Newsletter Edited by Chris Woolven - u3asites.org.uk · facilities at DCVS near the Interchange are to close at the end of March ... Answers to last month’s quiz 1. 1605 2. Catholic

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2 Newsletter Edited by Chris Woolven

With the early dark nights now upon us, the hours for day-to-day actions and activities seem much too short. Having just spent a weekend away during which we visited the National Memorial Arboretum, an enforced return to base because of “early closing” made us feel we were being deprived of a more extended stay. The new centre had been opened only the week before, and we were able to enjoy a very positive atmosphere from both staff and visitors alike, as they experienced the brand new facilities that have been completed in time for the Remembrance Day.

Returning to Doncaster, we were able to focus our minds on two very busy months ahead for DU3A as the Christmas period approaches. Chris together with our Social Committee is busily preparing activities for our Christmas meeting on December 19th. Admission to this event will be by ticket only. Details for the event can be seen later in this newsletter.

We are asking all our members to offer suggestions of whether you know of any rooms that may be available for the use of our group activities. The facilities at DCVS near the Interchange are to close at the end of March 2017, and Monica, our Groups Coordinator, will be helping groups to find another home for those that have enjoyed their hospitality and facilities in recent years, since a new home will be found one way or another

We have encountered only a few problems in converting our database to the new Beacon system, but there does seem to be the odd telephone number / address that we have had to update. If we need to be reminded of a recent change in your membership details, including the email or posting of the monthly newsletter, please let the Membership Secretary Jill Laming know about it.

In conclusion, may I remind you all that the next issue of this newsletter will be in February 2017. On behalf of the committee, I would like to wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and New Year, and look forward to seeing you all again in 2017.

George Kirk


Answers to last month’s quiz

1. 1605

2. Catholic

3. Robert Catesby

4. Installation of a Catholic Monarchy

5. James I

6. In the Spanish war against the Netherlands

7. Broke his neck when he accidentally fell from the scaffold on which he

was due to be executed

8. 8

1. The Ilex and the hedera.

2. Foremost yuletide.

3. Jangle campana.

4. Deity repose – happy sirs.

5. Young male percussionist.

6. Decorate the student residence.

7. Name, ruby snouted caribou.

8. Allow white icy crystals.

9. Inaudible nox.

10. Departed, not out, a trough.

11. Small urban area, David’s home.

12. Elation, global.

Can you decipher these clues to reveal 12 Christmas Songs? E.g. “Hallowed after sunset” would be “Holy Night”.

Quiz Compiled by Diane Harris


Krakow, a City Worth Visiting Several Doncaster U3A members have just arrived back from an exchange visit to Gliwice in Poland. This was the second part of the visit, with Doncaster U3A hosts from last year, being the guests of Gliwice U3A this year. The successful visit started off with a civic reception, where we were warmly welcomed, and introduced to members of Gliwice Council. We were then shown a short film about the City, after which our group was entertained by a talented young lady pianist. We were then given cakes, coffee and conversation, before being taken on a tour around this very beautiful city. After lunch it was back to our host's home for a rest before our welcome dinner in one of the towns hotels.

Day two started very early, we were taken by bus to Krakow. On arrival we alighted from the bus to the sight of the beautiful river Vistula, with the Wawel Castle overlooking the bend on the river. There is far too little space in this article to be able to describe all the interesting sights in this jewel of a city? The wimps of our group, and I was one of those wimps, decided to take a tour of the city in one of the very convenient open electric cars, accompanied by our very own guide, called Monica, who happened to be the daughter-in-law of Marie, one of our Gliwice hostesses.

From Krakow we were then taken to the Tatra Mountains, passing many beautifully decorated wooden houses on the way. After arriving and given dinner the group of Gliwice and Doncaster U3A members then had a sing song of English and Polish songs.

After breakfast the next day we were taken by our Bus to Zakopane, and


from thence up the mountain side by the mountain rail, passing those hardy folk who were walking. The scenery is spectacular, a little misty before noon, but once the sun broke through it turned into a very hot day. Lunch, a little shopping, and an ice cream later we regained our seats on our now familiar bus for the long journey back to Gliwice.

Thursday morning dawned bright and sunny for our trip to visit Pszczyna, and after coffee we toured an Aladdin’s cave of a Palace that is known as Princess Daisy Castle, which is built in this very beautiful countryside setting.

Back to Gliwice for lunch and a rest before dressing for our farewell dinner. This was held in the P.K.P Restaurant where our drinks were delivered by rail!!! Yes a model railway ran the circumference of the room and through a tunnel in the wall through to the adjoining room. The drinks having been loaded onto the goods train at the bar came toot tooting through the tunnel into the dining room. Great fun as

you will imagine. Our farewell dinner was tinged with sadness as we said our goodbyes to those who had once been strangers, but who were now friends. Our flight on Friday was not until the evening and we still had time to go to the Palm House, which housed many exotic plants from all over the world, and is set in a memorial park in memory of Chopin. As it was very hot again we were glad of the shade of the very old trees that furnish the Park

From there we made our way to visit the historical Gliwice Radio Station, which was used to stage manage the Polish, and their own German people, into starting the Second World War. The last stop of this very interesting visit was to Katowice Airport for our plane home. Leaving Behind a group of very kind and generous Gliwice U3A members.

Betty Alexander



The sounds of silence – gone is the traffic noise, the planes coming and going, the occasional siren. Instead the breeze rustles the long grass, sea birds cry mournfully and you can hear the soft sound of waves from the North Sea breaking on the shore. We are at the very tip of Spurn Point – one of Yorkshire’s unique features and a jewel in the crown of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT).

It is unique in history and geography. A three and a half mile strip of dunes and clay. It has played its part in three wars – Napoleonic and the two World Wars, in the defence of the Humber Estuary. Evidence of the activities – gun emplacement foundations – can still be seen amidst the dunes, grasses and shrubbery. The last notable historical event was the great storm two years ago. This washed away almost a kilometre of the access road and has now made the peninsular tidal and therefore restricts access. The YWT has

overcome this with an unusual vehicle called a UNIMOG, a military style vehicle which had wheels that are large enough to clear the sea when the road is flooded. It was on

this vehicle that our U3A group was taken to the extreme end of the peninsular. Andy, our YWT guide, spoke enthusiastically about the site. He was born a few miles up


The Millstone car park

was almost full before

we arrived. After all

finding a parking place,

we set off to the duck

pond for our photo call.

October’s was a gentle

flat and easy walk,

along the lanes and

fields on the outskirts of


We were soon back in

the unspoilt village and

enjoying the quaint independent shops in the high street.

After our meal from the carvery, or alternate menu, we

requested any ideas for next years walks. We soon had

2017 all planned! Many thanks for the enthusiasm and

support since we have taken over this group. Special

thanks to Pat and Dave who have offered to lead some of

the walks.

Happy Chistmas and looking forward to seeing you all next


Allen and Brenda.

the coast, he gave us a good account of the local flora and fauna and took us into the old lighthouse, which is now used as an exhibition and information hub, and gave us panoramic views from the top.

One of Vanessa`s many contacts must be the weather office as she managed to organise a perfect day – blue skies, a slight sea breeze and sunshine. Our lunch in the cafe at Kilnsea made a perfect end to our day.

October 2016 Mike Bowser


Members of the History Group please note that there is no meeting in December.

The next meeting will be Wednesday 18th January 2017 10.30. Prego.……………..………………... JeaJean Graville-King

Outings are open to all U3A members on a first come first served basis. Booking desk available at all General and Travel & Theatre meetings. Telephone and email bookings will also be accepted. Payment to be posted to Mr D Franks. 74 West Park, Darrington, Pontefract. WF8

3HY. Tel 01977 620192. Cheques payable to U3A Round & About – Email [email protected] (If a receipt required please enclose

stamped addressed envelope)

Day Trips Sunday 29

th November

Harrogate Christmas Market £14.50 Coach Stand, Market Place Doncaster


Sunday 11th

December Beverley Festival of Christmas £11.50 Coach Stand, Market Place Doncaster


Mini Break Monday 21

st November - Paignton Turkey & Tinsel

Coach Stand, Market Car park, Doncaster 09.00 am 5 Days £246.00

Full details available at Travel & Theatre & General Meetings or direct from Derrick Franks.

Diary Date – Christmas Lunch 7th

December – Danum Hotel. All gratuities are included in tariffs for all these outings. Any

problems on tour days my mobile number is 07951487533 Derrick.


Our next outing to be announced. If you are interested in joining us and have not contacted us before my details are on the Round & About page.

Derrick Franks


Once again on 19th December we will be celebrating

Christmas U3A style at our December GM, with

entertainment masterminded by Chris and Di, our previous

Chairman, and his soon to be wife and refreshments

provided by the Social committee. I am assured it will not

be a repeat of the dying swan, memorable though it was for

those of us fortunate! enough to be there.

Entry will be by ticket only, they cost £4 and can be obtained

at the November General Meeting. If you can’t get there

yourself and would like a ticket then please arrange for a

friend to buy it for you. We need the numbers for the

seating, which will be round tables, and for the catering.

Wendy Hattrell

If you came to the last General Meeting you may have seen a new notice on the door. It read "U3A Members please wait until 1.15

before entering". We have noticed that in the past, if members have finished their shopping early or their bus gets them to town early they have come early to the meeting.

Whilst not wanting to put people off, the committee get there about 1pm and need time to set the room up. Last time the chairs had been put out in the wrong way and had to be changed. There are

tables to be set up and cash tins to be prepared, newsletters to be put out for collection. We like to be ready to welcome you to the meeting and will be delighted to see you after 1.15

Wendy Hattrell


A number of members have expressed an interest in the above. Is there

anyone who is willing to lead this proposed group? A high level of Italian

language proficiency may not be necessary with the right textbook or

educational aids, if you feel your pronunciation of Italian is at a good level.

If anyone is interested in being the Group Leader; please contact the Group Coordinator at [email protected] or telephone 01302536753

It is with sadness that we have to report the closure of our

Book Review Group. As one of the very first groups of our

fledgling U3A in the 90s the group has been running

regularly for 23 years. The last meeting will take place on

9th December 2016. If any members would like to consider

starting up a new group please contact our Groups Co-

ordinator Monica Dawson


Earl of Doncaster—27th November at 1.pm

Please meet in the lounge area near reception before 12.45 pm.

Georgian Tea Rooms—29th January at 1.pm

Prices are—£14.95 for 2 Courses

£17.95 for 3 Courses

Tea/Coffee included.

Menus will be available from Friday 13th until Thursday 19th January.

Please contact me to make your choice from the menu or to let me know if

you are unable to attend this lunch.

There will be no Sunday Lunch meeting in December.

Eileen Dickson

You may have heard Beacon being mentioned as we transferred our membership database from the one we had used for a good few years previously onto this new system. Beacon has been written by U3A members for use by local U3As and Doncaster has been fortunate to get in fairly early on this. There is quite a long waiting list. At a recent Group Leaders meeting I explained to Group Leaders how they could use Beacon to keep an up-to-date list of their Group Members and use this to email – those who are on email – with any group information. I can see that about half of the Groups have now entered their lists. I know some Group Leaders don’t feel comfortable with computers and this is to ask those of you who could help to offer to do this for your Group. Group Leaders are asked to share the tasks amongst members anyway and we would expect there to be more than one person involved in Group admin – booking the room, emailing members, keeping membership lists and checking the subs and payments. So if you could help please have a chat with your Group Leader. U3A is a doing organisation – not a sit and listen organisation after all. I don’t think we emphasise this enough.

Wendy Hattrell


Welcome to the December 2016 culture page

Cast Doncaster

The Pitmen Poets

An evening of song, humour and culture

Friday 20th January 2017

Call 01302 303959 or visit httpas://castindoncaster.com/whats-on

Rotherham Civic Theatre

The Sound of Music

Monday 16th to Saturday 21st January 2017

(No show on Wednesday)

Call - 01709 823621 or visit www.rotherhamtheatres.co.uk

Sheffield City Hall

Rumours of Fleetwood Mac

Friday 27th January 2017

Call - 0114 2789789 or visit www.sheffieldcityhall.co.uk

Sheffield Lyceum

Blood Brothers

Monday 23rd January to Saturday 4th February

Call - 0114 249 5999 or visit www.sheffieldtheatres.co.uk

The Dome

Gifts & Grub

Sunday 4th December – doors open at 10 am

Cal - l01302 370777 or visit www.the-dome.co.uk

According to legend, one of Queen Victoria’s (1819-1901) Ladies-in-waiting, Anna Maria Stanhope (1783-1857) known as the Duchess of Bedford, is

credited as the creator of Afternoon Tea.

The Earl of Doncaster

Offering Christmas Afternoon Tea

£15.95 per adult or add a glass of mulled wine £18.95

Thursday 1st to Saturday 24th of December

Book early to avoid disappointment.

Call – 01302 361371 or visit www.theearl.co.uk



On your current Membership Cards the date of the 2017 AGM is given as 17th

April. This is incorrect as that day is Easter Monday. We are planning to hold

the AGM a week later on the 24th April 2017.

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet. If

you are in town on Saturdays and need a break,

there will be some U3A friends at the Trades Club

from 11am so why not join us for a coffee and a

chat in the third floor bar.

The Mansion House

Afternoon tea – Friday 9th December - £15 per person

Tuesday 6th December – Tea Dance - £3.50 per person

Christmas lunches – 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd. £28 per person

Call 01302 734309 or visit


May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and warmest good wishes for 2017.

Jess Parkinson

I am delighted to tell you that as we go to press we have sold almost

all of the 2017 Calendars produced by our Digital Photography Group.

With Christmas coming up many groups will be going out for a festive

lunch. It is a great opportunity for those of you with cameras to take

them along and record the event. If you do please send me a copy of

the photos to me so that we can select some for the next calendar.

Chris Woolven ([email protected])


Doesn’t time fly! I cannot believe that it is exactly a year since I

stated categorically that I was going to stand down as Newsletter

Editor. This time last year I wrote in the newsletter that I was

“Adamant” that I would be standing down!

Well it has taken me a year but I have now found a member willing

and able to take on the role. The next edition which is for February

will be edited by the very capable Rita Ouartsi. Rita is an

experienced computer user and has been coming along to the

newsletter group and learning the ropes for a couple of months

now. If you have anything for the next newsletter please send it to

her. I have put her details on the back cover. If you wish to send

anything by post please contact her by telephone or email to get her

address. Should you forget and send things to me by mistake then I

will be happy to forward copy to her so please don’t worry.

I must take this opportunity to say a few “thank you”s. The first must

be to all the stalwarts of the newsletter group who have turned out

month after month to help put it all together.

Secondly there are all the contributors. Without you the job would

be twice as difficult! (and a bit pointless perhaps!)

Thirdly I must thank all of you who regularly enjoy reading the

newsletter. Although many of you now have the online version and

use the website, there are still quite a few of you who look forward

to getting your paper copy each month.

The Monthly Calendar will remain with Diane Harris for the next

month but she is to pass the job over to Carole Lewis at some point

in the new year.

Finally to all our readers and helpers we wish you a very Merry

Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Chris Woolven


Formerly known as “The Dodgy Codgers” This group

of HIGHLY UNACCLAIMED performers will be in

Doncaster for ONE DAY ONLY! at The General

meeting of the DONCASTER U3A on 19th December.


Contact the Vice Chair WENDY HATTRELL on

07880507070 or buy yours at the

November General Meeting.£4 a head

includes tea and mince pie

NB The committee takes no responsibility for any lies or misrepresentation either

implied or stated in the above advertisement.


Chairman George Kirk 07808191211 [email protected]

Secretary Diane Harris 01302 265580 [email protected]

Treasurer Beryl Kellett 01302 539229 [email protected]

Membership Jill Laming 01302 701395 [email protected]

Newsletter Rita Ouartsi 01302 367101 [email protected]

The deadline for the next newsletter is 4th January Please

note that there will be no newsletter in January

We would like to thank our friends at the Prego Cafe for

their help over the past year. Not only is the tea, coffee

and food excellent, but the free use of the upstairs room

for meetings has been a great help to many of our

groups. If you haven't been there yet give it a try!

QR Code for DU3A website


We are grateful to Monks the Printers for their help in printing this newsletter.