N iac C ounty N ews . Vol. 4. YOUNGSTOWN, N.Y., MAY 9, 1884. No. 1 1 8 McCOLLUH. Surf irftl ani Mechanical Dentist, W' IIAGARA FALLS MMTIttt'd BLOOK. Nitrous Oki<tu <*«»|fiv •u (or pAinlcss xti ac tion of tootii. OT All operation* warrant#*!. Jos. Thom pson MANLrACTlRKH AND DEAI.Ek IE HARNESS, SADDLES, Bridles, Collars, Whips, Blank ets. &c., also dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, TRVNKN, V A I.IHKS, GLOVES, MIT- TENS, KTt YOUNGSTOWN. N.Y. N. I). HASKELL, ri KK AND MARINE ISrSU RA lV CE ACE7ST In First-class Companies. Hartford ................................ Hartford, Ct. "New IInmpsliiru ................... Manchester. tiriilsh America ..............................Toronto. Lion .............................. London, Euffland. Star ............................................... New York. Providence Washington ......................It. I. Scottish lluion and National..(ilusuow Citi/.ens ........................................ Pittsburgh. Also Washington Llfo Insurance Com pany of New Ifurk. BAN K OF NIAGARA, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y o- - CAPITAL, $50,000. orncERS. HENRY C. HOWARD - - - President. WILLIAM C. CORN WELL VTck-ITikhidknt CD WARD J. MACKENNA - - Canhikk. DIRECTORS HHKRMAN H. .IEWKTT - - GIBBON T. WILLIAMS - - HENRY 0. HOWARD - W M. 0> OORKWILL - - JACOB F. BCHOELLKOPK jo an k. ways - . ETHAN H. HOWARD - HENRY 0 JEWKTT - - A. HUHOELLKOPF - - Niaoaha Falls. The Hank re*|>ectfullv offer* its services to all classes iu this vicinity requiring Ranking facilities. The accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, etc., will receive cureful attention uud - - BurrALO - - - liUKFAUl. Niaoaha F alls . - - liUKFALl). • Bumu). L ewiston. - Buffalo - BvnrALo. every convenience ohtuiuahle will be extended to custom- ers on liberal terms. Hperial Attention Ulreu to Accounts of I'nriners. —AND— HATI S K AC.'TOBY A Ull A NGKM KNT8 can be made for interest, whether accounts are large or small. Sight Drafts drawn direct on cities of and Europe. (Iroat Itritain Hto«*k Owner*, Attention! tpaON'T forget thst ono pound nf Wesre's l-c Honditlen Powder* is worth live of snv other kind. Warranted t>» eure worms. Kor •ale by li. I). Da VIS Co., Youugstown. A Marvel ! Wbiiro’t Sure (!»iro f»>r licitvo* i* Juat nn me im |>l leu Tho <»nly •cicncc lirmyrt |»rinhir«wl. a VII Co., Youngatown. iv lint ita KKl.l AllLK remcity Kor *Aiu by It l>. 10t!8 W .II.H . It ansom & S on General Merchandise. Largest Stock u mont alw il U Lo wpfl AaWwh Kvervtlilnir Wanted far All Seasons. Specialties iu All Lines. Coal, Salt, Agricultural Tools. TOPICS OF THE WEEK. —Henry Irving will be banquetted in Lon. don. —Tbe steamship, Hta to of Florida, has been loet at sea. —Fitzgerald haa won the (ix days’ walking match. There are serious mountain flret in Penn sylvania. —A Norwegian ship bas been wrecked off Wolf Island. There ia a conaiderablo falling off in Que bec timber trade. Oermnn Liberals have organised their party throughout tbo Empire. —An anti-revolutionary league is proposed among European Lowers. —An English lady hns offorcd £’85,000 to wards the relief of den. Gordon. —It ia proposed to form a Cunadiun Reef Ex|>orlation Company at Montreal. Great damage has been caused in Dover, New Hampshire, by a heavy landslide. Several more cases of assault have ariseu out of tbe Ruffalo ’longshoremen's dispute. —English police say that in securing Egan they broke up a most dangerous dynumite conspiracy, —Lord Randolph Churchill bas resigned tbe chairmanship of the Dritiah National Conservative Club. —The English Conservatives w ill move an other vote of ceusuro against tbe Govern ment on the Egyptian question. —Tbe decrease in tbe public debt of thu United Hiatus last month was withiu a frac tion of live millions and a quarter. —Capt Kvau’s Salvationists opened the siege of Rochester last Hunday, Tbey had a tumultuous time of it. —Thieves pried open the Southern Central ticket ofllce door at Albany Saturday after noon and obtained £125. —Grand Duke Ixiuis IV. of Hesse, left a widower by the death of I’rinccss Alice, it is said wants to marry Princess Heatrico. —An Anglo French agreement lias been signud, modifying and defining tbe rights of Ihe French in the Newfoundland fisher, fee. —It is stateil that tho Rritish Government will place #35,OIK),000 at tbo ditqiosal of i commission to assist Irish peasants to bu coino proprietors. —Kentucky colored citizens in convention have protested against taring made bowers of wood and drawers of water by the Uepubii- i can party. —Trichinosis caused by eating imported j meat from the United States is asserted by j Professor Virchow, of Rerlin, to be confined i to a few isolated cases nt Rremen. —Resolutions in favor of a protectivo tariff i nnd making tbo Act for the exclusion of | Chinese perpetuul liuve been adopted by tbe j Californian lteput lican convention. —The sixteenth animal shearing of the I Ontario and Livingston Sheep -Breeders’ ami Wool Growers’ Association occurred at llo- neoye, Oniurio County, last week. —The sometime Reverend Alfred F. Ved- der now fills n zebra suit In Cliuton Prison. He is ns plucky ns ever, nud says he will read law after his time is up. COUNTY AND VICINITY. —Crop prospect* are good. —Four tows arrived In Tonawanda Sun day last —Tbe ice-cream parlor* have already open ed in Ixickport. —The Good Templars of Tonawanda give a aocial entertainment this evening. —Bishop Coxe will make an official visit to St. Peter’s church, Niagara Falls, June 15th. —A lonta hundred government license* to sell liquor in Lockport have already been issued. —It is expected that tbe brick work to tbe new Trinity cburcb at Middleport, will be completed tbis week. —It is claimed that Middleport bas tbe poorest protection against fire of nny village of its size in tbe State of New York. —A large dredge, built at Tonawanda, for tho Manitoba work, by Morgan & Sutton, was successfully launched on Friday last. —Gasport is becoming a thriving business village, showing many signsof improvement, and considerable enterprise among its citi zens. —A #25,000,000 mortgage on the West Shore railroad property was filed in the County t lurk's oilice of Erie county at Ruf falo Friday last. —A sbeep on tho farnt of Mr. Samuel Knox, of Newfane, recently guve birth to a fully developed lamh having two bodies, eight legs and one hoed. It lived but sbort time. —Horace W. Brown, of Rochester, bas iu training tbe trotting more NIngarettn, 15| ban,Is, 7 years old, by a son of Billy Benton. She Is owned by Park Jerauld, Cataract House, Niagara Falls. —Tbo wholesale and retail grocery busi. ness of tho late firm of J.& T . Vedder, of Suspension Bridge, has been transferred by Mr. James Vedder to Mr. Martin V. 1‘enr. sun, wbo will conduct tho business hereafter. —Company Ii., Washington Continentals, one of Albany’s crack military organizations, have accepted an invitation to bo the guests of the Seventy-fourth Regiment, of Buffalo, on the 4th aud 5th of July next. They will visit Niagara Falls during their trip. —A l-ockport lady has a new book lu press | entitled " liircb Bark l-ugunds." lt deals with Indian life, aud is founded on data left 1by her father, who lived among tho Indians many years. Tho sconos ore laid in this 1county, the most tragic being located at 1 Prospect Point, in whnt ia now Prospect i I’ark, at Niagara Fulls. —Superintendent I-ewia is building a re servoir around the spring on tho land recent ly purchased by tho county, at tlie Poor House farm. It is ten feet square and two feet deep. When completed the county houso will bnvo a water works with u fall of one hundred aud forty feet, which will be able to throw a fair-sized stream over any of the buildings on tbe farm. —Orrin Wbeule, of Suspension Bridge, narrowly escaped being drowned whilo at tempting to cross the river from tho "swift drift" to tho old Mnid of the Mist lauding Tuesday, lie lost the boat, which was own ed by Chas. Wlodenmann, nnd was rescued from tho wreck by Messrs. Percy and Itrndt, NIACARA. Ont. Tbe house-cleaning business Is rushing here just now Mr. L. Ross is having his residence end barber shop repainted. Born —Sunday, May 4, 1884. to Mr and Mrs. W. Larry, a son. Dick Wootteu made a flying visit here Sunday last on a M.C.R. tricycle special. A new fence is be grig plan d around St. Andrew’* cemetery. About lime. Some little money changed hand* among the boys last Monday on tho result of the New York walking match. The work of repairing the bank in front of tbe Queen’s Royal Hotel hns been com menced by Mr. James Is mg burst. Are we going to celebrate Het Majesty's Birthday I If ao, it ia time a movo was wudo to secure tbe necessary fuuds Mr. Frank Bishop hn* had his billiard tables recushloned and covered, and his room generally refitted, making it ono of tho finest of the kind in Canada. Gn account of illness, Miss C. Nisbot wns umible to keep her cngngeincnt nnd open out her millinery stock in Mr. Senior’s store last Monday; but Monday next she hopes to be uble to open out with a full stock of oi instructions to strike out th* clause referring to the horse, Ac. Th# amendment was l.arf . Ycae- Follott, Wilkinson—8. Nays—Crvsier, Lyons, Callory, McClel land, J. Bishop—5. Tbe original motion was then carried. Yeas—Cry slur, Lyons, Callory, McClel land, J. Bishop -5. Nays Follett, Wilkinson—3. Mr. Follett theu introduced a by-law to separate the wholesale liquor trade from the grocery or any other business, and moved that the same b« read a first, second, nud third time. Moved in amendment by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Lyons, tbat the reading of the by law be put t>ack for oue mouth. ljotf —4 to 8. Original motion wa« then put nnd carried, nnd tlio by-law read a first, second nnd third time and ennied. Moved by Mr. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Callory, that the tax Collector be allow ed until the flrst Friday iu Juno to return his roll.—Carried. Mr. Wilkinson Introduced a by-law to ap point an Inspector on contagious diseases iu fruit trees. Mr. It. Reid. Jr., wn* named a* Inspector, and tlie by-law wns passed. Mr. Wilkinson spoke lu reference to the appointment of a Board of Health; but His erytbing iu the millinery line, at very low j Worship and Alderman Follett having occn- -T h e Empress of Austria is visiting A m i who wero following the same course, and terdam incognito to consult u distinguished physician iu regard to nervous disorders with which she has been afflicted. —On# of tho cartridges found bon ath the Provincial Parliament Buildings st Toronto has been analyzed und Is proved to have been | Lockport. The June I air will take place on who barely mnnaged to get ashore.—[N ing- ara Falls Courier. - The regular monthly nuetlng of tbe Ni agara County Agricultural Society was held Saturday afternoon at the American Hotel, filled with dualin, a stronger explosive than dynamite. —In un experiment with one of the bombs found in tbu possession of Duly, tbo dyna miter nrrcsied at. Birkcniu ad, one hundred sml sixty wounds were inflicted on twelve oodoti dummies of life size. - Bands of insurgents have cut the tele- graph wires and destroyed n railway bridge iu thu Spanish provinco of Catalonia. Tbe Government is exercising great precautions to prevent the spread of tlio revolutionary movement. —Biting frosts ill England last week, to gether with a general blight in tbu soutliem counties, havo combined to render fruit- growers despondent over their crop pros- poets, which were previously highly promis ing. A conference of leading members of the Peace Society called In Ixmdon a few days ago for tho purpose of assailing the policy of Mr. Gladstone’s Government regarding tbe Soudan, degenerated iuto an angry war of words and broke up in disorder. —It is said of a trimmings store clerk In 54 #” Highest market price for all kinds of 'Denver that, on M-eiiig a party of ladles ep- graln We solicit a share of your patronage Ransorovllle. Oct. 34, 1883. Nov 3 ’83-lv au for the working class. Semi 10 M a 1 a l ceala tor iHwtsge, and ve will ( ▼ [ I I I ] limit Veil ritRE, » royal, valiianlc Va V a M lies ef sample gixsla Hint » 1)1 pul vou 111 the way of making men money in a few days than vou ever thought possible al sny bus iness Capita! not required. We will start you. You can work nil the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from .V) cents te |A every evening. Tlml nil wlm waul work mav test the business, we make Hus un proarhing him on the street, bo darted into an alley and hid until they had jiasiied. He had forgotten his cane and could not think of meeting the party In such a nude state. Bishop Henry C. Potter of New Y’ork has started an agitat ion In behalf of j«oor clvrgymeti. He proposes that every clergy, men whose salary is S.OOU or over shall con- tribute two and a half per cent of it, per an num, to a Poor Clergy Fund, to be applied to mon wbo get less than fl.Otki salary. —A Swedish girl uamcd Gothenburg, paralleled offer; tv* all wlm are not sat idled we twenty years old, works in the Harmony will send >1 lo pay for the trouble of writing us. ,, ' . , , , . , ___ ,. . Full particulars, directions, eU%, sent free, Kor- Millsat Cohoes. . ho has lately been disap- tlines will Ik- made Iiy those wlm give their pointed in love, it is said. Shortly after whole lime to the work, Great eiu-ess sl.- dule- )y sure. Don’t delay. Sturt now. A.ldre *TIndus X Co., Portland. Maine. MOW IN USE—36,989. Ail ocibont uy I tic if riHbltllf th? bc*t He itk > o*i to rf ltsUerr.-l.K. f.reePeM.Smle. a , f J *nd Trrtlllalnc IDrlll »wdour Maj Kukra. Tiirjy S., w ikx ! »*> the b**t. *ml CMI t vd*l a*ih<*p. All are war ranted Circular* muled free N««Vttrk MilChlnw CO«« Newark# Ohio. *** Uaf.o4s.wm, midnight last Saturday sbe swallowed the contents of a bottle of strychnine. Hhe can not recover. —A man named Lewis has been arrested at Peterbvro', Ont., on tbe charge of having forged a consolidated Canadian I-oan bond for one thousand pounds. The bond, which has been twenty years in circulation, was re cently transmitted to England by a firm of Toronto brokers, where it wa* discovered to be spurious and returned to Toroutn. Friday and Haturdny, June l.’lth nnd Htli i Both days will be devoted to the exhibition of agricultural implements and machinery, and such display of stock us those interested may see fit to bring on the grounds for in- i spectlon. Tbe indications are that the Mpriug Fair w^ll bo the largest ever held by ! the Society, and the board of managers will not spare any pains for the accom modal ion of those who have stook or Implements to ' put on exhibition. In the afternoon of the j last day there will be a borse race, three hundred dollars in prizes being offered. It wus decided not to charge miy entrance fee on articles put on exhibition. Admission to the grounds will be twenty five cent* each day aud no complimentary tiokets will be given. An invitation was received and ao cepted to attend a county fair at Homer, I Ont., May 24tb. —A Lockport paper says; "Never in the history of central Newfane was there such a flsbitig excitement among it* Inhabi tants as there was yesterday. Tbe immense j Collin* pond at Charlotte was drained off through the gates to make some needed re- pair at l> o'clock a m. The water had not been so thoroughly let out for t«n or twelve years, and as the list of it drained through the gates immense quantities of firb that had been hiding in tlie deep hole* began to move, and as they passed ever tbe ripple* below tbe dam and under the iron bridge tiie word weut out through the village aud surround ing country, and spun the creek was lined with hundreds arriving armed witb spears shot-guns, pika-polea, pitch forks, etc.. and the most excitiug sport ruled tbe hour a* they pitched tbeiu out on dry land. Tbo sballowneoeof tbe water made tbem an easy prey, aud in tbe kolea above tbe pond that were left undruined, tbey were scooped out by tbe wagon load*. Among tho best and most successful catchers was Tom, a large, flne dog, belonging to Mr. H. Rockwell, who caught tbem in bis mouth on tbe ripples and carried them ou shore. John Colliton shot a lake boos tbat weighed twelve pound*. Tbe priocipal kind caught were Oswego bass, eels, bullheads, red sides, and Rocky Mountain chubs, and in fact, almost every kind but whale. Tbe *|iort continued all day, and at night glimmering torches along the fishing line told thst tbe searchers were still oo the path.” price* It is reported here th it Mr. J. I*. Fortier, late of tho steamer City of Toronto, will have the Houthem Belle on the Niagara nnd Toronto route this season. Mr. Fortier will be welcomed back, 11vituperation of somo of the Niagara people to the c< tilrary not withstanding.’’ Mr. James li. McMillan bas rented liis ho tel at the dock to Mr. Oscar Graves, of St. Catharines, v bo is reported to be one of tbe best hotel men In tho Province. He wn* connected witli the Stephenson House, St. Catharines, for a number of years, and for the last five years has been running the ho tel ut the Grimsby Camp Grounds, giving tho best of satisfaction. Our people will be glad to hear that the old favorite o--median, Mr Harry Lindley, accompanied by Miss Louiso Forster, the eminent emotional nrtlsto nnd a company of thirteen people, will liolil forth In Music Hall Tuesdaj evening next, wben the beau tiful drama, "O nr Boy*,” will be produced. Mr. Lltidloy will ho remembered by our people us giving a series of performances in this town some years ago to di lighted au diences. We prophesy a full hou«u. Our citizens were treated to n most dis gusting stench arising from mumire spread oil a garden plot on Qceon street last Hun day, People going nnd returning from church were compelled to hold their hand kerchiefs to theii nasal organs until they had passed out of reach of tho sickening odor, nnd oven tbo dogs hung their heads and bolted for the commons, nml tho horses threw buck their enrs and shied to tho other sido nf the street. Is there a Board of health in this town ! If so, why do thoy not attend to their duty * Tho descendants of the U. E. 1-oynlist* of tho Town and Township of Niagara held a meeting In tho police office Tuesday ovening last, when it was decided to hold a celebra tion In Niagara on tho 15th of August next. In Paradise Grove. Col. F. A. B. Clench was appointed Chairman nnd 1). O. Record Secretary. Wm. Kirby, Esq., Ales Horvos, Esq.! Geo. A. Clement, Esq., Capt. lliscott, Jauies A. Cooper, James B. Secord, John D. Hervos, Cort L Secord, Walter A Thomp son, and several others wero present ntnl wero vory much In fnvor of holding tbe celebration here instead of in Toronto, as was proposed at tbo last meeting, as thoy consider Niagara tho proper place. The people of Niagara should co-operate with the U K's, and mnke this a mammoth cele bration. TOWN COUNCIL. Tlio regular monthly mooting of the Town Council took placo Tuesday ovening last. Present Mayor Garrett, Ueovo J. Bishop, Aldermen Lyons, t ’aUory, Wilkinson, Crys- ler, Follett, McClelland. Absent -Aldermen Donnelly, IL Bishop, , | and Rismeau Minutes of last meeting were read and ad opted. A communication wns rend from Mr. Ged .lea asking that the sum paid for tbe use of Music Halt on the evenings of tlie 17th and 1Kth of April be refunded, less usual expen- | ses. The requested was granted. A communication from Mr. Jno. Cnrno- chmi. asking that a sidewalk he built in front | of liis residence, wa* referred to tho Board ; of Works. A communication from Mr*. Frazer, in reference to the draining nf her cellar, was referred tqjiie Board of Works A petition from the member* of the Fire Company, asking for an appropriation for the purchase of now uniforms, was referred to the Finance Committee, with power to act. A communication wa* read from the Town Auditors, stating that they had ex amined the account* of the Town and found tho aame correct. Report of Finance Committee wa* road and adopted. Report of Indigent Committal- was read and adopted. The re|sirt of the Chairman of the Com mittee on Ihsrh and Khade Tree* wes then read. Tbe Committee had fonnd 103 dead tree*, and had purchased 150 young tree* at 18 cent* each, and aftor replacing the dead trews had planted the balance on Mary street. The report of the Board of Work* wa* read, recommending the pare base by the Town of a horse, harness and wagon or cart, to be used tn gravelling the street* and other corporation work. Mr Follett, objected, and niovod,*oconded by Alderman Wilkinson, that the rej>ort be referred back to the Board of Work*, with sioti to go out to “ see a man,” Reeve Bishop took the chair and adjourned tlie meeting. 'I The Tableaux Vivaiit* 111 aid of St. Mark’* church, w hich proved such a brilliant suc cess In Niagara, were repeated in St. Cath arines Thursday evening of last week. The St. Catharines pin|)ers speak In terms of the highest praise of tbe entertainment, which was witnessed by i n appreciative audience. Unfortunately, the weather was so extreme ly bad ns to prevent many being present who would otherwise have attended, nnd w ho had generously bought a number ot tickets. T iik Echo ok Niagara hns opened a hand some and spacious office In tho Worden Block, which will no doubt he over run with nn impatient crowd next Thursday for first copies of this anxiously-looked for journal. COOMER. Mr. Mitclioll and daughter, relative* of Wm. Bradshaw, are here visitiii;; tliis place. Their home is In Ohio. Prof. Oliver Halstead and his mother have moved from thi* place Into Ian kport, hav ing rented their house to James Ryan. Bro. 1’lckard ha* returned hi* Wmineodny ovening eervices at tho school house. We would be pleased to have him come on Sab- bath afternoons, but Ids other appointment* are such that he cannot well be hero. Farmers are now very busy preparing the lnnd for corn nnd potatoes, nml there w ill bo n inrgo anion nt planted, and nil hope for a more favorable season than last year. Wheat is looking excellent, nnd with a shower occasionally, promises n largo yield. A goodly number of our people attended tlio funeral of Mis* II. Lovell, iu Ixn kport, tbe 27th ult. Khe waa born here, eml passed hor childhood's day* In this place. Sho was much esteemed by all who knew ber. Her early dentil is lamented by all, but wo sub- mit to His will, " Wbo doeth all tilings well.” Tlie heavy wind of tlie 2nd did some dam age to fruit trees, nnd also to fence*. Wo hope it will bo some time before we have another such a wind. —W. A. D. Emorys L ittle Cathartic Ptt.ui are sufficiently powerful for tiie most robust, yet tbn snfest for children, nnd weak eonslltu tion*; thu action lu any disease is uniform, certain aod safe, publics* and effective Druggist#.—15 Cent*. NORTH RIDGE, Mis* Ossie Hwain, of leiwiston, is visiting her un< In, Mr. James Hardison, on the Hidge Miss Eliza Clapeaddle, of Yoonmtosvn, wns the guwt of her sister, Mr*. J, J. linger*, j last week. Mr. George Adams, of I-ewlntoli, was on I tbe Ridge last Sunday. Mrs James Hardison, of th Is place, ts at her sister's, Mr*. Nelson Hwsln, tn i/ewlston, taking cnie of her sick mother, Mrs. Hears Dickerson, wbo I* not expected to live but a short time. Mr. Harar James nnd wile, of Ixmdon, Eng., are spending some time with their brother atul sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Ralley, on the Hidge. Mr*. J. P Bingham hns gone to Clarendon Orleans Co., to administer to the wants of her sick uncle, Mr. Dauiel Greggs, of tbat place. Mrs. Jacob J. Roger* attended th# Free Methodist Quarterly Conference at Char lotte, lust week. Mr. F. M. Culver hn* been confined to his house the past week with rheumatism. Tbe donation held at tbe house of Mr Frank Brockway, under tha auspice* of tbe Masonic Fraternity, last Thursday evening, for the benefit of Rev. A,H. Msryott, was a sue csm financially. Net proceeds #150 13 Tbe bouse wns full to overflowing, nnd more would have been in attendenoe, but for the the rain whicb set In just before dark. Rev. A. H. Maryott exchanged pulpits with tho M K. pastor at Youngstown, Huu day last—Re»: ey Huark. North Ridge. May 5tb. 18K4. W tthin the w ide range of disease, nothing is more prevalent than C'ohfs, C’m/jht, A*th. ma, J/iarrscacss, tin Throat, Whoafhng Cough and l,ung I hocuses. Ail ol these yield immediately to tho Medirtual proj ertirs of Haioltok'k Coeor Candy, lt is perfectly safe, easy to tske and sure to cure. Price ten cents. Fmr sale by B. V. Davi* Co, WILSON. Mr*. Jano MdTwwney of this village Ws# visiting hor eon. Dr. W K McChesney, of Barker'* station, a part of loot week. Miss Mary Iwach, for» atly of this place, has lataly returned ber* eud is staying witb Mrs. Alexander Pettit on lake street. Mr Davey. of Batavia was in this village last Thursday. A brother of Mr Win Hatch moved hi* faintly to tide village last week, Intending to make this bis home for a time al least. The stflt of K V. W lk>x, versus tb* Mew- nier toys, which w»# appealed by the Hosnier boys from the derision of C. W Seeley, J P., of this viPnge, snd taken 4nto the County IVnrt wes argued a sbort * me ago asd Judgment reserved ions of ths lx>ck- port papers at thst time making it read re vi-rsedl was finally settled last week hv Judge l’ottcr sustaining tbe dm isien of K* quire Neeley We presume that it ba* «s»t both parties a good dost more to get this de rision than ll would to have arranged a mn tual settlement. Mr. Rlct-ard Holme*, of Ixx-kport, was Is* this village last Friday, Tho row of busi test places on the north side of Young stm t in this village had a narrow escape from t! e fire fiend last We »* uesday morning about 4 :k> A M A box lu the store of llsckett Brothers containing sawdust snd used as a *J H box caught fire, probably from a cigar stub nr tlie ashes from a pljie dropped in Ihe previous evening, sn l got wi ll to burning when it was discovers-I by Mr*. Bradley, who live* over the storw, and sbe gave the alarm, which wu* probabl v all tliat saved a number of store* from bring consumed. Dudley Frink bad quite a rurioalty a few days ago in the way nf a calf which had regular knee joints where tho gambrel Joint* should have been, thus causing the hind Ivgs to bend forward. There were also some other marked irregularities about tbs ani mal. Mr. I’otor llauer returned last week from Ide visit to filends lu the eastern part of tills State. John Stevenson wa* ill lids village a part of lust week uud tile forepart of thia John A. Marshall nnd l«ot Allen, of Youngstown, were In this village laat Sat urday, looking for a couple of pieces of tim ber suitable for spars for thcirsnlllng boat. Withiu the last few day* A. J. McRrler h*e •hipped two c«r loads of shingles from this station, ons to tt illiauisnn and one to North I’ai ma. Henry Coates, lately returned from Col orndo, wns In this village last Saturday. Two brother* of John Killing haiu arrived hero from England Inst Friday night By vote of those present nt tho Presbyte rian S.S. last Sunday it wus decided to ob serve Children’s Day ithe second Sunday In Juno), ltev. Mr. White made tha motion, and said that be would preach a sermon for 1the children, or wouhl give un the tim* for the exercises, or observe the day In any way lint seemed most suitable to tb* school. It was finally decided that the Superintend ent should appoint a committee to decide the matter and arrange a programme Ac cordingly tb* Hiiperliitundnnt appointed • Committee of five who are to report next Sunday w lint the t rogremine shall be. Elder A. Hamblin, the deUgnte from tills church to thu meeting of the Niagara I’rsa ti tery, held at Lockport last week, gave a brief ro|wirt of what Was dons at that se* aIon, last Sunday morning. Mr. A J. Smith, the watchmaker at O. S. Mei ’besney’s, spent last Sunday with bli sis ter in Ruffalo, who wa* quite rick. Dr. L. Bn loom and Mr Mile* were at tbe Ontario Hotel the forepart of this woek, pre pared to do dental work fur those who wsrw iu newt of such. The breaking of tho Raster eggs took place ut tlie M E. bouse of worship last Kunday evening This was the mean* used by Uie M E. H. school to raise money to purchase ' library t*x>ks, and tb* breaking of Ihe egga Glowed tbe result to be #30 or #37. The prize medal for the largest amount collected wa* won hy Benj. Putnam's daughter, who liad about #7. ltev K. T. D. tlickley started last Monday morning for Philadelphia, Intending to* be gone about two or three wseks. Tbe masons commenced work on tlie fouq, dstion for the new M K churrb tbis week. Peter A Porter Post G A It. will giv* nn entcitaii iiient In i he Public Hell, thi* vil lage, ou Saturday evening. May loth Tb* bdi seys the “ Newfane Amatur* (Tub" will present the semi cottdc drama entitled the “ Bachelor of Arts." Good marie In attend slice Adnii*ei»n 25c aud 15o. Tbe object of th* ent- rtemmeiit is to rale* funds for Memorial Day. J ernes Rutgc* has purchased the house and lot W here he ha* lived for some time, and la insktng considerabt* repairs Mr T U. i'atebn* bus moved Into the bouse known a* tbe It. P. Wilson property, which he recently obtained In an exchange with Mr Jesse Gifford, but we bed not heard thst Mr. Jerome Clifford had ever talked at pun-baring said property. lack of snter- pr )*c must account for It, we sop{rose Tire Baptist parsonage is being pointed, and tbe grounds other* i*» Improved. Kev A II Ixmg, of Rochester, wtll preach In tii* Baptist cburcb next Hunday. The children of Mr Tretelller, who bee*, been IU with diphtheria, era Improving slowly, Mr*. UlUan Wilson cam* beck her# last Monday morning from Wickc*. Montana, having been gone about Hire* years. Hb* te new at the home of ber father, Mr. J. G. O. Brown. Ed. Farley is in town bevlng com# to help bi* bri'ther. Aimer Periey on tb* irieeon work of the new M. K. church. Mra. Amen-la twrbon, » bo baa beam quit* rics for two or three week* I* somewhat bet ter at preeent. James Petterenu hod * light stroke Uf per aiytia ie*t Sunday afternoon. E. T Barton is having hi* bouae ref plat ed -H. -- ....

Niac County N - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn94057653/1884-05-09/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Niac County News. Vol. 4. YOUNGSTOW N, N.Y., MAY 9, 1884. No. 1 1 W

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N iac C ounty N e w s .V o l . 4 . Y O U N G S T O W N , N . Y . , M A Y 9 , 1 8 8 4 . N o . 1 1

8 McCOLLUH.Surf irftl an i Mechanical Dentist,W 'IIA G A R A FA LLS


Nitrous Oki<tu <*«»|fiv •u (or pAinlcss xti ac­tion of too tii.

O T All operation* warrant#*!.

J o s . T h o m p s o nMANLrACTlRKH AND DEAI.Ek IE

HARNESS, SADDLES,B rid les , C ollars, W hips, B lank­

e t s . &c., a lso d e a le r in



N . I ) . H A S K E L L , riKK AND MARINE

I S r S U R A l V C E A C E 7 S T

In F ir s t - c la s s C om p an ies .Hartford ................................ Hartford, Ct.

"N ew IInm psliiru ................... M anchester.tiriilsh A m erica..............................T oron to .Lion.............................. London, Euffland.S ta r ............................................... New Y ork.P rov idence W ash ing ton ......................It. I.S co ttish llu io n and N a tio n a l. . (ilusuowCiti/.ens........................................P ittsb u rg h .A lso W ashington Llfo In su rance Com ­

pany of New Ifurk.


o - -

C A P I T A L , $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 .

o r n c E R S .HENRY C. HOWARD - - - P re s id en t. WILLIAM C. CORN WELL VTck-ITikhidknt CD WARD J. MACKENNA - - Canhikk.


The Hank re*|>ectfullv offer* its services to all classes iu this vicinity requiring Ranking facilities.The accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers,

etc., will receive cureful attention uud

- - BurrALO- - - liUKFAUl.Niaoaha Falls

. - - liUKFALl).• B u m u ) .

• Lewiston.- Buffalo- BvnrALo.

every convenience ohtuiuahle will be extended to custom-

ers on liberal terms.

Hperial Attention Ulreu to Accounts o f I'nriners.


can be made for interest, whether accounts are large or small.S ig h t D rafts

draw n direct on cities of and Europe.

(Iroat Itritain

Hto«*k Owner*, A tte n tio n !tpaO N 'T forget thst ono pound nf Wesre's l - c Honditlen Powder* is worth live of snv other kind. Warranted t>» eure worms. Kor •ale by li. I). Da VIS Co., Youugstown.

A Marvel !Wbiiro’t Sure (!»iro f»>r licitvo* i* Juat

nn me im |>l leu Tho <»nly•cicncc lirmyrt |»rinhir«wl.J»a VII Co., Youngatown.

iv lint ita KK l.l A llLK remcity Kor *Aiu by It l>.


W . I I . H . I t a n s o m & S o nG enera l M erch an d ise .

L a r g e s t S t o c ku m o n talw i l U

Lo w p flA aWwh

K v e rv tl iln ir W a n te d f a r A ll Seasons. S p e c ia l t ie s iu All L in e s .

C oal, Salt, Agricultural T oo ls .

TOPICS OF THE WEEK.—Henry Irving will be banquetted in Lon.

don.—Tbe steamship, Hta to of Florida, has been

loet a t sea.—Fitzgerald haa won the (ix days’ walking

match.There are serious mountain flret in Penn­

sylvania.—A Norwegian ship bas been wrecked off

Wolf Island.— There ia a conaiderablo falling off in Que­

bec timber trade.Oermnn Liberals have organised their

party throughout tbo Empire.—An anti-revolutionary league is proposed

among European Lowers.— An English lady hns offorcd £’85,000 to­

wards the relief of den. Gordon.—It ia proposed to form a Cunadiun Reef

Ex|>orlation Company a t Montreal.— Great damage has been caused in Dover,

New Hampshire, by a heavy landslide.— Several more cases of assault have ariseu

out of tbe Ruffalo ’longshoremen's dispute.—English police say that in securing Egan

they broke up a most dangerous dynumite conspiracy,

—Lord Randolph Churchill bas resigned tbe chairmanship of the Dritiah National Conservative Club.

—The English Conservatives w ill move an­other vote of ceusuro against tbe Govern­ment on the Egyptian question.

—Tbe decrease in tbe public debt of thu United Hiatus last month was withiu a frac­tion of live millions and a quarter.

—Capt Kvau’s Salvationists opened the siege of Rochester last Hunday, Tbey had a tumultuous time of it.

—Thieves pried open the Southern Central ticket ofllce door at Albany Saturday after­noon and obtained £125.

—Grand Duke Ixiuis IV. of Hesse, left a widower by the death of I’rinccss Alice, it is said wants to marry Princess Heatrico.

—An Anglo French agreement lias been signud, modifying and defining tbe rights of Ihe French in the Newfoundland fisher, fee.

—It is stateil that tho Rritish Government will place #35,OIK),000 at tbo ditqiosal of i commission to assist Irish peasants to bu coino proprietors.

—Kentucky colored citizens in convention have protested against taring made bowers of wood and drawers of water by the Uepubii- i can party.

—Trichinosis caused by eating imported j meat from the United States is asserted by j Professor Virchow, of Rerlin, to be confined i to a few isolated cases nt Rremen.

—Resolutions in favor of a protectivo tariff i nnd making tbo Act for the exclusion of | Chinese perpetuul liuve been adopted by tbe j Californian lteput lican convention.

—The sixteenth animal shearing of the I Ontario and Livingston Sheep - Breeders’ ami Wool Growers’ Association occurred a t llo- neoye, Oniurio County, last week.

—The sometime Reverend Alfred F. Ved- der now fills n zebra suit In Cliuton Prison. He is ns plucky ns ever, nud says he will read law after his time is up.


—Crop prospect* are good.—Four tows arrived In Tonawanda Sun­

day last—Tbe ice-cream parlor* have already open­

ed in Ixickport.—The Good Templars of Tonawanda give

a aocial entertainment this evening.—Bishop Coxe will make an official visit to

St. Peter’s church, Niagara Falls, June 15th.—A lo n ta hundred government license*

to sell liquor in Lockport have already been issued.

—It is expected that tbe brick work to tbenew Trinity cburcb a t Middleport, will be completed tbis week.

—It is claimed that Middleport bas tbe poorest protection against fire of nny village of its size in tbe State of New York.

—A large dredge, built at Tonawanda, for tho Manitoba work, by Morgan & Sutton, was successfully launched on Friday last.

—Gasport is becoming a thriving business village, showing many signsof improvement, and considerable enterprise among its citi­zens.

—A #25,000,000 mortgage on the West Shore railroad property was filed in the County t lurk's oilice of Erie county a t Ruf­falo Friday last.

—A sbeep on tho farnt of Mr. Samuel Knox, of Newfane, recently guve birth to a fully developed lamh having two bodies, eight legs and one hoed. I t lived but sbort time.

—Horace W. Brown, of Rochester, bas iu training tbe trotting more NIngarettn, 15| ban,Is, 7 years old, by a son of Billy Benton. She Is owned by Park Jerauld, Cataract House, Niagara Falls.

—Tbo wholesale and retail grocery busi. ness of tho late firm of J .& T . Vedder, of Suspension Bridge, has been transferred by Mr. James Vedder to Mr. Martin V. 1‘enr. sun, wbo will conduct tho business hereafter.

—Company Ii., Washington Continentals, one of Albany’s crack military organizations, have accepted an invitation to bo the guests of the Seventy-fourth Regiment, of Buffalo, on the 4th aud 5th of July next. They will visit Niagara Falls during their trip.

—A l-ockport lady has a new book lu press | entitled " liircb Bark l-ugunds." l t deals

with Indian life, aud is founded on data left 1 by her father, who lived among tho Indians

many years. Tho sconos ore laid in this 1 county, the most tragic being located at 1 Prospect Point, in whnt ia now Prospect i I’ark, at Niagara Fulls.

—Superintendent I-ewia is building a re­servoir around the spring on tho land recent­ly purchased by tho county, at tlie Poor House farm. It is ten feet square and two feet deep. When completed the county houso will bnvo a water works with u fall of one hundred aud forty feet, which will be able to throw a fair-sized stream over any of the buildings on tbe farm.

—Orrin Wbeule, of Suspension Bridge, narrowly escaped being drowned whilo a t­tempting to cross the river from tho "sw ift drift" to tho old Mnid of the Mist lauding Tuesday, lie lost the boat, which was own­ed by Chas. Wlodenmann, nnd was rescued from tho wreck by Messrs. Percy and Itrndt,

NIACARA. Ont.Tbe house-cleaning business Is rushing

here just nowMr. L. Ross is having his residence end

barber shop repainted.Born —Sunday, May 4, 1884. to Mr and

Mrs. W. Larry, a son.Dick Wootteu made a flying visit here

Sunday last on a M.C.R. tricycle special.A new fence is be grig p lan d around St.

Andrew’* cemetery. About lime.Some little money changed hand* among

the boys last Monday on tho result of the New York walking match.

The work of repairing the bank in front of tbe Queen’s Royal Hotel hns been com­menced by Mr. James Is mg burst.

Are we going to celebrate Het Majesty's Birthday I If ao, it ia time a movo was wudo to secure tbe necessary fuuds

Mr. Frank Bishop hn* had his billiard tables recushloned and covered, and his room generally refitted, making it ono of tho finest of the kind in Canada.

Gn account of illness, Miss C. Nisbot wns umible to keep her cngngeincnt nnd open out her millinery stock in Mr. Senior’s store last Monday; but Monday next she hopes to be uble to open out with a full stock of oi

instructions to strike out th* clause referring to the horse, Ac.

Th# amendment was l.arf .Ycae- Follott, Wilkinson—8.Nays—Crvsier, Lyons, Callory, McClel­

land, J. Bishop—5.Tbe original motion was then carried.Y eas—Cry slur, Lyons, Callory, McClel­

land, J. Bishop -5.Nays Follett, Wilkinson—3.Mr. Follett theu introduced a by-law to

separate the wholesale liquor trade from the grocery or any other business, and moved that the same b« read a first, second, nud th ird time.

Moved in amendment by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Lyons, tba t the reading of the by law be put t>ack for oue mouth.

ljotf—4 to 8.Original motion wa« then put nnd carried,

nnd tlio by-law read a first, second nnd third time and ennied.

Moved by Mr. McClelland, seconded by Mr. Callory, that the tax Collector be allow ed until the flrst Friday iu Juno to return his roll.—Carried.

Mr. Wilkinson Introduced a by-law to ap­point an Inspector on contagious diseases iu fruit trees. Mr. It. Reid. Jr., wn* named a* Inspector, and tlie by-law wns passed.

Mr. Wilkinson spoke lu reference to the appointment of a Board of Health; but His

erytbing iu the millinery line, a t very low j Worship and Alderman Follett having occn-

-T h e Empress of Austria is visiting A m i who wero following the same course, and terdam incognito to consult u distinguished physician iu regard to nervous disorders with which she has been afflicted.

—On# of tho cartridges found bon ath the Provincial Parliament Buildings st Toronto has been analyzed und Is proved to have been | Lockport. The June I a ir will take place on

who barely mnnaged to get ashore.—[N ing- ara Falls Courier.

- The regular monthly nuetlng of tbe Ni­agara County Agricultural Society was held Saturday afternoon at the American Hotel,

filled with dualin, a stronger explosive thandynamite.

—In un experiment with one of the bombs found in tbu possession of Duly, tbo dyna­miter nrrcsied at. Birkcniu ad, one hundred sml sixty wounds were inflicted on twelve

oodoti dummies of life size.- Bands of insurgents have cut the tele-

graph wires and destroyed n railway bridge iu thu Spanish provinco of Catalonia. Tbe Government is exercising great precautions to prevent the spread of tlio revolutionary movement.

—Biting frosts ill England last week, to­gether with a general blight in tbu soutliem counties, havo combined to render fruit- growers despondent over their crop pros- poets, which were previously highly promis­ing.

A conference of leading members of the Peace Society called In Ixmdon a few days ago for tho purpose of assailing the policy of Mr. Gladstone’s Government regarding tbe Soudan, degenerated iuto an angry w ar of words and broke up in disorder.

—It is said of a trimmings store clerk In 5 4#” Highest market price for all kinds of 'D enver that, on M-eiiig a party of ladles ep-

gralnWe solicit a share of your patronage

Ransorovllle. Oct. 34, 1883. Nov 3 ’83-lv

a u ■ ■ for th e working c la s s . S e m i 10M a 1 a l ceala tor iHwtsge, and ve will ( ▼ [ I I I ] limit Veil ritRE, » royal, valiianlc V a V a M lies ef sam p le gixsla Hint » 1)1 pulvou 1 1 1 the way of making men money in a few days than vou ever thought p o s s ib le al sny bus­iness Capita! not required. We will start you. You can work nil the time or in spare time only. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily earn from .V) cents te |A every evening. Tlml nil wlm waul work mav test the business, we make Hus un

proarhing him on the street, bo darted into an alley and hid until they had jiasiied. He had forgotten his cane and could not think of meeting the party In such a nude state.

— Bishop Henry C. Potter of New Y’ork has started an agitat ion In behalf of j«oor clvrgymeti. He proposes that every clergy, men whose salary is S.OOU or over shall con- tribute two and a half per cen t of it, per an­num, to a Poor Clergy Fund, to be applied to mon wbo get less than fl.Otki salary.

—A Swedish girl uamcd Gothenburg,paralleled offer; tv* all wlm are not sat idled we twenty years old, works in the Harmonywill send >1 lo pay for the trouble of writing us. ,, ' . , , , . ,___ ,. .Full particulars, directions, eU%, sent free, Kor- Millsat Cohoes. . ho has lately been disap- tlines will Ik- m a d e Iiy those wlm give their pointed in love, it is said. Shortly afterwhole lime to the work, Great eiu-ess sl.- dule- )y sure. Don’t delay. Sturt now. A.ldre *TIndus X Co., Portland. Maine.

M O W IN U S E — 3 6 , 9 8 9 .

Ail ocibont uy I tic if riHbltllf th? bc*t H e itk > o*i to rf ltsUerr.-l.K. f.reePeM.Smle. a ,fJ *nd Trrtlllalnc IDrlll »wd our Maj Kukra. TiirjyS., wikx! »*> the b**t. *ml CM It vd*l a* ih<*p. All are warranted Circular* muled free N««Vttrk MilChlnw CO««Newark# Ohio. *** Uaf.o4s.wm,

midnight last Saturday sbe swallowed the contents of a bottle of strychnine. Hhe can­not recover. •

—A man named Lewis has been arrested a t Peterbvro', Ont., on tbe charge of having forged a consolidated Canadian I-oan bond for one thousand pounds. The bond, which has been twenty years in circulation, was re­cently transmitted to England by a firm of Toronto brokers, where it wa* discovered to be spurious and returned to Toroutn.

Friday and Haturdny, June l.’lth nnd Htli i Both days will be devoted to the exhibition

of agricultural implements and machinery, and such display of stock us those interested may see fit to bring on the grounds for in-

i spectlon. Tbe indications are that the Mpriug Fair w^ll bo the largest ever held by

! the Society, and the board of managers will not spare any pains for the accom modal ion of those who have stook or Implements to

' put on exhibition. In the afternoon of the j last day there will be a borse race, three

hundred dollars in prizes being offered. It wus decided not to charge miy entrance fee on articles put on exhibition. Admission to the grounds will be twenty five cent* each day aud no complimentary tiokets will be given. An invitation was received and ao cepted to attend a county fair a t Homer,

I Ont., May 24tb.—A Lockport paper says; "N ever in

the history of central Newfane was there such a flsbitig excitement among it* Inhabi­tants as there was yesterday. Tbe immense

j Collin* pond a t Charlotte was drained off through the gates to make some needed re- pair a t l> o'clock a m. The water had not been so thoroughly let out for t«n or twelve years, and as the list of it drained through the gates immense quantities of firb that had been hiding in tlie deep hole* began to move, and as they passed ever tbe ripple* below tbe dam and under the iron bridge tiie word weut out through the village aud surround­ing country, and spun the creek was lined with hundreds arriving armed witb spears shot-guns, pika-polea, pitch forks, etc.. and the most excitiug sport ruled tbe hour a* they pitched tbeiu out on dry land. Tbo sballowneoeof tbe water made tbem an easy prey, aud in tbe kolea above tbe pond that were left undruined, tbey were scooped out by tbe wagon load*. Among tho best and most successful catchers was Tom, a large, flne dog, belonging to Mr. H. Rockwell, who caught tbem in bis mouth on tbe ripples and carried them ou shore. John Colliton shot a lake boos tbat weighed twelve pound*. Tbe priocipal kind caught were Oswego bass, eels, bullheads, red sides, and Rocky Mountain chubs, and in fact, almost every kind but whale. Tbe *|iort continued all day, and a t night glimmering torches along the fishing line told th s t tbe searchers were still oo the path .”

price*It is reported here th it Mr. J. I*. Fortier,

late of tho steamer City of Toronto, will have the Houthem Belle on the Niagara nnd Toronto route this season. Mr. Fortier will be welcomed back, 11 vituperation of somo of the Niagara people to the c< tilrary not­withstanding.’’

Mr. James li. McMillan bas rented liis ho­tel a t the dock to Mr. Oscar Graves, of St. Catharines, v bo is reported to be one of tbe best hotel men In tho Province. He wn* connected witli the Stephenson House, St. Catharines, for a number of years, and for the last five years has been running the ho­tel ut the Grimsby Camp Grounds, giving tho best of satisfaction.

Our people will be glad to hear that the old favorite o--median, Mr Harry Lindley, accompanied by Miss Louiso Forster, the eminent emotional nrtlsto nnd a company of thirteen people, will liolil forth In Music Hall Tuesdaj evening next, wben the beau­tiful drama, "O n r Boy*,” will be produced. Mr. Lltidloy will ho remembered by our people us giving a series of performances in this town some years ago to di lighted au ­diences. We prophesy a full hou«u.

Our citizens were treated to n most dis­gusting stench arising from mumire spread oil a garden plot on Qceon street last Hun­day, People going nnd returning from church were compelled to hold their hand­kerchiefs to theii nasal organs until they had passed out of reach of tho sickening odor, nnd oven tbo dogs hung their heads and bolted for the commons, nml tho horses threw buck their enrs and shied to tho other sido nf the street. Is there a Board of health in this town ! If so, why do thoy not attend to their duty *

Tho descendants of the U. E. 1-oynlist* of tho Town and Township of Niagara held a meeting In tho police office Tuesday ovening last, when it was decided to hold a celebra­tion In Niagara on tho 15th of August next. In Paradise Grove. Col. F. A. B. Clench was appointed Chairman nnd 1). O. Record Secretary. Wm. Kirby, Esq., Ales Horvos, Esq.! Geo. A. Clement, Esq., Capt. lliscott, Jauies A. Cooper, James B. Secord, John D. Hervos, Cort L Secord, Walter A Thomp­son, and several others wero present ntnl wero vory much In fnvor of holding tbe celebration here instead of in Toronto, as was proposed a t tbo last meeting, as thoy consider Niagara tho proper place. The people of Niagara should co-operate with the U K's, and mnke this a mammoth cele­bration.

TOWN COUNCIL.Tlio regular monthly mooting of the Town

Council took placo Tuesday ovening last.Present Mayor Garrett, Ueovo J. Bishop,

Aldermen Lyons, t ’aUory, Wilkinson, Crys- ler, Follett, McClelland.

Absent -A ldermen Donnelly, IL Bishop, , | and Rismeau

Minutes of last meeting were read and ad opted.

A communication wns rend from Mr. Ged .lea asking that the sum paid for tbe use of Music Halt on the evenings of tlie 17th and 1 Kth of April be refunded, less usual expen-

| ses. The requested was granted.A communication from Mr. Jno. Cnrno-

chmi. asking that a sidewalk he built in front | of liis residence, wa* referred to tho Board ; of Works.

A communication from Mr*. Frazer, in reference to the draining nf her cellar, was referred tq jiie Board of Works

A petition from the member* of the Fire Company, asking for an appropriation for the purchase of now uniforms, was referred to the Finance Committee, w ith power to act.

A communication wa* read from the Town Auditors, stating tha t they had ex­amined the account* of the Town and found tho aame correct.

Report of Finance Committee wa* road and adopted.

Report of Indigent Committal- was read and adopted.

The re |s irt of the Chairman of the Com­m ittee on Ihsrh and Khade Tree* wes then read. Tbe Committee had fonnd 103 dead tree*, and had purchased 150 young tree* a t 18 cent* each, and aftor replacing the dead trews had planted the balance on Mary street.

The report of the Board o f Work* wa* read, recommending the pare base by the Town of a horse, harness and wagon or cart, to be used tn gravelling the street* and other corporation work.

Mr Follett, objected, and niovod,*oconded by Alderman Wilkinson, that the rej>ort be referred back to the Board of Work*, with

sioti to go out to “ see a man,” Reeve Bishop took the chair and adjourned tlie meeting.

'IThe Tableaux Vivaiit* 111 aid of St. Mark’*

church, w hich proved such a brilliant suc­cess In Niagara, were repeated in St. Cath­arines Thursday evening of last week. The St. Catharines pin|)ers speak In terms of the highest praise of tbe entertainment, which was witnessed by i n appreciative audience. Unfortunately, the weather was so extreme­ly bad ns to prevent many being present who would otherwise have attended, nnd w ho had generously bought a number ot tickets.

T iik Echo ok Niagara hns opened a hand some and spacious office In tho Worden Block, which will no doubt he over run with nn impatient crowd next Thursday fo r first copies of this anxiously-looked for journal.

COOMER.Mr. Mitclioll and daughter, relative* of

Wm. Bradshaw, are here visitiii;; tliis place. Their home is In Ohio.

Prof. Oliver Halstead and his mother have moved from thi* place Into Ian kport, hav­ing rented their house to James Ryan.

Bro. 1’lckard ha* returned hi* Wmineodny ovening eervices at tho school house. We would be pleased to have him come on Sab- bath afternoons, but Ids other appointment* are such that he cannot well be hero.

Farmers are now very busy preparing the lnnd for corn nnd potatoes, nml there w ill bo n inrgo anion nt planted, and nil hope for a more favorable season than last year.

W heat is looking excellent, nnd with a shower occasionally, promises n largo yield.

A goodly number of our people attended tlio funeral of Mis* II. Lovell, iu Ixn kport, tbe 27th ult. Khe waa born here, eml passed hor childhood's day* In this place. Sho was much esteemed by all who knew ber. Her early dentil is lamented by all, but wo sub- mit to His will, " Wbo doeth all tilings well.”

Tlie heavy wind of tlie 2nd did some dam­age to fruit trees, nnd also to fence*. Wo hope it will bo some time before we have another such a wind. —W. A. D.

— Emory’s Little C a th a r t ic Ptt.ui are sufficiently powerful for tiie most robust, yet tbn snfest for children, nnd weak eonslltu tion*; thu action lu any disease is uniform, certain aod safe, publics* and effective Druggist#.—15 Cent*.

NORTH RIDGE,Mis* Ossie Hwain, of leiwiston, is visiting

her un< In, Mr. James Hardison, on the Hidge Miss Eliza Clapeaddle, of Yoonmtosvn,

wns the guwt of her sister, Mr*. J, J . linger*, j last week.

Mr. George Adams, of I-ewlntoli, was on I tbe Ridge last Sunday.

Mrs James Hardison, of th Is place, ts at her sister's, Mr*. Nelson Hwsln, tn i/ewlston, taking cnie of her sick mother, Mrs. Hears Dickerson, wbo I* not expected to live but a short time.

Mr. Harar James nnd wile, of Ixmdon, Eng., are spending some time with their brother atul sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Ralley, on the Hidge.

Mr*. J. P Bingham hns gone to Clarendon Orleans Co., to administer to the wants of her sick uncle, Mr. Dauiel Greggs, of tbat place.

Mrs. J a c o b J . Roger* attended th# Free Methodist Quarterly Conference a t Char­lotte, lust week.

Mr. F. M. Culver hn* been confined to his house the past week with rheumatism.

Tbe donation held at tbe house of Mr Frank Brockway, under tha auspice* of tbe Masonic Fraternity, last Thursday evening, for the benefit of Rev. A ,H . M sryott, was a sue csm financially. Net proceeds #150 13 Tbe bouse wns full to overflowing, nnd more would have been in attendenoe, but for the the rain whicb set In just before dark.

Rev. A. H. Maryott exchanged pulpits with tho M K. pastor a t Youngstown, Huu day la s t—Re»:ey Huark.

North Ridge. May 5tb. 18K4.

W tthin the w ide range of disease, nothing is more prevalent than C'ohfs, C’m/jht, A*th. ma, J/iarrscacss, t i n Throat, Whoafhng Cough and l,ung I hocuses. Ail ol these yield immediately to tho Medirtual proj ertirs of H a io lto k 'k C o eo r Candy, l t is perfectly safe, easy to tske and sure to cure. Price ten cents. Fmr sale by B. V. Davi* Co,

WILSON.Mr*. Jano MdTwwney of this village Ws#

visiting hor eon. Dr. W K McChesney, of Barker'* station, a part of loot week.

Miss Mary Iwach, for» atly of this place, has lataly returned ber* eud is staying witb Mrs. Alexander Pettit on lak e street.

Mr Davey. of Batavia was in this village last Thursday.

A brother of Mr Win Hatch moved hi* faintly to tide village last week, Intending to make this bis home for a time al least.

The stflt of K V. W lk>x, versus tb* Mew- nier toys, which w»# appealed by the Hosnier boys from the derision of C. W Seeley, J P., of this viPnge, snd taken 4nto the County IVnrt wes argued a sbort * me ago asd Judgment reserved ions of ths lx>ck- port papers at th s t time making it read re vi-rsedl was finally settled last week hv Judge l’ottcr sustaining tbe dm isien of K* quire Neeley We presume that it ba* «s»t both parties a good dost more to get this de­rision than ll would to have arranged a mn tual settlement.

Mr. Rlct-ard Holme*, of Ixx-kport, was Is* this village last Friday,

Tho row of busi tes t places on the north side of Young s tm t in this village h a d a narrow escape from t! e fire fiend last We »* uesday morning about 4 :k> A M A box lu the store of llsckett Brothers containing sawdust snd used as a *J H box caught fire, probably from a cigar stub nr tlie ashes from a pljie dropped in Ihe previous evening, s n l got wi ll to burning when it was discovers-I by Mr*. Bradley, who live* over the storw, and sbe gave the alarm, which wu* probabl v all tliat saved a number of store* from bring consumed.

Dudley Frink bad quite a rurioalty a few days ago in the way nf a calf which had regular knee joints where tho gambrel Joint* should have been, thus causing the hind Ivgs to bend forward. There were also some other marked irregularities about tbs an i­mal.

Mr. I’otor llauer returned last week from Ide visit to filends lu the eastern part of tills State.

John Stevenson wa* ill lids village a part of lust week uud tile forepart of th ia

John A. Marshall nnd l«ot Allen, of Youngstown, were In this village laat Sat­urday, looking for a couple of pieces of tim ­ber suitable for spars for thcirsnlllng boat.

Withiu the last few day* A. J. McRrler h*e •hipped two c«r loads of shingles from this station, ons to tt illiauisnn and one to North I’ai ma.

Henry Coates, lately returned from Col orndo, wns In this village last Saturday.

Two brother* of John Killing haiu arrived hero from England Inst Friday n ig h t

By vote of those present nt tho Presbyte­rian S.S. last Sunday it wus decided to ob­serve Children’s Day ithe second Sunday In Juno), ltev. Mr. White made tha motion, and said that be would preach a sermon for

1 the children, or wouhl give un the tim* for the exercises, or observe the day In any way l in t seemed most suitable to tb* school. It was finally decided tha t the Superintend­ent should appoint a committee to decide the matter and arrange a programme Ac­cordingly tb* Hiiperliitundnnt appointed • Committee of five who are to report next Sunday w lint the t rogremine shall be.

Elder A. Hamblin, the deUgnte from tills church to thu meeting of the Niagara I’rsa ti tery, held at Lockport last week, gave a brief ro|wirt of what Was dons a t that se* a Ion, last Sunday morning.

Mr. A J . Smith, the watchmaker a t O. S. Mei ’besney’s, spent last Sunday with bli sis­ter in Ruffalo, who wa* quite rick.

Dr. L. Bn loom and Mr Mile* were at tbe Ontario Hotel the forepart of this woek, pre­pared to do dental work fur those who wsrw iu newt of such.

The breaking of tho Raster eggs took place ut tlie M E. bouse of worship last Kunday evening This was the mean* used by Uie M E. H. school to raise money to purchase

' library t*x>ks, and tb* breaking of Ihe egga Glowed tbe result to be #30 or #37. The prize medal for the largest amount collected wa* won hy Benj. Putnam 's daughter, who liad about #7.

ltev K. T. D. tlickley started last Monday morning for Philadelphia, Intending to* be gone about two or three wseks.

Tbe masons commenced work on tlie fouq, dstion for the new M K churrb tbis week.

Peter A Porter Post G A It. will giv* nn entcitaii iiient In i he Public Hell, thi* vil lage, ou Saturday evening. May loth Tb* bdi seys the “ Newfane Amatur* (Tub" will present the semi cottdc drama entitled the “ Bachelor of Arts." Good marie In attend slice Adnii*ei»n 25c aud 15o. Tbe object of th* ent- rtemm eiit is to rale* funds for Memorial Day.

J ernes Rutgc* has purchased the house and lot W here he ha* lived for some time, and la insktng considerabt* repairs

Mr T U. i'atebn* bus moved Into the bouse known a* tbe It. P. Wilson property, which he recently obtained In an exchange with Mr Jesse Gifford, but we bed not heard th s t Mr. Jerome Clifford had ever talked at pun-baring said property. lack of snter- pr )*c must account for It, we sop{rose

Tire Baptist parsonage is being pointed, and tbe grounds other* i*» Improved.

Kev A II Ixmg, of Rochester, wtll preach In tii* Baptist cburcb next Hunday.

The children of Mr Tretelller, who bee*, been IU with diphtheria, era Improving slowly,

Mr*. UlUan Wilson cam* beck her# last Monday morning from Wickc*. Montana, having been gone about Hire* years. Hb* te new a t the home of ber father, Mr. J. G. O .Brown.

Ed. Farley is in town bevlng com# to help bi* bri'ther. Aimer Periey on tb* irieeon work of the new M. K. church.

Mra. Amen-la twrbon, » bo baa beam quit* rics for two or three week* I* somewhat bet­ter at preeent.

James Petterenu hod * light stroke Uf per aiytia ie*t Sunday afternoon.

E. T Barton is having hi* bouae ref p la t­ed -H .

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