________________________________________________________________________________________________ ELSA Italia The European Law Students Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371 Cagliari Castellanza Cosenza Ferrara Firenze Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Reggio di Calabria Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino Verona ELSA Italia The European Law Students’ Newsletter Eventi n. 5 – Marzo 2013 “A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity” ELSA Cagliari, ELSA Castellanza, ELSA Ferrara, ELSA Firenze, ELSA Lecce, ELSA Messina, ELSA Milano, ELSA Napoli, ELSA Padova, ELSA Palermo, ELSA Roma, ELSA Santa Maria Capua Vetere, ELSA Sassari, ELSA Siena, ELSA Taranto, ELSA Torino, ELSA Trento, ELSA Trieste, ELSA Urbino

Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013

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L'offerta ELSA aggiornata a Marzo 2013

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Page 1: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Cosenza Ferrara Firenze Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Reggio di Calabria Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino


Trieste Urbino Verona

ELSA Italia

The European Law Students’


Newsletter Eventi n. 5 – Marzo 2013

“A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity”

ELSA Cagliari, ELSA Castellanza, ELSA Ferrara, ELSA Firenze, ELSA Lecce, ELSA Messina, ELSA Milano, ELSA Napoli, ELSA Padova, ELSA Palermo,

ELSA Roma, ELSA Santa Maria Capua Vetere, ELSA Sassari, ELSA Siena, ELSA Taranto, ELSA Torino, ELSA Trento,

ELSA Trieste, ELSA Urbino

Page 2: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

AA – ENGLISH COURSES AT LONDON SCHOOL OF ENGLISH La London School of English, partner di ELSA, offre a tutti i soci uno sconto del 10% sui corsi tenuti dall'istituto. Per maggiori dettagli su date, costi e altro potete dare un'occhiata al sito www.londonschool.com. Se non trovate le informazioni che vi servono scrivete a [email protected] o al VP AA della vostra sezione. Lo sconto è valido su tutti i corsi e in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno, e ovviamente vale solo per i soci regolarmente iscritti. Per ottenerlo vi basterà contattare il vostro Presidente e chiedergli di prepararvi una certificazione dello status di socio da presentare alla London School. BEE – TOP LEGAL Top Legal, il primo mensile italiano del mercato legale, è dal 2010 media partner di ELSA Italia. A tutti i soci di ELSA in Italia è data la possibilità di abbonarsi alla rivista al costo di 5€ all’anno anziché 100€ per un totale di 10 numeri. E’ possibile sottoscrivere l’abbonamento in formato cartaceo o digitale. Per maggiori scrivi a [email protected]. Visita il sito di Top Legal www.toplegal.it. BEE – THE ECONOMIST The Economist offre ai soci ELSA uno sconto speciale molto significativo, che va ad aggiungersi a quello già applicato normalmente agli studenti. Lo sconto si applica sia ai soci ELSA che ai membri di ELS e prevede la possibilità di abbonarsi per un anno al costo totale di 75 euro, con una riduzione circa del 74% sul prezzo originario. Sottoscrivendo l'abbonamento avrete diritto a:

uno sconto sul prezzo di copertina (come sopra precisato) e l'invio della vostra copia del magazine ogni settimana;

accesso illimitato a The Economist online, incluse news, analysis, rankings, blogs, multimedia, databases online e archivio dal 1997 in poi;

libero accesso alla versione audio, dove potrete ascoltare l'edizione completa o scaricare l'edizione settimanale online;

libero accesso a The Economist su iPhone, iPad, Android e BlackBerry PlayBook. L'offerta, come anticipato, è rivolta ai soli soci ELSA di tutto il Network. Per avere maggiori informazioni sulla procedura da seguire per ottenere lo sconto contattate il Consiglio Direttivo Locale della vostra sezione di appartenenza o iscrivetevi ad una Sezione Locale. Trovate i recapiti a questo link: www.elsa-italy.org/sezioni-locali AA – ELSA ITALIA NATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION, Castellanza (Va), 2-5 Maggio 2013 ELSA Italia organizza annualmente la National Moot Court Competition, la quale si è confermata nel tempo quale evento capace di attrarre l’attenzione dei nomi più prestigiosi del panorama accademico, giudiziario e forense italiano. Ogni anno la National Moot Court Competition di ELSA Italia viene ospitata da una differente Sezione Locale e vede la partecipazione di squadre provenienti da tutto il Paese. La competizione è divisa in due fasi: nella prima i partecipanti redigono due memorie – una per l’attore ed una per il convenuto – contenenti le argomentazioni a difesa delle due posizioni; nella seconda le

Newsletter Eventi n. 5 – Marzo 2013

Page 3: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

squadre si affrontano esponendo le proprie ragioni di fronte ad una giuria qualificata. Al termine della competizione viene proclamata la squadra vincitrice insieme al miglior oratore. Il Concorso è aperto esclusivamente a studenti (o laureati da non oltre due anni) in Giurisprudenza delle Facoltà italiane; sono escluse dal concorso le persone la cui formazione accademica e professionale è in grado di comportare un vantaggio reale, significativo ed ingiustificato a danno delle altre squadre concorrenti. La fase dibattimentale della NMCC 2013 avrà luogo presso l'Università Carlo Cattaneo LIUC di Castellanza (VA) dal 2 al 5 Maggio 2013, dove le squadre avranno modo di confrontarsi su un quesito di Diritto Commerciale, di fronte ad un Collegio Giudicante composto da prestigiosi nomi del panorama accademico, giudiziario e forense italiano. Ecco la timeline della competizione e le deadline per il pagamento delle fees: 16 MARZO: Iscrizione individuale e versamento della fee di soggiorno 16 MARZO: Invio chiarimenti al Comitato Scientifico 2 APRILE: Invio memorie per parte attrice e convenuta 2 MAGGIO: Inizio della fase dibattimentale 4 MAGGIO: Finale e proclamazione dei Vincitori. Deadlines e Quota di iscrizione SINGOLO: - Seconda Deadline: entro le 23.59 del 18 Marzo 2013. - Quota di iscrizione: 45 euro al giorno a persona (comprensivi di vitto e alloggio). - Quota Social Programme: 20 euro complessivi a persona. NCM - ELSA Spain National Council Meeting, San Sebastian, Spain, March 21st – 24th 2013 ELSA Deusto has the pleasure to invite you to the XXXV National Council Meeting of ELSA Spain which will be hosted in San Sebastian city from the 21st to the 24th March 2013. This is a good chance to get to know and enjoy this amazing and welcoming city. Donostia-San Sebastian, Spanish court’s vacation place since 1885 and nowadays favorite destination of celebrities from all over the world, is a seaside city located in the Basque Country in the north of Spain, very close from the border with France. Its Belle Époque streets run between the Cantabrian shore and the sides of steep mountains. Besides of its cultural richness, San Sebastian boasts of a broad gastronomical offer (main reason of the large number of tourists we take in) and a lively atmosphere which don’t leave anyone indifferent. “The Beautiful Easo”, nickname of the city, can be enjoyed in very different ways. Landscapes are breathtaking and it is a superb spot for the lovers of outdoor sports. Many sports can be played both in San Sebastian and in its surroundings. The most important are, of course, water sports and surf above all. Besides, San Sebastian was appointed European Capital of Culture 2016 together with the Polish city of Wroclaw for its broad cultural offer (museums, cultural spaces, film and music festivals, etc.), its history, architecture and traditions. This year is very important for us since it is ELSA Spain’s XXV Anniversary, and we can’t miss this special occasion to celebrate it properly. We will show you San Sebastian well so that you too can get immersed in the daily life of this small and friendly city. This way, you’ll be able to enjoy a few wonderful days during which, besides working hard, we will make the best out of the already well known ELSA Spirit. As you can see, it is about a weekend during which both nationals and internationals will be able to meet the different sides of San Sebastian. Deadline: 10/03/2013 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 33 euros per night

Page 4: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

ELSA Alumni: 40 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 45 euros per night Contact Information: [email protected] S&C – Movie Law School, The Hague, The Netherlands, March 24th – 26th 2013 Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla prima Movie Law School di ELSA, organizzata da ELSA The Netherlands, un evento davvero innovativo che nasce dalla collaborazione con l'associazione Movies That Matter e che combinerà la proiezione di film sui diritti umani con la parte accademica tipica delle Law School ELSiane. Da non perdere! Date & Place: 23 (optional), 24, 25 & 26th of March 2013. The place is in the centre of The Hague, legal capital of Europe. Programme: Saturday 23th:

- Arrival

- 20:00 pm “Matter of Act”. This is the award show where important changing activists get an award for their hard work. After the award ceremony there will be a great party.

Sunday 24th:

- Two movies in the morning & Masterclasses

- A tour through the Tribunal

- Dinner & Social programme Monday 25th:

- Two movies & masterclasses

- Final of the Legal Debate

- Movie about LGBT rights

- Dinner & Social programme Tuesday 26th:

- ICC tour

- Symposium

- Dinner

- Departure Participation fee: 8x MLS package

€120,00 Including: breakfast&dinner, accommodation, entrance festival, final of the legal debate, MLS-package and a transport card. Daily Bird package

Page 5: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

€32,50 Including: entrance festival, 5 movies with certain masterclasses, entrance final of the legal debate. This package is especially for the local groups who can travel up and down with train. Acommodation and food are NOT included. Le iscrizioni vanno effettuate entro il 16 Marzo 2013 attraverso l'application form online sul sito http://www.elsa-thenetherlands.org/. AA - 5th International Focus Programme Essay Competition on Health Law ELSA International is happy to announce the 5th edition of the International Focus Programme Essay Competition on Health Law! The topic of the Essay Competition is Biotechnology and Healthcare. The essays should address the following question: “Biotechnology has made a huge difference in human health care and has now enabled scientists to develop products which can give quicker and more accurate tests, therapies with fewer side effects and vaccines which are safer than ever before. Although the advantages of biotechnological applications in healthcare seem to be evident, it also raises (new) legal concerns or challenges focusing on human rights in health care, and patenting products derived from the human body. What are the main issues and answers from a health law perspective?” ELSA International is offering great prizes for the best essays of the competition! These are the prizes of the 5th edition of the International Focus Programme Essay Competition: Winner: Tuition fee of a Legal English course at the London School of English and one-year subscription of the European Voice. Runner up: Tuition fee of the Summer School on Health Law and Ethics in the Erasmus Observatory on Health Law. 2nd runner up: Participation fee in the Final IFP Conference in Gdansk, Poland, May 2013. The Winners will also be awarded with the Cambridge ILEC International Legal English book. 17 Cambridge ILEC International Legal English books will also be sorted by ELSA International among the participants. Deadline for submissions has been extended until March 17th 2013 23:59 CET. You can download the application form and find more information on the website www.elsa-essay-competition.org. AA - ELSA ONLINE HATE SPEECH" INTERNATIONAL ESSAY COMPETITION ELSA International ha lanciato la "Online Hate Speech" International Essay Competition che ELSA porterà avanti in collaborazione, ancora una volta, con il Consiglio d'Europa, nostro Human Rights partner, nell'ambito della Online Youth Campaign. La Essay Competition, il cui nome esteso è "Online hate speech: right or crime?" ha per oggetto il seguente quesito: “Legal issues in the virtual world - Who is responsible for online hate speech and what legislation exists that can be applied to react, counter or punish forms of hate speech online?" Questo il sito al quale potrete reperire maggiori informazioni, i premi e il regolamento della competizione: http://www.elsa.org/projects/onlinehatespeech/. Per domande e chiarimenti è possibile scrivere un’e-mail all’indirizzo [email protected] La deadline per l'invio degli essays è il 18 Marzo 2013.

Page 6: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

S&C – Call for ELSA Delegations at WIPO ELSA International ha lanciato una nuova Call for Delegations presso la WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Vi riporto qui sotto l'elenco delle sessioni disponibili e vi ricordo che troverete maggiori informazioni sulle tematiche che saranno trattate sul sito di ELSA International. 1. Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC): 24th Session, 22nd to 26th of April 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Deadline for Applications: 23rd March 2013, 23.59 CET 2. Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP): 11th Session, 13th to 17th of May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Deadline for Applications: 30th March 2013, 23.59 CET 3. Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Working Group: 6th Session, 21st to 26th of May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Deadline for Applications: 30th March 2013, 23.59 CET 4. Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT): 29th Session, 27th to 31st of May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Deadline for Applications: 6th April 2013, 23.59 CET DOVE TROVARE L'APPLICATION FORM E COME SALVARE IL FILE A partire da questa Call cambia la procedura per inviare la candidatura: i soci che vorranno applicare dovranno compilare un form online, cosa che renderà più semplice il sistema di invio del form, ma anche quello successivo, di selezione dei candidati, permettendo così di conoscere prima i nomi dei soci selezionati come delegati. I links agli application forms online li trovate tutti nella sezione del sito dedicata alle Delegations: http://www.elsa.org/delegations. COSA VUOL DIRE FARE PARTE DI UNA DELEGATION E QUALI SONO I COMPITI DEL DELEGATO I partecipanti alla Delegation dovranno rappresentare ELSA International, prender parte alle sessioni avendo cura di approfondire i topics più rilevanti, distribuire le ultime versioni dei materiali di ELSA alle altre delegazioni ed organizzazioni, partecipare ai meetings organizzati dal loro Head of Delegation e informarlo sulle attività svolte. Al termine delle sessioni, inoltre, i delegati invieranno a ELSA International tutti i contatti reperiti nel corso delle sessioni, in modo tale che tutto il Network possa beneficiarne, compileranno un questionario e lo invieranno ad ELSA International insieme ad un report (il tutto entro un mese). COSA E' RICHIESTO PER FAR PARTE DI UNA DELEGATION Essere soci ELSA, conoscere la lingua di lavoro (inglese), essere preparati sul tema trattato nelle sessioni e sull'ambito in cui si svolge l'attività dell'Istituzione. VIAGGIO, ALLOGGIO, SPESE VARIE

Page 7: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

ELSA International non coprirà le spese di viaggio, vitto ed alloggio, che sono interamente a carico dei partecipanti. Su richiesta, può scrivere delle lettere di raccomandazione per chi ne avesse bisogno per borse di studio o richieste di finanziamento ad enti esterni a ELSA. I Soci selezionati saranno informati direttamente da ELSA International, mentre ELSA Italia provvederà ad informare i VP S&C locali e a pubblicare sul sito nazionali il risultato delle selezioni non appena sarà disponibile S&C - Seminar on International Commercial Arbitration, Lviv, Ukraine, March 29th - 31st 2013 ELSA Lviv welcomes you to this international seminar on international commercial arbitration. Lectures will be conducted in order to explain the notion of arbitration and how it "ticks". On the other hand, the participants will have the possibility to learn what kind of general categories of disputes are resolved by the arbitration and learn practical aspects of handling commercial disputes by ways of alternative dispute resolution. Registration deadline: 09/03/2012 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 40 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 35 euros per night Non student: 35 euros per night Contact Information: Yulia Sydyaha - VP S&C ELSA Lviv Email: [email protected] Website: http://elsalviv.org.ua S&C - International seminar on Entertainment law, Kharkiv, Ukraine, April 19th - 21st 2013 ELSA Kharkiv is happy to invite you to the second International seminar on Entertainment law (Intellectual property in Entertainment law)! During our Seminar we’ll discuss the most important questions on intellectual property in the field of Entertainment law. The Seminar will take place in the first capital of Ukraine, Kharkiv, the city with great history and one of the most important city of Ukraine. Registration deadline: 10/04/2012 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 40 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 50 euros per night Non student: 50 euros per night Contact Information: Maria Golub, VP S&C ELSA Kharkiv Email: [email protected]

Page 8: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

S&C - International Conference: Mitigating the impact of the Economic Crisis in Europe by law regulations, Cracow, Poland, April 26th - 27th 2013 Over the last few years we have experienced a serious worldwide economic crisis which affects numerous aspects of our lives. There are more and more doubts and frustrations on how to solve this damaging problem of European Union economy. No sign of improvement is visible. This has inspired ELSA Kraków to create a debate over the financial future of Europe. The main assumption of the conference is the possibility of analysing the current situation in which Europe has to fight for stability and safe markets. We will look on this matter from the legal point of view by trying to analize law introduced either by European Union or by countries on their own. We invite you to participate in this Conference and we hope that it will help to dispel any doubts about ways of dealing with the crisis. Registration deadline: 21/4/2013 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: Free ELSA Alumni: Free Non ELSA Member: Free Non student: Free Contact Information: Weronika Zdeb, Vice President Seminars & Conferences, ELSA Cracow email: [email protected] Website: www.elsa.lex.edu.pl S&C - International Focus Programme Final Conference, Gdansk, Poland, May 8th - 12th 2013 ELSA Gdańsk is honoured to invite you to the International Focus Programme Final Conference: Health Law being held 8th-12th May 2013 in Gdańsk. The programme of the conference consists of three thematic panels: - Pharmaceutical Law Panel - Cosmetic Law panel - Medical Malpractice Panel The Conference is the recapitulation of a three years’ International Focus Programme, concentrating on the issues related to the health law. As a part of this Programme on every level of our activity there were organised such projects as: seminars conferences, research, debates, competitions, courses. During the last year of the Programme ELSA organises an international conference encapsulating three years of work on it. The conclusions are published. This year the Conference will be held in Gdańsk. The purpose of the Conference is to give a possibility to exchange opinions among professionals from European countries and, on the other hand, to be the source of information for people who are not acquainted with the matters of the health law. PHARMACEUTICAL LAW PANEL The pharmaceutical law is one of the most socially important branches of law, as the provisions on the medical marketing influence the quality, the accessibility and the rules of distributing substances that are supposed to fight ailments of people in need. The special role of this branch makes it more legally restricted, especially according to the methods of introducing new medicines and the legal way of running the trade-marketing policy.

Page 9: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

We decided to focus during the Conference on the two particularly significant aspects of trading the medical products – the procedure of clinical examination and the advertisements of the medicaments. We will acquaint you with the current legal regulations on the clinical examination, showing both, its merits and demerits and also analyse the amendments that are going to be enforced by The European Commission’s Decree. In the part referring to the advertisements of the medical products we will concentrate on the Polish and European provisions and present, on the specific examples, some forms of encouraging that are legal and those which seem questionable COSMETIC LAW PANEL The cosmetic products’ market is closely related to the medical products’ market. They are alike especially in its subjects, as many medicines’ producers are also making cosmetics. There are also similarities in the economical field, because, due to the changing conditions, they influence each other. On the 11th July the Decree of The European Parliament and Council (NR 1223/2009) is about to be enforced. Its main goal is to put together all the provisions on the cosmetic products in one act and thereby to establish an inside market. Moreover, the Decree introduces numerous restrictions on the producers, importers and distributors within trading cosmetics. During this panel we will focus on the reasons of the current provisions’ exacerbation, analysing the demands, which each of the trade’s sides will be obliged to abide and the results that the new legal reality could cause. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE PANEL The term „medical malpractice” refers to breaching the binding governance and the professional rules accepted by the scientific and practicing circles in this field. The medical malpractice does not only mean the objective incongruity with the medical knowledge. It is an error made by a doctor so he or she can be found responsible for committing it. The Supreme Court does not consider it a medical malpractice when a there is no guilt and the diagnosis is “rationalised by the evident symptoms”. This discussion panel is about to familiarize the issues on the medical malpractice and to draw the society’s attention to the opportunity of arrogation, to the possible consequences of the medical malpractice in the field of the international civil and criminal law, as well as the professional responsibility, to the analysing patients’ security and to commence the broad discussion on the problems of the liability of the medical environments. Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 ELSA Alumni: 40 Non ELSA Member: 45 Non student: 50 Contact Information: Krzysztof Szulc, President of ELSA Gdansk email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: http://www.health-law.pl/ S&C - International Conference on Medical Errors, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, June 28th - July 1st 2013 Elsa Uzhgorod is happy to invite you to the International Conference on Medical Errors: Legal Regulation of Responsibility. The conference will take place in the picturesque city of Uzhgorod which is located in the historical part of the country - Zakarpattya , full of mysterious legends, castles and surrounded with Carpathian

Page 10: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

mountains. The conference will include lectures on medical law, which will be featured by the best professionals to share their acquired skills and practice. Human rights always was a focus point for ELSA, the protection of human health patients are no exception. Elsa Uzhgorod decided to take the advantage. So welcome! Come and experience Ukrainian spirit! Registration deadline: 25/05/2012 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 33 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 40 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 50 euros per night Non student: 50 euros per night Contact Information: Nika Getsko, VP S&C ELSA Uzghorod Email: [email protected] S&C - ELSA University of Minho Summer Law School on Intellectual Property Law, Braga, Portugal, July 7th - 14th 2013 The Organizing Committee is ready to host you in the beautiful city of Braga and is preparing an interesting Academic Programme, some sessions on Contract Drafting and on the analysis of an IP Case Law study (and discussion among the participants) and a Mock Trial and will offer to the participants the possibility of preparation the inherent oral pleadings. Be ready also for a fantastic Social Programme that will include a visit to one of the most ancient Portuguese Medieval Castle! We look forward to meeting you this Summer! Registration deadline: 01/06/2013 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 33 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 35 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 40 euros per night Non student: 50 euros per night Contact Information: Diana Correia de Sá, Head of Organising Committee Daniela Guimarães President of ELSA UMinho Email: [email protected] Website: elsauniversidadedominho.wordpress.com S&C - ELSA Istanbul 9th Summer Law School on Mergers and Acquisitions, Istanbul, Turkey, July 14th - 21st 2013 ELSA Istanbul Summer Law School on Mergers and Acquisitions is a brand throughout the ELSA network and its 9th edition is ready to go in July 2013! Well-known associates of Istanbul's leading law firms and professors lecture in English for a week of at least 20 hours. Other than the scientific program, cultural and social programs are also planned to please the participants day and night.

Page 11: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 33 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 45 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 45 euros per night Non student: 45 euros per night Contact Information: Işıl Ergeç, VP Semiar & Conferences, ELSA Istanbul Email: [email protected] Website: www.elsaturkey.org S&C - Summer Law School: "Banking & Finance Law International Summer School", Bucharest, Romania, July 19th - 28th 2013 Welcome to attend this summer Law School on Banking and Finance! The event aims at a more practical approach, by highlighting information of what it means to practice in the financial and banking law system. Our Summer School enhances the theoretical and practical knowledge of young people relative to the fields of banking and finance law. The event will bring together students and professors of Banking Law, prominent personalities in the field and renowned experts. Fees: ELSA Members from non favored countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 30 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 40 euros per night Non student: 45 euros per night Contact Information: Catalina Violeta Apostu, Head of the Organizing Committee Email: [email protected] Website: www.elsabucuresti.ro S&C - International Summer School: Construction Law, Bucharest, Romania, July 19th - 28th 2013 This summer school aims to enable law students to approach these matters from a juridical point of view, as to be able to cast their own opinions regarding this domain, and to improve their capability to offer legal support when it comes to this subject. Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 30 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 40 euros per night Non student: 45 euros per night Contact Information: Catalina Violeta Apostu, Head of the Organizing Committee Email: [email protected]

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ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

Website: www.summerschool.ro S&C - Summer Law School: "Legal Challenges on Media Law", Lisbon, Portugal, July 21st - 28th 2013 This year, ELSA UCP Lisbon is dedicating its fourth edition of the Summer Law School to Media Law, an interesting and actual topic, that will surely capture your attention! Be prepared to discuss topics such as Freedom of Expression, Defamation and Protecting Reputation, Contempt of Court Laws, Human rights and Entertainment, Non-disclosure agreements and other media related issues, as well as to enjoy one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe through an amazing social program - knowing the best beaches, going to the trendiest clubs, visiting the most famous monuments. Together, we will make this Summer School an experience to remember for a lifetime! We are already waiting for your application… and you, what are you waiting for? Fees: ELSA Members from non favored countries: 32 euros per day ELSA Alumni: 55 euros per day Non ELSA Member: 60 euros per day Non student: 60 euros per day Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Website: http://ucplisboa.elsaportugal.org S&C - Summer Law School: Maritime Law & Dispute Resolution, Odessa, Ukraine, July 31st - August 4th 2013 As the “sea lawyers” said that in order to be fluent in maritime law you need to forget all that you were taught on the shore because reverse rules are in action. The participants will learn from leading maritime lawyers and scholars in the field about general issues of maritime law and dispute resolution practices in public and private spheres and will receive hands-on insider information. At the end of the law school a moot court on maritime arbitration will be held. Alongside with the strong academic programme, a social part will be reach in events, e.g. attendance of Odessa sea port administration, visiting the Opera, BBQ at the countryside and of course resting on the beach on the shore of the Black Sea. Registration deadline: 01/05/2013 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 40 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 40 euros per night Non student: 40 euros per night Contact Information: Olga Kuzmina President ELSA Odessa Email: [email protected]

Page 13: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students’ Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Ferrara Firenze Lecce Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino Trento Trieste Urbino

S&C - 1st ELSA Switzerland Summer Law School on Arbitration, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1st - 8th 2013 The ELSA Switzerland Summer Law School on Arbitration will bring together 40 participants interested in arbitration for a challenging week-long program with top arbitration experts in one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Geneva. Besides learning about aspects of arbitration such as international commercial, sports and art arbitration, the participants will visit of some of Geneva's international institutions, such as the UN. Finally, the social program will show Geneva from its best sides, with Swiss French food, wine and savoir-vivre. Our goal is to open the beautiful, elegant, cosmopolitan and powerful Swiss city of Geneva to the ELSA network with the first event of this kind ever organized by ELSA Switzerland and to provide our participants with an unforgettable week. Registration deadline: 31/05/2013 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 35 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 40 euros per night Non student: 40 euros per night Contact Information: Alisa Burkhard, President, ELSA Switzerland Email: [email protected] Website: www.elsa-switzerland.org S&C - Conference on International Trade Law, Moscow, Russia, October 9th - 13th 2013 ELSA Moscow is proud to invite you to the conference on International Trade law, which will take place in one of most beautiful cities of the world in the most colorful season. The International Conference on International Trade Law aims to develop collaboration between students in this complicated, but still interesting topic. We will provide you with outstanding academic program including lecture of lawyers and professors and exciting social program. This conference comprise of international public law, international private law and European Law. Registration deadline: 25/09/2013 Fees: ELSA Members from non favoured countries: 32 euros per night ELSA Alumni: 35 euros per night Non ELSA Member: 40 euros per night Non student: 40 euros per night Contact Information: Tatiana Gulyaeva, Vice President STEP ELSA Moscow email: [email protected] Website: elsa-moscow.org

Page 14: Newsletter ELSA Italia n.5 -. Marzo 2013


ELSA Italia – The European Law Students Association sede legale c/o LUISS - Guido Carli, Viale Gorizia 17, 00198, ROMA

c/c DEUTSCHE BANK IBAN : IT29V 03104 01608 000000 821371

Cagliari Castellanza Cosenza Ferrara Firenze Messina Milano Napoli Padova Palermo Reggio di Calabria Roma Santa Maria Capua Vetere Sassari Siena Taranto Torino


Trieste Urbino Verona