Mirdmdln For ag J ^ui, 5 w»rt»^ u - a | Raisin onprty q c».55 4 A??%5E **^ " K ' w •*•**"<» BLBCTR1C •rovt, BE ou.' 5BBS S B ".£T.*^ a*: 1 !^ «»»!«w»t^ tiwmw', • town, i u > m m , s*»34* A»PAN GAS , A &B SISE—ttw.u ui». * SON, T* HUDSON AVE THOR. *utomatlc washing machine LlK ' I e» ' VA* BARhf E Y COOCLE & SNUFFY >»€•*» t» twwit„ Tht^U,,,, By FRED LASS WILL 186 So. Pearl 3-7577 "JS,***" M *«l Moulding! <t*»f MiSw $149 Yd, Hvv, | ru .h Coco* Mat. $2.95 5"S? e°T i - ^ *• Rubbor Stair Treads, ea 35c «*••* All Perfect Pig**, Carpet and Linoleum REMNANTS M DUCED1-3 •'•¥•» B^V JJMINU (toMfciNATtoN' TRADEIN SPECIALS! froa*a food case Beer-A-Door bottl* CAPlTgl REFRICERATION 707 Broadway suaraotecd. stoth, tj tt«t». 4*4223. u«i«D TELBVWION lasH—T*rm*7 Pw Appii*nc*. M a. p»>ri, s-ooes WASHER. Blacluton* with how;'' Oruno refrigerator; reasonable. 3.7267 MILlxm t NMifT 'astt' ft • 3 A C K » . 14 « Amnay. S «)*. off Saratoga ro*d. S-room IMHIM hot water J***, bjiehan. tUMt 1 tall. .U J*^* . W *i"' ' * " • • * • • » . telsphone. 1 _•» « *»»*»*% hrVQi land, suitable 813,500 Vincent J Byt**r St. 4-asai—a-am. sol aceae dairy im, T. FOP Ron* — Furnished ^n^*^*- *- -—* Tears old. 9-2736. w i^ D J??, FH wwt# •»»«• «»£ sis* 11-13. .3-8680 between J and 8. 8x13 STANDARD wt. Bird. $i~ LIGHT. JIWUBtB), ^ lift warn room. n*. EisT V onr «"' * «>«• l l M t O M U O u . 63-0710. For Rout - Furnished ^iw»*-MM«4 tr*>t wt, privat* oatra***. Parkins, bus. 77-35*3. 116—LARGE Reference*. roam, next .bower aata fortaMt doubla nog. parMaa *t-»41«, OJM aou. Arnw^^VaKo 95 - Ha^l** "ATE, 1,.. plaaawt r^STr^: _"*JI > M « . r u g s aod by yard. 1 WW. 3-Wtf. «• a«i.1? &*• ** *-» WACAR FURNITURE CO. ao raaju. w. mo.TBp »obi) CA»IH»T1 < * " • MLr-BBRViCJC <aw ^2!f N "PR'CERATION «atfami^AHAV«. wiowa s-T7«4 QAS HSATEK3, »39.50 tJT>~ »«fcl *ur any rftoqt in borae. _**• HBATSIR. AUTOMATIC. W9.50."' V* Utekaa range, with tharmoatadt Hone Furnishings Must Sell Immediately 5-Pc. Living Room Croup ^^5-Pc. Bedroom Croup •WaxS-kVi Kitchen Set, Rug, ** Umps, Etc. Con Me $875 Balance Owing, $510 M Take Over My Time Farmeiifc, S9 Wetklv. Inquire »H0NI 5-8170 ANY TiMt ^lli!!™?? 4 * ft » rn '"*»»W of 6 room flat: f*»*»»ble. 2 U So. Pe»rl at. tad n«*r. Call altar 9 a. » ' * ° * aTodftJfMGsf Sports and Hobbies 111—361 STATE 8T. atudlo rooma, aawri-bata. 3-I3M Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Afc aMlTH tOAW CO. «T GRUN T HDQBJ. lea iteharmaar'tl Capitol Sporting Goods, 6i Green tip upa. 48c. i, 4 i " ICE FISHING EQUIPMENT •MTailiECflON IN TOWN. T i££?i!L" NES ' ICE BARS. TIT tt pa. bookete. Wn>. bin, Viner'a, 20 Green. Urge, parking. MlMr Hiyd. 4-iag, ««< fcw»,Up AlUmMt. aMart».~r«T tirad paapta. taat Bern. M+iZ' Furnithed Apartmenta 115 For Rent—Flats 220 •« WK.: kamirtea. 3M : J - Naw atevt 3-3*41.. For Rent—Flats 220 3#r •ajSai" wa i a,»_— __ .. - •v jewrereireeej. •«*. CLINTON -Am., Ml 'iu£T eaakla«i faellltlea. »yg «aw>. M2—PINE Hllla, private attractive, radio, ehow.r, Woman. Betaraaoea. ft-OMa. A COMl'ORTAkLE front. wSSS bed." Pine Hiiu, saath Allaa StlTiaTt^iS BU3INBS8 person, warm 'raom,' floor. 106 Jay, oor. so. Swaa. WK.—a-room atfL 1 . uynt S S l+.» |[**ywator. Call 4-3906 after t p7E w *7 CA *|" ,0 li l »raa; I room art., m , » » , >t, ratrg.; X* paraoaa. t-TOti. •1J-W4 LANCitTtR (t . 1 batb mittens. TOOL SALE! BEEKMANB, 41 BEAVER ST. JQfts and Acceuoriet 166 RUNABOUT BOAT, io h.p. motor. Raaa Avartll Pat*. Oregon 4.8683. M t t CAPITOL HOTEL ROOMS IY T H I WEEK FROM $10 Creen, futt Qtf Stare. 4-6171 CAPITOL AREA; Jay, 221; large. HqgU rooai. near btue*. 3-769S. CBNTKALL* anpie 3-7039. located, large, twin baa's, closets. Private. References Sf^SWW*^ »**«* vwaV •tar. •iS MONTHLY. 3-raoia flat, haata* said- dinged coupla «2-14S2. <39 Httdaon Ave ate. prtr. baSTTn^: (store). •mat •wIptT. Tea Braack IH. HAMILTON K„ g reference ^ quired. 1 Mas. kitchenette kitchenette. modern, 4 rooms, bath. iir- ORANQEst., U8. Ntesly furolabad. 'rataa, raaaa, ratViaaratee* »i«<* ""**• ••* water, alawlia aasal-batk Adu.ts preferred. 5-2888. . 8 roams. priv. shower, utilities tee. a»t. 8-atW at 83-1848. furnished. 3 adalta. immire west St. APABTUKNT. 4 . RoJan4 p.tro. phone Se«U Betblenea AVAILABLE AT ONCE "*** "alklng dtateaoa at state office building. 4 rooms, 1 katraaraa. ttie »tM.8»-U«MBR CUNTON AVH.; S rmi" *f*t •«* r*awar. completely equipped closet, aeml-bath, range, rafrtg. gJaria. «M AVT . 4 fS AS heated, ideal Raat 8S8 hrtght and clean Stria, 3 2155—KNAUF SMI Central Bridge, aew bam ; i, mate hauaa. tar ant aaasa. Bate Thnaa-rjaioa. RBALEMTATB FOB gALfc tat _ Healea,,, aatadtete rantel. B0T88T8. Ttmaa-Untew. 860-OOHOE8. .i , .? M ^ ACIllP,CI »«NTALS! ^w.^.ntd^t.^4^.^^ ^ft, Jtr a. Ailaet » l T . i 4111^,47. ^WTWBwwk^ippwlsTnpt.. 4 .. 886. Suburbs, l-fam.. 5 r».. bath, oil, gar. 173. By Del., tjtd. apt.. 3 rm.. gas. elec.. baby pelmar apt., 3 sunny rxai^ yd., all. >u . raatdentlal, 3 rooms, bath. «aated, hot water, gaa, etec.. Venetian «Ra"i>*»V™ 'nil ""'•*_**•• •« I*r. bUnaa. Oa bus line. CEdar 7-7828 *' PA1[ua ' 30 Hawthojsa Ave. 3.4788 i£-NARBAti .... -. —,-_ ^.'". . .- BRAHW)Hft .h«v. apt. 3 sunny rmr^ yd., oil. gar. C R ^ Y , %* M room - twl » bad*. FARMERS' MARKET PUCE •*** bath, gentlemen preferred. CHESTNUT. 43"] near room, twin beds, COMFORTABLE, 4-7550. Capitol; large Arl PRICE8 paid for cotton, r kuriap teas bags tt any condtutnv Pto*° g "Jrt" /or 200 bag. or over. Capltoi Bag Qo„ 125 Doagan Ave. 8-491*. « ^ dally, tetw S8C. madiunT Wc. May's Farms. Renss. S-3S71 ^ W ha* L300 bale,; 300 bale. of wheat atraw. 8-0623. eiceptionally so! Sim- mons aqulpt., water. Jay. 104; Capitol ELSMfcKji-ateaunfm. large double. Brtv. a oo.P om * ; I ,a ' kin 8. Privileges, b «e„ »-^8o6. 818. HUDSON. 288: heated, furn. 1-room apts. (3). n Near Cawtat 8M. KAMILTOW, ^4. Uvlagrm., badm.. "asakteed, kitchen, cattd welcom*. 8-88T8, 818 WK s«v Lake, UT. oor. Myrtla; •rant. bath, adults. 3-8847. 4-2818. Lancaster rooma. taatb. 4-8988. 79. Clean, warm. 3 848-860-VONE ROOM klt'nette, hath! Wm- n«wa lady. Inq. 670 Western. 850-W.58TERN. Ml; CM root.'' ant., srtmte teteh, nitchanetta. USED BS ?1 *-*•»"• ***». «a N. *PUS.' ^te2r.***"!f* . ta ° tt »' S K : »«- SL?^ * nd D * n, « 1 - M«al oabineu. Poyie Borne Specialties, 182 No Peart LIOHTINO J-LXTURES. npaetel «tjs~30* tuT- """' mttiT * « citeton s* F"or«i-Ferguson tractors Abate Farm Equipment, Albany 8-36Q1 ^ ^ol?g2H s** » nd »n««» •factors, from 1133 and up. Abels W, Equipment. Albany 8-3801 rarm Hortet and Cattle 170 B^CEi»TIONALLT beautiful "room," finite or double. References required. Bait residential section. 2-3303. ^J 1 CAPABLE woman. Room plus monthly wage, exchange part time serv- ice. References. Box 2898. Tlmes- WfiJOft. r FR0N T room, twin nans, warm, clean', comfortable, 1-3 persona. 5-8472. FRONT room; near Albany hospital Homelike. Gentlemen preferred. 3-7631. A ^Y* °, r <••*«, cows or horses, pay up to 8ia Remove promptly. Albany 3*8878. eves. -6-6446, S-2177. ^^ •«o»«a, •ate for your entire •»*!««•. Waterford BiuSUBST cteiHatt Ariame Prices fra« iatiNa x suite f»J» atala. 8 n M , giaae top table, large lamps, genuine Chinese rug S-8. •^mobZ 1 1 ^ """• * »*"• ^ o o c 1 ..... 4 Wftf, OVE SEATS! luxurious modern I rawT«d 1934 by Time Maker, out of a ss: i2M, s r.ffn r .r ' a,rpiv b,ood - M P AU> - Oa»«*. horsee or'eows. dead or alive. ARaena! 3-3941. 3-3112, reverse charm on all calls. FURN., uniurn., terse room, private bath oil heat. S-7719. lUnaaelaer HAMILTON above Quail Toung tedy. 6-7898. 880-CUNTON Ave. section, 4 room •*"* » Pt aa'tabla couple. 3^33j2. M0--APT., 2% rooms, near Washington suitable 1-2 girls. Linen and 860—NASSAU village, modern baaled 4- ^'Atea'np^jlJr^^tarteea "oS!™ •anaal and etoree. Naaaau 8-8834. 886—MODtlRN home, nicely SawBasTl rooms, on heat. 13 miles enun pf Al- oany, good roads. Box 9943. Times-Union * M - , 1U6 f?SL. ,,U, * ""•• •«•-. adults pref. 4-7397. Days only. 86fi—LANCASTER, near Willett. Heated Business paapia Box 3948. Times-Union. 875-DELMAR, 8-m. heated apt! 88*-Htd. apt., S rtna., tar, auburbs. 125—8 rms., n». Washingtosi Park. CARLSON. INC. 4-5167. W i - 3>BOOM apt. (tea. etec, fur;: anstwar. centra.iy located. 3-1789. aRAUWfiW, above Alhw; modern now house. 4-room apt. 8-8818. a. A ^ d0 ?T m * *»«»W^ nweit and atone 1-family . ixji— •«* Mvkat raosa with fwemteea. dlan ffcnanda hare awtnasaiag pool aad large I'i2!22- .'*"• •" IH " ,d »«" ««• a^Mkid Iru siis asm mm CALL MRS COMBN. Tf-8S84. HAWUS REALTY CO. HI etttten St., Schen. Ph. Sehen 8-1871 rtTArtrotT McKO^N Where tb. taxaa are ] chlteren te Ashing VVll*"*** **& 110,200 ZZ 00 ^ ^. a aJom° , wtlh 0 'w2Li > a Goad nicely landscaped"." **>*• 3*. 600— 4% 908**" •• 1 ROBIRT APPUrfON 62-4276 Days * UN - 2^40# WM 8100 monthly, ell heat, garages available. 83-8817. "ASA08tl>lcl --•assmi m>h im. aad ate- nand Road, a vary desirable 1-famUy house; 6 spacious bedrooms. 1 ig DOWN PAYMENT OrlANOE ST.. J21; three fmmirr artek. gg^^^^gm NO DOWN PAYMENT # FRANKLIN St . 44. Immediate Maeaatek extra large uviag and dinteg room*, ftrapteca; tile braabteat room tiled HOUSE. 4 ro Berne 48. LaXlNOTOjr 8-1868. •w Tteat. East Ave.. 1 | ; I NEW heated studio, efficiency apt. Smt- able business person. 4-6729. *^^ii b" 1 ** "•*• «»P*r Ranaseniar* 6-9389. BETHLBBEM. I room, and" iaSh. Letter Maltary. 2756. SO Pack; •laetrtelty furnished; semi-bath. Rarer- snees. 4-3381 after 6. eni-aTtffiib apt, ail utilities runtiabai. centrally located. 6-1081. 888-WATERVLIET, 3 rooms, utllltiea" in- eluded Call ARsenal 3-atan ^w^s?** -e^eMieB^wssjmy C|^ajD|mmyv 870-MODSatN, auteteatic oil fcoat, gajr^ •ft, 12 miles Troy, Albany. AveriU Park. ORegnn 4-3939. " 370—3 rooma, large kitchen, snolMsd heated. Jay-Dove, 6-8086. S ^ 5 ? "'«. 81 »8le.~a^uWiT~flea B T «omf. rooms. Business couple. 4-8473. 176—STATE. 8 rooms, •- . . 1 suitable 3-8, 8-6787. a * 1 * Wm - 885-WESTERN AYS., private bath. 878—SLINOEBLANDS; oadroom, livtei room, kitchen, heatd. refrigerator stove. W^BAJtt SCilODACK. 6 rooma. 8«rn«aT oil heat, on feus Una. fl 675—FEURA BUSH, 3 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen. baU with shower, 2-car garage. Phone V844. 373—WASHINGTON Pr. section, modern r-aat, heat, gaa, electric MM hided. Refrigeration, 5-3863. 5-3271 after 6. LAR6E room, mortfrti home, private fam- iiy, garage. Business gentleman. 6-1480. SONET 6 lb. can, 81.35 arena] Jttpf. Naamau, N. T. Att.'rfsisa. Pourtry aed SeMrea 175 modern full •be bed ... $110. Innertpringt, AH Sizfji Studio Couches. Sofa Beds Bex Sprlngt—Hollywood Beds BAST PAYMENTS. FACTORY TO »OU Cold Star Bedding Co. 70 Bastett St. 3-4407 MEN-I autTa <oot>' GAPITOl. POULTRY pay. New Tork's ™»bast farm prices. Trucks available. «s« HTf, Albany. 6-4873, 8-7088, ^Sl-P^eT? P S ,lrlr b«s-t "BiiT Priaai. Send trucks anywhere." tnter- *^?. A 2I. p ° UItr y Pays highest prices. JjSu... ^* *** 8-4844, »a«33. V7ANTEI>-Lfve chickens, eggs. Phoi.e «r write Cbnckrows. Albany 5-W8i. LARK and state 1 large. Phone 6-8838/ slngis e room. LIVING room with privileges, business *ggan a? SttrL OsU leBaUk LOUDONV1L1.E Sec., large room, private ?3265 *• BO ,8,u, ««*wai>«4S. Osll city line; nicely furnished 3-room apt., tile bath heat and hot water included, imme- diate. 8-0776 MOONET O BOWERS. 190 E]am*r»>. s roome, bath, Sua ftralrt parkirij. buaineaa adulu <x lanfurnlabeil.' g«atcttj6. A>T.—4 room*, bath, busiaaas couple, no note. Inq. 373 Hamilton. 876-81a8-MAi>ISON', 474, 3 andId" bath, apts. or dostqr's offices. 2-3168. 3S0-PINE HILLS, 'I mediate. Box 2944, Times-Union. W-MW. I i n . rm*. tile bath. htd.. porch. 369 Hudson—Willett STATE, below Swan: modem. 3-room ant. 4-4616 bet. 9-5 dally er 6-7818. INQ, 7 TEN BROBCK BT. WKBVEJW AVM., 4 r—., a basTW. heated, stave, rafrtg. Adults prof. 8-8448 .6 kW. htd. *pf., within i mm. walk it bus tertfon. Adults preferred References •xchanged. Available " A beautiful property ." TRS. C WM , % •WATL'AN appros. 1 aero, MBWANQB wo " CLINTON HEICMTS T**". aanrbjr naw. Oak floors, tire- place Bath aaek floor. 3 electric klteh- S.TU* 1 * '"*«"'«'» » njOf. 814.808. W*U fteanead. Breksr, 4-»Tt8 or 8-4g76 C 1 ON raBK 7 roo-u, ktk sjttSMt d-tfrs. gsrage Asking Oman, 3 6176 lanry 3874. Times-Union. Fab. 1st. Business Rentals 238 •30 MONTH: store, si RurTMrt St. Any btnteaaa sultehte. 4-8wM. store. 68-1728. days. 386—IDEAL residential location. Clean, quiet, well iMSted 3 and 4 room apt*., for raftaed living. Adults. Box 2861, Times-Union. 890—LARGE Hvteg raom, a bedrooms, dln- eue-kllclien, bath, tub shower; heated. CHEtTTNUT, 43; deslMfete, kttciten-Hvlni jg^ com*inj<|; bedroom, refrgn Main LANCABTEJt 'hZFJ*^*?**?? 0 ^ **»*» BS fur niahed, kitchen, telephone privileges l-a business women. Bon 3878, Times-Uslen! NEW SCOTLAND Ave., attractive" 186, comb. Br.-bdrnt, kitchen, refrgn. bath, adults pref. ahoercr, driveway, gentleman. 8-0628 ROOM, private home, enees. 2-3214. gentleman, refar. WNE HILLS-Morri, St. near buses. attrastive warm room. 8-1762 SMALL studio *pi„ evarything fumlabed, one block above Staid ©Mte* Bldg. on Washington Ave. Suitable 1 ar 2 people. **> t" weak. CaJl 6-8088 or 4V88lT^ New, Bo» 2i3Q. 390 WINTHRbP Times-Union. Ave., heated, large living room, 8 bedrooms, tlte bath. nornhee. Venetian blinds, garags. AvnU. Jan. 16. 8-8678, after 8 p. in. a rvoms. Bus line. Im- 480. P bath, voroh. Heated medlatt. 8-4919. 8*8, VETERANS A Ainttap Steep, ea*.. 3 room*, batb, brand saw. sit t its. Bos S4M, Times-Union. Commercial Bldgs. Suitable to offka. warehouse, manufac- turing, etc -*•»»—. «•«••*- 3.500 to 100.000 Sq. Ft. Some bldg* with H R. sidings CALL US FOR TOUR SPAC™ LOUIS CREEN. 2-3144 Near **eres. -family i COLONIE s—steUsa *f Uvtag ssprteSv a bedrooms. iMmw ante, tile Toungstown kitchen. batb. insulation, expansion WESTMIRE neai by eo.i. vanetten arUdi aer«iw and storm window*. ia.8wT^ HARVEY CEORCE 4-9515 91 No. Pearl 4-6740 tax title. 88.660 Na •38 monthly tnclndea tax**" 278 ATE. 838; las tltte, family, new brick stdtes nasi lot fl back to 3rd St . ttlte No Payment. 3<0 sat monthly Includes U and give* yoq immediate psssusteiT * basetnemt and first ftoar. matartete far compietm ^ NOW IS THE Tl To see this five-room awn. a**^*e>"* loceiec Huge living heat 3 bedroom*. an eonvteuT...""oa»**fa > SlL Kenneth D. Duitckel. 2-055f Ivfar S-rm. blankat borhood of •e* St OPEN HOUSE IsmawSmV toft. Saw *.**££ STORAGE OR WAREHOUSE Land available Rt*. 9A20 Inside Rem etty lias. With long lease wit) con- struct storage or warenom* bu'tding accordiag to your plan and specific*. Hon*, Railroad siding optional. 4-4664 evening.. ^^" STORE, 118 Morris St. after 4 p. m. 63-tS37. ahaivei See COLONII, 1-FAMILY. $9,9"50 !U"^ 5!l"« ntm •»*» »**«" ««- 2fS. ll ^2!^iI u, ** ,, SB "*•*. ••»»«» walls, hardwood floor*, full colter, air conditioned «41 h*at 1*8 T6sl8oT^' CALL MR RflROI 6-8883 HARRIS REALTY CO. ajlCMntaa st, " down, nroat and rear porch** **FSBBW. •area lat. til.SOS !""* r »F YOU ARE LOOKINC 9*r * special 3-famlry ***** *• New feotiand AV*. I **** one. Call WM a* sauafted. wtth. PHILUP BWARTB 8-1484 HARRIS REALTY CO. 881 CUBten St San*. Ft, fteh«V] Days Dovts-Other Pets 177 k*j*». s4b J ai;aV.Ba ,, »p" oa i* pawn, some *'i kteds. SL8S nj" J^r. M %' £2* MEN-s ami a, «i** 4o-*i kmg, spWTmait storm eoat. Woman's 2-pl«ce wtetrr ««« ••* Persian lamb tsW, aiiel" _|Ss5..*S, *"*"•- T "" TTor *^ Brohms. 387 S, Paari, 4-t*m NQRGE OIL HEATER, 856.80. ""— ••808 ft, demonstrator.. Albany Sale*, i4g Central Ave. S-811J NEW, flc AIRED ALES. REG. Q St, RIAN. SELKIRK, N, I. 8-8188 BKAOLE at stod "Trojan l>umn"''e'hanv ploh, 838, Cha*. Lewis. R-3S73. BEAUTIFUL Mexl«*n Ch,r«*l»*»," show' type, Call 62-0122 after 6 p. m. WESTERN Ave.. 803; eomforubl. room, excellent toeatl*n. 2-4528. ^ ^ private 8-4388. WE8TEHN Ave., ptena* nt noma, gentleman, reference WESTER. Stegte-dOBbte, parking, g.n- ticaian. 8-4668 eveo. «• • « wiLLETT, 78, facing Park. Large front- <toubie. nteo ^ngl*r 8-4180. ' BOXER pups, 5 male, 3 fern,, 10 wits rag. AKC. Waterford ADtitj 8-3.118, OIL BUttfiKR, Heatroia, perfect conditioni ean. 3-4338. Mata »««*c* K , 797 Broadway. Hihf &*\J** n * «^>«5~5o«e7 Is«74 o -•• **' - i n -• 0<H, condltl «n ; FANTI c HOW, r«. female, —XRTr registered. write Box 31. Wert Lebanon. 7 COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES VOORHEESVILLE 2591. COCKER 8FAK*EU RXCLdshTtLY ' JO-BE-OLEN KENNELS fSOcXER puppies 4-0734. COCKERS 4-3800 ARC males, female*. tem*r*. mixed pup*, ham- sters, rabbits, kittens. Norsn 1 *. 433 Central. " bath, bus lines and parkitfg, 2-8360. an-r. Z S 2£SCrzr3 hear BOAHP FOB CBZLDnEN aj A ^SS5,-. HI1 '^ . ivr c * ^ cb'Mren, also eventep Referencr- DAY care, 6-0549. u***r y«ar old. experienced. 8UITABLA 1 or J bus. 8-1884. gve*lrgs 6-860*. WOMAN for ehjld esre, tight housework. Swlnry sad farnKhed apt. 6-7829. 1 ROOMS, tile bath, ate*** heat. saragT near intersection of Route* 6 and 30 ktr. Davis. Reasonable te desirable adult ar business couple. * RMS., prtvats bsth, heal, gas. electric! businea* couple pref. 4-8781. r 3 a S3^^ i ** -* 898—PINE HILLS, 7-room, heated. 4 bad. rooms, heated garage. Adults preferred Box 8842. Tlmew-Unte*. 3100. AVERILL PK-, mod. 6-rm. home, h. w. oil he*t, tile bath, fireplace, screened porch, attached gar. Nr. Crys W Lake, adult* pr*f. OResna 4-3413. 3100— MADISON Ave., betew Lake; tux- uriens, living room, bedroom, tile b*th. shower, modern kitchenette, dinette. 8-5734 SER CRJBOAN 5-8339 n0O-^LBAr7T-teh4m««ta*y Rd. Modern 887 HAMILTON St.. near Lark, 3 .. apt. Bant. gaa. elec hat water Hue w ^•^* i - * ***r* we a*tw, a7uar, couple. Ll a^m: u ""is? 8 h * ,M r ° i - pw-sonooi chiidMB Extwrieneed. Box Tlmes-ynion. 3888, WILL CARE , 0 r i-2 mumn dan dlia- ton Ave. Experience*. 8*3887, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS* 2U •an at 878 atete at, as* «tti Bis selection. ^»*arx SSi8o;iWt e^ios Parlor Suite 3-Pe. Red and Blue? Mohair P !!* "•*••»' •»** »*«»«« eondl- 2- n - *21»! W J•» «HS5 ••ianoa owing •t eraeuy. For particulars call Albany 8-6361 Wagnr Furnifare, g a*. Fwart FLAKTAROX Mnntenlor nat-iee. -J.».JT vsasrssrmx doLuaa, ie was., s**«ttfni, DMithy. sable and white. ARC, mate* «). 6-0923 GERMAN Shepherd*, beautiful Irish Set- ters. Capltel District Kennel. 77-S7W. GERMAN Sherpard pupptes, ARC. AT tteny 8-4194. MIXkTD nvpptea, whrt* mice, tropteal rtab" canaries. Wiggaad's, 132 Hudson. SCOTCH collie puppii i-3713 day*. ETYTH&T aabte-whlte. AKC. Old •ngnssx PuWkCnrt. Waten, S-tsss. ja*d, 348. Moremne's. 803 Hamiltea Refrigerator. $49.50 ***">*••• 684 Broadway. 4-7108 D CCcVlr* CO si 4 A r > - KtFKICcKATQRS w. s. Tat sasa. ' 8 'LJ!?. RNARD Bn PP | «'. P*«llsr*«d. ira- medtate delivery. Dolarnount Kennels. «dck»eod, N. Y. fT*l Ro^kwood 7048F7). nocawwiQ * 10 AND UP; room, kitchenette. refrig. b orator, also singles. 313 Hamllten. 3-87T8 $10—EAGLE, Urge front, suitable 13 person*. Utilities Inc. 4-9698 LARM. SHV main flow. Large, eorsrertebt* - DELAWARE end Box 8867, Tim**- l^oS. r*x5ae., m od 215-A 6 P«b.. _aU beat, garages RENSSELAER. FUWteh*cT 6-rwrnj .11 furnace heat. 8-7288 eve* flat. Wanted to Rent 219 living roam, 3 bedroom*, dinette, tile kitchen, built-in cabinets, tile bath, utility room, attached garage. Adult* preferred. 8-8242, appointment. A COUPLET Box 2937, ADULTS, '"a. fist, heated, Timos-Ualon. el**n. 880 flat, APT., flat. aealr* 6-6 room unfura. 8-41*8 after 6. jfcrag, unfurnis •ten! wanted. 1-8 fOOTTl, SECOND St., 88, large, btijht, houtexecplng room. 8%808, light •TATE St., *-u terge, . kitehenette, mm* Canttet. wunaiwo HOSCBB iTi AGBD, retired ^enT-BatL?;:. TROPICAL FISH, aquarium plants ean- arta*. pet suppUes. Kay's p«t shop, 883 Delaware Av*. Tel. 68-1657. WIRKHAIRED puppies, thornbred. 8-8760. after 6. Call Foe Rent — Furnished iooMi $2 UP — TOURAINE HblEL 69 Clinton Av*., redecorated, prlvaie Baths, weekly trot* 8* double a-8614 8B-PARK S T T ' - ' ' I, | mi' retired persons. 888 Ossrtrai Av*. 8-3286. HOME, newly re«ov*t«d. 'for eldirty a*?: sons, retired or tnvslid 6-8380 THirU DO IT IVIRY IfltvlE r oo"s he . a-atttV COUPLE ie*ir* imfnrn. heated" apt R*r. erenoe*. Bwa 3638. Tlmes-Uhten. RECENTLY married couple ieairo S-i^oom downtown Met. 8-0838. Rentals Wanted (Furn. Apts.) Jtote, apt*., bangs. 1 f»ms. «MeMy, JjRS. >AYL«R, SS^wWr^AY^Tersi TEACHER wit, and j „ ; , „ „,.,.- $110-NEW apt. 6 large rms., 5 closets. tile path. Vehna Elston. 2-9127. 8135—ALB ANY-Sche»ectedy Rd. section. Modern bungalow, large living room a terg* bedrooms, good size kitchen, tile bath, an heat, large |ttl« and base- ment, garage, well shrubbed ground*. Box 8881, Times-Union. 1188—BLSMERE. 1-famiiy, 4 bedroom*! 8 *«h*, oil heat, 3-ear garage. Im WAREHOUSE ins. *'• "• »«««•» »i» B.R. siding, sprinkler system, heated office spare, «to can Wiiiiai* J came, CammereJai Dec* PICOTTE REALTT. m c , 130 WASHINGTON AYR. Days 5-4747 Eves. 2-5923 Defiware Section Two-Family 1,800 aq. n. DUptay Mats, affiaes, stor- •f* *P* e * Will alter te suit tenaut Win T-?A.Jt eWi AM consist* of ttvin* raat*. «U*att room, kitchen, tere* bedroom, ** bath . ^ hot water furnace* . . . Convenl- ent to two *«• mi*. . . call now as thi* FtewM* wt 11 not last wag st 86.6< PICOTTE REALTY. INC . 1S8 WASMBNfFrON AVE Days 5-4747 Eves. | - i e 0 7 a-irn OtJAU. « . , m j UvtegajtM *r*^4 *w*> roaaaa. bath, dining i— hardwood fteoss? a\**e, DatweiB 4*0> RENSaELABR-6 Wi*tbr*» plant. ^8 tJsiV 1 ** «"ewn, Bfw* 4-39I4. RENSSELAER COTTAGE st, with 4 tet* nam. neat, garagi '"TXr^ranri » ***** •( land lS4»"W*t"" slate mediate 8-3141. Theren c. Hoyt, Realtor. A MODERN 2-bdrm. htd. apt.. G. E. kitehen, Venetian W.. p rt ,. »nt ranee. Pin* Hms. Inq. 77 So. Allen. ' H children more BIS. sj»T ' ^ ^,<,B, ^^ " YOUNG eoavte with amnll ehlid wish 4 *r 8 romwiHy tr» te t t a tXui ^bt M 8 W # 4**SJ "l^** *»* * ^t.. 8 «dnMs, I infant. Bast rsfhiwaa**. Bit VsiwsT **»**, ymentuSr' Adams Park Apartments wvte| 68wm, item,, room or dinette rn i rb^rprrte«ron, l ^ , ^ r " - ^ » « • • * mmrtar,. Ste^ CAfJ. MTt TUCRBR PIOOTTE *"ALTY INC., IBS WASHINGTON AVE MANAGEMENT AQBNW 1-7415 BKAL BSTATK iia/iat^xtj gjl _ AKBR1CAN TBlADlNO CO.* llHa, Pearl St, 6-1871-* 3-lf71-*3.fia* ... . DeL. PALMER, UtC". I BTAT1 BT, EST. U8S TEL. 4-6168 YOB QOICa RBSULTSI ^—. C * L »'^?»« ORABtAJSO »-«78 FOR AFTT. ' LIST TOUR PROPERTY W1TR CHAa. UEBERMAN, 88 Central 8-3S61 y^jilH WU P • ******* *BNANDa BROKER DELMAR Ah exceptionally wen built »bed- r**m ranch style home with at- tached sarag* nut aereea tnswsad porch, Con.lru«tten ladndes fuU besewanl ail fired air eandltlan tag nentmg system, fall Insula- tton. copper plumbing, msbosjaay interior doors, •tteatss built steel kitchen cabinets, wewtheretrippod be df •a* hwy tt for 811*06 Ave., nrrth -1r PYM* PAUL CURTO ^rwmn** sMt^SwT^f^sPtB ••i. .a—^. . ''^teag^y-^L •/» > nawaw^naBhawew; •ii-m—, i^., "^fcg*Tg*' m saws .Ream boo**,' built i. ip**. i car garage, lars* tot. arreaa, ^sr^^ MEAL MtrtATK WajfTaU) SSI A BUNGALOW or 1-famllv waa4ed**ISI OreenbtMSi Mtw, Wrrl n g y sm te 814,880. 0*11 Mrs. Corten. 77-3Saf " A »"BAMILY wetted In alee rasl^r-tH sactten of Pin* Hills or New a * y !^. W111 P*' •botrt 816,806. can many ether flee features . L*t 180*188. Price 898.808 with aoiy 88.801 mm ana tb* bajana* pay- •W* 886.46 per month including f^selfolasd tetertwt. ahow* np appointment Philip E. Roberta 4-1173 120 State St. -4-1173 Eyenin. er Week Ends 8-3765 8141 CALL MR OAIXAGMER. HARRIS REAL 'liatea at Scl SPkdiuilffQ iff *OSW JT. MRLFIE. ri?. Ir^wmto. £*!,£ STATE ST. Thrwa-Btory brtek ting of a enn be barf of *wn*r-e rOrTte*. at*. B-SBTL DELMAR-ELSMERE HOMft famity been** in g*od MOB R> T. MARTLBt AFT: j&f "*«a*m. 8 rm*., basted •lee, range, refrfi Living bath, rfrlg. 146 J * T . 6-8843. 8. 6»r 8-8808, - - 3 bed. 8-3883, bedroom, kitchen. it IIMMV HATL<5 HOWARD BNTDEB. BROKER ^cJARLts KALJCER'RBAL Mr-ifa 888 Broadway Dap. 8-0183, Shtes, A m "*^ wwl " Wi ..*" f ±. [!••!!!•**•" * V»j_i " * ' ' np r i i it ii ii ii - n ETSTCREENBUSH .L !L < » RH ^» erwaaitTaTir 188 Ontomwa Tntwatb*. Rensselaer WjhtoTBCT IOBR i^+aa^aanriaf WITH iOSBRH R ORLANDO. VlSl! 1 and 8 family bmnea. etty sad. country DONALD M. W1LB3TY, TZmSft 8-4*41 WILL Ony or Mil any tfpi",. --^rteJ r r66iiss.iii insin—ss. Dl TORO. 876 MadteM ho****, atoa families. bMyer* waiting Brlertey 2-960*. UiTS FOR S A LB bttahen Ml brat, pteetered w*i.; «*> as. % » *~ •*• ~ » - • WILLIAM CLAZ. «-tll2 ELSMERE Colonial •arge Wviag t dla- **1 sot Wilson Sullivan •••Bawnwmj SaFwBBIS W fJsl *$££**«*' eo. SUBURBAN RANCH eaata ass* city, aw •tte. cabinet 83860**, 3 batb. atth*h«d gang*, fcfl 834.708. PORTER b TRACY BEAUTIFUL section of CMonte. Poreet drtv*. stop 81H Alhany-Sewhfy 66X106 8800 M618. *••»*• « STATE »t. P^IbHstO FOR"" •MBpaney. til* bsih. _rt>o***. expander, .the. HARRY C WITTE. 8-5415 ham ajtjj1 LOTS^SOICB !X)cTnoTr, .. 'f* «"»** Aette*, LMt Witt 62-402B Lee T. Meeaey B-56»0 Ceo Dick Bone—77-H21 KEN VAN LOAN THREE GOOD VALUES I family far nota*. OfT Are . *»rtb 0 " IMMEDIAT1 POSSESSION Of this iwomy IS-yoaroid mmgntow i* blldtea'wTtt 3 Bedroom Bun; All a* an* fteor with (eaula* |,i« attached garage, brtek aad frame etmette*. seana. rnsasisilsn .JUN . . u p aanmm mBmnmmmpmnammma^. t7 rotten ^ m a . t ^ f o « a W BUNGALOW. S13.W A fat! start 8 bedroom bom* wtth is atntef room and kitchen, pent* roam far I isaili ngi tocbosl sang*, only 8 fanaawiflBP I JIB8J J_ ••"Bw^aBni; inspmrai Ifejif atajtvefftj^ 0 r £H T * J"*"™ «PFIC« BUILMRea <*"* ANYTIME-rMT 081 w g f TWMTSillY— o f • 8 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

New York State Digital Library Archives 18/Albany NY...Mirdmdln For agJ^ui,5w»rt»^u-a| Raisin onprty q c».55 4 A??%5E **^ "K'w •*•**"

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Page 1: New York State Digital Library Archives 18/Albany NY...Mirdmdln For agJ^ui,5w»rt»^u-a| Raisin onprty q c».55 4 A??%5E **^ "K'w •*•**"

Mirdmdln For agJ^ui,5w»rt»^u-a |

Raisin onprty q c » . 5 5 4

A ? ? % 5 E **^ " K'w •*•**"<» BLBCTR1C

•rovt, B E ou.' 5 B B S S B

".£T.*^ a*:1!^ «»»!«w»t tiwmw', • town, i u>mm, s*»34* A » P A N GAS , A & B

• S I S E — t t w . u ui». * SON, T* HUDSON A V E

THOR. *utomatlc washing machine L l K

' I e» ' VA*

BARhf EY COOCLE & SNUFFY >»€•*» t» twwit„ Tht^U,,,, •


186 So. Pearl 3-7577 " J S , * * * " M *« l Moulding! | £ <t*»f M i S w $149 Yd, Hvv, | r u .h Coco* Mat. $2.95

5"S? e°T i - ^ *• Rubbor Stair Treads, ea 35c

«*••* All Perfect Pig**,

Carpet and Linoleum

REMNANTS MDUCED1-3 • ' • ¥ • » BV



froa*a food case Beer-A-Door bottl*


suaraotecd. stoth, t j tt«t». 4*4223. u«i«D TELBVWION lasH—T*rm*7

P w Appii*nc*. M a. p»>ri, s-ooes

WASHER. Blac luton* with how;'' Oruno refrigerator; reasonable. 3.7267

M I L l x m t N M i f T

' a s t t ' S£ ft •3 A C K » . 14 « „ Amnay. S « ) * . off

Saratoga ro*d. S-room IMHIM hot water • J * * * , bjiehan. tUMt

1 tall. .U

J * ^ * . W * i " ' ' * " • • * • •» . telsphone. 1 _ • » « *»»*»*% hrVQi land, suitable

813,500 Vincent J Byt**r St. 4-asai—a-am.

sol aceae dairy i m , T.

FOP Ron* — Furnished

^ n ^ * ^ * - *- -—* Tears old. 9-2736. wi^DJ??, FH wwt# •»»«• «»£

s i s* 11-13. .3-8680 between J and 8. 8x13 S T A N D A R D wt. Bird.

$i~ LIGHT. JIWUBtB), ^ lift w a r n room. n*. EisT

V o n r « " ' * «>«• l l M t O M U O u . 63-0710.

For Rout - Furnished

^ i w » * - M M « 4 tr*>t w t , privat* oatra***. Parkins , bus. 77-35*3.

116—LARGE Reference*.

roam, next .bower aata

fortaMt doubla nog. parMaa *t-»41«,

OJM a o u . A r n w ^ ^ V a K o 9 5 - H a ^ l * * — " A T E , 1 , . . p laaawt r ^ S T r ^ : _"*JI > M « . rugs aod by yard. 1 W W . 3-Wtf.

«• a«i.1? & * • * * * - » WACAR FURNITURE CO.

t» ao raaju. w. mo.TBp »obi) CA»IH»T1

• < * " • M L r - B B R V i C J C < a w

^ 2 ! f N "PR'CERATION «atfami^AHAV«. wiowa s-T7«4

QAS H S A T E K 3 , »39.50 tJT>~ »«fcl * u r any rftoqt in borae.

_**• H B A T S I R . AUTOMATIC. W9.50."' V * Utekaa range, with tharmoatadt

Hone Furnishings

Must Sell Immediately 5-Pc. Living Room Croup

^ ^ 5 - P c . Bedroom Croup •WaxS-kVi Kitchen Set, Rug,

** Umps , Etc. Con Me $ 8 7 5

Balance Owing, $ 5 1 0 M Take Over My Time

Farmeiifc, S9 Wetklv. Inquire

»H0NI 5-8170 ANY T i M t ^ l l i ! ! ™ ? ? 4 * ft»rn'"*»»W of 6 room flat:

f*»*»»ble . 2 U So. Pe»rl a t . tad n«*r. Call a l tar 9 a. » ' * ° *


Sports and Hobbies 111—361 STATE 8T.

atudlo rooma, aawri-bata. 3-I3M

Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Afc a M l T H tOAW C O . «T G R U N T

HDQBJ. lea i teharmaar' t l Capitol Sporting Goods, 6 i Green

tip upa. 48c. i, 4 i "


T I T ttpa. bookete. Wn>. b in , Viner'a, 20 Green.

Urge, parking.

MlMr Hiyd. 4- iag ,

« « < fcw»,Up A l U m M t . aMart».~r«T tirad paapta. t a a t Bern . M+iZ'

Furnithed Apartmenta 115

For Rent—Flats 220 • « WK.: kamirtea. 3M : J -

Naw atevt 3-3*41..

For Rent—Flats 220

3#r •ajSai" wa i a , » _ — _ _ .. -•v jewrereireeej.

•«*. CLINTON -Am., Ml 'iu£T eaakla«i faellltlea. »yg «aw>.

M2—PINE Hllla, private attractive, radio, ehow.r, Woman. Betaraaoea. ft-OMa.

A COMl'ORTAkLE front. w S S S bed." Pine Hiiu, s a a t h Allaa S t l T i a T t ^ i S

BU3INBS8 person, warm 'raom,' floor. 106 Jay, oor. s o . Swaa.

W» WK.—a-room atfL1. uynt S S l + . » | [ * * y w a t o r . Call 4-3906 after t p 7 E

w * 7 C A * | " , 0 l i l »raa; I room a r t . , m , » » , > t , ratrg. ; X* paraoaa. t-TOti.

• 1 J - W 4 L A N C i t T t R ( t . 1




JQfts and Acceuoriet 166 RUNABOUT BOAT, i o h.p. motor. Raaa

Avartll P a t * . Oregon 4.8683. M t t


FROM $10 Creen, futt Qtf Stare. 4-6171 CAPITOL AREA; Jay, 221; large. HqgU

rooai. near btue*. 3-769S. C B N T K A L L *

anpie 3-7039.

located, large, twin baa's, closets. Private. References

S f ^ S W W * ^ »**«* vwaV • t a r .

• i S MONTHLY. 3-raoia flat, h a a t a * said-d i n g e d coupla «2-14S2.

<39 Httdaon Ave a t e . prtr. b a S T T n ^ : (store).

• m a t •wIptT. Tea Braack

I H . HAMILTON K „ g reference ^ quired. 1 M a s . kitchenette kitchenette.

modern, 4 rooms, bath.

i ir- O R A N Q E s t . , U 8 . Ntesly furolabad. 'rataa, raaaa, ratViaaratee* »i«<*

""**• • • * water, alawlia aasal-batk Adu.ts preferred. 5-2888.

. 8 roams. priv. shower, utilities tee. a » t . 8-atW a t 83-1848.

furnished. 3 adalta. immire 5« w e s t St.


RoJan4 p.tro. phone S e « U Betblenea

AVAILABLE AT ONCE " * * * "alklng dtateaoa at state office

building. 4 rooms, 1 katraaraa. ttie »tM.8»-U«MBR C U N T O N AVH.; S r m i " * f * t • « * r*awar. completely equipped

closet, aeml-bath, range, rafrtg. gJaria. «M AVT . 4 f S

AS heated, ideal Raat 8S8

hrtght and clean Stria,

3 2155—KNAUF

SMI Central Bridge, aew b a m ; i, mate hauaa. tar ant aaasa. Bate Thnaa-rjaioa.


_ H e a l e a , , , a a t a d t e t e rantel. B0T88T8. Ttmaa-Untew.


.i,.?M^ACIllP,CI »«NTALS! ^ w . ^ . n t d ^ t . ^ 4 ^ . ^ ^ ^ft, J t r a . Ailaet » l T . i 4111^ ,47 . ^ W T W B w w k ^ i p p w l s T n p t . . 4 . .

886. Suburbs, l - fam. . 5 r » . . bath, oil, gar. 173. By Del., tjtd. apt.. 3 rm.. gas. elec.. baby pe lmar apt., 3 sunny rxai^ yd., all. > u

. raatdentlal, 3 rooms, bath. «aated, hot water, gaa, etec.. Venetian « R a " i > * » V ™ ' n i l ""'•*_**•• • « I*r. bUnaa. Oa bus line. CEdar 7-7828 *' P A 1 [ u a ' 3 0 Hawthojsa Ave. 3.4788 i£-NARBAti „ . . . . - . — , - _ ^.'". . .- BRAHW)Hft . h « v .

a p t . 3 sunny r m r ^ yd., oil. gar.

C ^ « R ^ Y , „ % * M room- t w l » bad*.


•*** bath, gentlemen preferred. CHESTNUT. 43"] near

room, twin beds,



Capitol; large

Arl PRICE8 paid for cotton, r kuriap teas bags tt any condtutnv Pto*° g " J r t " / o r 200 b a g . or over. Capltoi Bag Qo„ 125 Doagan Ave. 8-491*.

™ « ^ dally, tetw S8C. madiunT Wc. May's Farms . Renss. S-3S71

^ W h a * L300 bale , ; 300 ba le . of wheat atraw. 8-0623.

eiceptionally so! Sim­mons aqulpt., water. Jay. 104; Capitol

ELSMfcKji-ateaunfm. large double. Brtv. a o o . P o m * ; I , a ' k i n 8 . Privileges, b «e„ »-^8o6.

818. HUDSON. 288: heated, furn. 1-room apts. ( 3 ) . n Near C a w t a t

8M. KAMILTOW, ^ 4 . Uvlagrm., b a d m . . "asakteed, kitchen, cattd welcom*. 8-88T8,

818 WK s«v Lake, UT. oor. Myrtla; •rant. bath, adults. 3-8847. 4-2818.

Lancaster rooma. taatb. 4-8988.

79. Clean, warm. 3

848-860-VONE ROOM klt'nette, hath! Wm-n«wa lady. Inq. 670 Western.

8 5 0 - W . 5 8 T E R N . M l ; C M root.'' ant . , s r t m t e teteh, nitchanetta.


BS ?1 *-*•»"• ***». «a N. *PUS.' ^te2r.***"!f* .ta°tt»' S K :»«-

S L ? ^ * n d D * n , « 1 - M « a l o a b i n e u . Poyie Borne Specialties, 182 No P e a r t

LIOHTINO J-LXTURES. npaetel « t j s ~ 3 0 *

t u T - " " " ' m t t i T * « c i t e t o n s *

F"or«i-Ferguson tractors Abate Farm Equipment, Albany 8-36Q1 ^

^ o l ? g 2 H s** »nd »n««» •factors, from 1133 and up. Abels W, Equipment. Albany 8-3801


Hortet and Cattle 170

B^CEi»TIONALLT beautiful "room," f ini te or double. References required. Bait residential section. 2-3303.

^ J 1 CAPABLE woman. Room plus monthly wage, exchange part time serv­ice. References. Box 2898. Tlmes-WfiJOft. r

F R 0 N T room, twin nans, warm, clean', comfortable, 1-3 persona. 5-8472.

FRONT room; near Albany hospital Homelike. Gentlemen preferred. 3-7631.

A ^ Y * °,r <••*«, cows or horses, pay up to 8 i a Remove promptly. Albany 3*8878. eves. -6-6446, S-2177. ^ ^ •«o»«a,

• a t e for your entire • » * ! « « • . Waterford

BiuSUBST cteiHatt Ariame

Prices f ra«

iatiNax suite f » J » atala. 8 n M , giaae top

table, large lamps, genuine Chinese rug S-8.

• ^ m o b Z 1 1 ^ " " " • * » * " • ^ o o c

1 . . . . . 4

Wftf, OVE SEATS! luxurious modern I

rawT«d 1934 by Time Maker, out of a

s s : i2M,sr.ffnr.r 'a,rpiv b,ood-M P A U > - Oa»«*. horsee or ' eows . dead or

alive. ARaena! 3-3941. 3-3112, reverse c h a r m on all calls .

F U R N . , uniurn., terse room, private bath oil heat. S-7719. l U n a a e l a e r

HAMILTON above Quail Toung tedy. 6-7898.

8 8 0 - C U N T O N Ave. section, 4 room • * " * » P t • aa'tabla couple. 3^33j2.

M 0 - - A P T . , 2% rooms, near Washington suitable 1-2 girls. Linen and

860—NASSAU village, modern baaled 4-

^ ' A t e a ' n p ^ j l J r ^ ^ t a r t e e a " o S ! ™ •anaal and etoree. Naaaau 8-8834.

886—MODtlRN home, nicely S a w B a s T l rooms, on heat. 13 miles enun pf Al-oany, good roads. Box 9943. Times-Union

*M- ,1U6f?SL. , ,U,• * ""•• •«•-. adults pref. 4-7397. Days only.

86fi—LANCASTER, near Willett. Heated Business paapia Box 3948. Times-Union.

8 7 5 - D E L M A R , 8 - m . heated apt! 8 8 * - H t d . apt., S rtna., t a r , auburbs.

125—8 rms., n». Washingtosi Park. CARLSON. INC. 4-5167.

W i - 3>BOOM apt. (tea. e t e c , f u r ; : anstwar. centra. iy located. 3-1789.

a R A U W f i W , above A l h w ; modern now house. 4-room apt. 8-8818.

a. A^ d 0 ?T m * *»«»W^ nweit and atone 1-family . i x j i —

• « * Mvkat raosa with fwemteea. dlan

ffcnanda hare awtnasaiag pool aad large

I'i2!22- .'*"• •" IH",d »«" ««• a Mkid Iru s i i s asm m m


HAWUS REALTY CO. H I e t t t t e n St . , Schen. Ph. Sehen 8-1871

rtTArtrotT McKO^N

Where t b . taxaa are ] chlteren te


VVll*"*** **& 110,200

ZZ00^ ^.aaJom°,wtlh0'w2Li > a

Goad nicely landscaped"." **>*• 3*. 600— 4% 908**"

• • 1

ROBIRT APPUrfON 62-4276 Days *UN- 2 ^ 4 0 #


8100 monthly, ell heat, garages available. 83-8817.

" A S A 0 8 t l > l c l - - • a s s m i m > h im. aad ate-

nand Road, a vary desirable 1-famUy house; 6 spacious bedrooms. 1

• i g DOWN PAYMENT • OrlANOE ST. . J21; three fmmirr artek.

gg^^^^gm • NO DOWN PAYMENT # F R A N K L I N St . 44. Immediate M a e a a t e k

extra large uviag and dinteg room*, ftrapteca; tile braabteat room tiled

HOUSE. 4 ro Berne 48.

L a X l N O T O j r 8-1868.

• w Tteat. East

Ave.. 1 | ; I

NEW heated studio, efficiency apt. Smt-able business person. 4-6729.

* ^ ^ i i b " 1 * * "•*• «»P*r Ranaseniar* 6-9389.

BETHLBBEM. I room, and" iaSh. Letter Maltary. 2756.


Pack; •laetrtelty furnished; semi-bath. Rarer-snees. 4-3381 after 6.

e n i - a T t f f i i b a p t , ail utilities runtiabai . centrally located. 6-1081.

8 8 8 - W A T E R V L I E T , 3 rooms, utllltiea" in-eluded Call ARsenal 3-atan

• ^w^s?** -e^eMieB^wssjmy C|^ajD|mmyv

8 7 0 - M O D S a t N , auteteatic oil fcoat, gajr^ •ft, 12 miles Troy, Albany. AveriU Park. ORegnn 4-3939. "

370—3 rooma, large kitchen, snolMsd heated. Jay-Dove, 6-8086.

S ^ 5 ? " ' « . 8 1»8le.~a^uWiT~fleaBT «omf. rooms. Business couple. 4-8473.

176—STATE. 8 rooms, •- . . 1 suitable 3-8, 8-6787.

a*1* Wm- 8 8 5 - W E S T E R N AYS.,

private bath.

8 7 8 — S L I N O E B L A N D S ; oadroom, livtei room, kitchen, heatd. refrigerator stove.

W^BAJtt SCilODACK. 6 rooma. 8«rn«aT oil heat, on feus Una. f l

675—FEURA BUSH, 3 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen. b a U with shower, 2-car garage. Phone V844.

373—WASHINGTON Pr. section, modern r - a a t , heat , gaa, electric MM hided.

Refrigeration, 5-3863.

5-3271 after 6. L A R 6 E room, mortfrti home, private fam-

iiy, garage. Business gentleman. 6-1480.

S O N E T 6 lb. can , 81.35 arena] J t t p f . Naamau, N. T. A t t . ' r f s i s a .

Pourtry aed SeMrea 175

modern full •be bed . . . $110.

Innertpringt, AH Sizfji Studio Couches. Sofa Beds

Bex Sprlngt—Hollywood Beds BAST PAYMENTS. FACTORY TO »OU

Cold Star Bedding Co. 70 Bastett St. 3-4407 MEN-I autTa <oot>'

GAPITOl. POULTRY p a y . New Tork's ™»bast farm prices. Trucks available. « s « HTf, Albany. 6-4873, 8-7088,

^Sl -P^eT? PS,lrlr b«s-t "BiiT Priaai. Send trucks anywhere." tnter-

* ^ ? . A 2 I . p ° U I t r y Pays highest prices. J j S u . . . ^ * *** 8-4844, » a « 3 3 .

V7ANTEI>-Lfve chickens, eggs. Phoi.e «r write Cbnckrows . Albany 5-W8i.

LARK and s ta te 1 large. Phone 6-8838/

slngis e room.

LIVING room with privileges, business * g g a n a? SttrL OsU leBaUk

LOUDONV1L1.E Sec. , large room, private ?3265 * • B O • , 8 , u , • ««*wai>«4S. Osll

city line; nicely furnished 3-room apt., t i le bath heat and hot water included, i m m e ­diate. •


190 E]am*r»>. s roome, bath, Sua ftralrt parkirij. buaineaa adu lu <x lanfurnlabeil.' g«atcttj6.

A>T.—4 room*, bath, busiaaas couple, no note. Inq. 373 Hamilton.

876-81a8-MAi>ISON', 474, 3 andId" bath, apts. or dostqr's off ices. 2-3168.

3 S 0 - P I N E HILLS, ' I mediate. Box 2944, Times-Union.

W-MW. I i n . rm*. tile bath. htd.. porch. 369 Hudson—Willett

STATE, below Swan: modem. 3-room ant. 4-4616 bet. 9-5 dally er 6-7818.


WKBVEJW AVM., 4 r—., a basTW. heated, stave, rafrtg. Adults prof. 8-8448

.6 kW. htd. *pf., within i mm. walk it bus tertfon. Adults preferred References •xchanged. Available "

A beautiful property


appros. 1 aero,


" CLINTON HEICMTS • T * * " . aanrbjr naw. Oak floors, tire-

place Bath aaek floor. 3 electric klteh-

S . T U * 1 * ' " * « " ' « ' » » njOf. 814.808. W*U fteanead. Breksr, 4-»Tt8 or 8-4g76

C 1 ™ O N raBK 7 r o o - u , k t k s j t tSMt d - t f r s . g srage Asking

Oman, 3 6176 lanry

3874. Times-Union. Fab. 1st.

Business Rentals 238 •30 MONTH: store, s i RurTMrt St. Any

btnteaaa sultehte. 4-8wM.

store. 68-1728. days.

386—IDEAL residential location. Clean, quiet, well iMSted 3 and 4 room apt*., for raftaed living. Adults. Box 2861, Times-Union.

890—LARGE Hvteg raom, a bedrooms, dln-eue-kllclien, bath, tub shower; heated.

CHEtTTNUT, 43; deslMfete, kttciten-Hvlni j g ^ com*inj<|; bedroom, refrgn Main


'hZFJ*^*?**??0^ **»*» B S fur niahed, kitchen, telephone privileges l -a business women. Bon 3878, Times-Uslen!

NEW SCOTLAND Ave . , attractive"

186, comb. Br . -bdrnt , kitchen, refrgn. bath, adults pref.

ahoercr, driveway, gentleman. 8-0628

ROOM, private home, enees. 2-3214.

gentleman, refar.

W N E H I L L S - M o r r i , S t . near buses. attrastive warm room. 8-1762

SMALL studio *p i„ evarything fumlabed, one block above Staid ©Mte* Bldg. on Washington Ave. Suitable 1 ar 2 people. **> t " weak. CaJl 6-8088 or 4 V 8 8 l T ^

New, Bo» 2i3Q.

390 W I N T H R b P Times-Union.

Ave., heated, large living room, 8 bedrooms, tlte bath. nornhee. Venetian blinds, garags . AvnU. Jan. 16. 8-8678, after 8 p. i n .

a rvoms. Bus line. Im-

480. P bath, voroh. Heated medlatt. 8-4919.

8*8, V E T E R A N S A Ainttap Steep, ea*.. 3 room*, batb, brand saw. s i t t

its. B o s S4M, Times-Union.

Commercial Bldgs. Suitable to offka. warehouse, manufac­turing, etc -*•»»—. « • « • • * -

3.500 to 100.000 Sq. Ft. Some bldg* with H R. sidings CALL US FOR TOUR SPAC™


Near **eres. -family i

COLONIE s—steUsa *f Uvtag

ssprteSv a bedrooms. iMmw ante,

tile Toungstown kitchen. batb. insulation, expansion


neai by eo . i . vanetten a r U d i a e r « i w and storm window*. i a . 8 w T ^

HARVEY CEORCE 4-9515 91 No. Pearl 4-6740

t a x title. 88.660 Na •38 monthly tnclndea tax**"

278 A T E . 838; l a s tltte,

family, new brick s tdtes nasi lot fl back to 3rd St . ttlte No Payment. 3<0 s a t monthly Includes U and give* yoq immediate p s s s u s t e i T * basetnemt and first ftoar. matartete far compietm

^ NOW IS THE Tl To see this five-room awn.

a** *e>"* loce iec Huge l iving

h e a t 3 bedroom*.

a n e o n v t e u T . . . " " o a » * * f a > S l L

Kenneth D. Duitckel. 2-055f

Ivfar S-rm. blankat borhood of •e* St


toft. Saw *.**££

STORAGE OR WAREHOUSE Land available Rt*. 9A20 Inside R e m

etty lias. With long lease wit) con­struct storage or warenom* bu'tding accordiag to your plan and specific*. Hon*, Railroad siding optional. 4-4664 evening.. ^ ^ "

STORE, 118 Morris St. after 4 p. m. 63-tS37.

a h a i v e i See

COLONII, 1-FAMILY. $9,9"50 ! U " ^ 5!l"« ntm •»*» »**«" ««-2fS. ll^2!^iIu,**,,• SB "*•*. ••»»«» walls, hardwood floor*, full colter, air conditioned «41 h*at 1*8 T 6 s l 8 o T ^ '

CALL MR RflROI 6-8883

HARRIS REALTY CO. ajlCMntaa st, "

down, nroat and rear porch** * * F S B B W . •area lat. t i l .SOS ! " " *

r »F YOU ARE LOOKINC 9*r * special 3-famlry ***** * • N e w

feot iand A V * . I **** one. Call WM a* sauafted. wtth.

P H I L U P BWARTB 8-1484

HARRIS REALTY CO. 881 CUBten St S a n * . Ft, f t e h « V ]

D a y s

Dovts-Other Pets 177

k*j*». s4bJai;aV.Ba,,»p" oa i*

pawn, some

*'i kteds. SL8S n j " J ^ r . M % ' £ 2 *

MEN-s ami a, «i** 4o-*i kmg, spWTmait storm eoat. Woman's 2-pl«ce wtetrr « « « • • * Persian lamb t s W , a i i e l "

_|Ss5..*S, *"*"•- T"" TTor *^ Brohms . 387 S, Paari, 4 - t * m

NQRGE O I L HEATER, 856.80. ""— ••808 f t , d e m o n s t r a t o r . .

Albany Sale*, i4g Central Ave . S-811J

NEW, f l c

A I R E D ALES. REG. Q St, R I A N . SELKIRK, N, I . 8-8188 BKAOLE at stod "Trojan l>umn"''e'hanv

ploh, 838, Cha*. Lewis. R-3S73.

B E A U T I F U L Mexl«*n Ch,r«*l»*» ," show' type, Call 62-0122 after 6 p. m.

WESTERN Ave.. 803; eomforubl . room, excellent toeatl*n. 2-4528. ^ ^

private 8-4388.

WE8TEHN Ave., ptena*n t „ noma, gentleman, reference

W E S T E R . Stegte-dOBbte, parking, g .n-ticaian. 8-4668 eveo. «• • «

w i L L E T T , 78, facing Park. Large front-<toubie. nteo ^ngl*r 8-4180. '

BOXER pups, 5 male , 3 fern,, 10 wits rag. AKC. Waterford A D t i t j 8-3.118,

OIL BUttfiKR, Heatroia, perfect conditioni ean. 3-4338.

M a t a »««*c* K , 797 Broadway.

H i h f &*\J**n* «^>«5~5o«e7 Is«74 o -•• **' - i n -•0<H, condltl«n;


c H O W , r « . female, —XRTr registered. w r i t e Box 31. Wert Lebanon. 7


COCKER 8 F A K * E U R X C L d s h T t L Y ' JO-BE-OLEN K E N N E L S

fSOcXER puppies 4-0734.



A R C males , female*.

tem*r*. mixed pup*, h a m ­sters, rabbits, kittens. Norsn1*. 433 Central.

" bath, bus lines and parkitfg, 2-8360. a n - r . Z S 2 £ S C r z r 3


BOAHP FOB CBZLDnEN a j A ^ S S 5 , - . H I 1 ' ^ . i v r c * ^ • cb'Mren, also e v e n t e p Referencr-

DAY care, 6-0549.

u***r y«ar old. experienced.

8UITABLA 1 or J bus. 8-1884. g v e * l r g s 6-860*.

W O M A N for ehjld esre, tight housework. Swlnry s a d farnKhed apt. 6-7829.

1 ROOMS, tile bath, ate*** heat. s a r a g T near intersection of Route* 6 and 30 ktr. Davis . Reasonable te desirable adult ar business couple.

* RMS., prtvats bsth, heal, gas . e lectric! businea* couple pref. 4-8781.

r3aS3^^i ** -*

898—PINE HILLS, 7-room, heated. 4 bad. rooms, heated garage. Adults preferred Box 8842. Tlmew-Unte*.

3100. AVERILL PK-, mod. 6-rm. home, h. w. oil he*t, tile bath, fireplace, screened porch, attached gar. Nr. Crys W Lake, adult* pr*f. OResna 4-3413.

3100— MADISON Ave. , betew Lake; tux-uriens, living room, bedroom, tile b*th. shower, modern kitchenette, dinette.

8-5734 SER CRJBOAN 5-8339

n0O-^LBAr7T-teh4m««ta*y Rd. Modern

887 HAMILTON St.. near Lark, 3 . . apt . B a n t . gaa. elec hat water Hue

• w • • ^ • ^ * i - * ***r* we a * t w , a7uar,


Lla^m:u ""is?8 h*,M r°i- pw-sonooi chiidMB Extwrieneed. Box Tlmes-ynion.


WILL C A R E , 0 r i -2 mumn d a n dlia-ton Ave. Experience*. 8*3887,


•an at 878 atete at, as* «tti B i s selection.

^»*arx SSi8o;iWt e^ios

Parlor Suite 3-Pe. Red and Blue?

Mohair P ! ! * " • * • • » ' *» • » * * » * « » « « eondl-

2 - n - * 2 1 » ! W J • » «HS5 • • i a n o a owing •t

eraeuy. For particulars call Albany 8-6361 Wagnr Furnifare, g a*. Fwart

FLAKTAROX Mnntenlor nat-iee. - J . » . J T


doLuaa, ie was., s**«ttfni, DMithy. sable and white. ARC, mate* « ) . 6-0923

GERMAN Shepherd*, beautiful Irish Set-ters. Capltel District Kennel. 77-S7W.

GERMAN Sherpard pupptes, ARC. A T tteny 8-4194.

MIXkTD nvpptea, whrt* mice, tropteal rtab" canaries. Wiggaad's, 132 Hudson.

SCOTCH collie puppii i -3713 day*.


aabte-whlte. AKC.

Old •ngnssx

P u W k C n r t .

Waten, S- t s ss .

j a*d , 348. Moremne's. 803 Hami l t ea

Refrigerator. $49.50 * * * " > * • • • 684 Broadway. 4-7108

D CCcVlr* C O si 4 A r > -


w. s. Tat sasa. ' 8 ' L J ! ? . R N A R D B n PP | «' . P*«llsr*«d. ira-

medtate delivery. Dolarnount Kennels. « d c k » e o d , N. Y. fT*l Ro^kwood 7048F7). nocawwiQ

* 1 0 A N D UP; room, kitchenette. refrig.b

orator, also singles. 313 Hamllten. 3-87T8

$10—EAGLE, Urge front, suitable 1 3 person*. Utilities Inc. 4-9698

LARM. S H V main f low.

Large, eorsrertebt*-

D E L A W A R E e n d

Box 8867, Tim**-l^oS. r*x5ae., m od

215-A 6

P«b.. _aU beat, garages

RENSSELAER. FUWteh*cT 6-rwrnj . 1 1 furnace heat. 8-7288 eve*


Wanted to Rent 219

living roam, 3 bedroom*, dinette, tile kitchen, built-in cabinets, tile bath, utility room, attached garage. Adult* preferred. 8-8242, appointment.

A COUPLET Box 2937,

ADULTS, '"a.

fist, heated, Timos-Ualon.

el**n. 880


APT., f lat.

aealr* 6-6 room unfura. 8-41*8 after 6. j f c r a g ,

unfurnis • t e n ! wanted. 1-8


SECOND St. , 88, large, btijht, houtexecplng room. 8%808,


• T A T E St. , * - u terge, . kitehenette, mm* Canttet.

wunaiwo HOSCBB iTi AGBD, retired

^enT-BatL?;:. i »

TROPICAL FISH, aquarium plants ean-arta*. pet suppUes. Kay's p«t shop, 883 Delaware Av*. Tel . 68-1657.

WIRKHAIRED puppies, thornbred. 8-8760. after 6.


Foe Rent — Furnished iooMi

$2 UP — TOURAINE HblEL 69 Clinton Av*., redecorated, prlvaie

Baths, weekly trot* 8* double a-8614 8 B - P A R K S T T

' — - ' ' • I, | m i '

retired persons. 888 Ossrtrai Av*. 8-3286.

HOME, newly re«ov*t«d. 'for eldirty a*?: sons, retired or tnvslid 6-8380

T H i r U DO IT IVIRY IfltvlE

r o o " s he . a-atttV

COUPLE i e * i r * imfnrn. heated" apt R*r. erenoe*. Bwa 3638. Tlmes-Uhten.

RECENTLY married couple ieairo S-i^oom downtown Met. 8-0838.

Rentals Wanted (Furn. Apts.) Jtote, apt*. , bangs. 1 f»ms. «MeMy, JjRS. > A Y L « R , S S ^ w W r ^ A Y ^ T e r s i TEACHER w i t , and j „ ; , „ „ , . , . -

$ 1 1 0 - N E W a p t . 6 large rms. , 5 closets. tile path. Vehna Elston. 2-9127.

8135—ALB ANY-Sche»ectedy Rd. section. Modern bungalow, large living room a terg* bedrooms, good size kitchen, tile bath, an heat, large | t t l « and base­ment, garage, well shrubbed ground*. Box 8881, Times-Union.

1188—BLSMERE. 1-famiiy, 4 bedroom*! 8 * « h * , oil heat, 3-ear garage. Im

WAREHOUSE ins. *'• "• »«««•» »i» B.R. siding, sprinkler system, heated office spare, « t o

c a n Wiiiiai* J c a m e , CammereJai Dec*


Days 5-4747 Eves. 2-5923

Defiware Section Two-Family

1,800 aq. n . DUptay Mats , affiaes, stor-•f* *P* e* Will alter te suit tenaut Win

T-?A.Jt eWi

AM consist* of ttvin* raat*. «U*att room, kitchen, tere* bedroom, * * bath . ^ hot water furnace* . . . Convenl-ent to two * « • mi * . . . call now as thi* FtewM* wt 11 not last wag s t 86.6<


Days 5-4747 Eves. | - i e 0 7

a-irn OtJAU. « . , m j Uvtegaj tM *r*^4 *w*>

roaaaa. bath, d ining i— hardwood fteoss? 8» a\**e, DatweiB 4*0>

R E N S a E L A B R - 6

Wi*tbr*» plant. 8 tJsiV1**

«"ewn, B f w * 4-39I4.

RENSSELAER COTTAGE s t , with 4 tet*

nam. neat , garagi

'"TXr^ranri » ***** • ( land



mediate 8-3141.

Theren c . Hoyt, Realtor.

A MODERN 2-bdrm. htd. apt.. G. E. kitehen, Venetian W.. p r t , . »nt ranee. Pin* Hms. Inq. 77 So. Allen. '

H children

more BIS. s j » T ' ^ ^ , < , B , ^ ^ "

YOUNG eoavte with amnll ehlid wi sh 4 *r 8 r o m w i H y tr» te t t a tXui

^btM8W^±# 4**SJ "l^** *»* * ^t.. 8 «dnMs, I infant. Bast rsfhiwaa**. B i t VsiwsT **»**, y m e n t u S r '

Adams Park Apartments w v t e | 68wm, i t em, , room or dinette

r n i r b ^ r p r r t e « r o n , l ^ , ^ r • " - ^ • » « • • * mmrtar,. S t e ^





B K A L B S T A T K i i a / i a t ^ x t j g j l

„ _ AKBR1CAN TBlADlNO C O . * l l H a , Pearl St, 6 - 1 8 7 1 - * 3-lf71-*3.fia* . . . — . DeL. PALMER, UtC".

I BTAT1 BT, EST. U 8 S TEL. 4-6168

YOB QOICa RBSULTSI ^ — . C * L » ' ^ ? » « ORABtAJSO » - « 7 8 FOR A F T T .

' LIST TOUR PROPERTY W1TR CHAa. U E B E R M A N , 88 Central 8-3S61

y^jilH WU P • ******* * B N A N D a BROKER

DELMAR Ah exceptionally wen built » b e d -r**m ranch style home with at ­tached sarag* n u t aereea tnswsad porch, Con.lru«tten ladndes fuU besewanl ail fired air eandltlan tag nentmg system, fall Insula-tton. copper plumbing, msbosjaay interior doors, •tteatss built steel kitchen cabinets, wewtheretrippod

be df • a * hwy tt for 811*06

Ave. , nrrth -1r



^ r w m n * * s M t ^ S w T ^ f ^ s P t B • • i . . a — ^ . . ' ' ^ t e a g ^ y - ^ L • /» > nawaw^naBhawew; • i i - m — , i ^ . , " ^ f c g * T g * ' m saws

.Ream boo**,' built i . ip**. i car garage, lars* tot. arreaa, ^sr^^

MEAL MtrtATK WajfTaU) SSI A BUNGALOW or 1-famllv w a a 4 e d * * I S I

OreenbtMSi M t w , Wrrl ngy sm te 814,880. 0*11 Mrs. Corten. 77 -3Saf "

A »"BAMILY wet ted In alee r a s l ^ r - t H sactten of Pin* Hills or New a * y ! ^ . W 1 1 1 P * ' •botrt 816,806. can

many ether flee features . L*t 180*188. Price 898.808 with aoiy 88.801 mm ana tb* bajana* pay-•W* 886.46 per month including f ^ s e l f o l a s d tetertwt. ahow* np appointment

Philip E. Roberta 4-1173 120 State St. -4-1173 Eyenin. er Week Ends 8-3765


HARRIS REAL ' l iatea at Scl

SPkdiuilffQ iff *OSW JT. MRLFIE.

ri?. Ir^wmto. £ * ! , £

STATE ST. Thrwa-Btory brtek t i n g of a

enn be barf of *wn*r-e

rOrTte*. at*. B-SBTL


famity been** in g*od MOB R> T. M A R T L B t



"*«a*m. 8 rm*., basted •lee, range, refrfi

Living bath, r f r l g . 146 J * T . 6-8843.

8 . 6»r 8-8808, — • - -

3 bed. 8-3883,

bedroom, kitchen.


HOWARD BNTDEB. BROKER ^cJARLts KALJCER'RBAL Mr-ifa 888 Broadway D a p . 8-0183, Shtes, A m " * ^ w w l " W i . .*" f ±. [!••!!!•**•" * V» j_ i " * ' ' np r i i it ii ii i i - n


.L !L<»RH^» erwaaitTaTir 188 Ontomwa Tntwatb*. Rensselaer

WjhtoTBCT IOBR i^+aa^aanriaf WITH iOSBRH R ORLANDO. VlS l ! 1 and 8 family bmnea. etty sad. country

DONALD M. W1LB3TY, TZmSft 8-4*41

WILL Ony or Mil any t f p i " , . - - ^ r t e J r r 6 6 i i s s . i i i i n s i n — s s .

D l TORO. 876 MadteM

ho****, atoa families. bMyer* waiting Brlertey 2-960*.


bttahen Ml brat, pteetered w * i . ; «*>

as. % » * ~ •*• ~ » - • WILLIAM CLAZ. « - t l l 2

ELSMERE Colonial •arge Wviag



**1 sot

Wilson Sullivan • • • B a w n w m j S a F w B B I S W f J s l

*$££**«*' eo.

SUBURBAN RANCH eaata ass* city, aw • t te . cabinet 83860**, 3 batb. atth*h«d g a n g * , fcfl



B E A U T I F U L section of CMonte. Poreet drtv*. s top 81H Alhany-Sewhfy 66X106 8800 M618 .

*••»*• « STATE » t . P ^ I b H s t O FOR"" •MBpaney.

til* bsih. _rt>o***. expander, . the.

HARRY C WITTE. 8-5415 h a m ajtjj1 LOTS^SOICB !X)cTnoTr, . . ' f * «"»** Aette*, LMt Witt

62-402B Lee T. Meeaey B-56»0

Ceo Dick Bone—77-H21


I family far n o t a * . O f T Are . *»rtb 0 "


Of this iwomy IS-yoaroid mmgntow i*

bl ld tea 'wTt t

3 Bedroom Bun; All a* an* fteor with ( e a u l a * | ,i«

attached garage, brtek aad frame etmette* . s e a n a . rnsasisi lsn

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