From: Greg Hands [email protected] Subject: News Bulletin from Greg Hands #434 Date: 3 May 2015 00:25 To: [email protected] In this edition: Greg Hands's Diary Website of the Week: Greg Hands In the papers: Labour's mansion tax plan comes with £16,000-a- ayear sting, IFS finds SNP Manifesto Launch: 'Another step closer to a 'Frankenstein Coalition'" Greg Hands warns Greg Hands praises superb existing and new local schools, thanks to the Conservatives' education reforms Photo news: Campaigning in Clacton Greg Hands, Conservative Party candidate for Chelsea & Fulham sees off local constituents leaving to help in Nepal Photo news: Campaigning with Sol Campbell Video news: David Cameron: Let's finish what we've begun Greg Hands spells out the Conservatives education plans at London Oratory School hustings Photo news: Meeting commuters at Sloane Square Tube Station Photo news: Campaigning in Twickenham Greg Hands attends commemoration service for Fulham war hero awarded the Victoria Cross Photo news: Campaigning in Brentford & Isleworth 7 ways to contact Greg Hands Issue 434 -Sunday 3rd May 2015 Since the last edition, Greg: Continued his campaign for re-election in the Chelsea & Fulham constituency, in advance of Polling Day on Thursday, 7 th May. To join Greg in his campaign, and in nearby marginal constituencies, simply respond to this email. Appeared at election hustings at All Saints Church, Fulham, at the London Oratory School, Fulham, and at the New Horizons Centre, Chelsea. Visited St Joseph’s RC Primary School in Chelsea, with Head Teacher and Governors. Greg talked at assembly about what elections and Parliament mean, including for children. St Joseph’s is a high-performing school, and has one of the best “Value Added” scores in the UK. Met Chelsea & Fulham early morning commuters at Putney Bridge and Sloane Square tube stations. For photos, see below. Campaigned in Chiswick in support of Conservative candidate, Mary Macleod, seeking re-election in Brentford & Isleworth. Campaigned in Twickenham in support of Conservative candidate Dr Tania Mathias. Campaigned in Colchester in support of Conservative candidate Will Quince. Welcomed a group of visiting Swedish journalists to the Conservative campaing, and answered questions about the election. Was interviewed from Westminster on Croatian broadcaster HRT about the election. Carried out his duties as the Government’s and the Conservative Party’s Deputy Chief Whip. Website of the Week: www.greghands.com The website of Greg Hands - Conservative Candidate for Chelsea & Fulham In the papers: Labour’s mansion tax plan comes with £16,000-a-ayear sting, IFS finds The Times 28th April 2015 People living in homes worth more than £3 million face having to pay £16,000 a year to deliver Labour’s plan to raise £1.2 billion through a mansion tax, leading economists said today. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said Labour had already suggested that homes worth between £2 million and £3 million could be stung with a £3,000 tax bill, implying that anyone living in homes worth more than that would pay an average of £16,000. In a critique attacking the tax and benefit policies of both main parties the IFS said that a better way of making property tax fairer was to reform council tax entirely so that the rates could be increased on higher value properties. “We urgently need a revaluation to end the absurd situation in which taxes in England and Scotland are based on relative values in 1991,” said the institute. “No party seems to have the courage to propose these rational and long overdue changes. Fixing council tax would be preferable to layering a separate tax on top of it.” As part of a detailed analysis of the tax and benefit proposals of the two main parties, the IFS also pulled apart Labour’s plans for a 10p tax rate and criticised the proposal - put forward by both the Tories and Labour - to reduce tax relief on pensions contributions. It accused both main parties of ignoring the major problems in the tax system, plucking anti-avoidance measures “out of thin air” and leaving voters ignorant of the realities of how they would be affected in the next Parliament. Paul Johnson, IFS director, said it was easy to be “even-handed” as both parties had equally bad policies. Asked if there were any policies in the two manifestos which the IFS approved, Mr Johnson said it was a “struggle” to think of one. The IFS briefing note suggests however that there is a big choice between the two parties, with Labour proposing £12 billion in tax rises and the Tories planning £12 billion of welfare cuts of which less than £2 billion had been identified. It suggests that whichever party wins power most households would expect to see their incomes go down on average as a result of tax and benefit changes. “There are large differences between the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats about how they propose to do this,” it says. “But they share a lack of willingness to be clear about the details and an inability to resist the urge for piecemeal changes which would make the overall system less efficient and coherent.” Labour’s plan to restore the 50p top rate of tax for example would raise only £100 million on current estimates while its policy to introduce a new 10p starter rate lacked “any economic justification” and would only be worth only 50p a week to most taxpayers. The Tories plan to reduce inheritance tax was also strongly criticised as was the party’s refusal to spell out where its welfare cuts would come from. “The Conservatives want to increase the inheritance tax threshold in respect of primary residences at an estimated cost of £1 billion a year. It is hard to see a good economic or social rationale for such a policy,” said the economists. “Owner-occupier housing is already tax- privileged and this policy would help lock older people into bigger and more expensive homes when both they, and those looking to buy, might be better off if they were to downsize. Robert Joyce, senior research economist said: “The Conservatives have continued to fail to explain how they would achieve the substantial cuts to social security they say they would deliver in the first half of the coming Parliament. These will be neither easy nor painless to deliver. “Meanwhile Labour claims to be taking tough decisions by removing either fuel payments from a small fraction of pensioners and limiting child benefit increase to 1 per cent. “The former will save almost nothing - about one pound in a thousand spent on pensioner benefits. The latter is likely to save literally nothing. “The manifestos have not helped us towards a sensible debate on the future generosity or structure of the benefits system.” SNP Manifesto Launch: ‘Another step closer to a ‘Frankenstein Coalition’” Greg Hands warns Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, has warned that Britain could be faced with a “Frankenstein Coalition” of Labour and the SNP, if Labour gain enough seats in England to govern with the SNP. On the 20th April the SNP launched their manifesto in which Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, made a bid to 'lead the UK' with string of policies that overlap with Labour, making the prospect some kind of post-election deal between the two parties more likely than ever. All the polls predict that at the upcoming election, Labour are going to be crushed in Scotland by the SNP. However if Labour were to win enough seats in England, Ed Miliband would need to do a deal with them to get into Downing Street. A deal between Ed Miliband and the SNP would cause chaos in England and throughout the UK – with millions of families paying through higher taxes, more debt and fewer jobs. This week Sturgeon elaborated further on her plans to manipulate Ed Miliband commenting on the campaign trail “What I am saying is that a vote-by-vote arrangement is both more likely and probably the way in which a big team of SNP MPs can wield maximum influence for Scotland’s benefit. I want a big team of SNP MPs in Westminster there first and foremost to make Scotland’s interests heard.” Vote-by-vote bartering between Ed Miliband and the SNP would create a weak and unstable government and jeopardise Britain’s economic recovery. Ed Miliband would be left wide open to a daily dose of political blackmail, with the SNP able to withdraw support and bring down his government almost at any moment. Commenting after the SNP’s manifesto launch, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, said: “The SNP’s manifesto is a ransom note to Ed Miliband. He could only govern with their support – and the SNP have now listed what he must do to get it: higher borrowing, higher taxes, higher welfare bills and weaker defences. “With an SNP-led Miliband Government, working people in London and across England would pay the price in more taxes and more borrowing to pay for more welfare. You will pay for it – but you can stop it: vote Conservative on 7 May.” The easiest way to prevent an SNP-Labour power sharing deal is if the Conservatives win an overall majority, requiring just 23 more seats than won in 2010. Speaking at the Manifesto launch, Sturgeon also confirmed that the SNP would support Labour’s so-called mansion tax. Greg Hands responded “All the analysis shows this tax on £2millon properties would not just hit mansions but ordinary homes. Chelsea and Fulham could be one of the worst affected areas by such a tax. “I and the Conservatives oppose this Homes Tax, however unless the we get enough seats here in England, it may be that the SNP help Labour to impose this damaging, unfair, and unaffordable tax on family homes in London.” In a television debate last week, Ed Miliband refused to rule out any power sharing deal with the SNP and speaking on the radio, his shadow Scottish Minister, Margaret Curran, held open the door to a “looser arrangement”. In response to the TV debate, Greg Hands tweeted “That was a 90 minute trailer for a 5 year programme of chaos under Ed Miliband & his Frankenstein coalition. Don't let it happen #BBCDebate” The tweet received 210 re-tweets. Greg also shared some of his insights from inside the Government Whips Office of occasions dealing with SNP colleagues, this week tweeting: “As the incumbent Govt Deputy Chief Whip, I can tell you it would be a nightmare to have to go on hands& knees to the SNP before every vote.” Greg Hands praises superb existing and new local schools, thanks to the Conservatives’ education reforms Fulham and Chelsea are at the centre of the Conservative Government’s schools reform programme. Since the last election in May 2010, Greg Hands has attended the opening of three new academies and free schools in the two boroughs: the Chelsea Academy, the Fulham Boys School and the West London Free School. During the last five year, as MP for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg played a major role in securing the future of the Fulham Boys School, in particular, and serves as Co-Patron of the school. In March, Greg hosted Education Secretary Nicky Morgan on a visit to the Fulham Boys School to award the House Cup to pupils, now halfway through their first year at the school. Back in summer 2014, local MP Greg Hands intervened in a dispute caused by the new Labour Council of Hammersmith and Fulham, in order to help safeguard a future site for the school. Greg met with Michael Gove (then Education Secretary) and Conservative Lord Nash, the Schools Minister, successfully urging them to reconsider the Department for Education’s decision. After securing a guarantee from the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to help the school find a permanent home in the Borough, the school was able to open as planned last September. Meanwhile, many of the area’s existing schools have also seen big improvements. The London Oratory and Lady Margaret School have continued to excel, whereas Fulham Cross School and Fulham College are also doing now much better. Local primaries have also done well, including one of the UK’s biggest improvements, seen at St Joseph’s RC Primary in Chelsea. Greg Hands, Conservative Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham said “Conservatives believe in investing in our schools and improving education so every child has the opportunity to succeed. In 2010 education standards were slipping and our schools were failing to prepare young people for their next step in life. “We have improved education standards so that children are learning more of the skills they need, giving them greater opportunities to pursue their ambitions – whether that’s going to university, taking a vocational course or starting work. The improvements in these local schools are examples of that policy working. “Today a million more children are being taught in good or outstanding schools where expectations have been raised and discipline restored. I hope three new free schools will provide even more excellent school places for local children for years to come. "Improving education and delivering the best schools and skills is a central part of our long-term economic plan. But we will only be able to make that vital investment in the next generation if we have a strong economy.” Additionally, Parents across the country found out this week which primary school their child is going to in September. Almost nine in ten children went to their first choice primary school last year. Ensuring every child gets a good, local school place is one of our top priorities. The Conservative led Government have created 445,000 new school places across the country – fixing the problem we inherited from Labour, who cut funding for 200,000 school places during a baby boom. Locally, the Labour Council closed local schools in the 1990s and sold off the sites for property development. Photo news: Campaigning in Clacton Greg Hands campaigning in Clacton last week for Conservative candidate Giles Watling. Greg Hands, Conservative Party candidate for Chelsea & Fulham sees off local constituents leaving to help in Nepal Greg Hands with Fergal Nolan. Fergal Nolan of Kings Road, Chelsea and Carla Kaspar of Daisy Lane, Fulham have been heavily involved with the Dolma Development Foundation for many years, and have worked with the charity in Nepal. Dolma is a charity which was founded in 2003 as an education sponsor and has been featured by Forbes, BBC World Service, The London Business School and The Economist amongst others. For the poorest, they transform the lives of children and their families for generations to come. In health, they help remote communities and children with disabilities reach the care they need. As an impact investor, they unleash the power of the local entrepreneur to generate jobs and pride. Tragically we have learnt that of the 100 children whose education is sponsored by Dolma, at least 20 have perished in the earthquake with many more still unaccounted for. Fergal and Carla will be leaving for Nepal on Monday 4th May with medical and emergency supplies which will go directly to the children affected and their families. In order to make a donation to this laudable charity and mission, please click on the link below. http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity- web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action? charityCampaignUrl=nepalquake##campaignDonorsRef To learn more about Dolma and their work, please refer to: http://www.dolmafund.org Details of Fergal and Carla's progress will be included in a subsequent e-bulletin following the general election. Photo news: Campaigning with Sol Campbell Greg Hands with former England captain Sol Campbell. Greg Hands on his way with former England footballer Sol Campbell on their way to campaigning in Colchester with Conservative Team 2015. Video news: David Cameron: Let's finish what we've begun Greg Hands spells out the Conservatives education plans at London Oratory School hustings Greg Hands (furthest right) at the London Oratory School hustings last week. Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, has spoken of the Conservative’s plans for education at a school election hustings. At the hustings at the London Oratory School, Fulham, on Friday 24th April, Greg addressed pupils, and teachers, and laid out what the Conservative led Government has done to improve schools since 2010 and what further measures they would to bring in, if elected to a second term in office. Questions from the audience covered a range of topics including the economy, Trident, unemployment, housing, and other opportunities for young people. Today, a million more pupils are being taught in good or outstanding schools than in 2010 – an increase from 4.8 million in 2010 to 5.8 million in 2014. This has been possible because the Government has: protected the school budget and investing in new schools; committed £18 billion for new school buildings, so children can learn in the best environment possible, and given schools the freedom drive their own agendas and to help every child. Greg also explained the changes introduced to given schools the freedom drive their own agendas and to help every child through the introduction of Free Schools and more academies. Greg described to pupils and teachers how he had also been to an excellent state school, and wanted more excellent state schools like his and the London Oratory. Greg went on to outline the commitments a future Conservative Government would make to continue to improve schools. This includes protecting education spending in the next Parliament, to continue to drive up standards schools, and to help teachers make Britain the best country in the world for developing maths, engineering, science and computing skills. Greg also warned that Labour planned to scrap free schools and they by not following the pupil-premium Labour’s plans don’t take into account the growing number of school pupils, so schools would see a significant cut in funding on a per-pupil basis. Labour have opposed the steps Conservatives took to restore standards, and would take us back to the days of grade inflation. Another topic that was of key interest to members of the audience was the opportunities for young people after school, either in Universities, further education, or the workplace. Greg outlined that the Conservatives want more young people who aspire to go university to get there, so they can gain the skills they need to fulfil their potential. The Conservative Government lifted the cap on aspiration by removing the limit on student numbers so there are more places at top universities for young people. On higher university fees, Greg explained this was vital for introducing a sustainable funding system for universities. Universities can now charge students up to £9,000 per year for a full-time course. As a result the teaching resources available have increased from £7.9 billion in 2011/12 to £9.8 billion in 2015/16. In addition graduates only pay when they can afford to. Students do not pay anything towards their tuition while they are studying. Graduates start to pay when they are earning over £21,000 a year, up from £15,000 under Labour. So whilst overall fees for studying at university are higher the debt repayment is more affordable than it was under Labour’s system. One London Oratory pupil tweeted later: “The only one who spoke like an adult and the only one who wore a tie. Great performance from Greg Hands at school earlier.” Photo news: Meeting commuters at Sloane Square Tube Station Greg Hands campaigning at Sloane Square tube station in Chelsea last week, with local councillors Emma Will, Elizabeth Campbell and Gerard Hargreaves. Photo news: Campaigning in Twickenham Greg Hands campaigning in Twickenham with our Conservative candidate Dr Tania Mathias. Greg Hands attends commemoration service for Fulham war hero awarded the Victoria Cross Greg Hands this week attended a memorial service in Fulham to mark the awarding of the Victoria Cross in 1915 to Private Edward Dwyer, a former resident of Fulham. Edward Dwyer was born in Cassidy Road on 25th November 1895. After an education of St Thomas of Canterbury School in Estcourt Road, Fulham, he joined the 1st Battalion, East Surry Regiment. In 1914 he took park in the retreat from Mons. In April the following year, when Dwyer was 19 years old, he was involved in action at Hill Sixty, in Belgium, and was awarded the VC for his actions on 20 April 1915. London Gazette described the action and his awarding of the VC as follows: “For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty at "Hill 60" on the 20th April, 1915. When his trench was heavily attacked by German grenade throwers he climbed on to the parapet, and, although subjected to a hail of bombs at close quarters, succeeded in dispersing the enemy by the effective use of his hand grenades. Private Dwyer displayed great gallantry earlier on this day in leaving his trench, under heavy shell fire, to bandage his wounded comrades.” Private Dwyer received his medal from King George at Buckingham Palace on 15th June 1915. At the time he was the youngest recipient of the VC in the First World War. After being promoted to Lance Corporal he then spent six months helping with the national recruitment drive. Dwyer was also awarded the Cross of St. George by Russia. He later achieved the rank of corporal. He was killed in action at Guillemont, France on 3 September 1916. His grave is located at Flatiron Copse Military Cemetery, France. His Victoria Cross is displayed at the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment (Queens and Royal Hampshires) Museum located in Dover Castle, Kent. The memorial service was held on Monday 20 April 100 years to the day from the day of action for which Private Dwyer was awarded the VC. The service took place took place at the Fulham Memorial, Vicarage Gardens, Church Gate, Fulham SW6 and was led by Rev Dennis Touw Tempelmans-Plat, of St Thomas Church, Fulham and Rev. Canon Joseph Hawes, of All Saints, Fulham. The service included prayers, hymns, and the unveiling of a commemorative stone. This was followed by a sounding of the Last Post and a moment of silence for reflection by the congregation. Greg Hands said “It is important we remember heroes like Private Dwyer, and the sacrifice of all of those involved in the Great War. They remind us how fortunate we are to live in a time of relative peace. I am proud to be a member of a Government which has made available funding for these commemorative stones. “It is good to be able to commemorate the bravery of a local Fulham man, whose actions are made even more remarkable by the fact he was just 19 years of age. It was a beautiful and fitting service.” Photo news: Campaigning in Brentford & Isleworth Greg Hands campaigning in Chiswick with local Conservative candidate, seeking reelection, Mary Macleod. 7 ways to contact Greg Hands: By Phone: 020 7385 1002 By email: [email protected] By post: Greg Hands 4 Greyhound Road London W6 8NX In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands’s weekly surgery www.greghands.com More news from Greg Hands, coming soonPlease forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. If you have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] with “JOIN” in the subject heading. To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail to [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject heading. Greg Hands – a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands, both of 44 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN

News Bulletin from Greg Hands #434

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News Bulletin from Greg Hands #434

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  • From: Greg Hands [email protected]: News Bulletin from Greg Hands #434

    Date: 3 May 2015 00:25To: [email protected]

    In this edition: Greg Hands's Diary Website of the Week:Greg Hands In the papers:Labour's mansion tax plancomes with 16,000-a-ayear sting, IFS finds SNP Manifesto Launch:'Another step closer to a'Frankenstein Coalition'"Greg Hands warns Greg Hands praises superbexisting and new localschools, thanks to theConservatives' educationreforms Photo news:Campaigning in Clacton Greg Hands, ConservativeParty candidate for Chelsea& Fulham sees off localconstituents leaving to helpin Nepal Photo news:Campaigning with SolCampbell Video news:David Cameron: Let's finishwhat we've begun Greg Hands spells out theConservatives educationplans at London OratorySchool hustings Photo news:Meeting commuters atSloane Square TubeStation Photo news:Campaigning inTwickenham Greg Hands attendscommemoration service forFulham war hero awardedthe Victoria Cross Photo news:Campaigning in Brentford &Isleworth7 ways to contact GregHands

    Issue 434 -Sunday 3rd May 2015

    Since the last edition, Greg:

    Continued his campaign for re-election in the Chelsea &Fulham constituency, in advance of Polling Day on Thursday,7th May. To join Greg in his campaign, and in nearby marginalconstituencies, simply respond to this email.Appeared at election hustings at All Saints Church, Fulham,at the London Oratory School, Fulham, and at the NewHorizons Centre, Chelsea.Visited St Josephs RC Primary School in Chelsea, withHead Teacher and Governors. Greg talked at assembly aboutwhat elections and Parliament mean, including for children. StJosephs is a high-performing school, and has one of the bestValue Added scores in the UK.Met Chelsea & Fulham early morning commuters at PutneyBridge and Sloane Square tube stations. For photos, seebelow.Campaigned in Chiswick in support of Conservativecandidate, Mary Macleod, seeking re-election in Brentford &Isleworth.Campaigned in Twickenham in support of Conservativecandidate Dr Tania Mathias.Campaigned in Colchester in support of Conservativecandidate Will Quince.Welcomed a group of visiting Swedish journalists to theConservative campaing, and answered questions about theelection.Was interviewed from Westminster on Croatian broadcasterHRT about the election.Carried out his duties as the Governments and theConservative Partys Deputy Chief Whip.

    Website of the Week:www.greghands.com The website of Greg Hands - Conservative Candidate for Chelsea& Fulham

    In the papers:Labours mansion tax plan comes with16,000-a-ayear sting, IFS finds The Times28th April 2015 People living in homes worth more than 3 million face having to pay16,000 a year to deliver Labours plan to raise 1.2 billion through amansion tax, leading economists said today. The Institute for Fiscal Studies said Labour had already suggestedthat homes worth between 2 million and 3 million could be stungwith a 3,000 tax bill, implying that anyone living in homes worth morethan that would pay an average of 16,000. In a critique attacking the tax and benefit policies of both main partiesthe IFS said that a better way of making property tax fairer was toreform council tax entirely so that the rates could be increased onhigher value properties. We urgently need a revaluation to end theabsurd situation in which taxes in England and Scotland are based onrelative values in 1991, said the institute. No party seems to havethe courage to propose these rational and long overdue changes.Fixing council tax would be preferable to layering a separate tax ontop of it. As part of a detailed analysis of the tax and benefit proposals of thetwo main parties, the IFS also pulled apart Labours plans for a 10ptax rate and criticised the proposal - put forward by both the Toriesand Labour - to reduce tax relief on pensions contributions. It accused both main parties of ignoring the major problems in the taxsystem, plucking anti-avoidance measures out of thin air and leavingvoters ignorant of the realities of how they would be affected in thenext Parliament. Paul Johnson, IFS director, said it was easy to be even-handed asboth parties had equally bad policies. Asked if there were any policiesin the two manifestos which the IFS approved, Mr Johnson said it wasa struggle to think of one. The IFS briefing note suggests however that there is a big choicebetween the two parties, with Labour proposing 12 billion in tax risesand the Tories planning 12 billion of welfare cuts of which less than2 billion had been identified. It suggests that whichever party wins power most households wouldexpect to see their incomes go down on average as a result of tax andbenefit changes. There are large differences between the Conservatives, Labour andthe Liberal Democrats about how they propose to do this, it says.But they share a lack of willingness to be clear about the details andan inability to resist the urge for piecemeal changes which wouldmake the overall system less efficient and coherent. Labours plan to restore the 50p top rate of tax for example wouldraise only 100 million on current estimates while its policy tointroduce a new 10p starter rate lacked any economic justificationand would only be worth only 50p a week to most taxpayers. The Tories plan to reduce inheritance tax was also strongly criticisedas was the partys refusal to spell out where its welfare cuts wouldcome from. The Conservatives want to increase the inheritance tax threshold inrespect of primary residences at an estimated cost of 1 billion a year.It is hard to see a good economic or social rationale for such a policy,said the economists. Owner-occupier housing is already tax-privileged and this policy would help lock older people into bigger andmore expensive homes when both they, and those looking to buy,might be better off if they were to downsize. Robert Joyce, seniorresearch economist said: The Conservatives have continued to fail toexplain how they would achieve the substantial cuts to social securitythey say they would deliver in the first half of the coming Parliament.These will be neither easy nor painless to deliver. Meanwhile Labourclaims to be taking tough decisions by removing either fuel paymentsfrom a small fraction of pensioners and limiting child benefit increaseto 1 per cent. The former will save almost nothing - about one pound in a thousandspent on pensioner benefits. The latter is likely to save literally nothing. The manifestos have not helped us towards a sensible debate on thefuture generosity or structure of the benefits system.

    SNP Manifesto Launch: Another stepcloser to a Frankenstein Coalition GregHands warns

    Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, GregHands, has warned that Britain could be faced with a FrankensteinCoalition of Labour and the SNP, if Labour gain enough seats inEngland to govern with the SNP. On the 20th April the SNP launched their manifesto in which ScottishFirst Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, made a bid to 'lead the UK' with stringof policies that overlap with Labour, making the prospect some kind ofpost-election deal between the two parties more likely than ever. All the polls predict that at the upcoming election, Labour are going tobe crushed in Scotland by the SNP. However if Labour were to winenough seats in England, Ed Miliband would need to do a deal withthem to get into Downing Street. A deal between Ed Miliband and theSNP would cause chaos in England and throughout the UK withmillions of families paying through higher taxes, more debt and fewerjobs. This week Sturgeon elaborated further on her plans to manipulate EdMiliband commenting on the campaign trail What I am saying is that avote-by-vote arrangement is both more likely and probably the way inwhich a big team of SNP MPs can wield maximum influence forScotlands benefit. I want a big team of SNP MPs in Westminsterthere first and foremost to make Scotlands interests heard. Vote-by-vote bartering between Ed Miliband and the SNP wouldcreate a weak and unstable government and jeopardise Britainseconomic recovery. Ed Miliband would be left wide open to a dailydose of political blackmail, with the SNP able to withdraw support andbring down his government almost at any moment. Commenting after the SNPs manifesto launch, ConservativeParliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg Hands, said: The SNPs manifesto is a ransom note to Ed Miliband. He could onlygovern with their support and the SNP have now listed what he mustdo to get it: higher borrowing, higher taxes, higher welfare bills andweaker defences. With an SNP-led Miliband Government, working people in Londonand across England would pay the price in more taxes and moreborrowing to pay for more welfare. You will pay for it but you canstop it: vote Conservative on 7 May. The easiest way to prevent an SNP-Labour power sharing deal is ifthe Conservatives win an overall majority, requiring just 23 more seatsthan won in 2010. Speaking at the Manifesto launch, Sturgeon also confirmed that theSNP would support Labours so-called mansion tax. Greg Handsresponded All the analysis shows this tax on 2millon propertieswould not just hit mansions but ordinary homes. Chelsea and Fulhamcould be one of the worst affected areas by such a tax. I and the Conservatives oppose this Homes Tax, however unless thewe get enough seats here in England, it may be that the SNP helpLabour to impose this damaging, unfair, and unaffordable tax onfamily homes in London. In a television debate last week, Ed Miliband refused to rule out anypower sharing deal with the SNP and speaking on the radio, hisshadow Scottish Minister, Margaret Curran, held open the door to alooser arrangement. In response to the TV debate, Greg Hands tweeted That was a 90minute trailer for a 5 year programme of chaos under Ed Miliband &his Frankenstein coalition. Don't let it happen #BBCDebate The tweetreceived 210 re-tweets. Greg also shared some of his insights from inside the GovernmentWhips Office of occasions dealing with SNP colleagues, this weektweeting: As the incumbent Govt Deputy Chief Whip, I can tell you itwould be a nightmare to have to go on hands& knees to the SNPbefore every vote.

    !Greg Hands praises superb existing andnew local schools, thanks to theConservatives education reforms!Fulham and Chelsea are at the centre of the ConservativeGovernments schools reform programme. Since the last election in May 2010, Greg Hands has attended theopening of three new academies and free schools in the twoboroughs: the Chelsea Academy, the Fulham Boys School and theWest London Free School. During the last five year, as MP for Chelsea and Fulham, Greg playeda major role in securing the future of the Fulham Boys School, inparticular, and serves as Co-Patron of the school. In March, Greghosted Education Secretary Nicky Morgan on a visit to the FulhamBoys School to award the House Cup to pupils, now halfway throughtheir first year at the school. Back in summer 2014, local MP Greg Hands intervened in a disputecaused by the new Labour Council of Hammersmith and Fulham, inorder to help safeguard a future site for the school. Greg met withMichael Gove (then Education Secretary) and Conservative LordNash, the Schools Minister, successfully urging them to reconsider theDepartment for Educations decision. After securing a guarantee fromthe Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to help the school find apermanent home in the Borough, the school was able to open asplanned last September. Meanwhile, many of the areas existing schools have also seen bigimprovements. The London Oratory and Lady Margaret School havecontinued to excel, whereas Fulham Cross School and FulhamCollege are also doing now much better. Local primaries have alsodone well, including one of the UKs biggest improvements, seen at StJosephs RC Primary in Chelsea. Greg Hands, Conservative Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham saidConservatives believe in investing in our schools and improvingeducation so every child has the opportunity to succeed. In 2010education standards were slipping and our schools were failing toprepare young people for their next step in life. We have improved education standards so that children are learningmore of the skills they need, giving them greater opportunities topursue their ambitions whether thats going to university, taking avocational course or starting work. The improvements in these localschools are examples of that policy working. Today a million more children are being taught in good or outstandingschools where expectations have been raised and discipline restored. I hope three new free schools will provide even more excellent schoolplaces for local children for years to come. "Improving education and delivering the best schools and skills is acentral part of our long-term economic plan. But we will only be able tomake that vital investment in the next generation if we have a strongeconomy. Additionally, Parents across the country found out this week whichprimary school their child is going to in September. Almost nine in tenchildren went to their first choice primary school last year. Ensuringevery child gets a good, local school place is one of our top priorities.The Conservative led Government have created 445,000 new schoolplaces across the country fixing the problem we inherited fromLabour, who cut funding for 200,000 school places during a babyboom. Locally, the Labour Council closed local schools in the 1990sand sold off the sites for property development.

    Photo news:Campaigning in Clacton

    Greg Hands campaigning in Clacton last week for Conservativecandidate Giles Watling.

    Greg Hands, Conservative Party candidatefor Chelsea & Fulham sees off localconstituents leaving to help in Nepal

    Greg Hands with Fergal Nolan. Fergal Nolan of Kings Road, Chelsea and Carla Kaspar of DaisyLane, Fulham have been heavily involved with the DolmaDevelopment Foundation for many years, and have worked with thecharity in Nepal. Dolma is a charity which was founded in 2003 as an educationsponsor and has been featured by Forbes, BBC World Service, TheLondon Business School and The Economist amongst others. For the poorest, they transform the lives of children and their familiesfor generations to come. In health, they help remote communities andchildren with disabilities reach the care they need. As an impactinvestor, they unleash the power of the local entrepreneur to generatejobs and pride. Tragically we have learnt that of the 100 children whose education issponsored by Dolma, at least 20 have perished in the earthquake withmany more still unaccounted for. Fergal and Carla will be leaving for Nepal on Monday 4th May withmedical and emergency supplies which will go directly to the childrenaffected and their families. In order to make a donation to this laudable charity and mission,please click on the link below.


    To learn more about Dolma and their work, please refer to:

    http://www.dolmafund.org Details of Fergal and Carla's progress will be included in a subsequente-bulletin following the general election.

    Photo news:Campaigning with Sol Campbell

    Greg Hands with former England captain Sol Campbell.

    Greg Hands on his way with former England footballerSol Campbell on their way to campaigning in Colchester

    with Conservative Team 2015.

    Video news:David Cameron: Let's finish what we'vebegun

    Greg Hands spells out the Conservativeseducation plans at London Oratory Schoolhustings

    Greg Hands (furthest right) at the London Oratory Schoolhustings last week.

    !Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, GregHands, has spoken of the Conservatives plans for education at aschool election hustings. At the hustings at the London Oratory School, Fulham, on Friday 24thApril, Greg addressed pupils, and teachers, and laid out what theConservative led Government has done to improve schools since2010 and what further measures they would to bring in, if elected to asecond term in office. Questions from the audience covered a range of topics including theeconomy, Trident, unemployment, housing, and other opportunities foryoung people. Today, a million more pupils are being taught in good or outstandingschools than in 2010 an increase from 4.8 million in 2010 to 5.8million in 2014. This has been possible because the Government has:protected the school budget and investing in new schools; committed18 billion for new school buildings, so children can learn in the bestenvironment possible, and given schools the freedom drive their ownagendas and to help every child. Greg also explained the changes introduced to given schools thefreedom drive their own agendas and to help every child through theintroduction of Free Schools and more academies. Greg described to pupils and teachers how he had also been to anexcellent state school, and wanted more excellent state schools likehis and the London Oratory. Greg went on to outline the commitments a future ConservativeGovernment would make to continue to improve schools. Thisincludes protecting education spending in the next Parliament, tocontinue to drive up standards schools, and to help teachers makeBritain the best country in the world for developing maths,engineering, science and computing skills. Greg also warned that Labour planned to scrap free schools and theyby not following the pupil-premium Labours plans dont take intoaccount the growing number of school pupils, so schools would see asignificant cut in funding on a per-pupil basis. Labour have opposedthe steps Conservatives took to restore standards, and would take usback to the days of grade inflation. Another topic that was of key interest to members of the audience wasthe opportunities for young people after school, either in Universities,further education, or the workplace. Greg outlined that the Conservatives want more young people whoaspire to go university to get there, so they can gain the skills theyneed to fulfil their potential. The Conservative Government lifted thecap on aspiration by removing the limit on student numbers so thereare more places at top universities for young people. On higher university fees, Greg explained this was vital for introducinga sustainable funding system for universities. Universities can nowcharge students up to 9,000 per year for a full-time course. As aresult the teaching resources available have increased from 7.9billion in 2011/12 to 9.8 billion in 2015/16. In addition graduates only pay when they can afford to. Students donot pay anything towards their tuition while they are studying.Graduates start to pay when they are earning over 21,000 a year, upfrom 15,000 under Labour. So whilst overall fees for studying atuniversity are higher the debt repayment is more affordable than itwas under Labours system. One London Oratory pupil tweeted later: The only one who spoke likean adult and the only one who wore a tie. Great performance fromGreg Hands at school earlier.

    Photo news:Meeting commuters at Sloane Square TubeStation

    Greg Hands campaigning at Sloane Square tubestation in Chelsea last week, with local councillors

    Emma Will, Elizabeth Campbell and Gerard Hargreaves.!

    Photo news:Campaigning in Twickenham

    Greg Hands campaigning in Twickenham with our Conservativecandidate Dr Tania Mathias.


    Greg Hands attends commemorationservice for Fulham war hero awarded theVictoria Cross

    Greg Hands this week attended amemorial service in Fulham to mark theawarding of the Victoria Cross in 1915 toPrivate Edward Dwyer, a former residentof Fulham. Edward Dwyer was born in CassidyRoad on 25th November 1895. After aneducation of St Thomas of CanterburySchool in Estcourt Road, Fulham, hejoined the 1st Battalion, East SurryRegiment. In 1914 he took park in the retreat fromMons. In April the following year, when

    Dwyer was 19 years old, he was involved in action at Hill Sixty, inBelgium, and was awarded the VC for his actions on 20 April 1915. London Gazette described the action and his awarding of the VC asfollows: For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty at "Hill60" on the 20th April, 1915. When his trench was heavily attacked byGerman grenade throwers he climbed on to the parapet, and,although subjected to a hail of bombs at close quarters, succeeded indispersing the enemy by the effective use of his hand grenades.Private Dwyer displayed great gallantry earlier on this day in leavinghis trench, under heavy shell fire, to bandage his wounded comrades. Private Dwyer received his medal from King George at BuckinghamPalace on 15th June 1915. At the time he was the youngest recipientof the VC in the First World War. After being promoted to LanceCorporal he then spent six months helping with the nationalrecruitment drive. Dwyer was also awarded the Cross of St. George by Russia. He laterachieved the rank of corporal. He was killed in action at Guillemont,France on 3 September 1916. His grave is located at Flatiron CopseMilitary Cemetery, France. His Victoria Cross is displayed at the Princess of Wales's RoyalRegiment (Queens and Royal Hampshires) Museum located in DoverCastle, Kent. The memorial service was held on Monday 20 April 100 years to theday from the day of action for which Private Dwyer was awarded theVC. The service took place took place at the Fulham Memorial, VicarageGardens, Church Gate, Fulham SW6 and was led by Rev DennisTouw Tempelmans-Plat, of St Thomas Church, Fulham and Rev.Canon Joseph Hawes, of All Saints, Fulham. The service included prayers, hymns, and the unveiling of acommemorative stone. This was followed by a sounding of the LastPost and a moment of silence for reflection by the congregation. Greg Hands said It is important we remember heroes like PrivateDwyer, and the sacrifice of all of those involved in the Great War. Theyremind us how fortunate we are to live in a time of relative peace. I amproud to be a member of a Government which has made availablefunding for these commemorative stones. It is good to be able to commemorate the bravery of a local Fulhamman, whose actions are made even more remarkable by the fact hewas just 19 years of age. It was a beautiful and fitting service.!

    Photo news:Campaigning in Brentford & Isleworth

    Greg Hands campaigning in Chiswick with local Conservativecandidate, seeking reelection, Mary Macleod.

    !7 ways to contact Greg Hands:

    By Phone: 020 7385 1002By email: [email protected] post: Greg Hands

    4 Greyhound RoadLondon W6 8NX

    In person: Click here for details of howto book an appointment atGreg Handss weeklysurgery


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    Greg Hands a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham

    Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands,

    both of 44 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN