NFJPIA Election Code FY 1415

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  • 8/11/2019 NFJPIA Election Code FY 1415



    of the



    Be with enacted by the Supreme Student Parliament in session assembled:


    SECTION 1. Title. This Code shall be known as the Election Code of the National Federation of

    Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Executive Officers for the Federation Year 2014-2015.

    SECTION 2. Applicability. This Code shall govern the election of National Federation of Junior

    Philippine Institute of Accountants Executive Officers for the Federation Year 2014-2015.

    SECTION 3. Obligations to Vote. It shall be the obligation of one (1) bona fide authorized

    member-representative per attending NF JPIA-recognized Local Chapter, one (1) Regional Executive

    Officer-representative per Regional Council, and every incumbent NFJPIA Executive Officer, to cast

    his vote.

    SECTION 4. Objectives. The objectives of this code shall be:

    a. To establish standard procedures for application and admission as aspirants for the next setof National Executive Officers;

    b. To define the necessary requirements including the documents that shall be submitted by theaspirants for the National Executive Officers;

    c. To define the rights, responsibilities and duties of the applicants;

    d. To provide guidelines in the conduct of the orderly election;

    SECTION 5. Definition of Terms. For the purpose of this Code, the following terms shall be

    defined as follows:

    a. National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Executive Officers (NF JPIAEOs). This shall refer to the duly constituted national governing body of all JPIA Entities

    around the Philippines, excluding those Local Chapters who failed to submit membership

    requirements and failed to achieve recognition.

    b. NF JPIA EOs Elections - This shall refer to elections for all positions in the NF JPIA, namely:

    1. President2. Secretary General (to be appointed by the National President)3. Vice President for Academics4. Vice President for Non Academics5. Vice President for Membership

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    6. Vice President for Finance7. Vice President for Audit8. Vice President for Media and Documentation9. Vice President for Communications NCR10.Vice President for Communications Luzon11.Vice President for Communications Visayas12.Vice President for Communications Mindanao

    c. COMELEC - This shall refer to the body separate and distinct from the NFJPIA Eos, composedof five (5) commissioners, two (2) of which representing the National Capital Region, and one

    (1) each from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, tasked to supervise and conduct the NFJPIA EO



    SECTION 1. Composition of COMELEC.The COMELEC shall be composed of five (5)

    commissioners, two (2) of which shall come from the National Capital Region (NCR), and (1) each

    from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

    SECTION 2. Appointments of the Members of the COMELEC The National Executive Officers

    shall appoint a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and National Commissioner of the COMELEC during the

    3rd Executive Board Meeting.

    SECTION 3. Powers and Functions of the COMELEC. The COMELEC shall supervise and

    conduct the electoral process of the National Executive Officers in an orderly and peaceful manner.

    In addition to the powers and functions conferred upon it by the Constitution, the Commission shallhave exclusive charge of the enforcement and administration of all laws relative to the conduct of

    elections for the purpose of ensuring free, orderly, and honest elections, and shall:

    a. have the sole power to decide on matters concerning protests filed against any member of theNational COMELEC and the decisions of the aforesaid are final and executory;

    b. rule on any decision to be deemed subject to monitoring of the National Executive Officersupon the query of the Regional Council representatives and their decision shall be made

    superior to that of the Regional Council representatives;

    c. shall decide on the date, time, and place of election of the next National Executive Officers

    coordination with the incumbent National Executive Officers;

    d. be given the power to design procedures concerning the special elections provided that itdoes not violate the Constitution and By-Laws of the organization;

    e. organize a Miting de Avance at a specified date set by the Executive Board;

    f. be the duty of the COMELEC to conduct election in an efficient and effective manner;

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    g. conduct an election based on established procedures duly promulgated by the COMELEC andfor which the same shall be circulated by the COMELEC at least one (1) month prior to the

    date of the Election day;

    h. be the sole judge of all election protests that shall include objections to the qualification ofthe aspirants, protest on the conduct of the election campaign, casting of votes, canvassing of

    votes, canvassing of election returns, and violation of rules and regulations.

    i. report the result of the election to all recognized members of the NFJPIA;

    SECTION 4. Positions and Functions. The COMELEC shall have the following field offices with

    their respective functions:

    a. Chairperson1. calls and presides over meetings of members of the COMELEC;2. acts as official representative of the COMELEC.3. Formulates the guidelines for the conduct of the NF JPIA EOs Election.

    b. Vice Chairperson1. performs the duties of the Chairman as a whole or in representation;2. assists the Chairman in his duties; and3. performs such other duties as the Chairman may from time to time impose upon his office.

    c. Secretary1. keeps records of all the minutes and activities of the COMELEC;2. keeps an account of all official records of the COMELEC;3. performs such other duties as the Chairman may from time to time impose upon his office;

    d. Commissioner1. Acts as the COMELECs representative of the area represented2. Tasked to ensure information dissemination to the Regional Councils and Local Chapter in his


    3. Serve as the bridge between the COMELEC and the Regional Councils with regards toinformation transfer such as announcements, questions, protest and other forms information

    needed to be communicated.

    SECTION 5. Qualification of Members of the COMELEC. A member of the COMELEC must:

    a. be a bona fide member of NFJPIA for the current federation year;

    b. not be a graduating student;

    c. not be involved in any partisan political activity;

    d. not be candidates nor shall run for any elective position in the NF JPIA EOs Election.

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    SECTION 1. Composition.The NF JPIA EOs shall be composed of:

    1. President2. Secretary General3. Vice President for Academics4. Vice President for Non Academics5. Vice President for Membership6. Vice President for Finance7. Vice President for Audit8. Vice President for Media and Documentation9. Vice President for Communications NCR10.Vice President for Communications Luzon11.Vice President for Communications Visayas12.Vice President for Communications Mindanao

    SECTION 2. Regular Elections of the NF JPIA EOs. The regular election for the NF JPIA EOs shall

    be held during the Annual National Convention or within the last week of April, 2014. The President

    elect and the Vice - Presidents elect shall assume office upon taking oath of office. Each Candidate

    may only run for 1 position only.

    SECTION 3. Special Elections. If after the declaration of the winners, should there be any unfilled

    office in the NFJPIA EOs, a special election shall be called for by the COMELEC.

    SECTION 4. Term of Office. The term of office of the duly elected NF JPIA EOs officials shall end on

    the day the new set of NFJPIA EOs members have taken their oath.

    SECTION 5. End of Tenure. The term of office of any incumbent NFJPIA EOs official shall

    automatically terminate for any of the causes specified hereunder:

    a. upon death, sickness, resignation or inability to fulfill the powers and duties of the said office;

    b. upon disqualification from re - enrolment for any semester during the school year of his term foracademic reasons, provided that automatic termination shall take effect only upon official written

    notice from the Dean or Chairman of his College or Department;

    c. upon his receipt of the official written notice issued by competent college/university authority ofany of the following:

    1. honorable dismissal

    2. suspension for more than one month3. expulsion

    d. upon failure to re - enroll for any semester during his term.

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    SECTION 6. Filling of Vacancy. Vacancies arising from the above mentioned causes shall be filled

    in the following manner:

    a. For Vacancies happening within the first three months of the term:a. If at the time fixed for the beginning of, the term of the President, the president-elect

    shall have died or is incapacitated; the Vice- President for Academics shall

    automatically assume the office of the President.

    b. The newly-elected EOs shall be given the power to appoint the new VP for Academics,subject to the provisions of Article VIII of this Code.

    c. The Vacancy of any Vice Presidential will be filled by the Candidate garnering the 2ndhighest votes during the NF JPIA EOs Election 2014.

    b. For Vacancies happening after the first three month of the term:

    a. Any Vacancy will be filled by the Appointment of the President and approved by 2/3vote by of the Vice Presidents.


    SECTION 1. Qualifications for Presidency and Vice Presidency. A candidate for Presidency and

    Vice-Presidency must:

    a. be a bona fide member of NFJPIA and his/her Regional Council and Local Chapter must berecognized and accredited by the National Federation for at least one (1) year;

    b. be enrolled for the current semester (2nd semester 2013-2014);

    c. be an accounting major/accounting-related course student with good moral character;

    d. not have a failing grade with a maximum of 6 units non professional subject buffer;

    e. not hold any major or executive position in any organization for the next federation year;

    f. submit the following requirements:1. Duly accomplished Application Form for candidacy given by the COMELEC in soft


    2. Comprehensive resume containing summary of leadership positions and trainings inany organization in soft copy.

    3. Endorsement of the incumbent Regional Council President and/or Adviser of theaspirants respective region

    4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Office of the Registrar and/or Office ofthe Prefect of Discipline

    5. Certificate of grades or temporary transcript of record (certified true copy and signedby the Dean)

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    6. Two (2) wallet size pictures with white background in corporate attire (colored) insoft copy.

    7. Certification from the Office of the Student Affairs that the student is not holding anymajor position in the candidates respective college/university

    8. Two (2) endorsements from the National Federation Executive Officers before thepre-panel interview

    g. have attended at least one (1) major activity of the National Federationh. have had at least one (1) year experience working as a Local Chapter Officer, Regional Council

    Officer, National Federation Standing Committee or Working Committee.

    i. have considerable knowledge of the Constitution and By-Laws and Implementing Rules andRegulations of the National Federation.

    SECTION 2. Disqualification. Any candidate who, declared by final decision by the COMELEC, guilty

    of having:

    a. given money or other material consideration to influence, induce, or corrupt voters;

    b. committed acts of terrorism to enhance his candidacy;

    c. spent in his election campaign an amount in excess of that allowed by this Code, shall bedisqualified from continuing as a candidate, or if he has been elected, shall terminate the term

    of office.

    SECTION 3. Nuisance candidates. - The Commission may motu proprio or upon a verified petition

    of an interested party, refuse to give due course to or cancel a certificate of candidacy if it is shownthat said certificate has been filed to put the election process in mockery or disrepute or to cause

    confusion among the voters by the similarity of the names of the registered candidates or by other

    circumstances or acts which clearly demonstrate that the candidate has no bona fide intention to run

    for the office for which the certificate of candidacy has been filed and thus prevent a faithful

    determination of the true will of the electorate.


    SECTION 1. Qualifications of Voters.In order to qualify as a voter in the elections, the voter;

    a. must be a bona fide member of NFJPIA and a student of Accountancy or any accounting-related course;.

    b. must be authorized by the Local Chapter President/ Regional Council President of the LocalChapter/ Region he/she represents, or an incumbent NFJPIA Executive Officer;

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    c. must be a registered participant of the Annual National Convention 2014;

    SECTION 2. Disqualification as a Voter. A student is disqualified to vote in any electoral exercise

    when he has been found guilty:

    a. Of demanding or receiving money or any material consideration in exchange for the favour

    of his vote or of the LC/RC he represents;

    b. Of facilitating or participating in any act of terrorism to enhance any candidates candidacy.


    SECTION 1. Submission of Completed Application Packet. No person shall be eligible for any

    elective public office unless he submits his/her appliation packet within the period fixed herein.

    SECTION 2. Contents of Application Packet. The Application Packet shall be composed of the


    1. Duly accomplished Application Form for candidacy given by the COMELEC in softcopy

    2. Comprehensive resume containing summary of leadership positions and trainings inany organization in soft copy.

    3. Endorsement of the incumbent Regional Council President and/or Adviser of theaspirants respective region

    4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Office of the Registrar and/or Office ofthe Prefect of Discipline

    5. Certificate of grades or temporary transcript of record (certified true copy and signed

    by the Dean)6. Two (2) wallet size pictures with white background in corporate attire (colored) in

    soft copy.

    7. Certification from the Office of the Student Affairs that the student is not holding anymajor position in the candidates respective college/university

    8. Two (2) endorsements from the National Federation Executive Officers before thepre-panel interview

    9. 2 page General Plan of Action (must include but not limited to: Vision & Goals,Strategies & Proposed Timeline)

    10.3- to 5-minute Video answering the Video Questionnaire, must be of good video andaudio quality (Questions to be seen in the ff. page)

    11.Letter of Intent

    12.3 accomplished Assessment Google Form to be answered by: The Applicant, 1Mentor Assessor and 1 Colleague Assessor.

    SECTION 3. Deadlines and Penalties. Substantially complete packets (containing at least 2/3 of

    the contents) shall be accepted, provided that other requirement not submitted by a candidate

    during the deadline shall be complied with not later than the Wednesday of the following week with

    one hundred pesos (P100.00) penalty for every requirement. There shall be no extension other that

    stipulated herein.

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    SECTION 3. Withdrawal of Certificate of Candidacy. No Application Packet duly filed shall be

    considered withdrawn, unless the candidate presents his notice of withdrawal, duly signed by the

    candidate, to the COMELEC sometime before the day of elections.

    SECTION 4. Candidate Holding Appointive Office or Position. Persons holding appointive office

    or position in the NFJPIA shall first resign from his position before filing his Application Packet.


    SECTION 1. Time and Date - Regular elections of the NFJPIA EOs shall be held during the Annual

    National Convention or within the last week of April 2014.

    SECTION 2. Point Distribution The following scheme shall apply in determining the winningcandidates for each NFJPIA EO position:

    a. President, Vice Presidents for Academics, Non-Academics, Membership, Finance,

    Audit, Media and Documentations:

    10% - Pre-election activities, evaluated by the COMELEC

    35% - Votes coming from each incumbent NFJPIA EO

    40% - Votes coming from each Regional Council

    15% - Votes coming from all attending Local Councils

    b. Vice President for Communications Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao

    10% - Pre-election activities, evaluated by the COMELEC

    35% - Votes coming from each incumbent NFJPIA EO

    40% - Votes coming from each Regional Council

    15% - Votes coming from all attending Local Councils

    c. Vice President for Communications NCR

    10% - Pre-election activities, evaluated by the COMELEC

    35% - Votes coming from each incumbent NFJPIA EO

    40% - Votes coming from NCR Regional Council Executive Officers

    15% - Votes coming from all attending Local Councils

    d. Secretary General to be appointed by the President-elect.

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    SECTION 3. Absence of Qualified Voters

    a. Should any Regional Council President or his Representative be absent during the AnnualNational Convention, the COMELEC will conduct an online streaming of the miting de


    b. Casting of votes shall be done through a phone call that shall be recorded;

    c. Before casting the vote, the Regional Council President or his Representative must give thetwo verification codes that were provided by the COMELEC, one via SMS and one via e-mail;

    d. Should any LC representative, duly registered in the ANC, be absent during the votingperiod, he should be considered to have abstained from voting in all positions.

    SECTION 4. Sole candidates Should there be a sole candidate for any EO position, he/she shall

    have to accumulate more than 50 points to effect his election. Otherwise, the provisions of ArticleVIII of this Code shall apply.

    SECTION 5. Tie-breaking

    a. should any two candidates for the same position garner an equal amount of points, theCOMELEC shall then refer to the votes given by the Executive Officers. Whoever gets the

    higher vote shall be declared as the winner;

    b. should the vote given by the Executive Officers are still equal, the COMELEC shall then referto the votes acquired from the Regional Council Presidents or their Representatives;

    c. should the votes given by the Regional Council President or their Representatives are stillequal; the COMELEC shall then refer to the votes given by the Local Chapters;

    d. should the votes given by the Local Chapters are still equal, the COMELEC shall then refer tothe points acquired from the pre-election evaluation;

    e. should the votes acquired from the pre-election evaluation are still equal, the COMELECshall then leave the decision to hands of the incumbent NF Executive Officers to break the

    deadlock and to select the candidate who shall win.

    SECTION 6. Proclamation The COMELEC shall communicate with every member of NFJPIA the

    results of the special elections within one (1) week from the date of appointment.

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    SECTION 1. Special Elections If after the declaration of the winners, should there be any unfilled

    office in the NFJPIA EOs, a special election shall be called for by the COMELEC.

    SECTION 2. Nomination The Regional Councils shall be given a period of ten (10) working days

    after the proclamation of the EOs to submit their official nominations for the unfilled positions, along

    with the applicable requirements enumerated in Article VI of this Code.

    SECTION 3. Appointment The newly-elected EOs shall be given the power to appoint to the unfilled

    office/s from among the qualified nominees.

    SECTION 4. Proclamation The COMELEC shall communicate with every member of NFJPIA the

    results of the special elections within 1 week from the date of appointment.


    SECTION1. Questionnaires. - Pursuant to the provisions of Article VI of this Code, every aspirant

    must accomplish the following as part of his application packet:

    1. Essays included in the Official Application Form, answering the questions stated in Section2; and

    2. 3- to 5-minute Video answering the Video Questionnaire, must be of good video and audioquality, answering the questions stated in Section 3.

    SECTION 2. Essay questions. - The official essay questions to be answered by the aspirants in the

    application form, in not more than 300 words each, shall comprise of the following:

    1. What events, success and failures alike, have shaped you into the leader you are

    right now? What leadership essentials have these inculcated in you?

    2. What significant contributions have you made which you believe have made animpact to the organization? Cite concrete examples.

    3. If you were to be elected, how would your leadership sustain the growth of the

    organization? Give specific measures which you plan to implement.

    SECTION 3. Video Questionnaire. - The official questions to be answered by the aspirants in their

    3- to 5-minute video, shall comprise of the following:

    1. Why are you aspiring as one of the NF JPIA Executive Officers?

    2. Interpret this year's election theme, "Faster! Stronger! Higher! This is NFJPIA!"

    3. What makes you stand out among the other aspirants?

    Provided that each question shall be answered in not less than 45 seconds.