OVESTA EWS Published monthly by: Novesta Church of Christ 2896 N. Cemetery Rd. Cass City, MI 48726 Phone: (989) 872-3658 [email protected] www.novestachurch.org Brad Speirs, Senior Minister Josh Morford, Youth & Family Minister Merry Christmas VOL. XXXX - - - No. 12 November 29, 2015 December Issue Christmas Message Series It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Anticipation, dreams, and won- der fill our heads and our hearts during this beautiful month. We are drawn in to the majesty and splendor of a God who so loved us that he sent his son to earth for us. As we gather this month, we invite you to invite others to join us at church for conversations about the Christmas story and God’s plan for our lives because of that great gift! December 6th - Waiting for Christmas December 13th - Wondering of Christmas December 20th - A Christmas Story (with help from our kiddos) Christmas Choir On December 6th, our Christmas choir group will be leading us in worship and we invite you to join us for this special opportunity to sing along and be encour- aged as they use their talents to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas with the Kids - December 20th at 10:30 Make sure to join us on the 20th as our kids lead our time of worship, share with us some specials, and even help Brad tell the Christmas story and share the message of hope at Christmas. This is going to be a very special Sunday with lots of smiles and love, so grab a neighbor or friend and join us! (If you would like your child to have a speaking part or do a special please talk to Josh by December 6th) Community Christmas Hymn Sing December 6th at 6PM. We invite everyone to join us on December 6th at 6PM as we join with others from the community to enjoy some terrific Christmas music and fellowship as we rejoice about the joy of Jesus. If you would like to participate with a song or special, please contact the church office this week. We’d love to have as many join us as possible. We are also hoping to do a cookie, coffee, and Kool-Aid afterglow and there is a sign- up in the middle hallway to make cookies for this event.

Newsletter - DEC '15storage.cloversites.com/novestachurchofchrist/documents... · 2015-11-30 · November 29, 2015 December Issue Christmas Message Series It’s the most wonderful

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Page 1: Newsletter - DEC '15storage.cloversites.com/novestachurchofchrist/documents... · 2015-11-30 · November 29, 2015 December Issue Christmas Message Series It’s the most wonderful


Published monthly by:

Novesta Church of Christ 2896 N. Cemetery Rd. Cass City, MI 48726

Phone: (989) 872-3658

[email protected]


Brad Speirs, Senior Minister Josh Morford, Youth &

Family Minister

Merry Christmas

VOL. XXXX - - - No. 12 November 29, 2015

December Issue

Christmas Message Series It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Anticipation, dreams, and won-der fill our heads and our hearts during this beautiful month. We are drawn in to the majesty and splendor of a God who so loved us that he sent his son to earth for us. As we gather this month, we invite you to invite others to join us at church for conversations about the Christmas story and God’s plan for our lives because of that great gift!

December 6th - Waiting for Christmas December 13th - Wondering of Christmas December 20th - A Christmas Story (with help from our kiddos)

Christmas Choir On December 6th, our Christmas choir group will be leading us in worship and we invite you to join us for this special opportunity to sing along and be encour-aged as they use their talents to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Christmas with the Kids - December 20th at 10:30 Make sure to join us on the 20th as our kids lead our time of worship, share with us some specials, and even help Brad tell the Christmas story and share the message of hope at Christmas. This is going to be a very special Sunday with lots of smiles and love, so grab a neighbor or friend and join us! (If you would like your child to have a speaking part or do a special please talk to Josh by December 6th)

Community Christmas Hymn Sing December 6th at 6PM.

We invite everyone to join us on December 6th at 6PM as we join with others from the community to enjoy some terrific Christmas music and fellowship as we rejoice about the joy of Jesus. If you would like to participate with a song or special, please contact the church office this week. We’d love to have as many join us as possible. We are also hoping to do a cookie, coffee, and Kool-Aid afterglow and there is a sign-up in the middle hallway to make cookies for this event.

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Bible Bowl News Our first competition is in the books and the kids are busy studying for their next competition on Decem-ber 5th in Lansing. We ask that you please keep all the teens and youngsters in your prayers as they are learning God’s word. Pray that His word sticks in their heads and continues to transform their hearts. Please also pray for all the coaches and volunteers that spend hours each week working with these youngsters!

Financial Peace Place Have you talked about how much you’re going to spend this year for Christmas? Do you have that number in place? Have you talked about ways to not wreck your budget with overspending? One of the ways that a lot of people overshoot at Christmas is in the ‘dollar or so’ area. Don’t forget about stock-ings and little presents that you plan on getting that can really add up. Just 3 or 4 ‘little things’ for 3 or 4 people can suddenly be an extra $50 or more that you didn’t calculate which can cause a lot of pain later on. For more information about how to get on track financially check out www.daveramsey.com or sign-up for the next FPU class that will be starting in the new year.

Right Now Media Free Service for Everyone

Did you know that our church has free access to thousands of Christian videos and Bible Studies online? By sending us your email, you can be a part of right now media which is the Netflix of Christian speakers and leaders. From kids videos to marriage classes and everything in between, you can find it on right now media. If you’re not already signed up, contact the church office. All that you need to start is your email address and again it’s absolutely free!

Mission Trip Meeting December 13th - after church

At this meeting we are hoping to prayerfully select which trip(s) we will be pursuing and planning for 2016. For more information please talk to Ray Peasley, Brad or Josh.

L.I.F.T. (Ladies In Fellowship Together)

All women are invited to come out Dec. 10th at 7:00 p.m. for a fun evening as we celebrate the Christmas Season. Please bring a wrapped, RECYCLED, Christmas White Elephant gift

for exchange. Refreshments provided by Pat McIntosh and Mary Helen Pratt. Patty Peters will lead devotions. Hope to see you!

Fantasy Football There’s just a few weeks left till the playoffs and a few teams are looking good… Bill Claerhout, Jason Speirs, & Devon Koning are the leaders at this point in the race, but there’s still quite a few of outside that group looking to upset the fruit cart!

Christmas Eve Service December 24th ~ 6:30 p.m.

Our annual Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be filled with special mu-sic, reading of the Christ-mas story, communion and uplifting congregational singing. Be sure to invite your family and friends to attend with you as we are reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

Here We Grow Again … We rejoice with Wyatt Sutton who was bap-tized during the morning worship on Sunday, No-vember 15. Wyatt and his parents, Dave & Vanessa, his sister, Autumn, and brother Colby, live at 4302 Ale Street in Cass City. Please continue to pray for others that need to make the decision to follow Christ.

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Annual Congregational Meeting - December 14th

Our annual Congregational meeting will be December 14 at 7:00 p.m. Besides hearing the various ministry reports and goals, you also have the opportunity to vote and show your support for individuals seeking important offices within the church. (A sample ballot is posted on the hallway bulletin board) Please note: Sunday, December 6th, the Annual Reports booklets will be available with our financial status, information about the different ministries we have, and the minister’s report. Read them over to know more about what goes on here at Novesta. If you find a ministry that you’d like to become involved in, just contact that ministry leader and let them know of your interest.

Caroling - December 16th - 6ish It’s time for our yearly trip to spread Christmas cheer! We will let you know a more definite time as we get closer, but we’ll be meeting at the church

and then traveling to a couple of the group homes up town to sing a few songs and share some of Je-sus’ love. *singing talent not necessary * BIBLE STUDY


LADIES BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays @ 10 a.m.

(Please note: The Ladies Bible Study will not meet on December 22 & 29 … they

will resume in January)

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays @ 7 p.m.

Attention Ladies! The Mom’s Group is hosting a “Sign Paint-ing Party” on January 11th from 5:30-8:30pm. Start with a blank canvas and use sten-cils to create your own unique sign! We will be creating a facebook event soon so you can share what sign you’d like to create, as well as what size. Signs are 12” x 16” ($20) and 16” x 24” ($25). If you could let us know by December 27th, that would be great! Snacks provided, smiles guaranteed!☺ Any questions, see Heather Roberts or Kristy Speirs.


For the month of December we will be meeting on the 1st & 2nd Wednesdays (Dec. 2 & 9) instead of the normal schedule. That leaves us available to at-tend the many programs, parties, etc. that our fami-lies are involved in as it gets closer to Christmas.

PRAYER CHAIN INFO If you would like to be added to our prayer chain email list, please call or email the church office and let us know. We would be more than happy to add you so that you can be aware of those needing prayer. We also use this list to update the entire church on announcements and changes to sched-uling or events as situations arise. If you don’t have access to email, but would still like to re-ceive the updates, please let the church office know and we will try and come up with a way to keep you connected as well.

With Deepest Sympathy We want to express our most heartfelt sympathy to … Doug & Laura Hiles and family at the passing of Doug’s dad, Jim. … Erin & Eric Jaenicke and family at the passing of Erin’s grandfather, Wally Kappen. … Jim & Wanda Lonsberry at the passing of Jim’s sister, Maxine. Pray for these families as they mourn the loss of their loved ones.

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Updates from Josh’s Desk!

FIFTH QUARTER We have our first winter fifth quarter approaching in December. It will be December 18th. Fifth Quar-ters present a wonderful opportunity for us to outreach to the students in our community and show them the love of God. If you are interested in serving or volunteering contact Josh.


Everyone loves a pizza party, and so do we! Our final SHINE of the year will be December the 2nd. It will run from 3:30-4:30. We will be celebrating the awesome memories we made with your kiddos and looking forward towards Christmas as we wrap up the story of David. Don’t let your kids miss this!


We want to thank all of our amazing volunteers who helped make SHINE possible. From providing snacks, to transportation, to leading small groups these volunteers have made it possible. We also want to thank all of the parents for entrusting us with your kiddos. We are looking forward to Winter Shine resuming in February.

KID’S CHRISTMAS This year our kiddos will be helping run our main service on December 20th. If you think your child would be interested in doing a musical special, participating in a skit, scripture reading, passing the communion plates, or anything else please contact Josh BY DECEMBER 6th.


A kid’s Christmas service has lots of moving parts and we want to make sure it runs smoothly. To accomplish this we will be having a Practice for 1 hour on Saturday December 19th, from 9am-10am. If your kid is participating in the service please be there. We will be having an additional prac-tice at 8:30AM on Sunday the 20th. We will have doughnuts and juice for the kiddos after practice that Sunday!

STATEWIDE PARENT MEETING Our high schoolers will be going to Michigan Statewide on March 4-6th of this year. We will be hav-ing a Parent’s meeting about this trip immediately after Church on Sunday December 13th. If you can’t make that meeting we will be meeting again at 5:45 before Youth Group that Night. Parents please come to learn about this trip, it’s a great opportunity for your student to grow!

YOUTH GROUP SCHEDULES We will not be having Youth Group on December 6th, and December 27th of this month. Our Youth Group Christmas Party will be December 20th from 6-8PM. It will feature a white elephant gift ex-change! If you are interested in providing desert for this event please contact Josh!


Student Ministry will be having a lock-in on January 22nd. It will begin after the 5th Quarter. This will be a super fun event! Tell your friends and don’t miss it!

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** Members Steve Wilkinson -aneurysm Quinton Simpson - coma (Dena Anderson's nephew) Diane Wojtaszke - cancer (Ann Hartel contact) **Heather Roberts - continued healing of MS Don Kruse - recovery (Michelle Speirs’ grandpa) **Larry Harper - Intestinal problems Mark Pierson - (Zmierski’s cousin) **Leonard Hawkins - Stonegate in Sandusky Rachael Maurer - recovery from auto accident **Phil Klaus - Graves disease Julie Patterson - chemotherapy Les Auten III - upcoming Kidney transplant Joyce Brown - (Taylor & Kennedy’s grandmother) Lee Nicol - ill health Judy Ferguson - Lupus/cancer (Zmierski’s aunt) Dorothy Pierson - nursing home (Zmierski’s aunt) Lindsey Jensen - recovery from auto accident Muriel Wygant - cancer (Irene Nicol’s daughter) ATTENTION: If you know any of these on this list that are well and can be eliminated from it, please let the church office know.


Average weekly attendance for the month of November (to date):

A.M. Worship … 247

Offering average for November (to date): Sunday Offerings……….…$5,695.84

(Budget per Sunday: $4,425)


This year we have five fami-lies that we are providing with a food basket and gifts for the children. We want them to have a Merry Christmas and experience God’s love for them through us.

There is a food list on the bulletin board in the middle hallway to sign up for what you would like to donate. Also, there will be foam ornaments on the tree in the foyer. The items listed on each ornament are just suggestions. (Suggested price is $15-20.) So….. (1) take an ornament, (put your name on the clipboard that coincides with the ornament you took) (2) buy the gift, (3) wrap it, (4) attach the ornament on the gift, (5) bring it back to church and place it in the office. We plan to deliver the baskets/gifts on Decem-ber 18. Please have the gifts/food items at the church by Wednesday, Dec. 16. Thank to everyone in advance for your kind generosity.

NOTE: Gary & Dena Anderson and Skip & Ellen Speirs are collecting money for the Ministers’ Christmas gifts.


December 18 ~ 8:50 a.m. Sign up in the middle hallway if you would like to join the group of volunteers from Novesta that serve those in need of a good hot meal.


New email address:

Duane & Marilyn Lester [email protected]

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Scott Brownson - (Tom & Doris Stimpfel’s nephew) Jeremy Burns - (Sandra Yax’ nephew) Ben Knoblet - (Tim’s nephew) Matthew Peck - (Mark’s son) Ryan Reid - (Jeff Hartel’s nephew) Julie Roche Griffith - Air Force - California Cody Ross - Marines - California Jeffery Soldan - (Sandra Yax’ nephew)

Mystery Member Last Mystery Member was: Joanne Hopper Now see if you can guess who our mys- tery member is for this month. The clues given tells you a little bit about the person and helps us get to know each other a little bet-ter. 1. I worked for many years as a drywall

finisher. 2. I was the quarterback of my high school

football team. 3. I restored a 1969 Camaro from the

ground up. 4. I once stole snails from my babysitter. 5. I have a dog named “Jeep”.


BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES 12/1 (A) John & Jane Luana 12/2 Jamie Keller 12/2 (A) Rod & Renee Nitz 12/3 Brad Good 12/4 Steve Ross 12/4 Carl Keller 12/4 Joe Delong 12/4 Karen Anderson 12/5 Taylor Beckrow 12/7 Braden Murdoch 12/8 Chris Ziehm 12/8 Becky Howard 12/8 Alex Hopper 12/9 Elfriede Englehart 12/9 Dylan Peruski 12/9 Jenny Baker 12/11 (A) Ryan & Shelli Herford 12/12 Larry Miller 12/13 Amelia Swoish 12/14 (A) Mark & Becky Zmierski 12/14 Heather Roberts 12/15 Donella Peasley 12/15 Sherry Thick 12/16 Jesse Nye 12/19 Mary Helen Pratt 12/19 Evelyn Daskam 12/20 Larry Harper 12/21 Gabrielle Romain 12/22 Madison Ware 12/22 Jacob Ware 12/22 Jim Lonsberry 12/22 Charlie Harris 12/23 Dennis Wheeler 12/26 Rob Hartwick 12/26 Peggy Nordquist 12/27 (A) Ron & Ann Roche 12/28 Madison Beckrow 12/28 (A) Rob & Susie Hartwick 12/31 Kenny Grady 12/31 Dave Mellendorf

Cards & Notes To my church family, I want to thank you for all your prayers during the time that my granddaughter, Elissa, was going through Chemo treatments. God is good! She is doing well now. God bless you all. Doris Hendrick

Congratulations !!!

...to Chris & Tonya Ziehm on the birth of their baby boy, Carter Laurence, born on November 5, weighing 8 lbs. 5 ozs. Carter has a big sister,

Amelia, who I’m sure is very proud of her little brother.

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COMMUNION MEDITATION: 12/6 Ken Peters 12/13 Joel Brandel 12/20 Gib Kern 12/24 Brad Speirs 12/27 Fred Hicks SERVICE COORDINATOR: 12/6 Ed Nizzola 12/13 Scott Hendrian 12/20 Larry Thick 12/27 Duane O’Dell USHERS: Dave Beckrow Greg Mika Barry Brown Mark Peck Andy Gray Mark Zmierski A.M. NURSERY: 9:30 a.m. (all month) - Janie & McKenzie Kus 10:30 hour: 12/6 Shelli Herford, Kate Pohlod & Tasha Binder 12/13 Amy & Emily Peters & Tiffany Gonzales 12/20 Robin Beckrow, Hailey, Madison & Taylor 12/27 Linda Downing, Cindy Klaus & Jenna Yax 1/3/16 Carol Hicks, Melissa Hicks & Doris Stimpfel WORSHIP LEADER: 12/6 Christmas Choir 12/13 Kim Gray 12/20 Junior Church children 12/24 Fred Hicks 12/27 Fred Hicks SOUND SYSTEM: 12/6 Dave Speirs 12/13 Duane O’Dell 12/20 Scott Hendrian 12/27 Ken Peters POWER POINT: 12/6 Kevven Dorland 12/13 Carol Hicks 12/20 Ron Kampo 12/24 Carol Hicks 12/27 JoEllen Bukoski VIDEO RECORDING: 12/6 Garrett Roberts 12/13 Madison Beckrow 12/20 DJ Wheeler 12/27 Joey Kampo

COMMUNION PREPARATION & CLEAN-UP: Carol Hicks GREETERS: 12/6 9:30 (main) Tommy Mittlestat (center) Larry & Sherry Thick 10:30 (main) Mark & Patty Peck (center) Ryan & Shelli Herford 12/13 9:30 (main) Gib & Pam Kern (center) Scott & Robin Hendrian 10:30 (main) Steve & Andrea Ross (center) Mike & Carol Gaszczynski 12/20 9:30 (main) Dave & Robin Beckrow (center) Garold & Jamie Peasley 10:30 (main) Chris & Stacey Wilcox (center) Phil & Cindy Klaus 12/27 9:30 (main) Barry & Kerry Brown (center) Rob & Susie Hartwick 10:30 (main) Duane & Kathy O’Dell (center) Paul & Tasha Binder 1/3/16 9:30 (main) Virgil & Amy Peters (center) Doris Hendrick & Elfriede Englehart 10:30 (main) Jeff & Ann Hartel (center) Ron & Ann Roche JUNIOR CHURCH: Leaders: 2’s-3’s: 12/6 Chris & Stacey Wilcox 12/13 Scott & Robin Hendrian 12/20 Bill & Amy Claerhout 12/27 Jen Steely & Deb Zmierski 4’s-5’s: 12/6 Lauren Bukoski 12/13 Tami & Michael Daskam 12/20 Tasha & Paul Binder 12/27 Pam Kolacz K-2nd: 12/6 Sharron Hartwick 12/13 Joanne & Becky Hopper 12/20 Janie Kus 12/27 Dave Little 3rd-5th: 12/6 Josh Morford 12/13 Kerry Brown 12/20 Ryan & Shelli Herford 12/27 Josh Morford Song Leaders: 12/6 Sharron Hartwick 12/13 Lauren Bukoski 12/20 Beth Mellendorf 12/27 Kirsten Mika, Pearl Daskam, & Madison Beckrow Communion Meditation: 12/6 RJ Klaus 12/13 Jason Speirs 12/20 Josh Morford 12/27 Dave Little

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

Ladies Bible

Study - 10 am

Men’s Bible Study - 7 pm


Quilting 9 am - 3 pm

SHINE Finale 3:30-4:30 pm

3 4

RSVD by Jodie Mika

12:30 - 3:30 pm


RSVD by Ellen Speirs

? Lunch Bunch

Outing ? 5-8 pm

6 Christmas Choir

10:30 am

RSVD by Roberts

Community Hymn Sing - 6 pm

NO Youth Group

7 8

Ladies Bible Study - 10 am

Men’s Bible Study - 7 pm


Quilting 9 am - 3 pm


L.I.F.T. Christmas Party

7 pm


RSVD by Jodie Mika

11 am - 2 pm


RSVD by Kim Gray

10 am - 5 pm

13 Mission Trip Mtg.

(after church)

Gym RSVD by Swoish’s

Parents Mtg. for Statewide (after

church or 5:45pm)


Annual Congregational

Meeting 7 pm


Ladies Bible Study - 10 am

Men’s Bible Study - 7 pm


Caroling 6 pm

Have food & gifts

for Christmas Baskets to church

by end of day


18 Saginaw Soup

Kitchen - 8:50 am

Deliver Food/Gift Baskets

5th Qtr. Party


Kids practice 9-10 am


Pat Zinnecker

20 Kids practice

8:30 am

Kids Christmas Service—10:30am

Youth Group

Christmas Party 6-8 pm


Deacons Meeting 7 pm


NO Ladies Bible


Men’s Bible Study - 7 pm

23 24

Christmas Eve Service 6:30 pm


Merry Christmas



NO Youth Group


Elders Meeting 7 pm


NO Ladies Bible


Men’s Bible Study - 7 pm

30 31

New Year’s Eve

RSVD by Bev Auten


Bible School ~ 9:30-10:20 a.m. Worship ~ 10:30 a.m.

Student Ministry ~ 6 p.m. 2 0 1 5

RSVD for rehearsal & wedding -6 pm