NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBX^N^. SUNDAY. jjITGTJST 2&. 1954. GREGORIAN STUDIES. fontinue.l from flr*t pate. The new foyer of the new Orpneum Music Hall promises to i c a feature of Harlem. The hall will open next Saturday. September 3. .13 previously announced. A chief feature of the opening bill Will bo a three act musical extravaganza entitled "The Japskis. 11 The scenes of the three acts are laid in Russia, Japan and Cores. The story iF said to tell the real cause of the war. A Russian prin- . ess falls in love with an American war. corres- pondent, follows him to Japan and there in a moment of excitement divulges to him state secrets which are published In bis paper at home. Henry lye has added Alton B. Parker tr» his Hat of Impersonations of famous m»'n past and present nt Keith's. Other numbers are "Christmas on the Inland." Venetian Trio. "An I Your Wife?" the Gloasons. nssisted by Fred Houlihan. C>- Sandor Trio. Herbert's does. Harry Brown the Ford Sis- ters, the Olson Brothers, Miss Mamie Bernard, and the biojfrach. "Paris by Night," which has run for eight weeks on the roof of Madison Square Garden, will have its closing- performance to-night, when the entire company will appear in the more popular songs and enscsnbles. toK<-tli<-r with a large number of well known vaudeville performers. "Paris by Night" is now rehearsing for its road tour, which will begin In a fortnight, the company being- headed by "Bert" Leslie .• nd "Bob" Dalley, a brother of Peter F. Dalley. lion and "Hooiiean. 1 a clown bear. Allor the other features are retained. ».-v- SCENE FROM "MRS. WIGG9 OF THE CABBAGE PATCH." SAVOY THfc ATRE. SEFTEMBR .s. From left to right the figures are: Oscar Eagle, aa Mr. Wlgns: Mrs. Madge Carr Cook, a* Mrs W -csa and Mabel Taliaferro. as Lovey Mary. scent: feom -the county chairman," at wallaots, septem- BER 1. yarded m possessing that peculiar sanctity with which Plus X seems disposed to invest them. The reformatory < fforts found their culmination when the artistic music of the Church, the. music com- posed by Palestrtna and In bis style, which the Pope's Slot a Proprlo of last November commended, reached |;j height. Gregory XII requested Pales- trl . i to undertake i revision of the liturgical books, "t » do away with the superfluous accretions, to abol!«;i the h.-j. r l.ari<»ms and confused passages, thnt Gikl'< name mijrht be. reverently, intelligibly and devoutly praised." In his revision he was "as far as possible" to "purge, improve and remodel" the chants. itrina preps the Gradual under the instructions with the helD of his pupil Guidettl. but .i complete edition of the liturgical books under his eye was not finished. Later the work was con- tinued by I la successors, Anerie and Francesco Soriano, whose revision of tho Gradual was printed In ICI4-'ls. Meanwhile*, books containing the re- Madeline Bcrlbn*r. aaachsr of BBftety. Miss Ulllan Bayer M«xth» Toung. ffavorc»»a» who run. tho Aeailumy.. Miss Helen Marcott Lone!; Brrt«it» 1 -i,.~v,,_ r »Jlm Roma «";>'i < "r" r EKh.r Sprouts.... Bru»s«i Sprout*.. . " k li. w Christ The Belasco Theatre opens next Saturday night with Miss Henrietta Croeman and the same com- pany which helped her with the Belasco play. "Sweet Kitty BellaJrs" last season. This second season of Miss Crosman la "Sweet Kitty liclliilrs" Is positively limited, as David WarJleld is announced Tony Pastor presents another array of \u25a0 tlom for the week. Including "The Original plre Quartet.' !• \u0084er In He- brew pHro'lle?; Harris & Walters, "Germs c.iv Duo**; Mi*s i..-.:r.( Comsi hkmjb; Edward Doyle a I Em< gling art; Moaher*a f<i!l terrien and b.'.»c punching '!"K '\u25a0\u25a0 -. *»• In "Barney's C< iri !.i;. ' Miller i'.:..l :"•• RaKtime Hu-i .N . Sherman and I acrohats: Fennel and Snowden, two Kentuck] k.:r!s. f'.un-:[.i '. and < 'otter trio Ml*s Tarrle !<:. blngs, Hebrew :.. Sketches for a week give way to specialty "<*** at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre. At the head of thi bill stands Marzella's trained cocka- toos. Other members >.:• KHly.an-i Ashby. Miss Agnes .Mahr. Miss Mabel Browne!! and compiiny, J. H. Burton's dups. Uruco and Dalpneau, Fisher and Johnson, comedy and tri<k cyclists; Walter Brown and the Bills sisters, Katha and Wal- ton. the dancing djo; Miss Mattio Uockett, Mor- gan A. Sherwood and Owley and Randall. The RusseJl Brothers appear at the li^ad of their own organization in a melodrama. '"I"he Female Detectives." on August 23 nt the Metropolis Tl.t- atre. "Men and Women," 1 by David !'\u25a0\u25a0 las •\u25a0 and H< nry i ' presented by thi Pri One-hundrt \u25a0 addltii : Ml.»s M \u25a0 . A- Proctor*! Fifty-eighth Bti e( >• in Henri Qressltt «rll \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•• '\u25a0'• American pl.i r. "Capl liv 1 :. , Clyde Fitch's play of social life, "Tho Climbers." will form the attraction at Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre, In addition to the r<'sular members of the permain* nt stock romp Mi.--n Eleanor ivirry and George .Sotile ripeiuvr have bt-vn si'«-ci.»!!y m- gaceO. . . The St. Rose of Lima Church, a Chthnii.' organi- ratlin In Rocks Beach, will receiye a benefit nt Hurtig & Seamon'a AVverne Pier Theatre, Thurs- day, August The season a 1 'he Madison Square Roof G which was announced to end on Saturday has bam extended foi the R \u25a0 al Italian . Nat it. Wills Is tv be -•••\u25a0\u25a0 again at the West End Theatre In a new edition ol \ Son oi Mr. WIUs will have ne« songi \u25a0 in his li:i< I With to-morrow night's performance. Sam Ber- nard «nd "The Gil", from Kay-" begin their last week at the Herald Square Theatre. Boston has called, and the merry little jingle I"as oDeyeu. Peter P. Dalley. Miss Fay Templet n and "A Uttle of Everything' begin their last week at the New-Amsterdam Aerial Theatre to-morrow even- ing. Next Saturday evening the rial Theatre will be closed, the New-Amsterdam opening a weeK from to-morow night with ' The Rogers Brothers in Paris." "Checkers" finished its first week at the Academy of Music last night, before a large audience. "Military Had" is drawing large crowds at the Oarrfck. Matinees are given Wednesday and Sat- urday. New-Y-rk has taken kindly to •The '\u25a0'- of Spice" and Its chorus, and. us .i result, me sfajestie is packed to the doors nightly. \u25a0». "Th? Maid and the Mummy" goes Into It? last week at the New-York Theatre to-morrow night. Every alghl since th« opening has seen the theatre filled. It is more than probable that " n ", Maid and the Mummy" will return to Broadway before me snow files. When William Favcrsham. appears here In Plne- ro'B play "Letty" at the Hudson Theatre, the com- pany wiil include Miss Julie Opp. Fritz V.iiliams, Miss Carlotta KUeson. Mies Kathertne >"" rf ' sl , r t' Sydney Herbert. Miss Olive Oliver. Tom Terrw, Arthur Play fair. Ivo Dawson and Henri Dv uarrj. Rehearsals., for "Little Johnny Jones." in which George M. Cohan will star this season, begin Thursday, September 1. \u25a0 The- season will open October 10 at Worcester. Mass and the Kew-Vork engagement will l>-gin October 31 at the New-iora Theatre. succeed 'The Girl from Kay's" on September S at the Herald Square. Thfrso symbols, based undoubtedly on the accent marks of the classical Latin language, did not determine the Intervallic relationship of tones. They indicated (trouplngß of notes, ending and descending. X^hv^, as m!f,'ht be said, graphic repc«sentatlons of th<: progress of i tie voice in siiifilij? and melodies. They also provided hints as to ti«< manner <>t performance. 'i he qutllsma in the third line or tii-» mnemonic table, \u25a0\u25a0:• In- stance, pictured a shake or trill, and it la certain that other refinements of expression were suggested by other sisns. At any rate, It Is hard to under- stand why so many s.ynib<j!s should have been needed to record (/.<• melodies merely, with their small compass and little variety. A staff of four ltr.fH. two clefts and thrc«* kind* of notes suffice to-day. There are thirty-seven symbols In the mnemonic table. Schubiger, In his treatise on the singing school at st Gall ("Dm Bios^raehsde St. Gallens"). tabulates and explains twenty-eight neumes. Ki<-i::»-. .i Benedictme educator of to-day, tisf.x modern equivalents for eleven of them to In- dicate melodic progressions, and enumerates half a dozen others as Kik;.-i.H for BUI vocal embelllsh- nif»nt<i as the itppoggiatura. trill, portamento, vibrato, etc., and the a also serve all the pur- poses of I'othier and Thierry, the French writers on th»» subject. Sorn« tlmo after the ncumes had <-om<* Into use, letters and Other marks were added to :!:<• symbols in aids to expression, tradition ascribing th<»m to a singer; Homunus, sent out by the I'opc, at the request of f'h.irleniHKtie, to teach thn Franks how to sing in the Roman fashion. Ha fell «!ck at St. Gall, remained there and es- tablished the slnginß school for which the old monastery has ever since been famous. He is said to have Invented the system of expressive «!«;ns which ari> railed Romanic letters In his honor. b*i-aus« ho fnuml the task of teaching the Franks with tlu-lr natural uncouth vocal manner difficult. Thus 11 (altlus), 1 ...:.•. \u25a0 (eersum), and g (gradatlm). Indicated an eleratloa of the voice; iU^Vvrfe^wrr o-nx **r fintf -err . It / - Jin, A y in*-? j, **^ , >- r AJocwn W^ . \u25a0HAN'!- WITH NKIMKS. From .. MS. of the eighth century. of the officiating priest: the antiphonary ••onti'ins .ill the rhants for the several portions of the mass: SUMMER AMUSEMENTS. Many Broadway Openings Tliis , Week— of Heated Season. Mi» £«n» May will make her flrrt apearance in musical com*dx. -The Scbool Girl." at Daly's rhextre. on Thursday evening. The music of the Piece is br Leslie Stuart. author of "Florodora, »nd there are Interpolations by Paul Rubens, author «.' "The Three Little Maids," and others. The book Is by Paul M. Potter and Henry Hamilton. Best know-n of the player, in this organisation Mlfs Edna May. the American tfrL At the head r-t the English contingent is George Oroßsmltn, jr., «ho comes from the Gaiety Theatre, In London. Mr Grossmith Is over here on a three ** 1*.,. of absence from the Gaiety Theatre, It will +* his first apeaxance to N>w-Tork Klnce ha iraa **en la the character of Beautiful BountUul BerUe la the -Shop Girl" several years' ego. James Blakelcv. also from the English contingent, is a eon of the English comedian who visited America with CharMß Wynfih&m when the latter made his last two tours In this country- The performance of "The School Girl" Ib long, and it mill fee necessary to bcria at 8 o'clock promptly. t i-> sssbb BBtsa Mar SSSSf^r.™ mm ciarn Btaithwmita »*„«-,,.,- T?*..-irfj»!!*r -Jibs i^uiu * »*ii 5«~ Kocheater .^.WmSn.Vg Jr-f^r* .\u25a0\u25a0'.'..... .vi»* ivy Lous*« «i i , Miss Dorothy Dunbsr riC,:,. stte. ni.-.».ur. JgSEi M> F » Made* Gre*t \u0001n?t Mlss Vlrirlnla Bt*UOtoa Mis* iof I M _ ,v,i. Turner Kate MedhUT-st Mlrs JjjnnetM Pa 'r^.n S-Sc^pt^iV..'.... v -.-\u25a0-.-;. t s"v*l\-n ''un-.nen ... .-v KnhM Keii> ; tor\>mfy Miss Talleur Andrews J£Sr.i VlEdmZi XCrI G& S: «i«oree tyive»tt-r lUrry Hud'nn ' AlO'.pll* TXlftpoiSP MU , m M ',Tu rl tr r H'.r OmiSby St. L-tieer <.eorce GrossmUll. WILLIAM BRAMWELL. In "Captain Barrti ,• " fit Proctor's Firtr-elshth, Street Theatre th!« week. NAT. M WILLS. At the West End Theatre this -week. '•g'ilar peas, n of the Empire Theatre Will •VSJUBS, Beptl rr.her C. with :t« customary opeatng uttraction. John l>ren\ Thl.i year Mr. Drew will appear in the comedy "Th* Duke ( ,f Klllicrajik!..:." »ri"rn by Captain Robert Marshall, the author of \u25a0;•! In Command " "A i: tyal J'ainily." "His Excellency ti.« CJovernor." et.-. Tha Mgg«g) of the liar!' in as will hepln . sj>ec!.ii Labor Daj matinee < -;i Monday, Bep- r c. The op.-!,i: k bill win bo Mm. Francaa Wallack's Theatre reopens on Thursday night, September I. with George Adc's comedy. "The County Chairman." Then will be practically the came cast as seen last season, with Moclyn Ar- buckle as Jim EtavcUer. A new addition to he '-a-it la Miss Frances Bins;, (MM of the younger leading women of the day, best remembered with t'hauncey Olcott and William Gillette. who will make her first appearance In the comedy as the heroine, Lucy Blgby. to"ar>r.<-ar -!n <""hii.r:(s Klein's new •taster." a ;•.'\u25a0 Belasco on September 9b\, Meanwhile the industriously studious and !nJe- fatlgablfl Benedictines continued th'lr \u25a0 rttga- ttom Into the old codices and published the r-'sults. which naturally were brought to the attention of IMus IX. The Pope expresned appreciation of them, but placed the stamp of authority upon the edition of liturgical books made by his commis- \u25a0ion am! printed by Pastet In Rcßen^burtr RstßV bon). to whom the Holy See granted a monopoly of printing which expired three yean ago. In 1573 flu.-« IX recommended the (cattsboa books to an t v >— \u25a0 vised texts were printed in 1582, ISST. 1353 ad 1611. and somebody in authority must have thougnt that by "pursing" the i listing chant 1 * "supertluous ac- cretions" a;-.d "barbarisms'* had been abolished and a return made to the ancient and revered manner. The Gradual publish, d In l-JM-'IS. called the •'.:•\u25a0 in, after tho press which issued It, was the basis of the official book compiled by a commission appointed by Pope Plus IX for th« purpose of re- vising the old service and f.xir.e melodies to the offices which bad b«en Introduced since the seven- teenth century. Th* work of this commission re- established the form ot the melodies, and also laid flown the principles Of th« l«r*gorlan chant "as they were embodied after the found! of Trent"— the council whoso labors Ii behalf of church music were crowned by Paleertrtna*! "illssa Papsa Mar- ceOa." Followlr.? a run of twenty-ore weeks In Chicago. r new comic contribution. "The Boyal Chef." be- #riT.!= its "-.pap' i here on Thursday, September 1. at tho Lyric Theatre. The pl^ce Is the work of Oeorge K. Stoadard and Charles S. Taylor, while the music is by Benjamin M. Jerome. In the course ef tho narration several musical numbers are In- tro<su™«J. among them "The Tale of the Tailless rVoc." "It's a Way They Have In Chicago." •'\u25a0Would You If You "Were I?" "IXMe Go Back." ""What Color Eyes Da You Love Best?" O*Beffly, ' "An Admirable Admiral." "Olfl Mother Goofo" and •\u25a0What's the Mat:, with My Man in (ha Moon?" "The Hoyal Cher' has been chosen for the Ameri- can debut of Miss Ida BMaee. Miss Renee. who Is railed "The English Yvetta (Mfbert.*' ha- played bread lor many years. The cast is composed prin- cipally of p!aycrs well known in Broadway, among whom are Sam Collins, Henry '-• "'•: Joseph T. Mtron. Jolra Park. Misses Amrlia Ston*. Stella Tracey and Gertrude MilUr-gton. The cast: ll»lnrl'**i I/Tijihauwr, from CTMCBBSS S»m foiiina Th* Rajah of Oolonp Ham Lein« Jxird Mho. ITlir.e Minister to •: liajs.h and leai«r of th» '-K>ljir baiifllt* J^s»;,h T. Mlr->n f»fiso. a i<onspirinc banflit \u25ba Jon^iih All»n Jlturj- Park**. il«-ut*r.*nt V. P. S. Chicago.. Joba Park Admiral Nob!«. D. S. S. Chicago . Ma'ihf-w Wfcit« k Miathlrrorn V. S. S. Chicago S <ifurce Steveaa \ I l!«rrv I*onar<s LI Prince** Toto. th» Ka ah"« <s*ueht*r. ..Ml«» Amelia, isiu&a fj K»tv <»"R*i!ly.ma!<j to the r)rln^f*i^. ..ll!»i Slella, Traoay " k'ahel NobK th* adm!ral - a dauchter ille* O*r.ruile MilUncton \u25a0 [Oca I>nolr Court isf'i _ IHorenw Towcsead i N*na VA&kf \u0084 . I.M*l»n Ch*e«<»n Tr!k« ....1 fMl S8 KIM* Hu*rl«-In. Fi!atn« .. ' ' Mis, »t«-ll*. L.!b«rt Karao .... . _ Imlm, Juno : imn Mohat ...r . .Court Seautivi. - mlks '\u25a0•\u25a0rtruil* l>-nr.ox Kftvat ...i I Minn Pauline Klllcu ?-!»rlat ...] 'MlfH Kdlth Ptuart Ifunat .. i I Miss Amy Stuart MAY i:i-l.i:V be Mn.i and The \i uanay M al Sew-Tork SCENE FROM "JACK'S LITTLE SURPRISE," AT THE PRINCESS THEATRE. EDNA MAT. Tn •"Ti.r School (;i rl •ut Omiyu, September L Musical. Wight). England- but that will not Interfere wtqV their work on the Vatican bool In fact. tUa^B work has long been done, and the result* are '>pet^| to the scrutiny of the world in publications of tn^l service books, and especially In the "Paleographia^B Muslcale"— that monumental work whic-h bids fai^^| to run through decades enough to -wear out the <>r.^| durance of its most patient subscriber, unless i^H be the Holy See Itself. And now as to the differences between the o:T!-^B cSal chant that will soon be superseded and thaiH which is to take Ha place. These differences ar» M too many to discuss in any one particular. It will! be enough for the present purpose to present a^H single object lesson in concrete modern notation. I and leave it to the reader, after what has beeril said about the ancient chant and its performs I to imagine th» kind of training: which will be nee- I essary to make the new form (which is -. _ r«- I stored ancient form with its "superfluous accre- I tlons" of which It was once "purged" brought I back to honor) practicable to priest and cbaraZfl ter. and acceptable to the faithfuL As an «• I ample I select th© same excerpt parts of which IB have already been presented in neumatlc and S Oregrorian notation. It Is th* h-pinnlng of th* \u25a0 gradual a! tertfam mlssam "In die NaUvltatls M Domini" bearinnins "Viderunt omnes." Per, \u25a0 LambiHotte gives tea versior.3 of this gradual in I an appendix to his facsimile of the St. Gall 3IS. tc I aid in th* study of musical notation. The folloir- \u25a0 Ing version. In modern notation. \u25a0 Is from the "Liber Gradualis juxta anttq'jo:nrr» M CodJcum fidem restitutes t-um Suppiemento pro I ordlr.* .- Beaedlcti." published at eoleames in ISC. I There can be no doubt as to its authenticity-. To<* I chant as glrert here la practically identical w!th \u25a0 that WMeS. appears m the Sarum books (the uses M of the artcJer.t English -••« of Salisbury), and I other ancient codices. The second version \u25a0 fcom the "CJraduale Roraanum." printed at I Ratisbon. Her» we see an Instance of the abbre- viation which has been mentioned— the delision of several long- flourishes on syllables, both long and [ short, accented and unaccented, which to a tlmi.l lay critic appear to be very much Dke tha "bar- barisms" condemned by Gregory XIII. Perhaps 1: may be permitted to ask in the sarao spirit t>? timidity '\u25a0' It Is altogether consister.t to declare. as does I': SB X. thai music must be secondary an! . subordinate to the text and then restore th»*e saeissssai To insi.«t on the Injunction "the liturs:- ca] text must bo sung ns it is In th* books, with- out alteration or Inversion transposition?^ cf words, without breaking of syllabus and always in a manner Intelligible to the faithful." and yet wtr'.ni: out th* last syllables ot "ouines" and i "terra" tn the fashion illustrated In the first ye-- ! stun of the chant? The example is .1 modest i>re. and unsought. I reopen my ttenedictlne Gradual and find a flourish of thirty-six notes on the firs: ayßaila of "\u25a0 i i." a few pajjes later fifty-two notes on the third syllable of "lab^r.itis." a-:i! f.fty-six on the last syllablo of "caritate." Is Latir. to be read in this m.inner in the Church hence- forth? h. K. K. SUGARED THE EGGS. Admiral Pewey aW#aM toward a tall man •with a military carriage. "That gentleman.'" ha said, •fongHt gallantly in Cuba against the Spaniards. But it Is about his eating. not his Ughtlngr. that I am soir.g to laß you. "He was i'.Kirtri-.-,! in a certain Cuban villas-?. and at mess ht> complained Mftcr!y every day j about the Cuban cookinjr. '* "Sugar" h»" would exclaim; "thov su^ar every- thing! I can't stand this constant sug;;r diet.' "Finally he said: "111 eat nothing t>t*t boiled «*KKs hereafter. They C '\u25a0'-'\u25a0 sug.ir th«-u:.' "Hut \u25a0 young office* came tn to mesn at t|b»" next meal very curt] anil taking the salt <>ut <»f the Other*! salt «rti«-t he Tilled it up v.i;h sugar. "When the older man arrived he ordered, »nrs enough, boiled m* He opened them «'' gloomy complacency, and sprinkled over them plenty of the doctored salt, "At the tlrst mouthful he turned purr.!?. " •tfupared. sasjared " he exclaimed, and rosftefl from the table." BABY ENIGMA. London onrrespor.dence of The Philadelphia NcrtN American. Chela* . Workhouse harbors a boy. f.ilr sk:nr.e>' ant] light haired, whoso nationality has. up to tas pvesent. completely barlled the officials. , : Previously to being -.-it to the warkhous- t'.ie sail was urged at th.« WVstminsu-r i'oli.c »'ourt wnn wandering without Ttslble nuans ol sul-<Wtonc«f. and it was then st.vi.a that duruiß the «r-k he «*\u25a0 under remand he did not utter :i word. :<!vi. «r though he was spoken to in six ajfferent languagcy, ba showed no sign of recognition. .. it has since been found that th.- !ud ran \u25a0sf*J* but bin speech stra'isjer than rtis silence, in Jabber of a monkey is more Intelligible. Several written questions were pui to him >' e '-f'j" day. I'ndernenth the words. -What is your sanw and ageT" h- wrote wit...- hesitation. Ter.i>r.<i Watouk. fourteen." Thus he appeared to '"'' ' " st.vrul English. ' . , . ; "What country were you born In? \u25a0 \u25a0• iaa «i once. wrott< "Hlrlulntyints." \u0084Hfll ^ •How d i you like scrubbini;?' (t!.e occupation th«» boy had just U-en engased ln>. "Dernt sen*. was the* written reply. ..«-,»;.l He was then nslreil. agsln in writing. «<^\\ you like a penny?" His answer was brief: Tei. '>• His ldentltv show's ev»ry prospect >\u25a0* nm»i i-"s \u25a0 riddle. He has been seen by medica! men and "> linguists, but hitherto it ha, '•.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 lmtuwsilile account for him in any way. Since h:* f"fL?S appeared In the papen nuinborloss PfWl* na ;/ called who say they have loat boys of abVOt his as* The f.r?t presentation of "Mrs. "Wißgs of th<» Oabbaje Tatch" In this rlty ivlll be given on Bat- urday evening. Indefinite time has b<-<?n secured «t the Savoy for this dramatization of the so-called -gospel cf coatcntraer.t." The play is an adapta- tien by Mrs. Anna Crau-ford nexner of Mr Alice Jfcgan Rice's stories. "Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage }-• .'" and "Lovey Mary." The. title role is in- terpreted by Mrs. Madge Can Cook, the bibulous find d<-sJgr.!:ig Mr. Stubbing by William T. Hodge, ih« !iUsbinU-st.-k.:.»f M.- Hazy by IClsa Helen LssssJL aad Lawsy Mary by Miss Mabel Vallaferro. who. la this character, emerged from the child Rctrets period of her career and made her am rklrt debut. The play has juFt completed a seven •weeks' stay In Chicago. The ca«t: Nr»«. Wlrm. optimlft Jin. Hasan rarr C<*>>. l-o\ey Man 1 . "mlEuiKi.-rsi^xi" Mi ?s WbW Tuliaferr'j Miss Hair. p»tvmliit Ul^s ll^tnLaw*U Mlh» iMcy. tii* "Ohrlßtnia^ I^a^j" Mlm Nm-a KheUJT Mn. TJlohom. a enwrp^tc!,. f Mi£» UlUmji Iv» Mr». bchultz. TiHirJiLortiotal t-!i»ur Slim Anna !-.<•; '.» *"'\u25a0 I Oftfa* I «!» Stay McMuiui Awtmlta.. Ur^se »U MtM F .,i ithKtor^y - - !'. I <"übv. t f> Htr.txau'm I,y Uimaelf Mr. BtOUteß. ot );aj:<.Ui.l .Tunrtl.rti W.lliam T 11.j1.-o M<-. Wlfss «f;»r |qnf year* o«c«r j;ai;i.. K.V. ftfe Eilljr \u25a0 'Jhurst'.n Hall I'.H.v \\!cur »r. "uut ar.^ «-jt»r'- Arole <"kmpb<:i M.r*!Uty, »,atifly «n hl» f«-t Taylor OranvlUa Tonimy. th* bahy boy William Ilurton .lan'-s I!. iiu:».:-r<lunku* Joner, ir^arriaite broker. Howard <Jil!<-«l>!e \xputy ,<!if riff. Kdward CUUeapl* Mr. S<r.ulu.. . I So!lj dibraa of the lUrry 1.. >V«nkll'n Mr. Ti.h.irn. J r^T^h. ). ..William Sh*rlor-k J2! -;"" irn i Jnhri Walton r-t- Mval-.r. .• .• Willie ,Jrav TiTia \.!.vy Mis. |, 1a - \u25a0• artr l^na Ivrasr-ri-r Mlfß Mlna liuywOl , IJtt> ten* and <jauc!iH-r» <it \\\* 3'atih. r».h»^- r^lirtboir. tbUCr*a «v. g^ats rek!Siac in th» dlt- TV* jr. -..-•»-—•;. Btreei Theatre opened st season test BSgfat Tl.» :.ltra.-'i la ;, musical comedy tienttsl "G!r!» Will He CMraß," arUch had a long U3\ir last Reason. "Al \u25a0 1.-- k. a comedian who ha.-- becoiT.«j known :ta a vaudeville eptertalner. Is «ie star. He Is —salsa by "the Three Kosebuds.' Misses CT.riKMrx <:ook. Roma Bnyd*r and Gladys rialre. and Mis* Helen Marcott. as Martha Youns th « coremetf. The book is by H. Mflvill<- Haker wjd the rnu-ic by J«» n »h Hart and A. HaMwfn nKdyV £*<*£***** \u25a0* *** hi ' Wn "*™ ' a yaarajMi^, of ..h« w,.,hw,.,h mi Wms 5., .... C- ]££ ' th, K^M \u0084r H..« lttl . H.,,,r.1..( '•than Hailey. "'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.. siwiV.V." Mtarf^^Lfir^ Ton* Sntrrow. wh.i fl^htc fc -am» <v«L. 5 I {" * *.c«cnHo lta ...;;;;::;:..;;;;;; :: «^ Hoagaoa Hurnetfs play "The Uttle Prtneeaa." with iii«-s Ueonie Darmon as Sara, Crewe. Charles Frohmnn will continue William Collier In \u25a0'T!... r»ictator" on Monday night at the Criterion Thr-utre. when the liouhc opesw for Its regular season. Mr. Collier will remain at th,» Criterion for only three .-ks There will be matinees WedneX- Scpternber*- 1 " -V< W " h a special matine. Monday. The Manhattan Beach Theatre Mil have this week a Nixon & Zimmerman production, "The Strollers." beginning to-morrow night, to be fOl- 10w.., Labor Day by "Miss Bob White." which will ';v; v one .i ay performances only at th*» theatre tl>u« .ndlrjff the ncason at this playhouse ' Shannons Band »111 give maUnee and-evenine concerts to-day. Mme. Bchumann Hdnk "l! b^ foMceZ' th ° I>arylOm'- wiH \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-• '"••'\u25a0 P-- The Orand Optra 110-js.- ....;,.._ upon* the first full week of the ?enso:i with UWday's per- formance of th* VTUliaa « & Walker company in the new -"in r Dahomey. 1 Th«: rirst nouular Eighty seocee nn: us^.j in the \ production of "Thou B! ..It Not Kill," ;:» \\v . Third Ay« Theatre this week. beginning Aubusl ». Headlns: the cast la Mies Virginia Drew Treecoti " eu '"" s The BIJou Theatre will be ready \u25a0" open Monday evening. Sop.cmb.rr 19. with ":dr. V.ix of XVlckhum." 1 *\u25a0" engagement otChariot tf Townoend completes the cast of "The Spellbinder." \u25a0 . >m»-(:y by Her- bert Hall IVlcslonr and Charles Dickson. which will H. ZTJR XIEDSN. '^h^'^nv. ".V:t COACHINQ. STUOXO. »» WEST IC-O-dt. The additlsn of a boxing kangaroo to the Bos- tuck MEaTT fatlon <if tr.iliu-d wild animals ut Dream- land, Coney Island, brlngs?tp mind the fact that fifteen years ago Frank liosiock brought to this country from Australia what was said to be the first -'boxing kangaiva ever known. air. Bostoclc exhibited in'- 1. ._.,.... himself and was tii.- spar- riug partner of the animal. This wan Mr. J!os- tock'a beginning as an animal own>.*r. Robert Mr- Hberson'a group of li<ins. another new feature, baa bvcome popular, .m<t the poses, tableaux and plct- urea th*-y make, without a word being spoken In ii.- arena, him caused much applause. Self a and the dent-tun llonn are again or. Ib« prowninune, \u25a0'\u25a0>>\u25a0 tr^iii'-r having recovered from a month's lluieaii. Hermitn V%'eedcn has increased his combination of mixed animals by the addition of another huso "War In Hell" at Luna Park bus added to the "Battle of Port Arthur" the talcing of several forts near Golden" Hill and shows the instruction of much of the waterfront. "Fire and names" haa added. beginning to-day, the rescue of two women from the fifth story window of a burning building by Bremen who carry the unconscious burden* to the ground by meaoß^of a telegraph pole which runs conveniently near th« cornice. Services under the direction or Sayd Bhelck SSamerodeen, with the sacred white, cow as a vital pint of the devo* tioiiH, will ij<- held this morning In private. When the airship Luna IV u.aci. her first trip on Thurs- day the, waa decked in bunting, and her captain and crew plp<-d to quarters to receive the congratu- lations of th* management on the occasion of her quarter centennial trip of th.- aenson: Th« Rood ship has carried over two hundred thoUKAnd visit- or* to the. moon during th( season i<> date. New features have been added to the Circus Maxlmus, including Spessardj-'s bears, the Five Flying Her- bert*. Josle Ashton and Will Hill. 1 the hJgli wire walker. . . r\,f Bunda; nig] I concerts \u25a0•• till \u25a0• i- \u25a0• i f«>atiir« >\u25a0( Terrace Qai l< !ng oaoMdleane; «»ri»>n»a] anJ Occidental life, plct- ur<-n H!i>i ylewa of men and things: the Ajnerican vltagraph, with new views, and others, T?i* dosing week of the Paradl a Ro f OarAea'a !"<"a"iii! win begin with to-morrow nighfa r""i- formanoe. Thn Victoria Theatre will reopen on Monday, September .'\u25a0. with a renuroption ol m vaudeville policy of last anasoii The bill for tlic w«-«-k will include Enigaareile, the "Automatic Mystery"; Pewltt, "The Myatertoua F^ace"; Paul Bpadonl. Rice md Prevyst, Collina and Hart. Hill a>ni fylvan; Bemtational unlcyolUtH; v. i.' \u25a0 /.ii'i- mermann, ti." (Jain-h Bltit^ru, Mian Aifnra Maiir. th.< American "Tomniv Atkins."' and Pai Ifulla, with MifH«>s Josephine Ba^el and Eleanor Talk, and its chi'i us .i! 1 ba llei •'! . enty. difficulties of interpretation or bring about uni- formity. Everywhere cathcdrnla and cloisters con- tinued their local uses and vocal manners. By the thirteenth century Hi. Gregorian melodies— they hud been called Gregorian for about two hundred yean. but not longer—which M. Oevaert holds had become Orientally luxuriant under tho Greek popes, had become co overladen with ornament that nn attempt was made to abbreviate them as the lltur- Ki.nl texts themaf.lves had been abbreviated, no that the encrod oJtlce might.be less protracted. Evidently .the melodic ut»re not. at that time re- 1 (lusum. or Inferlus). and d (deprlmatur). a de- presslon; \u25a0• (eelerlter, or clto), an acceleration of the movement; t (trahere or tcnere), x (•xpactaa) and m (medlocriter). a retardation; etc. These marks of expression were again modified by other marks. such aa b (bene) and v (volde). Under the cir- cumstances, It is not to bo marvelled :it that in the palmy days of the Gregorian chant a slncar required ten years to Mam to sing the whole liturgy It ,1s also easy to understand bow It came about thai In spite of the most strenuous effort diver- *\u25a0\u25a0'"•• and variety crept Into the chants. The memory can be relied on to preserve essential principle In a code of laws or the- names and 6eeds if popular heroes, but text*, whether verbal or musical, ag n'.iti.r how hallowed by official sanction or command, .i:-- not proof against the Insidious attack's of popular tendencies or racial or Individual Inclination* To guard against change there must 111 1 an iinmlstakuble grn'phlo record, and •••\u25a0 ; ' this cannot avail against national lacte. The successors of Gregdrj the Ur'eat In the papal chair Bent but singers from Rome and armed them with books containing the Roman ua*; but In spite of everything, portions of tax Gallic service found their way Into the liturgy, and it bus been practi- cally Prankish aince the eleventh century. The ;iaii.-iit« rail. ir, of the ncuines lute the symbMs of the clearer and more exact staff notation, which In it, latest form la still in use, did not obviate all the Ton V Vi-di-runto . \u25a0«« Sum ter-r» u-lu-ti-re De-i no »tri: jo-bi-li -~U j:x.>M!'l,i. OF MODERN GREGORIAN nota- TION. Th« melodies of the Church known as Gregorian shall restored In their integrity and purity ac- cording to the most ancient codices but at the same lima special account will i - taken also of legltlnmto tradition us contained in the coatees of the different centuries, and >: the practical oaa of the modern liturgy. * . ,„ , ' \u25a0 \u25a0 In our special predilection for the Order of 3t. Benedict, and in recognition of the work done by the Benedlrtine monks tor the restoration of tbo gemilmt melodies of the Roman church, by tha members of the French I 'onsregatton and of the Monastery of S.'i. m.s. it I* our will that the edlt- ing of the parts of this publication v c, th« new typical edition*, which contains the chant. be n>- trusted particularly to the monk.* of the French Congregation ami to the Monastery or swasssaea, IK,' monks of Boleaajnea are now the monks of Farnborough (Hants) and Appuldurcoiabe (Isle of th»> world f->r th« express purpose of obtaining uniformity of use. though ho »u«l not ssaha them obligatory. I'- XI II confirmed the acts of Ptaa IX lii l* .:. and appointed a. commission which again laid down principle* for the chant and determined that the three forma of notes which had been «Md In the Medicean edition «*f the seventeenth century spending to the whole, half and quarter note* of modern secular music) should suffice tn record- Ing the chants. The three forms may bo seen In the excerpt from a modern gradual printed above. The decree \u25a0\u25a0! li>SJ seems to have been called out 1,. the action of a Benedictine Congress for Lit- urgical Musi.-. held In Arena, In August. MB, which attacked the authenticity of the typical edi- tion and asked for a version of the chants baaed on scientific and arcbteologlcal principle*. Now Mm Benedictines have triumphed. The Ratlsbon books are to be .•-\u25a0.:. .1 by a new set uhl-'.i. it » mote than likely, will embody the BeoedlethM version in all It* completeness. Among th.- instructions of Tina X In his Motu Proprlo of April -•- ljui. are the following passages: MACL.TX AIIBCCICLE. "The County Chairman." 10

New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1904-08-28 [p 10]NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBX^N^. SUNDAY. jjITGTJST 2&. 1954. GREGORIAN STUDIES. fontinue.l from flr*tpate. The new foyer of the new Orpneum

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1904-08-28 [p 10]NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBX^N^. SUNDAY. jjITGTJST 2&. 1954. GREGORIAN STUDIES. fontinue.l from flr*tpate. The new foyer of the new Orpneum


GREGORIAN STUDIES.fontinue.l from flr*tpate.

The new foyer of the new Orpneum Music Hallpromises to ic a feature of Harlem. The hallwill open next Saturday. September 3. .13 previouslyannounced. A chief feature of the opening billWill bo a three act musical extravaganza entitled"The Japskis. 11 The scenes of the three acts arelaid in Russia, Japan and Cores. The story iF saidto tell the real cause of the war. A Russian prin-. ess falls in love with an American war. corres-pondent, follows him to Japan and there in amoment of excitement divulges to him state secretswhich are published In bis paper at home.

Henry lye has added Alton B. Parker tr» his Hatof Impersonations of famous m»'n past and presentnt Keith's. Other numbers are "Christmas on theInland." Venetian Trio. "An IYour Wife?" theGloasons. nssisted by Fred Houlihan. C>- SandorTrio. Herbert's does. Harry Brown the Ford Sis-ters, the Olson Brothers, Miss Mamie Bernard, andthe biojfrach.

"Paris by Night," which has run for eight weekson the roof of Madison Square Garden, will have

its closing- performance to-night, when the entirecompany will appear in the more popular songsand enscsnbles. toK<-tli<-r with a large number ofwell known vaudeville performers. "Paris byNight" is now rehearsing for its road tour, whichwill begin Ina fortnight, the company being- headedby "Bert" Leslie .•nd "Bob" Dalley, a brother ofPeter F. Dalley.

lion and "Hooiiean. 1 a clown bear. Allor the otherfeatures are retained. ».-v-


From left to right the figures are: Oscar Eagle, aa Mr. Wlgns: Mrs. Madge Carr Cook, a* Mrs W -csaand Mabel Taliaferro. as Lovey Mary.

scent: feom -the county chairman," at wallaots, septem-

BER 1.

yarded m possessing that peculiar sanctity withwhich Plus X seems disposed to invest them. Thereformatory < fforts found their culmination whenthe artistic music of the Church, the. music com-posed by Palestrtna and In bis style, which thePope's Slot a Proprlo of last November commended,reached |;j height. Gregory XIIrequested Pales-trl.i to undertake i revision of the liturgicalbooks, "t » do away with the superfluous accretions,to abol!«;i the h.-j.rl.ari<»ms and confused passages,thnt Gikl'< name mijrht be. reverently, intelligiblyand devoutly praised." In his revision he was "as

far as possible" to "purge, improve and remodel"the chants. itrina preps the Gradual underthe instructions with the helD of his pupil Guidettl.but .icomplete edition of the liturgical books underhis eye was not finished. Later the work was con-tinued by Ila successors, Anerie and FrancescoSoriano, whose revision of tho Gradual was printedIn ICI4-'ls. Meanwhile*, books containing the re-

Madeline Bcrlbn*r. aaachsr of BBftety. Miss Ulllan BayerM«xth» Toung. ffavorc»»a» who run. tho Aeailumy..

Miss Helen MarcottLone!; Brrt«it» 1 -i,.~v,,_

r »Jlm Roma «";>'i<"r"rEKh.r Sprouts....Bru»s«i Sprout*.. . "k li.w Christ

The Belasco Theatre opens next Saturday night

with Miss Henrietta Croeman and the same com-pany which helped her with the Belasco play.

"Sweet KittyBellaJrs" last season. This secondseason of Miss Crosman la "Sweet Kitty liclliilrs"Ispositively limited, as David WarJleld is announced

Tony Pastor presents another array of \u25a0

tlom for the week. Including "The Originalplre Quartet.' !• \u0084er In He-brew pHro'lle?; Harris & Walters, "Germsc.iv Duo**; Mi*s i..-.:r.( Comsihkmjb; Edward Doyle a IEm<gling art; Moaher*a f<i!l terrienand b.'.»c punching '!"K '\u25a0\u25a0 -. *»• In"Barney's C< iri!.i;.

'Miller i'.:..l :"••

RaKtime Hu-i.N . Sherman and Iacrohats: Fennel and Snowden,two Kentuck] k.:r!s. f'.un-:[.i '.and < 'otter trioMl*s Tarrle !<:. blngs, Hebrew :..

Sketches for a week give way to specialty "<***

at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre. At thehead of thi bill stands Marzella's trained cocka-toos. Other members >.:• KHly.an-i Ashby. MissAgnes .Mahr. Miss Mabel Browne!! and compiiny,J. H. Burton's dups. Uruco and Dalpneau, Fisherand Johnson, comedy and tri<k cyclists; WalterBrown and the Bills sisters, Katha and Wal-ton. the dancing djo; Miss Mattio Uockett, Mor-gan A. Sherwood and Owley and Randall.

The RusseJl Brothers appear at the li^ad of theirown organization in a melodrama. '"I"he FemaleDetectives." on August 23 nt the Metropolis Tl.t-atre.

"Men and Women," 1

by David !'\u25a0\u25a0 las •\u25a0 and H< nry i'

presented by thi PriOne-hundrt \u25a0

addltii : •

Ml.»s M \u25a0 .

A- Proctor*! Fifty-eighth Bti e( >• in HenriQressltt «rll \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0•• '\u25a0'•

American pl.ir. "Capl liv 1:. ,

Clyde Fitch's play of social life, "Tho Climbers."will form the attraction at Proctor's Fifth AvenueTheatre, In addition to the r<'sular members ofthe permain* nt stock romp Mi.--n Eleanor ivirryand George .Sotile ripeiuvr have bt-vn si'«-ci.»!!y m-gaceO. .

. The St. Rose of Lima Church, a Chthnii.' organi-ratlin In Rocks Beach, will receiye a benefitnt Hurtig & Seamon'a AVverne Pier Theatre, Thurs-day, August

The season a 1'he Madison Square Roof Gwhich was announced to end on Saturday •

has bam extended foi the R \u25a0 al Italian .Nat it. Wills Is tv be -•••\u25a0\u25a0 again at the West

End Theatre In a new edition ol \ Son oiMr. WIUs willhave ne« songi \u25a0

in his li:i<I

With to-morrow night's performance. Sam Ber-

nard «nd "The Gil", from Kay-" begin their last

week at the Herald Square Theatre. Boston hascalled, and the merry little jingle I"as oDeyeu.

Peter P. Dalley. Miss Fay Templet n and "AUttle of Everything' begin their last week at theNew-Amsterdam Aerial Theatre to-morrow even-ing. Next Saturday evening the rial Theatre will

be closed, the New-Amsterdam opening a weeK

from to-morow night with'

The Rogers Brothers inParis."

"Checkers" finished its first week at the Academy

of Music last night, before a large audience.

"MilitaryHad" is drawing large crowds at theOarrfck. Matinees are given Wednesday and Sat-urday.

New-Y-rk has taken kindly to •The '\u25a0'- of

Spice" and Its chorus, and. us .iresult, me sfajestieis packed to the doors nightly.


"Th? Maid and the Mummy" goes Into It? last

week at the New-York Theatre to-morrow night.

Every alghl since th« opening has seen the theatre

filled. It is more than probable that"n", Maid and

the Mummy" will return to Broadway before mesnow files.

When William Favcrsham. appears here In Plne-ro'B play "Letty"at the Hudson Theatre, the com-pany wiil include Miss Julie Opp. Fritz V.iiliams,

Miss Carlotta KUeson. Mies Kathertne >""rf'sl,rt'Sydney Herbert. Miss Olive Oliver. Tom Terrw,

Arthur Play fair. Ivo Dawson and Henri Dv uarrj.

Rehearsals., for "Little Johnny Jones." in whichGeorge M. Cohan will star this season, beginThursday, September 1. \u25a0 The- season will openOctober 10 at Worcester. Mass and the Kew-Vorkengagement will l>-gin October 31 at the New-ioraTheatre.

succeed 'The Girl from Kay's" on September Sat the Herald Square.

Thfrso symbols, based undoubtedly on the accentmarks of the classical Latin language, did notdetermine the Intervallic relationship of tones.They indicated (trouplngß of notes, ending anddescending. X^hv^, as m!f,'ht be said, graphicrepc«sentatlons of th<: progress of itie voice insiiifilij? and melodies. They also provided hintsas to ti«< manner <>t performance. 'i he qutllsma inthe third line or tii-» mnemonic table, \u25a0\u25a0:• In-stance, pictured a shake or trill, and it la certainthat other refinements ofexpression were suggestedby other sisns. At any rate, It Is hard to under-stand why so many s.ynib<j!s should have beenneeded to record (/.<• melodies merely, with theirsmall compass and little variety. A staff of fourltr.fH. two clefts and thrc«* kind* of notes sufficeto-day. There are thirty-seven symbols In themnemonic table. Schubiger, In his treatise on thesinging school at st Gall ("Dm Bios^raehsde St.Gallens"). tabulates and explains twenty-eightneumes. Ki<-i::»-. .i Benedictme educator of to-day,tisf.x modern equivalents for eleven of them to In-dicate melodic progressions, and enumerates halfa dozen others as Kik;.-i.H for BUI vocal embelllsh-nif»nt<i as the itppoggiatura. trill, portamento,vibrato, etc., and the a also serve all the pur-

poses of I'othier and Thierry, the French writerson th»» subject. Sorn« tlmo after the ncumes had<-om<* Into use, letters and Other marks were addedto :!:<• symbols in aids to expression, traditionascribing th<»m to a singer; Homunus, sent out by

the I'opc, at the request of f'h.irleniHKtie, to teachthn Franks how to sing in the Roman fashion.Ha fell «!ck at St. Gall, remained there and es-tablished the slnginß school for which the oldmonastery has ever since been famous. He is saidto have Invented the system of expressive «!«;nswhich ari> railed Romanic letters In his honor.b*i-aus« ho fnuml the task of teaching the Frankswith tlu-lr natural uncouth vocal manner difficult.Thus 11 (altlus), 1 ...:.•. \u25a0 (eersum), and g(gradatlm). Indicated an eleratloa of the voice;

iU^Vvrfe^wrr o-nx **r fintf -err

. It /-


y in*-? j,

**^ ,>-r AJocwn W^

. \u25a0HAN'!- WITH NKIMKS.From .. MS. of the eighth century.

of the officiating priest: the antiphonary ••onti'ins.ill the rhants for the several portions of the mass:


Many Broadway Openings Tliis

, Week— of Heated Season.Mi»£«n» May willmake her flrrtapearance in• musical com*dx. -The Scbool Girl." at Daly's

rhextre. on Thursday evening. The music of the

Piece is br Leslie Stuart. author of "Florodora,

»nd there are Interpolations by Paul Rubens, author

«.' "The Three Little Maids," and others. The

book Is by Paul M. Potter and Henry Hamilton.

Best know-n of the player, in this organisation

Mlfs Edna May. the American tfrL At the headr-t the English contingent is George Oroßsmltn, jr.,

«ho comes from the Gaiety Theatre, In London.Mr Grossmith Is over here on a three ™ **1*.,. of absence from the Gaiety Theatre, It will

+* his first apeaxance to N>w-Tork Klnce ha iraa

**en la the character of Beautiful BountUul BerUe

la the -Shop Girl" several years' ego. James

Blakelcv. also from the English contingent, is a eon

of the English comedian who visited America with

CharMß Wynfih&m when the latter made his last

two tours In this country- The performance of

"The School Girl" Ib long, and itmill fee necessary

to bcria at 8 o'clock promptly.t i-> • • sssbb BBtsa Mar

SSSSf^r.™ mm ciarn Btaithwmita»*„«-,,.,- T?*..-irfj»!!*r -Jibs i^uiu * »*ii

5«~ Kocheater .^.WmSn.VgJr-f^r* .\u25a0\u25a0'.'..... .vi»*ivy Lous*««i i , Miss Dorothy DunbsrriC,:,. stte. ni.-.».ur.JgSEi M>F» Made* Gre*t

\u0001n?t Mlss VlrirlnlaBt*UOtoaMis* iofI M_


Kate MedhUT-st Mlrs JjjnnetM Pa 'r^.nS-Sc^pt^iV..'.... v -.-\u25a0-.-;. ts"v*l\-n ''un-.nen ... .-v KnhM Keii>;tor\>mfy Miss Talleur Andrews

J£Sr.i VlEdmZi XCrIG&S:

«i«oree tyive»tt-r lUrry Hud'nn'AlO'.pll* TXlftpoiSP MU,m M',TurltrrH'.r OmiSby St. L-tieer <.eorce GrossmUll.

WILLIAM BRAMWELL.In "Captain Barrti ,• "

fit Proctor's Firtr-elshth,Street Theatre th!« week.

NAT. M WILLS.At the West End Theatre this -week.

'•g'ilar peas, n of the Empire Theatre Will• •VSJUBS, Beptl rr.her C. with :t«

customary opeatng uttraction. John l>ren\ Thl.iyear Mr. Drew will appear in the comedy "Th*Duke (,f Klllicrajik!..:." »ri"rn by Captain RobertMarshall, the author of \u25a0;•! InCommand

""A i: tyal J'ainily." "His Excellency ti.« CJovernor."et.-.

Tha Mgg«g) of the liar!' in as will hepln. sj>ec!.ii Labor Daj matinee < -;i Monday, Bep-r c. The op.-!,i: k bill win bo Mm. Francaa

Wallack's Theatre reopens on Thursday night,September I. with George Adc's comedy. "TheCounty Chairman." Then will be practically thecame cast as seen last season, with Moclyn Ar-

buckle as Jim EtavcUer. A new addition to he '-a-itla Miss Frances Bins;, (MM of the younger leadingwomen of the day, best remembered with t'haunceyOlcott and William Gillette. who will make her firstappearance In the comedy as the heroine, LucyBlgby.

to"ar>r.<-ar -!n <""hii.r:(s Klein's new•taster." a ;•.'\u25a0 Belasco on September 9b\,

Meanwhile the industriously studious and !nJe-fatlgablfl Benedictines continued th'lr \u25a0 rttga-

ttom Into the old codices and published the r-'sults.which naturally were brought to the attention ofIMus IX. The Pope expresned appreciation ofthem, but placed the stamp of authority upon theedition of liturgical books made by his commis-\u25a0ion am! printed by Pastet In Rcßen^burtr RstßVbon). to whom the Holy See granted a monopolyof printing which expired three yean ago. In1573flu.-« IX recommended the (cattsboa books to ant v>—


vised texts were printed in 1582, ISST. 1353 ad 1611.and somebody in authority must have thougnt thatby "pursing" the ilisting chant 1* "supertluous ac-cretions" a;-.d "barbarisms'* had been abolished anda return made to the ancient and revered manner.The Gradual publish, d In l-JM-'IS. called the

•'.:•\u25a0 in, after tho press which issued It, was thebasis of the official book compiled by a commissionappointed by Pope Plus IX for th« purpose of re-vising the old service and f.xir.e melodies to theoffices which bad b«en Introduced since the seven-teenth century. Th* work of this commission re-established the form ot the melodies, and also laidflown the principles Of th« l«r*gorlan chant "as

they were embodied after the found! of Trent"—the council whoso labors Ii behalf of church musicwere crowned by Paleertrtna*! "illssa Papsa Mar-ceOa."

Followlr.? a run of twenty-ore weeks In Chicago.

r new comic contribution. "The Boyal Chef." be-

#riT.!= its "-.pap' i here on Thursday, September

1. at tho Lyric Theatre. The pl^ce Is the work ofOeorge K. Stoadard and Charles S. Taylor, whilethe music is by Benjamin M. Jerome. In the courseef tho narration several musical numbers are In-

tro<su™«J. among them "The Tale of the Tailless

rVoc." "It's a Way They Have In Chicago."•'\u25a0Would You If You "Were I?" "IXMe Go Back."""What Color Eyes Da You Love Best?" O*Beffly,


"An Admirable Admiral." "Olfl Mother Goofo" and•\u25a0What's the Mat:, with My Man in (ha Moon?""The Hoyal Cher' has been chosen for the Ameri-can debut of Miss Ida BMaee. Miss Renee. who Israiled "The English Yvetta (Mfbert.*' ha- played•bread lor many years. The cast is composed prin-cipallyof p!aycrs well known in Broadway, amongwhom are Sam Collins, Henry '-•"'•:

• Joseph T.Mtron. Jolra Park. Misses Amrlia Ston*. StellaTracey and Gertrude MilUr-gton. The cast:

ll»lnrl'**iI/Tijihauwr, from CTMCBBSS S»m foiiinaTh* Rajah of Oolonp Ham Lein«Jxird Mho. ITlir.e Minister to •:• liajs.h and leai«r

of th» '-K>ljirbaiifllt* „ J^s»;,h T. Mlr->nf»fiso. a i<onspirinc banflit \u25ba Jon^iih All»nJlturj- Park**. il«-ut*r.*ntV. P. S. Chicago.. Joba ParkAdmiral Nob!«. D. S. S. Chicago . Ma'ihf-w Wfcit«

k Miathlrrorn V. S. S. Chicago S <ifurce Steveaa\ Il!«rrv I*onar<sLI Prince** Toto. th» Ka ah"« <s*ueht*r. ..Ml«» Amelia, isiu&afj K»tv <»"R*i!ly.ma!<j to the r)rln^f*i^...ll!»iSlella, Traoay"

k'ahel NobK th* adm!ral-a dauchter

ille* O*r.ruile MilUncton\u25a0

[Oca I>nolrCourt isf'i „

_IHorenw TowcseadiN*na VA&kf

\u0084 . I.M*l»n Ch*e«<»nTr!k« ....1 fMlS8 KIM* Hu*rl«-In.Fi!atn« .. ' '

Mis,»t«-ll*.L.!b«rtKarao ..... _ Imlm, Juno : imnMohat ...r . .Court Seautivi.

-mlks '\u25a0•\u25a0rtruil* l>-nr.ox

Kftvat ...i IMinn Pauline Klllcu?-!»rlat ...] 'MlfH Kdlth PtuartIfunat ..i IMiss Amy Stuart

MAY i:i-l.i:Vbe Mn.iand The \iuanay M

al • Sew-Tork


EDNA MAT.Tn •"Ti.r School (;irl•ut Omiyu, September L


Wight). England- but that will not Interfere wtqVtheir work on the Vatican bool In fact. tUa^Bwork has long been done, and the result* are '>pet^|to the scrutiny of the world in publications of tn^lservice books, and especially In the "Paleographia^BMuslcale"— that monumental work whic-h bids fai^^|to run through decades enough to -wear out the <>r.^|durance of its most patient subscriber, unless i^Hbe the Holy See Itself.

And now as to the differences between the o:T!-^BcSal chant that will soon be superseded and thaiHwhich is to take Ha place. These differences ar» Mtoo many to discuss in any one particular. It will!be enough for the present purpose to present a^Hsingle object lesson in concrete modern notation.Iand leave it to the reader, after what has beerilsaid about the ancient chant and its performs •Ito imagine th» kind of training: which willbe nee-Iessary to make the new form (which is -. _

r«-Istored ancient form with its "superfluous accre-Itlons" of which It was once "purged" broughtIback to honor) practicable to priest and cbaraZflter. and acceptable to the faithfuL As an «•Iample Iselect th© same excerpt parts of which IBhave already been presented in neumatlc and SOregrorian notation. It Is th* h-pinnlng of th* \u25a0gradual a! tertfam mlssam "In die NaUvltatls MDomini" bearinnins "Viderunt omnes." Per, \u25a0LambiHotte gives tea versior.3 of this gradual inIan appendix to his facsimile of the St. Gall 3IS. tc Iaid in th* study of musical notation. The folloir- \u25a0Ing version. In modern notation. \u25a0

Is from the "Liber Gradualis juxta anttq'jo:nrr» MCodJcum fidem restitutes t-um Suppiemento proIordlr.* .- Beaedlcti." published at eoleames in ISC. IThere can be no doubt as to its authenticity-. To<*Ichant as glrert here la practically identical w!th \u25a0that WMeS. appears m the Sarum books (the uses Mof the artcJer.t English -••« of Salisbury), and Iother ancient codices. The second version \u25a0

i» fcom the "CJraduale Roraanum." printed at IRatisbon. Her» we see an Instance of the abbre-viation which has been mentioned— the delision ofseveral long- flourishes on syllables, both long and [

short, accented and unaccented, which to a tlmi.llay critic appear to be very much Dke tha "bar-barisms" condemned by Gregory XIII. Perhaps1: may be permitted to ask in the sarao spirit t>?timidity '\u25a0' It Is altogether consister.t to declare.as does I': SB X. thai music must be secondary an! .subordinate to the text and then restore th»*esaeissssai To insi.«t on the Injunction "the liturs:-ca] text must bo sung ns it is In th* books, with-out alteration or Inversion transposition?^ cfwords, without breaking of syllabus and alwaysin a manner Intelligible to the faithful." and yetwtr'.ni: out th* last syllables ot "ouines" and i"terra" tn the fashion illustrated In the first ye-- !stun of the chant? The example is .1modest i>re.and unsought. Ireopen my ttenedictlne Gradualand find a flourish of thirty-six notes on the firs:ayßaila of "\u25a0 i i." a few pajjes later fifty-twonotes on the third syllable of "lab^r.itis." a-:i!f.fty-six on the last syllablo of "caritate." Is Latir.to be read in this m.inner in the Church hence-forth? h. K. K.

SUGARED THE EGGS.Admiral Pewey aW#aM toward a tall man

•with a military carriage."That gentleman.'" ha said, •fongHt gallantly

in Cuba against the Spaniards. But it Is abouthis eating. not his Ughtlngr. that Iam soir.g tolaß you.

"He was i'.Kirtri-.-,! in a certain Cuban villas-?.and at mess ht> complained Mftcr!y every day jabout the Cuban cookinjr.

'*"Sugar" h»" would exclaim; "thov su^ar every-

thing! Ican't stand this constant sug;;r diet.'"Finallyhe said: "111 eat nothing t>t*t boiled

«*KKs hereafter. They C '\u25a0'-'\u25a0 sug.ir th«-u:.'"Hut \u25a0 young office* came tn to mesn at t|b»"

next meal very curt] anil taking the salt <>ut <»f

the Other*! salt «rti«-t he Tilled itup v.i;h sugar."When the older man arrived he ordered, »nrs

enough, boiled m* He opened them «''gloomy complacency, and sprinkled over themplenty of the doctored salt,

"At the tlrst mouthful he turned purr.!?."•tfupared. sasjared"

he exclaimed, and rosfteflfrom the table."

BABY ENIGMA.London onrrespor.dence of The Philadelphia NcrtN

American.Chela*. Workhouse harbors a boy. f.ilr sk:nr.e>'

ant] light haired, whoso nationality has. up to taspvesent. completely barlled the officials. , :

Previously to being -.-it to the warkhous- t'.ie sail

was urged at th.« WVstminsu-r i'oli.c »'ourt wnnwandering without Ttslble nuans ol sul-<Wtonc«f.and it was then st.vi.a that duruiß the «r-k he «*\u25a0

under remand he did not utter :i word. :<!vi. «rthough he was spoken to in six ajfferent languagcy,ba showed no sign of recognition. ..it has since been found that th.- !ud ran \u25a0sf*J*

but bin speech l« stra'isjer than rtis silence, in

Jabber of a monkey is more Intelligible.Several written questions were pui to him >'e'-f'j"

day. I'ndernenth the words. -What is your sanwand ageT" h- wrote wit...- hesitation. Ter.i>r.<i

Watouk. fourteen." Thus he appeared to'"''' "

st.vrul English.' . , . ;

"What country were you born In? \u25a0 \u25a0• iaa «i

once. wrott< "Hlrlulntyints."\u0084Hfll̂

•How d i you like scrubbini;?' (t!.e occupationth«» boy had just U-en engased ln>. "Dernt sen*.was the* written reply. ..«-,»;.l

He was then nslreil. agsln in writing. «<^\\you like a penny?" His answer was brief: Tei. '>•

His ldentltv show's ev»ry prospect >\u25a0* nm»i i-"s \u25a0

riddle. He has been seen by medica! men and ">linguists, but hitherto it ha, '•.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 lmtuwsilile i»

account for him in any way. Since h:* f"fL?Sappeared In the papen nuinborloss PfWl* na;/called who say they have loat boys of abVOt his as*

The f.r?t presentation of "Mrs. "Wißgs of th<»Oabbaje Tatch" In this rlty ivlllbe given on Bat-urday evening. Indefinite time has b<-<?n secured«t the Savoy for this dramatization of the so-called-gospel cf coatcntraer.t." The play is an adapta-tien by Mrs. Anna Crau-ford nexner of Mr AliceJfcgan Rice's stories. "Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage}-• .'" and "Lovey Mary." The. title role is in-terpreted by Mrs. Madge Can Cook, the bibulousfind d<-sJgr.!:ig Mr. Stubbing by William T. Hodge,ih« !iUsbinU-st.-k.:.»f M.- Hazy by IClsa HelenLssssJL aad Lawsy Mary by Miss Mabel Vallaferro.who. la this character, emerged from the childRctrets period of her career and made her amrklrt debut. The play has juFt completed a seven•weeks' stay InChicago. The ca«t:Nr»«. Wlrm. optimlft Jin. Hasan rarr C<*>>.l-o\ey Man1. "mlEuiKi.-rsi^xi" Mi?s WbW Tuliaferr'jMiss Hair. p»tvmliit Ul^s ll^tnLaw*UMlh» iMcy. tii*"Ohrlßtnia^ I^a^j" Mlm Nm-a KheUJTMn. TJlohom. a enwrp^tc!,.f Mi£» UlUmjiIv»Mr». bchultz. TiHirJiLortiotal t-!i»ur Slim Anna !-.<•; '.»*"'\u25a0 I Oftfa* I «!» Stay McMuiuiAwtmlta..Ur^se »U MtM F.,iithKtor^y- -

!'. •I<"übv. tf> Htr.txau'm I,y UimaelfMr. BtOUteß. ot );aj:<.Ui.l .Tunrtl.rti W.lliam T 11.j1.-oM<-. Wlfss «f;»r |qnf year* o«c«r j;ai;i..

K.V. ftfe Eilljr \u25a0 'Jhurst'.n HallI'.H.v \\!cur »r. "uut ar.^ «-jt»r'- Arole <"kmpb<:iM.r*!Uty, »,atifly «n hl» f«-t Taylor OranvlUaTonimy. th* bahy boy William Ilurton .lan'-sI!.iiu:».:-r<lunku* Joner, ir^arriaite broker. Howard <Jil!<-«l>!e\xputy ,<!ifriff. Kdward CUUeapl*

Mr.S<r.ulu.. .ISo!lj dibraa of the lUrry1.. >V«nkll'nMr.Ti.h.irn. J r^T^h. ). ..William Sh*rlor-kJ2! -;""irn i Jnhri Waltonr-t- Mval-.r. .• .• Willie ,JravTiTia \.!.vy Mis. |,1a

-\u25a0• artrl^na Ivrasr-ri-r MlfßMlna liuywOl,

IJtt> ten* and <jauc!iH-r» <it \\\*3'atih.r».h»^- r^lirtboir. tbUCr*a «v. g^ats rek!Siac in th» dlt-

TV* jr. -..-•»-—•;. Btreei Theatre opened st seasontest BSgfat Tl.» :.ltra.-'i • la ;, musical comedytienttsl "G!r!» Will He CMraß," arUch had a longU3\ir last Reason. "Al \u25a0 1.--k. a comedian whoha.-- becoiT.«j known :ta a vaudeville eptertalner. Is«ie star. He Is —salsa by "the Three Kosebuds.'Misses CT.riKMrx <:ook. Roma Bnyd*r and Gladysrialre. and Mis* Helen Marcott. as Martha Younsth« coremetf. The book is by H. Mflvill<- Hakerwjd the rnu-ic by J«»n»h Hart and A. HaMwfnnKdyV £*<*£*****\u25a0*


Wn"*™' a

yaarajMi^, of ..h« w,.,hw,.,h mi Wms 5.,.... C- ]££'th, K^M \u0084r H..«lttl. H.,,,r.1..(

'•than Hailey. "'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.. siwiV.V."Mtarf^^Lfir^Ton* Sntrrow. wh.i fl^htc fc-am» <v«L. 5 I™ {"*

*.c«cnHo lta ...;;;;::;:..;;;;;; ::«^

Hoagaoa Hurnetfs play "The Uttle Prtneeaa." withiii«-s Ueonie Darmon as Sara, Crewe.

Charles Frohmnn willcontinue William Collier In\u25a0'T!... r»ictator" on Monday night at the CriterionThr-utre. when the liouhc opesw for Its regularseason. Mr. Collier will remain at th,» Criterion foronly three .-ks There willbe matinees WedneX-Scpternber*-1

"-V< W

"h a special matine. Monday.

The Manhattan Beach Theatre Mil have thisweek a Nixon & Zimmerman production, "TheStrollers." beginning to-morrow night, to be fOl-10w.., Labor Day by "Miss Bob White." whichwill ';v; v one.iay performances only at th*» theatretl>u« .ndlrjff the ncason at this playhouse

'Shannons Band »111 give maUnee and-evenineconcerts to-day. Mme. Bchumann Hdnk "l! b^

foMceZ' th° I>arylOm'- wiH \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-• '"••'\u25a0 P--

The Orand Optra 110-js.- ....;,.._ upon* thefirst full week of the ?enso:i with UWday's per-formance of th* VTUliaa « & Walker companyin the new -"in

rDahomey. 1 Th«: rirst nouular

Eighty seocee nn: us^.j in the\ production of"Thou B!..It Not Kill," ;:» \\v. Third Ay«Theatre this week. beginning Aubusl ». Headlns:the cast la Mies Virginia Drew Treecoti


The BIJou Theatre will be ready \u25a0" open Mondayevening. Sop.cmb.rr 19. with ":dr. V.ixof XVlckhum."

1*\u25a0" engagement otChariot tf Townoend completesthe cast of "The Spellbinder." \u25a0 . >m»-(:y by Her-bert Hall IVlcslonr and Charles Dickson. which will


The additlsn of a boxing kangaroo to the Bos-tuck MEaTT fatlon <if tr.iliu-d wild animals ut Dream-land, Coney Island, brlngs?tp mind the fact thatfifteen years ago Frank liosiock brought to thiscountry from Australia what was said to be thefirst -'boxing kangaiva ever known. air. Bostoclcexhibited in'- 1.

._.,.... himself and was tii.- spar-riug partner of the animal. This wan Mr. J!os-tock'a beginning as an animal own>.*r. Robert Mr-Hberson'a group of li<ins. another new feature, baabvcome popular, .m<t the poses, tableaux and plct-urea th*-y make, without a word being spoken Inii.- arena, him caused much applause. Self a and

the dent-tun llonn are again or. Ib« prowninune, \u25a0'\u25a0>>\u25a0tr^iii'-r having recovered from a month's lluieaii.Hermitn V%'eedcn has increased his combination ofmixed animals by the addition of another huso

"War In Hell" at Luna Park bus added to the"Battle of Port Arthur" the talcing of several fortsnear Golden" Hill and shows the instruction ofmuch of the waterfront. "Fire and names" haaadded. beginning to-day, the rescue of two womenfrom the fifth story window of a burning buildingby Bremen who carry the unconscious burden* tothe ground by meaoß^of a telegraph pole whichruns conveniently near th« cornice. Services underthe direction or Sayd Bhelck SSamerodeen, withthe sacred white, cow as a vital pint of the devo*tioiiH, will ij<- held this morning In private. Whenthe airship Luna IV u.aci. her first trip on Thurs-day the, waa decked in bunting, and her captainand crew plp<-d to quarters to receive the congratu-lations of th* management on the occasion of herquarter centennial trip of th.- aenson: Th« Roodship has carried over two hundred thoUKAnd visit-or* to the. moon during th( season i<> date. Newfeatures have been added to the Circus Maxlmus,including Spessardj-'s bears, the Five Flying Her-bert*. Josle Ashton and Will Hill.1 the hJgli wirewalker. . .

r\,f Bunda; nig]I concerts \u25a0•• till \u25a0• i- \u25a0• i

f«>atiir« >\u25a0( Terrace Qai l<

!ng oaoMdleane; «»ri»>n»a] anJ Occidental life, plct-ur<-n H!i>i ylewa of men and things: the Ajnericanvltagraph, with new views, and others,

T?i* dosing week of the Paradl a Ro f OarAea'a!"<"a"iii! win begin with to-morrow nighfa r""i-formanoe. Thn Victoria Theatre will reopen onMonday, September .'\u25a0. with a renuroption ol mvaudeville policy of last anasoii The bill for tlicw«-«-k will include Enigaareile, the "AutomaticMystery"; Pewltt, "The Myatertoua F^ace"; PaulBpadonl. Rice md Prevyst, Collina and Hart. Hilla>ni fylvan; Bemtational unlcyolUtH; v. i.' \u25a0 /.ii'i-mermann, ti." (Jain-h Bltit^ru, Mian Aifnra Maiir. th.<American "Tomniv Atkins."' and Pai Ifulla, withMifH«>s Josephine Ba^el and Eleanor Talk, and itschi'ius .i! 1 ba llei •'! . enty.

difficulties of interpretation or bring about uni-formity. Everywhere cathcdrnla and cloisters con-tinued their local uses and vocal manners. By thethirteenth century Hi. Gregorian melodies— theyhud been called Gregorian for about two hundredyean. but not longer—which M. Oevaert holds hadbecome Orientally luxuriant under tho Greek popes,had become co overladen with ornament that nnattempt was made to abbreviate them as the lltur-Ki.nl texts themaf.lves had been abbreviated, nothat the encrod oJtlce might.be less protracted.Evidently.the melodic ut»re not. at that time re-

1 (lusum. or Inferlus). and d (deprlmatur). a de-presslon; \u25a0• (eelerlter, or clto), an acceleration ofthe movement; t (trahere or tcnere), x (•xpactaa)and m (medlocriter). a retardation; etc. These marksof expression were again modified by other marks.such aa b (bene) and v (volde). Under the cir-cumstances, It is not to bo marvelled :it that inthe palmy days of the Gregorian chant a slncarrequired ten years to Mam to sing the wholeliturgyIt,1s also easy to understand bow It came about

thai In spite of the most strenuous effort diver-*\u25a0\u25a0'"•• and variety crept Into the chants. Thememory can be relied on to preserve essentialprinciple In a code of laws or the- names and6eeds if popular heroes, but text*, whether verbalor musical, ag n'.iti.r how hallowed by officialsanction or command, .i:-- not proof against theInsidious attack's of popular tendencies or racial orIndividual Inclination* To guard against changethere must 111 1 an iinmlstakuble grn'phlo record, and•••\u25a0 ;

' this cannot avail against national lacte. Thesuccessors of Gregdrj the Ur'eat In the papal chairBent but singers from Rome and armed them withbooks containing the Roman ua*; but In spite ofeverything, portions of tax Gallic service foundtheir way Into the liturgy, and it bus been practi-cally Prankish aince the eleventh century. The;iaii.-iit«rail.ir, of the ncuines lute the symbMs ofthe clearer and more exact staff notation, which Init,latest form la still in use, did not obviate all the

Ton V Vi-di-runto . \u25a0«« Sum ter-r»

u-lu-ti-re De-i no • »tri: jo-bi-li-~Uj:x.>M!'l,i.OF MODERN GREGORIAN nota-

TION.Th« melodies of the Church known as Gregorian

shall b« restored In their integrity and purity ac-cording to the most ancient codices but at thesame lima special account will i

-taken also of

legltlnmto tradition us contained in the coatees ofthe different centuries, and >: the practical oaa ofthe modern liturgy.

* . ,„ ,'

\u25a0 \u25a0

In our special predilection for the Order of 3t.Benedict, and in recognition of the work done bythe Benedlrtine monks tor the restoration of tbogemilmt melodies of the Roman church, by thamembers of the French I'onsregatton and of theMonastery of S.'i.m.s. it I*our will that the edlt-ing of the parts of this publication v c, th« newtypical edition*, which contains the chant. be n>-trusted particularly to the monk.* of the FrenchCongregation ami to the Monastery or swasssaea,

IK,' monks of Boleaajnea are now the monks ofFarnborough (Hants) and Appuldurcoiabe (Isle of

th»> world f->r th« express purpose of obtaininguniformity of use. though ho »u«l not ssaha themobligatory. I'- XIIIconfirmed the acts of PtaaIX liil*.:. and appointed a. commission which again

laid down principle* for the chant and determinedthat the three forma of notes which had been «MdIn the Medicean edition «*f the seventeenth century

spending to the whole, half and quarter note*of modern secular music) should suffice tn record-Ing the chants. The three forms may bo seen In

the excerpt from a modern gradual printed above.The decree \u25a0\u25a0! li>SJ seems to have been called out

1,. the action of a Benedictine Congress for Lit-urgical Musi.-. held In Arena, In August. MB,

which attacked the authenticity of the typical edi-tion and asked for a version of the chants baaedon scientific and arcbteologlcal principle*. Now MmBenedictines have triumphed. The Ratlsbon booksare to be .•-\u25a0.:. .1 by a new set uhl-'.i. it»motethan likely, will embody the BeoedlethM versionin all It* completeness. Among th.- instructionsof Tina X In his Motu Proprlo of April-•- ljui. arethe following passages:

MACL.TX AIIBCCICLE."The County Chairman."