News of Women's Glubs.Social Affairs of Note Gty to Greet Big Convention of Oubwomen 28th Annual Gathering of New York State Federa¬ tion Opens To»morrow and Will Gase on Friday Welcome By Mrs. Comly Program Termed "Worthy of the Activities'* of Noted Organization The twenty-eighth annual convention of the New York State Federation of Women's Cinbs will be held this week, beginning to-morrow and con¬ tinuing through Friday. The -meetings will be held in the ballroom of the Hotel Comma-tore. Mrs. Walter S, Comly, president of the federation, has issued tha following letter of welcome to the visiting delegates: "It is an unwritten law that once during an administration a eonYention is held in tha 'federation home' of the president, so it is the privilege and pleasure of the ninth, my own beloved district, to act as hostess at the twenty- eighth annual convention of the Nev» York State Federation. For man; months the clubwomen, under the guid» anee of Mrs. Maynard, general chair¬ man, and the various «nb-chainneii have been making the necessary prep al-ations, and thoughtful care has beer given to every detail. So when tb< »ong-anticipated time arrives aad w< are gathered in that greatest America* city comforts of body and mind wil be ours. "The chairman of program, Mrs Kage, has labored early and late tha she may present to you a progran worthy of the activities of the federa Hou. Realizing that the success of an* conference depends upon the attitud« of the minds of the participants, wi must assemble perfectly attuned. Thi problems which interest the federatioi to-day are many and varied and, whih we may hold tha state together witl the 'written word,' it is vital to ou velfare that we, fae» to face, discus «»ach phase of ths federation activities So let us resolve thst our time, ou strength of body and mind shall be wel spent and that from the convention o 1822 shall come a force with everlast ing influence." Mrs. Richard M. Chapman, presiden "f the New York City Federation o Women's Clubs, held an important con ference of presidents Tuesday at Hot« Astor, to discuss procedure for finan cift* support of the Federation Hote which was opened by this organizatio during the last term of office of Mn Helle det Rivera. Mrs. E. B. Glogau i Us president. Having outgrown th capacity of the present building, piar tire most essential for a new site. Th -..resent hotel Î3 at 422 West Twenty second Street. The New York Browning Society wi hegin its sixteenth season Wednesda ht the Waldorf-Astoria. Tha program, with the interés i.ig subject, "Knowing the Browninf Through Their Correspondence." wi begin at 2:40 under chairmanship Mrs. James M. Stewart. Dr. Stanley ' Williams, of Yale University, will 1 the principal speaker. The president cf the society, Mr William L. Voigt, sojourning in Europ Mrs. Douglas Fenwick, as a vice-pies dent, will preside at this meeting ar be the acting president until the i* turn of Mrs. Voigt, who will contini her travels in Europe and Egypt uní Thanksgiving. Th«* study class of the society m 'ast Wednesday at the home of Mi Fenwick, 301 West Ninety-first Strec and was led by the vice-oresident, Mi IT. C. W. Ingrahani. The subje ¦vas "Introduction to the Erownin Through Their Correspondence." ' jFor the season of î822-'2»; the Socie »>r New York State Women will conve rite second Monday of each month the Waldorf-Astoria, the first meeti hcing scheduled for to-morrow. The will be a business session for mernb« <»n!y, which will be called to order *:30 by the president, Dr. Frances Monell. Plans for the season will considered and representatives to i numerous conventions elected. At 2 o'clock the board of direct« will meet. They ar« Mrs. Austin Fii «an as first vice-president; Mrs. Dan P. Duffle, second vice-president: M Alex Herbermann, third vice-presidei Mrs. H. McClellan Wade, recording s rotary; Mrs. Frank Morris, correspoi ing secretary; Mrs. Thomas J. Vivi tveasurer; Mrs. Robins A. Lau. his rian; 'Mrs. William J. Farrell, W Francis B. Gerrard, Mrs. P. J. Ga »nd Mrs. James Moran. The Post-Parliament will open season at Hotel McAlpin next Friday U a. m. The meeting will be in cha «f the president, Mrs. Cora We! Trow. "Current Events" will be subject for discussion. The Congress of States Societies 1 as usual, kept open headquarters summer at Hotel Gregorian, wher registration bureau and informat bureau and papers from all home at* are constantly at the disposal of visitors. There will be several affi gjven this season for the benefit e fund to establish a permanent hi Quarters, which wil be known as States Headquarters and will bi Mecca for all.north, south, east west. The business of the congress i* the hands of a large board of direel which meets once a month. The n active committee this season will tha ways and means committee, Mrs. Jahn B. Sheppard, the chain with a large number of assista and the membership committee, * Mrs. Luellen Bussenius, the chain Mrs, Bussenius, with a very Is «orps of members, will begin an tensive membership campaign with slogan, "One thousand members 1928." r The officers of the congress are 1 Thomas 3. Vivian, president; the p ¡dents of tha affiliated societies, v presidents, Urs. John B. Sheppard, cording seiuretary; Mrs. Charles Hirst, corresponding secretary; 3 »»Frederick C. Gay, ireasyrer, and 1 William C. Cacble, historian. The state societies affiliated with congress are Daughters of Alaba Mra. WU!i»m L. Sands, president; tional California Clob, Mr?. Thorns Vivian, president; th« Society of i noie Women, Mrs. Thomas SI présidant; Indiana Club, Mr. -lía: W-yngar, president; Iowa Naw York Mrs. Charles F. Gallager, presidí Kansas Women's Club, Mrs. David Luckey, president; Louisiana Soci Mrs. P. J- White, president; Mi Women's Club, Mrs. William F. C< Mrs, George H. Childs ,,:..::;v:.::..-.f.: .-¦.....¦ .:.Vr.-.ÏÎ.Ï.V:.:.-..i_> ,. ./..i.* '. ..V... :\...:'.;.V!! .'.v ,,,... a.,,'... aSSffP SJte »* chairman for the Rainy Day Club silver jubileo breakfast, to be given in honor of the president, Mrs. A. M. Palmer, at the Hotel Astor on November 1. lin, president; Michigan Women in New York, Mr*. John .1. Bush, presi- dent; Daughters, of Michigan, Mrs. N. D. Van Slingerlarid, president; Mis¬ souri Women's Club, Mi's. Wright John¬ son, president; Nebraska Society, Mrs. Hal T. Beans, president; ' Society of New York Stale Women, Dr. Frances W. Monell. president; National Society of Ohio Women. Dr. K|*dolj>h M. Bin¬ der, president: Daughter,-* of Pennsyl¬ vania, Mrs. Walter S. Comly, presi¬ dent; South Carolina Society, Mrs. Edward B. Williams, president; Texas Club, Mrs. O. R. von Bonnewitz, pres¬ ident; Society of Virginia Women, Mrs. Frank M. Tench, president; Wash¬ ington State As.eociation, Mrs. William T. Trimble. president; Wisconsin Women's Society, Mrs. Victor Fred- rickson, president. Drama Comedy, Edyth Totten presi¬ dent, will have the first card party October 16 at the Hotel Astor, pro¬ ceeds to go to the "shoe fund" of the Little Mother's Aid Association, of which Mrs. Clarence Burns is presi¬ dent. October 20 the Halloween dance will have a pumpkin dance among the prize features and a colored jazz band, October 27.the first Friday review .there will be two new one-act plays put on by Edyth Totten and played by the Drama Comedy Players: "Mother," a heart drama, with C. Grayte Hull, Clarn Evelyn Rice, Myrtle Schiffman ar.d Jane Brinkley, and "Fools," a so¬ ciety pastime comedy with Erame Maa'k and C. Grayte Hull. Drama Com¬ edy will devote all its, charitable work for the "shoe fund" of the Little Mothers' Aid Association. At the social matinees held in the grand ball room, Hotel Astor, Mr. Carl Fique will give a series of Shake¬ speare overtures on the organe* The first overture, November 10, will be "The Merry Wives of Windsor." A reception will be tendered to Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Hinckley by the mem¬ bers of Drama Comedy in Montclair, N. J., October 13, at the opening of their new permanent'home, 9 Pierson Place, Montclair. .""" The Woman's Republican Club. Inc., MtS. -lames Griswold Wentz president and founder, will hold its first meeting of the season on Tuesday at 10.30 a. rav in the ballroom of the Hotel Plaza. It will be in the nature of a campaign rally, to which all women are cordially invited; no cards required. The speak- era at 11:30 a. m. include Mr. Robert McElroy and Representative Ogden L. Mills. I "Political night" will be held by the University Forum of America Tuesday evening at the headquarters of the club, at 203 West Ninety-third Street. Mr. John P. O'Brien, A. M., LL. D., who is Corporation Counsel of the City of New York, will be the guest of honor of the evening and will give an address on "Public Service." Miss Louise Gleason, mezzo-soprano, will sing. Dr. Alexander Cumming, who is the president of the forum, will be the chairman of the evening and the Misses Isabelle and Marion Murphy will be the hostesses. The National Opera Ciub of America. Mme. Katharine von Klenner founder and president, will have a program of Italian music and artists on Columbus jD*y, at 2 p. m., at the Waldorf-Astoria. | The guests of honor will be the dele- gates to the State Federation of Worn- i en's Clubs. The artists will include Miss Amy Grant. "Modern Italian Opera,*'; Havrah Hubbard, "Old Italian Opera"; Mr. Edgar Bowman, "My Summer in Italy"; Mile. Erminia Ligotti. of the Brooklyn Opera Company, aria from "Madame Butterfly," Puccini, and aria from "Travista," Verdi. Michael An¬ selmo, violin soli, accompanied by Julius Shjcndel. Signor R. Sapio will accompany Miss Ligotti. Miss Julia Claussen will be pre¬ sented to the club as the new vice- president. A brief report of the hi-, ennial will be given by Mme. von Klen¬ ner. Dancing will follow the pro¬ gramme in charge of the melophoni. committee, Mrs. Rubsam chairman. The Professional Woman's League, Mrs. Russell Bassett president, will hold a business meeting to-morrow, m club social on October 16 at 2 p. m. at the cîub rooms, 144 West Fifty-ftfth Street, Mrs. Carty chairman, and on October 19 a card party with special prizes for each table, Mrs. Schaeffer chairman. Delegates appointed to at¬ tend the State Federation Convention are Mrs. Fen Hendricks, Mrs. N. Craw¬ ford, Mrs. Russell Bassett, Miss Ball« Gold, Mrs. Tempel, Miss branca» Brooke, Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Matthie- sen. Mrs. Ben Hendricks is chairman of the annual bazaar which will be held in December at the Hotel McAlpin. The first regular meeting of The Government Club, Mrs. George E. Owens, president, was held at l>h_ Hotel Astor October 2 at 2 p. m. Mrs. Walter S. Comly greeted the club. Mrs. Harry Lilly, chairman of tha first district, New York State Federa¬ tion of Women's Clubs, gave an official announcement relative to the program of the convention to be held. Dr. Charles H. Herty, the speaker for the*.afternoon, made disclosures relative to the condition of the chem¬ ical industry in this country and made an ardent plea that the women exert themselves to see that remedial legis¬ lation would be enacted at the recon¬ vening of Congress to protect the chemical industry in the United States. Delegates to the State Federation convention elected were as follows*. Mrs. George E. Owens, Mrs. H. C. Huber, Mrs. Howard W. Sullivan and Mrs. B. F.'Harrison. Alternates.MrS. A. U. Keedwell. Mrs, H. C. Hoyt, Mrs. L. Moore and Mrs. Mary E. Prescott. Oelegates and alternates to the City Federation convention te be held at the Hote^Astor on October 27 were as fol¬ lows: Mrs. George E. Owens and Mrs, Walter Haskell. Alternates.Mrs. William Bissell« and Mrs. H. C. Hoyt. Theoria will hold its first meeting of the season on November 15 at the Hotel Astor. Luncheon will be served in the north ballroom and after tht guests of honor have been presented the club will attend a matinee. As .No¬ vember 15 is the third birthday Theoria a gala- day is expected Theoria's object is to foster love oi the drama and dramatic art. The prin¬ ciple is to promote the success of tin American author and actor by patron¬ age and encouragement of worthj plays and to welcome without prejudici but with justice talent .-fan any land At the Hotel Astor arK importan) board of council meeting will be hele at 2 o'clock to-morrow. On Friday October 20, a meeting will be held wit- the hostesses at tha Hotel Chelsea West Twenty-third Street, the home o; the president, Mrs. Wood. More than 100 new members hav« been added to the membership thii season. - ». New York Mozart Society Plays Golf Tournament Luncheon and Cards Follow Match at the Scarsdale Country Club The New York Mozart Society, Mrs Noble McConncll president, held a gol tournament last Thursday at the Scara dale Golf and Country Club throug, the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Williar Maynard Haradoh. Luncheon an cards followed. Mrs. Haradon donate prizes for the cards and Mrs. Edwin ( Holston gave three prizes for the gol | tournament. Among the players were Mr. an Mrs. Noble McConncll. Mr. and Mrs. I Fred Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Edgardo. Cha: leuger, Mr. and Mr». William M. Han don, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. O'Nell Mi. and Mrs. Frederic C. Stevens, M and Mrs. E. B. Sclrmalholz, Mrs. Ber jam in Adriance, Mrs. Arthur Ackej man, Mrs. Frank J. Bryeon, Mrs. Elli Buxbaum, Mrs. Frank Begrisch, Mr Churlea A. Beehstein, Miss Eleane Boeturo. Dr. William Wheeler Brasl Mrs. Henry Borden, Mrs. John 1 Churlo, Mrs. J. T. Curtis, Mrs. Alfr. C«*w, Mrs. Frnnk H. Edmunds, Mr Carrie IJeesion, Miss Grace A. Hessioi Mrs. Edwin C. Hointon, Mrs Ira 1 H«ll. Miss Melba K. Gundlach, Mr Owen J. McWilliam«, Miss Marion 4 O'Neill, .Mis« Beatrice E. Sillo. Mr Charla« C. ¡Spanier, Mrs, F. MacD. Sir clair, Miss Lillian D. Schwoorar, Mr Charles Simon, Mrs."John Van Noor Mr*. B-rthi 1>. Wri_?ht and Mrs. J.h H. Wright. In Westchester County I Miss Susan Margaret iVJiurray Becomes Bride of Mr. G. T. Claydoii; Invitations Issued for Miss Bert's Wedding Misa Susan Margaret Murray, daugh¬ ter- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murray, o5 Stephensoh Park, N'ew Rochelle, was man-itld o.i Wodnesday evening at 618O o'clttittk to Mr. George Thomas Claydoti, son of Mr**. Thomas Claydon, of 108 Summit Avenue, Mount Vernot». Tho ceremony was performed In the Bleesod Sacrament Church, Now Tto- chellô. by th« Rev, Comalias F. Crow- ley, 'flit bride w»s attend««, by her sirfter, Mis« Katharine Murray, as maid of honor, snd four- brldasmaids.Mlr.s EJsie Fat-rail, of Hyda Berk, N. Y.; Miss Mary Elizabeth Vail, of New Rochelle, Miss Agüen Welling, of New Rochelle, and Miss Margaret Murray, of Staatsburg, N. Y. A recaption at the home of the bride followed the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs. Cliiydop will make their home in New York City after they return from their wedding trip. Invitations have boen issued for tho wedding of Miss Margaret Bert, daugh¬ ter of Mr. s,nd Mrs. Charles W. Bert, formeïjy of Yonkera, now of Chambor*.» burg, Pa., who will bo married on October 10 to Mr. Maurice Harvey Ivens, of Philadelphia, in the Methodist Church at. Chambersburg. Following the ceremony a recaption will be held ut the home of the bride. . Tho wedding of Miss Mildred Atkins, daughter af Mr. and Mi's. G-oorge M. Atkins, of GO Orary Avenue, Mount Vernon, to Mr. John Craig Simpson, formorly of Richmond, Vs., now of Mount Vorno;*, will take place at 11 o'clock an Thursday morning, October 12. at the Church of the Ascension, Mount Vernon» The Rev. Molford Losee Brown will perform 'the coremony, and the bride will be given away by her father. She will be attended by her sister, Mrs. Charles William Schrotef, of Mount Vernon. as matron of honpr. Mr. Ed¬ mund Simpson, brother of the bride- groora, of Richmond. Va., will be best man. The ushers will be Mr. Charles William Schröter, of Mount Vernon; Mr. Morris Atkins, of Mount Vernon, brother of the bride, and Mr. Donald Nadwick, of New York City. Following the» ceremony there will be a luncheon for the .immediate family and bridal party at the home of the bride'« parents. The young couple expect to make their horn« in Mount Vernon following their wedding trip. Mr. Simpson served in the World War in the flald artillery, and attended tha University of Richmond, Vs., for a tin»-*- Wh» Atkl-js is a graduate of Hunter College, New York. Invitations ware issued on Monday of this week for the wedding of Miss Beat rico Mae Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Jones, of 288 South Third Avenue, Mount Vernon, to Mr. Oliver Reynolds Wulf, of Waterbury, Conn. The ceremony will take plat* on Saturday, October 31, at 8:80 o'clock, at the Chureh of the Ascension, Mount Vernon. -** Of great interest to Larchmont so¬ ciety was the wadding of Miss Sarah Or-eafh Webb Ferrait, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ferrall, of 30 Pros- pact Avenue, Larchmont Manor, to Mr. F. Duval Broun, son of Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Broun, of 148 West Seventy- aevf.uth Street, New York City, which took place on Thursday evening at ¿sSO ocloek at the home of the bride's parents. The Rot. Patrick Morris, of St. Joseph's Church, New York City, per¬ formed the ceremony, and the bride was given away by her father. The bridal attendants were Miss Margaret Ferrall, of Larchmont, sister of the bride, maid of honor, and Mrs. J. B. Lyon, of New York City, matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Virginia) Fitzpatrick. of Larchmont; Miss Ann Brown Oler, of Larchmont, and Miss Cora Rantett, of New York City. Mr. Leroy Broun, of New York City, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were Mr. John Cox Fenall, of Larchmont; Mr. James P. Ferralljr., of Memphis, Tenn., brothers of the bride; Mr. Addison Fordyce, of New York City, and Mr. Charl-js Jones, of New York City. A reception for 800 guests was held at the home of the bride's parents, fol¬ lowing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Broun will make their home in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. William Knight jr., of Pelham Manor, have been staying at the Bellevue-Stratfard, in Philadelphia. Miss Virginia Alexander, of Fowler Avenue, Pelham Manor, left last week for St. Mary's School in Peekskill. Miss Elizabeth Duffy, of Hudson, has been the guest of Mrs. J. Frank Ducy, of Rochelle Terrace, Pelham Manor. Mr. and Mrs. George Graer, Miss Katherine Maxwell and Mr. Robert Cluett, of Port Chester, motored to Great Barrington, Mass., last week. The dinner-dance at the Apawajois Golf Club of Rye, held on Thursday night of last woek, proved one of tha biggest social events of the season, drawing many members and their guests from Rye, Port Chester, Mama.roneçk and Larchmont. Paul Whiteman's orchestra furnished the musk-. Mr, and Mrs. W. Mitchell Van Winkle, of Rye, have returned from p. summer at Ilillhome, Litchfleld, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hathaway, of Rye, who have been at Hyannisport, Mass., this summer, have returned to their home on Blind Brook Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Van Houten Sickels, of Yonkere, who were married recently, have returned -from their wedding trip at Lake George and are making their home for the präsent with the bride's parents. Mrs. Sickels was formerly Mies Ethel Farrington, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Farrington, of Park Hill, Yonkers. Mrs. Alice Warth, of Dfes Moines, Iowa, has been the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Ernest He3Se, of Linn Avenue, Yonkers. Mrs. Robert Bahr, of Hastings-on- Hudaon, opö-hed her attractive home on tho evening of Thursday, September 28, for a benefit musical« and recital for the building fund of Grace Church, Hastings. Nikola Zan, barytone, formerly of the Metropolitan Opera Company; Wag¬ nerSwayne Kelly, basso; Helen A, Stella, concert pianist, and Winifred vogelius, contralto, war« the promi¬ nent artists heard in two groups ef songs. Mr. Harry Irvine, English author, actor and lecturer, and M?s. Irvine ware seen in several scenes from dflama classic». The proceed» from this »flair, whioh attraeted many promi- nsnt men and women in tho com- »uttity, went entirely to tha church fund, for which a campaign i*i being conducted on a large «cele. Mount Varnín sioiety intarestcd it- sal, in a ."^.loal. giv«n »t tha Blwanoy Country Club on th« evening of Thurs¬ day, Septamb.r E3. A dinner pre¬ ceded the affair. Miss Graoa Potter, of Casiillis Ave¬ nue, Armour Villa Park, Bronxvillc, returned raoantly from Hawaii, whore »ha has been ' «ponding th« last three year.. Major and Mt'S- Ernest Edgar John¬ son and Miss Johnson, of Polham Manor, have b«f«n spending several week**« at tho Sharwood Fôio-t Club. On-the-Savevn, Maryland. At the waekly bridge game at tht Hotel Gramatah the pfiu« winners were Mr*. B. N. Allen, Dr. W. A. Bart- lett, Mrs. H. M. BiddU, Mrs. William F. Glare, Mrs. J. 3. Cannon and Mrs. ,t. P. ¿aym«, of Bronxville. Mr. and Mrs. George A, B.Uim, of 164 North Fulton Avenue, Mount Ver- non, arriv.d home last weak on the steamer Sylvia from Newfoundland, whr.ro they spent several weeks. Mr«. Willis Rislar, of South Twelfth Avenue, Mount Varnon, spent last week-end with har son, Mr. William P. Risler, at Rivera«*'*., L. I. Miss Claire Hoffman, of W.atchester Avenu«, Mount Vamoi*. loft thia week to enter Martha Washington Seminar}-. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Baldwin, of North Columbus Avanua, Mount Vernon, re¬ turned recently from a three weeks' stay at Atlanta City. Mrs. David H. Wilson, of 139 North Fulton Avanu«, Mount Vernon. enter¬ tained at bridge last Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Herbert L. Mayorga, of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hull, of Mount Vernon, closed their homo on the Es¬ planade this week and will spend the winter in N«w York City. Misa Manon Hill, of 148 Echo Ave¬ nu«. Nsw Rot-hall**, was th« guest of Miss Gladys Johnson, Glenviile Road, Greenwich, over last week end. Mr?. William M. Harding, Button Manor, New Rochall«, has been at At¬ lantic City for a short visit. « Miss Mari.rie Collins, Sidney Street, New Rochelle, has left for Wellesley Collage. Mr. Albort B. .Sheridan, of 5 Over¬ look Road, N«w Rochelle, has returned to Yal« University, where he is a mem¬ ber of the junior class. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mills, of Irving Place, Now Rochelle, are en¬ joying three weeks Of motoring through the Berkshy.s. Mrs- Harry Seobl« and son, of 97 Walnut Street, N_w Rochelle, returned recently from Delaware Water Gap, where they have been visiting Mrs. Scohle's mother sine« May. Mrs. Kenneth Huntington, of 187 Hamilton Avenue, New Rochalle, and iîrs. Greta W. Savage, of Now York City, returned last Sunday from White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., where they stopped at the Green Briar Hotel while the women's national golf tournament was in progress. The informal midweek social event at the Báiley Park Country Club in Mount Vernon Thursday night of last week attracted over 250 guests. Pro¬ gressive bridge, a smoker and dancing were the diversions of the evening. There were forty tables for bridge, un¬ der the direction of Mr. Milton C. Work, chairman of the card committee of the New York Whist Club. Prices were awarded in the br_lge games as follow«: First prize for women, won by Mrs. H. J. Pruddon, a sterling silver vanity case; first priso for men, won by Mr. Joseph T, McCaddon jr., of New York, a sterling silver cigarette case; consolation prize for women, won by Mrs. A. T. G«scheidt, a string of pearls. Thoro wer« guests present from Mount Vernon, N«w York and different sec¬ tions of the county. Mrs. E. H. White, of Larchmont, has cloaèd h»r home at 20 Magnolia Ave¬ nue, and will spend the winter in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Silk, of Larch¬ mont, are home from South Egremont, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Millard and sons, of Stuyveeant Avenue, Larchmont, will spend the winter in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hamilton, of Larchmont, and children, are home from an extensive a_tomobile«.onr and are occupying their home at 18 Bayard Street. Dr, Thomas W. Salmon alfd family, of 81 Beach Avenue, Larchmont. arc home from a summer at Doräct, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Ward, of Larch¬ mont, have returned home from New Hampshire. , Mrs. M. C. Wilcox, of the Royal Vic¬ toria Hotel, Larchmont, sailed for Europe last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robinson jr., of 42 Oak Avonue,, Larchmont, have ,-ir- riv.d home after a ten-day auto tour of the Adirondack« and Canada. Miss Eleanor Pugsley, of 52 Crary Avonue, Mount Vernon, gave a shower lost Friday evening at her home in honor of Miss Mildred Atkins, also of Mount Vernon. Miss Atkins will Wed Mr. John Craig Simpson, formerly of Richmond. Va., but residing !n Mount Vernon at près-1 ont, on October 12. A luncheon and meeting of the his-1 tor-f dapartrnont of the W.stchester Women's Club was hold on Monday aft_f*noon at Mount Vernon. The meet¬ ing was in charge of Mrs. Louis M. Sweet, the naw chairman, whose sub¬ ject waj "Scandinavia." She was as¬ sisted by Mrs. Henry Rudolph and Miss Clendenln. Mr. and Mrs.E. Harold Sherwood, of Rockland Avanue, Port Chester, mo¬ tored to Quebec by way of the White Mountains and Maine. They will re¬ turn via Montreal and the Adirondack,**. Mia« Marion Picon«, of McLean Ave¬ nue, Yonkors, arrived home on Mon7 day aboard the Julius Ciesar from Naples, Italy. Miss Piconc was tour- Mrs. Edward H. Maynard She ¡s enairmtm o/ use general arrangements commutée /or the con¬ vention of tlie New York State Federation of Women's Clubs, which opens to-morrow at. the Hotel Commodore. ing Europe, but was called home sud¬ denly because of the death of her sister. Mr. Edward J. Fitzgerald, of 19Ü Nepperhan Avenue, Yonkers. returned home this week from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Tennessee. Mr. Albert Storms, of 37 Spruce Street, Yonkers, returned home recent¬ ly from Canada, where he enjoyed a fishing trip of two weeks. Miss Ruth Russell Halsted, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Halsted, of 176 Wood Worth Avenue, Yonkers, has en¬ tered the freshman class at Barnard College, where she is beginning a three-year pre-medical course. Mr. and Mrs. Samuol F. Wherry, of 10 Highland Avenue, Yonkers, have an¬ nounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss EfFie May Wherry, to Mr. John Milton Sterling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Sterling, of Mid- idlctown, N. Y. Miss Alice B. Todd-and Mrs. Wil¬ liam S. Todd, of 235 South Lexington Avenue, White Plains, have returned from the Adirondacks. Mrs. George P. Schneider and fam¬ ily, of Bursley Place, White Plains, have returned after a motor trip, through New Y'ork. Mrs. Ira Smith, of Barker Avenue, White Plains, has returned to her home after a summer at Loon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Manly, of Howard Avenue, White Plains, heve gone to Honolulu, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Breen, White Plains, have returned ***from abroad and will pass the winter at the Gedney Farm Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Lawrence and son Dudley, of Bronxville,-returned recently from Atlantic City, where they spent several days at the Hotel Ambassador. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howes and son, of Bronxville, who have been spend¬ ing the summer at Gloucester, Mass., have returned home, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Meadows and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sher¬ man, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jolies, are stopping at the American Yacht .Club, at Rye. Miss Dorothy Hardy, daugl-itr of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hardy, of 81 Sara¬ toga Avenue, Yonkers. returned recent ly to Centenary Collegiate Institute., Hackettstown, N. J., where she will enter the junior class. . Miss Eli*:abeth Scott of Deposit, N. Y., who'has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B, R. Gilmdur of 34 Tuckahoe Road, Yonkers, left last week for Gou- cher College, Baltimore. Miss Lucia Goldthorp of Maiibor- ough Road, 'Ncpperhan Heights, Yon¬ kers, has left for Middlobury College, at Middlebury, Vt., where she is\ in the sophomoro year. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Philip Ea.ston, of 231 North Broadway, Yonkers, have returned' from Lenox, Mass., where they spent several weeks following a summer at Magnolia, Mass. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Land, of 400 North Broadway, Yonkers, have re¬ lu vned from the Lake Placid Club, where thov spent the summer. They stopped off in the Berkshire*! on their way home. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grecnhalgh. of Yon¬ kers, have returned from touring New York Stato, own* the Mohawk Trail and Canada. En route home they visit¬ ed Warren Snyder at Union College, Schenectady. Miss Helen Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Horace B. Hanson, of Lowerre Summit, Yonkers, has left for the Eas- ton School of Music,« at Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ryan, of Yon- ¡ kers, have returned to their home in Bruce Avenue, after closing their sum- mer. home in Fairiielri Beach, Conn., where they have been since car!;.- in pie season. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren, of Burlington, Vt., haves been the guests of Mrs. Robert Hacket'«., of Loudoun Street, ana Mr?. William P. Graves, of Saratoga Avenue. Yonkers, Mrs. Edward Packard, Of Cliff Ave¬ nue. Yonkers, is entertaining her par¬ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lord of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bird Foid, of Larchmont, have left for Now Jersey, where they expect to remain through¬ out the winter. _, ¦.«. Thousands Entertained Over Nassau County Bankers and Poioists Lead in Busy Schedule for Past Social Week A'/'Cf :.al D-jpatci: to Tits Tribune GARDEN CITY, L. !.. Oct. 7..This has probably been one of tha moat notable weeks, socially and from a sportsman's viewpoint, that Nassau County ever has known. With the international poioists trying conclusions on the International Field at Meadow Brook, the three-days open- air show at the Piping Rock Club and the visit of scores of bankers attend- ing the American Bankers Association meeting in Ntw York and gOÎSng ¿ur- ing t-hcii- leisure hours on the various j courses of this section, it has been a busy period. The Garden City Hotel was the seen« of many farewell dinners from fiie overseas poioists. Many of the v." ¦*.;- Ing banker;; to New York also hi d farewell dinner at the Garden C '.:, Hotel before departing to their various ¡homes. Twenty-five thousand or more carne «down to Meadow Biook daily for '."-¦-. ,poio games, and aside from ($._ ...... ber of »visitors' aim OS. every country | home of Long Island had its full quota of visitors. ! New Yorker*. Registered Among Traymore Arrivals Among the prominent arrivals from New York at the Hotel Traymore. At¬ lantic City, are Mrs. John F, Baudou- ine, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Irwin, Ute. H. H. Westinchouse, Mr. an« Mrs?. J. '.. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Do St. -*«;- bins, Mi*, and Mrs. F. G. Cummins, v. and Mrs. Henry Pie*son, Mr. and (Vira Donald Beebc, Mr. Edmund Goûldiri*.. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Crowle-v. Mr, s .:.«. Mrs. J. L. O'Hsver, Mr. and Mr.. F, 0. Asche, Mr. Louis J. M.Nally, Mrs. T. II. McCarty and many others. ?. ¦¦ Engagement Announced oí. Miss Dorothy WilUou fiioss Mrs. Charlee H. Broas, _;.' Ifalcjro« Park, New Rochelle, announces -he engagement of her daughter. Miss Dorothy Wiilson Br.r.s, to Sir, J. Nor¬ man McDowell, soi* of the Rev. ;-iv_ Mrs. T. R. McDowell, of Avondalc. Pa. Mi3s Bvoas was graduated from Mount Holyoke College in vy¿i. ¦¦ Mr. McDowell i. a graduate of Princeti-n University, «917, and saw active service in the World War as a first lieutenant in the 73th Division ma¬ chine gun squadron. Crippled Children School Beging Wo.\._ for Soasan The Free Industrial School Tor Crip¬ pled Children, 471 West F.fty-.evciuth Street, opened October 3 at .he Church; of the Strangers with a full attend¬ ance and the children in splendid health after their summer at the Lulu Thjorley Home for Cripoled and Deli-j carte Children, Ciavcruck*. N. Y. IMPORTED NOVELTY , DECORATIVE FABRICS EXQUISITE COLORINGS AND DESIGNS This is the season when the selection of New Î-Iangings and Coverings is a real problem. Our showing of Distinctive Drapery Fabrics createcV- by the best Designers and Color Artists of F^uvope offers every advantage to those desiring to avoid the commonplace. Come in and let us help you solve your Drapery problems. GENUINE REED FURNITURE Trie REED SHÜR Inc.* j 9 East; 57th Street, bet. Fifth and Madison Ave«., New York ; iinwiiiiiaaainiiimi 'it* 'rt*4d rali fgj-^j forth ¡t,, rt-y» of ti. Return of Summer To Atlantic» Cit? Increases A ri ivi Amuseraents Are Boomi», Pier« Well Patron¡zwj.£i lerlammmu, Set ft^ for Ifm Period ai Hv.mn MpeMal D(***mu< ATLANTIC CITY, Get 7^¿! ions which began vc-ek have b<*«-»ri <\\ jnde.* the infîuenee «un, which rival those during A»* ,r September. Midaumm« ££& has boomed all activi-Mes to '"*-* exceeding anything in ¿¿sort l¡£!* AmwtmexU are boom in*- an» ¿I**?- piers f-re well patronized m **« Mr. and Mr?. Robert V! M»r New York, entertained w:\hte« the Ambassador. Guests .*»i-ludí?,?1 and Mr*. C. M. Plnney, mTÏIS Greely, S. W. CauJfic-ld/ Mrs' fr Frees, New Vf,!-!». ****** , £wfc í' -Í»CÍÍ N'Cholson. of Ckü« cslebrated h s fort**-f*r«t u-L-lj*" the Aabaa**ad6r. b!rth*-» The N».w Jfork set at the Kit ton war, recently joined by K? ney V/arrer: r »,.. ',', ¦ Mi. and ,v .;- Joh«X and Mr«. R. ._ C. R. Holme«. * m th?CRr^- arr,Vil" 'rom New yoHs the Breaker» w,dudc Mr. Robert S art, Mr. Morton R. Arbu** \i"V .^.«tt, Mr. Herman fcffi' F Dennis delude* Mra. Ricbarf ¿31 M». F. G. Scott, Mra. ««»orge r ni! and .,-. and Mr,. F. G. Kine ^ « i.ec-rt arrivals at the Ma;lboroMi 1 Blenheim are Mr. and Mr- r /..V S Mr. Frank W. Drake. M Tcfcorge^BS I Stewart, Mr and Mr,. F.Y. U,et ' and Miss 8*die Brujía. ' Visiter; at the Brighton from Sew York incluue Mr. Domont Bunker «- Mm ^S'H°LoPeb SIbUbwm and **-.««¦ New maaúflg tb»ír home al tiie Chalíonto ;>,; Mr. S-ephen &&,? reit, Mrs. TV. D Doyd. Mr». F. C. dem- enta ar.-! Mrs. J. O.Atkinson. Late arriva'.- :':om Kew York at Hac- «lon Hali arc Mr. Francia Pav-sefl, Mr 'Thomas Howe!!. Mr. John Olney an«i Mrs. A. C. Sa*r r. Visiting 9 Strand are the fol- !ov-«-ifí fro York: The Rev. R r Callahan and Mr and Mrs. Charles Roy er jr. The New York contingent it the Sea »Side now includes Miss Etb el M. Irvine Mr. George W. Garretson, Mr. W. H. Stim son ar/î daugl tee, Recently coming from Ne*** York to « ».'mí,::»" . *:,- »,.,. v.. n..j tne crick Star/.; schild. New York elude Mr?. A jr. and Mr. : r. and Mrs. Frcd- "-'¦ E L-. Roth- "»he Pehnhurst its :e.Hr.A.M.FuU»*T Inward TLvbn. 3Iiss Jane C. -?tl<}!ioy*9 Engagectje**! Announced] The announcement ä made by Me Thomas M'Olloy, of L/nbrook, L. 1. the engagcr.'idn. : her daughter. Ml Jans Cath» û: e o'.loy, to Mr. Raj JudÉbn Bntt=. wedd ig will j place .-. -, t &f Moi "av. tober 23, át rcetorv if :». M ¿gas ni ».--'. S //¦.¦ \ L.':r: \ ¦'-.,' \ ¿a \ \ J ... »i- Jhe íy the real pvs of **- autumn.in the S ¦: ..rtot'Atlanrlc p CîV**y's picasurcs, .'iiw-, the K*fc 'ilie áiieít rejo-: .-¦.rioneirht-r cor- tin«:. «Americar» «¡t Eurcoean pîar. :;ir';-i.ocf. Ate'i cptr.. Deuil on . ítA-uttt, Gol; ' privikset. -«» ÀTLAT-ïTic City Worlds Greatest iïtâjèg* Ecrier Looms, fe S4! Madison AvcbU* cerner 70tb St. j Tapeátries, Antiques^- productions, Lanap«* ^ tain Materialst ct»** On account of removal to^V East 55th Street, we* «*!?. ¡selections from our Entire Stock at. Discounts from lA *** W An exceptional opportunity^ purchase choice furnishings .? low as auction prie**

News of Women's Glubs.Social Affairs of Notechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1922-10-08/ed-1/seq-46.pdf · Newsof Women's Glubs.Social Affairs of Note GtytoGreet BigConvention

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Page 1: News of Women's Glubs.Social Affairs of Notechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1922-10-08/ed-1/seq-46.pdf · Newsof Women's Glubs.Social Affairs of Note GtytoGreet BigConvention

News of Women's Glubs.Social Affairs of NoteGty to GreetBigConventionof Oubwomen

28th Annual Gathering ofNew York State Federa¬tion Opens To»morrowand Will Gase on Friday

Welcome By Mrs. ComlyProgram Termed "Worthyof the Activities'* ofNoted Organization

The twenty-eighth annual conventionof the New York State Federation ofWomen's Cinbs will be held thisweek, beginning to-morrow and con¬tinuing through Friday. The -meetingswill be held in the ballroom of theHotel Comma-tore. Mrs. Walter S,Comly, president of the federation, hasissued tha following letter of welcometo the visiting delegates:

"It is an unwritten law that onceduring an administration a eonYentionis held in tha 'federation home' of thepresident, so it is the privilege andpleasure of the ninth, my own beloveddistrict, to act as hostess at the twenty-eighth annual convention of the Nev»York State Federation. For man;months the clubwomen, under the guid»anee of Mrs. Maynard, general chair¬man, and the various «nb-chainneiihave been making the necessary prepal-ations, and thoughtful care has beergiven to every detail. So when tb<»ong-anticipated time arrives aad w<are gathered in that greatest America*city comforts of body and mind wilbe ours."The chairman of program, Mrs

Kage, has labored early and late thashe may present to you a progranworthy of the activities of the federaHou. Realizing that the success of an*conference depends upon the attitud«of the minds of the participants, wimust assemble perfectly attuned. Thiproblems which interest the federatioito-day are many and varied and, whihwe may hold tha state together witlthe 'written word,' it is vital to ouvelfare that we, fae» to face, discus«»ach phase of ths federation activitiesSo let us resolve thst our time, oustrength of body and mind shall be welspent and that from the convention o1822 shall come a force with everlasting influence."

Mrs. Richard M. Chapman, presiden"f the New York City Federation oWomen's Clubs, held an important conference of presidents Tuesday at Hot«Astor, to discuss procedure for financift* support of the Federation Hotewhich was opened by this organizatioduring the last term of office of MnHelle det Rivera. Mrs. E. B. Glogau iUs president. Having outgrown thcapacity of the present building, piartire most essential for a new site. Th-..resent hotel Î3 at 422 West Twentysecond Street.The New York Browning Society wi

hegin its sixteenth season Wednesdaht the Waldorf-Astoria.Tha program, with the interés

i.ig subject, "Knowing the BrowninfThrough Their Correspondence." wibegin at 2:40 under chairmanshipMrs. James M. Stewart. Dr. Stanley '

Williams, of Yale University, will 1the principal speaker.The president cf the society, Mr

William L. Voigt, sojourning in EuropMrs. Douglas Fenwick, as a vice-piesdent, will preside at this meeting arbe the acting president until the i*turn of Mrs. Voigt, who will continiher travels in Europe and Egypt uníThanksgiving.

Th«* study class of the society m'ast Wednesday at the home of MiFenwick, 301 West Ninety-first Strecand was led by the vice-oresident, MiIT. C. W. Ingrahani. The subje¦vas "Introduction to the ErowninThrough Their Correspondence."

' jFor the season of î822-'2»; the Socie»>r New York State Women will converite second Monday of each monththe Waldorf-Astoria, the first meetihcing scheduled for to-morrow. Thewill be a business session for mernb«<»n!y, which will be called to order*:30 by the president, Dr. FrancesMonell. Plans for the season willconsidered and representatives to inumerous conventions elected.At 2 o'clock the board of direct«

will meet. They ar« Mrs. Austin Fii«an as first vice-president; Mrs. DanP. Duffle, second vice-president: MAlex Herbermann, third vice-presideiMrs. H. McClellan Wade, recording srotary; Mrs. Frank Morris, correspoiing secretary; Mrs. Thomas J. Vivitveasurer; Mrs. Robins A. Lau. hisrian; 'Mrs. William J. Farrell, WFrancis B. Gerrard, Mrs. P. J. Ga»nd Mrs. James Moran.

The Post-Parliament will openseason at Hotel McAlpin next FridayU a. m. The meeting will be in cha«f the president, Mrs. Cora We!Trow. "Current Events" will besubject for discussion.The Congress of States Societies 1

as usual, kept open headquarterssummer at Hotel Gregorian, wherregistration bureau and informatbureau and papers from all home at*are constantly at the disposal ofvisitors. There will be several affigjven this season for the benefit efund to establish a permanent hiQuarters, which wil be known asStates Headquarters and will biMecca for all.north, south, eastwest.The business of the congress i*the hands of a large board of direelwhich meets once a month. The nactive committee this season will

tha ways and means committee, *»Mrs. Jahn B. Sheppard, the chainwith a large number of assistaand the membership committee, *

Mrs. Luellen Bussenius, the chainMrs, Bussenius, with a very Is«orps of members, will begin antensive membership campaign withslogan, "One thousand members1928."r The officers of the congress are 1Thomas 3. Vivian, president; the p¡dents of tha affiliated societies, vpresidents, Urs. John B. Sheppard,cording seiuretary; Mrs. CharlesHirst, corresponding secretary; 3

»»Frederick C. Gay, ireasyrer, and 1William C. Cacble, historian.The state societies affiliated with

congress are Daughters of AlabaMra. WU!i»m L. Sands, president;tional California Clob, Mr?. ThornsVivian, president; th« Society of

i noie Women, Mrs. Thomas SIprésidant; Indiana Club, Mr. -lía:W-yngar, president; Iowa Naw YorkMrs. Charles F. Gallager, presidíKansas Women's Club, Mrs. DavidLuckey, president; Louisiana SociMrs. P. J- White, president; MiWomen's Club, Mrs. William F. C<

Mrs, George H. Childs

,,:..::;v:.::..-.f.: .-¦.....¦ .:.Vr.-.ÏÎ.Ï.V:.:.-..i_> ,. ./..i.* '. ..V... :\...:'.;.V!! .'.v ,,,... a.,,'... aSSffPSJte »* chairman for the Rainy Day Club silver jubileo breakfast, to begiven in honor of the president, Mrs. A. M. Palmer, at the Hotel Astor

on November 1.

lin, president; Michigan Women inNew York, Mr*. John .1. Bush, presi-dent; Daughters, of Michigan, Mrs. N.D. Van Slingerlarid, president; Mis¬souri Women's Club, Mi's. Wright John¬son, president; Nebraska Society, Mrs.Hal T. Beans, president; ' Society ofNew York Stale Women, Dr. FrancesW. Monell. president; National Societyof Ohio Women. Dr. K|*dolj>h M. Bin¬der, president: Daughter,-* of Pennsyl¬vania, Mrs. Walter S. Comly, presi¬dent; South Carolina Society, Mrs.Edward B. Williams, president; TexasClub, Mrs. O. R. von Bonnewitz, pres¬ident; Society of Virginia Women,Mrs. Frank M. Tench, president; Wash¬ington State As.eociation, Mrs. WilliamT. Trimble. president; WisconsinWomen's Society, Mrs. Victor Fred-rickson, president.Drama Comedy, Edyth Totten presi¬dent, will have the first card partyOctober 16 at the Hotel Astor, pro¬

ceeds to go to the "shoe fund" of theLittle Mother's Aid Association, ofwhich Mrs. Clarence Burns is presi¬dent.October 20 the Halloween dance

will have a pumpkin dance among theprize features and a colored jazz band,

October 27.the first Friday review.there will be two new one-act playsput on by Edyth Totten and played bythe Drama Comedy Players: "Mother,"a heart drama, with C. Grayte Hull,Clarn Evelyn Rice, Myrtle Schiffmanar.d Jane Brinkley, and "Fools," a so¬ciety pastime comedy with ErameMaa'k and C. Grayte Hull. Drama Com¬edy will devote all its, charitable workfor the "shoe fund" of the LittleMothers' Aid Association.At the social matinees held in the

grand ball room, Hotel Astor, Mr.Carl Fique will give a series of Shake¬speare overtures on the organe* Thefirst overture, November 10, will be"The Merry Wives of Windsor."A reception will be tendered to Mr.

and Mrs. J. Fred Hinckley by the mem¬bers of Drama Comedy in Montclair,N. J., October 13, at the opening oftheir new permanent'home, 9 PiersonPlace, Montclair. ."""

The Woman's Republican Club. Inc.,MtS. -lames Griswold Wentz presidentand founder, will hold its first meetingof the season on Tuesday at 10.30 a. ravin the ballroom of the Hotel Plaza.It will be in the nature of a campaignrally, to which all women are cordiallyinvited; no cards required. The speak-era at 11:30 a. m. include Mr. RobertMcElroy and Representative Ogden L.Mills. I"Political night" will be held by theUniversity Forum of America Tuesdayevening at the headquarters of theclub, at 203 West Ninety-third Street.Mr. John P. O'Brien, A. M., LL. D.,who is Corporation Counsel of the Cityof New York, will be the guest ofhonor of the evening and will give anaddress on "Public Service."Miss Louise Gleason, mezzo-soprano,will sing.Dr. Alexander Cumming, who is thepresident of the forum, will be thechairman of the evening and theMisses Isabelle and Marion Murphywill be the hostesses.The National Opera Ciub of America.Mme. Katharine von Klenner founderand president, will have a program ofItalian music and artists on ColumbusjD*y, at 2 p. m., at the Waldorf-Astoria.

| The guests of honor will be the dele-gates to the State Federation of Worn-i en's Clubs. The artists will include MissAmy Grant. "Modern Italian Opera,*';Havrah Hubbard, "Old Italian Opera";Mr. Edgar Bowman, "My Summer inItaly"; Mile. Erminia Ligotti. of theBrooklyn Opera Company, aria from"Madame Butterfly," Puccini, and ariafrom "Travista," Verdi. Michael An¬selmo, violin soli, accompanied byJulius Shjcndel. Signor R. Sapio willaccompany Miss Ligotti.Miss Julia Claussen will be pre¬sented to the club as the new vice-president. A brief report of the hi-,ennial will be given by Mme. von Klen¬ner. Dancing will follow the pro¬gramme in charge of the melophoni.committee, Mrs. Rubsam chairman.

The Professional Woman's League,Mrs. Russell Bassett president, willhold a business meeting to-morrow, mclub social on October 16 at 2 p. m. atthe cîub rooms, 144 West Fifty-ftfthStreet, Mrs. Carty chairman, and onOctober 19 a card party with special

prizes for each table, Mrs. Schaefferchairman. Delegates appointed to at¬tend the State Federation Conventionare Mrs. Fen Hendricks, Mrs. N. Craw¬ford, Mrs. Russell Bassett, Miss Ball«Gold, Mrs. Tempel, Miss branca»Brooke, Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Matthie-sen. Mrs. Ben Hendricks is chairmanof the annual bazaar which will beheld in December at the Hotel McAlpin.The first regular meeting of The

Government Club, Mrs. George E.Owens, president, was held at l>h_Hotel Astor October 2 at 2 p. m. Mrs.Walter S. Comly greeted the club.

Mrs. Harry Lilly, chairman of thafirst district, New York State Federa¬tion of Women's Clubs, gave an officialannouncement relative to the programof the convention to be held.

Dr. Charles H. Herty, the speakerfor the*.afternoon, made disclosuresrelative to the condition of the chem¬ical industry in this country and madean ardent plea that the women exertthemselves to see that remedial legis¬lation would be enacted at the recon¬vening of Congress to protect thechemical industry in the United States.

Delegates to the State Federationconvention elected were as follows*.Mrs. George E. Owens, Mrs. H. C.Huber, Mrs. Howard W. Sullivan andMrs. B. F.'Harrison.Alternates.MrS. A. U. Keedwell.

Mrs, H. C. Hoyt, Mrs. L. Moore andMrs. Mary E. Prescott.

Oelegates and alternates to the CityFederation convention te be held at theHote^Astor on October 27 were as fol¬lows: Mrs. George E. Owens and Mrs,Walter Haskell.Alternates.Mrs. William Bissell«

and Mrs. H. C. Hoyt.Theoria will hold its first meeting of

the season on November 15 at theHotel Astor. Luncheon will be servedin the north ballroom and after thtguests of honor have been presentedthe club will attend a matinee. As .No¬vember 15 is the third birthday oíTheoria a gala- day is expectedTheoria's object is to foster love oithe drama and dramatic art. The prin¬ciple is to promote the success of tinAmerican author and actor by patron¬age and encouragement of worthjplays and to welcome without prejudicibut with justice talent .-fan any landAt the Hotel Astor arK importan)board of council meeting will be hele

at 2 o'clock to-morrow. On FridayOctober 20, a meeting will be held wit-the hostesses at tha Hotel ChelseaWest Twenty-third Street, the home o;the president, Mrs. Wood.More than 100 new members hav«

been added to the membership thiiseason.- ».

New York Mozart SocietyPlays Golf Tournament

Luncheon and Cards FollowMatch at the Scarsdale

Country ClubThe New York Mozart Society, Mrs

Noble McConncll president, held a goltournament last Thursday at the Scaradale Golf and Country Club throug,the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. WilliarMaynard Haradoh. Luncheon ancards followed. Mrs. Haradon donateprizes for the cards and Mrs. Edwin (Holston gave three prizes for the gol| tournament.Among the players were Mr. anMrs. Noble McConncll. Mr. and Mrs. IFred Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MBentley, Mr. and Mrs. Edgardo. Cha:leuger, Mr. and Mr». William M. Handon, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. O'NellMi. and Mrs. Frederic C. Stevens, Mand Mrs. E. B. Sclrmalholz, Mrs. Berjam in Adriance, Mrs. Arthur Ackej

man, Mrs. Frank J. Bryeon, Mrs. ElliBuxbaum, Mrs. Frank Begrisch, MrChurlea A. Beehstein, Miss EleaneBoeturo. Dr. William Wheeler BraslMrs. Henry Borden, Mrs. John 1Churlo, Mrs. J. T. Curtis, Mrs. Alfr.C«*w, Mrs. Frnnk H. Edmunds, MrCarrie IJeesion, Miss Grace A. HessioiMrs. Edwin C. Hointon, Mrs Ira 1H«ll. Miss Melba K. Gundlach, MrOwen J. McWilliam«, Miss Marion 4O'Neill, .Mis« Beatrice E. Sillo. MrCharla« C. ¡Spanier, Mrs, F. MacD. Sirclair, Miss Lillian D. Schwoorar, MrCharles Simon, Mrs."John Van NoorMr*. B-rthi 1>. Wri_?ht and Mrs. J.hH. Wright.

In Westchester County IMiss Susan Margaret iVJiurray Becomes Bride of

Mr. G. T. Claydoii; Invitations Issuedfor Miss Bert's Wedding

Misa Susan Margaret Murray, daugh¬ter- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murray,o5 Stephensoh Park, N'ew Rochelle,was man-itld o.i Wodnesday eveningat 618O o'clttittk to Mr. George ThomasClaydoti, son of Mr**. Thomas Claydon,of 108 Summit Avenue, Mount Vernot».Tho ceremony was performed In theBleesod Sacrament Church, Now Tto-chellô. by th« Rev, Comalias F. Crow-ley, 'flit bride w»s attend««, by hersirfter, Mis« Katharine Murray, as maidof honor, snd four- brldasmaids.Mlr.sEJsie Fat-rail, of Hyda Berk, N. Y.;Miss Mary Elizabeth Vail, of NewRochelle, Miss Agüen Welling, of NewRochelle, and Miss Margaret Murray,of Staatsburg, N. Y.A recaption at the home of the bride

followed the ceremony. Mr, and Mrs.Cliiydop will make their home in NewYork City after they return from theirwedding trip.

Invitations have boen issued for thowedding of Miss Margaret Bert, daugh¬ter of Mr. s,nd Mrs. Charles W. Bert,formeïjy of Yonkera, now of Chambor*.»burg, Pa., who will bo married onOctober 10 to Mr. Maurice HarveyIvens, of Philadelphia, in the MethodistChurch at. Chambersburg. Followingthe ceremony a recaption will be heldut the home of the bride.

. Tho wedding of Miss Mildred Atkins,daughter af Mr. and Mi's. G-oorge M.Atkins, of GO Orary Avenue, MountVernon, to Mr. John Craig Simpson,formorly of Richmond, Vs., now ofMount Vorno;*, will take place at 11o'clock an Thursday morning, October12. at the Church of the Ascension,Mount Vernon»The Rev. Molford Losee Brown will

perform 'the coremony, and the bridewill be given away by her father. Shewill be attended by her sister, Mrs.Charles William Schrotef, of MountVernon. as matron of honpr. Mr. Ed¬mund Simpson, brother of the bride-groora, of Richmond. Va., will be bestman. The ushers will be Mr. CharlesWilliam Schröter, of Mount Vernon;Mr. Morris Atkins, of Mount Vernon,brother of the bride, and Mr. DonaldNadwick, of New York City. Followingthe» ceremony there will be a luncheonfor the .immediate family and bridalparty at the home of the bride'«parents. The young couple expect tomake their horn« in Mount Vernonfollowing their wedding trip.

Mr. Simpson served in the WorldWar in the flald artillery, and attendedtha University of Richmond, Vs., fora tin»-*- Wh» Atkl-js is a graduate ofHunter College, New York.

Invitations ware issued on Mondayof this week for the wedding of MissBeatrico Mae Jones, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Edwin W. Jones, of 288 SouthThird Avenue, Mount Vernon, to Mr.Oliver Reynolds Wulf, of Waterbury,Conn. The ceremony will take plat*on Saturday, October 31, at 8:80o'clock, at the Chureh of the Ascension,Mount Vernon. -**

Of great interest to Larchmont so¬ciety was the wadding of Miss SarahOr-eafh Webb Ferrait, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. James P. Ferrall, of 30 Pros-pact Avenue, Larchmont Manor, to Mr.F. Duval Broun, son of Dr. and Mrs.Leroy Broun, of 148 West Seventy-aevf.uth Street, New York City, whichtook place on Thursday evening at¿sSO ocloek at the home of the bride'sparents.The Rot. Patrick Morris, of St.

Joseph's Church, New York City, per¬formed the ceremony, and the bridewas given away by her father. Thebridal attendants were Miss MargaretFerrall, of Larchmont, sister of thebride, maid of honor, and Mrs. J. B.Lyon, of New York City, matron ofhonor. The bridesmaids were MissVirginia) Fitzpatrick. of Larchmont;Miss Ann Brown Oler, of Larchmont,and Miss Cora Rantett, of New YorkCity.

Mr. Leroy Broun, of New York City,brother of the bridegroom, was bestman. The ushers were Mr. John CoxFenall, of Larchmont; Mr. James P.Ferralljr., of Memphis, Tenn., brothersof the bride; Mr. Addison Fordyce, ofNew York City, and Mr. Charl-js Jones,of New York City.A reception for 800 guests was held

at the home of the bride's parents, fol¬lowing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.Broun will make their home in NewYork City.

Mr. and Mrs. William Knight jr., ofPelham Manor, have been staying atthe Bellevue-Stratfard, in Philadelphia.

Miss Virginia Alexander, of FowlerAvenue, Pelham Manor, left last weekfor St. Mary's School in Peekskill.Miss Elizabeth Duffy, of Hudson, hasbeen the guest of Mrs. J. Frank Ducy,of Rochelle Terrace, Pelham Manor.Mr. and Mrs. George Graer, MissKatherine Maxwell and Mr. RobertCluett, of Port Chester, motored toGreat Barrington, Mass., last week.The dinner-dance at the ApawajoisGolf Club of Rye, held on Thursdaynight of last woek, proved one of tha

biggest social events of the season,drawing many members and theirguests from Rye, Port Chester,Mama.roneçk and Larchmont. PaulWhiteman's orchestra furnished themusk-.

Mr, and Mrs. W. Mitchell VanWinkle, of Rye, have returned fromp. summer at Ilillhome, Litchfleld, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hathaway, of Rye,who have been at Hyannisport, Mass.,this summer, have returned to theirhome on Blind Brook Lane.Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Van HoutenSickels, of Yonkere, who were marriedrecently, have returned -from theirwedding trip at Lake George and aremaking their home for the präsentwith the bride's parents. Mrs. Sickels

was formerly Mies Ethel Farrington,a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.Farrington, of Park Hill, Yonkers.Mrs. Alice Warth, of Dfes Moines,Iowa, has been the guest of her cousin.Mrs. Ernest He3Se, of Linn Avenue,Yonkers.

Mrs. Robert Bahr, of Hastings-on-Hudaon, opö-hed her attractive home ontho evening of Thursday, September28, for a benefit musical« and recitalfor the building fund of Grace Church,Hastings.Nikola Zan, barytone, formerly ofthe Metropolitan Opera Company; Wag¬nerSwayne Kelly, basso; Helen A,Stella, concert pianist, and Winifredvogelius, contralto, war« the promi¬nent artists heard in two groups efsongs.Mr. Harry Irvine, English author,actor and lecturer, and M?s. Irvineware seen in several scenes from

dflama classic». The proceed» fromthis »flair, whioh attraeted many promi-nsnt men and women in tho com-»uttity, went entirely to tha churchfund, for which a campaign i*i beingconducted on a large «cele.

Mount Varnín sioiety intarestcd it-sal, in a ."^.loal. giv«n »t tha BlwanoyCountry Club on th« evening of Thurs¬day, Septamb.r E3. A dinner pre¬ceded the affair.

Miss Graoa Potter, of Casiillis Ave¬nue, Armour Villa Park, Bronxvillc,returned raoantly from Hawaii, whore»ha has been '

«ponding th« last threeyear..

Major and Mt'S- Ernest Edgar John¬son and Miss Johnson, of PolhamManor, have b«f«n spending severalweek**« at tho Sharwood Fôio-t Club.On-the-Savevn, Maryland.At the waekly bridge game at thtHotel Gramatah the pfiu« winners

were Mr*. B. N. Allen, Dr. W. A. Bart-lett, Mrs. H. M. BiddU, Mrs. WilliamF. Glare, Mrs. J. 3. Cannon and Mrs.,t. P. ¿aym«, of Bronxville.

Mr. and Mrs. George A, B.Uim, of164 North Fulton Avenue, Mount Ver-non, arriv.d home last weak on thesteamer Sylvia from Newfoundland,whr.ro they spent several weeks.

Mr«. Willis Rislar, of South TwelfthAvenue, Mount Varnon, spent lastweek-end with har son, Mr. William P.Risler, at Rivera«*'*., L. I.

Miss Claire Hoffman, of W.atchesterAvenu«, Mount Vamoi*. loft thia weekto enter Martha Washington Seminar}-.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Baldwin, of NorthColumbus Avanua, Mount Vernon, re¬turned recently from a three weeks'stay at Atlanta City.

Mrs. David H. Wilson, of 139 NorthFulton Avanu«, Mount Vernon. enter¬tained at bridge last Friday afternoonin honor of Mrs. Herbert L. Mayorga,of Cincinnati.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hull, of Mount

Vernon, closed their homo on the Es¬planade this week and will spend thewinter in N«w York City.Misa Manon Hill, of 148 Echo Ave¬

nu«. Nsw Rot-hall**, was th« guest ofMiss Gladys Johnson, Glenviile Road,Greenwich, over last week end.

Mr?. William M. Harding, ButtonManor, New Rochall«, has been at At¬lantic City for a short visit. «

Miss Mari.rie Collins, Sidney Street,New Rochelle, has left for WellesleyCollage.Mr. Albort B. .Sheridan, of 5 Over¬

look Road, N«w Rochelle, has returnedto Yal« University, where he is a mem¬ber of the junior class.Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mills, of

Irving Place, Now Rochelle, are en¬joying three weeks Of motoringthrough the Berkshy.s.Mrs- Harry Seobl« and son, of 97

Walnut Street, N_w Rochelle, returnedrecently from Delaware Water Gap,where they have been visiting Mrs.Scohle's mother sine« May.

Mrs. Kenneth Huntington, of 187Hamilton Avenue, New Rochalle, andiîrs. Greta W. Savage, of Now YorkCity, returned last Sunday from WhiteSulphur Springs, W. Va., where theystopped at the Green Briar Hotel whilethe women's national golf tournamentwas in progress.

The informal midweek social eventat the Báiley Park Country Club inMount Vernon Thursday night of lastweek attracted over 250 guests. Pro¬gressive bridge, a smoker and dancingwere the diversions of the evening.There were forty tables for bridge, un¬der the direction of Mr. Milton C.Work, chairman of the card committeeof the New York Whist Club. Priceswere awarded in the br_lge games asfollow«: First prize for women, won byMrs. H. J. Pruddon, a sterling silvervanity case; first priso for men, won byMr. Joseph T, McCaddon jr., of NewYork, a sterling silver cigarette case;consolation prize for women, won byMrs. A. T. G«scheidt, a string of pearls.Thoro wer« guests present from MountVernon, N«w York and different sec¬tions of the county.Mrs. E. H. White, of Larchmont, hascloaèd h»r home at 20 Magnolia Ave¬

nue, and will spend the winter in NewYork City.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Silk, of Larch¬mont, are home from South Egremont,Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Millard and sons,of Stuyveeant Avenue, Larchmont, willspend the winter in New York City.Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hamilton, ofLarchmont, and children, are homefrom an extensive a_tomobile«.onr andare occupying their home at 18 BayardStreet.Dr, Thomas W. Salmon alfd family,of 81 Beach Avenue, Larchmont. archome from a summer at Doräct, Vt.Mr. and Mrs. Burt Ward, of Larch¬mont, have returned home from NewHampshire. ,

Mrs. M. C. Wilcox, of the Royal Vic¬toria Hotel, Larchmont, sailed forEurope last Saturday.Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robinson jr., of42 Oak Avonue,, Larchmont, have ,-ir-riv.d home after a ten-day auto tourof the Adirondack« and Canada.Miss Eleanor Pugsley, of 52 CraryAvonue, Mount Vernon, gave a showerlost Friday evening at her home inhonor of Miss Mildred Atkins, also ofMount Vernon.Miss Atkins will Wed Mr. John CraigSimpson, formerly of Richmond. Va.,but residing !n Mount Vernon at près-1ont, on October 12.A luncheon and meeting of the his-1tor-f dapartrnont of the W.stchesterWomen's Club was hold on Mondayaft_f*noon at Mount Vernon. The meet¬ing was in charge of Mrs. Louis M.Sweet, the naw chairman, whose sub¬ject waj "Scandinavia." She was as¬sisted by Mrs. Henry Rudolph and MissClendenln.Mr. and Mrs.E. Harold Sherwood, ofRockland Avanue, Port Chester, mo¬tored to Quebec by way of the WhiteMountains and Maine. They will re¬turn via Montreal and the Adirondack,**.Mia« Marion Picon«, of McLean Ave¬nue, Yonkors, arrived home on Mon7day aboard the Julius Ciesar fromNaples, Italy. Miss Piconc was tour-

Mrs. Edward H. Maynard

She ¡s enairmtm o/ use general arrangements commutée /or the con¬

vention of tlie New York State Federation of Women's Clubs, whichopens to-morrow at. the Hotel Commodore.

ing Europe, but was called home sud¬denly because of the death of hersister.

Mr. Edward J. Fitzgerald, of 19ÜNepperhan Avenue, Yonkers. returnedhome this week from a two weeks'visit with relatives in Tennessee.

Mr. Albert Storms, of 37 SpruceStreet, Yonkers, returned home recent¬ly from Canada, where he enjoyed afishing trip of two weeks.

Miss Ruth Russell Halsted, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Halsted, of 176WoodWorth Avenue, Yonkers, has en¬tered the freshman class at BarnardCollege, where she is beginning athree-year pre-medical course.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuol F. Wherry, of10 Highland Avenue, Yonkers, have an¬nounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss EfFie May Wherry, toMr. John Milton Sterling, son of Mr.and Mrs. Frederick S. Sterling, of Mid-idlctown, N. Y.

Miss Alice B. Todd-and Mrs. Wil¬liam S. Todd, of 235 South LexingtonAvenue, White Plains, have returnedfrom the Adirondacks.

Mrs. George P. Schneider and fam¬ily, of Bursley Place, White Plains,have returned after a motor trip,through New Y'ork.

Mrs. Ira Smith, of Barker Avenue,White Plains, has returned to herhome after a summer at Loon Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. John Manly, of HowardAvenue, White Plains, heve gone toHonolulu,

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Breen, oíWhite Plains, have returned ***fromabroad and will pass the winter at theGedney Farm Hotel.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Lawrence

and son Dudley, of Bronxville,-returnedrecently from Atlantic City, wherethey spent several days at the HotelAmbassador.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howes and son,of Bronxville, who have been spend¬ing the summer at Gloucester, Mass.,have returned home,

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Meadowsand daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sher¬man, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jolies, arestopping at the American Yacht .Club,at Rye.

Miss Dorothy Hardy, daugl-itr of Mr.and Mrs. George E. Hardy, of 81 Sara¬toga Avenue, Yonkers. returned recently to Centenary Collegiate Institute.,Hackettstown, N. J., where she willenter the junior class. .

Miss Eli*:abeth Scott of Deposit, N.Y., who'has been the guest of Mr. andMrs. B, R. Gilmdur of 34 TuckahoeRoad, Yonkers, left last week for Gou-cher College, Baltimore.

Miss Lucia Goldthorp of Maiibor-ough Road, 'Ncpperhan Heights, Yon¬kers, has left for Middlobury College,at Middlebury, Vt., where she is\ inthe sophomoro year.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Philip Ea.ston,of 231 North Broadway, Yonkers, havereturned' from Lenox, Mass., wherethey spent several weeks following asummer at Magnolia, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Land, of 400North Broadway, Yonkers, have re¬lu vned from the Lake Placid Club,where thov spent the summer. Theystopped off in the Berkshire*! on theirway home.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Snyder and Mr.and Mrs. Harry Grecnhalgh. of Yon¬kers, have returned from touring NewYork Stato, own* the Mohawk Trailand Canada. En route home they visit¬ed Warren Snyder at Union College,Schenectady.Miss Helen Hanson, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs, Horace B. Hanson, of Lowerre

Summit, Yonkers, has left for the Eas-ton School of Music,« at Rochester.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ryan, of Yon-¡ kers, have returned to their home inBruce Avenue, after closing their sum-mer. home in Fairiielri Beach, Conn.,where they have been since car!;.- inpie season.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren, ofBurlington, Vt., haves been the guestsof Mrs. Robert Hacket'«., of LoudounStreet, ana Mr?. William P. Graves, ofSaratoga Avenue. Yonkers,

Mrs. Edward Packard, Of Cliff Ave¬nue. Yonkers, is entertaining her par¬ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lord ofBoston.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bird Foid, ofLarchmont, have left for Now Jersey,where they expect to remain through¬out the winter.

_, ¦.«.

Thousands EntertainedOver Nassau County

Bankers and Poioists Lead inBusy Schedule for Past

Social WeekA'/'Cf :.al D-jpatci: to Tits Tribune

GARDEN CITY, L. !.. Oct. 7..Thishas probably been one of tha moatnotable weeks, socially and from asportsman's viewpoint, that NassauCounty ever has known.With the international poioists tryingconclusions on the International Field

at Meadow Brook, the three-days open-air show at the Piping Rock Club andthe visit of scores of bankers attend-ing the American Bankers Associationmeeting in Ntw York and gOÎSng ¿ur-ing t-hcii- leisure hours on the various

j courses of this section, it has been abusy period.The Garden City Hotel was the seen«of many farewell dinners from fiieoverseas poioists. Many of the v." ¦*.;-

Ing banker;; to New York also hi dfarewell dinner at the Garden C '.:,Hotel before departing to their various

¡homes.Twenty-five thousand or more carne«down to Meadow Biook daily for '."-¦-.,poio games, and aside from ($._ ......ber of »visitors' aimOS. every country| home of Long Island had its full quotaof visitors.

! New Yorker*. RegisteredAmong Traymore Arrivals

Among the prominent arrivals fromNew York at the Hotel Traymore. At¬lantic City, are Mrs. John F, Baudou-ine, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Irwin, Ute.H. H. Westinchouse, Mr. an« Mrs?. J. '..Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Do St. -*«;-bins, Mi*, and Mrs. F. G. Cummins, v.and Mrs. Henry Pie*son, Mr. and (ViraDonald Beebc, Mr. Edmund Goûldiri*..Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Crowle-v. Mr, s .:.«.Mrs. J. L. O'Hsver, Mr. and Mr.. F, 0.Asche, Mr. Louis J. M.Nally, Mrs. T. II.McCarty and many others.?. ¦¦

Engagement Announced oí.Miss Dorothy WilUou fiioss

Mrs. Charlee H. Broas, _;.' Ifalcjro«Park, New Rochelle, announces -heengagement of her daughter. MissDorothy Wiilson Br.r.s, to Sir, J. Nor¬man McDowell, soi* of the Rev. ;-iv_Mrs. T. R. McDowell, of Avondalc. Pa.Mi3s Bvoas was graduated from MountHolyoke College in vy¿i. ¦¦

Mr. McDowell i. a graduate ofPrinceti-n University, «917, and sawactive service in the World War as afirst lieutenant in the 73th Division ma¬chine gun squadron.

Crippled Children SchoolBeging Wo.\._ for SoasanThe Free Industrial School Tor Crip¬pled Children, 471 West F.fty-.evciuthStreet, opened October 3 at .he Church;of the Strangers with a full attend¬

ance and the children in splendidhealth after their summer at the LuluThjorley Home for Cripoled and Deli-jcarte Children, Ciavcruck*. N. Y.


This is the season when the selection of New Î-Iangings andCoverings is a real problem. Our showing of DistinctiveDrapery Fabrics createcV- by the best Designers and ColorArtists of F^uvope offers every advantage to those desiring toavoid the commonplace. Come in and let us help you solveyour Drapery problems.GENUINE REED FURNITURE

Trie REED SHÜR Inc.* j9 East; 57th Street, bet. Fifth and Madison Ave«., New York ;iinwiiiiiaaainiiimi



rali fgj-^jforth ¡t,,

rt-y» of ti.

Return of SummerTo Atlantic» Cit?Increases A ri ivi

Amuseraents Are Boomi»,Pier« Well Patron¡zwj.£ilerlammmu, Set ft^for Ifm Period ai Hv.mnMpeMal D(***mu<

ATLANTIC CITY, Get 7^¿!ions which beganvc-ek have b<*«-»ri <\\jnde.* the infîuenee«un, which rival those during A»*,r September. Midaumm« ££&has boomed all activi-Mes to '"*-*exceeding anything in ¿¿sort l¡£!*AmwtmexU are boom in*- an» ¿I**?-piers f-re well patronized m **«Mr. and Mr?. Robert V! M»rNew York, entertained w:\hte«the Ambassador. Guests .*»i-ludí?,?1and Mr*. C. M. Plnney, mTÏISGreely, S. W. CauJfic-ld/ Mrs' frFrees, oí New Vf,!-!». ******

, £wfc í' -Í»CÍÍ N'Cholson. of Ckü«cslebrated h s fort**-f*r«t u-L-lj*"the Aabaa**ad6r. b!rth*-»The N».w Jfork set at the Kitton war, recently joined by K?ney V/arrer: r »,.. ',', ¦

Mi. and ,v .;- Joh«Xand Mr«. R. ._C. R. Holme«. * m

th?CRr^- arr,Vil" 'rom New yoHsthe Breaker» w,dudc Mr. Robert Sart, Mr. Morton R. Arbu** \i"V.^.«tt, Mr. Herman fcffi' F

Dennis delude* Mra. Ricbarf ¿31M». F. G. Scott, Mra. ««»orge r ni!and .,-. and Mr,. F. G. Kine ^«i.ec-rt arrivals at the Ma;lboroMi 1Blenheim are Mr. and Mr- r /..V SMr. Frank W. Drake. M Tcfcorge^BS IStewart, Mr and Mr,. F.Y. U,et'

and Miss 8*die Brujía. '

Visiter; at the Brighton from SewYork incluue Mr. Domont Bunker «-

Mm ^S'H°LoPeb SIbUbwm and **-.««¦New maaúflg tb»ír home altiie Chalíonto ;>,; Mr. S-ephen &&,?reit, Mrs. TV. D Doyd. Mr». F. C. dem-enta ar.-! Mrs. J. O.Atkinson.Late arriva'.- :':om Kew York at Hac-«lon Hali arc Mr. Francia Pav-sefl, Mr'Thomas Howe!!. Mr. John Olney an«iMrs. A. C. Sa*r r.Visiting 9 Strand are the fol-!ov-«-ifí fro York: The Rev. R r

Callahan and Mr and Mrs. CharlesRoyer jr.The New York contingent it the Sea

»Side now includes Miss Etb el M. IrvineMr. George W. Garretson, Mr. W. H.Stimson ar/î daugl tee,Recently coming from Ne*** York to« ».'mí,::»" . *:,- »,.,. v.. n..jtne

crick Star/.;schild.New York

elude Mr?. Ajr. and Mr. :

r. and Mrs. Frcd-"-'¦ E L-. Roth-

"»he Pehnhurst its:e.Hr.A.M.FuU»*TInward TLvbn.

3Iiss Jane C. -?tl<}!ioy*9Engagectje**! Announced]

The announcement ä made by MeThomas M'Olloy, of L/nbrook, L. 1.the engagcr.'idn. : her daughter. MlJans Cath» û: e o'.loy, to Mr. RajJudÉbn Bntt=. wedd ig will jplace .-. -, t &f Moi "av. Oítober 23, át rcetorv if :». M


ni ».--'.


//¦.¦\ L.':r:\ ¦'-.,'\ ¿a\\ J ... »i-


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