Newspaper Auburn NY Democrat Argus 1912 - 1913 - 1236

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  • 8/3/2019 Newspaper Auburn NY Democrat Argus 1912 - 1913 - 1236


    V T 1 G I M O F H A Z E R SSidney C S. Collett Ma y Be

    Ditfigur*d for Life.

    W E L L K N O W N I N T H I S C I T YSurvivor of the Titanic DitMter

    Bdly Troatod by Granville, O ., College.

    Si dney C . Stua rt C o l l et t , s o n o rRev. and Mrs. Mawhey B. Collett ofP o rt By ro u, w ho i s w el l kno w n I nAuburn as one of the survivors of theTitanic disaster, was the victim ofha s ers I n D eni s o n C o l l eg e , Gra nv i l l e ,O. , recent l y a nd ma y ha v e been di s figured for l ife by the treatment herecei v ed. The Sy ra o us e P o s t -Sta nda rdto da y co nta i ns the fo l l o w i ng s to ryo f the o ccurrence a nd n s ta tement byC o l l et t ' s bro tner , a s tudent i n Sy ra cus e uni v ers i ty ;

    "Si x s tudents , a l l eg ed to ha v e beenled by Kent Pfeifer of 8t. Paul, Minn,to o k cha rg e o f C o l l et t ' s ha t i ng w hi chco ns i s ted o f ' bra ndi ng hi s fo rehea dwith nitrate of si lver. Acid used too bl i tera te the s ta i n o f the ni tra te a ppa rent l y ha s a dded to the di s f i g urem e n t .. "Tho ma s F . A . C o ll et t , a s tudentat Syracuse University and a to-othero f Stua rt , dec l a red l a s t n i g ht tha ts teps pro ba bl y w i l l be ta ken to bri ngthe ba s i ng to the a t tent i o n o f theBri t i s h a mba s s a do r a s y o ung C o l l et ti s s t i l l a s ubject o f the ki ng . Wha tev er mo v e i s ma de pro ba bl y w i l l bethro ug h R i cha rd C o l l et t , a n uncl e ,w ho i s a -w ea l thy Eng l i s hma n a nd amember o f P a rl i a ment .* " Ha t i n g s ho ul d be di s co ura g e d/Mr. C o l l et t s a i d- l a s t n i g ht . ' I t prev a i l ed i n Eng l a nd y e a n a g o but i t i so nl y a memo ry there no w , So methi ngo ug ht to be do ne to a to p the pra ct i cei n A meri ca . A g rea t ma n y y o ungEng l i s hme n co me to thi s co untry fo rthei r educa t i o n a nd they s ho ul d fo epro tected.' "Wha t ha s i been do ne to mybro ther ca nno t be undo ne. But fo re i g n s tudents i n A meri ca n co l l eg es. o ug ht to be i mmune fro m s uch s i l l ypra ct i ces ev en i f there ha s been a ni nterna t i o na l a f fa i r o v er i t '"Onl y the mes g to res t deta i l * o fthe ba s i ng a re a v a i l a bl e beca us e thea utho ri t i es o f D eni s o n C o l l eg e na v eno t i nv es t i g a ted the ca s e tho ro ug hl y .P fe i fer ha s been s us pended, butnei ther he no r C o l l et t w i l l te l l thena mes o f the o ther members o f thena s i ng pa rty . C o l l et t s a y s he do es n' tkno w w ho the ha s ers w ere beca us ethey w ere ma s ked."Mr. C o l l et t ' s fa ther , pa s to r o f theBa pt i s t C hurch a t P o rt By ro n, w a sno t i f i ed o f the ha zi ng y es terda y a ndw a s deepl y s ho cked. i He ha s no thea rd fro m hi s s o n I n mo re tha n aw eek."N ew s o f the ha zi ng l ea ked o utw hen C o l l et t w ent to Prof. H. L.Brumba ch o f the chemi s try depa rt*ment o f the uni v ers i ty to ha v e thes ta i n remo v ed fro m hi s fo rehea d.. P ro fes s o r Brum ba ch w o u l d no t co ns ent to remo v e the s ta i n unt i l a f terC o l l et t ha d na med hi s a s s a i l a nt ."P fe i fer w a s the o nl y member o fthe ba nd C o l l et t reco g ni zed. He w a s-ha l ed befo re the uni v ers i ty a utho ri t i es a nd i s s a i d to ha v e a dmi ttedha v i ng pa rt i c i pa ted i n the ha zi ng .He decl a red i t w a s do ne o nl y i n funa nd ex pres s ed deep s o rro w o y er thes er i o us res ul ts ."So fa r a s i s kno w n, C o l l et t ' s a ppa rent re l ucta nce to ' mi x ' w i th theo ther s tudents a t the uni v ers i ty w a sthe o nl y ca us e fo r the ha zi ng . Befo re co mi ng to A meri ca C o l l et t w a sa l i cens ed prea cher o f the Ba pt i s tC hurch i n Eng l a nd, but nev er w a so rda i ned. ~-1 ' Li ke a ny o ther y o ung Eng l i s hma n hi s ha bi ts w ere no t tho s e o f h i sfe l l o w s tudents , ' n i s bro ther s a i dy es terda y , ' but tha t i s po o r ex cus e fo rha zi ng . He i s 2 5 y ea rs o l d , mucho l der tha n a ny o f the o ther s tudentsthere , a nd hi s ha bi t o f l i fe na tura l l yma de hi m s o methi ng o f a rec l us e , Ii ma g i ne . '" ' Stua rt i s no t l a cki ng s o ci a bi l ity,' 'nis father said. 'He made manyfr i ends duri ng hi s s ho rt s ta y i n P o rtBy ro n. I n Eng l a nd he w a s a bo ya mo ng bo y s , jo i ni ng i n thei r a mus ements a nd pl a y ."' We ha v e n o t rece i v ed >a l e t terfrom him in more than a week. Iex pected o ne to da y . He ha d a l i t t l etro ubl e w hen he f i rs t w ent to the. co l l eg e . To e bo y s there tre a ted hi na utra g epus l y . They w ere ro ug h w i thh i m , but he bo re the i ns ul ts a s i nc i -

    tha t a s the co l l eg e y ea r a dv a nced thes pi r i t o f l a w l es s nes s a t the co l l eg eha d s ubs i ded. '"C o l l et t beca me w el l kno w n i nCentral New York after His arrivalhere from Eng l a nd. He w a s o ne o fthe few men o n bo a rd the Ti ta ni cw ho w ere s a v ed a nd upo n hi s a rr i v a l. i n Sy ra cus e he w a s ea g erl y s o ug hta f ter fo r l ectures o n the di s a s tera nd the s to ry o f h i s es ca pe."He s po ke i n St , P a ul ' s a nd o therchurches i n thi s c i ty a nd l a ter a ddres s ed a n a udi ence o f mo re tha n1 ,0 0 0 pers o ns a t the J ef fers o n Thea tre i n A uburn, w here he w a s i nv i tedto s pea k by Tho ma s M. Os bo rne a ndthe So ci a l Ethi cs C l a s s ."I t w a s C o l l et t ' s i ntent i o n to enterR o ches ter Theo l o tr i ca l Semi na ry a tthe co mpl et i o n o f h i s co urs e a t D eni s o n . w here he w ent upo n the a dv i ce o f re l a t i v es i n Eng l a nd. - Hes tudi ed i n Gl a s g o w tw o y ea rs befo res o mi ng to A meri ca ."Gra nv i l l e . O. , J une 1 1 . KentPfeiffer of. St. Paul, Minn., a juni ora t D eni s o n U ni v ers i ty here , ha s beenthro w n o ut o f s cho o l fo r the res t o fthe y ea r a nd o rdered fro m to w n, beca us e he ha s been fo und g ui l ty o fl ea di ng s i x s tu dent ha s e rs w hobra nded tua rt C o l l et t o n the fo rehea d w i th ni tra te o f s i l v er , d i s f i g uring him for l ife. Pfeiffer refused to"t^ ii tha n .m> . f f P e other five haz-

    * . A W t Q N I W Y O R K > A u th o ri ty .C CHAP. fM.I N A 8T U ame n d th e c ou n ty l aw . tn V -tatlqfi no ( he printing and distributionof fhe prooeedlngs of tha board of as-pervlaora in oartaln countiesBecam e a law April 10. Ml. with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three*fifth* belns present.The People of tha State of New York,represented in Senate and Assembly, doenact aa followa:Section 1. Section nineteen of chaptersixteen of the laws of nineteen hundredand nine, entitled "An act in relation tocounties , constituting chapter eleven otthe consolidated lawa," la hereby amended to read aa followa:I 1>. Println and distribution of pro-ceedtnse of board. Each board of super-visors shall cauae as many copies of theproceedings of its sess ion* aa It maydeem necessary, certified by Us chairmanand clerk, to be printed aa a countycharge, in a pamphlet volume, aa soon asmay be after each sess ion, for exchangewith other boarda, and for the membersof the board and other town and countyofficers . At least three copies of suchprinted volume ahall be forwarded to andfiled In each town clerk's office and In thecounty clerk's office. In counties containing cities of the first a)ass and In countiescontaining three ctttea of the third class ,the publication of the proceedings of theboard of supervisors may be ordered tobe made in a dally newspaper, the workto be done by contract, let to the lowestbidder, after an opportunity to bid therefor has been given to the proprietors ofall the' daily news papers printed in theEnglish langua ge In said county; auch bidmay Include the printing and binding Inpamphlet volumes of such number ofcopies of the proceedings of such boardas may be required, and also the printing of pamphlet copies thereof for theuse of the members of said board at issess ion s. Such printed proceedings shallc on ta i n a s u mmar y s ta te me n t o f a l l b i l l sagainst the county, presented to the boardand audited and allowed or disallowed,indicating the amount allowed or disall ow e d . Th e ' b oar d ot s u p e r v i s or s may asoften as It shall deem necessary, cause tobe printed and distributed In l ike manner. In the same volume'or otherwise, itscounty laws, combined with suitableforms and Instructions thereunder. Whenever tha proceedings of tha board of supervisors of any county are printsd to avolume by authority of the board of supervisors , the volume so printed, and dulycertified by the chairman and clerk of thasaid board of s uperviso rs to- bea truerecord of such proceedings, shall bo andconstitute the book of records of tha saidb oar d .

    I 1 Th i s ac t s n a i l tak e e f fe c t i mme u l -ate l y .State of New York. Office of the Secretary of State, aa.:1 have compared tha preceding with theoriginal law en fi le In thin office, and doh e r e b y c e r t i fy th at th e s ame I s a c or r e c ttranscript therefrom and of the whole ofs a i d or i g i n a l l aw . MI TC HELL. MA T;/ __ Se cretary of State.LA WS OF N EW Y OR KBy A utho ri ty .CHAP. SK.A M A C T to ame n d th e c i v i l r i gh ts l aw ,i n r e l a t i on to e q u al r i gh ts I n p l ac es o tp u b l i c ac c ommod at i on an d p r ovi d i n gp e n al ty for v i o l a t i on th e r e of .Became a law April 1L 1*1* with the approval of the Governor. Passed , three-fiftha being presentTh e P e op l e o f th e S tate o f N e w for k ,r e p r e s e n te d I n S e n ate an d A s s e mb l y , d oe n ac t aa fe l l ow s :Section L Section forty of chapter fourteen of the laws of nineteen hundred andnine, entitled "An act relating to ctvilr i gh ts , c on s t i tu t i n g c h ap te r s i x o f th a c e n -s e t i d e te d l aw s ," l a h e r e b y ame n d e d tor e ad as fo l l ow s :I eft Equa l rights la places of pubtte acc ommod at i on r e s or t or amu s e me n t . A Hpersons within the Jurisdictioa of (hisstate shall be entitled to the fun andequal acceenmodetlona, advantages andprivileges of any place of public accommod at i on , r e s or t or amu s e me n t , s u b je c tonly to the conditions and limitations ea>tabllshed by law and applicable alike toall persons. No person, being the owner,leasee, proprietor, manages , superintendent, agant or employee of any such place,ahall directly or indirectly refuse, withhold from or deny to any person any ofth e ac c ommod at i on s , ad van tage s or p r i v i leges thereof, or directly or Indirectlypublish, circulate. Issue, display, post ormal l s h y w r i t te n or p r i n te d c ommu n i c ation, notice or advertisement, to the eff e c t th at an y of th e ac c ommod at i on s , ad vantages and privileges of any such placeshall be refused, withheld from or deniedto any person on account of race, creedor color, or that the patronage or customthereat, of any parson belonging to orpurporting to be of any particular race,creed or color Is unwelcome, objectionab l e or n ot ac c e p tab l e > eslred or 'solicited.The production of any such written orprinted communication, notice or advertisement, purporting relate to any suchplace and to be made by any person beingthe owner, lessee, proprietor, superintendent or manager thereof, ahall be pres u m p t iv e e vi d en c e i n a n y - o r c r im i n a lac t i on th at th a s ame w as au th or ts e u b ysuch person, . place of public accommo*dation. resort or amusement within theme an i n g of th i s ar t i c l e , sh a l l e d e e me cto Include any Inn. teverr or hotelwhether conducted for tha entertainmentof t r an s i e n t gu e s t s , or for f t ac c ommo-d tlon of those seeking health, recreatloror e s t , an y r e s tau r an t e at i n g-h ou s e , p u b lic conveyance on land or water, bathhouse, barber-shop, theater and must'hall . Nothin g herein contained ahall beconstrued to prohibit the mailing of *private communication In writing sent 1*response to a specific written inquiry.

    | X Section forty-one of said act to hereb y ame n d e d to r e ad as fo l l ow s :I 4L Pens lty for violation. Any parserwho shall violate any of the provis ions o*the foregoing eectlon. or who shall ateor Incite the violation of any of said provis ions shall for each and every violationthereof be l iable to a penalty of not lest'than one hundred dollars nor more tbarfive hundred dollars , to be recovered bythe person aggrieved thereby, or by anyresident of thts stats , to whom such person shall ass ign his cause of action. Inany court of competent Jurisdiction In thecounty In which-the plaintiff or tha defendant shell res ide; and shall , also, foie-ery such offense be deemed guilty of smisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined net less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundreddollars , or snail be Imprisoned not lee*th an th i r ty d ays n or mor e th an n l n e t fdays, or both auch fine and imprisonment.I & This act ahall ta k* effect Septembetfirst nineteen hundred and thirteen.sHate of New Tork. Office of the Secretar y o f Bu te , as . :1 h a v c omp ar e d th e p r e c e d in g w i th th eoriginal law on fi le In this office, and dahereby certify tha t the asms Is a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole c*stud original law. MI TC HELL MA T.Secretary of State.

    to state finances , constituting chapter fif-ty-s ix of tha consolidated Ikws." is hereby amended to read as followa:| a. C harges on the canal fund. Allinoosya expended In the construction, repair or Improvement of the canale nowauthorised by law. or allowed or expend-d by the commissioners of the canalfund, or the superintendent of publicworks or other officer or ass istant era-ployed on such canals pursuant to law,with the com pensation of such, officers respectively. Including the salary of the su-perlntendent of public works, ahall becharged to the canal fund unless otherwise expressly provided by law. Thecomptroller shall also charge to such fundtrom time to time so much for the services of the clerks in his office, devoted tothe accounta and revenues of the canals ,as In his opinion is Just, and he is herebyauthorized in hla dtacretlon to tranaferfioni time to time auch amounts of theaurp" of canal fund to the general fundaa rruty not he needed to meet the expenses incident to the maintenance andrepair of canals .$ 2. This act shall take effect Immediately.8tate of New York, Office of the Secretary of State, ss .:I have compared the preceding with theoriginal law on fi le in this office, and dohereby certify thet the same Is a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole ofsrjd original law. MI TC HELL MA T.Secretary of State.LA WS OF N EW Y OR K y A utho ri ty.CHAP. 2SS.AN ACT In relation to the board of trustees of foreign parishes of the Protestant Episcopal Church in tha UnitedStates of America.Becam e a law April 11, 191 J. with the approval of the Governor. Passed , three-fifths being present.The People of the State of New Tor*,repreaented in Senate and Assembly, doe n ac t as fo l l ow s :Section 1. The majority duly convenedof the trustees of the body corporatecreated by chapter two hundred and fifty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred andeighty-three, under the name and title of"The Board of Trustees of Foreign Parishes of the Protestant Episcopal ChurchIn ths United States of America." or. Uleas thsn a majo rity survive,' the survivors Sr the survivor of ss ld~ooaTa"~oTtrustees , when duly convened, shall havepower to fi l l any vacancy or vacancieswhich may be created In the number of a i d tr u s te e s b y d e ath , r e s i gn at i on s or

    be , s u e s b y- l e e r s , r j l e e s ad r e gu l at i on sahall be binding upon all commissionedofficers and enlisted men therein; but theymay be altered In the manner providedfor their adoption from time to time ass iay be found necessary, provided, how-tver, that the eesential provialons herein-abovM set forth shall In no case be om itted trr qualified. Every asso ciation already formed which haa not adopted bylaws under the regulations snd limitations hereinabove eet forth; and tv*ry as sociation heretofore formed which hassdopted by-lews that do not contain theessential requirements hereinabove setforth, shelf adopt revised by-laws containing such requirements and submit thetame for approval to their reapectlvecommanding officera aa above set forth.A squadron of cavalry which has formeden association under this section shall ,upon* becoming part of a regim ent, hav ethe right upon the application of a majority of the members of the field sndJ staff or non-commissioned staff or hospital corps or troop or troope of the sameregiment permanently quartered In thearmory of that squadron to extend themembership of auch association by a majority vote of its members so aa to embrace such members of such field andstaff or non-commlssloned staff or hospital corps or troop or troops, who shallwhen such extensions are made and whileso quartered become and be members ofsuch association for all purposes .I 1 This set shall take effect Immediately.State of New Tork, Office of tha Secretary of State, ss .:I have compared the preceding with th eoriginal law on fi le In this office, and dohereby certify that the same Is a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole ofsaid original law. M I T C H E L L M A T .S e c r e tar y of S tate

    11 Th i s ac t s h a l l tak e e f fe s t I mme d i ate l y .State of New Tork, OfiSca of ths ssre-tary of State, as .:I have compared the preceding with thairiglnsl law on fi le In this office, and doHereby certify that the same is a correcttranscript therefrom and ot the whole ofsaid original law. MI TC HELL MA Y .S e c r e tar y of S tate

    LAWS OP NCW YORKBy A uthority. | rights to lands or the use of lanC HA P . 81 .SN ACT to establish a atate board of estimate and to prescribe Its powers andduties .Became a law April 14, 19U. with theI approval of tha Governor. Passed, three-(Ifthe being pxeaent.

    * r s . A l l w ere ma s ked. They a w i t' becaus e Collett. would not mix wi tho ther s tudents . C o l l et t i s 2 5 . a ndra me o v er fro m the Bri t i s h I s l es o nthe Ti ta ni c , s urv i v i ng tha t ca ta s tro phe. He fro merl y l tv ed a t P ert By r o n , N . Y . , w i th re l a t i v es .

    LA WS OF N EW Y OR KBy A utho ri tyC HA P - *7'AN ACT to amend the atete finance law.tit'relation to the powers snd duties olthe atate comptroller. .Became a law April 11. I fO- with the Approval of the Governor. P assed, nree-fifths being present.The People of the State of New Tork.."Tepreeented In SSWSUJ sa d Aasom hly. jflfle n ac t as fo l l ow s : " Section I . flectJee s lxty^hree of chaste*fifty-eight of the isws ef nineteen ben-ered and nine, entitled "Aa act is relation

    son shall be eligible to succeed to theToTflee of such trustee who is not a commun i c an t me mb e r of s a i d P r ote s tan t Ep i s c opal Church. 1 Fr om time to tim e the said boardof trustees shall have power to increasethe number of trustees to nine.11 . This act shall take offset Immediately.State of New Tork, Office of the Secretar y o f S tate , s s . :I have compared the preceding with theoriginal law on fi le In this office, and dohereby certify that ths same Is a correcttranscript therefrom and of the whole oilsaid original law. M I T C H E L L M A T ,S e c r e tar y aof State.LA WS OP N EW Y OR KBy A utho rity .CHAP. 27LAN ACT to amend the military law. In rel a t i on to u n i for msBecame a law April U. 1113. with tbapproval of the Governor. Passe d, three-fifths being present.The People of tha Stete of New Tork,repreaented In Sonata and Assembly, doe n ac t as fo l l ow s :Section 1. Section one hundred and s ixty -e i gh t o f c h ap te r for ty-on e of th s l aw *ot nineteen hundred and nine, entitled"An act in relation to ths militia, cons t i tu t i n g c h ap te r th l r ty- s l fo f th e c on s o l i d ate d l aw s ." as ame n d e d b y c h ap te r s i x ty-seven of the lawa of nineteen hundredand twelve, is hereby amended to road asfo l l ow s :11s t . r u l t -d r e as u n i form. A n y c omman dmay, with the consent of the governor,adopt a full-dress uniform of Its own sndat I t s ow n e xpe n s e . To s u c h c omman ds u c h p or t i on s o f th s s ta te u n i for m mayb e I s s u ed as th e gove r n or may d i r e c t Asquadron of cavalry which has adopted afull-dress uniform of its own under thissection shall have the right to continue itsuse upon becoming part of a regiment andany additional troop or troops of the sameregiment that may be permanently quartered In the armory of such squad ron shallwith the consent of the commanding officers of the regiment snd .squadron havetha right to adopt the same full-dress uniform for such time aa they are so quartered.I 2. This act ahall take effect immediate l y .8tete of New York. Office of the Secretar y o f S tate , s s . : 'I have compered the preceding with theoriginal law on fi le In this office, and dohereby certify that the same is a correcttranscript therefrom and ot the whole ofsaid original law. MI TC HELL MA T.S e c r e tar y of S tateLAWS OF NCW YORKBy Authority.CHAP. tfS.AN ACT to amend the military law. Inrelation to the formation of associationsby equadrona and troops.Becam e a law April 11. 1913, with th 'approval of tbe Governor. Passe d, three*fifths being present.The. People of the State of New York,repreaented in Senate and Assembly, doe n ac t aa fo l l ow s :Section 1. Section two hundred and fif-ty-two of chapter forty-one of the lawsof nineteen hundred snd nine, entitled"An act in relation to tbe militia, constituting cha pter thirty-s ix* of the consolidated laws." ss emended by chapter threehundred snd eleven ef the laws of nineteen hundred and nine and by ehaptetone hundred snd four of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, is hereby amended to read aa follows:I SS. Formation of association: by-laws.Ths officers of any regiment or battalionor squadron not a part of a regiment, theofficers of the corps of engineers servingwith tbe engineer troops, and the officersef the coaet artil lery corpe aerving In thesame artil lery district, and the membersof any squadron, troop, battery, company,divis ion, company of s ignal corps, fieldhospital, ambulancs company or detachme n t o f h os p i ta l c or p s , may or gan i s ethemselves Into an association of whichtha commanding officer shall be president,provided, howeYefT that such associationshall by an_ sffirms tlve v ote of two-third*of all their members adopt by-laws, rulesand regulations not Inconsistent with thischapter, and which shall conform to thesystem prescribed in general regulations,snd be submitted to the majors-general otthe commanding officer of the naval milit i a , as th e c as e .may b e . for h i s ap p r oval :and which by-laws shall provide that thetreasurer of such association shall furnishproper security tor the faithful perforro-snee of hie duties: that all funds of to*association shall be kept In a bank ofdeposit In s separate account in the nameof th e as s oc i at i on : th at c h e c k s u p os s u c hfunds shall be s ign ed both by. the treasurer and the commanding officer of suchas s oc i at i on : an d th at th e b ook s an d ac counts of such association shall at alltimes be open to the Inspection of sn>officio I whose duty it Is to Ins pect ththe major-general or the eecnmsn/llng offic e r o t th s n aval mi l i t i a , as th e e s s e may

    L A W S O F N C W Y O R K B y A u t h o r i t y .CHAP. 274.AN ACT to amend chapter one hundredand s ixty of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve, entitled "An act providing for tbe erection of a boathousc' shelters , wharves and retaining walls atthe city of Buffalo, for the third divis ion of the third battalion of the navalmilitia, upon lands of the state In th* t

    LAWS OF NCW YORKBy Authority.CHAP. 277AN ACT to amend the cede of civil procedure, in relation to service of petitionin summary proceedings.Becam e a law April 14 1913. with theapproval of the Governor. Pass ed, three-Ifths being present.The People of the 8tate of New Tork.represented In Senate snd Assembly, doe n ac t as fo l l ow s :Section 1. Section twenty-two hundredand forty of the code of civil procedure ishereby amended to read as followa:I 2140. Idem; how served. The preceptmust be served ss fo llows:1. By delivering, to the person to whomIt is directed, or, I f it is directed to a corporation, to an officer of the corporation,upon whom a summona, issued out of thesupreme court in an action againat thecorporation, might be served, a copy ofthe precept, together with a copy of thepetition, and at the aame time showinghim the original precept.i I f the person, to whom the precept Isdirected, res ides in the city or town Inwhich tha property is sUuated, b ut is sb -sent from bis dwelling-house, service maybe made by delivering a copy thereof, together with a copy of the petition, at hisdwelling-house, to- a person of suit ableage and discretion, wbo resides there; or.If no such person can. with reasonablediligence, be found there, upon whom tomake service, then by delivering a copyof the precept and petition, at the property sought to be recovered, either tosome person of suitable age and discretion residing there, or if no such personcan be found there, to any person of suitable age and discretion employed there.t. Where service cannot, with reasonablediligence, be made, as prescribed in eitherot tbe foregoing subdivis ions of this section, by affixing a copy of tha precept andpetition upon a conspicuous pert of thsproperty.If the precept is returnable on the day

    ( oitlonal main tracks or for brani Inge, switches , or turn-outs orj sections or for cutoffs or for j ir s traightening or Improving t. trade of its road or any par: Also where it shall require ani rights to lands or the use of The People of the State of New York, > ti l l ing any structures of its rorepreaeated In Senate and Assembly, doe n ac t as fo l l ow s :Section 1. There shall be and there tshereby constituted and established a statejonstructing, widening or compof its embankments or road^neans of which greater safety nenry may be secured, and board of e stima te w hich shall be com - j shall he contiguous to such raposed of nine members, to wit: The gover- reasonably acce ss iblenor, the l ieutenant- governor, the presidentpro tempore of the senate, tha chairman|f the finance committee of the senate,t'ne speaker of the ass embly, the chair-man of the ways and means committee ofthe assembly, the comptroller, the atior-

    4. Where It shall require aright to lands or to the use ofihe flow of water occasioned hymhatiAments or strucmre* nonr hereafter rendered necessarany other purpose necessary forney-geo ersl and the commiss ioner of effl- . ation of such railroad, or for anciency and econom y The board shall \ take and convey water from a

    en which it is issued', ft muat be servedSt least two hours before the hour atwhich It Is returnable; tn every other case,H mu s t b e s e r ve d at l e as t tw o d ays b e for ethe day on which It is returnable.I Z Th i s ac t s h a l l tak e a f fe c t S e p te mb e rfirst, nineteen hundred and thirteen.State of New Tork. Office of the Secretar y o t S tate , s s . :I hare-c ompare d "the preceding with- theoriginal law on fi le In this office, and dohereby certify that the same is a correcttranscript therefrom snd of the whole ofsaid original law. M I T C H E L L M A T .Secretary of State.

    LAWS OF NCW YORKBy Authority.C HA P . tn.AN ACT to amend the code of civil procedure, in relation to depositions tskens n d to b e u s e d w i th i n th e s ta teBecam e a law April 14, lxU. with th eapproval of the Governor. Pass ed, three-fifths being present.The People of the State of New Tork.represented in Senate and Assembly, doe n ac t as fo l l ow s :Section 1. Subdivis ion seven of sectione i gh t h u n d r e d an d s e ve n ty- tw o of th e c od eof civil procedure 1a heresy amende d tor e e d as fo l l ow s : -7 . A n y oth s r fac t n e c e s s ar y to s h ow th attbe case cornea within one of the two laatsections. And if the party sought to beexamined is a corporation. Joint-stock orother unincorporated tssedatlon, the affidavit shall s tate the hams ot the officers ,directors , or managing agents thereof, orany of them whose testimony is necessaryand material, or the books and papers asto tbe oontente of which nn examinationor inspection is desired, and the order tobo made in respect thereto shsll direct thsexamination of such persons and tbe production ot such books and papers , and onsuch examination ths books or papers , orany part or parts thereof, may be offeredand received In evidence in addition to theuse thereof by tbe srHness to refresh hisme mor y .I 1 This set shall take effect Septemberfirst, nineteen hundred and thirteen.State ot New York. Office of the Secretary of State, ss .:I have compared the preceding with theoriginal lew oa fi le la thts office, and dohereby certify that the sam e la e correct

    transcript therefrom and of the whole ofsaid original law. MI TC HELI - MA T.Secretary of State.

    meet and organise within ten days afterthis act shall take effect. The governorlhall be the president of the board andthe commissioner of efficiency and economy shall be its secretary. The secretary(hall keep the minutes of each meeting ofi he board and shall record them in a minute book to be kept for that purpose. T heminutes of the board shall be a public record and shall be at all times open to public inspection.I 1 The said board shall annually, on orbefore the first day of January tn eachyear, meet and prepare an estimate for abudget of the amounts required to be appropriated by the legis lature for the conduct of the public business of the state Inall I ts offices , Institutions and departmentsfor the fiscal year next ensuing. Such estimate shall be prepared in such detail , assaid board shall deem sufficient to sdvlsethe legis lature, as to the aggregate sumand the Items thereof estimated to be necessary for the maintenance of each office,institution and department in the state forsuch fiscal year,. Before finally makingup such estimate, the state board of estimate shall have power, and it is herebymade Its duty, to examine into ail requests for appropriations made by each'officer, institution and department of ther.tate, and it may hold auch public hearings aa ahall In ita Judgment be advantageous for such purpose. When said estimate shall be made up, it shall be transmitted to the legis lature with such recom-mendations, reasons and explanationswith regard theret* as shall be deter-mlned by said board.I 1 Wi th i n s i x ty d ays an d n ot l e s s th anthirty days before the beginning of eachfiscal year, each officer, institution anddepartment of the state, for the * mi i n tw u i w i o f w h i c h ap p r op r i at i on s

    pond, creek or river to such rathe uses and purposes thereowith the right to build or lay or pipes for the purpose of convwater, and to take ip, relay athe same, or for any right oquired for carrying sway or divwater, s tream or floods from rond for the purpose of proroad or for the purpose of prevembankment, excav ation or sts u e ! 1 railroad from injuring thof anv person *ho may be rendto injury thereby.Waters- commonly used for agricultural or manufacturing shall not be taken by condemsuch an extent as to injuriouslwith such use in future. No raporation shall have the right by condemnation any right orIn or to arTy-feaPproperty ownepied by any other railroad cexcept the right to intersect ortracks and lands owned or heMof way by such other corporatout appropriating or affecting owned or held for depots or graWhenever any real property Iby any steam surface railroadtion, the l ines of which withinare s ituated wholly within a cone mill ion inhabitants , for thmentioned in this aection, it condition precedent to the brinheretofore brought, to the concondemnation proceedings by Toad corporation tp acquire property that it procure the th e p u b l i c s e r v i c e c ommi s s i onrisdiction of the district withinland is s ituated, to acquire sucherty, and unless such consent isprocured the said property scondemned. - The la st precedinme n t s h a l l ap p l y to all proceedi n g at th e t i me th i s ame n d m

    of money are made by law, shall presentto and fi le with the secretary of said- -board-oX estimale, upon forms prescribedb y s a i d b oar d, a d e ta i l e l Tte te me n TTn r al l - l fe f t s c tmoneys which said officer, institution ordepartment deems it necessary to haveappropriated by law for the support andmaintenance of said officer, institutionand department for the fiscal year forwhich said appropriations are asked, together with such reasons and explanations, with regard thereto as the said officer. Institution or department msy desireto present The ss ld board shall; in connection with its estimate, transmit allsuch statem ents , or copies thereof, to the ] -:-l e g i s la tu r e . Th e s a i d b oar d s h al l e xami n e , LA W 8 OF N C W Y OR K By a l l s a i d s ta te me n ts an d a i l r e q u e s t s for ; , C HA P . 291appropriations presented to It and sha ll AN ACT to amend the Insuraafford to the several officers . Institutions relation to the incorporation an d d e p ar tme n ts o f th e s ta te p r e s e n t i n g , s u r an c e cor p or at i on ssuch sta temen ts aad making such re- | Became a law April it. 191quests , reasonable opportunity for expla- approval of the Governor. Pas

    | 1 Thia act ahall take afdiatelyState of New Fork. Office of tary of State, ss .: I have compared the precedinoriginal law on fi le In this offihereby certify that the' same ltranscript therefrom and of thesaid original law. MI TC HELL e S e c r e tar y

    nation tn regard thereto and, whenevernecessary, shall grant to such officer, institution or department a hearing thereon.I 4.* Tbe said board, in making up theestimate to be transmitted by it aa aforesaid to the legis lature, ahall , in connectiontherewith, and as a part thereof, make ane s t i mate o t a l l mon e ys r e q u i r e d to b e

    fifths being presentTh e P e op le o f th e S tate o f represented in Senate and Ase n ac t as fo l l ow s :Section L Section, one hundrof chapter thirty-three of thnineteen hundred and nine, enact In relation to Insurance eraised or appropriated for the paym ent of constituting cha pter twenty- eInterest upo n the funded deb ts of tbe j consolidated laws," ss amendeatate and tta other obligations bearing in-j ter one hundred and s ixty-eit e r c e t an d s h al l a l s o mak e an e s t i mate o f j i ,WB Q{ nineteen hundred anothe several sums of money required to be : chapter o n; hundred and tv ej contributed In said fiscal year to tbe sev - j the laws of nineteen hundred eral s inking funds maintained for tbe re -* |S hereby emended to read ma fodemotion and payment of the debts of the ' | i iO. Incorporation. Thirteestate. For the purpose of such estimates , I persons may become a corpo

    tha call or the governor, the chief of thecouncil or a majority of the rssm aers efthe council .

    LAWS OF NCW YORKBy Authority.CHAP? J7t.AN ACT to amend the code of civil procedure, in relation to personal service ofs u mmon s .Becam e a law April 14, 1913. with tbeapproval of the Governor. Pa ssed, three-fifths -being present.The People of the Stste of New Tork.represented in Senate and Assembly, doe n ac t as fo l l ow a:Section 1. Subdivis ion one of section fourhundred and twenty-s ix of the code ofcivil procedure is hereby amended to readaa fo l l ow s :f itt. Personal service of the summonsupon a defendant, being a natural person,must be made by delivering a copy thereof, within the stste. as follows:1. If the defendant is an infant, underthe age of fourteen years , to his father,mother or guardian: or. if there is nonewithin the state.,to the person having thecare and control- of him.- or with who mhe resides , on in whose service he is employed. I t the defendant ts sn Infant overtbe age of fourteen "years , to tbe Infantin person, and also to his father, motheror guardian: or. I f there is none withinthe state, to the person having the careand control of him. or with whom he res ides , or in whose service he Is employed.Where the defendant Is an infant underthe age of fourteen years , the court shall ,tn the defendant's Interest, make an order, requiring a copy of the summons tobe also delivered. In behalf of the defendant, to a person designated in the order,snd that service of the summons shall notbe deemed complete until I t Is so delivered. Wher e the defendant is an infantover the age'of fourteen yeare a s imilarorder may be made by the court in itsdiscretion, with or without applicationtherefor.

    f 2. Section four hundred snd twenty-seven of the code of clvl! procedure Ishereby amended to read ss follows:| 427. If the court has in its opinion,reset tab le ground to believe that the defendant, by reason of habitual drunkenness , or for any other cs:se. is mentallyIncapable adequately to protect his rights .although not Judlctallv declared o be incompetent to manage hla *ntr*. thecourt ma y. In Ha discretion, with or without an appUcation therefor, and in thedefendant's Interest, mshe an order, requiring a copy ef the mmmo rs to be alsodelivered, in behalf of the **'' d* n * *person designated In the order * " *"ser vice of tn"e *Tm.mor.s shell n ot be7SS* complete ,. fr* " Wlvered.

    the comptroller of-the atate la hereby required to furnish to the said board, a detailed statement of tbe moneys which hedeems necessary for such purposes .I 6. tn connection with and as a part of

    the purpose of making insudwelling houses , s tores and albuildings snd household furnoth e r p r op e r ty aga i n s t l os s oIncluding loss of use or occthe said estima te to be presented by said ! fjre^ lightning, windstorm, toboard to the legis lature, the said board | clone, earthqu ake, hail , froat shall make an estimate of the revenues of j an ( j by explosion whether firethe state expe eted to be received during i not. except explosion on risks said fiscal year and shall ma ke such rec- J subdivis ion seven of section ommendstions with regard thereto as It > this chapter, and also againshall deem appropriate for the disposition j damage by w ater to any g oodof said revenues. The said board sh all ; [M( ar i s i n g fr om th e b r e ak agealso, in connection with and as a part of | 0 ; sprinklers , pumps or othesaid estimate, ascertain and report theamounts of all unexpended balances under appropriations theretofore made byl aw an d ah al l mak e s u c h r e c omme n d ations to tbe legis lature as it deems appropriate for the disposition thereof.I C Th i s s e t s h a l l tak e e f fe c t i mme diately.State of New Tork. Office of tbe" Secretar y o f S tate , s s . :

    erected for extinguishing fires , ter pipes , and against accideto such sprinklers , pumps or r atu s , an d u p on ve s s e l s , b oagoods, merchandise, freights property against loss or damaany of tbe risks of Iske. riverinland navigation and transpwell as by any or all of Jhe risin section one hundred and fI have compared the preceding with the! chapter. Including insura nces original law on fi le In this office, and-dohereby certify that the same is a correcttranscript therefrom end of the whole ofsaid original law. MI TC HELU MA T.Secretary of State.

    L A W 8 O F N C W Y O R K B y A u t h o r i t y .C HA P . AN ACT to smend the railroad law. tn re- : jury to the perso n, and to effe

    mob l l e s . w h e th e r s ta t i on ar y oerated under their own power, include all or any of the haxaexplosion, transportation, coll islegel l iability for damage to psultl-.g from the maintenance . and loss by btheft or both, but shall not Incance against loss by reason oflation to t he acquis ition of title to real ] sneep of any risks taken by It property. . j the office of the superintende nBecame a law April lfi . 1913. with the j ance a declaration s igned by aapproval of the Governor. Passed , thcee-j of their intention to form a fifths being present. for the purpose of transactingThe People of the Stste of New T ork. ness of making any or all of represented in Sen ate and Assembly , do , ances . which shall comprise a ' enact ss follows: t charter proposed to be adopteSection 1. Section seventeen of chapter setting forth the name of the ctour hundred and eighty-one of the laws , the place of location of its of nineteen hundred and ten, entitled "An / mode in which Its corporate poset in relation to ratlroads. constituting J be crercised and its directorschapter forty-nine of the consolidated

    V l T his set shall 'ake effect Septemberfirst nineteen h' ' ', Jred aT ,d thirteen.Office of the Secre-

    laws." la hereby amended to read as foll ow smajority of whom shall be citfsstate, and If a stock corpoowner in his own right of atI 1?. Acquis ition of title to rel propertv; ; hundred dollars of the stock ofration at its par value, the m odvacancies in the office of directriod for the commencement antion of its fiscal year and the

    additions, betterment* and facil ities . Allreal property required by any railroad corporation for the purpose of its tncor- Ipore tlon or for a ny purpose stated in this ;chapter sha ll be deem ed to be required [ capital to be employed in the for a public-use. and may be acquired, by i of its bu siness: provided that such corporation. I f the corporation is i tlon Including in' H charter a punable to agree for tbe purchase of any I assume an y of the risks of ocesuch real property, or of any right inter- j insurance ss specified tn sectionest or easeme nt therein, required for any dred and fifty of-ti i is chapter msuch purpose, o r if the owner thereof ( capital, paid l:i in cash, of at shsll be incapable of sell ing the same, or hundred thousand dollarsIf after d il igent sea rch snd inquiry the i No such declaration shall be nsme and r esidence of any such owner; the persons s igning the same cannot be ascertained, it sha;i have the previously published for at least right to a cquire title thereto h>" condern- i success ively a notice of th eir Ination. Ever y railroad corporation, shsll form such a corporation in a puhave the power trom time to Hme to make } pap 'n the county where its oand use upon or in connection with any be located.railroad either owned or operated by it.! Ker> *uch corporation shall such additions, betterments and facil ities 1 as. a rire insurance may be necessary or convenient for the : cv-poretion shall directly o r.better management maintenance-or oper- ,