubhtb He.! aad in the immediate eatiaitgof Csagrsas Bagaaf, will be let for a terra of years, fro¦tba let day of Btayaett The H-Ael to eatirelr aew, andthe eetebbehaaeat is ia comp ete order. The rooms arelares aad arraag.d with eioreae reference to the aocom-BiodaUaa of fanuliee No better hotel establishment, forwnatee as well as aaaaaaea buaiasss. caa be foaad at Sara¬toga For ranker j.an en an. iB^ainaa mar be male ofLBBTEB A BABTLETT Eeqra . of this Tillage, er of theouuefriewr ua the preaiiaea. The property is also for saleaa rwaaoaable taaaaa JOHN H WHITEawratoga Bprakga. Fee) M, tail Mf Upli

FOR8ALE.A Tiiuablf tract of Lacka-waaaaa CoaJ Land sstwaie aear the Soanekiag town

el Pittatee, aad one an e fram the North Branch Canal, iaLa«wse Cowaee. Vm The PeaawTiTaiiia Oual Coeipaar'iXsauruejd pasani throne», the trar t. whict. will make it a de-atralale leoaana f<a aain r.r ihe Coal, and a Railroad Depot,euuaaibtag 113 acrea. two-tbrrds of wasch w cleared aad iaa gaed seats »f raitrratMaj The boiidiars thereea are aBaww A good Utlt will l*ri»en Iaqnire of

iaTlw*_61«ON RAW. BethJsheat.Pa

FOR SALE..A .mail new cheap Cot-tage, with 1 terrae iiatnapTored land, for f.3M, $ «

dowa. twe baianoe f i< laantalg. A u> 2* aad 40 acreLegs adisaaiag without cottaiae at ttt ;<mt acre aa favorableteraaa T*aeaw laaus are aituaue aaar the Long Ialand kad-.o»a ag aeura ride from the Cit« of Br «.?.:. t. The Hal ng<asi fur farauag m rardeaiae . .. *es .(easy tdlags. F.necrviie were nri^ucad oa the laadtthe laat aeaaoe. Also thisecal fa well adapted far fruit. Ora)«a ia part*--dar. Me-rhaaiflS and atbers wwawur a c ¦lafortatde bom* for them-salres aauJ families ia as oieasaat and healthy a place aaHiera » aa the State, aad for ibe earn »aucb'rea wouldas»e to pay fur twe or ih'ee years' rest ia the r ty eail oathessabacriosi svad go ant eiamii>e for rouraeltee

,ti I**_A. MeCOfTEB. No iMFallaia-Bt^FÖ» 8ALE .A FARM of forty-twa

acres mtuaied a a at miaatea' walk of I.engaaaaadBswi.il aaC ,o mtaalas of Fortrbester Railroad De.^'a,»ew.jora.iw tba ttyiaaa K>n oa ibe Farm are ai¦Siilaaaga.asid a aeeal »anei» af Frial Trees. It wseforesails kaawy, aa Ca^t. Pewock's place, aod bas alwaysBwea a faTun ye riurr --.d-i. r of New-York familjeaoa aoreuat W the healthfu ae»s id the locality Adjoia-tau the Farm a new village is form-ng. renderinc the posi-tioaacwuOoae ;..r iSTeetn-eni, as the wbole maybe BoldBar a.idiae laU. Title clear. Half the purchase moneymay remain oa 1 >i,d aad u.oitgaa-e Apply oa the Farm,er UH WIEOMAN. No 171 Yariek-at.. ooraai Charl-taw.araw^Tert. ,_jidSMawufFOR SALE..The two-#tory and attic

brvk dwelbnr; bouaea aad lots jfaa 29 and 31 Beak at.near Uh-et..Ual* 23 by liai.bouees 23 by 44 feel, bare all mo-dera tapruTeeaeBis and aie in eicel.eat order. Aim, thelAiee-siory buck dwellu.« )...>*» aad lots ia rear of theahoTs, fronting oa Tr y at alte ia eicellent cob.IRiob.Alee the twe-atory brick dweilmfa and lotsNot. 3< and )tAn -a at Lots 22 by 100 houses 22 by 42, Tory desirabledweiliags aad tine yards, gas ia the street Alse, the ret/PPagtBI ballt foar ttory dwell nc house aad lot of »round,a "l , tT*"1 ¦.*.**., dslightfnllv situated opoosits thef aik / the 1 .. jtiral Seminary, haTinr, all modern im-( tuvetranta and conveaietcea Also, the Tory desirablek t aad boildinta Noa 113 East Bioedwar Lot 13 by at.Anssrelsaat sltualioa for iiapntTsmeat For terene. Bva ,

aayjay at _William Haksell. No .mi cim st.


fJfOTEL tor 8 U.E..»Törder of the¦ A Piobats Coort lag Marlboruuiri rtistrict, that aew

aadtpaeioosHotel,kaowu asths vermont HOUSE, in

the can er of the beautiful eiliare ol Brattleboro, Vt.,Is aow itfered for aa'e Tbas lotel waa thoroughly builtby the late proprietor, Thoa C. Lord.ia lbs aumiasr oflfoo, and is ia complete leoair It frosts oa Mann 104feet ; three stories lush, aad coatams 16 parlors, 38 slseo-tag roeaas, 2 dibiag roonn. one ai « le. U is U laet by to,amokiai and readme r «ai hasesneal and cellars uaderthe whole hoase. bot all lu'n'ice.dai etat hsM attsnked tothe house. (3 feet by 3o wita twodieasiaa rooaaa ; t ice¬

houses, bates sheds Bed cnrriate houae, all apacioaa »ndeoBTeBieali ia fact, erary reqatSSte oea easary fur . oeaJishouse Also, all the FURNITURE ol iaid»> a»*, most ofwhich was new in I1C0.No Hotel la New- En«nnd e»-;,ufT«,r g,s»ter iadaoemeate

totheputchasarthaatUi'-n has had aad alwaysanliharsaprsai run af cts-.a (U well kept) ItiaaDBtte.in-diatai' ,..«,,. theVeniiont Attlom for the Insaneand ibe ,, ,,, ^ \\y,^ festHtdiahmsat. and therw-

e .i,Tri,i,.nt for iboae at., aity have fusatla at e ther.''".oe The aboTe o (y ib bow i^lered tor sa'e t HtiAerwith all the oersonal proiwety ol the lit e T C Lerd. aad ifBot disposed ol before the 17th day of March a*xt theprops ta will be sold at Public Aactioa. on W EHNESDAT. the 17lh da> af hlatob sett of personal pn>-petty to Otinimsnce «' ti o'clock, A M Tbs House will besold at I ociock, f M . aad the Furmturs eitei ike sale... the Real Estate.


CHAS. CHAPIV. ..{Adaaisjetratora.Brattteboro. Vt Jan. to. 1131N B. A part of the purchnae maaey for the Real Estats

Will be tequired at the time of sa'e. and ths balance remaiaeecured by morgige Mare peiticular terms oa day of

wato._j31 tawttTsThAS

2H>1 SALE.A valuable Farm of 100F arise of drat rate land with water-power, in Oreaa-wick Fan be d Couuu Couaevticnt Oa the piem'ies area large Maaaioa House, van the punted stile of aicaitee-ture.iwRh marble maatels. bathmg ro«m, kitchen range,aad all the aaodera naypaweaaaaatei c >. h house aad a a-blee.eattla sheds, aad eTeryibinc c mp'ete for a gsaile-waaeceawtiy eeat-aituaied oa ths Byraui River, in IbaTillase ol OlaaTille. >«e of the m -el beautiful and rornaa-tic aitaatiaas an Iba liae e4 the New-Havea Railroad.Aleooa Ibe place, a tine wateifall eg v. feet, wch atonebuilding 7« by 40 feet, 24 stories, with two saU of rnllsrs,for maauiai 'ui'M shest lead faraarea fur rad lead andtithaigs, grast aad od mil , four sin a I dwelUag bouses;bleckaatuih ah»p, thrre water wheats, tiae etoae daaa :siiusouct. aad aaachiaery all aa peifcet orvlar, well suitedfet any waaaiactarine hasineas. Ji miles from tksde^ötof the New Haeaa Railroad. «i Portchasler. tt mi so fromNsw York Oa the premisoe are tsm many flue buildisgaitee, kesiag aaiew of the S.aini1 and ae «a>orib« oaat'T,and at ihe airiaity «. e^d u tioois aad eherchee rhuprorwttr will he add i.«eUsi or teparate. Pwesseioamay be had oa or Beaten tie 1st at A ere! FortsrmiaadDart«-atays aaiply to P. C. CORNELL, No. 241 Water et.,New York. 121 tw*

CM)TTA G K fM PURNITUR1 inBROOKLYN FORSaI.E aad rxwaeeatoB (irea atabort aistice, uluated No 213 Jay st hetweea Myrtle ay

and Johasoa at lea miuatee walk from vba FaBaa Fertf'aad wilaia atghtr yaids of aa tmiaibas r.me Let 13 byICiTt; two-atory frame b' uae tiled ia with buck, 20 hi en,wuh ptaiia 1». at aad leai. maibls oaaateas throaetioui'well built ia srery way, in a.alera style, ia toadoroai aadat piaeeat eaxapied by the sebec.iber Puce $3sot.tt.5ea) can remain on moiiisee at 7 per cent CaaWaeeaea*r, day from IS to! Apply to UEOBiiE B ORAN-N18i, No 9C Maiden lane Hf lw*

HOUSES FOR SALE-In Hrookiyn,Ne 34 Btate-et., hetweea Hicks A Heorr.three

wuaatee waJB tlusa .«..als Ferry . lot 13ilM. houses Ui> .

tares steytea, basemeat aad aader cellar; kitcbea raage,Curaace, gaa, bath room, Ac all u (o.al order. Alee,

a. I7t Adams st , eicht nunutea walk fiom Fulton Ferry ;K 8Halt3. hoase tttiav. ihr.» ..or e» aad basement;marbls maatsls faraace. wclueed plasia, fruit ia the yardAc. PraTW low.aad teiuas eas* Apply to

8. K. THAYEK. No. I Beekmaa-at , N Y.litHt*_or No 34 ftats at . Brooklya

FOR SALE-Two three-atirv BrickNowses. located ra a reepecfeMe aeighborh.k^l near

Bt Mark's 4 hareh For terms aad special ;wraiiaai,iB ioeiaanaae Us premises apply to MARTIN E THOMPSON.Ma MB Biuadwsy ICf lw*

|?OR SALE.Tho elenat briok House,replete with eewry eoLTeaieaee

'^eanaee^aa. ravage. Ae.. et> Carro.l ,.l»,-e ordBrooklra. Will be sold os stay

a oa atongagt ipOiffwa.



dministrator's saleL.TWf-

for l-f.i,» hrtiM, et>Ue«^gjeata^ae._*'fW0U8E..For sale cheap, one new four-mmmm brsrk buildings floated oa West list it fisnya.d

J,üT i^,. eel sr Id e.gbl room« oa etch (1 tor. Cr..«.*

.at, ,1'TW 'lSit *7*m MM Pnc. >.9 abiotSS rem»!« <>» b~»d *»d moctasre Isyjire of

äff jT*^ ft FOUNTAIN. Bajider.No. IwV^BtttA et.

Forsale: For sale cheapi-A Houas sad L<* of 5 oereisttuat. ta EssexCo

/.«l.i.ell Township, N. J- ou« mt!e fr"W W«it B NMNt,Ä7o/i»l'»^ . Boarding «cho .1w,ll ,a

So dfo, |1 000 C«t» 11.40" J»0»rB f-JC0 ThilBBdli Wtlliut ed torardeaiBg bo'.h fruit ud safeta'de. Mot Und

may 1* bad adjacent if dewrable. cheap. hflBrfMO.P MARTIN. Bear tb« premisee, or to A L\ML*BENA,jVtwuk. south-east corner of Market aad Broad, or ad¬

dress the rabaeriber. at BotiatoB, N J Bo-mioa. N J ,

f-ob. U, .JAM._[llfltr*] W. W MARTIN

A~~T PRIVATE 8ALE.The three-atory bnck House and Lot. No. 113 Ooertek-e«. wuh

a th/**f. ry buidiog aa the rear of the lot, ea the wetter-

It tide, aad the first boaee north of Ptantoa at the lot it

tl froat aad rear, aad 10« feet dee; JT« MtMMtam a -

ply to ANTHONY J BLEECKER,Iii iw A act oaeer, No. 7 Broacl-et

CCountry seat for sale cheap.^.AD aecessary Buildiage w th abjal fear acres of

Lead p enH af Frmit, situaud.-n C^per BedH k*. Du ca-

eaa Ct/uaiy. H. Y App'y No 119 Bowery. »1 IW

FTaRMS for sale or exchange«o« Improved Citr Property-Two Fanna in tus town

of N «I Caatle. Weatrheeter Couaty, N^ Y_. situated See

nil« i from the Kensxo Depot, on the Harle« Ba lroadone eontautuor about 110 acres, the ether about ,3 acres,both beiat improved, with rood dwelling heueee. barns,atab eo Itc. For terms and partir alar« apply to

tlflw* JOHN TOWNSEND Jr.. No. 7t Wall at.

S~^EBY EXECUTORS of VALU¬ABLE PROPERTY, beloagtag to tha Estate of

Curtis Peek deceased .Will be sold at Public Aiotioa, oaTHVB8DAY. Fab M. 1W2. at llo'clock. M .at the H .talof Hesrv S Hover, ia the Tillage of Flushing, bv CHA8P.LOWERRC, Auctioneer, the following Real Estate ta

said vi'lage, nt1 The Manaioti Hoase. Ore*n H oise. Bam an I 'vtuer

u4t r.'..,.iiott. n m.» lot No 1, upua the map Said litit If- faet3 inrhat ia width ta fr-nt oa Broadway. 121 feati inrhea in width m tha rear, 4SI feet 6 inches ia depth oa

one ode aad 167 feet yaacBee ta depth oa the ether aide^Tint lo.oie it geaersJy ksown as tbs formsr rssdsace ofDr. B^oodrood, deceased. There is upon tbie lot valuablaahrut t.ert.fr.jit and ornamental trees, and the (round is

tasteful!)' arranged The house wet put ia thorough re¬

pair the i*tst i ear by the lato Curtis Ptck is lo-ge aadpos^eseet every convenience for a luvte and genteel familyIt at a must desirable country reitaeaee From tha h'lusoand gro.nd above mentioned are bea itiful sad extensivettewa «rFluahinc Bay, the Tillage and sarroanding eoun-

Ul Also, vacant lot No. I, as per map, being ItO feat iawid h in front on Broadway. 141 feet front on Bowne-ar.,by IW fee: deep on olo stde by Iii feet 9lacnes oa theether.

1 Also, lot adruning No. I, being 151 fett In front ia

Bowae as., 133 feet 9 inches in the rear, by KM feet ia

depth4 Lot No. 4, adiOiB'ux Na. 3, laying Iii feat front oa

Bowne BT., Iii feet 9 laches rear, by ltd feet deep, lufroLt of satd lot stand the celebrated Fos Oaka

5. Lot No i tituate on Uaion-at., being 1«1 feat 7 inchesfront, \6h feet 6 inches rear, by lit feet deep. Upon thislot art th e- dwelling Hoasos, ia good repur.

I. Lot Nu. t, adjotnar No 5, being 161 feet 7 inches frontan I'aioa St.. use hundred and aiity feet six laobee m tnsrear, by one m red and fifty feet in depth.

7 L- t No. 7 adjoining lot No. 6, ob tue corner of Broad¬way and Cuon St., 130 ftet front oa Bioadway, lnl faat 7inches froai on Union at., by 160 feat 6 laches depth.The proximity of theae lota to the Ciiy of New York, aa

areil aa ibeir location in the villaga of Flushing, readerthem desiralde tituati. ns for Otuntrr Residences Titleunexceptionable Maps of the Drnperty can he had ta New-York CtU at tbe store of THOMPSON. PECK It NIXON,corner of Broadway and Daane at. alan, at the residenceof C. P LOWERRE Auctioneer, in the vtllags of Flush-lag Terms made known on the day of sale.Flushing,Feb 16. Ifcil. WM H PECK. * r.aeetor.

17/ tti_CURTIS PECK, Jr., i KlB<!*lu"_

FOR SALE.The Property on the N.E. oomar af Murray and Church-sts belaaging to

tbs Fourth Unttanaa Church. The Lot it tt feel endo oaMur ay-at. bv 73 feet deep. For terms aoply toIlf lw» MARTIN E THOMPSON, Ne. 237 Broadway.

FOR SALE.The neat two-story Houseand Lot No 103 Allen-at near Houston. Terms easy.

IagaireofR E ST1LWELL.U 8. Circuit Clork"a Office,New cr.y Ha'.l, Park. lift/

FACTORY for SALE or to RENT.Situated ia the eastern part of Conaeetlaat, in a

pleasant villaga, easy af access, with 30 to 40-horse water;power. Connected with tha Factory are threw Teae-Bieata, four large Oat-buildiaga, and twelve act es 4 goodLaad. Landings new aad ia cood ordor. Tna above prop-any will be Bold very cheap, on long erodit. if daatrod ; orrented for a term of veara. For particulars, addressR L. P .BprtBgtiaid, Maas. 14/DtfkltW

WHO WANTS A HOM11.For mialt| acres of good land, with cultivated fields, wood,

rontie fruit trees, a chestnut grove and a house and barn ofsmall valoa thereoa, leas than a raila from the vtilaae ofM -svia. Cayurs Co , 18 miles south of A lburn. Price,IK*, one-half dowa. Apply (poa-paid) to JOHN E WILI.U .MS Aurora. Cayaga Co . N. Y.Also, for sale aa above. II acraa of Chestnut timbered

land lor |M<, 12 milet south of Sianeaie.es, aad 111 acreeft t No M, So.on fat |6O0. SOf It*

PUBLIC SALE..the property now.wned and occurud by P. H AC Tau>maa. at Pier-

B* nt.wU be ae'd at public aale on fUE«DA Y. March 2,at 10 A M.. on the premises Ths huidtagp oa said placeate a two-story brics dweilirs hoase M by 211 feet, wtstt a

wlrgof two tt-net 19 by 28 feet, aad kitchen adjoining,with out-liuiJdiBgt. ferces and liter irnprovementt in ei-cellent ssd subetanlial order. Connected with tha above-nieut oaed huildiaga ia one of frame, Ailed in with bnok, 26by 48 feet, which it bow. and baa f ir many years bees ooca-pitd as a country store, anil is ons of the oldest and rnottelixible business Btaaan in the lowu. The whole premisesat furnished with every convenience far s comfortable andpleasant letidence aleo, admiral.I« adapted, ia point of lo¬cation and otherwiie, for aa estena.ve store busiaesa. 8aidpropaity it in the upper pait of tbe village, the lot JJ9 feelfront oa the high road ; a otig and across the rear of thelot, passes the New York and Erie Railroad. For furtherparticulars, apply to the owners, oa the premises .Pior-moitt.N Y Jenuaiy. IUI. P H. TAULMAN.

IfftaUtl*_C TAULMAN.

FOR SALE.Stamford, Conn..That lateresident'*- of Heary J. 8sjifiiri1, Ksq , ia the Tillage of

|tamtMrd.Cuaa..al a diatanoo of oue aad a haM bour'a tidefrom this city This place, having been filled up by Mr.lanford for bis owa residence, without regard to troablaor expense, it all that can be desired as a geatoel home fortuy gentleman whe withes his fsraily to SBjoy tbs advan-lagcsol tha rt.untrv, while ka attaudt dailv to his buainsssia ths city. The Dwelliag-Hoass is enol and airy ia turnmsr, with beautiful shade, and well inclosed aad warm iav. inter, with eveiy cttaveaiaaea, as faraace, hot andouid watai, baih-roim, kc There are alao suitsbmStables, Coach House, Ico-Hou>e, Oardea with flowers

... r;, .!.».. .> la short, as a residence, this place cmh as* all the advantages of tha country.its health, itspleataies, its twunties.with the n. .at -u -lern coaveni-<. .» a city home. Couimutatiua to Stamford, oa tha* .» York and New-Haven Railroad, by all trains, |M ayear For drawing* and a more particular dascriptioa,apply toJ 6M1TH DODUK, No 17 Boad st .N.Y. jll tf

IsjVfR sA LE.To close an estate, a Farmat New field, fear miles from lbs Railrasd Depot,

F.amford. Cobs , where the New-Havea Rallioad traiapasses su times a dav. Tha Farm coalaiaa 1(>7 aorat.ll ofwhich are Woodland, tba balance Plow, Meadow aadPatiuie lead, two Orchards, House, Barn, Carnage aadOata House, twoexeellent wai sof water fce , free fromin- 'irrh-ai c« atd will be ao'd at a bargaia. Apply to

in |w* DANIEL H. CCBU8, No. 31 Liberty st

cmrm for SALE.Of 150 and more¦ acres, la ths Iowa of New Wiuds>r. O aags County,New-Yoik, wi'hin five milea of Newourgh aad one ofYailaOata Depot (Kna Railroad) This Fsrm. whicht, lined b par of the homestead of the late 8amuel Town-sent, has for a number of years heea subjected to tbemost carvlul, Ihoreush an.' well c ntida'sd ullage Thereara 13 acres U" exceDeat woodland Tbe leads are ia per-feet roaditioa for graaa or white crops and ths beiM -gssad i. neos ara ia complete order. Poasesston mar he hadon the 1st April For tetmt and paritealart apply ioCHA8. MAOITHE. No 168 Froat at. 9f Iw*

F^ARM for sale on LONG ishnd,centaining about tkirty tiveae.-aa, about 14 mi'os froat

the city, and ten minutes wsik from a Railroad depAi ia ahealthy and pleasant neighboibo.ai. ib the vioia.ty of boto-ial tine priests residences Will be »ol l na ress.iosSIsteymo For particulars inquire of JACOB S ABB.\>IS,No 44) Bioadway. 18f Im*

\ RAR« CHANCE..For aale, a newt W COTTAOE HOI BE aad B ARN, with eight letaaft o .i d atiactied. aii .atod ia tne tl.. tri.tr, ut y.llags of>ar«.ii.gda!e. with a two minutes walk of ths L>Bg la'andKa Itoad . cars pass six times a day The prope.-y. . ,. c vrn.Hat e ode-, and will be told very low to s cath caa-um«rF,.r lurthar parucalart apply to JOS R. PRICsf c >aDe» er. corner Aveaua A sad 13ih at. t < 'im*

HOUSES.. For sale, in Jersey City,abt at fivs ntaatea walk from tha ferry, "twa head¬

set and wall fimaied thiee-slury and basaiueat brickHouse. Pnc, $j lot, pot of wh.ek atat rrtt a .. h.ndaid mortgs«. laq.troof EfAlt JONES, Praeuoct placer-rntr l Bar:. » .t M


POB SALE OR TO LE T-\ deairahlea Ktsid. i ce in Mas Stag, oae ini'e l amlhedBxt .-Jt-'

f.a'isg oi It acres id iaad .a which is a new aud'.at.tati.l t ui t h. u.e. c stsaBisg taaro -m. Parlors have mar-**V,# 1 ¦ d-og d ors There is a ... aa etce lent

well.f wa'ar on the alecs Pncs |1.3oe. part of wh.,camay retna a BB) hood sad m.trfgage. For lar.Btr ptraca-U ». li.in t

»01 Iw* 8 J M AR5T IN, Ns. lot Ban..ar.a^

POR SALE -The twu-M.uv Wok fromi" M^Li*Za','1\>}luUmiSm4 kal ** STo.adiBf.a.Nr

YJsia^rSi^.the1 rck,ni?:dut.T,,a 7^7jir-4jk'tH-ble aad a la... poitioa .f g M 1 **-""'an baaal a»d b,,^«,». V"riStmS La. T»'T r*°'*''rTHOMAS LAWRENCE. E^ N . ^.kiV.' i? t°fW STARR. Na 111 W.Uiaaait , ar li R.ick *Tei J*Frsaklia House. Yonkwrs



rjOUNTRY RESll)EN(:h3c^8^t^raldalightfnl Coaatry Remdaaces iiLst at nleaetuivillage ia Caaaartirat. oa the line of New-Tork uj \t.Haven Railroad. Pnoo at rant fmm |tt to $ttt par aavB5 Ü ! .¦f ?l»*s*J- for .ale wemaPJianalmiV^ D«nai»e af I WHITINO. tfg

FOR SALE LOW.A ffoeed Farm of 130acres M Ble»s»bugh New- Jersey, aeau Pruaeatmm,

Nsw-hruasaick mud 8 -merrille. las Creatysea* of Booa-eraet Cutty. TV.* had, «iei.pt tee soree / - nd.it «11under r.,k>»»u..b end m »-«1 fence. The d "»LI ag house

n of wood filled in w,th brüskof two etonee kick. »«d e

wieg mm either side Tee farm hoeae. ea/Tia*. n usa.

b.ras «ad other oat boiling, are lere» aad'.acejd re¬

ih» t»iibD.nM e.ties. m»mw*m ,*^wai «w^**»"

V-RS MiilBtoae.N J or JOHN J DR^MWONI) Wo

SSt^KS T. llf.kD.WBAM.UiW'

FOR SALE or EXCHANGE forPROPERTY in THIS CITY, a haadjorno Co retry

Reeteeace. eoaaislmg of a modern weU-baBt t*o^,ry¦' -u.» boose witk hard fiBiiBed wal.a. siid-ag doore, hall9 feet wide. Attached if b good two-story tirehea aadwood houee and alao a F*<d ban aad carnage b aiae.

stable aad »arten, with about tWB arras of Iaad.Bitoat >-dla the village of Woodbndge, N J , tJ miles from PJew-York aad 2 milea from the Railroad Depot, aad It miletfrom


Steamboat leading, and 4 milea weet of Raa waycimmcBicatei with thie nty by Railroad aad Sleamh .atlaaTeial times a day the Churches. Schools and Post-Orfive.an w;thia , of a mile. Apply *» LEOOCX A P ARDEi-819 No' M Me.--.len laae. or ta SIMEON W. PHIL¬LIPS, oa thepiemueo_jM TaThAft/

I^OR 8ALE..A Country Place, con-ataliag of a Hoaaa lately built aad half aa acre of

g-outs', w«U filled with fruit trees, Mtoa:ed la Geenwieh,Conn tkiity milea lr.>m New-York. Above place finelyat 'Bted sear Lon» Itland So nd. aad lets tb»a tea mm-..teswal* from the railroad depot, aad a detrrable reai-deeee for oae doiar bititesa in ths rity. Apply to121 MTuThAS* ED w IN P. WEED, No 7i Wi bam-et.

COUNTRY RESIDENT E for SALE".For sale, the Reaidenre of the subscriber, beiag a

lane Gothic Budd'ne of 1(0 feet front by 40 deep commo-dioualy arraared for a large fatally, with greea-aoase. ire-host* carnage houre aad cahlee. aa abundaaee of .nade¬ln eee aad ebi nbbery. To be told with from oae and a hakfto about t e acrea of lead interspersed with oratim rataland fro t treee. Situated ia Ike boroag/b of SiatnfiM. Coma .

within DTe minutes'walk of the N V aad N H RailroadDepot Iiqaire of J SMITH DODGE. No. 27 Bond rt

COGSWELL. CRANE a CO . No. 1U Froat-et or oftheiabtCTi)«r on the prem sea.Of StTuThkS' GEORGE K. WARINO__FOR SALE.The Loaac uf Huuee no.

J70 Brnaf;way Apply ob the premnoa. or at No.?4Kassaa-st W. F. BROwNH office. IMitTnTbES*

(COUNTRY SEAT for S\LE.In theJ pleasant ti1U»o of Greenwich. Cone., a bsw aad

commodious dwelling houss, with stables, he. galten aa!aboet three acrea of laad. It ia Bear the Oengreeiiione).Episcopal aad Methr*jiat Cherrbea. and also to »oodschools.and baa a tine view of the Sound The psrfscthealthiness of the eitua ion, and the faerity of t> ce.s bythe New-Harea Railroad, reader this a eery ietlrablsrendence (or a trentleman doing business in Inn ity Ap-pl.to JoNaTHAS l) STIELE No. 49 Wdsam st.

I7f 2wTuThaS'_FOR SALE.One of the finest Country

Feats ia the viciaity of New-Tork. mtuaud ib theTown of Eaatrheater, about fifteeB miles fron the CityHall, and about eae mile from the Depots of the New.Haven and Harlem Railroad*. The Houte. Bara» aad('amass Houss bis all ia complete order, aai a Farm efsboiit eighty acres of land attnehsd, in the hghssl statsof rultiration,abundance of Frou of erery dstcriptioa oa

the prsmisee. possetsios (irea en or befort the let ofApril nsit For farther particulars, isuuiree

14 f twTuThA8« K.J. BROWN. N^a. o7 TtUiaavet.

1~7URM for SALE..A small Farm oftea Amu of choice Land at Rahway Put, one mile

from the N. J Railroad Depot at Rahway. New-JerseyThe buildlrgi consist oi a laris DwsIIiuk loan, Bara,Camaee House, with other ne.essaryout niildinga altoa set of coal or hay Scales, all initeod .»'der au.l iepair.Ttis property is plsaeantly located on the tahwar R.rsr,aad has a good dock connection with and l.ilougiug to thepremises, which makes it a desinibls plaie for a I .al or

lumber dealer, and with litt'e eipeuse oesfid be made a

pleasant and convenient re»idaace fat a gtiitlemaB doingbusiness in the City of New-York, there lala» eoinm.nl-cation to and fro by railroad seeen times »ach way dailyOn the place is a young orchard of a good 'aria'y isf fruit.Pr.ce, thirty three baadred dollars, pat of wuich > aa

remain en bond and rnurtgaee if re.iuir.d For furtherparicu'arsinij iire «f F J OGDEN, No,74 Piue st .or ofA. H DOLBEEB, oa the promisee._fl WAS tf

BOARDING-HOUSE .For 8ale or toto Let, the large B .aiding House at Rys, ocrn; ,e

by 8 SB St. Joha, one mile from the 'tailroad Dep.tatRye. Weitcheeter Co., State of New-Yirk, and oae milsfiomthe DOpot at Port Chester. heto'IfoUr situated sn theSound. Also for Sale or to Let a large old fashioned H use

Stable aad seeen lota o' Grouad, with gripe naes and fr.nltrees. Inquire tf the owner, Froit-»t yVlliamsburgh, L I


/^.OUNTIY RESI I)ENCE.--The adver-.

titey desires to ptirchaae frem 5 to 10 acrea of goofLand, loeated in a healthy sp.t u;k.b wtich there is a a<ib-ttabUal House with smtable out-houiea. and good supplyof fruit, acceaa.ble lnese hour's ndeby Railnad.and wuhitten mibatea walk of the Do,.".'. Holders of property efIhe above deacriplien may find a cash purchaser, by mijieaamg M. H. W Tribune Olflce, giring full diacriptiora80f tl*


FOR S ÄLE in WI LLI AmS h T RGII -\neat Cottage Hi.nse.rery pleatantly situated, at No. 8

Sooth 6'h-tt , witbin obe bl ek of the Peck slip Ferry. Itis two stcrie*. with basement and attic, and hat a two-s!erytea-room attached It ia well arranged, and yeryconre-n.eut contaiaa II rooms. Lot 2l)i>l00 feet Pnca, $3 j*0.Andy on the premises, or at No 2<)3 Pearl at New-y»rk.2lt'lw« CHA8 F TUTTi-K

FOR SALE.Two new four-story orickBCILDING8. aituated oa list st.-8 nami ou each

door, aad are so coastTocted at to be let in tenement.They will be sold at a pnes. and on tonne that will mala ita profitable investment. Apply to A. M> COTTER. No. t$Falton-st. ill la

A^'ARM for SALE, at White Plaint,one mile from the D.cnataiaing fifty f nr

acres ot good kind Tillable Land, a comfortable two »>. ,r

Dwsluog, Carrisgs House end Bara. with a good m-...r n eat ef Frnit. Iaquirs of JOHN H FBKRlS. N.372 Greenwich st . aad JOHN F UNDERHILL. m itspnmises. W if

L^OK SALE.A fiye-tt/iry brick Hou»a,I with basement, ia 4ih-st., north side, lot feet west ifihe Bowery built ib the moot substantial manner, with ttem. dern uiiprevenients Terms reasonable. Ino/nrs of *

HOLLEY, No IOWaJl-tt. tf lm*

TITLET or FOR SALE.Eight~iw*-ttoty and basement Cottages, cewly rintshed.at

Wnabinglon Hights. oa l5"h at., and near Triarty CernetwyaBd High Bridge, being one of the moet heal-.hfil aadt*autifBi locations to be foubd. ( ommunieatioo wr.hUecity eveiy bom by ttaxea The depot of the Hadsan RiserRailroad ai d the hi ding place of steamer Jeeny L'kjwhich will run legulsrlv to the phre tbro'tghoot the s«a-toa) are but a few momenta walk from the premiam.There are four left to each Uouae, giviag ample ipace fjrgaidrna They will he let to good tenants or sold on raa-sobablelermt, and a 'arge part of the purchase moaeycaorea.am oa bond and mortgage. Alao two stores,each suita¬ble for a tailor or ihoemaker, with nine rooms attache!.Rei.tt?So Inquire of Capt HAKKII.a' Pa<seagir Honte.f.h.tof 138th st., or of E, SMITH, corner same etieetaadlO h-av._ llf lmTiThiS

BROADWAYTE^E^Fors^f-. theui.egplre.1 te'm of the eligible store No Iii Broad¬

way. Poisesaiun may be had on the 1st of May. ApplrtoOEO. P. PUTNAM. on the premises 16f

ßouofs to let.[ fOTEL to LET..Trie iTnexpired¦ -aV Lease, having lour yean to run from the 1st ef May

i t xt aLd the Fuin!iurs f-w sale The Hotel is atapae oasone well heated f.,r husiaets, and ia the itimediatc«ic uitr <f two Railroad Depots atd twoStsambeat Laad-

T»» Furniture will be s. Id at a fair valuation. Theavove II. to. is ae v apd in good iroer, aad prasenis a de-tirab e opportuau, fir tay oea wnamg to ; . latothe Hjtel'oikiBess Address, for partirnlnrs.m*Ulm*_P. C. BPBNETT, Hiidaoa. M T.

TO LET.Possession immediately, afour-story aad hasemeat House on Uh av.. with ha h,

hot aad cold water to 3d :1 aar, i«.1|e. Ac a' n read orlsr.Rent mi derate to 1st of Mav. and can be bad I »r neityear.Ajp'yto E B KINSHIMER, N* s i, ,tn sv iron 2 to 7P. M. and t to 9 A. M. M.'It*

IX) LET.To a select farailv, one-halfof a DwetkBg H-uae. The fttn.ly BRBtt he smiU.

R. eience gum snd rt.;uired. Ad.Irets SELECT FAM¬ILY, Branch Post-Orfice. Chathata-sqaare. N. B .Staiesru,y near by.

_aaj J(.

nno lieiTImlTkE EKPR"S~ andiTES-B. 1 Al'RATECRg .To Let er Lease the upper part ofat spaeiou. build, gkaajwa a« CBOluN HALL.oath*mal ottha Bowery and Diaiaioa tt It w adaairn'.la rtta-

kf*a' tain be sees a', as builCingCaLy from I. ka y V Mor it.uu.iie. m.r he made at the Mechanic' lestitais ia

Ail 'w* 'r Pl>',M*,"B °* B»«»mmedis^ely

TO LET.A Store and \Dtrtm-ntsa'» f ror . , R ..... ,r . of'A 4 wnro

Flcay aad Fswl Store. Waaauig,^^^WO LET-A Farm of m acre-^Te^

a wflS?1 T*V "liable land in lie Tow. f tWZfa Mt Co L I good .arm b -use. banTile AI mL.t ?äm1^^: rTaniWÄ^SH'LIdVoV7Sa/ÄH(pR^fvSJ°fcRE^^^^ OTHER.1 .ear., and the rents guaranteed ZZ? hr It,,mibdocemeiu ars L.ff.red Lalded .JT1*"!takea ia c.atodv as Ag.a' or A ui^er Ra.Ta& .**'*.aidecaat,,. (the growing W. *cf .1^ntu^ r'v,and et. hancd Money Mess ed ia sEueT i'l*"- f Jg ad City aVasM 5 Mong.ew a/,eii ^ '".tf^L?*proatpt returns ia all rmmmt, wo>^,»«.^tf,r^,1*rt*iOfice No. Ti Wad at tn m 1 to 2 P ME \ *Xu u*

loa at,, mm 1 tot A M.at It and fr^i S,"-RiriBa.v, Will.ua Co, No li,3Pe«,?L' ? lwa Co. No (M South st Wrn H Rm^ih t*leoodaae

Maids. <eae LAV Eieby. No ,i clim^mt «gTEe. Na .4 Wall r, Harper^BAarV^'tT-.-._J AI tf

HOI SE to LET, and FUR\n'lJRE,

»ad ERABD PIANOt for SALE -The a ,sad Da.it! r «« Funiiture 'he H .7,1 N^,B;,Jromhia ei . Brook ly a AUo tk, mo,. mtem ,* ' -»« C dam-

Paao.v.r .miairt^l. aarasW y nev. ^ InÄ"? ****.»ed. a I of wh ch w, ! be a.l/ ,t k«:caa remaia .>« ai.rage tie- of charge u», i £'?,7 ,IL*SI:- r%* ¦sawVe ka.i f. r a ti m ./ VaS a

( M*7chacncey babnabd. Ne. ll &'ml^nVrli*

TO LET.A thoroughly furnished}4 tkree quartan ef a mUe froae Leeoi ia Ber*-MutMhOMUi For perucsJas laqaire ef H D.

Si i lCK?»o I Wall-et oTcHaRLE* 8IOQWICK.Lbbax.

_ '__1w19T~0 RENT.Two Stores on Broadway,

Mtf nd aad «Kh-fta: reat, $2t* to $3ec Also,that cio.ee Grocery. north -west ceraer »f 7 h ev aadiv.e-.'. AU«, Floors and Apar'ments u steal 1 iiafaaBBaa.fanui-es AI»«. $5« Out to Iosb oa boad and m-irtcageaToiy to * G FIERCE. U Wall at., or 14 Waat Mta^ju,»>sbj ila av at sveniag._17f2w*^TO LET .The three-story House No.

1?4 Seventh st .betweeb Avenue B aad C. Rent $Vx>.Inquire ef B. GLENN,No 194 Paltoa at._13f m

STORES and DWELLINGS to LET.Separata of together, oa Fourth-ev. The dwelline

can'. *f 1 <rtonee ihuve the stores, banaf t lanesUrion, kitcaaa wit* raaee, (»ath-r.wTi, and t or I» roorne,Tl a good order. Taeee are auiuMa f*r «e«V«au^kr¦ rase or pnvate familiee. Apply to E. B. KINSHi Vt a.R,No 319 tta ar., 2 to 7 P. M._* »«**

O^sET.At Hoboken, soTeral three-stoTT aad basemeBt bnek dwelliag boo see, in or ef

which ars ia the most eligible sttee tn the rvr niiy of New-Yoik, and fiaished ia the handsomest stvls H-* »ad ceidwater ia kitchens, batk-rooms. Ac. Iaquire at the He-

*U*S>* 0<>r" °fW W. SHTPPaUf, Afeat.

\V H A R F L 0 T S at ATLANTICf V DOCK to LEASE..Ths Atlaatic Dick Com mm

arfll lease for a term of reara, at lew ran-* lots fr mttagth'ir basia witim a fcw feet of ths water, for the pe-poseeei amber, lime, or beick-verd*. foundries packing-eetab-lishments or aa? bamaees requiriag room ronveaieut to

naT^atioa. Apply at their office. Ho 71 Broadway. 13f Im

TO LET.Several genteel 3-story andbasement Houses, oa Mta-st , Kth ft., Lenngton-er.

and <ta-ae _.

Also oas or two Cottaree oa JSth-st near Ith ar.Also Starres and Dwelling*, saturate et together«I im» E. B. KINSHlMER.No 3» 4th-av . 2to7 P.M.

TO LEASE.Twelve to twentv LOTScf GROUND, t5 by 1st), for a term ofyears.in Cherry-

it., betweea Corleara aad East River-its. Is i rc at Ful-j i Foaadry Office, No. 27 Corleara, corner of Cherry et,ja« eale, ie sei ad hsn.l Rollers.


I«7LOURING MILL t<> LET..The eel-ebrated Wstsri >o Mill is offered lor Sale or to Let.

This Mill has recenliy beea overhauled and furnished withaew bolts and put in complete repair. It tt situated ou thsCanal at Waterloo, in the midst of a fertile wheat growingcountry, in a convsnient paastaaa for receiviag wheat eitherfr-.n.Jtii- Seneca and Caynga Lakes, or the Wettern Lakesbv tbs Canals. Inquire olB SEAATS, Attorney-at Law,Waterloo. j»6wTbA8

TO LET..The basement, fjround-rtoorand aitte ef a ciBveaieat two itory ho ne, the sec md-

rtoty I which it occupied try twe iiagle geatleniea. It is

an agreeable and genteel residsace fie a small family.Inquire of Mr DANA, at this office. 17f3tTuTh*8

HMO LET.For one or more years, theJ two larire three-story Houses, Nos. II aad 13 Car¬

roll place, now occupied by Professor Tsppan for Boardingand Day School. Applyte JNO L MASON,CfUtTuThaS^_No. IQNaaeaa et.

»1 O LET .Convenient, well-hirhtedI ROOMS in ths Oeeaa Bank building, eerner of F«l-

lot md Greenwieh-tts., saitable for Artists. Lawyers, Da-Kiieireotypiats, Ac Apply to JOHN HOPPER, ow thepremiaee. _lit WTaThAS*

LET.A fine larire Store and sev--I eial well lighted Lofta ia the new five story first-

clats brown stoaa store, No. 311 Greeawch-tt, nearDusne, and in the immediate vicinity of the New-Yorkand Ene, and Hudeon River Railroad depots, where busi¬ness Is rapidly conceatratmr. The first and second stoneshard fiaished in gooil sty le. French plate g ass in doors aadwindows. Ac. Apply to A F LAGRAVES. No 2tfGreenwirh-st., or E S. MORRISON. No lie West 23d-tt N B..Posseeeiea of 1st, Id aad 3d stoiies <iaa be hailimmediately. IM lmTuTtiAS*

nno LET.The Store and Dwelling No.M- liO Chsmbera st 8mre No. U Canal-tt , east ofnroadwsy; DweliiBf House No. 49 Charlton si the 2d.4tiiaiid5ih story lofta H4 Chambers st and a latgsV.hstorv room No. 413 Broadway Apply to P DICKIE, So144 Chambere-st._14f 6t TatMUfri^O LET.No. 5H East- JTth-st., near Uh-J at, $600; No. 49 Moaroe-st.. IttO. No 1ST Easa-

lith-st $750. No. 99 Arcane B, $500. No. 267 5th tl ,

«,5« No. V7 tth-st.. $1.200. Apply to E H. BBOWN. 71Wall-it , from lte 2 P M., or morainr and eveaing. stJ9vfHoustoa-at. ttfl.*

OFFICES to LET-^tvthe buildin? No.252 Broadway, suitable for lawyers, architects, art

ittt, Be. Apply, on tao premises, to C. 8 t'RANCIS aCO 14fotraTh*9

O LET IN EAST HROOKLYN.Ina pleasant and healthy let ation. near a stage route,

en DeKalb av., between Bedford and Tempkina-av , partof a aew house, coasisMsg of tws psrlois and bedroom oasecond stoiy, two rooms m atttr, back baeemeat aad tub-oetlar. Toe small family the above will be let at aa an¬nual rent of $100 Poaaeaaton given on or betöre the 1st sfMay. Apply oa the premises to





0 LET in BROOKLYN. To asmall genteei family, several elegant ROOMS, con

siatarg of Parlors. Bedaooms. Clessts. ate , In ths secondstvr> of tbs masalon, late residence of Mr. Wycltolf. at thehead of Wyckoff at., m Court. Apply at toe mansion.flfSt*_M D MOOEl.

TO LET.The Upper Part of the HouseNo. 174 Eldndge-sl., eoniiittng of trie entire second

story and one half of the third, together with thsbtca batemeat. It has the convenience of a bath reom,range. Ac also a good yard, aad ¦ finiahed ia good orderwith marhls mantles throughout. The remainiag portionis to be occupied by a gentlemaa and hit wife, with hatoae ohild Beat, toasmaU fannly, $250. Apply on thepremises from 11 to 3 o'clock, or by note to Box 5tt I' -at-

Office._tlf at*

T'~() LET with BOARD.A large unfur-Liabed front Parlor, (2d-story with pastr es and bed-

roen a adiotniag, if dssired, suitable for two gentlemen or aItn'lemnn and wife. If partiet would advunce the moneyrequired the idvertirer would fu'risb. The family will notmove ob lit May. Addrett ADVERTISER, BroadwayPott-Office. Jlfll*

O LET..A three-story House with allthe ip dern impiovemeBts.No 116 Barrow-st Ia-

oatre l f AUSTIN REQUA, No. 221 Canal at or No 111

Variek-it._Mf lw*

rT^O LET.Three 1-story brown stoneM fioat Iltoitet and Lots ea the south tide of 13J at , be¬

tween 5th and nit, anAlso. tbsHnuseandLot No. lit Weit 23d St., wita a Sta¬

ble n the rear.Also, the House and Lot No 214 Watt 14th it.Also, the Honte aid Lot No )8i 7th-av.Alto, the House aad Lot No. I85 7th-av. Fer terms, Jtc

ap. la to ANTHONY. J. BLEECKER. Aucti meer,2.lw No. 7 Broad st.

ROOMS with STEAM-POWER TOLEI' -One Boom, 44 by 5« feet, lighted on aU ndei,

with lire to eight horse power, to rent in Newburgh, oppo-sita T. Powell A Co.'t freighting ei-abltshment For par¬ties an. laqaira of GRANT E EDGAR,

)23 lm* No. 17 Waterat., Hswbargh.

1^0 LET tv FOR 8ALB--Oa Stltrertytjle, Eaat Breoklya, a near, flrat-class Hoase and I

Lota. Hocse 25x40, 14 looms mar lie mantlet, luptdiedwith watet tbrooghoat, with every coaventea^e. $t.0aecan remaia on mortgage at t per rent Aprdr at the LandAgency, Myitle-av., aear Franklin. E K. VAN BEU¬REN. 19l H'

LET.The Store, Uasement withM. Sub Cellar, and aevertl Rooms, ia the rise story

Brick bailding No. 29 Sprace it., Bear William. Also.thsrear bailding, suitable for light mauofsctaring parposesApi>'» to COBTBLYOU A GIF FING,

ltd It*_No. «1 Aaa-et,WO LET.Part of a three-story House.I in ~a.it repair, havinx the nsua' conveaieaces, iaa quiet location, aid easy of acresi For farther partici-lsrs, inquire of J. H.P No 259Greene st. near Cliatoa-piace, betweoB 3| aad 5L P. M 13 3t*

1'0 LET.The three stor^ anT attic¦ kyirk Hcnre.No 3^3 East Broadway, fronting on the

sq> sre et the uu -i D ot Grand st. Three lia-t of ttagespass the door Rent $'11. To be Dainted aad pv in goodr»;..ir. In^uiis uf s. D\YTON, No Jl ^'arkst- luftf

LOFTS ia BaU)ADWAT..TImi vtatfLight aaa spacious Lofts over oar store. No «41Broadway oetweea Howard ai..: Graad sts., will be let eaa lease if desired. Tke first loft is aboat 1*0 feet deep, theether three ar< aboc Cv feetat* tf ALFRED MONROE A co.. No. 441 Broadway.

rpO LET.A House uptown, and Furni-M. tars fer sale, which ia aearly new The aouie will

sic yeB.odatea large or wna'i family The lady keepangthe bouie bas no famdy ef her own ib this c.ty. lias sevenor eit>t tint class breakfast and Us boarders, who will re¬main in the house, if s*r»e.b»r The Farsilore will bea d hek w the ccatt, aa ilia lady is obliged to resadl inanother rity Beferinces sir henged Andrste a n sal oCAROLINE. Uanm-squareP. O. t7f «t»

HOTEL to LET.Tne furnished Ho¬wl at Ticoode'ega Poiat, ae ths itaatioa of LakeOa MB aad Lake Chtmp'aia. wiU be let or lttaed loagood tetsBt ob accommodatiag is. ras Address

10' ».!»*_JAMES 1 PELL. No. IBB Peai!-st.

TO LET.On fa»orab!e terms, the sec-end floor (aa slegait show room of 7» feet front oa

l. ataaaa-rt .) w-.ti, a wals and easy entrance, wnb «he Maad 4'h atoriei cf ite same dimenaioaa of ths large badi-mg. crier of M« aid Chtthtm-it., Chatham to rareTies is a n oat dsairable locajtioa for a wh.rlsesas and rs-taitBiaiutactaritg bis.aeas. Ac^ly to

*u *4 Wt* llta « ftoco 8 to ,1 A. MT aniRfro«>lii *-o5FM_M if

TO LCT-WeU-li^hted ROOMS, witbor wurto.it siesia Power, uf any aixs la.nr. mfIM tf C. M. SIMOnIoN^ No Aww!.t0 LET-StYerai new CotUget, four

lif lm 8 P TOWNSEKD, No M Nttsia ,t.


TCRERS -To lsaae. two La's «f Grmiad aw Oran.lst. near the Bowtry. o. which bui ii,u., anlllmTSSilby .k. owner to ta.t the buwne« of ta,'\e»yn, *c *dttea need apply »ko are Bot prepared tn furnish ti. Bastirefereicessstor»sp.iaiob,lity ar AddreaeWat* C. F. k O. L. Os'sORN. No. i47^alr>erry-st.


'O LET.A large Haaemant oa Br iiwar, eortw «f atpsTSay-**-. «Ader Us CoJ -..

«/ af

THE MELODEON.in Hartford, Conn.,m hebe/stand meat popular Hall for Lector'* u4

Co-aeens ta Urge, wem is. >. sad very pleamva'. well-.ted ti lichte«] with (vi It will es*' sheet 1.4 .> pe .

sows. Ad ireee bv writ tag. or telegraph, or la*,sirs »"'.


Qonscs iTJantcb.

11 (»USF..A Family <>f ihrer ;.-rsons,1 tired of boarding, is desirous of ta.iag s House far-

iiiihrd with ths fejia_y and a few mure as boarders or anytestt»rr,»B «Ith rhi-diea wi huut a molbar. wtaaiag to re-

t _« h> ¦laekeoorst. the writer would lake tas house, bjardihsfam ly. sas charge of the eh.ldraa. aad. Dr.tasing a

.ew mere'«'arders. w.mld endeavor to sire satu/sction to

all Address Mrs. S I*. P , throagh this office sutuur pa'.tioilars aad whea sad where to hare aa intemew Refe-reacos erchsstsd._______

ROOMS..Wanted, two or three Room*,either bow or aa the 1st May. tnrUbls for s Phjsi-

r.ao's . ffico, la tka vicinity of Union place. AddresDJ>TdR. at ibis office_PART of ¦ HOUSE..Wanted by a

Gamlen: an aid Wife, part 0/ a modera-baili H >ase

p essaatlr located or ther «o«ld take Bad divide a houee.ac.BnecOoa wiiAaamall taauly. Addraaa a ns to L.M. a L., this office. _ltf iwTai^aaa

PART of a HOUSE.War ted f>r asmall family, ut some pleasant Iocs',on A Second

Flo< rand ans Baaemsat room would bo required Rentnot <o aicaad SI".. Addrsaa, with particula's. Bf. M L»,at thisKSca. JUt.tTuT_aSs

H01J81WANTEa^iTBroA private family 11 detiring to rent a two or three-

stsry House on lease, for three to fire years from the 1st ofMay. The House must be modern-built, aad ia a r»»lne eh! orhood, near the 8outh Kerry, or Brooklyn Hub.:».Ths reat. if reo ured. will pa paid aa adraace Apply f >

Bei No. HI Poat-OrBce, New-Vorh. aad sttta terms sadlocation. Bat fa*

HOUSE.Wanted, from neat May, onCumberland Adalphl. or Otford i i Brooklru..

Rest Bot to etctad JttO. Addiess F U. Dot KU Nsw V erkPost Office^_*sfH~ÖTTSE.Wanted, a respectable House

fa apleaeaat, healthy locatioa, where the Reat mayt* paid in Board, and where a few other hoarders caa I*accommodated Address MANSION, Tribaae Office,w hash will be promptly alteaded to. 191 3t*

PART of a HOUSE.Wanted, fromMar I. part of a Hoaaa, (the lowar part preferred.'

in the lower part cf tba Vllth er Xth Wards, for a Gsntle-maa and Wile, for wbieb a fair real will bs gives.Addrsaa B , Tribune Office,_l»f »*

HOUSE..Wanted to Hire, from 1st ofMay nait, a two-atcry and attic, or ihree-etor-

House, in **nc pleaaaat location MBTB Bleeckor-st Rantabout $130. A prompt and carefdl teaaat may be ob¬tained Addrait JOHANNES, at this affics. sta'ia«sisrt once and loeaiioe.wilh real name aad address.

t»f tt»_HOUSES WANTED..Sie or eitrht

Hoaaes. eitnated ia tba 7th, lath. Ilth, i»th an. 17thWards tie waatad, la bo let to respectable Tenaats, fromthe let of May, 1811. leu. lire of H S GILBERT. Ne 143Cherry st. _gl I"*

.tttacfyintrj}, JC'c.

I^OR SALE.Four new FLUE BOIL-fcR8, with 2 latsl of 13 horie power each, with I safe-

ty-s-dlret, < itasm stops, I r ass {lobe salves. 1 cast uoasteam pi; et. cast-iroa feed pipes, I caat iren fronta, e -tu-

plete 4 cast-iron stehet, copper pipes, etc. Also, the fal¬lowing second hand BoibtitF»e Floe Boilers, of 20 borss power each, a.-, -ad-baud.Two Low-rares-ure Boilers, 300 horss power each do.Two Propeller Enrmat, SOu horse power each, do.Thite new Locomotive Boilers, 7. ü and It horte power.

PEASB a MURPHY17f ClTuThfcS No.27 Cor'.aars-st. corner Clieiiy.

FOR SALE.One secondhand fiveboras powsr »lamu stsam sogine of oar owa make

in ctmpleU order. Also one secosd-htnd old patentAdams power press, ia good ordtr, at a low pneo.

llftf R HOhf A CO., Nee. 29 aad 21 U.'.d at.

TO "PRINTERS..For Sale, cheap, anAaetiB Adams DoublsMsdium Power Prase.HUttsa

14 by 38 bed 28 by 40 ; is aow ruuaiBg caa be dchreiedby 1st April Applyto WELL1* * W EBB,IM7tTuThB8 Mo. II Dutch-at.

T~M) FÖUNDRYMEN..IRON RAIL-INC. .Letters Patent bars, ist bean issusd to ths

sndersigBed lor sa improvement in Cast Iron Railings.Hs is rf »red to eoR pateot rights for said improvementfor Statoa citiss. Ac. Address S. SHIMER, asiigass ofOco. Haaa, Ess,., Merchants' Hotel. Coartlaudt -at.. N. Y.Mint«_F^ÖR SALE CHEAP.Two upri.rtt

Tabalar Boilers, each capable of aapplyiar a in- horseengine Also, s doubls Engine 2s-horse power, witbstaaiaaad water pipes to coanect. Also, s lot of Pouadry Toolsand8tock. Applyto H. HICBY. Bridgeport. Ct. 16f 3w«

CntUrr}, l^arbtoarc, &t.XjV)R^AlaT subscribern. eoutUuee to kaapnp bis well selected assortmentef Miners' sail Oold Pickt, Pickatss, Shovels, Suadss,Hoes. Axes, Hatchets. Hunters'Knives, Ouns, Pistols, Ho-volvrrs, Mortars and Pasties, Ingots, Meltisg Ladles, Re¬torts, Sand Crucihlss, Oold Scales, snd etbar articles,comprising a geanral aasorrment of Hardware, and EdgaTools for ship sad house carpenters, coopers, blacksmiths,Ac. particularly adopted to the California market, ami fortraders «a the Pacific Coast. C. S LI I' I LKdlt ImThSATn Nos. SI and 34 FaJtoa-at.

LD COLONY CUT NXlLS^-ForOtalejiy E AJ. BUSSINO A CO.. Ifo MClifTst..Illttn» _Agsats Old Colony Wail Oa.

Dl iREMUS «%' NIXON..SIbvm llatdestructuia of oar Warehoasa by fire, wt are at No.

113 Wnliam-street We thall, witbia ten days, rarnove tothe spscions store No. 21 Park place, running through toMurray st In the meantime we ara supplying ourselvesw. h a Crash atock of Crouds. We have already openedseveral casss, inch at plain.aad tigortd Plush, Bra-atello,Worated Damasks, Linsn Shsetingt, Dimaik Diapers,Blaskets, (Ju its, Ac, Ac , so that wa can supply h ilsls,steansrs, and hocteksapara. We trust uar friends will notpass usby. DOREMU9 a NIXON.N B. PatsaBgara for California euppliea wita Blaa-hata._lUf Ub

WET SHE^tTnG and SHIRTINGMUSLINS, from tba aehooaar Raeds Island, ara

for sale at the stores of WM. MATHEWS k CO..Hf If_ Nos 31 and SO Catharinau

WILLIAM MATHEW8 .% CO., har-ing told off their Burnt Goods, are now prepared ta

offer for tale Lew and desiiahlogoadsofreceatiiurcbass andat eiceedinf low prices Also, wsl Linons, Dispers'Tshie eli.tha, Haadkercfaier*. Pill >w case Lineas, limthamsCloths, Rc. Noa. 38 and 60 Catharine si t)f .;.

WET GOODS! WET GOODS7'WET GOODS! -Ths subscriber will open t> ia

morning 23 caaea and bales of Wet Oaods, consisting od Vyards wide Unen sheeting worth Sa for 3a , 8 4 whuaiineu daaask, worth 7s., 3s. 6d.. 8-4 browa do , worth fa.,for 2s 6d , :.ne damaik oapkuta worth 2*. for la.; swoarhaede.wortkls <ji for Is 64 ; rise huckaback aad Frenchtoweling-. Is.; lutaa do., 6d worth la ; saperdne Haaashirting,ta ,2a Sd ,3a ,4s and .a., worth djuolo r+ie at >neytire shirtiag. yard w ds, 6d superdae da. 8d.; S-4 SbeetiaslOd enpeifiae browa aheeting 6d ; 3 cisos a int«, fastcolors. 6d worth la. 110 pieces De I-unss. Is w n' a*.;fine French pattern! do., la Sd ; s<iual to any at 3sThe above goods are damaged br water on'v. and wi'J

l>a sold at greater bargains than ever before offered m thiscity An sarly call wiU prjvo to your advaatage


Vi: it* No. I3 3d-av. between 9<h and tuth its.

tjute. Caps, &c.CURING fa8hion..JuBtllniaheif, the

most splendid article ever offered, slersat FRRVl'HBILK HATS, at the losrnricc of |3. u-ual y sold at |4.A so an artiefe at $2 30 Neat Hats at |2 BROWN. N >I anal -at. one door from Salti'aa !7f lm*

Ictoclrrj, Ut..

Manufactory of silver WAREFOR THE TRADE -Aitacfee of every daocr pttoa

manu/si tuied f r the Trads with pro aptness and dispatchSt. rekeaye-v out of ths city, ars mntod to caU and siam-lns sp^c meas. which, I r «orkmauship aa.1 duality >f auvor, will coir para favorably with any other «.?. .1. .,b*aiTea »et.; Urns. PilcherB.Cups. TiojnpeU. kc also !4u -ooar..... t ks oi a variety of patterns

,«. S T_Wa..U J* * C0- W°«¦,15 ImTuThaS«

Piano-!fortc3.I &. c. PlftCBfiR*JtoNmjmMTmf-T-k l,Hl* ! ".»«-'»«'ory and Wararoom No. 170 Grooa-»tch-st o .raorof D-y st. PIANO FORTES warraaurf

BhaaaaV1 fmm tnamS-«*-~__iJltm

fHURCH ORGANS for sale.kV,8* FM"Ce « Cathedral argaa; it bat three sets A^JsmMt_featkM Chareh.aaartha Opart Houae,Au Engnab -rgaa. WBtttWs as s af keys and ^lV*.Jiv. urgaaa. w,ta .ght atone aad pedalsThita oitaas, wita five atopo, t.thie casesTwo oigans. with f .nr ttops Oracian caaatTwo orgaas, with three slopeufÄia?? 0'iaasar.a four lllllhaBMHlSWkS3f HENRY ERBEN. No ITICantraat.

HROi HER iMtaiHtfrksiU warr-a_l,. .7ü^ "/iu* l>nc«s All .as..a

Pll^r1^8.Hew.' celebrate.Alao a_La7_Tl_!_l_A*'"t- »BTsr-oasa. No. UJ Broadw»...NSwusj aaaortmeat 04 itoadoir Pianoa. af lm'a

BOSTON PLAN08..8AFF0RD IBBOTHKB Nu tat Broadway, nj t v


salierarrag well 1m*i Baewe Pisa.-g.r.e XmmttTilTmeats t;i Hai .e i B. Allea, 'norawn to Brows k LBkett. Weodwa/d * Br»wa A W Leaks W p V"?**"bob Pnees from f ttf to e5«e Piaaos u mi u« tsjuiIf laa*e

(i *H. BARMOKE otfer at lieu Mi*.V" J */j?l*rT eat* War»room. No Ml Bleerker r' ..Bar of ( ha: ¦'. <t t»».- meat J,*;rOB-r». with the iivetaJl.r frame aad rvv^ L^L*all other mowers laprovetaeeta an

VF. HÄR^irf his ranioTe« hita ti ,r u'a, t. ry aad wararooms frota No 21 Canal.-

to No V Msroer-et.. betweea Breoae sad tiraad .1*where but be foxad a splsadai aae-.;-.aaatt ,f**"-¦ ill uaV


I^EIKCH, .WiraoiTT 8PELLI\<;j\. !¦* j'^PCT BOQlX-aal OBO BtrCHt-LOB hat fouaded hit entirely aew svstem « Ph « wra-thy. spphed la tta correct and speedy swuuireateat .fI Nach ptiaaaaciatioa. Tha laaaoaa will gradeallr Mi atthe pupil frian a perfect alphabet to tha p-eeent aars*s*>mm oaa Each lesson will bo e.aied fr.ua tha b t'kaaerAthr only book Bead for Machin«. A class la rtpaaad iiauW .-dneediy aad Friday evesiscs. at kit elaaa roeins Na l|Dot Broaioa-at nan to Caaal betweea Htvte u lad ires*,wich-et s .) wbera ha may bo >eea at a 1 tiaaaa. A eeaaaav.atratioa will taka plac» aa FRIf VY IV CMIN«; |0 r! rk. to which the public are reepec .felly lav.ted.iw n*_E^XCELSIOR..PArents wialiiiig U iM

al aa Iaititatiaa ta wkx-h good .>rdei a resiatt.ned >.real kmdaoaa aad rapid ia.proa, n,tut. aaca<ed by ikereufkiBatr uctioo. will be piaased and sei real at the Caaaaattaaaland Classical gcWl. Na 71 Hta-y at

|(rf tf_BOLOMON JENNBB.PrtaeiaaX

NO. 8h PRINCE ST., two Uoort fro*Broadway -FBENCH aad GERM AN afiertkeOI.

lendortnaa u ucb itnoioTe.l n.er, l.y K rCLLERINOKt ferenda/). Irina Part«. Prosoectua «ratua»1/ lasTaThAS*_\\ ARSH 8 C0UK8Eof B<M»K-K KKP.irat ING .The advaaiegee oi this aaw Wore wOl tegonce pernaiaed ba Teachett of Acadeaaiea aad anateachara. They are three It leraiakei a com; e.eaatgmercantile aoconata, buaiaeti traaaacUoaa, f.tau au eaVeuia'.iont (SDiropnaieb printed ia c aleta it staeitemboeaaoa, lOt pacaaof faanliar eiplaaatioaa. da'ed to aeaa1 to all Ii.e ealnee ia the a<cent rx«o«a , the wtaaaa» arraaiied to farm a moat benarical course af aaeuaifor ihe stadent to pass through, tta po .price tl 15 htaf.a>>mely Ixiuad For amis at ths Aulhor'a Couatiag Boaaafor tke Practice of Biaik Keepius;,No Kt ll-nadaay |aaaawork kB tlpao.an psasa f« *» ,J«lwD*lt»4*WILTON INSTITl'TE..This IWrd.a e iag School bayiac been ia to< ceaafal operathai fay

fire years, otfera induce*.en's tlie moat satiaf.ctory char,actar, to thoae wishiaa to place their chi drea where .keyw.iI receive a careful aad roaneleat manwemeat ia teatreducation Call tor circtil.irs at No Toa Obalkam-it, H.Y , or address the Piacipal.


fONES'S IXITIATORYCOUNftSQa. BOOMS-Mr JONE8'9MBdeatsarsreapaxaNUy as.tilied that his arraaeementsare «J to re<ume liuiaess .aFriday neat. Mu last. I nt has rooms are repaired. .,,will occupy aaother part of the same buildiag. which tkedre of Saturday last ouiy paruaily ui ured No.W Bread,way, Fsb 18. I8JI. _INst*FRENCH LANGUAGE..Prof. D\

LAGBOIX will form a new c'aaa for becinntraaiTT ESOAY EVENING as It, si 7 o'clock Tsrrut.ltpse month. With Mr. L every lesson is a methidealcorrelation Scholtra somewhat advanced will tadclasses suited to their vario .s degrees of kaowlsdgs A,'ply at No tt» Br< adway, rooaaa 15 and IS. before la ,v, ^A M., or on Mendsy, W'rdaeedny a.ud Fridsy sasaiars.

Ill 3t»

SCHOOL for ENGINEERS, N.. |fi|H. ustoo st.. N. Y-Mr VirTOB BEttr.MO.NT,

Civil KiiKiueer, grsduate from " L Ecole Centrale deeAits et afaaolscturea," of Par's, will r.mtici oa ths 1stof Fsbraa>y neat a new ijnarter in tin- course of issirutit a)aivea at his School, in ail 'be h'tuchrg, thsorsilcal sadpractasal, couaeeted with Civil Easiaeerui(. For detulsand refereacee aj>ply at the School jtttfeod

P"ENMANSPIP.-()LIVKR l\ COLD.SMITH'S Wntiat Kit No M Broadway, (MB

corner above tke Irving House.) New YorkI i, vi Rini'can no. HALF, tti: f t 5o far ten latest!

of oae hour each. Stationery, >oc.. or, twenty letsent lor |i,including Stationary. Pnva'e ins'iructien reduced Iroa |l)to tin for the course. Terms. navaMe ia advanceMot BS OF ATTKNPSN' K Ladlts' Claaset Bill A.M.

and 4 o'olock. P M Gentleman's 'laste» at A. M tai3. 7 ami I o'clock, P. M daily, szceptiuf Satardaya.

ltf lm*_MISS DWIGHT'S SCHOOL of l)&

SIGN, No. 569 Broadway, where 'he host isstrai-tum will Iis giaea m the arts of drawing and tan uClass price, $5 a term, including twenty leaseas. Piymsstla adraace. laf lm*

MODERN LANGUAGE8.Pro/. A.BASSET still i^ontinaea to giro lessees is Frsack

and Spanish at hia rssidsncs No 3S4 Broadwar,corner atFrank-lta-et. He haa new Classes tust lormed, tattabls fmth.ee that wiah to omn nra tka French study aad tiesfor those that ars mors advanced. N B .Private laradltapuactaally atteaded to lit ha

I_JRIVATE INSTRUCTION -ArithIDo-to Algebra, Gaametry, with applicaiioas ts D «»-

it g, Surveying. Erucineering and Me. Iiaa c Artt, r>y a ()sa>tlenian of eipenei.ee Addrees TRIiiO.N'OMETKY.TnB-aaaOtBoe._laf Ba*_PRIVATE TUITION iTSPANlSH -

C. GOBBIN continues to givs loasoBs ia taa peieCastilian language, eitker at bia resideace or thai of at>

Sals Apply at Na 41 54a-st near td-av llf la*

PFRENCH LANGDAGE.ORALfTI*TEM..Ia addition to ths permaasnt Frsnck Schenl,

eonnei tad with the Classirsl and MatheinalicaJ (us'iN-tioa.Ns tl 6th av , nsar Washington equais. Classat fwladies aad gentleaiea receive instruetioa every seealareasuing under tbs direction of prof VILLEPLAIT.7f lm*

Diincing öcl)ool3.1)ANCING A< A DEM Y, No. IloOraDd.

si , fourth door from Broadway .P. SABA < >.Profaasor, Inventor and sole Teacher kaewa ia Amertoa<>f the to * aad fashiatiabie I>a»< at. havtag sipsUed frnaihit hoeae tome oi bw lamatet who bars aot psrfo'tisdtheir duties, has tka honor to apprise ths fashioaahls v

lie that keiicefoiih all lessons will be atteaded to by ksaat any hour of tke day aad evening And Ladies and ?¦at-t'etnea who will favot him wi h their patronage, may restassured that with a few lessons tbsy will be ps fs. tlf asfait, of the daaeet of the saloon Consequently a l»»eashall be gives out of his houae. aad ao ¦eoteiaas shall ktfuiBishad for Soirees or Bslis. 17f ImrulhaJ*

HENRY WELLS snd hia SISTERl(Madame F. Oavellil ACADEMY for DANITS9

and Graceful Deportmsnt, at the Stuyvesant las tuts, Ma659 Broaawsy. Nsw Tsrm c immsncmg Classes atAdults on Mondays Bad Thursdays, moruingsml eaeaaag,cltsset for Masters and Miasee, oa Wednesda/t aajBatuidayt. at 1 P M. H >art devoted' .pe«alclsasMaa1pnaate mm us Tf IB


MUSIC .A Lady is desirous to obuiotfew more papils for the Piaao-FarM aad Siartag.

Wonld give Isstons at their resident e, if prafenea1 Temareaaoaable. Address MIM'' TBaCHEB. No. » fraU-Ua-st. iiltw*

. Professional Notices.

US. PASSPORTS for all part* of tiMe world.aa ladispeuaalde proter'ios te uataert

agaiast foieiga aggreteioa-itaeerl hy J B NONE4 Us¬

ury Public aad Cooimiaaioaer, Na. It Broadway, tf

LAM) WAKkANTS »OIIGHT aaiSOLD..All soldiers »r others aariag ,o|.i»sg«a»t

the Caited Stares for tarvicee perforated ia trie Wait atlSU.oi Flonda aaO Meneo. raa have theut ollarjted streseoaabla terms aad all laformatioa rsls'ive to ws/ratttgiven by J T Or Kill I.ffr.

9fim* Eirhange Broker Nu 15 Wall st


Pnnce at c..ri,»r Me rer »i N. II Haveraei 9f^Srat terms that eaaaot tail to be «ai afaetory iMka»»


p.t4'i |i I y al their oBtee rao »'

COAL . i am now di.chargiM^tgesraoes of tbe betrt quslitvof R'd a * umirmt

whxhlwi! leliuidealsrt aad others jfrm tard.veseel, sad » 11 «!e.i«»r lr .m te.i-i,^^(iiesaa»*aBiaBtUecrek tad RivuigtoB t s_-

-".: TV,j Cabii*! x*m&

|^OAL-A turned I««¦ "J ^ PMIriJhj\J fee finniy ate. ia qusantjet iu''^ t, .ore raegmee-reatO.. " ' ', ,( *\>fith-st.sB. Tit »-.Hl«

fnrÄL.- . IW .u^nfiljauaU%^Aj eaii raoii.- Aoinrax . aLd » '8"t t HailasaBa-tXl^'V;' '.': ' - '! :,-aao S-UkgKit ak CaLi.el.Lirer^e.M)'W'^atwhirs is -4-ob» »*.?.T,% >""-aTSth. haU .area ar 1 f r . ^^^ t

»«Sn? No 24 Broadway aad « »» |^tpOAL-tO 50 Ebk S^>?JS1 i Ash, «' N" 12" IB* *. i% H. Dh»«*owiaa te« alte-atio. of said lot. [ill « J -

3 .icKAWANNAfMIALB^8"^1^ -Th. DKLAWARE, *«h.^»^,rgra-e»jS

15 If