October 2013 NEWSLETTER First Presbyterian Church Huron SD

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October 2013





Huron SD

Page 2: NEWSLETTER - Santel Communicationsfpchuron/doc/October_2013_Newsletter.pdf · ing The Essential 100 Bible Reading Plan, which was intro-duced through Pastor Andrew’s sermons at

Issue # 10

October, 2013

Pastor’s pen

“Be still and know that I am God!” – Psalm 46:10

“A man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talk-

ing. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized

that prayer is listening.” – Søren Kierkegaard

The surgeon Atul Gawande's book The Checklist Manifesto

shows how doctors and can use checklists to reduce mistakes, espe-

cially during surgery. One of the points on Gawande’s pre-surgery

checklist is three “pause points.” He urges pausing before anesthe-

sia, before incision, and before leaving the operating room. Each

pause is only a minute or so long and is used to make basic checks

(like ensuring you’ve got the right patient before surgery starts!).

While incorporating three minutes worth of pauses into the

routine does not seem like much, the results are striking. Even short

pause points before the incision helps to slow down the tempo of a

surgical procedure, and that slower tempo leads to better outcomes.

For instance, back in 2008, eight hospitals began using Gawande’s

method and within months the rate of major complications plum-

meted and the surgery death-rate was nearly cut in half.

Checklists force us to slow down and think about what we’re

doing. No wonder, then, that Gawande also urges other professions –

like airline pilots and financial professionals – to use pause points

for their jobs.


Military Personnel and Families President Obama Government Officials Prison Inmates Assisted Living, Nursing Homes & Home Bound CountryView Estates: Evelyn Williams. SunQuest Village: Kathleen Amundson, Mary Haley, Harlow & June Larsen, Eva Vilhauer. Country Side Living, Mitchell: Don & Korlas Winter. StoneyBrook Suites: Viola Hins, Jim Dunbar SunQuest Healthcare Center: Maxie Cook, Les Erdahl, Bernice Hermanson, Emma Timothy. Thelma Peterson, Bob Mueller, Har-riet Turnwall Out-of-Town Nursing Homes: Florence Reimers, Ann Tomkins, Jill Baker. Home Bound: Mahalia Connell


Elder of the Month: Deacon of the Month: Larry Peterson Jill Reimer

Volunteers for Prayer Chain #1 #2

Greg & Donna Hepper 352-3621 Frances Langbehn 352-4079 Vi Magness 352-5377or 8759 Bev Erdahl 352-4746 LaVonne Nicholas 352-7957 Marlene Gamber 352-5219 Sue Gose 352-8104 Cam Galliger 352-4928 Betty Freeman 352-1447 Mona Kotas 352-9517

Brad Magness 352-9545 To join a prayer chain, please call the church office.


Kora Lyne Klusman was born September 19, daughter of Kyle Klusman and Skye Mees, grand-daughter of Diana Herdman and great grand-daughter of Claire & Betty McBride

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Pastor’s pen continued…

As Christians we also need pause points throughout the

day. We should pause before tasks and conversations and

briefly seek God’s perspective in the situation. Ask questions

like, “God, how are you at work in this situation?” “God, what

decision here will most honor you?” “God, help me to repre-

sent you well in this meeting.” “God, how are you guiding me


These prayerful pause points can be a simple form of

prayer, a simple way of checking-in with God and opening our

lives to his life. It’s a way of saying, “God, I want to approach

every part of this day with your perspective and proceed

throughout this day by your strength.”

Grace & peace,

Pastor Andrew

www.fpchuron.com You will find the Logos handbook, schedule

of events, listen to the worship services and


If you are interested in helping with this page,

contact the office.

To: The family and friends of Sally Meyer. Stephanie Myer and family on the death of her father Weyland Hvam of Fedora. The family and friends of Michael McMahon, LeeAnn Miner’s brother and brother-in-law of Dick and Pam Biel


Members Earl Nordby Dave Armstrong Dick Biel Steve Peters Ron Hastings Sharon Hastings Bob Mueller Alan Schmidt Beverly Hook Oliver Nicholas Joyce Reiter Betty McBride LaVonne Nicholas Cherry Amick Irene (Dugdale) Lee Dutch Meyer

Friends & family David Bryan (Alan Schmidt’s brother in law) Orville Brugger & Virgil Brugger (LaVonne Nicholas’ brothers) Larry Claypool (Renea Katz’s father) Lois Duxbury (Jack’s mother) Kory Farstad (Lisa Goglin’s father) Tammy Israel (attends here) Gladys Hrdlicka (Donna Meiers’ mother) Dan Kelley (Marvin’s son) Alfreda King Siems (Peggy Mueller’s friend) Mary Louise & Leslie Jensen (Brenda Schmidt’s parents) Scott Lindblad (Peggy Mueller’s son) Charlotte Mangan (sister of Oliver Nicholas) Erica Martens (daughter of Steve & Lavilla) Glen Millage (Pastor Andrew’s uncle) Kathi Mueller (wife of Mike and daughter-in-law of Karen) Doretta Nelson (sister of Berneice Muilenberg Amber Harris (Peggy Mueller’s granddaughter) Angel Pietz (Cheryl Davidson’s great niece) Ron Portner (Alan Schmidt’s cousin) James Teer (Mona Kotas’ brother-in-law) Doris Schlimgen (Donna Hepper’s mother) Phyllis Schmidt (Alan Schmidt’s mother) Braxton Whitaker (Great grandson of Cobbie & Vi Magness) Karen Winson (friend of Marlene Gamber) Joe Wolf (JoLynne Parmely’s brother–in-law) Patty Ruehle (Chuck Groth’s sister April Pimental (Dave Armstrong’s daughter) Dave Young (daughter Georgine attends here)

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Logos & Sunday School Classes Begin the year with enthusiasm!

Pre School (3 years) through Kindergarten are studying about Moses from Gospel Light with Krissa Korkow and Brenda Arteman. The children made name tags which said “God made me. God loves me.” 1st-6th grade are doing rotations about Abraham and Sarah. Sandy Weil Fisher portrayed Sarah and taught hospi-tality with food by having the children try the types of food available, e.g. dry cottage cheese as curds, dried fruit, olives, fried bread and milk and juice to drink. Mobiles were made in Arts & Crafts and the story on video with Gail Lichty. Carrie & Becky Lemke presented science through the story of tents and well water using measurements. 7th & 8th are using “We Believe” New Testament Sur-vey, guided by Jeanne Sager. Senior Highs under the guidance of Pastor Andrew are using “The Story, the Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People.” Pastor Sager and the adults on Sunday mornings are studying Romans, Life Lessons by Max Lucado.


Logos is serving 55 meals on Wednesday evening. They began with walking tacos in Winter Park for registration. Crazy Hat Night always brings fun to the evening and a Har-vest Party is planned, along with painting pumpkins.


Directors: Gina Griffith & Erica McNeil Who: 1


th Graders

When: Wednesdays, 5:45-7:45pm

Meal at 5:45 including Senior High

Upcoming Events

10/9 Crazy Tie Night 10/16 Harvest Party 3:30-5:30 drop off and pick up at Kopfmann’s. 10/23 Pumpkin Painting in Recreation ________________________________________________________

October 6

Operation Christmas Child Box packing!

Sunday morning classes ages 3-100 plus 9:15 am

Adult Class Wednesday

With Brad Magness 7:45 pm

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(Continued CE) Confirmation class is taught by Pastor Andrew. Senior Highs on Wednesday evening begin by eating with the Logos family group and have 15+ studying Revelation and enjoying activities and fellowship with Diane Clayton, Wade Katz and Deb VanOverschelde. The Bible study/confirmation segment is the core of the entire LOGOS program. The heart of these studies is Scripture. We believe a thorough grounding in the Bible is essential to the development of Christian life and character We pro-ceed from the conviction that the church’s nurture of children and youth into discipleship is more important than all forms of secular education put together. During the youth Bible study classes, parents and other adults of the congregation have the opportunity to participate in an adult Bible study, taught by Brad Magness. They are follow-ing The Essential 100 Bible Reading Plan, which was intro-duced through Pastor Andrew’s sermons at the beginning of the year. A covenant group with Bible study meets the 3rd Tues-day of the month at noon in the Towers, beginning October 15. New participants in our Bible studies are always wel-come.

LUNCHEON SUCCESSFUL Our Annual Bazaar and Luncheon was very

successful because of all of you who donated food, ba-zaar items and money. Thanks also to those who worked and/or purchased bazaar items. A special thank you to all workers who stayed to clean up. We hope all of you enjoyed the lunch-eon. Your cooperation and willingness to help ensures that we can fulfill our mission work. Again, thank you. Judy Neuharth, PW Moderator

Log0s Kids

accept challenge to contribute

100 of cereal for the

October food Drive

Do something special for your October Birthday by donating a penny for each year of your age to the PW’s Birthday Box in the east room. You will help fund their mission projects Have a special happy birthday!

Safe Birth Campaign – Quarters save lives! 100 quarters saves one life.

Deposit quarters in the East Room

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Celebrations & Congratulations September

Birthdays: Alvina Maher 82, Marvin Kelley 88, Maxie Cook 95 Anniversaries: Les & Bev Erdahl 60, Bob & Peggy Mueller 6,


Terry & Marla Bawdon, Ruth Bennett, Dick & Pam Biel, Kathie Bostrom, Darrell Briscoe, Iris Brown, Ione Buckley, Janice Christensen, Howard & Helen Clark, Diane Clayton, Alissa Cran-dall, Barb Daugherty, Joan Daugherty, David & Cheryl Davidson, Keith & Corrine Decker

We’ve Got Mail

First Presbyterian family, Thank you to all who sent cards and person-ally greeted me for my 80th birthday. I feel very blessed to have such a special church family, God’s Bessing to you all.

Melba Galliger

To the Deacons, Thank you so much for the fern plant for our anniversary. Thanks to all the Deacons for your warm heartedness. All of your Deacon duties are very much appreciated. Sincerely, Les & Bev Erdahl

Presbyterian Ladies and Rev. Crandall You helped make a tough time a lot better. Sincerely, Marily Rogers & family

Thank you Deacons for the flowers you sent. Joyce Reiteer

Missionaries Barry & Shelly Dawson enjoyed an

evening with the members of First Church

Dear Pastor Andrew, McNeil Family, Mission Committee and members of First Presbyterian Church of Huron, We are deeply grateful to you for your invitation to us to present a program regarding our work as the Re-gional Liaison for South East Asia of the Presbyterian Church (USA). We truly enjoyed meeting you and sharing in Christian fellowship with you. It is our hope that this will be the beginning of an enduring mission partnership with the FPC Huron. It is our desire to regularly communicate with you about how Christ’s Church is growing in faith and witness in the G countries within the South east Asia region. We covet your prayers for us and your brothers and sisters in Christ in SE Asia and we ask for your en-couragement and financial gifts to support us in Christ’s mission service. In Christ’s Hope, Romans 15:13 Barry & Shelly Dawson

Mission work continues to dominate with the Men’s fellowship group as they purchase approximately $200 in meat monthly for the Salvation Army meals. The Presbyterian Men’s Fellow-ship meets bi-monthly , the 1st and

3rd Sunday at 8:00 am for breakfast at the Plains. Please join us!

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Proposed Steps Goal












“Taking The nexT sTep” Annual Fall Supper

First Presbyterian Church is “Taking The Next Step” for

the second annual Fall Supper featuring ham and turkey and all the trimmings. There will be a silent auction and games for the kids as well. Dinner is served from 4:30 to 7 pm on Sunday October 27

th. We will be delivering meals to shut-ins. For ticket

information call the church at 352-8789. All proceeds will go towards reconstructing the steps fac-ing Dakota Ave. Presbyterians have been a part of Huron since 1881. Rev. Melancthon Chapin led the first worship service in newly platted Huron on May 6, 1881. The service was held in the unfinished Wheeler drugstore as worshippers sat on bundles of shingles! We Presbyterians built our pre-sent structure in 1914, exten-sively repaired it after a 1928 fire, and enlarged it with a Chris-tian Education wing in 1962. We have decided to improve on this very beautiful, old facility rather than building a new one. Last year we repaired the dome. Years of weather dam-aged the dome and its windows were covered with wood. Now the dome has been beautifully restored with new copper and new windows. This year we aim to rebuild the steps facing Dakota Ave. We invite you to join us for a wonderful meal and a time of


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Member Highlights

Ruth Winter

Ruth Hieb was born on March 19, 1924, at home on the family farm near Harold SD. She was one of fifteen children, eight boys and seven girls, being the second to the last child. When Ruth was eight her father passed away. Her mother, along with the children, continued running the farm. Everyone helped out. One of Ruth’s jobs was to help milk the cows.

Not everyone went to high school in those days but when Ruth was fourteen she got the op-portunity to attend high school at the Brookings School of Agricul-ture-Aggie School as it was known. Usually school started in October and ended in April after five and a half months. Students lived in dormitories and even went to school on Saturdays for some classes. The only time they went home was for Christmas. The cost was $30 a semester and she earned $9 a month working for the Youth Conservation Association in the Home Ec. Dept. Besides academics, Ruth took poultrysewing and nursing. Her younger brother also attended “Aggie”. Brookings became a College of Agriculture and on Jan. 7, 1944, when WWII be-gan the dorms were taken over by the Army. Ruth then went to Sioux Falls to Stewart’s Beauty School for a year, took her State Boards in Pierre and worked in Ronnie’s Beauty Shop there. She gave hot perms (ask her) and lots of free haircuts just to learn the business better. One day a limo brought a lady to the shop and Ruth served as her beautician. It turned out to be the governor’s wife, Mrs. Sharp. Ruth also worked at a funeral home. She earned $8 a week. After about a year Ruth returned to the farm to help out.

Ruth had met Elden Winter while they were at “Aggie”. After the war started he went to ROTC and Fort Snelling. Elden and Ruth were married in 1944 and moved back to the Wes-sington area to farm. Ruth often ran the tractor. The couple had three boys. Randy (Jeanne) worked for the telephone company and his wife taught school. They had two children and now, retired, live in Arlington. Arlen (Pat) works in man-agement for a contractor in Conway, Ark. He has two step-daughters. Marlen (Sandi) had two daughters with his first wife, Cindy, who died in a car accident. He went to Chef Training and worked at that trade until his father’s death called him back to the farm. He was also a racecar driver for 25 years. They live in St. Lawrence and farm nearby. Ruth has 4 grandchildren, 7 great- grandchildren and 1 great, great grandchild. Elden passed away when he was 52 of a heart attack while at a cattle auction. A year later, 1976 Ruth, moved to Huron .She worked with Ruth Thomas making draperies for a number of years and still does private sewing. She has been a Deacon, belonged to a Circle, was PW Moderator and chairman of the funeral committee. A highlight was attending the Triennium in Purdue with Lorraine Jacobson and Sally Meyer. You will often see her out for her daily walk – even walking at the High School Track when it isn’t occupied.

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Church Administration The committee completed a study of staffing needs for our Church. Session voted to begin the search for an Associ-ate Pastor. Building & Grounds Work will begin on the west steps this month. There are pictures of the current deterioration on the steps and plans for the renovations posted in the East Room. An outdoor sign to mark the handicapped and elevator entrance is being or-dered. Donations were received from the congregation to pay for all 23 tables purchased for the dining room. Church Life At the potluck dinner following worship on September 8, 124 people were served. Another potluck will be held after the Congregational meeting September 29. Longevity awards will also be presented that Sunday. Nominations will be taken for the Hineni Award. The Session will vote at the October meeting. Mission & Evangelism We will conduct a food drive during the month of Octo-ber. Worship & Music Communion was served to 145 on August 18. The next Communion service will be October 6. Christmas Eve worship service is being planned for 6 pm. Nominating Session voted to approve the slate of officers pre-sented by the nominating committee. They include: Elders – Stephanie Myers, Jerry Galliger, Dar King, Leanne Kopfmann, Brian Lichty; Deacons – Darel Peterson, Roxi Gogolin, Nancy Kelley, Carol VanderLaan; and Nominating Committee – Vi Magness, Donna Hepper, Linda McGirr. They hope to pre-sent additional names for the open positions prior to the Con-gregational Meeting.



Sunday School Worship Date # Date # Date # Date 9/09/12–47 9/08/13–45 09/02/12— 87 09/01/13—119 9/16/12–41 9/15/13–51 09/09/12—184 09/08/13—171 9/23/12–40 9/22/13–51 09/16/12—166 09/15/13—146 9/30/12–49 9/29/13 –47 09/23/12—151 09/22/13—173

09/30/12—147 09/29/13—146 The lesson for the Session’s study time was “Five Practices for Fruitfulness.” A Congregational Meeting is called for September 29 for the purpose of electing church officers and nominating committee members. Session voted to amend the bylaws to hold the Congrega-tional meetings the last Sundays in January and September. Previ-ously the bylaws stated meetings were the 4

th Sundays in those

months. Session voted to allow a community Bible study group to meet in the Fireside Room on Thursday mornings. Brantley Dean Gogolin, infant son of Geoff and Lisa Gogolin was baptized during worship on September 1. Pastor Andrew officiated at the funeral services for Laurrell Rogers on September 7 and Sally Meyer on September 11. A thank you was received from Cornerstone Career Learn-ing Center for the use of Fellowship Hall for their Driver’s Education course. Session voted to approve the use of the church for another class from Sept. 23 – Oct. 4. Treasurer Darel Peterson reported that pledges received had a significant increase in the past month. The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Deacons on Tuesday, October 8 at 7:30 pm in the Dining Room.

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October 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

LOGOS 5:45

Senior High 6:00

Adult Choir 6:30

Praise Team 7:45

Adult Bible Study 7:45

3 Jim Dunbar 85

Peggy Mueller 85

Roland & Cherry

Amick/s 62nd Ann.

PW CT 9:00



6 Jack & Sharon

DeDeyene’s 42nd , Bob & Ann

Meyer’s 40th , Dalmer Polly 85

Men’s Group 8:00

Sunday School 9:15

Worship 10:30

Communion/Praise Team

SS packs Christmas boxes

7 8

9 Berneice Muilenburg


C. E. 6:30

Church Admin. 6:30

Miss./Evan. 6:30

Bldg./Gr. 7:00

Church Life 7:00

Worship/Music 7:00

Session 7:30


Kathleen Amundson 90

LOGOS 5:45

Senior High 6:00

Adult Choir 6:30

Praise Team 7:45

Adult Bible Study 7:45


Hope Circle 9:30

Joy Circle 1:30


Ruth Herzberg 94


PW tCT state


13 Harriet Turnwall 92

Sunday School 9:15

Worship 10:30

Sunday School Choirs Sing


Office Closed


Native American



Covenant Group–Towers



LOGOS Harvest Party


Senior High 6:00

Adult Choir 6:30

Praise Team 7:45

Adult Bible Study 7:45

17 18 19

Betty Dornbush 81


Men’s Group 8:00

Sunday School 9:15

Worship 10:30

21 22

Vi & Cobbie Magness’

62nd Anniversary


LOGOS 5:45

Senior High 6:00

Adult Choir 6:30

Praise Team 7:45

Adult Bible Study 7:45

24 25

Presbytery Meeting

Sioux Falls Westmin-




Sunday School 9:15

Worship 10:30

Fall supper 4:30-7


Francis Lang-

behn 91

29 30 LOGOS 5:45

Senior High 6:00

Adult Choir 6:30

Praise Team 7:45

Adult Bible Study 7:45


Nancy Gilbert 81