COUNT MOLTKES TRAVELS. Bl-¦ 111*. HAYS IN I.OMK, SPAIN' AND FRANCE. BXTBACTS raO_BBOL*BBALBj IATTBBS BBB l NFCH- i.-siii i) MAKCSCB..IS 1MB Roman cami aona .a iu'm. Fleur un yci-ii.x i-ai'.i 1.1.a's wKil¬ para PAT.MU-BBSIOBS ami (.llMi'N*- of BA* f I ON III. AMI HIS P0W8B IN rKAMK.SAXA BUBBA The point of tho remark Hitit Count Mortice ls all.-nt In SBfCB languages uvght nltno't bs .I'!'ile'! tu lils antics a* well «« ts Bia tpsksa eorea. ile baa published lillie, iimi tlmt link- lute lu life. A history of the recent aral with Vranes eas Issasd ut iv following rears, aad he b-taed to writ" amt eau ea- rnniils of the vats ol" IP8f ami IBM, U ttsra which BS VSSBS flo..i l Bl -tanti!:..pie ill IWiJ.'i-';!!! v.iie inuit. (I 11) der:.,.in si BBB Uuii'. Lui no! In Ku.rli.-ii BStil ruciii'y, while a ri., '-.ion .f priests hers VTtttSB hem llPnxtm Pt ii.-r i Ind wat Muli' ,i yi.ir or IBS shire, bl alisa Gr*»< MfS*Btra al Nev-Y.-rk, and BBB.SBaSl here, Tin un-, h-'ivever, ai viral iintiiiis'ied iiiiitiii.-.crii"!*, 1 .in na - .nil lettare, wblih salli now feBre nm iniii baiset blt pul.ia- rn batik form, and for e bissl part Bara set beea resast'all. Parts af them liuvi'l.ccii ciiectid lateareh*.as bbs! published III Knvliiinl BBB.I the tit e, " .Votes of Travel," ;lt .1 IBS BsbB BeaJes! baev reeatead by fJertbasr A Wellord. ii istiivnieti lats ti..ie parti; ii.- tii-t betas " Wami .ii-iii Hm..!," i.n.i eeastattss "' eatrasts from Caeal Hertha's naaussrtpl notes; the second, a "Spsulsh Sr jon. t,"saC Un-Hurd. "L"is rn fn'in Part-" Moltke .ft.ur .i k.'-.ie in 1849 sa aide-de-camp ta Pripce Beary al Pi essaa aim duiing 'hr irlsan aflbrded him ii> iiii* "...iii,ni gars hm aCteattoB te tne Bomen fBmpaiaa. *a hi:h nt t imt time bad, lek BtlfleaUy speal iti^-. beea un. aplared. Tho resell eas n amp af the Quapapaa wbtoh iir.uif-lit ure,it credit te n*> anlbor.aud is to Ifeiadar m high repute. Dnrlog tbe Trune parted be set bia.tell le IBs pnpsratlon af n\*oik pb tho ii> iirhlioi'liiioii et linnie, ot v. Iiiii. In i-ii m.- Bevel lo hilve litiisiie.i iiiiuc tiinii un intioiincfion. Pram tBtscopious txti aci« are siren in IBs " Nates al Travel"; uml for the SBBBBstrra comments whlob ibey eoatatn ob Romas history nmi ( risUaalty, sn ll n foran il ustretloaof trnaorhnsa.ty aad clear-sightedness Bf Mottke's na.ut, tl.. >. eas wort.y ol nproduetioB. Be anya: Thara la ind ,'i Bcaioely t rpot on tbe face of the ph.le- ia wbteb so many aod snob areal deeds b re been performed ns tbal wblcb ls ii lu tbe liarru**, limits af nar map. lt took Borne 400 roan to achieve the obquest of thi* plot of around, and j ns; 11 pi i,,,"i sras au .|,i"iu!, ii e.ie.i In und r !,. subdue the «.nM. Tai-1 ir.leat uud uohtosl deeds ol wi rs wroacbt In the plaina between Veil and tin- foul nf tbs Alban ll los! ol them, indeed, imi within tie- spbere of faille, for lu tbs tims fcii bistory begins tbe eui-lorises ..f Rome Mini tar beyoud ii,..- na ri oe limits. Bul all whlih sheaceu.iiultsh il san be referred to the dist rici lu nu -.1,, ¦¦¦ eal roads i sdi iti .1 ttl .'. ex, iii. ,i ,.\ r bills ni"! mts and tun the Rhine ..!. t th Kupbi:.i«. ~. Ttic nasalns of t.itleas tombs roark then- coane In the Ui ;giib.ifl|.i,.ii nf lt.e ii i*k ti T city. I! th- forest hud m sae time mr eu plico to ara hi" lund, rel when the Km- S:r wa^ m st Bjurlshlua thc fl ids almosl wholly laappeareu to maka waj for splendid ami fareena, until :.i laat with the tn ii sf tbe l*u.;.in- tbe whole was chaim ll e desert rhe seat of thc lim. re wa* transferred i" the Dos- ,i!.,,i'i-. and ladeedNaturebersell s.cins lo ii i\e ii. Bj ..i-i of ibe ihn e couti o. Home owed h.-r greatness to a ber puaitlon between twa t b tit ind. Yet Mo- t: .me, wbieh !. '.I been sci ered and iii!i!cr!.i.a for thu space of a thousand i aawerfnl tbat bj u spiritual mouien- Mm abe arose ngatu from almost >asement i-i i- -cuiiii' a s. coi. il in..I- tue mi, i. noll* .t ibe world, Hank ij..:iiiii..,:n : B .Ul Bnl ni..ii ed lu bmu.Ind tbe sense ol theil common buinsolty. rbrooaa Boras niitn.ru t!r-.t learned io srasp tbeconoep. in.ii of one universal God. 'iii- binn oi Christ took Ri.ic at thia iii'iini"! of thew rld's development. His le wai eb can Born ol oeonqnered people, lie not wh'ie ti lay 111*, head. He spoke ol dod in pantiles In Um Bab. men. lie healed the slea Buddied nie death of tin-hm . f.u i.i. Bad yet na earthly life was ). un asor*exalte. Anderea when consider!** from stem- Bani staudpolnt, itu re waa not hi ti ^ of greater moment than Illa waii.li :i ni;.-, ii;* teii-.'iiiii.-, and llls deatrn, ' ' . krveieiici" for tuc marty*! sprang from tin- cataootnba, uml ibe pillars mui altars of tbe Olrroplnn deities now adorned tho temples of one liol. Tu imareol Casar ama removed finm tbe tampia ts maka room for ihe Saviour un,! Ill* m>,,stle-<, aad tlae oro**, ti of h sbssssf.I 'lentil, was t-xjltcd to he. .mic lbs emblem of victory ami glory. Baals Ss BlBsa of the deep and 1neff.iaeul.le marks which the rhnnges of lim? hare left upon thc city and its nciiihiicrhoiid. The life ot modem Berne,besere, ti uuahlt- to occupy more that) a parent thy area iticlud. il aithlu the wall of Hnnoritis, tieyon-1 which to tbeei;- Uut of four and a hnlf ml.cs extend gardens anil rice- jard*,from Milich as far as the font ol tho hills tho collu- try la a desert. Then he continues:, For this reason there 1* an indeear bable charm In th© lonely Ko ui,i a Cuiupugua. lt la tba abode of conti ant. a aa_I abouadtag wltb Bia, and a prase.t ot profound suniess. Thocas.aol theQtetaal cleaves to ihe tomb of Metella, and tho cmiola of Miclistl A-ayelo rises above Nero's circus. The tomb-i Of the martyn lie auilil 1 calton chi: il. ii.i, and modem mada DMB liiiiei-'h the archci of Baalent a.i ii din u. Tbsso's oak tiliifdcd hy HaBtalBB, stands upon tlie hill on Midi li I vmIma pitched ti* camp. Steamboats clears Ibe WBten Ol tbe J ellow Tiber, and ra.WSJ trains w lil loon pam throuah the i>!uiiia which witaesaed triumphal prueeaalnna Tba peal an this Blot of sreaad r-. to piiwcriul us to diown the voice of til" preacat Brary step beyond tbe sai"* at Borne bunas na io vine memo- ii.l ot _ieat events, tut they belong to very difleu-m Bpaa « lu ihe lollowine passaii ss there are interesting sinrires- tions of Moitito's persnoal experience during his exploi- ations of thc CainpaKiia: It im indeed B i.clisbtliil sonsatloti to pa^n thrnuj-h the still slecpias etty la tbs sarly rauruine, and i..-yond tue Barrow carma walta toto tbe free oven piatas, than la hesiii the dav'* work willi neewaa .¦' gor, l'rofound atillncss prevails In that lonely di.niet, and nut even ta*asms-of tbs seOchanh bells on tea sereeblBs ot Koine nachos the ear. Th, ie ls no BOUM nor muli vin- ble; onlv brightly cninred lizards OB the old raised walls wuton ibu baainalBB el tbs work wiih tbelr ijiin-k eves aud then dart hastily away The .-m.'¦ bright disc now rises above thc Sui.lue hills, and B Baft rustle wii'Mie- thi-oiii;ii tbe broad pine top*. . . s.. times there is real doner wbi u ibe ba..wild iIot'h ¦sad f.ii abepherdlns tba ll .c'-*. band legetber for a smemoa attsc.. nut tba extraordinary numher of nuke.!, inme of them reaomoaa, B still mon napless- ant. Tliey dart out of the urns* BBder the feel ol tho waytanr, and baas Badartbe bruahwood throiuh obi li lie miiTt push lu* wav. Il !- lire" .irv to wi ar hiyh SBd heaVl linois, wi'.", li h-vome very ruli<ulugin lougl) walk- lui?. With torn clo.liea and wuuiuledfecit, sxbaoslad by hunjreraad fart- m. tba iraTalier nacne* borne Bat ll lie as (1 !¦.(.. >v l d I tomb, BB inscriptiori, tbs -lirift of a pillar, or a fraameal af lara-plaater of wbicb tben ts no neon in maps or guide-bonks, he goes on his way rejols- lnjt lu the iic(|U!si(ion. Partial pBraprapas are given to adtset.aloa af the Ito-ii.iii clim.Cc au I ttl . mmv anomalies which lt pre¬ sents. Thc street (ii-.ilin, v, here tho m.I.lest fatuities bulli tl, ir 'i.il.ii-i'.-. i'i th" time of Leo X., is now quite C-uudeuiiit'd, whle a Stieal kltio.vn as TnrdliBOBe, tbs paroflMBl if which I- del! ed with til t li, lias a reputallon tar innnlal hw Ithfalasss, Bat more earteaa than niu* the uiib ailBfu'ne.s at sunset of Moats I'.aclo.a point willeri Mnpsnat iMa ptaesal dsaulpUsa of tho noble view which thc tourist has from that be.iunful aud cele- brati deminence: Monte I'iuc o, on wbieh tsrraeee bare tieen made to IBS bel|tbt el ii_htv feet, ls on<- of the niost heiiutiful promenades lu the world. Tbe spectator iee* me whole af tao boaU.ia elly below him; cot.itla*a eapolaa and steeples tower abore tba masses ol pa aces niel hon .», amt tba sya mott n with satooishmi ni such a variety of biii-ieiit and modern belldtngs. N -ut to a pine on Colonna, U colispK'U.iUS iilij.et from afar, tin 1- ,i;i uid tiiila! 0 lower, from whlc. Mata may bare wltacased lae ourn- Iuk ol tuc city while tn- sang to hi* lyre, P irtber to the right tin- Capitol tow.]* bise uh..ve tire Venetian I'lilaci!. BB. Pater arel Tani look down foin tlie aol. uiuu* ol AutimnuH aid Trajan, ou wblcb they wen l.latMXl, i,s the inm-rlptioii talla ns. " aller thev had lieen punBeil from all iletlii mein." Jaaloalnm is patiitevi in rloiet nata, logether with ths stately Agna Paola amt thc eonvnt of St. Ouofrlo, when T taoi noed his inih.ll>!..! life. Til.-Vatican I'*'« ii he S iel.int (Ult ef lbs mists er tba valley ef tba Tiber, sad .adrian's im- inoi tal moiiilliifnt tLiud* like nil ni [ned warner In thc gathering darkneas of twlligbt. Th.- mn already .riidjiiii; lt* !««f lieains throntrii Mlrh.-.i 1 angelo's win¬ nows iii ihe I'uiitlieiiii; now it sinks imo the tWIBhlmg sra iii.1 ih sky forma a wide c..iden baekgroBBd on Vhicb the capolas ol nt. Peter and St Angelo an dr.ned in ie niii. .¦* of Indescribable dal aaoy. k sort sad refreshing breen*, whistlers through tbe bread lops of the plues of VlllS n.iDihcse, and Hie IoiiuIhiu st tue bai* of the obelisk iu tlie beautiful r.az/.a del Fopolo seem* to babb's with fresh vliror. Hut where are thc si" i tutors Ol thl« t-lonoiis sunset I Down Setow lu that st) ing of carriages. In the press of toot-passeuuers. they go up mid down ou tbe still mowing nalk ol the Oorao, for Monte Pl ne lo ls proiiouiic.il io ba B.haalthj , mid sunattu precisely the niofct dangcious mciueul of thc dsy. lt was Moltke's Intention to guide his reader In sys teiuatlc order along each roud leading into and out of the gates of Home, hts plan being similar to that which Mr. Haro ha* cartied out lu bis " Hays Near Koine." A Series of narratives wore to point out, with references to authorities, tbo historical Incidents and legends for Wblcb certain places were remarkable. Althoiuh few linea of this work were ever composed, Ave brief biston.-.il sketches remain tn a somewhat fragmentary form. One of tbem re'ates to the battle of fc-ma Bubra, by which Constantino overcame Maxcutlus and thro.i.li woich Christianity became rractlealir teeor- Bi/i a as a power in the Koniau Htate. Moltke differ* So.cwbat from former writen, Gibbon umong them, bs to tbe position of Mszentlus's army and ths possibilities that lay open to him for retreat. The line of buttle which Maxeutlus baddrawuupwasnot.be thinks, on " a veiy spacious plain," as these writers bare slated, bul on an open and level ridge. Maltke eannot recognlre in this position tbe Infatuation of sn Insane or desperate man, wbo bad cooped up his army betweeu the ranks of his enemy sud an impracticable retreat. His retreat did uot depend on the Miivmn bridge, alnce the direct way to Kome led along the right Bank of the Tiber, so tbat after the buttle was lost retreat on Kome was still open to him. (Jibbon stutee tbat after tbe slaughter of the Praetorian Guards "con- fasten became general, snd tba dismayed troops of Mnxentitis nilled bv hhsaaaeil leis lb' Beep sud rnpid Stream of tiie Tiber." Maltha i.* of Bp-dsc tuat Maxim¬ um, tn the aticmpt ls cross the Milla:. liiidire.hr win. li lie waa forced into thc river and drowned ii, in the w. laat Bf Ml own ann..r, although hBSWtBS he could renell Ii,,::,. BJ IBS r'^-ui I. l.K looh IBal step ns a means ninir peraoaal penell; und that mtheaibtbIbs to IBS tefl c actid .midi nlv. Mo'! I.e rafcn to Raphael's n ii-i.r.iied ptatars sf th.- bettie ls ihe Vatican ht bseiag Hade the (vent in mortal, bul nods that il is .* etiiy In- -rtreettre fresi Um artistic, i.ot from ihe hh lerleaJ petal Of Vb'W." While Mclthawes, la nomi-, l'l mee Him y flied,and liv ..timi,md of the Baaperar, Mettkc eas ebarged with Besom ''iiuyiui* the fcliiams IS Berlin. The pu.un V WBI made by water. At (ubi altar be hit the rsaael foi a brief tum of Spate, availing hi in ri il of the UBM con:-U!neil Ly lbs rossel la passtas thtongh ihe Oatea m>i around the westein i ".ii t ut Kui ope to Mt. mb ul g. Thc ti nt of this inp ess the "Spanish Journal." The power Bf his In nd to Teiic upon the % ita! | ¦¦ulr.lt of a subject .md thc orig-.I emiline nts which whut tie saw railed forth are very remarkable m this hasty prodBS.OB, lT'oii' :>'-ViIlt*, tor lustanoe, h.' writes : lt i> w.niiiy oi abaerrstloa lhal the Arabs, wbo every- eben in their native oonntrj have ram.med i.iii.,' i.'wcr rradesof a wanderin* and shepherd pcoplebe- c nie on I'mropean s.«il pillan Ot culture nu l of tbe sciences. Poetry, history, matbematies sad arolntcc- lura all fl. ia: iv a ct aim ng tin in ,v bile ibe Christian Wi -t was siii! s:i!i:t In barbarism. There i* bo poetry inure benn tim I than the Ihiiu nts for tbe lost partidlss of Qranada When we comp* ra them with cm. man chivalry, the \; lbs So ol v li r .ni'i macnantuilli, and ti, ij wi deed. nf.-ii BU c\ Hillie to lie tinnier. Mole Industrious ....! patient than their enemies, they mads Boothern sn.uu inti ap mt-;". . * . pr destructive wan, by the extirpation and expulsion ot niillloni of tbi a- men, Catholic ripalu Inflicted on arsell an In- lu i. blob lt is sc:.. he ihoOld ii¬ iii .. tine* wide tracts of tbese fair landa an bow b depopulated wilderness. He air,vi d iii Madrid bb tha day of th wi ddlng ol the young Queen bab. ila aad lbs lal brought about by tania Philippe, tbe Dna deMontpen- ii of Louis Philippe, being espoused t.. tba In- 1'inta. rem was I bullfight tbal dav. and c.uni Molthe'i d rlptli ;i of ;t i> well worth reading. He nlati lifter Sallie delny a door nt the Side "I IhS SleBS WBI opened, and an official pert issc In aneleat coatnme In aud announced to tbe people tbal the perform- snee w.u about to begin. " He wat reoalred with gea ml biasing, ridicule and yet rs; a by, I knoe i<"!, 1 at ba siain- to have expect fl n li i f it.-, ami was aol disap¬ pointed by it. .Iris; ns Hie Romans ne d to bim fl si their Consuls in the eirena, and (o tnanll tbeti Km perot*. Hie Spaniards an permitted a certain license at their ball¦ Ights." ('eur.i Moiikc theo proceed principal performer aest eaterrd, b powerful black bull, wltb sharp in.ms and glowing; eyes, Ths animal had been kent In a atall ol which lbs rool was ¦ih reel v, ith bolca,tlirongli a blch a ti "ii ol needh v bsd been sent, making bira tolerably I I'tempered befon tbi fight began. As soon as tbs door of the prison me opened bo darted Into tbe arcoR, loosed round with a wild, ta wlldered air, threw np the aand with Ins feet, nu 1 ti;- ll linnie ;| rn-ll lt lil" lie '.le-' picador. Th" man stood motionless and allowed the futl run upon th* noiut ..f ti s lance. Tl bi eye soi ,t be m.,. nol be ec ired by seeing the luil Tbe attack waa, however, so headlong, and thc rider sat so firmly In hi* saddle, that man and wore raised together mm tbe air, and then fell baek- ward, ai ihe sam- moment thi hone's body was so br thc in 's iharp-polnted horns that a sire. of bloc rn his li mi". Tiie picador was Just tho i.'a-i. .md inn t bave been kill I, sm dress made it impossible 'or bim to extricate himself, the e'niii.s. mi li t ielr gay-colored ms it li -, eiuiic io in* aid. Th.-bull nt on. .. left hts pray to rusb upon tbe n on on four, or rata, r "ii Un ir color, il and be punoed one of them all round I ii na, until tin- ni ,n e.ev, ii twang hlniscll over lb* barr ei, which quivered rrom the shock ol thi bull's attack, rhe .munal st,md i-t.il fur a moment, -i- if stanned bj tbe disapp trance of bia enemy. another picador tben presented himself, onli to shara Ibe I t .,¦ former. Befon tha sAeloa coald mme ta hs assist occ, the bone waa aeam gored by tbe bull, and while writ blas oa tbe ground was raised ia tb turn's boras sud carried bull round tbe an a .. Thu ia,,iv nt tin iii id bone eas t"r:i completely open by ibe bull, and with trading entrails tbe pool crealun I" alni «|ilir to ms lie a second allin k Uli thc furl- on-anim il. . . . Bight bulls were killed lu tbis ws ono afier another. Twenty bones .vere nfl dead la the anna and ninny ot hers were led out frightfully wounded, one bail Killing eight bones; but tin men wen land. Dm-bull c.mid ini be melted to tbe alla k, dui ran tamely around tbe anna, amid a volley ot until linie was ag-ni-ml ..nier.v tba dogs As soon ,i tn. n eera broughi li to tb. ar.:. i. . furl. ons onset on the bull, which instantly gored one of I.em and tOHSi-il it high tutti tie air. 11.then, bowevel m iced bim, one ..f them holding on tin- ball's tongue with a n.rm gripe and allowing liaell lo oewblrledap and down. Ha woald have been torn rn pieces b relaxing Ins hold. Four llogl ai a-t held down tbe great creature so firmly thai be eon.I ool get away fiom I.em, and tho mala.I.>r fintabed him. Wit ii tbe"_etten from Parla" ths book rinses, in many respselB they are the tuoi-r Btrl.lag things In t. Hottke bad gone to r.irm with the young PrlBSB Frederics' William, tho present Ctrowa linn.-, as his aid. d*. camp, having Ur»t visited London. Thc time was the Wiiiterof 18M-'57. On their arrival in i'ari-t ha .-.-iji that the rime! was received bj N ip..ic,>n, .. vii. teasblaaec te his areal uncle ls quita ladeaarlbah has the same black hair and sal:'.w eomplexloe, en weil istbs ImperialpreaTs." laos he writes fallowi nt tba Emperor sad lbs Impeesa, sud tho outlook for ihe I.mi ire ni Praaec: Tue vcii-kiiown portralta of the Emperor aod Empress me very Mae, bal have something to oe supp ii <i hr sn i-yew it inns. I had Imagined Louts Napoleon to t... inlier. He look* well on boraebai k. bat sppears smaller when ba ls walking. I was struck bj i certain immo¬ bility ol feature, and by what I might almost call a gliosy appearance lu hu eye* in* eoBBtaaaaas Ia pct vaned bi a friendly ami icu g.io.l-natiiri'il smile, which is Bel at Napoleonic. He usually mis v.-iv still, with hi« bead slightly Inclined te oa* side, sad ll is possible thal iii ii |, ,-, wini ii does not forsake him ev, ii in Hie ibosI dangerous crisis, bas impressed tl.- restless Pniicbmen. Clrcumstsnces have abown thal imi ib it ii isd.ue to his snpei loi mind and resolute will. Hu bearing ni society li md nm wai.Iii Impressive, BBd there is a e.-rtai.i co.strniiit lo bis conversation. He li an emperor, aol a king. The sppeannceol lbs Era- press Eugenie ls I'hiii'iir.ng, lima her beauty nnd eta- ¦anoe. I a .* stroek with uer resemblance to Frau von 1'.- ,altbougb sh* la a brunette. Hei neck snd arma sra luci.mp'f.ibi> beautiful, bei Ogure slim,ber t"iic;ie elaboiatc, neb and elegant, without being at all exec*. sive. Her dreaa waa of waite satin, and ii» clraumfer eiaa- was SO git al lhal lin- I.umbri' ol J ards Which lu.nos will require Infotnnlor a dress most be considerably hu reset d. i hi limnr. ss wm i a - mi Iel headdress on her hun-, and two row- of magnificent pearls found ber neck, she talks muru and eagci iv, shoo Isa gi .-ater Balma.on I ii.in is ii-u.il tn mic ot smii high rank. Tbs present state of thlags is abominable and ll I* hard to tee whit improvement can lake plaee IB BXlat* lag circinus!,'nco. No oue can bc his own successor, :i)!il th< lon inla'I. hit ol a new il} nasty ditter widely fr in thora nf a kingdom, whmh ls inherited bys bbi m al legitimate suecessoi *. In tbe latter case I man bas only til keep lo tbe olil lines, wlnle In the former he mult make ii wav for hi.ealf, and infinitely greati rclaims arc mads ii[ni!i tba peraoaal ehanctetlsttcs nf the ruler Nairn leon lil. hal noni' of tbs gloomy esrnestneai of bia great uncle. He has not the Mme Imperial beariBB, Ber Ibe manuel adopted b> thc iir-t Napoleon t.. luipr.se uj'.M Oth'rTB. Ile ls uitlK'i sin.,ll ot Simple manner, mid hm countenance, always In noose, gives tha decided Impression of "g. ni il bene vo (ncc lt oeoesaarily follows f.ai al tiu> d the po wer is in tbe bands of s oilque, and timi ti. i motet tn not even able to gather arouad bim the most Important membenof bu party. Loots Napoleon eau make BO DM Ol men of lum pen c charm ii I, -ince tba whole direction of Btate affairs must natala coneen traied la bis handa In b normal stale ol things tia ir ought lo be mole individual liberty. A* things are now. France is subject to a rigorous despotic rule, wblcb is, perhaps, the better salted to Ibe French character. Liberty <>f the press is nt this tliii" as Impossible in Fiance as In an anny on aol iv e service which sin uld propose to discuss the mea ur sof thc flem ral tn com¬ mand, .oma Hanoi on hus v inoed s prudi nee, dai og, firmness and Mif-conndenee, and at the same time mod. oration aad gentmness, all ri lied by not ward composure or bbiiuarr. it ls only _ i be ssddle tbal be looks like ..n emperor. Simple In bli personal babita, ha doc* ool foig.-t that Preoobmea ute ta see tbelr sovereign .uv- rounded by B Splendid coin .inri even v. hi ii the Pl ince Imperml go.* out f..r bb siring, lt ls with an escort ol four armed and mounted outriders, wltb a anoadrun ol dragoons before BBd behind br Imir-hnr se eerrlage, and tba sentinels present arma t<» the Imperial lafaut, wbicb in only Bigbl mouths old. iii the foii..wiug passages MoHhe dsflsrlhsa hil roe- m the XtUsrlSSi and ladBlgM In I ell.-, lintis on tliBch.iiigei which the whirligig ofi.aa had produced la tba gorers tm nt oi Prances I bud a whole Suite of rooms in the Pavilion Mar- ,n. looking bn tba Rue de Rivoli, which were fonaarly occu¬ pied bv the Duke of Orleans, There were beary red damask banginga and wlndoa oortatna, besutllul eben, delsbns again it tbe waite, utremsos, gilded ai ta chain, ennuin.ii-, mirrors, beautiful patBttnga (liy Poilrvia). You can iii.ngnic it all, Sines lt is mon- or less lue name m vi-'v j.....c pm tl v..i- witb.ig Haili com¬ fortable, aa in my little tami room at Wludsor. A dozen lamps were bniiiliig, but I had to light n candle in order to fetch scything, The most tmhitabie pait or Hm room ih the wind.cv ri oom, mvcb feet in depth, ls which the wrltliig-tahle stendal only then, again, lt ii difficult to keep warm, although Immense Mus ale biasing up sri rj ehlmney, Yob bbb have no rene, ption of the driiugi.'i in the TulieiicH. The rariatioaa af teii.|ieiatiii-e lu these enormous rooma often SBBSM n regular whit twlBd In tho dooiwuya which conn., i. i Was much fatigued by all I lind *i-en ll.rough the day, ami soon betook um self to h.j large uml excellent eanoiiird bid, bul lt was long before I could go to sleep. At omi moment the fall uf a toe on the heart ti sent up a blight, sparkling ll .i le, and at another there was ii whining iu BBS of tbe eld fahhicncd chimney click*, n* ir to remind me ih.it nuder this ioof the llfuea eaiinge more quickly than else¬ where. There was something sunnite even In the won¬ derful stillness lu the hean of the hostiing city, ¦blah i pat liy duo to tho fact that thee rooms ere saSMWBSt withdrawn from the street pavement. The heavy h.iug- Ings and thick carpets also mufti" every sound, and tin- doora move noiselessly on their hlngrs, io that I did nut hear the chamberlain enter, who was s-nl fruin the Iyouvre by l.ouii XIV., to Ibquos tba cbom for which he was honored by mr visit to his palace. I li.obed fr.' the Marquis of tlen-luiia's history to show how msny ohauges had taken plaee slnre the. snelent regime, sn that I was not hound to hold any Intercourse with bim, Tbe chamberlain haughtily shrugged bis shoulders and left me to pursue my own reflections, which lusted until I awoke on tbe following morning. The con-frecation sang " We are poiriK home to die no moro," Ina Westfield (Mass.) church, and av Irreverent fellow, leaning over to a dyed deaeen. said ie aloud tone, "Then you'll ba gray in a week "-[Uau. ford Foal. Sew Publitfitions. la EADY TO-DAY. THU TiilM'NF, INDEX foi; ipto. A e",!'|.,'eti. Killie tn 'till-*. XF Ws (.1- rill; WORLD KOB PHI IA- I *iFAR. ariaaacd aa a pIsB sn -.male tbat anyone caa st once rind the sri ii i- "r .v.iit songbl t'.r be In.bx is thus a rslnshl" iinie-sarerfor Lawrers, . lermrmen, Petnelaaa, Plnaucl r«, lonros lats, sad all bbs rn mar MtbaafaeBB .'.**'« ,.,.,(',¦, m-,.:n-t.i. kentle, ,.,!,.*. ,.,.*.,-. tme TRinrsK \rw Tork.__ L'XTRA,GREAT OPPOBTDNlfffi- j Extra Ia r.s. ( for ( BB. ] \|tl)i:|-HS AXIM-VPITAMSTH. Tltll'.L'M' EXTRA SO. b*. SOW READY. Ht ('KN rf* [Mil'-Tlil M. I.VII.Iii-l'.I-l- 8TOCB U.VISIMI. .MlM.N.Inn.l BOOtilll M-t'CAIl. V \- I'll ! !'- I-' O' ' S ir.'l'.l-i: N .MUN I'.l'.A. N MV MIM'M tWl)-rENNB»f-l tr. -II.VK1-. ANDIDPPKH IN MA INK. TRIBl'NI BXTBA ! ii 68 li tbs third ol ssertesderot. n lo Indus! ss in toe Called Stales la tba Stat. No. i'i the ai,i nines fer settlersInTexasand Colorado wan oe- ., i'la.1 le -e. -I' ¦!. ¦.*.". ¦'¦'. n-ailT- - MT. Will,', niters |,,.:l entres tbs M!^"'< Mills, Mo'it-i i |..i, ... len ni i. h. ..r tba ihr' I ill ,.a h. int nt tb et nt-.. | i.i,.., . m.. ir.ii-.i .vi*. _Rea York _ F8S). 1880. THK TRIBUNE ALMANAC. This rnnipr. h. n.-ive. BeearBte and i.i.villi, nt mannal of ¦¦ .fi i 'the I'.iiitieiin an I forth,. Ila.un-s man is now r,;.,iT., hiii-.tiiiti. m weB m at tbs a nu'li. -.nt hr mall on recei;t of price. THU! OP .'Nil'. NTS: Abrtnet (.PaM- laws. Pally Platt rms I8TS r-nici'iiia ,,: New Ynrk ci'i.-s nii'l Towui. .r.Mnei.iiiiie'iis in Biases, ht ; t'nltet Bt it' .I te t.i j r. i.i nt fi n 1801 Pill,n,¦: d. l.'i.artinental and Iilplomntic i .fileer if tba riiii.il mal I'.iii'i" ¦. isa, iict. ats 'ii Bxi '.: ¦' 'i,'.-' Btsrsa Ina RUpl dlr-na n ths Calted 8 To, I'mt..1 hibum Berennes snd Ex|w>o Inroi aluce 1876, t-fsiin lum ..f ir.,,i and m.rer la 1-:.'. ('niu mid Dall I > National Bank am! Curri i. I'..I u'.ir Vi te tor 1 '1 17«. l-iiii li Debt nt Un Culled mates ..¦¦ I-" I XI.VlthCongn*s-l.tst ol ,. thu ilouis. KU elton i'e tun !'¦' i'ii< e26.'"i'sper< 'in. Ureoealesfe liv i,,.nt, |,o«ti".ii,l, !;. Ih' DBlll I A.. Tin: Titi i-.i" xi-:, .'.. B Yolk. "notrnmon. For Bovs and 1'ounc Men.City. \ GENTLEMAN of laree and aaceesvfal e\- ;\ \ in linc a llralti d eli a n >i ¦¦ ii Keronri lerni besrlua l.'.in ry I, Address ui hai " rrtiiiiiii ',¦!¦ f TNi\ l'.l.Sl'l V GRAMMAR SCHOOL, ki 1.481 111 classical uepai imt-nu. i.>'.....v.v ,i ii n, ri meisala, M Fer Younr*. L.idies.Citv. RS. JOHN POPE. !.-¦ som in di ¦ll nn<l waii-r filer pnlnlHii.'. ile,,,ratine: OD cl.BS, Bilk sui ef .i mal tal st. Mft M.VDISON-AVE. .Mrs" ROBERTS md I -_K~ ,v ic- -., u ..| for-, sn s im ki sml ll I I Ol Ul. - I .'!.la,ny 1 Hpeclsl silsoUon giren lo i i.e. PrimBrr Department. For Both Box»3.City. \ M. KIVI'KI.'ii.U. i I \ NORMAL BCHOOL, ik .'. ,-! .. ¦: ii", li '.. a .'.,... a » i. li and |.i.ii "ii ai. i JARDNKR INsfiTU I'-:. 603 liliii-.u. rn*. kn ,', i dien. ll. . I*, ll. OAHDNKR, Prlactpala. MISS REYNOLDS' (ela-hl tr-art a ls*nrher iu MlM ll.iii. ¦' ,;. *io. '"-.-.' i_ ct. .muns scinhit,. k-i Hr.si.li. i in.iiHi Betane! fW Tanas.sales sad Chi .- |.|... UYUXA ii i. -'i i:> IA i.i KM - PAH vii Alli Mi \ W)R YOt'MI nova -1 and Bs U .-.I i ul .', ave.. N. V. I % iiiii i... i.. .. ¦. a.. I . Art Schooli.Hew*York City. EfRS, LOUISA B. CULVER \\ ni rtesres ¦ .p*. lavara, ann Ufa lr 1IS Nu. Ul l.l' Tl 1, Hefstrnret Ur. I1 llominn o, Mi. Willi.- lint. Kr. Ja.ita M. Hart. Mi. Al' For Both Sexes.Brooklyn. Al L'S. L. .11 RKEG VN ROWEN lin* rr..nme.l .'I brr lesaoas la maaV ... - ,.l au paid I" pain « I.s. I "ala n I Bilbah Ixat'iS"- lui if i; sit: ularsapprj al -ira. For Pova and Younsr Men.Conn', rr. Vv vatnii-1 Institute, Milli.ir- Boarding School, l: vv ll i.i-. i-h. li Al POBTCHE8TER (N. V.) Mill tory Il tai tha Brit tern « ce february 1. BOYS iimi roana aicn sdrnlttcd ;it soy rims U>A(«d- !¦. mil hom Phil del'itiUL -W II ..-. i *-ll -I-. Ll i», A. M. ii *iv md trnd Bill I"r::..|..l_ |>OY8 and YOUNG MEN prteatelT fitted for 1> catiese rmiilltlsaieil er rejected candidates t Baas i u 'i vi .. DOYS ondci BIXTEEN, VmiI-.ti. N. V. I* Dodi sit los I.-.sa III N.I \ ',1 | N M a*'i\. pbLLEO'ATK and COMMERCIAL IN.-I I- \y i' i ... in-.,'. -Ti,.,,,:. I lefHl.l.."! Y IO . '.Ut :r, ». a I ' ri '.tii. ... I, i«,,:.-,' ,,r saan physical trslulas bi bi rrrsuai .: .;,. ii.inliv (..iiii!,:.!.. r, ,.- il.j ,v i. I | Killi,-WI) Mll.i i AI.'V Al Alil.MV. War* II .. star, -asa Cl h\t. .< v r, ... M sapi rta m.. ..t Jil I I.F. BOY8.*-*-8pr>fial Bdvantaaaa; loirei J rstaa-. Beardina Mrhool for Ilori nUhllsbad 1HA-* g _A*i..\, ',' ii.- is. S. V. VKVV'ln*. COLLEGIATE IXS1 I .'UTE ' ll tull. ril.STT, (....I,Iv. ,, -. )"!e"»llTt '.I for aiulrs and tani .my bealitiT, e-.c bi m. ni th.I cinisi:i»:i iiiiiui'in'i'i, Ibarouas :., Bl fl i.r ». '. t oi ; rbaaluesai KUVayeari asad f"i eataburae tn uld Ttudrni.. J lau,'. Mi'. l.t..h. Jua-.. .,¦ , Blair, .ins. y «iiv. is. m. a ri l Hm, a M PENNSYLVANIA Mil.I I'ARY ACADEMY^ 1 i ii . i i i Penn. Cirli Kn(jiuetimi-, ( I..m.Mri.. ,..- r milln i LS. I ,. ,.ii -I llll.i.. Il V \ I 1. J'lr.'t, For Younij Ladies.Country. IDDRESfl MAPLEWOOD IN.-UrriK. d' \ i .,1 yeuas I.dil -, pun Bi', .. .\< vt l<i ia benia i'a'l"- an! I lil.'.i.li, i-i.. iQOLDEN llll.i, SEMINARY Lu Vonna Lu > I.ll-T. i'.lalK. l".l!. . ". ;'.. A.I" I" MIT, I. Mil.*, SK.HOM. /TJ.ROVE HALL. N.-v-Ilavrri. r,,.,i..Mivs x n mom i .-iii'- -. iiiuii. au roi NO i. v \lls> Kl I.KI.I.VS BOARDING aad PW lil BCHOOL im rc u,. bws an lbs H OSS IN IXC INS I I ll'i L Poi Vonni: Li.iii.s. hlaa MIBS, N. V. BecOSM) halt .vrur hrRins I'elinuir 1. llTV. I D. ill' li. I'llll. For Both Sexes.Country. nHAMBEB8BUBG (Peaa.) ACADEMY. l-sreiitsilrsuiiiB a Behool both t.i.,(l and elia i|, will plana u (imi. leis li,e ai. HIS -ii' * j. ii. si.i makii-.. pta. D, prlBetpal nOSTON BCHOOL ol ORATORY. i,n. in ali its departments, tauaBi bf uibibsIsbi in struct nra Fail co*iraa twa .,,, five dara taltai nteky. ahortei eonra f eoe rear tot iboaa v.:... sin I.led ss ta tims Poi e<ren1sra, ai.i ly loK, lu ItAYMOND l'riuri|..il. 1 s.',.in-!- i !.. i "-ten. Masa, \M APLEWObl) INSTITUTE-Fat both sexes; 1»1 i ..iin.iihiiie. Psi.i.; i-iii i" otuirtsr, Bindea. pre inul tm buaiiu-aa. Yale ur iiiii v^r.i, urat-rli urnl .»..n I.Ml. lil! Ila,I.. A.M.. I'lHi.iuil MT. KISCO EDI CATION AL INS ri rn i: Ml Kl«e.., n "i , 'ie ronsis ls '.'.e. unit children adi ri-- .¦I...-1 i'i, ." lanasrsaasBabla. Mis. i- iivhii rTluelpaL SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Beer Pblladel* pinn Uader cara af ri mmbIs Bats asses soatittsd a-i rerelrt lbs ssas dejrreea, r ,.ii, _-r. Caarass-Olasslesl aetea- llfl. RBBltah N.iinr.l B»|i»rlnieiiU rreparaiat t .nil U,tI~I r.ii...is. inr particulars addrcaa EDWABli ii. mao I,M. i i, . i!ti,i. *.« jirtliiii'irc. lu-imv ar 'n,. I'.-nn. m\fkhr\PttQuarters Rockland t'i.l!etr,.( N-ack, tjjitltr .vv.bo'. bs Iis Winter sesslan jb*j .'. ^ellll fer catalogue. Bf, ll. BABKlBTIca, A. M. Mifscelianeoits pOB SALL IX ALBION, N. Y.-An s-li-.il.lv A lol'Strd, TIM ..Slllflll VB.Ua'.le ..'Illili |,I',ji.-M,. pr-'ltl«T' and fiirutture fni a boardlas Sooss ur school. sceoraioodsUBs Bftrboseders mid IBB dsy |,ni,|l-. Toissi ut pnrrhu.T %>.n0 ss SI. 100 in bs .,"»!.! si.i.i.n pi - nt iiii. uti., haunt t raaiaiB- Ina ..n timi'! an-l ¦norlvai'i' fm n lam M i.^it. iuiui.i ptulli'iil!.rs un vices nf bnUdlOjri arni kioihkN ot blit. Ur. liDndii, ur. Haii'on pl.,..', Bruaalrm, N Y or _ Mr.. Il I. ACHILLEM. Allilon, n y. SCHOOL Properties im -iile* sad r#*ni. New Hu laa'led for yumrp, BaBsnaai ban, SO K. lilli at N. Y. Lum Sthoola. \r ALL Lnw ScliooL. Reffalar ron rsi*, li yeiars: i,maiiala ronnie (fot S.>rrei nf l).c.l..i. v rnara. Kali taral. vperit erpu SS. Aildreai i'lot WA VI.AND .Vew-iiaT«u.Ol Ditiuiiiq Academics. A T TRENOR'S, Droedwar and 33d*et J\ AlHMi-we IMMEDIAThLT Tanglit tue BTaLTZ-S l.-IIU.DKKN thc (i lt A ( EH et lbs linnie. Wa l.K I Mi Ac All riipliaattend by TlcKr"T, any dsv ur erenlns. _LidIeaaini frnilemcii practice r»rry Ktlilar SvenliiK. ALLEN DOD WORTH'S M HOOL IOU IlATtCINO AT HIS BJC8IDENCE, NO. IIB! OTU AVK Bsad foi alro-ara. -earners. A REFINED North German lade teaches in the best itv scbBBlai nive. i.-TT-.n* iii rnnveraatlnn, BTamraar, literature, and .tabes al otosrnia-re BERLIN, Hun IBU, TrillinBS Iptovvn Ullin-. I..BB Broadway._ At'ANADIAN Honor UndersTudnate (in moiie n lan-um. cai el Taranto rniv.r-.iir wtsBss an ari- nninimea! a- teacher, .-¦. r tory or io utmt other snltabls e.ipi., ti .1" ..' ; ii,!.! , ii.inii i -.. AddrassAlsx. Bera.tsar. County f VVsterloo, Ol I Old ri ¦. AGENCY lor SCHOOLS oB.l TEACHERS. Ak Patronitedand Indore .1 i.u t/i .'" ' rrrnnlri,' Illina¦¦., -i'baals ann ( oileiri-*'pi.iiii|''l» pniri nitliNDuan .r icu ncr-.. ur..'nates al best Afl-srtcsi SBd Yet. rlcnceileaea Head lor circular. T. UOT.BVPOKTB PIJIO.¦ NEY. DoMKbTIC BUILDING, dir. BinBd.ar and Utk-at. \ MARRIEDCLEROYil \N. hitrhly educated /\ nd ii .a,in....i in literary ..i"i sdnoslianal pursuit*, i* In preaslna used ol employment: addresa and qnaiiBestlons unexceptionable j win Becevt .mv respectable salaried ,a ,.uiint,'. Plas -t address un bbs iti ck Bl».Z, i nouns (..tire. . _ i MERIGAN find FOREIGN TEACHERS' 1\ A (J KN CY intrn.in.-ei in loin 1.1H. Reboots snd Families 1'ii.f as ol m.- li .iiiii- i in',,|.i .in nmi Am. -rican t rn gea, I ilv. r liles snd Conserrstortes sa lecturer*, Pirti tors, I'mielpali, A Bui-taut*. Tatara .ne! Pat-outs arteblng tborouablr e-ttnested !,T*.i rc'intde neiitle- iiii i: is iel Bl i'iii -n ..a.a.iil vv tn itieir aima - .11. I, un BUtitlUf ...m-f,. li City Famlllea wtabtng Tal nesaas lor special Ia- atm, timi iineoi Ino lour- dally prompt y mil d. Bil on or a i.ii, >.-! i. m. .i i., in ii. Am. rican sud r.'.';n ri setaei i" .a -'ina'". HEST tencber-i, American Bnd forelsm, prompt- Ivprovl.l'-.l for f.,n.!':,'.. -. ,0oIt, .''li'i;.-. V taei a mi Veli'i',1 I '-.tillite,. msbllabrd l-l"..-, ri ero.-i V ..Ul IO. llb INSTRUCTION in Stearn, snd Mechanical l.ni-'ir.i'.'I'inif. A tlii,r.>i!i-'i .. lt a,' education BBd IS al tin' lute Ol :.;,..'.i I'ar .lie, imi;, Bridgeport, i,,ii'.. I ll! lit Hill.'. .-I'M 'el patt| MLLE. DE GREVILLE (Parisian), forowly .'I !e.o'er ni Mi-.i Unrcrnet'B school .cry .mcc.>s\fiii in ni' 1.1,.i'll her rupi ls. Call Man,', ima ii la i. CHI nothare _ r|>L.\i HERS Rupnlied in schools and laaiilies I flrnhoatCharce, Mlaa PLortKN K iii' il. BOUUA- min ai Bunr.Ar. sn! i. Ocean Steamers. \ MLIMCAN LINL. .'V I'litiil'I'liN-i'iU'V AND LIVERPOOL. Only I,"i ai lei n. A MK Ri CA S PI. s.iiiiir.- ererj iiii '. .uni e.irv Wod¬ li i.i. ri 'ls m. . LLD STAL LINE FOR -NTWERP. lal i i' .v.-.* Vork, '.:¦!¦'1.1: |.i..eu_-,.|, within ali r boars' nie, of ilia lu i ort BUui-al un iii.- .'on)!,' .'l.'iMi, MAT lt RDAY. i PEI'S ii vvirKiii .- ,,-. m. .- ii rai I 807 v\ iilniit..!.. I'lii: ..' id way, New-York. II. I. '.*- vt.i.. .I-. .;-. Baltert is New-Yors. fJENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COM LAW. ^ a m." ¦.. ;>. m;V. otnpsnj In.| Mo. i'2 Morl ' 'lr, i Rostlsb rill- wav ni r.a olirrn-alna-1, rt riianncl in S I.U.-1 ;. if I., ll. Joana.".. ll fen. s. ll a. m. ll V-.. ,11 .1.111. . M h. IO i. "ii. tire. °n -nnirkia, oi 1'am. lu amounts loiuit, Lot i IUI0N LINL. VJ -.¦>.!'. BTU IMERB, FOR 'I' i.i Nil :..;.' iU '. MO! AN v .i l-l.,v.. i. rn V. ¦. .i .-i , .li ;. lll-HOa. ni 1 .1 ai.. WYoV is... .Tl 1 .'. i" a. ni MONTA.VA . -ha a ni ! .**tight 0 nu- in ike Un. \ amii plano uni ..ml. sten r on ni ii puer deck, tim., immr Inir tl" I' VI! I s .> i. I i I »'AT. Wll ,1 VMS .fr OUIO.N IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL.. Hamlmra> 1 Aiuiric I'ackiii Lina tor I'l.YJIol' I II. (II lunn KU an.i I! -I I \ v. 'sn. ii*. Feb, 12, W1KI.ANU III ItllKH.Fell Mi. '¦I'i' :' loo. In -r ta mi B, '.'.' . Pleat I |gS, I ll! I'. H. Rilli A KT Ntl' BrtsdwBT, Nsw Vork. ats 61 ni" . IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL. 1 Milli ll I1KII V! V.'. I.I aVI) BTEA MS 11-11 KM NI iW I'lIlC, -ul' ll \MI-|"\ \M' URI Ml. V int!'-. ir.J -ii-. Feb ' t *. I KAU -»i I ¦¦ r -I ll. Kal Fi b '.". li .. Ol U1K Irom NEW v.. UTIIAMP. TON, IIAVRE'IH lilli MIA'. I CAIIIN ... 4- iiui -H'M.! \II1N. -I KHMII !:. ton lli'keias in cerUS- :.-lt |0 li! Mil ". l.l' " -. Bl Bllng-Cl '.. INMAN LINL ROYAL MAIL BTEAMERS. l> UVBRPOO- N(' i ii i. .a atensat M .ur (tl\ "I 'I'lVTIli: VI. lill I'-I'iV.!,!! -."I. i! :i'l ,i. m. I V 1.1 l'l. ll Vl'is li HATI' RIMY, I >., 7. (ll-. "I I! lt I ill 11*1.AV .'. CITY HE NEW-YORK I'll ti-l- \ Y. ttii i.i noun. CITY OF Hil Tri I-, ITt'RflAY Feb VB. ?a m. From P tn tn H R fool "t I barltoa st, CA ira tick * .rn tiruraOio I 1 bf . loil.N .. I'.vi.I-. Ai .adwar. X. V. NKW-YORK AND UWANA DIRECT ll UL 11.. Kl or. aa! HAN I lAi.o UKl't'UA. Ca .*-.vt.. < I I \ iir \ I U.S. l ill '.. . a.il V ia , e. U. , I li il. 'A., unimodal!.iia.uiiM led) Foi fri la .'. li.i.i am i- i'i.i i"K a >.. No, »a Hromlway- IA IO> BRoa I. LU -YnKK. Il .VAN A and .MEXICAN M UL .' ly. m. VEW-YORK.II IVANAandMEXICAN M il a. a LI NE. Nea nra nave Pie No sit., nu FOH il VV '.*- V i.l ii..' I. AND VERA i RI /. VIA ll A VA! » I rr.nt.-ia_ '(¦|T*i ..i vv i -ii i -,,, i ¦, ', , .1,., i ) rn ira. '. Ol A l.l VA.Ni.il, Fi '.. J '< I I . Ulai m.' "' ii. lim... Keb. 18 i I I *. I MK ll HM ll aval mirra .. a turallin r I,, iii ai sid-.. i. ruoia, Iiiuii ors eba - - .. . \ I. Ml, IS1 I', ' . i, \'.'<T-Y..rs. ai.i \ v -. .' KOTTERDAM LINE. I'sruiila Ferry, lernr Jrtr i; li. -,!....I ... -i ll ', .1 vv, Oil . IV'- .!..! lal. r, li U lallat.In. S6».**70. -...! ¦'¦ -t^"i»i?.\ II v/ V S, ft . Al .al. .:; i-i nilli \. i,liam TU rUNI ||,| I.VI..VI... '. l a a .1.. Krvlflil 4*14, I I ORRIS, SO Bi \ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY 1 - ne 'I I'a r tl t, J li lilvei For HAN FRA.M'lHCOrla InTlIMUMOl PANAM Si Mell I.'. I.II. K ia" II. .i linn Uni- n,i i eulin, alni -m im Vin.i |,a .in 1 M v !..!'..!. ale hi mn-I, pCITY i'i '. I. Bil rilav. !l 7 ii"'". 11'.."" -ni ii.ii"'..'. to Honolulu. Nsw-Zss'saa nm Am¬ ii Me. ni- dp /l l.'M'l v Mun lay Feh IB, .tl Poi Ireiabi ur sencrai ipplr ai Company's eira i, i Ino) r forwardeU ioha.N Ki INi'lrtCO, SANDWICH l-l. \> D.-n JAPAN. CHINA ' >' * v,-..i ii ami-cn \\ CKNTRAL ami KHAN aad Ml \H AN I'i Ht *. For tickets ur . for.st.n In ressnt io routes sppif la lbs pal tm rut. So. -' .7 llroads sr. ,, -;.\: v.i ii I. BULLAT, \g .ni. - W-IIIIL STAR LINK. M DsTATr.H vm. ROYAL MAH. STEAMERS ..'I KENH I'iVVS AN l> I Vi-.IU.I,. MOTH i. rsa atesmers of tlila l J ne take il.* ijine linnie rn mn.in ii,|, it bj lieel Nt inr ,. r-. N., m: 'a-'Ul Iii, ,»llw.ird 1.1,il Ill.lI.eWnlli VnV JU". ii. ii.N.i-, capt Kel.ly. lainnta* Jsn. ;il 7:3ua. m. ha i.i ii bp .in-.: mred ij. Feb .'., noon. (.'ill, ni ¦.! ¦. I. I. 3(1.1 m. FROM THE WHITE HTAlt DOI K, FOOT Oa* vv. loni. BT. i bess stesaisrs ur., nnilor. in alse un i iiiianrryasasd in ip- I on urn i. t. Tbs saloon minim.oa anuikms im Bala roona are placed aaildahipa, ichera tba nolss mni ¦Jtlan srs Iraal lett, e il"1, lin* a deal es ol comfort I.ii. a itu iinmu. aabls Bl .. !. \ 11 - as .,aii. tim, I .ii sod 1100. Btearasa, t!< itaturu tle_ets "ii lavoraula irnn. .| lii-TT .ii ,i.ii>-i - oarry uelthai rattle, sheap ii"i pin, Kor inam-ctiou of plaoaaud mhoi inlormaUor appl (i luiianv'T .in-'... No. ... Urvadwsy, N"'», Vork,or 110 Wal- Bm -i pbluHti - K.J. iMitris. ako.iu Glciimboalo iui& tlaiiroa^o. lion BRIDGEPORT and all points on Nau- I ntnek and HuusatoBtc llailrnadi rftesroers leare Cstb .lll e .-l'|i l"a a.',. i Illina. Bl lind J.lll tl. i.. 1 BIS '>'¦: He"' I', mi*"' "ll" .lilli ONE DOLLAR TO BOSTON, \ \ nil vi I. BI\ KR LIKE, Kor »!"'. mi linnie.. nek* ..m.a. 01.1) ii ii.iiny nmi NI.Wl'ORI :>:. .' ,S, B ', -."lilli..} ., il i. Ir'nii I'lei 'Jh, Ni.ili Uiver, timi ol vtiinaj -,,- i...,,., . Brooklyn, 4 HM p. bli ii-r."v- <nv. ti'.'O p. m., ria tunas, rpo PHILADELPHIA 1 VIA l'l'.NNSVIA AM A RAILROAB. THE nil) BBTA-USUKD BOOTB AMi siioiu I Rfl lil I Wi IN K-W-TOBI am- rnii.vi.r.i PHI v. 17 TH-OTJOn TBAlNS i:\r-ti ww univ; It r.ii "i- 1N I'llll ADI.I.I'IIIA, '_' IN NIVV-Vi.KK. mn i.l.i thai iv, un: KOBI DfPHOVBD EODIPMEXT, AMD HU'- FASTEST TIMS CONSISTENT wini ah.ni in sai err. ON AMI Ar'IKIt ll l.'Y, IO, IHS!), Bsurass TrslBi laare Rsa y..,i< rta Dssbreases aad Cortland! Hiri-.-i" rente. ;l. i,,i[,,w. lifO. .)". Ut'iO, ',i (In Minne;!), 11 ¦. ¦ 1, a 90 I. 1 lu. .',. d. 7:801, -:,ii, and ldy,m. B*id Is i.i.rin. Saudaya, t.OaaSB! a.m.''. U and I li li. m. Sud I in. In I I.,i SI lan lr,, ie .\,. w v,,,V .Ijllv. SXC«pl Sllliililv. kt VU a. ni alni I a.ni iiiii.tnr ll.i.aiK-. v a 11 ai ni un,I I mini a. lt....i . "t " ..took i tn sanes " < anaai i ~tUiall tbrontrii tr Una at .I'-raerl'lty. aSnrdliiB a niiei-dy ami direct traualor I.n Biaslurs narai, RetiMtdni'Ullina iTMve Weat I'lnlailnii.li a 12:01, H: VU. ill,*,. V. ',:.li, f«. S .10. ami ii in. il.liulied Kinicni,, llStta in.) ll... J, I. .', ito. 7. and 7:..,". |> m. ou Sun.uv, 1'.'.,.I, ;| on, iii.,. S, 1:80, B ia. 1.7 fi p.m. Laare l'l.i nu.aaliia via audi a '.' io. i.n B:50p. in ilalli, axcepl .-.nnilay. Tlcksi OSIcea.orfl sud 1141 Broadway, AUnrltouae.aad toot nf liei!)ie>«i n and .it iljin.1t tit.; I ( niirtiit amt lirookii ll An- nu ur pat, foot ot Kuiion *t. Brosklyat Naa 11 .. i io sud ns IlinlTon «t.. llolioarn ficiiot. Jcr-ii-} i Uv- Eailaraat I li kel Of1i», i* llaiiery I'lurr. 'I lie Nen York i-uii.fi't I'liinpany wlllcall tor aad check baalaci- In.m hntela and trillion ta FRANK THO-BON. I. I'- FA HM lilt, U.laral Maussur Uiuetal l'asnu.rr Agrnt. c Steamboats and fiaUrcaos. p.ALTIMOKK AND OHIO RAILROAD.- tt I.e.,.., New.v..rk trom lent ot DegbrosSBI mil Cort- lainlt .ts. .,... foi v isblagto. PHIbBbts, ro'ambui cincinnati. Ii.iliaa.i|.ni.*. Chicago sud tba Weat, Kn Inn 'i I, ('liar!'-.'.ri. uml in, .urn Paflman oars furn Hal uanna m Ni-vari, Oil e. rill lei';; an,I ( I p. m. im'V.'b-iIiIi irtnn and tbs wm. PallBMB ears from a i, to ii tiinore Jinl Waahinefon, mimili: el.i- nee linn i for PltUbnrc Cincinnati, indian m.,ii... Loaiarilia SBd Ht, Louis, Through l-irlm.iu .-ar-* baltimore lo Cinda. ii..ti .ii.d st. Lama m. ililli', for il Babington, Hm Bob.i and w««r. pull- man Bleepers Irom Ne w-Yors to B.n .>.¦ aad Wsshlagtoa, makug close connections tor Cblcogu,, incionati. indbmapo. Us, Loatsrille, Si Lou Pittsburg, toe (louth ami si'inliT.a hi. Tbrangh Pullman esra from Baltimore ". -in ria. natl,connects ut wtuhlngton srlcli timi, for Lynchburg. Bi w.i>r|.'ana amt lbs Sooth. Forturmigli tickets pisses call at Cao|MB***S 'iAW. .'Ill Brosdwsr, New-York, snd al'toket od i, t ,i ..f Cortland! mal tii'Hiip asea sts.. nnd Depot. Jersey Cltr . ROUND TRI)' rlCKETH TO K-.N'i.v-l, NEBRASKA AND c.il.'.ir vii". ENTBAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY. Ferry station a Bern Tort font ot Uben l.iiv station lu Brooklyn foot of luitou st., Jewell's wharf. .emile!:! in r October 8, I8?f..Leave Nea-YotW, loot of !l- follOWS 8:30a.m..For Flemington, Easton. Relridera, Betblebem, Uleniown, Wauch Chunk, Tsmaqna, aukane Ila.'Vtoi" VVI.keabsrrs, I.I11111.1. i-t.. ...ii'...is l JuucttOB wi, li ii,-aware, ia kawanus sud'.'> caieru Kalin h. Foi iii.ii Pi ia- ranch, **clioolcy-a Moantala, ll..nat ',,-. 1- ...,n. Allentown Mar naburg Bui* tin M. st, Mun. ti hunk, la mai na, W'llkeabarie, - lltlamaport, 1 te. iro.iii .. ne ForKomerviij snd Flemington 1 i.. in For I'leiiitii-toii. Bsaton. Bath, .vliento-n, Manch i,n:.k. Hinai|ii 1. Mabapoy City. Hesletoa, runkhsnnock, Wilkesbsrr*-, *-rr.n>-. n. Reading. Colt.ibis, Lancaster. EphlSla, pot'.v.Il Ila: ii Illirie, el.'. Fol tll.'ti Riidga branch, Rchooley's M'mniain. Biid'i'i Lake and 1-nk- Uopitcoug. Easton B.rldere, Ailsa- 11 m inch im k. ¦i:su p. in. :.: 1 |,. m, : stlj toi i. I'liiink. Reading, Herri lbs " esl lion lo Delaware, Lack.wa.ss ssdWsstsrn I ai,,.mil. 7 1, |. in i'ii Easton. Fur I 7:15, 7:45,8, Krill*, 80, li lilO 10:46 1:16, IA 11 in I SV I, l:»0,3, ¦¦: -i. ii, ... 0 I, 7,7:l."i. 7 15, .! .'. I] 1*1 B, tu. nttnday irali .-.¦,-: IV. p. m. foi bonad Brook .un', lui ii., kate tail p ,m. for Ka-non. Allen- .1g and ir., H I nt .*¦ Willi .V! -:', ,, » 1 a,'.>;:i">, HO, 1 ul.", a. iii Vim: 1, ¦.'. a. .,.:.,'!. 1 1:30.6,6:80,6:4*1, ti., -.:;.. ii 15, ii. lap. ni FOI I: », .!. is "i i|... im. it yo ami ie inoecttons at J.t. ... CU j -i'll.:, to snd from Bro luyo and .i .-.¦y i ny. WEW-YORK AND LONG BRANCH DIVI- .> SION. New-York. i ona m Ul e. ...., ai 8:1 J, I . i. ra., 1:16, .. ... p. in. MAI v V \- IO .. -,. and trow OCEANH mil FAllt HA\ N si to sud noni io.NI' PLEASANT st i,l KT, v fi Bil FREEHOLD AND NEW-YORK RAILWAY A CONNECTION. I- ii, i»ii cl Llberty-at, lor Freehold at 8:15, ll 1" a m., '. d 16 p. in WEW-J] IWEY ROUTHERN RAILWAY itlnna (liivr. Vineland, nil stations to : -.¦¦ i Fl I '. *- !. Cl I V. I la m. I,.ri.un.i.ii", roms i:iver. Barncgat, TackST- lon li. li. und Philadelphia. ]\TEW-YORK AND "PHILADELPHIA NEW 1> LINE. BOUND BROOK ROU Pl FOR TRENTON AND I'll ILA Ii, .1.1'H'A. '' itton t ft. h. ni s.l., foot of Llb tor Station corner Ninth nnd Oreen-sta.. st 7:45,0*. 11:18 "'all'. 7: ia. Vi p. m. "ll (.1. D.i a "I. Vi I'. Itl. -:.. ion 1.11:18 n.i!..: i Jp. m. (ju sunday al :i.'.a. m.; I'i li rn d " ni T:4.r, ll. 11:16 i> in On Rei truing, traina will eare ITilleifelph.for New-York i Reading Ral ai a. III. VIA 6:4.1 Tl.'. I J f m. nil "linilBV B itu d. ni eil", ll p. m. Irom ii.ni .,..:. :". oi. ,. -, o. m.; li.riO l,. lu. . lienotea Pull. in ears lr. ni Trrnton. Warren ind rncker-sts l:.*0 (except lion- 1, b: ¦". p m. '.ii fm il.ii .', ;.', n. ni. i oimei ii,,n lu bi ide .f Jti .ii . ,u ile ion lo BBd from Brook .. Ene l'"i oi. Jersey City. Tli L-i- foi tale at I 280. 401, OH, IJ an.! Ul Ibi I -Hld k in ral! for Bcd check btttgnf' troni in,'. er n-aidcuee n> deatiuatlon. ara! ,. New. York, and 41 rt.«f. Brooklyn A "Hie in ll »l ll Iii. ball ,.- . »ru| li. ll. P. Il vt.l'W iN, ii- ti ... .. vc. nt Leave New Viii !,-. fool | ll,, "t ) ...|.. '. lt. !;.i,'\..I. aid In- ,. ni oi HOCK .. m.. Nlalit I *; ssa dalli tut I it.,a. li tblehetn ii. alamil l I,auk. V. .... ¦', ,,i i.-, i!,.!;.i Ithaca, i. Vu., "in ii,¦,-<¦ iter, Buffalo, Niagara r'alla atd tho ROBT >Al Iiii, Bap'l and durr. I ll V- il M M.MI.Nii*. AK' ur. Vi-.W-HAVEN. HARTFORD, lie..Farab 91. Ik -l.-iiii. r< leari Peel itlp .'.j:'.y iBundaTS escevtad) lol' -. \LW-Voi;k CENTRAL ami HUDSON i^ KIYBR RAILROAD. CommBBe.« i'-v. h. 1^7.1, ta train« wll ir ,ve .ian.I rentral Iier-ut a .a w ..lei n _n,| sorihern Rspress. la Rochester, *t i. wt'h .ira'.v air "oin e ir. l Da m., ibioa-ro mi BTsBiara K»..r.-.. lirswli id HO a. m.. fcxpn -¦. lo A.i.ai'j- and l rn. willi oouueoiwas to i i.ea. i-.ira ..ira Oleni lint.ari L 1 iii |' m.. Allianv and lian FllilSSS i'ii|i m.. BL It,ii« Kxpreaa, daily, witt aWTpine e.-i** f.r r-1. Loni, runalnc tiiroiia-ii. rei*/ day in tlie. u.-ek alao tis ip- ii )- .:.i-f T r.n.iai... roiedoand Petrolt snd tor Ifoatraal, "\- ii piuiK Kn . n. m.. Fas) vi'ia -.. Itontrf lor. and c.th- ,, nera. sleepia-r cara to Oanera, HovUeitor. sud -i Milan* , , p. m.. Pacinc Kxpreaa, dally, wi'!, atecnina cir* ta ... fj cbeitor Manara Fall* Baffato, darataBB. To- '1 "" I' m.. Mirlit Kspl .***". lisaping cari to Albany l',i.,t.' on ssls at Nos, ibi nnd 4..1 Broadway, ml at ..-. Kxpreaa' alcea, 3 Park-place, and 186 .i"u '.'kl .. and a.i, VSaahlBsl in -t Brooklyn. r. u. Mi.i.Miu. Bgw-awal Vni:\v;i'!l LINE to BOSTON..FARE ONE .1 DOLLAR foi ipectat irmltaa tickota. Bieatneraisars al *.... p, Ul. '. s-v ,,,'."!. Hoatou, vv un esl r. piNNr-VLVAMA'UAILKOAI). 1 ..iti vt iti m; i ini, AM> l*M 1 Ll n> !.VI I. > MAH. ROUTE. Tr, In- Yolk. Via I ".I ortlSOdt nICB. BS follow:': ll:iill-nni/, rill.Inn. nil, willi Pudmau i' ir- iitaiin', '.'.'. m.. il .mil 8:J0 p t.i dailr. H ri ni, ,'-:M p, bi. (orry and lil a- dp. m. cou awn at Corry for ritusrillo. Petro ind Hie ml li*lou*. Ul. .. 1.milled Wash.IBtOB ¦i-''ai rn.lin.ii- i'.i'loi furs dally, except Mt.ids' ni. .m.vi- Wsaliluuloii k. il |. in. liena ,u ,u ia. BBd h:Ji H. in .1,4 -ed in p. m. Build ii lin. ni £ ional tor We-t Philadelphia i io, lpn, H-O. 9110-tm It h. in 1. a.. I. i In. ii. 7 ii. - :." mn I" p. m anil r.'ni bl Bunday, lalo ami ;l a. ni ,'¦.. 0. "Mn. MiiiOmul 10 p. iii. d li . ... fm I'tiUaielphla rta Camden, 7:80 a.m. nn.l 4 p. ui, ext cpl son.liv. ia, ai'.:; vn:i'." connect wllb all throngb trains hi Jen tj allot dil i .!"'¦. md direct transfer for i ii travel timi Pittsburg, 0:03, 10:10a. «., m lo m. m. a 'i.i m." :<" n m. dally except Monday. From \v uabtoiricn a. ,i li ..iiiiioie. CO a m., n H mm. t: .*') a ni I'i m Pillia elphla, 3:30, d:P L '.i l". iii.in. Hi,.a. ni '.'. . . nail 10.10 p. in f-iiii la; Itl il', il 3J a.Ul a .. rpHE ERIE RAILWAY. I bow koowa a. tbs NEW-YORK. LAKE BRI- tnt \vi-iii:.\ RAILROAD. ArranKomenl ot Uaaua, it .,. ,:!..'. . 1. 187b h ii iii. I'liicini.ati and Ch'cairo Dar Rxpress, Urawlag rm.in Coscheaio HnfTaloandHuapenalon ll nt. m. (|,.niii Fast tit. itiiii. Express, arrlnnaat Bnilal.. Hs m., eonnecUnc wl'hfaal train. t>. tbs West and Bomb \,e '. i im m., beat DrawlnK-room Bleep*.g Coaobaa to IIiiiIkI" Il Coai l iitadvi rai'iiiir .trarss* f»r tba Waal Klaeptac tiiioiifc'ti io Battalo, .\u..ii i lalla, Cuiciu natl am! h,i,i;ii vvitlii.nl i Inn,(.t also ll.t,i-l Ulu.in; l Im in-o . . 71. ni . migrant nain tor tbs v Ti itas isavs ChambersKireei Denn'. >."«. York, for KeWSl ,6:14.8:40 11:30a. m.; 8:10, i:iO, ;,l:i. ii. li). 7'i ind I'i roldnigbt Baturday nlchts only. Haadara, Bill ".itnine'i'ioVd"'*!!'! Passslc 8. i \ tu. io-.'o . m. (,!m 1,i i, , a, ti. in it. a< ai ililli r.'..'<l I'.uk .a,li on Bundaya) Vii. !., .1. >'. I '¦" '- .'¦ il", le-U. ('. <0. -.. l.l ,,;.,.', |'_ niliinicht. Hundava o. 8:UOi lo.iia. m. 1:46 (i:it:t n. in .I " no.li.iain. ."vv^ilae^'-'-lii n-..-I il" P. m. N.'i;i.n,c'Viid('..nivvali. 7 .',0. D .:. m.. -i.-HX i.M} ,. .,. Bun Vi.., dont Mid ...asaton, '¦..- m.. mOOm, ib. bnudaya, tS:iox '"; .. u,'.. .:'i'. :», m -'... m. :(:'". I'.),-l J". ' J. ui. bun- a a. in .,; io. I p. Ul i. »n. iso. '.'. 10:20 a m., .I:6tt Iii i. 7 p. m. .s-m. oava - tu, 10: u a. m.. «:80. 7 p ra. rnaBa. m. mt i .),> ., u. train xv on ct with New .>i w aadoawaaa Mi..ad \tlu. NORTHERN -AlLROAD OF NEW-IER8EY Trains tsars W ngiewooil, claaier, Plsimoai snd Mi i, v 1 s :n 0-bO.a. bi, 1. ii, l 1:60, ". 'rt. *.;i.i. liiio .,, Iu btuidays-«a. ni, and 6:30 p.m. Ths 11:30 p iu. tr.nu wid ira.,- to niiun!!-« Bier (taturday lucius. iviii.uit spnna Valley and M.m., v. .'. t-.aO a. iii.. 4-'.Op . mmmm ' ISO. N. A ll III WT. li.-u. FSBS-l A.- Nen \o.a tk I TO Iki-TOll 'J7 I VIA i'HI'i OLD hKLIABLK ri TONING IOM LIM- lli» Sleasnl Tte»m.-r« M A.--AI ll 1 Mil l> arni BBODB IM..V S U i, ave liBj.i.i \o i a iv (io a rn' J.r si. .ii lai j. m., iLllv. KXri.l'T -I MiaM- HMclal Biat-riaas limltad tlc.els g.loalj fn lbs trio fm illili li Ui,v ale Wau,,! ito.ll bo..I BU rilli, a. .pe.med on the tue. ci iain ticwrt) too! v ai 1 li iT 111. e tl om MeWO oik to Uvaloa lol Ul. HiBl«-roiiiuaa;)d lirki'ta aeruri'dat Sea. SOS. !I67. TS.. ant !'!¦ Broadway, at Mstreyairttu nnd Finii Ar.nu.' finteu. Nth Vork, ati.l al USU M'aahlnxt.iii-al., II..m..1>ii. TlBkatSBM ala* niii at ail principal tioicli uml tu-ko; otll'i i au I at oCl o . ni Wsstsell Bxprsss ca PROVIDENCE LINK fm* frei-ilit onlv. Mniiiaii! I'.i'Tli. a,',i ...ii.ii'i le_.e Tiri 'JO, North River I'liot of Warreuil). ila.l.v, except tHiiiUj)*. al 4 ;,. Ol for prei ideneadlreet. 1 it.^ui nariilit'iliaciakau a; iow..o i..P,. 1.. W. FILKl^^, U.S. BABCOCK. WtB.Piu..A.i'Sl I'ra-SauL REALJ^TATE. Nkw-Yoiik. flstttrday, Jan. 24, 1SS0 Thr- roflosrins wa* the only sale iield'at tli* BebBbBBB SaleKrixnn ro-i.iv: , . ... ".' BianarA V. Harnett. 1 .'. ..tory UrUra Iniildmir mit, i..i. Ko Tte.) .dare - .«. 43d-,t. lot .'0.1x7*.; Kiln. Fainbaml:. UiM4 l;>( UKI Kl) KEAI. I'S I'AT-; TRANrJFErM. asa rims -irr Hornltn-at, ri s, 112.4 ft n of fl.BB IoSt-87 fl ln.l aMo n a Horatio st. 182.1 ft w oHih »*, stH7 ,? William F'Hay io Kl/.i M lir.iv *"'.«. 6t--sre.es SO.nftsof Gutha', tdixlOO; B*I1u_b o' I.Umer ami wife to John (leora*. I'reM Till-, v.-. .,,. .or 1-JHth-Tt, 49. ll xi,ii nelli Kellmann Molo 1 mon to K.lllS UiiKirenhi-liniT. fi"»ia 7th ai. u -, 273.3 ft w ol Art-D, I4.9xB7.Bj Bejlgi_4_ -..'..innn to t'llza yuitponliiiuier . goth st n S.2IH ti tt cot IQeare, IB.tolOO.W lekn'i Kulin to Solonion Star'i. in rv. 1:1.-n ... h., 16*1 .. .f athave. ii.'ixiio.ii; a Btaaah. lind .,tii rb to Cornelias KeCooa "Oiaxi 2dave. n W cor "i2ii-.«t. 1 -7-t .ooxlrregnlar; M Dan tuai-r au wile to I l.'_iprr. 17 mm 10.,t!i.»l. aa, 1U7 ft e of Jd-ave, 16.6x100.9; Tl.on.aa .r, liniton and others to Marie.I MeKnrae 6 WM Uzuaton-are.es, 8 :i ttnof 76tn-st, I7x70i J f Malcolm and wife to Marv Ciorald.-. ll non 47tb-*t. Mo 26-sst, "illino..'., i 'Barlas Du-rsln and Kite to Ada 1 Mi V l.ar.-... . SH Vlo '.tl..iv,-, ws, 69.11 Ita "I l2Ktb st, 20x76; Qeetfel Hani.lton agd vrile toCliarl.a I Flak- . 17000 Utli-avc, nt- mr HiItI lt, inlxluO; Marali M Campbefl to oeorire B Vs.derpoel. 1._i Orchard at. e », lot Ms *i. F amy lb, lefc-iei-. to John I¦;« k and aiiotner. 6 Hub lltbsre ss, 768 Its < 02d-et, fclxlGO si. 1-. <. a II rb ave, 2.VH ft S of ii'.'d M, 26x100; 0SSI SS "A Fuller ano wife to Heiliiit (.' Mu-nn 5 (gt* 88th -t. 11 ti. I.T ftwof Av. r, 90x100.*! Si UnocUa Vnl.Miliiie and hiihliand to J I. Valentine. . '.'.000 .SWUt-at, n, 17.. ft a .>: imisUC.-y-.l, '.'JX'7."i ; John J . I.yuea 10 Nunez 0 Ferris. 1 87ih ai. na, 80 ft sol Itb-are, 69.4x100.8%! John J l.u.e-11 None/, C r'orrli . 1 IBUki. No td vve-i, tpgpi, paean*rtsi lateresti Frank Kooaerelt to bl.abath ii Onady 1,1*75 Rams property jaun-a a Benssn .t. ssasator. etc, to Kli'atieth lt fJSBde. ..** I Basse pioperty, ewe-ausrrer interrai corueiins ll and alf' -tn 1 .iii)- Hi ll lian.ly. 0.H7J Same property, one-half lntcre-t: KlUnrne L reit ami auoibrr io Kbtsbeth HOand) IS.7M LeilllKloi. .1'. e. 1 -. ktl.b fl '-, nf aMIi.tt, ilO.tkl C Mul- ler and wife to Ifary a Wiatt lSOvO lOltb-st, Ho isa 1: -it. 90x100.11 j Hean Bries and mic tm Donovan 1 r-M 1* property; Cstbarine Dom-vai, and huebsml to jiil.ii In 1 ki IM . . 6,500 60ih -i.t -, 1 1, ti w 1 4thara, 30xloa6i "ia 1. Dsr- l.K ...al wife ro '.Vi |] -. .. tr. 'J7,OnO a -. 15 fi a of 7-th-1. 61x78; J li iVetMBB HIlU iv;,1' to il 'lliK, I'll! . ItlllT Killi H'lOlll. '.. 7,0'*.) Samo property: itauaolph uungi ib< 01 hers to losvph r.mrii'li. . Nee 02. '.'I, 86, »¦. am! 100j .1 A Heall, <.!.. t.i J B Wright sun anon. 1 11,01 I34lh-»1 ii-. 110 ft 'i.f.it n-ave. toa a 136HI '. 6l .." > .1 B Vredenbmrjrb and others to ss tliiniu li Jackaun. 1 lill ave. ea. ._'-.. ¦>.-! ft t i.i'...",' li -t. Hi.im'.. .M: alao a .iiii ave arni initli-at. llM).8-*xl26j al*o r- n lliti are, S0.4-a iti itOSth-st, 60.4x100, and wsllih-are, 96.2 ¦« fte of BStb-st, 50.4x3j.7S_ ir:- eu.r ll Itally, Bb. ta., ole, lo Tbeasaa J .c- Catj.ll. 6,B7t i.l 1 'h.lil .1 aOKTtsB ; Cs A.Bs,Marj \ rn I rf -liafcaH. a s it»a*. wot Broadway, Ii years . s*MM n Q Pine my. ltli-ave, 1 ccur -. 2) . 1 1 II..I V ..Ii't >.'.;t!'.i.iC tn J ll. I. M. Ililli, n a l'.'.'tiiT', oof io. ave, lamrtcacee, :ij.ar», tomi . . . I 1 '.. J a ai,,i wita to tin- Mutual Life nauranee Company, aw 001 4th-araa_Sl iiiiii-i. ti un.it- rears, total . . to w Dan.aer. u w cor Boyare sad 72d-st, d ,,..t.,-i.*. 17," no utcHnbeliarr aad ano.icr, M a it ith-et, tlmouths . 6.(00 Sniie io lt 0wisenheimer an 1 nnotlicr, sease prop- iity, :i monti - * l.ian) are and lot ii at. ii mor ira tea. -' yt an. total. 17,000 Ferrla, S'linei . ry O.'IOO Lam! vvif to Anna J Ackorovu, 4 a Jlat-at C'.i.i Ward), IS ... COoO I., d lie i,.r, mut Madison-are. 8 rears .. . 9,000 .ni' an,! othei tu J .i.e.-, exeets- ,te. No ii'i: .in .-in Tt. and otin-r | r p rty, i tnoi ¦ I-,'.. 8,000 milner, H ami another to J I! BTetters 1, vv a of 1 t-arc a of 78th at, Smoal.1. 7,000 Jackson, 'i.'ii.i.iin H to William if \ ie n'l-rgti, u e la.l Tl, .il! Lilian. \. I, 0,2o0 Jenny, Ann M ann I.u a..mi 1., .*. Bteera.s a lotti, at, o .. sorta igcs, I 2.100 , L W Sud wife to Un Mutual I.US ln-oniince company .1 otatii-sra. l-ayears. 4,000 'tto W an «;fe to J Ho-e, a cor Ave A and 80th-si .nniiiha . . 11,000 s.a..- u> Wll liam --.one, assss piepertr. Bsseoths 5,uo0 Mi 01., ni u Paiajr, u a ie i"of lOth-are, .'. rears .......... :i.n I McVicksi, Ada J and Losband to r OuairlB, nw cor Madisou-arc and 47:1. m. 2moitgagea, 5j foti . '.'3,000 Unrrar, Joeevh and wife to !l Drer. No 100 East :)¦.'. ti -i,.i v'.n '... ."'.nt'.) Bil inn ll and wife to K Nwort'i, ex.111- i 1. . .. . a ti, ..I, ,. nt 11 adi. are, -i yaam. '-lo.oOO ".trlk.-r. J A ami inli-ra 10 K I- >ln-par'l, Irastoe, SSS. n t bia -I. w of Btb-ara, 1 y.-ar ... 4J,000 Van Turi, A Feud wife to J hutiyon, u .1 13 tn-at, e ..,'..ir.-ave. o'-., vars . 3.000 Wyatt, Marr A to C loller es I.exinfftan-ara, n ut tttkot, t years. 0,500 KhcoKOED -B-tomu-in of Mona towt ll tkap. ( inline r io Mary F. Walker. Bl.O'.'l eioi.M I,-, Anna M lo Marla Gnurra.nu. I tnaun. Marta to A b OeroBvt.s . I Keen!g. 1) io i. Aareas . 2/00 -toil-, Wiillii!! 10 J VV iiiutt-liuaiiu. 3,(HMJ Bfslker, Mary-to Caroil-COBlaInp ... . i 1*1 Wi mil ., C B to B 8 ly.BI. . Bl OSDKO LRABM .- Debafslt. aT.absiBmitrsaBnrsast So i.n.>9 2d tynan, at annual icm nt . . BJ, 200 BssseBgoai. I snd smith rr tn Itu Murrsy lill Hank. aj.ea occupied by .ie bank et Mo 780 Sd-are, ,'*. at annual rent of . . 1,'.''0 -lntrer vi mufsctur nu Company to ll KenaaBB pratt- ufaitiir.iip liiiildit'.)C on ii a |i«lan ry Tt, Bell .! le'iitikiii.. «t» lui iait y .. nj. e I hy tbetcsaers,6>syeera, stattmisl it:it of. lii.JaO *£itn liiai Qrsiaie /or yale. l.-OII BALE-Honae No- :'."'!: -. i::'--t 1 Addi-1AMEB UART. Main t.. p.. :.-w.H. V 1. I?OR SALK.M:iid-n-luic.'!-s!(ii v store No, 7* Mstdea-laaa Apply to 11. a. TOVMO, -'<' Kichaiirs- l.lace._ 1i**0R SALK . M i.li«!)ti-*i|ii nc.-xtra-riiri'd bouse an MsBtSi Apply ti B. A. IOU MJ. '.'0 K-iuSUkS. p.a. >._ 1.«t.i SALK or LEA8E..The fonr-Btorj stored !. 'Uti aim .11 Pearl, felween Fnlmn amt JoSii. '11 lij lipfert Apply lo Ul-'uKi'r. 1!. t-VHfdOM, 'do liroailway, Ito. ui IS. ._ QTH-ST., bnlwffu 5th au*. Bth-BTt-.. . " Koa: alary I.uallrfli hasenieut for sal.); reola neil: real estata that est seearttr. hi ianda Wiiitino, 5 Be«k. man Tt. J-rooKlnn Bctil -Siute lox Sale. I.VRSALLii' K\r!L\\V.K.~Hi(.rk!\:: DCOWB 1 Bless Ow.'illilwa inn- io. ati'ina. balli iii the best manner, sxelian-re for farm* oreeantryreakisaeaa. hoyt, mon a Ml hoi v.i- n. '.'.'. Nsasaa ¦-:. -UctiOfl Gales 0: Heal <£statc. ADRIAN ll. Ml'i.l.KU, Aiictioin'cr. liXliTTiili's BALK OF H< 1 BB a \ n LBASB "i" l.'ir >.. 1 WABHINOTOM -ul AUK. CORJiKR CNIVtlt. BITT I'l.v .MiiiiAN ll MOLLKB ,t BOM wid mllat auction on rri.-i'AV, January 27, at 120*1 lock, at th- Kxcbai nette*. inoi.i. N.>. Ill ir .. it.-ar. lu order ni Joint Qutucv. cap. , snr- viv un; x,-i nt..r ot Htaiiuen Allen, dooosatsl, ta sasses.. to lute. ln> ie. aa nf lot v. ill. 1,..- 1 ar rv lr., i. !:...i«- ii.nl ti allia ., -.!..«!¦ o. ilu nor.hweat ..-t.i rut Waefeinaten. Mjuare ai.! Db r. rally-place, end ra.dag ttimnch ia wa.h- liter, lease tram Bailors' B3U4 ll.ni.,: ll fears.a_ '1 I, ln.d. pruiind rent tl.'-'OO jier annnui, tax. iiiTat-. .nv i na nt a for renewal. Lot sb.iut 27.8x107 feet ,".'. i' pARM AT \UCTI0N.-tllUKSDAY, Peb- 1 riury IO, I880.st2p, pl. on the i' sui is ibo t. 'innaii, ot ibo Sorta Shore ttailroed. Oreel Keefe, ont I- ,...d. i'u'fi.ni rn Hi - iii" DAMIKL T.BMll'II; dlsteaei I...in Nee Yor 14 n.ili..; i-onii-iiia, l.ll ai-n-. ,i, ii*.. paiielll .aic i>' lem' ion to los se .-i BU,' A -it'll B. BMIT1I, Great Neck. | ... ....,. .-AMI il. I.IKi:it, lal. .*-,'_.-*__ eL <tnuit!rn Uvopcrtij lor Onie uud ifo Let. t T ORANGE, N. J. (Deijrjiboibood ppecWtr). .\ iToieitv fer aeie and real al. vu ti,., uteat Sat- B-mna. -D\VAhl> P. HAMILTON, fafawat N r_ AT YONKERS, nenr Ni ar-Yorkaud Kortliera i\ li a ii o i a! ai n;,f ie. i. a r. ,!i-1 '- mi. plots .nliafila lor bulbin -:i ¦. «'ie. I- op. n. I and niad-al. eb in s local eu; alli :.i- sohi at a b reata. Andreas A it. c Poai otbce Box .', IOU. New-York i.itv. __^_> INARMS..<)300 to ftl-.OOOj rTri Juana Riveii _\n Catalosne free J t". MAN f II A. 41 Hnwaie-I jj s VOll SALK OH EXCHANGE. J. SS al. in iain' ll'--. un fditn oi .'-iiiliir. n'.l.lence. .1 ., Uiv*j I £ ^.,S, lb S __. POR SALE <>r EXt'HANGE..Tarrrtowiij- I lue ol Un- moat dealrsbie plai c. on the Hii.'miu (ersslelasr ur woulo I,,- exe.saced tor choice oliy pto,.ir.). a, ii a. yor so, '.'ii jCxchsu-re piaii>. EH)R SALE. KXCIIANOE or BEKT.-AI I bldjrewood, .n. J. I.ii'." luui- ;. if'.it ar. s< I » astor, with power t Mrs, cir bise-h. H. V, --MALU .i'll PtOtAmmt.^ L^OR SALE or LEASE..For mBiinfacti l ci m.cl works. _c. blocua ol lute with bnikkeai walsi !iont ou Newtown Creek, a,ll laing \ew \ork ami Hi" il* " lt. A-YOI'NO. Kn mee ,s- au Escbsase-^aM MONfCLAiB iv'.Al. KSIAIK.- iloWK ii PAIL**.NH, No. 79 < edarat.. N Y from 11 t"** MORRISTOWN. N. J.-TO EEK I. v dasaraMa fmuioi HOsersai i.iuh mo beaMBrvaBB) from un lana, 10 n lome, f om dc I uml poStuCl. -" "r '".."- leo*-, aliuiidaii-in of fun ,ezl i .in au.l i.r e .ar.i«i .-ai" Int,, rv.rrou farm a. iviui.io.iatuuia i»r :0,.'«" '' niiii-iiBonie .tock csu so with real rasa aa-n ¦ aw , ten mi m- :i. Bea 'il. lubi.- OJee. Dr tliealiore wid be auld low o eaav ton.ia. m i sUANGK, N. J.- Roo ind Cm *x\ »___ \r m li tami for aule; s si' al v.irletv; Mlaafana»and»'i»«> ira .Mt. 1.1.ai KW l-JI i. t !!<.*.. -'.... hmalwav. Kooiu .1.___ TH) STEEL MANI IA! I rKi:i:S.Kor sulr. I lleiiiailio Iron Mu.oo.i >i»t. n lilaad. now b-lnK worsaa oil li..., al v -Syii'.v U) il A. i D',':.(I. 'JO t;\c*iaiiiic Iii ii". __ fPO LET..A verv ilffiimblo ftirnishcil Iiousb 1 ta vv cai .iranae, N. J cear st va-v., i barahi watarlB Inn a- and nam: /inll irrea In irreat variety. I-i-r particulars IddriSS P. <). Dux 189. ian_e N, E_ Ciln fjrB^ierln CD-ut*r5. C 'I ORES"andWIlOLE BtTILl)INOSwKiit..i; ^ -to -orrs, fa^'tfftmffi^^

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-01-26 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-01-26/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · Thelife ot modem Berne,besere,ti ... Forthisreason there 1*

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-01-26 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-01-26/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · Thelife ot modem Berne,besere,ti ... Forthisreason there 1*



i.-siii i) MAKCSCB..IS 1MB Roman cami aona

.a iu'm. Fleur un yci-ii.x i-ai'.i 1.1.a's wKil¬

para PAT.MU-BBSIOBS ami (.llMi'N*- of BA*


The point of tho remark Hitit Count Morticels all.-nt In SBfCB languages uvght nltno't bs .I'!'ile'! tu

lils antics a* well «« ts Bia tpsksa eorea. ile baa

published lillie, iimi tlmt link- lute lu life. A history

of the recent aral with Vranes eas Issasd ut ivfollowing rears, aad he b-taed to writ" amt eau ea-

rnniils of the vats ol" IP8f ami IBM, U ttsra which BS

VSSBS flo..i l Bl -tanti!:..pie ill IWiJ.'i-';!!! v.iie inuit. (I 11)

der:.,.in si BBB Uuii'. Lui no! In Ku.rli.-ii BStil ruciii'y,while a ri., '-.ion .f priests hers VTtttSB hemllPnxtm Pt ii.-r i Ind wat Muli' ,i yi.ir or IBSshire, bl alisa Gr*»< MfS*Btra al Nev-Y.-rk, and

BBB.SBaSl here, Tin .¦ un-, h-'ivever, ai viral iintiiiis'iediiiiitiii.-.crii"!*, 1 .in na - .nil lettare, wblih salli now

feBre nm iniii baiset blt pul.ia- rn batik form, and

for e bissl part Bara set beea resast'all. Parts afthem liuvi'l.ccii ciiectid lateareh*.as bbs! publishedIII Knvliiinl BBB.I the tit e, " .Votes of Travel," ;lt .1 IBSBsbB BeaJes! baev reeatead by fJertbasr A Wellord. ii

istiivnieti lats ti..ie parti; ii.- tii-t betas " Wami.ii-iii Hm..!," i.n.i eeastattss "' eatrasts from CaealHertha's naaussrtpl notes; the second, a "Spsulsh

Sr jon. t,"saC Un-Hurd. "L"is rn fn'in Part-" Moltke.ft.ur .i k.'-.ie in 1849 sa aide-de-camp ta PripceBeary al Pi essaa aim duiing 'hr irlsan aflbrdedhim ii> iiii* "...iii,ni gars hm aCteattoB te tne BomenfBmpaiaa. *a hi:h nt t imt time bad, lek BtlfleaUy spealiti^-. beea un. aplared. Tho resell eas n amp af the

Quapapaa wbtoh iir.uif-lit ure,it credit te n*> anlbor.audis to Ifeiadar m high repute. Dnrlog tbe Trune partedbe set bia.tell le IBs pnpsratlon af n\*oik pb thoii> iirhlioi'liiioii et linnie, ot v. Iiiii. In i-ii m.- Bevel lo hilvelitiisiie.i iiiiuc tiinii un intioiincfion. Pram tBtscopioustxti aci« are siren in IBs " Nates al Travel"; uml for the

SBBBBstrra comments whlob ibey eoatatn ob Romashistory nmi ( risUaalty, sn ll n foran il ustretloaoftrnaorhnsa.ty aad clear-sightedness Bf Mottke's na.ut,tl.. >. eas wort.y ol nproduetioB. Be anya:Thara la ind ,'i Bcaioely t rpot on tbe face of the

ph.le- ia wbteb so many aod snob areal deeds b re beenperformed ns tbal wblcb ls ii lu tbe liarru**,limits afnar map. lt took Borne 400 roan to achievethe obquest of thi* plot of around, and j ns; 11pi i,,,"i sras au .|,i"iu!, ii e.ie.i In und r !,. subdue the«.nM. Tai-1 ir.leat uud uohtosl deeds olwi rs wroacbt In the plaina between Veil andtin- foul nf tbs Alban ll los! ol them,indeed, imi within tie- spbere of faille,for lu tbs tims fcii bistory begins tbe eui-lorises ..fRome Mini tar beyoud ii,..- na rioe limits. Bul allwhlih sheaceu.iiultsh il san be referred to the dist rici

lu nu -.1,, ¦¦¦ eal roads i sdi iti .1ttl .'. ex, iii. ,i ,.\ r bills ni"! mts and

tun the Rhine ..!. t th Kupbi:.i«. ~. Tticnasalns of t.itleas tombs roark then- coane In theUi ;giib.ifl|.i,.ii nf lt.e ii i*k ti T city. I! th- forest hud msae timemreu plico to ara hi" lund, rel when the Km-

S:r wa^ m st Bjurlshlua thc fl ids almosl whollylaappeareu to maka waj for splendid

ami fareena, until :.i laat with the tn iisf tbe l*u.;.in- tbe whole was chaim ll e desertrhe seat of thc lim. re wa* transferred i" the Dos-,i!.,,i'i-. and ladeedNaturebersell s.cins lo ii i\e ii.

Bj ..i-i of ibe ihn e coutio. Home owed h.-r greatness to

.¦ a ber puaitlon betweentwatbtit ind. Yet

Mo- t: .me, wbieh !. '.I been sci ered andiii!i!cr!.i.a for thu space of a thousand i

aawerfnl tbat bj u spiritual mouien-Mm abe arose ngatu from almost >asementi-i i- -cuiiii' a s. coi. il in..I- tue mi, i. noll* .t ibe world,

Hank ij..:iiiii..,:n : B .Ul Bnl ni..ii edlu bmu.Ind tbe sense ol theil common buinsolty.rbrooaa Boras niitn.ru t!r-.t learned io srasp tbeconoep.in.ii of one universal God. 'iii- binn oi Christ took

Ri.ic at thia iii'iini"! of thew rld's development. Hisle wai eb can Born ol oeonqnered people, lie

not wh'ie ti lay 111*, head. He spoke ol dod in pantilesIn Um Bab. men. lie healed the slea Buddied nie deathof tin-hm . f.u i.i. Bad yet na earthly life was ).unasor*exalte. Anderea when consider!** from stem-Bani staudpolnt, itu re waa not hi ti ^ of greater momentthan Illa waii.li :i ni;.-, ii;* teii-.'iiiii.-, and llls deatrn, ' ' .

krveieiici" for tuc marty*! sprang from tin- cataootnba,uml ibe pillars mui altars of tbe Olrroplnn deities nowadorned tho temples of one liol. Tu imareol Casarama removed finm tbe tampia ts maka room for iheSaviour un,! Ill* m>,,stle-<, aad tlae oro**, tiof h sbssssf.I 'lentil, was t-xjltcd to he. .mic lbs emblemof victory ami glory.Baals Ss BlBsa of the deep and 1neff.iaeul.le marks

which the rhnnges of lim? hare left upon thc city andits nciiihiicrhoiid. The life ot modem Berne,besere, tiuuahlt- to occupy more that) a parent thy area iticlud. ilaithlu the wall of Hnnoritis, tieyon-1 which to tbeei;-Uut of four and a hnlf ml.cs extend gardens anil rice-

jard*,from Milich as far as the font ol tho hills tho collu-

try la a desert. Then he continues:,For this reason there 1* an indeear bable charm In th©

lonely Ko ui,i a Cuiupugua. lt la tba abode of conti ant.a aa_I abouadtag wltb Bia, and a prase.t ot profoundsuniess. Thocas.aol theQtetaal cleaves to ihe tombof Metella, and tho cmiola of Miclistl A-ayelo rises aboveNero's circus. The tomb-i Of the martyn lie auilil1 calton chi: il. ii.i, and modem mada DMB liiiiei-'hthe archci of Baalent a.i ii din u. Tbsso's oaktiliifdcd hy HaBtalBB, stands upon tlie hill on Midi liI vmIma pitched ti* camp. Steamboats clears IbeWBten Ol tbe J ellow Tiber, and ra.WSJ trains w lil loon

pam throuah the i>!uiiia which witaesaed triumphalprueeaalnna Tba peal an this Blot of sreaad r-. to

piiwcriul us to diown the voice of til" preacat Brarystep beyond tbe sai"* at Borne bunas na io vine memo-ii.l ot _ieat events, tut they belong to very difleu-mBpaa «lu ihe lollowine passaii ss there are interesting sinrires-

tions of Moitito's persnoal experience during his exploi-ations of thc CainpaKiia:

It im indeed B i.clisbtliil sonsatloti to pa^n thrnuj-h thestill slecpias etty la tbs sarly rauruine, and i..-yond tueBarrow carma walta toto tbe free oven piatas, than lahesiii the dav'* work willi neewaa .¦' gor, l'rofoundatillncss prevails In that lonely di.niet, and nut even

ta*asms-of tbs seOchanh bells on tea sereeblBs otKoine nachos the ear. Th, ie ls no BOUM nor muli vin-ble; onlv brightly cninred lizards OB the old raisedwalls wuton ibu baainalBB el tbs work wiih tbelr ijiin-keves aud then dart hastily away The .-m.'¦ brightdisc now rises above thc Sui.lue hills, and BBaft rustle wii'Mie- thi-oiii;ii tbe broad pine top*. . .

s.. times there is real doner wbi u ibe ba..wild iIot'h¦sad f.ii abepherdlns tba ll .c'-*. band legetber for asmemoa attsc.. nut tba extraordinary numher ofnuke.!, inme of them reaomoaa, B still mon napless-ant. Tliey dart out of the urns* BBder the feel ol tho

waytanr, and baas Badartbe bruahwood throiuh obi lilie miiTt push lu* wav. Il !- lire" .irv to wi ar hiyh SBdheaVl linois, wi'.", li h-vome very ruli<ulugin lougl) walk-lui?. With torn clo.liea and wuuiuledfecit, sxbaoslad byhunjreraad fart- m. tba iraTalier nacne* borne Bat lllie as (1 !¦.(.. >v l d I tomb, BB inscriptiori, tbs -lirift of a

pillar, or a fraameal af lara-plaater of wbicb tben ts no

neon in maps or guide-bonks, he goes on his way rejols-lnjt lu the iic(|U!si(ion.Partial pBraprapas are given to adtset.aloa af the

Ito-ii.iii clim.Cc au I ttl . mmv anomalies which lt pre¬sents. Thc street (ii-.ilin, v, here tho m.I.lest fatuitiesbulli tl, ir 'i.il.ii-i'.-. i'i th" time of Leo X., is now quiteC-uudeuiiit'd, whle a Stieal kltio.vn as TnrdliBOBe, tbsparoflMBl if which I- del! ed with til t li, lias a reputallontar innnlal hw Ithfalasss, Bat more earteaa than niu*the uiib ailBfu'ne.s at sunset of Moats I'.aclo.a pointwilleri Mnpsnat iMa ptaesal dsaulpUsa of tho nobleview which thc tourist has from that be.iunful aud cele-brati deminence:Monte I'iuc o, on wbieh tsrraeee bare tieen made to

IBS bel|tbt el ii_htv feet, ls on<- of the niost heiiutifulpromenades lu the world. Tbe spectator iee* me wholeaf tao boaU.ia elly below him; cot.itla*a eapolaa andsteeples tower abore tba masses ol pa aces niel hon .»,

amt tba sya mott n with satooishmi ni such a variety ofbiii-ieiit and modern belldtngs. N -ut to a pine on Colonna,U colispK'U.iUS iilij.et from afar, tin ;¦ 1- ,i;i uid tiiila! 0

lower, from whlc. Mata may bare wltacased lae ourn-

Iuk ol tuc city while tn- sang to hi* lyre, P irtber to theright tin- Capitol tow.]* bise uh..ve tire VenetianI'lilaci!. BB. Pater arel Tani look down foin tlie aol.uiuu* ol AutimnuH aid Trajan, ou wblcb they wenl.latMXl, i,s the inm-rlptioii talla ns. " aller thevhad lieen punBeil from all iletlii mein." Jaaloalnm is

patiitevi in rloiet nata, logether with ths stately AgnaPaola amt thc eonvnt of St. Ouofrlo, when T taoi noedhis inih.ll>!..! life. Til.-Vatican I'*'« ii he S iel.int (Ult eflbs mists er tba valley ef tba Tiber, sad .adrian's im-inoi tal moiiilliifnt tLiud* like nil ni [ned warner In thcgathering darkneas of twlligbt. Th.- mn l« already.riidjiiii; lt* !««f lieains throntrii Mlrh.-.i 1 angelo's win¬

nows iii ihe I'uiitlieiiii; now it sinks imo the tWIBhlmgsra iii.1 ih sky forma a wide c..iden baekgroBBd on

Vhicb the capolas ol nt. Peter andSt Angeloan dr.nedin ie niii. .¦* of Indescribable dal aaoy. k sort sadrefreshing breen*, whistlers through tbe bread lops ofthe plues of VlllS n.iDihcse, and Hie IoiiuIhiu st tuebai* of the obelisk iu tlie beautiful r.az/.a del Fopoloseem* to babb's with fresh vliror. Hut where are thcsi" i tutors Ol thl« t-lonoiis sunset I Down Setow lu thatst) ing of carriages. In the press of toot-passeuuers. theygo up mid down ou tbe still mowing nalk ol the Oorao,for Monte Pl ne lo ls proiiouiic.il io ba B.haalthj , midsunattu precisely the niofct dangcious mciueul of thcdsy.

lt was Moltke's Intention to guide his reader In systeiuatlc order along each roud leading into and out ofthe gates of Home, hts plan being similar to that whichMr. Haro ha* cartied out lu bis " Hays Near Koine." A

Series of narratives wore to point out, with referencesto authorities, tbo historical Incidents and legends forWblcb certain places were remarkable. Althoiuh few

linea of this work were ever composed, Ave brief

biston.-.il sketches remain tn a somewhat fragmentaryform. One of tbem re'ates to the battle of fc-ma Bubra,by which Constantino overcame Maxcutlus andthro.i.li woich Christianity became rractlealir teeor-

Bi/i a as a power in the Koniau Htate. Moltke differ*

So.cwbat from former writen, Gibbon umong them,bs to tbe position of Mszentlus's army and ths

possibilities that lay open to him for retreat. The line

of buttle which Maxeutlus baddrawuupwasnot.bethinks, on " a veiy spacious plain," as these writers

bare slated, bul on an open and level ridge. Maltke

eannot recognlre in this position tbe Infatuation of sn

Insane or desperate man, wbo bad cooped up his armybetweeu the ranks of his enemy sud an impracticableretreat. His retreat did uot depend on the Miivmn

bridge, alnce the direct way to Kome led along the rightBank of the Tiber, so tbat after the buttle was lost

retreat on Kome was still open to him. (Jibbon stutee

tbat after tbe slaughter of the Praetorian Guards "con-

fasten became general, snd tba dismayed troops of

Mnxentitis nilled bv hhsaaaeil leis lb' Beep sud rnpidStream of tiie Tiber." Maltha i.* of Bp-dsc tuat Maxim¬

um, tn the aticmpt ls cross the Milla:. liiidire.hrwin. li lie waa forced into thc river and drowned ii, in

the w. laatBfMl own ann..r, although hBSWtBS he couldrenell Ii,,::,. BJ IBS r'^-ui I. l.K looh IBal step ns a means

ninir peraoaal penell; und that mtheaibtbIbsto IBS tefl c actid .midi nlv. Mo'! I.e rafcn to Raphael'sn ii-i.r.iied ptatars sf th.- bettie ls ihe Vatican ht bseiagHade the (vent in mortal, bul nods that il is .* etiiy In-

-rtreettre fresi Um artistic, i.ot from ihe hh lerleaJ petalOf Vb'W."While Mclthawes, la nomi-, l'l mee Him y flied,and

liv ..timi,md of the Baaperar, Mettkc eas ebarged withBesom ''iiuyiui* the fcliiams IS Berlin. The pu.un V WBI

made by water. At (ubi altar be hit the rsaael foi a brief

tum of Spate, availing hi in ri il of the UBM con:-U!neil Lylbs rossel la passtas thtongh ihe Oatea m>i around thewestein i ".ii t ut Kui ope to Mt. mbul g. Thc ti nt of this

inp ess the "Spanish Journal." The power Bf his

In nd to Teiic upon the % ita! | ¦¦ulr.lt of a subject .md thc

orig-.I emiline nts which whut tie saw railed forth are

very remarkable m this hasty prodBS.OB, lT'oii' :>'-ViIlt*,tor lustanoe, h.' writes :

lt i> w.niiiy oi abaerrstloa lhal the Arabs, wbo every-eben in their native oonntrj have ram.med i.iii.,'i.'wcr rradesof a wanderin* and shepherd pcoplebe-c nie on I'mropean s.«il pillan Ot culture nu l of tbesciences. Poetry, history, matbematies sad arolntcc-lura all fl. ia: iv a ct aim ng tin in ,v bile ibe Christian Wi -t

was siii! s:i!i:t In barbarism. There i* bo poetryinure benntim I than the Ihiiu nts for tbelost partidlss of Qranada When we comp*ra themwith cm. man chivalry, the \; lbs So ol

v li r .ni'i macnantuilli, and ti, ij wi

deed. nf.-ii BU c\ Hillie to lie tinnier. Mole Industrious....! patient than their enemies, they mads Boothernsn.uu inti ap mt-;". . * . pr destructive wan, bythe extirpation and expulsion ot niillloni of tbi

a- men, Catholic ripalu Inflicted on arsell an In-lu i. blob lt is sc:.. he ihoOld ii¬

iii .. tine* wide tracts of tbese fair landa an bow bdepopulated wilderness.He air,vi d iii Madrid bb tha day of th wi ddlng ol the

young Queen bab. ila aad lbs lalbrought about by tania Philippe, tbe Dna deMontpen-

ii of Louis Philippe, being espoused t.. tba In-1'inta. rem was I bullfight tbal dav. and c.uni Molthe'id >¦ rlptli ;i of ;t i> well worth reading. He nlatilifter Sallie delny a door nt the Side "I IhS SleBS WBI

opened, and an official pert issc In aneleat coatnmeIn aud announced to tbe people tbal the perform-

snee w.u about to begin. " He watreoalred with geaml biasing, ridicule and yet rs; a by, I knoe i<"!, 1 at basiain- to have expect fl n li i f it.-, ami was aol disap¬pointed by it. .Iris; ns Hie Romans ne d to bim fl si their

Consuls in the eirena, and (o tnanll tbeti Kmperot*. Hie

Spaniards an permitted a certain license at their ball¦Ights." ('eur.i Moiikc theo proceed

principal performer aest eaterrd, b powerfulblack bull, wltb sharp in.ms and glowing; eyes, Thsanimal had been kent In a atall ol which lbs rool was¦ih reel v, ith bolca,tlirongli a blch a ti "ii ol needh v bsdbeen sent, making bira tolerably I I'tempered befon tbifight began. As soon as tbs door of the prisonme opened bo darted Into tbe arcoR, loosed roundwith a wild, ta wlldered air, threw np the aand with Insfeet, nu 1 ti;- ll linnie ;| rn-ll lt lil" lie '.le-' picador. Th"man stood motionless and allowed the futlrun upon th* noiut ..f ti s lance. Tl bi eye

soi ,t be m.,. nol be ec ired by seeingthe luil Tbe attack waa, however, so headlong, andthc rider sat so firmly In hi* saddle, that man andwore raised together mm tbe air, and then fell baek-ward, ai ihe sam- moment thi hone's body was so

br thc in 's iharp-polnted horns that a sire.of bloc rn his li mi". Tiie picador was Just

tho i.'a-i. .md inn t bave been kill I, smdress made it impossible 'or bim to extricate himself,

the e'niii.s. mi li t ielr gay-colored ms it li -,

eiuiic io in* aid. Th.-bull nt on. .. left hts pray to rusbupon tbe n on on four, or rata, r "ii Un ir color, iland be punoed one of them all round I ii na, untiltin- ni ,n e.ev, ii twang hlniscll over lb* barr ei, whichquivered rrom the shock ol thi bull's attack, rhe.munal st,md i-t.il fur a moment, -i- if stanned bjtbe disapp trance of bia enemy. another picadortben presented himself, onli to shara Ibe It .,¦ former. Befon tha sAeloa coald mme ta hsassist occ, the bone waa aeam gored by tbe bull, andwhile writblas oa tbe ground was raised ia tbturn's boras sud carried bull round tbe an a .. Thu ia,,ivnt tin iii id bone eas t"r:i completely open by ibe bull,and with trading entrails tbe pool crealun

I" alni «|ilir to ms lie a second allin k Uli thc furl-on-anim il. . . . Bight bulls were killed lu tbis wsono afier another. Twenty bones .vere nfl dead la theanna and ninny ot hers were ledout frightfully wounded,one bail Killing eight bones; but tin men wenland. Dm-bull c.mid ini be melted to tbe alla k, duiran tamely around tbe anna, amid a volley otuntil linie was ag-ni-ml ..nier.v :¦ tba dogs As soon,i tn. n eera broughi li to tb. ar.:. i. . furl.ons onset on the bull, which instantly gored one of I.emand tOHSi-il it high tutti tie air. 11.then, bowevelm iced bim, one ..f them holding on t» tin- ball's tonguewith a n.rm gripe and allowing liaell lo oewblrledapand down. Ha woald have been torn rn pieces brelaxing Ins hold. Four llogl ai a-t held down tbe greatcreature so firmly thai be eon.I ool get away fiom I.em,and tho mala.I.>r fintabed him.Wit ii tbe"_etten from Parla" ths book rinses, in many

respselB they are the tuoi-r Btrl.lag things In t. Hottkebad gone to r.irm with the young PrlBSB Frederics'William, tho present Ctrowa linn.-, as his aid. d*.

camp, having Ur»t visited London. Thc time was the

Wiiiterof 18M-'57. On their arrival in i'ari-t ha .-.-ijithat the rime! was received bj N ip..ic,>n, .. vii.

teasblaaec te his areal uncle ls quita ladeaarlbahhas the same black hair and sal:'.w eomplexloe, en weil

istbs ImperialpreaTs." laos he writes s« fallowi nt

tba Emperor sad lbs Impeesa, sud tho outlook for ihe

I.mi ire ni Praaec:Tue vcii-kiiown portralta of theEmperor aod Empress

me very Mae, bal have something to oe supp ii <i hr sni-yew it inns. I had Imagined Louts Napoleon to t...

inlier. He look* well on boraebai k. bat sppears smallerwhen ba ls walking. I was struck bj i certain immo¬bility ol feature, and by what I might almostcall a gliosy appearance lu hu eye* in*eoBBtaaaaas Ia pct vaned bi a friendly amiicu g.io.l-natiiri'il smile, which is Bel at

Napoleonic. He usually mis v.-iv still, with hi« beadslightly Inclined te oa* side, sad ll is possible thal iiiii |, ,-, wini ii does not forsake him ev, ii in Hie ibosIdangerous crisis, bas impressed tl.- restless Pniicbmen.Clrcumstsnces have abown thalimi ib it ii isd.ue to his snpei loi mind and resolute will.Hu bearing ni society li md nm wai.Iii Impressive, BBdthere is a e.-rtai.i co.strniiit lo bis conversation. He lian emperor, aol a king. The sppeannceol lbs Era-press Eugenie ls I'hiii'iir.ng, lima her beauty nnd eta-¦anoe. I a .* stroek with uer resemblance to Frau von1'.- ,altbougb sh* la a brunette. Hei neck snd armasra luci.mp'f.ibi> beautiful, bei Ogure slim,ber t"iic;ieelaboiatc, neb and elegant, without being at all exec*.sive. Her dreaa waa of waite satin, and ii» clraumfereiaa- was SO git al lhal lin- I.umbri' ol J ards Which lu.noswill require Infotnnlor a dress most be considerablyhu reset d. i hi limnr. ss wm i a - mi Iel headdress on herhun-, and two row- of magnificent pearls found ber neck,she talks muru and eagci iv, shoo Isa gi .-ater Balma.onI ii.in is ii-u.il tn mic ot smii high rank.Tbs present state of thlags is abominable and ll I*

hard to tee whit improvement can lake plaee IB BXlat*lag circinus!,'nco. No oue can bc his own successor,:i)!il th< lon inla'I. hit ol a new il} nasty ditter widely fr in

thora nf a kingdom, whmh ls inherited bys bbi m allegitimate suecessoi *. In tbe latter case I man bas onlytil keep lo tbe olil lines, wlnle In the former he mult makeii wav for hi.ealf, and infinitely greati rclaims arc madsii[ni!i tba peraoaal ehanctetlsttcs nf the ruler Nairnleon lil. hal noni' of tbs gloomy esrnestneai of bia greatuncle. He has not the Mme Imperial beariBB,Ber Ibe manuel adopted b> thc iir-t Napoleon t..

luipr.se uj'.M Oth'rTB. Ile ls uitlK'i sin.,ll otSimple manner, mid hm countenance, always Innoose, gives tha decided Impression of "g. ni ilbene vo (ncc lt oeoesaarily follows f.ai al tiu> d

the power is in tbe bands of s oilque, and timi ti. imotet tn not even able to gather arouad bim the mostImportant membenof bu party. Loots Napoleon eau

make BO DM Ol men of lum pen c charm ii I, -ince tbawhole direction of Btate affairs must natala coneentraied la bis handa In b normal stale ol things tia ir

ought lo be mole individual liberty. A* things are now.

France is subject to a rigorous despotic rule, wblcb is,perhaps, the better salted to Ibe French character.Liberty <>f the press is nt this tliii" as Impossiblein Fiance as In an anny on aol iv e service which sin uldpropose to discuss the mea ur sof thc flem ral tn com¬mand, .oma Hanoi on hus v inoed s prudi nee, dai og,firmness and Mif-conndenee, and at the same time mod.oration aad gentmness, all ri lied by not ward composureor bbiiuarr. it ls only _ i be ssddle tbal be looks like ..n

emperor. Simple In bli personal babita, ha doc* oolfoig.-t that Preoobmea ute ta see tbelr sovereign .uv-

rounded by B Splendid coin .inri even v. hi ii the Pl ince

Imperml go.* out f..r bb siring, lt ls with an escort olfour armed and mounted outriders, wltb a anoadrun oldragoons before BBd behind br Imir-hnr se eerrlage, andtba sentinels present arma t<» the Imperial lafaut, wbicbin only Bigbl mouths old.

iii the foii..wiug passages MoHhe dsflsrlhsa hil roe- mthe XtUsrlSSi and ladBlgM In I ell.-, lintis on tliBch.iiigeiwhich the whirligig ofi.aa had produced la tba gorerstm nt oi Prances

I bud a whole Suite of rooms in the Pavilion Mar- ,n.

lookingbn tba Rue de Rivoli, which were fonaarly occu¬

pied bv the Duke of Orleans, There were beary reddamask banginga and wlndoa oortatna, besutllul eben,delsbns again it tbe waite, utremsos, gilded ai ta chain,ennuin.ii-, mirrors, beautiful patBttnga (liy Poilrvia).You can iii.ngnic it all, Sines lt is mon- or less lue name

m vi-'v j.....c pm tl v..i- witb.ig Haili com¬fortable, aa in my little tami room at Wludsor.A dozen lamps were bniiiliig, but I had to light n candlein order to fetch scything, The most tmhitabie pait or

Hm room ih the wind.cv ri oom, mvcb feet in depth, lswhich the wrltliig-tahle stendal only then, again, lt iidifficult to keep warm, although Immense Mus ale

biasing up sri rj ehlmney, Yob bbb have no rene, ptionof the driiugi.'i in the TulieiicH. The rariatioaa afteii.|ieiatiii-e lu these enormous rooma often SBBSM n

regular whit twlBd In tho dooiwuya which conn., i. iWas much fatigued by all I lind *i-en ll.rough the day,ami soon betook um self to h.j large uml excellenteanoiiird bid, bul lt was long before I could goto sleep. At omi moment the fall uf a toe on

the heart ti sent up a blight, sparkling ll .i le,and at another there was ii whining iu BBS of tbeeld fahhicncd chimney click*, n* ir to remind me ih.itnuder this ioof the llfuea eaiinge more quickly than else¬where. There was something sunnite even In the won¬derful stillness lu the hean of the hostiing city, ¦blah i

pat liy duo to tho fact that thee rooms ere saSMWBStwithdrawn from the street pavement. The heavy h.iug-Ings and thick carpets also mufti" every sound, and tin-doora move noiselessly on their hlngrs, io that I did nuthear the chamberlain enter, who was s-nl fruin theIyouvre by l.ouii XIV., to Ibquos tba cbom for which hewas honored by mr visit to his palace. I li.obed fr.' theMarquis of tlen-luiia's history to show how msnyohauges had taken plaee slnre the. snelent regime, snthat I was not hound to hold any Intercourse with bim,Tbe chamberlain haughtily shrugged bis shoulders andleft me to pursue my own reflections, which lusted untilI awoke on tbe following morning.

The con-frecation sang " We are poiriK hometo die no moro," Ina Westfield (Mass.) church, and avIrreverent fellow, leaning over to a dyed deaeen. said iealoud tone, "Then you'll ba gray in a week "-[Uau.ford Foal.

Sew Publitfitions.

laEADY TO-DAY.THU TiilM'NF, INDEX foi; ipto.

A e",!'|.,'eti. Killie tn

'till-*. XFWs (.1- rill; WORLD KOB PHI IA- I *iFAR.

ariaaacd aa a pIsB sn -.male tbat anyone caa st once rind

the sri ii i- "r .v.iit songbl t'.r be In.bx is thus a rslnshl"iinie-sarerfor Lawrers, . lermrmen, Petnelaaa, Plnaucl r«,

lonros lats, sad all bbs rn mar MtbaafaeBB.'.**'« ,.,.,(',¦, m-,.:n-t.i.kentle, ,.,!,.*. ,.,.*.,-. tme TRinrsK

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V \- I'll ! !'- I-' O' ' S ir.'l'.l-i: N .MUN I'.l'.A. N MVMIM'M tWl)-rENNB»f-l tr. -II.VK1-. ANDIDPPKH IN

MA INK.TRIBl'NI BXTBA ! ii 68 li tbs third ol ssertesderot. n lo

Indus! ss in toe Called Stales la tba Stat. No.

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of price.THU! OP .'Nil'. NTS:

Abrtnet (.PaM- laws.Pally Platt rms I8TSr-nici'iiia ,,: New Ynrk ci'i.-s nii'l Towui.

.r.Mnei.iiiiie'iis in Biases,ht ; t'nltet Bt it'

.I te t.i j r. i.i nt fi n 1801Pill,n,¦: d. l.'i.artinental and Iilplomntic

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For Both Sexes.Brooklyn.Al L'S. L. .11 RKEG VN ROWEN lin* rr..nme.l.'I brr lesaoas la maaV ...

- ,.l aupaid I" pain « I.s. I "ala n I Bilbah Ixat'iS"-

lui if i; sit: ularsapprj al -ira.

For Pova and Younsr Men.Conn', rr.

Vv vatnii-1 Institute, Milli.ir- Boarding School,l: vv ll i.i-. i-h. li

Al POBTCHE8TER (N. V.) MilltoryIl tai tha Brit tern « ce february 1.

BOYS iimi roana aicn sdrnlttcd ;it soy rimsU>A(«d- !¦. mil hom Phil

del'itiUL -W II ..-. i *-ll -I-. Ll i», A. M. ii *iv md trndBill I"r::..|..l_

|>OY8 and YOUNG MEN prteatelT fitted for1> catiese rmiilltlsaieil er rejected candidates t

Baas i u 'i vi ..

DOYS ondci BIXTEEN, VmiI-.ti. N. V.I* Dodi sit losI.-.sa III N.I \ ',1 | N M a*'i\.

pbLLEO'ATK and COMMERCIAL IN.-I I-\y i' i ... in-.,'. -Ti,.,,,:.

I lefHl.l.."! Y IO . '.Ut :r, ». a I ' ri '.tii. ... I, i«,,:.-,' ,,r

saan physical trslulas bi bi rrrsuai.: .;,. ii.inliv (..iiii!,:.!.. r, ,.- il.j ,v i.

I | Killi,-WI) Mll.i i AI.'V Al Alil.MV. War*II .. star, -asa Cl h\t. .< v r, ... M sapi rta m.. ..t

Jil I I.F. BOY8.*-*-8pr>fial Bdvantaaaa; loireiJ rstaa-. Beardina Mrhool for Ilori nUhllsbad 1HA-* g

_A*i..\, ',' ii.- is. S. V.


ll tull. ril.STT, (....I,Iv. ,, -. )"!e"»llTt '.I foraiulrs and tani .my bealitiT, e-.c bim. ni th.I cinisi:i»:i iiiiiui'in'i'i, Ibarouas :., Bl fl i.r ».

'. t oi ; rbaaluesai KUVayeari asad f"i eataburaetn uld Ttudrni.. J lau,'. Mi'. l.t..h. Jua-.. .,¦ ,

Blair, .ins. y «iiv. is. m. a ri l Hm, a M

PENNSYLVANIA Mil.I I'ARY ACADEMY^1 i ii . i i i Penn.

Cirli Kn(jiuetimi-, ( I..m.Mri.. ,..- r

milln i LS. I ,. ,.ii -I llll.i.. Il V \ I 1. J'lr.'t,

For Younij Ladies.Country.IDDRESfl MAPLEWOOD IN.-UrriK.

d' \ i .,1 yeuas I.dil -, pun Bi', ...\< vt l<i ia benia i'a'l"- an! I lil.'.i.li, i-i..

iQOLDEN llll.i, SEMINARY Lu Vonna Lu> I.ll-T. i'.lalK. l".l!. . ". ;'.. A.I" I" MIT, I. Mil.*, SK.HOM.

/TJ.ROVE HALL. N.-v-Ilavrri. r,,.,i..Mivsx n mom i .-iii'- -. iiiuii. au roi NO i. v

\lls> Kl I.KI.I.VS BOARDING aad PWlil BCHOOL im rc u,. bws an lbs H

OSSINIXC INS I I ll'i L Poi Vonni: Li.iii.s.hlaa MIBS, N. V. BecOSM) halt .vrur hrRins I'elinuir 1.

llTV. I D. ill' li. I'llll.

For Both Sexes.Country.nHAMBEB8BUBG (Peaa.) ACADEMY.

l-sreiitsilrsuiiiB a Behool both t.i.,(l and elia i|, will planau (imi. leis li,e ai. HIS -ii' *

j. ii. si.i makii-.. pta. D, prlBetpalnOSTON BCHOOL ol ORATORY.

i,n. in ali its departments, tauaBi bf uibibsIsbi instructnra Fail co*iraa twa .,,, five darataltai nteky. ahortei eonra f eoe rear tot iboaa v.:... sin

I.led ss ta tims Poi e<ren1sra, ai.i ly loK, lu ItAYMONDl'riuri|..il. 1 s.',.in-!- i !.. i "-ten. Masa,

\M APLEWObl) INSTITUTE-Fat both sexes;1»1 i ..iin.iihiiie. Psi.i.; i-iii i" otuirtsr, Bindea. preinul tm buaiiu-aa. Yale ur iiiii v^r.i, urat-rli urnl .»..n

I.Ml. lil! Ila,I.. A.M.. I'lHi.iuil

MT. KISCO EDI CATIONAL INS ri rn i:Ml Kl«e.., n "i ,

'ie ronsis ls '.'.e. unit children adi ri--

.¦I...-1 i'i, ." lanasrsaasBabla. Mis. i- iivhii rTluelpaLSWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Beer Pblladel*i» pinn Uader cara af ri mmbIs Bats asses soatittsd a-irerelrt lbs ssas dejrreea, r ,.ii, _-r. Caarass-Olasslesl aetea-llfl. RBBltah N.iinr.l B»|i»rlnieiiU rreparaiat t .nil U,tI~Ir.ii...is. inr particulars addrcaa EDWABli ii. mao I,M.i i, . i!ti,i. *.« jirtliiii'irc. lu-imv ar 'n,. I'.-nn.

m\fkhr\PttQuarters Rockland t'i.l!etr,.( N-ack,tjjitltr .vv.bo'. bs Iis Winter sesslan jb*j .'.^ellll fer catalogue. Bf, ll. BABKlBTIca, A. M.

MifscelianeoitspOB SALL IX ALBION, N. Y.-An s-li-.il.lvA lol'Strd, TIM ..Slllflll VB.Ua'.le ..'Illili |,I',ji.-M,. pr-'ltl«T'and fiirutture fni a boardlas Sooss ur school. sceoraioodsUBsBftrboseders mid IBB dsy |,ni,|l-. Toissi ut pnrrhu.T %>.n0ss SI. 100 in bs .,"»!.! si.i.i.n pi - nt iiii. uti., haunt t raaiaiB-Ina ..n timi'! an-l ¦norlvai'i' fm n lam M i.^it. iuiui.i

ptulli'iil!.rs un vices nf bnUdlOjri arni kioihkN otblit. Ur. liDndii, ur. Haii'on pl.,..', Bruaalrm, N Y



Mr.. Il I. ACHILLEM. Allilon, n y.

SCHOOL Properties im -iile* sad r#*ni. NewHu laa'led for yumrp, BaBsnaai ban, SO K. lilli at N. Y.

Lum Sthoola.

\r ALL Lnw ScliooL. Reffalar ron rsi*, li yeiars:i,maiiala ronnie (fot S.>rrei nf l).c.l..i. v rnara. Kali taral.

vperit erpu SS. Aildreai i'lot WA VI.AND .Vew-iiaT«u.Ol

Ditiuiiiq Academics.

A T TRENOR'S, Droedwar and 33d*etJ\ AlHMi-we IMMEDIAThLT Tanglit tue BTaLTZ-Sl.-IIU.DKKN thc (i lt A ( EH et lbs linnie. Wa l.K I Mi AcAll riipliaattend by TlcKr"T, any dsv ur erenlns.

_LidIeaaini frnilemcii practice r»rry Ktlilar SvenliiK.


AT HIS BJC8IDENCE, NO. IIB! OTU AVKBsad foi alro-ara.


A REFINED North German lade teaches inthe best itv scbBBlai nive. i.-TT-.n* iii rnnveraatlnn,

BTamraar, literature, and .tabes al otosrnia-reBERLIN, Hun IBU, TrillinBS Iptovvn Ullin-. I..BB


At'ANADIAN Honor UndersTudnate (inmoiie n lan-um. cai el Taranto rniv.r-.iir wtsBss an ari-

nninimea! a- teacher, .-¦. r tory or io utmt other snltablse.ipi., ti .1" ..' ; ii,!.! , ii.inii i -.. AddrassAlsx. Bera.tsar.County f VVsterloo, Ol I Old ri ¦.

AGENCY lor SCHOOLS oB.l TEACHERS.Ak Patronitedand Indore .1 i.u t/i .'" '

rrrnnlri,' Illina¦¦., -i'baals ann ( oileiri-*'pi.iiii|''l» pniri l«

nitliNDuan .r icu ncr-.. ur..'nates al best Afl-srtcsi SBd Yet.rlcnceileaea Head lor circular. T. UOT.BVPOKTB PIJIO.¦NEY. DoMKbTIC BUILDING, dir. BinBd.ar and Utk-at.

\ MARRIEDCLEROYil \N. hitrhly educated/\ nd ii .a,in....i in literary ..i"i sdnoslianal pursuit*, i*

In preaslna used ol employment: addresa and qnaiiBestlonsunexceptionable j win Becevt .mv respectable salaried

,a ,.ui.» int,'. Plas -t address un bbs iti ck Bl».Z, i nouns(..tire. . _

i MERIGAN find FOREIGN TEACHERS'1\ A(JKNCY intrn.in.-ei in loin 1.1H. Reboots snd Families

1'ii.fas ol m.- li .iiiii- i in',,|.i .in

nmi Am. -rican t rn gea, I ilv. r liles snd Conserrstortes salecturer*, Pirti tors, I'mielpali, A Bui-taut*. Tatara .ne!

Pat-outs arteblng tborouablr e-ttnested !,T*.i rc'intde neiitle-iiiii: is iel Bl i'iii -n ..a.a.iil vv tn itieir aima

- .11. I, un BUtitlUf...m-f,. liCity Famlllea wtabtng Tal nesaas lor special Ia-

atm, timi iineoi Ino lour- dally prompty mil d. Bil on ora i.ii, >.-! i. m. .i i.,in ii. Am. rican sud r.'.';n ri setaei i"

.a -'ina'".

HEST tencber-i, American Bnd forelsm, prompt-Ivprovl.l'-.l for f.,n.!':,'.. -. ,0oIt, .''li'i;.-. V taei a mi Veli'i',1

I '-.tillite,. msbllabrd l-l"..-, ri ero.-i V ..Ul IO. llb

INSTRUCTION in Stearn, snd Mechanicall.ni-'ir.i'.'I'inif. A tlii,r.>i!i-'i .. lt a,' education BBd IS

al tin'lute Ol :.;,..'.i I'ar .lie, imi;, Bridgeport, i,,ii'..

I ll! lit Hill.'. .-I'M 'el patt|

MLLE. DE GREVILLE (Parisian), forowly.'I !e.o'er ni Mi-.i Unrcrnet'B school .cry .mcc.>s\fiii in

ni' 1.1,.i'll her rupi ls. Call Man,', ima ii la i.

CHI nothare_

r|>L.\i HERS Rupnlied in schools and laaiiliesI flrnhoatCharce, Mlaa PLortKN K iii' il. BOUUA-min ai Bunr.Ar. sn! i.

Ocean Steamers.


Only I,"i ai lei n. A MK RiCA S PI.s.iiiiir.- ererj iiii '. .uni e.irv Wod¬

lii.i. ri 'ls m. .


.v.-.* Vork, '.:¦!¦'1.1: |.i..eu_-,.|, within ali r boars' nie, of ilialu i ort BUui-al un iii.- .'on)!,'

.'l.'iMi, MAT lt RDAY.i

PEI'S ii vvirKiii .- ,,-. m. .- ii rai I807 v\ iilniit..!.. I'lii: ..' id way, New-York.

II. I. '.*- vt.i.. .I-. .;-. Baltert is -¦ New-Yors.


otnpsnj In.| Mo. i'2 Morl '

'lr, i Rostlsb rill-wav ni r.a olirrn-alna-1, rt riianncl in S I.U.-1

;. if I., ll. Joana.".. ll fen. s. ll a. m.

ll V-.. ,11 .1.111.. M h. IO i. "ii.

tire. °n -nnirkia, oi 1'am. lu amounts loiuit,Lot


FOR 'I' i.i Nil :..;.' iU'.

MO! AN v .i l-l.,v.. i. rn

V. ¦. .i .-i , .li ;. lll-HOa. ni

1 .1 ai..

WYoV is... .Tl 1 .'. i" a. ni

MONTA.VA . -ha a ni

! .**tight 0 nu-in ike

Un. \ amiiplano uni

..ml. sten r onni ii puer deck, tim., immr

Inir tl"

I' VI! I s .>

i. I i I »'AT.Wll ,1 VMS .fr OUIO.N

IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL.. Hamlmra>1 Aiuiric I'ackiii Lina tor I'l.YJIol' I II.(II lunn KU an.i I!-I I \ v. 'sn. ii*. Feb, 12,

W1KI.ANU III ItllKH.Fell Mi.'¦I'i' :' loo. In -r tami B,

'.'.' . PleatI |gS, I ll!

I'. H. Rilli AKT Ntl' '¦ BrtsdwBT, Nsw Vork.

ats 61 ni" .


BTEAMS 11-11 KM NI iW I'lIlC,-ul' ll \MI-|"\ \M' URI Ml. V

int! '-.ir.J -ii-. Feb ' t*. I KAU -»i I ¦¦ r -I ll. Kal Fi b '.".li .. Ol U1K Irom NEW v.. UTIIAMP.


4- iiui -H'M.! \II1N.-I KHMII

!:. ton lli'keias in cerUS-:.-lt |0 li! Mil

". l.l' " -. Bl Bllng-Cl .¦ '..


N(' i ii i. .a atensatM .ur(tl\ "I 'I'lVTIli: VI. lill I'-I'iV.!,!! -."I. i! :i'l ,i. m.

I V 1.1 l'l. ll Vl'is li HATI' RIMY, I >., 7.(ll-. "I I! lt I ill 11*1.AV .'.

CITY HE NEW-YORK I'll ti-l- \ Y. ttii i.i noun.CITY OF Hil Tri I-, ITt'RflAY Feb VB. ?a m.

From P tn tn H R fool "t I barltoa st,CA ira tick * .rn tiruraOio

I1 bf .

loil.N .. I'.vi.I-. Ai .adwar. X. V.


Kl or. aa!HAN I lAi.o UKl't'UA. Ca .*-.vt..< I I \ iir \ I U.S. l ill '.. . a.il V ia , e. U. , I li il.'A., unimodal!.iia.uiiM led) Foi frila .'. li.i.i am i- i'i.i i"K a >.. No, »a Hromlway-IA IO> BRoa I.

LU -YnKK. Il .VANA and .MEXICAN M UL.' ly. m.

VEW-YORK.II IVANAandMEXICAN Mil a. a LI NE. Nea nra nave Pie No sit., nu

FOH il VV '.*- V i.l ii..' I.AND VERA i RI /. VIA ll A VA! »

I rr.nt.-ia_'(¦|T*i ..i vv i -ii i -,,, i ¦, ', , .1,., i ) rn ira.'. Ol A l.l VA.Ni.il, Fi '.. J

'< I I *¦. Ulai m.' "' ii. lim... Keb. 18i I I *. I MK llHM ll aval

mirra .. a turallin r I,, iii ai

sid-.. i. ruoia,Iiiuii ors eba

- - .. . \ I.Ml, IS1

I', ' . i, \'.'<T-Y..rs.ai.i \ v -. .'

KOTTERDAM LINE.I'sruiila Ferry, lernr Jrtr

i; li. -,!....I ...

-i ll ', .1 vv, Oil. IV'- .!..! lal. r, li U

lallat.In. S6».**70. -...! ¦'¦ -t^"i»i?.\II v/ V S, ft . Al .al. .:; i-i nilli \. i,liam TU

rUNI ||,| I.VI..VI... '. l a a .1.. Krvlflil 4*14,I IORRIS, SO Bi \

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY1- ne 'I I'a r tl t, J li lilvei

For HAN FRA.M'lHCOrla InTlIMUMOl PANAM SiMell I.'. I.II. K ia" II.

.i linn Uni- n,i i eulin, alni -m im Vin.i |,a .in 1 M v!..!'..!. ale

hi mn-I, pCITY i'i '. I. Bil rilav. !l 7 ii"'".11'.."" -ni ii.ii"'..'. to Honolulu. Nsw-Zss'saa nm Am¬

iiMe. ni- dp /l l.'M'l v Mun lay Feh IB, .tlPoi Ireiabi ur sencrai ipplr ai Company's

eira i, i Ino)r forwardeU ioha.N Ki INi'lrtCO, SANDWICH

l-l. \> D.-n JAPAN. CHINA ' >' *

v,-..i ii ami-cn \\ CKNTRAL ami KHAN aadMl \H AN I'i Ht *.For tickets ur .for.st.n In ressnt io routes sppif la lbs

pal tmrut. So. -' .7 llroads sr.,, -;.\: v.i ii I. BULLAT,

\g .ni. -


..'I KENH I'iVVS AN l> I Vi-.IU.I,.MOTH i. rsa atesmers of tlila l Jne take il.* ijine linnie

rn mn.in ii,|, it bj lieel Nt inr ,. r-. N., m: 'a-'Ul Iii, ,»llw.ird1.1,il Ill.lI.eWnlli VnV JU".ii. ii.N.i-, capt Kel.ly. lainnta* Jsn. ;il 7:3ua. m.ha i.i ii bp .in-.: mred ij. Feb .'., noon.

(.'ill, ni ¦.! ¦. I. I. 3(1.1 m.


i bess stesaisrs ur., nnilor. in alse un i iiiianrryasasd in ip-I on urn i. t. Tbs saloon minim.oa anuikms im Balaroona are placed aaildahipa, ichera tba nolss mni ¦Jtlan srsIraal lett, e il"1, lin* a deal es ol comfort I.ii. a itu iinmu. aablsBl ..

!. \ 11 - as .,aii. tim, I .ii sod 1100. Btearasa, t!< itaturutle_ets "ii lavoraula irnn.

.| lii-TT .ii ,i.ii>-i - oarry uelthai rattle, sheap ii"i pin,Kor inam-ctiou of plaoaaud mhoi inlormaUor appl

(i luiianv'T .in-'... No. ... Urvadwsy, N"'», Vork,or 110 Wal-Bm -i pbluHti - K.J. iMitris. ako.iu

Glciimboalo iui& tlaiiroa^o.lion BRIDGEPORT and all points on Nau-I ntnek and HuusatoBtc llailrnadi rftesroers leare Cstb.lll e .-l'|i l"a a.',. i Illina. Bl lind J.lll tl. i..

1 BIS '>'¦: He"' I', mi*"' "ll" .lilli


Kor »!"'. mi linnie.. nek* ..m.a. 01.1) ii ii.iiny nmi

NI.Wl'ORI :>:. .' ,S, B ', -."lilli..} ., il

i. Ir'nii I'lei 'Jh, Ni.ili Uiver, timi ol vtiinaj -,,- i...,,., .

Brooklyn, 4HM p. bli ii-r."v- <nv. ti'.'O p. m., ria tunas,


THE nil) BBTA-USUKD BOOTB AMi siioiu I Rfllil I Wi IN

K-W-TOBI am- rnii.vi.r.i PHI v.

17 TH-OTJOn TBAlNS i:\r-ti ww univ; It r.ii "i-

1N I'llll ADI.I.I'IIIA, '_' IN NIVV-Vi.KK.


wini ah.ni in sai err.ON AMI Ar'IKIt ll l.'Y, IO, IHS!),

Bsurass TrslBi laare Rsa y..,i< rta Dssbreases aad Cortland!Hiri-.-i" rente. ;l. i,,i[,,w.

lifO. .)". Ut'iO, ',i (In Minne;!), 11 ¦. ¦ 1, a 90 I. 1 lu. .',. d.7:801, -:,ii, and ldy,m. B*id Is i.i.rin. Saudaya, t.OaaSB!

a.m.''. U and I li li. m. Sud I in. InI I.,i SI lan lr,, ie .\,. w v,,,V .Ijllv. SXC«pl Sllliililv. kt VU

a. ni alni I a.ni iiiii.tnr ll.i.aiK-. v a 11 ai ni un,I I mini a.

lt....i . "t " ..took i tn sanes " < anaai i ~tUiall tbrontrii tr Unaat .I'-raerl'lty. aSnrdliiB a niiei-dy ami direct traualor I.nBiaslurs narai,

RetiMtdni'Ullina iTMve Weat I'lnlailnii.li a 12:01, H: VU. ill,*,.V. ',:.li, f«. S .10. ami ii in. il.liulied Kinicni,, llStta in.)ll... J, I. .', ito. 7. and 7:..,". |> m. ou Sun.uv, 1'.'.,.I, ;| on,iii.,. S, 1:80, B ia. 1.7 fi p.m. Laare l'l.i nu.aaliia viaaudi a '.' io. i.n B:50p. in ilalli, axcepl .-.nnilay.

Tlcksi OSIcea.orfl sud 1141 Broadway, AUnrltouae.aad tootnf liei!)ie>«i n and .it iljin.1t tit.; I ( niirtiit amt lirookii ll An-nu ur pat, foot ot Kuiion *t. Brosklyat Naa 11 .. i io sud nsIlinlTon «t.. llolioarn ficiiot. Jcr-ii-} i Uv- Eailaraat I li kelOf1i», i* llaiiery I'lurr.

'I lie Nen York i-uii.fi't I'liinpany wlllcall tor aad checkbaalaci- In.m hntela and trillion ta

FRANK THO-BON. I. I'- FA HM lilt,U.laral Maussur Uiuetal l'asnu.rr Agrnt.


Steamboats and fiaUrcaos.p.ALTIMOKK AND OHIO RAILROAD.-tt I.e.,.., New.v..rk trom lent ot DegbrosSBI mil Cort-lainlt .ts.

.,... foi v isblagto. PHIbBbts, ro'ambui cincinnati.Ii.iliaa.i|.ni.*. Chicago sud tba Weat, Kn Inn 'i I, ('liar!'-.'.ri.uml in, .urn Paflman oars furn Hal uanna m Ni-vari,Oil e. rill lei';; an,I (

I p. m. im'V.'b-iIiIi irtnn and tbs wm. PallBMB ears froma i, to ii tiinore Jinl Waahinefon, mimili: el.i-

neelinn i for PltUbnrc Cincinnati, indian m.,ii... LoaiariliaSBd Ht, Louis, Through l-irlm.iu .-ar-* baltimore lo Cinda.ii..ti .ii.d st. Lama

m. ililli', for il Babington, Hm Bob.i and w««r. pull-man Bleepers Irom New-Yors to B.n .>.¦ aad Wsshlagtoa,makug close connections tor Cblcogu,, incionati. indbmapo.Us, Loatsrille, Si Lou Pittsburg, toe (louth amisi'inliT.a hi. Tbrangh Pullman esra from Baltimore ". -in ria.natl,connects ut wtuhlngton srlcli timi, for Lynchburg.

Bi w.i>r|.'ana amt lbs Sooth.Forturmigli tickets pisses call at Cao|MB***S 'iAW. .'Ill

Brosdwsr, New-York, snd al'toket od i, t ,i ..f Cortland!mal tii'Hiip asea sts.. nnd Depot. Jersey Cltr .

ROUND TRI)' rlCKETH TO K-.N'i.v-l, NEBRASKAAND c.il.'.ir vii".

ENTBAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY.Ferry station a Bern Tort font ot Ubenl.iiv station lu Brooklyn foot of luitou st., Jewell's

wharf..emile!:! in r October 8, I8?f..Leave Nea-YotW, loot of

!l- follOWS8:30a.m..For Flemington, Easton. Relridera, Betblebem,

Uleniown, Wauch Chunk, Tsmaqna, aukaneIla.'Vtoi" VVI.keabsrrs, I.I11111.1. i-t.. ...ii'...is l JuucttOBwi, li ii,-aware, ia kawanus sud'.'> caieru Kalin

h. Foi iii.ii Pi ia- ranch, **clioolcy-a Moantala,ll..nat ',,-. 1- ...,n. Allentown Mar

naburg Bui* tin M. st, Mun. ti hunk, la mai na, W'llkeabarie,- lltlamaport, 1 te.

iro.iii .. ne ForKomerviij snd Flemington1 i.. in For I'leiiitii-toii. Bsaton. Bath, .vliento-n, Manchi,n:.k. Hinai|ii 1. Mabapoy City. Hesletoa, runkhsnnock,

Wilkesbsrr*-, *-rr.n>-. n. Reading. Colt.ibis, Lancaster.EphlSla, pot'.v.Il Ila: ii Illirie, el.'.

Fol tll.'ti Riidga branch, Rchooley's M'mniain.Biid'i'i Lake and 1-nk- Uopitcoug. Easton B.rldere, Ailsa-

11 m inch im k.¦i:su p. in.:.: 1 |,. m, : stlj toi i. I'liiink.

Reading, Herri lbs " esllion lo Delaware, Lack.wa.ss ssdWsstsrn

I ai,,.mil.7 1, |. in i'ii Easton.

Fur I 7:15, 7:45,8, Krill*,80, li lilO 10:46 1:16, IA 11 in I SV I, l:»0,3,

¦¦: -i. ii, ... 0I, 7,7:l."i. 7 15, .! .'. I] 1*1 B, tu.

nttnday irali .-.¦,-: IV. p. m. foi bonad Brook.un', lui ii., kate tail p ,m. for Ka-non. Allen-

.1g and ir., HI nt .*¦ Willi .V! -:', ,, » 1 a,'.>;:i">,

HO, 1 ul.", a. iii Vim: 1, ¦.'. a. .,.:.,'!. 1 1:30.6,6:80,6:4*1,ti., -.:;.. ii 15, ii. lap. ni

FOI I:», .!. is "i i|... im. it yo ami ie inoecttons at

J.t. ... CU j -i'll.:, to snd from Bro luyo and .i.-.¦y i ny.


New-York. i onam Ul e. ...., ai 8:1 J, I . i. ra., 1:16, .. ...

p. in.MAI v V \-

IO .. -,. and trow OCEANH mil FAllt HA\ N sito sud noni io.NI' PLEASANT st

i,l KT, v fi Bil


I- ii, i»ii cl Llberty-at, lor Freehold at 8:15, ll 1" a m.,'. d 16 p. in


itlnna(liivr. Vineland, nil stations to : -.¦¦

i Fl I '. *- !. Cl I V.I la m. I,.ri.un.i.ii", roms i:iver. Barncgat, TackST-

lon li. li. und Philadelphia.



'' itton t ft. h. ni s.l., foot of Llb

tor Station corner Ninth nnd Oreen-sta.. st 7:45,0*. 11:18"'all'. 7: ia. Vi p. m. "ll (.1. D.i

a "I. Vi I'. Itl.-:.. ion 1.11:18

n.i!..: i Jp. m. (ju sunday al :i.'.a. m.;I'ili rn d " ni T:4.r, ll. 11:16

i> in On

Rei truing, traina will eare ITilleifelph.for New-York iReading Ralai a. III. VIA

6:4.1 Tl.'. I J f m. nil "linilBV B itu d. ni eil", ll p. m.

Irom ii.ni .,..:.:". oi. ,.-, o. m.; li.riO l,. lu.

. lienotea Pull. in earslr. ni Trrnton. Warren ind rncker-sts l:.*0 (except lion-

1, b: ¦".p m. '.ii fm il.ii .', ;.', n. ni.

i oimei ii,,n lu bi ide .f Jti .ii . ,u ile ion lo BBd from Brook.. Ene l'"i oi. Jersey City.

Tli L-i- foi tale at I 280. 401, OH,IJ an.! Ul Ibi I -Hld k

in ral! forBcd check btttgnf' troni in,'. er n-aidcuee n> deatiuatlon.

ara! ,.

New. York, and 41 rt.«f. Brooklyn A "Hie inll »l ll Iii. ball ,.- . »ru| li.

ll. P. Il vt.l'W iN, ii- ti ... .. vc. nt

Leave New Viii !,-. fool | ll,, "t ) ...|.. '. lt. !;.i,'\..I.aid In-,. ni oi

HOCK.. m.. Nlalit I *; ssa dalli tut I it.,a. li tblehetnii. alamil l I,auk. V. .... ¦', ,,i i.-, i!,.!;.i Ithaca,

i. Vu., "in ii,¦,-<¦ iter, Buffalo, Niagara r'alla atd tho

ROBT >Al Iiii, Bap'l and durr.

I ll V- il M M.MI.Nii*. AK' ur.

Vi-.W-HAVEN. HARTFORD, lie..Farab 91.Ik -l.-iiii. r< leari Peel itlp .'.j:'.y iBundaTS escevtad) lol'


\LW-Voi;k CENTRAL ami HUDSONi^ KIYBR RAILROAD. CommBBe.« i'-v. h. 1^7.1,

ta train« wll ir ,ve .ian.I rentral Iier-uta .a w ..lei n _n,| sorihern Rspress. la Rochester, *t

i. wt'h .ira'.v air "oin e ir.l Da m., ibioa-ro mi BTsBiara K»..r.-.. lirswli

idHO a. m.. fcxpn -¦. lo A.i.ai'j- and l rn. willi oouueoiwas

to i i.ea. i-.ira ..ira Oleni lint.ari L1 iii |' m.. Allianv and lian FllilSSSi'ii|i m.. BL It,ii« Kxpreaa, daily, witt aWTpine e.-i** f.r

r-1. Loni, runalnc tiiroiia-ii. rei*/ day in tlie. u.-ek alao tis ip-ii )- .:.i-f T r.n.iai... roiedoand Petrolt snd tor Ifoatraal, "\-

ii piuiK Kn .

n. m.. Fas) vi'ia -.. Itontrf lor. and c.th-,, nera. sleepia-r cara to Oanera, HovUeitor. sud

-i Milan* , ,

p. m.. Pacinc Kxpreaa, dally, wi'!, atecnina cir* ta... fj cbeitor Manara Fall* Baffato, darataBB. To-

'1 "" I' m.. Mirlit Kspl .***". lisaping cari to Albanyl',i.,t.' on ssls at Nos, ibi nnd 4..1 Broadway, ml at

..-. Kxpreaa' alcea, 3 Park-place, and 186 .i"u '.'kl.. and a.i, VSaahlBsl in -t Brooklyn.

r. u. Mi.i.Miu. Bgw-awalVni:\v;i'!l LINE to BOSTON..FARE ONE.1 DOLLAR foi ipectat irmltaa tickota. Bieatneraisars

al *.... p, Ul.'. s-v ,,,'."!. Hoatou, vv un esl r. #«

piNNr-VLVAMA'UAILKOAI).1 ..iti vt iti m; i ini,AM> l*M 1 Ll n> !.VI I.> MAH. ROUTE.

Tr, In- '¦ Yolk. Via I ".I ortlSOdtnICB. BS follow:':

ll:iill-nni/, rill.Inn. nil, willi Pudmaui' ir- iitaiin', '.'.'. m.. il .mil 8:J0 p t.i dailr.

H ri ni, ,'-:M p, bi. (orry andlil a- dp. m. cou awn at Corry for ritusrillo. Petro

ind Hie ml li*lou*.Ul. .. 1.milled Wash.IBtOB

¦i-''ai rn.lin.ii- i'.i'loi furs dally, except Mt.ids'ni. .m.vi- Wsaliluuloii k. il |. in. liena ,u ,u ia. BBdh:Ji H. in .1,4 -ed in p. m. Build ii lin. ni

£ ional tor We-t Philadelphia i io, lpn, H-O. 9110-tmIt h. in 1. a.. I. i In. ii. 7 ii. - :." mn I" p. manil r.'ni bl Bunday, lalo ami ;l a. ni ,'¦.. 0. "Mn. MiiiOmul 10p. iii. d li. ... fm I'tiUaielphla rta Camden, 7:80 a.m. nn.l 4 p. ui,ext cpl son.liv.

ia, ai'.:; vn:i'." connect wllb all throngb trainshi Jen tj allot dil i .!"'¦. md direct transfer for

i ii traveltimi Pittsburg, 0:03, 10:10a. «., m lo m. m.

a 'i.i m." :<" n m. dally except Monday. From\v uabtoiricn a. ,i li ..iiiiioie. CO a m.,n H mm. t: .*') a ni I'i m Pillia elphla, 3:30, d:P L'.i l". iii.in. Hi,.a. ni '.'. . . nail10.10 p. in f-iiii la; Itl il', il 3J a.Ul

a ..

rpHE ERIE RAILWAY.I bow koowa a. tbs NEW-YORK. LAKE BRI- tnt

\vi-iii:.\ RAILROAD. ArranKomenl ot Uaaua, it .,.

,:!..'. . 1. 187bh ii iii. I'liicini.ati and Ch'cairo Dar Rxpress, Urawlag

rm.in Coscheaio HnfTaloandHuapenalon llnt. m. (|,.niii Fast tit. itiiii. Express, arrlnnaat Bnilal..

Hs m., eonnecUnc wl'hfaal train. t>. tbs West and Bomb\,e '. i im m., beat DrawlnK-room Bleep*.g Coaobaa toIIiiiIkI"

IlCoai l

iitadvi rai'iiiir .trarss* f»r tba Waal Klaeptactiiioiifc'ti io Battalo, .\u..ii i lalla, Cuiciu

natl am! h,i,i;ii vvitlii.nl i Inn,(.t also ll.t,i-l Ulu.in;l Im in-o . .

71. ni . migrant nain tor tbs v

Ti itas isavs ChambersKireei Denn'. >."«. York, forKeWSl ,6:14.8:40 11:30a. m.; 8:10, i:iO, ;,l:i. ii. li). 7'i

ind I'i roldnigbt Baturday nlchts only. Haadara, Bill

".itnine'i'ioVd"'*!!'! Passslc 8. i \ tu. io-.'o . m. (,!m1,i i, , a, ti. in it. a< ai ililli r.'..'<l I'.uk .a,li on Bundaya)Vii. !., .1. >'. I '¦" '- .'¦ il", le-U. ('. <0. -.. l.l ,,;.,.',|'_ niliinicht. Hundava o. 8:UOi lo.iia. m. 1:46 (i:it:t n. in

.I " no.li.iain.

."vv^ilae^'-'-lii n-..-I il" P. m.

N.'i;i.n,c'Viid('..nivvali. 7 .',0. D .:. m.. -i.-HX i.M} ,. .,. Bun

Vi.., dont Mid ...asaton, '¦..- m.. mOOm, ib. bnudaya, tS:iox'"; .. u,'.. .:'i'. :», m -'... m. :(:'". I'.),-l J". ' J. ui. bun-

a a. in .,; io. I p. Uli. »n. iso. '.'. 10:20 a m., .I:6tt Iii i. 7 p. m. .s-m.

oava - tu, 10: u a. m.. «:80. 7 p ra. rnaBa. m. mt i .),> .,

u. train xv on ct with New *» .>i w aadoawaaa Mi..ad \tlu.

NORTHERN -AlLROAD OF NEW-IER8EYTrains tsars W ngiewooil, claaier, Plsimoai snd Mi i, v

1 s :n 0-bO.a. bi, 1. ii, l 1:60, ". 'rt. *.;i.i. liiio .,, Iu

btuidays-«a. ni, and 6:30 p.m. Ths 11:30 p iu. tr.nu widira.,- to niiun!!-« Bier (taturday lucius.

iviii.uit spnna Valley and M.m., v. .'. t-.aO a. iii.. 4-'.Op .

mmmm ' ISO. N. A ll III WT. li.-u. FSBS-l A.- Nen \o.a


ri TONING IOM LIM-lli» Sleasnl Tte»m.-r« M A.--AI ll 1 Mil l> arni BBODB

IM..V S U i, ave liBj.i.i \o i a iv (io a rn' J.r si. .ii lai

j. m., iLllv. KXri.l'T -I MiaM-HMclal Biat-riaas limltad tlc.els g.loalj fn lbs trio fm

illili li Ui,v ale Wau,,! ito.ll bo..I BU rilli, a. .pe.med on thetue. ci iain ticwrt) too! v ai 1 li iT 111. e tl om MeWO oik to Uvaloalol Ul.HiBl«-roiiiuaa;)d lirki'ta aeruri'dat Sea. SOS. !I67. TS.. ant

!'!¦ Broadway, at Mstreyairttu nnd Finii Ar.nu.' finteu.Nth Vork, ati.l al USU M'aahlnxt.iii-al., II..m..1>ii. TlBkatSBMala* niii at ail principal tioicli uml tu-ko; otll'i i au I at oCl o .

ni Wsstsell Bxprsss caPROVIDENCE LINK fm* frei-ilit onlv.

Mniiiaii! I'.i'Tli. a,',i ...ii.ii'i le_.e Tiri 'JO, North RiverI'liot of Warreuil). ila.l.v, except tHiiiUj)*. al 4 ;,. Ol forprei ideneadlreet. 1 it.^ui nariilit'iliaciakau a; iow..o i..P,.

1.. W. FILKl^^, U.S. BABCOCK.WtB.Piu..A.i'Sl I'ra-SauL

REALJ^TATE.Nkw-Yoiik. flstttrday, Jan. 24, 1SS0

Thr- roflosrins wa* the only sale iield'at tli*BebBbBBB SaleKrixnn ro-i.iv:

, . ...".' BianarA V. Harnett.

1 .'. ..tory UrUra Iniildmir mit, i..i. Ko Tte.) .dare - .«.43d-,t. lot .'0.1x7*.; Kiln. Fainbaml:. UiM4

l;>( UKI Kl) KEAI. I'S I'AT-; TRANrJFErM.asa rims -irr

Hornltn-at, ri s, 112.4 ft n of fl.BB IoSt-87 fl ln.laMo n a Horatio st. 182.1 ft w oHih »*, i« stH7 ,?William F'Hay io Kl/.i M lir.iv *"'.«.

6t--sre.es SO.nftsof Gutha', tdixlOO; B*I1u_b o'I.Umer ami wife to John (leora*. I'reM

Till-, v.-. .,,. .or 1-JHth-Tt, 49. ll xi,ii nelliKellmann Molo 1mon to K.lllS UiiKirenhi-liniT. fi"»ia

7th ai. u -, 273.3 ft w ol Art-D, I4.9xB7.Bj Bejlgi_4_-..'..innn to t'llza yuitponliiiuier.

goth st n S.2IH ti tt cot IQeare, IB.tolOO.W lekn'iKulin to Solonion Star'i. in rv.

1:1.-n ... h., 16*1 .. .f athave. ii.'ixiio.ii; a Btaaah.lind .,tii rb to Cornelias KeCooa "Oiaxi

2dave. n W cor "i2ii-.«t. 1 -7-t .ooxlrregnlar; M Dantuai-r au wile to I l.'_iprr. 17 mm

10.,t!i.»l. aa, 1U7 ft e of Jd-ave, 16.6x100.9; Tl.on.aa.r, liniton and others to Marie.I MeKnrae 6 WM

Uzuaton-are.es, 8 :i ttnof 76tn-st, I7x70i J fMalcolm and wife to Marv Ciorald.-. ll non

47tb-*t. Mo 26-sst, "illino..'., i 'Barlas Du-rsln andKite to Ada 1 Mi V l.ar.-... . SH Vlo

'.tl..iv,-, ws, 69.11 Ita "I l2Ktb st, 20x76; QeetfelHani.lton agd vrile toCliarl.a I Flak- . 17000

Utli-avc, nt- mr HiItI lt, inlxluO; Marali M Campbeflto oeorire B Vs.derpoel. 1._i

Orchard at. e », lot Ms *i. F amy lb, lefc-iei-. to JohnI¦;« k and aiiotner. 6 Hub

lltbsre ss, 768 Its < 02d-et, fclxlGO si. 1-. <. aII rb ave, 2.VH ft S of ii'.'d M, 26x100; 0SSISS "AFuller ano wife to Heiliiit (.' Mu-nn 5 (gt*

88th -t. 11 ti. I.T ftwof Av. r, 90x100.*!Si UnocUaVnl.Miliiie and hiihliand to J I. Valentine. . '.'.000

.SWUt-at, "¦ n, 17.. ft a .>: imisUC.-y-.l, '.'JX'7."i ; John J .

I.yuea 10 Nunez 0 Ferris. 187ih ai. na, 80 ft sol Itb-are, 69.4x100.8%! John J

l.u.e-11 None/, C r'orrli . 1IBUki. No td vve-i, tpgpi, paean*rtsi lateresti

Frank Kooaerelt to bl.abath ii Onady 1,1*75Rams property jaun-a a Benssn .t. ssasator. etc, to

Kli'atieth lt fJSBde...** IBasse pioperty, ewe-ausrrer interrai corueiins

ll and alf' -tn 1 .iii)- Hi ll lian.ly. 0.H7JSame property, one-half lntcre-t: KlUnrne L

reit ami auoibrr io Kbtsbeth HOand) IS.7MLeilllKloi. .1'. e. 1 -. ktl.b fl '-, nf aMIi.tt, ilO.tkl C Mul-

ler and wife to Ifary a Wiatt lSOvOlOltb-st, Ho isa 1: -it. 90x100.11 j Hean Bries and

mic tm Donovan 1r-M 1* property; Cstbarine Dom-vai, and huebsml to

jiil.ii In 1 ki IM . . 6,50060ih -i.t -, 1 1, ti w 1 4thara, 30xloa6i "ia 1. Dsr-

l.K ...al wife ro '.Vi |] -. .. tr.'J7,OnOa -. 15 fi a of 7-th-1. 61x78; J li iVetMBB

HIlU iv;,1' to il 'lliK, I'll! . ItlllT Killi H'lOlll. '.. 7,0'*.)Samo property: itauaolph uungi ib< 01 hers

to losvph r.mrii'li. .

Nee 02. '.'I, 86, »¦. am! 100j .1 A Heall,<.!.. t.i J B Wright sun anon. 1 11,01

I34lh-»1 ii-. 110 ft 'i.f.it n-ave. toa a 136HI '. 6l.." > .1 B Vredenbmrjrb and others to ss tliiniu liJackaun.

1 lill ave. ea. ._'-.. ¦>.-! ft t i.i'...",' li -t. Hi.im'.. .M: alao a.iiii ave arni initli-at. llM).8-*xl26j al*o r- n

lliti are, S0.4-a iti itOSth-st, 60.4x100, andwsllih-are, 96.2 ¦« fte of BStb-st, 50.4x3j.7S_ir:- eu.r ll Itally, Bb. ta., ole, lo Tbeasaa J .c-Catj.ll. 6,B7t

i.l 1 'h.lil .1 aOKTtsB ; CsA.Bs,Marj \ rn I rf -liafcaH. a s it»a*. wot

Broadway, Ii years . s*MMn Q Pine my. ltli-ave, 1 ccur

-. 2) . 1 1II..I V ..Ii't >.'.;t!'.i.iC tn J ll. I. M. Ililli,

n a l'.'.'tiiT', oof io. ave, lamrtcacee, :ij.ar»,tomi . . . I 1

'.. J a ai,,i wita to tin- Mutual Life nauraneeCompany, aw 001 4th-araa_Sl iiiiii-i. ti un.it-

rears, total . .

to w Dan.aer. u w cor Boyare sad 72d-st, d,,..t.,-i.*. 17," no

utcHnbeliarr aad ano.icr,M a it ith-et, tlmouths . 6.(00

Sniie io lt 0wisenheimer an 1 nnotlicr, sease prop-iity, :i monti -

* l.ian)are

and lot ii at. ii mor ira tea. -' yt an. total. 17,000Ferrla, S'linei

. ry O.'IOOLam! vvif to Anna J Ackorovu, 4 a Jlat-at

C'.i.i Ward), IS ... COoOI., d lie i,.r , mut

Madison-are. 8 rears .. . 9,000.ni' an,! othei tu J .i.e.-, exeets-

,te. No ii'i: .in .-in Tt. and otin-r | r p rty, itnoi .¦ ¦ I-,'.. 8,000

milner, H ami another to J I! BTetters 1, vv a of1 t-arc a of 78th at, Smoal.1. 7,000

Jackson, 'i.'ii.i.iin H to William if \ ie n'l-rgti, u ela.l Tl, .il! Lilian. \. I, 0,2o0

Jenny, Ann M ann I.u a..mi 1., .*. Bteera.s a lotti, at,o .. sorta igcs, I 2.100

, LW Sud wife to Un Mutual I.US ln-oniincecompany .1 otatii-sra. l-ayears. 4,000

'tto W an «;fe to J Ho-e, a v» cor Ave A and80th-si .nniiiha . . 11,000

s.a..- u> Wllliam --.one, assss piepertr. Bsseoths 5,uo0Mi 01., ni u Paiajr, u a ie

i"of lOth-are, .'. rears .......... :i.n IMcVicksi, Ada J and Losband to r OuairlB, nw cor

Madisou-arc and 47:1. m. 2moitgagea, 5jfoti . '.'3,000

Unrrar, Joeevh and wife to !l Drer. No 100 East:)¦.'. ti -i,.i v'.n '... ."'.nt'.)

Bil inn ll and wife to K Nwort'i, ex.111-i 1. . .. . a ti, ..I, ,. nt 11adi. are, -i yaam. '-lo.oOO

".trlk.-r. J A ami inli-ra 10 K I- >ln-par'l, Irastoe, SSS.n t bia -I. w of Btb-ara, 1 y.-ar ... 4J,000

Van Turi, A Feud wife to J hutiyon, u .1 13 tn-at, e..,'..ir.-ave. o'-., vars . 3.000

Wyatt, Marr A to C loller es I.exinfftan-ara, n uttttkot, tyears. 0,500KhcoKOED -B-tomu-in of Mona towt

ll tkap. ( inline r io Mary F. Walker. Bl.O'.'leioi.M I,-, Anna M lo Marla Gnurra.nu. I

tnaun. Marta to A b OeroBvt.s . IKeen!g. 1) io i. Aareas . 2/00-toil-, Wiillii!! 10 J VV iiiutt-liuaiiu. 3,(HMJBfslker, Mary-to Caroil-COBlaInp ... . i 1*1Wi mil ., C B to B 8 ly.BI. .


Debafslt. aT.absiBmitrsaBnrsast So i.n.>9 2dtynan, at annual icm nt . . BJ,200

BssseBgoai. I snd smithrr tn Itu Murrsy lill Hank.aj.ea occupied by .ie bank et Mo 780 Sd-are,,'*. at annual rent of . . 1,'.''0

-lntrer vi mufsctur nu Company to ll KenaaBB pratt-

ufaitiir.iip liiiildit'.)C on ii a |i«lan ry Tt, Bell.! le'iitikiii.. «t» lui iait y .. nj. e I hy

tbetcsaers,6>syeera, stattmisl it:it of. lii.JaO

*£itn liiai Qrsiaie /or yale.

l.-OII BALE-Honae No- :'."'!: -. i::'--t1 Addi-1AMEB UART. Main t.. p.. :.-w.H. V 1.

I?OR SALK.M:iid-n-luic.'!-s!(ii v store No,7* Mstdea-laaa Apply to 11. a. TOVMO, -'<' Kichaiirs-

l.lace._1i**0R SALK . M i.li«!)ti-*i|ii nc.-xtra-riiri'd

bouse an MsBtSi Apply ti B. A. IOU MJ. '.'0 K-iuSUkS.p.a. >._

1.«t.i SALK or LEA8E..The fonr-Btorj stored!. 'Uti aim .11 Pearl, felween Fnlmn amt JoSii. '11 lij

lipfert Apply lo Ul-'uKi'r. 1!. t-VHfdOM, 'do liroailway,Ito. ui IS. ._

QTH-ST., bnlwffu 5th au*. Bth-BTt-..." Koa: alary I.uallrfli hasenieut for sal.); reola neil: real

estata that est seearttr. hi ianda Wiiitino, 5 Be«k.man Tt.

J-rooKlnn Bctil -Siute lox Sale.

I.VRSALLii' K\r!L\\V.K.~Hi(.rk!\:: DCOWB1 Bless Ow.'illilwa inn- io. ati'ina. balli iii the best manner,sxelian-re for farm* oreeantryreakisaeaa. hoyt, mon aMl hoi v.i- n. '.'.'. Nsasaa ¦-:.

-UctiOfl Gales 0: Heal <£statc.ADRIAN ll. Ml'i.l.KU, Aiictioin'cr.liXliTTiili's BALK OF H< 1 BB a \ n LBASB "i" l.'ir


.MiiiiAN ll MOLLKB ,t BOM wid mllat auction on

rri.-i'AV, January 27, at 120*1 lock, at th- Kxcbai nette*.inoi.i. N.>. Ill ir .. it.-ar. lu order ni Joint Qutucv. cap. , snr-viv un; x,-i nt..r ot Htaiiuen Allen, dooosatsl, ta sasses.. tolute. ln> ie. aa nf lot v. ill. 1,..- 1 ar rv lr., i. !:...i«- ii.nl ti allia

., -.!..«!¦ o. ilu nor.hweat ..-t.i rut Waefeinaten.Mjuare ai.! Db r. rally-place, end ra.dag ttimnch ia wa.h-

liter, lease tram Bailors' B3U4 ll.ni.,: ll fears.a_'1 I, ln.d. pruiind rent tl.'-'OO jier annnui, tax.iiiTat-. .nv i na nt a for renewal. Lot sb.iut 27.8x107 feet

,".'. i'

pARM AT \UCTI0N.-tllUKSDAY, Peb-1 riury IO, I880.st2p, pl. on the i' sui isibo t. 'innaii, ot ibo Sorta Shore ttailroed. Oreel Keefe, ontI- ,...d. i'u'fi.ni rn Hi - iii" DAMIKL T.BMll'II; dlsteaeiI...in Nee Yor 14 n.ili..; i-onii-iiia, l.ll ai-n-. ,i, ii*.. paiielll.aic i>' lem' ion to los se .-i

BU,' A -it'll B. BMIT1I, Great Neck. | ... ....,.

.-AMI il. I.IKi:it, lal. .*-,'_.-*__ eL

<tnuit!rn Uvopcrtij lor Onie uud ifo Let.t T ORANGE, N. J. (Deijrjiboibood ppecWtr)..\ iToieitv fer aeie and real al. vu ti,., uteat Sat-

B-mna. -D\VAhl> P. HAMILTON, fafawat N r_AT YONKERS, nenr Ni ar-Yorkaud Kortlierai\ li a ii o i a! ai n;,f ie. i. a r. ,!i-1 '- mi. plots .nliafilalor bulbin ;¦ -:i ¦. «'ie. I- op. n. I and niad-al. eb in s local eu;

alli :.i- sohi at a b reata. Andreas A it. c Poai otbce Box

.', IOU. New-York i.itv. __^_>

INARMS..<)300 to ftl-.OOOj rTri Juana Riveii_\n Catalosne free J t". MAN f IIA. 41 Hnwaie-I jj s

VOll SALK OH EXCHANGE.J. SS al. in iain' ll'--. un fditn oi .'-iiiliir. n'.l.lence.

.1 ., Uiv*j I £ ^.,S, lb S __.

POR SALE <>r EXt'HANGE..Tarrrtowiij-I lue ol Un- moat dealrsbie plai c. on the Hii.'miu (ersslelasrur woulo I,,- exe.saced tor choice oliy pto,.ir.). a,ii a. yor so, '.'ii jCxchsu-re piaii>.

EH)R SALE. KXCIIANOE or BEKT.-AII bldjrewood, .n. J. I.ii'." luui- ;. if'.it ar. s< I »

astor, with power t Mrs, cir bise-h.H. V, --MALU .i'll PtOtAmmt.^

L^OR SALE or LEASE..For mBiinfactil ci m.cl works. _c. blocua ol lute with bnikkeai walsi!iont ou Newtown Creek, a,ll laing \ew \ork ami Hi" il* "

lt. A-YOI'NO. Kn mee ,s- au Escbsase-^aM

MONfCLAiB iv'.Al. KSIAIK.- iloWK iiPAIL**.NH, No. 79 < edarat.. N Y from 11 t"**


v dasaraMa fmuioi HOsersai i.iuh mo beaMBrvaBB) fromun lana, 10 n lome, f om dc I uml poStuCl. -" "r '".."-leo*-, aliuiidaii-in of fun ,ezl i .in au.l i.r e .ar.i«i .-ai"

Int,, rv.rrou farm a. iviui.io.iatuuia i»r :0,.'«" ''

niiii-iiBonie .tock csu so with .¦ real rasa aa-n ¦ aw

, ten mi m- :i. Bea 'il. lubi.- OJee.Dr tliealiore wid be auld low o eaav ton.ia. m

i sUANGK, N. J.- Roo ind Cm *x\ »___\r m li tami for aule; s si' al v.irletv; Mlaafana»and»'i»«>ira .Mt. 1.1.ai KW l-JI i. t !!<.*.. -'.... hmalwav. Kooiu .1.___

TH) STEEL MANI IA! I rKi:i:S.Kor sulr.I lleiiiailio Iron Mu.oo.i >i»t. n lilaad. now b-lnK worsaa

oil li..., al v -Syii'.v U) il A. i D',':.(I. 'JO t;\c*iaiiiic Iii ii".__

fPO LET..A verv ilffiimblo ftirnishcil Iiousb1 ta vv cai .iranae, N. J cear st va-v., i barahi watarlBInn a- and nam: /inll irrea In irreat variety. I-i-r particularsIddriSS P. <). Dux 189. ian_e N, E_

Ciln fjrB^ierln CD-ut*r5.C 'I ORES"andWIlOLE BtTILl)INOSwKiit..i;^ -to -orrs, fa^'tfftmffi^^