fjOwiiiEaa _rono__i. '^'ul^mn^uc fi.ore of Waflhin*- . "_. *__i._*d hv Tnur.hBlI ot any other erai- __a!-Si^ Bward-u. ang-1 ot earh fa-wilw ¦"*?_*; _*'. ^-S^T^JS'^rs ^wtTri" ^atae Jl th* worW. ,.^D_»_V_^__^rft_*j__Bilrea, to go to __£"arra*TW _5«S^ ¦*_-_,ra^i7l)werreotype PortraiU exacnted t-i so ___________^thaTo nae ns New-York feeli 8 .__ by Boot. Rocar Moi'ntair Drab BKAVF.as.-- tfiaiVrh. itere of Ba-ta, the Hatter. No. 1«8 Canal-*. and 2*_JtlwT«»tl^ V«ia«-.«r __-__«, H-tSa tf__«_ a"*__ heantiful Drab Beavers for gaotlemen Hii StOCB SiB Suaw raa. for boy.. LadietV fltraw Ridina Hata rmmmTmUaar Ilatt for rliUdian. Boatleroart anrt boy*' ___£ wblt* fai.BiT.as, Mitaea'fiipaey and Bloomer Straw KtatZ* -Sa-Tdhora Hata. Btrsw Hfltfl of all kinds SSkdBtHC-dL_-¦ ___T SorinR and SaiLmer Hata, of the aarrLtoualitycanbefoun. at K*ox\ N_ LB Faltoa- _*y&Ta^Bl01 SalBWlPBt m h_naalf, heaided MM B __.tk_at_; Bfi nob-dy that trade* with bim onca, faU. to ¦"S -^^L^ttlaon-daieeoiid time. The secret of his ___1__1^^ -d-T-OfVeat . f.vorite with the ladtea. And SaTlt-O^*"!* . Stter Hai for four dollars than tao tgro^waytk-ttera Av five._ Sdmmee Hats..Warnocrs, Hatters, -BDtlrnieB that the time hai arrived fr pottingon ___a__BB__-a«|flBsL in .nt.cpat.on thereof, they have pre- __S__ "xter_Bve W fleloct assortm-nt, eonsistlij, m pait RoaSa-S French gray Heaver: the Rocky li.i_r.taio aa_a-_aafl the aoft Hat, of white, eream, pink, gaCS'aSoSr, of baaatifal modeto; tho Panaina, BBaaflS aaa_V Man.lla, Sennet and other -Sir.wa, of oe- _j_bCat_lit.e*. No. ftb Broadway, Ul-BflllBBflO_ Gaat. Drab and Cream Color Beavrr UaAI. "____?f__ _nd Naaaa. rt*. will Introdao* _f__±_r*__S"of oTatlo-rn'sTrialoB Tueaday, M.y _*flfcTn^.diSititlw^-ilios above mentioned, wahava Sw_d^-O^n«layleiof aoft fur Has, of var.ou. .hade* of BfaBBfl-ajaTtfla a-Bflf the p.rfectmn of eoeifoit and SiJaBBBM . together wllh an ample fltocb of newest aty.ed 0. Paaan. and*-.w Qoo*^ ^ ny ^Nawao-aa ~No8ELTlEB RT GeNIN's BaZAAR..A aooetant roeces-ior. of importationa, together with frequent J__U«.l,o_.h., ownfartorie..enables Obnin to aupplv attni-g^eat aaaawaaOaa itore a perpeuiel iw.ndof novat BBflXaaflflBt.Tfler-nt dri.ulrn.nU He Uvtajfl attention CIS Bflflaaa- trdtume* /or boy., just arnvod RflBBI art. ,__lL__rid.-- ; to Im uniuue B yiea ln a.I.eV iumm?T hatihw _j_ort_..e_t of ladi"-* and chlldrei-'eelioe*, Frenrb made; and SaSasflaw-a. arBw-BO. fan.y and -ibb ta ladtes, wi.icb «_____ tha ahow cai-aa of hia eiubliihme-t. (JUoVii Bu/aar, No. Al. Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel. BseOHRRY and Uni>kr-(.arments.. Ray li Aoami No. SB1 Broadwav. import and manufarture I'o- aUrr and Slock knit Lnder-UarmenU, of e^ery d^n-npliori. Oafgood* cem.ol be _u.P*t_ed ia exce!lenc«of rmallty,>.*- rletvol .lylea and lowi.«wof pricea. Ari evamination by STwoBar- aR-nt nuich^aitg-at wholewlo or retdJ-B ra ¦aaetfullv snlinud. Rav k Adams, Arn-nc*'. Hosieryand F__ler-OiriDent Manufactory, No. WI Broadway, oppoaite IlJhltya_ _ Grnti.i mfn'sSummkrCravats- (Jauze flaiaT awd DBAWEas-THjir.g-Pi.v Liniin Coi.i.ars, Ac. fcc-A lull ae-ortment of the above goods now otfered, at wholewl. an- gflto^ fc 8o^ No. 61 Nt9WU.rt. S. Y. H. B..Sblrts made to order. TjT Seasoaablc Unde/gannenti ami ll<>- Bary may be found (the v*rv beat goodi at the very price) atthe New-York 8u.iVii)gHiid IndergaMiient Fa_;tory. No 104 Bow.ry, Th-- " hi i'ed rSephyrl adervasts jatro du_edatOBreaUh!i»hrii.M ie-..-i-l ye-Jti iince, are oniver- _aliy«ppioved,not l.-aa for their cbaapnaas than roi tlielr liBbtnt-. elaaticity and dnrability. G_i*a tiem aIfUL ^ A. Rankin k ( <>., No. 104 Botvory.^ C-P* Have you o friead Mubiect to C'hills aod Oaa., advlae him to try one of Rav h AuiMs's /ephyr VotlerSldits,amott tacelle-M I*kI> -guaid, and areai lixury. Rav fl Adams, Ho-Lr-, So 01 Bl _d*rsy. "Fbesh AaaivAL. Wc hav. receiti d.pai ttieiteamer A«ia, BvBcaaeaoflhe c-lehrated make of Duu- bar, Dixm k Co. Oold.-n Flax Shirimg Limni. Otm tp 10 eervudi abo one caaa of Pnnted llurt.ri iiiii.ru: k-arcblefi; nr.e caae o! I'riuteil Linen lor Sinuntr Shirta and five halvaot a beautiful artirh- in S'.'.licateil lluckaba. k, aiitabls lor tlie bath room or * a* batbilkfl N.'.a- York Lin-ii .,||. .Ioiin OAaisi: lo.. No .* BJ Broadwav. Ciun. AND COMPOBTABRR..Thoflfl olo- Kit i-olka, Plaited and Hlnrt -uita, nold at the John-it. yi* Cloihing Eaablithment. VVarm and tidy.tbc*e beau- tif-ICIoih, C_ahmeralte and Mtnno Siiil*. of whuh wa bava rrcoived un entire ttixk. L. LodBB, Wo. 5 Jaan a GT BhmmmpOTO hu>s, kl Whal aii a.'.mir- able plece of work ii min" Now, dnet not an adminhle pie.e of wiak tleierv.- tn ili.ih.il ltiaf.ieceof woik aa admiiable' Hyou think so, proc_re aartof OaBBifsSbirta, atNo. I Aitoi Houae. aad .aa tba nokfloB ertort o4 ¦ u the pataaon ol aniiualt," will lie lil-ed WHh the tiiceat pre- ekaion of whlch ail i* eapaMn._ OT Andrews & liANpHiER, Meichant .all...!, nave r. uioved from No. .Hki No li.) Broadway, (Blewater-t Marble Bmldinc-, belween llmi.lon and Kl* -ck- ar-at*,) where they are pie|evr*d lo tuini-h article* lo llielt Ba* st -heihorteat uotice, and tbfl uu.t fuotionaMe ma arials Tiik 8t)MWER Krsn to IM in IIai.i... TbB li.iiei-w eatabliciiiiient U hke a Mr, Tha retail da- aanm.nl i* crow.led, iiionuni, BOOB ai .1 Blgfat, wilii s.-u'le- ¦neti pBrcliasingilrii.ul Bfl-BBM1 Clot.laj aud pan-ut* fit- OrgawinliildieBw.tlibeaiiiit.il flnita Tbd order di BicBt, too, ii Uironged with cuiioiiuoa So much tor f,ri<-e. Ifiirty to Hirty per rent flodar thd oi.lii.iirv r.lail l.-v .),.pn- teawblih rutliliig btil a mo»t coni: rehentive n.t.ine- enahle lot-BBl to attoid. Uiuon llalL corner of Kulton and Maasaa-a*. TlIK iiam»8omestRf4iiv ,M VIlF.Cl.mil- iia. im -mr 0/oai.a.TkaanaoBtattsaatroaaata._aatof Ittady inade t^lothiog lor all i liu.at.-*, at l!ie eatai.UM.ui-iit ol W. T. lt;MNit«tt* fc Dav av'11 i"- foaind thd moat ttshiooable, Bot ouly la iarw-Yoik. Imt Uie Da.ed Btetaa Twanty- aevet- yeari lu tha bu*n»-i* htve Mraa thfl flrni etperinnce aad bodoe-fl facUlUe* itctaaeeeed by no etliei hoi.te in lie aetue line. Tne inalt- l o. cut and imnh ofthe iradv-i.iadetluilimg have paeee. nnd a proaeib trom Maine to Miw-Hippi. Bupplied dn .tly frtrmth* i"-t manu- nvctiirett ln Barop*. and etuployiiifl nonr but aroTBai eanramiiiaieskill, they aie enai.led to furm.ti, at mod Bffc«a,aach gariiienttas cautioi bn lionght elaewliera foi aiy saoney. They invil* eapei lal all. utiin to their I - Basrunarclothiiig fta the ptaaaal seasoa. lt Is tba flfloM laoabi* and U'*ulii.thrv have ever oib'ii'd In tba order dapartment et tbe flfltaJ.Bh_B .nt. clollnni i, m.a.le ap of Uie beat and ni-writ lal.iii-a. .aml in tb* « ry latast rtylka, atthe ahorteti uoti.e, by W.T. JaMMIflOd R OOl, No.il Broad¬ way, Americau Hotel_ iMl'.N AM> BOY-' Sl 414UK Cl.OIIUMl.- Tbe beat slock tn be found In thi, citv, at a tavina of fi. 11*20 par oenL Every petaoa i.i want of clothing will nnd lhit.no numbug catoh, aa we are cloaing out our at.H.k ol autuuier lloi i.ihon 1 K.NAII', No. Sd MAidea-laue. New Uptovtn Fancy (Joods Store. Ro. MT Broadway, between Spnng aad Prinae-e- The ¦hxk eaibrarefl aa elaaant vanety <>( arttclei r.i'.nhU for weddlDg and Holiday prraenta, Statumery, Peifiiinea, Fana, Papter-marhe, Posralaln an.l tilaaa 44'are Patticuler atien- tion paid to l--_flBwj CfeflBtB Cuats of Atuia, IniUala, i.c paper aiil flflrrfllgoafl tie.- ol ( Sarge to piirrhaaeia. A beauu- rul Ba_oitii.--.it of Writing Deak*, PortfbHos, Opera Olaaaea Canea, rmhtallaa, Ridiog Wlnps, Wmk ___.. DfflflflBJ Caaea, Btatuellea, Ac. A partlcularrv tiue aaaortment ot Ba._ Couiba. and. m »hort. of every artulil lii the Fancj Ituain.a, bolh aaelui and ornaineut-l. Tbfl lurajcribara raly up ui uuvl- «-ate pnc«a, .ttalully ailecled ginida, acd couiloousatteu- Bd*) to iitiun, lor oh.liiinit a thar* of publio patrouage. Nl-AI , CtKBOI.I. fc lll I. IIIN- 'N A ('ard to tiik [sARIRfl..Mad. Lv- vimb b Co. hav* opened thi-ir I'aii* Milhnery, at their itore, No lii Spnng-at. ihi.d M.hA weat ot Broadway. Mad. L. wwhe* to inhrm the ladiee tbat aliego.-* out to l'ari* every winiai and .uiuuu-i BW.flM ihe l&ttxl and flhflBBMlpattrrui tbere to be bad, ai.d invitea tbe ladtea to call and exiuuue for tiat.iaelv.a, loi we have many ityla* of Boooet* tliat BN o.<t to b* found la any otber atore 10 thu city, and at pruaa iur* paa-iiiiy low. N. B..MiHi-er-iorrli*. aaithpattern bot neta, ani coun¬ try merchanu anpplird by caae. Alao all Binds ef ttrawi alflaaed and altered. (Ioon Siioes and (Jaiters..S..me trflfl-fl-niB advertise flbBflBoaBOfl but WATfltaa, No lll Faltt. -at, nrkde* ru.n-ell upon .elling no.i* but good one*. Law prl.ed goo_* caa be got at any al.p abop, tbat will reatly do go.*J servios are uot ao e_. Lowawaof pnca doe* not cdoatitatfl cheapnew. 44'atkiua saansblsawa .«_, and warranta every pair to give aatis- F_et CovroiNii roa Masters \m» Mia»«a.-CAi«TB«Li, No .-_>¦. Uowery, maki* a ti.ie duplay oft-eautitul tiaiuratot cluldien, u well as Paleut l.oatber BooOx, Bhoea, Ac. Parei.u WajUaa flood, tu'wUtitial artl- ctea, af rt.tosa-ie pnraa. tl.....l uia_a kum .. viait. ¦_T At No. 99 Bowery, Uiram Ander- aoMuseiliag- Englwfl TaiSkrtry. Brnwela, at 8 ,9 and 10, per ,*,_. a.fl.. Tflrae-jily Carj^t*. 6 ti, 7 aud 8. -tap-i lr_ir_iB4__rpt>tB, J ,«,-,» ,4 .5/, 5,6, 6 aadT. ria* Btaiil arpeta t/,8,«,3 aud ij. Canton Mattlng, I .»,., and 2,6. Floc Oli CkHha, . Window Sha_»v*, $ i. $-, #S. *-A Rv Haartb Riiga, k<' , 24 , 3- and 40/. BarJn li-j__-ed Floo: OH CkHha, 8 yds. wida, 6 $, ? a Ri CH tCARPETlNOS.-PRTRR80R A' Hramagr, Ko.379 Brijadwar. coroer of Whiio-a.havB Bat rodsdvefl. direct from tb* Euiopean manul-cionea, par late amvals from Europe, a 'arge aod alegant aaao troaot of rich Motaic V*lv«l and Tapestry Carpeting, (urpawing aoy- bui. ave» btfcvre ia thii cocntry; patieia* eolirely new, aicuuvely our owa, and for sale full 18 per cent. iess than other itaras -elbng linular jocds._ ~Canal-st. Cabpkt Store..No4v ia the t.m; if yoa wast to nrakea aaa ing of 15 aar cent-call at ho. 70 Canal-*»- R. A Pi.. «a,i, fl Co , and ther* yo w 11 liod giatd liigraia CtxTpeU at 4/ per yard, Threeply7, per yard; Tapeiiry Brussels, #1 10 W f-er yard. Also a lsr|0 and flpleedid fladtu.ient ot Tspsatry \ elvets. _ ___T (j-encral Houae Furniahing Articles tn tmair vanety, woodan, willow. Britaania, Un, Iron. Japaa, and othm Warve; Carriasea, Cab-, Propellof*. W»*ona. V*- loc*peds. Toys, hc , ka. Basemrat More, No. 128 Canal-st. 4-_wPriea. J- Kkllo.._ BJT Houockeejiers aud othtra ia want of f-gfi-H fjndfltaadi. hr -. .-.-'¦»-" -. vVii.uasi.'i .d B*_ai_babad \4'arenKuiia No, l>- Chatham-dt.. oovn*r of Mi>Jr-_rvy-t-- wbereniay be found the lar_«*t aw..<-_ent of IBVKJos ia. hii lll* cvk vtvrofl io '.->- pu.uj. Wio and Hair Dtk.Batchklor'b Vnuvftcutrj. Na 4 WeH-et, I* the «»'-«»«» °Y;,J! H ocoriBflt/e^ertkl**; hi. orinoal LifluidJl«ir l ye Mft the hi,heet place lo public eetimaU-a, aud fer thab-tfo.- teaa y*.- ba* *.re_the freaUat aitirfaetioB !.'_""»¦»* who Bave aaed it ia aM part* of tbe world. A* a V, aud Toapee mtker be ha* ao equaL Copy hl* addret-. aad be- tra-e of Initetioe*. ^_.. General Pierce a.-i> E. Thomas Lyoi. -We will yenture that Mr Lro* ha. won aad '. .''.« moralaar-h '-_ ihe Udie* and all who have trta. hfe-h (MtrotfWB K.ihairon, for *__"-^»*£_CTE5! our fnend PiBacr. a* Preeident. Do yoo hear' LVON* r?ib_ro._;"_>cenU.^d by .11 .f'rW., Dru«-tA Ac, ln New-York, Brooklyn, and the L pited Butea._ |_T Gouracu'3 Li.iuid Hair Dye i», without Bi-eptioa or reaervation, the very beet ever 1d- yented; equaJ"v eelebrated it G(..**.-'* Medicated Boap, forcunng pitrpiea, Irecklea, ealt rbeura, flf^-wonna, tet- ter, .allow-***, t.n, rouchoeee. Aa. Poudre _ubt:le up- root* hair from any part of the body. Liquid Ronaa, L-y W _it*,aad Hair Oloaa. at 61 Walker-et.. neer Bmadway /COLIAN PlANOB..HALLET, DaVIS 6C Co.'t newiy Unproved -Eohaa Pianue anrpaai all other* for purity and aweetneae of tone, and for Kanding ln tone. A large a**ortment at tbeir New-York VVare-r omt. Pian jt to lat Beaond-haad Pia-oa for aale. Oath paidiT * Pierwe. Oould fc B-aar, No. 297 Broadway. f_T Fowlers 6c WlUJi Phrenologists and PubHah-re, Cltnton Hall.No. 131 Naaaaa-et- New-York, Bnd No. 142 VVaihHigton-rt., Bo*toa._ EF" Cbistadoro_ eelebrated Li'_uid Hair Dye, for Colormg tbe Hairor Whteker* iiurtaiter. upon natural piinciplea, *nd warranted free from all ca ittic lub- ttancee, it applied daily, and *old wholeaale and r-ufl. at Crim*ik.»o'. VVig and Scalp Ettab.'uhment. No 6 Aator Hou»e. N. B Friveie room* for applyiug th* Dye, and fittingon Wip._ Goino, goino, go.ne..What? Why, the grey hair*. Davis's Ii aiivenk drive* them away by acting upon tbe rooti of the hair, and r-produci .g tlie fjr- nier color, loftne**, gloet and growth, warranted. cei.t* per bottle. Kor **le at the generu! dep -. N .. W Grand tt., and at No. IH2 Broadway, 2711 Wath ..gto'.-it., 1*- Hud*o--*t, 127 Bowery, 111 lloiuton._ Phillips's Annihilator..This is to certify that we the underwgned attended aia committee for tl epuipoaeoftetting(tlieef___cyofPniLLir's'sPATKNTPiRE Annihii.ator in extinguitbing lire, are aatitlied that in or- d.r.ary caae*. at th* commencement ofa fire,they are of great ui.-, ar.d will do fflecthe aervice. We are well aa-iafied with the experimeot, ar.d oon«ider it a fair t.-t of the utili- ty ofthe apparat.i. We mutt. in itfttiee to the proprv-tora, -iiii.it w* went there M-iewliat prejudiced agaioct the ute of them, and contider we gave tliem a fair trial. T. W. MoB-lK'fSK.Chi.-fKiiw.r.cei. H. Ukad, A-tiatant Enrineer. Wu i.iam H. Poi.i.ard. ex-tlhief Engloeer. Pami. i i. H. Manv. Attittant Knr'-:ii;in, Knjine No. 3. Mt nkv Slin. Meirjberof Hudwn Hwe Co. E. Ranuai.i...Jeraev City, Jurel, !«¦_-._ Dead, dead, one rries ! that would like to make pepvle believe ail artiel»* are worthlew and poiar.noiiH but Im, but the f_-t it eitablitlied th*' CoiTAB'l Extemaaator i* the only ettectual and reliable article ln the ki.-r.wn wo Id, and in oidi-r to aave Iniiiaalt, he ha« to :iy im- r.nter andpoiaon. COBTAB'l Kxt'-rrnlaator Bf Rata, Mi-e. Cockroacbee, Anlt, Ac , lt noi dtngerou* to tlie hu nan 'am- il.. lt can be had of aiiV of tlie whuletale druggi.ti .n tlii f'itv, ai.d all lha prlncipal druggitt* in th- Ii.ited Ptat-O, ic COSTAB IVpi.r, No. H* Broadway. H B_ l Bag K.-l.-rriuiiafi r la t.ily wonderful; it not only deatroya, |_H is.. nt keept them away. _ i__TCoiU Oh_b! Cohjc All! at No. 124 Broadwav. What'i lie in nil.lle Powder* tkilled The man vo wmi'd r.ly on lf lou want your vernun Kilied I \\ bo canhe be but LTOB Bedbui*, rnr.elie*. flratand I'let Tlie Powder vou m*y try on . Kvery noxiouH iastd fliei. Ar.d you l«.lie\e in LTOB 'Tla'i a..d mic*. and tucb tmall ieer," N.-f d no trapt o< mm ; One M'le pill tha Um willklll. Wh- Ii >i>u procure Bi-.-BB . Tk.N ThOUBAJTB Cl'liKS AM» NOT A SlN- BLB hAll Ihi.-Dr. B_OTIMOO*l ClBlipOBOl Svrup of N-ipii- tiia, cclel.ialfd t.fBBgb-. l*,th conlinent* f.r IU woml-rlul cuic* of ci iitni.iptii.ri. aillima, d"cllne, ipitting of blood, mglit-iwc-ti, dillu .iii liri-atiiiug,cougli*. col.11, anii alldi*ea*e* .nl ai.d lui.gi. Iu eliect u|...n tlie lyttem it niild and toothin*. at the ,:>-!y biling to g ra re- lu ( on Um ti..' applieatiao, and by repcating it a fow t-BBBBB pemiunei.t mrc la er). 'I:..- proprh'loi. tlii-i"-fi.ie, nnt only recommendt hit Naph- thahyrup, but warianta it to cure He warranft it to act upon tlie cliyle and purify it; he warrantt it to removo all iin*--<lin.< BtawUch ri i.uil tlie freB circulati.m uf the l.lood he uaiiai.l* lt leepCBtha inten.al and eal.-rnal poret of the body, and ei.U an tlie obnoxumi particlea wlncli Imvc 1 1- Int.d in tbe ivitein: lie wtnant* it u i ii.-ver-failitu leiu.-dy in (ihi.si; DlflBABBD Lv.nc*, hectic (ever. niglil- twi aia, ilyi.pi piia, liver riuiipljinl, pam in tlie clirtt and ai.ilii.ia; aml ba wurrnut, il t.> arrelt the fann-itiuii nf tiib'r- cl.* in Ibe lungt, and to lieal tli.*e already formed, aa riat te-rfiii in couaumptton may take lt with tha BBoat poalllfa r. iilul. i.ir ui a cn-e ; for ltt great teat ol action it M lingi, wbieb lt peiietral.-* in all dirrctiona, pnrifynig tliem . llnng (.l.i.ioioiiB iii it«|.r..gre.t. ai.d wl.uh, il applied accord- tng todiraetteaa, it cauuol ta.it to leave in a perteclly lieultby ci.iidilii.ri. [ir. Ha»tincs's foniponnd Syrup of Naphtha tt hlghly rei i.ii.n.ei:dfd bl th* nledical | 1 if <¦iii.ii.-nf nhy- .Ician, Or Alott, ol .N't-H ii.ik. tayi. tbat "at a nul-uoiiis reoied..- it eannot be to.i hlghly pralaed." Dr. Arnnld of tbe afarii.e ll.wpitBi, Savarniah Or. Ware ol I.iverpo .1, Kng- I I'.i ri Oi.ll illiun f»n ot Manr li.iler, Englund Or. B'.vd of Laaoaitari Dr. tlaariltoaol Balhi andthomaraInent _.g* l>li [ nl in .' '<¦ I mdon Litmtrt, The .V.r.iir... Jourmti and /./riiMn</i'''« y.vI'.'i-yc.-f, al] ;,¦ i-nrd to It tha mott OOB* viiiring oerti-eateBof ita y-tuea, Io Unir-ouutry it hat been uaed with d-tinguiahed locoaaa, Bi.ld by C V. CUCKBBBB Co.; No. 81 Barclay-*.., Oen- .ral Agent fur New-York and winity _\E\V-Y()RK TRIBUNE. NKU'-YOKK. TIIIKSDAY, JUNB 1". tr Th* Tribvn* te **rv.d ln thte City, Brooklya, WU- il-uitburgh and JeiMy City for 1°. eent* per week, payabl* lo tbo carriera. Namettent through the Po*t-()tfice or Penay Pr.tt will be prou.ptiy placed upon the Carriera' booka. Conc.ress..In the Senate yesterday iiotliing of itiiportnn c i*as done. There whs r-iiinc tulk Hlinut the iraf itfU-irrfnTfcirfrnriftr Atisp, now liuililins hy Mr. BtOOWM. luit no rosnlt. I'.m iitiie *i's>iiiii cl.iseil Ihe ilnv. lnllie Houae rwj littie v»a-< cll'eile-. -leuara. MOE-aRAIl ____ OU linili* pnliticdl apeechea to nn |iur]'nft', -ml tlie lloiine adjuuined. I3t Telegrai'ii..We have further in- tereKtinj, detttiN of Foreign .Newn. I^tfr and liill MnrUt report- froin Rio Janeiro. The Prniocratic Kutite ation Meeting in Wash- in^liiii. The eleetinn ofa W'lnp, Coi)i*rcs8iii_n in Maine. l.ntci iiews from Mexk'o, l.y way of IN'.w-Or- looa*, Aml tlie nsual jrariety of domestic itetn.s of new?. mn IM l.t-poiiar lo thr Haltlmore NomlBatlona! The lN'th Pistrict of Maine was t-arved nut rxjire.iKly to .-eti.1 Loin-Kocos in Piiccessicn to CougreiM. Liiiioln Ciiunty is Whig; so is her nexl neighbor, Kenneber; und the only way to prrvent thfir eUiting two Whi^j to Congreaa vxaji Irfheved to ba fonn.l in the conneetion of l.iticulii by a turre tliread of torriti.ry with a jKiitii'ii of IKlord, « l.oco-Foco Btronghcld, tliotigh Wliig Kcnneliec lie- nearly bittrecn thr*m. The l>i*tiiet thus carved out is kiioou u "Mi* t'otnet," not (us 77it" Jou; nal of Commerce snp- |Hr_es) beeauw of its unreliable poBtJOO, but l»e- a-.i-i ol it* erratie and unparalleled Bhape. In IS'rt', it ehi'.-r Ck.f-M ___MWI (Opp.) hy M nia- joiity but, be dviiii; it ihof. titae mnrntm, a Spoeial F.lectiBii OM laid on .M.m.lay la.-t, B_-i I-am Iii n-.the \\ In_: who vsa- beuteu by ___TOWa tn ¦ roareafo.ia teooi otaotoel by -vreoS6n nmj.ir.iv. Thi.-eleitioti Iim.*. ptaco int*ir __kM of the Looo_ 1'ik'o jou in_~, ennnoH .".drs, \e. .Vr. o\er the h-rnionrous issue of their Baltiinore Conxonbion, and may be taken n> the iir>t subfUnttitil resjuinse from Aeie-Emfland to the M__---tkM of 1'ierre BJi.l Kin_. A./!..-Tbe Whig* of that D- jo tlie entire for Wimih p Si ni r lor Pltsideat, THK NOKTll.\V_>T-ll.\UliUHS, Ac. Curigre-a haa now been more thaa six rr.onths in Sesaion, yet no bill making Ap* jin-priations for thelmprovementof Rivers and Harbor. has yet been reported, nor has any dccUive actian been taken (to tlie best of our recollection) sn the imjiortant sub- iect of a Ship Canal around the Saut Ste. Maria, so aa to exter.d the range of un- broken navigation by steoin and _a;i vea- <t Is fiom the Falls of Niagara to th-> wej- tern extremf*y oi Lake Bh_pCfior* The nuH-JiMWl Imi ex;er'.tcJ mar; \V* of thou_ands cf dollars on the ereetion of For.ifications around the great Lakes and tho keeping up of Military posts at Macki- cac, Saut Ste. Marie, Fort Mariiaon, Fort Wilkins, A-c. when we hol.l it demonstroble that half the money expended in eonstract- ing the Ship Canal aforcaaid and improv. ing the Rivers ond Harbors of the Narth- Wes-t would have provided farmore ellect- aally and completely for the protection and deferi<e of all tbat rr-gion than fort* and troops have done orcould do. We were attendant on the deliberation.s of CoEgre.s at the close of the las! Session, and saw many important measures stifled, and tbeinevitable Appropriation bills final- ly ruahed throtigh at the last possible mo- mentwith indecent and perilous diapatch, in consequence of a deliberately planned conepiracy of the 'Deraocratic ' magnatesin theSenate to strani,le the River and Har- bor bill,without exposing themselvesonthc record as voting again _t its passage. For Mesars. Cass andDoii.i.vs were each can- didates for the Presidency, expeeting to be nominated and elected by the votes of the South; and neither wished to vote against his constituents oa the one hand, nor the power which controls Deraocratic National Conventions on the other. So the North- Weat was defrauded of the improveraents rightfully due it, which the House had al¬ ready votcd, and the Senate would have voted if allowed to vote at all, merely to improve the chances of MiRWi. Ca-i and Douglas in the Baltimore lottery, which luu oo reccnily awarded them blanks. Well: that is all over: and no*7what_ shall longcr preTROt the reporting and pM-OBg of the Saut Ste. .Marie Canal and ain'-r and Harbor bills ? The North-Wcst has waited long and patiently for her rights, in subservience to the personal am- bition of Hoflflro. Cflflfl and Douglas; it is high time her patience were substantially rewarded. We have now a President who has the undeiiiable mcrit of being an earr.est, /ealous, ori.inaI f-iend of River and Harbor fmprovements, anl who will uaduubtedly and gladly eign any bill which mav be passed in aid of their proseeution. It is the golden moment.let it not be tri- (led away ! The candidates just nominated at Baltimore, and whom tlie North-West will do her utmostto eleet. are botli taken fr..m nniong the bitterest and most sweep- ing opj.onents of all such works ns that aection eflpecially nceds an.l de.lan.1.., and have proved this by their oaiforaa ncts and votes while in Congress. Should they ba elected, there is a moral certainty that any RiveT and Harbor or Ship Canal bill will be vetoed. insuring its defeat; for a two- thirds vote ennnot be obtained in both Houiea in favor of any measure ofthe ao_t* If, then, the North-West is to succeed in ¦b.-titig tha < aadidates vvho will do their utmo-t to retard her growth and crippk her pro.perity, let her jirej.are for their odvent l.y j.ushing through forthwith the iinportant irieasures in which she i- 80 vitally interested. Friends of Lake Har¬ bors and Ri4cr Ini|irovements ! work ear- neatty aad work now! Ry the a-sembling of another Cmgress. exertion may lie too late!_ I.OOK AT TIIK FAlTS. There are two clas>es of men who call themselves free traders : those, who with¬ out having studied the facts of experience, are honestly in favor of commercial lib- crty, ai.d who, accepting free trade a, a mat¬ ter of inoraland economicalprinciple, woul.l have it inaugurated forthwith without re- gard to consequenccs : and those who pro- fess free trade as a good dodge, political or other. which may be made protitablc to themselvcs, or to the political leaders they would fain boost into power. With these latter gentry, discussion is useless and all the lessons «f experience of no nmre account than the vagrant bre.ve. But the honeat free traders, the genuine th.oristsof free trade are bound, as sincere men, always open to conviction and ready to follow their cBnvictions, to gi4e a caroful attention to every fact and every argument which has a bearing on a question of so much importance. And we ask them ac- cordingly to weigh the facts we here present. .. it will not bedenied that the well- heing of a people may justly be interred _t._. its consumption of the great staple articles of common iife* Among these, grain. cotton and iron are undoubtedly the most important. But of these three iron is perhaps that whose use most exa. tly in- dicates the cmdition and progress of a na- tion. The place of graio may be supp'.ied by other vegetable products; instead of cotton CaWioBi wo..!«-n or linen .:_ay be 44ora; but for iron there is nosubstitute. and where its u»e is increo_-irg it cannot bo de- nied that the endition of th. peoplok im- proving, and pj uerta. ___£. then, under tree trade we find a nation. steadily and fof a l*-_| period of time, onsidf-rably en- larging its dom-^tic n^mnption of iron. we must conclu.le that .»n the whole, free trade is a |Ood thing for that nation; aad if on the other hand. wa find protection having that . tVeet. we mu-t eonclud.- :hat protection la tht 1 _: poli^-y for that nation to pursue. Here is a te-t by which we are willin_ to try the question, and who_.- re- bulr. iu the eye of all sincere and sound thinkers. ought to outweigh ____¦ of abstraet disquisitiono and -fofniRB as to the applkation ta om- tuerce of the principle al '.. &*.. W have hitberio caiied rhe attention of V-Tl - Etettl _*">- Wa-fl_ th-? Stafes of the Zollvcrein, inQermany, have made, sinee they fldopted the system of ef- ficieiit protection some twenty odd years ago. We have ihown that their consump¬ tion of cotton, which, under the influcnce of free trade, had for years scarcely ad- vaneed at all, on the C8tab,:shment of pro¬ tection increa.-ed ao fast that in rifteen years it gained 130 per cent. Wo have stown how, from hardly consuming any- thing of our productions, Germany has, un¬ der that system, become one of our best cu>tomers. We have now to show what effect protection ha* had there upon th. con.»uiiiption of iron, and this we are enabled to do through a reeent publication by Mr. Oechelhuuser, Secretary of the Association of Iron Prodacer. in the Zoll- verein. from whose work the followin,; table is taken by the K-Anisrhe Zdfung. an ultra free- trade paper, from which wo copv it: Ixpart y.\*-'\. f..a.'1-i. \ka a B.<.fl_*fl_l i ' '.'. is ios-s Tb j.iHM.tea \->\ r_ti,Ma M-.-r, . . < i,d_rvaa _a_ i.»'.'.¦.. aaoas , . .... .. . - By this table, which we presume the Zeitung ha- abridged, not caring to back before the establishment of protection to contrast the eflect ot the two system-., ae no doabt Mr. Oech?!h_iu-er himself has done, we see that under protection, in ten years, from 1834 to 1-1 I, 'he cousumj.tion of iron per head in the Zo.lven-in increased onehundred and forty pgr eetU. Aad 80 powerful was this movement. that even the famine nf 1-17 and th»- revolutionary agi- tation of 1 ~ l--'-1 could only throw it back to be Oo per cent. less than the consump¬ tion of 1842-4, the period of the ^reate-t jrn-perity. On facts like these. derived from indisputabl.- authority. running through so long a period, und embra. in_r, the entire population of the Zollverein ia their range, we rr ay safely resl the cause of protection. They prove beyond di.-rpatfl that, under that system. thfl power of the people to consume this article offi-otae- COHJIT experienced a regular augrmnta- tion, and thus it it denioustratcd that pro¬ tection is the true syst.-m for Gfennaay; and if for (iermany. for thi l'nited States, and erery other country whose natural re- BO-rc«-l and industry are not vet tully de- vcloped. .Our readers will also notice that while the home produ.'tion ot iron has COBfltRBtly growa in the Zollverein during the petiod in question, the importotion has increased al.-o. This is far from proring that protec¬ tion dimini&hes theforeign trade. It shows that protOCtioi cxt'-nds in its ellects to all bi_acbefl of industry and of consumption, and not merely tothoflfl which are protected: that it augments the geaeral power of the j.eojde to p.rehaflfl all anides <.f aecoflfllty bs vacII as of luxury, and'thus r.-ally l.uil.l. up a nation t<> that degree of iiulustrial an.l 6nan< ial independence that will" enable it to enter apOB the system ot'gcnuine free tratie. The domestic production of iron in the Zollverein grew io sixteen year-* nearly one hundrel per cent. and was not atlected by the events of either 1-17. '48 or '49. This is a great and encouraging fact. But it i> iiothini, to what wa> tedomplbhfld ia the l'nited States under the tariflTof 1642. Under that, in f- e yurs only, our produc¬ tion of iron increased one hundred <intl per cent., while, under the present taritK in five years it has fallen oflf again full one- half. so that it is nearly where it was in 1642. This <hows that for this country, with it- rapid movement in \v_hatever di- rection it may be turned, protection is even more important than to the less impetuous nations of the Old World. .VISt'ONSIN. This thrifty youag State was flr.t knoan (aa a Territory) tfl the __tted Stfltea Censua in Iv10, when it hnd .0,000 inhu! itunts; in 1890, they bod sa.vll.-ii tO ¦!'>" 0(10 fl tenfold iu- etoflBB Bi taa yflara- N<.w they do not full abort i.f _isi,((»0, aud are iaet-fl.flBf at ihe rute of at leoat oO.lXK) per annum. .\o other 5?tat« in tlie l.'nion haa rrowu with equal rapidity. WioetaaBifl B-iotobaa from Iat. 421° t.> 18° North, bat the p.irtii.u yet aettled is ahnost OB* tm U x.uth nf I and ia nf about the same teui- r.raturo as the Btatflof Now-Yorh. ts ntuio..- Bbeifl is ilrv aud brnci!i_r, an.l ita clitnute healthy. I*flhfl MiflflBjaa OB <>ne side, and the Mii Kn.r oa the other, Afltud meaua of rapid ;uid cheap eoiimiuniiatior. with tho Kast and tbfl Smth while (iroen l_uv, in the North-eaat, ond the WiflBOO._B Hiv.r in tho We#t, alTord farilitiefl for penetrating the interior. Muuy small and beautiful L*nkes are scatt, red ovot tbfl Bd.tfl, OBO ol whieh, at least, is already tfB-flloatl bj s _..*at. The Illiinna Kiier heads in this Btatfl, whoae iinuettleil territory stretches North to Lake Mipi rior, and rmhraces part ofthe Coppcr I urili-ring thut inagiiiticnt BflaVB. BBfl* Lead aud Iron <>r.-s>'f ti.'i-urp.-is.-i-d ri.hness ahound in \\'i«- :..| Oa.OB iiiiiitials will B-Bkb.OOfl bfl baad a* tl.e State is aettled. Of l.inie aud fl/yaBOl, there is an ample supply. The fuco of ttoe country is _U_fa-_B.aflj, bal not l.illv, and rarely or never mountainoii*: H ally from 1<K) to IM feet above the sur&ee ofLako Michiean. whichliflBuw fect higher than that . the ocean. A beit of tiiiibe'r akirtB Lake Mio.t> jan 8.tOflBBflfl faftata of Pine and oth»- proen« fill the valleys oi tlie Wiscon-un und otlier ron t tba jjreater portion is firidod ii.to prairi., natural meadow, and the sparse w roniinonly desi_nated ' titubered openins-1.' 'Ihe bbor of ilearinr: and preparin^ for crops is there- fore far hf hter tiian in Westem .New-Vork, I'eun- MUai.ia. and Ohio. Mii_>«r:it!vely level surface of the Sta.e ia pecuiiarly faior.ble to the construction of Rail- r.-adfl, ahereof one is already iu prou're-tq frotn Milwtinkre, tl.t- 88.at j^iit on Lake >!.< iiijnn, br the -eat of government. we«ierly d.-r-iis tbfl State to ihe Miflfli.ippi Another t.; rRfl .\ortli-»e.-t'-rly from .Milwiuikee, and stillanoth- r by I'":ii!-i)n-I.ar tn f,'reen f!ay. and t-OBBfl lt!- ii-Btelv to Lake Su;H-ri..r. The Irou artd ('.ppp' F.1 ines on tlie N»rth an- destined toal>s_rb nearly all Ibfl aflaaracfl ..f thia Bt.tfl, e^'e,-:.allv if tlie reeent rntifiirnevl. There naght to lie a Plank Road from Green Bay to I.ake Snperior at on-e, and a Rail road as aoon prartiealile. Wisoousin haa B__fered heavy loeeea from tha poreiBtcnt otTorta of her people to make Wheat their chief ataple, wherein they have had poor MCOOae. From one eauae nr another, their wlnnt- erop* here been IgM lor several yeart paat. We nppreheml that their miow. do not fal! early ail he ateadily euoo.ii to shield the young plant from the piercmg bla_l- of wmtor. At leiigtli Uiey aro turiiiri-r their attention to Wool, lleef, Pork, t.orn, Flar, .r., with a moral eertaintv of doinu (tr ¦- ter. Hut there i* creat n«ed therewith of Mami- facturea of nll kinds, especially of Roota and Shoes, Woolen*. I.ii.e «, Ac, ..-. We wish we rould in con-i ience a.lvise inv-one to undertake the working of her Iron Ore under our tariff. The Population of Wi<ronsin hM heen driwn in |00d part from iNew-F.n.'Iand aml her chil¬ dren settled in Wi--<tern New-York, Northern Ohio, fcc, but a very large inmiigration of Ger- ni.ins, Nonrofio-k*, fc., _a~a ehoaoa thi-* state for their future home. They arr an in.lusttious and well-meaning people j many of them well in- stiurteil an.l intelli_ent. We wi-h they all knew aud reali/e.l that Total A-stinence t'roui Intoxieat- in_ Diinks is the only tr.ie Temperance., Sehnol.s atid C-OrC-00 abound | F.iueation is well cared for; «nd the poaoafOoftho M un. I.aw was harely .iel'eated hu. winter by n tie in the Senate, after it had pas-ed the Houae. We have said little of the S»»il of Wf-KOMi-. Much of it is f-ty fOod. but nraeh of it ia only ¦iddbaf, nnd there im -.nine very poor, a* ahnost eveiv w'.iere el-e. Al a whole. we ¦hooldjodga it inferiorlo that f Illinois but the aeeount is aliunilantly balaneod by tlie gnatot purity of tho water aiid saluhrity of tlie climate in \\'isioti-.iii. A emadnable share of the ooil of Wi-consin hH8 been hotight up with l.und Wairaotl bv spec- ¦latOffB, ainl il now held fur speeulative. prire.t but vrrv mueh, oonofiollj ia theun.setrl-.l MgMNMP in j-ti.l open to entrv ander the Gnrernmenl, and' by usin_; l.und Warrants, a qaaiter-oeetioo m^ lt- boaghi tor aboot |130. We hopo ooaa to an- Aounea tba paoeage of the Romeo-Oad bttt, under Rrhkh a lamlless man may MCOTO a quaibo* aerttoa lor hi* own i;-e without price. .So much for Wisron.-ui, which ha- jn-t tb*m n ln tnodotn byoendinf ¦ C__on_ioo-o_oi (Mr. (.. \uu iStecnv..,k) t'> our I'ity to fa.ihtat* and v-well .'ini-rratii'it tliither. Mr. V. S. miy be foll-d ¦tbio office, llll (ireenwii h-t., and v\c udvi-e ull who think oftntgrnting Weotward to call and l.arti of him what are tiie mo-t eCOWMIlical IDMM of ronvevaiieo, fcc, U the State payi him, aml the iiifi)rmation will eaat the impiii'T nothing. Hiaoffirial poeition and duty will impel him to i_ive diointerooted and aathontk infoitimtioti. * UT The Exprtst fairly badgcred oi into our reaoooofor baUaoing ' J. 8. P.V aHu* oionotothe pecuaiarj poeitioa ofthal paparaad tln bwipMI nli'tion- of itfl cluef E'litrir noi nn- warranted. .Now that it hu*them. it ^ i ,iv m ii did J. S. P.'j call* 'J. s. P.'i nllu-ioii un " uamitigate- lulsehoc.il," fcc, fca, Bi ' thi.- arboleo Ie oraj ofoottUag rnaiteis dmi't anawer. We at_tod fmei* wt tmitn e«t.orro ao tori.iv roopecting the been rrralrj of Heosro. Brouka und Lan in isH and the efficieot iup* port of B. <¦- 1- in t-*-0; and «e cannot be mi*- tiikui in our be'iiel thut au ex. elleut un.lei- itanding between them has been mai ever aiucc. Thio ia all wtbttM; .'.11 beyoodii Ofl npoii." as J.S. I'.'stiited. and that report waatated in our U-'. Bo with r-gard to .-iti.iit that u Ioiik liot of $40-nb-cnbora wr - made np (br The Exprett m 18-0^.with .. .- proaa refirrenee to ito hboro and aacriiooe ia tha eauaa of Uaioo-oavinf.wa lad no aapreao eoo> tia.i.i iioii ui our aarage cotenpomry, whieh yat ooea lit to say, " Mi'n who do not know wliat they atsert to be tru-\ thould be i-i.ii'i'ui wlia' th*jooBert Ko_o b«taprao- li.-eii kra.-e in polit.-s w.-uld v.'i.tiir- UDOn'OOOUBOn report1 ti li dnaate ¦ ebarge of wklch he iiad no ainiwl- eil.e, i.t.d thitiKt have r.une to u piftty jiaat wheu ,i report ii roled upon to ba ¦'* op h libel." Snle by siii.' with tha abore, Tkt Exprets has The Albany Registti'* fnbri.-.ition th u we qnotad and expooad yeati ntoy. Oar coatradietk waa iu the ii'iv pn|»-r of wbich The I'.xpres* pretund* to bo enriog the " ^>irit" in-ito article from a*_iefa w.i harojuot rrao.ed; btrl it dooe nel allowita readera to onopocl the o_ioto_ce of that eontradicti-n, but prioto the atory aa il it »era aataidiehad aad concededtruth. .\ay, it laya expreaoly thal li, r .-..(,reelejr, of The. F*m>T»fk Ir'bviit, in -H drv :;<Ji<J i.en. .S'.itt'i a-Uiliei a* a atatetinuii, bd 1 de- iioiincrd him u* 'a ta%e*it*d i'iiittmtkmt man!' la a lotior to a poWlletaa ln iho lleiliw ia* inli Staae, pr.;- vloul to the appotutment of delegat** to the Natioual Ccnvenlion, In 1849, he wrote thi* wiie: " Voryiag, than, Tkt E.rprett* pfaraaeology, wa imprOTe ifs iiiiixim as foOoo - "Min wbo are explicitly infon indtbat aeahun* ny they bare publiah-d m fciae, onght at leaot to inthnate tltnt ita truth ie not perfoctly estub- lishi d." . Is not this n reaaooabla -ugfeatioa ? X3T "An Eyeor. the Capitol" vrritcs to / 1 prets aa followa : "ArolLer cauiao!" oppoil-tan to Mr. Flllrnore'* re n< rnli-ion 1*, that hl* C ibinet, aa already foreief1, i* txpei ted to ronfimie, and Ihenfara that from B Cl Ihui duappr.intlQK tome ther.- ia uu ehoaOO lo: iu lha rtforrriitiiin otth*? whole admlulttr.ition nf B9G rn bmi Thia 1* a very, very cr-ltifh naodo n raa* mlag and Betlrh', but it la yet not fiunded on t iet It 1* kuowo, for exaniple, that the P**tma*ter (ie:.*r>l ['.Ir. Hall; could not be Indu.ed toitay where he li iiey ind M.rch Ith. *nd that he ai-cepted ortice to tho rieylect of hl* every eartLly lntereat, only to oblige an oiu partner _-J Iriend." . Surelv, thit camiof be tnie. I'lile"* arohav. been v.iy graaaly aiiaiii-ii_nid. Mr. Hall was a candidate for GovarttM of Mininsoti in 1849, warmly buckeil by Mr. Fillmare. That offica would have taken him much larther away from his evcrv earthly interest" than the Ijeneral I'o-t* Office, and would have pa.d. but about oue-third as min h. Wt revent. patriot ie Helf-siuriti we r-_!!y cannot think Mr. HaJl crucitieJ himself in takir.g the Poet-Ofica. We hive known laifOI men taka amaller tiffuea without siupei ting that thay weie htyiag the public under very heavy obii- eati-!)"._ -_?" Gkorge M. Dallai tnokfx-f-a-i¦>.*., at a Ratification Meeting in I>lnn..lfl[>l.ia on Mon- dav iiight, to eontradiet an anonyinoua atatam-nt that Franklin Pierce oppoted the eras <. fr001 tlie .New-IIanipahire Constitucion af the rlause which renders KomanC'atholi. s ineligiblet. rio far, we pre.umehe wu* i«» t. He pro. eeded, hswev r, tn say : _ '. 2'a 'rt. did thete jutl aml genernut rknrnpi'int nf nr!l and rmMtjktw* Itbn'"/ [Horea and| Wo¦.; p in obraining from a Contentiim, cnlted at tr.etr inttanrt ..i. -try purp»M, tkt: aboliiion nftkit Tett, and tfire, (a* the Coiii.it-t.on penLitted no cha.. prayrUoH. unlea* *_r.cti-ned by itco-tlurd* mi the yotei of tLe people,i vert they drfeaud b>j the "pi>o»utj/i uf tht cowbuted U higt and Abolilionie'* ai th* pollt." .\\ t- leg leaie to as.-ure Mr. D_.Ia_ that thia latter aBsertion ia a very grave tui-take, and, if persiated in. wi lery <*rosi and ealumni- ous falsehood. // m not true, nor any thing like tnie. that tlie Conatitutional atncndinent in ques- tion was defeited by the oppoaition of the Whiga aml Abolitionists, and Mr. Daliaa ought not to -rrted it at randoui. -Nor is it true that a F-inul-ir vote of two-thirda was rerjuiredto ainc- tion this or any other chan?e adopteJ by the Con¬ vention. It.failcd for want of a majority of the votta ca. t, am! it.- OppaMOta were drnwii ._. ulvut C'l>"Jfr«[»"!li>' .-. ^v '.t, \%%\ Mr. l-aliaa shall sonia nt hiniaelfwiUi.be facta nnd make hia rrcaotfltion as public aa hia chana. bas bf.-uBBrt. Ge.i. S.ott's RkliiiIon..>We have ra» reived aome half down k ttera inmjiring whethar li i.tt is or is not a ll.in._n _.____¦___, and ia- timatio.; that the answer will materialtv affeet ha vota, ahould he W nominated at ll tltiuiore. \e-z Irave to answer ail at once that we don't knam to ahat religii.us dtnumina.ion (,en. Scotl ia ao* t ¦.i-firii. and if we dUi know we should not say reply to any su-h appl.cationa aa wo hara ro* ceived. That Qaflfl S.-ott is an h.meat, ronsoiofl. tioua, God-fearing, law-ahiditur man, is almn !_nt, ly known further than tl.it, we hold thal oo oaaa has a r:-ht tn inquire, with a vi. w to thi- voto ba is to ca. t for IVsideat. We knew and detoat* rd men who electioneereJ a^aiust John l*.uiao* | '¦oc_.iiM he waa a I'uitarian we know thal tba Cbiof JflBB.M of tho l nited States ia a r.caloafl l.oman Catholic, but ive never heard anybody io* tiniate that his integrity ur _h.flflfl for ha hugjb Mation was at nll allected by that circuiu-tdn.o. GflBt ^coit, we have under. trmd, is an I.pi*.-or__. liao; but we never inquired what ehunli beat- trnded, an.l never shall iiniuire. It wtll I* a aa4 0_J kt .ur 08_a_rO when any oon<tdoral.lo uum- ber of votes for President can be influeacod, ooo way or nnother, by the religioui professions of taa fiaal candidate*. ii.-.i Statew .». nn. >r »l;»ini. I.aw tarneral l'lorre. Corr*.puiJ»n.'* of The fl T. Tribus*. Co.ati-oBD, Monday, Jur.e 7, l_.>. Tlie Leeislature is now in session liero o Coneord. Nothing of paitJ.-ular lntereit has tranfl> piretl as yet in the honorable boiiy. The " wire-pullerar* sr* nrrai.^iDgniatterafor tho choice of thi11 .-1 syaalt who will aeon be i-hosen. Mr. Burke's prospects setaiB ¦. favorable as any m *__'.. The political leaders have not yet dectded as to thfl bost courae upon the Matne l.sw, whlch will «.H>n coom Bf l,.r examlnatton. In all pr.i>>B.illty it will pasd tflfl Bflflk-BBBBd lloua.-, biuI betigned Bf tBfl li.iveruor. Tba D.mO-rsU, althougb dtilrou* flf Ita dvfeat, a'ill wffl (avor it ^cnerally, ilnce the people through tlid .->_**» are mostly ln It* lavor. Ou Welneiday aad Thur»dajr oi this week, there is to l.o . gr;uid Temperance ceflfl tiatton here, when the petltUn lor the Maiue Law w_ be present* dto Uie I.ejUlature. At about hiilfpast two last Saturday aflernosa, sll hsaa were thrown in great confuilon by tlie T.'lr^raphio rep. rt that our nolghbor. Frank Pierce, lia.1 r.v.'lvfld thenorrlnntlon at the Dera.vratic Convention at Kalfl- niore. Hafl a man in Coneord could believe it. What an idea I Frank l'ien-e.tho " liero of many a weU- ti'ii_ht l'otile,'' a candldate for tho pritalJcncy of theaa Vmmmi Malflfl '' Bfl Is a iup»rlor lawyer, and can, hflfl (___MBBj 88._0.fl a mighty itifluence upm tho jury.. Alas for Ha Demoeratic party BbOO reduo-d to su.h BB I'xtn'iiiitj! He nevor can be elected. 4 flflWfl BBBBB.!| I iun n"\ r svalked our stroets. Bfl waa nbhgi-d lo leave WaflBOBflflflB, when a IflBBBBC there, ofl- i'Bi lehewaa alm..it .'.ntimiilly _BflB___SB8B_l I Thofl murh for the Domocratlc CHiidldate lor Pre.i.leut, Wo 1- atfl that hi.;h ultli-e will never bo disgrao J by sucl a mun. Yours, \c, Dkla, A t:.-i.'.iiai- to liurgi-T. It was notto be expected that the stata- meiltfl |'ut foith hy GflflkOdffOy iu bi8 rer.-ntly piiblished IBOnioirs, would be tillttwt'd lo p.its UB- QOticod bv tl.e parlH-s bfl 10 OOOBJ 080fl_B> The i.i -t pul.lii- laoaoaaa kbol boa aaat our ojro, ia that tba rotafflfl Deniluiiski, who BBB ndd.e-.sod to tbfl AogfltBtrg All'Xemeine _M__w_gfl letter whieh wa tinii-liitc us t'ollow- " l__BB, Itaie (islllon 6, ISth May, 1S.V}. '' M.i. KntTOK : I hsvo read lu the Augsburg Allgtr mtine '/tin.ttg, several "xtraots from the w.*rk of Oaa* (iorgey, and espcelally these lo which he releri to a l.-te u-ti'tu couveriaUoii baii witli Mi. Kosauth on thfl 10th of Auguat, l.-l:1, ln which he aticmpt* to ahuw that Ibfl latter aas accessary to his shumeleas capltulatfon (8 Vilagoa I have also reail the natract whi. li fflB.fl tu the events between me and Oen. (ii.rg.y at TitsaKUrexl, un Marth .1. 1-I-. As tor the .-.uiv.irsati m wlUi Mr^ Koaautb, I caniuA know whether It flOflBa.I the utaflt mth or not; but with a good conictence, and with BTjj I an<fb full of I'viilei.ce, I can aisure you aad your read* irs that tbe entire uarrative of _B__L(M_flj0f in i-'ipool to my-elf, <. "ntnins notiiing hut lles, willful lles, euunlafl Imt yet «tuplH lles. My Meinolrs havo 0000 .¦¦.iiipl__fl-» these two years, aad when they appear, every oflO, who hns the least kn.wledge of the art ot war, can eonvtncd hlinsell that I dlrectsd affair* wall, and cared for them propegrly, not on'y ln reipnet to upeiatio,Bfl In Uie fleld, hut alio in tbe BtaflflB ¦BJ "I 1....J aud ntK-naiarlea; aad .very iiihu who BflBtfl [iitfectly underitands wsr on tl.e graud i.-alfl wv 111 cniiipr. Iieiiil from Uiem that n-.thing but thfl BBB.tf flf Oaa. floRfflf sav.-d the Austrisn ariny tioma |"t d delent.a def.-at whiik would havo taken alaflfl la th>- iimnUi ot Miin-h, so that B. Russlan interv.-ntloa would have been impoislble, and io that Itussl. itsdlf would have .eeni-unfltralntbJ to remain tu a hlghly pro- cartoua defenalve posttlon. One reprmrch ean in-leod be justly made agalmt me, and thia Is tlut I did u t ar* ralgn (ien. <'..rgej- before a court m.rtU!. lt would oo- BBB| too much *pace to explain here wny l did not do lt but 1 can even now malntain that i-nly the inbloaR f . lin_s Bflw- d BBB tnto this fault, this _Baa___08B, H JOO ullL I rcir.aiu with eiteem, " Hkmiv I)KMBrar»Bt, OeneraL" HtWRARt-JI Fl.-sd. . We acknowledga the receliit of sixty five dollars Rt. 188 w. rkmeala the Oaa JMio Caipet Fuctory, (Jermantown, P«., _B aldol liuugary. SB From Lake Sr.'KKiot...We have tbe ,<,nit S/e. M'trte Jourtutl ofthe 9th ulf. A Ofllgoaf tron ttam the Mar.piette Worka. l.'.MC bleoiiis.nverugiiiK I96_bfl. ea. h.h.d bflflfl ro- Cflirod Bt tbfl >atit by tbe llultimor.-. It wa» oa its way to PoBJ-_7-*Ofl_B to be rolled, tbflflfl i*e_BflJ no rollm_ niilis more coiiv.nient. The Jlruce Minc (on the St.Mary's Kiver.fortf EflrJlofl bfllaa the Snut,)had dispaiehed the a hi*ta> ri Uiiiiiiiii 0 lll BBfl vvitli a eaifO ofl'opper Ore far Bb-boob, EBgtaad. Tha ore is a yellow flalabariii .-tiiiint.d tfl fmrni im {wreent. BB. tahoWOfltlijmt pmt tun. Fiom /i/e Hnynl, broratilo u.niin| aci nuqU l.iiil bflCO rOfeOtri d bj way of a Hina.'I ae. *rl whicb r_fltadthfl Lie from Ka^le Harbor. (Ifl mail or other dii. t a.lii< < I hud been re< eived at the lflB) (or srven iiiontha. The Ltjttt are nll lemarkahly hi.h this sprinf, tfl the hard winter rfldbi u-i OfflfOflBtBao and tlie rupid _oolt_Bg ofthe hflST* depoflitafl .now atter the late openinij of sprin.'. iuiiiK.it -____aaa_a*a, (M bflfl long;, H wiile, draft lii inehea,) wa* lieingj towed up thii Smit wlirn The Jouriud waat to |ir*t-«. She t% .-.I tos-uii un the n.er Oiaoui-on Iroin |01 inoiith tfl tbfl Mu888, (I I uiil.s,) und w.Ilhe a Kreaa ¦fBj*OB_8flC0 t<. that thriiing r.gion. A VtttaM Jio'id i* alaobeiof built between the »ame|>oint-. Tbo contrm-tor suwstip the tinibef which he euu out ofthe ruod-bed into plank lor the road af BB88.0 flf a steam BBW-mill alnth he rjuabflfl a^ie«4 aa the ground ia cleared Ltelore it. I'our "thot «tea:n haw-mills are at wftrk on tho OotoBifOfll (two ut the moiit-i and two at tiie Mines,) baB are uoahle to produce himher ^o (aat as it ia wantoa for buddingr. The . Bt Troopt in the North-weflt are beiaf tn.ii-ferred to Urepin ond <._hfornia. I'art of them are to be i-placed by other CllipiaiM frorfl the Kast, but some posta are to be alundoaed. lt ifl hffb tinic. _ IST The Mineral Point (Wisco»sin) Tribune ot tbe «__h nlt wys con»ldorablo e_:c-_wr_aa- hao been mantfeitvi lathat vlllago by the diacovery of so-OO nnail pteeed ol gold, valoed at from two to Ivo d____» cach, ar.d a lead oi the same tnateriaL

New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-06-10 …...G_i*atiemaIfUL ^A. Rankin k(., No. 104 Botvory.^ C-P* Haveyou o friead Mubiect to C'hills aodOaa.,advlae himto try oneofRav

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Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-06-10 …...G_i*atiemaIfUL ^A. Rankin k(., No. 104 Botvory.^ C-P* Haveyou o friead Mubiect to C'hills aodOaa.,advlae himto try oneofRav

fjOwiiiEaa _rono__i.

'^'ul^mn^uc fi.ore of Waflhin*-. "_. *__i._*d hv Tnur.hBlI ot any other erai-

__a!-Si^ Bward-u. ang-1 ot earh fa-wilw ¦"*?_*; _*'.^-S^T^JS'^rs ^wtTri"^atae Jl th* worW. ,.^D_»_V_^__^rft_*j__Bilrea, to go to__£"arra*TW_5«S^¦*_-_,ra^i7l)werreotype PortraiU exacnted t-i so

___________^thaTo nae ns New-York feeli


.__ by Boot.

Rocar Moi'ntair Drab BKAVF.as.--tfiaiVrh. itere of Ba-ta, the Hatter. No. 1«8 Canal-*. and

2*_JtlwT«»tl^ V«ia«-.«r __-__«, H-tSa tf__«_a"*__ heantiful Drab Beavers for gaotlemen Hii StOCBSiB Suaw raa. for boy.. LadietV fltraw Ridina Hata

rmmmTmUaar Ilatt for rliUdian. Boatleroart anrt boy*'___£ wblt* fai.BiT.as, Mitaea'fiipaey and Bloomer Straw

KtatZ* -Sa-Tdhora Hata. Btrsw Hfltfl of all kinds

SSkdBtHC-dL_-¦___T SorinR and SaiLmer Hata, of the

aarrLtoualitycanbefoun. at K*ox\ N_ LB Faltoa-_*y&Ta^Bl01 SalBWlPBt m h_naalf, heaided MM B

__.tk_at_; Bfi nob-dy that trade* with bim onca, faU. to

¦"S -^^L^ttlaon-daieeoiid time. The secret of his___1__1^^ -d-T-OfVeat . f.vorite with the ladtea. AndSaTlt-O^*"!* . Stter Hai for four dollars than tao

tgro^waytk-ttera Av five._Sdmmee Hats..Warnocrs, Hatters,

-BDtlrnieB that the time hai arrived fr pottingon___a__BB__-a«|flBsL in .nt.cpat.on thereof, they have pre-__S__ "xter_BveW fleloct assortm-nt, eonsistlij, m paitRoaSa-S French gray Heaver: the Rocky li.i_r.taioaa_a-_aafl the aoft W« Hat, of white, eream, pink,gaCS'aSoSr, of baaatifal modeto; tho Panaina,BBaaflS aaa_V Man.lla, Sennet and other -Sir.wa, of oe-

_j_bCat_lit.e*. No. ftb Broadway, Ul-BflllBBflO_Gaat. Drab and Cream Color BeavrrUaAI. "____?f__ _nd Naaaa. rt*. will Introdao*

_f__±_r*__S"of oTatlo-rn'sTrialoB Tueaday, M.y_*flfcTn^.diSititlw^-ilios above mentioned, wahava

Sw_d^-O^n«layleiof aoft fur Has, of var.ou. .hade* of

BfaBBfl-ajaTtfla a-Bflf the p.rfectmn of eoeifoit and

SiJaBBBM . together wllh an ample fltocb of newest aty.ed0. Paaan. and*-.w Qoo*^^ ny ^Nawao-aa~No8ELTlEB RT GeNIN's BaZAAR..Aaooetant roeces-ior. of importationa, together with frequentJ__U«.l,o_.h., ownfartorie..enables Obnin to aupplvattni-g^eat aaaawaaOaa itore a perpeuiel iw.ndof novatBBflXaaflflBt.Tfler-nt dri.ulrn.nU He Uvtajfl attention

CIS Bflflaaa- trdtume* /or boy., just arnvod RflBBI art.

,__lL__rid.-- ; to Im uniuue B yiea ln a.I.eV iumm?T hatihw_j_ort_..e_t of ladi"-* and chlldrei-'eelioe*, Frenrb made; and

SaSasflaw-a. arBw-BO. fan.y and -ibb ta ladtes, wi.icb«_____ tha ahow cai-aa of hia eiubliihme-t.(JUoVii Bu/aar, No. Al. Broadway, St. Nicholas Hotel.

BseOHRRY and Uni>kr-(.arments..Rayli Aoami No. SB1 Broadwav. import and manufarture I'o-

aUrr and Slock knit Lnder-UarmenU, of e^ery d^n-npliori.Oafgood* cem.ol be _u.P*t_ed ia exce!lenc«of rmallty,>.*-rletvol .lylea and lowi.«wof pricea. Ari evamination bySTwoBar- aR-nt nuich^aitg-at wholewlo or retdJ-B ra

¦aaetfullv snlinud. Rav k Adams, Arn-nc*'. HosieryandF__ler-OiriDent Manufactory, No. WI Broadway, oppoaiteIlJhltya_ _Grnti.i mfn'sSummkrCravats- (Jauze

flaiaT awd DBAWEas-THjir.g-Pi.v Liniin Coi.i.ars, Ac.fcc-A lull ae-ortment of the above goods now otfered, atwholewl. an- gflto^ fc 8o^ No. 61 Nt9WU.rt. S. Y.H. B..Sblrts made to order.

TjT Seasoaablc Unde/gannenti ami ll<>-Bary may be found (the v*rv beat goodi at the veryprice) atthe New-York 8u.iVii)gHiid IndergaMiient Fa_;tory.No 104 Bow.ry, Th-- -« " hi i'ed rSephyrl adervasts jatrodu_edatOBreaUh!i»hrii.M ie-..-i-l ye-Jti iince, are oniver-

_aliy«ppioved,not l.-aa for their cbaapnaas than roi tlielr

liBbtnt-. elaaticity and dnrability. G_i*a tiem aIfUL^ A. Rankin k ( <>., No. 104 Botvory.^

C-P* Have you o friead Mubiect to C'hillsaod Oaa., advlae him to try one of Rav h AuiMs's /ephyrVotlerSldits,amott tacelle-M I*kI> -guaid, and areai lixury.

Rav fl Adams, Ho-Lr-, So 01 Bl _d*rsy.

"Fbesh AaaivAL.Wc hav. receiti d.paittieiteamer A«ia, BvBcaaeaoflhe c-lehrated make of Duu-bar, Dixm k Co. Oold.-n Flax Shirimg Limni. Otm tp 10eervudi abo one caaa of Pnnted llurt.ri iiiii.ru:k-arcblefi; nr.e caae o! I'riuteil Linen lor Sinuntr Shirtaand five halvaot a beautiful artirh- in S'.'.licateil lluckaba. k,aiitabls lor tlie bath room or * a* batbilkfl N.'.a- York Lin-ii.,||. .Ioiin OAaisi: lo.. No .* BJ Broadwav.

Ciun. AND COMPOBTABRR..Thoflfl olo-Kit i-olka, Plaited and Hlnrt -uita, nold at the John-it.

yi* Cloihing Eaablithment. VVarm and tidy.tbc*e beau-tif-ICIoih, C_ahmeralte and Mtnno Siiil*. of whuh wa

bava rrcoived un entire ttixk. L. LodBB, Wo. 5 Jaan a

GT BhmmmpOTO hu>s, kl Whal aii a.'.mir-able plece of work ii min" Now, dnet not an adminhlepie.e of wiak tleierv.- tn I« ili.ih.il ltiaf.ieceof woik aa

admiiable' Hyou think so, proc_re aartofOaBBifsSbirta,atNo. I Aitoi Houae. aad .aa tba nokfloB ertort o4 ¦u the pataaon ol aniiualt," will lie lil-ed WHh the tiiceat pre-ekaion of whlch ail i* eapaMn._OT Andrews & liANpHiER, Meichant

.all...!, nave r. uioved from No. .Hki No li.) Broadway,(Blewater-t Marble Bmldinc-, belween llmi.lon and Kl* -ck-ar-at*,) where they are pie|evr*d lo tuini-h article* lo llieltBa* st -heihorteat uotice, and tbfl uu.t fuotionaMe ma arials

Tiik 8t)MWER Krsn to IM in IIai.i...TbB li.iiei-w eatabliciiiiient U hke a Mr, Tha retail da-aanm.nl i* crow.led, iiionuni, BOOB ai .1 Blgfat, wilii s.-u'le-¦neti pBrcliasingilrii.ul Bfl-BBM1 Clot.laj aud pan-ut* fit-OrgawinliildieBw.tlibeaiiiit.il flnita Tbd order diBicBt, too, ii Uironged with cuiioiiuoa So much tor f,ri<-e.Ifiirty to Hirty per rent flodar thd oi.lii.iirv r.lail l.-v .),.pn-teawblih rutliliig btil a mo»t coni: rehentive n.t.ine-

enahle lot-BBl to attoid. Uiuon llalL corner of Kulton andMaasaa-a*.

TlIK iiam»8omestRf4iiv ,M VIlF.Cl.mil-iia. im -mr 0/oai.a.TkaanaoBtattsaatroaaata._aatofIttady inade t^lothiog lor all i liu.at.-*, at l!ie eatai.UM.ui-iit olW. T. lt;MNit«tt* fc Dav av'11 i"- foaind thd moat ttshiooable,Bot ouly la iarw-Yoik. Imt !¦ Uie Da.ed Btetaa Twanty-aevet- yeari lu tha bu*n»-i* htve Mraa thflflrni etperinnce aad bodoe-fl facUlUe* itctaaeeeed by no

etliei hoi.te in lie aetue line. Tne inalt- l o. cut and imnhofthe iradv-i.iadetluilimg have paeee. nnd a proaeib tromMaine to Miw-Hippi. Bupplied dn .tly frtrmth* i"-t manu-

nvctiirett ln Barop*. and etuployiiifl nonr but aroTBaieanramiiiaieskill, they aie enai.led to furm.ti, at modBffc«a,aach gariiienttas cautioi bn lionght elaewliera foi aiysaoney. They invil* eapei lal all. utiin to their I -

Basrunarclothiiig fta the ptaaaal seasoa. lt Is tba flfloMlaoabi* and U'*ulii.thrv have ever oib'ii'd In tba orderdapartment et tbe flfltaJ.Bh_B .nt. clollnni i, m.a.le ap of Uiebeat and ni-writ lal.iii-a. .aml in tb* « ry latast rtylka, attheahorteti uoti.e, by W.T. JaMMIflOd R OOl, No.il Broad¬way, Americau Hotel_

iMl'.N AM> BOY-' Sl 414UK Cl.OIIUMl.-Tbe beat slock tn be found In thi, citv, at a tavina of fi. 11*20par oenL Every petaoa i.i want of clothing will nnd lhit.nonumbug catoh, aa we are cloaing out our at.H.k ol autuuier

lloi i.ihon 1 K.NAII', No. Sd MAidea-laue.

New Uptovtn Fancy (Joods Store.Ro. MT Broadway, between Spnng aad Prinae-e- The¦hxk eaibrarefl aa elaaant vanety <>( arttclei r.i'.nhU forweddlDg and Holiday prraenta, Statumery, Peifiiinea, Fana,Papter-marhe, Posralaln an.l tilaaa 44'are Patticuler atien-tion paid to l--_flBwj CfeflBtB Cuats of Atuia, IniUala, i.cpaper aiil flflrrfllgoafl tie.- ol ( Sarge to piirrhaaeia. A beauu-rul Ba_oitii.--.it of Writing Deak*, PortfbHos, Opera OlaaaeaCanea, rmhtallaa, Ridiog Wlnps, Wmk ___.. DfflflflBJCaaea, Btatuellea, Ac. A partlcularrv tiue aaaortment ot Ba._Couiba. and. m »hort. of every artulil lii the Fancj Ituain.a,bolh aaelui and ornaineut-l. Tbfl lurajcribara raly up ui uuvl-«-ate pnc«a, .ttalully ailecled ginida, acd couiloousatteu-Bd*) to iitiun, lor oh.liiinit a thar* of publio patrouage.

Nl-AI , CtKBOI.I. fc lll I. IIIN- 'N

A ('ard to tiik [sARIRfl..Mad. Lv-vimb b Co. hav* opened thi-ir I'aii* Milhnery, at their itore,No lii Spnng-at. ihi.d M.hA weat ot Broadway. Mad. L.wwhe* to inhrm the ladiee tbat aliego.-* out to l'ari* everywiniai and .uiuuu-i BW.flM ihe l&ttxl and flhflBBMlpattrruitbere to be bad, ai.d invitea tbe ladtea to call and exiuuue fortiat.iaelv.a, loi we have many ityla* of Boooet* tliat BN o.<tto b* found la any otber atore 10 thu city, and at pruaa iur*

paa-iiiiy low.N. B..MiHi-er-iorrli*. aaithpattern bot neta, ani coun¬

try merchanu anpplird by caae. Alao all Binds ef ttrawialflaaed and altered.

(Ioon Siioes and (Jaiters..S..metrflfl-fl-niB advertise flbBflBoaBOfl but WATfltaa, No lllFaltt. -at, nrkde* ru.n-ell upon .elling no.i* but good one*.Law prl.ed goo_* caa be got at any al.p abop,tbat will reatly do go.*J servios are uot ao e_.Lowawaof pnca doe* not cdoatitatfl cheapnew. 44'atkiuasaansblsawa .«_, and warranta every pair to give aatis-

F_et CovroiNii roa Masters \m»Mia»«a.-CAi«TB«Li, No .-_>¦. Uowery, maki* a ti.ie duplayoft-eautitul tiaiuratot cluldien, u well as Paleut l.oatberBooOx, Bhoea, Ac. Parei.u WajUaa flood, tu'wUtitial artl-ctea, af rt.tosa-ie pnraa. tl.....l uia_a kum .. viait.

¦_T At No. 99 Bowery, Uiram Ander-aoMuseiliag-Englwfl TaiSkrtry. Brnwela, at 8 ,9 and 10, per ,*,_.a.fl.. Tflrae-jily Carj^t*. 6 ti, 7 aud 8.-tap-i lr_ir_iB4__rpt>tB, J ,«,-,» ,4 .5/, 5,6, 6 aadT.ria* Btaiil arpeta t/,8,«,3 aud ij.Canton Mattlng, I .»,., and 2,6.Floc Oli CkHha, .

Window Sha_»v*, $ i. $-, #S. *-A RvHaartb Riiga, k<' , 24 , 3- and 40/.BarJn li-j__-ed Floo: OH CkHha, 8 yds. wida, 6 $, ? a

Ri CH tCARPETlNOS.-PRTRR80R A'Hramagr, Ko.379 Brijadwar. coroer of Whiio-a.havBBat rodsdvefl. direct from tb* Euiopean manul-cionea, parlate amvals from Europe, a 'arge aod alegant aaao troaot ofrich Motaic V*lv«l and Tapestry Carpeting, (urpawing aoy-bui. ave» btfcvre ia thii cocntry; patieia* eolirely new,aicuuvely our owa, and for sale full 18 per cent. iess thanother itaras -elbng linular jocds._~Canal-st. Cabpkt Store..No4v ia thet.m; if yoa wast to nrakea aaa ing of 15 aar cent-call atho. 70 Canal-*»- R. A Pi.. «a,i, fl Co , and ther* yo w 11liod giatd liigraia CtxTpeU at 4/ per yard, Threeply7, peryard; Tapeiiry Brussels, #1 10 W f-er yard. Also a lsr|0and flpleedid fladtu.ient ot Tspsatry \ elvets.


___T (j-encral Houae Furniahing Articlestn tmair vanety, woodan, willow. Britaania, Un, Iron. Japaa,and othm Warve; Carriasea, Cab-, Propellof*. W»*ona. V*-loc*peds. Toys, hc , ka. Basemrat More, No. 128 Canal-st.4-_wPriea. J- Kkllo.._BJT Houockeejiers aud othtra ia want of

f-gfi-H fjndfltaadi. hr -. .-.-'¦»-" -. vVii.uasi.'i.d B*_ai_babad \4'arenKuiia No, l>- Chatham-dt.. oovn*r ofMi>Jr-_rvy-t-- wbereniay be found the lar_«*t aw..<-_ent ofIBVKJos ia. hii lll* cvk vtvrofl io '.->- pu.uj.

Wio and Hair Dtk.Batchklor'bVnuvftcutrj. Na 4 WeH-et, I* the «»'-«»«» °Y;,J! HocoriBflt/e^ertkl**; hi. orinoal LifluidJl«ir l ye Mftthe hi,heet place lo public eetimaU-a, aud fer thab-tfo.-teaa y*.- ba* *.re_the freaUat aitirfaetioB !.'_""»¦»*who Bave aaed it ia aM part* of tbe world. A* a V, i« aud

Toapee mtker be ha* ao equaL Copy hl* addret-. aad be-

tra-e of Initetioe*. ^_..

General Pierce a.-i> E. Thomas Lyoi.-We will yenture that Mr Lro* ha. won aad '. .''.«moralaar-h '-_ ihe Udie* and all who have trta. hfe-h(MtrotfWB K.ihairon, for *__"-^»*£_CTE5!our fnend PiBacr. a* Preeident. Do yoo hear' LVON*

r?ib_ro._;"_>cenU.^d by .11 .f'rW., Dru«-tAAc, ln New-York, Brooklyn, and the L pited Butea._|_T Gouracu'3 Li.iuid Hair Dye i»,

without Bi-eptioa or reaervation, the very beet ever 1d-yented; equaJ"v eelebrated it G(..**.-'* Medicated Boap,forcunng pitrpiea, Irecklea, ealt rbeura, flf^-wonna, tet-

ter, .allow-***, t.n, rouchoeee. Aa. Poudre _ubt:le up-root* hair from any part of the body. Liquid Ronaa, L-yW _it*,aad Hair Oloaa. at 61 Walker-et.. neer Bmadway

/COLIAN PlANOB..HALLET, DaVIS 6CCo.'t newiy Unproved -Eohaa Pianue anrpaai all other* forpurity and aweetneae of tone, and for Kanding ln tone. Alarge a**ortment at tbeir New-York VVare-r omt. Pian jt to

lat Beaond-haad Pia-oa for aale. Oath paidiT* Pierwe.Oould fc B-aar, No. 297 Broadway.

f_T Fowlers 6c WlUJi Phrenologistsand PubHah-re, Cltnton Hall.No. 131 Naaaaa-et- New-York,Bnd No. 142 VVaihHigton-rt., Bo*toa._EF" Cbistadoro_ eelebrated Li'_uid

Hair Dye, for Colormg tbe Hairor Whteker* iiurtaiter. uponnatural piinciplea, *nd warranted free from all ca ittic lub-ttancee, it applied daily, and *old wholeaale and r-ufl. atCrim*ik.»o'. VVig and Scalp Ettab.'uhment. No 6 AatorHou»e. N. B Friveie room* for applyiug th* Dye, andfittingon Wip._

Goino, goino, go.ne..What? Why,the grey hair*. Davis's Ii aiivenk drive* them away byacting upon tbe rooti of the hair, and r-produci .g tlie fjr-nier color, loftne**, gloet and growth, warranted.cei.t* per bottle. Kor **le at the generu! dep -. N .. WGrand tt., and at No. IH2 Broadway, 2711 Wath ..gto'.-it.,1*- Hud*o--*t, 127 Bowery, 111 lloiuton._

Phillips's Annihilator..This is tocertify that we the underwgned attended aia committee fortl epuipoaeoftetting(tlieef___cyofPniLLir's'sPATKNTPiREAnnihii.ator in extinguitbing lire, are aatitlied that in or-

d.r.ary caae*. at th* commencement ofa fire,they are of greatui.-, ar.d will do fflecthe aervice. We are well aa-iafiedwith the experimeot, ar.d oon«ider it a fair t.-t of the utili-ty ofthe apparat.i. We mutt. in itfttiee to the proprv-tora,-iiii.it w* went there M-iewliat prejudiced agaioct the uteof them, and contider we gave tliem a fair trial.T. W. MoB-lK'fSK.Chi.-fKiiw.r.cei.H. Ukad, A-tiatant Enrineer.Wu i.iam H. Poi.i.ard. ex-tlhief Engloeer.Pami. i i. H. Manv. Attittant Knr'-:ii;in, Knjine No. 3.Mt nkv Slin. Meirjberof Hudwn Hwe Co.E. Ranuai.i...Jeraev City, Jurel, !«¦_-._

Dead, dead, one rries ! that wouldlike to make pepvle believe ail artiel»* are worthlew andpoiar.noiiH but Im, but the f_-t it eitablitlied th*' CoiTAB'lExtemaaator i* the only ettectual and reliable article ln theki.-r.wn wo Id, and in oidi-r to aave Iniiiaalt, he ha« to :iy im-

r.nter andpoiaon. COBTAB'l Kxt'-rrnlaator Bf Rata, Mi-e.Cockroacbee, Anlt, Ac , lt noi dtngerou* to tlie hu nan 'am-il.. lt can be had of aiiV of tlie whuletale druggi.ti .n tliif'itv, ai.d all lha prlncipal druggitt* in th- Ii.itedPtat-O, ic COSTAB IVpi.r, No. H* Broadway. H B_ l

Bag K.-l.-rriuiiafi r la t.ily wonderful; it not only deatroya,|_H is.. nt keept them away.


i__TCoiU Oh_b! Cohjc All! at No.124 Broadwav.

What'i lie in nil.lle Powder* tkilledThe man vo wmi'd r.ly on

lf lou want your vernun Kilied I\\ bo canhe be but LTOB

Bedbui*, rnr.elie*. flratand I'letTlie Powder vou m*y try on .

Kvery noxiouH iastd fliei.Ar.d you l«.lie\e in LTOB

'Tla'i a..d mic*. and tucb tmall ieer,"N.-f d no trapt o< mm ;

One M'le pill tha Um willklll.Wh- Ii >i>u procure Bi-.-BB

. Tk.N ThOUBAJTB Cl'liKS AM» NOT A SlN-BLB hAll Ihi.-Dr. B_OTIMOO*l ClBlipOBOl Svrup of N-ipii-tiia, cclel.ialfd t.fBBgb-. l*,th conlinent* f.r IU woml-rlulcuic* of ci iitni.iptii.ri. aillima, d"cllne, ipitting of blood,mglit-iwc-ti, dillu .iii liri-atiiiug,cougli*. col.11, anii alldi*ea*e*

.nl ai.d lui.gi.Iu eliect u|...n tlie lyttem it niild and toothin*. at the

,:>-!y biling to g ra re-

lu ( on Um ti..' applieatiao, and by repcating it a fow t-BBBBBpemiunei.t mrc la er).

'I:..- proprh'loi. tlii-i"-fi.ie, nnt only recommendt hit Naph-thahyrup, but warianta it to cure He warranft it to actupon tlie cliyle and purify it; he warrantt it to removo alliin*--<lin.< BtawUch ri i.uil tlie freB circulati.m uf the l.loodhe uaiiai.l* lt leepCBtha inten.al and eal.-rnal poret of thebody, and ei.U an tlie obnoxumi particlea wlncli Imvc 1 1-Int.d in tbe ivitein: lie wtnant* it u i ii.-ver-failituleiu.-dy in (ihi.si; DlflBABBD Lv.nc*, hectic (ever. niglil-twi aia, ilyi.pi piia, liver riuiipljinl, pam in tlie clirtt andai.ilii.ia; aml ba wurrnut, il t.> arrelt the fann-itiuii nf tiib'r-cl.* in Ibe lungt, and to lieal tli.*e already formed, aa riatte-rfiii in couaumptton may take lt with tha BBoat poalllfar. iilul. i.ir ui a cn-e ; for ltt great teat ol action it M lingi,wbieb lt peiietral.-* in all dirrctiona, pnrifynig tliem .

llnng (.l.i.ioioiiB iii it«|.r..gre.t. ai.d wl.uh, il applied accord-tng todiraetteaa, it cauuol ta.it to leave in a perteclly lieultbyci.iidilii.ri.

[ir. Ha»tincs's foniponnd Syrup of Naphtha tt hlghlyrei i.ii.n.ei:dfd bl th* nledical | 1 if <¦iii.ii.-nf nhy-.Ician, Or Alott, ol .N't-H ii.ik. tayi. tbat "at a nul-uoiiisreoied..- it eannot be to.i hlghly pralaed." Dr. Arnnld of tbeafarii.e ll.wpitBi, Savarniah Or. Ware ol I.iverpo .1, Kng-

I I'.i ri Oi.ll illiun f»n ot Manr li.iler, Englund Or. B'.vd ofLaaoaitari Dr. tlaariltoaol Balhi andthomaraInent _.g*l>li [ nl in .' '<¦ I mdon Litmtrt, The .V.r.iir... Jourmtiand /./riiMn</i'''« y.vI'.'i-yc.-f, al] ;,¦ i-nrd to It tha mott OOB*viiiring oerti-eateBof ita y-tuea, Io Unir-ouutry it hat beenuaed with d-tinguiahed locoaaa,

Bi.ld by C V. CUCKBBBB Co.; No. 81 Barclay-*.., Oen-.ral Agent fur New-York and winity


tr Th* Tribvn* te **rv.d ln thte City, Brooklya, WU-il-uitburgh and JeiMy City for 1°. eent* per week, payabl*lo tbo carriera. Namettent through the Po*t-()tfice or PenayPr.tt will be prou.ptiy placed upon the Carriera' booka.

Conc.ress..In the Senate yesterdayiiotliing of itiiportnn c i*as done. There whs

r-iiinc tulk Hlinut the iraf itfU-irrfnTfcirfrnriftrAtisp, now liuililins hy Mr. BtOOWM. luit no rosnlt.I'.m iitiie *i's>iiiii cl.iseil Ihe ilnv.

lnllie Houae rwj littie v»a-< cll'eile-. -leuara.MOE-aRAIl ____ OU linili* pnliticdl apeechea tonn |iur]'nft', -ml tlie lloiine adjuuined.

I3t Telegrai'ii..We have further in-tereKtinj, detttiN of Foreign .Newn.

I^tfr and liill MnrUt report- froin Rio Janeiro.The Prniocratic Kutite ation Meeting in Wash-

in^liiii.The eleetinn ofa W'lnp, Coi)i*rcs8iii_n in Maine.l.ntci iiews from Mexk'o, l.y way of IN'.w-Or-

looa*,Aml tlie nsual jrariety of domestic itetn.s of


IM l.t-poiiar lo thr Haltlmore NomlBatlona!The lN'th Pistrict of Maine was t-arved

nut rxjire.iKly to .-eti.1 Loin-Kocos in Piiccessicnto CougreiM. Liiiioln Ciiunty is Whig; so is hernexl neighbor, Kenneber; und the only way toprrvent thfir eUiting two Whi^j to Congreaavxaji Irfheved to ba fonn.l in the conneetion ofl.iticulii by a turre tliread of torriti.ry with a

jKiitii'ii of IKlord, « l.oco-Foco Btronghcld,tliotigh Wliig Kcnneliec lie- nearly bittrecn thr*m.The l>i*tiiet thus carved out is kiioou u "Mi*t'otnet," not (us 77it" Jou; nal of Commerce snp-|Hr_es) beeauw of its unreliable poBtJOO, but l»e-a-.i-i ol it* erratie and unparalleled Bhape. In

IS'rt', it ehi'.-r Ck.f-M ___MWI (Opp.) hy M nia-

joiity but, be dviiii; it ihof. titae mnrntm, a SpoeialF.lectiBii OM laid on .M.m.lay la.-t, B_-i I-amIii n-.the \\ In_: who vsa- beuteu by ___TOWa tn ¦

roareafo.ia teooi otaotoel by -vreoS6n nmj.ir.iv.Thi.-eleitioti Iim.*. ptaco int*ir __kM of the Looo_1'ik'o r« jou in_~, ennnoH .".drs, \e. .Vr. o\er theh-rnionrous issue of their Baltiinore Conxonbion,and may be taken n> the iir>t subfUnttitil resjuinsefrom Aeie-Emfland to the M__---tkM of 1'ierreBJi.l Kin_. A./!..-Tbe Whig* of that D-jo tlie entire for Wimih p Si ni r lor Pltsideat,

THK NOKTll.\V_>T-ll.\UliUHS, Ac.Curigre-a haa now been more thaa six

rr.onths in Sesaion, yet no bill making Ap*jin-priations for thelmprovementof Riversand Harbor. has yet been reported, nor hasany dccUive actian been taken (to tlie bestof our recollection) sn the imjiortant sub-iect of a Ship Canal around the Saut Ste.Maria, so aa to exter.d the range of un-

broken navigation by steoin and _a;i vea-

<t Is fiom the Falls of Niagara to th-> wej-

tern extremf*y oi Lake Bh_pCfior* ThenuH-JiMWl Imi ex;er'.tcJ mar; \V*

of thou_ands cf dollars on the ereetion ofFor.ifications around the great Lakes andtho keeping up of Military posts at Macki-cac, Saut Ste. Marie, Fort Mariiaon, FortWilkins, A-c. when we hol.l it demonstroblethat half the money expended in eonstract-

ing the Ship Canal aforcaaid and improv.ing the Rivers ond Harbors of the Narth-Wes-t would have provided farmore ellect-

aally and completely for the protectionand deferi<e of all tbat rr-gion than fort*and troops have done orcould do.

We were attendant on the deliberation.sof CoEgre.s at the close of the las! Session,and saw many important measures stifled,and tbeinevitable Appropriation bills final-

ly ruahed throtigh at the last possible mo-

mentwith indecent and perilous diapatch,in consequence of a deliberately plannedconepiracy of the 'Deraocratic ' magnatesintheSenate to strani,le the River and Har-bor bill,without exposing themselvesonthcrecord as voting again _t its passage. ForMesars. Cass andDoii.i.vs were each can-

didates for the Presidency, expeeting to benominated and elected by the votes of theSouth; and neither wished to vote againsthis constituents oa the one hand, nor the

power which controls Deraocratic NationalConventions on the other. So the North-Weat was defrauded of the improveraentsrightfully due it, which the House had al¬

ready votcd, and the Senate would havevoted if allowed to vote at all, merely to

improve the chances of MiRWi. Ca-i and

Douglas in the Baltimore lottery, whichluu oo reccnily awarded them blanks.Well: that is all over: and no*7what_

shall longcr preTROt the reporting and

pM-OBg of the Saut Ste. .Marie Canal andain'-r and Harbor bills ? The North-Wcsthas waited long and patiently for her

rights, in subservience to the personal am-

bition of Hoflflro. Cflflfl and Douglas; it is

high time her patience were substantiallyrewarded. We have now a President whohas the undeiiiable mcrit of being an

earr.est, /ealous, ori.inaI f-iend of Riverand Harbor fmprovements, anl who willuaduubtedly and gladly eign any bill whichmav be passed in aid of their proseeution.It is the golden moment.let it not be tri-(led away ! The candidates just nominatedat Baltimore, and whom tlie North-Westwill do her utmostto eleet. are botli takenfr..m nniong the bitterest and most sweep-ing opj.onents of all such works ns thataection eflpecially nceds an.l de.lan.1.., andhave proved this by their oaiforaa ncts andvotes while in Congress. Should they baelected, there is a moral certainty that anyRiveT and Harbor or Ship Canal bill willbe vetoed. insuring its defeat; for a two-

thirds vote ennnot be obtained in bothHouiea in favor of any measure ofthe ao_t*If, then, the North-West is to succeed in¦b.-titig tha < aadidates vvho will do theirutmo-t to retard her growth and crippkher pro.perity, let her jirej.are for theirodvent l.y j.ushing through forthwith theiinportant irieasures in which she i- 80

vitally interested. Friends of Lake Har¬bors and Ri4cr Ini|irovements ! work ear-

neatty aad work now! Ry the a-semblingof another Cmgress. exertion may lie too


There are two clas>es of men who callthemselves free traders : those, who with¬out having studied the facts of experience,are honestly in favor of commercial lib-crty, ai.d who, accepting free trade a, a mat¬ter of inoraland economicalprinciple, woul.lhave it inaugurated forthwith without re-

gard to consequenccs : and those who pro-fess free trade as a good dodge, politicalor other. which may be made protitablc tothemselvcs, or to the political leaders theywould fain boost into power.With these latter gentry, discussion is

useless and all the lessons «f experience ofno nmre account than the vagrant bre.ve.But the honeat free traders, the genuineth.oristsof free trade are bound, as sinceremen, always open to conviction and readyto follow their cBnvictions, to gi4e a carofulattention to every fact and every argumentwhich has a bearing on a question of so

much importance. And we ask them ac-

cordingly to weigh the facts we herepresent.

.. it will not bedenied that the well-heing of a people may justly be interred_t._. its consumption of the great staplearticles of common iife* Among these,grain. cotton and iron are undoubtedly themost important. But of these three ironis perhaps that whose use most exa. tly in-dicates the cmdition and progress of a na-

tion. The place of graio may be supp'.iedby other vegetable products; instead ofcotton CaWioBi wo..!«-n or linen .:_ay be44ora; but for iron there is nosubstitute. andwhere its u»e is increo_-irg it cannot bo de-nied that the endition of th. peoplok im-proving, and pj uerta. ___£. then, undertree trade we find a nation. steadily andfof a l*-_| period of time, onsidf-rably en-

larging its dom-^tic n^mnption of iron.we must conclu.le that .»n the whole, freetrade is a |Ood thing for that nation; aadif on the other hand. wa find protectionhaving that . tVeet. we mu-t eonclud.- :hatprotection la tht 1 _: poli^-y for that nationto pursue. Here is a te-t by which we are

willin_ to try the question, and who_.- re-

bulr. iu the eye of all sincere and soundthinkers. ought to outweigh ____¦

of abstraet disquisitiono and-fofniRB as to the applkation ta om-

tuerce of the principle al '.. &*..W have hitberio caiied rhe attention of

V-Tl - Etettl _*">- Wa-fl_ th-?

Stafes of the Zollvcrein, inQermany, havemade, sinee they fldopted the system of ef-ficieiit protection some twenty odd yearsago. We have ihown that their consump¬tion of cotton, which, under the influcnceof free trade, had for years scarcely ad-vaneed at all, on the C8tab,:shment of pro¬tection increa.-ed ao fast that in rifteen

years it gained 130 per cent. Wo havestown how, from hardly consuming any-thing of our productions, Germany has, un¬

der that system, become one of our bestcu>tomers. We have now to show whateffect protection ha* had there upon th.con.»uiiiption of iron, and this we are

enabled to do through a reeent publicationby Mr. Oechelhuuser, Secretary of theAssociation of Iron Prodacer. in the Zoll-verein. from whose work the followin,;table is taken by the K-Anisrhe Zdfung.an ultra free- trade paper, from which wo

copv it:Ixpart y.\*-'\. f..a.'1-i.

\ka a B.<.fl_*fl_l i ' '.'. isios-s Tb j.iHM.tea \->\ r_ti,Ma M-.-r, . . <

i,d_rvaa _a_ i.»'.'.¦.. aaoas , .



. -

By this table, which we presume theZeitung ha- abridged, not caring toback before the establishment of protectionto contrast the eflect ot the two system-.,ae no doabt Mr. Oech?!h_iu-er himself hasdone, we see that under protection, in ten

years, from 1834 to 1-1 I, 'he cousumj.tionof iron per head in the Zo.lven-in increasedonehundred and forty pgr eetU. Aad 80

powerful was this movement. that even thefamine nf 1-17 and th»- revolutionary agi-tation of 1 ~ l--'-1 could only throw it backto be Oo per cent. less than the consump¬tion of 1842-4, the period of the ^reate-tjrn-perity. On facts like these. derivedfrom indisputabl.- authority. runningthrough so long a period, und embra. in_r,the entire population of the Zollverein iatheir range, we rr ay safely resl the cause

of protection. They prove beyond di.-rpatflthat, under that system. thfl power of the

people to consume this article offi-otae-COHJIT experienced a regular augrmnta-tion, and thus it it denioustratcd that pro¬tection is the true syst.-m for Gfennaay;and if for (iermany. for thi l'nited States,and erery other country whose natural re-

BO-rc«-l and industry are not vet tully de-vcloped..Our readers will also notice that while

the home produ.'tion ot iron has COBfltRBtlygrowa in the Zollverein during the petiodin question, the importotion has increasedal.-o. This is far from proring that protec¬tion dimini&hes theforeign trade. It showsthat protOCtioi cxt'-nds in its ellects to allbi_acbefl of industry and of consumption,and not merely tothoflfl which are protected:that it augments the geaeral power of thej.eojde to p.rehaflfl all anides <.f aecoflflltybs vacII as of luxury, and'thus r.-ally l.uil.l.

up a nation t<> that degree of iiulustrial an.l6nan< ial independence that will" enableit to enter apOB the system ot'gcnuine freetratie.The domestic production of iron in the

Zollverein grew io sixteen year-* nearlyone hundrel per cent. and was not atlectedby the events of either 1-17. '48 or '49.This is a great and encouraging fact. Butit i> iiothini, to what wa> tedomplbhfld iathe l'nited States under the tariflTof 1642.Under that, in f- e yurs only, our produc¬tion of iron increased one hundred <intl

per cent., while, under the present taritK infive years it has fallen oflf again full one-

half. so that it is nearly where it was in1642. This <hows that for this country,with it- rapid movement in \v_hatever di-rection it may be turned, protection is evenmore important than to the less impetuousnations of the Old World.

.VISt'ONSIN.This thrifty youag State was flr.t

knoan (aa a Territory) tfl the __tted StflteaCensua in Iv10, when it hnd .0,000 inhu! itunts;in 1890, they bod sa.vll.-ii tO ¦!'>" 0(10 fl tenfold iu-etoflBB Bi taa yflara- N<.w they do not full aborti.f _isi,((»0, aud are iaet-fl.flBf at ihe rute of atleoat oO.lXK) per annum. .\o other 5?tat« in tliel.'nion haa rrowu with equal rapidity.

WioetaaBifl B-iotobaa from Iat. 421° t.> 18°North, bat the p.irtii.u yet aettled is ahnost OB*tm U x.uth nf I and ia nf about the same teui-r.raturo as the Btatflof Now-Yorh. ts ntuio..-

Bbeifl is ilrv aud brnci!i_r, an.l ita clitnute healthy.I*flhfl MiflflBjaa OB <>ne side, and the MiiKn.r oa the other, Afltud meaua of rapid ;uidcheap eoiimiuniiatior. with tho Kast and tbflSmth while (iroen l_uv, in the North-eaat, ondthe WiflBOO._B Hiv.r in tho We#t, alTord farilitieflfor penetrating the interior. Muuy small andbeautiful L*nkes are scatt, red ovot tbfl Bd.tfl, OBOol whieh, at least, is already tfB-flloatl bj s

_..*at. The Illiinna Kiier heads in this Btatfl,whoae iinuettleil territory stretches North to LakeMipi rior, and rmhraces part ofthe CoppcrI urili-ring thut inagiiiticnt BflaVB. BBfl* Lead audIron <>r.-s>'f ti.'i-urp.-is.-i-d ri.hness ahound in \\'i«-

:..| Oa.OB iiiiiitials will B-Bkb.OOfl bfl baada* tl.e State is aettled. Of l.inie aud fl/yaBOl,there is an ample supply.The fuco of ttoe country is _U_fa-_B.aflj, bal not

l.illv, and rarely or never mountainoii*: Hally from 1<K) to IM feet above the sur&ee ofLakoMichiean. whichliflBuw fect higher than that .

the ocean. A beit of tiiiibe'r akirtB Lake Mio.t>jan 8.tOflBBflfl faftata of Pine and oth»-proen« fill the valleys oi tlie Wiscon-un und otlierron !¦ t tba jjreater portion is firidod ii.to

prairi., natural meadow, and the sparse wroniinonly desi_nated ' titubered openins-1.' 'Ihebbor of ilearinr: and preparin^ for crops is there-fore far hfhter tiian in Westem .New-Vork, I'eun-MUai.ia. and Ohio.

Mii_>«r:it!vely level surface of the Sta.e iapecuiiarly faior.ble to the construction of Rail-r.-adfl, ahereof one is already iu prou're-tq frotnMilwtinkre, tl.t- 88.at j^iit on Lake >!.< iiijnn, br

the -eat of government. we«ierly d.-r-iis

tbfl State to ihe Miflfli.ippi Another i» t.; rRfl.\ortli-»e.-t'-rly from .Milwiuikee, and stillanoth-r by I'":ii!-i)n-I.ar tn f,'reen f!ay. and t-OBBfl lt!-

ii-Btelv to Lake Su;H-ri..r. The Irou artd ('.ppp'F.1 ines on tlie N»rth an- destined toal>s_rb nearly allIbfl aflaaracfl ..f thia Bt.tfl, e^'e,-:.allv if tlie reeent

rntifiirnevl. There naght to lie a Plank Road from

Green Bay to I.ake Snperior at on-e, and a Railroad as aoon a« prartiealile.Wisoousin haa B__fered heavy loeeea from tha

poreiBtcnt otTorta of her people to make Wheattheir chief ataple, wherein they have had poorMCOOae. From one eauae nr another, their wlnnt-

erop* here been IgM lor several yeart paat. We

nppreheml that their miow. do not fal! early ailhe ateadily euoo.ii to shield the young plant fromthe piercmg bla_l- of wmtor. At leiigtli Uiey aro

turiiiri-r their attention to Wool, lleef, Pork, t.orn,Flar, .r., with a moral eertaintv of doinu (tr ¦-

ter. Hut there i* creat n«ed therewith of Mami-facturea of nll kinds, especially of Roota andShoes, Woolen*. I.ii.e «, Ac, ..-. We wish we

rould in con-i ience a.lvise inv-one to undertakethe working of her Iron Ore under our

tariff.The Population of Wi<ronsin hM heen driwn

in |00d part from iNew-F.n.'Iand aml her chil¬dren settled in Wi--<tern New-York, NorthernOhio, fcc, but a very large inmiigration of Ger-ni.ins, Nonrofio-k*, fc., _a~a ehoaoa thi-* state fortheir future home. They arr an in.lusttious andwell-meaning people j many of them well in-stiurteil an.l intelli_ent. We wi-h they all knewaud reali/e.l that Total A-stinence t'roui Intoxieat-in_ Diinks is the only tr.ie Temperance., Sehnol.satid C-OrC-00 abound | F.iueation is well cared

for; «nd the poaoafOoftho M un. I.aw was harely.iel'eated hu. winter by n tie in the Senate, afterit had pas-ed the Houae.We have said little of the S»»il of Wf-KOMi-.

Much of it is f-ty fOod. but nraeh of it ia only¦iddbaf, nnd there im -.nine very poor, a* ahnosteveiv w'.iere el-e. Al a whole. we ¦hooldjodgait inferiorlo that f Illinois but the aeeount is

aliunilantly balaneod by tlie gnatot purity of thowater aiid saluhrity of tlie climate in \\'isioti-.iii.A emadnable share of the ooil of Wi-consin

hH8 been hotight up with l.und Wairaotl bv spec-¦latOffB, ainl il now held fur speeulative. prire.tbut vrrv mueh, oonofiollj ia theun.setrl-.l MgMNMPin j-ti.l open to entrv ander the Gnrernmenl, and'by usin_; l.und Warrants, a qaaiter-oeetioo m^

lt- boaghi tor aboot |130. We hopo ooaa to an-

Aounea tba paoeage of the Romeo-Oad bttt, underRrhkh a lamlless man may MCOTO a quaibo* aerttoalor hi* own i;-e without price..So much for Wisron.-ui, which ha- jn-t tb*m n

ln tnodotn byoendinf ¦ C__on_ioo-o_oi (Mr. (..\uu iStecnv..,k) t'> our I'ity to fa.ihtat* andv-well .'ini-rratii'it tliither. Mr. V. S. miy be foll-d¦tbio office, llll (ireenwii h-t., and v\c udvi-e ullwho think oftntgrnting Weotward to call and

l.arti of him what are tiie mo-t eCOWMIlical IDMMof ronvevaiieo, fcc, U the State payi him, aml

the iiifi)rmation will eaat the impiii'T nothing.Hiaoffirial poeition and duty will impel him to

i_ive diointerooted and aathontk infoitimtioti.*

UT The Exprtst fairly badgcred oi intoour reaoooofor baUaoing ' J. 8. P.V aHu*

oionotothe pecuaiarj poeitioa ofthal paparaadtln bwipMI nli'tion- of itfl cluef E'litrir noi nn-

warranted. .Now that it hu*them. it ^ i

,iv m ii did J. S. P.'j call* 'J. s. P.'inllu-ioii un " uamitigate- lulsehoc.il," fcc, fca,Bi ' thi.- arboleo Ie oraj ofoottUag rnaiteis dmi'tanawer. We at_tod fmei* wt tmitn e«t.orro ao

tori.iv roopecting the been rrralrj of Heosro.Brouka und Lan in isH and the efficieot iup*port of B. <¦- 1- in t-*-0; and «e cannot be mi*-tiikui in our be'iiel thut au ex. elleut un.lei-

itanding between them has been maiever aiucc. Thio ia all wtbttM; .'.11 beyoodii

Ofl npoii." as J.S. I'.'stiited. and that

report waatated in our U-'. Bo with r-gard to.-iti.iit that u Ioiik liot of $40-nb-cnbora

wr - made np (br The Exprett m 18-0^.with .. .-

proaa refirrenee to ito hboro and aacriiooe ia thaeauaa of Uaioo-oavinf.wa lad no aapreao eoo>tia.i.i iioii ui our aarage cotenpomry, whieh yatooea lit to say,

" Mi'n who do not know wliat they atsert to be tru-\thould be i-i.ii'i'ui wlia' th*jooBert Ko_o b«taprao-li.-eii kra.-e in polit.-s w.-uld v.'i.tiir- UDOn'OOOUBOnreport1 ti li dnaate ¦ ebarge of wklch he iiad no ainiwl-eil.e, i.t.d thitiKt have r.une to u piftty jiaat wheu

,i report ii roled upon to ba ¦'* op h libel."Snle by siii.' with tha abore, Tkt Exprets has

The Albany Registti'* fnbri.-.ition th u we qnotadand expooad yeati ntoy. Oar coatradietk waa iuthe ii'iv pn|»-r of wbich The I'.xpres* pretund* to

bo enriog the " ^>irit" in-ito article from a*_iefa w.i

harojuot rrao.ed; btrl it dooe nel allowita readerato onopocl the o_ioto_ce of that eontradicti-n,but prioto the atory aa il it »era aataidiehad aadconcededtruth. .\ay, it laya expreaoly thal

li, r .-..(,reelejr, of The. F*m>T»fk Ir'bviit, in -H drv:;<Ji<J i.en. .S'.itt'i a-Uiliei a* a atatetinuii, bd 1 de-iioiincrd him u* 'a ta%e*it*d i'iiittmtkmt man!' laa lotior to a poWlletaa ln iho lleiliw ia* inli Staae, pr.;-vloul to the appotutment of delegat** to the NatioualCcnvenlion, In 1849, he wrote thi* wiie: "

Voryiag, than, Tkt E.rprett* pfaraaeology, wa

imprOTe ifs iiiiixim as foOoo -

"Min wbo are explicitly infon indtbat aeahun*ny they bare publiah-d m fciae, onght at leaot tointhnate tltnt ita truth ie not perfoctly estub-lishi d.". Is not this n reaaooabla -ugfeatioa ?

X3T "An Eyeor. the Capitol" vrritcs to/ 1 prets aa followa :

"ArolLer cauiao!" oppoil-tan to Mr. Flllrnore'* ren< rnli-ion 1*, that hl* C ibinet, aa already foreief1, i*

txpei ted to ronfimie, and Ihenfara that from B ClIhui duappr.intlQK tome ther.- ia uu ehoaOO lo: iu lhartforrriitiiin otth*? whole admlulttr.ition nf B9G rn

bmi Thia 1* a very, very cr-ltifh naodo n raa* mlagand Betlrh', but it la yet not fiunded on t iet It 1* kuowo,for exaniple, that the P**tma*ter (ie:.*r>l ['.Ir. Hall;could not be Indu.ed toitay where he li iiey ind M.rchIth. *nd that he ai-cepted ortice to tho rieylect of hl*every eartLly lntereat, only to oblige an oiu partner _-JIriend.". Surelv, thit camiof be tnie. I'lile"* arohav.

been v.iy graaaly aiiaiii-ii_nid. Mr. Hall was a

candidate for GovarttM of Mininsoti in 1849,warmly buckeil by Mr. Fillmare. That officawould have taken him much larther away from hisevcrv earthly interest" than the Ijeneral I'o-t*

Office, and would have pa.d. but about oue-third as

min h. Wt revent. patriot ie Helf-siuritiwe r-_!!y cannot think Mr. HaJl crucitieJ himselfin takir.g the Poet-Ofica. We hive known laifOImen taka amaller tiffuea without siupei ting that

thay weie htyiag the public under very heavy obii-

eati-!)"._-_?" Gkorge M. Dallai tnokfx-f-a-i¦>.*.,

at a Ratification Meeting in I>lnn..lfl[>l.ia on Mon-

dav iiight, to eontradiet an anonyinoua atatam-ntthat Franklin Pierce oppoted the eras <. fr001tlie .New-IIanipahire Constitucion af the rlause

which renders KomanC'atholi. s ineligiblet.rio far, we pre.umehe wu* i«» t. He pro. eeded,hswev r, tn say : _

'. 2'a 'rt. did thete jutl aml genernut rknrnpi'int nf nr!land rmMtjktw* Itbn'"/ [Horea and| Wo¦.; pin obraining from a Contentiim, cnlted at tr.etr inttanrt

..i. -try purp»M, tkt: aboliiion nftkit Tett, andtfire, (a* the Coiii.it-t.on penLitted no cha..prayrUoH. unlea* *_r.cti-ned by itco-tlurd* mi the yotei oftLe people,i vert they drfeaud b>j the "pi>o»utj/i uf thtcowbuted U higt and Abolilionie'* ai th* pollt.".\\ t- leg leaie to as.-ure Mr. D_.Ia_ that thia

latter aBsertion ia a very grave tui-take, and, ifpersiated in. wi lery <*rosi and ealumni-ous falsehood. // m not true, nor any thing liketnie. that tlie Conatitutional atncndinent in ques-tion was defeited by the oppoaition of the Whigaaml Abolitionists, and Mr. Daliaa ought not to

-rrted it at randoui. -Nor is it true that a

F-inul-ir vote of two-thirda was rerjuiredto ainc-

tion this or any other chan?e adopteJ by the Con¬vention. It.failcd for want of a majority of thevotta ca. t, am! it.- OppaMOta were drnwii

._. ulvut C'l>"Jfr«[»"!li>' .-. ^v '.t, \%%\

Mr. l-aliaa shall sonia nt hiniaelfwiUi.be factannd make hia rrcaotfltion as public aa hia chana.bas bf.-uBBrt.

Ge.i. S.ott's RkliiiIon..>We have ra»reived aome half down k ttera inmjiring whethar

li i.tt is or is not a ll.in._n _.____¦___, and ia-timatio.; that the answer will materialtv affeet havota, ahould he W nominated at ll tltiuiore. w«\e-z Irave to answer ail at once that we don't knamto ahat religii.us dtnumina.ion (,en. Scotl ia ao*t ¦.i-firii. and if we dUi know we should not say _§reply to any su-h appl.cationa aa wo hara ro*ceived. That Qaflfl S.-ott is an h.meat, ronsoiofl.tioua, God-fearing, law-ahiditur man, is almn !_nt,ly known further than tl.it, we hold thal oo oaaahas a r:-ht tn inquire, with a vi. w to thi- voto bais to ca. t for IVsideat. We knew and detoat*rd men who electioneereJ a^aiust John l*.uiao*| '¦oc_.iiM he waa a I'uitarian we know thaltba Cbiof JflBB.M of tho l nited States ia a r.caloafll.oman Catholic, but ive never heard anybody io*tiniate that his integrity ur _h.flflfl for ha hugjbMation was at nll allected by that circuiu-tdn.o.GflBt ^coit, we have under. trmd, is an I.pi*.-or__.liao; but we never inquired what ehunli beat-trnded, an.l never shall iiniuire. It wtll I* a aa40_J kt .ur 08_a_rO when any oon<tdoral.lo uum-ber of votes for President can be influeacod, oooway or nnother, by the religioui professions of taafiaal candidate*.

ii.-.i Statew .». nn. >r »l;»ini. I.aw tarnerall'lorre.

Corr*.puiJ»n.'* of The fl T. Tribus*.Co.ati-oBD, Monday, Jur.e 7, l_.>.

Tlie Leeislature is now in session lieroo Coneord. Nothing of paitJ.-ular lntereit has tranfl>

piretl as yet in the honorable boiiy. The " wire-pullerar*sr* nrrai.^iDgniatterafor tho choice of thi11 .-1 syaaltwho will aeon be i-hosen. Mr. Burke's prospects setaiB

¦. favorable as any m *__'..The political leaders have not yet dectded as to thfl

bost courae upon the Matne l.sw, whlch will «.H>n coom

Bf l,.r examlnatton. In all pr.i>>B.illty it will pasd tflfl

Bflflk-BBBBd lloua.-, biuI betigned Bf tBfl li.iveruor. TbaD.mO-rsU, althougb dtilrou* flf Ita dvfeat, a'ill wffl(avor it ^cnerally, ilnce the people through tlid .->_**»are mostly ln It* lavor. Ou Welneiday aad Thur»dajroi this week, there is to l.o . gr;uid Temperance ceflfltiatton here, when the petltUn lor the Maiue Law w_be present* dto Uie I.ejUlature.

At about hiilfpast two last Saturday aflernosa, sll hsaawere thrown in great confuilon by tlie T.'lr^raphiorep. rt that our nolghbor. Frank Pierce, lia.1 r.v.'lvfldthenorrlnntlon at the Dera.vratic Convention at Kalfl-niore. Hafl a man in Coneord could believe it. Whatan idea I Frank l'ien-e.tho " liero of many a weU-ti'ii_ht l'otile,'' a candldate for tho pritalJcncy of theaaVmmmi Malflfl '' Bfl Is a iup»rlor lawyer, and can, hflfl(___MBBj 88._0.fl a mighty itifluence upm tho jury..Alas for Ha Demoeratic party BbOO reduo-d to su.h BB

I'xtn'iiiitj! He nevor can be elected. 4 flflWfl BBBBB.!|I iun n"\ r svalked our stroets. Bfl waa

nbhgi-d lo leave WaflBOBflflflB, when a IflBBBBC there, ofl-

i'Bi lehewaa alm..it .'.ntimiilly _BflB___SB8B_l I Thoflmurh for the Domocratlc CHiidldate lor Pre.i.leut, Wo1- atfl that hi.;h ultli-e will never bo disgrao J by sucl a

mun. Yours, \c, Dkla,

A t:.-i.'.iiai- to liurgi-T.It was notto be expected that the stata-

meiltfl |'ut foith hy GflflkOdffOy iu bi8 rer.-ntlypiiblished IBOnioirs, would be tillttwt'd lo p.its UB-

QOticod bv tl.e parlH-s bfl 10 OOOBJ 080fl_B> Thei.i -t pul.lii- laoaoaaa kbol boa aaat our ojro, ia that

tba rotafflfl Deniluiiski, who BBB ndd.e-.sod to tbflAogfltBtrg All'Xemeine _M__w_gfl letter whieh wa

tinii-liitc us t'ollow-" l__BB, Itaie (islllon 6, ISth May, 1S.V}.

'' M.i. KntTOK : I hsvo read lu the Augsburg Allgtrmtine '/tin.ttg, several "xtraots from the w.*rk of Oaa*(iorgey, and espcelally these lo which he releri to a

l.-te u-ti'tu couveriaUoii h» baii witli Mi. Kosauth on thfl10th of Auguat, l.-l:1, ln which he aticmpt* to ahuw thatIbfl latter aas accessary to his shumeleas capltulatfon (8Vilagoa I have also reail the natract whi. li fflB.fl tu

the events between me and Oen. (ii.rg.y at TitsaKUrexl,un Marth .1. 1-I-. As tor the .-.uiv.irsati m wlUi Mr^Koaautb, I caniuA know whether It flOflBa.I the utafltmth or not; but with a good conictence, and with BTjj

I an<fb full of I'viilei.ce, I can aisure you aad your read*irs that tbe entire uarrative of _B__L(M_flj0f in i-'ipoolto my-elf, <. "ntnins notiiing hut lles, willful lles, euunlaflImt yet «tuplH lles. My Meinolrs havo 0000 .¦¦.iiipl__fl-»these two years, aad when they appear, every oflO,who hns the least kn.wledge of the art ot war,can eonvtncd hlinsell that I dlrectsd affair* wall,and cared for them propegrly, not on'y ln reipnetto upeiatio,Bfl In Uie fleld, hut alio in tbe BtaflflB¦BJ "I 1....J aud ntK-naiarlea; aad .very iiihu whoBflBtfl [iitfectly underitands wsr on tl.e graud i.-alflwv 111 cniiipr. Iieiiil from Uiem that n-.thing but thfl

BBB.tf flf Oaa. floRfflf sav.-d the Austrisn ariny tioma|"t d delent.a def.-at whiik would havo taken alaflfl lath>- iimnUi ot Miin-h, so that B. Russlan interv.-ntloawould have been impoislble, and io that Itussl. itsdlfwould have .eeni-unfltralntbJ to remain tu a hlghly pro-cartoua defenalve posttlon. One reprmrch ean in-leodbe justly made agalmt me, and thia Is tlut I did u t ar*

ralgn (ien. <'..rgej- before a court m.rtU!. lt would oo-

BBB| too much *pace to explain here wny l did not dolt but 1 can even now malntain that i-nly the inbloaRf . lin_s Bflw- d BBB tnto this fault, this _Baa___08B, H JOOullL I rcir.aiu with eiteem,

" Hkmiv I)KMBrar»Bt, OeneraL"

HtWRARt-JI Fl.-sd..We acknowledgathe receliit of sixty five dollars Rt. 188 w. rkmealathe Oaa JMio Caipet Fuctory, (Jermantown, P«., _B

aldol liuugary.SB

From Lake Sr.'KKiot...We have tbe,<,nit S/e. M'trte Jourtutl ofthe 9th ulf.A Ofllgoaf tron ttam the Mar.piette Worka.

l.'.MC bleoiiis.nverugiiiK I96_bfl. ea. h.h.d bflflfl ro-

Cflirod Bt tbfl >atit by tbe llultimor.-. It wa» oa

its way to PoBJ-_7-*Ofl_B to be rolled, tbflflfl i*e_BflJno rollm_ niilis more coiiv.nient.The Jlruce Minc (on the St.Mary's Kiver.fortf

EflrJlofl bfllaa the Snut,)had dispaiehed the a hi*ta>ri Uiiiiiiiii 0 lll BBfl vvitli a eaifO ofl'opper Ore far

Bb-boob, EBgtaad. Tha ore is a yellow flalabariii.-tiiiint.d tfl fmrni im {wreent. BB. tahoWOfltlijmtpmt tun.Fiom /i/e Hnynl, broratilo u.niin| aci nuqU

l.iiil bflCO rOfeOtri d bj way of a Hina.'I ae. *rl whicbr_fltadthfl Lie from Ka^le Harbor. (Ifl mail or

other dii. t a.lii< < I hud been re< eived at the lflB)(or srven iiiontha.The Ltjttt are nll lemarkahly hi.h this sprinf,

tfl the hard winter rfldbi u-i OfflfOflBtBaoand tlie rupid _oolt_Bg ofthe hflST* depoflitafl.now atter the late openinij of sprin.'.

iuiiiK.it -____aaa_a*a, (M bflfl long;, Hwiile, draft lii inehea,) wa* lieingj towed up thiiSmit wlirn The Jouriud waat to |ir*t-«. She t%

.-.I tos-uii un the n.er Oiaoui-on Iroin |01inoiith tfl tbfl Mu888, (I I uiil.s,) und w.Ilhe a Kreaa¦fBj*OB_8flC0 t<. that thriiing r.gion. A VtttaMJio'id i* alaobeiof built between the »ame|>oint-.Tbo contrm-tor suwstip the tinibef which he euu

out ofthe ruod-bed into plank lor the road afBB88.0 flf a steam BBW-mill alnth he rjuabflfl a^ie«4aa the ground ia cleared Ltelore it. I'our "thot«tea:n haw-mills are at wftrk on tho OotoBifOfll(two ut the moiit-i and two at tiie Mines,) baB

are uoahle to produce himher ^o (aat as it ia wantoafor buddingr.The . Bt Troopt in the North-weflt are beiaf

tn.ii-ferred to Urepin ond <._hfornia. I'art of

them are to be i-placed by other CllipiaiM frorfl

the Kast, but some posta are to be alundoaed. lt

ifl hffb tinic._

IST The Mineral Point (Wisco»sin)Tribune ot tbe «__h nlt wys con»ldorablo e_:c-_wr_aa- hao

been mantfeitvi lathat vlllago by the diacovery of so-OO

nnail pteeed ol gold, valoed at from two to Ivo d____»

cach, ar.d a lead oi the same tnateriaL