NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. Tim NRW.YORK DAILY TRIBUNE he Poblmcibd EVERY MORNING .no BVKNiNO, (Sl'sdav bxccptbd.) BY O R E K L K Y k «cRUATH, tub TBttl'bb ¦ VILDIMOa, COBMBB Of nassau AMD IPBVCk fTBBKTS, orPO«itc THE CITT hall, I delivered to < i'y Sub-cribere at 12) cent* per «rock. Stn- Csapsr*. Two Onto; Mail Subscribers, 06 per annum, in ed For six months, ? 3; for three ruonthe, t) 1 30. THK NEW-YOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, .A VERY LAKi iE PAPY.R foil THK COUNTRY, published every Satvbdav Mo««l*c at the low price, of 42 pee annum in asfvaaesj. Three Cepies for *A; Five, ( 'spir* for *. Tev, l opie. for ? 12; and a paper i* in no r.aee continued be- ¦bm the time twr which it ts paid. Advertisement* for thie eVet will be ci,ar*v,i SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER LINK far each insertion. THK ¦ I-WK KK1.Y TKIBI NH » pablished every Tiesdiv and Fbiday Mourns Bfl per annum. Two Copies for #5; Five Copies for $ II 23. Ad- terttaetnesrta, N rente a tine for each insertion. THE NRW-YORK TRIBUNE rijk EUROPEAN CIRCULATION, ts pskMetiecisti tbe eVpiarture of ear.h Mad Steamer for Liverpool at t}5 ft ojorium, pr-lac included. Single Copies, Six Cent*. THE UWssYOtt tribune FOR CALIFORNIA, OR I! BOM, AND THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, ss published oa the departure of rech Mail Steamer *>r Aspsn- Wsil et *1 ist p* annum. Siswh- saie*. Six Out*. Special Xotiti-9. r»e. KlfB*-.heth BlnekweeTH, graduate of Ossieva Medical I'olleir. pup*I at the Lying ra M'spital, Paris, and students ftrie London floepltal«, attends to ewry departsoent of MEDICAL PRACTICf 1 among Ladies and Children, No. East I.Vth et. Office hdnr» from I* to 12«. an. Brooav yn Aihentrann.- By ipecial rennest, BAYARD TA^ LOR w.ll lielner a Lecfrre at the Brooklyn Atheinrum on PR I DAY EVENING. Krb. I. 185ti. Satjetrt The Philrsoprrj of Travel.' Door* tpen a* AC In ttr to commence at t lock. Ticket* ¦ cents eac h. To he <»fitalf.nl ot the Librarian at the Athenäum; at the pt ncipal ßooketo»«« k-i Brooklyn aud at the door. Thai fev. <is-«. 11. Ct.ee> er in the Sotb-et CooaMaallonal Church, between 6th and 7th-ava, on THURS¬ DAY EVENING, Jen. 34 Bahjoetl M The Poet Oowper and hie Insanity." Tick, ts 2.) eeuta. Lecture commencea at I o'clock. A Free- LsyeytnjM *»» shaUertsim la the Tabernacle; an Eiposition of I heP nr piesand Do:trine* of that peculiar People known as Shakers; will be riven on THURSDAY FA F.NINO. Jan .81, try P. W. KVAER. a member of the New- Lebanon Society commencing at 7* o'clock. CklaWauääl^apa*a,--f)n SATURDAY, Feh. 2, Mr. BAYARD TAYLOR will deliver a Lectnre on CHINA and JAPAN at Academy Hall, No US3 Tkrrmdway, in conuoction Wi b the Illustrations on China and Japan Expedition. Doors open at hail past Two o'clock ; to commence at THaci iVi lock p. n. ~ColnmMn f ollette. Ti e IM EK MEDIA ATION will bcgiu it, the College Chapel on MONDAY, FeO. 4 at 9} oViock, and he continued unt l WEDNESDAY, the ISib. ineiusWe. Hours of Examination from 91 to .1$ each day. The Sensor and Ii -.lor Classes will I.x mri fiom the Ith to tbetthi tin Sophon ores and Freshmen from the 9th to tbe I'l'b. both d.ivs Ineiastvo. The Resent* of tue University, the Alumni <sf the College and persons gene rail v interested in tbe cause of a good Education are itvited to attend. « HAS. KI.NII. l'rrsi l-iit Columbia College. LoweB iiortnre« in »wv.Ytit U. rhoRat Mr. MIL BURNV Third Lecture ou "The Mlsa*ealp|d Valley; on Tho Cabin Hssmes of the Wilderueas at the Opening Of the Revo¬ lution," at C linton Hall, A stor- pi so.-.THURSDAY E V ENINO. Jan. 31, at . o'elo.-k. Doors open at 7; Tickets 25 cents. For aale at the principal bookstores, and at the Librarian's desk, Mercantile Library Association. Tit* Vertereirie of the Yvnr of ik1'2, will meet a1 Headquarters. No. 62 Lis|s-nard a'.. on FRIDAY. Feh. 1, at 7J p. m. By-order A. W. JONES, Lieut. Col. Coin's. Thar flaut EniiTlninmrtiii..Those win Inl on the Hin February, in this TESTIMONIAL for distinguished servfcnes, and enjoying a rich season of sociality, eloquence and oiii-k will do well to call at once at No. 149 Nassaus«., and secure their s»ats. Single tickets, *>3; gentleman and lady, *>5 The Wi Mtiiiinxrcr Pre «livterlrin llninli. South Hronklyn, will be iiIlOANI/.ED bv the Preabytery of Brookly n, on THURSDAY EVENINO, at llj o'clock, at the South Vresbylerian Church. The Rev. 9. T. SPEAR, I). D will oVlivera Sermon. The public is invhevd to attend. VrgfrtaHiIea niid Anininl- Seen Hilk n MirroMi'opc. Dr.EDWAKD H, PARKER, ProPassat of Anatomy in the New-York Medical College, would respectfully announce that be wi'l gieo a Ooaraa of Four Lectures, ou thv Minute Stiuc.- tureof Vegetables and Animals," at the Middle Lecture-Room of the New York Medn a! College, No. !»0 East 13th st , near ^tii av., on the following Evenings, COaaavnelng at 7{ o'clock: r RIOAY, Feb. 1 ; MONDAY, Peb. I; FRIDAY, Feb. fl; MON¬ DAY, Feb. II. Illustrations will be presented by means of an fIxyhyrtrogen Mlrrotrope, aided by a number of Acromatie Microscope* and the use of Plates. Tbe design of this Course is lo demonsrrste in a popular msn- nnr some of the interesting revelation* of the Alicros.-o;ie. While the. views of creation which are furnished to the Astr.uio Bier and CJeologist are somewhat familiar, and exrito in the ii mil* ot all profound wonder and admiration; much leas is known of the minute structure- of list Vegetables and Animals by which we ate siirromidi i|. The "tiulv of tliesn by the aid of the kllcrosi ope. revealing as it doe* great simplicity, perfection, exquisite adaptation and be-.nty, nimmt fail to excite the same sentiiiieuts us the grosser views of ereatiou; and it is with this pur] ose ihm the Course is arranged. Admission to the Course, 6>l; Single Admission, .'flfcente. Ticket* may be obtained at the Book stare of JAM ESS. DICK ERSON. No. Brosvlway, and at thekleeViaal College in Es.st.1 )th-st ttaifstrniit I iileHlneni e ttftli e Hurl l.tthor ExcliHtino Ma. t Canal-st., corner of Centre at., N. Y..The Office is estab 1 by tho Commissioners of Emigrntioii, where ran alwuvs _j found Jugo numbers of LABORERS and SERVANTS at aery low rases of yvages. and i-oraons can have their orders filled By writing to the Superintendent, and sending the amount nee- aaeary to pay the passage of the parties required. No feet afcsv-ged to employers. JAMES P. PAOAN, Superintendent raafaaT Mtnmpn '3 ce- ts) for sale at this office. Qxmuscmcnto. Nl bl o" 0 ?bd £ n. THURSDAY EVE.NINO, Jan. 31, Kot'B ES'VBBTAIXMCNTa. THE WONDERFUL RAVEL FAMILY". Mile. ROBERT AND THE BALLET TROUPE. LA FETE CHAMPETRE. Launolan.Francoa Ravel DOl RLE TIOHP-ROPE, by Virginie Charinl and H. Lehman. JO VITA. Mile. Robert, the Ravels and the Ballet Troupe. KIM KA. Yimtilataw.Francois Kim Ka.Actoino rail as or aomimiom: TICKETS.FIFTY CENTS. The only Seats that can bo sei med in advance are: Private Boxea.4>5 each. Orchestra Seats..f I each. Box-Offioe open daily, from 8 a m. to 3 p. ra., for the ssle of T .'lets and securing Orchestra Seata and Private Buxeg only. Door* open at »4. performance to commence at 7| o'clock. WAJJJvCK^ tidiäteR>.Hoie* and Parquet W rente; Family Circle V.» rent*; Stalls, #1; Private Boxes s>t> kikI +¦?.- liiMir. OjjN'ii at lU o' look I pi rfocmai.ces oom- aaence at '.TU IS FA EN ISO « n, 1: THE BARRACK ROOM. Col. Perrier.Mr. Lester | Clarissa . Miss Msry Oauuou After which, the VILLAUS Due I OK. Pierre Bon.-wur.Mr Ii. PiasMe Louise.Mrs. Hoey To com Iu. e with JOHN PR BTTYJOBR a. CO. John Pictlvjohii.. Holland | Clemeutina Plummy .Mrs. Couover Bj b to n \ iiamiu:ks-sti:kf.t.. THURSDAY.Beueht of Mho MARY Au.NES Bulwer s d'oanedy of THE LAsDY OF LYONS Claude MoRaoata.Mr. H. A. Perry. Pauline.Miss Mary Agues. Dumas. Mr. Ursen- y l.eatixeant. Mv Kaiuford; Olavis, Mr. Reynold; \\ alow, Mrs Hughes; Mad. Dt-cliai*lles, Mr*. Brels- U rd. The new Farce of TWENTY VINI TES WITH A TIOER, with Mr. fjjtfhall. Mr. Brn llev, and Mis* K. Thorne. TO MORROW, (Friday ! A ( I RE FOR THE HEART ACHE, exceesliueUy well received on Tuesday. \ArioN M. thjSÄ 1 KU-A. el pubdy, Man- A/a ager and Proprietor.Brass ChTole lb eeatai Fit l.'j cents; tir, hestra Chairs M eeata -THIS E\'EN I.Nil will be peif.>riiied: MULETEER OF TOLEDO. Manuel.Mr. J. H. Allen Plvina.Mrs. S B Wllk;ns Favorite and popular Dane* bv Miss Henrietta Lang, fa be tollowed by ASPHODEL Or. Thk Mick Ptv. RaSils*.Mr. O. L. Fox Baboliu.Mis* H»th*way MOLL PITCHER. Or, Thb Po»ti\a TiLLta oi Lv\y. Maladlne. Mr H. Allen M- II Pitcher.. Miss Hathaway BKOADVV AY theatkk.k. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee. Boxes end Parquet. N> cents; Family Circle and Upper Tin, .'.Scents; Private Boxea, (¦!> and -Doure open at 6g; commence a' 7 o'clock. .THIS EVENING: THE IRON M \SK. Loon de Bourbon. .Mr Wallark I Hortrtise.Mine. Pouisi ah. Mara.Mr. A. W. Pernio) Medsme Oiblet. Mrs. Henry l'ov'T JUDOE BY APPEARANCES. PYai.t Tophsm. Mr A. W. Feum. DUna.Miss J. Manners Jolm Plum-.... W. \. Chapman Angelina.Miss k Hardiu; 1a i K A K K K N K . V A R i K t i E S, J Latb ra* MsjaoroLiTAS Tmbatcb, Bboadwat. eenta; oneu at ...-.-j perurmed: MUCH A HO ABOUT NOTHING. Beoocuoi_Mr 0. Jordan I Beatrice.Mi»* Laura Keene .MIDAS. JsMtts*.Mr. McDoaall Ve ins.Mis* Cushman Midas..Mr. H. Hall | Nraa.Mloa K. Rolgnolda »AK'M M " Ml SKITM..KnOTsrement of tint * vsjcaatii. .nd accomplished artiste, Mrs. FRANK DREW, Pargpaet end Dress rtrclo. »eeata; Familv Circle. 25 <>rck**tra Stalls, TSOOntai Private Boxea, SJA.Door* o .t; oosanuonceat 7 -THIS PVKNING wl« Ke rertortne. BI CKLEY « SEKKNAIM: !;S. No. .MSI» Hrtsad- aray.-EVERY NIGHT this week >:THIOPI kN MIN- HTR> I BFA a si UE\C1'\ AN .HE l'.EA^T. i m-..-a mg aa 7J o'clock. Ailuiieaiou 26 cents. Noi'ICB.Perhaaa's Foora Fiiieeprtse GRl-oKkets are received (for the admission ot four persons) to oar entettainu.. to For aale at too Box Office. K<_>. CBRim X wood'" MINSTRELS- ^Xb4 BROADWAY. OPEN fCVRfT RVRNING. TVketa couta. All bueiieNs* iiaoeaci, d by II. WOOD. BSELTOOT ÄALLEKY, N.. 4H7 B ...idway, contains lJOof the L*met PAiNTlNOS ever put upon «a Upon DAY ai d .?.VEaYJAG. Adimttatce 2S coota. G D V«"- XV.N°- 4,613. G <U) 0TT80HALK'1 FOURTH OKANI > PIANO FORTE SOIREE, DEDICATED TO THE SPANIARDS am) Ii Uffl On IHUMDA. EVE NINO, .Uli..«. 31, at DODWORTH» ROOMS. .1 which wit* te petfornied nothing bat Spanish an«! Cnben M nse SOIREE dk. PIANO FORTE. DEDICADA a LOS E8PANOLES pk.ni.;«ui.ares T CUBAN. iv KAI It Noch«- del Joetee 31 do Enero, IMS. DODWORTH'8 ROOMS, Broadway, nett to Ort. e Church. El I'r.ersen.s. uWidido *n dot ptrtei ee compondrt eicIn*, ve¬ rarme de Mtttirt EspanoHe v -.mi.i. I'Rl.MERA PARTE. 1. Msriha Triunfel.T. F. Baasford. Far* lot Pianos, eyecatn tor los Senoret Berti y OOTTSCHALK. IM Man. Ii« tu. Lt Jott Antone«*, cj Reenerdode Aie3tlrtr.it, (Faredansro y Jaieo.) .Conipuestn* v eyecutadoa por.Gottacbalk. Lt AI tri lit. Real Espeofile y Fragmeotos de la Sinfonie para 10 Pianot; " El titio de Zara¬ goza".Gol t schal k. EjecotaeVoeii nno por e| tutor. SEGLNDA parte. Cl'tA. 4 Ciprirhot Sobre Dangst de Puerto Principe. I La ( armga. ( Maria Lantero. Compuefto* y ejecutado* por.GottscLal*. 5. Recnerdo de la Vuelta de Abtio. ( /apateado Cubano. < " Tengue Terengne.'' ( BemU. CcaW T* ".Ontttchalk. 6. I " Mana la ilo" y ElTmgo. ( " El CocoyS." Compuestos y ejirutad«« por.Oottschalk. Se deparlitn loahilletrteri tl tluitceii de Mnticade W. HALL k SON, Broadway, y teiieraluiente er. todot lo* almacenee de Mniica. Pdecio«: Senorat,50rente; Csbelleros. *>1. JOHN A. KYLE'8 COM I 'LI M ENTA RY COX- CERTat the Clrv A**euibly Room*. No. 446 Broadway, TO-MORROW FENTNO, Fob. -PROGRAMME.Fart I: I. Trio, Flute. CTeriotief arid Pitno, Messrs. Kyle, Kiefter and Beams. 2. Song.Adelaide, Mr. Beutler. 3. Cavatina.In questo remplii <-, Msdamo I'o/zoni. 4. Cavatina.II balen del . uo toriio.drum 11 Trnvutore, Sitnor Bt-liali. 5. Song Di Bravura, with Flute Obliiiato, Happy Birdliua, Mit* Mar.a S. Brtlnerd end Mr. Kyle. 6. Duo Conrertante, Violin and Piano-Forte. Mew. Burlie and Hoflmtn. 7. Scent Fid Aria. AI uiio libi rator Mr. Allan Irvine. 8. Solo, Harp.Sweet Home, Air. Aptomma*. 9. Duetto. Dunque in *<>n. Mi** Brenen and Sit. Hullern Between the part*. Mr. Mortan will perform a selection of music expressly arranged for this occatuiu, on the " New Model Harmonium." Part IL.1. Duetto.Abuto (or«e qu.-l |avt. r -In tri Ii Trovatore, Miat Braiuerd and Sig. Pad.all. 2. Soin. Finte, en aira from Lucia and Lacreila, Mr. Kyle. 3. Solo.Rbndr'a Air with Vtriatioua, Miss Ureuen. 4. Song.My Pretty Jane. Mr. Allan Irving. 5. Sleighing Song. " O. Swift we go, o'er the FTeery Snow," Mia* Bramerd. 6. Cavatiim.Largo al Ftctotem. Sit. Badiall. 7. Song.Down the Bum, Davy. Love, Madame Pozxout. 8. Duet, Harp and Flute..L' 11alle et L' Irlamie, Messrs. Aptomuit* and Kyle. Tickets, *> 1 each, to be bad at the principal Muaic Store*, and at DANSKIN'S Ag. nry, No. HI Broadway, and at the doors o:i the evening of the Concert. Doora open it tjj. to commenee at 71 o'clock. CROWDED NIGHTLY..BUCKLEY** OPERA UOI'SE, by receiving for four admissions to the enterttinmeiitt the t.eefitt in PERHA.M'S FOURTH GIFT ENTERPRISE. Ticket« foraalo from 10 e m. toll p.m. at the Box Oft r- oi BUCKLEY'S SERENADEES, AH Broadway, and at the principal Hotel* and Muaic Store*. Bos bill*. PRICE Of OIFT TICKETS SI; or 11 for *>10. 1STOßT EXHlBit'ION on MONDAY, Jan 1856..ACADEMY HALL, No. Cti3 Broadway -Door* to be pened at 7 o'clock p.m.; to commence at half-past 7 o'clock p. m. CHINA AND JAPAN ILLUSTRATED. A magnificent aerie* of Panoramic Pictures,coveriug more than twenty thousand squar- feet ot cinvt*, sketoh-d and painted by GEORGE R. W EST and WM HEINE, t««i,ied by J. K\ LE and J. H. DALLAS Ticket*. 25 rent*. DR. ABBOTT'* celebrated COLLECTION of EOVPTlAN ANTIQUITIES, No. Brou.lway.-Tliii valuable Mail urn, containing upward of 1,100 Objecta, with several recent Additions, i* the moat popular and attractive Exhibition in the city. Admission. 23 cents. 1MIE CRYSTAL PALACE..Tads beautiful building containa varion* objects of Interest.Ancient Gobelin TAPESTRY, a ttllcrv cf PAINTINGS, rt'e and val¬ uable STATI.AHY, beside Ägrieultursl Implements and Ma¬ chinery. It will remain open until further notice. NctP flnblicationo. Juat Publithodt OUR COUSIN V E E O N I O A : Ot, So'.es and Advevtlsr.s ovEt thk Bt.l'K Riocc. By the author of " Amabel, a Family History." From Cor. Boston TranscripL " Of the volumes already issued the present ye"r. the new novel from the mm of Mias Wormeley, entitled " Our Cousin Veronica," it perb.tp* the most noticeable. It it a werk evinc¬ ing a higher tri, a greater range of thought, a purer atyle. nd a tubtler knowledge of (died a of character, tbsn almost any .tbercoteuipnrary. iaaue. There i* t peculiar fascination in Mis* Wormeley'* novell, which w>- cannot altogether define.arising, though, no doubt, from a stilifnl use of accessories in lier pie- lure*, by which their fidelity and vividness inspires the reader with the belief that it i* tact, lud not invention, to which he is listening. It 1* a talent (imilar to that of Defoe and Cribbe. Mist Wormeley'* atyle it singularly vigorous and graceful. It i* riot a woman'* *tyle at all. You look in vain fur any of that excea* ef coloring, those redundant and pretty expletives, for which even the beat of female writers are noted. Clear, strong, nervou* and compact, were it not for feminine line* of thought, you would pronounce it the atyle of t mm. At t picture of Vir¬ ginia life, " Veronica" ia undoubtedly faithful; it* scenes and incidents sre picturesque, iti ehiractert Well ron.cived and contrasted.tl.at of Tyrrell a splendid specimen of a noble mas.'1 One vol., l.W SI Ma BUNCE k BROTHER, No. 1M Ntuwtu e«. AI. M A C K S ; A NOVEL OF FASHIONABLE LIFE. This is a reprint of a work that has created the greatest ex¬ citement in fashionable circles. In this country it will be read with similar interest, since fashionable coterie* possess in til countries the same distinctive features. It sboundt with wit, humor snd fancy. The plot it admirably constructed. 11000 of thi* rich and spicy Novel have already been nol.l. Price to cents. H. LONO k BROTHER, No. 121 NsJOSU-tt., New-York. Copies mailed on receipt of 50 cents, post-paid. Address sa shove. AWORK of INTENSE INTEREST.. Will be- ready in a tew dsya, from early sheets. THE CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE Of Napoleon BONAFARTE With HIS BROTHER JOSEPH. Selected ami Translated, with Explanatory Notea, from ti.e " Memoire« du Roi Joseph.'' Two thick \olume*. Ilmi). Price *2. No book ha* yet apjieared which furnishes so correct t r- trt ture of the chartcti r of Nt|sileon. He was in elimajt daily ou.munication with Ins heather Jo-eph, from hia Brat appallut- natal as the (General of Brlftde, down to the llith oi J me, 1815. We cannot form a correct idea of the character of rhe great ii ind that twtyesl over nearly the wh.de Continent of Europe, v ithout reactiiu these Letters, which, unlike ofBcul eorreipond- eut-e. opens to ut the inmost thoughts and motives of actum of the riter. These- l.ettvis bear upon every lubject, aud wo fe with ahtl a wstchfel eve be cared for ever 'he smallest thing. A distinguished rntic La-1 observed in examining the early sherta. that " Biographers will have to write their biographies of Najadeon over again-" A* a large demand is ai ri. mated for this work. tSvietS should be for» arded earl v. The usual discount to the Trade. D. APPLETON i. Co.. Publishers, No*. J-tti and ^48 Broadway, New-York. Hl M I 1 N G A V E N T 1 B E 3 IV TDK NFW AND OLD WORLD! WILD SCENES OF A HI NTER S LIFE OS the HlATINC AS0 Hl'NTEBv or ALL NtTtOV. Con piled from the writingl of GERARD. Gt)RIH)N CUM- MINOS, ar.d other ceiebrtred Hunters and Traveler*. WITH THREE UUNDEED EMGEAV'LNGS aud FIGHT COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS. Twenty Tlavusan.l Copies of this Exciting Book hive been sold. N.w Edition now reedy. MILLER. OKTON h MCLLIGAN. Publieher*, No. 25 Park row. New-York, or No. lit Geuetee at.. Auburn. ANEW BOOK by the Author «f " Parish >ide and Rolling Ridge." Now Rrady: DRELAJafS AND EtEAIsITIKS IN THE LIFE OF A TIAOIII AND PASTOR. Olc elegant lata«. *1. DERBY \ JACKSON. Mate J. C. Derl-v), Publishers. No. 119 Nassau tt. And for atlr by all Booksellers. A N EXCITING BOOK -a now ready. FIVE YFARS OP k HUNTER'S LIFE.'AMONG LIONS. ELEPHANTS AND other WILD ANI¬ MALS OF south AMERICA BT R. G. Cl'MMIkO, With an introduction by Haytjsl Taylor, lb illustrations, liuo." SI Sn. DFtHBY k JACKSON, Publishers, So. 11» Nasean-st. YOl" can cet a pretty good idea of N'ioareyrua. its people, their habits, resources, he, from the pamphlet entitled THE DESTINY Ot SH kRAOUA CENTRAL AMERICA AS IT WAS. IS, AND MAY BE." Por sale at the BoodetorvM. It contains Portraits of Walker a- d Kinne v. IAustrat101^, At. Pnce 25eosths. NEW YORK, THDRSDj 185(5. ?00KS- 180(5. THE EOMESTEAD ON THE HILLSIDE, »od otoer Tai« a Kv Mr*. Mitt J. Holme«, author of Tenipee: end Sunshine,'' end " The English Orphans." 1 voL, Sill pp. lftno .L II. HENRIETTA ROBINSON. Bt D. Wilson. Wit'j Stool Portrait. 1 vol.. 330 pp. 1 Jmo. 7'. tent*. III. THE BEAL'TIPl'L OATE. end other Tele*. By Caroline ( hesebro. In one elegant rol'ime with illustration*. 333 pp. 16am., muslin, gilt. 63 cent*. IV. BERRY VIII. AND His SIX W|\Es. By Hei-j U ,-¦ Herbert. 1 vol.. 441 pp. UM»,»irh arm. ate Steel Portraits cf Henry and esi h ol hi* V\ rv» a. +1 IS. MEMOIRS OK THE LIFE AND REIGN OK CATHE- RINF. IL. Empress of Ru«eia. aitli ber S"ore«oors, ronjMising liridente in Russian History to the P*U of Sevastopol. By Ssnnel M. Smoeker. A. M. 'l vol..33» pp. L*mo.. with Steel Portrait. S>1. VI. PRACTICAL AMERICAN COOKERY AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Bv Mi.« E. M. Hain 1 vol., 4J41 pp. l.'mo. *>i a. VII. MY BONDAGE AND MY FREEDOM Bv Frederick Prr||-aatjrtj tare Parts. Part L.Lfcfa aaaSlatrei Part 11.. Life a* a Freemen. With Balm lb . froe* Ml R] ceehes. end an Introdaction by Jan.es MrCune Smith. 4M pp. 12mo.. with Steel Portrait and other illm-treturns. Muslin, *>1 25. MILLER. oRTO.N a M I' L1.1G A VP uhii.-hers. Nti. i't Park-row, New-York, or Jio. 1<i7 Geuesre-st.. Auburn. ABOOK of STiriKIM. ORIGINALITY und GREAT POWER: Now resdv and for Sale by all Booksellers: I HE HEART < IF MABEL WABE. A ROMANCE fine neat ISruo. volume Price *>I «?x. From many notices we extra, t the following: " The writer is a dramatist in his grouping ot indi\id isjitie* and event*: apho'.otypis:. marking every sbjtde of rluricter; a philoso|her. in Li. studies if the human heart; a pee:, in hi* lofty but well sustained lai.xuage." [Newark Dally Adv. " A Domestic romance of more thsn ordinary merit and inter¬ est.contemplative and som, times even pathetic .trusting more to well-drawn character than to startling interest." |.N. Y. Daily Times. " He writes unequally but with gleams of genius, and now and thm strikes out tassagis of groat txautvof thought, win ren.arkablc command of the full resources ol language in th«- v pressioti or concealment ol thought M emotion.' [Boston Evening Om ". " The entborwrite* with a tenibte energy, and haa woven -., gether * narrative (ull of the uiort absorbing intere*t, and »hi h rli.es i ot depend so much upon the intricacy of the plot as upon the int< ave and passionate earnestness which pervade* it. The miml 11 mes so khggei ad in re* ling it that it forget* kteeit", led n ii» sil ly by the strange, thrilling faacinati m of the tragic storv ' [N. Y. Day Be t " "\\ e must accord to this anonyniou* writer a high place in the sphere ot fictitious composition. Many ot bis scene* [si.se.. an intense, vitality, i'is picture* often *ee.., to glow wirb lit insteail of teiug colored by art. He haa a rare xoa>t.-ry of terse and vigotous expttision. His dramatic poarei I* equal to bis constructive skill. Trageuy is doubtless his lorte, but paaaaaaa of sunnv and beautiful description show that he is also at home smot g the gentler elements of humanity. It the present woik be the first Irints Ol his emius betöre the public, it announces a ligher order of intellect than las reoenHv been devoted It till* biairh of litirature." |N. Y. Daily Tribune. " We know not how to characterise a story told with so much ehMutaaeo. tenderness, and Beetle leeling, and such delioate ansKris of emotion sml leeliu.-. .tl er than of chare, ter. We ran best serve our readers by common,Im* ht to their pcins.il." [Albany Atlas. We have rarely trit¦ r with a tale of more real nniiiistakaide power, or one Boge* WBinh the stamp ol genius is evi rywhere mi re i Isinly written." [Bo.ton Ätms. "An interesting, ami. in many respects, powerfully-wrought tub-ly a new author. The description of the duel, and ot the flight and pursuit of the poor, cr«/rd Woman over the loo- esstrasten Beide ht mid-winter ere exceedingly well done. A j i ui |l feature of the hiKik ron«i.t* in the introductory verses precediug each chapter, which are quaintly and fancifully ozo- i ute, '' N. Y. Evening Po-<t. DERBY i JACKSON, Pol ii No. |lf Res» u-st., New- York. AMERICAN tlETOLimOMABY BO- MAM ES. Bv Wtr. I.ilinore Simma, rsq. New and Revised Edltioi -. with Illu.trstions hv Darley: i. THE PARTISAN. A Romance of the Revolution. lJmo.. cloth. Price if i .''». II. MELLICHAMPE. A Legend of the Sautee. 12n»., Goth. Price if 3\ III. KATHARINE. V. ALTON; Or, Tin; Rebel or Doit- > ii -7 s k 1.ii o , cloth. Price tl *& IV. Til E SCOUT i 4>r. The Black. Rmras or the Com.c- ar.K. i.u o.., loth. Price *i .'¦>. \. WOODCRAPT I Or. lin: Hawks Amur the Dovk- COtr. lifmo., cloth. Price s). a VI. THE FORAYERA) Or, Tum Rat* or rn Pna Dara. A aaral Re\o!.i.onary Romance, bow Lret published. Haass, doth. PrienRIM. VIL KITAW. A new Revolutionarv Romance. 12mo., elolb. Price +1 2.V [In March.] SIMM- -- BORDER Roma si vs or the sol Til, New snd Roviaed Editions, with Illustrations by Darley. Uui- Ictm with fiu.ms's Revolutionäre Tsle*. I. UC? RIVERS. A Tale ol Georgia. l.*mo., cloth. Price fl& II. RICHARD HI KIMS. A tale of Alabama. l.Y o.,cloth. Price e- iii. BORDER BEAGLES. A Tale of MMswMffi l.'mo., cloth. Priie +1 .'>. IV. ( HARl.EMONT. A Tale ol K. * u kv. 1 ."mo., clotln Price *> U\ [In February.) A BOW book. V. BEAUCHAMPEi Or. Tin: KaTBTVCBt Tbaui nv. l.Vn., cloth. Price * | l\ [In March.) VI. CONFESSION Or, Tut: Blivu ilEiar. l.'mo.,, Io'Il Price *>1-ZS. [In April.] THE Y EM ASSE E. A Romince of South Csrolius, By Win. Gilmore Siinms. e.<|. l.'mo.. cloth. Price Ojl .'). SOUTHWARD. ho! A Stell of Sunshine. By \\ m. Gil- i ore Sm.ms, es,j. Unc. cloth. Pi haa fu ML On the receipt of the reteil price *nv of the above books will hg -ei hv mail, postage | rei-aid. J. S. REDPIELD. No. 34 Brekinau-st., New-York. Til E W 11><> W It E DO TT PAPEBJ8 is now acknowledged among the social and literury circles as an UREQUALED Book Of wit and HI'.Moil Says Ti e St. Louis (Mo.) Democrat'. " As Yankee papers, thev are ve-tl\ am ror in DELII ACY AND JC.-TNES> Of PERCEPWON tii. bunioroiis side ol that characirr to ANY OF THE EPPORTS Of JUEoE SALIRURTOH. If job are troubled with dyspepsia, heart-ache, inisaii"itopv, hyi<H In niiria; it you are haunted with the hsUmiuatioii tl at you are a poet, or remarkably line writer, and are lying wi'h baxrin that your rlaiuis upon the public eye and ear have been etr.pidly ignored by the blunt-minded frtemity of the pasta- pot and Mtissors. c t'.o hm.k. and if it does not restore von, YOUR CASE Ml >T Pi. HOPELESS INniiED. ' Etiler Sniffles' alone would chase a whole legion of bhedeiiht into the on regions i f abstractions and puseilulities." 14.1*41 SOLD, FIFTEENTH THOUSAND READY One elegant l'Jmo. Illustrated.$1 2S. DERBY a JACKSON, rublUhera, and for sale bv all Booksellers. HOIiAC E OBEELET. TUM LIKE OP HOH.m'i: <. i:ri:i.f.Ys EDITOR Of nil REW-TORR TitiRi NE. Bv James Pa.-'oii. With Portrait*. 12mo, pp.4U. Price SI It is agreed by friends and Iota of Mr. iire»ley that no more ably, entertainingly and instmrtivelv written biography baaever made its appearance in America Every one who has auv ds> skfi ehr B fatumar acquaintance with the famous New-York Editor, should reau Mr. Parton's book, ami he will know Mr. Grreley as well aa U.oush he hau been bauugnt up in the .an e town.'' " \\ orthy of a place by the eide of the Life of Benjamin Franklin." [Hartlord Keiigiou* Herald. " The most spicy and attmctive Biography ot the day." [ iioituii Journal. "His 'Life' i* a 1.vine epistle, proclsirning that virtuoue en¬ deavor* and unselhan toil sooner or later will meet a lit recom¬ pense." [N. Y. Christian Istelligenre-r. " Of sbsorblng interest, and containing muck of pleasant bo¬ nier, sjorkling wit and attractive anecdote." (Bs gor Courier. " A volume 'or earnest men ai.d boys to read aui study." |Springüeld Republican. " As an Incentive to youth in poverty to be hsneot. faithful and (ersevenng. apsi. iron, its rsonal interest, it should go ii to the hands > I the young of America generally." [Mnidlrtown SUudard. " Aa ..:.:.-.: i as any novel, yet all .me." JPainerville Democrat M e could *rp« nd ¦ I favrrable notice* by 'he Pre** of thia boc k. Alrradv nesriy Jö,i<a copies have en sold. It is for sale by Bookrellers gnu ra It. or will be sent by mad. post paid, to s- y addre-s on receipt o! the retail price. Any isewsi a|a r coi y ii g tha advertoaemcut three time*, and .i: ..ma us a copy marked, will receive a espy of toe book, by u-aii, pcot-iavii MASON BROTHERS,'New-York. AGENElxALKUBB shuuld be matie bv one and all to secure a copy ot YOt'NG AMERICA sat the week ending Feb. 2. It will make you open your even with wonder It its splendid Con ic L.ustrntioiis. atnocg which wiil be fouud a picture of the " Political Invalid; Or. Presideatul Eunctsoaal Drrangeonenta" Also, a capital rut at the csaers of the ton, calied " Faanionable iieurs. 'a Reception Matinee;' Or. The I s.lv Lionesiet llon.t.-'' mith portrait* of several distinguished Filth *yeno«Kiles. TLr Juvenile Billiard i'layers, ke Popular Idea el Cincinssti, Railroad Rsulleriee, and thr Coodactc r of th. Tram ; The Ball that Gather* a* it Goes; tu Four Point* ot 1'ipluti.sev. Hippodroinatic- His p*. Kansas settlers, besaue s,erkliLg I ditoriel*. Jeu u Esprits. Bon Mots. Jukes. Couun- dreais. Ninas ot the Times, and ail sorts of thing* calculated to t sae ye-t butt, n* dy and put evtrybo.lv in a eoodhnusur. Price . ,. nts »er nler. Ft sa.e 1;. all N< ws Ateats and by t. W. STRONG. Publisher. No. ^4J Naasao-st.. .V Y. SECTKE a COPY tri im: VATIONAL PO- Ij( i OA ETTE, and read the BEST POLICE RE¬ PORTS and the Bisi s. LEi n.D crjm1ral rrwi t orn abroad that It I ul.li.hed m this n .n-rv. (i contains ex- tensive arsAantl -poud. ie on CRIMINAL I'OP'C.- ¦ a.l pert* o< the I nion. end Eoitonals upon ever* proaa- inent sei :*1 a: d donieet* eubject of interest, beside a vast amount ot n-iaceilaneooa iarmraiatleax. Ro.*S, IORRJ i rOURZT, No. 23 Clark sL, Chicago, and No. 1UJ Nassau «t-, N Y. \\*ii i' SCENES of ti,e HÜNTEB11 LIFE.. IT li ! -il MING AND HUNTERS OK ALL Nations. Exhibiting the mode* ado; ted by the moot celebrated hunters o. Sb.o'iu«. Trapping. Ena- aring. Ac, th* v.rioas U ild Ani- mal* ol the Globe, with thnllir.g dsssen;sri.,oa ofHunting Adveu- turea. By Garard. Casnasina». and other*. A Hamibouk for the lover* of »porting and eaveniure. By Jona Paosr. LL.D. Jf*J Illasxratkm*. sax colored. Price «I 50. . ML'LLIG V N, Pabiiaher*. N S rart row, New York, or No. 107 Oeaees; at, Aaburn. iYt JANUARY 31, 1856. THE SCAM'EL, for JANUARY, No. 89, V.d\u«\ by EDWARD H. DIXON, M. D.. it now reedy. It if the brut lumber of the eighth volume, and theref.re a food time to eibeerihe. TTie reader will please to notice particularly that TH-". SC ALT EE ic bv no meani a Medical journal, r Oreat numbers cf persona would take it. who now believe it to 'we devoted to the detail» of Medu-ol raeer ami their treatment. This ia the Ctrth number from the commencement in Jannary, 18t9. It * a quarterly, of 61 page-, at one dollar a year, ¦« ed- raacr. or wenty rive cenu each number. The tint twenty-four numbers may be bad, handsomely bound, lettered, and in. dcieti, in three large booka of ><) paiea each. *t the Kditor only. for*4. The following eight number» will m* be bound till Januar. iaj7, but they may alwaya be bed at 23 cent* each, aa the wb.le work ia atereo'yped. Ihete ere ixanv complaints totuhing the late appearance o, onr lournal; we plead guilty, and yet can promise no amend- ment. Cur reader* wdl remember the prospe. tu», in which we .aid. " We would publi.h it when we, pleased, put in ir what we pleased, and atop It whenever we found we had nothing to say." We bare not altered onr mind. If we lived by the journal, as aoaie of our medical frir.id* would Uke to make I eeple believe, it wi old be auotht r matter but we will never allow cnrreli'ro be driven by our horae ; he is an animal of a char¬ acter entirely orurinsl; we raised him to drive before ua, not 'o be driven by him. Whoever dislike* his gait has the remedy in 1 is uVD hand-: he can jump out of the wagon ; we can pay the tell. The reader w.ll have ample opportunity of proving bis ii.ii d. -bo'ild he continue to ride with ua thia year. CO Ii TEN TS Of NO. XXIX.-JANUARY. 185S. Ast. XXXv II..Position of the Vacuity and the Scalpel; t ..iiservat. .e Antiquaries: f'-s-ii.r-d Moralists; Professional Turners, and their Turning Lathe*; Editorial Ecceutricity; Diplon a* and Theorie*; Cribs, Tea-kerile*. and Corn baskets. Aar. \XX\ III..Sketches of Western Prart.ee; Pro«' Foli- Sie- the .Mercy Anr-!t; Child Messenger; the \\ eddiu; R.ut Y e; a Mid: icr.t Rioe: are they Ilungrv in Heaven I Adversity mid Lahor; tb--Soul Elevators'; Death tk- Gr»at Putitisr; the I .. r el .speculator; kforalirv and Mammon City and Country ( ormpt.on; (.ran: Sia-i illation the Miuliight \ ..».' ol the All¬ st U to the (.rest Citv; the Child Thiel; Aurcl't Dlesting; Heath. art. XXXIX.On the Protection of Society from Crime. Akt. XI...What is the Nature ot Coi.tumpt.oii. at Tubercle in the Lurgs ' InLalation.will it cure the Disease ? Aal. XI.I.. Will Electricity cure Itiseage Will it remove Mercury ami other Metal* from the Svsteni Abt.'XLIL Sketches of Villsge Practice; Sabbath hi the Country Beta Music ; the Mewith; a Domegtir Tragedy Mar¬ riage and Heart-Canker; Eather aud Sou; the Deceived Wife; a P. atii-Bed. Aar. XLIII.A Discourse to the Urethren on Morals, by an U rgical Pox, continued from the January Number; the t Surücei t»oo*e Pen the Old Fov es»apes troni In* Cap- ; Attempt to convert the MedU-al Savage*; Visit irom a ...i Chee«e Ethic* of a Butcher Surgeon. Ast. XI.IV..A few words of Advice on F-e*; ( emtry Pric eai t)utr..^e..us Requirements of Patients; Stabbing iu the l.'ark; OaVe Begaart; Rules for Consultation. Ifga Oltianpydnt Malpractice Case; Ar.ttgonwm of Surgeons ami Laborers; lin'eiuiuty Bond. Awful Consequences of Popular Superstition*.they originate fri m a Uiorhid condition of the Religiona Region ot the Brain. ttj be r. vented by att< ntion to the True Laws of Mar- r.tne. En! r> InteUtiOJ *; Sltcti hot Of the People. Book Notice*. A Literary Harpen hor.l: The Silver Fox; Oiafting a Le.xi- ront Ohituan Colleas ftar raV-relice. SHERMAN A Co., No. I Vesev .; DE WITT A DAVENPORT, end MILLER. Rrondwsy. Ml atvien it tha edtj must be addressed to THE EDI TOR, it, v No. 1.1 Post-Office". I be Editor resij.t tt No. 42 "stli-av.. between 10th and 111h-ete.. where he attend* exclusively to surgical aud office consultation* and operative surgery. Consul'ing lee. either at d.ieorbv letter, *>. Dr. Dix.m 11 obliged utterly to letuse tl e . «eoulwii of every kind of buaiu.ss or literary comuiiasioii, gg hjg time ia tully occupied by professional dutiea. NOTICES OF THE PRESS. The I.oi don Time* aaya: "A most fascinating and brilliant att.iir, in Jonathan 'a best manner; it iuuimei.de the attention of every ader." The London News remark*: " Flashing, spirit.a] and humor¬ ous, The Scalpel ia ac interesting ta t novel; it loses none of its rminess." Th. Lord, n Lam t. oriiiiliated *"d edited for thirty yeart by Tl mss M aklev. M. D.. *a-,«: .' W e h.ive received ten Humbert of this glnnous journal lor the people. We take to ourselvet the Credit Ol originating it; had there been no Lancet in Flu- ro| e, there would have been no Scalpajl in America." .. W hat (vraiaal what power! From grave to gay, from lively to *evere. lr Is an invaluable heelrh-griide to every family.'' [Daily Republican, Binghaiuteu. " It bat .11 the ehern of romance, without producing euy of ite deleterious rente im urea." | Etsteru Mtil, Vva'ervtlle, Me. " It abou.id* in vaned and heart-moving scenes. Your tear* will tlow, and your mirth will be euited." (Daily OaaWtte, Ta r ton. Mat*. '. Dr. Ditnn ia one of the most vigorout writeri in rhiscoun- trv, an.I ha uakis The Scalpt-1 oue of the most readable of joinntle." [Portland Tranecript, Me. " The twenty-eighth number has not ethau-t»d the editor's powers ol descriptie'i, hi* audacity of language, nor his dates ml Milan to make hie mark." IN. Y. Tribune. The liarne Heral.i, Canada: " W e are familiar with th.a ex¬ cellent journal; it i- emphaticullv a journal u health BS the People The editor has stamped it with origiualu v glowing w ith the impress oi ability and truth, its clear and v igoro'isstyle ci in n a i aasig tp| rovai." M. rtor.g Chronicle, Clue bee: "Thia ie one of the most ueeful toil instructive ptiblirations of this continent; it is well printed, tnii tastml >e- .n 'bat respect the English |eriooictls." Tbe Wnsnfi tw Wl.ig "A .l.-llghtful joun elI science, wit, and genuine good humor abound in it. Dr. Dixon . ojjys a world-wide reputation, from the facility With which h>-treart evirv vnbi.ct ihtt ;>a*ses antler bis pern II i* journal is easily un¬ derstood by all." Hume Journal: "Ills rilled with evidence of profound re> searrfa and exquitite ano racy >ea <fe./»rir. Toe wonder is, how any man to earnettly e utared in prcfeesional dutiea can flna time to make s journal so lr struct lye and tmniii g." I > I I N A If . ¦ II 0 N T H L Y . A An entirely Original American Maaaslrie. FEBRUARY. CovtinT* or No. XXWHI. WASHINGTON AT BOSTON-Sixtv six yeabi too. THE 1.1 No. Owl COFSE.A Stoey or Reroavt amo iu -k-utts. SONNET. HIGH LIFE.AT the Nobtm Pole. A split A ION. 1UF. ROMANCE OF CRIME\N HISTORY THF I'lIILoSoi'HY OF PUNNING. i IVTNO IN the Ot NTET. Ml WIFR AND L Vi LOPJU)Li OF AMERICAN LITERATURE. THE RANG1 It.A Ballad. THE HAUNTED KINO AND TDK LOADED DICE. em ES S UFE or GOETHE A FLEA FOR QUINCES AND QUINCE-TREES A WORD FOR MEN'S RIGHTS. AMERICAN LITERATURE. ART MA fTEES. Tee v«.Three Dollar* a-year, or Twenty-five (Vit* t num¬ ber. Tin re remitting Three Dollar* will receive the Mages me jrrt ofiHjituij*. Till: SCH< o »LFKLLOW. Ax iLLinrtarrD MkaVaaiM roa Boys a.vo OikLs. FEBRUARY. Co\TEsTi or No. II. DR. KANE. By J. B. I LEFHANTS AT WORK. Bvtbe Editor. MH vl IHr HEART oE HE SMALL BOY SAID IN His BED. !U A W H ABOUT NEW-YORK.MtsaETs. By i'Hit.Lir Wallys. BROTHERS AND .MSTEB>; Oa Lcssoks or t Stsosca. Hv ( niaix Alice. THI oR elk .schoolboy By the Editor. RAIN Bv Pi iL Kesd. THE FURR1FS.All x«oit Ftas. Fen AkiMtLs-Fia H:\tix* ami Ft a (ocntbies. Bv M. S. C. A BIG POTATO. Bv Pail Rra'd- THE DESERTED BARK. ByFatTL Read. THE ST0E1 OF IHK GBEAT WAR. By J W. P. F1EES10E FANCIES. Bv Maey E. .. i \v BOOKS. Bv Maby E. ILLTSTEA1 loss Dr. K*ne-An Elephant Harrowing and Rollina.Fulton Market CoSee-Box.Opening Oesters.Tho 11 '¦ol.Tie Box Traj.The Dead Fall.Toe Resolute Entering New London Harbor.Wtllachian Peasants. Walla¬ ch tn Women. Prttern for Pttcbwork. PBBgsg one I). Har a-year I payable alwaya in advance), or Ten Cent* a Lumber. r Four aapaag 0f " The Schoolfellow" to one address, *>i U Five copies, s>4; Eighr gopiet, *o. Alto, IIOrSF.HOLD WORDS. By CHARLES DD KENS, For Febniary. Tia«»: Three DoUare i year, or Twenty Ave Cents a tom¬ bs:; those ren.i--,Lt Three I loll ere will receive the Mtxatme jr,. m) /' .rope Clubs.Two cofies, Five Doiisrs; Three co[ -es. l*ia Dollars i-NAM s ..ONTUt'r ". t'ot'-sj rfuLD WORDS. M am -1. DoilartiPUTNAM'SMONTHLYorHOUSE- IloLD W ord.sa.th the SCHOOLFELLOW', to on» address, rhras I' r* Fifty Cents or all three of toe Ma^agiae*. F'ive Dollars FiPy Centa Publiahed this day. DIX k EDWARDS No. S21 Broadway, (formerly No. 10 Ptrk-piec .; New-V .rk. NE\V EDITIONH l£\f\ IC'ßM. ,rd and Popukr Books. lO'JW. sparkss Lire of Washington. *i & ii LIFE AND SPEECHES of HENRY CLAY. S3 00. iu. THE NEW CLERK'S ASSISTANT * J >. IV LIFE OF THF. EMPRESS JOSEPHINE. #1 25. V. MILD scene of a HUNTER'S LIFE. SI 5L VI. LIEVS OF the THREE MRS. JU.tSONS. »1 25. v II LIFE OF DANIEL BOO NE. #1 JS. v 111. young WOMAN'S BOOK OF HEALTH 75 . its ix lift Book for young MEN. t5 centa. x. OLTT book for yocno ladies. 7«, cents. xl »ouno man'S book. 75cen's. X1L YOUNO LADY'S BOOK. 7«, cents. MILLER, ORTON t mi LED AN. Pahliehers. No. 25 Park row, N y or No. 197 Outti t-st., Auburn. Mm PRICE TWO CBOTS. A CAPTIVATI X 8 WORK.' J\ THItD IDIT101 SOW be ADV Or A I I. I E F OKI): A FAMILY HISTORY: Bv the author of " John Draytoo." Pound In muslin, 75 rrnto; In paper, 50 cento. " Written »ith charming simplicity ndelity to nornro. end producing powerful dramatic etreere. It it one ot those rare i rela ft. in wh.cti much cen he learned of CM workings ol too human heart and the experiences of bumble lite." H Y. Commercial AdTertieer. " It hss already ha.! an extensive mn in E'-gland. In correct portraiture of character, geniality of humor, at d benevolent philusot Ly et aim, we bare not for a long time met with a work which has pleased us more." IV. Y Hera! L " A eery interesting story, written with that charming ease and unaffected cenfidence that mark* a practiced pen, and a uorkmg, well-trained brain." (Springfield Repebllcan. .. Pervaded by tranquil beauty and natural fe .!ing, as a novel tor family reading It is surpassed by few productii :¦« " IN. Y. Tribune. " It ta a successful work, and mav be eafely pronounced one of the beat of Stringer k Town*end'( Librarv oY standard Novel* |Yate* Countv Whig. " It i* i powerfullv-written romance. ITroy Daily Budget. FtoM the LeaDIKg Lovoov JlHIBSll** " Atlieford is s captivating *torv. Tie character* are happily conceived and vigorously portrayed." [London Morning Post. " Among the fiction* of homely, domestic lite, in which truth 1* to compensate for the absence of ide.il beauty, Ailieford de¬ serves to r\uk high " IThe Londm Athenäum. " A werk abounding In fascinatlou of an irresistible kind." I Ltjasaaa Uktnrt er. " A delightful tale.full of alTecting incident. bnllMK deecrlp- tior. sud profound reflection." (The StandanL TV r. Hex f Ufa la to true that the book throughout .asStot the intereel of re,i!itv." (London Sc«eaaa**. This charming novel does full ju*tic* to the reputed n alreed) gained by the author." (John Bull, Eugland. Published by STRINGER k TOWNSEND No. Broadway. N. Y. Per sale by all Bookseller*, and Agents on the cars. N B..Mailed Free of l*. «tage on reception of the pric*. L 1st of POP D LAB HOOKS. ktW EDITIONS VOW at.SDV. Al.MACKS, A Novel or Pail If FasHtoasaLC Lira. This is reprint of a work that has created the greatest ex- ritercent in f*shioti*ble circle* in England. In this country it « ill be read with similar intereet, since fashionable coterie* possess in all countries the same diatiuctivefeatorea It abounds vv th wit. humor and fancy. The plot is admirably constructed. Price 50 ceute. LILY Hl'SON; Or, The Aito-Biocbaphv or ax OSHsAl Oibl. Bv Alice Grey. We present the first of this series of excellent stories to be ti e ventshle history of the early life of Alice Grey, whose ,! ¦aaa Msgsgiue Talea have so often added to the enjoy, ateant aa the il mrstic tire«lde, end alternately provoked the . y 'vmh. or brought the tear of svmpatbv to the eye. I vol. tltth. Price #1. Fortv thousand have alreadv been sold of this popular Book: THE WATCHMAN uti ar-Tivc >vD Mob a i. Talk or DoMctTic Life. A Companion to "Ihe Lami lighter." Published In 1vol., elotsV Price *>l. THE LAWYER S STORY. Or, The OarHcvs Wao\cis. Bv the author of " The Watchman." Beautifully illustrated. Complete in I vol. Prica, paper cov¬ ers. 50 cents: bound edition, 75cent*. THE Ii.I) DOCTOR: Or. Stbav Leaves ebom Mv Joibml. Bv the author of " The Watchman." Pahlkshed in 1 vol., beautifully illustrated. Price, paper cov- , rs. .00 cents; hound copies, 75 cents. DuW .Ik - P \ l'r ST SERMONS. Three vols.. paper; price per vol., jO cents. Bound, cloth, in ü v< Is., per vol., 7j rent*. .Most persons have peius. ,1 scrap* of Dow, Jr.'s, quaint and trans.ug Sern.oDS; thev will be glad to ohtaiu them complete, ill. -e who huvi u. re a,; thrm bay. in store they should not delsv ercei tn g. Mhs. IIAI.E's HOUSRHOLD RZCEIPT BOOK| or. IfajUatl ABO DiKECTiovs run PbMSBvixb Health. a\o I'KoMoriM. mi ok iv RsMMBTtC Lilt. Compiled tiom the most celebrste<l authorities. Published in ilotb, ptice *>l. mks BALK'S NEU i ook Bi OK A Practical Sutern tor Private Fannliea in Town and Conn- try, with Directions lot Carving, arranging the Table for Par¬ ties, and roudiictiug the attain of the Household with Comfort and Ei ui my si io. Preparations of Pood for Invalids and for I h i.in in Bv Mrs. S. J. Hale. With numerous engravings. Round in cloth. Price 01. H LONO v BROTHER, No. 121 Nassau st., N. Y. COPIES MAILED on receipt of price, post-paid. Address a* above. " Should be taken in Avsasw/stfAir doses. [.V. Y. Tribune. rp il K WIDOW B BDOTTi WHAT THEY THINK OF HER IN WASHINGTON. Says The Washington La ly Olibe: " We are of opinion that it is the moat hninoroua book thet ha* EVEI BEEN WRITTEN BY A FEMALE sud we regard it as but little, if anything, inferior, aa a mirth- .'<ii mi g pre,n, lion, to Sam Sink,' or to Thackeray's Yellow I |h Papers.' As well a* being humorous, the Redott Pais-ra' are satirical end the authoress hss drawn some pictures that we is not but regard as very faithful rejir-se iMiio:n of what she I ol witnessed. Among these is the Donath n Party, which aa i hatster well worth tiie price of the h>>k. We sey to ell.buy, reoo end laugh." Says ihe Louisyille DeihJCourier: "They speak more ef- dctually to the general ear and heart, even though they who tear are not aware of the fait that they are imbibing wiedota. ihe Papers' need not a word fn.m us to those who know any- Ikhagaf their character; to those who do Bat. we say they can- not too toy'fi come into possession of the rkb wit and genial I .n.or iE<at .-I'ARKLE LIKE THE PI REST FOUNTAINS tf nature tn oii,t the green field* of life." SayoTheSoathaniLltafan Meeaeuger: "The greateat bit ol Iha season, and provocative ot more down right horse-laugh- ter 'ban any bor k since ' Major Jones's Courtship.' Whoever wonld enjoy hours of real satisfaction in droll reeding.ihe -I i. te ,., .f re. mg relaxation, or the practical uiau wishing to l.c amused after the day's toll.should procure a coot of the Widow RlBOtt There i* NO DRAWBACK TO THE MERRIMENT IT AFFORDS, sad sll its jokes are as pure and innocent a* the prank* of child¬ hood." 1 bfl Maw ark Daily Advertieer tayi: " The fun and the smirk on.men e with 'be initial chapter, and W ITH EVERY PAGE THE GRIN WIDENS, till Ihe tinal one, when the laugh (wallow* up everything, and the ears even disappear m the ever-expending uiotuh ander the benign influence of this anastheUcal. mirth provoker. waiat- ! ai d oil button fearer I" t ifleeurh I eOO bow reads. OME ILI.I STB A ED I.MO. PRICE «I n DERB] k JACKSON, Publishers, New-York. And for sale by all Bookseller*. Single Copies sent by mail post-paid. WOKKTof the Ke^E. H. CHAPIIT.The Yv lahtsrrihaf publishes some, and ha* for sale all the pub- taiga works of the Rev E. H. CIlAPIN. They will be sent y u.a.l, postpaid, on the receipt of the annexed prices: It'.inanity in the City. #1. Moral Aspects of City Life, 75c. 'I rue Manliness. Mb. Ilisrourses on Lord's Prayer, tUc. I».-courses on the Beatitudes, 5flc Character* in the Goa¬ re!*. 50c. Mis. rilaneous Discourses, Mg, Duties of Young Men, 50c. Diit.es of Young Women, 50c. Crown of Thorns, Str.. Hocrs of Communion, lite. Address HENRY LYON. No. >18 Broadway. A~~ ~C Ä R D 7 2\ Miss JEANNETTR Hoi'PlN, by marriage Mrs. GF.ORGK W. TAYLOR, begs to announce that she has just published a brief outline of her "ar.y life, the aLses of her cruel family persecutions, her years of suffering oi tr.al with ihe full name* of her persecutors and benefec- r* Her edition is very small. Copies can be obtained by t#e- ::igrarrlul to e^dree*liisclo*ing *>l, with postage (tamp, to Mrs. JEANETTE H. TAYLOR, care ol Aaron Swart*, esq., ( hat- ham square Post Office. KKW HOOKS in PRESS, andaoontobe pub- let ed bv TICKNOR at FIELDS of Boston: RJ OLLEl 11ON8 Off THE TABLE TALK Of SAMUEL ROGER.' By Rtve'ed Alexander Dvce. The trade supplied bv t DWARDP. Rl'DD.No. M Ann at., up stairs, N.T. I ittkll« LIVIXG AGE.Every SATUB- AJ DAY.«>6ayear. PANORAMA OP LIFE AND LITF.RATI RK.-Monthly- .3 e year. LITl'ELL, SON k Co., Boston, And No. .143 It, a.. New-York. Stationrrn anb .fanrri (ßooöe. MUCILAGE, in n»'w and convenient Hottlea, with Metallic Cap and Brush.indispensable to merchant* an.l useful to everylaAv. For sale bv THADDEUS DAVIDJ A Co., Manufacturing Stationers, No. 26 ( lilt St., New-York. THADDEUS D AV I D 8 4 Co.* WK1TINO INKS pronounced by the best chemists to be re durable than arv other vet made. For sale to the TRADE ONL\ by THADDEUS DAY IDS a Co., manufaetarers of INK.- la sll their varieties. Sealing-Wax. Wafers,Mucilage, kc _No -ti Cliff st. New-York._ Zo .farmers anb (Dtficrs. rivi FLORISTS, 6ABDENEB8, BOTANWTgl J sBe PROPRIETIES of NURSERIES of NEW-YORR end rcvieocy..The undondfned wishes to receive (franco) your Annual CaUlogaea. in order to Crwed orders sur such artic.ee as may su.t. T. BACHELiRJL UortkultAiriat, Botanist and Dealer m Garden S-eda, No. 26 New-Orleana. Cost an5 foünb. L081 WPTY COUPONS m\ fß6 mum .f the DAUPHIN sod SLSUCKHANNA COAL COMPANY, r.ee January I, l&AS, cut from Bonds Noa. 7It to 725. 733 to 7)0, "4* to 77t. All persons are eaatu.ned againat negotiating the same, a* per axest ha* been (topped. The finder will be re- ws: . J bv returning too saaaB to E. W. CLARK. DODOE k Co. No. Al Well-*!., New-York, or E. W CLARK k Co., No. 2ft Sonth Sd-et. Phil*^e!t,ida. f2.")00.-rS (.LER S DEPOT. No. I .or SALE, the weH-kaovrn shing-Tackl* establUhment THE AN- ul.cjx a union no. 1OS Pulton-ex.. where a large and profit¬ able cash bus.neas ha* been done for the peat soveo year*. Ap¬ ply to C. BULL, on the premiee«, or to C. B. HOWS A Co., No. M Nassau-st. (Dante. ARESPECTABLE ycmnm Woman «uU ft ut- u»oon m first rare COOK, WASHER, end IRONER. (Feed city roiVrerjee If re^tjired where sew Km lie** -Uveer*. Cm be seen fee two dar« « No. Jfl V it., Whttw SHa and tc-h «ts tagend Soor, front room._ A A H7ANTED.A ftitiifttioii by ft competent. TT wortby young V\ oraaa m COOK and le ASSIST in the W tSHIM. and IRONINO, does «11 iiaiaof BUiog, enaies- s suds Poultry and Menke ef every daaeii»f»on i at tRaj anal es mpetsnt-ia a anrate fa_.il v or aoardioa boaee. Beat city reference. Wages t>t Call at No. Mar. WANTE1.By » -»pecUble joudr Wonun. ft SITUATION; ebe -s a good Cook. e tir«t rate V*ean.r i nd Ironer, and aa exeaUeai Bakers. Can be seen for tero daya at No. test ntrVav.. cesuer JarAec_. \V ANTED. A eitnatioo, by a rrap^Ubl«youM TT Woman, aa CHAMBERMAID tnd WAITER. Beetot c tv reiereoctjeeeu be given. Can be seen for two days at No. »rast Uth-et,, tear let-as. WANTED.By a reeptycUblo I'roteatftnt Girl, ft place to do CH AMBER W ORK. or to TAK t". CARE c< i II iLDRF.N, or rode the OENEBAL HOCSEWORK ef a sms.l familv. ( all at No. Iii l.th-et., between MA and exb-eee. i;ENT1 .EMAN of i'ongitierabl* buaineaa oxpe> nenre recently spying e eery rasysaatbla Saaacjal jit.on. wiabee to become In rerested in aowo raeaeetsasbs bwa»- »se iu ibis city, la worth aboat SJOO.OSO. and baa at present ab,etN) to a> t.OtC In cash. Address, statins; nature >i busmen, B. F. W Tribune OAVe. ______ GENTLEMAN who it b Gradual* of C^lkge, and bas bad several sears' experieeve la Teachlag in In¬ stitutions of the first reeiaectabil.ty. desires to derate a few h. art per Say to TEACHINO in ax academy or urirate fomily. .--.t afsctorv teferercea will be given. Addrees INSTKUCPOR, Metropolitan Post-OAVe,_ S COACHMAN..A tierman with thej bott ¦. r, ferem BS for honesrv, evbriety and capability, wants a place in s brat-class family tn'the i'y. Call at No. «0 East ttthet., for two dajs. ___________ A tOURG tJKRMAN (iE.Nri.EM.VN. dwtiog- _A uiabed by the very beet city references and biehest k,»- lofeaa tdoen&on, wishes to be introduces) in ea A.triesn sn ilv circle, which la, in re card ef nee fonnetioa, earaej en i be as where he moved himself in times past. The aame wdu- rti i day time in mercantile afairs. but has to spend theleantas; bonra ofbl* seascn either in usefhl conversation or in grvtnff hv 11 ...tint languages, etc, to their . iiil.lren. Those who reflect upon thn. .> av aildreas to A. B., So. BN Metropoliten Poat Office. Bible House Buildtmj. JOHN YOUNG la very gueeeaatul in nximg ft .a. boarding honaes. kc, with Servants, and Servante . iih Situatu na.at the Ptoteatant Employment Society's OAVe, No. 7 Carmir:e-st. VOTICE to"WOOLEN~MANUFAC1aJM ll -Wtroed one or two SETS of W OOL CARDS iu aooj .oL.litiou. with Spinning-Jacks. Address \ It v C. Ii. ALLINO, Derby, Conn. CITEATION^WANTKD.By wrer»! Aoieri. iTy ,an. raalaah. Irish, Scotch, and Colored voung Women who are first class Servants. Apply at No. 7 tlth-et, near Broadway. TEACHING..A Gentleman woll quftlifit»d to Instruct In the hither English brarrhea. Penmanship, and the Claasns. and wbo is a toed disciplinarian, desires an engage - t In a SCHOOL or PRIVATE FAMILY. City referencaa and hiith testimonials furuithed. Address by lstter. TVTOR, No. 12-4 Brosune-tt. IT 8. SCHOOL AGENCY and TEACHERS' Jo UNION iWtl). by E. H. W1LCOX h SON, No. «1 Bro. dway..A P t art TV 4l IxreoDlcrn at 1. 2 or 3 per cent, n '.mm everything for fcboola,sharing equal Divtoanoa with t hii kholdess t>3, *I0, t>LVt>20, »», #»», he, allowing; I'M I t MM k tor |>ra Urtaj two Subscribers. sivbag mem and Income to all. No charge to Pupils. TttcHeas' MitKTisei and CokRKiroaDr.tca Dailv, 9 to 12and 1 to 4 o'eloak, fillitig All Onleri, Vacancies and Changes, aoltma aaerty seerj Inatiutiou and Pamily, otteu at Ant call. Call sud tee. IV^ANTED.By a toudr Gentleman, graduafe. TT ,f tl Diveraltv, and Itte a teacher of aucieut and mod¬ ern Isiifiiaget In a rollete In this country, a SITUATION In an INSTITUTE or SCHOOL m tins ,-itv. Tesrhaa Kngllab In all us branches, Mathrniatic*. Logic, Mnemonics and the Rudi¬ ment,, f Hi brew \ btteaa LOOIC, Broadway PosVOthee. YVAMEU.To to into a niM^hboring oitv.au Tv American young or widow Woman, to do the HOUSE¬ WORK fr four persona. Nene need snply only such as are neat and capable. Such can have a good home, and be one of the family. Address A B. C, Box No. 101 Tribune Office. WAN'l ED.In a (ientletnen'a Eurnighiiw Utorej, a young MAN tbtt arjdersttnds the RETAIL TR tOl Addtaaa ft. M Tribune Office, stating age,salary and reference. Au.era an | referred. St' ~\(-{ \ ~X 'OUNG Man-ifd Man hftvirig'tfaa fJ?el\ivif# above amount ot money would like a Situation .aBAI E8MAN, ENTRY » LERE or ASSISTANT BOOK¬ KEEPER in a flrst-clatt house, tnd would loan the above an unt to his employer Can turiiisli the best of city reler- raees, Addratg for a week O. P II Savery't Tem|M'rance Hotel, No. It Beekman-sL A Chances for üuoincoo £Ucn. GENTLEMAN RETURNING to EUROPE soon, end who has made a KOK IT ,N K in a few reart in tin- countrv, in the miinuftcturint. a itu.n CHEMICAL ARTICLE »' ild Iii.-to...ii the SECRET. Any nersou with a rapital ot + li.ta 0 or *>l'l,'0u tn loul In this amount every six m. nibs. Address, with resl name, CHARLES DA LB MO, rihnaa Office. DRUG STORES in VVILLIAMSBURGH tor BALE.< ne taking *>100 nor week and the other t)M per «e,-i. pr ce t> oo tor one and s>l.000 for the other. Terms nsln S (at KC Kir AT. No. 7.' South 7th at., Williamabursb r No. Merchants' Exchange, Wall-st., from 12 m. to I p. m) L'OR SALE..1 hfl STOCK and FIXTURES of X a retail BOOKSTORE, aRajagod a etta af the best st res re in wii town, will be sold at a great bargain. Address Bvx No. '.-'.to rost-oir.!'. P'OR SALE..A WOOLEN RACTORY, 1 u ITEH POWER, three tcresol LAND, DWELLINO, HAHN, and TENEMENTS. -The above pnnerty is titutted v ll eutre, Albany County, nine miles trout Albany City and five miles from Wesi Troy and Cohoee. The factory is built of stone tud brick, contsinfng two setts of Mae hluery ami a M ,, bine r I ardlng Rolia; It Is driven bv a four¬ teen feet over-shot wheel, equal to Ifl horte-power. Toe Dam alto of atone, tnd built in the best manner The above Mill at in got d order, now running, and will be sold uheap, as the sub- s. bar, (mm lost of health, wishes to leave this hajshieae. Terms of payment made »aty. For further Information ad.ir.se 11. W A I ERBI'RY, Watervleit Center, Albany Co., N. Y. FOR PALE.The stock of a WHOLESALE OEOt BEY and PROVISION STORE, in one of the boat let tMoftg in the city ; now doing a business of over #200,000 per yetr;snd store to let. It it a rare chance for anyone to en¬ gage in the business. For particulars. Inquire or WRIOHT, OlLLINOA BRO., No. m Wathington-gt., New-York. I"OR SALE.Thai Ioiik c»'lebrated amlUndsomn ettablisfament, the SANS SOCC1 HOTEL at Bailston Spa NY. Located in one of the moot betitle/ and beaatifui villages in the State, itcaiai.it fall to oonunaad an eitetieivn and liberal patronage. The buildiugs have recently been re- aired and fitted up tnd furnished in t handsome and substan tial manner. The Chalybeate waters, which abound la the vi¬ cinity, offer to the suffering invalid a sure relief This desirable establishment is now off.-red for tele on the most reasonable, tetma sud if not disposed of before the 29th of February «rill, on tbtt day, be sold at public auction at the Court-HeMS, Balls- ton Spa, at lu a. m. For further Information apply to O W HALL, Bailston, Saratoga Co., N. Y. f^oR SALE-An Old-EaUblishexl DRUG BUSINESS, within fifty miles of this City, doing s Ano business. Inquire of INOERSOLft FIELD A CO., No. 34 Beekman-st. PAPER-MILL and FARM for SALE CHEAP, netr Amboy, New Jersey..Site of the Mill, M by 90 foot, good dam and etream of water, and 90 acres of Lead. WIB ea- change for city or Brooklyn property Inquire of _8. F. TOWNSXND, No. AM Niaana at TO BRICK-MAKERS and BRICK-MASONS.. Proposals will be received st my office, In the town of New- t Vth day of February next, for making aod bum- bag one million and a half of good, bard brick such M will ho j n voi t by the Chief Engineer of the Atlantic aad North ( arolit a Railroad Company for erecting Machine-Shop, Depot Building tnd Wtrebouu tt Newberu for Mid Company. The lay end wood, it t referred. will bo furnished et the yard, which wifl be within two or three hundred yards of the place the bniid- bags are to be erected on. The r/sy Is alto being dug. The ytrd.or a place tor rr ak.ns H wnl be famished free of cost, winch will require very Lisle expense to prepare. Or, it preferred, persons wbo propose to make the brich all also tro)oae to put up the n.'.onry of the LiildiRga at as maca ¦aaaat, a.lowing, as tney may suggest, s certain number I beb a ro the cubic loot, and they furnith everything complete} all openings to be deducted. T he bulldiags) trs In a very convenient aaaHlan for the eon- tractor, lying is mediately adjoining the town, aad one of them Aetsiy on the river and the others wit Ma two or three hundred yards. No doub. that contracts an also be made with oil r psrties for similar »ort. with a reliable .ontractor. If preferred, security will be gives end taken for the avAasdnft carrying out of the said contra., t, Paaavgaa proposing can either propose tt not tn take a portion of the st<eg of seid C< israany in paymeuL 1 be plans of the buildings ceo be seen at any time on applica¬ tion at my office. Regular packets run between Newbem and New-York tnd ra ports, which will enable coutractert to land mtchhtery or any marerialf « very thort notice dsswetly to the ysrd. As regards the health of the piece, fsw towns, Noethera or S< n-l^rn, can bnaet of hotter. Pro) ostla will glto he received far the wood work and aaaitngj of the same buildings, with or without materials faaalahal t. R. STANLEY, Coavtractor, Newbetn. N. ft, Jan. II. Uftt WOOL HAT M-4M EA( TERER.A firat- TT rata MAR BEE of WOOL HATS, with from 0599 to #l.«afo It wanted to take charge and an interest |0 a Fa.-orv about to be put hi otierarioo, with aaJkloat water atd w.rer row.r te Inctare feu vi to l'a> des. per day. One) v that oe'-hoiah- r ' t.ldreM H. M BURR ALL New York Poat-OAVe, ^_1L_ "' StO (\(\(\ Eor sah-, on accomtnodatinff ^evweVI^FVfe tero», an 'wublisbed MANCPACTVBntO ( ASH »I SINESS, combining three articles, one a eecref Pr-fltt Ur»e, aiyd the business easily leerued. References aad JOaWX.'TnA'ofe "~ ^.Foattyaid, ..A YOUNG MECHANIC who Laa .150. B! t. 1..-S' take an interest i_ excelleni: opportunity for the right kind of a mac Call or ad- dreM J. KfNOPLEY, No. Ißt Pultco tt., Brooklya, tap tuirsk after lt> a. b. ^

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · NEW-YORKTRIBUNE. TimNRW.YORKDAILYTRIBUNE he Poblmcibd EVERY MORNING .no BVKNiNO, (Sl'sdav bxccptbd.) BY ORE KLKY k «cRUATH, tubTBttl'bb ¦VILDIMOa,

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · NEW-YORKTRIBUNE. TimNRW.YORKDAILYTRIBUNE he Poblmcibd EVERY MORNING .no BVKNiNO, (Sl'sdav bxccptbd.) BY ORE KLKY k «cRUATH, tubTBttl'bb ¦VILDIMOa,


he Poblmcibd EVERY MORNING .no BVKNiNO,(Sl'sdav bxccptbd.)

BY O R E K L K Y k «cRUATH,tub TBttl'bb ¦VILDIMOa, COBMBB Of nassau AMD IPBVCk

fTBBKTS, orPO«itc THE CITT hall,I delivered to < i'y Sub-cribere at 12) cent* per «rock. Stn-Csapsr*. Two Onto; Mail Subscribers, 06 per annum, in ed

For six months, ? 3; for three ruonthe, t) 1 30.


published every Satvbdav Mo««l*c at the low price, of 42pee annum in asfvaaesj. Three Cepies for *A; Five, ( 'spir* for*. Tev, l opie. for ? 12; and a paper i* in no r.aee continued be-¦bm the time twr which it ts paid. Advertisement* for thieeVet will be ci,ar*v,i SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER LINKfar each insertion.

THK I¦¦ I-WKKK1.Y TKIBI NH» pablished every Tiesdiv and Fbiday Mourns Bflper annum. Two Copies for #5; Five Copies for $ II 23. Ad-terttaetnesrta, N rente a tine for each insertion.


ts pskMetiecisti tbe eVpiarture of ear.h Mad Steamer for Liverpoolat t}5 ft ojorium, pr-lac included. Single Copies, Six Cent*.


SANDWICH ISLANDS,ss published oa the departure of rech Mail Steamer *>r Aspsn-Wsil et *1 ist p* annum. Siswh- saie*. Six Out*.

Special Xotiti-9.r»e. KlfB*-.heth BlnekweeTH, graduate of Ossieva Medical

I'olleir. pup*I at the Lying ra M'spital, Paris, and students ftrieLondon floepltal«, attends to ewry departsoent of MEDICALPRACTICf 1 among Ladies and Children, No. 7» East I.Vth et.Office hdnr» from I* to 12«. an.

Brooav yn Aihentrann.- By ipecial rennest, BAYARDTA^ LOR w.ll lielner a Lecfrre at the Brooklyn Atheinrum onPR I DAY EVENING. Krb. I. 185ti.

Satjetrt The Philrsoprrj of Travel.'Door* tpen a* AC In ttr to commence at t lock. Ticket*

¦ cents eac h. To he <»fitalf.nl ot the Librarian at the Athenäum;at the pt ncipal ßooketo»«« k-i Brooklyn aud at the door.

Thai fev. <is-«. 11. Ct.ee> er in the Sotb-etCooaMaallonal Church, between 6th and 7th-ava, on THURS¬DAY EVENING, Jen. 34 Bahjoetl M The Poet Oowper andhie Insanity." Tick, ts 2.) eeuta. Lecture commencea atI o'clock.A Free- LsyeytnjM *»» shaUertsim la the Tabernacle;

an Eiposition of IheP nr piesand Do:trine* of that peculiarPeople known as Shakers; will be riven on THURSDAYFA F.NINO. Jan .81, try P. W. KVAER. a member of the New-Lebanon Society commencing at 7* o'clock.

CklaWauääl^apa*a,--f)n SATURDAY, Feh. 2,Mr. BAYARD TAYLOR

will deliver a Lectnre on CHINA and JAPAN at AcademyHall, No US3 Tkrrmdway, in conuoction Wi b the Illustrations onChina and Japan Expedition.Doors open at hail past Two o'clock ; to commence at THaci

iVi lock p. n.

~ColnmMn f ollette. Ti e IM EK MEDIAATION will bcgiu it, the College Chapel on MONDAY, FeO.4 at 9} oViock, and he continued unt l WEDNESDAY, theISib. ineiusWe. Hours of Examination from 91 to .1$ each day.The Sensor and Ii -.lor Classes will I.x mri fiom the Ith totbetthi tin Sophon ores and Freshmen from the 9th to tbeI'l'b. both d.ivs Ineiastvo. The Resent* of tue University, theAlumni <sf the College and persons gene rail v interested in tbecause of a good Education are itvited to attend.

« HAS. KI.NII. l'rrsi l-iit Columbia College.

LoweB iiortnre« in »wv.Ytit U. rhoRat Mr. MILBURNV Third Lecture ou "The Mlsa*ealp|d Valley; on ThoCabin Hssmes of the Wilderueas at the Opening Of the Revo¬lution," at C linton Hall, A stor- piso.-.THURSDAY E V ENINO.Jan. 31, at . o'elo.-k. Doors open at 7; Tickets 25 cents. Foraale at the principal bookstores, and at the Librarian's desk,Mercantile Library Association.

Tit* Vertereirie of the Yvnr of ik1'2, will meet a1Headquarters. No. 62 Lis|s-nard a'.. on FRIDAY. Feh. 1, at 7Jp. m. By-order A. W. JONES, Lieut. Col. Coin's.

Thar flaut EniiTlninmrtiii..Those win Inlon the Hin February, in this TESTIMONIAL for distinguishedservfcnes, and enjoying a rich season of sociality, eloquence andoiii-k will do well to call at once at No. 149 Nassaus«., andsecure their s»ats. Single tickets, *>3; gentleman and lady, *>5The Wi Mtiiiinxrcr Pre «livterlrin llninli. South

Hronklyn, will be iiIlOANI/.ED bv the Preabytery ofBrookly n, on THURSDAY EVENINO, at llj o'clock, at theSouth Vresbylerian Church. The Rev. 9. T. SPEAR, I). Dwill oVlivera Sermon. The public is invhevd to attend.

VrgfrtaHiIea niid Anininl- Seen Hilk n MirroMi'opc.Dr.EDWAKD H, PARKER, ProPassat of Anatomy in the

New-York Medical College, would respectfully announce thatbe wi'l gieo a Ooaraa of Four Lectures, ou thv Minute Stiuc.-tureof Vegetables and Animals," at the Middle Lecture-Roomof the New York Medn a! College, No. !»0 East 13th st , near ^tiiav., on the following Evenings, COaaavnelng at 7{ o'clock:r RIOAY, Feb. 1 ; MONDAY, Peb. I; FRIDAY, Feb. fl; MON¬DAY, Feb. II. Illustrations will be presented by means of anfIxyhyrtrogen Mlrrotrope, aided by a number of AcromatieMicroscope* and the use of Plates.Tbe design of this Course is lo demonsrrste in a popular msn-

nnr some of the interesting revelation* of the Alicros.-o;ie.While the. views of creation which are furnished to the Astr.uioBier and CJeologist are somewhat familiar, and exrito in theii mil* ot all profound wonder and admiration; much leas isknown of the minute structure- of list Vegetables and Animalsby which we ate siirromidi i|. The "tiulv of tliesn by the aid ofthe kllcrosi ope. revealing as it doe* great simplicity, perfection,exquisite adaptation and be-.nty, nimmt fail to excite the samesentiiiieuts us the grosser views of ereatiou; and it is with thispur] ose ihm the Course is arranged. Admission to the Course,6>l; Single Admission, .'flfcente. Ticket* may be obtained atthe Book stare of JAM ESS. DICK ERSON. No. Brosvlway,and at thekleeViaal College in Es.st.1 )th-st

ttaifstrniit I iileHlneni e ttftli e Hurl l.tthor ExcliHtinoMa. t Canal-st., corner of Centre at., N. Y..The Office is estab

1 by tho Commissioners of Emigrntioii, where ran alwuvs_j found Jugo numbers of LABORERS and SERVANTS ataery low rases of yvages. and i-oraons can have their orders filledBy writing to the Superintendent, and sending the amount nee-

aaeary to pay the passage of the parties required. No feetafcsv-ged to employers. JAMES P. PAOAN, SuperintendentraafaaT Mtnmpn '3 ce- ts) for sale at this office.


Nl b l o" 0 ? b d £ n.THURSDAY EVE.NINO, Jan. 31,



Launolan.Francoa RavelDOl RLE TIOHP-ROPE,

by Virginie Charinl and H. Lehman.JO VITA.

Mile. Robert, the Ravels and the Ballet Troupe.KIM KA.

Yimtilataw.Francois Kim Ka.Actoinorail as or aomimiom:

TICKETS.FIFTY CENTS.The only Seats that can bo sei med in advance are:

Private Boxea.4>5 each.Orchestra Seats..f I each.

Box-Offioe open daily, from 8 a m. to 3 p. ra., for the ssle ofT .'lets and securing Orchestra Seata and Private Buxeg only.

Door* open at »4. performance to commence at 7| o'clock.

WAJJJvCK^ tidiäteR>.Hoie* and ParquetW rente; Family Circle V.» rent*; Stalls, #1; Private

Boxes s>t> kikI +¦?.- liiMir. OjjN'ii at lU o' look I pi rfocmai.ces oom-aaence at '.TU IS FA EN ISO « n, 1:

THE BARRACK ROOM.Col. Perrier.Mr. Lester | Clarissa. Miss Msry OauuouAfter which, the VILLAUS Due I OK.Pierre Bon.-wur.Mr Ii. PiasMe Louise.Mrs. HoeyTo com Iu. e with JOHN PR BTTYJOBR a. CO.John Pictlvjohii.. Holland | Clemeutina Plummy .Mrs. Couover

Bj b to n \ iiamiu:ks-sti:kf.t..THURSDAY.Beueht of Mho MARY Au.NES Bulwer s

d'oanedy ofTHE LAsDY OF LYONS

Claude MoRaoata.Mr. H. A. Perry.Pauline.Miss Mary Agues.

Dumas. Mr. Ursen- y l.eatixeant. Mv Kaiuford; Olavis, Mr.Reynold; \\ alow, Mrs Hughes; Mad. Dt-cliai*lles, Mr*. Brels-U rd.The new Farce of TWENTY VINI TES WITH A TIOER,

with Mr. fjjtfhall. Mr. Brn llev, and Mis* K. Thorne.TO MORROW, (Friday ! A ( I RE FOR THE HEART

ACHE, exceesliueUy well received on Tuesday.

\ArioN M. thjSÄ 1 KU-A. el pubdy, Man-A/a ager and Proprietor.Brass ChTole lb eeatai Fit l.'j cents;tir, hestra Chairs M eeata -THIS E\'EN I.Nil will be peif.>riiied:

MULETEER OF TOLEDO.Manuel.Mr. J. H. Allen Plvina.Mrs. S B Wllk;ns

Favorite and popular Dane* bv Miss Henrietta Lang,fa be tollowed by ASPHODEL Or. Thk Mick Ptv.RaSils*.Mr. O. L. Fox Baboliu.Mis* H»th*wayMOLL PITCHER. Or, Thb Po»ti\a TiLLta oi Lv\y.

Maladlne. Mr H. Allen M- II Pitcher.. Miss Hathaway

BKOADVV AY theatkk.k. A. MARSHALL,Sole Lessee. Boxes end Parquet. N> cents; Family Circle

and Upper Tin, .'.Scents; Private Boxea, (¦!> and -Doureopen at 6g; commence a' 7 o'clock. .THIS EVENING:

THE IRON M \SK.Loon de Bourbon. .Mr Wallark I Hortrtise.Mine. Pouisiah. Mara.Mr. A. W. Pernio) Medsme Oiblet. Mrs. Henry

l'ov'T JUDOE BY APPEARANCES.PYai.t Tophsm. Mr A. W. Feum. DUna.Miss J. MannersJolm Plum-.... W. \. Chapman Angelina.Miss k Hardiu;

1a i K A K K K N K . V A R i K t i E S,J Latb ra* MsjaoroLiTAS Tmbatcb, Bboadwat.

eenta;oneu at

...-.-j perurmed:MUCH A HO ABOUT NOTHING.

Beoocuoi_Mr 0. Jordan I Beatrice.Mi»* Laura Keene.MIDAS.

JsMtts*.Mr. McDoaall Ve ins.Mis* CushmanMidas..Mr. H. Hall | Nraa.Mloa K. Rolgnolda

»AK'M M " Ml SKITM..KnOTsrement of tint*

vsjcaatii. .nd accomplished artiste, Mrs. FRANK DREW,

Pargpaet end Dress rtrclo. »eeata; Familv Circle. 25<>rck**tra Stalls, TSOOntai Private Boxea, SJA.Door* o

.t; oosanuonceat 7 -THIS PVKNING wl« Ke rertortne.

BI CKLEY « SEKKNAIM: !;S. No. .MSI» Hrtsad-aray.-EVERY NIGHT this week >:THIOPI kN MIN-

HTR> I BFA a si UE\C1'\ AN .HE l'.EA^T. i m-..-a

mg aa 7J o'clock. Ailuiieaiou 26 cents. Noi'ICB.Perhaaa'sFoora Fiiieeprtse GRl-oKkets are received (for the admissionot four persons) to oar entettainu.. to For aale at too BoxOffice.


OPEN fCVRfT RVRNING. TVketa couta.All bueiieNs* iiaoeaci, d by II. WOOD.

BSELTOOT ÄALLEKY, N.. 4H7 B ...idway,contains lJOof the L*met PAiNTlNOS ever put upon «a

Upon DAY ai d .?.VEaYJAG. Adimttatce 2S coota.


V«"- XV.N°- 4,613.





SPANIARDS am) Ii UfflOn IHUMDA. EVENINO, .Uli..«. 31,

at DODWORTH» ROOMS..1 which wit* te petfornied nothing bat Spanish an«! Cnben


DEDICADAa LOS E8PANOLES pk.ni.;«ui.ares


KAI It Noch«- del Joetee 31 do Enero, IMS.DODWORTH'8 ROOMS, Broadway, nett to Ort. e Church.El I'r.ersen.s. uWidido *n dot ptrtei ee compondrt eicIn*, ve¬

rarme de Mtttirt EspanoHe v -.mi.i.I'Rl.MERA PARTE.

1. MsrihaTriunfel.T. F.Baasford.Far* lot Pianos, eyecatn tor los SenoretBerti y OOTTSCHALK.IM Man. Ii« tu.

Lt Jott Antone«*,cj Reenerdode Aie3tlrtr.it, (Faredansro y Jaieo.).Conipuestn* v eyecutadoa por.Gottacbalk.

Lt AI tri lit. Real Espeofile y Fragmeotos de laSinfonie para 10 Pianot; " El titio de Zara¬

goza".Gol t schal k.EjecotaeVoeii nno por e| tutor.

SEGLNDA parte.Cl'tA.

4 Ciprirhot Sobre Dangst de Puerto Principe.I La ( armga.( Maria Lantero.

Compuefto* y ejecutado* por.GottscLal*.5. Recnerdo de la Vuelta de Abtio.

( /apateado Cubano.< " Tengue Terengne.''( BemU. CcaW T* ".Ontttchalk.

6. I " Mana la ilo" y ElTmgo.( " El CocoyS."

Compuestos y ejirutad«« por.Oottschalk.Se deparlitn loahilletrteri tl tluitceii de Mnticade W. HALL

k SON, Broadway, y teiieraluiente er. todot lo* almacenee deMniica.Pdecio«: Senorat,50rente; Csbelleros. *>1.

JOHN A. KYLE'8 COM I'LIMENTARY COX-CERTat the Clrv A**euibly Room*. No. 446 Broadway,

TO-MORROW FENTNO, Fob. -PROGRAMME.Fart I:I. Trio, Flute. CTeriotief arid Pitno, Messrs. Kyle, Kiefter andBeams. 2. Song.Adelaide, Mr. Beutler. 3. Cavatina.Inquesto remplii <-, Msdamo I'o/zoni. 4. Cavatina.II balen del. uo toriio.drum 11 Trnvutore, Sitnor Bt-liali. 5. Song DiBravura, with Flute Obliiiato, Happy Birdliua, Mit* Mar.a S.Brtlnerd end Mr. Kyle. 6. Duo Conrertante, Violin andPiano-Forte. Mew. Burlie and Hoflmtn. 7. Scent Fid Aria.AI uiio libi rator Mr. Allan Irvine. 8. Solo, Harp.SweetHome, Air. Aptomma*. 9. Duetto.Dunque in *<>n. Mi** Brenenand Sit. Hullern Between the part*. Mr. Mortan will performa selection of music expressly arranged for this occatuiu, on

the " New Model Harmonium." Part IL.1. Duetto.Abuto(or«e qu.-l |avt. r -In tri Ii Trovatore, Miat Braiuerd and Sig.Pad.all. 2. Soin. Finte, en aira from Lucia and Lacreila, Mr.Kyle. 3. Solo.Rbndr'a Air with Vtriatioua, Miss Ureuen. 4.

Song.My Pretty Jane. Mr. Allan Irving. 5. Sleighing Song." O. Swift we go, o'er the FTeery Snow," Mia* Bramerd. 6.Cavatiim.Largo al Ftctotem. Sit. Badiall. 7. Song.Downthe Bum, Davy. Love, Madame Pozxout. 8. Duet, Harp andFlute..L' 11alle et L' Irlamie, Messrs. Aptomuit* and Kyle.Tickets, *> 1 each, to be bad at the principal Muaic Store*, and

at DANSKIN'S Ag. nry, No. HI Broadway, and at the doors o:ithe evening of the Concert. Doora open it tjj. to commenee at71 o'clock.

CROWDED NIGHTLY..BUCKLEY**OPERA UOI'SE, by receiving for four admissions to the

enterttinmeiitt the t.eefitt in PERHA.M'S FOURTH GIFTENTERPRISE. Ticket« foraalo from 10 e m. toll p.m. at theBox Oft r- oi BUCKLEY'S SERENADEES, AH Broadway,

and at the principal Hotel* and Muaic Store*. Bos bill*.PRICE Of OIFT TICKETS SI; or 11 for *>10.

1STOßT EXHlBit'ION on MONDAY, Jan1856..ACADEMY HALL, No. Cti3 Broadway -Door*

to be pened at 7 o'clock p.m.; to commence at half-past 7o'clock p. m.

CHINA AND JAPAN ILLUSTRATED.A magnificent aerie* of Panoramic Pictures,coveriug more thantwenty thousand squar- feet ot cinvt*, sketoh-d and paintedby GEORGE R. W EST and WM HEINE, t««i,ied byJ. K\ LE and J. H. DALLAS

Ticket*. 25 rent*.

DR. ABBOTT'* celebrated COLLECTION ofEOVPTlAN ANTIQUITIES, No. Brou.lway.-Tliii

valuable Mail urn, containing upward of 1,100 Objecta, withseveral recent Additions, i* the moat popular and attractiveExhibition in the city. Admission. 23 cents.

1MIE CRYSTAL PALACE..Tads beautifulbuilding containa varion* objects of Interest.Ancient

Gobelin TAPESTRY, a ttllcrv cf PAINTINGS, rt'e and val¬uable STATI.AHY, beside Ägrieultursl Implements and Ma¬chinery. It will remain open until further notice.

NctP flnblicationo.Juat Publithodt


Ot, So'.es and Advevtlsr.s ovEt thk Bt.l'K Riocc.

By the author of " Amabel, a Family History."From Cor. Boston TranscripL

" Of the volumes already issued the present ye"r. the newnovel from the mm of Mias Wormeley, entitled " Our Cousin

Veronica," it perb.tp* the most noticeable. It it a werk evinc¬

ing a higher tri, a greater range of thought, a purer atyle.nd a tubtler knowledge of (died a of character, tbsn almost any

.tbercoteuipnrary. iaaue. There i* t peculiar fascination in Mis*Wormeley'* novell, which w>- cannot altogether define.arising,though, no doubt, from a stilifnl use of accessories in lier pie-lure*, by which their fidelity and vividness inspires the readerwith the belief that it i* tact, lud not invention, to which he is

listening. It 1* a talent (imilar to that of Defoe and Cribbe.Mist Wormeley'* atyle it singularly vigorous and graceful. It

i* riot a woman'* *tyle at all. You look in vain fur any of thatexcea* ef coloring, those redundant and pretty expletives, forwhich even the beat of female writers are noted. Clear, strong,nervou* and compact, were it not for feminine line* of thought,you would pronounce it the atyle of t mm. At t picture of Vir¬

ginia life, " Veronica" ia undoubtedly faithful; it* scenes andincidents sre picturesque, iti ehiractert Well ron.cived andcontrasted.tl.at of Tyrrell a splendid specimen of a noble mas.'1One vol., l.W SI Ma

BUNCE k BROTHER, No. 1M Ntuwtu e«.


This is a reprint of a work that has created the greatest ex¬

citement in fashionable circles. In this country it will be readwith similar interest, since fashionable coterie* possess in tilcountries the same distinctive features. It sboundt with wit,humor snd fancy. The plot it admirably constructed. 11000of thi* rich and spicy Novel have already been nol.l. Price to

cents. H. LONO k BROTHER,No. 121 NsJOSU-tt., New-York.

Copies mailed on receipt of 50 cents, post-paid. Address sa


AWORK of INTENSE INTEREST..Will be- ready in a tew dsya, from early sheets.THE CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE



Selected ami Translated, with Explanatory Notea, from ti.e" Memoire« du Roi Joseph.''

Two thick \olume*. Ilmi). Price *2.No book ha* yet apjieared which furnishes so correct t |« r-

trt ture of the chartcti r of Nt|sileon. He was in elimajt dailyou.munication with Ins heather Jo-eph, from hia Brat appallut-natal as the (General of Brlftde, down to the llith oi J me, 1815.We cannot form a correct idea of the character of rhe great

ii ind that twtyesl over nearly the wh.de Continent of Europe,v ithout reactiiu these Letters, which, unlike ofBcul eorreipond-eut-e. opens to ut the inmost thoughts and motives ofactum ofthe v» riter. These- l.ettvis bear upon every lubject, aud wo fewith ahtl a wstchfel eve be cared for ever 'he smallest thing.A distinguished rntic La-1 observed in examining the earlysherta. that " Biographers will have to write their biographiesof Najadeon over again-"A* a large demand is ai ri. mated for this work. tSvietS should

be for» arded earl v. The usual discount to the Trade.D. APPLETON i. Co.. Publishers,

No*. J-tti and ^48 Broadway, New-York.

Hl M I 1 N G A 1» V E N T 1 B E 3IV TDK



Con piled from the writingl of GERARD. Gt)RIH)N CUM-MINOS, ar.d other ceiebrtred Hunters and Traveler*.


FIGHT COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS.Twenty Tlavusan.l Copies of this Exciting Book hive been

sold. N.w Edition now reedy.MILLER. OKTON h MCLLIGAN.

Publieher*, No. 25 Park row. New-York,or No. lit Geuetee at.. Auburn.

ANEW BOOK by the Author «f " Parish >ideand Rolling Ridge."



Olc elegant lata«. *1. DERBY \ JACKSON.Mate J. C. Derl-v), Publishers. No. 119 Nassau tt.

And for atlr by all Booksellers.

A N EXCITING BOOK-a now ready.



With an introduction by Haytjsl Taylor,lb illustrations, liuo." SI Sn.

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YOl" can cet a pretty good idea of N'ioareyrua.its people, their habits, resources, he, from the pamphlet


the BoodetorvM. It contains Portraits of Walker a- d Kinne v.

IAustrat101^, At. Pnce 25eosths.


185(5. ?00KS- 180(5.THE EOMESTEAD ON THE HILLSIDE, »od otoer

Tai« a Kv Mr*. Mitt J. Holme«, author of Tenipee: endSunshine,'' end " The English Orphans." 1 voL, Sill pp. lftno.L

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Prr||-aatjrtj tare Parts. Part L.Lfcfa aaaSlatrei Part 11..Life a* a Freemen. With Balm lb . froe* Ml R] ceehes. end an

Introdaction by Jan.es MrCune Smith. 4M pp. 12mo.. withSteel Portrait and other illm-treturns. Muslin, *>1 25.

MILLER. oRTO.N a M I' L1.1GAVP uhii.-hers.Nti. i't Park-row, New-York, or Jio. 1<i7 Geuesre-st.. Auburn.


Now resdv and for Sale by all Booksellers:I HE HEART < IF MABEL WABE.

A ROMANCEfine neat ISruo. volume Price *>I «?x.

From many notices we extra, t the following:" The writer is a dramatist in his grouping ot indi\id isjitie*

and event*: apho'.otypis:. marking every sbjtde of rluricter; a

philoso|her. in Li. studies if the human heart; a pee:, in hi*lofty but well sustained lai.xuage." [Newark Dally Adv." A Domestic romance of more thsn ordinary merit and inter¬

est.contemplative and som, times even pathetic .trusting moreto well-drawn character than to startling interest."

|.N. Y. Daily Times." He writes unequally but with gleams of genius, and now

and thm strikes out tassagis of groat txautvof thought, winren.arkablc command of the full resources ol language in th«- v

pressioti or concealment ol thought M emotion.'[Boston Evening Om ".

" The entborwrite* with a tenibte energy, and haa woven -.,

gether * narrative (ull of the uiort absorbing intere*t, and »hi hrli.es i ot depend so much upon the intricacy of the plot as uponthe int< ave and passionate earnestness which pervade* it. Themiml )« 11 mes so khggei ad in re* ling it that it forget* kteeit", ledn ii» sil ly by the strange, thrilling faacinati m of the tragic

storv' [N. Y. Day Be t

" "\\ e must accord to this anonyniou* writer a high place inthe sphere ot fictitious composition. Many ot bis scene* [si.se..an intense, vitality, i'is picture* often *ee.., to glow wirb litinsteail of teiug colored by art. He haa a rare xoa>t.-ry of terseand vigotous expttision. His dramatic poarei I* equal to bisconstructive skill. Trageuy is doubtless his lorte, but paaaaaaaof sunnv and beautiful description show that he is also at homesmot g the gentler elements of humanity. It the present woikbe the first Irints Ol his emius betöre the public, it announces a

ligher order of intellect than las reoenHv been devoted It till*biairh of litirature." |N. Y. Daily Tribune.

" We know not how to characterise a story told with so muchehMutaaeo. tenderness, and Beetle leeling, and such delioateansKris of emotion sml leeliu.-. .tl er than of chare, ter. Weran best serve our readers by common,Im* ht to their pcins.il."

[Albany Atlas.'¦ We have rarely trit¦ r with a tale of more real nniiiistakaide

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tub-ly a new author. The description of the duel, and ot theflight and pursuit of the poor, cr«/rd Woman over the loo-esstrasten Beide ht mid-winter ere exceedingly well done. Aj i ui |l feature of the hiKik ron«i.t* in the introductory verses

precediug each chapter, which are quaintly and fancifully ozo-i ute, '' N. Y. Evening Po-<t.

DERBY i JACKSON, Pol iiNo. |lf Res» u-st., New- York.

AMERICAN tlETOLimOMABY BO-MAM ES. Bv Wtr. I.ilinore Simma, rsq. New and

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elolb. Price +1 2.V [In March.]SIMM- -- BORDER Roma si vs or the sol Til,

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Til E W 11><> W It E DO TT PAPEBJ8is now acknowledged among the social and literury circles

as an

UREQUALED Book Of wit and HI'.MoilSays Ti e St. Louis (Mo.) Democrat'.

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you are a poet, or remarkably line writer, and are lying wi'hbaxrin that your rlaiuis upon the public eye and ear have been

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YOUR CASE Ml >T Pi. HOPELESS INniiED.' Etiler Sniffles' alone would chase a whole legion of bhedeiihtinto the on regions i f abstractions and puseilulities."

14.1*41 SOLD, FIFTEENTH THOUSAND READYOne elegant l'Jmo. Illustrated.$1 2S.

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HOH.m'i: <. i:ri:i.f.YsEDITOR Of nil REW-TORR TitiRi NE.

Bv James Pa.-'oii. With Portrait*. 12mo, pp.4U. Price SIIt is agreed by friends and Iota of Mr. iire»ley that no more

ably, entertainingly and instmrtivelv written biography baaevermade its appearance in America Every one who has auv ds>skfi ehr B fatumar acquaintance with the famous New-YorkEditor, should reau Mr. Parton's book, ami he will know Mr.Grreley as well aa U.oush he hau been bauugnt up in the.an e town.''

" \\ orthy of a place by the eide of the Life of BenjaminFranklin." [Hartlord Keiigiou* Herald.

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pense."[N. Y. Christian Istelligenre-r." Of sbsorblng interest, and containing muck of pleasant bo¬

nier, sjorkling wit and attractive anecdote." (Bs gor Courier." A volume 'or earnest men ai.d boys to read aui study."

|Springüeld Republican." As an Incentive to youth in poverty to be hsneot. faithful

and (ersevenng. apsi. iron, its p» rsonal interest, it should goii to the hands > I the young of America generally."

[Mnidlrtown SUudard." Aa ..:.:.-.: i as any novel, yet all .me."

JPainerville DemocratM e could *rp« nd ¦ I favrrable notice* by 'he Pre** of thiaboc k. Alrradv nesriy Jö,i<a copies have I» en sold. It is forsale by Bookrellers gnu ra It. or will be sent by mad. post paid,to s- y addre-s on receipt o! the retail price.Any isewsi a|a r coi y ii g tha advertoaemcut three time*, and

.i: ..ma us a copy marked, will receive a espy of toe book,by u-aii, pcot-iavii MASON BROTHERS,'New-York.

AGENElxALKUBB shuuld be matie bv one andall to secure a copy ot YOt'NG AMERICA sat the week

ending Feb. 2. It will make you open your even with wonderIt its splendid Con ic L.ustrntioiis. atnocg which wiil be fouuda picture of the " Political Invalid; Or. Presideatul EunctsoaalDrrangeonenta" Also, a capital rut at the csaers of the ton,calied " Faanionable iieurs. 'a Reception Matinee;' Or. TheI s.lv Lionesiet llon.t.-'' mith portrait* of several distinguishedFilth *yeno«Kiles. TLr Juvenile Billiard i'layers, ke PopularIdea el Cincinssti, Railroad Rsulleriee, and thr Coodactc r ofth. Tram ; The Ball that Gather* a* it Goes; tu Four Point*ot 1'ipluti.sev. Hippodroinatic- His p*. Kansas settlers, besaues,erkliLg I ditoriel*. Jeu u Esprits. Bon Mots. Jukes. Couun-dreais. Ninas ot the Times, and ail sorts of thing* calculated tot sae ye-t butt, n* dy and put evtrybo.lv in a eoodhnusur. Price

. ,. nts »er nler. Ft sa.e 1;. all N< ws Ateats and byt. W. STRONG. Publisher. No. ^4J Naasao-st.. .V Y.


PORTS and the Bisi s. LEi n.D crjm1ral rrwit orn abroad that It I ul.li.hed m this n .n-rv. (i contains ex-tensive arsAantl -poud. ie on CRIMINAL I'OP'C.-

¦ a.l pert* o< the I nion. end Eoitonals upon ever* proaa-inent sei :*1 a: d donieet* eubject of interest, beside a vastamount ot n-iaceilaneooa iarmraiatleax.

Ro.*S, IORRJ i rOURZT,No. 23 Clark sL, Chicago, and No. 1UJ Nassau «t-, N Y.

\\*ii i' SCENES of ti,e HÜNTEB11 LIFE..IT li ! -il MING AND HUNTERS OK ALL

Nations.Exhibiting the mode* ado; ted by the moot celebrated hunters

o. Sb.o'iu«. Trapping. Ena- aring. Ac, th* v.rioas U ild Ani-mal* ol the Globe, with thnllir.g dsssen;sri.,oa ofHunting Adveu-turea. By Garard. Casnasina». and other*. A Hamibouk forthe lover* of »porting and eaveniure.

By Jona Paosr. LL.D.Jf*J Illasxratkm*. sax colored. Price «I 50.

. ML'LLIG V N, Pabiiaher*.N S rart row, New York, or No. 107 Oeaees; at, Aaburn.

iYt JANUARY 31, 1856.

THE SCAM'EL, for JANUARY, No. 89, V.d\u«\by EDWARD H. DIXON, M. D.. it now reedy. It if

the brut lumber of the eighth volume, and theref.re a foodtime to eibeerihe. TTie reader will please to notice particularlythat TH-". SCALTEE ic bv no meani a Medical journal,

r Oreat numbers cf persona would take it. who now believe it to'we devoted to the detail» of Medu-ol raeer ami their treatment.

This ia the Ctrth number from the commencement in Jannary,18t9. It * a quarterly, of 61 page-, at one dollar a year, ¦« ed-raacr. or wenty rive cenu each number. The tint twenty-fournumbers may be bad, handsomely bound, lettered, and in.dcieti, in three large booka of ><) paiea each. *t the Kditoronly. for*4. The following eight number» will m* be boundtill Januar. iaj7, but they may alwaya be bed at 23 cent* each,aa the wb.le work ia atereo'yped.Ihete ere ixanv complaints totuhing the late appearance o,

onr lournal; we plead guilty, and yet can promise no amend-ment. Cur reader* wdl remember the prospe. tu», in which we.aid. " We would publi.h it when we, pleased, put in ir whatwe pleased, and atop It whenever we found we had nothing to

say." We bare not altered onr mind. If we lived by the

journal, as aoaie of our medical frir.id* would Uke to make

I eeple believe, it wi old be auotht r matter but we will never

allow cnrreli'ro be driven by our horae ; he is an animal of a char¬acter entirely orurinsl; we raised him to drive before ua, not 'o

be driven by him. Whoever dislike* his gait has the remedy in1 is uVD hand-: he can jump out of the wagon ; we can pay thetell. The reader w.ll have ample opportunity of proving bisii.ii d. -bo'ild he continue to ride with ua thia year.

CO Ii TENTS Of NO. XXIX.-JANUARY. 185S.Ast. XXXv II..Position of the Vacuity and the Scalpel;

t ..iiservat. .e Antiquaries: f'-s-ii.r-d Moralists; ProfessionalTurners, and their Turning Lathe*; Editorial Ecceutricity;Diplon a* and Theorie*; Cribs, Tea-kerile*. and Corn baskets.Aar. \XX\ III..Sketches of Western Prart.ee; Pro«' Foli-

Sie- the .Mercy Anr-!t; Child Messenger; the \\ eddiu; R.utY e; a Mid: icr.t Rioe: are they Ilungrv in Heaven I Adversitymid Lahor; tb--Soul Elevators'; Death tk- Gr»at Putitisr; theI .. r el .speculator; kforalirv and Mammon City and Country( ormpt.on; (.ran: Sia-i illation the Miuliight \ ..».' ol the All¬st U to the (.rest Citv; the Child Thiel; Aurcl't Dlesting;Heath.art. XXXIX.On the Protection of Society from Crime.Akt. XI...What is the Nature ot Coi.tumpt.oii. at Tubercle

in the Lurgs ' InLalation.will it cure the Disease ?Aal. XI.I.. Will Electricity cure Itiseage Will it remove

Mercury ami other Metal* from the SvsteniAbt.'XLIL Sketches of Villsge Practice; Sabbath hi the

Country Beta Music ; the Mewith; a Domegtir Tragedy Mar¬riage and Heart-Canker; Eather aud Sou; the Deceived Wife;a P. atii-Bed.Aar. XLIII.A Discourse to the Urethren on Morals, by an

U rgical Pox, continued from the January Number; thet Surücei t»oo*e Pen the Old Fov es»apes troni In* Cap-

; Attempt to convert the MedU-al Savage*; Visit irom a

...i Chee«e Ethic* of a Butcher Surgeon.Ast. XI.IV..A few words of Advice on F-e*; ( emtry Priceai t)utr..^e..us Requirements of Patients; Stabbing iu the

l.'ark; OaVe Begaart; Rules for Consultation.Ifga Oltianpydnt Malpractice Case; Ar.ttgonwm of Surgeons

ami Laborers; lin'eiuiuty Bond.Awful Consequences of Popular Superstition*.they originate

fri m a Uiorhid condition of the Religiona Region ot the Brain.ttj be r. vented by att< ntion to the True Laws of Mar-

r.tne.En! r> InteUtiOJ *; Sltcti hot Of the People.Book Notice*.A Literary Harpen hor.l: The Silver Fox; Oiafting a Le.xi-

ront Ohituan Colleas ftar raV-relice.SHERMAN A Co., No. I Vesev .;DE WITT A DAVENPORT, endMILLER. Rrondwsy.

Ml atvien it tha edtj must be addressed to THE EDI TOR,it, v No. 1.1 Post-Office".

I be Editor resij.t tt No. 42 "stli-av.. between 10th and111h-ete.. where he attend* exclusively to surgical aud officeconsultation* and operative surgery. Consul'ing lee. either atd.ieorbv letter, *>. Dr. Dix.m 11 obliged utterly to letuse

tl e . «eoulwii of every kind of buaiu.ss or literary comuiiasioii,gg hjg time ia tully occupied by professional dutiea.

NOTICES OF THE PRESS.The I.oi don Time* aaya: "A most fascinating and brilliant

att.iir, in Jonathan 'a best manner; it iuuimei.de the attention ofevery r» ader."The London News remark*: " Flashing, spirit.a] and humor¬

ous, The Scalpel ia ac interesting ta t novel; it loses none of itsrminess."Th. Lord, n Lam t. oriiiiliated *"d edited for thirty yeart by

Tl mss M aklev. M. D.. *a-,«: .' W e h.ive received ten Humbertof this glnnous journal lor the people. We take to ourselvetthe Credit Ol originating it; had there been no Lancet in Flu-ro| e, there would have been no Scalpajl in America."

.. W hat (vraiaal what power! From grave to gay, from livelyto *evere. lr Is an invaluable heelrh-griide to every family.''

[Daily Republican, Binghaiuteu." It bat .11 the ehern of romance, without producing euy of

ite deleterious rente im urea." | Etsteru Mtil, Vva'ervtlle, Me." It abou.id* in vaned and heart-moving scenes. Your tear*

will tlow, and your mirth will be euited."(Daily OaaWtte, Ta r ton. Mat*.

'. Dr. Ditnn ia one of the most vigorout writeri in rhiscoun-trv, an.I ha uakis The Scalpt-1 oue of the most readable ofjoinntle." [Portland Tranecript, Me.

" The twenty-eighth number has not ethau-t»d the editor'spowers ol descriptie'i, hi* audacity of language, nor his datesmlMilan to make hie mark." IN. Y. Tribune.The liarne Heral.i, Canada: " W e are familiar with th.a ex¬

cellent journal; it i- emphaticullv a journal u health BS thePeople The editor has stamped it with origiualu v glowingw ith the impress oi ability and truth, its clear and v igoro'isstyleci in n a i aasig tp| rovai."M. rtor.g Chronicle, Clue bee: "Thia ie one of the most ueeful

toil instructive ptiblirations of this continent; it is well printed,tnii tastml >e- .n 'bat respect the English |eriooictls."Tbe Wnsnfi tw Wl.ig "A .l.-llghtful joun elI science, wit,

and genuine good humor abound in it. Dr. Dixon . ojjys aworld-wide reputation, from the facility With which h>-treartevirv vnbi.ct ihtt ;>a*ses antler bis pern II i* journal is easily un¬derstood by all."Hume Journal: "Ills rilled with evidence of profound re>

searrfa and exquitite ano racy >ea <fe./»rir. Toe wonder is, howany man to earnettly e utared in prcfeesional dutiea can flna timeto make s journal so lr struct lye and tmniii g."

I > I I N A If . ¦ II 0 N T H L Y .

A An entirely Original American Maaaslrie.FEBRUARY.




ber. Tin re remitting Three Dollar* will receive the Magesmejrrt ofiHjituij*.

Till: SCH< o »LFKLLOW.Ax iLLinrtarrD MkaVaaiM roa Boys a.vo OikLs.



His BED. !U A W HABOUT NEW-YORK.MtsaETs. By i'Hit.Lir Wallys.BROTHERS AND .MSTEB>; Oa Lcssoks or t Stsosca.

Hv ( niaix Alice.THI oR elk .schoolboy By the Editor.RAIN Bv Pi iL Kesd.THE FURR1FS.All x«oit Ftas.Fen AkiMtLs-Fia

H:\tix* ami Ft a (ocntbies. Bv M. S. C.A BIG POTATO. Bv Pail Rra'd-THE DESERTED BARK. ByFatTL Read.THE ST0E1 OF IHK GBEAT WAR. By J W. P.F1EES10E FANCIES. Bv Maey E... i \v BOOKS. Bv Maby E.ILLTSTEA1 loss Dr. K*ne-An Elephant Harrowing and

Rollina.Fulton Market CoSee-Box.Opening Oesters.Tho11 '¦ol.Tie Box Traj.The Dead Fall.Toe ResoluteEntering New London Harbor.Wtllachian Peasants.Walla¬ch tn Women. Prttern for Pttcbwork.

PBBgsg one I). Har a-year I payable alwaya in advance), orTen Cent* a Lumber.

r Four aapaag 0f " The Schoolfellow" to one address,*>i U Five copies, s>4; Eighr gopiet, *o.


By CHARLES DD KENS,For Febniary.

Tia«»: Three DoUare i year, or Twenty Ave Cents a tom¬bs:; those ren.i--,Lt Three I loll ere will receive the Mtxatmejr,. m) /' .rope Clubs.Two cofies, Five Doiisrs; Threeco[ -es. l*ia Dollars

i-NAM s ..ONTUt'r ". t'ot'-sj rfuLD WORDS. Mam -1. DoilartiPUTNAM'SMONTHLYorHOUSE-IloLD W ord.sa.th the SCHOOLFELLOW', to on» address,rhras I' r* Fifty Cents or all three of toe Ma^agiae*. F'iveDollars FiPy Centa

Publiahed this day.DIX k EDWARDS

No. S21 Broadway, (formerly No. 10 Ptrk-piec .; New-V .rk.

NE\V EDITIONH l£\f\IC'ßM. ,rd and Popukr Books. lO'JW.sparkss Lire of Washington. *i &




V.MILD scene of a HUNTER'S LIFE. SI 5L



v 111.young WOMAN'S BOOK OF HEALTH 75 . its

ixlift Book for young MEN. t5 centa.

x.OLTT book for yocno ladies. 7«, cents.

xl»ouno man'S book. 75cen's.

X1LYOUNO LADY'S BOOK. 7«, cents.MILLER, ORTON t mi LED AN. Pahliehers.

No. 25 Park row, N y or No. 197 Outti t-st., Auburn.




Bv the author of " John Draytoo."Pound In muslin, 75 rrnto; In paper, 50 cento.

" Written »ith charming simplicity ndelity to nornro. endproducing powerful dramatic etreere. It it one ot those rare

i rela ft. in wh.cti much cen he learned of CM workings ol toohuman heart and the experiences of bumble lite."

H Y. Commercial AdTertieer." It hss already ha.! an extensive mn in E'-gland. In correct

portraiture of character, geniality of humor, at d benevolentphilusot Ly et aim, we bare not for a long time met with a workwhich has pleased us more." IV. Y Hera! L" A eery interesting story, written with that charming ease

and unaffected cenfidence that mark* a practiced pen, and a

uorkmg, well-trained brain." (Springfield Repebllcan... Pervaded by tranquil beauty and natural fe .!ing, as a novel

tor family reading It is surpassed by few productii :¦«"

IN. Y. Tribune." It ta a successful work, and mav be eafely pronounced one of

the beat of Stringer k Town*end'( Librarv oY standard Novel*|Yate* Countv Whig.

" It i* i powerfullv-written romance. ITroy Daily Budget.FtoM the LeaDIKg Lovoov JlHIBSll**

" Atlieford is s captivating *torv. Tie character* are happilyconceived and vigorously portrayed." [London Morning Post.

" Among the fiction* of homely, domestic lite, in which truth1* to compensate for the absence of ide.il beauty, Ailieford de¬serves to r\uk high " IThe Londm Athenäum." A werk abounding In fascinatlou of an irresistible kind."

I Ltjasaaa Uktnrt er." A delightful tale.full of alTecting incident. bnllMK deecrlp-

tior. sud profound reflection." (The StandanLTV r. Hex f Ufa la to true that the book throughout .asStot

the intereel of re,i!itv." (London Sc«eaaa**..¦ This charming novel does full ju*tic* to the reputed n

alreed) gained by the author." (John Bull, Eugland.Published by STRINGER k TOWNSEND

No. 2Ü Broadway. N. Y.Per sale by all Bookseller*, and Agents on the cars.

N B..Mailed Free of l*. «tage on reception of the pric*.


Al.MACKS,A Novel or Pail If FasHtoasaLC Lira.

This is reprint of a work that has created the greatest ex-ritercent in f*shioti*ble circle* in England. In this country it« ill be read with similar intereet, since fashionable coterie*possess in all countries the same diatiuctivefeatorea It aboundsvv th wit. humor and fancy. The plot is admirably constructed.Price 50 ceute.

LILY Hl'SON;Or, The Aito-Biocbaphv or ax OSHsAl Oibl.

Bv Alice Grey.We present the first of this series of excellent stories to be

ti e ventshle history of the early life of Alice Grey, whose,! ¦aaa Msgsgiue Talea have so often added to the enjoy,ateant aa the il mrstic tire«lde, end alternately provoked the

. y 'vmh. or brought the tear of svmpatbv to the eye. I vol.tltth. Price #1.

Fortv thousand have alreadv been sold of this popular Book:THE WATCHMAN

\« uti ar-Tivc >vD Mob a i. Talk or DoMctTic Life.A Companion to "Ihe Lami lighter." Published In 1vol.,

elotsV Price *>l.THE LAWYER S STORY.

Or, The OarHcvs Wao\cis.Bv the author of " The Watchman."

Beautifully illustrated. Complete in I vol. Prica, paper cov¬

ers. 50 cents: bound edition, 75cent*.THE Ii.I) DOCTOR:

Or. Stbav Leaves ebom Mv Joibml.Bv the author of " The Watchman."

Pahlkshed in 1 vol., beautifully illustrated. Price, paper cov-, rs. .00 cents; hound copies, 75 cents.

DuW .Ik - P \ l'r ST SERMONS.Three vols.. paper; price per vol., jO cents. Bound, cloth, in

ü v< Is., per vol., 7j rent*..Most persons have peius. ,1 scrap* of Dow, Jr.'s, quaint and

trans.ug Sern.oDS; thev will be glad to ohtaiu them complete,ill. -e who huvi u. re a,; thrm bay. in store they shouldnot delsv ercei tn g.

Mhs. IIAI.E's HOUSRHOLD RZCEIPT BOOK|or. IfajUatl ABO DiKECTiovs run PbMSBvixb Health. a\o

I'KoMoriM. mi ok iv RsMMBTtC Lilt.Compiled tiom the most celebrste<l authorities. Published in

ilotb, ptice *>l.mks BALK'S NEU i ook Bi OK

A Practical Sutern tor Private Fannliea in Town and Conn-try, with Directions lot Carving, arranging the Table for Par¬ties, and roudiictiug the attain of the Household with Comfortand Ei ui my si io. Preparations of Pood for Invalids and forI h i.in in Bv Mrs. S. J. Hale. With numerous engravings.Round in cloth. Price 01.

H LONO v BROTHER, No. 121 Nassau st., N. Y.COPIES MAILED on receipt of price, post-paid. Address a*

above." Should be taken in Avsasw/stfAir doses. [.V. Y. Tribune.

rp il K WIDOW B BDOTTiWHAT THEY THINK OF HER IN WASHINGTON.Says The Washington La ly Olibe: " We are of opinion that

it is the moat hninoroua book thet ha*EVEI BEEN WRITTEN BY A FEMALE

sud we regard it as but little, if anything, inferior, aa a mirth-.'<ii mi g pre,n, lion, to Sam Sink,' or to Thackeray's YellowI |h Papers.' As well a* being humorous, the Redott Pais-ra'are satirical end the authoress hss drawn some pictures that weis not but regard as very faithful rejir-se iMiio:n of what sheI ol witnessed. Among these is the Donath n Party, which aai hatster well worth tiie price of the h>>k. We sey to ell.buy,reoo end laugh."Says ihe Louisyille DeihJCourier: "They speak more ef-

dctually to the general ear and heart, even though they whotear are not aware of the fait that they are imbibing wiedota.ihe Papers' need not a word fn.m us to those who know any-Ikhagaf their character; to those who do Bat. we say they can-

not too toy'fi come into possession of the rkb wit and genialI .n.or iE<at

.-I'ARKLE LIKE THE PI REST FOUNTAINStf nature tn oii,t the green field* of life."SayoTheSoathaniLltafan Meeaeuger: "The greateat bit

ol Iha season, and provocative ot more down right horse-laugh-ter 'ban any bor k since ' Major Jones's Courtship.' Whoeverwonld enjoy hours of real satisfaction in droll reeding.ihe-I i. te ,., .f re. mg relaxation, or the practical uiau wishingto l.c amused after the day's toll.should procure a coot of theWidow RlBOtt There i*NO DRAWBACK TO THE MERRIMENT IT AFFORDS,sad sll its jokes are as pure and innocent a* the prank* of child¬hood."

1 bfl Maw ark Daily Advertieer tayi: " The fun and the smirkon.men e with 'be initial chapter, and

W ITH EVERY PAGE THE GRIN WIDENS,till Ihe tinal one, when the laugh (wallow* up everything, andthe ears even disappear m the ever-expending uiotuh ander thebenign influence of this anastheUcal. mirth provoker. waiat-! ai d oil button fearer I"

t ifleeurh I eOO bow reads.OME ILI.I STB A ED I.MO. PRICE «I n

DERB] k JACKSON, Publishers, New-York.And for sale by all Bookseller*.Single Copies sent by mail post-paid.WOKKTof the Ke^E. H. CHAPIIT.TheYv lahtsrrihaf publishes some, and ha* for sale all the pub-

taiga works of the Rev E. H. CIlAPIN. They will be senty u.a.l, postpaid, on the receipt of the annexed prices:It'.inanity in the City. #1. Moral Aspects of City Life, 75c.'I rue Manliness. Mb. Ilisrourses on Lord's Prayer, tUc.I».-courses on the Beatitudes, 5flc Character* in the Goa¬

re!*. 50c.Mis. rilaneous Discourses, Mg, Duties of Young Men, 50c.Diit.es of Young Women, 50c. Crown of Thorns, Str..Hocrs of Communion, lite.

Address HENRY LYON. No. >18 Broadway.A~~ ~C Ä R D 72\ Miss JEANNETTR Hoi'PlN,by marriage Mrs. GF.ORGK W. TAYLOR, begs to announcethat she has just published a brief outline of her "ar.y life, theaLses of her cruel family persecutions, her years of sufferingoi tr.al with ihe full name* of her persecutors and benefec-r* Her edition is very small. Copies can be obtained by t#e-

::igrarrlul to e^dree*liisclo*ing *>l, with postage (tamp, to Mrs.JEANETTE H. TAYLOR, care ol Aaron Swart*, esq., ( hat-ham square Post Office.

KKW HOOKS in PRESS, andaoontobe pub-let ed bv TICKNOR at FIELDS of Boston:


By Rtve'ed Alexander Dvce. The trade supplied bvt DWARDP. Rl'DD.No. M Ann at., up stairs, N.T.


.3 eyear. LITl'ELL, SON k Co., Boston,And No. .143 It, a.. New-York.

Stationrrn anb .fanrri (ßooöe.

MUCILAGE, in n»'w and convenient Hottlea,with Metallic Cap and Brush.indispensable to merchant*

an.l useful to everylaAv. For sale bv THADDEUS DAVIDJA Co., Manufacturing Stationers, No. 26 ( lilt St., New-York.

THADDEUS D A V I D 8 4 Co.*WK1TINO INKS pronounced by the best chemists to be

re durable than arv other vet made. For sale to the TRADEONL\ by THADDEUS DAY IDS a Co., manufaetarers ofINK.- la sll their varieties. Sealing-Wax. Wafers,Mucilage, kc

_No -ti Cliff st. New-York._Zo .farmers anb (Dtficrs.

rivi FLORISTS, 6ABDENEB8, BOTANWTglJ sBe PROPRIETIES of NURSERIES of NEW-YORRend rcvieocy..The undondfned wishes to receive (franco) yourAnnual CaUlogaea. in order to Crwed orders sur such artic.ee asmaysu.t. T. BACHELiRJL

UortkultAiriat, Botanist and Dealer m Garden S-eda,No. 26 New-Orleana.

Cost an5 foünb.


r.ee January I, l&AS, cut from Bonds Noa. 7It to 725. 733 to 7)0,"4* to 77t. All persons are eaatu.ned againat negotiating thesame, a* peraxes t ha* been (topped. The finder will be re-ws: . J bv returning too saaaB to E. W. CLARK. DODOE kCo. No. Al Well-*!., New-York, or E. W CLARK k Co., No.2ft Sonth Sd-et. Phil*^e!t,ida.

f2.")00.-rS(.LER S DEPOT. No. I

.or SALE, the weH-kaovrnshing-Tackl* establUhment THE AN-

ul.cjx a union no. 1OS Pulton-ex.. where a large and profit¬able cash bus.neas ha* been done for the peat soveo year*. Ap¬ply to C. BULL, on the premiee«, or to C. B. HOWS A Co.,No. M Nassau-st.


ARESPECTABLE ycmnm Woman «uU ft ut-u»oon m first rare COOK, WASHER, end IRONER.

(Feed city roiVrerjee If re^tjired where sew Km lie** -Uveer*.Cm be seen fee two dar« « No. Jfl V it., Whttw SHa andtc-h «ts tagend Soor, front room._



H7ANTED.A ftitiifttioii by ft competent.TT wortby young V\ oraaa m COOK and le ASSIST in theW tSHIM. and IRONINO, does «11 iiaiaof BUiog, enaies-s suds Poultry and Menke ef every daaeii»f»on i at tRaj anales mpetsnt-ia a anrate fa_.il v or aoardioa boaee. Beat cityreference. Wages t>t Call at No. T» Mar.

WANTE1.By » -»pecUble joudr Wonun. ftSITUATION; ebe -s a good Cook. e tir«t rate V*ean.r

i nd Ironer, and aa exeaUeai Bakers. Can be seen for tero dayaat No. test ntrVav.. cesuer JarAec_.\VANTED.A eitnatioo, by a rrap^Ubl«youMTT Woman, aa CHAMBERMAID tnd WAITER. Beetot

c tv reiereoctjeeeu be given. Can be seen for two days at No.»rast Uth-et,, tear let-as.

WANTED.By a reeptycUblo I'roteatftnt Girl, ftplace to do CHAMBERW ORK. or to TAK t". CARE c<

i II iLDRF.N, or rode the OENEBAL HOCSEWORK ef a

sms.l familv. ( all at No. Iii l.th-et., between MA and exb-eee.

i;ENT1 .EMAN of i'ongitierabl* buaineaa oxpe>nenre recently o« spying e eery rasysaatbla Saaacjal

jit.on. wiabee to become In rerested in aowo raeaeetsasbs bwa»-»se iu ibis city, la worth aboat SJOO.OSO. and baa at present

ab,etN) to a> t.OtC In cash. Address, statins; nature >i busmen,B. F. W Tribune OAVe.


GENTLEMAN who it b Gradual* of C^lkge,and bas bad several sears' experieeve la Teachlag in In¬

stitutions of the first reeiaectabil.ty. desires to derate a fewh. art per Say to TEACHINO in ax academy or urirate fomily..--.t afsctorv teferercea will be given. Addrees INSTKUCPOR,Metropolitan Post-OAVe,_

S COACHMAN..A tierman with thej bott¦. r, ferem BS for honesrv, evbriety and capability, wants

a place in s brat-class family tn'the i'y. Call at No. «0 Eastttthet., for twodajs. ___________

A tOURG tJKRMAN (iE.Nri.EM.VN. dwtiog-_A uiabed by the very beet city references and biehest k,»-lofeaa tdoen&on, wishes to be introduces) in ea A.triesnsn ilv circle, which la, in recard ef nee fonnetioa, earaej en

i be as where he moved himself in times past. The aame wdu-rti i day time in mercantile afairs. but has to spend theleantas;bonra ofbl* seascn either in usefhl conversation or in grvtnff hv

11 ...tint languages, etc, to their. iiil.lren. Those who reflect upon thn. .> av aildreas to A. B.,So. BN Metropoliten Poat Office. Bible House Buildtmj.

JOHN YOUNG la very gueeeaatul in nximgft .a. boarding honaes. kc, with Servants, and Servante

. iih Situatu na.at the Ptoteatant Employment Society's OAVe,No. 7 Carmir:e-st.

VOTICE to"WOOLEN~MANUFAC1aJMll -Wtroed one or two SETS of W OOL CARDS iu aooj.oL.litiou. with Spinning-Jacks. Address

\ It v C. Ii. ALLINO, Derby, Conn.

CITEATION^WANTKD.By wrer»! Aoieri.iTy ,an. raalaah. Irish, Scotch, and Colored voung Womenwho are first class Servants. Apply at No. 7 tlth-et, near


TEACHING..A Gentleman woll quftlifit»d toInstruct In the hither English brarrhea. Penmanship, and

the Claasns. and wbo is a toed disciplinarian, desires an engage-

t In a SCHOOL or PRIVATE FAMILY. City referencaaand hiith testimonials furuithed. Address by lstter. TVTOR,No. 12-4 Brosune-tt.


Bro. dway..A P t artTV 4l IxreoDlcrn at 1. 2 or 3 per cent,n '.mm everything for fcboola,sharing equal Divtoanoa with

t hii kholdess t>3, *I0, t>LVt>20, »», #»», he, allowing;I'M I t MM k tor |>ra Urtaj two Subscribers. sivbag

mem and Income to all. No charge to Pupils. TttcHeas'MitKTisei and CokRKiroaDr.tca Dailv, 9 to 12and 1 to 4o'eloak, fillitig All Onleri, Vacancies and Changes, aoltmaaaerty seerj Inatiutiou and Pamily, otteu at Ant call. Callsud tee.

IV^ANTED.By a toudr Gentleman, graduafe.TT ,f tl Diveraltv, and Itte a teacher of aucieut and mod¬

ern Isiifiiaget In a rollete In this country, a SITUATION In anINSTITUTE or SCHOOL m tins ,-itv. Tesrhaa Kngllab In allus branches, Mathrniatic*. Logic, Mnemonics and the Rudi¬ment,, f Hi brew \ btteaa LOOIC, Broadway PosVOthee.

YVAMEU.To to into a niM^hboring oitv.auTv American young or widow Woman, to do the HOUSE¬WORK fr four persona. Nene need snply only such as areneat and capable. Such can have a good home, and be one ofthe family. Address A B. C, Box No. 101 Tribune Office.

WAN'l ED.In a (ientletnen'a Eurnighiiw Utorej,a young MAN tbtt arjdersttnds the RETAIL TR tOl

Addtaaa ft. M Tribune Office, stating age,salary and reference.Au.era an | referred.

St' ~\(-{ \ ~X 'OUNG Man-ifd Man hftvirig'tfaafJ?el\ivif# above amount ot money would like a Situation.aBAI E8MAN, ENTRY » LERE or ASSISTANT BOOK¬KEEPER in a flrst-clatt house, tnd would loan the abovean unt to his employer Can turiiisli the best of city reler-raees, Addratg for a week O. P II Savery't Tem|M'ranceHotel, No. It Beekman-sL

AChances for üuoincoo £Ucn.GENTLEMAN RETURNING to EUROPEsoon, end who has made a KOK IT ,N K in a few reart in

tin- countrv, in the miinuftcturint. a itu.n CHEMICALARTICLE »' ild Iii.-to...ii the SECRET. Any nersou witha rapital ot + li.ta 0 or *>l'l,'0u tn loul In this amount every sixm. nibs. Address, with resl name, CHARLES DALBMO,rihnaa Office.

DRUG STORES in VVILLIAMSBURGH torBALE.< ne taking *>100 nor week and the other t)M per«e,-i. pr ce t> oo tor one and s>l.000 for the other. Terms

nsln S (at KC Kir AT. No. 7.' South 7th at., Williamabursbr No. Merchants' Exchange, Wall-st., from 12 m. to I p. m)L'OR SALE..1 hfl STOCK and FIXTURES ofX a retail BOOKSTORE, aRajagod a etta af the best st res rein wii town, will be sold at a great bargain. Address Bvx No.'.-'.to rost-oir.!'.

P'OR SALE..A WOOLEN RACTORY,1 u ITEH POWER, three tcresol LAND, DWELLINO,HAHN, and TENEMENTS. -The above pnnerty is titutted

v ll eutre, Albany County, nine miles troutAlbany City and five miles from Wesi Troy and Cohoee. Thefactory is built of stone tud brick, contsinfng two setts of Maehluery ami a M ,, bine r I ardlng Rolia; It Is driven bv a four¬

teen feet over-shot wheel, equal to Ifl horte-power. Toe Damalto of atone, tnd built in the best manner The above Mill at

in got d order, now running, and will be sold uheap, as the sub-s. bar, (mm lost of health, wishes to leave this hajshieae.Terms of payment made »aty. For further Information ad.ir.se

11. W A I ERBI'RY, Watervleit Center, Albany Co., N. Y.

FOR PALE.The stock of a WHOLESALEOEOt BEY and PROVISION STORE, in one of the boat

let tMoftg in the city ; now doing a business of over #200,000 peryetr;snd store to let. It it a rare chance for anyone to en¬gage in the business. For particulars. Inquire or WRIOHT,OlLLINOA BRO., No. m Wathington-gt., New-York.

I"OR SALE.Thai Ioiik c»'lebrated amlUndsomnettablisfament, the SANS SOCC1 HOTEL at Bailston

Spa NY. Located in one of the moot betitle/ and beaatifuivillages in the State, itcaiai.it fall to oonunaad an eitetieivnand liberal patronage. The buildiugs have recently been re-aired and fitted up tnd furnished in t handsome and substan

tial manner. The Chalybeate waters, which abound la the vi¬

cinity, offer to the suffering invalid a sure relief This desirableestablishment is now off.-red for tele on the most reasonable,tetma sud if not disposed of before the 29th of February «rill,on tbtt day, be sold at public auction at the Court-HeMS, Balls-ton Spa, at lu a. m. For further Information apply to

O W HALL, Bailston, Saratoga Co., N. Y.

f^oR SALE-An Old-EaUblishexl DRUGBUSINESS, within fifty miles of this City, doing s Ano

business. Inquire of INOERSOLft FIELD A CO., No. 34Beekman-st.

PAPER-MILL and FARM for SALE CHEAP,netr Amboy, New Jersey..Site of the Mill, M by 90 foot,

good dam and etream of water, and 90 acres of Lead. WIB ea-change for city or Brooklyn property Inquire of

_8. F. TOWNSXND, No. AM Niaana at

TO BRICK-MAKERS and BRICK-MASONS..Proposals will be received st my office, In the town of New-

t Vth day of February next, for making aod bum-bag one million and a half of good, bard brick such M will hoj n voi t by the Chief Engineer of the Atlantic aad North( arolit a Railroad Company for erecting Machine-Shop, DepotBuilding tnd Wtrebouu tt Newberu for Mid Company. Thelay end wood, it t referred. will bo furnished et the yard, which

wifl be within two or three hundred yards of the place the bniid-bags are to be erected on. The r/sy Is alto being dug. Theytrd.or a place tor rr ak.ns H wnl be famished free of cost,winch will require very Lisle expense to prepare.Or, it preferred, persons wbo propose to make the brich all

also tro)oae to put up the n.'.onry of the LiildiRga at as maca¦aaaat, a.lowing, as tney may suggest, s certain number

I beb a ro the cubic loot, and they furnith everything complete}all openings to be deducted.T he bulldiags) trs In a very convenient aaaHlan for the eon-

tractor, lying is mediately adjoining the town, aad one of themAetsiy on the river and the others witMa two or three

hundred yards. No doub. that contracts an also be made withoil r psrties for similar »ort. with a reliable .ontractor.

If preferred, security will be gives end taken for the avAasdnftcarrying out of the said contra., t,

Paaavgaa proposing can either propose tt not tn take a portionof the st<eg of seid C< israany in paymeuL1 be plans of the buildings ceo be seen at any time on applica¬

tion at my office.Regular packets run between Newbem and New-York tnd

ra ports, which will enable coutractert to landmtchhtery or any marerialf « very thort notice dsswetly to theysrd.As regards the health of the piece, fsw towns, Noethera or

S< n-l^rn, can bnaet of hotter.Pro) ostla will glto he received far the wood work and aaaitngj

of the same buildings, with or without materials faaalahalt. R. STANLEY, Coavtractor,

Newbetn. N. ft, Jan. II. Uftt

WOOL HAT M-4M EA( TERER.A firat-TT rata MAR BEE of WOOL HATS, with from0599 to #l.«afo It wanted to take charge and an interest |0 aFa.-orv about to be put hi otierarioo, with aaJkloat water atdw.rer row.r te Inctare feu vi to l'a> des. per day. One)

v that oe'-hoiah-r ' t.ldreM H. M BURR ALL

New York Poat-OAVe,^_1L_ "'

StO (\(\(\ Eor sah-, on accomtnodatinff^evweVI^FVfe tero», an 'wublisbed MANCPACTVBntO( ASH »I SINESS, combining three articles, one a eecrefPr-fltt Ur»e, aiyd the business easily leerued. References aad

JOaWX.'TnA'ofe "~ ^.Foattyaid,

..A YOUNG MECHANIC who Laa.150.B! t. 1..-S'take an interest i_excelleni: opportunity for the right kind ofa mac Call or ad-dreM J. KfNOPLEY, No. Ißt Pultco tt., Brooklya, tap tuirskafter lt> a. b.
