-rni.. v VI V NO* 8 Oi<; NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBKR 4, 18C9. PRICE FOUR (i:\TS. FOREIGN NEWS. Sl'AlN. «EN. TBXB bB TOT C___8.APMI-UL ron re. Am,ihu, WbiIii, 98_y, N"V. 088. PrBB to-tlay jirrw-ntt'd to tlM 0-8*88 tiu- 88888. 1888Of I'1' l4W48B8illBt4ld ministry. lii- 8XJ_.B0*j ttlHt ti.. ,,m-.siioii nf tlio royal candidatiiro was tho cauw af Ibo BilBlaB rlal eriala, aad addedthal tha a*- titudoof tl" X'n>*'.''i^t^ lnmh-n-d a solutinii ef tba auentii'ii. 11,'dtTlaiod that thc ('ovrniiin-nt wmihl retiiain faitliful H> thr priniij.h-B of tka l.'« vointion. It ia rt-iK.i'ti-tl that Admiral Topeto. Minister of tho M-rinf. ti.-i-t- "'» i'«-mi-''»'"K his nortfolio: BBl Gaa, pmn iaekBta ka wU have tka C'ahiuet if tho Adim nd rosiKus- tiie ni'Ki: or gi'.noa. fTMoefasMoato tka Duko rtGeaoa is mill oo tgmmk tM datatBilBad that it is feami thsia ia oo chaiuf of Ma election, ^ PKAECE. I'tiiis, wedaeaiay, Bar. a, iw,9. Tkaaa-Bta ka another OowaeU «>f -lin-aaeaa at OaaBfBBPN to day. ^ QEBMANY. OOUBT r.lSMAKl K. Pahis. WctiicMlay, Nov. 3, 18G9. The DmlitaalninT1 of to day BBja that CoOSt Bla- maIrk | ,. ,. porttoa ot his forini r liillneiiio m Qasaaaa politieB. THB KASTKKN QUE8TIOM. Farix. M't-dtiCRiIay, Nov. 3. Th»- Co'i*ttt>iti"n»<l Bl its is-stio to-day 8898 tka KtByl-8 (.nv, i-itii.-tit i* iniirh prooonipied at 8888801 with tke qnaetion of tho Dalmatian iiisiirrectioii. HINGARY. -1 ii, 8788-0888-] Nov. 3,181,9. If ia BBM that M. I>, uk will soon form ;-. B88J B*> form party, witkapelkf A-ffaaiaf from that of the prt-nt-nt liiittistiy. GBKAT l'KlTAlN. KI I0IOUI AFKAIltS.TIU* Q1 I H. I.mmm.s, \V.-,lm-i,lay, Nov. 8, l-88 Tho Bar. Mi. Teaaplo. reeently appolnted Biakop <>f Exi-ter, in i< I'l.V to an aildnss BXpTeaaod th>- lu>i>e that ana Biakop ka mighl know nothing ofpartiaala thc Cknn h. int oo-ferata with alL Thciimisto- day, in an iiiti,l,- on tha IllflaiBaBOCI of lioino. BBaJ81 " Tho Catholio Churoh must b8 withdrawn from BB* bIiii.* IIcuKitt iirt'i»<>!itli-r;tiitf, a-nl tha Citj <»f Komo from ! .Mimination. It is only hy hagteboaa ItalUui sovereiga tbat tha Popo eaa aa j,uiito keaeBBo oaireraalpontitv." QnaeaTktoria haa "-tunieii to Windaoi Caoala. Illl. t-OI-BT- M'.vi MKNT.MK. BI_A»8TOKE'a thk l'.\i l. BALL ,,\/ii TE AND Mli: iri.K.KMSCOrAL I-'' I Tl,.' oi i; 0*88 OOBBBBPOBBBBT I.omh.s. '>it.88L.-Mr. Gladatona'a dedaion not t<> 8888880 IB8 IViiian pfia88M88 UOkJ ba tak-ii as linal. fort. it btba b-ieada oi* tha prteoaiera who hav,- dooa iiH.r-t t,, kc,-i» tbaaa in bb-boo. Oaa lo Bhaoattemptedtodoakt whether bmb Uke Mr. ('. 11 Mooroand tho arganiaaaa af thc Faoiaa dto-oon- nbQs deairad tha ralaaaaaf thoaaea whom tlii-y proelaiin in.iityrs. lf they did. they BI8 Htii|.iil.oit,.oa!iciy tolK-hiivosi-iihihly. l.y thc fn e 888 of violct.t h~m*-fgt aaal BBanBaaa tln-y aaada it ex- trt'iii'-ly difflea-t, if imt iaipeaalble, lot Mr. Gladatono t<> yi< hl t<> theii wiobaa ThaQoTermeataaaae*! _<> Baaak bajrand pntdk apiaioa in oaeh a mattcr, aad ptihlic opiaioB has been lefl In a Btata af aaxietj and 8lana. Tht- l.itt,-i rm-iiiicsof tlio Iiisli, like Tht 1'ull Mull GmKttAt, 1, iv. h i/, ,1 the t.pjKHtuiiity to inllaiiii' Hliaa in.st Iitland, to oxasju-iato 8 pobllC all roadj to fall into 8 B8ttjUr. and toexdtfl tha Iriuh tlu lns.h i-s into BMB* leokkOB ontii i,s. Tin- jonrnal 1 havo nani, ,1 t:t-ats tbt ili-inaiid of the liish for le- 8-8-888 a thr, at af t ^ il war, and n-taliatt-s siuh in- tiiiiation tliat tlu- kanaaa of CmaBWBlFa eonqaaat aliali afeain ba lafttoaad <>n Lrelaad-fl eaaaod lebel-km. Tliisisoiili Tli.-i.iio of tho hrntiil .8888888 of / riana, thal tberabelboB ahoald ba ataaapad oot like Ike ,'.-.tt'- plagaa. It is eeive ita eflect Whanajom ifllwhieh allectsdeeoraaa ln ordinary liuiM. N i' lta OB thistone of OWO^gtBliDg f'-rocity. tho eootraol la itriking, and tke Infloenea oa aa im] bihj.-1..-.;.:. like tke Iriakisjastwkatit waa paoba. hly inrant to ba. It ararokaa \ioh-nt laagoafa, and aaaeoiiaoeeaetein r.-tiun. And m> ara oo on. Fall Mu'i OaaaMaaaja that tha liish "talk. thraatea M(i i xli-iit whi. h is almost liuiii loiisly ont ,.f pn>iJi.ition le tin tr 188) iiif.'ininir.'" Tln-y nnu'.it r, luin th,-tannt. yt-t I doatit wketkef tkey ronl.l do it iiuii.v. I., r us be I'olt Mail e.uztu. lf b war raihe, I eaa n-a'lily h.-liivo that it ajieald ka tka ieadeal advooate ef tka mo^t erael 8888801X8, aii'l it la BOt Ifl 8l il mighl kin- dh- llliy >'lloi,«li to 1880-88 BOaaibla a li|.-litii.Ii ol lin atnx-itn-s tbat aeeompaaied tka emaking <>f tho Jndiaii iimt.li>. An- ara te aaa Feniana bbbm nhaiinp ;li<- tat,- ,,t tke Beaoyaf Tbe tii,.,iy,.t gorernmetit oo wkicb theii doe- 1 r 11 i\,i\v,-,ll.\ Tht I'uil mUvUOmtttti With tio- ii... . . ikneaa II propoa - to z<>->i rn liilain! i.v terror. Ta aatieipate eriticiBm on thi-, EOi'thod it BBBOOni .iiithat " thc wlin!.. I'liiu-d Kini'iloin aad every etfcer eiriliaed eoootry i«, .iiul arwaja nost be, foreraed hy terror. I.^tn la aud ran ba Dotbiog but Byatematie intimidaUon, oapported by eannim and tbe gallowi ibowo hon l.u .ilta ul Laa has advain.-.l sin,-,- Beakarfaaadttaaeal in tho boeeaaoi God*aadita voiii- tke hanaony oJ tba world j Binee Coke |.n>- ciiiiiin.i it the poffoction «.f reaaoa,and BineeBnrke leelarad thal wht re il ended, tyranay began, Upon ¦Boh a the v .t is aowonder t«> And onr oew propbet tli-n vinir that, ao far as tke law aud anthoritii ttiin'. ;:ii d, tht .i be 1 , man-. and '- »aee oondemned. Jtr. linal arord >.i io n., ia o d, uwad to knoa whji tha hoarsB-fa ii.-> aoi :.- mn,ii rifhl to aoooiable in Wbitcehapcl to aaaiat on tbe releaae of their eoo- vn-1,-d p.iis oa the Foniana t,< aotitioa foi tha pardon af tlnir o-.niadt s. j- tii.it tin- langnaga of a jonrnal timt want ;u -in ,- iii.ni lo Iit-lanil '. Between two each oppoeing ehampiona the Fenl aaa)oa one eiile, aad nbo flofl MoU Gotttk <>n tba othoi Mi. (ilad-to:- luly in adifflooll po aitiwn. Iu graatiaa tke (deaire ,.i eitbei bo woald ¦8888 to Ba \ lt-lilitiK to iiit-nac,-, hnt it in.il be i'i. eniiifd ka tkanfhl ba ooold afford t<» iguore tke violfiiro oi a ii'\\s;»a|>tr. Ih- donolit-s.-. ai -|- ,i as bia own jndtrtiKiit ad\ im-iI him, thoegfa al tbfl n-kol ¦888-81 ta ba iuflaanaed by langnage « bicb be niuat havo ilojiior, ,l and <l>-t' Tho n,v, aiiuiit l)i. Taaapla k«'s bbfaaaonaly. A IB:tft4-r in itw-lf inithor lMt8888tin| BOT iini-oilant bot Im.-cuiiii attia.-tin; baaaaae it kaa i. bbm eoBtio. v*>rtt-<l. If.aitlio hunian iniinl IsaO eaostitut, to tako an iiic^nl..; ,i, livl.t in rvWO L.i tinn own, oake, and v. In-n it Ifl a ch-noal n.w It bl aitra lo hfl nii,-oiiiiiioiil\ mcy. Wbetber A or Babould be made aMahaaj ,,i tha O-BBBob af Kngiaad ieapaiatou -fhii-h I (.-oiih-ss aayaelf psafoaadly in-iiin-i. m Prohahly tlu world wonld t-tnitinit<- to r, \,,|\<- nitli- otit biahopa. Tlny aro Konrrnllj iiiotfriiaire, bai a,-; in ti, he roiiiinoiil.i B'-locttx] hr-, ,ui.-.' tlu-v an- B8B loaa, oi at L-.-l 84488. lt tln-y havo a ii-.,-, it is ,,n tli.- eouiuic-rcial thej add a kind of dignity to Um chiinli, and ifivo il tfttrnf and fashion, aml what. V, I ls t...-liionahh- is |iliil:l.il.lr. " A lliahop."88lly 8 sin|.li«-.-,l iiioi, hant. Tkrangb biahiwa [eaa aaa ih<4 brlghi but- tonaof tho iliopmaii'H to.it irlittoi." Hnt tt hai l.ti'.i- oon iiuntit wa8 tliat tho Rio.il tbfl biahop rica Mttrafto.l into tha CIhik Ii thfl < liildi<n of tha B8- hilit>, ".md athei I'liiit jtcisoiis." Dr, Teiapla ia boI of thal kiii-i. A aaaa af im-.', atroag ehai oohoitr, iii) BilaiiBlatiaaar. aala t. i.ii.i- Baghy Behnol on hin nii..iiiii. im, uinl l, -.Iiiii- its Ioi liiiu-s. ii IiIh-i.iI tl..-,.h.|/laii, u ('lil'ialiiili in a 888881 > n l. voml tlu- *utl 'Atcuuiutf vl t-iai vtoitl. li. lalui l.o um.h ol a I aaaa fara Hahan bal Mr. Gladatone believea(taoder< atelj in bisbops. aml maa. be .peaiead fea takmg the beat iniiii ln- 44>iil.l iiu.l. Tbe pretexl Ior epposing Dr. Temple in tbat h(4 wrott- ..ne 4.1 tl.e t.tiiioii-. " K.says :iu.l Ki'vu-ws"- :t l.o4)k very fiinii.iis indc. <1 111 its day.yet oaa ot Iho inoet moderate effbrta toward fi «*»-4irirn of tboogbt cvi-i made insidc a crecd-bound cburrh. Dr. Tein- plt-'s wm tbe moat mederate al all. .aad tbe aaaal bigoted doctrinaires bad nothing '" ooy aaainotit , jcepl tliat it waa insidethc same eovera with otben more iit-ii-in-i.i. Tbetraa reaaoo foi Iheattaekea hun is thal Iit bc!i)!ii_s to tlu- Broed Clnirch pai ty, ,-tiitl the N'iirro-if Clitirch putv canBOl abidc mtk. TiactariiiiisaadEvangelieala,l)r. Pnaey aad Lunl Bbaftesbnry, tbeaa alao woald bring tbe Church n.-ari-r to Kome i.ml tboaa who woald oarry it toward l.eni-.a, are alike indigiiant al tba noitu mtt um of a aaaa who ka willing enongh to give full aeopa lo aithaaj Iaaycall bim Rawoaalut, a naine as jM.tciit ti> conjnre with in Theology a_ Bad- i'-:il in l'olities. An.i tln-v are Btirring ll.-avi-n ar.d i'.aitli. particnlarly Eartb, to iret him rejected. Pos- ibly, Somebody in Anoth.-r Plaoe la contributing to the eame ead. wehave badwild atatementa alont what tlu- Di-ai. and ciiai.t. i i'i Exetei wera goingto i'o.as it they bad anv power nr option in the matter. Tli.-v noiiunallv i-l.-ct the Hishop whom tbe Crown reoommends, bat tbe real power la wholly ln tbe Crown; That is, in the l'niin- Minister for the time being, Tbc respeetable clerg).n who oompose the ChaptOI have DO more. i ihoioe than the 1 .isidential Electois iu Anierica, elected tovotc tor a specihed oandidate. They have evea less, for tha Blectora an only hounil byenstom while the Chapt.-r is l.ni.n.l I.y law'. When Lord John RnaseU Bominated Dr, Hamp- dento i>e Bishopof Hereford, the Deaa wroie t-olaord John that be wonld not vote for 1 >r. Hampden, Fea tl.intrs Lord John has done has been better donethan his reply, aa follows; -_. .. I li.ivi- liail the hi.iior to reeeive your letter of tl.r 2__ iust.. it. vtlik-li JOO intiiiiiiti- t>> lt.ti J.M.r iiit.iitli.:. ot vin- latiOg tlie law. I liuvt-, tho lioiu.r to Ue your'-_H.-lii.iit servant." Ae. Tht n tlie Dean memorialiced tha Qneen. nnd la annwer to lns memorial Sir George Grey wroe. : .' 1 have liuil llie liniiiT ti> la.v tl.e hii.iie l.i ku.- tlie flnnan. and l am to Infonn jroa tbal Hei Hajeaty »;ib uoi tn ni pleased to Isaue anv oommaoda tberenpon." And Dr. Hampden waa elected; tbe Deaa uni one oanon voting againsl him. Hampden waa a aaaa against whom tne l niveraity ol <>\toi<l ha.l premub gated ii deerec on aeeonnt of bereeiea in lns lectnres. Tbe caee againat him waa Immenaely atrongei than against Dr. Temple, but Lord John waa n«»t to bc siiiikui, and Mr. Gladatone will not be. Tba whole oeremony of election ia ordinary casea la an abeord liitii.ii. "Tbemodeeol iintintiim." aaya Emeraon, " an- more damaging than cnatom-hooae oaths. Tha Bisbop ia elected by tbe Dean aod Pwbeada «f tbc cathedral. Tiie Oji. .n st-nds tbCBC ,gentlemen n roiuif i/Y/i).-. 01 1. ave !.> 4-l4-rt.; l.lll also Bends tiiein tlu- name i.i the peraon whom they tre tn elect. 'I bey m into the cathedral. chant and pray. aml be_eecb theHoly Gbosttoassist them in tbeir choice; ud, after theae invocations, Invariably And .thal the dic- tatea >.i the Holy Ghoal agrcc witb tba laonanmanda- tiona of 11». Qneen.'' Twodavsago tbe anti-Temple party held ameoting in a London hotel to devisc meana for reaisting hia appoiutment Even in thia raeeting there wa aud gentlemen in wbite neok-clotha gol ratbea too mn, li exi ii--d, and ii-i-it ratl.er t>." Btrong laiigua.ii- to anil tbeir elerical chaneter. One of them mounted guaid ;.i the door to keep ont aUoomera wbo wonld nol declare tbemaelrea onjmsed t<» l»r. Temple, and people whe were torned away oom- pliiined tli.it tbe elerical Cerberni wai raoe: or perbape be wus nol a clergyman, bnt awaiter. I hi y ioo wear wbite cravata, and II i- aom. tiuies dilhcnlt iugnisb them. What the meetiug did waa to appoint a Committee, bul the membera ol it bava since ocenpied themaelveB in declining t«. aerre, proteeting againat iln- t. .<. «^f their namcfl uitl.- .iiii anthority. ITiia moraing Lord Sbafteabnry wiit.s ti. Tht Ttmet thal he ia imt a meinber. and meana to do nothing more tban remou- Btrate witb llr. Gladatone much good tbal w.ll do, ¦Lord Nelaon, tbe Dean "i Carliale.aud Ur. Wilaon nlao w nti-1.. ti.u.- th. ir names off. Lwrd Sbaftesburv cannol overoomc bia repngnance to asso. iating witb Dr. i'lisev for any parpooe; laoniy willina lo aol itely for :t common end." AltoKetner, the opposition aeeuia to be a n>>i.d deal demoralixed. li is natural they ehonld be, since tbe aole effed of th. Ir frantic efforti w ill i»- a ttrotesl againal tbe ap- pointment, and theymight bave made thal with qniet and dignity. ao made, it wonld bave had nu»re Ol ll BH WCigbt, Iatat tlieil \ lul.-liee ls a -i-.llliliil t>. ihi- church it. whoae behalf it ia employ. d. Aineiii-an iiiails.ii iln- lMh. by tbe Ci BbipCbina, dne tbia morning, have n..t been re* ceived, and will nol bc diatributed till Monday. Thia ia the aeventh Bocceaaive areeb in wbicb they bave iaih-d. TheGermanateanier, witb inaiiaol the 12th, iillived ye-t. Iilav. and tho Nm 11 " nian steamer will be al Bonthampton to>m. rrow, nnd ¦ e shall have ber mail-- of the 14th al tha aame liaM with the Cuuard in.iils 4.; the 18th, a> u uaL 4,, \S. s 1 OBD i'l l.'HV. I.4.\ii4.v, «'rt. -¦..¦ 'Unity t.-riis aao Lord Brongham was raportedto ba killed i.y bt ing throwa i.nt of a gig. and th<- Jonmalawera BUed with ad- mirable artklea on hia 1 tuuna ta and carai r. No nc- nl. nt had 41.1 -ui red. and people aaid Lord Broagham hadhimaelf sent tbe report ol bia death to the preaa ,\liat wi.iil.l I..- s.nd of bim. Tba napicion abowa ei wbal tbi d aai thooi iit capable, Lin.l l ri.y cannol i><- ot onaed "l thia adtoitneaa In- died.il is iiii.i-'i. tu bis chaiaoter. Noeaamyaao- pected hi in nf being otherwiae tban fcarleaa, reckless, and open. All anhterfnga ia oppoaitetobiaebacao- t,-i. iinli-eil. bia death has bean ao deBberate tbal be ini_;lit say to the jniiinal.-is a- Cliiiili | II r-aid to bii ctiuitiers -. " Gentlemen, I l.'-;' your pardon f"r being Mieh aa nneouacioiiable time dying.' la. limeihaa ;t dead department, where H tr. aaaaaa iteetereetyped colnmaa <d Uvea aad obaraetera, ready draa n, to be aaedata aaoanenfa aotioe af tbedeatbef a_aaa .<'. in.uk. Iln. .M.'utiiiciiii hasloeg farnl i Tht DoBtj iih it - ailKiiralilc limrraplii. al notici s !"J aaa on theae ocea loaa; bnt if every eailnenl penonage .vo.ilit iiniiate Lord Derby.tbere woald baample time to pcepara tbe Bnal eetimate of tbeaa. J'oi ¦ fortnighl lns death waa expected before it oeoorred, and many aaid he wonld delayibta departnre antil ih.- Land Qnestion in Ireland bad bean detmtad. A polltiinl I'ower liils iiassi d i.nt "f tin. .111 Ie ol b politiea by Lord Derby's deatb. TbeCoo- nervat ive center la aow loooe aad limp. Whea Laad Palmeraton died every partj 1 ll 1 lief .'li repre- aented a eontrnet. Ele waa a real piditieal Cannte, whodii] iveaof party, "Thns far sbalt thon §0, and no laitlier." itini the wavas obeyed bim, llr. Cobden aad Mr. Brighl did aol acraple V 'nothing woald ba done while Lord Palmeraton liv.-.l.'' Tba whole poiitiea] atmoapbere waa an d wben be died. Tbere were politieiana, not person ally dialikiag Palraenrton, wbo did n..t aerapla to puldishthat.the world waa whoh tienbia Lordabip ih aaaaaiBal \\ Itb all Load Derby h lai.ks, be ins|.iies fei-iini-- o! more resoec. aad regrel .iml though hia daath briaga ho;..-. n is nolaaaaaiatad witb eoatenpi Lord Derby aaeeeeded IbeDoheol Wellington aa tha arbiterof Conoervative dantiay. on any greatqaestio-i tl.e i»nke ol Weliinglea eai ni-ti the ipaaziea of three foartha ol the Peera in lns nockat, and Lmd Derby, more 01 leaa, did tba s"'i" thing. Tin-Lnuli'-ii people. ¦.¦> .'t rnle, prcfer an esainenl manwbogoea wrongwith ;il) hik bearl aod witb a hashof geaiaa abonl biaa, lo aea aaa, with trrorleaa nu di..1 nt\, keepa in tbepraaaieline ol propr««t.v. And tbey ralhei adnin. 1! Loul ll. rl.y for bia niiU'iiili oent rashuess. If* bad long been aterrartaavwy maaol pradeaea or Bbrawdneaa beloaging toWe party. When Deanoeraey waa lial attaiaing palitieal Im. e 111 this coiintiy h. .-iT.noiiii4.il it to l.ehihin.s- H0M tosiem lt. whieh (.'itt li.ie.l uli the I.il.eral for.:.-8 onitseide. Jaal below tha gaaeaal electioo, npon wbleb tbe fottnaeaof I.ih party most tmn, he took oe.-asioii to i.roeliiiin thiit Lilieialnin icqaind M ba tiiii/./i.-ii. A more misi ln. rona m daageeaaa phaaoa ooald aot bava iaaaad Brom Coaaarvativa lipa His party. while paaadaf bia kadeiabla, baaa b ng beea fe.itiidof th.-w.-ivin wbleb bOaBceemattabed <t. Tbey 1.. 1 a hjuiMfii.tii.ii as ia-poambleaa U aaaJd w lade- .. nt to.-xpr.-Msthiit th.. s.ept.i of power has paaaad fioinl.is l.iin.l.s: .111.I the Lil.. rai- have tiu-ir own ¦aaooaa laa eeataa-platiag witb ooaiplaoMiBjr tha saiuie evint. Ior BO ..ne leinaina wbOOB persoual or tia.litioiial t-laiins u|«)ii ihe Tory fbTty tbD OOmmMMl 01 large aad i.iimi ¦ (ollwwtag aa UdiU ©.***? *d* an.i bhadaeaa la nll eaaeatia] to latj onHy. Wheii Laad stanley was (.iitndajdaaa ia the Lil- c.il niiniMiy a fewymis Otjbt ht went ilddeiily dOWR lO Knov.hley to .-uiisiilt ii.s UOUk latl.il' v, ln.!.. Im fi.t.ii.t in th.- UUianl rooio. Utaalejrti aaddea anpearanoe took Lord Derby by aorpriee, wit... naa- 1,1.-ti.i.i.pi.iiiit Ior it, akknl "ll.i\i- V4.a inaititd ? M has Di/./.v follewet] tl.e pxample nl l'.>tl(.. a^l.. il.-tl BUcii-tftUiiy Lutxi ttiii .u.it-i.i-v at tbe tt--ii_, iB proof of tho vivaoitv aml 1888-888 hvity awtneiated with Iho poblk iiiipreasionM ol the 188888881 Barl. In bia pataonaJ ralat-ooa t<> tfcoea aioaad hiaa I-^rd 11,1 in was oerupulouoly eonidderate. Btnoe timo ilim lie sellt foi | lestoler tO WBOBB bewifl-rOdlO intrnol some repaira ef piotnrea. Being nnwall tbe artist prapooadtogoopto bio room. 'Hn* bedeelined ,m the frooad th.it bc woald m>t tronble tho gei tlo* maii, aml l.oi.l Deiliv hohhlotl doWB toa room eon- veniellt toi tkfl lliterview. Thero ho Hliowod tho ragaidfnlnoBB wbieb was obaraoteriotle of him. Ho explained to the artist that hia only roaaen foraewd- in« for him was tlie temporary illness of tho aentle- man he iisnally exnployed, aml whom he abould again einploy ko ooon aa he waaraeorered. All this iiidi- cated the ntiiiust ,-oiisideration and eoiiitesv. Wnh ragard to ins tonaotry, bo was. on ih,- wholo, a oatiafactory lamllonl. not axaeilr popob_r. hnt oon- aiderate aad fair. He did hia tenaata jnatioe where ba a, ted at all. aml his peraona] indnatnr, whieh waa oonaiderable, eapeeially In all thal related t<> tbe managementof his eawtee, enabled bha to deeida with iiitelliirenee i|ii,-stionh iel.it ri ir to hia teiiantry. Some time ago ho pennitted a weD to ho Btopped ap in hi* iiiimo in a diatriet m bere tha inhabttanta were depeiideiit iiih»ii it for water. It is very likoly Lord Darby .vonld havo giren way had ho Ikm-h oolicited as :i matterof favor: hnt if his rigfaU W6ra in (paflfl- tion bfl would nol ftTO a_y if aa ,-ntiro distnet par- labed from dronth. ntiless tho law, to whieh ho WOnM appeal nn,kr anystonu of ohloipiy, de,8888 againel him. ln ls.Vi Lord Dorhv lefnsod to tako oflioo ftRain. to liopromllv said ba oonld only le.1,1 it by tke OUflflr- anee of his f,M-s: aml siihseipieiitly lt W88 left to Mr. Diaraeli, who had leaa pride, bol more amBiuea. ta oondfld a Miniatry umler tins hnmiliation. Snch cbargeaaa thoao of loeanaeaB wbicb aro natrit- intlly bronght by whole diotrictain Bnckinghamshire rngmmti the Dukeol Bnckinghan were never bronght againal Lord Darby, Ha would be biffa haiidad, mi- perioua, hnt never meaa. Tne only political iaatance Wbicfa COOld he l.rouirht aiMinst Inm wa.s ono wlin h originaled in thc rery otrengtb of bia pride, und tbat was when Bfl sfat.-il, a f.-w ve.ns BgO, that tt was mi- poosible that llr. Brighl conld.at any tinje.be ta- trnsted with tbe fonnation ol a Uiuietry, ao Her Mav jeaty woald not raoeiTa him iit Coort. tkeie waa dioconrteay t<> tbe Qneea m thioannouneemont, ao Ihi Majeoty io sii|,t.iis,-,i tobare no proferenoea a liere l,or " liilthfill Cotiilii,.,!-. havellidieated t heir opiinon hv uivinir a lea-ler ainonir them B oignal inaim it v, and when- the mtereetaof tBe conntry are eonoerned. It waa impoaaible for Lord Derby.witb biabichpo- triciai.ii'.ns. io Imaginoa Bocbdale ottonapinner. uml lhat cotton ipinnera Qnaker. reeeired ;it -ourt at all; hut thal be (.hoiihl he re,.-i\.d v. ith |pncinno welcome, and be peraob.U7 popolar th.-i.-. m.ls a «ii- ..uinstanee that nov.-i enteied into tne bom ol tba most imagiaatiTa memhti ,,f tho illu.siiii.u.s house of Derby. , Lord Derby had many funona poMtaffea <.f arms with (>'(',.nii'.-ll and Bhiel, a ho were a matcfa for him in hia moat fiery.lo; and he had alao conteated Preoton witb II.nr. Hnnt.afai.laradical <>i fmnn-r K.-lieialion. h.-tler '-.liuWn 88 "<»rator llniil. WllO waa atrong in priuciple bot feeblein Rrammar. nnd s,,i, ed to a greal falling <>n in the aopiratea. V\ boa Orotot lluiit did get into the Honoe ,,f Parliament, lh, nmro'fmoatroaJignantaatirenpon hmi waa ta piint hmapa cbea exaetly aa he di liTered them. It ¦uighl ati..1.1 th,- Bngiiob public amuacuienl il it would do tbio now with Booae ol tbe oratoia <>i lhe Iinii-.- 011 i-itli. 1 M.l. ..I il rhe li'il-he.l aml ii,-, \ eloqtience ol fonng Btanley -raa, io thoao daya, .1 aplenditl contraai a itb lhe tnrgid and furioui ore- lmiis o| ilimt. Hut i,v thioexperieneo Iaord Ilerby \M-1I nml.ist.I the Kadioal politiciana ol the IKfi type, aml waa inrpriaed to flnd In Brighl andCobdeu a' m a ordei "f men and .t nea quality .>i power,who d<.dt wnh what th'\ uml, islnnil. wero ma-teis of ., lh,- l.u,lii.,-.-«. ni whi. h lh. \ ...iiiii bfl .1 f.-ellielv stuli-,|. un,I l.u 1,1 llell'V 11 .i-1 the WOB8I Ifl man., an em ouniei. CUBA. Ol 1, im. i\ I! 1111 -. ll ,\ iba, Bot, pa Eagle, fr-.m New.York, aad Yaaoo, fron Pkiladalpkla, ba?a bi nved h. 11. tlu- f'-itm r ' ''"' lattBB tkisaaoraiag. Admiral i'..Uoited Btatea N.u... a,.-.,mi],imi.-<l hv Aiaeriean oi -ul Plamb, bara aa thai., 1 itb thc eptaio <" neral. 1111 < \ri mn OKXEBAl '- rOI B. TIlVWA, KOV. 3. I'-M't y'o n. I',- 1.', ,.¦.-" will hai.- ll.n.iiia to nii-ht >.!. a tour >,i inapootion. During ins loiinioy he will \ isit < n-nf.i, :¦. - :m<l Otkflg j-art- i.l ll.e island. I . . .,1'lain <¦< 11. l.d Will he 888488 panied by his Becretary aad staff, aad will proboblj be abaont abont ten daya Thi rate ..1 d.aai "f tbe 8peaiak Bank aaa keea redaeed to t pet eaat. Tbe .i.iitiil.-n,,- of Uw imi. h.uits uf llij.m.i in tha .-i.ii..iiiy ,.1 tin- 1'..ml. .-ii mu.il.i lucn aoiug. IHI LILIAlfV 1.1 w, Ki v W1-1. 1 la., N". Thfl -'1.,, r W. 11. Claar, from Naasaa, arriTed here tbia aaeraii 120 men who wera taken trom tka Cuban Bteamei I.ih.in. Bha waa aaptared by tha Eagliab antkortttoo ,11 while at ii:,'l.oi in the li.il'."!. I !,,- \,--I is s.11,1 to bo haillv ii.-iuH-d aml oendamnod aa bi oaa worthy. Tba hai.u,,.- ,.1 tbo Liliaa'a erea aro al ,n N.I--.HI. si OSOI - IB im < BAM m:mv. A piitati- h'tti 1 fi<uu (iin. .loiilaii. liiltli 11 oeived, apoaks la tBa BlgBaattaraa "f tka Uoiftty, IBo un.l lhe fli.'ellty of th-BflgrOflO Ifl Ins e.iipt i.f tin-1 ui..ui ainv Tka whlle aoldlen lerra witktkan Mitlii mt )4 mli M. aml 80 *- i: *-: * la ll. |n |ii, I,, ,- ,1 ,',,«,n. timt in inm) eaoea tin- i,,,n ..i.ui.,--..ii,. ,1 ufBren or« BclocttMl fr,,,ii amoag tko Olaaka, aml iholr.ntaroara ubt-roti t,v w int,- .1- toell 11- i",.< I. -.'i'li.-i.. in M.n.r ,-, ¦ i'liii*. nn- in -i.i l.y inalattoeo, a-ko aoaal eltk ao trouble lo govenilag Hnn white iiiUortllnaleo, lleo. ,l,ii il in i-ays tlu- in L-n, lii.'ips ''., lu is 'J.-.i .." Ue ir lulilt-r eourodeo, aml aocuellmea IIm oorl an all iu, ka, aad an oooimaoalod hj 0 m ^r.. Boowoaali 0 aaoaa. 1I..1 aoltlii in 1 ,-i,'iiiil tu tke wantaof tk« Cuban army,nao Joraon 1 Imi -ill !> l.i.ii.l ln, 1, J,,- a lilin, Vilii-li Iif -.us u" 111 > --it v fm laklng iluiarlca.Iiera toi uke to li-llt Iier Iiilltli-H. Ile iii.u' tlunlj-j I11.1I :. "." OT .I.""' k.'.."..' ... in., 101,11 KiiJi,-. 1:1 001 ki in -. an -t---.i-iiii.il tn tiie aurceao -t lb« looui. .U .! ..- a iiiii-iiiir- ,111.1111,1 Wbicb ln i.IkH.i/i- ,,,11,- ,.f un11, t,< l»<- lii 1. iii liy K.I ei'ii ,,l, V, nii Ihi- 1.1,11,1,, r oftm tj \iii,i ii .mr,. .,11,1 a iiii'-.ti ouppli ofarmaaad amuiUDiUoo,be conBdonl Ibal th* linlepeiulcuce >,f < uii.i inu-i m.,i, 1,, ralued, aml thal, ioo, wllboul a d< mtrturc from Iko nitxle ,,1 warlare followed fron tka be oiiiDioaol tlu- revolullon hy Ibe patrloto. Tfceji bara alwavi octed .,- elvllUed people, wblle tbe Bpaniarda ;i, ,1 a ln,,-l I,.ill,,rl,,11- !, !.' Ij ueli ert-d tlieir priaouera. oud bavo oven uiaoaacrtid women Irei in their otlempu to oruab tbe oplrlt ot r<-- lii-ilion. Tbo writer ipeaka olowliiKlj of tke aalubrloua tiiin.iti uf Cuba. lta anleudiu barboro, ita foreala of Um ber. aod lta tortllo ooIUand bold thallt were o akame forom Uovernmenl toallow Uila tmaauieloollp tbrouab bI tb, rerj Uiue wben poaa, Ioo cau bo nwol im 11 t. XfeeUtd ill l}iii'.'al Ni'v.l.iir^li Wllh llie i-uitii Baward aard ky. MareBel liartew aaa aa aBBHag faith |a tka tiailit.iiii li.iinli 1! il'iuii t>V ln-. pn-.l. N168008. tliat iko Baaalfl lalewdedao 0 enatoar. andtkerefofa kecpabor uuder ourvelllauce. Tbe public will aave a pi..i in'i.t in iaii'-'i, uii,-ii tbey I'.tin ii,.,' Ikajraobiu ai...11. .1,1 im.- imi,I. a. ni"l <.«,uiil imi poaaiblr IraoatMirl t,, t nli.i ,,r anv Otber li.1.1:11 |,"H i."".- H'->11 live iil.li- IhhIi, ,1 in.-ii ainl a i."v. lo addillon to'kor crew of tbreo M-aioeii, a luiiii, und an euRiaaer. Bko la aow kotoafor. ulabed uini oew bollera preparatory to a crulee aronnd ,,1 duriiiff >'"' ll"'1'" ornmer, « heiber lhe -. ni aii.,u bertofloa pleaouriua, er wkatkal U"' cnii.-i iN-.n K" wnh iier, 1-, 00 )it, aaaarai THE SY.w DOHJNION. OPBU10 01 IHI. OM \lllO I-AKI.1AMI.M. ToitoN 10, Ontiiiiu, Nov. :i. -'Ilii- I'liiliuiiH'iit ni 1 riiiai 1,1 "a- >>p< 11. .11 Uo .iM.rmiiiii by Qeo. BewlaadL ln hlB 8|KM!ib ln-11 I, is tu tlie iii.1111,linit liarvcsl, tin-ae tiMtv 111 inaiiiif i.-tnr. 10 aml iihtav ent.-i |,ri-'", llieln- reaaed and Im reaalaa u. uniml foi iakor.aad Ike aucce»a ,,t ti,,- meaoareo taken tu protnot* emlaraUoa. He 1. ,0111111,11,i' Inereaaed egkrta aad expeenlturao t<> Im .ime .1 .tin larv'ert-ihiirriiiioii u> Ontiiii.., itii'i aaiic_n_ea tbal thn I'riiviiK-iai it-vi-iiiif tiie aaal faai im, aaaa flMra tbaa adoquata t<» tka detaaado. Tbe Ooveraor alao ad> rot-atea protleei adraaeeo froa tke puMIe okoal to re- 1...1H1 Un- au.iuiji 1.111,Ih ,,I Iko I'rovli,,',- Ii) iii,un.iK'*- OhllVARY. KI'llllAIM K. AVKUV. The Ohio State Joiunal hihiiIm tlic dcatli lu tliat Hi-ti. of a mau wlio nearly 40 ynara atro wa. eoti- iiet teil witli a trueedv vrln.-h eiiua^tl n Breul atuiaatlou 111 MaaoaeBaaaota, aad axartei daaa mtrreMt ikraagBsad the .-..niitiy. Ain,nt tka yoar iaaa. tka kodjr al aymingfiii. ii.iiiii-il rturali A. Cunicll of Full Kiver W88 foOBd 0/tkfl Btda af a aayataekt ta u iu-1.1 roawta fi>>m 11,,, aiafcway, wkara it u.n oppeieat aBc kad beea murdered uader an, 1,10ua Ircnmataaooa. tpliraiiu K. Avory.a |,<>|.iitar Ux tiiitiii-it uniiiNter, of wIkjbo okarek tka k't' aaaa -'''"'' ber* wao arteatod oa oaopktfoa of balng Ike parpo»r84i»i of the ien ilili- 1 im,,, uml lil.-.l Un n fur, both b) 8-0.81- aatli-ul aml clvil eoarto, Tlt t-n-|f8l_-tleal eoiilt iu- i|,lilU-il 'iiiii, wllh full t-onvii-iloii of bia liiiioeeiiee, aml u,t rr\il tourt falltil to iiiaktr a ciimi a_ali.at buil II ml iliBCliurjjwl Iiiiii. liui tli.it did not 8eH|*! thc «|ut-8iioii of ii.a innoeoaoo ka tln> ududi ot laa paeata; aad ankaaak be <-ontinued to |,;..1I1. riiiitiiiiinii; ii, iur iiihilatrv ln thia Htalo for aev- tial yenlH, h. roiilii IMlt mUITO the nii.pli-ioti err.ateil omunal i.uu, aud ao laaBy roUrod fiom tka miiiiBtry ond 1, .,i.veil to. Ohio t.. Kt-, 1, |hl. (Jt,,f.L ,,.| frredOOB froiu an- ,-j. .it.t-.- J\ln,ii ln c,iiu llol eipot-t ln .M-naarliiiaella. I 01 tkfl laat*! or Hyoora Mr Avery iiaaletl tlu, llfe of au iiMtoaimtuaaua qnlel faru.rr at, rnuni-td, Oblo. Mhere ],, ,in-i|.)!i Uie 2 >'l "lt rotiit; to tli,, irrnvr witli tl,.- n-Bjiffl aml rttttul ol b.^ neiRiiUttro aod atjoiimiiUuotjo. Hib a«u rt;iii-it. aaa <o oaaBB PRESBYTERIAN KEUNION. __> Tht. rcunion of the two lcading' branches of the I'resbytcrlan (.'tiur. h ln the United Htutiy. la now ji.i'tiially an aecompllahcd fact. Tlie negotlatlons wbich bave l__eu peuding between the (Jencral Aaseni- bllea of the two purta, ever alnee their provldentlal incet- inx ln st. I-onlfl ln lMfi, havitij. at laat been brought ta a eatinfactory terniiuatiou at tbe nie-tlii|._ lu thia city last May, have now been acte.1 upon bv tbo lower Ju.llcato- riea. The proposnl made at tho taat-nanieil dat.-. VM (4lnil.lv tbat tin- i.-iiiiiou bc oEotttt npon llic basls of tho Holy Senptiirea and tbe orlj-inal, iinch.itii. <l _«t .1 miai tl_ Bf ilii.-trtii.il government of tbe l'n-sl.yteiian Cliunli. Thu intH baaa IbnoaHj aahaalllad la Ihe Ptaebytoetee, )ust aaa eoiiatitiitlon.il inncmliiient ia sent down to tlio Htate Letf.laturrn; and llttaOgB it wua not constitution- ally neces. ary tbat tbere aliould Ih. uiore than a ma|ority of PreM.yti ii'-s in ita favor, tbe reqiiisltioii by tlie As- -enililles tbat two-thirdsof tlie Preabyteriea shoulil rat- uy haa baaa aaaaa thaa aattalad. Tbo ehlaf opaesltlon ku.*. been in tbe < Bd Scbool.tlio votes (M far as recen .-d up to the date of tbia writlnc) bfint, ua foliowa: rretbx/terieHYoting Against the Fropomd Bbiit of lie vnion..Weat Lexington, 3 for, 5 atritlU-t; Hia/.il, I ., llu.laon, 12-19. Freibyterie* Voting For the /_.*._. hnt not rnammoutly Nortliui.iberlaiid, th-1; 1'otouiae, 12.t; Wost Jer_ev, M -«; Haltlmore, 2.1.|S| Hurlin_ton, 7-5 ; Harllan, ». 1 Donegal, 20-2 N.pw-Ca-Uc, tt .1; Hi.litll.|{don,|38-23; < arllsle, u-6; Nortb Hiver, IB-t| Lafayette, 1--3 ; I'otiml, 8 1; Newton, II -4 Coneonl. 2-1 KiM'k Kiver, 14-«; Warreu, l'J-c ; Hteui.i-nvill.-, 42-1 Cblcajjo, 33.1; /.aneaville, JI-11; Ulooi.i.i.-ton, 31.7 ; J_u.i_.rae, Vr-3 ; Kiilrtli lil, 25-3 ; Long Ialand, 2*.-2 ; Vineennoa, 12.5 ; l_w.s. 7 »',; H14n4.a_1.on, 20-2 ; I-uumvillc, a 4', Mlaaouri Klver. 14.2 ; Dea Molnes, 21-1 ; Fort Wayne, 17.3 ; Iu- tllanaiiolia, 15-1 ; Hu. ipiehiiniui, 11 2 |Paimyrit, 17-1; I'liila.lell.bia, 21.4; New -Y.u % nll but 1 m f.tvor New- Oetaaaa,! i; DaBagae,..T; W.Baeeavea.ii Tkaa* .ylvitnla, 1-.' -fi HebiiyliT, 21.1. Fritlit/hrir* \oliny Lnaittiioniili, in fOOtf, WtOt Vlr- k'i.iia, riiiiaib-ipiint BaaaaBt, Oaaaaetleat, BUaaBethtewa, M.iiiuii'e, Viiiton. kiil.t..ne, l'.i'liieah. Ht. Clalravllle. Ne- ..-in., New-York BaeoadtOstaa_baa, VaaBvlUe, TopsBs, li.wa, New All.anv. Muncle, .-'rankllli. IFSSStBT, l_'_.ins- jiert, ('.ilifofiiia, 8t. Paul. Moh.iwk, OlOgea, Marlon, I'.il- eeHae. C_»wiariBVI___, flailay, MTaahlagtoa, <¦¦ r.ivet, l-'iiiiloiiilorry, .ixfonl.JHol.s.on, Milwank,-'-, l.al.i-, I'.-i'ii.i. Tiiis aaaaaa a total ef Moat ef-taia Preebytarleei nut latse iiifi.nii.itiou waataaaa the aaaanass thal tbe fnii iwo-tblrda bave poatttvely ratlfled IBa baaaa ] iie-i'int with win. bthetwehedlasspptoaehi.eholhet K of BSaiOS, 4.nly p.trti.iilv tkbfmjbi in tlii-14 vi.te.s. Tbere baa beea a pretiy atraag appoeHtoo, iutag IBa .11 i.r piaaa ..f roaal.now ihrowi salde, amoag BBBBB Bf tbe Nintli H. .-.l.-in paittora 111 UM Ni--.vSilii.nl; imt it ls (teatttvely Baierstssi lhal taal opposWea la aa> H lnll aw 11, alail tbat tlu-at tlt il'I'-i.f tl.e Old -ib.""!, aaatawa 111 tin- i.iiii-i..1 AaaaasBlj laat May, wlll give geaaaal istlifBiHy Ie taoaa p a aseer t.iiiuii aaw oaly ti"- __.ssByler.as iea_alatag t.. ht ii.-.mi fii.ui tb. 1.-h.t.e in4ii imt two reteseast aa t'.e N._ s.iiuui siiii) iou.. 111 Aii.aiiy, aaa m tl.e IBetitol «.f OatasBb - tha renBton. but ii..t otb.rwi-i' a BtBgla v.iii'.- Bpttfted, eiili.r iu A--.ini.;t BrPreahyterlea,agalaatieaak_aoatbi baaVs. in iiu-11..I M-iioi'i as IBa vetss aBew, tBon a ver) diflSraai wntlawt. but^u n.> «.f thaae ara lo ba 4-xpuii.i ii ii \..inpii-, tbere "f IbePra- la Prlacetea Bemlaarj (Um ehief balwarB of OM Ot ii""i srU-oBoz]). aBe rela ia "'>. BS_ratlT« f"i Ihe aaka nf lu.-i-ii in > ailh iiu 11 prevloas dselaratloaa. bot who wlll aet oaly aet ataad la Ibe way ofthe letttemeat af iiff.ur-., imt wi.i-n .-114-1) .imt beartily aid lt. miawBl i>. tin- dispoettloo ut 1. beUeved bj thoaa wae ihonld klii.wi Bf n "'t "f the OM >' b"4'l .ob rs mIio li:. proalaeal m IBeli nppssltlnn 10 t."- i:.-¦ *..r ,. i.-. u .-. - do .'"t eome into ti.e new glspeaaattoa kladly. Tta reoerable Doetor, Bubsil J.. baa rsalgaed bia !.n>f. toraBlp ;.t l».m- \iiio in a b.ir.i. ti-ii.-tii- letter, la wBteb ta de lana bia 11.1.-n11.>n mt ta '¦¦¦ tt tin- lastltat-Oi, bB powi r "f AB al froai aaj aee baa beea pialsaisil la so sxtraonUitary a ¦aaaerw aaay f"ire, ni .i' i-.' i" foaes, ui" 1; ihat scbool 1. Hiiiiii'.st.v \t1ii. ti Iln- r.iiiil'i'--!it t> r l.ui (iiliveiiti.in (l'blla- ilclpbla, l-t.7,1 kliidleil in tlu- p ilii.iii-b's liiri-t .!."-. imt -11 iu to i.i-1 v. n taaeMerlag bal ta la tta oaly maa ata bastaaeaa ataadaf Boeoodlttonal besflUty aaa tiiiiiiii. Dr. whi.uni r.tei-kiiiriiitfi-. al mtt tmeoaata, was praaeBlag Bgalaal Ita ¦ovosBsati bal ta hasretteod froaa bii lata proaUaenl posttlofl la eeoaeU. Tta radoabv ',, \tiio la .mti Bvei \ thlag, li "f eoai -.. iiiiii-i einiiity ti) tta atwBeflove; battahss '.niipii ni-.- lo brlag iii-* frm Okt rnVtm OtmmtnmtaluX lo un 111.1 (i.ii.i.ii: ttkl II Ie Tkt 1 krimmm OktarterotBteh' u.i ii.t-. iiai.i.'.-'i .-'liti'iiai Haepsrasaalearsa.Bs- ing now 111 tta N"it!iW'-t MelriBg ii-.ii'ii. 'iin-ni...-t , ui iiius pBssa sf ..pi'.'-ii.".. lo tha rennloa sf Iba rr. -i.y 1,. m.iI n.liBM fi" 1:1 //"¦ I"Imrrh Ubkmt, wbn ll ib-pu-r.iliil iltsof Ita m.i) IseembHei aa iBdiealtng aa bi- ji.t.let .ihini.-iii svsrgoasral Cbrletlan uu laersaalag lenaeaeyta saeBs ttii-. ».'iii- t, iii up ibe whole ganlest, 11 ni.1)' '" .i-.iiii i-'-'l ti.it tin rt. u a 1 ii, -in.ii afssllaa tl.at tbia ia bat Ita ll!, t >t- p H'waid ('.'nt .ti.in reutiion tbit Ita i,,i miu-iit ny tin- aPaaaprss-qrlsrlaa Oaaveatl. by tta ri-.i-iit BvaagslloalCoaaell lo Haw-Yerk, aai by aU tta m Conreatioasw wnlcB tn tBe last .Iwa .>r three ,,,, aat 1, the < vin. anea af an " avai Hiiii,,., " fieliin.'. ls iican-r. I.y I'-a-oii <>f tiiis r.-nt.i.iti of Um Vew aad OMBaBoolPreaayterlaaa it aaa Ball mtt ¦ad. at tta iral saaiH fiBTtntt*". ***** roanlea asaoeg alt Annririii. IVi-hIi) teriaus eoubl not «i-ll atlvam e ...tlll Ita ayaapalBBa tatwoea Ita two alreaiy aaareal together luu. 11>.tn- i'liiy ih'M i"i»-.i. i.nt tbai ibe geaeral ,a_lgBt *mrj sni.ii ii.n.iw npon tin- I'ltt'i-iii.ti n-iiiii .11. Tin i-4- 1.. ,1 i'i.iu (tBa wsall ef tta raiaielpBIa Osaveatleal _tiu peadlag. __teraaart,_eraamia saaeomnaw Presbyta 11.1:1 |i. ttliii-.i. tta 1-BW .-t.'.'.l. OM --s.il""!. Initi'd, Hn.l RefonaeiPreebyterlaai sauttlag la thti eategory tlu- C111..1.11 i.ni.1 people, ata ralaaiarUy vithiraa .>u aesoaal sf tin ir own Bi.Buaalaia, an.i tin- i>. foiiii.-'i (Dateh), wbo ¦eret aaaaa fally late iiu- B-Ofssasai 11.1-4 ni.ttiir B valtlag, by a im t of aaaaral eoaasat, aw tta ssaaamn_al_sa sl tta . W ;u,.i Bea Hohool reaaaafc Altsr tii it, mom nsa ktttmn 09* I.. looBedfoc Tin- Bagalar.lniwastiteai 1 oaraa af uu i.ein-riii m.ioii of H"' Pehawei Praaajrterlaaala Mspooilag tin- tarj ¦ m Qeorga 11 Maarl \ilin li.ol bO. 11 tta ni'ivi-r. iu tbeir owti pn-viiiiis Syned, of tlu- l-.ii.il'i. -I'i t.i..01 OOBVI 11 tn.11.Im- iiiii.litin-:. ti.e reaalsn aibrta rery ilibwal, wltaoatieaBt,froni uiiaitit as ui. 1 bave aataially beea IBa aaaaa laiaea 11,tl |mpi tion of Ibal d.fioiiiliiiilioii. .1. B Ball knowu, uiade ,.,.M.|, (.:li|.i ultli Mi. Sl mn t, aai bave bf tbeir wilb irawsl mrhraalj i"in"-'i iii<- ttesaad yel bmms ai ateaei tta iiiiiii'-nr. un.i imi".rtaaea »r tii.it aaaemiaatlea. Bse elill i-iihi-|i«.llt"lis "f Ilu-se lliive ali'-inly -,'olie eleali mer to tio- in.'ii.s imw iiniiiiii;. but iii'.ie perhaps ure watttog Ie sas tb.-ir aaji 1 l.-ini>. Tta maalofl eaa ii.n.iiy tell ls brlag _r.I M tBIsilssasmbsrsd softloa of tta ItsabjlmlSB tBmlly. Ia ti.e Vbttbi PiaaBytariaa Clnirtli, Ibe wai i.f lOSSBb 4illb.i4b.Jiy tbt A.ii.rl.-.ni Miowshlye taa alaa aagai aoforalyi aai asaaa bava .iii, ,i,iv .uni.- fiom tta aeaamaalOB, t"". t.» lha OM or tta n,.\v h, hooi. ah ttt tin- ieaomlaaMoa atam are u»"d ls know hm tbe "inili-b." now "tbe li. for.d ('liiinli IB Am. rii-a," iiiite B :i tm i.i.-.i iIhiiikIi -1»11 ipiint Isaisaey 011 iiu- paet of aoul.- yt u.e iii -st uniii.-iii na towaii i'.*- gaa- nral reuiiion. TBa .llsalt'octeil, sf aOaTSS, Ht .tml aloor .ml ilo nol filliy n-Joi.e H| tl.e pni-JMitsof tl.e Old atl.l New r.-u...oii. Tbt-rt> reuuti.iH iu tbi* ialSgS*T ""'> ll"' " 1'1"1 ofL'n.ou" il.iiicl.ea, iinle-ti wo .onsiiitu uUo tl.e few Wt-lab Calviiilatii' M. IIitMlists, wbo iimy follow Ibe < jlll|.b- nf tbeu 11 .lD-4 -Hllllll'- lll ..! tll tril ll) .lllll l.v tBSOgh they have nol bagaB >'«_ They are reall> aml to all lir tt-nta Preabyterlana. Tbo Pbn. >.f l'moi. ohursBsa aie uni nuineroua, bt-li.K _*___ aa of old, t-l.i. Hy on tbOOl 0111111..11 nrueiitral ici-ounda vthei-e harinuiiy beipa Coagragailsa< u)i-in and Prenbyterliinl-in better tban _1p.1r1.tlou. S11.I1 itMiloMtiil re.uitin wlll.lt laanticip.tli-d, eilher be. oine fully JPrtiabyteilUI), or elai' ft liltO(.etliel ..v.-i tn tlu-( ol.k'H- Katlnuallat*- <lr 4'4.urHe, tl.e leailer will uii.leisl.ind ili.it theae nilxeil CBaraBaa a.e all Ni w, aml iioiu- Dld. Si-Iiim'I. The 1'reabytery iN -s I ot II.inm illd, luitceil.aggBBaa a i-i.ti.i-wbut reai'l.itti oj.mii,11 tnAsseiiil.lv lust Hprlnx, tb* nylUK Ita rnd't tt kmmbkt) lO Inlerfen- wltli llio«_ (.burebia ao rouailtutid. There wlll. however, pn.b_lily |M, |l0 (liltlrtilllt-a Upo.i Illl* ki 011.i.t. Hl.cb la therelata.u wbich the peuding reuiiion of Old aiul New Si-IuniU beara to tl.a varioua braiiiheB of ll.tt l'losbyl.-rtai. fa.nily wilb wb.eb there lHanjr prewtnil nopoof uulun. Tlte Preabytor- luu ( liurcb (toutb Im uuderalixMl to fetd Its.-lf inoro all.-intt.-.l tli.ni ever from Ita aii.liiut ux_»«_-litte. tl.e Old BSbOSl lira.iib. IBBW I"*1 Ita Utter haa Uken tlie rtluvei y b.itln« jicm tirntieb lo IU Itearf. Tbo iwk of j/istiUoal reualou Uaa uot boou l.ft eutirulr to thejudlcatories. Tbe or_.in« of tho two branebea ln <-nctui.ull-l_. iYM.)V-r. eilited by J. <_. Msafstt. D. I' )l.l School, and The Chrixttan Ihndd, tho Kev. il.-t.ie.it K. Babb, Now 8chool-h.tvl.iK -BOg bi?en on terma ..f wirni intiinacy, parthularlv in tin- SSBBB. af ri-uuinn |fot whlch Dr. Monfort baa been a leaitag adV0CBte)i ,l-lVc' witlnii a i.iontb uniteil lu oue under tbe Utls l'ntbi/ttr und llerald, and aro eii.l.-avnrii:.,' witb marke.l lasSSSI al ready to iflve tkt (T.ur.-li a better I'n shyferian <wet k. ly) aenrepeper thoa tta WSeaBaa tttt Bai Beieia. The .\orth-WeiiteniFre*hytr,iun, a CbicSgOJournal Sf tbe Me- OonakkorBoattata typs.haa bcen merged Inlothal venerable bulwark ofthe falth (O.B.) ln IYiuisylvaiii.i, The Fretbijteriutt, with which aome expect, tho.i-l' per- baga preuiaturely, fo 6et. tl.e l'hit.ob l|>hia Now School or_an, The Amertean 1'resbylerian, aoon united. The Kratujehtt (N. H.) and Tlie obserrer {it. H.) both in tbia city, do not give any lmlleiitloua of fii-ion, whllo both have frotn the llr. t l.eeii eonlial ailvo- BBtSSSf reunion. The Frenbijterian has been a eautioua frn-nd, but The Amerirav Fretbyb nnn haa Iwen tl.e repre- nentatlveof the Nortb Wcst oppo-ition (previoua to thia year) la tta Msw BetaoL Not a few ebunhe., lu towna where an old and a Now Church bavo l.een BBlghbofS, bave u.iilertaken fornial leiiiilon on ttoell own acconnt. and after (he i.r.linaiy work of Jolnt oininittees, plana of reunion, te., bavo a.-tui.iiy eome togetBer in advanos of presbytensl or aynodleal fns-on. One of th. moat raeent caaes of tlus la tbat i.f tl.e Church (N. S.) of Travcrse iles .s|oii_, Miuu., 4-. aiamtars. aud that ol Bt Petsa <o._-.), 12 uss-tara. An lnterestniK fiatuie in coiiiic tion witb tbe reunion wlll be tbe Invalldiition of such preeedents aa have fot 1.1- erly been eetuMlabed In ono brancb and uot the other. la either Oeaeral A.s.-mbly there have been" deliver- iiiu-e-" upon many Kulij'-'-ta Wblcb sfford pie.odcnt for rabaeqneot caaea of a like natore. By tht. fmirth of the '.( niicurri-iit De. laratioua" appi-n.led to the l'lan (nt lsti'i, all am ll pree.itelita fall to tlio gronad linles.. they bave bi-en estalili. lu-il boi iu one, but lo lmth Aaaembllea. Tbere are, nf eoarss, a (.reat iiumbi-r "f tbeae bnt the fOllOWlBgwIU abow IBs bearluit of tbe .'tle. laratloit" up.'ii lonie mattt-ra 111 tbo future poluy of tbe uuitcd Chineli: ,_ 1. Tbe ol'l s.-bnol decided, in 1«4_. tbat marrinjre wlth .1 deossssd wifi-'_ itater waa saaerlptaral. This baa uevor 1.11 a .-ul.jet-t of New ... -bool iK.-tiou, and t>' reanloj wlll therefore relieve thal eensMsrabls majorlty of Old Bchool people who have long atnee eeaaei to in-lieve in thia earloaa dootrins. 8. Konian Catholic baptlso. waa <l.-.;liii-.il iuvalid by tta OM School Aaaembly la lsfi; mi Indefinlte poatponement of tbe auv I'-ct in tin- New Bebool in 1851 will leave tina undeeldei 111 tta united body. a Tbe Old Botaool eoaismasi IBs praO' tiienf hittiiiKiutiuio of publiopraysr.sad IBal of tLe rvadlng ..f aermona m church by lavuicn lu tta nbeence -.r elergyinen, la i-i., both of whieh are bsbbbmm aasgea oever diseonstsaaaesd la itaVsw tataol, 4. Batmosl Inteieatlag aad lmportant of all aro eertaln "deliver ancc-a," in wbleb tbe former aplrit or tta <»id toward the New Bebool bad its sfltat, aml otbers eoneerolng the Hiiutbern oliunho.. Tbat aetiou of tbo Old Behool majoi. it 111 taa. I, whieh ruled out tbe couuuiaaloiicr.. from Bva sjii'.iis, wiii, of ooerss, aeeesaarlly amJ parpoaely become intalid umler thia plan. tbua uiaxii.K tbe reutiiot). lu ita stiieteat and most loi.il aspect, conalat in tbe 10.wpealof tb. Kistiiidlnic Aet of 1__7. Tbe action ,,r tta OM Bebool Aaaembly in Vttk ttb, by whleb tin- ebnrcbeB .idherlnir to the Kebeilton w.-te cut oii' frou. tbe Chureb, becomea Invabd, n_ it of oourse bad i,.latsrparl Ib Nea School action; and thia effectually t.|ii 11- Iln -il.i.ir Ior IBS r. r tt ru of tl.iise cbiin-li.-a, If ii re- pentance aufflctent to make them ssek to r. turn. Imuid t.ik.- poaa. --i.iii of their bearu. It abould be a.«i.i.-<l Bere thatFrof.Charlea Bodge (O.B.) ol Pnnoeton,wbo baa lniiK' been the leader "f oppoaitlon to n-niih.n id hia lu-au.-b. Baserta ln T__ PHaeewn Reeitm (Joly. leeeitlial the " (olii 11 nelli llcelaiatioli.. " DTOpOaed witb tbe lii,Sl-<. aro iml biuding. only tne liaaia it. i ll belug ln 4aeatI0n.lt will evideiiily l)<- Lupooslbls, however, to avoid re.ulta fiii.-h aa tho.-e abovi-naine.l. idi.oeds. ilons of tta two Aaaembuee win nc- _iiii.it W.-ilneail.iy, Now.-uiber 1<>, m U.e city of l'ltta- iiair.-li, the Old rx bool ini-i-tliiu iu the I-'irat aii't tbo Nev/ School io the rhird Preebyterlan Cbnrcb. Their bnal- M -.1. I.iith s. ii.iiate ainl ciiiliinii. ia to bo eonilucteil iu M-p.it.iteaessiona,tbeactual meetina together of own A..-mblie-111 mn- imt iHtinjf 111 order until May, 1-.". \i-w CimuH-sii'ii.-r- wlllof eoorae compoae tne Aaaem- lili.-a mr ktatmblj) ol 1-TO, but those wlio wiU aaaeinl.le in Pliuburj- bii'-xt w.-<-k are to ba tta aame peraona who were 111 lh. A.--.-.ubi.i s i..-t Mar. it ta probabie that tbe Kew si-b'a'il wlll alt ontil 8atnrday or Mouday, aml the ioul a day or two looger, but thia ia onlycon.ee- tm.-. Tbe district bnaiaeai mi each body w 111 1,1,iii.ii.lv beentlrelj eompletod bel. reunion matters ahall be taken np. iu the Kew Behool tta ehlef bualneaa teuiiiiiiiii.' nvi-r ia .1 report eoocernlng tbo proprlety of a li.-ii.-.ii auatcntalion fund (on the Bvoteb plan),another I. i.invi- ti) .nut4.1. .il i.-itii- ior baptlsmal. marrlaae, p.iul buri.il a.-rvir... nnother ou aasaiplsysi aalaaaeca, another on danclng. Bo. , in tii.. in.itt. nf reconatructlonthere areseveral iaa- ii.iu.iiii ii-.ituti-.-. Ti.e united iaaamlily wlil beao larse tbal ihe ra to ol ri pressntatlon mual bealtered. Preabj t. :i. - uo« m ml oue eommlaalonsr t«. Asaemblr foroTery -1 miiu.it.-i.-; thia will,probably,be raiaed to 88. Ibo bouuduii. io! tynodi ai 1 preabyteriea will bave to i»> en¬ tirely nwrraoged, aa uaay ooeupy wlthln Idantlcal, or I,.- trlj identlcal, '.imiia ln Ihe two branebea r*apectlvely. Thua the N.8.8ynod ol Kow-York and Bew-Jerseyla upon the um« Kroand.iuainl>-.with the twoO.-Ujynod., Oue nf N, w t.'lk ikllil tho ntln rnf New itTttT. 1 he 1 14--.- I,, !.¦,,. ,,,f Brooklyn sndof Long laland, B.8 . tare tbe Mine ln au,111 witit the 0.8. ri.-.-bytc-ry nf Long [aland; uud ao ..11 IBroUgliOUt tbe ( luu eh. ilearraliKt-m.-ut in tbe w,'-t.-i-ii --v uoda and preabyteriea will plun.ly be of lucai- culable value to them. ThJa tnatter will. probablr. be lll the h.lll...-. Of .4 colllllilttee nf p .I'listl IHiinli, appolDtOd bv tbo iiiiit.il A-.-i-iul'py of 1870, au.l to alt diii.iu' luaeaaiona. The rearraagsment,sometlinea entirereor- Boarda aud Committeea tbrougb wblcb the i,i-..i \ 01, i.t np' rationa aro oooducted. wlllalM be b 1.um11.,ua uuiti-ri.ii.it.!.'. Fheae sre Identical iu number aml purttoae ni i."th l..»li4-<, only baviug different tltlca; 1I1. t i,,i.-, ii.".! calltug tiiipii- agenciea Botarda lafter a lon# .nii dry iniiii hv i-t.-v tnnu Ittt to i^ii'i. and t'"- Keti Kchool permauenl Committeea They are t* foliowa: 1-.,ieiL.u M.iMi.n-.. Iloine M.s-iniia, Ki. .-.lliicii, l.ducatmn fot MiuUtry, t .ut. h l.iei tion (S. .-», or Exten6 011 .. - I'ui.iii-atinii. M.uiateii.,1 Belief (N.8.),or DUablcd Minisi.-is' (O. ..1 1 iii.i. 1. rhe Kew Bchool make their ontiibiitiniii, tnrougb their Commlttee, to th. Ameru an Board of -omnilaaionera for Poreiaa Miasloua (a oorpora- tn.11 in. il. ot Cougreiptttonallata); but doubtlesa tta tinili.H iiiiuh will witbilraw fortnally Irt.i'i tiiis i.iiinc- tinii hile li BTing cburcbea al lii'.ity, aa bltherto, to nm- in.iie their.tiii.iitiniia tn tta " Am. in .m Board, tin.11-b iicainiik' them to do otberwlae),andendearor ,,, 1,..a,. tb,- preaeat lu>rhlv aaUrfactory Old gebo. Board 11.0 chiel onannel ol rreabytenau ,1,1 i«, l'l.i- !_.. Muaiona. _-. ln the home fleld preference .eemalikelj tobeglven to tbe Nea Bchool Oommlttee, ,1 in .u.i Bcboolaswell aa Now Bchool im 11 rii. ie wlll ii..-.' to be, how. v.-i, two Been tarles fm- mj imiii. me a ibi'i. i»r. li'-nry Kendsll la the M lu i, u klnsgi iTe the. ¦¦. ihe Chureb Kxtei.»lon intereal la at preaent iu such au uiuii- tc-nillii-ii eoiidllioli tll.it tbe wiiole of bolb luulies wlil lu.aiiiiiiy in- reconatructed, witb two Seeretaries. .1 in e above. fhe Old-School Board la located ln 8t. 1 ouli Thia pi.in will probabl) bc broksabrotan up, and Ni Vork be headquartera for thia aaeuey, aa ll now la foi all tha Kew echool Commlatteea exoepl tbal of Publl- ,,,!,,,, t. rieeillneii. llil> ls a S-illi t'oliilllltt' e iif 1 liilue -Haaioiii in both branebea, and both the presenl Beere- ui. s will very probablr be contlnned. 5. EducaUon. ,.' Miiii-ii-riai u.-iief. i.acb of tbeae Bgenclea wlll be eouaolidatetl, na the Uat two. 1. V tion There are at preaent two cou.lderable nrop- ttrtiet ot tta l i.iti-'i Cburcb In tim City al 1'i.ii.t- il. liihl.f tlu- iilil >.-honl l'ublii.itioii llou.-e, HO- 8-1. atul tiuit of Uie New Bchool. No. 1.383 Cheotnut-at. A plaa tb.ii has beeu Ulked of a.ewhat proposea tbe sals ..f tm- former, and the applieallon of 'be money to the anp- port of Ibe aecond. wbleb bM muob !be iM-.t.-r location tudedlflce. Tbeuanea Uouaemaj beeatabUahsd.addl- tion iih i«. i"- lot aii-u in thia clty, and be tta i-blcf ceub r ,,i pnsbyterlanlsiu. Tbi* plan proposea no B'eatern bouae bb the Idoa of loeatlng all the agenclea ot ih" Cburcb at one point, rather tban spreadlag Itaa out iu ii, ,pi\ eltiee, tim.s ni'.-i latror. 1,,, i',,.-i,. tei in .'liurili. wben tbia r.-uiiloii aball have be.-ii luiiv .i.'.-,illi|iliMnil. Wlll s'lM- tl"1 !"!l"Wl!i_. st.tll.Mlcs nf ita i.-i.i.uiiii.K iii.i»i"iis (aa tiorted bul w an- I'ri-K.T ' B«_-Na40 I '. li,,.,-.. " ¦".! It.rm.l I'ri.l'it-riati.. 4 41 ii.I Ba f t._!!'u1'«i..;..r^i,'s'.;-ii.: '.... nn, .s..ntb. .'' '¦.. I'^.lni.naa. I.*"' IWvt_rt-l-WMi. aa uaa jaa wjhb -i-.Ui,. .'.' ThoBgaueaol the <>hi ..."l Boa Behool dlvuloua -ii luiseiii (May, laail ......ii foliowa: ii. s. a a i....ii. riaabilaiaa. '¦" 1,J ,Sl,..r.. .-7 . i r.. * ' f,...,.,-li,l,..liU. an l.ii - iiii, thr raat) t.i llu - + .7 I.K) ll. III. i-.ll. .¦II1..I.. -.- >J l-_l.llrat_iu. IM»I <.'" ..iit.-li K.r.liiiu. li''" I «**-'_2 Mtaiatcrial i:.-l.wt Kr-tih.i-u. IUM fiialBi|iaiii. ih.*3,ih».i I ta*i.«»i"''-i* Tlus takaa ..f eoarss rspawsals a mtirh hl-i-i- ¦nmber sf psnsas wbo atay pruperly bo called Preabyterlaua, tllolU'l. II.Ul 'Oitimil.i.i -tul... liiin- .411.1 th' "'.' lol.'-ls lo- Kitber huve beeu recknued aa hlgli aa i.uat.oou ln nll. Th.- Preabyterlaua boM Ita ibird r.mk lu nfiinher of ootnmunleanta aranua ti.e Prutostnui --.d u. n..- li iie.l Htatea, the MeibodUta baviua (lu laari oti-r -.im',- aee. igivingti,o_o.im f... rortlgu uml doiu««tio .i.'-m...i.m. a...l.l,elli,,.t..|i(..ll.-.....M. I...S-J.-1.V At.er ih- Preaby- ,,., i.n,... ti.e l.,.«lii'_ 1.-.I- alva UlB fnll'.-'Mnv' 1,1. ,. lie.-: ('i,p..,,_..tii'i...n-(i. _.".-!¦¦¦:.: Luttariina, ..-.-- l.|'--.",'..- l, ;.,», ui.-.';.: 1: r..i 4.,. .111«.... i- iiit** KtJionutd Htate- iniiii), n».v_'._; UulvtrraalMln.mtnykW MNLAV Hili.oi. I OH- BKTK-If. Sr. I.oi is, Nov. '.¦..'.''"' N:ttittiia 1 l.aptist Baaaa) » seolOaaiasatai bbm asB susoisi. Tta K.-t. fn.M |. a,.|,.|-s..i. 4.1 Neiv-Y'.ik :. 1.11.>-.._..I llt. 4 .IM,-', HaaoattanBillaaaagaBaB.taH BrhSMl letha faanly. The Kev I' I mtttttbtt I'ellli-ylV.ililPi -pnl.c nll Iln ll l.l li .nsi.r tlu-HiiiiiliU 4H,H<a.l t.illietbiiiell. nn.1 th. Kev.,1. K I',,I.r i-f New .l-rn-y nn tl.e li-l,il lo._ ..I thi SUkiny- BcbOtd lo IM .¦omin""".V- \ lin- yi-stcnliiy lin.Uo out in Ibfl livc- wi.iV'v" Vuill'l."'-' -N"- llN N'p.nb Tion! -. I'li.l .i'l ii, l-opi.-i bf Boysr .-.¦..., Mi,.,, ,i.,,i.,,....i if (IoimIui.III >^ ,'4|' l.ot.ll"-. ll,.- tlll, ll|',M ll'i ..« l.e.f aatifolr gutiad, aad Iba lowttr koora bbtx lothlei aUb 4. |] 1...1 Iti Vv'ASHIMiXO-s*. THK rMUDMTf AND TIIK TAIllI'K . I'ORK' i-\, ki;!,- ukmabdibg mi.ni raoa thk JUVIMi; TAX AS MAM I V Tl I.!.!.-. TIIK si-AM-li IEONI LADB.THB rUANM-ouTATloM 01 nt.: m.\ii>. |Bf Tl.I.h'-K.iPH TO TBR T8IBC8B 1 \Visi:in,.t<>\. Weilni'-il.iy. >'"V. 3.18t*». Rr-prcvnt.'iiiv, ¦<* I hoth-M uml M.ir.ll ..f I'-nn-) Ivaiuo 8fld iiitervii-w., Wtti tlie P8OOO8OO8 >.<.**.B8_9 la i.-lati,,ii to tho ruiuor* that tlio Preaideut would n-.-oiumeiid a eliiinKe in the 'I.iriir l.r.-, I iu nis Aiinii.il 11888888, Tho park^aeBsrsef Qobb-BboIi OMeaaja, Boatea,Kea Yoik, Ht. laiiiii-. and Iaonlat ille, aie 088880 t" BeBBJ 888881 U in.iiHi.'actiirers by tho Iutcrmtl llevenue liuieaii, aml the Cliaiiilii-is of Ciuiuiei-ce uf i h.ivi: 18888 forin.il action 88 thn auhjoct. A dele^.itimi aro now here to |8I8aaatIQtO witli the OoaBBBlOOtOBOr, a- t.'ie 00888 oaatattfeaof tBeCBaaakeoBaf OBataoeek, aaooagwtBoaa aro Keprest.nt.'ttlve KeKlestoii of Ci:i,-ii,in,ii. JafeB llotltta of Boaton. J. C Chiiintierlalii of Neiv-Yoik. uml V. A. ('hapinof 0klaa8J8 Tbey will havo a coinuiutlou witl*- Mr Delano IWWtgfcB Secretui> J-'ish lefurned from New-York this mortiinc, and to-day had along intervlew with tlie Pn-ldent re- gOI._g tin- ispaiilsii iion-claUa iu New-York Il.irl>or, aud otber liu-Mii'taiir inat ter-. Adelecallon of railroad men. froro dlffeient parta ot tbecounti-y, called ou Poatmaater Oetnral CkaflBajaM to. day, for th. patrpflafl of OOOariBg an 18888800 B- tbe prlre of transportatlon of tlic inails, but Mr. Cre.ss woll 888888 d to make any prouiiac. Oen. McMabou wlll be 8X888.88 hy tlie 1808888 Affalra Committee, to morrow, lu refcreueo to FBMgaayaB aandra Ocu. Garflehl haa called a mcotlDS of the 088888 Com* mittee, to he held here on the 15tb of the montli. It la hl« intentimi to iiave a report ready for Oaogreoo directly after tho housIoii begiu-s. A letter to tho >'avy Dep.irtment, from N'.-wOrl.-aua, «ays nluo of the 888888 Iron ,1p<I» lytafl Ifl the river thero aro ln good n-palr, aud two 888 188 88888- ivorthy aud wnrthless. TIIE govf.kvMi vr DtSBI BSBMBBTfl FOB rjtCTOBBB . li.iniii.it 8DDITI0XI TO THB HB-IBQ FLND.-T1I1-: KAKKAOIT Vlil/.K UOBKY C.l-K. I8888-U-- l'KK.SS tllSPATl II. '1 lie roiiowltiif 888 BBB 81888188888888 o> OU ¦8f8t8l meut durliiK the uionth|endluK Oetober 30: Ctffl and iiiiseolliineoua. -RniMin Wtt . 1,514.71. Navy. luttrior, js'ijuioiim, aud Indiaus. Totai.najaaua Io addition to tlie] above the Interest lt.i-ived and paid on tka_p8MM debtgdurlng Octuber auiouuted lo tn.ioc.no. Baaaetary BoatwaDi on Monday laaii oddiaaaotlka fol¬ lowing letter to Usltaf 888888 Tieasuier IptaMBBTI 8m: In aniacr to/uur lett'-r uf Octo'j.r M, 110-00 Inat ?<ia kata 8 \".'211 bo ia golJ, uf internt iiu* tbii iif ou .i f«r tb* llnkiug fuL.I. aml *X. f/M bOim g.iltl, intrri-it 'lur tli.t d_i, o.i boii.li tp*riillr purfbiieit to awalt tbr a. t.. B a-.rnx laatrur- l un tt to th* d'*;iiiaillon of tbi-a* tiBonnta, II '" . » Umt r.io wlll ull ill uf iild |{nl,i, an.l witb tbt- paaOBOO- 9000-888 boa la. ar.J idil tbe tam* to tl,. ra.p.rutr fui.Ji fur which ll. k'olJ wai raceit*-. tbat ia, tba gul,l rec-itt,l aa niU-r.at oa tbe aiaone fuc J bomli to .1- penJed lor tlia purchta* uf bunill aaJ aJJ'd to tbat fund. and (Lat ir- c.ited froin tb. btmdi ip*Ciallr pnrrhaseti, to told aud rip.otlrtl ia bon.lt to idd IbOOaBOj Verj r*ap4t-tfullr. Baaaaa s. BorTwati. aoa affkoaaaoot CongreaB paaaed a law luat Maieh 8888808888 tlie Inati- tntiou of jiroecediujfs ln any court havini; Jiuiadictiou of like matlers to reeover aueli |.iiz.- ni.ui. y aa tbt I-'arrai.'iit fltet,Banaaad ka B-aaaaBaaa al boo Bdaa-fea eutitltd to for c.-utures then iua.le, uud piaftdlBg tkad siu.'h pri/e uiiiiiey a-i uii^'Ut bfl Bwarded akoald ba p.ml out of tbo Trea-iny of tkfl Dnlted Statea. tien. H K. Iiutler, ftetitm as tl.,- attoraey aad prooi pi tor Ioi tka eii,- oeroaitd aaiton in tbatfleet.baaflleda llh lol luforumttoti aeuloal fi,<- i.--.-is. tte., io tbe Diatriet Uoort of thia LHa- trlct, prayiuirJitdKtueBt, a.-.. tke itteatloa >,f tbo Oovarn- inent bavlog I-,, ;i called to tbUauii l.y District- Attorney, Oco. Carririttc-o. aml aakin. tbe Tn aaury De- ]J,Hin,. Iit to a-.-l-'I, hilll B-Soiliit.- co'.ltisa'l lli View o! liui Uiatfuituile of tlie e..se an.l t.it: iiui.ataiif prioelp volved. l Becretary of tho Treaaury Uaa luiployed Richard M. CotwIbo of Claeionatl, wka n.i- bad eoDoldoimldo experh-nce i:i r ai.d iu admlialty proeeedluga. Tbe Beeretanr baa Instru.-ted theoo attoroeya t,» make a tborougb defenae botk oo tke law aad 18a laeta. Oeoeral lutervlewe karo uii.ailv takeu plaee between tb d tue t>lB< eri of t_.eTree.ary, ond overy preparattou ia l> na made ,<i that en.l. 'imi!) daya bave beee given the Governaieiil to prepare lta defenae. More tkaa a aitliioa doUaraara iiii,,h,-,i in tkla .-uit. Tka Commlaoloneroof the Oen ral Laad Otllc, has niled that wkera laadakarooaea beea ,>ti- th.-y retaiu tke ,-liar.i.t. r ..f offered lat la oo to tli. niiiits of preBuipton tkoteto, orea thoiieb .it- wlthdrawn from market, ao to private ei.trj to luvalld entriea or utberwiae, aa alao wbea o for rall¬ road parpooetv TUerefore prefe'mptlon -¦'¦;-. villi,., required to make proof aad aoyaaoa-t wtlkui tketwetva uoutbi presenbed br L»w. Millera Kal.al Nf.-il.il'i, lon, exeeiltiil t>. t','- ofil.-r of ex-Seeretary Borla lor pieaentution t.. Mra. Uraat, waa liilliK iu tlu i.iee.i-Uiom H tlu- J.\ei utiv.- IfiBUallM i" <l .) Tke uiitlaih.ni ia of broaae, aud luclutl,-., witb prlate aurroundlDKO, tka heada ln rellel ot WaaBlugtim, J.iiieoln, anil (iiani. The Preaident baa rccognlzed r.ulhlno Cortea v Moralea aoOonaulofSpalaat Kaw-York; .)".¦ J n in EUbooaa Cuii-ii!-(ieiieriil if .^ai, S.ilv.i,l,,r al '' T. (liii-.teiis.-n aa t.'ousiii of Kniiiiark ai Kew-Yurkt Caii PliilippHchmitt aa UodbuIoI Badoual i.iiii-i'ln Haii in tbo Young Men'o i uii-:i n, \--ih iatlon buildluit waa to-ulgbl tkrown open to Uie publio fur tke iii r-t time um e its dedteatlon, nnd w.,> BII, rl rn ita utmoot capaclty l>y a brtlkautandieuce.attractcd l»y the Tarlottn i'ain , onoert, wbicb wa- ln otrery u .v blabl aoi-e, aaful. M.-pli. ii M, Vail ,,f N.'i.-Vi.ik has beea appetaBBd Imt, il btatei t.'ousiii for Ij.u.tna. TIIK viI'.tilNI.i BTATE P-URi Bb BMOKD, \ ;i., Nov. :(..TIih is l!n- -. iiay ,,f tit, gieal aiiiiuiti ozklkttkM al tke -griaafc.ral Boekty ,'i vii-ima. Tka voaafcaa haa beoa asa.oaDy fine tliiiins th> titiie <l.iy, ainl 88148808888 000080X80 0- aooplowao ontkn PalrOronndi from tlt, uibldweftke .i,,v Ull nearly erenliiK, Tbere waa a I...,- nua vialtoro (mm lurroundlnfl Statea, and uiauj people from New Enclaud, Tba entriea of , luiplc in. nt. and l..i...i--av!n>r ma,-lm.es from tlie Noitli.-in Btatea an aiock aaore numeroua tban wai anticipatotl. An niiu.-iiiiliv lai-L'i-nuiiiher of d iudivadaalo from reuiote-titiea bave arrived ItaltlM niai . ,. blgbly iiieoiii.i-, ,1 bj tb uf tkeir ii.-taiit iii.ii.l- .iho art int. ii-.-i.-.l iu th-- inon perfeti ..ini-iit of the luduotrialartool \ ., luto. tfneba hnnr ititiiv.il of tun. baoelapaed ilnee tin laataonual exblbltlou tbat tbe citlsena aeen i,> fet-laall ttilatBllie r.- ef a prosperoua .r.i lu Ihe ex{>eri -.., ¦¦. >.i th.-ir state. All eloaaeo appear lo eono boartal, bappy. and witb baoyaul feellint*. aa wiitvi .ml fi-aadi Iouk' oeparated un-et 88.u f, luma <>l bearta and of bauda, Ti.- l ... me «>ir tbii afternoon, witb autUfaotorj teoulta, bul tbe hoi «o irotUn*; on tke falr groundo wao tne all-abaotbl tntereat;. More tkaa ao,ooii people wero iuuttendiiuee. The, ihtliitlon of mu..'.-. an.l tii.e 1...IS.S i- i-liilirelit!- 'ild tht- iiiiti.iiei- la very laroe, rbefllaplay of oeal eaiileol \ iinii-. Uuproved in,,-,l-, altbouitb oui -. t-xlei eould be iloolred, lo qultu natlafaetury. Tbi-d<*p.u oi fiood sh, ,|,- .: cliidlug botb auit U cKdttably r> -pn -.-t iite.i. rbeaboa <ii i", Int io fair, and tbe dlapuiy or dalrr product-i ol uanufae- liiie.-. aud of line fi-uits, botb 00 to il8o and \..netv, n- il.-et.-, iniieii bnuor on tke aealoua man . .- eu- terpi ilna exbibltora. A aioro play «f larjce an.l excelleut opetoo bl at klom - all Ike dlarouraitlug elrenmalaaeea luto >. ,u. ih. exblbltlou may I*- wrilten u *-.c -.le.-tyo,. To-day tbere waa a JoyBiloouvoc itloii ol tli r1,. «ro au, tbe fratt-rulty prt-oeut, wbeu tbo Kcv. Dr. i unj iuvok.-t tlll. ,(.., .. on tbelr ri-unlou, uml MuytN w v Hullierllu, I'r.-i-l,i.t of tbo Boeiely, o brlei uddreaa ol welcome, wuleli waa o_itl tu i.t . ., Bi »t ipootit tbal waeeeer inado lu Vtrgtula wbieb wua iml uioreoi li-.-- of a j... Im. ..I i.ai-ii.-i.-r. Laal .j limeul tural Baatioiy buld a brtof aeooliMi. 'i.'ii.-.;. iko ^m.t bodyaud Ibe r. in«.:...'i. al Huelel) ouuvriw t<_%>tk«rU lu a'l all athll-e--. nnd t" l>.ull>'tpa - IMOOOM, I,, -uinl I'tui. ii.l,- Miii bo in ii- i,. aaaela and uieckiBcrj dnriux oieat .r tka day. m*- OmHUL TKI.KtiKAl'HIC MK8.1i ....Thc ttiuit ol C'isio, Cal., w.ts iii .ttroyis- li_\ im on Tii">il.iy. _Tke reekleaea <>f tli<- Hoa. J. L PUuCaC>ln Tioy. waaeuterwl by barakira aa tttottity BlgJUi and loiilieil nl asioOU JAinth ol )eMil.-.v. _Milvt- MeCoale waaarraati- at. ('iuciiiiiati ye.-ti niai, ailU lii.ui.ttiu Uie siu.i 01 s..,.»'.. ..ut to iniKii.'0 IU a pil/i: it-tll Hl trllio. ....Tlu- lauly nf i'\-i;iiv. Cliuik-s A. WVkliff.\ who tln-il a*Ibw oayaalace la Murylaail, ln rapi olod iu LeulovlUo lo daj'i aad ttnl ln- takeu to liai-jl»ioi*u lor lu- tt iliielit. ....Ob tka SOtk ait., tlie mail cikicIi from Tiiooii, Ai./>,,:., Mlille mi llie WOj l..ft.nna Ke, wa. l,n it into l.y ln,lui.it itlicu iie.ii .MeM.iu. 1 t.iluualely, UU olie ll au li.)illi<i. .| lai., -tlinnmr itirivi-i! at Cnrinne, rtah. tn.in >,-... t.m. ,i uiwiiou ti.e M.ut! ith akaoo of Hall l.ake. loa.h.i wiili liiniltt-r, bIIm r oar, la Tuiaiaoou- hlileretl llit- l:i.i,l-l,I'iitlt-ll of U.lll^utloli t. tliat l.iiie. ....Tin- I'nsL aBBCBil M_.si.iii i»: tlaai Nfw-Jer- 9ft A-r-tit-mt.uu ul t ...iHlfirall.maI « liiittU. - e.nilMl«U.v-tl at Mallllnoleui, lii.->tl,iy. Tne A.Mitl.,1 i.u la ^POOOll uf 88 ehuielie-, piuieipally littni S,iill.,ni Ncw-iora. Ocu. O. <l. lltiWiittl was eltt tetl Aluth laue ....The ihwflira nt tho Bmach U. 9. MIbJIb Rtt, KramiH..m.K th- i.vt.uili af ^'^-* _?_*_\* ...Hi.tHiif _i,l,li.!..l..7,.ta»....liei'H.,f jrllier "'_"____ tmrnjumuuit't vv-.e r.t.ne.l lr..... J..|mi. i«r rc.olita** Tho muouut etuued darlag tka aaiuc iK-rltal uaa 9i.f,.o. ouo.

NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBKR 4, PRICE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1869-11-04/ed...8888880 IB8 IViiian pfia88M88 UOkJ ba tak-ii as linal. fort. it btba b-ieada oi*

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Page 1: NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, NOVEMBKR 4, PRICE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1869-11-04/ed...8888880 IB8 IViiian pfia88M88 UOkJ ba tak-ii as linal. fort. it btba b-ieada oi*



«EN. TBXB bB TOT C___8.APMI-UL ron re.Am,ihu, WbiIii, 98_y, N"V.

088. PrBB to-tlay jirrw-ntt'd to tlM 0-8*88 tiu- 88888.

1888Of I'1' l4W48B8illBt4ld ministry. lii- 8XJ_.B0*jttlHt ti.. ,,m-.siioii nf tlio royal candidatiiro was tho

cauw af Ibo BilBlaB rlal eriala, aad addedthal tha a*-

titudoof tl" X'n>*'.''i^t^ lnmh-n-d a solutinii ef tbaauentii'ii. 11,'dtTlaiod that thc ('ovrniiin-nt wmihl

retiiain faitliful H> thr priniij.h-B of tka l.'« vointion.

It ia rt-iK.i'ti-tl that Admiral Topeto. Minister of tho

M-rinf. ti.-i-t- "'» i'«-mi-''»'"K his nortfolio: BBl Gaa,pmn iaekBta ka wU have tka C'ahiuet if tho Adim

nd rosiKus-tiie ni'Ki: or gi'.noa.

fTMoefasMoato tka Duko rtGeaoa is mill oo

tgmmktM datatBilBad that it is feami thsia ia oo

chaiuf of Ma election,^

PKAECE.I'tiiis, wedaeaiay, Bar. a, iw,9.

Tkaaa-Bta ka another OowaeU «>f -lin-aaeaa at

OaaBfBBPN to day.^


Pahis. WctiicMlay, Nov. 3, 18G9.

The DmlitaalninT1 of to day BBja that CoOSt Bla-maIrk | ,. ,. porttoa ot his forini r liillneiiio

m Qasaaaa politieB.THB KASTKKN QUE8TIOM.

Farix. M't-dtiCRiIay, Nov. 3.

Th»- Co'i*ttt>iti"n»<l Bl its is-stio to-day 8898 tkaKtByl-8 (.nv, i-itii.-tit i* iniirh prooonipied at 8888801with tke qnaetion of tho Dalmatian iiisiirrectioii.

HINGARY.-1 ii, 8788-0888-] Nov. 3,181,9.

If ia BBM that M. I>, uk will soon form ;-. B88J B*>form party, witkapelkf A-ffaaiaf from that of theprt-nt-nt liiittistiy.


I.mmm.s, \V.-,lm-i,lay, Nov. 8, l-88Tho Bar. Mi. Teaaplo. reeently appolnted Biakop <>f

Exi-ter, in i< I'l.V to an aildnss BXpTeaaod th>- lu>i>ethat ana Biakop ka mighl know nothing ofpartiaalathc Cknn h. int oo-ferata with alL Thciimisto-day, in an iiiti,l,- on tha IllflaiBaBOCI of lioino. BBaJ81" Tho Catholio Churoh must b8 withdrawn from BB*

bIiii.* IIcuKitt iirt'i»<>!itli-r;tiitf, a-nl tha Citj <»f Komofrom! .Mimination. It is only hyhagteboaa ItalUui sovereiga tbat tha Popo eaa aa

j,uiito keaeBBo oaireraalpontitv." QnaeaTktoriahaa "-tunieii to Windaoi Caoala.Illl. t-OI-BT- M'.vi MKNT.MK. BI_A»8TOKE'a

thk l'.\i l. BALL ,,\/ii TE AND Mli:

iri.K.KMSCOrAL I-'' ITl,.'

-¦ oi i; 0*88 OOBBBBPOBBBBTI.omh.s. '>it.88L.-Mr. Gladatona'a dedaion not t<>

8888880 IB8 IViiian pfia88M88 UOkJ ba tak-ii as linal.fort. it btba b-ieada oi* tha prteoaierawho hav,- dooa iiH.r-t t,, kc,-i» tbaaa in bb-boo. Oaa loBhaoattemptedtodoakt whether bmb Uke Mr. ('.11 Mooroand tho arganiaaaa af thc Faoiaa dto-oon-

nbQs deairad tha ralaaaaaf thoaaea whomtlii-y proelaiin in.iityrs. lf they did. they BI8

Htii|.iil.oit,.oa!iciy tolK-hiivosi-iihihly. l.y thc fn e 888of violct.t h~m*-fgt aaal BBanBaaa tln-y aaada it ex-

trt'iii'-ly difflea-t, if imt iaipeaalble, lot Mr. Gladatonot<> yi< hl t<> theii wiobaa ThaQoTermeataaaae*! _<>

Baaak bajrand pntdk apiaioa in oaeh a mattcr, aadptihlic opiaioB has been lefl In a Btata af aaxietj and8lana. Tht- l.itt,-i rm-iiiicsof tlio Iiisli, like Tht 1'ullMull GmKttAt, 1, iv. h i/, ,1 the t.pjKHtuiiity to inllaiiii'Hliaa in.st Iitland, to oxasju-iato 8 pobllCall roadj to fall into 8 B8ttjUr. and toexdtfl tha Iriuhtlu lns.h i-s into BMB* leokkOB ontii i,s. Tin- jonrnal1 havo nani, ,1 t:t-ats tbt ili-inaiid of the liish for le-

8-8-888 a thr, at af t ^ il war, and n-taliatt-s siuh in-tiiiiation tliat tlu- kanaaa of CmaBWBlFa eonqaaataliali afeain ba lafttoaad <>n Lrelaad-fl eaaaod lebel-km.Tliisisoiili Tli.-i.iio of tho hrntiil .8888888 of /

riana, thal tberabelboB ahoald ba ataaapad oot likeIke ,'.-.tt'- plagaa. It is eeive ita eflectWhanajom ifllwhieh allectsdeeoraaa ln ordinaryliuiM. N i' lta OB thistone of OWO^gtBliDg f'-rocity. thoeootraol la itriking, and tke Infloenea oa aa im]bihj.-1..-.;.:. like tke Iriakisjastwkatit waa paoba.hly inrant to ba. It ararokaa \ioh-nt laagoafa, andaaaeoiiaoeeaetein r.-tiun. And m> ara oo on.

Fall Mu'i OaaaMaaaja that tha liish "talk. thraateaM(i i xli-iit whi. h is almost liuiii loiisly

ont ,.f pn>iJi.ition le tin tr 188) iiif.'ininir.'" Tln-ynnu'.it r, luin th,-tannt. yt-t I doatit wketkef tkeyronl.l do it iiuii.v. I., r us be I'olt Maile.uztu. lf b war raihe, I eaa n-a'lily h.-liivo that it

ajieald ka tka ieadeal advooate ef tka mo^t erael8888801X8, aii'l it la BOt Ifl 8l il mighl kin-dh- llliy >'lloi,«li to 1880-88 BOaaibla a li|.-litii.Ii ol linatnx-itn-s tbat aeeompaaied tka emaking <>f thoJndiaii iimt.li>. An- ara te aaa Feniana bbbmnhaiinp ;li<- tat,- ,,t tke BeaoyafTbe tii,.,iy,.t gorernmetit oo wkicb theii doe-

1 r 11 i\,i\v,-,ll.\ Tht I'uil mUvUOmtttti Withtio- ii... .

. ikneaa II propoa - to z<>->i rnliilain! i.v terror. Ta aatieipate eriticiBm on thi-,EOi'thod it BBBOOni .iiithat " thc wlin!..I'liiu-d Kini'iloin aad every etfcer eiriliaed eoootryi«, .iiul arwaja nost be, foreraed hy terror. I.^tn laaud ran ba Dotbiog but Byatematie intimidaUon,oapported by eannim and tbe gallowi ibowohon l.u .ilta ul Laa has advain.-.l sin,-,-

Beakarfaaadttaaeal in tho boeeaaoi God*aaditavoiii- tke hanaony oJ tba world j Binee Coke |.n>-ciiiiiin.i it the poffoction «.f reaaoa,and BineeBnrkeleelarad thal wht re il ended, tyranay began, Upon¦Boh a the v .t is aowonder t«> And onr oew propbettli-n vinir that, ao far as tke law aud anthoritiittiin'. ;:ii d, tht.i be 1 ,

man-. and '- »aee oondemned.Jtr. linal arord >.i io n., ia o d, uwad to knoa whji thahoarsB-fa ii.-> aoi :.- mn,ii rifhl to aoooiable inWbitcehapcl to aaaiat on tbe releaae of their eoo-vn-1,-d p.iis oa the Foniana t,< aotitioa foi tha pardonaf tlnir o-.niadt s. j- tii.it tin- langnaga of a jonrnaltimt want ;u -in ,- iii.ni lo Iit-lanil '.

Between two each oppoeing ehampiona the Fenlaaa)oa one eiile, aad nbo flofl MoU Gotttk <>n tbaothoi Mi. (ilad-to:- luly in adifflooll poaitiwn. Iu graatiaa tke (deaire ,.i eitbei bo woald¦8888 to Ba \ lt-lilitiK to iiit-nac,-, hnt it in.il be i'i.eniiifd ka tkanfhl ba ooold afford t<» iguore tkeviolfiiro oi a ii'\\s;»a|>tr. Ih- donolit-s.-. ai -|- ,i as biaown jndtrtiKiit ad\ im-iI him, thoegfa al tbfl n-kol¦888-81 ta ba iuflaanaed by langnage « bicb be niuathavo ilojiior, ,l and <l>-t'Tho n,v, aiiuiit l)i. Taaapla k«'s bbfaaaonaly. A

IB:tft4-r in itw-lf inithor lMt8888tin| BOT iini-oilantbot Im.-cuiiii attia.-tin; baaaaae it kaa i. bbm eoBtio.v*>rtt-<l. If.aitlio hunian iniinl IsaO eaostitut,to tako an iiic^nl..; ,i, livl.t in rvWO L.i tinn own,oake, and v. In-n it Ifl a ch-noal n.w It bl aitra lo hflnii,-oiiiiiioiil\ mcy. Wbetber A or Babould be madeaMahaaj ,,i tha O-BBBob af Kngiaad ieapaiatou-fhii-h I (.-oiih-ss aayaelf psafoaadly in-iiin-i. mProhahly tlu world wonld t-tnitinit<- to r, \,,|\<- nitli-otit biahopa. Tlny aro Konrrnllj iiiotfriiaire, baia,-; in ti, he roiiiinoiil.i B'-locttx] hr-, ,ui.-.' tlu-v an- B8Bloaa, oi at L-.-l 84488. lt tln-y havo a ii-.,-, it is ,,n tli.-eouiuic-rcial thej add a kind of dignity toUm chiinli, and ifivo il tfttrnf and fashion,aml what. V, I ls t...-liionahh- is |iliil:l.il.lr. " A

lliahop."88lly 8 sin|.li«-.-,liiioi, hant. Tkrangb biahiwa [eaa aaa ih<4 brlghi but-tonaof tho iliopmaii'H to.it irlittoi." Hnt tt hai l.ti'.i-oon iiuntit wa8 tliat tho Rio.il tbfl biahoprica Mttrafto.l into tha CIhik Ii thfl < liildi<n of tha B8-hilit>, ".md athei I'liiit jtcisoiis." Dr, Teiapla ia boIof thal kiii-i. A aaaa af im-.', atroag ehaioohoitr, iii) BilaiiBlatiaaar. aala t. i.ii.i- Baghy Behnolon hin nii..iiiii. im, uinl l, -.Iiiii- its Ioi liiiu-s. ii IiIh-i.iItl..-,.h.|/laii, u ('lil'ialiiili in a 888881 > n l. voml tlu-*utl 'Atcuuiutf vl t-iai vtoitl. li. lalui l.o um.h ol a I

aaaa fara Hahan bal Mr. Gladatone believea(taoder<atelj in bisbops. aml maa. be .peaiead fea takmg thebeat iniiii ln- 44>iil.l iiu.l.Tbe pretexl Ior epposing Dr. Temple in tbat h(4

wrott- ..ne 4.1 tl.e t.tiiioii-. " K.says :iu.l Ki'vu-ws"-:t l.o4)k very fiinii.iis indc. <1 111 its day.yet oaa ot Ihoinoet moderate effbrta toward fi «*»-4irirn of tboogbtcvi-i made insidc a crecd-bound cburrh. Dr. Tein-plt-'s wm tbe moat mederate al all. .aad tbe aaaalbigoted doctrinaires bad nothing '" ooy aaainotit, jcepl tliat it waa insidethc same eovera with otbenmore iit-ii-in-i.i. Tbetraa reaaoo foi Iheattaekeahun is thal Iit bc!i)!ii_s to tlu- Broed Clnirch pai ty,,-tiitl the N'iirro-if Clitirch putv canBOl abidc mtk.TiactariiiiisaadEvangelieala,l)r. Pnaey aad LunlBbaftesbnry, tbeaa alao woald bring tbe Churchn.-ari-r to Kome i.ml tboaa who woald oarry it towardl.eni-.a, are alike indigiiant al tba noitu mtt um ofa aaaa who ka willing enongh to givefull aeopa lo aithaaj Iaaycall bim Rawoaalut, anaine as jM.tciit ti> conjnre with in Theology a_ Bad-i'-:il in l'olities. An.i tln-v are Btirring ll.-avi-n ar.di'.aitli. particnlarly Eartb, to iret him rejected. Pos-ibly, Somebody in Anoth.-r Plaoe la contributing tothe eame ead. wehave badwild atatementa alontwhat tlu- Di-ai. and ciiai.t. i i'i Exetei wera goingtoi'o.as it they bad anv power nr option in the matter.Tli.-v noiiunallv i-l.-ct the Hishop whom tbe Crownreoommends, bat tbe real power la wholly ln tbeCrown; That is, in the l'niin- Minister for the timebeing, Tbc respeetable clerg).n who oompose theChaptOI have DO more. i ihoioe than the 1 .isidentialElectois iu Anierica, elected tovotc tor a specihedoandidate. They have evea less, for tha Blectora anonly hounil byenstom while the Chapt.-r is l.ni.n.l I.ylaw'. When LordJohn RnaseU Bominated Dr, Hamp-dento i>e Bishopof Hereford, the Deaa wroie t-olaordJohn that be wonld not vote for 1 >r. Hampden, Featl.intrs Lord John has done has been better donethanhis reply, aa follows; -_.

.. I li.ivi- liail the hi.iior to reeeive your letter of tl.r 2__iust.. it. vtlik-li JOO intiiiiiiti- t>> lt.ti J.M.r iiit.iitli.:. ot vin-

latiOg tlie law. I liuvt-, tho lioiu.r to Ue your'-_H.-lii.iitservant." Ae.Tht n tlie Dean memorialiced tha Qneen. nnd la

annwer to lns memorial Sir George Grey wroe. :.' 1 have liuil llie liniiiT ti> la.v tl.e hii.iie l.i ku.- tlie

flnnan. and l am to Infonn jroa tbal Hei Hajeaty »;ib uoitnni pleased to Isaue anv oommaoda tberenpon."And Dr. Hampden waa elected; tbe Deaa uni one

oanon voting againsl him. Hampden waa a aaaaagainst whom tne l niveraity ol <>\toi<l ha.l premubgated ii deerec on aeeonnt of bereeiea in lns lectnres.Tbe caee againat him waa Immenaely atrongei thanagainst Dr. Temple, but Lord John waa n«»t to bcsiiiikui, and Mr. Gladatone will not be. Tba wholeoeremony of election ia ordinary casea la an abeordliitii.ii. "Tbemodeeol iintintiim." aaya Emeraon,"

an- more damaging than cnatom-hooae oaths. ThaBisbop ia elected by tbe Dean aod Pwbeada «f tbccathedral. Tiie Oji. .n st-nds tbCBC ,gentlemen n

roiuif i/Y/i).-. 01 1. ave !.> 4-l4-rt.; l.lll also Bends tiieintlu- name i.i the peraon whom they tre tn elect. 'I beym into the cathedral. chant and pray. aml be_eecbtheHoly Gbosttoassist them in tbeir choice; ud,after theae invocations, Invariably And .thal the dic-tatea >.i the Holy Ghoal agrcc witb tba laonanmanda-tiona of 11». Qneen.''Twodavsago tbe anti-Temple party held ameoting

in a London hotel to devisc meana for reaisting hiaappoiutment Even in thia raeeting there waaud gentlemen in wbite neok-clotha gol ratbea toomn, li exi ii--d, and ii-i-it ratl.er t>." Btrong laiigua.ii-to anil tbeir elerical chaneter. One of themmounted guaid ;.i the door to keep ont aUoomerawbo wonld nol declare tbemaelrea onjmsed t<» l»r.Temple, and people whe were torned away oom-

pliiined tli.it tbe elerical Cerberni wai raoe: orperbape be wus nol a clergyman, bnt awaiter. I hi yioo wear wbite cravata, and II i- aom. tiuies dilhcnlt

iugnisb them. What the meetiug did waa toappoint a Committee, bul the membera ol it bavasince ocenpied themaelveB in declining t«. aerre,proteeting againat iln- t. .<. «^f their namcfl uitl.-.iiii anthority. ITiia moraing Lord Sbafteabnrywiit.s ti. Tht Ttmet thal he ia imt a

meinber. and meana to do nothing more tban remou-Btrate witb llr. Gladatone much good tbal w.ll do,¦Lord Nelaon, tbe Dean "i Carliale.aud Ur. Wilaonnlao w nti-1.. ti.u.- th. ir names off. Lwrd Sbaftesburvcannol overoomc bia repngnance to asso. iating witbDr. i'lisev for any parpooe; laoniy willina lo aol

itely for :t common end." AltoKetner, theopposition aeeuia to be a n>>i.d deal demoralixed. liis natural they ehonld be, since tbe aole effed ofth. Ir frantic efforti w ill i»- a ttrotesl againal tbe ap-pointment, and theymight bave made thal withqniet and dignity. ao made, it wonld bave had nu»reOl ll BH WCigbt, Iatat tlieil \ lul.-liee ls a -i-.llliliil t>. ihi-church it. whoae behalf it ia employ. d.

Aineiii-an iiiails.ii iln- lMh. by tbe CiBbipCbina, dne tbia morning, have n..t been re*

ceived, and will nol bc diatributed till Monday. Thiaia the aeventh Bocceaaive areeb in wbicb they baveiaih-d. TheGermanateanier, witb inaiiaol the 12th,iillived ye-t. Iilav. and tho Nm 11 " nian

steamer will be al Bonthampton to>m. rrow, nnd ¦ eshall have ber mail-- of the 14th al tha aame liaMwith the Cuuard in.iils 4.; the 18th, a> u uaL

4,, \S. s

1 OBD i'l l.'HV.

I.4.\ii4.v, «'rt. -¦..¦ 'Unity t.-riis aao LordBrongham was raportedto ba killed i.y bt ing throwai.nt of a gig. and th<- Jonmalawera BUed with ad-mirable artklea on hia 1 tuuna ta and carai r. No nc-nl. nt had 41.1 -ui red. and people aaid Lord Broaghamhadhimaelf sent tbe report ol bia death to the preaa

,\liat wi.iil.l I..- s.nd of bim. Tba napicionabowa ei wbal tbi d aai thooi iit capable,Lin.l l ri.y cannol i><- ot onaed "l thia adtoitneaa In-died.il is iiii.i-'i. tu bis chaiaoter. Noeaamyaao-pected hi in nf being otherwiae tban fcarleaa, reckless,and open. All anhterfnga ia oppoaitetobiaebacao-t,-i. iinli-eil. bia death has bean ao deBberate tbal beini_;lit say to the jniiinal.-is a- Cliiiili | II r-aid to biictiuitiers -.

" Gentlemen, I l.'-;' your pardon f"r beingMieh aa nneouacioiiable time dying.' la. limeihaa;t dead department, where H tr. aaaaaa iteetereetypedcolnmaa <d Uvea aad obaraetera, ready draa n, to beaaedata aaoanenfa aotioe af tbedeatbef a_aaa .<'.

in.uk. Iln. .M.'utiiiciiii hasloeg farnl i Tht DoBtjiih it - ailKiiralilc limrraplii. al notici s !"J aaa

on theae ocea loaa; bnt if every eailnenl penonage.vo.ilit iiniiate Lord Derby.tbere woald baampletime to pcepara tbe Bnal eetimate of tbeaa. J'oi ¦

fortnighl lns death waa expected before it oeoorred,and many aaid he wonld delayibta departnre antilih.- Land Qnestion in Ireland bad bean detmtad.A polltiinl I'ower liils iiassi d i.nt "f tin. .111 Ie ol

b politiea by Lord Derby's deatb. TbeCoo-nervat ive center la aow loooe aad limp. Whea LaadPalmeraton died every partj 1 ll 1 lief .'li repre-aented a eontrnet. Ele waa a real piditieal Cannte,whodii] iveaof party, "Thns far sbalt thon§0, and no laitlier." itini the wavas obeyed bim, llr.Cobden aad Mr. Brighl did aol acraple V'nothing woald ba done while Lord Palmeratonliv.-.l.'' Tba whole poiitiea] atmoapbere waa an dwben be died. Tbere were politieiana, not personally dialikiag Palraenrton, wbo did n..t aerapla topuldishthat.the world waa whoh tienbiaLordabip ih aaaaaiBal \\ Itb all Load Derby h lai.ks,be ins|.iies fei-iini-- o! more resoec. aad regrel .iml

though hia daath briaga ho;..-. n is nolaaaaaiatadwitb eoatenpi Lord Derby aaeeeeded IbeDoheolWellington aa tha arbiterof Conoervative dantiay.on any greatqaestio-i tl.e i»nke ol Weliinglea eaini-ti the ipaaziea of three foartha ol the Peera in lns

nockat, and Lmd Derby, more 01 leaa, did tba s"'i"

thing.Tin-Lnuli'-ii people. ¦.¦> .'t rnle, prcfer an esainenl

manwbogoea wrongwith ;il) hik bearl aod witb a

hashof geaiaa abonl biaa, lo aea aaa, with trrorleaanu di..1 nt\, keepa in tbepraaaieline ol propr««t.v.And tbey ralhei adnin. 1! Loul ll. rl.y for bia niiU'iiilioent rashuess. If* bad long been aterrartaavwymaaol pradeaea or Bbrawdneaa beloaging toWeparty. When Deanoeraey waa lial attaiaing palitiealIm. e 111 this coiintiy h. .-iT.noiiii4.il it to l.ehihin.s-

H0M tosiem lt. whieh (.'itt li.ie.l uli the I.il.eral for.:.-8

onitseide. Jaal below tha gaaeaal electioo, nponwbleb tbe fottnaeaof I.ih party most tmn, he tookoe.-asioii to i.roeliiiin thiit Lilieialnin icqaind M batiiii/./i.-ii. A more misi ln. rona m daageeaaa phaaoaooald aot bava iaaaad Brom Coaaarvativa lipa His

party. while paaadaf bia kadeiabla, baaa b ng beeafe.itiidof th.-w.-ivin wbleb bOaBceemattabed <t. Tbey1.. 1 a hjuiMfii.tii.ii as ia-poambleaa U aaaJd w lade-.. nt to.-xpr.-Msthiit th.. s.ept.i of power has paaaadfioinl.is l.iin.l.s: .111.I the Lil.. rai- have tiu-ir own

¦aaooaa laa eeataa-platiag witb ooaiplaoMiBjr thasaiuie evint. Ior BO ..ne leinaina wbOOB persoual or

tia.litioiial t-laiins u|«)ii ihe Tory fbTty tbD OOmmMMl01 large aad i.iimi ¦ (ollwwtag aa UdiU ©.***? *d*an.i bhadaeaa la nll eaaeatia] to latj onHy.Wheii Laad stanley was (.iitndajdaaa ia the Lil-

c.il niiniMiy a fewymis Otjbt ht went ilddeiilydOWR lO Knov.hley to .-uiisiilt ii.s UOUk latl.il' v, ln.!..Im fi.t.ii.t in th.- UUianl rooio. Utaalejrti aaddeaanpearanoe took Lord Derby by aorpriee, wit... naa-

1,1.-ti.i.i.pi.iiiit Ior it, akknl "ll.i\i- V4.a inaititd ? M

has Di/./.v follewet] tl.e pxample nl l'.>tl(.. a^l..il.-tl BUcii-tftUiiy Lutxi ttiii .u.it-i.i-v at tbe tt--ii_, iB

proof of tho vivaoitv aml 1888-888 hvity awtneiatedwith Iho poblk iiiipreasionM ol the 188888881 Barl.In bia pataonaJ ralat-ooa t<> tfcoea aioaad hiaa I-^rd

11,1 in was oerupulouoly eonidderate. Btnoe timoilim lie sellt foi | lestoler tO WBOBB bewifl-rOdlOintrnol some repaira ef piotnrea. Being nnwall tbeartist prapooadtogoopto bioroom. 'Hn* bedeelined,m the frooad th.it bc woald m>t tronble tho gei tlo*maii, aml l.oi.l Deiliv hohhlotl doWB toa room eon-veniellt toi tkfl lliterview. Thero ho Hliowod thoragaidfnlnoBB wbieb was obaraoteriotle of him. Hoexplained to the artist that hia only roaaen foraewd-in« for him was tlie temporary illness of tho aentle-man he iisnally exnployed, aml whom he abould againeinploy ko ooon aa he waaraeorered. All this iiidi-cated the ntiiiust ,-oiisideration and eoiiitesv.Wnh ragard to ins tonaotry, bo was. on ih,- wholo,

a oatiafactory lamllonl. not axaeilr popob_r. hnt oon-aiderate aad fair. He did hia tenaata jnatioe whereba a, ted at all. aml his peraona] indnatnr, whieh waaoonaiderable, eapeeially In all thal related t<> tbemanagementof his eawtee, enabled bha to deeidawith iiitelliirenee i|ii,-stionh iel.it ri ir to hia teiiantry.Some time ago ho pennitted a weD to ho Btopped apin hi* iiiimo in a diatriet m bere tha inhabttanta weredepeiideiit iiih»ii it for water. It is very likoly LordDarby .vonld havo giren way had ho Ikm-h oolicitedas :i matterof favor: hnt if his rigfaU W6ra in (paflfl-tion bfl would nol ftTO a_y if aa ,-ntiro distnet par-labed from dronth. ntiless tho law, to whieh hoWOnM appeal nn,kr anystonu of ohloipiy, de,8888againel him.ln ls.Vi Lord Dorhv lefnsod to tako oflioo ftRain. to

liopromllv said ba oonld only le.1,1 it by tke OUflflr-anee of his f,M-s: aml siihseipieiitly lt W88 left to Mr.Diaraeli, who had leaa pride, bol more amBiuea. taoondfld a Miniatry umler tins hnmiliation.Snch cbargeaaa thoao of loeanaeaB wbicb aro natrit-

intlly bronght by whole diotrictain Bnckinghamshirerngmmti the Dukeol Bnckinghan were never bronghtagainal Lord Darby, Ha would be biffa haiidad, mi-

perioua, hnt never meaa. Tne only political iaatanceWbicfa COOld he l.rouirht aiMinst Inm wa.s ono wlin horiginaled in thc rery otrengtb of bia pride, und tbatwas when Bfl sfat.-il, a f.-w ve.ns BgO, that tt was mi-

poosible that llr. Brighl conld.at any tinje.be ta-trnsted with tbe fonnation ol a Uiuietry, ao Her Mavjeaty woald not raoeiTa him iit Coort. tkeie waadioconrteay t<> tbe Qneea m thioannouneemont, aoIhi Majeoty io sii|,t.iis,-,i tobare no proferenoea a lierel,or " liilthfill Cotiilii,.,!-. havellidieated t heir opiinonhv uivinir a lea-ler ainonir them B oignal inaim it v,and when- the mtereetaof tBe conntry are eonoerned.It waa impoaaible for Lord Derby.witb biabichpo-triciai.ii'.ns. io Imaginoa Bocbdale ottonapinner.uml lhat cotton ipinnera Qnaker. reeeired ;it -ourtat all; hut thal be (.hoiihl he re,.-i\.d v. ith |pncinnowelcome, and be peraob.U7 popolar th.-i.-. m.ls a «ii-

..uinstanee that nov.-i enteied into tne bom ol tbamost imagiaatiTa memhti ,,f tho illu.siiii.u.s house ofDerby. ,Lord Derby had many funona poMtaffea <.f arms

with (>'(',.nii'.-ll and Bhiel, a ho were a matcfa for himin hia moat fiery.lo; and he had alao conteatedPreoton witb II.nr. Hnnt.afai.laradical <>i fmnn-rK.-lieialion. h.-tler '-.liuWn 88 "<»rator llniil. WllOwaa atrong in priuciple bot feeblein Rrammar. nnds,,i, ed to a greal falling <>n in the aopiratea. V\ boaOrotot lluiit did get into the Honoe ,,f Parliament,lh, nmro'fmoatroaJignantaatirenpon hmi waa tapiint hmapa cbea exaetly aa he di liTered them. It¦uighl ati..1.1 th,- Bngiiob public amuacuienl ilit would do tbio now with Booae ol tbe oratoia <>ilhe Iinii-.- 011 i-itli. 1 M.l. ..I il rhe li'il-he.l amlii,-, \ eloqtience ol fonng Btanley -raa, io thoao daya,.1 aplenditl contraai a itb lhe tnrgid and furioui ore-lmiis o| ilimt. Hut i,v thioexperieneo Iaord Ilerby\M-1I nml.ist.I the Kadioal politiciana ol the IKfitype, aml waa inrpriaed to flnd In Brighl andCobdeua' m a ordei "f men and .t nea quality .>i power,whod<.dt wnh what th'\ uml, islnnil. wero ma-teis of

., lh,- l.u,lii.,-.-«. ni whi. h lh. \ ...iiiii bfl .1f.-ellielv stuli-,|. un,I l.u 1,1 llell'V 11 .i-1 the WOB8I Iflman., an em ouniei.

CUBA.Ol 1, im. i\ I! 1111 -.

ll ,\ iba, Bot, pa Eagle, fr-.m

New.York, aad Yaaoo, fron Pkiladalpkla, ba?a binved h. 11. tlu- f'-itm r

' ''"' lattBBtkisaaoraiag. Admiral i'..Uoited Btatea N.u...a,.-.,mi],imi.-<l hv Aiaeriean oi -ul Plamb, bara aathai., 1 itb thc eptaio <" neral.

1111 < \ri mn OKXEBAl '- rOI B.TIlVWA, KOV. 3. I'-M't y'o n. I',- 1.', ,.¦.-" will hai.-

ll.n.iiia to nii-ht >.!. a tour >,i inapootion. Duringins loiinioy he will \ isit < n-nf.i, :¦. - :m<l Otkflg j-art-i.l ll.e island. I . . .,1'lain <¦< 11. l.d Will he 888488

panied by his Becretary aad staff, aad will probobljbe abaont abont ten daya Thi rate ..1 d.aai "f

tbe 8peaiak Bank aaa keea redaeed to t pet eaat.Tbe .i.iitiil.-n,,- of Uw imi. h.uits uf llij.m.i in tha.-i.ii..iiiy ,.1 tin- 1'..ml. .-ii mu.il.i lucn aoiug.

IHI LILIAlfV 1.1 w,Ki v W1-1. 1 la., N". Thfl -'1.,, r W. 11.

Claar, from Naasaa, arriTed here tbia aaeraii120 men who wera taken trom tka Cuban BteameiI.ih.in. Bha waa aaptared by tha Eagliab antkortttoo

,11 while at ii:,'l.oi in the li.il'."!. I !,,- \,--Iis s.11,1 to bo haillv ii.-iuH-d aml oendamnod aa bi oaa

worthy. Tba hai.u,,.- ,.1 tbo Liliaa'a erea aro al,n N.I--.HI.si OSOI - IB im < BAM m:mv.

A piitati- h'tti 1 fi<uu (iin. .loiilaii. liiltli 11

oeived, apoaks la tBa BlgBaattaraa "f tka Uoiftty, IBoun.l lhe fli.'ellty of th-BflgrOflO Ifl Ins e.iipt i.f

tin-1 ui..ui ainv Tka whlle aoldlen lerra witktkanMitlii mt )4 mli M. aml 80 *- i: *-: * la ll. |n |ii, I,, ,- ,1 ,',,«,n.

timt in inm) eaoea tin- i,,,n ..i.ui.,--..ii,. ,1 ufBren or«BclocttMl fr,,,ii amoag tko Olaaka, aml iholr.ntaroaraubt-roti t,v w int,- .1- toell 11- i",.< I. -.'i'li.-i.. in M.n.r ,-, ¦

i'liii*. nn- in -i.i l.y inalattoeo, a-ko aoaal eltk aotrouble lo govenilag Hnn white iiiUortllnaleo, lleo.,l,ii il in i-ays tlu- in L-n, lii.'ips ''., lu is 'J.-.i .." Ue ir lulilt-reourodeo, aml aocuellmea IIm oorl an alliu, ka, aad an oooimaoalod hj 0 m ^r.. Boowoaali 0 aaoaa.1I..1 aoltlii

in 1 ,-i,'iiiil tu tke wantaof tk« Cuban army,nao Joraon-¦ 1 Imi -ill !> l.i.ii.l ln, 1, J,,- a lilin, Vilii-li Iif

-.us u" 111 > --it v fm laklng iluiarlca.Iiera toi uke toli-llt Iier Iiilltli-H. Ile iii.u' tlunlj-j I11.1I :. "." OT .I.""' k.'.."..'

... in., 101,11 KiiJi,-. 1:1 001 ki in -. an -t---.i-iiii.iltn tiie aurceao -t lb« looui. .U .! ..- aiiiii-iiiir- ,111.1111,1 Wbicb ln i.IkH.i/i- ,,,11,- ,.f un11, t,< l»<-

lii 1. iii liy K.I ei'ii ,,l, V, nii Ihi- 1.1,11,1,, r

oftm tj \iii,i ii .mr,. .,11,1 a iiii'-.ti ouppli ofarmaaadamuiUDiUoo,be i» conBdonl Ibal th* linlepeiulcuce >,f< uii.i inu-i m.,i, 1,, ralued, aml thal, ioo, wllboul a d<mtrturc from Iko nitxle ,,1 warlare followed fron tka beoiiiDioaol tlu- revolullon hy Ibe patrloto. Tfceji baraalwavi octed .,- elvllUed people, wblle tbe Bpaniarda

;i, ,1 a ln,,-l I,.ill,,rl,,11- !, !.' Ij ueliert-d tlieir priaouera. oud bavo oven uiaoaacrtid women

Irei in their otlempu to oruab tbe oplrlt ot r<--

lii-ilion. Tbo writer ipeaka olowliiKlj of tke aalubrlouatiiin.iti uf Cuba. lta anleudiu barboro, ita foreala of Umber. aod lta tortllo ooIUand bold thallt were o akameforom Uovernmenl toallow Uila tmaauieloollp tbrouab

bI tb, rerj Uiue wben poaa, Ioo cau bo nwol

im 11 t.

XfeeUtd ill l}iii'.'al Ni'v.l.iir^li Wllh lliei-uitii Baward aard ky. MareBel liartew aaa aa aBBHagfaith |a tka tiailit.iiii li.iinli 1! il'iuii t>V ln-. pn-.l. N168008.tliat iko Baaalfl lalewdedao 0 enatoar. andtkerefofakecpabor uuder ourvelllauce. Tbe public will aave a

pi..i in'i.t in iaii'-'i, uii,-ii tbey I'.tin ii,.,' Ikajraobiuai...11. .1,1 im.- imi,I. a. ni"l <.«,uiil imi poaaiblr IraoatMirlt,, t nli.i ,,r anv Otber li.1.1:11 |,"H i."".- H'->11 live iil.li-IhhIi, ,1 in.-ii ainl a i."v. lo addillon to'kor crew of tbreoM-aioeii, a luiiii, und an euRiaaer. Bko la aow kotoafor.ulabed uini oew bollera preparatory to a crulee aronnd

,,1 duriiiff >'"' ll"'1'" ornmer, « heiber lhe-. ni aii.,u bertofloa pleaouriua, er wkatkal U"'

cnii.-i iN-.n K" wnh iier, 1-, 00 )it, aaaarai


ToitoN 10, Ontiiiiu, Nov. :i. -'Ilii- I'liiliuiiH'iitni 1 riiiai 1,1 "a- >>p< 11. .11 Uo .iM.rmiiiii by Qeo. BewlaadLln hlB 8|KM!ib ln-11 I, is tu tlie iii.1111,linit liarvcsl, tin-ae

tiMtv 111 inaiiiif i.-tnr. 10 aml iihtav ent.-i |,ri-'", llieln-reaaed and Im reaalaa u. uniml foi iakor.aad Ike aucce»a

,,t ti,,- meaoareo taken tu protnot* emlaraUoa. He1. ,0111111,11,i' Inereaaed egkrta aad expeenlturao t<> Im.ime .1 .tin larv'ert-ihiirriiiioii u> Ontiiii.., itii'i aaiic_n_eatbal thn I'riiviiK-iai it-vi-iiiif tiie aaal faai im, aaaa flMratbaa adoquata t<» tka detaaado. Tbe Ooveraor alao ad>rot-atea protleei adraaeeo froa tke puMIe okoal to re-1...1H1 Un- au.iuiji 1.111,Ih ,,I Iko I'rovli,,',- Ii) iii,un.iK'*-


KI'llllAIM K. AVKUV.The Ohio State Joiunal hihiiIm tlic dcatli

lu tliat Hi-ti. of a mau wlio nearly 40 ynara atro wa. eoti-

iiet teil witli a trueedv vrln.-h eiiua^tl n Breul atuiaatlou 111

MaaoaeBaaaota, aad axartei daaa mtrreMt ikraagBsad the.-..niitiy. Ain,nt tka yoar iaaa. tka kodjr al aymingfiii.ii.iiiii-il rturali A. Cunicll of Full Kiver W88 foOBd 0/tkflBtda af a aayataekt ta u iu-1.1 roawta fi>>m 11,,, aiafcway,wkara it u.n oppeieat aBc kad beea murdered uaderan, 1,10ua Ircnmataaooa. tpliraiiu K. Avory.a |,<>|.iitarUx tiiitiii-it uniiiNter, of wIkjbo okarek tka k't' aaaa -'''"''ber* wao arteatod oa oaopktfoa of balng Ike parpo»r84i»iof the ien ilili- 1 im,,, uml lil.-.l Unn fur, both b) 8-0.81-aatli-ul aml clvil eoarto, Tlt t-n-|f8l_-tleal eoiilt iu-

i|,lilU-il 'iiiii, wllh full t-onvii-iloii of bia liiiioeeiiee, amlu,t rr\il tourt falltil to iiiaktr a ciimi a_ali.at builII ml iliBCliurjjwl Iiiiii. liui tli.it did not 8eH|*!thc «|ut-8iioii of ii.a innoeoaoo ka tln> ududiot laa paeata; aad ankaaak be <-ontinued to|,;..1I1. riiiitiiiiinii; ii, iur iiihilatrv ln thia Htalo for aev-tial yenlH, h. roiilii IMlt mUITO the nii.pli-ioti err.ateilomunal i.uu, aud ao laaBy roUrod fiom tka miiiiBtry ond1, .,i.veil to. Ohio t.. Kt-, 1, |hl. (Jt,,f.L ,,.| frredOOB froiu an-

,-j. .it.t-.- J\ln,ii ln c,iiu llol eipot-t ln .M-naarliiiaella.I 01 tkfl laat*! or Hyoora Mr Avery iiaaletl tlu, llfe of auiiMtoaimtuaaua qnlel faru.rr at, rnuni-td, Oblo. Mhere],, ,in-i|.)!i Uie 2 >'l "lt rotiit; to tli,, irrnvr witli tl,.- n-Bjifflaml rttttul ol b.^ neiRiiUttro aod atjoiimiiUuotjo. Hib a«urt;iii-it. aaa <o oaaBB


Tht. rcunion of the two lcading' branches ofthe I'resbytcrlan (.'tiur. h ln the United Htutiy. la now

ji.i'tiially an aecompllahcd fact. Tlie negotlatlonswbich bave l__eu peuding between the (Jencral Aaseni-bllea of the two purta, ever alnee their provldentlal incet-

inx ln st. I-onlfl ln lMfi, havitij. at laat been brought ta a

eatinfactory terniiuatiou at tbe nie-tlii|._ lu thia city last

May, have now been acte.1 upon bv tbo lower Ju.llcato-riea. The proposnl made at tho taat-nanieil dat.-. VM

(4lnil.lv tbat tin- i.-iiiiiou bc oEotttt npon llic basls of thoHoly Senptiirea and tbe orlj-inal, iinch.itii. <l _«t .1 miai tl_

Bf ilii.-trtii.il government of tbe l'n-sl.yteiian Cliunli.

Thu intH baaa IbnoaHj aahaalllad la Ihe Ptaebytoetee,)ust aaa eoiiatitiitlon.il inncmliiient ia sent down to tlioHtate Letf.laturrn; and llttaOgB it wua not constitution-ally neces. ary tbat tbere aliould Ih. uiore than a ma|orityof PreM.yti ii'-s in ita favor, tbe reqiiisltioii by tlie As-

-enililles tbat two-thirdsof tlie Preabyteriea shoulil rat-

uy haa baaa aaaaa thaa aattalad. Tbo ehlaf opaesltlonku.*. been in tbe < Bd Scbool.tlio votes (M far as recen .-dup to the date of tbia writlnc) bfint, ua foliowa:rretbx/terieHYoting Against the Fropomd Bbiit of lie

vnion..Weat Lexington, 3 for, 5 atritlU-t; Hia/.il, I .,

llu.laon, 12-19.Freibyterie* Voting For the /_.*._. hnt not rnammoutly

Nortliui.iberlaiid, th-1; 1'otouiae, 12.t; Wost Jer_ev, M-«; Haltlmore, 2.1.|S| Hurlin_ton, 7-5 ; Harllan, ».1

Donegal, 20-2 N.pw-Ca-Uc, tt .1; Hi.litll.|{don,|38-23;< arllsle, u-6; Nortb Hiver, IB-t| Lafayette, 1--3 ;I'otiml, 8 1; Newton, II -4 Coneonl. 2-1 KiM'k Kiver,14-«; Warreu, l'J-c ; Hteui.i-nvill.-, 42-1 Cblcajjo, 33.1;/.aneaville, JI-11; Ulooi.i.i.-ton, 31.7 ; J_u.i_.rae, Vr-3 ;Kiilrtli lil, 25-3 ; Long Ialand, 2*.-2 ; Vineennoa, 12.5 ;l_w.s. 7 »',; H14n4.a_1.on, 20-2 ; I-uumvillc, a 4', MlaaouriKlver. 14.2 ; Dea Molnes, 21-1 ; Fort Wayne, 17.3 ; Iu-

tllanaiiolia, 15-1 ; Hu. ipiehiiniui, 11 2 |Paimyrit, 17-1;I'liila.lell.bia, 21.4; New -Y.u% nll but 1 m f.tvor New-

Oetaaaa,! i; DaBagae,..T; W.Baeeavea.ii Tkaa*.ylvitnla, 1-.' -fi HebiiyliT, 21.1.

Fritlit/hrir* \oliny Lnaittiioniili, in fOOtf, WtOt Vlr-k'i.iia, riiiiaib-ipiint BaaaaBt, Oaaaaetleat, BUaaBethtewa,M.iiiuii'e, Viiiton. kiil.t..ne, l'.i'liieah. Ht. Clalravllle. Ne-

..-in., New-York BaeoadtOstaa_baa, VaaBvlUe, TopsBs,li.wa, New All.anv. Muncle, .-'rankllli. IFSSStBT, l_'_.ins-jiert, ('.ilifofiiia, 8t. Paul. Moh.iwk, OlOgea, Marlon, I'.il-

eeHae. C_»wiariBVI___, flailay, MTaahlagtoa, <¦¦

r.ivet, l-'iiiiloiiilorry, .ixfonl.JHol.s.on, Milwank,-'-, l.al.i-,I'.-i'ii.i.Tiiis aaaaaa a total ef Moat ef-taia Preebytarleei

nut latse iiifi.nii.itiou waataaaa the aaaanass thal tbefnii iwo-tblrda bave poatttvely ratlfled IBa baaaa

] iie-i'int with win. bthetwehedlasspptoaehi.eholhetK of BSaiOS, 4.nly p.trti.iilv tkbfmjbi in tlii-14 vi.te.s.

Tbere baa beea a pretiy atraag appoeHtoo, iutag IBa.11 i.r piaaa ..f roaal.now ihrowi salde, amoag

BBBBB Bf tbe Nintli H. .-.l.-in paittora 111 UM Ni--.vSilii.nl;imt it ls (teatttvely Baierstssi lhal taal opposWea la aa>

H lnll aw 11, alail tbat tlu-at tlt il'I'-i.f tl.e Old -ib.""!,aaatawa 111 tin- i.iiii-i..1 AaaaasBlj laat May, wlll givegeaaaal istlifBiHy Ie taoaa p a aseert.iiiuii aaw oaly ti"- __.ssByler.as iea_alatag t.. htii.-.mi fii.ui tb. 1.-h.t.e in4ii imt two reteseast aa t'.e

N._ s.iiuui siiii) iou.. 111 Aii.aiiy, aaa m tl.eIBetitol «.f OatasBb - tha renBton.but ii..t otb.rwi-i' a BtBgla v.iii'.- Bpttfted, eiili.r iu

A--.ini.;t BrPreahyterlea,agalaatieaak_aoatbibaaVs. in iiu-11..I M-iioi'i as IBa vetss aBew, tBona ver) diflSraai wntlawt. but^u n.> «.f thaae ara lo ba4-xpuii.i ii ii \..inpii-, tbere "f IbePra-

la Prlacetea Bemlaarj (Um ehief balwarB of OMOt ii""i srU-oBoz]). aBe rela ia "'>. BS_ratlT« f"i Ihe aakanf lu.-i-ii in > ailh iiu 11 prevloas dselaratloaa. bot whowlll aet oaly aet ataad la Ibe way ofthe letttemeat afiiff.ur-., imt wi.i-n .-114-1) .imt beartily aid lt. miawBli>. tin- dispoettloo ut 1. beUeved bj thoaa wae ihonldklii.wi Bf n "'t "f the OM >' b"4'l .ob rs mIio li:.

proalaeal m IBeli nppssltlnn 10 t."- i:.-¦ *..r,. i.-. u .-. - do .'"t eome into ti.e

new glspeaaattoa kladly. Tta reoerable Doetor,Bubsil J.. baa rsalgaed bia !.n>f. toraBlp ;.t l».m-\iiio in a b.ir.i. ti-ii.-tii- letter, la wBteb ta delana bia 11.1.-n11.>n mt ta'¦¦¦ tt

tin- lastltat-Oi, bB powi r "f AB al froai aajaee baa

beea pialsaisil la so sxtraonUitary a ¦aaaerw aaayf"ire, ni .i' i-.' i" foaes, ui" 1; ihat scbool 1.

Hiiiiii'.st.v \t1ii. ti Iln- r.iiiil'i'--!it t> r l.ui (iiliveiiti.in (l'blla-

ilclpbla, l-t.7,1 kliidleil in tlu- p ilii.iii-b's liiri-t .!."-. imt

-11 iu to i.i-1 v. n taaeMerlag bal ta la tta oaly maa atabastaaeaa ataadaf Boeoodlttonal besflUty aaatiiiiiiii. Dr. whi.uni r.tei-kiiiriiitfi-. al mtt tmeoaata, waspraaeBlag Bgalaal Ita ¦ovosBsati bal ta hasretteodfroaa bii lata proaUaenl posttlofl la eeoaeU. Tta radoabv

',, \tiio la .mti Bvei \ thlag, li "f eoai -..

iiiiii-i einiiity ti) tta atwBeflove; battahss'.niipii ni-.- lo brlag iii-* frm Okt rnVtm OtmmtnmtaluX loun 111.1 (i.ii.i.ii: ttkl II Ie Tkt 1 krimmm OktarterotBteh'

u.i ii.t-. iiai.i.'.-'i .-'liti'iiai Haepsrasaalearsa.Bs-ing now 111 tta N"it!iW'-t MelriBg ii-.ii'ii. 'iin-ni...-t

, ui iiius pBssa sf ..pi'.'-ii.".. lo tha rennloa sf Iba rr. -i.y1,. m.iI n.liBM fi" 1:1 //"¦ I"Imrrh Ubkmt, wbn ll ib-pu-r.iliil

iltsof Ita m.i) IseembHei aa iBdiealtng aa bi-

ji.t.let .ihini.-iii svsrgoasral Cbrletlanuu laersaalag lenaeaeyta saeBs

ttii-. ».'iii- t, iii up ibe wholeganlest, 11 ni.1)' '" .i-.iiii i-'-'l ti.it tin rt. u a

1 ii, -in.ii afssllaa tl.at tbia ia bat Itall!, t >t- p H'waid ('.'nt .ti.in reutiion tbit Ita

i,,i miu-iit ny tin- aPaaaprss-qrlsrlaa Oaaveatl. by ttari-.i-iit BvaagslloalCoaaell lo Haw-Yerk, aai by aU tta

m Conreatioasw wnlcB tn tBe last .Iwa .>r three,,,, aat 1, the < vin. anea af an " avai

Hiiii,,., " fieliin.'. ls iican-r. I.y I'-a-oii <>f tiiis r.-nt.i.iti ofUm Vew aad OMBaBoolPreaayterlaaa it aaa Ball mtt¦ad. at tta iral saaiH fiBTtntt*". ***** roanlea asaoegalt Annririii. IVi-hIi) teriaus eoubl not «i-ll atlvam e ...tlll

Ita ayaapalBBa tatwoea Ita two alreaiy aaareal togetherluu. 11>.tn- i'liiy ih'M i"i»-.i. i.nt tbai ibe geaeral ,a_lgBt

*mrj sni.ii ii.n.iw npon tin- I'ltt'i-iii.ti n-iiiii .11. Tin i-4- 1.. ,1

i'i.iu (tBa wsall ef tta raiaielpBIa Osaveatleal _tiu

peadlag. __teraaart,_eraamia saaeomnaw Presbyta11.1:1 |i. ttliii-.i. tta 1-BW .-t.'.'.l. OM --s.il""!. Initi'd, Hn.l

RefonaeiPreebyterlaai sauttlag la thti eategory tlu-

C111..1.11 i.ni.1 people, ata ralaaiarUy vithiraa .>u

aesoaal sf tin ir own Bi.Buaalaia, an.i tin-

i>. foiiii.-'i (Dateh), wbo ¦eret aaaaa fally lateiiu- B-Ofssasai 11.1-4 ni.ttiir B valtlag, by a

im t of aaaaral eoaasat, aw tta ssaaamn_al_sa sl tta . W;u,.i Bea Hohool reaaaafc Altsr tii it, mom nsa ktttmn

09* I.. looBedfoc Tin- Bagalar.lniwastiteai 1 oaraa

af uu i.ein-riii m.ioii of H"' Pehawei PraaajrterlaaalaMspooilag tin- tarj ¦ m Qeorga 11 Maarl

\ilin li.ol bO. 11 tta ni'ivi-r. iu tbeir owti pn-viiiiis Syned,of tlu- l-.ii.il'i. -I'i t.i..01 OOBVI 11 tn.11.Im- iiiii.litin-:.

ti.e reaalsn aibrta rery ilibwal, wltaoatieaBt,froniuiiaitit as ui. 1 bave aataially beea IBa aaaaa laiaea11,tl |mpi tion of Ibal d.fioiiiliiiilioii. .1. B Ball knowu, uiade,.,.M.|, (.:li|.i ultli Mi. Sl mn t, aai bave bf tbeir wilb

irawsl mrhraalj i"in"-'i iii<- ttesaad yel bmms ai ateaeitta iiiiiii'-nr. un.i imi".rtaaea »r tii.it aaaemiaatlea. Bseelill i-iihi-|i«.llt"lis "f Ilu-se lliive ali'-inly -,'olie eleali

mer to tio- in.'ii.s imw iiniiiiii;. but iii'.ie perhapsure watttog Ie sas tb.-ir aaji 1 l.-ini>. Tta maalofleaa ii.n.iiy tell ls brlag _r.I M tBIsilssasmbsrsd softloaof tta ItsabjlmlSB tBmlly. Ia ti.e Vbttbi PiaaBytariaaClnirtli, Ibe wai i.f lOSSBb 4illb.i4b.Jiy tbt A.ii.rl.-.ni

Miowshlye taa alaa aagai aoforalyi aai asaaa bava.iii, ,i,iv .uni.- fiom tta aeaamaalOB, t"". t.» lha OM or ttan,.\v h, hooi. ah ttt tin- ieaomlaaMoa atam are u»"d lsknow hm tbe "inili-b." now "tbe li. for.d ('liiinli IBAm. rii-a," iiiite B :i tm i.i.-.i iIhiiikIi -1»11 ipiint Isaisaey011 iiu- paet of aoul.- yt u.e iii -st uniii.-iii na towaii i'.*- gaa-nral reuiiion. TBa .llsalt'octeil, sf aOaTSS, Ht .tml aloor .ml

ilo nol filliy n-Joi.e H| tl.e pni-JMitsof tl.e Old atl.l New

r.-u...oii. Tbt-rt> reuuti.iH iu tbi* ialSgS*T ""'> ll"' " 1'1"1

ofL'n.ou" il.iiicl.ea, iinle-ti wo .onsiiitu uUo tl.e few

Wt-lab Calviiilatii' M. IIitMlists, wbo iimy follow Ibe <

jlll|.b- nf tbeu 11 .lD-4 -Hllllll'- lll ..! tll tril ll) .lllll l.v tBSOghthey have nol bagaB >'«_ They are reall> aml to all lir

tt-nta Preabyterlana. Tbo Pbn. >.f l'moi. ohursBsa aie uni

nuineroua, bt-li.K _*___ aa of old, t-l.i. Hy on tbOOl 0111111..11

nrueiitral ici-ounda vthei-e harinuiiy beipa Coagragailsa<u)i-in and Prenbyterliinl-in better tban _1p.1r1.tlou. S11.I1

itMiloMtiil re.uitin wlll.lt laanticip.tli-d, eilher be. oine fullyJPrtiabyteilUI), or elai' ft liltO(.etliel ..v.-i tn tlu-( ol.k'H-

Katlnuallat*- <lr 4'4.urHe, tl.e leailer will uii.leisl.ind ili.it

theae nilxeil CBaraBaa a.e all Ni w, aml iioiu- Dld. Si-Iiim'I.

The 1'reabytery iN -s I ot II.inm illd, luitceil.aggBBaa a

i-i.ti.i-wbut reai'l.itti oj.mii,11 tnAsseiiil.lv lust Hprlnx, tb*nylUK Ita rnd't tt kmmbkt) lO Inlerfen- wltli llio«_

(.burebia ao rouailtutid. There wlll. however, pn.b_lily|M, |l0 (liltlrtilllt-a Upo.i Illl* ki 011.i.t. Hl.cb la therelata.u

wbich the peuding reuiiion of Old aiul New Si-IuniU beara

to tl.a varioua braiiiheB of ll.tt l'losbyl.-rtai. fa.nily wilb

wb.eb there lHanjr prewtnil nopoof uulun. Tlte Preabytor-luu ( liurcb (toutb Im uuderalixMl to fetd Its.-lf inoro all.-intt.-.l

tli.ni ever from Ita aii.liiut ux_»«_-litte. tl.e Old BSbOSllira.iib. IBBW I"*1 Ita Utter haa Uken tlie rtluvei y b.itln«jicm tirntieb lo IU Itearf.

Tbo iwk of j/istiUoal reualou Uaa uot boou l.ft eutirulr

to thejudlcatories. Tbe or_.in« of tho two branebea ln

<-nctui.ull-l_. iYM.)V-r. eilited by J. <_. Msafstt. D. I'

)l.l School, and The Chrixttan Ihndd, tho Kev. il.-t.ie.itK. Babb, Now 8chool-h.tvl.iK -BOg bi?en on terma ..f

wirni intiinacy, parthularlv in tin- SSBBB. af ri-uuinn |fotwhlch Dr. Monfort baa been a leaitag adV0CBte)i ,l-lVc'witlnii a i.iontb uniteil lu oue under tbe Utls l'ntbi/ttrund llerald, and aro eii.l.-avnrii:.,' witb marke.l lasSSSIal ready to iflve tkt (T.ur.-li a better I'n shyferian <wet k.

ly) aenrepeper thoa tta WSeaBaa tttt Bai Beieia. The

.\orth-WeiiteniFre*hytr,iun, a CbicSgOJournal Sf tbe Me-

OonakkorBoattata typs.haa bcen merged Inlothalvenerable bulwark ofthe falth (O.B.) ln IYiuisylvaiii.i,The Fretbijteriutt, with which aome expect, tho.i-l' per-baga preuiaturely, fo 6et. tl.e l'hit.ob l|>hiaNow School or_an, The Amertean 1'resbylerian,aoon united. The Kratujehtt (N. H.) and Tlie obserrer

{it. H.) both in tbia city, do not give any lmlleiitloua offii-ion, whllo both have frotn the llr. t l.eeii eonlial ailvo-

BBtSSSf reunion. The Frenbijterian has been a eautioua

frn-nd, but The Amerirav Fretbyb nnn haa Iwen tl.e repre-

nentatlveof the Nortb Wcst oppo-ition (previoua to thiayear) la tta Msw BetaoLNot a few ebunhe., lu towna where an old and a Now

Church bavo l.een BBlghbofS, bave u.iilertaken fornialleiiiilon on ttoell own acconnt. and after (he i.r.linaiywork of Jolnt oininittees, plana of reunion, te., bavoa.-tui.iiy eome togetBer in advanos of presbytensl or

aynodleal fns-on. One of th. moat raeent caaes of tlusla tbat i.f tl.e Church (N. S.) of Travcrse iles .s|oii_, Miuu.,4-. aiamtars. aud that ol Bt Petsa <o._-.), 12 uss-tara.An lnterestniK fiatuie in coiiiic tion witb tbe reunion

wlll be tbe Invalldiition of such preeedents aa have fot 1.1-

erly been eetuMlabed In ono brancb and uot the other.la either Oeaeral A.s.-mbly there have been" deliver-iiiu-e-" upon many Kulij'-'-ta Wblcb sfford pie.odcnt forrabaeqneot caaea of a like natore. By tht. fmirth of the'.( niicurri-iit De. laratioua" appi-n.led to the l'lan (ntlsti'i, all am ll pree.itelita fall to tlio gronad linles.. theybave bi-en estalili. lu-il boi iu one, but lo lmth Aaaembllea.Tbere are, nf eoarss, a (.reat iiumbi-r "f tbeae bnt thefOllOWlBgwIU abow IBs bearluit of tbe .'tle. laratloit"up.'ii lonie mattt-ra 111 tbo future poluy of tbe uuitcdChineli: ,_

1. Tbe ol'l s.-bnol decided, in 1«4_. tbat marrinjre wlth.1 deossssd wifi-'_ itater waa saaerlptaral. This baa uevor1.11 a .-ul.jet-t of New ... -bool iK.-tiou, and t>' reanloj wllltherefore relieve thal eensMsrabls majorlty of OldBchool people who have long atnee eeaaei to in-lieve inthia earloaa dootrins. 8. Konian Catholic baptlso. waa

<l.-.;liii-.il iuvalid by tta OM School Aaaemblyla lsfi; mi Indefinlte poatponement of tbe auvI'-ct in tin- New Bebool in 1851 will leave tina undeeldei 111

tta united body. a Tbe Old Botaool eoaismasi IBs praO'tiienf hittiiiKiutiuio of publiopraysr.sad IBal of tLervadlng ..f aermona m church by lavuicn lu tta nbeence -.relergyinen, la i-i., both of whieh are bsbbbmm aasgeaoever diseonstsaaaesd la itaVsw tataol, 4. BatmoslInteieatlag aad lmportant of all aro eertaln "deliverancc-a," in wbleb tbe former aplrit or tta <»id toward theNew Bebool bad its sfltat, aml otbers eoneerolng theHiiutbern oliunho.. Tbat aetiou of tbo Old Behool majoi.it 111 taa. I, whieh ruled out tbe couuuiaaloiicr.. fromBva sjii'.iis, wiii, of ooerss, aeeesaarlly amJ parpoaelybecome intalid umler thia plan. tbua uiaxii.K tbe reutiiot).lu ita stiieteat and most loi.il aspect, conalat in tbe10.wpealof tb. Kistiiidlnic Aet of 1__7. Tbe action,,r tta OM Bebool Aaaembly in Vttk ttb, bywhleb tin- ebnrcbeB .idherlnir to the Kebeilton w.-te cutoii' frou. tbe Chureb, becomea Invabd, n_ it of oourse badi,.latsrparl Ib Nea School action; and thia effectuallyt.|ii 11- Iln -il.i.ir Ior IBS r. r tt ru of tl.iise cbiin-li.-a, If ii re-

pentance aufflctent to make them ssek to r. turn. Imuidt.ik.- poaa. --i.iii of their bearu. It abould be a.«i.i.-<l BerethatFrof.Charlea Bodge (O.B.) ol Pnnoeton,wbo baalniiK' been the leader "f oppoaitlon to n-niih.n id hialu-au.-b. Baserta ln T__ PHaeewn Reeitm (Joly. leeeitlialthe " (olii 11 nelli llcelaiatioli.. " DTOpOaed witb tbe lii,Sl-<.aro iml biuding. only tne liaaia it. i ll belug ln 4aeatI0n.ltwill evideiiily l)<- Lupooslbls, however, to avoid re.ultafiii.-h aa tho.-e abovi-naine.l.

idi.oeds. ilons of tta two Aaaembuee win nc-

_iiii.it W.-ilneail.iy, Now.-uiber 1<>, m U.e city of l'ltta-iiair.-li, the Old rx bool ini-i-tliiu iu the I-'irat aii't tbo Nev/School io the rhird Preebyterlan Cbnrcb. Their bnal-M -.1. I.iith s. ii.iiate ainl ciiiliinii. ia to bo eonilucteil iuM-p.it.iteaessiona,tbeactual meetina together of ownA..-mblie-111 mn- imt iHtinjf 111 order until May, 1-.".\i-w CimuH-sii'ii.-r- wlllof eoorae compoae tne Aaaem-lili.-a mr ktatmblj) ol 1-TO, but those wlio wiU aaaeinl.lein Pliuburj- bii'-xt w.-<-k are to ba tta aame peraona whowere 111 lh. A.--.-.ubi.i s i..-t Mar. it ta probabie that tbeKew si-b'a'il wlll alt ontil 8atnrday or Mouday, aml the

ioul a day or two looger, but thia ia onlycon.ee-tm.-. Tbe district bnaiaeai mi each body w 1111,1,iii.ii.lv beentlrelj eompletod bel. reunion mattersahall be taken np. iu the Kew Behool tta ehlef bualneaateuiiiiiiiii.' nvi-r ia .1 report eoocernlng tbo proprlety of a

li.-ii.-.ii auatcntalion fund (on the Bvoteb plan),anotherI. i.invi- ti) .nut4.1. .il i.-itii- ior baptlsmal. marrlaae, p.iulburi.il a.-rvir... nnother ou aasaiplsysi aalaaaeca,another on danclng. Bo. ,

in tii.. in.itt. nf reconatructlonthere areseveral iaa-ii.iu.iiii ii-.ituti-.-. Ti.e united iaaamlily wlil beao larsetbal ihe ra to ol ri pressntatlon mual bealtered. Preabjt. :i. - uo« m ml oue eommlaalonsr t«. Asaemblr foroTery-1 miiu.it.-i.-; thia will,probably,be raiaed to 88. Ibobouuduii. io! tynodi ai 1 preabyteriea will bave to i»> en¬tirely nwrraoged, aa uaay ooeupy wlthln Idantlcal, or

I,.- trlj identlcal, '.imiia ln Ihe two branebea r*apectlvely.Thua the N.8.8ynod ol Kow-York and Bew-Jerseylaupon the um« Kroand.iuainl>-.with the twoO.-Ujynod.,Oue nf N, w t.'lk ikllil tho ntln rnf New itTttT. 1 he 1 14--.-

I,, !.¦,,. ,,,f Brooklyn sndof Long laland, B.8 . tare tbeMine ln au,111 witit the 0.8. ri.-.-bytc-ry nf Long [aland;uud ao ..11 IBroUgliOUt tbe ( luu eh. ilearraliKt-m.-ut in tbew,'-t.-i-ii --v uoda and preabyteriea will plun.ly be of lucai-culable value to them. ThJa tnatter will. probablr. belll the h.lll...-. Of .4 colllllilttee nf p .I'listl IHiinli, appolDtOdbv tbo iiiiit.il A-.-i-iul'py of 1870, au.l to alt diii.iu'luaeaaiona. The rearraagsment,sometlinea entirereor-

Boarda aud Committeea tbrougb wblcbthe i,i-..i \ 01, i.t np' rationa aro oooducted. wlllalM be b1.um11.,ua uuiti-ri.ii.it.!.'. Fheae sre Identical iu numberaml purttoae ni i."th l..»li4-<, only baviug different tltlca;1I1. t i,,i.-, ii.".! calltug tiiipii- agenciea Botarda lafter a lon#.nii dry iniiii hv i-t.-v tnnu Ittt to i^ii'i. and t'"- KetiKchool permauenl Committeea They are t* foliowa:1-.,ieiL.u M.iMi.n-.. Iloine M.s-iniia, Ki. .-.lliicii, l.ducatmnfot MiuUtry, t .ut. h l.iei tion (S. .-», or Exten6 011.. - I'ui.iii-atinii. M.uiateii.,1 Belief (N.8.),or DUablcdMinisi.-is' (O. ..1 1 iii.i. 1. rhe Kew Bchool make theirontiibiitiniii, tnrougb their Commlttee, to th. Ameru anBoard of -omnilaaionera for Poreiaa Miasloua (a oorpora-tn.11 in. il. ot Cougreiptttonallata); but doubtlesa ttatinili.H iiiiuh will witbilraw fortnally Irt.i'i tiiis i.iiinc-

tinii 1« hile li BTing cburcbea al lii'.ity, aa bltherto, to nm-in.iie their.tiii.iitiniia tn tta " Am. in .m Board,tin.11-b iicainiik' them to do otberwlae),andendearor,,, 1,..a,. tb,- preaeat lu>rhlv aaUrfactory Oldgebo. Board 11.0 chiel onannel ol rreabytenau,1,1 i«, l'l.i- !_.. Muaiona. _-. ln the home fleld preference.eemalikelj tobeglven to tbe Nea Bchool Oommlttee,

,1 in .u.i Bcboolaswell aa Now Bchoolim 11 rii. ie wlll ii..-.' to be, how. v.-i, two Been tarles fm-mj imiii. me a ibi'i. i»r. li'-nry Kendsll la the Mlu i, u klnsgi iTe the. ¦¦. iheChureb Kxtei.»lon intereal la at preaent iu such au uiuii-tc-nillii-ii eoiidllioli tll.it tbe wiiole of bolb luulies wlillu.aiiiiiiy in- reconatructed, witb two Seeretaries. .1 in

e above. fhe Old-School Board la located ln 8t.1 ouli Thia pi.in will probabl) bc broksabrotan up, andNi Vork be headquartera for thia aaeuey, aa ll now lafoi all tha Kew echool Commlatteea exoepl tbal of Publl-,,,!,,,, t. rieeillneii. llil> ls a S-illi t'oliilllltt' e iif 1 liilue-Haaioiii in both branebea, and both the presenl Beere-ui. s will very probablr be contlnned. 5. EducaUon.

,.' Miiii-ii-riai u.-iief. i.acb of tbeae Bgenclea wlllbe eouaolidatetl, na the Uat two. 1. Vtion There are at preaent two cou.lderable nrop-ttrtiet ot tta l i.iti-'i Cburcb In tim City al 1'i.ii.t-il. liihl.f tlu- iilil >.-honl l'ublii.itioii llou.-e, HO- 8-1. atultiuit of Uie New Bchool. No. 1.383 Cheotnut-at. A plaatb.ii has beeu Ulked of a.ewhat proposea tbe sals ..ftm- former, and the applieallon of 'be money to the anp-port of Ibe aecond. wbleb bM muob !be iM-.t.-r locationtudedlflce. Tbeuanea Uouaemaj beeatabUahsd.addl-tion iih i«. i"- lot aii-u in thia clty, and be tta i-blcf ceub r

,,i pnsbyterlanlsiu. Tbi* plan proposea no B'eaternbouae bb the Idoa of loeatlng all the agenclea ot ih"Cburcb at one point, rather tban spreadlag Itaa out iu

ii, ,pi\ eltiee, tim.s ni'.-i latror.1,,, i',,.-i,. tei in .'liurili. wben tbia r.-uiiloii aball have

be.-ii luiiv .i.'.-,illi|iliMnil. Wlll s'lM- tl"1 !"!l"Wl!i_. st.tll.Mlcsnf ita i.-i.i.uiiii.K iii.i»i"iis (aa r« tiorted bul w an-

I'ri-K.T '

B«_-Na40 I '.li,,.,-.. " ¦".!It.rm.l I'ri.l'it-riati..

4 41

ii.I Ba f

t._!!'u1'«i..;..r^i,'s'.;-ii.: '....nn, .s..ntb. .''

'¦.. I'^.lni.naa. I.*"'IWvt_rt-l-WMi. aa uaa jaa wjhb

-i-.Ui,. .'.'

ThoBgaueaol the <>hi ..."l Boa Behool dlvuloua -ii

luiseiii (May, laail ......ii foliowa:ii. s. a a i....ii.

riaabilaiaa. '¦"1,J,Sl,..r.. .-7.i

r.. * '

f,...,.,-li,l,..liU.an l.ii - iiii, thr raat)

t.i llu - + .7 I.K)ll. III.

i-.ll. .¦II1..I.. -.- >J

l-_l.llrat_iu. IM»I <.'"..iit.-li K.r.liiiu. li''"I«**-'_2

Mtaiatcrial i:.-l.wtKr-tih.i-u. IUMfiialBi|iaiii. ih.*3,ih».i I ta*i.«»i"''-i*Tlus takaa ..f eoarss rspawsals a mtirh hl-i-i- ¦nmber

sf psnsas wbo atay pruperly bo called Preabyterlaua,tllolU'l. II.Ul 'Oitimil.i.i -tul... liiin- .411.1 th' "'.' lol.'-ls lo-

Kitber huve beeu recknued aa hlgli aa i.uat.oou ln nll.Th.- Preabyterlaua boM Ita ibird r.mk lu nfiinherof ootnmunleanta aranua ti.e Prutostnui --.d u. n..-

li iie.l Htatea, the MeibodUta baviua (lu laari oti-r -.im',-aee. igivingti,o_o.im f... rortlgu uml doiu««tio .i.'-m...i.m.a...l.l,elli,,.t..|i(..ll.-.....M. I...S-J.-1.V At.er ih- Preaby-,,., i.n,... ti.e l.,.«lii'_ 1.-.I- alva UlB fnll'.-'Mnv' 1,1. ,. lie.-:('i,p..,,_..tii'i...n-(i. _.".-!¦¦¦:.: Luttariina, ..-.-- l.|'--.",'..-l, ;.,», ui.-.';.: 1: r..i 4.,. .111«.... i- iiit** KtJionutd Htate-iniiii), n».v_'._; UulvtrraalMln.mtnykW

MNLAV Hili.oi. I OH- BKTK-If.Sr. I.oi is, Nov. '.¦..'.''"' N:ttittiia 1 l.aptist

Baaaa) » seolOaaiasatai bbm asB susoisi. Tta K.-t.

fn.M |. a,.|,.|-s..i. 4.1 Neiv-Y'.ik :. 1.11.>-.._..I llt. 4 .IM,-',

HaaoattanBillaaaagaBaB.taH BrhSMl letha faanly.The Kev I' I mtttttbtt I'ellli-ylV.ililPi -pnl.c nll Iln ll l.lli .nsi.r tlu-HiiiiiliU 4H,H<a.l t.illietbiiiell. nn.1 th. Kev.,1.

K I',,I.r i-f New .l-rn-y nn tl.e li-l,il lo._ ..I thi SUkiny-BcbOtd lo IM .¦omin""".V-

\ lin- yi-stcnliiy lin.Uo out in Ibfl livc-wi.iV'v" Vuill'l."'-' -N"- llN N'p.nb Tion! -. I'li.l .i'l ii,

l-opi.-i bf Boysr .-.¦..., Mi,.,, ,i.,,i.,,....i if

(IoimIui.III >^ ,'4|' l.ot.ll"-. ll,.- tlll, ll|',M ll'i ..« l.e.f

aatifolr gutiad, aad Iba lowttr koora bbtx lothlei aUb

4. |] 1...1



i-\, ki;!,- ukmabdibg mi.ni raoa thk


si-AM-li IEONI LADB.THB rUANM-ouTATloM01 nt.: m.\ii>.

|Bf Tl.I.h'-K.iPH TO TBR T8IBC8B 1

\Visi:in,.t<>\. Weilni'-il.iy. >'"V. 3.18t*».

Rr-prcvnt.'iiiv, ¦<* I hoth-M uml M.ir.ll ..f I'-nn-) Ivaiuo

8fld iiitervii-w., Wtti tlie P8OOO8OO8 >.<.**.B8_9 la i.-lati,,ii

to tho ruiuor* that tlio Preaideut would n-.-oiumeiid a

eliiinKe in the 'I.iriir l.r.-, I iu nis Aiinii.il 11888888,Tho park^aeBsrsef Qobb-BboIi OMeaaja, Boatea,Kea

Yoik, Ht. laiiiii-. and Iaonlat ille, aie 088880 t" BeBBJ 888881U in.iiHi.'actiirers by tho Iutcrmtl llevenue liuieaii, amlthe Cliaiiilii-is of Ciuiuiei-ce uf i h.ivi: 18888forin.il action 88 thn auhjoct. A dele^.itimi aro now

here to |8I8aaatIQtO witli the OoaBBBlOOtOBOr, a- t.'ie 00888oaatattfeaof tBeCBaaakeoBaf OBataoeek, aaooagwtBoaaaro Keprest.nt.'ttlve KeKlestoii of Ci:i,-ii,in,ii. JafeB llotlttaof Boaton. J. C Chiiintierlalii of Neiv-Yoik. uml V. A.

('hapinof 0klaa8J8 Tbey will havo a coinuiutlou witl*-Mr Delano IWWtgfcBSecretui> J-'ish lefurned from New-York this mortiinc,

and to-day had along intervlew with tlie Pn-ldent re-

gOI._g tin- ispaiilsii iion-claUa iu New-York Il.irl>or, audotber liu-Mii'taiir inat ter-.Adelecallon of railroad men. froro dlffeient parta ot

tbecounti-y, called ou Poatmaater Oetnral CkaflBajaM to.day, for th. patrpflafl of OOOariBg an 18888800 B- tbe prlreof transportatlon of tlic inails, but Mr. Cre.ss woll 888888 dto make any prouiiac.Oen. McMabou wlll be 8X888.88 hy tlie 1808888 Affalra

Committee, to morrow, lu refcreueo to FBMgaayaBaandraOcu. Garflehl haa called a mcotlDS of the 088888 Com*

mittee, to he held here on the 15tb of the montli. It la hl«intentimi to iiave a report ready for Oaogreoo directlyafter tho housIoii begiu-s.A letter to tho >'avy Dep.irtment, from N'.-wOrl.-aua,

«ays nluo of the 888888 Iron ,1p<I» lytafl Ifl the riverthero aro ln good n-palr, aud two 888 188 88888-ivorthy aud wnrthless.


I8888-U-- l'KK.SS tllSPATl II.'1 lie roiiowltiif 888 BBB 81888188888888 o> OU ¦8f8t8l

meut durliiK the uionth|endluK Oetober 30:Ctffl and iiiiseolliineoua. -RniMin

Wtt . 1,514.71.Navy.luttrior, js'ijuioiim, aud Indiaus.

Totai.najaauaIo addition to tlie] above the Interest lt.i-ived and

paid on tka_p8MM debtgdurlng Octuber auiouuted lotn.ioc.no.Baaaetary BoatwaDi on Monday laaii oddiaaaotlka fol¬

lowing letter to Usltaf 888888 Tieasuier IptaMBBTI8m: In aniacr to/uur lett'-r uf Octo'j.r M, 110-00 Inat ?<ia kata

8 \".'211 bo ia golJ, uf internt iiu* tbii iif ou .i f«r tb*

llnkiug fuL.I. aml *X. f/M bOim g.iltl, intrri-it 'lur tli.t d_i, o.i boii.litp*riillr purfbiieit to awalt tbr a. t.. B a-.rnx laatrur-

l un tt to th* d'*;iiiaillon of tbi-a* tiBonnta, II '" . » Umtr.io wlll ull ill uf iild |{nl,i, an.l witb tbt- paaOBOO- 9000-888 boa la. ar.Jidil tbe tam* to tl,. ra.p.rutr fui.Ji fur which ll. k'olJ wai raceit*-.tbat ia, tba gul,l rec-itt,l aa niU-r.at oa tbe aiaone fuc J bomli to b« .1-

penJed lor tlia purchta* uf bunill aaJ aJJ'd to tbat fund. and (Lat ir-

c.ited froin tb. btmdi ip*Ciallr pnrrhaseti, to b« told aud rip.otlrtl iabon.lt to idd IbOOaBOj Verj r*ap4t-tfullr.

Baaaaa s. BorTwati. aoa affkoaaaootCongreaB paaaed a law luat Maieh 8888808888 tlie Inati-

tntiou of jiroecediujfs ln any court havini; Jiuiadictiou oflike matlers to reeover aueli |.iiz.- ni.ui. y aa tbt I-'arrai.'iit

fltet,Banaaad ka B-aaaaBaaa al boo Bdaa-feaeutitltd to for c.-utures then iua.le, uud piaftdlBg tkadsiu.'h pri/e uiiiiiey a-i uii^'Ut bfl Bwarded akoald ba p.mlout of tbo Trea-iny of tkfl Dnlted Statea. tien. H K.Iiutler, ftetitm as tl.,- attoraey aad prooi pi tor Ioi tka eii,-oeroaitd aaiton in tbatfleet.baaflleda llh lol luforumttotiaeuloal fi,<- i.--.-is. tte., io tbe Diatriet Uoort of thia LHa-trlct, prayiuirJitdKtueBt, a.-.. tke itteatloa >,f tbo Oovarn-inent bavlog I-,, ;i called to tbUauii l.y .¦ District-Attorney, Oco. Carririttc-o. aml aakin. tbe Tn aaury De-]J,Hin,. Iit to a-.-l-'I, hilll B-Soiliit.- co'.ltisa'l lli View o! liui

Uiatfuituile of tlie e..se an.l t.it: iiui.ataiif prioelpvolved. l Becretary of tho Treaaury Uaa luiployedRichard M. CotwIbo of Claeionatl, wka n.i-

bad eoDoldoimldo experh-nce i:i rai.d iu admlialty proeeedluga. Tbe Beeretanr baaInstru.-ted theoo attoroeya t,» make a tborougb defenaebotk oo tke law aad 18a laeta. Oeoeral lutervlewe karouii.ailv takeu plaee between tb d tue t>lB< eriof t_.eTree.ary, ond overy preparattou ia l> na made ,<i

that en.l. 'imi!) daya bave beee given the Governaieiilto prepare lta defenae. More tkaa a aitliioa doUaraaraiiii,,h,-,i in tkla .-uit.Tka Commlaoloneroof the Oen ral Laad Otllc, has niled

that wkera laadakarooaea beea ,>ti-th.-y retaiu tke ,-liar.i.t. r ..f offered lat la oo to tli.niiiits of preBuipton tkoteto, orea thoiieb .it-wlthdrawn from market, ao to private ei.trj to luvalldentriea or utberwiae, aa alao wbea o for rall¬road parpooetv TUerefore prefe'mptlon -¦'¦;-. villi,.,required to make proof aad aoyaaoa-t wtlkui tketwetvauoutbi presenbed br L»w.Millera Kal.al Nf.-il.il'i,lon, exeeiltiil t>. t','- ofil.-r of

ex-Seeretary Borla lor pieaentution t.. Mra. Uraat, waaliilliK iu tlu i.iee.i-Uiom H tlu- J.\ei utiv.- IfiBUallM i" <l .)Tke uiitlaih.ni ia of broaae, aud luclutl,-., witbprlate aurroundlDKO, tka heada ln rellel ot WaaBlugtim,J.iiieoln, anil (iiani.The Preaident baa rccognlzed r.ulhlno Cortea v Moralea

aoOonaulofSpalaat Kaw-York; .)".¦ J n in EUbooaaCuii-ii!-(ieiieriil if .^ai, S.ilv.i,l,,r al'' T.(liii-.teiis.-n aa t.'ousiii of Kniiiiark ai Kew-Yurkt CaiiPliilippHchmitt aa UodbuIoI Badoual

i.iiii-i'ln Haii in tbo Young Men'o i uii-:i n, \--ih iatlonbuildluit waa to-ulgbl tkrown open to Uie publio fur tkeiii r-t time um e its dedteatlon, nnd w.,> BII, rl rn ita utmootcapaclty l>y a brtlkautandieuce.attractcd l»y the Tarlottni'ain , onoert, wbicb wa- ln otrery u .v blabl aoi-e, aaful.

M.-pli. ii M, Vail ,,f N.'i.-Vi.ik has beea appetaBBdImt, il btatei t.'ousiii for Ij.u.tna.

TIIK viI'.tilNI.i BTATE P-URiBb BMOKD, \ ;i., Nov. :(..TIih is l!n- -.

iiay ,,f tit, gieal aiiiiuiti ozklkttkM al tke -griaafc.ralBoekty ,'i vii-ima. Tka voaafcaa haa beoa asa.oaDyfine tliiiins th> titiie <l.iy, ainl 88148808888 000080X80 0-

aooplowao ontkn PalrOronndi from tlt, uibldweftke.i,,v Ull nearly erenliiK, Tbere waa a I...,- nuavialtoro (mm lurroundlnfl Statea, and uiauj peoplefrom New Enclaud, Tba entriea of , luiplcin. nt. and l..i...i--av!n>r ma,-lm.es from tlie Noitli.-inBtatea an aiock aaore numeroua tban wai anticipatotl.An niiu.-iiiiliv lai-L'i-nuiiiher of d iudivadaalofrom reuiote-titiea bave arrived ItaltlM niai .

,. blgbly iiieoiii.i-, ,1 bj tb uf tkeirii.-taiit iii.ii.l- .iho art int. ii-.-i.-.l iu th-- inon perfeti

..ini-iit of the luduotrialartool \ ., luto. tfnebahnnr ititiiv.il of tun. baoelapaed ilnee tin laataonualexblbltlou tbat tbe citlsena aeen i,> fet-laall ttilatBllie

r.- ef a prosperoua .r.i lu Ihe ex{>eri -.., ¦¦. >.i th.-irstate. All eloaaeo appear lo eono boartal,bappy. and witb baoyaul feellint*. aa wiitvi .ml fi-aadiIouk' oeparated un-et 88.u f, luma <>lbearta and of bauda, Ti.- l ... me «>ir tbiiafternoon, witb autUfaotorj teoulta, bul tbe hoi «o irotUn*;on tke falr groundo wao tne all-abaotbl tntereat;.More tkaa ao,ooii people wero iuuttendiiuee. The, ihtliitlonof mu..'.-. an.l tii.e 1...IS.S i- i-liilirelit!- 'ild tht-iiiiti.iiei- la very laroe, rbefllaplay of oeal eaiileol \

iinii-. Uuproved in,,-,l-, altbouitb oui -. t-xleieould be iloolred, lo qultu natlafaetury. Tbi-d<*p.uoi fiood sh, ,|,- .: cliidlug botb auit UcKdttably r> -pn -.-t iite.i. rbeaboa <ii i", Int io fair, andtbe dlapuiy or dalrr product-i ol uanufae-liiie.-. aud of line fi-uits, botb 00 to il8o and \..netv, n-

il.-et.-, iniieii bnuor on tke aealoua man . .- eu-terpi ilna exbibltora. A aioro play «flarjce an.l excelleut opetoo bl at klom - all Ikedlarouraitlug elrenmalaaeea luto >. ,u. ih.exblbltlou may I*- wrilten u *-.c -.le.-tyo,.

To-day tbere waa a JoyBiloouvoc itloii ol tli r1,. «ro au,tbe fratt-rulty prt-oeut, wbeu tbo Kcv. Dr. i unj iuvok.-ttlll. ,(.., .. on tbelr ri-unlou, uml MuytN w vHullierllu, I'r.-i-l,i.t of tbo Boeiely, o brleiuddreaa ol welcome, wuleli waa o_itl tu i.t . ., Bi »t ipootittbal waeeeer inado lu Vtrgtula wbieb wua iml uioreoili-.-- of a j... Im. ..I i.ai-ii.-i.-r. Laal .jlimeultural Baatioiy buld a brtof aeooliMi. 'i.'ii.-.;. iko ^m.t

bodyaud Ibe r. in«.:...'i. al Huelel) ouuvriw t<_%>tk«rUlu a'l all athll-e--. nnd t" l>.ull>'tpa - IMOOOM,I,, -uinl I'tui. ii.l,- Miii bo in ii- i,. aaaela anduieckiBcrj dnriux oieat .r tka day.


OmHUL TKI.KtiKAl'HIC MK8.1i....Thc ttiuit ol C'isio, Cal., w.ts iii .ttroyis-

li_\ im on Tii">il.iy._Tke reekleaea <>f tli<- Hoa. J. L PUuCaC>ln

Tioy. waaeuterwl by barakira aa tttottity BlgJUi andloiilieil nl asioOU JAinth ol )eMil.-.v._Milvt- MeCoale waaarraati- at. ('iuciiiiiati

ye.-ti niai, ailU lii.ui.ttiu Uie siu.i 01 s..,.»'.. ..ut to iniKii.'0IU a pil/i: it-tll Hl trllio.

....Tlu- lauly nf i'\-i;iiv. Cliuik-s A. WVkliff.\who tln-il a*Ibw oayaalace la Murylaail, ln rapi olod iu

LeulovlUo lo daj'i aad ttnl ln- takeu to liai-jl»ioi*u lor lu-tt iliielit.

....Ob tka SOtk ait., tlie mail cikicIi fromTiiooii, Ai./>,,:., Mlille mi llie WOj l..ft.nna Ke, wa.

l,n it into l.y ln,lui.it itlicu iie.ii .MeM.iu. 1 t.iluualely,UU olie ll au li.)illi<i..| lai., -tlinnmr itirivi-i! at Cnrinne,

rtah. tn.in >,-... t.m. ,i uiwiiou ti.e M.ut! ith akaoo of Halll.ake. loa.h.i wiili liiniltt-r, bIIm r oar, la Tuiaiaoou-hlileretl llit- l:i.i,l-l,I'iitlt-ll of U.lll^utloli t. tliat l.iiie.

....Tin- I'nsL aBBCBil M_.si.iii i»: tlaai Nfw-Jer-9ft A-r-tit-mt.uu ul t ...iHlfirall.maI « liiittU. - e.nilMl«U.v-tlat Mallllnoleui, lii.->tl,iy. Tne A.Mitl.,1 i.u la ^POOOlluf 88 ehuielie-, piuieipally littni S,iill.,ni Ncw-iora.Ocu. O. <l. lltiWiittl was eltt tetl Aluth laue

....The ihwflira nt tho Bmach U. 9. MIbJIbRtt, KramiH..m.K th- i.vt.uili af ^'^-* _?_*_\*...Hi.tHiif _i,l,li.!..l..7,.ta»....liei'H.,f jrllier "'_"____tmrnjumuuit't vv-.e r.t.ne.l lr..... J..|mi. i«r rc.olita**Tho muouut etuued darlag tka aaiuc iK-rltal uaa 9i.f,.o.ouo.