Ff j ir nnTF > L iTtT l5 D A = r OCTO BER t 19 OG UP TO DATE N EDITED BY AND NEWSY 1 ROBERT EDGREN Terrible Terry Ileoking Better than 4le4ias in Three Years Conf- idehFHe Will Turn Tables teBg tf on Conqueror Lit beat CorVictt Insldo of three rounds Terry Me- ns ho ato tv custard pudding that flnlahcd his tralntnR lunch on Jlla only chanco la to get mo- In Uio first round Hell try hard o do SL They want ino to box care- fully ¬ and protect myself nt first Why It I tlld that hed cop mo sure Iii TtCi golngto plvo him n chanco- ia stall ant talk Im going to- maho thu rxico so fnst that Ill carry nn h tnval Tn- itmnfrn than I fivrr weeks Ive been playlns bail all summer tip In PHUflcld I led the league there In battlns base Etiollm and home rims You led In errors too put In CiiarlTe Uayhood Yes laughed Terrj I led In errors too Irut not In groat shape and turned It Into a aunch nnd I rsm aroondTfie lake iltF Itcvcry aayT- I took the engine apart and put It together apaln four times That u work too I kept out of doors and got strong I worked nil the time and ond I Mid I Rould And IDLJJtJSt- etter hanheha been Jgr Ho 1 twonn on two or three JM Indian and frlky as a cplt When it nrttt Torry nA t i110 and there won no tlcn > IriK lt- tilft o ECU riow he fccmatp have rc- covcrwl his oW plonleaJ condllloa and with It his qijiet mol t manner of- rcch nnd action x- I know I can boaVqorbett Terry VJHl fc TJ ramylt ball T rk 1 found thai1 rnaaW- J could ha Tl > ir hlm out tasil and torn minute 1 Intended todo It Dut- Ulck > In tin exhibition ami I let hbn- po H H x> trained no andhcJl IK- Stetter bu Ill have it on him just th- or1 wantto- uU > btlll Terry aicGo vni Corbctt is tlio only ilchtcr that vw had it on ma- tho hlxlipit shelf In drank n Mtr of te foUtcil training staff roji > nnA irnt out gj ct doors IV icon minutes later Tcrrcnce ii feattliiK Otu life with the who eight for tho fans Her ma cited In a mlmlo ball inmp than in a out over the tre < lIKo a icomfit nnd- s tho othpr reuotvall- etr > iou3 Jlo Iraa lono his ten of- nt dill t lHrrtt for Urit lift sifrkoJ ni mucJi- IJ dustry Mhcn MB Pi tttUfllnlsit- 1n any camp nd jl three wi ks of steady work on top of that ai m id- thiU And 15nttl8r i Jspcr rent I Ctrbftt In tluht Us clnm Unless fe A 5 light l Httractfns mori at- ttntlon Aionsr HrSidttii tliari Clans Nolton did n nhlle apo Ttlt I JIc- TJ out rootlni fpr7 their oid- thcyir lie otrirnna to a- aifrr eomu Jnto his Qttn jKaln f Terry cnn do It- Agsln todiny T ha c Siad pscaslon iin- ctlcn1 dhiTiltj 6f miiil n JUS tho llsriit M t Hitry l llokA Avip- Corbett wiil nftji in aid J loX i Visited him jetenlaj aul lo look b- tec to me totnv 1 ftaV8Ji in Ssln nt fouiftit Jlc < loeH MfeH Out In- Ar irif11 of I i atry > w- by jtincd in Vfl tin > ro done J4rrj Jlcdwernll tptti CorbsU tlinf ac Biiro M Tot Theyll be bftttm HI u tn that solos Ilk Uai- thcr < itnat W W m h w flw KIS lltr- t tjlTJtrtit > 11- FUMIn JUUHt- v ThirnpirfUf WoJiM l f W till CUlnA Cat A C to CUfEIPEei- SlIREUEB Schaefer and Hoppe Fail to Agree andMcl = augfh- Hrritn f n iVn V- tivecn Jakt Sihaetcr nniF Vlljfij Jloppe- In fliolcp ot a r fcre for their htiltnul tiii Gardon Concert Hall to m5rrov- Collcndcr Companj n 10fior of tho- M 6Immi onhlp mnbtcni will Ixs name that ollicla- lllijiylpLniPipf ilh J3oi pe hit- lCO Jiiku ifoHTTn Prink KceivtJi- anii It H jilinost a ctrlnlnty tljat tlut- C Co will name McLaupJiUn n- tho most dealrublo man In thu city fo- r TjiaJoJt seats wlirS tol3T- 5ilnirVkl ththnc- hren seali io each dnllj newspapo- po gpmp > nve bpcn Riven iut hi- ii jtaOie- mT T- ivlll JitjaliltcalltaCay to jsee the eTtr gRat jilg5l o- I Old time ho iinM not been awm at- srrtvinir ln Tom rojw yf Cliicoffo ho tamo- iiertjjimlh DcrulnKcK ot- II C Company i 11 i > amilsX f- ltuili > lut JC fczronr uiu ultu lnn- lioston IlttKbunr nnd ill protMbly l imvtrnl chal for this winner of thw Knm- nvlll c3rilaifco If IToiipo Clita- nmt If KehnoIM iHl aKrf to plnj n York lli Ktmluit would nlso chid- lilrti BlioiiliJ ho win BELMONT PARK BELMOXT PAUK N T Oct 11- Tho pntrlea for tomorrow rActs uro- as iy i j M- lvtottr DK u i T- Tdoi < itn < 114 JOJ- Hflt pfetTJ- 11HD < i HA B Th- LtWj iMiL 1 m- flftru t tavl iTi 111 tjjJrsi tif iTATti nn Terrible Terry Finishing Up His Training for Bout with Corbett TWOMEN Quaker Agrees to Stop Jim Tremble and Ifred- Cooleylnside ofTen Rounds Each Wai- cott and Mellody ToNight Job on hi hand tonl nt Uois- to try and stop men In tenround Important Battle at Cheltea TcNlght- Ad bouts bcforo tho UaoincA C of Ixvt rre of rui HI m In New England will Angeles for which taalt lie fa IP ro- cclio TiilK an JW rlunl y of Jn mIniE n trtttt- iunctac 41 per cent of tho grosi receipts liattln Idrlcht Jo Walcott and Tho fighters whom O Urlen will try and Cll fil MJIodjr two of th molt vieiain flchtfrt thai utr cllmb > il llto nnd 41m Tmnblo a colored li- nolglit ot California OlJricn bout Vfore th Unjoin A C- i oj- tivigp Ma Thty ha o b en anxlou- Titrif doubtless Juno no trouble IT- tho latter if ft thlnlrUfr hffr it iastn- POULOCK In a bout and tho chanccy aro Oct 16 Eighth Day at Bclmont Track Fast Hy Oin HUUClo 1011 Gp y King IJ IK- OIK OS 0 oS 5 Cant Jaincil- OCH1 11 13 13 Hcy vaft- llluiy 5 10- li AJttr DOr- AdonU HI 11 T Clnrk- Itnltk 11 tST J Hjrrli- J 10111 J W 1 h 14- fl ilMsd 14 1 IS I 1- 18tcdvp nv < t> l 000 mtilV lllni tvInidrx iiurtiWK- fiillU Kmni U > t- lf t Caller lull A U- mSITSpiEaSiESS T r E ywrfgiryyfo it > ajixryT Tryrjn rg jp rq < 1JI P- li 1 I r H ll hf s- TiTTlt > xliJriHn > ud l H ixi t H < fuf It tvrnl c A tin u t julnp nounl uook- rn lo vlrt < ftltir imt Ail m tit striinr- e t strrr Tiffrari7 J 3frOlcli Wr t 3trtr 11 > TIIIHD H Vffi J jJdiv nulilcn iwrt ve r ill tja fur I mi atrxlxht Smt fair SlJt ililvlnc Tliiio I IS J VInorr > i C IConiminiJ > nhojulx O i TJ If K n nu Ti7 v mTi rii as- M3 Uunvull- aav ai- i SO J2- 5rt sCiui yp1rersJ- 4l3 12 HMr > nrjt = iri 10 KI > rirt inn its r in ii m j j v < 5 si a> 4 laiX lKauoa- idfli JULai jojlts il J djaiiocn = ji3- v jn rj JiwrH- IfUT liJlo t u oulmTvtr tv > it lofi ni to JnjTU- Ijjw 1 U IS II 111 11 n i vi f 4i o- iini Huht III O r rhliltpi hnnnXk v > 7r 11 rnnniiKr imm lif > jlg ilCm ft JJrtfru M t j 1 W BUtiHhtsnrt Ill > W auWlir Url M jo1 t 10W Vit P4 1010 CMurljy 11X- 110IS E4 1 t IM- n Hr iiwtln four Wrtl KuUht nl UnnWf t < fts iii a iiBt j t 7 1037 titdV 1 HI 1050 llrlctit Ujy iti kilter t4 IJ UvK i 1057 iorj 9 a M- 10sT Orjihftn I id M IW 1027 fllM T vr 9- 7srxfir tTAPH iTnnHcnpf any TT I r 103D Cuirnrorm M 1070 Holicfifr i 1H 1010 Orb J r Donahue J W FIGHT HELO lio- nlfr to prqpijfly key YOUIIR Cor- liett to tJm ilhhilntf iltch for his match Viltl Jtny jiiOoyirii a llflcitirouni boxing bom vui piillcil tilt last nlKnt ni- iii iruuniii ijuUt n> ut dtrauura- Conn Jhu jurucijiants woru Uarlioy iHunehliiv of unwitoii anil Kid CUali- UiH aBU inn jUlmamuttntLaia > iCj rilased to bo real money Alirq proifgnlns leftireeiltho fKrhti nd VoUnB noted ns tlrneki per Doth boVn on UKIr feetAt tho end of the fifteenth round und Ores Many Wagers Made on- ExperfsDecisionr Hcttlnr on tho McGocrnCorbctt fUrh- tJa as yet Miry tame A few nvas- hava been jnudq nt even money that t bout TV III cp blx rounOs Aa no declstpn- vlll be Tfmtr l b5 1Jf6 rof rce bettoFa- jhavr 3ccdtid to ncecpl tho dcctalon of- Hobcrt Kdcron The IXenlnK Worldn- Droa < lwar Ulnrry Tollok Tta il- brath Tom ORourke Conslilln anil- Joo Sjllivun have bunches to nser- Brookljn 1 rtrone for the Terror and Mil back hnto A man i Sam Hnrrb fjleclnred that ho had 5JW- o ber on anff Joo Sullfvan a > i he will tako the boland ni much more at tho prpalllnx- i man Avoirdupois to the Committee 1 h W football stars nro made IW vourtJa i f bono And ni There l mil one K lUtron arow- idrtiiarfnwUirhrr th for i WitjiM tl dally OnlyAour o old Buard nr- lt overlHft- Tlheroe a fellov that lloolti K- wix Y i That a unf > lUnfitJf 1A11 Tc Know of Dartrrotjth funu W ijctil tJ- Tlu UjuvfiltiMil fn t oily 19 pomds Tho twutn If sylns to- bo erlrtit < ttt J hojio to ui for U In 9p cd OnQof ourbae5 Is 152 povimlcr bvt > iiu canlf twpTifHr The K t down t S ltusltrejis ln0hio Field It l d rd prttl fling workyromt- oeglnninK to nd bom of 5 un- iters In tho llns mo butrty Bhtcpn- THty have a Jlttla nub ijuartcr ho tips the sceilfri at a hundred and lookn like ins ret sixteen Thcy had ono Injitltution tlmV Is- nlqu Th c5Scf fooUr i tail red hcnded youth willi a volco lKa n hj man caJllopn llnpa lip tho atud > ti nt- jvcry praotlco nirJ Klloa tlic iMiidld Pi the ffood old collfue jijll Onn cry oiw- Intr In Kplko Splka aplko uitnlly- xendi th captilrt throivsli DIA tcrubi with 1h ntx of a rirojcctlle- Althotich they have bten out Sept SI they hnxo trlod- foutbnll n far That Is > d iu ni- mnny pf tho mon tiro urc ti C aeh- Cimrcii ay he will n l attempt any thine Olio for nomn tlniir- Thuy hii hnd two Occidents nlrmdy SpeaK It lCVl Onn man prnlnf <l hta Much Interest In Palrner MoIr Qout- Accordlne 9 t linjtltth jvap r the cum ins hfmywKit n > ltn hlp baltlo IK- t mn J k 1almtr ml Ounnpr lolr ti- th Niillonal fivrtlng Cabt of XnmSon on r ttiinaiixt- T cta blp m n that fcaj b n fought n tti t cauntrj- wcitj n far purw of ITH nl a- iaofb t ot WOOO It Molr wln he lnlnrt- to ro l trip to Amtrlta to tlzht th titit- bl u n w fear on ttli Btd olh wittr sSss rSMsSs Crafkcn doi < Knov thl- Voil kn6ft JMld Wlc of tjn alJfl line KIRI it ai our Chantftllor wio- Kiurt < sl the cruiadp afrilnst ffjotonll lait- iar after the same hrr In wHIch a- vlslUnic ptaer J clltsl lie Had till llic Uv111 Motolnff for vj eto afraid iyHftt l Tnp tTimnrc Tnott ill iirl >Hl nil riRht mi at that ve onl- la > loOr ctint- nn lirt mma of thn cason lll bp STmrr jtrr nn urtirST = ninstf in naiur ni > I jimu I M jnuni r inT gcn Prlncntnii ami CorIr- JirrehCTHUnl for tW PCTtT arBRfrlf- Snn Oft r intniltLto thp inh grlillron- ffUlrrtHlnhY lft 9iH Hl for > W York ttiU- ColumUa i out f ttr KIIIIU for- t im AMU8EMENI8sossssn wejiP- Angij i 71 = a = vj i DTv K- w M ilmijr mi inni DrSj- BntilARNEDnA V 111 I r JJ fJoant xunoiiiu jn AmT r fr AW LADYS AlAIO lwf ttto HsiaidST- i CoinBO- UUOMMRSTEINS g Ylclutlii Tlirulrn of Vorkllci- M M Daily Matinees 25cv 50cl- l1 YIIUAMS frffrtiaifnl fron J I IHIIIMI lth llnrn Tito Ai- i Cntninnv S IltlMIIDHKS IntroU- n tliv Air Danp- tJir ln WonItrfll > tuiilktii l j Il llwiu fr Oft H niffuril UuiMw l > rt nrtv b ni The > r jyt Oorpo v uihmA- CAUKA1V o itria nth t A Irvine ill A llllMIKNlHHltt htltCKjil- IJtliltf CJ flUJptiMKiui Iroductlomrf CAPE COD FOLKS A dT U hU nlav of ruril nautical lf- Irlctm V5W7II AlaU Wni8atS K > 815- wolll > a M nujx it mini NAT C GOODWIN Demand Is for the Jeffries Kind ffimrd two arc In the line nnd two In- iMCk ICecfer rlpht KUnrd rreedbtirK- HCtJae < dLLU v rulljiae- V33F Arnjlt rifiu nJr Carpyr- halfbnckv Ipft- lltt Kii team n pounds iltthter thnn It illd last iiciuon > inHltM t rj Tne iyuot ifiiTi THEPRINC1QF- ElElNOR ROBSON MAT Titlttr IIKST SBVTS StlBO Hit Fe i s t week KEITH PROCTOR VAUUKVlLUB r > K- Iloi flMti Hold lemil III wa- InAil iw No Y M- OlhN llMm ta i WE ad- CVullnuou Coiitluuout Vnudcvlllc to lOitO Hits I MiTin Jt I > llo ton Imlrlt- HulUr MBlhfwitAihllt Hhnrp Iltat- TrUI llaUfr Trpuiy ITtnrcti > olh r Union Int i4itrn lfho KKx nii o Cllf- 8U rp IIO U1 KlfirJon nilnoro lOront A Ua- OMff i t- 7ITTrr7 ° f l VnuiTfrlllr N wir ftlh v V UAlonlal HMH ltFtNor flti rbn OnrrJoonK Un hanmnliil th j lnpont Nlctilt 15r Jol- li V l rl UorB r C AV IJIIylVl- llionnoilpi try a Hurt Clurlr Vanc- Nlnntiisc r- Hr iw TII- Kor ltr TIIK no DR All Kovorltfl A Vau CurtliSiU7H NtatST3e 1AT HAT dNI HIT AT Biri Clement Houston ft lliCOUNTY FIR JS AMUSETMENT3 nwFUTm ri HI JOHN 0ijHji- Siii > i P V- V lun t M l l 1 U1LUC1IC t i K I O ll- T H 13 H YJ > OCR I TE Sr- li r r- ia Mat uvjl- lic l < j Mn llrsln Thl tWfU IIAIIII UII MM t c trvra iuiir > Ltl ILL U3tLJ- dlTfJ lllUJ T MltD 70 Oth- fSAVDV Till ritK Uth AllVa J tjj H ji M Jut 2 LILLIAN LYCEUM MrX ViiL i VM 8ojirFrr- otwi Hit tlw riir OP Tf 3- if HiaHBINOnif- Miiwmr JTtc Mblo amo MANHATTAN GRACE GEORGE iiCLOJHfiF- lPVPlf MERRYrBURLESQS rk Viimngf tllrl T nnTii n i7 lllKth V Jlt Tuft fi fhCf Thr JVI AV iiryjiiv Trm lilt Seal 2 >v ki ah fCECIL- 7th jt Milton Ufi enMncrl- Mafic ITurOBJ Jim inwnnn KK PASTbRJS 1 i j ui Mil Kverr On a CorS r- oixl Jiconrnr for Qrrh tit hfeit at M tln- nBELMQNT PAR rTaliif m tractitti run only on O rt 8- IarioVCar un > llSO iil four on it n will be rwerieJ fw mcmberi of t FIMJ Cluh anrt annuftl ubcrlbe- JJoSii Sn l W > IlorfA Wtl nnl Ft 520 Motor Can io he RactiS350C OLD DR GRINDLEi- Unlr Or lrlmJ i r tiri ntall dlitm- txcullar to mun arc titlte nuleXU Uiormu and on MOUKIIATB TBRtS 14- tufffr > from bl o l folA nlnif mffultary linftnl rWnou debility Vldney oro ihnvit Mnd mouthi jwlnful nwflll- nIlia VAHICOCBhC ciuo rwullln from new IndUcmt- er ovrniorlet It nmtlrri not of bo r loi- MADillnK Do not l dlacournsod l ew- ywl li txinaullfl OUifr nhplctam wlth < benefit In ltndl um hfi failed OnJInarv what contracted rtlna- nnd < mil tty raireJ- I Orimlfe tinibeHi lonte1 at No- T TII ST iMtwwi I In and m- OVER 25 YEARS

nnTF l5 A OCTO BER t UP TO DATE N AND NEWSY 1 ROBERT … · 2017-12-22 · Ff j ir nnTF > L iTtT l5 D A =r OCTO BER t 19 OG UP TO DATE N EDITED BY AND NEWSY 1 ROBERT EDGREN Terrible

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Page 1: nnTF l5 A OCTO BER t UP TO DATE N AND NEWSY 1 ROBERT … · 2017-12-22 · Ff j ir nnTF > L iTtT l5 D A =r OCTO BER t 19 OG UP TO DATE N EDITED BY AND NEWSY 1 ROBERT EDGREN Terrible

Ff j

ir nnTF > L iTtT l5 D A =r OCTO BER t 19 OG



Terrible Terry Ileoking Better than4le4ias in Three Years Conf-

idehFHe Will Turn TablesteBg tf on Conqueror

Lit beat CorVictt Insldo ofthree rounds Terry Me-

ns ho ato tv custard pudding thatflnlahcd his tralntnR lunch

on Jlla only chanco la to get mo-

In Uio first round Hell try hardo do SL They want ino to box care-


and protect myself nt firstWhy It I tlld that hed cop mo sureIii TtCi golngto plvo him n chanco-ia stall ant talk Im going to-

maho thu rxico so fnst that Ill carrynn h tnval Tn-

itmnfrn than I fivrr

weeks Ive been playlns bail all summer tip In PHUflcld I led the leaguethere In battlns base Etiollm and home rims

You led In errors too put In CiiarlTe Uayhood

Yes laughed Terrj I led In errors too Irut not In groat shape

and turned It Into a aunch nnd I rsm aroondTfie lake iltF Itcvcry aayT-

I took the engine apart and put It together apaln four times That u

work too I kept out of doors and got strong I worked nil the time andond

I Mid I Rould And IDLJJtJSt-etter hanheha been Jgr

Ho 1 twonnontwo or three JM

Indian and frlky as a cplt When

it nrttt Torry nA t i110and there won no tlcn > IriK lt-


ECU riow he fccmatp have rc-

covcrwl his oW plonleaJ condllloa andwith It his qijiet mol t manner of-

rcch nnd action x-

I know I can boaVqorbett Terry

VJHl fc TJ ramyltball T rk 1 found thai1 rnaaW-J could ha Tl >ir hlm out tasil andtorn minute 1 Intended todo It Dut-



In tin exhibition ami I let hbn-po H H x> trained no andhcJl IK-

Stetter bu Ill have it on him just th-or1 wantto-

uU >

btlll Terry aicGo vni Corbctt is tlioonly ilchtcr that vw had it on ma-

tho hlxlipit shelf In

drank n Mtr of te foUtcil

training staff roji > nnA irnt outgj ct doors IV icon minutes later Tcrrcnce

ii feattliiK Otu life with the who

eight for tho fans Her macited In a mlmlo ball inmp than in a

out over the tre < lIKo a icomfit nnd-

s tho othpr reuotvall-

etr > iou3 Jlo Iraa lono his ten of-

nt dill t lHrrtt

for Urit lift sifrkoJ ni mucJi-

IJ dustry Mhcn

MB Pi tttUfllnlsit-1n any camp nd j l three wi ks ofsteady work on top of that ai m id-

thiU And 15nttl8r i Jspcr rent ICtrbftt In tluht Us clnm Unless

fe A5 light l Httractfns mori at-ttntlon Aionsr HrSidttii tliari ClansNolton did n nhlle apo Ttlt I JIc-

TJ out rootlni fpr7 their oid-thcyir lie otrirnna to a-

aifrr eomu Jnto his Qttn jKaln f Terrycnn do It-

Agsln todiny T ha c Siad pscaslon iin-

ctlcn1 dhiTiltj 6f miiil nJUS tho llsriit M t Hitry l llokA Avip-

Corbett wiil nftji in aid J loX iVisited him jetenlaj aul lo look b-

tec to me totnv 1 ftaV8Ji in Ssln ntfouiftit Jlc<loeH MfeH Out In-

Ar irif11 of Ii atry >w-by jtincd in Vfl tin > rodone J4rrj Jlcdwernll tptti CorbsU

tlinf ac Biiro M TotTheyll be bftttm HI u tn that

solos Ilk Uai-

thcr< itnat W W m h w flw KIS lltr-

t tjlTJtrtit > 11-

FUMIn JUUHt-v ThirnpirfUf WoJiM l f Wtill CUlnA Cat A C to


SlIREUEBSchaefer and Hoppe Fail

to Agree andMcl =augfh-

Hrritn f n iVn V-tivecn Jakt Sihaetcr nniF Vlljfij Jloppe-In fliolcp ot a r fcre for theirhtiltnul tiii

Gardon Concert Hall tom5rrov-Collcndcr Companj n 10fior of tho-

M 6Immi onhlp mnbtcni will Ixsname that ollicla-lllijiylpLniPipf

ilh J3oi pe hit-

lCO Jiiku ifoHTTn Prink KceivtJi-

anii It H jilinost a ctrlnlnty tljat tlut-C Co will name McLaupJiUn n-

tho most dealrublo man In thu city fo-

r TjiaJoJtseats wlirS tol3T-5ilnirVkl ththnc-

hren seali io each dnllj newspapo-po gpmp > nve bpcn Riven iut hi-

iijtaOie-mT T-

ivlll JitjaliltcalltaCay to jsee theeTtr gRat jilg5l o-


Old time ho iinM not been awm at-

srrtvinir ln

Tom rojw yf Cliicoffo ho tamo-iiertjjimlh DcrulnKcK ot-

II C Company i 11 i >amilsX f-

ltuili > lut JC fczronr uiu ultu lnn-lioston IlttKbunr nnd

ill protMbly l imvtrnl chalfor this winner of thw Knm-nvlll c3rilaifco If IToiipo Clita-

nmt If KehnoIM iHl aKrf to plnj nYork lli Ktmluit would nlso chid-lilrti BlioiiliJ ho win



Tho pntrlea for tomorrow rActs uro-as

iy i j M-

lvtottr DK u i T-Tdoi < itn < 114


Hflt pfetTJ-



iHA B Th-

LtWj iMiL 1 m-

flftru t tavl iTi111 tjjJrsi tif iTATti nn

Terrible Terry Finishing Up His Training for Bout with Corbett


Quaker Agrees to Stop Jim Tremble and Ifred-

Cooleylnside ofTen Rounds Each Wai-

cott and Mellody ToNight

Job on hi hand tonl nt Uois-to try and stop men In tenround Important Battle at Cheltea TcNlght-

Adbouts bcforo tho UaoincA C of Ixvt rre of rui HI m In New England willAngeles for which taalt lie fa IP ro-

cclioTiilK an JW rlunl y of Jn mIniE n trtttt-iunctac41 per cent of tho grosi receipts liattln Idrlcht Jo Walcott and

Tho fighters whom O Urlen will try and Cll fil MJIodjr two of th moltvieiain flchtfrt thai utr cllmb > il llto

nnd 41m Tmnblo a colored li-

nolglit ot California OlJricn bout Vfore th Unjoin A C-



Ma Thty ha o b en anxlou-


doubtless Juno no trouble IT-

tho latter if ft thlnlrUfrhffr it iastn-

POULOCKIn a bout and tho chanccy aro

Oct 16 Eighth Day at Bclmont Track Fast

Hy Oin HUUClo

1011 Gp y KingIJ IK-

OIK OS 0 oS 5 CantJaincil-

OCH111 13 13 Hcy vaft-

llluiy5 10-

liAJttr DOr-AdonU

HI 11 T Clnrk-Itnltk11

tST J Hjrrli-J10111 J W 1 h

14-fl ilMsd 14

1 IS I 1-

18tcdvp nv < t> l 000 mtilV lllni

tvInidrx iiurtiWK-fiillU Kmni U > t-

lf t Callerlull A U-mSITSpiEaSiESS

TrE ywrfgiryyfo it >ajixryT Tryrjn rg jp rq

< 1JI P-


1 I r H ll hf s-

TiTTlt> xliJriHn > ud l H ixi t H < fuf It tvrnl c A tin u t julnp nounl uook-

rnlo vlrt < ftltir imt Ail m tit striinr-


t strrr Tiffrari7 J 3frOlcli Wr t 3trtr11 > TIIIHD H Vffi J jJdiv nulilcn iwrt ve r ill tja fur I mi atrxlxht Smtfair SlJt ililvlnc Tliiio I IS J VInorr > i C IConiminiJ > nhojulx

O i TJ If K nnu Ti7 v mTi rii as-

M3 Uunvull-aav


iSO J2-5rtsCiui yp1rersJ-


HMr > nrjt=iri 10KI > rirt inn its r in ii m j j v < 5 si a> 4laiX lKauoa-idfli

JULai jojlts il J djaiiocn=ji3-vjn rj JiwrH-IfUT

liJlo t u oulmTvtr tv > it lofi ni toJnjTU-Ijjw

1 U IS II 111 11 n i vi f 4i o-


Huht III

O r rhliltpi hnnnXkv > 7r 11 rnnniiKr imm lif >

jlg ilCm ft JJrtfru M tj

1 W BUtiHhtsnrt Ill> W auWlir Url M jo1

t 10W Vit P41010 CMurljy 11X-

110IS E4 1 t IM-

n Hr iiwtln fourWrtl KuUht nl UnnWf t < fts

iii a iiBt j t 7

1037 titdV 1 HI1050 llrlctit Ujy

iti kilter t4 IJ UvK i1057 iorj 9 a M-

10sT Orjihftn I id M IW

1027 fllM T vr 9-

7srxfir tTAPH iTnnHcnpf any TT I r103D Cuirnrorm M1070 Holicfifr i 1H1010 Orb

J r Donahue J W


nlfr to prqpijfly key YOUIIR Cor-liett to tJm ilhhilntf iltch for his matchViltl Jtny jiiOoyirii a llflcitirouniboxing bom vui piillcil tilt last nlKnt ni-iii iruuniii ijuUt n> ut dtrauura-Conn Jhu jurucijiants woru Uarlioy

iHunehliiv of unwitoii anil Kid CUali-UiH aBU inn jUlmamuttntLaia > iCjrilased to bo real money

Alirq proifgnlns leftireeiltho fKrhti ndVoUnB noted ns tlrneki perDoth boVn on UKIr feetAt thoend of the fifteenth round und Ores

Many Wagers Made on-


Hcttlnr on tho McGocrnCorbctt fUrh-tJa as yet Miry tame A few nvas-

hava been jnudq nt even money that t

bout TV III cp blx rounOs Aa no declstpn-vlll be Tfmtr l b5 1Jf6 rof rce bettoFa-

jhavr 3ccdtid to ncecpl tho dcctalon of-Hobcrt Kdcron The IXenlnK Worldn-

Droa<lwar Ulnrry Tollok Tta il-brath Tom ORourke Conslilln anil-

Joo Sjllivun have bunches to nser-Brookljn 1 rtrone for the Terror andMil back hnto A mani Sam Hnrrb fjleclnred that ho had 5JW-

o ber on anff Joo Sullfvan a >ihe will tako the boland ni muchmore at tho prpalllnx-


man Avoirdupois tothe Committee

1 h W football stars nro madeIW vourtJa i f bono And ni

There l mil one K lUtron arow-idrtiiarfnwUirhrrth for

i WitjiM tl

dally OnlyAour o old Buard nr-

lt overlHft-Tlheroe a fellov that lloolti K-

wix Y iThat a unf > lUnfitJf 1A11 Tc Know

of Dartrrotjth funu W ijctil tJ-

Tlu UjuvfiltiMil fn t

oily 19 pomds Tho twutn If sylns to-

bo erlrtit < ttt J hojio to uifor U In 9p cd OnQof ourbae5 Is152 povimlcr bvt > iiu canlf twpTifHr

The K t down t S ltusltrejis ln0hioField It l d rd prttl fling workyromt-oeglnninK to nd bom of 5 un-

iters In tho llns mo butrty Bhtcpn-

THty have a Jlttla nub ijuartcr ho tipsthe sceilfri at a hundred and lookn likeins ret sixteen

Thcy had ono Injitltution tlmV Is-

nlqu Th c5Scf fooUr i tail redhcnded youth willi a volco lKa n hjman caJllopn llnpa lip tho atud > ti nt-jvcry praotlco nirJ Klloa tlic iMiidld Pithe ffood old collfue jijll Onn cry oiw-Intr In Kplko Splka aplko uitnlly-xendi th captilrt throivsli DIA tcrubiwith 1h ntx of a rirojcctlle-

Althotich they have bten outSept SI they hnxo trlod-foutbnll n far That Is > diu ni-mnny pf tho mon tiro urc ti C aeh-Cimrcii ay he will n l attempt anythine Olio for nomn tlniir-

Thuy hii hnd two Occidents nlrmdySpeaK It lCVl Onn man prnlnf <l hta

Much Interest In Palrner MoIr Qout-

Accordlne 9 t linjtltth jvap r the cumins hfmywKit n >ltn hlp baltlo IK-

t mn J k 1almtr ml Ounnpr lolr ti-

th Niillonal fivrtlng Cabt of XnmSon onr ttiinaiixt-

T cta blp m n that fcaj b n foughtn tti t cauntrj-wcitj

nfar purw of ITH nl a-

iaofb t ot WOOO It Molr wln he lnlnrt-to ro l trip to Amtrlta to tlzht th titit-bl u n w fear on ttli Btd olh wittr

sSss rSMsSsCrafkcn doi < Knov thl-Voil kn6ft JMld Wlc of tjn alJfl line

KIRI it ai our Chantftllor wio-Kiurt <sl the cruiadp afrilnst ffjotonll lait-iar after the same hrr In wHIch a-

vlslUnic ptaer J clltsl lie Had tillllic Uv111 Motolnff for v j eto afraid

iyHftt l Tnp tTimnrc Tnott illiirl >Hl nil riRht mi at that ve onl-la


loOr ctint-nn lirt mma of thn cason lll bpSTmrr jtrr nn urtirST =ninstf

in naiur ni > I jimu I M jnuni r inTgcn Prlncntnii ami CorIr-

JirrehCTHUnl for tW PCTtT arBRfrlf-Snn Oft r intniltLto thp inh grlillron-ffUlrrtHlnhY lft 9iH Hl for >W York ttiU-

ColumUa i out f ttr KIIIIU for-t im





71 =a= vj i DTv K-w M ilmijr mi inni DrSj-


V 111 I r JJ fJoantxunoiiiu jn AmT r frAW LADYS AlAIO

lwf ttto HsiaidST-

i CoinBO-

UUOMMRSTEINS gYlclutlii Tlirulrn of Vorkllci-

M M Daily Matinees 25cv 50cl-l1 YIIUAMS frffrtiaifnl fron

J I IHIIIMI lth llnrn Tito Ai-

i Cntninnv S IltlMIIDHKS IntroU-n tliv Air Danp-

tJir ln WonItrfll > tuiilktii l j Il llwiufr Oft H niffuril UuiMwl > rt nrtv b ni The > r jyt Oorpo v uihmA-CAUKA1V o itria nth t A Irvine ill

A llllMIKNlHHltt htltCKjil-IJtliltf CJ flUJptiMKiui Iroductlomrf

CAPE COD FOLKSA dT U hU nlav of ruril nautical lf-

Irlctm V5W7II AlaU Wni8atS K > 815-

wolll> a

Mnujx it miniNAT C GOODWIN

Demand Is for theJeffries Kind

ffimrd two arc In the line nnd two In-

iMCk ICecfer rlpht KUnrd rreedbtirK-HCtJae <dLLU v rulljiae-


Arnjlt rifiu nJr Carpyr-


llttKii team npounds iltthter thnn It illd last iiciuon

> inHltM t

rj Tne iyuot ifiiTi





Fe i s t week


Iloi flMti Hold lemil III wa-InAil iw No Y M-OlhN llMm ta i WE ad-


Coiitluuout Vnudcvlllc to lOitOHits I MiTin Jt I > llo ton Imlrlt-

HulUr MBlhfwitAihllt Hhnrp Iltat-TrUIllaUfr Trpuiy ITtnrcti > olh r

Union Int i4itrn lfho KKx nii o Cllf-8U rp IIO U1 KlfirJon nilnoro

lOront A Ua-OMff i t-


f l VnuiTfrlllrN wir ftlh v V UAlonlal HMH ltFtNorflti rbn OnrrJoonK Unhanmnliil th j lnpont Nlctilt 15r Jol-

liV l rl UorB r C AVIJIIylVl-

llionnoilpi try a Hurt Clurlr Vanc-Nlnntiiscr-



TII-Korltr TIIK no DR

All Kovorltfl A VauCurtliSiU7H NtatST3e


Clement Houston



nwFUTm ri HIJOHN 0ijHji-Siii

>i P V-


lun tM l l 1

U1LUC1IC t i K I O ll-

T H 13 H YJ > O C R I T E Sr-

li r r-ia Mat uvjl-

lic l <j Mn llrsln Thl tWfUIIAIIII UII MMt c trvra iuiir > Ltl ILL U3tLJ-dlTfJ lllUJ T MltD 70 Oth-fSAVDV Till ritK Uth AllVa

J tjj H ji M Jut 2LILLIAN

LYCEUM MrX ViiL iVM8ojirFrr-otwi Hit tlw riir

OP Tf 3-

if HiaHBINOnif-

Miiwmr JTtc Mblo amo


lPVPlf MERRYrBURLESQSrk Viimngf tllrl

T nnTii n i7 lllKth V Jlt Tuft

fi fhCf Thr JVI AV iiryjiiv Trmlilt Seal 2 > v ki ah


7th jt Milton Ufi enMncrl-Mafic ITurOBJ Jim inwnnn KK


i j ui Mil

Kverr On a CorS r-

oixl Jiconrnr

for Qrrh tit hfeit at M tln-


rTaliif m tractitti run only on O rt 8-

IarioVCar un > llSO iil four onit n will be rwerieJ fw mcmberi of t

FIMJ Cluh anrt annuftl ubcrlbe-JJoSii Sn l W >IlorfA Wtl nnl Ft

520 Motor Can io he RactiS350C


Unlr Or lrlmJ i r tiri ntall dlitm-txcullar to mun arc titlte nuleXU Uiormu

and on MOUKIIATB TBRtS 14-


from bl o l folA nlnif mffultarylinftnl rWnou debility Vldney

oro ihnvit Mnd mouthi jwlnful nwflll-nIlia VAHICOCBhC

ciuo rwullln from new IndUcmt-er ovrniorlet It nmtlrri not of bo r loi-MADillnK Do not l dlacournsod l ew-ywl li txinaullfl OUifr nhplctam wlth <

benefit In ltndl um hfifailed OnJInarv what contracted rtlna-nnd


mil tty raireJ-I Orimlfe tinibeHi lonte1 at No-

T TII ST iMtwwi I In and m-