********** PART II. PACES 11 TO 14. M&&mk FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1896. vVORK ON THE PHORE ROAD arHfj COMMISSION ABOUT READY TO AD- YERTISE FOR BIDS. -pBCnrJCATTONS PRBPARED fNPER THB PIRET- TION °F OI-MSTED. OL.MSTEP * EMOT. WOTHINO TEMPORART AROIT THE WORK-THE NAME "SHORE ROAD" PETERMlNEn ON.PIPF1CVX.TT IN SEUEt-TINO TREES. R la the prlvllege of The Trlbune to make this morning the flrst announcement that has been .Iven 80 the publlc of the determinatlon of the gliore Road Commlsalon to begin work at an jgrly day on the flne parkway that Is to run glong the Boy and Narrows, between Bay Ridge Bid Fort Hamilton. The apei'lflcations for the work have been grawn under the supervlson of Olmsted. Olmsted & Ellot, the well-known landacape ajchltects. and in a few days lt ls expected that proposals artll he advertised f->r. Thta announoe- icent cannot fai! to he of Interest to all the peo¬ ple of Brooklyn. who are aware l>y thla time that one of the flnest dtivea on the contlnent is to be oonstructed Blong three miles or more of the Prav.kiyn woter fronl At tho beglnnlng the r..ad will he eompleted for only part of the full width determlned on near the n. rthern end. as a gaed deal of flUing in will be requlred there on the water side of the drive. THE NAME AGREED ON. There has been BOntB discussion among the members of the Oommlaaloa aa to the best name to be given to the dlive they are going to make. .v ::rst it BBBBbelleved that no better name that that af Bay lUdge Parkway could be found. but when that nair..- had been praetioally agreed on lt was BBBxnrered that the Eecislature. ln Its supreme wladom, had bestowed that titl-- on Peventj-fifth-st., and BO, of course. it was out of the qur-s:. n t appropriace it for the new drive. rurthei inslderatton led to the conclu- aion that th.-re would i>e BPeclal proprtety in aoJherk.g to 1 oame, the ph re Road, by which this blghway has l>ng beon known. The BOPBlar name haa therefore been decided on; lt aiready ai pears on the lampp. sts along the road. and no change in that reepect will required There wutild l»e some advantages ln the BBB Of the word parkway, as applied to a boulevard compiislng n<>t only a drive, but rows of trees. graasplots and a br.iad path fr.r blcy- cles. but as a niatter of fact the word "park¬ way" has been applied in Brooklyn to some roads that are not parkways strictly speaking, and it was believed by the Commissioners that "road" menlfied aU that parkway would on- note. while at the same time it possesses terse- ness and conserves the designation that has U-on employed fmm time immemorial The Commlaelon has reeently decided that it wou'd be advlsable to have a b-gal adviser of Its own, Instead of dependlng on the ofTlee of Corporation Counsel Burr, and has accnrdingly ..¦1 a well-known member of the bar, Rob- Btt D Renedlct. to act In that capacity. WHAT PRESIDF.NT KENNEDY SAYB. Bpeaking of the work of the Oommisslon. ex- Park Comisslnner Elijah R. Kennedy. who was made Its presldent soon after tho death of Oen¬ eral John R Woodward last winta-r, sald, when aeen at hls offioe tn New-York yeaterday after¬ noon: "The plans and specifleations have been thaTrouarhly pr^parod for the c«mp!et!nn nf the upland part of the Shore Drive between Bay Ridge and F<>rt Hamilton. wlth two exceptlona We shall not at present undertake the treat- ment <if the Ooncourse which la to t>e establlahi d where the Brooklyn Clty Rallroad Company now has its terminus at F'.rt Hamilton, and the northerly end of tho road wlll not bo madi BB wide as lt ultimately wlll be aceordlng to the desicn agreed on. We have not money enough Bt our disposal to make the bulkhead along the nurthern port inn, BO as t<> enable us to flll ta t.. the full intenda?d width. and we did not buy j roperty on the eastern slde because, as we aaaa advtsed that we should by all meana huy and contraj the land on the water Bide, it was rheughl by englneers that it would be cheaper near the northern end of the drive, where the land is not much higher than the water, to fill in along the water rather than purcha<»e the property on the »ast side. b work as is now done will bo exactly of the same rharacter as the eompleted parkway. as far aa It goea, and there wlll be nothmg tem- porarj or cheap about it. The work is to be done Bceordtaf to the general plans of Olmsted, CgsBSted m Ellot v.ho have lnspected the speel- BOUlOUS, and lndeed assisted ln making them. The only plajvtlng In the Bpeciflcatlona now prepar.-d Ini ludes the formal line of Bhade tr*-.< Just outside the sldewalk of the park- Bay. Olmsted. Olmsted & Ellot have given .-s -;.- Dcationa for preparlng the strip to BBdevoted to tr.-e-planting. but have not reeom- mende.l the most appropriate and satisfactory taaaJH ,re,s for use here. Beecbefl thrlve In the njeuity, Blnce numeroua beautiful treea of that Barlety ar- to be seeri on the bank along the Barrows but the beech, on ao<< unt of its B&nches la not -ultable for piaein* between » walk ar.d a drivewav. The lndlgenous trees alone the Eaat Rlver nnd Eong Island Sound are Biain'lv oaks and cedara. The latter are n<>t aBBdaome ahade trees, and the oak is not aa rapid a grow.-r as we COUld deslre. The OC- culonal heavy wlnda that blow along the shore would be sure to whip the llfe out of the Bavea of roaples once ln every few years, and the llnden, anoth'-r tree that would gmw there, Ii not so weii adapted for an avenue as for a lawn TP.EKS THAT WILL STAND 8AET WATER NEEDED. "Ona of our difficultles is to obtain trees that wlll thrive on an occasional 40M of salt water, booause ther* are every now and then.so the oi rr-j. der.ts lnform us. westerly gales that beat Btlth BUCh foi i BJong the shore that the spray thrown np over the highest part of the roa.1- *'&> in eonalderable quantities. "Tbo plana for making the road and siae- BBJkhare beei prepored by Fdwin C. Bweeaey, ¦ kaoklyn, but the d.-talls ha\e beer large.y '^^ed by <:¦ irge Irnrram. one of the Commls- .**n. aho la about to sail for Europe for a ^itfcarhatt proionged vislt. He is anaccompllsh<-d f:v" OUtoeer, and it is no more than Juatlce '°bimto.-ay that the servicen he has rendered w.thout i>rnuneratlon would certalnly hav^ cost «ai clty geveral thousand dollars. if they had r**n render.-! by civll englneers of hlgh reputa- ?.!!;.^ POld for or. the usual scale. The work will be dore under the aupervlsion .J Mr Sweezey, with the g.nernl oversight of J"n«a?d, riimsted & Eliot. Aa you know. they tr* ti<,i only i;U.dKcape deslgnera. but on thelr '^tff staff th.y have civll eiiKlneerrf who are spe- ^'B.lsta in varloua departments of park ronatruc- »on. The spa-cifla attons, as I have rald, are al- ¦aai eompleted, and we espect, probably wtthln JJnrtnlght, to Bdvarttaa for bids for the work. Tb" VBtar I'ipe has baw-n lald by the Depart- BBBM of Clty Works along the road. but as lt "lay i*. years before that Departrr.ent will be f»ady to proceed wlth the ronstructlon of sewers. ** have deemed lt lnadvlsable to wait for that *ork to be done. A NTISANt'.m NKAR FORT HAMILTON "Among minor mattera I may mentlon that BSBBy eomplolnta have been made beeause of the Ouiaance erea.ted at an lnclosed wharf known Ih* Lane Doch, near Fort Hamilton, by the dutnplng of garbagc there, on the pretence that I! ,wa" 8and. It was certtlnly an outrage that in« waa ever pa-rmltted We flnd the eondltlon VL? ?*. h''weVf"r. and lt is our Intentlon tO .smeoy lt at once by OUlng ln the place wlth "Tho ga-neral line of the Bbore Road as It 2J ?'xl»ted for. I BUppose, li<H» years wlll ba rjfkaJxT t0 ,n lh* rontemplated Imi rovement. "n the exreption that one ahort curve. % ahoi t a>«tance north of the Creacent Club property, | wlll he eased. and In two places where the grado la Ptoep It Wlll bo redaced from » per ct-nt ta B for cent. "I wnuld also llko to add that the Commls- aion haa been importuned to asstst ptople koep- Iiik si.-.-niicd public hnusos in retatntr_g thalr li-iui r lloenaea Htit we have d'dded to nppo«»e all nuch llcenaea, and to get poaafoolun ot all the buildlr.ps that must bo retnoved. I'osslbly we may not dlsturb people whoae bualnoss de- pends on tbe rammer soason until the close of that aeason. but thon It la our lntentlnn to cloar away all shantb-s. b.tlihousos, sbods and 'pub¬ llc houses.' "There ls one thlnc tn-'-e that I thlnk may be of goneral lnterest. and I would bo clad to hav» lt made known to tho people of Hroiklyn through Tho Trlbuno. So many queattona ariso in the C'immlssl.in that aro qoeetlona of law. and it has been found so Impracttlcable to have a deputy from tho Corporatlon Counael'a offlee aaalgned to moot with ua, that we recentljr docldod to oie.-t a BpeclaJ legal adviaer, and Robert i> Benedlet has hoon chosen Tho hlgh rharaeter of Mr. Honodlct as a lawycr and as a cltlzon will, I thlnk, eonvey an agroaelila impression to the people of Krooklyn." GIMSa OUT 8TERILIZED MJLK. THK FIVE RRANCHES OF THE RROOKLYN MET niSI'ENSARY OPBKED YESTERDAY. Tho work of irhlr.g out BterllUe. mllk for the u«e of Infanis p.monir the poor people of thls clty was atarted yeaterday at tho Bve branohos of the Hrooklyn Dlet Dtapanaary. The poor peoplo are not awaro ;is y.-t that they can obtaln this mllk. nnd lt wlll take some daya for all tho hur.dr.-.ls of phyalclana, who are ln the habit of gtvlng ordera on tho dtapenaarlea, to P.r.d out just bow thoy can ordor the mllk. Bul lt Is thought that ln a few daya all mtsunderatandlng whlch there mnj b<.-n wi'.l l»- done away wlth. At tti* maln dUpenaary, No 21 DeKalb-aye., yeaterday one of tho le.dfng offlrlalfl "f tne dla- penaary bbboi latlon denled thal Nal in e waa glvlng :he mllk, and aald thal the work had I.. n undertaken \ a Brooli yn phl ithroi lat, who did : ol arlah to havi rila name II poaed, however, thal Mr Bti me 1 1 tho oharity. aa the m Ih omi - from hla laboratortea ln New-Tork. -«--. ONE LITTLE WOMAX'S TRIAL8. JUBTTCE CL_"MENT OAVE A DBCIBION WHICH MAY UOHTBN HER BTJRDEN. A pretty, p.i'o. :\rn woman la a well-worn dress wu ir. Bupi ma Court igsterday and told Jus- riement that ihe wanted her buabaad sent to jall. She Mra. Martha WaBhlngtoo Bchralver, ftn_ Mfl u ahe obtalm i ree of eepara- tloB from her l ibai J »hn E Schretvar, who ls a car conductor, and who llvea wlth his parer.ts at No 1*. North Thlrd-ai Bouth Brook'.yn. Mrs. Bcbrelver la not yet of aa »od sv)-' eued throngb A. Burgmyer as her guardlan Her buabaad dM not defend the action and iudgment waa granted ln her favor on the ground thal he ha 1 111-trea.i I hor. Bchrelver a li Ur< ti pay her U a weeb altmony and f2B counael fee That wns flve weeka ago. and Mr O'Brlen, who appeared for Mrs. Bchrelver, said that he had rot paid a cent On that aeeount tho plalntlff had not been ab> to leave :hr houaebold wbera ber hu.-Sand llved. She ,-. ,| ..i a room by heraelf, bul h^r roeala wera taken from the common table. She ate thom alune and the dog was her only companlon. Durlng the meali ihe real of tha houaebold amused tbemaelvea by rldlcullng ber. Counael aald ih.it Mrs. S?nrolver's life in the houae was a burden to hor and sho would be only too p.ad :o leave If the defei lani would pay the allmony whlch the Court dln Wht-n the order requlrlni him to ahoat cauae arhy ho should r.ot te punlshed for contempt waa eerved upon nim. aii In thi houaebold were furioua. and Mr, Bchrelver became afr..: 1 that If ahe atayi ln the house ahe would be locked 1151 and not a.- lowi ime l.ri Therel ira ahe ipi nt the nlght ln tbe hi uae of a neighbor. Justlce Clemem ..:.- 1 thi plalntlff :o the atand ri..i aaked lier If ihe aan% her husband sent to j..i.. Mrs Bchrelver replled poaltfvely that she did. Counael for 8 hrelver said that as tha p'.almiff l].i 1 Uved In the defendant'a houso. and as he had p_:d for her support, h>- did not thlnk that Bchrelver ehould be compei.ed to pay tho allmony. He aald, however. :hai he would pay the allmony If the plalntlff would leate hl- tiou-.-. "Ho f-ays r.o-.:iing of the kind." Interrupted tha plalntlff, her --vas rla = hlng. Ju -. - Clemenl learned that :ho board of Mrs. :- relver amounted to 13 a woek. and thon he said: .I do not like to sv-r.-i :n.s defendaM to )all for f^iiuro to j>iv counael fee. 1 will credlt him wlth pi .. -. k for tbe f.ve w»ks whlch :h<- plalntlff haa ipent In h;- houae itn |i Igmant of lepara- llon. Lei him iiay h- r $1 «i week for thoae weeka and lh< reaular allmony thereafter I wlil glve two or three montha to pay up tho counael f.-e and if he doea not do ao then rho motion to punish him for contetnpt rnay be renewed." ? C0U8IX8 GET TBE E8TATE. kmma tTtTDBON rufl.D KOT CUBAR1>T rsTABI.ISH HER MARRlAOE T<> JAMEB W. PAUB. Burrogate Abbott yeaterday paaaed upon tho ao> tlng of Publlc Adminlstrntor William H. Davenport of tho eatate of iim.-s w. Page. The Burrogate flnda tbat Emma Hudaon Page falled to prove that sho was tho wldow of tho deceaeed, and disposos of tho property accordlnu to tho law ot lntosta-y. Jam.-s \Y. Page was a wrll-known Fportlns; mnn and left an eatate valued at f-5,000. He attanded :>il tha race meeta In both th» Eaat and W'ost, and at ono timo waa one of tho wealtb- lest and beet-kaown Btable own.-rs on tbe turf. He dbd ln an Inaane asylum In Vermont about two yeara .-iro, laavlng no wilL Whon the eatate waa about to be closed up on tbe aooountlnu of tho iMhiio Admlnlatrator, most of the property I to coualna of Paga ln MaaaachuaetU, a wom¬ an who call.-d heraelf Emma Hudaon l'**-- came in and attempted to prove thal ehe « ia the wlfe of the deaud boraeman I aald thal Paoa had known her evei aln .. stu was a amall K'rl, and that when ehe gr*.-w up ho pald hor attentl H.-r father would nol conaeni 10 thelr marrlage, and ahe opened a small millinery storo in Water- bury Conn. She teatlfled before the Burrogate tbat one day in September. 1888, I'hko telegraphed to hor to meet him in Vermont Bbe m<t him, and declarea that they weni to a justlce ln tho vlclnlty of Rutland Junctlon al 2 o'clock ln the morning and were marrled. She c-ouiu not r. member the name of the Juatice, and said tbat Page took the marrlagi certlflcata Bha said that afterward Bbe was known BJ 'ho wlfe of I'age, and wont wlth him to rarloua ra.e meeta Surrogato Al.bott flrds that ahe has not estab- llshed l.or clalm to be the widow cf l'age, and he disposos of the caae wlth thla memirandum: "I am of the oplnkin. upon all the tesiimony. that Emma Hudson has falled to prove any marrUx. with tho inteatate. Jamea w 1'ago." It ls proba- blo that an app-al wlll be takon from the d^nsion of the Burrogate. AMERICAX PR0DUCT8 IX EVROPE. EICTCI.ES AND AOMCVLTURAL IMPI.^IKNTS FINO A RKAT'Y SALR IN UEAOtNa CltlBI Wobstor R. Walkley, of the hardware flrm of Peck. Stowe & Wllcox, of PhaniberB-st.. New-York, has Just return.d fr_m a two months' trlp to Europe, where ho rlalted the cltlos of Hamburg. Rorlln. London. Tarls and Rruaaela He said, ln spoaklng of his bualneaa r-stlgatlons. that he thought buslness was b.-ttor In Europe at preaent thnn It ls ln the Unlted Statos. Ho WB8 asked If Amerlcan btcyelea were boing introducid tin-re. He said: ¦¦Aimost all the large Amerlcan Brma have ac-on- rios ln the prlncipal Europoan cltlos and are push- Ing the bualneaa tigoroualy. Many good whe«-is that U6 made in i.ormany aad Eng!and, however. flnd a ready market Tho use of the bteyela la aa unl- vataaJ there as horo." He waa a-sk-d bow the Euro;-oanB regard the nomination of McKinley. -Thoy are naturally opposed to McKinley, as thev thlnk his electlon win plaoa a blghar duty on tha goods they eaiaart Bat, al tha aama time. thov thlnk lt would be foolish for 'Ameraa to thlnk of malatalnlng allver oa a aavrtty wlth gold. Aa ie- B^h! iJraTldly comlng W. ferH. . centro |, must" art! lit.ra.uro aad ehaaalatiy. RIELEMEX To COMPETE S VBW-JBBBBT. mnoklTn r.glmonts aro preparlng U. aend tean.s Brooiuyn k ffer(id at th. _lxlh 10 '""I".., g f S N-w-Jcrsey fl.ate Rlfl- As- l7oi;^arGuarr,S>of,Jtfbi,VB;.o'u. SUte. and Terrltorle.. 11E STOOD BY THE MEN. WHY COUNTY JUDGE ASPINALL D1D NOT SAIL FOR EUROPE. HE DETERMINEn NOT TO OO HNTTI, HE MAD MADE SURE THAT THE COVRT ATTACHI^S WOII.O HAVE A NON-COMPETI- TIVE EXAM1NATION. County Judtre Joseph Asplnall made all arrange- Tnonta to sall for Europe on Wedneaday, but he dld not go. Tho ittaehes of the court. wlth whom he ls most popular. preparod a large basket of eham- PBgna and otl.er good things and rarrled them over to tho j,ier They were much surprtsed to learn that the Judge ha 1 decided to abandr.n hH trlp. but when they tearaed the reason they were not In the least hurt thu thelr good things dld not ac- i-omplish the object for whlch they were flrst in- tehded. Yesterday morning Judge Asplnall had this to aay aa iut the raasons why he dld not go to Europe: * "Wlth several others, as you know, I went to Al- bnny ar d saw tho Goveanor ln ralattOB to the em- ployVa of the County Court wlth respeot to the Civll Rervlce Commisslon. Hls legal advlser tn- furttied the Qovernor that under exlstlng eondltlons bvbb the State c.vil Bervtoa had nothing to do with the Couaty Court Tho Oovernor sald that If that was so he WOU d relnstate | -hedule C, whlch he had BUapanded on May N, maklng our otlir-rs BUbJect or.ly to non-competltlve oxsmlnatlons. To this the State t'ivii w rv.. a Cammtastaa oonaaated. "Chlef Kxamlner Fowier had ordera-d h Htate eorri- petitlve examlnatlon for our efflceis. He WTOtl me, aaylng that lt would be better for our men to snter tha Btata eompetltlvi aaamlaatlon on July ¦>. and Btatlng that if they obtalned II per cent thej would be conaldered as having peaaed the non- con ,. tiUve - KamlnatlOB. I .leclined to comply wlth I |] BUggestton, because, if they went ln. Ihera mlabt be ten or Bfteen vateranB who atood higher m the examlnatlon who would demand tha offl ". afterward, alleaing that our men by going la for a CompeUUva examlnatlon had walved the rlght to ho conaldered as having paaaed a noa-eaeBpetlUve ex- amuattoa l wrote to Mr. rowler immediateiy. aaylng that I conaldered lt hls duty to comp.y with tha- Qovernor'a declalon. "Mr. Fowier tel fraphed bat-k that the exaailna- Uotf would take plac. aa already orderadt bj h im. Thereupon I saw Mr. Hurt. presldent of tho state Civl serv'i.-e b.d. and explalned to him theeltua- ,,,,.,. He was preaeni at my 'n".'** ^"JL. Oovernor whlch l have referred to, and he knew exaVtly what the Oovemoi bad aald «d done Therefore he sald that he would order Mr. Fowier io bold a Bon-eompetltlve examlnatlon for our mThinking everythtng was all rlght on MondayJ bought my tlcket, lntending to Btart for Europe yeaterday. 1 learned. however, that rowler in- Jiated on a competltlve examlnatlon, eontriry to the exoreaa declalon of Oovernor Morton and the dlmttlons of Prealdent Hurt. When the time came vr \ an Doren. the chlef clerk of the County ( otirt obiected to the examlnatlon of our men, ano l Snderstand there waa a ralher llvely time. Flnally >i'r Fowier ylelded, and tbe men paaaed a non- competltlve examlnatlon yeaterday. "'When I learned how things were going, I deter- mlned to Btand I y our mon. nnd so 1 dld not to to Eurobe dldn't thlnk it would be a alr thlng for me to go away and leave the men aubject to arbl- uary r-moval. I think I dld right, too. .VERY LIKE A WBALB." after rvntivum ti rm rrave men por NTARI.V A MIl.E. IT WAS POUKD TO HE A DBAD IMiOE Just after the storm yeaterday afternoon there onatdereble exdtemenl at Bath Beach, eaueed D, the report that an Immenae whale was ln the borhood. Thr.-o reputable wttneesea Bseerted thal they h.,d been chased by tho whale for nearly a mlle. and between thelr gaapa for breath they told a most thrlUlns atory. Captaln Veeder. owner of the sloop yaeht PHot. told the atory. ^Ith his frlends. he sald he was on hls way Insbore. who.. about oppoalU Sea Qata n* notlced a huge buu k object eomtng toward hls boat. The ConUlB had road of aea Barpaaiia. and other tnonatera Of the deep. and a. the blaok ob¬ ject came nearer he became thoroughly frlght.-ned. "Thafs a whale!" ho shouted in alarm. The captaln then gave orders to get out the .weepa, and hls frtenda, who were thoroughly friuhtened. so the story went. set to work at the oars as they ha<! never WOTfced before. To make them eontlnue their efforts Captaln Veeder kopt shoutlng that the whale was getttng Bearer. Once or twlce the object aeemed to rataa itself out of the water as theugh anxlous to ksep the Pilot In sight. As they neared the Avooa vuia pier r.. c. aa. Fltxcerald noUced the efforts of th- men aboard the Pllot an.l decldlng that they needed help aent 1 |g N'-wport catboat. the Elalr.e, with John hattfuP^hOUted Shleldsas he drew near ,,-"!;!.?;",;-ha...d fOf two mlles by a whale." on- Bwered VeeO>r, almost out of breath. Beei i n-r«. 'SuataVthat mom^nt there arose on toP of a u-ave\ b\nVli. 1- object. abcut three-quartera of a S away Shlelda huVn.o back to the Avoca .fc^^S^Jtt*i£& SroVnAandb John*Co?e?'jump^d mto a .-ati,,,., and v're soon followlng the Klaine ou o aea. Veeder was orevailed upon to accompany Shleids. and r.; nte' he whale oul for the latter. Mmoet Bfty f- off the L'lmer Park pler the whale waa aeen Bumlng Itaelf accordlng to Veeder. and Brown and Bhlelda went lnto a rowboat, and wlth a boat- h"rown*?b^Vhej^ >;,-.f;:;;rV.?,,,lh.: s»^ ^^1^3 Hrown and Shlelda rolled over to tha object. and I X to thelr aatonlahment found that they had :,.-,;.,.¦-d a dead horae Inatead of a *»*.*.._ pjF^^^!-7h%rteve^ ]^jr^ i^aan;-;;|. r«prScC«nc°tUtI?: BgaenedIthat lt ehould have been left to Boat ahoul tbe Bay ___^_, A88E88MEKT BOLLB COMPtBTBD. PERBONAL VAUATIONS LaSSS, BCT iMPPORATION TAXl^ HAVE BEKN IN'TtEASEl.. Th* aaaeMment rolla were eompleted and abjned reaterday by Ihe Board of Asaeaaora The total ., onalva.'uatlon thla year ls W.518,08, a not 1n- '. of nearty U.m.9* Indlvldual and estate valVa.lons have falleti off. but .r]'°."',\**;'**f m.-nts hac- been gr-atly enlarged. The bulk of 1, creaae of real property valnatlon eomea from the Mwly oimexed warda ln the older parta of tha c!t, [ha changeaare allght The followlng tabta la a aununary of the persot.si BSSBBamanta of IBM and li'-ei. i«or,. l^txv r^lridaaJaaadeataMB . BB.««.B« BB.M8.8Ba MinXrariV,'*'.r'^.^B.B10.BBT^8 .1B.7BB.BBB --. BT.80J.8aB BB.laa.BBB aB.jBB.4S8 Har.k*. . iBcraaa*. 8101.B1S. T.ta! r.a-t Uwreaaa, 18,800.Bm Followlng are some of the eorporatinn aaaeaa* ments iBasa. tk^'- Breeklya ntr Raiimad Oampaar.. . .l»».000 »4-"32.35fl Naaaaii Eeetrle Ballroad Comi.»nr... .- .' .. uiaad and BrooklrB Company. WO.000 Mo.w a*' f>«i»p*ai ' '. ... \,;;. Nvia Tortl ¦¦¦¦- ».* leraaj t5*t*OB«. 8BM0B I.-. The Incraaaa of th>- Brooklyn Clty Rallroad Coa> ,,lI>s Bnaaaament from tXmOM to over K wil Brotably be fouartM out ln the courts, as Hon.. Yngeth-V-.mi.anys attorney. sa>s the eilaring e, nd'tl'ons this year wlll nol warran: tbe tacreaae. and hla cl.ents wlll not mtbmlt tojhe lajuatlea of lt. BRESSER I'ROMPT WITH HIS I.lsT. Ja.-ob Brenner, rhalrman of the BapubttCBB Ex- .cutlva Commlttee, reaterday -ut.mitt.-d to the Board of BJteetloaa the It-t of FUpabllcana aataetad .j: ,.M,e,.,.rs. poll -l.-rks Bte. Tho llst was ¦ ,,i(i,.d 1. tWO davs ahead of the day tlxed by UW Mr Brenner aald thal Bpaetal palaa had baan ;:il...n . -,,,,.;,« ,.,.-.tandtdataa far tha ptaeea ¦- m.7rra-a^^,,t1,r;iMsr;!:;r:1.;h:h:;::1,.:: 2rOTggft« SasadLi bb THE DBATB OP W1LUAM B. BBMBJMAB. Wllllam H Herrtsaan. thlrty-even years old, dted J, Tu.-day al Bta home in MorrUtown. N J.. of n mP .- Ha was Ih. U* of S.ophen W Horrl- ZZ a n.-phew af Heary D. Holh-mus. and hls LrUBBW Mr> IHnrlett.. H W II. rrlrnan. Is a .. a" a-Marard II Seel> of No 31 H! ka-Bl ^JVRHaTrlBBBB * « .orsuun.Mon f-r a number of C ar. «nd had been unable to engage actlvrly ln burtneaa. Tne burl.l wlll be ln tlreenwood. THE POOR AND THE [NSANE. IMPROYKMKNTS IN THE HOt'SINO ANP CARE OF KINOS COUNTY UNFORTI'NATES. A NEW mll.niNO for lUaUALs-B BBfB To pre- VENT r-r.OWDINO THE HOBFfTAf.-AWNINIS for THE BUBBBRT WlBBOWa ABTD THE BCHOOL FOR FKEBI.E-MINI'EP. The old country "loan-up." or shod, that stood so long betweeB the Almshouso and tbe hospltal, and Whlch wa-< such an oy.-soro to Mr. Rurtls, has van- bsbed, and the spot wlll be etthor aoddad or soodod for a lawn. Th- forest of large treea that forraerly obstrurted tho vleW from the wlndows of the women's apartmonts has been thlnned out to tho roqulnnv nts of tho olty rath.-r than tho forest. and tho grounds nro bea'itlfully lald off In ftowor-be.ls. one etrealar bod COBUlntng M plants. Those Im- provenv-nts have not OOBt the county one cent. as thoy woro made by tho prisonors in the Kings County Ponitentlary. In tlmo. tho beaad which ts now bnkod ln a bakery just bnok of tbe atan'8 quartera win be baked m the penltenttary. It t:ikPii BO throo-pound loaves of this bread for the Almshouse alono. Be- twoon tho hospltal and tho men's quartors wlll be rro.-toil a bullding ln whlch to k. op tho eonvales- oents. At preaent thore aro no quartors for thr.t i laaa of people who are noither ftt for tho boapltal n< r ti-.e Almsbouaa. For Instance. th.-y aro old. many of th.-m have trouhl-s pecullar to old age, Oei d suporvlslon and care. but aro not siek enough to oeeupy beda In the boapltal, and could not and ihOUld not do so. as the hospltal Is nearly alwHys ed. There ls room f. r i""1 patlenta In tho hospltal. Nol a weeb ago Dr Arnold was obllged to make place for bBX and In tho wintor tlmo It Is not an unuaoal ocourrence to have to take care of OA I>r Arnold says that tho hospltal facllHIea should be doubled. ln additlon to a home for the eonvaleecenta Then they would havo a few bods tO spare. whlch every hospltal should havo. imong the raoent Improvementa may bo rm-n- tioned tho awnlnga for the wlndowa of the nuraery. This bullding has a BOutbern expoaure, and as thero were formeriy no awnlnga the aun poured ln thire wlth Its not. BCOrchlng ruvs wlthout let or hlndranco To thla nuraery come unfortunate aromen who aro mothers. brlnglng wlth them thoir homeless and. many tlmos. fatherteaa Infants Hore they mnv remaln until the chlld ls two yeara old. Tho CommlsslonJra try to flnd good homea und people lo adopt the bablea, but if thoy are not aocceaaful tho rhlldron are aent off to sonn- Inatl- tutlon.the Cathollc ehlldren to Cathollc Inatltu- tlona and the Proteatant .-hildron to Inatltutlona of th- falth of thelr parenta and ralatlvea And the mother, If ahe ls not able to oarn her own llvlng, or thoro nro r.ono that c.m be held reaponalbla for hor care, mn«t Btay at tho Almshouso. There ure two classos of fnd. pondent people ln thls world, tho mlltlonalrea and the paupera. Of tho two it is probable that the paupar ls tho hardor to deal wlth. Thon- ls no grade of II fe ln whlch doea not exlst a soot f»oitng. Theaa lnmat.-s of tho Almshouse and nursory have thelrs. and they stand up for thoir rtghts wlth a vlm. It has i,of.n found Impractlcable to k.-.-p the whlteand the rolored vnnn-n li tho sam.- i-nn or v.ard. so tho "colored populatlon" havo quart< of thelr own. Thoro are n.-at mon and neat women, as woll as li.it h kinds that nro not no.it, bul woman ln tho ab- straot is neater than man. Nowh ro is thls more striklnglv llluatrated than ln tho Almshouse. Tho quaftera of tho wom»n, both whlte _nd colored. aro as lean as soap and sand can mako thom. Thoy aro obllged to keep them clean tbemaalvea Ev.-ry plaoe whore tha woman can get a Mt of rlbbon. a flowor or a small plcture. Bhe has oaed lt to decor- ata tho few foot ln the ward that comprtao hor only aubatitute for home. If an old wornun has been ln the habll of smoklng* or taklng snuff, ehe la per- - tted to indulge herse'.f ln bbe Almahouse, but thor* ls no lubatltute for that dlsgust called tho cuapldor ln tho p'.are A-ross tho yard ln tho quartera of tho men thera la a lack of that cleanllnesa whl- h marks th. diff.Tonce hotween that whlch is paaaable bi that whb h ls porfoot Horo and thero are bozea fill.-d with sand or cindors. but never a rlbbon. never u pictura, ncvi-r a tlny flowor. lt is tho barracka of men. THE WORK OF THE CIVITAB CLUB. At thls plnoo Is also tho sohool for foohle-mlnd.-d rhlldren. whloh waa flrat organlz.-d by tho Ctvttaa c'lub Tho flrst year of thls work tho ladlea of tbe Ctvltaa Club ongagod a teacher at a aalary of 175 a month Of this sum tha ciub ralaed all but Hl, whlch the Commlsatbnera provido.i. Thls year ti.-> have reduced the prlce they pay thelr teacher to 888, of which tho Clvltaa Club paya 8*0and tho Com- mlssioturs 08. "no of the young ladlea of the Clvltaa Club paya one or more visits a week t<> tt.is sohool, so that sh- may famlliarUe horsoif with the progreaa mad« ln thls aeemlngly forlorn hope Here aiso ilj thoy neod moro room. Th.-y an- obllged at preaent to keep the feeble-mlnded and th<- bopeleaa idiots in tt'.H lame room. Thla haa been proved t>y ezpertence ln the achoolfl for th<- faeble-mlnded on Randall'i Island and elaewhere to greatly retard th* prooTeea of the feeble-mlnded Thoir aurround- ings ahould be of thoae who know more and not l-ss than they .lo tln n-,-- If it aver was an aaay inattor to put anybody who ir.ignt cbanca to bo In one'a aray Into an li aaylum in Kings County, Buch a Btate of nfr»iir< has ceaaed to xist slnce July l. Th<- quantity of red tape that waa formerl) necai to commlt an Inaane peraon haa been more than doubled. Whlle the doctora at tbe Klnga Countj Hoepltal ar.- nol dlspoaed to murmur .-t anythlng tbat tbrowa an oxtra g'irtrd agalnat vlllainy. tha new regulntloi materlally Increase th-ir l.it.ors and troublea, ..nd they malntaln thal the Klnga County Hospltal waa a dlfflcull hospltal to manuge a- lt was Every forra of Insanlty, from tho wrman who simply sits and looka stolidly at th.- floor wlth melancholla, to the lailor »in> runa amuck must havejual bo mu.-h red tape before tho doctora of th.- aaylum car. r<- eelve the patlent. Hut b.-for. thls red tape can bo meaaured _ff. the Inaane peraon mual go to some place ao ).-. or ahe t* taken t>> tho Klnga County Hospltal, or the Almahouae whlle the legal formall- ties ar-- belng eomplled wlth. ln this iimn, if he or ahe ls bi the Almahouse or hospltal and auddenly tak.s a notlon to c-t tha place on Bre or to do oth.-r mlachlef, that only h dlaordered brain would thlnk of. any one who |j famlltar with tbe arorklnga of a hospltal and th- helpleBaneaa ot thoae who liethere must shudder at the thought lt requirea eeveral daya und»-r tho new r<«gul..tlon3 to gei the proper order of commitment for an In- suno peraon. The auperlntendenl of tho aaylum can, und probably would. refuae to r.Iva any one whoea papera were not all In _rder a man cannot >-. lamed for takli a l!l poaalble precautlona agalnat belng thought In a consplracy to pul or keep a aana peraon In an aaylum for th- Inaane, and between the fi tane aaylum and the hospltal. ln tho caae of patlent who was waltlng to get tho algnaturaa ol doctora, Judgea, relatlvea and frlenda, lt ls the hos¬ pltal that has to assumo th.- burden The doctora tl h that for tho sako of thoae who might be the ¦ufferera, there should bo a proper place provtded in whloh the waltlng iane or Inaane peraon, hs tho Bubeequent examlnatlon may reveaJL can be pUced. Even ln well-regulated pay hoapltala there aro not onoiign nurs.-s to protect tho atck In caae a vlolently Inaane peraon auddenly breaka looee, and ln the Almahouse th.-re ls acarcely any guard around tho old and feeble. -«.- GF.ORGE R. WERBR8VRREXDER8 BIM8BLF. Oeorge R. WTeber, agalnat whom a warrant was laaued on April \H on a charge of somiing an tnsuit- itig poatal card to hlfl wif.-. walkfd Into the F-.bral Bullding yeaterday morning and gave blmaelf op to afarabal Hayden. BTeber was unabla yeaterday to furnish th- 1600 ball Impoaad oppn him and epent tho nlght In Raymond-Bl lall ll- wlll probably a 'cure 1 all to-day. Weber denU hla guUt and e»- i thal ihe arge agalnat nim is tho r-suit of a family quarrel y-m Jnnos Iwho h»s walked out of a soi-on.l-story wlndow ln his aleegd. oh. doar, 1 hupe my w h^el Isn't hBftl.(Trutb. TO HAVE XO " THRILL" IT HAS BEEN DECIDED NOT TO HAVE A MADE-TO-ORDER COLLISION. THE EXPKRIMENT THOLOHT TO RE TOO COtsTHT as WXLL A.S TOO DAMOkhhOOg, BTfaW FOR CONIIT IMHAND. Tho sensatlonal proje-t of having a palr of loco- motlv.m run lnto aaeh other at Brighton Beaeh, as recently annoeneed, appears to have eotwpaad. It was ilorliled that the orash should tnke plaoe on a sldmg ba.-k of tho Brighton Beach Hotel. Where tho summer vlsitors could see the sma-h- up In comfort from the plazzas and feel the ronse- quent thrlll that sueh a wreok ordlnarlly produces. Dummy engtaeen and flremen were bullt to order and the regular englneers BBd firemen were drtlb d wh.-n to Jump off. as the looomotlves raood toward each other on the foot track. The calculatlon was that they would ootr.o together wlth a BBesd of forty mlies an hour, and the flnale was expectod to be one of the most thrllllng scenes that even Coney island ever wltneaaad. The oager promoters tlgured on an audtenoe of at laaat 108,098, and thought that It mlght posMMy reach >»'.'«jo. The questlon of how this vast crowd waa going to be acoommodated boeame a serious questlon ln the mlnds of the Brighton Beach hotel and railroad people. They flxed the admls5lon at $1 a head. August 8 was set for the proposod thrlll; the flnal preparations Wl re mnde and the following proepectua was issuod: The wrltten blatory of each of the two thlrty-flve- ton locomottvea to be uaed In ihe rallroad v> ra .(. exhlbitlon at Brighton Beach, August k baa been pra-pared by the master mechank of the road, ahoaing tho exaot nutnber of mlles rach engtno has run during Its llfe of s.-rvl te, etc. and theee facta wi.: i.mbodled tn a neal aouvenlr to be dlatrlbuted to thoae who aftend the exhlbitlon. A Btraage featura <-,f theae faeta is that neith'-r one o.' the lo.-omotlves whlch are now ln actlve aervlce and. wlll bo untli the .lay of the oolllst m. has ever been in a rolllsioh or s.-r.ous acddenl of any klnd. Work is now proeTeaalng nn the tra'-k to be uaed, whl h wlll be newly ballaated and put ln good or.br I. MAR8TON, Oeneral Manager. At the ofticeof tha- Hrtghton Beach Rallroad Com¬ pany llttle esvJd ba- learned about th» affalr reater- day. BBd lt was aald that th" i-rish was belng en- gineera-d by Henry C Murphy, of tho Hrlgh'on Im- provement Company. When ask"d about lt he drew a long slgh and aald It had been decldeil to abandon ti.-- eolllalon, aa belag too alangerous aml too coatly as welL The coal of preparatton would be heavr. and tln-n lt would be all over in a seoond and there ooubl be no aecond day's pa-rformance. Ther there might be a hltch; either englne mlght tako it into it.s cyllnder head nol to start on time, and Ihen fhe other ona- wouhl run through tho ki.-ker and smash, perhape, lnto tha- eaahouae, and start an exploaton that would blow every mosr-"1' oul of Jamatca Bay marshes. Tr." thing was not to t»o thought of after s.-rious conalderatton. Then, agai.i. if the bollera ahould exptode, there was no te'ling what damage mlght be done to BeveraJ thouaanda of people who woul.l throng the beach to bc tt.e arand amaah The experlmenl migtn do out Weat, but lt was far too rlsky even for Coney I.-Und. folonel I.ruigford. of tho Hrlghton Beach Rall¬ road. -aiu it had been decided not to glve the ex¬ hlbitlon. -?- EMERY AND BACKVB CLA8H. I.ETTERS PAM BETWEEN THEM BBCAU8H OF THB AUTOPS1 OH THE BODY OF Bfiag CALLERT. Conalderable frhtlon developed yosterday he- tween Dtatrlct-Attorney Backua and Health Com- mlssion-r Em.-ry over the fact th.it a private au- topay waa made on the body of Kate CaUery, who dled on Wedneaday night. by Drs. Drury and .la lobaon, at the directlon of Dr. Kmery. As nl- ready told, Dr Drury Bttended Mlaa t'allery for several daya bofore her death, and when he heard that she had dled he reported to Dr. Kmery that there were susplclous eircumstan'-es attaohed to th" caae. It waa upon Dr. Kmery's suggeatlon that the autopsy was performed without ref'-ra-nce at iirst to the Coroner, wlth the reault that Mr. Back¬ ua and Dr. Coomba isserl that If there was any unnatural causu of Mlaa Callery'B death the prl- rate autopsy removed lt so completely that the t'oroners physbdan was totally unable to dlsoover it. Yesterday th<- followlng correspondenr* paaaed between Mr. Backua aml Health Commlsstoner Emer;-: Brooklyn. N. Y July 30. U&. Denr Sir: I am laformed that your department r:z.-d Dr. Drury to make a post-mort. m ex¬ amlnatlon ln U.aae of Mivs Klttle T. CaUery- 1 would llke to know wha-ther your depaxtment dld so authorlse Vours truly. P08TER I. BACKlTg, Dlatrlct-Attorney. Dr. 7.. Ta\lor Etmry. H.-alth I'ommlssioner, Brooklyn, N. v. D.-nartment of IL-alth, Commlaatoner'a offoe. Brooklyn, N. V July M. li%. Hon. Poster I.. Backua, Dlatrlet Attairney of Wirgs County, I'ounty Court H">is.-, Brooklya, N. Y. D-ir Sir: Replying to your oote of even date. i b"g to state that Dr. Drury called at this office yesterday morning tn relatlon to hls slgnlng the death certlflcate of a young woman patlenl of his who had recently dled from perltor.ltla. He etated that he hud been alled ln the ease after Dr. Moaher, 1 thlnk, that he had communlcated wlth Dr Moaher and found that they had told him the same story, that they had settle.i with !i!m and that e\"rvthing appeared to ba ull stralgl.t wlth him. and he wanted to know if the rtll would be accepted at thla department. I atated to him that It would be better to satlsfy hims«-!f thal th.- caae was straight by means .f a poat-mortom examlnatlon and that he h.\d better have a poet- mortem l". the proseme of competenl wltneasas, aml if anythlng developed of a suaplcloua nature to turn the '-ase oa <t to tha* Coroner. Trustlng th.- same wlll be sattsfaotorv to you, l am. >"irs v.-ry sin.-rely. /.. TAYl.oR EMERY. After the roeeipt of Dr. Kmery'a reply. Mr. Backua s.-nt a i»ng letter to Dr. Emery, in whlch he revlewed the faeta in th.- caae and proceeded to aaj Thla letter ls not Intended as a rriticlam either upon your department or upon Drs. Moaher, Drury or Jacobaon, but it is for th- purpoae of havlna eatabllshed a r-gulation that wlll be uoderatood between your dapartmeni. the Coroner and the Dlatrlct-Attorney, so that we muv hen-after work .n harmony wlth ea.-h oth.-r. <>r course it aeema to me the practlce of authurlzlng att'-ri'ing physi- clana to make autopslea ln Buch <ms.-s might result ln oiilltor-itltig the evldencea of .rime and in fallura of prup.-r offlci.-U l.iv. stigation d proaecutlo: The attendlng phvs'.lan shouli'.. It seems to me, rtve B certlflcate of .leath. wh.-re th*re no doubt, and ahouid r.-port to thn Coroner where th.re la doubt and leave the body of th" deceaaed unmutl- lated What is to pp-vent B dOCtor, who hlmsa-lf iias performed the i-nmlnal abortion. from .-ailltig ln a frlendly doctor operatlng and deatroylnc al. evldei cea of hls crlme, if this rulo is to prevall? I wlll rladly meet you at your offlce In conaulta- tlon with Coroner t'oombs for the purpoae of hav¬ ing an Intervlew and arrlvlng al a perfecl under- atandlng between our departments. cf -ou-e. II may be t>.at I am entlrely wrong. and. lf <-o, I WOUld llke to be set rlght. -? WLBAB XOT TO ESTBB ACTIYE POUTtCB. Andrew McLean, Edltor of "The Brooklyn «"itl- zen," denled yeaterday a story to tho effeet that he was going IntO BCUVB OOtltlC* The storv was mi the fai t thal Mr M u«n recently at- tended a meotimr of tho DeBavocratlc State Com¬ mlttee as John W. W.-M.er's proxy. Ha went at the peraonaJ requeal of Mr. Wabhar. Mr. Mct>an denled the stat.-ment thnt he had visited Hugh McLaugblln al JameBport ln reference to polltical affaira. Ha aald he had no ambitlon to go as a delegate to Buffalo; that proposed to stlck to newapaper work Mr McLean ihlnka there ls bo posBlblltty that the t'hleago thk-t wlll bo repudl- ated by the Btate Conventlon, and h>- beiieves that ttie local Oeneral ''ommltt.-e wlll Indorae the tlcket al Its next meetlng, whlch ls to b* heM tn about two weeka He is uncertnbi aa to whether a seo¬ ond D"t:io. ratlc tlcket wlll atd or injure tbe chancea of M-Klnley'a el.'etion. DEL1XQVEST LIQV0B-DEALER8. This is th" last day on whloh the llnnor daalera can ol.taln the special Uovemment Ueaaaas of fcl3. Many dealetl have fafled to obtaln their certltl- Cataa, BBd a penalty of $60 wlll be lmposa>d upon all BUCh after to-day The revenue a-ollectors have strt.-t ordera to eollaet this tln*. an«l ln no cas,- wlll It be romttt.-d. It i.i sald that there ar* at>out four huadred llquor-dealara ln tbe cltj who have falled to pay '^'- tax. Many of these wlll be indleted by the urand lury If they are unable to brlr.g forth suffl. i-nt reason for thelr delluajuency In the matter -e-. colored PBOPLB BATB A PICBIC. ¦everal huadred oior* i people baarded the Denox at the Hrldge pler yesterday morning for Hay t'ilff Park, Btaten Island. The .-xi-urslon wa« BBder the ausptces of St. Johna Afrtcan Methoalist Epis.-opal Chareh, of whlch the Rev J. D. Jaek- aon ls pa8tor. It was the twentleth annual outlng of the eaareh, and half the proceealB thla year wlll go toward the ereetlon of a monument to the memory of Jeremlah H Murray. well known among the OOta r-.l p. ople of the clty for hls pai- toral work. The excurslon waa under the man- Bgesaeat of Jeremlah Murray, a aon.of Mr. Mur¬ ray. EUROPE NOT DISTL'RBED. ALBERT G. M'DONALD &AYB THAT PEO PLE THERE EXPECT M'KIN- LEY'S ELECTION. AMBRICAN OOMMON-SENSB 1/XiKED TO TO FtT* AN BMD TO THE 8IL.VEH CRAZE-HATRED OF YANKEEH A8 BHOWN BT 81'ANIFH UVU.i Alhert O. MoDonaM. fornior I'orporatlon Coun- ael, has Just rotumod from his Europeati trlp. and Is aaarlniad both from the vlew of tt-e Amerlcan 1'residentlal eonteV whloh he cbtninod BB Europe, and tho nearer vlew whlch he has had ln his flve davs on Amerlcan soll, that IfcB-BUey wlll be elected by a safe majorlty. To a Tribune reportar Mr. McDonald said yesterday: "Whlle I was ln Europe I found that lt was not consldered by people over there that there waa any probRblllty of Rryan's electlon. or that the sll¬ ver crax«. as expresstd ln tho I>orpo< ratl. platform and In Mr. Rryan's epect-h. meant anythlng more than a temporao ebullltioii of feoltng whlch would bo put down oomplotely by the plaln common-aensa of tho Amertcans ln Curoj*- People look u»ca us. I found. aa exponents of oommonn-nse ln our affalrs. I do not thlnk from what I sa* and heard thore that the confidenco of Europe ln the I'nlted States. lts people and lts future ls ln any substao- tlal way dlsturbed. "In Parls. and ln I.cr.don partleularly. I talkad wlth a good many Amorlcans travellinr for ploaa- ure.Democrats and Republlcans.most of whom hnd come over recently, and I found among thorn a unantmous expresslon of the purpose to vote for McKinley. I was told by them. alBO, that ln tho dls- euHslons in the smoking-rooms of the vtoamers oo whlch thoy had crossod there was tho samo ospres- slon heard on the part of Democrats comlng from Wldety separatod parts of our counTv HKYAXS CHAJfCEB EESSENINO. "Slnce my return on Saturday last I have re¬ eelved th» lmprossion from bu-lnoss mon with whom I have talkod that Rrynn s .-hancos- If he over had any-woro |*s>«-nlng as tlmo paaeei, ln the faoe of the dally txposur- tbal b taking pla<a of th<- faltacy of th- catchwords an-I phrases on which his s:_ndln. »"cm» to have rest-d I am told that the trades-unlnns. whi<~h roach the work- Ingman so effectually. hav- taken up the oxplana- flon to thoir associatos of th- v which would follow to worklngmen from any succcas of tho attver adhoronts. "My own vlews are settlod. spoaking not from tha atandpotnt of a Kepubiioan aaerely, bot from that of a cltlsen, that tho conteat ougrht to b.- fought out dlrectly between McKinley an-I Bry.m. and ih.it the iltuatlon ought not to be compHcated I¦¦. Him Interpoeltlon of any thlrd candldal Al preaent I i-m free from any aerl ta bi prehenaion of the reeult of the electlon. i mlght begln to t- anxioua if a thlrd candldate should be put up ¦> Democral of cbaracter and atandlng, who miuht draw m-my of the Deraocratlc rotea whl< !. l thlnk ar- assur-d. under pres-nt condltlona, to McKI "1 am satisn.-d, from what ....%.. ln F.-ir-.j'.-. th * tho eatabllahment of the sllver haata bere wm.T dlBcredlt us wlth tho bualneaa people there, and would reault ln tbe wtthdrawalof thelr invstmenta In thls oountry." BPAJflBH HATRJBD OF VANKEES. "How long wore you abrond?" was asfcad. "Five months. I rlalted E;.u\: nd. Franca, r.ei- ra.-iny, AOStrla, Swltzerland, It.il> and Spain. I was ln .Sji.iin when tho antl-Yank . rlOta o.urred. The day aftor wo left tho P/aablngtpo Irvtng Hotel at Oranada a mob oamo and palnted the word "Washlngton" out of th- sign. and th- day bofore we reached Cordova a mob palnted Ihe word N-w- York" out of th<- slgn of a hotel oppoalte to wl.-re we Btayed This was th- expreeelon of thelr de- tostatlon of everytblng aaaoclated with us Evory day th- newapapera were flll-i arlth expreaelona o_ hatred towaro Am.-rl.-ans. whom they called "Yan- kee doga" or "Tankee boeja." Tl.--v repeatedly atated tbat tho Unlted Btatea owed Ita exlatecce to Bpaln, and that lt was now abowbig the rankost klnd of lngratltudo. of eourae they referred to the I'olumbus eplaode, whlch m»y aaaa te >-imo Am-rl- cans llke going pr-tty far '-..- k "The Spanlsh people learned l-o ml«r«Nv noor. vv» eaw the r.-iw ievfed of troopa as they wore brought down to the aeaportB for shlpmanl to «'uba, and although It w..s aaaerted thal Ihey wi re adultg, they ware largoiy mera h-.\s. Btxteen --r aeveataeai yeara old." Mr. McDonald has galned mii'-h ln hoalth and str-ngth from his trlp. H< waa run d-w from tha severa strain of bla two yeara -i> CorporaUeej Couns-I. -a MORE 8TBEET-B I fl.iT l V TR I \ 8FER8. TilE RROOKI.YN HBIOIfTB <"M! \NV U II.!. Eg> TBBfTJ ITS BTBTBM TO-MORROW. Beglanlng; to aeorrow, the Brooklyn tletghte Rafla road Company arlll extend Ita syatom ot tran.-f.-ra On and after thal date fr. traaafera arUI n* ea- tabltahed between the Ri ihnaond Hlll Has and 'bo inion. Buahwick, Myrtle and Oataa ave IB t Ridgawood, brlnglng BJcbaBortd HUI and laaaaleaa, ii-. well aa all Intermi llate potnta, into tion wlth all parts of Brooklyn for a stagta rn . c-nt fare. A nok-l wlll allow a paea t-.-. r t.. rMg from Jaaaatca to Feel HaaaUtoa or Beaaonburat, a dlstance of over twenty mtlea On tha aame due the s.-rvioo to Jamalca will be areatly Improved i-y runnlng throuah cara frum Jamalca to th- Broad¬ way ferry and return avoldlng the trani fore exlatlng al Eaat New-Tork between the Broad¬ way an.i Jamalca llnea. This transfei will be dla* contlnued on and afi.r Baturday, ind .:-.¦. .-¦ i daslring to go to Jamalca will take rotigh Jamalca rara, and thereby avold Ihe cbanga and walt ..t Kast New-York MR. MOLLEXRAVER V' )'.< TUE TEl.Ki. BHB tvit.r. BBPLACal THK THKI.MA. 8TH1 TI 'A'AB Bl BXBD OS J'l.Y 7 J. Adolph MoUanhauar yeaterdaj parehaaad tho Bteam y* bt T.ika. Bbe waa formeriy ewaad by Oeneral Benjarala M. Wh.tloik. of Qovarnar Mea> ton's staff. Th- Ti ika N a wemd-n reeael, Bcheoaee rlgged, airy and commo.lious belcwdeeka Tha Btatarooma are rinish-.i la whlto and gold and panelled with piat.- glaaa mtrrara The guaata" st.ito;-..om eontalaa four bertha Tho illnlng saloon on tho fotward do. k i< dnlabed in mahoaraay. The beat la prov.J.-d wlth bydraaafa ateorlng gear, operated from the brldg-. an-i she t. htt-i throughout wlth eloctrlc Indlcators. Her anginea aro af the trlpea aapaaaaBB type. The Toikas dtanenatoaa are: Length over aJt, 81 i.-t. wat-r-i'.n-. ¦ faat i bMbeaj beaaa, U f-et t in.-h^«; draagrht, .'» feH I in.-h-s. Bho wlll tiy tha colota of the Atlantic and F-natai'iit-i "orinthi.m lubB. Tho T.-lka was bttltl ln Port CbeataT thls sprlng by Balley, and made her first crubsa with tho At- lantlc V;.'-!ii Club'a :'..t. Bhe waa boM becauao Ueneral VVhltlock dealrea to t*\ an auxtltary itean sehooner. The raaaon Mr Hollenhauer purcbaaed the Toika is beeauae his twtn-aen a ateam yacht Thelma .-aught Bre on the Bound near lluntlngtoa on July 7 and was i.ui.; to th- water'a edge. Mr. and Mrs. Mollonhati. r were <>n boord, and with the crew eacaped, but aii ti-.o jewelry, Bllverwara ..nd Other valual.los on board were lost. EXTERTATXMBNT OF "/./i/v.; F08TBR8.m An unusual ontortalnm.-nt was glven li. th- i>ar- lors ..f the First Baptlat ChBreh on We&m adap evenlng by tho Young People'a Boclety of Chrla- tlan Endo.ivor. It corslst. d of "tlvtna pistors,** rapreaanted as followa: "tjtiakera' Cocoa." Misa Maria Cook; "Frows. r.s FlngMN Tlpped Qloaaa," Mlss E.llth Ackerm.tn; "Tho Kl.nK i al." Mlsa Edna Ackerman. "Moon.-y's ChOOOlala lion-Il.ns" Mlss 51. «'ook; 'llanimond's Freach I 'r..s^lng,*. Miss k. Aakanaaa; 'tMtbart Btcyclea,1 mi>s i.ydia' Barwood; "How ix>ng t-.i." ailsa Elaanor Har- wood: "Jow s u.irp," Mtaa Loulaa Haaaard; "I'hoco- Uile." Mlaa Nellle Voung. Mu- rto.tp." M... t.-ra Charlea Btewart, BvaJta VValla und Joaeph i'ook The committee on taMeaus »a* Fn-man Wella, Edith Ackerman, Eteanor Barwood; soclal eaa*" mlttee, Miss Liilie Btawart. Soaman W. Poweta. Mlss |f, COOk, Alexandar Wasliington K-nton iiuil W i) Dempaey- The aotartalnaaeal araa varira oy si-\.ral BBOaOBJ selections. -«v- iv ABABDOVBD WtFB*8 fl IT. Argumont was l^ar.l for- Ju-l/«- Hurd in thg I'oiinty Court yosler.lay on an api^al from a de- . tslun of i'ollce Jusll- o llarriman B^Jeslgtng Joa. ph Fox. of OeaOM I'ark. gullty ti abandonlr.g his mlf.i. John V. l>onnelly. who MPeaeal BW F-x. BBfi lhat ho camr* to thi- clty from I'an. li about flf - n years ago, und his wlfe folloa-d him aliortly after- ward. They did not llvo toK-th.r. low.xrr i >n May 28. U*o. he wus chsrgo.l by h. r wlth abandon- ment. Tho troublo wlth the .ornplalnt was that It was mado ln Ktugs County. when F.-x w.is 4 rostii.-iit of Queaaa Count) Mr Donnelly s..i.i also that ho did not thlnk that F-x could W h-l.l gullty of abandonmont Whaal ho h-i-l n-i llved v. ith his wlfe for tifte«-n roaro. John a. Qutntard, la eppaa altlou. argued thal the lauae of tim« did not ro>


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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-07-31....PACES 11 TO 14. M&&mk FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1896. vVORK ON THEPHORE ROAD arHfj COMMISSION ABOUT READY TO AD-YERTISE FORBIDS.-pBCnrJCATTONS

**********PART II.

PACES 11 TO 14. M&&mk FRIDAY,JULY 31, 1896.










R la the prlvllege of The Trlbune to make this

morning the flrst announcement that has been

.Iven 80 the publlc of the determinatlon of the

gliore Road Commlsalon to begin work at an

jgrly day on the flne parkway that Is to run

glong the Boy and Narrows, between Bay RidgeBid Fort Hamilton.The apei'lflcations for the work have been

grawn under the supervlson of Olmsted.Olmsted & Ellot, the well-known landacapeajchltects. and in a few days lt ls expected that

proposals artll he advertised f->r. Thta announoe-

icent cannot fai! to he of Interest to all the peo¬

ple of Brooklyn. who are aware l>y thla time that

one of the flnest dtivea on the contlnent is to be

oonstructed Blong three miles or more of the

Prav.kiyn woter fronl At tho beglnnlng the

r..ad will he eompleted for only part of the fullwidth determlned on near the n. rthern end. as

a gaed deal of flUing in will be requlred thereon the water side of the drive.


There has been BOntB discussion among themembers of the Oommlaaloa aa to the best name

to be given to the dlive they are going to make..v ::rst it BBBBbelleved that no better name thatthat af Bay lUdge Parkway could be found. butwhen that nair..- had been praetioally agreed on

lt was BBBxnrered that the Eecislature. ln Its

supreme wladom, had bestowed that titl-- on

Peventj-fifth-st., and BO, of course. it was outof the qur-s:. n t appropriace it for the new

drive. rurthei inslderatton led to the conclu-aion that th.-re would i>e BPeclal proprtety in

aoJherk.g to 1 oame, the ph re Road, bywhich this blghway has l>ng beon known.The BOPBlar name haa therefore been decided

on; lt aiready ai pears on the lampp. sts alongthe road. and no change in that reepect will b»

required There wutild l»e some advantages lnthe BBB Of the word parkway, as applied to a

boulevard compiislng n<>t only a drive, but rows

of trees. graasplots and a br.iad path fr.r blcy-cles. but as a niatter of fact the word "park¬way" has been applied in Brooklyn to some

roads that are not parkways strictly speaking,and it was believed by the Commissioners that"road" menlfied aU that parkway would on-

note. while at the same time it possesses terse-ness and conserves the designation that hasU-on employed fmm time immemorialThe Commlaelon has reeently decided that it

wou'd be advlsable to have a b-gal adviser ofIts own, Instead of dependlng on the ofTlee ofCorporation Counsel Burr, and has accnrdingly

..¦1 a well-known member of the bar, Rob-

Btt D Renedlct. to act In that capacity.WHAT PRESIDF.NT KENNEDY SAYB.

Bpeaking of the work of the Oommisslon. ex-

Park Comisslnner Elijah R. Kennedy. who was

made Its presldent soon after tho death of Oen¬

eral John R Woodward last winta-r, sald, when

aeen at hls offioe tn New-York yeaterday after¬

noon:"The plans and specifleations have been

thaTrouarhly pr^parod for the c«mp!et!nn nf the

upland part of the Shore Drive between BayRidge and F<>rt Hamilton. wlth two exceptlonaWe shall not at present undertake the treat-

ment <if the Ooncourse which la to t>e establlahi dwhere the Brooklyn Clty Rallroad Company now

has its terminus at F'.rt Hamilton, and the

northerly end of tho road wlll not bo madi BB

wide as lt ultimately wlll be aceordlng to thedesicn agreed on. We have not money enoughBt our disposal to make the bulkhead alongthe nurthern port inn, BO as t<> enable us to flllta t.. the full intenda?d width. and we did not

buy j roperty on the eastern slde because, as we

aaaa advtsed that we should by all meana huyand contraj the land on the water Bide, it was

rheughl by englneers that it would be cheapernear the northern end of the drive, where theland is not much higher than the water, to fillin along the water rather than purcha<»e the

property on the »ast side.b work as is now done will bo exactly of

the same rharacter as the eompleted parkway.as far aa It goea, and there wlll be nothmg tem-

porarj or cheap about it. The work is to be

done Bceordtaf to the general plans of Olmsted,CgsBSted m Ellot v.ho have lnspected the speel-BOUlOUS, and lndeed assisted ln making them.

The only plajvtlng In the Bpeciflcatlona now

prepar.-d Ini ludes the formal line of Bhadetr*-.< Just outside the sldewalk of the park-Bay. Olmsted. Olmsted & Ellot have given.-s -;.- Dcationa for preparlng the strip toBBdevoted to tr.-e-planting. but have not reeom-

mende.l the most appropriate and satisfactorytaaaJH ,re,s for use here. Beecbefl thrlve In thenjeuity, Blnce numeroua beautiful treea of thatBarlety ar- to be seeri on the bank along theBarrows but the beech, on ao<< unt of itsB&nches la not -ultable for piaein* between» walk ar.d a drivewav. The lndlgenous trees

alone the Eaat Rlver nnd Eong Island Sound are

Biain'lv oaks and cedara. The latter are n<>taBBdaome ahade trees, and the oak is not aa

rapid a grow.-r as we COUld deslre. The OC-culonal heavy wlnda that blow along the shorewould be sure to whip the llfe out of theBavea of roaples once ln every few years, andthe llnden, anoth'-r tree that would gmw there,Ii not so weii adapted for an avenue as for alawnTP.EKS THAT WILL STAND 8AET WATER

NEEDED."Ona of our difficultles is to obtain trees that

wlll thrive on an occasional 40M of salt water,booause ther* are every now and then.so theoi rr-j. der.ts lnform us.westerly gales that beatBtlth BUCh foi i BJong the shore that the sprayl» thrown np over the highest part of the roa.1-*'&> in eonalderable quantities."Tbo plana for making the road and siae-BBJkhare beei prepored by Fdwin C. Bweeaey,¦ kaoklyn, but the d.-talls ha\e beer large.y'^^ed by <:¦ irge Irnrram. one of the Commls-.**n. aho la about to sail for Europe for a

^itfcarhatt proionged vislt. He is anaccompllsh<-df:v" OUtoeer, and it is no more than Juatlce'°bimto.-ay that the servicen he has renderedw.thout i>rnuneratlon would certalnly hav^ cost«ai clty geveral thousand dollars. if they hadr**n render.-! by civll englneers of hlgh reputa-?.!!;.^ POld for or. the usual scale.The work will be dore under the aupervlsion

.J Mr Sweezey, with the g.nernl oversight ofJ"n«a?d, riimsted & Eliot. Aa you know. theytr* ti<,i only i;U.dKcape deslgnera. but on thelr

'^tff staff th.y have civll eiiKlneerrf who are spe-

^'B.lsta in varloua departments of park ronatruc-»on. The spa-cifla attons, as I have rald, are al-¦aai eompleted, and we espect, probably wtthlnJJnrtnlght, to Bdvarttaa for bids for the work.Tb" VBtar I'ipe has baw-n lald by the Depart-BBBM of Clty Works along the road. but as lt"lay i*. years before that Departrr.ent will bef»ady to proceed wlth the ronstructlon of sewers.** have deemed lt lnadvlsable to wait for that*ork to be done.A NTISANt'.m NKAR FORT HAMILTON"Among minor mattera I may mentlon that

BSBBy eomplolnta have been made beeause of theOuiaance erea.ted at an lnclosed wharf known*¦ Ih* Lane Doch, near Fort Hamilton, by thedutnplng of garbagc there, on the pretence thatI! ,wa" 8and. It was certtlnly an outrage thatin« waa ever pa-rmltted We flnd the eondltlonVL? ?*. h''weVf"r. and lt is our Intentlon tO.smeoy lt at once by OUlng ln the place wlth"Tho ga-neral line of the Bbore Road as It

2J ?'xl»ted for. I BUppose, li<H» years wlll barjfkaJxT t0 ,n lh* rontemplated Imi rovement."n the exreption that one ahort curve. % ahoi ta>«tance north of the Creacent Club property, |

wlll he eased. and In two places where the gradola Ptoep It Wlll bo redaced from » per ct-nt taB for cent.

"I wnuld also llko to add that the Commls-aion haa been importuned to asstst ptople koep-Iiik si.-.-niicd public hnusos in retatntr_g thalrli-iui r lloenaea Htit we have d'dded to nppo«»eall nuch llcenaea, and to get poaafoolun ot allthe buildlr.ps that must bo retnoved. I'osslblywe may not dlsturb people whoae bualnoss de-pends on tbe rammer soason until the close ofthat aeason. but thon It la our lntentlnn to cloaraway all shantb-s. b.tlihousos, sbods and 'pub¬llc houses.'"There ls one thlnc tn-'-e that I thlnk may be

of goneral lnterest. and I would bo clad to hav»lt made known to tho people of Hroiklyn throughTho Trlbuno. So many queattona ariso in theC'immlssl.in that aro qoeetlona of law. and it hasbeen found so Impracttlcable to have a deputyfrom tho Corporatlon Counael'a offlee aaalgnedto moot with ua, that we recentljr docldod to oie.-ta BpeclaJ legal adviaer, and Robert i> Benedlethas hoon chosen Tho hlgh rharaeter of Mr.Honodlct as a lawycr and as a cltlzon will, Ithlnk, eonvey an agroaelila impression to thepeople of Krooklyn."


THK FIVE RRANCHES OF THE RROOKLYNMET niSI'ENSARY OPBKED YESTERDAY.Tho work of irhlr.g out BterllUe. mllk for the u«e

of Infanis p.monir the poor people of thls clty was

atarted yeaterday at tho Bve branohos of theHrooklyn Dlet Dtapanaary. The poor peoplo are

not awaro ;is y.-t that they can obtaln this mllk.nnd lt wlll take some daya for all tho hur.dr.-.ls of

phyalclana, who are ln the habit of gtvlng ordera on

tho dtapenaarlea, to P.r.d out just bow thoy canordor the mllk. Bul lt Is thought that ln a fewdaya all mtsunderatandlng whlch there mnjb<.-n wi'.l l»- done away wlth.At tti* maln dUpenaary, No 21 DeKalb-aye.,

yeaterday one of tho le.dfng offlrlalfl "f tne dla-penaary bbboi latlon denled thal Nal in ewaa glvlng :he mllk, and aald thal the work hadI.. n undertaken \ a Brooli yn phl ithroi lat, whodid : ol arlah to havi rila name IIpoaed, however, thal Mr Bti me 1

1 tho oharity. aa the m Ih omi - from hla laboratortealn New-Tork.




MAY UOHTBN HER BTJRDEN.A pretty, p.i'o. :\rn woman la a well-worn dress

wu ir. Bupi ma Court igsterday and told Jus-riement that ihe wanted her buabaad sent to

jall. She i« Mra. Martha WaBhlngtoo Bchralver,ftn_ Mfl u ahe obtalm i ree of eepara-tloB from her l ibai J »hn E Schretvar, who ls

a car conductor, and who llvea wlth his parer.ts at

No 1*. North Thlrd-ai Bouth Brook'.yn. Mrs.

Bcbrelver la not yet of aa »od sv)-' eued throngbA. Burgmyer as her guardlan Her buabaad dMnot defend the action and iudgment waa grantedln her favor on the ground thal he ha 1 111-trea.i I

hor. Bchrelver a li Ur< "¦ ti pay her U a weebaltmony and f2B counael fee That wns flve weekaago. and Mr O'Brlen, who appeared for Mrs.

Bchrelver, said that he had rot paid a cent On

that aeeount tho plalntlff had not been ab> to

leave :hr houaebold wbera ber hu.-Sand llved. She,-. ,| ..i a room by heraelf, bul h^r roeala wera

taken from the common table. She ate thom aluneand the dog was her only companlon. Durlng the

meali ihe real of tha houaebold amused tbemaelveaby rldlcullng ber. Counael aald ih.it Mrs. S?nrolver'slife in the houae was a burden to hor and showould be only too p.ad :o leave If the defei laniwould pay the allmony whlch the Court dlnWht-n the order requlrlni him to ahoat cauae arhyho should r.ot te punlshed for contempt waa eervedupon nim. aii In thi houaebold were furioua. andMr, Bchrelver became afr..: 1 that If ahe atayiln the house ahe would be locked 1151 and not a.-

lowi ime l.ri Therel ira ahe ipi nt thenlght ln tbe hi uae of a neighbor.Justlce Clemem ..:.- 1 thi plalntlff :o the atand

ri..i aaked lier If ihe aan% her husband sent to

j..i.. Mrs Bchrelver replled poaltfvely that she did.Counael for 8 hrelver said that as tha p'.almiffl].i 1 Uved In the defendant'a houso. and as he hadp_:d for her support, h>- did not thlnk thatBchrelver ehould be compei.ed to pay tho allmony.He aald, however. :hai he would pay the allmonyIf the plalntlff would leate hl- tiou-.-."Ho f-ays r.o-.:iing of the kind." Interrupted tha

plalntlff, her --vas rla = hlng.Ju -. - Clemenl learned that :ho board of Mrs.

:- relver amounted to 13 a woek. and thon he said:.I do not like to sv-r.-i :n.s defendaM to )all forf^iiuro to j>iv counael fee. 1 will credlt him wlthpi .. -. k for tbe f.ve w»ks whlch :h<- plalntlff haaipent In h;- houae itn |i Igmant of lepara-llon. Lei him iiay h- r $1 «i week for thoae weekaand lh< reaular allmony thereafter I wlil glvetwo or three montha to pay up tho counael f.-eand if he doea not do ao then rho motion to

punish him for contetnpt rnay be renewed."?




Burrogate Abbott yeaterday paaaed upon tho ao>

tlng of Publlc Adminlstrntor William H.

Davenport of tho eatate of iim.-s w. Page. TheBurrogate flnda tbat Emma Hudaon Page falled to

prove that sho was tho wldow of tho deceaeed, and

disposos of tho property accordlnu to tho law otlntosta-y. Jam.-s \Y. Page was a wrll-known

Fportlns; mnn and left an eatate valued at f-5,000.He attanded :>il tha race meeta In both th» Eaatand W'ost, and at ono timo waa one of tho wealtb-lest and beet-kaown Btable own.-rs on tbe turf.He dbd ln an Inaane asylum In Vermont abouttwo yeara .-iro, laavlng no wilL Whon the eatatewaa about to be closed up on tbe aooountlnu oftho iMhiio Admlnlatrator, most of the property

I to coualna of Paga ln MaaaachuaetU, a wom¬

an who call.-d heraelf Emma Hudaon l'**-- camein and attempted to prove thal ehe « ia the wlfeof the deaud boraeman I aald thal Paoa hadknown her evei aln .. stu was a amall K'rl, andthat when ehe gr*.-w up ho pald hor attentlH.-r father would nol conaeni 10 thelr marrlage,and ahe opened a small millinery storo in Water-bury Conn. She teatlfled before the Burrogatetbat one day in September. 1888, I'hko telegraphedto hor to meet him in Vermont Bbe m<t him,and declarea that they weni to a justlce ln thovlclnlty of Rutland Junctlon al 2 o'clock ln themorning and were marrled. She c-ouiu not r.

member the name of the Juatice, and said tbatPage took the marrlagi certlflcata Bha said thatafterward Bbe was known BJ 'ho wlfe of I'age,and wont wlth him to rarloua ra.e meetaSurrogato Al.bott flrds that ahe has not estab-

llshed l.or clalm to be the widow cf l'age, and hedisposos of the caae wlth thla memirandum: "Iam of the oplnkin. upon all the tesiimony. thatEmma Hudson has falled to prove any marrUx.with tho inteatate. Jamea w 1'ago." It ls proba-blo that an app-al wlll be takon from the d^nsionof the Burrogate.



A RKAT'Y SALR IN UEAOtNa CltlBIWobstor R. Walkley, of the hardware flrm of

Peck. Stowe & Wllcox, of PhaniberB-st.. New-York,has Just return.d fr_m a two months' trlp to

Europe, where ho rlalted the cltlos of Hamburg.

Rorlln. London. Tarls and Rruaaela He said, ln

spoaklng of his bualneaa r-stlgatlons. that he

thought buslness was b.-ttor In Europe at preaentthnn It ls ln the Unlted Statos. Ho WB8 asked If

Amerlcan btcyelea were boing introducid tin-re. He

said:¦¦Aimost all the large Amerlcan Brma have ac-on-

rios ln the prlncipal Europoan cltlos and are push-Ing the bualneaa tigoroualy. Many good whe«-is that

U6 made in i.ormany aad Eng!and, however. flnd

a ready market Tho use of the bteyela la aa unl-

vataaJ there as horo."He waa a-sk-d bow the Euro;-oanB regard the

nomination of McKinley.-Thoy are naturally opposed to McKinley, as

thev thlnk his electlon win plaoa a blghar duty on

tha goods they eaiaart Bat, al tha aama time.

thov thlnk lt would be foolish for 'Ameraa to thlnk

of malatalnlng allver oa a aavrtty wlth gold. Aa ie-

B^h! iJraTldly comlng W. ferH. . centro |,

must" art! lit.ra.uro aad ehaaalatiy.

RIELEMEX To COMPETE S VBW-JBBBBT.mnoklTn r.glmonts aro preparlng U. aend tean.sBrooiuyn k ffer(id at th. _lxlh

10 '""I".., g fS N-w-Jcrsey fl.ate Rlfl- As-

l7oi;^arGuarr,S>of,Jtfbi,VB;.o'u. SUte. and Terrltorle..








County Judtre Joseph Asplnall made all arrange-Tnonta to sall for Europe on Wedneaday, but he dldnot go. Tho ittaehes of the court. wlth whom hels most popular. preparod a large basket of eham-

PBgna and otl.er good things and rarrled them over

to tho j,ier They were much surprtsed to learnthat the Judge ha 1 decided to abandr.n hH trlp.but when they tearaed the reason they were notIn the least hurt thu thelr good things dld not ac-

i-omplish the object for whlch they were flrst in-tehded. Yesterday morning Judge Asplnall had

this to aay aa iut the raasons why he dld not go to

Europe: *

"Wlth several others, as you know, I went to Al-

bnny ar d saw tho Goveanor ln ralattOB to the em-

ployVa of the County Court wlth respeot to the

Civll Rervlce Commisslon. Hls legal advlser tn-

furttied the Qovernor that under exlstlng eondltlons

bvbb the State c.vil Bervtoa had nothing to do withthe Couaty Court Tho Oovernor sald that If that

was so he WOU d relnstate | -hedule C, whlch he had

BUapanded on May N, maklng our otlir-rs BUbJector.ly to non-competltlve oxsmlnatlons. To this the

State t'ivii w rv.. a Cammtastaa oonaaated."Chlef Kxamlner Fowier had ordera-d h Htate eorri-

petitlve examlnatlon for our efflceis. He WTOtl

me, aaylng that lt would be better for our men to

snter tha Btata eompetltlvi aaamlaatlon on July ¦>.

and Btatlng that if they obtalned II per cent thejwould be conaldered as having peaaed the non-

con ,. tiUve - KamlnatlOB. I .leclined to comply wlth

I |] BUggestton, because, if they went ln. Ihera

mlabt be ten or Bfteen vateranB who atood higherm the examlnatlon who would demand tha offl ".

afterward, alleaing that our men by going la for a

CompeUUva examlnatlon had walved the rlght to ho

conaldered as having paaaed a noa-eaeBpetlUve ex-

amuattoa l wrote to Mr. rowler immediateiy.

aaylng that I conaldered lt hls duty to comp.ywith tha- Qovernor'a declalon."Mr. Fowier tel fraphed bat-k that the exaailna-

Uotfwould take plac. aa already orderadt bj h im.Thereupon I saw Mr. Hurt. presldent of tho state

Civl serv'i.-e b.d. and explalned to him theeltua-,,,,.,. He was preaeni at my 'n".'** ^"JL.Oovernor whlch l have referred to, and he knew

exaVtly what the Oovemoi bad aald «d doneTherefore he sald that he would order Mr. Fowierio bold a Bon-eompetltlve examlnatlon for our

mThinking everythtng was all rlght on MondayJbought my tlcket, lntending to Btart for Europeyeaterday. 1 learned. however, that rowler in-Jiated on a competltlve examlnatlon, eontriry tothe exoreaa declalon of Oovernor Morton and the

dlmttlons of Prealdent Hurt. When the time camevr \ an Doren. the chlef clerk of the County ( otirt

obiected to the examlnatlon of our men, ano l

Snderstand there waa a ralher llvely time. Flnally>i'r Fowier ylelded, and tbe men paaaed a non-

competltlve examlnatlon yeaterday."'When I learned how things were going, I deter-mlned to Btand I y our mon. nnd so 1 dld not to to

Eurobe dldn't thlnk it would be a alr thlng forme to go away and leave the men aubject to arbl-uary r-moval. I think I dld right, too.


after rvntivum ti rm rrave men por



Just after the storm yeaterday afternoon there

onatdereble exdtemenl at Bath Beach, eaueed

D, the report that an Immenae whale was ln the

borhood. Thr.-o reputable wttneesea Bseertedthal they h.,d been chased by tho whale for nearlya mlle. and between thelr gaapa for breath theytold a most thrlUlns atory.Captaln Veeder. owner of the sloop yaeht PHot.

told the atory. ^Ith his frlends. he sald he was

on hls way Insbore. who.. about oppoalU Sea Qatan* notlced a huge buu k object eomtng toward hls

boat. The ConUlB had road of aea Barpaaiia. and

other tnonatera Of the deep. and a. the blaok ob¬

ject came nearer he became thoroughly frlght.-ned."Thafs a whale!" ho shouted in alarm.

The captaln then gave orders to get out the

.weepa, and hls frtenda, who were thoroughlyfriuhtened. so the story went. set to work at the

oars as they ha<! never WOTfced before. To make

them eontlnue their efforts Captaln Veeder koptshoutlng that the whale was getttng Bearer.

Once or twlce the object aeemed to rataa itself

out of the water as theugh anxlous to ksep the

Pilot In sight.As they neared the Avooa vuia pier r.. c. aa.

Fltxcerald noUced the efforts of th- men aboardthe Pllot an.l decldlng that they needed help aent

1 |g N'-wport catboat. the Elalr.e, with John

hattfuP^hOUted Shleldsas he drew near

,,-"!;!.?;",;-ha...d fOf two mlles by a whale." on-

Bwered VeeO>r, almost out of breath. Beei i n-r«.

'SuataVthat mom^nt there arose on toP of a

u-ave\ b\nVli. 1- object. abcut three-quartera of a

S away Shlelda huVn.o back to the Avoca

.fc^^S^Jtt*i£&SroVnAandb John*Co?e?'jump^d mto a .-ati,,,., andv're soon followlng the Klaine ou o aea. Veederwas orevailed upon to accompany Shleids. and

r.; nte' he whale oul for the latter. Mmoet Bftyf- off the L'lmer Park pler the whale waa aeen

Bumlng Itaelf accordlng to Veeder. and Brownand Bhlelda went lnto a rowboat, and wlth a boat-

h"rown*?b^Vhej^>;,-.f;:;;rV.?,,,lh.: s»^^^1^3Hrown and Shlelda rolled over to tha object. andI X to thelr aatonlahment found that they had:,.-,;.,.¦-d a dead horae Inatead of a *»*.*.._pjF^^^!-7h%rteve^]^jr^ i^aan;-;;|. r«prScC«nc°tUtI?:

BgaenedIthat lt ehould have been left to Boat ahoultbe Bay ___^_,




Th* aaaeMment rolla were eompleted and abjnedreaterday by Ihe Board of Asaeaaora The total

., onalva.'uatlon thla year ls W.518,08, a not 1n-

'. of nearty U.m.9* Indlvldual and estate

valVa.lons have falleti off. but .r]'°."',\**;'**fm.-nts hac- been gr-atly enlarged. The bulk of

1, creaae of real property valnatlon eomea from the

Mwly oimexed warda ln the older parta of tha

c!t, [ha changeaare allght The followlng tabta la

a aununary of the persot.si BSSBBamanta of IBM andli'-ei.

i«or,. l^txv

r^lridaaJaaadeataMB . BB.««.B« BB.M8.8Ba

MinXrariV,'*'.r'^.^B.B10.BBT^8 .1B.7BB.BBB--. BT.80J.8aB BB.laa.BBB aB.jBB.4S8Har.k*. .

iBcraaa*. 8101.B1S.T.ta! r.a-t Uwreaaa, 18,800.BmFollowlng are some of the eorporatinn aaaeaa*

ments iBasa. tk^'-

Breeklya ntr Raiimad Oampaar.. . .l»».000 »4-"32.35flNaaaaii Eeetrle Ballroad Comi.»nr... .- .'

.. uiaad and BrooklrB Company. WO.000 Mo.w

a*' f>«i»p*ai ' '.... \,;;.Nvia Tortl ¦¦¦¦- ».* leraaj t5*t*OB«. 8BM0B I.-.

The Incraaaa of th>- Brooklyn Clty Rallroad Coa>

,,lI>s Bnaaaament from tXmOM to over Kwil Brotably be fouartM out ln the courts, as Hon..Yngeth-V-.mi.anys attorney. sa>s the eilaringe, nd'tl'ons this year wlll nol warran: tbe tacreaae.and hla cl.ents wlll not mtbmlt tojhe lajuatlea of lt.


Ja.-ob Brenner, rhalrman of the BapubttCBB Ex-

.cutlva Commlttee, reaterday -ut.mitt.-d to the

Board of BJteetloaa the It-t of FUpabllcana aataetad.j: ,.M,e,.,.rs. poll -l.-rks Bte. Tho llst was

¦ ,,i(i,.d 1. tWO davs ahead of the day tlxed by UW

Mr Brenner aald thal Bpaetal palaa had baan

;:il...n . -,,,,.;,« ,.,.-.tandtdataa far tha ptaeea ¦-

m.7rra-a^^,,t1,r;iMsr;!:;r:1.;h:h:;::1,.::2rOTggft« SasadLi bbTHE DBATB OP W1LUAM B. BBMBJMAB.Wllllam H Herrtsaan. thlrty-even years old, dted

J, Tu.-day al Bta home in MorrUtown. N J.. of

n mP .- Ha was Ih. U* of S.ophen W Horrl-

ZZ a n.-phew af Heary D. Holh-mus. and hls

LrUBBW Mr> IHnrlett.. H W II. rrlrnan. Is a

.. a" a-Marard II Seel> of No 31 H! ka-Bl

^JVRHaTrlBBBB *« .orsuun.Mon f-r a number of

C ar. «nd had been unable to engage actlvrly ln

burtneaa. Tne burl.l wlll be ln tlreenwood.




A NEW mll.niNO for lUaUALs-B BBfB To pre-


BCHOOL FOR FKEBI.E-MINI'EP.The old country "loan-up." or shod, that stood so

long betweeB the Almshouso and tbe hospltal, and

Whlch wa-< such an oy.-soro to Mr. Rurtls, has van-

bsbed, and the spot wlll be etthor aoddad or soodod

for a lawn. Th- forest of large treea that forraerlyobstrurted tho vleW from the wlndows of the

women's apartmonts has been thlnned out to tho

roqulnnv nts of tho olty rath.-r than tho forest. and

tho grounds nro bea'itlfully lald off In ftowor-be.ls.one etrealar bod COBUlntng M plants. Those Im-

provenv-nts have not OOBt the county one cent. as

thoy woro made by tho prisonors in the KingsCounty Ponitentlary.

In tlmo. tho beaad which ts now bnkod ln a

bakery just bnok of tbe atan'8 quartera win be

baked m the penltenttary. It t:ikPii BO throo-poundloaves of this bread for the Almshouse alono. Be-twoon tho hospltal and tho men's quartors wlll be

rro.-toil a bullding ln whlch to k. op tho eonvales-oents. At preaent thore aro no quartors for thr.t

i laaa of people who are noither ftt for tho boapltaln< r ti-.e Almsbouaa. For Instance. th.-y aro old.many of th.-m have trouhl-s pecullar to old age,

Oei d suporvlslon and care. but aro not siek enoughto oeeupy beda In the boapltal, and could not and

ihOUld not do so. as the hospltal Is nearly alwHysed. There ls room f. r i""1 patlenta In tho

hospltal. Nol a weeb ago Dr Arnold was obllgedto make place for bBX and In tho wintor tlmo It Is

not an unuaoal ocourrence to have to take care of

OA I>r Arnold says that tho hospltal facllHIeashould be doubled. ln additlon to a home for the

eonvaleecenta Then they would havo a few bods

tO spare. whlch every hospltal should havo.

imong the raoent Improvementa may bo rm-n-

tioned tho awnlnga for the wlndowa of the nuraery.This bullding has a BOutbern expoaure, and as

thero were formeriy no awnlnga the aun pouredln thire wlth Its not. BCOrchlng ruvs wlthout let or

hlndranco To thla nuraery come unfortunatearomen who aro mothers. brlnglng wlth them thoir

homeless and. many tlmos. fatherteaa Infants Hore

they mnv remaln until the chlld ls two yeara old.Tho CommlsslonJra try to flnd good homea und

people lo adopt the bablea, but if thoy are not

aocceaaful tho rhlldron are aent off to sonn- Inatl-tutlon.the Cathollc ehlldren to Cathollc Inatltu-tlona and the Proteatant .-hildron to Inatltutlona ofth- falth of thelr parenta and ralatlvea And the

mother, If ahe ls not able to oarn her own llvlng, or

thoro nro r.ono that c.m be held reaponalbla forhor care, mn«t Btay at tho Almshouso.There ure two classos of fnd. pondent people ln

thls world, tho mlltlonalrea and the paupera. Oftho two it is probable that the paupar ls tho hardorto deal wlth. Thon- ls no grade of IIfe lnwhlch doea not exlst a soot f»oitng. Theaa lnmat.-sof tho Almshouse and nursory have thelrs. and

they stand up for thoir rtghts wlth a vlm. It has

i,of.n found Impractlcable to k.-.-p the whlteand the

rolored vnnn-n li tho sam.- i-nn or v.ard. so tho

"colored populatlon" havo quart< of thelr own.

Thoro are n.-at mon and neat women, as woll as

li.it h kinds that nro not no.it, bul woman ln tho ab-straot is neater than man. Nowh ro is thls more

striklnglv llluatrated than ln tho Almshouse. Tho

quaftera of tho wom»n, both whlte _nd colored. aro

as lean as soap and sand can mako thom. Thoyaro obllged to keep them clean tbemaalvea Ev.-ryplaoe whore tha woman can get a Mt of rlbbon. a

flowor or a small plcture. Bhe has oaed lt to decor-ata tho few foot ln the ward that comprtao hor onlyaubatitute for home. If an old wornun has been lnthe habll of smoklng* or taklng snuff, ehe la per-- tted to indulge herse'.f ln bbe Almahouse, but thor*ls no lubatltute for that dlsgust called tho cuapldorln tho p'.are A-ross tho yard ln tho quartera of thomen thera la a lack of that cleanllnesa whl- h marksth. diff.Tonce hotween that whlch is paaaable bithat whb h ls porfoot Horo and thero are bozeafill.-d with sand or cindors. but never a rlbbon. neveru pictura, ncvi-r a tlny flowor. lt is tho barracka ofmen.

THE WORK OF THE CIVITAB CLUB.At thls plnoo Is also tho sohool for foohle-mlnd.-d

rhlldren. whloh waa flrat organlz.-d by tho Ctvttaac'lub Tho flrst year of thls work tho ladlea of tbeCtvltaa Club ongagod a teacher at a aalary of 175 a

month Of this sum tha ciub ralaed all but Hl,whlch the Commlsatbnera provido.i. Thls year ti.->have reduced the prlce they pay thelr teacher to888, of which tho Clvltaa Club paya 8*0and tho Com-mlssioturs 08. "no of the young ladlea of theClvltaa Club paya one or more visits a week t<> tt.is

sohool, so that sh- may famlliarUe horsoif with the

progreaa mad« ln thls aeemlngly forlorn hope Hereaiso ilj thoy neod moro room. Th.-y an- obllged at

preaent to keep the feeble-mlnded and th<- bopeleaaidiots in tt'.H lame room. Thla haa been proved t>yezpertence ln the achoolfl for th<- faeble-mlnded onRandall'i Island and elaewhere to greatly retardth* prooTeea of the feeble-mlnded Thoir aurround-ings ahould be of thoae who know more and not l-ssthan they .lo tln n-,--

If it aver was an aaay inattor to put anybody whoir.ignt cbanca to bo In one'a aray Into an liaaylum in Kings County, Buch a Btate of nfr»iir<has ceaaed to xist slnce July l. Th<- quantity ofred tape that waa formerl) necai :¦ to commlt an

Inaane peraon haa been more than doubled. Whllethe doctora at tbe Klnga Countj Hoepltal ar.- noldlspoaed to murmur .-t anythlng tbat tbrowa an

oxtra g'irtrd agalnat vlllainy. tha new regulntloimaterlally Increase th-ir l.it.ors and troublea, ..ndthey malntaln thal the Klnga County Hospltal waaa dlfflcull hospltal to manuge a- lt was Everyforra of Insanlty, from tho wrman who simply sitsand looka stolidly at th.- floor wlth melancholla, tothe lailor »in> runa amuck must havejual bo mu.-hred tape before tho doctora of th.- aaylum car. r<-

eelve the patlent. Hut b.-for. thls red tape can bomeaaured _ff. the Inaane peraon mual go to someplace ao ).-. or ahe t* taken t>> tho Klnga CountyHospltal, or the Almahouae whlle the legal formall-ties ar-- belng eomplled wlth. ln this iimn, if he orahe ls bi the Almahouse or hospltal and auddenlytak.s a notlon to c-t tha place on Bre or to do oth.-rmlachlef, that only h dlaordered brain would thlnkof. any one who |j famlltar with tbe arorklnga of a

hospltal and th- helpleBaneaa ot thoae who lietheremust shudder at the thought

lt requirea eeveral daya und»-r tho new r<«gul..tlon3to gei the proper order of commitment for an In-suno peraon. The auperlntendenl of tho aaylumcan, und probably would. refuae to r.Iva any onewhoea papera were not all In _rder a man cannot>-. lamed for takli a l!l poaalble precautlona agalnatbelng thought In a consplracy to pul or keep a aanaperaon In an aaylum for th- Inaane, and between thefi tane aaylum and the hospltal. ln tho caae ofpatlent who was waltlng to get tho algnaturaa oldoctora, Judgea, relatlvea and frlenda, lt ls the hos¬pltal that has to assumo th.- burden The doctoratl h that for tho sako of thoae who might be the¦ufferera, there should bo a proper place provtdedin whloh the waltlng iane or Inaane peraon, hs thoBubeequent examlnatlon may reveaJL can be pUced.Even ln well-regulated pay hoapltala there aro notonoiign nurs.-s to protect tho atck In caae a vlolentlyInaane peraon auddenly breaka looee, and ln theAlmahouse th.-re ls acarcely any guard around thoold and feeble.


GF.ORGE R. WERBR8VRREXDER8 BIM8BLF.Oeorge R. WTeber, agalnat whom a warrant was

laaued on April \H on a charge of somiing an tnsuit-

itig poatal card to hlfl wif.-. walkfd Into the F-.bral

Bullding yeaterday morning and gave blmaelf opto afarabal Hayden. BTeber was unabla yeaterdayto furnish th- 1600 ball Impoaad oppn him and epenttho nlght In Raymond-Bl lall ll- wlll probablya 'cure 1 all to-day. Weber denU hla guUt and e»-

i thal ihe arge agalnat nim is tho r-suit ofa family quarrel


Jnnos Iwho h»s walked out of a soi-on.l-storywlndow ln his aleegd.oh. doar, 1 hupe my w h^elIsn't hBftl.(Trutb.







Tho sensatlonal proje-t of having a palr of loco-

motlv.m run lnto aaeh other at Brighton Beaeh, as

recently annoeneed, appears to have eotwpaad.It was ilorliled that the orash should tnke plaoe

on a sldmg ba.-k of tho Brighton Beach Hotel.Where tho summer vlsitors could see the sma-h-

up In comfort from the plazzas and feel the ronse-

quent thrlll that sueh a wreok ordlnarlly produces.Dummy engtaeen and flremen were bullt to order

and the regular englneers BBd firemen were drtlb d

wh.-n to Jump off. as the looomotlves raood towardeach other on the foot track. The calculatlonwas that they would ootr.o together wlth a BBesdof forty mlies an hour, and the flnale was expectodto be one of the most thrllllng scenes that even

Coney island ever wltneaaad.The oager promoters tlgured on an audtenoe of

at laaat 108,098, and thought that It mlght posMMyreach >»'.'«jo. The questlon of how this vast crowd

waa going to be acoommodated boeame a serious

questlon ln the mlnds of the Brighton Beach hoteland railroad people. They flxed the admls5lon at

$1 a head.August 8 was set for the proposod thrlll; the

flnal preparations Wl re mnde and the followingproepectua was issuod:The wrltten blatory of each of the two thlrty-flve-

ton locomottvea to be uaed In ihe rallroad v> ra .(.

exhlbitlon at Brighton Beach, August k baa beenpra-pared by the master mechank of the road,ahoaing tho exaot nutnber of mlles rach engtnohas run during Its llfe of s.-rvl te, etc. and theeefacta wi.: i.mbodled tn a neal aouvenlr to bedlatrlbuted to thoae who aftend the exhlbitlon. ABtraage featura <-,f theae faeta is that neith'-r oneo.' the lo.-omotlves whlch are now ln actlve aervlceand. wlll bo untli the .lay of the oolllst m. has ever

been in a rolllsioh or s.-r.ous acddenl of any klnd.Work is now proeTeaalng nn the tra'-k to be uaed,whl h wlll be newly ballaated and put ln goodor.br I. MAR8TON, Oeneral Manager.At the ofticeof tha- Hrtghton Beach Rallroad Com¬

pany llttle esvJd ba- learned about th» affalr reater-day. BBd lt was aald that th" i-rish was belng en-

gineera-d by Henry C Murphy, of tho Hrlgh'on Im-

provement Company. When ask"d about lt hedrew a long slgh and aald It had been decldeil to

abandon ti.-- eolllalon, aa belag too alangerous amltoo coatly as welL The coal of preparatton wouldbe heavr. and tln-n lt would be all over in a seoondand there ooubl be no aecond day's pa-rformance.Ther there might be a hltch; either englne mlghttako it into it.s cyllnder head nol to start on time,and Ihen fhe other ona- wouhl run through thoki.-ker and smash, perhape, lnto tha- eaahouae, andstart an exploaton that would blow every mosr-"1'oul of Jamatca Bay marshes. Tr." thing was notto t»o thought of after s.-rious conalderatton. Then,agai.i. if the bollera ahould exptode, there was no

te'ling what damage mlght be done to BeveraJthouaanda of people who woul.l throng the beachto bc tt.e arand amaah The experlmenl migtn doout Weat, but lt was far too rlsky even for ConeyI.-Und.folonel I.ruigford. of tho Hrlghton Beach Rall¬

road. -aiu it had been decided not to glve the ex¬hlbitlon.




Bfiag CALLERT.Conalderable frhtlon developed yosterday he-

tween Dtatrlct-Attorney Backua and Health Com-mlssion-r Em.-ry over the fact th.it a private au-

topay waa made on the body of Kate CaUery, who

dled on Wedneaday night. by Drs. Drury and.la lobaon, at the directlon of Dr. Kmery. As nl-

ready told, Dr Drury Bttended Mlaa t'allery forseveral daya bofore her death, and when he heardthat she had dled he reported to Dr. Kmery thatthere were susplclous eircumstan'-es attaohed to

th" caae. It waa upon Dr. Kmery's suggeatlon thatthe autopsy was performed without ref'-ra-nce at

iirst to the Coroner, wlth the reault that Mr. Back¬ua and Dr. Coomba isserl that If there was anyunnatural causu of Mlaa Callery'B death the prl-rate autopsy removed lt so completely that thet'oroners physbdan was totally unable to dlsooverit. Yesterday th<- followlng correspondenr* paaaedbetween Mr. Backua aml Health CommlsstonerEmer;-:

Brooklyn. N. Y July 30. U&.Denr Sir: I am laformed that your department

r:z.-d Dr. Drury to make a post-mort. m ex¬amlnatlon ln U.aae of Mivs Klttle T. CaUery- 1would llke to know wha-ther your depaxtment dldso authorlse Vours truly.

P08TER I. BACKlTg, Dlatrlct-Attorney.Dr. 7.. Ta\lor Etmry. H.-alth I'ommlssioner,

Brooklyn, N. v.

D.-nartment of IL-alth, Commlaatoner'a offoe.Brooklyn, N. V July M. li%.

Hon. Poster I.. Backua, Dlatrlet Attairney of WirgsCounty, I'ounty Court H">is.-, Brooklya, N. Y.D-ir Sir: Replying to your oote of even date. i

b"g to state that Dr. Drury called at this officeyesterday morning tn relatlon to hls slgnlng thedeath certlflcate of a young woman patlenl of hiswho had recently dled from perltor.ltla. He etatedthat he hud been alled ln the ease after Dr.Moaher, 1 thlnk, that he had communlcated wlthDr Moaher and found that they had told him thesame story, that they had settle.i with !i!m andthat e\"rvthing appeared to ba ull stralgl.t wlthhim. and he wanted to know if the rtllwould be accepted at thla department. I atated tohim that It would be better to satlsfy hims«-!f thalth.- caae was straight by means .f a poat-mortomexamlnatlon and that he h.\d better have a poet-mortem l". the proseme of competenl wltneasas,aml if anythlng developed of a suaplcloua natureto turn the '-ase oa <t to tha* Coroner. Trustlngth.- same wlll be sattsfaotorv to you, l am. >"irsv.-ry sin.-rely. /.. TAYl.oR EMERY.After the roeeipt of Dr. Kmery'a reply. Mr.

Backua s.-nt a i»ng letter to Dr. Emery, in whlchhe revlewed the faeta in th.- caae and proceeded to

aajThla letter ls not Intended as a rriticlam either

upon your department or upon Drs. Moaher, Druryor Jacobaon, but it is for th- purpoae of havlnaeatabllshed a r-gulation that wlll be uoderatoodbetween your dapartmeni. the Coroner and theDlatrlct-Attorney, so that we muv hen-after work.n harmony wlth ea.-h oth.-r. <>r course it aeemato me the practlce of authurlzlng att'-ri'ing physi-clana to make autopslea ln Buch <ms.-s might resultln oiilltor-itltig the evldencea of .rime and in falluraof prup.-r offlci.-U l.iv. stigation d proaecutlo:The attendlng phvs'.lan shouli'.. It seems to me,rtve B certlflcate of .leath. wh.-re th*re l« no doubt,and ahouid r.-port to thn Coroner where th.re ladoubt and leave the body of th" deceaaed unmutl-lated What is to pp-vent B dOCtor, who hlmsa-lfiias performed the i-nmlnal abortion. from .-ailltigln a frlendly doctor operatlng and deatroylnc al.evldei cea of hls crlme, if this rulo is to prevall?

I wlll rladly meet you at your offlce In conaulta-tlon with Coroner t'oombs for the purpoae of hav¬ing an Intervlew and arrlvlng al a perfecl under-atandlng between our departments. cf -ou-e. IImay be t>.at I am entlrely wrong. and. lf <-o, IWOUld llke to be set rlght.


WLBAB XOT TO ESTBB ACTIYE POUTtCB.Andrew McLean, Edltor of "The Brooklyn «"itl-

zen," denled yeaterday a story to tho effeet thathe was going IntO BCUVB OOtltlC* The storv was

mi the fai t thal Mr M u«n recently at-

tended a meotimr of tho DeBavocratlc State Com¬mlttee as John W. W.-M.er's proxy. Ha went at

the peraonaJ requeal of Mr. Wabhar. Mr. Mct>andenled the stat.-ment thnt he had visited HughMcLaugblln al JameBport ln reference to pollticalaffaira. Ha aald he had no ambitlon to go as a

delegate to Buffalo; that h« proposed to stlck to

newapaper work Mr McLean ihlnka there ls boposBlblltty that the t'hleago thk-t wlll bo repudl-ated by the Btate Conventlon, and h>- beiieves thatttie local Oeneral ''ommltt.-e wlll Indorae the tlcketal Its next meetlng, whlch ls to b* heM tn abouttwo weeka He is uncertnbi aa to whether a seo¬ond D"t:io. ratlc tlcket wlll atd or injure tbechancea of M-Klnley'a el.'etion.

DEL1XQVEST LIQV0B-DEALER8.This is th" last day on whloh the llnnor daalera

can ol.taln the special Uovemment Ueaaaas of fcl3.Many dealetl have fafled to obtaln their certltl-Cataa, BBd a penalty of $60 wlll be lmposa>d uponall BUCh after to-day The revenue a-ollectors havestrt.-t ordera to eollaet this tln*. an«l ln no cas,- wlllIt be romttt.-d. It i.i sald that there ar* at>out fourhuadred llquor-dealara ln tbe cltj who have falledto pay '^'- tax. Many of these wlll be indletedby the urand lury If they are unable to brlr.gforth suffl. i-nt reason for thelr delluajuency Inthe matter


¦everal huadred oior* i people baarded the Denoxat the Hrldge pler yesterday morning for Hayt'ilff Park, Btaten Island. The .-xi-urslon wa«

BBder the ausptces of St. Johna Afrtcan MethoalistEpis.-opal Chareh, of whlch the Rev J. D. Jaek-aon ls pa8tor. It was the twentleth annual outlngof the eaareh, and half the proceealB thla year wlllgo toward the ereetlon of a monument to thememory of Jeremlah H Murray. well knownamong the OOta r-.l p. ople of the clty for hls pai-toral work. The excurslon waa under the man-

Bgesaeat of Jeremlah Murray, a aon.of Mr. Mur¬









Alhert O. MoDonaM. fornior I'orporatlon Coun-

ael, has Just rotumod from his Europeati trlp. andIs aaarlniad both from the vlew of tt-e Amerlcan1'residentlal eonteV whloh he cbtninod BB Europe,and tho nearer vlew whlch he has had ln his flvedavs on Amerlcan soll, that IfcB-BUey wlll be

elected by a safe majorlty. To a Tribune reportarMr. McDonald said yesterday:"Whlle I was ln Europe I found that lt was not

consldered by people over there that there waa

any probRblllty of Rryan's electlon. or that the sll¬ver crax«. as expresstd ln tho I>orpo< ratl. platformand In Mr. Rryan's epect-h. meant anythlng more

than a temporao ebullltioii of feoltng whlch wouldbo put down oomplotely by the plaln common-aensa

of tho Amertcans ln Curoj*- People look u»ca

us. I found. aa exponents of oommonn-nse ln our

affalrs. I do not thlnk from what I sa* and heardthore that the confidenco of Europe ln the I'nltedStates. lts people and lts future ls ln any substao-tlal way dlsturbed.

"In Parls. and ln I.cr.don partleularly. I talkadwlth a good many Amorlcans travellinr for ploaa-ure.Democrats and Republlcans.most of whomhnd come over recently, and I found among thorna unantmous expresslon of the purpose to vote forMcKinley. I was told by them. alBO, that ln tho dls-

euHslons in the smoking-rooms of the vtoamers oo

whlch thoy had crossod there was tho samo ospres-

slon heard on the part of Democrats comlng from

Wldety separatod parts of our counTv

HKYAXS CHAJfCEB EESSENINO."Slnce my return on Saturday last I have re¬

eelved th» lmprossion from bu-lnoss mon withwhom I have talkod that Rrynn s .-hancos- If heover had any-woro |*s>«-nlng as tlmo paaeei, ln

the faoe of the dally txposur- tbal b taking pla<aof th<- faltacy of th- catchwords an-I phrases on

which his s:_ndln. »"cm» to have rest-d I am

told that the trades-unlnns. whi<~h roach the work-

Ingman so effectually. hav- taken up the oxplana-flon to thoir associatos of th- v whichwould follow to worklngmen from any succcas oftho attver adhoronts."My own vlews are settlod. spoaking not from tha

atandpotnt of a Kepubiioan aaerely, bot from thatof a cltlsen, that tho conteat ougrht to b.- fought outdlrectly between McKinley an-I Bry.m. and ih.itthe iltuatlon ought not to be compHcated I¦¦. HimInterpoeltlon of any thlrd candldal Al preaent Ii-m free from any aerl ta bi prehenaion of the reeultof the electlon. i mlght begln to t- anxioua if athlrd candldate should be put up ¦> Democral ofcbaracter and atandlng, who miuht draw m-my ofthe Deraocratlc rotea whl< !. l thlnk ar- assur-d.under pres-nt condltlona, to McKI

"1 am satisn.-d, from what ....%.. ln F.-ir-.j'.-. th *

tho eatabllahment of the sllver haata bere wm.TdlBcredlt us wlth tho bualneaa people there, andwould reault ln tbe wtthdrawalof thelr invstmentaIn thls oountry."


"How long wore you abrond?" was asfcad."Five months. I rlalted E;.u\: nd. Franca, r.ei-

ra.-iny, AOStrla, Swltzerland, It.il> and Spain. Iwas ln .Sji.iin when tho antl-Yank. rlOta o.urred.The day aftor wo left tho P/aablngtpo Irvtng Hotelat Oranada a mob oamo and palnted the word"Washlngton" out of th- sign. and th- day boforewe reached Cordova a mob palnted Ihe word N-w-York" out of th<- slgn of a hotel oppoalte to wl.-rewe Btayed This was th- expreeelon of thelr de-tostatlon of everytblng aaaoclated with us Evoryday th- newapapera were flll-i arlth expreaelona o_hatred towaro Am.-rl.-ans. whom they called "Yan-kee doga" or "Tankee boeja." Tl.--v repeatedlyatated tbat tho Unlted Btatea owed Ita exlatecce toBpaln, and that lt was now abowbig the rankostklnd of lngratltudo. of eourae they referred to theI'olumbus eplaode, whlch m»y aaaa te >-imo Am-rl-cans llke going pr-tty far '-..- k"The Spanlsh people learned l-o ml«r«Nv noor.

vv» eaw the r.-iw ievfed of troopa as they worebrought down to the aeaportB for shlpmanl to «'uba,and although It w..s aaaerted thal Ihey wi re adultg,they ware largoiy mera h-.\s. Btxteen --r aeveataeaiyeara old."Mr. McDonald has galned mii'-h ln hoalth and

str-ngth from his trlp. H< waa run d-w from thasevera strain of bla two yeara -i> CorporaUeejCouns-I.


MORE 8TBEET-B I fl.iT l V TR I \ 8FER8.



Beglanlng; to aeorrow, the Brooklyn tletghte Raflaroad Company arlll extend Ita syatom ot tran.-f.-raOn and after thal date fr. traaafera arUI n* ea-

tabltahed between the Ri ihnaond Hlll Has and 'boinion. Buahwick, Myrtle and Oataa ave IB tRidgawood, brlnglng BJcbaBortd HUI and laaaaleaa,ii-. well aa all Intermi llate potnta, intotion wlth all parts of Brooklyn for a stagta rn .

c-nt fare. A nok-l wlll allow a paea t-.-. r t.. rMgfrom Jaaaatca to Feel HaaaUtoa or Beaaonburat, a

dlstance of over twenty mtlea On tha aame duethe s.-rvioo to Jamalca will be areatly Improved i-yrunnlng throuah cara frum Jamalca to th- Broad¬way ferry and return avoldlng the tranifore exlatlng al Eaat New-Tork between the Broad¬way an.i Jamalca llnea. This transfei will be dla*contlnued on and afi.r Baturday, ind .:-.¦. .-¦ i

daslring to go to Jamalca will take rotighJamalca rara, and thereby avold Ihe cbanga andwalt ..t Kast New-York



J. Adolph MoUanhauar yeaterdaj parehaaad thoBteam y* bt T.ika. Bbe waa formeriy ewaad byOeneral Benjarala M. Wh.tloik. of Qovarnar Mea>ton's staff. Th- Ti ika N a wemd-n reeael, Bcheoaeerlgged, airy and commo.lious belcwdeeka ThaBtatarooma are rinish-.i la whlto and gold andpanelled with piat.- glaaa mtrraraThe guaata" st.ito;-..om eontalaa four bertha Tho

illnlng saloon on tho fotward do. k i< dnlabed in

mahoaraay. The beat la prov.J.-d wlth bydraaafaateorlng gear, operated from the brldg-. an-i she t.

htt-i throughout wlth eloctrlc Indlcators. Heranginea aro af the trlpea aapaaaaBB type.The Toikas dtanenatoaa are: Length over aJt, 81

i.-t. wat-r-i'.n-. ¦ faat i bMbeaj beaaa, U f-et tin.-h^«; draagrht, .'» feH I in.-h-s. Bho wlll tiy thacolota of the Atlantic and F-natai'iit-i "orinthi.mlubB.Tho T.-lka was bttltl ln Port CbeataT thls sprlng

by Balley, and made her first crubsa with tho At-lantlc V;.'-!ii Club'a :'..t. Bhe waa boM becauaoUeneral VVhltlock dealrea to t*\ an auxtltary iteansehooner. The raaaon Mr Hollenhauer purcbaaedthe Toika is beeauae his twtn-aen a ateam yachtThelma .-aught Bre on the Bound near lluntlngtoaon July 7 and was i.ui.; to th- water'a edge. Mr.and Mrs. Mollonhati. r were <>n boord, and with thecrew eacaped, but aii ti-.o jewelry, Bllverwara ..ndOther valual.los on board were lost.

EXTERTATXMBNT OF "/./i/v.; F08TBR8.mAn unusual ontortalnm.-nt was glven li. th- i>ar-

lors ..f the First Baptlat ChBreh on We&m adapevenlng by tho Young People'a Boclety of Chrla-tlan Endo.ivor. It corslst. d of "tlvtna pistors,**rapreaanted as followa: "tjtiakera' Cocoa." MisaMaria Cook; "Frows. r.s FlngMN Tlpped Qloaaa,"Mlss E.llth Ackerm.tn; "Tho Kl.nK i al." MlsaEdna Ackerman. "Moon.-y's ChOOOlala lion-Il.ns"Mlss 51. «'ook; 'llanimond's Freach I 'r..s^lng,*.Miss k. Aakanaaa; 'tMtbart Btcyclea,1 mi>s i.ydia'Barwood; "How ix>ng t-.i." ailsa Elaanor Har-wood: "Jow s u.irp," Mtaa Loulaa Haaaard; "I'hoco-Uile." Mlaa Nellle Voung. Mu- rto.tp." M... t.-raCharlea Btewart, BvaJta VValla und Joaeph i'ookThe committee on taMeaus »a* Fn-man Wella,

Edith Ackerman, Eteanor Barwood; soclal eaa*"mlttee, Miss Liilie Btawart. Soaman W. Poweta.Mlss |f, COOk, Alexandar Wasliington K-nton iiuilW i) Dempaey- The aotartalnaaeal araa varira oysi-\.ral BBOaOBJ selections.



Argumont was l^ar.l t» for- Ju-l/«- Hurd in thgI'oiinty Court yosler.lay on an api^al from a de-

. tslun of i'ollce Jusll- o llarriman B^Jeslgtng Joa. phFox. of OeaOM I'ark. gullty ti abandonlr.g his mlf.i.John V. l>onnelly. who MPeaeal BW F-x. BBfi lhatho camr* to thi- clty from I'an. li about flf - n

years ago, und his wlfe folloa-d him aliortly after-ward. They did not llvo toK-th.r. low.xrr i >nMay 28. U*o. he wus chsrgo.l by h. r wlth abandon-ment. Tho troublo wlth the .ornplalnt was thatIt was mado ln Ktugs County. when F.-x w.is 4rostii.-iit of Queaaa Count) Mr Donnelly s..i.i alsothat ho did not thlnk that F-x could W h-l.l gulltyof abandonmont Whaal ho h-i-l n-i llved v. ith hiswlfe for tifte«-n roaro. John a. Qutntard, la eppaaaltlou. argued thal the lauae of tim« did not ro>