1 Dinner Informaon Tuesday July 11th 2017 Locaon: Hillcrest Country Club 6098 Fall Creek Road Indianapolis, IN 46220 Cocktails: 6:00 PM Dinner: 6:30 PM Cost: $25.00 RESERVATIONS DEADLINE Thursday, July 6th, 2017 Make Reservaons via: www.indyaeroclub.org Any Quesons Please Contact: Mr. Mel Winzenread H: (317) 788-6392 C: (317) 431-1713 [email protected] Officers Paul King President Mike Souders Vice President Mel Winzenread Secretary Penny Schafer Treasurer Brad Damon Sergeant at Arms Board of Directors Don Born Chairman Ken Pendleton Director John Brill Director Mike Souders Director Chuck Poland Director Volume 6 Issue 5 July 2017 Newsletter The fuel you are putting in your airplane is changing…...with more changes to come! Learn what those changes are and what you need to know to fly safe. Indianapolis Aero Club July Dinner/Seminar Jon Ziulkowski Vice President, Commercial Operations Experience Creator of Swiſt Fuel project Holds two fuel patents, with more in progress FAA-rated commercial, instrument single and mul engine pilot and cerfied ground and flight instructor with nearly 800 flight hours, specially trained in both Boeing 727 and KingAir 200 aircraſt Member of ASTM Internaonal for 6 years Educaon A.S. Aviaon Technology/Professional Flight, Purdue University, 2007 B.S. Aviaon Technology/Professional Flight, Purdue University, 2007 M.S. Aviaon Technology/Alternave Aviaon Fuels, Purdue University, 2011 Brian Stirm Director of Propulsion Research Experience 45 years aviaon experience Maintenance Technician FBO Airport Manager for 30+ years Former Director of Maintenance for a university flight program Educaon B.S. Aviaon Technology, Purdue University

Newsletter - IndyAeroClubindyaeroclub.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/July-2017-Newsletter.pdf · Newsletter The fuel you are ... October 10th, 6:00pm—8:30pm Indianapolis Aero lub

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Dinner Information Tuesday

July 11th 2017

Location: Hillcrest Country Club

6098 Fall Creek Road

Indianapolis, IN 46220

Cocktails: 6:00 PM

Dinner: 6:30 PM

Cost: $25.00


Thursday, July 6th, 2017

Make Reservations via:


Any Questions Please Contact:

Mr. Mel Winzenread H: (317) 788-6392 C: (317) 431-1713

[email protected]


Paul King President

Mike Souders Vice President

Mel Winzenread Secretary

Penny Schafer Treasurer

Brad Damon Sergeant at Arms

Board of Directors

Don Born Chairman

Ken Pendleton Director

John Brill Director

Mike Souders Director

Chuck Poland Director

Volume 6 Issue 5 July 2017


The fuel you are putting in your airplane is changing…...with more changes to come!

Learn what those changes are and what

you need to know to fly safe.

Indianapolis Aero Club

July Dinner/Seminar

Jon Ziulkowski Vice President, Commercial Operations Experience

• Creator of Swift Fuel project

• Holds two fuel patents, with more in progress

• FAA-rated commercial, instrument single and multi engine pilot and certified ground and flight instructor with nearly 800 flight hours, specially trained in both Boeing 727 and KingAir 200 aircraft

• Member of ASTM International for 6 years Education

• A.S. Aviation Technology/Professional Flight, Purdue University, 2007

• B.S. Aviation Technology/Professional Flight, Purdue University, 2007

• M.S. Aviation Technology/Alternative Aviation Fuels, Purdue University, 2011

Brian Stirm Director of Propulsion Research Experience

• 45 years aviation experience

• Maintenance Technician

• FBO Airport Manager for 30+ years

• Former Director of Maintenance for a university flight program Education

• B.S. Aviation Technology, Purdue University


Remembering our June Dinner Seminar

Indianapolis Aero Club Welcomes Our New Members

Stan & Mary Ann Adkins Thomas & Joyce Beckenbauer Vinayak & Pallavi Belamkar

Jacob & Jody Bernath Steven Bousamra Dennis & Cindy Crawley

Chris & Elisa D’Acosta Ron Darrah & Wanda Hartley Bill & Kelli Daymon

Zack & Mame Dillion Michael & Beverly Gehrich Jonathan & Theresa Goble

Larry & Marianne Jacobi Jacob King Tom & Kim McNutt

Jacob McNutt Brad & Diane Moore Westley & Cody Muehlhavsen

David & Sharon Newill Ronald & Jean Perkins George & Vera Ann Robbins

Brian & Sally Shapiro Jeff & Jennifer Ucchino Scott & Debbie Walker

Daniel & Elizabeth Wertman Leroy & Deborah Wheeler Carl & Jan Winkler


Thank you to Mark Baker, President & CEO of AOPA for visiting our club and speaking on the current challenges and opportunities that face the general aviation industry. Mark had agreed to speak at our club dinner months ago and then had a conflict, needing to attend a meeting in Washington DC. But, not wanting to cancel with us, he skillfully circumnavigated numerous

thunderstorms with his Citation to arrive, just in time, to meet with all of us. Get The Lead Out! Thanks to Chris D’Acosta our July speakers will be from Swift Fuels and they will update us on the progress of introducing unleaded fuels to the general aviation fleet. Resulting from petitions and lawsuits by environ-mental organizations, along with the EPA being sued to determine if lead from general aviation aircraft endan-ger public health and resulting pend-ing EPA regulations are putting pres-sure on airports to eliminate lead from the current use of 100LL. The Piston Aviation Fuel Initiative, or PAFI has been charged by Congress to evaluate the fuel candidates for replacing tetrae-thyllead in 100LL aviation gasoline. The PAFI program is ex-pected to finalize its evaluation and testing program for US piston-engine fleetwide approval by the end of 2018. In No-vember 2013, Swift’s fuel task force received unanimous ap-proval from ASTM International for the first high-octane UN-LEADED aviation gasoline production specification in the world. These changes are directly affecting a large portion of the gen-

eral aviation fleet. Come and learn what you need to know to

fly safely.

Price Increase

The Indianapolis Board of Directors has held the price of our

dinners at $20 per person for over 14 years but, the cost per

person, had exceeded that price and the club has been losing

money on every meal served for several years. As a result, the

Board of Directors last month reluctantly voted to increase the

cost of our dinners to $25. As a not-for-profit organization, we

make every effort to use your dollars wisely and provide the

best programs, speakers, food, and venue possible. We value

you as members and thank you for your consideration.

Now Go fly!


Aviation Calendar:

July 1st, America’s Freedom Fest Airshow and Fireworks, Go-

shen IN Airport. www.americasfreedomfest.org

July 8th–9th, Gary Indiana Airshow, US Navy Blue Angels, Gold-

en Knights ***This event has been cancelled***

July 11th, 6:00pm—8:30pm Indianapolis Aero Club Dinner,

Speaker: Swift Fuels, Hillcrest Country Club.

July 24-30, EAA Airventure Oshkosh, WI

August 12th, Indianapolis Aero Club Fly-In/Picnic. Tom Wood

Aviation Hangar, Indianapolis Metropolitan Airport,

August 19th, 8:00am–11:00am, EAA Chapter 67, Pancake

Breakfast Fly-In, Noblesville Airport

September 2nd, Marion Indiana Fly-In Cruise-In, Marion Munici-

pal Airport (www.flyincruisein.com)

September 9th—10th, Indy Air Expo, Indianapolis Regional Air-

port. (indyairexpo.org)

September 12th, 6:00pm—8:30pm Indianapolis Aero Club Din-

ner, Speaker: Jack Pelton, Chairman & CEO, (EAA) —

Experimental Aircraft Association, Hillcrest Country Club

October 1st–2nd, Red Bull Air Race, Indianapolis Motor Speed-


October 10th, 6:00pm—8:30pm Indianapolis Aero Club Din-

ner, Speaker: Jeff Lumpkin, Sebring Avionics, Subject—ADS-B,

Hillcrest Country Club.

November 14th, 6:00pm—8:30pm Indianapolis Aero Club Din-

ner, Speaker: David Newill, Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust & Alli-

son/Rolls-Royce Museum, Hillcrest Country Club.

December 12th, 6:00pm—8:30pm A very special Indianapolis

Aero Club Christmas Gala, Hillcrest Country Club.

Chris D’Acosta, CEO Swift Fuels & Paul King


Mr. Dick Egan Indianapolis Aero Club 8076 Talliho Drive Indianapolis, IN 46256


New Membership / Renewal $45

Make Check Payable to: Indianapolis Aero Club

First Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Last Name: _____________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________

City: ______________________ State: _____________ Zip: ______________

Email: _____________________________________________ Cell Phone: ( )___________________

Home Phone: ( )________________ Work Phone: ( )___________________

Spouse Name: ________________________________________ Nickname: __________________________

Ratings/Aircraft Owned: _______________________________________________________________________________

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Every month the Indianapolis Aero Club sends out emails to inform members on monthly din-

ners, last minute changes, club events, and general aviation information we think you might

find timely, informative, interesting, or funny. If you are not receiving these emails, please sign

up to get them by doing this:

To receive future emails from the Indianapolis Aero Club go to this website (Mail Chimp).


You will be asked to enter your name and email address, then you will receive an email that will ask you to confirm by clicking on another button. These steps are necessary to keep up compli-ant with new email laws and protect us from spammers.

Dues Due October 31st for the Coming Year

Mail to: Don Born 6917 Royal Oakland Way Indianapolis, IN 46236 (317) 823-6917

Student Membership $25 (25 years & under)