ritottje. yoi» XXVI.Xo- YK>I. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1866. PRICE FOI R CENTS. Il YSIMI"-' 1 A. Oi'.V.i ' M. (i ; te ii le*» ! . and lb« ,if o! iBjBasass »i. " cr i i , Itali icli .ii. . ¦ .s «ymp i,,.. ¦. :. i ¦¦ ; . li»:.ii ' , > «a ÍI -t ii- ...... ¦.:.... .-. s i ... AV. ) i t li... «..-,, Al 41.Ctrl) te a»j sat tat» ] . «t li «,f I'¬ ll! Ml Nil | ll.lt t«..- i i o Bl M OK VVHI.-KY ; M , A'sNoT MAKF. I'i ! PB - kB Uk» »,;,!-|.i. j V.J. ti, kh i.i o . t . . -i BUBAl BOWS« vi. BxTItT. Fu.i toa !..» '. c i-- i i.-»! el Um Basan aTkatafe, Pan I- ¦. l r PI | k1 I . |1 I I' L (I J' is > |.e»«.il v..::. ". (i- .ii tin m to nary .1 li.J . »¦ Isa! ki.ii sTJBagtbeatl b the diarite« tal ¦biet ter«, knowlag A . riiC« thal I. » cn w,.l tr sn.tuui'd I de IL.« u.c.-. liid It hit Mat the kfli.tift aro di Lit», .u. u.:.A. Via. tr.iiy, IsEVl 0 CLtK. lion. i'< In W D .. rod restore!« li.. WmWnMttWt ¦.. s h.. ,i Ti, rii.p ,.i !. r ti . .; --... «rj«ft« if las by t ty it« us. Ni: l r.: i.i- n r i !. 1 \ fri' i.i- .I tlwn, Ink ii ! t » it! a n .. Í io i Iii, f.. r.,i . (¡en. an Uni.-»« .ti« rei (tna.i (.ei*. by pmrnm* »i..!, i tried them, and .> Lum íitct- able Bkaatioo of t)».r Ri-.tna i.i iced »:.. to try tbem. I mut co«,»m that I Led an i.v. i.ivi.0, Fat, ni Mi .irii.n '¡on, t' < iho laaud lid ti« |. i. hit. r> whose only aim «leu.l to he tu pi'ru off «wm«:.eT ii d di »gi .... r pea t! inn .r. is bj s «'.. way, and the ter.dir.ey if v.ttch. I fern, :t to nuke insiv eernfrn.id dr.it k krtt I i at reare wm reedy . ueóit-n«! pop»,!', r. BWA ita.th !.»i ;-v efft.t. It» »i BJ BJ I orly Ban Uie I'' ma«-!., b it BBS« ti* 11 r I «?..l.i,.. st... |i ii.pi kid lIBlBj I feel lhak 1 bave ilr.trd »nat u.d «atasnaM be «fit font t.'.r uk cf a f«w heOBn Vtrj leij.i ti-iij yours, VA', p. SKIuPRIiiD Ne. KI ««liai «arr.axon it. . Freu, lirr Iii v. I' Mirr.ft F»'tc i ( Í li.«. TeNy ink bapiial Chutili. J»bi...i. I Fr»m Bai sa) seaj -.¿¡.ii:«» afosa M Bs, ii, I «i,«J i (Irriimi Later», I ws» ii..! .ced to give tuen) a In».. Isfo r BttBaJ srvera. litt.e» und li.'-rn lo ne a rood remedy fir d', a mist excellent liarle for the «tonucti. D. ktXKKIOC Pi 'ne Rev VA'ii km Sir r»h fe " >.'» l'a«!' r r f the A ¡ccer.tmrn na) M.i.vai« (B J BastnCkn be», PkBaaMaMa BsBBktJJ u«ed in roy fa» Ty a number MkatBtsal ft i llocflsnd'. Oara.111 BtttotS,] have to «ty Hist I nfurj tLimu an aaABBBsM ntasafotl «pecin'y adup-ed to rei..«.vr iLedi.e»»-» thej W>«i.u«d for. Tl.> y «tu Dl'be i slid ii,vigórate the ««-:¦ u. vi hu. deb.a laled, »bd »r» vr loi« of apt et; » , »ave sai, m "U.u.eni.rd tie ¡u to KvtraJ of u.y friei.l« who have tried lhere »LJfi-i.d tLeu. greatly beneficial in the rea, Bastol St lataith. tant truly. WILLUM FMlTif N». n Mai Man« .t. Frein tat Rev. Tbomas Winter, D. l> Ft'tot of lUibcremi. I5kp tJrt Church: Saxa Stn I fee! it do« to your excellent prepkrktlon, nooflvi.ii'i Utru.sL Litter«, to kdd iny tei'jncr.y 88 thrileiervrd rr| utsti'.r. it I ai ehuÁLed- I have for yean, at tnuei bean troubled wilh great di«orJ«r la my bead ii.J Lrrton «yitein. I wai advised by a friend to try a fceit.e uf y««t (>.ru,«ii Bittere. 1 did «o, and have experienced great «¦sd onexpected relief-, my health baa been very n.sterishy benefited I (<*.fcilei t.y recommend lb« enid« »»hue 1 meat with .!¦* «IrusV-ai to my own, awl have been ai.urrd by mny of tbeir gund -fl- '.«- ¦aepMBMBJ your», T. WINTER, Roi borough, Fe. Frein Join, 13. AA'.rser.ham e»q firm of VTuker.h.ii. A llutch'.n eon, the celebrated Maujfaet »rer« of Fancy lr.u Work!, No. K9 Caaal.t 1 am the recipient Iron, you of «ne of tb« areale.t f.Tor. that ran he coafer-ed upon n an, vi*, that health. Fir many yeer. Laie 1 luf Sered foui um- uf tbe moat annoying and dei.ltitatiar couipiu.nti Ibat the hoauui family can be «ffiicled wttb.-hr«n. diarrhea. During tbe ioiig lime I wu mfleriug from tlil» disease, I vs.. at leaded by regular physicien«, giving me bul temporary relict. Ttu- .aaee seemed to remain until I wal induied to Wy llooftand« Uerinau Bitter«. After the nie of »few bottle, of that Valuable und.ciur, tin lasoplaiut appeared to be completely «radicated. I »flea inwardly thank yon for inch a valuable .pecibc, tnd when »jft 1 Uve an opportunity, cheerfully recommend it. wrtb fall coed- .Vax» lo lureUktiiity. Trnly ». ¦¦' JOHN B. WirKERJSHAM. Baw Tota Feb. 1,1*4. Froc* A. McMakin, *.q No. «iii Broadway, Maroh Vt. im«. UbabFiB' I take great pleaiure in teAtifying to the titraordinsry raarrittal n. i.litJe« of the Hoofland I 0*rn.aa foktei«, proeartd at your ÉMÉMÉMHb A useeT-bei of rev f*mi!y bas b**-n for many yeer« . perfect martyr M tbyip*»««!«. FiipitAVtlo» of the Hcirt, «jil etaVvsr dUtr««slng vttprini* Sis torpid liver, until p*iin*«*a to try the sbove eelebrsted remedy, «vkltb . lew weak« rta-.¡ed in makiiuj bei (to oa* her uwn word»! * a sa»» »»a-i. Te» are al liberty to make any use of this you see lit, or lo refer tim kir»|>:.i'i Tour, truly. A. McMAKIN H T. L'tiaaoLD. **«.., No. M4 Broadway, N*w Tork. CIATIPIC aV£8 IN OÄIAT Nl'MBFR« OPEN FOR JNSPEt TION. FkKE. BlNOtE BOTTI.E, *' MJ A 1,ALr DO/EN PUB <*«. Fkouid your neareet druggii « D0« b»*t lu* *,«*tl«,i do not be it by any »f the lutoxlcitlng pre, **»ratloB. that m.y be offert ia lu «Jet* lui «end to m and we wlU forward, aecotely packe-», » ex Mm \ FBUlCirAIa 0PF1CE AND ».UNLiFAtlÜIlF. \ «I AACU 8T., PHIL. «UXELFHIA. PA. JONEB ..'.TEVANH. MbOOMMH te C. M. J*i keon A Co*« > rroprU«lof»« 'n isa* by Driasasdatts siid Das!««« In »very town th« Vmmtt li. T. HELMBOLDS LkiO ABB CUEJaTCAia WAAEU0U8B, Ne. a.04 BBUaOVVAT, WBOLltALX AND BETAIL DEFOT, NEW YOllH. FROM WASHINGTON. CUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. COHGRE88IONAL PR0CUD1HG8. Al Iit'»}U(lcr»t LctUr from V.«,ùe UampUm I.Cad in tlio »Senate. THE NtT-OPriCl All?..::!.*.TIS.» BILL. The lA'caic on Mr. Trmr.li.l.'s Amendment. Tbe Rcfor^triiciion Propccilioas in tlr Rmta AMI\XI ViENTs AND SUBSTITUTES OFFERED. uim m MVTnii lunrnM The IUll Tro ice tint' Emigrants Fa>seili PAStUQI OF THE FiiEU)MEVS BUREAU âFPBOPRtATIOU lilLL. TLo Niagara Ship Canal Dill l'as,», .1. THANKS TO ÍMÍ-ÍKKS AND SAI10I.S. Waehimwon, Tuesday, May 1, Ira;. tuMIUMATI NS. li.- Beaatektvl an neeativ*eraaioi of orop ob Boot ¦ H'.til C"I:!.:lI!'(! li few tll.ill.'«Ttiilit 1 ii-tlli't.stLl'«. Ö letal i ..-.mi «u» u«l ü¡".. :;.. i-.- f li'u.sM.ui of Keataeky who wa IMtaiatet t" Eetukttat »w ci .y n-. aiit-ti. Mi-, i abroi . Bafaoaaorof Coiigl -, IBs. li hil .;[ "ti.:.. :. ;f in put nf Ikefatee taeetve«] f..r the béi roef "i tai l'x-itlt-ut'.- p .; ey. ao cc:.iii:n.iti..|i «as lu.ti, a:.ii Ike MM MMItBed Ll.tietlditl. ¡IE I'K.'VOST-MAHSll.Al.'s Bl'RFAV INV1S Hi ATK'N". Sp aiicr Ct'lf.tx gog pjjBsaiitad tit- n.! nwin,; VbmbbI .lin- to inveetiaaU itloi eftka g> v".-t-.\|ntrl,ul » llama I BatoaltofWi I of <»l.i", Clmim aa: ki:.:., '...i:;...- :_ COok (Ota), ¡ititi llover ¦1Yli..¡ PRIMDESTIAL NOM1NATlti.S.». 'I BO Si-r.at»Ctiii.in.t:. .- -i K... lo lOBOTt ¡iiicr-il%. upon tl.e t ,m ". Mr. .nth ni K.:.*:i«, Boiatnileil Miniatur io fliatsj oa Ike a ..:.,;uei. »t. m ni s. ,rnr Laae ti Kaaaaa. l.««ia D. t .iu.pt «li ni Ohio, uoniinatiil a? Minister to Mtaito, it wusaprccd, sho<ilt. b<« -.¡tittil lo tat St i...'.f witlout any return im dation, ] to : nn, thi- (Vjiuiinttt e l.'.ig a lit- on Um matter. tJeji. I>.i:.icl K. Sickles, as Mi:i..-t,r la tto Hague, was lum cn t te titl'lo. HA.NK Ol' PCRKH.I MI.VI8TFBS. The ('iinauiittte also agreed to rt-j««rt a J ill for raising the raiik ol Miins'tr» r.-ii i,t to K:.v..y l.xtr.toidii.a.y, iiiul M.uistt-r» Heuiputi-i.tiiiry, the pay te. leutuiii the »ultu- tis at prt-s' at. MU. Tilt M BILLS AMrNllklf.NT. Trutiilitill I uiiieuilii.f.'.t "ti lae t*tol QBaM MU. all b prevent» the ¡'t.;. iirtil ot Bay Blom y Orr talarit*» «.!' uffiet rs who a.o a: ¡m...ti.I tli.itXjr the IWMM, evri-pt la COOM Ol death, restf ¡i.itioii, nr ex] irai o "i li ¦ al kath -, La» Mat r'r. i.t'lli lu the Senate as »oulil iriiuriintie ila MMMB ] both Houses, either un amendment on tlw) AJ/ffOpril- ttOB hill, or its a st j,arm'¦ Li,I. MAI,AHA Mill' I ANAL. Horace II. Day s Nia.- in baúl (ni..ii Lill IVM to-day ¡.'ot through f.- HoBM MI aliitlllj MMsaOiiri Ail the larui- ii.g lat.il fi'iiitiiipT nn the river on the Au en. rai mit for at least seven iml'-s below the fails an- »'DCWMtofBCl with I40> traits Boa n-e and otc ujat »«ii M-ci.icd bj btOtBM li. Da) long ug" ::. aiittiipatioii t.f lin- | a .sage "I ti.is .I.. Next year ten ínillioüs more will Lu aabsWl for. NAVAL i'KOMOTION. The BaWAM finally p.iseid to-day the bill lor promotioa in the regular navy. ITÎRSONAL. Senator Dixon will not leave for Connecticut until the middle of the present mouth. Ho uwaius Bato! improve- mtnt in his healih. THE NKVv Kli". I.Ntl. BILL. Tho new BlfOBBB lid is r«tir:iftivi-, giving bObOsOOII in.«t*r to t,¡ i ii and add le cv. ry lirt returned «ithiu ono year, whi-invi-r, in their opinion, any understatement or undervaluation t-.nst«, alth.>titrti made in good faith. OCTKAOER OB ttJ» Kltt.H)MK.V. Tho President hu» prohihited (Jen. Bovafd from giving any information relative to oatrugi s lomiiiittcd hy South¬ ern «bates on the fri-edim-n. INTLHNAL REVE.ME HECEIPTS. The luti-rnul lii-venue latMtfkl to-day were |H-Ari,(l90. THE VIRMNIA BAriLK-PIELbi». Major Jainea (jleusun, A. if. M., has return'-d from an insjiiK'tion tour over the luttle-tk-lds of Northern Vir¬ ginia, along the lino of the Orango and Al'-xuiuliiii Ruilroud fiom Alcxanilria to tho Ka¡pu- l.siiiiock. About a thousand graves of l.aite4 btuttn soliders were discovered, und in Cnlpepper gawM upward oí3,000 were fouDd. It is intended le remove all tho remains lying north "1 the R ip;.iih¡ii*notk to the cemetery at Arllngtou, aud to locate n National Cemetery some¬ where in Culpcpper (.«unly for those bunctl south ul that River. A SLATE BiT'iKK.V. Stockton and BOOTOl'g ala'e, for the tUstribition of the a-ntir» Federal patrons»*!-ol New-Jersey, has been broken tip by two or three coullictiii».' intew-sts, who ar» anxious lora abare of the spoils, and the President tMcordingly withholds the list. THE (IDAS TRLRORAPH. The Conference Coijiiiisiti-e M the Cuba Telegrajih hill tgreed to report the bill with au amendment allowing Congress to alter the rate» for MM transmission of messuges, whenever expedient or necessary, lu thi» shape it will urubabiv pass both Hoaaaa to-morrow. LKPT-UAND WRITINO. Over three hundred spei iii.eii« of writing by left-banded soldiers «ere exhibited to-night at Seaton s, and speeches made by S]*aker Colfax und (len. Hank.-. WASHtROTOX. Taeeday, May I, 1&66. Te lae Aa»»eM»l»4 Pras«. TBI CAPTT'RI OP .'KFP. DAVIS. It appsars ftom the re«ord« iii the War Depertmeot that with tb» extention )t lb'* Présidents proclamât leo, notve but verbal orders were given for the t-sptui» of Jefferson Dsris. Major-Oeu. Wilson says tha* Lieut.-Colt. Harn- don and Prittbard are entitled to great credit for the teal aadsitiiitv with which tj.ty ooiiJuot-id the pursuit, aud that it but simple iustii e io tlitrs«* w.ir'by "fBoert to re- aiarh that thi-y were laruomnt of the rev,»rd at the time of the oapti.re. '( ti. mtctuti »ay» it wits so dark that he fnUld not diatinguish ho uniforms. It* the «.ourae of his narrante bs eave: Ou tb« return to the ctmp, I was so- C'iHu.1 by l>avi» from among tho jrisonerr, who saked ma if I was the oficer in comruani, ami opon mr ansvsenns; that I wat, and atktug lum what I wat to cult htm. he re¬ plie») that 1 miirht rall bi«u what or whoever I pleaaad thoa I replied to bim that 1 would eall him Davit; aud apon a inomuut a hetitatun bet said that wa» his name: UiHB be suddenly drew himself tip with twie roral dignity .nd exclaimed: " I suppose rou consider it bravery to charge a train of defenselesa women and children; but It u theft and vandalism. ' Nothing is md in Ibe arre ti ve about bis being di»guls<*d. PEIBOMAL PIIVILKHU OP KA VAL OFPICBM. The ki «Mer; of the Navy, iu answer le a lolnt.cm el lie & lait.. itski»g «beth,,! ul«J b/ wh>i Butftwi'i' kll/ I "flee-» are de'iancd of t'ao pimlr-g.- of vieitiiisr WeSaUaaj. I tun Mt p-'roñal ¡i;|.e,il 10 tbt Tri SHielit ni ti.' iriivv., I ::«cs, r. ¡.lie* that wlKii'vir in Lndividttal antere ihn n servite of the toiii.tiy. In the enoyori ivr, hi r«ecei rily .11» ti.i r.i t? and n oy, M. ury liw m 1 pim, thal tay ». sp, etiOB ni' roi or pnv.ie ,-¡m liiiiuii.'ctn e thal any kt aaodified ot vi,ti.- dtaarawithoBtinfrini tupo acit1nu;that ¡t i- Ol l\- ..¦ || ... tu. i i.ot ci duty, 'ead »eio i. ay be vt itlidruwn .it lay of tbt detaaad it. Iba adteu omi In kepi co II nilly on d .ty without kaf i Brit« ii d tl.it this i or control ti 1 ti. .- discipline. Hi further say li "Thi r «m ngu¬ bu ion cm i.¡i h i.g the n\ iii aaa wlu-h "Hi us of the Saty i ..v.. i ! i. (. i! ol vi iii g t!.. «"¡i* of <;. vi r.,i eal I pb .-¦- m then not oa duty, is sttrxIlM to I" e 1.1-* m ..' len a with rtnpeel to oAeert of the Army, hit I.»nu'h the Ntvy ri .ruL.t.,in M mm s'm.g at than the Arm;, orden bow Ln force, t wai win h the -'i--. ¦!..- ol ercry arailebM eBañrefthe N'.ivv uns ia e .ni BO daly afoot "r Blhon, t! c BOMMlty af I " a a ngul.it.on wee etta gttmïm witb twspecl tot» otBcttt of tb« Ntvy ti a with r-ii'it to tb softheArny. As repards w naal ajaaeaJa to the I^aideal lhere Mom is« stn:,ce «ti. rt ¡in min n bad bt n pli d m iba r tirad i. for drankeaniusa andtbe proce adina» c4 the Board which retired bin liad b ra n'-.i.iu. ,l by Pri memm Irwienl'i. -- Ht m nie itrplleation to v. it lae leal of Govern» unit in urdir ti, git n Mternl et IbtM einiadinge. His ti>] ice ion wa« gran ted; bul oa Bribing a tai ond ¡,[ . Iii n' on t,, vi ,t \\...«.. hil'to ii, lind j re-' nt hie api the I'ri «i'.i nt, 11 r:i'i-»i,m was tafo s ¡L VPltk thi ena lanawaraai oo nibni M panait aMoan ! Washington forth« rmrpoe« of peraoaol epyeal to tbt l'lt. Mili 11 11 tia- UBited 8tatea or to Cob . .TV. OABSl AM) TilK PliKSTDr.NT. Th»' Bt. ry iMi.il" th.- vol.i ,'.-¦ of tbe pi m thai Kean nota titi» Del .. and Uni,lull of Ohio ki tonned ti ¦ Pn sid .. t. tlmt (¡(ti. ('.in v La 1 | nblil ly d, i.oi.i cedh Bl, ia denied 1 f tboeegentlemen. Neither la k1 true thal ti.. I1,, bat vv it':. In i'.vu QeBa Carey*! Domination taC lb lut»n.,ii lit vi nue ¡"m ti c bat -"I Dil lit f (li.in. ( MTIlMATMNS. '1 i.e s.'ii.ic, in A' utive " stion, onfinai d li do rr A. Uni of Min nijt-ai to be i'i it' d s' ¦'¦ ¦ I' strii .1 .'.'.. tut »he District ,f M,«» s-i'ipi. The foltowinj I>. ti I i..«; ». r.'ci:!!!!,. ,f Corr*«diiia K. t-nek, W Minti.; Jicob II. St.".,lit, St. l'uul, Miii^i., David I'baui- bortala, Li roy, et. v. A < OL'RMTIOV. A liillieroi.« lii'.Ti | ii|. it a: ii:..'. W11 Bl r'.i d itl the teletrapfa lui Bight, la tbt Hones proceeding». Mr. In contrasting Mr. CoakliBg with Uearj w.utir D..v .s n,¡ i,, nee of 11.. phri n, " \ wl Bing j .; pt M « rcir.iig lion." The ii ar ¡ipil ci'iiv na toa ungn Waata min n .. rt ur.i.g etw," foi ul cn as apology iaetrttialy ¦in. TIIK HILL FOU Tllli Pitt) I'H' 1 IB Of I Al AIHiHA NTS. Th« foil sing ira the Inportani sectioaa oi tat btO p.if-cd ii. tia' Ho 4i. t.- ,.¡iy m ri ..ia ..:...... r..a' v- M.iiio'.'i lint pet.en except th» efllcei ufthi kktttaitorj uit'.-eia. ni:.i ..iii- ippotofodbj law of lbs respectiva Ní.u.i «Ball pteaaaanlei laj ».I iiint.i'f i> itii in.:'.; rael passengers "i lii.i <l »it the pom Hailed m ii's la s treal all rd. ai d re mien (.urtu« tsitb seer Btaaeagera I 1 ra ti y shull tata I.» .n leajted. evf.it bytotwrtttcB perr*»Jatioa of too ham ni,.i. lent« el 1 oa 'it it h pott». .-1 t. Ti i.i n ».. i ...», g. r »! ip. i milli i BsaaeeOft to or ir.'tn th» I'nlted Matee, t' ¦ ¦ i -.n. ..* of Ik» ni-.- af ia i ,¦..«« .mil ara urd, » ka «..,, I net oci spj Mitha »i'.i ». re, «ball be berthed la Ibe !< | arl «fir »Km in a aanaamnatdiv.iMi Itothettbet IS I » a sulistsi.tu»! me- m 11 »¦ un.I I ..,'..,, srslt. out upeui'g ii,tu ur (¦. mu.i.. It uVitt vi .u. t'i" .... . ¦ lid I n,'i|'.ir. A' » e pt.in or uie.li r f n ) «' ip "i liBt I Sto» l.ltl! g tb» pTOt l-li.li» uf U is section Sluill he iii ,'t: ed |-l,|l|) «f B r mu!, B] "'i u' \ 'I .i pt i- lu . I li" M ii"t ka» than 0101 i >t ii i-r« that. I 'a io r,: !i r a I'lm Bal lil 'I OOlkl t H !»i ii. .i ,i b a forstor .¦...¦ tod That tbe ¦ itérer <f nnj »i n imel Billing hi s a foietoi ... try ah" »hull lu mi.'mu pi rson i Hi r ii« t'., «» r or ¡«m1 Ulta Bl Cltv. hsll r or phil « iil.in ",' I i io T S ntl-« wah lattas* lo isud or lu perrsit to li.iul sut li p i-.f np r or h ii d, n » li p.. isagiiT ia band ki el«, li at mi.'it ni:n propei pi i ra at toa taaa o/taktot lim als ¦> . r t»> t«» a fur. iga luiiii» t » f'si.) i ff i.se ni a :. ¡f 11 m I!,' la «i y f ' '1 Mu!, s i B it a fi our, «hull to ««»millern! ft» such OlriM taikj ii a i:.¡-i!'.. aiue, i aa m.» u .!"¦ t" i a » aa ' BOBO aar nara «aaa Ol.eoo, «r bj m pr... ..-t,: I » than a'l BkaatkS r n at» li IB M | ir r "th. at ;: I d... rt l.oa i ! the (Tain M bi ri iii th.-tisu. 'i M I d Si It, And b* ii /arrl.r , .irr.if, T tint e*. 1 at.ii SVerJ ¦» a ii in « .o r ni | m by .¦..¦.-ti of the I'i t- « St», te., a h n.i.v irr.i p .a», ii- t ia n.tr». r fruís tia« eui.tri to tonst» eMail . kB ka stasMési »riba« I . um of tl.li.ili.e ul lan ». or i'ti er litainl'i''it t i.M.iil« to IBS ilru.gerol li.Hull. ri.ll.. iel.t f.-r fr. .,..:! . l| ¡i 11.«' ( - t;. i. i.i t' .a .luring any I ,l J iiu. ¡.fe» lien of an i ship, i r »i ««el. «li ti » paaeet »or-. at the tlioe f t 8 dil ii.'. n. un t.«.nid "I «sid «I p "r Telar I. » io «ha,l hu «lila lo «'.o ... al ¡.li lu re ; .it. .!, If 'te . ,' r j- tn.it« i.e ..i.i to reataii f . sob skip r rt . i. r oi«- ti m foil..» .i gi said di HU Any munit i uf any mi li »lan ni vi »««I. wl u «hall Is« foaud uui Io i, |11 r n ,t Ui <»e I,,1.1, un le. ir., if hi» »Iii, i ». ... such »'.i' -i' amount ot the aBitvteald dlairifeeiaal fir tie ij-p. ». .1 » ..s u/u tt . n t.. "si m j".«t ii,. mi.| liaba1 ikvall roaks »se of ant . I, or of «ay pi ceee mt dlstalecMea by whli fttopassi gen may in any way be ntf.. text, aluil!, un « üu vu t »«.n lie, m id n .t leal ih.1.1 #i.i«»i, iu.ru.".' Ifcaatll "", ur ii ,pr,»*i mi 11 fin u ti rm ma i.»» the: un nth«, nor ñora taaa Bva yean r Lolb, at ll.o Oiain Ik a ¦: u t in «.'..»ii ti." li.al ..- had. mi :t «lad*» B A iBir nstwd. That it ihn li be tkedaty of the >ntn i .-srieiir. nt Ile ierl"US |».rt», lu «utve» «hip» uial , n,-' .1 in Iks « uti iir g uf pe»«rngen. uii'ier th« laws Ide Daitol -tuti» and eeitlfy under their Land Bud «eal, to tXic (T.iiiiniisluiier uf luniiis r it'.un. the spnees in ia, li «lu!, ship nt Teasel ou the varuna «!« i ka, ntul he» n. aa ti V ],.ia«e|i- gei» the said ship or raastl nu) I" iiititlcd tu carry, under the law« if the \ int.««l Mata») »!.rri,j»,u th« mid ( iiiouili nliiiu i <>f lion, gratiuii tnaj issue . lii.'iiir lu said ship or Ves¬ le! aatberialag toa aanker to be anrladi and B ahtll bl law« fid fur toe (Tiiiiiiiiiiiniu uf Iiiiiiiigi'iiu :, to ur.Iir « ie»urvey of li y such ihip or veksel. at Buy titi e »hen I.e may deem it neieassi» I ul that such result, » inu»l tuke place upuii every chunga uf «WssM«M ne» registry. Any biuveyur raatfot lng a fraudulent return uf iu> ti 88B*rt| ihaB bo pui.lsii.it with . line, um leis t.TBti MM n .r in.ne U. in MaOOB, ur im¬ prisonment for a term nul leis than three nur mute i! nu an u.uiiths. BJ..1 if there SktD hoon l.osr.l uf any ship, at or after the time of clearance, « greater number of pssiangrri, except bv birth at len, than »uti.urn. .1 In the license of the Cumuls »innerer tokntonStoBi tbe captain or master of such ship or vessel shall bo liable to a fine uut to exceed %'¦*> fur each pee- senger cuiislilutlng such excess provided, however, that such certiltoate truui the «nrveTor (hail Im /"-na« run evidence of the . ipi., it) « f it Skip or veisel to carry the uni.roer of passes- gi tl.eieiii spentiiil. and that it ihall be tlio duty of the t nmu,is».iiii-.i ul Immigra!Inn to Issue ¦ license thereupon, witiuut auy i.ani cessurT delay and the clearance of passen- s'cr ships or vessel« shall nut be ubtainable utdei« uiaun presen¬ tation ol it.rh license of the Coiiiiuisilunrr of InimIgral|oa. BEC. 15, Anitt ti jutthiT tnatiid, lliut there ahull be eitab. lishcd in em b of the cities of lluitun. Chicago. New Orleaiat, Kan Francisco, lialtunore und l'hiladelphta nlfices to be knowu ss L'un« ii Stale, limigranl I Util ri», and there sh«!l he up[»)!nted by, und t* it. the «drice «lid content of the . ¡inte, an ulliuer fur eaeh of the i-ltira of lvoatuu. Chicago. New (Irkini and S»u Fraticuco, and on« fur the two cities of Baltimore sud 1'hlla- delphia, la be ki,ni» i. aa Superintendent of Immigration, at an annual aalary of IB.BBB, and each Buperiutoi.dent rnuj euiploy ino clerks, une of the second aTid one of the first-clasi and tb« smd Snii.tritt!-n.lent«, reipeclivrly, ihall, under the dirtctiou of the (on.lineal.mer of Immigration, perform all tba duties which aro now required to be jieriormod by «SuperiLteadsnt of lmmigratiun at Nuw Turk, aud en-ry such Superiuteudcnt is hereby vested with all the tiowurs whicb are nuw, or «ball at M y future time, bo conferred on the 8u|»erintendent of Immigration at New VT»ik, and the buierlnteodent of Immigration at New-York may appoint, with the approval of the Commissioners of Emigration three oflicers. «ud the other Superintendent! one oftic.tr. who ihall be deconnueted Ii.ape, t,.r of l'eieenger veiseli, to be attached to their respect ive otlicei whose duty it shall be to examine each passenger Tcnel arriving at their respective ports, and to report to lbs Superintendent lu writing whether the requirements of toe passenger act baie been uoly complied with in re«peet to BBS emigrant, arriving frum any foreign port in anoh vesael. Such Ulli, er aiuiil receive an annual asiary not to exceed that ol a clerk of the second-ulass. TUB I.NTKR5AI. RHVP.ÜI K TAX. Acconlin| to a decision by tho Cotnminiouer of Internal Hovcii',¡,., th» income tix i* boiug ass.a«««,! undor tb« old rates «f.» per cent and lu per cent, and tho prupo*ed uiiieiidiiictit« inereaarjg the exemption from $G00 to (1,000 will not eil'ei.t this assessment. 1'ersous will also, fur tin* your, bave to pay taxes ou tbuir watches, carriat'es and platt» aa heretofore. A RAIN «TuRAf. At 10 (»Mock to-aight . violent rain and hail Storni commciicc'd, accompauiod by vivid lightning and thunder. XXXIXtii CONGRESS. wagt 8KS810N. 8ENATK M't-MUiniot. May 1. lm-S. AWARD» FOR THi: CAI'TUIIK OF XI.FF. DAVI8. A ronniiiiiiicatioii from ehe Seeri'tury of War, trans¬ mitting a report of the ,-vi,lern«' iituiu »hah tim iiwitrd* f,,r the apprcbeiision of Ji'Ucrsoii IiaviH wer.» distributed, »us refetrcd to tlio t'ouimiltcc on Military AITuira. I.1M KAM K. Mr. I'mTMBrix dil.) presentid a petition for the enaet- meut of c(jual and just l.iwa tor inter-stato Laaataaooi also, a petfttOB for tlio uatablishmout ( fa linn nu of lusur- BBOOi Until petitions were pJjfoxjnd to tho l'omniittco on Ona* men e. LOTAL 11 BIM BIB Bl PERSEI I'TBD. Mr. TarMüi i L pn scntcil the pétition Of IM ritirerk« of Htutiutou, Va , ivvfaaaoatlBg thal Vu-1r,>. [>* tmvi» naoatfo been withdrawn from tlmi plucn; thut tb« Dinon men arc being Beta« uted by Hebel*, ami prayinc for tlio return ol th»- troop« for tho protection of lojBlaMB. Ihe petition was relcrrcd to tbo'l'oinuiittco on Military Affair*. OKX. WAUK HAMPTON OBI TIIK Bl K.VJNO OF COLt AtlllA. ¿Jr. Jiiiimion i.Md.i read tin» fulloaiug letter from (¡cn. Wudc Hampton -in the subject f Columbia, 8. C WiLii Wood«, Mi»*.. April «I, li-O». 7*o (I« fir. i. KlVEBDTli IIMON. V a. Senau. .Silt: A few day* ago lis."» '" toe publuhrd i raaasdlsaa M ('ungren that . petitiun from is.njamin Bawlea ol I o.utnbia, B.C., eikiuarom peaiation fur ti.«*,.11-aitructmu of hu houK» by the Federal army fa Ksbruary. lw>.\ i.«d been tueatnted tv th« SenaU, «u.o'upa Bled by % letter Irotu ».'»Jor-OoB. Kbermsn. * .«-»--«¦ In thi« inter 0*8. rJ'*»''"ln """« tfce f llowlne limcaage- s i.,. ,..'. W«: |S ti.'. ,io.H.» I. el heil . i( r ,oi .' ^__, -, .-»a»! Wl ¦' b » I ppka a^'s»«» |. tj^ k Tel.,in' ia. I ti-.». ." BBS Ml nat eft* M ***kj SS I 'e'«-, h. taal I «tW Mr* hi. i. turi kt rw thal «t-.ri. wer« uiatle to enlim lath latta, but a I iili «nrl .trana; w ii,,i ka-pt ta*m »1 ve. " i i ne no ertleia fst IBS l> in..ri| «I yn-ir MT, li, the ern- »rary las Boat ! fism the .'r*»t ixapradai I tb« iett.n Bale«, w'vrr' | '.tiii-svi.r» «¿«.»ii tti ti.» w.i.l St that It breenie«n lap. ¦.' "7 tearre»» th« ara. I aat» ni «ear < .. .. bia r.ew-¡ te» lb» »Hated erJ«r of On. \V ¡;... pproeeh .,l th« Vanne Anni rot'on ihnil -hu. Im hi m1 saMtrea. what 1 **w in-.*i/. I liar« itayiBitl » »'*» I»» -»me ol ti.» dtitructicu if I ""." . atase «largs, nimio airnliist me br den. Phnrman, hav- ght before the Beaats of the Ubtted states. I um Boas I vi: ,.nute rr.vtlf lief« re ide same ia!. Bul rai Bt ita has bo Mpreseatative la that tody. i.. ... i. rCoDJtltntiooal reprtteatallvM ead expo i''arred thri right of eatraBM late tinto toils, 'I!.-re ire BOMwh* hate the ngi.t to iptak for thu Beatbj bobs t.. partlelpate m the legl lotion whick gyretas BMe ki topeM las Istsi ihi ia called ipoc t" p.ty, «nil risütteate her bom froe* atiaiearesaoialioe, iajaatics t.r al.i i.h r. l'i di r tai -, I al .1 io j.o, in Ike ewadeat Isaps thal yMWill i ; to «ce tliut .i.iii.i m t'.i, ¦ i'i.-r. I deay eanpbatieally Ital any calen was Und in Cit!uii.i In fiy le« aroa*. I .|. bj ti. t the i ! /ei.i "ret tire to thou-and» of buln reliai sat h to til» «¡ret-is 1 ,., it th it m | i.ittou rai ou Crc when the Fclsra'. 'rocys erti i'il I nie-t MBaMtfaOl nak of Congie'« to »BpOlBl a i rir.inl'f*e charged« un ti.» utry "f asMitalaiag atoreportiag*attthe inet« ctiBiiitteil with the deetraetlsaof < elaatbla aadthas -^*«-tlf^tlüJ^leJlrtt^*r aiithor of timt tatrrtstras errare It lri**py ¡er, lilydè-TTr-»- 1 ..ta i' iiUug :.j -iiljii.il tl.e bike M» OTT ho7""-' triliiirtnl Bl fur-, u:y »Boll I pledge n ytelf to provt itat 1 -f**0it positive arder, by ilroerioa ef (! »a. Beaartgerd, that uoe ii ¦.'-"-. I. I....:, that not eue lilli' win un Uro «lieu (¡er.. Sin nn.i... ina r ti :. j oatt a of tht til ¦'. u, .t i.'- ro aliad uvtcetloa tu tie etty, muí ti m la i| ,*... ef his tatemo proouse be i on .1 ti I it.v lo ILe irr.,tit..l, ,1, il ratelr, HVeteui-it.caliy, «Lil Htro- a I, ti ci. fore, *nti«t earrr-ily rrtjtic-1 thal Cet great ri.rtj ta'.e I r u i'taad tu « tu iareatigate ti i Batter fellv. .'..>t ti.,.. than sell ato tolbert*! tloa ol Usa 1.1 ,-; e si:,! io truia. TraaUBgthsl yea will perd a rae for trrmbiiairyoti, I ass, peet folly, y< I um, W kM II««: Mr. Mll.liUAN (Iii.' m I lie «« 'ii. I* i.of lilli,**»!.:* i liarfe of ti,;, deo! Kel 11 scainet Ike aboli m red opon the taeorda wit; ral sir a answer, charge of (len. Bhermao La rilirmii to the burning of Coll.tal i i wa» ni un iillleinl ti ¡x.rt, and was filly MU* rea ¦¦ other ofAeeia. Brea, Sherman did no1 ti .. M Hampton finie an expll II ord» 11 subject,but Mi.ip-v ;....'. hi lordsi Iba lAloato ti., toroa«! f f.itti.ii, et.'.. k ii io timt re-alt. air.Biter- taaa read bob* t arioua offii al reporta lo loi.tirui the barge ui-uiii»t Ora. Hampton. Mr. l'"K-snMn.N (Me.i objet tod te Ike prit« Uto tsakril I np the timo of the Senate ia idiag letters addweeed a t lathe Bl Mte tod te liri la Si ssL rs, end eepoi ally n mattera pertainiBgj to private eoatravotaaM boioeau fei» m » i.o' i,., nib is i,i t:.,. Bealla. Mr. JoBxaoi nu.«t I ihe refereBM of Oca. Ha mp tot's letter to the ('omi It« on Military Ati'uir.», M I v. Illina to have li U ob .' s tal le. Mr. IJBHEBl 'tit WOtjld DO! le lOfOIIOi M «Mile.m1 to lie oe the takle, bil i'i.tt lal Senate would ic- r. i. ive .1. Mi. i t'V.i-s Cal.) nid that a man oho woald atti In ¦!¦ -*.r. ;. in- I! .¦¦ rni'i'iit of tl.e Catted BtatM won d ii-iiaiiiv not I.-«r.¡it- lo bara a city. He hoped that t lie letter of Wedel, opton wttald iel bo loeofred .r eo* si'lt red ai nil by the 8i Bata, Mr. JoBafauV tbcD B 11, ('.few ti.el, MiTof (!i :.. IT .;..; 1. ::. BIOBTB .'S' MAU. I.AM) M THK DISTIl.tT. Mt. vMli.ky (W. Va.) iutrodaeto a bill to repse* the boa of the tit n f Ii:, He ol Maiylai.'l SO fur as tit" MOM BM b> en rWCSJfjnlaed or adopted ia th" I1 Uriel of Cotumhla. In ft nul to the ( "iiiuiitiee mi the Diatrici of Col .min». PI BUG LABM is montas v. On nu.ti« ti of Mr. \\ ah (»hi' .the Senate tooh b ,11" ant orla it i Ni »«Toft mi tfoatana Iroo I Compa um ceftail Belalie lan.Is gol low ia r «i. BBB rip THF. BaaBATB «tiambfb. air. WaiAOi M at. lied an lae raso] i to great the i . ol ,' .I..1-1.1 K. Mu. '. :«. r'.ve liera and (tolo*** Urpt ta AayGua, f..r 'Ibu! <t. Mr. bli nil. I»'I. M B4 m ii :.-t ti." u«e of he S. bate ti. pul Mr. ('.v.:-- a sutotitata for the leetilotloi a t ti . iltall sol Le paatcd lor lett-.in.»* orfor ottoreaab aaipoeMa Mr. KBlaatAB favoeed the laatHitiOB. He would lot (traut til«- »hamhei lo Mr. Mardo« k, m uny other iadivid- iihl, bal I.Bl i,"t tV B) it I" Suth a MOM as Mi. Mur- il.m «... ti it f..r. Mr. iltiWK (Wie.] did not tlniik the St nute Charniir wriiaiv ¦-.. rod IO to it btm-iI la aid "f the »oldiera' ti¬ lt Hu» jU.-t Ike I'itii of lil other»fat tl.i.* , .- ;. ia. Mr. li,»me« wiihdn w his »ubstilutc, and ti,« reeolitliiu wns aaw] toa. TUB 1«!«».« PAt IFK' IIAII.HOAD. Mr. lloWAMU (Mi h.), fruin ll.e Paeifte aVaUrtsld CtOB* Ittee, reported a joint resolution to rxtead tto t.n.e :..r r HW it.ile- ni ihr «Mini «Aiv,-i. ihe Daloa PectBe Bsilreed t«> um ..'... ti Jaae, Pal t. TBTB rt'ST-1'FI Ii MI'ROl'lll.VTION HILL. The -¡"I order, w cb. vu the PoM-OfftOs kparaari* ¦alteo kill, BM tie u t.ki ii bo. The peadlag qaMtloa ¦ii. al <f Mt. 'iritii.i'i.ll, that no per« a.ii axrn king ir perfortaiag fe datiea of ear eswee, which bj laa u '."|airad lo be Balea] bri and with the ail- v lea an.I. ona :.t "i tka bV late, shall, before eoakrawatioa hy the s.;...:e, receire m y salary or coaapi nsatioo fur Is si-rvie« s aalees he be « oa tnlaaioi ed bj Ik» Preeid« b1 t«i lill i.p a viiini ey who li hu», tin. BfttofOeeM of th" Se:.ate. ead Min f Ita uti »tij- un meat, bapp« ii" I bj «.< nth, i*eeif« i. ,'.,,', ,,r I| ,rnt..,!i ol ll.e I, nu, the .rise mai IBM "1 IO" in..ml :.¦ ' e r. orted lo Ike >. ate it ila aexl bess.mi. Mr. HavltafJaaOB bfOal tOOk tlO BsBOl 111 C'Ult ltlll.lt toll "f a speaeb, begna yeateraay, ixmtoBdlag for Ike eeootJta« tluael light uf CuBglMt In aâopl the atoe* itincnduient. lu conoluaion, be saul be knew v,-ry well that the amend- ii.i-ni ti, uM be uitiiek'-'l ull o.er tho cniiinry as an Biaoa »titutic'usl curb upt'ii the l'r> sulent. He bi-lnn-» that if oil.eei were to ka given Ml rewards for political| ur- ¦MMj tilt, pre U"- BrOOhl end in tho disruption of the horitrnuieiit. Ile was not itfraid of the proposition re- turniu»; la plane tka inventors. He bud no uppoint inert to ask of tho President, aud ho wus sulis!i,-d that if he did a*k any ho would not raeeiro them, Jadfing fiom tho character of BBBB lOMBtlj BtaOsk II" It- lievixl the policy of th« l'irsid'iit was well cili nluti ti to blast the tiopt« ol I "mon men in this country. He did not believe tin* Preai'l'iit intended lo revive the old Hebel tarty, but that wus the inevitable tandeue.v of his polier. If tho President atti-mnU-il to carry out Ike lálBM^IlM hiui by Mr. Davis, of Kej.tutky, and certain Demoeratio new -papers of the West, it »otild inevitublv lend to war, and til" result WOSkl i bo the iamo as of that uctween King Charles and tho Kngiish Parliament. The renl contro¬ versy was on the rights of tbc fried negroes, the President contending that they had no rights, Congress coiitendiug that they bail. If the President would persist in this policy, ho would feel himself justified iu sustaining bia power, m every constitutional manner. Mr. Johnson »aid, as he understood the policy of tho President, it was that of his prede« eseor, Mr. I.in, oin but that bad nothing to do with tho qB»«tiou before the S, li¬ ai». It ought to ascertain wl at wue constitutionally right in the matter, and stand by it,, Ho contended tbut the Croposed amendment strut k, ,. vital blow at the prerogu- vei of the President, and w,.s clearly unconstitutional. IHK HABEAS CORPUS BILL. Mr. Clark |N. U.), from the Committee of Conference, on the disagreeing votes of the bill in relation to the ha¬ beas corpus, made a report, which was agreed to. Tho bill now goes to the President. roHT-OKFlCI APPROPRIATION BILL RENEWED. The i onsnlcral mu of the Appropriation bill wa» renewed.' Mr. KasM».Nl)».N (Me.) ohjertod to the laut clause of Mr. Trutnbull s aincudment, requiring the President to report the cause of removal to the Senate at its succeeding ses¬ sion. De was in favor of the amendment, as it was, with¬ out this. EXITUTIVR SESSION AND ATHOTJBNMENT. Pending the connderatiou of this subject, the Senate went iuto exocutirc icssion at 1 o clock, aud soon utter ad¬ journed. _ HOUSE OP KKPKKSKNTATIVF.S. Tni RKCOflSTRtTTION RF.I'oKT.AMK.VHMK.NTS. Mr. Hon weit, (Mass.), sent to the Clerk's deih an amendment which he proposed to offer to one of the tulla reported yesterday by the Committee on Reconstruction, aud which waa ordered to be printed. It provide« that whenever the prop«iscd Constitutional amendment shall have become part of the constitution, aid Tennessee or Arkansas shall have ru'.ihcd the some, anti shall have ¦ode ilictl their constitution« nnd law» in conformity Iherew ith, anti slntll have established mi equal an jurti system of ruf- frag» for all mule dttaWMwilbla tbeir jurisdiction »»ho m not less t lui ii '21 years of age, the Senator«« and Representa¬ tive» fntu such BkMaa, it t'ouud duly elicteil unit foalified, may, after having taken the requmd < ath ofeaaV a. be ail- mitteil into Congress as such, provided, that nothing iii the section eoi.tained shall beso construed tis to ri'«iuiie the disfiunchist meut of any loyal person w ho eaUtled to Vote. Mr. IllKuilAM (Ohio) also sent up n »nbstitiite which he prop«,sed to offer for thu bill and v; Licit wus alao orih-nd tobe priiileil. It provine», that win never any State lately in invir- rei lion »hall have raiilit :1 In good faith und irrevoiiihlv the alinve reeiled amendment, iii.d shall have BkalditVad it's Constitution auil laws in conlormtty there»i»li, the S. Ita tor» and Ui-pri'seiit.itivt's from such Stale, if fouud (Jjiily el. cti.d ami ijualith d. may, after L.ivn a taken Ike oat! s bl oih. i- required bf law, be admittci] iuto Coiigrei» such. APPEOI'RIITIO.VS POR OOtaaaMasM REV'KNt'R. Mr. Sti.vf.nh l'a. from tin« CommittM ia AppMfafcv lions, n po.ttd ha, k the Seim!» Mal n solution maLun; upproptiatiiiiiH for the ei pen se ot t*ola*etiBg the rwrt-aua from ('ualoiiin, whii h «mt co'isnlered and passed. TltASSFKB OF MPMOIIIALS. Otesajotion of Mr. Hu.by ¡Cal.i the Memorial of Steam- boa» Inspector» at Detroit for increased par, and the Me» mona) of the legislature of tho State of Minnesota asiing appropriation» for linproving the harbor of I.ake Siijienor. v.m l,,.ii-fev .| Irotn the OaOaBliltCe mi A| p <'|!l;.' "I.s J»tjBB» VlfkUl .ti VI BfraBMTaTjBM. » J l'LT-TITI TIO.N I.V TIIK KdCTD. Mr. Kliiot Mu-, (IT. i. ii a latolutidfx, win» h wa* ¡.do¡'tid, lAjdtng tint u «jarning condition of di titra te rt»perted tt existing among tbe white popitbrtkin .1 :. .'. i a o .. It ita Wl Bl c1 ¡.ed, In various portion« of the s lilly in Arksngaa, Al..1 tua .nal S, n'li (',-. l.i..,. and that Withi ment, nul, tt on«.nu;«) nat! peri h by atarvatloii before njaing enothtr crop, and directing the ttelect Conmittee «.ii Preedmea to inquire into the elpedloncy of r mending in tppropriation of «jU(tt,fr9o foi toe itamedi te ralicl by rattona of food of the deetttnto, ¡the preference in such n Iii to thi * wbote peftoi ni prt | mid lappllee of food bin been di m ey« d by tbe ravsgi ¦ of w,ir. to b'-ci'l d'd ni i! T Iii«, dire, tiiin of the Co nf ibtTieeiloita'e liurcuu. nth barren reporl ..' ni.y i.me. Sir. KTÏÏftn «hl-l'. «t«d that tlio ¡i.quiry was not Beeta» «a y ¡ii th,.- t'ommittco (.n appropriationa bad yesterday lepottod al..li ipprop: ai.i.i-tiijijoi»(¡luf..,-ti.«.« t',-." Bun m.. Mr. Ei.pt ,.:.'. ti. t the L.iici.d oot cover the obj tended Lj tai' n- IfltoltaB NAVAL TAY T>Fr.VftTMK*.T. Mr. RirtiMi«-.! fnu. ti o ('(.tiiiia'tec on Nm; Affairs, r«|crt(d track tbkt !>Late .¡lia t.du-i nts to tl.0 Mi.li.-c bill f r the better orev.ui/i.'... t. ( I tbt pty rlOBOrlneol of toe Navy. The u!i.endiiiei',f4 wer«' c»r.« 'irrcd in. TIIK l'TMidilATlON LILL PABBBhTX. Tin-Hut so thee ¡., ."('<!¦"!. as iba regalarInataeooia criler, to tin- 11,:;.-itli ration o! the lu 1 reputed on t..«> 11th . f A pul from the Committee on Coniineree to ti .< id tie n t of July 4,18Í4, to enidtirag« klMligraiiOB, and the ui t of M.uch 3, lv.T, to rce-u'ate the «Mariege of| ger« m «t, un«rat]M IM other ti :¡-' Ok Ml'. DxkBUBO (If. T.] n (ori.l/ed tl.c lllipitlBMO of tbe bill,particulirlj tothtportol New-York aad otherporti «,li tin- Atliati« (T ¡'«t. Iii' slit ::id like, however, to I ;r.'<< incorporated la it boom provisions oin bill which hehed lliifOuUi ed. Mr. v.'.i.siin-; .;: (IIL), tald that tho bill wat »momo Ibt (J, inn iitee on ( oninerct, and »uuld undoubtedly Le re» p. rtcdbaek fovoraWy. Mr. PABLgaexprtOMi hiateelf MtiaAad with thee:., ii. i.tion. H!.ili)ii.i« daetytral aBanadanaM i-f óarttin whit b wir- «Breed to. Mr. I'hanler (N. Y.\ rrii/ind cT[lnna!ion a* totbo into lection referring to ti duty of narai tarra; Uid lubaequently mored to itriki i it the eectioa. \ U Doi -i.'i.i' Mian. oppoted tie emendmeat,ar.d showed that th« vital part ol toe bill wta ronfaiaod m the « n ] r, | .-¦ ,i t" he «trilkeil out; lila) th.U til« cn:, :v* .1 "j humanity lo proa c1 the an tata fron di lit ar.ri: p from BTererawdiag, aad if .t uni not |i,,t el then , t troeel t,, birt peatilOBca brtwgbt to our snores, ile m fi-ircil to the ovi rruwdiLg 11 vessel* in which ,!. !. oke oat, and which sre now la the harbors, f .*». Vi rk rii.il Hulifux, thr. etea Bg t:.. safety of the nixie i. ..try. I " mai i.dînent wit.» n-j' c'« d. Ar.ci toan tntther d «c. sun tb«bill waapeeead. BBXIBV ¡OK M Í 11 K It N I! T.TlTTuN. Mr. Kkliky 'I'n.) eOMltd tie loliown.g rtMtl , ". '. waa ."'' ¡ ted: hhirmi. It ia rapt rttd I v eitireris of Alutp.tr« in fut mai me¬ in' r ii '.o li I tim ii"':-. » t Coign H ti.st i-nnv uf t'.e (. j ... uf tt I i. satols (I Irictl. f ti at Sff.te are it.Hering from want i f BjfoanaM » applies ol fojkt, anil that ciit.nilerubii! nuuibets uf :i.i :.i bat n-ii fioiti aetoal st irvutiou; toerefore, Um .' "!. Hat Ile I'r, « ,!¦ it bo rafSaWtoB to insfroct fe I-cper ..¡'.cr or oti.c.'i.t nf ti.c Fur. nu uf Befogs and 1 'ret '.¦ re Uto the condition of laid diairit le, and m y ti.er di«: 1.1 lu uf Ita tBSBTge*! S'.uti a in tv Li. li su h SBffttil g .. .«.ail n exiM, m.a m rehará iba peet k4 t; cn ui and pr. vule th».o with (din mut iber teni for ptaatiag a cn «.lett I' i an ntiual i-utply of each faunly re«iu:nug such relief. Hill' CANAL FIK'M TBTB ill.-S:« »I! PI T'.THK LAKhM. Mr. Kost (1)1.j kntrodaced a «bill to eoastruet u «'/p r toe passage «¡f aran d end naval vessels turn ibt M aiieippi Biter to I.uko Micbigan, which waa nail twice ..;.d n !. .¡ed to tin- ('"lilli ii tee ol. It« ml» ut.d BrMgBB« THANKS Id -iTLPII ItS AÎID SAILOR.''. Mr. SfT.KM'K itihioj, from tbe Commute.'«a Mil '--y rein:.'! La k toa Joint rttolutioa, paeeed by thot :. tliu \.'îlh I' Pi I1....1V et¡ icrk.ve if tho giatitude ..Mon la the "ti.or», to.dieri amxV eeam«n ol' the 1 Slate*, by abeto ralot ead eadaaeene. « n th« taaj tin esa,tbe RebaMea baa ktta entasA and ¡;s d 1'ivnr have .1 11 hill.! ed, Of WbOM lidelltj IO «f tned« m tbt <«i ven.nu pt of tin people hus inn ,"-i ind and inaii.taiLctl, and by wtouc orderly to» ti.tii tmiu 1 h«-fin- aid Bead of c.vilwur to the poOaMfal -.f private life, the «xaiti'ig und ennobling free i..:.'.iit.ii.ti8 of the BBtiea had leen manifested to the '..oil. '11..» j.'iiit resolution viss puased. TIIK TAX ON I'ARAFFISE Olt. Mr MOitHAiti Pa.) (oktd ltavc to let ort frt-m tie t bitte« ob Wai a and ¿leans a joint rrioîntlon exempt¬ ing >¦: '.nu ni.ai.ties ol' BAOBBae o.l from iiitciLnl tix or durr. Sir. KrTBETinALL lll.k« Ijittid. TIIK Hi iii I'M! S'- Bl PaBAO APFROI'RfATlOM BILL. '1 he II« use then wi nt lii'i) Ci nimittec of tho Whole on f.- itate of Um Dalara, Mr« DoaatUrto tho chair, on t s ipecUd order, whian wai th«' L.ll milking- appropria¬ te ot foi ti.e IM« ! Iht lb ¡it«! f Kefugets, PlBOdflMB, and Ah ii ii. 1.1 ii Litad«, for the tis, al year commencing .lu nn I, IBBA IWoVrtnfoof the bill were télégraphe,! yesterday. Altar u »lu.rt tbjet, the Committee «rose ul.I 'hu bill to tin' Honte, »Ithan umeudnunt. Mi. III. iink Me. iLi;tlir-d its t«i U.o item of $3,000,000, f r .!«- l"t »« hot l-Dotnei and ..ryli.tr*. .Mr. Su.vea» replied, that tho »"ords''and building" had .ne ..lull) omitteda JPiMOTtd to ni.tend, hy mak- lag it rend " For sites and bnilili: g* fir i-chool-houies aud mm ItxflM. The amendment wa« agreed to. Mr. Mfviiv» iil«o ii.oveil to un end. by reducing the BB »nat to two adlUoae. Iii* amendment guv o riso to con« aid« tat 1.' d bate. Mr. IC1.101 (Chairman of tho Committee on Krcodmen» expiait.«al 4t considcrahli' length tbt circiiuibtuacet under »M1T1 the ipproprietstt btaant neccssury. Mr. Ko«.«» luoAcd lo lay the i.i nu the table. 'Hie MetotB wat negatived by I vote of »¡7 yeas to !)1 nats. Mr. MoiiiiLL (Vt.i sur fated that the Lill should go on foro «luv (iriso, m ota« r.thiit it might bo better undcr- 8t, ,,d >l tie Ilcjll»«. .Mr. s'tlvk>s replied Unit ho had supposed every gentle¬ man viTiu telt any interest m the thing know all uhout if. Mr. KaOBOM (Iowa) gave ii us his impression that th« lull i .-»ii upon fact« d.ti» it ..t from those that now ex 1st oil. M W.AKHBrBNK (111.) suggested its reference to tho Ci.munttve on Frcodiue». Mr. NiitLuK (lud.) inquired how tho titlci to the lcl.ool-honi.es were to bo taken i M r. I'iiaoT ronlical that they were to be token ia the name of the Dinted State*. Mr. Nu lack inquired whether this was to be a perua- mnt or n temporary utl'mr / Mr. Ki.M'T replied that it must necessarily be temporarr Thi school-houses heretofore used for colored children hal been buildmga taken from tho Rebels, deserted schr>..i«. houses und buildings that could be madeavuilahloassuch. These buildings »ero being taken back from thepossesMoti of the Hureau, and rotui ned to the owners. The time had eo.nc when l'J.'»,000 children, whito and black, would be ttinied out of those school buildings unless tho Uovcru- ment tetar] oetd. Mr. Cn AMER demur..led of Mr. Eliot whut authority ho could show fur having whito children in the South 'edu¬ can d hy the Kre«'il!iie!i a Hureau, Mi. Eliot replied, that iu conducting tho affairs of the Hureau education had been given to tho children of refu¬ gee* us well na to the children of freedmen. Mr. I'.Li'hiisjK (IVis.) inquired then whether it was i fact that »hit« and colored children wore now being edu¬ cated together under the Freedmen s Bureau. Mf. Eliot said Hut he did not know, but that he sup- [iiir-ed the shades of color ran together so that sometime! iii, y could not distinguish between whito and colored, 'Ihu gcntlemin must inquire from his Democratic friend« Low this happonod to be so. Mr. Eluriuox »aid ho understood tho gentleman from M:i.--iu l.:.a.-:i.i to ho the father of the rTeedmeu's Bureau hill, if ho waa not also father to any of the colored child¬ ren. [!.a;:ctitcr.[ Mr. Eliot regarded the Ercodmen's Hureau as a very g...«I hild, mid was uot ashamed of the offspring. Mr. CBxxBUM understood Mr. Eliot to have said that school-houses had l/eon taken from »hito children for the vducatiou of colored children. Mr. Di nu denied stating it in thut way. Mr. CUA.NLtit.No, Sir, not in that way, but that is the M't. '1 hat ia the wholo of the position us 1 understand it, taking away the verbiage iu which the statement wa« el.itl.e.1. Mr. Eliot-Thcu the gentleman docs not understand it at nil. Mr. t'fiAM fe.Of course not. It is impossible to under¬ stand n syaten hy whii li white people are robbed alike of tbairnroperty aud of their »»Taten of edacettoa, and are to be tilted h.side to susta.n tho Freeduicn s Hureau, rai-« «I f«.r the l'iirpoM' of holding th«« Boathie subjugation lo a po¬ litical party. It it imp« sarde to iiialei'sluud a m »tem mi linked t«.g« thor willi uuiimy under tLe pretext M philan¬ thropy. Mr, BOM inquired ol'Mr. Stevens under what p..rt of the Ci'iis'itution tOngre-s derived the POWM to build school and to educate people in the South, taking, their Stev«isa and Ko«ssi constituents for it. Mr. Sti.vi m replied thut he derived tho power under tbe law of oattoae, wbieb ia u ¡icrt of the ('(institution, ead which enabled OoaajHaeto govern eoafoeiad prov¬ inces. IDniighler.J 111 MOillol bia amendment bv re- duiing tin» spproprntiOB for «ehool-house* to t^),00ti. 'I I.e iiiiiendmeut wat agreed to, and the bill was passed hy 7'J Yeas to 11 Niiy«. .«*, -«. .*. . ritiSTi.vt.i of rciiLir *eOrfMK?t"r8. Mr. I.AFi.iN |M. ¥.), fr«»in tbe CtBOMltlM 00 Priiiting. .rt «I a rt "liittoii, » Inch vrm adopted, to pnut of the t*«*eeideot'l Ifeaeegc und «ci i-mpanying documeuts ou the subject of Mexico, uudcr date ot the '£id of April, the sfti.,0 nuiiiNr as how [»rovidcd by the law fur printing of the g'.'uurul dipl.'iuatic lorresponaeuee. TUK RKHKL COTTON LOA». Th« Sitakbb ore-ente.! a stanage from the President in eaeWM M Ihe llou»e resolatioiT of tho »*6th ultimo, re« qnestiiig iiifoiuiatiou us lo the Iteliol debt known as the Cunnii 1^ an. vi ith a rep« rt from the Secretary of State. Thi« »vu-« rcf «red t«» Eke Connlttot ta Foreiirn Affair«. H .«« !li:sT up Till- JI 'Ns.Vf'lt M TfS Lll.liiL.ll OB. .Vii IUssbVI laaaan. UIbbbw«ÍwÍ iirfl'''* "f - -. .-'.. > ír.niiwca'tl» of *B*iaeiehnfeita OB «he «¡ate of the l'iîoti and (be duticiof the Goverumentto tto lToaelmcB, wliclí wire lai'd on the t.:i,le. COLoNlZATICJ or n.WTl. Mr. Da'-t.'mi prtweated a pet.' on lot ruinibursement el ex;."!.dit1 ris iu tho colonisation expciiment at luyti, Weil Indies, whid. im li'Aired to tho ComuiitUc «m ( ill,O.e. TUL' IBIBITIOATIOB in- nu? riOTBBT afâBBBâk «skf1 | ti bsTaTaUV. Tbo Srr .kir anno ¡jioeJ thal a bed aprjetalod b1 8b Ibtbarger, W11, to ii, Boyer, Cook end Warner IkO emin or ida' ob he to laagaa 1 nt m the fr iToat*Mi m Hart an. MOBJ U»waT IV VNTrl). Mr. Da' 1.ino < d. red the rollow.ng ¦ aiub't ami 1. » Rai ti«.n: Hi.rnnt. Report» «re fr*"ly ciñóla*.'ni, end chsrga» ¦» ile, that reruns were y lr,iu«iun ut 'racln-e- Indued tuon 1st ill the arashte of the Datte«) (stat % ia the City el New York end i-, rtof rhe (¡ovcrnmenf »rd other per*.,b4 .1 ii bj suuh oiL^ei» toiiid 10 -ach freudulcnt practices' .»1 -I Wh r s», It i< i.liegeil that »tich reen.!!« wtoa et listed wrr* deprivi lof their 1 .. ¦. 1 . aud laoarperiled la pi ison, eto thee touaty divided and shared between ni., ft efllaers stid th« pi eins who were employed by tasas, ato also that petn'm . s- «aired ia the bosídi s of reeraitiag Bw tl.o aunt iu the City of S' w-Tork .11 ii Isewhi re, uno i.ího 1! -fi rinded bj such ©fin .a and nt.. : !,ag lu CMOertWIth II et", .nul BtraO tlBSBBBS Bf BtOBllJ detnni.tl-d ntd extorted irom ti.»::;. a:.d '.! at 'i..y vvere nprtaooeda tilaaehdemandswtreco 3 plieda I., B'u weie tlien imaicdiati'l» iiieast-d: uu«l Whereat, It ii I'lip, rtaiit swat tlio truth ef ttetc t. te ahargea itoaM ho -pe.'.iii,- Bsest*tatatoi thai to Kttoittd, That tin- fielei t CoBMBttMS Bf|V« «(, .luted ur ctr the test Ir.t oBof tl.eüülli alt. be directed to lot ekttgaf * BOek ii irges, ead thal thtry heve Btfl power to sato lot i*t*,»oi,a n- 1! i. per*, and re;- irt't! t n-iults of »uch ia»»kiigat:ou to II is lloti.it' as ioOii aa ¡ ..n-tieable. tub M kür v ann* «a.val. T: e Ile, '.n- th« n n ram« d the lonsi.ierution ol :b. L.U t«> incorporate the Niagara .««hip Caui.l Coii.piii,y. J. ii. Hiitpmii.Y (N. V.j oppo»..d tho p.!-r...'i' «,f be ming that although a coin; any for nie «>ii»ti .. on ol -i Niagara th p canal was iueorrWi/eü iu li' -, act il e ntl.cr Acts in extension of it were eubaeaieatl. pMBUi iy the Slate'if N*w-York, tho scheme could never arosaat merit enough te indice capitalists to invest money »11 it, even to org:ini*e a company. Mr. Ailihov Iowa! »poko in advocacy of th biak 'li.* et pie f Ike Western State«, be «aid, would rot ha? aatis- -1! ¦*.'. . ti., ii.ei.-i.realoi.e, but would deraaiitlof CoDgn-a approj ration« tod.large the great nati-.alcorumnuiitai e i.s tlovtiiig into the Gulf of Mexico, »huh »s the natural out¬ let fir tl.o produet» of the Weit, whe'her f..r ahiptu.'ut abro id. or ra New-York, or to the Now-Kngland State«. Mr. iKGtBSOLL I.li rtkllowed on the seme side. The baildiag of thil canal be sn:d, would be u step tait in ia the right direct, .ii. Tto «n und step would follow, «ml teats WM the ras»» gc of the lull for enlarging the Illinois ned Michigan Canal. Thus, without embarrassing tbi« bill, they world secure the passage ol' the other bill, uml those two great national works would thus receive the aid of the National Legislature. Ho ret rred to the canal »>»- ti 1 1 ol ( bine, V. mie, Ho,lund, Kugland and the I ...«1 BtekML. t.. »kow the importance of these arti ü .il uio<iisi f water communication. t Mr. Cook .lill al-o sp< ke in r.pport of *he l-ill. He reg rd« d iii.s as a ¡radical meaaure. 'the report of Caitt. una of the Ci i-ed 'Staute n-Mn-ir». which w«* I r.iii.'l io the doeaiaenta of the XXlVth Congress do» uionstratee the prs tieabilit* of the measuri*. The tost «a.» .-in ti!. It hs.d Lieu estimated '.hen at from |T oirO.OoO to $4,70',1»«'), depending n;on the route »el't»tea -.1 1*0 1.«..:. g cn surveyed. AVl lo the coui*.:*.tunal.ty ot Hie nita-siire he had iio'doibt. One hundred and Bil« millions of dt liars h id been expended on shore defer sea on the Atlantic coast; the construction of this canal .*..¦# the Lest defense that that could be secured for the taiBO thousand mile- of Cape coast, studded with towns ai.it 'ii-, ii.,'1 with a ir.i!e en paOjiagj fo'.r thousand sa.I, rs, an int'-rc-st greater tuau any other to lo defended from 1 foreign enemy. Any ene¬ my that had tho naval supremecy on the Luk'S would haw ad thal iutcreit at it.. coiiiuscd. 1 he Uiiiifd St nie» was Uti it eil to ore ainail war vessel on the 1-as.i », "vl.il" (ireat II itnin hail th « power to bring through lee Welland Caiiai into the Lakes a Bato of vc-s.li that w.t.lil give her naval n prêts ¡c; ti..re ut the outbreak of le s- talilie». li CongrefS had Ike power to defend the coast by means of shore defenses it lad also ttoeeaett* tut.or.iiitrrjwer to construct rt ship caaal na a work ti tit-a fense. a commercial nicasti re it would be a w< k if immense importance in cheapening tho trun «/Jurist.on I produce from the We-t to IkO Last. Mr. Dawe> (Mu-a.! offered au amentltncn'. whit h waa «greed to, ¡ii'i.'Mtlii.g timt stibscriptiou booka for the stotM of the Company »hall be kept ope ii at least three day ». Mr. Van IIo'bn (X. Y. n.oved the pievious iiuestion. Mr. V. ahí) asked lum to yield tor aa anienunieat ui l>« offered, striking out sectioaa 19, A1 ami -I, being scciioiia ropnating money. ir. YaB llotv*, aaOaaBSja to yield for that purpose. Mr. Ward eaid bo cou.d BM rote for tbo b..l aitk li.eso tenions i.; it. , The previoui question was seconded, sod the main tj'.i*« tion ordered, when Mr. \ an Doer. (\. Y.) who rtp«iiut the bill, rxiade the closing «peech in it» »uptiort, v id.ling; i'Krtoíhi» timo to Mesara. Boee, D;igga, lla-lmg lill), S'cvei.s, Raviiio:A Jand D< dge, who "spoke on the lain« sidi: of the tjtiestion. Mi. Siivijissaidhe wtj.»!.l go for the bill is a co'.i»t,t.'- tional uieasure, not under the war lower part, ularly, t nt ur.dcr tka power in the Constitution to rcgul.it«) comuierio botWMB the States. AH'-"' iib tbi* eil al would be all m one State, the commerce winch it vtould promote wal cou.mi'iee tottveei a gr. It niiinlerof diajo'.aetl Statte. Hefelt, therefore, r.o tlilticul*v- in OIWMOABABB str.plee about internal improvement, captt tally when he foun«t tho gentleniun from Illiu« is Mr. Rose, si.'rrer.deri.ig hi» own prejudices und ditiikes, and coLsiuutioiut objection»». [Laughter.] The measure .«: ¡y prop »".1 to au a wu s a icuij ts of the üovirnnieitt toa great object. It aoakl take some tia;o to consti .ct t!.;.« canal, and he bel.tvul that before it wus eootpleted hundreds of nul. ona of atna ¦would be settled unil c iltr uted a.,»1 g the line of the North¬ ern Paeino Railroad, tor he knew that that bill would 1. «a before many days. He b"sought tho gentleman from tho Calena District Mr. «vtolktxraej an 1 the g. u- tlemau from tho Lake City (Mr. Spaulding) to give tho Northern Pacilie Railroad bill thulr tupp. it when it caine up again. He WM glud to tee that bit »ti ra frieend from Illmoi« ,Mr. Hard ngj hadyitlded to the ar- BjBBBMatl ol' his colleagiii' (Mr. lto.»s) bj d bad forgotten ti » principle he announced the oth»r day in his spec« h actvii.si the RoftketB Pacific Railroad Lill. He loped he wo .Id never remember them any more. [Laughter. Hethouglit hi* might also persuade iii» friend from I'utsburgb iVr. Morehead; ami other friends near bim to vote for timt uii'UMire. Voleos: So they will'] He was sure no« that the day of tho millennium was coming. lilu,d eye* «1 re bekig opened and deaf ears unstuff. d. [laiiiighter.) He knew the gentleman from tim Galona District would like to tee it ¡ 11-* ,1, but his l*OMBa w M »uch that it was impossible for tim to do anything else thau make a abort speech «gainst it. [Leafbter.1 If so, it would lo iu a voice of thunder, »bowing the terrible extra, agua« «a under which the (Soveruiiieut waa suih-nng merely to im¬ prove the country for the present and future age*. Ila trusted this bill would ia>*s, fur he bt .ii".ed ti 1 greut ui i| good work, and he should grieve for It! fail re, ,f foi no other cau«e, on account of die nolle man who had it ia charge, and who never failed to act Ubi rally. Mr. Raymond (N. Y.) congratnait- d himself on (be fu< I that hound the gcntl'-maii from Pennsylvania (Mr, aevei.») should vote together on this bid. H«* beiivrto Wiry wera the only two members of »bom it cn.bl be -am that tLey bad no prejudice. (Laughter, Ii WM the tutorest of the cituens of Now-York, in common with the ¡.»"opie of the North Atlantic »enboard, to procure cheap food, ainl. na time rolled on, that would become more andmore thean al interest of the Eastern and Xorih-L.istern states, while it would become more and more the interest of,.. gran.-i 10- diieing \Ve»t to ohtain au e-s tu market». This «eora «it» S art ofa grand scheme of work on which Coogroa» mtiataon.e ay or other enter tu facilitate coininunicatioa betwei-n ide grain-proii'iiciiig sud grn.ii-conauming 1-ortmu» of tbecotiit- try. He should, thenfoie, favor it and every project fur the ssme purpose which he should coiig;der*V»n»titutJe»iiMl. The Kasteru portion of the country was drifting rapbny into the condition in wbu h Lugla: .' fbaal hursolf bafoi« the rep« al of tbo Com j.nw, when b-r whole protectt.» policy disappeared bsdtos the great paramount net*e»»ify . | obtaftiing cheap food for the people. '1 hat necessity bo ko down her polity.broke down begprejed ce« aud letl te au entire elia: go of her w 1; le course nf legislation. The se me thing must sooner or later prove trut'm the Eastern p>..'- tienuf thii Continent, OtouÜMof ooauaaaioatsOa betwi 1 n tBe two sections tended to ricstabli.-h aid cens' luíale, » -I reconstruct, but consolidate the Von n of tho States ai d IO make that Cinou perpet :hI, bwMMo It made the Muli 000 ia interest M tmj were one in de-tiny. Hebe«! Bed examined the bill iu its detail, with ui j 11 MTeCT. bal I.a had greut confidence in the- eommitt« ¦. » huh batt bad it u 1 hitige. ami iii his U'llea.'Ue Mi, V'un Horn who Lad I iiii'lerhis particular siipcrvisi":'. Mr. DHABO(0blol Blkel bim whether 'j'» knew the uiiiount winch the bi.l would takoo».'. .f tho Treaaary. Mr. RaïMoM) rcpll d that li BtUpMud lo lol ti the rTes!,| < the (lovennnelit to the BlaUNI t ol f",lt)tl,Ot*ti, whicli I,« would considei the best appropriated f><i,i)iJiJ,JiJO voted I y this Congre s. Mr. DavtAXQ BXMoasail his be'.ef that the genfleiiai from New-York did not uuderst ud the details "i u 1 monstrous measure at all. Mr. Kaymosd congratulated Mr. Delano on bia itopti, ci-m as to the extent ot lu« «Mr. Ka.moud .1 knowletlgi, but be had the impression that he was ijnile as well in¬ formed na Mr. Delano seemed to be in regard to the gen¬ era! scope and bearing of the measure on thg>prosperity tal the country, and ou that general conviction to Mr. li-« mond was willing to t. He would vote most cbeerfi.'fy for the pasmge of the bill. Mr Dodge (*ff. Y.) desired to are that, as a Ne*-York man ami interested in the pros|>erity if the CHvand But* ol Now-York, be would, notwith-UU'tiiij* Uli» fears ol the ( u;.al Commissioners, vote most elie- nully for the lill, li«, heliev.-d that the pros* erity of the Utate» "f k*w-Turh was identical with the prosperity of the West, and thal just in proportion as tho people of the West were at.ii« to get a profit 011 their products, so would tbey be able ia traffic with the Citv of New-York, and give her anal« and rai'roads that burinosa which would m.ike them ptint** riTltlf fj.'o-lieri'llf. * M.'DiLt'.»!...'.' !.'.T 1.-I ..¦.. r-- .' BJ <"^ "''"*!, ksMtUtsrsi*t "' mnr.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1866-05-02. · in.«t*r to t,¡ i ii andadd le cv. ry lirt returned «ithiu ono year, whi-invi-r, in their opinion, any understatement or undervaluation

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1866-05-02. · in.«t*r to t,¡ i ii andadd le cv. ry lirt returned «ithiu ono year, whi-invi-r, in their opinion, any understatement or undervaluation


Il YSIMI"-' 1 A.

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; M , A'sNoT MAKF. I'i ! PB -

kB Uk» »,;,!-|.i. j V.J. ti,

kh i.i o . t .. -i


Fu.i toa !..» '. c i-- i i.-»! el Um Basan aTkatafe, PanI- ¦. l r PI |

k1 I .|1I I'


(I J' is >

|.e»«.il v..::. ". (i- .ii tin m to

nary .1

li.J .»¦

Isa! ki.ii sTJBagtbeatl b the diarite« tal

¦biet ter«, knowlag A .

riiC« thalI. » cn w,.l tr sn.tuui'd I de IL.« u.c.-.

liid It hit Mat the kfli.tift

aro di Lit», .u. u.:.A. Via. tr.iiy, IsEVl 0 CLtK.

lion. i'< In W D .. rod restore!«li..

WmWnMttWt ¦.. s h.. ,i Ti, rii.p ,.i !. r ti . .; --...

«rj«ft« if las by t

ty it« us. Ni: l r.: i.i- n r i !. 1 \ fri' i.i-

.I tlwn, Ink ii ! t » it! a n .. Í io i Iii, f.. r.,i . (¡en. an Uni.-»«

.ti« rei (tna.i (.ei*. by pmrnm* »i..!, i tried them, and .> Lum íitct-

able Bkaatioo of t)».r Ri-.tna i.i iced »:.. to try tbem. I mut

co«,»m that I Led an i.v. i.ivi.0, Fat, ni Mi .irii.n '¡on, t' < iho laaud

lid ti« |. i. hit. r> whose only aim «leu.l to he tu pi'ru off

«wm«:.eT ii d di »gi .... r pea t! inn .r. is bj s «'.. way, and

the ter.dir.ey if v.ttch. I fern, :t to nuke insiv eernfrn.id dr.it k

krtt I i at reare wm reedy . ueóit-n«! pop»,!', r.

BWA ita.th !.»i ;-v efft.t. It» »i BJ BJ I orly Ban Uie I'' ma«-!., b it

BBS« ti* 11 r I «?..l.i,.. st... |i ii.pi kid lIBlBj i« I feel lhak 1

bave ilr.trd »nat u.d «atasnaM be «fit font t.'.r uk cf a f«w

heOBn Vtrj leij.i ti-iij yours,VA', p. SKIuPRIiiD Ne. KI ««liai «arr.axon it.


Freu, lirr Iii v. I' Mirr.ft F»'tc i ( Í li.«. TeNy ink bapiial Chutili.

J»bi...i. IFr»m Bai sa) seaj -.¿¡.ii:«» afosaM Bs, ii, I

«i,«J i (Irriimi Later», I ws» ii..! .ced to give tuen) a In».. Isfo r BttBaJsrvera. litt.e» f» und li.'-rn lo ne a rood remedy fir d',

a mist excellent liarle for the «tonucti. D. ktXKKIOC

Pi 'ne Rev VA'ii km Sir r»h fe " >.'» l'a«!' r r f the A ¡ccer.tmrn

na) M.i.vai« (B J BastnCkn be», PkBaaMaMaBsBBktJJ u«ed in roy fa» Ty a number MkatBtsal ft i llocflsnd'.

Oara.111 BtttotS,] have to «ty Hist I nfurj tLimu an aaABBBsM

ntasafotl «pecin'y adup-ed to rei..«.vr iLedi.e»»-» thejW>«i.u«d for. Tl.> y «tu Dl'be i slid ii,vigórate the ««-:¦ u. vi hu. deb.a

laled,»bd »r» vr loi« of apt et; » ,

»ave sai, m "U.u.eni.rd tie ¡u to KvtraJ of u.y friei.l« who have

tried lhere »LJfi-i.d tLeu. greatly beneficial in the rea, Bastol St

lataith. tant truly. WILLUM FMlTifN». n Mai Man« .t.

Frein tat Rev. Tbomas Winter, D. l> Ft'tot of lUibcremi. I5kptJrt Church:

Saxa Stn I fee! it do« to your excellent prepkrktlon, nooflvi.ii'i

Utru.sL Litter«, to kdd iny tei'jncr.y 88 thrileiervrd rr| utsti'.r. it I ai

ehuÁLed- I have for yean, at tnuei bean troubled wilh great di«orJ«r

la my bead ii.J Lrrton «yitein. I wai advised by a friend to try a

fceit.e uf y««t (>.ru,«ii Bittere. 1 did «o, and have experienced great

«¦sd onexpected relief-, my health baa been very n.sterishy benefited

I (<*.fcilei t.y recommend lb« enid« »»hue 1 meat with .!¦* «IrusV-ai

to my own, awl have been ai.urrd by mny of tbeir gund -fl- '.«-

¦aepMBMBJ your», T. WINTER,Roi borough, Fe.

Frein Join, 13. AA'.rser.ham e»q firm of VTuker.h.ii. A llutch'.n

eon, the celebrated Maujfaet »rer« of Fancy lr.u Work!, No. K9

Caaal.t1 am the recipient Iron, you of «ne of tb« areale.t f.Tor. that ran he

coafer-ed upon n an, vi*, that c» health. Fir many yeer. Laie 1 luf

Sered foui um- uf tbe moat annoying and dei.ltitatiar couipiu.nti Ibat

the hoauui family can be «ffiicled wttb.-hr«n. diarrhea.

During tbe ioiig lime I wu mfleriug from tlil» disease, I vs.. at

leaded by regular physicien«, giving me bul temporary relict. Ttu-

.aaee seemed to remain until I wal induied to Wy llooftand« Uerinau

Bitter«. After the nie of »few bottle, of that Valuable und.ciur, tin

lasoplaiut appeared to be completely «radicated.

I »flea inwardly thank yon for inch a valuable .pecibc, tnd when

»jft 1 Uve an opportunity, cheerfully recommend it. wrtb fall coed-

.Vax» lo lureUktiiity. Trnly ». ¦¦'

JOHN B. WirKERJSHAM.Baw Tota Feb. 1,1*4.

Froc* A. McMakin, *.q No. «iii Broadway, Maroh Vt. im«.

UbabFiB' I take great pleaiure in teAtifying to the titraordinsry

raarrittal n. i.litJe« of the Hoofland I 0*rn.aa foktei«, proeartd at your

ÉMÉMÉMHbA useeT-bei of rev f*mi!y bas b**-n for many yeer« . perfect martyr

M tbyip*»««!«. FiipitAVtlo» of the Hcirt, «jil etaVvsr dUtr««slng vttprini*Sis torpid liver, until p*iin*«*a to try the sbove eelebrsted remedy,«vkltb I« . lew weak« rta-.¡ed in makiiuj bei (to oa* her uwn word»!*a sa»» »»a-i.

Te» are al liberty to make any use of this you see lit, or lo refer tim

kir»|>:.i'i Tour, truly. A. McMAKIN

H T. L'tiaaoLD. **«.., No. M4 Broadway, N*w Tork.



BlNOtE BOTTI.E, *' MJ A 1,ALr DO/EN PUB <*«.

Fkouid your neareet druggii « D0« b»*t lu* *,«*tl«,i do not be it o§

by any »f the lutoxlcitlng pre, **»ratloB. that m.y be offert ia lu

«Jet* lui «end to m and we wlU forward, aecotely packe-», » ex

Mm \


H« «I AACU 8T.,


JONEB ..'.TEVANH.MbOOMMH te C. M. J*i keon A Co*« >

rroprU«lof»«'n isa* by Driasasdatts siid Das!««« In »very town I» th« Vmmtt



Ne. a.04 BBUaOVVAT,






Al Iit'»}U(lcr»t LctUr from V.«,ùe UampUmI.Cad in tlio »Senate.

THE NtT-OPriCl All?..::!.*.TIS.» BILL.

The lA'caic on Mr. Trmr.li.l.'s Amendment.

Tbe Rcfor^triiciion Propccilioas intlr Rmta


uim m MVTnii lunrnM

The IUll Tro ice tint' Emigrants Fa>seili


TLo Niagara Ship Canal Dill l'as,», .1.


Waehimwon, Tuesday, May 1, Ira;.tuMIUMATI NS.

li.- Beaatektvl an neeativ*eraaioi of orop ob Boot¦ H'.til C"I:!.:lI!'(! li few tll.ill.'«Ttiilit 1 ii-tlli't.stLl'«.

Ö letal i ..-.mi «u» u«l ü¡".. :;.. i-.- f li'u.sM.uiof Keataeky who wa IMtaiatet t" Eetukttat »wci .y n-. aiit-ti. Mi-, i abroi . BafaoaaorofCoiigl -, IBs. li hil .;[ "ti.:.. :. ;f in put nf

Ikefatee taeetve«] f..r the béi roef "i tai l'x-itlt-ut'.-p .; ey. ao cc:.iii:n.iti..|i «as lu.ti, a:.ii Ike MM MMItBedLl.tietlditl.


Sp aiicr Ct'lf.tx gog pjjBsaiitad tit- n.! nwin,; VbmbbI.lin- to inveetiaaU itloi eftka |» g>

v".-t-.\|ntrl,ul » llama I BatoaltofWi I of <»l.i", Clmim aa:

ki:.:., '...i:;...- :_ COok (Ota), ¡ititi llover¦1Yli..¡

PRIMDESTIAL NOM1NATlti.S.».'I BO Si-r.at»Ctiii.in.t:. .- -i K...

lo lOBOTt ¡iiicr-il%. upon tl.e t ,m". Mr. a» .nth ni K.:.*:i«,Boiatnileil Miniatur io fliatsj oa Ike a ..:.,;uei. »t. m ni

s. ,rnr Laae ti Kaaaaa. l.««ia D. t .iu.pt «li ni Ohio,uoniinatiil a? Minister to Mtaito, it wusaprccd, sho<ilt. b<«

-.¡tittil lo tat St i...'.f witlout any return im dation, ] to

: nn, thi- (Vjiuiinttt e l.'.ig a lit- on Um matter. tJeji.I>.i:.icl K. Sickles, as Mi:i..-t,r la tto Hague, was lum cn

t te titl'lo.HA.NK Ol' PCRKH.I MI.VI8TFBS.

The ('iinauiittte also agreed to rt-j««rt a J ill for raisingthe raiik ol Miins'tr» r.-ii i,t to K:.v..y l.xtr.toidii.a.y,iiiul M.uistt-r» Heuiputi-i.tiiiry, the pay te. leutuiii the »ultu-

tis at prt-s' at.MU. Tilt M BILLS AMrNllklf.NT.

Trutiilitill I uiiieuilii.f.'.t "ti lae t*tol QBaM MU. all bprevent» the ¡'t.;. iirtil ot Bay Blom y Orr talarit*» «.!' uffiet rs

who a.o a: ¡m...ti.I tli.itXjr the IWMM, evri-pt la COOM Oldeath, restf ¡i.itioii, nr ex] irai o "i li ¦ al kath -, La» Matr'r. i.t'lli lu the Senate as »oulil iriiuriintie ila MMMB ]both Houses, either a» un amendment on tlw) AJ/ffOpril-ttOB hill, or its a st j,arm'¦ Li,I.


Horace II. Day s Nia.- in baúl (ni..ii Lill IVM to-day ¡.'otthrough f.- HoBM MI aliitlllj MMsaOiiri Ail the larui-

ii.g lat.il fi'iiitiiipT nn the river on the Au en. rai mit for at

least seven iml'-s below the fails an- »'DCWMtofBCl with I40>traits Boa n-e and otc ujat »«ii M-ci.icd bj btOtBM li. Da)long ug" ::. aiittiipatioii t.f lin- | a .sage "I ti.is .I.. Next

year ten ínillioüs more will Lu aabsWl for.NAVAL i'KOMOTION.

The BaWAM finally p.iseid to-day the bill lor promotioain the regular navy.

ITÎRSONAL.Senator Dixon will not leave for Connecticut until the

middle of the present mouth. Ho uwaius Bato! improve-mtnt in his healih.

THE NKVv Kli". I.Ntl. BILL.Tho new BlfOBBB lid is r«tir:iftivi-, giving bObOsOOII

in.«t*r to t,¡ i ii and add le cv. ry lirt returned «ithiu ono

year, whi-invi-r, in their opinion, any understatement or

undervaluation t-.nst«, alth.>titrti made in good faith.OCTKAOER OB ttJ» Kltt.H)MK.V.

Tho President hu» prohihited (Jen. Bovafd from givingany information relative to oatrugi s lomiiiittcd hy South¬ern «bates on the fri-edim-n.


The luti-rnul lii-venue latMtfkl to-day were |H-Ari,(l90.THE VIRMNIA BAriLK-PIELbi».

Major Jainea (jleusun, A. if. M., has return'-d from an

insjiiK'tion tour over the luttle-tk-lds of Northern Vir¬

ginia, along the lino of the Orango andAl'-xuiuliiii Ruilroud fiom Alcxanilria to tho Ka¡pu-l.siiiiock. About a thousand graves of l.aite4 btuttnsoliders were discovered, und in Cnlpepper gawM upwardoí3,000 were fouDd. It is intended le remove all thoremains lying north "1 the R ip;.iih¡ii*notk to the cemeteryat Arllngtou, aud to locate n National Cemetery some¬

where in Culpcpper (.«unly for those bunctl south ul thatRiver.


Stockton and BOOTOl'g ala'e, for the tUstribition of thea-ntir» Federal patrons»*!-ol New-Jersey, has been broken

tip by two or three coullictiii».' intew-sts, who ar» anxious

lora abare of the spoils, and the President tMcordinglywithholds the list.


The Conference Coijiiiisiti-e M the Cuba Telegrajih hilltgreed to report the bill with au amendment allowingCongress to alter the rate» for MM transmission of messuges,whenever expedient or necessary, lu thi» shape it will

urubabiv pass both Hoaaaa to-morrow.


Over three hundred spei iii.eii« of writing by left-bandedsoldiers «ere exhibited to-night at Seaton s, and speechesmade by S]*aker Colfax und (len. Hank.-.

WASHtROTOX. Taeeday, May I, 1&66.Te lae Aa»»eM»l»4 Pras«.

TBI CAPTT'RI OP .'KFP. DAVIS.It appsars ftom the re«ord« iii the War Depertmeot that

with tb» extention )t lb'* Présidents proclamât leo, notvebut verbal orders were given for the t-sptui» of JeffersonDsris. Major-Oeu. Wilson says tha* Lieut.-Colt. Harn-don and Prittbard are entitled to great credit for the tealaadsitiiitv with which tj.ty ooiiJuot-id the pursuit, audthat it i» but simple iustii e io tlitrs«* w.ir'by "fBoert to re-

aiarh that thi-y were laruomnt of the rev,»rd at the time ofthe oapti.re. '( ti. mtctuti »ay» it wits so dark that hefnUld not diatinguish ho uniforms. It* the «.ourae of hisnarrante bs eave: Ou tb« return to the ctmp, I was so-C'iHu.1 by l>avi» from among tho jrisonerr, who saked maif I was the oficer in comruani, ami opon mr ansvsenns;that I wat, and atktug lum what I wat to cult htm. he re¬

plie») that 1 miirht rall bi«u what or whoever I pleaaadthoa I replied to bim that 1 would eall him Davit; audapon a inomuut a hetitatun bet said that wa» his name:UiHB be suddenly drew himself tip with twie roral dignity.nd exclaimed: " I suppose rou consider it bravery tocharge a train of defenselesa women and children; but Itu theft and vandalism. ' Nothing is md in Ibe arre ti veabout bis being di»guls<*d.

PEIBOMAL PIIVILKHU OP KA VAL OFPICBM.The ki «Mer; of the Navy, iu answer le a r» lolnt.cm el

lie & lait.. itski»g «beth,,! ul«J b/ wh>i Butftwi'i' kll/ I

"flee-» are de'iancd of t'ao pimlr-g.- of vieitiiisr WeSaUaaj. Itun Mt p-'roñal ¡i;|.e,il 10 tbt Tri SHielit ni ti.' iriivv., I ::«cs,r. ¡.lie* that wlKii'vir in Lndividttal antere ihn nservite of the toiii.tiy. In the enoyori ivr, hi r«ecei rily

.11» ti.i r.i t? andn oy, M. ury liw m 1

pim, thal tay ». sp, etiOB ni' roior pnv.ie ,-¡m liiiiuii.'ctn e thal any kt aaodified ot vi,ti.-dtaarawithoBtinfrini tupo acit1nu;that¡t i- Ol l\- ..¦ ||...

tu. i '¦ i.ot ci duty, 'ead »eio i. ay bevt itlidruwn .it lay of tbt

detaaad it. Iba adteu omi In kepi co II nillyon d .ty without kaf i Brit«

ii d tl.it this i or control ti 1 ti..- discipline. Hi further sayli "Thi r «m ngu¬

bu ion cm i. ¡i h i.g the n\ iii aaa wlu-h "Hi us of the Satyi ..v.. i ! i. (. i! ol vi iii g t!.. «"¡i* of <;. vi r.,i eal I pb .-¦-

m then not oa duty, is sttrxIlM to I" e1.1-* m ..' len a with rtnpeel to oAeert of the Army,hit I.»nu'h the Ntvy ri .ruL.t.,in M mm s'm.g at than theArm;, orden bow Ln force, t waiwin h the -'i--. ¦!..- ol ercry arailebM eBañrefthe N'.ivvuns ia e .ni BO daly afoot "r Blhon, t! c BOMMlty af I " aa ngul.it.on wee etta gttmïm witb twspecl tot» otBctttof tb« Ntvy ti a with r-ii'it to tb softheArny. Asrepards w naal ajaaeaJa to the I^aideal lhere Mom is«stn:,ce «ti. rt ¡in min n bad bt n pli d m iba r tirad i.for drankeaniusa andtbe proceadina» c4 the Board whichretired bin liad b ra n'-.i.iu. ,l by Pri memm Irwienl'i. --

Ht m nie itrplleation to v. it lae leal of Govern»unit in urdir ti, git n Mternl et IbtM einiadinge.His ti>] ice ion wa« granted; bul oa Bribing a tai ond ¡,[ .

Iii n' on t,, vi ,t \\...«.. hil'to ii, lind j re-' nt hie apithe I'ri «i'.i nt, 11 r:i'i-»i,m was tafo s ¡L VPltk thiena lanawaraai oo nibni M panait aMoan !

Washington forth« rmrpoe« of peraoaol epyeal to tbtl'lt. Mili 11 11 tia- UBited 8tatea or to Cob

. .TV. OABSl AM) TilK PliKSTDr.NT.Th»' Bt. ry iMi.il" th.- vol.i ,'.-¦ oftbe pi m thai Kean nota

titi» Del .. and Uni,lull of Ohio ki tonned ti ¦ Pn sid .. t.tlmt (¡(ti. ('.in v La 1 | nblil ly d, i.oi.i cedh Bl, ia denied 1 ftboeegentlemen. Neither la k1 true thal ti.. I1,,bat vv it':. In i'.vu QeBa Carey*! Domination taC lblut»n.,ii lit vi nue ¡"m ti c bat -"I Dil lit f (li.in.

( MTIlMATMNS.'1 i.e s.'ii.ic, in A' utive " stion, onfinai d li do rr A.

Uni of Min nijt-ai to be i'i it' d s' ¦'¦ ¦ I' strii .1 .'.'.. tut»he District ,f M,«» s-i'ipi. The foltowinj I>. ti Ii..«; r« ». r.'ci:!!!!,. ,f Corr*«diiia K. t-nek, WMinti.; Jicob II. St.".,lit, St. l'uul, Miii^i., David I'baui-bortala, Li roy, et. v.

A < OL'RMTIOV.A liillieroi.« lii'.Ti | ii|. it a: ii:..'. W11 Bl r'.i d itl the

teletrapfa lui Bight, la tbt Hones proceeding». Mr.In contrasting Mr. CoakliBg with Uearj w.utir

D..v .s n,¡ i,, nee of 11.. phri n, " \ wl Bing j .; pt M «

rcir.iig lion." The ii ar ¡ipil ci'iiv na toa ungn Waatamin n .. rt ur.i.g etw," foi ul cn as apology iaetrttialy¦in.

TIIK HILL FOU Tllli Pitt) I'H' 1 !¦ IB Of I Al AIHiHA NTS.Th« foil sing ira the Inportani sectioaa oi tat btO

p.if-cd ii. tia' Ho 4i. t.- ,.¡iy m ri ..ia ..:...... r..a' v-

M.iiio'.'i lint a« pet.en except th» efllcei ufthikktttaitorj uit'.-eia. ni:.i ..iii- ippotofodbjlaw of lbs respectiva Ní.u.i «Ball pteaaaanlei laj ».Iiiint.i'f i> itii in.:'.; rael passengers "i lii.i <l »it the pom

Hailed m ii's la s treal all rd. ai dre mien (.urtu« tsitb seer Btaaeagera I 1 ra ti y shull

tata I.» .n leajted. evf.it bytotwrtttcB perr*»Jatioa of tooham ni,.i. lent« el 1 oa 'it it h pott».

.-1 t. Ti i.i n ».. i ...», g. r »! ip. i milli i BsaaeeOftto or ir.'tn th» I'nlted Matee, t' ¦ ¦ i -.n. ..* of Ik»ni-.- af ia i ,¦..«« .mil ara urd, » ka «..,, I net oci spj Mitha »i'.i

.¦ ». re, «ball be berthed la Ibe !< | arl «fir »Km in a

aanaamnatdiv.iMi ItothettbetIS I » a sulistsi.tu»! me- m 11 »¦ un.I I ..,'..,, srslt.

out upeui'g ii,tu ur (¦. mu.i.. It uVitt vi .u. t'i" .... . ¦ lid In,'i|'.ir. A' » e pt.in or uie.li r f n ) «' ip "i liBt I Sto»l.ltl! g tb» pTOt l-li.li» uf U is section Sluill he iii ,'t: ed |-l,|l|) «f B

r mu!, B] "'i u' \ ,¦ 'I .i pt i- lu . I li" M ii"tka» than 0101 i >t ii i-r« that. I 'a io .¦ r,: !i r a I'lm

Bal lil 'I OOlkl t H!»i ii. .i ,i ba forstor .¦...¦ tod That tbe¦ itérer

<f nnj »i n imel Billing hi s a foietoi ... try ah" »hulllu mi.'mu pi rson i Hi r ii« t'., -¦ «» r or ¡«m1 Ulta BlCltv. hsll r or phil « iil.in ",' I i io T S ntl-« wah lattas* lo

isud or lu perrsit to li.iul sut li p i-.f np r or h ii d, n » li p..isagiiT ia band ki el«, li at mi.'it ni:n propei pii ra at toa taaa o/taktot lim als ¦> . r t»> t«»a fur. iga luiiii» t » f'si.) i ff i.se ni a :. ¡f 11 m I!,' la «i y f

':¦ '1 Mu!, s v» i B it a fi our,«hull to ««»millern! ft» such OlriM taikj ii a i:.¡-i!'.. aiue,

i aa m.» u .!"¦ t" i a » aa '

BOBO aar nara «aaa Ol.eoo, «r bj m pr... ..-t,: I »

than a'l BkaatkS r n at» li IB M | ir r "th. at ;: I d... rtl.oa i ! the (Tain M bi ri iii th.-tisu. 'i M I d

Si It, And b* ii /arrl.r , .irr.if, T tint e*. 1 at.ii SVerJ ¦»

a n» ii in « .o r ni | m by a« .¦..¦.-ti of the I'i t- «

St», te., a h n.i.v irr.i p .a», ii- i« t ia n.tr». r fruístia« eui.tri to tonst» eMail . kB ka stasMési »riba«I . um of tl.li.ili.e ul lan ». or i'ti er litainl'i''it t i.M.iil« to

IBS ilru.gerol I» li.Hull. ri.ll.. iel.t f.-r fr. .,..:!. l| ¡i 11.«' ( - t;. i. i.i t' .a .luring any I

,l J iiu. ¡.fe» lien of an i ship, i r »i ««el. «li ti » paaeet »or-.

at the tlioe f t 8 dil ii.'. n. un t.«.nid "I «sid «I p "r Telar I.» io «ha,l hu «lila lo «'.o ... al ¡.li lu re ; .it. .!, If 'te . ,' r

j- tn.it« t« i.e ..i.i to reataii f . sob skip r rt .

i. r oi«- ti m foil..» .i gi a» said di HUAny munit i uf any mi li »lan ni vi »««I. wl u «hall Is« foaud uui

Io i, |11 r n ,t Ui <»e I,,1.1, un le. ir., if hi» »Iii, i ». ...

such »'.i' -i' amount ot the aBitvteald dlairifeeiaal fir tie

ij-p. ». .1 » ..s u/u tt . n t.. "si m j".«t ii,. mi.| liaba1ikvall roaks »se of ant . I, or of «ay pi

ceee mt dlstalecMea by whli fttopassigen may in any way be ntf.. text, aluil!, un «üu vu t »«.n lie, m idn .t leal ih.1.1 #i.i«»i, iu.ru.".' Ifcaatll "", ur ii ,pr,»*i mi 11fin u ti rm ma i.»» the: un nth«, nor ñora taaa Bva yeanr Lolb, at ll.o Oiain Ik a ¦: u t in «.'..»ii ti." li.al ..-

had.mi :t «lad*» BA iBir nstwd. That it ihn li be tkedaty of

the >ntn i .-srieiir. nt Ile ierl"US |».rt», lu «utve» «hip» uial, n,-' .1 in Iks « uti iir g uf pe»«rngen. uii'ier th« laws

oí Ide Daitol -tuti» and I» eeitlfy under their Land Bud «eal,to tXic (T.iiiiniisluiier uf luniiis r it'.un. the spnees in ia, li «lu!,ship nt Teasel ou the varuna «!« i ka, ntul he» n. aa ti V ],.ia«e|i-gei» the said ship or raastl nu) I" iiititlcd tu carry, underthe law« if the \ int.««l Mata») »!.rri,j»,u th« mid ( iiiouili

nliiiu i <>f lion, gratiuii tnaj issue . lii.'iiir lu said ship or Ves¬

le! aatberialag toa aanker to be anrladi and B ahtll bl law«fid fur toe (Tiiiiiiiiiiiniu uf Iiiiiiiigi'iiu :, to ur.Iir « ie»urveyof li y such ihip or veksel. at Buy titi e »hen I.e may deem it

neieassi» I ul that such result, » inu»l tuke place upuii everychunga uf «WssM«M ne» registry. Any biuveyur raatfotlng a fraudulent return uf iu> ti 88B*rt| ihaB bo pui.lsii.itwith . line, um leis t.TBti MM n .r in.ne U. in MaOOB, ur im¬

prisonment for a term nul leis than three nur mute i! nu anu.uiiths. BJ..1 if there SktD hoon l.osr.l uf any ship, at or afterthe time of clearance, « greater number of pssiangrri, exceptbv birth at len, than »uti.urn. .1 In the license of the Cumuls»innerer tokntonStoBi tbe captain or master of such ship or

vessel shall bo liable to a fine uut to exceed %'¦*> fur each pee-senger cuiislilutlng such excess provided, however, that suchcertiltoate truui the «nrveTor (hail Im /"-na« run evidence ofthe . ipi., it) « f it Skip or veisel to carry the uni.roer of passes-gi r« tl.eieiii spentiiil. and that it ihall be tlio duty of thet nmu,is».iiii-.i ul Immigra!Inn to Issue ¦ license thereupon,witiuut auy i.ani cessurT delay and the clearance of passen-s'cr ships or vessel« shall nut be ubtainable utdei« uiaun presen¬tation ol it.rh license of the Coiiiiuisilunrr of InimIgral|oa.BEC. 15, Anitt ti jutthiT tnatiid, lliut there ahull be eitab.

lishcd in em b of the cities of lluitun. Chicago. New Orleaiat,Kan Francisco, lialtunore und l'hiladelphta nlfices to be knowuss L'un« ii Stale, limigranl I Util ri», and there sh«!l he up[»)!ntedby, und t* it. the «drice «lid content of the . ¡inte, an ulliuerfur eaeh of the i-ltira of lvoatuu. Chicago. New (Irkini and S»uFraticuco, and on« fur the two cities of Baltimore sud 1'hlla-delphia, la be ki,ni» i. aa Superintendent of Immigration, at an

annual aalary of IB.BBB, and each Buperiutoi.dent rnuj euiployino clerks, une of the second aTid one of the first-clasi and tb«smd Snii.tritt!-n.lent«, reipeclivrly, ihall, under the dirtctiouof the (on.lineal.mer of Immigration, perform all tba dutieswhich aro now required to be jieriormod by «SuperiLteadsnt oflmmigratiun at Nuw Turk, aud en-ry such Superiuteudcnt ishereby vested with all the tiowurs whicb are nuw, or «ball atM y future time, bo conferred on the 8u|»erintendent ofImmigration at New VT»ik, and the buierlnteodentof Immigration at New-York may appoint, with the approvalof the Commissioners of Emigration three oflicers. «ud theother Superintendent! one oftic.tr. who ihall be deconnuetedIi.ape, t,.r of l'eieenger veiseli, to be attached to their respective otlicei whose duty it shall be to examine each passengerTcnel arriving at their respective ports, and to report to lbsSuperintendent lu writing whether the requirements of toepassenger act baie been uoly complied with in re«peet to BBSemigrant, arriving frum any foreign port in anoh vesael. SuchUlli, er aiuiil receive an annual asiary not to exceed that ol aclerk of the second-ulass.

TUB I.NTKR5AI. RHVP.ÜI K TAX.Acconlin| to a decision by tho Cotnminiouer of Internal

Hovcii',¡,., th» income tix i* boiug ass.a«««,! undor tb« oldrates «f.» per cent and lu per cent, and tho prupo*eduiiieiidiiictit« inereaarjg the exemption from $G00 to (1,000will not eil'ei.t this assessment. 1'ersous will also, fur tin*

your, bave to pay taxes ou tbuir watches, carriat'es andplatt» aa heretofore.

A RAIN «TuRAf.At 10 (»Mock to-aight . violent rain and hail Storni

commciicc'd, accompauiod by vivid lightning and thunder.

XXXIXtii CONGRESS.wagt 8KS810N.8ENATK M't-MUiniot. May 1. lm-S.

AWARD» FOR THi: CAI'TUIIK OF XI.FF. DAVI8.A ronniiiiiiicatioii from ehe Seeri'tury of War, trans¬

mitting a report of the ,-vi,lern«' iituiu »hah tim iiwitrd*f,,r the apprcbeiision of Ji'Ucrsoii IiaviH wer.» distributed,»us refetrcd to tlio t'ouimiltcc on Military AITuira.

I.1M KAM K.Mr. I'mTMBrix dil.) presentid a petition for the enaet-

meut of c(jual and just l.iwa tor inter-stato Laaataaooialso, a petfttOB for tlio uatablishmout ( fa linn nu of lusur-BBOOi

Until petitions were pJjfoxjnd to tho l'omniittco on Ona*men e.

LOTAL 11BIMBIB Bl PERSEI I'TBD.Mr. TarMüi i L pn scntcil the pétition Of IM ritirerk« of

Htutiutou, Va , ivvfaaaoatlBg thal Vu-1r,>. [>* tmvi» naoatfobeen withdrawn from tlmi plucn; thut tb« Dinon men arc

being Beta« uted by Hebel*, ami prayinc for tlio return olth»- troop« for tho protection of lojBlaMB.Ihe petition was relcrrcd to tbo'l'oinuiittco on Military


¿Jr. Jiiiimion i.Md.i read tin» fulloaiug letter from (¡cn.Wudc Hampton -in the subject f Columbia, 8. C

WiLii Wood«, Mi»*.. April «I, li-O».7*o (I« fir. i. KlVEBDTli IIMON. V a. Senau. .Silt: A few

day* ago lis."» '" toe publuhrd i raaasdlsaa M ('ungren that .

petitiun from is.njamin Bawlea ol I o.utnbia, B.C., eikiuarompeaiation fur ti.«*,.11-aitructmu of hu houK» by the Federal armyfa Ksbruary. lw>.\ i.«d been tueatnted tv th« SenaU, «u.o'upaBled by % letter Irotu ».'»Jor-OoB. Kbermsn. * .«-»--«¦

In thi« inter 0*8. rJ'*»''"ln """« tfce f llowlne limcaage- s

i.,. ,..'. W«: |S ti.'. ,io.H.» I. el heil . i( r ,oi

.' ^__, -, .-»a»! Wl ¦' b » .» I ppka a^'s»«» |. tj^ k

Tel.,in' ia. I ti-.». ." BBS Ml nat eft*M ***kj SS I 'e'«-, h. taal I «tWMr* hi. i. turi kt rw thal «t-.ri. wer« uiatle to enlim lath latta, but a

I iili «nrl .trana; w ii,,i ka-pt ta*m »1 ve." i i ne no ertleia fst IBS l> in..ri| «I yn-ir MT, li, the ern-

»rary las Boat ! fism the .'r*»t ixapradai I

tb« iett.n Bale«, w'vrr' | '.tiii-svi.r» «¿«.»ii tti ti.» w.i.l St

that It breenie«n lap. ¦.' "7 tearre»» th« ara.I aat» ni «ear < .. .. bia r.ew-¡ -¡ te» lb» »Hated erJ«r of On.

\V ¡;... pproeeh .,l th« Vanne Anni

rot'on ihnil -hu. Im hi m1 saMtrea. what 1 **w in-.*i/. I liar«

itayiBitl » »'*» I»» -»me ol ti.» dtitructicu if

I ""." .

atase «largs, nimio airnliist me br den. Phnrman, hav-ght before the Beaats of the Ubtted states. I um

Boas I vi: ,.nute rr.vtlf lief« re ide same

ia!. Bul rai Bt ita has bo Mpreseatative la that tody.i.. ... i. rCoDJtltntiooal reprtteatallvM ead

expo i''arred thri right of eatraBM late tintotoils, 'I!.-re ire BOMwh* hate the ngi.t to iptak for thuBeatbj bobs t.. partlelpate m the legl lotion whick gyretas

BMe ki topeM las Istsi ihi ia called ipoc t" p.ty, «nilrisütteate her bom froe* atiaiearesaoialioe, iajaatics

t.r al.i i.h r. l'i di r tai -, I al .1 io j.o, in

Ike ewadeat Isaps thal yMWill i ; to «ce tliut.i.iii.i m t'.i, ¦ i'i.-r.

I deay eanpbatieally Ital any calen was Und in Cit!uii.i Infiy le« aroa*.

I .|. bj ti. t the i ! /ei.i "ret tire to thou-and» of buln reliaisat h to til» «¡ret-is

1 ,., it th it m | i.ittou rai ou Crc when the Fclsra'. 'rocyserti i'il

I nie-t MBaMtfaOl nak of Congie'« to »BpOlBl a i rir.inl'f*echarged« un ti.» utry "f asMitalaiag atoreportiag*atttheinet« ctiBiiitteil with the deetraetlsaof < elaatbla aadthas-^*«-tlf^tlüJ^leJlrtt^*r aiithor of timt tatrrtstras errareIt lri**py¡er, lilydè-TTr-»-

1 ..ta i' iiUug :.j -iiljii.il tl.e bike M» OTT ho7""-' triliiirtnl Blfur-, u:y »Boll I pledge n ytelf to provt itat 1-f**0it positivearder, by ilroerioa ef (! »a. Beaartgerd, that uoe ii ¦.'-"-.

I. I....:, that not eue lilli' win un Uro «lieu (¡er.. Sin nn.i...

ina r ti :. j oatt a of tht til ¦'. u, .t i.'- ro aliad uvtcetloatu tie etty, muí ti m la i| ,*... ef his tatemo proouse be i on .1ti I it.v lo ILe irr.,tit..l, ,1, il ratelr, HVeteui-it.caliy, «Lil Htro-

aI, ti ci. fore, *nti«t earrr-ily rrtjtic-1 thal Cet great ri.rtj ta'.e

I r u i'taad tu « tu iareatigate ti i Batter fellv..'..>t ti.,.. than sell ato tolbert*! tloa ol Usa

1.1 ,-; e si:,! io truia.

TraaUBgthsl yea will perd a rae for trrmbiiairyoti, I ass,peet folly, y<I um, W kM II««:

Mr. Mll.liUAN (Iii.' m I lie «« 'ii. I* i.of lilli,**»!.:* i liarfeof ti,;, deo! Kel 11 scainet Ike aboli m

red opon the taeorda wit; ral sir a answer,charge of (len. Bhermao La rilirmii to the burning ofColl.tal i i wa» ni un iillleinl ti ¡x.rt, and was filly MU*

rea ¦¦ other ofAeeia. Brea, Sherman did no1ti .. M Hampton finie an expll II ord» 11

subject,but Mi.ip-v ;....'. hi lordsi Iba lAloatoti., toroa«! f f.itti.ii, et.'.. k ii io timt re-alt. air.Biter-taaa read bob* t arioua offii al reporta lo loi.tirui thebarge ui-uiii»t Ora. Hampton.Mr. l'"K-snMn.N (Me.i objet tod te Ike prit« Uto OÍ tsakril I

np the timo of the Senate ia r» idiag letters addweeed a t

lathe Bl Mte tod te liri la Si ssL rs, end eepoi ally n

mattera pertainiBgj to private eoatravotaaM boioeau fei»m » i.o' i,., nib is i,i t:.,. Bealla.Mr. JoBxaoi nu.«t I ihe refereBM of Oca. Hamptot's

letter to the ('omi It« on Military Ati'uir.», M Iv. Illina to have li U ob .' s tal le.Mr. IJBHEBl 'tit WOtjld DO! le lOfOIIOi M

«Mile.m1 to lie oe the takle, bil i'i.tt lal Senate would ic-

r. i. ive .1.Mi. i t'V.i-s Cal.) nid that a man oho woald atti

In ¦!¦ -*.r. ;. in- I! .¦¦ rni'i'iit of tl.e Catted BtatM won dii-iiaiiiv not I.-«r.¡it- lo bara a city. He hoped that t lieletter of Wedel, opton wttald iel bo loeofred .r eo*si'lt red ai nil by the 8i Bata,Mr. JoBafauV tbcD B 11, ('.few ti.el, MiTof (!i :.. IT .;..; 1. ::.

BIOBTB .'S' MAU. I.AM) M THK DISTIl.tT.Mt. vMli.ky (W. Va.) iutrodaeto a bill to repse* the

boa of the I» tit n f Ii:, He olMaiylai.'l SO fur as tit" MOM BM b> en rWCSJfjnlaed or

adopted ia th" I1 Uriel of Cotumhla. In ft nul to the( "iiiuiitiee mi the Diatrici ofCol .min».

PI BUG LABM is montas v.On nu.ti« ti of Mr. \\ ah (»hi' .the Senate tooh

b ,11" ant orla it i Ni »«Toft mi tfoatana Iroo ICompa um ceftail Belalie lan.Is gol low ia

r «i.BBB rip THF. BaaBATB «tiambfb.

air. WaiAOi M at. lied an lae raso] i togreat thei . ol ,' .I..1-1.1 K. Mu. '. :«. r'.ve

liera and (tolo*** Urpt ta AayGua,f..r 'Ibu! <t.

Mr. bli nil. I»'I. M B4 m ii :.-t ti." u«e of he S. bateti. pul

Mr. ('.v.:-- a sutotitata for the leetilotloi a

t ti . iltall sol Le paatcdlor lett-.in.»* orfor ottoreaab aaipoeMa

Mr. KBlaatAB favoeed the laatHitiOB. He would lot(traut til«- »hamhei lo Mr. Mardo« k, m uny other iadivid-iihl, bal I.Bl i,"t tV B) it I" Suth a MOM as Mi. Mur-il.m l¡ «... ti it f..r.

Mr. iltiWK (Wie.] did not tlniik the St nute Charniirwriiaiv ¦-.. rod IO to it btm-iI la aid "f the »oldiera' ti¬

lt Hu» jU.-t Ike I'itii of lil other»fat tl.i.* , .-

;. ia.Mr. li,»me« wiihdn w his »ubstilutc, and ti,« reeolitliiu

wns aaw] toa.TUB 1«!«».« PAt IFK' IIAII.HOAD.

Mr. lloWAMU (Mi h.), fruin ll.e Paeifte aVaUrtsld CtOB*Ittee, reported a joint resolution to rxtead tto t.n.e :..r

r HW it.ile- ni ihr «Mini «Aiv,-i.ihe Daloa PectBe Bsilreed t«> um ..'... ti Jaae,Pal t.


The -¡"I order, w cb. vu the PoM-OfftOs kparaari*¦alteo kill, BM tie u t.ki ii bo. The peadlag qaMtloa

¦ii. al <f Mt. 'iritii.i'i.ll, that no per«a.ii axrn king ir perfortaiag fe datiea of ear eswee,which bj laa u '."|airad lo be Balea] bri and with the ail-v lea an.I. ona :.t "i tka bV late, shall, before eoakrawatioahy the s.;...:e, receire m y salary or coaapi nsatioo fur Issi-rvie« s aalees he be « oa tnlaaioi ed bj Ik» Preeid« b1 t«i lilli.p a viiini ey who li hu», tin. BfttofOeeM of th" Se:.ate.ead Min f Ita uti »tij- un meat, bapp« ii" I bj «.< nth, i*eeif«i. ,'.,,', ,,r I| ,rnt..,!i ol ll.e I, nu, the .rise mai IBM "1 IO"in..ml :.¦ ' e r. orted lo Ike >. ate it ila aexl bess.mi.

Mr. HavltafJaaOB bfOal tOOk tlO BsBOl 111 C'Ult ltlll.lt toll "f

a speaeb, begna yeateraay, ixmtoBdlag for Ike eeootJta«tluael light uf CuBglMt In aâopl the atoe* itincnduient.lu conoluaion, be saul be knew v,-ry well that the amend-ii.i-ni ti, uM be uitiiek'-'l ull o.er tho cniiinry as an Biaoa»titutic'usl curb upt'ii the l'r> sulent. He bi-lnn-» that ifoil.eei were to ka given Ml a» rewards for political| ur-

¦MMj tilt, pre U"- BrOOhl end in tho disruption of thehoritrnuieiit. Ile was not itfraid of the proposition re-

turniu»; la plane tka inventors. He bud no uppoint inertto ask of tho President, aud ho wus sulis!i,-d that if hedid a*k any ho would not raeeiro them, Jadfingfiom tho character of BBBB lOMBtlj BtaOsk II" It-lievixl the policy of th« l'irsid'iit was well cili nluti tito blast the tiopt« ol I "mon men in this country. He didnot believe tin* Preai'l'iit intended lo revive the old Hebeltarty, but that wus the inevitable tandeue.v of his polier.If tho President atti-mnU-il to carry out Ike lálBM^IlMhiui by Mr. Davis, of Kej.tutky, and certain Demoerationew -papers of the West, it »otild inevitublv lend to war,and til" result WOSkl i bo the iamo as of that uctween KingCharles and tho Kngiish Parliament. The renl contro¬

versy was on the rights of tbc fried negroes, the Presidentcontending that they had no rights, Congress coiitendiugthat they bail. If the President would persist in this policy,ho would feel himself justified iu sustaining bia power, mevery constitutional manner.Mr. Johnson »aid, as he understood the policy of tho

President, it was that of his prede« eseor, Mr. I.in, oin butthat bad nothing to do with tho qB»«tiou before the S, li¬

ai». It ought to ascertain wl at wue constitutionally rightin the matter, and stand by it,, Ho contended tbut the

Croposed amendment strut k, ,. vital blow at the prerogu-vei of the President, and w,.s clearly unconstitutional.

IHK HABEAS CORPUS BILL.Mr. Clark |N. U.), from the Committee of Conference,

on the disagreeing votes of the bill in relation to the ha¬beas corpus, made a report, which was agreed to.Tho bill now goes to the President.

roHT-OKFlCI APPROPRIATION BILL RENEWED.The i onsnlcral mu of the Appropriation bill wa» renewed.'Mr. KasM».Nl)».N (Me.) ohjertod to the laut clause of Mr.

Trutnbull s aincudment, requiring the President to reportthe cause of removal to the Senate at its succeeding ses¬

sion. De was in favor of the amendment, as it was, with¬out this.

EXITUTIVR SESSION AND ATHOTJBNMENT.Pending the connderatiou of this subject, the Senate

went iuto exocutirc icssion at 1 o clock, aud soon utter ad¬journed. _


Mr. Hon weit, (Mass.), sent to the Clerk's deih anamendment which he proposed to offer to one of the tullareported yesterday by the Committee on Reconstruction,aud which waa ordered to be printed. It provide« thatwhenever the prop«iscd Constitutional amendment shallhave become part of the constitution, aid Tennessee or

Arkansas shall have ru'.ihcd the some, anti shall have ¦odeilictl their constitution« nnd law» in conformity Iherew ith,anti slntll have established mi equal an jurti system of ruf-frag» for all mule dttaWMwilbla tbeir jurisdiction »»homnot less t lui ii '21 years of age, the Senator«« and Representa¬tive» fntu such BkMaa, it t'ouud duly elicteil unit foalified,may, after having taken the requmd < ath ofeaaV a. be ail-mitteil into Congress as such, provided, that nothing iii

the section eoi.tained shall beso construed tis to ri'«iuiiethe disfiunchist meut of any loyal person w ho i» eaUtled toVote.Mr. IllKuilAM (Ohio) also sent up n »nbstitiite which he

prop«,sed to offer for thu bill and v; Licit wus alao orih-ndtobe priiileil.

It provine», that win never any State lately in invir-rei lion »hall have raiilit :1 In good faith und irrevoiiihlvthe alinve reeiled amendment, iii.d shall have BkalditVad it'sConstitution auil laws in conlormtty there»i»li, the S. Itator» and Ui-pri'seiit.itivt's from such Stale, if fouud (Jjiilyel. cti.d ami ijualith d. may, after L.ivn a taken Ike oat! s bloih. i- required bf law, be admittci] iuto Coiigrei» a»such.

APPEOI'RIITIO.VS POR OOtaaaMasM REV'KNt'R.Mr. Sti.vf.nh l'a. from tin« CommittM ia AppMfafcv

lions, n po.ttd ha, k the Seim!» Mal n solution maLun;upproptiatiiiiiH for the ei pen se ot t*ola*etiBg the rwrt-auafrom ('ualoiiin, whii h «mt co'isnlered and passed.

TltASSFKB OF MPMOIIIALS.Otesajotion of Mr. Hu.by ¡Cal.i the Memorial of Steam-

boa» Inspector» at Detroit for increased par, and the Me»mona) of the legislature of tho State of Minnesota asiingappropriation» for linproving the harbor of I.ake Siijienor.v.m l,,.ii-fev .| Irotn the OaOaBliltCe mi A| p <'|!l;.' "I.s

J»tjBB» VlfkUl .tiVI BfraBMTaTjBM. » J

l'LT-TITI TIO.N I.V TIIK KdCTD.Mr. Kliiot Mu-, (IT. i. ii a latolutidfx, win» h wa*

¡.do¡'tid, lAjdtng tint u «jarning condition of dititra te rt»perted tt existing among tbe white popitbrtkin.1 :. .'. i a o .. It ita Wl Bl c1 ¡.ed, In

various portion« of the s lilly in Arksngaa,Al..1 tua .nal S, n'li (',-. l.i..,. and that Withiment, nul, tt on«.nu;«) nat! peri h by atarvatloii beforenjaing enothtr crop, and directing the ttelect Conmittee«.ii Preedmea to inquire into the elpedloncy of r

mending in tppropriation of «jU(tt,fr9o foi toe itamedi teralicl by rattona of food of the deetttnto, ¡thepreference in such n Iii to thi * wbote peftoi ni prt |mid lappllee of food bin been di m ey« d by tbe ravsgi ¦ ofw,ir. to b'-ci'l d'd ni i! T Iii«, dire, tiiin of the Co

nf ibtTieeiloita'e liurcuu. nth barren reporl ..'

ni.y i.me.Sir. KTÏÏftn «hl-l'. «t«d that tlio ¡i.quiry was not Beeta»

«a y ¡ii th,.- t'ommittco (.n appropriationa bad yesterdaylepottod al..li ipprop: ai.i.i-tiijijoi»(¡luf..,-ti.«.« t',-."Bun m..Mr. Ei.pt ,.:.'. ti. t the L.iici.d oot cover the obj

tended Lj tai' n- IfltoltaBNAVAL TAY T>Fr.VftTMK*.T.

Mr. RirtiMi«-.! fnu. ti o ('(.tiiiia'tec on Nm; Affairs,r«|crt(d track tbkt !>Late .¡lia t.du-i nts to tl.0 Mi.li.-c billf r the better orev.ui/i.'... t. ( I tbt pty rlOBOrlneol of toe

Navy.The u!i.endiiiei',f4 wer«' c»r.« 'irrcd in.

TIIK l'TMidilATlON LILL PABBBhTX.Tin-Hut so thee ¡., ."('<!¦"!. as iba regalarInataeooia

criler, to tin- 11,:;.-itli ration o! the lu 1 reputed on t..«> 11th. f A pul from the Committee on Coniineree to ti .< id tien t of July 4,18Í4, to enidtirag« klMligraiiOB, and theui t of M.uch 3, lv.T, to rce-u'ate the «Mariege of|ger« m «t, un«rat]M IM other ti :¡-' Ok

Ml'. DxkBUBO (If. T.] n (ori.l/ed tl.c lllipitlBMO of tbebill,particulirlj tothtportol New-York aad otherporti«,li tin- Atliati« (T ¡'«t. Iii' slit ::id like, however, to I ;r.'<<

incorporated la it boom provisions oin bill which hehedlliifOuUi ed.

Mr. v.'.i.siin-; .;: (IIL), tald that tho bill wat »momo Ibt(J, inn iitee on ( oninerct, and »uuld undoubtedly Le re»p. rtcdbaek fovoraWy.

Mr. PABLgaexprtOMi hiateelf MtiaAad with thee:.,ii. i.tion. H!.ili)ii.i« daetytral aBanadanaM i-fóarttin whit bwir- «Breed to.Mr. I'hanler (N. Y.\ rrii/ind cT[lnna!ion a* totbo

into lection referring to ti dutyof narai tarra;Uid lubaequently mored to itriki i it the eectioa. \U Doi -i.'i.i' Mian. oppoted tie emendmeat,ar.d

showed that th« vital part ol toe bill wta ronfaiaod m the« n ] r, | .-¦ ,i t" he «trilkeil out; lila) th.U til« cn:, :v*

.1 "j humanity lo proa c1 the an tata fron di litar.ri: p from BTererawdiag, aad if .t uni not |i,,t el then, t troeel t,, birt peatilOBca brtwgbt to our snores,ile m fi-ircil to the ovi rruwdiLg 11 vessel* in which ,!. !.

oke oat, and which sre now la the harbors, f .*».Vi rk rii.il Hulifux, thr. etea Bg t:.. safety of the nixiei. ..try.

I " mai i.dînent wit.» n-j' c'« d.Ar.ci toan tntther d «c. sun tb«bill waapeeead.

BBXIBV ¡OK M Í 11 K It N I! T.TlTTuN.Mr. Kkliky 'I'n.) eOMltd tie loliown.g rtMtl ,

". .¦ '. waa ."'' ¡ ted:hhirmi. It ia rapt rttd I v eitireris of Alutp.tr« in fut mai me¬

in' r ii '.o li I tim ii"':-. » t Coign H ti.st i-nnv uf t'.e (. j ...

uf tt I i. satols (I Irictl. f ti at Sff.te are it.Hering from wanti f BjfoanaM » applies ol fojkt, anil that ciit.nilerubii! nuuibets uf:i.i :.i bat '¦ n-ii fioiti aetoal st irvutiou; toerefore,Um .' "!. Hat Ile I'r, « ,!¦ it bo rafSaWtoB to insfroct fe

I-cper ..¡'.cr or oti.c.'i.t nf ti.c Fur. nu uf Befogs and 1 'ret '.¦re Uto the condition of laid diairit le, and m y

ti.er di«: 1.1 lu uf Ita tBSBTge*! S'.uti a in tv Li. li su h SBffttil g.. .«.ail n exiM, m.a m rehará iba peet k4 t; cn ui and pr.

vule th».o with (din mut iber teni for ptaatiag a cn

«.lett I' i an ntiual i-utply of each faunly re«iu:nug such relief.Hill' CANAL FIK'M TBTB ill.-S:« »I! PI T'.THK LAKhM.Mr. Kost (1)1.j kntrodaced a «bill to eoastruet u «'/p

r toe passage «¡f aran d end naval vessels turn ibtM aiieippi Biter to I.uko Micbigan, which waa nail twice..;.d n !. .¡ed to tin- ('"lilli ii tee ol. It« ml» ut.d BrMgBB«

THANKS Id -iTLPII ItS AÎID SAILOR.''.Mr. SfT.KM'K itihioj, from tbe Commute.'«a Mil '--y

rein:.'! La k toa Joint rttolutioa, paeeed by thot:. tliu \.'îlh I' Pi I1....1V et¡ icrk.ve if tho giatitude..Mon la the "ti.or», to.dieri amxV eeam«n ol' the

1 Slate*, by abeto ralot ead eadaaeene. « n th« taajtin esa,tbe RebaMea baa ktta entasA and ¡;s

d 1'ivnr have .1 11 hill.! ed, Of WbOM lidelltj IO«f tned« m tbt <«i ven.nu pt of tin people hus

inn ,"-i ind and inaii.taiLctl, and by wtouc orderly to»ti.tii tmiu 1 h«-fin- aid Bead of c.vilwur to the poOaMfal

-.f private life, the «xaiti'ig und ennobling freei..:.'.iit.ii.ti8 of the BBtiea had leen manifested to the

'..oil.'11..» j.'iiit resolution viss puased.

TIIK TAX ON I'ARAFFISE Olt.Mr MOitHAiti Pa.) (oktd ltavc to let ort frt-m tie

t bitte« ob Wai a and ¿leans a joint rrioîntlon exempt¬ing >¦: '.nu ni.ai.ties ol' BAOBBae o.l from iiitciLnl tix ordurr.

Sir. KrTBETinALL lll.k« Ijittid.TIIK Hi iii I'M! S'- Bl PaBAO APFROI'RfATlOM BILL.

'1 he II« use then wi nt lii'i) Ci nimittec of tho Whole onf.- itate of Um Dalara, Mr« DoaatUrto tho chair, ont s ipecUd order, whian wai th«' L.ll milking- appropria¬te ot foi ti.e IM« ! Iht lb ¡it«! f Kefugets, PlBOdflMB,and Ah ii ii. 1.1 ii Litad«, for the tis, al year commencing.lu nn I, IBBA IWoVrtnfoof the bill were télégraphe,!yesterday. Altar u »lu.rt tbjet, the Committee «rose ul.I

'hu bill to tin' Honte, »Ithan umeudnunt.Mi. III. iink Me. iLi;tlir-d its t«i U.o item of $3,000,000,

f r .!«- l"t »« hot l-Dotnei and ..ryli.tr*..Mr. Su.vea» replied, that tho »"ords''and building" had.ne ..lull) omitteda JPiMOTtd to ni.tend, hy mak-

lag it rend " For sites and bnilili: g* fir i-chool-houies audmm ItxflM. The amendment wa« agreed to.Mr. Mfviiv» iil«o ii.oveil to un end. by reducing the

BB »nat to two adlUoae. Iii* amendment guv o riso to con«aid« tat 1.' d bate.

Mr. IC1.101 (Chairman of tho Committee on Krcodmen»expiait.«al 4t considcrahli' length tbt circiiuibtuacet under»M1T1 the ipproprietstt btaant neccssury.Mr. Ko«.«» luoAcd lo lay the i.i nu the table.'Hie MetotB wat negatived by I vote of »¡7 yeas to !)1

nats.Mr. MoiiiiLL (Vt.i surfated that the Lill should go on

foro «luv (iriso, m ota« r.thiit it might bo better undcr-8t, ,,d >l tie Ilcjll»«.

.Mr. s'tlvk>s replied Unit ho had supposed every gentle¬man viTiu telt any interest m the thing know all uhout if.

Mr. KaOBOM (Iowa) gave ii us his impression that th«lull i .-»ii upon fact« d.ti» it ..t from those that nowex 1st oil.M W.AKHBrBNK (111.) suggested its reference to tho

Ci.munttve on Frcodiue».Mr. NiitLuK (lud.) inquired how tho titlci to the

lcl.ool-honi.es were to bo taken iM r. I'iiaoT ronlical that they were to be token ia the name

of the Dinted State*.Mr. Nu lack inquired whether this was to be a perua-

mnt or n temporary utl'mr /Mr. Ki.M'T replied that it must necessarily be temporarr

Thi school-houses heretofore used for colored children halbeen buildmga taken from tho Rebels, deserted schr>..i«.houses und buildings that could be madeavuilahloassuch.These buildings »ero being taken back from thepossesMotiof the Hureau, and rotui ned to the owners. The time hadeo.nc when l'J.'»,000 children, whito and black, would bettinied out of those school buildings unless tho Uovcru-ment tetar] oetd.Mr. Cn AMER demur..led of Mr. Eliot whut authority ho

could show fur having whito children in the South 'edu¬can d hy the Kre«'il!iie!i a Hureau,Mi. Eliot replied, that iu conducting tho affairs of the

Hureau education had been given to tho children of refu¬gee* us well na to the children of freedmen.Mr. I'.Li'hiisjK (IVis.) inquired then whether it was i

fact that »hit« and colored children wore now being edu¬cated together under the Freedmen s Bureau.Mf. Eliot said Hut he did not know, but that he sup-

[iiir-ed the shades of color ran together so that sometime!iii, y could not distinguish between whito and colored,'Ihu gcntlemin must inquire from his Democratic friend«Low this happonod to be so.Mr. Eluriuox »aid ho understood tho gentleman from

M:i.--iu l.:.a.-:i.i to ho the father of the rTeedmeu's Bureauhill, if ho waa not also father to any of the colored child¬ren. [!.a;:ctitcr.[Mr. Eliot regarded the Ercodmen's Hureau as a very

g...«I hild, mid was uot ashamed of the offspring.Mr. CBxxBUM understood Mr. Eliot to have said that

school-houses had l/eon taken from »hito children for thevducatiou of colored children.

Mr. Di nu denied stating it in thut way.Mr. CUA.NLtit.No, Sir, not in that way, but that is the

M't. '1 hat ia the wholo of the position us 1 understand it,taking away the verbiage iu which the statement wa«el.itl.e.1.

Mr. Eliot-Thcu the gentleman docs not understand itat nil.

Mr. t'fiAM fe.Of course not. It is impossible to under¬stand n syaten hy whii li white people are robbed alike oftbairnroperty aud of their »»Taten of edacettoa, and are tobe tilted h.side to susta.n tho Freeduicn s Hureau, rai-« «If«.r the l'iirpoM' of holding th«« Boathie subjugation lo a po¬litical party. It it imp« sarde to iiialei'sluud a m »tem mi

linked t«.g« thor willi uuiimy under tLe pretext M philan¬thropy.

Mr, BOM inquired ol'Mr. Stevens under what p..rt of theCi'iis'itution tOngre-s derived the POWM to build school

and to educate people in the South, taking, theirStev«isa and Ko«ssi constituents for it.Mr. Sti.vi m replied thut he derived tho power under

tbe law of oattoae, wbieb ia u ¡icrt of the ('(institution,ead which enabled OoaajHaeto govern eoafoeiad prov¬inces. IDniighler.J 111 MOillol bia amendment bv re-

duiing tin» spproprntiOB for «ehool-house* to t^),00ti.'I I.e iiiiiendmeut wat agreed to, and the bill was passed

hy 7'J Yeas to 11 Niiy«. .«*, -«. .*.. ritiSTi.vt.i of rciiLir *eOrfMK?t"r8.

Mr. I.AFi.iN |M. ¥.), fr«»in tbe CtBOMltlM 00 Priiiting.r« .rt «I a rt "liittoii, » Inch vrm adopted, to pnut of thet*«*eeideot'l Ifeaeegc und «ci i-mpanying documeuts ou thesubject of Mexico, uudcr date ot the '£id of April, thesfti.,0 nuiiiNr as how [»rovidcd by the law fur printingof the g'.'uurul dipl.'iuatic lorresponaeuee.

TUK RKHKL COTTON LOA».Th« Sitakbb ore-ente.! a stanage from the President in

eaeWM M Ihe llou»e resolatioiT of tho »*6th ultimo, re«

qnestiiig iiifoiuiatiou us lo the Iteliol debt known as theCunnii 1^ an. vi ith a rep« rt from the Secretary of State.Thi« »vu-« rcf «red t«» Eke Connlttot ta Foreiirn Affair«.

H .«« !li:sT up Till- JI 'Ns.Vf'lt M TfS Lll.liiL.ll OB..Vii IUssbVI laaaan. UIbbbw«ÍwÍ iirfl'''* "f - -. .-'.. >

ír.niiwca'tl» of *B*iaeiehnfeita OB «he «¡ate of the l'iîotiand (be duticiof the Goverumentto tto lToaelmcB, wliclíwire lai'd on the t.:i,le.

COLoNlZATICJ or n.WTl.Mr. Da'-t.'mi prtweated a pet.' on lot ruinibursement el

ex;."!.dit1 ris iu tho colonisation expciiment at luyti,Weil Indies, whid. im li'Aired to tho ComuiitUc «m

( ill,O.e.TUL' IBIBITIOATIOB in- nu? riOTBBT afâBBBâk «skf1

| ti bsTaTaUV.Tbo Srr .kir anno ¡jioeJ thal a bed aprjetalod b1

8b Ibtbarger, W11, to ii, Boyer, Cook end Warner IkOemin or '¦ ida' ob he to laagaa 1 nt

m the fr iToat*Mi m Hart an.MOBJ U»waT IV VNTrl).

Mr. Da' 1.ino < d. red the rollow.ng ¦ r» aiub't ami 1. » Raiti«.n:

Hi.rnnt. Report» «re fr*"ly ciñóla*.'ni, end chsrga» ¦» ile,that reruns were y lr,iu«iun ut 'racln-e- Indued tuon 1st ill

the arashte of the Datte«) (stat % ia the City el New York endi-, rtof rhe (¡ovcrnmenf »rd other per*.,b4

.1 ii bj suuh oiL^ei» toiiid 10 -ach freudulcnt practices'.»1 -IWh r s», It i< i.liegeil that »tich reen.!!« wtoa et listed wrr*

deprivi lof their 1 .. ¦. 1 . aud laoarperiled la pi ison, eto theetouaty divided and shared between ni., ft efllaers stid th« pieins who were employed by tasas, ato also that petn'm . s-

«aired ia the bosídi s of reeraitiag Bw tl.o aunt iu the City ofS' w-Tork .11 ii Isewhi re, uno i.ího 1! -fi rinded bj such ©fin .aand nt.. : !,ag lu CMOertWIth II et", .nul BtraOtlBSBBBS BfBtOBllJ detnni.tl-d ntd extorted irom ti.»::;. a:.d '.! at

'i..y vvere nprtaooeda tilaaehdemandswtreco3plieda I.,B'u weie tlien imaicdiati'l» iiieast-d: uu«l

Whereat, It ii I'lip, rtaiit swat tlio truth ef ttetc t. te

ahargea itoaM ho -pe.'.iii,- Bsest*tatatoi thai toKttoittd, That tin- fielei t CoBMBttMS Bf|V« «(, .luted ur ctr

the test Ir.t oBof tl.eüülli alt. be directed to lot ekttgaf* BOekii irges, ead thal thtry heve Btfl power to sato lot i*t*,»oi,an- 1! i. per*, and re;- irt't! t n-iults of »uch ia»»kiigat:ou to II islloti.it' as ioOii aa ¡ ..n-tieable.

tub M kür v ann* «a.val.T: e Ile, '.n- th« n n ram« d the lonsi.ierution ol :b. L.U t«>

incorporate the Niagara .««hip Caui.l Coii.piii,y.J. ii. Hiitpmii.Y (N. V.j oppo»..d tho p.!-r...'i' «,f be

ming that although a coin; any for nie «>ii»ti .. on

ol -i Niagara th p canal was iueorrWi/eü iu li' -, act il entl.cr Acts in extension of it were eubaeaieatl. pMBUi iythe Slate'if N*w-York, tho scheme could never arosaatmerit enough te indice capitalists to invest money »11 it,even to org:ini*e a company.

Mr. Ailihov Iowa! »poko in advocacy of th biak 'li.*et pie f Ike Western State«, be «aid, would rot ha? aatis--1! ¦*.'. . ti., ii.ei.-i.realoi.e, but would deraaiitlof CoDgn-a

approj ration« tod.large the great nati-.alcorumnuiitai e i.s

tlovtiiig into the Gulf of Mexico, »huh »s the natural out¬let fir tl.o produet» of the Weit, whe'her f..r ahiptu.'utabro id. or ra New-York, or to the Now-Kngland State«.Mr. iKGtBSOLL I.li rtkllowed on the seme side. The

baildiag ofthil canal be sn:d, would be u step taitin iathe right direct, .ii. Tto «n und step would follow, «mlteatsWM the ras»» gc of the lull for enlarging the Illinoisned Michigan Canal. Thus, without embarrassing tbi«bill, they world secure the passage ol' the other bill, umlthose two great national works would thus receive the aidof the National Legislature. Ho ret rred to the canal »>»-ti 1 1 ol ( bine, V. mie, Ho,lund, Kugland and the I ...«1BtekML. t.. »kow the importance of these artiü .il uio<iisi fwater communication. t

Mr. Cook .lill al-o sp< ke in r.pport of *he l-ill. Hereg rd« d iii.s as a ¡radical meaaure. 'the report of Caitt.

una of the Ci i-ed 'Staute n-Mn-ir». which w«*

I r.iii.'l io the doeaiaenta of the XXlVth Congress do»uionstratee the prs tieabilit* of the measuri*. The tost«a.» .-in ti!. It hs.d Lieu estimated '.hen at from |T oirO.OoOto $4,70',1»«'), depending n;on the route »el't»tea -.1 1*0

1.«..:. g 1« cn surveyed. AVl lo the coui*.:*.tunal.tyot Hie nita-siire he had iio'doibt. One hundred and Bil«millions of dt liars h id been expended on shore defer seaon the Atlantic coast; the construction of this canal .*..¦#the Lest defense that that could be secured for the taiBOthousand mile- of Cape coast, studded with towns ai.it'ii-, ii.,'1 with a ir.i!e en paOjiagj fo'.r thousandsa.I, rs, an int'-rc-st greater tuau any other to

lo defended from 1 foreign enemy. Any ene¬

my that had tho naval supremecy on the Luk'Swould haw ad thal iutcreit at it.. coiiiuscd. 1 he UiiiifdSt nie» was Uti it eil to ore ainail war vessel on the 1-as.i »,"vl.il" (ireat II itnin hail th « power to bring through leeWelland Caiiai into the Lakes a Bato of vc-s.li that w.t.lilgive her naval n prêts ¡c; ti..re ut the outbreak of le s-

talilie». li CongrefS had Ike power to defend the n»coast by means of shore defenses it lad also ttoeeaett*tut.or.iiitrrjwer to construct rt ship caaal na a work ti tit-afense. A» a commercial nicasti re it would be a w< k ifimmense importance in cheapening tho trun «/Jurist.on Iproduce from the We-t to IkO Last.

Mr. Dawe> (Mu-a.! offered au amentltncn'. whit h waa«greed to, ¡ii'i.'Mtlii.g timt stibscriptiou booka for the stotMof the Company »hall be kept ope ii at least three day ».

Mr. Van IIo'bn (X. Y. n.oved the pievious iiuestion.Mr. V. ahí) asked lum to yield tor aa anienunieat ui l>«

offered, striking out sectioaa 19, A1 ami -I, being scciioiiaropnating money.ir. YaB llotv*, aaOaaBSja to yield for that purpose.

Mr. Ward eaid bo cou.d BM rote for tbo b..l aitk li.esotenions i.; it. ,

The previoui question was seconded, sod the main tj'.i*«tion ordered, when Mr. \ an Doer. (\. Y.) who rtp«iiutthe bill, rxiade the closing «peech in it» »uptiort, v id.ling;i'Krtoíhi» timo to Mesara. Boee, D;igga, lla-lmg lill),S'cvei.s, Raviiio:A Jand D< dge, who "spoke on the lain«sidi: of the tjtiestion.

Mi. Siivijissaidhe wtj.»!.l go for the bill is a co'.i»t,t.'-tional uieasure, not under the war lower part, ularly, t ntur.dcr tka power in the Constitution to rcgul.it«) comuieriobotWMB the States. AH'-"' iib tbi* eil al would be all mone State, the commerce winch it vtould promote walcou.mi'iee tottveei a gr. It niiinlerof diajo'.aetl Statte.Hefelt, therefore, r.o tlilticul*v- in OIWMOABABB str.pleeabout internal improvement, captt tally when he foun«t thogentleniun from Illiu« is Mr. Rose, si.'rrer.deri.ig hi» own

prejudices und ditiikes, and coLsiuutioiut objection»».[Laughter.] The measure .«: ¡y prop »".1 to au a wu s a

icuij ts of the üovirnnieitt toa great object. It aoakltake some tia;o to consti .ct t!.;.« canal, and he bel.tvulthat before it wus eootpleted hundreds of nul. ona of atna¦would be settled unil c iltr uted a.,»1 g the line of the North¬ern Paeino Railroad, tor he knew that that bill would 1. «a

before many days. He b"sought tho gentleman fromtho Calena District Mr. «vtolktxraej an 1 the g. u-

tlemau from tho Lake City (Mr. Spaulding) togive tho Northern Pacilie Railroad bill thulr tupp. itwhen it caine up again. He WM glud to tee that bit »ti rafrieend from Illmoi« ,Mr. Hard ngj hadyitlded to the ar-

BjBBBMatl ol' his colleagiii' (Mr. lto.»s) bj d bad forgotten ti »principle he announced the oth»r day in his spec« h actvii.sithe RoftketB Pacific Railroad Lill. He loped he wo .Idnever remember them any more. [Laughter. Hethouglithi* might also persuade iii» friend from I'utsburgb iVr.Morehead; ami other friends near bim to vote for timtuii'UMire. Voleos: So they will'] He was sure no« thatthe day of tho millennium was coming. lilu,d eye* «1 re

bekig opened and deaf ears unstuff. d. [laiiiighter.) Heknew the gentleman from tim Galona District wouldlike to tee it ¡ 11-* ,1, but his l*OMBa w M »uch thatit was impossible for tim to do anything else thau make aabort speech «gainst it. [Leafbter.1 If so, it would loiu a voice of thunder, »bowing the terrible extra, agua« «aunder which the (Soveruiiieut waa suih-nng merely to im¬

prove the country for the present and future age*. Ilatrusted this bill would ia>*s, fur he bt .ii".ed ti 1 greut ui i|good work, and he should grieve for It! fail re, ,f foi no

other cau«e, on account of die nolle man who had it iacharge, and who never failed to act Ubi rally.Mr. Raymond (N. Y.) congratnait- d himself on (be fu< I

that hound the gcntl'-maii from Pennsylvania (Mr, aevei.»)should vote together on this bid. H«* beiivrto Wiry werathe only two members of »bom it cn.bl be -am that tLeybad no prejudice. (Laughter, Ii WM the tutorest of thecituens of Now-York, in common with the ¡.»"opie of theNorth Atlantic »enboard, to procure cheap food, ainl. natime rolled on, that would become more andmore thean alinterest of the Eastern and Xorih-L.istern states, while itwould become more and more the interest of,.. gran.-i 10-

diieing \Ve»t to ohtain au e-s tu market». This «eora «it»

Sart ofa grandscheme ofwork on which Coogroa» mtiataon.eay or other enter tu facilitate coininunicatioa betwei-n ide

grain-proii'iiciiig sud grn.ii-conauming 1-ortmu» of tbecotiit-try. He should, thenfoie, favor it and every project furthe ssme purpose which he should coiig;der*V»n»titutJe»iiMl.The Kasteru portion of the country was drifting rapbnyinto the condition in wbu h Lugla: .' fbaal hursolf bafoi«the rep« al of tbo Com j.nw, when b-r whole protectt.»policy disappeared bsdtos the great paramount net*e»»ify . |obtaftiing cheap food for the people. '1 hat necessity bo kodown her polity.broke down begprejed ce« aud letl te au

entire elia: go of her w 1; le course nf legislation. The se me

thing must sooner or later prove trut'm the Eastern p>..'-tienuf thii Continent, OtouÜMofooauaaaioatsOa betwi 1 n

tBe two sections tended to ricstabli.-h aid cens' luíale, » -Ireconstruct, but consolidate the Von n of tho States ai dIO make that Cinou perpet :hI, bwMMo It made the Muli000 ia interest M tmj were one in de-tiny. Hebe«! Bedexamined the bill iu its detail, with ui j 11 MTeCT. bal I.ahad greut confidence in the- eommitt« ¦. » huh batt bad it u

1 hitige. ami iii his U'llea.'Ue Mi, V'un Horn who Lad Iiiii'lerhis particular siipcrvisi":'.

Mr. DHABO(0blol Blkel bim whether 'j'» knew theuiiiount winch the bi.l would takoo».'. .f tho Treaaary.Mr. RaïMoM) rcpll d that li BtUpMud lo lol ti the rTes!,|

< the (lovennnelit to the BlaUNI t ol f",lt)tl,Ot*ti, whicli I,«would considei the best appropriated f><i,i)iJiJ,JiJO voted I ythis Congre s.

Mr. DavtAXQ BXMoasail his be'.ef that the genfleiiaifrom New-York did not uuderst ud the details "i u 1monstrous measure at all.Mr. Kaymosd congratulated Mr. Delano on bia itopti,

ci-m as to the extent ot lu« «Mr. Ka.moud .1 knowletlgi,but be had the impression that he was ijnile as well in¬formed na Mr. Delano seemed to be in regard to the gen¬era! scope and bearing of the measure on thg>prosperity talthe country, and ou that general conviction to Mr. li-«mond was willing to a« t. He would vote most cbeerfi.'fyfor the pasmge of the bill.Mr Dodge (*ff. Y.) desired to are that, as a Ne*-York

man ami interested in the pros|>erity if the CHvand But*

ol Now-York, be would, notwith-UU'tiiij* Uli» fears ol the( u;.al Commissioners, vote most elie- nully for the lill,li«, heliev.-d that the pros* erity of the Utate» "f k*w-Turhwas identical with the prosperity of the West, and thal

just in proportion as tho people of the West were at.ii« to

get a profit 011 their products, so would tbey be able ia

traffic with the Citv of New-York, and give her anal« andrai'roads that burinosa which would m.ike them ptint**riTltlf fj.'o-lieri'llf. *

M.'DiLt'.»!...'.' !.'.T 1.-I ..¦.. r-- .' BJ <"^ "''"*!,ksMtUtsrsi*t

