6 November 2015 INA Secondary Newsletter Ypres Trip 2015 Pg. 4

Newsletter 46

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6 November 2015


Ypres Trip 2015Pg. 4

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We need more Work Experience placements!

Do you work in a career that would interest our students? If so please contact us: info@

isaacnewtonacademy.orgYear 10 students will complete a work experience placement from Monday 20th June 2016 – Friday 24th June 2016 and we need your help! If you feel you can offer a placement please read the placement guide below and contact Mr Crowther-Green by email: [email protected] with the title Work Experience. Please provide a work address, brief details of the type of work, potential duties and include a contact name, telephone number and email. Placement guide• Employers must have a Health and Safety policy and Public

Liability Insurance• Placements should be easily reachable from INA by public

transport• Students should not be working in a confined space with a single

employer (safeguarding reasons)• Employers offering placements will need to complete an

agreement and send details of dress, days, times, tasks and any specific information

• Students will complete a project which they will work through during their placement

We welcome friends and family of INA students to offer placements to INA students. We want students to broaden their horizons and we want students to be completing a work experience that they could not easily organise themselves. Therefore students cannot complete work experience with family and friends. If you have an questions please contact Mr Crowther-Green by email: [email protected].

Mr Crowther-Green

Can you support INA?

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Dear Parents and Carers

I hope that you all had a great half term break and are ready for the next six action-packed school weeks!

On Wednesday 25th November we have a training day when the school will be closed to students. We have decided as a staff that we want to use this day to honour the memory of a wonderful student in our founding year group, Ahmed Al-Khafaji, who died very suddenly and unexpectedly in July.

Ahmed was a great character who exemplified many of the BRIDGES characteristics. He loved school. He was curious and inquisitive about learning all curriculum areas. He was a keen scientist, wrote thought-provoking poetry and was a very strong musician, playing the trombone in the INA House Band. He was interested in current affairs and international developments, he was a profound thinker, he was sociable and good fun and he was a great friend. He was a fantastic ambassador for the school, for the student population and for young people in general.

Ahmed was the kind of person who got engrossed in studies, who would be totally absorbed in a book and forget what time it was and who regularly was ‘in his element’ when learning. On 25th November each member of staff is going to spend the day engrossed in an aspect of their learning that they love, that is their passion and in which they are ‘in the zone.’ For some colleagues this will be getting absorbed in reading around their subject areas, or relishing the opportunity to do some research at a museum or gallery, for others it will be investigating with scientific experiments or puzzling over ‘A’ level maths questions or practising their musical instrument.

I will be talking to the secondary students next week about the Ahmed Al-Khafaji Day on 25th November and inviting them to start thinking about how they might use the day. I would love to think that every one of them will spend the day in their element, focusing on an activity or involved in an experience that really excites them, about which they are passionate and which extends their learning. For parents of primary children, it would be fantastic if you were able to think about an out–of-the-ordinary experience that your son or daughter could have on that day. After the event, we will be asking students to write on a card what they spent the day doing and we intend to create a memorial display in the secondary school. This idea is something that I have discussed with Ahmed’s family, who give their full support and are keen to see the outcomes.

With best wishes,

Rachel MacfarlanePrincipal

Year 10 Key stage 4 reports Year 10 students will receive their first report in January 2016. We have adopted a new approach to reports in the GCSE courses to provide time for students to meet the higher expectations of GCSE’s and to allow accumulation of rigorous moderated data that will provide an accurate working at level to students and parents. If you would like to discuss further please call Mark Crowther-Green

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Ypres Trip - Belgium


who accompanied us, as without them this trip would not have been possible.

chocolates!’ Omar Gill 9I

and learn a lot’ Vikram 9S

Sarah Balsdon (Head of Humanities)

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Well done to the following students who are this week’s Mathematicians of the

Moment. Please collect a merit from Mr Dukes

Announcement!Mathematician of the moment can now be found on fronter

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Announcement!Mathematician of the moment can now be found on fronter

The Mathematics department would like to encourage all students to enter next week’s Mathematician of the Moment competition. Have a look at the problem below.

Answers to be written on a Maths postcard to be placed in the Maths post box no later than 4.10pm on Wednesday 11th November. Good luck and may the best form win!!!

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Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10T 536 I 343 T 537 W 147 C 499 N 312 E 268 E 106W 398 C 301 N 178 T 90E 371 E 301 W 138 N 88I 325 S 300 S 134 S 76S 312 A 281 C 107 A 70A 282 T 220 I 106 C 53 N 274 W 187 A 53 I 28

The third awards have been decided by the previous week’s winners.

Ahmed was well known for being kind, for helping others and for being extremely polite. He was also someone known for his hard work and absorption; the idea, therefore, is that the winner should be someone that encapsulated one of these qualities in that week.

Year 7: Hammad Khan 7S

Year 8: Nehaal Khandwalla 8I

Year 9: Rohit Sandha 9C

Year 10: Inshaal Ali, 10I

Good Deed Feed

Nomination from Ms Walsh: Umaimah Umarji is a cheerleader – she encourages others to take part and to do well. She has a good moral compass and will always encourage and support the best choices for 7E.

Praise &Recognition


Ahmed Al-Khafaji Award (Peer Commendation Award)

Jennifer ByrneYear 9 Pastoral Leader, i/c Praise and Recognition8 INA Newsletter

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Regular attendance is a crucial factor in students’ educational development and ability to achieve their full potential.

At Isaac Newton Academy every student is set the target of 100% attendance. We know that attendance has a direct link to progress, and would urge you to really consider if a day off school is necessary.

Well done to 7A and 7N for meeting their 100% target!

It is still possible for any tutor group to take the lead, so keep giving your form the chance to win by being here every day!

7A 100% 8I 99.5% 9C 99.5% 10S 99.5%

7N 100% 8A 99.1% 9A 98.2% 10N 98.7%

7E 99.5% 8C 99% 9W 98.2% 10T 98%

7T 99.1% 8S 99% 9E 98.2% 10W 97.4%

7I 98.6% 8N 98.7% 9T 97.4% 10A 97.1%

7S 98.3% 8T 97.9% 9I 95.6% 10C 96.4%

7W 98.2% 8W 97% 9S 95.7% 10I 96.2%

7C 97% 8E 96.5% 9N 95.1% 10E 92.6%


Year 7 98.8%

Year 8 98.4%

Year 9 97.3%

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I N A B R I D G E S H u m i l i t y a n d H u m a n i t y

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H u m i l i t y a n d H u m a n i t y

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How we build learning power and develop character at Isaac Newton Academy

“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton

The secondary BRIDGES programme commences on Monday 14th September. BRIDGES are habits of mind or learning characteristics that develop a student's character and learning power and enable them to grow into well rounded individuals and resilient learners.

On a two weekly cycle throughout the year, Year 7 and 8 students are introduced to one or two new habits of mind or learning characteristics that will permeate throughout the curriculum. This will take place through a range of interactive activities. In addition, the students will experience BRIDGES learning objectives in each and every lesson throughout Isaac Newton Academy. Year 9 BRIDGES lessons will focus on strengthening certain BRIDGES learning characteristics through exploration of PHSE topics and themes.

Each fortnight you will find top tips in the newsletter of ways of supporting your child to develop the BRIDGES habits of mind and learning characteristics within the home.


Year 10You will be sitting your first

GCSE Mathematics Mock ExamTuesday 17th November Period 4/5

1hour 30min paperNon Calculator

This paper will provide us with your current GCSE working grade. It could include any content from the new GCSE specification (some of which you will

not have covered yet).

To prepare you should:

• Review all learning from Units 1-3• Use ActiveLearn to complete additional learning on target topics

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Drop Everything And Draw Trip Saturday 17th October 2015Our DEAD Society (Drop Everything And Draw) trip was to Shoreditch where we had the amazing opportunity to experience street art first hand with a tour guide. Our tour guide was so informative and helped us to notice patterns in the street art that other people may have overlooked. We were taught about different techniques that the street artists used, like pointillism, stencils and free hand painting. It was amazing to learn about all the different artists and their work. We then finished with a discussion on Banksy and his art work. This trip was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone.Thanks to Ms Walsh for organising it!

Awais Seyyad 10T

Music RecitalThe 1st Music Recital of the year will be on Thursday 12th November at 6pm. It is an

opportunity for students to perform in a small space in front of a small audience. Students are welcome to sing, rap or perform on any instrument they play in or out of school. We

would like to invite students from all year groups to sign up on the sheet in F26 if you would like to take part.

Ms HopeMusic teacher

Ms ClarkeWe are delighted to announce that Ms Clarke has recently been awarded the CREST Teacher Recognition Award! This is a well deserved recognition of her hard work and commitment to supporting the delivery of the projects through the enrichment programme. Ms Clarke was asked to reflect on her thoughts on this recognition and said, 'It is wonderful to be in receipt of the CREST Teacher Recognition Award. Running a successful STEM Club at Isaac Newton Academy has been possible because of the commitment, enthusiasm and creativity of colleagues in Science, Technology, Maths and English. The students who attend the club as part of the enrichment programme at Isaac Newton Academy are motivated and enthusiastic about STEM subjects and find the activities enriching. Through the projects, The CREST Award scheme provides students with many opportunities for growth mind-set, development and learning and I feel privileged at having the opportunity to foster students’ interests in science, engineer, technology and maths.' Congratulations once again!

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Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2015: Secondary

Monday 2nd November Staff Training: school closed to studentsThursday 5th November Parent Workshop re safetyFriday 6th November Reports sent home for Years 7-9Monday 9th November Physics trip to Newnham College, CambridgeWednesday 11th November Year 7 Maths ChallengeWednesday 11th November Shakespeare Schools FestivalThursday 12th November Music recitalWednesday 18th November Rohan Gavin, author, visiting Year 7Thursday 19th November Parent Workshop re LiteracyWednesday 25th November Staff Training: school closed to studentsSaturday 28th November Saturday Stretch: PsychologyTuesday 1st December Year 9 Options EveningTuesday 8th December Community PartyFriday 11th December Christmas LunchSaturday 12th December Saturday Stretch: GeographyThursday 17th December Winter ConcertFriday 18th December Awards Assemblies. Term ends at lunch time.

Spring TermMonday 4th January - Thursday 24th MarchHalf Term 15th - 19th FebruaryINSET days: Monday 4th January and Friday 12th February

Summer TermMonday 11th April - Wednesday 20th JulyHalf Term 30th May - 3rd JuneINSET days: Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th June, Friday 8th July

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