Page 1 A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 Newsletter Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL Inside this issue FROM THE PRINCIPAL END OF TERM 1: Friday 10 April (Classes conclude 3:20pm) PUPIL FREE DAY: Monday 27 April (All Staff Professional Development Day) TERM 2 BEGINS: Tuesday 28 April (Reception to Year 12 students) From the start of Term 2, the SAC Office will be open from 8:15am until 4:30pm. Access to the College outside of SAC Office hours will still be via the Chancery Lane or Angas Street gates. Next week we say farewell to our first Study Tour to China, led by Ms Jenny Jin and Ms Elaine Angwin. Fourteen SAC students will tour some of the great cities and sights of China and will spend some time at our sister school, Gaoxin No 1 High School in Xian. Ms Christine Simpson and I will meet up with the tour group in Xian when we pass through on our marketing trip in the first week of the holidays. We thank the staff for the considerable time and effort they have put into the planning of this memorable journey and we hope it will make students even more aware of the value of learning another language and expanding horizons. It has been wonderful to see our local students making Study Tour groups from Japan feel part of this school community over the past few weeks. Each of the three Japanese groups have commented on our staff and students’ willingness to open their hearts to visitors and make them feel welcome. e intercultural understanding that is made possible through these exchanges is hard to quantify and we know that many of our visitors were sad to leave aſter just a week or two. We will continue to build our friendship with these visiting schools as we work together to promote the international dimension of an education at SAC. The Easter season brings with it a much needed break and time to spend with family. As we take part in the Easter ceremonies and reflect on Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection, may the sufferings we endure and the crosses we embrace be occasions of growth and transformation. Wishing you all the blessings of the Easter Season. Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL EAL Easter Bunnies............................ 2 Term 1 & 2 Diary ................................. 2 Canteen Roster ................................... 2 Sacraments Update...........................3 Justice & Mercy News .................. 4-6 Kites for Harmony.............................. 7 Year 1 Pyjama Party...........................8 Year 4 Camp.........................................9 Outdoor Education..........................10 Primary Sport.....................................11 Secondary Sport...............................12 SAC Uniform Shop...........................13 Project Compassion........................13 Gale Virtual Reference Library.....13 SAC 2015 Walkathon.......................14

Newsletter Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 · Newsletter Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL Inside this issue FROM THE PRINCIPAL ... we pass through on our marketing

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Page 1: Newsletter Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 · Newsletter Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL Inside this issue FROM THE PRINCIPAL ... we pass through on our marketing

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A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd

Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015Newsletter


Inside this issue


END OF TERM 1:Friday 10 April

(Classes conclude 3:20pm)

PUPIL FREE DAY:Monday 27 April

(All Staff Professional Development Day)

TERM 2 BEGINS:Tuesday 28 April

(Reception to Year 12 students)

From the start of Term 2, the SAC Office will be open from 8:15am until 4:30pm.Access to the College outside of SAC Office hours will still be via the

Chancery Lane or Angas Street gates.

Next week we say farewell to our first Study Tour to China, led by Ms Jenny Jin and Ms Elaine Angwin. Fourteen SAC students will tour some of the great cities and sights of China and will spend some time at our sister school, Gaoxin No 1 High School in Xian. Ms Christine Simpson and I will meet up with the tour group in Xian when we pass through on our marketing trip in the first week of the holidays. We thank the staff for the considerable time and effort they have put into the planning of this memorable journey and we hope it will make students even more aware of the value of learning another language and expanding horizons.

It has been wonderful to see our local students making Study Tour groups from Japan feel part of this school community over the past few weeks. Each of the three Japanese groups have commented on our staff and students’ willingness to open their hearts to visitors and make them feel welcome. The intercultural understanding that is made possible through these exchanges is hard to quantify and we know that many of our visitors were sad to leave after just a week or two. We will continue to build our friendship with these visiting schools as we work together to promote the international dimension of an education at SAC.

The Easter season brings with it a much needed break and time to spend with family. As we take part in the Easter ceremonies and reflect on Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection, may the sufferings we endure and the crosses we embrace be occasions of growth and transformation.

Wishing you all the blessings of the Easter Season.


EAL Easter Bunnies ............................2Term 1 & 2 Diary .................................2 Canteen Roster ...................................2Sacraments Update...........................3Justice & Mercy News ..................4-6Kites for Harmony ..............................7Year 1 Pyjama Party...........................8Year 4 Camp.........................................9Outdoor Education..........................10Primary Sport.....................................11Secondary Sport...............................12SAC Uniform Shop...........................13Project Compassion........................13 Gale Virtual Reference Library.....13SAC 2015 Walkathon.......................14

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The Royal Commonwealth Society of South Australia is hosting an Art and Photography Competition this year. The theme

TERM 1 & TERM 2 DIARY (for students and parents)

wsletter 11

6 AprilEaster Monday (public holiday)

7 April 8 April12 noon R-12 Easter Mass

9 April 10 AprilYear 10, 11 & 12 Reports issued to students 3:20pm Classes conclude - END OF TERM 1

127 AprilStudent - free day All Staff Professional Development Day

28 AprilReception to Year 12 students commence Term 2

29 April 30 April9:20-10:20am Year 9 Dancing (CBC)

1 May


4 MayYear 7, 8 & 9 Reports issued to students

5 May1:30-2:30pm Year 9 Dancing (SAC)

6 May 7 May8:55-9:40am R-12 AssemblyYear 4-7 SAPSASA Cross Country

8 May9:30am-3pm Dr Peter Vardy, Ethics Goes to the Movies (McAuley Auditorium)Reception to Year 6 Reports issued to studentsNewsletter available on SAC website



116 AprilEaster Monday (public holiday)

7 AprilRex RobinsonSue Moyle

8 AprilAndy Mennillo

9 AprilPam Robinson

10 AprilEverlyn Richards

127 AprilStudent - free day

28 AprilRex RobinsonSue Moyle

29 AprilKaren Men

30 AprilPam/ Rex RobinsonLibby Zada

1 MayMargaret Buckham

24 MayDi YoungFran Buller

5 MayOlivia CouchKristy Liddicoat

6 MayRachael DroegemuellerAndy Mennillo

7 MayJoanne MadiPam/ Rex Robinson

8 MayLeanne Carter



EAL Easter Bunnies!This week a group of Reception and Year 1 students who are learning English as an additional language made their very own Easter bunnies from a face washer! The girls explored a number of action verbs such as roll, fold, glue, tie and press. They applied these actions as they followed a procedure of ‘How to make Easter Bunnies’.

Ms Mary KotsionisEAL TEACHER

Barbara & Manazeel thoroughly enjoyed making their Easter bunnies

Easter bunnies & Easter chocolates on display in the SAC foyerEaster time is here!

Shreya & Catalina Barbara



RM 1



RM 2

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All students have now begun their sacramental journey this year with the Rite of Welcome. There were three opportunities for parents and guardians to present the students to the Adelaide Cathedral Parish on Sunday 15 March at 9am or 6pm Masses and on Saturday 21 March at the 6pm Mass. Representatives from our students carried the gifts in the Procession of Gifts. The Masses also included students from Christian Brothers College and St Mary’s College. We thank Fr Tony Telford Sharp, Fr Peter Rozitis and Fr James McEvoy for celebrating these special Masses with our school community and the Adelaide Cathedral Parish. I am very pleased to share with you that one parishioner commented to me that our students were beautifully dressed and groomed. I thank you for your efforts and attendance.

To the right of this article you will find future Sacrament meetings and celebrations dates. Please note that due to the Adelaide Cathedral being closed for renovations from May to September we will celebrate some sacraments at St Patrick’s Church, Grote Street, Adelaide. The dress code has been included for students at each ceremony.

For those students celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation, please note that a sponsor is required. This person could ideally be a Godparent or a fully initiated Catholic (who has been baptised, confirmed and has celebrated Eucharist) and is over the age of 16. They cannot be the child’s parent.




• Wednesday 22 July: Meeting at 7pm at McAuley Auditorium. Parents/guardians, child and sponsors need to attend.

• Saturday 29 August: Sacrament of Confirmation at 4pm at St Patrick’s Church, Grote Street, Adelaide. Please ensure students wear the correct school uniform.

• Saturday 5 September: Sacrament of First Eucharist (Communion) at 6pm. Mass at St Patrick’s Church, Grote Street, Adelaide. Suitable dress.


• Wednesday 16 September: Meeting at 7pm at McAuley Auditorium. Parents/guardians & child need to attend.

• Wednesday 28 October: Sacrament of Reconciliation at 7pm at St Francis Xavier Cathedral. Please ensure students wear the correct school uniform.


• Sunday 22 November : 6pm at St Francis Xavier Cathedral. All families are invited.Students should wear the correct school uniform.

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On Saturday 21 March, Australians celebrated our nation’s cultural diversity through recognition of ‘Harmony Day’. On this date, each year, community tea parties, cake stalls, dress-ups and role plays take place to showcase the many benefits we enjoy by living in a multicultural society. St Aloysius College was proud to support this initiative and the way in which students chose to celebrate this day was as varied as the cultures we all come from! This year, the Year 7 Justice and Mercy leaders created and hung white t-shirts with coloured handprints from a clothesline in the Undercroft.On Wednesday 25 March the entire Justice and Mercy group initiated a conga-line dance with international music, then paraded through the campus. Many students and staff were thrilled at the excuse to ‘boogie down’ for one lunchtime. Students of all ages were united in the spirit of harmony and fun! Once the conga-line had ended, the girls wrote messages in support of solidarity and cultural equality on the floor of the Dunlevie Courtyard. Whilst the St Aloysius College community strives to foster an environment of welcome and support for people of all backgrounds, we recognise that this is not always the case in the wider community. The Justice and Mercy group continues to develop ways of engaging the entire school community so that awareness may be raised and we can have fun at the same time!


The 2015 Harmony Day flashmob was a huge success!

Year 7 JaM leaders created and hung white t-shirts with coloured handprints from a clothesline in the Undercroft in recognition of Harmony Day

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During the week leading up to ‘Earth Hour Day’ the following actions were taken:• Bulletin messages containing facts about climate change

were read in home class each day• Prayers for our stewardship of the planet and our

environments were used in morning home class period• Video clips introducing Earth Hour and its global

participation were shown at roll call• There was a screening of Al Gore’s climate change movie,

‘An Inconvenient Truth’ at lunchtimes• Posters were made and displayed• Teachers and students asked to be especially restrictive of

their use of power on the day (lighting, air conditioning, data projection etc)

• On Friday 27 March there was a call for us to use ‘School Earth Hour Day’ as a way of showing our love for the planet that God gave us and our care for the generations to come.

• The SAC community was called upon to remind their contacts about Earth Hour on Saturday 28 March from 8:30am to 9:30pm, during which electric lighting and all unnecessary electrical equipment is switched off.

On Friday 27 March we were proudly ‘in the dark’ for one hour.

Ms Sandra Eustace & SAC ‘Green Jam’ Group

Green JaM

Green Justice and Mercy (Green JaM) is a new initiative at SAC. Earth Hour Day provided an excellent opportunity for the school community to become aware of the impact our actions have on the environment around us. On Friday 27 March, classroom lights and air conditioning were switched off for one hour as a pledge of our support for the cause. In weeks leading up to the global ‘Earth Hour Day’, posters were made, prayers were written and all students were informed about the dangers of global warming as well as the potential effects that household habits alone may have in the long term.


Inaugural ‘School Earth Hour Day’ on Friday 27 March, 2015

Our Earth is God’s incredible creation so we feel it is especially important that we try to respect it as best as we can.

Year 12 English Studies class worked without lighting, data projection and air conditioning for St Aloysius College’s ‘Earth Hour Day’


In 2014 St Aloysius College reignited its annual cultural exchange with the Pipalyatjara Anangu School in the APY Lands, commencing with a visit from several students and staff members to SAC in Term 3 last year. Pipalyatjara is home to approximately 150 people situated near the borders of SA, WA and NT. We first established our friendship with the Anangu School in 2010 when seven intrepid students and two staff members visited the community and fell in love with the colours of the artwork, spirit of the land and vibrancy of the people. As urban dwellers it is difficult to realise and understand the issues that affect the small and remote community of Pipalyatjara. Our small group of adventurers were privileged to experience the daily life of a unique group of people. Aimee Brett 11SE, Molly Flynn 11AB, Ruby Gazzola 11RT, Marie Mwema Kayumba 11CE, and us (Ms Madeleine Kelly and Ms Joanne Weir) ventured back to Pipalyatjara and were enchanted by the culture and beauty of this small, yet rich, place. Between Saturday 14 March and Monday 23 March the group learnt a great deal about the issues currently facing indigenous Australians and, most importantly, about the value of our friendship and how important consistency is in establishing reconciliation and trust between communities. It has been noted by members of Pipalyatjara that “whitefellas are like clouds… they come, then they go.” St Aloysius College is determined to continue nurturing our relationship with members of this community and whilst we cannot necessarily make ground-breaking changes or even address some

of the major problems remote communities are confronted with, we can certainly convey our support for the people and extend a genuine hand of friendship to individuals. We are extremely grateful to all staff and students who welcomed us with open arms, especially Amy Pysden, Rosalie Richards (Pipalyatjara Anangu School teachers) and Ngaire Benfell (Anangu School principal). The experience had a significant impact on us all, with students reflecting via recorded video journals during the immersion and written statements upon their return home, some of which you may find on the following page. We look forward to sharing more SAC and Pipalyatjara adventures with you in the coming months.



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Did you know that more people travel to Antarctica than to Central Australia? In Week 8 of this term, three students and I went to a little community in far north west of South Australia called Pipalyatjara. This trip turned out to be the most amazing experience of my life. The community was very accommodating and open and allowed us to experience their culture. We were taught how to hunt for ‘marku’ (witchetty grubs) and were told some of the special ‘dreaming stories’ from their culture. The children were beautiful; they embraced us and made us feel right at home. When we were leaving on the bush bus to go home, we had to go around houses to pick people up - this experience was quite confronting as I didn’t realise the extent of poverty that these families live in. Overall, I learnt a lot about the indigenous culture and about myself. Aimee Brett 11SEThe Pipalyatjara trip was a very worthwhile and enjoyable experience which I will never forget. I was surprised because when I first came to Australia I thought everyone had a good lifestyle, but after I experienced a week in Pipalyatjara I realised that some people in Australia still live in poverty. This trip helped me appreciate what I have in life. Marie Mwema Kayumba 11CEWhen someone asked me, “How was your trip?” My immediate response was “amazing!” or “so good!” I really think these descriptions can barely sum up a day in the Pipalyatjara experience. Whether it was splashing my face with the rare but welcomed rain or getting marku (witchetty grub) stuck in my braces, each second was as beautiful as the next one. It was very confronting watching children, who we became friends with, walking out of dirty houses in the same clothes every day, or not even wearing clothes, together with street dogs wandering around in their front yards. It is impossible to think that such crippling poverty exists just on our back door. This trip made me realise that it really is our lifestyle choice to make a change. The Pipalyatjara trip was more than just a group of children (and two extremely enthusiastic teachers) wandering into the desert - it was an opportunity to create a relationship between two communities. It was surely an amazing experience. Ruby Gazzola 11RT

Students’ Reflections

Rain is a rare occurrence in Pipalyatjara, so it made for some special memories

We shared stories and learnt how to cook ‘malu wimpu’

Rosalie Richards and granddaughter, Ngarapanha (left) took us on a visit to the Minyma Kutjara Arts Centre in Wingellina, a neighbouring community, where we met some local artists.

Minyma Kutjara Arts Centre will hold an exhibition at UniSA City West Campus between Thursday 8 October and Sunday 18 October this year.

We were lucky enough to try some local delicacies, including ‘malu wimpu’ (kangaroo tail) and

‘marku’ (witchetty grub). Molly bravely took the first bite!

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KITES FOR HARMONY - Everyone Be longs

The girls holding their beautiful creations Mira (the kite maker) displaying some of her kites

Some of the kite skins! Imogen & Georgia with their kites

On Friday 20 March students from 4KB and 4GB participated in a kite-making workshop led by Mira from The Kite Shop. The girls made kites to celebrate our cultural diversity for Harmony Day which is celebrated annually on 21 March. Harmony Day focuses on respect, inclusion and a sense of belonging for everyone. The kites were used as a visual way for children to learn and understand about multiculturalism in Australia.The girls designed images for their kites to represent inclusion, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. These images were then drawn onto the ‘kite skin’ and the girls learnt how to assemble their kites. Some ‘big sisters’ from Year 11 also came along to give the girls a helping hand.

Ms Mary Kotsionis EAL TEACHER

I loved the kite lesson because Mira helped us and she was a brilliant kite maker. Mia Young 4KBI thought that making kites was a really fun activity because we do not usually do this and we were even able to see really big, proper animal kites! Harmony Jayawardhana 4KBOn Friday 20 March an experienced kite maker came in to help students from 4KB and 4GB make kites for Harmony Day. At the beginning, Mira (the kite maker) showed us some kites of her own and they were amazing! Ella Gardner 4KBI liked making kites with Mira because I have never ever made a kite before. We made them in three quick and easy steps. I cannot wait until we fly our kites. Chelsea Connelly 4KB

Students’ Reflections

All Responsible Facebook Users: Become a fan of our official SAC fan page!To do this, simply search ‘St Aloysius College’ and click ‘Like’. You will then be able to view all recent posts, relevant

links and photos. You’ll be kept up to date with student achievements, upcoming events and more!

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YEAR 1 PYJAMA PARTY!On Friday 20 March the Year 1 students met as a group for the annual Pyjama Party!Below are some reflections on the evening, written by the students.

Ms Dannielle Spears, Ms Jessica Grohs & Ms Carolyn Lewis YEAR 1HOME CLASS TEACHERS

First we changed into our pyjamas and all of the Year 1s came to our classroom and we had fairy bread and watermelon.Hadisa Sadiqi 1DSWe went to the auditorium to watch Wobbles the Clown. My favourite trick was when he made the drawing on the paper move. Anni Liao 1DSWe watched Wobbles the Clown. I liked the frog trick. He juggled three frogs and it was very funny. Lourdes Pineda 1DSWe went to the auditorium to dance. We danced and danced until it was night time. Jasmine Smith 1DSI liked the Pyjama Party because it was different from what I would usually do at home. We changed into our pyjamas in the classroom! Stevie Sinel 1JGI enjoyed having ice blocks for dessert. I had lemon. I sat on a table with Stevie, Alexis and Chantelle. Melody Tabbernal 1JGMy favourite part was watching Wobbles the Clown. Caoimhe had to try to stack the skittles on top of each other. She could do it and Wobbles couldn’t. Mia Antony 1JGI liked it when we put on our pyjamas and ate our fruit next door. We also ate fairy bread. It was yummy! Gemma Olive 1JGWe saw Wobbles the Clown. He put a hat on Presha and it was too big for her! Catherine Maka 1CLI liked the juggling and the milk trick when the milk glass got stuck to the table. Ahruzoo Sarwary 1CLMy favourite dance was the duck dance. Abbegail Kummerow 1CLBefore we went home we got a lolly bag. I got to eat one of my lollies in the car. It was a teacup. It was really yummy. It had a marshmallow - my favourite! Emma Vonthethoff 1CL

Students’ ReflectionsHaving dinner at school was so much fun!

Dancing around with friends!

Wobbles the Clown and his wonderful helpers!

Year 1 Pyjama Party group photo Snack time!

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SECONDARY SPORTYEAR 4 CAMP - Nunyara , Be la i r

There was a great view from Nunyara. We could see the city lights at night. Some of the activities we did included Aslan’s table where you had to balance with your tribe members, the water obstacle race where some of us were drenched and riding a go kart! I really liked our camp because I made new friends. Hannah Morley 4KBWe went to Nunyara in Belair and it was great fun. I enjoyed everything that we did. The food was really good, the dorms were really clean and comfortable and the activities were well organised. The bush walk was hard, but cool. We all had fun and we enjoyed ourselves. Brooke Paul 4SLNunyara was the best camp ever! The activities were so much fun, especially the water activity. The great food overwhelmed me and the view at night with all the lights, which looked like a big star, was stunning. I think the best thing about camp was that it was all about teamwork. Claudia Bressan 4GBAll Year 4 students went to an amazing camp at Nunyara in Belair. I enjoyed having Ava, Isabella and Brooke in my dorm. We tried to have the neatest dorm. The dorms were clean and cosy. I thought the toast, cereal, pasta and the ice-cream were delightful. Tahlia Reid 4SLI really enjoyed the activities. I found the ‘Narrow Escape’ challenging. My favourite activity was the ‘Amazing Race’ because I liked running around Nunyara looking for answers to the questions. I slept really well in my bed and the food we ate was amazing! Elizabeth Rutherford 4KB

Students’ Reflections

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SECONDARY SPORTOUTDOOR EDUCATIONOutdoor Education supports various approaches to well-being by offering students an opportunity to experience new challenges and connect with the natural landscape. The contrast that the outdoors can offer to a busy, cluttered and technologically connected life is a challenge for some students as society is becoming more dependent upon technology and less on individual’s resilience and problem solving skills. The outdoors has a profound effect on young people by challenging them, affirming their sense of self, developing their sense of adventure and providing time for self-reflection. It allows their strengths to shine through and develops previously undiscovered inner strength or talent.Here are some photos of Year 11 students already realising the benefits of the Outdoor Education course at St Aloysius College.


Erin Conaghty 10PA has had her current horse, Edenvale Golden Kentucky (Jack) for just over a year now. They regularly compete at horse breed shows and pony club competitions.

Erin and Jack have done very well over the past year. At the ‘Summer Gathering Show’ put on by the Australian Pony Stud Book Society in March, Jack was awarded a Supreme Champion Ridden Exhibit Sash!

This is the first time Erin has achieved this award with any of her steeds and she was extremely pleased with the result. Congratulations Erin!


The girls going through a safety drill...

Practising climbing skills The team after a day session at Woodhouse

High ropes activity

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Another incredibly busy and fantastic term of sport has come to an end for our Primary students. This term saw close to 300 students from Reception through to Year 7 involved with sport at St Aloysius College.



Reception - Year 3 Come ‘n’ Try

Congratulations to the Years 1-3 students for completing their Come ‘n’ Try programs for Term 1. We look forward to seeing the Reception students beginning their very first session in Term 2 with gymnastics. A special thank you to all staff and Sports Leaders who assisted with this program.

Years 4-7 Primary Sport - Term 1

Our Years 4-7 Primary students have almost completed their summer sports programs with just one more round of basketball games remaining in Week 11. The girls have competed with enthusiasm, determination and team spirit in all competitions and clinics. The girls demonstrated their commitment through before school and lunchtime trainings. Congratulations to all the competitors who played extremely well. A big thank you to our student beach volleyball and lacrosse coaches - these competitions would not have been possible without your help. A special congratulations to beach volleyball teams, Year 5 SAC Purple and Year 7 SAC Yellow on winning their grand final for Term 1!

Years 4-7 Primary Sport - Terms 2 & 3

If your daughter nominated to play school sport for Terms 2 and 3 she will receive an information pack in Week 1 of Term 2. A reminder that all afterschool sport information (information packs, draws, venues, reminders) will be emailed to the students’ school email accounts. There will no longer be hard copies of information issued to students. Please ensure that you check your daughter’s email with her regularly.

On Wednesday 25 March, nine Years 6-7 students participated in the SAPSASA lacrosse carnival. The girls had a bit of a slow start losing their first game. However, they were able to bounce back winning their next game 26-0! Overall, the team won two out of their four games and participated extremely well to display some outstanding skills. A special thank you to coaches and umpires Eloise Willsmore 10PA, Gemma Willsmore 10EH and Isobel Larwood 9RK for helping out on the day.

SAPSASA cross country trials took place on Week 9. A big thank you to all girls who trialled. It was fantastic to see many students showing their interest in representing SAC. The list of students who were successful in making the team is currently displayed in the SAC gym.


Contact Information for Primary Sport Coordinator:Ms Kate Marks

Tel: 0447 512 480 or 8217 3233 Email: [email protected]

Year 7 SAC Yellow beach volleyball back to back premiers!

SAPSASA lacrosse team

Grace competing at SAPSASA lacrosse carnival

Year 5 SAC Purple beach volleyball premiers!

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Term 1 Premiership Teams

The last round for Secondary Term 1 sport was held during Week 9. Three teams won the premiership for their competition. Congratulations to the Year 9 SAC 3 who won the Junior beach volleyball competition and Year 12 SAC 1 who won the Senior beach volleyball competition. The Years 9-11 SAC 1 water polo team also won the A Grade Junior competition after going undefeated throughout the Term 1 season. Due to the cancellation of rounds 1 and 2 for Saturday sport, there was no premiership points recorded for all basketball, indoor volleyball, tennis and touch football competitions. As a result these teams did not play the allocated play-offs round and therefore no premierships were won. However, a number of teams performed exceptionally well and went undefeated for the Term 1 season. Well done to the Year 12 SAC 1 C basketball team, Year 9 SAC 1 B and Year 8/9 SAC 2 indoor volleyball teams and the Year 8/9 touch football team on winning every game this season. All teams and participants performed exceptionally well in their respective competitions to represent SAC with pride.

A special thank you to all the St Aloysius staff, coaches and parents who supported our Term 1 Secondary sport teams.

Year 9 SAC 3 Junior beach volleyball team premiers

Year 12 SAC 1 Senior beach volleyball premiers

Years 9-11 Junior A water polo premiers

Terms 2 & 3 Sport

Approximately 170 Years 7-12 students have nominated to play Term 2/3 sport for the winter season. We have ten netball teams, eighth badminton teams, two soccer teams and one lacrosse team representing St Aloysius College next term. Information packs regarding Terms 2-3 sport will be issued to each student involved by the end of Term 1. Please read the information carefully so you are fully aware of the details regarding each sport.

Knockout Sport Information

Over Terms 2-4 Secondary students are given the opportunity to trial for our knockout sport teams. This year we have nominated to participate in knockout netball, basketball and indoor volleyball at Junior (Year 8/9) and Open (Years 10-12) levels as well as soccer in the Open age group. Students will also be given the opportunity to participate in the Secondary schools cross country championships held in Term 2. To be selected in these teams, students need to nominate for selection on the PE Office window and then attend the allocated trial for each team. Information regarding these trials will be communicated to students via email and via the daily Student Bulletin. From these trials the best available team will be selected to represent St Aloysius College. Any students selected in these teams must be committed to all trainings and games with an expectation to adhere to the Secondary sport knockout policies in order to maintain a position in the team.

Year 8/9 knockout netball trials took place during Week 10 and the trials of the Open team will take place during Week 11 this term.


Contact Information for Secondary Sport Coordinator:Vashti Casserly

Mobile: 0447 937 709Email: [email protected]

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NETBALL TUNICIf your daughter has a netball tunic that is no longer needed, now is the time to drop it into the Uniform Shop for us to sell second-hand for you!

WINTER UNIFORM For new students, now is the time to look at purchasing winter uniform ready for the first day of Term 2. Current students are also encouraged to check that their winter uniform from last year still fits. Students will need a winter tunic, a blouse, a jumper, a blazer and brown socks or tights. We currently have good stocks of quality second-hand items so take advantage of these savings! We recommend making an appointment as soon as possible for your daughter to be fitted during opening times in the last week of Term 1. Appointments can be made by visiting:staloysius.setmore.comBeing organised now means you can relax during the school holidays.Parents do not need to attend – children can be fitted by us during recess and lunchtimes and we can place the uniform on hold and process your payment manually. If you are interested in second-hand uniform please let us know in the reviews section of the above link.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY OPENING TIMESWe will be open Thursday 23 April and Friday 24 April from 9am-4pm. Please access the Uniform Shop via Angas Street.

SALE ITEMSNew Size 2 and Size 3 winter tunics have been reduced to just $85, a saving of $25, in recognition of the fact that your daughter will only wear it for one winter.New size 6 plain black fleecy trackpants with double knees are available at heavily discounted prices. The price has been reduced from $56 to just $30 each or two for $40! These pants are not suitable to be worn to school but are great value for boys and girls at home!

SURFACE PRO PENSThe Uniform Shop now stocks new replacement pens for the low price of $51!


Project Compassion boxes can be returned with your donations to the SAC Office. Please provide the total of your contributions and complete the tab on the box for a receipt. Thank you for your generosity.



It is important that students have access to good quality and authoritative information when conducting research for assignments. The Catherine McAuley Library has subscribed to the Gale Virtual Reference Library, an electronic database, giving Secondary students access to over 4,000 online reference books covering a wide range of subject areas. Articles and eBooks can be viewed at home and at school and can be downloaded as pdf files to be read off-line anytime, anywhere. Other features include the ‘listen’ tool which allows the text to be read out loud and the ‘translation’ tool which translates articles into nineteen different languages. A password is required to view the database – password sheets are available from the library.

Gale Virtual Reference Library can be accessed by selecting the eBook icon on the Catherine McAuley Library home page: http://library.sac.sa.edu.au/


Page 14: Newsletter Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 · Newsletter Issue 6: Thursday 2 April 2015 Ms Paddy McEvoy PRINCIPAL Inside this issue FROM THE PRINCIPAL ... we pass through on our marketing

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On Friday 15 May the whole school community will be involved in the 2015 SAC Walkathon. The Walkathon is our major fundraising event for the year and the money raised will be used to assist our Mercy works.This day will begin as normal at 8.45am and students will have Lessons 1 and 2 followed by an early recess break. At 10.55am students will begin to leave the school grounds in year level groups to commence the Walkathon. Lunch will start at 1.00pm as students return to school. There will be a Sausage Sizzle at school costing $2.00 for a sausage or a vegetarian pattie with bread and sauce.Students will be able to wear casual clothes and will be dismissed will be at 2.00pm.Year 11 and 12 students can collect their Senior Formal tickets from their Year Level Coordinator and will be dismissed when they return from the Walkathon at approximately 1.00pm.Your daughter will have received a sponsorship form before the end of term so that she can begin collecting sponsors or donations during the holidays.Thank you for your support.

Ms Christine SimpsonDEPUTY PRINCIPAL


NEWSSt AloysiusSt Aloysius

Newsletter St Aloysius

We appreciate your donation ... Thank you

Our major fundraising event for Mercy Works2015 SAC WALKATHON

St ysius

A Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd 53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Tel: 08 8217 3200Email: [email protected]

Fax: 08 8212 4908

Website: www.sac.sa.edu.au

St Aloysius College