Newsletter 11.06.12

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  • 7/31/2019 Newsletter 11.06.12


    Term 2 Week 7 8 June 2012

    Kia ora tatou

    So many exciting learning opportunities are happening in school it is hard to know where tostart!

    Mr Allen and Room 7 had a day of sensational Science and then tried to give Mrs Devineand I a heart attack blowing up a coke bottle with dry ice! We were waiting for sirensheading our way to investigate the bomb exploding! I do hope your students shared this athe dinner table! It was one of those special moments in time that I believe students willremember for ever! Other students have been baking and bread making and toffee, hokeypokey, and casein, it is all go!

    Staff and students are preparing for the Science evening where you are invited to join us tosee for your selves all of the fascinating new learning in action.

    Wednesday 20 June at 6pm 7.30pmThis should allow you the time to visit more than one classroom and not be too late home.

    Please also join us for the Wilson McCaskill parent evening in our schoolhall

    Tuesday 26 June at 7.30pmSalford School has completed the Annual report and Charter requirements,copies are available in the office.

    Have a fabulous winter weekend.

    Calendar: Pita Pit Orders

    Every Monday Sushi Orders $5

    Every Tuesday Subway Orders

    Every Wednesday Heat-Ups

    Every Thursday Sausage Sizzle

    Every Friday$1.50 each

    11 JuneBOTMtg

    18/20 JuneERO 20 JuneScience


    25 JunePortfolios home

    27/28 June3-

    Way Interviews 29 June

    Portfolios back to


    29 JuneEnd ofTerm

    HOLIDAYS 16 JulyReturn

    to School for Tm3


    3 WAY CONFERENCE Meetings:These important information sharing forums are on again!

    Please go online and book your time CODE: - NMHMB

    School will finish on Wednesday 27th of June at12.30pm to allow these to start at 1.30pm.Thursday the 28th of June will be a normal school day

    and we will start 3 ways at 3.45pm.We can provide free on site care of your child if you areunable to collect them until 3pm on the 27th.After 3.00pm and on Thursday, normal After School Carefees apply, and bookings are required. Please ensurethat you bring your child with you to participate in this3-Way discussion. A computer will be set up in the officefor those that wish to make a booking at school.

    SOUTHSPELL 2012 SUCCESSESCONGRATULATIONS to our 2 Southspell teamswho competed in this very challengingcompetition. A huge thank you to MrHanna for mentoring the teams!2nd place with a score of 84, four pointsbehind the winners, is a very proudachievement in this highly competitiveevent. They received a voucher for $75.00

    Salford Team A also did extremely wellwith a score of 71not far behind.

    DROP OFF ZONEAgain I have had concernedparents contact me regarding the safetyof this area.

    Parents need to remember thisis designed for ONE LANEONLY! Children ducking be-tween the cars WILL BE ACASUALTY! Speed is 5km/h

    Normal road rules apply to thestreet, you can not stop traffic toturn in, if the area is full pleasedo a circuit.NO CARS ARE TO BE LEFTDRIVERLESS.

    Left to rightKatie Johnston, Nathan Walker,Nitya Chintanginjala and Finn Roland.


  • 7/31/2019 Newsletter 11.06.12


    Accelerated Literacy Learningis under way:

    On Friday the 1st of June, the children taking part in theAccelerated Literacy Learning Programme, set off on theirfirst adventure in a great little bus, with Miss Campbell

    and Miss Sherlock.Some wonderful stories have been written by ShaanaMcCormack, Adam Storm, Sophie Peters, KaneHannagan, Caleb Lawson, Casey Harland, ConnorMooney, Tim Bayne and Tyler Kennedy.

    Sadly we could only publish one storythank you Connor

    GARDENING CLUB - Disco monies raised being put to good use:

    A lot of work was done tocelebrate Arbor Day.

    The weather was cold, but outthe Gardening Club went toplant the grasses donated to theschool into the ground, so thatthe bark could bescattered which was

    purchased with the funds raisedat the disco. There is still fundsavailable for more plants whichwill keep this team of gardenersvery busy.


    We are excited to host the author this term, Wilson McCaskill. Wilson will spend a day inschool working with our students and providing professional learning for our staff.

    We are also hosting a parent evening. If anyone is interested we have some copies of hisbook available for you to read prior to this. Come and see Marlene for a loan.

    Please return the Attendance Slip enclosed (or can be downloaded from our website),indicating how many will be attending.

    LOST PROPERTYis literally overflowing andthe level of unclaimed items increases daily:

    There are an increasing num-ber of children arriving atschool in non-uniform tops.This may be in part owing tothe fact that their polar fleecetops are one of the many un-named garments in lostproperty and cannot be returned to their rightfulowners.

    There have been a number of requests to you all asParents to label your childrens clothing and this is stillnot being done. Please name your childs clothing sowe can help them to be responsible as well.

    ICEOur walkways were treacheroustoday please take great care on the icymornings. We have already had onechild taken to hospital following a fall.


    LOST:Polar Fleece belonging toIsaac Pappsthispolar fleece is named and is a size 6. Please checkyour childs Polar Fleece and if you have Isaacs bymistake, please return to theOffice.

    FOUND:At the Discoa lovely little blueembroidered coin purse with a zip top if this isyours, please check at the office.

    At the Poola watchthis can be col-lected from the office if you can describe your watch

    to Mrs Devine.

    When we went out of the drop off zone,

    Miss Campbell went TOOT! TOOT! TOOT!

    The window wipers went swish when wewanted the blinkers on. At the Police Sta-

    tion we saw the taser and we got to see the

    pistol. But he didnt shoot it.

    Zoom, I went so fast on the flying fox and

    I was scared but it was awesome. Kane fell

    off and William and Kane did a double.

    On the way back we got an ice cream.

    Connor Mooney Room 2

  • 7/31/2019 Newsletter 11.06.12























  • 7/31/2019 Newsletter 11.06.12



