good has come from all this, but only after some severe soul-searching and bold, radical moves. However we are now far better off than almost anytime in the last 20 years! One shocker to hit us at our conveniently situated Berkeley house- as-office (rented for almost 20 years) was the threat of landlord eviction looming over our heads. We had been put on notice by our landlord that it could happen at any time and we would have only 30 days to move—an impossible task considering our large library and thousands of Journals and Newsletters in storage. Our office and publishing wing had been working side-by-side in a turn-of- continued on page 4 SUMMER 2013 HTTP://WWW. SCP-INC.ORG VOLUME 37:4 Abridged From the Winter 2001/2 Newsletter, Mostly Written in October 2001 S eptember 11 came crashing in on me (Tal Brooke) at the halfway point of a round-trip airline journey from the West Coast to the East Coast. Before the 9/11 disaster, I felt like a traveller with dignity during a calm, hassle-free flight from San Francisco to Savannah. But the return flight after the tragedy reminded me of the half-day that I spent marooned in the Moscow airport in the early 1970s: I saw incredibly long lines of people being herded like livestock into longer lines and waiting areas. Armed police continued on page 2 BY TAL BROOKE & LEE PENN SCP is no stranger to trials and hard times, but this has been some ordeal. We have undergone major sea changes since last summer’s article “New Frontiers for SCP’s Futureannounced the serious challenges we were facing then. That July 2012 Newsletter covered developments that had hit SCP like meteors from the sky. Our account had become precipitously low at one point, forcing us to radically cut expenses, later wishing we had done so earlier. Of course some options were not avail- able until recently (such as the Ooma phone system that rings us in multiple locations when you dial 510-540-0300 and leave a voice message). As you will find out, surprising BY TAL BROOKE SCP LEAPS INTO A NEW FUTURE AS HOPE ARRIVES THROUGH UNEXPECTED DOORS SCP LEAPS INTO A NEW FUTURE AS HOPE ARRIVES THROUGH UNEXPECTED DOORS SCP’S FORECAST OF LIFE AFTER 9/11

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Page 1: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

good has come from all this, but onlyafter some severe soul-searching andbold, radical moves. However we arenow far better off than almost anytimein the last 20 years!

One shocker to hit us at our conveniently situated Berkeley house-as-office (rented for almost 20 years) wasthe threat of landlord eviction loomingover our heads. We had been put onnotice by our landlord that it couldhappen at any time and we would haveonly 30 days to move—an impossibletask considering our large library andthousands of Journals and Newsletters instorage.

Our office and publishing wing hadbeen working side-by-side in a turn-of-

continued on page 4


Abridged From the Winter2001/2 Newsletter, MostlyWritten in October 2001

September 11 came crashing in onme (Tal Brooke) at the halfway

point of a round-trip airline journeyfrom the West Coast to the EastCoast. Before the 9/11 disaster, I feltlike a traveller with dignity during acalm, hassle-free flight from SanFrancisco to Savannah. But thereturn flight after the tragedy

reminded me of the half-day that Ispent marooned in the Moscow airport in the early 1970s: I saw incredibly long lines of people beingherded like livestock into longer linesand waiting areas. Armed police

continued on page 2


SCPis no stranger to trials andhard times, but this has

been some ordeal. We have undergonemajor sea changes since last summer’sarticle “New Frontiers for SCP’s Future”announced the serious challenges wewere facing then.

That July 2012 Newsletter covereddevelopments that had hit SCP likemeteors from the sky. Our account hadbecome precipitously low at one point,forcing us to radically cut expenses,later wishing we had done so earlier.Of course some options were not avail-able until recently (such as the Oomaphone system that rings us in multiplelocations when you dial 510-540-0300and leave a voice message).

As you will find out, surprising








Page 2: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

Immediately after the attack, membersof Congress, security experts and high-tech executives (including LarryEllison, head of Oracle—a firm thatmight build the new database) called fora high-tech national ID card. Theywere joined by Harvard University lawprofessor Alan Dershowitz—who alsofavors judicial issue of “torture war-rants” for terror suspects. Bush himselfdoes not support national IDs yet, andimplementation of a new federal systemwould take years. However, theAmerican Association of Motor VehicleAdministrators is planning to createhigh-tech drivers’ licenses with imbed-ded chips, bar codes and biometric IDof users (such as digital fingerprintimages). The card would link to driverlicense databases in all states. Before9/11, there was heated controversy overvideo monitoring of public areas. Sincethen, airports have lined up to test andinstall these systems, a foreshadowingof the ubiquitous telescreens that watcheveryone—outdoors and in—inOrwell’s novel 1984.

Federal officials are making a plan toshut down the entire cell-phone network—which played a critical roleon the day of the attack—to anyonewho is not a government official, in theevent of an emergency. The reason: tokeep the airwaves free for response tothe crisis. (The rule could also ensurethat ordinary citizens are unable tocommunicate with each other during acrisis—measures similar to what Polandinstituted in 1981 when they declaredmartial law and broke the Solidarityunion.)

In January, the Democratic Party-affiliated Progressive Policy Institutecalled for yet more police power: addition of “smart chips” to drivers’licenses—with inclusion of digitizedfingerprints, increased digital surveil-lance of computer users’ e-mail, use of“spyware” to capture computer key-

strokes, and video monitoringof public areas—with use offace recognition software tospot those who are on govern-ment lists. All of this, of course,is to be limited by “proper war-rants and other controls.” Andif you believe that, SCP has abridge to sell you.

Since September 11, law-enforcement officials and polit-ical pundits—from liberals towar-hawk neo-conservatives—have expressed frustration overthe silence of some of thosearrested on suspicion of terrorism. Inlate October, federal officials floated a“trial balloon” about giving truth serumto the suspects, or sending them to overseasallies that routinely torture suspects.Now, American liberals are joining thecall to get out the cattle prods. AlanDershowitz—a Harvard Law Schoolprofessor and O. J. Simpson defenderwhom the press calls “one of the coun-try’s leading civil libertarians”—haswritten that judges should be allowedto issue “torture warrants” to thwart animminent attack. He says that, undercurrent Supreme Court interpretationof the protection against self-incrimina-tion, evidence gained by torture couldbe used in a civil case (such as a depor-tation hearing) against the suspect, orin a criminal trial of another person.The only limit is that the evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial of thetorture victim. Of course, torture victims can be made to say anything.Another Harvard liberal, JonathanAlter, issued a similar apologia for therack in the pages of Newsweek; he beganby saying, “In this autumn of anger,even a liberal can find his thoughtsturning to … torture.”

As goes the federal government, sogo the states. Maryland’s governor andthe leaders of the state House and

authorities were everywhere. Stoic andgrim faces reflected the relentless con-trol of the Soviet State—to me a fearfulomen of what could befall the West.

My post-9/11 return trip to the WestCoast in late September reflected thechanged atmosphere in America. Panicin the Atlanta airport closed it for muchof the day, which in turn paralyzed theSavannah airport, among others.Almost all flights in the region werecanceled. The problem? One man atthe Atlanta airport ran through a security gate to get his camera, whichhe had left at an airport snack bar.Alarms went off. Tens of thousands oftravelers were told to wait outside theterminals for hours. Waves of flightswere cancelled. Thus at the counter of theSavannah airport I was told that myflight was canceled and was sent to aseedy motel to try again the next day.

The next morning I was givenrepeated security checks as armed soldiers stood by the screening areas.Grim faces stood in long, unmovinglines—a repeat vision of Moscow but inAmerica. Midway through the trip, atthe connecting gate in Dallas, beforeentering the plane, some were told tostep aside for a “random” personalsearch. Note, they had already beenscreened getting in. I privately won-dered how much people would put upwith this invasion of privacy.

During a more recent flight, becauseof one man—the tennis-shoe terror-ist—my shoes now had to be x-rayedalong with those of millions of otherpeople travelling since the incident.One solitary example, a single prece-dent, becomes the new benchmark,affecting millions of lives in a relentlesssubtraction of rights through singleprecedents. A truly dangerous trend.

The Unibomber became an earliermodel of this process, of one man abus-

ing a “freedom” or “right,” and in turnenabling the State to confiscate thosesame rights from millions. Considerthis precedent. After the Unibomber, itwas no longer possible to mail a package weighing over a pound simplyby dropping it into the mailbox, asAmericans had done for over a hundredyears. By Christmas, lines stretched halfa block and more from post offices, eating up countless hours of wait time.An already inefficient system wasstretched to the limit. Again, likeMoscow.

Before September 11, 2001, therewere two long-established trends in theUS and Western Europe: toward morepowerful government, involving morecontrol over individual lives, andtoward radical scientific experiments inwhich man tries to act as creator. Sincethen, we have moved quickly towardestablishing a new regime with thepolice powers of 1984 combined withthe weird science of Brave New World;actions that would never have beenaccepted before the attack on theWorld Trade Center now pass withouta murmur. By stealth, they have nowbeen redefined as aspects of “patriotism.”

Unlike previous wars againstnations—which had a definite end, victory or defeat—the war against terror is a global war against a vaguelydefined foe, with no end in sight.Government officials themselves expectthe war to last for years—and as long asthe war lasts, the restrictions on libertywill remain.

In October, Congress voted 98-1 forthe PATRIOT Act, which gives thegovernment broader power to monitore-mail, detain immigrants, listen tophone calls, monitor financial transac-tions and secretly gather other data onsuspects, who can be defined at whim.National ID cards had been unthinkable for the US before 9/11.


ISSN: 0883-13 Vol. 37:4, 2013PublisherSCP, Inc.

Editor & PresidentTal Brooke

ACCESS Director and Operations VPDanny Aguirre

Contributing EditorsPeter Jones & Lee Penn

Letters EditorStaff

Copy EditorGeorge A. Koch & Staff

ProductionTal Brooke & Staff

WebmasterChris Kersey

Pasadena Office DirectorDr. Mark Harris

Pasadena Office Team LeaderJoshua David

The SCP NEWSLETTER and JOURNAL arepublished by the Spiritual CounterfeitsProject, a nonprofit corporation under thelaws of the State of California. Through itsliterature, telephone and speaking minis-tries, SCP is a resource to provide a biblicalperspective on new religions and spiritualtrends. A more complete description ofSCP’s purpose and ministry is available inour literature catalog. Write for a free copy.

Though SCP almost never solicits contribu-tions, eschewing the heavy-handed tech-niques of our day, the ministry of SCP stilldepends heavily on Christians who supportus through prayer and gifts (all contribu-tions are tax-deductible). A financial state-ment for our most recent accounting year isavailable on request. Address your corre-spondence to: SCP Inc., PO Box 40015,Pasadena, CA 91114-7015.

SCP is a member of the Evangelical PressAssociation. Not all the views expressed inSCP publications are necessarily endorsedby SCP Inc. © 2013 by SpiritualCounterfeits Project, Inc.


SCP’S FORECAST OF LIFE AFTER 9/11continued from page 1

Senate leaders have proposed new lawsthat would expand the governor’s emer-gency powers, allow wider use of wire-taps on criminal suspects, suppress hith-erto-public records about securityplans, and quarantine people during abiological or chemical attack. GovernorParris Glendening said that the ninenew laws “do not infringe on civil liberties.” Tennessee legislators haveproposed a law that would give the governor and health authorities “sweep-ing new emergency powers to quaran-tine and test people,” ban guns, and“destroy or commandeer private property” in the event of a health emergency. For a health emergency tobe declared, there must be an imminentthreat of widespread, serious illness dueto bioterrorism, the emergence of anew or previously-controlled microbeor toxin, attack by chemical or nuclearweapons, or natural disaster. Since thisis a model bill, drafted by theGeorgetown University Center for Lawand the Public Health, it may soon beconsidered in all states. The “naturaldisaster” loophole is large enough todrive a boxcar of prisoners through.

All of this belies Bush’s eulogies tofreedom in his State of the Union

continued on page 6

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the-century Berkeley house. We hadbeen in a prime neighborhood only twoblocks from the UC Berkeley campus,and the pleasant area near famed PeetsCoffee and Chez Panisse. Now it couldall go up in smoke if the owner’s daughter, who had been hired by nearby Pixar, decided to move in.

So we scrambled to downsize ourfootprint. This immediately ended theluxury of storing thousands of Journalsand Newsletters in our basement. TheNewsletters were recycled at the ecologycenter, while we shipped thousands ofJournals halfway across the country to amail fulfillment center nearIndianapolis. Beyond that, even moredead weight needed to be jettisoned sowe would be able to move out if we got30 days’ notice. We had needed tolighten our “baggage-train” for a longtime anyway, but it was a difficult andcostly high-pressure predicament.

Houses like ours, whose rent washeld down by Berkeley rent-control,were very scarce, especially in suchhigh-demand areas as ours. On theopen market, similar houses, once freeof rent control, after tenants left, were


prohibitively expensive, priced at twicewhat we had been paying. This forcedus to stare reality in the face and lookbeyond Berkeley’s costly and meagerhousing market.

But in order to organize a movebeyond Berkeley, we had to deal with along-term challenge: SCP’s burden-some and fragile office operations thatthe publishing wing had been connected to since the late 1970s, whenwe consolidated two offices.

OUR OUTDATED OFFICE MODELWe have been wedded to a very

fragile office model for 20 years—most-ly because of our very real financial lim-itations (income that is 1/500th of suchministries as Focus on the Family) whiledepending on local UC Berkeleystudents as an affordable labor resource.

I had inherited some of SCP’soffice functions from earlier eras, thenstreamlined them. The core model Idevised was a part-time staff of UCBerkeley student-interns with strongconnections to known ministries andchurches. This had advantages and

disadvantages. Christian students wereselected by word-of-mouth amongcampus fellowships. Differing inChristian commitment and maturity,we had superstars like Cyndi Straus,Kathie Aguirre (non-UC students),Josh Ong and Marilyn Mai, while others far less committed and reliablehad sometimes “jumped ship” withoutnotice, leaving SCP dangling on theedge of a precipice. The latter was terrifying for me as captain of the ship.I knew that if Berkeley student-stafferssaw more desirable options openingup—regardless of promised loyalty—they could drop SCP like a hot potato,and this happened more times than Icare to mention.

One recent alternative office planwas to operate through “team Aguirre”in greater New York City. DannyAguirre is VP of Operations and long-time ACCESS director, and hiswife Kathie is one of SCP’s all-timetop-three office managers/database programmers. But to be fair, Kathienow has a nursing career, and Danny,apart from SCP, is a full-time pastor,heading up several other evangelismoutreaches. So we agreed to keepBrooklyn on hold. He was willing, buthis hands were tied. We rented an SCPBrooklyn PO Box, but in the swirl ofevents, it was dead in the water almostimmediately. I made the mistake of prematurely announcing the PostOffice box in Brooklyn.

Meanwhile, as another option, Ihad found a small, affordable separateoffice in Berkeley near the house. Woowas slated to run it, as I announced in arecent Newsletter. But Danny and I realized it would not be fair to SCP orto Woo to leave SCP’s future solely inWoo’s hands. I realized this afterreturning in late spring from exploratory house-hunting in Hawaii,knowing that our operation, like mostmagazines, would need to be dividedinto a business wing and a publishing

wing, as in our early days. But I was notfeeling secure about the fragile arrange-ment of a small office in Berkeley withme gone and no longer overseeingthings. We needed God to intervene!

And indeed I believe He did whena new option came out of nowhere likemanna from heaven.


Danny Aguirre’s missionary broth-er-in-law, Craig Prest, reminded himabout what could be best described as a“virtual office” in Pasadena that handlesthe full office operations of respectedministries such as Vishal Mangalwadi’s,plus two missionary organizations basedin Africa and the large U.S. Center forWorld Mission among his clients,through a corporation calledAccounting Management, Inc.

I hoped this was true, and I feltcompelled to call the company’s headimmediately, to tell him of our needsand that we were in the middle of moving. Out of the blue, Mark Harris,its CEO and founder, suggested drivingfrom Pasadena to meet me and see theSCP office setup.

True to his word, in under a week,Mark Harris drove to Berkeley to eyeball our operation. Like a rescuingangel sent by God, or a CPR unit arriv-ing in the nick of time at the scene ofan accident, this mature Christianaccountant and one-time CPA (whoalso has a master’s in New Testamentfrom Western Seminary) appeared onthe scene as an answer to 20 years ofprayer.

I learned that through his company,Mark Harris is the controller for theU.S. Center for World Mission on itsstunning 35-acre campus in primePasadena, one of LA’s most attractivesuburbs. He runs an international team

of gifted Christians working under himusing the expansive offices there. Assomeone converted in India throughmissionaries, I was very appreciative.

Mark and I shook hands after wetoured the office and key areas ofBerkeley. The Pasadena office wouldbecome SCP’s new office. Amazingly,its rates would be maybe less than whatwe had been paying here.

On a personal level, I had connect-ed with Mark immediately and sensedhis capability, confidence, Christiancharacter and honesty. I also knew he,like our long-term accountant, ChuckBenedict (who had moved near him inLA), would become friends, whileChuck could act as an SCP resource.

We had almost moved out of theBerkeley house, packing everything intoa large Matson container to be shippedto Hawaii, when Mark arrived for a second visit in early June, this timearriving before his second-in-com-mand—a handsome, bright young fellow of Indian descent named JoshuaDavid (his dad is from Bangalore,

South India, where I was converted)—made a dramatic arrival on our drive ina large moving truck with his new wife.

My team, that had been packingthe large Matson shipping container theweek before (including a young GI whocould bench-press 500 pounds), nowhelped the Pasadena Office pack thelarge truck with SCP’s full office,including our giant conference tables,as well as stuff from the new officedown the street. What they didn’t needwould be given to missionaries, students and faculty. Then the wholeteam of us went off to one of Berkeley’sprime Indian restaurants. By then, I wasfeeling total relief and gratitude, certainthat this was the answer to years ofprayers.

So be aware that when you phoneSCP and leave a message on the Oomaphone system, apart from DannyAguirre, you may well be speaking toJoshua David when you get a call back.



SCP’s New Virtual office at Accounting Management, Inc, in Pasadena, with use of offices atthe U.S. Center for World Mission/William Carey University.

UC Berkeley’s Sather Gate facing Sproul Plaza, on an “average day.”

continued on page 14

continued from page 1

Page 4: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

Americans are being—coincidentallyor not—“softened up” to accept apolice state.

This conditioning was yieldingfruit even before the 9/11 attack. LastAugust, 93% of IT executives polledby Chief Information Officer (CIO)magazine said that use of wirelesstechnology to continuously trackindividuals’ location and transactionswas not a “dangerous threat to priva-cy.” As of last fall, federal regulationsrequire new cell phones to includelocation-tracking sensors that allow911 operators to locate callers withina few hundred feet.

Some will argue that these newlaws are a threat only to terrorists, notto law-abiding citizens. This hope isnaïve, since many powerful peoplewant to define their political and religious opponents as “terrorists.”Anti-abortion protesters, orthodoxChristians who support traditionalmoral codes, and anti-globalizationprotesters all face being labeled in thisfashion and being sent to jail on apretext.

As the establishment worldwideasserts greater political power overcitizens, scientists move forwardeverywhere with their plans to useunborn children as raw material formedical research and for the selectivebreeding of “designer babies.” Thusdoes science move from the search fortruth to the imposition of lawlesshuman will, contrary to God-createdorder.

All of this confirms the warningsC. S. Lewis made 50 years ago, speak-ing against the false promises madeby politicians, social planners and sci-entists. In The Abolition of Man, Lewiswrote, “Man’s conquest of Nature, ifthe dreams of some scientific plannersare realized, means the rule of a fewhundreds of men over billions uponbillions of men. There neither is nor


address: “No people on Earth yearnto be oppressed, or aspire to servi-tude, or eagerly await the midnightknock of the secret police. … Americawill always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human digni-ty: the rule of law, limits on the powerof the state, respect for women, pri-vate property, free speech, equal jus-tice, and religious tolerance.”

As the President praises freedom,he and his henchmen are burying it.Rather, it is under this cloak of patri-otic flag-waving, whether the SuperBowl or the Winter Olympics, thatmore rights are being confiscatedthan was once thinkable. It is purestealth.

As America goes, so go Europe andCanada, and, vice-versa. A precedentin one developed nation can beaccepted in others.

Six months before the attack onAmerica, Greece proposed new lawsto deal with terrorism, gangs, anddrug dealing: non-jury criminal trials,limits on rights to appeal, forcedDNA testing, increased police surveillance and infiltration power,and longer jail terms. After the warbegan, Europe and Canada havemoved quickly to clamp down on thepopulation. In December, Britainagreed to implement the newEuropean Union wide arrest warrant,in which anyone in the U.K. can bearrested based on a warrant from anyEU member nation. This would be soeven if the arrest were for an act thatis legal in Britain (such as a “hatespeech” offense). The House ofCommons took less than 48 hours topass a 128-clause bill that establishesnew surveillance powers and bans“incitement to religious hatred.”Resistance from the House of Lordsmay limit the damage to British liber-ties—but given the Labor

Government’s ongoing attack on theprivileges of that ancient body, theirresistance to this measure may notcontinue for long.

And as go the Europeans andAmericans, so may go the world, ifsome dreamers have their way. At aUN meeting last December, PascalSmet, the head of Belgium’s indepen-dent asylum board, proposed thateveryone on the planet be finger-printed and registered, using a universal ID plan. Smet said, “It’s abasic rule of management that if youwant to manage something, you mea-sure it. It’s the same with humanbeings and migration. But instead ofmeasuring it, you have to registerthem.”

As the political climate shiftstoward “command and control,” newtechnology is becoming available tosupport this. Applied DigitalSolutions, Inc. (ADSX) is now offer-ing implantable ID chips (and GlobalPositioning System tracking devices)to executives in three Latin Americancountries; initial orders exceed$300,000. (The devices are being soldfirst to overseas markets, since thefirm does not have Food & DrugAdministration approval for use of thechips in people; approval is expectedlater this year.) Company executivesexpect the worldwide market for chipimplants to reach $70 billion peryear—but do not say when this mayoccur. ADSX also sells external moni-toring devices that can detect thewearer’s location, or sudden move-ment (such as a fall). The firm is mar-keting this for use with children,parolees, people with dementia, andold people who live alone; the price is$299, plus a $30 monthly monitoringfee. Paul Saffo, a director of theInstitute for the Future in MenloPark, CA, says, “Are we going to seechips embedded in the human body?

You bet we are. But it isn’t going tohappen overnight.” He also said, “Assome people wring their hands aboutthe invasion of privacy and civil liber-ty, a whole other generation is goingto go, ‘Cool! I’ve always wanted toembed technology in my body.’ It’sgoing to be fashion. One sure signthat teenagers will love it is if it terrifies their parents.” FromGeneration X, to Generation Y, toGeneration 666—such would be thetrend, if Saffo is right. And the teenbody ornament, piercing, and tattoocraze serves up a generation withminimal resistance to chip implants.

These attacks on liberty—incon-ceivable before September 11—arebeing accepted by the general public.Poll ratings for the President remainhigh, as is approval—70% or more—for the new federal laws. In mid-December, the publisher of theSacramento Bee was driven off thestage by hecklers when she delivereda mid-year graduation address to17,000 people at California StateUniversity in Sacramento. Heroffense was to criticize limits on civilrights due to the war.

The flying public accepts the newairline security regulations—evenwhen these involve long lines, intru-sive random searches and groping byguards (a Congressman was recentlystrip-searched because his hip implantset off the metal detectors), arbitraryconfiscation of property (includingnail clippers, pocket knives and somejewelry), and arbitrary arrest (a mancarrying an Edward Abbey book witha picture of dynamite on the coverwas kicked out of the PhiladelphiaAirport, with the aid of the NationalGuard and the state police). Whenthe middle class and the rich—thosewho fly—tolerate these measures,abandoning their usual assertiveness,a critical barrier has been crossed.


continued from page 3can be any simple increase of poweron Man’s side. Each new power wonby man is a power over man as well.”In the essay “Is Progress Possible,”Lewis said of the politicians in his day,“All that can really happen is thatsome men will take charge of the des-tiny of the others. They will be sim-ply men; none perfect; some greedy,cruel and dishonest. The more com-pletely we are planned the more pow-erful they will be. Have we discoveredsome new reason why, this time,power should not corrupt as it hasdone before?”

Apart from God’s grace and pro-tection, no government—howeverrich and powerful—can give safety toits nation and its people. To believeotherwise is idolatry. Attempts bymankind to wrest health, wealth andlongevity from nature by all meansnecessary, no matter how perverse,represent the same kind of pride thatled to the Fall in Eden. In the end,the worshipers of Government andScience, like the worshipers ofMammon, will find themselvesenslaved; the devil will claim his endof the Faustian bargain.

Tal Brooke is the President of SCP, Inc.,

and has authored nine books. His work

has been recognized in Marquis Who’s

Who in the World and Who’s Who in

America. Tal is a graduate of the

University of Virginia and Princeton.

He was converted in Indial

Lee Penn, a convert out of atheistic

Marxism, graduated cum laude from

Harvard University in 1976, having

been inducted into Phi Beta Kappa in

1974. Lee works in healthcare informa-

tion systems and financial analysis.


• Tim Craig, “Governor, Assembly Leaders Agree onAnti-Terrorism Bills,” Baltimore Sun, January 23, 2002.

• Walter Pincus, “Terrorism Suspects Won’t Say a Word;Law Enforcement Officials Talking About Sidestepping CivilLiberties,” San Francisco Chronicle, October 22, 2001.

• Joel Miller, “Torture: Rack by Popular Demand,”WorldNetDaily, December 4, 2001.

• Vicki Haddock, “The Unspeakable: To Get at the Truth, IsTorture or Coercion Ever Justified?”, San Francisco Chronicle,November 18, 2001.

• Robert D. Kaplan, Warrior Politics: Why LeadershipDemands a Pagan Ethos, Amazon.com listing.

• Andrew Nagorski, “Lessons of the Pagans: Can ReligiousValues Make a Nation Weak,” Newsweek, Jan. 21, 2002.

• “Robert Kaplan—Senior Fellow,” biographical statementat http://www.newamerica.net/fellows.

• Matt Drudge, “Scientist Plans Cloning Birth,” DrudgeReport, November 25, 2001.

• Michael Drogan, “Chinese Research Embraces TherapeuticCloning,” San Jose Mercury News, Dec. 17, 2001.

• David Derbyshire, “First Human Embryo Is Cloned,”London Telegraph, November 26, 2001.

• Yomiuri Shimbun, “Govt. OK’s Human-Animal EmbryoCloning,” The Daily Yomiuri, November 30, 2001.

• Jeffrey Benner, “Frankenbugs in the Wings,” Wired,December 7, 2001.

• Roger Highfield, “Fertility Authority Gives Go-Ahead for‘Designer Babies,’” London Telegraph, December 13, 2001.

• Carolyn Abraham, “Cloning Pig Parts for People,”GlobeandMail.com, January 3, 2001.

• Paul Recer, “Scientist Wants to Clone People,” WashingtonPost, December 14, 2001.

• Jonathan Leake, “Monkey Test Breakthrough BringsHuman Clones Closer,” The Sunday Times, October 28, 2001.

• Derek Gatapoulos, “Big Brother Fear as Terror LawLooms,” Athens News, March 16, 2001.

• Julia Scheeres, “Kidnapped? GPS to the Rescue,” WiredNews, January 25, 2002.

• John W. Whitehead, “Terror in Our Airports,”WorldNetDaily, January 26, 2002.

• Charles Glass, “I Know What Camp X-Ray Feels Like,”New Statesman, January 29, 2002.

• Associated Press, “Review: Digital Angel Is a GPS Tracker:Using Your Laptop to Monitor Someone From Afar,” CNN.com,January 19, 2002.

• Charles J. Murray, “Implantable Chip Opens Door to‘Human Bar Code,’” EETimes.com, January 4, 2002.

• CIO On-line Quick Poll, CIO Magazine, July 31, 2001.• Anonymous, “Tethered to Wireless,” CIO Magazine,

August 1, 2001.• Wendy McElroy, “War Comes With Unintended

Consequences,” Fox News, September 25, 2001.• United Press, “Democrat Policy Group Recommends

‘Smart IDs’ for Americans,” January 20, 2002, as reported onwww.rense.com.

• “Refugee Meeting Hears Proposal to Register EveryHuman,” December 13, 2001, smh.com.au.

• Robert O’Harrow and Jonathan Krim, “National ID CardGaining Support,” Washington Post, December 17, 2001.

• David Streitfeld, “A Chip ID That’s Only Skin-Deep,” LosAngeles Times, December 19, 2001

• Glen Johnson, “Bush Halts inquiry of FBI and Stirs Up aFirestorm,” The Boston Globe, December 14, 2001.

• “Sacramento Bee Publisher Booed During Her CollegeGraduation Speech,” The Associated Press, December 16, 2001.

• Philip Johnston, “Blair Will Bypass Lords Over EU ArrestWarrants,” London Telegraph, December 14, 2001.

• Hugo Young, “Once Lost, These Freedoms Will BeImpossible to Restore,” The Guardian, December 11, 2001.

• Jayson Blair, “U.S. Considers Restricting Cellphone Use inDisasters,” New York Times, December 12, 2001.

• Jonathan Alter, “Time to Think About Torture,”Newsweek, November 5, 2001.

• Jon Dougherty, “Bill Would Give Governors AbsolutePower,” WorldNetDaily, January 10, 2002.


Page 5: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

BOOKSB 001 ONE WORLD, Tal Brooke. $14.95B 003 THE MYSTERY OF DEATH, Tal Brooke. $13.95B 004 RIDERS OF THE COSMIC CIRCUIT, Tal

Brooke. $15.95B 005 VIRTUAL GODS, Tal Brooke, Ed. $12.95(out-of-print copies are still available)B 301 AVATAR OF NIGHT, Tal Brooke. $16.95 B 355 THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, Phillip E. Johnson.


Godawa. $14.00B 009 DARWIN ON TRIAL, Phillip E. Johnson.

$12.95B 360 GET YOUR SOUL BACK, Danny Aguirre.


JOURNALSNumbering of future Journals, starting with the next

one, will be simplified pairing, so we are jumpinga single volume to do this.

J 3603—BIG BROTHER ENTERS THE GATES—(Vols.36:3-36:4, 2012) $7.00 Features: Surviving Life inthe Western World Part II—Tal Brooke, Big BrotherEnters the Gates—Lee Penn, The Two Israels—Steve Wohlberg

J 3601—THE BURNING TRUTH—(Vols. 36:1-36:2,2012) $7.00 Features: Burning Man: Preview to anAlternative Pagan Social Order, Part 1—SteveMatthews, The Greatest Prophecy of the ComingMessiah and the Attempts to Alter or Cover Up ItsMessage—Steve Wohlberg, When Leaders Deceivea Slumbering and Unwary Public Through FalseFlags and Misdirection—Lee Penn

J 3503—AYN RAND—(Vols. 35:2-35:3, 2011) $7.00Features: Surviving Life in the Western World—TalBrooke, Ayn Rand: The Janus Face ofLibertarianism—Lee Penn, Christian Witchcraftand Christo-Paganism—Brooks Alexander

J 3501—ANTI-CHRISTS AND FALSE MESSIAHSDOWN THE AGES—(Vols. 34:4-35:1, 2011)$7.00 Features: Two Years under an Anti-Christ—Tal Brooke, Anti-Christs and False Messiahs Downthe Ages—Lee Penn

J 3403—THE ABOLITION OF MAN 2—(Vols. 34:2-34:3, 2010) $7.00 Features: Crisis and Betrayal—Tal Brooke, Passing Through the Land ofShadows—Danny Aguirre, The World Church of

SCP Index of Materials


Opus Dei & The Da Vinci Code—Lee Penn, TheDescent Into Unbelief—Jonathan Rice

J 2901—SOUL TRAPS OF THOUGHT AND CUL-TURE—(Vols. 28:4-29:1, 2005) $7.00 Features:The Soul Under Siege II—Lee Penn, From OldGnosticism to New Age I—Alan Morrison, TheSuicide Option: When Life Has Lost Meaning—Josh Ong

J 2803—CONTROLLING THE LAND & THESOUL—(Vols. 28:2-28:3, 2004) $7.00 Features:The Soul Under Siege—Lee Penn,The StrangeMarriage Between Western Ecology and EasternThought Part II—Jonathan Rice, The Strip-Miningof Culture—Alan Morrison,The Role of Plagiarismin Religious Movements—William Alnor

J 2801—OF GODS AND NATIONS—(Vols. 27:4-28:1, 2004) $7.00 Features: One Nation UnderWhat?—Phillip Johnson, The Emerging Reality of aNew World Order—Tal Brooke, When the StateBecomes God—Lee Penn, The Strange MarriageBetween Western Ecology and Eastern Thought—Jonathan Rice

J 2703—THE TWO JERUSALEMS—(Vols. 27:2-27:3,2003) $7.00 Features: The Intelligent DesignMovement—Tal Brooke interivews Philip Johnson,The Two Jerusalems—Alan Morrison, The Promiseto Abraham—Brian Godawa

J 2701—THE MYSTERY OF LAWLESSNESS—(Vols.26:4-27:1, 2003) $7.00 Features: Neale DonaldWalsch: Conversations With Myself—Lee Penn &Tal Brooke, Harry Potter: Manipulating Reality—Lawrence Burkholder, The Mystery ofLawlessness: An Exposition on the Antichrist—Alan Morrison, Angels and Demons in theMovies—Brian Godawa

J 2603—THE ESSENCE OF PAGANISM—(Vols. 26:2-26:3, 2002) $7.00 Features: The Essence ofPaganism—Peter Jones & Tal Brooke,Postmodernism & The Movies—Brian Godawa,The Radical Islamic Agenda—Aleesha Khan, TheMasonic Quest—Lee Penn

J 2601—RADICAL ISLAM—(Vols. 25:4-26:1, 2002)$7.00 Features: Strange Fire: The Invasion ofPagan Sexuality—Peter Jones & Tal Brooke, TheAge of Masonry by Lee Penn, The Radical IslamicMind—Aleesha Khan, Anthroposophy: The OccultInfluences of Rudolph Steiner, Pt. 2 by CarrieTomko

J 2503—REALITY TV—(Vol. 25:2-25:3, 2001) (NEWSCP Digital Reprint) $10.00 Features: Reality TV:Cannibalizing the Moral Order—Catou Grinyer,The Origins and Influence of Masonry, Pt. 1 by LeePenn, Between Isaac and Ishmael by BrooksAlexander, Anthroposophy: The Occult Influencesof Rudolph Steiner, Pt. 1 by Carrie Tomko

J 2501—BATTLING THE SPIRIT OF DELUSION—(Vol. 24:4-25:1, 2001) $7.00 Features: The Wedgeof Truth—Tal Brooke interviews Phillip Johnson,Not by the Sword: Bizarre Signs, PropheticCommands & Group Intimidation by Matthew

2017—Lee Penn, The Toxic Invasion—SteveWohlberg

J 3401—THE ABOLITION OF MAN—(Vols.33:4-34:1, 2010) $7.00 Features: Encounters WithFamiliar Spirits—Steve Wohlberg, A PerilousSpiritual Journey—Greg Albrecht, Depopulation:Making the Abolition of Man a Reality—Lee Penn

J 3303—VAMPIRES RISING—(Vols.33:2-33:3, 2009)$7.00 Features: Vampires Rising—Tal Brooke, TheMenace Behind Twilight—Steve Wohlberg, AnApologetic of Horror—Brian Godawa,Depopulation: Making the World Safe for theElite—Lee Penn

J 3301—APOCALYPSE WHEN?—(Vols. 32:4-33:1,2009) $7.00 Features: The Mayan Apocalypse of2012—Lee Penn, The Shape of Things to Come2—Alan Morrison, The View From IronMountain—Brooks Alexander

J 3203—PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE—(Vols.32:2-32:3, 2008) $7.00 Features: The Rapture—Steve Wohlberg, The Millennium: The ThousandYears of Rev. 20—Tal Brooke, The Shape of Thingsto Come—Alan Morrison, The Twilight ofFreedom—Lee Penn

J 3201—STAGING THE FUTURE—(Vols. 31:4-32:1,2008) $7.00 Features: Arthur C. Clarke: Visionaryof a Mystical World Order—Tal Brooke, TheSunset of Liberty: Setting the Stage for Tyranny—Lee Penn, Orchestrating the End: The PropheticQuest of Dispensationalism—Stephen Sizer

J 3103—THE COMING SPECTRES 2—(Vols. 31:2-31:3, 2007) $7.00 Features: Ironies of Disbelief:Militant Atheism and the Law of UnintendedConsequences—Brooks Alexander, The Techno-Utopians 2: Managing the Masses for WorldOrder—Lee Penn, Witchcraft in the Military—Brooks Alexander, Conditional Submission: TheChristian’s Relationship to Earthly Government—Alan Morrison

J 3101—THE COMING SPECTRES—(Vols. 30:4-31:1, 2007) $7.00 Features: Sanctioned Mockery:And the Rise of Attacks on Christians—Tal Brooke,The New Spirituality & Its Hallmarks—AlanMorrison, The Techno-Utopians: Managing theMasses for World Order—Lee Penn

J 3003—FROM LIBERTY TO LEVIATHAN—(Vols.30:2-30:3, 2006) $7.00 Features: From Liberty toLeviathan—Lee Penn, Witchcraft: Real andImagined II—Brooks Alexander, BecomingConversant With the Emerging Church—D. A.Carson, An Update on the Emerging Church—TalBrooke

J 3001—THE SPIRITS OF THE AGE—(Vols. 29:4-30:1, 2006) $7.00 Features: God TV—AlanMorrison, Witchcraft: Real and Imagined I—Brooks Alexander, Opus Dei & The Da Vinci CodeII—Lee Penn

J 2903—THE GREAT LIE—(Vols. 29:2-29:3, 2005)$7.00 Features: The Great Lie—Tal Brooke, FromOld Gnosticism to New Age II—Alan Morrison,


SCP Journals are unsurpassed in the fieldof analyzing and discerning the inside work-ings of new spiritual trends. SCP has 6000groups on file, which the New York CityLibrary assesses as the most complete col-lection of such materials in the UnitedStates. Time, ABC, and other major net-works and newspapers quote us about vari-ous movements and issues.

SCP is a Christian think-tank composed ofpeople who have spent years on variousspiritual paths before becoming Christians.This gives them insight and discernment. Yetthey know the final arbiter of all issues isGod’s revelation, which towers above allhuman learning and experience. SCP hassome of the most gifted people in the fieldwho have learned that conservative ortho-doxy is the only trustworthy path of analysis.

SCP Journals have addressed the very lat-est deceptions—New Age seminars enteringthe corporate world with increasingly sleekprograms, Joseph Campbell’s mysticalteachings on television before uncriticalmillions, and the leap in today’s pop culturefrom ecology to Gaia. In the name of truth,sophisticated lies are fed to unwary peoplewho live in and shape our world. Subscribetoday and you will see why we have such adedicated subscription base.

❏ Enclosed is $35.00 ($45.00 outside USA) or moreto receive the SCP Newsletterand Journal for one year.






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Page 6: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

Earth by Tal Brooke, I. Gaia: Sects and Squabbles,II. Deep Ecology by Brooks Alexander, TheGoddess Comes of Age by Alison Lentini, TheGaia Hypothesis: Science, Mythology and theDesecration of God by Stuart Chevre, Creation:The Christian View of Ecology by Francis Schaeffer

*J 0903—VISUALIZATION: Mind Power and theMind’s Eye (NEW SCP Digital Reprint) (Vol. 9:3,1990) $10.00 Features: Visualizing the Tower ofBabel by Tal Brooke, Mind Power and the Mind’sEye by Brooks Alexander, Visualization, GuidedImagery and the Holistic Health Movement byStuart Chevre. Reviews: Jacob’s Ladder by TalBrooke

*J 0902—THE MYTHOLOGY OF JOSEPH CAMP-BELL (NEW SCP Digital Reprint) (Vol. 9:2, 1990)$10.00 Features: Adhesive for a Generic Religionby Tal Brooke, Oracle of Transgression and JosephCampbell’s Myth-Conception by BrooksAlexander, Myth and the Power of Campbell byDoug Groothuis, Jung: Man of Mystic Proportionsby Charles Strohmer

*J 0901—MINDING THE STORE: Influences of theNew Age Movement in Business (SCP DigitalReprint) (Vol. 9:1, 1990) $10.00 Features:Identifying the New Age Seminar by DougGroothius, Gates of Entry for the Occult by TalBrooke, Not Built in a Day: Context and Pretext ofthe New Age in Business by Brooks Alexander,Business as Unusual: The New-Age Rage andCorporate America by Carl Raschke, New Age,Business and the Law by Herbert Rosedale

J 0701—SPIRITISM: The Medium and the Message(Vol. 7:1, 1987) $5.00 Features: What Is Spiritismand Why Are They Saying Those Awful ThingsAbout It? by Brooks Alexander, A Matter of Course:A Conversation With K. Wapnick, A Course inMiracles: Seeing Yourself as Sinless by DeanHalverson. Reviews: Dancing in the Light byShirley MacLaine, Riders of the Cosmic Circuit byTal Brooke; reviewed by Brooks Alexander

J 0102—UFOs: Is Science Fiction Coming True?(Vol. 1:2, 1977) $4.50 Features: The ModernPrometheus: Science Fiction and the NewConsciousness by Woodrow Nichols and BrooksAlexander, UFOs: Is Science Fiction Coming True?by Mark Albrecht and Brooks Alexander, andmore.


Back issues of SCP’s NEWSLET-TERS are no longer available dueto storage room limitations andcosts.

Since there have been only occa-sional orders for them over the

SCP • PO Box 40015 • Pasadena, CA 91114

Davis, The World Church of 2017by Lee Penn, DeconstructingSatan, Part II by Brad ScottJ 2403—DARK APOCALYPSE—

(Vol. 24:2-24:3, 2000) $7.00 Features: The GreatLie by Tal Brooke, Dark Apocalypse by Lee Penn,Pokémon for the Uninitiated by Catou Grinyer,The Proliferation of a Movement: TheInternational Churches of Christ II by DannyAguirre, Deconstructing Satan, Part I by Brad Scott

J 2401—WITCHCRAFT: SPELLBINDING A CUL-TURE—(Vol. 23:4-24:1, 2000) $7.00 Features:Spellbinding a Culture by Tal Brooke, Harry Potter:Occult Cosmology and the Corrupted Imaginationby Alison Lentini, The Witches of Harvard andMIT by Tony Carnes, New Age and GlobalistStrategies: Unity, Collectivism & Control by LeePenn

J 2303—THE COMING WORLD RELIGION PARTII—(Vol. 23:2-23:3, 1999) $7.00 Features: A High-Level Insider Converts—Michael Graham’s 28-Year Journey by Tal Brooke, The New Age Christ ofDavid Spangler by Ron Rhodes, The Proliferationof a Movement: The International Churches ofChrist by Danny Aguirre, The United Religions:Globalist and New Age Plans by Lee Penn

J 2301—THE COMING WORLD RELIGION PART I,& SWEET LIES CONT.—(Vol. 22:4-23:1, 1999)$7.00 Features: Secrets of the Soul—Gary Zukav,Putting God in Small Packages by Tal Brooke, Lostin the Supermarket: Pop Music and SpiritualCommerce by Alison Lentini, The “Oprah Effect”by Ron Rhodes, The United ReligionsFront—Foundations for a World Religion by LeePenn

J 2203—SWEET LIES II—(Vol. 22:2-22:3, 1998)$7.00 Features: Spirit Voices—and the Van PraaghMedia Circus by Tal Brooke, Leaving MarianneWilliamson & A Course in Miracles by TonyCarnes, Conversations With the God of This Ageby John Moore, Anthony Robbins and the Questfor Unlimited Power by Ron Rhodes, JeanHouston—Profile of the New Age Advisor toHillary Clinton by Craig Branch

J 2201—SWEET LIES—(Vol. 21:4-22:1, 1998) $7.00Features: The Terrible Strength and Weakness ofNaturalism—an interview with Phil Johnson by TalBrooke, America’s Glitzy Guru, MarianneWilliamson by Ron Rhodes, The MayanGospel—The Mass Appeal of James Redfield’sCelestine Prophecy by John Moore, BrennanManning—The New Monk of Mystic Protestantismby John Caddock, Terminal Ecumenism—BishopSwing and the United Religions Initiative byBrooks Alexander

J 2103—THE COSMIC MEDICINE MEN—TheMystery Teachings of Deepak Chopra, AndrewWeil, and Bernie Siegel (Vol. 21:3, 1997) $5.00Features: Deepak Chopra, Wizard of BoundlessHealing by Tal Brooke, The Temptations of

Deepak Chopra by William Alnor, Energies ofMind & Body by Ron Rhodes, Andrew Weil, New-Medicine’s Man of the ‘90s by Brooks Alexander

J 2102—JESUS AND THE DEN OF THIEVES II—Further Assaults, Alterations and Redefinitions ofthe Person and the Work of Christ (Vol. 21:1-2,1997) $7.00 Features: The Cosmic Christ ofChanneled Revelation by Tal Brooke, A NewChrist by Peter Jones, Jesus on the Rack by BradScott, The Jesus of the Watchtower by RonRhodes, Between Isaac and Ishmael by BrooksAlexander, Has God Really Spoken by RonRhodes

J 2004—JESUS AND THE DEN OF THIEVES—Scholarly Assaults, New Age Alterations, and theCreation of Other Christs (Vol. 20:3-4, 1996)$7.00 Features: Jesus and the Den of Thieves byTal Brooke, Apostasy in America by Peter Jones,The Quest for the Historical Jesus by John Moore,The Jesus Seminar by John Moore, The CosmicChrist by Ron Rhodes, The Real Jesus AlreadyStood Up by Brooks Alexander

J 2002—VIRTUAL REALITY—Virtual Gods,Designer Universes (Vol. 20:2, 1996) $5.00Features: Virtual Gods, Designer Universes by TalBrooke, Virtual Bodies in the City of Bits byDonald L. Baker, Embody the Avatar by JohnMoore, Virtuality and Theophobia—Becoming theGhost in our Own Machine by Brooks Alexander

J 2001—CYBERSPACE—Storming Digital Heaven(Vol. 19:4-20:1, 1995, double issue) $7.00Features: Cyberspace: Storming Digital Heaven byTal Brooke, Welcome to the Cyber-Millennium,Part One by Donald L. Baker, Virtual Man by JohnMoore, Extropianism by Brian Godawa, TheFaustian Bargain by Brooks Alexander

J 1903—PREPARING FOR THE COSMIC MILLENNI-UM And The Coming Global Church (Vol. 19:2-3,1995, double issue) $7.00 Features: Preparing forthe Cosmic Millennium by Tal Brooke,Community and the Cosmic Christ by WarrenSmith, Last Exit Before Judgment by BrooksAlexander, Signs of the Times by Warren Smith

J 1901—NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES: RevelationsFrom the Deathplane (Vol. 18:4/19:1, 1994, dou-ble issue) $7.00 Features: Near-Death Experiencesby Tal Brooke, Embracing a False Light by WarrenSmith, Clues to a Near-Death Experience by CraigBranch, When Heaven Can’t Wait by WilliamAlnor, The Tinsel Halo by Brooks Alexander

J 1803—JOHN BRADSHAW AND THE RECOVERYMOVEMENT: Freeing All the Inner-Children (Vol.18:3, 1994) $5.00 Features: A Brief Look at JohnBradshaw by Tal Brooke, Singing the Song ofMyself by Richard John Neuhaus, Recovery andCodependence by Kenneth Meyers, Early Roots ofthe Codependency Movement by Edward T.Welch, Recovery’s Family Tree by BrooksAlexander


Post-Christian Amerika (Vol. 18:1-2, 1993, doubleissue) $7.00 Features: When America ProvokesGod by Tal Brooke, Can We Be Good WithoutGod by Charles Colson, In Defense of Liberty byKeith Fornier, Censoring the Past by Gary DeMar,Redefining Culture Through Media by TheodoreBaehr, Burden of Conflict: Church and State inCrisis by Brooks Alexander

J 1704—THE BATTLE FOR AMERICA’S CHRISTIANHERITAGE: The Culture War on Christianity (Vol.17:4, 1993) $5.00 Features: America’s WaningLight by Tal Brooke, This Is a Christian Nation byHerbert W. Titus, Restoring America’s ChristianHistory by Mark Beliles & Stephen McDowell, TheChristian Idea of Government by Rus Walton,Burden of Conflict: Church and State in a FallenWorld by Brooks Alexander

J 1703—THE WAY OF ECOLOGY: Remaking Man inthe Earth’s Image (Vol. 17:3, 1992) $5.00Features: The Ecological Great Awakening by TalBrooke, Eco-Religion and Cultural Change byBrooks Alexander & Mike Coffman, America’sEcological Millennium by Douglas Groothuis,Downsizing the Family of Man by Alison Lentini,The View From Iron Mountain by BrooksAlexander

J 1702—ALIEN ENCOUNTERS: UFOs and the Realmof Shadows (Vol. 17:1-2, 1992, double issue)$7.00 Features: Machines Made of Shadows byBrooks Alexander, Encountering UFOs by JohnWeldon and John Ankerberg, Part I: The AlienObsession, Part II: Of Gods and Aliens by BillAlnor, A Brief Look at “A Brief History of Time” byHugh Ross, Alien Messages on the Big Screen byTal Brooke

J 1604—EDUCATION: Capturing Hearts and Mindsfor a New World (Vol. 16:4, 1992) $5.00Features: Abolished Man: From Instruction toIndoctrination in the New Education by BrooksAlexander, Capturing Hearts and Minds for a NewWorld by Tal Brooke, Deconstruction: The Crisisof Values and Truth in the Academy by MarcMueller

J 1603—WITCHCRAFT: From the Dark Ages to theNew Age (Vol. 16:3, 1991) $5.00 Special reportby Brooks Alexander—Tracing Modern WitchcraftFrom Its Ancient Pagan Roots to Modern Times

J 1602—NEW WORLD ORDER: The Iron Hand ofPeace & Spiritual Unity (Vol. 16:2, 1991) $5.00Features: Breathing Together: Conspiracy &Intention by Brooks Alexander, I. The EmergingReality of a New World Order, II. World Order &Freedom of Religion by Tal Brooke, WillChristendom Survive the New World Order? byStuart Chevre, The State of the World – 12 YearsLater, by Marc Mueller, Dialogues With MalcolmMuggeridge, Tal Brooke & Malcolm Muggeridge,A Letter Home by George Koch

J 1601—GAIA: A Religion of the Earth (Vol. 16:1,1991) $5.00 Features: Gaia—A Religion of the

SCP Index




The History of SCP DVD re-creates SCP’s beginnings andlong history in ways the printed word alone never could. The

video, made from photo archives and footage never seen before,required long months of compiling and research. It was put togetherby film-maker Chris Evans andnarrated by Danny Aguirre, SCP'sACCESS Director and VP ofOperations.

This video explores over threedecades of SCP's history inBerkeley—highs and lows, stretch-ing from scenes on TelegraphAvenue, People's Park, UCBerkeley's famed Sproul Plaza,passing through the Free SpeechMovement, SCP’s victory over TMafter a nationwide legal battle, tothe costly lawsuit brought againstSCP by “the Local Church.”

There is no question that attimes this has come at a greatprice on staffers who have put their lives on the line in a spiritual war.It has been a conflict that has ranged across multiple fronts; from cul-ture to cults to the occult; from financial challenges to lawsuits. Likelife in the Special Forces, the stress of conflict can be much higherthan normal, extracting a toll on the lives of staffers resulting in realwounds. Yet the idealism and dedication to SCP's mandate—God'struths upheld before an unbelieving culture—has kept the torch ofSCP's mission burning bright.

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Page 7: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

years—while thou-sands of pounds ofold inventory sit stag-

nant—we have had to recyclethem.

Please note that even the largestmagazines have resorted tokeeping limited inventory ofback issues. So only two or threeof the most recent issues of ourNewsletter will be available atany given time.

But, we are not done with ourNewsletters. Most will be con-verted into digital PDFs that canbe e-mailed to you or down-loaded from our Web site. Butwe need time to set this up.


Our remaining inventory has

been shipped to a fulfillmentwarehouse in Terre Haute,Indiana.

We will continue to have ourinventory of in-print Journalsavailable for individual orders.

Orders of back issues will bemailed to you from Indiana, nowat media rate. To help you, list-ings with strike-throughs havebecome recently unavailable.


Newsletters and Journals willalways be printed initially andmailed out, as there is nothinglike reading tangible copy thatcan be kept, underlined and readin a café, airplane or den. Atsome point we will convert allour back-issue stock, includingthe Journals, into digital PDFs.

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Page 8: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

As Joshua and his recent bride,Brittany, headed out in the big truck toPasadena, Mark Harris and I walkedthe streets of Berkeley in the late afternoon, deepening a quickly growingfriendship.

I learned that Mark had been amissionary in Russia for 8 years, whilealso earning a doctorate in Missiology(also through Western Seminary). Hewas converted while he was a corporateCPA in the 1970s in Portland, Oregon.

Meanwhile, the bizarre nature ofBerkeley’s different areas showed himhow things that once were compellingto him were oppressive. Sproul Plaza, aonce-famed free-speech zone, hadbecome inflexibly politically correct.

On his first visit, reflecting on thehuge Matson shipping container on ourstreet, Mark agreed that as a writer, Ineeded to leave this place for a new safehaven that would cultivate creativity.

SCP’s founder, Brooks Alexander,one of my closest friends and a fellowwriter, had been saying the same thingrepeatedly: “Find a place less combativeand hostile, offering peace of mind andcreative inspiration.”

Like old beer, Berkeley was longpast its “best-by date” and well beyondits heyday. Signs of cultural decay wereall around. Darwin Fish and goddessquotes on bumper stickers had becometired clichés. Atheism and the occultwere still the only allowable options inBerkeley culture.

I recounted to Mark how my closefriend and fellow board member, BillKellogg, a former Marine and now theSenior Pastor of First Baptist Church ofSacramento, had pastored in Berkeleyfor years before he left. His words overdinner recently: “You can feel the evilin the air here; it is tangible. Get outwhile there’s time.” We were discussingGod’s judgment in history. And we felta looming sense of judgment over theregion.

Then Mark told me of SCP’s criti-cal role in his own life:

I had earlier walked away from myliberal church background, havingbeen seduced by eastern mysticism.After my conversion, I needed solidexplanations that would help me tofully escape some of the thinking thathad held me in its power, and SCP’sstraight-forward apologetics helped topull down any remaining strongholds

that remained from this teachingin my heart. So SCP was a greatcontributor to my early disciple-ship. I was an early subscriber tothe Journal, and recognizedmuch of the artwork I saw whenI came to your office.

Mark’s post-conversionvision soon manifested in aVirtual Office, as I call it, thatbecame the backbone of nonprofit Christian ministrieslike SCP. The fit betweenMark’s Pasadena Office andSCP seemed uncanny!

With no staff in Berkeley topick up the mail or process it, anarduous task in the busiest areawith no parking, among the firstthings we did was close the SCPP.O. Box 4308 (they forward

that mail to Pasadena). We then openeda joint Wells Fargo SCP account whilekeeping our Mechanics Bank account.

THE SHADOW OF BERKELEYAs I told Mark, apart from the high

cost of living, after 25 years in Berkeley,my soul was worn down and longing toescape this center of defiant progressivism that embraced every formof anarchy and dystopianism, whileshunning all the wholesome values ofyesteryear. God was taboo.

Cafés and eateries had become dens of mockers where nothing was sacrosanct. Some were starting toresemble the very zombies that hadbecome the latest obsessions ofHollywood. World War Z and TheWalking Dead had finally arrived onthe streets of Berkeley.

Ironically, much of Berkeley wasindifferent to the fact that hanging overits head (and only four blocks above ourhouse) is a major geological fault-linepredicted to blow catastrophically—theHayward Fault. Seismologists fromBerkeley and Stanford have repeatedly

warned that the fault is a ticking time-bomb waiting to go off. Our neighbor-hood would be reduced to rubble.

Brooks Alexander, along with myentire fellow board of directors, haveincreasingly urged that the earthquakethreat alone was reason enough to “getout of Dodge,” and was also whyBrooks moved 40 minutes away fromBerkeley.

Not only that, but there are othermenacing things hanging in the airbeyond the earthquake threat. Thereare growing armies of street people,where pleasant weather, food kitchensand easy welfare are an open invitationto the homeless from all over.

Violent gang activity has been on the increase, spreading from neighboring East Oakland into themore upscale neighborhoods ofBerkeley.

Local residents have become easyprey. Holdups and assaults have beenon the increase, and now there is aneighborhood watch on my streetalone.

Recently, a software engineer in thehouse across the street had a gun heldto his head by thugs from EastOakland, their faces shrouded underblack hoods. It had made the papers.This neighbor was robbed almost infront of his house while returning fromwork. It took the police more than anhour to respond. The atmosphere ofcarefree impunity has vanished.

In a real national meltdown, thingscould explode across Berkeley’s “soft”neighborhoods where residents are easyprey.

Contrasting with Berkeley, when Itake my annual winter pilgrimage to theHawaiian Islands, I immediately feel mysoul breathing a huge sigh of relief.God’s fingerprint of nature is evidenthere like no place on Earth.

So this year I stayed on two monthsto house-hunt, as our options inBerkeley were running out. There was

too much writing onthe wall. Like my tripto the Big Island ofHawaii in May of2012, I again split the expenses with SCP.

By early May,after a month and ahalf of looking, a fan-tastic house opened inthe cooler Upcountry,a staggering airyhouse in a secure,upscale neighborhoodfor almost half theBerkeley rent. If thelower coastal area wasin the mid-90s five months a year,Upcountry was in the mid-70s. Idealfor writing. Too many doors openedand closed for me to not sense theguiding hand of grace.

In last summer’s Newsletter I hadstated that the option of the HawaiianIslands was high on the list to move thepublishing wing of SCP. I concludedthat article with the words: “I can envision a huge container outside ourcurrent house, filling it, then shippingit to Hawaii through our local shipper,Matson Shipping.”

Those words were fulfilled tothe letter on May 30, 2013. The giantcontainer was taken to the port ofOakland that day, then shipped June 4,just under the deadline before the rateswent from $2900 to $4200 for door-to-door delivery. I met the container onJune 13 in Hawaii and have beenscrambling ever since. A recent Britishstudy showed that relocating caused thegreatest stress levels, even above mar-riage, divorce, death or job loss. I feltthis pressure-cooker for months.

During early morning coffee on thedeck of this expansive upcountryHawaiian sanctuary, I feel like a GIfinally returned from multiple tours ofduty on the war front to recover andheal. As a writer, I feel profound relief.

Compared to the long months Ihave spent in the Calcutta and Bombayslums over the years, indeed long yearsin the Third World, this is a welcomerespite that I can truly appreciate.

I concluded last summer’sNewsletter article with the words, “Ibelieve SCP can not only survive innew conditions, but could grow like anOrchid in a rain forest. Tough choicescan open new doorways if we are adaptable enough to move throughthem.”

SCP’s new publishing wing ispeaceful and elegant with God’s finger-prints of nature all around—and atclose to half the cost of renting theBerkeley office.

Be assured we are here to work, notvacation. And no longer a source ofnear-constant worry for me is our newSCP virtual office in Pasadena, undercapable and trustworthy hands.

All this feels like grace to me.




May 30, 2013, the Large Matson Container sits readyto be shipped to Hawaii. “TAL” is a corporate logo.

continued from page 5

Life on Telegraph Avenue

Page 9: Newsletter 37:2 - Spiritual Counterfeits Project

Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Inc.The Virtual OfficePO Box 40015Pasadena, CA 91114-7015




Dear Friends and Allies,This latest Newsletter was produced

because of your faithfulness for which weare grateful. A big thanks.

As SCP has been in upheaval with bothmain wings moving and setting up shop,team Aguirre in Greater New York City hasbeen on the move. With a large inventory ofJournals that Danny volunteered to store inBrooklyn from a previous printer, he hashanded them out on street missions.

Recently, in “Little India” in Queens theresponse was huge. “We couldn’t giveenough away. They grabbed everything wehad. I had decided to bring copies of TheGreat Lie, as well as Tal’s testimony in “Anti-Christs and False Messiahs Down theAges”—perfect for the Indian population. —Danny Aguirre

The late Spring Journal is delayedtill early fall due to our 2 moves!



The LastJournal