ISTEK-STlXfi FiKIHIIATTERAS1XLETJ m-?- -JJEAT BTOlfl AND FLP;<jD. THE ISLAND SUBMFVrgED Tcr.ts, Shanties aiid rrovis!i0ris g^epf Of. GKEAT DISTHESS fjft PK1VATI0N. -1 +- I-epicrable Condit-' .0n 0f tlie 2Gth lndiana. » pitii. O-r S~tdkl Co _Teapf.u>1.t. HATTBBAI IBLBT, Nov. 3, I Bl. Xhg 'nnd for* * s at tl.i* potat BM now ln Ihe ad I*t r en jfngemeii', wiiieh ia of u more eeriou* euaracter t'.uin any of the eor,9itte tbat bave yet take* plar*?-. on thn. coaat. lt ia a OOBted withth* eleirantp. A great uelta_e ie upou ua. Lar-'. t-vcn- Ing .i ^.iie cpra.ii; up, which eoutinued to iiitreate in i i_?ut until uiorning, when it a.uiu.vl lha fana af a parfad alidatad, acawapanlod wltl rain Miflfll ut time* fa.ll iu baiBBtB. Ahool >> o'flloeh flhfla morniig, tba BBIfflfl from tbe oct-an baflBB lo gBraapoaae the iblaud il.alf a mile wid. Sound, and boforo joyMghl tl.eee tWO I waier wor* uuited. ->'ot a apct of lau.l waa to he Baaa* All tlie lower portion of the i*lund, where Foru II_tter_a ijju Clark aro aitui.ttd, wa.- BBBBl water. aud ec snddcii waa ihe upheuving nnd ao vio- l.-nt II e atonn, that all chaneesof aaBBpa . Ml oti Leloi-e tht momir.g Bghl cumo. It waa ulteily bll Im any bbBbBMOB M reach them fr- r.i MUT fite', bo teriihle w_a thia H.utcraa atorm. Aud ii Whh not until a Lteaker ewcpt ucrow tho ialand, c.ir- rytag men, '.,-tita tahuntiee, uud every MBBptag tbing with it, t-hat tho flflMfo * ttttt BB/BH of thfl t,f a icreat f.ood. Men wero eudden'y wusl.ed out cl t Bifl -.nd I'ound ..II their dolue* iwLat li'*' bud aindreared! l-onie by the water to the Scund. I.ive bb eh, BBBh a* jiir'». ihiahoaa, boraaa, cottle, dt _*. eat*, aad cooking ataaaflay tamhar, iriftaaoi, boxee, Lur- rclp, trutik*, ehantie?, were carried forward, lofOtbet whb uien on tliem and in them, »ome jumping out d window*, aome eutting their way ilirouKh the roof, athoM jumping off into the water, which, iu BBBBJ BBAeOBj waa over their head* in depth, nnd makiug iraboxor fl-BMlft. order to reach tho POOf afa ahanty atill f-titnding. Odieers on bortee were riding or BWhB.tag ih-OBgb thia uio.ing BBM tinhra to thLs Boattag BJ-iJ of men, who, wiih a gnu imue haud and witb tho other ' ' g1 'g on to wiue kiud of un objeet l pl ther.,*elvea above wuter. The moat BBBBBBM right of all, howevcr, \.ti» M BrttaaM (ho moring of the eick, BBBM of whutn'wcrt. iu n Aftafl eo'idition before the atorru cume. They > eatdei ou co:-, f;>u. plaea to place on tht ? ¦. .. idcr* of men wbo w. re wading through waUi i..- ly ueek tieep. If wac alao a *ad sitrht to wittien Ba aiksiu lionof property. At tbo wbarf when a': tLe Govtrnuieiit proparty i* atorod, a wholeaali dlBlBBllia took place. Proviaiona of every kim -..-tuaoonatloat.bii'.ali of crAckera, breud, angttr p:uW, beef, raalaaaee, beune, pot-u.ea, Leb, l<o_et. i< r, BOOPi cloihing, and iu faei every thiuj ic.. iied for a*i avmy waa aeen to go witb the flood v. -. ihe buildinga etntaining them in a v.-r; tlir.pidiie 1 tondition. The Hteamer Spaulding an-ivei tl.e evening before with a large Liod oi provigioua . i. ng, lituiber, Ac, and na good luok wotild havi it. abe waa nnable to lacd but h emall portion td bfl targothe night ahe eamo iu. Uufurtunately tbt-n whr, bowever, eoina clotbing luuded for tbe aakei -Oihludiana ItegiuieuU Nearly bulf of thi* mt.tb Baoiad freigLtwae placed onthe pier, aud went attl the wavee ot the oceun withiii view ofthe aoldici* who, wiih tearful eyea and al.ivering forma, behel. thia, to them, the moet ine'u-choly aight of all Aboui G o'tlock thie moming tbe flood wa* at it Lii.'ht, and for two houra Col. Iirown of the **0i Iudiaua Kegiment aud ofiicera were iu gnat t-m poagB, It waa \ery evi.knt that a new inJc l>elow Foi: Clark had hrenmude during the nigl.t whii-h entirely eat off their escape; aud aa the wuvei were juahing into Fort Clark by C in tbe mornng, it waa appareut that all mutt meet with a watery grave if the water coDtinued to rieo at the aame rate for *iwo honra to come. Fortunntely, the country waa apured from 1 earing of auth borrible tidinga aa waa moment-rily threuteuing the iivea of tbeae loyal BolUk-ra. TLe elorm begun to ahute by 7 a. m. tbia Bioruiuc, aud hy I o'tlock a nuriow ridge of euud- bcach waa diacovereo above Fort Clark, wbicb wae hailed with wild deligbt by the 20th Iudbuui l.egi- n en*, who, but ii ftw minutea l^fore, were BBB_B| ¦BtaBBBBflBB to save themaeivee, if poaaihle, frtun a leurfol fate. By noon the tidu had gone down, and left ijuite a little ajiot for the half-drowned and ex- hatuited men to walk upou nnd build aome cuuip- firee, which enabledthem tocook a a<unty mcal from -wbat few fiBgmentaofproviaioua had becn rescutd froui tbe wvter. Whut a aight to bebold ! Al! wa* devuetaticn and ruin; the entire camp waa made de<iolate. Several feet of eand are taken from the ouifuce ofthe ialand, karing it in auch a condition that it ia 4ur3 to be under water aa oftcn ai the tidc comee up. Petwecn Fort Clark and ITatteiaa, a now inbt, eome liz feet deep, waa formed during tbe night, and now it i* a vaat iheetof water bctween the two forta. Foxt Hatteras now atauda iaolated from t o land, and will be awept entirely away in the i:e_t geverc etorm, it* landy walla baving alrea-ly BBB- menced to crumble. In fact it ia thought tL_t the neat great at^t-a .which ia liabk to vkit thia region auy duyj, will level both fort*, Clark and llattat-B. I uiideratand that the Confederates only bnilt tbeui for summcr aec, expectiug they would Le awept awuy before Spring, which accounu for utiug the cheup muterial (aaud aud tuxf) with which theae forta are rori'trm ted. Thia iwoeping flood make* good tbe prcdictioua ofthe C uifedenitea when we took poaae.-- b.ou of thia tioacbeioaa and myatcrioua tieuiueula. Tbey Baid w* would be glud to ahoiidou llutttrua lalnnd wben th* wiater atorma cume. It haa beeu aaid all along by our moat cxjKTe-nced udltary men, thut a land force on Iluttf-rus Ioland waa eutirely nnncceB8aiy,tbat a lantll Qeet would cfftctually guuid the iulet. Camp Wool (where the *3th K. Y. V. aro quar- tere ii, bome three milei above Fort H_tterui, wu* alao much damaged hy thia atorm. Tbeir large hoe- pital, eome aixty l,y forty feet, wa* carried away; the ik-k, however, were aaved. They loat nearly ull tbeir provinioni, and many other Btorea. Canip Bai- ley, Beven mile* up tbe ialund, wher* Capt. Ilailty, with a portion of the lndiana Kegiment, gtutiot.ed bae, I leai-n, oecuped with but little loea, they being nn a Ligber poiul of laud, which ia atrongly ioriilied. _!i_ companiei ot thia regiment left Fort Clark to-day for Camp Batley, leuving only three tompuuiea at Fmt Ci. k, wko, 1 k-arn, will alao abandou thi* dl- 1. ;»idutcd and crv&ibiing fortification on tbe morrow, and doubtle*- tbey will oe folkwed ao u. by the reg., ijIiij- now lUtioned ai Fort Hutberaa. Camp Huh-y, *r Fort IJailcy, ia tlio heet place on the ialacd to .uike a atand and reeid ao attack from the enemy, which ia now niomeatarily expotted. Idonothe-| Bava that ao army of twa*iy thomaad could _**ail lL,B i <i*iiiv_ witb any bopeg oi ruoceea. Tha Con-j ** jTa'c h.ivc becn miOiinir roady all aMBfl to give ' A hattle M eoon aa lha WMBBl fltflBM flBBM U> their I ihMi. Tbey have hBBB v-nccntnitiug nearly all the! fonea iu tbe ftflh. on Koauokc Ialund, aomo _0 gilgg above ua. «t the head of ikia ielaod, with tln* t, ,.u 11. lu aBM of an atLich we ahall Le Bflfl* Md [byaaa iieet, whkh wi:i Le Bbla ta bbbbmb.I the r-au wde ofthe ieland, while the Coufcdeiatea will, nith their amall fleet of guul-ouU, touuuaiid tl.e Sound, we baving to gnnboata wbieb can BBBBf lha Sound, und you may expect to hear eoon that a great CAttle luiB baBB fought on the Ibland of llalterar. The 8P|| Inuiann llegiuient aro (crtuiuly in a v.-ry Iflttfltatfl condilkn, BaJta uacktlnng iactirceiut,!. Thia ia ti.e aocoud aitempt Govciument haa mude, aincc thia regiment came to Ilut.eraa, to t\\\ ply UMM with eloihea, Alotit ffltf wctk* daca their m-.v ovt raoata were AO takea wBh the tu.' Faa-y. Tbey baibeeq mBeriag long aai muih for them. Now hal;' nf il.eir BaVB Lliu.kcif, afelltfl B-d BOCkB-BBfl b.en iWBpl away by lha llood lc!oto tl ey WBM ialiveroi. Thoy hava only oa< totbat. butka, and u Summer euit, furnibhtd ihflM by tbeil fltata wbeoflrd iwfla-tatattoaat-iaa'af llaOor. aaaanl They bm obflgad lo go to bad la theb wol alolhOB, which BM in tho nio't tilihy eondilioii poOBb bartag taaa abla to wadi u ganaaal Ibf tha wan: of fl Aaaga. It B Bertatah the mort melan- i-h.-ly dgM I luivc boleld dOM 'be war broko OOt _ ate tiitit tl ey will be in BO Bt "r: ci:- thhl Wiii.erif they reiunin Lcie. They aie aaa ta B flu moro daatftata coniJition, ao far aa ara ooaaataaii than tl.e poor Bjlahlaata oa thialalaad, who hava aaatthaBi warthy Chastata, r. N. M. Tayior, to tlie Nortb, to obtniii piucor I r lat.in. The |-< ,,r deatitute peoj.le on tha khind (who will t-ce aorrowful iiinee before Bprfag] ered to fhare tl.eir ecanty iin.i dilapidated |, Whkh li.eytieed s,o mneh, with the-O.b Indiiua BlglrBITl. ao much worao I the BBB> dition of thece patfietJe aoldiera from lndiana than itan b g ni i balf aahi l Waaifln Ihonoehof taaiwhaaa lha new Igbdhaaa arai to le erete.l, BM BBBB tttatV i BWB*. Tl.e BB-OOM r Bell, Capt. J. (>. A lair.*, BtTaTOi here miao few taflg, witb i.ll tle miiteri.ilartiidy made for thia iighibouao, which ia under the BBparvMfla flf J. Martin Poole, B dtf.ft- n.e< hanic, nt .1 n j und warthy i itizcu of Wfiadagtoa, Dolawaia, «ritaaa loyiil'.y none will iiiieati. n. A Coaioiarata fleet af r-mJl gun-boatf, *even ia BBMhor, aaia Ihafc bbpbmbbm ut bbbb taiay, ioabd a with the tataBBka flf watahtag ourmove- One of the numUr BBMB wiihiu ll_ee flrikfl af Foit BattOB-B ana aent two ahella iu tlie uiractiou of ou: Boat, aad t'..eu tafl aa .;nick time. TLia i* aa evciv day oecuirtnce on the BBd (bt the l.ehel baBtBy 'who are doubtlcaa wutching their rhaurec ta itrik.. I harrg talta rtfugT tb h.urd lha flahaaaarBaBi la ,o:der to write thi* ktc-r, iggbrtag ¦ m,,Te ateiuly poaition than a rloating B-BBtj BBB i,;r..rd. Thfl Wl luiliaua Hegijient will ull be locatcd ut FortlUihy by U.e -Ith iu*'., wbi ie it thougbt tho wuter irom tbe ortan cunn.it dkturb them. No livea huve been loBl by thia flood, th'-'Ugh tboueauda were thrervt- ened. -?- LATF.ST inCWfl KKi.M THK BOUTEL Ii'UM Tht Jfir-aiaai Fngrfrr aud Tho Not/rtk Day Btx'k oi Monduy, the 4th in*t., we make np the i', following intereaiing enuunary of Southeni now*: A MAKVI.ANUr.lt APPOINTI.!). 'I Henry Hawlugfl Tyaon of llunland ba* been f| apiioiutt-d aa actii.»f BMe-tpaaai iu ihe Ooadaianta : Naw, nud oidi inl to repoit lo Con.i ii_.cler K.-u- iiedy, on bomd the ateuuer Bichmond, nt Aijuiu Cieek. DAY BB PABIBBB. The 15th of N'overuber ha* been decignute.1 by the Hon. Jeff. Davia a* I day of fiattag, bofldBatioa, aai prayor ta tbe Oaafaiarata Smte*. UUMIBIBDTMBBBa Over $..o,000 worth of ,l.il.ii._ hut been reeeived M iti. hu'u.rid, voluiit-nly tontnbuUil bf tln- citixena of tbe CoBfederute Siate* for the bBBflBB flf the aol- . dit .*. PRIHONF.HS OK WAH. On BalflliBJ laut there were 1.711 priaonare of wtr in Binhiaiad I" tbe hei 1*'. (Lu* the arlooaen 1 tbera bad eatao up |_,600 wonh of boef. BtaM tl i . \\ ur < omiueu.'ed U tAi pri*out-r» huve btvu taaflgM I to Kichmotid. The e'o"luet of thone taken near 11/< e^burff t* well ajioknn of hy Tht Bnquirtr. On ') Monday laut 2i0 priaonera were to leave liichmond " for Coiumhia, 8. C. t jiijiit BBAB BABAirBAB. A diapatcb dated Savanuub, Nov. 12, eay* there .iwaoaflghi helow that flhy, adgfaattagM eon*«- (luenee of tlie Cuioniil* alleu.ptiut; to turn a venoel ugteund ou Vi araaw heach. Ibe attempt fuiled, and the L'nion frigate left. THr, h'roKM. A d)"pat4"b from Charleatoi) reporta tbo late ptorni ae e-tetdiiigly vio.eut bloug the whole SoulLeru BBM*. Tht Sorfulk Day-Do.ik of Monduy aay*: " A very aevero ato.i.i ot wind aud rhin, BOaentpa- iii«.i wiih lhapdar aad bgbtatag. bagaa on Friaay night laa. nnd loiitiuueil until Saturday at noon. Tke wind blowed diokI terrifuully, awoeping down treea, fencee, A_c., in ita couree: uiul if tbey were in reaeli of it, tnnitt huve had a moat reriou* etToct oa the fleet which lately lailed fiom Old Point. We IIMb- 'bat the vurioii* caiDi>a near tLe city hi tk-rcd very aeverely. The rli.-a weie tornutl auu BBBttani, hui m one tin.e it waa thougbt every tent would be Llown down." IROM AltK 4.NSAH. Thi* State i* rapidly filling tl.e all for .0,000 vol- uut.-erM. The di-licilty BTTM the Cieeka l* not yet aeithd. Advicoa Iroiii Fort tSmith rejun t the auiall* pox raging there. DBTCBBB OK THE OOBflff OK TKAIB. 7'/,< (iairuton C f Lim Buy* thut Qml Hehert hae from eight to tea compauiee otttn.d Limduily, ior tbe protectiou of that city and vieinity. Ihoj me, how- ever, chiefly uiouutt-l uen, ahaBBBfl lnlHutry ate rc- tjuiied. lt i* exi*ct4)d be will have tcu thouaaud uien bv the 13th inat. IllH MKIItMISII BBAB F.DWAKD'8 Kl'.ItltY. The I.nvaun Mtrn.r haa an uceounl of the akir- 'aiali ou Tueaday (tbe day after the battle ncur I,eeg- burg, Va.), batwaaa the Fedetahi and the CopfodO1 ratea. Tlia took pla e near Fdwatd'a H'erry, where Ihe Federal* weie diacovered to be planting a bat- teiy. Oen. I-.win*, BB making thia diacovery, or- deied Geu. Barkedule to atti.ck them. TLe eouipuuiea of Cupte. li. kford and .Melilmy were tbrowu out aa rioraddMn, und got aBhta thiily yurda of the PBiBBBll oeioie beii.g lire.i gpgau The i. iwi ,i e 1 (oiupunie* letmned tlm l.ie, and w ie quiekly joiued by the le.giuient, who, upou uud.ing tbe fence, d. livend a well-iireited lirc qwa tl.e re- treuting Fedemla. The Nghflaat, with dtafeniug -. t-. icapitj tbe fence, makinu lor the enemy a but- taty, BBTBtal Lundred yaid* iu udvanie, luul Irad Bovetal volleya, until it reached u lavtafl and Bflltai, I)niLn_ thi* runiiing lire of the rgglmeat, tbe eneiuy o|ier,e«J upon It with *hi-. and fltafl Irom the tlu.e jiunn ou lliie eide of the river, aml from tht> bHttenea on the opj oJte fcide, killing, howtver.hut two of our men, Lieut. 1'lul.ei Bfid pnvata tiiUiU.ou", u. <'. 11 llcliliov * company. TLe lo*a of the encu.y wan BA- twten m nnd W, Tnc lataBBB Bf tho bour, being then iiiiuly night. preveUed a iiu.uJii.nco t attutk by tbe Idh aad 18th regimetite, uud C"l. Badudala wa* coapollod todiuv-' off hi* regiment. otherwiae Ihe hn'tery would have eeu |fl_BB uud out li-.t of piiioner* larirely u.. re.u-e.l. '1 no eiu uiy wnt ut leuat 4,000 atroug, und wore pfotaatai Ly heavy battene* on the ojvnopiu- eide of the iiver, betide a largo number of ritle-pita ou bia aide. On Wexlneaday moming (len. Evatu withdrcw bin lor en a few mllt* eouth of Leciiburg, to uw-uit reeuforetniont*, but ere they arrived Ibe euemy had uguin retioaacd tbe river,and there waa liothing for them to do. THE GKANIJ K.XPP.IMTIOK. Our auramary of uewa from the Nortb it of more ititeient todar lhan nauul, Tho eidlinir OfltanM Iho great uavul eXiutilitiou will BttMataapa ial attention. fip«x-ul_tjo_ will now eoon be at an end; and i*r- haiw Lekre theae buea shall Le piinted tbe telegraph will t«U ug where tl.e hlow haa iallen. After reod- ing tbtao ordera, bowevtr, we cannot ioin in the optnion which to eome exU-nt prevaik, thut the eos- leuipbtted landhig la inUuukd on uny eompui-utively aeolnded and uudefended apot. If thia irreat fonM i* to take rx'Mfljtdoa of aome aand barormarahy i-btad, or eca-coa-i villiue, why luch atiiet iiijiinction that tle expe<liii''U ehould aail in a t>ody und ibe loldii ih biudiii rurli beavy array, und aith tbo ndn.oi.ition lhat their eoaraga wiii probablj bo teatod I _lf we iadgathaoaaoaeriby tbeoodfaary raBaand in aaa* niction with Iho-iorthora baBtethal a toirihb bb a btobi BraeR, B. &t our \, ry \i':.l-,l we cn laot Irtdo that it b expeeted to dobark tltherb .a \ ii i.y f BBtroag CotrfedorBe anuy or of B farge ( on bd* rate ii>. Applybg tbea* loBi, Pbx* ¦aoota aiul Charfaotoa, auJ Bavaaaah aad bbw-u**" leuiia are tbe pmi.tri wbi.-b preeent 'b< iii-'.Iv.-r n> o.n Iad. "ib.r- i- o_ethingooabeardio tbe Inhmc- ti,i. t. kaeptho expedit lon Iob loaetl or,ead to aa taa bagBBiof Uato, and with eUborato p_np.ini- tiona. i,,i tb.ciipturii.g 8.tml I'oint or Moniuito llar, or Atligator Ii.M, tbut ir .lihV .1' toti-BCBTOtoal the r/ortbern Gcaoiab woald Ihai aBa llaaMnM iidiculoiiK. Ii ueexpeditionattenipt to faadll an japOfttM point, we bopi thal our fono woald be ooJfaaai i-r their ropnlee. If-Boei the pii_a and iwaBpe. tbey atill bave committed h granl f. By, a* <1 injnre-1 tbem- i...| uh_ We .re i.,,*, hawoOIT, wiim.ut other bopOO. The Vainds fatOI BOOB howifaf, uud tbe !,..¦¦ hare beeu poutafoal tbdrfloodo. Woeoa- ., tbo 11, t ol Ua Bora baa aoaadod taoar BiaBkl i-.vi.te. n-ii-i'. lt ba» BB.I Blthi.k 01 - tabfa H.-ii.iiilu, that aailed iu greut l"ou>p, on graiM dafct-i hB wua dlBBBBBad by ibe .itida, ai.d vunquiaheti aitln it ueeting an onony. Whoknowa ' fi atoray Hattecai wao iwBBrffor aach atbno u tbi ¦! WI i, na Ull bat tbut tba roeha u."l i1 .,1 tie Kloti.iii ciist ahall prove tba taaBW-Bttaol PfOl iil" c lo pnai ,li tLe wi, kt-Jnero ot uiiiii ' 1 BO Igraod Beet *ailed oa Tueeday, theS-tb. <>n "May I.terno.itbe atorm coaBBnoeda Tb.ee dayi had .Am* el*| aed. VYheic ibe lle.-t bad get to. v.ieinei ihaotora tban naiod, ar.d arhatba BolaBoata .ve yet to bara. li.-.t, wbother hy lhi windiof Ifearie, m '.>. v i bleattag of Dea-en oa 8oa_era Talor. wa b"B **:;'": ti, beableto ui.i.ouuee that tboBaol which *.'_>_ from BaaptOO Boada ie | lootthal al nil never aaa itt.iru, un!Bl, iii<ltx;»l, uuder t_u,tl er Ib.g. TllE UltllAT N.WAl i:\rillil ll.'N. y;,. \ D B ,,'. of Monday bim the follow- iuirreniarkr. witb ret'iinl to tbt navul fle*t: We iiiiilerMiiiid ihut B featlOBBB arrived in tbi-. .itv MTWal -b.vai.iii B N\b.i reportetlni' a reOOB IB* rc'.tlv arrived on (be i*o_.t ol S iiith ( rolina, in an japi'iir.iit ftate of dfatraoB, ftOBBOtno ol tho Brhiab I-binde. bound lo Baltimore. Botao of her oalb md rigging bed beeu rut away aa though '*<h.* had been i.i a gole, an.l BM waeeii.lesnoiiug io BBB ber way intoCearbetoabarb»for theptui aaoi .¦. BeC Bho wm ovefhtv bd by laa l'i i n ¦*> I ef lhat OSBt.and by lh< in lilt. ,l up with »u. b i.e. d. ,1 repoire ae woald eiia'do bar t" ke.-p ai ber way. They tben pot th ir a.ii on board >.! ber. 8bi left thoro aad boob ii"' an opportaaBy aad doajpdia eitbar lo Caarbotoo o km.ibor <ii.tb.nij.ort, ivb. re rbe BM .ieliver. ,1 over to tlie r< beb, logl tber oritb ber ralaabb eargo. Ob axaaaInotton «t the lattoBia tha aaUfroa tbai.tbwBloaad tbat ronaiderabb Informaii n bakod oB Btothe ii.untii.il ol tle iinaiiinir leBwhJ.I BB ntlv faB Him I t.ui Boaai lt aapoan baa Bda aaaiaa af ta- fiaaaifan thal tai b ioola \t la utunk Charfaatoa fa f.,r. eu ob tb; adifferenI w,int».,i aapraa fa». aad Baayha thal Porl Boyalfa oa of bb jviut*. l.i infora .i. ei, bet n ta poere-rivii fi UaCharbotoa autl btO|l»alhoa rt nii'v tO pfB| ,ru fot thofa IBBBtiOB, ihut ia if they au p.re uuy leliuec OB R. It i* ,|,.,!.<) li'K'ly ibat tbe rnvfri-i'Hlo wbi'h h.,B been iwi ping along onr eoBtboia BBBB. aad bbbBi pravailed hare on _ilnrday aoiB.g wBhoaBBob turee. faB00.BBBBhB .iriveii Bl BBBBBB.IB of Ibe tleet, or, il uiiiv be. h:.* eo *<-»lte:.'l tben. na t. -l.b.v tbe liu eOf «oi.i.-:i.| bi"--d n'ttvk. If tbi* elI'-iibl | r ve ii IBIBel IBBBOat.IB il will only rive pe oaaa aa_tteaal tbaa ta mak.- aroparatfaBBj aad, at one roiui wbeie *e aaa) ecl tl <ii Ialand to Htta. k, aaVwoava only giiine.1 would cnuble tbem to defy tbe atu<-V <>f tbe neoaJaBa, .S,,w, wb.i i* B.lad ahofl ii. .y pr.,1 ablr bave :iueiti,,u wilh ihe 1. ib.wing, which we find 1 I ..,,1 Saliirtlav moiniuB; we ray it may hare fti\f aoaaaBba with it, 'ulthongb we don't know tbat ii haa Wi aaab tell ii it wua told t<> ua, ailb.ut vouil.ig for ita ocearaaa V / .,,',1-r of Beturday raya: It ia i. .:. ui" -I a ile (.oteriiii ct ba« ii.f'.rma- 'lioii, tle pi.rti- -lirr >t wl i-b hre ii-t ilveii io tl e i,,i" Ii,-, thal !", i.i-:.'B groaadl for ibe ba.liai ibat tbe leet *.. :e i.-i I "^ at l*orl 1.. \_l. turi.i.i.n. Tbere i* ald ta ha haa eww ei <:,pK. i ".r ai.d fn.i rt haibor* <,n ihe AlliLtic BOBBaWBh bul few naiu.-.il advaatflfW forila.le- Ir.ae. lt ie thoofhl >.o' nni rvbahb tn.t ibe enetuy imey b ,. \, __aa taaaai CaarfaaBBa ill .iiiia ii im-ii.vA'iii'Jf "I' I.IBBBBRIl>. '.- ll'iy-H H *. r.'.va tbat a iuuut rxioled iu tbut <iiv '.i aaafajf llit tlen.IIBBBBBd bnd Iffftg.xl, f.nf JQB '."' ,'¦''i' it. A dbpafat fr'i.i Ki, i.iu'ind libu aay* ib'it a fiuiilarrnmorexl-ta tbere, aud for aeveral oa; * th* .jmation haa be. i. a ked n lhi t-tnet, but tho r.-i^irt.r l- BBBBfa t" kbv B thcro any trnth ta il B BB, BB givee it aa a BBB* rent nim..r "f the duy. A BBBBBB B B fa Ilall,- in,.r,- ¦ ettei.lai, w ho ata:. .1 tl.al I e naw < J.o_ Ile.u- re^ar.i at OtaBBBBBB, V.., on MeuJay, eu toire for Charleeton.] I. MIM' The NerfetM Datp J,. :., <! BiadaW. eaya: " Gen. Wiae ie iiill lia i Ii bb laBB, but M it .ouvalee- cei.t, and re.< ive* a ftirge nuu.'ier of virit'.r*. T'.o W ir« [.floa B.I bo wltbdrawa fr,,m Waatan Vlr* gii.ii, uii.l aiiotl er anit to reiliiceit.bat ita future di-uiiiiti, u i* uuknown. llrerkiurid^e wanta to ti,!- it, with Bl MrttBJ BBii.Hii.ler Ni Kenfncky; but W ire tbinka ibe BBOBBy br.ve BBBB deeignH ou Nortb L'.rolina, and prefere to ti.ere. W'herever bo goeB tbe may will luuet a CbBB 'le Lioii.' Kl. llllllNB IN hlSll'KV. Thr Richmnnil F.nquirrr, of the ilb lnat., cor.laiiiB an extraet from Thr Lemiemilia C. urier, of the Mth ult., ntating that rcciuiting for tba Dafaa BBB i* un ei.iire luiluie iu BBBBB of tbe Ktale alludeal to. It Bhyn OwBa, Boaihoa and Clark i-oiintiia bave failed |0 rtipoud, and altemptat" toim regiment* for tbe I.in.olo aervi.e at l/e_ini2,ton, Ifairodehure-, Nicbo- b.rvillo and Lel anon have been uiieueeearful »o lar. BfBB iu I^ouiaville raarBB.f draga heavily. PASSPOHT8. Th' Richmond Enyvirrr tumouncea that it ie er- tremely diflltnlt lo obtaiu a BBBfoB to leave tbe Boatboia Conledera-yor to |«i- through ibe line. oa any pBjtOBB whutever. Iu r,.ui<- reeen Ihe privilr.,-,, b a beeu danied Uriiieh inbiecta, and their only al- ternative waa ta d.-clare tl.emaelvee "alien en- emiet.," in order to eff.<-t thtir i.urpuee, and not in every inetanre wua u paaaport tben gruntt-d, tbe au- tboritliB being more guarded tban ber. tofore about giii.'.tfiii,' I'Ueepwiti to pc-raoni who may deaire to le_.\_ the State. RI MI>nH ANI» SI'Kli'I /tnOBB. Tlii.lvfaliiiioud <orrcr|,"i.,lent of Tht Chnr'.rtfon Mrrrary "f b re. eut .Iat.- eata: " ABBBJ ihe ondili und floniii.g niif "ia, I BBBBBB the following: (leu. Tiaoiiiba ia euid to h*t\o mi'l tben will be no ti_ht ut B___aaa aatfl bhB Bfriaffl thaa ia enougb to- bru.-oin England tola*t two ytara; bu thouaand bul,m <>f .otioii aro at u BB.B p<iiiit m Florida w..it- ing foi ihe YuJiktc*." TBI rtaABTBBB. Tle Vfkuluig Ii'/ .g erl.orta the plantera of the Souih to pre|*re for the eoinlng year bv raieintr pork. beef, u.utton, et<., au. h thit.gr aa will .*>< 11 and ¦aahfa pfaatOB lo pay taxe*. It ruya it a_ aee no prorpct Ibat »be bb.clcudc will be opeiie.l, und thilikri ihBi will bi BO | BBB -Bl 1 tl.e Soiith rlinll l,:- vi.ife Iha N«.th, BM_ mn.»t faj done n< xt vear. Thr Utwfhu AffWti of tb,I l'-th .oiinbiiual.it- terly tlmt fiirmer* in tlu Bfltahl orl.cod of Columbiia, Ky., a.e BOt penuilted by tln- u ililury uutboriliee to B BB tleir ...in, wli. at, auil otl.or pioducl. to tbe Mempbia u.arketa. Ae a connouenc*, whoot aud flour were btioming eitravngaiiilly I igb. A BBOtfag of BBth.ttl wiib lo bo hrbj to take meuiarea to B*> rect tbe evil. iiiii WAM IN ABHOBAa Thr MuilU Ttmtt ti tba 13th nlt. any* an exten- aivi: ia:.i;>aigu in '" uuule agaiuet the Iiuliana oa aoon n,- it i.i known what tbe moveniQnta <.( tbe l.'uion trixij* uie to be. The Tieem aaya aoveral e. BBjaaba will bo kept fa tho field, and tho war muat be one "f extermlnat lon. 'J¦',. IVaaa givee tbe ilataila of tbe mtirder of tho aix meu BM WBO Alio, An/ona, by the Aparbea. 1'ln-y Imd g»no irom the Haahow r BBBB in a.varch of rtock. Klevrn other meu hud beeu aent out in eeiii.b of the hix aaa_BJ peraou-, aud it ia fearv- iin > 1." buve beeu murdered. fym Tiwte nni,,",:. -1 tbat tbe Union troope had ul,.., d"ii. ii Kort (Jraig. KllltlllIIAIIDNI Al' ItlKT ffll.l VIIlt«J, ftY. A letter to Thr fJem OrfOBB* 6're.,nif, from Co¬ lumbiia, Ky., dated the 10th of Octobtr.aaya the for- tiricationa ihera nrogrera alowly, but the iiidiraiior.a aro that Columbua will yet be mado a (ilbrabar lu point of atreugth. There are big guna ai.d gun* cnough monnted tbere. The writer aitya he ia for-! Uddaa to apeiik of the etrangth of tbo , Uua, bnt he tbinka thal precaulion ia iiael.B, aa tlie iuir.it aplea of the enemy, toaolber wilh their guntooi obaervo-1 I tioni place them in poeeeeaion of all the intelligenc* detired. Tho rci;imenta tbere work on the deteiue. ,ix houra each day. 11,41: or ntiu:, On the lat in*t. Mra. L. Batchtaoon of Worfolh, Mr*. Magrawof rTow-Orloooa, and *ever_l Confed gratafl taBOB piiaonerant Iluiteriw, bal *nli*e<|uentl\ rek-iwod ob lakteg UM o..tb not io boararaaagataB ii..- 1'i'i .11 <i.ivern..i'.fit, ariiv.d gj Noifolk frou, Fortret* Mouroe undei u Ihig of tnne. Misi I LI.ABBOCB. The \orf/lk P y BooM aonounce* wirh atlotiriaV that lari/e BMflhon of eouiiterfeit BBBflB on the Bunli of Can.net), 8. C., were foand in the trunks of tht lodianiaaa iiike.n at Chickumicoiuieo. It tayilbt mir m:il| lal'* tire in ihe luiirl* of Northern POOfle, iiiud it baauo doul-t lhat riiotiiata huve printed great BDmbereef thoaotaB, orith thedetign or llouding the Boath wifh the wOfthlgH irtth. Thi /'i iwtond Entfttirtr eoMpklafl thr.t lhabaah< ing bi ti otbar S'ate lafltfttnioBi ot tlmt laaiofl do Bd Btaaa kaava tl.e MBaaadi tt »tock ow_al by l.'niou n eu in IhOM luadtMlOBO, and eull* for « li-id ia- V. iti-iitiin, in order thut all Northern inve*tuiei.U there aay I e prompthf iwgiflgtratad. Tht tforfoti Ihty ti >ok h printed on brown wrer- ptagpapor, It lo tha only papor pabHabad luNorfoik, and Miy-, n* had aa ihe pM ei ia, it hai not. enoug'a ot it topiint more ibitn one fourth of ita edition on. Il baa bo*OB, owoier, of b.-ing able loget a oiipply ol v. bIm i ajer in a few iraoha* ThaBMB iii.rket in .New-Orleana, for the *upi\j of lha n.-edy fufuilk* of aoblkra aud poor peci| U KCiierully, BBB proved a gr«-at |a00MB. Af.fti-1'i-t o|. ni. g of tb»' uiarkct anptd-M w< io furni-lwi I i 1,-oui pix to »even iboupuuvi {-apBvaridad ettlaaaa Th SomMfrUmm* Crm >.l flara lhaaa laab_M or gold in ruor.it-,ry cirak* there, wliLiii* ¦en! ..t. r iut-i K- atachy for the | uichaoe oi" MpfKa forthifsoutli. A l.a11 ptovi.img that. IBBMI and hrnkeri *huli not rbuiKe BMM than live per ceut for <oi:i BM been bronghl forward in the Tenueeaee Legi lature, Tkt Entjuirer bu* raieed tbo Ilagof Duvk anc Blophona wboaa raatoctioo It lavow. 1 .. re B a gNBl Mfl-dty of printiog paperat Khh n ot-d. atid T!- J'ntj'iirtr,h\ loneenueucc, hfc* cul off all lobardban who are in urrear*. The Virgtaia lire and .Mmnho [aaaranra Ctan. gao] aaa jaat dadarai a Madaaaaal divliflai of tal pBI e.-nt. ihe Baaaal n.eeting r.f tho BtcehhoHatB of tta On.tigound Ala-aadna Kailroad Coaipaay ia ta M hi-iii at ('lutrlott.'Bville to-morrow. ('i.e huudred wl.ito girla, to work on eiirtiidge* B the hhoiatorv in Kichmoud, are advertked loi ii .. Enotttrtr, Tiier..- are two jla<ce of nmu*emeut open in Bicb a i..i. BIOIBBIOI BAKBAKITIKS. J L- f. I! iwing i* an extruet from a ktter from t K*'.tl- ii.uu oi ihe higheat reapectnbiliiy in IllinoLi, tt bi* friend in ibie city, dated Oct. Ul '. Ve-, iny i.'.-.ir H ,apflvateO uenr the borden ,.f VIi- ,,iiri not la leel intenft lv exiited by Ihl M-eiirn tl.ut are botag et Ai ted in tbnt Si.it.-. Ba_B> riooaadrohalBoaan bmbm.l on tlavaryhoidon of Ull! il*. TLe ue.w*ii«|)er* have iiit'oruiid IBi o! t«.e iiuiieriiiinitigof n mili'-.td hridge hy tl.e liebt U, hy whi.li *. or.» of men, w :nn, ae 1 chilirru were HU'ldeiilv * Bl IntO ('"ii i v, und *,re..t iniu.hera, who waroaM killeil wiUtaht, ~ere muiaied for Bfe. tv<-ne*eiiunlly hrutal, tMBghaMaoAeatraettra, bi nbdlMlj "f ln.iii.ii 1.1*. BM BflMJ 'ky i^rietruted bi lha 'Oaiaah' of Hhaoarl A bmw sawarily *et of .avaneadoc* uot exi.t. Two of nv thrt* BuBfl gga BBM iu the l'nion army. Ihe oldeet ia eut tain ot B cotupunv, but Frank, our pMMgMl L.y, ia only iipii.atu. B'bareiu the Iflld ui BUBBOBrL and b. lh huve l:< j.ieiilly enjoyd tl.e _ru'. ith nliou of ai.iellinir gB_1 ow.ier iu LiUilo aitli th^ B*OOadoa nie- ggjfl, One day a aiiall t aity of Minwuriati", con- Bfl |gd heliind u wo«-li ik.iioae to tho nllBoai, lire-1 ii.to the rara nt tbey wcris paaaing, an.l kilh <1 uu *x- .-4-lleu! yOBBg BM8 who ww tlttinK hy the tide ol Frank. Tl.e vonng nmn BMflflBBBatB8 hl that OOW* Brdly raanter woe Frank* bo*om friend, ajul bo'h were ooru ia tl.e aame couiity. Kver elure tbM day. Praah hao aavor haaa ta a »kirn..eli with IhoMta Bouri Boball wit'iout tahtag d*ill.etate*iiu aud droi.- ] i..,'ln* DUiiti. lur Uie hoy la h CBpital ehot, and ul- wayabita hia ABidaa Baaayi ha Mall no more eom- it:i,Y i. i, lu killiiia,' B Miaoati KeLtl thau he would iu killinir a niad nov. \ . ni hurdly renlire the feroeity wifh which Sluvtry in«| irta the uwuer oi u ueuro tt two. LvoU , wm a ala»e, or ou* u nwned tu il i: By, * ia luany in-tancea, to have eua' -ilc'e her foadnino ni'uie and ta Late becomc a..\*».f. A womi.n of weulth. the BMBM flf 'ii> I r of alavec, wiion a t*_i,if Cherokee lndiana, a i -tr i.n i.t.'.t ago, eaaa ta tho *,ith of BBflMVij «!.*-e the liv.-e, to j -. 11. tt l 8ee,-e*ir.n army, nuder M-CuBoeh "f Texii*. that woman, or rntber fiend, i'.l-h.-lv oflerod tha Iiilion* a l*n<e rewardiftbey woi.la biin.- L-1 ' Vankee lri»*-*..il a-ali* enouuh to bbb. rpMM for her bed. Ihere ii uo wi*- " iiie MMB f'rocitv rxi*t^ wherever Slavary ii fo'itil Ia.*t J.me, a heautiful and accompli.heil ft\t\, a naiive ,,t WtttttM Aew-Vurk. ouployett a* u laa l<r ln New-Orleana, waa dniggad. ou MukIbv i. ratag, to Jtukaon H|U'irr, BM placed in ut nmdttatt niiturtr in lha preaenee of i.iaiiy huiidreiir of ape. tatofB. Iti'-ludii g acoiei of well-dreaaed w..fi,in. lotte lutter tha poor cirl u :nk* B heart- randing uppehl, thut ih_y would ,*\e her *ei from tu. l, uii outrage. But they repl.cl only by je*r« urd iniul!*, lolnBg l.er it BrBB BO BMfB tBBB avaij Yankeo woman deaerved. The unfortiinate girl wua laii.ilajid feuthared, and then lui.iilM-1 from the State, Witho.it r,-< 11-.ing the s.-.hiry due ber. You ii.a> rely upou Ihe i ntire tritli ol ihi* Btateuient. lt eon.ei i n the BBthority of a ppectntor, njvon wbo*e word aa nt.|.li it relknce can a placed aa upou that of any muu iu the ouiuiuDity. " I hope and trutt thut Ood d«>aign* to make thi* wick.-.t r«h. llion the Inatrnraent for ri.tding our laurl from lh* tur*e o/Hlavery."'.[Albauy Kva. Jouinul. a Bll. THOMAB'B HFPOHT. Oen. Thornaa'a Keport t. tl.* tSerra-tary of War ha* atfbided the opjHirtunlty to tliose charged with deii ii ling tbe Ooverument to deuy in toto ol! eneh Imputa'i.ns. In uddition to tboae ulreadv printed, tbe 8t. 1 jiiii* pupera publuh the followmg iviM*, proiiiidiiig moru of the autne *ort St. I.OI-I*, Mo.Nov. 2, |ML T hi ,'iidt.r l.tnnal L. Taouai, AdjnUtut-titt.tr.il Intttd '.« Army: Km: I htve juat read your oflkial ronort on th* eoodition of tho Weatern DapartaaBt, satoiOata- lharSlflflH, dire.;ted to the Socretnrv of War, in whkh referenco i* made to myeelf, oa followat i;- ll'ii.t. :¦: .t-il .¦) e.«.'.»'- l.« lia.l ;.||' :i--.|.. ,t a m-ill- t*n r-|.ort fn.ni oi.* ..I hi* ( oloaali, iaforn.ing bim lL*t bul laaBll v.i.t of a buu.teJ ..f lua gutit weuiil go aff. iha*« w-re tbe guot prm ..11*1 by 0*B. Kieiii.'iit In l.urcpa. I will li*... atat» that Oen. Sherman, at Lo:,t.vi!l... mal-tcniea ilimlai t.'ii.|..al.il ot Iba g.eat Inlarlorlty of tb*** F.urarNan ,i .. Ili l.a.l al.en Ih* ineu ord*ri to fll*-own lii* ai| I'I"*. In i..ei.aliun lyithl'ol. Bwoid.. A.llttB'.t Uiltrt.nn.atnr- (/nier.il at L< .-iiiitil.e.Jii.t t' * a t'l'i.'.n i*( l.« atat-J li.al Bf. H*l,,y*r, who w.a ln rurope wlth Onr. ciem. u\ wiole t.j i. aie fnnivl iu Iag PMBB.M that Li* abai* cf tli* prulit. of (L* parekaat "f tbeae arn.i wai B9MM ¦ If the uhove ptHienient of vouraii trtie, a* eoming Irom (ol. Swoida, then he (t'ol. S.) hn* heen K')'I,y of diaatattag a Laat) uud tinili-'ti tiit falaehood. 1 bave rc-vi r inode u dollar, diiuctlv or itidircttly, oal of ui.y Brm* ordered or purchaiieal hy Oen. Fremont in Baroaai nor bave I ever written ta *ny fnend, in CaUibniiat or elaawl.ere, thut 1 luNI mado, orextuvt- od to uiuke, a dollar in auy mauner, almp-, or lorm,. out of pu h purclni**. I um iin.ii/.ed, Hir, that yin thotild make ta the S'' rninry of War an oflh iul rajmrt biiaed on vniri.e iuloiuiutiun, uud vaitluiut po* tive evideuce of the li. i. Vary reai^ctlullv, y.<ur ob t a.-rv't, A A SHiOVfH. Ib th' i'-.f.'r. i Thi st. i.ciin BvaMBaa. (ieu. 1 hofiiB* l.a* beon Midly uikiiil'ormed/iaidiown iu iurepi.it iu lalatiaa toaanaaliiaiCampBaatoa He "..y*: " LtAVfl HMM cf Can | Benton, thoee bat- rt.<-ka Japeiiking of theae on Choieau aveiiuej were built uy contract on publiahed pronoanl*." Now thia i*i|Ulte wideof latti>. Benton Ilurra. k* were Imili bl the duy'i work. at low wii/roa lor mtx hani- Bd lub .r- |l BO ptr day. A rimall portiouoftho girjBBT duo for aaid bibor wa* j.ui'l byiien. Alc Kinat'ry iu the moiith of Auguat, from moncye bar* rctved liom privute eour .-*. 'Ihe balatice k atill due from tbe iJtpaitiutnt. And here, in juntke, k-t BM aay, that no body of meeliiiuica ever eurned th. Ir bire more fnllv and ikhly tban dt.l tboae who per- ErBMd iI.e lunor ou Benton litrruck*. Iu thi* con- aaettaa it may bo w«ll for mo to data that I ni.vii ba glad at ull tiii'it* to give iuformatioa in relation to the tc*t of any atul every portion of luid woik, to f' -I e intereated in inveaigating on tli* part of the (.jovBinmet m thia city. A. B. OciiE.t, An i.lt.ci ..evl 9up'l iientoo iiaiiica.. $i. unii, Oct. 4, mei. im- THI-: HON. IfiPlIP I'-LY. Tt th* ti.lor nf Th* N. f, IV.ui.i... Biu: Muih itull" iJid uom-euae haa httn publiahed iu tho Northern papeiB, deiogutory to the digniiy of ihe Hon. Ut. Kly, now a prkouer ln Kichmoud. Time in tba nuii.eii.cu! with Mi. J.ly. iu tle n._,o roora, leada me to By, that at no time ein.e be hae be- n in prlaon hna he etoeped from flmt diguity which ae a men.I er ef Ociigrcri bo t-hcnld po«!>e_*. No waahiugof dbbB, BO cirryingof wnter, ia done by t'lOofficr?; ptfBt* a ure d.-tuii.-.! brtfaM pnrpeee irom among ou: ineu to pe.form the woik At no time bai Hr. M I.td for pixoll or rclei_C; be bri-.t been dex-l.ired'a rxi onerof war, and ia eontaatod io riiiii-iiu baprfaoaoi a.fl «.a*i_iWe rrleu.cd aloug witb bia brother olhYere. He wh« liv.lv, ahiafha, f.1, f f .u and iii'iebief.lnfart the hfe of tbe priaon, nnd ie iwgardod by tl.e Union efficLra aa a very plaUMl CaTapeaion. CoL Coreoran and Mr. F.ly weie Ihe lioim of Kichinond, and niar.y have been tbo biibcB oflered foraBfbl at the duttngubbod Yuiike. e. Br*'li ue rlrong for tbo Union, und hope ¦aattogin tbi Bebob a laeolpl in full for ull tnc iu.ultsofli n dal tbeir handa, Keguulingt'ie de-ireto eec Mr. i.ly aad ('ol.( orcorari, I know ol OM iratanre, Abore iiu'.jld fBtflflBBfl l'nt.i roiahoola", Va., even wr nt m br M to -B. the Co i.Lii__ry $¦<' f".r u juia lato Ibo pri ^n, b'tt to ., porpe ., ai all v._tori v.ero excluaeri. Jaatfao to Mr, Ely. and the peo' le be repreaeute, induree me toaek a publicatiou of tbia uote. I.IEUT T'ARRY BOI R U___OW. I h. N'o. ll.. B th Jlat -t-ret, riiiMelrlia, Pe, LOCAL MILITAI.Y _l._ni.flS. ..«.. MOBB i .'NNIiCTli I T 1.OOn (OMixn. Tl 9tb f'oonaetlcot Votaateera, aadei r~ma.ad of CoL CihiU, left tbeir Camp al Kow-Haven i bw .aadaraitpwiBitBBionedBLowBlBbai Iharywilj r-«n bo joioed bv the 12th Legmrtrntof theeanK B*.te, eoao-Onded hy C«l. If'nrv C. I>em- ing. Ilotb buve been Mafaaed t<> fleti. lle.tler'a di- Iviri.n. Tbo lltl, Coiiiieiti.ut BeghMM volunteera I; v.ill i roeood to Wa .iagton i" a ww tiuy*. o*id, on 11 its way through tho city, will be eut-.tiii.ed by tbe ,! ooM ofCooaaiticnt, 'i'be Bb Begfaaat of tbia Sime I faB Bi B.BBBBBB at Jamaica, L. L, la.«t Week, ai.d bM iofaaa (ien. lturcride b diviaiou at Annap- -' oli_, together witu tho 10th. >,\ BOUBBBB1 I.BSOBta It.v.li.I roldi"ra will b. ar in nind tbftt tbeir pen- Buui uuBiiiaara froa tbe daB of tbo MBBBBoaof II proof of chiim, and not from date of a_Bbaqp. lt b tl ndl re for tl cir interert to preaent BTOB of their >Iditaoi.ty aa sc,on aa thev re.r-ive their dta bargo. Any inv'alid aolier BBT obtata hia BBB l>y pre- re.'iimgut tbe offlee bb BBharge und BPBIM* tifirate, und tbua eave the cxpenae of eaploying un BBBBa ¦tax A CBAPLADT. Mr. Matcbeii, wh<> efleiated ut tbo fmei-l of Lieut..C.l. I.l.ler of tl.e 10th Keginient, on Satmday laat, deafa¦ tbat 1 e ia an ex-c1 aplniu, tis rew rftd in Taa 1, IBI ... itvl nayp Lo probubly ahall DO- be un¬ til thoendof tbi_ iiojuetifiable rebellion *h_il have eoiue. Pltv.i-r.NTATIOV. Abi'te taaipany of civili;Bl and ofll.er. e-vaetn- Modhal inaba; B ibe Aahtaai Boaoe,taOtbtb ..i of tue i r. aentai.ion of a eword lo Ja.ob C. flfhonair. Qaa*MnaMMf af the Ira Har. rfaOBB*.¦ Many of the OdfaBB of tho regiment were prooeilt. A pn(rio-:> Bjecch wa* n.ade by .. I.ovi.1 <>. CrOBB, vvhich «a* reiponded |r» by-tbe -cJ, '.. A .-'.11 lioB foll'.wcd, B whleh OBVoral BpoochB were made .and toaata dn.nk. ii,/. iMBBUa'a RROIR-RRB. The loOoa if'V b-Mer B-pfa_B itrelf: Fa B* Kditaraf TA* V. Y. Ti Baaa Ba I B - ee i-i-t,. r*«e of yojr iwue th;. -*t* . r*p.y a.)1n|: _ v. itais thal ilm* *re no Yoluntaei Lngineer . city." , _ | would bav* you diaabuaa n.yaelf.ind o't.er re-n.tlngem- crtabr plai.'.lr lr.foi_lu| vob.i'.t. aud the p-j-.lo.tUt the ..(oluueer F.i.gla.*r Raa fem.ina .' Hrml.luait..ra, lorner of f haa.ber. ai d 4_.ih.ni ,ur\, Only ArVi .aip-le* rt allb f.l. Hen.n. ar-.-l a'ne. " "r, tb. YariAx Hatlny la. beea li_p*part*d. Tha of ihe on-jnii- at U_ r.iu...,t i. I;.., lag -uJri.,;.;i:ili,» T«-T-ply '¦." Jayiiap«rtl,io«..oM aratar m - tbr cca- Bdaaea Sioad la laorati-e ?<^**%Zi& ll^Ca O V. ipacti.>y. W- b- l*--R->Be, se g -. t. >. u. rkiHippnrt, 24or.'l, 18_1. - A Btundof colora will be proeer.ttd to the ..ab Bofrimeet Now-Torh Vtdtwtoero. CoL Ztv k. by u ('..u.iriitlee of Now-Yoth mcrrhant-, nt Iha e'uan.p- tuent of the regiment, Stn'i n bfa.nd, t.'il.iy noon. At Camp t'nrngan, DbvUb Inland, a llag. trot np by the 1h.ii. of New-Yoth, will oo iiY»-ient.,1 to tbe " Thrfd liiah,'' olid Kegimc-ut MJBB ROlh »tale Yol- uute**ra. On I .Bday aajM a aword,.aeb aud bnlt were rrer-nteil to i',|. K rT.v_ai!oai"ki ,1 _B BM New- York \ oli-teere, by ilr. ». BBfa_lld. v, bo eceom- panied tbogift witu au apfri.pthue aj^-ih. An eu- ijtertaiun.etit waa fiveu on tho MMB.B ut yo. '.''.. ,' 1- ii'iii aveuue. Mdt IAIF_N'I. OJ THOOPS. The 1'Jth lregion, i.mler couni.and of Col. Van W'yck, will H-.iiv- ii, town t' m BBB in,; ea r^ii.e for '-i,'..,.. t ,,f wnr. ThoBoBoaf Otaaaa riml BeUirMi reeidei.t iu New-York will givethe lypgiuii a heaity arakoBoaadaraaA.Ithi Maaaad wiih a «ta_dof clIo-ut tl.e Kvcntt Houie. Ihe pro<e.ai,i:i will bl foimed ut tbe 7th Kegimeot Arn.ory aud march lhaaa tatha BmmB I(uu»e. The it>giment haa bc<"i raiae<l princ pally ia Orarge aud .ullivan couutiet, aud tbe men are chielly larmere. Bot.i a_aaacBi urn iboom* Ibe ofli' ere.i tbe Bd Bogiaw B.Col. Jobn Karti, wbirh will errive here'm tlio Hih inat, wi'l bo en- tertaiued witb a bieakfu-t at the Aator Ilonne, by ibe Soiis of MBertach;ir_-tt«. V. fi. QIAHllltMimB- OfflCBa Tbero ba. been uuite a relaxatioti in the bitaitieae of Ili- DopartaaM O'lring the laat tbree or four day*, but to-day reiiieitioiiB for ihe tniii*portatiin of four regiueiith to Waahington have beeu mn.le oi I I. l'i,,. pkli a. Tho regiment of itrtiilerv under Mnj. Bin uctt, couij" ae<l of eightcompaniea of N BBB eaeb, v.ill be forwardod from Eha l'ark, stuteu Islaud, to \rV_*»hingt«.n, by the Camden uud Amboy line. Tbe SOtli Befta.B Ha _. Voluateera, iiiimbering Llt'i' uiin, witb eix horaea and aix piecee-.f urtillery, will aleo lea^ e foI Washiagton to-day, by tbe BOW- .leif.-y Bl.road an.l Trauaportaiiou CrmpiLy'. line. A regiment of 7'M) rr.en, now .juartered at Turtle Bay, will be forwardeil bv the aame route. In OOaOMBBaM of the ififflculty e_perienoed iu the Tri a* iry Ucpartmeut ln produciug treatury n, tea in autiicifiit iiu.i'iiiit to i.ie.-i tbe dctnand. tbe numt.er of' unpaitl blBa aeOBBB.Btfag hi thia office atead.Ir in- reuuea. The lart remittnneeof 4».'*0'.,,0i Owaa iiBed to pay oil tlie bi.ii of lougost tUndiug, wbile otli*r* wero h.1.1 over, which in aildition to ihoae .iuce con-, tra. ted, amount to about $400,000. TO THK ROO.RBI..M OF NIAV-YOKK. Tbe moiicfti 0.BB iu charge of Camp YYuahiugtou fratefnllv itcknowb dgea the reci ipt of Contributioata of bookafor tbe uee of the library he te forming tor ibe camp. 'Iho gentleinen who klndly promiaed d.uiati"U", tii'l thoee willing to routribute,. an insure their «afe deliverv by forwan'iug them to Dr. Ellte, I'oat DBfBoa. CMnp ^Yttallillgtun, care of St.iteu Ulaud BxatOB Company. THE _____Na 0f CQfa. BABBBa Ha noi.Mof tb1 Iat i Coi. Baker will bo aent fro.u WiablngtOB tbi* BMtatag to Pblla.lelphia, where «p|.rYYpr.af'« arTfingemeiiti _ive been BBB for thi ir rt leptivii. 'lbov will bo MMftod to Indepeu-! <i« u.e II.ill bv Col. Ili. kl.'-. a Iat Kegimenl Intaiitry u:. Col. Pawfa. m Keglment lufantiv, wbere the bo*Jy will lemuiu in atatc, oj n to publie view till BitRiday. (ln Suturr'ay the body will be bronght to Ibia city,' wilh a t.ulitarj eecort,and be nlaced fa tho City Uull until M.uiday, wheu B W.l bi taken t) the ( ..lii rnia atoo.wr, whfah aaila tbat day. Ariauge-: Di'-nta will be mude for au cicort and IMffMM in tbia city. li'ci'iM.ii I. /OIAW. l_B8_BTATIOB. Tbe pfOBOBt.Iob of ihe llag to Col. D'_fbai.'i I Bogbaaatof /'I'uivea, wbic'i waa to faBN oeeuriai .,-' il.v :i'Cnuip Lealin, Stuteu Ialand, waa BBBB* imrily poBl poaed on aceonnt i.f the atoras. 1 he cere- luouy will take phuo on tbe lir.t fair day. ? -BMT AND NAYV. About M oi'i, er* hnve b -eu placed upon the retlred liat, bvihoAuiiv Ketiiing Board, wbi, Ii >.ii!l con- lini. * i * laboralu Waahiiigt'in. The ui.-' nromi- ueut of the Bl.od olfli-era ure: Ihon ia Nan.ei llauk. ,>e.,». YVinliald Kcotl.Breret-I.let'*.. Oaner*!.Ml Bylveetee ci.aubbl. baeeoWa Ueneni._ , l.'.lui J Ah.i,.Col. Topograp.i, *1 Eng.47 OoVl Bl i.-r Morii..CoL Iat lutanlry.31 | n. _, ... BaaaaYlll*.Coi N 1. i.nirr.«a . l.oi, f'-n M'urli.Lt.-l ol 4ti> luf*iii. y.:m' Joaepa lt. -u.iiU.Bi«vrl-J.l.-C.l. 7th iuiant.y.41 ivii.* Keeraae.Lt.-('ol. Tup. Kuglnean.Bl Caaipbell Umiiaiu.Major T..|i. Ki.giBaara.*> (lile. I'orter.V.joi tlb AttiTor;.0 II. I, Ii .tt.Iii.rvector-deneial.2$ Col. Wm. W biatler of tbe Ith Infantry, altbBBB bb nauio in uot oa thi retired lia, hue beeu liiniully rOtirod for eoiue yeara. He ia the oldeet ofliier iu ibe uruiv, baving BBM eoauabBoaod in IBBI. hi.vct-Col. W . Tbiiyci- of the Corpa af fa_ffa*_J. WhoM MM ii now before tbe Board, luia aeeu a g.aat dcalof imimco, having enteicd ihe army aa Beooud; l.ieuli iiuiil of RagmMH iu l'obiuary, lbU^. He waa brave'ed CoIoboI iu Mtirch, leW, and upp' tuted I.i.u'. ( olonel in July, IKW, which rank he now) boJdi. Col- Tb*W a late *how* ibe exireitte »*. w- - '" ¦ '' "¦."¦¦ . tl neae of promotiont in tbe Corpi of Enpfaeen, After nfiy-threo yeani eervi, e, he ia only liaat.-Colonel, aluiou-h he baa held the brevet rank of Colonel for mor* tban twenty-oight yeara. The three new ai.'ftn'era on the stocka at tbo Brooklyn Nuvy Yard are being pnehed forward gg n.l idly ua the rt.ourcea of the yard.and they aro not by any n.eana limited- w ill allow. The piopel- ,ler Ontiia ia the ncanet eompletion. Wben her dea k ii cuulkcd, and her aidea painted, ihe will ba teady for launcbiuji. The dde-wLael eUumer Oa> tarow haa nade very good progreu. Tbe caolkera are af wo:k upon her, aud ehe will eoon be planked up. Tbe hurk which wonld bave interferred witb I er, M ing lauuched, haa beea tut away. Th* pro- peller Aftuondtick i* the leaat advantedof the three. bnt ua «oon a* tbe Orxida ia off the atocki, ahe will he hattfad forward wifhotit dclay. . Four ateaiiiere, re.-ently BM iuto eommleaion.tho Com.eeiiciit, Supi'ly. .iautiugo de Cuba, aud 8bep- ia rd Knapp.are aiill at the yaid. The two latier will aail today. The Coune< ticut i* taking io freth provkiona, aud, aa well a* the Supply, will leave fo ii .l.iy or two. A wliit/>*mith'i »hop io being erected on tbe IV radogroiiQd-ttached to the Biouklyii Marine Bar* raeka. Ita dimensiony are 2-* feet by 10 feet, and it will lmve aix fiiet laca.'i. Tbh look* aa if buaineae wai not expecte.ii to denea.e juat yet. .1 NEW ATLANTIC S'JTEAM COMPAST. We take tle following intercating deacription of aome int. ndtd rronrter ocean itt-umen from tftab* '.". strt/»i tSitpftng Journnl: ¦' Tha TiauH-ilttuiic l.'xptet * S'eamdiip Company," forniinr'io run iuipro\ed Great _iaat*rna to New- Vork rmder teven du.ya, but ouly halt 'ho tuunage of the li'.ij Bifp, ha-.e theexperience of Brunel and Ku_- *.-!! at theujriide. Ihe new ateamere will be fiOO feet iu le ith, 79 ftat l.readtb, and 30 feet iu depth irom tbe i.pper deek to the keekon. On the .par dock will ho u gia&d ualo. i under the Lurricano ,le< k, MO feet iu lemMh, wifh 164 gtate roorrui enter- ing iuto lt. The ki.k-a wi'l e the lotiiviiudinal par- titioiia iprtagtag from aide kekonB. Ihe bi-odtnof tho mIoob will be 35 feet, uud iikht 10 foet o" inchea. The draught of wataf will Le 17 to 18 feat; io tbat from tho 1. na 1 t.c to the top of the hurrkane deck will i-e -- feet C iuchee. Frori the water level totho upper deck will be 12 feet, aud then 5 feet bulwurka. [The *Li|ia will Le br_lt iu three water-tigbt longitndii.nl bulkheada from bow to etern, which will give them enormoua itrength. 'j lu* dnalaBB converti tbe pliij,* below the load line to perfect tubular divkioue, taking the form of three di*t iutt ahip*. In ndditiou to tbe fore and aft LulkLeada, the interccpting crota partitioua will aiibnJ addiiional eecuii'y, and give altogether fifiy water-tight compartmenta, *o that the veagel will be ncaily uurinkabie. Ihe two eide longitudinal par- titiona are 20 feet apart, and thua, aa the tbipa are ',5 feet hcam, they make tbree cinal divkioni of 25 feet. 1 he boilera, cook and raacninery are tobeia the two aide aection*, wbicb leavea tbe middte divia¬ ion of & tett Irom etem to ttern free from all breaki. Ue main, l-.wer and orlopdecka will be lit ted with M> itate-rooma; and each eahin being eeven feot eoiure, and uolding oulr two paaaengera, they can atford urcommodatiou oi thkaort to _,SW1 peraoni, and aam , boddaa, .'',000 tona of eargo. They are to be propelled with two acrewe, on* under each qoar- ter. and two tide naddle*. Each set of ecrew en» gftMfl v II be Lxed lougitudmally. to avoid lateral iar, and tbey will huve new modei of counecling Vod». TLe paddk-wheel enirinea w ill have no center ahalt, exeept a tmall oue wnh a piuionon eaeh gear- ing workiuir into tootbed twheeu on each engiaa ahalt. By thu contrivonie tbe ecrew and pad- ,:!,. on one eide cau turn ahead, while the onea on tbe other aide cau back ua- tem. The abip* con be ateered by the ma- chitiery if the ateeriug gear were carried *wny, and they woo'd never require aflUa to bring tLem up to the wind, theiefore matta und yarda may be dia. I eiired wiih, aud bo leeaen tho tendency to rolliog trom too wti.Lt. An onliuary eteeriog wheel k to ho provikd. but the taipa are to be ateered by a lombi'iB'iiin of ilatm aud water cylinder*. A* aa extru precaution, eide lim or ruddera will be fixed, worke.i, ou an emergomy, by B gaotred alioft, apov wheel, and t\ indle, kd to u rapatan or steam ahift. PBtaBB be ,rfl ttavelera, for running the eargo to und from the Lu'. Ua\i, will he attavhed to all the Le- i wetn de. k*. Tbe wuru int; i* to l>« done by ateam piiea; Md tkxibk hoae will be attucbed to amother lirea by vap.r. The pro caa ot' ventilatiou by trap vdvea ai.d ur-dr-. i. Lt pipe* ida-et rihed iu our CBI- umu* latt week B to be udoptad. To alford light below, the floor* will be interaected with honey- vo...btd iton-frun.ed glaaa. There are munv otber ruinor t*iutnvaccea lo render the thip* hcaluiy and agnaahh) to poaaengere; but the 0BM point tho tp-t-d. It ia iutended to give them large eugino poaer, not neoeeaarilT to work alwaya at higb preaaare, hr.t to aapjly aa abuud_nc* of ateam. The nomii.tl hora* power ef tbe eugiaea will eqonl the Oient E-BMra'a, ulthougb the tbip* will not ba more than bull her taunage. Il k eeiimited that tbair total .Ikplacemeu will be rather over 8,000 tun*. and that the midahipa, or greateet aection ot di.| Lu-emt-nt, will be near upon 1,200 etjuare feet. When loaded, they will draw etghteen feet, or uiue feet leaa than the Great Eaateru, and alto- geth. their depth of hold will be 28 BM le*». From thtir Hght draught of water and dkplacenient, loupled with an iodic*t*d horee-power four Umei their nominal, "r 1,001, it k confideatly nfllrmed by the promoiera and puii utt-ea ti.ai a maximam apeed of thirtv ututute uilkt will be ttttuined; but for th* obiect abuBTht to be gained.natnely, making the pgg aage from Brktol to New-York in k*e than Mvel davg.hii averago of eoventeeu knot* only reqni eite. If theae »bipe accompluh thk rate f »p*ed they will tommaud mail*, f-petie, and paiaengen BrMMh linea of railway* to tl.e BrkU'l dockn, am down to the river'* iiKimh, are in couteroi kk^ior Th* (jreal Weaiem liuilway baa guarauteed foui per cent oti the *tock to eotietrucl or.* line, *nd otber* will be done by iudependenl compuuke forta- ing for tbe paapooa. Another part of t_eproj*ct il to ti.ll for niaikatMilford Haven, and oif f^uoeue- town for luteat telegrama aud Irkh lettert anu rewt- papera. It k prea-iuiad that, tnking into conaidert the contemnluted rate of aj^eJ of tueae new expreo. ateaiuer*, tdo Holvlieail und Onhlin ronte wo ild nc utahthe veaaek'at Cork, suppodug the maik t leava Loodou aud the eteumer to aturt from Brittc ('hiini.il At tl.e amu* liour, unieoa the Diaehiuory of Ibe Utter brokc down bat a* all tb* propelkra ara to he worked by indopet-dent aeta of engine*, foi-.. ditl'ereut aeta miiat triva way heiore th* ehlp woalJ be left without propelling powtw." *!!f*mifm^mm*mmmsmmmMaajaj CaB.h*i-ge Caltle Tlarltei. Bif.'.ii'.pu foB Thi If. Y. Triiic.nb.by Obo. Bcpv. N»vb«bbb *. 1MI. Wbola nomlier of CattW at tnatket, 1,'jil; ab'ut l.OfX Paare* a-J aW Ptora*. ror.aialng of WarUug Oxbb, biilob Cowa, anJ on*. two, aad tl.ree year oU*. _Pa'.CEtop MaaKKT Bbbp..F.xira, »,._.*'. ii. *rtl gaality gi 79: teeond .-lallty. flg| thini c.all-y, r'J'o.ttl. )'.- *a opbturb Cbttlb..Woituig Oito. par palr, troa fb.) to r .'' Cowi Bail C-Tei. ft.nu *ii, 030. to gJ4 Vaarltnn, t"..W-BHSO.Twa year-old*.$tl<r*>14 Thraa-Tear olg*. OI4 to *17. s ie.-p and l.tii.tn %1tt at market: prloaa la lat*. 01 .09 i-l eeehi extra, BM *I U\ ot froa -M-P IB. .l'i.i.g Laoiiit, noue. B-.-afPB Fl-OV . ,11 «r»TB. Callla. Bb'p k L'b*. l.'aivaa llvrtt*. Bwiaa. Malna.t^T) 5^ N*w-Haoir>i'ilr*.*a5 .. .. Vermont.497 l.OaJ * 99 Ba_*abaaflt*. 90 ¦¦ .. .. *. :v»wVork.190 919 .. .- ¦ Weatwii. 91 " .. '* laaada.!_* ___ .. ^ __ BB_rSaHi',«__^TaB^,aSta p'-.r***, !**.» ,ar_ fail ..<kiu..7<. c. ftt>- ... .. ,.jJf ,otWagk'it th* N l'.. I'r,. Kxtr.a.,.lPir.tqi-.a.llyL'.'^n°7_(.r,1^,,h, b*at, Urge. fat, flall f*f Ox*. f«^_|_uS- baittbraa- bei-t gra-* -1 Oleo.tb* b* *t .tal -fed ,°»*_.Dd th* lefua* of year-.'.d Btaura. UrOttnty couaial. tf Uta . _* trbta thoa* of iaftriot ?aBBP-r.xtra Inol jimCotttt: f quality are trrowo c :t. j Truuk aad Kaatern Rall- Tlier* w*ra 4J cart ovar toa' _j^ _,! cj 0TM int yi,CB luad, l."over lh* Bo.too *»* burg. _ .ijpplv of cttle, * great propor- RB*AKK.-Tl.erel.au!*fd,pr'',,.|t.b)a Br ..otlTng>..* r.'yj. \* bead. tBIiMblM BM"1"1' *** Telegrapk. inarutita.«T" _ NV_._T -,h^.. ,,.,,, ._». U^.^'-^ilBOBiwa. Pa** «'¦» _** lOHNTiW- B*Ktat«*rf«. »<WL Kll,I0BTi -.u-hangad- UB bMb. ( *"»«» "T l0 S^t-York. Boata aaica. A r ,0ur Bl** ^ U»i,2L' iuUu Or.lo, 1. bow afloat on tbia iW, carrjleg oT.J.b*',h, .rtfavoabl* oPPtilOBl'J. UBB luka and »i.l .riiyeattnt . VVheat, T.lMbeM. aatg.lwt^^^^*s B,#- Mbia >.«.¦ Arr Nov t-** Dlou.(of Botton). M_t "»M-1 98, inbv.ila.ltou.-iB*; .. j , st. Thooiaa O't. -». »icA bebi y['W*&chVt)&* b_ MM.Voa.mW. a* tu (., B \N L*»i« A_A _____; 1 NoT 4 lM. ¦ tt, Ba uaad . i--.ei.ch .hr'^S taowtegaad .ud kta 7^ 01. ilgaa ad e .'un-ai. atit. «p»-,"«l"* _, _.'._. *-__a .ibub. BtS B--BA*B**»«*kiuia i*. fc J.M ia*e*B~*

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1861-11-07 [p 8].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1861-11-07/ed...aadcookingataaaflay tamhar,iriftaaoi, boxee, Lur-rclp, trutik*, ehantie?,

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Tcr.ts, Shanties aiid rrovis!i0ris g^epf Of.


I-epicrable Condit-' .0n 0f tlie 2Gth lndiana.


pitii. O-r S~tdkl Co _Teapf.u>1.t.HATTBBAI IBLBT, Nov. 3, I Bl.

Xhg 'nnd for* * s at tl.i* potat BM now ln Ihe ad I*tr en jfngemeii', wiiieh ia of u more eeriou*

euaracter t'.uin any of the eor,9itte tbat bave yettake* plar*?-. on thn. coaat. lt ia a OOBted withth*eleirantp. A great uelta_e ie upou ua. Lar-'. t-vcn-

Ing .i ^.iie cpra.ii; up, which eoutinued to iiitreate ini i_?ut until uiorning, when it a.uiu.vl

lha fana af a parfad alidatad, acawapanlod wltlrain Miflfll ut time* fa.ll iu baiBBtB. Ahool >> o'flloehflhfla morniig, tba BBIfflfl from tbe oct-an baflBB logBraapoaae the iblaud il.alf a mile wid.Sound, and boforo joyMghl tl.eee tWO Iwaier wor* uuited. ->'ot a apct of lau.l waa to he

Baaa* All tlie lower portion of the i*lund, whereForu II_tter_a ijju Clark aro aitui.ttd, wa.- BBBBlwater. aud ec snddcii waa ihe upheuving nnd ao vio-l.-nt II e atonn, that all chaneesof aaBBpa . Ml

oti Leloi-e tht momir.g Bghl cumo. It waa ulteilybll Im any bbBbBMOB M reach them fr- r.i MUT

fite', bo teriihle w_a thia H.utcraa atorm. Aud iiWhh not until a Lteaker ewcpt ucrow tho ialand, c.ir-

rytag men, '.,-tita tahuntiee, uud every MBBptag tbingwith it, t-hat tho flflMfo * ttttt BB/BH of thflt,f a icreat f.ood. Men wero eudden'y wusl.ed out clt Bifl -.nd I'ound ..II their dolue* iwLat li'*' budaindreared! l-onie by the water to the Scund. I.ivebb eh, BBBh a* jiir'». ihiahoaa, boraaa, cottle, dt _*. eat*,aad cooking ataaaflay tamhar, iriftaaoi, boxee, Lur-rclp, trutik*, ehantie?, were carried forward, lofOtbetwhb uien on tliem and in them, »ome jumping out dwindow*, aome eutting their way ilirouKh the roof,athoM jumping off into the water, which, iu BBBBJBBAeOBj waa over their head* in depth, nnd makiugiraboxor fl-BMlft. order to reach tho POOf afaahanty atill f-titnding. Odieers on bortee were ridingor BWhB.tag ih-OBgb thia uio.ing BBMtinhra to thLs Boattag BJ-iJ of men, who, wiih a gnuimue haud and witb tho other ' ' g1 'g on to wiuekiud of un objeet l pl ther.,*elvea above wuter.

The moat BBBBBBM right of all, howevcr, \.ti» MBrttaaM (ho moring of the eick, BBBM of whutn'wcrt.iu n Aftafl eo'idition before the atorru cume. They> eatdei ou co:-, f;>u. plaea to place on tht? ¦. .. idcr* of men wbo w. re wading through waUi

i..- ly ueek tieep. If wac alao a *ad sitrht to wittien

Ba aiksiu lionof property. At tbo wbarf whena': tLe Govtrnuieiit proparty i* atorod, a wholeaalidlBlBBllia took place. Proviaiona of every kim-..-tuaoonatloat.bii'.ali of crAckera, breud, angttrp:uW, beef, raalaaaee, beune, pot-u.ea, Leb, l<o_et. i<

r, BOOPi cloihing, and iu faei every thiujic.. iied for a*i avmy waa aeen to go witb the floodv. -. ihe buildinga etntaining them in a v.-r;tlir.pidiie 1 tondition. The Hteamer Spaulding an-iveitl.e evening before with a large Liod oi provigioua. i. ng, lituiber, Ac, and na good luok wotild haviit. abe waa nnable to lacd but h emall portion td bfltargothe night ahe eamo iu. Uufurtunately tbt-nwhr, bowever, eoina clotbing luuded for tbe aakei-Oihludiana ItegiuieuU Nearly bulf of thi* mt.tbBaoiad freigLtwae placed onthe pier, aud went attlthe wavee ot the oceun withiii view ofthe aoldici*who, wiih tearful eyea and al.ivering forma, behel.thia, to them, the moet ine'u-choly aight of allAboui G o'tlock thie moming tbe flood wa* at itLii.'ht, and for two houra Col. Iirown of the **0iIudiaua Kegiment aud ofiicera were iu gnat t-m

poagB, It waa \ery evi.knt that a new inJcl>elow Foi: Clark had hrenmude during the nigl.twhii-h entirely eat off their escape; aud aa the wuvei

were juahing into Fort Clark by C in tbe mornng,it waa appareut that all mutt meet with a waterygrave if the water coDtinued to rieo at the aame ratefor *iwo honra to come. Fortunntely, the countrywaa apured from 1 earing of auth borrible tidinga aawaa moment-rily threuteuing the iivea of tbeae loyalBolUk-ra. TLe elorm begun to ahute by 7 a. m. tbiaBioruiuc, aud hy I o'tlock a nuriow ridge of euud-bcach waa diacovereo above Fort Clark, wbicb wae

hailed with wild deligbt by the 20th Iudbuui l.egi-n en*, who, but ii ftw minutea l^fore, were BBB_B|¦BtaBBBBflBB to save themaeivee, if poaaihle, frtun a

leurfol fate. By noon the tidu had gone down, andleft ijuite a little ajiot for the half-drowned and ex-

hatuited men to walk upou nnd build aome cuuip-firee, which enabledthem tocook a a<unty mcal from-wbat few fiBgmentaofproviaioua had becn rescutdfroui tbe wvter. Whut a aight to bebold ! Al! wa*

devuetaticn and ruin; the entire camp waa madede<iolate. Several feet of eand are taken from theouifuce ofthe ialand, karing it in auch a conditionthat it ia 4ur3 to be under water aa oftcn ai the tidccomee up.

Petwecn Fort Clark and ITatteiaa, a now inbt,eome liz feet deep, waa formed during tbe night, andnow it i* a vaat iheetof water bctween the twoforta. Foxt Hatteras now atauda iaolated from t o

land, and will be awept entirely away in the i:e_tgeverc etorm, it* landy walla baving alrea-ly BBB-menced to crumble. In fact it ia thought tL_t theneat great at^t-a .which ia liabk to vkit thia regionauy duyj, will level both fort*, Clark and llattat-B.I uiideratand that the Confederates only bnilt tbeuifor summcr aec, expectiug they would Le awept awuybefore Spring, which accounu for utiug the cheupmuterial (aaud aud tuxf) with which theae forta are

rori'trm ted. Thia iwoeping flood make* good tbeprcdictioua ofthe C uifedenitea when we took poaae.--b.ou of thia tioacbeioaa and myatcrioua tieuiueula.Tbey Baid w* would be glud to ahoiidou llutttrualalnnd wben th* wiater atorma cume. It haa beeuaaid all along by our moat cxjKTe-nced udltary men,thut a land force on Iluttf-rus Ioland waa eutirelynnncceB8aiy,tbat a lantll Qeet would cfftctually guuidthe iulet.Camp Wool (where the *3th K. Y. V. aro quar-

tere ii, bome three milei above Fort H_tterui, wu*alao much damaged hy thia atorm. Tbeir large hoe-pital, eome aixty l,y forty feet, wa* carried away;the ik-k, however, were aaved. They loat nearly ulltbeir provinioni, and many other Btorea. Canip Bai-ley, Beven mile* up tbe ialund, wher* Capt. Ilailty,with a portion of the lndiana Kegiment, i« gtutiot.edbae, I leai-n, oecuped with but little loea, they beingnn a Ligber poiul of laud, which ia atrongly ioriilied._!i_ companiei ot thia regiment left Fort Clark to-dayfor Camp Batley, leuving only three tompuuiea atFmt Ci. k, wko, 1 k-arn, will alao abandou thi* dl-1. ;»idutcd and crv&ibiing fortification on tbe morrow,and doubtle*- tbey will oe folkwed ao u. by the reg.,ijIiij- now lUtioned ai Fort Hutberaa. Camp Huh-y,*r Fort IJailcy, ia tlio heet place on the ialacd to

.uike a atand and reeid ao attack from the enemy,which ia now niomeatarily expotted. Idonothe-|Bava that ao army of twa*iy thomaad could _**aillL,B i <i*iiiv_ witb any bopeg oi ruoceea. Tha Con-j

** jTa'c h.ivc becn miOiinir roady all aMBfl to give'

A hattle M eoon aa lha WMBBl fltflBM flBBM U> their

I ihMi. Tbey have hBBB v-nccntnitiug nearly all

the! fonea iu tbe ftflh. on Koauokc Ialund, aomo _0

gilgg above ua. «t the head of ikia ielaod, with tln*t, ,.u 11. lu aBM of an atLich we ahall Le Bflfl* Md

[byaaa iieet, whkh wi:i Le Bbla ta bbbbmb.I ther-au wde ofthe ieland, while the Coufcdeiatea will,nith their amall fleet of guul-ouU, touuuaiid tl.eSound, we baving to gnnboata wbieb can BBBBf lhaSound, und you may expect to hear eoon that a greatCAttle luiB baBB fought on the Ibland of llalterar.The 8P|| Inuiann llegiuient aro (crtuiuly in a v.-ry

Iflttfltatfl condilkn, BaJta uacktlnng iactirceiut,!.Thia ia ti.e aocoud aitempt Govciument haa mude,aincc thia regiment came to Ilut.eraa, to t\\\ ply UMMwith eloihea, Alotit ffltf wctk* daca their m-.v

ovt raoata were AO takea wBh the tu.' Faa-y. Tbeybaibeeq mBeriag long aai muih for them. Nowhal;' nf il.eir BaVB Lliu.kcif, afelltfl B-d BOCkB-BBflb.en iWBpl away by lha llood lc!oto tl ey WBM

ialiveroi. Thoy hava only oa< totbat.butka, and u Summer euit, furnibhtd ihflM by tbeilfltata wbeoflrd iwfla-tatattoaat-iaa'af llaOor.aaaanl They bm obflgad lo go to bad la theb wol

alolhOB, which BM in tho nio't tilihy eondilioii poOBbbartag taaa abla to wadi u ganaaal Ibf tha

wan: of fl Aaaga. It B Bertatah the mort melan-i-h.-ly dgM I luivc boleld dOM 'be war broko OOt

_ ate tiitit tl ey will be in BO Bt "r: ci:-

thhl Wiii.erif they reiunin Lcie. They aie

aaa ta B flu moro daatftata coniJition, ao far aa

ara ooaaataaii than tl.e poor Bjlahlaata oathialalaad, who hava aaatthaBi warthy Chastata,

r. N. M. Tayior, to tlie Nortb, to obtniiipiucor I r lat.in. The |-< ,,r deatitute peoj.le on thakhind (who will t-ce aorrowful iiinee before Bprfag]

ered to fhare tl.eir ecanty iin.i dilapidated|, Whkh li.eytieed s,o mneh, with the-O.b

Indiiua BlglrBITl. ao much worao I the BBB>dition of thece patfietJe aoldiera from lndiana than

itan b g ni i balf aahi l WaaiflnIhonoehof taaiwhaaa lha new Igbdhaaa arai

to le erete.l, BM BBBB tttatV i BWB*. Tl.e BB-OOM r

Bell, Capt. J. (>. A lair.*, BtTaTOi here miao few

taflg, witb i.ll tle miiteri.ilartiidy made for

thia iighibouao, which ia under the BBparvMfla flf J.Martin Poole, B dtf.ft- n.e< hanic, nt .1 n jund warthy i itizcu of Wfiadagtoa, Dolawaia, «ritaaaloyiil'.y none will iiiieati. n.

A Coaioiarata fleet af r-mJl gun-boatf, *even ia

BBMhor, aaia Ihafc bbpbmbbm ut bbbb taiay,ioabd a with the tataBBka flf watahtag ourmove-

One of the numUr BBMB wiihiu ll_ee flrikflaf Foit BattOB-B ana aent two ahella iu tlie uiractiouof ou: Boat, aad t'..eu tafl aa .;nick time. TLia i* aa

evciv day oecuirtnce on the BBd (bt the l.ehel baBtBy'who are doubtlcaa wutching their rhaurec ta itrik..I harrg talta rtfugT tb h.urd lha flahaaaarBaBi la

,o:der to write thi* ktc-r, iggbrtag ¦ m,,Te ateiulypoaition than a rloating B-BBtj BBB i,;r..rd. Thfl Wlluiliaua Hegijient will ull be locatcd ut FortlUihyby U.e -Ith iu*'., wbi ie it i« thougbt tho wuter irom

tbe ortan cunn.it dkturb them. No livea huve beenloBl by thia flood, th'-'Ugh tboueauda were thrervt-ened.


LATF.ST inCWfl KKi.M THK BOUTELIi'UM Tht Jfir-aiaai Fngrfrr aud Tho Not/rtk

Day Btx'k oi Monduy, the 4th in*t., we make np thei', following intereaiing enuunary of Southeni now*:

A MAKVI.ANUr.lt APPOINTI.!).'I Henry Hawlugfl Tyaon of llunland ba* beenf| apiioiutt-d aa actii.»f BMe-tpaaai iu ihe Ooadaianta: Naw, nud oidi inl to repoit lo Con.i ii_.cler K.-u-

iiedy, on bomd the ateuuer Bichmond, nt AijuiuCieek.

DAY BB PABIBBB.The 15th of N'overuber ha* been decignute.1 by the

Hon. Jeff. Davia a* I day of fiattag, bofldBatioa,aai prayor ta tbe Oaafaiarata Smte*.

UUMIBIBDTMBBBaOver $..o,000 worth of ,l.il.ii._ hut been reeeived

M iti. hu'u.rid, voluiit-nly tontnbuUil bf tln- citixenaof tbe CoBfederute Siate* for the bBBflBB flf the aol-


On BalflliBJ laut there were 1.711 priaonare ofwtr in Binhiaiad I" tbe hei 1*'. (Lu* the arlooaen

1 tbera bad eatao up |_,600 wonh of boef. BtaM tl i. \\ ur < omiueu.'ed U tAi pri*out-r» huve btvu taaflgMI to Kichmotid. The e'o"luet of thone taken near

11/< e^burff t* well ajioknn of hy Tht Bnquirtr. On') Monday laut 2i0 priaonera were to leave liichmond" for Coiumhia, 8. C.t jiijiit BBAB BABAirBAB.

A diapatcb dated Savanuub, Nov. 12, eay* there.iwaoaflghi helow that flhy, adgfaattagM eon*«-

(luenee of tlie Cuioniil* alleu.ptiut; to turn a venoelugteund ou Vi araaw heach. Ibe attempt fuiled, andthe L'nion frigate left.

THr, h'roKM.A d)"pat4"b from Charleatoi) reporta tbo late ptorni

ae e-tetdiiigly vio.eut bloug the whole SoulLeruBBM*.Tht Sorfulk Day-Do.ik of Monduy aay*:

" A very aevero ato.i.i ot wind aud rhin, BOaentpa-iii«.i wiih lhapdar aad bgbtatag. bagaa on Friaaynight laa. nnd loiitiuueil until Saturday at noon.Tke wind blowed diokI terrifuully, awoeping downtreea, fencee, A_c., in ita couree: uiul if tbey were inreaeli of it, tnnitt huve had a moat reriou* etToct oathe fleet which lately lailed fiom Old Point. WeIIMb- 'bat the vurioii* caiDi>a near tLe city hi tk-rcdvery aeverely. The rli.-a weie tornutl auu BBBttani,hui m one tin.e it waa thougbt every tent would beLlown down."

IROM AltK 4.NSAH.Thi* State i* rapidly filling tl.e all for .0,000 vol-

uut.-erM. The di-licilty BTTM the Cieeka l* not yetaeithd. Advicoa Iroiii Fort tSmith rejun t the auiall*pox raging there.

DBTCBBB OK THE OOBflff OK TKAIB.7'/,< (iairuton C f Lim Buy* thut Qml Hehert hae

from eight to tea compauiee otttn.d Limduily, ior tbeprotectiou of that city and vieinity. Ihoj me, how-ever, chiefly uiouutt-l uen, ahaBBBfl lnlHutry ate rc-

tjuiied. lt i* exi*ct4)d be will have tcu thouaauduien bv the 13th inat.

IllH MKIItMISII BBAB F.DWAKD'8 Kl'.ItltY.The I.nvaun Mtrn.r haa an uceounl of the akir-

'aiali ou Tueaday (tbe day after the battle ncur I,eeg-burg, Va.), batwaaa the Fedetahi and the CopfodO1ratea. Tlia took pla e near Fdwatd'a H'erry, whereIhe Federal* weie diacovered to be planting a bat-teiy. Oen. I-.win*, BB making thia diacovery, or-deied Geu. Barkedule to atti.ck them.TLe eouipuuiea of Cupte. li. kford and .Melilmy

were tbrowu out aa rioraddMn, und got aBhtathiily yurda of the PBiBBBll oeioie beii.g lire.i gpgauThe i. iwi ,i e 1 (oiupunie* letmned tlm l.ie, and w ie

quiekly joiued by the le.giuient, who, upou uud.ingtbe fence, d. livend a well-iireited lirc qwa tl.e re-

treuting Fedemla. The Nghflaat, with dtafeniug-. t-. icapitj tbe fence, makinu lor the enemy a but-taty, BBTBtal Lundred yaid* iu udvanie, luul IradBovetal volleya, until it reached u lavtafl and Bflltai,I)niLn_ thi* runiiing lire of the rgglmeat, tbe eneiuyo|ier,e«J upon It with *hi-. and fltafl Irom the tlu.ejiunn ou lliie eide of the river, aml from tht> bHtteneaon the opj oJte fcide, killing, howtver.hut two of our

men, Lieut. 1'lul.ei Bfid pnvata tiiUiU.ou", u. <'. 11

llcliliov * company. TLe lo*a of the encu.y wan BA-twten m nnd W,Tnc lataBBB Bf tho bour, being then iiiiuly night.

preveUed a iiu.uJii.nco t attutk by tbe Idh aad18th regimetite, uud C"l. Badudala wa* coapollodtodiuv-' off hi* regiment.otherwiae Ihe hn'terywould have eeu |fl_BB uud out li-.t of piiioner*larirely u.. re.u-e.l.

'1 no eiu uiy wnt ut leuat 4,000 atroug, und wore

pfotaatai Ly heavy battene* on the ojvnopiu- eide ofthe iiver, betide a largo number of ritle-pita ou biaaide.On Wexlneaday moming (len. Evatu withdrcw

bin lor en a few mllt* eouth of Leciiburg, to uw-uitreeuforetniont*, but ere they arrived Ibe euemy haduguin retioaacd tbe river,and there waa liothing forthem to do.

THE GKANIJ K.XPP.IMTIOK.Our auramary of uewa from the Nortb it of more

ititeient todar lhan nauul, Tho eidlinir OfltanM Ihogreat uavul eXiutilitiou will BttMataapa ial attention.fip«x-ul_tjo_ will now eoon be at an end; and i*r-haiw Lekre theae buea shall Le piinted tbe telegraphwill t«U ug where tl.e hlow haa iallen. After reod-ing tbtao ordera, bowevtr, we cannot ioin in theoptnion which to eome exU-nt prevaik, thut the eos-leuipbtted landhig la inUuukd on uny eompui-utivelyaeolnded and uudefended apot. If thia irreat fonM i*to take rx'Mfljtdoa of aome aand barormarahy i-btad,

or eca-coa-i villiue, why luch atiiet iiijiinction thattle expe<liii''U ehould aail in a t>ody und ibe loldii ih

biudiii rurli beavy array, und aith tbo ndn.oi.itionlhat their eoaraga wiii probablj bo teatod I _lf we

iadgathaoaaoaeriby tbeoodfaary raBaand in aaa*niction with Iho-iorthora baBtethal a toirihb bb abtobi BraeR, B. &t our \, ry \i':.l-,l we cn laot

Irtdo that it b expeeted to dobark tltherb.a \ ii i.y f BBtroag CotrfedorBe anuy or of B

farge ( on bd* rate ii>. Applybg tbea* loBi, Pbx*¦aoota aiul Charfaotoa, auJ Bavaaaah aad bbw-u**"leuiia are tbe pmi.tri wbi.-b preeent 'b< iii-'.Iv.-r n> o.n

Iad. "ib.r- i- o_ethingooabeardio tbe Inhmc-ti,i. t. kaeptho expedit lon Iob loaetl or,ead to aataa bagBBiof Uato, and with eUborato p_np.ini-tiona. i,,i tb.ciipturii.g 8.tml I'oint or Moniuito llar,or Atligator Ii.M, tbut ir i« .lihV .1' toti-BCBTOtoalthe r/ortbern Gcaoiab woald Ihai aBa llaaMnMiidiculoiiK.

Ii ueexpeditionattenipt to faadll an japOfttMpoint, we bopi thal our fono woald be ooJfaaai i-r

their ropnlee. If-Boei the pii_a and iwaBpe. tbeyatill bave committed h granl f. By, a* <1 injnre-1 tbem-

i...| uh_ We .re i.,,*, hawoOIT, wiim.ut otherbopOO. The Vainds fatOI BOOB howifaf, uud tbe!,..¦¦ hare beeu poutafoal tbdrfloodo. Woeoa-

., tbo 11, t ol Ua Bora baa aoaadod taoarBiaBkl i-.vi.te. n-ii-i'. lt ba» BB.I Blthi.k 01

- tabfa H.-ii.iiilu, that aailed iu greut l"ou>p, on

graiM dafct-i hB wua dlBBBBBad by ibe .itida, ai.dvunquiaheti aitln it ueeting an onony. Whoknowa

' fi atoray Hattecai wao iwBBrffor aach atbnou tbi ¦! WI i, na Ull bat tbut tba roeha u."l i1

.,1 tie Kloti.iii ciist ahall prove tba taaBW-BttaolPfOl iil" c lo pnai ,li tLe wi, kt-Jnero ot uiiiii ' 1 BO

Igraod Beet *ailed oa Tueeday, theS-tb. <>n "MayI.terno.itbe atorm coaBBnoeda Tb.ee dayi had.Am* el*| aed. VYheic ibe lle.-t bad get to. v.ieinei

ihaotora tban naiod, ar.d arhatba BolaBoata.ve yet to bara.

li.-.t, wbother hy lhi windiof Ifearie, m '.>. v i

bleattag of Dea-en oa 8oa_era Talor. wa b"B **:;'":ti, beableto ui.i.ouuee that tboBaol which *.'_>_from BaaptOO Boada ie | lootthal al nil never aaaitt.iru, un!Bl, iii<ltx;»l, uuder t_u,tl er Ib.g.

TllE UltllAT N.WAl i:\rillil ll.'N.y;,. \ D B ,,'. of Monday bim the follow-

iuirreniarkr. witb ret'iinl to tbt navul fle*t:We iiiiilerMiiiid ihut B featlOBBB arrived in tbi-.

.itv MTWal -b.vai.iii B N\b.i reportetlni' a reOOB IB*rc'.tlv arrived on (be i*o_.t ol S iiith ( rolina, in an

japi'iir.iit ftate of dfatraoB, ftOBBOtno ol tho BrhiabI-binde. bound lo Baltimore. Botao of her oalb mdrigging bed beeu rut away aa though '*<h.* had beeni.i a gole, an.l BM waeeii.lesnoiiug io BBB ber wayintoCearbetoabarb»for theptui aaoi .¦.

BeC Bho wm ovefhtv bd by laa l'i i n ¦*> I ef lhatOSBt.and by lh< in lilt. ,l up with »u. b i.e. d. ,1 repoireae woald eiia'do bar t" ke.-p ai ber way.They tben pot th ir a.ii on board >.! ber. 8bi left

thoro aad boob ii"' an opportaaBy aad doajpdiaeitbar lo Caarbotoo o km.ibor <ii.tb.nij.ort,ivb. re rbe BM .ieliver. ,1 over to tlie r< beb, logl tberoritb ber ralaabb eargo. Ob axaaaInotton «t thelattoBia tha aaUfroa tbai.tbwBloaadtbat ronaiderabb Informaii n bakod oB Btotheii.untii.il ol tle iinaiiinir leBwhJ.I BB ntlv faBHim I t.ui Boaai lt aapoan baa Bda aaaiaa af ta-fiaaaifan thal tai b ioola \t la utunk Charfaatoa faf.,r. eu ob tb; adifferenI w,int».,i aapraa fa». aadBaayha thal Porl Boyalfa oa of bb jviut*.l.i infora .i. ei, bet n ta poere-rivii fiUaCharbotoa autl btO|l»alhoa

rt nii'v tO pfB| ,ru fot thofa IBBBtiOB, ihut iaif they au p.re uuy leliuec OB R.

It i* ,|,.,!.<) li'K'ly ibat tbe rnvfri-i'Hlo wbi'h h.,Bbeen iwi ping along onr eoBtboia BBBB. aad bbbBipravailed hare on _ilnrday aoiB.g wBhoaBBobturee. faB00.BBBBhB .iriveii Bl BBBBBB.IBof Ibe tleet, or, il uiiiv be. h:.* eo *<-»lte:.'l tben. na

t. -l.b.v tbe liu eOf «oi.i.-:i.| bi"--d n'ttvk. If tbi*elI'-iibl | r ve ii IBIBel IBBBOat.IB il will only rivepe oaaa aa_tteaal tbaa ta mak.- aroparatfaBBj aad,at one roiui wbeie *e aaa) ecl tl <ii Ialand to Htta. k,aaVwoava only giiine.1 would cnuble tbem to defytbe atu<-V <>f tbe neoaJaBa,

.S,,w, wb.i i* B.lad ahofl ii. .y pr.,1 ablr bave:iueiti,,u wilh ihe 1. ib.wing, which we find

1I ..,,1 Saliirtlav moiniuB;we ray it may hare fti\f aoaaaBba with it,

'ulthongb we don't know tbat ii haa Wi aaab tellii h» it wua told t<> ua, ailb.ut vouil.ig for itaocearaaa

V / .,,',1-r of Beturday raya:It ia i. .:. ui" -I a ile (.oteriiii ct ba« ii.f'.rma-

'lioii, tle pi.rti- -lirr >t wl i-b hre ii-t ilveii io tl e

i,,i" Ii,-, thal !", i.i-:.'B groaadl for ibe ba.liai ibat tbeleet *.. :e i.-i I "^ at l*orl 1.. \_l.turi.i.i.n. Tbere i* ald ta ha haa eww ei<:,pK. i ".r ai.d fn.i rt haibor* <,n ihe AlliLtic

BOBBaWBh bul few naiu.-.il advaatflfW forila.le-Ir.ae. lt ie thoofhl >.o' nni rvbahb tn.t ibe enetuyimey b ,. \, __aa taaaai CaarfaaBBaill .iiiia ii im-ii.vA'iii'Jf "I' I.IBBBBRIl>.

'.- ll'iy-H H *. r.'.va tbat a iuuut rxiolediu tbut <iiv '.i aaafajf llit tlen.IIBBBBBd bnd

Iffftg.xl, f.nf JQB '."' ,'¦''i' it. A dbpafat fr'i.iKi, i.iu'ind libu aay* ib'it a fiuiilarrnmorexl-ta tbere,aud for aeveral oa; * th* .jmation haa be. i. a ked n

lhi t-tnet, but tho r.-i^irt.r l- BBBBfa t" kbv B "¦

thcro i« any trnth ta il B BB, BB givee it aa a BBB*rent nim..r "f the duy. A BBBBBB B B fa Ilall,-in,.r,- ¦ ettei.lai, w ho ata:. .1 tl.al I e naw < J.o_ Ile.u-re^ar.i at OtaBBBBBB, V.., on MeuJay, eu toirefor Charleeton.]

I. MIM'The NerfetM Datp J,. :., <! BiadaW. eaya: " Gen.

Wiae ie iiill lia i Ii bb laBB, but M it .ouvalee-cei.t, and re.< ive* a ftirge nuu.'ier of virit'.r*. T'.oW ir« [.floa B.I bo wltbdrawa fr,,m Waatan Vlr*gii.ii, uii.l aiiotl er anit to reiliiceit.bat ita futuredi-uiiiiti, u i* uuknown. llrerkiurid^e wanta toti,!- it, with Bl MrttBJ BBii.Hii.ler Ni Kenfncky;but W ire tbinka ibe BBOBBy br.ve BBBB deeignH ou

Nortb L'.rolina, and prefere to k° ti.ere. W'hereverbo goeB tbe may will luuet a CbBB 'le Lioii.'

Kl. llllllNB IN hlSll'KV.Thr Richmnnil F.nquirrr, of the ilb lnat., cor.laiiiB

an extraet from Thr Lemiemilia C. urier, of the Mthult., ntating that rcciuiting for tba Dafaa BBB i* unei.iire luiluie iu BBBBB of tbe Ktale alludeal to. ItBhyn OwBa, Boaihoa and Clark i-oiintiia bave failed|0 rtipoud, and altemptat" toim regiment* for tbeI.in.olo aervi.e at l/e_ini2,ton, Ifairodehure-, Nicbo-b.rvillo and Lel anon have been uiieueeearful »o lar.BfBB iu I^ouiaville raarBB.f draga heavily.

PASSPOHT8.Th' Richmond Enyvirrr tumouncea that it ie er-

tremely diflltnlt lo obtaiu a BBBfoB to leave tbeBoatboia Conledera-yor to |«i- through ibe line. oaany pBjtOBB whutever. Iu r,.ui<- reeen Ihe privilr.,-,,b a beeu danied Uriiieh inbiecta, and their only al-ternative waa ta d.-clare tl.emaelvee "alien en-

emiet.," in order to eff.<-t thtir i.urpuee, and not inevery inetanre wua u paaaport tben gruntt-d, tbe au-

tboritliB being more guarded tban ber. tofore aboutgiii.'.tfiii,' I'Ueepwiti to pc-raoni who may deaire tole_.\_ the State.

RI MI>nH ANI» SI'Kli'I /tnOBB.Tlii.lvfaliiiioud <orrcr|,"i.,lent of Tht Chnr'.rtfon

Mrrrary "f b re. eut .Iat.- eata: " ABBBJ ihe ondiliund floniii.g niif "ia, I BBBBBB the following: (leu.Tiaoiiiba ia euid to h*t\o mi'l tben will be no ti_ht utB___aaa aatfl bhB Bfriaffl thaa ia enougb to-bru.-oin England tola*t two ytara; bu thouaandbul,m <>f .otioii aro at u BB.B p<iiiit m Florida w..it-ing foi ihe YuJiktc*."

TBI rtaABTBBB.Tle Vfkuluig Ii'/ .g erl.orta the plantera of the

Souih to pre|*re for the eoinlng year bv raieintrpork. beef, u.utton, et<., au. h thit.gr aa will .*>< 11 and¦aahfa pfaatOB lo pay taxe*. It ruya it a_ aee no

prorpct Ibat »be bb.clcudc will be opeiie.l, undthilikri ihBi will bi BO | BBB -Bl 1 tl.e Soiith rlinll l,:-vi.ife Iha N«.th, BM_ mn.»t faj done n< xt vear.

Thr Utwfhu AffWti of tb,I l'-th .oiinbiiual.it-terly tlmt fiirmer* in tlu Bfltahl orl.cod of Columbiia,Ky., a.e BOt penuilted by tln- u ililury uutboriliee toB BB tleir ...in, wli. at, auil otl.or pioducl. to tbeMempbia u.arketa. Ae a connouenc*, whoot audflour were btioming eitravngaiiilly I igb. A BBOtfagof BBth.ttl wiib lo bo hrbj to take meuiarea to B*>rect tbe evil.

iiiii WAM IN ABHOBAaThr MuilU Ttmtt ti tba 13th nlt. any* an exten-

aivi: ia:.i;>aigu in '" <¦ uuule agaiuet the Iiuliana oaaoon n,- it i.i known what tbe moveniQnta <.( tbel.'uion trixij* uie to be. The Tieem aaya aoverale. BBjaaba will bo kept fa tho field, and tho war muatbe one "f extermlnatlon.

'J¦',. IVaaa givee tbe ilataila of tbe mtirder of thoaix meu BM WBO Alio, An/ona, by the Aparbea.1'ln-y Imd g»no irom the Haahow r BBBB in a.varchof rtock. Klevrn other meu hud beeu aent out ineeiii.b of the hix aaa_BJ peraou-, aud it ia fearv-iin > 1." buve beeu murdered.

fym Tiwte nni,,",:. -1 tbat tbe Union troope hadul,.., d"ii. ii Kort (Jraig.

KllltlllIIAIIDNI Al' ItlKT ffll.l VIIlt«J, ftY.A letter to Thr fJem OrfOBB* 6're.,nif, from Co¬

lumbiia, Ky., dated the 10th of Octobtr.aaya the for-tiricationa ihera nrogrera alowly, but the iiidiraiior.aaro that Columbua will yet be mado a (ilbrabar lupoint of atreugth. There are big guna ai.d gun*cnough monnted tbere. The writer aitya he ia for-!Uddaa to apeiik of the etrangth of tbo , Uua, bnt hetbinka thal precaulion ia iiael.B, aa tlie iuir.it apleaof the enemy, toaolber wilh their guntooi obaervo-1

I tioni place them in poeeeeaion of all the intelligenc*detired. Tho rci;imenta tbere work on the deteiue.,ix houra each day.

11,41: or ntiu:,On the lat in*t. Mra. L. Batchtaoon of Worfolh,

Mr*. Magrawof rTow-Orloooa, and *ever_l Confedgratafl taBOB piiaonerant Iluiteriw, bal *nli*e<|uentl\rek-iwod ob lakteg UM o..tb not io boararaaagataBii..- 1'i'i .11 <i.ivern..i'.fit, ariiv.d gj Noifolk frou,Fortret* Mouroe undei u Ihig of tnne.

Misi I LI.ABBOCB.The \orf/lk P y BooM aonounce* wirh atlotiriaV

that lari/e BMflhon of eouiiterfeit BBBflB on the Bunliof Can.net), 8. C., were foand in the trunks of thtlodianiaaa iiike.n at Chickumicoiuieo. It tayilbtmir m:il| lal'* tire in ihe luiirl* of Northern POOfle,

iiiud it baauo doul-t lhat riiotiiata huve printed greatBDmbereef thoaotaB, orith thedetign or llouding theBoath wifh the wOfthlgH irtth.

Thi /'i iwtond Entfttirtr eoMpklafl thr.t lhabaah<ing bi ti otbar S'ate lafltfttnioBi ot tlmt laaiofl do BdBtaaa kaava tl.e MBaaadi tt »tock ow_al by l.'nioun eu in IhOM luadtMlOBO, and eull* for « li-id ia-V. iti-iitiin, in order thut all Northern inve*tuiei.Uthere aay I e prompthf iwgiflgtratad.

Tht tforfoti Ihty ti >ok h printed on brown wrer-ptagpapor, It lo tha onlypaporpabHabad luNorfoik,and Miy-, n* had aa ihe pM ei ia, it hai not. enoug'a otit topiint more ibitn one fourth of ita edition on. Ilbaa bo*OB, owoier, of b.-ing able loget a oiipply olv. bIm i ajer in a few iraoha*ThaBMB iii.rket in .New-Orleana, for the *upi\j

of lha n.-edy fufuilk* of aoblkra aud poor peci| UKCiierully, BBB proved a gr«-at |a00MB. Af.fti-1'i-to|. ni. g of tb»' uiarkct anptd-M w< io furni-lwi I i

1,-oui pix to »even iboupuuvi {-apBvaridad ettlaaaaTh SomMfrUmm* Crm >.l flara lhaaa laab_M

or gold in ruor.it-,ry cirak* there, wliLiii*¦en! ..t. r iut-i K- atachy for the | uichaoe oi" MpfKaforthifsoutli.A l.a11 ptovi.img that. IBBMI and hrnkeri *huli

not rbuiKe BMM than live per ceut for <oi:i BMbeen bronghl forward in the Tenueeaee Legi lature,

Tkt Entjuirer bu* raieed tbo Ilagof Duvk anc

Blophona wboaa raatoctioo It lavow.1 .. re B a gNBl Mfl-dty of printiog paperat Khh

n ot-d. atid T!- J'ntj'iirtr,h\ loneenueucc, hfc* culoff all lobardban who are in urrear*.The Virgtaia lire and .Mmnho [aaaranra Ctan.

gao] aaa jaat dadarai a Madaaaaal divliflai of talpBI e.-nt.

ihe Baaaal n.eeting r.f tho BtcehhoHatB of ttaOn.tigound Ala-aadna Kailroad Coaipaay ia ta Mhi-iii at ('lutrlott.'Bville to-morrow.

('i.e huudred wl.ito girla, to work on eiirtiidge* Bthe hhoiatorv in Kichmoud, are advertked loi ii

.. Enotttrtr,Tiier..- are two jla<ce of nmu*emeut open in Bicb

a i..i.

BIOIBBIOI BAKBAKITIKS.J L- f. I! iwing i* an extruet from a ktter from t

K*'.tl- ii.uu oi ihe higheat reapectnbiliiy in IllinoLi, tt

bi* friend in ibie city, dated Oct. Ul'. Ve-, iny i.'.-.ir H ,apflvateO uenr the borden

,.f VIi- ,,iiri not la leel intenft lv exiited by IhlM-eiirn tl.ut are botag et Ai ted in tbnt Si.it.-. Ba_B>riooaadrohalBoaan bmbm.l on tlavaryhoidonof Ull! il*. TLe ue.w*ii«|)er* have iiit'oruiid IBi o!t«.e iiuiieriiiinitigof n mili'-.td hridge hy tl.e liebt U,hy whi.li *. or.» of men, w :nn, ae 1 chilirru were

HU'ldeiilv * Bl IntO ('"ii i v, und *,re..t iniu.hera, whowaroaM killeil wiUtaht, ~ere muiaied for Bfe.tv<-ne*eiiunlly hrutal, tMBghaMaoAeatraettra, binbdlMlj "f ln.iii.ii 1.1*. BM BflMJ 'ky i^rietrutedbi lha 'Oaiaah' of Hhaoarl A bmw sawarily *etof .avaneadoc* uot exi.t. Two of nv thrt* BuBflgga BBM iu the l'nion army. Ihe oldeet ia eut tainot B cotupunv, but Frank, our pMMgMl L.y, ia onlyiipii.atu. B'bareiu the Iflld ui BUBBOBrL andb. lh huve l:< j.ieiilly enjoyd tl.e _ru'. ith nliou ofai.iellinir gB_1 ow.ier iu LiUilo aitli th^ B*OOadoa nie-

ggjfl, One day a aiiall t aity of Minwuriati", con-

Bfl |gd heliind u wo«-li ik.iioae to tho nllBoai, lire-1ii.to the rara nt tbey wcris paaaing, an.l kilh <1 uu *x-

.-4-lleu! yOBBg BM8 who ww tlttinK hy the tide olFrank. Tl.e vonng nmn BMflflBBBatB8 hl that OOW*Brdly raanter woe Frank* bo*om friend, ajul bo'hwere ooru ia tl.e aame couiity. Kver elure tbM day.Praah hao aavor haaa ta a »kirn..eli with IhoMtaBouri Boball wit'iout tahtag d*ill.etate*iiu aud droi.-] i..,'ln* DUiiti. lur Uie hoy la h CBpital ehot, and ul-wayabita hia ABidaa Baaayi ha Mall no more eom-

it:i,Y i. i, lu killiiia,' B Miaoati KeLtl thau he wouldiu killinir a niad nov.

\ . ni hurdly renlire the feroeity wifh whichSluvtry in«| irta the uwuer oi u ueuro tt two. LvoU

, wm a ala»e, or ou* u nwned tuil i: By, * ia luany in-tancea, to have eua'-ilc'e her foadnino ni'uie and ta Late becomca..\*».f. A womi.n of weulth. the BMBM flf 'ii> I

r of alavec, wiion a t*_i,if Cherokee lndiana,a i -tr i.n i.t.'.t ago, eaaa ta tho *,ith of BBflMVij«!.*-e the liv.-e, to j -. 11. tt l 8ee,-e*ir.n army, nuderM-CuBoeh "f Texii*. that woman, or rntber fiend,i'.l-h.-lv oflerod tha Iiilion* a l*n<e rewardiftbeywoi.la biin.- L-1 ' Vankee lri»*-*..il a-ali* enouuh to

bbb. rpMM for her bed. Ihere ii uo wi*-" iiie MMB f'rocitv rxi*t^ wherever Slavary ii

fo'itil Ia.*t J.me, a heautiful and accompli.heilft\t\, a naiive ,,t WtttttM Aew-Vurk. ouployett a* u

laa l<r ln New-Orleana, waa dniggad. ou MukIbvi. ratag, to Jtukaon H|U'irr, BM placed in utnmdttatt niiturtr in lha preaenee of i.iaiiy huiidreiirof ape. tatofB. Iti'-ludii g acoiei of well-dreaaedw..fi,in. lotte lutter tha poor cirl u :nk* B heart-randing uppehl, thut ih_y would ,*\e her *ei fromtu. l, uii outrage. But they repl.cl only by je*r«urd iniul!*, lolnBg l.er it BrBB BO BMfB tBBB avaijYankeo woman deaerved. The unfortiinate girl wualaii.ilajid feuthared, and then lui.iilM-1 from theState, Witho.it r,-< 11-.ing the s.-.hiry due ber. Youii.a> rely upou Ihe i ntire tritli ol ihi* Btateuient. lteon.ei i n the BBthority of a ppectntor, njvon wbo*eword aa nt.|.li it relknce can a placed aa upou thatof any muu iu the ouiuiuDity.

" I hope and trutt thut Ood d«>aign* to make thi*wick.-.t r«h. llion the Inatrnraent for ri.tding our laurlfrom lh* tur*e o/Hlavery."'.[Albauy Kva. Jouinul.


Bll. THOMAB'B HFPOHT.Oen. Thornaa'a Keport t. tl.* tSerra-tary of War

ha* atfbided the opjHirtunlty to tliose charged withdeii ii ling tbe Ooverument to deuy in toto ol! enehImputa'i.ns. In uddition to tboae ulreadv printed,tbe 8t. 1 jiiii* pupera publuh the followmg iviM*,proiiiidiiig moru of the autne *ort

St. I.OI-I*, Mo.Nov. 2, |MLT hi ,'iidt.r l.tnnal L. Taouai, AdjnUtut-titt.tr.il Intttd

'.« Army:Km: I htve juat read your oflkial ronort on th*

eoodition of tho Weatern DapartaaBt, satoiOata-lharSlflflH, dire.;ted to the Socretnrv of War, inwhkh referenco i* made to myeelf, oa followat

i;- ll'ii.t. :¦: .t-il .¦) e.«.'.»'- l.« lia.l ;.||' :i--.|.. ,t a m-ill-t*n r-|.ort fn.ni oi.* ..I hi* ( oloaali, iaforn.ing bim lL*t bullaaBll v.i.t of a buu.teJ ..f lua gutit weuiil go aff. iha*«w-re tbe guot prm ..11*1 by 0*B. Kieiii.'iit In l.urcpa. I willli*... atat» that Oen. Sherman, at Lo:,t.vi!l... mal-tcnieailimlai t.'ii.|..al.il ot Iba g.eat Inlarlorlty of tb*** F.urarNan,i .. Ili l.a.l al.en Ih* ineu ord*ri to fll*-own lii* ai| I'I"*.In i..ei.aliun lyithl'ol. Bwoid.. A.llttB'.t Uiltrt.nn.atnr-(/nier.il at L< .-iiiitil.e.Jii.t t' * a t'l'i.'.n i*( l.« atat-J li.al Bf.H*l,,y*r, who w.a ln rurope wlth Onr. ciem. u\ wiole t.ji. aie fnnivl iu Iag PMBB.M that Li* abai* cf tli* prulit. of(L* parekaat "f tbeae arn.i wai B9MM ¦

If the uhove ptHienient of vouraii trtie, a* eomingIrom (ol. Swoida, then he (t'ol. S.) hn* heen K')'I,yof diaatattag a Laat) uud tinili-'ti tiit falaehood. 1bave rc-vi r inode u dollar, diiuctlv or itidircttly, oalof ui.y Brm* ordered or purchaiieal hy Oen. Fremontin Baroaai nor bave I ever written ta *ny fnend, inCaUibniiat or elaawl.ere, thut 1 luNI mado, orextuvt-od to uiuke, a dollar in auy mauner, almp-, or lorm,.out of pu h purclni**.

I um iin.ii/.ed, Hir, that yin thotild make ta theS'' rninry of War an oflh iul rajmrt biiaed on vniri.eiuloiuiutiun, uud vaitluiut po* tive evideuce of theli. i. Vary reai^ctlullv, y.<ur ob t a.-rv't,

A A SHiOVfH.Ib th' i'-.f.'r. i Thi st. i.ciin BvaMBaa.(ieu. 1 hofiiB* l.a* beon Midly uikiiil'ormed/iaidiown

iu iurepi.it iu lalatiaa toaanaaliiaiCampBaatoaHe "..y*:

" LtAVfl HMM cf Can | Benton, thoee bat-rt.<-ka Japeiiking of theae on Choieau aveiiuej werebuilt uy contract on publiahed pronoanl*." Nowthia i*i|Ulte wideof latti>. Benton Ilurra. k* were

Imili bl the duy'i work. at low wii/roa lor mtx hani-Bd lub .r- |l BO ptr day. A rimall portiouofthogirjBBT duo for aaid bibor wa* j.ui'l byiien. AlcKinat'ry iu the moiith of Auguat, from moncye bar*rctved liom privute eour .-*. 'Ihe balatice k atilldue from tbe iJtpaitiutnt. And here, in juntke, k-tBM aay, that no body of meeliiiuica ever eurned th. Irbire more fnllv and ikhly tban dt.l tboae who per-ErBMd iI.e lunor ou Benton litrruck*. Iu thi* con-

aaettaa it may bo w«ll for mo to data that I ni.vii baglad at ull tiii'it* to give iuformatioa in relation tothe tc*t of any atul every portion of luid woik, tof' -I e intereated in inveaigating on tli* part of the(.jovBinmet m thia city. A. B. OciiE.t,

An i.lt.ci ..evl 9up'l iientoo iiaiiica..$i. unii, Oct. 4, mei.

im-THI-: HON. IfiPlIP I'-LY.

Tt th* ti.lor nf Th* N. f, IV.ui.i...

Biu: Muih itull" iJid uom-euae haa httn publiahediu tho Northern papeiB, deiogutory to the digniiy ofihe Hon. Ut. Kly, now a prkouer ln Kichmoud.Time in tba nuii.eii.cu! with Mi. J.ly. iu tle n._,o

roora, leada me to By, that at no time ein.e be haebe- n in prlaon hna he etoeped from flmt diguitywhich ae a men.I er ef Ociigrcri bo t-hcnld po«!>e_*.No waahiugof dbbB, BO cirryingof wnter, ia done

by t'lOofficr?; ptfBt* a ure d.-tuii.-.! brtfaM pnrpeeeirom among ou: ineu to pe.form the woik At no

time bai Hr. M I.td for pixoll or rclei_C; bebri-.t been dex-l.ired'a rxi onerof war, and ia eontaatodio riiiii-iiu baprfaoaoi a.fl «.a*i_iWe rrleu.cd alougwitb bia brother olhYere. He wh« liv.lv, ahiafha,f.1, f f .u and iii'iebief.lnfart the hfe of tbe priaon,nnd ie iwgardod by tl.e Union efficLra aa a veryplaUMl CaTapeaion. CoL Coreoran and Mr. F.lyweie Ihe lioim of Kichinond, and niar.y have beentbo biibcB oflered foraBfbl at the duttngubbodYuiike. e. Br*'li ue rlrong for tbo Union, und hope¦aattogin tbi Bebob a laeolpl in full for ull tnciu.ultsofli n dal tbeir handa, Keguulingt'ie de-iretoeec Mr. i.ly aad ('ol.( orcorari, I know ol OM iratanre,Abore iiu'.jld fBtflflBBfl l'nt.i roiahoola", Va., evenwr nt m br M to -B. the Co i.Lii__ry $¦<' f".r u juialato Ibo pri ^n, b'tt to ., porpe ., ai all v._toriv.ero excluaeri. Jaatfao to Mr, Ely. and the peo' lebe repreaeute, induree me toaek a publicatiou of tbiauote.

I.IEUT T'ARRY BOI R U___OW. I h.N'o. ll.. B th Jlat -t-ret, riiiMelrlia, Pe,

LOCAL MILITAI.Y _l._ni.flS...«..

MOBB i .'NNIiCTli I T 1.OOn (OMixn.Tl ,¦ 9tb f'oonaetlcot Votaateera, aadei r~ma.ad

of CoL CihiU, left tbeir Camp al Kow-Haven i bw.aadaraitpwiBitBBionedBLowBlBbaiIharywilj r-«n bo joioed bv the 12th Legmrtrntof

theeanK B*.te, eoao-Onded hy C«l. If'nrv C. I>em-ing. Ilotb buve been Mafaaed t<> fleti. lle.tler'a di-

Iviri.n. Tbo lltl, Coiiiieiti.ut BeghMM volunteeraI; v.ill i roeood to Wa .iagton i" a ww tiuy*. o*id, on

11 its way through tho city, will be eut-.tiii.ed by tbe,! ooM ofCooaaiticnt, 'i'be Bb Begfaaat of tbia SimeI faB Bi B.BBBBBB at Jamaica, L. L, la.«t Week,

ai.d bM iofaaa (ien. lturcride b diviaiou at Annap--' oli_, together witu tho 10th.>,\ BOUBBBB1 I.BSOBta

It.v.li.I roldi"ra will b. ar in nind tbftt tbeir pen-Buui uuBiiiaara froa tbe daB of tbo MBBBBoaof

II proof of chiim, and not from date of a_Bbaqp. ltb tl ndl re for tl cir interert to preaent BTOB of their

>Iditaoi.ty aa sc,on aa thev re.r-ive their dta bargo.Any inv'alid aolier BBT obtata hia BBB l>y pre-re.'iimgut tbe offlee bb BBharge und BPBIM*tifirate, und tbua eave the cxpenae of eaploying un


Mr. Matcbeii, wh<> efleiated ut tbo fmei-l ofLieut..C.l. I.l.ler of tl.e 10th Keginient, on Satmdaylaat, deafa¦ tbat 1 e ia an ex-c1 aplniu, tis rew rftd inTaa 1, IBI ... itvl nayp Lo probubly ahall DO- be un¬

til thoendof tbi_ iiojuetifiable rebellion *h_il haveeoiue.

Pltv.i-r.NTATIOV.Abi'te taaipany of civili;Bl and ofll.er. e-vaetn-

Modhal inaba; B ibe Aahtaai Boaoe,taOtbtb..i of tue i r. aentai.ion of a eword

lo Ja.ob C. flfhonair. Qaa*MnaMMf af the Ira Har.rfaOBB*.¦ Many of the OdfaBB of tho regimentwere prooeilt. A pn(rio-:> Bjecch wa* n.ade by

.. I.ovi.1 <>. CrOBB, vvhich «a* reiponded |r» by-tbe-cJ, '.. A .-'.11 lioB foll'.wcd, B whlehOBVoral BpoochB were made .and toaata dn.nk.

ii,/. iMBBUa'a RROIR-RRB.The loOoa if'V b-Mer B-pfa_B itrelf:

Fa B* Kditaraf TA* V. Y. Ti BaaaBa I B - ee i-i-t,. r*«e of yojr iwue th;. -*t* . r*p.y

a.)1n|: _

v. itais thal ilm* *re no Yoluntaei Lngineer. city." , _

| would bav* you diaabuaa n.yaelf.ind o't.er re-n.tlngem-crtabr plai.'.lr lr.foi_lu| vob.i'.t. aud the p-j-.lo.tUt the

..(oluueer F.i.gla.*r Raafem.ina .' Hrml.luait..ra, lorner of f haa.ber. ai d 4_.ih.ni,ur\, Only ArVi .aip-le* !¦ rt allb f.l. Hen.n. ar-.-l a'ne.""r, tb. YariAx Hatlny la. beea li_p*part*d. Thaof ihe on-jnii- at U_ r.iu...,t i. I;.., lag -uJri.,;.;i:ili,»T«-T-ply '¦." Jayiiap«rtl,io«..oM aratar m - tbr cca-

Bdaaea Sioad la laorati-e ?<^**%Zi& ll^Ca OV. ipacti.>y. W- b- l*--R->Be, se g -. t. >. u.

rkiHippnrt, 24or.'l, 18_1. -

A Btundof colora will be proeer.ttd to the ..ab

Bofrimeet Now-Torh Vtdtwtoero. CoL Ztv k. by u

('..u.iriitlee of Now-Yoth mcrrhant-, nt Iha e'uan.p-tuent of the regiment, Stn'i n bfa.nd, t.'il.iy noon.

At Camp t'nrngan, DbvUb Inland, a llag. trot npby the 1h.ii. of New-Yoth, will oo iiY»-ient.,1 to tbe" Thrfd liiah,'' olid Kegimc-ut MJBB ROlh »tale Yol-uute**ra.On I.Bday aajM a aword,.aeb aud bnlt were

rrer-nteil to i',|. K rT.v_ai!oai"ki ,1 _B BM New-York \ oli-teere, by ilr. ». BBfa_lld. v, bo eceom-

panied tbogift witu au apfri.pthue aj^-ih. An eu-

ijtertaiun.etit waa fiveu on tho MMB.B ut yo. '.''..,' 1- ii'iii aveuue.

Mdt IAIF_N'I. OJ THOOPS.The 1'Jth lregion, i.mler couni.and of Col. Van

W'yck, will H-.iiv- ii, town t' m BBB in,; ea r^ii.e for'-i,'..,.. t ,,f wnr. ThoBoBoaf Otaaaa riml BeUirMireeidei.t iu New-York will givethe lypgiuii a heaityarakoBoaadaraaA.Ithi Maaaad wiih a «ta_dofclIo-ut tl.e Kvcntt Houie. Ihe pro<e.ai,i:i willbl foimed ut tbe 7th Kegimeot Arn.ory aud marchlhaaa tatha BmmB I(uu»e. The it>giment haabc<"i raiae<l princ pally ia Orarge aud .ullivancouutiet, aud tbe men are chielly larmere.

Bot.i a_aaacBi urn iboom*Ibe ofli' ere.i tbe Bd Bogiaw B.Col. Jobn Karti,

wbirh will errive here'm tlio Hih inat, wi'l bo en-tertaiued witb a bieakfu-t at the Aator Ilonne, byibe Soiis of MBertach;ir_-tt«.

V. fi. QIAHllltMimB- OfflCBaTbero ba. been uuite a relaxatioti in the bitaitieae

of Ili- DopartaaM O'lring the laat tbree or four day*,but to-day reiiieitioiiB for ihe tniii*portatiin of fourregiueiith to Waahington have beeu mn.le oi I I.l'i,,. pkli a. Tho regiment of itrtiilerv under Mnj.Bin uctt, couij" ae<l of eightcompaniea of N BBB eaeb,v.ill be forwardod from Eha l'ark, stuteu Islaud, to\rV_*»hingt«.n, by the Camden uud Amboy line.Tbe SOtli Befta.B Ha _. Voluateera, iiiimbering

Llt'i' uiin, witb eix horaea and aix piecee-.f urtillery,will aleo lea^ e foI Washiagton to-day, by tbe BOW-.leif.-y Bl.road an.l Trauaportaiiou CrmpiLy'. line.A regiment of 7'M) rr.en, now .juartered at Turtle

Bay, will be forwardeil bv the aame route.In OOaOMBBaM of the ififflculty e_perienoed iu the

Tri a* iry Ucpartmeut ln produciug treatury n, tea inautiicifiit iiu.i'iiiit to i.ie.-i tbe dctnand. tbe numt.er of'unpaitl blBa aeOBBB.Btfag hi thia office atead.Ir in-reuuea. The lart remittnneeof 4».'*0'.,,0i Owaa iiBed to

pay oil tlie bi.ii of lougost tUndiug, wbile otli*r*wero h.1.1 over, which in aildition to ihoae .iuce con-,tra. ted, amount to about $400,000.

TO THK ROO.RBI..M OF NIAV-YOKK.Tbe moiicfti 0.BB iu charge of Camp YYuahiugtou

fratefnllv itcknowb dgea the reci ipt of Contributioataof bookafor tbe uee of the library he te forming toribe camp. 'Iho gentleinen who klndly promiaedd.uiati"U", tii'l thoee willing to routribute,. an insure

their «afe deliverv by forwan'iug them to Dr. Ellte,I'oat DBfBoa. CMnp ^Yttallillgtun, care of St.iteuUlaud BxatOB Company.

THE _____Na 0f CQfa. BABBBaHa noi.Mof tb1 Iat i Coi. Baker will bo aent

fro.u WiablngtOB tbi* BMtatag to Pblla.lelphia,where «p|.rYYpr.af'« arTfingemeiiti _ive been BBB forthi ir rt leptivii. 'lbov will bo MMftod to Indepeu-!<i« u.e II.ill bv Col. Ili. kl.'-. a Iat Kegimenl Intaiitryu:. Col. Pawfa. m Keglment lufantiv, wbere thebo*Jy will lemuiu in atatc, oj n to publie view tillBitRiday.

(ln Suturr'ay the body will be bronght to Ibia city,'wilh a t.ulitarj eecort,and be nlaced fa tho CityUull until M.uiday, wheu B W.l bi taken t) the( ..lii rnia atoo.wr, whfah aaila tbat day. Ariauge-:Di'-nta will be mude for au cicort and IMffMM intbia city.

li'ci'iM.ii I. /OIAW. l_B8_BTATIOB.Tbe pfOBOBt.Iob of ihe llag to Col. D'_fbai.'i I

Bogbaaatof /'I'uivea, wbic'i waa to faBN oeeuriai.,-' il.v :i'Cnuip Lealin, Stuteu Ialand, waa BBBB*imrily poBl poaed on aceonnt i.f the atoras. 1 he cere-luouy will take phuo on tbe lir.t fair day.


-BMT AND NAYV.About M oi'i, er* hnve b -eu placed upon the retlred

liat, bvihoAuiiv Ketiiing Board, wbi, Ii >.ii!l con-lini. * i * laboralu Waahiiigt'in. The ui.-' nromi-ueut of the Bl.od olfli-era ure:

Ihon iaNan.ei llauk. ,>e.,».

YVinliald Kcotl.Breret-I.let'*.. Oaner*!.MlBylveetee ci.aubbl. baeeoWa Ueneni._ ,

l.'.lui J Ah.i,.Col. Topograp.i, *1 Eng.47OoVl Bl i.-r Morii..CoL Iat lutanlry.31 |n. _, ... BaaaaYlll*.Coi N 1. i.nirr.«a .

l.oi, f'-n M'urli.Lt.-l ol 4ti> luf*iii. y.:m'Joaepa lt. -u.iiU.Bi«vrl-J.l.-C.l. 7th iuiant.y.41ivii.* Keeraae.Lt.-('ol. Tup. Kuglnean.BlCaaipbell Umiiaiu.Major T..|i. Ki.giBaara.*>(lile. I'orter.V.joi tlb AttiTor;.0II. I, Ii .tt.Iii.rvector-deneial.2$

Col. Wm. W biatler of tbe Ith Infantry, altbBBBbb nauio in uot oa thi retired lia, hue beeu liiniullyrOtirod for eoiue yeara. He ia the oldeet ofliier iuibe uruiv, baving BBM eoauabBoaod in IBBI.

hi.vct-Col. W . Tbiiyci- of the Corpa af fa_ffa*_J.WhoM MM ii now before tbe Board, luia aeeu a g.aatdcalof imimco, having enteicd ihe army aa Beooud;l.ieuli iiuiil of RagmMH iu l'obiuary, lbU^. Hewaa brave'ed CoIoboI iu Mtirch, leW, and upp' tutedI.i.u'. ( olonel in July, IKW, which rank he now)boJdi. Col- Tb*W a late *how* ibe exireitte »*. w-

- '" ¦ '' "¦."¦¦ . tlneae of promotiont in tbe Corpi of Enpfaeen, Afternfiy-threo yeani eervi, e, he ia only liaat.-Colonel,aluiou-h he baa held the brevet rank of Colonel formor* tban twenty-oight yeara.The three new ai.'ftn'era on the stocka at tboBrooklyn Nuvy Yard are being pnehed forward ggn.l idly ua the rt.ourcea of the yard.and they aronot by any n.eana limited- w ill allow. The piopel-,ler Ontiia ia the ncanet eompletion. Wben herdea k ii cuulkcd, and her aidea painted, ihe will bateady for launcbiuji. The dde-wLael eUumer Oa>tarow haa nade very good progreu. Tbe caolkeraare af wo:k upon her, aud ehe will eoon be plankedup. Tbe hurk which wonld bave interferred witbI er, M ing lauuched, haa beea tut away. Th* pro-peller Aftuondtick i* the leaat advantedof the three.bnt ua «oon a* tbe Orxida ia off the atocki, ahe willhe hattfad forward wifhotit dclay. .

Four ateaiiiere, re.-ently BM iuto eommleaion.thoCom.eeiiciit, Supi'ly. .iautiugo de Cuba, aud 8bep-ia rd Knapp.are aiill at the yaid. The two latierwill aail today. The Coune< ticut i* taking io frethprovkiona, aud, aa well a* the Supply, will leave foii .l.iy or two.A wliit/>*mith'i »hop io being erected on tbe IV

radogroiiQd-ttached to the Biouklyii Marine Bar*raeka. Ita dimensiony are 2-* feet by 10 feet, and itwill lmve aix fiiet laca.'i. Tbh look* aa if buaineaewai not expecte.ii to denea.e juat yet.

.1 NEW ATLANTIC S'JTEAM COMPAST.We take tle following intercating deacription of

aome int. ndtd rronrter ocean itt-umen from tftab*'.". strt/»i tSitpftng Journnl:¦' Tha TiauH-ilttuiic l.'xptet * S'eamdiip Company,"

forniinr'io run iuipro\ed Great _iaat*rna to New-Vork rmder teven du.ya, but ouly halt 'ho tuunage ofthe li'.ij Bifp, ha-.e theexperience of Brunel and Ku_-*.-!! at theujriide. Ihe new ateamere will be fiOOfeet iu le ith, 79 ftat l.readtb, and 30 feet iu depthirom tbe i.pper deek to the keekon. On the .pardock will ho u gia&d ualo. i under the Lurricano,le< k, MO feet iu lemMh, wifh 164 gtate roorrui enter-ing iuto lt. The ki.k-a wi'l e the lotiiviiudinal par-titioiia iprtagtag from aide kekonB. Ihe bi-odtnoftho mIoob will be 35 feet, uud iikht 10 foet o" inchea.The draught of wataf will Le 17 to 18 feat; io tbatfrom tho 1. na 1 t.c to the top of the hurrkane deckwill i-e -- feet C iuchee. Frori the water level tothoupper deck will be 12 feet, aud then 5 feet bulwurka.[The *Li|ia will Le br_lt iu three water-tigbtlongitndii.nl bulkheada from bow to etern,which will give them enormoua itrength.'j lu* dnalaBB converti tbe pliij,* below the loadline to perfect tubular divkioue, taking the formof three di*t iutt ahip*. In ndditiou to tbe fore andaft LulkLeada, the interccpting crota partitioua willaiibnJ addiiional eecuii'y, and give altogether fifiywater-tight compartmenta, *o that the veagel will bencaily uurinkabie. Ihe two eide longitudinal par-titiona are 20 feet apart, and thua, aa the tbipa are',5 feet hcam, they make tbree cinal divkioni of 25feet. 1 he boilera, cook and raacninery are tobeiathe two aide aection*, wbicb leavea tbe middte divia¬ion of & tett Irom etem to ttern free from all breaki.Ue main, l-.wer and orlopdecka will be lit ted withM> itate-rooma; and each eahin being eeven feoteoiure, and uolding oulr two paaaengera, they canatford urcommodatiou oi thkaort to _,SW1 peraoni,and aam , boddaa, .'',000 tona of eargo. They are tobe propelled with two acrewe, on* under each qoar-ter. and two tide naddle*. Each set of ecrew en»

gftMfl v II be Lxed lougitudmally. to avoid lateraliar, and tbey will huve new modei of couneclingVod». TLe paddk-wheel enirinea w ill have no centerahalt, exeept a tmall oue wnh a piuionon eaeh gear-ing workiuir into tootbed twheeu on each engiaaahalt. By thu contrivonie tbe ecrew and pad-,:!,. on one eide cau turn ahead, while theonea on tbe other aide cau back ua-tem. The abip* con be ateered by the ma-chitiery if the ateeriug gear were carried *wny, andthey woo'd never require aflUa to bring tLem up tothe wind, theiefore matta und yarda may be dia.I eiired wiih, aud bo leeaen tho tendency to rolliogtrom too wti.Lt. An onliuary eteeriog wheel k toho provikd. but the taipa are to be ateered by alombi'iB'iiin of ilatm aud water cylinder*. A* aaextru precaution, eide lim or ruddera will be fixed,worke.i, ou an emergomy, by B gaotred alioft, apovwheel, and t\ indle, kd to u rapatan or steam ahift.PBtaBB be ,rfl ttavelera, for running the eargo to undfrom the Lu'. Ua\i, will he attavhed to all the Le-i wetn de. k*. Tbe wuru int; i* to l>« done by ateam

piiea; Md tkxibk hoae will be attucbed to amotherlirea by vap.r. The pro caa ot' ventilatiou by trapvdvea ai.d ur-dr-. i. Lt pipe* ida-et rihed iu our CBI-umu* latt week B to be udoptad. To alford lightbelow, the floor* will be interaected with honey-vo...btd iton-frun.ed glaaa. There are munv otberruinor t*iutnvaccea lo render the thip* hcaluiy andagnaahh) to poaaengere; but the 0BM point l« thotp-t-d. It ia iutended to give them large euginopoaer, not neoeeaarilT to work alwaya at higbpreaaare, hr.t to aapjly aa abuud_nc* of ateam.The nomii.tl hora* power ef tbe eugiaea will eqonlthe Oient E-BMra'a, ulthougb the tbip* will not bamore than bull her taunage. Il k eeiimited thattbair total .Ikplacemeu will be rather over 8,000tun*. and that the midahipa, or greateet aectionot di.| Lu-emt-nt, will be near upon 1,200 etjuarefeet. When loaded, they will draw etghteen feet,or uiue feet leaa than the Great Eaateru, and alto-geth. their depth of hold will be 28 BM le*». Fromthtir Hght draught of water and dkplacenient,loupled with an iodic*t*d horee-power four Umeitheir nominal, "r 1,001, it k confideatly nfllrmed bythe promoiera and puii utt-ea ti.ai a maximam apeedof thirtv ututute uilkt will be ttttuined; but for th*obiect abuBTht to be gained.natnely, making the pggaage from Brktol to New-York in k*e than Mveldavg.hii averago of eoventeeu knot* only i» reqnieite. If theae »bipe accompluh thk rate f »p*edthey will tommaud mail*, f-petie, and paiaengenBrMMh linea of railway* to tl.e BrkU'l dockn, amdown to the river'* iiKimh, are in couteroi kk^iorTh* (jreal Weaiem liuilway baa guarauteed fouiper cent oti the *tock to eotietrucl or.* line, *nd U»otber* will be done by iudependenl compuuke forta-ing for tbe paapooa. Another part of t_eproj*ct ilto ti.ll for niaikatMilford Haven, and oif f^uoeue-town for luteat telegrama aud Irkh lettert anu rewt-

papera. It k prea-iuiad that, tnking into conaidertthe contemnluted rate of aj^eJ of tueae new expreo.ateaiuer*, tdo Holvlieail und Onhlin ronte wo ild ncutahthe veaaek'at Cork, suppodug the maik tleava Loodou aud the eteumer to aturt from Brittc('hiini.il At tl.e amu* liour, unieoa the Diaehiuory ofIbe Utter brokc down bat a* all tb* propelkra arato he worked by indopet-dent aeta of engine*, foi-..ditl'ereut aeta miiat triva way heiore th* ehlp woalJbe left without propelling powtw."

*!!f*mifm^mm*mmmsmmmMaajajCaB.h*i-ge Caltle Tlarltei.

Bif.'.ii'.pu foB Thi If. Y. Triiic.nb.by Obo. Bcpv.N»vb«bbb *. 1MI.

Wbola nomlier of CattW at tnatket, 1,'jil; ab'ut l.OfXPaare* a-J aW Ptora*. ror.aialng of WarUug Oxbb, biilobCowa, anJ on*. two, aad tl.ree year oU*._Pa'.CEtop MaaKKT Bbbp..F.xira, »,._.*'. ii. *rtl gaalitygi 79: teeond .-lallty. flg| thini c.all-y, r'J'o.ttl.

)'.- *a opbturb Cbttlb..Woituig Oito. par palr, troafb.) to r .'' Cowi Bail C-Tei. ft.nu *ii, 030. to gJ4Vaarltnn, t"..W-BHSO.Twa year-old*.$tl<r*>14 Thraa-Tearolg*. OI4 to *17.s ie.-p and l.tii.tn %1tt at market: prloaa la lat*. 01

.09 i-l eeehi extra, BM *I U\ ot froa -M-P IB..l'i.i.g Laoiiit, noue.

B-.-afPB Fl-OV . ,11 «r»TB.Callla. Bb'p k L'b*. l.'aivaa llvrtt*. Bwiaa.

Malna.t^T)5^N*w-Haoir>i'ilr*.*a5.. ..

Vermont.497 l.OaJ* 99Ba_*abaaflt*. 90 ¦¦ .. ..

*.:v»wVork.190 919 .. .-¦Weatwii. 91 "..'*

laaada.!_* ___

.. ^ __

BB_rSaHi',«__^TaB^,aSta p'-.r***, !**.»,ar_ fail ..<kiu..7<. c. ftt>- ... .. ,.jJf ,otWagk'it th*N l'.. I'r,. Kxtr.a.,.lPir.tqi-.a.llyL'.'^n°7_(.r,1^,,h,

b*at, Urge. fat, flall f*f Ox*. f«^_|_uS- baittbraa-bei-t gra-* -1 Oleo.tb* b* *t .tal -fed ,°»*_.Dd th* lefua* ofyear-.'.d Btaura. UrOttnty couaial. tfUta . _* trbta thoa* of iaftriot?aBBP-r.xtra Inol jimCotttt:f

quality are trrowo c :t. j Truuk aad Kaatern Rall-Tlier* w*ra 4J cart ovar toa' _j^ _,! cj 0TM int yi,CB

luad, l."over lh* Bo.too *»*

burg. _ .ijpplv of cttle, * great propor-RB*AKK.-Tl.erel.au!*fd,pr'',,.|t.b)a Br ..otlTng>..*

r.'yj. \* bead.tBIiMblM BM"1"1' *** Telegrapk.inarutita.«T"

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,,.,,, ._». U^.^'-^ilBOBiwa. Pa** «'¦» _**lOHNTiW- B*Ktat«*rf«. »<WL Kll,I0BTi -.u-hangad-UB bMb. ( *"»«» _» "T l0 S^t-York. Boata aaica. Ar ,0ur Bl** ^ U»i,2L' iuUu Or.lo, 1. bow afloat on tbiaiW, carrjleg oT.J.b*',h, .rtfavoabl* oPPtilOBl'J. UBBluka and »i.l .riiyeattnt . VVheat, T.lMbeM.

aatg.lwt^^^^*s B,#-

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Arr Nov t-** Dlou.(of Botton). M_t "»M-1U»98, inbv.ila.ltou.-iB*; .. j , st. Thooiaa O't. -». »icAbebi y['W*&chVt)&* b_ MM.Voa.mW. a*tu (., B \N L*»i« A_A _____; 1 NoT 4 lM. ¦ tt, Bauaad . i--.ei.ch.hr'^S taowtegaad .ud kta7^ 01. ilgaa ad e .'un-ai. atit. «p»-,"«l"* _, _.'._. *-__a.ibub. BtS B--BA*B**»«*kiuia i*. fc J.M ia*e*B~*