TBE U^ASE, GOOD WILLandFTJIW1T1TRE r( . r.r.» < :¦.»« BOAKDI SO U IURE for BALI CHEAP Tie» bona« ie !> eiairaue bi; h. Boa; I'qttatB, inl eer-teiei hg nioxUru unjirr.ren.en a TL« (uri.l! . la tavitia um, fethlonxtfe ¦AM Ii. tcou older The 'oeati.n o( 'h . b.ni.e w'il elaatt.... a und M rrenj hoarder. i>t ran n* »er vn .i.K> l . ad ¦/ tklktg l.eceertr? will Im 1 iu.nl In Ihr M1«. AoBiy to Mr*. RAI 1.AR1». Nu 72 Fu< Paart««* .tt-et. fi.irn V ie l| n m .FOR HALE.The ri«h1 t. iiae » the BAMH » A the MANUPAC- I vir» REt K.U'T for aa »rttet« In rmxdirm«. To« .rtwV kn obtained the firM reyntatioe,batBm »'. ¦.rtl<»T hu not the mrui to extend the bu«"i< M at Ii ahuoM h* '1 axa. WotJd tell to ¦ TetToneible Twr-y. The butiteti wenld ihr« trtB\ *».'tVto »ll'.K«. Anlr.-e A B C cir« of Mr. TU >S. REE.» Es, Pceuueti, New-Vork Pott-tlflk«. .2 nit* to rT/k/h .AN active BUSINESS MAN »* J* *\r# xrttk theeboee eate I«aaf Inovaiaia nltT to take tt« place of a re'irn.t lat ift in in .w'a'J.a'i>-.! kniäiii«** la thi»Oty paabaj ir. 'n t. B4AWnetaaaeef The baalneaaii rearer. ah e and r-';al>i*. Refereucee exchanged. Andre** IRON, Pott OBiee, with ttaat», hr. Zo Cül;om it mar» ConcertL AD\ l.R'Iising..A ChOtflBIBtBCetarBmi taM BtBBi repera ot »he whole r t -rv n arB>« ma la and e r> tat .nttttwi of *dter»aTlntPidoMe.i. at V. K. PALMER'S AGENCY. 0e explain* roielltgiiily the principle en.l practica! opera'toa. PK. DETO . . ( ITY ADTXBTISma AOJTMCT, No 7 Appletoii'« Bnilmw. Hm 31t HBOAUWAT. 1" "Hl SHIPMASTERS..At B Meeting mt tU Board of l'nderwrl'ert bald Pebrnar* 14, It*, th* follow- In« resolution*, adopted by tha Hoard of Pilot Commiaa-'ner*. were read, and it Wat retoiTed, that the tetoa be apnrc ved and eaneitly commended to the notice ar <t obterra- of Ship- n.attere. KIXWOOD WaL.KR, Secretary of the Board of On lerwrltera. Beaolretf. That la the opinion of toe Board of Pilot Cattnaa» Baooert, Sbipmaetert thould act (ire op the ecr.trol of their »et eelt until they are within the tuarkt and ränget of the harbar, aa ther ere tupr-oaed to be more competent a* ahiprnatte.'t to Xtavirefe. where the petition of a veaeel la to be detoriumed by aatronomicalobaervationt. or workiue problem* in uev.galion, aadeal-o from practice. und. rata .dir.« the manageraeut ani gtaaa-lplina of 'hair veaaela betti-r than aay etranaer. HmUtrd, That ti Bi*rd of Cnunnietionfre do earneatly rtvoii met d wben atatettbliig the coett, the KBKQL'KMT l,>fc OK I HK IA*0 A*W* LEAD, and . ..ropa itoo of the latter wilb their ( harte, aa iu their judgment, by tieee mean, lite ¦ Matteri of otu Ma coa^t mat be m M b d imm>:i4td. RCnsKLL STUBOEB.S, 1 OEOBOB W BLI NT. r_. i BABLEfl hi MARSHALL, } Yi.** March a, "»>. lOBEBT L. TATLOK, J Tllos. I). stetson, Niei himica! Kneineerand ¦vul:. lU.f of Pate .la No 151 Ne.ta.% at N. i A alt »n rendered m peaaWtha] tateal af, or u.Akiiig tnewg im.-atj c bTtÄTmeK i* at bia office, Tribtin« Bailda e ingt, wliere becheerlo.it gitea baa eietrt of a jadlcione ijatem M Al>\ EBTlBlMO. fie may be contnltr 1 leraooaUlj between the bourt of 10 a m. and 2 p in. and t and C p. m jBoarb and noomB. B0AKDIN0.A f.'entlemnn and Wife ran lind jdettent llufun.iahed Pro t ROOMS, eecond atory in a private tannly, at No. y > McDoutal it., near Bleecker, (St t'lemenft filace,! on moderate teruia. Notice to kansas 8ettlebs.council HOIJsK, Council City, Kauaaa W.M. LORD, (to.-uiaaly tvf f ooiieciicnt. I proprietor. Tint lioute hat lieen fitted np under the tapertition of 'he Tmaleea of Council City f. r the temporary aecommoda in of Traveler*, where they will find good ecconiiaodatiuria at reaaon- eble ft Mr I.OR it engaged aa acetit render rra'nitou* informa¬ tion arid atrialer.'* to new comera in 'ne grleotita of clai'na, Ac. t'ei further intnrruation applrto OBOBOI iV'ALi'CN, No. 52» Broadway (Ollice No. Bl), Sew York. K00M8 to LET. . A haiidaom.'ij-fiiraiabijd PAItl.OR end BKDHOOM, fronting oa Ike aaaattl lUor, to let to a ainiile geiillemao, iu a priva e fttnily, Ina b one trltfe all the i .odern improveinei.ia, near the 5tii aj.d 6iiea>a. Apply et No. l-gat 1 Ith at. Reference! exchanged. Sta^^a and ctrt every few e.unite* KOOM8 and IM »Alf 1) in brooklyn.For Kaudliee or tingle lientlemeu. Anply at It Liviiixtt.m at. IX) let.A FRONT 1'AKLOK a^<llvv^HKi)l ItOtiMS on aecond floor, awl RACK BASEMBNT, to. en all entei l.iinilv without hn'dren. Apply at ill Maditon-'t. ~~mS FZ r.KOAI>W.\ i Mm. K EMMU-i'", be- 9P tw> en -Vh und '. tk-eia.. ounuia- .in* a vi tw of biin. i ir one of the most louvouient and hoalthv loca¬ tion! in rlie city. The bouae it el. tailtiy fnmiabed an 1 bat all the iu<*li-rn itapielOfOllIt 'l «.. e; l. tidld SUITES of ROOMS, enilable tor fan Rate, can be bud ot. Immediate a-.plicatiou. ^onots auD fat mo iuanted. House WANj ed..A small family, consistinfr of only a iieiitleiiisn and l.ia wife, want to b're a Houae nt a gri 'iel I'rightauurhiHjd, with all the modern imiarovemeii'a blual Im- between 4th and kwtk tt*., ai d wett of . av Addreaa E. r..Trilr«iie Office, MILL WANTED.To rent lor a term of veara, with pmilege ol buying a BTOBB or IIRHIK MILl.two to tour aturita hl|b, ronthiiiinn '..<tti to zfi.Con annale feet. Stroug fluurt, and |eiiiiain ntwalor petirM ..f Mi toftO burae power. Lo- tat.o witi.ii. a. ii.ii, a ol New-York or il. aiou. Aaidreat with tern,' Ar L1NI N A1AM KACTL ULR, Box No. 1,1172 p. O., BewYotk._ VVAN'I ED . By a priva'e family, a FIRST- f f C LASS RESIDENCE, fornithed, «böte illh-tt, be¬ tween 4»h at I Bth ata. Kent not to exceed $ I,BBV Addreae Box 3,221 f«et fTaVie wanted.100 acrea of dry land iniUble r . for tlie gieaUl «f Poach Tie«*, to tet an or bard oa to the eharet. on ftatea laltnd, or atuear New York aaeeaeeeleat One thiru ol Ihe land lint S rkxe, one third neat, 'he r-.n dad If tat third Spring Any pcraon having each Land wul litre aa epport'iiiitv ol n iklBj mm ev w.' 'iout much trouble ot ip-me, ij edetitjlag «tea Uneeto LAM BEBT R. Hl i.MKS, Laar renavill.-.B. J aid it will bea'iended toItalttB«!»!*. At 1 bate Tree* of the lietl uual 'yand choiceat hum*, light la:ia it rtolemd. Western LANDS WANTED in MICH- 10AN, WISCONSIN IOWA, ILLINOIS and IB- DIANA, lo trade ftu IxaMeted City Prupartv. So ne catb wiM he paid. S. CDCKCROBT A A E. BEELD1BO. No. II Men liaaita' Pirk«na», B ail-at, N. T. 91 QonecB to £t\. II IFACTORY and POUNDERY BUILDDt'GS to Ll.T The Biilldiuga comer <d Btkeat. and 4"io aU, with the 11 uii.'. ry in the Irar, toietbcr milh klugine, Klatkt, Too'*, Ac The Biu'dinu on ihn Ml ar are US teet trout and 4 ttonoa high, « IIb ligb't ellai o.'.dt r th* Wuoie. Toe Kouo kef] is well eataplea' lo light cattiojtt and hoiue wtik. Apply to EROSf A I ORK LSI, No. II« Pearl ttreeU OU8E8 ta LET Bad FOR SALE..A aaaall ¦aateel HOUSE ou Mta-et., reat $>isa. Alao 2 three- ttbtt BOl'SBS en 2Btb-at. for eale, «vi Alao one on ltd g>6,0lll. Alto eevernl to let on Ha a\., +:it>. Alao 01 Lexuu lon av., a:i<C, and iu etkatl localiout, t>7tKi to IV ». K1NSIIIMKR. No. RU gtkraT..d to 7 p. in. Iii ARK BANK IUTI.DINGS, formerly (liaton Uall.-STOhH and OPPICBi TO LET iu aaM Plan* mar Ihi aeen and tenua made known, bv rtll ua on VVM. P. KAItLK, No. Park-row or Meaara. ilf.NKY A. HI4 It L- BIIT, No.SM Pearl at, J O. BY BD, No. 12 \V anon at, and OLIYD.R HOV 1, No 40Sutuc»-»t. CTEAM-POWER to LET..A BetMod-Stor] k? Lot I con ei of Imlat and Sunuiiil ate, Btooalra. 4" by MtVeU Alao, a LOP. at He. 211 Wathnnttou-eL, N. Y., 30 by Bjfeet. Btgeja-Tower iu both Lofta Apply to J. S BDMCE h Co., No. 2d Wethliigtiai et. STEAM-POWER..Extra, well-litkted ROOMS to Lr T. with STKAM POWER,fa kaxaltUege Not S.totS t.oldeL. near ttütea. ABM. B.YRlHoLr. STEAM I'OWI'.K t.. EE .A brick two-atory BVILDINO, KB faet by aa, at Pl'aabtibjari N. J. Apply te a. BAI/., 487 Broadway, or tu J. 11. ROLSTON, Elitahethport, CTEAM P< >W ER..Several weU dirtted Roomg O to L Rl wub Bateaa Pea er. No* 2y ami ji Ckxld-tt. R. HOE A Ca SHOP ROOMS to LET.Well lightvd Shop K.otiii. Vith or without Sieam Power. An»» SMITH a CEANE, No. 71 V\ o.wter-tt 1\) LET.Tab Bpper part «>f a HOUSE, to a email family Beut t>:av. lagjalga at No. 4b Woat I.Vb-tt. IX) LET.The thrt-e laYaVM and btbÜ lighted ROOMS oa the corner of Cliethara-aqoare and rleat Nr. adway.over the Peel OfBee. lotether with the STOKE and BASKMENT No. 4 K.aat Broodwet, wbtok can c.unecied with tbe abotr etorie*. luqm'eol W. N. SEYMOl'R at Co., No 4 t athttm equate. TO LET.And pg)gjajeaaioi niveu before the lat of May if ..ca.red. the PIBBT KLOOR of that large, new and extra atn.ng building No. 15 \ audewa er-a-., a tew d.vort from Prank fort-at., tuilaUe for any heavv mercantile butiueae, or would le LET for any mai.utaciiiiiug bunnete not extra hat- aidoua. am! power tupplied from a I er re engine on tlie prem.aca The roi.tu i* 60 feet by 80, and W.U be war led bv ate. n n.jva. a-atwkreaf_C. A. ALVORD, No. 29 (»old-*t. T> LET..Several ROOMS wi ll adapt.vl BM »arieat boeineea p«rpi*ea TO LET «I a low rent trom tie fweerat time,or the lit of May nrx'.on tbe aeccii... third, fourth aad fifth Boor* of th* new marble front building No. oJ7 Btoad- wev, a few doore below Bleecker et, Tkara « a: way through the building, with ac en bv an allev f.om Mercer at. Tbeec room* are all well lighted aad'titled with tea Cn u.- tad etaaa partitiiot*. Tbe upper laB will be lliaeglil III tlaBug ter artatU Apply to 11. COLBI KN. No. «-T7 B'oadeay. LET- PART of a HOUSE. No. SU Clotloa at., to a email fan ilv. Inquire on the pteuxlatM. LET-STORES and OFFICES id the Bible 55 .Ho^». aetof.place. Appi* at the Treetarar't Otfice, Bb kae llouae; enttanc* 4th av. r|V» LET or LEASE.8TOBE No. IBS > -a- at oppoarte Waahingr.aj Market. Rent OSJOM a veer. ._ti. a. JONES. Na ii Warren at, r|X) be LET.79 LOTS near the AtMal JL making the entire plot of groand lu:ig between lib and and «2d and Aid-ata. Auw. tie pbemises No. ."O rtaul-at., now uaed at a Stan.. but ....», r ; ,. , i .. i>tlJ[ ".tOiakeCa Shoj.. Apply to OEOROK JONES, Narth corner of Broedway and Waneuet. 1^* LEASE.A LOt^roBtirijrfon Rt^Ktoo-et." atler^l i!e)''Nl,,1oJk andSuf.,;. »¦ t. feet deep. Apply .u . kT'^.rir*'cora«' ltmur-en a d Salfolk eta., No. u Ooll et Bo. m Pearl et. 8AM. THOMPSON A bavpubw. .'(> IBOM FOITNDERS BadMACtlTHISTS.. 1 10 I I*1- U lüt'N POI NDKliYaadMACHISr': .411 IP 'jU'V.: a. i.r»v ., c wci m tb- PilE-nx IBOM W OBER, with ¦ fXM wuei power, au'dicinl Ij e.ive tL. arte. Iii i rru.ir-re are those firrr.erlv aseSBh ! by M' Mr". Birl k Weld n't Mr rrai..ilae,>ir*rB .f_ac'uBirt. Torre 11 a IsraB i i for i (fail e-t a: ltd* |< lot, . ,d .1 hf bolieved U W M tiki, for bu ms, Ai. < i.* »»*or ii ¦.' of 1. .'bos, Tiiu'i arid Pau-ni* c*i i»* ti m based by 'be teB-.t.t if i'fvi. Apt4* t«. J. M. HE DMoNiS A - ..',\.«U-t'..|!,,« L. R. Tllrö.TrrB'o«. .'»rer-J'-aey. rrii LET in~BKÖTiKLYN.^ne Ralf of ttt) 1 . rt- f-.ft Kar) BASEMEN1 BOUSE, Na. . ÜBBry .' with: t.v B.BOtoS1 walk to Paüori Ferry. Re.it-iicelerate 'o » Null tin By. Inquire on the. preuiieee.or at No- tJ Ealtoo- f\,New-Yi4a\_ r|'ft LEI-Ju ti.o hiirhih Ward, in a j 1 neltl laMBBod aan,a:i t»e-«-<fY ar.,1 a't.e HOU3R, wiH the whole or tart of ib« FCIlNITt HE for BALE. BawH *Vn. 1 <*a»ea.cn ii»en lit of A; rd. Apply at No. ISSao'b W an at. if_T. BESSOR. rpo LET..Tlvs DWELLING PARI of Um A foar-itrrr trewr ....tie frcnt BL i LDINO. No. «i *-A «t.. (ui tieft with a.i the modern i.-nproTcrut..:*. i ^'-abe for a lr-trd.ng hotm Apply to BTEWABf k SMITH. Mm HI Ml 113 W . at Sou-st,_ '1(1 LET.Til'- Hol -I., with ... LOT*, mi "th- I at be e»»n !I rkj at _M - -**d 'e M< f r l'i Dura.deli.h'fully moated oa l..«U eruaad, in ti w . ibe High IVulge. ai.il coii'maodiiig ». extended prosper*, of ner.»er and coi.Uguc** acenery. Ajply tu C. BARNARD, No. i* Btoedway. TO LET or LEASE-The FACTORY bb4 WA- TEK-i'OW'EB (Kottod is tie >L.a_e of Uaf'.in;*. Wei: rherter Ccunty, twsttv foil'* from tbii citr. Said Fictery It JA It 40 feet, hat a W'a'er-wheel Bl f«et it d__*:*r, of about k Uorae tower, aud ie withia fire minutes' walk of the Hndaoa River Railroad. Inuulie of Mr. EL LI.rikt. No. 15 Beach at., or Mr. KINDER. IlV.r.ga. _ IX) LET..A asxiu mi OFFICES, la the BfMo Honee, Aator pleee, new oemped by t_e New-York Sne> aty Lit rare, to let in ru let of May next. Apply at Ute lreea> e-er> Ofie*. Bible booee; ?i.ita.v» 4th a». rr< I LET.The lfAN8I< fS >U8E, with kvW_t j. V LOTS of f.kOI.'NlJ attached, rltuated oa W..i a_i Aveane A. The ilonae it large a.~ coauioodlou*. Bad ia of ra«y acoeaa the ü ae. Kail road. An>iy te CHAUMOST BAU- NAKD.Xo. M Broadway._ ryo LK'I .lo the Lu-R'urv f r- ru'd hui.riiiira j Noa. VI1. 21.1, _J S Outre at., and Noe. IST, US, Iii Kim-:., larre, commooiot . «Ld weil nthted workahoee, wriUi evraly ateam power. Apply to HA HUMAN k OSbUK.N, Nu. iü7 W aiker et. _ rr 0 L E T.Four A-norj brown-stoae front M. HfrL'SES i n ;.i»iii8«t<.n ;..«ee. fronting on Sl'iyeeeaot- aquare, be* ween 16th and 17tE »t«. Houa«* eoLtain fül the n.niem iniproatniente. For tor ma arw.ly a'. No. lÄOlOthaL, nrarSd-ae. _ IX) LET.Eooina with otoatly Tovarer. Poai- ti< n -»Dtre! habt sood rarea low. One la: Floor, w.th frtm 1 to £0 borae power. M. OAL'DL'. No. 102 Walter at. TO LET.Three neat Two-atory, Atti.t nml Baat.ineiit HOUSES in .Sth-it., near 2d ae. Rente»! el a year. Inquire at 14-J Mtiden lane, of JAMES BAUNELT. rp<) LET^The two-story HÖÜsT^öT'iri A Wooater-iit. Alao.four HOI SEE with STOKES on Canal- .t., tut of Broadway. Four ROOMS.oue wim a aky.i.'it; entrance on Bruadway. Ap; ly at No. UT Orec-o it., before H g/elocl a. m.. or after'* p. in. rr<> LET. Wry «!,.,rp. fUFll Ks". tv.-T] A lighter1 ai d of eaay aereer, in the upner itorica of b'ldl.nga Ni.«. 16 and 10 Williaoj-aL, t urner of llearerat., able tor I't krrv rjoration«, r at alow laat. AUo, ia lams build¬ ing, ile Othct-a on the f rum d floor at No. Si' fciaeer at., adjoin- b K the Ailaiilic I'.ar.k. in which Ihara i' a auha'.aaua. aafa. Ap¬ ply to W'. HOWARD WAIT, on thn frimian*. nr»ri J5T or LEASE.ThR T_rotv8tory Brick A BOUSE No. 39 Knteer at.. wiih Stable in tho ri-ar. and right of tUoy way. Oet, Cm ton, bath, Ac. Cau be « ou from 11 to A ln.ji.ite on the I'o LEASE -ti PAVOBABLE TERMS.. THlil'l Y-FOt'R LOTS on the northerly aide of k-.h between lt'th bt and the Huteon Rivor; auiuible ler Ltt.ber, Coal or Lime nrdn. Apply to FRANKLIN E. RANDOLPH, No. 71 Wall-at. rpo LET. for BALE or E.\( HANGE.-1 bare . now, and alwaya do bate in hand, a Urge amount of 1, OESES, LOTS, and FAB MS, in deeiral.le IftaaHoaA If you tlealre Bi'ch. rail a' my nflire. No. »tat Bruadtnty, uc\t to t. tact Church, where yni wn! on uiii d n iihm t dmil-t. R. I». OUOIIW/R. rpo LET 01 LEASE.For a Bank <n Invurancct A or other Company, the FIRST FLOOR ot No. 15 Williaur at., adjoining the Corn E_e_aaaa Hank. Will b" titled np iu aerfactorder. Apply to ROSWELL O. PIERCE, I'iuaa_, n mat ot Rioadway. rpo r PRIVATE FAMILY, for6or 12months, A the ei tire PlrRNISHED HOUSE,atooyd two law-r rt . Brf the owner, haiinr all the modern iin|irOTem9:it*, Car' pa?a the door: location ur.rxreptionahlc! iu all, line Rooma Teruia actajaaiter, RSSB. in tidTanr'. witjj good at-i-uriiy. Addrca, Ii r one wet k, A. M.. No. M irh it., opyofi:,. Ilth-n., or Matro- I oRtaa Pott Ofr.cf, Bihie Hou. e. May be had at out 0, TO LET or tor SÄLE.A ucat 51 iTTAGE, con- taii.iiig 8 BooatO, witb three lota in garden, amall Stable, Ft.wi aeaoo, ha., mi ctia m, aeaf loth bt to aa.ataa irum t l.anibrr.-.t. by Hadaou Rleef Railroad, an alaeai oue b mr I.» Btagei. Rent + M. Apply lo JOHN W. ANIlKEAS, No. if. Beekman at., from 11 a. in. in 1 p. n. .erery day. 117HARF PKOI'EKI Y nt JUÜIDKLYN." In- » » twreu the W tili nt ami Soeth Femea, 1 to feel front on the river, and nmui-i bai k i .i leet to Fuimau it w.ih SO teat Li j Ih of water, at prcaeul w.. upied by the Delaware and Had- ar>n Canal CoaWpaai. Alaj teveral LO M 00 Hi.ite, bat ¦ jea Furaai. nnd ColntiiCift BtB to Let or Leaas. Annly 'o JOHN BCEURMCR, No. .'i6 Kei....i at f'.roi.klyn or No. 17u I n/iit-it R, T. flaii Rotate tot Bale. ABEAUTIFVL COUNTRY RESIDENCE for SALE, with.: Boa minuses' walk of the North Branch De- aot.M the Now-Jer.e» (Vnlral Railroad, .It ruilr* from El_a- bcthi ort, (arvt ral trains of rara pa<rdug daiiy.) with a iil-w gat* tage hoi.se, I am, iiml other nuthuilomga. on a lot of live acre* of land, BilBt'.r on a Light ovnrlookini the North Kraui h of Rerttaa river, iu Bit excellent iieighborhno.! ami healthy lie-alily mil.*, cburcbea, and aeboola, cluae at band It will le- aold at a bar¬ gain It apt Bad tor BOOat, en the nwner ia abjat gong tu th" wtat. rot pariinlara aHpjy to P. Lh BRÖK AW near the preuii* a, or WM.U BARNUM, No 12 Ma-ae., Naar-Tork Crty. li not .old by Aftil I it will be toie..t. JOHN S. NEUES. AM BIRABLE CÖ1 NTRY RESIDENCE for SALE .Located on th. north h ink of the CUaWBM River,at t haraygg, lUni.len t uuntv, Maas« ana -tie tour rnih-a from Bpril gtie.d, li 0 in in lloatoo.and 15« from tliu City of Near Yitrk. It *oaeb)ta of a modern at vied, two story wwd Hol SB lUed in w itb buck, containing if room*, with iiaiahrd ba» .rnetil. aud wilb pisr/e mi dhsj along the west and scuth aides, giviug a rpieLdid and ettet I've tiew *lung the valley of the Conuectutat f. r ii tli«. There are cuuin..;icu* out-.uii.iinta, uu eti-lleat ban, v. itk callat Bad Ottblot la baaer.ii at, havin« yard witbabeda on the llOflb. e*st aid we.t tidea, with ronvenu-iicea lor .'coin- 'i i ...-.it i II <r I.' hi ad ol aat_0. An aq.iednct MBpSthM au alum- dai ce ot I.ml rate w a'.-r, from a uevi r tailing aprist. Tjgethi'r with aUut ¦ Mat it LAND, in a good state of C<Ü.vatfcBB, BBt u I about I :o I acre* BoeOBBB witA PlaR Tr-Hr.ae: S vc-ars aince. aud »erv thr.fty. Price §5,(ii*A teJ.Ont) w.l r>> rereive 1 ii laMa, at taafal tair valuation, iu tnc > i aily of Ha k Isla.id, 111 in.a. If ilerired. I'omi uioa given imi iediBtily. g'ot further I art k uiara in. it:ire of the soon ru er, on to Bteat see -Ciim-iea, Si a,- bUrob 1,1*56. I). K. MORM kR. BEAUT1F1 E RESIDENCE for sVLl' on A Stat. -i lr!«nd Leer Turt Rn-hraord, BB the share road batV in* tri m Part RkaBBiOad to New Drithtiin, and ia u tew mui.ito* wnlk tri.ni Port Richmond ir Kaivryiille Ferry Laudiags The HOI 8E two ator.fe, brnen -nl t.id a:t.-j .o.uuiui La Raat,and jiajnv The Hni.se Idled in throtuh." X. Stable Rttwahoraeo, Ac, Fine fp.-iiig w-iter ia the Kitchen, wi'b *.wtr The PLOT it OKOI Nl) « leet float, *j fe.t rut and -V feet ilcp, and DJOBttaaf OB three RfBBU, Tho OARDEN rontaii a RaR treis and ahrtibbery of variuua kiuds, aud ia iu ail re.| rcta a d»*irah!* ren iOBOO lor a teutleuaau do J.g h.i<iui-_i iu the city aa the aieamboats loave almost honrlv to aud from tl>. cilv. A Map of the | la. a ian b<- area at our ufiic». and foil n_r ticnlara given. Price Rd.SRX COLE k CH1LTON, i'.-.'> No aj Ns»<ai s'_ |>B0A1)WAY.For Sale, th.« PROPERTY mi MM the aeaabwaetoataei t Bt_aarway ani MotiM »t, ai.'ut lO'fect BB liroadwty ar.d 140 BB Matl- 11 AprVv in HOMER Mi i<t. AN, PbtOOt, M. Y., Metru]«iit*vi Bank BaR__fl. (VH'MKY RESIDENCE at ORANGE for \-J SALE. near the South Oran»e Depot A h mdsvitne prop¬ erty OS the ridge fronting the Oranse Mouot»i-ia; fuurieea terra; ait ju t- and bealthv. and one of the moot deawBBis lort- t i ¦ to he touod. Every t'h'ug ia so.i.1 nnit-r. and will be told a remain. Term* eeav." Adure-a Di » N,\ J53, Jersey City, ot BAU *' No. 4* Mot kpgaai rr t., Jersey City. JjX)l BALE.A COI rAGE, Britk Utretj t*otaof Ortmnd, at Carmrntville Choice Fruit Trtea on the plane. Pi i e #0.1.00. Alto a beautiful Plat of Oroaud at Tattytown. »boul I acrea, near the Dep... price s>.' MR Poo farther par¬ ticulars a||iy to JOHN L. DKEN, Nil. 71 Water at. (;»>»: SALE or LEASE.A tkr*j*>4tory ami baaaaaawi HOlaSa.la*raaa_aat***s_r, t roton w-at.-r aud ras throatbout. * oea.rahie rrridsnre for a gt-atevl family; pa*- ?e»aion cau be bait oo or ab. ut the 1st ol April. lu.|'.jB eii the ibi bYbH I No. 1HV Fact JPth at. ST. OEOBUE'fl CHURCH, Stuyreaant sfluare.PE W far Sair, de» ideally on.- of the be*t pews in the Church. Inquire at abo»r, or of the Sexton. 1,\>K SALE CBEAP, in North Cast;... Wast cbrBterCo..A laree new 2-*tory HOURR, with 2 ar-ea of LAND beautif.illy aitcated on the BB_B rosi flora Porirbcevr lo Bedford, aiid'ahiat 3 mile* fr.ira Amioak Village; *4)per icLt may rt mam i n K>n 1 and mortgage. P. C. Bl'LKLK i No. A* W all st.. ba*cti:r>u'. Iniara.-- e RaB_tBa_ Ify>K SALE.ThtTflftfjant ti»e-«tory Ea«li«B B**eii-ent brown gBBBB HOUSE No. ? F.aat 77th et., cor* I rten g rverv ., i vet i»" ^e a- 1 -.-It n: - re- -u >r,»a<ri aia-i- net. AUo, the firat-rlas* HOI SE No. IM Watt mb st. tad L.auv othats n good U-.atii.na Apply to BOBWELL 0. PIEKiE. Pimau. corner Brotdwav. FV»K SALE.In PJth-RL. beytwtyen 5th and tüh- BBB., tix loar-story hru . HOURER and LOTS; siae. 2UIU9; M w toiled so a> to pay 10 pnr t-eut on :he purchase price. A good ir. vest merit In an improving !.k i:iou. A[ - v to RO.nWELI. .. I'lEKl E. Vr e cur. of llroadwt*. IT O R 8 A LE.A detir-lilo MII alr-SKAT in Dauhtss t onnt». Apply to P. A. COMSTOCR. _ M»bbett*vi!le. Dnti be** Coaaiy. N. T. F'cK SALE (..- To LET in BKOOKI.Y.V-Two Loa of LAND, with a two atory and atti.- double F-aute llonae. 6,.e.l in with btirk, aud asr-.n* a Brick Stable atla. bed, situa ed at the corner ..f Pacific and Henrv-.t*.. within tare* minute* wa.k of th* South Ferra. Inquire of > Ol Mi A Rl OIVKN.N,.r^a .*, st._Ne-w:Y..Ht. VOX SALE-MAMSON sti;EET.House No. 17 vf a, aT^-tM Tw0*^^-*^ Nn . M*.ü*on-*t.. or 01 W M. kRANKLIN. No. S App-e-oti's Badd iig. (JA I'M I.»NPH for PALE..T-o ILLINOM K.AL kajLEUAD COMPaNT ttrow prepared* TWO Af!LJ.;1 M OF ACHES of FA Ii MINO LANDS. 1* .ttcr«or Potr> ACII. «D LVwiitt, Oo LONG ' KEDITS LOW A I T E f> u*r IRTJIMff. TV». I.« -ui were trat '«H It rS* (. n-nament t*> aid rr. the MC«,in,o' o' F.».iro*a. end in. .. 1* tuto* of U-«riie«»t tool tum'. fertile )'rtim< la the State, intere-arrr»! Bert «Ott tle-r* with ninunt gn.tea .f nek avid o'her 'it-ber riot R».ad n >T, ,!. i t.araga the .¦r .»*.-: toOe»n. t> the aocth. end Into thav.ee to Oaiere era Deoieita. lb tot aet-tjk> «Ott extreme of too Stet» j end M til toe land* lie within df- teea ni.e* on each ..'it of tbtt Road r>-edy end rbeeo to**.* teetdtteeed t. kfcrtrexatpetthag ihemo'aaag of tea tan jut aivcl'nue-r tt. *-ad frotn thet.re to Feat.-re aod So.Vn Barrel*. M<reo-er, th* ra;4d growth of tjonriaoing town*tv-d til r«ra now*, tbe lif t, and ta* treat incr-tee ta pupa'attes by tn MSB) i ttc,tt.ru e taba'ao-ial *..J growing aatn* i*> mai-dtnr tarn, predictv. Itt *,:l m a. dark, r. b moll, from oce to t'r fee« an ieyb. it get-lM i.-littg. ai d pecul trly tatted fur trvo « CatUe acd Saeea er tLt tbe cu.ti'. eboii et Wore', lodtao Com. ~'c KcoLcn.y u. eu:iivi.';ng and treat ;-r<elnr11 we are tae treli-aaowt. rbaractenttira of Ill-nob] lend*. Treet v* not re¬ quired to be cat down, »tun.pi rrubbed, or a-*ne pieced BaT, aa ie *. rurally tbe rate tat cnluvaUbg new lend in tbt tiaVaf State*. Tt* baataMf of ladiei. Cora, (Tacted ea ta* newly aretefi teal, BtnaJ'y re;*', i tie cat of own t aod fe-ieiag. Wbeat aoti:. on tbe newly turned eel It .er* to yield rare lar«. ,.rofc:a a o.aa wiili a plow aod t wa yni* of ot*a «.11 break one aod a ball to two ecree p*r day. C octreeu tat. be anode tor breaking, ready f>r eora or wheat, at t-tra #2 to fti V' per acre, by ja i. :iJo* l.at>a«e".ei.i the Lane may be ph.wrd and faeeed tbe hiit, tod seder a iuga tiate of ca-t.it- kot: the eec und year. Cr: -an <«¦.:*, etc.. w'll be f- rwarded at reaao-.abia f«te« 10 Chic«re for to* E**tcni martet. tod u Caira fir tae W.'beTB The itrter yield on th- u.noj .a'..l* of liiiooit over the high aefeed land* to the Eaa'ern aod M'ddle Siatet it known to be much t- ore thar eufhrient at pey the dideretice of tr«oe- pottttkan to 'he Km'ere market. bit oxuirou* coal >. mmee at aererai p tr-n aiont the Road, and it a cheap and de«reble foot. It caa be deiieeted at te»- erai tolatt alot* the ko*d at »¦ 4o to *4 per ton. Wood caa be bad at tie teate ratee per eord. Tlo«- who think of tetUing b) Iowa or Minoeeota aoottld bear to BaaTed that lai.d* there of any aloe, t. t je tra:-r-c.nir«t* aod for many mile* u land, bate be-o dit[.*»d of, the' 'or thoee lor ate J in the interior there are no coiit*-.ieneet tut traut- MatRnl Ü.e prudoce to market, ra lroade not Latiag bees intro¬ duced there that to teed tbe prodoee ol loete land* one or we bnatired mih . by waton to market would co*t ma. h more then the expenae of coltiratuig them, aad aeo-e i»oten.inent landt tbet »itnate»;. at ei Hi per acre, a.e not to «ood uiteatmeou at the land of thi* Company at the price* fixe*. The tame r. tuifca bold «ood in reeatbtB to the laaia kB Eli¬ na and rtebieabe, tor BftthteXajb teeeat laudt may be fouia aearer ti.e a tier Beareee, the onlance to u.ark.-t i* far grea'^r, end etery hnr.ired milea tlie produce of theae lao.lt are carried either m wag'.nt, or intermp'nd water omrnaiucauoat. b> ereatet tie et per tee ot traaaporta'i on, wh.rb mutt be born* by tlie aettlert in the reduced pnee ot their 1'rod'icU, and to that extent peecieely tie the income* from their farm*, aad of coarae *r, .'. .r n.v- ...*... i.:». i-n: u.J.y at '»-. v j tr reduc»«i Tae er. at fertility ol the Unfit now eewed for aal« by thit Cctr.rany, and their ronaeqaent y - id ore- tnote of the Euters and Yu.nl« Sta'. e it BMeh more taan tuificieut te pay tn* dif¬ fer*;.re is tr.e cart ol -rabftortation, eapicially in flew of the facilitira fon.i-hed by thit Road, ai.d o'.uera with which it .tecta. th.- D|Mj ral^ BU of v.:.. -.. -r^ kBtl Trusted 9J th* ioW water bl Sui.in.-r or tlie treat ..! Winter. run k. am» rmt.vs ny pavmemt. Tf.e rrt e v ill tart trom *4 to i2S. aOOOttUXuj te location, quality, etc (-outre/ ta lor llee.la may be ma.le cur nut tae year liaj, alipn.atu.1 the pttrebaae BBOXtee be paid ie ate annual ti.ttaJlBieot*. The frit to become Jue m tw* y»era fro a the date of contract, and the oth< ra annually thereafter. Tatlaat Sayment w Bl kt MBaxa due tt the end of the aixlo year froia the ate of the cor.tracU IkTKKItT WILL BB CHtKr.r.O AT ONLT TtltMB ra CBkT, rta gjnrtrgg. At a aertirity to the rv-rforn.ar.re of the contract, the flrtt two ya int.-r.rt n.Ott be paid in adtar.ee, and it mu-t be undei- ttood that at leaat one teuth of the laud pur^hated thai, yearly be brought endet cultivation. Lo .«er credit*, at *' per cent pet* annum, may be nefoteted by apecitl ep[.licat,on. Tw -r.tt per cent fr-nO' the creuit p-ice w !or ta>A The Coia- pat.y'a centtrocrion hendt will be received at caeh. Ready fran.ed Kann Rmldinga, wiiich can be tet op in a few day a. can be t btainvd from reaponnblc peraona. TLey will be I.'feet bv 20 feet, divide-l into on* litiag a- 1 thire le-d roon.t. and will cat compute tet apoe iron'id chua-si anywhere &1. t.g the R.ixd, *IW in cttb, earnBatten of uanepur- ta'ieu. Lai«. r boildu.Kt may be contracted for at preporijnale rut.a. The Company will forward all tbe matenaie lor tuoh bsild'nta f ttr tl ir reg r>mntlv. Sj ecial arranteiue..'* h ita aejj. rt caa be made te taprty BV se purr).v»nr the Company't la-.de with fencing maturia.*, aaricirliur .1 tra.lt, aiid an on'.ht of provifiot* ie any uuaotity.at the ioweat whoieaale pricea. It it be' eved thai U e prh a, long credit, and low iaut of o- tereat. charted for tbete land*, wül enable a mau w:thaf-w bcBtlted doilara is c.uu ar .1 ordji ary indut'ry, to make hiiaa-lf kidrpeiident before all the pur. haee money bee--met doe. la the mean time, the rapid te'tleu.ent of the country will proj« K ) have- iacream-d their valutj lour or tite f' IA When r-i piired an experietii d | areofl will to on.pany applicxau, le gif« infer- Bintion and aid in tele ;tint ltrnlt, i liitalut 11 lain ag aaxaereaBlaataaeea of ear<-«aafni far-a- tax, airneti b-. reepeetaUa ami «eil k .»n farraera living in tie Bei(,Lbcrt<*>dot the Railroad I'JiJa.throughout the State.MBB the r<" t of u I,i .r.i.. t re e < I .., e, ex~-uee I bar-, e-'.' r, thr--«ii'-ag etc.. by contrv t.cr eay other interne'ion.will be cheerfolly i »ei im ij i.n either lertoeallt >r by let'er, m Entfataaj iron horl.ennan.addre-aed te JOHN tVILawl). Land Ctanmuaioiiet of the Hi,:.on Central K U. ( B., No. 52 Muhigan-ev., Chicago, ilirioia. 1("H)K BALE.A first-fiats 4-Htorr ProwB-Strttie front HOL SE and LOT on Iba n*rta aide of tVe.t tti tt., b* tweeai 6th atid 6lh ava For u rmt ai.d par tu ultra amily to RARER 4i WZXRS, Auctioneera. No. 6 I'm-f. ]7K>B BALE.i ffiol ftm-Btory Exxffliaw BASE- IliN i llOl'SK. with tbe miaiern imr-roveinen't. tu tV. it ..".d at. between tith end liab ava. Oa» Piiturei, Parlor Ctr- pe'a, am! <>il < latha will be aold with Hmite it required, lu quire at Na. 4.. Hi iialou-at ,S bl il morninga. 1jX)B SALE.PBtOPKIilT, known aa St. I'l.illj'a (': uxib.l.i Cen'reat, between I.-onard and Wor'n- a TO io.-t or ov feet de-p In,..no; II. 81 < 'TT. >o. 217 Water at. I "OB BALE.A hi .ttitittil COUNTRY BEATiad m. KAR.M ol <0 err"* of choice Land, aitutted io Clnaton, New Jeraev, two milet from Newark aad near the reaidence of (ait Eni Nte. Th- buil'iii gt are all ' ew a .d i good irder. Kit further BBrtfealan kaaaireaf C H. BALDWIN. No. 3U5 Lafft id-at., braaklya, or it wm. LYON, aeae the premuwie. I^AJIM for SALE, in NEW-JERSEY, öfW acret; cixid Kt.ilding», an I well lenced. ,.ne hnar*i rii'e frctn New-York bv New Jer.*y Railroad near edupot. Api^y at No. to ( our:lrj..it-.t., N. V. 1(X1K BALE nt RYE «BCE.A COUNTRY RESIDENCE, will, from three to foer acret of around; the flute* ia beatitifn.'.y tbaded with loreat treet, aad the place it well auppli.-d with all kind* of fruit aad orua-neutal turuh- bery; it it halt a mile from the New- Y'rk and Near Havae Rail- read, mar Long Maid Sound, and 23 milet from New York. AlaO. an. w (.OTHK COTTAOE, a-tioiniat tlie ebove, 1.1 al artetet, Apply at the oitue uf R. HUE k Co., N.» 211 and dl (iol.i at, N. \._ IroK SALK.J-J a "r. s .»(' I. \ \ I > bevjtifully titu- eted on th.-.-hell Road frmi Newtowa. L. I., to tbt Penny bridfe. end about I of a mile wnet of the vdlace of Nowu.wn or the r.u-hi lg Rail:-.aid Dr|«L The improvomeBta gathlM of a fiHrfl tranie bouae, ttable acd rarnag.bcuae, and a nurrbrr of fiett and ttrOOa tatal nreaa The'- ia a aever-failint apriag of water on the tr- exlaaa Tfca tlace can be real he.1 ia J5 minute* from EtUlen Fet-v, >ew-York tiie. Apolyto WE t. s TO R.MS. No. 2D4 Bleaeker at, N. Y. IjV)R SAI E.- The inh^orLbera ofTer for anle the SHAV Nl I IT'IN At KS, located in the borough of t nieatbat, lanraatei Ceaaty, Pa '11 ia t ro;. rl v i. ea ata of two Aa-1 recite Fornt-i-t. complete in e-. eiv reej-ect. with all the ari'tjrt.-nancet of Eugiaea. loolt, Cera, he.) .'!»'.. :ot. Houae. valu ble Lot* in the borouah. a Hailr. ad cotLeciiug tee Fwn.at.ta with the river, aad feet riter front. Ala.., a FARM in Y'ork Cotuitv, within IJ milet of the York Bad YArigbtarille RtHraail.aeaBaiaang l vt ataae, on which it a moot talualle Ore Bank, lvii t near the turfa.-e, an I can Ka rtiaed at a low price. The factlitie* about th«te Furn o et for oltamint rupt nee of Ore from other henkt, if craired, are rery xi-at lb.-advantage! of the location are ao weil kuowa tbat it would le tat« ifliioc* to narrate them. Ttie Furuar*t are now in tBcceaefi.l oit-ration. Any party witbing to pure bate can receive n ate eewaJte Information, bv applv tig to A. A J. WRIOHT, Vue at abeif Philadelphia. MURRAY HILL RESIDENCE for SALE.. The flriti-Iaaa three ttory and bith baeemeat (with ink- ce ier) brown ttone UOI'SE ia 3gth tt aouth*tide, betweea Btk and Madiao*. ava The locatica it onturpaatod in thtt mutt detirehie |ttrt of tie city, tbe gteundi ia the retr aa JTth tt. bei.ig laid eat in bee it.f gaxdent. reodrra thi proapeet vert cj«n aad delightful. The Houae wet bailt under the pertooal auperviaion of the owoi r for bia own r-tnience es i baa been ocenpied ay bun the patt year. It it farnuaed in the oioat rcuij lete and dnrehle mttner. with t'.i the Itten improv-^ieot*, ai marble ball, welnat a-ain, ceilar cloaett. ttetuttiy mantlet, triperb gratea, bLaih tia eervice pipe, taaie. hot ai d cold wa'er, be«t hot watt r furnace, iigbtnitig ro.lt. gaa, he. Pert-mi with inc tc purr hate Diav obtain rarda of ediiiiaei.in and terme at the otf.ee i t A M. LY ON. No. 27 YVa-lat N. B .Not to a let »r laaaaa P" R1VATE RESIDENCE fur SALE in NEW- ARK N. J .Well adapted to a gentleman doiag btuiaeea in New-Y rrk. The advertiaer it now about completing a valua- Me new BRICK HOUSE, with brows atone , ..ene.-l, lituated ea the Li;h and b> tutif'il groen.li weit of t!.e City of Newark, about 1 mile from tae Market-it, D?pot. The Honte it 4- feet tnnt..-« leet deep, with e wmg 22x50, htvinx e l»rte Parier Mttiii« Rootr. Libitry I'inirt-Rottm end K: eben oa Brer flu .r] with 10 tret PaBBB*. front end rear. It will be fan.:tbe 1 with luinait. I.rata» I ^t and Coll Water Beta Roomi, Raage, (-at Ar It ia a good B«'ttN.rhce.-d. and baa a I. t mort thaa 1 acre of tronnd, with haruitocoe Lawa ic troat of ll acre*. Price *l('.i«>. Two third* of parch tae moaev mat re¬ main oa mort«tue. Conuanutioa bv railroad between New- lurk and Newark it a."a*i. Time *" mlactea lauaireof _E. IfTROWBRIDOE.No. Froot-tt,. New Tork. rrHKEl -sTnKY QnJ IU-E.ME.M Hol'SE ,4.*TJ L"T >0R *ALi'- No- *" Htraa-.nl f.. gffffO Lt.ASI. tor .i lagag ct paajga, «ith the Furniture. Te bo ate it yeara old. and waa thoroughly overhauled latt Mat ha* a.! the modern m.piee/ea.ent*. Tbe hoaae it 2UVJ feet deep; let .law free The K:.ra.irur* we* entirely new leet Met end rt tee eery beat ai.d lat.wl »tyle. Term* meie eaty if'per- inaeed. Inquire oa th* prem.ae*. 3 1 I^VO HuT sP.s for SALE at FURT WASH- IN'GTON.oa tlie Hadaon Rite.-, about Ste miattea' walk tritn Ibe <!epct, with fine nver t M w Oaa Bgaa ntompletelyfurL:ihe,;.endthe farnitare will be tell with the bo::ae. It contain* Bgaa Roon*, be*j V K'"beB Bawtoent. Bath Ritt« Ac.; Utaptdied with water thro -ghoat aid hat t g -od ( amage Houw and Stable, with aboet ibree- foorth* of aa tcre of Land. Pre* cf the entire, tnclndir« k'si- aitna., 011>c "** .aa tea.-nd Hosie kaa teven Rootni btviide Kitchen and Btie- cent, and will be to d with fuar tiftha of an acre fur a I '»'. Aicriooof the pnee laey remain on b-md au 1 mirtxate. *i*7n WILLIAM E. LAL.»B^M Bo. 54 >A dliaa -tl , third d jor. room tl WlLLIAMSHERtiH HOUSES.-For S\LH ff hv S. COCUCROET and A. E. SKELDINC, N > 1* Merrkante- Ktrbange. Wallet., N. Y., aad No 77 Soati7th-eL Wflliemebargbl l.-f.aiea at ai,?no aad -elfaX;. 0ne with Rankle, RSJgf oj» do.. »4.0W; Brick Honte* BJJ0» tad *4.Ha), one with lot 114 feat deep, M.tatw, So. U .' aa «4 "ft Corner* bit gvneera, tw* Brag Store* Cottage* and tare lota on South «t.'i.it , #7/aje. Cottaget aad Hint** te let. 1jX)l bale ( heap.A «»"«. liu^artvrj Rai beeerreat I Ol iE, »i'B»»e hi 3_*\. near Broad »*y. *il GORELUTai brloA. Pbe ho.« I ». «II -if -n »i'-i¦**»**¦ BM li** *:"' /»-my to POO.LEI k Kvy.»0_. Oer er ErtwdwiT ir d 'Ab rt._ _TfT fil U » ^VALUABLE iWitfTRTr O I r\;'.; To r ALME KS, TANNE ES »ol M!'.' RES -Tb--» !.¦>- ..>e.,ot. r ¦teua BOM1 «TEAD FARM m' JAS. wilSBL- El: .'-ciaerd. «oi»; i. / of K4J acre* of exeelleat .*»d. fi ta'ed ta the heart f n-» of in- iua*t b'aatifsl. b*« 1i» Bi> f-r ieisil-r» .. : e S:*'». tw . .?>. : . ttVwi-« leg*, ira cneefr m < h t,. th- New-York ta 1 f.--» fU I- raea tbree-ei i 'aIi k are ff an Row > -t. w kdaily ttaae M ¦ .! '-. n rai.: » .. .* r i.-r- er» V .«.!. v « I -ir- an Dwelling Str.r* I'.io-e. two T«t.« H'm«»« Ic-H .n«i aid »1. : eee're-v . ".: Lgl M.n. w;-.:-an ei'i : :e e < f .. Fruit. Ali* a splendid W ea&t'ow. r, a E .wiring M»ii aritu t-ree raa of »Uire*. ilr»w rg % large com.'rv ru-tom. | r *.t Sa» M U, B aew T»tBetT, 45a»*Ethre«iVre*k_a.r.>ntaiii:n| ta.r t y Bart tri wi'ti ail Eeceseerv leach, lira* IM BrStBt »ata, »1 uod«r ei-t»r. bark r»oo a BBaj pnn.|i f de» » by wa'-et ba-a u »Bia- «'a: r* ta be had at 11 foe hemlock. bmI I I' ' N far n*k Hilm pltty at *b*!i; N) cent* pe- ib hfM in i l tbl*. Terma very easy. Tk.n i< a r»-e opportantty fjr inve-tra-*' far a t u.teaa aar.. It w_ b* *old che** if urraased by April lit. wfi-n rosse».|. n wi" b* btvbb. Ear partica.ar*. tjin r* of H M Ii. FALLS. Ebb., President af Tradeimeu'* Bank. J J., er D. C. V\ HEELER, at Hu.v-r. BI k'v i. Co*, Sl \'*«ey «. or f.RINNELL LI i;T, E*| r*. Wa.-w.ck. 0:*i>|* c .f. New York. c HARLES M. DI'PUY _ Co., LAND AGERTS, Cob.ikb er Micaiosi-i* asp g irrt Wirti iTt, CHICAOO, ILLINOIS Tbe trade.irr«vi tvi.l tr»1,.». I a «e: -r« Real rVit» Bue-i«« hl ILLINOIS. IOWA a BaJaBB&ff RBbBBB Par-c uar »tl*:. Clor, rirei ta *he pcrcbaee aad aal* of 1 ASMS, I NIMPEOVED LANDi and TOWN teOTI Pitet.atTe local cm'.ectloL* and rtber facdi'iee are tormed, *r,aaiir.( those mt bb1 Western house tor locaun« warrant*, ax- an .inn laada. furaviahica map* aad liaicriyuoai, payment ot BIBB*, ir _ (jumei or WriTr.ta I.»»D«. r»>. line a* the Ea<t. w:ll nod this Allut a fi«d rhasnei tu brio* lb. ir laBBBB mln ruarker, rrtryerty iffered fur aale will, for a nnali sum, be entered ia ear f «Ulr.co*. ar.d rirrulatad »rati* throuahoat the BBBBAn CsrtTiLtiT* *i J bad farorabl* oppanaaitia* for iaeastiad in ratiJIy in.jrosini We»ten. property. The beet of reieren. e< rieea. _ CHAELEi bL DOPDT. Late Laid AteL* of th* lllmota Central Ka .rusd <">. DAVID S. OODEN, Late ot Raw Port- air. OODEN af tha a^re firm, caa he t_u_d at Na. 1M R III New York, BBtal March 15, 1*5«. i b. Taylor, real Estate, land . Fe AGENT *:-d (»ENERAL INTELLIGENCE iiKEICK, Peoria, illinoi*. Bnytf *. BallOaf, Rer:in*and I.easiij Lands. I.jtatnd Hiaae*. IsBBBB neaxtia'.-tl. Taxr» paid, Titl"« bt _ia*.t. Land Warrant* Iteateo, »erer»l ARBBSaBIBBlflaBW :o prouiptlT. Reter to J E. Ho'chkua At'., Banter*. Peon*. III. J*well, Harrison A Co and An oi Billinea, Esq. New -York, t.rbbi, t, ffr. k Co.. t llflBi. T C. Rochhill k Co., I'tuladelpwa; Vaa Phal Watera k Ca, Louii. . TtO.reo wott:. of LANDS, improred aad nnlmproTed; alia. Lf 'TS and 11L ILDIN'liS iu the city, on tbe bluff«, aad thrua/u- oot the State. El fine Boiler*, and other property, tut aale, p nt leeoe aad traaa,oa fraai***a ta toa year*' cr^-d.». »ith . in all javruent in cash. Bayer* and Sellers. Trader* aad Renter», this la the office. at «-f<-d an p*c hare, Mm. Womvn, Bora and Oirle. liomi'i ami Lata lur ft.- and lea-« lit oca and L*e<i«s male eut. 4 harsea ean moderate. Applr to i. B. TAYLOR Peoria. nL Joseph IL MARTIN, real estate BROEEB,GENERAL Commission and COLLECT- IRQ AOENCT, MecUmci' Inintute B'iilBBBJ. No. I Bowery. Order« tor rale i nrrJiase. or .xrhente of rt-al *«tate or property, of m ' de«r:j'.tn. rat>pectfauy aalktited ai lectioa* prnmptly BRRawlBl to. and return* made witnout dele*. 15 Jnstrnction. APROFESSOR of the FRENCH LAN- QTJAGE, lata EdRac atf aa impor'aut jo*ru*l ba Praaoo, who teacl.ei in aome id th" bob! familiea ia New-York, would l.ke to bare OLe or two PL'l'ILS more, or to take cherie of a « LASS ia a SCHOOL. Addrea* L. D , Box No. 1».' Tribune ObVb. AFAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL for yotiBf Miataa will be apaaad *t Weatrille, New-IUseu, C.iun.. nc tha ?th ot Mav next, Into which a limited uambor of I'uraia will be rereiard. Tbe Tern.. and all partiralsra rel*tin| tn the aa:o*. mil he band la a prtated Clrcaiar. whkh may be ubwiti*l at U.e oRV e of JOS1 I'll ( LAWRENCE, ewj No «7 Wa l it,. ^. » York, and »t tlie ntiire ot The K»ai «el.at. or b, ad Iteeaiaf Rib aidiiakn 11 at ~trTTlttt N-w)ia.-n. h.a. Mü'UKvV BOYfc-' BOARDING-SCHOOL.At Little Per- re,ulne Battai RBBB HaBBBBBaN J. >ta«e* frum Hobokea [«». the School aeeeral timei daily Tbl* School coutaiu* twenty lame, air* laid handsomely lurnirhed rnotu* for twenty or ttore | upila. E..r beajthfulueai of location and good lifing thia Scho« .a enauryi*«t<Hl. Pu; 11» n-eeired say t;trie. Term* t-1 m pi r , ear Por .rcul«ri, «ouaauii^g particulara, apply ta or addrera'tbe PrJicipal. A. B. WIN ANT. OOK-KEEPINO..'I bf eubbcribe . will rt'oetvij imited number o! young Men for Counting Hsiiae li a'ruction. T»rm» Cut i Rtll oorae ot Doable Mutry Book- keepeg. it.tlubii.g Merrai tile W nMDg and An'hrnetie, kii, ii u no extra ch.rc-. fJOLDSMlTH, No. 3i.' Broivlway. DAILY NOI.'MAL SCHOOL.-Th« DAILY NORMAL si ROOL of the BOARD of EDUCATION will be o|en for the recistr*. exainiLatmu, la**itii.stion and in- sm.i tiou of Eemale Parpil*, ou MONDAYS and THURSDAYS et earl week, at II o'clock p at,, at tbe Bebaoj Room in the Hall ot the Board of K.darat»,u, sawaet et Quad aad Elai ft* eaaa n.-Mi.f in MONDAY, th" 11th iu»t. arid for Malea on WEDNESDATfl and 8ATUEDAT8, a: tue name place, at 4 o'< lock p. m., ronimeiM in* on tlie l-lth inst. The regular daily BBBBBBa will ci n.rnaureas soon a* the requisite uuinbee of pa- pill thai! Lav* been enrolled All persona resi.no* iu tha rity. of 11 yesr« of age and nriwar I. if trn.alea. and 16 year« and upward it males, who intend to I nfatir the protoosioii of teaching, may present the-uselre* for exand-atisa. WRL H. NK1LSUN, WM. I BEE, J D.vvv SPORT, W M. ALLASON, B R WIN FHROP, JEDEDLAU MILLER, DAVID WEBB, Pti-ealiv. Couiiuiltee on Not mal School*. IrrATERHOOK BOARDING-SCHOOL for - HOYS .Tbl- Tr'istee« of Kmderhonk Acadeiur hn*»'he »iti.fart.cn to aruonnce that the nvxt Torni will OPEN mi Mit 7. nmler the laepluei of it* l»re Principal, Mr. ALEX¬ ANDER WATSON. A. EL, whi«e disti: go.-hed abdity and ni<*ceia as a Tea. her ihry regard a* a guirautv for thorough education. Boarderi In the Princij*!'« family will enjoy i.e. a- liar a.Wantases Tenui RRM a year. Circular* at APPLE- 'I (IS'fl, Na. S48 Brnodwa* of the Principal. No Clintoa at., Biooklin; or the Ui.denirned. W. U. TOBEY. PfBaft D. Van ScHiACk. SecreUrr. I>ROVIDENCE CONFERENCE SEMINARY, EABT GBEENW It H, R. L.O. W QUEREAU, A. M I'm 11| ah Lora'ion cd the Narrigaueett, w.thia *irw of " Old Octn." Abie Tra«h*r* in tii detiarUueut*. Natt* Ten-hert ot Modern Lai mag»». Lfircet S*rnia»ry in the Sutj. sL'M- M KR 1 EaUM opena Apnl IR Apply aooti. 4j»!LLE('T BOARDING 8CUOOL fur BOYS. kD two niilea Berth of Middirtowu, Ca. _e. W. BECKWITH, PrinclnaL S" PANI8H LANOl A(iF.. .Prot .1. GOVIN, from llarma. ci.ntiuues re. eieitig Ladies anl Gentlemea for thorongH luiuactlon ta the alioea Laagaage at Nu. A Deiraw-et.. from 8 to 12 am., aad »t bis Academy, No. 77J Ful'oB-it., Krooklya, from I to I p. ra. Tt-rmi, ii per month, or f II ier Toarter. Till! Miim'sAN 1'ISKLL'8 SELECTliÖ.\RI)- INOaod DAY" SCHOOL, Port Rk hmoud. Sta:ea lalaud. I arents and guardians can obtaiu for rjkatl rhildren 1st the «N »e Seminary) agoo.1 educatiou, combined with the comfort* cf * hi me. T. tm* modere'e. rpHE ADVERTISER takes four -mail CHIL- 3. DU EN itto hi* family, and make* it h-.s whole buamr.a to educate them at borne with bis own. Ttnm -f 15fl per inuom, wit... nt extra Larke dunt * it aticm*. Imjnlriea from any per- lot. wiahing to lac* | lid wna kind parents in Rae country, BBOSt BBBB] ..ll leiice* and moral aid phyaifal t.'ii.m; jc -i imly adapted to the individual, will ha farwarde l if ad¬ dressed Bot No. .nag fast ORUo, Hartford, Conn. .10. .BOOK K E EPING, WRITING, .. - -'. ARITHMETIC -Mr. DoLBEAR, No. ti O Broad¬ way, bring aasisted by an accotnpliihed practical Boo'tkeeper, gn«ran'e.« tc make i-lri»nt W RITERS and practi-al BOOK¬ KEEPERS in the thoru-it poanbie time. Applicant* may rely on it. nving the heat u-tructioa and being qi_lined tor any ait. at on. Piano-Sorter anb Ulnsir. AFINK ASSORTMKNT of T. GILBKRT t% Co 'i celebrated PI AN'o-EORTES. wi*h and withoat the rEOLIAN. The*e inrtroment*. wirb the new DIAI URAL I' ALI are not aurpeaeed by an, o-j"r» ia th* market H E. MATHEW S, Sale Agent, No. 41» Broadway. AB A R G A I N.Half cash, a new T-octare j PIANO. No. II! Macdongal «f_, aeeoud floor, rear. BA R (1 A I N 8 ..New round-corner 6A-oct_Te FIANOS, with iron frame*, for r«l5t', *ecoiid ha_d do. fa* .80. Sit* and a> 176. MELODEONS for »a5aud*6*l. HAM IRaad MELI DEoNS to LET at low ran-«, by S. T. OORDt IN, No 37 Broadway. Agent for Hallet. Davis a Co. . I iai.ua and Mason A Hamlit. a Melodeon* and Harrnooium*. GREAT BARGAINS at the ST. NICHOLAS PLANO-POBTB WAREEOOMR, Nr., 31» Braedway.- GILBEBT*S HOIDOIR PLANOS, for small roomi, Sj ocuv*. Larr* front roand PIANOS, with fall iron tram* Bad ta .cy draki, tor RZR)| 7-octave do. do .for *S», made Rt _ ,_j warranted. lhe*e inirmmrti** are new, and not orjered at low priiei t<cause as are " gotug ta Europe" or " Cab*," bot be¬ cause we purchase for cash, and can adord them at the above kow pncee, One i -coLd hand Rooewood 7 »;t*v» Piano for A large aseortraent of Piano Stool* and Coeer*. from *i to A25. Pianos and Melo-leoct to Rent. A few new fiaaoa tor aale apou n.cn'hlv u.s-ailmenta JUDROR k BfUROER, N* f.* Broa.iwa». _St NieBola* HoteL GREAT IM P11 ()A I: M1: NTS i_ PIANO- t e KT ES -Mrasra Lllali TE, NEWTON A BRADBU RTl No 4.'1 Rnime-*t reepectfu-ly lae-.'e aueanou to their PIANO-FORTES, ronatru-ted with th* Patent AR"U WRESTl'I.ANK. which is undouktedly tu* most ¦nbiuntial in- t ro-vement ever ictiodcced into thj popaiar lnstmmeat. GOLD MFDM. I'lAN" »-F< Tt> M i: rv tared by STEINVVAT k SONS, No*. 81 and 38 Walker¬ ei., near hrii wav. N-w York. Thesr P.aao* have received i BRER FIRST PR KM JEMS witjua the last vear iaeam>,tl. t.i.n with Piano* made by tbe most eel-breted makers otoo*- toti. New-York. I'htl»d -.| h:a, and Baitimer». Prices low. HAINES BROS.'" CELEBRATED-IK' »\- erame P.\\S'i'-<.-Urte asacrtmet-at the M i-.c .-"nire at Ct OB i. BBI'., AgBBl*, Re. 3+5 H.-Te.le«v " I am happv la »*y that I ha\« nsed Utlae* Bros * Piino* at Museal Cot vrntiors ar.d End item axeeäleut tnatrumeute".GEO. P. ROOT. " e'-r ptiritv Bad failnee* of tone and eleaticitv of toock, they deas-neti:* hiaheat pr*»e--I B. WOODBL'RY. '. Dttrrnf an experience of for«y year* in the mttsiral profeav .ioa, I have aeidom met with iistmmenu which h*%e pleated me ¦ much ib all reej" *a '.JL'LIL'b MET/.. gORAND diar/itaa!, 7-<>rfafe natte-wo-td PIANO- V" r flfl, i" 3( i.-4"1 .fate If niltr, mi vk> .f »n| .«... M BB1R H«j been am* a t«* u>« ¦,. (tir»tnli|! So, 134 Waal .*.U«'.. i'>-n llbak P-'". . I .etene kv boot j«d<ee t«» Oe .-, «rwr »./ 'Mater fieao PI AN« - si I MKSIC .We learn tkstH' . tt A'. ¦¦- < No X3 Broadway. New Vork. eg* ,t (at the aaleel* u any *A be i <*t re -(ft: o.Ue* .fPiaeoet-il W-.. deotw, in oflering them at pricae ttnn h we a lt.t* all waair. to part..* « to aaeil >:<nnrirwi/. Ii« ia a'to eelli** hit Itvga and wt. Vi: .«» ft tltatBiüf Mitetl au» thi-V t »ma r».-. w price, end will fo-werd tb~ tome tree *t ;-j»ätt«- 11» öftere 'i 8 trace, tree? »r« ei.d w-wolt »-. f 'a- 'ruwt Over- Bt4.fBBrt. trr ail of which h* will bo abl- 'oft. Bt the iBtttw 11 htt *BJ w:aei, tu.'pt*.' IBS a/.. «t-".... I Bt \\.>¦*»* A f-etr"! i'iare* ere kii< »B tt tti .;u/ 'h« very r-<\ W* are t!..« tpeat ol thee* it -rnuneot* with toBi« degree of roe.a .»..« Ir in M BJBBXi tnowlealge of their nee lrct to-ie as* ! ira. t [ New-fork P.TtBtviiit. PIANoS, .1"! I \N>aiid MELODEONS..Be*, toe BM New York PIANOS w.th tBTtl withon" Hoi tat le ' eht (or ra»h. eud «..1 be toi i »erv low. 6 J-o. L. ?JM'.l-ef. S-.tC. Mel.. ro««. .h#Hti ,#.c. oJ hoi. l riar.ua fr^:uS)i> to flat P.*oo* ttxi Molodeon* to rwnL T. I BERRY, 441 Broadway RAVEN, BACON tt Co)., (bs>jcsb>swIB to Bacon A Kbvb.) I'iaao-E'rte MteafaelBMri| Werefomn No. I t* Orer.d*-. aetr Broedwey, woeet t Ml e*aartm*at Bt litt/t reu nr.surely of our uwb Bit*.-!«<Iure, may he Unad. tt arrested lb «v*rv rtipart. KARE CHANCE..A first-rate Rosewood round- e. ri cr PIANO-FORTE, of tnoet beeo'ifa! toBr'j Bai BBttB, end feiiv warranted. w ill b* a. id etree lu.gl r l->w for f eeh- A ¦ct.w.< Lt.. I' u.t '.ii>: * t leaf* a u,, at A. Wl Kr il Ne. 1<VI W-et Broadway Itlachitiert, &c. I INEN IfAt HINKRY.-JoHN R.McNALLT, J Clanriet». N. Y A/oat f»r Ike tale of I.iaea Machinery of every deacription, bow aad aacuod hand. Kottaoere' and Me- chiciaU'ioolt. aad l.u ea Yer. a of etert aumheratid q ial. T CWllT* PATENT Mil.!.>-.». LAN! k5 tlti'lre Mn.ufti tnrer.fjr Oeindia« «"ofleo, (irtue, ; - at, etc Six ai»»e for feaiily oeo Orr» era. Ptrmert, he. A tery fitertor article Ordert reet-eetfaHy eohci'od. J. O. I.ANE. Wa«hi»x'oe. N Y. i,, (TnilrrTi, fiorönjarc, anb Jron, AIMF hlC AN II liK WORKS. l.')ih «t.. I)..nve^n 1Mb end llth-ert., New-York. Man'jfar'urere of Wolded 1BON PIPE be eteem, water or ***. made frout the beat brer.de ol iron, and proted and werran-ed BatITH, LVkfB h Co. ADIBONDAC IK<»N Co. PIG lEON.-CoM Blatt, CLerroe! White IRON lor Eorgo porr-wct ror tale b> Ateut Adirundat. Iron remi«ue, JOHN W faVfjlBJCT, No 79 WJliaai eC ~T' tT~ y a I l s7. A fall axaortmtnt of all the bett Brandt ib kfaxket. rot ««Lt tr W ILIelAM S TISDAI.E, Ne. Water tt.. New-York. c COOrEja,'* TRUSS blOOrS..0<SJ aete a«e»..m<d tree COOPER'S EDOE TOOLS. AllxrUoa, Cooler, iiottaa, Btttea. Bad other o.akere. COOPl.K S RIVtTS. A larre aaaortmeat. C( "il l K'B MAMVEPS I'RIV ERA BECK IRONS, Ai.. Kor aale by CH AS S UTTLI ¦» « ö Not), tt and M Paltoti-et. GAS and WATER.OBJ Kitting niui Kixturea I rooiptlt done and reliable. Plambim in all it* branch**, for city tne country, tie* Wotkt erected lor Towua an.t I 't. 1 «OD reliable reference tt oar tuan:i't. ;ort. N». Ill Baal ISth- et JOHN JOHNSON A BROTH EIL Hoot* No. Of Eatt BB-et, for Sal*. Karie 2 uul^t from Tuck- ehoo t'atton, '.tS a. ret, for Sale or Exchaute. OUD80N Pitt li:< >*V it one of the best Ironi Ilm the ..-iktrt tor Founder* and Forge purvwe^. Tae No 1 Exrre will u x more t-rea, aad for all pntp f't it tn-v-nai to ant .-c.tch Pig. Fnrtaleby JOHM W. QÜINCT, No. 9t William ft, Agent ol (he Ha-laoa Irua Co. N~ 7\rAN 0 Cl I SALISBCEY HAM MERED IKON, mode trem Saiiabury Cald Blaat Pig an I reheated with Charcoal..TLit Iron ia warranted of extraordinary eta at.o n, laiity, and it unturpaaeed bt any other Iron made. Order* received] for Baafte, Car-Axlae. Bkapet for Lo>ouioüte and her work. Square Iron j 4 In on haud in atore. For tale y JOHN W. QUIBjCY, No. 51 WUiiam at. AMI S A si IN" 8H0VELS RndBPADEä - a Kor tele bt JOHN W. (JITNCY. No *J WillttAVet CALI8BCBY COLD K-LasT CHARCOAL PIG Cr IRON, for Car Wi eelt and work re,| nriag ten t.ijer.or iroB.for tale by JOHN W. QUIHCl, Ne\ Wifliatn tt, CTEELi PILES au.l SAWS..The entire itock k3 ol thela'enrni of BLAKE k PARKIN, tontiating of eu fortmeoto STEEL. FILES and TiJOLS of their inaaafac t'.re, ia now altered for tele by the tabaerlher oa nry tavortbla urma. J. W. B. EARNSHAW, Hartford Steel Store, Nj 21 Clif-ei,, New-York. IC0T(1H PIG IRON..Hudmti (rids No."l Oartaherne, Bad ?00 tin t mitad ouinbera bett Pig Iron, ia ore and landi' g, for aale bt SPOKKOKD. TILEBTON *. Co., No. ?9 Broalwty. p 5 O M a 8 IKON Co..PIG IRON.Soft, L tine, atroug, and warranted fliat rato For aiie by JOHN W. QI INCY, Nu. !M Wuiiain-at. O 8 Jpaint«, 0ilt, ©lass, xCc. BRIDGEWATER PAINT.The bett artic!« known t. r Rotdt cl Hcaaea, Deckt end Rottotna of Veaaela. and cutfide wi rk generally, being e p-rf-ct protection a;tintt the ertiou if the atmotpLero. fat Btle Bt tke COMEAN IT'S IiKPOT, No. 90 Water-tt. Cobcrn* pure tallow Olla, warranted of tupetior quality fur barnint. and to be more darable ea Biachirery. end to ataod cottier weather than purett aperm o L Only Bjtal, JOHN W. Q( INCY No. 93 WOliani et L .X IKA VI"ALITY KEKINEO" LARD OIL-1 Jt-al \\ arranttd very pare, and to bora a* long a* Sperm, and very briahtiy ; being nuuauallv free t.uiu trope ity, it will never cru»t the wick.ia eB'irely free from gam, aad very auoorior for machiuerv. In kturela dO to 4V tal.-.ut each. The only agoot i. i the Buxkai it JOHN W Ut INCY. No. 93 William at Li (j ii Tt KEROSENE. OR COAL OIL. NOT EXPLOSIVE. BECUREO in Pi IKNTC. Retail Patca. Oai BaLLta raa nm ..>. Tne Ttriout petenred Lampe to lie t. aid it the fore of the Btidertigiind ire recommended a* tne beet edapted te the pecu- lier qaalititt of the Oil.«ach lamp giviag a light e'lual t* two tlx toot gat bomera. CAMPHENE LAMPS eaakaaaal for hurBiug tLie Oil, by tcti tu i i!.. Ke- -.-:.e Chimtev. BLl »M -OIL LAMPS can be need by rutting off the bo'tom of the tin arkck-kaleVer, ¦-> a* to bnat tlio aurtace «1 the wick level with the tin tube that aurroundt tha wirk. The BJaal di.-ceuxit to whob-tale deaJ.-ra. AUSTENS, AgauU of fh>; Kereer.e Ol. Company. Na i7 Beever-tt, !f. V. OIL..lioilni (7.") cents a (jallnn. Boilding-i iof end Fence Oil, 50 cent* e galtoa. Bleached Bu.led Oil, tor purely white, *1 per gilloa. Oil Ven.lah, for China gloat, *l 25 per gallon. TAINTS, for bailiiingt. fenc-t, roiafi, 4c, He per ponnd. By J. HENRY SMITH, .No. Ill Meidcn-Iane, M. T. ZINC paints. white lead, colors, OLASS, kc.The nn.leisia.ejd, having eslarged tbeir worka to meet the demand for /Hue Point, ere now prepared te otter to the trade a lull eaaortment from the different min -e. n ai.afactured by them ia bleached reSaed Lh.eeel Oil, and with the prcjtr dryers. The qaaUty of our A.u.-ricas arid Fr-rch/ir.it tt warranted to tie equal in all reepect* to eny f Id bj thit markat. ar.d on at liberal tartaa. Deaera can alto I ¦¦ nttnlti d with W LUTE LEAO and COLORED PAINTS of wn manafactore. Alao, French and Atnencaa WINDOW OLA.xS. JESS! PA CHILDS, Importere and Menafactarertof Pamt*. No. IIS Water-tt., New-York. ZINC PAINTS..The PASSAIC MINING AND MANUEACTURINO COMPANY effct for aal« their eupt- nor White end Colored ZINC PAINTS, bo h dry aad g-oun.1 ia oil. at the lowest market pri- e*. Their Painu ia Oil. prapared by a new proce k. are wamnred not to harden la the kega. aad w.il ia\rove with age. MANNINO k SUL'IKR, tgBBla, Re, '-I Coortletidt-at, New- York. -fnrnilnre. ENAMELED FURNITURE. . H. F. FAR- RINoTON baa now ready for tale an extenäve eaaortment ot rich Eratmel. d Chamber Furniture, in ell Patterna and Col¬ on, and elaborately decorated iu lan.iacape, tigurea and flowers, at the manufactory and war- room*, Not. 44 aod 43 Wooitor *L, between Br<«n.e and (/rand. jÜnilwing fllataulu. ENCAUSTIC TILES.For Veetibul«g, HeJla. Hettrthe. Dining rootu*. Cooeervetoriee. ke. OARNKLitR CHIMNEY-TOPS. DRAIN-PIPES, Ac For axle by MILLER, COATES k YOL'LE, No. ?T» Peerl-eC. W. T. KWFri^-ROOFSe-ROÖr'S.The cheaoeat and beet artiel" torcoiering roof, it TAR RO'lFINO PAPER, which wa keep ronarar.t'y on band and will tell ia large or tmafl ¦caoütiee ro asit purcbaaera. JA.-. T. DERRII KSON k Co., No. Be Beettnen-et. Örocfrics. JOHN DWKlflT & Co., M*i ufactorer* of DOUBLE-REFINED AND /aMILT SALERATUS; SLTER-CARBONATE Of SODA. SAL SODA, ETC., No. 112 Petrl-tt.. New-York. PURE CREAM OF TARTAR ALWAYS ON H VND. paper tüarrtionßfs. Paper warehouse..j. t. derrii k SOB I ( o. No. 30 Ecekman-eL, otfer for eele on the lovreet tern a: U nring Ptrere. Et tilth. French and American. N-w.pa] ill aiaee, aelgkur aad aaaMtlga B.M.k Paper, all ti*ee. weight* end q-aiitiea. T mm Ptt^-r. uxr ct eolora and white, of the beet e-ielity. Hai ging Pa; er. white and colored, different width*. Hat-err1 Ptp-r. thin aad of the beat qaality. Cloth "aper. XiV1 aad 40x14. EagUah Bardwai paje-r, a larre aanrtoxent, jutt arrived, t Par-.r of :he beat quality. J reaping Paper, Straw. Rag ai.d Maaffla. Te* i'e|«r of different altea. Tar Hooting Payer, tnitahla for roofe, ia rotte. öde« bn Ol action. Auma H. p'tlH Aeottonee». A! vi- roK«« s.w. uf VAT.nABL« i.!' W r ) r -A*i4jj|T S*U »: AMrita e* THNfLIDAT. Muab&.* gl, Blfba Ml -i '.*r. «' Ktcaanti». by **«e< of taa ]a\A .MV.. »*aaad, the t_(.ar»at i_ M RI? (.-- TS # Lot, wtth the '-p'"-"-|Trhera» tm the k f , ,:,J M».tf ata. Taa Lj» */¦ U st« .11 fc»a 'real ;j f*,t > ! ta r. er. »C faxt lBl,,rAe*ee Bei -. - mV. v.t » lW;haM on rast all». he the eaaa Biers«. le»«, Al-c tr.-Lr». with J-.'ory brirk f-oaat üw- llox hoaja«, rhew». .i ¦ «. ar kaowa a. N .:. <«, 4 Lat«, tt >,- , T t . _ feet «KHbe« rw.t. 71 «~-t 2 -arhs* aa west «de, .>.) Tl f-et . lueDax etat «ad*, the »»m« an or le-s. Ml.lT «T-: r 1^ wh t>» ?»¦...» <-.T.. Ilar.l'tB/.b-iajaj tVr-.-r b «B* rear W tm above and kaawi a* >. M M it. The l*t m 20 Baal treat by II feet deep, bar Iba mmo *»*-B s 11 " "M trd vvlaab'. Lat oe -S. ne"* aid. ..»... »a So. 21, witb tbe ? rtsry »rv l (rast 1'wel.it (. gl 1 -u aal itien therren. ir ..ra-r. TAi* Lat I*SI foot float, £3 fearl . inches laat, l.» test a terhasea watt aide, tud '..I foot S n.thee oo eaj; aide, ba the aaoie laara« leea. w.th rar of all* y or. «est akle.e1tot.dLa4 12 feet frets treat e: Let. 1 u^tiri able. I .-».!» A ai > :* . - \ -er Nu\\ ,.'. (t iW| Dixirt. T. MacriaL Aa. ti^arer ADMTNIST] vTORS' RESALE of VALUA- HU: 1MPP.OVKD and UNIMPROVED PROPKRTT t. 1 ../.i to tl... Ea'ate of Edmnrd "t V\ illetu. deceased, atta. ated > t. I.'tth at.1>. T. MACEABI.AN will aell at aact.09. ea Tl I K.-P'.Y March IS, IBS«, at o'clock ra..at tbe klar. ckaata' Ex. hinaa, the hlbaTtataloar Ilbad property ene lieaat 11.: I.eta-'.a'.J ca tue aayath areeterly aate of 124ta-eL, oea> n aa»a_aj ;J7 fr»t treat of Jd a*.; alae. tare Lebj ef trraeiad, aakv aOaaj dm .>'itl weeterly «ide of 1 'tth at,, coui_eaclua lit fee' t iral.i-.weet cl Jd-e». Tertna, raeli. Jo"» i. BfTT», A-ieti lueet. AUCTION NOTICE..OER.ARD A H!'TTo t> :.¦ MONDAY. March M, ai Uo^atactX. at No. im Urouklya, tbt -.- >: *». .!."-) ."'texaaf 1 ......e. .a: r a' area, Lette of dtore. Ac-Tbe entire Nam Hit..:a. Leai. (.od ai'l.tc, of Drear, Cbetcicalf, Perfaauer;, Ar. cutitaited in the above atir". are ot 1:1» aaeet ilataal tied, baiat ei. ladlaall rich ai d c'.abori'e in dee tu art.! no.ab, Plate tiitaa .-Ii er Wte«* Mar lo fl -r. MarUe top Counters, Plan ci.ee Show Caere, fiamIt naidam aValao. ac, uk-.»d..«ai thr t c ore. Ittlaar. ha., of atir*t<ia«e « T) a lraie eiub will be aid i luiu edta'.eiy after tbe abeere) k) a very vaiuabi" one, haviaa three years la tea fruta la; Hta net'. The sade will withont reserve to thr hi tuest b ddee. AI partkalafo fca relatkoa ta otooi a>*y ho obtaiaod ea be preitiisrs ai y day prior to the aale. ACCnOB NOTU B..For SALE 16 HOUSE! und I.ol S.VLlaabie property far Invee'ute it ia 'he etat, ernp r' o: of th* dtj, aituatdloa 7th. Utk. l.th, lVb 17tA Ittt llet and 2Sth-*ta,, aavi Tth-av. ToHtoM be AN PIIONT J bl1 t( Kl H, at the MerchaLtar* tichatiaea New York, oa March 19, ISao. Terma easy. Kur maps, Ac, apaly U the Auttioceer, No. 7 iiroad-at. _ A. M Mrawtv Anctaoneer. BY BANGS. BROTHEB at to.-Trad*>.Sa_» Rcoans. No. i.t Park-row PBIDA1 EVENING March Id at «j ..Vea-k. VALUABL1 PRia tTB LI »RA.T Ceaw|irtetaw a «raat variety ot rhottO .-'ttdatd Worka ia MatBokaa aad Snraery, Bkrti -v. \. n.. . TraeeU. B .; a; Pt .-». Ba eaeea. ClaaeaV¦ a: 't<- -«i MtaooaaOaooat Li'.erature, Ac, emeraetaj many that are scarce and vainable. Cataicfnea a-, now rea.lv. BlX'n THIRD NEW-TOBR TtADI lailsl aHB ecanmenate oa TUESDAT, lath Match, with the aaia Book«, which will occupy six dav*. Afi.r tho Bark tale, the S'aliorrrr. l'.-vr«. It' ink "eetra. Ac. a. tiriTrriihn oa f< BSD AY, .'a M ir.-h, aaa continuing anttl cmpleled. The a.le ,.f Bteiaotypa Plate«, Kncraved Stael aaJ eppaj Plate« wUI be bald on SATURDAY. _d March. raitlhaaala Will Sad that the Catalogue inbrareaaubs'autaj attractione, Madotiii| the asje worthy of the a't.'n lan. e of al class, a of buyers, an.n',1 as w'11 as lar<r, there baj.nt ue restata. lion aa to the e tc ot lota and as then- aiao be reKCtictiea at la tat i- oad ia the Cea> I. c'f. 11 <.> n.ay ri a pot. a.n nx tjieir tuil attj p.tea.. The Catatlcgue now ready. R. L. Drt.llstB, Aoctiooeer. Y LEAVI'IT. DELI8SEB «V Co., No. ST7 B BaBBMsJ BOOk.-<, frTATD'NERY, PAPER, PAIMINOS, y KS< GOODS. \\ OKKH of ART, H'RNITIRE. and w Kit CHAR. DISE geaerally. boox8, BTZBBOTTPB PLATER and STATIOHEEE, The Second Regaler Trade Sale of the B ok >Pal i«hera' aociaRcn will ecn._ruce oo THL'RSDAT, .tth of March. arSA a larte and attra. tue Catalogue of Book», Ui he toMasrad ky laa karveat i. m»« of BTEBEOTTPB PLATES ever offered at any tiade aal.i. conaist.ng of over IAO seaaf Mates, ol gooti, isluahie and Siundarl V\ rks.among tiaaa Johaaoi 'a Kasaria., .--will's Tu!.- of a luk.Tn ) S.<rrew« of Wa» ter. Blooii lir.d',. 1'. . n.«. Lues f Ma.iisoi « 1 M aal a SaAaaV cratt a K. d Mm afthe Poiaet,the Werka ot Oliver iiotdaonak AIobbb irr Pope, Perey Eyas H> r, 8 r CaaketidBO, Wf Bam Cow per, Hvr .n'a Don JaBB| Snake.r<-ire'a Vt'orki, with Life aid PaSBBt, kB 1 i«x Ve* vola..I" illu-'r.li.b» ou rtaal| Itirra'a Eretich li.nolntion, I ml l PayBB ¦> M in .ita a->d Sa* nutia, 3 vula., Ivo.; Carlyle'a Life af Schiller; Mitehell'a II neat Ret oklic. Ac. 'Ihe inroU-es of STATIONERY are heavy and attraotivw, aal wholerale htty«ra wul have aa opportunity ot puriaasaagkl large quaiitirlea. CatllrjaTBOi are now ready for disfrihattoa, arulraa be nVataaf Bf PhaftfrV SaaspfOB I Co.. and Ltt'le, Hrowu A Co., Hasteag J. B. Lipt incott k Co., aud J. B. Smith k Co., Phil idelpitlat W. Mlnitie, aid Lucas Hi others. Baltimore; Maore, WIUteaB, Key« A Co., Ciiu-ibnati, J B. Steel. Neiv-Orl. aiie aad ot eea> ealvee.which will be forwarded to the Trade prepaid, TAfBIg Moaaaui., Au.itieneer. IJl ü Ii N IT UB E .THIS MORNING, at It) o'clock, at No. 81 Nassau »t. new «to.;k of Hon."held Aj> t clea.coi iai ngolTete a Trtea, Eaay aud Rocking Chairs, Sofa*. (Ire. .an ai d (iothic B> datcada, L.acl walatit and B_ r.iaawetl Bod loada,COBtar and r-< laT»b.. », marble tope; rue*- wood Libiary L. k.eaea. a; r»B| *Bd CBI at h«jr Mat r. aea. ajresa and plain Bar*aaa, Watdnkaa*. Luuuge* L.oinie Bed- ¦trade, Oval Mirrors, two handsome Oil Patatrage, Mall Staiiata, au] er or IMIar and Onagou Ex'enaiou Dining Table«, Werk» Btand*, Etageraa, Crockery ami t hin*, .u.ooo Havana t'igarv Matting, r its* r ids, Doiatera and Pillowa, wila ae. oiid kaaa (rticle* trim Couiiting-rooaia and dweluuga. Storage free uaBl lit May. H. WlLBM MAGNIFICENT aod rx*itlj BOÜSEHOLal IL'KSITI'KE.-Heavy Eree.h pUte pier aud uitaBe Mirrora, ro« wood Piano Kor'r, loarlde Vase«, Bronte*, velea) Carpet*, elegant Chan Irlitra. Oil Paiutinga, article! of t Ac,at heaae No. Tm Woa itih at. H. Wilson, aocda will rell ou WEDNESDAY, Marrh 12, at 114 o'clock, tk* «*-' tire elegant Furniture ol the abt.ve honer, meet of which trag made to order and is ia . aery ro sBOOt of .aaatioc woramaachiB. i'tki.oai.- Mtiaiifi 11 roaowuad Pallor Suite*, ia rick Krer.rh St in, with edid rosewood tram"* aa;reriiir »ereie». tave rraew od Piaiio korte. pearl keyi, rtthly inltid,cr«t BSB, tl.e tcne end fit.ich of which were never surpassed; solid t*J*> WOO*! I M tel .n.l Pier T ibiea Rrreption t hai-s in aa'la: Imp Eaay ( hau i la bmcooco| i|daB*Ud Kr. i. plat* Piar Ofaa with alab and braik.t«; coatly marb..' Vase«; altfaaBg Elower \ lau-e. vi lendid liroun-i, i upidi, Statnottes, KingkB, Sb«|Ji' rd and Slieph. rd. as, Oronje. t-light Caaih-'aiira*. aap Girandolee, U ;hrr with the bu«u of tha t iijvnig di.tii.tuished rharaciera: Prinae Albert, Queen Vtetarta, Lira Raglan and Napl. r; rich hr * a'ello aud lac* Window CuitaMga Bhadea, velvet CarriaU, aloaaaUi carved roaoaood Ktiger*. with liefe glase, ooet ?27.'.; Oil Painting 01 gnat mailt *ad* high «est; three ele«aut Has 1 lun '.eli«ri. DiMM. Hooai .Magi.in. eutiolui oak En-ndoa T*bl*,**S *V ; OakChairaia Plu-h; richly carved Oak S.drboerd, c*S ö11*7] (Jak Sei retarv. ..1 madu to mat. Ii throughout. E.-gaat gold-hand Ilir.t er Set, 20n pteee*,i oet BUS; rnby and crystal Cat Glaa* Wire, rich Silver Ware, Caitrri.Tra Service, art* UaV vera, Kruit Stand* and Haekets, i oBee Urns, Kettle«. Raaks« Rinai,Spoon*,Petto, fiadlot; Liq .or Staad.eo*t ?sojBjrsBt Knrfsa.BBBBi Tont". Ac; be»t of Itory Cutlery, Cicbleti, V\ EaOB, Deeanter«, tie. ChtMcaas aso Nuaatar..Costly rosewood and ma Sofia, Loungri, Concb Bads, Bed-trie!*, Bureaus, W»-ti«t*a*A Con.m.. '. «, Itosewuaxl suites iu haircloth, totewood Piaoe-fatw Btada hy O A 11. Bannore, coe» ?»>; Chair*. Rockeri,el*(>Bl Pier and Mantle Mirror-; thir'v |nre hair Mittrratei, kvS 111 ear Peather Beda, Boleter* aad Pnl..w«, four %-.-p*u*»,li*»B Che«* Tal le. Ilohby H..ra. tBfBB BBBBBBl B«<lrooui Sa.t>w,a*»> pot.; Ii.cia.n Cariets, Oih lotb, roaewood Hall Staad, i*l**> plated Stiir Rod». Work Table. Clrygg, together aith rAoOBaW Ot* Plxtaraa tbrougboot. AUvi, * lane aad Braaral aioottaaiB .. BaBaBBBtttaad aUhraoB lltasjeil*, RefH*yirator, Stove*,»* Hi- r iir.,i'nr« of tliii hoase la worthy the a a .-0*" ot housekerpera. hotelkrepera *ud other'. A rasa deppaHe* Ba rao/alrad of »11 puri haseri, and every article will bM wiihoat any reserve whatever. M ORTGAGE SALE of PLATED WAKES and HOUSEHOLD PCRNITORE -JOHN BOT» will mil THIS DAY,atln| o'cloik, at No. 42 Aan st.Biar Natatu, vim* of a t htt le Mortage, t large lot of Pitt** Fo'kt. Bpoooa, Leadloe, Baskets, Ar... together with* iaig* a> .or'uirntot lio imrbold Fnmitur.'. _ J , EL II. Lkeo» A C'o Aurt.oneer*. . ON WEDNESDAY, March 13, at 12 oVl#*% in front of *tore No. Naeaau at. a FIRST RA» BLEIOti l*eoy, made by Martin of New Jereey. new aad ¦ Brat-rate (Met, to be sold witiioet reserve. J PHILir R. Wilbi**, Aoctiooeer PFRFMFTORY SALE of the STEAMHOiJ CBt/TON at Al.TTIO*-PHILIP R WILKINsaf toll at aaakaBB aa TIO RnDAY. Mtrch 20 llaS, ai Uo'eaaj St the Merchants' Eitharue (uulea* previaaelv diipaiedalB i riaate .«!*(. the wall-knows, fait and ipleudal Slearner CUr TON now Mug st the toot of 12th *t., East River. Herdi**** -i. i.a are *. MlOWSI Bur<len.3St tuna; length, 181 feet; »r*e*w» .,!*> t 2 It.chea; depth, 9 fjet, r yliader, a7i loche«, a a 4 l*Bj* arroke. She is iu p.:rt'Ct runnin« ordrr. and fullv eMnrpp*d" di r- .[«:t For further paruculari apply at th* omco ot Aacttopoor, N*. H Wall-it. B. A. I Mil.TON, Auctioneer. I TRT'ST>:ES SALE fl" l'EARL STREET BODBR and LOT-Tha Two-atory and A'rJc Bret j .i d Lot No. 410 Pearl-it., between Madienn and Oak&J_\\ «.f VaaiawBlBf St., at A ictiot..COLE A CHILTDS: .* .ell at Auctiou ob THUBSDAT, March l.*h, IBM. *' U "''S Bt the Merchant*' En hai.|e, under the diracnoa of lv . it-ad, the Two-rtory ard attic Bliek HoLSE and L'rT. r»» 41'- Pear!-at., on the rorth-eeiterly «ide. Lot SS feet fBaBt-BB» M feet 9 mehr« on the one aide *ud <i feet deep 0"**!_^3 Ho Iii -A rry BBBBBBkaa, terminating near tail pr^rwr*7. er.ake it very vaieable lor baiatnoM purposes, for t***** TT. ticuJara, terms, Ac, call on tbe Aoctioueer*. Cot« * Celt.* Bio. 45 Nassau at., near Liberty. _ _BAU MAN LOWrVTT-s***^ W. S. Mzi.lcb, Aucioieer-Bv Hot'., it to* k M,,,'Lt,¦^ po-MOKKOW (Thareday), at 101 o'oo«. »» J. No. iisnbbbm ot.-V.ieiant household rojJ'SÄ of a general feortoient of the most f*«biotiabi* '"'"*' rnlla*- lat J i; 'i,. BM at iiU'u'it. ma.at*f, P»rlor, Chsu.b'f. J'lH I . irent Furniture in Roa*wno.l, MsBaSBBFa j... V. .IubI Parlor smt.-a ovrre.1 in «arin.br. ca'rlle, pia^saw- la.r.loh; r. (ewooai Etaaere». Tables, Music <.-.*«" DrJ. case* aa.d S«tretarioe; Chau.ber Eoru.ta . en *ait«. BjM Matayaaad »:n; aBBBBalad d<., rchly enameled; w*tJ .-» H»ir M»ttressw« and PsuJ**aee; eoe ( nm«<* " -. *tjo nchiy earvedand ornamented; Exten« aa \n~ mg-Tables, 14 feet lor-in Sidebeer.ls to match; Chalriee«re«aj .a Has Blaahl W*rxirv»oee, Hall Staad*. öwwt^'a,ij Ererch plr tt Mirror*, choice Oil Painting., BBePlrtBjB "ft *^ o4* rrk, to pay adv*ae**,uiue roaewood aad inaa"«."/ ' o- PORTES, co* of which cost t*,**, made by '-'n^8^* ..\LV rtdaj warranred; rich China Dinner Service. V***-. m_^_\Um\_\ Ac The trad* and those aboat reforktihiug are tanied w « in ... tbe foods aow oa exhibition.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-03-12 [p 2].^onots auD fatmo iuanted. HouseWANjed..Asmallfamily, consistinfr ofonly a iieiitleiiisn and l.ia wife, want to b'rea Houae nt

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-03-12 [p 2].^onots auD fatmo iuanted. HouseWANjed..Asmallfamily, consistinfr ofonly a iieiitleiiisn and l.ia wife, want to b'rea Houae nt


Tie» bona« ie !> eiairaue bi; h. Boa; I'qttatB, inl eer-teiei hgnioxUru unjirr.ren.en a TL« (uri.l! . la tavitia um, fethlonxtfe¦AM Ii. tcou older The 'oeati.n o( 'h . b.ni.e w'il elaatt.... a

und M rrenj hoarder. i>t ran n* »er vn .i.K> l . ad ¦/

tklktg l.eceertr? will b» Im 1 iu.nl In Ihr M1«. AoBiy to Mr*.RAI 1.AR1». Nu 72 Fu< Paart««* .tt-et. fi.irn V ie l| n m

.FOR HALE.The ri«h1 t. iiae» the BAMH » A the MANUPAC-

I vir» REt K.U'T for aa »rttet« In rmxdirm«. To«.rtwV kn obtained the firM reyntatioe,batBm »'. ¦.rtl<»T hunot the mrui to extend the bu«"i< M at Ii ahuoM h* '1 axa.WotJd tell to ¦ TetToneible Twr-y. The butiteti wenld r» ihr«trtB\ *».'tVto »ll'.K«. Anlr.-e A B C cir« of Mr. TU >S.REE.» Es, Pceuueti, New-Vork Pott-tlflk«.

.2nit* to

rT/k/h .AN active BUSINESS MAN»* J* *\r# xrttk theeboee eate I«aaf Inovaiaia

nltT to take tt« place of a re'irn.t lat ift in in .w'a'J.a'i>-.!kniäiii«** la thi»Oty paabaj ir. 'n t. B4AWnetaaaeefThe baalneaaii rearer. ah e and r-';al>i*. Refereucee exchanged.Andre** IRON, Pott OBiee, with ttaat», hr.

Zo Cül;om it mar» ConcertL

AD\ l.R'Iising..A ChOtflBIBtBCetarBmi taM BtBBirepera ot »he whole r t -rv n arB>« ma la and e r> tat

.nttttwi of *dter»aTlntPidoMe.i. at V. K. PALMER'S AGENCY.0e explain* roielltgiiily the principle en.l practica! opera'toa.

PK. DETO .. ( ITY ADTXBTISma AOJTMCT,No 7 Appletoii'« Bnilmw. Hm 31t HBOAUWAT.

1""Hl SHIPMASTERS..At B Meeting mt tUBoard of l'nderwrl'ert bald Pebrnar* 14, It*, th* follow-

In« resolution*, adopted by tha Hoard of Pilot Commiaa-'ner*.were read, and it Wat retoiTed, that the tetoa be apnrc ved andeaneitly commended to the notice ar <t obterra- r« of Ship-n.attere. KIXWOOD WaL.KR,

Secretary of the Board of On lerwrltera.Beaolretf. That la the opinion of toe Board of Pilot Cattnaa»

Baooert, Sbipmaetert thould act (ire op the ecr.trol of their »et

eelt until they are within the tuarkt and ränget of the harbar,aa ther ere tupr-oaed to be more competent a* ahiprnatte.'t to

Xtavirefe. where the petition of a veaeel la to be detoriumed byaatronomicalobaervationt. or workiue problem* in uev.galion,aadeal-o from practice. und. rata .dir.« the manageraeut anigtaaa-lplina of 'hair veaaela betti-r than aay etranaer.HmUtrd, That ti Bi*rd of Cnunnietionfre do earneatly

rtvoii met d wben atatettbliig the coett, the KBKQL'KMTl,>fc OK I HK IA*0 A*W* LEAD, and . ..ropa itoo of the latterwilb their ( harte, aa iu their judgment, by tieee mean, lite¦Matteri of otu Ma coa^t mat be m M b d imm>:i4td.


March a, "»>. lOBEBT L. TATLOK, J

Tllos. I). stetson, Niei himica! Kneineerand¦vul:. lU.f of Pate .la No 151 Ne.ta.% at N. i A alt »n

rendered m peaaWtha] tateal af, or u.Akiiig tnewg im.-atj c

bTtÄTmeK i* at bia office, Tribtin« Baildae ingt, wliere becheerlo.it gitea baa eietrt of a jadlcione

ijatem M Al>\ EBTlBlMO. fie may be contnltr 1 leraooaUljbetween the bourt of 10 a m. and 2 p in. and t and C p. m

jBoarb and noomB.

B0AKDIN0.A f.'entlemnn and Wife ran lindjdettent llufun.iahed Pro t ROOMS, eecond atory in a

private tannly, at No. y > McDoutal it., near Bleecker, (Stt'lemenft filace,! on moderate teruia.

Notice to kansas 8ettlebs.councilHOIJsK, Council City, Kauaaa W.M. LORD, (to.-uiaaly

tvf f ooiieciicnt. I proprietor.Tint lioute hat lieen fitted np under the tapertition of 'he

Tmaleea of Council City f. r the temporary aecommoda in ofTraveler*, where they will find good ecconiiaodatiuria at reaaon-

eble ftMr I.OR I» it engaged aa acetit I« render rra'nitou* informa¬tion arid atrialer.'* to new comera in 'ne grleotita of clai'na, Ac.

t'ei further intnrruation applrto OBOBOI iV'ALi'CN, No.52» Broadway (Ollice No. Bl), Sew York.

K00M8 to LET. . A haiidaom.'ij-fiiraiabijdPAItl.OR end BKDHOOM, fronting oa Ike aaaattl lUor,

to let to a ainiile geiillemao, iu a priva e fttnily, Ina b one trltfeall the i .odern improveinei.ia, near the 5tii aj.d 6iiea>a. Applyet No. l-gat 1 Ith at. Reference! exchanged. Sta^^a and ctrt

every few e.unite*

KOOM8 and IM »Alf 1) in brooklyn.ForKaudliee or tingle lientlemeu. Anply at It Liviiixtt.m at.

IX) let.A FRONT 1'AKLOK a^<llvv^HKi)lItOtiMS on aecond floor, awl RACK BASEMBNT, to.

en all entei l.iinilv without hn'dren. Apply at ill Maditon-'t.

~~mS FZ r.KOAI>W.\ i Mm. K EMMU-i'", be-9P tw> en -Vh und '. tk-eia.. ounuia- .in* a vi tw of

biin. i ir one of the most louvouient and hoalthv loca¬

tion! in rlie city. The bouae it el. tailtiy fnmiabed an 1 bat allthe iu<*li-rn itapielOfOllIt 'l «.. e; l. tidld SUITES of ROOMS,enilable tor fan Rate, can be bud ot. Immediate a-.plicatiou.

^onots auD fat mo iuanted.

House WANj ed..A small family, consistinfrof only a iieiitleiiisn and l.ia wife, want to b're a Houae

nt a gri 'iel I'rightauurhiHjd, with all the modern imiarovemeii'ablual Im- between 4th and kwtk tt*., ai d wett of . av AddreaaE. r..Trilr«iie Office,

MILL WANTED.To rent lor a term of veara,with pmilege ol buying a BTOBB or IIRHIK MILl.two

to tour aturita hl|b, ronthiiiinn '..<tti to zfi.Con annale feet. Strougfluurt, and |eiiiiain ntwalor petirM ..f Mi toftO burae power. Lo-tat.o witi.ii. a. ii.ii, a ol New-York or il. aiou. Aaidreat withtern,' Ar L1NI N A1AM KACTL ULR, Box No. 1,1172 p. O.,BewYotk._VVAN'I ED . By a priva'e family, a FIRST-f f C LASS RESIDENCE, fornithed, «böte illh-tt, be¬tween 4»h at I Bth ata. Kent not to exceed $ I,BBV AddreaeBox 3,221 f«et fTaVie

wanted.100 acrea of dry land iniUbler. for tlie gieaUl «fPoach Tie«*, to tet an or bard oa to the

eharet. on ftatea laltnd, or atuear New York aaeeaeeeleatOne thiru ol Ihe land lint S rkxe, one third neat, 'he r-.n dad Iftat third Spring Any pcraon having each Land wul litre aa

epport'iiiitv ol n iklBj mm ev w.' 'iout much trouble ot ip-me,ij edetitjlag «tea Uneeto LAMBEBT R. Hl i.MKS, Laarrenavill.-.B. J aid it will bea'iended toItalttB«!»!*. At 1bate Tree* of the lietl uual 'yand choiceat hum*, light la:ia it



DIANA, lo trade ftu IxaMeted City Prupartv. So ne catb wiMhe paid. S. CDCKCROBT A A E. BEELD1BO.

No. II Men liaaita' Pirk«na», B ail-at, N. T.


QonecB to £t\.


IFACTORY and POUNDERY BUILDDt'GS toLl.T The Biilldiuga comer <d Btkeat. and 4"io aU, with

the 11 uii.'. ry in the Irar, toietbcr milh klugine, Klatkt, Too'*,Ac The Biu'dinu on ihn Ml ar are US teet trout and 4 ttonoa

high, « IIb ligb't ellai o.'.dt r th* Wuoie. Toe Kouo kef] is well

eataplea' lo light cattiojtt and hoiue wtik. Apply to EROSfA IORK LSI, No. II« Pearl ttreeU

OU8E8 ta LET Bad FOR SALE..A aaaall¦aateel HOUSE ou Mta-et., reat $>isa. Alao 2 three-

ttbtt BOl'SBS en 2Btb-at. for eale, «vi Alao one on ltdg>6,0lll. Alto eevernl to let on Ha a\., +:it>. Alao 01 Lexuulon av., a:i<C, and iu etkatl localiout, t>7tKi to *¦ IV ».

K1NSIIIMKR. No. RU gtkraT..d to 7 p. in.

IiiARK BANK IUTI.DINGS, formerly (liatonUall.-STOhH and OPPICBi TO LET iu aaM

Plan* mar Ihi aeen and tenua made known, bv rtll ua on VVM.P. KAItLK, No. I» Park-row or Meaara. ilf.NKY A. HI4 It L-BIIT, No.SM Pearl at, J O. BY BD, No. 12 \V anon at, andOLIYD.R HOV 1, No 40Sutuc»-»t.

CTEAM-POWER to LET..A BetMod-Stor]k? Lot I con ei of Imlat and Sunuiiil ate, Btooalra. 4" byMtVeU Alao, a LOP. at He. 211 Wathnnttou-eL, N. Y., 30 byBjfeet. Btgeja-Tower iu both Lofta Apply to

J. S BDMCE h Co., No. 2d Wethliigtiai et.

STEAM-POWER..Extra, well-litktedROOMSto Lr T. with STKAM POWER,fa kaxaltUege Not S.totS

t.oldeL. near ttütea. ABM. B.YRlHoLr.

STEAM I'OWI'.K t.. EE .A brick two-atoryBVILDINO, KB faet by aa, at Pl'aabtibjari N. J. Apply te

a. BAI/., 487 Broadway, or tu J. 11. ROLSTON, Elitahethport,

CTEAM P< >W ER..Several weUdirtted RoomgO to L Rl wub Bateaa Pea er. No* 2y ami ji Ckxld-tt.


SHOP ROOMS to LET.Well lightvd ShopK.otiii. Vith or without Sieam Power.

An»» I« SMITH a CEANE,No. 71 V\ o.wter-tt

1\) LET.Tab Bpper part «>f a HOUSE, to aemail family Beut t>:av. lagjalga at No. 4b Woat I.Vb-tt.

IX) LET.The thrt-e laYaVM and btbÜ lightedROOMS oa the corner of Cliethara-aqoare and rleat

Nr. adway.over the Peel OfBee. lotether with the STOKE andBASKMENT No. 4 K.aat Broodwet, wbtok can c.uneciedwith tbe abotr etorie*. luqm'eol W. N. SEYMOl'R at Co.,No 4 t athttm equate.

TO LET.And pg)gjajeaaioi niveu before the latof May if ..ca.red. the PIBBT KLOOR of that large, new

and extra atn.ng building No. 15 \ audewa er-a-., a tew d.vortfrom Prank fort-at., tuilaUe for any heavv mercantile butiueae,or would le LET for any mai.utaciiiiiug bunnete not extra hat-aidoua. am! power tupplied from a I er re engine on tlie prem.acaThe roi.tu i* 60 feet by 80, and W.U be war led bv ate. n n.jva.

a-atwkreaf_C. A. ALVORD, No. 29 (»old-*t.

T> LET..Several ROOMS wi ll adapt.vl BM»arieat boeineea p«rpi*ea TO LET «I a low rent trom tie

fweerat time,or the lit of May nrx'.on tbe aeccii... third, fourthaad fifth Boor* of th* new marble front building No. oJ7 Btoad-wev, a few doore below Bleecker et, Tkara « a: waythrough the building, with ac en bv an allev f.om Mercer at.Tbeec room* are all well lighted aad'titled with tea Cn u.- tadetaaa partitiiot*. Tbe upper laB will be lliaeglil III tlaBugter artatU Apply to 11. COLBI KN. No. «-T7 B'oadeay.

LET- PART of a HOUSE. No. SUClotloaat., to a email fan ilv. Inquire on the pteuxlatM.

LET-STORES and OFFICES id the Bible55

.Ho^». aetof.place. Appi* at the Treetarar't Otfice, Bbkae llouae; enttanc* 4th av.

r|V» LET or LEASE.8TOBE No. IBS >-a- at oppoarte Waahingr.aj Market. Rent OSJOM a veer.

._ti. a. JONES. Na ii Warren at,

r|X) be LET.79 LOTS near the AtMalJL making the entire plot of groand lu:ig between lib and

and «2d and Aid-ata. Auw. tie pbemises No. ."Ortaul-at., now uaed at a Stan.. but ....», r ; ,. , i .. i>tlJ[".tOiakeCa Shoj.. Apply to OEOROK JONES,

Narth corner of Broedway and Waneuet.

1^* LEASE.A LOt^roBtirijrfon Rt^Ktoo-et."atler^l i!e)''Nl,,1oJk andSuf.,;. »¦ t. feet deep. Apply .u

. kT'^.rir*'cora«' ltmur-en a d Salfolk eta., No. u Oollet Bo. m Pearl et. 8AM. THOMPSON A bavpubw.

.'(> IBOM FOITNDERS BadMACtlTHISTS..1 10 I I*1- U lüt'N POI NDKliYaadMACHISr': .411 IP'jU'V.: a. i.r»v ., c wci m tb- PilE-nx

IBOM W OBER, with ¦ fXM wuei power, au'dicinl Ij e.ive

tL. arte.Iii i rru.ir-re are those firrr.erlv aseSBh ! by M' Mr". Birl k

Weld n't Mr rrai..ilae,>ir*rB .f_ac'uBirt. Torre 11 a IsraBi i for i (fail e-t a: ltd* |< lot, . ,d .1 hf bolieved U W M

tiki, for bu ms,Ai. < i.* »»*or ii ¦.' of 1. .'bos, Tiiu'i arid Pau-ni* c*i i»*

ti m based by 'be teB-.t.t if i'fvi. Apt4* t«.J. M. HE DMoNiS A - ..',\.«U-t'..|!,,«L. R. Tllrö.TrrB'o«. .'»rer-J'-aey.

rrii LET in~BKÖTiKLYN.^ne Ralf of ttt)1 . .¦ rt- f-.ft Kar) BASEMEN1 BOUSE, Na. . ÜBBry

.' with: t.v B.BOtoS1 walk to Paüori Ferry. Re.it-iicelerate'o » Null tin By. Inquire on the. preuiieee.or at No- tJ Ealtoo-

f\,New-Yi4a\_r|'ft LEI-Ju ti.o hiirhih Ward, in a j1 neltl laMBBod aan,a:i t»e-«-<fY ar.,1 a't.e HOU3R, wiH

the whole or tart of ib« FCIlNITt HE for BALE. BawH *Vn.1 <*a»ea.cn ii»en lit of A; rd. Apply at No. ISSao'b W an

at. if_T. BESSOR.

rpo LET..Tlvs DWELLING PARI of UmA foar-itrrr trewr ....tie frcnt BL iLDINO. No. «i *-A «t..(ui tieft with a.i the modern i.-nproTcrut..:*. i ^'-abe for a

lr-trd.ng hotm Apply to BTEWABf k SMITH. Mm HIMl 113 W . at Sou-st,_'1(1 LET.Til'- Hol -I., with ... LOT*, mi "th-I at be e»»n ! I rkj at _M - -**d 'e

M< f r l'i Dura.deli.h'fully moated oa l..«U eruaad, in ti w

. ibe High IVulge. ai.il coii'maodiiig ». extended prosper*, ofner.»er and coi.Uguc** acenery. Ajply tu C. BARNARD,No. i* Btoedway.

TO LET or LEASE-The FACTORY bb4 WA-TEK-i'OW'EB (Kottod is tie >L.a_e of Uaf'.in;*. Wei:

rherter Ccunty, twsttv foil'* from tbii citr. Said FicteryIt JA It 40 feet, hat a W'a'er-wheel Bl f«et it d__*:*r, of aboutk Uorae tower, aud ie withia fire minutes' walk of the HndaoaRiver Railroad. Inuulie of Mr. EL LI.rikt. No. 15 Beach at.,or Mr. KINDER. IlV.r.ga.


IX) LET..A asxiu mi OFFICES, la the BfMoHonee, Aator pleee, new oemped by t_e New-York Sne>

aty Lit rare, to let in ru let of May next. Apply at Ute lreea>e-er> Ofie*. Bible booee; ?i.ita.v» 4th a».

rr< I LET.The lfAN8I< fS H« >U8E, with kvW_tj. V LOTS of f.kOI.'NlJ attached, rltuated oa W..i a_iAveane A. The ilonae it large a.~ coauioodlou*. Bad ia of ra«yacoeaa b» the ü ae. Kail road. An>iy te CHAUMOST BAU-NAKD.Xo. M Broadway._ryo LK'I .lo the Lu-R'urv f r- ru'd hui.riiiiraj Noa. VI1. 21.1, _J S Outre at., and Noe. IST, US, Iii Kim-:.,larre, commooiot . «Ld weil nthted workahoee, wriUi evralyateam power. Apply to HA HUMAN k OSbUK.N, Nu. iü7W aiker et.


rr 0 L E T.Four A-norj brown-stoae frontM. HfrL'SES i n ;.i»iii8«t<.n ;..«ee. fronting on Sl'iyeeeaot-aquare, be* ween 16th and 17tE »t«. Houa«* eoLtain fül then.niem iniproatniente. For torma arw.ly a'. No. lÄOlOthaL,nrarSd-ae. _

IX) LET.Eooina with otoatly Tovarer. Poai-ti< n -»Dtre! habt sood rarea low. One la: Floor, w.th

frtm 1 to £0 borae power. M. OAL'DL'. No. 102 Walter at.

TO LET.Three neat Two-atory, Atti.t nmlBaat.ineiit HOUSES in .Sth-it., near 2d ae. Rente»! el a

year. Inquire at 14-J Mtiden lane, of JAMES BAUNELT.

rp<) LET^The two-story HÖÜsT^öT'iriA Wooater-iit. Alao.four HOI SEE with STOKES on Canal-

.t., tut of Broadway. Four ROOMS.oue wim a aky.i.'it;entrance on Bruadway. Ap; ly at No. UT Orec-o it., before Hg/elocl a. m.. or after'* p. in.

rr<> LET. Wry «!,.,rp. fUFll Ks". tv.-T]A lighter1 ai d of eaay aereer, in the upner itorica of b'ldl.ngaNi.«. 16 and 10 Williaoj-aL, t urner of llearerat., able torI't krrv c« rjoration«, f» r at alow laat. AUo, ia lams build¬ing, ile Othct-a on the f rum d floor at No. Si' fciaeer at., adjoin-b K the Ailaiilic I'.ar.k. in which Ihara i' a auha'.aaua. aafa. Ap¬ply to W'. HOWARD WAIT, on thn frimian*.

nr»riJ5T or LEASE.ThR T_rotv8tory BrickA BOUSE No. 39 Knteer at.. wiih Stable in tho ri-ar. andright of tUoy way. Oet, Cmton, bath, Ac. Cau be « ou from11 to A ln.ji.ite on the

I'o LEASE -ti PAVOBABLE TERMS..THlil'l Y-FOt'R LOTS on the northerly aide of k-.h

between lt'th bt and the Huteon Rivor; auiuible ler Ltt.ber,Coal or Lime nrdn. Apply to


rpo LET. for BALE or E.\( HANGE.-1 bare. now, and alwaya do bate in hand, a Urge amount of

1, OESES, LOTS, and FAB MS, in deeiral.le IftaaHoaA Ifyou tlealre Bi'ch. rail a' my nflire. No. »tat Bruadtnty, uc\t tot. tact Church, where yni wn! on uiii d n iihm t dmil-t.


rpo LET 01 LEASE.For a Bank <n InvurancctA or other Company, the FIRST FLOOR ot No. 15 Williaur

at., adjoining the Corn E_e_aaaa Hank. Will b" titled np iuaerfactorder. Apply to ROSWELL O. PIERCE, I'iuaa_,n mat ot Rioadway.rpo r PRIVATE FAMILY, for6or 12months,A the ei tire PlrRNISHED HOUSE,atooyd two law-r rt .

Brf the owner, haiinr all the modern iin|irOTem9:it*, Car' pa?athe door: location ur.rxreptionahlc! iu all, line Rooma Teruiaactajaaiter, RSSB. in tidTanr'. witjj good at-i-uriiy. Addrca,Ii r one wet k, A. M.. No. M irh it., opyofi:,. Ilth-n., or Matro-I oRtaa Pott Ofr.cf, Bihie Hou. e. May be had at out 0,

TO LET or tor SÄLE.A ucat 51 iTTAGE, con-taii.iiig 8 BooatO, witb three lota in garden, amall Stable,

Ft.wi aeaoo, ha., mi ctia m, aeaf loth bt to aa.ataa irumt l.anibrr.-.t. by Hadaou Rleef Railroad, an alaeai oue b mr I.»Btagei. Rent + M. Apply lo JOHN W. ANIlKEAS, No. if.Beekman at., from 11 a. in. in 1 p. n. .erery day.

117HARF PKOI'EKI Y nt JUÜIDKLYN." In-» » twreu the W tili nt ami Soeth Femea, 1 to feel front on

the river, and nmui-i bai k i .i leet to Fuimau it w.ih SO teatLi j Ih of water, at prcaeul w.. upied by the Delaware and Had-ar>n Canal CoaWpaai. Alaj teveral LOM 00 Hi.ite, bat ¦ jea

Furaai. nnd ColntiiCift BtB to Let or Leaas. Annly 'oJOHN BCEURMCR, No. .'i6 Kei....i at f'.roi.klyn

or No. 17u I n/iit-it R, T.

flaii Rotate tot Bale.

ABEAUTIFVL COUNTRY RESIDENCE forSALE, with.: Boa minuses' walk of the North Branch De-

aot.M the Now-Jer.e» (Vnlral Railroad, .It ruilr* from El_a-bcthi ort, (arvt ral trains of rara pa<rdug daiiy.) with a iil-w gat*tage hoi.se, I am, iiml other nuthuilomga. on a lot of live acre* ofland, BilBt'.r on a Light ovnrlookini the North Kraui h of Rerttaariver, iu Bit excellent iieighborhno.! ami healthy lie-alily mil.*,cburcbea, and aeboola, cluae at band It will le- aold at a bar¬gain It apt Bad tor BOOat, en the nwner ia abjat gong tu th" wtat.

rot pariinlara aHpjy to P. Lh BRÖK AW near the preuii* a, or

WM.U BARNUM, No 12 Ma-ae., Naar-Tork Crty. li not.old by Aftil I it will be toie..t. JOHN S. NEUES.

AM BIRABLE CÖ1 NTRY RESIDENCE forSALE .Located on th. north h ink of the CUaWBM River,at

t haraygg, lUni.len t uuntv, Maas« ana -tie tour rnih-a fromBpril gtie.d, li 0 in in lloatoo.and 15« from tliu City of Near Yitrk.It *oaeb)ta of a modern at vied, two story wwd Hol SB lUedin w itb buck, containing if room*, with iiaiahrd ba» .rnetil. audwilb pisr/e mi dhsj along the west and scuth aides, giviug a

rpieLdid and ettet I've tiew *lung the valley of the Conuectutatf. r ii tli«. There are cuuin..;icu* out-.uii.iinta, uu eti-lleatban, v. itk callat BadOttblot la baaer.ii at, havin« yard witbabedaon the llOflb. e*st aid we.t tidea, with ronvenu-iicea lor .'coin-'i i ...-.it i II <r I.' hi ad ol aat_0. An aq.iednct MBpSthM au alum-dai ce ot I.ml rate w a'.-r, from a uevi r tailing aprist. Tjgethi'rwith aUut ¦ Mat it LAND, in a good state of C<Ü.vatfcBB,BBt u I about I :o I acre* BoeOBBB witA PlaR Tr-Hr.ae: S vc-ars

aince. aud »erv thr.fty. Price §5,(ii*A teJ.Ont) w.l r>> rereive 1ii laMa, at taafal tair valuation, iu tnc > i aily of Ha k Isla.id,111 in.a. If ilerired. I'omi uioa given imi iediBtily. g'ot furtherI art k uiara in. it:ire of the soon ru er, on to Bteat see -Ciim-iea,Si a,- bUrob 1,1*56. I). K. MORM kR.

BEAUT1F1 E RESIDENCE for sVLl' onA Stat. -i lr!«nd Leer Turt Rn-hraord, BB the share road batVin* tri m Part RkaBBiOad to New Drithtiin, and ia u tew mui.ito*wnlk tri.ni Port Richmond ir Kaivryiille Ferry LaudiagsThe HOI 8E i» two ator.fe, brnen -nl t.id a:t.-j .o.uuiui LaRaat,and jiajnv The Hni.se i» Idled in throtuh." X. StableRttwahoraeo, Ac, Fine fp.-iiig w-iter ia the Kitchen, wi'b*.wtr The PLOT it OKOI Nl) i» « leet float, *j fe.t rut

and -V feet ilcp, and DJOBttaafOB three RfBBU, Tho OARDENrontaii a RaR treis and ahrtibbery of variuua kiuds, aud ia iu ailre.| rcta a d»*irah!* ren iOBOO lor a teutleuaau do J.g h.i<iui-_i iuthe city aa the aieamboats loave almost honrlv to aud from tl>.cilv. A Map of the | la. a ian b<- area at our ufiic». and foil n_r

ticnlara given. Price Rd.SRX COLE k CH1LTON,i'.-.'>No aj Ns»<ai s'_

|>B0A1)WAY.For Sale, th.« PROPERTY miMM the aeaabwaetoataei t Bt_aarway ani MotiM »t, ai.'utlO'fect BB liroadwty ar.d 140 BB Matl- 11 AprVv in HOMERMi i<t. AN, PbtOOt, M. Y., Metru]«iit*vi Bank BaR__fl.

(VH'MKY RESIDENCE at ORANGE for\-J SALE. near the South Oran»e Depot A h mdsvitne prop¬erty OS the ridge fronting the Oranse Mouot»i-ia; fuurieeaterra; ait ju t- and bealthv. and one of the moot deawBBis lort-t i ¦ to he touod. Every t'h'ug ia so.i.1 nnit-r. and will be tolda remain. Term* eeav." Adure-a Di » N,\ J53, Jersey City, otBAU *' No. 4* Mot kpgaai rr t., Jersey City.

JjX)l BALE.A COI rAGE, Britk Utretj t*otaofOrtmnd, at Carmrntville Choice Fruit Trtea on the plane.

Pi i e #0.1.00. Alto a beautiful Plat of Oroaud at Tattytown.»boul I acrea, near the Dep... price s>.' MR Poo farther par¬ticulars a||iy to JOHN L. DKEN, Nil. 71 Water at.

(;»>»: SALE or LEASE.A tkr*j*>4tory amibaaaaaawi HOlaSa.la*raaa_aat***s_r, t roton w-at.-r aud

ras throatbout. * oea.rahie rrridsnre for a gt-atevl family; pa*-?e»aion cau be bait oo or ab. ut the 1st ol April. lu.|'.jB eii theibi bYbH I No. 1HV Fact JPth at.ST. OEOBUE'fl CHURCH, Stuyreaant sfluare.PEW far

Sair, de» ideally on.- of the be*t pews in the Church. Inquire atabo»r, or of the Sexton.

1,\>K SALE CBEAP, in North Cast;... WastcbrBterCo..A laree new 2-*tory HOURR, with 2 ar-ea of

LAND beautif.illy aitcated on the BB_B rosi flora Porirbcevrlo Bedford, aiid'ahiat 3 mile* fr.ira Amioak Village; *4)pericLt may rt mam i n K>n 1 and mortgage. P. C. Bl'LKLK i

No. A* W all st.. ba*cti:r>u'. Iniara.-- e RaB_tBa_

Ify>K SALE.ThtTflftfjant ti»e-«tory Ea«li«BB**eii-ent brown gBBBB HOUSE No. ? F.aat 77th et., cor*

I rten g rverv ., i vet i»" ^e a- 1 -.-It n: - re- -u >r,»a<ri aia-i-

net. AUo, the firat-rlas* HOI SE No. IM Watt mb st. tadL.auv othats n good U-.atii.na Apply to

BOBWELL 0. PIEKiE. Pimau. corner Brotdwav.

FV»K SALE.In PJth-RL. beytwtyen 5th and tüh-BBB., tix loar-story hru . HOURER and LOTS; siae. 2UIU9;

M w toiled so a> to pay 10 pnr t-eut on :he purchase price. Agood ir. vestmerit In an improving !.k i:iou. A[ - v to

RO.nWELI. .. I'lEKl E. Vr e cur. of llroadwt*.

IT O R 8 A LE.A detir-lilo MII alr-SKAT inDauhtss t onnt». Apply to P. A. COMSTOCR.

_M»bbett*vi!le. Dnti be** Coaaiy. N. T.

F'cK SALE (..- To LET in BKOOKI.Y.V-TwoLoa of LAND, with a two atory and atti.- double F-aute

llonae. 6,.e.l in with btirk, aud asr-.n* a Brick Stable atla. bed,situa ed at the corner ..f Pacific and Henrv-.t*.. within tare*minute* wa.k of th* South Ferra. Inquire of

> Ol Mi A Rl OIVKN.N,.r^a .*, st._Ne-w:Y..Ht.VOX SALE-MAMSON sti;EET.House No.17 vf a, aT^-tMTw0*^^-*^ Nn . M*.ü*on-*t.. or01 W M. kRANKLIN. No. S App-e-oti's Badd iig.

(JA I'M I.»NPH for PALE..T-o ILLINOMK.AL kajLEUAD COMPaNT ttrow prepared*


FA Ii MINO LANDS.1* .ttcr«or Potr> ACII. «D LVwiitt,


LOW A I T E f> u*r IRTJIMff.TV». I.« -ui were trat '«H It rS* (. n-nament t*> aid rr. the

MC«,in,o' o' F.».iro*a. end in. .. 1* tuto* of U-«riie«»ttool tum'. fertile )'rtim< la the State, intere-arrr»! Bert «Ott

tle-r* with ninunt gn.tea .f nek avid o'her 'it-ber riotR».ad n >T, ,!. i t.araga the .¦r .»*.-: toOe»n. t> the

aocth. end Into thav.ee to Oaiere era Deoieita. lb tot aet-tjk>«Ott extreme of too Stet»j end M til toe land* lie within df-teea ni.e* on each ..'it of tbtt Road r>-edy end rbeeo to**.*

teetdtteeed t. kfcrtrexatpetthag ihemo'aaag of tea tan jut

aivcl'nue-r tt. *-ad frotn thet.re to Feat.-re aod So.VnBarrel*. M<reo-er, th* ra;4d growth of tjonriaoing town*tv-dtil r«ra now*, tbe lif t, and ta* treat incr-tee ta pupa'attes bytn MSB) i ttc,tt.ru e taba'ao-ial *..J growing aatn* i*>mai-dtnr tarn, predictv.Itt *,:l m a. dark, r. b moll, from oce to t'r fee« an ieyb. it

get-lM i.-littg. ai d pecul trly tatted fur trvo « CatUe acd Saeeaer tLt tbe cu.ti'. eboii et Wore', lodtao Com. ~'c

KcoLcn.y u. eu:iivi.';ng and treat ;-r<elnr11we are tae

treli-aaowt. rbaractenttira of Ill-nob] lend*. Treet v* not re¬

quired to be cat down, »tun.pi rrubbed, or a-*ne pieced BaT, aa ie

*. rurally tbe rate tat cnluvaUbg new lend in tbt tiaVaf State*.

Tt* baataMf of ladiei. Cora, (Tacted ea ta* newly aretefi teal,BtnaJ'y re;*', i tie cat of own t aod fe-ieiag.Wbeat aoti:. on tbe newly turned eel It .er* to yield rare

lar«. ,.rofc:a a o.aa wiili a plow aod twa yni* of ot*a «.11break one aod a ball to two ecree p*r day. C octreeu tat. beanode tor breaking, ready f>r eora or wheat, at t-tra #2 to

fti V' per acre, by ja i. :iJo* l.at>a«e".ei.i the Lane may be

ph.wrd and faeeed tbe hiit, tod seder a iuga tiate of ca-t.it-kot: the eecund year.Cr: -an <«¦.:*, etc.. w'll be f- rwarded at reaao-.abia

f«te« 10 Chic«re for to* E**tcni martet. tod u Caira fir tae

W.'beTB The itrter yield on th- u.noj .a'..l* of liiiooit over

the high aefeed land* to the Eaa'ern aod M'ddle Siatet it knownto be much t- ore thar eufhrient at pey the dideretice of tr«oe-

pottttkan to 'he Km'ere market.bit oxuirou* coal >. mmee at aererai p tr-n aiont the Road,

and it a cheap and de«reble foot. It caa be deiieeted at te»-

erai tolatt alot* the ko*d at »¦ 4o to *4 per ton. Wood caa

be bad at tie teate ratee per eord.Tlo«- who think of tetUing b) Iowa or Minoeeota aoottld bear

to BaaTed that lai.d* there of any aloe, t. t je tra:-r-c.nir«t*

aod for many mile* u land, bate be-o dit[.*»d of, the' 'or

thoee lor ate J in the interior there are no coiit*-.ieneet tut traut-

MatRnl Ü.e prudoce to market, ra lroade not Latiag bees intro¬duced there that to teed tbe prodoee ol loete land* one or we

bnatired mih . by waton to market would co*t ma. h more thenthe expenae of coltiratuig them, aad aeo-e i»oten.inent landttbet »itnate»;. at ei Hi per acre, a.e not to «ood uiteatmeou at

the land of thi* Company at the price* fixe*.The tame r. tuifca bold «ood in reeatbtB to the laaia kB Eli¬

na and rtebieabe, tor BftthteXajb teeeat laudt may be fouiaaearer ti.e a tier Beareee, the onlance to u.ark.-t i* far grea'^r,end etery hnr.ired milea tlie produce of theae lao.lt are carriedeither m wag'.nt, or intermp'nd water omrnaiucauoat. b>ereatet tie et per tee ot traaaporta'ion, wh.rb mutt be born* bytlie aettlert in the reduced pnee ot their 1'rod'icU, and to thatextent peecieely tie the income* from their farm*, aad of coarae*r, .'. .r n.v- ...*... i.:». i-n: u.J.y at '»-. v j tr reduc»«iTae er. at fertility ol the Unfit now eewed for aal« by thit

Cctr.rany, and their ronaeqaent y - id ore- tnote of the Eutersand Yu.nl« Sta'. e it BMeh more taan tuificieut te pay tn* dif¬fer*;.re is tr.e cart ol -rabftortation, eapicially in flew of thefacilitira fon.i-hed by thit Road, ai.d o'.uera with which it

.tecta. th.- D|Mj ral^ BU of v.:.. -.. -r^ kBtl Trusted 9J th* ioWwater bl Sui.in.-r or tlie treat ..! Winter.

run k. am» rmt.vs ny pavmemt.Tf.e rrt e v ill tart trom *4 to i2S. aOOOttUXuj te location,

quality, etc (-outre/ ta lor llee.la may be ma.le cur nut tae yearliaj, alipn.atu.1 the pttrebaae BBOXtee t« be paid ie ate annualti.ttaJlBieot*. The frit to become Jue m tw* y»era fro a thedate of contract, and the oth< ra annually thereafter. Tatlaat

Sayment w Bl kt MBaxa due tt the end of the aixlo year froia theate of the cor.tracU

IkTKKItT WILL BB CHtKr.r.O AT ONLT TtltMB ra CBkT,rta gjnrtrgg.

At a aertirity to the rv-rforn.ar.re of the contract, the flrtt two

ya int.-r.rt n.Ott be paid in adtar.ee, and it mu-t be undei-ttood that at leaat one teuth of the laud pur^hated thai, yearlybe brought endet cultivation. Lo .«er credit*, at *' per cent pet*annum, may be nefoteted by apecitl ep[.licat,on. Tw -r.tt percent fr-nO' the creuit p-ice w !or ta>A The Coia-pat.y'a centtrocrion hendt will be received at caeh.Ready fran.ed Kann Rmldinga, wiiich can be tet op in a few

day a. can be t btainvd from reaponnblc peraona.TLey will be I.'feet bv 20 feet, divide-l into on* litiag a- 1

thire le-d roon.t. and will cat compute tet apoe iron'id chua-sianywhere &1. t.g the R.ixd, *IW in cttb, earnBatten of uanepur-ta'ieu. Lai«. r boildu.Kt may be contracted for at preporijnalerut.a. The Company will forward all tbe matenaie lor tuohbsild'nta f ttr tl ir reg r>mntlv.

Sj ecial arranteiue..'* h ita aejj. rt caa be made te taprtyBV se purr).v»nr the Company't la-.de with fencing maturia.*,aaricirliur .1 tra.lt, aiid an on'.ht of provifiot* ie any uuaotity.atthe ioweat whoieaale pricea.

It it be' eved thai U e prh a, long credit, and low iaut of o-

tereat. charted for tbete land*, wül enable a mau w:thaf-wbcBtlted doilara is c.uu ar .1 ordji ary indut'ry, to make hiiaa-lfkidrpeiident before all the pur. haee money bee--met doe. lathe mean time, the rapid te'tleu.ent of the country will proj«K ) have- iacream-d their valutj lour or tite f' IA When r-i piiredan experietii d | areofl will to on.pany applicxau, le gif« infer-Bintion and aid in tele ;tint ltrnlt,

i liitalut 11 lain ag aaxaereaBlaataaeea of ear<-«aafni far-a-tax, airneti b-. reepeetaUa ami «eil k .»n farraera living in tie

Bei(,Lbcrt<*>dot the Railroad I'JiJa.throughout the State.MBB ther<" t of u I,i .r.i.. t re e < I .., e, ex~-uee I bar-, e-'.' r, thr--«ii'-agetc.. by contrv t.cr eay other interne'ion.will be cheerfollyi »ei im ij i.n either lertoeallt >r by let'er, m Entfataajiron horl.ennan.addre-aed te JOHN tVILawl).

Land Ctanmuaioiiet of the Hi,:.on Central K U. ( B.,No. 52 Muhigan-ev., Chicago, ilirioia.

1("H)K BALE.A first-fiats 4-Htorr ProwB-Strttiefront HOL SE and LOT on Iba n*rta aide of tVe.t tti tt.,

b* tweeai 6th atid 6lh ava For u rmt ai.d partu ultra amily toRARER 4i WZXRS, Auctioneera. No. 6 I'm-f.

]7K>B BALE.i ffiol ftm-Btory Exxffliaw BASE-IliN i llOl'SK. with tbe miaiern imr-roveinen't. tu tV. it

..".d at. between tith end liab ava. Oa» Piiturei, Parlor Ctr-pe'a, am! <>il < latha will be aold with Hmite it required, luquire at Na. 4.. Hi iialou-at ,S bl il morninga.

1jX)B SALE.PBtOPKIilT, known aa St.I'l.illj'a (': uxib.l.i Cen'reat, between I.-onard and Wor'n-

a TO io.-t or ov feet de-p In,..no; II.81 < 'TT. >o. 217 Water at.

I "OB BALE.A hi .ttitittil COUNTRY BEATiadm. KAR.M ol <0 err"* of choice Land, aitutted io Clnaton,New Jeraev, two milet from Newark aad near the reaidence of(ait Eni Nte. Th- buil'iii gt are all ' ew a .d i good irder.Kit further BBrtfealan kaaaireaf C H. BALDWIN. No. 3U5Lafft id-at., braaklya, or it wm. LYON, aeae the premuwie.

I^AJIM for SALE, in NEW-JERSEY, öfWacret; cixid Kt.ilding», an I well lenced. ,.ne hnar*i rii'e

frctn New-York bv New Jer.*y Railroad near edupot. Api^yat No. to ( our:lrj..it-.t., N. V.

1(X1K BALE nt RYE «BCE.A COUNTRYRESIDENCE, will, from three to foer acret of around;

the flute* ia beatitifn.'.y tbaded with loreat treet, aad the placeit well auppli.-d with all kind* of fruit aad orua-neutal turuh-bery; it it halt a mile from the New- Y'rk and Near Havae Rail-read, mar Long Maid Sound, and 23 milet from NewYork. AlaO. an. w (.OTHK COTTAOE, a-tioiniat tlie ebove,1.1 al artetet, Apply at the oitue uf R. HUE k Co., N.»211 and dl (iol.i at, N. \._IroK SALK.J-J a "r. s .»(' I. \ \ I > bevjtifully titu-

eted on th.-.-hell Road frmi Newtowa. L. I., to tbt Pennybridfe. end about I of a mile wnet of the vdlace of Nowu.wnor the r.u-hi lg Rail:-.aid Dr|«L The improvomeBta gathlM ofa fiHrfl tranie bouae, ttable acd rarnag.bcuae, and a nurrbrr offiett and ttrOOa tatal nreaa The'- ia a aever-failint apriag ofwater on the tr- exlaaa Tfca tlace can be real he.1 ia J5 minute*from EtUlen Fet-v, >ew-York tiie. Apolyto

WE t. sTOR.MS. No. 2D4 Bleaeker at, N. Y.

IjV)R SAI E.- The inh^orLbera ofTer for anle theSHAV Nl I IT'IN At KS, located in the borough of

t nieatbat, lanraatei Ceaaty, Pa'11 ia t ro;. rl v i. ea ata of two Aa-1 recite Fornt-i-t. complete

in e-. eiv reej-ect. with all the ari'tjrt.-nancet of Eugiaea. loolt,Cera, he.) .'!»'.. :ot. Houae. valu ble Lot* in the borouah. a

Hailr. ad cotLeciiug tee Fwn.at.ta with the river, aad feetriter front.

Ala.., a FARM in Y'ork Cotuitv, within IJ milet of the YorkBad YArigbtarille RtHraail.aeaBaiaang l vt ataae, on which it amoot talualle Ore Bank, lvii t near the turfa.-e, an I can Kartiaed at a low price. The factlitie* about th«te Furn o et foroltamint rupt nee of Ore from other henkt, if craired, are reryxi-at lb.-advantage! of the location are ao weil kuowa tbatit would le tat« ifliioc* to narrate them. Ttie Furuar*t arenow in tBcceaefi.l oit-ration. Any party witbing to purebatecan receive n ate eewaJte Information, bv applv tig to

A. A J. WRIOHT, Vue at abeif Philadelphia.

MURRAY HILL RESIDENCE for SALE..The flriti-Iaaa three ttory and bith baeemeat (with ink-

ce ier) brown ttone UOI'SE ia 3gth tt aouth*tide, betweeaBtk and Madiao*. ava The locatica it onturpaatod in thtt muttdetirehie |ttrt of tie city, tbe gteundi ia the retr aa JTth tt.bei.ig laid eat in bee it.f gaxdent. reodrra thi proapeet vertcj«n aad delightful. The Houae wet bailt under the pertooalauperviaion of the owoi r for bia own r-tnience es i baa beenocenpied ay bun the patt year. It it farnuaed in the oioatrcuij lete and dnrehle mttner. with t'.i the Itten improv-^ieot*,ai marble ball, welnat a-ain, ceilar cloaett. ttetuttiy mantlet,triperb gratea, bLaih tia eervice pipe, taaie. hot ai d cold wa'er,be«t hot watt r furnace, iigbtnitig ro.lt. gaa, he. Pert-mi withinc tc purr hate Diav obtain rarda of ediiiiaei.in and terme at theotf.ee i t A M. LY ON. No. 27 YVa-lat N. B .Not to a let »rlaaaaa

P"R1VATE RESIDENCE fur SALE in NEW-ARK N. J .Well adapted to a gentleman doiag btuiaeea

in New-Y rrk. The advertiaer it now about completing a valua-Me new BRICK HOUSE, with brows atone , ..ene.-l, lituatedea the Li;h and b> tutif'il groen.li weit of t!.e City of Newark,about 1 mile from tae Market-it, D?pot. The Honte it 4- feettnnt..-« leet deep, with e wmg 22x50, htvinx e l»rte ParierMttiii« Rootr. Libitry I'inirt-Rottm end K: eben oa Brer flu .r]with 10 tret PaBBB*. front end rear. It will be fan.:tbe 1 withluinait. I.rata» I ^t and Coll Water Beta Roomi, Raage,(-at Ar It ia a good B«'ttN.rhce.-d. and baa a I. tmort thaa 1 acre of tronnd, with haruitocoe Lawa ic troat of llacre*. Price *l('.i«>. Two third* of parchtae moaev mat re¬main oa mort«tue. Conuanutioa bv railroad between New-lurk and Newark it a."a*i. Time *" mlactea lauaireof_E. IfTROWBRIDOE.No. 1» Froot-tt,. New Tork.rrHKEl -sTnKY QnJ IU-E.ME.M Hol'SE,4.*TJ L"T >0R *ALi'- No- *" Htraa-.nl f.. gffffOLt.ASI. tor .i lagag ct paajga, «ith the Furniture. Te bo ate it

yeara old. and waa thoroughly overhauled latt Mat ha*a.! the modern m.piee/ea.ent*. Tbe hoaae it 2UVJ feet deep;let .law free The K:.ra.irur* we* entirely new leet Met endrt tee eery beat ai.d lat.wl »tyle. Term* meie eaty if'per-inaeed. Inquire oa th* prem.ae*.

3 1

I^VO HuT sP.s for SALE at FURT WASH-IN'GTON.oa tlie Hadaon Rite.-, about Ste miattea' walk

tritn Ibe <!epct, with fine nver t M wOaa Bgaa ntompletelyfurL:ihe,;.endthe farnitare will be

tell with the bo::ae. It contain* Bgaa Roon*, be*j V K'"beBBawtoent. Bath Ritt« Ac.; Utaptdied with water thro -ghoataid hat t g -od ( amage Houw and Stable, with aboet ibree-foorth* of aa tcre of Land. Pre* cf the entire, tnclndir« k'si-aitna., 011>c


.aa tea.-nd Hosie kaa teven Rootni btviide Kitchen and Btie-cent, and will be to d with fuar tiftha of an acre fur a I '»'.Aicriooof the pnee laey remain on b-md au 1 mirtxate.*i*7n WILLIAM E. LAL.»B^M

Bo. 54 >A dliaa -tl , third d jor. room tl

WlLLIAMSHERtiH HOUSES.-For S\LHff hv S. COCUCROET and A. E. SKELDINC, N > 1*Merrkante- Ktrbange. Wallet., N. Y., aad No 77 Soati7th-eLWflliemebargbl l.-f.aiea at ai,?no aad -elfaX;. 0ne withRankle, RSJgf oj» do.. »4.0W; Brick Honte* BJJ0» tad*4.Ha), one with lot 114 feat deep, M.tatw, So. U .' aa

«4 "ft Corner* bit gvneera, tw* Brag Store* Cottage* andtare lota on South «t.'i.it , #7/aje. Cottaget aad Hint** te let.

1jX)l bale ( heap.A «»"«. liu^artvrj Raibeeerreat I Ol iE, »i'B»»e hi 3_*\. near Broad »*y. *il

GORELUTai brloA. Pbe ho.« I ». «II -if -n »i'-i¦**»**¦

BM li** *:"' /»-my to POO.LEI k Kvy.»0_.Oer er ErtwdwiT ir d 'Ab rt.__TfT fil U » ^VALUABLE iWitfTRTrO I r\;'.;To r ALME KS, TANNEES »ol M!'.' RES -Tb--» !.¦>-..>e.,ot. r ¦teua BOM1 «TEAD FARM m' JAS. wilSBL-El: .'-ciaerd. «oi»; i. / of K4J acre* of exeelleat .*»d.fi ta'ed ta the heart f n-» of in- iua*t b'aatifsl. b*« 1i»

Bi> f-r ieisil-r» .. : e S:*'». tw . .?>. : . ttVwi-«leg*, ira cneefr m < h t,. th- New-York ta 1 f.--» fU I-raea tbree-ei i 'aIi k are ff an Row > -t. w kdaily ttaae M¦ .! '-. n rai.: » .. .* r i.-r- r» er» V .«.!. v « I -ir-

an Dwelling Str.r* I'.io-e. two T«t.« .» H'm«»« Ic-H .n«i aid»1. : eee're-v . ".: Lgl M.n. w;-.:-an ei'i : :e e < f .. Fruit.Ali* a splendid W ea&t'ow. r, a E .wiring M»ii aritu t-ree raa

of »Uire*. ilr»w rg % large com.'rv ru-tom. | r *.t Sa» M U, B

aew T»tBetT, 45a»*Ethre«iVre*k_a.r.>ntaiii:n| ta.r ty Barttri wi'ti ail Eeceseerv leach, lira* IM BrStBt »ata, »1 uod«rei-t»r. bark r»oo a BBaj pnn.|i f de» » by wa'-et ba-a u »Bia-

«'a: r* ta be had at 11 foe hemlock. bmI I I' ' N far n*kHilm pltty at *b*!i; N) cent* pe- ib hfM in i l tbl*.Terma very easy. Tk.n i< a r»-e opportantty fjr inve-tra-*' fara t u.teaa aar.. It w_ b* *old che** if urraased by April lit.wfi-n rosse».|. n wi" b* btvbb. Ear partica.ar*. tjin r* ofH M Ii. FALLS. Ebb., President af Tradeimeu'* Bank. J J.,er D. C. V\ HEELER, at Hu.v-r. BI k'v i. Co*, Sl \'*«ey «.

or f.RINNELL LI i;T, E*| r*. Wa.-w.ck. 0:*i>|* c .f.

New York.


Cob.ikb er Micaiosi-i* asp g irrt Wirti iTt,CHICAOO, ILLINOIS

Tbe trade.irr«vi tvi.l tr»1,.». I a «e: -r« Real rVit» Bue-i««hl ILLINOIS. IOWA a BaJaBB&ff RBbBBB Par-c uar »tl*:.

Clor, rirei ta *he pcrcbaee aad aal* of1 ASMS, I NIMPEOVED LANDi and TOWN teOTI

Pitet.atTe local cm'.ectloL* and rtber facdi'iee are tormed,*r,aaiir.( those mt bb1 Western house tor locaun« warrant*, ax-

an .inn laada. furaviahica map* aad liaicriyuoai, payment ot

BIBB*, ir _

(jumei or WriTr.ta I.»»D«. r»>. line a* the Ea<t. w:ll nodthis Allut a fi«d rhasnei tu brio* lb. ir laBBBB mln ruarker,

rrtryerty iffered fur aale will, for a nnali sum, be entered ia

ear f «Ulr.co*. ar.d rirrulatad »rati* throuahoat the BBBBAnCsrtTiLtiT* *i J bad farorabl* oppanaaitia* for iaeastiad in

ratiJIy in.jrosini We»ten. property.The beet of reieren. e< rieea. _CHAELEi bL DOPDT.

Late Laid AteL* of th* lllmota Central Ka .rusd <">.DAVID S. OODEN,

Late ot Raw Port-air. OODEN af tha a^re firm, caa he t_u_d at Na. 1M

R III New York, BBtal March 15, 1*5«.

i b. Taylor, real Estate, land. Fe AGENT *:-d (»ENERAL INTELLIGENCE iiKEICK,Peoria, illinoi*.Bnytf *. BallOaf, Rer:in*and I.easiij Lands. I.jtatnd Hiaae*.

IsBBBB neaxtia'.-tl. Taxr» paid, Titl"« bt _ia*.t. Land Warrant*Iteateo, »erer»l ARBBSaBIBBlflaBW :o prouiptlT.Reter to J E. Ho'chkua At'., Banter*. Peon*. III. J*well,

Harrison A Co and An oi Billinea, Esq. New -York, t.rbbi,t, ffr. k Co.. t llflBi. T C. Rochhill k Co., I'tuladelpwa;Vaa Phal Watera k Ca, s» Louii.. TtO.reo wott:. of LANDS, improred aad nnlmproTed; alia.

Lf 'TS and 11L ILDIN'liS iu the city, on tbe bluff«, aad thrua/u-oot the State. El fine Boiler*, and other property, tut aale,p nt leeoe aad traaa,oa fraai***a ta toa year*' cr^-d.».»ith .

in all javruent in cash.Bayer* and Sellers. Trader* aad Renter», this la the office.at «-f<-d an p*c hare, Mm. Womvn, Bora and Oirle.liomi'i ami Lata lur ft.- and lea-« lit oca and L*e<i«s male

eut. 4 harsea ean moderate. Applr toi. B. TAYLOR Peoria. nL

Joseph IL MARTIN, real estateBROEEB,GENERAL Commission and COLLECT-

IRQ AOENCT, MecUmci' Inintute B'iilBBBJ. No. I Bowery.Order« tor rale i nrrJiase. or .xrhente of rt-al *«tate or property,of m ' de«r:j'.tn. rat>pectfauy aalktited ai lectioa*

prnmptly BRRawlBl to. and return* made witnout dele*.



APROFESSOR of the FRENCH LAN-QTJAGE, lata EdRac atf aa impor'aut jo*ru*l ba Praaoo,

who teacl.ei in aome id th" bob! familiea ia New-York, wouldl.ke to bare OLe or two PL'l'ILS more, or to take cherie of a

« LASS ia a SCHOOL. Addrea* L. D , Box No. 1».' TribuneObVb.

AFAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL for yotiBfMiataa will be apaaad *t Weatrille, New-IUseu, C.iun.. nc

tha ?th ot Mav next, Into which a limited uambor of I'uraia willbe rereiard. Tbe Tern.. and all partiralsra rel*tin| tn the aa:o*.mil he band la a prtated Clrcaiar. whkh may be ubwiti*l at

U.e oRV e of JOS1 I'll ( LAWRENCE, ewj No «7 Wa l it,.^. » York, and »t tlie ntiire ot The K»ai «el.at. or b, ad IteeaiafRib aidiiakn 11 at ~trTTlttt N-w)ia.-n. h.a. Mü'UKvV

BOYfc-' BOARDING-SCHOOL.At Little Per-re,ulne Battai RBBB HaBBBBBaN J. >ta«e* frum Hobokea

[«». the School aeeeral timei daily Tbl* School coutaiu*

twenty lame, air* laid handsomely lurnirhed rnotu* for twentyor ttore | upila. E..r beajthfulueai of location and good lifingthia Scho« .a enauryi*«t<Hl. Pu; 11» n-eeired say t;trie. Term*t-1 m pi r , ear Por .rcul«ri, «ouaauii^g particulara, apply taor addrera'tbe PrJicipal. A. B. WIN ANT.

OOK-KEEPINO..'I bf eubbcribe . will rt'oetvijimited number o! young Men for Counting Hsiiae

li a'ruction. T»rm» Cut i Rtll oorae ot Doable Mutry Book-keepeg. it.tlubii.g Merrai tile W nMDg and An'hrnetie, kii,ii u no extra ch.rc-. fJOLDSMlTH, No. 3i.' Broivlway.


will be o|en for the recistr*. exainiLatmu, la**itii.stion and in-

sm.i tiou of Eemale Parpil*, ou MONDAYS and THURSDAYSet earl week, at II o'clock p at,, at tbe Bebaoj Room in the Hallot the Board of K.darat»,u, sawaet et Quad aad Elai ft* eaaan.-Mi.f in MONDAY, th" 11th iu»t. arid for Malea on

WEDNESDATfl and 8ATUEDAT8, a: tue name place, at 4o'< lock p. m., ronimeiM in* on tlie l-lth inst. The regular dailyBBBBBBa will ci n.rnaureas soon a* the requisite uuinbee of pa-pill thai! Lav* been enrolled

All persona resi.no* iu tha rity. of 11 yesr« of age and nriwar I.if trn.alea. and 16 year« and upward it males, who intend to

I nfatir the protoosioii of teaching, may present the-uselre* forexand-atisa. WRL H. NK1LSUN,


Pti-ealiv. Couiiuiltee on Not mal School*.

IrrATERHOOK BOARDING-SCHOOL for- HOYS .Tbl- Tr'istee« of Kmderhonk Acadeiur hn*»'he

»iti.fart.cn to aruonnce that the nvxt Torni will OPEN mi

Mit 7. nmler the laepluei of it* l»re Principal, Mr. ALEX¬ANDER WATSON. A. EL, whi«e disti: go.-hed abdity andni<*ceia as a Tea. her ihry regard a* a guirautv for thorougheducation. Boarderi In the Princij*!'« family will enjoy i.e. a-liar a.Wantases Tenui RRM a year. Circular* at APPLE-'I (IS'fl, Na. S48 Brnodwa* of the Principal. No I« Clintoa at.,Biooklin; or the Ui.denirned. W. U. TOBEY. PfBaft

D. Van ScHiACk. SecreUrr.


I'm 11| ah Lora'ion cd the Narrigaueett, w.thia *irw of " OldOctn." Abie Tra«h*r* in tii detiarUueut*. Natt* Ten-hertot Modern Lai mag»». Lfircet S*rnia»ry in the Sutj. sL'M-M KR 1 EaUM opena Apnl IR Apply aooti.

4j»!LLE('T BOARDING 8CUOOL fur BOYS.kD two niilea Berth of Middirtowu, Ca.

_e. W. BECKWITH, PrinclnaL

S"PANI8H LANOl A(iF.. .Prot .1. GOVIN,from llarma. ci.ntiuues re. eieitig Ladies anl Gentlemea

for thorongH luiuactlon ta the alioea Laagaage at Nu. ADeiraw-et.. from 8 to 12 am., aad »t bis Academy, No. 77JFul'oB-it., Krooklya, from I to I p. ra. Tt-rmi, ii per month,or f II ier Toarter.

Till! Miim'sAN1'ISKLL'8 SELECTliÖ.\RI)-INOaod DAY" SCHOOL, Port Rk hmoud. Sta:ea lalaud.

I arents and guardians can obtaiu for rjkatl rhildren 1st the«N »e Seminary) agoo.1 educatiou, combined with the comfort*cf * hi me. T. tm* modere'e.

rpHE ADVERTISER takes four -mail CHIL-3. DU EN itto hi* family, and make* it h-.s whole buamr.a toeducate them at borne with bis own. Ttnm -f 15fl per inuom,wit... nt extra Larke dunt * it aticm*. Imjnlriea from any per-lot. wiahing to lac* | lid wna kind parents in Rae country,BBOSt BBBB] ..ll leiice* and moral aid phyaifal t.'ii.m;jc -i imly adapted to the individual, will ha farwarde l if ad¬dressed Bot No. .nag fast ORUo, Hartford, Conn.

.10..BOOK K E EPING, WRITING,.. - -'. ARITHMETIC -Mr. DoLBEAR, No. ti O Broad¬

way, bring aasisted by an accotnpliihed practical Boo'tkeeper,gn«ran'e.« tc make i-lri»nt W RITERS and practi-al BOOK¬KEEPERS in the thoru-it poanbie time. Applicant* may relyon it. nving the heat u-tructioa and being qi_lined tor anyait. at on.

Piano-Sorter anb Ulnsir.

AFINK ASSORTMKNT of T. GILBKRT t%Co 'i celebrated PI AN'o-EORTES. wi*h and withoat the

rEOLIAN. The*e inrtroment*. wirb the newDIAI URAL I' ALI are not aurpeaeed by an, o-j"r» ia th*market H E. MATHEW S, Sale Agent, No. 41» Broadway.

AB A R G A I N.Half cash, a new T-octarej PIANO. No. II! Macdongal «f_, aeeoud floor, rear.

BA R (1 A I N 8 ..New round-corner 6A-oct_TeFIANOS, with iron frame*, for r«l5t', *ecoiid ha_d do. fa*

.80. Sit* and a> 176. MELODEONS for »a5aud*6*l.HAM IRaad MELI DEoNS to LET at low ran-«, by S. T.OORDt IN, No 37 Broadway. Agent for Hallet. Davis a Co. .I iai.ua and Mason A Hamlit. a Melodeon* and Harrnooium*.


GILBEBT*S HOIDOIR PLANOS, for small roomi, Sj ocuv*.Larr* front roand PIANOS, with fall iron tram* Bad ta .cydraki, tor RZR)| 7-octave do. do .for *S», made Rt _ ,_jwarranted. lhe*e inirmmrti** are new, and not orjered at lowpriiei t<cause as are " gotug ta Europe" or " Cab*," bot be¬cause we purchase for cash, and can adord them at the abovekow pncee, One i -coLd hand Rooewood 7 »;t*v» Piano for

A large aseortraent of Piano Stool* and Coeer*. from *ito A25. Pianos and Melo-leoct to Rent. A few new fiaaoator aale apou n.cn'hlv u.s-ailmenta

JUDROR k BfUROER, N* f.* Broa.iwa»._St NieBola* HoteL

GREAT IM P11 ()A I: M1:NTS i_ PIANO-t e KT ES -Mrasra Lllali TE, NEWTON A BRADBU

RTl No 4.'1 Rnime-*t reepectfu-ly lae-.'e aueanou to theirPIANO-FORTES, ronatru-ted with th* Patent AR"UWRESTl'I.ANK. which is undouktedly tu* most ¦nbiuntialin- t ro-vement ever ictiodcced into thj popaiar lnstmmeat.

GOLD MFDM. I'lAN" »-F< Tt> M i: rvtared by STEINVVAT k SONS, No*. 81 and 38 Walker¬

ei., near hrii wav. N-w York. Thesr P.aao* have receivedi BRER FIRST PRKM JEMS witjua the last vear iaeam>,tl.t.i.n with Piano* made by tbe most eel-breted makers otoo*-toti. New-York. I'htl»d -.| h:a, and Baitimer». Prices low.

HAINES BROS.'" CELEBRATED-IK' »\-erame P.\\S'i'-<.-Urte asacrtmet-at the M i-.c .-"nire

at Ct OB i. BBI'., AgBBl*, Re. 3+5 H.-Te.le«v " I am happvla »*y that I ha\« nsed Utlae* Bros * Piino* at MusealCot vrntiors ar.d End item axeeäleut tnatrumeute".GEO. P.ROOT. " e'-r ptiritv Bad failnee* of tone and eleaticitv oftoock, they deas-neti:* hiaheat pr*»e--I B. WOODBL'RY.'. Dttrrnf an experience of for«y year* in the mttsiral profeav.ioa, I have aeidom met with iistmmenu which h*%e pleatedme ¦ much ib all reej" *a '.JL'LIL'b MET/..

gORAND diar/itaa!, 7-<>rfafe natte-wo-td PIANO-V" r flfl, i" 3( i.-4"1 .fate If niltr, mi vk>

.f »n| .«... M BB1R H«j been am* a t«* u>« ¦,.

(tir»tnli|! So, 134 Waal .*.U«'.. i'>-n llbak P-'".. I .etene kv boot j«d<ee t«» Oe .-, «rwr u» »./ 'Mater fieao

PI AN« - si I MKSIC.We learn tkstH' .

tt A'. ¦¦- < No X3 Broadway. New Vork. eg* ,t (at the

aaleel* u any *A be i <*t re -(ft: o.Ue* .fPiaeoet-il W-..

deotw, in oflering them at pricae ttnn h we a lt.t* all waair.to part..* « to aaeil >:<nnrirwi/. Ii« ia a'to eelli** hit Itvgaand wt. Vi: .«» ft tltatBiüf Mitetl au» thi-V t »ma

r».-. w price, end will fo-werd tb~ tome tree *t ;-j»ätt«- 11»

öftere 'i 8 trace, tree? »r« ei.d w-wolt »-. f 'a- 'ruwt Over-

Bt4.fBBrt. trr ail of which h* will bo abl- 'oft. Bt the iBtttw11 htt *BJ w:aei, tu.'pt*.' IBS a/.. «t-".... I Bt \\.>¦*»* A f-etr"!

i'iare* ere kii< »B tt tti .;u/ 'h« very r-<\ W* are t!..« *»

tpeat ol thee* it -rnuneot* with toBi« degree of roe.a .»..« Ir in

M BJBBXi tnowlealge of their nee lrct to-ie as* ! ira. t

[ New-fork P.TtBtviiit.

PIANoS, .1"! I \N>aiid MELODEONS..Be*,toe BM New York PIANOS w.th tBTtl withon" Hoi tat

le ' eht (or ra»h. eud «..1 be toi i »erv low. 6 J-o. L. ?JM'.l-ef.S-.tC. Mel.. ro««. .h#Hti ,#.c. oJ hoi. l riar.ua fr^:uS)i> to flatP.*oo* ttxi Molodeon* to rwnL T. I BERRY, 441 Broadway

RAVEN, BACON tt Co)., (bs>jcsb>swIB to BaconA Kbvb.) I'iaao-E'rte MteafaelBMri| Werefomn No. I t*

Orer.d*-. aetr Broedwey, woeet t Ml e*aartm*at Bt litt/treu nr.surely of our uwb Bit*.-!«<Iure, may he Unad.tt arrested lb «v*rv rtipart.

KARE CHANCE..A first-rate Rosewood round-e. ri cr PIANO-FORTE, of tnoet beeo'ifa! toBr'j Bai BBttB,

end feiiv warranted. w ill b* a. id etree lu.gl r l->w for f eeh- A¦ct.w.< Lt.. I' u.t '.ii>: * t leaf* a u,, at

A. Wl Kr il Ne. 1<VI W-et Broadway

Itlachitiert, &c.

I INEN IfAt HINKRY.-JoHN R.McNALLT,J Clanriet». N. Y A/oat f»r Ike tale of I.iaea Machinery

of every deacription, bow aad aacuod hand. Kottaoere' and Me-chiciaU'ioolt. aad l.u ea Yer. a of etert aumheratid q ial. T

CWllT* PATENT Mil.!.>-.». LAN!k5 tlti'lre Mn.ufti tnrer.fjr Oeindia« «"ofleo, (irtue, ; - at,etc Six ai»»e for feaiily oeo Orr» era. Ptrmert, he. A teryfitertor article Ordert reet-eetfaHy eohci'od.

J. O. I.ANE. Wa«hi»x'oe. N Y.i,,

(TnilrrTi, fiorönjarc, anb Jron,

AIMF hlC AN II liK WORKS. l.')ih «t.. I)..nve^n1Mb end llth-ert., New-York. Man'jfar'urere of Wolded

1BON PIPE be eteem, water or ***. made frout the beat

brer.de ol iron, and proted and werran-edBatITH, LVkfB h Co.

ADIBONDAC IK<»N Co. PIG lEON.-CoMBlatt, CLerroe! White IRON lor Eorgo porr-wct ror tale

b> Ateut Adirundat. Iron remi«ue,JOHN W faVfjlBJCT, No 79 WJliaai eC

~T' tT~ y a I l s7.A fall axaortmtnt of all the bett Brandt ib kfaxket.

rot ««Lt trW ILIelAM S TISDAI.E,

Ne. Water tt.. New-York.


COOrEja,'* TRUSS blOOrS..0<SJ aete a«e»..m<dtree

COOPER'S EDOE TOOLS. AllxrUoa, Cooler, iiottaa,Btttea. Bad other o.akere.COOPl.K S RIVtTS. A larre aaaortmeat.

C( "il l K'B MAMVEPS I'RIV ERABECK IRONS, Ai.. Kor aale by

CH AS S UTTLI ¦» « ö Not), tt and M Paltoti-et.

GAS and WATER.OBJ Kitting niui KixtureaI rooiptlt done and reliable. Plambim in all it* branch**,

for city tne country, tie* Wotkt erected lor Towua an.t I 't.

1 «OD reliable reference tt oar tuan:i't. ;ort. N». Ill Baal ISth-et JOHN JOHNSON A BROTH EIL

Hoot* No. Of Eatt BB-et, for Sal*. Karie 2 uul^t from Tuck-ehoo t'atton, '.tS a. ret, for Sale or Exchaute.

OUD80N Pitt li:< >*V it one of the best IroniIlm the ..-iktrt tor Founder* and Forge purvwe^. Tae No

1 Exrre will u x more t-rea, aad for all pntpf't it tn-v-nai to

ant .-c.tch Pig. Fnrtaleby JOHM W. QÜINCT,No. 9t William ft, Agent ol (he Ha-laoa Irua Co.

N~7\rAN 0 Cl I SALISBCEY HAMMEREDIKON, mode trem Saiiabury Cald Blaat Pig an I reheated

with Charcoal..TLit Iron ia warranted ofextraordinary etaat.o n, laiity, and it unturpaaeed bt any other Iron made. Order*received] for Baafte, Car-Axlae. Bkapet for Lo>ouioüte and

her work. Square Iron j '» 4 In on haud in atore. For taleyJOHN W. QUIBjCY, No. 51 WUiiam at.

AMI S A si IN" 8H0VELS RndBPADEä -a Kor tele bt JOHN W. (JITNCY. No *J WillttAVet

CALI8BCBY COLD K-LasT CHARCOAL PIGCr IRON, for Car Wi eelt and work re,| nriag ten t.ijer.or

iroB.for tale by JOHN W. QUIHCl, Ne\ 9« Wifliatn tt,

CTEELi PILES au.l SAWS..The entire itockk3 ol thela'enrni of BLAKE k PARKIN, tontiating of eu

fortmeoto STEEL. FILES and TiJOLS of their inaaafact'.re, ia now altered for tele by the tabaerlher oa nry tavortblaurma. J. W. B. EARNSHAW,

Hartford Steel Store,Nj 21 Clif-ei,, New-York.

IC0T(1H PIG IRON..Hudmti (rids No."lOartaherne, Bad ?00 tin t mitad ouinbera bett Pig Iron, ia

ore and landi' g, for aale btSPOKKOKD. TILEBTON *. Co., No. ?9 Broalwty.

p 5 O M a 8 IKON Co..PIG IRON.Soft,L tine, atroug, and warranted fliat rato For aiie by

JOHN W. QI INCY, Nu. !M Wuiiain-at.



Jpaint«, 0ilt, ©lass, xCc.

BRIDGEWATER PAINT.The bett artic!«known t. r Rotdt cl Hcaaea, Deckt end Rottotna of Veaaela.

and cutfide wi rk generally, being e p-rf-ct protection a;tinttthe ertiou if the atmotpLero. fat Btle Bt tke COMEAN IT'SIiKPOT, No. 90 Water-tt.

Cobcrn* pure tallow Olla, warrantedof tupetior quality fur barnint. and to be more darable ea

Biachirery. end to ataod cottier weather than purett aperm o LOnly Bjtal, JOHN W. Q( INCY No. 93 WOliani et

L .X IKA VI"ALITY KEKINEO" LARD OIL-1Jt-al \\ arranttd very pare, and to bora a* long a* Sperm, andvery briahtiy ; being nuuauallv free t.uiu trope ity, it will never

cru»t the wick.ia eB'irely free from gam, aad very auoorior formachiuerv. In kturela dO to 4V tal.-.ut each. The only agooti. i the Buxkai it JOHN W Ut INCY. No. 93 William at



Retail Patca. Oai BaLLta raa nm ..>.

Tne Ttriout petenred Lampe to lie t. aid it the fore of theBtidertigiind ire recommended a* tne beet edapted te the pecu-lier qaalititt of the Oil.«ach lamp giviag a light e'lual t* twotlx toot gat bomera.CAMPHENE LAMPS eaakaaaal for hurBiug tLie Oil, by

tcti tu i i!.. Ke- -.-:.e Chimtev.BLl »M -OIL LAMPS can be need by rutting off the bo'tom

of the tin arkck-kaleVer, ¦-> a* to bnat tlio aurtace «1 the wicklevel with the tin tube that aurroundt tha wirk.The BJaal di.-ceuxit to whob-tale deaJ.-ra.

AUSTENS,AgauU of fh>; Kereer.e Ol. Company.

Na i7 Beever-tt, !f. V.

OIL..lioilni (7.") cents a (jallnn.Boilding-i iof end Fence Oil, 50 cent* e galtoa.Bleached Bu.led Oil, tor purely white, *1 per gilloa.Oil Ven.lah, for China gloat, *l 25 per gallon.

TAINTS, for bailiiingt. fenc-t, roiafi, 4c, He per ponnd.By J. HENRY SMITH, .No. Ill Meidcn-Iane, M. T.

ZINC paints. white lead, colors,OLASS, kc.The nn.leisia.ejd, having eslarged tbeir

worka to meet the demand for /Hue Point, ere now prepared teotter to the trade a lull eaaortment from the different min -e.

n ai.afactured by them ia bleached reSaed Lh.eeel Oil, andwith the prcjtr dryers. The qaaUty of our A.u.-ricas aridFr-rch/ir.it tt warranted to tie equal in all reepect* to enyf Id bj thit markat. ar.d on at liberal tartaa. Deaera can altoI ¦¦ nttnlti d with W LUTE LEAO and COLORED PAINTS of

wn manafactore. Alao, French and Atnencaa WINDOWOLA.xS. JESS! PA CHILDS, Importereand Menafactarertof Pamt*. No. IIS Water-tt., New-York.


nor White end Colored ZINC PAINTS, bo h dry aad g-oun.1 iaoil. at the lowest market pri- e*. Their Painu ia Oil. praparedby a new proce k. are wamnred not to harden la the kega. aadw.il ia\rove with age. MANNINO k SUL'IKR, tgBBla,

Re, '-I Coortletidt-at, New- York.


ENAMELED FURNITURE. . H. F. FAR-RINoTON baa now ready for tale an extenäve eaaortment

ot rich Eratmel. d Chamber Furniture, in ell Patterna and Col¬on, and elaborately decorated iu lan.iacape, tigurea and flowers,at the manufactory and war- room*, Not. 44 aod 43 Wooitor *L,between Br<«n.e and (/rand.

jÜnilwing fllataulu.

ENCAUSTIC TILES.For Veetibul«g, HeJla.Hettrthe. Dining rootu*. Cooeervetoriee. ke. OARNKLitR


KWFri^-ROOFSe-ROÖr'S.The cheaoeat andbeet artiel" torcoiering roof, it TAR RO'lFINO PAPER,

which wa keep ronarar.t'y on band and will tell ia large or tmafl¦caoütiee ro asit purcbaaera.

JA.-. T. DERRII KSON k Co., No. Be Beettnen-et.


JOHN DWKlflT & Co.,M*i ufactorer* of



paper tüarrtionßfs.Paper warehouse..j. t. derrii k

SOB I ( o. No. 30 Ecekman-eL, otfer for eele on thelovreet tern a:U nring Ptrere. Et tilth. French and American.N-w.pa] ill aiaee, aelgkur aad aaaMtlgaB.M.k Paper, all ti*ee. weight* end q-aiitiea.T mm Ptt^-r. uxr ct eolora and white, of the beet e-ielity.Hai ging Pa; er. white and colored, different width*.Hat-err1 Ptp-r. thin aad of the beat qaality.Cloth "aper. XiV1 aad 40x14.EagUah Bardwai paje-r, a larre aanrtoxent, jutt arrived,

t Par-.r of :he beat quality.J reaping Paper, Straw. Rag ai.d Maaffla.Te* i'e|«r ofdifferent altea.Tar Hooting Payer, tnitahla for roofe, ia rotte.

öde« bn Ol action.Auma H. p'tlH Aeottonee».

A! vi- roK«« s.w. uf VAT.nABL«i.!' W r ) .¦ r -A*i4jj|T

S*U »: AMrita e* THNfLIDAT. Muab&.*gl, Blfba Ml -i '.*r. «' Ktcaanti». by **«e< of taa ]a\A

.MV.. »*aaad, the t_(.ar»at i_

M RI? (.-- TS # Lot, wtth the '-p'"-"-|Trhera»tm the k f , ,:,J M».tf ata. Taa Lj» */¦U st« .11 fc»a 'real ;j f*,t > t« ! ta r. er. »C faxt lBl,,rAe*eeBei -. - mV. "» v.t » lW;haM on rast all». he the eaaa Biers«.le»«,Al-c tr.-Lr». with J-.'ory brirk f-oaat üw- llox hoaja«, rhew».

.i ¦ «. ar kaowa a. N .« .:. <«, 4 Lat«, tt>,- , T t .

_ feet «KHbe« rw.t. 71 «~-t 2 -arhs* aawest «de, .>.) Tl f-et . lueDax etat «ad*, b« the »»m« anor le-s.Ml.lT «T-: r 1^ wh t>» ?»¦...» <-.T.. Ilar.l'tB/.b-iajaj

tVr-.-r b «B* rearW tm above and kaawi a* >. M M x»it. The l*t m 20 Baal treat by II feet deep, bar Iba mmo *»*-B

s 11 " "M trd vvlaab'. Lat oe -S. ne"* aid...»... »a So. 21, witb tbe ? rtsry »rv l (rast

1'wel.it (. gl 1 -u r» aal itien therren. ir ..ra-r. TAi* LatI*SI foot float, £3 fearl . inches laat, l.» test a terhasea wattaide, tud '..I foot S n.thee oo eaj; aide, ba the aaoie laara«leea. w.th rar of all* y or. «est akle.e1tot.dLa4 12 feet frets treate: Let. 1 u^tiri able.

I .-».!» A ai > :* . - \ -er Nu\\ ,.'. (t iW|Dixirt. T. MacriaL Aa. ti^arer


t. 1 ../.i to tl... Ea'ate of Edmnrd "t V\ illetu. deceased, atta.ated > t. I.'tth at.1>. T. MACEABI.AN will aell at aact.09. eaTl I K.-P'.Y March IS, IBS«, at I» o'clock ra..at tbe klar.ckaata' Ex. hinaa, the hlbaTtataloar Ilbad property ene lieaat11.: I.eta-'.a'.J ca tue aayath areeterly aate of 124ta-eL, oea>n aa»a_aj ;J7 fr»t treat of Jd a*.; alae. tare Lebj ef trraeiad, aakvaOaaj dm .>'itl weeterly «ide of 1 'tth at,, coui_eaclua litfee' t iral.i-.weet cl Jd-e». Tertna, raeli.

Jo"» i. BfTT», A-ieti lueet.

AUCTION NOTICE..OER.ARD A H!'TTot> :.¦ MONDAY. March M, ai Uo^atactX. at No. im

Urouklya, tbt -.- >: *». .!."-) ."'texaaf1 ......e. .a: r a' area, Lette of dtore. Ac-Tbe entire NamHit..:a. Leai. (.od ai'l.tc, of Drear, Cbetcicalf, Perfaauer;,Ar. cutitaited in the above atir".

are ot 1:1» aaeet ilataal tied, baiatei. ladlaall rich ai d c'.abori'e in dee tu art.! no.ab, Plate tiitaa.-Ii er Wte«* Mar lo fl -r. MarUe top Counters, Planci.ee Show Caere, fiamIt naidam aValao. ac, uk-.»d..«aithr t c ore. Ittlaar. ha., of atir*t<ia«e « r»

T) a lraie eiub will be aid i luiu edta'.eiy after tbe abeere) k)a very vaiuabi" one, haviaa three years la tea fruta la; Htanet'.The sade will b» withont reserve to thr hi tuest b ddee. AI

partkalafo fca relatkoa ta otooi '¦ a>*y ho obtaiaod eabe preitiisrs ai y day prior to the aale.

ACCnOB NOTU B..For SALE 16 HOUSE!und I.ol S.VLlaabie property far Invee'ute it ia 'he etat,

ernp r' o: of th* dtj, aituatdloa 7th. Utk. l.th, lVb 17tAIttt llet and 2Sth-*ta,, aavi Tth-av. ToHtoM be AN PIIONTJ bl1 t( Kl H, at the MerchaLtar* tichatiaea New York, oaMarch 19, ISao. Terma easy. Kur maps, Ac, apaly U theAuttioceer, No. 7 iiroad-at.


A. M Mrawtv Anctaoneer.

BY BANGS. BROTHEB at to.-Trad*>.Sa_»Rcoans. No. i.t Park-row

PBIDA1 EVENING March Id at «j ..Vea-k.VALUABL1 PRia tTB LI»RA.T Ceaw|irtetaw a «raat

variety ot rhottO .-'ttdatd Worka ia MatBokaa aad Snraery,Bkrti -v. \. n.. . TraeeU. B .; a; Pt .-». Ba eaeea.ClaaeaV¦ a: 't<- -«i MtaooaaOaooat Li'.erature, Ac, emeraetajmany that are scarce and vainable.Cataicfnea a-, now rea.lv.

BlX'n THIRD NEW-TOBR TtADI lailslaHB ecanmenate oa TUESDAT, lath Match, with the aaiaBook«, which will occupy six dav*.

Afi.r tho Bark tale, the S'aliorrrr. l'.-vr«. It' ink "eetra.Ac. a. tiriTrriihn oa f< BSD AY, .'a M ir.-h, aaacontinuing anttl cmpleled.The a.le ,.f Bteiaotypa Plate«, Kncraved Stael aaJ eppaj

Plate« wUI be bald on SATURDAY. _d March.raitlhaaala Will Sad that the Catalogue inbrareaaubs'autaj

attractione, Madotiii| the asje worthy of the a't.'n lan. e of alclass, a of buyers, an.n',1 as w'11 as lar<r, there baj.nt ue restata.lion aa to the e tc ot lota and as then- i« aiao be reKCtictiea atla tat i- oad ia the Cea>I. c'f. 11 <.> n.ay ri a pot. a.n nx tjieir tuil attj p.tea..The Catatlcgue 1« now ready.

R. L. Drt.llstB, Aoctiooeer.Y LEAVI'IT. DELI8SEB «V Co., No. ST7B BaBBMsJ

BOOk.-<, frTATD'NERY, PAPER, PAIMINOS, y KS<GOODS. \\ OKKH of ART, H'RNITIRE. and w Kit CHAR.DISE geaerally.boox8, BTZBBOTTPB PLATER and STATIOHEEE,The Second Regaler Trade Sale of the B ok >Pal i«hera' A»

aociaRcn will ecn._ruce oo THL'RSDAT, .tth of March. arSAa larte and attra. tue Catalogue of Book», Ui he toMasrad ky laakarveat i. m»« of

BTEBEOTTPB PLATESever offered at any tiade aal.i. conaist.ng of over IAO seaafMates, ol gooti, isluahie and Siundarl V\ rks.among tiaaaJohaaoi 'a Kasaria., .--will's Tu!.- of a luk.Tn ) S.<rrew« of Wa»ter. Blooii lir.d',. 1'. . n.«. Lues f Ma.iisoi « 1 M aal a SaAaaVcratt a K. d Mm afthe Poiaet,the Werka ot Oliver iiotdaonakAIobbb irr Pope, Perey Eyas H> r, 8 r CaaketidBO,WfBam Cowper, Hvr .n'a Don JaBB| Snake.r<-ire'a Vt'orki, withLife aid PaSBBt, kB 1 i«x Ve* vola..I" illu-'r.li.b» ou rtaal|Itirra'a Eretich li.nolntion, Iml l PayBB ¦> M in .ita a->d Sa*nutia, 3 vula., Ivo.; Carlyle'a Life af Schiller; Mitehell'a II neatRet oklic. Ac.'Ihe inroU-es of STATIONERY are heavy and attraotivw, aal

wholerale htty«ra wul have aa opportunity ot puriaasaagkllarge quaiitirlea.

CatllrjaTBOi are now ready for disfrihattoa, arulraa be nVataafBf PhaftfrV SaaspfOB I Co.. and Ltt'le, Hrowu A Co., HasteagJ. B. Lipt incott k Co., aud J. B. Smith k Co., Phil idelpitlatW. Mlnitie, aid Lucas Hi others. Baltimore; Maore, WIUteaB,Key« A Co., Ciiu-ibnati, J B. Steel. Neiv-Orl. aiie aad ot eea>ealvee.which will be forwarded to the Trade prepaid,

TAfBIg Moaaaui., Au.itieneer.

IJl ü Ii N IT UB E .THIS MORNING, at It)o'clock, at No. 81 Nassau »t. new «to.;k of Hon."held Aj>

t clea.coi iai ngolTete a Trtea, Eaay aud Rocking Chairs, Sofa*.(Ire. .an ai d (iothic B> datcada, L.acl walatit and B_ r.iaawetl

Bod loada,COBtar and r-< laT»b.. », marble tope; rue*-wood Libiary L. k.eaea. a; r»B| *Bd CBI at h«jr Mat r. aea.

ajresa and plain Bar*aaa, Watdnkaa*. Luuuge* L.oinie Bed-¦trade, Oval Mirrors, two handsome Oil Patatrage, Mall Staiiata,au] er or IMIar and Onagou Ex'enaiou Dining Table«, Werk»Btand*, Etageraa, Crockery ami t hin*, .u.ooo Havana t'igarvMatting, r its* r ids, Doiatera and Pillowa, wila ae. oiid kaaa(rticle* trim Couiiting-rooaia and dweluuga. Storage free uaBllit May.


MAGNIFICENT aod rx*itlj BOÜSEHOLalIL'KSITI'KE.-Heavy Eree.h pUte pier aud uitaBe

Mirrora, ro« wood Piano Kor'r, loarlde Vase«, Bronte*, velea)Carpet*, elegant Chan Irlitra. Oil Paiutinga, article! of t

Ac,at heaae No. Tm Woa itih at. H. Wilson, aocdawill rell ou WEDNESDAY, Marrh 12, at 114 o'clock, tk* «*-'tire elegant Furniture ol the abt.ve honer, meet of which tragmade to order and is ia . aery ro sBOOt of .aaatioc woramaachiB.

i'tki.oai.- Mtiaiifi 11 roaowuad Pallor Suite*, ia rickKrer.rh St in, with edid rosewood tram"* aa;reriiir »ereie».tave rraew od Piaiio korte. pearl keyi, rtthly inltid,cr«t BSB,tl.e tcne end fit.ich of which were never surpassed; solid t*J*>

WOO*! I M tel .n.l Pier T ibiea Rrreption t hai-s in aa'la: ImpEaay ( hau i la bmcooco| i|daB*Ud Kr. i. plat* Piar Ofaawith alab and braik.t«; coatly marb..' Vase«; altfaaBgElower \ lau-e. vi lendid liroun-i, i upidi, Statnottes, KingkB,Sb«|Ji' rd and Slieph. rd. as, Oronje. t-light Caaih-'aiira*. aap

Girandolee, U ;hrr with the bu«u of tha t iijvnigdi.tii.tuished rharaciera: Prinae Albert, Queen Vtetarta, LiraRaglan and Napl. r; rich hr * a'ello aud lac* Window CuitaMgaBhadea, velvet CarriaU, aloaaaUi carved roaoaood Ktiger*.with liefe glase, ooet ?27.'.; Oil Painting 01 gnat mailt *ad*high «est; three ele«aut Has 1 lun '.eli«ri.DiMM. Hooai .Magi.in. eutiolui oak En-ndoa T*bl*,**S

*V ; OakChairaia Plu-h; richly carved Oak S.drboerd, c*Sö11*7] (Jak Sei retarv. ..1 madu to mat. Ii throughout. E.-gaatgold-hand Ilir.t er Set, 20n pteee*,i oet BUS; rnby and crystal CatGlaa* Wire, rich Silver Ware, Caitrri.Tra Service, art* UaVvera, Kruit Stand* and Haekets, i oBee Urns, Kettle«. Raaks«Rinai,Spoon*,Petto, fiadlot; Liq .or Staad.eo*t ?sojBjrsBtKnrfsa.BBBBi Tont". Ac; be»t of Itory Cutlery,Cicbleti, V\ EaOB, Deeanter«, tie.ChtMcaas aso Nuaatar..Costly rosewood and ma

Sofia, Loungri, Concb Bads, Bed-trie!*, Bureaus, W»-ti«t*a*ACon.m.. '. «, Itosewuaxl suites iu haircloth, totewood Piaoe-fatwBtada hy O A 11. Bannore, coe» ?»>; Chair*. Rockeri,el*(>BlPier and Mantle Mirror-; thir'v |nre hair Mittrratei, kvS111 ear Peather Beda, Boleter* aad Pnl..w«, four %-.-p*u*»,li*»BChe«* Tal le. Ilohby H..ra. tBfBB BBBBBBl B«<lrooui Sa.t>w,a*»>pot.; Ii.cia.n Cariets, Oih lotb, roaewood Hall Staad, i*l**>plated Stiir Rod». Work Table. Clrygg, together aith rAoOBaWOt* Plxtaraa tbrougboot. AUvi, * lane aad Braaral aioottaaiB.. BaBaBBBtttaad aUhraoB lltasjeil*, RefH*yirator, Stove*,»*Hi- r iir.,i'nr« of tliii hoase la worthy the a a '¦.-0*"

ot housekerpera. hotelkrepera *ud other'. A rasa deppaHe*Ba rao/alrad of »11 puri haseri, and every article will h» bMwiihoat any reserve whatever.


will mil THIS DAY,atln| o'cloik, at No. 42 Aan st.BiarNatatu, h» vim* of a t htt le Mortage, t large lot of Pitt**Fo'kt. Bpoooa, Leadloe, Baskets, Ar... together with* iaig* a>

.or'uirntot lio imrbold Fnmitur.'._ J ,

EL II. Lkeo» A C'o Aurt.oneer*. .

ON WEDNESDAY, March 13, at 12 oVl#*%in front of *tore No. 1» Naeaau at. a FIRST RA»

BLEIOti l*eoy, made by Martin of New Jereey. new aad ¦Brat-rate (Met, to be sold witiioet reserve. J

PHILir R. Wilbi**, Aoctiooeer


toll at aaakaBB aa TIO RnDAY. Mtrch 20 llaS, ai Uo'eaajSt the Merchants' Eitharue (uulea* previaaelv diipaiedalBi riaate .«!*(. the wall-knows, fait and ipleudal Slearner CUrTON now Mug st the toot of 12th *t., East River. Herdi****-i. i.a are *. MlOWSI Bur<len.3St tuna; length, 181 feet; »r*e*w».,!*> t 2 It.chea; depth, 9 fjet, r yliader, a7i loche«, aa 4 l*Bj*arroke. She is iu p.:rt'Ct runnin« ordrr. and fullv eMnrpp*d"di r- .[«:t For further paruculari apply at th* omco otAacttopoor, N*. H Wall-it.

B. A. I Mil.TON, Auctioneer. I

TRT'ST>:ES SALE fl" l'EARL STREETBODBR and LOT-Tha Two-atory and A'rJc Bret j

.i d Lot No. 410 Pearl-it., between Madienn and Oak&J_\\«.f VaaiawBlBf St., at A ictiot..COLE A CHILTDS: .*.ell at Auctiou ob THUBSDAT, March l.*h, IBM. *' U "''SBt the Merchant*' En hai.|e, under the diracnoa of lv. it-ad, the Two-rtory ard attic Bliek HoLSE and L'rT. r»»

41'- Pear!-at., on the rorth-eeiterly «ide. Lot SS feet fBaBt-BB»M feet 9 mehr« on the one aide *ud <i feet deep 0"**!_^3Ho Iii -A rry BBBBBBkaa, terminating near tail pr^rwr*7.er.ake it very vaieable lor baiatnoM purposes, for t***** TT.ticuJara, terms, Ac, call on tbe Aoctioueer*. Cot« * Celt.*Bio. 45 Nassau at., near Liberty. _

_BAUMAN LOWrVTT-s***^W. S. Mzi.lcb, Aucioieer-Bv Hot'., it to* k M,,,'Lt,¦^po-MOKKOW (Thareday), at 101 o'oo«. »»

J. No. iisnbbbm ot.-V.ieiant household rojJ'SÄof a general feortoient of the most f*«biotiabi* '"'"*' rnlla*-lat J i; 'i,. BM at iiU'u'it. ma.at*f, P»rlor, Chsu.b'f. J'lH

I . irent Furniture in Roa*wno.l, MsBaSBBFaj... V. .IubI Parlor smt.-a ovrre.1 in «arin.br. ca'rlle, pia^saw-la.r.loh; r. (ewooai Etaaere». Tables, Music <.-.*«" DrJ.case* aa.d S«tretarioe; Chau.ber Eoru.ta . en *ait«. BjMMatayaaad »:n; aBBBBalad d<., rchly enameled; w*tJ

.-» H»ir M»ttressw« and PsuJ**aee; eoe ( nm«<* "

-. *tjo nchiy earvedand ornamented; Exten« aa \n~

mg-Tables, 14 feet lor-in Sidebeer.ls to match; Chalriee«re«aj.a Has Blaahl W*rxirv»oee, Hall Staad*. öwwt^'a,ij

Ererch plr tt Mirror*, choice Oil Painting., BBePlrtBjB "ft*^o4* rrk, to pay adv*ae**,uiue roaewood aad inaa"«."/ '


PORTES, co* of which cost t*,**, made by '-'n^8^* ..\LVrtdaj warranred; rich China Dinner Service. V***-. m_^_\Um\_\Ac The trad* and those aboat reforktihiug are tanied w «

in ... tbe foods aow oa exhibition.