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  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    Floating City concept by AT Design Office

    features underwater roads and submarines

    Flip13 May 2014 | 21 commentsMore:



    Landscape and urbanism


    "itiesthat float on !ater could offer an alternati#e to destroyin$ the earth%s #aluable

    countryside accordin$ to architecture studio A& 'esi$n (ffice) !ho has de#eloped a conceptfor an ocean metropolis *+ slidesho!,-
  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    A& 'esi$n (ffice) !ho has offices in .n$land and "hina) !as commissioned by "hineseconstruction firm """"/F'I to desi$n a floatin$ island !ith an area of four suare miles utilisin$ the same technolo$ies that """"/F'I is usin$ to build a 31/mile brid$e bet!eenthe cities of on$ on$) Macau and huhai-

    56art of that brid$e is an under!ater tunnel) !hich is 7oined by a 180/metre/lon$ precastconcrete bo9)5 e9plained architect la#omir isa-

    5&he me$a bo9 is cast on a nearby island and floated to site before bein$ connected- ;e !ereappointed to !or !ith the en$ineer to come up !ith a masterplan for a 10/suare/ilometrefloatin$ island that can be built !ith the same technolo$y)5 he said-
  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    .ntitled Floatin$ "ity) the team%s proposal in#ol#es a series of prefabricated he9a$onalmodules that tesselate to create all the infrastructure needed for a city on !ater from atransport net!or of yachts and submarines) to a floatin$ hotel and entertainment comple9-

  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    &he modules used to construct the island !ould be prefabricated in a factory then floated outto a site- A cruise doc !ould be an inte$ral feature of the city) allo!in$ these ne! deli#eriesto be easily recei#ed-

    A system of under$round tunnels !ould also be included) creatin$ a net!or of roads and

    !al!ays bet!een buildin$s and islands-

    &he proposal is no! bein$ re#ie!ed by one of "hina%s lar$est property in#estors- 5"hina&ransport In#estment "o is re#ie!in$ the proposal and is liely to start to test this ambitious

    pro7ect from a smaller scale ne9t year)5 said isa-

    ere%s a more detailed description of the proposal from A& 'esi$n (ffice:

    AT Design Office release design for the Floating City

    (ur e9istin$ landmass on earth has been built up so e9tensi#ely that the remainin$ free landis under e9treme pressure and needs to be preser#ed as much as possible- >e! settlementsshould be planned in such a manner that important social and en#ironmental conditions areimpro#ed and can pro#ide for better 21st century li#in$- .n#ironmental impact and theimpro#ements of health and social conditions for human habitat should be the main concerns

    of ne! urban desi$n and de#elopment- .n#ironmentally adapti#e measures) hi$her densities)mi9ed uses and efficient) smart desi$n and infrastructure strate$ies need to be considered-

  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    ?????&he basic construction unit is a prefabricated bloc 180 metres len$th and and 30 metres insection- (n plan) the $rid can be an euilateral trian$le and a penta$on- &he prefabricated

    parts can be o#erlapped #ertically- 'urin$ construction) the modular parts are floated to the

    site after pre/fabrication in the factory-

    &he floatin$ city has a perfect internal and e9ternal traffic system) linin$ it !ithin but also!ith the outside !orld- A cruise doc ser#es $iant ships) a yacht doc ser#es pri#ate #esselsand ci#ilian submarine traffic- ubmarines and electric #ehicles are the main means oftransport on the island eepin$ the island free from air pollution and con$estion caused byautomobiles- &he main traffic flo!s are facilitated #ia the !ater canals abo#e and belo! the!ater surface- &he peri/urban area house farm) hatchery and $arba$e recyclin$ centre-

    ???&here are t!o public $reen belts one on the !ater surface and one under !ater- &heupper one can pro#ide public space usable for sports and recreation in a fresh airen#ironment- &he under!ater $reen can be used for recreational tours-

    ???@ertical $ardens are interconnected !ith the public $reenery system abo#e and belo!the !ater- A chimney in the centre of the #ertical $arden pro#ides natural #entilation andli$htin$ to the under!ater city- Mean!hile the #ertical $arden is also a public traffic hub)!hich pro#ides a traffic platform for submarines and inter/bloc passa$es-

    ???&he harbour centre is used for parin$ submarines and also has a #ibrant floatin$

    entertainment area at its centre- &he amusement city has a hotel at its bottom and an opensta$e on its top- &he lar$e commercial and entertainment centre is located under the sta$e-

  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    &he entertainment city can be connected under!ater !ith ad7acent buildin$s throu$h anArchimedes buoyancy brid$e) enablin$ people to reach the entertainment city con#eniently-&ourists can e9perience the fabulous under!ater !orld !hilst passin$ throu$h the under!aterhotel and comin$ up to the harbour city-

    ???All li#in$ spaces in the floatin$ city ha#e ocean scenery in all directions) and !ithcon#enient traffic connections !ithin its 180/metre radius) en7oyin$ pro9imity to localfacilities) ser#ices) public transport and $ardens- A club located at the top of each bloc andan euipment room and $ra#ity re$ulation system located at the bottom-

    ???nder!ater tunnels !ith !al!ays and roads permit hori=ontal communication andaccess bet!een the islands and buildin$s that comprise the floatin$ city-

  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    'ia$rams sho!in$masterplan concept

    &he peripheral area houses farms and hatcheries as !ell as a modern $arba$e collection and!aste con#ersion centre- A production base and manufacturin$ factory is located in the upper

    part of the trian$le plot) !hilst a tidal po!er $eneration de#ice is located in the lo!er part-&hese facilities are the basis of a sustainable food and ener$y supply chain-???????&he Floatin$ "ity !ill pro#ide !orld class facilities) as !ell as additional suppliesof ne! areas to satisfy the lon$/term demand for human habitable land- >oise) !aste andother en#ironmental impacts !ill be mana$ed #ia inno#ati#e strate$ies- (ur proposed

    de#elopment and the associated infrastructure !ill brin$ positi#e chan$e to the communityand its economy- &he desi$n !ill meet lon$term infrastructure and sustainable de#elopmentneeds but also brin$in$ ne! opportunities to education) recreation) employment and businessacti#ities- uch opportunities !ill create a #ibrant) di#erse and sustainable social andeconomic platform-

  • 8/11/2019 Newer Story


    Module si=esdia$ram