Orchid Way, Wadalba NSW 2259. PO Box 294, Wyong NSW 2259 OFFICE 02 4356 2888 FAX 02 4356 2899 wadalba-c.school @det.nsw.edu.au www. wadalba-c.schools.nsw.edu.au news THE UNLOCKING THE BRILLIANCE IN EACH OF US TERM 1, 2020 :: WEEK 3 What’s In the Newsletter? Principal & Deputy Attendance - AVID English - Cultural HSIE - Library - Support Unit Maths - Middle School Japanese - Creative and Performing Arts PDHPE - Welfare Chess Program Principal Welcome I would like to welcome our students and families to the new school year, including new families to the school. I would also like to welcome and introduce new staff to our school, including Ms Beecroft (DP Secondary), Ms Johnson (Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts), Ms Price (English), Mr Blue (Mathematics), Mr Magrin (Science), Mr Camilleri (Science), Ms Horsley (School Counsellor) and Ms Byrnes (School Psychologist). School Directions This year is the last year of our current three year school plan and vision “Unlocking the Brilliance in Each of Us”. We will be looking at big and small ideas to include in our next three year plan as we seek continuous improvement. We remain focused on the work in classrooms that happens each and every lesson. This includes seeking ways to build the capacity of students to be active and passionate about their learning. This is supported by three key directions that frame our School Plan: 1. (Put first things first) Nurturing a learning growth mindset 2. (Abundance mentality) Being the best I can be - Respecting the people and world around me 3. (Synergy) Fostering a Spirit of Community. Best wishes for 2020 I would like to wish all of our students a prosperous new year for their learning and in their many other endeavours. We look forward to working with families.

news...Orchid Way, Wadalba NSW 2259. PO Box 294, Wyong NSW 2259 OFFICE 02 4356 2888 FAX 02 4356 2899 wadalba-c.school @det.nsw.edu.au www. wadalba-c.schools.nsw.edu.au THE news UNLOCKING

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Orchid Way, Wadalba NSW 2259. PO Box 294, Wyong NSW 2259OFFICE 02 4356 2888 FAX 02 4356 2899

[email protected]




T E R M 1 , 2 0 2 0 : : W E E K 3

What’s In the Newsletter?

Principal & Deputy

Attendance - AVID

English - Cultural

HSIE - Library - Support Unit

Maths - Middle School

Japanese - Creative and Performing Arts

PDHPE - Welfare

Chess Program

Principal WelcomeI would like to welcome our students and families to the new school

year, including new families to the school.

I would also like to welcome and introduce new staff to our

school, including Ms Beecroft (DP Secondary), Ms Johnson (Head

Teacher Creative and Performing Arts), Ms Price (English), Mr Blue

(Mathematics), Mr Magrin (Science), Mr Camilleri (Science), Ms Horsley

(School Counsellor) and Ms Byrnes (School Psychologist).

School DirectionsThis year is the last year of our current three year school plan and

vision “Unlocking the Brilliance in Each of Us”. We will be looking at

big and small ideas to include in our next three year plan as we seek

continuous improvement.

We remain focused on the work in classrooms that happens each

and every lesson. This includes seeking ways to build the capacity of

students to be active and passionate about their learning.

This is supported by three key directions that frame our School Plan:

1. (Put first things first) Nurturing a learning growth mindset

2. (Abundance mentality) Being the best I can be - Respecting the

people and world around me

3. (Synergy) Fostering a Spirit of Community.

Best wishes for 2020I would like to wish all of our students a prosperous new year for their

learning and in their many other endeavours. We look forward to

working with families.

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From the Deputy

Welcome back students, staff, families and

community to the 2020 school year. It has been a

busy start to the term with a large number of new

families joining our school community. We wish them

a warm welcome and look forward to working in

partnership with all families.

The Deputy Principal team would like to congratulate

Mr Brad Glachan on his successful teaching career

and wish him the best in his retirement. Following on

from that would also like to give a warm welcome to

Mrs Deanna Beecroft who is joining our team as the

Year 8 and Year 11 Deputy Principal. 

The swimming carnival took place on Thursday,

and although the sun wasn’t shining the students in

attendance had a good day with some impressive

swimming.   Information regarding Zone Swimming

will be communicated shortly. 

The WCS calendar for term 1 is diverse offering

a large number of opportunities for families to

connect with the school, including P and C meeting

on the 26th February, the Yr 11 Information

Evening, the Yr 7 Progress Evening and the Yr 7

2021 Information Evening. We hope that parents

and carers take these opportunities to engage

with students learning. Relevant information is

communicated via email, facebook and the school

website. Year 10 students will meet with the Blue

Datto team https://bluedatto.org.

au/ and Yr 11 with RYDA http://

www. rse.org.au/programs/ryda/,

to learn more about Road Safety,

to help with sensible decision

making as they gain their L and P

plates. Other events on the Term

1 calendar include school photos,

immunisations for Yr 7 and our

school ANZAC Service towards the

end of the term. We are looking

forward to continuing to welcome

families into the school for all our

information sessions and special


It is fantastic to see students arriving to school

prepared for learning with the correct equipment

and uniform. If you have any questions regarding

equipment needs for specific subjects please

make contact with the classroom teacher or Head

Teacher of the faculty. Uniform is available from the

school canteen or can be purchased online via the

Wadlaba Community School website through flexi

schools https://wadalba-c.schools.nsw.gov.au/p-c/

uniform-shop.html . Please be aware that tights (any

colour), ripped jeans, and shorts and jumpers with

logo’s part from the WCS logo are not part of our

school uniform.

Have a great term 1. 

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Attendance MattersAs the new year begins, we kindly ask parents and/

or carers to make themselves familiar with the

attendance requirements of Wadalba Community


What are my legal responsibilities? Education in New South Wales is compulsory for all

children between the ages of six years and below

the minimum school leaving age. The Education Act

1990 requires that parents ensure their children of

compulsory school age are enrolled at, and regularly

attend school. Once enrolled, children are required

to attend school each day it is open for students. 

The importance of arriving on time Arriving at school and class on time: 

• Ensures that students do not miss out on important

learning activities scheduled early in the day 

• Helps students learn the importance of punctuality

and routine 

• Give students time to greet their friends before


• Reduces classroom disruption 

Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must

be explained by parents.

What if my child is absent from school?On occasion, your child may need to be absent from

school. Justified reasons for student absences may


• being sick, or having an infectious disease 

• having an unavoidable medical appointment 

• being required to attend a recognised religious


• exceptional or urgent family circumstance (e.g.

attending a funeral) 

Following an absence from school you must

ensure that within 7 days you provide your child’s

school with a verbal or written explanation for the

absence. However, if the school has not received an

explanation from you within a reasonable timeframe,

the school may contact you to discuss the absence. 

Schools may decline to accept an explanation

that you have provided if they do not believe the

absence is in the best interest of your child. In

these circumstances your child’s absence would be

recorded as unjustified.

Need to travel?Families are encouraged to travel during school

holidays. If travel during school term is necessary,

discuss this with your child’s school Year Advisor

or Deputy Principal. An Application for Extended

Leave may need to be completed. Absences relating

to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and

therefore contribute to your child’s total absences for

the year. 

What can I do as a parent to support my child’s attendance?Encourage conversation about school at home with

your child, reflecting on the positives and negatives

and brainstorming problem solving strategies for

issues at school

Be actively involved in your child’s education,

helping them complete assessment tasks at home

or revise work they have completed in class that

day. Your encouragement will help them realise the

importance of school and education

• Create regular routines around attending school

each day that school is open

• Avoid allowing your child to have days off for

holidays or events that could be planned for school

holidays or weekends. Making this a habit teaches

your child that missing school for more ‘fun’ activities

is ok

• Be firm but kind about morning routines and

attending school on time

• Listen to your child if they have concerns about

attending school and seek support early 

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Attendance Matters• If your child is complaining of illness, it is

recommended that you visit your child’s doctor to

have this checked out

• Decrease rewards for remaining at home, find out

which subjects they would be doing at school on a

day they are absent and have them complete similar

work at home 

• Keep up with extra-curricular and family activities to

support resilience and give your child the experience

of enjoyment of success

• Seek help from school or from a medical

professional if your child is refusing to attend school


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Welcome to our AVID students and families to the

beginning of the 2020 school year.

By now our new Year 8 students will have met

their new teachers and received their binders and

equipment. We look forward to engaging you in

the program and working with you to set goals and

achieving your best.

For Year 9 and Year 10 students, welcome back - your

teachers are excited to see how far you are prepared

to push yourself this year.

Tutorials have changedWe will no longer be running tutorials as a separate

activity once a fortnight. We have listened to the

students and worked with AVID Australia to develop

a new way to involve students in collaborative

inquiry and learning. Tutorials will now be called

Collaborative Study Groups (CSGs). They will be run

in each classroom and based around each of the

subjects. Students will still work in small groups

to work through a problem or question they have

about what they are learning in class - which means

students still need to complete a Tutorial Request

Form (TRF) - it will just be called a Collaborative Study

Form (CSF). Collaborative Study Groups will begin

to be implemented in classes around the middle of


AVID EssentialsThe beginning of the year is a good

time to remind everyone about

what you need to be effective in

an AVID classroom. BINDERS! Organization is an

important skill in school, career and other aspects of

daily life. The AVID binder is an organisational tool

to help students maintain notes and school work

in one place. Students are expected to maintain a

binder and all of the necessary items needed. They

are expected to keep it organized using the AVID

methods they have been taught. Everyday each

AVID student needs to have their Binder with all the

essential equipment including:

A book for each AVID subject

Blue pen, Red pen, Pencil, highlighter/s




What is happening in AVID this term?

Week Activity Group Involved

4 Welcome to AVID morning tea Year 8 AVID families and students - invitation wil be sent via

email shortly

5 Collaborative Study Group training Incursion at school for all AVID students year 8, 9 and 10

10 Take 3 for the Sea Year 9 AVID Group - notes will go out towards the end of term

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EnglishWelcome back to English and the start of what will

be a fabulous year! The English classes have been

off to a great start with many students keen to meet

their new classmates and their teacher. This year we

welcome Mrs Price and welcome back Ms Redman

who have both joined us in the English faculty. We

wish them every success!

School suppliesTo start off the year we would like all students

to ensure they have a work book, multiple pens,

highlighters and a ruler. Scissors, glue and coloured

pencils are also advantageous so please check with

your teacher if these are required. Please remember

to replenish your stocks as the term and year goes


What’s happening in the classroom?Year 7 - Our new Year 7 students have commenced

the year with smiling faces and eagerness to get into

the swing of high school. In English they have started

a unit called ‘Belonging’ which will allow them to

see how English can help them become part of our

school and our community.

Year 8 - With our Year 8’s no longer being in their first

year of high school we have kicked off the year with

a unit on ‘Poetry’. Here the students can see how

poetry is broken down and the meaning behind it.

Year 9 - Year 9 have fallen straight into books this

term with a novel study. Some of the novels being

studied are The Hunger Games, Tomorrow when the

war began and Harry Potter. We know they will love

these great selections.

Year 10 - As our Year 10 students move towards

senior school we have started with the power of

‘Poetry’. Some selections focus on social change from

well known poets Maya Angelou and Tupac Shakur. 

Year 11 English Studies - Year 11 English Studies are

studying their mandatory module: Achieving through

English. This program aims to prepare students for

entering the workforce, and to be informed members

of the community. Students will be learning to

write cover letters, resumes and resignation letters.

Students will also be learning about their rights as

employees, how to effectively prepare for interviews

and about issues in the community such as:


Year 11 English Standard and Advanced - Both

courses have started with a unit focusing on ‘Reading

to Write’. This course allows students to see how

reading is essential to understanding writing. 

Year 12 English Studies - Year 12 English Studies are

starting the term studying the elective Module N: The

Way We Were. This program focuses on language

related to history and explores the way history is

presented in texts. In this unit we are focusing on

Australia’s involvement in World War 2. Therefore, we

will be looking at various things such as: Indigenous

soldiers and prisoners of war experiences. We will

be doing this via analysing a range of texts, such

as documentaries, poems etc. Students will also be

undertaking various research tasks throughout the


Year 12 English Standard - The Standard cohort are

completing their close study of a text and this text

is the novel ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the

Night-time’. This novel teaches the students about

acceptance and difference and has always been a

popular read with our students.

Year 12 English Advanced - The Advanced cohort are

delving into the metaphysical world of John Donne’s

poetry and the complementary drama script ‘Wit’ by

Margaret Edson. This study requires deep thinking

about the nature of death and spirituality. 

Year 12 English Extension - The term has started with

our new elective ‘Worlds of Upheaval’ and our first

text Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’. This unit provides

an array of monsterly ideas including chaos, anarchy

and the individual versus society.

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English continued

Shout out to all public speakersWe are in the process of sorting out teams for the

debating and public speaking seasons. If you like to

express your informed opinion, working with a group

of like-minded peers and speaking in front of others

then please let your English teachers know. We look

forward to meeting you!

Yours in English,

The English faculty

CulturalGet excited! This term we will be commemorating two significant events: World Day of Social Justice and

Harmony Day. Some other important days this term include Watangi Day, Lantern Festival/ Yan Xiao,

International Women’s Day and St Patrick’s Day.  We look forward to your involvement in celebrating these

great days and the wonderful cultural diversity within our school. 

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The HSIE faculty would like to welcome back all

students and families for 2020.

Students have settled into their 2020 classes and

reports from teachers indicate that the majority are

off to a positive start. There have been some staffing

changes in the HSIE faculty and we would like to

welcome Ms Refalo, Ms Donges, Ms Harman, Miss

Cornelius and Mr Hutchinson who will be with us for

the rest of the year.

Preparations are well underway for the upcoming

Vietnam trip, with Mr Hancock and Miss Blanchfield

looking forward to accompanying the students on

this amazing opportunity. We also have a number of

excursions planned for students, with more details

will be provided as the year progresses.

We are looking forward to working with both Parents

and Students to ensure a successful Year. Please

contact the faculty with any concerns and we will

do our best to address them to achieve a positive

outcome for all.

Term 1 assessment dates for year 7-10 students

Students must read and be aware of their HSC course booklet on submission dates and plagiarism.

Year Topic Investigated Assessment Due

7 Geography: Landscapes and Landforms Week 8

8 Geography: Water in the World Week 8

9 History: Making a Nation Week 6

10 History: rights and Freedoms Week 9

Year 12 Subject Topic Area Assessment Due

Aboriginal Studies Major Project Week 11

Ancient History Personality Study Week 9

Business Studies Marketing Week 7

Geography Urban Places Week 6

Legal Studies Crime Research Task Week 6

Modern History National Studies: USA Week 9

Society & Culture Continuity and Change Week 6

Year 11 Subject Topic Area Assessment Due

Aboriginal Studies Aboriginality and the Land Week 7

Ancient History Investigating Ancient History Week 10

Business Studies Media File and Business Report Week 6

Geography Biophysical Interactions Week 9

Legal Studies Media Portfolio Week 10

Society and Culture Social Issues and News in the Media Week 7

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Library NewsOur VisionThe WCS Library is dedicated to fostering a love of

reading and learning. We strive to provide resources

and activities that will support students and staff to

become effective and discriminating life-long users

of information. Our focus is on reading both for

pleasure and information seeking. We encourage all

students to borrow from our Library.

Our CollectionWe maintain a balanced and current collection

with a diverse range of materials which meet the

teaching and learning needs of students and staff.

Our books are carefully selected to meet students

reading interests and abilities. The curriculum is

supported through the purchase of materials which

are linked with NSW Syllabus documents. The

Library maintains a large collection of resources

including Fiction and Nonfiction books, magazines

and extensive resources for Teachers.

Our CatalogueStudents can access our full catalogue via their DE

Student Portal by click on the School Library link

Oliver Library.

Borrowing AND Lost or Damaged BooksStudents have a two week loan period and may

borrow up to five (5) Library books. Overdue notices

are emailed to families regularly throughout each

term. Any unresolved book loan can be paid for

at the front office student desk and a copy of the

receipt furnished to the Library and taken off student


StaffThe Library is staffed by a qualified Teacher Librarian

with support from an additional Teacher for Primary

and School Administration SASS staff.

Opening TimesThe Library is OPEN weekdays from 8am to 2.30pm

with the exception of Monday and Friday recess.

CelebrationsCelebrations in our Library include Book Week and

Library and Information Week. During Book Week

2019 there were celebrations throughout the school,

including roll-call and library activities to enjoy and

which we hope to try and emulate bigger and better

in 2020.

Library MonitorsApplications open Week 3 for secondary students

wishing to volunteer during break times in the

Library – stay tuned via Daily News or call by

the Library to pick up an application form from

Wednesday 12th February. Applications close Friday

21st February, 2020.

Finding a good bookFollow our Library Instagram #wadalbacslibrary to

read about new books and old favourites. Here you

will also find links to author web sites and other

relevant literature to read about. Also our upcoming

Library activities will appear via IG!! Student requests

may be completed at the front desk.

StocktakeThe Library stocktake will occur during Week 7 and

Week 9 Term 4. Borrowing, including text book

borrowing, will stop and recommence Week 10.

School HolidaysWe encourage our students to borrow books

for reading over the school holidays. Further

encouragement to join and borrow from the

local public library which offer a range of books,

magazines and audio books is an excellent way to

keep our students motivated about their reading.

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Library News continued

Premier’s Reading ChallengeWe encourage students to participate in the NSW

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2020. Link to the PRC

Website for further information including booklists.


NSW Education Matters Magazinehttps://www.educationmattersmag.com.au/

We look forward to seeing you and working with you

throughout the year.

Mrs Tanya Taylor – Teacher Librarian

Support Unit News

The Support Unit at Wadalba Community School is 5 classes strong in 2020 and its these classes which,

through the efforts of its dedicated teachers, provide rich learning experiences designed to meet the

individual needs of students with disabilities from Kindergarten right through to the end of year 12.

Ultimately, it is a vivid example of how Wadalba caters for the diversity of its locale.

This term will see the Support Unit undertake some exciting activities. These activities include the teaching

of guitar to the senior MC class, the participation of the 3 junior classes in their “active start” routine, swim

scheme, the integration of some students’ into mainstream sports on Tuesdays, VET course enrolments

to further post school options, mainstream integration for interest subjects and active participation in the

mainstream swimming and athletics carnivals to name but a few.

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MathsThe Mathematics Faculty would like to welcome you

back to another productive school year.

All students are reminded of the importance of being

prepared for learning including adopting a positive

and open attitude to learning this term.

Mathematical reasoning is another focus of the

faculty. Students are encouraged to show their

mathematical reasoning (tell the story) during class

discussions, tasks and assessments to ensure they

are focusing on demonstrating their process.

Classroom teachers will select two students from

each class at the end of term who will receive a merit

letter and recognition.

Homework is designed to enhance and consolidate

classroom learning and develop a sound work ethic.

Staff at Wadalba Community School will be available

for assistance if your child needs additional support.

This support can be accessed through the Homework

Centre on a Wednesday afternoon or by making an

appointment with their classroom teacher during

break times.

Students will have the opportunity to utilise the

revision booklet for year 7-10 to assist students

with building their skills and self-monitoring their

understanding of the concepts presented in class.

Students are encouraged to purchase these from the

office for $16. Classroom teachers will be regularly

referring to these and encouraging students to

complete tasks. Students and parents can access

the scope and sequence with links to the homework

booklet on the school’s website.

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Maths continued

Students are reminded the need to have a book

and calculator for every lesson. The faculty prefers

to utilise the Casio FX82-au Plus II. These can be

purchased from the canteen or in back to school

sales. Please be aware many shops do sell a

cheaper version however, all the required functions

are not easily accessed or available.

Please don’t forget to check out the notice boards

in the bottom of J Block for up to date photos and

assessment notifications.

Students in year 7-10 will have their first major

assessment task during weeks 7-10 based on the

work presented during term 1.

Year 11 students will complete their first task

in week 10 for both Standard Mathematics and

Advanced Mathematics.

Our year 12 students are working hard as they

prepare for their HSC studies. Year 12 students are

encouraged to access the online EDROLO resource

in their preparation. If you are having concerns with

access please see your classroom teacher. Year 12

Standard Mathematics students have a resource

folder task due at the end of term 2 they should

be working on regularly. They will also have an

examination towards the end of term 1.

This year the Mathematics Faculty will be running a

variety of excursions including World of Maths, Year

7 Numeracy Day, Aboriginal Numeracy Day and Year

6 Enrichment program.

We are looking forward to working with both Parents

and Students to ensure a successful Year. Please

do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s

classroom teacher if you have any concerns.

Mrs Leanne Hancock

Head Teacher Maths

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Middle SchoolDear Parents and Caregivers,

My Name is Mrs Beverly Partridge and I am the Head

Teacher Teaching and Learning responsible for Year

7 Middle School classes and the Language faculty.

Middle School Curriculum OverviewThe primary purpose of Middle School classes is to

support students in their transition from primary to

high school by catering to the needs of students in

early adolescence. The transition from primary to

high school is one of the biggest challenges young

adolescents face and we are dedicated to supporting

students with this change through our highly

successful Middle School program.

Year 7 classes that are part of the Middle School

program are 7A, 7B, 7C, 7E, 7G, 7M and 7P. Each of

these classes are supported in their transition by

having one or two home teachers. In addition, the

home teacher (or in the case of classes with two

home teachers, one of the teachers) acts as a mentor

and is an advocate to all of the students in the class.

The Year 7 classes and teachers are as follows:

7A Mr Chris Forster for MPS (Maths, PDHPE,

Science and Mentor)

7B Mr Ethan Rapp for Humanities (English,

Geography, History and Mentor)

7C Mrs Kelly Moffat for MPS ((Maths, PDHPE,

Science and Mentor)

7E Mrs Beverly Partridge for Humanities

(English, Geography, History and Mentor)

7G Mrs Kelly Moffat for MPS (Maths, PDHPE,

Science and Mentor)

Mr Ethan Rapp for Humanities (English, Geography

and History)

7M Mr Niven Williams for Humanities (English,

Geography, History and Mentor)

7P Mrs Beverly Partridge for Humanities

(English, Geography, History and Mentor)

Mr Chris Forster for MPS (Maths, PDHPE and Science)

Year 7 Advisor – Mr Niven Williams

Our Year 7 classes were structured with two

academic classes and ten mixed ability classes.

These academic classes were formed by using

a combination of results received from Primary

Schools and scores in the High School Academic

test conducted at Wadalba last year. Students who

consistently perform well have the opportunity to

gain a spot in these classes.

Classroom ManagementOur core values at Wadalba Community School are

reinforced in the classroom-

Show and Earn RESPECT



Part of my role as the Middle School Head Teacher

is to deal with students who are persistently failing

to comply with instructions, consistently cause

distractions in the classroom and prevent the teacher

from educating others. We will not accept or tolerate

this behaviour. I will notify you if your child is not

complying with school rules and procedures to seek

your support in motivating your child to get back on


MPS (Measuring Physical Space)The focus across each KLA involved with MPS this

term is based on the essential skill required to gain

a basic understanding of all aspects across the

Mathematics, PDHPE and Science key learning areas.

MathematicsClasses will focus on Algebra and the use of positive

and negative integers. They will be solving problems

associated with Algebra and everyday life.

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Middle School continuedPDHPETheory

Classes will be focusing on Personal Identity. They

will delve into what make them unique and how they

relate to those around them.


PE lessons this term will be looking at skills required

to compete in the schools Athletics carnival as well

as the Cross Country. These activities aim to improve

gross motor skills, sportsmanship, athletics and

cross country running. It is compulsory for students

to bring their sports uniform to school during PE

Practical lessons and a hat is highly recommended.

ScienceClasses will be learning about the components

of a scientific report as well as safe laboratory

procedures. The main focus this term will be

Chemistry and the different states of matter. They

will be encouraged to develop a willingness to use

evidence and reason to engage with and respond

to scientific and technological ideas as informed,

reflective citizens.

HumanitiesHumanities comprises of English, Geography and

History. English is taught all year while Geography

(Terms 1 and 2) and History (Terms 3 and 4) are


The topics in Humanities this term are A Hero’s

Journey for the English component and “Landscapes

and Landforms” for the geography component. In

first Semester students study English and Geography

while in second semester they study English and


Lessons are developed to incorporate the outcomes

of the English, History and Geography syllabi in

an effort to enhance student comprehension of

concepts and skills required for success in these

courses. In addition, students will be setting

themselves measurable learning goals. We ask that

parents/caregivers talk to their child about these

goals and offer support where possible.

The development of students’ reading,

comprehension and vocabulary skills is viewed as an

important requirement of the Humanities course and

lessons are designed to build upon these skills. It is

expected that all students will read the novel that has

been set as part of this term’s unit of study

HomeworkHomework is set by each teacher at their discretion.

It can range from set tasks to completion of activities

which were not completed in class. Students in Year 7

should be reading for at least 20 minutes a night. To

assist with numeracy rehearsing times tables up to

12 will help students with the concepts being taught

in Maths. In addition there is an excel study guide

booklet for Mathematics which is available from the

school office for $16.00. Students will need to see

their classroom teacher for the relevant chapter that

mirrors what they are learning in class.

Rewards, Awards and CommendationsStudents displaying our three core values will be

rewarded by receiving one of the following;

Wadalba Winners – These gain house points and can

be placed into a draw to win prizes.

Commendations – These are of higher value than

Wadalba Winners. Commendation count towards

students gaining a Bronze, Silver or Gold award at

positive Year Assemblies.

Positive Referrals – An electronic commendation

that counts towards gaining a Bronze, Silver of Gold

award at positive Year Assemblies.

Throughout the year teachers will nominate

Middle School students for special mention in the


Year 7 CampAll students who have displayed satisfactory

behaviour will be given the opportunity to participate

in a three day Outdoor Adventure Camp in Morisset

during Term 2.

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Middle School News continued Year 7 Progress AfternoonOn Wednesday March 4, there will be a Year 7

progress afternoon where parents/caregivers can

gain information and meet teachers. More details will

be communicated closer to the date.

Contact with the SchoolIf you have any concerns about the welfare of your

child or would like to talk to one of your child’s

teachers the Year Advisor is the person you need to

contact. For any discipline concerns you can contact

me, Mrs Beverly Partridge.

Information about what is happening at is regularly

updated on our school website:


and on Facebook.

Kind regards

Mrs Beverly Partridge

Head Teacher – Teaching and Learning

Language NewsWe have two specialist Japanese language teachers.

Mr Ben Forsyth and Ms Clare Talbot.  All Year 8

classes will learn Japanese and there are elective

classes in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12.

  Year 12 will resume their learning in term 1, carrying

on with the In a restaurant/ shopping centre topic

and will be working towards their HSC this year. 

Year 11 this term will be starting out by learning

the Japanese Hiragana writing system and then will

be moving on to learn how to introduce themselves

in Japanese. Year 11 are beginning their Japanese

language learning this term and have set Daruma

goals- goals for their learning in Japanese in 2020.

Daruma goals are a traditional Japanese custom and

will be revisited at the end of 2020 where students

will hopefully have achieved their goals. Throughout

term 1 students will also learn about a range of

cultural events and festivals as they happen in Japan. 

Year 10 Japanese will start the year with the topic

‘What language do you speak?’ which looks at world

language learners and stereotypes around learning

a second language. In week 6 students will look at

Fast food in Australia and Japan and learn how to talk

about making healthy choices in Japanese.

This term Year 9 will begin their studies with a new

Unit of Work called ‘Isogashii Desu ka?’ ‘Are you

busy?’ in which they learn to tell the time, talk about

their daily routines and describe what they’re having

for lunch! They will also be able to compare their

lives with those of students of a similar age in Japan.

Later this term, the students will be focusing on the

study of the Katakana script.

Year 8 Japanese will be entering their first year of

Japanese and will also be learning how to read and

write the Hiragana writing system. They will then

be learning how to talk about themselves and their

friends. Year 8 will then video themselves answering

questions in Japanese, using all of the language they

have learnt this term.  

In week 11, 7 students in years 9, 10 and 12 will be

travelling to Japan with Mr. Forsyth and students

from Gosford High School. The trip will last 16

days and will visit Osaka, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kyoto.

Students will visit Himeji castle, The Atomic Bomb

Dome and Peace Park, Universal Studios. Mt Fuji and

will end with a 6 day school visit and Homestay with

Japanese families at Kokubunji High School in Tokyo.

Students will return in the second week of the school



Mr Ben Forsyth, Ms Clare Talbot

Classroom teachers

Mrs Beverly Partridge

Head Teacher - Languages  


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Stage 4Visual ArtsThe CAPA faculty warmly welcomes Yr7 who will

study Visual Arts for a whole year and then move

to Music in Year 8. The art staff are very excited to

engage with our new year 7 classes as they have

already demonstrated creativity and originality in

their Me llamo (My Name is..) unit of work which

explores the Spanish culture, specifically the Dia

de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) festival. This

term, we will be learning the elements of art while

completing lots of practical art activities, this will lead

to students designing and constructing a clay skull.

Parents and Carers are reminded that the art course

carries a $30 fee which can be paid at the front office

or online. Welcome to CAPA Year 7!

MusicWe would like to welcome Year 8 to Music. This term

they will be studying ‘Australian Music’. They will be

developing their skills on the guitar and the keyboard

throughout the term learning a variety of Australian

tunes. Year 8 will also have the opportunity to

participate in an Aboriginal Music workshop at

the end of the term, where they will learn about

the instruments, songs and stories important to

Aboriginal people.

All students are required to bring an exercise book

for class.

Stage 5Our skilled teachers allow us to offer a range of

creative subjects for stage 5 to choose from. With

their subject selections made year 9 are learning

about Drama, Music, Photography, Ceramics

and Visual Arts. Year 10 Students will be using

their previous theoretical knowledge to create

performances, artworks and musical compositions.

Visual ArtThis term Year 9 art will begin with foundation

drawing. We will be looking at engaging the right

side of our brain (our creative side). Students will

learn how to examine what they see and therefore

develop drawing their drawing skills from real life.

We will cover correct proportions in face and figure,

along with many other drawing exercises. Students

will receive an art kit of a watercolour disc and

paintbrush upon paying fees-$55.00.

Drama Stage 5 Drama is a practical subject and requires

students to work together to create scripts and


The Year 9 Drama class has started the term with

a bang. They are straight into Improvisation &

Characterisation. This is the first taste of Drama for

many of these students so we begin with group work

where the students and teacher have a chance to

get to know each other and work on their confidence

being on show in front of their classmates. The class

will then work on the Elements of Drama required

for all performance and improvisation. We will be

working towards a performance evening that will be

held to show parents and carers just how talented

their children are. Fees for Year 9 Drama are set at


Students in year 10 begin to go more in depth with

their study of Drama. This year they will look at

scripts that have been written specifically for the

stage and then begin working towards the creation

of their own script to be performed at a performance

evening later in the year. Students hone their skills in

characterisation, playbuilding and collaboration. We

also work on their essay writing skills in readiness for

the Senior Drama course.

PhotographyOur year 9 photography students will be learning

about everything from camera settings to developing

photos in a dark room. Students will be learning

about the elements of art and camera angles to

take photos. They will be starting to work within

the darkroom to explore the concept shapes and

shadows. Fees for year 9 Photography are $45.

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MusicYear 9 will be developing their skills and confidence

in performing in front of an audience and will be

working towards featuring in school performances in

the future. The topic they will be focussing on in class

is Australian music.

Year 10 Music are studying the topic ‘Music of a

Culture’. The focus is on music from Jamaica and the

Caribbean. Their performance assessment consists

of working in ensembles to rearrange a pop song

into a reggae style. Students will also be assessed

on their theory knowledge through the Viva Voce

process (Spoken word). Fees for both year 9 and 10

music are $30.

CeramicsThe Year 9 Ceramics elective class will be creating

some structured hand built pots; learning the

techniques of pinch pots, coil and slab building

and firing in the kiln. They will be doing computer

research at times but for the most part they are

working with clay, creating usable items they will

be able to keep or give away as gifts. We have

plastic aprons available for their use to protect their

clothing; however, it is advisable that they leave

any jewellery at home on the days they have this

class as clay is damaging to fine rings and we do not

want anyone losing their favourite ring. Fees for this

course are $55.

Stage 6MusicHSC Music is well underway with the completion

of the core composition task 1 last term. This

term students will present their practical works in

progress, in preparation for their Practical exam in

September. Students will also complete their Core

Viva Voce Assessment Task in week 7.

Visual ArtWelcome to all the students who have not done

Visual Arts for a few years, they all are very keen.

We will be exploring drawing, painting, photography

and hope to fit in some ceramics this semester. This

course is 50% theory and 50% practical and in theory

we will cover case studies exploring artists Brett

Whiteley and Rosalie Gascoigne. Students will receive

an art kit upon paying fees-$55.00.

Year 12 will be continuing to develop their ideas and

even starting their Body Of Work (BOW) which is due

at the end of August. In theory students will complete

a case study of Patricia Piccinini and further develop

their essay writing.

DramaYear 12 Drama Have completed last term, a study

of two play texts ‘The Removalists’ and ‘Norm and

Ahmed’ which both come under the banner of

Australian Drama and Theatre. We completed a close

study of each, in the final term of last year, where

selected scenes were workshopped. These were

then discussed in relation to the actor/ audience

relationship. Students will refer to these within their

essays for both the Trial and HSC examinations. This

term they will be studying the topic of ‘Black Comedy’

with the play texts ‘The Shape of Things’ and ‘The

Lieutenant of Inishmore’. These texts tackle issues

in society that are often considered social taboo. A

letter will be sent in the beginning weeks on the term

to notify parents/carers of the content. Should you

require further information about this topic please

contact the school.

Whole School InitiativesANZAC Day Marching Drumcorp will begin rehearsals

this term in readiness to lead the veterans down

Alison Road Wyong on the 25th of April. Last year

we had two visits to The Grove recording studio, this

year, we look to visit again to record at a this amazing

world-class facility. Youth In Performing Arts (YIPA)

auditions applications are available from Mr Vojkovic.

Year 10 and HSC student can download it from their

Google classroom. This is an opportunity for Dance

Drama and Music students to showcase their talent

at the Laycock Street Theatre later this year.

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CAPA Continued

Whole School Initiatives continuedYear 10 and 12 Drama students have been offered

the opportunity to attend their first excursion for

the year next Tuesday to Sydney to view OnStage – a

showcase of past exemplary HSC Practical Projects

from 2019.

STAR STRUCK – ‘Rise up’Star Struck 2020 is up and running with our CAPA

students electing to be involved in our Interest

Elective lines and/or through sport on Tuesday.

Star Struck is open to anyone who likes to dance and

enjoys physical performance styles. The students

have viewed the audition piece that they will be

learning and are ready and willing to take on this


Parents please be on the look-out for the note

coming home soon. There is a cost involved in your

child being involved this is for entry, security, T shirt

and costuming. Mrs Burns and Mrs Wright will be

sending a note to all students with regards to these


It is important that all students have paid their fees

to cover the supply of materials required to complete

tasks within the practical components of Creative

and Performing Arts. Please return notes and fee

payment as soon as possible to the office or contact

the school. We look forward to seeing what our

talented students will produce this year to showcase

their creativity.

First Class Art Exhibition at Lake Macquarie Gallery (Teralba)Congratulations to the following 2019, Year 12

students who’s Artworks were selected in the First

Class Exhibition at Lake Macquarie Gallery. Our

students selected are Deema Rouady, Tylah Smith

and Redd Sarson. In this art exhibition the HSC

artworks are chosen from all high schools from

the Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter Regions.

Open night is Friday 14 February (Valentines Day) at

5.30pm. The exhibition runs until 5 April.

Central Vision Art Exhibition at Gosford Gallery We are delivering the best of last years artworks

from year 7 to year 12 to Gosford Gallery at East

Gosford for pre selection into the annual Central

Vision Exhibition on the same day. This exhibition is

the best artworks from the 24 State High Schools on

the Central Coast. Students will be informed if their

artwork is selected very soon. This Exhibition runs for

a month at Gosford Gallery, adjoining the Japanese

Gardens. More details soon.

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PDHPEThe PDHPE faculty would like to welcome all new

and returning students to Wadalba Community

School. We would like to inform and remind all

students about our school policy of changing into the

correct PDHPE uniform for all practical lessons. This

uniform can be purchased from the uniform shop or

arranged through the school canteen.

The PE practical uniform is made up of a dark blue

polo shirt with the school emblem, light blue on the

sides and blue piping around the collar and navy blue

shorts with the school emblem. In winter, students

may be able to wear navy blue tracksuit pants. TSP

shirts can be worn on Tuesdays (for sport) or for PE

lessons. The TSP Rugby League training uniform is

NOT to be worn to school as uniform, it should be

worn for TSP practical sessions on Tuesdays only.

NESA has released the new K-10 curriculum for our

students and new Stage 4 and 5 students (Yr 8 and

10) will commence this year with updated Scope

and Sequences and refined programs. Year 7 and 9

students will also be partaking in new units of work

developed for the new curriculum which commenced

in 2019.

SportMr Newman will be continuing in his role as Tuesday

Sport coordinator and will also be taking on the role

as CHS Knock Out sport coordinator. He has spent

a significant amount of time allocating students into

their selected sports, organising venues, buses and

developing a staff roster. Tuesday sport is now up

and running and students are reminded that buses

that take students to sport leave at 12:15pm (half

way through lunch). Mr Antill has taken on the role as

Year 7 sport coordinator. Year 7 will be participating

in House sport and Mr Antill and Mr Newman have

arranged Sporting Schools funding for external

providers to deliver sessions and activities to our

students. Year 7 students have been charged an

annual $50 bus fee which includes a Year 7 Surf Fun

Day that students will have opportunity to attend in

either Term 1 or 4. The Year 7 sport fee ($50) can be

paid to the office or via the school website. Online

payments can be made via the front page of our

school website http://www.wadalba-c.schools.nsw.

edu.au/ choose the “Make a payment” button and

complete the relevant sections or details. If students

in Years 8-10 have not selected a sport for Term 1,

they should see Mr Newman at the sport window

in the PDHPE Staffroom to make their selection.

Buses cost $5.00 and some venues have additional

charges involved (some up to as much as $7 for

the venue). Students must make sure they have

the correct money for sport with them on Tuesday

afternoons. Exact money is preferred. Students are

not permitted to leave the school grounds without

a signed permission note and all students that leave

school grounds must return to school via arranged

transport unless a parent or guardian is present to

collect the student and school procedures have been

followed in consultation with a Deputy Principal.

CarnivalsOur school swimming carnival was held on Thursday

6th February at Wyong Pool. Although the overcast

weather bought some rain, the students who

attended and participated in the events did so in

excellent Wadalba Community School spirit. Well

done to those who won or placed in their events. We

are eagerly awaiting house points to be tallied before

we announce final placings.

Our school Athletics Carnival will be held at Mingara

Athletics Track on Friday 6th March, 2020. Students

will receive permission notes in Roll Call and will

be required to bring these notes back prior to the

carnival. On the day of the carnival, students will be

required to pay $10 on entry to the track to cover the

cost of the buses and venue hire.

Our Cross Country carnival is scheduled for Week 10

Friday 3rd April. Students will run the course around

Wadalba Community School Oval and Mascord Park.

This event is for competitors only.

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PDHPE continuedTSPStudents that are involved in the TSP program are

reminded that the first five weeks of the year will be

a trial period and they will need to ensure that they

are meeting requirements in relation to participation

and behaviour. Students who have missed the trials

or are new to WCS must see the TSP coordinator Mr

Sawyer if they wish to be involved in the program.

We have sourced uniforms from a new supplier

(The Uniform Store) and orders from December

last year are currently being processed. An order

will be placed in April for students that missed the

December order last year or who are new to the

program. Future orders will be made

online via theuniformstore.com.au



PDHPE Faculty

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Welfare Welcome back for another fantastic year at Wadalba

Community School. I hope that all of our families had

a relaxing break and students are ready for another

engaging year of learning opportunities.

The beginning of the school year can bring many

emotions for students and parents/carers. While it

is an exciting opportunity to reconnect with friends,

embark on new studies and work towards future

goals, some students experience some nerves and

anxiety as we get back into the routine of attending

school every day. If your child is expressing some

nerves or reservations about their new classes,

please continue to encourage them to attend all

classes, and allow themselves time to develop their

skills in resilience and problem solving. If your child

remains uncertain about some changes, please do

not hesitate to reach out to the year advisor for

advice and support.

The Year Advisor team this year is dynamic and

motivated to enhance learning and wellbeing

outcomes for all students. The team is as follows:

Year 7 – Mr Niven Williams, Ms Nastassja Butler (2IC)

Year 8- Ms Ashley Fuller, Ms Chiya Bowen (2IC)

Year 9- Mr Mark Atmore, Ms Samara King (2IC)

Year 10- Ms Megan Hawkins, Mr Paul George (2IC)

Year 11- Mrs Jocelyn Atmore

Year 12- Mrs Melanie Butlin, Mr Paul George

The team are working towards providing relevant

and appropriate wellbeing supports to meet the

students’ needs throughout the year.

A big welcome to Year 7! The transition to high school

can be daunting, but the learning opportunities that

are afforded to students here at Wadalba Community

School are amazing. I have been frequenting year 7

classrooms and have been so proud of the students

engaged in their learning and tackling the challenges

of high school. Entering year 7 can bring a variety

of social issues and conflicts and new friendships

are formed and old ones tested. Students will be

learning about effective conflict resolution strategies

in their welfare lessons throughout the year. In the

meantime, students are encouraged to report any

concerns they are having to Mr Williams. Parents are

encouraged to reach out to Mr Williams, myself or

Deputy Principal Mrs Mel Brown with any questions.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind

students and families of the many supports here at

WCS. We have 2 fantastic new counsellors on board

this year, Jessie Horsley and Candice Byrnes. We are

very lucky to have such great expertise available to

students experiencing difficulty. Our Learning and

Support Team continue to provide support to all

students who require learning adjustments, provide

literacy and numeracy testing and create Student

Adjustment Profiles to support teachers to deliver

lessons in a way that all students are able to access

the lesson. We also have our Wellbeing website

http://www.wotzupwadalba.com/ . This is a valuable

resource for students and parents for assistance in

navigating the stresses and pressures of high school.

There is also an option to report an incidents of

bullying or harassment from home. The responses

are checked daily by wellbeing staff and followed up


Please see some welfare dates coming up:

Year 7 2021 Parent Information Evening: Week 5-

Wednesday 26th Feb. This information is for the

students and families of the 2021 Year 7 cohort.

More information about this evening will follow soon.

Year 7 2020 Progress Afternoon: Week 6- Wednesday

4th March. This event if for the parents of the current

year 7 cohort. It is an informal afternoon where you

are able to meet the teachers and discuss your child’s

progress. An information flyer will be sent home for

your information soon.

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Welfare continued

Immunisations: The Community Health nurses will be returning

to the school to administer immunisations to the

scheduled students. Immunisation information will

be sent home with the students for you to complete

and return to the school. Please see below for the

dates for your information.

Year 7:

1st and 2nd April (1st dose)

21st and 22nd October (2nd dose)

Year 10:

24th and 25th June

This year I am very ably supported by the wonderful

Mrs Melanie Butlin, who will relieve as HT Welfare

every Friday.

Looking forward to a great 2020. Please do not

hesitate to contact me with any questions or


Samantha Martin

Head Teacher Welfare

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Chess Program

Secondary School Chess

The Chess Club will continue in 2020, building on the success of our inaugural year in 2019. Chess Club is

open to players of all abilities, from absolute beginner to Grandmaster and will be held every Thursday at

recess. Students will be reminded at roll call each week.

There will be an opportunity for those players who regularly attend Chess Club to be selected to represent

the school in the NSW Junior Chess League Secondary Schools Competition and the Central Coast School

Chess Gala Day. There are divisions for students in Years 7-8, Years 9-10, and Years 11-12.

As World Chess Hall of Fame Inductee Irving Chernev said, “Every chess master was once a beginner.” So

come along and join us in this great game.

Paul George and Scott White, Secondary School Chess Convenors

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Year 7 2021 Transition Program

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Year 7 2021 Transition Program Continued