www.SuccessDynamicsInstitute.com Fast Track NLP – Trance Formations © Success Dynamics Institute 2009 All Rights Reserved Worldwide Page 1 Contents NLP and Hypnotherapy ....................................................................................................................... 3 Questions About Hypnotherapy ......................................................................................................... 4 What Is Hypnosis? ........................................................................................................................... 4 Can Everyone Be Hypnotised? ........................................................................................................ 4 Will I Go Into A Trance? .................................................................................................................. 4 Can I Be Made To Do Something I Wouldn’t Normally Do? ........................................................... 4 Can I Be Harmed?............................................................................................................................ 4 What Does Hypnosis Feel Like? ...................................................................................................... 4 Is It Possible To Get Stuck In A Trance? .......................................................................................... 5 Will I Remember What Happened? ................................................................................................ 5 How Is Hypnotherapy Different To Stage Hypnosis? ...................................................................... 5 Contraindications To Hypnosis ........................................................................................................... 5 Erickson's Utilization Approach .......................................................................................................... 5 The Pre-Talk ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Helping The Client Understand Trance And Its Benefits................................................................. 6 Addressing Common Misperceptions About Hypnosis................................................................... 6 Suggestibility Tests .......................................................................................................................... 6 Suggestibility Tests .............................................................................................................................. 7 Dictionary And Balloon Test ............................................................................................................ 7 Finger Vice Test ............................................................................................................................... 7 The Postural Sway ........................................................................................................................... 7 Hypnotic Induction Scripts .................................................................................................................. 8 Lift Induction ................................................................................................................................... 9 Rose Induction .............................................................................................................................. 10 Star Induction................................................................................................................................ 11 Embarking On a Journey ............................................................................................................... 12 Indirect Suggestions .......................................................................................................................... 14 Hypnotic Presuppositions ............................................................................................................. 14 Indirect Elicitation Patterns .......................................................................................................... 16 Verb Tenses ................................................................................................................................... 17 Making Changes Using Verb Tenses ............................................................................................. 19 Milton Model .................................................................................................................................... 21 Milton Model Examples ................................................................................................................ 23 The Milton Model Patterns ........................................................................................................... 24

Nlp Manual Trance Formations

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Contents NLP and Hypnotherapy ....................................................................................................................... 3

Questions About Hypnotherapy ......................................................................................................... 4

What Is Hypnosis? ........................................................................................................................... 4

Can Everyone Be Hypnotised? ........................................................................................................ 4

Will I Go Into A Trance? .................................................................................................................. 4

Can I Be Made To Do Something I Wouldn’t Normally Do? ........................................................... 4

Can I Be Harmed? ............................................................................................................................ 4

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like? ...................................................................................................... 4

Is It Possible To Get Stuck In A Trance? .......................................................................................... 5

Will I Remember What Happened? ................................................................................................ 5

How Is Hypnotherapy Different To Stage Hypnosis? ...................................................................... 5

Contraindications To Hypnosis ........................................................................................................... 5

Erickson's Utilization Approach .......................................................................................................... 5

The Pre-Talk ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Helping The Client Understand Trance And Its Benefits ................................................................. 6

Addressing Common Misperceptions About Hypnosis................................................................... 6

Suggestibility Tests .......................................................................................................................... 6

Suggestibility Tests .............................................................................................................................. 7

Dictionary And Balloon Test ............................................................................................................ 7

Finger Vice Test ............................................................................................................................... 7

The Postural Sway ........................................................................................................................... 7

Hypnotic Induction Scripts .................................................................................................................. 8

Lift Induction ................................................................................................................................... 9

Rose Induction .............................................................................................................................. 10

Star Induction ................................................................................................................................ 11

Embarking On a Journey ............................................................................................................... 12

Indirect Suggestions .......................................................................................................................... 14

Hypnotic Presuppositions ............................................................................................................. 14

Indirect Elicitation Patterns .......................................................................................................... 16

Verb Tenses ................................................................................................................................... 17

Making Changes Using Verb Tenses ............................................................................................. 19

Milton Model .................................................................................................................................... 21

Milton Model Examples ................................................................................................................ 23

The Milton Model Patterns ........................................................................................................... 24

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Your Own Milton Model ............................................................................................................... 26

Hypnotic Change Scripts ................................................................................................................... 27

Ego Strengthening Script ............................................................................................................... 27

Eliminating Negative Behaviour .................................................................................................... 29

Universal Habit Control ................................................................................................................. 30

Health Matters .............................................................................................................................. 32

Metaphors ......................................................................................................................................... 33

Shallow Metaphors ....................................................................................................................... 33

Deep Metaphors ........................................................................................................................... 33

Quotes ........................................................................................................................................... 33

Constructing Metaphors ............................................................................................................... 34

Yes Inductions ................................................................................................................................... 35

Building a Yes Induction ................................................................................................................ 36

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There is no such thing as hypnosis. If this is true then how do we teach it? What most people call

hypnosis is just an altered state of consciousness. We go in and out of altered states, often called

trance states, all the time and most likely you have done so several times already today. If you have

ever lost track of time, not heard someone who was speaking to you because you were paying

attention to something else, day dreamed, been so engrossed in a film you forgot even for a second

that you were sitting in a chair watching the film, or even thought about something to intensely that

everything else seemed to not even exist, then you were in an altered state of consciousness.

All hypnotherapy is just a way to guide you into an altered state of consciousness, usually a relaxed,

calm state, in which your mind may be more receptive.

The hypnotic techniques that we use in NLP are based on the work of Milton Erickson, a psychiatrist

who was studied and modelled by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the early 1970’s. Milton

Erickson was an incredible psychiatrist who had a talent for affecting great changes within his clients

by just conversing with them. Erickson’s clients often walked out of his room thinking and acting

differently without even knowing how or why, since they thought they had only had a conversation.

Ericksonian Hypnosis is very indirect, using indirect suggestions which help the mind to accept them

with ease instead of resisting. Clinical Hypnosis is quite direct and uses very commanding language,

which can cause the client to resist and be defensive as most people don’t like being told what to do.

The beauty of indirect suggestions is that the conscious mind often doesn’t even recognise them as

suggestions, and so does not resist them.

Clinical Hypnosis Ericksonian Hypnosis

“You are getting sleepy” “you may begin to notice your eyes getting

heavier and as you listen to my voice you can

begin to enter a peaceful state, of relaxation as

your eyes close only as fast as you can relax

completely now”

“You are a non smoker” “As you may be able to imagine, seeing yourself

breathing deeply and freely, as you go about

your day feeling refreshed to be able to do all

those things you want, and one can you know,

now know that you are smoke free and once

again breathing deeply and freely, that’s right”

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A dictionary definition of hypnosis is: A trancelike state of altered consciousness that resembles

sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.


Yes. The exceptions are: those who educationally subnormal or suffering from senility, very young

children, hard drug addicts, anybody under the influence of large amounts of alcohol.

Some hypnotists believe that people can resist hypnosis, and therefore it doesn’t work for those

individuals. It is more likely true that the hypnotist didn’t take into account that these people may

not respond well to the types of suggestions being used, and simply by changing techniques they will

be able to enter an altered state, as everyone enters trance states every day.


A Trance is simply a state of “profound abstraction or absorption”, so whenever you are

concentrating on something like TV or absorbed in a good book, you are in a trance state. When

hypnotised the trance is almost exactly the same as these other trance states, and you are usually

not even aware of being in trance. It is very different to TV or films where someone is unaware of

where they are or what they are doing. You are in control at all times, and are not unconscious

unless you fall asleep, which can happen since the state is very relaxing. If you do fall asleep you will

simply wake up when the therapist asks you to.


Hypnosis cannot make you do anything. You are still aware of what you are doing and won’t do

anything that you wouldn’t normally do. Your unconscious and higher conscious minds are very

highly moral and therefore you are still guided by these in a hypnotic state. If you were asked to do

something that goes against your morals then you would either ignore the suggestion, or wake up.

You cannot be hypnotised against your will, it is always a choice. All hypnosis is self hypnosis; the

therapist just helps you along the way.


Not in the hands of a properly trained individual. It is important that the therapist be careful of the

language they use, but if they say anything that goes against what you want, you will dismiss it as if

you didn’t hear it, or simply wake up.


Usually hypnosis is very relaxing, but not that different from being awake. You remain conscious, and

aware of what’s going on around you, just very relaxed. Because of this sometimes people think they

are not “doing it right”, and only realise that they were in a hypnotic state when they realise changes

have been made, or they respond to a post-hypnotic suggestion.

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If a person is left in a trance for any reason they will either fall asleep and then wake up naturally or

simply come out of the trance on their own in a short amount of time.


Your unconscious mind stores and remembers everything, whether in a trance or not. You will

consciously remember parts of what happened during trance, probably the more interesting parts,

and still have access as normal to the rest of those memories also.

When someone is hypnotised on TV to forget certain things, these suggestions to forget are only to

forget consciously, therefore they do not last very long as your unconscious remembers everything



The Hypnosis is the same. The intention is what’s different. With hypnotherapy the intention is to

help the client lead a more enjoyable life. Stage hypnosis is simply a form of entertainment.


There are five instances in which hypnosis is specifically contraindicated:

1. When the client's personal history suggests that they may be dangerous to themselves or others

2. If the client is dealing with highly repressed or traumatic issues 3. If a client is dealing with cancer or another life-threatening disease 4. If a client is suffering from psychiatric or neurological disorders such as multiple personality

schizophrenia, bipolar disorders (manic-depressive), hysteria or epileptic seizures 5. You should only hypnotize a member of the opposite sex when there is a reliable witness

present. An alternate safeguard is to tape all your sessions


Erickson's approach is a utilization approach, which has three stages. The first stage is Preparation, in which you discuss the client’s personal history, deliver your pre-talk and conduct suggestibility tests. The second stage is Trance Work, which will be our main focus in this workshop. The third stage is joint Evaluation of Results by the client and the practitioner, which locks in convincers for the client and enables deep integration of changes.

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1. Explain the Mind / Body connection 2. Explain the healing possibilities that are made possible by opening up communication with

the unconscious mind 3. Explain that rapport with you will 'open the door' to rapport with their own unconscious 4. Establish trust and confidence by asking questions to get a clear understanding of what the

client wants to gain through your guidance


1. Expecting to be “out cold”

2. The fear that they are somehow giving over control to the practitioner

3. Believing that hypnosis is something that is “done” to you. All hypnosis is self hypnosis

4. Not understanding that they are in control and can come out of trance anytime they like

5. Fear of being made to do something in hypnosis that they would not normally do

6. Fear of getting stuck in trance


1. Everyone is suggestible to some degree 2. The main purpose of suggestibility tests is to convince a client that they are suggestible

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The three suggestibility tests described below are taken from the book ‘Hypnosis, A Comprehensive

Guide’ by T. James, L. Flores and J. Schober


Find a place where you and your partner have room to move around. The Practitioner says to the client, "Hold both of your arms stretched out in front of you, with the palms of your hands down, at shoulder height. Close your eyes. Now turn your right hand over so it is facing palm up. "Now, I'd like you to imagine a heavy book-maybe Webster's Unabridged Dictionary-in your right hand. Imagine it is so heavy that it's pulling your whole right arm down.... down.... DOWN. Now imagine tied to your left wrist a big blue balloon, filled with lots of helium, lifting ... lifting ... LIFTING ... your left hand upward ... upward... UPWARD. A big blue balloon, lifting your left hand upward, upward... And a heavy dictionary getting heavier and HEAVIER... And a big blue balloon lifting, lifting, and LIFTING... And the dictionary getting heavier and HEAVIER... (Continue as needed). Now, open your eyes, and look at your hands! If your arms moved from being parallel, then you are suggestible, and your Body will listen to suggestions from your Mind.


The practitioner says to the client, "Clasp your hands together in front of you with fingers interlocked, and raise your two forefingers straight upward. Move your forefingers an inch apart and freeze them in that position, making sure to clasp your hands nice and tight with your other fingers. "Now I want you to imagine a little vice or clamp around your forefingers. I'm going to turn the little lever and I want you to notice what happens as the vice starts to close." (Make a turning motion with your hand.) "Look how your fingers are starting to move together." Continue this way until the client's forefingers are pressed against each other. You can also repeat the test without actually making the turning motion. The Practitioner says, "Pull your forefingers apart and imagine the vice again. Squeezing your hands nice and tight and trying to hold your forefingers apart, imagine the little lever on the vice turning and turning and bringing your forefingers together. Look how your forefingers are coming together."


Find a place where the client can stand in an upright 'military' position. The Practitioner says to the client, "Close your eyes and turn your face up toward the ceiling, with your eyes closed. Imagine that you are swaying back and forth. Safely of course, back and forth ... back and forth. .. back and forth. Notice that you are actually beginning to sway, safely of course. Your Unconscious Mind will always catch you.. . back and forth.. . (If you are not swaying, it may be because your face isn't turned fully up toward the ceiling) . . . back and forth. Now come on back and open your eyes."

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Inductions scripts are used to ‘induce’ or to ease the client into a relaxed trance state. With most

NLP a light trance state is enough, which is induced by simply having the client close their eyes. An

induction may be helpful when a client is having trouble relaxing, has a lot on their mind, is focussing

on where they have just been or are about to go and aren’t able to focus on the present.

These scripts can be simply read as they are, or you can add your own hypnotic language within

them that are more specific to your client. The more you read hypnotic scripts the more you will

understand how to structure your language to make up trances yourself on the spot.

You can add embedded commands at the end of an induction to help your client ‘try on’ their

desired state while in a receptive state.

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Imagine now that you are in a multi-story hotel and that you are stepping into a lovely, spacious lift.

As you step inside you notice the panel of buttons on the wall as the lift doors slowly close.

The numbers on the buttons range from 15 down to 1, below which is a button marker G for ground

floor. You decide to go down to the ground floor and press the button marked G.

As the lift begins to descend, each number on the buttons light up and you feel yourself going

deeper and deeper.

The Lift is going down to the 14th floor now and the button marked 14 lights up. The lift continues

down the 13th floor, and you feel yourself going deeper into relaxation. As the lift descends, going

down even further, you notice the 12th floor button lights up and you become even more

comfortable as you go deeper, deeper, and deeper still.

The lift continues to descend even deeper down, now to 11, then 10, going even deeper, down to 9,

8 deeper relaxed, deeper relaxed, going really deep down now, and 7, 6, 5, feeling oh, so

comfortable now, as you go down to 4, then 3, and then the second floor. The button marked 2

lights up and the lift continues down to the first floor – and then even further, down to the ground,

and as you reach the ground floor the button marked G lights up, and the lift doors open, but you

remain where you are.

There is an even deeper level of relaxation, that is called the basement of relaxation, and the lift

drops down, deep, deep down, now, to the basement of relaxation, and you feel even deeper

relaxed, and so comfortable.

As you reach the basement of relaxation, the lift doors open and you step out into a lovely, spacious

room – the only thing in this room is a huge, comfortable chair, in the centre of the room. You make

your way to the chair, feeling so light, so comfortable and as you sink down into the chair you feel

yourself going to the deepest level or relaxation that is possible for you to go at this time.

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This is a powerful induction that uses the imagination and the sense of smell – the oldest sense we

have. Speak very slowly in order for your subject to develop the images in his / her mind.

Imagine a beautiful golden light entering through an opening in the crown of your head… the golden

light flows down through your face and into your neck… and your throat… imagine it… experience

the energy from that golden light… and take it down… across the shoulders… down into the arms…

and the hands… down into the chest… focus on that golden light around the heart area… feel it

gently pulsating… breathing… slowly… rhythmically… now down into the stomach… feel and sense

that wonderful feeling…the glowing…. Warming.. sensation… melting… draining… down your body..

into the hips… the thighs… the legs… the feet and down to the toes.

And the golden light enters your bloodstream and is carried around the bloodstream… into the

meridians… the little rivulets of golden energy… and feel a sensation of peace… and letting go…

Let go… relax and in your mind imagine a beautiful red rose in a tight bud… the petals as soft as

velvet, and as you breathe in the rose very slowly begins to open… slowly… unfolds… a beautiful

deep red rose.. and with every breath it opens more fully… into a lovely bloom… beautiful… rich and

soft… and velvety… with a wonderful fragrance… like a rose garden on a warm summers evening…

the perfume enters your nostrils… as it opens… fully… the petals spreading outwards… and you

notice the centre of the rose… deep inside the rose… glows… like a crimson sky aglow from a

glorious sunset… and the glowing centre becomes brighter… a brighter shade of red… and the light

begins to spread to the petals… until the whole rose is glowing with a bright, radiant light.

With a sudden burst the rose is a beautiful flame… contained with the shape of the rose… there is no

heat, just pure energy combined with the beauty of the rose. This image is there. You can see it. You

can sense the beauty of this wonderful flame. And the flame is confined within the rose. See it

clearly in your mind… and the energy vibrates and you breathe in that beautiful energy. It makes you

feel good. It makes you feel relaxed. It fills you with positive vibrations… higher vibrations… just keep

that image in there in your mind. Focus completely on the rose as I talk to your unconscious mind…

relax… let go.

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Imagine now that your standing outside in the night air, looking up into a black, velvety sky. It’s

autumn time and the air is crisp and dry, with a faint smoky smell that reminds you of bonfires when

you were younger. And as you look up into this dark, night sky, you nitice a beautiful star up there,

just one, solitary, Silver star, up there in the sky, millions and millions of miles away.

And you’re looking at the star. Nod your head when you can see that star.

(Wait for nod)

Good. Now just keep your mind’s eye focussed on that star, that one, solitary star that begins to

twinkle up there in the black sky. And as it begins to twinkle, just keep that star up there in your

mind. Perhaps you can see it on the screen of the mind, that one, solitary, silver star. And as you

keep that star up there in your mind I want you to notice the star growing bigger and brighter and

ever more beautiful, bigger, and brighter and even more beautiful.

And as the star begins to grow bigger you realise that you’re actually moving towards that star, like a

slow rocket you begin to move, gently, slowly, deliberately, towards the star, until the star’s light fills

your surroundings and you’re enveloped inside the light, the beautiful, bright, silver light, from the


Feel and sense the light all around you. And let the light enter your physical body until you are inside

the light, and the light is inside you. You’re at one, with this beautiful silver light from the star.

You’re at one with the universe and all creation.


And now begin to descend. Going all the way back down, deeper and deeper down. Drifting and

floating gently back. And the deeper you go, the more comfortable and the more relaxed you

become. Deeper, and deeper and deeper relaxed.

Now I’m going to count down from ten to one and with each number that I count and each breath

that you take, you go deeper and deeper into a calm and relaxed sort of feeling. Deeper and deeper

down now.

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… zero. Deeply relaxed now, just listening to the sound of my


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You’re embarking on a journey… a wonderful, healing, beneficial journey… One you always enjoy

taking, each time you take this journey, you become more relaxed, more at east, you enter peaceful

healing hypnotic sleep easier… deeper… and derive more benefit from your journey.

Your very heavy eyelids are closed, you’re breathing deeply and relaxing more and more with each

breath… All sounds can gently fade away… nothing distracting you, nothing disturbing you… My

voice is always soothing… you do not consciously need to listen to my soothing, relaxing voice, your

Inner Mind, your unconscious mind hears, records and recalls for the conscious mind every word

that I say… Allow the muscles in your face to relax… feel them become loose, calm, relaxed… very


(From this point on, you can use your own style.. have them relax the muscles in their neck,

shoulders, upper, middle back, lower back, buttocks, back of upper legs, lower legs, feet and each

toe. Do the same with the arms, the chest, stomach, hips and thighs, upper legs, lower legs, feet and

each toe.)

In a moment I am going to tell you to open your eyes, your eye lids are very, very heavy,, your very

relaxed, it may seem difficult for you to open them, you open them when I tell you to open them…

you keep them open until I say to close them… you follow my simple instructions and nothing in the

world will keep you from entering a peaceful, healing, state of wonderful, relaxing, hypnotic sleep…

Open your eyes now. Open them, keep them open… become aware of your blinking, each time you

blink, relaxation spreads over your entire body, each time you blink, your very heavy eyelids become

heavier… heavier… heavier… As I count back from 3 to 1 your very heavy eyelids close, close close…

by the time I reach one your very heavy eyelids are closed… closed… and when you hear my voice

and only when my voice says SLEEP NOW you automatically enter a deep, healing, safe and secure

hypnotic sleep… Three… Your very heavy eyelids and closing… closing… closing… Two… closing…

closing… your very, very heavy eyelids closing… closing… closing… closed… closed… closed… One…

close… closed… closed… closed… SLEEP NOW…

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Now … I would like you to continue to allow that relaxation to deepen. You allow no tension at all to

come into you … You can allow your mind to clear totally of all worries and concerns … and I want

you to know that all forms of tension … anxiety and worry that you may have had … are all lifted

from you and you will feel very very relaxed and calm within yourself.

Whenever you hear me say the word … relaxed … you will double your relaxation. You now

experience complete peace and calm within yourself. As you rest so quietly there … relaxed … and

peaceful … I want you to imagine that as you look upwards you can see the sky … a clear blue sky …

with just one white fluffy cloud.

And as you look at that one white fluffy cloud … so it begins to descend … getting lower and lower …

until it envelops you as you rest there … and that fluffy cloud seems to gently massage your body

with soothing … healing … energy … making you feel even more … relaxed … You feel calm … safe

and secure … You can feel the soothing energy gently massaging … pulsating through the whole of

your body … in through the pores … and flowing right through your body easing out any tensions …

worries … or anxieties … out through your fingertips and your toes … Any bad feelings … any

negativity … all being pushed out … and this leaves you feeling so very calm … so very relaxed … so


If it is your wish … as you recognise that you really are in control … you may choose to allow your

cloud to just drift upwards into the clear blue sky … And you can enjoy the wonderful clean … pure

fresh air … or you may choose to float on your cloud … surrounded by pure healthy energy … and as

you take a deep breath … you can feel this healthy soothing energy flowing in through your nostrils

… all the way down your throat and into your lungs.

You can feel it enter your bloodstream … and circulate to all parts of your body … filling your very

being … soothing … healing


And as you do that you might notice that in the same way that you have eyes that see the world

around you, you also have an inner eye that we call ‘the mind’s eye’ … and it can see images and

process thoughts even as you relax so deeply … and the mind’s eye has an eyelid and, like your

physical eye, that eyelid can close down … as it too becomes heavy and tired … wanting to close …

and it can begin to close … and, as it slowly drops, it shuts out stray thoughts … stray images, and can

leave your mind perfectly clear … it experiences whatever you would choose … and it’s closing now

… closing more and more … and your mind grows quiet and at peace … and now it closes

completely… closing out all stray thoughts or images that you don’t want to interfere with how

relaxed you are …

(Michael Yapko, 1990)

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Hypnotic suggestions can be used in conversation to help get your point across, or to help direct a

person towards certain actions without telling them to “Do It!”. There are different types of indirect

suggestions which we will look at in some detail.


Presupposing that your client WILL do something in order for them to skip the step of thinking

whether they will do it or not, and just start automatically. There are 3 types of hypnotic

presuppositions used.

Subordinate Clause of time

Linking presupposed actions together by temporal language clauses such as: before, after, during, as,

since, prior, when, while, now etc.

In each example what is being presupposed?

Close your eyes as you begin to relax.

When would now be a good time to start?

Can we talk about it after you’ve finished your work?

Take as much time as you need while you decide which product to buy.

Use of “Or”

Using “or” presupposes that one of several actions will take place. It’s a good way to provide choice,

while also limiting that choice to a few options.

I’m curious which you want to do first, have lunch OR finish this work.

Are you looking to buy a family car OR a sedan?

Would you rather do the dishes before OR after eating desert?

Changing time verbs and adverbs

Changing time verbs and adverbs can move an action form the future to the present or the past and

the other way around. Verbs and adverbs: begin, stop, end, start, continue, proceed, already, yet,

still, anymore etc.

As you begin to imagine and dream.

Are you still interested in going on a date?

As you stop thinking and allow your mind to clear.

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Write 2 of your own for each category that you can use with clients or in your personal life.

Subordinate Clause of Time

Use of “Or”

Changing Time Verbs and Adverbs

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Patterns of language that you can use to elicit specific responses without asking for them directly.

The suggestions are embedded within a larger sentence structure which helps them to be indirect,

and not be noticed consciously.

Embedded commands

Direct commands that are embedded in larger sentences to make them more indirect.

I don’t know how soon you’ll notice positive changes in your behaviour.

You can start giving yourself positive feedback easily.

You may be able to reach an even deeper level of relaxation than ever before.

Write two of your own:

Embedded Questions

Questions like commands are embedded in a larger sentence to make them more indirect. Often

people will answer your indirect questions without even thinking whether they will answer or not.

They don’t refuse to answer because they accept the reason for being asked as simply to satisfy the

therapist’s curiosity. Thus embedded questions are useful when asking more difficult questions that

people may refuse to answer normally.

I’m curious how you were able to do that?

I wonder what would happen if you didn’t have this as an issue?

I’m wondering what examples you can come up with?

Write two of your own:

Negative Commands

Since our unconscious minds cannot process negatives, when we give a negative command it is the

positive that is usually responded to. This is because you have to think about the positive in order to

understand the sentence. For example “Don’t think about a cow”, makes you have to think about a

cow in order to understand the sentence. We can’t see, hear, taste, touch or smell a negative

because they don’t exist in the physical world, which is partly why we do the positive action instead

when given a negative command, the negative often doesn’t exist.

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To be most effective, think of what you do want to occur, then say that you don’t.

Don’t think these are easy.

I don’t want you to miss me too much.

I don’t know if you’ll have fun with this.

Write two of your own:


Verbs are powerful in that they not only specify action but also when the action takes place. By using

the temporal quality of verbs we can help eliminate problems and bring resources into a person’s


Verbs are: The part of speech that expresses existence, action, or occurrence. They are “doing”


Tenses: A category of verbal inflection that serves chiefly to specify the time of the action or state

expressed by the verb. They tell us when the verb takes place.

Verbs can create unconscious shifts from future to present to past which is extremely helpful in a

therapy situation. Look at this sentence in all 3 contexts.

Adding “ing” to a verb causes it to seem more active, and therefore more sensory and realistic,

rather than just a word on a page.

I was talking with him I am talking with him I will be talking with him

Auxiliary Verbs are: helping verbs, and give specific information about the verb which follows it.

These are also called past perfect, present perfect and future perfect.

Past Present Future

I talked with him I talk with him I will talk with him

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Tense Verb ‘ING Verb’

Past I talked with him I was talking with him

Present I talk with him I am talking with him

Future I will talk with him I will be talking with him

Past Perfect I had talked with him I had been talking with him

Present Perfect I have talked with him I have been talking with him

Future Perfect I will have talked with him I will have been talking with


Past Present Future

I will have talked with him

Past Present Future

I have talked with him

Past Present Future

I had talked with him

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The real power of verb tenses is to make unconscious changes with people to help them. There are

two ways we can do this which are:

Putting Limitations in the past

Bringing Resources into the Present or future.

1. The benefit of putting limitations into the past is that it causes them to lose their power. Talking

about limitations being current of even future-based presupposes that the limitation still exists and

thus it has the power to continue to limit you.

In order to put the limitation in the past when a client says a limiting statement, you simply repeat

back the statement, but change the verb. So:

I’m having a bad day You’ve been having a bad day

I can’t get out of this rut You haven’t been able to get out of this rut

My husband makes me so mad Your husband has been making you mad

I just can’t do it alone You weren’t able to do it alone

Avoid saying things like “Your husband made you mad” or “You were in a rut” which push the verb

back into the past too far, and may be met with resistance.

2. We then simply ask “What would you rather have?” or “How would you rather be?” or “What do

you want instead?”. Then using the resource the client answers with we put that into the future (or


3. To put the resource into the future or present you say

Resource Statement

Patience Having patience helps you have a good day

Free So when you have freedom it will be better

Past Present Future

Put resource in Present or Future

Past Present Future

To here Move limitation from here

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To be calm and happy When you are getting on with your husband

you are calm and happy

Confidence to do what I want With confidence you are able to do anything

you want

4. Tag questions

You can add a tag question to the end to also change the tense, and can also strengthen the


Past Present Future

Haven’t you? Now. Can’t you Won’t you

Didn’t you? Aren’t you? You will, won’t you?

Hasn’t it? Isn’t it? Won’t it?

Weren’t you? Doesn’t it?

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A Milton Model is a hypnotic pattern that was modelled from Milton Erickson. Erickson would

unconsciously use this pattern of hypnotic language with clients and it would always elicit such a

great response with whatever change work he was doing.

It is a pattern which uses 18 different hypnotic language patterns in a specific order. Each separate

pattern can be used separately, but then it is not referred to as a Milton model. When used, the

entire model can induce trance very easily and assist people in making profound changes. As people

listen they say ‘yes’ internally to each statement or may also nod as listening as they unconsciously

say ‘yes’ which allows them to continue listening and accept the information easily.

It is NOT meant to make sense to your conscious mind as you hear it out loud. Each statement

makes sense separately, but the weaving of them together causes your unconscious to take it in, but

your conscious may not understand or be able to make sense the entire model when put together.

Also it is NOT meant to be one hundred percent grammatically correct.

The key to Milton Erickson's hypnotic language patterns is that ambiguity in any representational system causes trance.

The hypnotic language patterns are:

Name Explanation

1. Mind Reading Claiming to know the thoughts or feelings of another without specifying the process by which you came to know them

2. Lost Performative Stating a value judgment without specifying whose judgment it is

3. Cause and Effect Stating or implying that one thing causes another

4. Complex equivalence Equating two things, or saying that their meanings are

equivalent or synonymous

5. Presuppositions Assumption

6. Universal quantifiers A set of words that generalize to absolutes of 'all' cases or 'no'

cases without saying who, what, were, when, how, etc.

7. Modal Operators A word such as 'can', 'might', 'should', 'must', or 'ought' which implies possibility or necessity

8. Nominalizations Changing process words (or verbs) into nouns. The most

common nominalization is adding -ing to a verb to make a noun

9. Unspecified Predicate


Omitting the verb, or the object of the verb, or both

10. Tag Question A question added after a statement, designed to dissolve

resistance, often resulting in an affirmative answer

11. Lack of Referential Index Using a general subject that does not refer to a specific person

12. Comparative Deletions Using comparative words without saying who or what the

comparison is being made to

13. Pacing Current


Describing what someone is currently experiencing in a way

which is undeniable

14. Double Binds Creating the illusion of choice where either choice will lead the

listener to do what the speaker is suggesting

15. Conversational Postulate A yes / no question

16. Extended Quotes Chained quotes or series of contexts embedded within one long

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sentence, where the speaker quotes one person talking about

what was said by a second person who was talking about what

was said by a third person, etc

17. Selectional Restriction


Attributing consciousness to an inanimate object

or a mode of communication to a creature that does not have that mode

18. Ambiguities Use only one of a b c or d

a. Phonological


Using two words with different meanings that sound alike in the

same sentence; or using one of them in a context where it could

also be taken for the other

b. Syntactic


Using a combination of words that has more than one possible

meaning, so the function can’t be immediately determined

c. Scope


Using words that are unclear to cause confusion as to whom or

what is being referred to. The context changes based on how

the words are heard

d. Punctuation


(1) Run-on sentence: Using the last word or phrase in a sentence as the first word or phrase of the next sentence

(2) Pause at unexpected place: Pausing to mark out certain sections of a sentence so that it could mean more than one thing

(3) Incomplete Sentence: Not completing the sentence that was

19. Utilization Utilizing all that happens or that the person says or does in the context of hypnosis to deepen the person's trance

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Here are some examples of full Milton models. In the examples every second pattern is in bold to

show the start and end of each and how they flow together seamlessly.

Business Example

You probably know… it’s good. When we get together, we make things happen. We’ve made

progress this week and we’ve gotten stronger. We are growing all the time. All the people. All the

time. You must understand this now. Business is booming. And you can, haven’t you? One can

easily see, this is more or less the right time… lets take all the time we need to sort out the weekly

tasks in this next hour. Should we begin now? Last week we talked about the tasks which we

should accomplish this week and I know that while we’ve all been busy with our jobs and tasks

we’ve been able to move forward… if your desk could only talk… you must realize that by now.

Sales Example

I know you are wondering, that’s right. If I help you today, then you’ll have a new car. Buying this

new car means you’ll be free of those worried. You’ll find the right one for you. So every time you

think of that car, you should see yourself in it. And then you’ll be driving. And as you continue,

won’t you? You will, you know. But that’s neither here nor there. As we stand here now… do you

want to test drive the blue or red car first? Can you imagine this? Last week a lady I met bought

this car and she loved the way it held and sounded as she drove around the city it was the most

wonderful experience to know her car know how to drive. You are the one that has won.

Change Example

You probably are aware… That’s perfect. As you sit there, then you can relax. Being here means that

you will change. You are changing all the time, so every time you think of that. You can begin to get

that change now. Changing is easy as. And you do, don’t you? You may not know it. Sooner of later

you will become aware. As you continue breathing… You can continue changing as quickly or as

slowly as you want to now. Can you imagine this? A place where there is no time, no space, no-one

and yet everything, a place where all knowledge and experience is one, and with no reason to

say… It’s impossible to know what you don’t know. It’s all in there you have it.

Help Children Sleep Example

I know you are dreaming, one doesn’t have to.. when you lat there, you’ll start to relax. Having a

good day means another is on the way. You’ll be able to have even more fun tomorrow. Everyone

loves you. You shouldn’t have good dreams tonight. It becomes a playing dream. And you do, won’t

you? You will you know… right or wrong… you hear my voice… as you dream or when you wake

up… can you get there now? When I was little I loved to dream, about trees and airplanes, about

animals and sounds. I loved to laugh and play and dream… put the dream down to your big toe and

let it listen… the dreaming dreamer dreams.

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1. Mind Read

I know you’re wondering…

I know you believe…

I know you’re thinking how wonderful

trance is

I know that you’re in a nice trance now.

I’m sure you felt

You probably are aware…

You probably also know

I bet you’re upset about that

I realise you already know

I can tell you’re happy…

I can tell how you feel…

2. Lost Performative

It’s bad to

That’s good

That’s right

It’s good when

That’s perfect!

It’s wrong to cheat

One doesn’t have to

Today is a great day!

It’s good to study hard

It’s important to learn

It was not right of you to say that

And it’s a good thing to wonder

3. Cause and Effect

If I help you, then you’ll learn this

As you sit there, then you can feel

Don’t X unless you want to Y

If you sit in this chair, you’ll go into


Don’t move your foot unless you want to

go deeper

4. Complex Equivalence

You are relaxing, so you’re in trance

Being here means that you will change

Your question means you know it already

Asking questions means you are learning

Wanting to learn more means that you


Being here means you will enjoy the


5. Presuppositions

You can do this even better

You’re learning many things

You are changing all the time

How else do you go into trance

You can see this more clearly now

You’ll be able to learn even more


6. Universal Quantifiers

Nobody’s Perfect

So every time you think of that

Everything is wonderful

There is always tomorrow

All the people, all the time

Everything you have learned

7. Modal Operators (Possibility / Necessity)

You should care for others

You must be aware

You should see clearly now

You may begin to notice

You can trust your unconscious mind

You could learn this now


NLP is easy as

Your learning is improving every day

Those feelings come and others may go

as your behaviour improves

Changing is as easy as

Those relaxing feelings may become

even stronger

9. Unspecified Predicate (Verb)

If you knew

And you can

And you do

As you already

If you will

Or if you don’t

10. Tag Question

Didn’t I?

Isn’t it?

Aren’t you?

Haven’t You?

Won’t you?

Haven’t we?

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11. Lack of Referential Index

One can you know

It is, you see

That’s the way

You may not know it

You have, and you know it

People can learn

Now you’ve got it

One can easily see

12. Comparative Deletions

Right or wrong…

Even more relaxed

You’re going deeper, and deeper…

Sooner or later, you’ll understand

This is more or less the right time

You’re getting better every day

Whether good or bad

Here or there

13. Pacing Current Experience

You are sitting here, listening to me

You hear my voice

We are in this group

As we sit here now

And as you breathe in, and out

14. Double Binds

Do you want to begin now, or later?

As you dream, or upon awakening

Will you begin to change now, or after

this session

Either before, or after leaving this room

15. Conversational Postulate

Can you imagine this?

Will you just let go now?

Can you picture doing this?

Can you do this easily?

Would it be all right to feel this good?

Do you know that you know it already?

16. Extended Quote

Last year I met a man who said he knew

a woman that was from out of town. She

was a friend of the family who said…

A time when there was no such thing

and no one knew whether or not anyone


17. Selectional Restriction Violation

The walls have ears

Flowers like to be picked

My car knows how to get there

What did your actions say to you?

18. Ambiguities

Choose either a, b, c, or d

18. Ambiguities (a)Phonological Ambiguities

There’s no “their” in there

You are the one who has won

Bare bear bottoms

As you wonder/wander about

18. Ambiguities (b)Syntactic Ambiguities

Running water

Shooting stars

They are visiting relatives

Hypnotising hypnotists can be tricky

18. Ambiguities (c)Scope Ambiguities

Speaking to you as a child

Seeing you as a healer

You must realise that by now

Noticing that you can be

18. Ambiguities (d)Punctuation Ambiguities

Let me take your hand me the pen

I was looking for my tie… into this


As you continue changing makes you

grow as a person

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Context / Intention:

Context / Intention:

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You have now become so deeply relaxed… so deeply asleep… that your mind has become so

sensitive… so receptive to what I say… that everything that I put into your mind… will sink so deeply

into the unconscious part of your mind… and will cause so deep and lasting an impression there…

that nothing will eradicate it.

Consequently… thee things that I put into your unconscious mind… will begin to exercise a greater

and greater influence over the way you think… over the way you feel… over the way you behave.

And… because these things will remain… firmly imbedded in the unconscious part of your mind…

after you have left here… when you are no longer with me… they will continue to exercise the same

great influence… over your thoughts… your feelings and your actions… just as strongly… just as

surely… just as powerfully… when you are back home… or at work… as when you are with me in this


You are now so very deeply asleep… that everything that I tell you that is going to happen to you…

for your own good… will happen.. exactly as I tell you… And every feeling… that I tell you. And these

same things will continue to happen to you… every day… just as strongly… just as surely… just as

powerfully… when you are back at home… or at work… as when you are with me in this room.

[Personal Ego-strengthening Suggestions]

During this deep sleep.. you are going to feel physically stronger and fitter in every way. You will feel

more alert… more wide awake… more energetic. You will become much less easily tired… much less

easily fatigued.. much less easily discouraged… much less easily depressed. Every day… you will

become so deeply interested in whatever you are doing… in whatever is going on around you… that

your mind will become completely distracted away from yourself. You will no longer think nearly so

much about yourself… you will no longer dwell nearly so much upon yourself and your difficulties…

and you will become much less conscious of yourself.. much less preoccupied with yourself… and

with your own feelings. Every day … your nerves will become stringer and steadier… your mind

calmer and clearer. More composed… more placid… more tranquil. You will become much less easily

worried… much less easily agitated… much less easily fearful and apprehensive much less easily


You will be able to think more clearly… you will be able to concentrate more easily. You will be able

to give up your whole undivided attention to whatever you are doing… to complete exclusion of

everything else. Consequently… your memory will rapidly improve … and you will be able to see

things in their true perspective… without magnifying your difficulties… without ever allowing them

to get out of proportion. Every day… you will become emotionally much calmer… much more

settled… much less easily disturbed. Every day… you will become… and you will remain… more and

more completely relaxed… and less tense each day.. both mentally and physically… even when you

are no longer attending here. And as you become … and as you remain… more relaxed… and less

tense each day… so… you will develop much more confidence in yourself… more confidence in your

ability to do… not only what you have… to do each day…. but more confidence in your ability to do

whatever you ought to be able to do… without fear of failure… without fear of consequences…

without unnecessary anxiety… without uneasiness. Because of this… every day… you will feel more

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and more independent.. more able to ‘stick up for yourself’… to stand upon your own feel… to hold

your own… no matter how difficult or trying things may be.

Every day… you will feel a greater feeling of personal well-being… A greater feeling of personal

safety.. and security… than you have felt for a long, long time. And because all these things will begin

to happen… exactly as I tell you they will happen… more and more rapidly… powerfully… and

completely… with every treatment I give you… you will feel much happier… much more content…

much more optimistic in every way. You will consequently become much more able to rely upon… to

depend upon… yourself… your own efforts… your own judgement… your own opinions. You will feel

much less need… to have to rely upon… or to depend upon… other people.

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Notice that you are now standing in front of a door. It is an ornate silver door. Reach out and grasp

the knob. You attempt to turn the knob but the door is locked. You see a table beside the door on

the table is a silver key. Place the key in the keyhole and turn the key.

You notice the door swings open easily and as it does, you see a huge library. As you enter the

library, you may notice on the left hand side are books that are entitled with all the negative things

that have happened to you. The spines are marked with years that decrease as you move away from

the door… on the right side of the room are books that tell about all the good things that have

happened to you. They too are marked in descending order…

In the very middle of the room is a table. In a moment, we are gong to look for a book. This is a very

special book in this book are all the things that keep you behind… Allow your unconscious mind to

look through the entire library for this book… it will try to hide from you because it thinks it is

smarter than you… search for it now… when you have found it nod. (pause until you receive a nod. If

after a few minutes, they have not found the book, tell them the book is on the table in the middle of

the room…)

That’s right… The cover says The Things that Keep Me Behind. And it is dated today… You flip

through the book. And you notice that all the major things that keep you behind are in this book…

(Mention a few such as: a poor memory. Bad study habits. Slow reading speed. An inability to relax in

stress-full situations. And a lack of a bridge between and conscious and subconscious mind, etc).

You pick up the book and take it to the back of the room. At the back of the room is a solid wooden

door. You open the door. On the other side is a dim stairway leading to the basement. With each

step you take you feel more and more relieved that you are getting rid of this book. It holds you

back. With each step you leave behind more of those things that hold you behind. With each step

you feel lighter because those things are no longer controlling you. If feels like a great burden has

been lifted from your shoulders.

At the bottom, it is dark… you notice a light string and as you pull it, the lights come on… Across from

you, you see an incinerator – a large, hot fireplace… You walk over to the incinerator. You open the

frill. And throw in that book. You watch it burn until it is but ashes. (pause).. now shut the grill. Go

back to the stairway and turn off the light… As you go up the stairs you feel a great relief. Those evil

things no longer control you. You no longer have to put up with those terrible habits. At the top of

the stairs you turn and shut the door. You walk across the library to the ornate door. You go through

it. You lock it and put the key back.

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And now I would like you to allow your unconscious mind to allow you to see yourself standing at

the top of a flight of steps… I want you to be aware of how safe and comfortable you feel… as you

continue to listen to my voice… and follow my simple instructions, which are all for your benefit and

well being.

As you allow your mind’s inner eye to follow the steps down… you can become aware of the door at

the bottom… when you get to the bottom, you may be aware of a door… that’s right… the door is a

colour that your unconscious mind knows is relaxing for you… a colour that allows you to feel safe

and secure… now, I want you to begin to step down each step… and as you step down each time, I

want you to say inwardly to yourself… I am going deeper and deeper… that’s right, all the way from

10 to 1… relaxing deeper and deeper with each and every step… with every breath that you take…

Take your time… and when you get to the bottom, you will be even more deeply relaxed than you

have been before… that’s right… and you find yourself standing before that door… once again, you

may notice how safe and secure you are feeling… nothing bothers you or disturbs you at all as you

continue to listen to my voice… each word that I speak soothing and relaxing you even deeper now…

The door in front of you is the door to that part of your inner mind where all the very positive parts

of you are centred… all of your good strengths and your determination to succeed are here… all

good feelings about yourself and recognition of yourself as a very special unique person are here…

always ready to help you with any problem… to give the benefit of what is your own wise inner

mind… these are the parts of you that will always give you good counsel s they have only your best

interests at heart… these are those parts which make up what some call the old wise inner advisor…

that part that tells you the right thing to do… sometimes that part is so difficult to hear above the

clamour and clatter of other considerations… but today, it will be speaking to you with total clarity

as you now call upon it for the help that you need now.

Now, see that door slowly opening… and you can see within all of those parts.. .welcoming you as

you step forward into that comfortable room to join with all of your own positive personality…

perhaps you can sense that feeling of well being here as you surround yourself with positivity,

determination and courage and that powerful force that really is your within…

Now, I want you to look across the room… the where is the bacl wall… you can see another door…

this door is coloured the deepest black… and I wonder whether you can see how large the lock on

that door is, keeping it securely closed.

Behind this door is another part of you… a part that is not to be denied or underestimated… This is

that part of you that continues to encourage you to indulge in these negative habits or behaviours

that you really do want to break away from.

This part hides away in that room so that it can do its worst… locked away from those positive parts

that could easily destroy it so that it would never bother you again… but now… I am handing you the

key to that lock and you can enter into the room beyond… taking with you all of your powerful and

positive forces of courage and determination to succeed… confidence and self esteem… knowing

that combined now… you can and will confront that part and delete it’s negative and destructive


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Now, take the key and put it into the lock… notice how easily that lock opens and you, with all your

strength, push the door open and enter into the room beyond to confront that part that is that


As you enter that room, you can see it there as it cowers in the corner… terrified at the array of

positive forces that you have with you now… surrounding you in a cocoon of positive radiance…

now with the help of your own inner mind and all of your positive forces… you can tell that part that

you want no more of it… that is has no place in your life… that you now banish it forever unless it

agrees now… you cease once and for all that destructive and sad behaviour and instead take on

another role… a more positive role… that will of use to you… a role that you can choose for it now…

Perhaps it can help you with your confidence, or with your self-esteem, or with your determination…

Whatever you choose it must obey or be gone forever…

Now with all of your forces behind you… you can ask that part if it is willing to do that which you are

asking of it… Do it now… your unconscious mind and your own strengths will it to obey… and now

that this part is willing to join with those other positive elements of your unique and special

personality… so you can welcome it in… allow all those other parts of you to join with it and make a

fuss over it as you and they lead it away from this place into the other room… that place where only

positive and beneficial elements can be… that old problem resolved and forgotten.

When you are satisfied that all is done that needed to be done… then you can once again close and

lock that black door sealing off the place where only negativity belongs… and as you seal that door

you seal behind it the memory of what was a problem before but is now no more… Notice too that

door is changing colour… no longer black and threatening for that power for negativity is no more…

it is gone and forgotten…

Now, leaving your own inner mind more powerful and more dynamic that it was before, you can

return to a wakeful awareness… aware that you have all the confidence, all of the determination and

all of those good and beneficial thoughts about yourself that will sustain you and strengthen you in

everything you do.

I will now count from one to five and with each count you will drift back upwards bringing with you a

feeling of strength and of self awareness of you as a stronger and more positive person… a feeling

that will grow stronger and stronger every day.

One… two… three… four… eyes beginning to open and five… eyes open and fully awake.

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Imagine yourself full of health and vitality, just the way you want to be and keep this image focused

in your mind as you direct your awareness to your health. Feel and experience a new, healthy energy

beginning to flow into you as your nervous system becomes more stable and you become calmer

and more relaxed than ever before.

All organs and systems of your body and functioning at higher levels as you direct your mind to

improve your health and increase your energy levels. Your whole metabolism is becoming finely

tuned to your individual needs. Your digestive system uses the food that you ear more effectively

and you limit the quantities of food so that you’re eating just the right amount of healthy, nutritious

food that you require to give you proper nutrition. You desire only the foods that are good for you.

And because you are becoming so much calmer inside and so much more relaxed, your whole

outlook on life is improving and you begin to take each day as it comes. You feel a sense of

acceptance, a feeling of peace and serenity deep within you. Your metabolism during your resting

periods becomes much more natural because of the increased oxygen intake in your lungs.

And your entire nervous system begins to function more efficiently and effectively as your automatic

nervous system, which controls your heart rate and your breathing without you even needing to be

conscious of it doing so, is working in peace and harmony together.

Because of the improved nervous system your digestion and kidneys begin to function more

effectively and you feel a tremendous improvement to your entire being. The blood supply to your

vital organs such as your liver, your pancreas and your spleen will nourish these organs more

effectively as all the chemistry in your body becomes more balanced and stable.

Your brain waves are becoming balanced and this indicates a more peaceful and restful nature and

because of this you’re sleeping more soundly and experiencing beautiful dreams. And when you

wake up, you do so with a refreshed and invigorating feeling with full alertness.

And because of your improved biochemical and metabolic system, your general resistance to

infections and diseases improves and your blood pressure is normal and you go about your day-to-

day activities with a calm serenity.

The tone of your muscles improves and you have more energy and vitality with which to carry out

your daily tasks and activities, your skin and your hair take on a healthy glow, which radiates out

from within.

And all these things are beginning to take place deep within you, right now.

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One way of being indirect with conversational hypnosis is by telling stories. Metaphors are stories

and are used to create choice and change in a person by giving examples or suggestions instead of

telling them what to do. They are able to come up with their own conclusions using their model of

the world and therefore the resultant change is much more personal and often profound.

Metaphors are used commonly to: reframe a problem or issue, change the perceptual position,

make suggestions and identify possible new outcomes.

There are 3 main types of metaphors which are used in therapy. Shallow metaphors are short

statements which are similar to the situation being discussed such as an example or analogy. Deep

metaphors are stories that are less similar to the situation at hand, usually having a similar theme in

a different setting so as to be more subtle. Quotes are another form of metaphor and are a good

way of distancing yourself from the statement and also giving it more authority in an indirect way.

Metaphors allow the listener to do a Trans-Derivational-Search and create their own meanings,

which are more personal meanings, because the only person who knows everything about you, is



In normal conversation we use shallow metaphors very regularly. They are the analogies, examples,

comparisons and anecdotes that we use every day. When we normally use shallow metaphors it is to

help the other person to understand our model of the world, or to help us understand theirs.

In a therapeutic setting we often take this a step further and using our intention seek to provide

another point of view or more choices or reframe what the other person has said. Shallow

metaphors often are easier to insert into normal conversation than other forms of metaphors.


Are stories that are longer than shallow metaphors and usually have a beginning, middle and end.

Using a deep metaphor rather than a shallow one can be effective if the subject matter is more in

depth, or to create more distance between the subject of the story and the person you are talking

to. Stories shouldn’t be too long or the listener’s mind will wander too far, 3 minutes is about the

most you will want to take.

Real stories are the easiest to use and can come from your own life, past clients, even things you

have read or watched on TV. If using your own experiences, it may be useful to sometimes tell the

story as if it was someone else at least some of the time, as if all your stories are about yourself

some people will feel as though they are being lectured to.

You can also make up stories on the spot, which contain similar circumstances as your client’s, and it

can be as easy as “I had a client who was in a similar situation to you once, he was….”.


Quotes can be a quick way of showing a client your opinion in an indirect way by stating it as the

opinion of someone else. They can often have quite an impact on someone’s beliefs as quotes are

usually taken as having some sort of authority. You can quote famous people from history, or even

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today, or simply everyday people who have gone through similar experiences. Thus quotes are a

great way of distancing yourself from the statement, helping it be less forceful and more indirect.

You can quote by saying: As Einstein said “We are boxed in by the boundary conditions of our


Or even: One of my previous managers used to say that any problem can be fixed, it’s only a matter

of taking the time to work out how.


The steps to construct a metaphor are:

1. Identify the Present state

2. Identify the Desired state

3. Displace referential index

4. Identify similarities between characters and real person

5. Identify new resource(s)

6. Be ambiguous - Let them fill in the gaps

7. Future pace the outcome which can be ambiguous also

Using an existing story whether personal, from TV, a book, a friend, etc is a good start, then adjust

the story to fit the person you are telling it to, but not exactly the same.

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Induction scripts can be useful for helping a client get into a relaxed, receptive state however they

are not personal and if you use them over and over again can become repetitive. A great way to get

experience in inducing clients without a script is a yes induction.

Yes inductions are very simple and you will see that creative guided imagery isn’t necessary to

induce a client. In fact some clients may not respond well to those types of inductions, and may

respond better to a yes induction. Calibrate and use what works for your particular client.

The process is in two steps which use the idea of pacing and leading. We pace the client’s current

experience by describing briefly an undeniable aspect of their experience which can be visual,

auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory, gustatory or internal dialog. The purpose of which is to get the

client to unconsciously say “yes” to the statement. This is then linked to the state that you want the

client to be in, and you tell them to do something which will lead them into that state.

Rep System Pacing Leading

Visual See the lights. See the window. See those

pictures you have in your mind.

Begin to relax

Feel your muscles

starting to relax.

Go deeper inside

Feel a wave of calm

wash over you

Notice your breathing

become slower and


Allow your eyes to close

Allow the thoughts in

your mind to float away

Auditory Hear the sound of the clock. Hear the noise

of the traffic outside. Hear the soft buzz of

the air conditioning.

Kinaesthetic Feel your feet on the floor. Feel your clothes

against your skin. Feel the temperature of

the room. Feel your hands in your lap.

Internal Dialogue Notice the thoughts in your mind. Notice

those things you say to yourself

To gently and quickly lead the client into the state, we reduce the number of pacing statements as

we increase the number of leading statements. This takes your client’s focus away from the external

stimulus and towards the internal state you want them to be in. Using a variety of VAKId statements

will help your client get into the state more easily, so make sure to use some of each.

4 Pacing 1 Leading

3 Pacing 2 Leading

2 Pacing 3 Leading

1 Pacing 4 Leading







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Example: 4 1

As you Feel the chair beneath you and

Hear the ticking of the clock and

See the people sitting around you and

Notice the position of your hands then you feel your eyes getting heavier

Pacing Leading

4/1 As you and



then you

3/2 As you and


then you And

2/3 As you and

then you And


1/4 As you then you And

