ESA International Qld State Council & Branches Inc. Newsletter October 2013 Fifty Years of Friendship and Fun”

Newsletter October 2013 - ESA Australia · books and other resources in Braille and Moon Script for children, ... Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat was the musical that

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ESA International Qld State Council & Branches Inc.


October 2013

“ Fifty Years of Friendship and Fun”


Hi Everyone,

How are you all this month? I do hope you are all keeping well.

Half-Yearly is just around the corner now isn’t it? I am very excited to tell you all that we have 13

Americans coming to our celebrations. Our IC President, Secretary and Treasurer are amongst the 13

coming. Aren’t we lucky? We really are very privileged.

We will really need to put on a good show for them won’t we, so I hope you are all working on your

Saturday night dress up costumes and also the skits. Saturday will be a very special day and I am hoping

we can end it with a fun filled evening. By the way, there will be a prize for the best dressed person.

There is still time to let me know, if there is someone special you feel should be invited to our lunch. Also,

I do hope a couple of Men of ESA will also be there.

Don’t forget to send back your registration forms and also my questionnaire regarding convention. I have a

reply from one branch so far, which is good, but I really need to get to really understand what each of you

feel should be in a convention so I would really love replies from you all individually as well. I am looking

forward to all your suggestions!

Please don’t forget the Art Union tickets. Also, it is time for the reports to be sent in for the Workshop

booklet, so please send them to Helen. I am sure she will have a note about these reports for your

information. Lastly, don’t forget, if you wish to change a by-law, add a new one, or have any other

business you wish to have discussed, please let Frances know a.s.a.p. so she can distribute them to all the

branches for discussion at their November meetings.

How are all your education meetings going? Alpha Pi has already had our Education meeting for October,

when we participated in the Open House Programme last Saturday. It turned out to be a very educational

day for me, as not only did I see and learn about the history of various buildings, I had to learn on the run,

so to speak, how to take photos on my mobile, as the battery in my camera died. I was ever so proud of

myself, as this was a big thing for me. I then realised I had another problem. How on earth do I now get

them off this mobile? Oh, the worry of it all! The only things I knew to do on a mobile were to actually

call people and to send very simple messages. Playing games, apps, internet, etc. etc. is all foreign to me.

Anyone who knows me well will be very aware. I am not the most talented person when it comes to all this

technology we have to deal with these days. Well, I can quite happily report, that tonight, I have even

worked out what to do, just with a little tutoring from my daughter. I am just the cleverest person now! I

really have been educated this month. I hope everyone else has had such a productive educational month.

I hope you have all checked out our Website. If you have suggestions on the layout or content please let us


Until next month,

Take Care



Hi! How are you all? Coping with the changeable weather, I hope. though it has been hot we've had a good

breeze, so that makes it liveable.

I have heard that Pat burns has had her knee operation and Ann Hiscox has been in hospital again and I

hope everyone else is well


Fay and Kel Dennien and Judy and Tim Johnson have left on a Cruise around Australia

they left on the 11th of October ,will be back in 35 days.

My Daughter Karen and I are going on a trip before half yearly with Fun over 50 to

Young for the Cherry Festival, we will be back in time for half yearly at Childers.

" Do to others as you would have them do to you, love your enemies, do good, and lend

expecting nothing in return." Luke-6-31-35.


Daphne Neilsen 1st Alpha Rho

Fay Dennien 2nd Alpha Rho

Olive Thompson 11th Alpha Rho

Margaret Kortbaek 18th Beta Omicron

Pat Cross 24th Alpha Pi

Gloria Demantini 29th Alpha Epsilon

I hope you all have a very Happy Birthday and CELEBRATE with Family and Friends

Till next time, stay well.

Bye for now, may the Lord watch over you, and keep you safe from harm.

Love in ESA



[email protected]



Expressions of interest for newsletter editor for 2014 – 2015 are being accepted now as

they have to be in by Half Yearly,

Please contact:

Daphne Neilsen

Email: [email protected]



Branch: Beta Omicron – Brisbane South

Education Officers: Alba Mason / Joan Honor

Yearly Theme: Open your eyes to the World around us

Topic of this Program: Lost Treasures of Afghanistan – Queensland Museum

Civil War in Afghanistan raged from 1979, Officials of the National Museum in Kabul

were worried that Historical Relics and Works of Art would be looted or destroyed. They

plotted to hide the valuable treasures in various secret palaces. A campaign by the

Taliban to destroy all images resulted in the loss of thousands of irreplaceable objects. In

2003, with the Taliban overthrown, and Elections to vote in Hamid Karjai as President. It was revealed that

the Museums treasures had survived; hidden in Vaults in the Presidential Palace, so thought to have been

lost forever the collection was revealed. These included Bronze Age Gold Pieces 20,000 objects from

Tillya Tepi excavated in Northern Afghanistan, in Gold Silver and Ivory. As the centre of the Famous Silk

Road, Afghanistan traded with Far Flung countries, Mongolia, China, and India, Greek and Roman

settlements and ancient Egypt. The movement and exchange of goods spread Artistic styles and techniques

across a number if diverse civilizations. On loan to Australia from Kabul the exhibition gave us a rare

chance to see a marvellous collection and share in Afghanistan’s Ancient History.

Branch: Beta Epsilon – Gin Gin

Education Officer: Jan Tobin

Yearly Theme: Learn Relax Enjoy

Topic of this Program: Racing pigeons presented by Jim Manderson

Jim is a member of the Gin Gin Racing Pigeon Club. He has 150 birds, 40 of which are breeders. They lay

2 eggs, it takes 19 days for the eggs to hatch, nearly always a male and a female with the male always being

the bigger bird. They are immediately leg banded with I.D. owner’s phone number being most important.

FOOD: Corn wheat milo sunflower saffron mapledun pea, he prefers to feed this mix in pellet form.

HEALTH: They are inoculated against Pigeon Pox, have tablets for worms, dipped for lice and can also

suffer from Canker and Corcidiosis.

GRIT: A medicated grit with Apple Cider and vinegar is used.

FITNESS: The birds are let out to fly for an hour a day which equates to 30 - 60 kms per week and are

capable of flying 1100 kms in a race.

A most asked question is how do the birds find their way home? Do they follow roads? The

popular consensus is they have inbuilt GPS like migratory birds. Before a race a special band is

placed on the bird’s leg, they are then sent by Air Conditioned truck to the race start, the last

start was at Thargomindah, upon return the band is passed through a timing box. The Club has

23 races a season which runs from May - Sept. Many birds do not make it home, some with injuries from

hawks, or simply run out of energy. If birds are found a call to the owners phone no. on the birds leg band

will see the bird returned to its owner.

And yes we did inquire about the dud birds, and no they do not end up as pigeon pie!!! And we got to meet

one of his newer birds. We should have asked him to call it ESA.

Branch: Alpha Pi - Redcliffe

Education Officer: Colleen Proudlock

Yearly Theme: Discovering Ourselves and the Great South East

Topic of this Program: Discovering Our Historical Buildings

We attended the Brisbane Open House activities for the second year in a row. This a

fantastic initiative of the Brisbane City Council when various buildings around Brisbane

have a open house and guided tours explaining the history of the building. Last year it was

held for one day, this year it was held for two days. This year chose to visit – Brisbane Arcade,

The Tattersalls Club, The Albert Street Methodist Church and the Brisbane City Hall. All were very

interesting. Once again everybody who attended thoroughly enjoyed it.

Branch: Alpha Pi - Redcliffe

Education Officer: Colleen Proudlock

Yearly Theme: Discovering Ourselves and the Great South East

Topic of this Program: Discovering the world of Braille – Guest Speaker – Sue Wagner

Sue Wagner is from the Qld Braille Writing Association. She explained that the Association produced

books and other resources in Braille and Moon Script for children, adults and students of all ages as well as

Government departments. It also offers skilled tutoring to adults who wish to become touch readers of

Braille or moon script. As well as producing books it is also the only free lending library for

blind or low vision persons in the southern hemisphere. Sue bought along samples of Braille

books as well as greeting cards and book marks which they supply when requested. They have

even had requests to copy recipe books.

The mission:” To provide Braille and moon tuition and reading material to empower people

who are blind or who have low vision to live with dignity and independence”.

Branch: Alpha Epsilon - Proserpine

Education Officer: Grace Hurst / Sent by Pat Burns as Grace was in hospital

Yearly Theme: Following our Founder’s Vision

Topic of this Program: Staying in Your Home Longer – Guest Speaker – Lauriann Trevy

Lauriannn came from Mackay to speak on the help available, in our community, for

those of us who are elderly or disable. This was a Community Involvement Project, as

we invited members of the public to attend. Our local MP, Jason Costigan, attended, as

did the local press, who do a write-up in “The Whitsunday Guardian”

Changes in care are currently taking place, and there are many sources of help available

to those in need. The main idea is to keep people in their own homes as long as possible.

Alpha Epsilon members provided a light lunch, which was enjoyed by all present. We

were very pleased with the attendance, and all agreed the information presented by

Lauriann was very helpful.

Branch: Alpha Rho - Mackay

Education Officer: Judy Jesshope

Yearly Theme: Our Community Stars

Topic of this Program: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – MECC

Friday night 27th September saw members and guest at the Mackay Entertainment &

Convention Centre (MECC) for presentation of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor

Dreamcoat by Mackay Musical Comedy Players Inc... Joseph & His Amazing Technicolour

Dream coat takes place “way, way back many centuries ago not long after the Bible began

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat was the musical that put Andrew Lloyd

Webber and Tim Rice, composers of big West End & Broadway smash hits of Cats and Phantom of the

Opera, on the map. This lively interpretation of the biblical story of Joseph has been charm audiences

around the world with its excitement, energy, and an engaging variety of musical styles, form country-

western, calypso, disco, 1920s Charleston to bubble-gum pop and Elvis-inspired rock’n’roll, since the first

production in 1968.


Hi everyone, how is the ticket selling going? Just a reminder to bring your ticket

books to Half Yearly in Childers. Could branches let me know how they are going with

their ticket sales please. Any unsold tickets can be sold at Half Yearly on the Saturday.

Happy selling and good luck.

Carolyn Nielson


STATE PRESIDENT’S BOOK OF MEMORIES – Please members when compiling

your year’s albums, would you place aside for the State Album, e.g.

Your Changeover,

Education Days


Special Events

We are in the 5th month since changeover and One Branch only has forwarded me

photos. Please help me out to record the year’s events in all Branches

Thanking you in anticipation

Alba Mason

ESA Directory 2013-2014, Laraine Brandon is listed as being responsible for

Secretary/Publicity, however this not now correct ….

Secretary is: Laraine Brandon, 2/11 Edmond Street, Coorparoo 4151

Publicity is: Val Files, 15 Merriwa Street, Sunnybank Hills 4109



Cherryl, Rita and Jan are back from their N.S.W. Holiday. They met up with Janet Hoberg's sister in-law

who gave them Janet's scrapbook from when she was president of Beta Chi, Hervey Bay Branch. This will

be displayed at the 50th celebrations in Childers at ½ yearly. Margaret Carseldine our new member

attended the National Robotics championships in Brisbane where McIlwraith State School came 2nd in

Australia. This was one of our recent educations. Jane and family soaking up the sun at Hervey Bay as

school holidays are in full swing. Girls Night In preparations going well. Members made cuppa's for weary

travellers at Driver Reviver again.


Welcome back Margaret and Marie who were travelling overseas and down South. They both had a

wonderful time and we were able to catch up with them at our October meeting. Our best wishes to

Marianne and her husband Bill who are off visiting relatives in Europe and return to Australia late


Thanks Alba for organising our very interesting September education day at the Queensland Museum,

Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul. We are looking forward to our October

outing, organised by Joan, to the Nursing Museum in the Lady Lamington Building at the Royal Brisbane

Women’s Hospital in Herston.

On Sunday 6 October we were delighted with the response we had to our annual Fashion Parade at the

Sunnybank Community and Sports Club, The day was a great success with a ‘full house’ to view the latest

fashions by Portofino, followed by a delicious afternoon tea, in a happy and friendly atmosphere. Thanks

also to our stylish models Adrienne, Marie, Joan, Frances and Jan.

We will once again be setting up a stall for Pink Ribbon day merchandise at Sunnybank Hills Shopping

Centre on Friday 25 October and selling ESA Art Union tickets at Underwood on four Saturdays during

October and November.

Margaret, Frances, Val, Marie, Alba, Joan, Sheila and I are all looking forward to meeting up with

everyone at our Half Yearly meeting in Childers. And with Christmas fast approaching, we are looking

forward to our SEQDC Christmas Party with Alpha Pi and our branch Christmas celebration.

Until next month.

Laraine Brandon


Very brief notes this time ----

Our usual meeting date was changed to the third Wednesday of the month for October.

We are drawing the results of our Linen Hamper raffle on Wednesday, 16th. Some members have travelled

to Bowen to sell tickets in this raffle and also in the State Art Union. A small amount of catering has

generated some funds for the branch, and we are very grateful to those few members who were able to help.

Ann Hiscox has been taken to the Townsville Mater hospital again, after another heart incident. We are al

sorry to hear this news and wish her a speedy recovery.

I have had a knee replacement in Mackay, and would like to thank my lovely ESA sisters of Alpha Epsilon

and Alpha Rho ( and Daphne’s husband, Kevin ) for my hospital visits, cards, flowers and good wishes.

You have all cheered me up !!!!. Thank you so much.

That’s all for now.


Pat Burns,

Publicity Chairman.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness and what a better way to promote it than

with Girls Night in!

Alpha Pi had decided to have a fabulous Casino Night to help promote such a

worthy cause. Pictured to the left is our faithful bankers Lyn and Jenny.

On 20 October, Alpha Pi will be trying something new

by participating in the Redcliffe Lions Market

at the Redcliffe Showgrounds.

Check out the website to read more about it!

Lisa Zachau


Where is the year going, as I write this article two of our members, Judy and Fay with their husbands are

sailing the high seas round Australia, we hope they are having a great time.

Our members have been busy selling raffle tickets, doing our weekly meat raffles and also holding a

successful sausage sizzle at Bunnings. We have also held our Lucky Envelope Stall at the Ecofest Festival

held by the Mackay Regional Council.


Websites for Publicity

Though the website is certainly a work in progress, it can still be used as a way to publicize your events.

Let it work with you and your branch as a modern tool. Here are the pros of using a website:

It will reach many more people in an instant Give you the ability to bargain for venue price reduction while giving the business free publicity for

their good will Be able to receive donations toward your fundraising Assist you in helping the environment by reducing paper usage such as flyers and mailings Assist other non-profit organizations that we support so we can give them even more recognition

which they deserve.

Any ideas and suggestions are always welcome that will allow the site to help you and your branch. No

suggestion is too small. Please consider this to be YOUR website.

Lisa Zachau

Publicity Chair

2013 – 2014


Here’s Cheers to 50 Years!

It’s great to see the Convention falling into place. I expect you all will be happy with the

plans that we are making to take our 50th year out with a BANG!

As the website is being enhanced, you will find all that you need to prepare for your mini

holiday 6-8 June. Just go to the Members Only Page and click on the logo with the

ladies toasting champagne as seen to the right. That will take you to the page with all the

forms and links of activities.

Our State President wants to make this convention, as well as future conventions, an event to look forward

to every year. To accomplish this, she is requesting that we all fill out a questionnaire concerning our

wants and needs of a convention (anonymously, if you wish). You can find this on the website. It would

be great for her to receive some imaginative ideas about doing things a little differently so it is more

enticing rather than routine business meetings that replicates year after year. For some ideas, you can

follow the links on the website to see what other states have been doing. Planning an event such as this is

quite difficult and it is easy to fall back on a routine from over the years to make your tasks as effortless as

possible. However, doing this can cost you to have a smaller guest list and I think we all can agree we want

to keep our members involved and gain future members to make ESA as great as we know it is.

Lisa Zachau

2014 Convention Chairman

Honesty is a great thing to have,

there is no shame in what you do,

for you are like everyone else,

except the fact,

you speak the truth.

5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake

4 tablespoons flour

4 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons cocoa

1 egg

3 tablespoons milk

3 tablespoons oil

1/8 t vanilla extract

1 large coffee mug (Micro Safe)

Butter the mug and set aside. Sift together flour, sugar, and cocoa in a small bowl. In another small bowl,

whisk together the egg, milk, oil, and vanilla. Mix the dry and the wet ingredients just until combined.

Pour into the coffee mug and place in microwave.

On High, microwave it for 4-5 minutes (depending on your microwave). It will rise above the

rim of the mug. Set it out to cool for about 2 minutes. This is great with a little genache or a scoop of

ice cream

There are three things in life that are most valuable –


Family and friends









49 Churchill Street


FRIDAY 13th December, SATURDAY 14th December, , SUNDAY 15th December 2013

NAME……….……………………… BRANCH…………………………


DELEGATE….…………..Yes/No OBSERVER……… ……..Yes/No

MEALS TO BE PAID BY 1st December 2018

Friday night dinner Own Expense at Isis Club

Saturday luncheon $28.00 $28.00

Saturday dinner $15.00 $15.00

Sunday lunch $15.00 $15.00

TOTAL COST OF MEALS $58.00 $58.00

Any special dietary requirements?…… ……………………………………………………..

Cheques made payable to: E.S.A. Alpha Pi Branch Inc.,

Post to: Colleen Proudlock, 26 Irula Street, BRAY PARK 4500


The nearest airport and train station is Bundaberg which is approximately 30 mins away

Buses do travel through Childers

As our celebrations begin at approximately 10.30 a.m. on Saturday it would be preferred to arrive on Friday

if at all possible if you are requiring transport from Bundaberg. You could arrive in Maryborough if you

wish however, that is at least 1 hour away.

Do you require transport? Yes….…. No……….