[email protected], 9947524657 Volume : 2 Issue : 1 January-February 2018 4 Vijnan - Quarterly news letter published by Bhavan's Royal Institute of Management Chief editor: Prof. (Dr). Rajagopala Nair, Editor-in-charge: Deepa Unnithan. For private circulation only B havan's B-School's is committed itself for continuously defining and redefining the benchmarks of academic excellence and to groom students professionally for making them 'industry ready'. National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), Student Chapter was inaugurated in the campus on February 27, 2018. NIPM is a premier professional body in India engaged in the profession of Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, Labour Welfare and HRD in the country. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean, Bhavan's B-School, welcomed the gathering. The student chapter was inaugurated by Dr. N. Vijayan Pillai, Former Chairman, NIPM, Kochi Chapter, Mr. Pillai is a Management Consultant and Fellow of NIPM. During his inaugural address, Mr. Vijayan Pillai stressed upon the need for a student chapter to retune the mind set of the students towards best practices in Human Resource Management. The inaugural session is was followed by NIPM Student Chapter @ Bhavan's B-School the distribution of membership certificates to the students and the election of office bearers of the chapter. The first session of the student chapter began with Shri. Vijayakumar A. V., Hon. Treasurer, NIPM Kerala Chapter and the Sr. Manager (Admn.) at Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, giving an introduction to the activities of NIPM. In the second session, Dr. N. Vijayan Pillai shared his views and experiences in the field of HR. In the final session, Shri. Saji V. Mathew, Deputy General Manager (HR & IR), Sud Chemie India Pvt. Ltd. addressed the students on the intricacies of the corporate world and the need to stay competent to succeed in their career. To conclude the programme, there was a fruitful interactive session with the students. Ms. Uthara K., the student Chairperson of the chapter, proposed the vote of thanks. Entrepreneurs" authored by Ms. Deepa Unnithan, Asst. Professor at International Conference for Commerce and Business at University of Kelaniya, Srilanka. Prof. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean was the invited resource person for the orientation programme for students of Cochin College wherein he addressed students on the career prospects and higher learning avenues for students of different courses. Ms. Rohini S. Nair, Asst. Professor presented a paper titled "Understanding the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Workplace Spirituality: The Moderating Role of Knowledge Sharing Intention" at the 17 th International Consortium of Students in Management Research organized by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Ira'18 - Annual Sports Meet & Run for a Cause Prof. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean, conducted a session on career guidance for commerce students at Dept. of Commerce of D B College, Thalayolaprambu. Ms. Aswathy Mohan, Asst. Professor presented a paper titled"Effect of CSR on Customer Company identification, Customer satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: An Evidence from India" in OISCA Global Youth Forum- 2018 organised by OISCA International, Japan. Prof. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean addressed the students of Chinmaya College of Arts, Commerce and Science as part of their orientation and prospects. Ms. Deepa Unnithan,Asst.Professor has published her research work on "Individual Market Orientation of Incubates: A Challenge to the Future of Startup India" UGC Approved International Research Journal of Management and Commerce,January 2018 Ms. Aswathy Mohan, Asst.Professor published a paper titled "Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm performance:Empirical Evidence from India" in International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, Vol 6,Issue 3,Pages 209-218,Feb 2018,ISSN(e) 2321-8878 Publications Ms. Jayashree Rajan, Librarian, Bhavan's B-School has attended a workshop on usage of Anti Plagiarism softwares in research, organised by Rajagiri College of Social Sciences. Ms. Aparna T. P., Ms. Achla, Ms. Jessitha of 1 st MBA and Mr. Prasanth, Mr. Ashlin of 2 nd MBA attended the one day conference on "Infrastructure Development in Kerala-Issues & Prospects" at Chinmaya College of Arts & Science,Tripunithura. The staff and students of Bhavan's B-School were invited participants in the Annual Budget Discussion hosted by Malayala Manorama, Outbound Training Programmes Attended

NIPM Student Chapter @ Bhavan's B-Schoolbrim.ac.in/UserFiles/BRIM/file/Vijnan News-March-18 (1).pdf · Rtr. Visakh Ram Mohan was conferred the same, among others. The post lunch session

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Page 1: NIPM Student Chapter @ Bhavan's B-Schoolbrim.ac.in/UserFiles/BRIM/file/Vijnan News-March-18 (1).pdf · Rtr. Visakh Ram Mohan was conferred the same, among others. The post lunch session










Volume : 2 Issue : 1 January-February 2018


Vijnan - Quarterly news letter published by Bhavan's Royal Institute of ManagementChief editor: Prof. (Dr). Rajagopala Nair, Editor-in-charge: Deepa Unnithan. For private circulation only

Bhavan's B-School's is committed itself forcontinuously defining and redefining the

benchmarks of academic excellence and to groomstudents professionally for making them 'industry ready'.National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM),Student Chapter was inaugurated in the campus onFebruary 27, 2018. NIPM is a premier professional bodyin India engaged in the profession of PersonnelManagement, Industrial Relations, Labour Welfare andHRD in the country. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean, Bhavan'sB-School, welcomed the gathering. The student chapterwas inaugurated by Dr. N. Vijayan Pillai, FormerChairman, NIPM, Kochi Chapter, Mr. Pillai is aManagement Consultant and Fellow of NIPM. During hisinaugural address, Mr. Vijayan Pillai stressed upon theneed for a student chapter to retune the mind set ofthe students towards best practices in Human ResourceManagement. The inaugural session is was followed by

NIPM Student Chapter @ Bhavan's B-School

the distribution of membership certificates to thestudents and the election of office bearers of thechapter.

The first session of the student chapter began with Shri.Vijayakumar A. V., Hon. Treasurer, NIPM Kerala Chapterand the Sr. Manager (Admn.) at Kottakkal Arya VaidyaSala, giving an introduction to the activities of NIPM. Inthe second session, Dr. N. Vijayan Pillai shared his viewsand experiences in the field of HR. In the final session,Shri. Saji V. Mathew, Deputy General Manager (HR &IR), Sud Chemie India Pvt. Ltd. addressed the studentson the intricacies of the corporate world and the needto stay competent to succeed in their career. Toconclude the programme, there was a fruitfulinteractive session with the students. Ms. Uthara K.,the student Chairperson of the chapter, proposed thevote of thanks.

Entrepreneurs" authored by Ms. Deepa Unnithan,Asst. Professor at International Conference forCommerce and Business at University of Kelaniya,Srilanka.

Prof. Dr. RajagopalaNair, Dean was theinvited resource personfor the orientationprogramme for studentsof Cochin Collegewherein he addressedstudents on the career prospects and higher learningavenues for students of different courses.

Ms. Rohini S. Nair,Asst. Professorpresented a paper titled"Understanding theRelationship betweenSelf-Efficacy and Workplace Spirituality: TheModerating Role of Knowledge Sharing Intention" atthe 17th International Consortium of Students inManagement Research organized by Indian Instituteof Science, Bangalore.

Ira'18 - Annual Sports Meet & Run for a Cause

Prof. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean, conducted a sessionon career guidance for commerce students at Dept.of Commerce of D B College, Thalayolaprambu.

Ms. Aswathy Mohan,Asst. Professorpresented a papertitled"Effect of CSR onCustomer Companyi d e n t i f i c a t i o n ,Customer satisfactionand Customer Loyalty:An Evidence from India" in OISCA Global Youth Forum-2018 organised by OISCA International, Japan.

Prof. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Dean addressed thestudents of Chinmaya College of Arts, Commerce andScience as part of their orientation and prospects.

Ms. Deepa Unnithan,Asst.Professor has published herresearch work on "Individual Market Orientation ofIncubates: A Challenge to the Future of StartupIndia" UGC Approved International Research Journalof Management and Commerce,January 2018

Ms. Aswathy Mohan, Asst.Professor published a papertitled "Impact of Corporate Governance on Firmperformance:Empirical Evidence from India" inInternational Journal of Research in Humanities, Artsand Literature, Vol 6,Issue 3,Pages 209-218,Feb2018,ISSN(e) 2321-8878


Ms. Jayashree Rajan, Librarian, Bhavan's B-Schoolhas attended a workshop on usage of Anti Plagiarismsoftwares in research, organised by Rajagiri Collegeof Social Sciences.

Ms. Aparna T. P., Ms. Achla, Ms. Jessitha of 1st MBAand Mr. Prasanth, Mr. Ashlin of 2nd MBA attendedthe one day conference on "InfrastructureDevelopment in Kerala-Issues & Prospects" atChinmaya College of Arts & Science,Tripunithura.

The staff and students of Bhavan's B-School wereinvited participants in the Annual Budget Discussionhosted by Malayala Manorama,

Outbound Training Programmes Attended

Page 2: NIPM Student Chapter @ Bhavan's B-Schoolbrim.ac.in/UserFiles/BRIM/file/Vijnan News-March-18 (1).pdf · Rtr. Visakh Ram Mohan was conferred the same, among others. The post lunch session

2 3

A team of KMA members visited the campus for an orientation programme for MBAstudents. Mr. Ganesh Kumar, KMA representative elaborated to the students on theexpectations of the contemporary business and society from an MBA graduate. Theyalso detailed on the activities of KMA and how MBA students can take part in theirinitiatives.

Kerala Management Association(KMA)

The final semester MBA students of Bhavan's B-Schoolwere on a five day tour to Hyderabad to visit theIndustries and other places of interest. The studentswere accompanied by our Faculty members Mr. Girish

Annual College Tour @ Bhavan's B-SchoolS. Pathy and Ms. Smitha Rajappan. The tour gavestudents a refreshing, enlightening, adventurous,nostalgic and tremendous learning experience.

'Yodha', the Group Forum for District 3201 was hostedby the Rotaract Club of Bhavan's Royal Institute ofManagement on 17th February 2018. District 3201.Covers the districts of Ernakulam, Idukki, Thrissur,Palakkad and Coimbatore. The event was chaired byGroup Rotaract Representative Rtr. Shyam Prakash andKerala Co-ordinator Rtr. Venugopal G. Pradeep. Theevent started with the official inauguration by DeanDr. Rajagopala Nair and key note address by the eventchair. It was followed by an ice-breaking session oftreasure hunt organized by the Bhavan's Rotaract Club.

YODHA Group Forum @ Rotaract Club of Bhavan's Royal Institute of ManagementLater, the GRR conferred Special Recognition badgeson outstanding performers for the Group. The collegeRotaract President, Rtr. Adith Chand and Event Chair,Rtr. Visakh Ram Mohan was conferred the same, amongothers. The post lunch session included an interactivesession by founder CEO of StartUp Village, Mr. SijoKuruvila which provided the members a uniqueopportunity to get in touch with the mastermind behindKerala's entrepreneurial overdrive. The event concludedwith the closing remarks of the event chair and theevent secretary thanked the gathering.

Mr. Sachith Rajagopal, GM-International Business, Exotelinteracted with students as part of the corporateinteraction programme. Through his interaction, heguided students on the corporate expectations fromnew age management graduates and oriented them onequipping themselves for right management career.

Corporate Interactions @ Bhavan's B-SchoolMr. Aravind Warrier, Senior Human Resources Managerat RapidValue, conducted a session on corporateexpectations and placement orientation. In his address,Mr. Warrier gave them an insight into the plethora ofopportunities and challenges that the Corporate hasto offer to the young managers.

Ms. Jaisha K. J. & Mr. Prasanth Prakash , 1st Year MBAstudents have secured 1st & 2nd prize consecutively in

Winners' in Photography Contest

the Photography contest as part of Visishta, hosted byBhavan's College of Arts & Commerce.

Ira'18 , the Annual Sports Meet of the Institute was heldon 20th January 2018. The Sports Meet began with "Runfor a Cause" and the theme of the year was" Health forall and Wealth for the nation".The run was formallyinaugurated by Hon. Director of Bhavan's Kochi Kendra,Sri. E. Ramankutty Warrier by lighting the Sports Day

torch and was flagged off by Sri. Sanal, Sub-Inspector,Hill Palace Police Station. The run for a cause startedfrom Irumbanam, covered nearby places and ended atthe College ground. The inter-house competitions wasdynamic with active participation from staff andstudents.

Prof. (Dr.) RajagopalaNair, Dean,conducteda discourse for thestaff and students ofSt.Teresa's College.The seminar wasorganised by the PG Dept. of Commerce on 20th Jan2018 and the topic was "Research Methodology forEmpirical Studies".

Presentations by Faculty TeamMr. Girish S. Pathy,Asst. Professorpresented hisresearch paper on "Utilitarian Perceptionof Gold by Women-APerception Mappingof the Women in Pre and Post Globalisation Era" and"Individual Marketing Orientation of Startup