June 2013 Newsletter of St Neots & Eynesbury Parish Churches Price 40p

Newsletter of St Neots & Eynesbury Parish Churches · stories; as we ate together ... together, as we listen to one another and as we allow ourselves to be surprised. Of course, we

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June 2013

Newsletter of St Neots & Eynesbury Parish Churches

Price 40p


Who’s who in St Neots Parish Church Website http://www.stneots.org

Vicar The Rev’d Dr. Paul Andrews 472297/471297 The Vicarage, Church Street [email protected] Curate The Rev’d Sarah Gower 476739 56 Stone Hill, Love’s Farm [email protected] Associate Priest The Rev’d Roger Henthorne 472548 45 Berkley Street, Eynesbury Retired Clergy: The Rev’d Derek Draper The Rev’d Bill Taylor The Rev’d Canon Robert Sibson Reader in Training Mrs Ann Williams 394709 Authorised Lay Ministers: Mrs Rosemary Darrington, Pastoral Asst. 476334 Mrs Catherina Griffiths, Pastoral Asst. 393372 Mrs Christine Titmus, Worship Leader 07757665099 Children’s Mrs Jane Plumb 350137 Coordinator 30 Arundel Crescent, Eynesbury [email protected] Parish Administrator Mrs Judith Andrews 472297 Parish Office: Tues—Fri 9:00-1:00, Sat 9:00—11:00 [email protected] Church Wardens Mr David Read 216684 3 Axis Way, Eaton Socon [email protected] Mrs Jacky Isaac 476366 164 Cambridge Street [email protected] Deputy Church Warden Mr Phillip R. Barrett 471871 24 Barringer Way [email protected] Treasurer Mr David Jones 211379 6 Murrell Close [email protected] PCC Secretary Mrs Catherina Griffiths 393372 7 Parkway [email protected]


Gift Aid Secretary Mr Godfrey Wilson 391739 38 Honeydon Avenue [email protected] Stewardship Recorder Mrs Jane Gill 476904 [email protected] Director of Music Mr Lloyd Barnett 217153 43 Ridgeway, Eynesbury [email protected] Churches Together Men’s Group Mr Mike Fletcher 470827 11 Dovehouse Close [email protected] Mr Geoff Browne 474152 [email protected] Mother’s Union Branch Leader Mrs. Catherina Griffiths 393372 7 Parkway [email protected] St Mary’s Guild Mrs. Bev Rawlings 475651 Tower Bell Captain Mr George Bonham 474485 10 Richmond Close, Eynesbury [email protected] Hand Bells Mrs. Catherina Griffiths 393372 7 Parkway [email protected] Holy Terrors Mrs Eileen Raggatt 213884 9-10yrs The Ferns, Berkley St. Eynesbury Magazine editor John McLeod [email protected] Magazine distribution Mr & Mrs David Read 216684 3 Axis Way, Eaton Socon [email protected] St Mary’s School Mrs Jenny Overs (Headteacher) 398048 Wintringham Road Restoration Team Mr Kevin Minney 219759 Mr Colin Freeman (Treasurer) [email protected]


Ely to the Elbe Several years ago, I remember reading, and hearing, about a link between the Church of England Diocese of Ely and the German Lutheran churches of the North Elbe. Two years ago I had the chance to begin to explore that connection myself. As curates we were invited to meet up with pastors from the Nord Kirche who were visiting Cambridge. Although they were here for few days I was only able to spend one day with them. That one day, I found very inspiring and I hoped that I would be able to have an opportunity to go to Germany two years later. Last year, when we were invited to be involved again this time, I leapt at the chance... because even though it was a brief encounter that I had had with the pastors, I was impressed both with the idea of the link – with this chance to build relationships and to share ideas with people from another country and another denomination – and with the people themselves who were so friendly and open.

Paul too had been asked if he would like to be one of the party. So one Saturday, during May, eight of us met up at Gatwick Airport. We started as we meant to go on – with a traditional English breakfast at the airport before flying to Hamburg where we were met by our hosts, who were looking after us over the weekend until the conference began. I was staying with Antje, a lady pastor, who is based just south of Hamburg in a place


called Harburg. She had grown up in this area; her family were apple farmers on land that has ultimately become part of the fast growing city of Hamburg. We went to her house and enjoyed Kaffee und Kuchen (Coffee and Cake) with the organist, and looked round her church, the oldest in that region. We toured the area, met her mum and went into Hamburg to walk over some of the many bridges and for a bite to eat. (Apparently there are more bridges in Hamburg than in Venice!) The next day was Sunday and I enjoyed a Lutheran service, taking part with an English reading and some intercessions. After Kaffee and Kuchen there, we went to view a Paul Klee exhibition of angels at the art gallery, had supper and went to the theatre to see a play, The Broken Jug by Heinrich von Kleist – for me, a day of German culture, which was marvellous. All eight of us, in our different ways, enjoyed the very generous hospitality of our hosts. The conference started on Monday afternoon; so in the morning Antje took me to see The Baltic Sea before we retraced our steps to Ratzeburg, a few miles from Lubeck.

Once there we introduced ourselves and began to share our lives and our experiences. During the first couple of days we explored different ways of studying the Bible. We were introduced to Bibliolog and Bible Theatre from our German friends, whilst we, or some of us, from Ely talked about Lectio Divina and Open the Book. On the third day we considered Spirituality and Vocation and the different

perspectives and views that the two denominations had. It was fascinating. But it was also a wonderful occasion on which to become friends, as we shared our stories; as we ate together; as we visited shops and places with one another; as we laughed and chatted over meals; as we went to sample the beer at a local pub; as, one evening, we looked around Ratzeburg cathedral together and sang Taize chants in the evening quietness of that wonderful building. At the end, we each shared, in a sentence, some of the highlights of the week for us. One from the German group felt that she had shared a new phrase of ‘bubble moments’, and how she had had so many of them. This seemed a rather new phrase to several of the English contingent too but it did seem to sum up, rather well, the special moments and times that we shared together. Of course, we do not need to travel abroad or meet up with people from other


countries and other denominations to have ‘bubble moments’, but it is wonderful when they happen in such encounters. So often, our lives have patterns and routines that prevent us from seeing the ‘bubble moments’ that we can have here and now with those we meet every day. A trip like that reminds us to look for the special, to listen to one another and to be ready to be surprised – we are perhaps more on the alert. Although I know it was only Paul and I who made this wonderful trip to Germany, I would like to encourage all of us to be excited by our encounters with one another – be prepared for those ‘bubble moments’ as we look for the special times together, as we listen to one another and as we allow ourselves to be surprised. Of course, we should not be surprised that when we meet, we are coming together as the family of God, near and far; and in such encounters we will also be meeting with Christ as he stands in our midst, uniting us by the Holy Spirit, in all our difference and diversity. Perhaps, like the people who gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost, it is as we hear different languages that we suddenly realise who God is and who we are as God’s family. Whatever language we use, let’s keep talking and listening and valuing the times that we spend together – the ‘bubble moments’ in the life of the church here in St Neots. Yours in Christ, Rev’d Sarah


TARGET – £12,114

Here is this month’s report on progress, to date, with our fundraising target. Catherine Weaver’s half marathon continues to raise money. Last month I reported

that Catherine had raised £205.00 in total. I am delighted to say that since then a fur-ther £206.00 has been raised. Again, well done Catherine and thank you.

The Afternoon Tea raised £113.00. The Cheese and Wine Fundraising Evening has finally happened and raised £392.00.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the monetary success of these events. In the meantime, the activity and the excitement surrounding the Flower Festival

rises. All over the place there are fundraising events happening to help cover costs, and more. Thank you to all those involved in what promises to be a wonderful fund-

raising occasion.

NEW TARGET – £11,403


The Leprosy Mission

Because of you, Bhagwati can safely walk again! A simple gift of protective shoes means Bhagwati can walk without causing more damage to her injured feet. Leprosy causes nerve damage and many people affected – including Bhagwati – never regain feeling in their hands and feet. They have lost the gift of pain which acts as a warning and prevents injury. An unwanted stone caught in the shoe of someone like Bhagwati goes unnoticed and can cause an ulcer to form. If left untreated the ulcer can become septic causing the bone to recede or even require their lower leg to be amputated. Specialist shoes for leprosy affected feet are made by skilled staff working at the Leprosy Mission’s hospitals. The shoes are tailored to an individual’s feet. So if a patient has lost part of their foot, the sole of one of their shoes can be ‘built up’ to support the foot while walking. The soles are made from old car tyres – a material so tough that glass and debris can’t get through. Bhagwati was diagnosed with leprosy last year. Although she is cured she is left with no feeling in her hands and feet. She is currently a patient at The Leprosy Mission’s Hospital in North India where she is being treated for a nasty ulcer on her right foot. Bhagwati is too poor to afford specialist shoes to protect her damaged feet and is grateful for our money which means she can confidently walk again thanks to people like us. We support The Leprosy Mission through our Stewardship campaign.


The next meeting of the Book Club will take place on Friday 7th June

when we will be considering The Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson; and then on Friday 12

th July to think about The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel

Joyce. On both of these occasions we will meet at 12 Bodiam Way at 2.00pm. Do come along – all are welcome.


Flower Festival 2013 Sylvia, the Flower Ladies and , I would like to thank the Company’s in St Neots and surrounding area, together with the members of the congregation of St Mary’s for all the effort that has been put in, to raising money either by sponsorship or fund raising efforts. We are now in a position to have enough money for the Flowers and we are already in profit having raised over £3000.00 before the Event begins. However it does not stop there and we would appreciate your continued support in offering your time as a Steward for an hour or more during the three days of the Festival. There is a sign up sheet just inside the door. Please contact either David Gower on 476439 or Rosemary on 476334 if you have other gifts to offer. Or if you can assist with helping the Mothers Union and Women’s Guild to serve Coffee/ Tea and Lunches for an hour or so please contact Mary Draper or Catherina Griffiths. There will be so much to assist with, and if you are not sure where your gifts lay, speak to one of us as there are always jobs to do beside arranging the flowers. We shall need lots of buckets to put the flowers in from Tuesday when the flowers are delivered, so if you have some spare please bring them along on Monday. We will need an assortment of greenery, and if you are not sure what or how long to cut it, we will come and help you. Keeping us all going with a cup of tea or coffee will also is a real help too. Also if you can hand out bookmarks to your friends advertising the event or display a poster that would be fantastic. We really do need your help. We now look forward to June when it will all come together, not only to raise money for the Church, but to include the Community in it, with St Neots Museum, The Fair Trade Shop, Tree of Hope and Littlehey Prison also having a stand along with many Local Crafts too. We hope to see you there it’s going to be an exciting venture! Rosemary Darrington.


May Deanery Synod The May synod was held at Little Paxton Church. There was a short business meeting at which Peter Haggar, Deanery Treasurer announced his retirement at the end of the year and urged members to look out for his replacement to work with him for the next few months. The Deanery Share was paid in full in 2012 and £6,966 rebate has been received. However if the 2013 payment is not paid in full there are no contingencies to cover the shortfall this year. The main focus of the evening was an interesting talk by Rob Skelton from the Diocesan Environment Committee (DEC). The Diocese would like each deanery to appoint their own Environment Officer to receive and forward information, and also to champion environment issues in the deanery. Rob reminded us of the 5

th mark of mission – to strive to safeguard the integrity

of creation and to sustain ad renew the life of the earth. Rowan Williams has said that good ecology is central to what it means to be a Christian. Rob presented some concerning statistics – CO2 levels have reached 400ppm on 11

th May, the highest level for 3 million years; global

temperatures have risen between 0.3 – 0.6 degrees Centigrade, the highest since the 19

th century; sea levels have risen between 11mm –

25mm and we have experienced the warmest temperatures and most violent storms in the last 10 years. This has affected climate change; patterns of agriculture; tropical diseases; loss of wildlife and movement of population. It is possible that malaria could be found in the Fens and also populations would move north to UK and W Europe when life becomes too difficult in other parts of the world. Disasters such as the Boscastle floods and the European heat wave have had a huge financial impact as well as the loss of life. The objective of the DEC is to encourage parishes to pursue a responsibility for creation; raise awareness of the problems; pass on news about initiatives; promote theological teaching relevant to the stewardship of creation. DEC is represented on the DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee) and gives advice on use of renewable energy in churches as well as private dwellings. He encouraged parishes to use the “s measure”, an energy monitoring system run by the Church of England to cost energy used in churches and to consider bulk buying of energy to save money. We have a global responsibility as it is the poorest people in the world that



are most affected by our use of energy and urged members to support charities such as Water Aid and Practical Action which provide appropriate technology to help solve problems in third world countries. For more information on environment issues see the following websites: www.ecocongregation.org www.shrinkingthefootprint.org www.arocha.org

Catherina Griffiths

Journey Together Dates and venues for Journey Together for the months of June and July. All meetings/Coffee mornings are from 9.30am. Tues 4th June -J T Meeting @ Anna Gorton's home: 14, Capulet Close, Eaton Socon, St. Neots Tues 18th June - J T Coffee morning @ Catherine Grigg's home: 10, Perry road, Buckden Tues 2nd July - J T meeting @ Jenny Pepper's home: 3, Childs' Pond road, St. Neots Tues 16th July - J T Coffee morn @ Caroline Foster's home: The Old Rose and Crown, Cambridge street, St. Neots (There will be a forthcoming picnic in the Summer holidays too - Tues 30th July (tbc) Probably @ the Riverside Park? MU will be involved in this, so more details to follow, once confirmed.) This will be the last time I shall be organising the dates and venues for Journey Together - after the August break, from September 2013, the wonderful Caroline Foster will be taking on this role, It's been an absolute privilege to both co-lead, and most recently, lead Journey Together for the last 4 years - where has that time gone? I'd like to say 'Thank you' all so much for all your support for Journey Together in every way and I pray it will grow and evolve as The Lord wills.

With love, Catherine X


Prayer Diary – June 2013

Day Theme Street 1 S The Royal Family Axis Way 2 Su Trinity 1 The Queen Crosshall Road 3 M Our Country Lottings Way 4 T Bible Society Honeydon Avenue 5 W Christian Literature Blackwood Road 6 Th Christian Bookshops St Neots Road 7 F Christian Authors Rycroft Avenue 8 S Hymn Writers Old Bull Yard 9 Su Trinity 2 A Compassionate God Chandlers Wharf 10 M Doing God’s Will Dramsell Rise 11 T Barnabas,Apostle Encouragement Waterland

12 W C.M.S. Kester Way

13 Th Rachel Ullmer School Drive 14 F Pakistan Loves Way 15 S The Leprosy Mission Belland Hill 16 Su Trinity 3 Fathers The Runnells 17 M Us The Warren 18 T Ruth & Saulo de Barras Leveret Way 19 W Brazil Fox Brook 20 Th Bishop Stephen Stone Hill 21 F Bishop David Alsop Way 22 S Ely Cathedral Whiston Way 23 Su Trinity 4 God’s Forgiveness Great High Ground 24 M Birth of John The Baptist Discipleship Bawlins 25 T The Armed Forces Oliver Way 26 W Ember Day Army Chaplains Top Birches 27 Th Flower Arrangers Middle Ground 28 F Ember Day Marriage Hogsden Leys 29 S Peter & Paul, Apostles Flower Festival Cockrells 30 Su Trinity 5 Creation Lannesbury Crescent


Diary for June 2013

Saturday 1st June 2013 09:30 Children's Leaders Meeting 12:30 Wedding of Daniel Collins and Nina Suwinska Sunday 2nd June 2013 08:00 Holy Communion 09:30 All Age Eucharist 11:30 Baptism of Georgina, Dylan and Scarlet Baker- Holmes 16:00 Cafe Church at Round House School Monday 3rd June 2013 17:30 Holy Terrors meet at The Ferns Tuesday 4th June 2013 9:30 Journey Together Meeting 11:00 Bible Study and Fellowship Group 20:00 Craft Group meet in the upper room Wednesday 5th June 2013 11:00 Bible Study and Fellowship Group 12:30 Holy Communion Thursday 6th June 2013 10:00 Priory Junior visit to church, yr 3 19:30 Mothers' Union meet in church Friday 7th June 2013 09:30 Holy Communion 19:30 Choir Practice & Bell ringers practice Sunday 9th June 2013 08:00 Holy Communion 09:30 Sung Eucharist with ministry of healing 11:30 Baptism of Lewis Rush 12:30 Baptism of Antoinette Pym 15:00 Bereavement service 18:30 Taize service Monday 10th June 2013 17:30 Holy Terrors meet at The Ferns


Wednesday 12th June 2013 09:00 Church cleaning 12:30 Holy Communion Friday 14th June 2013 09:30 Holy Communion 19:30 Choir Practice & Bell ringers practice Sunday 16th June 2013 08:00 Holy Communion 09:30 Sung Eucharist 18:30 Evensong Monday 17th June 2013 17:30 Holy Terrors meet at The Ferns Tuesday 18th June Journey Together Meeting 11:00 Bible Study and Fellowship Group Wednesday 19th June 2013 11:00 Bible Study and Fellowship Group 12:30 Holy Communion Friday 21st June 2013 09:30 Holy Communion 10:30 Coffee, Cake and Chat at St Neots Football Club 19:30 Choir Practice & Bell ringers practice Sunday 23rd June 2013 08:00 Holy Communion 09:30 Sung Eucharist 11:30 Baptism of Skye Vincent- Chown 15:00 Civic Service Monday 24th June 2013 17:30 Holy Terrors meet at The Ferns Tuesday 25th June 2013 10:30 Coffee Club meet at Barretts Wednesday 26th June 2013 09:00 Church cleaning 12:30 Holy Communion Friday 28th June 2013 All day - Flower Festival 09:30 Holy Communion 19:30 Flower Festival Concert


Readings for June 2013 Sunday 2

nd June

1 Kings 18.20,21 [22-29]30-39 Galatians 1.1-12 Luke 7.1-10

Sunday 9th

June 1 Kings 17.8-16[17-24] Galatians 1.11-24 Luke 7.11-17

Sunday 16th

June 1 Kings 21.1-10[11-14] 15-21a

Galatians 2.15-21

Luke 7.36 - 8.3

Sunday 23rd

June 1 Kings 19.1-4[5-7]8-15a Galatians 3.23-29 Luke 8.26-39

Sunday 30th

June 2 Kings 2.1-2,6-14

Galatians 5.1,13-25

Luke 9.51-62

Saturday 29th June 2013 All day - Flower Festival 19:30 Flower Festival Concert Sunday 30th June 2013 All day -Flower Festival Flower Festival Concert 08:00 Holy Communion 09:30 Sung Eucharist 16:30 Festival Songs of Praise Please note that there will be prayers in church: Weekday mornings between 8:30 and 9:00 Weekday evenings between 5:30 and 6:00 On Tuesdays and Thursdays these will be at Eynesbury

The Diary is accurate at 21st May 2013—please note that more

up-to-date information can be found in the weekly service sheets,

and the Church website www.stneots.org


Our May meeting featured a talk by Angie Robertson on “The Myths of So-cial Work”. Angie gave us valuable insights into the history of the social work profession and its many varied roles in present-day life, helping us to gain a clearer understanding of what social work is. Many thanks to Angie for her thought-provoking presentation. Next meeting: 6th June at 7.30pm

“Theology for everyone: the history and use of hymns” by Rev. Dr Paul Andrews.

NB This meeting will be held in the Church. All very welcome.

Christian Aid week Thank you to all those who helped in any way during Christian Aid Week this year. The total collected through street collections so far this year by St Neots church members is currently standing at £663.58 of which £243.50 has been Gift Aided. This is £250 down on last year as there were 4 less collectors and a lot less envelopes collected this year and there may be a little more still to come in. This total does not include the takings from Lottie’s plant stall or Geoff Matthews’ church collections. If you did not have an opportunity to contribute this year it is never too late as St Neots Christian Aid Committee works throughout the year to raise funds for the world’s poorest people and donations can be given to any of our committee members at any time and I have Gift Aid envelopes for those who would like to reclaim tax for Christian Aid. St Mary’s Church members on the Christian Aid committee are Jane Gill, Bill and Lottie Taylor, Geoff Matthews and myself. Catherina Griffiths


A Message from the Social Committee Thank you to all those who took part and contributed to the success of the Afternoon Tea and the Songs of Praise service that followed, especially to Jane Plumb and Rosemary Darrington. Unfortunately, David and I were unable to be there but we heard from so many people how well it had gone down. Thank you too to Serena for all that she is doing with regard to the bowling evenings. The Bowling for St Mary’s Group will now be meeting on the third Tuesday of every other month so the dates for the rest of the year are as follows:

Tuesday 16th July

Tuesday 17th September

Tuesday 19th November

JUNE Friday 28

th to Sunday 30

th June: Flower Festival

Over this weekend, all sorts of events will be happening. As you will have read elsewhere, Rosemary Darrington and Sylvia Masters, together with all those involved with flower arranging, are organising a flower festival, through which, it is hoped, funds will be raised for the church. There will, of course, be opportunity to see the flowers, and to have refreshments and lunches. On Friday evening there will also be an event entitled, ‘Friday Night is Music Night’ and on the Saturday evening there will be a cheese and wine evening interspersed with some light opera. Do keep the weekend free! And do look at the posters and pick up one or some of the bookmarks to give to family and friends. Tickets are now available from Angie Robertson for the Friday and Saturday evenings. SEPTEMBER Cancellation of Family Barbecue For various reasons, the family barbecue planned for Sunday 8


September will now not be happening. At our next meeting (in a few days time) we hope to plan some more events for the rest of the year. As ever, if you have any ideas for future events, please let us know. Also, if you would like to come along and be part of the Social Committee, please do join us. My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 476739. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon. Best wishes, Rev’d Sarah


Reflections from Love’s Farm If you happen to go to St Neots Football Club, you will now see, on the approach road, a structure being built on the left. This is the beginning of the long awaited shops; so we are very excited. It is hugely important that there is a place that forms the heart of a community. We, as part of the churches, continue to look forward to having a community building, as a place where we too can become involved inviting people to gather together. We are delighted to read in the local newspaper that the new mayor has a community building on Love’s Farm as one of his main priorities. I just wish that planning laws and finance permitted and insisted that the first building on a new development should be some sort of community building, so that people can have a sense of belonging, from the beginning, with a place to meet others. In the meantime, we have always been very grateful that we have been able to use the Round House School for the Love’s Farm Cafe Church and St Neots Football Club on other occasions. To that end, we have endeavoured to have Coffee, Cake and Chat mornings meets on the third Friday of each month. Our next meeting is on Friday 21

st June from 10.30am – 12.00 noon in The Reedman Bar of St

Neots Football Club. We hope that these gatherings will provide an opportunity for people to meet together. At present, the football club is not necessarily a logical place for people to happen upon us – they have to have set out to do so. We hope that as the shops are built and when people are used to meeting there, they will consider coming, because we know that for some there is a need and a desire to meet others informally. In the meantime, do come and get involved if you would like to. Coffee and tea will be served together with home-made cakes. If you would like to be involved in the making of cakes, all offers would be gratefully received. Future dates are Friday 19

th July and Friday 16

th August.

Our next Love’s Farm Café Church will be on Sunday 2

nd June at 4.00pm

at the Round House School with the theme of ‘Lost and Found’. As ever, there will be tea and activities. It is good fun – do come along. We continue to meet for prayer, usually on the first Monday of each month; so our next meeting next will be on Monday 3

rd June at 4.00pm at 56 Stone

Hill. Again, do come. All welcome. Best wishes, Rev’d Sarah



We meet next on Tuesday 25th June at Barretts. As usual we will meet

from 10.30am. Everyone welcome!

Recipe for Marmalade Pudding This is the recipe for the marmalade pudding that several people requested at Bill’s 80

th birthday celebration:

You will need a 24cm square buttered ovenproof dish. Set the oven to 180 deg.C Ingredients: 250 g. Soft butter 75g granulated sugar plus 75 g light brown sugar 150 g marmalade plus an extra 75g for glazing. 225 plain flour plus 1/2 teaspoon bicarb plus 1 teaspoon baking powder 4 eggs Zest and juice of one orange (reserve half the juice for the glaze) Put half the orange juice and the extra 75g of marmalade aside in a dish or pan. Put all the other ingredients in a food processor, or, if you don't have one, cream the butter and sugar, beat in the marmalade, add the dry ingredients alternately with the eggs one at a time and finally the orange zest and juice. When ready, scrape into the dish and smooth the top. Cook for about 40 mins. Warm the glaze mixture and paint over the surface while pud is still warm. Best served warm with custard. Enjoy! Lottie Taylor


Holiday Club with ACTIOS

29th July – 2nd August

9:30-12:00pm School Years 1-6

Places limited - Booking essential – Contact: Email [email protected]

Berkley Street Methodist Church 10 Berkley Street, Eynesbury, St Neots, PE19 2NB

Registration open 3rd June -8th July

Prizes... Games... Crafts... Songs...


Wednesday Bible Study & Fellowship Group Held at 7.30pm at 7 Parkway, St Neots Wednesday 5th June - HEBREWS Wednesday 19th June - HEBREWS If you have enjoyed the LENT GROUP and would like to come along and join us you are very welcome. Please contact: Rosemary 476334 or 07780842952

Family News Pray for those to be baptised:

Georgina, Dylan and Scarlet Baker- Holmes Antoinette Pym Lewis Rush Skye Vincent- Chown

Pray for those to be married: Daniel Collins and Nina Suwinska

Tuesday Bible Study & Fellowship Group Tuesday 4th June 11.00am to 1pm Tuesday 18th June 11.00am to 1pm We shall continue, looking at St Paul’s Journeys in ‘Acts’. If you have enjoyed the LENT GROUP and would like to come along and join us you are very welcome. Please contact: Rosemary 476334 or 07780842952 Bekah 217690


Eynesbury News: A Time of Growth…. After Pentecost and Trinity Sunday we enter Ordinary Time. The liturgical colour of this season is green, the colour of life and growing things. Ordinary Time may lack the excitement of the big Christian festivals, but this quieter season can be a time to nurture our spiritual growth as individuals and as a church. On June 8

th, we at Eynesbury will be gathering for an “Imagining the Future

Day” to reflect and pray about who God is calling us to be as a church and what we are called to do together. A big part of this is thinking about how to reach out to new people. As we begin this process, I also invite everyone to reflect about what you need to continue to grow spiritually. We all want the church to grow in numbers, yet the foundation of this is our spiritually growth as individuals and as a community. What we need to help us grow may be what others are searching for as well. Looking back at my own life, I can see how my own faith has grown though relationships with other Christians in a community of faith. In relationships we are challenged to see the world through someone else’s eyes, to think about God in new ways and to live out our faith. It is as we gather as a community, celebrating the Eucharist, studying the Bible and sharing in fellowship, that we grow spiritually as individuals and as a church. Over the Easter Season we heard readings from the Acts of the Apostles, the history of the early church. What struck me about these readings, was how the early church grew one person at time. From Peter and Cornelius to Paul and Lydia, the church grew as the apostles built relationships with people who were often quite different from them. May this history inspire us as we enter Ordinary Time, to think about how we can build relationships with our neighbours and grow together in our relationship with God.

-Rev. Debbie


Notices Admission to Communion Update- We have received Bishop Stephen’s official approval of our policy on the Admission to Communion before Confirmation. Conversations are underway with the PCC and with families with children on how we will begin implementing this policy. Please talk with Rev. Debbie if you have any questions. Parish Away Day to “Imagine the Future”- 8 June, 9:00am-2:00pm at Eynesbury Church of England Primary School. This is a day to imagine our future as the church in Eynesbury. People of all ages are encouraged to attend as we all have something to contribute to this conversation. Eilleen Raggatt, from Holy Terrors, and other volunteers will be there to help with a program for the youth and children. Please bring something for a bring-and-share lunch. Looking for volunteer experience? The Eynesbury Parish Council is looking for a Secretary to take minutes at PCC meetings and Standing Committee Meetings and manage correspondence (approximately one meeting a month). You don’t need to be a member of the congregation, just be interested in helping the church, and able to commit to the position for a year. We can provide training. Please contact Rev. Debbie if you are interested in this position or have any questions. Eynesbury Manor Outreach- Plans continue to develop for a Family Fun Day on Sunday July 14

th, 3:00-6:00pm at the Sidney Banks Memorial Field

(behind the One Leisure). We would like to connect with people who live on Eynesbury Manor about ongoing community gatherings beginning in Autumn. If you live on Eynesbury Manor and would like to hear more, please contact Rev. Debbie. This is a joint venture with Berkeley Street Methodist Church. Church Rooms Available for Hire- Did you know the Eynesbury Church rooms are available for hire on a one-off or ongoing basis? The room can accommodate meetings or gatherings of about 20 people, is available during the day and evenings and rates are very reasonable.


June Diary Dates 1st 10:00am Cake Stall 2

nd The First Sunday after Trinity

9:30am Sung Eucharist 11:15am Family Eucharist and Sunday School

7:30pm Deanery Evensong with Bishop Stephen at Great Staughton Church

8th 9:00am-2:00pm Parish Away Day, Imagining Our Future


The Second Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Sung Eucharist

11:15am Family Eucharist and Sunday School 12

th 11:00am Eucharist at Poppyfields

15th 2:00pm Church Open


The Third Sunday after Trinity 9:30am Sung Eucharist

11:15am Family Eucharist and Sunday School 3:00pm Christening of Mason Collins and Jake

Palmer 23

rd The Fourth Sunday after Trinity

9:30am Sung Eucharist 11:15am Family Eucharist and Sunday School 30

th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

9:30am Sung Eucharist 11:15am Family Eucharist and Sunday School

You are as young – and healthy – as you think you are

Old age is a state of mind as much as of the body. Those who consider themselves to be frail are more likely to abandon activities that can keep them healthy in old age, such as taking regular exercise. But those with a more positive attitude can remain socially active, healthy and enjoy a greater quality of life - despite having equal or greater levels of physical weakness. The research was carried out at Exeter University, and identified a ‘cycle of decline’ where old people withdraw because they think of themselves as frail. Source: Parish Pump


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Articles for June Messenger to the Editor by June 16th please

Eynesbury St. Mary Contact Information

www.stmaryseynesbury.weebly.com Rector Rev'd. Deborah Noonan BA, M'Div 14 Chestnut Grove Eynesbury, PE19 2DW 390509 [email protected]

Contact Judith Andrews Parish Office The Vicarage Church Street St.Neots (Mon - closed, Tue-Fri 9am-1pm, Sat 9am-11am) Tel: 01480 472297 Email: [email protected] Deaconess Mavis Hinde 8 Burnt Close, Eynesbury 218219 [email protected] Churchwardens Sue Ward 7 The White House St.Neots Road Eaton Socon Email: [email protected] Gordon Depledge 3 Howitts Lane Eynesbury Tel: 01480 391123 PCC Secretary Vacant Post Treasurer Christine Miles 20 Balmoral Way, Eynesbury Tower Captain Mr George Bonham 474485 10 Richmond Close Eynesbury [email protected]