August, 2017 VOLUME 41 NEWSLETTER Skin is as complex as it is amazing. It changes every day, responding to fluctuating conditions inside and out. The highly trained professionals at Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre are dedicated to the successful treatment of your individual skin care concerns. We are committed to continuously researching and updating our technology, providing you with the very best skin products and solutions. Dr. Sassmannshausen and the entire team are dedicated to delivering the best care, aimed to exceed your expectations! GO SOCIAL for the most up-to-date event information! Welcome to the August 2017 issue of SkinMatters! As if you need a reminder, the summer is starting to wind down and kids are heading back to school! However, we hope you’ll still take the time to enjoy this issue of SkinMatters. August is full of special, “quirky” holidays, with many of them aiming at being happy and making time for yourself and friends. To make things a little easier, we came up with a list to keep you smiling and happy throughout the month. In this issue, Dr. Sassmannshausen wanted to talk about our Clear + Confident Acne Program, and how it helps give confidence to those who struggle with acne and are heading back to school. There are also a few other fun things and information we’ve included in this month’s newsletter, so don’t forget to take a peek! This August, remember to have fun, laugh, get silly, be goofy, smile and let your hair down!

NEWSLETTER August, 2017 VOLUME 41threeriversdermatology.com/wp-content/uploads/Lobby-SkinMatters... · NEWSLETTER August, 2017 — VOLUME 41 ... getting a haircut or a new hairstyle

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August, 2017 — VOLUME 41 NEWSLETTER

Skin is as complex as it is amazing. It changes every day, responding to fluctuating conditions inside and out. The highly trained professionals at Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre are dedicated to the successful treatment of your individual skin care concerns. We are committed to continuously researching and updating our technology, providing you with the very best skin products and solutions. Dr. Sassmannshausen and the entire team are dedicated to delivering the best care, aimed to exceed your expectations!

GO SOCIAL for the most up-to-date event information!

Welcome to the August 2017 issue of SkinMatters!

As if you need a reminder, the summer is starting to wind down

and kids are heading back to school! However, we hope you’ll still take

the time to enjoy this issue of SkinMatters.

August is full of special, “quirky” holidays, with many of them aiming at being happy and making

time for yourself and friends. To make things a little easier, we came up with a list to keep you

smiling and happy throughout the month.

In this issue, Dr. Sassmannshausen wanted to talk about our Clear + Confident

Acne Program, and how it helps give confidence to those who struggle with

acne and are heading back to school.

There are also a few other fun things and information we’ve included in

this month’s newsletter, so don’t forget to take a peek!

This August, remember to have fun, laugh, get silly,

be goofy, smile and let your hair down!

Kids are heading back to school and with a new school year comes a change of routine. This could mean acne

flares. During the transition times, whether it be the beginning of summer, holidays, vacations, or going back to

school, I see many kids falling out of a good routine of daily facial cleaning and consistent use of their acne

medications. I understand… I’ve been there… I have a solution.

At Three Rivers Dermatology, I recognize that life is busy and full of activities that can make regular facial

routines difficult. I have developed the Clear + Confident Acne Program which can help maintain good facial care

and quash those pesky back-to-school breakouts. The Acne Program can be customized to fit any schedule

and “pocketbook”. It can help develop and maintain a great regimen which will carry over into adulthood.

The Clear and Confident Acne Program starts with simple products to clean and moisturize the face. These

are products that will enhance the prescriptions you may be using or just improve any daily routine. No, they

are not infomercial products that you may be pressured into buying to support your cousin’s best friend who has

no idea what your skin type may be. These products I’ve selected have been developed and proven with

scientific clinical studies to aid in good skin care.

In addition to supporting a strong home care regimen, The Clear and Confident Acne Program offers regular

facials for the acne-prone skin. The facials are performed by the trained and highly–skilled aestheticians of

the Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre at Three Rivers Dermatology. Each facial is customized to tackle the

main problem area each time. These are not frou-frou facials but

Medically-directed and designed to deliver results.

And YES, men/guys can have them too!!

If needed, the Clear and Confident Acne Program can also

provide facial peels to aid in the treatment of stubborn blackheads

and larger inflammatory pimples. It is important to meet with one

of the skin care specialists to have your skin assessed and figure

out which program is best for you.

Jeffrey Sassmannshausen, MD

Prescription Homecare Treatments


As we get older, we obviously don’t literally live by, “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.”

So, it’s important to look happy and be happy. National Smile Week is in second week of August, after National

Girlfriends Day (Aug. 1) and Friendship Day (Aug. 6) on the calendar. With it being back-to-school time, it’s

extra important to share and create happy memories with family and friends before life gets a little busier.

You’ve heard the saying, “You use more muscles to frown than to smile.” Technically, that’s not true.

Scientific studies show a small smile uses about 10 muscles vs. a small frown requires roughly six muscles.

The numbers are closer with normal smiles (12 muscles) vs. normal frowns (11 muscles). But frowns require

more effort because we generally don’t (and should not try to) use those muscles frequently.

Thus, it’s easier to smile! We don’t look so miserable either. What can make us happier or get us smiling?

1. The Spa Experience. Whether it’s a massage or a facial, this month is a great time to reserve

some special outings with those close to you. A massage is very relaxing. It will soothe your body,

reduce joint pain and anxiety, minimize back pain and promote flexibility. Facials are result-driven

and reserving an outing with family and friends promotes healthy conversations and extra laughs,

which means more smiles!

2. Exercise Your Body. Try a 30-minute walk or anything that gets you moving.

Make it something you enjoy.

3. Exercise Your Brain. Read a book, play chess or a board game, or solve crosswords.

4. Get Enough Sleep. Try to get 8 hours each night. Fit in a nap. Be smart.

5. Eat Right. A healthy and balanced diet is crucial. Focus on variety, portions and

consumption to help maintain weight.

6. Drink Right. Scale back or eliminate caffeine to reduce weight. Limit alcohol.

Drink water. Flavor it if necessary.

7. Laugh More. Listen to a comedy show, exchange jokes with your friends or act silly.

Make visiting the spa part of your lifestyle! Reduce your stress and be happy!!

Preparing for the school year is a perfect time to make sure your kids are looking

their best.

For starters, getting a haircut or a new hairstyle is a must. Then, new

clothes, new shoes and a new backpack. If your child doesn’t have to wear

uniforms, it’s important to know what’s “in” and what is not. Make sure

you check out the latest style before you go shopping.

Teenagers want to have clear skin. You, as a parent, should want to help

your teenagers to have self-confidence. Acne is not a “right of passage”

but a medical condition which should be treated. If they are experiencing

problems with acne, it’s best to get a jump-start on controlling it. Don’t

wait until the acne is out of control. Make an appointment right away with

Dr. Sassmannshausen and the team at Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy

Ridge Skin Care Centre to discuss specific facial options and treatments.

Make facials part of your son’s or daughter’s “getting-ready-for-school”

experience. Not only will they have more confidence, but they will also

feel and look better.

School supplies. Many schools give you a list of what

the kids will need for school supplies. Do not over spend!

Buy only what they ask for.

Remember a nutritious and delicious diet takes

planning and commitment. Think ahead and plan

healthy meals for your kids. Include vegetables,

fruits and whole grains. Toss in some lean

protein, nonfat dairy, healthy fats, and an

occasional dessert so they are good to go.

Every new school year is a opportunity for a fresh start,

new friends, and to make it count. You have the potential

to make this year one of the best ones yet!

Today’s woman is more on the go now than ever.

Juggling family life and work demands makes you

want to be on your “A game” all the time. Factor

children into the equation and most women can

kiss any downtime goodbye.

Being busy sometimes causes us to cut corners, and we won’t take great care of ourselves.

So we start looking for ways to improve our health and appearance without downtime.

That’s where cosmetic laser treatments come in. Photorejuvenation has a goal of restoring

youthful skin. We’re talking improved tone and texture, reduction in the appearance of

pores, fighting aging and doing so safely with effective treatments.

Specifically, face and body skin restoration may include tackling sun-damaged skin,

resistant fat, spider veins and facial wrinkles. Additionally, post-menopausal symptoms and

every other aspect of aging also can be reversed, or at the least, lessened. Using a good

skin care regimen and diligent use of sun protection will ensure long-lasting results.

The benefits are great and include:

Cost-efficient: This isn’t a one-and-done treatment like surgery, which has

anesthesia and several doctors and nurses. Treatments are spaced out.

Immediate results: Less trauma to the body and face. Who doesn’t want that?

Little-to-no downtime: Even treatment to the most sensitive of areas will have

you back to your day-to-day life in no time with a quick and easy recovery.

Relatively quick: Most treatments only take 10-20 minutes.

Lasers may address:

Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and rejuvenation: Veins, wrinkles,

scars, hyperpigmentation.

Tattoo removal: For unwanted ink, or a remodeling of a tattoo.

Hair removal: For face, arms, underarms, legs and, of course, the bikini area.

For all of us, time and the environment make our skin show its age. How we deal with it

can vary. But for women, especially, smoother and younger-looking skin and “radiant glow”

is a goal.

Visit us and let show you all the treatments

we offer at Three Rivers Dermatology &

Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre to help

customize a youthful plan for you!

Dr. Sassmannshausen

was friendly, very


answered all questions,

and was in no rush.


I loved this place! They were helpful and kind. I loved the skincare selection and all of the options available. —Stephanie

Dr. Sass and the staff are the best! I always feel special.

They are courteous, kind and professional. I never

feel rushed but always know that I'm getting the

best care!


Everyone was very friendly from the front office to the back office. The office was very inviting and relaxing. I felt that my appointment was about me and my issues, and that I was not put in a "category" that closely fits my issues. I have been looking for a place that can meet my skin care needs and I just found it! I will definitely recommend Three Rivers Dermatology.


Welcoming, courteous staff;

Dr. Sassmannshausen has a wonderful "bedside" manner and a refreshing

sense of humor. Time will tell if the treatment matches the intro.


Read More Guest Reviews

Directions: STEP 1 In a small bowl, soak thyme sprigs in 1 cup water while preparing lemons.

Place 1/4 cup sugar on a plate; dip cut sides of lemons in sugar.

STEP 2 Cover and grill lemons, cut side down, over medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes or

until golden brown. Cool slightly. Drain thyme; grill for 1-2 minutes or until lightly

browned, turning once.

STEP 3 In a small saucepan, combine 1 cup water, honey and remaining sugar; bring to a

boil, stirring constantly to dissolve sugar. Remove from the heat. Add grilled thyme

sprigs and extract; let stand for 1 hour to steep. Discard thyme.

STEP 4 Meanwhile, squeeze lemons to obtain 1-1/2 cups juice; strain. In a large pitcher,

combine 5 cups cold water, thyme syrup and lemon juice. Serve over ice.

Thyme for Lemonade!

Yield: 9 Servings (1 cup each)

Grilled Lemon & Thyme Lemonade

With summer, it feels like most meals

revolve around something on the grill, so

why not grill the lemonade too!? The flavor is

surprisingly smooth, with just the right

amount of honey and herbs.

Ingredients: 15 fresh thyme sprigs 2 cups water, divided

1 cup sugar, divided

9 medium lemons, halved

1/4 cup honey 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 5 cups cold water

LeAnn is our billing manager and has been with the team at Three Rivers Dermatology for 15 years! She works hard to make sure your insurance claims are filed in a timely manner so you don’t have to worry about the billing process at all! She is always available and patient when it comes to coaching and answering questions. She has also done a great job training one of our newest billing department team members. We can’t say thank you enough for all your dedication and hard work! Congratulations LeAnn! You certainly deserve employee of the month!

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