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  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    South Sudans greatest humanitarian challenge: development

    People in South Sudan are poor and the country remainsthe recipient of large-scale international assistance.

    Notwithstanding improving education figures, only 10% of

    children actually finish primary school, and fewer than 2%

    are enrolled in secondary education. Limited government

    capacity to deliver basic services means that a significant

    portion of the population remains in need of food, healthcareand education provided by aid agencies.

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Rational Choice and Idealism

    Problem:how we can continue to respond toemergencies without losing sight of longer-term

    development needs

    Solution: Addressing food security and breaking the

    cycle of hunger requires investment in the right kind of


  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Insurgents Strike in Major Nigerian City

    The authorities in northeastern Nigeria imposed a 24-hour

    curfew around the regions main city on Monday after Islamic

    militants staged an audacious attack apparently aimed at a

    government air base, news reports said, describing the assault

    as among the most dramatic in the insurgents campaign to

    create an Islamic state.

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Balance of Power

    Problem:Rampant militia attacks near the military bases

    Solution: The government should have dialogue with

    Boko Haram group to stop the terrorism that is happening

    to their country because all of these things can be solve

    through peaceful negotiation.

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Rebels, Anti-Rebels in the Central African Republic

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Geopolitics

    Problem:Ongoing clash between the rebels and anti-

    rebels in the region

    Solution: The solution, based from the theory mentioned

    is intervention in the Central African Republic. France,

    once the colonizer of CAR is now trying to get in between

    the two opposing forces and to protect the civilians, who

    were becoming victims of human rights atrocities.

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Politically Adrift, Algeria Clings to Its Old Ways

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Contract or Compact Theory

    Problem:President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria has

    not addressed the nation in more than a year and is

    chair-bound since suffering a stroke in April. Since then,

    he has held just three meetings with foreign dignitaries.

    Outside a tight circle, no one is even sure if he still


    Solution: An election should be held- replace the current

    President with a more capable and reliable one. Also, the

    citizens must familiarized them with their rights through

    education so they can empower themselves

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Behind the Problem of Conflict Minerals in DR Congo

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Capitalism

    Problem:Mineral Ban in the Democratic Republic of

    Congo: an unworkable solution to the problem of illegal


    Solution: First, they aim to re-establish legitimate control

    over the mines. Second, more long-term, they aim to

    regulate trade to prevent conflict minerals from reaching

    the international market.

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Prison sentences for women as Egypt clamps down on protest

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Rational Choice/Expected Utility

    Problem:Egyptian Government Policy on Protests

    causes Unfair Treatment

    Solution: Toning Down of the Harsh Policy and

    Promotion of Peaceful Means of Communication

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Parliament in Somalia Votes to Remove Prime Minister

  • 8/13/2019 News Spotlight


    Theory: Social Contract theory

    Problem:The prime minister took office in October 2012,

    and his administration has been repeatedly accused of

    corruption and unauthorized transactions

    Solution: They must impeach the Prime Minister to stop

    the corruption that keeps their government very weak.