/VS* a*---. -a,***~ ... yoi- UH.N° 17,277. NEW-YORK, MONDAY. MARCH ¦». I894.-TEJ!*, PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. LORD ROSEBERY'S ('.MUXKT. THE HST VIRTUA LLT8ETTLED pin WU.MAM HARCOURT TO BE GOVERN¬ MENT LEADER IN THE COMMONS. unr.n kimberle* ron titi: foreign omcB- TMI" OVERS TO GIVE AN AUDIENCE TO THE KEW PR1 WIER IN LONI ON TO DAT THS 1*1,ai ll OF CHIEF CAKT-ATTITl PK CALS MR. 1 RAL WHIP VA- THE RADI- ii \"- '. lenry Pons mby, the Qu secretary, visit. Lord Rosebery In London -. :; " snd I. ld him of th.- ti !., n's wish thal pl the P phip. Lr rd Ro? any Immediate de red st length with ).;< ,- .ii. iguea in thr Cabin it, and delayed hla i until ."¦ Th* Queen will »m Windsor tn London to-day and will p ve L »rd i; .s bery sn audience In i. s.i- w llllam ll ireourt Chan fl ''' -hequer; Earl Spencer, Firs! Lord of Ihe Admiralty, and Herbert Asquith j- - l in "il. ry yes¬ terday. Mr. GlaJatone atl '-¦ l the Chapel Royal. St. James's In Ihe morning, and took no part in Ihe C iking. I Roaeberj »nd Edwsrd Mnrjorlhsnks, cxo. f Lil In 'a until late lost ev \ ">ha rc- turn.-al to hla h ime he foun I tm an- soanclng the i Bath, of hla lather, Bar >n T ith. Mr. M hail gone with hla f ithor I Ire. bul ha 1 retu I to tov nee to confer Lord R Aa Mr. M ks n .w fi to I !' an v. Ill sit in the i: f Loi I '¦¦'" ral whip an 1 1'.:tr,'nan,* Be rotary to the Ti isury will bc c..me v.-. "Tl I isllyNewa" snya this "Pl Icu:".: f Cal net-msking, whl a throat, inlng last w k. ai melting away. Affairs are low virtually .-"'¦ 1 Slr William Harcourt's . ration may l~- '. upon. || v... i^-lit that thi Eai! of Klm- baley shall take the F .reign < Il ll pr >b- tible that Mr. I. is to Lord Rr.?,'! may h ot y a bill pcrmi"lng thi I t h b< tweei is Lords or sui nt lha C mons. UR OL Kl .-" SE IN FINE BP1RIT8 "Mr, Oladston' -a wh i him at :h- .-'a dinner on S iturd iy, wc- mu ¦; sti u k wi i ira: ia; j y, ever fi -> .us, Tl ere ls no i essll : el of hil yes i:-' can si ¦¦ tu": . tfo 1 il Btati j ^ .- f . there . -. Cabli neetlng Mr <!! vert if th lev 'tlon ".' his The .-¦..¦ t Coi lurprlsei i - "The N- wa " "li a li icrous fl "The News" . lc by Hr. L.ii< >u I ere t Mr M f Lord R. rt t rv for the Pn mlershlp ilr. Msrjoiibsnl I Radical lead- .r's lotter, anya "The News," wss very simple !t men-!/ d a public controversy ..n tbe itrbject In s lei on 1 :- hei y ss Pi .aler. "Tbs Ni -vs' aayr "The new Premier will ippcal, aa none of his colleagues could, to the mth isiasm snd of the public. Bli JV un Hare ii to t.«k-- i dace ls really a splendid ilthough In this Instai l i<- i .. Iii I- wer in the louse f C extei Tl |* will 1 d ti I int" .'. Partial a atroay. ll !. ... lol f tr thi l.« t"ii' hos .oner:.".il;.*¦ -I 1. :l - . He ls lai.l to 1 *Ji-e I aid to the Mlnli re lt. i: '.M 'al "CAVE NO ;.' -v<; :i: "T » Dally aa a hoatll Catii .-. .' !.¦ lian I thal them. M: 1. » pta i : "l*he Chi mlcle" tterlv up >n 'ii" ; thai th :.'. .1 Mr. Sladsi >n< "s Thr C '.¦ ¦' ilone ... .- nonai ','..} red al .. . fled hil Bth mu -ti ri g rill regret uitting the For- tii-ri Ofl .... he |H ¦' f thc G i ns for it. Alli he Earl | KJ I lank as I O ti..: i. ted there ls n ne othe. more .toltol ll ireourt, < self-denl nddnes : ts, will, a Chi u lo of the Exchi - Ind li H <' ¦: ons, quite ls much the 1 ead of thc C Lord Ros. eh me pol ¦. " J:' ERERT THE BE8T M.'.'. ,: PLACE. "The Times" says: "Th ime of tba r. ... lon i-i thc i. ¦: party un- i n as lim the leader- hl;> with si i rd Rosebery's pros- .*¦ : ty thia convlc- Idta lg evei is ll that hf r ii ry will as 1 ng a- it lasts, follow Hrrmu id the old i ne Tha duratloi Ills 1 be a matter of ' ide to L y. He was thrown ntly Into a posl- I'a.'i wber ls a ch il ill i Tts a.f ., ,,| j;, ,om. Istlbli em* lute of any co- i- rent body of com. ti. He nu. '¦" n of a ward, patriotic .. can- lot be with- 1lt peri | of i md i tlection h Ihe pal la Opposll "Tha Moi ;. i: "- ¦jory ati'i n *H'rl>' es I a more Palmei mian and .strlotlc p cy. In v. hloh thej .. | -;iir.l\ '"",lJ:'' the Opp ;. m. H *'' 'r .''o' ul y will I to di trd thi lr hi ritage." VATIVBH REPULSED WITH HKVKRE LOM ¦Lond ,ii, ;" ',..., from Hath irat, '¦" the Wesl Ind sn ¦.glm. nt h ipii .alla, fter ov rcom- .' .,- Tl ***** | to ri tal ¦¦ "ht- i ,«;i bj . , '¦¦ .¦'..-;--. tounu. ny natives were I Hied The .¦ola surrounding countrj ls bostllo to the BrltUli. FHIRTEEN ANARC'HISTn ARRESTED IN PARIS. j. Mir--:i 4. Thirteen Anarchists wera ar- here to-diiy Explosives were found iti ths -xlfe'lnt-i xii I ,..; f tn. m. "'LEV hassan TO PAT A 610 INDEMNITY. Madrid, .M.-.r.'ii i Tba n solutions between Spain «<1 Morucc. ..s to ii,,- Rlfflss attaeka on .m. mia \*\ 'ail ,-ir,- report tl to have been clo>sad. Bnitsa s^,i^Jili'"':"1 "a8 agreed 4... pay an Indemnity ot '.'¦A-.uw i.cso-taa. SOCIALISTS AS SOLDIERS. 'HE PRUSSIAN WAU MINISTER'S BAR- DoNU' REPLY TO BEBEL'S ASSURANCE* .HE PHOOTTNa OF HABICH nv OEN VON KIRC1I HOP DEFBNnED cv THE Ministiti; ivs. BIA PREPARlKfl FOR REPRISALS IN c.s.- :: or THE FAIt.1 RE iy THE ' OMMERCIAI. THE \TV IN THE RI ICHi PAa '-,*-,,.¦(,. 1884: i.., THt Vntteii fret,. Berlin, March i General Bi nsarl v n Bcbel. IT, Prussian \v ir Mlnisti r, made a spec a on Friday against the s lal ls. T " cause ivis given b; A "..¦I.. I. leader of the S Kial »em ¦, lebel, after denying thal S tail a ¦:.¦ always il soldiers, said that In the next war a lumber of men with ul commissions would essarily be railed tc Bli ll pla - I ol lei Viiimi*- ihe men who v. .ul . be o res;, it- ble posts wei ir n) B The rovernmenl mlghl well be glad, therefore, to ". able to reckon on the supp >ri of a party like hi Boclal Democracy which wai powerful not inly in the Reichstag, bu' In the army. i ,' nive rheer nn 1 laughter the Var Mlnlt. I ally thal he re- I In thi e that 1 he c >unl v might up m Its Social Dem ratlc cns In had ii-' »y ml In >n c mi erntng th, ynlty of bul lt nal.--: now be allay. '. as Social '. mo t itlc lea li r had Iven the assurance thal ll prevaleni mistrust rna groundless. Toward the close *.f his kjhi h, vee. the War Ml ter I * uni declared wi mi n wi l oj ¦ d Ine to ; In thi arm; In tin di bst« on tl ¦¦ army ci lerdny i Social D '.!inii.nie¦! rs. '. :. the K npei .r'f il (1 ncr t! \ on vlrchi ter thal td !,.¦¦ *.*, as the Herr 1 if thc '.Tagebllltt." wlo. published .-. ;..v,.. ff. ti': di. .;' had with air.-. . ir li . of tl. Hod i. igli ral il i ... an ¦ ab r ite de- '.-ii,., ol Kirchoff .vi! ind;', cly of the Empcmr. ¦What man ol . lld i il General > Kiri hh..f *vhi n the ., ,; 1,. lp him avenge ihe Bland, rs on his tal , ation with .a i: idle ,;> with Interrui Social I) v r's sp-?. ::¦, ..'." 1 ihe I. th him I Td,: a m 11. u' .' I even Rl'.rify Kli 'hh f t ,r ihe ... law courts of tl. Liberal dalli. li ¦¦ th Wai renee* lo be lfl .''¦" P Ad- Mi:,vt- that I !en< ral v rn K ,, ,r ;. when he sh .' H The discussion '¦: t) *v >r Mini has only bi gun To-mon w tho | Boclal 1' will unite The hotels In Bl Petersburg are crowded Herman traders ai l ir-- pn parti g I take ad ti--.it\- tbe moment it shall base past l I .. Reichstag. They re-porl thai the tn ,..¦ ls the inly subject In foreign i tics whl I »w In- ietreats the Rtuaian Although ll I- a in thal th" treaty will be I ..* Ministry In SI Pi tersburg has |j <vr th.* other venl by framing m< * r ... further n ; Iscls. Thea, pi epai ki ms have mg i.n - ispe t< I, If n I actually kn¦..*¦ Berlin, and have d ne mu "h to enhai ¦\ hi 'ht Strasse. " ,nt< ti pli ¦.-.:¦! to be ai forbid " n peasants and « Bas: Pi k-r w >ul.l deprl e East Pru i ,.f ;...- ul., f Ru n cheap lab i. ai d would be espi c tal to wh aire I- suffer from ths u lab .-. i¦. m w manuf ' "¦- onlsm .- re apparent tl pi ,-. ll. i- : !: . foi th< tn i:,..t,..|. ,.. ., bul Utile ipon Final ph i Tl e al ¦ toward i atill doubtful. Tb" Stat**s H ,villi t are , I South .> .''."¦ T am .ni.' whom are severs ibl : ,. ', threat to form with a !. platf rm, In ... th. pi ussian C tin vt t vr nt, . .*- . IN FAVOR OF THC CIVIL MARRIAGE RILL. MORE THAN SkUO.OOQ l'i.!d"N-' TAKE I'ART IN A anr.A t dem ii »n at iii da-pi Bu la-i". -.; m in i M. join* ll In favor of thi Civil Marrlai ¦' ter < Toz* pi .'¦¦¦ ) ..-. t mi etina * !- mA h ..¦ marchi i the stree! for the Cabinet and travl innei J kal. th. auth rt, Pn ml. r Vd k rle, Mil .,f Public \'. ot ihip, at. I I". yon Kzllagyi, Mini: ter of Ju itlc 1 hs ai ot ai MlnUte ::; th. atre, : ti u bi en ihe Igmi for lu tultuou di mon itrai ii * :\ my h is, llluml ian to-night. ARRESTED I".,lt MENACING KING HUMBERT Rome, Mar h t a msn named Ollvlerl waa ai ri i,, r,- .,n Fridai becaus*! he had threatened ti attack K ing 11 timberi After hli srn .-,.-:. d tba* he waa the person who, on Empei William's vi' li !.. re in 1830, thn w Int I hi carriage s letter denouncing Germany and ti, house of ll.naollern re pon iii for Italy') financial troubl. and politic -.1 linn :. ? DI RUDINTS VIEW OF ITALIAN FINANCED Rome, Marc i Thi M irq il ll i: Uni, P iiil.-r, told Iho i'i,Iv ". Pn ss corn ponden! that he, with all other members pf ih, would make every effort i" preveni the .;¦ ernm t. fl ,:,; He advor itril i the hi av? taxation nf foi ll Rudlni he l, vi i!,"' much mon I the Cablni i cul il - in bc ived by , nomy lt tary and ,,:.,'.'. lt" i lld, If prop. nd, would i iry i vt ral ol the m ¦.¦ lag pro| the Cabinet. He thinl pl mary po. ig the ne* de I admlnl ratlv. reforn ul mbci of the R'i a h. , foi Ity "i the ommll tee un the auh , u lenl '. , ¦' n ind n ihi aam.* Im. thal Ih, ,.. of trill powi be a ictly d< lin. I. KOSSUTH AG .IN (SERIOUSLY ILL Torin. M. ii 1. I... id Kossuth, the ll patriot. I red s rel ipso, and ls ill. I >r. ii, o. his phj lc li pairs o| ...... d !. lu-... io take gular me ll KILLED l\ A (..! AUREL EDWARD HOGAN RECEIVED A MORTAl, WOUND wini.i: I'l'iH ri.v; WITH THI COMPANIONS. A llghi occurred las: nlghl ,i Fourteenth-i t. an. Flrst-ave. between "Ed." Oorr, nineteen yura old ,,r No. 4'*» East Fourteenth-st.. Augu tu.- sam.- address; Charlea Shaffer and Ld** ,,.i \\, gan. During Ihe ne.,t Hogan waa -tabb*) A ih, neck, but who stabbed him could >i"t be learned The quarrel was tb. resull ,.i an old lend lieiui ., Hogan m I Ihe ot] lw« ' A policeman from the Hast Fifth-st. s(.-,ij.,t| , tsn ambulance summoned and Hogan was rem, to Bellevue Hospli ,i lu an unconscious <. in which hs r.-ii'.uin.d until 1 o'clock, when he dui The Sh*ffei :., . a, wera arrested and .,¦«,¦,, In the Flfih-st. station. KL '" SUGAR SENATORS TRIUMPH. THE TARIFF BILL MODIFIED TO SUIT THEM. OTHER flTAKOES MADE IN THE INTEREST OF :M"\". \ MAJORITT MEMBER OF THE I-'IN'AN. r. MMI' TBE 'l LU »» THE f vnTT'B DILEMMA. Wa ,1 ireh I I7i I- sa the pl ins ot the '. mei Sen ite Finn Com- i ilttee i: .-ll os the Tariff bill will be laid t re th full Tuesday m n IO "'cl !< Attn erring togetb r I part of the thi n sta bi lleve Ihey I ive come as nei.r solving the situation as poa- Bible, and tl rht la tn take the final vote to-nm ri.n, although Mr. -i wi nted ii .. whole question dlspos. ¦! of al yeaterday*s m etlng. Th.- disputed schedules ha1 ¦¦ been i largely discussed, nnd bo many tentative propm den d thal it only re- m..in.' to decide dm ll) n hlch of thi -a.- shall * Incorporated In Ihe bill. Although the commit- ti .. ni pr 'ttty thoroughly whai ll will do, th .pei ednle i are sugar, whiskey, coal, Iron ore. 1 I ore, 1 imb r itton fsbrli s, leath. silk*'. \ l', ¦:. ber of th-- Fin ince Corn Hs us dng Ih. sltuntl. n iti commltti ¦¦ In tt--* Senate, I >>nlghl talk, d ..¦; l-i-- ss rep arter with fra dmlt- i Ung ihe facti whii h othi r Si natoi i ive "We have iuth," lpns "and will be pel ll ,v h ile and unlnjiir Wi f the n ¦ ... to utterly de- i I n<»t i rrom lt Ip l \ passed i.. ,-< .. bree We four D.-mocrnta thi R I three I'opul i. Two Democrat \ wei .. i- .. we .; '. hand lt. T .... Ti I. Mr. V. ill ¦ ipn-me ls laki ti. bul h. equall; .- bill ir ls taki n in. Ill Murj they ..'- v..' king i ird r isl ms bul **."!il'1 bill when it .!. liilons i thal must 1"- mel | !. we ihe certain disaster that i w ai efeat of the tarlfl lu the For thati bill i lng ta. lt th supp i'. .¦:' Ure pa il Btated 'Int *o\.-n different i i 'i'-it: mn h I been submltti I to tl t. by one ' ¦: -t.-tn dui . . p to No. IA 1 thal Thi ler, snd pr thal lt a -. ¦ t th. T<> M lill. p-| -, Inn In Mi" I,.- i, . h Mi M Phi i n Ins, In u ll- h h I- .... f red Ill, at the . nd of ll v. ai. In pu lil a ll ;.|. ... ll pul ii a h<-n I a I d Itel Repul C Al -7 / /*. TE\ TO MR. CROSER! i,- viitv ': -i ¦.. P :.:. I'.ia':.- I RI ty when a rei ... ,! -|. at--il s Btfl , t r ot i .. r, promol ward, r sn I *'";' "' ' '' rw-York Mr. Crokei k. -i ;;, m. .-' In -¦: w.-t to Mr. 1irg< ..jr nunpl ';' '''¦'¦.' uir' have l-i';' arr. Bled I rn '.¦' .'"" ¦' 'I"-'" v,,-,, Ki ,...,., |. my .an- "i Sen Yt rh violate", ths ., |aTl Tammany Hall will prosecute him I t care I mak <"'¦ sn wi i io Mr. Dunphy's III I ¦¦'¦'¦ hi* letter Hi hal better , , ,,.,. ... ,.', td" H'l Dlntrlct. ll U, ,, Tummanj ls golna to pl*c*a and I, in .,, , ;-. i ..il lie mush1 diflerenti thi' fall I V"; ''"'" '" ,urt] mattel until have seen l"i"!u't'. Cockran, of New-York, will arrive hen .i. , k ? TELEGRAPHIC smi.-. ,- ... ,.,,,..- .aa Mar. li 1 Columbian County ,..'., ai. .- ry I emptj nnd 'I'.. -. ir. .....elli I" '"!' I" ."I ot all ],. led until the ti ry ls n pl. il i< ..., ..ia pi i 'i i John li- ron, foi for ll \ Si-..a'- v ... devi ,. nn.l dyn ll I--I . i-l.. 'a. Tl"; lt li I.-- j;:;:,, .. ,,,..- wa. Bttempt. and fall. Ann \'i"'i Mi >> Hn\ h I Whitman an Knowl- -:.. "for. '," »¦¦> "".." il,- mm !' '"' ***." '' ""H '" ."I for . .,- w trial in- million ls th- eha [PW , 1 el for il-.- .i-i IV ,,.,.,'. lhal ... Ri iphlc il. 1 rl,.?l«n of the lui'l". ""...' ¦'' .'" ,-, ,. i, Mo larch 4 ¦» i. wlil.-h v mi In ,,,:. .-¦ ..a,. of lb- -at*' in,.-' hold 'H. Of a li it ,,, bm '"'" *vh",h ""¦ V '.,,¦ "', ,,,'-.. lil . hy them ti. ., -', x.i-l- .'l«*w. li l- thoushl thal tl, .,.m -,,. ...i.'.-'l"! In n heavy hell of tlml»r 1., ,,.,,., Rl ,,,,.. Rmi a ran il rch la I .,; of ti.- Rock I.:, nd mid th- .- .mpanl. hav. off. red ¦ th. bandits , v, i,f)SIO\ SD FIRE Ul SHREVEPORT, I I, Bbrereport, La.. Msrch * A ir-.n ndous exploal >n o( ,.,.,.,;,., in i'i.- le wli D nh- Company's whole- . ',,. -. "'¦ loch last nlshl blew oul the t.\ ;t.-. wi...a. ... i,.,. -i,-.irn ij m.. wore, i .1 ind inn,i.m. nt atora was .lao burned, and B Wolff's drygoods More ar I l,'..k were darna*. I "bj smoke and water. Tba total i"»--« H-^.1'"-'; Inaurancs, RM * SENATOR MURPHY WORRIED. TROY AROUSED AGAINST HIM. THF DECENT CITIZENS HOPE; Tn OVER¬ THROW RINO RULE TO-MORROW. MAY,'I'. WHAT.:-., SHUT OUT REPEATERS PROM WES! TROT GOVERNOR FLOWER'S < iv, ifg Ci ll RSE REG ki:i.|.\ ; THE TROT BLECTIOS INSPECTORS BILL MUR- 111 vs Pl ,\". BR IN BT \ li: POLITICH, Troy, March 4 (Special). When United States Senator Edward Murohy, Jr.. n o hts duties In Washington on Wednesday or Thursday it is i, >t likely lhal he will be In the rn wsl enviable Iv,un.* ,.f mind, This man. who ls held .- hie foi making Rensselai r County, Ically, one -,f the v.les sink-holes In the coun- try. this Hine is likely to in* t a well-deserved The r, j ilcings ,,f de p, pie of Lan- alnghurg wtioti they recently were r leased from hd control wera mild in comparison with the demonstratlor of delight which will be mid,* by th.* c::i/."Tis ,,j Ti ij shoul ii happen that Murphy and his ; 'lowing "f timk-s and l, ;,. t i],e n nv Th.- -, m of strength be¬ tween Murphy on the on.. :.j i,. and th,- decent m i. "f thia div on the other will c n.ti 'i' iy, it the eli v n for M lyor. Tlc- Re¬ publicans and iii I,, tter class of th-- Den In the tlon of 1 te ..f in" city, Mayor Whalan, thc Murphy elemenl has put forward n i ls what Mr Murph] ill hd route I by i hal majority. i' W.I ' I' II!' 'I r nn la- I heel- ted political <*l irphy nk lt i ¦. nds at hm lu I-ansingburg." Tl Mr. rs that hould happi ni 'i .-.'. the r ,!,..- .ff In the numil. ich would v Murphy I irs ii ler ai a that Imi nintry, are t the Giivei " mlnatlon. kk'HT kl Mr. V I tha f t he led to count ths Ing thal May, r Corni r Whalan Itlsei le up their .. >ver, m mid b.v ¦. a!.,ni M ur| .. \ ..lollS ;. v: , ' I ,. al i'i" kV. Tr ¦*.. At le un iii.- iunty f'.r ipi I..- i cia) I wo fi nm '" "" tramps I ii, n T f -i ¦¦ for In lt tl M i, o' prure i fair a thi fal T hu\. wnt.he with ll rr ive mn le ithe by Whalan or Murphy, an I. as the* \. Ul Whalan a* gsli lt pleas. o to see Murphy Ireuitik .-nt. on hi ii l rtuVEHNOR FLOWER'S CHANOK Ol !'.' 'Il I< ¦%'. The Republicans and ever) deoeml citizen here h p* d that Governor I r w >ul l have h len) reg ird >r ls pl lg< and pi sign the bill a*hl h wa- pa cd last week, thi* city a non-partisan board of el, timi In¬ apt [-tor v Ills f|ull hiing over a te hi leal !¦¦- .,- hlch ri ill) -I- the bill In the I,- ist. Indicate* thai some pr, lg lnflu>*n ¦¦. has been at work i" change 'ns condition nf mind from whal ll was when he pi .mptly the meaaure pr ivlding a ti rn jiartl au hoard for Albany. A w ire, Ihe l: ii,j nf Elect li In p.*.-toi this i Ity are Mn phy-Molloy mi n. Th ¦. ap- -Hilnti d by the ll ard of Pi li"- C .mini isloners, an I Murph; 's i!:'!;'" ite for Mayor, Kr incl J, Moll..). Murph)'- n pr. aenl itlv. nn th. ruianl, t to be supp vd thal Mr M Hoy. a p Eda arl Murphy. Jr.. In the sch m\ nt n w .md fall to mak i-p the lt, ii I nf El vt lon In- irs in any excel manner to h..,, elf? There ls only one Republican member on the h ard, and ll ls f are that h will he build,./.,*d and bruwlw lent thal a [treal i umbel of I it " otes will be ¦... hi pen d, hov ever, that ll wa <; ,\ ernor v he bill, lilli ihoul Ihe tl n ¦¦ had made up hi mind uti'; I I ire to lt, a t, lephone mensa id was rerelved fi ,m Tn>y, urning him t . he bill "i pul ll IT until te a Ante thal the me inure *.* lld be of i us. foi I h i election. I' was on Friday morning thal it ario I i h \ ernor h id f ut,,I a trifling ern r In the hill, and Charles s. Fm nels, ol i his .iv, w< ni over to Alli iny to se. ibiin be dom to -¦. the me ui i, ,1 shape thal the "..vern .r would si ut further .!. lay. Mr. F h Jacob A. Cam ti D leader In Ihe Senate, ind him wh"th Il' R.x h cboes. and oilier Ri ..add tn Hies shoul ;.. pul int,, the bill, lt could b*» pul Ihnm onee, and If the .vi 11 ¦¦ w iu Mr, c.niloc answer,' I thal he n i I willing ihe bill shoul 1 gu th.;,, i.i thal way, bm he I ¦' for the Govi "He must sign i: " ho said "He cam I his I ' by I'u'd .-:, j, .. itor s.i> ton u-r ed ti," ai tendmi nts, hut when Mr. Francl mci I the Kxcrutlve Cham¬ ber he found thal th. Governor was more un¬ certain than ever over the bill. He want, to wall for the O'Connor bill. THE '1 ROI bil.I. NOT IN" 4.LIDATED. Yesterday Corporatl in Counsel Roche, of Troy. a l>>* ,1"' iTt. wenl before the Governor and made grgumeni tn tnroe ot his signing the Troy bin. Mr. ii"' he ."aid that ti.mission of ths tm.. ,,f j the SSCtlon ut thc* charter to which the bill up. piled di l n il Invalidate th.* Mil or leave it tracer- '¦' hi. I. .- ti..ns ..f the charter the amend- 1:"'"; : applied ti-i'v two sections of th- city > hart, r w< re referrej tn in the bill, and as there "'I.- r .-. tiona of a similar number in the charter, ll was Impossible t mak, any mistake - l whl li th" measure waa l i ll i.- ¦..ai.i thal telephonic communication hl two, ':. ,,i, the Ese. utlve Ch imber was ¦';."¦¦-' I yest rday morning, sn l that tha ,;"v rnor then was more anxious than ever t'» wall ir th O'Conn. r bill. ble, but ti'.; likely, that the Governor may r. lent to-mo mn in : ilgn the bill In time to I" rmll the May ir of Troy to ap] .Int the "ii" ad¬ ditional electl i Ina].or. Benator Murphy la the chairman of ih<- Democratic --' C mmlt¬ tee, iiml Democrats who sre looking for renoml- nol dare offen him. Thia may l.o n n ar Flower's predicament At any rat", the Oovernor will add nothing m his reputation by quibbling over a technical point in a law whl.'h would operate sn advantage .usly inst at thin time in tii.. Interest of a fair and square election. FOR Foi:EST PRESERVATION. AX IMPORTANT CONGRESS TO BE HELD IX ALBANY lins WEEK. MAXY WELL-KNOWN MEN TO Ul' PRESENT. 'I'M:: PROPOSED PURCHASE Of I.AM' TOM 'lill; BTATE FOREST PRESERVE IN Till" ADIRONDACKS SSOS TUB 111 a'.l I Ali i-K'tl'M'oMil'.NT OS Titi: T'ilP.CNt? Albany, Mar.-h 4. -Onr> of th" mfi«t important ron- i- - ver held in Albany will be in .session here "ii March 'i. 7 and B, when there will be a joint of tia- American Foreatry Association, the New-York stat" Forestry Association, tin- Alli.- .Lui; Park Association, an.l tha VHri"iis I-,.-al for* latlons .'I tli- Btate of New-York, t" with repreeentatlvee "f the State Foreat Commissions cf Sew-York, Penna>lvania snd tha Ni W Ki,ri ii .' St it.-s. \ ti '¦. 'l here ster lay ttt rn .'. m, Secretarj of Agriculture an.l presl- Amertcan F. itrj Si uoclatlon, ¦ that iv would attend the meeting. Il ls als., hoped r.at ex-S nator Wan. r Miller, wh-, ls a leading r the Adirondack Park Aeaociatton. will \ -.rut tl.- iii'inl" .'- Of th" At vii' ll! Forestry Assoclatlofl who are coming are Berthold I-: Ftraovt, .1 I .. W. French, Warren Higley and ral James Oran! Wilson. Ti"- New-York Btate F< Association will be represented by Morris i. ... up iii" RlRbl Rev. Willina Croswell hoan-. i mt Bplsc pal bishoi of Alb iny, and Pro- ,\. s Bickmore, of New-York. Among the i. ,.f tii- Adirondack Park Association wh.. I ri nt will be l-l ls ird Lauterbsch, I'r. Al¬ fi-, i i. Loomln and I- Martin Burke. Th" Geneses Vall-y !' '. iclatl n will send !!. rh rt \ -. ii..::..'.tan as Its represent- ii Albany committee haa as Ita i.:-ii Robert latia* Banka Henry Pot- ur. F. Vox. 'I'!... object .-f th" meeting is to Increase the In- forest | ri serration The N a ^ ri H it< ' . .'illy wish t'> . \- van.a :' thi idlron- d ,,-k .cl CatBkill forests, lt ni probable 1 tl the s-.it- .,r illcy ,f the purchase of land in tii" Adtron- ne Pori il Presi i ve. A- pn ¦ -nt preserve ls largely mythical The State thinks i- owi .-> v-ntl h .n In I thousand acnsa " ..I th.- a lirondacks, bul ts title in nearly ...:\ ,., |i founded upon a tax sale, and thtsc can ia- br .ken in almost every case. The programme ot tia- meeting i- as r illowa: ¦. p, m. ip alni tu- ttlng \ .. ,ni.- by Govi ". n iponae .1. Burling Morton. secretary .' iltura .ml president "f tba Atnerlcsa Forestry \ latlon; address bj .* Benator Wnnu*r Millar, Illustrated lecture. "Tha Battle ot the Foreat," by ll I' I'- f Of I'- Iti v Wednesday. Mai I Mornli .."'' after- :, f..r tl-.- r.-iliti.: and discussion of pa- .. lion ..'¦¦'; I>" tn linly oc- 1 wltl Il .-- :' Tbs A llrondack , no \ ii by hr. Ai' Parl :. p lim a ii \ p.- saes"; a I- by l-i. v .. ,; bonsldered"; lllusti il id \.. i .'-.:.il i; illroa . the Beaver I ': - ai-- pr IC- a||- ted l'.>r dis- ( Whit ll i '¦. \ Hoi ip a' the N .rth * t- WI, « -. Iv ni: i Done foi Her Fon Forestry Maners 1 ii ... uf Amerl. in .-'...,.-:- li w to .'"¦m. i-l. Pr la'.- tn. the For i*ry i'r - ma v. hal I- Th :r Aim, a* Work? Are lt-* N ¦: ." The I;- n,h.; of Arbor Day an-l \ in.;- Improve- '- :ry Prob! a.-. A Forestry l-'xperlment In the I'nlted Plates , Farmer I it 111m A u i.i i.--: For. Plai lng lo P. as Lan li Can lt Ite V t-rplanck Colvin, tli.- superintendent of the Ad ¦. In a report just iud milli i: :- .ra appr, prlailon of ISO.wi) i" ontlmie ie * >i k of the survey, v, Ich has I'---', partly discontinued for a few years The un in ..[ money yearly, owing -a. v- \ lin.-- being Incorrect, an I th. to cr. ite « Stilt, I -. Pi ... a iii'-ii; i.-U- liv th- purchase of lands worth irs, rendi rs accurac) in the itlv. ly necessary, ii that is to I"' , alli- 1 oom, BORE or .j FEDERAL COURT. P.APID BKTTLEMENT OF TUB AFFAIRS OF THU LEIIKHI .'. >\l. AND IRON COMPAVT. Milwaukee. March I The Lehigh Coal and Iron t'ompan which weni Into s receiver's banda in April, ISM ha i i.n declared n stored to i .Ivencj ,-I-.«¦ J ri' ia of the l "mt. I St.-ir.-i Circuit i '.-nrr. yesterdaj entered an order dlacharslng the receiver .ml directing thal the estate I" returned to tha corporation Duplicate copies »r the order will be h.. I to-morrow In the I'nlted Btatea Circuit courts In this city, Madison, Wis., and BL Paul, Minn. limn, a.iai. ly thereafter checks to the crediton for ti.- full .um.nut of their dalma w<u be sent from i'i deni Doty's ofllee, and thia action will rele- history a failure which, both rn Its extent a.. I H." .-I ruy with which the Intricate compllca- ' growli i out of it u-i" sett!. I, will, it is said, itaiul "in prominently t ir a long time to come. The i-otnpun) failed for Il.26o.o00. i nder tbe direction ot Ju i. .- J. ai.11... it bas transacted a business of H.ooo,- ;. :. natl, as Bald! la able to i-xy lltoi - Ill full. <'.ii;.i.u L. lt. Doty, the principal receiver of the ...mi. ny, bas during the lasl eleven months, eun- ii,.- ha- it.. ;. i-1 a Igld ord. r enter l tux Jenkins, which provided ..-i effect thal the latter should h.i\a i . .,,-.- -u|.. tn .m..I, of every- .tain I...iv was el ted j ld. nt of the few ilays ia. fore the f illure an waa i ll" w ill resume his ofllee ol pr< sl< m<l no reorganisation of the company will i. iry. "Tmpe .- ttleim ni of so h. av> -i ll i- i..i.,\ in ^ a .i brief ita ¦¦ ns eleven months," .,:, ,.'.i:-'. .it the dosi "I iii" healing y.-st,-r.l..v, ..ls in Itself remarkable The ii|*:r.iii'.n becomes mon- v* -,!' n it ls con il len-1 that «-r----lit--r ill ..il thal result h i" en achieved pt.o'- by the United Stat. I' int." » ..\ tl tjcsB sd too ti ia r i/1 rom. Norwalk, Conn., Mar.'h i Mrs Wlllb>un B. Lows, 0f s..¦ h Plaina N- .1. Who was Miss Mary Me¬ in, .'f thi- city, la ti., defendant In an action i.v Thomas E. Lowe, hotel-keeper of Mor- i. n. .1 , before the Surrogste'B Court a.f i County, x. j Mrs Lows was raarratd t-> William '¦. Lowe, formerly will derk of tba New- Senate, who died January l. Bhe applied for ..r .i.liiiitu.str.itioii on Ins .-stat.', wlii.-b |s Bald i be valuable. Her husband's brother, Thomas j-;. Morristown, asaerta that tba marrtaga was nol legal, and producea records t-. Bbow thal Miss McMahon was married to George Lockey rn ivm, and thai the* bad ona child. A cive.it w.is against granting the edmlnlatration papen, .ml leversl baartags hs»s been held before Siar- berl w. Knight, maatar-ln-chsncery. Mrs. Lowo yesterda) denied bavins sssrrlad Lockey. Thc hear¬ ing has been adjourned to Union County CILYOiS IX TAMMANY HALL. IT IS said THAT MATOR BILROY WILL NOT TRY POR RE-BLECTION. CP.OKKR. THK REPORT HAS IT. TOLD THK MAYOR THAT HR NEED ROT RUM ACAIN-TliK AB- BENCJi OF THK LBADSRS Rf THESE ^lUTI- cai. THCES CAUSES A PANIC ,\M,,.\ii THE RANK ami nu-: or .''in: OROANIZATION. Tt w.uiid be difficult to '.- ti Its b mon des- pents condition of demoralization than at pres¬ ent exists among th Tammany Hall polttldan% v-.-h.i hav.- delighted In the past io call th in;, ives the "Unterrifled Democracy of Mew-York.'* Every day since the last election their i >uragsj has b....ii declining, their faces have been :.,,w- lng longer and paler, snd thei -so loud and boastful, have been getting down to a pitiful whin.* Few of them had mach life or pluck left In them, and whatev, r th tra was c.n- gresaman Dunphy*" bombshell of Saturday seems to have completely knocked out of them. Th.* absence of "Boss" Croker* "P id !y" iMv- ver snd other big indians from tbe i*eservattosi had s disheartening effecl upon the frightens*! "bravos" wive,.- principal work consists in drawing inordinately ls es from ths "tty treasury. The apprehensl i has flUM then for :i'" last i ,ui months ol l< ting ths i i at th.- public crib ams vlsll yester¬ day by Mayor Ollroy's departure Pacuts < .-ist. Why the Mayor should f ll ¦¦¦ .'r'ker's evample end absent himself from his post In such a critical time as this was the subject which occupied ih" min I- of Tammany men who ca-'', ired In l rs yos- terdaj From the Bat! ry to ths ronkers line md 1 to rivi thc qu< stlon sras the pn domin int one. At ¦' ind Demo¬ cratic Clubs, .-¦¦ tl,.- Sagamore, In wi.dh the Mayo has Itu ever sin ; al the N '. the Pequod, the Pontiac, the S ilfiotft, th<- troqu iis, the Stn Hick tty, th" Cherokee, and all the club! Tatn- many wa rlors -.- h y the hon day, the talk was of the li i had left :vd ¦;¦ th rapid which was ti In thc ort THE MAYOR'S DECISION MAW" RIOHT AfTER THE ELEi TION. One of I T-day In political ci ntn wa it I* Hg on Saturday the M led to InUmats fri nds his pui be s fdf *.¦¦ . u -tlon. A .'. trici I. ,o.' who has ei .edi %nt opportunltl s f.,r knowing th facta said that Mayor Gilroy had - mind immell- ately after the Novel on n * to bs a te ag lin. Mr. 0 I, real's d at ence ihe certainty of d .. ii should he se ',< tm* electlon -u th** ha ts of the T r ticket thia year. All M -1. wo,lid be united s i,-. Tammany's fright! I, ita xtravagant expel iitsii.- of the pul lie n Its failure to a.han,-- any system of i ipld transit, or Ind -I any practical city Improvement demanded by the people, and above Iti fal ni of false registration, fraudulent voting and .".Hint¬ ing, and .-.pen and unblushing briber. , he felt that h>* would bs :tvwi under I'.'.' a majority equal perhaps to th.rn by which he was Sleeted lr d'- '.' Hons for Ooo- I.I.*semen In th-* xivth and XVth Districts, and th.* election of Mr. Quigg. th,- Republican can¬ didate, i,y nearly I,. Iii i district that had given a Tammany plurality of '.-""" in Ix;..*, and nearly *. In N. v mb 111 inti the Ma) >r, ii was sal l, in I .thal his candidai y for a sec nd term w< THE Rl'MOR .HM.CAI.I.V BELIEVED. Th- report of Mayor Ollroy's withdrawal frons the Held as s candidate wss sc. ipt< I as i «- by ti Tansmany men S-Si found few who lt. "Do you it Gilroy woul i have K'ne gs tl Tam¬ il ill .:. their i If bs Ub- ; to run again i Wigwam ".] | .:. irs *.. u If I ¦" H ill laid: "Mr. Cii >'e a rs> Hall '¦.¦ mi 1 lt. ker that i with r my Hall h*"d pi > il will be on ali .-. : i « Mr. i till ry late. He gave the May .ir I si I ll S '. be utter f.Hillsl In and it was then lhat ' -.' ,,ls that he i* I would In the 111 .'. sembly District > -terday moat of th. >n was about the blast which 1. mphy ha I "Pa Wy" Dlvver. ntlmi ni a the lubl P. Dtvver a- inti ui. iu m is in many have erys- t.i!i/..*.l Into a belle! thal Divver had gone for g I and a I never sh in New- i gain Th kinsl him which centres In his J iii men v. ho committed tl'.'' < 'tlon frau ls ll i the bani . i l unmans Hall In ths .- unquestionably on the Increase, Sh l I i|vvcr come back li stal of j >p- ular feeling he would be likely to meet sn ex¬ tremely unpli a .'iv ¦'*. pl ,' : pressman Dunph) returned to Washington yesterday. He de* Uni d to add .mi Ung to lils letter of resignatl n fi im Tammanj Hall, and th,* utterances with which he followed lt on Saturday. lin: WEST VIRGINIA DISTURBANCES. EXCITEMENT AT EAOLE POCRTEEN OP THE RIOTOUS STRIKERS I'NDER ARREST Charleston. VT, Va., March I (fSpectal) \t Bagls to-day fourteen rioters *.>.-:¦.. arrested and taken to tli.- Fayette County Jail. More milli tum n sri re >.*nt up from Charleston cns afternoon to be on band in case trouble m .s caused by arrests of the itrikera, The Coroner's Inquest over Adkins, the dead mines*. will probably be llnlshi l to-morrow. Some excitement *a iraus. i ... beagle aboui * I p, kn. b) the arrest t Mr. VVyant, s/ho will be tried at Fayette In the morning if the striker* do nat take him aw iy from the guard, aa th. y threaten. A large erewd ls ai Ragle m.ikli of threats, bm -. far n ad ual i li n, ha io irred s ;.t!re Adkins. \".i,.-- son hms among th. i tua s i ... :§, iu i the warrant for Wyam TO FIGHT REBELLIOUS 8QUATTEBB A BTRONa FORCE OF ARMED l>i:i'.d'Y-M ARMIAU IN '.' i:-T VIROIN1 \. Huntington, W, Va., March * il alter tim'** are promts i in the mountain counties <,f Kadut*, Mercer snd W) in than there bas yei been in it,- strikiiii; Kan iwha Valley with the miners The title to ibout ) aei of dud in ih.se .'."aniios ls in dispute. The Govi claims that i: has never been passed from the old land othes patent The Flat Top Coal snd Land A elation i ila_s a title i.y purchase ¦ kreral >, ira ago and tbs tat¬ ters, who | as. ii land now, claim it by right of possession. A suit In the '..d Butte* <.,,,,it ;,, determine the ownership, The Flat Top coal and Land Association and Ihe Government have pooled their issues against the squatters. Judge Jacki m has oi Bared , survey to he made. Lasl week sn engineer corps began a ,rk in Wyom¬ ing County, bul srere stopped by an srmed band nf the squatters^ who aotlttsd to them thai no survey would be allowed, deputy Marsha) M. H. Vinson and l>. H. Harman, arith twenty-flve m.*n srmed and equipped f..r ,. two weeks' slav. 1. ft McDowell for Wyoming County last night Mai J Lindsey Vinson jy...es to-morrow with snottier squat] of di Duties ni protect ths surveyor*. HlooUshed ls almost certain to follow. TEM TEBB1DBNT sees' orr hatteras. Cap*- Henry, VAL, Mardi 4 ThS lli'htliniise ten¬ der Violet, with l'ri'Mldiiit C|.>v,-land and Secretary Qreshass an board, snas assn lats yesterday aftep. iioi.n at a point twelve miles from Hatteras. Shs left there to-day. and ls supposed to have gone .north, but has not yet been sighted hera.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1894-03-05. · ippcal, aa none of his colleagues could, to the mth isiasm snd of the public. Bli JV un Hare ii to t.«k--i dace ls really a splendid

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unr.n kimberle* ron titi: foreign omcB-



1*1,ai ll OF CHIEF





ii \"-

'. lenry Pons mby, the

Qu secretary, visit. Lord RoseberyIn London -. :; " snd I. ld him

of th.- ti !., n's wish thal pl the Pphip. Lr rd Ro? .¦ any

Immediate de red st length with

).;< ,- .ii. iguea in thr Cabin it, and delayed hla

i until ."¦

Th* Queen will »m Windsor tn Londonto-day and will p ve L »rd i; .s bery sn audience

In i. s.i- w llllam ll ireourt

Chan fl ''' -hequer; Earl Spencer, Firs!

Lord of Ihe Admiralty, and Herbert Asquithj- - l in "il. ry yes¬

terday. Mr. GlaJatone atl '-¦ l the ChapelRoyal. St. James's In Ihe morning, and took no

part in Ihe C iking.I Roaeberj »nd Edwsrd Mnrjorlhsnks,

cxo. f LilIn 'a until

late lost ev \ ">ha rc-

turn.-al to hla h ime he foun I tm an-

soanclng the i Bath, of hla

lather, Bar >n T ith. Mr. M

hail gone with hla f ithor I

Ire. bul ha 1 retu I to tov nee to conferLord R Aa Mr. M ks n .w

f i to I !' an v. Ill sit in the

i:f Loi I '¦¦'" ral whipan 1 1'.:tr,'nan,* Be rotary to the Ti isury willbc c..me v.-.

"Tl I isllyNewa" snya this "PlIcu:".: f Cal net-msking, whl a throat,

inlng last w k. ai melting away. Affairs are

low virtually .-"'¦ 1 Slr William Harcourt's. ration may l~- '. upon.

|| v... i^-lit that thi Eai! of Klm-

baley shall take the F .reign < Il ll pr >b-

tible that Mr. I. is to LordRr.?,'! may h oty a billpcrmi"lng thi I t h b< tweeiis Lords or sui nt lha Cmons.


"Mr, Oladston' -a wh i him at

:h- .-'a dinner on S iturd iy,

wc- mu ¦; sti u k wi i

ira:ia; j y, ever fi -> .us, Tl ere ls no i essll

: elof hil yes i:-' can si ¦¦

tu": . tfo 1 il Btatij ^ .- f . there.

-. Cablineetlng Mr <!! vert

if th lev 'tlon ".' hisThe .-¦..¦

t Coi lurprlseii - "The N- wa

" "li a li icrous fl"The News". lc by

Hr. L.ii< >u I ere t Mr Mf Lord R. rt t rv for the Pn mlershlp

ilr. Msrjoiibsnl I Radical lead-

.r's lotter, anya "The News," wss very simple!t men-!/ d a public controversy ..n tbe

itrbject In s lei on 1 :- hei y ss Pi.aler. "Tbs Ni -vs' aayr "The new Premier willippcal, aa none of his colleagues could, to the

mth isiasm snd of the public. BliJV un Hare ii to t.«k-- i

dace ls really a splendidilthough In this Instai li<- i .. Iii I- wer in thelousef C extei

Tl |*will 1 d tiI int" .'. Partial a atroay.

ll !. ...lol f tr thi

l.« t"ii' hos.oner:.".il;.*¦ -I 1. :l - . He lslai.l to 1*Ji-e I aid tothe Mlnlire lt.

i: '.M 'al "CAVE NO ;.' -v<; :i:

"T » Dallyaa a hoatllCatii .-. .'

!.¦ lian I thalthem.

M: 1.» ptai :

"l*he Chi mlcle" tterlv up >n 'ii"; thai th

:.'. .1 Mr. Sladsi >n< "s

Thr C'.¦


ilone ... .-

nonai','..} red al

.. . fled hilBth mu -ti ri g

rill regret uitting the For-tii-ri Ofl .... he |H¦' f thc G

i ns for it. Allihe Earl |KJIlank as IO ti..: i.

ted there ls n ne othe. more.toltol ll ireourt,

< self-denl nddnes: ts, will, a Chi u lo of the Exchi -

Ind li H <' ¦: ons, quitels much the 1 ead of thc C Lord Ros.

.¦ eh me pol ¦."

J:' ERERT THE BE8T M.'.'. ,: PLACE."The Times" says: "Th ime of tba

r. ... lon i-i thc i. ¦: party un-

i n as lim the leader-hl;> with si i rd Rosebery's pros-.*¦ : ty thia convlc-Idta lg evei is ll thathf r ii ry will as 1 ng a- it lasts, followHrrmu id the old i ne Tha duratloiIlls 1 be a matter of' ide to L y. He was thrown

ntly Into a posl-I'a.'i wber ls a ch ilill i Tts a.f ., ,,| j;, ,om.Istlbli em* lute of any co-i- rent body of com.

ti. He nu.'¦" n of a

ward, patriotic .. can-lotbe with-1lt !» peri | of i md i tlectionh Ihe pal la Opposll"Tha Moi ;. i: "-

¦jory ati'i n*H'rl>' es I a more Palmei mian and.strlotlc p cy. In v. hloh thej .. | -;iir.l\'"",lJ:'' the Opp ;. m. H*'' 'r .''o' ul y will I to di trd thi lr hi ritage."

VATIVBH REPULSED WITH HKVKRE LOM¦Lond ,ii, ;" ',..., from Hath irat,

'¦" the Wesl Ind sn¦.glm. nt h ipii .alla, fter ov rcom-

.' .,- Tl***** | to ri tal ¦¦

"ht- i ,«;i bj . ,

'¦¦ .¦'..-;--.tounu. ny natives were I Hied The.¦ola surrounding countrj ls bostllo to the BrltUli.


j. Mir--:i 4. Thirteen Anarchists wera ar-here to-diiy Explosives were found iti ths

-xlfe'lnt-i xii I ,..; f tn. m.

"'LEV hassan TO PAT A 610 INDEMNITY.Madrid, .M.-.r.'ii i Tba n solutions between Spain

«<1 Morucc. ..s to ii,,- Rlfflss attaeka on .m. mia

\*\ 'ail ,-ir,- report tl to have been clo>sad. Bnitsas^,i^Jili'"':"1 "a8 agreed 4... pay an Indemnity ot'.'¦A-.uw i.cso-taa.





HOP DEFBNnED cv THE Ministiti; ivs.


c.s.- :: or THE FAIt.1 RE iy THE' OMMERCIAI. THE \TV IN

THE RI ICHi PAa'-,*-,,.¦(,. 1884: i.., THt Vntteii fret,.

Berlin, March i General Bi nsarl v n Bcbel.IT, Prussian \v ir Mlnisti r, made a

spec a on Friday against the s lalls. T " cause ivis given b; A

"..¦I.. I. leader of the S Kial »em ¦,

lebel, after denying thal S tail a ¦:.¦ alwaysil soldiers, said that In the next war a

lumber of men with ul commissions wouldessarily be railed tc Bli ll .¦ pla - I ol lei

Viiimi*- ihe men who v. .ul . beo res;, it- ble posts wei ir n) B Therovernmenl mlghl well be glad, therefore, to

". able to reckon on the supp >ri of a party likehi Boclal Democracy which wai powerful not

inly in the Reichstag, bu' In the army.i ,' nive rheer nn 1 laughter the

Var Mlnlt. I ally thal he re-

I In thi e that 1 he c >unl v mightup m Its Social Dem ratlc cns In

had ii-'

»y ml In >n c mi erntng th, ynlty ofbul lt nal.--: now be allay. '. as

Social '. mo t itlc lea li r had

Iven the assurance thal ll prevaleni mistrustrna groundless. Toward the close *.f his kjhi h,

vee. the War Ml ter I *

uni declared wimi n wi l oj ¦ d

Ine to

; In thi arm;

In tin di bst« on tl ¦¦ army ci lerdnyi Social D '.!inii.nie¦!

rs. '. :. the K npei .r'f il (1 ncr t! \ on

vlrchi ter thal

td !,.¦¦ *.*, as the Herr 1if thc '.Tagebllltt." wlo. published .-. ;..v,..

ff. ti': di. .;' hadwith air.-.

. ir li . of tl. Hod i. igli ;¦ ral ili ... an ¦ ab r ite de-

'.-ii,., ol Kirchoff .vi! ind;', cly of the Empcmr.¦What man ol

. lld i

il General > Kiri hh..f *vhi n the., ,; 1,. lp him avenge ihe Bland, rs on his


ation with.a i: idle ,;> with InterruiSocial I)

v r's sp-?. ::¦, ..'." 1 ihe I.th him I

Td,: a m

11. u'.' I even Rl'.rify Kli 'hh f t ,r ihe...

law courts of tl.

Liberal dalli. li ¦¦ th Wairenee* lo be

lfl .''¦"

PAd- Mi:,vt- that I !en< ral v rn K

,, ,r ;.when he sh .' H

The discussion '¦: t) *v >r Mini *»

has only bi gun To-mon w tho| Boclal 1'

will unite

The hotels In Bl Petersburg are crowdedHerman traders ai l

ir-- pn parti g I take adti--.it\- tbe moment it shall base past l I ..

Reichstag. They re-porl thai the tn ,..¦ ls the

inly subject In foreign i tics whl I »w In-

ietreats the Rtuaian Although ll I- a

in thal th" treaty will be I

..* Ministry In SI Pi tersburg has

|j <vr th.* other venl by framing m< *

r ... further n ; Iscls. Thea, pi epai ki ms have

mg i.n - ispe t< I, If n I actually kn¦..*¦

Berlin, and have d ne mu "h to enhai¦\ hi 'ht Strasse. "

,nt< ti pli ¦.-.:¦! to be ai

forbid " n peasants and «

Bas: Pik-r w >ul.l deprl e East Pru i

,.f ;...- ul., f Ru n cheap lab i. ai d

would be espi c tal to

wh aire I- suffer from ths u

lab .-. i¦.

m w manuf'"¦-

onlsm .- re apparent tl

pi ,-. ll. i-:

!:. foi th< tn

i:,..t,..|. ,.. ., bul Utileipon Finalph i

Tle al¦ toward

i atill doubtful. Tb" Stat**s H,villi t are

,I South .> .''."¦ Tam .ni.' whom are severs ibl :

,. ', threat to formwith a !.

platf rm, In ... th. pi ussian Ctin vt t vr nt,

. .*- .


anr.A t dem ii »n at iii da-pi

Bu la-i". -.; m in :¦ i M.

join* ll In favor of thi

Civil Marrlai ¦' ter < Toz* pi .'¦¦¦ ) ..-. t

mi etina *!- mA h ..¦

marchi i the stree!for the Cabinet and travl innei

J kal. th. auth rt, Pn ml. r Vd k rle,Mil .,f Public \'. ot ihip, at. I I". yon

Kzllagyi, Mini: ter of Ju itlc 1 hs ai ot ai

MlnUte ::; th. atre, : ti u bi en ihe Igmifor lu tultuou di mon itrai ii * :\ my h is,

llluml ian to-night.

ARRESTED I".,lt MENACING KING HUMBERTRome, Mar h t a msn named Ollvlerl waa ai

ri i,, r,- .,n Fridai becaus*! he had threatened ti

attack K ing 11 timberi After hli srn

.-,.-:. d tba* he waa the person who, on EmpeiWilliam's vi' li !.. re in 1830, thn w Int I hi

carriage s letter denouncing Germany and ti,

house of ll.naollern a« re pon iii for Italy')financial troubl. and politic -.1 linn :.


DI RUDINTS VIEW OF ITALIAN FINANCEDRome, Marc i Thi M irq il ll i: Uni, P

iiil.-r, told Iho i'i,Iv ". Pn ss corn ponden!that he, with all other members pf ih,

would make every effort i" preveni the .;¦ ernm t.

fl ,:,;He advor itril i

the hi av? taxation nf foill Rudlni he l, vi i!,"' much mon Ithe Cablni i cul il - in bc ived by , nomy lt

tary and,,:.,'.'. lt" i lld, If prop. nd, would i

iry i vt ral ol the m ¦.¦ lag pro|the Cabinet. He thinlpl mary po. ig the ne* de I admlnl ratlv.reforn ul mbci of the R'ia h. , foi Ity "i the ommll tee un the auh ,

u lenl '. ,

¦' n ind n ihi aam.* Im. thal Ih, ,..

of trill powi be a ictly d< lin. I.

KOSSUTH AG .IN (SERIOUSLY ILLTorin. M. ii 1. I... id Kossuth, the ll

patriot. I red s rel ipso, and lsill. I >r. ii, o. his phj lc li pairs o|...... d !. lu-... io take gular me ll




A llghi occurred las: nlghl ,i Fourteenth-i t. an.Flrst-ave. between "Ed." Oorr, nineteen yura old,,r No. 4'*» East Fourteenth-st.. Augutu.- sam.- address; Charlea Shaffer and Ld** ,,.i \\,gan. During Ihe ne.,t Hogan waa -tabb*) A ih,

neck, but who stabbed him could >i"t be learnedThe quarrel was tb. resull ,.i an old lend lieiui .,

Hogan m I Ihe ot]lw« '

A policeman from the Hast Fifth-st. s(.-,ij.,t| ,tsn ambulance summoned and Hogan was rem,to Bellevue Hospli ,i lu an unconscious <.in which hs r.-ii'.uin.d until 1 o'clock, when he duiThe Sh*ffei :., . a, wera arrested and .,¦«,¦,,

In the Flfih-st. station.KL ' "






I-'IN'AN. r. MMI' TBE 'l LU »»


Wa ,1 ireh I I7i I- sa the pl ins ot the'. mei Sen ite Finn Com-

i ilttee i: .-ll os the Tariff bill will be laidt re th full Tuesday m n

IO "'cl !< Attn erring togetb r I

part of the thi n sta bi lleve IheyI ive come as nei.r solving the situation as poa-Bible, and tl rht la tn take thefinal vote to-nm ri.n, although Mr.-i wi nted ii .. whole question dlspos. ¦! ofal yeaterday*s m etlng. Th.- disputed schedulesha1 ¦¦ been i largely discussed, nnd bo manytentative propm den d thal it only re-m..in.' to decide dm ll) n hlch of thi -a.- shall *

Incorporated In Ihe bill. Although the commit-ti .. ni pr 'ttty thoroughly whai ll willdo, th .pei ednle i are sugar, whiskey, coal,Iron ore. 1 I ore, 1 imb r itton fsbrli s, leath.

silk*'.\ l',¦:. ber of th-- Fin ince Corn

Hs us dng Ih. sltuntl. n iti commltti ¦¦

In tt--* Senate, I >>nlghl talk, d..¦; l-i-- ss rep arter with fradmlt- i

Ung ihe facti whii h othi r Si natoi i ive

"We have iuth,"lpns "and will be pel ll

,v h ileand unlnjiir Wi f the n



to utterly de-i I n<»t i

rrom lt Ipl \ passed

i.. ,-< ..

bree Wefour D.-mocrnta thi RIthree I'opul i. Two Democrat \

wei .. i- .¦ .. we .;


handlt. T ....

Ti I.

Mr. V. ill ¦ ipn-mels laki ti. bul h.

equall; .-

bill ir ls taki n

in. IllMurj they

..'- v..' king i ird r isl ms bul **."!il'1bill when it

.!. liilonsi thal must

1"- mel | !. weihe certain disaster that

i w ai efeat of the tarlfllu the For thatibill i lng ta. lt th supp i'. .¦:'

Ure pail Btated 'Int *o\.-n different

i i 'i'-it: mn h I been submltti I to tlt. by one '

¦: -t.-tn dui . .

p to No. IA 1thal Thi

ler, snd pr

thal lt a

-. ¦ t th.

T<> M lill. p-|


Inn In Mi"

I,.- i,. h Mi M Phi i n

Ins, In u ll- h h

I- ....

f red

Ill, at the . nd of llv. ai. In pu lil a ll

;.|. ...

ll pulii a h<-n Ia Id Itel Repul


Al -7 / /*. TE\ TO MR. CROSER!

i,- viitv ': -i ¦..

P :.:. I'.ia':.-

I RIty when a rei

... ,! -|. at--il s Btfl, t r ot i

.. r, promolward, r sn I *'";' "' ' ''

rw-York Mr. Crokei k. -i

;;, m. .-' In -¦: w.-t to Mr. 1irg<

..jr nunpl ';' '''¦'¦.' uir'

have l-i';' arr. Bled I rn '.¦' .'"" ¦' 'I"-'"

v,,-,, Ki ,...,., |. my .an- "i Sen Yt rh violate", ths., |aTl Tammany Hall will prosecute him I

t care I mak <"'¦ sn wi i io Mr. Dunphy'sIII I ¦¦'¦'¦ hi* letter Hi hal better

, , ,,.,. ... ,.', td" H'l Dlntrlct. ll

U, ,, Tummanj ls golna to pl*c*a and

I, in .,, , ;-. i ..il lie mush1 diflerenti thi'fall I V"; ''"'" '"

,urt] mattel until have seen

l"i"!u't'. Cockran, of New-York, will arrive hen.i. , k



,- ... ,.,,,..- .aa Mar. li 1 Columbian County,..'., ai. .- ry I emptj nnd 'I'.. -. ir.

.....elli I" '"!' I" ."I ot all

],. led until the ti ry ls n pl. il i<

..., ..ia pi i 'i i John li- ron, foi

for ll \ Si-..a'- v ... devi ,.

nn.l dyn ll I--I. i-l.. 'a. Tl";

lt li I.--

j;:;:,, .. ,,,..- wa. Bttempt. and fall.

Ann \'i"'i Mi >> Hn\ h I Whitman an Knowl--:.. "for. '," »¦¦> "".."

il,- mm!' '"' ***." '' ""H '"."I for . .,- w trial

in- million ls th- eha

[PW , 1el for il-.- .i-iIV ,,.,.,'. lhal ... Ri iphlc il.

1 rl,.?l«n of the lui'l". ""...' ¦'' .'"

,-, ,. i, Mo larch 4 ¦» i. wlil.-h v mi In,,,:. .-¦ ..a,. of lb- -at*' in,.-' hold 'H. Of a li

it ,,, bm '"'" *vh",h ""¦V '.,,¦ "', ,,,'-.. lil . hy them ti.

., -', x.i-l- .'l«*w. li l- thoushl thal tl,

.,.m -,,. ...i.'.-'l"! In n heavy hell of tlml»r1., ,,.,,., Rl ,,,,.. Rmi a ran il rch la I

.,; of ti.- Rock I.:, nd mid th-.- .mpanl. hav. off. red ¦

th. bandits


Bbrereport, La.. Msrch * A ir-.n ndous exploal >n

o( ,.,.,.,;,., in i'i.- le wli D nh- Company's whole-. ',,. -. "'¦ loch last nlshl blew oul the

t.\ ;t.-. wi...a. ... i,.,. -i,-.irn ij m.. wore,i .1 ind inn,i.m. nt atora was

.lao burned, and B Wolff's drygoods More arIl,'..k were darna*. I "bj smoke and water. Tbatotal i"»--« '¦ H-^.1'"-'; Inaurancs, RM *








111 vs Pl ,\". BR IN BT \ li: POLITICH,

Troy, March 4 (Special). When United StatesSenator Edward Murohy, Jr.. n o hts dutiesIn Washington on Wednesday or Thursday it

is i, >t likely lhal he will be In the rn wsl enviableIv,un.* ,.f mind, This man. who ls held .-

hie foi making Rensselai r County,Ically, one -,f the v.les sink-holes In the coun-

try. this Hine is likely to in* t a well-deservedThe r, j ilcings ,,f de p, pie of Lan-

alnghurg wtioti they recently were r leased fromhd control wera mild in comparison with thedemonstratlor of delight which will be mid,*

by th.* c::i/."Tis ,,j Ti ij shoul ii happen that

Murphy and his ; 'lowing "f timk-s and l,

;,. t i],e n nv Th.- -, m of strength be¬

tween Murphy on the on.. :.j i,. and th,- decentm i. "f thia div on the other will c n.ti

'i' iy, it the eli v n for M lyor. Tlc- Re¬publicans and iii I,, tter class of th-- Den

In the tlon of 1te ..f in" city, Mayor Whalan,

thc Murphy elemenl has put forward ni ls what

Mr Murph]ill hd

route I by i hal majority.i' W.I ' I'

II!' 'I

r nn la- Iheel-

ted political <*l

irphynk lt i

¦. nds at hmlu I-ansingburg." Tl Mr.

rs thathould happi ni

'i .-.'. the r ,!,..-

.ff In the numil. ich would

v Murphy I

irs ii ler ai

a that Iminintry, are

t the Giivei

" mlnatlon.kk'HT kl

Mr. VI tha

f t he

led tocount ths Ing thal May, r

Cornir Whalan

Itlsei le up their .. >ver,

m mid b.v ¦. a!.,ni

M ur|..

\ ..lollS



,' I

,. al i'i"kV. Tr ¦*..

At le

un iii.- .¦ iunty i¦

f'.r ipi

I..- i cia) Iwofi nm '" "" tramps I

ii, n T

f -i ¦¦ for In lt tlM

i, o' prure i fair a thi fal Thu\. wnt.he with ll rr ive mn leithe by Whalan or Murphy, an I. as the*

\. Ul Whalan a* gsli lt pleas.o to see Murphy Ireuitik .-nt. on hi

ii l

rtuVEHNOR FLOWER'S CHANOK Ol !'.' 'Il I< ¦%'.

The Republicans and ever) deoeml citizen here

h p* d that Governor I r w >ul l have

h len) reg ird >r ls pl lg< and pisign the bill a*hl h wa- pa cd last week,thi* city a non-partisan board of el, timi In¬apt [-tor v Ills f|ull hiing over a te hi leal !¦¦-

.,- hlch ri ill) -I- the bill In theI,- ist. Indicate* thai some pr, lg lnflu>*n ¦¦.

has been at work i" change 'ns condition nfmind from whal ll was when he pi .mptly

the meaaure pr ivlding a ti rn jiartl au

hoard for Albany. A w ire, Ihel: ii,j nf Elect li In p.*.-toi this i Ity are

Mn phy-Molloy mi n. Th ¦. ap--Hilnti d by the ll ard of Pi li"- C .mini isloners,an I Murph; 's i!:'!;'" ite for Mayor, Kr incl J,Moll..). Murph)'- n pr. aenl itlv. nn th. ruianl,

t to be supp vd thal Mr M Hoy. a pEda arl Murphy. Jr.. In the sch m\ nt n

w .md fall to mak i-p the lt, ii I nf El vtlon In-irs in any excel manner to

h..,, elf? There ls only one Republican memberon the h ard, and ll ls f are that h will hebuild,./.,*d and bruwlw lent thala [treal i umbel of I it " otes will be

¦... hi pen d, hov ever, that ll wa <; ,\ ernorvhe bill, lilli

ihoul Ihe tl n ¦¦ had made up himind uti'; II ire to lt, a t, lephonemensaid was rerelved fi ,m Tn>y, urning him t .

he bill "i pul ll IT until te a Antethal the me inure *.* lld be of i us. foi I h i

election. I' was on Friday morning thal it

)¦ ario I i h \ ernor h id f ut,,I a

trifling ern r In the hill, and Charles s. Fm nels,ol i his .iv, w< ni over to Alli iny to se.

ibiin be dom to -¦. the me ui

i, ,1 shape thal the "..vern .r would si

ut further .!. lay. Mr. F'¦ h Jacob A. Cam ti D leader InIhe Senate, ind him wh"th Il' R.x hcboes. and oilier Ri ..add tn Hies shoul ;..

pul int,, the bill, lt could b*» pul Ihnmonee, and If the .vi 11 ¦¦ w iu Mr,c.niloc answer,' I thal he n i I willing ihebill shoul 1 gu th.;,, i.i thal way, bm he

I ¦' for the Govi"He must sign i: " ho said "He cam

I his I ' by I'u'd .-:, j, ..

itor s.i> ton u-r ed ti," ai tendmi nts, hutwhen Mr. Francl mci I the Kxcrutlve Cham¬ber he found thal th. Governor was more un¬certain than ever over the bill. He want, towall for the O'Connor bill.


Yesterday Corporatl in Counsel Roche, of Troy.a l>>* ,1"' iTt. wenl before the Governor and madegrgumeni tn tnroe ot his signing the Troy bin.Mr. ii"' he ."aid that ti.mission of ths tm.. ,,f

j the SSCtlon ut thc* charter to which the bill up.

piled di l n il Invalidate th.* Mil or leave it tracer-'¦' hi. I. .- ti..ns ..f the charter the amend-

1:"'"; : applied ti-i'v two sections of th- city> hart, r w< re referrej tn in the bill, and as there

"'I.- r .-. tiona of a similar number in thecharter, ll was Impossible t mak, any mistake

- l whl li th" measure waa l i

ll i.- ¦..ai.i thal telephonic communicationhl two, ':. ,,i, the Ese. utlve Ch imber was

¦';."¦¦-' I yest rday morning, sn l that tha,;"v rnor then was more anxious than ever t'»wall ir th O'Conn. r bill.

ble, but ti'.; likely, that the Governormay r. lent to-mo mn in : ilgn the bill In time toI" rmll the May ir of Troy to ap] .Int the "ii" ad¬ditional electl i Ina].or. Benator Murphy lathe chairman of ih<- Democratic --' C mmlt¬tee, iiml Democrats who sre looking for renoml-

nol dare offen him. Thia may l.on n ar Flower's predicament At any rat", theOovernor will add nothing m his reputation byquibbling over a technical point in a law whl.'hwould operate sn advantage .usly inst at thintime in tii.. Interest of a fair and square election.







Till" ADIRONDACKSSSOS TUB 111 a'.l I Ali i-K'tl'M'oMil'.NT OS Titi: T'ilP.CNt?

Albany, Mar.-h 4. -Onr> of th" mfi«t important ron-

i- - ver held in Albany will be in .session here

"ii March 'i. 7 and B, when there will be a jointof tia- American Foreatry Association, the

New-York stat" Forestry Association, tin- Alli.-

.Lui; Park Association, an.l tha VHri"iis I-,.-al for*latlons .'I tli- Btate of New-York, t"

with repreeentatlvee "f the State Foreat

Commissions cf Sew-York, Penna>lvania snd tha

Ni W Ki,ri ii .' St it.-s.\ ti '¦. 'l here ster lay ttt rn .'.

m, Secretarj of Agriculture an.l presl-Amertcan F. itrj Si uoclatlon, ¦

that iv would attend the meeting. Il ls als., hopedr.at ex-S nator Wan. r Miller, wh-, ls a leading

r the Adirondack Park Aeaociatton. will

\ -.rut tl.- iii'inl" .'- Of th" At vii' ll!

Forestry Assoclatlofl who are coming are BertholdI-: Ftraovt, .1 I .. W. French, Warren Higley and

ral James Oran! Wilson. Ti"- New-York Btate

F< Association will be represented by Morrisi. ... up iii" RlRbl Rev. Willina Croswell hoan-.

i mt Bplsc pal bishoi of Alb iny, and Pro-

,\. s Bickmore, of New-York. Among thei. ,.f tii- Adirondack Park Association wh..

I ri nt will be l-l ls ird Lauterbsch, I'r. Al¬

fi-, i i. Loomln and I- Martin Burke. Th" Geneses

Vall-y !' '. iclatl n will send !!. rh rt

\ -. ii..::..'.tan as Its represent-ii Albany committee haa as Ita

i.:-ii Robert latia* Banka Henry Pot-ur. F. Vox.

'I'!... object .-f th" meeting is to Increase the In-

forest | ri serration The

N a ^ ri H it< ' . .'illy wish t'> . \-

van.a :' thi idlron-

d ,,-k .cl CatBkill forests, lt ni probable 1 tlthe s-.it- .,r

illcy ,f the purchase of land in tii" Adtron-ne Pori il Presi i ve. A- pn ¦ -nt

preserve ls largely mythical The State

thinks i- owi .-> v-ntl h .n In I thousand acnsa "

..I th.- a lirondacks, bul ts title in nearly

...:\ ,., |i founded upon a tax sale, and thtsc

can ia- br .ken in almost every case.

The programme ot tia- meeting i- as r illowa:¦. p, m. ip alni tu- ttlng

\ .. ,ni.- by Govi ". n iponae.1. Burling Morton. secretary .'

iltura .ml president "f tba Atnerlcsa Forestry

\ latlon; address bj .* Benator Wnnu*r Millar,Illustrated lecture. "Tha Battle ot the Foreat," by

ll I' I'- f Of I'- Iti v

Wednesday. Mai I Mornli .."'' after-:, f..r tl-.- r.-iliti.: and discussion of pa-

.. lion ..'¦¦'; I>" tn linly oc-

1 wltl Il .-- :' Tbs A llrondack, no \ :¦ ii by hr. Ai'

Parl:. p lim a ii \ p.- saes"; a I-

by l-i. v


,;bonsldered"; lllusti il

id \.. i.'-.:.il i; illroa


the BeaverI

':- ai-- pr IC-

a||- ted l'.>r dis-(Whitll

i '¦.\ Hoi

ip a' the N .rth * t-

WI, « -. Iv ni: i Done foi Her FonForestry Maners

1 ii ... uf Amerl. in .-'...,.-:- li w to.'"¦m.

i-l. Pr la'.- tn.the For i*ry i'r - ma

v. hal I- Th :r Aim,a* Work?

Are lt-* N ¦: ."

The I;- n,h.; of Arbor Day an-l \ in.;- Improve-'- :ry Prob! a.-.

A Forestry l-'xperlment In the I'nlted Plates, Farmer I it 111m A u i.i i.--:

For. Plai lng lo P. as Lan li Can lt Ite

V t-rplanck Colvin, tli.- superintendent of the Ad¦. In a report just iudmilli i: :- .ra appr, prlailon of ISO.wi)

i" ontlmie ie * >i k of the survey, v, Ich hasI'---', partly discontinued for a few years The

.¦ un in ..[ money yearly, owing-a. v- \ lin.-- being Incorrect, an I th.

to cr. ite « Stilt, I -. Pi ...

a iii'-ii; i.-U- liv th- purchase of lands worthirs, rendi rs accurac) in the

itlv. ly necessary, ii thatis to I"' , alli- 1



LEIIKHI .'. >\l. AND IRON COMPAVT.Milwaukee. March I The Lehigh Coal and Iron

t'ompan which weni Into s receiver's banda in

April, ISM ha i i.n declared n stored to i .Ivencj,-I-.«¦ J ri' ia of the l "mt. I St.-ir.-i Circuit i '.-nrr.

yesterdaj entered an order dlacharslng the receiver.ml directing thal the estate I" returned to thacorporation Duplicate copies »r the order will beh.. I to-morrow In the I'nlted Btatea Circuit courts

In this city, Madison, Wis., and BL Paul, Minn.

limn, a.iai. ly thereafter checks to the crediton forti.- full .um.nut of their dalma w<u be sent fromi'i deni Doty's ofllee, and thia action will rele-

history a failure which, both rn Its extenta.. I H." .-I ruy with which the Intricate compllca-' growli i out of it u-i" sett!. I, will, it is said,itaiul "in prominently t ir a long time to come. The

i-otnpun) failed for Il.26o.o00. i nder tbe direction ot

Ju i. .- J. ai.11... it bas transacted a business of H.ooo,-;. :. natl, as Bald! la able to i-xy

lltoi - Ill full.<'.ii;.i.u L. lt. Doty, the principal receiver of the

...mi. ny, bas during the lasl eleven months, eun-

ii,.- ha- it.. ;. i-1 a Igld ord. r enter l

tux Jenkins, which provided ..-i effect thal thelatter should h.i\a i . .,,-.- -u|.. tn .m..I, of every-

.tain I...iv was el ted j ld. nt of thefew ilays ia. fore the f illure an waa

i ll" w ill resume his ofllee ol pr< sl<

m<l no reorganisation of the company willi. iry. "Tmpe .- ttleim ni of so h. av> -i ll i-

i..i.,\ in ^ a .i brief ita ¦¦ ns eleven months,".,:, ,.'.i:-'. .it the dosi "I iii" healing y.-st,-r.l..v,..ls in Itself remarkable The ii|*:r.iii'.n becomes

mon- v* -,!' n it ls con il len-1 that «-r----lit--rill ..il thal result h i" en achieved pt.o'-

by the United Stat. I' int."»

..\ tl tjcsB sd too ti ia r i/1 rom.

Norwalk, Conn., Mar.'h i Mrs Wlllb>un B. Lows,0f s..¦ h Plaina N- .1. Who was Miss Mary Me¬

in, .'f thi- city, la ti., defendant In an actioni.v Thomas E. Lowe, hotel-keeper of Mor-

i. n. .1 , before the Surrogste'B Court a.f

i County, x. j Mrs Lows was raarratd t->

William '¦. Lowe, formerly will derk of tba New-Senate, who died January l. Bhe applied for

..r .i.liiiitu.str.itioii on Ins .-stat.', wlii.-b |s Baldi be valuable. Her husband's brother, Thomas j-;.

Morristown, asaerta that tba marrtagawas nol legal, and producea records t-. Bbow thalMiss McMahon was married to George Lockey rn

ivm, and thai the* bad ona child. A cive.it w.is

against granting the edmlnlatration papen,.ml leversl baartags hs»s been held before Siar-berl w. Knight, maatar-ln-chsncery. Mrs. Lowoyesterda) denied bavins sssrrlad Lockey. Thc hear¬ing has been adjourned to Union County








THE RANK ami nu-: or .''in:

OROANIZATION.Tt w.uiid be difficult to '.- ti Its b mon des-

pents condition of demoralization than at pres¬ent exists among th Tammany Hall polttldan%v-.-h.i hav.- delighted In the past io call th in;, ivesthe "Unterrifled Democracy of Mew-York.'*Every day since the last election their i >uragsjhas b....ii declining, their faces have been :.,,w-

lng longer and paler, snd thei -so

loud and boastful, have been getting down toa pitiful whin.* Few of them had mach life or

pluck left In them, and whatev, r th tra was c.n-

gresaman Dunphy*" bombshell of Saturday seems

to have completely knocked out of them.Th.* absence of "Boss" Croker* "P id !y" iMv-

ver snd other big indians from tbe i*eservattosihad s disheartening effecl upon the frightens*!"bravos" wive,.- principal work consists in

drawing inordinately ls es from ths "ttytreasury. The apprehensl i has flUM thenfor :i'" last i ,ui months ol l< ting ths i i

at th.- public crib ams vlsll yester¬day by Mayor Ollroy's departure Pacuts< .-ist. Why the Mayor should f ll ¦¦¦ .'r'ker's

evample end absent himself from his post In

such a critical time as this was the subjectwhich occupied ih" min I- of Tammany men who

ca-'', ired In l rs yos-terdaj From the Bat! ry to ths ronkers line

md 1 to rivi thc qu< stlon sras the

pn domin int one. At ¦' ind Demo¬cratic Clubs, .-¦¦ tl,.- Sagamore, In wi.dh the

Mayo has Ituever sin ; al the N '. the

Pequod, the Pontiac, the S ilfiotft,th<- troqu iis, the Stn Hick tty, th"

Cherokee, and all the club! Tatn-

many wa rlors -.- h y the hon

day, the talk was of the li i had left:vd ¦;¦ th rapid which was



One of I T-dayIn political ci ntn wa it I* Hg on

Saturday the M led to InUmatsfri nds his pui be s fdf*.¦¦ . u -tlon. A .'. trici I. ,o.' who has ei .edi %nt

opportunltl s f.,r knowing th facta said that

Mayor Gilroy had - mind immell-

ately after the Novel on n * to bs a

te ag lin. Mr. 0 I, real's d at

ence ihe certainty of d .. ii should he se ',< tm*

electlon -u th** ha ts of the T r ticketthia year. All M -1.

wo,lid be united s

i,-. Tammany's fright! I, ita xtravagantexpel iitsii.- of the pul lie n Its failure to

a.han,-- any system of i ipld transit, or Ind -I

any practical city Improvement demanded by

the people, and above Iti fal ni offalse registration, fraudulent voting and .".Hint¬

ing, and .-.pen and unblushing briber. , he felt

that h>* would bs :tvwi under I'.'.' a majorityequal perhaps to th.rn by which he was

Sleeted lr d'- '.' Hons for Ooo-

I.I.*semen In th-* xivth and XVth Districts, and

th.* election of Mr. Quigg. th,- Republican can¬

didate, i,y nearly I,. Iii i district that had

given a Tammany plurality of '.-""" in

Ix;..*, and nearly *. In N. v mb 111 intithe Ma) >r, ii was sal l, in I .thal his

candidai y for a sec nd term w<

THE Rl'MOR .HM.CAI.I.V BELIEVED.Th- report of Mayor Ollroy's withdrawal frons

the Held as s candidate wss sc. ipt< I as i «-

by ti Tansmany men S-Si

found few who lt.

"Do you it Gilroy woul i have K'negs tl Tam¬

il ill .:. their i If bs Ub-; to run again i Wigwam

".] | .:. irs*.. u If I

¦"H ill

laid: "Mr. Cii >'e a rs>Hall '¦.¦ mi 1 lt.

ker that i

with r my Hall h*"d pi > il will

be on ali .-. : i « Mr. i till rylate. He

gave the May .ir I si I ll S '. beutter f.Hillsl In and it

was then lhat' -.' ,,ls

that he i* I would

In the 111 .'. sembly District > -terday moatof th. >n was about the blast which

1. mphy ha I "Pa Wy" Dlvver.ntlmi ni a the lubl P. Dtvver

a- inti ui. iu m is in manyhave erys-

t.i!i/..*.l Into a belle! thal Divver had gone forg I and a I never sh in New-i gain Th kinsl him

which centres In his J iii men v. ho

committed tl'.'' < 'tlon frau lsll i the bani . i l unmans Hall In ths

.- unquestionably on the Increase, Sh l

I i|vvcr come back li stal of j >p-ular feeling he would be likely to meet sn ex¬

tremely unpli a .'iv !¦ ¦'*. pl,' : pressman Dunph) returned to Washington

yesterday. He de* Uni d to add .mi Ung to lils

letter of resignatl n fi im Tammanj Hall, andth,* utterances with which he followed lt on




RIOTOUS STRIKERS I'NDER ARRESTCharleston. VT, Va., March I (fSpectal) \t Bagls

to-day fourteen rioters *.>.-:¦.. arrested and taken to

tli.- Fayette County Jail. More milli tum n sri re >.*nt

up from Charleston cns afternoon to be on band incase trouble m .s caused by arrests of the itrikera,The Coroner's Inquest over Adkins, the dead mines*.will probably be llnlshi l to-morrow.Some excitement *a iraus. i ... beagle aboui * I

p, kn. b) the arrest t Mr. VVyant, s/ho will be triedat Fayette In the morning if the striker* do nattake him aw iy from the guard, aa th. y threaten. Alarge erewd ls ai Ragle m.ikli of threats,bm -. far n ad ual i li n, ha io irred s ;.t!reAdkins. \".i,.-- son hms among th. i tua s i ... :§,

iu i the warrant for Wyam



Huntington, W, Va., March * il alter tim'** are

promts i in the mountain counties <,f Kadut*,Mercer snd W) in than there bas yei been init,- strikiiii; Kan iwha Valley with the miners The

title to ibout ) aei of dud in ih.se .'."aniios

ls in dispute. The Govi claims that i: has

never been passed from the old land othes patentThe Flat Top Coal snd Land A elation i ila_sa title i.y purchase ¦ kreral >, ira ago and tbs tat¬ters, who | as. ii land now, claim it by rightof possession. A suit In the '..dButte* <.,,,,it ;,, determine the ownership, The FlatTop coal and Land Association and Ihe Governmenthave pooled their issues against the squatters.Judge Jacki m has oi Bared , survey to he made.Lasl week sn engineer corps began a ,rk in Wyom¬ing County, bul srere stopped by an srmed bandnf the squatters^ who aotlttsd to them thai no

survey would be allowed, deputy Marsha) M. H.Vinson and l>. H. Harman, arith twenty-flve m.*n

srmed and equipped f..r ,. two weeks' slav. 1. ftMcDowell for Wyoming County last night Mai JLindsey Vinson jy...es to-morrow with snottier squat]of di Duties ni protect ths surveyor*. HlooUshedls almost certain to follow.

TEM TEBB1DBNT sees' orr hatteras.

Cap*- Henry, VAL, Mardi 4 ThS lli'htliniise ten¬

der Violet, with l'ri'Mldiiit C|.>v,-land and SecretaryQreshass an board, snas assn lats yesterday aftep.iioi.n at a point twelve miles from Hatteras. Shsleft there to-day. and ls supposed to have gone.north, but has not yet been sighted hera.