twmrn Voi-XLVn..?* 14. ß-? NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 3«, 1887.-TE.\ PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS, THE COERCION CAMPAIGN. IRELAND IN AN UPROAR OVER FRESH EVIC¬ TIONS. WAtKi IvFECrrP. TOO-THK OOVFRXMENT T.BO- WO LANDLORDS TO PRK88 OS IVTHR WAR against thkiu TEMAMI· BAMBLBB OV WHAT -HKY ARE DOlNO W-UU PARLIAMENT 18 NOT WATCHINO. [BT CABLI. TO TUB ?-'_?-??.| Copyright _8d71 Xorth American Cabl* Xeutl Co. LONUON. May _57.-Whltsu_.tide threaten- to be a dark gaaaaa in Inland Simultaneously the rising of 1-urliamola a save«·, and dctermjued t..j(...,i, ea_apaJgn ka been opened all aio«? the UM It is Wfcfla rarli.micnt is in recess that the «rani «0___?_ a. Irish tentllonliam arc f9» .m cmti.tt«'!. ? ? i-ìlant Irish par* Bt· thi.i M oppa Unity to taf its deeds as they occur befo» ihe most <oi>s*,.ci.ou«, tribunal in «M vintl.l G?.·· bovi ruinent carmot Ite imbli-Ay ..aal?..,"d aa to atal they panait or help Um* ¦m ? Moa ta d«'· »W rfm w0lk *" ('("1'('nial "*" n..s il.·· next two years, thei-clorc, aie to bo utili/.«il to the utmost. Iti·· Government, who are decidedly ini «t« st «-«1 jn «ìcatiii' lHaÉUltianm in Ireland in order to make out soiii« C-M tor their CoCTtloa bill, have beea egging on haattattng landlords to ecaaa iniilcviii^r aad ply the erowhar. Ponsoiiby. of ÏOUgbal. one of the lii.t «almi whom Ibe l'lan ol CaO-Patga was put in operai i.'it, W9M OH the ¦Ott- of .alTtlni MÜli Ma tenants when Mr. I.al- iotir came into office and urved him to tmtTT out ||M ti:inkiit|»1«y proceed in_s which culminated in the liayon«»ttinir of the your« man Ilnnlon nnd UM imprisonment of Fallier Keller. O'Col- lairhnii. «»f Bodylce, one of the most infamous ra.'nnt.rs of the let, hud also si.mfied his trUlt-B-H-M to yield. Bo bad severa, otliers. Now ell have lieen screwed up to the stickins place. The dav after tlie adjournment of l*u_*liament Ihirty people l-eople to begin with were evicted ou lord Hiai-Bltl. osiate in LoDgfoid. Twenty people v.*cTe thrown out of their homes on the It.nl-lTJ e.-.ta!e. and twice ae many rendered homeless on Lord Annesley's property in Cavan. '.llK'se evict mis will be continued daily. The number .ticte- on the Annesley estate up to to-day amounte to 200. An imnicnso force of police and military bave been massed on the Clanrica'dc (.state, and some m izuros of tbe tenants' stock have been already -tt-Bfted. Thi-.y-llvc 'Kopie were ycslvrduy dispossessed in tho Island of Achill from tlie properly of an absentee. Colonel tlive. 'Ine Hodyko evictions were to have beerun to¬ day, but as the police arata about to make their first Charge on the people the sheriff went off in an epileptic lit and tbe proceed in.-s bini to be tcmpoi ai.ly suspended. '??? ltodyke campaign will he tl»e most critical cf any. It is tlie nmst rackrented estutc in Ireland, and that is a bi'_ Bread, 'Ihe people have been _fc___lng tlio land¬ lord since 1870 and they arc quite desperate. A coupia of years a.'o an atteaapl was minio to (.it them, but they l-riatcd the evicting force with rill«*» nnd drove them back after a sharp lu-ili.d«·. 'lliis year things look still more threat- etiin».·. l"hc people have their houses stubbornly ba 11 adedj and every holding is surrounded by a che\al-i|e-fnse formed of bushes and other W'strtn liona aneaved with tar. There ata 3f,o ritlo armed joliee nnd 200 men of the regular army, at the service of the .sheriff. '??? police have stationed vedetta, on the stirrouadlag hills. The -HOi'le also have their scouls und Uiey keep up a system of sii-iinlliic and a blowintr of horns. Ihe ebap.I boll has been rii_-in¿: all day. Kvery effort hue been made by the people to arrive at a reasonable settlement. Breo JBatmflaj they í-eiie.ved their off«·!· to pay th«; landlord his rent in í.ady mouey less a thirty pet ««ut teduo- tiou. After keeping tlieiu in aaapeaaa for five hour-. be refu-·. d. Meanwhile in Wales a tithe war of flnd-class pro¬ portions is in full swing, Let me quoto you a few incidents from tin·» iiionnn»_'s telegranifl which will show ho.· the example of the Iridi teeant. has in¬ fected their Wclsli brethren and bow big ? difficulty the Governi! out arc lilrely to bavo on their hands at tln-ir own tide of the Irith channel. 0:io telegram savs : "There wore more lively scenes in the parish of Herford, Monteoiiicrya-nro, to-day. 8ix district _tlaa for tithes having been arranged to take place, the bailiff's were out ail night in pursuit of the hanaa and cattle destraille·, upon, many of which were out on tbo hillsid -, ? ? .·> o of lit) pottoe· -in BO.rolled the di.trict during the Bight, aii'l at 6:30 tbe entire force anivcil ut Lowor Hill, being received with deafaatBg Jaoia by the MBOai bit«l fan·.ra laboraia aad woomo. At tbe first faun the BHtttOf was amicably arrang.-d, but at the next farm visited it was dilJcrcnt. Hero It »a. aalllMllllI that 1.503 persons were on the leena T..e mob fall OA the police with larire sticks and a serious riot en.ned, in which several farmer« and constables were badly lujured. "At Comen there was ronzii work, too. Tbe ecclesia .tieni commissioners ptOOOOdod to .fleet sales but weie met by a great concourse of people. The anoUonOQt re¬ te.ved much injury and two horses were so ini-rli injured that they had to be shot. The coats of the auctioneer and hie assistants wero taken oil and All wero marched to Corwen, btatied by d ami black fbic». Before entérine* town tho auctioneer had to take au o:iii that be would never trouble tlieni again. Three botola there were declared to bo boycotted. Tin» CO.- Ht-Maa re liiaishalled back to their conveyances »iiik! great uproar aud Immediately withdrew ftoiu the district." 'Ihese aaooaa have hoaa Ming on for tlio paat ten laja all i.v. r Wales. In· many places tho people fcipnal ibe approach «>f bailiffs with horns aa tb«;y do in Ireland- lhey Bred off mx tannane from tho mountain siile at Llaugwm yesterday. Clearly tho ('«K-reioti bill must be extended to Wales if there be any logic ia it all. T. P. (lui, ML 1'. -f ?'?(·??.?G8 OF CABLg RBVt BataBua Moj ST..The scnutc to-day i*feire4 t«> ? .pecial eoiLiiiit'···· the bill ptadng Import «lutie» on cattle ami ineitt. Ilus lu.ilciit'i ll," !i:..il wJeettOM of Ilio Biia-ure. Hi ¡it iv. May 27.. Prince ?_???_ will. It Is an- aoiinced, 1kj pn»vented Oy the ????.???!:?G rtieiiiiiatUui li»in winch he istuffering Irotu going to FredeiK.liMiihe ¦· UMial. I>; m tv, Mav 27.. The Freeoiitii'n Journal «tenie« that «G. l'iiineli hat 0«e.i gUlltjr ef enielly lo Mr. K. iiiii'.ly, .lie of tbe Irish leader"« Avowlal. teuautt, charged leet-rdu« by Uie Dublin Ejrpfe**. Un noti·:» rnoM I/O.ndon. ?-1-G1??. May 27. I.'iltl» ("<?1,?? CAMI'HEI L'S Li AIIII.I ? ii.s. ?a??? toliu rntnjiUili inucoDtuiitetl l«i lie pia. ?·! In bankriipoy, in ·« <·"G·!.·???_* with the ileclhiou ol in·· i'ankruiil.y Couil on Uie (»eiiiliinef ihe Dakeof MarlborotiKh. Ill» llublliuee tn· ???,???, lucluüiug _.?;,??? for coau uicurroJ lu pro».- fatiiif BU «livorce »uil uxaltitt his wife. tZ^\Yy.LiJtc^,n 8T°i»i'.i).-<)·- one of the Arrau Island· tiSVm-V¦.^'-"»¦....'»«.andliUiioll'.« e»«iirt were »tout I *f***r^ Th»mmSoe i.r. .1 late IM ttowd, woundluic aeverai peraou». rhe oolieeUir waa badly luauled. Khitimi fori..? TkAi,_.-Tw«)t,iindreHl au,l fifty cot- Íwt-1 nu of S__ .,,..,U,";l",",t·· +** and püdve.í If "" inni« or tlie splDuer· aKreo. Ui run U_>ir. ,.,. holt Mine tor a OOtZ* ot %St7w_Z fflaa?·« ' day next, iu onler to couuteraet the ettect. ot _U_ ?,.,-μ? t Corner la cottou at I iTMpaii I'leieui BKW ??__ß?>?5? FOU TIIK HANK OK MON.'H.i;\l_ KoanuAL, May 27 (Special).-At the weekly meeting M director· of the bank of Moutfonl today, .sir i>onal«l A. Jiiiitb wa* olected president lu placo of Mr. Simili, Ui«oi-Ke. ?. Di.iii.iiinud vl<«e-pre»l.feiit ami W. C. Meli.ii- *.1 to Uli ??? vacaacy In the directorate. TIIK I'bACK ILAG IX J.UHI.IN. Diblik, May 27..A pioces-ion of the uuauiploycd of tat« city, < arriiijr a black flan with a skull and crone boues .a It, wa» ditpertod to-day by tue police. Cb'KIOUe BEHAVIOR OP A YOUNG AMEUICAV. LunDO-i, May 27..A young man whote uauielttup» V°otA toba Gil) »ud what« thouKht to beloa« Iu Mliino- *Volu, Mlnnetota, arrived at the Londoa Hotel at the aegiuuiogolUie wrekrlth plouty of toouey and bag- trago. He lias boli avari eo strangely that 11 li believed li» Is lu-ane. Ila fasU for long interval·. IsTsJ hotel people are alarmed on hl» account uni winch him closely. They do noi ilo»lre to e)ect him and are Mst-sMM to haar from hl· fi ieuds. «a . SIXTY-EIOHT ?'???) BODIBfl FOUND. CONTINUINO TUE 8KAI.CII TOM VICTIMS OP TXiK ?G??? COMH.CK ????. Fabi»î, May 27..The examination of the ruins of tho Opera Comique for the bodies of victims continues vig¬ orously. Tweuty bodies have been found in the dining- room. Theee victims had all mot their death from suf¬ focation. Tlie firemen Ml «ither bo«lies, but were un¬ able to rondi them. It Is believed that there are 150 more holies in the ruins. The roll call of the attache» of tho theatro ma<Ie to-day .how· thHt seventeen actors und employe« are missing, exclusive of the supernumeraries, trho tv ero engaged nightly they tvoro needed and of whom no record was kept According lo an official report, ei-rty-eigbt bodies had been recovered up to 7 o'olock this evening. The Municipal Council of thia city hue voted ??,??? francs for the relief of sufferer« by the lire. Tbo work of search¬ ing the ruins continues to-night with the uld of electric light. An English family of three persons Is missing Inquiries for missing friends are »till being received. O'BRIEN'S FABEWELL TO CANADA. A 1.0UMXÜ RECEPTION IN MONTREAL. "DOWN WITH UXsflliW.NB I * THE CKY.TUB FKKNCII WA-UfBD UP. ???????·.!., May ST..What was dono hero this evening in honor of Mr. William O'Rrlou wa» meant us the crown¬ ing demonstration. This wa« !ho first pinco ho visited after "invading" Canada. Hut tho reoopllon tendered to him then wa· tendered by Irish sooloties almost exclu¬ sively, while the reception to-nigiit was not alone by Irish societies but by all the other city organization·, tbe French-Canadian association» predominating. The torchlight parade wit* a scene not to be forgotten. Everywhere the Kreuch flag appeared and a Frencb-Can- iiiliuii face could be dcscrlcj. Loud cheers rang out. while some of the handeln response played the " Mar¬ seillaise." "(lodSave Ireland," " ( ri>ouiu>ll Aboo," ota While Mr. O'Hrieu wa» speaking from the balcony of tho the Ht. Lawrence Hall, after his carriage had been hauled through the principal street», one man trod upon another man's foot. The man groaned with pain nnd the peoplo thought he wa» dissémine from Mr. o'llrlen'e remark» and Intent ou creating a row. The audleuoe " went for" him one man, and before he had time to recover himself and ex¬ plain he was badly bruised au I et!. HI» naine Is Short lie Is the Kilitorof The Can ulula WotkOtOM and a warm sympathizer wlih Mr. O'l.rlen. At least s.tMH» men earned lorehe« in the procession to- nlght, and as they filed past nt. Lawrence Hall, on tho biileoii} of which Mr. ?'1'rirn -.food with the Aineri'an newspaper ni»u and the oi'lccrs uf the local League, tlm. was »et up ? deafening shear. At a big m«·.-ting of all classes nf eitl-en» the following re.»..Union was passe«! amid thunders of appl.vis·· BteettOt, That this great iiieiMiiig of Canadian rltDeti» of al. race» and cree.I« express their abhorrence uf tho In ut»l and niiirdeioti» conduct si I.»n«ilowiie·» «lotender·, snd tlu-ir luillcnatioa thst Lansdowne ha» not «-Mi fit to ntt»r a »Ingle won! of reprobation of the»« strooill-t, anil tli-' renew our csinilciunatiuu of his Inhuman treatment of his lush tenant». Mr. O'iîrien and his frionda stool on tho upper gallery of Lardi'· Botai, from wnl· ? «porches were mudo. In the v.iet space spread out lu the frout and In the cclirhiiorlng »treat· there trote ut ItM-M 3(1.00«? i»er- iton», Mr. O'Hrlen said he had never »eon ai.ythli.g liner outside of Ireland, or even In Delimit. The little Frcndi boy» shout··«! " A b»e I-tnedown.·." »n 1 tlie thousands of French clilzen» present took up the cry »ud with a fre¬ mendoli· outburst of applause celine.? it ull over the city. ·· Ikiwd with LaaadoWB·.** "The land fortin· people." ** Lan.dnwno must go,"'· Homo l'ulc," "'iod «avo Ire¬ land," " Kreuch and Irish Join hand»," and "Down with tho Orangemen." were «some of th» Mottea· on Ihe flag» which floaten from the buildings all «reumi. When Mr. o1 Uri,»? came to the front i»u iu-lc«erll»«lilo sc»»ne followed. The chenrlti. and waving ?G hut« l.i«l«-.l for »liout live minutes. Mr. »????.-?? tal 1 Ixird l.snsilowiiu «ahi la Ottawa yestorrtay that our In«», »lun of Cann.1» was ov.-r. 1 Ui tik if lio witnessed this »Ighl to night in tli" ? rl_eli>»l ? ty «.I Can a. la, ho wunlil ri-oogui»« < tl.it r,i» tronhl··» in ('»na-ia »ie m>; arar hin »re «my (»in- ntnii'iiig [ appiana« Tie-re ft (pint enkludlod In the tn»»tt »f Csintd» to ilsi which «sill l»ur»ue litui tu the l»»t hour « hen he takes his departure from the».· «!, i< « [cheers »ol It a spirit »11 the yells of the < >r»iinoinen of »nail» »nd »11 Wie drilled e*itha»ia»ni uf tli·· offici«)* st ( itt»ws will no! unen. h. Lan-town« lia« mad« »»me veiy g-asflv attempt« tu lanari» off the »vent» of the t>»»t two we. in »n».la. I il.ui't Ihink his «nvcfo·! levity Will Inprov« hi· ;.<>»>:,.>n io I e <-y .·» of tl..· ? sns'iisn people «omethlng ator« than ___kttl«a· logea s·» called for. This Is no laD<lnn_; ins't« r »» Lao-dow«· w II flnit Ithlr.k It WO.M L '.»'t»T'..r ?. ,:?« ?,,. « ?,.? _ml hamaoily if ho had »uowu tO-Sethla«, of » ChriaUaa airi a m»u witli pror »«dings wi.nh »ho. kf-1 »nd horrified tho win.I. (Ui'l/.il in».if tl » nii.st Ire.cen'«.'is fa. Urn bat. re«»il'e. fi.cn the event» of the la»t f«-w Week» III t'ansila thai '·"( ilowne a-iil tin» iir.iuge'n·.·. of G?G???? «taad ;«'»·¦.Intely isu. tata- Id day froa th. ma»» al the (»?» llao p >,.u:«i.»:i. The cinv.il ,? tuiiie.l to th»· hot«·!, Mith a s»t? -n_; bed*· guard surrounding Mr. (»'linen's »-airl«.··, iheerlng a?,.1 singing"· iod -»ave lrelan<l." Oiiehiitidre.: and lift) person« »at down tolho t»,_n»i:iet this evening, II. .1. Cinran ?·. Riding. Mr. »"lirU-ii mad. a «;>« »·¦ !i 111 II. our»«· of which he »aid : This, th« eie e "f rij- c.iiia.lian four, ha« bote e triumph fur l.ey.iiiil m.v < \f Citimi», .m I. whether l__O__!0W0« stai s nr departs, he is iclein .«-.I lui »il lim.· in ti.» in. p of every h-.nest and ho,im..',le in IB. Mr. O'l'rien will leave here on .J.itui'la;, Ikiston. ROUVIEB WILL TRY TO FORM A CABINET. M. (illAM.'l AM> M. I.iiCKltl'Y WIM. Mil .OI_» \M li¬ di G (,???????. lini I.«.M,I 11. ???.?1«, May'_'7.~l're-i.leiii Oi-.'iy tins mo: ning sum¬ moned M. Loin 1er ¡im! M. Inut for a confci. :i- Induced M. Kouvl. to meli-Malie the t i«K «if forming a (..'abiti, t (Jener-il Siiuss'.er Is meiiii'iiie 1 for Mini·.·, of War uni M. i'el'.icns fur Minister of'.lie Iiit.-rior. M. HouvtorI·¡iccopting tlio task iv<|iic«!cl IT»·.? lent ?'p'-vy to allow hlin full liberty of action. M. Honren» will rcmaiii in tlie C.ilnuct Minister of Foreign Af¬ fai:.«. It Is pr..l».,l»l,-> that IL Uouvicr will take tlm o:li«-.· of MlnUt^r of Finance. M. Kpuiler will be Minister of Justice, M. EtletiPo Minister of I'.ililic Works, M. 1'nvct Minister of Agriculturo, Admiral Jaune Minister oC Marine and M. f*__ia1n_lrG?t??G Minister of l'ubile In¬ struction. M. (¡ranot und M. Lockroy have Informed M. Itoivlor that tliey cannot Join Ihe Ministry unies» General lioiilaiiger he a-sociaicl with them. LuPrantr repolis that a sect.on of the _-*·_¦ ha»do- ci ii-.l tu leave the uuion of the O.nuiics ¡Hid lumi a new group, loba sailed Oaiubatta partir. M. lei ij ha» written a lettii (loiiyiiiir thai it was ho who excited the presidents of three Kepubilenn nonpa go to the lOlysee l'nla.-c lOUTf· President Grcvy to dls- plac· '·. nVisi Boulanger, '111· Moins«! «vat depl Bate I t>-diiy under the delay in the formation of the Mlnl.s'ry, and »inlster rumors · ¡ni»i ? »taifiiiitlon In busi» ess. ihree por «'eiil renie» fell 35 otMiitiiiie», Credit Foncier 7 lianes and .Suez Canal »hare« 13 ira nee. -*>- BOULaVIsOBB To Bl DUPOtBD OF. Paris. May 27.. La Lanterne to-day i«a.\s that f'eneral r.oulHiigcr will bo Mat to command tin- army corps in Algiers. Another iunior Is lhat ho will be scut as ____» baseudur tu .St I'etersburg. V-Mst-CLB LOBI in a TVi'ilno.v. Lomion, Ma) 8*8, A cyclone has visited Calcutta. Four ships are repurte<l missini; and one has fouudcicd. DIBCOTBBÌ or is [LUI.suso HELICE _???_.??»?.!.?·????, Muy J7 t.Sjùrini). -Workmen digging iu the cellar uf the old l'hilivlelphU Lllirarv liullillii« this «Jiemoou. prep iratory ?, laying the foundation f,,r the now l»rexel Hull.tin/, came acro»» the coiner »tmiu of the Library li'illdiiik*. The »tone ama laid August 31, 17<3_>. It hours this inscription: Iteli remembered In ?.??,?? of the Philadelphia yonlh (then rlnelly »nifi <r»l that in M l<(.'( X X X I, thev « ¡,e- tfnily. nt 111» instan"« of Ilnnjainiii Franklin, «no of Ih.-ir nui.ili.-i-. in. suinte.? ihe l'lill_j|el|ilil» Library, wiinh Ihsaijh »inali »I III»!, is tn-cn'iie highly i.ilii.ilii- and «M. ns.veiy iisc'nl, and « ill« h Hie w_ll« ut Ihls eilllii ? at« now ili-s! iii-nl locunUin «lut presen«! t.»- first sloiit» of ««hot« luiiii.Ulioii waa here pla.-.-d lue .il«t day ol AiikusI. ITM, Sevcral medals which IiikI been deiKislted Iu the stone were found ; also a large number uf coins «>f every de- nomliiatioii ami country. Tho relics will be puo-il in the new library building at lîioad and l/icus-s »is. TfLEOEAPBJO NOTES. thi;m:i,s(in will m'istainfi». ???μ??G???.?». Mimi., Muy "¿T. .In tho Nelson will eise Ihn July llus umilili,;.', altos le-,n_ uni leu liiluiile», rctuiued a volitici sustaining thu will, 'the «un ???.,?».·? t-.'??,?» ill am! tb» will W»· coiit.-HU-d I.l \ sisiei ol Ihe testator, who ein- ? oyed Houatur Vuui'lums. ol lu.lmn ?. «u.l (.'oii_res»iii»u Wa<ls- vi ui 111. ui lieu u k.v, lo condili I her ? »»e. l'I ?:< I1A-»I.V(. IHK -io< ?. OF ( i.AI'l'.v DlVUft Ciili Ai··», May _7.-The offer of ilOl.OOO hy .Mis M.uy B, llaiili·)' alni OUtttt of Ih· ptolottoú ????'?.'??? «redlt-tt. of t lapp .v liavie» fol the l»it« ».liy sto·- «san »icepu·«! in Junge J.imle»oii to-iUy, ili« punlia» rs OoU'l.ut; io ,»y « «s'.i for no miiili ol the Judguiuiit ss slioiilu he sut » .1 -. A 1?.?.?'Ko-l'M.l MOMA líll.L IN ILLINOIS. (un ??.?·. May Tl..? heurd. ruf «.nunis«.um ? C .Iunni «iiiar- .nulling boa nuiili' on ..(·(u-.nt ..G plcuiu-(.iiuiiinuiii.?·?·? Íi.-at e.citelli» ul aniuii'.· Uli.· donéis and other· Ustori cíe. lu Hu- limisi al Ih« -t ite rapila! Ulla Btotaln« a bill wa» Introduced and udvaiicisl lo se. nul ·??·?????? pluvidiii that Ho oiieaiiou ot »uppi.-asiuu »¡ ptoara awaaiasi-t m thi» ët.ilc, l»e placo»! m t.'ie U»uds uf the iiur.au of Annual Industry U. UM l.lte.l Ml.ll. «. Ml.'. I DOKBTOS AND THK KBTOHUM stfTATB. I...1 v.iM. In ?., M,«i _7. Ih·· Mil In thu Cir. mt Court agii.n.l Civil »iivuc o.iiuii«« im-r Kilfartoa. brettghl ny J"»eph KeU'liiiui was s ?.?·.? ?. »?. lu. Kati-liiim prnvlii« Unit he »a« ih» H,!lii>ui»ti«¡ .1 of (he estate.if Anna ? ?. ...? ? »h «..is. <? soon as Hit« w«s doue, Mr. ?.'.? Imi paid over to htm J.I,G???) lu cash «nil ti»li«.eirc a uioitg.i.e et *4.0''i» which he w»» holding in ii oat. This «ili??.«·ß in.· re-tor· ih.it Mr. Kilgcriou bal ».·<????·»?. led lume u; ino tin.doni» inuui y. LVIhKNCF. ?????.-?' A riiOl UOIiUKIt. ??» ? im, Tex., Muy ·.-. Joe Harbour, tho suspected train runner, was »ppreliendetl on Ihe fuel Unit a pie« ·<· .»( p.ipir « found where the ? o hü.· · .tiv.dd their hoolr, le-ar.ng Har¬ bour» u.iu..· und he ¦___) foui |ESÜ hli» winch liad :»··.·_ suit I lo.t thor. ???????? the plundered pa_á_gos waa oao thai hai cuutauicd four *_. bills. TESTIMONY OF E LI SU A ATKINS. DIFFI_ULT_I_S OF TIIK UNION PACIFIC. ??? TKHHITOKY OK TIIK*. ROAB NKKKS TO M DB· FINKD A CINI! ??? TO G?? TIIK, ?????. Boston*, May'.'7..The Union I'n Itlc gaOwaf Investl- Kation wa» resumed to day. The tlr»t witness was Kllslia Aikins, a «ili "Ctni of the Uatea PaaUt? »luce 186t and owucr of GOD thaïes of (Talea Pat._e stock. Ho was coir¬ li -i a 111 of Mr. (ioiiiti'» ralattoe to tu.« renda ant aal af tin« .¦onllug arrangements of IgTB, in January, 1880t Mr. Uould teemed to he In favorable frame of uiltid in re ganl ta the consolidali.m. t-al 1 Mr. Atkins: 1 think It wa» always li!» «clierne to get ·.<·»»«»»!.m of tit« central tiran, ti. I tluu't Hi p?. l, atr. p·?.·,| tho Janu¬ ary 14 »yni|.t¦slum «I Mr. Until.!'» Inni.... »? have Iho lrii|t| .»uniti tliat lite paper wa» _S*-___t to put «urn »tier that iiTdr. At th·· tini.- tltl» |·:?|··t was pfWOOBted Mr mv »I gii ..t'ire.. I wa» only »ware In · Reni-ial war .it what tht« Comlitloii of the rentrai ttrriiir!i|w»s. I wa» iriililotl largfly bv the other «tir·· ?0? In ».-cetlliig to tin· ctiuanliilalion, »it'l I «lw»y» ??a-?-???-? It wa» a go...1 párchate. After Mr. (I· iiil.l I».u ? lit th·· Missouri Panile, he l».r»riir »ntagnnUtio tn tin· G?'??? Pacific. There a Urge lui».?.·»» .lime hy tlie branch I.ne· ami lhey am ?·???? to the intere»!» of the Nad. Wii ought lo havo l.oo«) mi ?·» innre than wo have at tin» present timo. The le.»|ngot thecenlrrl l'aeifl·· tn IlieHoiitliern l'arine w»·, In in) .i|..iilnii. I'lliiinal In Hie ,liit.|i.»:»nf tit·· I nini l'arili.'. Mr. «Inulti« plnji rr tin e.ili-iieil bolli tin· ???G-Ugli ami local bus;· ni·»». We w»nt to pay the whole .lei.I we owe the (invernment. 1 ??<· it.viTnment s'litiilil give ns ai· tit.»W ot luo year· at I |H-r rent. The 97,000,00(1 UureraaMet b .ml« «limil.l lie tea. v. ri.-.l Into teint OUiot »furiti··· tint wn.il.l he nt haneitt I...Ih 10 UM «Itivernineiit ami to the r.i».|. l'In· b.»t »ecurilv lhey «-oul'l be 1????.·? lulo wmil <t Im· 111» t'iilri Paelfl- ni»t mottete.« boo** In» «bikini· fumi at pre»>«nl ts bringing In no Inmute, «nir lerr.tm ? "iik'lit to be ».·. nr.-.l IO II Myrtoo-I w.· ara ..-mit ml t.. pu- · l.y the M. crn.ihnn'iil« ol our wraliliy rivai«. I »nnM liei favor of ex- ??????? Ih·· »'t'iti iti·» t.f the ,ov, rii'ni'iit Itr i,. .In« lo nur trini» »ml |.G·.μ.·pt. I f tl.e i.ovt-1 ton· ut »tmin.i (li 100 years' tti'ii.Mii. til·· only »e.iirltv wo OOOM givo It a »et orni nmrt traire on the main br_,iic!i or a lint mungane un ?,?'? nule» of nranrli ria·!. The reni Binder ot the alteraooa waa devoted hy the Commissioners to the oxainliiatlnii of Controller Mink's ai·..nuits, ami It is thought several days will be thus .peat ? .... REBUKE TO A riniti) ??(.?-1-?.?>??)..\·G. ??.??.??,????'.? ?.. cumiickss BOT l-RBMtTTRD BE- K«iitK nu: IRTRR-sTTATa OOMM Baton. Ws«i!li\<;r«>s·. May 27. .?. EL ??-?μßß. third vice- president ot !he Louisville arni NmhviÜe Ba&fOad Cotaaaay, appai red halara the latétetele Comae·rea Commission to answer «vrtain stitiiiieiits m-nli» by Coiaialeakhiaf Kink and Mr. Oanli <»t tin» Qneaa »nd ( ie ....¦nt route. 1 In· tliiintiaii iiiii'iitcd ila compll.iii'e with the reqaeet lor ? mepeaelea ot the toarth Motiee in tin» Sonili weald in»! ,i»n Hi'it to :i \ irtiiiil nu!l;lic,'itioii ot the t>» in tliiit set ti-tii ol the r'oiinlrv. l h«i wttaeee replied ba the aaliBialtra, und teain- talaed the neeeeelty tor Mteh «. suspension. I In· chairman ninu kod lb.it the people of the South seemed to have felt Ite uoceoolty tor the law, ¡io e\i- «len n I liv the iirtl..ii al Congre.».. Mr. St.ihlrn.in mu «'«»red that the people of th" South ll»d little teclinj; in this mattet. __M he; u 1} waa just our titeada la Cengreea who eaaaa here and said. * W«< will rid·· along on thl» thing/ and a good in.iiiv ot them nr·) MIT] to! it, too." ('oiiiiiiis_i..iier Bragg interrupted him to »ay that such rodeetlom apoa the latelllgeaee ol Ce vert not in place. Mr. Siiihluian admitted that the point wa» well taken. The <'ommi»»lon haa r«reived a petition trom tin· Mis-o.tri ami Illinois lie and ?.?????!···?r C Mnpaaj. <>l Cape Gtrardeea, Mo.,ehargiag theCeaoQlreraooa and Bootbweetera llaiiro.nl ( oiopany with iHttT-iB-BBttag iiir.iin»! tin in aini iu iav..r ..? G .1. Moee, a aoeapetll >r, la tho matter al tnralablng Bate tor the transport»· tion ot* lit·· iitid luinher, to »neh a «legreo usto give Mom ? complete Monopoly ot |he railroad Ita ami lutili., r bminet· oa tiie line of th·· defeadaote* road. ?GG???ß? rOB WAHAi-II BOBDHOLDBRf. Cmici?···, Muy 'il -deaerai Malfalla, recel rar ?? the Illinois division of the Wabath road, started for New· Tort la night hi paj .»?·>·.?|) latore·! oatheam biniti« hak? M du»tt:" ro vd. Tint Is the Bnt ui mey paid «m the G...? ladeMadoi na and haa eeee tiincii) fr.'tii the ¦ trnlaaa aad * Um inoetrere apy by Judii·· i.tetii.i u. Anni |.·? lias net u enierid by Ju<U*e lìreiham aiith.>rl/.lu< th« re«eiver lo i_y interest on the tooUoaal II ·« ol tho·· brasche· et the »y^tiiii ·* !ib Ii luv.· ririfl «u Mg ? t" pay in¬ tere»., The payment« ar·- to ?? ?,,?.?- lu BOOMSt- nui ·· with Ih·· »'mu nu-« "f t.i»· leeik» ?a now pt, uni with·.al tivlaioo bonUboldon lo thell r!_'!iT«. ,,r tko* llii! t. i. il bo comi»· th.· i'1|i.ii-m o( Ilio < ter ,.nllii< n. H«fis In it.irot,' I . in i.irt ?, ?-«?. ani prior t of .Mu '.»:.. lu (lin tttnrl irate« of the. rio, WataaMi aod Bt, l/mi· Kailrood t*ouipany, i>y the II:-: ¦· ut.· lire«! U.-t.-ru Cini.·.aiI ( inii- ·.,.'.¦ noi '·.· ·- ' "' .- »··' .' II ll. ? and -.»util, ;i Iowa Rallroau Uoinpany, aad ni».> lUtaadiog eoupoo« inatartoa Moj I. l--'., ai: ? i'i t! ¡· ·. .? Itondi : ?··. tin« i, the Uni ne] und Toledo Ball· i.ii oiiip.iny, excliuling. bowotoTi «..th ronpont Im» '.: to au) ..f li. ·???, .. have beea heretofore couillllouall) exebanaoJ im ,.? fund I lulu I poortitli iu «. ami, .«...oii.i, Ibe outst to Una " ipoot maturing 1 élira ir y I, -¦« .. ?? prl'ii Hiélelo on tin» fUBOed debí bond» of the M . « .in. to ·.'!_,i.·· bono« .? ....·· ? ini ·: ii.· I t>P oil Ilio .. ? poet lulorect (hall be allowed from Ibe o if··« of um m it y lo Juue 1. 18.7, «t poi e ir. Tbe rooolrot .nt·ireal on ine «n., ro-Ml Ib '¦·¦'¦!. m.'.« ?? pali! "ti.oi nini t. . ? Ao appeal aod »upe .·*·-.? by -·». Hum¬ phrey· .«lei IX A lei ??O??ß?? BRIO »? OVKK IHK OHIO RIVER l'ii i-i'.Mc. ? ?.- 27 >',"¦· '. ?' '? ·..' !??· bl-H<r»t rall- roiil «???????« ever arrange ? li trotterà G.???«. vanni li that partly 0301pletad by the PoaaaylraBle Comi it bat beea lathed ef tor rem « aad will tort th oompauy an Immen»·· sum of Btoooy yearly. Ihe PeuusyIrania (¦impani OWBt lio PlIUbara, ( inelii'ii'l ??? ·»[. I^nii» Bad operati the F ort Wayne aad Chicago and theClevalaadaad Ptttahorg road« The tartoga.the aooompllabod bj the pootottlon .»f the Lawreaee aoad and the oouaolhlaUoB <»r »loot hue» raaalng throogb Now-L'Mtlo, r.-iiit., and Vouun»town, Kile· and I >ii tiiit, aod lb.· building ol ·· bi hi ß aero·· ti¡<· Oblo River ut Kluilcb Htotloo, abool tour imi ¦« below lltuburg. ïhe bridge yot lobe ballt The railway oonaolidatlooa ar·· lust ab »n ooaaummated. Th· liuililiug of a luilKe m m»» in·« Ohio Klver will «a\o ,? large amount of ilion·) for the G·????«> ivinla Coiupnny. . ? Tin; READiirorrrmog ob irtrd, run. .m ?.cm i. May ¡17 tßpoHmi). la the United Bt ite· Qreelt Court thl» moraiog a poUUon «v.n peaaeated by thn Phfladolphla aad Readteg Railroad, the Coal ami Irmi iiiii|i.iii., in Hi I if.-.'ivr«. inkunr purinn-MU to add to Uta aale·gima la laaewal trom thaa to time hy the·oiiip.tiii··», the mat·peída· Beeeeaataata un.1er the r u m ? ti imi plan, b> parût·« holding Heii(|iiii.'»er min« pledged eolUteral ior tuo pay.wot of the il<...uu_; ? he following ».??·».Iu!·· of Ite.'i lin^ »eeiirlllf« oil' ¡?-« rol- liit.'i.u toi the Boatlag debt w.is Btiaeaed la the petl-loo (lenirai mortgage bond·, .'.""i loeorae mortri(e boodt, f«."j.ooo, five per cent cooNHI, BrM »rue«,+¡.,,4 «."')> ».. ¦- Mill »flint, tin*.!.«'. till M r II'..·· *.IJ.|«tll|ent »???·, ..'O.'i.OOH, (¦.tieni ut- ku 11 oil·· »orip, .. * .·. ·· general uniift;« totip, ñl46,OHOi l'erWinmen moiigagi' ».rip, X'.i.l'.is. I h.· inn f mad· un .»? 1er ?\, lag pel inis.ion tniiirry Otti th. regaeet a.»keiL Ml-« ? .i.i \si:ots RAILWAY INTELL.Ol lit ? Ottaw \, May -"· The debata aa the Motion 1er a bm paaatonol the QararaBeat'· pettey ae dtaaiioarlog the lot-.ii railway aeteal the Maaltahaa LagMlatnia naeeoo· ttaood m ii.t ii'in-f of ( otamoaa until 9&Q thta Btorntaa »ho· the motion waa tool ?>>· forty·«!.ht attjority. iho Cauadi.tu t'aelBe w.n, thereloroi eoatloue to enjoy ¡, iii..ini|i.ily of railway frei -ill« lu M.iuilo't.i unie people ol the, l'invili·« tiikt! Ili«; mailer luto Ibelr own haiiils. m. i/it'i«, May '_7. \ li-ili paper »ay» tinit the whal ¦ale groeii « ?G thl.·, city have entered a formal complaint ill-ei iiithi_.il.iu Bg.?ß? ih" M_M0ttrl ? '-»·' i li e Infiire Ilio Intel'.lai.· ·.'o.iiuiei'ci· l'oniini,.| ni. It Is alleged thaï a <'oiispir.ii?) \.«!« betwaea Ihe .\iis«o.in t*aeUk andathar Una· le tarât shippers entabla al the Biete. A suit was llletl in the Unite I «stales ('ourt here lo ilay b>-the. New-York aud l'aelilo ('ar Tnial A-MCUrt-OB against the receivers, Mossi». Humphreys and luit, of tin· Wabaota KaUway for iho roeoi ery ol tj,o_ t,:i.»", aud Uie coni! « ;i«kc to "??'·? ?!« payment ami to aeolare It a lien tupeiior to all Btortcaget «m the »· abeah property. Il uinli «liei.l Unit a similar suit to be tllod at t«piing¬ nillii, ni., ami at Chtaaga 1'????.??.?.?.????·., May 'il (Speciali. .Before MailTf (¡eortfc .M. Dallas today, tSolleilor Kearchcr, lu behalf of the HOQjdlBg I'.-iiiio ? in thu m.liter of paying the ..hi iaeteee aa arrearage el glt/KM, aali the -aaaaanaaanl was about to iirriiiig·« wall the Coustruetioii Trustees to pay the i'oii.liie(.irs inc.i.li upon ti»«- BBatgB.MBl to tliein of the elalnit bold prim t·· Uooember ?. ?·»-1, ? pobo»! 1er the condili:.«u s tueroupoa »taici tuât all ata olienti daolrad waa ¦ eaab payateal« aad ho voald itgreo noi to pa the soil furtiitil' at lids llniu. Judge llullei, iu ??.· G??!·· I MalM dr'uit «"mirt till» miiriiiiii,', tb nie I tho moll.m m el.· In Imita!f of the 1'ull- III.ill Pal MM .··' oiiip.Ui> to hit ? <- n spi't l.il t'\iil|ilnillloD .ippiiinlcl to .MM the eviiltiii!·· ol wiiuesse* iu fun mg ? )?? ih·· rullili in (.'eiilral l'iaii»i>ott:i;luu Co.i.[t.iu> litun t.un. - BBPOETI l> l ILL OP ? LA EOE MBTBOB. I.l.'.iltiA, .May Í7 syir. ,·?/?. A iioUm ihn cinte.I on Ilio Ibim·)· turni Bhottl »U miles east of this city ou \\ d;i) ???,???, ?????-????' a gieal aataa RehertWelle, a_an_er. ¦aya that ehertly after 11 o'clock he hattd a loud raaring ????-? Bad looking up »aw thu mele tr. He ascertained that It !«-|| a alia liotu hit hoiis,·. In tho teu-acro lot where the meteor fed Is u deep pit irregular In «hupe nini about twenty feet4top. It foiiy leei aeteai tin» i.»|., but Ibe earth ba» · tumnlfil, Il la pulluline that Ine Meteor wot s oaewhal »multer. 'Ilio meteor shed a brlll- laut grayish IIkIiU FIGHTING AT AN AüTOPöY. POUCEMF.N* nr.r.P A DHPIITY CORONE!?. i»it. iiriK.r.ii's ___p_| t????at???p.tiiky would Not havk a " wakk" MTVItth Timuthy "? halen, who wa« etabhort last Saturday "rigai while closinu _). liqu.r«toie at _»?. 5 Clarkeon- .I., died .'.'.«lofil.iy at hi« h..1110. Several cut» wore mule in hi« intestine« .and luparotoniy w.-ta performed aiicce»«tully by Dt» WjtOMO. Th· wound· In tho intestine.« wore ol.»»..<l mid Whalen seemed like'y to recover, wh,·.? peritoniti« sot in and killed htm li.i...i*v-('or.,ner Herold wont to Whalon'« home lust ???????_· with ,,,. assistant to make an antoj.sy. Whalen» laih.r and brother were thoro, and when thoy tonn.I .nt the object ot the deputy-coroner'· vi«it they threatened to throw him out ol the window and out liim up with Li« own Instr-iuicnU. The doputy- coron.T went on with hi» preparation«, after telling; the Whale· » tli.t ho wae cmnpelUd hy law to be thoro, paying no attention to th« threat«. When Dr. Herold drew the covering liona tlio ioe-hov where the body wa.« the troulil« began. Whalen'· t_ther .tl M had th« do -t.il· with · In-ivy »lick, and Wlinli-n's younger hiother pulled o'tt a revolver, poin'ed it at the ddotor and told him that it he toucho,! the ico-bol ho would make ? stove out of Ins body with bullet». As th» nfmo»| here -a» getting altogether too warm lor ? man of pone*·, Dr. Herold picked ? hi« inetru- _MBt-aad went out somewhat rapidly, followed by lit· coinliins,! oiireo ol tho entire ti-iieinont-hou«··. Dr. Herold told Ciiptniu l'o| eland, ol tho Charles -»t.oet Siation, ot tho way In which he had le en H·· it·· 1. ml asked lor protection. Three otf'ieer« wero detailed to keep the Whslens pcieolul while the doetor went on with hi« work, liiere was it wild tryitom the laafBuat_»-__-· when the. téatott ap¬ pear, -d. and th-v war· nn-t I.? threat« ol death if they should ¡_o into tlie hoii.c. Danger* what i.oliceraea yearn |.»r, ami iu they went, followed br the doctor an I hi* a«ti»iaiit. Wherever the t4ñottt »aw a head Ibaj put it ipiickly out, ot the wity. Mio hardest ¡.ci sou to mbda· wit» tlio dead man''« lather, an old man ot ajOjf «event? years, who lought like a tiger and would lot I.· ive the room where tho body wa« unti! the three otheer« eimblnrd nnd carried liim out < oi siderahly the worse lor wear. Th· nutojisv ? tinaiiv hod. ami when Dr. Herold was goni/ atraT h·« hoard a voice behind linn saving thai lie would ho f,,Unwed .nd hi» li'O would he lor¬ ie ?,.,? fordietarbiltg the tod« ?? a man who was being " -Mli.eil.'' ¦-e-. lllliEE FEBEOS8 KILLED, TWELVE BUBT. - ACC'IUKXT TO A TltAIX IX TIIK ??.?.G?'HAN Y M( »UN¬ TA IV-. G??tμ?? no, I'enu., May '¿7. A passenger train on tho 'Yiiiieyivaiiht lUilroad |uui|icd tho track at Horse Hhoe Bend, in the Alleali any Mountains, to-night, »lid three car· «out over au cmtiankiiieut. Turo» oottomt aro re- p«irteil lo have been killed and another Injured. A (lUpaUii from Altooua say«: "The aeotdcut wa· causel by the axle of uti ea«t bound freight train break¬ ing about the time the two train« nn t. ll'|H»rt «ays tiiat Watt.? -fan knle.i and twelvo wounded. A number tt ph> «niant have gone to the »«-one of tho wreck." 7.7.7/ BLICAX SÜCCE8SE8 IN VIRGINIA. ? aim hi: ni ? 11 MOlst-TH -a COLOBKD commun· «? ? ?_*? AiiDitNKV rOR X<»l:l'(il.K. l:i. 1IM..M., Tt\, May 27 [ßoetotti..Blaattoaa for sbiiI. otllcort wer·· ¡v 1 lu the Esteta yesbil iy. While there were no »inet party linei drawn lu in.my place«, yet tho oiicuie ha» Igea a victory f..r the Kcptihlicaut where tlie I».ne ..,. alala In tunny coutitli·» colored men voted with the l> u .at·, aal ta« itepubUoan par.-y giin. 1 mini white« »lea ? tin Republican« who «rent on Independent tleketa taaecure Ltomo-t-eU. vote»· wero ill ' i'e N-.iiK.i ?. v «. -.t,,- |7 .___¦ it -;,,-,:·. :_t? ittaifht tli'ket I. eh·.·:.».! ,.y ., 1 ir_.- ma| »rlty oier tho Clti-OB·*, or Kution. tick··*. As'» iry 'culnre.l· ,·:.· t·· 1 Conin.iu- it « »? 1 to ·».· Um first Urna In tn·« n.st..rv <»r tne Htata trharaa eolorei Baa haa -«.a UOD I'ortaiuoutli i.y ¦'..· .tod tha U.nu »r.i'.i, Uekel by a lari· ·. ...i ticket. I'» H.i:»i:i countl·-t of I'rlticu y Rep ii.'.ii mt\)orttle· ??"?> » hi .:.. \.i. Hay 37 M m «»'ii. ui return· from all thu ,ire·.-l:i··:« in -hli «:i-»W the follo resutt: II.ili ? '-. | ttAOOf (lit H-Ullby ."" majority for Common maltfe'· Attorney Me tttiej Und. ?????? lrf.it« l.ewl« fJUta) by 1 .n D . .riti for (oiiniy o nt Clark; Mart/ ilnd 1>.·???.? lltru.) hy ?.m tini.? fot ( ir« un Court Clerk, in·- Ita· ...1 ot BUpertrUer· .mi nearly all tiioillalrk'iilliccr*. *»ta tr-TOM, Va, May 37, lo à_t»*m_a Ooaatftli arai Ih tno.raii. tn-k.-t »m ,.!,·, f.i by fra u >?>·> io I,'_«__ :.. ? Ite llepublle «n« cai ry some tulli I" RESI UE WORh HO IN, ????: ? Il i: M.«.»ii\s IN CHI-??? -II ¦<!'(; ?'??- ?? ?\ W IlI.MCV. ('ni. too, May 37 ttp chango, m Un.in.u to-day. The m.-ter icklayeri cuy. "Work will '..m prcttj (renerully on |.|. nt inc.? ??· y, "it ?*· au ,'<l the IC I- »Old tint :t mo I. .»u t.. ir·- «;?:?;??,(» for tin· an·-? ol sevi r;il Piasti ¡. the obargo ? ;? ? ·? ? L») ·? DU B.il!_¡ Ol Ul ly in. utiy. lu. ?.. ornili : ?. ley over tl long delay. Their tllu· should ? ? boi ? runnli all tbe ?.?-? month, and m lh< li aurfcln. timo abolii ihn-.· moliti., ?..·.; pro ,·.:» foi ino year ait- ui.i-i-r plasterer· -i> that the lock-out boa no! yd afleetcd tin in to any tlestroe. 11.·-. aiti mi,in«, in hiio m,ion in. n. bul cannot paj tu<-ir pria Uve, .m .- ot the lose ?- lion In. pia* '».una« ?», 'im y bava found it ncoessary to com¬ bine m an <-iii|ea\..r to in-·· the pile« of »ul>- cuiitrac-t, and al ¦ meeting la»l night tbe organiza¬ tion was cnui|li t. .1 by the adoption ol · coiisiitutiou la.« -, twenty mix ra Ix Iu pn ? ORE ll \xi»l.l-:i:s REKC-INO TO WORK. « »'. i.isn, »in.», May 37. Mearly tin··».· week· asro all the hands itigli,'.·! by tiie Nuw-V.irk, Gp??») lvaniu un.l «lino Kai.?? I in loal.iig cars with noil OT· went oil «ink«· lor.ui attain·!· in their pay nf twein y-llvo contea day, Mlll'e till -Il Ve,«els hue I.e. II illl'l¡l»lll, then· iMIk'Hl·« on the do«.·¡<s until iiow great BBOUUlaiM of on an· plied up ai.??_- the mer. ¡.ue« .-..|iia.ls oi Italiane hare been bru i-oí li ·?<· t-i ink·· the pi «·¦<·» ol tbe itrtkei ». ü li.?- ?»·-n pt-.-i.iiie.i upon i" go awaj a_*atn. im» morn- iu_ Ibe men ouga.eil in Unloading ies»ols Wei ·· illi-cl.-d to take tho plaoe« ol Ihe striker·, and on refuting to do ¦o wer·dt»· ii ?.- ed Nearl- MWman are ?ß* Uli· ou Um dock«. -_.- Nu PIUC8E_rT REDUCTIO!! in THE PRICE OP COKE l'i CUI ??, May 27. Al I «) u.li- .-;ii<- io day th.· demand of the owner·ot blast furttaoaa tor a ?-¡u. in,? la the pi-loe of-otto from «U to $1 (Own preaentea The ·] a ii·- it« anuofsaeo thai la « Ie« ..r the urik· tiiey Mould not make ¦ ra Ittctlon, bat as »??? μ» a «otilo tit w.i» ???·-<·?»·.1 wlf.lt their workincn the »Ionian 1 j ur Usa fui ?.o "men winihi i»· giren due eanelderatlon, 'ih.· furnaoaiuon threat«u to gel coke from othor utakera. it la aut-sl thai aegoüatloiu are uow pending foi a cm | fere no. between lb« men aad lho operator·, Ibi· ,.»m.leni·.· will probably be held to-morrow, afca·». Hailoi ami ( ul on, or the (,???t?? Board of the Kolgbt· of Lahor. Willi IlMldent Harri», of ihe State «liner«' A»-...-i ition. are In the coke regsoa endearorlng to bring ah·»1.1 an cully settl_tnc..t. ??? ten ni nn. L-tBOB QUESTION. Th strlki· In th« .Stephoiison Car Woik.s Is »till OßtSkJ nu. TM mou iissiit that work lu UM shops almost I completely bloelt-tL -__*tadea»ed hy Mr. Kap__s__.··, who, while ha ackuuvlo igei thai w-.ii» is soinewiiat im· p. dati· m aint.iiiM Ih it it is n at sriuiisly ?. ?..out forty of the »n-iker, had suo. cele 1 lu getting work clsewhoro. A i-iiiili'i'iui!on of | » va« r.-ciicl I es;er.la> Ir.iui the mo. li une» 00 the l»ry l»o<-li i-o.-vl, »ml nil the Streel rail I,-n.I mei liulili » have pioiulse I to -uppoil the Strike. Uoorge W. iiuiiue, of th«Board of ArbllraUonand Min.« s of ln-in t ?-eembl) No. 19, eatUed the strike of tbo bookbinder· who went on _Utk· lor aa Increase in w «gee. Tin· »ink.· wa» seltied by Mr. .»-haw granting tho in. ?··«.-¦ In.· lin can and pall makers la the shop of Daniel Toula, at No. 33 imriiug flip, weal on strike ».g da* « a_o against a reduction In wag.·«. The »trigo iva« suc¬ cessful, the men returning'.o worn'estonlay at the old Hie ol W,__e.. ,,,.,, Ilu ie I.» ;. pos-ilulltv of thecar llrlk· in Indianapolis alleinig Brooklyn. It U aatd that aoma ol Hi« dlreotor« of tbo Indlanapoba rtwtda are stiao lUreetora of Itr.M.ul«, u lines, and Kisirlci ?»·???????? ?". h·« .loculo I to give Unan, nil ainl Other iiLI lo tuo Indianapolis -.trl.ern should il bn deemed iicce.siiiy. _ fJEBEEMEE 10ET ?? ??? BOttOtì, May '.'7. l'ho Hriüth tttMVSMt Am «ir, which ariiveil here _e»terday from l'aieriii », r-porU that )es- terdny uioriilng while olTtlioMUIIum-cii Hanks, lu a dense fog, at S a. m., »he was balled by two fishermen who Ini 1 been out In dories atten.llng to their trawels an I ho.1 lost thou ves.ol. They were l.ikcn aho.ird the steamer and ??,·?<· lami -? hei·· y »ler.lay. I'hey stated that thoy be- ..cl In a 1.en: ij »< liooiier and hiwl left lho captain, iilio wa» crippled In one arm, on boanl. i,un ? Ksii.ii. via»« . Mar 37. -< apum Vibbcrt, of tlio -, ?,.... nor lib 'hard Lester, from the («rand Hanks, report» tl, a im May li», John llmwu and Edward llegan, two of the crew, *»t aatray while alteuiilug the trawls mid have in,? yet ben henni fioin. The tOttttt belougwi tu Now- Ü1UII-.WI. », and Ilio latici in Unitoli. WLB0TÏ0E OP OFHCERS RY OOOD TEMPLA WE B.IUTix.A, May .¿7..Tho llight Worthy tJraud I»«lge of OooJ TemyUr. elucteU tho following otflcer« to-day for the enaiiln? year: Right Worthy Good Templar, John ? Finch, Evaiiston, 111., re-elected ; It W. Q, Counsellor, William Turubuil, Glasgow, Scotlaud; It. W. G. Vico Templar, Jesse Foray the, Boston ; It. W. (1. Secretary, B. W. ratter. M-iuston, Wi·.; B. W. G. Treasurer. Uriah Copp, ????.?, III.; It. W. G. Superintendent of Juvenile Templars, Mrs. ?. A. Brookbaulc, Indiana. The following appointed officers wero named: B.W. O. Chaplain, the Kev. I). W. ThlMBI. of India; R. W. 0. Martha!, o. G. Tolnact, of .Vorway R. W. «i. I). Marshal, Mrs. H. K. Ralley. of Vírenla; R. W. G. Guard, Mist Bather J. Hlakey.of England; U. W. G. eteutlnel, John A. Keller, of the llábanas. AU were duly Installed hy Past B. W. Grand Templar 9. R. Obis·), BSMeted by Dr. Dronliystekha and sister Wetob. Inan as marshals, as olllcert of the reunited Right Worthy (.ran I Lodge lor the current year. TUREU MKS D HOPPE O 11 Y A BINÓLE FIRE- A COUHAÜKOt-B QCAIID 61'J.F.DII.Y ENDS A PLAN OF l'I «I'l'li AI K CONVICTS TO KSCAl'l*, Batavia, Ohio, May 'il (Sperial).-K tragedy occurred In the convict comp opposite New-Richmond, on tho Ken¬ tucky side of the Ohio River, yesterday afternoon. Karly In tho morning twocolored and one white convict planned au escape. Their echouio wae to miirdor Overseer Mar¬ shall auil tho one guard. Toward evening the white con¬ vict aneiilced up behind Marshall and dealt him a murder¬ ous blow with a shovel. Marshall fell, and tbo convict gave two more blows to the senseless man's head and then turned to run. The guard heard the tumult and rushed to the scene with his gun at full cock, and was about to tire ut. the tleeiog ii'pit.· of the murderer when the two negro conspirators interposed themselves lic- tween the iruard ami the fugitive. The guard ordered them out of the war but they refused, and picking up stone· both were ;i G?.?>?<·1?_ upoi hlin when the guard fired. Th·« gun w.is «lisoharjo.l but oneo, but tt «ild Ils work having been loaded hnlf way to tho muzzle with buckshot. Both negroes ami Hie fleeing white convict dropped In their track« nee negro «leail, the other danger¬ ously wounded and the BOeelDtat of the overseer pierceil through the lungs hy two buckshot. He will die. Mr. Marshall is dying. FORESTS ? URSINO NEAR LAKE GEORGE. A MAORI] ICBJfT ll-CTACU FOR THE BVMMM AT III G M* ti M KR ??????? Boi.r. .s, Lake George. May 27..The summer (fuciU who have already begun to till up tie hotels In the noighborlioo.1 or Lake George havo the unusual spectucln of a fire which Is uow ragtag In the forests back of Buck Mountain. In one of tho prettiest spots In this picturesque legion Tho centro of the tire Is right opposite Bolton, and althou<h the lake at this point Is three miles wide, the guests at tho Mohican House can distinctly hear the roaring and crackling of the tlaiues, Tho drouth of tho past month haa Been extremo. The fear Is that tho llame», which tiro now practically beyond control, may spread to-»mo of the sutiiin>»r hotels. Last night tho scene was a truly magnificent one. Man ? of the guests of the Molile in lion»·» did noi go to hed at all, but re- malncl on the verandas or at their windows, unwilling to loot any part of the liiiiirotstve spectacle. To-day a large party set out from tho hotel with Frank Clark, one of tho f.est known guides, to go to the summit of Buck Moun¬ tain, If they «»mi. where they will bo able to obtain a much more extended view of the tire. The Humes have driven many wild animali out of the forest into the lake. In the morning It was possible with the aid of ordinary tlehl glasses to see a number of deer swimming about near the ihore and leverai parsons tu- llated that they could also distinguish hears ani wild¬ cats. It was reported that early In tho morning an old gul.le put his rille lu ids skitf and pulled across the lake, where Be euptu.red several deer. It Is believed that the lire wa« ein«.· 1 by a camping party, which loft one of the neighboring resorts for the woods leverai dava ago. They hare aotoeea heard from itaea Rxeept tne aa» »tiuitioii of a large urea »f valnable tlmbur land no other terloil» J.im;i0'c ha« so far been reported. PLAN8 FOR A FAST USE TO BOSTON. MATS, II«.. I [I'D IN' TIIK III.«'I.T..1.'·« Oil ICI*.. PROPOSED Itot'TK. Maps Bad pi.ms for a new railr.ni 1 he'ween New-York and Eteatoa hare been lied la th_ Register'· office In this city. The dire· ton of tlio proposed road, whoso names appearoa the mapa are: milla· t. Blaek, precidenti U.C. I.iii»ley, engineer; Thomas M. Browne, secretary; L ?. cinti.¦n.i.-ii. f. v. BlddeU, Charle· i>. iugor.o.i, Oeerga B. Biddell and Horn.··.« II. llilttendeu. As ladtcated by to.· ampi aa I plans on tile the route of the prepeeed new read eat of New»York CUy M Cet» -..ariiii,· at tne northwbm tide el "Ihe etrete."al Eighth-am, Banlaraid and fifty nlatliat. where a ? irtions win peehaMy be eetaalMhed. tho road U to run Ju»t weit of the Boulevar.l, Uumagh private property to mil acrost Xinth- iiv.'. to Icntli in.··., where ll takes u sweep In a curv·· an i, omtotag the Boulevard dlagoaally from Ber· entyliltit «!.!.i -cv.-iily-sixMi·· t.. .«Hike» a point about ISO feel ß eel ..f Teatb-ava. Bad rotismi that Ila· ttralrht eighth st.. wh.ro it baglai la deiioot to the ·· i«t. an I at « iui-huudrcl-au 1 tenth sl an 1 Teuth· B. .'its tin.nigh the Unni.iu CatholM orphan Asylum Bad Uornlogaide Park t> Otne-buadred-and» tventy-tlxth-at at 8_ Bloholat ire., and thenee up ? property «>f tbe < o ¦>· a of the end Ueai to Ona»huudred-aud-thtrty-eerea ludrod-and-tbirty» «.igit.li«!.. ¡uni ben oo a Una lust west of Edm tve. to iiiK.'it where <n.· ..».ty-thini-»·., if sroul cross, ami thonco m calo detleetlng easterly to a Hue west of L'nderclnfe-ave., to One-bundred-anil- Mi fitiii-t then ohi croton Water Aque¬ duct io and through ii ¦¦ Park, diag.illy the Harlem Klrer. 1'.·¦ ?«>.»-1 .m ih:s tldeol Uer¬ lern lo be largely underground, partly elevated Bad partly «m tbe tnrfa o line. rot· road la Intended t·· ihorteo the preaeat time of trnuslt between New-York aod Boston tlz hour- !·¦ and u hair hour·. Tbe pi ij will he 193 In length, will bare no gi.il·· croatiuga on the en» ite, and oaly two rtrawurtil .*··». ? n.nif.n .1. N. Oreen· im J. McAlptne, of Mew York, bare gone over tlie nrojooted line andre- ; the turveyt, nnd In ilog their rolumin- report they ».i> eatl mated cost of right of way la 95,143 per mile. . The total o«t per inilo of mad Including firat-clrus ?????p?? u inter.it aeoounU dnring coustniciiou, right of way, eta, It, in i-oiiiid number·, ¡r 130,1)01) per mile." ST. .lollS ON I Hi: VEDDER BILL. DI Mil SCINi. PBACTTI «.I I.MI'KltAS't T. GG.????1 IT" I\(i 11 · « 989 OR PROHIBITION, Bi bai ia May 37 (¿pena.). .Tbe -in:«! Intercollegiate Prohibition Coavention « loaed t<» nbrbt with a tpeeob by .\ ?, .\ ernor Jnlin P. Bt Joha °' *f"Tft_ In opening im add reel ha reviewed the couteM of ?_·«? at some length. Ile siiltl In pint iin- people have the power to mike und unmake eon- ttltutlom aod also io mult·' und uuiuake political parti··, inni they ate colli, to unit. It l- the duly of all Prohibi¬ tionist« to treat Hi.·., a bo do not agree with them fairly, w·· ProblbltlontoM are often reminded that we are in the minority nnd eanuot accompilab anything We kaow that, but mi· know thu! prohibition It eventually ftoing to tweep the country, ? nave been In tuo minority tarea (lines ou· ··, whoa I voted Air Promonti again, when ? «a« tier··,tied tor Governor of Kantat by a Democrat, and the third time, whoa Orover Ulevolead nnd J.i.« «¦, Binine formed a ooiublnatioii and beat mo out of tho Presidential chair, ? have forgiven Blalaa Probably Blame has forgiven Cleveland, and I have had It from Belva Lookwood'a own lip· that she has forgiven m.·. Bo we are all living iu unity together. I would never exchange my poaltlon With the present big majority agallisi prohibition. today the dUuBerlee are r. cell lag more protection tbal the cnurchet of the coun¬ try. The man who say« tint prohibition trill aot enccocd is against us. He believed in women going to the poh«. instead "i degradlag woman, tuob a movement would elevate men. He said thai tho Voltlcr bill Jost pasted hy the State _·.Mietara vaanahaataada framl la leeagalilng tho Ilo idi trillile, iiml only mudo n compromise with tlio saloons. »- jomaoa _____ and nuns. I m USA, May 87 iS/tertah. -Th· Kliicntlonal Committee of the Mew-York Assembly Inapeeted the Cornell Cnivcr- sity biilidliigs to-diiy. The visit ?G the Assemblymen Is at the Invitation of iho University authorities, who do- siici tint the Mjfo iiut'itnit;··« thOUld have »omo idea of what is being «lone. Munii.ktiiW.v, May 'il..A. Jaeaph Porter and wifo, of (iriihiiuisvllle, Hulllvun County, were out driving to-day the bora· took fughi ani ran tho wagou agalu·'. a .«tono Wiill. Mrs. l'.u ii'i'ssUul! waa crushed and her neck broken. Mr. Porter escaped, badly bruised. Troy, May g7..The Mantraal express train which left Troy ut 11:1) o'clock laet Blghti met with au accident iil'ove A..Mea Junction at ilio') this uiornniif. Four cars foil fifteen feet into Lake I 'nampUm. Kiprets Messen- i. \. Thayer and Baaaaiteman James Cabla· were sllghily Injure«., The accident wa.«caused hy u landslide. i.... anana May ·_7 (special)..la Pafcta, Jaaaph Balky, a farmer, was moving a I »at of furulturo when bis barate beoaaae Mghteaod and aaehad forward, striking down his wire, who was pushing a eart containing a three months old hall). 1 lie woiuati received probably fatal Injuries. The c!ii!d trat rushed to death. Svuit «?, May '27.. l>r. Cenge L Curtis, a dentist of tin« iiy, has inen arreatod ou oompialal of his «ife, for¬ merly Alice 1). Watson, of Oxford, Maei Curtis aud his wife tlrst mot et old Orebard Beaeh, Me., several years ago and were afterward tei reti) .n.irried in Albauy. Ills wife sue* to compel hliu to support hor or for a tupara- Ûm. » IHDI.Y DIRT IIY A RAILROAD TRAIX. John Wayland, of Klngsbridge, was driving his wagon across the rail road track at ln.ootl.«t. ·,?·_?· rduy, whciihis team WI is struck bv an · -iigine. ( m·· of tin· horses was killed, the other waa badly Injured, and Wayland was sen rei) hurt. HI was tukcii to Manhattan Iluspllal. -? HELD BOB KMIiFZ/.I.KMKNT. l'un .iniiiiuu. May .7 (Special).. Thonia» M. Maire·, a it-ii'rut.ti.i iiK.-iit ut t'jiititeii. rc-iiliiig lu this oily, wa· held by Ju.lgo Durliatu lu ??0? lotlai upon the charge ol cm be. ilfinent aa trustee, lu-ererretl or Mrs. K. I. «A llsnn. It was alleged Hut tu Irlo* lie wa· giveu charge uf tnu uruD.ity, Nu. &i>7 attienile »t.. belonging lo Ml·. Wilton, tbal no tailed to accuiiui tur .mv rente and tbal ho sold Ilio properly au·! rotuM-sl lo account (or Ui« u-ou.y. ONE LIFE LOST AT THE FIRE. A ÇICK WOMAN DIED ON THE SIDEWALK FROM PROSTRATION. WHO..K8A-.C nrsTKucTiov of nonsrs-nt-i.XK'" or DISTRESS IN THK STRKRTS .*.<>S81.8 UY THE COMPANY AND OTIU'.RS.??? IXSritANí ?. The Arc which destroyed the (?.r stables of the Reit Line ¡Street Railroad Company and many other buildings in Tentli-ave., F:fty-t fnrd-afc and Fifty-fourth-st. yesterday marnine* was under, control before daybreak, bat the ruins continue.» to blaze all day and until a late hour ¡ist night. As usual in lires which destroy eterythiu« at the starting point, the origin of yesterday morning's conflagration was not ascertained with certainty. There wns a rumor t hut a fire broke out in Ihe blacksmith's shop at the weit end of the stables before midnight on Thursday uight, and that the employes who put it outdid not tell tho police. If Ulis ie an, the fite may iinve smotiliiered after the unskilled tirenieu thought it win» out. It wa· uot until after la. m. yesterday that the men on duty iu the car stable* found the binMim. ablaze and sent out the alarm tosumnon the Fire Department, Depot Master Byrne and three other men wer«· on the first tloor of the' stables at that time urn» alunit twenty-Üve men were in other parts of the build¬ ing. All said that the fiio appeared to come trout the repair shops at the wc«st ei.iL The bulletin ira, embracing the company's ottico, car stables, hoiae stables nnd shops wero three Moiies high and solidly built of brick. They occupied about four- fifths of the block west of Teutb-ave., betwoeu Fifty-tbiid and Fifty-fourth eta. In a few minutes after the nl.'irm was given tho flames had spread through the buildings and win» rising above the roof». They had plenty of com¬ bustible material to feed on. On the ground floor were 145 cars, closely packed together. On upper floors wore 4,000 bales of hay. G,.000 bales of «trow, and 10,000 bushels of grain. There were more than l,2i)0 horses in the building and the few employes there could ho|»c t»> rescue only a few of them, Se feral of the stablemen ran alona: the line of stalls, culling halters and drivingout tbe frightened horses, but lest than forty of lho animals wero taken out of the building. Themen had to leave tho others to be burned to de .th. For twenty minutes after the building was will on lire tho cries and pluugiug of the frantic horses could bo heard plainly above the roar of the llames. The attention of the pouce a'id firemen was soon called from the burning horses to tho inmates of tenement houses on the north side of Fifty- fourth-st. Those Imus's lud taken Cue and the occupants had been ,iwa_oued to their danger barely in tuno to escape. Half-clot¡n-d mon and women, who led or carried children, were rushing out of the houses and crying for hep. The hob llames made the etreet almo-t impassable, it wa» not long before tho tenement houses wore burning as fiercely as tho stables opposite and the tire threatened to go through the block to Fiity-fifth- st. It was then that ihe " Three Sues" call wa» rung, enmmoning most of tho engiues bet wen Twenty-tlnnl-st. and Fi ft*, -liintli-st. Captali Kiililea of the Forty-seveuth-sl. l'olite, also sent fur ri-M'ives ir.nii other precincts. .--.desperate was tho flight of families from the Fifty-tour-h-st. teueiuent Iiou-os that few persona ts*MV ahi.· to save much clothing and scenes of «lie. trc.-s wete witness·· 1 while the lire was rating. Among the pauiestriekon people were Cha1 les .S'hncidiT and his family fioiu the house No. SOI West Fifty-fourth-st. Thoy had lost «ll the property they had in tho world and ..clinei.lei. who was a car-driver, hai a «<» lost em* plovnii'iitby the tir»·. A woman in the crown had lelt &100 under her pillow, but liai sawil hot '¦¦ UMs-tal Claucey liad to-t Ê180 lii «a·*1- aloi.it «ltll til· luinitur·'. Pew of the íamilie· ihn« ii:a«t«i homeless bad any insurance. It was believed at ilio tune (bal some lives had been lost, but uo per¬ son was -porteli missili, later. Familie· »«? driven irom th" tenement-Louse» in l'lttv-iifib-st. \\ lieu tbiMM bouaea w< re betleratl f«> In· in itauifiT. ? son of Mis. air··!., m No. .100, bad died on 1 huxeday »ud a wake wa» m ntoEtttt th· wiii'ii the pain·' brean. The corps-.· of the boy was can ¡el mil Of tin lion«.·' I.y Mis. I'aITeH'*eule.»t -on. It wtS rcinoveil to the police station and kepi then until tbe tir·· wa· under oontroL (in ii.es mt;i aide of lilt v-iouith- t.. weal <.i Ute ? ai stables, wad a frinii.· shunti occupied by Mia. Eli-abetb \\?·1«?, . widow aerenty-aix vean of age, who had been sick fOf several monfii-i. I ¡?»· scanty took tire and na» boned tO-the gtOtuilL Mis. VVallb was carried mi*, to the sir···! by her ? in, hut ihe was so much proatratod by fngiit that »he died «.a ¡he itdowalkj Her body ..-.?» caiiied to tin· police »talion la otta «M the ambuUncea which had been leul to the :ire in anticipation of injunoa to note of ? Ite pea*, le. While «ce soi tel'I..G V. ere in mg *??G!?··«»?·»? HOrtb of the burning .tablea, tbe ti nies ercttsied l'ifty- thud-at. ??: tin· south anil attacked ii iiiitiitier ol »hantle·» m. tbo i'oi-klv block owned by the .-»tryaer estate.] Tb· collection of ft ame rookeries waa Kn.»-.· ll as tIn- " Aineric.i.i Flats, 01 Ilio tilty or mora hovel· oa Um roeki a few were -ccaptea as »lab.es, and the rest w<-r·· Um lionas of poor fam¬ ille». I In' It.une» tweet rapidly among tho ¦hantle«, aud devo irod them with theii contenu. a feu horses, KOata, pig· ai.u «lo_s being consumed witb tbe furniture ami clothing. All ol the peonie living in the hovel· escaped by way of Fifty-twer oii·!-.» t., bui few of them savior; anything tirare than a few anieles of clothing. About live lamiiie« m the lot had inaurano· '.e their good», ftaeli a clean sweep was made by the tue on tin· rocks thai lat«t»r in the d iv, wlien tl'·· o;>:·· retorne.I lo poke about in the a»!i··», ih· . loniid oiiiv a few brocen -t.nés stilli i:on c'iokii.»' utensils. One brick building ·>» the south ¦'· est ?'????G Of l'eli t it-il VO. ami Fi .".'*· tlnnl-.st. and a fen sha,Hi.» 111 the »tic·: Mai bleveutb-ave., wen· saved by the Aremen. Bight frame limi»!'» o th·· ß?! Mil- of Teuth- ave., oppo_.to._te ear -table*, caught tire an I wore buiue.l to the ground. 1 be occupants of tiioso lioii-e. had a lev. liiii.utes iv:u ??.?; ·»! their danger ami were able to Mveaome clothing and lurnrture before the building· were in Same«. ? wmgol Joaeph New'ssilk mill 111 Fifty-fit tlt-at exf-nde«! through the block to lit ty-fom I ¡i-si., west ol tho burning teuemeot hon MM*, and it cangnt tire in simri order. 1 he firemeo made ¦ deterutned stand at that point and saved tin· mum ¡actor.v buihimg, but the wing waa destroyed. Tenement houses in Fitty-litth.t. wen· protected al»o. Chief >hay litv» !ng concentrared lus loues there to preven» thu tiro from extending any fnriher to tin· north. 1 ioni tin· huriiiiig car »fables, th.· tenement houses iu Fitlv-fouitn-st. and the train« structures iu Tenth ave. ami Fitty-tliii l-.st. then· \\«·??? up »u. a mass of flame· that the entire eity WM illumi¬ nated. Long after Ihe tin tuen thought ali danger to the adjoining blocks m as over, he tir«· luoke-i if it were likeiy to >;>?·-.?»1. In the early morning hours then was gieal exeitetneul on ibe sVwl .-»¡ile ot the city. thousand- oi families feeling that their bornee wen ia danger. The sweets were lull of people at day-break and great crowds pressed on the police limita to watoh the waning of tho __*·> llagritioii. Both the police and the __*ra_oe_i wem exhausted by the time the lire iva. BButet conti·». Alter tlie roof and the walls of the ear »tabloa fi>ll in, ln.my ro i«iiiig i'nr|i»i's of lior»i_s could t»o seen in the ruins, (.'.'in i .-»hay tlnuight 11 would bo better foe the health of the ucig!ibiirli'o«l it ill tho bod ion \vere cremated, and he ordered the firemen to case throwing Water on the ruins there. All th·- tenementhoaee·on the north »nie of Kifty- loiiitn-st., opp.isito tliestab.es. had been destroyed, including Ihe building No. 810 liuili-av··. l'In, taouso No. 535 West FiUv-f'urih-st, west of tho silk null, was partly destroy e.l. It was the last building 111 the row to be injured. EMI of the Ininicil tciouieiit houses üeld from eighteen to twenty fainilio«, It was not kiiown where all the ftoftaX so suu- ilenly made houieless, went to. .Most ot tbem h.ul lost all their property and few had any insurance. Borne of them had liiig.ied about the ruins of their former homes until last evening, telling pitiful »t .rie« of -hcir losses and narrow e »«.ape* from «le Uli. Jacob New owned tlio two hve-story houses Nos. ->·_."> aud yJ7. next totho wmgof hid »ilk mill. Vacant lots separated tho»»· hou»es from the houses owned by Jacob .Sniiinever at Nos. 5IMÍ ami 511. The houses No. 505 and 503 belonged to James Harris and ?verctt Haslctt. Hiram Schulte owned the double building- No. 501 Woet Fifty- fourih-at and No.«Sift l.-nth-ave. Ü. Hilton Srribner. president of the railroao company, had agent· nt work buying horse· and borrowing car« from other coiupaiiie· all day yes¬ terday, lie aaid that ci»rs would bo loaned by the Second-ave., Third-ave., Sixtb-ave.. Eighth-avc, '.roadway and Forty-aecoud-st. lines, leuipo.ary stall« aro to be built on lot« at Elevetith-ave. ami Fifty-secoud-st., and tho work of building the burned stables will bo begun as soon as P«>f ib·*· Seven cars of the Bolt Lino which1 escaped the lint were kept ruuning yesterday, and more borrow«.«, cars will lie placed on the line to-dav .... r .1_» _-..,ii. i»ie company a ioa«Mjn w«ci-»»»''««».-··---_ »,·» ,. .ng,$lf»0,OÍH), horses, |l^«I«L_P__lrfifalS hay and feed. * 15.000. líame*, and tool» *·>«««'. total, *150.000. The Companys insurance waa »aid to bo ¡?17,d00. leaving auetlwaeof ^"¿^

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1887-05-28.€¦ · .fleet sales but weie met by a great concourse of people. The anoUonOQt re¬ te.ved much injury and two horses were so ini-rli

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1887-05-28.€¦ · .fleet sales but weie met by a great concourse of people. The anoUonOQt re¬ te.ved much injury and two horses were so ini-rli

twmrnVoi-XLVn..?* 14. ß-? NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 3«, 1887.-TE.\ PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS,







[BT CABLI. TO TUB ?-'_?-??.|Copyright .· _8d71 Xorth American Cabl* Xeutl Co.

LONUON. May _57.-Whltsu_.tide threaten- to be

a dark gaaaaa in Inland Simultaneously W»

the rising of 1-urliamola a save«·, and dctermjued

t..j(...,i, ea_apaJgn ka been opened all aio«? the

UM It is Wfcfla rarli.micnt is in recess that

the «rani «0___?_ a. Irish tentllonliam arc f9»

.m cmti.tt«'!. ? ? i-ìlant Irish par* Bt·

thi.i M oppa Unity to taf its deeds as they

occur befo» ihe most <oi>s*,.ci.ou«, tribunal in «M

vintl.l G?.·· bovi ruinent carmot Ite imbli-Ay..aal?..,"d aa to atal they panait or help Um*

¦m ?Moa ta d«'· »W rfm w0lk *" ('("1'('nial "*"

n..s il.·· next two years, thei-clorc, aie to bo

utili/.«il to the utmost.Iti·· Government, who are decidedly ini «t« st «-«1

jn «ìcatiii' lHaÉUltianm in Ireland in order to

make out soiii« C-M tor their CoCTtloa bill, have

beea egging on haattattng landlords to ecaaa

iniilcviii^r aad ply the erowhar. Ponsoiiby. of

ÏOUgbal. one of the lii.t «almi whom Ibe l'lan

ol CaO-Patga was put in operai i.'it, W9M OH the

¦Ott- of .alTtlni MÜli Ma tenants when Mr. I.al-

iotir came into office and urved him to tmtTT out

||M ti:inkiit|»1«y proceed in_s which culminated in

the liayon«»ttinir of the your« man Ilnnlon nnd

UM imprisonment of Fallier Keller. O'Col-

lairhnii. «»f Bodylce, one of the most infamous

ra.'nnt.rs of the let, hud also si.mfied his

trUlt-B-H-M to yield. Bo bad severa, otliers. Now

ell have lieen screwed up to the stickins place.The dav after tlie adjournment of l*u_*liament

Ihirty people l-eople to begin with were evictedou lord Hiai-Bltl. osiate in LoDgfoid. Twentypeople v.*cTe thrown out of their homes on the

It.nl-lTJ e.-.ta!e. and twice ae many renderedhomeless on Lord Annesley's property in Cavan.

'.llK'se evict mis will be continued daily. The number.ticte- on the Annesley estate up to to-dayamounte to 200. An imnicnso force of policeand military bave been massed on the Clanrica'dc(.state, and some m izuros of tbe tenants' stockhave been already -tt-Bfted. Thi-.y-llvc 'Kopiewere ycslvrduy dispossessed in tho Island ofAchill from tlie properly of an absentee. Coloneltlive.

'Ine Hodyko evictions were to have beerun to¬

day, but as the police arata about to make theirfirst Charge on the people the sheriff went off inan epileptic lit and tbe proceed in.-s bini to be

tcmpoi ai.ly suspended. '??? ltodyke campaignwill he tl»e most critical cf any. It is tlie nmstrackrented estutc in Ireland, and that is a bi'_Bread, 'Ihe people have been _fc___lng tlio land¬lord since 1870 and they arc quite desperate.A coupia of years a.'o an atteaapl was minio to(.it them, but they l-riatcd the evicting forcewith rill«*» nnd drove them back after a sharplu-ili.d«·. 'lliis year things look still more threat-etiin».·. l"hc people have their houses stubbornlyba 11 adedj and every holding is surrounded by a

che\al-i|e-fnse formed of bushes and otherW'strtn liona aneaved with tar. There ata 3f,oritlo armed joliee nnd 200 men of the regulararmy, at the service of the .sheriff. '??? policehave stationed vedetta, on the stirrouadlag hills.The -HOi'le also have their scouls und Uiey keepup a system of sii-iinlliic and a blowintr of horns.Ihe ebap.I boll has been rii_-in¿: all day.Kvery effort hue been made by the people to

arrive at a reasonable settlement. Breo JBatmflajthey í-eiie.ved their off«·!· to pay th«; landlord hisrent in í.ady mouey less a thirty pet ««ut teduo-tiou. After keeping tlieiu in aaapeaaa for five hour-.be refu-·. d.Meanwhile in Wales a tithe war of flnd-class pro¬

portions is in full swing, Let me quoto you a fewincidents from tin·» iiionnn»_'s telegranifl which willshow ho.· the example of the Iridi teeant. has in¬fected their Wclsli brethren and bow big? difficulty the Governi! out arc lilrelyto bavo on their hands at tln-ir own

tide of the Irith channel. 0:io telegram savs :

"There wore more lively scenes in the parish ofHerford, Monteoiiicrya-nro, to-day. 8ix district_tlaa for tithes having been arranged to take place,the bailiff's were out ail night in pursuit of thehanaa and cattle destraille·, upon, many of whichwere out on tbo hillsid -, ? ? .·> o of lit) pottoe·-in r» BO.rolled the di.trict during the Bight, aii'l at6:30 tbe entire force anivcil ut Lowor Hill, beingreceived with deafaatBg Jaoia by the MBOaibit«l fan·.ra laboraia aad woomo. At tbe firstfaun the BHtttOf was amicably arrang.-d, but atthe next farm visited it was dilJcrcnt. Hero It»a. aalllMllllI that 1.503 persons were on theleena T..e mob fall OA the police with larire sticksand a serious riot en.ned, in which several farmer«and constables were badly lujured."At Comen there was ronzii work, too.

Tbe ecclesia .tieni commissioners ptOOOOdod to

.fleet sales but weie met by a greatconcourse of people. The anoUonOQt re¬

te.ved much injury and two horses were so

ini-rli injured that they had to be shot. The coatsof the auctioneer and hie assistants wero takenoil and All wero marched to Corwen,btatied by r« d ami black fbic». Before entérine*town tho auctioneer had to take au o:iii that bewould never trouble tlieni again. Three botolathere were declared to bo boycotted. Tin» CO.-Ht-Maa w« re liiaishalled back to their conveyances»iiik! great uproar aud Immediately withdrewftoiu the district."'Ihese aaooaa have hoaa Ming on for tlio paat ten

laja all i.v. r Wales. In· many places tho peoplefcipnal ibe approach «>f bailiffs with horns aa tb«;ydo in Ireland- lhey Bred off mx tannane from thomountain siile at Llaugwm yesterday. Clearly tho('«K-reioti bill must be extended to Wales if therebe any logic ia it all. T. P. (lui, ML 1'.


?'?(·??.?G8 OF CABLg RBVtBataBua Moj ST..The scnutc to-day i*feire4 t«> ?

.pecial eoiLiiiit'···· the bill ptadng Import «lutie» on cattleami ineitt. Ilus lu.ilciit'i ll," !i:..il wJeettOM of IlioBiia-ure.Hi ¡it iv. May 27..Prince ?_???_ will. It Is an-

aoiinced, 1kj pn»vented Oy the ????.???!:?G rtieiiiiiatUuili»in winch he istuffering Irotu going to FredeiK.liMiihe¦· UMial.

I>; m tv, Mav 27.. The Freeoiitii'n Journal «tenie« that«G. l'iiineli hat 0«e.i gUlltjr ef enielly lo Mr. K. iiiii'.ly,.lie of tbe Irish leader"« Avowlal. teuautt, a» chargedleet-rdu« by Uie Dublin Ejrpfe**.

Un noti·:» rnoM I/O.ndon.?-1-G1??. May 27.

I.'iltl» ("<?1,?? CAMI'HEI L'S Li AIIII.I ? ii.s. ?a??? toliurntnjiUili inucoDtuiitetl l«i lie pia. ?·! In bankriipoy, in·« <·"G·!.·???_* with the ileclhiou ol in·· i'ankruiil.y Couil onUie (»eiiiliinef ihe Dakeof MarlborotiKh. Ill» llublliueetn· ???,???, lucluüiug _.?;,??? for coau uicurroJ lu pro».-fatiiif BU «livorce »uil uxaltitt his wife.

tZ^\Yy.LiJtc^,n 8T°i»i'.i).-<)·- one of the Arrau Island·tiSVm-V¦.^'-"»¦....'»«.andliUiioll'.« e»«iirt were »tout I*f***r^ Th»mmSoe i.r. .1 late IM ttowd, woundluicaeverai peraou». rhe oolieeUir waa badly luauled.Khitimi fori..? TkAi,_.-Tw«)t,iindreHl au,l fifty cot-

Íwt-1 nu of S__ .,,..,U,";l",",t·· +** and püdve.í If"" inni« or tlie splDuer· aKreo. Ui run U_>ir. ,.,.

holt Mine tor a OOtZ* ot %St7w_Z fflaa?·« '

day next, iu onler to couuteraet the ettect. ot _U_ ?,.,-µ? tCorner la cottou at I iTMpaii I'leieui

BKW ??__ß?>?5? FOU TIIK HANK OK MON.'H.i;\l_KoanuAL, May 27 (Special).-At the weekly meetingM director· of the bank of Moutfonl today, .sir i>onal«l A.Jiiiitb wa* olected president lu placo of Mr. Simili, ?»Ui«oi-Ke. ?. Di.iii.iiinud vl<«e-pre»l.feiit ami W. C. Meli.ii-*.1 to Uli ??? vacaacy In the directorate.

TIIK I'bACK ILAG IX J.UHI.IN.Diblik, May 27..A pioces-ion of the uuauiploycd of

tat« city, < arriiijr a black flan with a skull and crone boues.a It, wa» ditpertod to-day by tue police.Cb'KIOUe BEHAVIOR OP A YOUNG AMEUICAV.LunDO-i, May 27..A young man whote uauielttup»

V°otA toba Gil) »ud what« thouKht to beloa« Iu Mliino-*Volu, Mlnnetota, arrived at the Londoa Hotel at theaegiuuiogolUie wrekrlth plouty of toouey and bag-

trago. He lias boli avari eo strangely that 11 li believed li» Islu-ane. Ila fasU for long interval·. IsTsJ hotel peopleare alarmed on hl» account uni winch him closely. Theydo noi ilo»lre to e)ect him and are Mst-sMM to haar fromhl· fi ieuds.

«a .


?G??? COMH.CK ????.

FabiȔ, May 27..The examination of the ruins of tho

Opera Comique for the bodies of victims continues vig¬orously. Tweuty bodies have been found in the dining-room. Theee victims had all mot their death from suf¬focation. Tlie firemen Ml «ither bo«lies, but were un¬

able to rondi them. It Is believed that there are 150more holies in the ruins.The roll call of the attache» of tho theatro ma<Ie to-day

.how· thHt seventeen actors und employe« are missing,exclusive of the supernumeraries, trho tvero engagednightly a» they tvoro needed and of whom no record was

keptAccording lo an official report, ei-rty-eigbt bodies

had been recovered up to 7 o'olock this evening. The

Municipal Council of thia city hue voted ??,??? francsfor the relief of sufferer« by the lire. Tbo work of search¬ing the ruins continues to-night with the uld of electriclight. An English family of three persons Is missingInquiries for missing friends are »till being received.




???????·.!., May ST..What was dono hero this eveningin honor of Mr. William O'Rrlou wa» meant us the crown¬

ing demonstration. This wa« !ho first pinco ho visitedafter "invading" Canada. Hut tho reoopllon tenderedto him then wa· tendered by Irish sooloties almost exclu¬sively, while the reception to-nigiit was not alone byIrish societies but by all the other city organization·,tbe French-Canadian association» predominating.The torchlight parade wit* a scene not to be forgotten.

Everywhere the Kreuch flag appeared and a Frencb-Can-iiiliuii face could be dcscrlcj. Loud cheers rang out.while some of the handeln response played the " Mar¬

seillaise." "(lodSave Ireland," " ( ri>ouiu>ll Aboo," ota

While Mr. O'Hrieu wa» speaking from the balcony of thothe Ht. Lawrence Hall, after his carriage hadbeen hauled through the principal street»,one man trod upon another man's foot.The man groaned with pain nnd the peoplo thought hewa» dissémine from Mr. o'llrlen'e remark» and Intent oucreating a row. The audleuoe " went for" him a· one

man, and before he had time to recover himself and ex¬

plain he was badly bruised au I et!. HI» naine Is Shortlie Is the Kilitorof The Can ulula WotkOtOM and a warm

sympathizer wlih Mr. O'l.rlen.At least s.tMH» men earned lorehe« in the procession to-

nlght, and as they filed past nt. Lawrence Hall, on thobiileoii} of which Mr. ?'1'rirn -.food with the Aineri'annewspaper ni»u and the oi'lccrs uf the local League,tlm. was »et up ? deafening shear.At a big m«·.-ting of all classes nf eitl-en» the followingre.»..Union was passe«! amid thunders of appl.vis··

BteettOt, That this great iiieiMiiig of Canadian rltDeti» ofal. race» and cree.I« express their abhorrence uf tho In ut»land niiirdeioti» conduct si I.»n«ilowiie·» «lotender·, snd tlu-irluillcnatioa thst Lansdowne ha» not «-Mi fit to ntt»r a»Ingle won! of reprobation of the»« strooill-t, anil tli-' w»

renew our csinilciunatiuu of his Inhuman treatment of hislush tenant».Mr. O'iîrien and his frionda stool on tho upper gallery

of Lardi'· Botai, from wnl· ? «porches were mudo. Inthe v.iet space spread out lu the frout and Inthe cclirhiiorlng »treat· there trote ut ItM-M 3(1.00«? i»er-

iton», Mr. O'Hrlen said he had never »eon ai.ythli.g lineroutside of Ireland, or even In Delimit. The little Frcndiboy» shout··«! " A b»e I-tnedown.·." »n 1 tlie thousands ofFrench clilzen» present took up the cry »ud with a fre¬mendoli· outburst of applause celine.? it ull over the city.·· Ikiwd with LaaadoWB·.** "The land fortin· people."** Lan.dnwno must go,"'· Homo l'ulc," "'iod «avo Ire¬land," " Kreuch and Irish Join hand»," and "Down withtho Orangemen." were «some of th» Mottea· on Iheflag» which floaten from the buildings all «reumi.When Mr. o1 Uri,»? came to the front i»u iu-lc«erll»«lilosc»»ne followed. The chenrlti. and waving ?G hut« l.i«l«-.lfor »liout live minutes. Mr. »????.-?? tal 1

Ixird l.snsilowiiu «ahi la Ottawa yestorrtay that our In«»,»lun of Cann.1» was ov.-r. 1 Ui tik if lio witnessed this »Ighlto night in tli" ? rl_eli>»l ? ty «.I Can a. la, ho wunlil ri-oogui»« <

tl.it r,i» tronhl··» in ('»na-ia »ie m>; arar hin »re «my (»in-

ntnii'iiig [appiana« Tie-re 1« ft (pint enkludlod In the tn»»tt »fCsintd» to ilsi which «sill l»ur»ue litui tu the l»»t hour « henhe takes his departure from the».· «!, i< « [cheers »ol It 1» a

spirit »11 the yells of the < >r»iinoinen of »nail» »nd »11 Wiedrilled e*itha»ia»ni uf tli·· offici«)* st ( itt»ws will no! unen. h.Lan-town« lia« mad« »»me veiy g-asflv attempt« tu lanari»

off the »vent» of the t>»»t two we. k» in »n».la. I il.ui't Ihinkhis «nvcfo·! levity Will Inprov« hi· ;.<>»>:,.>n io I e <-y .·» of tl..·? sns'iisn people «omethlng ator« than ___kttl«a· logea s·»called for. This Is no laD<lnn_; ins't« r »» Lao-dow«· w IIflnit Ithlr.k It WO.M L '.»'t»T'..r ?. ,:?« ?,,. « ?,.? _mlhamaoily if ho had »uowu tO-Sethla«, of »ChriaUaa airi a m»u witli pror»«dings wi.nh»ho. kf-1 »nd horrified tho win.I. (Ui'l/.il

in».if tl » nii.st Ire.cen'«.'is fa. t« Urn bat. re«»il'e. fi.cnthe event» of the la»t f«-w Week» III t'ansila ?» thai '·"(ilowne a-iil tin» iir.iuge'n·.·. of G?G???? «taad ;«'»·¦.Intely isu.

tata- Id day froa th. ma»» al the (»?» llao p >,.u:«i.»:i.The cinv.il ,? tuiiie.l to th»· hot«·!, Mith a s»t? -n_; bed*·

guard surrounding Mr. (»'linen's »-airl«.··, iheerlng a?,.1

singing"· iod -»ave lrelan<l." Oiiehiitidre.: and lift) person«»at down tolho t»,_n»i:iet this evening, II. .1. Cinran ?·.Riding. Mr. »"lirU-ii mad. a «;>« »·¦ !i 111 II. our»«· of whichhe »aid :

This, a« th« eie e "f rij- c.iiia.lian four, ha« bote e triumphfur l.ey.iiiil m.v < \f Citimi», .m I. whether l__O__!0W0« stai s

nr departs, he is iclein .«-.I lui »il lim.· in ti.» in. p of everyh-.nest and ho,im..',le in IB.

Mr. O'l'rien will leave here on .J.itui'la;,Ikiston.


di G (,???????. lini I.«.M,I 11.

???.?1«, May'_'7.~l're-i.leiii Oi-.'iy tins mo: ning sum¬

moned M. Loin 1er ¡im! M. Inut for a confci. :i-

Induced M. Kouvl. to meli-Malie the t i«K «if forming a

(..'abiti, t (Jener-il Siiuss'.er Is meiiii'iiie 1 for Mini·.·, ofWar uni M. i'el'.icns fur Minister of'.lie Iiit.-rior.M. HouvtorI·¡iccopting tlio task iv<|iic«!cl IT»·.? lent

?'p'-vy to allow hlin full liberty of action. M. Honren»will rcmaiii in tlie C.ilnuct a» Minister of Foreign Af¬fai:.«. It Is pr..l».,l»l,-> that IL Uouvicr will take tlm o:li«-.·of MlnUt^r of Finance. M. Kpuiler will be Minister ofJustice, M. EtletiPo Minister of I'.ililic Works, M. 1'nvctMinister of Agriculturo, Admiral Jaune Minister oCMarine and M. f*__ia1n_lrG?t??G Minister of l'ubile In¬struction.M. (¡ranot und M. Lockroy have Informed M. Itoivlor

that tliey cannot Join Ihe Ministry unies» Generallioiilaiiger he a-sociaicl with them.LuPrantr repolis that a sect.on of the _-*·_¦ ha»do-

ci ii-.l tu leave the uuion of the O.nuiics ¡Hid lumi a new

group, loba sailed Oaiubatta partir.M. lei ij ha» written a lettii (loiiyiiiir thai it was ho

who excited the presidents of three Kepubilenn nonpaU» go to the lOlysee l'nla.-c lOUTf· President Grcvy to dls-plac· '·. nVisi Boulanger,

'111· Moins«! «vat depl Bate I t>-diiy under the delay inthe formation of the Mlnl.s'ry, and »inlster rumors · ¡ni»i ?»taifiiiitlon In busi» ess. ihree por «'eiil renie» fell 35otMiitiiiie», Credit Foncier 7 lianes and .Suez Canal »hare«13 ira nee.


Paris. May 27..La Lanterne to-day i«a.\s that f'eneralr.oulHiigcr will bo Mat to command tin- army corps in

Algiers. Another iunior Is lhat ho will be scut as ____»baseudur tu .St I'etersburg.

V-Mst-CLB LOBI in a TVi'ilno.v.Lomion, Ma) 8*8, A cyclone has visited Calcutta.

Four ships are repurte<l missini; and one has fouudcicd.

DIBCOTBBÌ or is [LUI.suso HELICE_???_.??»?.!.?·????, Muy J7 t.Sjùrini). -Workmen digging iu

the cellar uf the old l'hilivlelphU Lllirarv liullillii« this«Jiemoou. prep iratory ?, laying the foundation f,,r thenow l»rexel Hull.tin/, came acro»» the coiner »tmiu of theLibrary li'illdiiik*. The »tone ama laid August 31, 17<3_>.It hours this inscription:

Iteli remembered In ?.??,?? of the Philadelphia yonlh (thenrlnelly »nifi <r»l that in M l<(.'( X X X I, thev « ¡,e- tfnily. nt111» instan"« of Ilnnjainiii Franklin, «no of Ih.-ir nui.ili.-i-. in.suinte.? ihe l'lill_j|el|ilil» Library, wiinh Ihsaijh »inali »IIII»!, is tn-cn'iie highly i.ilii.ilii- and «M. ns.veiy iisc'nl, and« ill« h Hie w_ll« ut Ihls eilllii ? at« now ili-s! iii-nl locunUin «lutpresen«! t.»- first sloiit» of ««hot« luiiii.Ulioii waa here pla.-.-dlue .il«t day ol AiikusI. ITM,Sevcral medals which IiikI been deiKislted Iu the stone

were found ; also a large number uf coins «>f every de-nomliiatioii ami country. Tho relics will be puo-il inthe new library building at lîioad and l/icus-s »is.


thi;m:i,s(in will m'istainfi».???µ??G???.?». Mimi., Muy "¿T. .In tho Nelson will eise Ihn

July llus umilili,;.', altos le-,n_ uni leu liiluiile», rctuiued avolitici sustaining thu will, 'the «un ???.,?».·? t-.'??,?» ill am!tb» will W»· coiit.-HU-d I.l \ sisiei ol Ihe testator, who ein-

? oyed Houatur Vuui'lums. ol lu.lmn ?. «u.l (.'oii_res»iii»u Wa<ls-vi ui 111. ui lieu u k.v, lo condili I her ? »»e.

l'I ?:< I1A-»I.V(. IHK -io< ?. OF ( i.AI'l'.v DlVUftCiili Ai··», May _7.-The offer of ilOl.OOO hy .Mis M.uy B,

llaiili·)' alni OUtttt of Ih· ptolottoú ????'?.'??? «redlt-tt. oft lapp .v liavie» fol the l»it« ?« |· ».liy sto·- «san »icepu·«! in

Junge J.imle»oii to-iUy, ili« punlia» rs OoU'l.ut; io ,»y « «s'.ifor no miiili ol the Judguiuiit ss slioiilu he sut » .1 -.

A 1?.?.?'Ko-l'M.l MOMA líll.L IN ILLINOIS.(un ??.?·. May Tl..? heurd. ruf «.nunis«.um ? C .Iunni «iiiar-

.nulling boa nuiili' on ..(·(u-.nt ..G plcuiu-(.iiuiiinuiii.?·?·?Íi.-at e.citelli» ul aniuii'.· Uli.· donéis and other· Ustoricíe. lu Hu- limisi al Ih« -t ite rapila! Ulla Btotaln« a billwa» Introduced and udvaiicisl lo se. nul ·??·?????? pluvidiiithat Ho oiieaiiou ot »uppi.-asiuu »¡ ptoara awaaiasi-t m thi»ët.ilc, l»e placo»! m t.'ie U»uds uf the iiur.au of Annual IndustryU. UM l.lte.l Ml.ll. «.

Ml.'. I DOKBTOS AND THK KBTOHUM stfTATB.I...1 v.iM. In ?., M,«i _7. Ih·· Mil In thu Cir. mt Court

agii.n.l Civil »iivuc o.iiuii«« im-r Kilfartoa. brettghl nyJ"»eph KeU'liiiui was s ?.?·.? ?. »?. lu. Kati-liiim prnvlii«Unit he »a« ih» H,!lii>ui»ti«¡ .1 of (he estate.if Anna ? ?. ...? ?»h «..is. <? A» soon as Hit« w«s doue, Mr. ?.'.? Imi paid overto htm J.I,G???) lu cash «nil ti»li«.eirc a uioitg.i.e et *4.0''i»which he w»» holding in ii oat. This «ili??.«·ß in.· re-tor· ih.itMr. Kilgcriou bal ».·<????·»?. led lume u; ino tin.doni» inuui y.

LVIhKNCF. ?????.-?' A riiOl UOIiUKIt.??» ? im, Tex., Muy ·.-. Joe Harbour, tho suspected train

runner, was »ppreliendetl on Ihe fuel Unit a pie« ·<· .»( p.ipir V· «

found where the ? o hü.· · .tiv.dd their hoolr, le-ar.ng Har¬bour» u.iu..· und he ¦___) foui |ESÜ hli» winch liad :»··.·_ suit ?· Ilo.t thor. ???????? the plundered pa_á_gos waa oao thai haicuutauicd four *_. bills.




Boston*, May'.'7..The Union I'n Itlc gaOwaf Investl-Kation wa» resumed to day. The tlr»t witness was Kllslia

Aikins, a «ili "Ctni of the Uatea PaaUt? »luce 186t andowucr of GOD thaïes of (Talea Pat._e stock. Ho was coir¬li -i a 111 of Mr. (ioiiiti'» ralattoe to tu.« renda ant aal af tin«

.¦onllug arrangements of IgTB, in January, 1880t Mr.Uould teemed to he In favorable frame of uiltid in re

ganl ta the consolidali.m. t-al 1 Mr. Atkins:1 think It wa» always li!» «clierne to get ·.<·»»«»»!.m of tit«

central tiran, ti. I tluu't Hi p?. l, atr. p·?.·,| tho Janu¬ary 14 »yni|.t¦slum «I Mr. Until.!'» Inni.... »?have Iho lrii|t| .»uniti tliat lite paper wa» _S*-___tto put I» «urn »tier that iiTdr. Atth·· tini.- tltl» |·:?|··t was pfWOOBted Mr mv »I gii ..t'ire.. I wa»

only »ware In · Reni-ial war .it what tht« Comlitloii of therentrai ttrriiir!i|w»s. I wa» iriililotl largfly bv the other «tir·· ?0?In ».-cetlliig to tin· ctiuanliilalion, »it'l I «lw»y» ??a-?-???-?It wa» a go...1 párchate. After Mr. (I· iiil.l I».u ? lit th·· MissouriPanile, he l».r»riir »ntagnnUtio tn tin· G?'??? Pacific. ThereI· a Urge lui».?.·»» .lime hy tlie branch I.ne· ami lhey am

?·???? to the intere»!» of the Nad. Wii ought lo havol.oo«) mi ?·» innre than wo have at tin» present timo. Thele.»|ngot thecenlrrl l'aeifl·· tn IlieHoiitliern l'arine w»·, Inin) .i|..iilnii. I'lliiinal In Hie ,liit.|i.»:»nf tit·· I nini l'arili.'. Mr.«Inulti« plnji rr tin e.ili-iieil bolli tin· ???G-Ugli ami local bus;·ni·»».We w»nt to pay the whole .lei.I we owe the (invernment.

1 ??<· it.viTnment s'litiilil give ns ai· tit.»W ot luo year· atI |H-r rent. The 97,000,00(1 UureraaMet b .ml« «limil.l lie tea.v. ri.-.l Into teint OUiot »furiti··· tint wn.il.l he nt haneittI...Ih 10 UM «Itivernineiit ami to the r.i».|. l'In· b.»t »ecurilvlhey «-oul'l be 1????.·? lulo wmil <t Im· 111» t'iilriPaelfl- ni»t mottete.« boo** In» «bikini· fumi at pre»>«nlts bringing In no Inmute, «nir lerr.tm ? "iik'lit to be ».·. nr.-.lIO uà A» II ?« Myrtoo-I w.· ara ..-mit ml t.. pu- · l.y the M.crn.ihnn'iil« ol our wraliliy rivai«. I »nnM liei favor of ex-t· ??????? Ih·· »'t'iti iti·» t.f the ,ov, rii'ni'iit Itr i,. .In« lo nurtrini» »ml |.G·.µ.·pt. I f tl.e i.ovt-1 ton· ut »tmin.i (li .· ,«

100 years' <· tti'ii.Mii. til·· only »e.iirltv wo OOOM givo It I» a

»et orni nmrt traire on the main br_,iic!i or a lint mungane un

?,?'? nule» of nranrli ria·!.The reniBinder ot the alteraooa waa devoted hy the

Commissioners to the oxainliiatlnii of Controller Mink'sai·..nuits, ami It is thought several days will be thus.peat ? ....

REBUKE TO A riniti) ??(.?-1-?.?>??)..\·G.??.??.??,????'.? ?.. cumiickss BOT l-RBMtTTRD BE-

K«iitK nu: IRTRR-sTTATa OOMM Baton.Ws«i!li\<;r«>s·. May 27. .?. EL ??-?µßß. third vice-

president ot !he Louisville arni NmhviÜe Ba&fOadCotaaaay, appaired halara the latétetele Comae·reaCommission to answer «vrtain stitiiiieiits m-nli» byCoiaialeakhiaf Kink and Mr. Oanli <»t tin» Qneaa »nd( ie ....¦nt route.

1 In· tliiintiaii iiiii'iitcd ila compll.iii'e with the

reqaeet lor ? mepeaelea ot the toarth Motiee in tin»Sonili weald in»! ,i»n Hi'it to :i \ irtiiiil nu!l;lic,'itioii otthe t>» in tliiit set ti-tii ol the r'oiinlrv.

l h«i wttaeee replied ba the aaliBialtra, und teain-talaed the neeeeelty tor Mteh «. suspension.

I In· chairman ninu kod lb.it the people of the Southseemed to have felt Ite uoceoolty tor the law, ¡io e\i-«len n I liv the iirtl..ii al Congre.»..

Mr. St.ihlrn.in mu «'«»red that the people of th"South ll»d little teclinj; in this mattet. __M he; u 1}waa just our titeada la Cengreea who eaaaa here andsaid. * W«< will rid·· along on thl» thing/ and a goodin.iiiv ot them nr·) MIT] to! it, too."

('oiiiiiiis_i..iier Bragg interrupted him to »ay thatsuch rodeetlom apoa the latelllgeaee ol Cevert not in place.Mr. Siiihluian admitted that the point wa» well taken.The <'ommi»»lon haa r«reived a petition trom tin·

Mis-o.tri ami Illinois lie and ?.?????!···?r CMnpaaj. <>lCape Gtrardeea, Mo.,ehargiag theCeaoQlreraooa andBootbweetera llaiiro.nl ( oiopany with iHttT-iB-BBttagiiir.iin»! tin in aini iu iav..r ..? G .1. Moee, a aoeapetll >r,la tho matter al tnralablng Bate tor the transport»·tion ot* lit·· iitid luinher, to »neh a «legreo usto giveMom ? complete Monopoly ot |he railroad Ita amilutili., r bminet· oa tiie line of th·· defeadaote* road.

?GG???ß? rOB WAHAi-II BOBDHOLDBRf.Cmici?···, Muy 'il -deaerai Malfalla, recel rar ?? the

Illinois division of the Wabath road, started for New·

Tort la night hi paj .»?·>·.?|) latore·! oatheambiniti« hak? M du»tt:" ro vd. Tint Is the Bnt ui mey paid«m the G...? f« ladeMadoi na and haa eeee

tiincii) fr.'tii the ¦ trnlaaa aad * Um inoetrere apyby Judii·· i.tetii.i u. Anni |.·? lias net u enierid by Ju<U*elìreiham aiith.>rl/.lu< th« re«eiver lo i_y interest on thetooUoaal II ·« ol tho·· brasche· et the

»y^tiiii ·* !ib Ii luv.· ririfl «u Mg ? t" pay in¬tere»., The payment« ar·- to ?? ?,,?.?- lu BOOMSt-nui ·· with Ih·· »'mu nu-« "f t.i»· leeik» ?a now k· pt, uniwith·.al tivlaioo bonUboldon lo

thell r!_'!iT«. ,,r tko* llii! t. i. il bo

comi»· th.· i'1|i.ii-m o( Ilio < ter,.nllii<

n. H«fis In it.irot,' I . in i.irt ?, ?-«?. ani prior tof .Mu '.»:.. lu (lin tttnrl irate« of the.

rio, WataaMi aod Bt, l/mi· Kailrood t*ouipany, i>ythe II:-: ¦· ut.· lire«! U.-t.-ru Cini.·.aiI ( inii-

·.,.'.¦ noi '·.· ·- ' "' .- »··' .' II ll.

? and -.»util, ;i Iowa Rallroau Uoinpany, aad ni».>lUtaadiog eoupoo« inatartoa Moj I. l--'.,

ai: ? i'i t! ¡· ·. .? Itondi : ?··.tin« i, the Uni ne] und Toledo Ball·i.ii oiiip.iny, excliuling. bowotoTi «..th ronpont Im»

'.: to au) ..f li. ·???,.. have beea heretofore couillllouall) exebanaoJ

im ,.? fund I lulu I poortitli iu «.

ami, .«...oii.i, Ibe outst to Una " ipoot maturing 1 élira iryI, -¦« .. .· ?? prl'ii Hiélelo on tin» fUBOed debí bond» ofthe M . « .in. to

·.'!_,i.·· bono« .? ....·· ? ini ·: ii.· I t>P oil Ilio .. ?

poet lulorect (hall be allowed from Ibe o if··« ofum m it y lo Juue 1. 18.7, «t '· poi e ir. Tbe rooolrot ?«

.nt·ireal on ine «n.,

ro-Ml Ib '¦·¦'¦!. m.'.« ?? uàpali! .· "ti.oi'¦ nini t. . ?

Ao appeal aod »upe .·*·-.? by -·». Hum¬phrey· .«lei IX A lei

??O??ß?? BRIO »? OVKK IHK OHIO RIVERl'ii i-i'.Mc. ? ?.- 27 >',"¦· '. ?' '? ·..' !??· bl-H<r»t rall-

roiil «???????« ever arrange ? li trotterà G.???«. vanni li

that partly 0301pletad by the PoaaaylraBle Comiit bat beea lathed ef tor rem « aad will tort th oompauyan Immen»·· sum of Btoooy yearly. Ihe PeuusyIrania(¦impani OWBt lio PlIUbara, ( inelii'ii'l ??? ·»[. I^nii»

Bad operati the F ort Wayne aad Chicago andtheClevalaadaad Ptttahorg road« The tartoga.theaooompllabod bj the pootottlon .»f the Lawreaee aoadand the oouaolhlaUoB <»r »loot hue» raaalng throogbNow-L'Mtlo, r.-iiit., and Vouun»town, Kile· and I

>ii tiiit, aod lb.· building ol ·· bi hi ßaero·· ti¡<· Oblo River ut Kluilcb Htotloo, abool tourimi ¦« below lltuburg. ïhe bridge ?« yot lobe ballt Therailway oonaolidatlooa ar·· lust ab »n ooaaummated. Th·liuililiug of a luilKe mm»» in·« Ohio Klver will «a\o ,?

large amount of ilion·) for the G·????«> ivinla Coiupnny.. ?

Tin; READiirorrrmog ob irtrd,run. .m ?.cm i. May ¡17 tßpoHmi). la the United Bt ite·

Qreelt Court thl» moraiog a poUUon «v.n peaaeated bythn Phfladolphla aad Readteg Railroad, the Coal amiIrmi iiiii|i.iii., in Hi I if.-.'ivr«. inkunr purinn-MU to

add to Uta aale·gima la laaewal trom thaa to time hythe·oiiip.tiii··», the mat·peída· Beeeeaataata un.1er ther u m ? ti imi plan, b> parût·« holding Heii(|iiii.'»er min«pledged a» eolUteral ior tuo pay.wot of the il<...uu_;

? he following ».??·».Iu!·· of Ite.'i lin^ »eeiirlllf« oil' ¡?-« rol-liit.'i.u toi the Boatlag debt w.is Btiaeaed la the petl-loo(lenirai mortgage bond·, .'.""i loeorae mortri(e boodt,

f«."j.ooo, five per cent cooNHI, BrM »rue«,+¡.,,4 «."')> ».. ¦-

Mill »flint, tin*.!.«'. I· till M r II'..·· *.IJ.|«tll|ent »???·, ..'O.'i.OOH,(¦.tieni ut- ku 11 oil·· »orip, .. * .·. ·· general uniift;« totip,ñl46,OHOi l'erWinmen moiigagi' ».rip, X'.i.l'.is.

I h.· inn f mad· un .»? 1er ?\, lag pel inis.ion tniiirry Ottith. regaeet a.»keiL

Ml-« ? .i.i \si:ots RAILWAY INTELL.Ol lit ?

Ottaw \, May -"· The debata aa the Motion 1er a bm

paaatonol the QararaBeat'· pettey ae dtaaiioarlog the

lot-.ii railway aeteal the Maaltahaa LagMlatnia naeeoo·ttaood m ii.t ii'in-f of ( otamoaa until 9&Q thta Btorntaa»ho· the motion waa tool ?>>· forty·«!.ht attjority. ihoCauadi.tu t'aelBe w.n, thereloroi eoatloue to enjoy ¡,

iii..ini|i.ily of railway frei -ill« lu M.iuilo't.i unie

people ol the, l'invili·« tiikt! Ili«; mailer luto Ibelr own

haiiils.m. i/it'i«, May '_7. \ li-ili paper »ay» tinit the whal

¦ale groeii « ?G thl.·, city have entered a formal complaintoí ill-ei iiithi_.il.iu Bg.?ß? ih" M_M0ttrl ? '-»·' i lie Infiire IlioIntel'.lai.· ·.'o.iiuiei'ci· l'oniini,.| ni. It Is alleged thaï a

<'oiispir.ii?) \.«!« betwaea Ihe .\iis«o.in t*aeUk andatharUna· le tarât shippers entabla al the Biete.A suit was llletl in the Unite I «stales ('ourt here lo ilay

b>-the. New-York aud l'aelilo ('ar Tnial A-MCUrt-OBagainst the receivers, Mossi». Humphreys and luit, oftin· Wabaota KaUway for iho roeoi ery ol tj,o_ t,:i.»", audUie coni! « ;i«kc to "??'·? ?!« payment ami to aeolare Ita lien tupeiior to all Btortcaget «m the »· abeah property.Il I« uinli «liei.l Unit a similar suit l» to be tllod at t«piing¬nillii, ni., ami at Chtaaga

1'????.??.?.?.????·., May 'il (Speciali. .Before MailTf(¡eortfc .M. Dallas today, tSolleilor Kearchcr, lu behalfof the HOQjdlBg I'.-iiiio ? in thu m.liter of paying the ..hi

iaeteeeaa arrearage el glt/KM, aali the -aaaaanaaanlwas about to iirriiiig·« wall the Coustruetioii Trustees to

pay the i'oii.liie(.irs inc.i.li upon ti»«- BBatgB.MBl to tlieinof the elalnit bold prim t·· Uooember ?. ?·»-1, ? pobo»!1er the condili:.«u s tueroupoa »taici tuât all ata olientidaolrad waa ¦ eaab payateal« aad ho voald itgreo noi topa the soil furtiitil' at lids llniu.Judge llullei, iu ??.· G??!·· I MalM dr'uit «"mirt till»

miiriiiiii,', tb nie I tho moll.m m el.· In Imita!f of the 1'ull-III.ill Pal MM .··' oiiip.Ui> to hit ? <- n spi't l.il t'\iil|ilnillloD.ippiiinlcl to .MM the eviiltiii!·· ol wiiuesse* iu funmg ?

)?? ih·· rullili in (.'eiilral l'iaii»i>ott:i;luu Co.i.[t.iu> litunt.un.

-» -

BBPOETI l> l ILL OP ? LAEOE MBTBOB.I.l.'.iltiA, .May Í7 syir. ,·?/?. A iioUm ihn cinte.I on Ilio

Ibim·)· turni Bhottl »U miles east of this city ou \\

d;i) ???,???, ?????-????' a gieal aataa RehertWelle, a_an_er.¦aya that ehertly after 11 o'clock he hattd a loud raaring????-? Bad looking up »aw thu mele tr. He ascertainedthat It !«-|| a alia liotu hit hoiis,·. In tho teu-acro lotwhere the meteor fed Is u deep pit irregular In «hupe niniabout twenty feet4top. It ?» foiiy leei aeteai tin» i.»|.,but a« Ibe earth ba» · tumnlfil, Il la pulluline that Ine

Meteor wot s oaewhal »multer. 'Ilio meteor shed a brlll-laut grayish IIkIiU

FIGHTING AT AN AüTOPöY.POUCEMF.N* nr.r.P A DHPIITY CORONE!?.i»it. iiriK.r.ii's ___p_| t????at???p.tiiky would

Not havk a " wakk" MTVItthTimuthy "? halen, who wa« etabhort last Saturday

"rigai while closinu _). liqu.r«toie at _»?. 5 Clarkeon-.I., died .'.'.«lofil.iy at hi« h..1110. Several cut» woremule in hi« intestine« .and luparotoniy w.-ta performedaiicce»«tully by Dt» WjtOMO. Th· wound· In thointestine.« wore ol.»»..<l mid Whalen seemed like'y torecover, wh,·.? peritoniti« sot in and killed htmli.i...i*v-('or.,ner Herold wont to Whalon'« home lust???????_· with ,,,. assistant to make an antoj.sy.Whalen» laih.r and brother were thoro, and whenthoy tonn.I .nt the object ot the deputy-coroner'· vi«itthey threatened to throw him out ol the window andout liim up with Li« own Instr-iuicnU. The doputy-coron.T went on with hi» preparation«, after telling;the Whale· » tli.t ho wae cmnpelUd hy law to bethoro, paying no attention to th« threat«. When Dr.Herold drew the covering liona tlio ioe-hov where thebody wa.« the troulil« began. Whalen'· t_ther.tl M had th« do -t.il· with · In-ivy »lick, and Wlinli-n'syounger hiother pulled o'tt a revolver, poin'ed it atthe ddotor and told him that it he toucho,! the ico-bolho would make ? stove out of Ins body with bullet».As th» nfmo»| here -a» getting altogether too warmlor ? man of pone*·, Dr. Herold picked ? hi« inetru-_MBt-aad went out somewhat rapidly, followed bylit· coinliins,! oiireo ol tho entire ti-iieinont-hou«··.Dr. Herold told Ciiptniu l'o| eland, ol tho Charles

-»t.oet Siation, ot tho way In which he had le enH·· it·· 1. ml asked lor protection. Three otf'ieer« wero

detailed to keep the Whslens pcieolul while thedoetor went on with hi« work, liiere was it wildtryitom the laafBuat_»-__-· when the. téatott ap¬pear, -d. and th-v war· nn-t I.? threat« ol death if theyshould ¡_o into tlie hoii.c. Danger* i» what i.oliceraeayearn |.»r, ami iu they went, followed br the doctoran I hi* a«ti»iaiit. Wherever the t4ñottt »aw a headIbaj put it ipiickly out, ot the wity. Mio hardest¡.ci sou to mbda· wit» tlio dead man''« lather, an oldman ot ajOjf «event? years, who lought like a tigerand would lot I.· ive the room where tho body wa«unti! the three otheer« eimblnrd nnd carried liim out< oi siderahly the worse lor wear.Th· nutojisv ? a» tinaiiv hod. ami when Dr. Herold

was goni/ atraT h·« hoard a voice behind linn savingthai lie would ho f,,Unwed .nd hi» li'O would he lor¬ie ?,.,? fordietarbiltg the tod« ?? a man who was being" -Mli.eil.''




TA IV-.G??tµ?? no, I'enu., May '¿7. A passenger train on tho

'Yiiiieyivaiiht lUilroad |uui|icd tho track at Horse HhoeBend, in the Alleali any Mountains, to-night, »lid threecar· «out over au cmtiankiiieut. Turo» oottomt aro re-

p«irteil lo have been killed and another Injured.A (lUpaUii from Altooua say«: "The aeotdcut wa·

causel by the axle of uti ea«t bound freight train break¬ing about the time the two train« nn t. ll'|H»rt «ays tiiat

Watt.? -fan knle.i and twelvo wounded. A numbertt ph> «niant have gone to the »«-one of tho wreck."


? aim hi: ni ? 11 ?· MOlst-TH -a COLOBKD commun·«? ? ?_*? AiiDitNKV rOR X<»l:l'(il.K.

l:i. 1IM..M., Tt\, May 27 [ßoetotti..Blaattoaa for sbiiI.otllcort wer·· ¡v 1 lu the Esteta yesbil iy. While therewere no »inet party linei drawn lu in.my place«, yet thooiicuie ha» Igea a victory f..r the Kcptihlicaut wheretlie I».ne ..,. alala In tunny coutitli·» colored menvoted with the l> u >¦ .at·, aal ta« itepubUoan par.-ygiin. 1 mini white« »lea ? tin Republican« who «renton Independent tleketa taaecure Ltomo-t-eU. vote»· wero

ill ' i'e

N-.iiK.i ?. v «. -.t,,- |7 .___¦ it -;,,-,:·. :_t? ittaifhttli'ket I. eh·.·:.».! ,.y ., 1 ir_.- ma| »rlty oier tho Clti-OB·*, or

Kution. tick··*. As'» iry 'culnre.l· I« ,·:.· t·· 1 Conin.iu-it « »? 1 to ·».· Um first Urna In

tn·« n.st..rv <»r tne Htata trharaa eolorei Baa haa -«.aUOD

I'ortaiuoutli i.y ¦'..· .tod tha U.nu »r.i'.i, Uekel by a

lari· ·. ...i ticket.I'» H.i:»i:i countl·-t of I'rlticu

y Rep ii.'.ii a· mt\)orttle·??"?> » hi .:.. \.i. Hay 37 Mm «»'ii. ui return·

from all thu ,ire·.-l:i··:« in -hli «:i-»W the folloresutt: II.ili ? '-. | ttAOOf (lit H-Ullby."" majority for Common maltfe'· Attorney Me tttiejUnd. ?????? lrf.it« l.ewl« fJUta) by 1 .n D . .riti for(oiiniy o nt Clark; Mart/ ilnd 1>.·???.?lltru.) hy ?.m tini.? fot ( ir« un Court Clerk, in·- Ita·

...1 ot BUpertrUer· .mi nearly alltiioillalrk'iilliccr*.

*»tatr-TOM, Va, May 37, lo à_t»*m_a Ooaatftliarai Ih tno.raii. tn-k.-t »m ,.!,·,f.i by fra u >?>·> io I,'_«__

:.. ? Ite llepublle «n« cai ry some tulli

I" RESI UE WORh HO IN,????: ? \· Il i: M.«.»ii\s IN CHI-??? -II ¦<!'(; ?'??-

?? ?\ W IlI.MCV.('ni. too, May 37 ttp

chango, m Un.in.u to-day. The m.-ter

icklayericuy. "Work will '..m prcttj (renerully on

|.|. nt inc.? ??· y, "it ?*· au ,'<l the

IC I- »Old tint :t mo I. .»u t.. ir·- «;?:?;??,(»

for tin· an·-? ol sevi r;il Piasti ¡. the obargo? ;? ? ·? ? L») ·? DU B.il!_¡ Ol Ul

ly in. utiy.lu. ?.. ornili : ?. ley over tl long

delay. Their tllu· should ? ? boi ? runnli all tbe?.?-? month, and m lh< li aurfcln. timoabolii ihn-.· moliti., ?..·.; pro ,·.:» foi ino year ait-

ui.i-i-r plasterer· -i> that the lock-out boa no!yd afleetcd tin in to any tlestroe. 11.·-. aiti mi,in«,in hiio m,ion in. n. bul cannot paj tu<-ir priaUve, ?« .m .- ot the lose ?- lion In. pia*'».una« ?», 'im y bava found it ncoessary to com¬bine m an <-iii|ea\..r to in-·· the pile« of »ul>-

cuiitrac-t, and al ¦ meeting la»l night tbe organiza¬tion was cnui|li t. .1 by the adoption ol · coiisiitutiou

la.« -, twenty m· mix ra Ix Iu pn?

ORE ll \xi»l.l-:i:s REKC-INO TO WORK.« »'. i.isn, »in.», May 37. Mearly tin··».· week· asro

all the hands itigli,'.·! by tiie Nuw-V.irk, Gp??») lvaniu

un.l «lino Kai.?? I in loal.iig cars with noil OT· went oil

«ink«· lor.ui attain·!· in their pay nf twein y-llvo contea

day, Mlll'e till -Il Ve,«els hue I.e. II illl'l¡l»lll, then· iMIk'Hl·«

on the do«.·¡<s until iiow great BBOUUlaiM of on an· pliedup ai.??_- the mer. ¡.ue« .-..|iia.ls oi Italiane hare beenbru i-oí li ·?<· t-i ink·· the pi «·¦<·» ol tbe itrtkei ». ü

li.?- ?»·-n pt-.-i.iiie.i upon i" go awaj a_*atn. im» morn-iu_ Ibe men ouga.eil in Unloading ies»ols Wei ·· illi-cl.-dto take tho plaoe« ol Ihe striker·, and on refuting to do¦o wer·dt»· ii ?.- ed Nearl- MWman are ?ß* Uli· ou Umdock«.


Nu PIUC8E_rT REDUCTIO!! in THE PRICE OP COKEl'i CUI ??, May 27. Al I«) u.li-

.-;ii<- io day th.· demand of the owner·ot blast furttaoaator a ?-¡u. in,? la the pi-loe of-otto from «U to $1 (Ownpreaentea The ·] a ii·- it« anuofsaeo thai la « Ie« ..r theurik· tiiey Mould not make ¦ ra Ittctlon, bat as »??? µ» a

«otilo t» tit w.i» ???·-<·?»·.1 wlf.lt their workincn the »Ionian 1

j ur Usa fui ?.o "men winihi i»· giren due eanelderatlon,'ih.· furnaoaiuon threat«u to gel coke from othor utakera.it la aut-sl thai aegoüatloiu are uow pending foi a cm

| fere no. between lb« men aad lho operator·, Ibi·,.»m.leni·.· will probably be held to-morrow, afca·».Hailoi ami ( ul on, or the (,???t?? Board of the Kolgbt·of Lahor. Willi IlMldent Harri», of ihe State «liner«'A»-...-i ition. are In the coke regsoa endearorlng to bringah·»1.1 an cully settl_tnc..t.

??? ten ni nn. L-tBOB QUESTION.Th strlki· In th« .Stephoiison Car Woik.s Is »till OßtSkJ

nu. TM mou iissiit that work lu UM shops ?« almost

I completely bloelt-tL -__*tadea»ed hy Mr. Kap__s__.··,who, while ha ackuuvlo igei thai w-.ii» is soinewiiat im·

p. dati· m aint.iiiM Ih it it is n at sriuiisly ?. ?..out fortyof the »n-iker, had suo. cele 1 lu getting work clsewhoro.

A i-iiiili'i'iui!on of | » va« r.-ciicl I es;er.la> Ir.iui themo. li une» 00 the l»ry l»o<-li i-o.-vl, »ml nil the Streel railI,-n.I mei liulili » have pioiulse I to -uppoil the Strike.Uoorge W. iiuiiue, of th«Board of ArbllraUonand

Min.« s of ln-in t ?-eembl) No. 19, eatUed the strike of

tbo bookbinder· who wenton _Utk· lor aa Increase inw «gee. Tin· »ink.· wa» seltied by Mr. .»-haw granting thoin. ?··«.-¦

In.· lin can and pall makers la the shop of DanielToula, at No. 33 imriiug flip, weal on strike ».g da* «

a_o against a reduction In wag.·«. The »trigo iva« suc¬

cessful, the men returning'.o worn'estonlay at the oldHie ol W,__e.. ,,,.,,

Ilu ie I.» ;. pos-ilulltv of thecar llrlk· in Indianapolisalleinig Brooklyn. It U aatd that aoma ol Hi« dlreotor«of tbo Indlanapoba rtwtda are stiao lUreetora of Itr.M.ul«, u

lines, and Kisirlci ?»·???????? ?". 7» h·« .loculo I to giveUnan, nil ainl Other iiLI lo tuo Indianapolis -.trl.ern shouldil bn deemed iicce.siiiy.


fJEBEEMEE 10ET ?? ???BOttOtì, May '.'7. l'ho Hriüth tttMVSMt Am «ir, which

ariiveil here _e»terday from l'aieriii », r-porU that )es-

terdny uioriilng while olTtlioMUIIum-cii Hanks, lu a dense

fog, at S a. m., »he was balled by two fishermen who Ini 1

been out In dories atten.llng to their trawels an I ho.1 lost

thou ves.ol. They were l.ikcn aho.ird the steamer and??,·?<· lami -? hei·· y »ler.lay. I'hey stated that thoy be-

..cl In a 1.en: ij »< liooiier and hiwl left lho captain,iilio wa» crippled In one arm, on boanl.i,un ? Ksii.ii. via»« . Mar 37. -< apum Vibbcrt, of tlio

-, ?,.... nor lib 'hard Lester, from the («rand Hanks, report»tl, a im May li», John llmwu and Edward llegan, two of

the crew, *»t aatray while alteuiilug the trawls mid havein,? yet ben henni fioin. The tOttttt belougwi tu Now-Ü1UII-.WI. », and Ilio latici in Unitoli.

WLB0TÏ0E OP OFHCERS RY OOOD TEMPLA WEB.IUTix.A, May .¿7..Tho llight Worthy tJraud I»«lge of

OooJ TemyUr. elucteU tho following otflcer« to-day for

the enaiiln? year: Right Worthy Good Templar, John ?Finch, Evaiiston, 111., re-elected ; It W. Q, Counsellor,William Turubuil, Glasgow, Scotlaud; It. W. G. VicoTemplar, Jesse Foray the, Boston ; It. W. (1. Secretary, B.W. ratter. M-iuston, Wi·.; B. W. G. Treasurer. UriahCopp, ????.?, III.; It. W. G. Superintendent of JuvenileTemplars, Mrs. ?. A. Brookbaulc, Indiana.The following appointed officers wero named: B.W.

O. Chaplain, the Kev. I). W. ThlMBI. of India; R. W. 0.Martha!, o. G. Tolnact, of .Vorway R. W. «i. I). Marshal,Mrs. H. K. Ralley. of Vírenla; R. W. G. Guard, MistBather J. Hlakey.of England; U. W. G. eteutlnel, John A.Keller, of the llábanas.AU were duly Installed hy Past B. W. Grand Templar 9.

R. Obis·), BSMeted by Dr. Dronliystekha and sister Wetob.Inan as marshals, as olllcert of the reunited Right Worthy(.ran I Lodge lor the current year.



Batavia, Ohio, May 'il (Sperial).-K tragedy occurredIn the convict comp opposite New-Richmond, on tho Ken¬tucky side of the Ohio River, yesterday afternoon. KarlyIn tho morning twocolored and one white convict plannedau escape. Their echouio wae to miirdor Overseer Mar¬shall auil tho one guard. Toward evening the white con¬

vict aneiilced up behind Marshall and dealt him a murder¬ous blow with a shovel. Marshall fell, and tbo convictgave two more blows to the senseless man's head andthen turned to run. The guard heard the tumult andrushed to the scene with his gun at full cock, and wasabout to tire ut. the tleeiog ii'pit.· of the murderer whenthe two negro conspirators interposed themselves lic-tween the iruard ami the fugitive. The guard orderedthem out of the war but they refused, and picking upstone· both were ;i G?.?>?<·1?_ upoi hlin when the guardfired. Th·« gun w.is «lisoharjo.l but oneo, but tt «ild Ilswork having been loaded hnlf way to tho muzzle withbuckshot. Both negroes ami Hie fleeing white convictdropped In their track« nee negro «leail, the other danger¬ously wounded and the BOeelDtat of the overseerpierceil through the lungs hy two buckshot. He willdie. Mr. Marshall is dying.FORESTS ? URSINO NEAR LAKE GEORGE.


Boi.r. .s, Lake George. May 27..The summer (fuciUwho have already begun to till up tie hotels In thenoighborlioo.1 or Lake George havo the unusual spectuclnof a fire which Is uow ragtag In the forests back of BuckMountain. In one of tho prettiest spots In this picturesquelegion Tho centro of the tire Is right opposite Bolton,and althou<h the lake at this point Is three miles wide,the guests at tho Mohican House can distinctly hear theroaring and crackling of the tlaiues, Tho drouth of thopast month haa Been extremo. The fear Is that thollame», which tiro now practically beyond control, mayspread to-»mo of the sutiiin>»r hotels. Last night thoscene was a truly magnificent one. Man? of the guestsof the Molile in lion»·» did noi go to hed at all, but re-malncl on the verandas or at their windows, unwilling toloot any part of the liiiiirotstve spectacle. To-day a largeparty set out from tho hotel with Frank Clark, one of thof.est known guides, to go to the summit of Buck Moun¬tain, If they «»mi. where they will bo able to obtain a muchmore extended view of the tire.The Humes have driven many wild animali out of the

forest into the lake. In the morning It was possible withthe aid of ordinary tlehl glasses to see a number of deerswimming about near the ihore and leverai parsons tu-llated that they could also distinguish hears ani wild¬cats. It was reported that early In tho morning an oldgul.le put his rille lu ids skitf and pulled across the lake,where Be euptu.red several deer. It Is believed that thelire wa« ein«.· 1 by a camping party, which loft one ofthe neighboring resorts for the woods leverai dava ago.They hare aotoeea heard from itaea Rxeept tne aa»»tiuitioii of a large urea »f valnable tlmbur land no otherterloil» J.im;i0'c ha« so far been reported.


MATS, II«.. I [I'D IN' TIIK III.«'I.T..1.'·« Oil ICI*..

PROPOSED Itot'TK.Maps Bad pi.ms for a new railr.ni 1 he'ween New-York

and Eteatoa hare been lied la th_ Register'· office In this

city. The dire· ton of tlio proposed road, whoso names

appearoa the mapa are: milla· t. Blaek, precidentiU.C. I.iii»ley, engineer; Thomas M. Browne, secretary; L?. cinti.¦n.i.-ii. f. v. BlddeU, Charle· i>. iugor.o.i, OeergaB. Biddell and Horn.··.« II. llilttendeu.As ladtcated by to.· ampi aa I plans on tile the route of

the prepeeed new read eatof New»YorkCUyM a· Cet»-..ariiii,· at tne northwbm tide el "Ihe etrete."al

Eighth-am, Banlaraid and fifty nlatliat. where a

? irtions win peehaMy be eetaalMhed.tho road U to run Ju»t weit of the Boulevar.l,Uumagh private property to mil acrost Xinth-iiv.'. to Icntli in.··., where ll takes u sweep In a

curv·· an i, omtotag the Boulevard dlagoaally from Ber·entyliltit «!.!.i -cv.-iily-sixMi·· t.. .«Hike» a point aboutISO feel ß eel ..f Teatb-ava. Bad rotismi that Ila· ttralrht

eighth st.. wh.ro it baglai la deiiootto the ·· i«t. an I at « iui-huudrcl-au 1 tenth sl an 1 Teuth·

B. .'its tin.nigh the Unni.iu CatholM orphan Asylum:» Bad Uornlogaide Park t> Otne-buadred-and»

tventy-tlxth-at at 8_ Bloholat ire., and thenee up? property «>f tbe < o ¦>· a of the

end Ueai to Ona»huudred-aud-thtrty-eerealudrod-and-tbirty»

«.igit.li«!.. ¡uni ben oo a Una lust west of Edmtve. to iiiK.'it where <n.· ..».ty-thini-»·., if

sroul cross, ami thonco m calo detleetlng easterlyto a Hue west of L'nderclnfe-ave., to One-bundred-anil-Mi fitiii-t then ohi croton Water Aque¬

duct io and through ii ¦¦ Park, diag.illythe Harlem Klrer. 1'.·¦ ?«>.»-1 .m ih:s tldeol Uer¬

lern ?» lo be largely underground, partly elevated Badpartly «m tbe tnrfa o line.

rot· road la Intended t·· ihorteo the preaeat time oftrnuslt between New-York aod Boston tlz hour- !·¦

and u hair hour·. Tbe pi ij will he 193In length, will bare no gi.il·· croatiuga on the en»ite, and oaly two rtrawurtil .*··».

? n.nif.n .1. N. Oreen· im J. McAlptne, ofMew York, bare gone over tlie nrojooted line andre-

; the turveyt, nnd In ilog their rolumin-report they ».i> eatlmated cost

of right of way la 95,143 per mile. .

The total o«t per inilo of madIncluding firat-clrus ?????p?? u inter.it aeoounU dnringcoustniciiou, right of way, eta, It, in i-oiiiid number·,¡r 130,1)01) per mile."

ST. .lollS ON I Hi: VEDDER BILL.DI Mil SCINi. PBACTTI «.I I.MI'KltAS't T. GG.????1 IT"

I\(i 11 · « 989 OR PROHIBITION,Bi bai ia May 37 (¿pena.). .Tbe -in:«! Intercollegiate

Prohibition Coavention « loaed t<» nbrbt with a tpeeob by.\ ?, .\ ernor Jnlin P. Bt Joha °' *f"Tft_ In openingim addreel ha reviewed the couteM of ?_·«? at some

length. Ile siiltl In pintiin- people have the power to mike und unmake eon-

ttltutlom aod also io mult·' und uuiuake political parti··,inni they ate colli, to unit. It l- the duly of all Prohibi¬tionist« to treat Hi.·., a bo do not agree with them fairly,w·· ProblbltlontoM are often reminded that we are in theminority nnd eanuot accompilab anything We kaowthat, but mi· know thu! prohibition It eventually ftoing totweep the country, ? nave been In tuo minority tarea(lines ou· ··, whoa I voted Air Promonti again, when ?«a« tier··,tied tor Governor of Kantat by a Democrat,and the third time, whoa Orover Ulevolead nnd J.i.««¦, Binine formed a ooiublnatioii and beat mo out of thoPresidential chair, ? have forgiven Blalaa ProbablyBlame has forgiven Cleveland, and I have had It fromBelva Lookwood'a own lip· that she has forgivenm.·. Bo we are all living iu unity together. Iwould never exchange my poaltlon With the present bigmajority agallisi prohibition. today the dUuBerlee arer. cell lag more protection tbal the cnurchet of the coun¬try. The man who say« tint prohibition trill aot enccocdis against us. He believed in women going to the poh«.instead "i degradlag woman, tuob a movement wouldelevate men.

He said thai tho Voltlcr bill Jost pasted hy the State_·.Mietara vaanahaataada framl la leeagalilng thoIlo idi trillile, iiml only mudo n compromise with tliosaloons.


jomaoa _____ and nuns.I m USA, May 87 iS/tertah. -Th· Kliicntlonal Committee

of the Mew-York Assembly Inapeeted the Cornell Cnivcr-sity biilidliigs to-diiy. The visit ?G the Assemblymen Isat the Invitation of iho University authorities, who do-siici tint the Mjfo iiut'itnit;··« thOUld have »omo idea ofwhat is being «lone.Munii.ktiiW.v, May 'il..A. Jaeaph Porter and wifo, of

(iriihiiuisvllle, Hulllvun County, were out driving to-daythe bora· took fughi ani ran tho wagou agalu·'. a .«tonoWiill. Mrs. l'.u ii'i'ssUul! waa crushed and her neckbroken. Mr. Porter escaped, badly bruised.Troy, May g7..The Mantraal express train which left

Troy ut 11:1) o'clock laet Blghti met with au accidentiil'ove A..Mea Junction at ilio') this uiornniif. Four cars

foil fifteen feet into Lake I 'nampUm. Kiprets Messen-i. \. Thayer and Baaaaiteman James Cabla· weresllghily Injure«., The accident wa.«caused hy u landslide.

i.... anana May ·_7 (special)..la Pafcta, Jaaaph Balky,a farmer, was moving a I »at of furulturo when bisbarate beoaaae Mghteaod and aaehad forward, strikingdown his wire, who was pushing a eart containing athree months old hall). 1 lie woiuati received probablyfatal Injuries. The c!ii!d trat rushed to death.Svuit «?, May '27.. l>r. Cenge L Curtis, a dentist of

tin« iiy, has inen arreatod ou oompialal of his «ife, for¬merly Alice 1). Watson, of Oxford, Maei Curtis aud hiswife tlrst mot et old Orebard Beaeh, Me., several yearsago and were afterward tei reti) .n.irried in Albauy. Illswife sue* to compel hliu to support hor or for a tupara-Ûm.


IHDI.Y DIRT IIY A RAILROAD TRAIX.John Wayland, of Klngsbridge, was driving his wagon

across the rail road track at ln.ootl.«t. ·,?·_?· rduy, whciihisteam WI is struck bv an · -iigine. ( m·· of tin· horses was

killed, the other waa badly Injured, and Wayland was

sen rei) hurt. HI was tukcii to Manhattan Iluspllal.-?

HELD BOB KMIiFZ/.I.KMKNT.l'un .iniiiiuu. May .7 (Special)..Thonia» M. Maire·, a

it-ii'rut.ti.i iiK.-iit ut t'jiititeii. rc-iiliiig lu this oily, wa· heldby Ju.lgo Durliatu lu ??0? lotlai upon the charge ol cm

be. ilfinent aa trustee, lu-ererretl or Mrs. K. I. «A llsnn. Itwas alleged Hut tu Irlo* lie wa· giveu charge uf tnu uruD.ity,Nu. &i>7 attienile »t.. belonging lo Ml·. Wilton, tbal no

tailed to accuiiui tur .mv rente and tbal ho sold Ilio properlyau·! rotuM-sl lo account (or Ui« u-ou.y.


FROM PROSTRATION.WHO..K8A-.C nrsTKucTiov of nonsrs-nt-i.XK'" or


IXSritANí ?.The Arc which destroyed the (?.r stables of the

Reit Line ¡Street Railroad Company and manyother buildings in Tentli-ave., F:fty-t fnrd-afcand Fifty-fourth-st. yesterday marnine* was under,control before daybreak, bat the ruins continue.»to blaze all day and until a late hour ¡ist night.As usual in lires which destroy eterythiu« at the

starting point, the origin of yesterday morning'sconflagration was not ascertained with certainty.There wns a rumor t hut a fire broke out in Iheblacksmith's shop at the weit end of the stablesbefore midnight on Thursday uight, and that theemployes who put it outdid not tell tho police. IfUlis ie an, the fite may iinve smotiliiered after theunskilled tirenieu thought it win» out. It wa· uotuntil after la. m. yesterday that the men on dutyiu the car stable* found the binMim. ablaze andsent out the alarm tosumnon the Fire Department,Depot Master Byrne and three other men wer«· onthe first tloor of the' stables at that time urn» alunittwenty-Üve men were in other parts of the build¬ing. All said that the fiio appeared to come troutthe repair shops at the wc«st ei.iL The bulletin ira,embracing the company's ottico, car stables, hoiaestables nnd shops wero three Moiies high andsolidly built of brick. They occupied about four-fifths of the block west of Teutb-ave., betwoeuFifty-tbiid and Fifty-fourth eta.In a few minutes after the nl.'irm was given tho

flames had spread through the buildings and win»

rising above the roof». They had plenty of com¬bustible material to feed on. On the ground floorwere 145 cars, closely packed together. On upperfloors wore 4,000 bales of hay. G,.000 bales of«trow, and 10,000 bushels of grain. There weremore than l,2i)0 horses in the building and thefew employes there could ho|»c t»> rescue only afew of them, Seferal of the stablemen ran alona:the line of stalls, culling halters and drivingouttbe frightened horses, but lest than forty of lhoanimals wero taken out of the building. Themenhad to leave tho others to be burned to de .th. Fortwenty minutes after the building was will on liretho cries and pluugiug of the frantic horses couldbo heard plainly above the roar of the llames.The attention of the pouce a'id firemen was soon

called from the burning horses to tho inmatesof tenement houses on the north side of Fifty-fourth-st. Those Imus's lud taken Cue and theoccupants had been ,iwa_oued to their dangerbarely in tuno to escape. Half-clot¡n-d mon andwomen, who led or carried children, were rushingout of the houses and crying for hep. The hobllames made the etreet almo-t impassable, it wa»not long before tho tenement houses wore burningas fiercely as tho stables opposite and the tirethreatened to go through the block to Fiity-fifth-st. It was then that ihe " Three Sues" call wa»

rung, enmmoning most of tho engiues betwenTwenty-tlnnl-st. and Fi ft*, -liintli-st. CaptaliKiililea of the Forty-seveuth-sl. l'olite, also sentfur ri-M'ives ir.nii other precincts.

.--.desperate was tho flight of families from theFifty-tour-h-st. teueiuent Iiou-os that few personats*MV ahi.· to save much clothing and scenes of «lie.trc.-s wete witness·· 1 while the lire was rating.Among the pauiestriekon people were Cha1 les.S'hncidiT and his family fioiu the house No. SOIWest Fifty-fourth-st. Thoy had lost «llthe property they had in tho world and..clinei.lei. who was a car-driver, hai a «<» lost em*

plovnii'iitby the tir»·. A woman in the crown had lelt&100 under her pillow, but liai sawil hot '¦¦UMs-tal Claucey liad to-t Ê180 lii «a·*1- aloi.it «ltlltil· luinitur·'. Pew of the íamilie· ihn« ii:a«t«ihomeless bad any insurance. It was believed atilio tune (bal some lives had been lost, but uo per¬son was r«-porteli missili, later.Familie· »«? driven irom th" tenement-Louse»

in l'lttv-iifib-st. \\ lieu tbiMM bouaea w< re betleratlf«> In· in itauifiT. ? son of Mis. air··!., m No. .100,bad died on 1 huxeday »ud a wake wa» m ntoEttttth· ?ß wiii'ii the pain·' brean. The corps-.· of the boywas can ¡el mil Of tin lion«.·' I.y Mis. I'aITeH'*eule.»t-on. It wtS rcinoveil to the police station and kepithen until tbe tir·· wa· under oontroL (in ii.es mt;iaide of lilt v-iouith- t.. weal <.i Ute ? ai stables, wada frinii.· shunti occupied by Mia. Eli-abetb \\?·1«?,. widow aerenty-aix vean of age, who had beensick fOf several monfii-i. I ¡?»· scanty took tire andna» boned tO-the gtOtuilL Mis. VVallb was carriedmi*, to the sir···! by her ? in, hut ihe was so muchproatratod by fngiit that »he died «.a ¡he itdowalkjHer body ..-.?» caiiied to tin· police »talion la otta «Mthe ambuUncea which had been leul to the :ire inanticipation of injunoa to note of ? Ite pea*, le.While «ce I« soi tel'I..G V. ere in mg *??G!?··«»?·»? HOrtb

of the burning .tablea, tbe ti nies ercttsied l'ifty-thud-at. ??: tin· south anil attacked ii iiiitiitier ol»hantle·» m. tbo i'oi-klv block owned by the .-»tryaerestate.] Tb· collection of ftame rookeries waaKn.»-.· ll as tIn- " Aineric.i.i Flats, 01 Ilio tilty ormora hovel· oa Um roeki a few were -ccaptea as»lab.es, and the rest w<-r·· Um lionas of poor fam¬ille». I In' It.une» tweet rapidly among tho¦hantle«, aud devo irod them with theii contenu.a feu horses, KOata, pig· ai.u «lo_s being consumedwitb tbe furniture ami clothing. All ol the peonieliving in the hovel· escaped by way of Fifty-tweroii·!-.» t., bui few of them savior; anything tirare thana few anieles of clothing. About live lamiiie« mthe lot had inaurano· '.e their good», ftaeli a cleansweep was made by the tue on tin· rocks thai lat«t»rin the d iv, wlien tl'·· 1» o;>:·· retorne.I lo poke aboutin the a»!i··», ih· . loniid oiiiv a few brocen -t.nésstilli i:on c'iokii.»' utensils. One brick building ·>»the south ¦'· est ?'????G Of l'eli t it-il VO. ami Fi .".'*·tlnnl-.st. and a fen sha,Hi.» 111 the »tic·: Maibleveutb-ave., wen· saved by the Aremen.Bight frame limi»!'» o th·· ß?! Mil- of Teuth-

ave., oppo_.to._te ear -table*, caught tire an I worebuiue.l to the ground. 1 be occupants of tiiosolioii-e. had a lev. liiii.utes iv:u ??.?; ·»! their dangerami were able to Mveaome clothing and lurnrturebefore the building· were in Same«. ? wmgolJoaeph New'ssilk mill 111 Fifty-fittlt-at exf-nde«!through the block to lit ty-fom I ¡i-si., west ol thoburning teuemeot honMM*, and it cangnt tire insimri order. 1 he firemeo made ¦ deterutned standat that point and saved tin· mum ¡actor.v buihimg,but the wing waa destroyed. Tenement houses in

Fitty-litth.t. wen· protected al»o. Chief >hay litv»!ng concentrared lus loues there to preven» thutiro from extending any fnriher to tin· north.1 ioni tin· huriiiiig car »fables, th.· tenement housesiu Fitlv-fouitn-st. and the train« structures iuTenth ave. ami Fitty-tliii l-.st. then· \\«·??? up »u. 1»a mass of flame· that the entire eity WM illumi¬nated. Long after Ihe tin tuen thought ali dangerto the adjoining blocks m as over, he tir«· luoke-i a«if it were likeiy to >;>?·-.?»1. In the early morninghours then was gieal exeitetneul on ibe sVwl .-»¡ileot the city. thousand- oi families feeling that theirbornee wen ia danger. The sweets were lull ofpeople at day-break and great crowds pressed onthe police limita to watoh the waning of tho __*·>llagritioii. Both the police and the __*ra_oe_i wemexhausted by the time the lire iva. BButet conti·».Alter tlie roof and the walls of the ear »tabloa

fi>ll in, ln.my ro i«iiiig i'nr|i»i's of lior»i_s could t»oseen in the ruins, (.'.'in i .-»hay tlnuight 11 would bobetter foe the health of the ucig!ibiirli'o«l it ill thobod ion \vere cremated, and he ordered the firemento case throwing Water on the ruins there. Allth·- tenementhoaee·on the north »nie of Kifty-loiiitn-st., opp.isito tliestab.es. had been destroyed,including Ihe building No. 810 liuili-av··. l'In,taouso No. 535 West FiUv-f'urih-st, west of thosilk null, was partly destroy e.l. It was the lastbuilding 111 the row to be injured. EMI of theIninicil tciouieiit houses üeld from eighteen totwenty fainilio«,

It was not kiiown where all the ftoftaX so suu-

ilenly made houieless, went to. .Most ot tbem h.ullost all their property and few had any insurance.Borne of them had liiig.ied about the ruins of theirformer homes until last evening, telling pitiful»t .rie« of -hcir losses and narrow e »«.ape*from «le Uli. Jacob New owned tlio two hve-storyhouses Nos. ->·_."> aud yJ7. next totho wmgof hid»ilk mill. Vacant lots separated tho»»· hou»es fromthe houses owned by Jacob .Sniiinever at Nos. 5IMÍami 511. The houses No. 505 and 503 belonged to

James Harris and ?verctt Haslctt. Hiram Schulteowned the double building- No. 501 Woet Fifty-fourih-at and No.«Sift l.-nth-ave.Ü. Hilton Srribner. president of the railroao

company, had agent· nt work buying horse· andborrowing car« from other coiupaiiie· all day yes¬terday, lie aaid that ci»rs would bo loaned by the

Second-ave., Third-ave., Sixtb-ave.. Eighth-avc,'.roadway and Forty-aecoud-st. lines, leuipo.arystall« aro to be built on lot« at Elevetith-ave. amiFifty-secoud-st., and tho work of r« building theburned stables will bo begun as soon as P«>f ib·*·Seven cars of the Bolt Lino which1 escaped the lint

were kept ruuning yesterday, and more borrow«.«,cars will lie placed on the line to-dav

.... r .1_» _-..,ii.

i»ie company a ioa«Mjn w«ci-»»»''««».-··---_ »,·» ,.

.ng,$lf»0,OÍH), horses, |l^«I«L_P__lrfifalShay and feed. * 15.000. líame*, and tool» *·>«««'.total, *150.000. The Companys insurance waa

»aid to bo ¡?17,d00. leaving auetlwaeof ^"¿^