Installation and Configuration NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9 24-March-2014 Revision: Release

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Installation and Configuration

NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9 24-March-2014

Revision: Release

NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9 Installation and Configuration

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Contents


Pre-Installation ...................................................................................................... 4

Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 4

Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Operating System: ................................................................................................................................ 5

Software: .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Installing the Software ........................................................................................... 6

To Install the Software .............................................................................................................................. 6

Configuring Synchronizer Service ......................................................................... 11

To Configure the IMM Synchronization Plugin ....................................................................................... 11

Configuring Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service ......................................................... 16

To Configure the Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service ................................................................................... 16

Configuring XML Exchange Service ...................................................................... 20

To Configure the XML Exchange Service ................................................................................................ 20

Configuring BXF Service ....................................................................................... 24

To Configure the BXF Service .................................................................................................................. 24

Configuring Async Business Logic Service ............................................................. 28

To Configure the Async Business Logic Service ...................................................................................... 28

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Pre-Installation


Overview This Installation Guide describes how to install and configure Nexio® Insight Integration Services. This process applies to all versions of Integration Services, unless otherwise documented. Integration Services package is a collection of different Nexio Insight data import/export services, each requiring different installation steps. The list of services and their purposes are:

Nexio® Insight Synchronizer Service: Plug-in based service for various media workflows. Currently four plug-ins available:

• IMM Plugin: Regularly polls IMotion database MEDIA tables for new / updated / deleted records, and synchronizes these materials within Nexio Insight database.

• SAMI Plugin: Regularly polls the configured folder for incoming SAMI (subtitle) files, and creates subtitle markers using the subtitle file for the given material in Nexio Insight.

• KLV and Tungsten Plugin: Communicate with the FAME subsystems.

Nexio Insight Event Dispatcher Service: Publish/Subscribe based message distributor service. Subscribers are notified about various Nexio Insight events (Document CRUD operation, etc.). This service is required for both BXF and XML Exchange service in order to operate.

Nexio Insight XML Exchange Service: Regularly polls configured import folder for xml documents that are coming from third party systems. The service interprets and imports these xml files as Nexio Insight domain objects into the Nexio Insight system. It also exports xml files if an event is occurred in Nexio Insight to a configured export folder for third parties to process.

Nexio Insight BXF Service: Integration gateway service which regularly polls Enterprise Messaging system (Centergy), and the configured Local post office, for incoming messages that are needed to be imported into Nexio Insight. Also sends EM messages about various Nexio Insight events to the configured post office.

Async Business Logic Service: Based on certain rule files (xml) the service calls plugins. Currently two plugins available:

• Dynamic Folder Plugin: Creates Nexio Insight folder structures based on content House Id.

• Nexio Plugin: Modifies metadata of Nexio clips.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Pre-Installation


Operating System: Windows® Server 2008 or later

Software: Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.0

Before You Begin Before installing Integration Services, uninstall any previous version.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Installing the Software

Installing the Software

To Install the Software 1. Locate the Integration Services install file and double-click it to start the installation process.

The Nexio Insight Integration Services Setup Wizard opens. Click Next.

2. Select the installation options. For default setup, leave options as per the screenshot below.

3. Click Next.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Installing the Software

4. Enter the Nexio Insight Server computer name or IP address, and Nexio Insight Server’s

virtual directory name (Nexio Insight by default). Check SSL if you are about to use secure communication. Click Next.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Installing the Software

5. Enter the service user credentials. This is a windows login that will be used to run the selected services. Usually this is a domain account with the name ‘Nexio Insight’.

6. Enter or accept the default installation location (C:\HarrisBroadcast\ Insight\). Click Next.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Installing the Software

7. The Wizard collects the required information for setup. Click Install.

8. Wait for the installation process to finish.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Installing the Software

9. Click Finish to conclude the installation.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Synchronizer Service

Configuring Synchronizer Service

To Configure the IMM Synchronization Plugin

Use the following procedure to configure the IMM Synchronization Plugin.

1. Run IMMPluginConfigUI.exe configuration tool as administrator.in C:\HarrisBroadcast\Nexio Insight\app\services\ Insightdbsync folder.

2. The dialog prompts for the same user name and password that were required during setup

at the beginning of the installation process.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Synchronizer Service

3. On the Parameters tab…

• Enter the connection string for Motion and Nexio Insight Databases. If Motion 4 is used select Is Motion4.

• Click Create to create a device alias.

4. On the Device Properties dialog configure the following parameters as required:

• Enter a Device Alias name. It is the device to synchronize from IMotion. Check MediaSpy to see which devices are available for synchronization. This setting is case-sensitive.

• Enter an Nexio Insight OnlineStorage Id (if it doesn’t exists it will be created). • Enter a device alias into Timecodes From field (Optional. If the synchronized device is an

archive device it is possible to specify the lowres device alias name in this field, and the IMotion plug-in will take the timecode data from that device for a particular material)

• Enter a BaseUri (must be the same as in MediaSpy).

• Select the DefaultFile TypeId.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Synchronizer Service

• Select Delete Essence to indicate that essence should be deleted if the last material is


• Select Delete Content to indicate that content should be deleted if the last material is removed.

• Select Create Essence to indicate that essence should be created if it does not exist yet. • Select Create Content to indicate that content should be created if it does not exist yet.

• Select Is Archive to indicate whether the device is an archive device. • Select ContentTypeId to indicate the type of the content to be created. • OnlineStorage Info displays the name and type of the Nexio Insight online storage that

will be created if the OnlineStorage Id entered above not yet exists in Nexio Insight. Under Access Protocols, specify all the protocols that are necessary. For playback over the web, http:// protocol must be specified, while for playback over LAN a file:// protocol is needed.

• When finished click OK.

5. Click Set Parameters to save the configuration. Click Tasks.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Synchronizer Service

6. Click Execute Tasks.

7. All tasks have to run successfully. Close the configuration tool.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Synchronizer Service

8. Start the service.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service

Configuring Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service

To Configure the Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service

Use the following procedure to configure the Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service.

1. Run ConfigUI.exe configuration tool as administrator in C:\HarrisBroadcast\Insight\app\services\sns folder.

2. Create a database for the service. On the SNS Database installation screen, under SNS

configure the following parameter as required:

• Select SQL authentication or Windows authentication in Install database using.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service

• SQL authentication is needed only in a non-domain environment, if the SQL Server is

located on a remote computer. In this case enter the sa account password into Password for ‘sa’ account.

• Enter the hostname of the SQL server. • Enter an arbitrary SNS Database name to be created. • Click Install SNS Database.

3. Click OK.

4. On the SNS Database installation screen, under SNS Service Configuration…

• Enter Nexio Insight Database Connection string. • Enter Motion 4 Database Connection string (if used).

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service

• Enter Nexio Insight Base URL. • Enter Nexio Insight User Name. The service interacts with Nexio Insight Server using this

user. The user needs to be created in Nexio Insight. • Enter Nexio Insight User password. • You can change the Logging configuration if needed.

• Click Save configuration.

5. In order to get messages from Nexio Insight Server.QueueEvents setting needs to be set to

true in Nexio Insight Server configuration file (c:\harrisbroadcast\Insight\app\services\www\dam3\web.config).

6. Click OK.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Event Dispatcher (SNS) Service

7. Start the service.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring XML Exchange Service

Configuring XML Exchange Service

To Configure the XML Exchange Service Use the following procedure to configure XML Exchange Service.

1. Run ConfigUI.exe configuration tool as administrator in C:\HarrisBroadcast\Insight\app\services\xmlxch folder.

2. On the Login to Nexio Insight dialog:

• Enter Nexio Insight Server base URL.

• Enter an Nexio Insight User name with administrator privileges. • Enter Password. • Click Login.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring XML Exchange Service

3. On the Service Setting dialog configure the following parameter as required:

• Enter Nexio Insight User name. The service interacts with Nexio Insight Server using this user. The user will be created by the configuration tool if it does not exist.

• Enter Nexio Insight User password. • Enter the path of Import folder. This will be watched for incoming XML files. • Enter the path of Import success folder. Successfully imported XML files will be moved

here. • Enter the path of Import error folder. Failed to import XML files will be moved here.

• Enter the path of Export folder. Service writes here XML files whenever a change is occurred in Nexio Insight. Third party systems can get the files from this folder.

• Enter the path of optional Import XSLT file. The transformation applied to the XML file prior to importing into Nexio Insight.

• Enter the path of optional Export XSLT file. The transformation applied to the XML file after exporting XML file from Nexio Insight.

• Select Import interval. (How often the service checks for new import XML files). • Change the Log settings if needed. • Select Include Related Essences to include them in the export files.

• Select Include Markers to include them in the export files. • Select Delete Successfully imported files to delete the XML files after they are imported. • Enter Event Dispatcher Service URL. (Check Harris.SNS.DispatcherService.exe.config file

for the correct vale). • When finished click Save.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring XML Exchange Service

4. If the entered Nexio Insight User does not exist in Nexio Insight, the following dialog

appears. Click Yes to create the user.

5. Click OK.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring XML Exchange Service

6. Click OK.

7. Start the service.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring BXF Service

Configuring BXF Service

To Configure the BXF Service Use the following procedure to configure the BXF Service.

1. Run ConfigUI.exe configuration tool as administrator in C:\HarrisBroadcast\Insight\app\services\bxf folder.

2. On the Login to Nexio Insight dialog:

• Enter an Nexio Insight Server base URL. • Enter an Nexio Insight User name with administrator privileges.

• Enter a Password. • Click Login.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring BXF Service

3. On the General Tab of the BXF Service Configuration Tool dialog configure the following

parameters are required:

• Enter EM Url for the Enterprise Messaging (Centergy) post office to be used for messaging.

• Enter EM Security key. Consult Enterprise Messaging (Centergy) configuration guide getting the key.

• Enter EM destination (The name of the third party system communicating with).

• Enter SNS Url. (Check Harris.SNS.DispatcherService.exe.config file for the correct vale). • Enter Nexio Insight user name. The service interacts with Nexio Insight Server using this

user. The user will be created by the configuration tool if it does not exist.

• Enter Nexio Insight password. • Enter an arbitrary unused Listening Port number (between 1024 and 65535). • Select the customer specific Mapping configuration file.

• Select the Default frame rate to include in the messages (Used if no frame rate in BXF message)

• Select Authoritative Source. • If BXF message contains scheduled job information enter the Scheduled job settings: • Enter the name of Destination Device. • Enter Destination Device StorageMediaId.

• Enter Ingest server url. • Change the Log settings if needed. • When finished click Save configuration.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring BXF Service

4. Start the service.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring BXF Service

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Async Business Logic Service

Configuring Async Business Logic Service

To Configure the Async Business Logic Service

Use the following procedure to configure the Async Business Logic Service.

1. Run ConfigUI.exe configuration tool as administrator in C:\HarrisBroadcast\Insight\app\services\asyncbsvc folder.

2. On the Login to Nexio Insight dialog:

• Enter an Nexio Insight Server base URL. • Enter an Nexio Insight User name with administrator privileges. • Enter a Password.

• Click Login.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Async Business Logic Service

3. On the Async Business Logic Service Config UI configure the following parameters as


• Enter Nexio Insight User Name. The service interacts with Nexio Insight Server using this user. The user will be created by the configuration tool if it does not exist.

• Enter Nexio Insight User password. • Enter Event Receiver (local) port (Bad naming, you have to enter the listening URL of

the service: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.>). • Select Rule File.

• Enter Event Dispatcher Service URL. • Change Log settings if needed. • When finished click Save.

4. If the entered Nexio Insight User does not exist in Nexio Insight a dialog appears. Click Yes to

create the user.

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NEXIO® Insight: Integration Services v13.9

Installation and Configuration Configuring Async Business Logic Service

5. Click OK.

6. Click OK.

7. Start the service.

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