UNIDAD EDUCATIVA MUNICIPAL “OSWALDO LOMBEYDA” Name: Samantha Garcia Course: 2do B.G.U “A” Matter: Ingles Book: New Yorkers 1

New Yorkers

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Page 1: New Yorkers


Name: Samantha Garcia

Course: 2do B.G.U “A”

Matter: Ingles

Book: New Yorkers

Teacher: Alejandrina Casa



Page 2: New Yorkers



Page 3: New Yorkers

O. Henry was the pseudonym of writer, journalist, pharmaceutical and American short story writer William

Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862 - June 5 de 1910). He is considered one of the masters of the short story, its admirable treatment of the surprise narrative end popularized in English

the expression "an end to the O. Henry" (an O. Henry ending) .1

Born in Greensboro, North Carolina. His father, Algernon Sidney Porter, was a physician. When William was three, his mother died of tuberculosis and he and his father moved to the home of his paternal grandmother. William was a great reader and studious student who graduated from elementary school in 1876. Later he enrolled at the Institute Linsey Street. In 1879 he began working as an accountant in the pharmacy of an uncle and in 1881, at age 19, won the title of pharmacist.The young writer was stormy. He moved to LaSalle County, Texas in 1882, working on a sheep ranch. Later, in 1884, he moved to Austin, where he lived in a friend's house for three years. One of the residents of the house was a cat named Henry, and the expression "Oh, Henry!" The pseudonym arose immortalize the future narrator. It is at this time when they start their problems with abuse alcohol; also when he learns to master the Spanish language. In 1887 he escaped with young Athol Estes, daughter of a wealthy family. In 1888 Athol gave birth to a child who died. In 1889 was born a new daughter, Margaret.From December 1903 to January 1906 he wrote a story a week for the New York World.Remarried in 1907 with his childhood sweetheart, Sarah Lindsey Coleman. Neither this marriage nor its success quickly with his short stories (or perhaps because the latter) prevented it from falling into alcoholism. Abandoned in 1909. Sarah O. Henry, one of the greatest masters of the short story, killed a June 5, 1910 due to liver cirrhosis, carrying in their pockets only twenty cents.3

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His funeral was held in New York, then was buried in Asheville, North Carolina. His daughter, Margaret Worth Porter, died in 1927, being interred beside his father.

THE CHRISTMAS PRESENTSJames and Della was a very poor family economicos.Por which she bought as cheaply His life was as normal as any other family, but

everything had value and was the most valuable thing in life, it was only gold watch James and hair. For Christmas, Della sold her

beautiful hair to give James a gold chain for his watch, and also sold his watch to give your hooks for beautiful hair.

SOAPY’S CHOICESoapy was a poor low mendigode resources that lived in Madison Square estava located in New York. Depronto came the winter and maybe wanted to do a crime that he knew he could go to prison, because only there could eat and drink for free, and have a roof to sleep and stay warm out there in jail. He does whatever the impossible for a ride prison wing attempt to commit crimes and leave restaurants without paying, stealing an umbrella to a man, wing Insulting people But no police custody and depronto take a SECT to change your life, start by find a job to have economic resources and fend for himself, be a better person for society then it is arrestee by police. Soapy was really angry now. He threw away the umbrella and said many bad things about cops. The fact that he wanted to go to jail, did not want to send him there. I could not do anything else.He began to walk back to the square and the house in his seat, but in a quiet corner, suddenly leaned Soapy.Here in the city center, it was a beautiful old church. Through a purple window he could see a soft, light sweet music coming from inside the church. The moon was high in the sky and all was quiet. During unossegundos, it was like a country church and Soapy remembered other days happier.He thought of the days when you had a mother, and friends and the beautiful things in life.Then he thought about his life now in the empty days, dead plans. And then came the best that could happen. Soapy decided to change his life and become a new man. was said, I'll go into town and find work. My vidava to be good again. I'll be someone important. Everything will be different



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Elwyng Bellfort was a hard working lawyer who worked very hard his best friend was Doctor volney which told the lawyer Elwyng Bellfort not work too hard because it could fall ill, one day his wife began to read the newspaper and saw:Denver, June 12Elwyn C. Bellfort, a leading lawyer in the city, left home three days ago and has not returned. Just before leaving, he took a lot of money from your bank. No one has seen him since. He is a quiet man who enjoys his work and is happily married. But Mr. Bellfort works hardSuddenly I woke up on a train with $ 3,000 in his pocket and many Pharmaceuticals, many men gathered asking that where was it that made there as my name and that lluego came to New York where I conjio a train to take you to a hotel and wrote a name which was "Edward Pinkhammer" in the book of the hote, the next day I bought a suitcase and some clothes and started living the life of Edward Pinkhammer. No I tried to remember who or what I was.The next few days were wonderful Manhattan, theaters, gardens, music, restaurants, nightlife, beautiful girls. And during this time I learned something very important-if you want to be happy, to be free. Began to live a new life was the life of Edward Pinkhammer, There are many people who know him, and depronto they call the doctor and his wife the only family he had. The doctor informs and recipe you can take to cure amnesia, and when they decide to get out of there and escape the life that was not hers, remember all that was forgotten by amnesia and remembers everything that happened and because I forget everything and then remembers everything.

TILDY’S MEMENTIn the bogle's family on Inglés avuenue a very famous place that had cameras and voices there was called Aleen that was a pretty tall, pretty girl, also was named Tildy was a short fat guy. They were waitresses in the bar Bogle. Everyone always asks Aleen things because she was beautiful the best in the bar is very beautiful, but one day a man was intoxicated because I drank a lot and then that guy wanted her to kiss and was beaten. She was very happy and excited much iluciono with the guy she thought that she deverdar importava to the boy because he thought the boy loved her, but came a day when he said he was sorry all that had happened that day Aqul He drank too much and did not know what he was doing. She very disillusioned because I thought it was very true that ilcuion so was excited and to say everything was like it was much desiluciono of all that had happened was much enojdo and cry.



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Lynette was a great actress and Broadway theaters needed, but Broadwat not need it. She will stay at a hotel, then try to get a job for the fall when the small theater is open again. Miss Armanda room in this hotel was small, but in it there are many memories of his days in the theater, and had also photos now, and smiled at him.I wonder where Lee is now, "he said.She was looking at a picture of Miss Rosalie Ray, a very beautiful woman. In the photo, Miss Ray was wearing a very short skirt and she was sitting on a swing.Every night at the theater went up in the air in your swing, bypassing all the people.When she did this, all the men in the theater was very excited and stood up. This was because, when her long beautiful legs were high in the air, his yellow league flew and fell to the men below. He did it every night, and every night a hundred hands went up to catch the liga.Tras two years of this, Armanda remembered Miss, Miss Ray soon left the theater and went to live in the country.Lluego a while Armanda devil saw that she was feeling very sadI have the room above you, "Rosalie said. They responded. I start working again next week, in a small town. But it was three months ago drama, Lee.Why are you here?I'll tell you, Lynn, but give me a drink first. Miss Armande spent a bottle to her friend.Ah, that's good! Rosalie said. My first drink for three months. Yes, Lynn left the theater because I was tired of life, and because I get tired of men - has to fight them all the time. Step time she was with a guy but he loved her and wanted nothing of it.It was different from other men, I thought - a man really good!Around four in the afternoon, Arthur had to leave. The bedroom door was open, his desk was locked, and I dedided to search this memento. I opened the table and slowly pulled out of the box and opened it.I glanced in that memento, and then I went to my room and packed my suitcase. My wonderful Arthur, this man really good, was not different from all other men!But Lee what was in the box? Miss Armande asked.It was one of my yellow leagues! exclaimed Miss Ray.