Gabe Miller, Conner Worman, Andrew Kim, Rachell Gasseling Night


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Night. Gabe Miller, Conner Worman , Andrew Kim, Rachell Gasseling. Expulsion of the foreign Jews. Elie’s friends, Moshe the beadle, along with all the other foreign Jews of Sighet are expelled “One day, they expelled all the foreign jews from Sighet .”. Moshe the Beadle’s return. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Night

Gabe Miller, Conner Worman, Andrew Kim, Rachell Gasseling


Page 2: Night

Elie’s friends, Moshe the beadle, along with all the other foreign Jews of Sighet are expelled“One day, they expelled all the foreign jews from Sighet.”

Expulsion of the foreign Jews

Page 3: Night

Moshe returns to sighet to warn everyone about the Germans, but he is shunned

“I saw him sitting on a bench.”

Moshe the Beadle’s return

Page 4: Night

The main reason the Elie Wiesel wrote Night was to show the horrible atrocities of the holocaust

Moshe the beadles stories were to horrible to believe, showing how horrible it was, and how unbelievable it became

Moshe the beadle’s need to warn the people of Sighet mirrors Elie’s purpose to warn us.

Moshe the Beadle and the Purpose

Page 5: Night

“German army cars had appeared on our streets… Their attitude toward their host was distant, but polite.”The Germans do not seem that threatening at first, but things quickly change

Germans come to town

Page 6: Night

“Jews would not be aloud to leave their houses for three days; on pain of death.”

The Germans begin to express their control over Sighet, ever so slightly. The beginning of a horrible spiral into the rest of the novel

Germans begin to control Sighet

Page 7: Night

“Two ghettos were set up in Sighet.”

All Jews were forced to live in the ghettos, and could not leave. The cruelty toward Jews by their oppressors is begin to be felt

Jews are confined to the ghettos

Page 8: Night

“I have terrible news, Deportation.”

Elie’s father is called into a meeting. He is told that all the Jews must pack up and be ready to leave Sighet. Readers thoughts:• Why? There is no

provocation• How does no one

stop this

Deportation begins

Page 9: Night

“Get up sir, get up! You’ve got to get ready for the journey!”

The Jews bury their valuables, prepare food, grab prized possessions that they wish to take.

The Jews prepare for the trip

Page 10: Night

Elie and his family board a cattle train, where they then are taken to Birkenau concentration camp

“The Hungarian police made us get in, eighty people in each car.”

The Wisel family boards the train

Page 11: Night

By now you probably think:• How could this be allowed to happen?• This is horrible, what have they done?

This was Elie’s purpose, you now wonder how this ever could have happened• Ghettos + Discrimination +

Deportation= Reader emotional reaction

Reader’s thoughts and the purpose

Page 12: Night

“Fire! I can see fire!”

Madam Schachter begins to yell on the train about fire, the Jews think she has just gone crazy. Until they see the crematorium of Birkenau and Auschwitz

Madam Schachter foresees

Page 13: Night

“We had arrived… at Birkenau, the Auschwitz reception area center.”

Elie and company arrive at Birkenau, where they are selected and separated

Arrival at Birkenau

Page 14: Night

Elie and his mother are separated at Birkenau, a common happening at such camps

Reader thought:• He loses his



Page 15: Night

The SS and the Kapos beat the prisoners and force them to give up belongingsElie’s father is beaten by a gypsy deportee

This harsh treatment by their captors was common, and brutal.

Arrival at Birkenau

Page 16: Night

They are marched to Auschwitz in a horrible grueling run/march

Nonstop runningNo shoesStragglers were shotThese events will definitely make you shudder

Arrival at Auschwitz

Page 17: Night

• Elie loses his mother and sisters• Him and his father are beaten, and looted• They are forced to run for miles, in

horrible conditions• Stragglers were shot

These events described in gory detail get this “WHY IS THIS A REAL PIECE OF HITORY!!!” reaction from a reader in their head


Page 18: Night

The prisoners are at first treated with hospitality

They are all assigned numbers to identify them, stripped of any and all individuality.

First Day in Auschwitz

Page 19: Night

Elie and his father meet Stein of Antwerp, who asks for news of his family

Elie’s father must lie in order to make the Stein of Antwerp continue to live, by letting him think his family is still alive.


Page 20: Night

Some of the Jews are transferred to a sub-camp called Buna, no less horrible than any other camp

Elie is beaten violently A foreman, Franek, notices his gold crown.

Elie is sent to the doctor to have it removed with a rusty spoon

Transfer to Buna

Page 21: Night

“We fasted here the whole year round.”“The whole year was Yom Kippur.” (Page 66)

Elie and the Jewish prisoners were starving and there was no point of fasting because they barely eat food anyway

Yom Kippir

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“The race seemed interminable. I thought I had been running for years.” (Page 68)

Elie had to run and prove that he was still healthy towards the German Doctors to stay alive. If you weren’t healthy enough, Death.

Physical Exam

Page 23: Night

Completely disgusted by the treatment of the Jews at these camps yet? Good!

If you haven’t figured it out, THAT’S THE POINT

You now want to never see this again, so by showing you these horrible experiences, we can hopefully avoid this.

How we doing so far?

Page 24: Night

“Go on. Take what I’m giving you!”

Elie’s Father gives him a weapon and materials that Elie would need if his father dies. Tugs at the heartstrings doesn’t it


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“Where is the divine Mercy?”

“Where is God?”

“How can I believe, how could anyone believe, in this merciful God?”

Elie questions his faith towards God.

He has been broken down so much, he doesn’t even have faith in the god he so desperately wanted to study in the Cabbala


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“Winter had come. The days were short, and the nights had become almost unbearable.”

Months pass by, and it had become Winter. The cold made their already horrible lives worse

Seasons Pass

Page 27: Night

“I must have an operation!”“If we waited, the toes – and perhaps the whole leg – would have to be amputated.”(Page 74)If Elie does not get an operation, his whole leg would have to be amputated.

Without a foot for very long, he would have “Outlived his usefulness"


Page 28: Night

“The SS made us increase our pace.”

“Faster, you swine, you filthy sons of bitches!”

Elie and the Jewish prisoners are leaving their camps to move to a new area. Elie is forced to run on a leg he recently had operated on

More running

Page 29: Night

These events make you wonder how a man of the same species could do this to another:• Weeding out the weak and killing them• Almost starving the prisoners• Mass murder• More mass murder• Forced runs for hours (Don’t forget the slow

were killed)

Its almost impossible to even conceive of doing this to a member of the same species? But then again, that’s the whole point the book goes for

How could man treat another man this way?

Page 30: Night

“I can’t go any longer. My stomach’s bursting…”

During the run towards a new area, Zalman has a stomach cramp which leads him to his death by getting trampled by thousands of SS soldiers.

Zalman Dies

Page 31: Night

“He was not dead.”“Suddenly, I remembered. Juliek!”

Elie discovers Juliek in the barracks that the Jews were imprisoned in.

Juliek and Elie Reunited

Page 32: Night

“What mad man could be playing the violin, or at the brink of his own grave?”

Elie still remembers Juliek playing the violin and falls asleep only to discover the next day that he was dead next to his Violin.

The SS literally ran some of the Jews to death

Juliek and the Violin

Page 33: Night

“The weak, to the left; those who could walk well, to the right.”“My father was sent to the left.”

The SS soldiers chose a selection of ranking from the weakest towards the strongest

Though Elie’s dad was able to escape the right just barely

Another round of selection

Page 34: Night

“The SS pushed us in, a hundred to a carriage, we were so thin! Our embarkation completed, the convoy set out.”

The prisoners, including Elie, are placed in a carriage where they travel.

100 to a car was inhumanly claustrophobic, but efficient for the SS

The Journey

Page 35: Night

“No more reason to live, no more reason to struggle”

Not a reason to live

Page 36: Night

“They’re trying to throw you out of the carriage” pg. 94

Men tried to throw out Mr. Wiesel from the train

Page 37: Night

“My father eyelids moved slightly” pg. 94

Mr. Wiesel woke up

Page 38: Night

“..lived on snow; it took the place of bread” pg. 94

Given no food

Page 39: Night

“In our wagon, there was a friend of my father’s called Meir Katz” pg. 96

Wagon friend Meir Katz

Page 40: Night

“..Felt two hands on my throat, trying to strangle me.” pg. 96

Someone trying to kill Elie

Page 41: Night

“Hundreds of cries rose up simultaneously” pg. 97

Everyone Crying

Page 42: Night

“I can’t go on…. This is the end.. I’m going to die here..” pg. 100

Mr. Wiesel giving up

Page 43: Night

“Don’t let me find him! IF only I could get rid of this dead weight” pg. 101 Elie said about his Dad

Want to get rid of Mr. Wiesel

Page 44: Night

“He grew weaker day by day” pg. 102 Father Dying

Page 45: Night

“… I must tell you where to find the gold and the money I buried.. In the cellar..” pg. 102

Mr. Wiesel hid gold and Money

Page 46: Night

“… evacuation began”

April Sixth

Page 47: Night

“… first American tank stood at the gates of Buchenwald..” pg. 109

6:00pm April Eleventh

Page 48: Night

“… a corpse gazed back at me.” pg. 109 Look in the Mirror

Page 49: Night

Why did Elie write this novel?• TO SHOW HOW BAD THE HOLOCAUST WAS

How did he achieve this purpose?• Vivid imagery, recolections, death of loved

ones, brutal beatings

Elie masterfully recalls his story in a way that makes every person who reads this never want to see anything like this ever again.

To Conclude