Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1969 Newsletter District Meetings of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology The 35th district meeting for the Hokkaido area was held on Sept. 29, 1968, at Hok- kaido University. 22 papers were pre- sented. The 23rd district meeting for the Tohoku area was held on Sept. 15, 1968, at Akita New Grand Hotel, Akita city. 54 papers were presented. The 50th district meeting for the Hokuriku area was held on June 16, 1968, at Kana- zawa University. 6 papers were pre- sented. The 51st district meeting for the Hokuriku area was held on Sept. 8, 1968, at To- yama University. 9 papers were presented. The 69th district meeting for the Kanto area was held on June 1, 1968, at Chiba University. 19 papers were presented. The 70th district meeting for the Kanto area was held on October 19, 1968, at Tokyo Women’s Medical College. 11 papers were presented. The 68th district meeting for the Tokai area was held on Feb. 24, 1968, at National Nagoya Hospital. 29 papers were pre- sented. The 69th district meeting for the Tokai area was held on Sept. 28th, 1968, at Gifu City Hall. The 93rd district meeting for the Kinki area was held on Sept. 28, 1968, at Osaka Medical College. 30 papers were pre- sented. The 94th district meeting for the Kinki area was held on Feb. 22, 1969, at Kyoto Kai- kan Hall. 27 papers were presented. The 21st district meeting for the Chugoku- Shikoku area was held on Nov. 19, 1968, at Medical Association Hall, Kochi city. 43 papers were presented. The 19th district meeting for the Kyushu area was held on Sept. 26, 1968, at Denki Hall, Fukuoka city. 31 papers were pre- sented. The 3rd district meeting for the Kumamoto area was held on Dec. 9, 1967, at Fuku- shi Kaikan Hall, Kumamoto. 15 papers were presented. 19 papers were presented. Forthcoming International Psychiatric Meetings The Fifth World Congress of Psychiatry will be held in Mexico City, Mexico from November 28th to December 4th, 1971. Further information will be obtained from: Secretariat of the World Psychiatric Asso- ciation, the Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, S.E. 5, England. The regional symposium of the WPA, in collaboration with the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists will be held in Melbourne, during May 5th-7th, 1969. The theme of the symposium is “Aspects of Anxiety”. The 125th Anniversary Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association will be held in Miami Beach, Florida, during May


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Page 1: Newsletter

Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica, Vol. 23, No. 1 , 1969


District Meetings of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology

The 35th district meeting for the Hokkaido area was held on Sept. 29, 1968, at Hok- kaido University. 22 papers were pre- sented.

The 23rd district meeting for the Tohoku area was held on Sept. 15, 1968, at Akita New Grand Hotel, Akita city. 54 papers were presented.

The 50th district meeting for the Hokuriku area was held on June 16, 1968, at Kana- zawa University. 6 papers were pre- sented.

The 51st district meeting for the Hokuriku area was held on Sept. 8, 1968, at To- yama University. 9 papers were presented.

The 69th district meeting for the Kanto area was held on June 1, 1968, at Chiba University. 19 papers were presented.

The 70th district meeting for the Kanto area was held on October 19, 1968, at Tokyo Women’s Medical College. 11 papers were presented.

The 68th district meeting for the Tokai area was held on Feb. 24, 1968, at National

Nagoya Hospital. 29 papers were pre- sented.

The 69th district meeting for the Tokai area was held on Sept. 28th, 1968, at Gifu City Hall.

The 93rd district meeting for the Kinki area was held on Sept. 28, 1968, at Osaka Medical College. 30 papers were pre- sented.

The 94th district meeting for the Kinki area was held on Feb. 22, 1969, at Kyoto Kai- kan Hall. 27 papers were presented.

The 21st district meeting for the Chugoku- Shikoku area was held on Nov. 19, 1968, at Medical Association Hall, Kochi city. 43 papers were presented.

The 19th district meeting for the Kyushu area was held on Sept. 26, 1968, at Denki Hall, Fukuoka city. 31 papers were pre- sented.

The 3rd district meeting for the Kumamoto area was held on Dec. 9, 1967, at Fuku- shi Kaikan Hall, Kumamoto. 15 papers were presented.

19 papers were presented.

Forthcoming International Psychiatric Meetings

The Fifth World Congress of Psychiatry will be held in Mexico City, Mexico from November 28th to December 4th, 1971. Further information will be obtained from: Secretariat of the World Psychiatric Asso- ciation, the Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, S.E. 5, England.

The regional symposium of the WPA, in

collaboration with the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists will be held in Melbourne, during May 5th-7th, 1969. The theme of the symposium is “Aspects of Anxiety”.

The 125th Anniversary Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association will be held in Miami Beach, Florida, during May

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100 Newsletter

5th-9th, 1969. Further information will be obtained from: A.P.A., 1700 18th Street, N.W., Washington D.C., 20009, U.S.A.

The 19th Annual Meeting of the Cana- dian Psychiatric Association will be held in Toronto, Ontario, during June 1 1 th-l4th, 1969. Further information will be obtained from: Dr. A. M. Mann, c/o Montreal Gen- eral Hospital, Montreal 25, Quebec, Canada.

The 19th Lindauer Psychotherapy Week will be held in Lindau from April 28 to May 10, 1969. Further information will be ob- tained from: Secretary of the Lindauer Psychotherapy Week, D-8 Munchen 81, Adalbert-Stifter-Str. 3 1, West Germany.

The 67th Session of Congrks de Psychia- trie et de Neurologie de Langue FranCaise will be held in Bruxelles, Belgium, during Sept. 8th-l3th, 1969. French is the sole language of the meeting. More details will be obtained from: Dr. P. Warot, SecrCtaire GCnCral, 10 rue d’Esquermes, 59-Lille, France.

The 7th International Congress of the International Association for Child Psy- chiatry and Allied Professions is to be held in Jerusalem during Aug. 2nd-7th, 1970. Information will be obtained from: Dr. Lebovici, 3 Avenue du President-Wilson, Paris, 16e-75, France.

The 2nd Yugoslav Psychopharmacologi-

cal Symposium with International Participa- tion will be held in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, during April 24th-26th, 1969. Further in- formation will be obtained from: Secretariat of the Symposium, Neuroloske-Psihijatrijska Klinika, Zagreb, Rebro, Yugoslavia.

The 2nd National Meeting of the Italian Society of Neuropsychopharmacology will be held in Pisa, during June 14th-l5th, 1969. Information will be obtained from: Prof. P. Sarteschi, Director of the Psychia- tric Clinic of the University of Pisa, Italy.

The 7th Congress of the Collegium Inter- nationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicuni will be held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in August, 1970. Information will be obtained from: Congress of the C.I.N.P., Czecho- slovak Medical Society, J.E. Purkyne, So- kolski 3 l , Prague 2, Czechoslovakia.

The 6th Latin American Congress of Psychiatry will be held in Brazil in 1970. Informations will be obtained from: Dr. Clovis Martins, Caiza Postal 8091, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The 8th European Conference on Psycho- somatic Research will be held in Knokke, Seaside Belgium, during May 25th-29th, 1970. Further information will be obtained from: Miss M. E. Heuben, Secretary of the 8th European Conference of Psychosomatic Research, St. Jozefkliniek voor Psychiatrie, Kortenberg, Belgium.