Sünneemcniß. ACADEMY OF MfSIC--S.Lea HusuenOla. RROADWAY THEATRE- Hl.S.firlan li tu. BIJOr THEATRE.2 t.V.*»v ->Iv Kr1.nl fr^m India. CASINO.2.pi IN.Jack and the Bean SUIS. COMMBIS THEATRE.2.S:ia.UHM rela DALY'S THEATRE.2. S:15.OeUha. EDEN MISER- ».Waxworks and Concert. EMPIRE THEATRE-S- B:Sft.Rosemary. FIFTH avente THEATRE.S :IS.toai. Strayed Stolen. GARDEN" THEATRE- Si©-.Tag Mummy. OAEiiICK THEATRE.é:lV-8eerc1 Service. GRAND opera HOUSE.2.8.The Widow Jonea. HAMMERSTEIN'S OLYMPIA.«:15.«anta Minn Hakeem opera ioitse » 15 shore Aetyj. HERALD SQCAHE THEATRE.2.fk-The Mandarin. HOTTS THEATRE-»*:: '(»-- A Florida En< hantrtvnt. IRVING PLACE THEATRE »- Th- Eire« One. KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE -S.Half a Eire KOLTER A BIAL'R.2.K.Vaiidevtlle. LYCE'-M THEATRE. S:15.An Enemy to the yw- MTRRAY Hill. THEATRE.É.*- Too Much Johnson. PAEMERS THEATRE.S -Herrmann Th« r,"y', MTH STREET THEATRE.Ï.S.Tha Cherry richer*. TONY PASTOR'."- )3:o(> to 11 P- m ~ Vsudevill.. r ' ". y.- Jnôex to Qlbrfriiermcnte. Puge.Co!.' PageCi Autumn Resorts. « 4Ci!y Hotels..-.. I AmuFemr.i'.» . T « Horses A < irrMc». S Announcement? . fi « 1>S¡«I NoMcaa-. ..... . Husmee» Notices. 4 1 Lecture« .v Meei.njrs 7 Banker«. 4- linker».. « 1 Marriages Ä Death... S Dividend Notices « 1 Mlr-c.-ll.ini.ous . s »¦ Cspartaerablp Xotleen J i Political Notteaa. J i Euiopaan Advts .... « S-«V Real Batate. S Financial Elections.. 1 ljBaaclal N«MK«l.> Flr.aneia: . « 2 4 __ önßiitfss Xoticcs. tautest! TERMS TO HAH .UBSC,Rl«al«% Dally. $1(» a rear: fl per month. Pallv. without Sunday. $"S a yar; IK) cents per mon'ri. Sunday Tribune. $2 a year Weekly. »1 Semi-Weekly. 12. POSTAOE. Extra tv>*t«ite Is chsrg'd M f"riMgn couvres. except Mexico and Canada, and on the dally In New- Tot k City. REMITTANCES. If sent In cash, unregistered, will be at th« owner's risk. MAIN UPrOWN OFFICE..1,242 Rrealway. Downtown Office. 154 Naseau-Kt. AMERICANS ABROAD ertfl And Th' Tribun« at: lesltna fTlns of The Trlhur,«. 75 Fleet St., E. 0. Morton. R<-»e A Co.. BartnoloaMW House. B. C. Erown. OasM & Co., .'.4 N'W-rtxford St. Theanas Coo» A Son«. Usflgsto circus Pari* 1 BTSSrSa A Co 7 Rue S^rlhe. Heattskgwe & Co., MS Rui> De Provence. ?' rgaa Harjes m Ca.. H Beeil««era ¦atsaaaeaa. c-edM i.yDBjSata, Batrea« Sea Etiaas*** TSasaaa Cot* A ion, 1 Pise» os l'Opera. SJSSeveV- LaaeSSra Orl'.er 4 Co. and fnlon Ren«. Florence.WhHSq» A Co. Vlenn.- An«:'' A'i»*r!an Rank. St. P*te:shui'R OH it Ey.-.r.ai«. The I/nl n omc» of The Tr'Vune Is a convenient place to lesve ad» SfllaOWIS and MbaeftstJsSsl Copie« of The Tril.une may he ltnught In tunden from SJaaara, Bares * Laaek, XorthumW.tin'J-ave., directly oo- poalte ,".ie Qrand Hotel. % to^orköaüa SbftaK FOUNDED BY HORACE OREELEY WEDNESDAY. SOVEMBEH 4. 1890. THE SEWS THIS HORSING. FOREIGN..In the French Chamber of Depu¬ ties II. Denys interpellated the (îovernment on the Armenian question, gnat excitement en¬ sued, asae HuelvH, near Seville, Spain, has been overwhelmed by a tidal wave; many lives were lost. r=z=r The Rev. Carr C.lyn. vicar of Kensing- ton, was appointed Bishop of Peterborough. The Grand Jury of the Clerkenwell Ses¬ sions. London, found a, true bill «igainst Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Castle on a charge of shoplift¬ ing. DOMESTIC.O. F. Hall, confidential man for the Stockman« Commission Company, of Chica¬ go, has disappeared; the cash assets of the com¬ pany are also misslmr. ¦, A bold attempt was made to hold up" the "Katy" train n<\ir Al- varedo, Tex.; no booty was secured.-Ad¬ vices received in Washington are that the Moor¬ ish pirates attacked another French vessel near Morocco, but were pursued and defeated by a Spanish steamer. CITY..The election in this city passed off quiet¬ ly; a plurality of over 2í».oími was given for Mc¬ Kinley, and about 10 000 for Btaek. ==: Tre¬ mendous crowds watched the bulletin boards in front of the newspaper buildings and other places In this city. =r=z: Winners at Morris Park At- lantus. Harry Reed. Voter. Ramiro, Beldemere, Howard Mann, Decapod. THE WEATHER..Forecast for to-dav: Fair. The temperature yesterday: Highest, 60 degrees: lowest, "t'2. average, ."n. THE rnrxTRY IS SAFE! William McKinley has been elected by an overwhelming majority, and the anxiety of all patriotic bcarts gives place to a Joy too profound for expression. It is not only a victory, hut one so complete and decisive as to answer the fer¬ vent prayers of loyal men. Hryan, Bryanlsm. Altgeldlsm. the free-silver conspiracy, and the Aten plots of Anarchists, are all buried under an avalanche of ballots. There have been few grander moments In the history of self-govern¬ ment than thi«. It lifts up all manhood to see a Nation of seventy millions triumph so com¬ pletely over Its own lower impulses, its own past errors. Its own bastar elementa. It is but four yeaiv since amazing ignorance of our own his¬ tory and the conditions of past growth and pros¬ perity, passionate hatred of corporations and creditors, seetioual feeling at the West and South, and base appeals to the poor against the rich and to worklnirmcn against employers, pro¬ duced an astonishing vote for a change at the acme of general welfare. It is but few years since fanatical desire for silver coinage and cheap money swept the country like a prairie Are. To¬ day the whole Nation rises by treading on its own mistakes and its own most dangerous ten¬ dencies, and JoIn6. none more heartily than many who contributed to the error, in the triumphant ahouts with which the majority In this greatest of Democratic cities hails the verdict of the people. . This is an hour of pride In American, citizen¬ ship, of thankfulness to the loyalty and the heroism of the gemmation by which such sons were reared, of reward for the fidelity In public education which has made it possible to appeal to the Intelligence of a whole Nation, ami of profound gratitude to the Giver of all Good. The election of Mr. McKinley has been expected ever since It was seen that the people, regardless of their accustomed leaders, demanded his nomina¬ tion because he was to ihem the best represent¬ ative of a great cause upon which their hearts were Ret. What the millions want, with such a cause, they surely do. But In trying to defeat the people's will by an appeal to all that is most dangerous and basest In man. and to the nether forces of society, the silver Anarchists have made the triumph of the people far greater and more fruitful than a mere victory for.a sound and beneficent economic policy. They have roused against themselves the honesty and the loyalty of the Nation, and earned a defeat so crushing that, we may hope. It will prevent an¬ other such attempt for at least a generation. At the hour of writing It seems probable that Mr. Lincoln's popular majority of 407,000 over McClellan. and «rant's majority, at his second election, hare been far surpassed: that instead of the little more than two-thirds in the House by which Grant was sustained the people have sent three-quartera of their Representatives to represent McKinley, and in spite of the Sena¬ torial strength possessed by the five pocket bor¬ oughs of ailrer millionaires, the people have an- anred a clear Republican majority In the Senate. The patriotism of the Sound Money Democrats deserve« unstinted praise. Their manful und effective organization, and untiring work against the agrillan forces which had.selted control of tbetr party, and the energy with which they combated those forces where it seemed possible they might preraU, showed genuine patriotism. After providing a ticket which Democrats couh support with liDiiest.v and loyalty, most of then voted directly for McKinley, while strongly dis Renting from the National polk] which be WSJ especially chosen to represent. Such men. win are able at all limes to remember that loyalty u free government and duty to civilized society BO before every quesiion regarding the nolle) which the GoTemmeni shall pursue, constltnti the "loyal opposition" without which free institu tlOBS woUM be in danger. Although the resnli proves thai their aid was not necessary to tie election of Mi Kinley. yet it is a grand thing foi the country that they gave that aid. and a thing whjeh they will ever remember with the utmost pride. The months of trial, anxiety and ceaseless ef fort are over, and the mainiiHo-nt result tells the world how grandly the Nation has again met the test of its manhood, its wisdom and its loyalty. Long after iiV chief actors have pasted from the stage, their décris in 1898 will be re- membered with a thrill of patriotic Joy and gratitude, even as the immortal deeds of Lincoln and of Grant. Saved again, from a peril uni less greal than that of the Rebellion itself, the people will not fall to honor, first of all William Mc¬ Kinley himself, whose statesmanship and lofty patriotism have been nol more conspicuous than bis wise leadership, and next Mr. 11.iiiii.'i and his associates, win» have so magnificently organized victory. They will gratefully remember a press never before so patriotic or so powerful, and an grmy of campaign orators. But, above all, it is the victory of the people, who have once more shown with startling distinctness their capacity and therefore their right lo govern themselves. TU AX fi GOD! Yesterday morning, at the edge of the gréâtes! and most momentous political contest this coun¬ try has ever seen of the world has ever known. The Tribune congratulated its readers upon the certainty of the triumph not merely of the funda¬ mental Republican principies of Protection and Sound Money, but of Common Honesty and of Law. Its conclusion was: "To-day the Intelli- "genc* and conscience of the Nation wi!'. make "themselves felt. And to tuorro-vv this People "will draw a long breath of relief from the ter- "rihle suspense of three months and say, with "devout earnestness. Thank God!"' "To morrow ' has come. To-day The Tribune, with all ils readers, with all honest men and all patriota in this country and all mer. everywhere who believe in the reign of law and of justice, of civil order, draws a long bteatb, and in concert with them all says "Thank God!'' Nothing else fitly expresses the profound emotion, the deep and Almost unutterable sense of gratitude which pervades the whole country this morning. Even the most tindevout and sceptical unite in the fer¬ vent and whole-souled ejaculation. It is the only adequate expression of the general sense of re¬ lief. ,. All yesterday men who believed from the very bottom of their hearts thai there could be but one retail were hesitating and shaky, and look¬ ing into each other's eyes for some positive as¬ surance of what they kept saying to themselves was certain. Ii was the timidity that grew out of an overwhelming sense at the last moment of ihe magnitude of Ihe risk and the tremendous stake. Men and women who had no idea that their neighbors liad a lingering doubt M to the Issue suddenly looked each other in the face ami thought of the possibilities involved. And as they thought of them they drew in their breath and said "What if.-7" Well, it's all over now, and as The Tribune said several days ago. "There is no 'What If.' God reigns." There's no doubt now, either about the event or the deep feeling that per¬ vaded the public mind in anticipation of It. The great crowds thai surrounded the bulletins last night in all parts of this town and made known their Joy, with never a break In the general en- ihusiasm, were only an indication of tin' feeling throughout the country. Everybody breathes easier and feels better this morning. And now this remains to be considered. Do we want any more of this? Do we want to take any more chances with this sort of demagogue? Do we want to dismiss this man Bryan with the charitable Judgment that he ¡s honest, bot nils- guided? Tie says he will continue the fight. Well, will Ire? shall we let him? Isn't It about time to dismiss all other considerations and say of this man and of his fellow-conspirators, thn Altgelds, the Tillmans. the Joneses and all the rest, that they are Just what they are. enemies of honesty, of law, of order, of all that good men bold dear? There was great meaning in the sihirance with which Cicero dismissed his C..ti- line when he hissed his "Iste homo!" Let this fellow go with the hissing of a people's scorn. 11770 WONt More than twelve million voters east their ballots yesterday. It was the climax of the most importnnt and most impressive electoral campaign ever waged upon American soil. For four months the conflict had rt'ged In all parta of the rnion. The publie press had teemed with records, incitements, arguments. Pamphlets and tracts by hundreds of millions had been scattered broadcast. An army of orators had harangued the multitudes wherever people ooold be gathered together. The air had biased with banners, and the solid «arth had trembled beneath the measured tread of march¬ ing myriads. Fortunes in money had been ex¬ pended, besides lime and labor still more valua¬ ble. The whole Nation watched the struggle in agonized suspense; the whole world looked on with keenest Interest. It was a mighty con- tliei, fitly crowned with a mighty victory. But who won? The people won. The "plain people" made sure that "government of the people, for tho "people, by the people, shall not perish from "the earth.*1 The farmers won. They van¬ quished those who sought to compel them to ac¬ cept half-price, in clipped coin, for the produce of their fields. The workiiiKmen, the wage- earners, «roa. They defeated those who tried to cut their wages In two. The thrifty deposi¬ tors in savings banks won. They ba/Iled the SCbemea of those who would have lobbed them of half their savings. The holders of life-in¬ surance policies won. They vv»<re victorious over those who proposed to foiee repudiation of half their policies. The army of pensionen«, wards of the Nation, won. They beat the un¬ grateful conspirators who attempted to cut dowu their little incoases by one-half. Churches and schools and hospitals and asylums won. They triumphed over those who meant to rob them of half their Incomes. All honest indus¬ tries, business, society, won, in the overthrow of those who coi spired for depression, ruin and chaos. Law and order won. The Federal Govern¬ ment was vindicated against those who denied its authority and sought to deprive It of all power to maintain the Constitution and execute the laws. The postal service was made vic¬ torious over the revolutionist« who demanded that the carrying of the mails should be done only at the pleasure of the mob. The courts won. triumphant over the abominable conspir¬ acy to make ihem political machines whose de¬ cisions should be lioiight and sold at bidding of some venal lioss. The Civil Service won, over the «ttei.ipt to revamp the old. corrupt «poils system. The National Treasury won, over those who would have made It a counter¬ feiters' den. The whole incorporate Nation won. against the traitors who sought to make Its very name a byword and a hissing. Truth won. Righteousness won. <b»d won. The moral law was vindicated in affairs of State. It was decrecí that this Nation should continue to count two and two ns 'c.,,. »hat stealing should still be reckoned stealing, that contracts should be hold valid, that faith sjionid be maintained, that equal and exact Justice should be administered between man and man, and batiesen nation and nation. It was decided, by the majestic mandate of the people, that there should he no organisation of hostile classes, no "enemy's country" ¡u the I'nited Ststes. but peace and equality before the law. and unity un¬ der one Constitution and one Flag. These are they, these «re the causes, triumphant in yes¬ terday*» »real battle at tbe polls. It was the Gettysburg of industry. It was a Waterloo for Anarchy. Ii was the Marathon of hon¬ esty. It was n victory so glorious that men who yesterday cast their Ural votes will thrill with pride, in now long-distant tature reara to »ell the story to their grandsons, and to say. "We voted for McKinley, and we won!" KEEP (LOSE Tit THE PEOPLE. Reader» <>f The Tribune will now »bare our satisfaction in regarding the course of this .four¬ ni] since the earliest beginnings of the struggle for the Republican nomination. Waging no prescriptive war against any candidate, we stead¬ ily resisted Us» sebease to tie np the imperial Stale of New-York to an Impossible candidacy. for the purpose of Marling its electoral votes to promote the plans of tin- macblne bosses. We insisted on the right of the people to make tbe nomination, Hied to illuminate tbe course of the popular thought and give voice to the people'» desires. When wise Senators and others remon¬ strated with us for ..leaning too Strongly" to 'the wabbling McKinley." our only reply was titat ere were merely following the manifest popular will, and that he didn't «rabble. It is generally safe to gel dose to the people; and never so safe as when a supreme emergency conies to test their capacity for self-government Since Lincoln there has been no higher proof of the wisdom of the plain people than the nom Inatioa and election of William McKinley. VICTORY IS SEW YOKE. New-York has giren its answer to the Invita¬ tion to dishonesty and free riot. It answers by rolling op against the candidate who dared to ask its vote in such a cause the largest ma jority erar cast in the State. It puts Its thirty- six electoral votes in the McKinley column and does It wilh an emphasis wlo.li shows that the Empire state is pre-eminent for its devotion m financia] honesty and political sanity, as well as for its population and industrial progress. Tbe Republican victory in this state is com¬ plete. The strongholds of tbe Democracy re¬ volted against tbe Anarchist platform, ami the Republican districts firmly resisted all appeals to selfish interest, prejudice and passion. Tbe predicted desertion of the farmers to free silver did not materialize. On the contrary, tbe rural districts vied with the centres of trade and commerce in declaring for sound money ami protection. Not only does McKinley carry tbe State by about 250,000, but the Republicana apparently pled twenty-nine Congressmen and an Assembly which makes certain a Repub¬ lican successor to David B. Hill in the 1 nited States Senate. Republican control of the State (iovernment for tin' next two years Is also ;^ sored. Black and Woodruff are elected by plu¬ ralities only about .jó.imm |eaa than that cast for the National ticket. This was to Ik- expected, for a great many gold Demócrata who voted for McKinley to emphasise their detestation of Bryanlsm cast their ballots at the same time for Griffin and Iflnrfrh», with a view to tbe preservation of a Democratic organization pre¬ pared to continue the fight sgslnsi Tammany and the other Anarchistic element» which sup ported Bryan. They «ill rejoice in common with Republicana over Mr. Black'a »access, for they an- as emphatically opposed to the State Government typified by 11 n and Danfotih as they .-ver were. Mr. Rlack will assume tbe Governorship with an enviable opportunity to make ¦ splendid re< ord. Many important question» are to be de tided in the nest two years. With handsome majorities behind him in both bouse» of the Législature, he enn Accomplish much good for the State. The Greater New-York problem, the canals, the extension of rtrii Bei «ice Re form, will lie In Republican hands, and a Re- publlcnn Governor will have n directing strict. The Republicans of New York have reason to rejoice greatlv. The citizens of New York. whatever their party, have nason to rejoice that the danger threatened by tbe Bryan, All geld. Tammany combination has been so ir: nmpbantly warded off New-Tort la not behind other State« in the nprislnir of patriots. EÜRRAB FOR BOBART* STATE' For the second time in its history the Repub lictin party gets New Jersey's solid electoral vote. Even Lincoln received only fr.ur of tbe seven votes accredited to the State In 1861, am! four years later the whole seven were thrown :ig.iln Into the Democratic column for lbs bene¬ fit of General McCleUan. The brat Republican to get New-Jersey'a total electora i vote was fjrenaral U. s. Grant, and then only in his cam palgn against Greeley. Hut even in the palmiest days of Dotnocratle triumph In New Jersey the pluralities ou thai i side never ran much above 14400, and few times so high as that. Yesterday the Repnh- Leans, with the aid of thousand» Of patriotic Democrats, rolled ops. plurality Of not less than fin.(XH) for McKinley and Hobart That Is New-Jersey's answer to »he efforta to stir up class hatred. That is the answer of one of the original thirteen States to the preachers of Repudiation and Disorder. And a titling an «wer it is from th* Commonwealth that has given to the country a Yioe President worthy of his associate at the head of the ticket. Hnr- rah for Hobart's Sta.e! 77//; SPECTACLE. Merely as a sublime Spectacle New-York wore I the aspect of a great force of nature last night Poeta have written of the sea in its might, and Milton has painted the gigantic splendors of bell. It is no exaggeration to say that the streets of the city were lifted far above their familiar prosaic character when the millions who stream through them day by day paused on the Inter¬ val between National suspense and National vindication of an eternal right paused and sent up one great snout of Jubilation. Then did com- inonplacc Madison Square, commonplace Print¬ ing House iqnara, throw off tbe plain guise of business life and stand forth like Milton's Infernal pageant, like one of Swinburne's puis¬ sant visions of the sea. It matters not that our similes are borrowed from the height of majestic beauty, from the depths of Satanic wonder; New-York took on in Ita hour of triumph a grandeur that sent the mind to the two poles which mean the extreme» of dramatic signiticaiice. A disenfranchised man, one win. was not merely without a vote, but without In forest In the great crisis reached by the Amerl- can people, would have been thrilled to his rery heart's core by the sight which met his eyes had he travelled down from Central Park to the City Hall. Between those boundary marks New-York was one world of upturned fares. one storm of sound. It was chaos come again, with the promise of a divine order trembling up from the abyss. How Idl«' it must ever seem to any one who saw this spectacle to revert any longer to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, to the Pyramids, to the highest Alps, to Rome, to any of the i wonders of the world, for standards of trratnl- our. The greatest grandeur Is that which is nllvc with the spirit of God. and It was with that spirit that New-York was last night Inter¬ penetrated until the commonest mortal be- came o unit in the transflirurlne Inmole.« a nation. Perhaps we are. as individuals. É little amazed at what we all felt and did under the stress of excitement, aroused by the ligures Hashed upon screens all over the city. Terhaps we vvumlcr DOW we. sober citizens, accustomed to go about our affairs in the quietest of moods, coulfl ever have stood for hours and shonted ourselves ill, MowB horns until we bad no breath left In our bodies, wept silent tears till there seemed-no tears left to weep. But no man who lived through it can ever forget It. no man who looked around upon his fcllowinen gathered together in numbera unparalleled in the history of our Nation can erase the scene from hi* memory. It was a noble scene, a kingly scene, and there is nothing rhetorical, there is just the baldest truth, in saying that b brought back to mind ihe most heroic epi¬ sodes in the history of the race; it recalled the march of the Roman Fmpire across the stage of the world, as Gibbon has described It: it re¬ newed the passionate thrill which De QtHncey gives his reader when the latter peruses for the first time that matchless epic of "The Plight of a Tartar Tribe." No narrow pride impels us to this statement, no partisanship, no belief thai Republicana alone could have done this thing. It was the work of a nation. 'riie picture painted in New-York City by the citizens of New-York was a picture which will live forever as tin« work of a whole nation, moved by fires of Pentecost to rise In its sacred power und crush once for all the wrong, the untruth, the criminal meanness of men for whom the vilest scourging Is not rile enough. To have seen the spectacle of the Flection Night of lfiOd is to have bad the veil ui mortality swept aside for the notice, and lo have had a glimpse of the glorious attributes of Immor¬ tality. The vision can never die. credit for Tin: result. "Honor to whom honor is due.'' It was in cbiefesl measure a Republican rlctory. The lender of ihe campaign was a Republican states¬ man. Tii bulk of th' army which followed 'aim and overwhelmed the Repudiation Anarchist conspirators was composed of Republicana The platform was Republican. The principles that triumphed were Republican. Prom beginning to end the Grand Old Party st.I like a ruck, unwavering and Indomitable, for its own grand old prlncipli s of hones» money and stable gov¬ ernment Honor to the Republican party, for I be sei (nul time the savior of the Nation; Rut let imt ihe loyal and patriotic allies be forgotten. Alone, against all foes ihe lb-pub¬ lican party would have won. But it would have been a narrow victory, mere party rlctory. The honest-money Democrats have made it .an overwhelming victory, a rlctory of the Nation, liny did noble work. They showed that they were Americana before they were Demócrata They gave the Republicana aid ami comfort. They carried consternation and despair into the popocratlc ranks. They awung'a mighty vote from the side of treason '¦. th" side of patriotism. Republicana have fought them in th" past, and may have to fight some of them again In future, on minor Issui a ' ui tin- one supreme bstto they have marched side bj aide, ¡dhow to elbow. "keeping step to the music of the Union." Honor in the Sound Money Democrats who cast aside old party ties for the sake of the Fatherland, and voted for McKinley! These were tin- allied forces that triumphed in the strife: the«e. and the pool common-sense of the plain i.pi", all under the favor.,:' Almighty God. "Honor to whom honor is flue!" THE Ml TROPOLlñ FOR 801 \A> MONEY. Nobody who watched the hundred thousand nun march up Rroadway last Saturday could doubt what th.- verdict of NeW-Yort City would I»-. Those nun have shown 'ha' they can vote as well as march. They have carried th-- stronghold of Democracy for McKinley by about 30,000 plurality. For ihe lirst time In it-, history the rltj of New Volk has been car¬ ried by a Republican candidate for President. The victor. mie m which all Republicans will rejoice, but ¡t is a rlctory of more than partisan significance, it meaos that even m n BTi SI Ity where the predomina in.f one party would seem to make the result certain, con science has more weight with voters than do party tie.-. The unanimity with which honest men. regardless <»i party, rose up to defeat tin- threatened dancer of National repudiation was Impressive testimony to the character of OUr citizenship. liefe, if a IIV VV let ". the appeal which Bryan made to Ignorance and .'.ass hatred should have borne fruit. To this city and Chicago the doubter who feared that the wage earners and foreign born citizens had .'ii Infected with Socialistic hatred looked for confirmation of his theories that universal suffrage was a failure lie looked In vain. The two great cities declared by unmistakable ma |.iiiiies, thai whatever might be their party affiliations, tbej could be relied upon to stand for the enforcement ol law and the honest payment of debts. The virtue of the cities need no longer bo doubted They have spoken I In their own défense, and In speaking they have given a new hope and a new confidence to t'vi-ry lover of Ills country, ever» believer in the ability of men lo govern themselves. The Republican Mate ticket receives h plu¬ rality In ihe city and a Republican Coronar is elected. At this time ii appears that the Re¬ publicans have no» returned as many Congress¬ men from the nifWropolls as it was hoped they would. That fact suggests the unwisdom of bad'nomlnatlom». It Is apparently difficult for party managers to learn that they cannot safely count on a conscience vote contrary to the die tad s of conscience. Aside flora this unfortu¬ nate sacrifice of sound-money votes In the next t'ongress, Now York has reason to be proud of its achievement Long will the time be re¬ membered when bankers anil wage earners, merchants and clerks. Democrats and Repub¬ licans united for the common safety. Now Yorkers will alwayi think hotter (,f themselves because of this victory for the right. f700f) RIDDANCE. Triumph prompts magnanimity. Victors can afford to be generous. And usually there la noth¬ ing more becoming In a conqueror than gen¬ erosity to the vanquished. When Grant said to Lee's veicrans. "Take your horses and go home," he added lustre to his brightest fame. But there are exceptions to the rule. "They enslave their "children's children who make compromise with "sin." and they do worse than that who, having overcome evil with good, condone the evil and let it again become maletic. There are some movements so haw some causes so depraved, that neither victory can justify them nor defeat entitle them to commiseration. Such a cause was that which was vanquished yesterday) by Um favor of Q«d and th" ballots Of tho American people. While It was active and menacing, it was anaparlagly denounced and re¬ vealed as what II was. in all Its bldeOOS (\f fortuity. Now that It Is crushed out of the very semblance of bolnc. there Is no reason why SBch judgment of it should be revised. The Rung ara* conceived In Iniquity and was brought forth in sin. It had Its origin In a malicious »conspiracy agHlnsi the tmnir and Integrity of ihe Nation. It gained such monstrous growth as it enjoyed from an assiduous culture of ihe bas.'st liassions of the least worthy members of the community. It has been defeated and destroyed because right is right and Qod is God. Us nominal head w.«i« worthy of the causo. Nominal, because the wretched, rattle-pated boy. posing In vapid vanity «nd mouthing resound hig rottenness, was not the real leader of that league of hell. He was only a puppet In the blood-imbrued hands, of Alttfcld the Anarchist and Dabs the revolutionist and other despera¬ does of that stripe. But he was a willing pup¬ pet. Bryan was. willing and eager. Not one of his masters was more apt than be at lies and for¬ geries and blasphemes and all the nameless Iniquities of that campaign against the Ten Com¬ mandments. He goes down with tbe cause, and must abide with it in the history of infamy. He had less provocation than Benedict Arnold, loss intellectual force than Aaron Burr, less manli¬ ness and courage than Jefferson Davis. He was the rival of them all in deliberate wickedness and treason to the Republic His name belongs with theirs, neither the most brilliant nor the least hateful in the list. Good riddance to It all. to conspiracy aid con¬ spirators, ami to the foul menace of repudiation and Anarchy »gainst the honor and life of the Republic The people have dismissed it with no uncertain tones. Hereafter let there he what¬ ever controvertie» men may please about the tariff, about the currency, about the Monroe Doctrine, and all the rest. Rut let there never ¦gain be a proposition to repeal the Moral Law. to garble tin- Constitution, and to replace the Stars and Stripes With the red rag of Anarchy, (in those Other topics honest men may honestly differ, in full loyalty to the Republic. On these latter there is no room for two opinions, save in the minds of traitors, knaves and fools. TALL CITY BUILDINGS. Some Interesting remarks on the subject of tall buildings are contributed to The North Ameri¬ can Review" by Mr. A. L A. Himmelwrlght, an engineer who has had considerable experience In the construction of plants for larg industrial enterprises, and Is now the manager of the de¬ partment of fireproof construction In the John A. Roebllng*a Sons Company. As an expert on the subject of fireproof buildings What he has to say on this head is of special importance, though we note that he affirms that "previous to | "1802 very little was known about practical "methods of 'flreproofing.' " Ah a general propo- j sltlon this is perhaps fairly correct, but It was more then fifteen years previous to 1898 that The Tribune Building was erected with Special care that It should be flreproof, and the fact that it la so bns been demonstrated on more tha»- one occasion, when fires have broken out In ft and have with little difficulty been confined to .,ne or two apartments, without the slightest damage to the building as a whole. We agree with Mr. Mmmelwrti lit cordially when he aays that "in order that a building shall be flreproof "it is not only necessary hat the materials BSSd "shall be Incombustible, bur also that those ma¬ terials shall be so ¿.dapted and employed to the "best advantage that they may effectually resist "disintegration and retain their strength and "firmness under all the i onditlona that may arise "in the ease of a conflagration and the subse¬ quent operations of a fire department." Unhap¬ pily, experience has shown that this Is not the case as respects many bnlldi srs which are pro¬ claimed to lie flreproof, but have not proved to be so when subjected to the only real and de- termlnlng teat. Aa to high buildings constructed in accordance with the modern practice Mr. Himmelwrlght Is of the opinion that no limit can be set to the height to which they may be safely run up. Buildings of fifty or sixty stories he considers as feasible as those of twenty-five or thirty stories, provided the additional cost of the foun¬ dations and structural Iron is not an ln~upera- ble obstacle to Investors. At the same time he does not expect to see bUlldlngS of this height erected, In his Judgment there are no architect¬ ural or engineering difficulties in th way, but he doubts whether they would prove profitable. To this »v« mav add that before such buildings rire undertaken there will probably be a law- put on the statute-book placing a reasonable limit to the height of buildings proportionately to tiio width of the street on which they front. Such a lav. was proposed In the last Legislature In this Ht.it". I,-it fai!.-d to pa.-s. Its failure Mr. HimmelwrlKht regards as a Rood thin*; he say-, that If passed It "would "prove a serious blow to owners of real estate, "and wott' certainly fall to correct a rfngle one "of the many flagrant evils that now exist." seems to think, however, that the main objec¬ tion to tall buildings that sufficient light and air cannot be provided to these who occupy them; be take* no ncrount of the fa. » that light and Sir are shut out from adjoining buildings and likewise from the street, which Is mad» a damp ami sunless trench between massive wiil!s. In connection with this pluiSS of the sub¬ it I he offers an interesting suggestion It Is tb.it a In« be framed providing that > nly a cer¬ tain proportion of the tMal frontag of a lot should be occupied I ya building, leaving an open spae# ,,n each ide of It. This he thinks Would regulate the evils of high buildings ef¬ fectually, and he proposes that a butlding should « eupy St» p.-r cent of the front of th » lot on which it stands, and ~2 per cent of the lot's total area The suggest ion Is a good one. but It Is doubtful Whether Its adoption would produce th.- result desired unless there is also a law regulating the height of tall business buildings. Now i.t th-' Big!» scream! Little Bille« Rryan Is now qualified to give ex- P-rt testimony »bout monkeying with huzi- saws and bucking against earthquakes. ? The l'aimer and Ruckner vote was much small¬ er than many people expected it to be. The fact is credltsblc to the Pound Money Démocrate. They wisely preferred to vote straight for Mc¬ Kinley, and the* deserve all cred!" for their pa- ti lotie choice. It was the sight of a lifetime from the windows of The Tribune Building. From Spruee-st. to Chamiiers-st., from Nassau-st. and Park Row to Broadway, every Inch Of space was packed with enthusiastic humanity. The famous au¬ tumn leaves of Vallombroaa were scattering and few compared with that stupendous tea of up¬ turned faces. The thunder of Niagara was ri¬ valled by their uproaring cheers. . ? Chicago! Shake hands! You're a trump city, after all! Perhaps you are a trifle windy, hut the wind blew the right way this time. ...>- No one has come out of the battle with less cause for gratula!Ion than the independent candidate for Congresi in the .With District. With no hope of election from th" beginning, the only purpose of a strenuous fight has been the defeat of the party which had honored him. Mr. Ward will represent the district after the 4th of March next. -*.- A dollar will continue to contain one hundred cents! -«- The people of the United States have, declare«! in thunder tones that there is no "enemy's coun- try" In any part of the broad !and; and there hasn't been at any time since the surrender at Appoinattox. It was the loveliest Election Day. ao far as the treathsr «rant, New-York has ever seen, it was the quietest early In the day, but the quiet meant business. It was the most tremendously uproarious at night that ever was known or dreamed of, and with good cause. There never was better cause for rejoicing In New-York and all over the land. -a- Bryan said there would be an uprising of the people, and there was-the People, with a big p "There came a burat of thunder sound. The Boy, oh, where was he?" ? .- We congratulât« Mr. Ward on his splendid vic¬ tory over an open enemy In the front and a malicious conspiracy m the rear. The record of an Industrious and honest life la Stronger with the Republican party that the tactics of machine politics Mr. Ward has made plain the ¦sielte of »he boast that on« man seh*d the XVlth District from the Democrats tw# years ago. and only he could hold It In line. It is Just as well that David B. Hill some time ago gave uo all hope of being- elected as ras own successor In the United «tales Senate. Bryan. Altgeld. Sewall. Debs, Jones. Wateon and Mary Elizabeth Lease! How much for thie Job lot? No bids? Chuck 'em to one side and put up a yellow dog! -«- One of the most noticeable evidences of the character of the crowd which last night filled City Hall Park from Park Kovv to Broadway.a crowd the like of which was certainly never be¬ fore seen in thie country, and probably not In the world.was Its remarkable regard for law and order. Though the paved porti ns were so con- pciited that elbow proseed against elbow every¬ where, scarcely a person stepp -d upon the grass plots, though police protection would have been wellnigh Impossible. And everywhere wae good nature. Victors and vanquished jostled each other without Irritation. There was no dis¬ turbance; no repression of free utterance of opinion. No other city could have gathered so large a crowd; could any other city have gath¬ ered such a crowd? No sectionalism in yesterday's work. The whole country took a hand In crushing, smash- ing, pulverizing the country's foe. -*- George Fred held out faithful to the end. After casting his owe vote he expressed eonfldenea that Bryan would sweep the country. What does he think of nimaelf as a prophet now? Arthur Sf wall's own city snd ward did nobly. for McKinley. _ PERSONAL. The, Kev. W. W. N-wton eelebratcd last Sunday tho fifteenth anniversary of his rectorship of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, pittsftcld. Ma««. This story about the Queen of Denmark is said to li* new. w*hm tho botíy of Erlcs«cn was being taken back to hlH native country on the Baltimore, the vessel stopped for a short timo at Copenhagen, and Colonel Clark E. <'nrr. the United States Min¬ ister to Denmark, paid a visit to tho officers of tho vessel, aooompented by the Q.en of DeanMuB «n.i some other members of th" royal family. Drawing close to the Minister during th< journey. Her Maj¬ esty said to him: "I have always thought S «rea. deal of your country, and do yet; but there Is one thing i have against it. when I «ras a poor girl my sisters and I were able to make ¦ little money by raising eabbag» s and sending then» to thi r'nltid States. Hut now that yen have put a duty on cabbages, our poor girls are no longer able to do that. When you go back, therefore, won't you plesse see that rhe duty is laki .) off foreign cab- Mgi s, so as to give our girls a chance?" "Tho Boston Trannerlpt" warns Its readers not to speak of Joseph Chamberlain as Lord Chamber- latn because be hn« been elected lord rector of the University of Glasgow. A Hii'iapi st correspondent of "The Philadelphia Ledger" says: "The monument to Kmpress Mart» Theresa which Is being erected at the ancient coronation city of Preaburg. on the Danube, will be one of the handsomest raised to commemorate the millennium. The elaborate work It has en¬ gendered Is approaching completion, but the Ex¬ ecutive rommltfe now fears that the date fixed for unveiling will have to postponed until the spring of BSKt year." Two real daughters of the Hevo'.ution are noted by New-England papers-Mrs. Adeline Gou'.dlng. of Hyde Park. Maes., eltjhty-slx years old, whose father, Oeneral William Hlldreth, a Revolutionary veteran, died nt Concord In 181.1, and Mrs. Catha¬ rine Montgomerv Poor, of Andover. Me., siso eighty-els years old. whose father. John Alexander .Mnti'gomcry, was a volunteer and afterward an officer under Washington, and at the close of the war received a ring from him In recognition of his bravery. The Kev. Miles Grant, of Boston, thlnka he ha» solved the problem of living. He Is a strict vege¬ tarian, and never use» meat, pies, cakes, tea, coffee, sugar, salt or spices. His dally food Is un¬ ie ívened graham bread, vegetables, cheese and milk, and he says that he lives well at a cost of 87 cents u week, the result being that he Is healthy and strong. _ THE TALK OF THE DAY. "The Lewiston (Me.) Journal" say« that the story of a Caribou potato-raiser who refused an offer of 4S cents a barrel for eleven barrels of potatoes, de¬ claring that be would have $5 or nothing for the load, Is matched by a yarn that comes from Gran«» Lake) Stream of a man who recently went after <.. calf that he had pastured out all summer snd aakei; what he owed for the pasturing. "Well." says the farmer. "I've got a bill of $7 against you. but I will take the calf and call It settled, providing you aro willing." "No, sir." was the answer. *T will not do that, but I will tell you what I will do. You keen tho calf two weeks lonaer and you can have her." Betsy (the maid».Half of the milk you leave every morning leaks out of the pail. Waterman (the milkman).You ought to have a waterproof pall. "Well, the pail Is waterproof. I'm very sure It's not the water that leaks out.".(Vonkers States¬ man. Oratlot County. Mich., has paid the bounty on more than 4<V»Jü sparrows during tho last twelve mouths, and the little birds are as numerous ever. At Eighteenth and Chestnut sts. the car stopped and an old man, who attracted considerable atten¬ tion, got on. He lookeo like a man who had built up a brisk business in some provincial town. He sal down near the rear platform, and when t..e conductor came in for his fare he handed him a quarter and pocketed his change. \"iajr." he shouted, "you give me a receipt!" "A what?'" "I want a receipt First thing I know some other cunduetor'll get on here and'll want another fare. You give me a re.-elpt." The other passengers laughed, but the old man persisted. "You give ma a receipt." "My good man," said the conductor, "W6 don't give receipts. Your fare Is paid, and It is all right." The old man was not satisfied with this, and still requested his re -elpt. The conductor went out on the platform and pondered deeply for a moment Then he rtshed an old transft-r ticket from his pocket and handed it to the passenger. !!.. was satisfied with this, and held It tlghtlv in his lingers until the car reached Kleventh-st., where he got off.-»Philadelphia Record. A commercial traveller tells "The Washington Post" that he recently saw In Mississippi a colored woman with hair eleven feet long. Dilettante (very pressing).I should like so much to write for your newspaper One side of the paper has to be blank, hasn't It? Edltor-No; both!.«Fliegende Blatter. In answer to the question, "What is the electoral college?" a candidate at an examination for teach¬ ers In Ypsllantl. Mich., recently answered that It was "an Institution having for Its object the fur¬ thering of the study of electricity." Unfortunate Illustration."Now. Johnny, whs* Is the meaning of the word 'hypocrisy'?" asked s Texas Sunday-school teacher of her favorite pupil, Johnny Charlie. "I can't expliln what It is, but t know Just the same." "(live me an example of hypocrisy." "When a fellow says he loves hi« Sunday-school teacher.that's hypocrisy.".(Tesar Slftlngs. An observing tourist who visits Rome and walk» through the streets is doubtless surprised that there are very few houses bearing the ominouf number "13," nearly all the houses that should bear those figures being marked "12b" or "Ha." Nor Is the superstition regarding the fateful thir¬ teen absent from scientific and phlegmatic Qer- TrHviy. for the other day a merchant In Berlin ap¬ plied to the magistrate of the district to have th* number of his shop changed from No. IS to Ko. 12b. Th* magistrate, however, refused to grant the petition. In Frankfort, on the other hand, th* owners of buildings bearing No. 13 are allowed te change the figures upon a simple application ta tho proper authorities. Miss Croldy De Rocks.I can never marry a max who works for a living! D'Aubet. But I am an artist, dearest! Miss Ooldy De Rocks-Yes, but you sell your plet» ures. D'Auber (with a vision of the hard-scrapple Mm« he ha? been having ever since he entered the pro¬ fession).You wrong me, Miss De Rocks.you wrong me! I never sold a picture in my life!.(Puck. The new torpedo-boat destroyer recently butlt at Blrkenhead. England, for the Chilian Government U credited with being the "fastest vessel afloat." On her trial trip about two weeks ago she mads an average speed of Sit knots, which Is equal to UK miles. This Is coming very near to the "forty mile* an hour," about the Impossibility of which so mueb was written only a few years ago. This summer we heard on the Maine coast the fol¬ lowing phrase: "Come, now, don't peeve!" meaning "Don't be peevish" or "Don't fiet." Has any reader In New-Hampshire or Vermont heard this verb In familiar use? We do not find it In the Engllsn dialect dictionaries that are at hand, nor Is It In the pamphlets of the American Dialect Society. Ray savs "peevish" In North Country dialect mean« "witty, subtle." and in certain English countrlei "peevish" means "foolish, trifling."-(Boston Jour- nal.

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-11-04...."rihle suspense of three months and say, with "devout earnestness. Thank God!"' "Tomorrow' has come. To-day The Tribune, with all ils

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-11-04...."rihle suspense of three months and say, with "devout earnestness. Thank God!"' "Tomorrow' has come. To-day The Tribune, with all ils

Sünneemcniß.ACADEMY OF MfSIC--S.Lea HusuenOla.RROADWAY THEATRE- Hl.S.firlan li tu.BIJOr THEATRE.2 t.V.*»v ->Iv Kr1.nl fr^m India.CASINO.2.pi IN.Jack and the Bean SUIS.COMMBIS THEATRE.2.S:ia.UHM relaDALY'S THEATRE.2.S:15.OeUha.EDEN MISER- ».Waxworks and Concert.EMPIRE THEATRE-S- B:Sft.Rosemary.FIFTH avente THEATRE.S:IS.toai. Strayed

Stolen.GARDEN" THEATRE- Si©-.Tag Mummy.OAEiiICK THEATRE.é:lV-8eerc1 Service.GRAND opera HOUSE.2.8.The Widow Jonea.


Hakeem opera ioitse » 15 shore Aetyj.HERALD SQCAHE THEATRE.2.fk-The Mandarin.HOTTS THEATRE-»*:: '(»-- A Florida En< hantrtvnt.IRVING PLACE THEATRE »- Th- Eire« One.KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE -S.Half a Eire

KOLTER A BIAL'R.2.K.Vaiidevtlle.LYCE'-M THEATRE.S:15.An Enemy to the yw-MTRRAY Hill. THEATRE.É.*- Too Much Johnson.

PAEMERS THEATRE.S -Herrmann Th« r,"y',MTH STREET THEATRE.Ï.S.Tha Cherry richer*.

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önßiitfss Xoticcs.

tautest! TERMS TO HAH .UBSC,Rl«al«%Dally. $1(» a rear: fl per month.

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Florence.WhHSq» A Co.Vlenn.- An«:'' A'i»*r!an Rank.St. P*te:shui'R OH it Ey.-.r.ai«.The I/nl n omc» of The Tr'Vune Is a convenient place

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FOREIGN..In the French Chamber of Depu¬ties II. Denys interpellated the (îovernment on

the Armenian question, gnat excitement en¬

sued, asae HuelvH, near Seville, Spain, has beenoverwhelmed by a tidal wave; many lives were

lost. r=z=r The Rev. Carr C.lyn. vicar of Kensing-ton, was appointed Bishop of Peterborough.

The Grand Jury of the Clerkenwell Ses¬sions. London, found a, true bill «igainst Mr. andMrs. Walter M. Castle on a charge of shoplift¬ing.DOMESTIC.O. F. Hall, confidential man for

the Stockman« Commission Company, of Chica¬go, has disappeared; the cash assets of the com¬

pany are also misslmr. ¦, A bold attempt was

made to hold up" the "Katy" train n<\ir Al-varedo, Tex.; no booty was secured.-Ad¬vices received in Washington are that the Moor¬ish pirates attacked another French vessel near

Morocco, but were pursued and defeated by a

Spanish steamer.CITY..The election in this city passed off quiet¬

ly; a plurality of over 2í».oími was given for Mc¬Kinley, and about 10 000 for Btaek. ==: Tre¬mendous crowds watched the bulletin boards infront of the newspaper buildings and other placesIn this city. =r=z: Winners at Morris Park At-lantus. Harry Reed. Voter. Ramiro, Beldemere,Howard Mann, Decapod.THE WEATHER..Forecast for to-dav: Fair.

The temperature yesterday: Highest, 60 degrees:lowest, "t'2. average, ."n.

THE rnrxTRY IS SAFE!William McKinley has been elected by an

overwhelming majority, and the anxiety of allpatriotic bcarts gives place to a Joy too profoundfor expression. It is not only a victory, hut one

so complete and decisive as to answer the fer¬vent prayers of loyal men. Hryan, Bryanlsm.Altgeldlsm. the free-silver conspiracy, and theAten plots of Anarchists, are all buried under an

avalanche of ballots. There have been fewgrander moments In the history of self-govern¬ment than thi«. It lifts up all manhood to see

a Nation of seventy millions triumph so com¬

pletely over Its own lower impulses, its own pasterrors. Its own bastar elementa. It is but four

yeaiv since amazing ignorance of our own his¬

tory and the conditions of past growth and pros¬perity, passionate hatred of corporations andcreditors, seetioual feeling at the West andSouth, and base appeals to the poor against therich and to worklnirmcn against employers, pro¬duced an astonishing vote for a change at theacme of general welfare. It is but few yearssince fanatical desire for silver coinage and cheapmoney swept the country like a prairie Are. To¬day the whole Nation rises by treading on itsown mistakes and its own most dangerous ten¬

dencies, and JoIn6. none more heartily than manywho contributed to the error, in the triumphantahouts with which the majority In this greatestof Democratic cities hails the verdict of the

people.. This is an hour of pride In American, citizen¬ship, of thankfulness to the loyalty and theheroism of the gemmation by which such sons

were reared, of reward for the fidelity In publiceducation which has made it possible to appealto the Intelligence of a whole Nation, ami of

profound gratitude to the Giver of all Good. Theelection of Mr. McKinley has been expected ever

since It was seen that the people, regardless oftheir accustomed leaders, demanded his nomina¬tion because he was to ihem the best represent¬ative of a great cause upon which their heartswere Ret. What the millions want, with such a

cause, they surely do. But In trying to defeatthe people's will by an appeal to all that is mostdangerous and basest In man. and to the netherforces of society, the silver Anarchists havemade the triumph of the people far greater andmore fruitful than a mere victory for.a soundand beneficent economic policy. They haveroused against themselves the honesty and theloyalty of the Nation, and earned a defeat so

crushing that, we may hope. It will prevent an¬

other such attempt for at least a generation.At the hour of writing It seems probable that

Mr. Lincoln's popular majority of 407,000 overMcClellan. and «rant's majority, at his secondelection, hare been far surpassed: that insteadof the little more than two-thirds in the Houseby which Grant was sustained the people havesent three-quartera of their Representatives to

represent McKinley, and in spite of the Sena¬torial strength possessed by the five pocket bor¬oughs of ailrer millionaires, the people have an-anred a clear Republican majority In the Senate.The patriotism of the Sound Money Democrats

deserve« unstinted praise. Their manful undeffective organization, and untiring work againstthe agrillan forces which had.selted control oftbetr party, and the energy with which theycombated those forces where it seemed possiblethey might preraU, showed genuine patriotism.

After providing a ticket which Democrats couh

support with liDiiest.v and loyalty, most of then

voted directly for McKinley, while strongly dis

Renting from the National polk] which be WSJ

especially chosen to represent. Such men. win

are able at all limes to remember that loyalty u

free government and duty to civilized societyBO before every quesiion regarding the nolle)which the GoTemmeni shall pursue, constltntithe "loyal opposition" without which free institu

tlOBS woUM be in danger. Although the resnli

proves thai their aid was not necessary to tieelection of Mi Kinley. yet it is a grand thing foithe country that they gave that aid. and a thingwhjeh they will ever remember with the utmost

pride.The months of trial, anxiety and ceaseless ef

fort are over, and the mainiiHo-nt result tells

the world how grandly the Nation has againmet the test of its manhood, its wisdom and its

loyalty. Long after iiV chief actors have pastedfrom the stage, their décris in 1898 will be re-

membered with a thrill of patriotic Joy and

gratitude, even as the immortal deeds of Lincolnand of Grant. Saved again, from a peril uni less

greal than that of the Rebellion itself, the peoplewill not fall to honor, first of all William Mc¬

Kinley himself, whose statesmanship and loftypatriotism have been nol more conspicuous thanbis wise leadership, and next Mr. 11.iiiii.'i and his

associates, win» have so magnificently organizedvictory. They will gratefully remember a pressnever before so patriotic or so powerful, and an

grmy of campaign orators. But, above all, it is

the victory of the people, who have once more

shown with startling distinctness their capacityand therefore their right lo govern themselves.


Yesterday morning, at the edge of the gréâtes!and most momentous political contest this coun¬

try has ever seen of the world has ever known.The Tribune congratulated its readers upon the

certainty of the triumph not merely of the funda¬mental Republican principies of Protection andSound Money, but of Common Honesty and of

Law. Its conclusion was: "To-day the Intelli-"genc* and conscience of the Nation wi!'. make

"themselves felt. And to tuorro-vv this People"will draw a long breath of relief from the ter-

"rihle suspense of three months and say, with"devout earnestness. Thank God!"'"To morrow

' has come. To-day The Tribune,with all ils readers, with all honest men and all

patriota in this country and all mer. everywherewho believe in the reign of law and of justice, ofcivil order, draws a long bteatb, and in concert

with them all says "Thank God!'' Nothing else

fitly expresses the profound emotion, the deepand Almost unutterable sense of gratitude which

pervades the whole country this morning. Even

the most tindevout and sceptical unite in the fer¬

vent and whole-souled ejaculation. It is the onlyadequate expression of the general sense of re¬

lief. ,.

All yesterday men who believed from the verybottom of their hearts thai there could be butone retail were hesitating and shaky, and look¬ing into each other's eyes for some positive as¬

surance of what they kept saying to themselveswas certain. Ii was the timidity that grew out

of an overwhelming sense at the last moment

of ihe magnitude of Ihe risk and the tremendousstake. Men and women who had no idea thattheir neighbors liad a lingering doubt M to theIssue suddenly looked each other in the face amithought of the possibilities involved. And as

they thought of them they drew in their breathand said "What if.-7"Well, it's all over now, and as The Tribune

said several days ago. "There is no 'What If.'God reigns." There's no doubt now, eitherabout the event or the deep feeling that per¬vaded the public mind in anticipation of It. The

great crowds thai surrounded the bulletins last

night in all parts of this town and made knowntheir Joy, with never a break In the general en-

ihusiasm, were only an indication of tin' feelingthroughout the country. Everybody breatheseasier and feels better this morning.And now this remains to be considered. Do

we want any more of this? Do we want to take

any more chances with this sort of demagogue?Do we want to dismiss this man Bryan with thecharitable Judgment that he ¡s honest, bot nils-

guided? Tie says he will continue the fight.Well, will Ire? shall we let him? Isn't It abouttime to dismiss all other considerations and sayof this man and of his fellow-conspirators, thnAltgelds, the Tillmans. the Joneses and all therest, that they are Just what they are. enemiesof honesty, of law, of order, of all that good men

bold dear? There was great meaning in thesihirance with which Cicero dismissed his C..ti-line when he hissed his "Iste homo!" Let thisfellow go with the hissing of a people's scorn.

11770 WONtMore than twelve million voters east their

ballots yesterday. It was the climax of themost importnnt and most impressive electoral

campaign ever waged upon American soil.For four months the conflict had rt'ged In allparta of the rnion. The publie press hadteemed with records, incitements, arguments.Pamphlets and tracts by hundreds of millionshad been scattered broadcast. An army oforators had harangued the multitudes wherever

people ooold be gathered together. The air hadbiased with banners, and the solid «arth hadtrembled beneath the measured tread of march¬ing myriads. Fortunes in money had been ex¬

pended, besides lime and labor still more valua¬ble. The whole Nation watched the strugglein agonized suspense; the whole world lookedon with keenest Interest. It was a mighty con-tliei, fitly crowned with a mighty victory. Butwho won?The people won. The "plain people" made

sure that "government of the people, for tho"people, by the people, shall not perish from"the earth.*1 The farmers won. They van¬quished those who sought to compel them to ac¬cept half-price, in clipped coin, for the produceof their fields. The workiiiKmen, the wage-earners, «roa. They defeated those who triedto cut their wages In two. The thrifty deposi¬tors in savings banks won. They ba/Iled theSCbemea of those who would have lobbed themof half their savings. The holders of life-in¬surance policies won. They vv»<re victoriousover those who proposed to foiee repudiationof half their policies. The army of pensionen«,wards of the Nation, won. They beat the un¬

grateful conspirators who attempted to cutdowu their little incoases by one-half. Churchesand schools and hospitals and asylums won.They triumphed over those who meant to robthem of half their Incomes. All honest indus¬tries, business, society, won, in the overthrow ofthose who coi spired for depression, ruin andchaos.Law and order won. The Federal Govern¬

ment was vindicated against those who deniedits authority and sought to deprive It of allpower to maintain the Constitution and executethe laws. The postal service was made vic¬torious over the revolutionist« who demandedthat the carrying of the mails should be doneonly at the pleasure of the mob. The courtswon. triumphant over the abominable conspir¬acy to make ihem political machines whose de¬cisions should be lioiight and sold at biddingof some venal lioss. The Civil Service won,over the «ttei.ipt to revamp the old. corrupt«poils system. The National Treasury won,over those who would have made It a counter¬feiters' den. The whole incorporate Nationwon. against the traitors who sought to makeIts very name a byword and a hissing.Truth won. Righteousness won. <b»d won.

The moral law was vindicated in affairs ofState. It was decrecí that this Nation shouldcontinue to count two and two ns 'c.,,. »hat

stealing should still be reckoned stealing, that

contracts should be hold valid, that faith sjionidbe maintained, that equal and exact Justiceshould be administered between man and man,and batiesen nation and nation. It was decided,by the majestic mandate of the people, that

there should he no organisation of hostile classes,no "enemy's country" ¡u the I'nited Ststes. but

peace and equality before the law. and unity un¬

der one Constitution and one Flag. These are

they, these «re the causes, triumphant in yes¬

terday*» »real battle at tbe polls. It was the

Gettysburg of industry. It was a Waterloo

for Anarchy. Ii was the Marathon of hon¬

esty. It was n victory so glorious that men

who yesterday cast their Ural votes will thrillwith pride, in now long-distant tature reara to

»ell the story to their grandsons, and to say."We voted for McKinley, and we won!"

KEEP (LOSE Tit THE PEOPLE.Reader» <>f The Tribune will now »bare our

satisfaction in regarding the course of this .four¬ni] since the earliest beginnings of the strugglefor the Republican nomination. Waging no

prescriptive war against any candidate, we stead¬

ily resisted Us» sebease to tie np the imperialStale of New-York to an Impossible candidacy.for the purpose of Marling its electoral votes to

promote the plans of tin- macblne bosses. Weinsisted on the right of the people to make tbenomination, Hied to illuminate tbe course of the

popular thought and give voice to the people'»desires. When wise Senators and others remon¬strated with us for ..leaning too Strongly" to

'the wabbling McKinley." our only reply was

titat ere were merely following the manifestpopular will, and that he didn't «rabble.

It is generally safe to gel dose to the people;and never so safe as when a supreme emergencyconies to test their capacity for self-governmentSince Lincoln there has been no higher proof ofthe wisdom of the plain people than the nom

Inatioa and election of William McKinley.

VICTORY IS SEW YOKE.New-York has giren its answer to the Invita¬

tion to dishonesty and free riot. It answers

by rolling op against the candidate who daredto ask its vote in such a cause the largest ma

jority erar cast in the State. It puts Its thirty-six electoral votes in the McKinley column anddoes It wilh an emphasis wlo.li shows that the

Empire state is pre-eminent for its devotion m

financia] honesty and political sanity, as wellas for its population and industrial progress.Tbe Republican victory in this state is com¬

plete. The strongholds of tbe Democracy re¬

volted against tbe Anarchist platform, ami the

Republican districts firmly resisted all appealsto selfish interest, prejudice and passion. Tbepredicted desertion of the farmers to free silverdid not materialize. On the contrary, tbe ruraldistricts vied with the centres of trade and

commerce in declaring for sound money ami

protection. Not only does McKinley carry tbeState by about 250,000, but the Republicanaapparently pled twenty-nine Congressmen and

an Assembly which makes certain a Repub¬lican successor to David B. Hill in the 1 nitedStates Senate. Republican control of the State(iovernment for tin' next two years Is also ;^

sored. Black and Woodruff are elected by plu¬ralities only about .jó.imm |eaa than that cast forthe National ticket. This was to Ik- expected,for a great many gold Demócrata who votedfor McKinley to emphasise their detestationof Bryanlsm cast their ballots at the same timefor Griffin and Iflnrfrh», with a view to tbepreservation of a Democratic organization pre¬pared to continue the fight sgslnsi Tammanyand the other Anarchistic element» which sup

ported Bryan. They «ill rejoice in commonwith Republicana over Mr. Black'a »access, for

they an- as emphatically opposed to the StateGovernment typified by 11 n and Danfotih as

they .-ver were.

Mr. Rlack will assume tbe Governorship withan enviable opportunity to make ¦ splendid re<ord. Many important question» are to be detided in the nest two years. With handsomemajorities behind him in both bouse» of theLégislature, he enn Accomplish much good forthe State. The Greater New-York problem,the canals, the extension of rtrii Bei «ice Reform, will lie In Republican hands, and a Re-publlcnn Governor will have n directing strict.The Republicans of New York have reason

to rejoice greatlv. The citizens of New York.whatever their party, have nason to rejoicethat the danger threatened by tbe Bryan, Allgeld. Tammany combination has been so ir:

nmpbantly warded off New-Tort la not behindother State« in the nprislnir of patriots.

EÜRRAB FOR BOBART* STATE'For the second time in its history the Repub

lictin party gets New Jersey's solid electoralvote. Even Lincoln received only fr.ur of tbeseven votes accredited to the State In 1861, am!four years later the whole seven were thrown:ig.iln Into the Democratic column for lbs bene¬fit of General McCleUan. The brat Republicanto get New-Jersey'a total electora i vote was

fjrenaral U. s. Grant, and then only in his cam

palgn against Greeley.Hut even in the palmiest days of Dotnocratle

triumph In New Jersey the pluralities ou thaii side never ran much above 14400, and fewtimes so high as that. Yesterday the Repnh-Leans, with the aid of thousand» Of patrioticDemocrats, rolled ops. plurality Of not less thanfin.(XH) for McKinley and HobartThat Is New-Jersey's answer to »he efforta to

stir up class hatred. That is the answer of one

of the original thirteen States to the preachersof Repudiation and Disorder. And a titling an

«wer it is from th* Commonwealth that hasgiven to the country a Yioe President worthyof his associate at the head of the ticket. Hnr-rah for Hobart's Sta.e!


Merely as a sublime Spectacle New-York wore

I the aspect of a great force of nature last nightPoeta have written of the sea in its might, andMilton has painted the gigantic splendors ofbell. It is no exaggeration to say that the streets

of the city were lifted far above their familiarprosaic character when the millions who streamthrough them day by day paused on the Inter¬val between National suspense and Nationalvindication of an eternal right paused and sent

up one great snout of Jubilation. Then did com-

inonplacc Madison Square, commonplace Print¬ing House iqnara, throw off tbe plain guiseof business life and stand forth like Milton'sInfernal pageant, like one of Swinburne's puis¬sant visions of the sea. It matters not thatour similes are borrowed from the height ofmajestic beauty, from the depths of Satanicwonder; New-York took on in Ita hour oftriumph a grandeur that sent the mind to thetwo poles which mean the extreme» of dramaticsigniticaiice. A disenfranchised man, one win.was not merely without a vote, but without Inforest In the great crisis reached by the Amerl-can people, would have been thrilled to his reryheart's core by the sight which met his eyeshad he travelled down from Central Park to

the City Hall. Between those boundary marksNew-York was one world of upturned fares.one storm of sound. It was chaos come again,with the promise of a divine order tremblingup from the abyss.How Idl«' it must ever seem to any one who

saw this spectacle to revert any longer to theHanging Gardens of Babylon, to the Pyramids,to the highest Alps, to Rome, to any of the

i wonders of the world, for standards of trratnl-our. The greatest grandeur Is that which isnllvc with the spirit of God. and It was withthat spirit that New-York was last night Inter¬penetrated until the commonest mortal be-came o unit in the transflirurlne Inmole.« q» a

nation. Perhaps we are. as individuals. É littleamazed at what we all felt and did under the

stress of excitement, aroused by the liguresHashed upon screens all over the city. Terhapswe vvumlcr DOW we. sober citizens, accustomedto go about our affairs in the quietest of moods,

coulfl ever have stood for hours and shontedourselves ill, MowB horns until we bad no

breath left In our bodies, wept silent tears till

there seemed-no tears left to weep. But no

man who lived through it can ever forget It. no

man who looked around upon his fcllowinen

gathered together in numbera unparalleled in

the history of our Nation can erase the scene

from hi* memory. It was a noble scene, a

kingly scene, and there is nothing rhetorical,there is just the baldest truth, in saying that

b brought back to mind ihe most heroic epi¬sodes in the history of the race; it recalled the

march of the Roman Fmpire across the stageof the world, as Gibbon has described It: it re¬

newed the passionate thrill which De QtHnceygives his reader when the latter peruses for

the first time that matchless epic of "The

Plight of a Tartar Tribe." No narrow prideimpels us to this statement, no partisanship,no belief thai Republicana alone could have

done this thing. It was the work of a nation.'riie picture painted in New-York City by thecitizens of New-York was a picture which will

live forever as tin« work of a whole nation,moved by fires of Pentecost to rise In its sacred

power und crush once for all the wrong, theuntruth, the criminal meanness of men for

whom the vilest scourging Is not rile enough.To have seen the spectacle of the Flection Nightof lfiOd is to have bad the veil ui mortalityswept aside for the notice, and lo have had a

glimpse of the glorious attributes of Immor¬

tality. The vision can never die.

credit for Tin: result."Honor to whom honor is due.'' It was in

cbiefesl measure a Republican rlctory. Thelender of ihe campaign was a Republican states¬

man. Tii bulk of th' army which followed 'aim

and overwhelmed the Repudiation Anarchistconspirators was composed of Republicana Theplatform was Republican. The principles that

triumphed were Republican. Prom beginningto end the Grand Old Party st.I like a ruck,unwavering and Indomitable, for its own grandold prlncipli s of hones» money and stable gov¬ernment Honor to the Republican party, forIbe sei (nul time the savior of the Nation;

Rut let imt ihe loyal and patriotic allies be

forgotten. Alone, against all foes ihe lb-pub¬lican party would have won. But it would havebeen a narrow victory, mere party rlctory.The honest-money Democrats have made it .an

overwhelming victory, a rlctory of the Nation,

liny did noble work. They showed that theywere Americana before they were DemócrataThey gave the Republicana aid ami comfort.

They carried consternation and despair into thepopocratlc ranks. They awung'a mighty vote

from the side of treason '¦. th" side of patriotism.Republicana have fought them in th" past, and

may have to fight some of them again In future,

on minor Issui a ' ui tin- one supreme bstto theyhave marched side bj aide, ¡dhow to elbow.

"keeping step to the music of the Union." Honor

in the Sound Money Democrats who cast asideold party ties for the sake of the Fatherland, andvoted for McKinley!These were tin- allied forces that triumphed in

the strife: the«e. and the pool common-sense of

the plain i.pi", all under the favor.,:' AlmightyGod. "Honor to whom honor is flue!"

THE Ml TROPOLlñ FOR 801 \A> MONEY.Nobody who watched the hundred thousand

nun march up Rroadway last Saturday coulddoubt what th.- verdict of NeW-Yort Citywould I»-. Those nun have shown 'ha' theycan vote as well as march. They have carriedth-- stronghold of Democracy for McKinley byabout 30,000 plurality. For ihe lirst time Init-, history the rltj of New Volk has been car¬

ried by a Republican candidate for President.The victor. 1» mie m which all Republicans

will rejoice, but ¡t is a rlctory of more than

partisan significance, it meaos that even m n

BTi SI Ity where the predomina in.f one partywould seem to make the result certain, con

science has more weight with voters than doparty tie.-. The unanimity with which honestmen. regardless <»i party, rose up to defeattin- threatened dancer of National repudiationwas Impressive testimony to the character of

OUr citizenship. liefe, if a IIV VV let ". the appealwhich Bryan made to Ignorance and .'.ass

hatred should have borne fruit. To this cityand Chicago the doubter who feared that thewage earners and foreign born citizens had.'ii Infected with Socialistic hatred lookedfor confirmation of his theories that universalsuffrage was a failure lie looked In vain. Thetwo great cities declared by unmistakable ma

|.iiiiies, thai whatever might be their partyaffiliations, tbej could be relied upon to standfor the enforcement ol law and the honestpayment of debts. The virtue of the citiesneed no longer bo doubted They have spoken

I In their own défense, and In speaking they have

given a new hope and a new confidence to t'vi-ry

lover of Ills country, ever» believer in theability of men lo govern themselves.

The Republican Mate ticket receives h plu¬rality In ihe city and a Republican Coronar iselected. At this time ii appears that the Re¬

publicans have no» returned as many Congress¬men from the nifWropolls as it was hoped theywould. That fact suggests the unwisdom ofbad'nomlnatlom». It Is apparently difficult forparty managers to learn that they cannot safelycount on a conscience vote contrary to the dietad s of conscience. Aside flora this unfortu¬nate sacrifice of sound-money votes In the nextt'ongress, Now York has reason to be proudof its achievement Long will the time be re¬

membered when bankers anil wage earners,

merchants and clerks. Democrats and Repub¬licans united for the common safety. NowYorkers will alwayi think hotter (,f themselvesbecause of this victory for the right.

f700f) RIDDANCE.Triumph prompts magnanimity. Victors can

afford to be generous. And usually there la noth¬ing more becoming In a conqueror than gen¬erosity to the vanquished. When Grant said to

Lee's veicrans. "Take your horses and go home,"he added lustre to his brightest fame. But thereare exceptions to the rule. "They enslave their"children's children who make compromise with"sin." and they do worse than that who, havingovercome evil with good, condone the evil andlet it again become maletic. There are some

movements so haw some causes so depraved,that neither victory can justify them nor defeatentitle them to commiseration.Such a cause was that which was vanquished

yesterday) by Um favor of Q«d and th" ballotsOf tho American people. While It was active andmenacing, it was anaparlagly denounced and re¬

vealed as what II was. in all Its bldeOOS (\ffortuity. Now that It Is crushed out of the verysemblance of bolnc. there Is no reason why SBchjudgment of it should be revised. The Rung ara*conceived In Iniquity and was brought forth insin. It had Its origin In a malicious »conspiracyagHlnsi the tmnir and Integrity of ihe Nation.It gained such monstrous growth as it enjoyedfrom an assiduous culture of ihe bas.'st liassionsof the least worthy members of the community.It has been defeated and destroyed because rightis right and Qod is God.Us nominal head w.«i« worthy of the causo.

Nominal, because the wretched, rattle-pated boy.posing In vapid vanity «nd mouthing resoundhig rottenness, was not the real leader of thatleague of hell. He was only a puppet In theblood-imbrued hands, of Alttfcld the Anarchist

and Dabs the revolutionist and other despera¬does of that stripe. But he was a willing pup¬

pet. Bryan was. willing and eager. Not one of

his masters was more apt than be at lies and for¬

geries and blasphemes and all the nameless

Iniquities of that campaign against the Ten Com¬mandments. He goes down with tbe cause, and

must abide with it in the history of infamy. He

had less provocation than Benedict Arnold, loss

intellectual force than Aaron Burr, less manli¬

ness and courage than Jefferson Davis. He was

the rival of them all in deliberate wickednessand treason to the Republic His name belongs

with theirs, neither the most brilliant nor the

least hateful in the list.Good riddance to It all. to conspiracy aid con¬

spirators, ami to the foul menace of repudiationand Anarchy »gainst the honor and life of the

Republic The people have dismissed it with

no uncertain tones. Hereafter let there he what¬ever controvertie» men may please about the

tariff, about the currency, about the Monroe

Doctrine, and all the rest. Rut let there never

¦gain be a proposition to repeal the Moral Law.

to garble tin- Constitution, and to replace the

Stars and Stripes With the red rag of Anarchy,(in those Other topics honest men may honestlydiffer, in full loyalty to the Republic. On these

latter there is no room for two opinions, save in

the minds of traitors, knaves and fools.

TALL CITY BUILDINGS.Some Interesting remarks on the subject of tall

buildings are contributed to The North Ameri¬can Review" by Mr. A. L A. Himmelwrlght, an

engineer who has had considerable experienceIn the construction of plants for larg industrialenterprises, and Is now the manager of the de¬

partment of fireproof construction In the John

A. Roebllng*a Sons Company. As an expert on

the subject of fireproof buildings What he has

to say on this head is of special importance,though we note that he affirms that "previous to |"1802 very little was known about practical"methods of 'flreproofing.' " Ah a general propo- jsltlon this is perhaps fairly correct, but It was

more then fifteen years previous to 1898 that

The Tribune Building was erected with Specialcare that It should be flreproof, and the fact that

it la so bns been demonstrated on more tha»-

one occasion, when fires have broken out In ft

and have with little difficulty been confined to

.,ne or two apartments, without the slightestdamage to the building as a whole. We agree

with Mr. Mmmelwrti lit cordially when he aays

that "in order that a building shall be flreproof"it is not only necessary hat the materials BSSd"shall be Incombustible, bur also that those ma¬

terials shall be so ¿.dapted and employed to the

"best advantage that they may effectually resist

"disintegration and retain their strength and

"firmness under all the i onditlona that may arise

"in the ease of a conflagration and the subse¬

quent operations of a fire department." Unhap¬pily, experience has shown that this Is not the

case as respects many bnlldi srs which are pro¬claimed to lie flreproof, but have not proved to

be so when subjected to the only real and de-

termlnlng teat.Aa to high buildings constructed in accordance

with the modern practice Mr. HimmelwrlghtIs of the opinion that no limit can be set to the

height to which they may be safely run up.

Buildings of fifty or sixty stories he considersas feasible as those of twenty-five or thirtystories, provided the additional cost of the foun¬

dations and structural Iron is not an ln~upera-ble obstacle to Investors. At the same time hedoes not expect to see bUlldlngS of this heighterected, In his Judgment there are no architect¬

ural or engineering difficulties in th way, but

he doubts whether they would prove profitable.To this »v« mav add that before such buildingsrire undertaken there will probably be a law-

put on the statute-book placing a reasonablelimit to the height of buildings proportionatelyto tiio width of the street on which they front.

Such a lav. was proposed In the last LegislatureIn this Ht.it". I,-it fai!.-d to pa.-s.

Its failure Mr. HimmelwrlKht regards as a

Rood thin*; he say-, that If passed It "would

"prove a serious blow to owners of real estate,

"and wott' certainly fall to correct a rfngle one

"of the many flagrant evils that now exist." n»seems to think, however, that the main objec¬tion to tall buildings 1» that sufficient light andair cannot be provided to these who occupythem; be take* no ncrount of the fa. » that lightand Sir are shut out from adjoining buildingsand likewise from the street, which Is mad» a

damp ami sunless trench between massivewiil!s. In connection with this pluiSS of the sub¬it I he offers an interesting suggestion It Istb.it a In« be framed providing that > nly a cer¬

tain proportion of the tMal frontag of a lotshould be occupied I y a building, leaving an

open spae# ,,n each ide of It. This he thinksWould regulate the evils of high buildings ef¬fectually, and he proposes that a butlding should« eupy St» p.-r cent of the front of th » lot on

which it stands, and ~2 per cent of the lot'stotal area The suggest ion Is a good one. but ItIs doubtful Whether Its adoption would produceth.- result desired unless there is also a law

regulating the height of tall business buildings.

Now i.t th-' Big!» scream!

Little Bille« Rryan Is now qualified to give ex-

P-rt testimony »bout monkeying with huzi-saws and bucking against earthquakes.


The l'aimer and Ruckner vote was much small¬er than many people expected it to be. The factis credltsblc to the Pound Money Démocrate.They wisely preferred to vote straight for Mc¬Kinley, and the* deserve all cred!" for their pa-ti lotie choice.

It was the sight of a lifetime from the windowsof The Tribune Building. From Spruee-st. to

Chamiiers-st., from Nassau-st. and Park Rowto Broadway, every Inch Of space was packedwith enthusiastic humanity. The famous au¬

tumn leaves of Vallombroaa were scattering andfew compared with that stupendous tea of up¬turned faces. The thunder of Niagara was ri¬valled by their uproaring cheers.

. ?

Chicago! Shake hands! You're a trump city,after all! Perhaps you are a trifle windy, hutthe wind blew the right way this time.


No one has come out of the battle with lesscause for gratula!Ion than the independentcandidate for Congresi in the .With District.With no hope of election from th" beginning, theonly purpose of a strenuous fight has been thedefeat of the party which had honored him. Mr.Ward will represent the district after the 4th ofMarch next.

-*.-A dollar will continue to contain one hundred


The people of the United States have, declare«!in thunder tones that there is no "enemy's coun-try" In any part of the broad !and; and therehasn't been at any time since the surrender atAppoinattox.

It was the loveliest Election Day. ao far as thetreathsr «rant, New-York has ever seen, itwas the quietest early In the day, but the quietmeant business. It was the most tremendouslyuproarious at night that ever was known ordreamed of, and with good cause. There neverwas better cause for rejoicing In New-York andall over the land.

-a-Bryan said there would be an uprising of the

people, and there was-the People, with a big p"There came a burat of thunder sound.The Boy, oh, where was he?"

? .-

We congratulât« Mr. Ward on his splendid vic¬tory over an open enemy In the front and amalicious conspiracy m the rear. The recordof an Industrious and honest life la Strongerwith the Republican party that the tactics ofmachine politics Mr. Ward has made plain the¦sielte of »he boast that on« man seh*d the

XVlth District from the Democrats tw# yearsago. and only he could hold It In line.

It is Just as well that David B. Hill some timeago gave uo all hope of being- elected as ras ownsuccessor In the United «tales Senate.

Bryan. Altgeld. Sewall. Debs, Jones. Wateonand Mary Elizabeth Lease! How much for thieJob lot? No bids? Chuck 'em to one side andput up a yellow dog!

-«-One of the most noticeable evidences of the

character of the crowd which last night filledCity Hall Park from Park Kovv to Broadway.acrowd the like of which was certainly never be¬fore seen in thie country, and probably not In theworld.was Its remarkable regard for law andorder. Though the paved porti ns were so con-pciited that elbow proseed against elbow every¬where, scarcely a person stepp -d upon the grassplots, though police protection would have beenwellnigh Impossible. And everywhere wae goodnature. Victors and vanquished jostled eachother without Irritation. There was no dis¬turbance; no repression of free utterance ofopinion. No other city could have gathered so

large a crowd; could any other city have gath¬ered such a crowd?

No sectionalism in yesterday's work. Thewhole country took a hand In crushing, smash-

ing, pulverizing the country's foe.-*-

George Fred held out faithful to the end. After

casting his owe vote he expressed eonfldenea

that Bryan would sweep the country. What

does he think of nimaelf as a prophet now?

Arthur Sf wall's own city snd ward did nobly.for McKinley. _


The, Kev. W. W. N-wton eelebratcd last Sundaytho fifteenth anniversary of his rectorship of St.Stephen's Episcopal church, pittsftcld. Ma««.

This story about the Queen of Denmark is saidto li* new. w*hm tho botíy of Erlcs«cn was beingtaken back to hlH native country on the Baltimore,the vessel stopped for a short timo at Copenhagen,and Colonel Clark E. <'nrr. the United States Min¬ister to Denmark, paid a visit to tho officers of tho

vessel, aooompented by the Q.en of DeanMuB «n.i

some other members of th" royal family. Drawingclose to the Minister during th< journey. Her Maj¬esty said to him: "I have always thought S «rea.deal of your country, and do yet; but there Is one

thing i have against it. when I «ras a poor girlmy sisters and I were able to make ¦ little money

by raising eabbag» s and sending then» to thir'nltid States. Hut now that yen have put a dutyon cabbages, our poor girls are no longer able to

do that. When you go back, therefore, won't youplesse see that rhe duty is laki .) off foreign cab-Mgi s, so as to give our girls a chance?"

"Tho Boston Trannerlpt" warns Its readers not to

speak of Joseph Chamberlain as Lord Chamber-latn because be hn« been elected lord rector of theUniversity of Glasgow.A Hii'iapi st correspondent of "The Philadelphia

Ledger" says: "The monument to Kmpress Mart»

Theresa which Is being erected at the ancientcoronation city of Preaburg. on the Danube, will

be one of the handsomest raised to commemoratethe millennium. The elaborate work It has en¬

gendered Is approaching completion, but the Ex¬ecutive rommltfe now fears that the date fixedfor unveiling will have to b» postponed until thespring of BSKt year."Two real daughters of the Hevo'.ution are noted

by New-England papers-Mrs. Adeline Gou'.dlng.of Hyde Park. Maes., eltjhty-slx years old, whosefather, Oeneral William Hlldreth, a Revolutionaryveteran, died nt Concord In 181.1, and Mrs. Catha¬rine Montgomerv Poor, of Andover. Me., sisoeighty-els years old. whose father. John Alexander.Mnti'gomcry, was a volunteer and afterward anofficer under Washington, and at the close of thewar received a ring from him In recognition of hisbravery.The Kev. Miles Grant, of Boston, thlnka he ha»

solved the problem of living. He Is a strict vege¬tarian, and never use» meat, pies, cakes, tea,coffee, sugar, salt or spices. His dally food Is un¬

ie ívened graham bread, vegetables, cheese andmilk, and he says that he lives well at a cost of 87cents u week, the result being that he Is healthyand strong.



"The Lewiston (Me.) Journal" say« that the storyof a Caribou potato-raiser who refused an offer of4S cents a barrel for eleven barrels of potatoes, de¬claring that be would have $5 or nothing for the

load, Is matched by a yarn that comes from Gran«»Lake) Stream of a man who recently went after <..

calf that he had pastured out all summer snd aakei;what he owed for the pasturing. "Well." says the

farmer. "I've got a bill of $7 against you. but I willtake the calf and call It settled, providing you aro

willing." "No, sir." was the answer. *T will not

do that, but I will tell you what I will do. Youkeen tho calf two weeks lonaer and you can haveher."

Betsy (the maid».Half of the milk you leaveevery morning leaks out of the pail.Waterman (the milkman).You ought to have a

waterproof pall."Well, the pail Is waterproof. I'm very sure It's

not the water that leaks out.".(Vonkers States¬man.

Oratlot County. Mich., has paid the bounty on

more than 4<V»Jü sparrows during tho last twelvemouths, and the little birds are as numerous a«


At Eighteenth and Chestnut sts. the car stoppedand an old man, who attracted considerable atten¬tion, got on. He lookeo like a man who had builtup a brisk business in some provincial town. Hesal down near the rear platform, and when t..econductor came in for his fare he handed him a

quarter and pocketed his change. \"iajr." heshouted, "you give me a receipt!" "A what?'""I want a receipt First thing I know some othercunduetor'll get on here and'll want another fare.You give me a re.-elpt." The other passengerslaughed, but the old man persisted. "You give maa receipt." "My good man," said the conductor,"W6 don't give receipts. Your fare Is paid, and Itis all right." The old man was not satisfied withthis, and still requested his re -elpt. The conductorwent out on the platform and pondered deeply for amoment Then he rtshed an old transft-r ticketfrom his pocket and handed it to the passenger.!!.. was satisfied with this, and held It tlghtlv in hislingers until the car reached Kleventh-st., where hegot off.-»Philadelphia Record.

A commercial traveller tells "The WashingtonPost" that he recently saw In Mississippi a coloredwoman with hair eleven feet long.Dilettante (very pressing).I should like so much

to write for your newspaper One side of thepaper has to be blank, hasn't It?Edltor-No; both!.«Fliegende Blatter.

In answer to the question, "What is the electoralcollege?" a candidate at an examination for teach¬ers In Ypsllantl. Mich., recently answered that Itwas "an Institution having for Its object the fur¬thering of the study of electricity."Unfortunate Illustration."Now. Johnny, whs*

Is the meaning of the word 'hypocrisy'?" asked sTexas Sunday-school teacher of her favorite pupil,Johnny Charlie. "I can't expliln what It is, but tknow Just the same." "(live me an example ofhypocrisy." "When a fellow says he loves hi«Sunday-school teacher.that's hypocrisy.".(TesarSlftlngs.An observing tourist who visits Rome and walk»

through the streets is doubtless surprised thatthere are very few houses bearing the ominoufnumber "13," nearly all the houses that shouldbear those figures being marked "12b" or "Ha."Nor Is the superstition regarding the fateful thir¬teen absent from scientific and phlegmatic Qer-TrHviy. for the other day a merchant In Berlin ap¬plied to the magistrate of the district to have th*number of his shop changed from No. IS to Ko.12b. Th* magistrate, however, refused to grantthe petition. In Frankfort, on the other hand, th*owners of buildings bearing No. 13 are allowed techange the figures upon a simple application tatho proper authorities.Miss Croldy De Rocks.I can never marry a max

who works for a living!D'Aubet. But I am an artist, dearest!Miss Ooldy De Rocks-Yes, but you sell your plet»

ures.D'Auber (with a vision of the hard-scrapple Mm«

he ha? been having ever since he entered the pro¬fession).You wrong me, Miss De Rocks.you wrongme! I never sold a picture in my life!.(Puck.

The new torpedo-boat destroyer recently butlt atBlrkenhead. England, for the Chilian Government Ucredited with being the "fastest vessel afloat." Onher trial trip about two weeks ago she mads an

average speed of Sit knots, which Is equal to UKmiles. This Is coming very near to the "forty mile*an hour," about the Impossibility of which so muebwas written only a few years ago.

This summer we heard on the Maine coast the fol¬lowing phrase: "Come, now, don't peeve!" meaning"Don't be peevish" or "Don't fiet." Has any readerIn New-Hampshire or Vermont heard this verb Infamiliar use? We do not find it In the Engllsndialect dictionaries that are at hand, nor Is It In thepamphlets of the American Dialect Society. Raysavs "peevish" In North Country dialect mean«"witty, subtle." and in certain English countrlei"peevish" means "foolish, trifling."-(Boston Jour-nal.