Matthew 24: 1 (page 700 or 981) Understanding It Isaiah 24: 1, 19-22 & 35:4 Revelation 12: 9, 12, 17 / 11:18 / 15:1 Undergoing It Revelation 2: 10 / 3:8, 10 Luke 21: 34-35 Zephaniah 2: 2-3 Isaiah 26: 20-21 1 Corinthians 10:13 Isaiah 43: 1-3 www.cynet.com/jesus/PROPHECY/Orders.htm [This link has a great deal of excellent insights, all in one place; however, Randy does not necessarily hold to the author’s dogmatic view of the events to take place between 2008 and 2016.] Nibiru Theory (Planet X) Planet X? Hypothesized as the 10th planet in our solar system is reported to be one and a half times the size of Pluto (science.nasa.gov). The phenomenon of Planet X has been researched since the late 1800′s as a way to explain the deviations in the obits of Neptune and Pluto. Current research shows that Planet X is on a 3600 year elliptical orbit, placing Planet X in Earths gravitational proximity in 2012 (planetxvideo ). http://www.planetxvideo.com/intro.php According to the theory, on December 21, 2012, Planet X will be in the proximity of the Earth leading to catastrophic events. Although the exact implications of the Planet X “flyby” is unknown, latest research in Egyptian records has shown that the last Planet X “flyby” corresponds to the great flood of Noah. Many other theorist believe that the sinking of Altantis is another implication of the gravitation pull of Planet X during its “flyby”. It’s not a question of if Planet X will cause disaster, it's a question of what disaster will Planet X cause. Are you prepared? Here are a couple resources that help explain what Planet X is and how it ties into the Doomsday Theory A basic resource that gives an overview of the Planet X theory. Great Starter Page. http://www.planetxvideo.com/index.php A more in-depth analysis of Nibiru (planet X) and its “inhabitants” the Anunnaki. This does have Planet X theories as well as alien type theories. http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/dm_report.html This is from the NASA website. There isn’t that much information on this site but it portrays a proof of concept http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at- nasa/2005/29jul_planetx/ Exact day prophecies of Daniel: Daniel 12:11 - 1290 days from abomination of desolation to the end of the 70th week. Daniel 12:12 - 1335 days from abomination of desolation to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Exact day prophecies of John: Revelation 11:2 - 1260 days that the holy city (Jerusalem) is tread on by the Gentiles. Revelation 11:3 - 1260 days that the two witnesses are given power by God clothed in sackcloth. Revelation 12:6 - 1260 days that Israel flees into the wilderness to a place prepared by God after child caught up. Revelation 12:14 - 1260 days that Israel is protected from the dragon after the abomination of desolation. Revelation 13:5 - 1260 days during which the dragon gives power to the beast.

Nibiru Theory (Planet X) - Clover Sites

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Matthew 24: 1 (page 700 or 981)

Understanding It Isaiah 24: 1, 19-22 & 35:4 Revelation 12: 9, 12, 17 / 11:18 / 15:1

Undergoing It Revelation 2: 10 / 3:8, 10 Luke 21: 34-35

Zephaniah 2: 2-3 Isaiah 26: 20-21 1 Corinthians 10:13 Isaiah 43: 1-3

www.cynet.com/jesus/PROPHECY/Orders.htm [This link has a great deal of excellent insights, all in one place; however,

Randy does not necessarily hold to the author’s dogmatic view of the events to take place between 2008 and 2016.]

Nibiru Theory (Planet X)

Planet X? Hypothesized as the 10th planet in our solar system is reported to be one and a half times the size of

Pluto (science.nasa.gov). The phenomenon of Planet X

has been researched since the late 1800′s as a way to

explain the deviations in the obits of Neptune and Pluto.

Current research shows that Planet X is on a 3600 year

elliptical orbit, placing Planet X in Earths gravitational

proximity in 2012 (planetxvideo).


According to the theory, on December 21, 2012, Planet

X will be in the proximity of the Earth leading to

catastrophic events. Although the exact implications of the Planet X “flyby” is unknown, latest research in

Egyptian records has shown that the last Planet X

“flyby” corresponds to the great flood of Noah. Many

other theorist believe that the sinking of Altantis is

another implication of the gravitation pull of Planet X

during its “flyby”. It’s not a question of if Planet X will

cause disaster, it's a question of what disaster will Planet

X cause. Are you prepared?

Here are a couple resources that help explain what

Planet X is and how it ties into the Doomsday Theory

– A basic resource that gives an overview of the Planet X theory. Great Starter Page.


–A more in-depth analysis of Nibiru (planet X) and its

“inhabitants” the Anunnaki. This does have Planet X

theories as well as alien type theories.


– This is from the NASA website. There isn’t that much

information on this site but it portrays a proof of concept



Exact day prophecies of Daniel: Daniel 12:11 - 1290 days from abomination of desolation to the end of the 70th week. Daniel 12:12 - 1335 days from abomination of desolation to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Exact day prophecies of John: Revelation 11:2 - 1260 days that the holy city (Jerusalem) is tread on by the Gentiles. Revelation 11:3 - 1260 days that the two witnesses are given power by God clothed in sackcloth. Revelation 12:6 - 1260 days that Israel flees into the wilderness to a place prepared by God after child caught up. Revelation 12:14 - 1260 days that Israel is protected from the dragon after the abomination of desolation.

Revelation 13:5 - 1260 days during which the dragon gives power to the beast.

Page 2: Nibiru Theory (Planet X) - Clover Sites

Sharing Matters of Marriage, because your…

Rumble Strips

Have you ever strayed from your lane while travelling along Rt. 15

and been startled back into reality by the rumble strips on the shoulder?

You may have hit them because you took your eyes off the road to

admire the sun setting behind the Catoctin Mountains, or to change the

radio station, or perhaps a tractor trailer was inching over into your lane. In short, you may have hit the rumble strip because of your own actions,

or as a result of an outside influence. Either way, when you hit the

rumble strip, you can choose to course correct, or continue to drift off

the road. Rumble strips don’t prevent you from leaving the road; they

just warn you of the danger. How you proceed is up to you.

Marriage is like a highway with rumble strips; a journey through life

filled with choices and circumstances that may get us off track. It is the

consequences of getting off track that can cause the rumbling in

marriage. The cause of us hitting a marital rumble strip may be our own

negligence or the result of an outside influence. Either way, rumble

strips in marriage tend to be very loud! As with those on Route 15, marital rumble strips serve as a warning that you are about to crash

through the guard rail and take out a farmer’s crop…at great risk to your

own personal well-being!

Fortunately, God’s Word provides the highway, complete with

rumble strips, on which we can drive our marriage. For nearly a year I

have been sharing tidbits of biblical marital wisdom through this

column, and I’ve just begun to scratch the surface! Marital rumble strips

don’t prevent you from driving your marriage off the road, only the

guidance to stay on course, depending on your response. As the

designer and creator of your marriage, God certainly knows the best

route for your marital highway; so choose your response to him wisely.

The Marriage & Family Ministry exists to help keep your marriage on the road by offering events, Growth Groups, and individual

mentoring. If you need help navigating the highway of marriage, please

contact our team…because your marriage matters!

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him…Therefore God gave them over in their

sinful desires. (Romans 1:21, 24)

NEW Marriage & Family Events coming in 2013 Celebrate Marriage! A wonderful event to celebrate God’s gift

of marriage in your life. February 10. Family Life’s Weekend to Remember, Hershey PA: Three days and

two nights in the chocolate with your sweetie! February 15-17.

Is the Bible Really Reliable? (Part 2 of 3)

How can we be sure that a collection of documents written many

centuries ago has been faithfully and correctly transmitted to us today?

We apply the same tests to the biblical documents as we would to any

other ancient writing. In 1952, a professor of military history, Sanders,

set down three tests which can be used for any historical writing (the

bibliographic test, the internal test, and the external test). We can

examine the Bible with these tests in the same way we would examine

other ancient documents.

The Internal Test:

Do The Writers of the Bible Claim Their Writings Are True?

In any document, we are justified in discovering what the writer of that document says about it. For example, this article is part of the web site

of Elizabeth Church of Christ. It has been written by someone who is

part of the Elizabeth Church of Christ. But this article is not the Word of

God, nor does it claim to be. If there were a copyright statement, along

the lines of "This article is God's Message to People on Earth", you, the

reader, would be entitled to investigate. We can do the same with the

Bible. Many of the writers of the New Testament were eyewitnesses of

Jesus. They saw him, knew all about him, and in some cases, were his

followers. And they said as much:

The eyewitness to these things has presented an accurate report. He saw it himself, and is telling the truth, so that you also will believe.

From the very first day, we were there, taking it all in - we heard it with

our own ears, saw it with our own eyes, verified it with our own hands.

We were there on the holy mountain with Jesus. We heard the voice out

of heaven with our very own ears. We couldn't be more sure of what we

heard - God's glory, God's voice.

Even when the writers were not eyewitnesses, they showed that their

writings were not made up from thin air:

So many others have tried their hand at putting together a story of the

wonderful harvest of Scripture and history that took place among us, using

reports handed down by the original eyewitnesses who served this Word

with their very lives. Since I have investigated all the reports in close detail, starting from the story's beginning, I decided to write it all out.

And since the New Testament was written between AD 47 and AD 95,

there was just not enough time for myths and falsehoods about Jesus to

grow. There were enough eyewitnesses of Jesus to challenge any

historical errors, or blatant lies. Yet no-one did. The Bibles passes the internal test!

for the week of Dec. 2

The Christian life isn't about trying,

it’s about training.

Daily Bible Reading

Monday: Psalm 23:4, 27:1, 118:6

Tuesday: Psalms 56: 3-4, 115:11, 103:17, 112:1

Wednesday: Deuteronomy 31:6, 1 Chronicles 28:20

Isaiah 41: 10,

Thursday: Matthew 10:28, Romans 8:15,

2 Timothy 1:17

Friday: 1 Corinthians 16:13, Hebrews 13: 5-6,

1 Peter 3: 13-14

Message Outline
