NewsLetter - CHANDIGARH JUDICIAL ACADEMY Letter/News Letter 2013.pdf · NewsLetter June, 2013 1 PATRON-IN-CHIEF DURING THE SESSION 2012-2013 HMJ Jasbir Singh HMJ A K Sikri HMJ Sanjay

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June, 2013


NewsLetter June, 2013 1



HMJ Jasbir Singh HMJ A K Sikri HMJ Sanjay Kishan Kaul

NewsLetter June, 2013 1



HMJ Jasbir Singh HMJ A K Sikri HMJ Sanjay Kishan Kaul

NewsLetter June, 20132 NewsLetter June, 2013 3




HMJ Surya Kant

HMJ M. Jeyapaul HMJ Ranjit Singh HMJ T.P.S. Mann

HMJ Rajesh Bindal HMJ Ritu Bahri

Dr. Veer Singh, Director


Sh. B.K. Mehta, Director


Sh. Puneet Mohan Sharma, Registrar

NewsLetter June, 20132 NewsLetter June, 2013 3




HMJ Surya Kant

HMJ M. Jeyapaul HMJ Ranjit Singh HMJ T.P.S. Mann

HMJ Rajesh Bindal HMJ Ritu Bahri

Dr. Veer Singh, Director


Sh. B.K. Mehta, Director


Sh. Puneet Mohan Sharma, Registrar

NewsLetter June, 20134 NewsLetter June, 2013 5


Sh. V.K. GuptaSh. H.S. Bhangoo

Sh. R.S. BaswanaSh. Balbir Singh

Sh. B.S. Mehandiratta Sh. B.S. Mangat Sh. Kuldeep Singh

Sh. Pradeep MehtaSh. B.M. Lal

Prof. Narendra KumarSmt. Samiya Tabassum Dr. Shashi K. Sharma


NewsLetter June, 20134 NewsLetter June, 2013 5


Sh. V.K. GuptaSh. H.S. Bhangoo

Sh. R.S. BaswanaSh. Balbir Singh

Sh. B.S. Mehandiratta Sh. B.S. Mangat Sh. Kuldeep Singh

Sh. Pradeep MehtaSh. B.M. Lal

Prof. Narendra KumarSmt. Samiya Tabassum Dr. Shashi K. Sharma


NewsLetter June, 20136 NewsLetter June, 2013 7


General Body of Chandigarh Judicial Academy held its Annual Meeting on 31.10.2012.

The meeting was chaired by Hon. Mr. Justice A.K.Sikri Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Ad Esse

Sh. D.S. Bains, Secretary Home for Punjab.

Sh. P.K. Chaudhary, Chief Secy. Govt of Haryana.

Sh. K.K. Sharma, Advisor to Administrator,

Chandigarh Administration.

Sh. Ashok Aggarwal, Advocate General, Punjab.

Sh. H.S. Hooda, Advocate General, Haryana.

Sh. Manjit Singh, L.R. , Haryana

Sh. S.S. Behal, Advocate, Pb & Haryana High Court.

B.K. Mehta, Director (Admn.), Chandigarh Judicial


Prof. Veer Singh, Director (Academics), Chandigarh

Judicial Academy.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jasbir Singh.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Hemant Gupta.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.S. Saron.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajive Bhalla.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Mittal.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajesh Bindal.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice K. Kannan

Sh. P.S. Jaswal, Vice Chancellor,

Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Patiala

Apart from confirming minutes of Annual General Body

meeting held in the year 2011, the meeting approved Annual

Report of activities undertaken, by the Academy, as prepared

by Director (Administration) of the Academy. Auditors

Report, Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts for the

Financial years 2011-12, Annual Budget Estimate for the

financial year 2013-14 and programme of activities for the

years 2012-13 and 2013-14 of Chandigarh Judicial Academy

were laid before the General Body and were approved.

It was further resolved to create two posts of Research

Assistant and four posts of Law Researchers in Chandigarh

Judicial Academy on a proposal mooted by Hon'ble Board of


NewsLetter June, 20136 NewsLetter June, 2013 7


General Body of Chandigarh Judicial Academy held its Annual Meeting on 31.10.2012.

The meeting was chaired by Hon. Mr. Justice A.K.Sikri Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Ad Esse

Sh. D.S. Bains, Secretary Home for Punjab.

Sh. P.K. Chaudhary, Chief Secy. Govt of Haryana.

Sh. K.K. Sharma, Advisor to Administrator,

Chandigarh Administration.

Sh. Ashok Aggarwal, Advocate General, Punjab.

Sh. H.S. Hooda, Advocate General, Haryana.

Sh. Manjit Singh, L.R. , Haryana

Sh. S.S. Behal, Advocate, Pb & Haryana High Court.

B.K. Mehta, Director (Admn.), Chandigarh Judicial


Prof. Veer Singh, Director (Academics), Chandigarh

Judicial Academy.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jasbir Singh.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Hemant Gupta.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.S. Saron.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajive Bhalla.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Mittal.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajesh Bindal.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice K. Kannan

Sh. P.S. Jaswal, Vice Chancellor,

Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Patiala

Apart from confirming minutes of Annual General Body

meeting held in the year 2011, the meeting approved Annual

Report of activities undertaken, by the Academy, as prepared

by Director (Administration) of the Academy. Auditors

Report, Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts for the

Financial years 2011-12, Annual Budget Estimate for the

financial year 2013-14 and programme of activities for the

years 2012-13 and 2013-14 of Chandigarh Judicial Academy

were laid before the General Body and were approved.

It was further resolved to create two posts of Research

Assistant and four posts of Law Researchers in Chandigarh

Judicial Academy on a proposal mooted by Hon'ble Board of


NewsLetter June, 20138


Need of imparting “Judicial Education “ was being felt all over the Country but the concept got impetus only

when Hon'ble Supreme Court of India came in seisin of All India Judge's Association matter and observed

that mind set of a Judicial Officer needs to be guided viz-a-viz functions of Judicial system and mannerism in

which justice needs to be done at the earliest. It was mandated that each State sets up its Judicial Academy .

117th Report of the Law Commission of India (1986) dealt with the subject of training of judicial officers,

which also quoted observations of Lord Devlin and concluded that the "updating of the knowledge and skills

can hardly be left to the voluntary effort of individual judges." Training can significantly upgrade the

capability of everyone called upon to perform a duty. It is all the more so in the case of judicial officers,

because sociology of law is acquiring new and added significance in the development of the society.

The Judicial Academy helps to foster sound values of life and the formation of constructive attitudes. Judicial

education is an indispensable tool for ensuring an effective, independent and credible Judiciary.

After thorough deliberations, it was decided to set up Chandigarh Judicial Academy for the States of Punjab

and Haryana, in the near vicinity of Honourable High Court ,. Chandigarh Administration provided 8.5

acres of land for Setting up Chandigarh Judicial Academy on 21.10.2005.

In terms of unanimous decision of Honourable High Court of Punjab and Haryana taken on October 18, 2006,

a society namely "Chandigarh Judicial Academy for Punjab and Haryana" was formed and got registered

under the Societies Registration Act to undertake the task of training of Judicial Officers of the States of

Punjab and Haryana as per guidelines provided by the First National Judicial Pay Commission, in its report

Volume 2, Chapter XIII.

Initial Corpus of Rs. 2.5 Crores and first year's running expenses of Rs.2.5.Crores was to be shared equally by

the States of Punjab and Haryana. Subsequent contributions are to be made as decided by General Body.

As a result of untiring efforts of all of the Honourable Judges of Punjab and Haryana High Court , this

magnificent piece of architectural marvel came into being, constructed by Engineering Wing of Chandigarh

Administration with funds provided by the States of Punjab and Haryana in equal proportions.

23rd., May 2009 was a red letters day in the History of Chandigarh Judicial Academy when this premises was

inaugurated by the then Chief Justice of India , flanked by many other Judges from the Apex Court and

Honourable Judges from Punjab and Haryana High Court.


Without meaning to indulge into an act of gasconade , Chandigarh Judicial Academy can legitimately claim

itself to be amongst the best in the Country..




NewsLetter June, 2013 9

Spread over 8.5 acres of land with a covered area of 2.78 lakh square yards, premises of Academy present a

very soothing picture to every eye. It has magnificence , elegance grace , charm and charisma. Everything.

Spacious green area add to its beauty and serve ecological needs as well.

Its Air-conditioned Auditorium has the capacity of nearly 300 and is equipped with best of the light and

sound systems. It also has the facility of video-conferencing. Jurists of Highest order have been to this

Auditorium .

Just opposite to the Auditorium is equally impressive Convention Hall standing over 4900 square feet. It has

seating capacity for 200 persons and has been used for numerous seminars, colloquiums and Refresher-c-

Orientation Courses.

On the first floor , over Convention hall is Library having nearly 9,300 books. Computers with On Line

Service and Net Facility through Wi-Fi system have been provided. Newspapers, Legal Journals, Magazines

of different areas of interest , newsletters from National Judicial Academy and other State Judicial Academies

are also made available in the Library.

Administrative block of the Academy has six Lecture theaters all of them having one L.C. D. each of 46" and

also a roll-down screen of bigger dimension for power point presentations. There is a computer Lab having

40 Computer table tops with net-connectivity.

The Academy has a centrally Air Conditioned Hostel, having 100 odd rooms, studded with best of the

facilities accommodation wherein is provided to Trainee Judicial Officers. Its spacious and immaculately

designed dining hall can host 130 persons , simultaneously. A state of the art Kitchen has been installed with

latest amenities like Cold Storage, automatic dish washer, air conditioned chopping section, Air Cooled

Cooking Section, food warmers etc. etc.

Recreational facilities have also been provided in the Hostel such as a well equipped Gymnasium, 2 Squash

Courts besides providing two sets of Table Tennis, Chess boards and carrom boards

A Swimming pool of the depth of 4 ft to 13 ft., provided in the Hostel is a like a jewel in the Crown. It is a pool

of International Standard.

To meet a case of any medical emergency, dispensary of the Academy is being attended to by a Qualified


An ATM machine in the reception counter serves all of the inmates of the Academy.

We propose to have branch of a Bank, a post office, a General Merchant Shop and a Tennis Court in the

Academy in the near future.


This is to acknowledge with grateful thanks guidance provided by Honourable Mr. Justice Ranjan Gagoi , the

then Honourable Chief Justice , Punjab and Haryana High Court , Honourable Mr. Justice Adarsh Kumar

Goel, the then Honourable Acting Chief Justice , Punjab and Haryana High Court , Honourable Mr. Justice M

M Kumar, the then Honourable Acting Chief Justice , Punjab and Haryana High Court and Honourable Mr.

Justice Jasbir Singh, the then Honourable Acting Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High Court who steered

this academy during their respective tenures as Patron-in-Chief.

The Academy has special reasons to feel exultant in having His Lordship Honourable Mr. Justice A. K. Sikri,

Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court taking over as its Patron-in-Chief. The Academy is bound to be

NewsLetter June, 20138


Need of imparting “Judicial Education “ was being felt all over the Country but the concept got impetus only

when Hon'ble Supreme Court of India came in seisin of All India Judge's Association matter and observed

that mind set of a Judicial Officer needs to be guided viz-a-viz functions of Judicial system and mannerism in

which justice needs to be done at the earliest. It was mandated that each State sets up its Judicial Academy .

117th Report of the Law Commission of India (1986) dealt with the subject of training of judicial officers,

which also quoted observations of Lord Devlin and concluded that the "updating of the knowledge and skills

can hardly be left to the voluntary effort of individual judges." Training can significantly upgrade the

capability of everyone called upon to perform a duty. It is all the more so in the case of judicial officers,

because sociology of law is acquiring new and added significance in the development of the society.

The Judicial Academy helps to foster sound values of life and the formation of constructive attitudes. Judicial

education is an indispensable tool for ensuring an effective, independent and credible Judiciary.

After thorough deliberations, it was decided to set up Chandigarh Judicial Academy for the States of Punjab

and Haryana, in the near vicinity of Honourable High Court ,. Chandigarh Administration provided 8.5

acres of land for Setting up Chandigarh Judicial Academy on 21.10.2005.

In terms of unanimous decision of Honourable High Court of Punjab and Haryana taken on October 18, 2006,

a society namely "Chandigarh Judicial Academy for Punjab and Haryana" was formed and got registered

under the Societies Registration Act to undertake the task of training of Judicial Officers of the States of

Punjab and Haryana as per guidelines provided by the First National Judicial Pay Commission, in its report

Volume 2, Chapter XIII.

Initial Corpus of Rs. 2.5 Crores and first year's running expenses of Rs.2.5.Crores was to be shared equally by

the States of Punjab and Haryana. Subsequent contributions are to be made as decided by General Body.

As a result of untiring efforts of all of the Honourable Judges of Punjab and Haryana High Court , this

magnificent piece of architectural marvel came into being, constructed by Engineering Wing of Chandigarh

Administration with funds provided by the States of Punjab and Haryana in equal proportions.

23rd., May 2009 was a red letters day in the History of Chandigarh Judicial Academy when this premises was

inaugurated by the then Chief Justice of India , flanked by many other Judges from the Apex Court and

Honourable Judges from Punjab and Haryana High Court.


Without meaning to indulge into an act of gasconade , Chandigarh Judicial Academy can legitimately claim

itself to be amongst the best in the Country..




NewsLetter June, 2013 9

Spread over 8.5 acres of land with a covered area of 2.78 lakh square yards, premises of Academy present a

very soothing picture to every eye. It has magnificence , elegance grace , charm and charisma. Everything.

Spacious green area add to its beauty and serve ecological needs as well.

Its Air-conditioned Auditorium has the capacity of nearly 300 and is equipped with best of the light and

sound systems. It also has the facility of video-conferencing. Jurists of Highest order have been to this

Auditorium .

Just opposite to the Auditorium is equally impressive Convention Hall standing over 4900 square feet. It has

seating capacity for 200 persons and has been used for numerous seminars, colloquiums and Refresher-c-

Orientation Courses.

On the first floor , over Convention hall is Library having nearly 9,300 books. Computers with On Line

Service and Net Facility through Wi-Fi system have been provided. Newspapers, Legal Journals, Magazines

of different areas of interest , newsletters from National Judicial Academy and other State Judicial Academies

are also made available in the Library.

Administrative block of the Academy has six Lecture theaters all of them having one L.C. D. each of 46" and

also a roll-down screen of bigger dimension for power point presentations. There is a computer Lab having

40 Computer table tops with net-connectivity.

The Academy has a centrally Air Conditioned Hostel, having 100 odd rooms, studded with best of the

facilities accommodation wherein is provided to Trainee Judicial Officers. Its spacious and immaculately

designed dining hall can host 130 persons , simultaneously. A state of the art Kitchen has been installed with

latest amenities like Cold Storage, automatic dish washer, air conditioned chopping section, Air Cooled

Cooking Section, food warmers etc. etc.

Recreational facilities have also been provided in the Hostel such as a well equipped Gymnasium, 2 Squash

Courts besides providing two sets of Table Tennis, Chess boards and carrom boards

A Swimming pool of the depth of 4 ft to 13 ft., provided in the Hostel is a like a jewel in the Crown. It is a pool

of International Standard.

To meet a case of any medical emergency, dispensary of the Academy is being attended to by a Qualified


An ATM machine in the reception counter serves all of the inmates of the Academy.

We propose to have branch of a Bank, a post office, a General Merchant Shop and a Tennis Court in the

Academy in the near future.


This is to acknowledge with grateful thanks guidance provided by Honourable Mr. Justice Ranjan Gagoi , the

then Honourable Chief Justice , Punjab and Haryana High Court , Honourable Mr. Justice Adarsh Kumar

Goel, the then Honourable Acting Chief Justice , Punjab and Haryana High Court , Honourable Mr. Justice M

M Kumar, the then Honourable Acting Chief Justice , Punjab and Haryana High Court and Honourable Mr.

Justice Jasbir Singh, the then Honourable Acting Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High Court who steered

this academy during their respective tenures as Patron-in-Chief.

The Academy has special reasons to feel exultant in having His Lordship Honourable Mr. Justice A. K. Sikri,

Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court taking over as its Patron-in-Chief. The Academy is bound to be

NewsLetter June, 201310

benefited with the guidance to be provided with by His Lordship who has brilliant academic background ,

prodigious experience on both sides of the Bar, perspicacious approach and had been closely associated with

National Judicial Academy and Delhi Judicial Academy.

During the year 2011-2012, Honourale Mr. Justice Permod Kohli, Honourable Mr. Justice Rajive Bhalla and

Honourable Mr. Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal remained President , Board of Governors of this Academy. All of

them had been sparing valuable time from their busy schedules to look after day to day affairs of the

Academy. Chandigarh Judicial Academy gained tremendously from their vast experiences. This is to extend

heartfelt thanks to them for their unflinching support , patronage , altruistic and caressing approach towards

the Academy.

Honourable Mr. Justice Surya Kant is currently President , Board of Governors of Chandigarh Judicial

Academy. His intense passion and appetence to ensure that the Academy achieves its object of imparting

Judicial Education to Trainee Judicial Officers so as to make them capable of conducting their Courts

efficiently from day one, a dream shared by His Honourable the Chief Justice also , is yielding desired results.

His Lordship desires that only the Academy maintains its high standards in all fields but makes

improvements in all possible fields.

Honourable Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul, Honourable Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh, Honourable Mr. Justice Rajesh

Bindal and Honourable Ms. Justice Ritu Bahri have adorned Board of Governors of the Academy during this

period. All of them take keen interest in the affairs of Academy and made valuable contributions in steering

the Academy as a result whereof it is always marching on the course of achieving its goals of “ Proficiency--

Performance and productivity”.

Our sincere most thanks to all of the worthy members of Board of Governors.

It is another matter of pride for this Academy that all the Honourble Judges presently adoring

Administrative Committee of Honourable High Court had been President of Board of Governors of the

Academy. Footprints of their contributions to the Academy are prominently noticeable in the functioning of

this Academy. Please allow me to utilize this opportunity by expressing grateful thanks to them and to

request them for their continued guidance, help and support.

We are also thankful to all the Honourable Members of General Body who have given their support and

guidance to the academy.


5th. Annual Report of Chandigarh Academy is hereby presented before this August house alongwith

audited accounts for the financial year , ended on 31.3.2012, prepared by M/s R K Deepak and Company,

Charted Accountants, Chandigarh, as agenda item No. 2 alongwith Balance sheet and account statement. As

per Auditor's report , appropriate books of account, as required under law, are being maintained by the

Academy. Income and Expenditure Account, Balance sheet of the Academy depict true and correct picture.

I take opportunity to place before this house a synopsis of main Activities undertaken by the Academy up to

September 2012.

86 newly appointed Judicial officers from the State of Haryana and 65 Judicial Officers from the State of

Punjab had joined this Academy in April 2011 and May 2012 for One year long Training Induction

Programme. They completed their training in April 2012 and May 2012 respectively and are now serving at

their respective places of posting.

NewsLetter June, 2013 11

Honourable Mr. Justice G S Singhvi , Judge Supreme Court of India presided over valedictory Function qua

HCS(J) Officers and Honourable Mr. Justice S S Nijjar, Judge Supreme Court of India presided over

Valedictory function qua PCS (J) Officers. The Academy humbly acknowledges gracious presence of their


In June 2012, 89 newly appointed Judicial officers from the State of Haryana , 83 from the State of Punjab and 3

from the State of Sikkim have arrived in the Academy for their Training Induction Programme and were

admitted by His Lordship Hon. Mr. Justice Jasbir Singh, the Acting Chief Justice into Judicial fraternity.

Apart from Induction Training Programmes, Chandigarh Judicial Academy conducted Refresher-c-

Orientation Programmes for in-service Judicial Officials. In 2011-12 9 such courses were conducted for

Additional District and Sessions Judges and 15 for Civil Judges. 314 Additional District and Sessions Judges

and 635 Civil Judges from both the States attended these courses.

In the current year , 4 Refresher-c-Orientation Courses for Additional District and Judges , attended by 185 of

them, and 7 courses for Civil Judges , attended by 385 of them, have already been conducted. Today itself, for

the first time, an Orientation-c-Refresher Course for Presiding Officers of Industrial Tribunals and Labour

Courts is being conducted in the academy.

10 Courses were conducted to train 195 Public Prosecutors and 39 Labour Commissioners were also

imparted training by the Academy. 34 Probationer- Tehsildars from the State of Haryana underwent training

at this Academy. As another feather in the cap of this Academy 24 Munsifs were sent by Honourable Jammu

and Kashmir High Court for training to us.

Faculty at the academy, comprised of retired Judicial Officers and Educators are striving hard to make the

trainees as not only good and effective Judicial Officers but also good human beings, by inculcating upon

them virtues of self-discipline and kindness.

There has been a change of guards in the Academy during the years under report in Dr. Virinder Kumar

completing his stint as Director (Academics) on 31st. March 2012. He has been succeeded by Dr. Prof. Veer

Singh. While the Academy acknowledges hard work put by Dr. Virinder Kumar it is hoped that with his

experience as Head of Department of Laws at Punjab University, Director General Army Institute of Law

Mohali and Chairman NALSA Hydrabad, Dr. Prof. Veer Singh would take the Academy to further heights of


Almost simultaneously, Sh. Shekher Dhawan finished his stint with the Academy as Director

(Administration ) on 16-4-2012. His yeoman's services to the Academy are hereby acknowledged, thankfully.

The Academy is extremely thankful to Honourable Judges from the High Court who had been very kindly

sparing their valuable time to enlighten Judicial Officers during Refresher-c-Orientation Courses. Our

thanks are also due to other resource persons as well whose participation has been of tremendous help in

successful conduction of these courses.

I would be failing in my duty if I do not appropriately thank Honourable Mr. Justice Hemant Gupta and

Honourable Mr. Justice K.Kannan for their benevolence , philanthropy and munificence in donating a large

number of Books, from their precious collection, to Library of this Academy.

The Academy hosted a 'Judicial Colloquium on Human Trafficking' on 29th. July, 2012. It was organized by

State Legal Services Authorities, Punjab, Haryana and U.T., Chandigarh in collaboration with Governments

of Punjab and Haryana and was sponsored by Department of Home Government of India. Apart from Distt.

& Sessions Judges Chief Judicial Magistrates and Member Secretaries Legal Services Authorities from the

NewsLetter June, 201310

benefited with the guidance to be provided with by His Lordship who has brilliant academic background ,

prodigious experience on both sides of the Bar, perspicacious approach and had been closely associated with

National Judicial Academy and Delhi Judicial Academy.

During the year 2011-2012, Honourale Mr. Justice Permod Kohli, Honourable Mr. Justice Rajive Bhalla and

Honourable Mr. Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal remained President , Board of Governors of this Academy. All of

them had been sparing valuable time from their busy schedules to look after day to day affairs of the

Academy. Chandigarh Judicial Academy gained tremendously from their vast experiences. This is to extend

heartfelt thanks to them for their unflinching support , patronage , altruistic and caressing approach towards

the Academy.

Honourable Mr. Justice Surya Kant is currently President , Board of Governors of Chandigarh Judicial

Academy. His intense passion and appetence to ensure that the Academy achieves its object of imparting

Judicial Education to Trainee Judicial Officers so as to make them capable of conducting their Courts

efficiently from day one, a dream shared by His Honourable the Chief Justice also , is yielding desired results.

His Lordship desires that only the Academy maintains its high standards in all fields but makes

improvements in all possible fields.

Honourable Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul, Honourable Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh, Honourable Mr. Justice Rajesh

Bindal and Honourable Ms. Justice Ritu Bahri have adorned Board of Governors of the Academy during this

period. All of them take keen interest in the affairs of Academy and made valuable contributions in steering

the Academy as a result whereof it is always marching on the course of achieving its goals of “ Proficiency--

Performance and productivity”.

Our sincere most thanks to all of the worthy members of Board of Governors.

It is another matter of pride for this Academy that all the Honourble Judges presently adoring

Administrative Committee of Honourable High Court had been President of Board of Governors of the

Academy. Footprints of their contributions to the Academy are prominently noticeable in the functioning of

this Academy. Please allow me to utilize this opportunity by expressing grateful thanks to them and to

request them for their continued guidance, help and support.

We are also thankful to all the Honourable Members of General Body who have given their support and

guidance to the academy.


5th. Annual Report of Chandigarh Academy is hereby presented before this August house alongwith

audited accounts for the financial year , ended on 31.3.2012, prepared by M/s R K Deepak and Company,

Charted Accountants, Chandigarh, as agenda item No. 2 alongwith Balance sheet and account statement. As

per Auditor's report , appropriate books of account, as required under law, are being maintained by the

Academy. Income and Expenditure Account, Balance sheet of the Academy depict true and correct picture.

I take opportunity to place before this house a synopsis of main Activities undertaken by the Academy up to

September 2012.

86 newly appointed Judicial officers from the State of Haryana and 65 Judicial Officers from the State of

Punjab had joined this Academy in April 2011 and May 2012 for One year long Training Induction

Programme. They completed their training in April 2012 and May 2012 respectively and are now serving at

their respective places of posting.

NewsLetter June, 2013 11

Honourable Mr. Justice G S Singhvi , Judge Supreme Court of India presided over valedictory Function qua

HCS(J) Officers and Honourable Mr. Justice S S Nijjar, Judge Supreme Court of India presided over

Valedictory function qua PCS (J) Officers. The Academy humbly acknowledges gracious presence of their


In June 2012, 89 newly appointed Judicial officers from the State of Haryana , 83 from the State of Punjab and 3

from the State of Sikkim have arrived in the Academy for their Training Induction Programme and were

admitted by His Lordship Hon. Mr. Justice Jasbir Singh, the Acting Chief Justice into Judicial fraternity.

Apart from Induction Training Programmes, Chandigarh Judicial Academy conducted Refresher-c-

Orientation Programmes for in-service Judicial Officials. In 2011-12 9 such courses were conducted for

Additional District and Sessions Judges and 15 for Civil Judges. 314 Additional District and Sessions Judges

and 635 Civil Judges from both the States attended these courses.

In the current year , 4 Refresher-c-Orientation Courses for Additional District and Judges , attended by 185 of

them, and 7 courses for Civil Judges , attended by 385 of them, have already been conducted. Today itself, for

the first time, an Orientation-c-Refresher Course for Presiding Officers of Industrial Tribunals and Labour

Courts is being conducted in the academy.

10 Courses were conducted to train 195 Public Prosecutors and 39 Labour Commissioners were also

imparted training by the Academy. 34 Probationer- Tehsildars from the State of Haryana underwent training

at this Academy. As another feather in the cap of this Academy 24 Munsifs were sent by Honourable Jammu

and Kashmir High Court for training to us.

Faculty at the academy, comprised of retired Judicial Officers and Educators are striving hard to make the

trainees as not only good and effective Judicial Officers but also good human beings, by inculcating upon

them virtues of self-discipline and kindness.

There has been a change of guards in the Academy during the years under report in Dr. Virinder Kumar

completing his stint as Director (Academics) on 31st. March 2012. He has been succeeded by Dr. Prof. Veer

Singh. While the Academy acknowledges hard work put by Dr. Virinder Kumar it is hoped that with his

experience as Head of Department of Laws at Punjab University, Director General Army Institute of Law

Mohali and Chairman NALSA Hydrabad, Dr. Prof. Veer Singh would take the Academy to further heights of


Almost simultaneously, Sh. Shekher Dhawan finished his stint with the Academy as Director

(Administration ) on 16-4-2012. His yeoman's services to the Academy are hereby acknowledged, thankfully.

The Academy is extremely thankful to Honourable Judges from the High Court who had been very kindly

sparing their valuable time to enlighten Judicial Officers during Refresher-c-Orientation Courses. Our

thanks are also due to other resource persons as well whose participation has been of tremendous help in

successful conduction of these courses.

I would be failing in my duty if I do not appropriately thank Honourable Mr. Justice Hemant Gupta and

Honourable Mr. Justice K.Kannan for their benevolence , philanthropy and munificence in donating a large

number of Books, from their precious collection, to Library of this Academy.

The Academy hosted a 'Judicial Colloquium on Human Trafficking' on 29th. July, 2012. It was organized by

State Legal Services Authorities, Punjab, Haryana and U.T., Chandigarh in collaboration with Governments

of Punjab and Haryana and was sponsored by Department of Home Government of India. Apart from Distt.

& Sessions Judges Chief Judicial Magistrates and Member Secretaries Legal Services Authorities from the

NewsLetter June, 201312 NewsLetter June, 2013 13

States of Punjab, Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh , Child Development Project Officers, Judicial Officers from

the Tricity of Chandigarh, Punchkula and Mohali, Members Faculty of Chandigarh Judicial Academy,

Trainee Judicial Officers currently undergoing their Induction Training Programme attended the

'Colloquium'. Its proceedings were shared through Video Conference by other Judicial Officers and Senior

Officers from Police and Administration, in both of the States of Punjab and Haryana.

The 'Colloquium' was chaired by His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jasbir Singh, Acting Chief Justice, Punjab

and Haryana High Court and the audience was addressed , apart from the Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice by

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Hon'ble Ms. Justice Roshan Dalvi,

Judge, Mumbai High Court, Prof. Shantha Sinha, Chairperson, National Commission for Protection of Child

Rights, New Delhi, Smt. B. Bhamathi, IAS Additional Secretary, Ministry of Home, Government of India,

North Block, Central Secretariat, New Delhi, Dr. P.M. Nair, IPS, Special DG, CRPF and Shri U.

Sarathchandran, Member Secretary, National Legal Service Authority, New Delhi, Ms. Swati Chauhan,

Judge, Family Court, Mumbai & Mr. Ravi Kant, President, Shakti Vahini (NGO).

The Academy has also hosted Training programmes in Mediation for Judicial Officers and Advocates

conducted by Mediation and Conciliation Committee. As first of its kind , Retired Judicial Superior Service

officers from both of the States also underwent mediation training programme in the Academy.


The Academy organized 2nd. Moot Court competition on 1st. And 2nd. October 2011. 39 teams from various

Law Colleges of eminence from all over the Country participated therein. New Law College Pune emerged as

winner and Institute of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra finished runners-up. Valedictory function

was presided over by His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice T S Thakur, Judge Supreme Court of India. This is the

occasion to thank the organizers, the participants and the sponsors, and above all, Honourable the Chief



In the year 2012-2013 the Academy perceives to improve upon itself with valuable suggestions from the

worthy Patron-in-Chief ; to start research programmes by associating members of Faculty, Law Researchers

and serving Judicial Officers as there is a large number of Judicial Officers in the States of Punjab and

Haryana with Doctorates and Master's degrees in Law. We also aim at imparting training to young budding

Advocates, Jail Superintendents, Para Legal volunteers and ministerial staff from Subordinate Courts so that

each and every limb of Justice Delivery System gets benefited from facilities available at this Academy.

I beseech your continuous motivation and inspirational support to the Academy.

B. K. Mehta

Director (Administration)

Chandigarh Judicial Academy

As first of its kind, 28 retired Superior Judicial Service Officers from the States

of Punjab and Haryana were imparted 40 hours mediation training.

NewsLetter June, 201312 NewsLetter June, 2013 13

States of Punjab, Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh , Child Development Project Officers, Judicial Officers from

the Tricity of Chandigarh, Punchkula and Mohali, Members Faculty of Chandigarh Judicial Academy,

Trainee Judicial Officers currently undergoing their Induction Training Programme attended the

'Colloquium'. Its proceedings were shared through Video Conference by other Judicial Officers and Senior

Officers from Police and Administration, in both of the States of Punjab and Haryana.

The 'Colloquium' was chaired by His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jasbir Singh, Acting Chief Justice, Punjab

and Haryana High Court and the audience was addressed , apart from the Hon'ble Acting Chief Justice by

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court, Hon'ble Ms. Justice Roshan Dalvi,

Judge, Mumbai High Court, Prof. Shantha Sinha, Chairperson, National Commission for Protection of Child

Rights, New Delhi, Smt. B. Bhamathi, IAS Additional Secretary, Ministry of Home, Government of India,

North Block, Central Secretariat, New Delhi, Dr. P.M. Nair, IPS, Special DG, CRPF and Shri U.

Sarathchandran, Member Secretary, National Legal Service Authority, New Delhi, Ms. Swati Chauhan,

Judge, Family Court, Mumbai & Mr. Ravi Kant, President, Shakti Vahini (NGO).

The Academy has also hosted Training programmes in Mediation for Judicial Officers and Advocates

conducted by Mediation and Conciliation Committee. As first of its kind , Retired Judicial Superior Service

officers from both of the States also underwent mediation training programme in the Academy.


The Academy organized 2nd. Moot Court competition on 1st. And 2nd. October 2011. 39 teams from various

Law Colleges of eminence from all over the Country participated therein. New Law College Pune emerged as

winner and Institute of Law, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra finished runners-up. Valedictory function

was presided over by His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice T S Thakur, Judge Supreme Court of India. This is the

occasion to thank the organizers, the participants and the sponsors, and above all, Honourable the Chief



In the year 2012-2013 the Academy perceives to improve upon itself with valuable suggestions from the

worthy Patron-in-Chief ; to start research programmes by associating members of Faculty, Law Researchers

and serving Judicial Officers as there is a large number of Judicial Officers in the States of Punjab and

Haryana with Doctorates and Master's degrees in Law. We also aim at imparting training to young budding

Advocates, Jail Superintendents, Para Legal volunteers and ministerial staff from Subordinate Courts so that

each and every limb of Justice Delivery System gets benefited from facilities available at this Academy.

I beseech your continuous motivation and inspirational support to the Academy.

B. K. Mehta

Director (Administration)

Chandigarh Judicial Academy

As first of its kind, 28 retired Superior Judicial Service Officers from the States

of Punjab and Haryana were imparted 40 hours mediation training.

NewsLetter June, 201314 NewsLetter June, 2013 15

Chandigarh Judicial Academy and Hon'ble High Court of Punjab & Haryana

organized 'North Zone Regional Judicial Conference' on Administration of

Criminal Justice (Issues & Challenges) from 23rd to 25th November, 2012.

Chandigarh Judicial Academy takes pride in the fact that it was asked by

National Judicial Academy to host 3rd such Conference during the last 5


Delegates from Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, Allahabad, Uttarakhand,

Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir participated in the Conference,

besides 71 Judicial Officers/delegates from the States of Punjab, Haryana and

UT, Chandigarh.




The Inaugural Session was presided over by Hon'ble

Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana

High Court and Patron-in-Chief, Chandigarh Judicial

Academy. After the ceremonial lighting of Lamp and

Saraswati Vandana, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant,

Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and President,

Board of Governors, Chandigarh Judicial Academy

welcomed participants to the Conference. Prof. K. N.

Chandrasekharan Pillai, Director, National Judicial

Academy, explained to the gathering, the theme of

Conference. After keynote address by Hon'ble Mr.

Justice A.K. Sikri, the Inaugural Session was over and

was followed by Brain Storming Sessions.

NewsLetter June, 201314 NewsLetter June, 2013 15

Chandigarh Judicial Academy and Hon'ble High Court of Punjab & Haryana

organized 'North Zone Regional Judicial Conference' on Administration of

Criminal Justice (Issues & Challenges) from 23rd to 25th November, 2012.

Chandigarh Judicial Academy takes pride in the fact that it was asked by

National Judicial Academy to host 3rd such Conference during the last 5


Delegates from Hon'ble High Court of Delhi, Allahabad, Uttarakhand,

Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir participated in the Conference,

besides 71 Judicial Officers/delegates from the States of Punjab, Haryana and

UT, Chandigarh.




The Inaugural Session was presided over by Hon'ble

Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana

High Court and Patron-in-Chief, Chandigarh Judicial

Academy. After the ceremonial lighting of Lamp and

Saraswati Vandana, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant,

Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and President,

Board of Governors, Chandigarh Judicial Academy

welcomed participants to the Conference. Prof. K. N.

Chandrasekharan Pillai, Director, National Judicial

Academy, explained to the gathering, the theme of

Conference. After keynote address by Hon'ble Mr.

Justice A.K. Sikri, the Inaugural Session was over and

was followed by Brain Storming Sessions.

NewsLetter June, 2013 17NewsLetter June, 201316

Two Judicial Officers from the State of Punjab, namely Sh. Neeraj Singla and Sh. Mahesh Kumar and four Judicial

Officers from the State of Haryana, namely Sh. Aman Inder Singh, Ms. Jasbir, Ms. Anjali Jain and Ms. Deepti

completed their Induction Training Programme on 7.8.2012 and were awarded certificates by Hon'ble Mr. Justice

Jasbir Singh, Acting Chief Justice-cum-Patron-in-Chief of Chandigarh Judicial Academy.

Soon after taking over as Union Minister for Law and Justice, Government of India, Dr. Ashwani Kumar

realized the need to launch into a mechanism to take care of the ultimate consumer of System of

Administration in Justice, the poor who cannot venture into corridors of our system for want of sufficient

economic means.

Vide letter dated 18.12.2012 Hon'ble Dr. Ashwani Kumar desired Punjab and Haryana High Court to hold a

Conference at Chandigarh for implementation of Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008. Theme of the conference was

given as 'Justice at the Door Steps and Legal Aid to Poor”.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A K Sikri, Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court responded , almost ,

instantaneously to this proposal , and asked for the Conference being held on 11.1.2013 at Chandigarh

Judicial Academy, Sector 43, Chandigarh.

The Conference was attended by Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Hon'ble Minister of Law and Justice, Government of

India, Hon'ble Chief Ministers of both the States i.e. Punjab and Haryana, Hon'ble Chief Justice of this Court



NewsLetter June, 2013 17NewsLetter June, 201316

Two Judicial Officers from the State of Punjab, namely Sh. Neeraj Singla and Sh. Mahesh Kumar and four Judicial

Officers from the State of Haryana, namely Sh. Aman Inder Singh, Ms. Jasbir, Ms. Anjali Jain and Ms. Deepti

completed their Induction Training Programme on 7.8.2012 and were awarded certificates by Hon'ble Mr. Justice

Jasbir Singh, Acting Chief Justice-cum-Patron-in-Chief of Chandigarh Judicial Academy.

Soon after taking over as Union Minister for Law and Justice, Government of India, Dr. Ashwani Kumar

realized the need to launch into a mechanism to take care of the ultimate consumer of System of

Administration in Justice, the poor who cannot venture into corridors of our system for want of sufficient

economic means.

Vide letter dated 18.12.2012 Hon'ble Dr. Ashwani Kumar desired Punjab and Haryana High Court to hold a

Conference at Chandigarh for implementation of Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008. Theme of the conference was

given as 'Justice at the Door Steps and Legal Aid to Poor”.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A K Sikri, Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court responded , almost ,

instantaneously to this proposal , and asked for the Conference being held on 11.1.2013 at Chandigarh

Judicial Academy, Sector 43, Chandigarh.

The Conference was attended by Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Hon'ble Minister of Law and Justice, Government of

India, Hon'ble Chief Ministers of both the States i.e. Punjab and Haryana, Hon'ble Chief Justice of this Court



NewsLetter June, 2013 19NewsLetter June, 201318

and other Hon'ble Judges apart from all the District & Sessions Judges, Chief Judicial Magistrates, Secretaries,

District Legal Service Authorities, Member Secretaries and Additional Member Secretaries of State Legal

Service Authorities of States of Punjab, Haryana and U.T., Chandigarh. The Chief Secretaries of both the States,

Principal Secretaries (Home), Finance Secretary and Financial Commissioner Revenue and District

Development and Panchayat Officers from these States had attended the said Conference.

Inaugural Session of the Conference started with dignitaries taking the dais and lighting Ceremonial lamp of

wisdom amongst chanting of ljLorh oanuk

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, Judge Punjab and Haryana High

Court and President, Board of Governors, Chandigarh Judicial

Academy, Chandigarh formally welcomed the Dignitaries and

participants to the Conference. His Lordship recalled that

Constitution of India envisages providing Social, Economical and

Political Justice to all Citizen of India , equally. It has also been

ensured that poverty of a person does not hamper his quest for

Justice. His Lordship also referred to Article 51 A of the

Constitution of India suggesting fundamental duties to be

performed by Citizen of India . Legal Service Authority Act,

observed his Lordship, endeavours to provide free and competent

Legal service to the poor and needy. Authorities working under this

Act have also set up Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008 , legislated to effectuate Article 39 A of

the Constitution, as per His Lordship, gives an opportunity to take

away judicial delivery system from its conventional shell and is to

provide access to inexpensive justice in the rural areas at the door

steps and that also in a way that conciliation is brought about

between the warring litigants. Gram Nyayalayas would not be shacked by strict rules of evidence and

principles of Natural Justice would govern proceedings there under. His Lordship exhorted concerned

authorities to provide adequate infrastructure and manpower to run the show successfully.

Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Hon'ble Minister of Law and Justice, Government of India:

The Hon'ble Minister set forth the objective behind calling

for such a conference being to deliberate upon key issues

relating to making operational Gram Nyayalya Scheme and

provisions of legal aid to the poor. Accessible, affordable

and timely justice is an essential requirement of democratic

governance, observed the Honourable Minister

adding that it is duty of the State to secure a social

order in which the legal system of the nation

promotes justice on the basis of equal opportunity to

all. Satisfaction was expressed by the Honourable

Minister on being apprised that State Governments of

Punjab and Haryana have notified 2 Grams

Nyayalayas each just a few days before the conference

was to start and had promised that more Gram

Nyayalayas would be notified in due course.

Lok Adalats including Mega Lok Adalats being regularly held and having settled 25 lakh cases was

referred to by the Hon'ble Minister with a degree of pleasure and that the judiciary has stepped in with

vigour to implement the schemes of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) and was appointing

dedicated judicial officers at the district level to provide legal aid to the poor. To service the marginalized

sections of the society, lawyers and paralegal volunteers have been deployed from the High Court down to

sub-division level. Awareness campaigns , including in schools and colleges , were helping achieve that

objective, it was also observed.

Thereafter, Dr. Ashwani Kumar reminded the gathering that still much more was required to be done to

make available Legal aid visible to those who need it the most and urged the State Government to make full

use of Funds being made available by the Union Government to State Legal Services Authorities through

NALSA as well as funds available under the Thirteenth Finance Commission Award. The Union

Government , revealed Dr. Ashwani Kumar , has allocated Rs. 7.39 crore to Haryana and Rs. 6.51 crore to

NewsLetter June, 2013 19NewsLetter June, 201318

and other Hon'ble Judges apart from all the District & Sessions Judges, Chief Judicial Magistrates, Secretaries,

District Legal Service Authorities, Member Secretaries and Additional Member Secretaries of State Legal

Service Authorities of States of Punjab, Haryana and U.T., Chandigarh. The Chief Secretaries of both the States,

Principal Secretaries (Home), Finance Secretary and Financial Commissioner Revenue and District

Development and Panchayat Officers from these States had attended the said Conference.

Inaugural Session of the Conference started with dignitaries taking the dais and lighting Ceremonial lamp of

wisdom amongst chanting of ljLorh oanuk

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, Judge Punjab and Haryana High

Court and President, Board of Governors, Chandigarh Judicial

Academy, Chandigarh formally welcomed the Dignitaries and

participants to the Conference. His Lordship recalled that

Constitution of India envisages providing Social, Economical and

Political Justice to all Citizen of India , equally. It has also been

ensured that poverty of a person does not hamper his quest for

Justice. His Lordship also referred to Article 51 A of the

Constitution of India suggesting fundamental duties to be

performed by Citizen of India . Legal Service Authority Act,

observed his Lordship, endeavours to provide free and competent

Legal service to the poor and needy. Authorities working under this

Act have also set up Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Gram Nyayalayas Act, 2008 , legislated to effectuate Article 39 A of

the Constitution, as per His Lordship, gives an opportunity to take

away judicial delivery system from its conventional shell and is to

provide access to inexpensive justice in the rural areas at the door

steps and that also in a way that conciliation is brought about

between the warring litigants. Gram Nyayalayas would not be shacked by strict rules of evidence and

principles of Natural Justice would govern proceedings there under. His Lordship exhorted concerned

authorities to provide adequate infrastructure and manpower to run the show successfully.

Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Hon'ble Minister of Law and Justice, Government of India:

The Hon'ble Minister set forth the objective behind calling

for such a conference being to deliberate upon key issues

relating to making operational Gram Nyayalya Scheme and

provisions of legal aid to the poor. Accessible, affordable

and timely justice is an essential requirement of democratic

governance, observed the Honourable Minister

adding that it is duty of the State to secure a social

order in which the legal system of the nation

promotes justice on the basis of equal opportunity to

all. Satisfaction was expressed by the Honourable

Minister on being apprised that State Governments of

Punjab and Haryana have notified 2 Grams

Nyayalayas each just a few days before the conference

was to start and had promised that more Gram

Nyayalayas would be notified in due course.

Lok Adalats including Mega Lok Adalats being regularly held and having settled 25 lakh cases was

referred to by the Hon'ble Minister with a degree of pleasure and that the judiciary has stepped in with

vigour to implement the schemes of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) and was appointing

dedicated judicial officers at the district level to provide legal aid to the poor. To service the marginalized

sections of the society, lawyers and paralegal volunteers have been deployed from the High Court down to

sub-division level. Awareness campaigns , including in schools and colleges , were helping achieve that

objective, it was also observed.

Thereafter, Dr. Ashwani Kumar reminded the gathering that still much more was required to be done to

make available Legal aid visible to those who need it the most and urged the State Government to make full

use of Funds being made available by the Union Government to State Legal Services Authorities through

NALSA as well as funds available under the Thirteenth Finance Commission Award. The Union

Government , revealed Dr. Ashwani Kumar , has allocated Rs. 7.39 crore to Haryana and Rs. 6.51 crore to

NewsLetter June, 2013 21NewsLetter June, 201320

Punjab under these schemes besides having released an amount of Rs. 66 crore to the State of Punjab and Rs. 21

crore to the State of Haryana for infrastructure development of Subordinate Judiciary during the last 2 years

and promised that further funds would be released on receipt of utilization certificate. The Minister was happy

to note that Punjab and Haryana have achieved notable improvements in judicial infrastructure at the level of

subordinate courts.

Dr. Ashwani Kumar called upon Judicial Officers and Hon'ble Judges to expedite disposal of cases and achieve

considerable reduction in pendency so that people of India continue to have full faith in the formal judicial


Shri Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab:

Shri Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab , during his

address, hoped that with the introduction of Gram Nyayalayas, the

people will get speedy justice without spending much and would

save a lot of time. It was suggested by him that Government of India

should meet at least 75% of the expenditure on permanent basis as

Government of India , usually, starts new scheme by giving alluring

scheme but subsequently discontinue funding the scheme ,


Shri Parkash Singh Badal congratulated a Punjabi in Dr. Ashwani

Kumar becoming Union Minister for Law and Justice. Lauding the

concept of Gram Nyayalyas, Sh. Parkash Singh Badal hoped that

access to justice would now become less costly and less time

consuming. The Villagers would have not to travel long distances

and justice would be meted out to them at their Doorstep only. This

would also reduce the burden of courts and they would be able to

devote more time to really contentious cases. He apprised the

audience that Punjab Government has recently nodded for

appointment of 71 Civil Judges in addition to 85 Civil

Judges having been recruited during the previous

year. Rs. 2,078 cores have been released by his

Government for constructing New Judicial Court


Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister,


Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister,

Haryana complimented Dr. Ashwani Kumar for

conceptualizing such a conference which has given

an opportunity to deliberate upon the creation and implementation of a mechanism which can ensure fast and

effective justice delivery system especially for the poor and vulnerable Sections of the society. Shri Bhupinder

Singh Hooda appreciated State Legal Service Authority Haryana for contributing a lot for reducing litigation.

It was shared with the audience that on the suggestion of Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K.Mittal, Executive Chairman

HALSA, Education Department has been instructed to set up Legal Literacy Clubs in all Senior Secondary

Schools and Colleges in the State of Haryana and 1544 such clubs in Schools and 171 n colleges have already

been opened. He also informed the House that upper income limit for getting free legal service has been

increased from Rs.1 lac to Rs.1.50 lac, the highest in the country adding that more ADR centers shall be

established in 18 Districts in Haryana to serve as a common platform for all modes of alternative dispute

resolution such as Lok Adalats, Mediation Centers, Arbitration etc. The Chief Minister asked Dr. Ashwani

Kumar for more funds from the Central Government to meet demands for infrastructure and recurring

expenditure for Judicial Set up. The Chief Minister Haryana cautioned that expectations of General Masses

from Justice Delivery System are increasing and their patience is running out and all should ensure that their

trust in Judiciary is not shaken.

Hon'ble the Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High Court :

Hon'ble the Chief Justice while addressing the Conference reminded the gathering that various welfare

Statues are enacted but there after remain dormant and are not effectively implemented more because of

paucity of funds and lack of infrastructure. His Lordship complimented Dr. Ashwani Kumar for spearheading

the movement to make Gram Nyayalaya Act operational and thanked him for selecting the City of

Chandigarh as a launch pad for this movement.

Quoting Hon'ble Mr. Justice Krishna Iyer it was

reiterated that Right to Justice the most fundamental

right of every Citizen. Despite the fact that Courts are

overburdened with dockets, observed His Lordship,

quick delivery of justice is still the cherished right of

every citizen. As per His Lordship adversial system

of dispensation of justice does advances cause of

justice but during the last 30-40 years a shift can be

noticed in the Judgments being delivered by the

NewsLetter June, 2013 21NewsLetter June, 201320

Punjab under these schemes besides having released an amount of Rs. 66 crore to the State of Punjab and Rs. 21

crore to the State of Haryana for infrastructure development of Subordinate Judiciary during the last 2 years

and promised that further funds would be released on receipt of utilization certificate. The Minister was happy

to note that Punjab and Haryana have achieved notable improvements in judicial infrastructure at the level of

subordinate courts.

Dr. Ashwani Kumar called upon Judicial Officers and Hon'ble Judges to expedite disposal of cases and achieve

considerable reduction in pendency so that people of India continue to have full faith in the formal judicial


Shri Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab:

Shri Prakash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab , during his

address, hoped that with the introduction of Gram Nyayalayas, the

people will get speedy justice without spending much and would

save a lot of time. It was suggested by him that Government of India

should meet at least 75% of the expenditure on permanent basis as

Government of India , usually, starts new scheme by giving alluring

scheme but subsequently discontinue funding the scheme ,


Shri Parkash Singh Badal congratulated a Punjabi in Dr. Ashwani

Kumar becoming Union Minister for Law and Justice. Lauding the

concept of Gram Nyayalyas, Sh. Parkash Singh Badal hoped that

access to justice would now become less costly and less time

consuming. The Villagers would have not to travel long distances

and justice would be meted out to them at their Doorstep only. This

would also reduce the burden of courts and they would be able to

devote more time to really contentious cases. He apprised the

audience that Punjab Government has recently nodded for

appointment of 71 Civil Judges in addition to 85 Civil

Judges having been recruited during the previous

year. Rs. 2,078 cores have been released by his

Government for constructing New Judicial Court


Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister,


Shri Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister,

Haryana complimented Dr. Ashwani Kumar for

conceptualizing such a conference which has given

an opportunity to deliberate upon the creation and implementation of a mechanism which can ensure fast and

effective justice delivery system especially for the poor and vulnerable Sections of the society. Shri Bhupinder

Singh Hooda appreciated State Legal Service Authority Haryana for contributing a lot for reducing litigation.

It was shared with the audience that on the suggestion of Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K.Mittal, Executive Chairman

HALSA, Education Department has been instructed to set up Legal Literacy Clubs in all Senior Secondary

Schools and Colleges in the State of Haryana and 1544 such clubs in Schools and 171 n colleges have already

been opened. He also informed the House that upper income limit for getting free legal service has been

increased from Rs.1 lac to Rs.1.50 lac, the highest in the country adding that more ADR centers shall be

established in 18 Districts in Haryana to serve as a common platform for all modes of alternative dispute

resolution such as Lok Adalats, Mediation Centers, Arbitration etc. The Chief Minister asked Dr. Ashwani

Kumar for more funds from the Central Government to meet demands for infrastructure and recurring

expenditure for Judicial Set up. The Chief Minister Haryana cautioned that expectations of General Masses

from Justice Delivery System are increasing and their patience is running out and all should ensure that their

trust in Judiciary is not shaken.

Hon'ble the Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High Court :

Hon'ble the Chief Justice while addressing the Conference reminded the gathering that various welfare

Statues are enacted but there after remain dormant and are not effectively implemented more because of

paucity of funds and lack of infrastructure. His Lordship complimented Dr. Ashwani Kumar for spearheading

the movement to make Gram Nyayalaya Act operational and thanked him for selecting the City of

Chandigarh as a launch pad for this movement.

Quoting Hon'ble Mr. Justice Krishna Iyer it was

reiterated that Right to Justice the most fundamental

right of every Citizen. Despite the fact that Courts are

overburdened with dockets, observed His Lordship,

quick delivery of justice is still the cherished right of

every citizen. As per His Lordship adversial system

of dispensation of justice does advances cause of

justice but during the last 30-40 years a shift can be

noticed in the Judgments being delivered by the

NewsLetter June, 2013 23NewsLetter June, 201322

Supreme Court towards Social Adjudication system from that adversial system. It is now being realized that

mere application of principles of law in a given situation is no longer the only approach Courts should adopt.

What is needed is to advance cause of justice. His Lordship counted benefits of Alternate Dispute Redressal

System especially of Mediation. Establishment of Gram Nyayalyas is another step towards Social

Adjudication system and to provide justice at the doorstep of poor, needy and marginalized sections of


During the conference Fully loaded Laptops were distributed to Judicial Officers from the States of Punjab

and Haryana and to Judicial officers undergoing their InductionTraining Programme. As a token of

beginning of distribution of laptops Dr. Ashwani Kumar flanked by other dignataries on the dias , delivered 2

laptops were delivered to Ms. Sanjeeta , CJM Moga and Ms. Sukhda Pritam JMI Chandigarh .

Vote of Thanks was presented by His Lordship Ho'ble Mr. Justice M.

Jeyapaul, Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and Member, Board

of Governors , Chandigarh Judicial Academy.

His Lordship Mr. Justice M Jeyapaul shared with the audience His

experience of Justice delivered at the doorstep during his tenure as

District and Sessions Judge in Tamil Nadu. Tribals were the victims of

a Motor Vehicle Accident and were all but duped by a NGO. A Lok

Adalat was arranged at their place of residence with all concerned

reaching there and distributing compensation to the victims there and then. Emphasizing the need to

strengthen the system of delivery of justice at door step and effective implementation of Gram Nyaylaya Act

Hon. Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul thanked all those who had come present to the Conference.

The inaugural Session thereafter ended with National Anthem.

A Brain storming session was conducted thereafter. It was presded over by His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice

S.S.Saron Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and Chairman Gram Nyayalaya Monitoring Committee.

Honourable Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and member Board of

Governors, Chandigarh Judicial Academy , Hon. Mr. Justice A N Jindal and Hon. Ms. Justice Sabina, Judges

Punjab and Haryana High Court and members Gram Nyayalaya Monitoring Committee and Shri D K SIkri,

Secretary, law and Justice Government of India.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.S.Saron threw open the Session by apprising the participants with basic rubric of Gram

Nyayalaya Act , it objects and the techniques how best to make it operational. and Shri D K SIkri, Secretary,

Law and Justice Government of India rolled out plans of Government of India especially the Ministry of Law

and Justice under the stewardship of Dr. Ashwani Kumar to make this Act fully operational.

During interactive Session, Judicial Officers from both the States shared likely teething problems to be faced

while working in terms of Gram Nyayalaya Act, like need of separate staff for these Courts especially Process

Serving agency , steps needed to ensure absence of Law and Order problem while holding Lok Adalats etc.

but their doubts were duly dispelled by the signatories on the dais.

The Session ended with vote of thanks.

NewsLetter June, 2013 23NewsLetter June, 201322

Supreme Court towards Social Adjudication system from that adversial system. It is now being realized that

mere application of principles of law in a given situation is no longer the only approach Courts should adopt.

What is needed is to advance cause of justice. His Lordship counted benefits of Alternate Dispute Redressal

System especially of Mediation. Establishment of Gram Nyayalyas is another step towards Social

Adjudication system and to provide justice at the doorstep of poor, needy and marginalized sections of


During the conference Fully loaded Laptops were distributed to Judicial Officers from the States of Punjab

and Haryana and to Judicial officers undergoing their InductionTraining Programme. As a token of

beginning of distribution of laptops Dr. Ashwani Kumar flanked by other dignataries on the dias , delivered 2

laptops were delivered to Ms. Sanjeeta , CJM Moga and Ms. Sukhda Pritam JMI Chandigarh .

Vote of Thanks was presented by His Lordship Ho'ble Mr. Justice M.

Jeyapaul, Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and Member, Board

of Governors , Chandigarh Judicial Academy.

His Lordship Mr. Justice M Jeyapaul shared with the audience His

experience of Justice delivered at the doorstep during his tenure as

District and Sessions Judge in Tamil Nadu. Tribals were the victims of

a Motor Vehicle Accident and were all but duped by a NGO. A Lok

Adalat was arranged at their place of residence with all concerned

reaching there and distributing compensation to the victims there and then. Emphasizing the need to

strengthen the system of delivery of justice at door step and effective implementation of Gram Nyaylaya Act

Hon. Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul thanked all those who had come present to the Conference.

The inaugural Session thereafter ended with National Anthem.

A Brain storming session was conducted thereafter. It was presded over by His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice

S.S.Saron Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and Chairman Gram Nyayalaya Monitoring Committee.

Honourable Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court and member Board of

Governors, Chandigarh Judicial Academy , Hon. Mr. Justice A N Jindal and Hon. Ms. Justice Sabina, Judges

Punjab and Haryana High Court and members Gram Nyayalaya Monitoring Committee and Shri D K SIkri,

Secretary, law and Justice Government of India.

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.S.Saron threw open the Session by apprising the participants with basic rubric of Gram

Nyayalaya Act , it objects and the techniques how best to make it operational. and Shri D K SIkri, Secretary,

Law and Justice Government of India rolled out plans of Government of India especially the Ministry of Law

and Justice under the stewardship of Dr. Ashwani Kumar to make this Act fully operational.

During interactive Session, Judicial Officers from both the States shared likely teething problems to be faced

while working in terms of Gram Nyayalaya Act, like need of separate staff for these Courts especially Process

Serving agency , steps needed to ensure absence of Law and Order problem while holding Lok Adalats etc.

but their doubts were duly dispelled by the signatories on the dais.

The Session ended with vote of thanks.

NewsLetter June, 2013 25

C h a n d i g a r h J u d i c i a l A c a d e m y

undertakes Refresher Courses for serving

Judicial Officers in the States of Punjab,

Haryana and Chandigarh.

Each Judicial Officer undergoes two

different Refresher Courses during a

given year.

From August, 2012 up to March, 2013,

C ha ndi ga r h J udi c i a l Aca de m y

conducted 5 courses for Additional

District & Sessions Judge and a total of

196 officers from Superior Judicial

Service from these States participated in

these Courses whereas in 8 such Courses,

407 Civil Judges refreshed themselves

with different aspects of Law, Court

Management and related matters.

NewsLetter June, 201324



FROM 18.08.12 TO 16.3.13

Sr. No. Date of the Course Total Present

For Addl. Distt & Sessions Judges

1. 18th Aug,2012 47

2. 15th Sep,2012 35

3. 20th Oct,2012 38

4. 19th Jan, 2013 40

5. 2nd Feb, 2013 36


For Civil Judges

1. 25th Aug,2012 48

2. 1st Sep,2012 49

3. 22nd Sep,2012 48

4. 29th Sep,2012 44

5. 10th Nov,2012 61

6. 08th Dec,2012 51

7. 22nd Dec,2012 59

8. 23rd Feb, 2013 47

9. 16th March 2013 17


Besides a Specific Refresher Course for Presiding Officers of Industrial Tribunals-cum-Labour

Courts in the States of Punjab, Haryana and UT Chandigarh was conducted, a first of its kind, which

was attended by 13 such Presiding Officers.

NewsLetter June, 2013 25

C h a n d i g a r h J u d i c i a l A c a d e m y

undertakes Refresher Courses for serving

Judicial Officers in the States of Punjab,

Haryana and Chandigarh.

Each Judicial Officer undergoes two

different Refresher Courses during a

given year.

From August, 2012 up to March, 2013,

C ha ndi ga r h J udi c i a l Aca de m y

conducted 5 courses for Additional

District & Sessions Judge and a total of

196 officers from Superior Judicial

Service from these States participated in

these Courses whereas in 8 such Courses,

407 Civil Judges refreshed themselves

with different aspects of Law, Court

Management and related matters.

NewsLetter June, 201324



FROM 18.08.12 TO 16.3.13

Sr. No. Date of the Course Total Present

For Addl. Distt & Sessions Judges

1. 18th Aug,2012 47

2. 15th Sep,2012 35

3. 20th Oct,2012 38

4. 19th Jan, 2013 40

5. 2nd Feb, 2013 36


For Civil Judges

1. 25th Aug,2012 48

2. 1st Sep,2012 49

3. 22nd Sep,2012 48

4. 29th Sep,2012 44

5. 10th Nov,2012 61

6. 08th Dec,2012 51

7. 22nd Dec,2012 59

8. 23rd Feb, 2013 47

9. 16th March 2013 17


Besides a Specific Refresher Course for Presiding Officers of Industrial Tribunals-cum-Labour

Courts in the States of Punjab, Haryana and UT Chandigarh was conducted, a first of its kind, which

was attended by 13 such Presiding Officers.

NewsLetter June, 2013 NewsLetter June, 2013


Sr. No. Date of the Course No. of Officers


1st 10.12.2012 to 14.12.2012 19

2nd 11.02.2013 to 15.02.2013 20


Sr. No. Hon'ble Judges, Punjab Guest Resource

& Haryana High Court Persons

1. Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.S. Saron Dr. Virender Kumar

on Joint Hindu

Family, Coparcenary,

Ancestral / Coparcenary


2. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh Dr. K. P. Singh

on Juvenile Justice Act

3. Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.N. Jindal Dr. Krishan Vij

on Medical Jurisprudence

4. Hon'ble Mr. Justice K. Kannan Dr. S.K. Jain

on Cyber Law and Crime

5. Hon'ble Mr. Justice J.C. Verma (Retd.) Dr. Kailash Kumar

on Cyber Crime

6. Dr. D.J. Singh


Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh, Member, Board of Governors of Chandigarh Judicial Academy was

given a warm farewell by Chandigarh Judicial Academy, just before his Lordship demitted his office

on attaining the age of superannuation.

NewsLetter June, 2013 NewsLetter June, 2013


Sr. No. Date of the Course No. of Officers


1st 10.12.2012 to 14.12.2012 19

2nd 11.02.2013 to 15.02.2013 20


Sr. No. Hon'ble Judges, Punjab Guest Resource

& Haryana High Court Persons

1. Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.S. Saron Dr. Virender Kumar

on Joint Hindu

Family, Coparcenary,

Ancestral / Coparcenary


2. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh Dr. K. P. Singh

on Juvenile Justice Act

3. Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.N. Jindal Dr. Krishan Vij

on Medical Jurisprudence

4. Hon'ble Mr. Justice K. Kannan Dr. S.K. Jain

on Cyber Law and Crime

5. Hon'ble Mr. Justice J.C. Verma (Retd.) Dr. Kailash Kumar

on Cyber Crime

6. Dr. D.J. Singh


Hon'ble Mr. Justice Ranjit Singh, Member, Board of Governors of Chandigarh Judicial Academy was

given a warm farewell by Chandigarh Judicial Academy, just before his Lordship demitted his office

on attaining the age of superannuation.

NewsLetter June, 201328 NewsLetter June, 2013 29

Second Session

Captain M.S. Kohli (Indian Navy), Leader of first Indian Team which

scaled Mount Everest in the year 1965 and recipient of Padam Bhushan,

Arjuna Award, AVSM, Nishan-e-Khalsa and Best Citizen of Delhi Award

addressed Trainee Judicial Officers in the Auditorium of Chandigarh

Judicial Academy on 24.5.2013 on the theme “Motivation-Challenges-


NewsLetter June, 201328 NewsLetter June, 2013 29

Second Session

Captain M.S. Kohli (Indian Navy), Leader of first Indian Team which

scaled Mount Everest in the year 1965 and recipient of Padam Bhushan,

Arjuna Award, AVSM, Nishan-e-Khalsa and Best Citizen of Delhi Award

addressed Trainee Judicial Officers in the Auditorium of Chandigarh

Judicial Academy on 24.5.2013 on the theme “Motivation-Challenges-


“I am an ordinary person. My

life story proves that every

human being can scale the

highest peaks of achievement

in his or her chosen field. No

one is born great. Only

challenges make one so. I am

a product o f supreme


- Capt. M.S. Kohli

Captain Kohli is author of 27

books and presented 5 copies

of one of his book “Miracle of

Ardaas” for the library of the


NewsLetter June, 201332 NewsLetter June, 2013 33

Trainee Judicial Officers from the States of Punjab & Haryana vied for CJA Cricket Cup.

The tournament was inaugurated by his Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice T.P.S. Mann,

member Hon'ble Board of Governors.

The Cup was won by Punjab TJOs and prizes were distributed by HMJ T.P.S. Mann.

“I am an ordinary person. My

life story proves that every

human being can scale the

highest peaks of achievement

in his or her chosen field. No

one is born great. Only

challenges make one so. I am

a product o f supreme


- Capt. M.S. Kohli

Captain Kohli is author of 27

books and presented 5 copies

of one of his book “Miracle of

Ardaas” for the library of the


NewsLetter June, 201332 NewsLetter June, 2013 33

Trainee Judicial Officers from the States of Punjab & Haryana vied for CJA Cricket Cup.

The tournament was inaugurated by his Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice T.P.S. Mann,

member Hon'ble Board of Governors.

The Cup was won by Punjab TJOs and prizes were distributed by HMJ T.P.S. Mann.

NewsLetter June, 2013NewsLetter June, 2013NewsLetter June, 2013 35



ON 29.5.2013.

NewsLetter June, 201334





NewsLetter June, 2013NewsLetter June, 2013NewsLetter June, 2013 35



ON 29.5.2013.

NewsLetter June, 201334





36 37





NewsLetter June, 2013NewsLetter June, 2013








36 37





NewsLetter June, 2013NewsLetter June, 2013








NewsLetter June, 201338 NewsLetter June, 2013 39








NewsLetter June, 201338 NewsLetter June, 2013 39














NewsLetter June, 201340 NewsLetter June, 2013 41







NewsLetter June, 201340 NewsLetter June, 2013 41

NewsLetter June, 201342

NewsLetter June, 2013 43


NewsLetter June, 2013 45NewsLetter June, 201344


Director (Academics),Director (Administration) and Faculty Members

during an interactive session with Trainee Judicial Officers.





NewsLetter June, 2013 45NewsLetter June, 201344


Director (Academics),Director (Administration) and Faculty Members

during an interactive session with Trainee Judicial Officers.





NewsLetter June, 2013 47NewsLetter June, 201346

B.K. Mehta, Director (Administration) :

Solemnity of the occasion which has brought us here, together,

cannot be overstated. We are here to felicitate our Patron-in-Chief

Hon. Mr. Justice A K Sikri, on his impending elevation to The

Supreme Court of India. His Lordship had an eventful, inspiring and

trend setting association with the Academy.

As is natural, news of My Lord taking over as Chief Justice

Honourable Punjab and Haryana High Court and Patron-in-Chief of

this Academy made us curious to know about him. Soon it came to

be known that His Lordship is the one having excellent Academic

record as a Student ; fabulous stint as a practicing Advocate and

legendary fabled period of 1999 to 2012 as Judge and Acting Chief

Justice Delhi High Court.

That besides , His Lordship always let the teacher within him to have free field. Whenever possible His

Lordship , with all of the generosity , would be sharing his wisdom and experience.

His being the most sought after resource persons at meets of highest level, national and as well

international, is manifestation of virtuous ,benevolent personality of My Lordship.

Managing International Property Rights MIPA says is Lordship is one of the very best.

Please allow me to confess that We were wary of ourselves being able to work with such a Genius.

But we ultimately found that His Lordship was , more than anything else, humane of the highest order.

His Lordship carries all conquering most natural and continuous smile which can only flow a person

having heart made of Gold.

Please allow me to share that I did have some idea of what My Lord thinks about. I had the privilege of

going through judgments rendered by His Lordship In Bachpan Bachao vs Union of India delivered on

24-12-2010 and in All India Confederation for the Blind Vs Union of India decided on 7-3-2012. I am

reminded of an observation of My Lord Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul that if judgments rendered by His

Lordship Mr. Justice A K Sikri in Hon. Delhi High Court are sent for binding, they may run into 60

volumes and there is no possible filed in Litigation which has not been illuminated by My Lord. Yet the

these two judgments show that these judgments have been inked by dipping the pen in the heart and not

in the ink-pot. Care and concern of My Lord for a deprived sections of the Society exhibited in these

judgments makes the reader adore Him. It is often said that while rendering judgments it is the brain and

not the heart which is to be used but these judgments show as to how the mind can control both the heart

and brain to work in tandem for the benefit of those deserve the best from rest of the mankind.

Delhi High Court is to Punjab and Haryana High Court what the moon is to earth. I take pride in saying

NewsLetter June, 2013 47NewsLetter June, 201346

B.K. Mehta, Director (Administration) :

Solemnity of the occasion which has brought us here, together,

cannot be overstated. We are here to felicitate our Patron-in-Chief

Hon. Mr. Justice A K Sikri, on his impending elevation to The

Supreme Court of India. His Lordship had an eventful, inspiring and

trend setting association with the Academy.

As is natural, news of My Lord taking over as Chief Justice

Honourable Punjab and Haryana High Court and Patron-in-Chief of

this Academy made us curious to know about him. Soon it came to

be known that His Lordship is the one having excellent Academic

record as a Student ; fabulous stint as a practicing Advocate and

legendary fabled period of 1999 to 2012 as Judge and Acting Chief

Justice Delhi High Court.

That besides , His Lordship always let the teacher within him to have free field. Whenever possible His

Lordship , with all of the generosity , would be sharing his wisdom and experience.

His being the most sought after resource persons at meets of highest level, national and as well

international, is manifestation of virtuous ,benevolent personality of My Lordship.

Managing International Property Rights MIPA says is Lordship is one of the very best.

Please allow me to confess that We were wary of ourselves being able to work with such a Genius.

But we ultimately found that His Lordship was , more than anything else, humane of the highest order.

His Lordship carries all conquering most natural and continuous smile which can only flow a person

having heart made of Gold.

Please allow me to share that I did have some idea of what My Lord thinks about. I had the privilege of

going through judgments rendered by His Lordship In Bachpan Bachao vs Union of India delivered on

24-12-2010 and in All India Confederation for the Blind Vs Union of India decided on 7-3-2012. I am

reminded of an observation of My Lord Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul that if judgments rendered by His

Lordship Mr. Justice A K Sikri in Hon. Delhi High Court are sent for binding, they may run into 60

volumes and there is no possible filed in Litigation which has not been illuminated by My Lord. Yet the

these two judgments show that these judgments have been inked by dipping the pen in the heart and not

in the ink-pot. Care and concern of My Lord for a deprived sections of the Society exhibited in these

judgments makes the reader adore Him. It is often said that while rendering judgments it is the brain and

not the heart which is to be used but these judgments show as to how the mind can control both the heart

and brain to work in tandem for the benefit of those deserve the best from rest of the mankind.

Delhi High Court is to Punjab and Haryana High Court what the moon is to earth. I take pride in saying

NewsLetter June, 201348 NewsLetter June, 2013 49

that Punjab & Haryana High Court is the parent Court of Delhi High Court and it was just but natural for

My Lord to spend some time here before climbing the ladder. Otherwise also, My Lord is every inch a

Punjabi and the destiny could not have deprived, Punjab and Haryana, from being led by a Punjabi.

Yes , the mind sometimes goes into a melancholic mood visualizing that My Lord would soon be going

away from us but the next moment the mind gets filled with joy in face of fact that His stint with us was

bound to be short as He now steps upon another stone on the path of glory, the ladder takes him to the

height every one in the field of Law dreams about and yearns for. The fragrance , which my Lord spreads,

could have not been monopolized by us for long. Entire of the Country has the right to enjoy that

fragrance and coveted bench of the Apex Court is what is really meant for Him.

We are just about to hold a Seminar in April itself. It is brain child of the My Lord himself and it becomes

even more important for us to not to leave any stone unturned to make the conference a success. With the

help of every one associated with the conference, the Academy is confidant of fulfilling the task so

entrusted to us by His Lordship.

While we wish My Lord more and more of success in the years to Come, wishing that Yours making to

the Apex Court turns out to be just but a stepping stone on the path of further glories, we also pray to the

Almighty that your stint in the Apex Court turns out to be exemplary and legendary.

My Lordship, please allow me to recall two of your quotes from this very podium. You had addressed

Trainee Judicial Officers as “dearest of all to you “ and that “You were a teacher and the teacher in you

would always keep kicking ”.

These expressions of yours guarantee us at Chandigarh Judicial Academy that the teacher would always

be around to keep blessing those who are dearest to Him and to keep illuminating lives and careers of

those for whom this Academy has been set up.

Dr. Veer Singh, Director (Academics):

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana High

Court, Judge designate, Supreme Court, Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K.

Mittal, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jeyapaul,

Hon'ble Mr. Justice T.P.S. Mann, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajesh Bindal,

Hon'ble Ms. Justice Ritu Bahri, distinguished High Court Judges,

Advocate Generals, Sr. Administrative and Judicial Officers and my

dear TJOs.

On behalf of entire CJA family, I extend a very warm welcome to

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sikri, Welcome in one breath and Farewell in

another it look a bit incongruous like a comedy of errors.

Nevertheless, we welcome him today to congratulate him on his

elevation to the Apex Court and to bid him a farewell. Farewell

usually is an occasion identified with a bit of sadness. But we are not

sad. We rejoice. We are happy because he is moving up and joining

the highest tribunal. His stint here was very short, about six and half months. In that short duration, he

provided outstanding leadership and direction to three great Institutions i.e. High Court, Chandigarh

Judicial Academy and National University of Law, Patiala.

Its well said that some people come in your life and make their quick exit. Some come for a brief period

but, they stay and leave a permanent imprint on your mind and heart, Justice Sikri belongs to the second


My first meeting with Justice Sikri was very brief at the Reception given to him at the Governor's House

and I made a casual request to him. Since you are one of the global experts in IPRs, could you kindly

come and talk to our faculty and the TJOs so that they benefit from your expertise? His immediate

response was how do you know about my expertise in IPRs? I told his Lordship that Reputation travels

faster than light and what I know of him, had reached us well before his arrival at Chandigarh. Now, that

he is leaving us a feeling of sadness is natural. However, we rejoice with the feeling that farewell is not

the end. After all, friends at a distance make the Earth more spacious. Our domain enlarges and

obviously, friends at a distance make the longitudes and latitudes, and through such friends, we move

from regional to national and at the end of it, may be to a global circle. When I discussed him the course

contents of the Induction Training Programme at CJA, he gave us a definite direction with his observation

that legal education and judicial training are not identical and they do not exactly justapose. One would

undoubtedly agree with him. Nevertheless, there is lot of common ground between the two and Judicial

Officers need both. When we educate them, we educate them in knowledge and wisdom and when we

train them, we pass on a set of professional skills. We can train a judicial officer as to how to design a

judgment, and to write it with precision and brevity. What a judicial officer writes in a judgment is more

important and that only legal education can provide. Under his directions, we are trying to re-structure

the entire syllabi of the Induction Training Programme which we shall make operative from the next

session (2013-14). This shall be a good mix of Academics, ideas and concepts as also the procedural,

practical and transactional issues arising in courts of law, I request him, that whenever he gets time, he

should examine our draft syllabus and advise us to improve it further.

Today, we congratulate him with lot of gratitude and sense of satisfaction that within a short time, he has

done so much. We wish him all success in his new assignment.

God be with him. Thanks.

NewsLetter June, 201348 NewsLetter June, 2013 49

that Punjab & Haryana High Court is the parent Court of Delhi High Court and it was just but natural for

My Lord to spend some time here before climbing the ladder. Otherwise also, My Lord is every inch a

Punjabi and the destiny could not have deprived, Punjab and Haryana, from being led by a Punjabi.

Yes , the mind sometimes goes into a melancholic mood visualizing that My Lord would soon be going

away from us but the next moment the mind gets filled with joy in face of fact that His stint with us was

bound to be short as He now steps upon another stone on the path of glory, the ladder takes him to the

height every one in the field of Law dreams about and yearns for. The fragrance , which my Lord spreads,

could have not been monopolized by us for long. Entire of the Country has the right to enjoy that

fragrance and coveted bench of the Apex Court is what is really meant for Him.

We are just about to hold a Seminar in April itself. It is brain child of the My Lord himself and it becomes

even more important for us to not to leave any stone unturned to make the conference a success. With the

help of every one associated with the conference, the Academy is confidant of fulfilling the task so

entrusted to us by His Lordship.

While we wish My Lord more and more of success in the years to Come, wishing that Yours making to

the Apex Court turns out to be just but a stepping stone on the path of further glories, we also pray to the

Almighty that your stint in the Apex Court turns out to be exemplary and legendary.

My Lordship, please allow me to recall two of your quotes from this very podium. You had addressed

Trainee Judicial Officers as “dearest of all to you “ and that “You were a teacher and the teacher in you

would always keep kicking ”.

These expressions of yours guarantee us at Chandigarh Judicial Academy that the teacher would always

be around to keep blessing those who are dearest to Him and to keep illuminating lives and careers of

those for whom this Academy has been set up.

Dr. Veer Singh, Director (Academics):

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana High

Court, Judge designate, Supreme Court, Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K.

Mittal, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Jeyapaul,

Hon'ble Mr. Justice T.P.S. Mann, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajesh Bindal,

Hon'ble Ms. Justice Ritu Bahri, distinguished High Court Judges,

Advocate Generals, Sr. Administrative and Judicial Officers and my

dear TJOs.

On behalf of entire CJA family, I extend a very warm welcome to

Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sikri, Welcome in one breath and Farewell in

another it look a bit incongruous like a comedy of errors.

Nevertheless, we welcome him today to congratulate him on his

elevation to the Apex Court and to bid him a farewell. Farewell

usually is an occasion identified with a bit of sadness. But we are not

sad. We rejoice. We are happy because he is moving up and joining

the highest tribunal. His stint here was very short, about six and half months. In that short duration, he

provided outstanding leadership and direction to three great Institutions i.e. High Court, Chandigarh

Judicial Academy and National University of Law, Patiala.

Its well said that some people come in your life and make their quick exit. Some come for a brief period

but, they stay and leave a permanent imprint on your mind and heart, Justice Sikri belongs to the second


My first meeting with Justice Sikri was very brief at the Reception given to him at the Governor's House

and I made a casual request to him. Since you are one of the global experts in IPRs, could you kindly

come and talk to our faculty and the TJOs so that they benefit from your expertise? His immediate

response was how do you know about my expertise in IPRs? I told his Lordship that Reputation travels

faster than light and what I know of him, had reached us well before his arrival at Chandigarh. Now, that

he is leaving us a feeling of sadness is natural. However, we rejoice with the feeling that farewell is not

the end. After all, friends at a distance make the Earth more spacious. Our domain enlarges and

obviously, friends at a distance make the longitudes and latitudes, and through such friends, we move

from regional to national and at the end of it, may be to a global circle. When I discussed him the course

contents of the Induction Training Programme at CJA, he gave us a definite direction with his observation

that legal education and judicial training are not identical and they do not exactly justapose. One would

undoubtedly agree with him. Nevertheless, there is lot of common ground between the two and Judicial

Officers need both. When we educate them, we educate them in knowledge and wisdom and when we

train them, we pass on a set of professional skills. We can train a judicial officer as to how to design a

judgment, and to write it with precision and brevity. What a judicial officer writes in a judgment is more

important and that only legal education can provide. Under his directions, we are trying to re-structure

the entire syllabi of the Induction Training Programme which we shall make operative from the next

session (2013-14). This shall be a good mix of Academics, ideas and concepts as also the procedural,

practical and transactional issues arising in courts of law, I request him, that whenever he gets time, he

should examine our draft syllabus and advise us to improve it further.

Today, we congratulate him with lot of gratitude and sense of satisfaction that within a short time, he has

done so much. We wish him all success in his new assignment.

God be with him. Thanks.

NewsLetter June, 2013 NewsLetter June, 2013 51

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant:

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana High

Court and Patron-in-Chief, Chandigarh Judicial Academy and with

kind permission of my Lord, I would say, Judge designate, Supreme

Court of India, my sister and brothers Judges on the dias, led by

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal, Chief Secretary, Haryana, Advocate

Generals, Punjab & Haryana, Registrar General of the High Court,

other officers from the High Court, Sr. Officers from both the State

and UT Administration who are members of the General Body of

Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Director (Administration) and

Director (Academics) of the Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Members

of the Faculty, Dear Trainee Judicial Officers, Officers and Staff of the

Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A very brief reference, about landmark achievements of Hon'ble the

Chief Justice has been given by both the Ld. Directors. I also consider it my proud privilege and

prodigious pleasure to welcome My Lord Justice A. K. Sikri on this evening. His Lordship has been, all

along, an extra ordinary gifted and a champion all rounder. He not only won awards and scholarships in

his entire academic arena but also brought Laurels in other public domains, like elections of prestigious

Delhi High Court Bar Association. His Lordship has been a great achiever, not only in his student days or

in his superb professional career, but that streak of striving for excellence and honest dedication, which is

pivotal to realizing all the dreams for the betterment of one and all, is still continuing and is seemingly

growing bigger every day.

Dear friends, that his Lordship shares space with some of the best legal luminaries in delivering

landmark judgments is very well known to all of us, but what could seen apart is his vision and jest to

put his heart

and soul in the Academy. He has been passionately associated with the National Judicial Academy and

has been instrumental in incorporating key changes in the curriculum and training programmes, making

them result oriented and more relevant. The challenging task of imparting required academic input to the

Judicial Officers for updation of their legal knowledge and exposing them to the practical aspect,

instilling in them the values that make judiciary different from rest of other assignments and inculcating

in them the moral courage to stand to the constant and consistent examination that lies ahead, has

already been tackled by his Lordship.

The zeal and commitment towards every aspect that touches the life in every possible way, contributing

through his writings, editings, through organizing seminars and conferences, arranging top of the

resource persons, interacting with the Trainee Judicial Officers, giving sound advice and being there

always for the right cause is very remarkable and enduring milestone achieved by My Lord.

We, at the Chandigarh Judicial Academy, feel blessed in having his Lordship as our Patron-in-Chief. His

Lordship's kind guidance and rich experience has been a great source of inspiration and shall go a long

way in helping us grow further as an institute of relevance. This occasion also gives me an opportunity to

request his Lordship on behalf of CJA, to be with us in future, more frequently and on every possible

occasion and guide the Academy to achieve greater heights and create a space for itself at the national


Thank you very much.



I was born unaware of the species I belong to, my family and teachers nurtured me

to become a human being, Then, he stepped on the altar and told me that I am an

angel who has been assigned duties to do justice by the God Himself.

What should I call him ?

Hon'ble Mr. J. A.K.Sikri or the Michel Angelo of Indian Judiciary who with his

artistic touch has not only brought significant changes in the justice dispensation

system but has also with his divine vision symbolized Judicial Officers under

training as the stones out of whom angels will be carved out.

My Lord, each one of the Trainee Judicial Officer is bubbling with joy, pleasure and in-debtness. Two of

them are fortunate enough to represent feelings of all of us. I ask , Supreet Kaur to express the feelings of

gratitude on behalf of all the trainee judicial officers.

Supreet Kaur:

Worth of a person's worth is gauged not by material success alone, but also by his

attitudes of kinship, humility and milk of human kindness. Such divine souls

have God to their side.

It has been our extreme privilege to have such an embodiment of greatness and

humility, none other than His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri as the head

of our family.

Your Lordship's always addressing us Trainee Judicial Officers as “dearest” ,

referring to us as the few lucky ones chosen by God to deliver justice, are great gestures whose imprint

will last in our minds throughout our lives.

We will never forget how affection was showered by Your Lordship every time, by personally reaching

out each one of us, touching our hearts with a gracious smile and making us feel cared and protected.

Memories of Your Lordship's first address to us are still alive in our minds and hearts when Your

Lordship shared with us your desires to give your best to the pupils as a teacher and make constant

improvements in our growth and development with your knowledge and experience. Your Lordship's

such noble concerns are apparently visible in the radical changes brought about in the curricula of the

Induction training programme, which would certainly equip us well with the practical working of the

system, enabling us to perform our duties effectively and efficiently.

Our brief association with Your Lordship in this academy has left permanent impressions on our minds

and hearts of Your Lordship's qualities of diligence, humility and sobriety which are appreciated, by one

and all, and which each one of us, to the best of their abilities, will try to imbibe in our own selves.

We assure you , Sir , that we will try our best to keep on updating our knowledge and be humane in our

approach and dealings at every step in our careers.

We wish Your Lordship more and more , where even sky is not the limit. Thank you. !


NewsLetter June, 2013 NewsLetter June, 2013 51

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant:

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana High

Court and Patron-in-Chief, Chandigarh Judicial Academy and with

kind permission of my Lord, I would say, Judge designate, Supreme

Court of India, my sister and brothers Judges on the dias, led by

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal, Chief Secretary, Haryana, Advocate

Generals, Punjab & Haryana, Registrar General of the High Court,

other officers from the High Court, Sr. Officers from both the State

and UT Administration who are members of the General Body of

Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Director (Administration) and

Director (Academics) of the Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Members

of the Faculty, Dear Trainee Judicial Officers, Officers and Staff of the

Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen.

A very brief reference, about landmark achievements of Hon'ble the

Chief Justice has been given by both the Ld. Directors. I also consider it my proud privilege and

prodigious pleasure to welcome My Lord Justice A. K. Sikri on this evening. His Lordship has been, all

along, an extra ordinary gifted and a champion all rounder. He not only won awards and scholarships in

his entire academic arena but also brought Laurels in other public domains, like elections of prestigious

Delhi High Court Bar Association. His Lordship has been a great achiever, not only in his student days or

in his superb professional career, but that streak of striving for excellence and honest dedication, which is

pivotal to realizing all the dreams for the betterment of one and all, is still continuing and is seemingly

growing bigger every day.

Dear friends, that his Lordship shares space with some of the best legal luminaries in delivering

landmark judgments is very well known to all of us, but what could seen apart is his vision and jest to

put his heart

and soul in the Academy. He has been passionately associated with the National Judicial Academy and

has been instrumental in incorporating key changes in the curriculum and training programmes, making

them result oriented and more relevant. The challenging task of imparting required academic input to the

Judicial Officers for updation of their legal knowledge and exposing them to the practical aspect,

instilling in them the values that make judiciary different from rest of other assignments and inculcating

in them the moral courage to stand to the constant and consistent examination that lies ahead, has

already been tackled by his Lordship.

The zeal and commitment towards every aspect that touches the life in every possible way, contributing

through his writings, editings, through organizing seminars and conferences, arranging top of the

resource persons, interacting with the Trainee Judicial Officers, giving sound advice and being there

always for the right cause is very remarkable and enduring milestone achieved by My Lord.

We, at the Chandigarh Judicial Academy, feel blessed in having his Lordship as our Patron-in-Chief. His

Lordship's kind guidance and rich experience has been a great source of inspiration and shall go a long

way in helping us grow further as an institute of relevance. This occasion also gives me an opportunity to

request his Lordship on behalf of CJA, to be with us in future, more frequently and on every possible

occasion and guide the Academy to achieve greater heights and create a space for itself at the national


Thank you very much.



I was born unaware of the species I belong to, my family and teachers nurtured me

to become a human being, Then, he stepped on the altar and told me that I am an

angel who has been assigned duties to do justice by the God Himself.

What should I call him ?

Hon'ble Mr. J. A.K.Sikri or the Michel Angelo of Indian Judiciary who with his

artistic touch has not only brought significant changes in the justice dispensation

system but has also with his divine vision symbolized Judicial Officers under

training as the stones out of whom angels will be carved out.

My Lord, each one of the Trainee Judicial Officer is bubbling with joy, pleasure and in-debtness. Two of

them are fortunate enough to represent feelings of all of us. I ask , Supreet Kaur to express the feelings of

gratitude on behalf of all the trainee judicial officers.

Supreet Kaur:

Worth of a person's worth is gauged not by material success alone, but also by his

attitudes of kinship, humility and milk of human kindness. Such divine souls

have God to their side.

It has been our extreme privilege to have such an embodiment of greatness and

humility, none other than His Lordship Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri as the head

of our family.

Your Lordship's always addressing us Trainee Judicial Officers as “dearest” ,

referring to us as the few lucky ones chosen by God to deliver justice, are great gestures whose imprint

will last in our minds throughout our lives.

We will never forget how affection was showered by Your Lordship every time, by personally reaching

out each one of us, touching our hearts with a gracious smile and making us feel cared and protected.

Memories of Your Lordship's first address to us are still alive in our minds and hearts when Your

Lordship shared with us your desires to give your best to the pupils as a teacher and make constant

improvements in our growth and development with your knowledge and experience. Your Lordship's

such noble concerns are apparently visible in the radical changes brought about in the curricula of the

Induction training programme, which would certainly equip us well with the practical working of the

system, enabling us to perform our duties effectively and efficiently.

Our brief association with Your Lordship in this academy has left permanent impressions on our minds

and hearts of Your Lordship's qualities of diligence, humility and sobriety which are appreciated, by one

and all, and which each one of us, to the best of their abilities, will try to imbibe in our own selves.

We assure you , Sir , that we will try our best to keep on updating our knowledge and be humane in our

approach and dealings at every step in our careers.

We wish Your Lordship more and more , where even sky is not the limit. Thank you. !


NewsLetter June, 201352 NewsLetter June, 2013 53

Imanbir Singh:

Great men are not born great, they grow great.

It is a matter of extreme elation and pride for the entire judicial fraternity,

especially for the trainee judicial officers of Punjab and Haryana present in this

academy, to be a part of this memorable occasion, on the eve of elevation of His

Lordship, Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High

Court to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the

distinction between a great and an ordinary man. Only a few gems are chosen and

blessed by the God to perform His divine functions in the Apex Court , which is the sole custodian of the

Constitution of India and the protector of the rights of people.

Such mammoth heights reached by men, are not obtained by sudden flight but by those who were toiling

throughout the nights, while their companions slept.

Eight months ago , we had the rare privilege of welcoming His Lordship on his maiden visit to the

Chandigarh Judicial Academy as its Patron-in-Chief. Very first glimpse of His Lordship reiterated that

“simplicity is the keynote of true elegance.” His Lordship's myriads of virtues have certainly left an

indelible mark on our minds.

Who amongst us would not be proud of having spent this period under the remarkable guidance and

patronage of Your Lordship? In fact, Sir, the virtues of your multidimensional personality are so immense

that you will always serve as a role model for us, leaving behind footprints to be treaded.

We will always look towards Your Lordship as a lighthouse of knowledge and attitude and behaviour

expected of an “Ideal judge”.

Seek your blessings, always and ever. Thank You sir. !


“Parents are the only beings on earth whose elation, upon seeing their progeny

surpass their own achievements cannot be matched, even remotely, by anyone else.

While the mother prays for the infinite success of her child, the father, with his

head held high legitimately can walk with the arrogance of the alpha lion. Today

revered father of My Lord, himself a senior advocate, would be finding all the

luxuries of heaven inconsequential in view of the eternal joy and peace ordained

by the Almighty in elevation of your lordship to the Hon'ble Supreme Court.

Without any further ado I would now call upon my colleague Imanbir to share

thoughts of all the trainee judicial officers with us.”


“Thank you so much Sir. Your words remind me the story of King Midas who vide

his touch turned everything into gold. Touching his family members, friends and

things around him, he turned everything into the precious metal. However, he

repented and asked God Dionysus to take back his powers and turn everything

back to normal. Touching something and turning it into gold- is a reality or a

fiction? I am not sure. But altering the whole system, in order to secure utmost

output with satisfaction of conscience, can only be done by a magnetic personality

with a divine aura who by his mesmerising smile and a heart of gold has made

everything around him turn precious. What else can be said to have a Midas touch.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri:

My esteemed colleagues, Justice Mittal, other judges sitting on the

dias and off the dias, Hon'ble former Judges of this Court, the two

Advocate Generals, Mr. Ashok Aggarwal and Mr. Hooda, District

judges, our resource persons of CJA, other members of the

Governing Body including Chief Secy. Haryana and I again say, my

dearest Judicial Officers.

Actually, let me tell you in the beginning itself that few days ago,

Justice Surya Kant asked me to come to Chandigarh Judicial

Academy before I say good bye. I don't know whether the expression

“Supreme Court Judge Designate” is correct or not, but then frankly

speaking, I also thought that may be when it happens, thereafter,

there may not be sufficient time and therefore let us have this

meeting. I never knew, I am very frank in saying so from my heart

that there would be these kind of speeches which will make me very humble. What you said about me, I

never thought and even still do not think that I deserve that, but I thank you. I admire the manner in

which all those praises were uttered for me and I have also started having a little feeling that may be I

deserve all this. But I am not still too sure, but I will say that makes me much more humble.

As far as Trainee Judicial Officers are concerned, Judicial Education for the training is very close to my

heart, there is no doubt about it. I have been associated with it right from the beginning. It was my

desire that when I come to Chandigarh then I would be visiting you people regularly but I have not been

able to do that. This is one regret, I had thought that your training is going to finish in June, may be I

would come at that time and be a part of Valedictory Ceremony. That also may not happen now but at

the same time, my good wishes are with you, my blessings are with you.

I know your's is a commendable lot. I keep hearing about you people. You are full of talent. You have all

the qualities which a Judicial Officer should possess. I talked to you about the story of Michael Angelo

which the Judicial Officer has recalled today. I think Chandigarh Judicial Academy has been able to do

the job of Michael Angelo. You are a sea of diamonds, of raw diamonds, and judicial academy has been

able to fulfill its purpose and when after 2 months you will go back to the field and start doing your

judicial work, you will be able to show to the world that you are amongst the best and you will excel.

That is my wish, that is my desire, I pray for that and I am hopeful that God will fulfill this desire of


One thing I should tell you at this juncture is that work of a Judicial Officer is not very easy. There are

many demands. Challenges are many. You will encounter those challenges in the Court of Law and to

become a successful judge, and if you want be successful, it is not only deciding the cases and writing

judgment. I would say a judge has to be a complete package of many attributes in addition to the

decision making, which is expected from a judge. There is Legal Services Authority Act of 1978 under

which National Legal Services Authority is at the top at Supreme Court level, at High Court level there is

State Legal Service Authority and at District level there is District Legal Services Authority and the work

NewsLetter June, 201352 NewsLetter June, 2013 53

Imanbir Singh:

Great men are not born great, they grow great.

It is a matter of extreme elation and pride for the entire judicial fraternity,

especially for the trainee judicial officers of Punjab and Haryana present in this

academy, to be a part of this memorable occasion, on the eve of elevation of His

Lordship, Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice, Punjab and Haryana High

Court to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the

distinction between a great and an ordinary man. Only a few gems are chosen and

blessed by the God to perform His divine functions in the Apex Court , which is the sole custodian of the

Constitution of India and the protector of the rights of people.

Such mammoth heights reached by men, are not obtained by sudden flight but by those who were toiling

throughout the nights, while their companions slept.

Eight months ago , we had the rare privilege of welcoming His Lordship on his maiden visit to the

Chandigarh Judicial Academy as its Patron-in-Chief. Very first glimpse of His Lordship reiterated that

“simplicity is the keynote of true elegance.” His Lordship's myriads of virtues have certainly left an

indelible mark on our minds.

Who amongst us would not be proud of having spent this period under the remarkable guidance and

patronage of Your Lordship? In fact, Sir, the virtues of your multidimensional personality are so immense

that you will always serve as a role model for us, leaving behind footprints to be treaded.

We will always look towards Your Lordship as a lighthouse of knowledge and attitude and behaviour

expected of an “Ideal judge”.

Seek your blessings, always and ever. Thank You sir. !


“Parents are the only beings on earth whose elation, upon seeing their progeny

surpass their own achievements cannot be matched, even remotely, by anyone else.

While the mother prays for the infinite success of her child, the father, with his

head held high legitimately can walk with the arrogance of the alpha lion. Today

revered father of My Lord, himself a senior advocate, would be finding all the

luxuries of heaven inconsequential in view of the eternal joy and peace ordained

by the Almighty in elevation of your lordship to the Hon'ble Supreme Court.

Without any further ado I would now call upon my colleague Imanbir to share

thoughts of all the trainee judicial officers with us.”


“Thank you so much Sir. Your words remind me the story of King Midas who vide

his touch turned everything into gold. Touching his family members, friends and

things around him, he turned everything into the precious metal. However, he

repented and asked God Dionysus to take back his powers and turn everything

back to normal. Touching something and turning it into gold- is a reality or a

fiction? I am not sure. But altering the whole system, in order to secure utmost

output with satisfaction of conscience, can only be done by a magnetic personality

with a divine aura who by his mesmerising smile and a heart of gold has made

everything around him turn precious. What else can be said to have a Midas touch.

Hon’ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri:

My esteemed colleagues, Justice Mittal, other judges sitting on the

dias and off the dias, Hon'ble former Judges of this Court, the two

Advocate Generals, Mr. Ashok Aggarwal and Mr. Hooda, District

judges, our resource persons of CJA, other members of the

Governing Body including Chief Secy. Haryana and I again say, my

dearest Judicial Officers.

Actually, let me tell you in the beginning itself that few days ago,

Justice Surya Kant asked me to come to Chandigarh Judicial

Academy before I say good bye. I don't know whether the expression

“Supreme Court Judge Designate” is correct or not, but then frankly

speaking, I also thought that may be when it happens, thereafter,

there may not be sufficient time and therefore let us have this

meeting. I never knew, I am very frank in saying so from my heart

that there would be these kind of speeches which will make me very humble. What you said about me, I

never thought and even still do not think that I deserve that, but I thank you. I admire the manner in

which all those praises were uttered for me and I have also started having a little feeling that may be I

deserve all this. But I am not still too sure, but I will say that makes me much more humble.

As far as Trainee Judicial Officers are concerned, Judicial Education for the training is very close to my

heart, there is no doubt about it. I have been associated with it right from the beginning. It was my

desire that when I come to Chandigarh then I would be visiting you people regularly but I have not been

able to do that. This is one regret, I had thought that your training is going to finish in June, may be I

would come at that time and be a part of Valedictory Ceremony. That also may not happen now but at

the same time, my good wishes are with you, my blessings are with you.

I know your's is a commendable lot. I keep hearing about you people. You are full of talent. You have all

the qualities which a Judicial Officer should possess. I talked to you about the story of Michael Angelo

which the Judicial Officer has recalled today. I think Chandigarh Judicial Academy has been able to do

the job of Michael Angelo. You are a sea of diamonds, of raw diamonds, and judicial academy has been

able to fulfill its purpose and when after 2 months you will go back to the field and start doing your

judicial work, you will be able to show to the world that you are amongst the best and you will excel.

That is my wish, that is my desire, I pray for that and I am hopeful that God will fulfill this desire of


One thing I should tell you at this juncture is that work of a Judicial Officer is not very easy. There are

many demands. Challenges are many. You will encounter those challenges in the Court of Law and to

become a successful judge, and if you want be successful, it is not only deciding the cases and writing

judgment. I would say a judge has to be a complete package of many attributes in addition to the

decision making, which is expected from a judge. There is Legal Services Authority Act of 1978 under

which National Legal Services Authority is at the top at Supreme Court level, at High Court level there is

State Legal Service Authority and at District level there is District Legal Services Authority and the work

NewsLetter June, 201354 NewsLetter June, 2013 55

which is assigned to judges under this act. If you compare what the judges would do 10 or 12 years ago

and what the judges are doing today, there is a paradigm shift. It is much more than what it was initially.

It was thought is as if the work is to provide legal aid to the poor, access to the justice is in the form of

providing legal aid, which means a lawyer and the expenses for typing etc. I hope one day Justice S.K.

Mittal will come here and tell you what Legal Services Authority is doing today, what they are supposed

to do. There may not be judicial functions, not necessarily, and so many other activities because its now

realized and recognized that deciding the cases in the Court is not the only dimension of rendering

justice. It is not that every aggrieved person comes to the Court. There are many who are not able to

come to Court. To ensure that they come and are told about their rights made aware of their rights is the

function which was earlier assigned to the Executive but now Judges are actively doing it.

You also know the manner in which Mediation movement in this country has geared up in last few years

and today, your role is of referring Judges. I hope you must have been told about Sec 89 CPC by this time.

We have Court annexed mediation apart from various other modes of resolution of disputes, alternative

modes. Mediation is one of them but even today we have basically and primarily, Court annexed

Mediation, which means that the cases which are pending in the Court are referred for mediation. Who

has to make this reference, it is the Judges. Unless the case is referred to mediation, the Mediator cannot

decide. How the cases are to referred? There has to be a proper training of referral Judges. I am a strong

believer that the best justice can be done through mediation. I am trying to highlight, that you have to be

multi talented persons. In addition to doing your judicial work you may have to undertake, at some point

of time, legal aid work and mediation work also. You may, after few years, have to come as resource

person here and teach in Judicial Academy from your experiences. So you have to be a good teacher also.

What you would be experiencing as Judges, make mental notes of those experiences so that in future you

would be able to share them with the batches which will come after 5 year, 8 years or 10 years, so keep

these things in mind from the very beginning. As far as decision making being fundamental role of the

Judge is concerned, again, you have to have too many qualities to do that function appropriately.

Yes, If I have time and Justice Surya Kant extends me the invitation on your day, when it is Valedictory

function, I will come and give my Valedictory speech but today I say my best whishes to all of you.

Sparkle, shine in your life. Yes, I would be leaving very very shortly. My tenure at Chandigarh has been

very short, no doubt, but yes, what I can say is that I should have come here a little earlier, may be then I

would have spent more time with you. But I give another promise to Justice Surya Kant that for Judicial

Academy if there are functions or whenever there is any session, Seminar etc. if you will invite me, I will

definitely come.

In these 6 months or 6 and a half months, I have really fallen in love with this Court, I have fallen in love

with my Judges, I have fallen in love with my colleagues, Advocates here who have all been good, and

fallen in love with my Judicial Officers. I will remember these 6 and half months for the rest of my life

and this is Judgment I am pronouncing on myself as far as these 6 and half months are concerned that it

was my golden period.

Thank you very much.

by Vinod Saini

T.J.O. Haryana, Sec-D

U;k; dh idMs ixMaMh oks] f'k[kj dks pys gS]eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pys gSaA

fMxzh esa vOoy vkuk gks] ;k odkyr dk lQj gks]pkgs ;s muds fu.kkZ;d QSlyksa dk vlj gks]

gj fdjnkj esa oks ,d felky cu pys gS]eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pys gSA

U;k; dks 'kgj gh ugha gj xk¡o rd gS igq¡pkuk]muds fn[kyk, jkLrs is] pyds gS fn[kykukA

^U;k; igq¡ps }kjs&}kjs* dk gesa fl¼kUr ns pys gSa]eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pysa gSaA

vk¡dM+ks ij xq.koÙkk dks cfy ugha p<+kuk]U;k; djrs oDr bZeku dks uk MxexkukA

vius ekxZn'kZu ls gesa d`rkFkZ dj pys gSaAU;k; dh idMs ixMaMh oks] f'k[kj dks pys gSa]

eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pys gSaA

U;k; dh idMs ixMaMh



NewsLetter June, 201354 NewsLetter June, 2013 55

which is assigned to judges under this act. If you compare what the judges would do 10 or 12 years ago

and what the judges are doing today, there is a paradigm shift. It is much more than what it was initially.

It was thought is as if the work is to provide legal aid to the poor, access to the justice is in the form of

providing legal aid, which means a lawyer and the expenses for typing etc. I hope one day Justice S.K.

Mittal will come here and tell you what Legal Services Authority is doing today, what they are supposed

to do. There may not be judicial functions, not necessarily, and so many other activities because its now

realized and recognized that deciding the cases in the Court is not the only dimension of rendering

justice. It is not that every aggrieved person comes to the Court. There are many who are not able to

come to Court. To ensure that they come and are told about their rights made aware of their rights is the

function which was earlier assigned to the Executive but now Judges are actively doing it.

You also know the manner in which Mediation movement in this country has geared up in last few years

and today, your role is of referring Judges. I hope you must have been told about Sec 89 CPC by this time.

We have Court annexed mediation apart from various other modes of resolution of disputes, alternative

modes. Mediation is one of them but even today we have basically and primarily, Court annexed

Mediation, which means that the cases which are pending in the Court are referred for mediation. Who

has to make this reference, it is the Judges. Unless the case is referred to mediation, the Mediator cannot

decide. How the cases are to referred? There has to be a proper training of referral Judges. I am a strong

believer that the best justice can be done through mediation. I am trying to highlight, that you have to be

multi talented persons. In addition to doing your judicial work you may have to undertake, at some point

of time, legal aid work and mediation work also. You may, after few years, have to come as resource

person here and teach in Judicial Academy from your experiences. So you have to be a good teacher also.

What you would be experiencing as Judges, make mental notes of those experiences so that in future you

would be able to share them with the batches which will come after 5 year, 8 years or 10 years, so keep

these things in mind from the very beginning. As far as decision making being fundamental role of the

Judge is concerned, again, you have to have too many qualities to do that function appropriately.

Yes, If I have time and Justice Surya Kant extends me the invitation on your day, when it is Valedictory

function, I will come and give my Valedictory speech but today I say my best whishes to all of you.

Sparkle, shine in your life. Yes, I would be leaving very very shortly. My tenure at Chandigarh has been

very short, no doubt, but yes, what I can say is that I should have come here a little earlier, may be then I

would have spent more time with you. But I give another promise to Justice Surya Kant that for Judicial

Academy if there are functions or whenever there is any session, Seminar etc. if you will invite me, I will

definitely come.

In these 6 months or 6 and a half months, I have really fallen in love with this Court, I have fallen in love

with my Judges, I have fallen in love with my colleagues, Advocates here who have all been good, and

fallen in love with my Judicial Officers. I will remember these 6 and half months for the rest of my life

and this is Judgment I am pronouncing on myself as far as these 6 and half months are concerned that it

was my golden period.

Thank you very much.

by Vinod Saini

T.J.O. Haryana, Sec-D

U;k; dh idMs ixMaMh oks] f'k[kj dks pys gS]eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pys gSaA

fMxzh esa vOoy vkuk gks] ;k odkyr dk lQj gks]pkgs ;s muds fu.kkZ;d QSlyksa dk vlj gks]

gj fdjnkj esa oks ,d felky cu pys gS]eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pys gSA

U;k; dks 'kgj gh ugha gj xk¡o rd gS igq¡pkuk]muds fn[kyk, jkLrs is] pyds gS fn[kykukA

^U;k; igq¡ps }kjs&}kjs* dk gesa fl¼kUr ns pys gSa]eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pysa gSaA

vk¡dM+ks ij xq.koÙkk dks cfy ugha p<+kuk]U;k; djrs oDr bZeku dks uk MxexkukA

vius ekxZn'kZu ls gesa d`rkFkZ dj pys gSaAU;k; dh idMs ixMaMh oks] f'k[kj dks pys gSa]

eaftys ikrs&ikrs] [kqn eafty ls gks pys gSaA

U;k; dh idMs ixMaMh



NewsLetter June, 201356 NewsLetter June, 2013 57

Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul:

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice of our High Court,

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant,

President, Board of Governors, the other members of the Board of

Governors, Chief Secy. to the Govt. of Haryana, Secretaries of the

respective Governments, Ld. Advocate Generals who are present

here, My dear colleague Judges, Law Remambrancer, the Ld.

Faculty Members, the respected Judicial Officers.

I feel great privilege to present vote of thanks. About 6 months ago,

when I was in the Swimming Pool along with Justice Jain, I just

wanted to ask Justice Jain, how is the reaction of Chief Justice inside

the Court premises? How he reacts and how is his dispensation

inside the Court hall? He said, Sir, he is unbelievably cool in the

Court and that is the secret of his success. I may request to all the

Judicial Officers to inbibe his rare qualities. Our Chief Justice is a original thinker, he is a Judge who has

successfully marketed his original ideas for the welfare of the system and we have purchased his ideas

and we are really benefited. He is one of the wonderful administrator. He is really a versatile personality.

A Judge may just discuss about the art, his ease, the way he participates in discussions. He can discuss

about the literature, at ease, he will participate in every such discussion, science, law, politics and what

not and that's why I say he is a versatile personality. Above all, he is very humorous person. Not only he

smiles, he will come out with his laughter right from his heart. On account of your smile and laughter, I

assure you Sir, the imprints you have left behind, will be cherished by one and all in this system and I,

on behalf Chandigarh Judicial Academy, thank you and thanks one and all. We place our gratitude to all

the personalities who have come to grace the occasion.

Thank you.








NewsLetter June, 201356 NewsLetter June, 2013 57

Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. Jeyapaul:

Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.K. Sikri, Chief Justice of our High Court,

Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mittal, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant,

President, Board of Governors, the other members of the Board of

Governors, Chief Secy. to the Govt. of Haryana, Secretaries of the

respective Governments, Ld. Advocate Generals who are present

here, My dear colleague Judges, Law Remambrancer, the Ld.

Faculty Members, the respected Judicial Officers.

I feel great privilege to present vote of thanks. About 6 months ago,

when I was in the Swimming Pool along with Justice Jain, I just

wanted to ask Justice Jain, how is the reaction of Chief Justice inside

the Court premises? How he reacts and how is his dispensation

inside the Court hall? He said, Sir, he is unbelievably cool in the

Court and that is the secret of his success. I may request to all the

Judicial Officers to inbibe his rare qualities. Our Chief Justice is a original thinker, he is a Judge who has

successfully marketed his original ideas for the welfare of the system and we have purchased his ideas

and we are really benefited. He is one of the wonderful administrator. He is really a versatile personality.

A Judge may just discuss about the art, his ease, the way he participates in discussions. He can discuss

about the literature, at ease, he will participate in every such discussion, science, law, politics and what

not and that's why I say he is a versatile personality. Above all, he is very humorous person. Not only he

smiles, he will come out with his laughter right from his heart. On account of your smile and laughter, I

assure you Sir, the imprints you have left behind, will be cherished by one and all in this system and I,

on behalf Chandigarh Judicial Academy, thank you and thanks one and all. We place our gratitude to all

the personalities who have come to grace the occasion.

Thank you.








NewsLetter June, 2013 59NewsLetter June, 201358

NewsLetter June, 2013 59NewsLetter June, 201358

NewsLetter June, 201360

jsosU;q Vsªfuax

tc ;gk¡ eLrh] g¡lh et+kd Fks gksrs]rHkh flgkx lgkc Fks ihNs lksrs]

eLrh djrha lq;'kk] fourh vkSj rjUuqejsosU;q Dykll esa VS'ku tk;s tgUuqe

vius cpiu esa Fks lc ykS tkrstc jcj&isfUly fy, tdkfj;k Fks vkrs]

jsosU;q esa cgqr [kq'k gksrk Fkk latho dktykD;ksafd tkurk Fkk] D;k gksrk gS egqfoyk

dke iwjk j[krk ij jgrk Fkk tks 'kkUr,slk gs viuk HkkbZ foØkUr]

fnypLi jgk thou dk ;s dky Hkh]vkSj jsosU;q esa dke vk;s /keZIky th]

by Iram Hasan

T.J.O. Haryana, Sec-F

pkSchl fnu pyh tks [kq'kxokj jokuh]vkvks lquk;sa rqEgsa jsosU;q dh dgkuh]

[ksoV [kljk tc yky lj i<+krs]fnekx ds rkys [kqn&c&[kqn [kqy tkrs]

tgu ds ?kksM+ksa ls gV x;h gS ikcUnh]D;ksafd le> vk x;s gS bardky vkSj tekcUnh

i<+kbZ ds lkFk&lkFk FkksM+h eLrh Fks lc ikrsfdlus D;k fd;k pyks gSa lqurs lqukrs]

tc iwjh Dykl gksrh tekcanh esa rYyhu]rc i<+kbZ esa exu gksrk Fkk gjyhu]

tc vkxs cSBh bje] vi.kkZ vkSj lyksuh]rc le> vk;k D;k gksrh [kljk&[krkSuh]

Dykl dk egkSy gksrk [kq'kxokj vkSj gYdk]fcuk otg [kq'k gksrh lq"kek vkSj vYdk]

cu iVokjh i<+s] e/kqj vkSj dkejkurc tkuk D;k gksrs eq'krjh&eq'krjku]

NewsLetter June, 201360

jsosU;q Vsªfuax

tc ;gk¡ eLrh] g¡lh et+kd Fks gksrs]rHkh flgkx lgkc Fks ihNs lksrs]

eLrh djrha lq;'kk] fourh vkSj rjUuqejsosU;q Dykll esa VS'ku tk;s tgUuqe

vius cpiu esa Fks lc ykS tkrstc jcj&isfUly fy, tdkfj;k Fks vkrs]

jsosU;q esa cgqr [kq'k gksrk Fkk latho dktykD;ksafd tkurk Fkk] D;k gksrk gS egqfoyk

dke iwjk j[krk ij jgrk Fkk tks 'kkUr,slk gs viuk HkkbZ foØkUr]

fnypLi jgk thou dk ;s dky Hkh]vkSj jsosU;q esa dke vk;s /keZIky th]

by Iram Hasan

T.J.O. Haryana, Sec-F

pkSchl fnu pyh tks [kq'kxokj jokuh]vkvks lquk;sa rqEgsa jsosU;q dh dgkuh]

[ksoV [kljk tc yky lj i<+krs]fnekx ds rkys [kqn&c&[kqn [kqy tkrs]

tgu ds ?kksM+ksa ls gV x;h gS ikcUnh]D;ksafd le> vk x;s gS bardky vkSj tekcUnh

i<+kbZ ds lkFk&lkFk FkksM+h eLrh Fks lc ikrsfdlus D;k fd;k pyks gSa lqurs lqukrs]

tc iwjh Dykl gksrh tekcanh esa rYyhu]rc i<+kbZ esa exu gksrk Fkk gjyhu]

tc vkxs cSBh bje] vi.kkZ vkSj lyksuh]rc le> vk;k D;k gksrh [kljk&[krkSuh]

Dykl dk egkSy gksrk [kq'kxokj vkSj gYdk]fcuk otg [kq'k gksrh lq"kek vkSj vYdk]

cu iVokjh i<+s] e/kqj vkSj dkejkurc tkuk D;k gksrs eq'krjh&eq'krjku]