4^s. BE YOt'R «yw> M.\MCCR& /^jPW I'^K l^erhatn'* AL.*»A.STRI^* / This preparation doea away wtta * -yJ^y u»e of cutlclo icnllo. Prle*••».?' Jar. I T Be<"«-ham'» Benzoin 1 11- 1 Myrrh •^\u25a0\u25a0nnj^Ba, \ VW uneqoallea for th» skin. :jc. Bt*rn^Bro» . s^ 7 W*n»m»k"r. Slmp^on-i-rawfortl Co.. M*CT"» ' or \u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—•\u25a0 1 all -nl--T Bedford Pm>. >\u25a0 V S. CASOLA. LADIES' TAILN. 244 6TH AVE. Suits to ortsr of yoar own malsinit. 113. Suits inada of my material. fSD. Pwfuct St araat— o. L\\y i-\ki-I\n FAD.—Hand Pstnfi Oo«Ol^ al.so \**mms. OT W. 35tH. FUJItENCE MORHSU. HAIR ON FACE ;rr. \u25a0 .r; A TTPE OF JAPANESE BEArTT. "Full dress." and Mrs. Leonard L. Hill, while Mrs Edmund Janes Palmer. Miss Beatrice Spragje, Miss Lnulss Cox. Miss McAdams and Miss Meyers were hj th« dining room. Among those present were Mrs. Flske. Mrs. Albert C. Bage. Mrs. Richard Rodriguez. Mrs. William Henry Brown. Mrs. P. M. Pomerene. Mrs. Arthur E. Johnstone. Mrs. Hector Morlson Hitch- ings, Mrs Philip Bevan Ijl Roche. Mrs Daniel Eltlnge Morse. Mrs. Winchester Fitch. Mrs. Lionel Emdln. Mrs. Charles B. Trumbo. Mrs. Warren Stone Blckham, Mrs. John Alfred Renahan. Mrs. M. Washington Larendon. Mrs. Julian K. Meyer. Mrs. George Fink. Mrs. Charles Osborne. Mrs. Hugh Reid Law-ford. Mrs. John H. Matthews. Mrs. Fred- erick Eugene Partlngton. Mrs. Emerson MacMillan. Mrs. Charles L. Acker. Mrs. Henry Lewis Dyer, Mrs. Daniel Shipley Blood. Mrs. John Milton Gardner, Mrs. George Warren Wilder, Mrs. James Edward Kelly. Mrs. George Noakes. Mrs. Zachary Taylor Jones, Mrs. George Delmere Sprcul, Mrs. Edwin J 'tinlop Whaley. Mrs. James M Glfford, Mrs. Vernon Mansfield Davis. Mrs. Abraham Lin- coln Erlanger. Mrs. Gustavus A. Humphreys, Mrs. Edward J. Kickert. Mrs. H. Ives Smith. Mrs. Boron- Low. Mrs. M. Borden Cnrter. Mrs. Charles B. Hogg, Mrs. James Rufus Amldon. Mrs. Alfred Wat kins. Mrs. John Francis Douglas. Mr*. Harry Wallersteln, Mr* Leonard L. Hill. Mrs. Julius Hart. Mrs. Will- iam Scott De Camp. Mrs. James Burke. Mrs. John Mulr, Mrs. Ashbel Parmelee Fitch. Mrs. A. E. Chamberlain. Mrs. Frederick Y. Swift. Mrs. John H. Mci-arthv. Mrs. Jo.*eoh R. Trimmer, ilrs. Charles G. Braxmar. Mrs. John Jnmes Amory. Mrs. Jose- phine Curtis Woodburj Mrs N A. hlhald Shnw. Jr.. Mrs. N. WyckofT Vnnderhoef. M..^. Joseph Allen Physloc. Mrs. Henry K. S. Williams. Mrs. Herbert Ashton Post. Mrs. Agnes Hedge Hughos. Mrs. Uvron Vincent Tomnkins. Miss Tompklns. Mrs N E Hulbcrt. Mrs. William H. MacDermott. Mrs. William P. Montague. Mrs. Daniel R. Van Nostrand. Mrs Percy Qardner. Mrs. Edward Leeds OoodseM. Mrs. Arthur L. Root. Mrs. Harry Stewart Elliott, Mrs. George W. Hanna. Miss Kmrr. Miss White, Miss Miller Miss Kath.rine K. lii>rd. M>« Bnge, Miss Pomerene. Miss Carottne Keele' Mnlr. Ml«>s Burke. Miss Malda Roade i.ee. Miss MhM Montsg'ie. Miss Walker. Miss Frances I'ngi rer. Miss Rodriguez. Miss iiigle. M'ss Eva Florence Smith. Miss Marguerite M Hicks. Miss IWitley. Miss Louise S. Cox. Miss Selbert. Miss Atwater Miss Chapman. Miss Georgia May Pen- fteM. Miss Larendon. Miss Osborne. Mtss Harriet c line*.'. Mi«s Mirr. Mi.-s Irwln Martin. Miss Mar-Adam Miss Meyers. Guide M.irbury. F. F. Mc- 11 Vllitam BroM I>e Camp. Lvon De Camp, Uomalne A. Phllpot. Joseph Everett Pike Stephen lioit Bacon. Alfred Mend Potter. Commnnder Fiske. All'prt C lidgc and Arthur Edwr.rd Johnstone. Mrs Harry Wallersteln gave a recept'on last Friday afternoon from 4 until 7 o'clock, at her home. No. 23 West Sixtieth-rt.. to meet Miss Irwin Martin and the members of the College Women's Club. The house was decorated with pinks and emilax. An orc-hfstra discoursed music through the afternoon. Mrs. Wallersteln was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Irwln Martin. Baroness Von Orrendorf. Mrs W. H. Salter. Mrs. Donald McLean. Mr-. Charlotte Wilhour. Mrs. James McCullough. Mrs. Clarence Hums. The tea room was presided o\er by Mm-. Marie Cross Newhaus. Mrs. Jessie Allen Phyrloc. Mrs. Jos* de Bermtngham. Mrs. Harry Norton Manny, Mrs. Eugene Hoffman Por- ter. Miss IJlllnn C Horn and Miss Margaret Rhine- lander. Among the three hundred invited guests were Mr. and Mrs Theodore Sutro. Dr. Harriette C. Keatlnge, Dr. ami Mrs. Chnrles A. Vulariler. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Tfdd. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hnskfis. Mrs. Hector Morrlsen Hitchlngs. Mr. and Mrs. John Garden. Mrs. C. Jenkins. Miss. E. A. Gregg. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred D. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. chap- man. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Garrison. Mr. A. C. TV.ir 1, Mrs. Dore Lyon, Mrs. H. Whlpple. Miss Abby K. Tlllotson, Mrs. W. K. Ttllotaon. MUs Mildred Reid, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Pisk«. of Sm'.th-st., Belle- ville. N. J . gave a reception on \VedMOS lay night in honor of the seventeenth anniversary of the birthday of their daughter. Miss Idi Pisko. Those present were Miss Ida M Plske. Arthur Stanley Walker, Miss Martha W. Relff. O. W. Walton Lottie Oilh.y. Wiillam Young. Etta M Malsch. Milllam Stephens, •'hurles Piskc. jr. Ml« Anna A. Guldner. F. H. P.sk« and Kato IM^ke. Mrs. Frank IJttlefleld. (hairmar, of the hoard of directors of the Haarlem Philharmonic Society. entertained the officers nnd committees of that fo- clety at her home. No M West One-hundred-Hnd- twenty-seventh-st.. from 4 until 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The decorations were of yellow jon- quils, most effectively displayed, and emblematic, of the club's colors. The guests were entertained by the singing of Mrs. A. Stewart Holt, accompa- nied by Alfred Y. Cornell. Though the gntherlng was a purely social one,, the success which has re- Mr. and Mrs. Ridley Watts are In S'. Augustine, Fla., where they will remain for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Blgrlrvr.of Morristown. left yesterday for Palm Bench. Fla . where they will remain for a few weeks for Mr. Hißelow's health. Mr. B'gelo-w has been suffering with the grip for son.e, time past, hut is now setter, and thinks he will speedily recuperate in the exhilarat- ing Southern atmosphere. In Central Hall. Bloomfleld. N J.. on Monday night, fashionable people from the Oranges. (;>n Ridge and Bloomfleld attended a leap \e.ir dance. The hall was beautifully docoiated for the occnslon with potted ralms and other plants. The p.-itron- esses were Mrs. Samuel W. Diiffl'-id Mrs William H. White. Mrs. John Newton. Mrs B. W. 9oiton, Mrs. Edward Q. Wars and Mrs. Thom.is (lakes The committee In charge of the nffrilr wvs com- posed of the Mls*»s Helen Rewton. Florence Dun- can, Bessie Bennett, and Mrs. I'il'iy A. Hoy 1. The pupils of the domestic science class in the Glen Ridge High School pave a dinner to the mem- bers of the Board of Education :ind th"ir wives on Tuesday night. The tatde w.is fccotmtod with red carnations and ferns. The members of the class are Madeline Wrlßht. C.r.c-c Chlnn. Florence De Oroot. Ruth Dayton. HaVVHaM Munh. Benin .l.in- ney. Evelyn I'ollock. Anita Dimar?. Edith Roo> erts. Mnv Bartholomew- n.-n! l.urr Bristol. Those present nt the dinner were Mr. an 1 Mrs. Edward P. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. n I. Woodley, Mr and Mrs. William F. Upson. Mr. and Mrs Edward K. Wright. Mr. and Mrs C. E Dart on. Dr nnd Mrs. H. C. Harkins nnd >:iss Rosalba Coombs. Mr. and Mrs. Griunell Willis and Miss Willis, of Morristown. hnve returned from their Southern trip, and will stay in New-York 'jntil E.i^trr. Mr. and Mrs. William Shlppen close,! their house. In Madison-eve.. Morristown. the first of last week. and will remain In New-York until early In April. ronm. were Miss Elolse. Lent, chairman: Mrs. James Clark, Miss Kathleen Taylor-Ma ssey and Miss Grtfe Osnorne. Among the women present were Mr*. J. Alexander Brown. Mrs. Clarence Burns. Mrs. H. Herbert Knowies. Mrs. William Ayers Bonner. Mrs. H. 8. Tonjes. Mrs. Cros»ley, Mrs. Kmil Kenchllng. Mrs J. C. Uscomb. Mrs. Tobey. Mrs Jansen. Miss Helen Phelps. Mrs. M. A. rhoate. Mrs. Charles HoWn«on, Mrs. A. M. Slauson, Mrs. John R. Davidson and Mrs. W. H. Wadsworth. The annual meeting of the Hospital Guild was held last Tuesday right at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. McMlchat l. No. y> West Elghty-nlnth-st. PALMER-HAL.LETT. R5» EMMAELIZABETH HAXJJSTT. only dauirV- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jacobus, of Williamsbridge, and I">r. Oeorre O. Palmer were married on Fri- day evening by the Rev Uaymond Davies, pastor of the Em- manuel Baptist Church. Wi:!iamsl»ridKe. Th<> bride wore a gown of Krl colored me*.sa- line over taffeta, with jewels tn her liair. She carried a handsome white fan iiiMea.l •( \u25a0MMI £h» was attended by her niece. Miss Kmma Jacobus, as maid of honr.r Mis? Jacobus W<«re white crfp* n> iris, with <-hilT"ii trimml-.. (ml carried pink roues. The best man was Charles W. Hell. On Hoitiunt ><f *ickm"«s In the family, ih>^ wedding wan private, only the Immediate family being presert After h short wedding trip Dr and Mr*. Piiinvr will be nt home to th'-ir friends at the home <-f the MICi parents. in Fourth-av*. PETRY- FRITZ Uls« Manrar'-t Fritz, daughter <-f Mr. mid Mrs. 3V F. Fritx. of Tr«-!it<> -,. N. J.. find Auciist Petry w<»r« married on Thursday rvenlne at Srhne!d«-r'» Hall. One-hundred-nna-f«l*ty-tlilr«!-Kt »nd Thlrd- ave.. by the H»v. 11. Brlderb«Tke. pastor sff St. 2chn> Lutheran Cliurcii. The Krnnx. Nfisr Oer- trcde Fritz. nl*tr>r of the bride, ••\u25a0 mai.i <•' lmnnr. and Frederick Dittz iieted as best man. Tlie uttherw were re«r«e Bercer and Walter Frank. T> brlile wore a grown of white cr«p« 4e clUue. with chiffon und pearl trlmmlnK»<. and r*rri»-d a bouquet "f white hyacinths and lillcs-of-th'-valley. Mi Fritz was cow*nod In letnori colored silk mull. wl;h Per- •tan trhnming. She carried a bouquet of tea roam. Amon« the a-uest* were Mr. and Mi Frederick Kill. Mr. and Mr?. F. \V. h:i» ff'-r. Mr. and «r» J. rtuppert. Mr. and Mrs William RtnufT. Mr. and Mrn John Petry. Mr. and Mr«. John Owens. M*. nd Mrr. I»uis H. Herllrht. Mr. .--nd Mrs. Oeorße W r . I-oft Mr. ar.d Mrs. Frederi" LanichJrt. Mr. nnii Mrs. Martin Petrj. Mr. and Mrs Oeorite <ncMrt. Mien Fannie Grafton. Mlf>« F.liz-iiK-tli Df>i M!«j Farah Hat«-h. Johr Sweeney Plillln I'lett Rlehard Ituire. Joseph Ruppert. An lr<w Hu«i' and M. T. OMerhout. MRS. ALKXANDKU C. CHKNoWKTH. OF THK DAUOBTBBI Of HOLLAND. The bride wore a gown of white embroidered •MfTon over LM>erty ratln. trimmed with duchesse paint lace, and a diamond hor*e*ho«>. tlie gift of Che brid«-groom Her bouquet was lUles-of-1 fc»y. Tlie maid of honor> pown wa« of white chif- isn. trlmnvd with whit* rose*, and she carri«-d a Bouquet of Fweetp*-as. The bridesmaids' pssjsja were of white and Liberty silk, trlmnv-d wlih w lii!>- *eri!ie lace and KT«*en panne sotssj girdle.* Tliey carried Kaster lilies, tied with a showor of small ont> After the w^ddltig a n-ceptlon was h' i<l at the b»a»> of '.he bTlde's n^rrnts. from 7 to 11 o''lork. *r. and Mr*, \allart have n'-n^ So-jth on w»-«l- %K trip and upon t!>Mr Mtsva w-11l reside in lial- 0mor«. Among the out of town KUf«'« at tlie m-eddlnr; jgMnTS Mr and Mt> Jos«»p}! liar.t. the Misses VitlUnt. Miss l^>uine McNeil. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Corning, Jr.. Mr. and Mrr. C. F. Hubbs. Mr. and \u25a0*• E. Psrml* 'r.. Mi> Sarah J Valiant and J. W. Valiti'i: of Itjill'.morr: Mr. and Mrs 11. J. Vent. Mls^ I. C. Hodman. Mr *n<l Mrs Wllli.im ••anp end*Mr at:<! Mrh. Herl«rt K:ilir. of NVw- Tork. The bride was attended by her sist<r. Miss Mary T.. Valiant, as maid of honor, and the hrld<-smalds were Miss Elkl< Brokaw and Miss I belle Milne. of North Plainfield; Miss Margaret <'orning. of Baltimore, a Klste-r of the proom. and Miss N< Hi" Valiant, of Churchill. Md.. a cousin of th<- l.rid- The h«-st man whs John W Cornung. of Boston. a twin brother of the croom. and tlie ushrrs »ere Parker I»lx. Jomph I). Chcsney and H. A <»nilng. Jr.. ef Haltlmort. E Pannly, Jr . of Philadelphia^ and John Valiant. Jr. the latter a brother of the bride CORNI XO-\ A T. A fashionable wedding of considerable interest vii celebrated iMI Wc-dne««da evening In the First Mfthodist Episcopal <'i,ut of Plalr.fifld. N. J-. wlicn Miss Ellz.nl»<>th Gordon Valiant, oldest daughter <•• toi-mcr Councilman ond Mir John Valiant. of Myrtk»-a\-e . North Plalnfleld. became the wife of Charles Francis Corning, son of Mr. snd Mr«. A S <>»mlng. sr.. of Baltlmoro The !•• lir. W C. Siir»dgra!«K. pastor of the church, performed thr crrr-mony in tho proscne* of \u25a0 aWan number of friends from Baltimore. New-York and nsisjiiiii A Mrthday tea was given last Friday afternoon for the benefit of the scholarship fund of the Pascal Institute, at Its home. No. 576 Lexlngton-ave. There was an exhibition of do«ens of articles, ranging from stocks to tailored coats and reception gowns, 11 made bv the young girls at the Institute During the afternoon Miss Marlon Oregon" and Frank Eaton sang and Miss Frances Slater ptayed. A scientific palmist was on hand to add to the in- terest of the afternoon. Members of the junior aux- iliary of the institute, who presided in the tea- Mrr. William Watts entertained a large number nf women on Thursday morning at her home, in Hi l-ot., Morristown. N. J . and introduced Miss Clara 1. Weft, wlio lectured on Thfodore Botrej. the Flreton poet. Ml»s West Is giving four I^nten lectures Th« v take :-lace on Thursday mornings. The next leciure will be at the home of Mrs. Kiur-ir F Randolph. In Bouth-st . the subject l»- ing%'onrni-morailon Week In Oxford" and th» date March 10. The presidents of the women's clubs in the vicin- Buffalo have l>een asked to meet the presl- Federation, Mrs. Charles M. I>ow. on March li. There will be an all day meet- 1 1 r;ide schcxil will bf the principal sub- .llscussion. The annual brrakfast of the Society for Political Study will take BtsOS nt IBS I'ark Avenue Hotel on Tuesday. The gue«ts of honor will be Mra. \u25a0 M. Dow. president of tlie State Federa- tion of Women's Clubs; Mrs. Dore Lyon. president of the <^Ity Federation : Mrs. Charlotte Wllbour. president of Sorosis; Mrs Howard MacNutt. Mrs. A M Palm«! Mtf Philip Carpenter. Mrs. Clar- Burn- Mrs WillUm Gerry Slade nnd Mrs. Jarm-s H I'arkrr Three ex-prenldents-Mrs. Loutee Bar-alow, Mrs John F. Trow and Mrs. Helen Clark -will also he nr.-sent. and there will rfc t.y Miss Alta Yola and Miss Bertha N>smith The Tremont Branch of the Woman's Municipal K< ;ici;e gave a -i»-ss,lve euchre on Baturday aftornoon at the home of Mrs. Israel C. Jones. Oa)o-lnindr*>d-nnd-etghtj--thlrd-8t. and Thlrd-ave. The nroceeds are for the fountain fund. The affair was under the ipervislon of Mrs. H. H. Tinker. There were tw<*nty-four ta.l>le» »>f players. The winners of th<- prisf-s were Mlr* Mary Ray. Mrs. Mulard. Mm. Fisher. Mrs. P-ak.-r. Mrs. Schmidt. Mr?. li.nlpht. Mr- E. B. Mapee. Miss Gladys Evens! Mrs Bradnn and Mrs. Hull. The league will iihort- ly give a concert for the snme otiie<-t. when It Is hoj!«d to *»-ell -he fund to the desired amount. The New-Tork Sta!e Rf-ohllcan Asso<latlon will hold its annual convention and lunchr-on at Del- monW-.i's on April IS. All Republican women. wh*th'T mrmbrs of the association or not, are In- vitod 10 attend. i French, of No. Enst One-hundred- Titrrtalned the Jollv Sixteen \u25a0'!s on Monday evening. The club, one Of ihe most popular In I.'arlcm. m;<<i formed about 1 reialrs its charter mem- 1 Mrs. William Harper. Ir« T Ltntin Floyd-Jones. I. Mrs Miller. Mrs. Alonx<> Mitchell. Mrs. John Theese Mr^ Nugent. Mlsx 'Joldsrnlth. Mis. Lindaey ana W r ifr^d Fox Auxiliary No. % of the Little Mothers' Aid Asso- ciation has started a branch nt No. \u25a0 ftld Broad- ray, l<-i»c»n '>ne-hiindred-.-»nd-thtrt|eth and One- hu:idr»vl-nnd-thlrty-nn«t Fts. Mm. Malcolm Mo- l>>an. of No. 31 Knst >»ne-»mndre<s-and-tw-et]ty- s!xtli-st.. Is chairman. The merritiers of the nuxil- i: ry mill m- ct every Friday afternoon during I^en. :t the heme of Mrs. Mcl^ to sew for their Llttie Mothern. The Daughters of Holland held a meeting last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Randell. No. m Ka M Twc nty-Mrst-st. Mrs Daniel Manning, chairman of the Board of 1-ady Man- agers of the St. Louis Exposition, was to have spoken Infore the society on woman's work at the fair, but she was called to - -.expectedly - day night. Mrs. Randell read a paper on Karly Dutch Settlers In Manhattan." The nymners of the society all more knots of orange 1 rir>l>on. nnd the Dutch yelloiw predoml- in th<- dining room. Agi.es Mai RoMnson sang and Miss Bertha Messjilth played during the aftcrnonn. Mrs. Ran- «!• 11 was assisted In receiving by Mrs A. C <~heno- Among the one hundred members of the so- n Mr« William Budd. Mr« Dsnlel Man- "-llss Margaret Remsen. Mrs. Lea\ert«, Mrs. Eugene Hoffman. Mrs. James L«ir;nn. Mrs. Charles ink and Mrs. Bedle. Mr- ClaMfcs B*-kert. of No. yw West One-hun- \u25a0 :y-fiftli>.t . entertained R large euchre i.e on Werfnesd-iy evening. The games »< Receded by vocal atx 4 . Instrumental «..»d by refreshments. Among the I \u25a0 Miss Florence Maud Miss Kthel C. \u25a0 •>' Loo, Miss A-ina B«ckert. J(r. rt. Mr and Mrs John Mr* ilenrv Vandermanden. Captain and Mr« Wiiies. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K K K.vhmti. Mrs. E!l«a- l*th H . .. M Mai) Brown. Mis> Amy Blad- \u25a0 \u25a0 » M. -rler. Miss '\u0084M. Mr hi .' Mr* H. Cleland. 'harles B^-kert, Joseph <>o- r»y. John Ntagro. Smiil. \u25a0 '\u25a0 ite Scheyne. John k Itunge William Kehoe, Rdgar A Martin and .'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 rt. and was fcllnwed by a large reception at the home of the bride. No. IJ4 West Jersey-«t.. ITEMS OF SOCIAL INTEREST. O .KFET-LREWSTER. A fashionable I>ent<*n wedding took place in St. Jeau « ITyISLiJBOjT Church. in Ellznlx-th. N. J.. last where Mi»* Julin <:!U«>ns Brewrter. •as of the soclaJ leader* !n Klixab«th. ame the *••• of Barton lluxall ("orTej. of New-Tork. The Moasmatda were Mliw Dor<»thy March Clark, of \u25a0mnisnh, niece of the bride, and Mi-f Phyllla B«yn* os Kaj-. of New-York. nei«f of the Mfls- ••ani The * host man «'ae Kdntn Burham. <<f eaw-Tork. Th«- ucher* were Chandler Dav'.dn n.id Trunk M Hall o f Kew-Vork: Cieorge William Hot»rt«. of PhlladelpMa. and William V Kegglns JjtKl 81dnry M.-i)hf rir ltrwirt.fr. of EllzaiH'tli. The brtd- given away »•>• h»r brother. win Oak- * was givm away by her broth, r. lx>wia <>ak- »*}• \u25a0MsMtor. The .-ereawony wes performed by the "*^ l>r. OUa A. Glatcbrook. rector of Bt. John's. MARRIAGE Invitations, Announcements, At Home and Church Cards, RECEPTION AND TEA CARDS. Dempsey & Carroll 22 We« 23d Street The Scaety Stationers New York Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marx, of No. IS< West One- hundreil-and-eleventh-!>t . announce tho engagement of their daughter. F>M<\ to Alfred Loeb. Mrs. Harry Norton Marvin's "at home" on Monday afternoon was largely attended. The house was b*-auttful!y decorated with roses, and a. mu3lcal entertainment was provided, including violin selec- tions by \r\f Maria Azolroz. the chlM violinist, ami piano selections by \rthur E. Johnston*. Mrs. Marvin »a» assisted by Mrs. Harry Wallerstela A luncheon was given yesterday by Miss I^ulu Frank, of No. 114 East Nin'ty-socond-st.. In a private dining room at Muschenheim's Arena, to porne of hi-r friends. Hanlsonie souvenirs were. dtKtributed. nnd after luncheon Miss Frank gsve a ti.• itre party Miss Bessye N (inltmnnn assisted Miss Frank In receiving Am.mg the guests were the Mls«es Gertie Kfthn. Etta Northschleld, Rita Kohn Henrietta NeL,t>nrg<-r, Miriam Oreenbert. Hel*n Phllios Doris l.mi Doretta Pulihacher nnd Edna Philips. warded the efforts of the society during the present season mad« tlie occasion one of much mutual congratulation. Mrs. Uttlefl-ld was asfdste.il by thf foilowinsr members of the society: Mrs. Isaac Mills, treasurer. Mrs. George W. liest and Mr* Mott D. Cannon. se«-r»>tnrles. Mrs A. A. Stlllwell. Mrs >'. k Anderson. Mrs. Hamilton Hlgglns. Mis Merrltt T. Conorer. Mrs TlmmHs Jacks and Mrs. Frank O. Evans The next and final musical of the season will take place oti Thursday. April 14. in the Astor Gallery of the Waldorf-Astoria Mr. and Mm. Simon Hoffmann, of No L'U Wool Ot.e-hundred-and-thlrty-reventh-st . ga\o a tlon last Runday afternoon, from " to a, In honor of the . .tigagi mmt of their daiichter. Wh Hc!!.« lioffmnnn. to MMf «;asso!ih-lm' r. of Montgom- ery. Aln. The rooms were ta«t. f:il!y •scoratod with palms. «milax and rut flowers Miss Hoff- mann wore a gown of white chiffon c'.oth. trimmed \u25a0with old point lace, nnd carried a bouquet of vio- lets. Miss I.llll.Lii Stern, who received with her. m-ore white crepJ" <'e chine, trimmed with lacs and chiffon. She also carrlea violets. Mrs Hoffmann mas gowned In bln.k crepe <!.\u25a0 eMM over violet silk, trimmed with jet ornament;- An orchestra furnished music. The afternoon reception was followed by a din- ner to ahout twenty of Miss Hoffmann's young friends. Jean Schwartz and "<!us" Edwards, two well known comedians in uptown circles, played and sang. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Em- manuel Hoffmann. Mr. and Mr.". Adolph Blumen- brohn, Mr. and Mr?. M. Zlmmermnn, Dr. and Mrs. Mlnden, Mr. and Mrs Abraham Baasa, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Benedict. Mr nnd Mrs. Emll If ho I \u25a0 man. Mr and Mi^ S.lllllll II .••voi.-. Mrs. K.innie Heilborn. Dr. Abraham. Miss (;»-rtrude Hhein.iwer. Miss f'arolltie Landaner, Miss Markstern. Miss Elsie Harth. Dr. Jennie Henot. Miss Elizabeth Moonelis Miss Meta Moonells. Miss Frances Sum- mernelO. Miss lli-len Hretzfeld.r. Miss Hose Heil- brunn, Mis^ ladle Hetlbrunn, Mlsa Jeanette Schwai M - Carrie Hrhwurlie, Miss Rosalind Klkan. Miss BUnche Stern. Miss. Irene Alter. Harry Levy Morris Elrhr-mrn-en. Albert Blrmlnßhum, Isfldore Strauss Harry Iterth. Mr. Ba-im. l»r EL Hlieliihardt. Julius Moonelis, William SummernVM, 'harles Bretzfejder. Mr Solomon, l>an|el Rheln- clver Morris Ijiveiiine "Jnck" Hoffmatin. Isaac Bretzfelder. William Alter. Charles Hlrschfeld. Henry Straiiss and H<miiel Hoffmitnn. During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Solig Gns.«--enh"lnier. of Montgi'.mery A'.a.. telephoned their congratulations to their son nnd his fiancee. Mnnv telegrams were received from Brooklyn and N'ew-Tork. The guests from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Strauss, Mr and Mrs. Arthur St.-m and Mr. and Mrs. L. Btrauss of Montgomery. Ala.; Lester Strauss, of Flat River Mo : Mr and Mrs. Elchengr«»en and M'i«v Minnie Hcxter. of rhicairo: Mr. and Mrs. I^ewis Ellerman. of Philadelphia : Miss Jane Miller, of Hwtland. Vt . nnd the Misses Emma nnd Jennie Kahn. of Trenton. N J Th« Society of the Daughters of Ohio In New- York was rntertaln-d last week by Mrs. Charles Austin llntes at her home. No. 109 Riverside Drive. Mrs. Bates wore a gown of point duchesse lace, with diamond nnd pearl ornaments. She was as- sisted in receiving by the president of the society, Mrs. C. C. Shayne: Mrs. E. L. Arbecam, recording secretory; Maria Townsend, treasurer; Laura A. Skinner; coresponding secretary, and Temperance P. Reed, chairman of the executive committee. Among the guests Invited 19 meet the. members of the society were Mrs. Harrr Norton Marvin, Miss Irwln Martin. Mrs. Wallersteln. Mrs Arthur Elliott F'.sh, Mrs. Hubert Jerome Davis. Mrs. Joseph A. Cozzino Mrs. Harry Edward Flak. Mrs. John Strong Foster. Mrs. Charl-s E. Hprtigue, Mrs George W. Hanna. Mrs. Robert Wood Johnson. Mrs. Philip Bevan La Roche. Mrs. Pore I.yon. Mrs. Elbridge J. Moore Mrs. E. Bmjnmln Rnrosdel. Mrs Richard Rttdrigues. Mrs. Richard H. Strause. Mrs. Horaco Stokes, Mn >age E. Tarb-'.l. Mrs. Charles U Acker. Mrs Wlllinm I^« Baron Allen. Mrs James HufUH Amldon. Mrn. John James \mory Mrs Jose Maria de Bermlnghim. Mrs. James H. Bally. Mrs. A. Palmer Dudley, Mrs. Con- verse 1). Marsch. Mrs. Harry Mathews Newlngton. Mrs John Hot^rt Stunton. Mrs. Alfre.l \\ ntk'n*, Mrt». fWorge Warren Wilder. Mrs. Robert Allyn. Mrs. Frederick 8. Goodwin. Mrs. Whiting Lyon ,1 Miss Mary Walte. of Washington. . . I'nder the. Aunpl^s of the Hospital Guild, a slx- handed euchre party for the benefit of the .N>w- Tork Medical Oolleße anil Hospital for Women will bn held next Friday evening at the Waldorf- Astoria. Theatre rtoxes and concert tickets are animg the prizes offered. Tickets, at 12. may be obtained from Mrs. Wtllinm Curtis Demorest. No. 68 East Rlxty-slxth-st.; Mrs. George T. Wilson. No. Ho West Flfty-elghth-st.; Mrs. M. E. Plummer, No. •» Madison-ave.; Mrs. William W. Cole. Wal- dorf-Astoria; Mrs. S. Theodore Hodgman. N< 305 W<i»i Seventi-ninth-st.; iirs. Arkell Roger Mc- A temperance mr< ting, with the object of Inter- esting ni< n and women of all religious denomina- tions in the work of the Oppenheimer Institute's Women's Auxiliary, will he held Sunday. March 27. at farnegte Lyceum. Bishop Fowler will preside nnd a number "or well known preachers and busi- ness men will speak. Mrs Frederick 8. Cook. Mrs. George L Fluher Mrs. Andrew Knhlnson. Miss Robinson. Mri» William Eustlfl Monroe, Mrs. R. H. Eggleston. Mrs. G. P. Lawton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owen. Mrs. A. J. Wilson Count and Countess Olaeta. Mrs. >\asih- Ington ' I^arr.-ndon. Mrs John Wellesly. Mr. and Mrs I^isheur. Mrs J.mies A. Hetherington. Baron De Zlnksky, Mr- 1 - Btudwell. Mr. and Mrs. v .hid* 1.1. Mrs Robert William Lewis. Mrs. E lmnlap. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.itt*- son Dr and Mrs. J. B. attrrlson. Mrs. T. H. Whitney. Mrs \.. W. Fort. Mr. William Aiex Scott Mr John K Thomas. Jr. Mrs. Howard McNutt Mrs V M Pulmer. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stearns. Mrs L Ingels. Anna Gllbrasit. Mrs. Leon- ard Hill. Mrs. Edrtdge Moore. Dr and Mrs. H. I>. Scheni k. I»r and Mrs. Kugene Austin. Mrs. Thomas A Hardenberg, Mrs A. J. Hague. Mrs. T Elliot Langstaff. Mr nnd Mrs Thomas 3. Henrv. Mr and Mrs John Mc«'ullough. Pennington : .1 B Wilson jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mil- .Vbergf-r Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCracken. Mr. and Mr? Edward !»•• Unea Miss Mary Springer. Mrs C GriswoW Bourne, Mrs. Helle p. Tnylor. Mrs JefTer-on I)e Mount-Thompson. Mrs Robert Stanw 1. Mr and Mr«. Joseph I>ueJ. Mr and Mrs Thomas Byrnes. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell. I>r flplna H S h-.1. Miss May C. W.-jgner Mrs Km:ik Merrill S.nm.n« Miss May SautiJers. Alfred Cochran. K'm.-r A Miller. Mr and Mrs. Frederick Goodman. Mrs. I Han-k-r. Mrs Edwin Arden. Mr.« John gprlnnt. Mrs Carlton Von Mayholl. Mrs. .luri^r Calms. Mrs A. I> I.ewis. Mrs William T. T.-.-mlnr. Mrs William H. 0.k1.-v nnd Miss Onkley I>r H. I> ineedv. Dr. Lacy Anton Wight. Mr. and Mr- .Tan-.. -.-. B. lyrhmaler. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore <:uerr ß. Mr aid Mrs D P. Ingriiham. W V, . Marston. Mrs. P. Baker Hnlsted and Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Patterson. A Tissue Paper Pattern of Circular Skirt, S* 4,665, for 10 Cents. Full skirts that an confined <>\u25bc«• t*» Mpa. T«< take soft mnd Rraceful folds b«tow. mtlw th« la«a«4 shown and eH be relied up<n th« favorite* of tbo eomiar *sa- \u25a0on. This on* I* ;'..":': '.i * i.v 1 ' Is', arranjed la bbalI 1 ::\u25a0:<> a: : - \u25a0> •:;- per portion th*t «lv« a rok» «f?»ot,' but la left ylatm «t •:-.\u25a0• front. avoldlnr un i *•" The medal made of tan mi-? or«d f->ular<l 9*-i ured wltb fimi and whit* and id yi\ \u2666.«o— CIRCULAR SK.RT. tbT mal tfrtal. but all the fashionable clln^lns tn.i^rUlJ are admlm.bt«. and trimming can "• appllqu* ol .inv itrvt. nttl« Ma* fulls «f th«s material or *nys thins that \u25a0\u25a0ar. be prrferrpd. The quantity oa material r»*iiilr«i for th« rr.<>rflum size Is 10 y»r;l3 11 Inch* wid». a yard. 27 lncb«* wide, or »H 7»*B 44 Inches wide. The pattern 4.865 Is cut In •!\u25a0•« fur a '.'-. 24. 3>. 29 and 3»-ißch walat meaaur« : "V4l The pattern will b* «wnt to any iiHiiii on i umlfJ of 19 cents. I'!i>:i*> giro number and waiat OMMM ure tlltittnctly. Address Pattern Department. K«wJ York Tribuoe. IfIn hurry for pattern wmad aj extra two-cent stamp, and wtil mall fey tatted poatas* la sealed tavttoya. 1 Many Original Korelties Dear to Little Follc, at Toy Bazaar. A bewildering display of Easter gifts Is to haJ seen at the toy basaar of T. W. O. Schwan. No.| 39 West Twenty-third-st. This storo is ono of tho>! largest of the. kind in the world, and snows a varlet of iroodr. costing from a few cents up toi many dollars. The large Easter pieces were-«U-{ signed solely for the firm, and therefore lay elala*. ; to original; One of tho most charminr on>eta\ to bo -loedt at a Juvenile party. Is a good sized wsaaflhnrniw j of fancv straw. lilied with fluffy baby-pink tissue* j paper, cut In the shape of small leaves. Dozen* oCj branches of dainty apple blossoms root in thi*> va.S'T and it the end of each branch. nost—Jl th^soft he.l. t* a papier macho mat. These «t«aaj contain penknives. iri'.rMes or pencils for th« Doys«j and tiny dolls, towelrr and ev*n doll hnnss f"Jj-nl-.t ture for the girls. This effect is also produce,! .•» straw automobiles, flower hasMocs and baby Kimiw « A silver egjr. .1 t>>ot In diameter, ossjoaans an «lec-i trie battery and bv pr«sslnjr a button the lntetlopj | of the egg I" brllßsntly \u25a0gJatoav rnrotagsi s> n^an ho,e I nuuher of battleships can then be jtUßwyy seen Other frgs «t» trimmed wttn ssjSjof nnnnnnnnj and the pull of a -<frlig hidden tn ths roses brmaa) j out gifts one or one. . . THE TRIBUNE PATTEES. FOR A CHILD'S EASTER PABTT The Topic Tea Club met last week with Jin. Fr»Hlfri.-li (J. : nham at her home on Sherrjiryi Hill. Morristown. The principal topic of dtseussMll w;is the w.ir In tho Far East, and Mrs. Burahaci road excerpts from books on Japan, and tho w **l was discussed from a pro-Jananese point of new. It was evident however, that a large numb<»c-rtf the women present wi-re in sympathy wt^J|H Cz:ir At the next meeting the .llscusalon will b-v{ continued and excerpts from books on Russia wfll be read. The Realty Company of the Wonwin Club of Orange, which Is engaged In bulldin* th«» now ham* of that organization, reports about 55.0U0 already virtually collectexi. mcluding a small aaasur yet unpaid, but satisfactorily pledged. Tho cost of UkM buildln? will approach WO.OOO. and tho rossit ht aSJB pected to be a simple, ibstantlal and dlaaMssj.oWasl home, which will be. as Mrs. A. O. Fl<»'d. tho chair- man, remarked In the course of her report, "not only what the club wants, but what the community demands."' The . iUlt..ri,.m will be on tho ay«M floor and willseat between seven hundred and »<#SJt j hun.ir.-<l persons. Th. company has appealed tor th» community ti>Invest In it* stock, as tho assraansanj cf such a builJlng. in a place, sustaining so many active organizations, Is amanlfost to all. Nothing necessary to the convenience and unostentatious! adornment of the htiil.ltnghas soon omitted in th > Plans: and the Increasing resources of tho eras- OSnj believed to be sufficient to cover all obligations M volveil. urban organization, the Isabella Literary Club, ol Verona, met at the home of Mrs. David Dongla*. and on Thursday the Woman'* Clab of Cpp«r Montclair listened to a talk by Mm. lamac E. Baldwin on "The Necessity of Educated Moth*.-*. and What «Uub Life Is Doing Vlong Theso Lin**— Th>- All- Round Club of Mont '.air rant on FrlO*/ at Mrs. rharles A. Dall's. and on W ednesdny lansjai J. Love!! Parker entertained the Research Ctib. Tl « newly organized PoUtlcal Study Club wfll meet next Wednesday at the home of iliss Etttl Blackwell Robinson. The Orange Chapter. Daughter* of the Revolt;- tlon. met last Monday at tho home of. 3pene<»r Miller, in South Orange. Dr. Maria Vlnton. jj is giving a series of Interesting talks on Revolu- tlonary days, spoke- on this) occasion of **IW^»»^ During the Revolution." 3on*s were glioil by 111^ Bartholomew, of New-York, accompanied »y Miss Longstrfet. Those, who received, besidoa th>- aojamnj ess. were Mrs. Andr«w W. Fray, regent of th*» chapter and Mrs. George Vf. Hod— s A roeanannnj followed the programme. The rooms wer* •\u25a0>»» i orately decorated with flags and flowwrs. and hang- ings of buff and blue, the colors of tho chapter. The Rev. Dr. Daniel H. Martin, pastor of tho) Clinton Avenue Reformed Church, of Newark. I<"-t- ured before Sesame on Tuesday afternoon on "The Lost vrt of Good Reading. ' Dr. Martin deplore* the multiplicity of books and the practice of roading certain popular publications merely because oth*ri read them. "To read few books and read them In- teWajentlv" was the sound doctrine sot forth by thn speaker, who added "Stow your minds with th» very t>»*«t that litemturp offers: nnd neglect. If yon neglect anything, the books of fiction that com* out to-day ami urn forsotfn .-morrow ' After \n» lecture refreshment.* wfr» served. Mrs. John L.. Meekes presided at a table decorated with daffodil-*; «nd the (nests were received by tho aostoa* of th* day. Mrs. 9. well Wava, Several prominent Montclair club* bold their meetings <iuring the last week. On Tuesday « sub- Tho Ifova CsMarea Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, met on Monday afternoon at the home of Miss Helen Nichols, tn Newark. The chapter has a membership which yond that city. Th° regent is Mrs. J. H. Hunting- ton, but owing to illness she was not present, and Mrs. E. B. Hipwood took charge of the meeting. I>r Amelia Bnrt>er r»;id the paper of the Afternoon. alluding pnrti' ularly to the Quaker settlenv New-Jersey and their influence upon the progreso of th« I At the annual meeting of the Woman's Club of Orange, on Wednesday, the following officers were. elected: President. Mrs. Stewart Hartshorn; first vice-president. Mrs. Archer Brown; second vice- president. Mrs. R. W. Hawkes worth; recording sec- retary. Mrs. J. S. Alexander; corresponding secre- tary. Miss L. A. Hiss; treasurer. Mrs I N. Bur- dlck; chairman of membership committee. Mrs. H. P. Kirby; membership committee, Mrs. C. M. Mrs. E. F. Ethertngton. Mrs. George Merck and Mrs. A. B. Leech. Mrs. Hartshorn ia one of the best known and most popular clubwomen In New-Jersey, and is an ex-president of the State Federation. Her home is at Short Hills, and it Is an open secret that for a m:mner of years the only reason for her failure to obtain the presidential nomination In the Orange club has been the fact of non-residence. The dub Is now, however, the largest In the State, number- ing five hundred members, many of whom live In adjacent towns, and It Is no longer representative nt the Orangoa exclusively, though an established Institution of that communitr. There will probably be a further extension of the membership when the clubhouse la completed. The retiring president. Mrs. Henry P. Bailey has also been a favorite, and received at the meeting many evidences of th« loyal affection of the ,>hih. Her farewell address contained a warm expression of gratitude for the cordial co-operation of th«» members. She said at the i- low: "We are learning that the true purpose of all organlxations is to gather knowledge and strength wherewith to do good work. Let our policy be more and more one of co-operation with one another, and with the best in the State and In the nation. The Important thing in the club is not what we get. but what we do." ____ The bi-monthly meeting of the officers and di- rectors of the New-Jersey State Federation was held on Tuesday In Newark. Plans were made for the spring meeting In Caldwell. and the date set for May 5. Several bills were formally Indorsed, among them the much discussed Child Labor bill, the Gaines Clean Money bill and the Pure Food bill, which Is before Congress. The work of the departments was rerlewed. The department of education, under Mrs. Charles L. Crear, has made a special study of the Civil Service ts applied to the public schools. The department of libraries has ted to the travelling library system. v.hl<h has proved so valuable an Institution. The chairman Is Mrs. Edwurd Miles. The general subji-cts for the meeting in May will be "Town Improvement and Forestry." Among the speakers on forestry will be Miss Myra Dock, of Pennsylvania, and F. R. Meier, of Mabwah. con- sulting forester of the State. The entertaining clubs will be the Borough Improvement Ass. •. and the Woman's Club, both of Caldwell. WITH NEW-JEHSEY CLUBS This Institution, at No. 13 East Sixty-seventh-st.. which Is conducted by the Sisters of Charity, pro- tected and cared for K.OOO children last year, and also secured 2.000 days' work for their worthy mothers, ane>d!.«trtb!ited 3QO articles of apparel. Henry J. Heldenls has consented to net man. assisted by the following committee: \lr.^ P. W. Crenaln. Mrs. Henry A. Connolly. Mrs. Wal- ter Burke. Mrs Joseph A. Mali " r.*l«r. Miss Adelaide Janes. Miss Hunt. Miss Henne-«!«<*T Mis* Smyth. Miss K.itherlne McCnnn. Miss Con- stance Crlmmlm. Miss Evelyn Crimmir.s. Miss Rosalie O'Brien. Miss Mary Jones. Miss Madeline O'Brien. Miss Anna Retd. Mia* Ron—t. J. Gabriel Britt. Richard R Cootrtss, Dr. P W. Cremln. John J Frlel. James M V Rooney. Henrv A Connolly. Joseph A. Muldoon. John <'uskley. Peter A. Ijtlor. Walter Burke. Mas McConsJck. Mis* Ain«i Lalor. Miss Keating. Miss Ke.ily. Miss Coleman. Mtsa Nellie Murphy and Miss Eva Keveny. Among the patrons ar^ Mrs Williiim Arnold. Mrs. Morgan J. O'Brien. Mr* F. Burrall Hoffman. Mrs John Power Costello. Mr< Edward Burke. Mrs. Albert Gould Jennings. Mrs. J. V Kirby. Mrs. William >rr. Mr« L. !>•» S.in Miztmo. Morgnn J O'Brien. George Ehret. Mr-" M Bresin. Mrs Peter f>«elger. Mrs. J. Henr> Hnggerty. Mrs. Eugene A. Plillbln. Mrs P J. Cuskley. Mrs Thomas Jones. Mrs Jeremiah '*. Lvons. Mrs. Mulgrew. Miss Marl* Reid. John I>. Crimmlns anil I* Smytho. A reception was given to Miss AeMi Fielde at th« home of Mrs. Esther Herrn an last Th evening. The members of the league for Political Education, who have accompanied Miss Fielde on her instructive excursions around New-York, took the occasion to express their appreciation of her work by presenting to her a beautiful duchess point lr.ee bertha. There were pleasant greetings from Mrs. Herrman. Mrs. Henry Terry and Mrs. John Francis Barry. A short musical programme by Miss George was followed by readings by Mrs. Anna Delong Martin. At the meeting of the Minerva Club. heM last Monday afternoon at the Waldorf-Astoria, an anl- irated discussion took place apropos of the pro- posed purchase of the Knickerbocker Club houso by the City Federation. The consensus of opinion was emphatically adverse to the purchase. Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Mrs. Charles M. Dow. president of th<- - of Wom- en's <'!üb*. wer» the guests of honor. This was the first regular meeting of the Minerva Club since the annual election. There was only one new officer on the platform, the vice-president. Mr* Belle Gray Taylor, as the others were all re- elected. The committee on flowers, vines and area plant- Ing of the Municipal Art Society of New-York will give an entertainment at Carnegie Lyceum. Fifty- •eventh-st. and Seventh-ave.. next Saturday after- noon, at 2:30 o'clock. Edwarl Hagsman Hall will gira his lecture on "The World's Race for a Conti- nent " After the lecture there will be a short musical programme bv Miss Eleanor Foster, pianist, and Christiana P. W. Kneus. violinist, re- cently of Amsterdam. Hollar.il Seats are on saie at Carnegie Lyceum from 9 until 5::» o'clock. Re- served seats for adults. 91: box seats, ft Ml The concert, euchre and dance for St. John's Day Nursery, to be given at the Tuxedo. Madison-ave.. on April a. at 11:30 p. m. promises to be success- ful socially and financially. Mr. and Mr*. Lincoln Rea Peabody gave a pit party one evening: last week at their home. No. 227 Rlversldo Drive. Supper was served at 12 o'clock, and among the guest* were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dryer, Mrs. Southgate. Comte de Carets. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gardner, A. Kinnalrd Tod, Mr. and Mrs Tllden Blodgett. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Meyer and Miss Florence M.insell. Mrs. Peabody has concluded the iwrtes of '--it homes" which she has been giving during the winter. The annual public meeting of the- Women Law- yers' Club was held in the chapter room at Car- negle Hall on Tuesday evening. The guests were welcomed by the president. Mrs. Philip Carpenter, and addresses were- given by Justice Edward W. Hatch. Charles F. Mnthewson an.l Mrs. Emilte M. Hullowa. Mrs. Carrie Oilman Edwards and Mrs. Ella S. Mars contributed some piano solos and sonjrs. and refreshments were served at the clos« of the meeting. The Woman's Republican Club will meet at Del- monlco's next Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Frederick Nathan will speak on "Industrial Con- ditions «s They AfTe t Women and Children In the State of New- York." The fuests of honor will he Mrs. James R. Mc- Kee, Mrs. Camden Dike nnri Miss Grace Hartley. Luncheon will be served at the close of the meet- Ing:. V- Hi M- Frederick 8. Goodwin, of No 4«7 Central Park West, will five a baby party next Friday evening: at 8:30 o'clock, at their borne. The party Is to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of their wedding The guests are requested to rone dressed as children, or in any Mother Goose costume. Michael. No. »6» Madison-are.; Mrs. Sydney Wil- M N< 41 West Flfty-second-st.; Mr*. Hr Demorest. The Rutland. West Flfty-seventh-st ; Mra George W. Roberts. No. W«t Fifty ~ st.: Mr H. Jones. Bayside. Long Island; M.%. Alexander Prlngle Bell. No. 13 East EleTenth- at.: Mm. William Burnett Tuthill. No. 17« West Eighty-slxth-st.; Mrn Hertw D Lloyd. Erie. Penn. . M 15 West Eighty-elghth-st. ; Miss Spadone. No 27n \\e,t End-ave. ;Mrs. Au- gustus C. Dexter, chairman. No. 63 East Slxty- slxth-st. NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY. MARCH 6. IDO4. HEARTH &BOUDOIR Tea*r 'Receptions and tOedding*. REMOVAL On account of nemnva! our tntlr* elee* of maai*- faeturwl Purs wtll ba »>l«i at Greatly Reduced Prices. Sato brstna Monday and i —Its— thrmmh w-ea. Everything in Furs. Emil R. Voikel, 436 6TH AVE., # twt. 2fith and 811 Sts. (EMMMM lsT3.> FURS. 933 Broadway 21-22 St% I Beautiful Hair Goods 9Mk at muni be foua 1 etsmaois. ta sue q: «J!:7- superior vorkmaaMp and novel d«Uas. TIM JJifiul Is too '.a*ge to .— •-.!' \u25a0•-. at \u25a0: -:t: . but I keep •TCTERITIIIMJ FOR THK HAIR.*! UDltH' nvißDsrH^i^r.. by artists of tr»at atlllty; my isetbeds ssaaoooinf . alar*- LssC cltpjtnr and lialr coloring to any smMflaMQ shade, ustir? you*rnttir aattsfarttom. 1

NEW-YORK HEARTH &BOUDOIR Tea*rchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1904-03-06/ed-1/seq-21.pdf · 4^s. BE YOt'R«yw> M.\MCCR& /^jPW I'^Kl^erhatn'* AL.*»A.STRI^* / *-yJ^y

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Page 1: NEW-YORK HEARTH &BOUDOIR Tea*rchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1904-03-06/ed-1/seq-21.pdf · 4^s. BE YOt'R«yw> M.\MCCR& /^jPW I'^Kl^erhatn'* AL.*»A.STRI^* / *-yJ^y

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\ VW uneqoallea for th» skin. :jc. Bt*rn^Bro».s^ 7 W*n»m»k"r. Slmp^on-i-rawfortl Co.. M*CT"»'or \u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0—•\u25a0 1all-nl--T Bedford Pm>. >\u25a0 V

S. CASOLA. LADIES' TAILN.244 6TH AVE. Suits to ortsr of yoar own malsinit. 113.Suits inada of my material. fSD. Pwfuct St

—araat— o.

L\\y i-\ki-I\n FAD.—Hand Pstnfi Oo«Ol^al.so \**mms. OT W. 35tH. FUJItENCE MORHSU.


"Full dress."

and Mrs. Leonard L. Hill, while Mrs EdmundJanes Palmer. Miss Beatrice Spragje, Miss LnulssCox. Miss McAdams and Miss Meyers were hj th«dining room. Among those present were Mrs. Flske.Mrs. Albert C. Bage. Mrs. Richard Rodriguez. Mrs.William Henry Brown. Mrs. P. M. Pomerene. Mrs.Arthur E. Johnstone. Mrs. Hector Morlson Hitch-ings, Mrs Philip Bevan IjlRoche. Mrs DanielEltlnge Morse. Mrs. Winchester Fitch. Mrs. LionelEmdln. Mrs. Charles B. Trumbo. Mrs. Warren StoneBlckham, Mrs. John Alfred Renahan. Mrs. M.Washington Larendon. Mrs. Julian K. Meyer. Mrs.George Fink. Mrs. Charles Osborne. Mrs. HughReid Law-ford. Mrs. John H. Matthews. Mrs. Fred-erick Eugene Partlngton. Mrs. Emerson MacMillan.Mrs. Charles L. Acker. Mrs. Henry Lewis Dyer,Mrs. Daniel Shipley Blood. Mrs. John MiltonGardner, Mrs. George Warren Wilder, Mrs. JamesEdward Kelly.Mrs. George Noakes. Mrs. ZacharyTaylor Jones, Mrs. George Delmere Sprcul, Mrs.Edwin J 'tinlop Whaley. Mrs. James M Glfford,Mrs. Vernon Mansfield Davis. Mrs. Abraham Lin-coln Erlanger. Mrs. Gustavus A. Humphreys, Mrs.Edward J. Kickert. Mrs. H. Ives Smith. Mrs. Boron-Low. Mrs. M. Borden Cnrter. Mrs. Charles B. Hogg,Mrs. James Rufus Amldon. Mrs. Alfred Wat kins.Mrs. John Francis Douglas. Mr*.Harry Wallersteln,Mr* Leonard L. Hill. Mrs. Julius Hart. Mrs. Will-iam Scott De Camp. Mrs. James Burke. Mrs. JohnMulr, Mrs. Ashbel Parmelee Fitch. Mrs. A. E.Chamberlain. Mrs. Frederick Y. Swift. Mrs. JohnH. Mci-arthv. Mrs. Jo.*eoh R. Trimmer, ilrs. CharlesG. Braxmar. Mrs. John Jnmes Amory. Mrs. Jose-phine Curtis Woodburj Mrs N A. hlhald Shnw.Jr.. Mrs. N. WyckofT Vnnderhoef. M..^. JosephAllen Physloc. Mrs. Henry K. S. Williams. Mrs.Herbert Ashton Post. Mrs. Agnes Hedge Hughos.Mrs. Uvron Vincent Tomnkins. Miss Tompklns.Mrs N E Hulbcrt. Mrs. William H. MacDermott.Mrs. William P. Montague. Mrs. Daniel R. VanNostrand. Mrs Percy Qardner. Mrs. Edward LeedsOoodseM. Mrs. Arthur L. Root. Mrs. Harry StewartElliott, Mrs. George W. Hanna. Miss Kmrr. MissWhite, Miss Miller Miss Kath.rine K. lii>rd. M>«Bnge, Miss Pomerene. Miss Carottne Keele'Mnlr. Ml«>s Burke. Miss Malda Roade i.ee. Miss

MhM Montsg'ie. Miss Walker. Miss FrancesI'ngi rer. Miss Rodriguez. Miss iiigle. M'ss EvaFlorence Smith. Miss Marguerite M Hicks. MissIWitley. Miss Louise S. Cox. Miss Selbert. MissAtwater Miss Chapman. Miss Georgia May Pen-fteM. Miss Larendon. Miss Osborne. Mtss Harrietc line*.'. Mi«s Mirr. Mi.-s Irwln Martin. MissMar-Adam Miss Meyers. Guide M.irbury. F. F. Mc-

11 Vllitam BroM I>e Camp. Lvon De Camp,

Uomalne A. Phllpot. Joseph Everett Pike Stephenlioit Bacon. Alfred Mend Potter. Commnnder Fiske.All'prt C lidgc and Arthur Edwr.rd Johnstone.

Mrs Harry Wallersteln gave a recept'on lastFriday afternoon from 4 until 7 o'clock, at herhome. No. 23 West Sixtieth-rt.. to meet Miss IrwinMartin and the members of the College Women's

Club. The house was decorated with pinks andemilax. An orc-hfstra discoursed music through

the afternoon. Mrs. Wallersteln was assisted in

receiving by Mrs. Irwln Martin. Baroness VonOrrendorf. Mrs W. H. Salter. Mrs. Donald McLean.Mr-. Charlotte Wilhour. Mrs. James McCullough.Mrs. Clarence Hums. The tea room was presidedo\er by Mm-. Marie Cross Newhaus. Mrs. JessieAllen Phyrloc. Mrs. Jos* de Bermtngham. Mrs.Harry Norton Manny, Mrs. Eugene Hoffman Por-ter. Miss IJlllnn C Horn and Miss Margaret Rhine-lander.

Among the three hundred invited guests were Mr.and Mrs Theodore Sutro. Dr.Harriette C. Keatlnge,

Dr. ami Mrs. Chnrles A. Vulariler. Mr. and Mrs.I. L. Tfdd. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hnskfis. Mrs.Hector Morrlsen Hitchlngs. Mr. and Mrs. JohnGarden. Mrs. C. Jenkins. Miss. E. A. Gregg. Mr.nnd Mrs. Fred D. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. chap-man. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Garrison. Mr. A. C. TV.ir1,Mrs. Dore Lyon, Mrs. H. Whlpple. Miss Abby K.Tlllotson, Mrs. W. K. Ttllotaon. MUs Mildred Reid,

Mr, and Mrs. Charles Pisk«. of Sm'.th-st., Belle-ville. N. J. gave a reception on \VedMOS lay night

in honor of the seventeenth anniversary of thebirthday of their daughter. Miss Idi Pisko. Thosepresent were Miss Ida M Plske. Arthur StanleyWalker, Miss Martha W. Relff. O. W. WaltonLottie Oilh.y. Wiillam Young. Etta M Malsch.Milllam Stephens, •'hurles Piskc. jr. Ml« AnnaA. Guldner. F. H. P.sk« and Kato IM^ke.

Mrs. Frank IJttlefleld. (hairmar, of the hoard ofdirectors of the Haarlem Philharmonic Society.entertained the officers nnd committees of that fo-

clety at her home. No M West One-hundred-Hnd-twenty-seventh-st.. from 4 until 6 o'clock Thursdayafternoon. The decorations were of yellow jon-quils, most effectively displayed, and emblematic,

of the club's colors. The guests were entertainedby the singing of Mrs. A. Stewart Holt, accompa-nied by Alfred Y. Cornell. Though the gntherlngwas a purely social one,, the success which has re-

Mr. and Mrs. Ridley Watts are In S'. Augustine,Fla., where they will remain for three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Blgrlrvr.of Morristown.left yesterday for Palm Bench. Fla . where theywill remain for a few weeks for Mr. Hißelow'shealth. Mr. B'gelo-w has been suffering with thegrip for son.e, time past, hut is now setter, andthinks he will speedily recuperate in the exhilarat-ing Southern atmosphere.

In Central Hall. Bloomfleld. N J.. on Monday

night, fashionable people from the Oranges. (;>n

Ridge and Bloomfleld attended a leap \e.ir dance.The hall was beautifully docoiated for the occnslonwith potted ralms and other plants. The p.-itron-

esses were Mrs. Samuel W. Diiffl'-id Mrs WilliamH. White. Mrs. John Newton. Mrs B. W. 9oiton,Mrs. Edward Q. Wars and Mrs. Thom.is (lakesThe committee In charge of the nffrilr wvs com-posed of the Mls*»s Helen Rewton. Florence Dun-can, Bessie Bennett, and Mrs. I'il'iyA. Hoy 1.

The pupils of the domestic science class in theGlen Ridge High School pave a dinner to the mem-bers of the Board of Education :ind th"ir wives onTuesday night. The tatde w.is fccotmtod with redcarnations and ferns. The members of the classare Madeline Wrlßht. C.r.c-c Chlnn. Florence DeOroot. Ruth Dayton. HaVVHaM Munh. Benin .l.in-ney. Evelyn I'ollock. Anita Dimar?. Edith Roo>erts. Mnv Bartholomew- n.-n! l.urr Bristol. Thosepresent nt the dinner were Mr. an1 Mrs. Edward P.Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. n I. Woodley, Mr and

Mrs. William F. Upson. Mr. and Mrs Edward K.Wright. Mr. and Mrs C. E Darton. Dr nnd Mrs.H. C. Harkins nnd >:iss Rosalba Coombs.

Mr. and Mrs. Griunell Willis and Miss Willis, ofMorristown. hnve returned from their Southerntrip, and will stay in New-York 'jntil E.i^trr.

Mr. and Mrs. William Shlppen close,! their house.In Madison-eve.. Morristown. the first of last week.and will remain In New-York until early In April.

ronm. were Miss Elolse. Lent, chairman: Mrs. JamesClark, Miss Kathleen Taylor-Ma ssey and MissGrtfe Osnorne. Among the women present wereMr*. J. Alexander Brown. Mrs. Clarence Burns.Mrs. H. Herbert Knowies. Mrs. William AyersBonner. Mrs. H. 8. Tonjes. Mrs. Cros»ley, Mrs.Kmil Kenchllng. Mrs J. C. Uscomb. Mrs. Tobey.Mrs Jansen. Miss Helen Phelps. Mrs. M. A. rhoate.Mrs. Charles HoWn«on, Mrs. A. M. Slauson, Mrs.John R. Davidson and Mrs. W. H. Wadsworth.

The annual meeting of the Hospital Guild washeld last Tuesday right at the home of Dr. andMrs. J. E. McMlchatl.No. y> West Elghty-nlnth-st.


HAXJJSTT. only dauirV-ter of Mr. and Mrs.Charles H. Jacobus, ofWilliamsbridge, andI">r. Oeorre O. Palmerwere married on Fri-day evening by theRev Uaymond Davies,

pastor of the Em-manuel Baptist Church.Wi:!iamsl»ridKe. Th<>bride wore a gown of

Krl colored me*.sa-line over taffeta, withjewels tn her liair. Shecarried a handsomewhite fan iiiMea.l •(

\u25a0MMI £h» was attended by her niece. Miss KmmaJacobus, as maid of honr.r Mis? Jacobus W<«rewhite crfp* n> iris, with <-hilT"ii trimml-.. (ml

carried pink roues. The best man was Charles W.Hell. On Hoitiunt ><f *ickm"«s In the family, ih>^wedding wan private, only the Immediate familybeing presert After h short wedding trip Dr andMr*. Piiinvr will be nt home to th'-ir friends atthe home <-f the MICiparents. in Fourth-av*.

PETRY- FRITZUls« Manrar'-t Fritz, daughter <-f Mr. mid Mrs.

3V F. Fritx. of Tr«-!it<>-,. N. J.. find Auciist Petryw<»r« married on Thursday rvenlne at Srhne!d«-r'»Hall. One-hundred-nna-f«l*ty-tlilr«!-Kt »nd Thlrd-ave.. by the H»v. 11. Brlderb«Tke. pastor sff St.2chn> Lutheran Cliurcii. The Krnnx. Nfisr Oer-trcde Fritz. nl*tr>r of the bride, ••\u25a0 mai.i <•' lmnnr.

and Frederick Dittz iieted as best man. Tlie uttherwwere re«r«e Bercer and Walter Frank. T> brlilewore a grown of white cr«p« 4e clUue. with chiffonund pearl trlmmlnK»<. and r*rri»-d a bouquet "fwhite hyacinths and lillcs-of-th'-valley. Mi Fritzwas cow*nod In letnori colored silk mull. wl;h Per-•tan trhnming. She carried a bouquet of tea roam.

Amon« the a-uest* were Mr. and Mi FrederickKill.Mr. and Mr?. F. \V. h:i» ff'-r. Mr. and «r»J. rtuppert. Mr. and Mrs William RtnufT. Mr. andMrn John Petry. Mr. and Mr«. John Owens. M*.

nd Mrr. I»uis H. Herllrht. Mr. .--nd Mrs. OeorßeWr. I-oft Mr. ar.d Mrs. Frederi" LanichJrt. Mr. nnii

Mrs. Martin Petrj. Mr. and Mrs Oeorite <ncMrt.Mien Fannie Grafton. Mlf>« F.liz-iiK-tli Df>i M!«jFarah Hat«-h. Johr Sweeney Plillln I'lett RlehardItuire. Joseph Ruppert. Anlr<w Hu«i' and M. T.OMerhout.


The bride wore a gown of white embroidered•MfTon over LM>erty ratln. trimmed with duchessepaint lace, and a diamond hor*e*ho«>. tlie gift ofChe brid«-groom Her bouquet was lUles-of-1fc»y. Tlie maid of honor> pown wa« of white chif-isn. trlmnvd with whit* rose*, and she carri«-d aBouquet of Fweetp*-as. The bridesmaids' pssjsjawere of white and Liberty silk, trlmnv-d wlih w lii!>-*eri!ie lace and KT«*en panne sotssj girdle.* Tlieycarried Kaster lilies, tied with a showor of smallont>

After the w^ddltig a n-ceptlon was h' i<l at theb»a»> of '.he bTlde's n^rrnts. from 7 to 11 o''lork.*r. and Mr*, \allart have n'-n^ So-jth on .« w»-«l-

%K trip and upon t!>Mr Mtsva w-11l reside in lial-0mor«.Among the out of town KUf«'« at tlie m-eddlnr;

jgMnTS Mr and Mt> Jos«»p}! liar.t. the MissesVitlUnt. Miss l^>uine McNeil. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J.Corning, Jr.. Mr. and Mrr. C. F. Hubbs. Mr. and\u25a0*• E. Psrml* 'r.. Mi> Sarah J Valiant andJ. W. Valiti'i: of Itjill'.morr: Mr. and Mrs 11. J.Vent. Mls^ I. C. Hodman. Mr *n<l Mrs Wllli.im••anp end*Mr at:<! Mrh. Herl«rt K:ilir. of NVw-Tork.

The bride was attended by her sist<r. Miss Mary

T.. Valiant, as maid of honor, and the hrld<-smaldswere Miss Elkl< Brokaw and Miss I belle Milne.of North Plainfield; Miss Margaret <'orning. ofBaltimore, a Klste-r of the proom. and Miss N< Hi"Valiant, of Churchill. Md.. a cousin of th<- l.rid-The h«-st man whs John W Cornung. of Boston.a twin brother of the croom. and tlie ushrrs »ereParker I»lx.Jomph I). Chcsney and H. A <»nilng.

Jr.. ef Haltlmort. E Pannly, Jr. of Philadelphia^and John Valiant. Jr. the latter a brother of thebride

CORNIXO-\ A T.A fashionable wedding of considerable interest

vii celebrated iMI Wc-dne««da evening In theFirst Mfthodist Episcopal <'i,ut of Plalr.fifld.N. J-. wlicn Miss Ellz.nl»<>th Gordon Valiant, oldestdaughter <•• toi-mcr Councilman ond Mir JohnValiant. of Myrtk»-a\-e. North Plalnfleld. becamethe wife of Charles Francis Corning, son of Mr.snd Mr«. A S <>»mlng. sr.. of Baltlmoro The!•• lir. W C. Siir»dgra!«K. pastor of the church,

performed thr crrr-mony in tho proscne* of \u25a0 aWannumber of friends from Baltimore. New-York andnsisjiiiii

A Mrthday tea was given last Friday afternoon

for the benefit of the scholarship fund of the PascalInstitute, at Its home. No. 576 Lexlngton-ave. There

was an exhibition of do«ens of articles, ranging

from stocks to tailored coats and reception gowns,

11 made bv the young girls at the InstituteDuring the afternoon Miss Marlon Oregon" and

Frank Eaton sang and Miss Frances Slater ptayed.

A scientific palmist was on hand to add to the in-terest of the afternoon. Members of the junior aux-iliary of the institute, who presided in the tea-

Mrr. William Watts entertained a large number

nf women on Thursday morning at her home, in

Hil-ot., Morristown. N. J . and introduced Miss

Clara 1. Weft, wlio lectured on Thfodore Botrej.

the Flreton poet. Ml»s West Is givingfour I^nten

lectures Th« v take :-lace on Thursday mornings.

The next leciure will be at the home of Mrs.Kiur-ir F Randolph. In Bouth-st . the subject l»-

ing%'onrni-morailon Week In Oxford" and th»date March 10.

The presidents of the women's clubs in the vicin-Buffalo have l>een asked to meet the presl-

t« Federation, Mrs. Charles M.I>ow. on March li. There will be an all day meet-

1 1r;ide schcxil will bf the principal sub-.llscussion.

The annual brrakfast of the Society for PoliticalStudy will take BtsOS nt IBS I'ark Avenue Hotelon Tuesday. The gue«ts of honor will be Mra.

\u25a0 M. Dow. president of tlie State Federa-tion of Women's Clubs; Mrs. Dore Lyon. president

of the <^Ity Federation : Mrs. Charlotte Wllbour.president of Sorosis; Mrs Howard MacNutt. Mrs.A M Palm«! Mtf Philip Carpenter. Mrs. Clar-

Burn- Mrs WillUm Gerry Slade nnd Mrs.Jarm-s H I'arkrr Three ex-prenldents-Mrs.Loutee Bar-alow, Mrs John F. Trow and Mrs.Helen Clark -will also he nr.-sent. and there will

rfc t.y Miss Alta Yola and Miss BerthaN>smith

The Tremont Branch of the Woman's MunicipalK< ;ici;e gave a • -i»-ss,lve euchre on Baturdayaftornoon at the home of Mrs. Israel C. Jones.Oa)o-lnindr*>d-nnd-etghtj--thlrd-8t. and Thlrd-ave.The nroceeds are for the fountain fund. The affairwas under the ipervislon of Mrs. H. H. Tinker.There were tw<*nty-four ta.l>le» »>f players. Thewinners of th<- prisf-s were Mlr* Mary Ray. Mrs.Mulard. Mm. Fisher. Mrs. P-ak.-r. Mrs. Schmidt.Mr?. li.nlpht. Mr- E. B. Mapee. Miss Gladys Evens!Mrs Bradnn and Mrs. Hull. The league will iihort-ly give a concert for the snme otiie<-t. when It Ishoj!«d to *»-ell -he fund to the desired amount.

The New-Tork Sta!e Rf-ohllcan Asso<latlon willhold its annual convention and lunchr-on at Del-monW-.i's on April IS. All Republican women.wh*th'T mrmbrs of the association or not, are In-vitod 10 attend.

i French, of No. 6» Enst One-hundred-Titrrtalned the Jollv Sixteen

\u25a0'!s on Monday evening. The club, oneOf ihe most popular In I.'arlcm. m;<<i formed about

1 reialrs its charter mem-1 Mrs. William Harper.

Ir« T Ltntin Floyd-Jones.• I. Mrs Miller. Mrs. Alonx<>

Mitchell. Mrs. John TheeseMr^ Nugent. Mlsx 'Joldsrnlth. Mis. Lindaey ana

W r ifr^d Fox

Auxiliary No. % of the Little Mothers' Aid Asso-ciation has started a branch nt No. \u25a0 ftld Broad-ray, l<-i»c»n '>ne-hiindred-.-»nd-thtrt|eth and One-hu:idr»vl-nnd-thlrty-nn«t Fts. Mm. Malcolm Mo-l>>an. of No. 31 Knst >»ne-»mndre<s-and-tw-et]ty-s!xtli-st.. Is chairman. The merritiers of the nuxil-i:ry mill m- ct every Friday afternoon during I^en.:t the heme of Mrs. Mcl^ to sew for theirLlttie Mothern.

The Daughters of Holland held a meeting lastTuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. JamesRandell. No. m Ka M Twcnty-Mrst-st. Mrs DanielManning, chairman of the Board of 1-ady Man-agers of the St. Louis Exposition, was to havespoken Infore the society on woman's work at thefair, but she was called to


day night. Mrs. Randell read a paper onKarly Dutch Settlers In Manhattan." The

nymners of the society all more knots of orange1 rir>l>on. nnd the Dutch yelloiw predoml-in th<- dining room.Agi.es Mai RoMnson sang and Miss Bertha

Messjilth played during the aftcrnonn. Mrs. Ran-«!• 11 was assisted In receiving by Mrs A. C <~heno-

Among the one hundred members of the so-n Mr« William Budd. Mr« Dsnlel Man-

"-llss Margaret Remsen. Mrs. Lea\ert«, Mrs.Eugene Hoffman. Mrs. James L«ir;nn. Mrs. Charlesink and Mrs. Bedle.

Mr- ClaMfcs B*-kert. of No. yw West One-hun-\u25a0 :y-fiftli>.t . entertained R large euchre

i.e on Werfnesd-iy evening. Thegames »< r« Receded by vocal atx4. Instrumental

«..»d by refreshments. Among theI \u25a0 Miss Florence Maud Miss Kthel C.

\u25a0 •>' • Loo, Miss A-ina B«ckert. J(r.rt. Mr and Mrs John

Mr* ilenrv Vandermanden.Captain and Mr« Wiiies. Mr. and Mrs. Richard

K K K.vhmti. Mrs. E!l«a-l*th H . .. M Mai) Brown. Mis> Amy Blad-

\u25a0 \u25a0 » M.-rler. Miss'\u0084M. Mr hi .' Mr* H. Cleland. 'harles

B^-kert, Joseph <>o- r»y. John Ntagro. •Smiil. \u25a0 '\u25a0 ite Scheyne. John

k Itunge William Kehoe, RdgarA Martin and .'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 rt.

and was fcllnwed by a large reception at the homeof the bride. No. IJ4 West Jersey-«t..


O .KFET-LREWSTER.A fashionable I>ent<*n wedding took place in St.

Jeau « ITyISLiJBOjT Church. in Ellznlx-th. N. J.. lastwhere Mi»* Julin <:!U«>ns Brewrter.

•as of the soclaJ leader* !n Klixab«th. ame the*•••of Barton lluxall ("orTej. of New-Tork. TheMoasmatda were Mliw Dor<»thy March Clark, of\u25a0mnisnh, niece of the bride, and Mi-f PhylllaB«yn* os Kaj-. of New-York. nei«f of the Mfls-••ani The

*host man «'ae Kdntn Burham. <<f

eaw-Tork. Th«- ucher* were Chandler Dav'.dn n.idTrunk M Hall of Kew-Vork: Cieorge WilliamHot»rt«. of PhlladelpMa. and William V KegglnsJjtKl 81dnry M.-i)hfrir ltrwirt.fr.of EllzaiH'tli. Thebrtd- given away »•>• h»r brother. win Oak-* was givm away by her broth,r. lx>wia <>ak-»*}• \u25a0MsMtor. The .-ereawony wes performed by the"*^ l>r. OUa A. Glatcbrook. rector of Bt. John's.

MARRIAGEInvitations, Announcements,At Home and Church Cards,RECEPTION AND TEA CARDS.

Dempsey & Carroll22 We« 23d Street The Scaety Stationers New York

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marx, of No. IS< West One-

hundreil-and-eleventh-!>t . announce tho engagement

of their daughter. F>M<\ to Alfred Loeb.

Mrs. Harry Norton Marvin's "at home" onMonday afternoon was largely attended. The housewas b*-auttful!ydecorated with roses, and a. mu3lcal

entertainment was provided, including violin selec-

tions by \r\f Maria Azolroz. the chlM violinist, amipiano selections by \rthur E. Johnston*. Mrs.

Marvin »a» assisted by Mrs. Harry Wallerstela

A luncheon was given yesterday by Miss I^uluFrank, of No. 114 East Nin'ty-socond-st.. In aprivate dining room at Muschenheim's Arena, toporne of hi-r friends. Hanlsonie souvenirs were.dtKtributed. nnd after luncheon Miss Frank gsve ati.• itre party Miss Bessye N (inltmnnn assistedMiss Frank In receiving Am.mg the guests werethe Mls«es Gertie Kfthn. Etta Northschleld, RitaKohn Henrietta NeL,t>nrg<-r, Miriam Oreenbert.Hel*n Phllios Doris l.mi Doretta Pulihacher nndEdna Philips.

warded the efforts of the society during the presentseason mad« tlie occasion one of much mutualcongratulation. Mrs. Uttlefl-ld was asfdste.il by thffoilowinsr members of the society: Mrs. IsaacMills, treasurer. Mrs. George W. liest and Mr*Mott D. Cannon. se«-r»>tnrles. Mrs A. A. Stlllwell.Mrs >'. k Anderson. Mrs. Hamilton Hlgglns. MisMerrltt T. Conorer. Mrs TlmmHs Jacks and Mrs.Frank O. Evans The next and final musical of theseason will take place oti Thursday. April 14. inthe Astor Gallery of the Waldorf-Astoria

Mr. and Mm. Simon Hoffmann, of No L'U WoolOt.e-hundred-and-thlrty-reventh-st . ga\o a

tlon last Runday afternoon, from"

to a, In honor

of the ..tigagimmt of their daiichter. Wh Hc!!.«lioffmnnn. to MMf «;asso!ih-lm' r. of Montgom-

ery. Aln. The rooms were ta«t. f:il!y •scoratodwith palms. «milax and rut flowers Miss Hoff-mann wore a gown of white chiffon c'.oth. trimmed

\u25a0with old point lace, nnd carried a bouquet of vio-

lets. Miss I.llll.Lii Stern, who received with her.m-ore white crepJ" <'e chine, trimmed with lacs andchiffon. She also carrlea violets. Mrs Hoffmannmas gowned In bln.k crepe <!.\u25a0 eMM over violet

silk, trimmed with jet ornament;- An orchestrafurnished music.

The afternoon reception was followed by a din-ner to ahout twenty of Miss Hoffmann's young

friends. Jean Schwartz and "<!us" Edwards, two

well known comedians in uptown circles, playedand sang. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Em-manuel Hoffmann. Mr. and Mr.". Adolph Blumen-brohn, Mr. and Mr?. M. Zlmmermnn, Dr. and Mrs.Mlnden, Mr. and Mrs Abraham Baasa, Mr. andMrs. Louis Benedict. Mr nnd Mrs. Emll IfhoI\u25a0man. Mr and Mi^ S.lllllllII.••voi.-. Mrs. K.innieHeilborn. Dr. Abraham. Miss (;»-rtrude Hhein.iwer.Miss f'arolltie Landaner, Miss Markstern. MissElsie Harth. Dr. Jennie Henot. Miss ElizabethMoonelis Miss Meta Moonells. Miss Frances Sum-mernelO. Miss lli-len Hretzfeld.r. Miss Hose Heil-brunn, Mis^ ladle Hetlbrunn, Mlsa JeanetteSchwai M

- Carrie Hrhwurlie, Miss RosalindKlkan. Miss BUnche Stern. Miss. Irene Alter. HarryLevy Morris Elrhr-mrn-en. Albert Blrmlnßhum,Isfldore Strauss Harry Iterth. Mr. Ba-im. l»r ELHlieliihardt. Julius Moonelis, William SummernVM,•'harles Bretzfejder. Mr Solomon, l>an|el Rheln-

clver Morris Ijiveiiine "Jnck" Hoffmatin. IsaacBretzfelder. William Alter. Charles Hlrschfeld.Henry Straiiss and H<miiel Hoffmitnn. During theafternoon Mr. and Mrs. Solig Gns.«--enh"lnier. ofMontgi'.mery A'.a.. telephoned their congratulationsto their son nnd his fiancee. Mnnv telegrams werereceived from Brooklyn and N'ew-Tork. The guestsfrom out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Strauss,Mr and Mrs. Arthur St.-m and Mr. and Mrs. L.Btrauss of Montgomery. Ala.; Lester Strauss, ofFlat River Mo : Mr and Mrs. Elchengr«»en andM'i«v Minnie Hcxter. of rhicairo: Mr. and Mrs.I^ewis Ellerman. of Philadelphia :Miss Jane Miller,of Hwtland. Vt . nnd the Misses Emma nnd JennieKahn. of Trenton. N J

Th« Society of the Daughters of Ohio In New-York was rntertaln-d last week by Mrs. CharlesAustin llntes at her home. No. 109 Riverside Drive.Mrs. Bates wore a gown of point duchesse lace,

with diamond nnd pearl ornaments. She was as-sisted in receiving by the president of the society,

Mrs. C. C. Shayne: Mrs. E. L. Arbecam, recording

secretory; Maria Townsend, treasurer; Laura A.Skinner; coresponding secretary, and TemperanceP. Reed, chairman of the executive committee.Among the guests Invited 19 meet the. members ofthe society were Mrs. Harrr Norton Marvin, MissIrwln Martin. Mrs. Wallersteln. Mrs Arthur ElliottF'.sh, Mrs. Hubert Jerome Davis. Mrs. Joseph A.Cozzino Mrs. Harry Edward Flak. Mrs. JohnStrong Foster. Mrs. Charl-s E. Hprtigue, MrsGeorge W. Hanna. Mrs. Robert Wood Johnson.Mrs. Philip Bevan La Roche. Mrs. Pore I.yon. Mrs.Elbridge J. Moore Mrs. E. Bmjnmln Rnrosdel.Mrs Richard Rttdrigues. Mrs. Richard H. Strause.Mrs. Horaco Stokes, Mn >age E. Tarb-'.l. Mrs.

Charles U Acker. Mrs Wlllinm I^« Baron Allen.Mrs James HufUH Amldon. Mrn. John James\mory Mrs Jose Maria de Bermlnghim. Mrs.

James H. Bally. Mrs. A. Palmer Dudley, Mrs. Con-verse 1). Marsch. Mrs. Harry Mathews Newlngton.Mrs John Hot^rt Stunton. Mrs. Alfre.l \\ ntk'n*,

Mrt». fWorge Warren Wilder. Mrs. Robert Allyn.Mrs. Frederick 8. Goodwin. Mrs. Whiting Lyon,1Miss Mary Walte. of Washington. . .I'nder the. Aunpl^s of the Hospital Guild, a slx-

handed euchre party for the benefit of the .N>w-Tork Medical Oolleße anil Hospital for Women will

bn held next Friday evening at the Waldorf-Astoria. Theatre rtoxes and concert tickets areanimg the prizes offered. Tickets, at 12. may be

obtained from Mrs. Wtllinm Curtis Demorest. No.68 East Rlxty-slxth-st.; Mrs. George T. Wilson.No. Ho West Flfty-elghth-st.; Mrs. M. E. Plummer,

No. •» Madison-ave.; Mrs. William W. Cole. Wal-dorf-Astoria; Mrs. S. Theodore Hodgman. N< 305W<i»i Seventi-ninth-st.; iirs. Arkell Roger Mc-

A temperance mr< ting, with the object of Inter-esting ni<n and women of all religious denomina-tions in the work of the Oppenheimer Institute'sWomen's Auxiliary,willhe held Sunday. March 27.at farnegte Lyceum. Bishop Fowler will presidennd a number "or well known preachers and busi-ness men will speak.

Mrs Frederick 8. Cook. Mrs. George L Fluher Mrs.Andrew Knhlnson. Miss Robinson. Mri» WilliamEustlfl Monroe, Mrs. R. H. Eggleston. Mrs. G. P.Lawton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Owen. Mrs. A. J.Wilson Count and Countess Olaeta. Mrs. >\asih-

Ington'I^arr.-ndon. Mrs John Wellesly. Mr. and

Mrs I^isheur. Mrs J.mies A. Hetherington. BaronDe Zlnksky, Mr- 1

-Btudwell. Mr. and Mrs.

v .hid* 1.1. Mrs Robert William Lewis. Mrs.E lmnlap. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M.itt*-

son Dr and Mrs. J. B. attrrlson. Mrs. T. H.Whitney. Mrs \.. W. Fort. Mr. William AiexScott Mr John K Thomas. Jr. Mrs. HowardMcNutt Mrs V M Pulmer. Mr. and Mrs. RichardStearns. Mrs L Ingels. Anna Gllbrasit. Mrs. Leon-

ard Hill. Mrs. Edrtdge Moore. Dr and Mrs. H. I>.Scheni k. I»r and Mrs. Kugene Austin. Mrs.Thomas A Hardenberg, Mrs A. J. Hague. Mrs.T Elliot Langstaff. Mr nnd Mrs Thomas 3. Henrv.Mr and Mrs John Mc«'ullough. Pennington

: .1 B Wilson jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mil-.Vbergf-r Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCracken. Mr.and Mr? Edward !»•• Unea Miss Mary Springer.Mrs C GriswoW Bourne, Mrs. Helle p. Tnylor.

Mrs JefTer-on I)e Mount-Thompson. Mrs RobertStanw 1. Mr and Mr«. Joseph I>ueJ. Mr andMrs Thomas Byrnes. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell.I>r flplna H S h-.1. Miss May C. W.-jgner MrsKm:ik Merrill S.nm.n« Miss May SautiJers. AlfredCochran. K'm.-r A Miller. Mr and Mrs. FrederickGoodman. Mrs. IHan-k-r. Mrs Edwin Arden.Mr.« John gprlnnt. Mrs Carlton Von Mayholl. Mrs..luri^r Calms. Mrs A. I> I.ewis. Mrs William T.T.-.-mlnr. Mrs William H. 0.k1.-v nnd Miss OnkleyI>r H. I> ineedv. Dr. Lacy Anton Wight. Mr. andMr- .Tan-.. -.-. B. lyrhmaler. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore<:uerr ß. Mr aid Mrs D P. Ingriiham. W V,.Marston. Mrs. P. Baker Hnlsted and Dr. and Mrs.M. F. Patterson.

A Tissue Paper Pattern of Circular Skirt,S*4,665, for 10 Cents.

Full skirts that an confined <>\u25bc«• t*» Mpa. T«<take soft mnd Rraceful folds b«tow. mtlw th« la«a«4

shown and eH

be relied up<n a«th« favorite* oftbo eomiar *sa-

\u25a0on. This on* I*;'..":':'.i *

i.v1 'Is',arranjed la bbalI


::\u25a0:<> a: :-

\u25a0> •:;-per portion th*t«lv«a rok» «f?»ot,'but la left ylatm«t •:-.\u25a0• front.avoldlnr uni*•"

The medal i«made of tan mi-?or«d f->ular<l 9*-iured wltb fimiand whit*and id

yi\ \u2666.«o— CIRCULAR SK.RT. tbT maltfrtal. but all the fashionable clln^lns tn.i^rUlJare admlm.bt«. and trimming can "• appllqu* ol.inv itrvt. nttl« Ma* fulls «f th«s material or *nysthins that \u25a0\u25a0ar. be prrferrpd. The quantity oamaterial r»*iiilr«i for th« rr.<>rflum size Is 10 y»r;l311 Inch* wid». a yard. 27 lncb«* wide, or »H 7»*B44 Inches wide. The pattern 4.865 Is cut In •!\u25a0•«fur a '.'-. 24. 3>. 29 and 3»-ißch walat meaaur« :"V4l

The pattern willb*«wnt to any iiHiiiion iumlfJof 19 cents. I'!i>:i*> giro number and waiat OMMMure tlltittnctly. Address Pattern Department. K«wJYork Tribuoe. IfIn • hurry for pattern wmad ajextra two-cent stamp, and w« wtil mall fey tattedpoatas* la sealed tavttoya. 1

Many Original Korelties Dear toLittleFollc,

at Toy Bazaar.A bewildering display of Easter gifts Is to haJ

seen at the toy basaar of T. W. O. Schwan. No.|39 West Twenty-third-st. This storo is ono of tho>!largest of the. kind in the world, and snows avarlet of iroodr. costing from a few cents up toi

many dollars. The large Easter pieces were-«U-{signed solely for the firm, and therefore lay elala*.;

to original;One of tho most charminr on>eta\ to bo -loedt

at a Juvenile party. Is a good sized wsaaflhnrniw jof fancv straw. lilied with fluffy baby-pink tissue* jpaper, cut In the shape of small leaves. Dozen* oCjbranches of dainty apple blossoms root in thi*>va.S'T and it the end of each branch. nost—Jlth^soft he.l. t* a papier macho mat. These «t«aajcontain penknives. iri'.rMes or pencils for th« Doys«jand tiny dolls, towelrr and ev*n doll hnnss f"Jj-nl-.tture for the girls. This effect is also produce,! .•»straw automobiles, flower hasMocs and baby Kimiw «

Asilver egjr. .1 t>>ot In diameter, ossjoaans an «lec-itrie battery and bv pr«sslnjr a button the lntetlopj |of the egg I" brllßsntly \u25a0gJatoav rnrotagsi s> n^anho,eInuuher of battleships can then be jtUßwyyseen Other frgs «t» trimmed wttn ssjSjof nnnnnnnnjand the pullof a -<frlighidden tn ths roses brmaa) jout gifts one or one.. . —



The Topic Tea Club met last week with Jin.Fr»Hlfri.-li (J. :nham at her home on SherrjiryiHill. Morristown. The principal topic of dtseussMllw;is the w.ir In tho Far East, and Mrs. Burahaciroad excerpts from books on Japan, and tho w**lwas discussed from a pro-Jananese point of new.It was evident however, that a large numb<»c-rtfthe women present wi-re in sympathy wt^J|HCz:ir At the next meeting the .llscusalon willb-v{continued and excerpts from books on Russia wfllbe read.

The Realty Company of the Wonwin Club ofOrange, which Is engaged In bulldin* th«» now ham*

of that organization, reports about 55.0U0 alreadyvirtually collectexi. mcluding a small aaasur yet

unpaid, but satisfactorily pledged. Tho cost of UkMbuildln? will approach WO.OOO. and tho rossit ht aSJBpected to be a simple, ibstantlal and dlaaMssj.oWaslhome, which willbe. as Mrs. A. O. Fl<»'d. tho chair-man, remarked In the course of her report, "notonly what the club wants, but what the communitydemands."' The . iUlt..ri,.m will be on tho ay«Mfloor and willseat between seven hundred and »<#SJt jhun.ir.-<l persons. Th. company has appealed tor th»community ti>Invest In it*stock, as tho assraansanjcf such a builJlng. in a place, sustaining so manyactive organizations, Is amanlfost to all. Nothingnecessary to the convenience and unostentatious!adornment of the htiil.ltnghas soon omitted in th >

Plans: and the Increasing resources of tho eras- OSnjbelieved to be sufficient to cover all obligations Mvolveil.

urban organization, the Isabella Literary Club, olVerona, met at the home of Mrs. David Dongla*.

and on Thursday the Woman'* Clab of Cpp«r

Montclair listened to a talk by Mm. lamac E.

Baldwin on "The Necessity of Educated Moth*.-*.and What «Uub Life Is Doing Vlong Theso Lin**—Th>- All-Round Club of Mont '.air rant on FrlO*/at Mrs. rharles A. Dall's. and on W ednesdny lansjaiJ. Love!! Parker entertained the Research Ctib.Tl « newly organized PoUtlcal Study Club wfllmeet next Wednesday at the home of iliss EtttlBlackwell Robinson.

The Orange Chapter. Daughter* of the Revolt;-

tlon. met last Monday at tho home of. M» 3pene<»rMiller, in South Orange. Dr. Maria Vlnton. jjis giving a series of Interesting talks on Revolu-tlonary days, spoke- on this) occasion of **IW^»»^During the Revolution." 3on*s were glioilby 111^Bartholomew, of New-York, accompanied »y MissLongstrfet. Those, who received, besidoa th>- aojamnjess. were Mrs. Andr«w W. Fray, regent of th*»chapter and Mrs. George Vf. Hod—s A roeanannnjfollowed the programme. The rooms wer* •\u25a0>»» iorately decorated with flags and flowwrs. and hang-ings of buff and blue, the colors of tho chapter.

The Rev. Dr. Daniel H. Martin, pastor of tho)

Clinton Avenue Reformed Church, of Newark. I<"-t-

ured before Sesame on Tuesday afternoon on "TheLost vrt of Good Reading.

'Dr. Martin deplore*

the multiplicityof books and the practice of roadingcertain popular publications merely because oth*riread them. "To read few books and read them In-teWajentlv" was the sound doctrine sot forth by thnspeaker, who added "Stow your minds with th»very t>»*«t that litemturp offers: nnd neglect. Ifyonneglect anything, the books of fiction that com* outto-day ami urn forsotfn

• .-morrow'

After \n»lecture refreshment.* wfr» served. Mrs. John L..Meekes presided at a table decorated with daffodil-*;«nd the (nests were received by tho aostoa* of th*day. Mrs. 9. well Wava,

Several prominent Montclair club* bold theirmeetings <iuring the last week. On Tuesday « sub-

Tho Ifova CsMarea Chapter. Daughters of theAmerican Revolution, met on Monday afternoonat the home of Miss Helen Nichols, tn Newark.The chapter has a membership whichyond that city. Th° regent is Mrs. J. H. Hunting-ton, but owing to illness she was not present, andMrs. E. B. Hipwood took charge of the meeting.I>r Amelia Bnrt>er r»;id the paper of the Afternoon.alluding pnrti'ularly to the Quaker settlenvNew-Jersey and their influence upon the progresoof th« I

At the annual meeting of the Woman's Club ofOrange, on Wednesday, the following officers were.elected: President. Mrs. Stewart Hartshorn; firstvice-president. Mrs. Archer Brown; second vice-president. Mrs. R. W. Hawkes worth; recording sec-retary. Mrs. J. S. Alexander; corresponding secre-tary. Miss L. A. Hiss; treasurer. Mrs IN. Bur-dlck; chairman of membership committee. Mrs. H.P. Kirby; membership committee, Mrs. C. M.

Mrs. E. F. Ethertngton. Mrs. George Merckand Mrs. A. B. Leech.

Mrs. Hartshorn ia one of the best known andmost popular clubwomen In New-Jersey, and is anex-president of the State Federation. Her home isat Short Hills, and it Is an open secret that for am:mner of years the only reason for her failure toobtain the presidential nomination In the Orangeclub has been the fact of non-residence. The dubIs now, however, the largest In the State, number-ing five hundred members, many of whom live Inadjacent towns, and ItIs no longer representativent the Orangoa exclusively, though an establishedInstitution of that communitr. There will probablybe a further extension of the membership when theclubhouse la completed. The retiring president.Mrs. Henry P. Bailey has also been a favorite, andreceived at the meeting many evidences of th«loyal affection of the ,>hih. Her farewell addresscontained a warm expression of gratitude for thecordial co-operation of th«» members. She said atthe i-low: "We are learning that the true purposeof all organlxations is to gather knowledge andstrength wherewith to do good work. Let ourpolicy be more and more one of co-operation withone another, and with the best in the State and Inthe nation. The Important thing in the club is notwhat we get. but what we do."• ____

The bi-monthly meeting of the officers and di-rectors of the New-Jersey State Federation washeld on Tuesday In Newark. Plans were made forthe spring meeting In Caldwell. and the date setfor May 5. Several bills were formally Indorsed,among them the much discussed Child Labor bill,

the Gaines Clean Money bill and the Pure Foodbill, which Is before Congress. The work of thedepartments was rerlewed. The department ofeducation, under Mrs. Charles L. Crear, has madea special study of the Civil Service ts applied tothe public schools. The department of libraries has

ted to the travelling library system.v.hl<h has proved so valuable an Institution. Thechairman Is Mrs. Edwurd Miles.

The general subji-cts for the meeting in May willbe "Town Improvement and Forestry." Among thespeakers on forestry will be Miss Myra Dock, ofPennsylvania, and F. R. Meier, of Mabwah. con-sulting forester of the State. The entertainingclubs willbe the Borough Improvement Ass. •.

and the Woman's Club, both of Caldwell.


This Institution, at No. 13 East Sixty-seventh-st..which Is conducted by the Sisters of Charity, pro-tected and cared for K.OOO children last year, andalso secured 2.000 days' work for their worthy

mothers, ane>d!.«trtb!ited 3QO articles of apparel.Henry J. Heldenls has consented to net a«

man. assisted by the following committee: \lr.^

P. W. Crenaln. Mrs. Henry A. Connolly. Mrs. Wal-ter Burke. Mrs Joseph A. Mali

" r.*l«r.Miss Adelaide Janes. Miss Hunt. Miss Henne-«!«<*TMis* Smyth. Miss K.itherlne McCnnn. Miss Con-stance Crlmmlm. Miss Evelyn Crimmir.s. MissRosalie O'Brien. Miss Mary Jones. Miss MadelineO'Brien. Miss Anna Retd. Mia* Ron—t. J. GabrielBritt. Richard R Cootrtss, Dr. P W. Cremln. JohnJ Frlel. James M V Rooney. Henrv A Connolly.Joseph A. Muldoon. John <'uskley. Peter A. Ijtlor.Walter Burke. Mas McConsJck. Mis* Ain«i Lalor.Miss Keating. Miss Ke.ily. Miss Coleman. MtsaNellie Murphy and Miss Eva Keveny.

Among the patrons ar^ Mrs Williiim Arnold. Mrs.Morgan J. O'Brien. Mr* F. Burrall Hoffman. MrsJohn Power Costello. Mr< Edward Burke. Mrs.Albert Gould Jennings. Mrs. J. V Kirby. Mrs.William •

>rr. Mr« L. !>•» S.in Miztmo. Morgnn JO'Brien. George Ehret. Mr-" M Bresin. Mrs Peterf>«elger. Mrs. J. Henr> Hnggerty. Mrs. Eugene A.Plillbln. Mrs P J. Cuskley. Mrs Thomas Jones.Mrs Jeremiah '*. Lvons. Mrs. Mulgrew. Miss Marl*Reid. John I>. Crimmlns anil I*Smytho.

A reception was given to Miss AeMi Fielde at

th« home of Mrs. Esther Herrnan last Thevening. The members of the league for PoliticalEducation, who have accompanied Miss Fielde onher instructive excursions around New-York, took

the occasion to express their appreciation of herwork by presenting to her a beautiful duchess pointlr.ee bertha. There were pleasant greetings fromMrs. Herrman. Mrs. Henry Terry and Mrs. JohnFrancis Barry. A short musical programme byMiss George was followed by readings by Mrs.Anna Delong Martin.

At the meeting of the Minerva Club. heM lastMonday afternoon at the Waldorf-Astoria, an anl-irated discussion took place apropos of the pro-posed purchase of the Knickerbocker Club housoby the City Federation. The consensus of opinionwas emphatically adverse to the purchase.

Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Mrs. Charles M.Dow. president of th<-

-of Wom-

en's <'!üb*. wer» the guests of honor.This was the first regular meeting of the Minerva

Club since the annual election. There was onlyone new officer on the platform, the vice-president.Mr* Belle Gray Taylor, as the others were all re-elected.

The committee on flowers, vines and area plant-Ing of the Municipal Art Society of New-York willgive an entertainment at Carnegie Lyceum. Fifty-•eventh-st. and Seventh-ave.. next Saturday after-noon, at 2:30 o'clock. Edwarl Hagsman Hall willgira his lecture on "The World's Race for a Conti-nent

"After the lecture there will be a short

musical programme bv Miss Eleanor Foster,pianist, and Christiana P. W. Kneus. violinist, re-cently of Amsterdam. Hollar.il Seats are on saieat Carnegie Lyceum from 9 until 5::» o'clock. Re-served seats for adults. 91: box seats, ftMl

The concert, euchre and dance for St. John's DayNursery, to be given at the Tuxedo. Madison-ave..on April a. at 11:30 p. m. promises to be success-ful socially and financially.

Mr. and Mr*. Lincoln Rea Peabody gave a pitparty one evening: last week at their home. No. 227Rlversldo Drive. Supper was served at 12 o'clock,

and among the guest* were Mr. and Mrs. FrankDryer, Mrs. Southgate. Comte de Carets. Mr. andMrs. Percy Gardner, A. Kinnalrd Tod, Mr. andMrs Tllden Blodgett. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Meyerand Miss Florence M.insell. Mrs. Peabody hasconcluded the iwrtes of '--it homes" which she hasbeen giving during the winter.

The annual public meeting of the- Women Law-yers' Club was held in the chapter room at Car-negle Hall on Tuesday evening. The guests werewelcomed by the president. Mrs. Philip Carpenter,and addresses were- given by Justice Edward W.Hatch. Charles F. Mnthewson an.l Mrs. Emilte M.Hullowa. Mrs. Carrie Oilman Edwards and Mrs.Ella S. Mars contributed some piano solos andsonjrs. and refreshments were served at the clos«of the meeting.

The Woman's Republican Club willmeet at Del-monlco's next Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs.Frederick Nathan will speak on "Industrial Con-

ditions «s They AfTe t Women and Children In theState of New-York."

The fuests of honor will he Mrs. James R. Mc-Kee, Mrs. Camden Dike nnri Miss Grace Hartley.Luncheon will be served at the close of the meet-Ing:.

V- Hi M- Frederick 8. Goodwin, of No 4«7

Central Park West, will five a baby party nextFriday evening: at 8:30 o'clock, at their borne.The party Is to celebrate the twentieth anniversaryof their wedding The guests are requested torone dressed as children, or in any Mother Goosecostume.

Michael. No. »6» Madison-are.; Mrs. Sydney Wil-M N< 41 West Flfty-second-st.; Mr*.HrDemorest. The Rutland. West Flfty-seventh-st ;Mra George W. Roberts. No. 1» W«t Fifty

~st.: Mr H. Jones. Bayside. Long Island;M.%. Alexander Prlngle Bell. No. 13 East EleTenth-at.: Mm. William Burnett Tuthill. No. 17« WestEighty-slxth-st.; Mrn Hertw D Lloyd. Erie.Penn. . M 15 West Eighty-elghth-st. ;Miss Spadone. No 27n \\e,t End-ave. ;Mrs. Au-gustus C. Dexter, chairman. No. 63 East Slxty-slxth-st.


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faeturwl Purs wtllba »>l«i at

Greatly Reduced Prices.Sato brstna Monday and i—Its— thrmmh w-ea.

Everything in Furs.

Emil R. Voikel,436 6TH AVE., #

twt. 2fith and 811 Sts.(EMMMMlsT3.>


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9Mk at muni be foua 1 etsmaois. ta sue q:«J!:7- superior

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UDltH' nvißDsrH^i^r..by artists of tr»at atlllty; my isetbeds ssaaoooinf . alar*-LssC cltpjtnr and lialr coloring to any smMflaMQ shade, ustir?you*rnttir aattsfarttom.