TBE WORLD OF LONDON. CHB0H1CUED AND COTICISED BY MR EDMUHO Y.VTES. TIlE XE*1 CBCtJBCB AT CHATHir. THT. r.IMA fltX 800CBMIQB.MAUIAI80S TO BK BOLD -MWIORED MFFERENC 11 IN TIH 1ABI- MT-AX EAST AFBICAB EM'LORA- TJON FBOJECT ¦UBDBXB OP RAVAL OFUCFJtS RE- AI'.MIMi THK FOr.CKS 1N INDIA. {BT CABLE TO XB* TRI3VKX.I tmmMBhtt IMii Ba Thi mamn <*~**** . Lnndo,,. Oct. tM.-TI.e r,-v. chWCh Bt ».«».» t0V rro,tM,,i,lc-prcAWi.Hyt,'tt"K'--n t Btrut- 1 m tha Queen wlabai M to be inrrounaed b) :.."g etaKhyai- wlleh e-rtria. tbe law "... nn- ',, to Jobn Bwwn wbleh E'T Majeaty erected aver a'i^ ,i,.,,-tK > fanBly grave. J".:,, Brown (t,'n,n..'ri,t.,l at Balnawal bv . i.f"-- *.» m,ub bv **«¦. whleh Ii a prcmlnent ohject *-.* SLtwBe, a, it aaeupta ¦ i.« -"-J"<"-'; * .1!U,n aa MM wnaBed banta aet* tha aarten cottaga wtthin a ihort diMi'iHc ,»I the caatle. 0B TACLBh io A PBOJBOTED BBYEAX, KABBIAGE. Qama BkBM*. of Rumaala. wto baa been m- mu ior levetal maathi alth ber motbcr, th dow Z, ol w.m. ui lha benuUful Bcblow of sldl ager Mac M,,n Bepoa near MewwtaB. t* I" a van 9*.***. Z%e oi health, aai 11 Ifl pwbahle tbal aba wU paaa Si wlnter ,-ither nt Naplea or ln Rgypt. than Ifl ;!;,Ioiyu,'ni;i,a,.'tM.» *»< «» I*"" ' wbkb tu,- Klag ".- Boumanla, th" Da.I mm 12 ma Mnee HobeaieUera imd thc Crown Prtnce Knma.iln t ok part. A varietj Ol mil.rt.ltl.-a have : ,- i, ihe way tf tba marrtege ol tho Cmwn PHnee ; tSaaaZ ***** ot ********* « '; ****** \m\\mm itwaam BBmMth wlll i-nlva ti.- wlnter, nld ia tae aveat * ** ***** Klng Chariei. who ta MU ,., bu. tmy-fo.iriti year, might marry agaln and rreidlnana'i pmapect. ol aucceaak- »«"*.« . ka would aliik bach lino Iba portUon ol belng merelv tt.e yeungar bob of Mnee Hohenaollern. IX TavawA tbat Klng Cbariea ahall pMge blmaell not t cwtraet a oeeaa* marrlage, bm ba doe> not fleem Sutog to ma*e auy promlae wbatever on thi- you. M.r, us a matter et taet, would any aaeh untemtand. ing be i"inianenil> bluding upon blm. UU. TU1WM: ui' BAXE-COBUBO-COTHA. Aprop.* of tbo eomlng of age ol PrtBCI Allred, "I Kdinburgh. h«ir tc the tbrotie of Baxi Cobarg Uotba, H may be wen lo mall an iBcMaal "( lha un..- wben u auited the awpo.ee of a eertain wctlra at lhe o* .,.» pr^s to fal,ricat.- u rumor to ta" tAtm* hal lha Duke of BdlnburgU serlousW thought Ol aelBBg to 1-rusMa Ul r«ver>lonary rlght" 10 the tkrona al hi- un,!,.. Kor a long tlme tbli wai a BOTl al ^a BOTti^ xo me tiermati gNfla, and tb" .oniter regularo ttttmni op whaaevei thc Duke blmaell mada hla bp paanaea la Berlin. Oa oaa of theae oecaal ma, te, |M |,.,r;Uiilarlv aaiMyed nt Ibe reeurreaea "i lhe rumor la QueaUaa, th.- Duke seal foe a cormpondeni i;..-ii h aawipaprr and begged blm lo give nn unquallfled oaateadletloa la lha »tal ment. Al tbe ¦UM tini,- lt i.n by i." meaaa eertain lhal Iba tma, hM )i"t chanp-d his mind a Htlle Aiee Iben, lo the Mtent at leaal of rcaatvlng lo walva bta rlgbti ol ..i.,n to bta unele'a crowi ln favor ol bta o;a,a v. ho baa reeelved n purely Uerman educatlon and surh a.> sbali tit bim t" piaj th.- role ol a mlnor i.i'itiiau aovctalga. i am neeiy i" bealr Ibat Ihi baaltb of Priaoa Alfred lhe eauae ol eenatani MSMy to bla ii.rmt-. Ile alwaya hM b".n deBcale, nnd ilaga Ma daagarowi Blaen bi Paraaatadl la-i .prinit th.r,- haa beea reaaai t" fear Ihat be wa* tuferiaf from nn inti-rnal malady ..( ¦ grave nature. Tbt- young Trliu'.' ta abllfad i<> aiopl a itricl r. pii.i-: and reijulres loiistant tn.di'i.l wpervbdon. THi: CRATKAU l>E MALMAIS02I TO I'. - LB fhalcaa io Mafanalaon, eelebrnted aa tbe realdenei tt I'.mpr.-^ Joaepblm after her dlvoi -. i- aboul lo ta BoM, and tbera b every prvbablllty thni li wlll, llk.' K. CtoHi, bfl d.:i, :. Iied. lu,- late Ktnperor bad n -t^rrd ii"U' B»mcthlag Uke Ita prtotlne aplendor, but .viine his downiall ittla ean lm* bara tahea ol lt, and n<-arly the wbak of thc large park wblcb aur r«iind«-d it ha.- alr.i.cv heen MM for the buildlng ol \Ula». Th'rc is oi coiir-e a paaslblllty <,f lbe chateau and gard.'.'i belng jiun utf-i-i by M.nie n.llllonair. wbo 'flil tttiff t**8a in piiatlilag Ihem, bul tbe odd are that M-.!inalsnn wlll .->.. u pnss lni<> the llmbo ol ttlnjrs ff'rgottfii ihat wera. 10 .11 r II \VJ. TO OPPOSE THK BOME Iti l.l: CILL 1 am mgarmad that when Mr. OlaBatone wm ef>tnpo>in« lha present ABaBatatraUoM, t..- wrote ofler Ing a biph aSea t.; :, certala BogUali oouaty member lo tho Brtmamt** *-npn^o «h.- Nc^iber ol ParBamcnt repUe<l tluit he r".d<: i.-.t oocepi U. ¦.- "" ".h.'.t bavr latata agaanal lbe Hoaw R«la MB. i have lhe nnaie oi th:-. Kncil-h rounty member, and bave no rea»on whatevof lo 4oaM the ilalement ol web clemenn .', iha majorltj ol ihlrtj algbl eomj m I Ui Mr. Qlad Mme'i Ooverni ent. BOI ALL TUK IBIBH IIUC BATI0XAL1BT6. Tr, )o£,-o hv pObIB I-"' : ' ** ln nmrli lha laam pUfhl aa Ihe ro-iipaeii al ¦ '> l t rerni dii.i.i-r parl] whw Lady A-.:" tal ol ei ibmlaim. ^md t.. hbr nelghbor. .in Irlih ludge, -i pr.>iini« in tti-. room ara ail N%tumauata and Home Bataral" "Paltli, madaa^" quoth lbe )ud-.-.-, "wtth Iba gaaapUaa ol your eweUenclee and Ibe waiu-r^, 1 dorrt thlnh Ihere*! aaolhei la Um con pany." P.l-MORB Oi' A MIXIBTEBIAL MITINV Baxl Aanday li lhe toM al lha aniami CaWnel ¦eallnga Paaalhly tha gatberiug auy j>: '¦'¦ i- .bla, h.it Ihere titable nheaB. Somctldng much Ifte ;. Mtalrtartal mntlny la belng freely mlked ol Md tn'-ie ..:.¦ aaaaa wUhed enougb lo conneel lha ia:<- oi i.f.rd Boaabary. Cr. AaquHh aBd Mr. pawler witb thli laanhoedlnatloa agMnM oetogennrlan aatocraey. Al lha aame Baae i a.a aorry peraooellj to ni'.- tlmt Mr william H-ireourt, tha DgliUng mu M tht "'.A gat g, is <i'iit<- Hkely be put hon de e .... bat h> hts tmt tioahle with bta eyealgbt Fnm ..,,:,,.. iben are mm tr tt war. rhoogh Mr Laboucbere lemalM abnmd and thoagb be bas bm rveeatiy baaa boaattng Inno. nce ol any maUci whal Mtv«v, thal -,i.on ,»f BadkMi with whleli beli ipnilallj aaamerlid i< vary much o'i the warpath They ¦..-'¦ "\",i Mrtd lo eonlempbil* ii meetlng p: --. igalari the promlnenec ol Hoaw Pale. wblcb, it u ?-..:,ti-niiy Hadaratoad, l.n-er ttaeh- "¦' rtlad -t-''i,.:,- Witb a BMjorB) I:: lhl CaWOOl BW g, »*t to wmh lo try t" "' ir'' rOVXO K.N'.ii.iMlMiN TO EXPLORE EA' r 4FBI, v iii-ii- -t.iri.d Frtda) Irom fbarlng Cro«fl f"" ymmg mea who eonallinted ihemarivw Into thc B*-t Ajncaa BcpfceaBtti Hca^ty, Tbvlr Bam? au- liralnmal » TIDIera, ..( lbe Uoy*\ llon* i.i.iii.iii.iit Benett M.iiif'.rd. Boyal Dra t'i.-. >i.- i i.i.i \ ii. iii me i.nd Mr, Harrl Thi tampauy s.-.rt from ABan, where they lake iia- nei,n,^r alone the eaat roaal of AM'-u to Iba mootli nf tl..- .iui.ii Blver, wbleb I-- hnmedlately under lbe ¦gaator. tik-Ii- Intantloa i^ o> aaeend thla rlver :;oo mi:.* to ¦ targe aflaeat, lhe name "f whlrh ta i.niii. .wu. i«:t whkh iowi weal. There lhe "a' work con.niet... .;. Tl < y wll pcoeaed la a areater:y ain< umi Mrom a .|nit«- anhaowB oonntry I Bboul KX) mlle. UM lhe) eome lo Lake Rud. Ip The r Iniei.Hon Is to tnap oul th<- eountry. Ut* t 8 <. S <4 monntain examlne Ibe hana, <. .li.-i ¦M -h(K,t Ilons aad .-loph.-.i.t-. retarnlng aew <.tV.ii ...iiiiiry totoa*M9*B**M imd Ml of AlHea al iiorbera. appaalta .\rt.n. They «,'.' laha ai^'H . igtn ..r leii tmt .nt:.... nini t I..-V u" ""' m** anoed n I r.ni«-rlv prepared. Beelag thal il.<.. f'"" yoang men, «h m azo^ eory 'i liraaty-twa lo twaiiy-eljil are all rery weD-to-ao la Ihe ¦ ":«' and ii.es could bata baatai f; >m Meitoa or have bad the be»l c v ert «.hot and hava h,-c-n lhe pata 'f Mctety, upaaki well lor-ilh-m a,:d .-ur En^lMi y,.mh geoatally Ibal ihen- are lomr ^ho i>.-,-f"r dangera by rlva/. 'oupvj Mith tho r:ik of dtsea'-e from ellmate. to Biy notMtii? ef um < pi> '-.li'.n v boatUa aatlveaanl win tiBBW, |0 It-adnig a lals&.-r ull^r llfe nt lom.-. WBIIMMg OB riUTisn naval OPFI" BB. Althojgh ihe naval oMceri bave wllhdrawa th«-ii hhfmB to ho niiowcd 9 <UHa|i pa» dkm tat> ni aay. lnvohin«. it la ?jud. ;i paal elaaa oa CflO.000 ii raar, tta'y n«.ne iho |mo ogaritor that tlio co-t of ratw talning in thelr pul.'lo < ap .clty-- nnd OB aame natloni thevj eijterti.lnin.i.ts an- MOCBBarily In-'iJent oupi.t to ho hon:- .a leaal la parl i.^ lha Itata. II »ll! Iwrdly ho h.-ll"V,(l that Jnll.-i. OflCOia ar" uh.nv .aiong the navi-s ol lhe world ln thta n-]>¦ t. £"*l!^i oliip MOlg ;i Fiou- ll "ti" abr.'U.l. F< rcigii' r »t IMa Invite onr oftltcn. to (lliilior, ai.d lt oo-ts th.n BMliing. Tho fengBah r.-mrn the eompBmenl, aad **9m penrr of tha c\i>en-c MMM out of Ihelr o.vn Poekeu. \ ek; PTAO KiLi.ii' HM h^ariefli xiai? whleh ha* 'u<"''" uu-'u '" "'' .v<'",<, ***** *>r many vors r^t "»- ^'°* t,lc ',,,,,'r .* .ni Oorriemullle, la Weal Roaahlre, oa Oykel Bridge beat, t,y sir Arthor Chteheater. The doan wolgbl wa.s ju«.t twonty-four itone. Tha -',.»: tiyo a spi<*n<ii- hoad, a:,d rlgbi Bmeatva goiata wlth laamenee antlara. ICSW BBTVBH FOR TIIK TROOPS 1X IXDIA Twenty f <-e l.imetfr,ni ntle- and :ioo rowndi of am- munlUon f..r .a-.', ara betag ivucd lo .ill lbe nritisi. regtmenta la Indhk, aa tt..- Brat _top loward Iba eee> plete rrarrnnme.it <>1 tlu- Imperial forres -r-f that com- mand. Aa ihe Britiah troopa an.- rapphod * amgaatna rlfle, the natlvo Brmy **M he pui In p --- he-M".. "f iha MartlBl-Hanry la p'....e of tba aM Bnlder. A rAMOlM UBRARY I.v THE MARKET. Th,- nio.-t Important antaaui uie al Sotherby'a will I.e that nf ihe fi.mi.us Ubrary ol ("unt Apponyl fr.-m Kagy Apponyl, i.u tamlly Beat ln Hnngary, whleh araa formed l.y bta greol cramltatbor. it lt aaany very eariowa and rm booaa, o eptendtd tol- leetton ..f pageouli a:.ii lllumlnotod manuacripu, ¦ I ¦aay wurks priatod la tho Bfteaoth eentnry. KORUNO YATES. TII B 1 Al PE i: 1A I. M 081C 11A1.1.. A NT.'V BMOKIXG OO-fCERT ROOM OPEKBD TO THE PUBLIC LAST XIOHT, Another rxperlaaent ln tba b-betatory ef vi hall-t nn.i burlmqaa wns began last Bight. Tbe com- Uaattoo ol Ingrrdleati h aomewbat -ttflerenl from aoy attempted by lh* looal alud. nti ol mu»le hall ehemtetry hltherto, though the rlementa tbem-ervei are rhe ani thal have long beeo la eoaaaaoa B_e, They wei »el ? .mmerinfr ln a new cruetblt, rituatcd ln Twent. nlntl it., between Broadway ar.d Blxth-ave., aad ralled th« Imperial Mualc Hall. Renta nr..- high ln tha*. Bflghbor- hood, and any oae arba dnr.-s \n eatabltah a plaee ol i.iini-- iiinit tbera ihottM have aamt reaaoB io feei iii-.'i'-rai.iy .-'.ir.- al lucceaa. Ti.e BBtertalameal given nt th- ij._i-i4.il auggeatcd that tlu- manageiB mam i pect tbe mo.t of ihelr auceeaa 1" com* lo them from the BUth-avo. ratber thaa lrom tht Braadway alde. Sfay, 11 any Bmnsement-aeehrrB from below Houaton rt, ahould stray as far as tlil- th.-y ntigbt Btttl leel thal Ihey were in tln- satnr clty. a rariety perfonnanec two hours or io looi flr-i. and after lt a ballet, arlth a buriceqno ol " Bohemlan Olrt" nt lhe end. Ib the vartety potjlon i: be Iy pleased more Iban Adrt. bbo Aadoa, Aerial Wonder." Bhe gave '¦''- raUhitlon on the Irapeie whlch wai OHBcult, akllful nnd latereetlng. Her bolloj elng on todden and eboln waa eapcdalry darlng an.i deaerved tbe warm apptauae whleh H re¬ celved. Another wtertalnlng af-eclarty «ii ibal ol Pitrot, tha iniii'l'-. abo aiede hlmaell i.k,., for Ihe moat parl very otoveily, Uu Cbariea Danria, Dam- betta, Vlctor Hugo, P. T. Barmtm, BufOlo Blll, Bla- i--. peror Wllilani I, i/*rd Bollabary, 11 Klngol Beiginm, RopoleoB III., Heryfl Wurl Beocbor, i','.; Cooper, General Pheridan, Ibe Rev. i>r. l'uru- hnr--', Jam< .;. Blalne, Prealdent Harriaon and Orevrr Cleveland. Other performera were Carr and Jardlne, ln a Bheteh; Miss tlabrielle Balratore, ¦ ilnger; . .¦- :-..v and F'.vi.n. n.-urette, .. rlever daneer: Rlee and Omar Oeorge p, Murphr, the D, Ilollen Brr-thet. and and i'.i-: -'.''l Dyllyn, "dew rlp Iv, baritoni." Tbe ballH "Life al Ib. .-..:.-;'. " aeemed lnt--:-'! -1 n.i' -i I-- ahow n i- mm. e .¦-.¦.. -i ln limn lo *-. f,.n.i Biirtlilii* Huil th, \ ,_.¦'.Ll do. Tlie pei .( *, ,1 i|y .:, aud -" were ll ¦i |,j |, eiitild ol ive , ..-..,-v :.'! ¦¦:¦¦¦¦ lai sianrtlnc .¦'.¦:. ,,p, :;.U- l-ii.-;.--.| ii- hav, '.¦-'. ¦.', ¦¦! bef. ll- lhe upply i- ln, \ e any d '.' them ean t- *-u«»t«tl«. lo he I _. ra. -T he n<»li«-mlan - «-li! | :,..I] ' :.'-¦.. II lh. re i- .- > X< 'I!- re (i of spe. ln le er ol liumor rl i'.i t '¦. to ''>«. la .-I ihe rla*. and .11 ai b< '. ng lo th. wh ¦'¦¦ ele« ;.. ,.. Itut Ihat It ever 1 lo.isly ibon Ita rla ra nol td. b\ Im- ...; i] Mualc Hall ..-. ;- rmltted drii ai d m -nrnke. und no donV. ii... wfll imd pl.auure ln thu ] LASKEB BB01S8 BJS TBIRD WEEK. i* VBVATa, ji,. iviN.s rilE GAMR t TtXH RECORD \;,;\ ¦; -\ -, V. IV PLAT untlng in lbe llndfold p- rformai.f --1' Herr ::. Laakei enti-rcd upon Iki" Ihlrd week ol hl engagrmenl wlth the Manbattan t'hem Club, No. 3' -.. |. wltli a total r ord nl l ". won ganiea, l l-t and i drawn game, li wMI b. .., ow eor an Bpproa. b lo 11 ... new ch< 'i arm, r tn m Ibe i. ran n.nke diirlnp tl.nd ball ol Ibe play, whlch will ,. rmlnate Stovember :'. lt t""k L-n-k. i. whoae turn li wna le bandli while foiteu, leaa than twn honra le overtbroa .i. m. Hanbam yenterday afternoon. Tbe boor iiaJ hr-.n filt.-r.-.! i" wll lhe oonvenlenee <>f ix>ti' eoa ... ii,, Major n-.-'l an old-faabloned lona <>f the -riil.l.'r." a lavortte defenee ol ) i-. hot ' -,, pla) i is liade marh (1 KI lo IJ S, tore movlng ,i,,. q )-. Partly In eenaequence ol i.i- d. ;!,. lactl. whleb bave atood blm ln auch good atead igainat aneb opponenta ua Blotkburne aad TMhlgorin partly In conaequence of a weak advance on ih>- Q alde, partlcutarly "n lbe tr-nti. move, Hanham early weak ened bla )>or.:ii"ii !¦. an < \'--:.t tbat praetleally pre cluded victory agalnat »ach aa antngonlal :t- L Tbo -core loHowi: J'11,1.111 'li i»l.i K.N'T.. Wblte. Blaek. } I.i .;.i;. .1. M. ihinhani. ,.p-K A l-P-R 4 £ K Il-B 2 I'-V 3 :. P y 1 ; P I I' 4 KI -x P I I1 Q < ', r k j i r Q R 3 ,-i, K -. .. P (J l- 7 K Kl li 3 7-Q KI- I! I - .. li.-s i. il .i- ii K *<l 0 I: K 2 lu hi li :: 10 P y Kt i 11.p-Q l: :: ii " 0 3 li;. K Kt.Kl 9 12.II x Kt ia :; x ii 13-P H a 14 i. l; r-t. II K Kl K 2 i- l. : !'. K Q S i., i< k ;; l< Ki \ n 17- Tl x Kt IT P Q 5 lr | -H '2 1- *'-. 'v K Id in p (. Kt i iu r i p 30 i- x p .-.'. K i: Q i _] Kt x y 1* 21 Q.Kt 3 _._ I. U '- .-_- --' '-' li B<| .:. i- k i. ii aa ki n iid 1- I- ¦¦¦- 21 P I-' 3 ._;, K-. \ Kt -"- II X K' _-<i y x ll l' '20 i: Q ¦27 i- K .- 27 i. x I' ¦¦- I: t,t 1 -- Ji \ I. .' Px tl li ,:, io k i: a '-'» Q i :it y i; y i- ai Q .<. '.'. :-2 i- K ..:- " l ¦; " ** :!J .; II i ,,- i: K ii :t II H ::-, i- II :. ' ' :,,-, i- ii .; ao i; Tbere waa altoget irr a perceptlble wanl <>f poaltlon Judgment rn BtaiVa development In Ibe .-.',rlv port f ihe game. HU H al K -2 wi very awhwardh plat-.-d and bl.«!..ji bla K Kt from a good poal Bl K 2. nhence li mlghl hnve pernted ;>i Ki 3 aaal i«l .,.. :.i,..,. , k P. wiiit.'- twelfth move foreed Ibe exrhange ol oi.I Bbich'a Hlahop but Hanham ln .... xiiiana -i -1 hl» i. "i lhe blaeh eolor. wna ol greatei Imp '¦'.,!"'r :'''- and b. mlghl hnve atlll kept a good ¦¦..by li Q -'i-- Mlowed by K Ki K -J H Bhoold i." aollced. how ever, thal Blac* al tbal Juncture could not r»n»wer l<2 ].t | p. ,.i ueeonnl "f Ihe reply 13 B x l". Mlowed i.v K i Kt. Bku-k'a really bad move wna, however, l"'. . . . Kt x U < Al tbal Ume b<.lhl ,, have BOpport-d lhe ceotre wlth Ibe otber Kt. Tbe BKrve made e. mpelled lhe fnrther advance f the yp and i.-..*--- Loaker an opportonltj tor breoUng lhe r,.tre hy tha adi mcc ol tbe y Kl P later on. ibere hy wlaniag -t Town. <'n lbe twentj fourth mov« Itanham ln.d good chancea ol a draw by Kl \ Kt, followed by B B4, remalnlng wlth liUhopi of appn Ite ,.,;,.:-. And ,..,, ,, ,,;,. ,,. ,ve .ai. r be oughl t" hnve ,,,,,-, mptured lhe qneen, alkrwtaR Ki K 7 ,l,.. and ,,,,. adverae majority oo the K a.de*ould hardly have (1.,-;,. blm any barm ln lhe endlng. Inatead .-r tbla be threw away another Fawn, allowina White ¦ alcei" Huperlority ol two Pnwna on the Klna'a wlng, be ,,,. tke ta.re.al ol :. (.-, .,i i.ii.h- attaCB ;,v li I: 4. I. irylng toavoW lbe con-eiinem-ca -; that move nml fnnklng .r:i f'-' 'fl'"-"--- Q'" *- K 1; "'-¦ ,,v .i- ii y ". Wack bad evldeatly over-ooked tha enfa hlgbly togenlooa reply -" T-B 8, wUeh form.-d tbe poaltlon ahown on tbe following dlagnm: i;i... ,i. m Hanbam, KU>'> a*k ^ V- '.;¦ ¦'¦ . / .- ' rr-v- . , . :.*L..: i -S»-//, A 8 -^ i ., a -. *jm %M \:*ti 9_ ¦ & '- V- --:' " _#.¦ f i A' m. I V...I1.--k. Laaber. Iila<k Ind no bi-tter an-wer than IBB OM tidnpied, ii.oui.-i. It roat him tha ri I' ',r lf -" ..-. >_1- ..l. 2- p j p ei, n* g \ r: lee 38 . . . I i": Bll Q -fi 7 ch., j:i Q Kl ." II K 7 ch. and win* ) .J.r. i:-g A, :.".. Q fi 2. 30 Q Ki 5, with a wlnnlng mme. Boteworthi ln tbe tatei play 1-. thal pn ti.o thirtvflr-t ni'.v.. blark could not r:,ptur< lhe Ki P oa aerouni of Ihe rejoir.dei Rx 11, followod by K Q 7. With Ui" obleci ,.i n almllai aacnBce ol R i. B Wtiite >".'i. doublee bl* !....:. on the Klno'a tlio »M w.m ,1 bb witi. a beautiful ndvane* of W.B 9 on thd thirtv-tiftb move, whloti could nol be tahen eitt.-r by Pawn or Blabop on paln nf mate al once, Wblle lt wai equally dl»a trona not to tahe lt. as \w.ito', flnal lOwg, W 8TB1MTX. Laaher'a opyon.-nt to-day w Dr. Slmonson, at u :.10. WITR FORGERY AND LIES. THK MEANS EMPLOYED BI DEM(X RAT BENDIBG OOT v mi.i.y FALBEBOOO IBOUT MB DEPEW AFTEB IT il II I'i N DEBIEO ANU DlgPBOVED MABT TIME8 Tbe bopiis loMler bareaa, raiied Uie "Sattonal Veteran*' Tarlfl Beform League." operated at Bo. M pinb-ave., la th:- clty, by poUUcal WreBapi ol tho Cleveland campaign managen, cooUnaea lo *: .' ,r ,.,!.,:- t'. genulne ralon taldlen telBng Ihem Ihat th'-ro ni" "good *i:d mhetaatlal rnoeai wi.y reter- .:: with -af. iy aml pn.pi1.ty vote. for Cleve¬ land." B'llh the dreular IMa bogaa caneera lendi .,,. aijeged qn utton f*om -, ipeeeb ol Chauneey M. i..^.v contalnlng a tycopbantlc ealogy of CSevatand, Mr, Depew bai ivpaatcdly proooaaeed thla rxtraet ,i forgery, bul tbe employea of the DeeaoemU, Commlt- ;,/. h".p Ofl arndlng lt OOt tn tho iiddresies of vt.-r- hoplng to imi,i' ti"- them to turn thoir tm. ba upon th'lr ri'..rds aa I't.ioii uMlan nnd voto tha ropperhead Ucket. Il wns nld iby OM of Ihe em- pl ,,.. D| tMi -'lariir Befbrm Veteiana1 HeeAquae t. ra" the othoi day thal 3.000,000 oi Iheae lorferiea bad been v<vit oot avor lha eoaatry -inc- the ram- palgn begaa. \ promlnenl olti7.on ol PawBag, B. Y.. who hoa a dne wai rceord, yeeteidaj wnl lhe bateb of tartatte* ¦ndJylng lUtemenm wMch be hm reeelved Born Ihla sbam "Veterana1 League" lo The Trtbaao arlth Um IM lowlng lelter: .. i reeelved the bieloaed tho othlf <!hv. nnd a:. n-'iir ii- i can Bad onl every veteran reertvw Iho mma tblng. Now it la poutbla that > .ni<- aaMler mighl be bluomlng Mlot enongh t.. i" tahen la by rach rot, bat j ,..,. i) ,¦. i tntnh Iheae Bmudnlent aad torgad *tu.b' i:;,i,-- ibonM be venUlated and expoeed." a Connertieat veteran reeently wrota to lha a* tenktble ecretary* of the " Leagae. potoMag out Ihat ,:.. ,,;,. .. veteran" «:,. Invaitablj need ln bh lm- beelle game M deeeptloa laetead "f "Ualoo reteraa," and addi .. \- ihere ar.- many thoomndi of Confederate retar om ln \..ur ity aml rlrlnage yoa wiii eooatder It iharitabl.i my part if 1 thlnh lhal jpon ar>- mme .!,;,, nuddled if yoa are aol * Confederate reteraa yuataOtt) lu iha aae <.f th.- term reteraa Inatead of ¦.,;,. \,m can, perbap*. appeal -u!ly -., ... o .'nl. rat.. hut OOt tO tl.e I iil.m v.t.-r.m Ib tevor ol Free Trade." .¦ii.. of the ...i.i- malled wllh Ihe iMilnr r. j.' .!¦' i' " ii,"- lo a:. ni it ta mall d bj |rtve lhe number ol prli ile penakai Mlla 'i i 11 nt- fron it., 'ln t-> ,'.' %. ind, I,. i... utl.... tl." ii'iml r ,.f '. a a; r wl i. were iigbt r.. -; :¦.:.: Thta ta a.i tol low* E oh, . . ,,,.,:, rthur. 4 -'.'¦>... 1 . *.-'' ii_ . ij.ll,'..- rwent) ta *.' »nl3 l<*2 i ¦.'' iu -,\ gve year Mr. I level.: .'. .--' bl wUl ai lbe :,:,::. .nf. ai 11 of Juatlce <>r both hoa Congrn .'.-. Umea ln 8t '-¦' I Bvo tlmea * many i" b»I m all lha oth ¦:¦ ,..... ' t, 4 --.,. nhlned. -lf ri. \"ls:.i wero bonndl] oppoaed lo penrton Inr d.-.i1'!' nd "" '" ""r:i1 ~ i,,., «.-. i. he bouM bave i Uhe a gentleouin vi ni m ,,t bb, «:,v ln bl. veto ., nttenod launu a 11 h hnvc lltis'-r, In llif memorj nf ih. "I'' mldler. .-v.r jn, x,,,, ..:..! mnoi >¦. .' mnv.-d 'I hl whj I -:.i ' ' ..".¦¦ -.-,-. nev.-.- vnt.- fur -¦¦ '"..'¦ .' ',! r ; , r. ulll not v .,. i.rtiui tm th. otln r b".: ,| |l u.l- .', >:>- liin If .. - >WI« .)'i',.n. |rti .,i The .". hi waa eh Hr dld nol dNapp Int i~¦. "' e.\perlaiion». h-> ar, ¦¦;..,! i-r. lie a prophet l Eell Ijob tli j ¦¦' lll .'-' ;t' lr roli JI t'DDIXGS I'.tsr AXD T > COBE MH Mlnnii Heldelhergi daogbter '-f l V HHdel ,... ol '."¦ ¦'- fca t «»ty-nl i marr ed lo U'lltUm ). B fl, -f Nea ', irb, kp ihe red room at li..; ,..-.. Ia«t evenlng at fl " Be* Dr. K iii.n, lated. i: - be aia wa* Na na.: '. , .-,,. i he aaben wera llenrj BrlU, il .- GoMateln, Lu, ier, M ¦¦. Mt nbsch, and Jeaao Rpateln. ITiere were . a numb, r of 1 ai ,| ,; ¦.,, \. iibed before ipproBched ,|. ,. v dlnn, i-.'i 'i mee IMI ared. Only rdi .,,. ...¦.. nda were pn .....,., were A. Blumeothal, Looh Btan ¦. N ¦. id.. Wern ',!¦'.. ¦¦' .. I. V I'..'-r'i, in, '"" t* "- '' ' A,... rt ,.".''..'" and Mr, ...¦<: Bi i. A. > inrtrd f.r n trip B'u bbigt «. ua tbi tui-B they w.u llve In Nea ^..rh. Xhe weddlng of Mtai Mlnule Dab», daag lei '-' ,, n,!,. -., .i y ll, .'. wlll bikc p!a, .- 1.:..:.- r lll 1 \a:\ I ll. A .t.v .', v wlll folln he - Idlni "i Ml. da shter ln i-pli ..!. ¦''. b. A., w.ii tako i'i-" - early pe*l ^1.g. TBE SL'IT ')i I"i: IBE ai.ya. \. nox i.v i ii e si ii-.' mi. < "'ki oa tke i.im.i. ;.,'.. . '. « . -v '' \V.,i, Bglo "'. 24.-Tbe I nlted bl lo] .'..mi ii,i, granted bm ol Henr; M,,:11 :., rapUIn ol Vanderl ll'a yncht, Ihe Al'-.. toi ;,.¦ io Rle ii p, Utl .: lor . - .'¦ "l prol IMll * ... ,: i.n ihe i nlted Hai dge ol II.- ..> o p|| :.... lakli - irlhci pro. ollng, ln Ib ,, : the ...ii.-.":. I- iween lha VP . Dlroo, k, nnd al o gave leave t.i l! i . ., niandiimn .... lh I'nlted Btt .-n. ¦ Vork ', i' blm l lake .p n :,-.. ior iiiai. i bi motlon a ... de rrtnrn .,!,;,. ..... ... .i -i ndai '. .' " 1 1'" I" ..,. :,]-., iranueted: ;>,. -J'. Arn iM, Con table .. Co., appeflanl ,i.. i,|:..,i btat< .. ..!"ii in i ndvanre denled *th, I.JJ05 W. Y i'i' r. 'i al, ete., app thera Pw Ifl. Ba Iro Company. MoU «i advance nibmlited. .n 17 Tbe Ballwwy Regtater Manufaetnrlnit Cnm pany. appeUant, agt. tbe Central Paih, Jforth a; | |.,.,. i:.,!.:..:¦: Companj .-i al. ¦ <i No. -''> Tbe Rall wat ||rg ¦. Manui m iuiIi k ' ':": api ell n il,,. )., ¦.'. .i. Av, nue Bailroad '¦,. UHliV il 1,1. I'i-i::l ed Wltl '".!-. 1 II... dai rall wlll be: Xo*. Ott, 000, 704, TS8, 1019, 1,007, 1,0011, 1,010, Ytr.7 -.'1 aid ZI riTfl BUXDEi thlAIA 1 /'.'-.,",/. I .-v w i-i, .¦- are lelllng b itory thal tlw <'¦ - «II luve much dUHrnlty ln explalnlng bwbj In lhe trial ol Tii'ini- r..l'..-i r tor murd.-r. T" ca«e belure --,,..:;, ln hirl ll ol Di m ral B, loaa, an>l \ *jl, i, :., vtton " B'< >. .- aa Oabania ar tundurtlni the proaeentlon. AmbroMi 11. PurJ] I-,! |.|..' :.,¦... i. TM linni o t nnd on lhe nlghl of Aprll .." ¦" Uiand ond soDlvan tto., Adam Kan.', n probatlonarj polleaamn, belng Ua ataln man. Joeepb »iri"h. the i'.i-i wltn, -. leatlfed Ibal la-, .tdam Kana, ].,:.i . Kane .n.i Iwo othera avm In (irand-at. when i-i.n.-t'-r )oatU \.!:,i'i Kane. Th, defendanl ond n romponlou .,,,:. i.-i Kaiw, mu lu- h.,"..i bolh Ovaii. T.n mlnulea later RalUater atole a boteher bnlfa in a !,,iv and .tabbed Adam Kane. Patrtch Kane, wh.. ta oot relaled lo \,!:,in. eaugbt boM ot IhlUater, bul waa badlj eal MmaeU, Patrlch dled from bi> aaaad. i'h.- iiiai wlll go on loday. in-l'iiri J11 of lhe aama r >un John Meftann, mvoo ioon yean oM, ol Bo. 330 Bail Fortj nevenlhat., waa nliH'i'.'l on H...I t.,-1".' Judge MartlM "n :i I'harc "1 miii'd-r. "i. Uie nlght ".' Augml 2. Met aon uu.l to ,.,.,1, ., ran ol beei from 1 feeble Herman. Itl.-lwrd ilatuegeiMkl, :. romig woodrarver, rams 10 tha reaeue iViirt wai itobbed ia death by McCann. Tbo UUI wni i,..t ir.d"i yeati rday. BBBIEESi IS TBE COOET 09 APPEALB. Alhany. Oct. .'¦! -la lhe COurl of Appeata lodaj 1;.,. a«M ol th- People, n p adent, agt B. A. Mi t'ormaeh, appeUant, waa argned. The day ealeada , Morrow la: X ¦ 22, '.-, 73, i-7, 1-, 04, Bt .n,J .». -.- EX'BEXATOB IXOALli EECOYBBIXO. Kaaaai Clly, Oel -i John .1. laanl*, wba l",s btt* - ;i"i-)v 111 al hi- bome il Atehhwn, Baa., iv reported la be ¦ llltle beMer, I M oo Um advlee «' Ma phyalrtam " ... 'Med lhal be wlll n-.t l- aa* to m <" Ohleoa.1"-kI. Ihla rvenlng, aa aanauaeed hy lha RepubUean Natlonal t'oamUtee. Ile bapei M abl*- "j flH ht- reomlnlag eBgagemenli ln Kaneea. FOR aiklsiIAN UNITY .PEEOHES INTHE EPI8 OPAL COXVENTION TIIFi i.V.mt'.Tll Dl LARATIOX IDOPTED BV TBE 1'. I tTir.- MAT.'STI' > OP TIIK CMVBCU'8 i;r.o\\TH PBATBIM PO*MM ltABBI£OJt. [BV TIIL..K*rtl TO Illt 1RIBINF..] Batttaore, .>it gd.-The authonhlp al'tbe htahopa1 pattoral letter. whlch i* read al lbe aaJonroBieot ol every Epta. pal General Convention, '* aleraye n .. but in tbe eaae of tbe comtag paetoraJ letter lt i- a prrtty opea lecret, everyhody bul tbe Mshnpa knowlag Ibal Blabop 11 u_-t. MuTer Tbempaoe., ol Htaataaippl, l> tbe bub ehosen for lhal worlL Blabop Thomp-OB i-- a rlporoua writer und a iralned new*. i. i.'i man. wbo haa alwaira hepl lr. elaaa toweb wlth lhe queatlom "l Ihe <i;,>. an.i mack Intereal ib there¬ fore fell in whal be in.ty my, Both baaaea *- «ed lo adjonra witt.out <iny to-mor¬ row erenlng. Aftar the rewdlng "' tba adaataa thli moming In the Houae ol Depotloa, tbo Bov. Mr, Baoavr, of Indlana, on biholl ol ti.e wbola delega- 'i .ii from that .ii".*--.-. odfered a raoolatlon requeattag .- tha rnleu ti- nupeadod la ardet lo allow Pre dent DU lo lead ii." houae f..r a few mlaatca Ib ap- propriato prayer lor Mra. Harrlaon. lt waa -> roted, _;,rt Or. DU I. -d .. port-BB Of Uie 0B_00 l'i*' tl»0 vi mtlOB "f tbe -i-K, aU tbe deputlea and ataltoi- la tbe pUlerlea reveremiy hneellng. Badneae betag reaamed, tbe '..-nr announc. ith. app intmentolBomeJ'-tBi eorn- mitteea and ¦ jolnl c .mini*sl"t. ou uaaalatlBg lha prayer book im.> for, iga umguei. Dr. ir.iuti.i-- .ti. ,-f B*m v ah, ehadrman <>f the Com¬ mlttee «n Amendment- Ibe Conatttatloe, raported advereely aa Mr. Bargwta. r.Intlea dBag Ior tbe iwrmngement ..( tha eontenta <>f ti"* Brayer-botfii nnd lbe pootponemeal ol Ibe ti-oe ot tl." itandard prayer-book fr tlu.c yeara. Ibe report waa udi.pteil. Ur. Converae, ol Maamebnaetta, read tke report <,. .:,,,,.,:;.- .-:, the btate ul tbe Cbarcb. Durlng lhe last three yeara dx btabopa have dled, t-n hove been conaaemted and aevea i..iv<- Jail beeo elected, ai iba pr-.-ni Ume tbera are mveaty-two Mahop-., 4,250 clergymen, 540,250 roauaanlaaata aad . ~'' ¦' baptUod hoieh membem. Tba total etmt-i. Ior all purpo ..i- WOOflflvSaoTO, abowtng an li.,r«u-e "f -Jl per cent. Tbere has beea nn lucreoao per r. ut ln rdlnatl oa aad a Kn.ilfYlii.- lacremw I-, ii,.. number "f han h bulMtagB, bat BM la re. torlea, ii^re bolni,- Bl i.r.--i.t .i.l*- one raetary to overy three bee. Oae aew chureh haa beea balll eveij to toya. Th,- ...mn.iti-- dealred t.. Imprem oa tbe hnn-li lhe ia, thnl theology li an exnet a lence. s-i.v.. thal tbe i-M-i-n of Ibe prayer twoU la flnlsbd. every clergytaon boaM obey the law aa lald^down ii, therubriea. The noa-obeervanco ol tbe Lord'e Day ,nd tbe tend. ney nol to ase tbe pmyer tor Coogret.« «.r. depreeated. The i.rn. il-.- ..f hoptlxtng lo prlvate liouaea araa rondemned. and atteatl n waa eatled lo Ibe c ,i tbal Priday i- a rn 'i.y. Clergymen were Brfed to lench the Chorch Oatechlam, and BOt to deletcate Ihelr duty ol InetrorttBg t!.- yoang I Sun are not reeogrdied b_ the Chareh li ir I- TM report waa ad v iir,,-,... "' me. ag recelved from th. ;, ., ...,- ... ul i.i, .m.i...i'i.--i ti- r-v- .,,...., ol II ¦*¦ Willlam Tatlo. k. and th< ., ,.f pr. Bamuel Hart, oi CoBnecUeut. ai ie. j. Hart' iPI "'.' ,. -i i-rayer-Book wi nounced. 1 ll,,,,.,- wen : " ""' "';,'i l. |.- .11" the ei'"' red lu l-olnt I ' ataodard Prayer Itook. The Uauibeth decUratloi rame up agaln. aod Dr, Hunl l IU i"-^' ,. ,,... indcpendei I acl ul the Houae, and amde ¦ ,...!, |n fav. r f li. < "li-I'l'V I"- BBld. b ,. BW BOW sh'il UI'- A t'ti || iher day Impngned Ihe raMdltj tholu -ni"- We have no ..r-i. ordei .,. md Ihei r ,,,:,r we dO -'I ¦¦' V IM '' tnabai lew. and Moravl __- ,,u huim np by lhe ..; >l r ralldlty. s. ,.,.,..., lhal there ar, nly ln lhl.. 'i.vn ui... .... ... ,. nd «ii namea ai ,., vvriltr. '.'I'1" '**'¦- Ixed bi ;. Uturglcal ... || wi ' r tsher " «' U '*¦ '; .*¦'- h0,l .urward the ivunl n ol 1 .nihlng t'l I- i. Br. '. mada a refrn , ,,. | .-, Irelghl train irked. H. wai ... ih, . ¦¦ i-'- Artl, -i ¦. .,-,:;; .-I ll. i>-. Jew.-ll. -I .. ,'... ti-U.to ,1. ,.,. hntton «. vui <i- lbe real. be and. ' '<.' ,, ,.,-,,,. *ere I- \- Mn.. ... \i,ii,i. nd; ai i. -' I-"- t v.,i. a.id lhe He*. l. d< .. 'i -"V-n, V.i". l'i-- bebon. ol MrnH'l--.. -.'-I iMvenport, of Ti-niieaaee. aud lhe 11 \ i| ii, v-.,:.rl<. nr.1 II-!.-. ol I.l- 'I' |. lla:.'' i." (tl rli. "1 llli di-liate. nft.1 whleh I i ,'1*"" .l»v. '; rltl, ili. f.-l'--.«inc i-ult < lerifal. i-otli ( ...-. -'.'. '.'. 'ii ¦...-¦ \ ,., .,,,. t th, ne* ranun nl ..rd .. rai ,, ¦-.'. taken up. adopted. u.tii a ar .i " v, th ev, m th.nalderatl ¦¦¦ ot th. .-. ume I. t ..",- fl '/'/.' 9 >' i.' '.'"". i> ih II .. 1 '¦'¦ " ,-* ,:.... lll r, before Juatl, ¦¦ Dutfy ln ll ¦¦ Baaex .*: .ilmpao i- wanted by th, ,..,11,... ,,r lt ituvllle, N. Y.. fvr a pled f.-l and rohliery. Al ;... .i.ii traced -- . ln ll Ity . irre< led 11p Head ra In [>.¦' i"i- ".: .¦.' ,, | | '-ll nn oi ..... .- to Di-I .... lu ¦ \',v VI '. wv/i SIA IT THB BOTBLS. || v-,1 *.. r. > ,,, *.' S '.'...,, -'¦ r.tnr .1. I' .' i: ¦¦¦!',-¦,.. I,. |*rca*eaai \ llln, ot llhl i. md __ _l M I'.. il. "il.," IrlLSI '. I, \c..a ,,. rt. ol Bath n \ ii- K. Mi II v. , Ml liiiA V lll I.l. ,- -. ,1 M, II i.ati ., ..' ....,. .... MOllMA.VDII - .; i, ra. i'i.\/.\ Wl II un n rj \ VII I'H'-i l "i" R l' ...-.,, uiun I'- .:., o| \¦..,, ? ////. n KA Ul l-l: RMfOMT. rilAT Vi l.u-.r. 'VI I.I. RAdt OP I'Ir'il'.!I>A. \\ ml ,i ...i :l Iii.- ,| ¦:.! whlrh ojx ln th baa iii'.ini t<. i..-¦ .-u i.-i .,; I ir.,.--» aad ,- ap- !,,.,;,: .1 ,, |ta aaotwwd Beymd th,- li....t ,., ,..i-i -I.,-!,..,. v, Mm an-.. of blgb ,. maN tebleh - ,i.--i... .',.- ,,,.,> .in.ii'--.' D b.RMtm i.on- .... :.,--. u. m, ,:,.. I'.i.»-', N 'V-l'.liCl,,, 1 ,,. ,i i, ii.. evet ti, -<-.iinii raltayi o'"1 ttothy Mauae _e__, ni.,,1-.-. ,, I,- -i i.r aeatbri bM prevalled .., . n -i, wberj Bhuwi o .;i,u II U . in ¦-.¦ hiiuthiirn s.u:.-. .... Atlu.tl, ,,,,,., .-. ,- ,: <.¦ .M....t.,i.. -' ..i .,,,iii r,J ...,, .r ,1 lan .......nr »..l |ir \ .- ... ..[ ihi J la -i.-iil. i-x.-l't ", V - i,.-. i- ii .!.'!. ited. " ¦x-ritui wlll |. -.'., ,h rt« -n-tii.-. t<> ti-- neal >-' lhe p .¦. I'.n ;: «,-,t',- in , iii.i.ii (...i.i.a^i 90H IO-BAY. Si | n < V-iriv. Ka .. ,n !'¦ nn nl i'-i, ..ii,,.,, l 11> >i ,, "., ., i-.m, Ind*. ... w~: ru n .-.' \ ¦:,. Weatern Prooaptv-nla. tteal Vlrclnla Ohle IndtoM a"'l llUnela, f»ir: BBrth wlada; I warmer .. , hai Mk.hl_.an, VViacooabi Mlnneaeta ani Xttttatn lllinola, gcBerallj lali TRil'.i NK LOCAL OMERVATIO-ta, !.,.> E l i 4 I U.ir. - l.ich. .iK- i>ie,-o. ..i m umiMiT ia io ii :$o o .-.¦. - ¦-. VI >V" '-' ': °'i r, m thia giagfaa b coBtiaaou wblte ttae -u .«» _a» -, jn.. , lll p -*-,,..- J :.'!- ..t"l b) !- - **1- ,- a.i.g bai iiiuter I'he oaea Irat reprti :-t- lhe lem- paratu - aa ooa iv.-d u. r> .y - Puaraacy. v,iii.n.. Ofl «. .¦' I i m. f'-'-r weatht I, |.i; aartbw, -..,!> vluda dry al. and i J ¦¦ aii ad '.-. reaieiday'i praaraaime. Huaildllj i r .i .'-; ... Um ii-'-.-.-¦-¦ ¦¦ '.--'- ¦"""-¦ The I- riUl .:...:'. 1- l" ¦'-; " ,' r- io balnpl ."'::--: **i ¦'-'*¦''- ., i ... ., .1 ,, -,.,. ,-, -i, .- aarlil I" '-V BO IBW « -,Ui r ', .il, -iir' ai fi B.rr,-. Trt, ..phrrnii.. I M -.-','' '' ,,ri :, .' ^i.r aa-faettl,ei tln,, .. - -.''.<"¦. '¦¦ hlunlab iol. h.l. f ... ,.- IM-. ajnd ro ".'¦ Pl |"MMu-.. MAlililED. OLOYEB BACEUB Oa Wfldaeeday, OttatM IBthj* | th, brlde'a K.r. r.; by ,h.\ l? .r- W lloir.01 MaM lU'A d*urfl?l of Mr ir.1 M', " "- l. Baekaa, ol Breoblya, w <>."fs:- Bur.ki-r i.low, « N< ..-Vork. l>lt.l). At-r-iiMt.TV-At nroablnama, P. c on OnMm* "224. at eaiden .f Ganeia" E D. Tt.\*t :^,A. I. B. a. rmni.a S V.i'hn.n'v In l.» OAA vfar of .. -Z" F-in rV; --.': - " tt A**'* ".**¦ W.nhlngton. T'l^ October 2MB. »l bMl i«>*' 4 9 n! BRlGrts CatbarhM Brigg*. «ddew at JibbH, Bttaa*. al santuckit Mi-. toddealy, m Meaday, at o.so rrom ho- late leaMmce, W Bt«ab«a m,, Brooklyn, October 27th, at 11 a a. Eonton and Nant'i not psperi 1 .. *-' f'l'v- Iii \\;v.,-,..i Baturday evanlac. thc 2-d in»t. Edwin .1 rii-iinlnif iii tb" .IL'd year i.f hi/taiK. ,._.,... ..;.. a 11 I,.' h.-il o-i 1" ,-div. th» 24* laat., «, nvkx-k 0 "... <it "'" l''--' I'"'-''».*-nai, ihui'h. ave aad llth-at., u; »hiu bla rcletlvaaaad Mooda :,,.. invltel. Ii.i. i,,.-... at Woo-llawn. Dl'XKIN ",. Oetober 24th, EBflBhath S., wlfe of tho lat.' » Mdufrte?di mvitH t" attead tbe Bmeml lervieea il be late rwldeaee, 10 Eaat Wh-aL, WMa ..,.. vealns kl i <>'¦ lo '*¦ Pl -.,- ornlt I ,a i-. GRIPFIX-Suddenlr, oa tho erenlng;ol'Batnrdap,.gf^f' .ji |«e. John J. Urlfla, la Pb&adelphl* in the twm Puiictal Fervlrea'Vrlll i* heM at bla tata leajdaaaa. 2."<hi Xorth 13Ui-*t.. l'nllid'lpUia. on Wcdnu-Oay, Oitoti-r 'j'.t.i. at 1 o'elock p. m. HASTIXOS-On Moaday. th.> 24th ln«t.. ln tha Md rea? ot bli ;,'.' faaa. W., aon of Baaaab B. T. ;u.d tho lato Walft.ll Mj- ... Pnueral - rvlrea will ho hol I nt hi« lato re«ldonea, 150 ii.r-.rv-ht., Brooklya, WtdaeadBy, tha Hta laat., at - ii. i.i. ROADCEY.Saddealj, ..ii Baadar, Oetober 2*1. nt hr-at-t f.ill.ir- DllMa, dauchter ol Ellzaheth C. and th" tata Dnrld Roadlcy, ot -,-. ewood, Bew-J, reejr. BOPPIXO.Al nioomfloid. X. 3., Ortohor 24th, 1898, Both rtau«hter nt laura V. and ...-.:¦,... W. il..pping. iu th.- I7th yeoi nt h,-r ««¦.. , . Funeral wedn «tai t IS) r*. m., at tba reehtwee of h"r .. .- so7 Montgoiai ry-afc Int. rmonl |,i.¦ .,'¦¦ JF.XKIV* I,'. W. .I-tikiv II M»1 -»n. [ad., on Mon- dar. 0 her 24th, In tho 82-1 ..-ir .,f hl- nt'. lm eni ai Qreenwood ai tbe eeavtataoee of tho fam.iy. Kl i.i." n Monday, Oetober 24tb, ,'>.»'.- Rettanr. Iim ral -. rvlreeat ll- lam re«lden >e, Xo. tr, Wett Itth-et., ,.,i Wedneeday afleroooo, 28th IaM., all e'cleck. II i'-,'.'i paperi pleaae opy. Mi'MiV R latlvea aml Meadi BN !n\lt*d tn th» f'inor.1 ,t !-.. nn>Y »..:i i.f M. Ij',.'I,,.,, aiid I'holv Mmid". ln ih'- Preabytcrlao Church, Metuchan, X. J., Oetober SJtii, a 11 a. in. PP.CK.Soddenly, tt paeutnanla, on M nday, Ocmhar M, ISH2, Karah E. wlfe ,f Thomaa L. Peek, anJ iiau«ht-r . late B. P. '.'tn ¦'.¦>. Pun ,! lervl ea al H" ."hnrr* of tbfl Aaeenaion, PIBh- avo, :ii,-i I0tb-at., Wodneaday moralng, Oetober zo. kl ii. :." .'. leek. Klndlr omll Bowera ross s '!.'¦:". at Llnroln. srebraaka, on Oetober '-"-'. 181)2. I'r. .la..'- Itoaa, ol Bew-Vork * Ity. liotl i "f Pmeial bereafter. STKK.MMF.LL "n Monday. Oetober 24th, Qeaogo Btiem- ,..,.,!, |n ti,.. 7001 ...,,- ot iu* ame. il from hi* in.. reaidenee 27 siil**tr Plaee, Bewwk, N. .1.. on \v.'lni--(lav. «t S "^ p. ¦. Tl RHt'N'K At Baekflaaaek, X. J.. 0.-tobor 2'ZA, Yn-.A Torhune ia lha Ti-t rear oil bla age. (.'uneral - rvlcei .it 2:1.1 p. u,.. Toe*day, O tober 23. at, t',.. I ,r»t Keformed CBuroh, Hadkeneaek, N J. IM,., \i» N'ew-Vork, Hu.quehanna u;'l V*'e*tern Rallwov loot crtij:.dt 4t.l D -- -.'->.. Bew-Yoek, 1:10 p ,. i. Ii... "nt private. Alh.iiv paperi pleaae ?opy, MOf.VT HGl'E CrMETERT, OfPr». 38° 8'J'ivc. comcr 23d-at.. B. X. K'nt'.rn Con.nsrv on tho Il»r>m R»llf"td. 48 mtnuf» fretn -l Ot* A tral Depot. Kew li.-t-ot a; .-ntranc«. .-. iC'i^t. Spccial Xoticcs. .. \, Bvery Afterwaaa n,i» IPeoh ai UiM. AT tni. A'll.Ki'AN ABT OALLEBIEB, ,, i a.-;' ..,i> . r >l' ,-". boath. ;.\ \i'.-"!.,' ri' AU, P10N TBE MOST IJIPOBTABT COLUECTIO.1 OP ,s KVl.R OKKKUI D IN TBIS COI NTBT. a utuBi) "i.i.i' noa op 1 Asll i:\ Kl'is AND OARPET8, i "ll Ki.-:.v. OVER OXK TIl"i >AND AMl.il r AND MODEltN 8PKCIMEN8, MAM OP WUICM ABEOPTHB IIAREMT AND KINEST VV AVKS. f.om 2x9 .¦¦ i to ttxsa fi ., aad va'i.i ii> AT 910 TO 810.000 KACIi. '. X111BITIO.N PBOM 0 TO iz A. M. 1 ii">- m i.. KIBBY, a-.. tionrer. AME1UCAB *R'. fcbbOCIATIox, Maaagen, ;; .. .'.i-i - n Sq, *.¦*¦ \iiii«o|.iH,r lleaibl, . "I ai* i*ea ... ,-. ia ki - f". i, >.. aad B*y ¦....,.': r ,¦,.,'- Mi.ii j. i. -,.'. .-;. ... »'«. reaieeVr N'oil.-r. daiiy by aii luieieated, a' ci.on^' *> mttr i need not .. -i-.:ai'y »d- i. i.j any paiucutar ?ttamer, i\,-pt .: '. -.;.....-.- r.t l,,',k.,IL- Blld i ¦'. i- not iu lally *.: lr**** l ht \. mwI* a.n labl .:::,.... .. lober 20 wlll euM ., it i ¦-. .- j- r ',.. - TLi.-KAl.vt i j in. i". i '-.'...ii' ¦" ... Uio Jaaeiro t '.¦ ¦. \l. Uio Jan. Iro, i"; ^ Haii ,' ;. :,. for Luroi*. i-1 - i. il..., ,.-....: ,-t ;,t.. ,., Bi fo. Iroland t. I "per lla.ci'i; at l p- m i»npplciueut«rj ... ,, ior si .t..,\ ¦ '1 Sl Th rnai ..i Ht. < ,oi\. :.".- ,!.-'¦ t. ¦.! ». ¦ , :u .' -. ... aire. ted "p.-r u'. I ii. i:. fOI l'jr. auil M.iin^, pei ». ». wr.DXF'SDAY Al " lf n. Ior 1 iropo. " - I'i: \i, Q.tt-vn>tOUti al li u n f..r l..;r"|.-. ;».r ^ s ., ... natown lettow muat bfl '.. ¦, i.i-itnatil it 7 .. n.. for llelgiuin illtect Kbynlind letter* mutl be directod "nei Rbyn. it 11 ,. i ¦¦¦ Pertune laland u.d Hayt. jwr ¦- :¦- ...i.i itica \ia l.lmcn, nu-t be \i :. .,¦ IS .-. f..: i«i"ii.. la. Tr.nidad U..1 I. !":... i" r - ». Bornley ,i r, -|. \ \ ¦,. .. ipi itary l 10 p m ) an b itlijw I... i - i-n- l.-.i ii \ \ \- 11 :i i nta, ... 11 :< :,.¦ I- ind, Jaii.al' i aud BavaBlllB, >i J" .-¦ SATI'ltDAY.At 0 a r.t f.Tlri,' ¦. B -lt -.-.'»,. 1. lla V. ;. ¦.' .,. I Turkey - I... Tuui .,.¦¦. ... ¦I ,. at 7 *) a, n »ii|iptom ., irv :> ao a. ,,, ,,,¦. ;..:;..;. . -v.-\u. .\.,>IV h'. A. AU :,l .ll'l ;. - .. \:., !': ,, :. (I, tt.-i !.¦¦ othor nrt~ ol I ':i'|-'. Vla SO'K ,' 7 :," -i tn -i.l'i' ...r-.Tit irr !i Ao % n.. ...,,,. \--u: un, N, tb, rian 1-. .\,i-tri i ,. Voi :. per a. .. Krrvla. vla Qu.»t.nrn ¦..¦ parta o| 1 n: ;.. mi-l Ih- .lir.-rU"! . I '. mda dlreet, per Rnth -l'". '.. n im b 4 te u I. ¦. a. in f»r Reoi ,nd dire l n r - - .,,... .. ".-I- muM bo dlre< t.-.l "i«'r .., :ii io a. n. t-r s-i »;.v dire t i" .. |.' r Hek a" at It ,, ,...,.., :,,, y., itan per . \ ' hnnipio.i dln and ith r M X- ., -. vl.i Vori I'riii ' . '.¦ "por 1 iimui ¦. li '" foi H iropan ., ,..r '..--..', '. I'.r- t..:- ...ii. r \'.-,. ,./.,. r |."t. ',. D ind Du( 1, ,.',mu,i .. |. ',,,,.'.¦ N .-- ..'" al :i p. n.. thl - -. At,-,..-- fr ¦.-, Now-Oleaiia: at ''. !M i.:, m.i l' rn .1. t>.'.. i-r« i. ABiaienena, .' I'I m \m\ \. -, * iii f.T .-.¦.. ln, per < . ii ,,., - \ ¦... ' ,. ' Bivinl .,. i' .i-t i,«t n.t....," :.' :, |. m. I ,i .'..-t. RJca, ,, 1 , lllnparh from V" -Orl M-ill* '' '' tn ,n'. '.-I"- >" .',!..'.'."¦ .... ,. >, \ ' '.i. nor a a (Ifl - , Kan Pn lo» hen v\,v np .. :i p. ni, \ -t-.i... Bew. '. - .... iw t.. \ i- ', .. ,i " SO ¦ .. v. w Voi i- \.. ,., i< ;;, II-.':-'. .. - f t v M i| -, ..,.: Jni illy *Mr***oi ,,i:,. dnll .>: .'. :<" i. in. Malli for v ',. .,, ,!,.,' i.., r.i !. II .i:f. x and Ui'-ne- l.< »'<am..r M.i. foi Mlqnelon. ,. ,. ., :1... ,,. ,,. M Ul .' .'.I.. hv r, to , - Hnnday« im! 'h": ,.-,-.! lordlai .tr:, |. .'.',.,., .1 tl * ,,,,. ,., "i '''i"'.-'" djily ,. .< M ..'..-' '.' '* "'¦'.'."'' . .,.r-. ,.-. ..'. r ..,¦' rrai -i' ' San Pran lien M,,|. Imn, ,' .'-:.¦! mu M. .. .r .1 patebed then. tl am :'' it, ... :.. siipi oiitan M l"" I on the ijl ra .' i rom .. .-. n -' n.> »' tl..- "- f tnr. M.tl !¦¦ "hl I. re. ..'¦ ' M . ...;\l i.t, - \'W .'"I-r ,¦¦,..-. ' r. ... v , vorl v V " "' t 50. 1H02. REPUBLICAN MEKTINGa TIIE CAMPAIGN IN NEW-YORK. TUESDAY. OCTOBEB 28. si-riN.iVii.i.i: .!-.,-\vi.i.i. .. iionis. ni-Xk-RK " '." S C. LM KltOWA BOOXEVILLE Sl ''.rA" K I'&fBB. \ "''\'| so a'O- IIISCO, K. .'* li m v 1 \ .N "at'r llALE. I AL.M1I. CoJ A ,. ,(AX'|-KU. .i.m Oil KEMPLB. , HAS W ANDP.KSOB. u tB. s. MOltBIB MiIHiI.IT'IWX . ;¦¦-<.;,..i.,r MII.I.f 11 .1. K. V.V» W'li.Ml.K. ri-.iiN-nsinr.)> I. M'T-LiK^- TABBYTOWB » Jodoa WM \M."D. .-., ,, .lACrtn kenimjC ,.i: wvn.i.r. ,-r.NTnr. n 11 HtMl'lIBEY. « l- noi s i,;,i iv no ORAMEL * I'.'.'AI'I. Il VREELABB. pi": JXO I. Wll' 11 PAIlMIXObAl.E >IM'.\ I. FORAN PINl' ItTSI I'LAIXS I1IA8. W KORDHAM. Iii/ tlOBT .!> M JfORTOX. " IIAM1I.TON WARD Jr. BOLOBTOB.D P BU^ABJBOB. rara *il t, 1 POTI EB. VOIiXOSVILLE P B I-All'-n:.. s, fiTT .I' ''. M v " \^^ i ,,'. I'l'TV INO I> RPI LLM IB. ti K Ml"'' . M " 0»M.\«JH» R. ¦! iHNM v,. TIMOT11V -»N-"I ROOh. t.iviN .-r'.vvn.i.K. p m i.i t ;. wu.;;, \,. t.lit l 'i W> '" ^^ i-. I I: l.l' K , ?r\i '.V,.- "i i. -".':n,AS. ;. \\ v'\-\M i i: M. L1BX n.P.I iAmMovsPiiIU .. I. fMITIJ PBATT*»«'B3 ' «¦ ';-",r.°v\; ;\,;.,.\l:v,: o0,aap,\^^ ,Un,r.MKEP.CLlB ^BAt^ty^WEtaU nivt-'itui > " s w tu.Acr.. CLAIta- "'i.i.s.prol. P. W. IIE^VES. nniftWA-BY . . .T.U. ». C<">0OESHALIa, i|KE ..".'..'.......... AI.FRED SPRINQ. bTRYKERSV-LLB.>AIiF0,£.,£i.N0*TB' A. J. I.. > 1.1_» rl. AI*V\DF .B. L PlTTS. TONaWaXDa.y*_**Jt*i9M*** ii.M-.p.isviM.r..J w hoao. .NCRRISTOWJ. C. E MCHOLR. I.K.VAKII.-.V1L.LE.SS.5* V lLAjN_-> 7-.''.i SIITOM < HAS. L. KN'APP. l-i ""KLYX WALUfFi llltlTK I'TICA .JUC'HARD OLEN-HEB. .KlXT KARI. KAPPF. MOIUVIA .JOHN RAlNES. 173 I'TaKL-ST, CITY.Cap. JA< K CRAWFOR». .IAMKS P. DF.ONAN. CANfiOA. EI.IIAH COOK. __ TANXERSVILLE.......JEROME I'. KlSHER. .M.nioN .i. f. MACK. __________ nf.w iir.t'jiiTON..'oi. c. it. mvcn. BAND BANK .R. C. TIIACKFKAT. I-OI'.MN FII'.KY.GEOROE BABER. TALt.MANS .l.IXN HARTKANFT. STI WFMVT FALL* -L- W. pAXTEBr___, MIDDLEsEX.M. W. J. l'ARhlVSOW. WEC.NXSDAV. OCTOBEB 26. PATll .ROSWELL O. HORR. ... L. LAMFSUX. OSWEOO .Jt'LU'S C. BfRHOWS VIROIL....BEKENO F. PAYNIi. u r."V..*' w. iiicks. t'O^'KI.VN ..JNO- S WI8E. FRAMtLlNVILZiB. .«. L. MILLIKKN. Ll-TTLE FALLS.JNO. 1. WHT-'I-'.LER. -* Vr l'i-' ..JACon KFMI'I.t'. r. RK8HIRE.OEO. W KAY. ROSI -vil.M.E I'LUN'S.fllAS. W KORT.HAM, TIHiv" .-KIXT KARL KAAPPF. 1'lKEVILLE._. M XOKTON. _ !*"'LU HAMII.T'.N -VvRD. Jr. i om. flBO. r. ____%. lAMESTOWK.UTANS MATNOaT. tiiiri'TV .P- B- LAIRD. '.-'rMF'- .K. II MMIAST ______ WFYNOLPRVILLB .TIM"THY K \ X I> ERSAlM. Bll wu K M.Q»i- T* B. W>HTK. MPD Pi'i .Col- I. T. I.AXTF.R. IJAPHFrSTFR .CHAS. W. WPF.RSOMr rootcaPALLfl.m. ub* *&toK VASSAl- .Col. A.J9.8HAW. PfT.lM'.Y .O. A. Fl LT. R ___ tiW.I.M REP. t-Lll".HENKT L. Bl'RNETT. iiawi-a-a au. k.-.-.-. , ^ WM wo.- -.lUTtT-E .MARK H prNVKT.U. CLATVTLr«.... ¦''->'; VtolLJo****9** l-IR'.Y .FXTRK.E. I. PITTS. XOKTII JAVA..ALFRF.D KPKI\7>. ' ullUl J*v I. KAM -FOIIVSON. f>T.P.WDAI_E .'¦ *. 3S._9.wm DEPKYBTER. _.. E. NICHOLB. ..io.-Kvir.iF . .''<*! R J- ltwnr. NORTH COV1NJT0BT.CHAS. L. KNAPP UROOKLYN .WALLACE RR. _. .lt )X ...................«. C THA.-KFR.VT. "llKirVs . JOIIX RAINML IHtn.1KI.YN.C. 1 I. r MA. K. .OVKl'.T . KLLfAH C<>"K. VIOLA.LIXX HARTKANFT. PRKMO'nY OEXTRE .P. R r'."",.,.. I VM \ IC V .trfjn-.tor HIM 0" Iv. ava IN TOCB C0BNEB6..T. W.JIAjlTfW. Ni ,s xiif.K .TXO. P Sl'F.LT.MAir. fjltrEVpORT. -F. R. wallai i:. nVw.TORK..TNO A. O'VFI'Y. _^^ HIMRODS .Col. W. J. I'ARKl.vaOM. ,'! !o im-Av.wn . v. II IH'LLJVKB,. TORH HALL. CITY.T>r. W R DB-UUC_L iir.M)'.-. iiaii .s J. yOBAjL.,,..-... Itii ni'.v'»! .Col. P. Tt. BHWITDAM. KHEPARD HALL b7ih-*t Or. J. R n f-M'Tlt. 100VAVBXCB a. CITY. l.. HOHHAhOX. TIIL'RSDAY, tXTODIIR 27. <VRTr.A>D.nOIBMO F.. P4YXK. -,< x.M- LINM BRUCai. ,\..l,,,-, .ROSWELLO. flOr.IL ,1 M.l VM REP. l Llli.SS'^.*--,})',¦ _F IX DI IV FALLS.W. W. IllCh** ___. tr- v .jt'Lirs c nr-RROWi. l-lt,\. .INO. 1.. WHF.KLEIL ¦i RvwVi.T,'".'."..r.r.nKnv hari it. lORVELTJ-lVJLLE.E- .- UMWOM. nVKTFB 11 VY .s J- l' RA.s. iiiov . '"1 ' "4f»*R. ra i sM ilai a ".v I- MILLIBBK. gl » -*l -* o** *-*...* .,,.. *fj-.r-tx six.; mm; .«v- v\r,"i' KPKNCF.R .P'lQ W HAV. F\ST IIOMEli .. »¦ MVIAXY. i'O'' II .in: Iil'-HARD .ill'.NTItKR- J I.M VALLBV . .. .8. M NOKTO.V ...... *.xu-.iax.u >MI,T,,V xVARp. |f. TOttRTOWN .JOIIV T). SI'ELL.MAN. roTkville .oi o. r '-it. it. XORWOOD .Itv' THAI.RP.RAT. U.l.I.X .1 -|i\V MU) R V'liliil AN» rvit'-Txri*. C1I-.B W. l'.i"iHMM -,i,i-.-v .Ttmotitt sAMiKiisoa. nt'l'.LIN Col. A. I> KHAW, DAKIII UST 4'oi- " . BHKRlOAMa i liOl.i.N M. LIXX BRI 9,9. i'l MViH MARK 11. !>' '.V.VKLL. . _HERMAN. .F/i S. n.t..r MILLKR. .1. )'.. V \ > Wult--1_IL WARSAW .I'. L. PITTB. TttRIN .I W. HOAO. ** OLTON.C E, Nll Il'.LS RIIINF.BErK.VTALLACC r.l'.! rTV lil.l, < IV I.K" .J.'IIN KMXhK. M:oTTsnt'RO .ri. r. wtr.i.iAM*-. AMITYVILLK .Oo-> CTRfS Rl V<KT. I'i RD\-*H STATION...JOIIX BRENNAN. MT VFI1V1.V .tVd. f. lf JOTCK. I.AOI KTOW.N .I.IXX IIAKTKANri-i OHEENPOIXT. IV" .x COPFEY. I'HILMOVT .... .I- W. BA1CTF.R. \VI.-II*..UI .M. (4 PARMELEB, PL.*O.M\MLLF v.I. iti'-lll IT.KI.MiR R L'D,O.ClTT...K. 8. W.M.l.ACE, ".' IRRYVILLE P '- LAltfn . Rt'OOKLYN .PAVID Hr.ALRT. M'.\ YORK .'-" « "'liKlKNE. *nT I .'fV-Vll.M. V. tl IU'LI.IVI.R. ovvri II BAT ..nr. W. U OFRRJCK. ¦; '.I-,-' JACOB Kl MI'I.I !\,,'-. LOOAN CLUB ..;' l'.'"x BAWPOB_b A. I, M .RRl-ON. I vi II \<. "i: \s HALL, CUP .!. K- RICHABwd, FBIDAY, OCIOBU :8. ELHIRA r~ ....BeoatBr ALBRICK AflU'KV.J-C- RCRMOWS. WATEINS. SEaBNO E PATVB. COHI.F-SKILL . .< '.¦ HORR. u.lME .IN". L. Wlll-.ELER. CLARBSVILLE.C 11. BROWN. HAMILTON IVARB ir. BLACJC CREEK .I- P- VKiril.AXD. VF.W.VRR VALLEY.OEO. W KA 1 i- vi "-.,,( i; .wm. >.v,-"i> noLIVAR ' "I A. I,. !IA.XTi__R. .'LINTANDALB...' H \- W. I " ''ItAM. '."\v\-\r.A .*-. L. MILUREM. ANEADEA ..... .». P- i*J,,'-,i'm'Jb0>' ALLENTOWN.«Bj. K. .#££«- X1XDA .' L. L\MI-S"X. r\ \^ V'ALLET.R. » MAHANY. CAYt'TAVILLt.TIM-vriiY BANDERMV. II |.|. K'i-'N .toi. T. n. WHITE. BALISBI RY MILLS .OEO. BABJ B. ,. ,V. R.Vi'.FR R. C. THA4 KF-RAT. KORTRICrHT CEN TRE.M. LIXX BRICE. \ M \ ITA .**¦ J FOR '.V M WBKIOHTON.JOIIV BRP.-VfAH. ' "'*' JAMES B. TONVNBBNO. HOftgIC Col. A. T> KIIAW. HARLEM REP. CLl IJ i*-__^l\_1P'i*JLa, -r YP.RONA ." I . "OOIiSlLVLL. LOWVIt.r.E .A- W II. 141 P | KPONT .0- F.. NICHOM MAill wv.vx ..ao. cviti's m-ftSEr. I*- r.r V. VVII.T.l. JOHN ltAl.VI--.-J. DANSVILLE." 9 WtLLIAMh. ItimoKLTN HANS M I rsON. ,-a.n inv .V. B. DOLLIVER. I.IFFALO. .lf ilAKi' '-: K.vrHXR. II av R.-JTB VW JOHN lilil'V.W lll.VTIXOTON.WALLACB BRl'C*. FAlRPORT W. W. II!.'i.v fORT IRFPF.RSON T. DE 'i Tfl.I.V. SODI'S Bl. R. .1 H tlRB, n UTOWN . vv B *X i'C-i KTAPLETON .JXO. P HPF.IAMAX. '-i; w:.R.»E \. tt. i nosni. |l S.RL1 FORKB M B PAHMRLEB .ii ii --i-.il I.i Ml S i .'' B LAIRD m raNY nu'tn in A'.r-.v \ Mii !. .11 J". . I I) K -..IliifJIAN. w .-- vIC . '' 8 TAYLOR. w FsT >.i'."l"X ' v"n BEMI'LF ARR. I"WN I.D. S. W 4I.LACF FAR ItrV'KAWAV '...II.O WORTHIXOTOS IRION HALL BR'KLYN JKO. BRBRNAN .Mni; .....* »l. «'. li. .i.'V.'i.. KYAI'R ARTHI R r v,-\r>-. "i.ii.M-.OBOBOB \VALL.'.-i~ SATII.DAY, OCTOBEB 5». I'l'.'.'KI.YV . .i"IIN- I WISZ ¦AA1...U ILLB Rl v" F-YS**.. H. J. .. *. HLallALU N "N SPRINOS.KLItAH " ,K st ll v- -i. .i ii' ::i:u Va. "\ i,"i T .R HORH Fl.lMllVO HAI'NCKY M 9B___* S'F.W.YOUK .RF.VI. Iif l-n- lt*'"K'ri_L i.M li.,\ JOHN I WUl.i.'J.U. OLIVAK .... CU UtLKS ll BR ,W». Al'ALA, IIIN .451 0 W. RAY. l.l.l.NVll.LK.« tLLA. RRV.E. OLEAX . >.*..."-* ILDRK it NiiRitl i'l RA r 11 VREKLANO. \1 \i.i"\ JOHN KAINEB. <_I-.Nl --1 ¦ - i. MILLIKEN. >\ \ l.i.K .WH WOOD m i i \ ¦. " !¦'.: i .-.IL WO* 9. !.- LAMPSOV. l-l-.l Itl.l B U M Ml 4NY -IIAROV St'RtX.iS p M .i-i T II WHtTE. HluHLAND FALLS 'r..°!?OE BABRR v, Kl-I RNs 11 av W AND ItsON. UON pi lll i T1MOTII \ -AM»j:i'..-0-t. ,,. \ v' \| 1,1 NN Hlt. K. I l;.»''KI.YX .. ..... .W. il. BRADLKV. Wi-., SAIUKHTIKB CIIAB. W, r'"R!>H\M. iii' lllll.l.I' SPRINOS.. M 0. aALLAOHbR. wi sr SAXOLARE Col v '. 5BAW. O.NSTARLI Vll.I.li ..... J W HOA.V u v, hon .... v. ILLIAMB KTAPLETON. IX" I) M-I I.l.MAV. H'.'nK"YI. FALLS W W. III. KS ii.HN'STOWN I-'NN il m:,kvX1 l>|. M-MH-- ' "' D i: KHKRIDAW* KIXDERHOOK l'-.,?'',".;.,1,'-Vivv- Vi: N'.iFIF.LO JNO. I. -,-i ...MAN. oripi ivs cornerb i r cr."-m , ir-vi -, P, H I I'rl" r|-r.Ti"-i'T S .1 PORAN. RltF.WvTl KS >. TAYl/VJ. i::-.,,- ¦_ in*. IAI 0B KEMPL1 MOXDAY, OC1UBRB II. Illl.UA, .Xfi.-n.oon.joilS*H M VI ^RO%V* \v Vv. IIICRH.' ITIIACA Evonlna. CIIAI N. VV M DKPKW. IUVl.ltUK.YD ,:">w l.l.l. ... HOKH. 1,1,.¦IIARI.K.*, II BROWN. HAMILTON ward. Jr. M N'KIRK .IV«'. F. FINERTY. ;. .-Vi.l'.VVILLl' Judf« WOOD. lioilf- ...Oa. O. A SHERIDAB. WKST ru.MFIELD " 'IJ KaJ VI v. PANHVILLP ' ' f.\M!*-"N. VKE '.i "K'.i: ........V. 11. HOOAE. M'.TH IHF BAM MORRli. W' >I r\".Ms JNO. Ii *-!" . LMABT. IlLLERTON JACOB KEMPLE V;:H;r»NHA-_PER»WFXD:A.aCRO?Bf WWVILLE... VrZ^ibklih. MVin, 01 OROE RVBF.R. ,.i: w- "P il.i ->K ity. INO A. COFFBY. ". .LtXITT, Bveahn vv w. iiick*-. Tl KSPAY, KOVE-OCI 1. ¦I PFALO . JNO. r. ri.VEKTY. '.." IIFORD v' Rl¦¦;'" ' **_*Y2£iaoom III.V'.HAMfOX .'.". ..I.O. A. MII R.1DAW WA-J utown * *-v"VV'VN!.1! ¦¦¦'¦,.£. J R VA.> WU-UIBR. kaM MORRIS IIORNTXLKV1LLE-... 'IIMMIYM nt'.l'LW. 1-AT.-4 IV'.v J :-¦ WH W'»'>U. lt... KV1LLE . ENTRE JK4J. HRI NN l*«. I.IMA I- L LAMPSON. noi.iON landino l*ha«. ii mooRB, 1"V1\A il VH'.l. ¦. v KOSBY. » __-!: lUVKii. T> !'. lll' ll m:!'-".V. ;, ,. I,.' K-SON. D1HDS \LL.t'HAH II. HI-oWV. HAMI1.TOX WARD. Jf. .- " ..v i.l OH..K ItAHFH. Tt UT!-i> <J--.iX.I4t D?OX s .1 FORAX, III EASI OITH-ST.. tltY.Dr. W. U Jji-iUUCIt.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1892-10-25 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1892-10-25/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · r«iind«-d it ha.- alr.i.cv heen MM for the buildlng ol \Ula»

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1892-10-25 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1892-10-25/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · r«iind«-d it ha.- alr.i.cv heen MM for the buildlng ol \Ula»













tmmMBhtt IMii Ba Thi mamn <*~****.

Lnndo,,. Oct. tM.-TI.e r,-v. chWCh Bt ».«».»

t0V rro,tM,,i,lc-prcAWi.Hyt,'tt"K'--n t Btrut-

1 m tha Queen wlabai M to be inrrounaed b):.."g etaKhyai- wlleh e-rtria. tbe law "...nn-

',, to Jobn Bwwn wbleh E'T Majeaty erected aver

a'i^ ,i,.,,-tK > fanBly grave. J".:,, Brown

(t,'n,n..'ri,t.,l at Balnawal bv . i.f"-- *.»

m,ub bv **«¦. whleh Ii a prcmlnent ohject*-.* SLtwBe, a, it aaeupta ¦ i.« -"-J"<"-'; *

.1!U,n aa MM wnaBed banta aet* tha aarten cottaga

wtthin a ihort diMi'iHc ,»I the caatle.


Qama BkBM*. of Rumaala. wto baa been m-

mu ior levetal maathi alth ber motbcr, th dow

Z, ol w.m. ui lha benuUful Bcblow ofsldlager MacM,,n Bepoa near MewwtaB. t* I" a van 9*.***.Z%e oi health, aai 11 Ifl pwbahle tbal aba wU paaa

Si wlnter ,-ither nt Naplea or ln Rgypt. than Ifl

;!;,Ioiyu,'ni;i,a,.'tM.» *»< «» I*""'

wbkb tu,- Klag ".- Boumanla, th" Da.I mm

12 ma Mnee HobeaieUera imd thc Crown Prtnce

Knma.iln t ok part. A varietj Ol mil.rt.ltl.-a have

: ,- i, ihe way tf tba marrtege ol tho Cmwn PHnee

; tSaaaZ ***** ot ********* « '; ******

\m\\mm itwaam BBmMth wlll i-nlva ti.- wlnter,

nld ia tae aveat * ** ***** Klng Chariei. who ta

MU ,., bu. tmy-fo.iriti year, might marry agaln and

rreidlnana'i pmapect. ol aucceaak- »«"*.«. ka would aliik bach lino Iba portUon ol belngmerelv tt.e yeungar bob of Mnee Hohenaollern. IX

TavawA tbat Klng Cbariea ahall pMge blmaell not

t cwtraet a oeeaa* marrlage, bm ba doe> not fleem

Sutog to ma*e auy promlae wbatever on thi- you.

M.r, us a matter et taet, would any aaeh untemtand.ing be i"inianenil> bluding upon blm.

UU. TU1WM: ui' BAXE-COBUBO-COTHA.Aprop.* of tbo eomlng of age ol PrtBCI Allred, "I

Kdinburgh. h«ir tc the tbrotie of Baxi Cobarg Uotba,

H may be wen lo mall an iBcMaal "( lha un..- wben

u auited the awpo.ee of a eertain wctlra at lhe o*

.,.» pr^s to fal,ricat.- u rumor to ta" tAtm* hal lha

Duke of BdlnburgU serlousW thought Ol aelBBg to

1-rusMa Ul r«ver>lonary rlght" 10 the tkrona al hi-

un,!,.. Kor a long tlme tbli wai a BOTl al ^a BOTti^xo me tiermati gNfla, and tb" .oniter regularottttmni op whaaevei thc Duke blmaell mada hla bp

paanaea la Berlin. Oa oaa of theae oecaal ma, te,

|M |,.,r;Uiilarlv aaiMyed nt Ibe reeurreaea "i lhe

rumor la QueaUaa, th.- Duke seal foe a cormpondenii;..-ii h aawipaprr and begged blm lo give nn

unquallfled oaateadletloa la lha »tal ment. Al tbe

¦UM tini,- lt i.n by i." meaaa eertain lhal Iba tma,

hM )i"t chanp-d his mind a Htlle Aiee Iben, lo the

Mtent at leaal of rcaatvlng lo walva bta rlgbti ol..i.,n to bta unele'a crowi ln favor ol bta o;a,a

v. ho baa reeelved n purely Uerman educatlonand surh a.> sbali tit bim t" piaj th.- role ol a mlnori.i'itiiau aovctalga. i am neeiy i" bealr Ibat Ihibaaltb of Priaoa Alfred i» lhe eauae ol eenataniMSMy to bla ii.rmt-. Ile alwaya hM b".n deBcale,nnd ilaga Ma daagarowi Blaen bi Paraaatadl la-i

.prinit th.r,- haa beea reaaai t" fear Ihat be wa*

tuferiaf from nn inti-rnal malady ..( ¦ grave nature.Tbt- young Trliu'.' ta abllfad i<> aiopl a itricl r. pii.i-:and reijulres loiistant tn.di'i.l wpervbdon.


fhalcaa io Mafanalaon, eelebrnted aa tbe realdeneitt I'.mpr.-^ Joaepblm after her dlvoi -. i- aboul lo taBoM, and tbera b every prvbablllty thni li wlll, llk.'K. CtoHi, bfl d.:i, :. Iied. lu,- late Ktnperor bad n

-t^rrd ii"U' B»mcthlag Uke Ita prtotlne aplendor, but.viine his downiall ittla ean lm* bara tahea ol lt,and n<-arly the wbak of thc large park wblcb aurr«iind«-d it ha.- alr.i.cv heen MM for the buildlng ol\Ula». Th'rc is oi coiir-e a paaslblllty <,f lbe chateauand gard.'.'i belng jiun utf-i-i by M.nie n.llllonair.wbo 'flil tttiff t**8a in piiatlilag Ihem, bul tbe oddare that M-.!inalsnn wlll .->.. u pnss lni<> the llmbo olttlnjrs ff'rgottfii ihat wera.

10 .11 r II \VJ. TO OPPOSE THK BOME Iti l.l: CILL

1 am mgarmad that when Mr. OlaBatone wm

ef>tnpo>in« lha present ABaBatatraUoM, t..- wrote oflerIng a biph aSea t.; :, certala BogUali oouaty memberlo tho Brtmamt** *-npn^o «h.- Nc^iber ol ParBamcntrepUe<l tluit he r".d<: i.-.t oocepi U. ¦.- "" ".h.'.t bavrlatata agaanal lbe Hoaw R«la MB. i have lhe nnaieoi th:-. Kncil-h rounty member, and bave no rea»on

whatevof lo 4oaM the ilalement ol web clemenn.', iha majorltj ol ihlrtj algbl eomj m I Ui Mr. QladMme'i Ooverni ent.BOI ALL TUK IBIBH IIUC BATI0XAL1BT6.Tr, )o£,-o hv pObIB I-"' : ' **

ln nmrli lha laam pUfhl aa Ihe ro-iipaeii al ¦ '> l t

rerni dii.i.i-r parl] whw Lady A-.:" tal ol ei

ibmlaim. ^md t.. hbr nelghbor. .in Irlih ludge, -i

pr.>iini« w« in tti-. room ara ail N%tumauata andHome Bataral" "Paltli, madaa^" quoth lbe )ud-.-.-,"wtth Iba gaaapUaa ol your eweUenclee and Ibewaiu-r^, 1 dorrt thlnh Ihere*! aaolhei la Um con


Baxl Aanday li lhe toM al lha aniami CaWnel¦eallnga Paaalhly tha gatberiug auy j>: '¦'¦ i-

.bla, h.it Ihere titable nheaB. Somctldng muchIfte ;. Mtalrtartal mntlny la belng freely mlked ol

Md tn'-ie ..:.¦ aaaaa wUhed enougb lo conneel lhaia:<- oi i.f.rd Boaabary. Cr. AaquHh aBd Mr.pawler witb thli laanhoedlnatloa agMnM oetogennrlanaatocraey. Al lha aame Baae i a.a aorry peraooelljto ni'.- tlmt Mr william H-ireourt, tha DgliUng mu

M tht "'.A gat g, is <i'iit<- Hkely be put hon de e ....

bat h> hts tmt tioahle with bta eyealgbt Fnm..,,:,,.. iben are mm tr tt war. rhoogh MrLaboucbere lemalM abnmd and thoagb be bas bmrveeatiy baaa boaattng Inno. nce ol any maUci whalMtv«v, thal -,i.on ,»f BadkMi with whleli beliipnilallj aaamerlid i< vary much o'i the warpathThey ¦..-'¦ "\",i Mrtd lo eonlempbil* ii meetlngp: --. igalari the promlnenec ol Hoaw Pale. wblcb,it u ?-..:,ti-niiy Hadaratoad, l.n-er ttaeh- "¦' rtlad-t-''i,.:,- Witb a BMjorB) I:: lhl CaWOOl BW g,»*t to wmh lo try t" "' ir''


iii-ii- -t.iri.d Frtda) Irom fbarlng Cro«fl f""

ymmg mea who eonallinted ihemarivw Into thcB*-t Ajncaa BcpfceaBtti Hca^ty, Tbvlr Bam?

au- liralnmal » TIDIera, ..( lbe Uoy*\ llon*i.i.iii.iii.iit Benett M.iiif'.rd. Boyal Dra

t'i.-. >i.- i i.i.i \ ii. iii .¦ me i.nd Mr, Harrl Thitampauy s.-.rt from ABan, where they lake iia-

nei,n,^r alone the eaat roaal of AM'-u to Iba mootlinf tl..- .iui.ii Blver, wbleb I-- hnmedlately under lbe¦gaator. tik-Ii- Intantloa i^ o> aaeend thla rlver:;oo mi:.* to ¦ targe aflaeat, lhe name "f whlrh tai.niii. .wu. i«:t whkh iowi weal. There lhe "a'work con.niet... .;. Tl < y wll pcoeaed la a areater:yain< umi Mrom a .|nit«- anhaowB oonntry I BboulKX) mlle. UM lhe) eome lo Lake Rud. Ip The r

Iniei.Hon Is to tnap oul th<- eountry. Ut* t 8 <. S<4 monntain examlne Ibe hana, <. .li.-i

¦M -h(K,t Ilons aad .-loph.-.i.t-. retarnlng aew<.tV.ii ...iiiiiry totoa*M9*B**M imd Ml of AlHea aliiorbera. appaalta .\rt.n. They «,'.' laha ai^'H. igtn ..r leii tmt .nt:.... nini t I..-V u" ""' m** anoed n I

r.ni«-rlv prepared. Beelag thal il.<.. f'"" yoang men,

«h m azo^ eory 'i '» liraaty-twa lo twaiiy-eljilare all rery weD-to-ao la Ihe ¦ ":«' and a» ii.es couldbata baatai f; >m Meitoa or have bad the be»l c v

ert «.hot and hava h,-c-n lhe pata 'f Mctety, upaakiwell lor-ilh-m a,:d .-ur En^lMi y,.mh geoatally Ibalihen- are lomr ^ho i>.-,-f"r dangera by rlva/.'oupvj Mith tho r:ik of dtsea'-e from ellmate. to BiynotMtii? ef um < pi> '-.li'.n v boatUa aatlveaanl wintiBBW, |0 It-adnig a lals&.-r ull^r llfe nt lom.-.

WBIIMMg OB riUTisn naval OPFI" BB.Althojgh ihe naval oMceri bave wllhdrawa th«-ii

hhfmB to ho niiowcd 9 <UHa|i pa» dkm tat> ni aay.lnvohin«. it la ?jud. ;i paal elaaa oa CflO.000 ii raar,tta'y n«.ne iho |mo ogaritor that tlio co-t of ratwtalning in thelr pul.'lo < ap .clty-- nnd OB aame natlonithevj eijterti.lnin.i.ts an- MOCBBarily In-'iJentoupi.t to ho hon:- .a leaal la parl i.^ lha Itata. II»ll! Iwrdly ho h.-ll"V,(l that Jnll.-i. OflCOia ar" uh.nv.aiong the navi-s ol lhe world ln thta n-]>¦ t. A«£"*l!^i oliip MOlg ;i Fiou- ll "ti" abr.'U.l. F< rcigii' r

»t IMa Invite onr oftltcn. to (lliilior, ai.d lt oo-ts th.n

BMliing. Tho fengBah r.-mrn the eompBmenl, aad**9m penrr of tha c\i>en-c MMM out of Ihelr o.vn

Poekeu.\ ek; PTAO KiLi.ii'

HM h^ariefli xiai? whleh ha* 'u<"''" uu-'u '" "'' .v<'",<,

***** *>r many vors r^t "»- ^'°* t,lc ',,,,,'r .*

.ni Oorriemullle, la Weal Roaahlre, oa Oykel Bridgebeat, t,y sir Arthor Chteheater. The doan wolgblwa.s ju«.t twonty-four itone. Tha -',.»: tiyo a spi<*n<ii-hoad, a:,d rlgbi Bmeatva goiata wlth laamenee antlara.

ICSW BBTVBH FOR TIIK TROOPS 1X IXDIATwenty f <-e l.imetfr,ni ntle- and :ioo rowndi of am-

munlUon f..r .a-.', ara betag ivucd lo .ill lbe nritisi.regtmenta la Indhk, aa tt..- Brat _top loward Iba eee>plete rrarrnnme.it <>1 tlu- Imperial forres -r-f that com-mand. Aa ihe Britiah troopa an.- rapphod *amgaatna rlfle, the natlvo Brmy **M he pui In p ---

he-M".. "f iha MartlBl-Hanry la p'....e of tba aMBnlder.

A rAMOlM UBRARY I.v THE MARKET.Th,- nio.-t Important antaaui uie al Sotherby'a will

I.e that nf ihe fi.mi.us Ubrary ol ("unt Apponyl fr.-mKagy Apponyl, i.u tamlly Beat ln Hnngary, whleharaa formed l.y bta greol cramltatbor. it ltaaany very eariowa and rm booaa, o eptendtd tol-leetton ..f pageouli a:.ii lllumlnotod manuacripu, ¦ I¦aay wurks priatod la tho Bfteaoth eentnry.


TIIB 1 AlPE i: 1A I. M 081C 11A1.1..


THE PUBLIC LAST XIOHT,Another rxperlaaent ln tba b-betatory ef vi

hall-t nn.i burlmqaa wns began last Bight. Tbe com-

Uaattoo ol Ingrrdleati h aomewbat -ttflerenl from aoyattempted by lh* looal alud. nti ol mu»le hall ehemtetryhltherto, though the rlementa tbem-ervei are rhe anithal have long beeo la eoaaaaoa B_e, They wei »el? .mmerinfr ln a new cruetblt, rituatcd ln Twent. nlntlit., between Broadway ar.d Blxth-ave., aad ralled th«Imperial Mualc Hall. Renta nr..- high ln tha*. Bflghbor-hood, and any oae arba dnr.-s \n eatabltah a plaee oli.iini-- iiinit tbera ihottM have aamt reaaoB io feeiiii-.'i'-rai.iy .-'.ir.- al lucceaa. Ti.e BBtertalameal givennt th- ij._i-i4.il auggeatcd that tlu- manageiB mam i

pect tbe mo.t of ihelr auceeaa 1" com* lo them fromthe BUth-avo. ratber thaa lrom tht Braadway alde.Sfay, 11 any Bmnsement-aeehrrB from below Houaton rt,ahould stray as far as tlil- th.-y ntigbt Btttl leel thalIhey were in tln- satnr clty.

a rariety perfonnanec two hours or io looiflr-i. and after lt a ballet, arlth a buriceqno ol "

Bohemlan Olrt" nt lhe end. Ib the vartety potjloni: be Iy pleased more Iban Adrt. bbo Aadoa,Aerial Wonder." Bhe gave '¦''- raUhitlon on theIrapeie whlch wai OHBcult, akllful nnd latereetlng.Her bolloj elng on todden and eboln waa eapcdalrydarlng an.i deaerved tbe warm apptauae whleh H re¬

celved. Another wtertalnlng af-eclarty «ii ibal olPitrot, tha iniii'l'-. abo aiede hlmaell i.k,., for Ihemoat parl very otoveily, Uu Cbariea Danria, Dam-betta, Vlctor Hugo, P. T. Barmtm, BufOlo Blll, Bla-

i--. peror Wllilani I, i/*rd Bollabary, 11Klngol Beiginm, RopoleoB III., Heryfl Wurl Beocbor,i','.; Cooper, General Pheridan, Ibe Rev. i>r. l'uru-

hnr--', Jam< .;. Blalne, Prealdent Harriaon and OrevrrCleveland. Other performera were Carr and Jardlne,ln a Bheteh; Miss tlabrielle Balratore, ¦ ilnger; . .¦-

:-..v and F'.vi.n. n.-urette, .. rlever daneer: Rlee andOmar Oeorge p, Murphr, the D, Ilollen Brr-thet. and

and i'.i-: -'.''l Dyllyn, "dew rlp Iv,baritoni."

Tbe ballH "Life al Ib. .-..:.-;'. " aeemed lnt--:-'! -1n.i' -i I-- ahow n i- mm. e .¦-.¦.. -i ln limn lo *-.

f,.n.i Biirtlilii* Huil th, \ ,_.¦'.Ll do. Tlie pei.( *, ,1 i|y .:, aud -" were ll

¦i |,j |, eiitild ol ive , ..-..,-v :.'! ¦¦:¦¦¦¦ lai sianrtlnc.¦'.¦:.

,,p, :;.U- l-ii.-;.--.| ii- hav, '.¦-'. ¦.', ¦¦! bef. ll-lhe upply i- ln, \ e any d

'.' them ean t- *-u«»t«tl«. lo heI _. ra. -T he n<»li«-mlan - «-li!

| :,..I] ' :.'-¦.. II lh. re i- .- > X< 'I!- re (i

of spe. ln le er ol liumor rl i'.i t '¦. to ''>«.

la .-I ihe rla*. and .11 ai b< '. ng lo th. wh ¦'¦¦ ele«;.. ,.. Itut Ihat It ever 1 lo.isly

ibon Ita rla ra nol td. b\ .¦ Im-...; i] Mualc Hall ..-. ;- rmltted t« drii ai d m -nrnke.und no donV. ii... wfll imd pl.auure ln thu ]


i* VBVATa, ji,. iviN.s rilE GAMR t TtXH RECORD\;,;\ ¦; -\ -, V. IV PLAT

untlng in lbe llndfold p- rformai.f --1'

Herr ::. Laakei enti-rcd upon Iki" Ihlrd week ol hlengagrmenl wlth the Manbattan t'hem Club, No. 3'-.. .¦ |. wltli a total r ord nl l ".

won ganiea, l l-t and i drawn game, li wMI b..., ow eor an Bpproa. b lo 11

... new ch< 'i arm, r tn m Ibe i. ran

n.nke diirlnp tl.nd ball ol Ibe play, whlch will

,. rmlnate Stovember :'.

lt t""k L-n-k. i. whoae turn li wna le bandliwhile foiteu, leaa than twn honra le overtbroa.i. m. Hanbam yenterday afternoon. Tbe boor iiaJhr-.n filt.-r.-.! i" wll lhe oonvenlenee <>f ix>ti' eoa

... ii,, Major n-.-'l an old-faabloned lona <>fthe -riil.l.'r." a lavortte defenee ol ) i-. hot '

-,, pla) i is liade marh (1 KI lo IJ S, tore movlng,i,,. q )-. Partly In eenaequence ol i.i- d.;!,. lactl. whleb bave atood blm ln auch good ateadigainat aneb opponenta ua Blotkburne aad TMhlgorinpartly In conaequence of a weak advance on ih>- Q alde,partlcutarly "n lbe tr-nti. move, Hanham early weakened bla )>or.:ii"ii !¦. an < \'--:.t tbat praetleally precluded victory agalnat »ach aa antngonlal :t- LTbo -core loHowi:

J'11,1.111 'li i»l.i K.N'T..Wblte. Blaek.

} I.i .;.i;. .1. M. ihinhani.,.p-K A l-P-R 4£ K Il-B 2 I'-V 3:. P y 1 ; P I I'4 KI -x P I I1 Q <', r k j i r Q R 3,-i, K -. .. P (J l-7 K Kl li 3 7-Q KI- I! I-

.. li.-s i. il.i- ii K *<l 0 I: K 2

lu hi li :: 10 P y Kt i11.p-Q l: :: ii " 0 3li;.K Kt.Kl 9 12.II x Ktia :; xii 13-P H a14 i. l; r-t. II K Kl K 2

i- l. : !'. K Q Si., i< k ;; l< Ki \ n17- Tl x Kt IT P Q 5lr | -H '2 1- *'-. 'v K Idin p (. Kt i iu r i p30 i- x p .-.'. K i: Q i_] Kt x y 1* 21 Q.Kt 3_._ I. U '-.-_- --' '-' li B<|.:. i- k i. ii aa ki niid 1- I- ¦¦¦- 21 P I-' 3._;, K-. \ Kt -"- II X K'_-<i y x ll l' '20 i: Q¦27 i- K .- 27 i. x I'¦¦- I: t,t 1 -- Ji \ I..' P x tl li ,:,io k i: a '-'» Q i:it y i; y i- ai Q .<. '.'.:-2 i- K ..:- " l¦;

"** "¦ :!J .; IIi ,,- i: K ii :t II H

::-, i- II :. ' ':,,-, i- ii .; ao i;

Tbere waa altoget irr a perceptlble wanl <>f poaltlonJudgment rn BtaiVa development In Ibe .-.',rlv port

f ihe game. HU H al K -2 wi very awhwardhplat-.-d and bl.«!..ji bla K Kt from a good poal Bl

K 2. nhence li mlghl hnve pernted ;>i Ki 3 aaal i«l.,.. :.i,..,. , k P. wiiit.'- twelfth move foreed Ibeexrhange ol oi.I Bbich'a Hlahop but Hanham ln

.... xiiiana -i -1 hl» i. "i lhe blaeh eolor.wna ol greatei Imp '¦'.,!"'r :'''-

and b. mlghl hnve atlll kept a good ¦¦..by li Q -'i--

Mlowed by K Ki K -J H Bhoold i." aollced. how

ever, thal Blac* al tbal Juncture could not r»n»wer

l<2 ].t | p. ,.i ueeonnl "f Ihe reply 13 B x l".

Mlowed i.v K i Kt. Bku-k'a really bad move wna,

however, l"'. . . . Kt x U < Al tbal Ume b<.lhl,, have BOpport-d lhe ceotre wlth Ibe otber Kt.Tbe BKrve made e. mpelled lhe fnrther advance f they p and i.-..*--- Loaker an opportonltj tor breoUng lhe

r,.tre hy tha adi mcc ol tbe y Kl P later on. ibere

hy wlaniag -t Town. <'n lbe twentj fourth mov«

Itanham ln.d good chancea ol a draw by Kl \ Kt,followed by B B4, remalnlng wlth liUhopi of appn Ite

,.,;,.:-. And ,..,, ,, ,,;,. ,,. ,ve .ai. r be oughl t" hnve,,,,,-, mptured lhe qneen, alkrwtaR Ki K 7 ,l,.. and

,,,,. adverae majority oo the K a.de*ould hardly have

(1.,-;,. blm any barm ln lhe endlng. Inatead .-r tbla

be threw away another Fawn, allowina White ¦ alcei"Huperlority ol two Pnwna on the Klna'a wlng, be

,,,. tke ta.re.al ol :. (.-, .,i i.ii.h- attaCB ;,v li I: 4.

I. irylng toavoW lbe con-eiinem-ca -; that move nml

fnnklng .r:i f'-' 'fl'"-"--- Q'" *- K 1; "'-¦ ,,v

.i- ii y ". Wack bad evldeatly over-ooked thaenfa hlgbly togenlooa reply -" T-B 8, wUeh

form.-d tbe poaltlon ahown on tbe following dlagnm:i;i... ,i. m Hanbam,

KU>'> a*k ^ V-'.;¦ ¦'¦ .

/.- '

rr-v- ., . :.*L..:

i -S»-//, A 8 -^i ., a <¦ -. *jm%M \:*ti

9_ ¦&

'- V- --:' "

_#.¦f i A'm. I

V...I1.--k. Laaber.Iila<k Ind no bi-tter an-wer than IBB OM tidnpied,

ii.oui.-i. It roat him tha ri I' ',r lf -" ..-. >_1-..l. 2- p j p ei, n* g \ r: lee 38 . . . I i":Bll Q -fi 7 ch., j:i Q Kl ." II K 7 ch. and win* ).J.r. i:-g A, :.".. Q fi 2. 30 Q Ki 5, with a wlnnlngmme. Boteworthi ln tbe tatei play 1-. thal pn ti.othirtvflr-t ni'.v.. blark could not r:,ptur< lhe Ki P oaaerouni of Ihe rejoir.dei Rx 11, followod by K Q 7.With Ui" obleci ,.i n almllai aacnBce ol R i. BWtiite >".'i. doublee bl* !....:. on the Klno'a tlio »Mw.m ,1 bb witi. a beautiful ndvane* of W.B 9 on thdthirtv-tiftb move, whloti could nol be tahen eitt.-r byPawn or Blabop on paln nf mate al once, Wblle ltwai equally dl»a trona not to tahe lt. as \w.ito', flnal

lOwg, W 8TB1MTX.Laaher'a opyon.-nt to-day w Dr. Slmonson, at u :.10.





Tbe bopiis loMler bareaa, raiied Uie "SattonalVeteran*' Tarlfl Beform League." operated at Bo. Mpinb-ave., la th:- clty, by poUUcal WreBapi ol thoCleveland campaign managen, cooUnaea lo *: .' ,r

,.,!.,:- t'. genulne ralon taldlen telBng Ihem Ihatth'-ro ni" "good *i:d mhetaatlal rnoeai wi.y reter-

.:: with -af. iy aml pn.pi1.ty vote. for Cleve¬land." B'llh the dreular IMa bogaa caneera lendi.,,. aijeged qn utton f*om -, ipeeeb ol Chauneey M.i..^.v contalnlng a tycopbantlc ealogy of CSevatand,Mr, Depew bai ivpaatcdly proooaaeed thla rxtraet ,i

forgery, bul tbe employea of the DeeaoemU, Commlt-;,/. h".p Ofl arndlng lt OOt tn tho iiddresies of vt.-r-

hoplng to imi,i' ti"- them to turn thoir tm. baupon th'lr ri'..rds aa I't.ioii uMlan nnd voto tharopperhead Ucket. Il wns nld iby OM of Ihe em-

pl ,,.. D| tMi -'lariir Befbrm Veteiana1 HeeAquaet. ra" the othoi day thal 3.000,000 oi Iheae lorferieabad been v<vit oot avor lha eoaatry -inc- the ram-

palgn begaa.\ promlnenl olti7.on ol PawBag, B. Y.. who hoa a

dne wai rceord, yeeteidaj wnl lhe bateb of tartatte*¦ndJylng lUtemenm wMch be hm reeelved Born Ihlasbam "Veterana1 League" lo The Trtbaao arlth Um IMlowlng lelter:

.. i reeelved the bieloaed tho othlf <!hv. nnd a:. n-'iir

ii- i can Bad onl every veteran reertvw Iho mma

tblng. Now it la poutbla that > .ni<- aaMler mighl bebluomlng Mlot enongh t.. i" tahen la by rach rot, batj ,..,. i) ,¦. i tntnh Iheae Bmudnlent aad torgad *tu.b'

i:;,i,-- ibonM be venUlated and expoeed."a Connertieat veteran reeently wrota to lha a*

tenktble ecretary* of the " Leagae. potoMag out Ihat,:.. ,,;,. .. veteran" «:,. Invaitablj need ln bh lm-beelle game M deeeptloa laetead "f "Ualoo reteraa,"and addi

.. \- ihere ar.- many thoomndi of Confederate retarom ln \..ur ity aml rlrlnage yoa wiii eooatder Itiharitabl.i my part if 1 thlnh lhal jpon ar>- mme

.!,;,, nuddled if yoa are aol * Confederate reteraayuataOtt) lu iha aae <.f th.- term reteraa Inatead of

¦.,;,. \,m can, perbap*. appeal-u!ly -., ... o .'nl. rat.. hut OOt tO tl.e I iil.m v.t.-r.m

Ib tevor ol Free Trade.".¦ii.. of the ...i.i- malled wllh Ihe iMilnr r.

j.' .!¦' i' " ii,"- lo a:. ni it ta mall d bj|rtve lhe number ol prli ile penakai Mlla

'i i 11 nt- fron it., 'ln t-> ,'.' %. ind,I,. i... utl.... tl." ii'iml r ,.f '.

a a; r wl i. were

iigbt r.. -; :¦.:.: Thta ta a.i tollow*E oh, . .

,,,.,:, rthur. 4-'.'¦>... 1 . *.-''

ii_ . ij.ll,'..-

rwent) ta *.' »nl3 l<*2 i ¦.'' '¦

iu -,\ gve year Mr. I level.: .'. .--' bl wUl ailbe :,:,::. .nf. ai 11 of Juatlce <>r both hoaCongrn .'.-. Umea ln 8t '-¦' IBvo tlmea * many i" b»I m all lha oth ¦:¦

,..... ' t, 4 --.,. nhlned.-lf ri. \"ls:.i wero bonndl] oppoaed lo penrton

Inr d.-.i1'!' nd "" '" ""r:i1 ~

i,,., «.-. i. he bouM bave i Uhe a gentleouinvi ni m ,,t bb, «:,v ln bl. veto

., nttenod launu a 11 hhnvc lltis'-r, In llif memorj nf ih. "I'' mldler. .-v.r

jn, x,,,,..:..! mnoi >¦. .'

mnv.-d 'I hl whj I -:.i ' ' ..".¦¦-.-,-.

nev.-.- vnt.- fur -¦¦ '"..'¦ .' ',! r; , r. ulll not v .,.

i.rtiui tm th. otln r b".:

,| |l u.l- .', >:>- liin If .. - >WI«.)'i',.n. |rti .,i The .". hi waa ehHr dld nol dNapp Int i~¦. "' e.\perlaiion». h-> ar,

¦¦;..,! i-r. lie a prophet lEell Ijob tli j ¦¦' lll .'-' ;t' lr roli


MH Mlnnii Heldelhergi daogbter '-f l V HHdel,... ol '."¦ ¦'- fca t «»ty-nl i marr ed lo

U'lltUm ). B fl, -f Nea ', irb, kp ihe red room atli..; ,..-.. Ia«t evenlng at fl " Be* Dr.K iii.n, lated. i: - be aia wa* Na na.: '.

, .-,,. i he aaben wera llenrjBrlU, il .- GoMateln, Lu,ier, M ¦¦. Mt nbsch, and Jeaao Rpateln. ITiere were

. a numb, r of 1ai ,| ,; ¦.,, \. iibed before ipproBched,|. ,. v dlnn, i-.'i 'i mee IMI ared. Only rdi.,,. ...¦.. nda were pn .....,.,

were A. Blumeothal, Looh Btan ¦. N ¦. id.. Wern',!¦'.. ¦¦' .. I. V

I'..'-r'i, in, '"" t* "-'' '

A,... rt ,.".''..'" and Mr, ...¦<: Bi i. A. >

inrtrd f.r n trip B'u bbigt «. ua tbitui-B they w.u llve In Nea ^..rh.

Xhe weddlng of Mtai Mlnule Dab», daag lei '-'

,, n,!,. -., .i ,¦ y ll, .'. wlll bikc p!a,.- 1.:..:.- r lll 1 \a:\ I ll. A

.t.v .', v wlll follnhe - Idlni "i Ml. da shter

ln i-pli ..!. ¦''. b. A.,w.ii tako i'i-" - early pe*l ^1.g.

TBE SL'IT ')i I"i: IBE ai.ya.

\. nox i.v i iie si ii-.' mi. < "'ki oa tke i.im.i.

;.,'.. . '. « . -v ''

\V.,i, Bglo "'. 24.-Tbe I nlted bl lo].'..mi ii,i, granted bm ol Henr;M,,:11 :., rapUIn ol Vanderl ll'a yncht, Ihe Al'-.. toi;,.¦ ,¦ io Rle ii p, Utl .: lor . - .'¦ "l prol IMll *

... ,: i.n ihe i nlted Hai dge ol II.- ..>

o p|| :.... lakli - irlhci pro. ollng, ln Ib,, : the ...ii.-.":. I- iween lha VP .

Dlroo, k, nnd al o gave leave t.i l!i . ., niandiimn .... lh I'nlted Btt

.-n. ¦ Vork ', i' blm l lake

.p n :,-.. ior iiiai. i bi motlon a ... de rrtnrn

.,!,;,. ..... ... .i -i ndai '. .' " 1 1'" I"

..,. :,]-., iranueted:;>,. -J'. Arn iM, Con table .. Co., appeflanl

,i.. i,|:..,i btat< .. ..!"ii in i ndvanre denled*th, I.JJ05 W. Y i'i' r. 'i al, ete., app

thera Pw Ifl. Ba Iro Company. MoU «i

advance nibmlited..n 17 Tbe Ballwwy Regtater Manufaetnrlnit Cnm

pany. appeUant, agt. tbe Central Paih, Jforth a; ||.,.,. i:.,!.:..:¦: Companj .-i al. ¦ <i No. -''> Tbe Rallwat ||rg ¦. Manui m iuiIi k ' ':": api ell nil,,. )., ¦.'. .i. Av, nue Bailroad '¦,.

UHliV il 1,1. I'i-i::l ed Wltl '".!-.1

II... dai rall wlll be: Xo*. Ott, 000, 704, TS8,1019, 1,007, 1,0011, 1,010, Ytr.7 -.'1 aid ZI

riTfl BUXDEi thlAIA 1 /'.'-.,",/. I .-v

w i-i, .¦- are lelllng b itory thal tlw <'¦ - «IIluve much dUHrnlty ln explalnlng bwbj In lhe trialol Tii'ini- r..l'..-i r tor murd.-r. T" ca«e belure

--,,..:;, ln hirl ll ol Di m ral B, loaa, an>l\ *jl, i, :., vtton " B'< >. .- aa Oabania ar

tundurtlni the proaeentlon. AmbroMi 11. PurJ]I-,! |.|..' :.,¦... i. TM linni o t nnd on lhe nlghlof Aprll .." ¦" Uiand ond soDlvan tto., Adam Kan.',

n probatlonarj polleaamn, belng Ua ataln man. Joeepb»iri"h. the i'.i-i wltn, -. leatlfed Ibal la-, .tdam Kana,].,:.i . Kane .n.i Iwo othera avm In (irand-at. wheni-i.n.-t'-r )oatU \.!:,i'i Kane. Th, defendanl ond n

romponlou .,,,:. i.-i Kaiw, mu lu- h.,"..i bolh Ovaii.

T.n mlnulea later RalUater atole a boteher bnlfa in a

!,,iv and .tabbed Adam Kane. Patrtch Kane, wh.. taoot relaled lo \,!:,in. eaugbt boM ot IhlUater, bulwaa badlj eal MmaeU, Patrlch dled from bi> aaaad.i'h.- iiiai wlll go on loday.

in-l'iiri J11 of lhe aama r >un John Meftann, mvooioon yean oM, ol Bo. 330 Bail Fortj nevenlhat., waanliH'i'.'l on H...I t.,-1".' Judge MartlM "n :i I'harc "1miii'd-r. "i. Uie nlght ".' Augml 2. Met aon uu.l to,.,.,1, ., ran ol beei from 1 feeble Herman. Itl.-lwrdilatuegeiMkl, :. romig woodrarver, rams 10 tha reaeueiViirt wai itobbed ia death by McCann. Tbo UUI wnii,..t ir.d"i yeati rday.

BBBIEESi IS TBE COOET 09 APPEALB.Alhany. Oct. .'¦! -la lhe COurl of Appeata lodaj

1;.,. a«M ol th- People, n p adent, agt B. A. Mit'ormaeh, appeUant, waa argned. The day ealeada

, Morrow la: X ¦ 22, '.-, 73, i-7, 1-, 04, Bt .n,J.». -.-

EX'BEXATOB IXOALli EECOYBBIXO.Kaaaai Clly, Oel -i John .1. laanl*, wba l",s

btt* - ;i"i-)v 111 al hi- bome il Atehhwn, Baa., iv

reported la be ¦ llltle beMer, I M oo Um advlee «' Maphyalrtam " ... 'Med lhal be wlll n-.t l- aa* tom <" Ohleoa.1"-kI. Ihla rvenlng, aa aanauaeed hylha RepubUean Natlonal t'oamUtee. Ile bapei M l»

abl*- "j flH ht- reomlnlag eBgagemenli ln Kaneea.





[BV TIIL..K*rtl TO Illt 1RIBINF..]Batttaore, .>it gd.-The authonhlp al'tbe htahopa1

pattoral letter. whlch i* read al lbe aaJonroBieot olevery Epta. pal General Convention, '* aleraye n

.. but in tbe eaae of tbe comtag paetoraJ letterlt i- a prrtty opea lecret, everyhody bul tbe Mshnpaknowlag Ibal Blabop 11 u_-t. MuTer Tbempaoe., ol

Htaataaippl, l> tbe bub ehosen for lhal worlL BlabopThomp-OB i-- a rlporoua writer und a iralned new*.i. i.'i man. wbo haa alwaira hepl lr. elaaa toweb wlthlhe queatlom "l Ihe <i;,>. an.i mack Intereal ib there¬fore fell in whal be in.ty my,

Both baaaea *- «ed lo adjonra witt.out <iny to-mor¬row erenlng. Aftar the rewdlng "' tba adaataa thlimoming In the Houae ol Depotloa, tbo Bov. Mr,Baoavr, of Indlana, on biholl ol ti.e wbola delega-'i .ii from that .ii".*--.-. odfered a raoolatlon requeattag

.- tha rnleu ti- nupeadod la ardet lo allow Predent DU lo lead ii." houae f..r a few mlaatca Ib ap-propriato prayer lor Mra. Harrlaon. lt waa -> roted,_;,rt Or. DU I. -d .. port-BB Of Uie 0B_00 l'i*' tl»0 vi

mtlOB "f tbe -i-K, aU tbe deputlea and ataltoi- la tbepUlerlea reveremiy hneellng. Badneae betag reaamed,tbe '..-nr announc. ith. app intmentolBomeJ'-tBi eorn-

mitteea and ¦ jolnl c .mini*sl"t. ou uaaalatlBg lhaprayer book im.> for, iga umguei.

Dr. ir.iuti.i-- .ti. ,-f B*m v ah, ehadrman <>f the Com¬mlttee «n Amendment- t» Ibe Conatttatloe, raportedadvereely aa Mr. Bargwta. r.Intlea dBag Ior tbe

iwrmngement ..( tha eontenta <>f ti"* Brayer-botfiinnd lbe pootponemeal ol Ibe ti-oe ot tl." itandardprayer-book fr tlu.c yeara. Ibe report waa

udi.pteil.Ur. Converae, ol Maamebnaetta, read tke report <,.

.:,,,,.,:;.- .-:, the btate ul tbe Cbarcb. Durlnglhe last three yeara dx btabopa have dled, t-n hove

been conaaemted and aevea i..iv<- Jail beeo elected,ai iba pr-.-ni Ume tbera are mveaty-two Mahop-.,4,250 clergymen, 540,250 roauaanlaaata aad . ~'' ¦'

baptUod hoieh membem. Tba total etmt-i.Ior all purpo ..i- WOOflflvSaoTO, abowtng an

li.,r«u-e "f -Jl per cent. Tbere has beea nn lucreoao

per r. ut ln rdlnatl oa aad a Kn.ilfYlii.- lacremwI-, ii,.. number "f han h bulMtagB, bat BM la re. torlea,ii^re bolni,- Bl i.r.--i.t .i.l*- one raetary to overy three

bee. Oae aew chureh haa beea balll eveij to

toya. Th,- ...mn.iti-- dealred t.. Imprem oa tbehnn-li lhe ia, thnl theology li an exnet a lence.

s-i.v.. thal tbe i-M-i-n of Ibe prayer twoU la flnlsbd.

every clergytaon boaM obey the law aa lald^downii, therubriea. The noa-obeervanco ol tbe Lord'e Day,nd tbe tend. ney nol to ase tbe pmyer tor Coogret.««.r. depreeated. The i.rn. il-.- ..f hoptlxtng lo prlvateliouaea araa rondemned. and atteatl n waa eatled lo Ibec ,i tbal Priday i- a rn 'i.y. Clergymen were

Brfed to lench the Chorch Oatechlam, and BOt to

deletcate Ihelr duty ol InetrorttBg t!.- yoang I Sunare not reeogrdied b_ the Chareh

li ir I- TM

report waa adv iir,,-,... "' me. ag *¦ recelved from th.

;, ., ...,- ... ul i.i, .m.i...i'i.--i ti- r-v-

.,,...., ol II ¦*¦ Willlam Tatlo. k. and th<., ,.f pr. Bamuel Hart, oi CoBnecUeut. ai ie.

j. Hart' iPI "'.'

,. -i i-rayer-Book wi nounced. 1ll,,,,.,- wen : " ""' "';,'i

l. |.- .11" "¦ the ei'"'

red lu l-olnt I '

ataodard Prayer Itook. The Uauibeth decUratloirame up agaln. aod Dr, Hunl l IU i"-^'

,. ,,... indcpendei I acl ul the Houae, and amde ¦

,...!, |n fav. r f li. < "li-I'l'V I"- BBld. b

,. BW BOW sh'il UI'- A t'ti

|| iher day Impngned Ihe raMdltjtholu -ni"- We have no ..r-i. ordei

.,. md Ihei r

,,,:,r .¦ we dO -'I ¦¦' V IM ''

tnabai lew. and Moravl__- ,,u huim np by lhe ..; i« >l

r ralldlty. s.,.,.,..., lhal there ar, nly

ln lhl.. 'i.vn ui...

.... ... ,. nd «ii .¦ namea ai

,., vvriltr. '.'I'1" '**'¦-

Ixed bi ;. Uturglcal... || wi ' r tsher " «' U '*¦ '; .*¦'- h0,l

.urward the ivunl n ol 1 .nihlng t'lI- i. Br. '. mada a refrn

, ,,. | .-, Irelghl trainirked. H. wai

... ih, . i¦ ¦¦ i-'- Artl, -i ¦.

.,-,:;; .-I ll. i>-. Jew.-ll. -I..

,'... ti-U.to ,1.,.,. hntton «. vui <i- lbe real. be and. ' '<.'

,, ,.,-,,,. *ere I- \- Mn..... \i,ii,i. nd; ai i. -' I-"- t v.,i. a.id lhe He*.

l. d< .. 'i -"V-n, V.i". l'i-- bebon. olMrnH'l--.. -.'-I iMvenport, of Ti-niieaaee. aud lhe 11 \

i| ii, v-.,:.rl<. nr.1 II-!.-. ol I.l- 'I'|. lla:.'' i." (tl rli. "1 llli

di-liate. nft.1 whleh I i ,'1*"" .l»v. ';rltl, ili. f.-l'--.«inc i-ult < lerifal.i-otli ( ...-. -'.'. '¦ '.'. 'ii


\ ,., .,,,. t th, ne* ranun nl ..rd.. rai ,, ¦-.'. taken up.

adopted. u.tii a ar .i


v, th ev, m th.nalderatl ¦¦¦ ot th..-. ume I.

t ..",- fl '/'/.' 9 >' i.' '.'"".

i> ih II .. 1 '¦'¦ "

,-* ,:.... lllr, before Juatl, ¦¦ Dutfy ln ll ¦¦ Baaex .*:

.ilmpao i- wanted by th,

,..,11,... ,,r lt ituvllle, N. Y.. fvr a pled f.-land rohliery. Al

;... .i.ii traced -- . ln ll Ity . irre< led11pHead ra In [>.¦' i"i- ".:


,,| | '-ll nn oi

..... .- to Di-I.... lu


\',v VI '. wv/i SIA IT THB BOTBLS.|| v-,1 *.. r. > ,,, *.' S '.'...,, -'¦ r.tnr .1. I'


i:¦¦¦!',-¦,..I,. |*rca*eaai \ llln, ot llhl i. md

___l M I'.. il. "il.," IrlLSI '.

I, \c..a ,,. rt. ol Bathn \ ii- K. Mi IIv. , Ml liiiA V lll I.l. ,- -. ,1 M, II

i.ati ., ..' ....,. .... |« MOllMA.VDII -

.; i, ra. i'i.\/.\ Wl II un n rj\ VII I'H'-i l "i" '¦ R

l'...-.,, uiunI'- .:., o| \¦..,,


////. n KA Ul l-l: RMfOMT.

rilAT Vi l.u-.r. 'VI I.I. RAdt OP I'Ir'il'.!I>A.

\\ ml ,i ...i :l Iii.- ,| ¦:.! whlrh ojx ln th

baa iii'.ini t<. i..-¦ .-u i.-i .,; I ir.,.--» aad ,- ap-!,,.,;,: .1 ,, |ta aaotwwd Beymd th,- li....t,., ,..i-i -I.,-!,..,. v, Mm an-.. of blgb ,. maN tebleh

- ,i.--i... .',.- ,,,.,> .in.ii'--.' D b.RMtm i.on-

.... :.,--. u. m, ,:,.. I'.i.»-', N 'V-l'.liCl,,, 1

,,. ,i i, ii.. evet ti, -<-.iinii raltayi o'"1 ttothy Mauae_e__, ni.,,1-.-. ,, I,- -i i.r aeatbri bM prevalled

.., . n -i, wberj Bhuwi o

.;i,u II U . in ¦-.¦ hiiuthiirn s.u:.-. .... Atlu.tl,,,,,,., .-. ,- ,: <.¦ .M....t.,i.. -'

..i .,,,iii r,J ...,, .r ,1 lan .......nr »..l |ir \

.- ... ..[ ihi J la -i.-iil. i-x.-l't ",

V - i,.-. i- ii .!.'!. ited. "

¦x-ritui wlll |. -.'., ,h rt« -n-tii.-. t<> ti-- neal >-' lhep .¦. I'.n ;: «,-,t',-

in , iii.i.ii (...i.i.a^i 90H IO-BAY.Si | n < V-iriv. Ka .. ,n !'¦ nn

nl i'-i, ..ii,,.,, l 11> >i ,, ".,., i-.m,Ind*.

... w~: ru n .-.' \ ¦:,. Weatern Prooaptv-nla. ttealVlrclnla Ohle IndtoM a"'l llUnela, f»ir: BBrth wlada;

I warmer .. ,

hai Mk.hl_.an, VViacooabi Mlnneaeta ani Xttttatnlllinola, gcBerallj lali



El i 4 I

U.ir.- l.ich.

.iK- i>ie,-o...i m umiMiT ia io ii :$o o.-.¦. .¦ - ¦-. VI >V"

'-' ': °'i r,

m thia giagfaa b coBtiaaou wblte ttae -u .«» _a»-, jn.. , lll p -*-,,..- J :.'!- ..t"l b) !- - **1-

,- a.i.g bai iiiuter I'he oaea Irat reprti :-t- lhe lem-

paratu - aa ooa iv.-d u. r> .y - Puaraacy.

v,iii.n.. Ofl «. .¦' I i m. f'-'-r weathtI, |.i; aartbw, -..,!> vluda dry al. and i J ¦¦

aii ad '.-. reaieiday'i praaraaime. Huaildllji r .i .'-; ... Um ii-'-.-.-¦-¦ ¦¦ '.--'- ¦"""-¦ The

I- riUl .:...:'. 1- l" ¦'-; " ,' r-

io balnpl ."'::--: **i¦'-'*¦''- ., i ...

., .1 ,, -,.,. ,-, -i, .- aarlil I" '-V BO IBW« -,Ui r ', .il, -iir' ai fi

B.rr,-. Trt, ..phrrnii.. I M -.-','' '' ,,ri :, .'^i.r aa-faettl,ei tln,, .. - -.''.<"¦. '¦¦ hlunlab iol. h.l.f ... ,.- IM-. ajnd ro ".'¦ Pl |"MMu-..

MAlililED.OLOYEB BACEUB Oa Wfldaeeday, OttatM IBthj*

| th, brlde'a K.r. r.; by ,h.\ l? .r-W lloir.01 MaM lU'A d*urfl?l of Mr ir.1 M', " "-

l. Baekaa, ol Breoblya, w <>."fs:- Bur.ki-r i.low, «

N< ..-Vork.

l>lt.l).At-r-iiMt.TV-At nroablnama, P. c on OnMm* "224. at

eaiden .f Ganeia" E D. Tt.\*t :^,A. I. B. a.rmni.a S V.i'hn.n'v In l.» OAA vfar of .. -Z"

F-in rV; --.': - " tt A**'* ".**¦ W.nhlngton. T'l^October 2MB. »l bMl i«>*' 4 9 n!

BRlGrts CatbarhM Brigg*. «ddew at JibbH, Bttaa*.al santuckit Mi-. toddealy, m Meaday, at o.so

rrom ho- late leaMmce, W Bt«ab«a m,, Brooklyn,October 27th, at 11 a a.

Eonton and Nant'i not psperi 1 .. *-' f'l'v-Iii \\;v.,-,..i Baturday evanlac. thc 2-d in»t. Edwin

.1 rii-iinlnif iii tb" .IL'd year i.f hi/taiK.,._.,...

..;.. a 11 I,.' h.-il o-i 1" ,-div. th» 24* laat.,«, nvkx-k 0 "... <it "'" l''--' I'"'-''».*-nai, ihui'h.

ave aad llth-at., u; »hiu bla rcletlvaaaad Mooda:,,.. invltel.

Ii.i. i,,.-... at Woo-llawn.Dl'XKIN ",. Oetober 24th, EBflBhath S., wlfe of tho lat.'

» Mdufrte?di .« mvitH t" attead tbe Bmemllervieea il be late rwldeaee, 10 Eaat Wh-aL, WMa..,.. vealns kl i <>'¦ lo '*¦

Pl -.,- ornlt I ,a i-.

GRIPFIX-Suddenlr, oa tho erenlng;ol'Batnrdap,.gf^f'.ji |«e. John J. Urlfla, la Pb&adelphl* in the twm

Puiictal Fervlrea'Vrlll i* heM at bla tata leajdaaaa. 2."<hiXorth 13Ui-*t.. l'nllid'lpUia. on Wcdnu-Oay, Oitoti-r'j'.t.i. at 1 o'elock p. m.

HASTIXOS-On Moaday. th.> 24th ln«t.. ln tha Md rea?ot bli ;,'.' faaa. W., aon of Baaaab B. T. ;u.d tho latoWalft.ll Mj- ...

Pnueral - rvlrea will ho hol I nt hi« lato re«ldonea, 150ii.r-.rv-ht., Brooklya, WtdaeadBy, tha Hta laat., at -

ii. i.i.

ROADCEY.Saddealj, ..ii Baadar, Oetober 2*1. nt hr-at-tf.ill.ir- DllMa, dauchter ol Ellzaheth C. and th" tataDnrld Roadlcy, ot -,-. ewood, Bew-J, reejr.

BOPPIXO.Al nioomfloid. X. 3., Ortohor 24th, 1898,Both rtau«hter nt laura V. and ...-.:¦,... W. il..pping. iuth.- I7th yeoi nt h,-r ««¦.. , .

Funeral wedn «tai t IS) r*. m., at tba reehtwee of h"r.. .- so7 Montgoiai ry-afc

Int. rmonl |,i.¦ .,'¦¦

JF.XKIV* I,'. W. .I-tikiv II M»1 -»n. [ad., on Mon-dar. 0 her 24th, In tho 82-1 ..-ir .,f hl- nt'.

lm eni ai Qreenwood ai tbe eeavtataoee of tho fam.iy.Kl i.i." .¦ n Monday, Oetober 24tb, ,'>.»'.- Rettanr.Iim ral -. rvlreeat ll- lam re«lden >e, Xo. tr, Wett Itth-et.,

,.,i Wedneeday afleroooo, 28th IaM., all e'cleck.II i'-,'.'i paperi pleaae opy.Mi'MiV R latlvea aml Meadi BN !n\lt*d tn th» f'inor.1,t !-.. nn>Y »..:i i.f M. Ij',.'I,,.,, aiid I'holv Mmid". lnih'- Preabytcrlao Church, Metuchan, X. J., Oetober SJtii,a 11 a. in.

PP.CK.Soddenly, tt paeutnanla, on M nday, Ocmhar M,ISH2, Karah E. wlfe ,f Thomaa L. Peek, anJ iiau«ht-r

. late B. P. '.'tn ¦'.¦>.

Pun ,! lervl ea al H" ."hnrr* of tbfl Aaeenaion, PIBh-avo, :ii,-i I0tb-at., Wodneaday moralng, Oetober zo. klii. :." .'. leek.

Klndlr omll Boweraross s '!.'¦:". at Llnroln. srebraaka, on Oetober '-"-'.181)2. I'r. .la..'- Itoaa, ol Bew-Vork * Ity.

liotl i "f Pmeial bereafter.STKK.MMF.LL "n Monday. Oetober 24th, Qeaogo Btiem-

,..,.,!, |n ti,.. 7001 ...,,- ot iu* ame.il from hi* in.. reaidenee 27 siil**tr Plaee, Bewwk,

N. .1.. on \v.'lni--(lav. «t S "^ p. ¦.Tl RHt'N'K At Baekflaaaek, X. J.. 0.-tobor 2'ZA, Yn-.ATorhune ia lha Ti-t rear oil bla age.

(.'uneral - rvlcei .it 2:1.1 p. u,.. Toe*day, O tober 23. at,t',.. I ,r»t Keformed CBuroh, Hadkeneaek, N J.

IM,., \i» N'ew-Vork, Hu.quehanna u;'l V*'e*tern Rallwovloot crtij:.dt 4t.l D -- -.'->.. Bew-Yoek, 1:10

p ,. i.Ii... "nt private.Alh.iiv paperi pleaae ?opy,


OfPr». 38° 8'J'ivc. comcr 23d-at.. B. X.

K'nt'.rn Con.nsrv on tho Il»r>m R»llf"td. 48 mtnuf»fretn -l Ot* A tral Depot. Kew li.-t-ot a; .-ntranc«.

.-. iC'i^t.

Spccial Xoticcs... \, Bvery Afterwaaa n,i» IPeoh ai UiM.

AT tni. A'll.Ki'AN ABT OALLEBIEB,,, i a.-;' ..,i> . r >l' ,-". boath.


,s KVl.R OKKKUI D IN TBIS COI NTBT.a utuBi) "i.i.i' noa op

1 Asll i:\ Kl'is AND OARPET8,i "ll Ki.-:.v. OVER OXK TIl"i >AND


IIAREMT AND KINEST VV AVKS.v« f.om 2x9 .¦¦ i to ttxsa fi ., aadva'i.i ii> AT 910 TO 810.000 KACIi.

'. X111BITIO.N PBOM 0 TO iz A. M.1 ii">- m i.. KIBBY, a-.. tionrer.

AME1UCAB *R'. fcbbOCIATIox, Maaagen,;; .. .'.i-i - n Sq, *.¦*¦

\iiii«o|.iH,r lleaibl, . "I ai* i*ea... ,-. ia ki - f". i, >.. aad B*y

¦....,.': r ,¦,.,'- Mi.ii j. i. -,.'. .-;.... »'«.

reaieeVr N'oil.-r.daiiy by aii luieieated, a' ci.on^' *> mttr

i need not .. -i-.:ai'y »d-.¦ i. i.j any paiucutar ?ttamer, i\,-pt.: '. -.;.....-.- r.t l,,',k.,IL- Blld

i ¦'. i- not iu lally *.: lr**** l ht\. mwI* a.n labl

.:::,.... ,¦ .. lober 20 wlll euM., it i ¦-. .- j- r ',.. -

TLi.-KAl.vt i j in. i". i '-.'...ii' ¦" ... Uio Jaaeirot '.¦ ¦. \l. Uio Jan. Iro, i"; ^

Haii ,' ;. :,. for Luroi*. i-1 - i.il..., ,.-....: ,-t ;,t.. ,., Bi fo. Iroland

t. I "per lla.ci'i; at l p- m i»npplciueut«rj... ,, ior si .t..,\ ¦ '1 Sl Th rnai ..i Ht. < ,oi\.

:.".- ,!.-'¦ t. ¦.! ». ¦ , :u .'-. ... aire. ted "p.-r

u'. I ii. i:. fOI l'jr. auil M.iin^, pei ». ».

wr.DXF'SDAY Al " lf n. Ior 1 iropo. " -

I'i: \i, Q.tt-vn>tOUti al li u n f..r l..;r"|.-.;».r ^ s ., ... natown lettow muat bfl'.. ¦, i.i-itnatil it 7 .. n.. for llelgiuin illtect

Kbynlind letter* mutl be directod "nei Rbyn.it 11 ,. i ¦¦¦ Pertune laland u.d Hayt. jwr

¦- :¦- ...i.i itica \ia l.lmcn, nu-t be\i :. .,¦ IS .-. f..: i«i"ii.. la. Tr.nidad

U..1 I. !":... i" r - ». Bornley,i r, -|. \ \ ¦,. .. ipi itary l 10 p m )

an b itlijw I... i - i-n-

l.-.i ii \ \ \- 11 :i i nta, ... 11 :<:,.¦ I- ind, Jaii.al' i aud BavaBlllB, >i J" .-¦

SATI'ltDAY.At 0 a r.t f.Tlri,' ¦. B -lt -.-.'»,. 1. lla V.;. ¦.' .,. I Turkey - I... Tuui .,.¦¦. ...

¦I ,. at 7 *) a, n »ii|iptom ., irv :> ao a.,,, ,,,¦. ;..:;..;. . -v.-\u. .\.,>IV h'. A. AU :,l .ll'l

;. - .. \:., !': ,, :. (I, tt.-i !.¦¦ othornrt~ ol I ':i'|-'. Vla SO'K

,' 7 :," -i tn -i.l'i' ...r-.Tit irr !i Ao % n.....,,,. \--u: un, N, tb, rian 1-. .\,i-tri i

,. Voi :. per a. .. Krrvla. vla Qu.»t.nrn¦..¦ parta o| 1 n: ;.. mi-l Ih- .lir.-rU"!

. I '. mda dlreet, perRnth -l'". '.. n im b 4 te u

I. ¦. a. in f»r Reoi ,nd dire l n r - -

.,,... .. ".-I- muM bo dlre< t.-.l "i«'r.., :ii io a. n. t-r s-i »;.v dire t i"

.. |.' r Hek a" at It,, ,...,.., :,,, y., itan per. \ ' hnnipio.i dln and ith r M X-

., -. ,¦ vl.i Vori I'riii ' . '.¦ "por1 iimui ¦. li '" foi H iropan .,

,..r '..--..', '. I'.r- t..:- ...ii. r \'.-,. ,./.,. r |."t.',. D ind Du( 1, ,.',mu,i

.. |. ',,,,.'.¦ N .-- ..'" al :i p. n.. thl- -. At,-,..-- fr ¦.-, Now-Oleaiia: at ''. !M

i.:, m.i l' rn .1. t>.'.. i-r« i. ABiaienena,.' I'I

m \m\ \. -, * iii f.T .-.¦.. ln, per < .

ii ,,.,- \ ¦... ' ,. ' Bivinl .,. i' .i-t

i,«t n.t....," :.' :, |. m. I ,i .'..-t. RJca,,, 1 , lllnparh from V" -OrlM-ill* '' ''

tn ,n'.'.-I"- >" .',!..'.'."¦ ....

,. >, \ ' '.i. nor a a (Ifl- , Kan Pn lo» hen v\,v np.. :i p. ni, \ -t-.i... Bew.

'. -

....iw t..\ i- ', .. ,i " SO ¦ .. v. w Voi i-

\.. ,., i< ;;, II-.':-'. .. - f t v .¦ M i|-, ..,.: Jni illy *Mr***oi

,,i:,. dnll .>: .'. :<" i. in. Malli forv ',. .,, ,!,.,' i.., r.i !. II .i:f. x and Ui'-ne- l.< »'<am..r

M.i. foi Mlqnelon.,. .¦ ,. ., :1...

,,. ,,. M Ul .' .'.I.. hv r, to,

- Hnnday« im!

'h": ,.-,-.! lordlai .tr:,

|. .'.',.,., .1 tl'¦ *,,,,. ,., "i '''i"'.-'" djily

,. .< M .¦ ..'..-' '.' '* "'¦'.'."''

. .,.r-. ,.-. ..'. r ..,¦' rrai -i' ' San Pran lienM,,|. Imn, ,' .'-:.¦! muM.

.¦ .. .r .1 patebed then. tl am:''

it, ...:.. siipi !¦ oiitan M l"" I on the ijl ra .'

i rom .. .-. n -' n.> »' tl..- >¦ "- ftnr. M.tl !¦¦ "hl I. re.

..'¦ ' M. ...;\l i.t, - \'W .'"I-r ,¦¦,..-. ' r.

... v , vorl v V " "' t 50. 1H02.



TUESDAY. OCTOBEB 28.si-riN.iVii.i.i: .!-.,-\vi.i.i. .. iionis.ni-Xk-RK " '." S C. LM KltOWABOOXEVILLE Sl ''.rA" K I'&fBB.

\ "''\'| so a'O- IIISCO, K..'* li m v 1 \ .N "at'r llALE.I AL.M1I. CoJ A ,. ,(AX'|-KU.

.i.m Oil KEMPLB., HAS W ANDP.KSOB.u tB. s. MOltBIB

MiIHiI.IT'IWX . ;¦¦-<.;,..i.,r MII.I.f 11.1. K. V.V» W'li.Ml.K.

ri-.iiN-nsinr.)> I. M'T-LiK^-TABBYTOWB » Jodoa WM \M."D..-.,,, .lACrtn kenimjC,.i: wvn.i.r. ,-r.NTnr. n 11 HtMl'lIBEY.« l- noi s i,;,i iv noORAMEL * I'.'.'AI'I. Il VREELABB.

pi": JXO I. Wll' 11PAIlMIXObAl.E >IM'.\ I. FORANPINl' ItTSI I'LAIXS I1IA8. W KORDHAM.Iii/ tlOBT .!> M JfORTOX." IIAM1I.TON WARD Jr.BOLOBTOB.D P BU^ABJBOB.rara *il t, 1 POTI EB.VOIiXOSVILLE P B I-All'-n:..s,fiTT .I' ''. M v " \^^i ,,'. I'l'TV INO I> RPI LLM IB.ti K Ml"'' . M " 0»M.\«JH» R.¦! iHNMv,. TIMOT11V -»N-"I ROOh.t.iviN .-r'.vvn.i.K. p m i.i t ;. wu.;;,\,. t.lit l 'i W> '" ^^ i-. I I: l.l' K

, ?r\i '.V,.- "i i. '¦ -".':n,AS.;. \\ v'\-\M i i: M. L1BX n.P.IiAmMovsPiiIU .. I. fMITIJPBATT*»«'B3 ' «¦ ';-",r.°v\;;\,;.,.\l:v,: o0,aap,\^^,Un,r.MKEP.CLlB ^BAt^ty^WEtaUnivt-'itui > " s w tu.Acr..CLAIta- "'i.i.s.prol. P. W. IIE^VES.

nniftWA-BY . . .T.U. ». C<">0OESHALIa,i|KE ..".'..'.......... AI.FRED SPRINQ.bTRYKERSV-LLB.>AIiF0,£.,£i.N0*TB'A. J. I.. > 1.1_» rl.AI*V\DF .B. L PlTTS.

TONaWaXDa.y*_**Jt*i9M***ii.M-.p.isviM.r..J w hoao..NCRRISTOWJ. C. E MCHOLR.I.K.VAKII.-.V1L.LE.SS.5* V lLAjN_->7-.''.i SIITOM < HAS. L. KN'APP.l-i ""KLYX WALUfFi llltlTKI'TICA .JUC'HARD OLEN-HEB.



__TANXERSVILLE.......JEROME I'. KlSHER..M.nioN.i. f. MACK. __________nf.w iir.t'jiiTON..'oi. c. it. mvcn.






i om. flBO. r. ____%.lAMESTOWK.UTANS MATNOaT.tiiiri'TV .P- B- LAIRD.'.-'rMF'-.K. II MMIAST



rootcaPALLfl.m. ub* *&toKVASSAl- .Col. A.J9.8HAW.PfT.lM'.Y .O. A. Fl LT. R___

tiW.I.M REP. t-Lll".HENKT L. Bl'RNETT.iiawi-a-a au. k.-.-.-., ^ WM wo.-

-.lUTtT-E .MARK H prNVKT.U.CLATVTLr«.... ¦''->'; VtolLJo****9**l-IR'.Y .FXTRK.E. I. PITTS.XOKTII JAVA..ALFRF.D KPKI\7>.' ullUl J*v


.lt )X ...................«. C THA.-KFR.VT."llKirVs . JOIIX RAINMLIHtn.1KI.YN.C. 1 I. r MA. K..OVKl'.T . KLLfAH C<>"K.VIOLA.LIXX HARTKANFT.PRKMO'nY OEXTRE .P. R r'."",.,..I VM \IC V .trfjn-.tor HIM 0" Iv.ava IN TOCB C0BNEB6..T. W.JIAjlTfW.

Ni ,s xiif.K .TXO. P Sl'F.LT.MAir.fjltrEVpORT. -F. R. wallai i:.nVw.TORK..TNO A. O'VFI'Y. _^^

HIMRODS .Col. W. J. I'ARKl.vaOM.,'! !o im-Av.wn . v. II IH'LLJVKB,.TORH HALL. CITY.T>r. W R DB-UUC_Liir.M)'.-. iiaii .s J. yOBAjL.,,..-...Itii ni'.v'»! .Col. P. Tt. BHWITDAM.KHEPARD HALL b7ih-*t Or. J. R n f-M'Tlt.100VAVBXCB a. CITY. l.. HOHHAhOX.


<VRTr.A>D.nOIBMO F.. P4YXK.-,< x.M- LINM BRUCai.,\..l,,,-, .ROSWELLO. flOr.IL

,1 M.lVM REP. l Llli.SS'^.*--,})',¦ _FIX DI IV FALLS.W. W. IllCh** ___.tr- v .jt'Lirs c nr-RROWi.l-lt,\. .INO. 1.. WHF.KLEIL¦i RvwVi.T,'".'."..r.r.nKnv hari it.lORVELTJ-lVJLLE.E- .- UMWOM.nVKTFB 11 VY .s J- l' RA.s.


'"1 '¦ ' "4f»*R.ra i sM ilai a".v I- MILLIBBK.gl » -*l -* o** *-*...* .,,.. *fj-.r-txsix.; mm; .«v- v\r,"i'KPKNCF.R .P'lQ W HAV.F\ST IIOMEli .. »¦ MVIAXY.i'O'' II .in: Iil'-HARD .ill'.NTItKR-J I.M VALLBV . .. .8. M NOKTO.V...... *.xu-.iax.u >MI,T,,V xVARp. |f.TOttRTOWN .JOIIV T). SI'ELL.MAN.roTkville .oi o. r '-it. it.XORWOOD .Itv' THAI.RP.RAT.U.l.I.X .1-|i\V MU) R V'liliil AN»rvit'-Txri*. C1I-.B W. l'.i"iHMM-,i,i-.-v .Ttmotitt sAMiKiisoa.nt'l'.LIN Col. A. I> KHAW,


i liOl.i.N M. LIXX BRI 9,9.i'l MViH MARK 11. !>' '.V.VKLL. .

_HERMAN. .F/i S. n.t..r MILLKR..1. )'.. V \ > Wult--1_IL



Rt'OOKLYN .PAVID Hr.ALRT.M'.\ YORK .'-" .» « "'liKlKNE.*nT I .'fV-Vll.M. V. tl IU'LI.IVI.R.ovvri II BAT ..nr. W. U OFRRJCK.¦; '.I-,-' JACOB Kl MI'I.I!\,,'-. LOOAN CLUB ..;' l'.'"x BAWPOB_b

A. I, M .RRl-ON.I vi II \<. "i: \s HALL, CUP .!. K- RICHABwd,



HAMILTON IVARB ir.BLACJC CREEK .I- P- VKiril.AXD.VF.W.VRR VALLEY.OEO. W KA 1i- vi "-.,,( i; .wm. >.v,-"i>noLIVAR ' "I A. I,. !IA.XTi__R..'LINTANDALB...' H \- W. I " ''ItAM.'."\v\-\r.A .*-. L. MILUREM.ANEADEA ..... .». P- i*J,,'-,i'm'Jb0>'ALLENTOWN.«Bj. K. .#££«-X1XDA .' L. L\MI-S"X.r\ \^ V'ALLET.R. » MAHANY.CAYt'TAVILLt.TIM-vriiY BANDERMV.II |.|. K'i-'N .toi. T. n. WHITE.BALISBI RY MILLS .OEO. BABJ B.,. ,V. R.Vi'.FR R. C. THA4 KF-RAT.KORTRICrHT CENTRE.M. LIXX BRICE.


YP.RONA ." I . "OOIiSlLVLL.LOWVIt.r.E .A- W II. 141P | KPONT .0- F.. NICHOMMAill wv.vx ..ao. cviti's m-ftSEr.I*- r.r V. VVII.T.l. JOHN ltAl.VI--.-J.DANSVILLE." 9 WtLLIAMh.ItimoKLTN HANS M I rsON.,-a.n inv .V. B. DOLLIVER.I.IFFALO. .lf ilAKi' '-: K.vrHXR.II av R.-JTB VW JOHN lilil'V.Wlll.VTIXOTON.WALLACB BRl'C*.FAlRPORT W. W. II!.'i.vfORT IRFPF.RSON T. DE 'i Tfl.I.V.

SODI'S Bl. R. .1 H tlRB,n UTOWN . vv B *X i'C-i

KTAPLETON .JXO. P HPF.IAMAX.'-i; w:.R.»E \. tt. i nosni.|l S.RL1 FORKB M B PAHMRLEB.ii ii --i-.il I.i Ml S i .'' B LAIRDm raNY nu'tn in A'.r-.v

\ Mii !. .11 J". . I I) K -..IliifJIAN.w .-- vIC .

'' 8 TAYLOR.w FsT >.i'."l"X ' v"n BEMI'LFARR. I"WN I.D. S. W 4I.LACF


KYAI'R ARTHI R r v,-\r>-."i.ii.M-.OBOBOB \VALL.'.-i~

SATII.DAY, OCTOBEB 5».I'l'.'.'KI.YV . .i"IIN- I WISZ¦AA1...U ILLB Rl v" F-YS**..

H. J. .. *. HLallALUN "N SPRINOS.KLItAH " ,K

st ll v- -i. .i ii' ::i:u Va."\ i,"i T .R '¦ HORH

Fl.lMllVO HAI'NCKY M 9B___*S'F.W.YOUK .RF.VI. Iif l-n- lt*'"K'ri_L

i.M li.,\JOHN I WUl.i.'J.U.OLIVAK .... CU UtLKS ll BR ,W».

Al'ALA, IIIN .451 0 W. RAY.l.l.l.NVll.LK.« tLLA. RRV.E.

OLEAX . >.*..."-* ILDRK itNiiRitl i'l RA r 11 VREKLANO.\1 \i.i"\ JOHN KAINEB.<_I-.Nl --1¦ - i. MILLIKEN.>\ \ l.i.K .WH WOOD

m i i \ ¦. " !¦'.: i .-.ILWO* 9. !.- LAMPSOV.

l-l-.l Itl.l B U M Ml 4NY-IIAROV St'RtX.iS p M .i-i T II WHtTE.HluHLAND FALLS 'r..°!?OE BABRRv, Kl-I RNs 11 av W AND ItsON.UON pi lll i T1MOTII \ -AM»j:i'..-0-t.,,. \ v' \| 1,1 NN Hlt. K.

I l;.»''KI.YX .. ..... .W. il. BRADLKV.Wi-., SAIUKHTIKB CIIAB. W, r'"R!>H\M.iii' lllll.l.I' SPRINOS.. M 0. aALLAOHbR.wi sr SAXOLARE Col v '. 5BAW.O.NSTARLI Vll.I.li ..... J W HOA.Vu v, hon .... v. ILLIAMBKTAPLETON. IX" I) M-I I.l.MAV.H'.'nK"YI. FALLS W W. III. KSii.HN'STOWN I-'NN il m:,kvX1l>|. M-MH-- ' "' D i: KHKRIDAW*KIXDERHOOK l'-.,?'',".;.,1,'-Vivv-Vi: N'.iFIF.LO JNO. I. -,-i ...MAN.oripi ivs cornerb i r cr."-m

, ir-vi -, P, H I I'rl"r|-r.Ti"-i'T S .1 PORAN.RltF.WvTl KS >. TAYl/VJ.i::-.,,- ¦_ in*. IAI 0B KEMPL1

MOXDAY, OC1UBRB II.Illl.UA, .Xfi.-n.oon.joilS*H M VI ^RO%V*\v Vv. IIICRH.'ITIIACA Evonlna. CIIAI N. V V M DKPKW.IUVl.ltUK.YD ,:">w l.l.l. ... HOKH.1,1,.¦IIARI.K.*, II BROWN.


;. .-Vi.l'.VVILLl' Judf« WOOD.lioilf- ...Oa. O. A SHERIDAB.WKST ru.MFIELD " 'IJ N¦ KaJ VI v.PANHVILLP' ' f.\M!*-"N.VKE '.i "K'.i: ........V. 11. HOOAE.M'.TH IHF BAM MORRli.


,.i: w- "P il.i ->K ity. INO A. COFFBY.". .LtXITT, Bveahn vv w. iiick*-.

Tl KSPAY, KOVE-OCI 1.¦I PFALO . JNO. r. ri.VEKTY.'.." IIFORD v' Rl¦¦;'" ' **_*Y2£iaoomIII.V'.HAMfOX .'.". ..I.O. A. MII R.1DAWWA-J utown * *-v"VV'VN!.1! ¦¦¦'¦,.£.J R VA.> WU-UIBR.

kaM MORRISIIORNTXLKV1LLE-... 'IIMMIYM nt'.l'LW.1-AT.-4 IV'.v J :-¦ WH W'»'>U.lt... KV1LLE . ENTRE JK4J. HRI NN l*«.I.IMA I- L LAMPSON.noi.iON landino l*ha«. ii mooRB,1"V1\A il VH'.l. ¦. v KOSBY. »

__-!: lUVKii. T> !'. lll' ll m:!'-".V.;, ,. I,.' K-SON.


.- " ..v i.l OH..K ItAHFH.Tt UT!-i> <J--.iX.I4t D?OX s .1 FORAX,III EASI OITH-ST.. tltY.Dr. W. U Jji-iUUCIt.