Nikhil Poems

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  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Your hairlike the tail of a mare.Your eyesportray lies.Your earsresembling bears.Your noselike those in cartoon shows.Your figurecant get bigger.Your weightdenying you a date.Your sightlike the owl at night.Your voicethe worst choice.Your personalityyour disability.Your fragrancelike penance.Your habitslike rabbits.Your charactera destroyed sector.Your companyactually you dont have any.Your facebig disgrace.Your brainmakes you insane.You laughlike a calf.The way you walkgives me a shock.At first,I thought you were wise,

    But now I think otherwise. P.T.O.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Your presencelike essence.Your naturemakes you big in stature.Your behavioryour savior.Your sorrowI will borrow.Your heartis now my part.Your intelligenceyour brillianceLike one in billions.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Whenever I think of a friend,Its your image that comes to my mind.Whenever I have to seek help,I turn to you like a person blind.

    Whenever I am depressed thinking of my past,You always do remind, they are things to be left behind.

    Whenever I want someone to stand by me,You are always there so courteous and kind.

    Whenever I think negative like a pessimist,You instill me with your thoughts so pure and refined.Whenever Im in short of support

    Its your shoulder that I always find. P.T.O.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Whenever Im sad and lonely,I find you one and only.

    Whenever Im in lack of self belief ,its true,That it is your belief in me that takes me through.

    Whenever I do meet failure, I guess,You are the protagonist of my story to success.Whenever Im very low in confidence,What lifts me is just your unique presence.

    Whenever I find myself in adverse circumstances,Its your figure,like an angel from heaven who advances.Whenever I stumble over my impediments,

    Its your healing effect acting like sediments


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Life is what but an array of games.The destination the same but having different names.

    Some players go low some go higher.Some play with water and some with FIRE.

    By fire I mean the fire within yourself.The fire to perform,the fire to win.The fire that instills the never say die spirit.

    The fire that must continue burning andmust always be lit.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    The fire to rise, the fire to succeed.The fire that enables you to get what you need.

    The fire that provokes you to live for the nation.The fire that would one day bring joy and jubilation.

    Some of us come out winning in these games.

    In the books of History they engrave their names.All these games do we admire.Some played with water and some with Fire.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    20 days for the exams to begin,There is a determination to succeed.A routine is promptly set up,Compelling me to sit and read.

    This time I gotto do it whether by hook or by crook.Ends up as if it could have been possible onlythrough a fluke.

    In my mind there are always many confusions.

    Whether to study for the school or for my tuitions.Whether to try out the problems or go through the solutions.P.T.O.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Just the day before the exam, studying the entire night.But that was in no way going to alter my plight.

    Spending those 3 hours in the hall wasequivalent to hell.Still come back at home and say I fared petty well.

    Just left the extractions and the uses.

    To say this everytime you run out of excuses.

    I wasnt able to help it when things were going berserk.What pays of in the end is just your hardwork.

    The paper was tough ,the checking even tougher.

    He can only be a duffer to believe this bluffer.P.T.O.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    The results no more remain a matterof suspense.

    One can actually guess my marks throughsheer common sense.

    The only thing that is still relieving to me ,

    Is that most of us have the same story- youwould agree.

    Mistake made once ,is an error

    Twice ->its a crime.And on this very note-Dude ,BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Shakespeare Im not .

    So I dont have written a lot.

    From you- many a thing have I got.But one thing must you jot.

    Please FORGET ME NOT.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    May the year of your peer be withered and sere.And you for the entire year, remain in your top gear.

    May the coming months help you overcome your fears.

    And your miseries and sorrows be short lived and mere.

    All your dreams, wishes and desires may the Almighty hear.And in the times to come may your retina see no tear.

    All those who for me are near and dear.

    Heres wishing you-A SPLENDIDLY HAPPY NEW YEAR.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    My school life was full of fun.And a feeling of sorrow creeps in when I think its all done.

    I would love to relive those moments again,But then, realizing its not possible gives me nothing but pain.

    To run behind the teachers for the increment of a mark ortwo.

    Being successful in which ,would sound

    miraculous.. something out of the blue. P.T.O.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Everyday in the morning to be exactly 10 minutes late.Just to bare the grunt of Mr. Bangal, right at the school


    More than academics I was always obsessed with sports.Hence found myself less in the classrooms

    And more often in the basketball courts.

    I would cherish all the moments of the past 14 years.Remembering which would always wet my eyes with tears.

    Memories are all that I can take back from here.We friends would hardly meet again remains my only fear


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Life so far has been nothing less than adream.

    Everything seems to be so finely tuned, sobeautiful so supreme.

    Life beyond the school gates would againbegin afresh and new.Heres wishing everyone All The Success

    now that its time to BID ADIEU


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    One fine day I met a brilliant orator.I thought I might one myself but thats sometime


    I believe ones destiny entirely depends on onesown fate.And if you disagree with me, then lets debate.

    Whether pen mightier than sword,Or mouse mightier than pen.

    Whether egg originated first,Or it was the egg before the hen.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    In many ways I find speaking in a debate,Is quite similar to your very first date.The nervousness is the same, same is the

    excitement,And similar is the urge to impress by your

    blandishment.In the process even if you are just one minute late,In either the cases, you are mostly shown the gate.

    Whether you speak for or against the motion,Imagine your condition if you forget a particular


    hatever I say makes sense and definitely carriessome weight.And now if you tend to agree with me thenlets end this Debate.


  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    The story of mine is going to be one of its kind.A parallel to which would be rare to find.

    To rewrite the history of all histories.

    To unfold the mystery of all mysteries.An end to which is unimaginable.As its going to continue to our several ancestries.

    Thee thoughts- those who now despise,Tomorrow for them thy knowledge will be like paradise.

    This is why the truth of nature is so inexplicable.Like the Acceptance of the Inevitable.P.T.O.

  • 8/6/2019 Nikhil Poems


    Practice of excellence is all that I pursue and breed.To exude nobility in my word thought and deed.

    It would continue to be my zest,To do what I do the best.This is one reason why my personalityEmerges out of the hoi polloi- the rest.

    If you think Im better than the best,Then you stand in agreement with all the rest.My courage has stood the test of times.Gotto end here ,my friend, cause Im falling short of

